#*and by that i mean i was actually applying for college and i thought it would be funny to use as an excuse to why it took so long
Ford x Fem!Reader
Math Assistant Pt.1
Summary: Ford needs himself an assistant, Stanley makes an online post for him and BOOM there you are, coming to meet him for an interview at the diner.
Warnings: Erm... this is a nothing sandwich I THINK. Please let me know if I should add something
A/N: My brothers in christ please this is my first fic that I wrote on a whim, I had an idea and I started writing. I have never written fan ficiton in my life so pls be nice... also who up wit dey werm to Stanford Pines HOOBA HOOBA!!!!! Okay also I want to write SMUT for this so imagine this is like the really really really long winded plot to the porno. K thanks bye read if u want or dont i dont control you.
Ford shook his head at Stanley who was seated in front of a new computer now placed in the living room, “I’m still confused on why we should be posting the ad listing “online” rather than the local paper, or putting up flyers around town.” Ford used air quotes for emphasis, he still found the whole idea strange, he liked the computer for being a tool he could use to further research. He didn't like it so much as a vessel for finding candidates for a job he was offering, the thought that he had no idea who was communicating with him unsettled him a bit. Especially knowing the kind of work he was going to be having this future assistant… well assist with.
“Because yer never going to find someone with the qualifications yer asking for in this town” Stan looked over his shoulder at a crossed arm Ford. “Hiring someone for a summer job who has a PhD in Application Math, whatever that means-“
“Applied Mathematics, Stanley” Ford interrupted.
“Whatever it is you're not going to find that here, you and fiddleford are probably the only people in this town to actually have a college degree” he said with a chuckle, turning back to the computer. He was clicking around on some website that Ford had never heard of, let alone just recently finding out what the internet was. “I'm setting up a job listing on some of the local college websites, ya know for people that are studying or just done studying”. The clicking of the mouse and the typing of keys continued as Ford ran the motion through his head, overthinking perhaps every outcome of Stanley posting that job listing. Ultimately though Ford knew he was right in that, no one with at least a degree in Applied Mathematics was going to be residing nearby.
“Just please be careful about the information you include in this job posting, try to keep it minimal as possible. If they ask more questions about specifics you can let them know that I can explain in person.”
Stan looked over his shoulder, his eyebrows slightly downturned with a smirk rising on his face, “I didn’t realize you had hired me to be your assistant, you're going to have to cough up if you want me to do this for you”. Ford groaned in annoyance of his brother, “Stanley you know I don’t know how to use any of that”.
“Exactly why you're going to want to have me help you out with this”, Stanley moved his arm to drape across the back of the chair he was in, looking more directly at him. “That’ll be twenty dollars”, he held out his hand expectantly at his twin. A beat of silence passed between the two as they had a small staring contest, both men’s brows furrowed at the other.
Ford finally reached for his back pocket after he felt he had glared at his brother enough, he slipped a twenty dollar bill from the leather wallet and practically slammed it in his hand before walking in the opposite direction without a word. While Stan on the other hand, was more than beaming when he saw Ford’s hand fall to his back pocket, Stan half shouted as Ford strode out of the room.
“You’ll thank me later when I find the perfect candidate!” He laughed as he said it and returned to more clicking and typing around the website.
Ford returned to the lab to finish up some things before the kids were scheduled to get there later in the month. When they returned from the long months at the ocean, Ford wanted nothing more than to work on something in his lab again. He loved feeling the anticipation of a project becoming something, but of course he knew he could easily get carried away. After Dipper and Mabel left last summer, before Stanley and him were going to head out, he had made a major discovery while working in the lab. He had discovered an atom that was capable of recreating a direct clone of itself and in as many atoms he could count. He continued to work on the project until Stanley was practically dragging him from the house to leave to sail around the world.
While sailing towards one of their final destinations at the end of the trip, Ford finally opened up to Stanley about his worries of falling into the same pits as before. He was worried that he would become too involved, as he already felt himself doing as they were leaving for their trip. He also desperately needed some alone time from Stanley, but he didn’t mention that to him while they were on the boat.
“What if you hired someone to help you with the project?” Stan had offered a possible solution, while he had sat in the boat looking at Ford who was deep in thought over his dilemma. “I mean obviously the last time that happened, it wasn’t great either…” He trailed off after the look on Ford’s face became apparent, regretting the thought of his old college friend.
“I know the last time wasn’t great” Stanley pushed forward, “but maybe if you have someone hired to help with the smaller stuff. Things like using the calculator or something, whatever the small stuff even is to you” he said the last part under a fake cough which earned him a glare from his brother. However, the idea wasn't… terrible, Ford thought. He pondered over the possibilities of having someone helping him out, along with having the two kids upstairs to bother him. If he were to have someone who he didn't have to know that well take on most of the minor details, the equations and such, he would be able to prioritize the best parts of the project while also having time for his family. At least, that’s what he had hoped for when Stanley initially offered the idea.
“That could be a good idea…” Ford said after taking several moments to ponder the possibilities. “I would need someone who could do advanced mathematical equations, with room for equations that could possibly extend what they know…”. Stanley just looked at him deep in thought, wondering how there could be that many things to think about, the answer seemed clear to him.
Back in the lab, Ford could hear Stanley groaning loudly about some ‘unknown error message’. He continued to monitor and take note of the atoms under his advanced microscope for a while, waiting until Stanley had further news of any postings. He wondered what his new assistant would be like, if they could have the same passion for knowledge and understanding as he does.
A few days had passed, Ford falling into old habits quickly, holing himself up in the lab for hours upon hours. The only time he was seen over the last 48 hours was to grab more coffee from the kitchen, he caught naps in between work, falling asleep over his piles of scrap paper filled with numbers and letters. Ford had not anticipated how much mathematical reasoning was going to follow the atom cloning discovery, he was falling behind on moving forward with more discoveries on the atoms, but over hundreds of miniscule details that needed solving kept him at the desk. Stan walked down on the 49th hour of Ford’s lock down in the basement, opening the door noisily and making as much noise as possible on the way down to let him know he was on the way. Ford was scribbling away on the nth page of scrap work, crossing out failed attempts of solving equations as Stan broached the lab floor.
Stan awkwardly cleared his throat at Ford when he didn’t turn around, even though Stanley was sure to have made enough noise on the way down. Ford turned his head over his shoulder, his body seeming to not want to move from the space it had cramped into. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner, as if asking ‘What? Im busy’. Stan gave a huff of annoyance before starting,
“I have about 3 applications that I thought were worth looking over, most of the idiots who applied didn’t even have math degrees. All they see in the listing is free housing and they flock like birds trying to claw their way in” he said with a slight chuckle. He strided over to Ford’s desk, as Ford leaned back finally interested in what Stan was saying. He took the papers from Stanley and began to look over them. He began thumbing through the few resumes, looking over each one carefully noting that all three people had at least some qualifications in mathematics. He looked up to Stan and gave him a tight smile.
“I appreciate you getting these for me, I’ll reach out to the ones I feel are qualified.” A beat passed between them, Ford paused for a second wondering if he should just return to work at this point or if Stanley had something else since he hasn't made any move to leave.
“I think the one on the bottom will be the best fit.” Stan said with a certain look in his face that Ford couldn’t place, as he turned to leave. Ford looked at him as he walked towards the stairs with a questioning look on his face, wondering what could have led his brother to place a preference on one of these resumes even though he didn't know what applied mathematics was. As Stan trudged up the stairs Ford called to his brother,
“I'll be sure to look at that one, thank you Stanley.” Which made Stanley pause and turn to look at Ford, a distant smile on his face as he nodded and continued up the stairs. Ford turned back to his desk and pulled the resume on the bottom up to the top, the header in nice bold letters a fine print used, he noted.
He also took note that this was the only two-page resume offered to him, with the education list taking up most of the room. Several universities/schools were listed and his eyes read over the names and degrees that followed. He read all the way to the bottom where it listed your highschool with graduation dated in 1999. He noted this person was in their early 30’s with several bachelors degrees in several sciences, two master’s degrees in statistics and biology, and of course a Ph.D in applied mathematics. The latest graduation listed was University of Oregon masters program in statistics for April, which he noted it was now early May noting it would be fresh on the mind. He moved your resume to the back of the small stack, looking over the first two he skipped over, and honestly he wished he saved yours for last. The first two were jokes compared to the advanced knowledge you listed, he set the first aside after noting that the education list was no longer than a paragraph, and the second resume didn’t take long to set aside either as his eyes raked in the many spelling errors.
He read over your resume again looking for a way to contact you to set up the interview. He noted the phone number and email in the corner of the first page, and made to move upstairs to the kitchen phone. As he stood up however, his muscles almost molded into place from sitting at the desk, stopped him from moving further. He groaned as he began to stretch himself out, thinking about how he couldnt wait to stop looking at math problems for hours on end.
Heading back upstairs he reached the phone and quickly gazed at the microwave clock, 3:49 pm. He was glad it wasn’t later than five, as he picked up the corded receiver and began to punch in the numbers. The phone rang a few times before your voice fluttered over the phone, “Hello?”. Ford cleared his throat awkwardly, “Hello! Yes, is this Y/N YL/N? Oh it is, great, this is Stanford Pines calling about a job posting for the assistant position. I was hoping to set up an interview to discuss further details of the position.”
“I was just wondering if I would hear back from this offer,” the light voice on the other end laughed a pleasant laugh a little before continuing, “I’d love to join you for an interview regarding the position, I’m free anytime, anywhere this coming week and the next.”.
Ford offered a time for tomorrow at the local diner, which he provided the address to. The voice on the phone wished Ford a great rest of his night and that they would see him tomorrow. Ford wished them the normal pleasantries he hated to conduct while making mundane phone calls such as these. He was slightly relieved to find you weren’t completely strange, at least right off the bat. When he hung the phone back on the hanger, Stan suddenly spoke, causing Ford to jump from the lack of warning.
“So did you end up going with the one I said?” Stan looked smug as Ford met his gaze, knowing damn well he scared Ford on purpose. Ford rolled his eyes after he settled after the slight scare,
“Unsurprisingly, as you could probably assume. You shouldn’t have even bothered with the other two. One only had a few community college classes under their belt.” Ford turned to make more coffee, he figured he would stretch his legs now as he was planning on working on some more equations before the meeting tomorrow. Stan gave a hearty laugh, “She’s also quite the looker, surprised me when I was pulling resumes”. Ford gave his brother a look as he asked, “Can’t you make your picture anything you want online?”. He remembers when they got the computer last time the kids were here, Dipper had shown him how he had his profile for online DD&MD. He absolutely didn’t understand it, but Dipper assured him this summer he would teach him. Which would benefit him from not having to pay Stanley anytime he needed something done the modern way (this was not often).
“Yeah but this was on a college website, everyone has their picture I think. It looks all like student ID’s… Oh don’t look at me like that! I looked at all of their profile pictures. She just happened to have the best looking picture.” Stan finished with a shrug and a laugh. Ford had looked at him like he was crazy for looking through all the people who applied profile pictures before feeling the need to ask, “You did give me recommendations on experience, not looks correct?”.
Stan shook his head, “I know you would kill me if I passed on a math nerd over an actual good looking girl” he laughed, turning “I'm going to head out gotta meet some people, don’t wait up for me.” Stan said as he was walking out the door, grabbing the keys as he slammed the door. Ford shook his head and decided to take his brother's word for it, his mind replaying what his twin mentioned, “quite the looker” as if that could have any effect on anything. Ford thought he didn't care much at all for how a person appeared as long as they could solve these problems that's all that mattered, and maybe that they were decently pleasant to work with. He couldnt help but reflect back to the phone call, your light and airy voice filling his ear with pleasant sound, at least you didnt have a horrible voice and he could probably get used to hearing that voice more often, he thought. Ford filled his cup with coffee and headed back downstairs not giving the interview tomorrow much more thought than your voice on the phone.
A/N: Yay I did it!!! yeah so what if its a nothing sandwich?? Didnt i literally say that before hand.. hope you enjoyed if ya read! <3
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fbpsdumbtklblog · 8 months
Suitcase and nickel should get revenge on baseball - teach him a thing or two about tickling people smh/silly/nf
sorry this took 7 hours to get to i was applying for college and midway through i said “erm actually nevermind”
(posts this referring to)
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tracle0 · 1 year
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 7 months
Terry Pratchett about fantasy ❤
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Terry Pratchett interview in The Onion, 1995 (x)
O: You’re quite a writer. You’ve a gift for language, you’re a deft hand at plotting, and your books seem to have an enormous amount of attention to detail put into them. You’re so good you could write anything. Why write fantasy?
Terry: I had a decent lunch, and I’m feeling quite amiable. That’s why you’re still alive. I think you’d have to explain to me why you’ve asked that question.
O: It’s a rather ghettoized genre.
Terry: This is true. I cannot speak for the US, where I merely sort of sell okay. But in the UK I think every book— I think I’ve done twenty in the series— since the fourth book, every one has been one the top ten national bestsellers, either as hardcover or paperback, and quite often as both. Twelve or thirteen have been number one. I’ve done six juveniles, all of those have nevertheless crossed over to the adult bestseller list. On one occasion I had the adult best seller, the paperback best-seller in a different title, and a third book on the juvenile bestseller list. Now tell me again that this is a ghettoized genre.
O: It’s certainly regarded as less than serious fiction.
Terry: (Sighs) Without a shadow of a doubt, the first fiction ever recounted was fantasy. Guys sitting around the campfire— Was it you who wrote the review? I thought I recognized it— Guys sitting around the campfire telling each other stories about the gods who made lightning, and stuff like that. They did not tell one another literary stories. They did not complain about difficulties of male menopause while being a junior lecturer on some midwestern college campus.
Fantasy is without a shadow of a doubt the ur-literature, the spring from which all other literature has flown. Up to a few hundred years ago no one would have disagreed with this, because most stories were, in some sense, fantasy. Back in the middle ages, people wouldn’t have thought twice about bringing in Death as a character who would have a role to play in the story. Echoes of this can be seen in Pilgrim’s Progress, for example, which hark back to a much earlier type of storytelling. The epic of Gilgamesh is one of the earliest works of literature, and by the standard we would apply now— a big muscular guys with swords and certain godlike connections— That’s fantasy. The national literature of Finland, the Kalevala. Beowulf in England. I cannot pronounce Bahaghvad-Gita but the Indian one, you know what I mean. The national literature, the one that underpins everything else, is by the standards that we apply now, a work of fantasy.
Now I don’t know what you’d consider the national literature of America, but if the words Moby Dick are inching their way towards this conversation, whatever else it was, it was also a work of fantasy. Fantasy is kind of a plasma in which other things can be carried. I don’t think this is a ghetto. This is, fantasy is, almost a sea in which other genres swim. Now it may be that there has developed in the last couple of hundred years a subset of fantasy which merely uses a different icongraphy, and that is, if you like, the serious literature, the Booker Prize contender. Fantasy can be serious literature. Fantasy has often been serious literature. You have to fairly dense to think that Gulliver’s Travels is only a story about a guy having a real fun time among big people and little people and horses and stuff like that. What the book was about was something else. Fantasy can carry quite a serious burden, and so can humor. So what you’re saying is, strip away the trolls and the dwarves and things and put everyone into modern dress, get them to agonize a bit, mention Virginia Woolf a few times, and there! Hey! I’ve got a serious novel. But you don’t actually have to do that.
(Pauses) That was a bloody good answer, though I say it myself.
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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Brooklyn Baby
Symphony smut series Day 2: Lana del Rey's Brooklyn Baby
Lyric: My boyfriends' in a band, he plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed
Pairings: dom!Heeseung × dom!Jay × fem!sub!reader
Warnings: Poly relationship, SMUT MINORS DNI, vibrator, double penetration, oral (f and m recieving), dacryphillia, degradation, reader wears a dress, mention of breeding, Heeseung fucks reader with a vibrator, edging, orgasm denial, unprotected sex (definetly not for you), threesome, kinda mean doms hee and jay
A/N: Day 2! I love this song with all my heart so I thought Jay would be the perfect fit cause duh, but then I was like why don't we make it a little interesting and add Heeseung into the mixture? Anyway this is my first time writing poly so please be kind everyone.
When you took up the offer in college to be lead singer of a three-person band, you hadn't expected to become a celebrity princess overnight. What you also hadn't expected was for your two loving members, Heeseung and Jay, to become your loving boyfriends. A little bit of poly never hurt did it?
"Darling, we're going to be late if you don't hurry up." Jay peeked his head around the door, to see you applying your lip gloss all prettily around your lips.
The lip gloss he had gotten you.
"How do I look?" You turned to him with uncertainty. The dress was beautiful, one that your fans would adore. The makeup was also done to perfection by your '24 hour routine' as Heeseung called it.
"Beautiful as always." Jay responded, stretching his hand out to you, and twirling you around, relishing the tight fit of the dress against your waist, "I think engenes are going to want to steal you from me and Heeseung."
"Please." Heeseung's footsteps announced his arrival into the room, his eyes widening as they fell upon you, "They won't ever be able to do that.
"So protective." You wrapped your arms around Heeseung's neck, whilst Jay's stayed on your waist, "Are we ready?"
You looked into the mirror infront of you, where you all stood out perfectly in color coordinated outfits. A flurry of blues and purples perfectly describing your band's genre stared back at you in the mirror.
"And now we have the overnight musical sensation! Please welcome Enhypen!" The host's voice boomed across the room, as you entered from backstage, both arms twirled in both your boyfriends' arms.
The audience applauded and hooted, cheering your names, the official fanchant over and over again and again.
"Well aren't they excited for today?" The host merrily laughed, as you sat down in between Heeseung and Jay.
"Well, welcome to the show! How are you feeling?"
"Nervous I guess." You answered with a slight chuckle, calming down as Jay's hand pressed on yours.
"Well of course! I believe you are excited for the live performance tonight?"
"Well of course." Jay responded this time. His perfume did smell good, you thought as you watched him speak with such eloquence. He did always have a way with his words everywhere.
"You're not ignoring me are you?" You heard Heeseung whisper into your ear, his hand creeping up to your thigh. You were thankful for the table infront of you which shielded the bottom part of your body, a part which Heeseung loved to touch.
His hand reached lower into your thigh, tickling your skin with his cold hands as he gripped them hard.
"And Miss Y/N!" The host said, snapping you out of the sudden urge to moan, "How would you describe your relationship with the boys?"
Great, you thought, another dumb question just for me.
"Um I'd say we're best friends." You nervously said. Revealing your relationship to the world wouldn't really be all sunshine and rainbows. "We've been friends since college actually, when we decided to form Enhypen. And well I guess we're close to family now." You awkwardly laughed to cover up the situation as the host moved on to the next question.
"And now, our dear audience let's get ready for the performance!" The host's voice boomed again, as the audience clapped their hands off.
A microphone and two guitars were all prepped and ready as you walked up, adjusting the mic to your level. Jay examined the guitar carefully and slipped it on, teasing the audience by playing a few notes on it, to which you heard girls scream his name. You smiled to yourself, remembering all the shit they wrote on your boys, all the fanfiction which they really thought would come true.
Hah as if! The boys belonged to you, and you only.
If only you knew what was coming for you after the performance.
"Best friends huh?" Jay pinned you against the wall, Heeseung's chuckles filling the room, as he slowly removed his belt and watch, "Too afraid to tell the world what we are darling?"
"Jay y-you know we can't." You reprimanded him, trying to take the upper hand. But only failure came to you at that moment, as you felt your thighs become stickier by the moment.
"Aww look at her." Heeseung chuckled again, "Our good little girl. Why don't we teach her a lesson, huh Jay?"
Jay smirked at you, going in for a kiss before saying, "Want her first?"
"Nah you have fun, I'll take her later." Heeseung settled himself comfortably on the loveseat facing the bed, his legs wide open in a manspread.
You felt shivers around your body as Jay, picked you up like a rag doll and threw you onto the bed.
"We don't need this, do we?" Jay toyed with your panties. The straps of your dress pressed tightly against your shoulders and Jay, pressed his fingers to your clothed labia, removing the underwear with ease and depositing it on the floor.
The shaky breath you took made Jay smile against your skin, the warmth of his breath crashing against your exposed flesh.
As his fingers slowly began to curve in and out of you, he came to kiss your skin, moving down with each kiss towards your clit. The sensation of his lips grazing the latter inevitably brought your hand to rest in his hair as you arched your back.
The room was dimly lit, courtesy to the closed curtains, but you could see Heeseung from the corner of your eye, smirking intently at Jay reaching down to your clit, one of his hands massaging the bulge on his pants gently.
Jacking off while Jay works his way through you, typical Heeseung, you would have scoffed if not for Jay providing heaven to you at that moment.
Jay's tongue made sinuous circles around your clit as his two fingers accelerated slightly. He knew which places he had to touch to make you produce the sweetest sounds, and he wasn't going to deprive himself of hearing them.
You can feel him grinning while he licks and swirls his tongue around your swollen nub, hands beginning to slow to a halt. His fingers pull almost all the way out you, causing your eyes to finally open and a noise of protest leaves your lips.
