#*  pacifica.  \  you're so much more than you think you are.
jingledbells · 1 month
Hey, I saw those replies you were getting to your Billford post and wanted you to know you're not alone in the slightest. So sorry to see people dogpiled on you like that. :(
Honestly, I think a lot of folks who wanted to ship Billford anyways were just glad to latch onto The Book of Bill to give the ship legitimacy. Which is odd, because the book does just the opposite: it shows how even MORE horrible Bill was to Ford (and other people).
People can write it off as "oh fun tee hee we're just joking it's just a cartoon" but I don't know, it just makes my stomach churn. If lighthearted "tee-hee" was their only goal, then... how come none of them make lighthearted jokes or art about Filbrick throwing Stan out of the house? Or Pacifica's parents controlling her with a little bell? Or Gideon trying to forcefully make Mabel love him in creepy ways and trying to make it cute? Or Bill and the Native American shaman he literally drove to suicide by fire? Or any other example of abuse or toxic relationships in the show?
These people need to ask themselves, if drawing art and making jokes about how cute Mabel and Gideon's toxicity was seems ick to them, then... why doesn't Ford and Bill's relationship/friendship cause similar ick vibes in them? Because what Bill did to Ford was waaaaaaaay worse than what Gideon did to Mabel.
And people can write it off as, "Oh, Bill and Ford are just interesting to me.". But why? Like, when I've personally discussed topics around abuse in Gravity Falls, it's been "hey, I see the way the writers depicted this, I think this is interesting, let's analyze how the abuse affected the characters negatively and why the abuser abused".
But that's different from, "UWU Gideon's still so obsessed over Mabel, tee-hee *draws art of him imprisoning her*". Or their version, "UWU Bill's so obsessed still over Ford, tee-hee *draws art of him imprisoning Ford*". These people aren't writing deep, analytical posts about BillFord for the most part, at least that I've seen. It's all "UWU cute divorce sexy toxic men kiss now lol".
Here's the answer: A. people are riding the wave of popularity from the book and just mind-sheeping about it without thinking about it, B. or they think BillFord is hot. That's it. That's why they don't do the same with Gideon and Mabel, or don't make jokes about Filbrick or Pacifica's parents, or Bill with the shaman. Because there's no sexy to be derived from it (or at least I hope frickin' not, yikes).
They can ship what they want, but the way they dogpiled on you was shameful. You were just pointing out how the way people are turning an abusive relationship into a cute little divorce joke that leans into sexy art at times makes you feel ick. You have every right to feel that way about BillFord.
tl;dr: You got attacked because people are mindless (and have horny monke brain in some cases), you pointed out the mindlessness, they got offended, and how dare you point out that it's neither sexy or funny. If anyone dogpiles on you again, ask them why they're not also making jokes and UWU cute shipping art about Bill and the shaman, or making jokes or art about Gideon's obsession with Mabel. Or ask them what they think about the fact that Bill admitted he's his species' equivalent of a preteen in TBOB, because yes, let's ship a preteen demon who abuses a middle aged man. Much funny, much hot (/barf).
They can say "it's just a cartoon, I know it's toxic, I wouldn't like it in real life obvi", but they won't be able to explain why they latched onto BillFord instead of literally any other abusive dynamic in the show. If they say Filbrick abusing the Stans isn't funny, Pacifica's parents abusing her isn't funny, Bill fooling and harming the shaman isn't funny nor cute, and Gideon obsessing creepily over Mabel isn't funny nor cute...
Then why is it funny and cute for Bill and Ford?
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 2 years
Sometimes when I think back on Gravity Falls I just find it funny that, even if we've never seen Mr. and Mrs. Pines before except maybe their arms on the first episode, we just know that they're actually a bunch of weirdo but pretty good parents:
They named their kids Mabel and Mason which aren't really the most common twin names in 1999 because they weren't like those other parents who'd name their kids Jennifer or something as Alex said. He even confirms they're pretty counterculture.
Instead of sending the twins to his probably decent father for vacation to get fresh air, Mr. Pines sends them to his (obviously) criminal uncle in a weird tourist trap in the woods that obviously scams people.
Mabel gets to wear one of her dad's souvenir work shirts for her pajamas and I find that wholesome.
Dipper's mom used to put him in a lamb costume when he was still a toddler and he does a little dance which is embarrassing but also pretty cute honestly. He didn't seem to have issues with this until he reached "maturity" age.
The twins had matching Halloween costumes since they were basically toddlers and they seemingly put a lot of effort into them so that means that they're very open with the kids and their creativity and most likely helped them with their more complex outfits or that they're willing to spend extra cash on giving their kids cool matching outfits that they enjoy
The mail the kids send them say so much about how positive their relationship are with their kids.
Dipper blatantly explains in a postcard sent to them that there are cryptids in the town and even begs them for weapons. Mabel straight up excitedly wants to send their mom a video of her shoving gummy worms up her nose.
This probably means they're open-minded enough to let their kids do these weird things and for their kids to even share them with them with little hesitation.
Even with Mabel being initially upset that their parents wouldn't let Waddles stay (Honestly in another perspective is understandable because how are you going to care for a farm pig in suburban California? It might take a lot of work and it's probably not the best conditions to keep an unconventional pet when you're not used to it. Like we all know Waddles is great but practically speaking it's a lot to ask someone to let their kid keep a farm animal.), we know that they probably let Waddles stay anyway after Stan forces Waddles on the bus home.
They celebrate every holiday because Mabel wants to.
Some other observations on how the twins act that could clue us in on how their parents are. These are more headcanon-leaning but yeah.
Mabel's wonderchild personality filled with sparkles and rainbows definitely show that they didn't suppress her weirdness.
The scrapbooking also adds to the idea that Mabel was definitely allowed to be super creative.
Dipper's unhinged mystery solving behavior (honestly forgot how unhinged he really was until I rewatched the show this year) definitely shows that they probably didn't suppress his weird tendencies either.
Dipper, despite his child-aged pettiness (which is normal mind you), is able to handle intense social situations and could even find the appropriate words even when things are a little too complex. The standout example I could think of was learning of the true extent of Pacifica's abuse and how he's able to find a way to give her the courage to stand up against it. Definitely the most headcanon leaning but I do think that this could also be influenced to a more open household.
The twins truly don't have bad blood between them which means that it's possible that their parents had raised them in a relatively healthy (or at least healthier than others) environment. At the very least, if there was favoritism, it wasn't obvious to cause them any resentment for each other.
I could add more but that's all what's in my brain right now.