Your walls were perfect, taking his thick, long fingers into you so good. He curved them while making smaller and smaller circles centered on your clit, kissing and licking it.
Your hands gripped his hair more firmly, your breath quickening as the heat rose to your cheeks and the knot tightened in your belly.
And just as you the climax reached closer and closer, your mouth almost about to scream-
"Jay!" You cried, laying an eye on Jay's face peeking out from between your legs, "Why'd you stop?"
Jay chuckled and glanced over at Heeseung, who sighed and got up, striding over to you, the buttons of his shirt slightly opened, giving him a more powerful look
"Only our girlfriend deserves to cum, but you're not her are you?" Heeseung moved to the atmosphere above you, as Jay slowly collapsed on the loveseat where Heeseung had been sitting, "Remind me what she is Jay?"
"Our best friend." Jay said, an unusually sadistic tone to his voice, "Do you want the vibrator or will you be going in with your fingers?"
"Hand me the vibrator." Heeseung said, stroking your thigh with his fingers again, eliciting a mewl out of you, "You wanna use the pink one princess?"
"Don't ask her that you know she'll say yes." Jay's voice could be heard from across the room, as he dug and dug into the cupboard, "Aha! There you go."
A needy moan falls from your lips as Heeseung presses the pink machine deeper inside your pussy, whining a bit as it clenches tighter. Pleasure rushes through your core while your moans grow louder and needier.
"Aww look at her." Heeseung chuckles, "so fucking needy aren't you?"
He groans softly, biting his lip as he takes in the sight of you before him. Heeseung was never the one to keep his control. The vibrator slides through your folds absentmindedly, keeping you wet and needy. Heeseung's eyes darken a bit at the sight of your arching back.
"Fuck, princess," he whispers, kneeling on the bed closer to you. His free hand come to rest on your hips, sliding along, caressing your thighs, your curves in admiration and desire.
"How does it feel? Good?" he whispers, voice almost raw with need, "Do you want something better?"
"Fuck Heeseung!" You cry, feeling the vibrator switch to a faster pace, Heeseung pushing it deeper and deeper into you.
Tears falls down your face, the pleasure rushing through you almost being impossible to take. And yet, you didn't fuck two men at the same time to crumble so easily did you?
"Are you close, princess?" he leans his body over yours, whispering in your ears, "Do you wanna cum for me?"
“i-i’m gonna cum… fuck! Heeseung–!” you cry out, ready to tip over that peak until the pleasure your boyfriend was giving you was ripped away. "No!"
You whip your head around, glancing over your shoulder to see the shit-eating smirk Jay was wearing on his face.
“ah… i guess you really wanted to cum right?” he teases, one of his hands rubbing soft circles on his dick.
“aw… m’sorry baby,” Heeseung coos at you, his hands coming up to rest on your jaw. “but brats don’t get what they want, now do they?” he says, the grip on your face tightening.
“Think you can handle two dicks in your tight little cunt?” Jay teases, no having joined you and Heeseung in the bed. You've never heard him talk with such vile language before but you loved this side of him. “Yes daddy~” you moan out.
Skin colliding with skin filled the room, the sound bouncing off the walls.
With a loud moan you nodded, feeling how good the stretch provided by Heeseung's cock felt inside your cunt "right there daddy" you mumbled against the tip of Jay's cock before his hips slammed it inside your mouth once again. You couldn't help but whimper while his cock used your mouth, causing waves of pleasure to travel all over Jay's body who was harshly gripping a fistful of your hair as he deep throated you.
"You love doing this don't you, slut?" Heeseung chuckled, "Making us feel good?"
"but who fucks you better, huh darling?" Jay questioned, his eyes focusing on your face completely fucked out. Your ruined make up, your messy hair, the way your cheeks and nose were all red because of how roughly he was using your mouth and the sight of saliva all over your lips and chin made his cock twitch under your hand.
You moan around his cock with the sting of his condescension, feel Heeseung stiffen inside you with a rut of his hips, grazing your tender g-spot with the added swell. He stutters and curses, Jay grins through a breathy moan as he no doubt recognises the signs he’s seen a hundred times before.
"You wanna cum darling?" Heeseung's chuckle sounds like heaven to your ears, "What do you think Jay?"
"She's treatin me so good." Jay groans, feeling his cum in his belly, "Let her."
Heeseung nods, reaching around you to circle your throbbing clit with surprisingly firm and steady motions despite his impending release. He gets you there, bursts through the dam of white-hot pleasure with a final rut that forces you deeper onto Jay's cock, and the three of you come in an eye watering display of lust and synergy that shouldn’t be found in a group that says they're 'best friends'.
With Jay's cum dripping from your lips, Heeseung's from your post-orgasmic pussy, you wonder how you’re ever going to have sex again after this. Nothing could possibly come close to what you just experienced.
"Fucking hell." Jay collapsed on the bed on your right, while Heeseung did the same thing to your left, "That was good, wasn't it darl-" Jay's words stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw you clinging to Heeseung's bicep, and lightly snoring.
"You wanna get showered?" Heeseung whispered to Jay, "I got your favourite shampoo."
"Nah wanna stay like this." Jay answered, wrapping his arms around your waist, spooning you into comfort, "Family." He scoffed, "The only family we're ever going to be is when we fuck our cum into her."
"That's what I was thinking." Heeseung laughed, the three of you holding each other and collapsing into a cocoon of comfort.
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ahsokaismyqueen · 2 months
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Those Three Little Words Pairing - Steve Harrington x HendersonSister!Reader Summary - Steve gets upset when he finds a letter on your table from Indiana University, and it forces the two of you to confess something you've been trying to say for a while now. Word Count - 3.9k Warnings - 18+ ONLY. Steve smut. Language. Steve Harrington x HendersonSister!Reader Masterlist
It wasn’t often that you woke up alone anymore, especially on the weekends, and as you rolled over, expecting to spend the next twenty minutes waking up Steve with lazy kisses, you found how much you hated it when you did. You frowned. It wasn’t often that Steve woke up before you. He was possibly the heaviest sleeper you’d met in your life. You rubbed your hand across the still warm fabric and realized he hadn’t been gone long. Crawling out of the bed, you grabbed the tshirt that Steve had been wearing the night before and threw it over your head, smiling as the scent of him filled your senses, and walked out your bedroom door to the kitchen. 
There he was. The smell of coffee that he had clearly started enveloped the kitchen, and you smiled at his thoughtfulness. Steve had his back to you, huddled over the counter, so you padded up behind him, wrapping your arms around him and pressing a kiss right between his shoulder blades. “Good morning.” You murmured, turning your head and closing your eyes as you rested your cheek on his skin. “Smart choice choosing to caffeinate the girlfriend after wearing her out last night.” You teased, squeezing him for a moment before realizing something wasn’t right. 
Steve’s body always reacted to you. It was always loose and leaned into your touch whenever you gave it. That was not the case right now. His muscles were tense, and while he wasn’t pushing you away, he wasn’t cuddling back into you either. In fact, it was almost as if he was . . . upset. 
“Steve?” You leaned back, a little confused. What could have possibly happened between the time he got out of bed and now? 
He turned around then, a letter in his hands. “What’s this?” 
You recognized the letter immediately. It was something that you had been meaning to bring up to him for a few weeks now, but the timing had never been right. You stepped back, crossing your arms over your chest and biting your lip. “That’s my acceptance letter from Indiana University.” 
He just looked confused. “Did you apply for it as a backup?” Steve asked, glancing from the letter back to you.
Well, no time like the present. “Nope . . . It’s where I’m going in the fall.”  
The silence was filled with tension as the two of you stared at each other for so long you actually started fidgeting, waiting for what you were sure was coming. Then, finally, he spoke up. “All you’ve talked about since senior year was getting out of here-”
“That’s not ‘all’ I’ve talked about.” You said defensively. 
“I know you got into NYU.” He continued. 
That threw you for a loop. “I - What? How did you know that?” The two of you hadn’t talked about college really at all. You didn’t want to bring it up because it was such a sore spot for Steve, then Starcourt had happened and then the two of you got together . . . College had always been lingering around in the background, but saving the world always seemed to be a bigger priority. 
He hesitated for a second before responding, running a hand through his hair, and then let out a sigh. “Dustin told me.” 
You clenched your jaw. “I’m gonna kill him.” 
Steve shook his head, laying the letter back on the table where you had stupidly left it. Wide open and easy for anyone to pick up and read. “It was before we even got together. Back when we were trying to figure out that Russian code.” 
This new information sent the wheels of your mind turning. If he had known for that long . . . “So that means - this whole time we’ve been together you thought I was going to what? Pack up my stuff and be like, ‘hey, Steve, care to take me on an eleven hour drive to drop my stuff off for college? Thanks! See you at Thanksgiving’?” You asked incredulously. 
“I don’t know!” Steve replied, “I was trying not to think about it!” 
“Don’t you think if I was going to go to NYU, I would have told you before now? You’re my boyfriend, Steve.” You reminded him. 
“I always knew you were going to go off to college. It’s not like we’ve had a lot of time to talk about it.” Steve said, letting out a frustrated groan. “The distance didn’t matter. You could say you were going to school in - in Europe, and we would’ve made it work.” He said, waving his arms around. 
Your heart leapt into your throat. That was very possibly the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to you. “Steve-” you said gently, your voice thick with emotion. 
“When did you decide? When did you decide you’re going to Indianapolis?” He asked, staring you down. 
You paused for a moment before answering him. “After everything that happened, do you really have to ask me that?” You answered. 
Steve let out another groan, turning away from you. 
“Come on! Junior year we got attacked by demogorgons, senior year by demodogs. A few weeks ago we had to fight off evil Russians and a mind flayer. There’s no telling what’s next, and my brother is somehow always in the middle of it!” You took a deep breath, trying not to get frustrated. “I can’t leave him here by himself.” You insisted. 
“He’s got me!” Steve insisted. “You know I’d look after him.” 
You did know that. There was no one else in the world you would trust with your brother’s life but Steve Harrington. “I know, but you shouldn’t have to -”
“Are you ever going to do something for yourself?” Steve asked you, stopping you in your tracks. 
The question threw you off so much you thought you might have misheard him. “What?” 
“You’re always making sure to take care of everyone around you, even if it hurts you in the process! Junior year when you got attacked trying to save Eleven, Senior year when you tackled Billy when he was fighting me. This summer when you stayed behind with Max, Mike and El again and almost got killed by Billy and that Mind Flayer thing.” Steve said, listing off all the instances of his fingers, “not to mention how you’ve basically been taking care of your mom and Dustin since your dad died.” 
It stung. You knew he was right. Your number one priority had been other people for a long time now, and you thought no one ever noticed. But Steve did. He saw through every part of you and could lay it out in a way you couldn’t even admit to yourself. It was a little funny though. That he couldn’t see one of the main reasons you had chosen to go to a school only half an hour away. “Trust me, this is a selfish decision too.” You said, shaking your head. 
“How?! You’re staying behind to be here in case everything goes to shit-”
“And to be here with the person I love if it does!” You burst out. 
Once again, dead silence filled the room, the two of you staring at each other, your heart pounding so hard against your chest it hurt. You hadn’t meant for the first time you said those words to him to come out like that, but it was too late now. And telling someone you loved them was something you had always vowed you would never take back. 
Steve looked shell shocked. Like you had just told him you’d seen Dustin riding on the back of a demogorgon. It felt like it was hours before he spoke when you knew it had only been seconds. “You love me?” 
You stared at him in disbelief. “How could I not?” You took a step towards him, and uncrossed his arms, taking his hands in your own. You’d already said the words. It was time to let everything else out. “Wanting to go to NYU had nothing to do with the location, the program, anything like that. I just wanted an escape from my responsibilities. Somewhere I felt safe enough to be myself without worrying all the time.” You squeezed his hands and tugged him closer. “Steve, you’ve given me that. You’re my safe place. You’re my escape. Why would I leave Hawkins when I’ve got everything I want right here?” 
Steve’s expression had softened with every word that you said. Every tense line in his face had disappeared and was replaced with so much adoration it sent your heart thumping into overdrive to be looked at with such intensity. “So you’re not giving up on your dreams to stay with your deadbeat boyfriend who you’ll eventually start to resent and then leave?” 
Is that really what he thought of himself? Well, you were going to have to clear that up. You shook your head. “I can become a doctor at any college, why put myself through the torture of being so far away from you when I don’t have to?” Steve let go of your hands so he could wrap his arms around you. You smiled and placed yours on his chest. “And if you ever call yourself a deadbeat again Steve Harrington I will kick. Your. Ass.” You said, punctuating each word with a poke to the chest. “You are caring, brave, intelligent, selfless-”
Steve cut off the rest of your words with his lips. Your lower stomach tingled with butterflies at the passion behind it, and you found yourself backed against the counter without even remembering moving. When Steve parted his lips, you let out a moan and your hands slid down his chest, marveling at the way his muscles tensed at your touch. When you tugged at the elastic of his sweatpants he pulled away, and you frowned, definitely not ready to stop kissing yet. 
Steve’s smile was soft, and he let out a little chuckle at your expression, sliding his hands down your body and leaving a trail of heat in their wake until he stopped at your thighs. “I love you too.” You let out a squeal, your hands quickly wrapping around his neck as he lifted you onto the counter without warning. “If I haven’t made it obvious.” 
It was like a part of you floated away. A weight you didn’t even know that you had been holding was lifted from your chest. He loved you too. You thought he did, Robin had been telling you from the start that he did, but actually hearing the words was a whole different story. “Mhmm, you haven’t.” You teased, biting your lip as his nose nuzzled against yours. “I’m going to need you to say it like twenty more times. At least.” 
He was smiling when he pressed another quick kiss to your lips. “I love you.” Then he pressed another kiss to your cheek. “I love you.” His lips traveled down your neck. “I love you.” His lips kept moving, further and further down your body with every declaration until he was on his knees in front of you, kissing up your inner thigh. It was only when your head fell against the back of the cabinet did you remember where you were and pushed him off of you so you could  jump down. There was no way you were about to let Steve eat you out on the kitchen counter. You’d never be able to look at your mom or brother again. 
He looked adorably confused until you pulled him down for a kiss and started walking backwards toward your room. You may have bumped into a wall or door a few times by accident, but it always ended with a laugh, smile and another kiss until you were dragging Steve into your bedroom and locking the door behind you. When you turned back around, there was a smile on his face as he reached up to caress your cheek. “What?” You asked, leaning into his hand. 
“I’ve wanted to say that to you since Starcourt.” Steve admitted, a faint flush on his cheeks. 
Another warm feeling erupted in your chest and you turned your head to kiss his palm. “You know, Robin said you were so terrible at flirting with other women because you were in love with me.” 
Steve’s hand slid from your cheek to your waist, tugging you along as he walked backwards to your bed. “She might’ve been right about that.” He said with a grin, sitting on your bed and pulling you into his lap. “But don’t tell her I said that.” He added, shaking his head. 
You laughed, sliding your arms around his neck and slipping your fingers into that soft hair. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Then the two of you were kissing again, and for the first time, you didn’t feel weird describing it as lovingly. It was soft, but it was also so much more. Your hands moved over each other like you were trying to memorize your bodies, like you hadn’t done this dozens of times already. Chills exploded over your back as his hands slipped under his shirt that you were wearing to touch your bare skin, and you couldn’t help but attempt to press yourself even closer as he trailed a finger down your spine. You felt him smile against your lips, pleased at your reaction. 
Two could play at that game though. 
You pulled away from his kiss, smiling yourself when his lips attempted to follow you. You loved how much he loved any affection you gave him, but you had other ideas. Starting at his jawline you pressed lingering kisses against his skin, slow, languid ones that had his fingers digging into your back. You stopped for a moment, taking in the scent of him, and then leaned forward to kiss a special little spot on the back of his neck that you knew drove him crazy, followed by a tug on his hair. 
You laughed as you went airborne for a moment, Steve tossing you on the bed, and then climbing on top of you, settling comfortably between your thighs. “That’s not playing fair.” He teased, pressing into you so you could feel how very ‘not fair’ you were being. 
“All’s fair in love and sex baby.” You teased back, wrapping your legs around him to keep him and that wonderful friction right where it was. 
“And you’re wearing my shirt.” He said, his eyes raking you over as he hadn’t noticed until right now. 
You raised your eyebrows at him, a little smirk on your lips. “You’re just now noticing?” 
“Yeah, well I was a little distracted.” But he wasn’t now, that was for sure. 
You bit your lip as you watched him. His hand dragged down your body, and you couldn’t help but arch into the heat of his touch. Until Steve Harrington, you had never felt sexy or confident in this aspect of your life, but the way he touched you, the way he looked at you like he was starved, made you feel sexier than ever before. “Do you want me to take it off?” You asked when his hand clenched the bottom of the shirt into his fist. 
Steve thought about it for a second, and then shook his head with a grin. He let go of the shirt, sliding his hand underneath to tug at the band of your underwear. “Kinda want to fuck you in it.” 
That phrase should not have sounded as sexy as it did. You took his hand and guided it between your legs so he could feel how turned on he had made you. “So what’s stopping you? Because I know it’s not me.” 
His fingers knew you well by now. He slipped one right inside while the other landed on your clit, rubbing circles for stimulation you currently didn’t need. No, you were plenty ready for him. Steve groaned once he realized that, ducking his head down to kiss your neck again. “You’re a menace, Henderson.” He slipped another finger in that had you gasping, arching your chest as he kissed down it. “You’re going to make me lose my mind one day.” 
You let out a breathless chuckle, fingers tangling back in his hair as you watched him kiss down your body, your hips moving in time with the slow pumping of his fingers. “You love me though.” You said, reminding him of the words the two of you had just shared. 
Steve’s grin was one of those stupid ones. The ones that look so happy you don’t think there’s a single thought in their heads other than how happy they are. A kind of obliviousness you can only dream of. “You’re damn right I do.” He said, tugging your underwear off and tossing them aside, his face settling between your thighs. “Love you more than anything.” 
The words had your heart stuttering, but you didn’t get the chance to reply as Steve went to work. His tongue slipped inside you, and you let out a gasp, arching your hips up to get closer. Steve pushed them back down though, holding them in place as his fingers and tongue turned you into a mess. It floored you how well attuned he was to your body, knowing when to increase the pressure, knowing when to back off, knowing exactly what to do to drive you crazy. By the time he was slipping three fingers in and out, you thought you were going to combust. “Steve!” You gasped, trying to warn him. 
He ignored you. Instead his free hand slipped under his shirt you were wearing and palmed your breast, squeezing with just enough pressure that it, combined with his tongue on your clit and his fingers inside of you, sent you plummeting over the edge into mindless pleasure. 
You knew you called out his name, but the rest of your thoughts were jumbled feelings. You were giddy, safe and wanted him to be closer. You tugged at his hair, and he started to kiss back up your body, nuzzling into your neck as your nails scratched up and down his spine. “So good at that baby.” You finally managed to say.
Steve lifted his head to look at you, a smirk on his lips. “Oh, so that’s really why you love me, huh?” He teased.
You played along, sliding your hand down his chest and biting your lip. “Definitely. That and your massive-” You leaned up, taking his bottom lip between yours for a moment while your hand slipped under the elastic of his sweats and gripped him, your thumb stroking across his wet tip. “-heart.” You finished, pulling back to grin at the heat on his face. 
Steve’s whole body tensed at your touch, and he let out a hiss of air. His eyes closed for the briefest moment before opening to find yours, dark and full of desire. “You’re going to kill me one day, you know that?” One of his hands left your body to reach into your nightstand for the newly added box of condoms. “Give me a damn heart attack.” He added when you tugged his sweats off his hips. 
Letting out a laugh, you took the condom he was struggling with one handed, and tore it open. Keeping your eyes locked on his, you slid it on him, memorizing the look in his eyes as you touched him. “Good?” You asked, and even though the condom was on, you continued to stroke him up and down, loving the reaction it got out of him. 
He nodded, “but I won’t be for much longer if you keep that up.” He said in a strained voice. 
Not wanting this to end any sooner than it had to, you slid your hands up his chest and into one of your favorite spots, his hair. You wrapped your legs around him again and tugged him down for a kiss as he lined himself up and slid into you. 
Both of your mouths opened, his in a groan and yours in a gasp as he filled you up so nicely. It was such a cliche, and you hated to even think it, but the two of you just . . . fit. You always felt full and complete whenever Steve was inside of you. In fact, you’d never thought sex could be so good until you met him. He was always patient and listened to what you needed. There hadn’t been a single time that he had left you unsatisfied in any sense of the word, and you didn’t think you were ever going to get sick of being with him like this. 
Apparently Steve was thinking along the same lines. “God you’re perfect.” He gasped out. His muscles were tense, his breath was heavy, and you could tell how badly he wanted to move, but he never did unless you were ready. 
“You keep saying shit like that, and I’m going to fall even more in love with you, Harrington.” You told him, then leaned up to capture his lips with your own again, rolling your hips to let him know he could move. 
He didn’t need any more encouragement. He began a slow pace, easing in and out of you in a way that let you both soak up every second of pleasure together. Your kisses were lazy, but filled up every one of your senses and left you gasping for air by the time they ended. You could feel the pressure building up inside of you again, a steady rise in heat as Steve’s tempo started to increase. 
You started meeting him thrust for thrust, fingers tangling in his hair while your foreheads pressed together. You couldn’t look into his eyes, no, that would be too much, but you still wanted him as close as possible. When Steve did a particularly hard thrust inside you, and hit that certain spot, you couldn’t help but let out a whimper, the sound causing him to let out a “shit”. Your head fell back against your pillows as you felt him hit it again, and you moaned out his name, lost in bliss. 
With your eyes closed, you felt more than saw him tug down the collar of his shirt until one of your breasts was free. The cold air barely touched you for a moment before Steve had your breast in his mouth, kissing and licking it in a way that had you tugging so sharply on his hair you were afraid you’d tear a few strands out. “Steve!” You gasped out, the pleasure building to an almost painful peak. 
Then his hand slipped between your thighs, and you were done, clenching tightly around him as you fell apart. You thought you heard him curse again, but you weren’t sure, unable to concentrate on anything but the high. With a couple more thrusts he was following you over, your name on his lips as he released. 
Sated. Absolutely and completely sated, the world started to come back into focus as Steve slid out of you, and you immediately missed his warmth. He was back quickly though, cleaning you up with a washcloth, gentle as he could be in the sensitive area, and after he had tossed that aside, he was back in bed. A happy sigh left his lips as he settled between your thighs once more, resting his head on your stomach and wrapping his arms around you. 
“You’re such a cuddler Steve Harrington.” You teased, running your fingers through his hair with a soft smile. 
“You love me though.” He said, repeating your words from earlier, and even though his eyes were closed, he was still smiling. 
“You’re damn right I do.” You said, and at that moment, you didn’t think you could ever love anyone more.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Copy II
Alessia Russo x Child!Reader
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Summary: Your sister is just like your brothers
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When Alessia changed teams from United to Arsenal, it means you got a new Russo kit. You get every shirt of every team Lessi's ever been on.
You've even got her college football shirt but that's a sleepytime shirt so you don't wear it out of the house.
You wear your new Arsenal shirt out of the house though because Lessi's taking you to training with her. One day, she tells you, the number on your back will be yours rather than hers and you'll be the Russo playing.
By the time you start playing with the big girls, Lessi will be at the end of her career or already retired. You'll never play with Alessia Russo, the football player but she promises you that you can always play with Lessi Russo, your sister.
Arsenal is different from United so you can actually attend because Lessi lives closer now.
It's shooting training today and that's your most favourite. You can't join in when the big girls first start training but you can be included near the end.
You've been excited about practicing with Lessi all week but now, as you watch her, you can feel that excitement fade away.
Some of the Academy girls have been invited to practice with the first team. They're bigger than you so they can play with the big girls from the beginning.
There's one in particular that's getting personal attention from Lessi. Your sister's adjusting her position and showing her the correct technique the exact way that Lessi does for you, down to slightly nudging her around with her boots.
Alessia's smiling at her with the same smile that's usually reserved for you.
You thought that smiling was only used for you. You thought you were special because Alessia only smiles at you that way.
Apparently not.
Apparently you and this Academy girl are the exact same in Alessia's eyes.
A long time ago, when you much littler, Gio and Luca both yelled at you when you tried to play with them. They kept pushing you away and you kept trying to get involved until they yelled.
Mummy took you away as you sobbed and had to explain that sometimes your siblings didn't want to play with a little girl like you. She explained that sometimes people your siblings' ages like to hang out with people their age.
You were silly to think that only applied to your brothers because it's clear that Alessia is just like them. She wants to hang out with only people close to her age too.
It's that time in training where you can join in but she still hasn't called you over.
She's just like your brothers.
You want to be just like Alessia. You want to make her proud but she's forgotten about you just like your brothers do.
You really, really want her to be proud of you though but you don't know how to compete with the bigger girls who can kick harder and run faster than you.
You're still little compared to them.
"Alright, little Russo?"
Katie sits down next to you, nudging her knee against yours.
""Why aren't you practicing, huh?"
You burst into tears immediately and Katie jolts in shock.
"Ah, shit. No, wait, not shit. Don't-Don't repeat that! Crap! Er..." She folds you into a hug quickly. "Do you want me to get Less?"
"N-No!" You blubber," Lessi doesn't want me! No Lessi!"
"Oh, kid, I think your sister-"
"No Lessi!" You insist.
"Okay," Katie says," No Russo. Come on, let's take you inside and get you something to drink."
You don't know why you confess everything to Katie but you do. She's nice and warm and gives good hugs. Not as good as Alessia's but still good.
She keeps you with her and lets you help out in the gym before you crash out on the mats halfway through her session, one of her jackets thrown over you in lieu of a blanket.
Katie keeps working on the weights, one earphone hanging in her ear pumping music to keep her motivated while the other dangles.
It's because of that single earphone that Katie's still aware enough of her surroundings to hear the door bang open and Alessia to come tumbling through it.
"I've lost my sister!" She announces," Fuck, Katie, have you seen my sister?"
"Over by the mats," Katie replies," She was very upset. You didn't include her in training when you said you would. You gave a lot of attention to the Academy girls. She felt pretty left out."
"It was an accident!" Alessia insists," I swear! I didn't mean to."
"Hey, you don't need to convince me. Convince your sister."
You're laying on the mats, asleep under Katie's jacket, and Alessia shakes you awake. You come back into consciousness groggily and sit up, rubbing your eyes.
"Hey, tesoro," She says softly," I heard you were feeling upset."
You nod.
"I'm sorry," She says," It was my mistake. I didn't mean to leave you out. Sometimes the Academy girls need help sometimes."
"I need help too," You whisper.
"Not like them, do you know why?"
You shake your head. "Why?"
"Because you're a little superstar. They're just not as good as you."
"But they're big girls."
"Being big girls don't mean they're the best. Not like you are."
You grin up at Lessi. "Really?"
"Of course. You know I wouldn't lie to you."
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lilislegacy · 6 months
Okay, I’ve been thinking about something lately
All the time I see people make statements about Percy that start with “Percy would never…”
Some examples I’ve seen: “percy would never kill someone/something in front of his mom” “percy would never yell at someone he loves” “percy would never get drunk” “percy would never let his child go to camp-half blood”
Now if you passionately believe one of those, hear me out. I’m not necessarily saying I disagree!
I’m saying… who would have ever thought Percy would torture a goddess and choke her on her own poison? And…. enjoy doing it? If someone had said that on tumblr pre-HoH, every single comment and reblog would have been “PERCY WOULD NEVER!!” I mean, who would have thought Percy would do a million things he’s done? He’s done some very not so ‘silly little guy’ stuff. He is an extremely complex character. In his own head and to some people, he’s sweet and fun and silly, but to many people he’s reckless and scary and dangerous. Some people see him as someone who’s very gentle and relaxed, but some people see him as someone who’s quick to get very angry and cause destruction. And the truth is, he’s all of it. It depends on his mood. Consistency does not apply to him in many aspects. He has consistent traits, like loyalty, humor, and bravery, but his actual actions and reactions are NOT consistent. I understand why we think Percy would never do certain things. We think we know based off of his past and his history with his mom, or with Gabe, or with Luke. And I’m not saying I think he would do those things, but unless he specifically states it, we can NOT, ever, infer what Percy Jackson might or might not do.
Like for instance, the drinking thing. I am not saying percy would be a big drinker, if one at all. And he probably does have an aversion to the smell of beer because of how the apartment used to smell when he was young. But we have no evidence that Percy associates all alcohol with Gabe. Alcoholic drinks aren’t just foul smelling hard liquors. There are a million different forms that you can consume alcohol in - some of which don’t even smell like alcohol, and barely taste like it. And in The Chalice of the Gods, it’s said that Sally drinks a glass of wine every night. And Percy thinks Sally hangs the freaking moon. So if his mom drinks, he definitely doesn’t believe that alcoholic beverages = the enemy. And here’s the thing, if Annabeth and Piper and Leo were all drinking and having a good time, like college students do, and they go “Hey Percy, come sit and have a drink with us!” there’s a very good chance that he’s so comfortable with his best friends, and just wants to let loose and be a college kid, that he wouldn’t even think about Gabe. He’d just be like “Sounds fun! Count me in!” But I don’t know. That’s the point. I don’t know. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn’t. I truly think it could go either way. And even if he does drink, maybe he never - not even once - gets drunk. Maybe he’d drink in college and as a young adult, but when he becomes a father one day, he decides he doesn’t want his children to ever smell so much as a drop of alcohol on his breath, and therefore completely stops drinking. Or maybe he doesn’t ever like it, even in college. Or maybe he’s like his mom, and he and Annabeth just have a glass of wine with dinner. Who knows?
Not us. That’s what I’m saying. WE don’t know.
I’m not saying we can’t have headcanons based on what we know about him. I have a million. But the point is, I feel like we can’t try to pretend like we actually know what Percy wouldn’t do. As a fandom, we analyze him and his choices WAY more than he ever thinks about a single choice. He definitely does not think about his life and his actions as much as we do. (I’m not saying that he’s dumb or doesn’t contemplate his life and his actions, but he doesn’t nearly do it to the degree that we do.) Us, we pretend like it’s simple math. (Our first mistake, since math is consistent and full of rules, which is the exact opposite of Percy’s character.) We go “okay luke did this and gabe did this so therefore percy would never do this.” But Percy doesn’t think that way most of the time, especially not in heat of the moment matters. The only thing we 100% know about Percy is that he will always be loyal to his loved ones. But even then, we don’t know what that loyalty will look like. Is it sacrificing himself for someone? Is it murdering the enemy? Is it manipulating someone else? Percy lives in the moment. He doesn’t often think too much before he acts. He just acts. Whether it’s in a life of death situation, or his after school activity for the day. He is unpredictable, like the ocean. It’s one of his defining traits.
Honestly, I think that’s why annabeth is so drawn to him. With everyone else, she can read them super easily and know their next move. But with Percy, she has no idea. Which is frustrating to her, but also exciting. It’s a big part of her initial attraction to him. It’s also why many of us like him so much. We don’t know what’s coming next, and we never know what he will do in a situation. Like, how could we possibly know what he would or wouldn’t do when HE doesn’t even know? Half the time I don’t think Rick himself even knows.
We become so sure that Percy wouldn’t do something because we understand his character so well, right? But I think the truth is, the minute we become certain about what Percy would or wouldn’t do, is the minute we don’t understand his character at all.
Thank you for reading my analysis of Percy on why we can’t reliably analyze Percy
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heeology · 5 months
I have a request for a fic where both Jake and reader are starting their freshman year of college and jake is applying to be in a frat, but to be accepted the brothers in the frat make a bet with him to make the reader sleep with him ….
a/n -> omg i was literally thinking abt writing a jake fic (which i'll get to soon) and then this pops up lmao. but your mind...lord, this is such a good idea. anyway, tysm for being my first request !! it means a lot lol and i rlly hope you enjoy this :)) then, just in general, if you also sent me a request, i promise i have seen it !! i just work five days a week now, so i don't rlly have a lot of time to sit and write, but i promise i am working on them and will release them when i can 💕
are you down or what? | s.jy
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pairing -> futurefratboy!jake x fem!reader
genre -> college au, best friends (alludes) to fwb
warnings -> MDNI, smut, drinking, cursing, mention of weed (no drug use tho)
w.c. -> 7.3k
Going to college is already scary enough, moving to college is even scarier. You wouldn’t categorize yourself as the “outgoing type” and you had pretty much figured your college experience would be dull and stressful; Junior year of high school pretty much prepped you for that. Luckily (depending on how you see it) for you, Jake is the complete opposite. He loved extra-curriculars, joining clubs, joining sports teams, and always made honor roll; essentially, he loved making new friends, trying new things. Everyone adored him and he had practically a long line of people waiting to be his friend. If only they knew they just had to be allergic to any sort of social activity and he would’ve immediately taken them under his wing. He’s always tried to have you venture out of your comfort zone, and sometimes, it worked. This time, however, you honestly didn’t see yourself branching out alongside him. Which both bummed you out and seemed as if it was inevitable. 
Who knew that the kid you met at your fifth grade honor roll assembly and pizza party would be the one you ended up applying to colleges with, let alone plan on going to the same college with? Well, actually, you and Jake didn’t quite get along at first, it was your moms that became best friends well before the two of you did. But, thankfully, both of your moms showed up to the honor roll assembly and brought the two of you together. Even if at first he would try to make conversation with you and you would just nod your head in response, too shy to actually say anything back. At first, he thought you hated him and at the time, you thought he was annoying, but somehow you both came to find these qualities about each other endearing. There were a lot of times you were grateful to have met him and have him as your best friend.
But when he brought up the topic of a fraternity mixer while he was helping–well, more like he was the only one working–assemble an IKEA storage unit for your dorm room as you both sat on your floor, you automatically rolled your eyes. You weren’t surprised in the slightest that one of the first things he wanted to do since you guys got to college was join a frat; it’s like he was born for this, and you mean it in the least douchey way possible. 
“Come on, it’s just like, some mixer; nothing major. I really want you to come. Please?” he says as he drags out the “e” at the end. 
You roll your eyes again and let out a huff, handing him the screwdriver to which he rolls his eyes in return and takes it. “It’s only been a week and you’re already rushing a frat?”
“What? Think I’m not good enough for them?” he asks, joking as he continues to assemble the storage unit for you. You knew he was perfect for this sort of thing, you swear, he was already breezing through it as a pledge, or at least he was making it seem like it. Besides, you’re pretty sure that he is even mistaken as a member already around campus. “It’s not even going to be that bad. Plus, there’s going to be free booze and hella cute chicks, so there’s that to look forward to.” he says as he grins to himself.
“Gross,” you mumble, “it’s not really sounding like there’s anything for me at this dumb thing.”
He chuckles a little. “What? You mean the thought of hanging out with a bunch of sweaty dudes playing beer pong doesn’t sound enticing?”
You shudder, “You’re not really selling your case here, pal.”
He laughs. “C’moooonnnnn,” he whines, playfully bumping his shoulder with yours, “I promise you’ll have fun. And if not, then we’ll just leave after an hour and get some food. Sound good?”
You think for a moment before letting out a huff, “Fine. But if you even leave me alone for a second with those…heathens, then I will never speak to you again.” you say, half joking, half serious.
“You’re acting like these dudes are all terrible people; they’re not the spawn on Satan, y’know.” he says as he can sense the hesitance and apprehension in your voice. “I promise I won’t leave you and I’ll hold your hand the whole time.” he says as he coos and then laughs to himself.
“Dear god.” you mutter, rolling your eyes again, which only makes him chuckle.
“I’m just kidding. But seriously, you’re coming. Who knows, it could be a funny story later on.”
“Right. I bet it’ll elicit all sorts of chuckles.” you say, sarcastically.
He laughs again, shaking his head slightly as he focuses on working on the IKEA product. He shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe you’ll even meet someone there. Imagine if you fell in love with one of the frat dudes.” he laughs at his own thought. 
You scoff, “Ew.”
“I know, right? How mortifying, you fall in love with some muscular, frat boy named Chad.” he shivers, “Scary.” he says, teasing you.
You laugh, “Shut up.”
He chuckles softly and then stops working to look at you. “But seriously, will you please come with me? It would be nice having you there, and it will be our first college party together, how can you possibly pass that up?” he says as he pouts slightly, giving you his best “puppy dog eyes”.
You roll your eyes and playfully shove his shoulder, “Ew, fine! Stop doing that.”
He laughs and grins, “You are the best friend I could ever ask for!” he says, acting overly enthusiastic as he hugs you tightly, ruffles your hair, then kisses your cheek. “We’re gonna have so much fun, you’ll see.”
“Bleh,” you jokingly whine as you wipe your cheek, “yeah, yeah. Just finish my storage thing.”
He rolls his eyes, “Yes ma’am.” he says as he continues working for a few more minutes. He finishes working on the storage unit, turning it upright and smiling proudly. “What would you do without me, honestly? BOOM!” he says as he smacks it lightly, “There it is, built by yours truly; you’re welcome.” he says with a smug grin.
“Alright, alright, calm down.” you say as you laugh a bit. You stand up, rolling it over to a corner in your dorm room.
Jake follows your lead, standing up as well. “Here, I can even help you pick out something to wear for the party. I was thinking of wearing a Polo-”
You turn to him and grimace, “Dear god, you’re already becoming one of them.”
He laughs and scoffs, “Hey, I make Polo’s look hot, don’t even try to act like I don’t. Besides, if I wear a short sleeved one, it will totally show off my muscles.” he says as he flexes a bit, grinning. You roll your eyes and pretend to gag and he laughs and stops flexing before nudging your arm. “Shut up.” he mumbles and turns to look at your closet. “Do you still have that dress you wore to that grad party we went to over the summer?”
“I mean, I think.” you say as you walk over to your closet rummaging inside it (even if there isn’t much room to rummage through).
You were kind of surprised to hear him talk about a dress you wore almost two months ago, but you didn’t think too much about it. You suppose maybe he only did because it was the first dress you wore in a while, so maybe he just subconsciously remembered about it. He glances at you as you look for the dress. He was secretly grateful you didn’t tease him for remembering about it, but he just thought you looked pretty in it. Not that you aren’t pretty all the time just…that time…he shakes his head to himself; it’s just a pretty dress.
He crosses his arms and peers over your shoulder, looking into what clothes you have in your closet as well. “What about that white top?” he asks, pointing out a white, low-cut tank top that is discarded to the side of the closet. “Wear that with a nice skirt or something; that’d look good.”
You glance at it and laugh, “I wear that to bed when it’s too hot. I am not wearing that to the party; my boobs will literally be spilling out of it.”
He pauses for a moment before speaking again. “And that’s a bad thing because…?” He grins, giving you a quick wink which results in you punching his shoulder. He laughs and rubs his shoulder. “Kidding, kidding! But seriously, pick out something. You’ll look amazing in whatever you choose.” he shrugs casually. You roll your eyes and keep rummaging through your closet, suddenly hating every article of clothing you own. He leans against the wall next to your closet, “I swear to god, I can never understand why girls sometimes take so long to pick out what they wear. It’s like, how hard can it be to choose something quickly and then wear it?”
“Jesus, fine, you pick out something, then.” you say as you walk over to your bed, laying on it. “You’re the one who wants me to go, anyway.”
Jake smiles mischievously, walking over to your closet and looking through your clothes. “Do you have those tight, high-waisted jeans? The ones you wore last weekend?”
You raise an eyebrow. Is he talking about the ones you wore to the brunch your mom took you out to with him and his mom? You laugh. “Probably. My mom bought them, so she probably snuck them in there somewhere.” you don’t even realize you’re smiling a bit to yourself, a part of you secretly liking that he remembered them; maybe you looked better than you thought. “Aren’t skinny jeans, like, out or whatever?”
Jake shrugs. “All I know is your ass looked good.” he says as he spots them after looking through some of your bottoms. He grabs them and tosses them at you, the jeans hitting your stomach, causing you to let out a small “oomph”. “And pair it with that white tank top. For your shoes…” he shrugs, “maybe your Doc Martens or something casual. That’ll look good.” he says as he looks at you, nodding his head in satisfaction. “There. Done. And it only took, like, two minutes. See? It wasn’t even hard.” he jokes.
“You chose, quite literally, the most basic outfit known to man.”
“Oh, come on, it’s not even that bad. Besides, you’ll pull it off, anyway.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “I’ll wear the pants and the shoes, but I am not wearing my “booby” shirt, you perv.”
“Oh, c’mon. You know you like to show it off sometimes.” he says, grinning as he wiggles his eyebrows before laughing softly. “Just wear it, please? For me?” he jokes in a playfully flirty tone. “Plus, I need some sort of eye candy when we go to this thing.”
You scoff, playfully. “Ohhhhh, I see what this is.” you say as you sit up on your bed. “You’re hoping if you bring a hot girl to the mixer, you’ll have an automatic in with these frat fuckers, right?”
The tips of Jake’s ears turn slightly red and he scoffs, looking away before looking back at you. “What? No, that’s not the reason. Not the entire reason, anyway.” he says, laughing slightly to hide his embarrassment. “It’ll just be nice to go with you, okay?”
“Uh-huh, suuuurrrreeee.”
He laughs before going to sit beside you on your bed. “Okay, fine, fine, you got me. I did want to bring a hot girl so it'd be easier to get in with the frat. But that's not the whole reason! I also wanted to go with my best friend since we haven't really hung out this week because of classes. And I knew I'd need at least one sane person to keep me in check. Or, at least, as sane as you can get." he teases, wearing that stupid giddy grin of his he gets whenever he feels he said something hilarious. 
You scoff, playfully, “Watch it.” you warn.