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finished my rewatch of gravity falls today so here's some random thoughts i wrote down over the course of the last few episodes (sure most of this has been mentioned already but eh. no harm in repeating things):
-could you imagine how differently things would've gone if any of the pines members knew about ford's nightmare (especially stan)
-ford visibly shaking from how hard he's digging his fingers into the floor (referring to the security droid grabbing him)
-ford almost dies three times before bill actually captures him
-'i haven’t been able to find grunkle stan anywhere' was stan not at the shack at that time or did you just not consider checking his house
-a full limerick for 'man from kentucky' wasn’t allowed, but onscreen death is??
-shapeshifter wink + mabeland fake wendy wink
-why is the unicorn half petrified? what caused the gnome to be mostly petrified, but not quite? how was woodpecker guy able to keep his petrified woodpecker? so many questions about these guys. what occurred here
-first time ford gets turned to "gold", he appears cracked. the second time, he’s free of cracks. implication: either the stone/"gold" people get turned into cracks over time or bill roughed ford up a bit even before the torture
-bill disassembles ford and reassembles him on the other side of the room. interesting to consider for. y'know. torture
-love fiddleford so much. and also zanthar. and craz and xyler. and soos. and-
-manly dan hugs wendy more gently than soos does
-'(strangely genuine) good to see you too bro >:(' i'm sorry stan did seeing your brother trapped in a horrifying gold-ish statue change your tune a bit
-i agree with the circle actually. the fuck are you doing, stan. 
-i feel like the stan twins were strangled in different ways. it seems like ford was literally being strangled and bill was doing something directly to stan's lungs, based on the way they reacted to it. or i'm looking way too much into the animation who knows
-the way stan kneels on the ground :((((
-actually every scene with post-deal stan in it
-ford ultimate depression
-waddles was waiting for them :(((((((((
-stan lies in different ways depending on what he remembers (referring to him lying about the destroyed house being a nice place to be polite)
-'someone get waddles off of me!!' ford: :0 :D
-this also implies that ford learned waddles name at some point
-was wondering why pacifica seemed to have a bit of a character regression. then realized that she had to live with her abusive parents after the party. they uh. they need to be obliterated (heck you can even tell there's a sort of distance between them based on the fact that pacifica's parents wait for her to come to them, as opposed to the corduroys running to wendy immediately. it's not even a durland + blubs situation, they are fully aware of their surroundings at this point)
-pacifica's still trying her best though!!
-ford sings happy birthday with everyone else :)))
-ford's hair grows out really quickly
-'heh' resulting in an immediate :0 until ford keeps talking, at which point stan smiles again
-stan did you think that laugh was intended to be a 'that's ridiculous stan why would you ever think that' type deal and not a 'wow i love talking to you this is great' type thing
-'CAN IT SOOS' in sync (hey ford you learned his name!)
-stan's 'don’t test me >:(' implication vs ford's 'i have killed and i will do it again' implication
-ford comforting hand on shoulder. stan looking shocked until he sees ford smiling at him. grgaggasgg
-fucking love these two
-stan writes in print in all caps (this might mean nothing to you but trust me there is a reason i'm pointing it out)
-ford doing the hand thing in the credits
that's it that's all of the thoughts
it can go in the tag cause. why not, y'know?
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sketchfanda · 21 days
A Little Moxxie Love Party 4
Naughty Northwest
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Pacifica Northwest was a girl who seemed like she had it all and who wouldn’t think that when seeing her fsr as first impressions go? Stunning good looks, obscene wealth, sensual charisma to name a few of her traits and qualities that could come to mind but more so because she earned it all. Oh sure she’d been born rich but circumstances saw fortunes change thanks to karma catching up to her family’s infamous, notorious reputation for being liars, cheats, thieves and con artists and she damn well made sure to earn her way back up. By being tougher, sharper and smarter as a certain wise,old duck had once done and now here she was back to living it up large and in charge.
And Christ was she so damn bored but when you accomplished what she had at a young enough age and had so much money and free time, that was the last thing you needed. As she lounged about in her cozy little private home, which was she had to say far more modest than the old Northwest estate (No ghosts for one, Gravity Falls was still that sort of town), she pouted as she struggled to think of how to kill her boredom. She wasn’t feeling in a gaming mood at the moment and she didn’t feel much like socialising especially when it came to dealing with the simps. And tempting as it was, her little secret collection of Skullfuck productions skinflicks didn’t have anything to suit her fancy.
As she idly browsed her phone out of boredom, she found a peculiar little exclusive fans only post from one of her favourite cam girls, Jacqui Herron. Tapping it open as she gave it a read over, the bleach blonde valley girl looking debutant found herself humming in inquisitive curiosity at the information before her as she decided then snd there she might have just what she needed to kill her boredom and scratch her itch. One quick secret set up of her web cam to record this for personal viewing enjoyment along with following he instructions and Pacifica found herself looking over the set up for a very familiar ritual, clad in a fluffy pink bathrobe as she closed the curtains and began lighting candles. Ominous crimson smoke filling the room like a mist as she chanted in Latin before reaching the central master candle and in a flash of demonic light, there stood her newfound company within the centre of the inverted pentagram circle.
Moxxie had a distinct sense of deja vu as he found himself, suit and adorable little bow tie and all and a magazine in hand as he been in the IMP office not too long ago. Sighing as he realised he’d been summoned, again (and wondering just how people in the living world were getting this and why always him?), he looked to whoever called him up this time only to pause as he laid eyes on Pacifica. Who quite frankly wasn’t looking impressed, no doubt she had some high expectation and based on first impressions alone, they weren’t being met. But the bombshell blonde simply pouted, shrugging her shoulders as she decided, screw it, might as well make the most of the time she just got herself.
Pacifica:"Alright shorty, you know the drill I figure so here's how it is...I'm bored, I'm horny and I need a good itch scratching. So until otherwise, your hornhead little tailed ass is mine, got it?" *Moxxie seemed used to taking verbal lashings, given he just simply nodded though Paz had to say, it was quite flattering how he never took his eyes off of her. And she hadn't even shown him the goods yet so maybe the night wouldn't be a total loss.*"Alright then.....well, what're you waiting for, an invitation? You're polite enough anyway..."*The valley girl debutante quipped in a teasing snarky manner as she undid and peeled open her robe, flashing her immaculately tanned body, the only noticeable tanlines hinting her choice in racey swimwear. A sly grin on her face at the absolutely stunned expression on the imp's face, sensually purring as she teased him, unaware how soon she'd find the tables turned on her.*"What's the matter little guy? Never seen perfection up this close? And yes, this is 100% all natural.....care to taste it?"
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Before the immodest bombshell knew it however, she soon found herself screaming and moaning her head off as she filled her bedroom with the sounds of her cries of ecstasy. Barely forming sentences as her tanlined, toned curvy body was glistening with sweat, thrashing and squirming as she held onto Moxxie's horns for dear life. Tempted to but not wanting to push him away as his demonically gifted mouth worked its magic on her slit, his imp tongue slithering about to drink away at her glowing juices. The moment he began making out with her snatch to start things off, Pacifica had started to realise she was getting much better than promised or expected, she was having an experience temtping enough to make her want to sell her soul!!