He laughs, “Sorry, sorry. I meant a perfectly sane, normal human who doesn’t listen to musicals in her spare time.”
You nudge his arm, “Hey! That was middle school me, back off.”
He laughs again, “I’m messing with you. But seriously, I am glad that you’re coming. It’ll be way more fun with you there.” he smiles that typical charming smile he does, not because he knows he looks good doing it, but because he just does anyway. “I really do appreciate you. Especially since you’re ‘sacrificing’ your sanity to be surrounded by these frat guys.”
“Soon, you’ll be one of them.” you shudder, “I’ll have to start writing my obituary for you.”
“Oh, come on, we’re not all that bad. I'm sure there's at least a few decent guys there that aren't complete douchebags. They're just...eccentric." he jokes, "This mixer will be a great chance for me to maybe get an in with the career path I wanna take plus if I leave a good impression with the frat guys, maybe I won’t have to be a pledge for much longer."
“‘We’re’? Oh my god, you’re already clumping yourself together with them!” you say in fake horror.
“Oh my god, you’re right.” he says in the same tone with a shocked expression. “I’m turning into one of them without even realizing it! Quick, snap me out of it!” he says, laughing slightly. 
You shrug, “Gladly.” you say before punching his shoulder. It honestly hurts your knuckles, but you decide to keep that to yourself and ignore the pins and needles shooting through your hand.
He frowns and looks at you with an “i’m not mad, just disappointed look” which causes you to burst out laughing. “You know, you’ve got a mean right hook. Who knows, you might be the one joining the frat.” he says, rubbing his shoulder a little before wrapping his hand over your knuckles, squeezing it a little. He knows you probably hurt your hand a bit, so he hopes this makes your hand feel a little better before letting go. 
“I’d rather die.” you say in such a serious manner, he can’t tell whether you’re joking or not, but he laughs nonetheless. 
“Just get dressed. I’ll come get you later, okay?” he says as he gets off of your bed.
You groan, “Fine. But I hope you know, you are throwing me to the wolves by making me wear this outfit.”
He laughs and opens your door. “Have to let them know I’m there with the best-looking, smartest, and funniest girl at the party somehow.” he says with a wink.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms. “You’re lucky flattery works with me.” you mutter.
He grins, “What can I say? I know you so well, babe.” he says before nodding his head as a goodbye and walking out of your dorm room, closing the door behind him.
Against your will (and your own regard for fashion), you wore what Jake had picked out for you. He smirks a bit as he looks at you after opening your door when he knocks around a few hours later. He looks you up and down, and you notice how his gaze lingered a little longer on your chest before meeting your eyes. You cross your arms, unintentionally pushing your chest a little together, he scoffs as his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek.
“Yeah…I’m for sure getting into this frat.” he says, mainly saying it to himself, but you would be lying if it didn’t give you a little bit of an ego boost.
“Pipe down, it’s literally the most basic outfit known to man.”
“But you make it look hot…real hot.” he grins.
You roll your eyes and shove his shoulder. “Don’t even.” you mumble as you walk out of your dorm room, closing and locking the door behind you. 
He laughs softly as you start walking to the frat house, which is just around a block away. As you step outside, you shiver a bit from the cold and you frown at the fact that you didn’t bring a jacket, but you honestly felt too lazy to turn around and go back to grab one. He notices (and since he wasn’t wearing one either), he opts for putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you a bit closer. 
“You have to admit, this is a little exciting. I mean, it’s our first college party and I’ll make it my mission to make it memorable.”
He honestly means that; he genuinely wants you to have a good time. He knows how you would rather be spending your time right now, just laying in your bed as you watch some show you’ve seen a thousand times, but he wants to break you out of that. Not that he has any problem with you being more introverted or wants to mold you into something he wants you to be, he has a more…specific reason than that. Your smile. As you two walk, he smiles to himself just thinking about it. How, whenever he sees you smiling this certain way–like you’re smiling for the first time–it’s like time stops; like you’re the only thing of importance in that very moment because nothing else matters, nothing else could possibly compare to how special and beautiful you look in those moments. It makes him feel giddy and the first time he ever saw you smile like that, he knew he had to do whatever it took to make it happen again. 
“Maybe for you, but if it smells like B.O. and weed, I am so out of there.”
He laughs and covers his mouth, his laugh coming out louder than he expected it to. He runs that hand through his hair and turns his head to look at you. “I feel like you have some underlying stereotypes about frat boys.”
“And until this party proves me otherwise, it’ll stay that way.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Then you’re on your own once you join their cult.”
He chuckles softly and shakes his head a bit. “I’m not going to become some buff incel just because I want to join this fraternity.”
You knew that. Well, you were hoping that would be the case. But this is different. This is college. Dramatic, maybe, but you were afraid the two of you would split apart and although you have other friends, he’s the one you’ve had for years. He knows everything about you and has seen you through all of your phases and vice versa. You just feel this looming anxiety that him joining this fraternity will be the first step in the direction of you two no longer being friends; that you’ll just become people you pass by on your way to class. You don’t want to tell him this, though, you’re not really ready to have a discussion (which may turn into an argument) about this just yet. You feel terrible for wanting this, but you’re secretly hoping he doesn’t get in. Not because you don’t want him to branch out and experience his own things in college, well, maybe a little. Maybe you’re selfish. Or maybe you’re saving him from turning into a douche. At least, that’s what you’ll tell yourself to feel better about hoping he doesn’t get in. It’s just because you want him to not forget about you. You’re not as outgoing as him, so what if he starts to find you to be boring? The thought made you frown.
Ten minutes. It’s been ten minutes and this party is already making you feel like you’re being suffocated from the amount of people at this thing, all of whom already seem to be drunk. Once you and Jake got here, you could already tell you were going to hate every lousy minute you had to spend at this party. Especially since there have already been a few people who’ve had their eyes on you for a little longer than you wanted. You tried to make this situation a positive, trying to just relax and have fun as you see Jake greeting the many people he already knows. It’s only been a week since the semester started and he already knew at least twenty people here (yes, you counted). He introduced you to everyone he’s greeted, though, he didn’t want to make you feel left out. He could see you were a little uncomfortable, probably just because it was crowded and loud, so he decided to take you to the kitchen, getting the two of you some drinks. 
He smiles warmly, “We can dance if you want, or we can just talk, drink, get wasted, and judge people. Up to you.” he says, nudging your arm.
You smile a little and playfully roll your eyes. “I know that’s now what you want to do.”
“But it’s what you want to do.”
You look at him for a moment and before you say anything back, you hear a loud, booming voice calling Jake over. You both look and see some of the frat brothers laughing and motioning for him to come over as they yell at him like he’s some football player on the team they love. You glance at Jake. 
“Please go so they stop.”
He laughs and nods, walking over to them. You take another sip of your drink and then you see someone you met in one of your classes. They notice you and wave and you wave back before going over to talk with them.
Jake walks over to the group of four of the frat boys and greets them, dapping them up. One of them motions their head towards you, “So…who’s she?” he asks, crossing his arms as he grins. The others nod their heads and Jake turns to glance at you before looking at them.
He shrugs, smiling shyly, “She’s my best friend-”
“She rushing Delta Theta Zow?” another one asks.
Jake shakes his head, “Nah, sororities aren’t her thing.”
“Too bad, she’s hot.”
Jake feels himself frown slightly at that. Sure, his intention was to hopefully have them think you’re hot so they would be more inclined to go easier on him when hazing, maybe even just decide to let him in if he could prove he knew some hot girls despite how shallow that sounds. It’s just the way he said it, the way they’re looking at you, that makes him feel sick. 
“Tell you what, Jakey, you let us…get to know her, and who knows, you might just be exactly who we’re looking for.” one of them suggests.
Jake feels all of the blood suddenly drain out of his body and the frat brother grins, nudging another one. “Or, tell you what.” he says, putting his arm around Jake, “You sleep with her and you may just be one of the newest members of Alpha Omega Phi. Sound like a deal?”
“You want me to…”
“Fuck her.”
Well, there goes his chances of joining this frat, which surprisingly, is one of the more tame options out of the other ones. This one has great connections to people in the field of computer science and engineering, which is what he desperately wants to achieve. This could give him a big head start…but he can’t just use you.
He chuckles nervously, “I don’t know…she’s not like that-”
“Too bad,” the frat brother says as he takes his arm off of Jake, “We thought you would’ve fit right in with us.” the others nod their heads in agreement.
Jake thinks for a moment. ���...alright…fine.”
The four of them cheer, which ignites cheers from other party goers, making Jake look around and find it a bit strange that they hold that kind of power. 
“You can use Bradley’s room, he could use some sort of action on that bed.” one of them teases and the others laugh. Jake nods his head, trying to laugh along and then they shove him to go over to you. Jake quickly walks over to you, setting his drink on the counter and grabs your arm. 
“The hell-?” you say as he quickly drags you upstairs into a bedroom and he closes the door behind the two of you, looking at you kind of panicked. “What the hell is your problem-”
“They want me to fuck you.”
You feel yourself freeze, all of your muscles tensing up at what just came out of his mouth. Was he being serious? “...deadass?”
“Damn…” you mutter, him releasing your arm from his grip. “So…”
He shrugs, “So…” he repeats.
“Guess you’re not getting into this frat.”
He looks at you for a moment, “So, this is like…a for sure thing.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Dude, I’m not having sex with you so you can join a frat.”
“Come on,” he pleads, using his puppy dog eyes again. To be honest, he knew you would say no for obvious reasons, but this was important to him. Sure, you’re important to him, too, which is kind of why he also figured you would be okay with doing this as a favor. “this is really important, I have to get into this frat. I could get an upper hand with some major companies I want to work for once we graduate. Please?” he clasps his hands together, “Just do me this one favor.”
“Fucking me is not a favor.”
“Well, it’s also not a punishment-”
You scoff, shoving his shoulder lightly and he laughs softly. It goes quiet for a moment between the two of you and he looks at you, expecting, wanting you to change your mind.
“How would they know, anyway? Can’t we just, like, pretend to have had sex? You know, like that scene in Easy A.” you suggest.
“In what?”
“Oh my god, we have to add that to our list of movies to watch, it has Emma Stone, so you already know it’s going to be good-”
“Okay, okay, yeah we can watch it later. Are you going to let me fuck you or what?”
You groan, “Can’t I just give you my panties or something and then you can wave them around and brag about it? Actually, don’t do that.”
“Look, this frat is made up of guys in business, engineering, chemistry, and physics majors, they’re not stupid. They’ll know, trust me, and I really don’t want to have to deal with any more hazing because I’m pretty sure it’s just going to keep getting worse and I would actually like to survive my first few weeks of college.”
“Or…you could just not join.”
He frowns, “You know how much this means to me.” You sigh. Yes, you thought this was stupid, but you also weren’t dumb enough to not realize how joining this frat could actually help him in the future. You saw the superficialness of it all and you knew he wasn’t dumb enough to see past it either, but Jake has worked really hard and besides, you would be lying if you said you saw this as a worst case scenario. “Please?” he asks, anticipating your answer.
You sigh again, “Fine.”
He smiles, “God, yes, thank you so much.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“I’ll make you feel so fucking good.” he says. You thought you should take it as a joke, but he says it with a more serious tone before he hooks his fingers through the loop of your jeans, pulling you closer as he leans in, kissing you. 
You were a little surprised by him just going for it so suddenly, but you close your eyes and kiss him back. His hand travels up to your waist, holding onto it as his other hand moves to the side of your face, cupping it as he pulls you closer, his fingers slightly tangling with your hair. He tilts his head, slipping his tongue past your lips, sending shivers down your spine as it slides over your own. He kisses you with a sort of hunger, not expecting to be kissing you with so much intensity, but once his lips met yours, it’s like a switch went off for him and he can’t help himself from wanting you more and more. 
He guides the two of you over to the bed as you continue to kiss, him grunting softly as his eyebrows furrow together, feeling himself getting hard from just kissing you. He parts from your lips, having you both gasp for air before he pushes your hair aside, feeling his long, thin fingers brush past your neck before being replaced with his soft, plump lips. He leaves open mouthed kisses along the side of your neck before turning you around, your ass pressing against his hard on, making him moan softly into your ear from the contact, his precum leaking and staining his underwear and pants. You tease him, grinding against him slightly which makes him bite your neck softly as he continues kissing along the side of it, down to your shoulder. He grips your hips tightly, stopping your movements and you feel his lips and hot breath brush against your ear.
“Don’t play with me.” he whispers, gently nibbling on your earlobe before pulling away. His hands slip to the button of your jeans, undoing it and slowly zipping down the zipper. He pushes your jeans down just slightly, a little past your ass and he feels like he’s going to pass out from his fingertips gently grazing the edge of your underwear alone. He kisses your neck again, his left hand going to your neck, gently gripping it as he moves your head to the side to give him more room. That action alone almost makes you moan, but you just gasp softly as his right hand slips its fingers past your waistband, finally feeling them push against you. He moans at the feeling of you already being so wet and he coats his fingers in your arousal, making a mess in your panties. 
He uses his middle and ring finger to press and circle your clit, causing you to gasp and close your eyes, your head falling back against his shoulder and he pulls away from your neck, breathing slightly heavily. He turns his head to look at you, leaving gentle kisses on the side of your face as he moves his fingers down, pushing them inside of you. From the way your lips part and you let out the softest moan, your eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly, he can feel himself almost cum at the sight alone. He pushes his fingers in and out of you, his thumb rubbing your clit and he leaves a kiss against your ear.
“That’s right, baby, you like this, hm? Fuck, you’re so wet, do you want me to just fuck you now?” he whispers against your ear, knowing he, himself, wants nothing more than to do just that. He fingers you faster, curling them against your walls as the pads of his fingers reach areas you can’t. You moan louder, feeling your legs shake and he smirks. “I bet you taste so good.” he whispers and he pulls his fingers out of you and your panties. “Open.” he demands and you open your mouth, slightly sticking out your tongue and he puts his fingers into your mouth. You lick them as he shoves them a little deeper and then pulls them out, sliding the mixture of your spit and arousal on your bottom lip before he turns your head and kisses you, wanting to taste you. He licks your lip, he sucks your tongue, anything he can just to have you on his lips. He moans softly and pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your lips before breaking. He’s decided he needs more.
He runs his hand along your back, slightly pushing you so you bend over the bed. You can feel your heartbeat against the comforter of the bed. He pulls your jeans down to your ankles, biting his bottom lip as he grins at the full view of your ass on display. His eyes look over how soaked your panties are, feeling a sense of pride knowing he did it. He gently squeezes and kisses one side of your ass, playfully biting it and then realizes he likes the idea of him marking you like this. He bites it a little harder, you moaning and whining at the feeling, your fingers gripping onto the bed sheet. He grins, kissing his teeth marks before he pulls down your underwear, feeling as though he is looking at the gates of heaven itself, his eyes locking onto your pussy. He mumbles something to himself that you can’t hear, but you suddenly feel his tongue slide slowly along and in between your folds. Your mouth opens as you moan, feeling yourself clenching around nothing and he chuckles softly, licking his lips.
He can feel his cock twitch in his pants, more warm precum sticking to his thigh and underwear. He goes back in for more, low groans and moans coming deeply from his throat as he buries his face into your swollen pussy, covering his face in your slick. “You taste so fucking good.” he says with a raspy voice, the vibrations feeling as though they travel throughout your whole body as you moan, feeling his tongue lick feverishly. You feel yourself drool at how he spreads your legs more, his nose and tongue all pressing into you more, him hooking his arms under your thighs, his hands resting and squeezing your ass, raising your hips slightly as he licks and sucks your clit. His nose rubs between your swollen folds as you moan louder, gripping the sheets tighter. 
He licks faster, making out with your cunt as his tongue slips in and out of you. You let out a long moan, feeling as if your knees buckle, cumming all over his tongue, lips, chin, and nose. He moans into your pussy, licking up all of your release and he pulls away, looking at your glistening pussy, rubbing his fingers between your slit, spreading the mixture of his spit and your cum all over. His tongue licks his lips clean, reaching down to lick the part of his chin it can reach and he lets out a low groan, relishing in your taste. You whine as he gives a soft slap to your pussy, licking his fingers clean before using it to collect your cum from the rest of his face and licking that up as well. 
He flips you over, leaning down to kiss you again and you kiss him back eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands roam along the sides of your body, his right one moving up to your chest and groping your breast through your shirt, you moan and whine as he squeezes it tightly, palming and kneading it as he starts to kiss you roughly. His breaths are heavy and before he even knows what he’s doing, he rips your shirt open, his patience dwindling with each second that passes. He kisses down your throat and buries his face between your breasts, kneading them as he kisses between them. He squeezes and pushes them together, licking across them and switching between each one to leave kisses on. He pulls down the cups of the bra, your nipples hardening more from the sudden cold air hitting them as your breathing becomes shallow and you moan with how he is handling you. 
He flicks his tongue over your nipple, sucking and gently tugging at it with his teeth. His tongue swirls around your nipple, his hand squeezing the breast to fill more of his mouth as saliva runs down his chin. He moves and does the same with the other one and your chest rises and falls, moans escaping your lips. Your hand moves and tugs at his shirt, pulling the fabric up and he notices, moving away from you as he takes it off quickly. You feel yourself get even wetter at the sight of his toned arms and abs, looking over every curve of his upper body and he grins. He takes your hand and places it on his abs, moving it over them slowly and you both moan quietly to yourselves. He lets go of your hand and slides off his shoes, you taking the initiative to do the same. You both undress the rest of yourselves quickly and you feel yourself stop in your tracks when you see his long, thick cock slap against his abdomen. You clench around nothing as your eyes look over each vein, biting your bottom lip. 
You reach out, using your finger to slide it over his tip, collecting the precum. His breath gets caught in his throat as he watches you, as you also collect the precum from the side of his thigh. You bring your fingers to your lips, licking them slowly as you look up at him. He watches you intently, his eyes shifting from your fingers, to your tongue, to your lips, to your eyes. You let out a soft moan as you taste him, licking your fingers clean and he reaches out, his hand grabbing your chin and lifting your head up to look at him more. He looks down at you, grinning before kissing you, tasting him on your tongue; that fact alone made him feel proud. He pushes you back against the bed, positioning himself between your legs. He kisses your temple muttering a “thank you” before pushing himself into you. 
Your back arches slightly at the feeling, the pressure between your legs, the way that your walls mold and clench around his cock makes your head spin. You can feel the ridges of the veins in his cock grazing against them, making you clench tighter. He grits his teeth, cursing under his breath as he pushes himself fully into you. He moans and whines a little at the overwhelming feeling of you around him. His forehead rests on yours as he catches his breath, his hands wandering down the sides of your waist to your hips, gripping them tightly as he holds back the urge to cum. He thrusts slowly, sliding in and out of you, subtle squelching noises of your wetness coating his cock. This sound alone, however, causes him to go faster, moans spilling from your lips as the bed creaks harshly, the headboard hitting the wall. His grip becomes tighter and he clenches his jaw, letting out short breaths as he pulls away, watching your tits bounce with each thrust. He reaches and grabs one, playing with your nipple and fondling the breast, his eyes rolling back a bit as he moans. He fucks into you harder and faster, his hips meeting yours quickly, his balls slapping against your ass, the sound of your skin slapping, your moans becoming increasingly louder as your cunt swallows his cock each time he thrusts into it, his soft whines with short moans, and your arousal spreading between your thighs while getting on his drives him wild. 
He pulls out and you gasp at the empty feeling. He grabs your hips and flips you over, pushing your ass up and spreading your legs, sliding himself back in, pounding into you harder and faster. You moan–almost screaming–at the sudden change of pace, your face buried into the mattress as your body shakes. He moans, gripping your ass tightly as he uses that to keep him steady while he fucks you. You moan and scream his name into the mattress, making him moan in return. He grabs a handful of your hair, pulling your head up from the mattress, making you moan and gasp.
“Scream it now.” he demands, fucking you deeper, his other hand reaching to rub circles on your clit hard and fast.
Your eyes roll back a bit and you comply, screaming his name, letting out a lewd moan afterwards as pleasure overtakes your body, your orgasm crashing down. You clench tightly around him, repeating his name over and over as you cum. That was all he needed and until now, he never realized that’s all he wanted. He thrusts harshly a few more times, going back to gripping your hips before moaning your name and pulling out. He pumps his cock a few times and flips you back over, you just giving in because your mind was blank at the moment. He moves up and moans deeply as he cums on your breasts, watching as the pearly white liquid spills on your nipples and the soft flesh, feeling warm and sticky on your skin.
He lets out a breath he seemed to be holding and kisses you. You kiss him back, sloppily, before he pulls away, moving to your chest. He kisses your nipples, a little bit of his cum on his lips before he licks it off. He uses his pointer and middle fingers to spread the cum around your nipples in a slow, circular motion, making you shiver. He smiles, and collects his cum onto his fingers off of your breasts. You open your mouth and he chuckles softly, sticking his fingers in your mouth as you suck and lick them.
“So good…so pretty…” he whispers to you. 
You blush a little and he pulls his fingers out. He moves off of you and you both just take some time to catch your breath. You sit up and you both look at each other before bursting out into laughter. You both calm down after a moment before getting up to put on your clothes, but after you put on everything but your shirt is when you realize you can’t. 
You glare at him, “Genius, what the hell am I supposed to wear?” you ask, holding up your ripped shirt.
He laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, “Damn, my bad.” he looks around and then he takes off his shirt, handing it to you. You raise an eyebrow and take it, putting it on. He walks to the closet and just grabs a shirt from there, putting it on. “I’ll give it back later.” he says, to which you laugh. 
You both walk out of the room, seeing two of the frat boys Jake was talking to earlier. They smile smugly and whistle, cheering a bit and you roll your eyes. They give a thumbs up to Jake and he smiles a bit awkwardly before leaning to whisper in your ear, “Let’s get out of here.” You both walk silently as you leave the party. After a moment, he speaks, “Thanks…by the way…and I’ll buy you a new shirt and…I definitely owe you one.”
“You better get into this frat, I swear to God.”
He laughs, “Damn right.” he says as he nudges your arm and you nudge back. “So, how can I make this up to you?”
You think for a moment and then shrug. “It wasn’t all that bad.”
He scoffs, “Gee, thanks.”
You laugh, “You know what I mean.”
He smirks and looks at you. “You know…you look even hotter in my shirt.”
You roll your eyes and laugh. “What a random thing to say.”
He shrugs, “Maybe…we could do this again.”
You look at him, quiet for a moment. “...very funny.”
“I’m serious.” he says as he looks back at you. He smiles a bit and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Are you down or what?”
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
Don’t break my heart part 3 please ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
you ask, i deliver
part one, part two
the judgment day x reader (platonic), damian priest and rhea ripley x reader (platonic), drew mcintyre x reader
‼️family issues, fear of abandonment, reader might have daddy issues, damian and rhea being the besties i need in my life ‼️
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don’t break my heart - part 3
it was right after monday night raw ended that you had no energy left in you.
you knew it was going to be complete chaos when the shein version of the judgment day ruined damian’s match. rhea’s blood was boiling at the sight of damian being attacked by his ex members. so, you knew chaos was going to happen when her theme song echoed into the arena.
she told you to choose. she said that no matter what your decision was, her feelings for you weren’t going to change but she made clear that she was going to kick liv and dom’s asses. she told you - you can stay here and wait for us backstage or you can join me - and honestly, you thought about it but ten seconds later you were running by her side.
the crowd erupted in happy screams when they saw you by her side.
rhea pointed liv, you pointed jd, and finn too.
finn knew that you wouldn’t have picked him over damian and rhea but he wasn’t expecting to see you against him.
“don’t do this…” he told you “you’re gonna regret this” he didn’t mean to threaten you, he just wished you weren’t involved at all.
“i don’t care…i’m tired of hiding” and with that you simply attacked him. carlito saw the scene and simply came to the rescue, trying to take finn away from you.
while rhea tried to attack liv, damian was still in the ring with jd so you you went to attack him “move” you simply said. his face was stone cold. maybe finn was right, jd had a crush on you but you couldn’t care less.
of course liv and dom ran away, like the cowards that they are and in the meantime damian took his time in finishing jd.
the crowd cheered when they saw you, dam and rhea standing there in the ring, hugging each other, knowing that no matter what, you would always have each other’s backs.
while backstage, rhea and damian took their time answering questions and doing interviews but you were too tired from the event that occurred that all you wanted to do was to end up in your hotel room and sleep all night long.
walking towards the exit, you spotted drew who kindly waved at you. drew was the same as jey or la knight for you, just kind acquaintances because they were friends with damian and rhea but nothing more.
“hey kid” he smiled at you. his nickname made you smile “great fight out there”
“oh” you awkwardly smiled “that…that was nothing but thank you”
“are you going back to the hotel?” he asked, probably already knowing the answer, seeing you with your bags and tired look.
“yes…i was thinking of calling an uber, i fear damian and rhea will take too long with interviews right now…” you smiled.
“don’t call them, i can give you a ride, plus we are staying at the same hotel right? in downtown?” he asked and you nodded “i’m going back right now, you can ride with me”
“are…are you sure?” you didn’t want to be a bother so you doubled checked.
“positive, let’s go” he smiled and walked towards the rental car he got for the show. you’ve never been alone with drew before, only talked with a few times when he was training with damian so the idea of driving with him for 30 minutes was making you nervous.
but the car ride was quite and silent. not awkwardly silent, just comfortable enough. soft music playing in the background, drew watching the road as you watched some raindrops falling from the sky.
“you have talent kid” he broke the silence, waking you from your thoughts.
“oh, thank you…” deep down you knew you had talent, but that being the reason of getting kicked out of your family always made you feel guilty sometimes. you always wondered and imagined how your life would be if you actually had applied for college as your parents wanted for you. maybe you wouldn’t be this shy or weird while meeting new people. maybe you would be more confident about yourself. maybe you would have a boyfriend and a lot of friends.
there was always that voice in your head that screamed what if
“you don’t talk much uh?” he softly teased, making you smile a little.
“not really, no…i’ve always been like this, i guess…” lie. growing up you were talkative and you remembered your mother always telling you to shut up because you talked too much - what would she say if she could see you now?
“i get it…i was really shy growing up, then i started getting more used to the job, working with live crowds for all these years made me change the conception i had about myself…and i worked a lot on me, that helped me” he said, talking about himself but like he was giving you an advice.
you had to work more on yourself and you knew it, you just didn’t know if you were ready yet.
“yeah…big crowds helped me a bit but i still have to get used to it” you smiled.
“about that…everything okay today?” he didn’t want to overstep but he was worried about you. he couldn’t understand what finn did to make you run away like that.
“oh with finn?” he nodded “yes, he just said some things he shouldn’t have said…nothing major”
“got it” he smiled, realising you didn’t want to talk about it.
the rest of the car ride was spent with him just talking about his family. you were curious about it because he always talked about them so nicely that you actually wanted to know how he felt having his family and friends proud of him “and what about your family y/n? i’ve never seen them at the shows…”
he may have overstepped because you didn’t answer. he knew something because people talked but he didn’t know the full story and the one person who knew the truth was you.
“nothing much to say…they have other hobbies” you tried to avoid the argument as much as possible and you were happy dropped the conversation right there.
once at the hotel you thanked him about the car ride and told him that you were tired enough that you would have fallen asleep in the lobby any minute.
“yeah, i’m pretty tired too” he smiled at you “listen, in case you need more car rides or just someone to talk to, here’s my number, goodnight kid” and with that he left.
he gave you a piece of paper with his number on, kinda old fashioned but you liked it.
once you got to your room, you tiredly took a second shower and change into your pjs. you were so tired that you haven’t even eaten yet but at the moment you couldn’t care less.
before you could drift off, you received a text from rhea.
from rhea🖤
hey girl! sorry we took so long, we just finished with interviews, are you still in the arena? do you need a ride to the hotel?
from you
hey rhea! don’t worry about it! i can’t wait to see all of your interviews! i’m already back at the hotel and ready to sleep lol, but thank you so much for the offer!
you kinda didn’t mention how you got back to the hotel because you knew that if you did, rhea and damian would kept asking you questions that you didn’t want to answer. so you simply told her that you were about to sleep and that you would see her tomorrow.
but before falling asleep, you memorised drew number and decided to text him a “thank you for the ride, have a good night!” and then you drifted off.
drew would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy receiving your text. he was up all night staring at the ceiling and thinking of you. he’s been feeling some sort of attractions towards you but he thought that it was just a game his mind was playing to him. but sitting next to you and driving with you made him realise that maybe his attraction was actually a crush. he wished he could get to know you better but he knew and he saw - from the brief conversation you had in the car - that you wouldn’t open up to him, that he had to gain your trust and he was willing to do that.
morning came and you and rhea were already hitting the hotel gym as you waited for damian to join you.
“so…” rhea started talking “everything okay with the uber last night? did they get you here safely?” rhea knew about all the horrendous stories she read about uber drivers being maniacs so she tried to avoid them as much as possible, and so did you.
“oh…” you thought for a second “no i actually didn’t call an uber last night…uhm, drew drove me back here”
rhea was a little shocked for a moment but before she could say anything, damian both greeted you “what are we talking about here girls?” he gently smiled at you.
“drew as in drew mcintyre?” she asked and you nodded.
“what happened?” damian’s tone was more serious.
“nothing, drew just drove me back to the hotel last night and rhea is shocked about that” you wanted to avoid that conversation as much as possible but their looks made you realise that you would have to explain everything that happened last night.
“why him?” damian asked.
“because you were taking too long and drew saw me calling an uber so he offered? plus we are staying in the same hotel so i don’t see the problem”
“yeah but him?” it’s not rhea didn’t like him, they were friends. she didn’t like the idea of you and him alone together.
“yes rhea, him. he just drove me back, nothing else happened” you sounded irritated and damian noticed it.
“okay well, what matters is that you are here and everything went fine, right?” damian asked, hinting at rhea to drop the topic. she simply nodded and went back to her training.
you were just doing your exercises when a notification pop up into your home screen.
it was a text from drew.
hey kid, no problem at all! i told you, if you need car rides or anything else, just give me a call ;)
“what is making you smile like that?” rhea asked with a hint of curiosity.
“oh nothing, i just received a text…”
“from who?” damian teased you.
“no one you should worry about” you teased back.
“ouch…” rhea pretended to be offended “you’re keeping secrets now?”
“gosh, no! it was nothing important anyway” you quickly replied, tried to focus on your exercises. rhea and damian shared a look without you noticing it, they were determined to find the mysterious person behind your morning smile,
i will keep it mind lol! are you still in bed? i’m working out with damian and rhea and i’m already tired :(
you quickly answered back. in that moment you realised that maybe he didn’t wanna talk to you and you were just being a bother. what if he didn’t want you to text him? what if you were being a bother? what if, what if, what if were already overworking in your mind but before you could think of something worse, drew texted you back.
still in bed but i will hit the gym in a few minutes, i really don’t feel like it after last night but i have to…guess if i won’t be too late i’ll see there ;)
yup, you were smiling like a teen in love and you really couldn’t understand why. it’s not that you had a crush on him, right?
“is it drew?” damian asked.
“you have this happy smile since this morning and seeing that last night you and drew were car buddies…something might have happened…” he explained to you.
you were quiet for a minute. nothing really happened between you and drew but you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed his company, even if you didn’t have much of a conversation. he was kind and you couldn’t lie, he was hot, maybe too hot for you but aside from that, nothing happened.
before you could say yes or no, drew entered the gym with his teasing smile on his face.
“morning guys” he said smiling at damian and rhea “morning kid” he said smiling a little longer than to you.
rhea was beyond in disbelief “what was that?” she asked drew.
oh no, you thought. she was ready to cause chaos even outside of the company.
“what?” drew asked.
“that little stare at y/n, what was that?” she asked, a little more irritated.
“nothing to worry about, i just said good morning” he wanted to be petty but you knew rhea was a master in that.
“sure…don’t fuck with me drew” she started to get more defensive over you.
“okay can all we please calm down…” you said making them all turn their heads back to you “nothing is happening, can we please just go back to training please?” rhea was hesitant for a moment “please?” but she knew she couldn’t say no to you when you had those puppy eyes.
she didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable but she didn’t like this whole situation between you and drew.
“fine” she turned around and went back exercising with damian.
is she always like that?
drew texted you, making it hard for you not to laugh out loud. you simply nodded at him and he winked at you, making you blush.
two hours later and you were a sweaty mess “i need a shower, maybe two” you joked with damian, agreeing with you.
“i think i’ll rest for a bit…” damian said and you nodded.
“yeah” rhea joined “me too…i’m too tired today, plus we have to be back on the road tomorrow…i wanna sleep in today, y/n?”
“i’ll take a shower and then i’ll decide, probably i will order something to eat…” you smiled.
truth was you didn’t wanna stay in. you had to energy to spend the day in bed so you were probably going to sneak out and visit some places. so when you all left, you were quick to shower and to dress up.
wanna have lunch together? take out sounds nice but i think you would like some company :)
you smiled when drew texted you.
sure, i’ll meet you in the lobby in 30 minutes if that’s ok with you?
you waited for his reply with a little anxiety, so when he told you that it was perfect for him, you started your makeover and found something nice to wear.
you couldn’t lie, your heart was beating fast and faster the moment you approached the lobby.
“here we go” you whispered softly, mostly to yourself.
when you saw him, you couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was. he was a really hot man, you saw him fight almost naked every single week so you were used to it but seeing him all suit up, clean and fresh, did something to you.
“hey kid” he greeted you “you look good” he genuinely smiled at you.
you weren’t used to compliments su you didn’t really know what to say, apart from thank you.
“you don’t look bad either” you teased making him chuckle.
you were kinda surprised when he opened the car door for you. no one ever did anything nice like that - not that you ever dated anyone but being treated nice like this in general made your heart skip a beat.
the restaurant he chose was nice. not too fancy but it was cozy and nice “i hope you like it” he smiled at you.
“it’s really nice drew, thank you” growing up you became shy and more introvert so you didn’t really know how to make long lasting conversations but seeing drew being so happily awkward and shy made you happy.
the first few minutes were pretty awkward, you reading the menu and drew doing the same, deciding what to eat and taking your sweet time with it. you both opted for some fresh pasta and some chicken salad, both wanting to keep it healthy but still enjoying your lunch out.
“how are you y/n?” he gently asked.
“oh, i’m good thank you…what about you? still thinking about your victory at summerslam?” you smiled.
“of course, i will think about that moment for a while now” he chuckled “what about your summerslam?”
“mine was…something” you tried not to make it too awkward but it was like a fresh wound to you, you were still hurting about the betrayal and it will hurt for a while.
“yeah, i can imagine that…do you wanna talk about it?” he asked, fearing he overstepped.
“i…well, i wasn’t really expecting the group to break up like that, i knew there was tension but not that much…you know, they are, were like a family to me” you breathed out “and now damian and rhea are all i have, i can’t let them down you know?” you feared you may have talked too much but with drew’s kindness it came natural to you.
“i’ve been there, betrayals will stay impress in your mind but it will get better eventually…” he smiled at you and you felt more comfortable talking with him.
while eating, he talked about the most stupid things he liked but that made you happy, hearing something new from someone new.
“y/n…” he called, his serious tone more pronounced “can i ask you something? it’s a little personal and you can say no if i make you uncomfortable but i’m just curious…” he asked and you nodded “i’ve heard things…mostly rumors about you…everyone claim to know you but i feel like they don’t even know what they’re talking about” he said and you let him continue “they’ve been talking about you are basically…alone, that you don’t enjoy the other women company, they’ve been talking about how and your family don’t have any connection, how they think it’s your fault…basically a lot of stuff that i’m pretty sure it’s not real…that’s why i wanted to hear it from you, you are the only one who knows the truth…”
you weren’t going to lie but it kinda made you feel bad what your colleagues thought of you.
“i mean…they are not that wrong, i’m not good at making friends, i tried, since i joined wwe but it felt like i wasn’t really welcomed so i decided to stay by myself, at least until i met rhea and damian…and they are quite right about me not being in contact with my family but they don’t know the full story…and if you don’t mind i would like to keep it private for now” it was hard for you talking about your family.
“yes of course, i don’t wanna make you uncomfortable at all, but i thank you for opening up to me, i really appreciate it” he genuinely smiled and you felt like you could probably trust him.
so you ended up lunch with two pieces of cake and fought for who was going to pay. like the gentleman he is, of course, he offered to pay.
“thank you for this amazing lunch drew, i really enjoyed it…it was nice having someone to talk to” you truthfully said once you both got out of his car and he smiled at your genuine words.
“anytime kid” there was a moment after he spoke where you were both silent, not knowing what to do or what to say.
“uhm… i think i’m going to rest for a bit now” you awkwardly signed to the hotel entrance, trying to make him understand that you were about to leave but that you didn’t want to leave him standing right there in front of the glass doors.
“oh yeah, i think i’m going to rest too, so, uhm, thanks for coming with me” he said making you chucked while he got closer to you “i’ll see you on the road” he slowly lowered his head and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek “take care” he smiled before going back to his room.
now, you were the one who was left standing there in front of the doors.
with your happy face and bright smile, you came back to your bedroom, unbeknownst to you, rhea saw everything from the her hotel room as the window was facing down the entrance.
“oh i’m gonna kick his ass” she said before leaving her room.
definitely be making part 4, i was just going to wait raw next monday to see if something happens with tjd! if you have any ideas or recommendations let me know in the comments!
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patscorner · 27 days
pairings: paige x oc
contains: angst
word count: 686
a/n: let's try another shot at this series thing... here we go
JUNE 2020
I dribble the ball between my legs before taking a step back and shooting the ball. It's almost midnight, and the thunder claps should've kept me in bed, but it seems like the last thing I can do is sleep. It's been three weeks.
Azzi already got her acceptance letter to Uconn. We'd applied at the same time, yet hers came almost a month ago, and I'm sitting here empty-handed.
What if they denied me? What if they just forgot to send it, and I don't find out until I'm in the middle of Texas? Sure, it's not common for colleges to scout one school and find what they're looking for. But with us, I feel like they could. It's always been us two- Azzi and I- and even Paige, and although Paige and I aren't speaking, I don't think I'm ready to let that go yet.
I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to let that go.
But here I am, letting them slip through my fingers. Letting her slip from my grasp.
How did I get here? How’d it get like this? It seems like these past few months have been nothing but loss, love, and the bittersweet taste of change.
I’m a great basketball player, I know that. But if any coach was scouting me right now, they’d cross me off the list immediately. The way the basketball clangs off the backboard once more causes me to groan in frustration, throwing my head back. I chase after it, positioning myself at what would be the wing.
Basketball is a mindless game. Something I do well without even thinking about it. The movement of the ball, the way it bounces off the court, the way my wrist flicks when it leaves my hands, the swish of it passing through the net, whatever; the motions are fluid. Subconscious, even. Something I can do with my eyes closed without a second thought. But right now, I'm thinking about everything, including her. And as though I'd summoned her…
“Dude, it's midnight, what the fuck are you doing?” a groggy voice calls. I flinch at the unexpected presence, and turn around to see Paige. She's got her hair down, the blonde locs frizzy from her sleeping position.
The house lights illuminate her hair, the yellowish glow casting a shadow on the cement. Her red plaid pajama pants hang dangerously low on her waist, her Nike Pro boxers peeking above the cotton material. She's wearing a Uconn hoodie because, of course, she is.
I roll my eyes. “Just throwing shots up.” I say, holding the ball on my hip. I could practically hear her eyes roll. “No, no, I can see that, I just mean, why? It's literally about to rain.”
“Why do you care? Why don't you go back to sleep?” I huff, shooting the ball up again.
She scoffs. “I'd actually love to. In fact, I couldn't think of anything better to do-” I wince as the ball bounces off the rim again. “-but when all I can hear is a fucking ball bouncing, it's kinda hard to enjoy slumber.”
I roll my eyes. “Whatever, I'll be done soon.” I mutter as the ball bounces towards her, internally sighing as she picks it up. I hold my hands out, motioning for her to give it to me. She doesn't.
“Why can't you sleep?” She asked, her voice sounding genuinely concerned. That's the thing. She's pretty fucking good at that.
I sigh. “Can I just get the ball, bro.” She can't make anything fucking easy.
She smirks. “Nah. Not ‘till you tell me why you're playing basketball in the middle of the night when it's about to storm.” I groan.
Don't let her in again.
“Nevermind, I'm tired anyway. Court's yours, asshole.” I say, shoving past her and stomping into the house.
There's nothing more I've wanted to do than break down in her arms and tell her everything that I'm thinking, and have her hold me and tell me everything's gonna be okay.
But I've already done that.
And I'm not making that mistake again.
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerrss @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever @pbloverr @breeloveschris-deactivated20240 @cosmopretty @hellokittyfeenie @averagelobotomyenjoyer @elliewilliamsthang @chelisbae @angelscovee @st4rrzynight
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cerealboxlore · 21 days
Kindergarten Hero (idea ramble)
After re-watching Kindergarten Cop, I got to thinking that a similar scenario would fit Captain Marvel. Hear me out. As the beloved and iconic hero to Fawcett City, he'd go out volunteering all the time just to help out his city in any way he can. Rescuing cats from trees, helping the elderly cross the street, working in soup kitchens, volunteering at animal shelters, you name it, he's there with a great big smile, happy to help. He doesn't have to stop a big bad villain in order to be a hero, as he tells the public that it's the everyday heroes that inspire him to be kind in return. Heroes like first responders, volunteers, etc. Especially, teachers.
I can see Captain Marvel being a common sight at schools for special events to help pass down wisdom to the kids and to have some fun with the citizens he protects on a daily basis. Reading to the third graders, playing basketball with the 7th graders, helping the 12th graders figure out what paths they want to pursue in life and how to apply to colleges (thanks to the wisdom of Solomon for the last one). He gets told that he's a marvel with the kids, and that he'd be an excellent educator. He laughs it off, claiming he could never be as good as the present teachers, but it does linger in his mind just a little.