An insane thought certainly but if it meant being this little Casanova's love slave for eternity, why the fuck not, right?!! Her long blonde mane flowing as she felt orgasms rock her every nerve from head to toe, the sheer bliss and euphoria making her soul want to be raptured. Only to pout as the talented little imp stopped, wanting him to keep going only to find herself gluing her gaze to him stripping out of his suit....her jaw dropping at the full exposure of a set of cock and balls, that length and girth making her pussy quiver and gush as it made a siren call to have that thing utterly destroy her and knock Paz up with his demon babies. And she found herself being just fine with that, spreading her legs in eager anticipation .
But ooh soon as that fuckhammer was penetrating her, Pacifica found her mind being blown with inch after inch of Moxxie’s demon dick sinking into her snatch’s lusty embrace. Her tight toned stomach growing a bulge from how deep that length and girth was reaching but as soon as those heavy red balls were pressed againsther bubble butt, that was when he really got going. If this is what Verosika Mayday meant about being taken to Bonetown, then she was damn well buying herself a place on Satisfaction Avenue as she screamed her head off from Moxxie pounding her like a jackhammer as he had her in a mating press. Wrapping her arms and legs around his small but quite well toned, built little frame as she didn’t want to lose one bit of their intimate lewd connection as she felt his pelvic thrusts deepen in their intensity.
Her secret webcam of course was catching every lewd detail of this primal tryst, from the glistening sheen of Pacifica’s sun tanned to her expressions of mind numbing bliss. Tits bouncing snd asscheeks clapping as she moaned deeply while being taken in a variety of positions. From the animalistic sensations o being taken doggy style as Moxxie mounted and pounded her to clasping hands intimately as she bounce and rode him cowgirl style, pink glowing hearts in her eyes. The bleach blonde valley girl debutante falling in equal parts lust and love with the sweet possum rocking her world as their marathon fucking showed no signs of stopping.
Her bedsheets soaked with sweat and juices, the creaking of bedsprings as Pacifica didn’t want to stop, even as her body began to feel numb and deliciously sore all over. Moaning deeply as she urged Moxxie to be as rough and dominant as he liked from pulling on her long blonde mane to squeezing her tits or smacking her ass, every assertion of such alpha male authority making the living Barbie doll feel like a total Moxxie-Holic bimbo. Every inch of that big red imp cock putting any and every toy she had to shame as she felt her brain drown in blissful ecstasy, visions of having babies from this demonic little sex god taunting her. And she was damn sure going to see to it he gave the same treatment to her mouth and her asshole because a cock like that wasn’t going to tap her hot body without the grand trifecta of her slutty holes.
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Paz of course was thankful she’d gotten the larger sized master candle, ensuring she would have herself a whole night of fun with Moxxie as they continued to fuck all the way to sunrise. The blondie babe holding the sweet possum like a plush toy as she snuggled with him, basking in the afterglow as her bedroom looked like a wrecking crew tore it up. Idly making out with him as they parted on good terms with Pacifica giving him her contact details for future reference before the ritual inevitably ended as the master candle finally snuffed out. The blonde valley girl already missing her demonic lover boy as she went on over and turned off her webcam to cut off her secret marathon stream, mentally planning out when she should do it again sometime.
Deep within the circle of Lust at the studio of lot of SkullFuck Productions meanwhile, a certain floating flaming skullheaded boss man was checking out said video from Pacifica in his submissions inbox, always in the lookout for potential stars. Suffice to say Mr.Sketch only felt his ongoing desire to recruit Moxxie increase when he recognised him in the Northwest’s girl’s amateur movie, how was it this little possum could be so close yet so far in all of Hell? But he was damn well sure going to see to it he’d have this imp as his next big star….and that blonde would make a good regular scene par for him for sure, demon on human woman porn was always among his best sellers. For now his search would continue but he didn’t care if it would take Hell freezing over until he finally had Moxxie in the fold, an imp like this only came along once in a lifetime.
Moxxie in the meantime of course, unaware of the wheels of fate that were turning for him, was busy settling back into his personal routines after his little summoning sessions with Pacifica. The valley girl bombshell girl having waste no time in sending him saucy texts and sexy nudes to express how much she missed him and wanted his sweet hot demon love again. Much to Millie’s approval of course as she took to grilling her man for details on his latest new sex friend of course. Nothing got her going more than hearing about her Moxxie tap some hot pretty thing’s sexy ass, what can he say, Millie was a goddamn pistol…..
Red Hot Night!
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It had all seemed to be going simple enough for the resident happy couple in Hell with them making a visit to Betty Boop, seeing how the flapper babe had been doing since her little round of erotic magic with the sweet possum a while back. Especially to check up on her and the product of that little union that was Bendy, with the adorable little scamp definitely seeming like he’d have a talent and bright future in comedy but while Moxxie was enjoying some bonding and quality time, Millie couldn’t help but notice that Betty seemed distracted and it wasn’t because of the cute little tyke. Of course the stunner eventually confided in as she revealed her concerns for her friend, a feisty gal by the name of Red Hot Riding Hood who’d been acting as Betty’s replacement for performing at the club while she was taking her maternity leave. It seemed Red had been going through a bit of a rough patch with her new ex-boyfriend, a fellow by the name of Wolfie and Betty was worried that it was all too clear she wasn’t completely over the guy which was something he was sure to take advantage of to get her back in his arms.
Now he was a grade a creep, who flirted with anything with a pair of breasts so small wonder why the concern but Millie knew that the best way to get over one man, is to get under another especially when the former was a total sleazy chump. So that was how Moxxie found himself going alone to the club that evening just in time for the start of her performance and Red dances, Moxxie can’t deny she's a babe. Having that crowd in the palm of her hand, jaws dropping, heads turning and talk about a set of kings with that singing voice. It was a real work of art for an aficionado of performance and theatrical arts like himself.
After her show completed its performance run, the intermission for next act was underway, a perfect chance for Moxxie as he made his way backstage to meet Red at her dressing room, a bouquet in hand as he introduced himself to her as a fan and a personal friend of Betty. As the two get personally acquainted, Millie kept Wolfy occupied by intercepting him on his way to the club, binding and gaggin him up to keep him out of the way with Little Bendy using the canine lech as a personal punching bag. The kid had some future in slapstick if the barrage of cartoon violence on Wolfy was anything to go by, that’s for sure. And meantime welt us check back in on how Millie’s charming possum of a husband is doing in winning Red over with his natural charms.
Pretty damn well as a matter of fact Red decided it would be best to have some fun with the imp boi but to say he was quickly blowing her ex and any man she had in the past out of the water was an understatement. The performing beaut filling her dressing room with the melodic deep moans pouring forth from her luscious lips as she laid back in her luxury reclining couch, her silky legs draped over the imp’s small but quite firm shoulders. As Moxxie was kneeling on the floor, his horns clutched in her hands as he was eating her out, his hot breath and skilled tongue probing away at her slit. Drinking up her juices as they seeped into his waiting mouth, every orgasmic tingle fuel for the fires of arousal stirring inside her before she soon decided she needed that big red imp dick inside her.
But of course as Moxxie soon found his clothes gone flying off of him, the sight of his quite gifted and well endowed naked body proceeded to flip some major switches in Red’s brain. Proceeding to pounce on and pin the little Casanova demon down as as She also revealed a bit of a kink she had for going through her different personas, costumes and accents. To which she can change on the dime thanks to being a toon, suffice to say Moxxie had a feeling he was going to be in quite a wild ride with Betty’s horny lady friend. But hey, the things a guy does for a lady friend right?
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Red”Heeey daddy, you better get the very best of meeeee!!” *The feisty redhead bombshell sang sensually, mind numb with pleasure as hugged Moxxie’s sweet crackled face to her bosom. Legs wrapped around his waist as he pumped and thrust into her missionary style, crimson high heels digging into the skin as her dress laid discarded. Her moans mixing with the heavy wet smack of his balls against her jiggling booty and making her juices splash with every impact.*”Oooooh daddyyyyyyyy…..”*She sang melodically and erotically as that big red imp cock really began to hit some sweet spots, making her arousal skyrocket with each orgasmic tingle.* “Put your arms around me daddy, hold me tight!,”
Before Moxxie knew it of course, he soon had Red riding him cowgirl as she was rocking Native American look, her moans sensual and melodic as her bubbly booty clapped with every impact of their loins. Then taking her from behind as she wore quite a saucy nurse’s outfit, hearts glowing in her eyes as she felt the seemingly endless onslaught of orgasms rocking her body one after the other. Her dressing room starting to look like a tornado was running through it with every passing second and minute of her rut with Moxxie. Showing no signs of stopping as the imp was as skilled as he was addictive for the redhead.
Betty of course stood outside the dressing room door to ensure that nobody would disturb the pair and interrupt their marathon of intimacy, the flapper girl peeping through a narrow gap. Looking on with voyeuristic sensual delight as she was reminded of her own fateful erotic encounter with Moxxie. Nerves tingling with phantom sensations from the raw thrill, biting her lower lip to suppress her moans as she watched Red in her cowgirl get uo being folded in a mating press. Fantasising herself in her friend’s place as her body expressed a desire in possibly giving Bendy a little brother or sister in the future.
All the while Red was now going through her ensembles from Swing Shift Cinderella, her orgasmic howls and moans of passion mixing quite splendidly with her melodious a singing voice as Moxxie continued putting her ex to shame. Her usual musical number now going “Ooooh Moxxie” instead of “Ooh Wolfie” as she kissed and made out with the sexually talented imp, lips and tongues dancing together as she took it in a sideways spooning position. Her ex becoming a very distant memory being put to shame in terms of sexual prowess as that big red length and girth continued to pump away. Her snatch holding onto that red imp cock, not wanting to lose the erotic connection and the sensation of being so well penetrated as it overflowed with an excess of mixed juices.
In the end, the dressing room looked demolished from how wild and passionate the pair had been going at it, as they laid there together on the floor. Intimately embracing as they basked in the afterglow, Betty smiling softly at seeing her bestie having more than enjoyed herself as she left to go tell Millie the good news, that it’s after a quick bathroom trip to scratch her itch because damn her thighs were soaked right now. Meanwhile of course Millie was busy cheering Bendy on as the little spawn of Moxxie and Betty’s one night wailed on Wolfie like he was a piñata. The kid definitely had a future in slapstick comedy, that was for sure.
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After that little dressing room romp of course, once she recovered, Red had insisted on having another round with Moxxie back at her place. Betty of course invited herself along, leading to a wild threesome all nighter, Red’s apartment echoing with their passionate cries. Suffice to say, the showgirl was more than happy to want in on the kinky little inner circle her bestie was part of, with Millie’s personal approval of course. As for Wolfie, we’ll he as going to be counting the ceiling tiles in his hospital room for quite some time, Bendy had really done a number on him.
After their passionate encounter of course, Betty wasn’t too surprised when Red had to take some time off from the club for maternity leave. With how raw and thorough the bombshell had been with Moxxie, it was no wonder she’d wound up becoming knocked up. Red was looking quite forward to seeing how adorable the baby would look when they were born or better yet if she might be having twins. But there was no doubt for certain the little tyke to be would be best pals with their half brother Bendy for sure.
In the meantime, Moxxie and Millie returned back to their little slice of Hell as the thespian possum hummed to himself, eyeing a certain business card. Debating if he should call the number on it as as he had some reservations, wondering if he could really even go through with it. On the one hand, it would make some extra cash to cover IMP’s expenses and keep them in the black but on the other, Could he really be so bold as to do such a job like work in porn? Well at the rate of the way things were going, he had feeling it was a worthwhile choice he’d soon have to make
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mamaca Carmilla
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There were times a guy had to wonder if his life just consisted of being the punchline to a constant barrage of jokes and for the resident sweet possum we know as Moxxie, that had to be a natural fact. Especially when finding himself in the personal headquarters of Carmilla Carmine, the weapons making overlord herself and why might you ask was our dear little thespian here of all places? Well you can thank his boss for that, who had the dumb idea of thinking their business could improve if they got their hands on some premium hardware. And who had the best weaponry around than the overlord who managed to get her hands on angelic steel every post extermination day?
Now Moxxie was lucky at least he managed to talk Blitzo down from actually even thinking of trying to steal from the arms dealer herself but this somehow lead to him being chosen to go make an appointment with the woman herself and use his “natural charm” to persuade her to give them a discount. Though Moxxie knew that would be a bit of a stretch given he knew Blitzo’s thoughtless spending had put them in some major debts…at this rate he wondered if he might have to call the number in that card Nika had provided him a while back. But that was neither here or there for the time being especially given what said card was for, as he soon found himself sitting face to face with the Overdlord weaponsmith herself. As intimidating as she was beautiful to behold but being who and what she was, one wrong move and she would likely lay claim to his soul as collateral.