One day, while stopping by to say hi to some kids during recess at a random school (the patrol was quiet so he'd figured he could waste time this way), Captain Marvel overheard from one of the teachers in charge outside that it's a shame he can't stay longer. The teacher says that one of their kindergarten teachers is out sick, and with a substitute shortage, it's been a struggle to wrangle up the kids without hassle. They all have their hands tied with their own classes enough as it is. Without thinking about it, Captain Marvel says he's happy to volunteer for the position temporarily while they seek a more permanent solution.
Captain Marvel (Billy) thinks this will be easy! Teaching kindergarteners? Psh! He's been through kindergarten before (as Billy), and he's used to helping kids. Of course, teaching is going to be easy, I mean, how hard could it be?
Within the first ten minutes, Captain Marvel wants to admit defeat.
It is not easy to teach. It takes a strength stronger than Hercules to be able to get a classroom of little gremlins to sit down and do their classwork. The man is 6'5ft and the sight of tiny kids running around him is quite a funny sight to the other teachers, who can be heard laughing at him in their classes. Already there's a kid crying, another with glue on their head, and too many of them are trying to eat things that should not be eaten! He never thought he'd have to tell someone not to eat a Lego, but he supposes more impossible things happen whenever he's doing a magical mission.
He's determined not to quit though. If regular teachers can do this every day, then so can he. With the wisdom of Solomon and the stamina of Atlas at his side, Captain Marvel manages to find a way to speak to the littles, and manage the class into respectful students. He teaches the littles to respect their peers and parents, and passes down the importance of being good to the world around them.
He entertains them with lessons from history, the stories from around the world, and how the past can shape the future even centuries later. He gets to show his passion for geology (canon, actually!) to the littles and the science behind it. He even gets to bring in Tawky Tawny for class one day, where Tawny reads to them and they can pet his soft fur.
At the end of his temporary substitute era, Captain Marvel is glad to have that experience. He's grown closer to his city, and learned that Billy would love going back to school after seeing the Captain doing such a good job through his eyes (not back to Kindergarten, of course, ha!).
Anyway, that's me rambling on about Captain Marvel. I had more thoughts about this, but this post is long enough. Maybe next time!
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seirindono · 2 months
TMS - Author's note (Arc 1)
Today I'm stepping up to talk about TMS for a while. It's going to be a lot of blah blah, no TLDR, so hang in there or save it for later if you're brave enough, haha (¯▿¯)
So, another chapter of TMS draws to a close, with the difference that this time it's a whole saga that's coming to an end! That's a big relief for me, given that we recently celebrated the comic's 4th anniversary! That's almost the entire duration of my college life, and that's both an impressive and terrifying achievement lol.
The comic is divided into 3 arcs, each separated by an interlude. The first runs from part 1 to 8, with 201 pages total (wow!). In it, you are introduced to Mel, a young skeleton with a rather unclear past, who accidentally arrives in a a foreign timeline, along with other well known skeletons. Nowadays it's just an isekai haha. Throughout the arc, she proves to be a cautious Monster, quiet and somewhat withdrawn compared to the other skeletons we come across, notably Rus, Blue and Axe, who each got their own sequences.
Still, Mel in the last few scenes is starting to show more initiative, and the interlude will make this even more obvious, but we can expect her to open up a lot more during the next Arc, about her past, motives, goals and thoughts.
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I could go on at length about what's in store for us in the interlude, but given that it's due for release sometime in 2024, I'm going to talk about the general story line instead. Although we follow Mel who is foreign to what's going on in this universe prior to her arrival, the other characters and events suggest that strange phenomena are taking place in Ebott, leading many people to become embroiled in a highly unusual affair. Crossing timelines, earthquakes, mysterious apparitions in the forest, something is afoot and the situation seems to be at a turning point when Mellow gets here.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with the situation and what to do next. Some are serious and pragmatic, like Black, others optimistic, like Blue, and others, like Papyrus, find themselves completely backed into a corner, forced to do their best to fix whatever needs to be.
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A special case, however, is Axe, whom Mel meets in the forest as she investigates Mt. Ebott. The two have diametrically opposed views of their current condition. One wants to return to her world by any means necessary, regardless of the advantages of a peaceful world. The other, not so much. Both refuse to talk about their past and ignore the other's circumstances, but a sense of familiarity drives them to try to convince the other to stay or go. These are two stark positions to reconcile, and while we can expect Blue and the other skeletons to have their own views on the subject too, Mel and Axe are strangely "committed" in this interraction and resort to violence, spurred on by a unknown substance that causes Axe to momentarily lose control.
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Mel is wounded, Axe unconscious, and the status quo disrupted. Other consequences follow this confrontation, and several questions are raised: Can Blue really help Mel when Axe accuses him of having already given up on going home himself? What is this mysterious entity Axe came across a few days earlier? The vibrations? What was that substance that made him go berserk? And what made him stop? Can we trust Mel and what she tells us? And many others.
Because as I'm sure many of you have come to realize, Mel has proven to be a rather unreliable narrator (or at least character since you don't follow her actual POV). Blatantly lying or omitting facts to others and readers alike, it's hard to know her next move and whether she's genuinely forgotten important infos (for it's well established at this stage that she has hazy memories and that they continue to deteriorate. The same applies to her health).
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In the same way, each part of TMS so far has raised more questions than it has answered, but I can confidently say that the road is paved for Arc 2 to answer and put in perspective most of them, ahah.
Ah, this is also the moment when I can announce that ALL skeletons will be featured in the Interlude. Should be. Hopefully.
I'd also like to point out a few narrative changes for Act 2! The central characters, in particular. Original cast characters such as Undyne, Metatton and a veiled character will be more formally introduced, but we'll also meet up with characters we've already bumped into, but in a much more concrete way, such as Frisk and Alphys. I can't wait for you to get to know them! You can also expect more pov changes, more elipses and so on. Things are moving fast.
But that begs the question. When is it due? As said before, the first Arc lasted 4 years and I'm entering my last (and most crucial) year of college. I still don't know if I'll have time to get much of it done in 2025, but on the other hand, I'd like to strike while the iron's hot lest TMS be discontinued after a 1-year hiatus and my entry into the working world. Student loan, life and all. There are still plenty of things I'd like to bring to this project, and I now have the skills to actually carry them out, but on the other hand, the time involved has also increased exponentially.
Tbh with you, as an animation student, it's been one of my dreams since 2020 to do one of TMS's sequences in animatic or full anim, or even a trailer for the comic! But as a solo team, it's just unreasonable and I know it. But the parasite ----. Don't get me wrong, I could, but it would take me months and it's just not realistic when 80% of my time has to go into professionnal work that goes into my portefolio or adult stuff. I can't affort to invest time in solo-ing it or to recruit and lead a team over one side project of mine ( ´ ▿ ` ) So we'll most likely stick to classic pages.
But the same goes for collabs, community events, side stories, asks, edits, dubs, testing other platforms, regular animatics. Love all of that. Really. But I never have the time to because, man, I'd love to actually finish TMS someday ahah. It all comes back to the age-old problem of “lots of ideas, little time”, and it's so frustrating but, it's a choice I have to stick to, so bear with me as I vent my frustration. Just for tonight (´ ∀ `, *)
So, yes. Act 2. Next year? Probably? It's a long interlude, so you'll get smth in the meantime, but it's likely to decide the future of TMS and whether Act 2 sees the light of day as I imagine it or if...well, something else replaces it.
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bringing back this doodle cuz it seems fiting lol
Anyway, I also wanted to thank you for your engagement with Part 8!
I don't know how other comic artists experience it, but for me it's a very isolated work, and as much as I love working alone, I enjoy the interaction with readers most of all.
Seeing people losing their mind over a serious scene, or chuckling at a dumb gag, or just simping over the characters and art. It's just great, and very rewarding. Likewise, I have a blast answering questions about the TMS universe, reading tags and receiving memes, witnessing people go increasingly mad with messages full of indecipherable screams and hearts. Makes me giggle and kick my feet everytime and I can't wait to drop the next lore bomb or funny scene bwahahah
And while we're on the subject, I'd like to say a special word of thanks to the legions of rebloggers who make it their business to spread the word about TMS. You sweet, lovely, candy scented folks. And to my dear mutuals - with whom I interact objectively so little - who have no idea how a single message or note from them drives me bonkers. Thanks for dropping by. And of course to my super Patreons who support me despite the sparse updates, but to whom I'm more than grateful. Love you all.
Sounds like a farewell message. It's not lol. Just making sure they get the love they deserve.
The post is getting long and I'm kind of done pretending I know how to write organized notes so to wrap things up, here's an exhaustive list of what I'd like to get done this year and/or discuss in more detail another day. •Make a new masterpost (for Act 2) •Analyze/Comment certain sequences from Act 1 to clarify or give context •Redraw and rewrite part 1 and 2 •Make more bonus content again *ahahahahahaha*
•Re open or close the Discord (partially abandoned and it's all on me, but I'm still mulling it over).
•Finish the Interlude and enjoy and nice hiatus
And that's about it? Congratulation for reading this and making it this far! You were there!
Be well, and see you next time.
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Two birthdays and a new girl to call sis - Stepbro! Nate Jacobs x reader
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tw : stepcest, cnc, creampie
It all started after Nate's dad moved out. Well, a bit after that to be precise, when Cal Jacobs finally found Derek. From then it was all sunshine and roses for the couple. But for the presumably youngest siblings in the respective families, it was a catalyst that would turn their entire lives around. They just didn't know it yet.
Nate thought that he would mind his dad leaving and putting the already rocky family dynamic of the Jacobs clan in shambles. But it was the opposite of that. His mom eventually cleaned the lobby and stopped drinking wine before noon. His brother made appearances and not just at the annual Chili booth. And most importantly of all, his dad was out of the picture, most days. With Cal gone, Nate's nightmares stopped. He stopped watching the CDs obsessively, stopped playing football as if his life depended on it, hell he even stopped tormenting both Maddy and Cassie. Now the only thing underneath his arm in the hallways was a stack of SAT preps and college applications. And that was all about to change at the drop of a hat when his dad came to stay with them for a couple of weeks. Bringing his boyfriend and Nate's new stepsister in tow. And she was a new challenge for Nate, something for him to bend and break and corrupt. She was a plate of cookies under a cellophane wrap with a note that said ''Don't touch''. And he was craving sugar more than ever. And he intended to get it, in any way he had to.
Your life had been perfect. And then it crumbled completely. It happened gradually as these things often do. Innocently enough you urged your brilliant, yet lazy brother to actually apply himself and go to a good college, instead of relying on a safety school just because he could stay home. And he did, leading him to get accepted into his dream school, which was, unfortunately, all the way in New York. Sure, he moved to college and left you with your dad. And he, in turn, was going through a midlife crisis and an empty nest syndrome all at once. It was clear from the moment Derek broke down crying as his son was packing still and couldn't stop reminiscing about family all through your trip to the school. So in order to bring back old habits he had turned to have his first drink since you were born and all in a familiar spot. And that's how he met Cal fucking Jacobs. In the same bar, they had shared their first dance together, it all came back rushing at them. And that's how you got a new stepdad. And subsequently, courtesy of the lovely motel, bedbugs. 
It's not like your dad rushed headfirst into this. It accumulated over time, just like the aforementioned vermin. Cal and he went on dates, and after a few relatively expensive meals on his side and ''your dad kept yours and your brother's birthdays as a password for everything and you were not above snooping'' on yours, you got introduced to the man. After a few more weeks of awkward ''family'' outings, Cal moved in. You made so many jokes about Uhauling that your dad almost shipped you off in one to the dorms in New York. All humor, aside you were finally happy that Derek had found the right partner after so many years. And then came the bedbugs. Awful bites that left you itching for weeks and restless. It got so bad that you couldn't sleep at night, instead you tasked yourself with hunting them down and squishing them, watching the blood linger on your dainty fingers. When Cal saw you one night stripping your bedding away and bringing it to the patio, he knew that this was his fault and that it had to stop. So he did what he had to do to stop this. He offered for you and your dad to go live with him in the Jacobs family home.
Nate simply came back from school and was greeted by 2 unfamiliar faces and one that was too familiar.
''Cal, I mean dad, what are you doing here? And who are these people.'' He vaguely gestured between the aging man and the girl that was around his age.  
"Well, this is my boyfriend and his daughter. I just started living with them.’’
  Nate took in the suitcases behind them. No way. He started asking
"So, what, you're just gonna waltz back into our lives out of nowhere with two strangers in toll. How is my mom on board with this?''
''You know your mother. She likes watching me suffer. I secretly think she got me here to see how long I can stay without cracking. Also, she can't say no to a couple of hundreds.'' Cal said smugly.
''Wonderful, you're calling the woman who birthed me and cared for me while you were gone a greedy sadist.'' Nate countered back.
''Son, let's not get into it. We have company after all.'' Cal tried to smooth things over but to no avail. 
''Oh, I forgot. You have a new family now. I wouldn't wanna scare off your perfect boyfriend and his daughter. How ironic that you now have a girl, when you can't even raise one of your sons to be a proper man. And I don't fucking mean a guy that can bench press 250, I mean a guy who doesn't hurt other people. You had to leave for me to realize how fucked up you made me, how toxic this dick-measuring contest that we were having was. I thought it ended for good, but look at me, I'm back exactly where I was the day when you walked out the door. Just like you wanted. Well, I'm not giving you the satisfaction of seeing me lose it again. See you around I guess, I'm sure I've made a great first impression.'' With that, Nate walked away and slammed the door to his room shut. Soon enough though there was a gentle knock on it. 
''Cal, get the fuck away from there,'' Nate yelled. 
''It's not Cal. It's me. I didn't introduce myself earlier, I thought that it would be nice to have someone in your corner.'' You answered. Still, on edge, he said,
''What, are you doing this because you’re feeling guilty or something? I'm usually not like that, I should be the one coming to you to apologize, but my dad, he has a certain effect on people.''
''Oh, trust me, I know. He's so grating, sometimes I just can't stand him. And everyone sees that except of course my dad. Do you have any tips and tricks for me to tune him out or something?'' You replied.
''Unfortunately, there isn't a way. But I recommend avoidance. Here, sit and talk with me a little. That way, we both won't run into him.''
''Are suggesting we work together, would you like to form an alliance with me.''
''Absolutely I do.''
''Okay, I trust any man that finishes my ''The Office'' quotes, I'm in. So, let's get to know each other. Is playing 21 questions too childish?'' 
''It is but I'll let it slide if you let me ask you first.''
''You have a deal.''
''Why did you move in here and not stay anywhere else?''
''You mean besides the fact that the bed bugs that are infesting our home right now are literally from the only motel in town. Well, also I'm homeschooled and need a place for my dad and my tutor to work with me in peace, can't imagine this to be a single room. So from time to time, I will also be invading your living room.'' a part of Nate wanted to make a reference to Mean Girls. But he just let you talk.
''How does college prep feel like,'' you asked
''Really, that's your most burning question for a guy who had a screaming match with his own dad 10 minutes ago.''
''Hey, I like to give people a second chance. So hit me with it.''
''Well, I do good enough to land a few sports scholarships, so it's not as intense. But when I'm not relying on those it gets heavy. I can give you tips, also let me know which brochures you want so I get them from the counselor's office for you.'' Nate went on. 
''Thanks. Your turn.''
''Are you an only child? I mean, there's not gonna be more unexpected quests, right I don't think my house can handle it.''
''I do have an older brother, but he's not set on coming back anytime soon. So I might be a homeschooled jungle freak, but at least I'm not a spoiled brat.''
Spoiled brat. Nate could make you that, a girl that's desperate and begging for him to stick his cock inside her, even just the tip, anything. As soon as he allowed himself to imagine that, he had to stop. It had been a while since he got laid or watched any porn, so of course, a thought like that was expected. Sensing that it got the better of him, he tried to continue the game.
''Sorry, I spaced out. I'm back now, so ask away.''
''Am I missing out on not going to school like a normal person?''
''If you like kegstands and one-night stands, sure. Other than that, not much. I'm sure you're just as smart as anyone in my class, if not smarter.'' Nate said, clearly playing to what you wanted to hear. But then, surprising even himself he asked
''Do you think this thing between our dads will work out.''
''I mean this isn't like that one gay video game where all the dads in town date each other just because they're dads. Those two really have loved each other since high school. My father used to talk about Cal all the time, the one that got away. So don't be surprised if you have me as a stepsister these days. Even if that doesn’t necessarily align with what we actually want.'' 
While a stepsister had not been on Nate's bingo card for the year, it sure was now. Through you, he would achieve the perfect revenge on his dad. Because if Cal could ruin Nate and his family, Nate could do the same to Cal. It might have been cruel to take an innocent girl as collateral damage in his plan, but you know what they say, by any means necessary. He would have to get that fucked up movie he watched on demand with Maddie, Cruel Intentions, but the plot to that didn't really fit this situation. They were more like Clueless. At least that's what he thought until a string of unexpected events proved him wrong. But that would be getting ahead of the story and we cannot rush the plot here.
''Okay, I think that this day has been a little much for me, so I'll just head to your living room and get some sleep.''
You yawned and said
''If you want, you could use my room for tonight, or always. I don't mind taking the couch.''
''Thank you, but I'll feel super bad. Plus I'm staying only for a few days.''
If only you knew how wrong you were. You did find that out at a ''family'' dinner. Through some twisted turn of fate, everyone in the house could eat together and they did. Nate's mom and brother were sitting on one side, followed by him, you, your dad, and finally Cal. Then at the end of the dinner, everyone was enjoying dessert when the former Jacobs family patriarch stood up and tapped his knife against his long empty wine glass.
''Everyone, I have an announcement. We're getting engaged.''
''You're getting what. But you barely know each other.'' you protested. You also absentmindedly gripped Nate's arm for support. He, in turn, took that as an invitation to squeeze your thing, his fingers lingering on your skin a little longer than appropriate.
''We've known each other since high school, It may seem a little rushed to you, but to us, it has been long overdue.'' Your dad interjected in a stern tone.
''Well, Cal, it seems like you have a pattern. At least I'll just be a guest at this shotgun wedding '' Nate's mom replied.
''How did you even decide that? This changes everything, you're not just playing house anymore, you're introducing complete strangers into our families. '' Nate added.
''Yes, isn't this exciting? Also, you can't call yourselves strangers, we're already living together and eating together. In fact, just look at this table. We are all sitting here as if this is our thousandth meal together. It inspires me to have nights like this for the rest of my life.''  Cal said
''Yeah, what a night indeed. I think we should all sit and process this information in our own way.'' Nate replied and demonstratively left the table. Surprisingly, you followed him out.
Nate helped you into his car and drove to the store, where you got ice cream and he got beer and you both ended up sharing them in the backseat. When you snuggled into him, tipsy and tired, he wanted to leave everything and just devour you in the back of the jeep. But Nate wanted you to be fully into him when he had you, to be aware and feeling every single inch of him. So he resisted and just drove to the house, where he carried you to the couch and tucked you in.
Nate has planned to ignore you, for the time being, to make you come to him. After all, that's what worked with Cassie, leave them cold and they will be begging for you. Not that he expected you to send him continuous texts like the blonde, but anything was a start. And it seemed to be working. You'd ask to go somewhere with him, forgoing your usual bus route, trying to get him to drive you. Or you would fake being a family with a proposal for movie night. And as much as he wanted to spend a couple of hours in front of the TV watching you laugh at a cheesy movie, he refused. He used late-night practices and early morning classes as an excuse. He even considered faking a date but realized that it would do more harm than good.
So he was beyond surprised to see you dolled up on the couch with a much older guy. You were studying, by the looks of it, textbooks and highlighters all over his mom's expensive leather sofa. But you, you seemed to treat this as more of a date, twirling a pencil in your pigtails, how predictable of you, and asking the man to repeat basic concepts that you already knew. But Nate could not control you, as much as he wanted to. He decided to not embarrass you, by asking if you had just bought your pink gloss or if your dad was aware of how short your skirt was. He just said.
''Hey, sis. Working hard as usual. Let me know when you're done, we can work on dinner together, make it a little easier on the old folks when they come home, how about that.''
And you just barely registered him, responding back with a hmm and still not taking your eyes off of the older man. Oh, Nate was going to get you back for this later. If you even remembered to come to him, that is.
But you did, like an obedient puppy. He first looked you up to see any signs of ruined lipgloss or a rumple in your shirt. When he found none, he relaxed and headed to the kitchen.
''So, who was that?'' Nate said, trying to keep his voice steady.
''Oh, that's my private tutor. Daddy hired him, cause well I'm kinda shit at math and it runs in the family. So I'm getting all the help I can get.'' Daddy, you said fucking daddy. He swore that you were giving him kinks that he thought were disgusting before. Two could play the teasing game. And Nate was about to up the heat, literally. As soon as you looked away, he turned the oven up and asked you to take out the food. Watching you touch the hot metal of the door and wince, he replied.