Carmilla:*Her hair flowing free from it’s usually immaculate twin horns style bun, silently humming as she kept her gaze on the little imp. As if trying to determine something he himself wasn’t aware about him like an enigma wrapped in a riddle, walking out of her sea and hovering around him with her silky grace and poise.* “I can’t say for certain who is more bolder little one, your employer for eben considering if his…operations can warrant a discount, let alone any of my wares. Or you being the one to handle this meeting on his behalf….not thst you haven’t been unpleasant company so far, I have to say….”*She watched the little possum try not to flinch under her gaze or presence, honestly he was just so adorable….and quite handsome in a way, it rather reminded her of the man who gave her her beloved daughters. And it certainly had been quite a while since she truly felt the touch and pleasure of another man, surely this little fellow could be…persuaded to oblige her.*”But that doesn’t mean I’m not above a little negotiating….”
Now Moxxie should’ve known that was a red flag but that soft, alluring sensual smile Carmilla was wearing was just so disarming and truth be told? Among the sort of women that tended to be kryptonite for the little imp were women who radiated what some would call “Big Dommy Mommy” energy. Maybe call it some kink born of his mourning loss of his mother or just how bad an influence Millie had been but the sweet possum just found he couldn’t say no to whatever Carmilla wanted and had in mind. Which might be why things soon began to escalate the way they had and that was saying Something given many of his prior sexual encounters and liaisons.
But of course how many demons let alone imps would find themselves eating out The Carmilla Carmine, as the weapons maker and arms dealing Oerlord say in the edge of the mahogany table. One of her distinct clawed hands holding Moxxie’s oh so adorable little face to her lower regions as she moaned deeply and passionately, the walls and ceiling echoing with the sensual melody. She’d expected quite some effort from the little possum but he was certainly defying or exceeding expectations at the very least. If he kept this up, she’d likely be willing to give him more than just a discount on some of her most choice wares…
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But that consideration was growing higher and higher to a degree she’d give the imp discount perks for the rest of his afterlife because she was feeling so damn good right now!! Claws grasping the table as she was bent over it, inch after inch of red hot little demon lover boy dick, no, cock pounding in deep and hard as Moxxie pounded her like a jackhammer. Now Carmilla knew he wasn’t some submissive sort of slut by nature who spread her legs open for any man, if that was the case, she’d certainly have more than 2 daughters. But the moment she got Moxxie naked and laid eyes on that secret erotic weapon of his, it was no small wonder it had turned out like this.
Moxxie of course still couldn’t believe this was happening here and now, being balls deep in Carmilla Carmine herself!! Her immaculate accented voice letting loose with deep, sexual moans, the jiggle of her ash skinned booty with every impact of their loins, the warm, tight embrace of her pussy around his big red imp cock all signs that this was indeed all real and not some kinky lucid dream he was sharing with Millie like that one time, god his wife had quite the kinky imagination. He’d be lying of course if he said that he had never had such fantasies before but really who could blame him? After all on the one hand Carmilla was a stunning woman but in the other she was an Overlord and many of them had their own reputations for a damn good reason!!
Outside the doors of this private office, Odette and Clara had their ears pressed as they eavesdropped on this illicit, steamy meeting curious about the noises coming from it’s usually well soundproofed walls. Blushing in awe and arousal at hearing their mother in the throes of passion, having never thought their usually aloof professional matron could be so wild. It made them wonder just what sort of guy this Moxxie was to get to her like this and it damn sure made them feel tempted have a peek inside and see the spicy action. But they knew they were pushing their luck just listening in on this but good thing they could watch the security camera recordings later on.
Back in the meeting room of course, Carmilla and Moxxie continued to go at it with the intensity and passion of minks in heat, the walls and ceiling echoing with the arms dealing overlord’s cries of pleasure. Deeply moaning as her claws cling to the wall The imp had her pinned up against, her lovely legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded and hammered away into the embrace of her snatch. Pink hearts of lust flowing in her red eyes as her body became reacquainted with levels of pleasure she’d not felt since the fateful encounters which had conceived her two of her precious children. The few words she could spit out consisting of a mix of English and Spanish alike as she urged Moxxie to keep going for as long as he possibly could.
Carmilla”Aaahn, Mi amor…so feisty Nino..you keep being this good and I might wind up falling in love with you, mi carazon…make your mamacita proud papi….”*Ths ash skinned overlord sensually moaned as she now rode Moxxie cowgirl style atop the immaculate Mahogany wood table. Seconds into minutes becoming hours of ceaseless erotic bliss and pleasure as she praised the little imp for his quite gifted talents in making love, deciding he had more than earned a very fine discount one of her her most high quality stock. That is providing he’d be more than open to the idea of renewing this deal in this exact same manner, after all why pass up a chance to have the best sex she’d ever had since the concept of Odette and Clara? Besides which, this little possum was such a damn adorable little sweetheart.*
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After what had been quite a marathon of orgasmic love making and a little bit of afterglow snuggling, Carmilla had sent Moxxie on his way with the promise of a discount on any purchase of her weaponry stock and custom orders. Sealing the deal with a kiss of course and promise on regularly “renewing” the aforementioned deal, suffice to say Moxxie knew Blitzo would be a happy camper. Granted the former circus kid would likely assume it’s because he had to do a lot of asskissing, after all would he ever believe Moxxie of all people actually got laid with THE Carmilla Carmine? Now Millie and Loona of course were a different matter entirely and the thespian knew they were going to want any and every single little juicy detail. But as far as Moxxie was aware, he wasn��t sure his generous a discount Carmilla would provide so he knew for sure IMP was going to need a little extra in their petty cash.
I it was then and there as fished out a certain business card from his wallet and eyed the phone number, taking a deep breath as he fished out his cellphone and dialled it. He knew he was taking quite a big step out of his comfort zone but he knew Millie would be more than understanding and the money was sure to be good. Waiting as the dial tone rang through, while in a certain porn studio in Lust City, a phone rang in the office of the head honcho himself as Mr.Sketch was enjoying some quality time in a hot tub with a pair of succubi. The flaming skullheaded enigma reaching out and picking up the receiver as he began speaking to the imp.
Mr.Sketch:”Well now, just the imp I been looking for. You made my day making his call little man because have I got an offer for you….” *The shapeshifting enigma quipped, mentally reminding himself he also had some plans in store for Moxxie as he and the imp had their conversation. Arranging a time and appointment to have the imp come over to the SkullFuck productions studio so they could conduct an interview, formalities had to be met and followed after all. This simple call would be a fateful milestone moment in Moxxie’s infernal life for it would be in this day he’d take his first steps in becoming a porn star. One that Mr.Sketch would find to be quite the rookie success story, to say the very least…..*
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fordtato · 2 years
For the character ask game: dipper?
favorite thing about them least favorite thing about them favorite line brOTP OTP nOTP random headcanon unpopular opinion song i associate with them favorite picture of them
Thank you!!!!! Lemme think....
Favorite thing: I actually really enjoy how neurotic and borderline paranoid he can be, especially about solving the Author Mystery. It felt very relatable.