''The oven mitts are always missing when you need them. Here, I'll help you out.'' 
Nate took off his shirt and watched as you admired his toned body. Bet your tutor did not have this. He wrapped the shirt over the handle and opened the oven door, letting the dish cool down. But his temper still hadn’t. So he asked,
''And what's the deal with that your tutor? You acted a little different than usual around him. Do you have a crush on him or something?''
''Is it that obvious, god? But yeah I do. ''
''Isn't that kind of, you know ... '' sick is the word he wanted to use.                    ''Unconventional, yes. But I do love a taboo romance. In theory, I haven't had any. So don't go snitching to my dad.'' you replied
‘’Sure, for a price, the best way to get silence is to buy it.’’
‘’I have 5 bucks to my name, take it or leave it.’’
‘’You think I’m that cheap.’’ After that, he grabbed a wooden spoon and smacked your ass with it. To his surprise, instead of scolding him or cursing you let out a moan. Turning red you made an excuse and then scrambled out of the room quickly.  Meanwhile, Nate added this interaction to his spank bank which was now becoming a literal spank bank.
Despite all the moments charged with sexual tension between the two of you, Nate seemed to keep his morals intact. Or at least keep up this cat-and-mouse game for a little longer. But then that night came (spoiler alert it wouldn’t be the only thing coming). Nate had woken up in the middle of the night, very thirsty. While he was salty that you were into another man, he also made your food salty. He made his way down the stairs, watching his footsteps in order to not wake you. But judging by the sounds he was hearing you were not asleep. He just saw movement under the couch blanket and then he was seeing red. Nate dramatically tossed the blanket from you, eager to beat up the person who was defiling his sister. Instead, he saw your shocked face, your phone on your chest and your hands were desperately clutching something small that was vibrating. At least you were alone. That still didn't calm his anger enough, because you were still getting pleasure from something that wasn’t him. 
‘’Nate don’t look’’ you said, before feeling a hand go over your mouth. And despite your stepbrother actually not looking before, he did now. Your face was red and your pupils were wide. Your nipples were hard and visible through your shirt. Your shorts were pulled down, with your panties to the side, revealing your slick cunt. Nate cupped your wetness and for a minute he contemplated starting to fuck you right then and there. But one look at your concerned face was enough to stop him right in his tracks. If he was gonna do this, at least you had to enjoy it. So he pulled your arms closer to himself instead and squeezed them a bit too hard, causing you to drop whatever you were holding. First, he reached for your phone to check if you were on call with someone. What he saw was more surprising. You were listening to an audiobook about a steamy romance between a girl and her stepbrother. Your own stepbrother took pleasure in leaning down to where you were and whispering the synopsis in your ear in a low voice. He could practically feel your heartbeat against him and he knew that you were feeling his hardon. Then he retreated back and grabbed the second item you had been holding. It was a necklace that he had seen you wearing a couple of times, the long shape of the pendant always perplexing him. And all this time it had been a vibrator. This just got a lot more interesting
‘’Promise to be quiet and I won’t snitch on you,’’ Nate said and retreated his hand from your mouth. But as soon as you began explaining he pressed the vibrator right against your clit.
‘’Naaaateee’’ you moaned unexpectedly and just let him do it, chasing your pleasure. After all, there was nothing wrong with him simply holding your sex toy against you. It was taboo at best. As long as that was all your stepbrother did it would be fine. But of course Nate had other plans. He put two fingers inside of you, fuck you were so tight and clenching around him. For a second he didn’t move them because you were so tense, so he focused the vibe on your clit until you opened up for him. 
‘’Please, be gentle. It’s too much.’’. He slowed down his pace, almost pulling them out of you entirely.
‘’Should I stop then,’’ he asks as he’s barely touching you. You just shake your head, too shy to actually say it. 
‘’Keep going, I just wanna cum, make me.’’ you clench against him, and thrust, fucking yourself on his fingers. He trails the vibrator against your opening, coating it in your juices and then brings it back to its place. He then speeds up his fingers inside of you, thrusting in and out and curling them up. After a couple minutes you cum.
You’re so dazed that you just close your eyes and pant. For a few minutes you don’t feel anything but pleasure. And then you realize he’s teasing your opening with the tip of his penis. Your tongue feels thick in your mouth,and you’re about to protest when he kisses you and thrusts inside of you.
You thrashed around like a woman possessed hushedly whispering ‘’no’’ and ‘’stop’’.
He pressed his body against you and thrusts again, chasing his pleasure.
‘’Nate, it hurts, this is my first time.’’ you say. You still haven’t gotten used to his size or his tempo. So he stops for a moment and moves slowly, filling you out completely. Then pulling it out almost to the end. He does this a couple more times, until you say ‘’okay, give me more.’’. Apparently that’s all you need to say for him to go absolutely feral. He spreads your legs further and lifts them by your head. Then he moves in the space in between them and starts shallowly thrusting. You cum and he doesn't stop. He comes and he doesn’t stop. You feel his seed inside you, hot and sticky as he thrusts a couple more times. He then rolls down to the floor for a few minutes. Once he’s regained his breath he takes you in his arms in a bridal carry and gets you up the stairs to his room, his cum dripping down your legs. So much for family bonding
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h00nerz · 11 months
law of attraction!
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masterlist | 1k celebration
pairing: fem!reader x choi soobin
genre: angst kinda, rivals to lovers, law student!soobin, law student!reader, pining, kinda fluffy at the end
word count: 3.6k
warnings: soobin is a lil mean sometimes, veeerry suggestive, but that’s it i think
prompt(s): #33 — “i can’t pretend anymore.” #34 — “you’re all i can think about.” #49 — “i can’t get you out of my head.” “…thanks?”
requested: “hii!! i hope ur doing well <3 could i req 33, 34, 49 and 50?? thank u <333333333” — anon
authors note: haha another enemies to lovers! tbf it’s not my fault most of the requests were enemies to lovers themed. anyways i had been wanting to do a law intern thing for someone for a long time and i thought it would fit for soob! i got a lil carried away while writing this LOL i hope u enjoy!!
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IN LIFE, THERE WAS ONLY THREE THINGS YOU WERE SURE OF. First, sparkling water is stupid. Just drink soda or water instead, there’s no point in pretending you’re better than anyone else when in reality it’s just that you can’t pick a side! The second thing you knew was you were born to be a lawyer. Arguing was in your blood, there was no doubt you were going to make an incredible attorney one day. The third and final thing that you knew for certain was that you hated Choi Soobin.
Freaking Choi Soobin. In the past, you never thought you’d be the kind of person to have a nemesis. The whole concept of having an enemy seemed childish, and like something that only happened in movies. But, then you met Soobin, and everything changed. You hated him, and his smug little attitude, and he hated you, too.
You know, there was actually a point in time where you didn’t hate Soobin. It sounds crazy, but there was actually a time you might have called him a friend. Back when you were just a baby-faced girl, fresh out of high school and filled with excitement for your first college course. Soobin sat next to you, and you bonded over your desire to one day go to law school. But, then he betrayed you when he told the guy you liked, Hwang Hyunjin, that he saw you kissing the TA for your class, and from that moment on, Choi Soobin was your enemy.
And of course, as your enemy, he just had to apply to intern at the same firm as you. He had followed you to the same law school, so it was no surprise he followed you there, too. But you were starting to grow tired of his ever looming presence. After you graduated, you wouldn’t be surprised if he got a job at the same place as you, just to piss you off.
After a long morning of sorting through the mess of files in the basement of the office, it was finally time for your lunch break. You had been standing with your shoulders hunched over for hours, and you were positive your back was about to break from the stress.
“Y/N!” One of the only other interns in the office, and your only friend in the office, Sumin, called out to you once you appeared back upstairs. “I thought you were out sick or something, where have you been?” She stood up from her desk and wandered over to you.
“I was exiled to the basement. There’s files from like, 20 years ago down there, it’s a mess.” You groaned as she followed you towards the break room, rubbing your shoulder as you walked.
Sumin winced. “Ooh, yeah. Sana was telling me about how when she was an intern here, she had to go down there once, and found a rat skeleton.”
“What?!” You gasped in horror, a little bit louder than you meant to. “That was like, ten years ago though, right? It must have been cleaned up since then, right? Because I don’t think I can work around dead rats, no matter how bad I need this internship.”
You heard a laugh from the corner of the break room, and felt yourself become filled with dread. With your jaw clenched tightly, you slowly turned to face the direction of the noise. There he was, sitting at the little table with a cup of ramen in front of him and his phone propped up in front of him.
“Soobin.” You glared at him. Sumin, bless her heart, tried to pretend she couldn’t sense the tension as she slowly opened up the door to the fridge.
“You know why they sent you to the basement, right, Y/N?” Soobin asked, raising his eyebrows at you.
“No, but I’m sure you’re about to tell me.” You rolled your eyes, turning to the fridge to fish out the salad you brought for lunch.
“Because they don’t trust you enough to do the important stuff.” He told you with an amused tone to his voice.
You spun around, slamming the fridge door behind you. “Really? Remind me, who did Taemin pick to help him with the Park case? Me! Not you!” You snapped, jabbing your finger in his direction pointedly.
“Y/N!” Sumin hissed your name scoldingly, as though he wasn’t the one who started it.
Soobin’s smug smile twisted into a scowl at your reminder. “That’s just because I had the flu and wasn’t here. You were just his second choice.”
You had successfully managed to get under his skin--which wasn’t very hard--and were satisfied as you sat down at one of the other tables with Sumin. “Sure, Soobin. Keep telling yourself that.”
He started to raise his hand, like he was going to make some sort of rude gesture at you, but flinched and tucked his hand beneath the table when someone else walked into the room. You furrowed your eyebrows together, and turned in your seat to see who it was. His ears must have been burning, because Taemin himself had decided to join the three of you.
“Oh, hi, guys.” He smiled at you as he walked over to the fridge. You glanced over at Soobin over Sumin’s shoulder. He was staring back at you, with his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched.
That was another thing about Soobin that had always bothered you. Especially in moments like now, where he looked like he was seconds away from murdering you, no matter how hard you tried to ignore it, he was extremely attractive. You had always thought so, even back a million years ago when you were friends. His dark eyes and his perfectly shaped lips just did something to you that you were slightly ashamed of.
You swallowed hard, diverting your attention down to your salad. You could already feel your skin becoming hot, and there was absolutely no way you could ever let Soobin get even an inkling that you might be attracted to him. It was just all so humiliating.
“Y/N, Soobin, I actually need to talk to the both of you. Could you meet me in my office after you finish lunch?” Taemin asked, and you immediately looked back over to Soobin to see if he knew what it was about. His eyebrows were furrowed together, though, and he looked just as confused as you.
“Um, do you mind me asking why?” You asked hesitantly, looking over at your boss.
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. I just need your help with something.” He reassured the two of you wish a smile.
When he left the break room, you could hear Soobin grumbling in his corner. You wanted to ask him what he’d done to get you both in trouble, but you were also not in the mood to fight with him. Not when you had to go and face Taemin in just a few minutes. He said it was nothing bad, but you weren’t sure you believed him.
While you finished eating your food, Soobin stood by the doorway, huffing dramatically as he waited for you. Just for that, you took the smallest bites you could, which just made him even more annoyed. Sumin was clearly feeling very awkward as she ate her food, eyes flickering between you and Soobin like she was waiting for one of you to attack the other.
Once you had taken the final bite, Soobin stomped over, and grabbed your wrist to tug you out of your seat. “Clean up for her, will you, Sumin? I’m sure you already do that a lot.” He asked your friend, before dragging you out of the break room before you got the chance to protest.
Finally, you snatched your wrist free from his grip, rubbing the sore spot as you trailed after him in the direction of Taemin’s office. “Ugh, you’re such an ass, you know that?” You murmured.
“Me? You’re the one purposefully taking forever when our boss is literally waiting for both of us.” He snapped at you.
You don’t say anything else, worried that someone else in the office might hear your childish squabble.
When the two of you finally reached Taemin’s office, Soobin opened the door, and you’re shocked when he gestured for you to walk in first. Then, you remembered how much of a suck-up he is, and that your boss was on the other side. You shot him a glare as you walked in.
“Oh, good! You’re here!” Taemin greeted the two of you. “Please, sit.”
You obliged him, sitting down on the small couch across from his desk. Soobin sat down as well, and you immediately noticed his leg pressed up against your own. The same heat you felt before spread across your skin like a wildfire, and you cleared your throat.
“So, as you know, the Kang vs. Choi trial is happening next week. Now, Jun was supposed to be in charge of sorting through all the files and compiling them into binders, but his appendix burst and he had to get surgery.” He rolled his eyes, as though Jun was just being dramatic.
“So, now I have fifteen boxes full of papers that need to be sorted through… And I need to get them to the Court tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?!” You blurted out, eyes wide.
Taemin nodded. “I know, it’s short notice, but Jun claims he had been ‘busy’ and was ‘getting around to it’ before his appendix burst. So, I was hoping you two would be willing to stay late tonight and finish his work.”
“Tonight?! But—“ Soobin started, but was cut off by Taemin.
“You don’t have to do it. I’m more than happy to ask one of the other interns. I figured you two would just like the opportunity to help me out with this…”
“Absolutely yes, Taemin! I can’t speak for Soobin, but I would be delighted to help you with this!” You might as well have held up your hand in salute from how militaristic your answer came out.
Soobin glared at you. “Yes, I am also very willing to help you.” He said as formally as possible, but he couldn’t hide the slight annoyance in his tone.
Taemin smiled. “Great! I’ll have Jisung bring up the boxes, then you can get to work later!” He told you, which you took as your cue to leave.
Soobin trailed after you as you left the office and started to return to your desks. “I can’t believe he’s making us work all night to sort through a bunch of boxes.” He muttered.
“What, did you have a hot date tonight, or something?” You teased, glancing at him over your shoulder.
He raised an eyebrow. “Why? Are you jealous?” He asked, and you immediately scoffed in response.
“Why in the world would I be jealous? If anything I would feel bad for whatever poor soul has been tricked into a date with you.” You quickly snapped back at him.
“Whatever you say, Y/N.” He said with a sigh.
You hated that a small, minuscule part of you was happy he didn’t have a date.
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BY THE TIME EVERYONE ELSE HAD CLEARED OUT OF THE OFFICE, you and Soobin had managed to get through seven boxes. It was nine o’clock at night, and the exhaustion, as well as the hunger was starting to hit you. You still had eight boxes to go through, and you weren’t sure how you were going to make it through the night.
“God, I’m so hungry.” You muttered as you picked through the papers in the box you were currently working on.
You expected him to make some snarky comment or something, but he didn’t. Instead he just let out a small hum in agreement. “Me too. Should we try ordering some food?” He suggested.
You nodded, then made the mistake of glancing over at him. At some point during your sorting, he had lost his tie, unbuttoned his shirt down to the middle of chest, and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. His dark hair, which had been meticulously styled when he came into work that morning, was now a disheveled mess. There was a thin sheen of sweat that glistened against his skin. He looked way too good under the soft glow of the office lighting.
“Sure. If anywhere is even open.” You replied, eyes flickering back down to your box.
“I know a good place. I order from there all the time when I’m working late.” He said plainly.
“You work late a lot?” You asked as you pulled out a thick stack of papers.
“Yeah. I mean, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. I just… I dunno, assumed that you had other things to do besides work…” You shrugged.
He leaned back against the table he was working at as he worked on ordering food on his phone. “Why would you assume that?” He glanced up at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“I don’t know. I guess I just thought that a good looking guy like you would have a bunch of girlfriends and friends to hang out with.” You felt your face grow warm as you worked, once again avoiding his gaze like it was the plague.
He laughed. “Yeah, I wish. I’m way too busy for that…” His voice trailed off, and you could feel him look up from his phone to look at you. “You think I’m a good looking guy?”
You shook your head, while you started tapping the papers against the table to straighten them out. “No, I didn’t mean it like I think you’re good looking. Just, like, you’re objectively a good looking guy. I think. Sumin thinks you’re good looking. Not me, I definitely don’t—“ Your hand got too close to the paper, and you felt the edge slice straight through your palm.
You hissed loudly, dropping the papers onto the table. “Stupid fucking paper.” You muttered to yourself, and Soobin wasted no time rushing to your side.
“Did you cut yourself? Do you need me to go get a bandaid or something?”
“No, it’s fine. I just need to go and rinse it off.” You told him, trying to push past him in the direction of the bathroom. He pressed one of his big hands against your shoulder to stop you.
“Just let me get you a bandaid.” He rolled his eyes at you. “I think Sana keeps some in her desk…” He mumbled as he started digging through the said woman’s drawers.
You huffed, turning around to lean back against the desk. “You better hurry. I think I’m about to bleed out and die.” You called out to him.
He glanced up to give you that same annoyed look he always seemed to wear around you. “Maybe I should let you. Then I wouldn’t have to put up with you everyday.”
“But then who would keep you on your toes?” You asked pointedly. He finally found a bandaid, and started walking back over. “Admit it, Soobin. You need me.”
He didn’t say anything, instead focusing on opening up the bandaid. He held out his hand, gesturing for you to put yours in, which you did hesitantly. He had really soft hands.
You watched as he gently pulled off the tabs of the bandage, then laid it across your palm. He used one of his long, slender fingers to smooth it down and make it stick.
It wasn’t until he glanced back up at you when you realized how close he was to you. His dark eyes met your own, and you had the instinct to look away, but something about his gaze had you entranced, and you couldn’t look away, no matter how hard you tried.
“Fuck,” he breathed out, hanging his head down. He took a step back from you, and it felt like a warmth had disappeared. You blinked at him as he ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t pretend anymore, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?” You asked quietly, although you had a feeling you knew exactly what he meant, because it was the same thing you were thinking.
“I can’t pretend like you’re not all I can think about. At work, at home, at school, I can’t get you out of my head.” He confessed, and for a second the insecure part of you thought he might have been saying all of this as some sort of cruel joke, but the look in his eyes told you it wasn’t.
“Thanks…?” You played stupid, tilting your head at him. You needed him to just come out and say it, to confirm you weren’t crazy, and what was happening was really happening.
He let out a frustrated sigh. “When we were freshmen… And I told Hwang Hyunjin you were kissing the TA…”
Your ears perked up. Was he finally going to explain what that was all about, after all these years?
“It was because Hyunjin told me he was planning to ask you out. And I got jealous because I wanted to ask you out, but was too scared to do it.”
“You did?” You asked quietly.
He nodded. “Of course I did. You were smart, funny, and gorgeous, of course I wanted to ask you out.” He was avoiding your eyes now, his cheeks tinted pink.
“And… How do you feel about me now?”
“I feel like you’re incredibly annoying, and sometimes you’re a bit of a know-it-all, and some days you dress sort of like a grandma—“
“—but I also think you’re smart, probably smarter than me. And you still manage to make me laugh. And even though you do dress like a grandma…”
Your heart jumped up into your throat when he started walking back over to you, getting just as close to you as he had been before. But then he got even closer, leaning down so his lips were aligned with your ear.
“…You look like a sexy grandma.” He whispered in a low, sultry voice.
You immediately burst into laughter. “Oh wow, Soobin, you really know how to get a girl going.” You told him with a laugh, and he leaned back to look at you with narrowed eyes.
“Shut up.” He murmured while you continued to giggle.
“Here, let me show you how it’s done, okay?” You wrapped your fingers around the collar of his shirt, and gave it a tug so you could lean in close to him. You didn’t say anything for a moment, just letting yourself catch your breath.
“Are you just going to breathe in my ear the entire time?” Soobin asked in an irritated tone.
You shook your head. “No. I’m going to tell you, that right now, with your sleeves rolled up…” You gently dragged your fingernails against his bare forearms, and you felt him shiver. “And your shirt unbuttoned…” Your hand traveled upwards to trail across his exposed collarbone. “And your messy hair…” You reached around to brush your fingers against the hair on the nape of his neck.
“You look incredibly sexy.”
He leaned back and immediately bent back down to connect your lips to his. He kissed you harshly, like you were the only thing that could cure his hunger. His big hands found home on your hips, while your own nestled themselves deeper in his hair. Just like you had predicted, his lips were perfect for kissing.
One of his hands let go of your waist, and you heard a scuffle behind you. For a brief moment, you pulled away from the kiss to see what was going on, just to find he had slid everything off of your desk. With it all clear, his hands wrapped around your thighs, and he lifted you up onto the desk and slotted himself between your legs.
He went back to kissing you like a mad man, using one arm to hold you close against him by your waist and the other to stabilize himself against the desk. Your fingers moved quickly across the buttons of his shirt, undoing each one until the shirt was completely open. As you started to trace your fingers against his abdomen, he slid the hand that was wrapped around your waist under your shirt, practically burning against your bare skin.
Just as he was starting to prod at your lips with his tongue, there was a loud banging noise, which caused you to help and immediately cling onto Soobin.
“Oh my god! We’re gonna die! The killers always go for the people making out first!” You wail, digging your fingers into his collar to keep him close to you.