Least favorite thing: His weird obsession with Wendy, and how long it took the show to drop it
Favorite line: "Pacifica's the worst, and I'd say that to her face....... You're the worst." *door slam*
brOTP: Dipper and Wendy. I love the idea of them just breaking into abandoned buildings for ghosthunting.
OTP: I actually was kind of sold on DipperXCandy. Though, I don't mind DipCifica too much - both are cute. I don't really care too much about ships with the kid characters, though, so my thoughts here are pretty neutral
nOTP: I personally dislike romantic WenDip.
random headcanon: I think Dipper finds his People in high school. Maybe in a DDnMD club. And I think he calls Ford weekly to help plan sessions.
unpopular headcanon: I don't think this is too unpopular, but I don't think Dipper would have done as bad as Alex Hirsch seems to think he would as Ford's apprentice. I also don't think Dipper and Mabel are going to the same schools or living together after they turn 18 - I see that a lot in fanfiction, like they go to the same university or something, but I think they're in a healthier place at 18 than the Stans were, so they're more independent. I think the rest of my headcanons are pretty common lol.
song I associate with them: Anything by ABBA lol
favorite picture of them:
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firstaidspray · 1 year
🦋 📼 Paz Lives AU Tapes 📼 🦋
Questioning Paz: Interrogation 01
(Footsteps as Ocelot approaches a detained Paz)
Ocelot: Name?
Paz: Wh-what?
Ocelot: What is your name?
Paz: Paz Ortega Andrade, you know this. I am a student, an angel of peace. Why am I in trouble?
Miller: Stop the front, we know who you really are, Pacifica.
Paz: I don't know what you are talking about, Miller. What did I do to deserve this?
Miller: We know why you were detained by Skull Face. You know why, too.
Paz: No, I don't! I don't know who Skull Face is! Miller…who is that?
(Incomprehensible murmuring from across the room from DD soldiers)
Ocelot: What do you know about a thing called Cipher?
Paz: Cipher? The one you MSF guys talk about? I don't know much, other than what you have said.
Miller: No! You know exactly what Cipher is, what XOF is. We need you to tell us everything.
Paz: I. Don't. Know. What. You. Are. Talking. About! You're confusing me!
Miller: Ocelot. Try this.
(Brief silence as Ocelot hesitates)
Ocelot: Miller, I don't think we need to go that far. I think she's telling the truth-
Miller: I said, try this!
Paz: Wh-what is that?
Miller: Truth serum. I'm sorry, but if you're not going to tell the truth on your own, we're going to make you.
(Ocelot injects the serum, resulting in Paz screaming in pain)
Paz: Why did you do that?! It hurts so bad, Miller! Why?!
(Footsteps as Ocelot goes to speak to Miller)
Miller: Normally you get off on torturing people. What's the exception with her, huh? Why are you going so easy on her, being so gentle?
Ocelot: You say that like you want me to enjoy hurting her. You want information, but I don't think going about it like this will get it.
Miller: I don't care how you get her to talk, just do it. Paz has been through a lot of pain, but I'm not above giving her more if it means she'll tell us about Skull Face, about XOF, about Cipher.
Ocelot: You don't care if she experiences more pain? Come on now. She means something to you and the Boss, and you and the Boss mean something to her. I listened to her diary tapes, you know. As time went on, she actually cared about you guys at MSF. She even hinted at betraying Cipher to stay with you.
Miller: I heard the tapes, even before Camp Omega. And I cared...care about her. We wrote music together. We were friends...when she was living a lie, at least. I don't want to see her hurt. I just want the truth, so if hurting her is the way, then so be it.
(Paz whimpering in the distance)
Ocelot: I think you're already getting the truth. She has amnesia or something. After the serum wears off, I'm going to have a doctor check her out.
Miller: Fine. But could you go ask her a few more questions just to make sure? Here, show her these pictures. One of these came from a former MSF soldier Snake found in the field; he had it on his person. See if they elicit a response.
(Footsteps as Ocelot approached Paz again)
Ocelot: I'm sorry about the shot hurting you. That's just... a side effect. It should go away.
Paz: I want it to go away soon. Are you here to ask me more questions?
Ocelot: Yes, but just a couple. Here, I have some pictures. Tell me, do you remember taking this?
(Ocelot shows Paz the photo of her and Miller)
Paz: Yes, of course!! Miller and I were writing a song for Peace Day. You know, I haven't seen you around, you must be new, so I bet you didn't know. Miller has an awful voice, so I'm singing. I can't wait to play it in front of everyone!
Ocelot: Okay, good. I'll see if, uh, Miller wants to play it later, but for now we've got a bit more to look at. Here, recognize this guy?
(Ocelot shows Paz the photo of Skull Face)
Paz: Um, no, I would remember someone who looks like that. What is wrong with him?
Ocelot: Uh, well...*scoffs* Hm. So you don't know him at all?
Paz: No, I don't. I've never seen him before.
Ocelot: Paz, do you promise me you're telling the truth? Because if you aren't, Miller's gonna make me use another one of those shots on you.
Paz: Yes, of course I am telling the truth! Why would I lie?! I don't even know why I am here!
(Brief silence, Ocelot bends down and touches Paz's abdominal scar)
Ocelot: Paz, do you remember how you got this scar?
Paz: No...I...I don't know...it was there when I woke up...
Ocelot: Alright. You're doing great, let me go talk to Miller.
(Tape ends)
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cescalr · 1 year
i was also thinking reverse falls
for Real reverse falls was so... Gravity Falls actually had this problem with a fair few of it's AUs, like a lot of the interpretations of the stan-went-thru-the-portal-instead (but ford still waited 30 years) or ageswap just made mabel and dipper into stan and ford again and it's just.... sigh.
(I also have Thoughts about those AUs - I've currently got some of my ageswap au Thoughts written up, actually, though none of the others.)