He rolled his eyes. “I take back what I said about you being smart.” He said with a sigh, and you gasped loudly.
“Shut up, you ass!” You hissed at him, smacking his chest and pulling away from him.
He gave you a lopsided smile. “Kidding. Anyways, I’m pretty sure it’s just our food.” He told you with a sigh, staring down at you while his thumb brushed against your swollen lip.
You shivered. “I guess we can always… Finish this later, right?” You asked quietly. As much as it pained you, you were still starving, and had lots of work left to do.
He pouted. “Promise?”
You nodded, then sat up to gently press your lips against his. As you sat back, you smiled at his dazed expression. “I promise.”
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permanent tag list: @jakeshands @exohclipse @ttyunz @i1l0-n4 @mazeinthemoon @luvsoobs @n0-thisispatrick @arizzu @cosmicuwu @naveries @yeonboy @blaaiissee
other tags: @haohyo @gyumibear @heartsforhyunjin
530 notes · View notes
erinlindsayy · 11 months
professor || carol danvers
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ . ┊ You're Carol's designated note taker, and usually the one teaching her a few things. What happens when you give her the wrong set of notes?
➺  warnings: dirty talk, spanking, edging, violent use of straps, carol danvers tops (but I fully believe she's a switch now), umm... general unholiness, bratting, etc.
✧   a/n: surprise... I'm back... more content coming soon... I promise I've got a val/carol/r fic coming soon, but this popped into my head and I couldn't resist... JOCK COLLEGE CAROL, OK? JOCK RUGBY COLLEGE CAROL.
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★ requests are open–I write for a number of fandoms! just ask :)
☆ comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated ☆
“Can any of you attempt to discern meaning from this week’s assigned reading? Why might I have selected this particular work for you all?” asks Professor Valkyrie, starting class for the day. Your hand immediately raises, and she nods in your direction. 
“Well, was not Beckett’s entire point to find meaning in the absence of conventional meaning?” 
Professor Valkyrie, nods. 
‘Interesting thought,” she says. “Care to elaborate?”
“Well,” you begin. “Beckett created a landscape for us that is so alien and foreign, and unlike what we know. The play does not include any symbolic elements, and it does not really go anywhere. You might try to make meaning out of the carrot that Didi and Gogo share, or the leaves appearing on the tree, but they literally mean nothing. At the end of the play--we, as well as Vladimir and Estragon, are all still waiting for Godot. So, in a sense, there is no meaning, but perhaps there is meaning in the fact that there is no intended meaning.” 
“Good,” replies Professor Valkyrie. “As always, a carefully articulated and thoroughly crafted response. Excellent work as usual.” 
You smile politely, and fall back into your seat as Professor Valkyrie continues to lecture about Samuel Beckett and the wonderful nature and reality of Waiting for Godot. 
Meanwhile, you’ve jotted at the top of your notes, in big bold letters ‘I hate this play!’ 
After all, the ability to just to understand and converse about a work of literature does not mean that one has to enjoy it. 
After class, you’re stopped, as usual, by the one and only  Carol Danvers. Resident jock, captain of the division one team, aspiring pilot, rumored sex god extrodinare, Carol Danvers. She’s quite the legend around campus, but not exactly for her work ethic as it pertains to academic pursuits, which are... lacking, to put it politely. 
“Do you have my notes for me,” she asks, holding her hand out. “I need to at least act like I’m going to study tonight, right?” 
You roll your eyes. “Carol, why do you ask for my notes if you never use them? You do realize that mere possession of the notes will not translate into you understanding the material, yes? You have to actually read them in order for the information to enter your head.” 
Your reply is snarky, short and snappy, but you’re fed up with Carol at this point. She asks you for notes in all the classes you share together (which, granted, is not many,) but never seems to read them or take any of her classes very seriously. Carol narrows her eyes at the response. 
“I’ll just sleep on them? Os--” 
You cut her off, finishing her sentence. 
“--mosis does not apply, Carol. You know that. You cannot absorb the material through the pores of your skin. Read the notes, and actually try for once, or stop bothering me. I could be taking notes for myself, rather than focusing on summarizing all of the lectures so that you can stuff them into your bag, never to see the light of day again. Don’t ask me for notes again unless you’re ready to be serious.” 
With that, you hastily pull out a few papers from your bag, not bothering to double check if they were the correct ones or not. You shove the papers into Carol’s and turn away sharply, not bothering to look back. Granted, you were headed in the completely wrong direction, but you weren’t about to give Carol the satisfaction of seeing your face again. 
Of course, Carol knows that you hardly need notes for your own purposes. Summarizing the lectures for her provides you with the information you need to keep your own mind sharp, with years of literary study and reading filling in the blanks to broader context for you. But still, you love to hassle her. Carol does feel guilty occasionally, knowing how much work you put into the notes you take for her. They’re always organized, and you write important little tidbits down in the margins. She always glances at them, but can never bring herself to actually study the notes. 
Tonight is different. Carol is inspired, reenergized by your scathing talk. She sits down at her desk, and finally pulls out the notes you gave her. She reads the first line, and laughs to herself. 
These definitely weren’t the notes she meant to give me, she thinks to herself. 
You’re startled out of your evening study session by a loud ding from your phone. Normally, you wouldn’t check your phone in the middle of studying, but you’re intrigued. 
Your jaw drops slightly when you notice that the text is from Carol. 
8:57 hey. I’ve got a question about the notes
You’re shocked. Carol actually... read the notes? 
9:00 Shoot for it. How can I help? 
9:01 Well. The notes weren’t really on Waiting for Godot
9:04 Oh. Did I give you a repeat copy of last weeks’?
9:05 Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that they’re standard academic notes
You roll your eyes at her comment, typing out a harsh response before deleting it and sending a far more cordial reply. 
9:06 Oh? 
9:07 Well, for starters, I don’t think that Waiting for Godot has anything to do with sex. 
Attached to her text is a picture of your recent exploration of the things that turned you on, or as you aptly named it “An empirical study of the things that make me wet.” 
You’d never meant for anyone to see it, ever. It was purely a list of the things that you desperately wanted to try, things you enjoyed watching and reading, various things that interested you. 
You’d written the list mostly as a joke, as a way to get the ideas out of your head. You wondered how it even found your way into your backpack, and you’re ready to curl up into a ball and cry when Carol texts you again. 
9:13 I could help you, you know
9:14 I have a few things that I could teach you
9:15 What do you say we make a deal? 
You swallow thickly, intrigued. 
9:17 What sort of deal? 
9:19 You teach me literature. 
9:21 I’ll fulfill your deepest fantasies. (And take you out on a date ;) )
You blink slowly, unable to process the words appearing on your screen. A date? Lessons in sex? It all seems to be far too much to handle, and you’re not sure if Carol is serious. The prospect is alluring, however, and you can’t help but admit that you’ve had the tiniest (largest) of crushes on Carol ever since you saw her in that signature leather jacket of hers, kicking her legs up against the desk in front of her, even if your feelings were against your better judgment. You knew she was aware of this fact, and the way you were always angry around him for some odd reason. 
9:24 If this is a joke, it isn’t funny, Carol. 
9:30 I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow. Be ready. We’re getting pasta.  
“So. You want to be a pilot, but now you’re here playing rugby and studying literature?”
Carol shrugs. 
“My best friend Maria and I were supposed to enlist together, but some shit happened and he needed me to stick around. I’ve always been good at rugby even though my dad hated that I played sports, and so I stuck around here. Got a full scholarship for rugby, and put the dream of flying aside. The academy will always be there. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s what Maria needed. I couldn’t just leave her when she needed me most.” 
You smile softly at Carol, shocked by her sudden display of emotion. She’s clearly conflicted, and her eyes drift up to the sky, staring wistfully at the dimming horizon. 
“I think that’s very brave of you, Carol. You’re a really good friend,” you say, reaching out to place a hand atop hers in a sudden burst of confidence. The evening had been oddly pleasant, and conversation flowed between the two of you. Granted, Carol was still somewhat of an egotistical jerk, but she was obviously emotionally conflicted, and she had sacrificed her biggest dream to help her closest friend when she needed it most.  
Carol looks down at your hand, tensing up for a second before flipping her palm to meet yours and giving your hand a quick squeeze. 
“I’m alright, ok? I don’t want you worrying about me.” 
You nod. Carol smiles, and moves to stand up. 
“What do you say we get out of here, and head back to my place? Maybe watch a movie?” 
You smile, nodding at Carol. “I’d like that a lot,” you whisper. “I’d like that.” 
Carol holds her hand out to you, helping you up out of your chair. You move to pull your hand out of hers, assuming she meant to just assist you up, but she holds on firmly as the two of you walk back to her vintage red Mustang. 
The drive back to her apartment is filled with throwbacks from the 90s, widows open and hair wild. You’re both singing the words of the songs obnoxiously, relishing in the sweet freedom of the open night. 
When you finally reach her apartment, your eyes are bright and your hair is messy. You look over at Carol, messy hair strewn about. You begin to laugh uncontrollably, with Carol joining shortly after upon seeing your own windblown look. 
When the laughter finally succeeds, you look over at Carol to find her gazing at you intently. You laugh apprehensively, but Carol’s gaze does not falter.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful,” she asks. 
You nod your head slowly. “Not really, no.” 
“But you had a boyfriend?” 
You nod. “It wasn’t really the best of situations. I’ve since come to many realizations about myself since then.” 
Carol smiles. “Well, then I guess I’ll just have to tell you as many times as I possibly can to make up for the lack of times you’ve been told that.” 
“Carol, I don’t even know how to respond to that,” you sputter out. 
“So don’t.” 
Carol leans in over the middle of the car, hesitantly pressing her lips against yours in a tender kiss. You’re surprised at first, but you lean into the kiss, melting against her mouth. Your hands tangle in her already messy hair, and you smile against her lips. The kiss intensifies as your hands begin to roam down Carol’s back, fingers itching to explore. She pulls her hands off of you, smiling softly. 
“Let’s head inside, Princess. We can have a lot more fun in my bedroom than we ever will out here.” 
You nod your head, eagerly anticipating the next steps. 
When you reach her apartment, he leads you past the kitchen, flipping on various light switches as she heads through the living room, finally reaching her bedroom. It’s surprisingly neat, with framed photos of her and a woman that you guessed was her friend Maria. There’s a small pin shaped like a sort of star resting atop her desk, with a framed photo of an adorable orange kitten. Her bed is neatly made, and the room is incredibly put together. 
“You like it, huh?” 
You jump, startled by Carol’s voice. 
“Yeah. Um, it’s very nice,” you reply. “Super neat.” 
Carol laughs. 
“Yeah, for all my disorganization at school, I do like to keep my apartment pretty tidy.” 
Carol walks over to her desk and picks up your list. 
“I think this belongs to you, my darling. We don’t have to do anything with it, or even speak of it again should you so wish that to be the case.” 
You bite your lip, considering your options. 
“Were you really serious, Carol?” 
Your heart is beating fast, and your palms are beginning to grow clammy. 
She laughs. 
“Of course I was serious, Princess. Why would I offer if I wasn’t?” 
You look down, mumbling your answer out. 
“I didn’t really think someone like you would ever be interested in someone like me, honestly.” 
Carol laughs, walking over to you. She gently tilts your chin up, meeting your eyes. 
“Hey. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, and you drive me up a wall when you’re yelling at me to fucking finally read your notes, as you so kindly put it in your own words. Of course I would be interested in a girl like you. You’re incredible.” 
She kisses you softly, slipping hers hands underneath your sweater. Breaking away for a second, she whispers to stop her if anything is too much. Green for go, she says. Red for stop. 
Her hands roam up your body, making their way up to your neck. She gently squeezes at the column of your throat, whispering in your ear. 
“I noticed you had this on your list, Princess. I did read your notes this time, and I did study up. I know all the things that could make you tick. And yet, I still want to hear you tell me what you want. You want me to choke you? Squeeze your throat till you’re begging me to stop?” 
“Yes, please,” you moan out. 
“Then use your words, Princess. Mmm... and what else should we do today? What other things from your little list do you want to try? I know you don’t want to start off simple... You even said so yourself. Tell me with your words, Princess. Tell me what you want.” 
You gasp, head tipping back as Carol’s hands resume their exploration of your body. 
“Cat got your tongue, Princess? Normally you’re so vocal during class... Why change now?” 
You moan again, unable to speak properly as Carol’s fingers find your nipples, gently pinching. He pinches harder when you are unable to answer her question. 
Moving hers hand to cup your jaw, he harshly tilts your face to look at him. 
“Answer me, Princess. I’m growing impatient and I don’t have all day. Normally you’re so quick to answer. What a shame.” 
“Put me in my place, please,” you gasp out, voice breaking. “I want you to edge me and spank me and punish me and tell me what a naughty little girl I’ve been, touching myself to the thought of you. I want to eat you out while I’m forced to touch myself, unable to cum without your permission. I want you to choke me as you pound me into the mattress with your cock, reminding me of my place. I want to be your good little girl, moaning only your name as you show me who I belong to.” 
Carol smirks. 
“I’ll be honest—I always knew you had a thing for me. You weren’t exactly discreet. The secret is, I had a thing for you too. I wasn’t expecting you to write about me in your notes, though. And I definitely wasn’t expecting you to write something like that ever. Our little teacher’s pet, our good little girl, the smartest girl in class—and such filthy thoughts! Didn’t take me long to figure out who the mysterious blonde figure was. You wrote some pretty explicit stuff in there, Princess. You’re such a filthy little whore... So many dirty thoughts! Imagine if those notes had fallen into the wrong hands...” 
Carol’s hands dip to the edge of your sweater, swiftly pulling it off of your body. She cocks an eyebrow at you upon seeing the lacy navy blue bodysuit underneath that you’d specifically selected for tonight. 
“Did you wear this just for me?” 
You nod. 
“Good girl. I like the way you think. Now, take off those pants for me. While you’re at it, get rid of that lacey little thing. It’s pretty, but you’re prettier.” 
You obey her quickly, shedding every stitch of clothing from your body. You’re trembling with excitement and anticipation, and you’re nervous as Carol’s eyes rake up and down your body. 
“Stunning,” she says, never taking her eyes off of your body. “You’re absolutely perfect. I can’t wait to teach you how to be a good little slut for me... you’re such a good learner. Wonder if that translates in the bedroom?” 
You groan, rolling your eyes. “Why don’t you shut up and find out already?” 
Carol laughs condescendingly. 
“You sure you want to mouth off like that, Princess?” 
You nod. “You seem to be all talk right now, and no action.” 
Carol growls. “We can change that. I don’t tolerate brats around here. Brats get punished. If you’re a good girl, you get rewarded. Which is it going to be tonight, Princess. I need an answer.” 
You roll your eyes without even thinking. “Just fuck me already, Carol.” 
Carol tangles her hand in your hair, pulling your head back. “I told you that brats get punished. It looks like you've selected the brat role tonight. Get on your fucking hands and knees. I’m not going to ask you a second time.” 
You quickly obey, scrambling onto your hands and knees. You wiggle your ass slightly, but Carol firmly holds it in place. 
“Stop. Now, since this is your first time, I’m going to take it easy on you. We are only going to do ten, but mark my words, if you pull this sort of bratting on me again, I can and will increase that number. Now, I want you to count.”
The first strike comes faster than you were expecting, but it does not hurt as much as you thought it would. 
“One,” you gasp out.
Carol strikes again, harder this time. 
“Two,” you gasp out again.
He continues, hitting a bit harder each time, and your ass is red by the finish. 
“Good girl,” she whispers in the shell of your ear. “You took your first punishment so well for me—it is almost like you were made to do this...” 
She ghosts her fingers lightly over your neck, drifting down to your collarbone before moving her hands to gently massage the soft tissue of your breasts. 
With a gentle slap to your aching ass, she gives you a new set of instructions. 
“Now. For our next lesson, you’re going to suck me off. The better you do, the less edges I’ll give you tonight. I hope you’ve been studying, Princess. Either that, or you just better wish that this comes naturally for you.” 
Carol swiftly pulls her pants and boxers down and throws her shirt to the side, revealing her toned abs and muscled back. You can see her muscles ripple as she stretches her arms above her head to take her shirt off. Your jaw goes slightly slack at the sight of her perfect nude figure.
“Close your mouth, Princess. You’ll catch flies.” 
You blush. “Sorry, Carol. You’re just so beautiful.” 
Carol winks. “I can tell, Princess. Your eyes haven’t left my torso.” 
You giggle, but quickly stop when Carol moves directly in front of you. 
“Test time, Princess. Hope you’ve studied. But, if you haven’t, I’ll allow for retakes. Think of this one as a pretext, if you will. How much do I need to teach you when it comes to this particular subject?” 
You moan at her words, mouth salivating. You’re desperate to touch her, to run your tongue over her strap. Carol leans down to press a quick kiss upon your lips, immediately guiding your face to her strap after. You’re unsure of what to do at first, the feeling foreign upon your tongue. Eventually, you begin to find your rhythm, head bobbing as you introduce a hand to match your rhythm. You continue your tiny kitten licks, timing them with the thrust of your fingers. Carol is silent for the most part, but every so often she breaks her stoic silence with a loud moan or gasp when you hit a particularly sensitive spot against her body. You grind against the pillow that Carol has placed between your legs, annoyed with the lack of friction you got, but thankful to have anything at all. Your tongue continues its way along Carol’s strap, body quivering with pleasure. 
It isn’t long before she’s moaning continuously.
After all, you have always been a very quick learner. 
Carol pulls away, and you whimper at the loss of contact. She messily kisses you, groaning at the taste of herself on your tongue. 
“For your first time, that was surprisingly good.”
You beam in satisfaction.
“However, I’m still going to edge you at least five times.”
You whimper. 
“But Carol—“
“No buts, pretty girl. It’s for your own pleasure, alright? It’s good to practice delayed gratification. Now, get over there on the back of the bed for me. Spread those legs as wide as you can. I want that dripping cunt of yours on display.”
You move off of your pillow, following her instructions. Carol walks over to you, hovering over you on the bed as she cages your body with her arms. 
“I want to hear every moan you make,” she growls. “Don’t hold back on me, Princess.” 
You nod. 
“Yes, Carol.” 
Carol smiles and strokes a single finger through your dripping folds. You shudder. The feeling of her soft fingertips against your throbbing core is heavenly, and you’re unable to hide from the breathless moan that escapes your mouth. 
Carol continues to slide her fingers through the folds of your cunt, relishing in the puffy texture as she explores. Her fingers trace small circles here and there, dipping into your soaking hole when she feels like doing so, pinching your clit, edging you into oblivion. 
You ask her to cum numerous times, but she always pulls away. Finally, she pulls away for the last time. 
“You can cum this time, Princess. But I want to cum on my cock for me like a good little slut, alright? I want you to scream my name for me. Let the whole world know you’re mine now.” 
You nod, moaning at her filthy words. She carefully lines up with you and thrusts in quickly, giving you a chance to adjust to the size and foreign feeling of the cock inside of you. 
When you nod at her, she begins to thrust her hips at an ungodly pace, hitting that perfect spot inside of you that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. She moves one hand to your clit, rubbing tight little circles over the throbbing organ, and her other hand moves to your throat, lightly pressing down. She’s pushing you into the mattress, firmly grinning the column of your neck as her hips thrust faster and faster. 
“You like it when I choke you? When your brain starts to go a little bit foggy and you can’t tell if it’s from the sex or lack of air? You like it when I tell you what a good little slut you are, taking my cock like such a good little Princess, showing how well you learn and how well you take instruction?”
“Yes,” you manage to gasp out in between moans. “Please, fuck me harder.” 
Although it seemed humanly impossible, Carol managed to fuck you harder. The relentless snap of her hips grew faster, thrusts hitting further and further inside of you each time. The hand rubbing your clit runs faster, harder, and just before you’re about to rip over the edge, Carol whispers in your ear. 
“Cum  for me, Princess. Cum like the good little girl you are.” 
You scream out in ecstasy as you tip over the edge, collapsing against the mattress. Carol pulls out, falling into bed next to you, wrapping her arms around you as she presses kisses to your neck and collarbone, drifting up to your forehead. 
“You did so well, Princess. You’re such a good learner. Looks like you’re just as good in here as you are in a classroom.” 
You smile. 
“I try my best. Honestly, that’s all I can ever do.”
Carol smiles. 
“A good attitude to have. Now, let’s go get you cleaned up.”
A few snacks, some water, and one blissful shower later, you’re dressed in Carol’s old sweatpants and sweatshirt as you climb into bed beside him. She’d invited you to stay the night, and you hadn’t been able to resist. Carol flips the lights off, pressing a delicate, featherlight kiss to your forehead. 
As you lay in bed however, you remember an important fact. 
“I still have to teach you all of literature,” you mumble. 
Carol laughs softly. 
“And I have many things to teach you still, darling. But for now, sleep.”
You smile, closing your eyes as you feel Carol’s grip on you grow stronger. 
Literature could wait until tomorrow.
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