I had my own ideas for reverse falls a long time ago - i couldn't find it now, some art/writing journal i last touched in like 2015 and likely lost when we moved house - but I always wanted to explore the canon negative characteristics of our heroes like Mabel's selfishness and Dipper's ambition, Stan's criminality and Ford's egotistic tendencies, if i were to do a reverse falls AU. Also everyone who made dipper swap with gideon and mabel swap with pacifica SO missed the point. if anyone was swapping roles literally instead of narratively, then dipper would swap with Pacifica and Mabel would swap with Gideon. There's a lot more parallels there that are interesting. Dipper and Pacifica have - to very different degrees, but still - canonically fraught relations with their family members at various points, and they're both easily caught up in competition and they're both very stubborn, but they've both got the same potential for good in them, as well as ill. I'd need like, time to talk it through properly in meta or some such, but basically; dipper and pacifica parallel each other better than mabel and pacifica do (Mabel and Pacifica are literally foils, guys - and not in the two-sides-of-a-coin way, in the narrative way where they're not reverses of each other and more simply have characteristics that clash, which is not the same thing), and if you're swapping dipper and pacifica there's much less weirdness with the characterisation people automatically do to pacifica when they make her Pacifica southwest, which is basically just blonde mabel and is really boring. Pacifica's not like that! Pacifica stood up to her parents to save people. Pacifica is very outwardly self-centred and she cares about the appearances her parents have conditioned her to keep up, but she's more invested in actually helping people when you get down to the wire. When Mabel is asked by Bill in sock opera about sacrificing stuff for the sake of your sibling, I can't see a reverse!gideon being the dipper in the room - but I can see Gideon being Mabel, realising all the things Pacifica does, despite the front she puts up, and coming to his senses. There's also the idea that Gideon swapping with Dipper just doesn't really make any sense anyway - they share maybe one trait, but for the most part they're very different people. (that trait, by the way, I feel is showmanship. But dipper and pacifica share that, too, so like, moot point, right.)
Anyway, yeah. I'd rather do the whole thing like, swapping narrative function - antagonists, protagonists, villains and heroes and all that - but like... if i were to swap roles; Dipper's instigator-investigator-hero role, I wouldn't give that to Gideon. I might still have Gideon discover the journal, but I'd have Pacifica decide to use it to solve problems around town and get into other people's business. Maybe in this AU she decides to keep up appearances by actually doing the good things for the community her family pretends to. I mean, she didn't know her family were liars at the beginning, remember! Maybe her pride manifests differently as the protagonist.
Stan can stay basically the same in a Reverse AU tbh - just make him more realistic. Guy is a career criminal with a current, ongoing smuggling operation. Like, c'mon. Family loyalty can be a double-edged sword!
As for Ford, just... there's some real obvious ways. But my main issue is that I don't think the "will" situation is ever properly explained in a Reverse!AU. Like I don't want to make these entirely new characters with a gravity falls coat of paint, just as much as i don't want it to be canon with a redesign, you know? I've never read a reverse AU that got to the point of explaining the portal or why Ford is still trapped in there if he's evil and had control over "will", like it doesn't make sense. I think a Reverse AU needs the caveat of keeping Bill mostly the same, or maybe making the Time Baby the big bad. I mean, canon actually has an evil dipper that's got some fucked up shit to do with time-travel going on, from one of the books they released (i forget which one, sorry). But yeah - I don't know why nobody talks about that. It rotates in my brain like i can't get rid of it; dipper canonically goes evil or at least very creepy and worrisome at some point in the future of gf!!! he seems to be our normal good dip-dop as an older teen, but once he's an adult he's gone fully off the deep end. And I think that's interesting, because that would mean in a reverse AU, dipper as a kid should be fully off the deep end, but once he's grown he's a heroic sort of character. teen dipper should be weird and unnerving while adult dipper actually is genuinely honest when he says the future got fixed and he shouldn't worry about teen dipper, instead of sounding very scary and evil about it.
But yeah, I mean - reverse AU also doesn't really make sense with the choices it makes in regards to the side characters, like, what are you going to do with people like Susan? It's a roleswap au, so who's role is she swapping, if we're not going with a more, metatextual swap of narrative importance/alignment? People always swapping Wendy and Robbie seems odd to me. Some of the swaps seemed arbitrary, and that one especially with the way that robbie!Wendy got drawn was... hm. It really seemed to me that was just an excuse to draw an emo wendy redesign, which, babes, you don't need an excuse for that. Just draw what you feel like, you know. It's fanart, it doesn't need a whole AU around it to "excuse" it's existence - it's cool either way.
Idk, man. Yeah. Reverse AU always bugged me. It seemed like a wasted opportunity for some really neat character studies. But that's just me!
Man, that was a long post :D. I do want to gather my thoughts together about this stuff, actually. I probably will now, with the motivation to do so sparked. Thanks :).
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Gravity Falls Beyond the Woods Chapter 15
Dipper and his children learn the truth.
<- prev
The clone paced around his prisoners. “Stan’s party,” Dipper said. “ The clones I made. But they all died.”
The clone wagged his finger. “Not all of us. We were the ones who stole Robbie's bike. Remember.”
Dipper’s eyes widened. “Quattro! You look good. You haven't changed.”
It was true. His face looked like Dipper’s did when he was twelve. Although, he looked far more faded. “No I haven't.”His suit started making willy noises as steam emerged from the breast plate. The chest of the suit opened, and the clone walked out. It was Dipper when he was twelve complete with shorts and vest. “I remember the first time you and Mabel came back. The second summer. It was barely a year, but you both were so…tall, Mabel lost her braces, and you had Wendy’s old trapper hat. You had it longer than this old thing.” He gave his hat a tug. He looked down at his tiny hand. He opened and closed it. “I…We didn’t age. You just grew and grew while I was stuck as the awkward twelve year old.” Without the helmet, he spoke in his young cracking voice of a twelve-year-old. But there was a cold bitterness to it.
Rose noticed something. “Two of you stole Mr. Valentino’s bike. Right?” She turned to her father for confirmation.
“Tracy, I think he called himself.”
Quattro was silent for a moment. “Do you know what it's like to look at your own face on someone else everyday,” he whispered. “To be reminded that you are not you. He was gonna kill me. I had to do it first. I had to. He made me.” His voice was pleading, despite. “But it's okay. I don’t need him. I never did.” From an unnoticed corner he pulled out several cardboard cutouts. Stan, Soos, Mabel and Wendy. Even Pacifica and Ford. Crudely drawn. He took the Mabel one and shook it around. “Hey Dipper, long time no see!” “Yeah dawg. Wanna see me test a ramp I made.” Rose and the others looked on in terror. He moved on to the Ford and Pacifica ones. “Yes, indubitably.” “Whatever.” “I was made before you met them. I don’t really know what they're like.” The clone admitted.
Dipper could feel the terror coming from the kids. At least his first encounter with the supernatural was with goofy gnomes who didn't even know what marriage really meant. But Rose, Tyrone, and the others tripped right into the deep end. Out of all the times Dipper had almost died, this was the scariest. So he thought it was best to get right to the point.
“What do you want?”
“I want my life back. I've been stirring the pot so to speak. Attacking the fairies, getting the government involved. All to get you back in here in good old Gravity Falls. Of course I had to promise the men in black something in return for delivering you to me.” Quattro threw back a pair of dusty curtains. There was the statue of Bill Cypher, hand extended.
“Cypher. Quattro, I don't know what you think you're doing but you can't trust him. He's using you.”
“Well, let's see what he has to say!” The clone grabbed Bill's extended hand. Everyone shouted in terror, but nothing happened. Quattro removed his hand. “He didn't say anything. He can't. He's just a statue. If the government wants to waste time on a hunk of rock, that's their prerogative. As long as I get you brother.”
Dipper gritted his teeth. “Well, you have me. Let the kids go.”
“Eh, I didn’t want them here. The faye got them involved. But they've seen too much at this point.”
“And whose fault is that?” Spat Tyrone.
Dipper sighed. “Why do you want me?”
Quattro ran his hand over the wall. “Do you know this place father? I have been told you’ve been here before.”
Dipper took a second look around. “It's the ship.” It was the place Ford was almost taken that first summer. Where they glued the riff containment.
Rose's eyes lit up. “The ufo!”
“UFO stands for unidentified flying object. A) it's not flying. And B) it's identified. It's a spacecraft.”
“Regardless. Stanford and McGucket mined this place for parts for their inventions. The carpet, the mind ease gun, the photocopier that made me. We found this place hiding from the rain. Just a drop of water could maim us, or even kill us if it hit the right spot. But that won't matter soon. With the right tools, I've been able to make this!” He pulled down a shagged carpet. “Once I get this baby working like the original. I'll get to be me again.”
“You’re stealing my body.”
“Steal it, dump you in the rain and watch you melt. Once I'm you I'll wipe the brats memory. Easy peasy.”
“Okay. Quattro, I can only imagine how hard everything's been for you. Listen, I can help you find a new life.”
“I DON'T WANT A NEW LIFE, I WANT MINE! You, you can't understand. You who got everything. You found the author, who was a relative, you're a respected paranormal researcher.”
“Respected is a strong word.”
The clone held Dipper’s arm. “Look, are these muscles? How did we get muscles?” Dipper thought about the variety of near death experiences that lead to his current physical state. “You even got Wendy! WENDY! You don’t get to pawn me off when you got everything you ever wanted. I, I miss Mabel. I miss my mom. And I will get them back!”
Wendy Was driving around the back roads when Puck appeared in her front seat. She nearly hit a tree as she came to a stop. Wendy reached for her ax when Puck raised her hands.
“Peace, peace. Why would you hurt your friend?”
“Friend? You took my daughter!”
“That was the Queen's orders. Couldn't disobey those. And it was your own people who took your husband. But I know where they are. They are both in the same place.”
Wendy narrowed her eyes. “Why should I believe you?”
“Well, I can't do anything to make you believe me. All I can do is tell you and the choice to believe will be yours.” Puck leaned close to her ear. “They are where the metal star hit the Earth.” And with that the imp was gone.
Wendy rubbed her eyes. If Dipper lived through this, she was gonna have time fairy proof the car. Metal star…Like a meteor? Or like a…Ship! She remembered Dipper excitedly explaining about how he and Stan 2 explored a crush space from like the paleozoic era or something. She backed up onto the road. ‘Don't worry’, she thought. ‘Mama's coming.’
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cosmosfated · 4 years
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“You remind me of who I used to be. That is a very dangerous person to emulate.”
A small comic between Fleur and his younger sister, @crownburned, talking about what it means to be selfish and why you can’t be selfless all the time.
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Hello dear before typing anything I would really like to say that I adore your writing! Could I request headcanons of characters of your choosing from bonely hearts club reacting to/interacting with a monster! s/o who is a perfectionist and a class president ( ex college president, or maybe any form of a leader? idk like a club leader would be alright too , you can change it ofc but I just wanted to sketch the rough image of them ). S/O is trying really hard to make everything perfect and they want to appear as put up as they possibly can. They can appear mean to the others if they get in the way but thats because they want to be their best selves for the rest ( they organize parties to make others happy, they manage events, they try to be the ,,symbol'' and use their magic to make others happy etc ). Basically they give the same vibes as isabella madrigal, amity blight, pacifica northwest etc. I would really like to see your take on a request like this ( adding even more aspects of their personality is welcome too ). I hope I made this description as clear as I could!
If you have a lot of requests or anything stressful happening at the moment please take your time and write when you feel like it :)
Perfection is Flawed (BHC! Skeletons X Reader)
Ooo! Interesting! I have just the thing! Made the reader whoever you want, human or monster.
Oh boy, match made in heaven. At least that's what I think. You two kinda help each other out. Whenever you're planning something, Papyrus is willing to help give you ideas and vice versa. 
He'll simply pull you aside and give you a heartwarming speech about how you're only human (or monster) And things can never truly be perfect. You can only do your best and your best is the skills and experience you've gained and applying it. 
You take this to heart and actually use your skills for the things you love, Papyrus by your side!
Dates? Super planned out. Like the order of movies or snacks that must be brought. You turn the living room into a movie theater and he's all for it. And if you're tired, have too many snacks to finish off, etc. Papyrus proposes letting his family have the temporary movie theater for a while.
They loved it. So happy.
All in all, very understanding and willing to help!
Chill. Will transfer his chillness to you just by being in the same room. Need help with suggestions? Likes anything you show him. Makes it difficult sometimes but other times it helps keep the stress at bay with the easy choices. 
While he's all for pranks and jokes, he would never do anything that would harm your hard work. And if he sees anyone trying to pull that, they're gonna have a bad time. 
He's the most likely to have the most fun at your planned events. He's a people person and absolutely will not let those snacks go to waste, much to Papyrus's chagrin. 
Dates with him are usually chill. Whenever you ask for specific details, he tells you he's cool with whatever as long as you're with him. He'd know you'd never plan a date with anything he's uncomfortable with. 
Sometimes when you're stressed about an event, he'll pull you aside for some cuddles or if it's night, cuddles and stargazing. 
Good for keeping you in check when you need to but also just as supportive as Papyrus.
He thinks it's a competition. You can't be more sophisticated than the coffee addicted skeleton. It's not a serious competition though, just to see how you'd fare against an equal. (His words, not mine.)
He admires your skills, he gives you unbiased yet gentle criticism for some of the event planning, very helpful. 
He'll make sure to attend ALL the events you plan. Isn't his style? Doesn't care, he's going for you. 
He'll ask you for help with important events like birthdays or an anniversary since you seem to have knowledge about EVERYTHING they like. It terrifies him. But he still loves you.
You two would absolutely make fun of poorly planned events if you both know the person behind it is a prick. 
If it's a person who you both know is just trying to be helpful? You two are going to show up on their doorstep. 
"We're here to help," 
And help you do.
He knows how difficult it can be so would absolutely offer you his prized coffee. (If that's not your cup of tea, makes your favorite beverage) and just talk about whatever comes to mind.
All in all 100/10 boyfriend.
He doesn't really get it but will still support you! 
Ideas? Oh, sure, he got you- He's pretty creative and sometimes gives you unique themes!
Will melt if you tell everyone it was him who came up with the idea, you just saw it through.
He'll try to make it to as many events as he can. But if he's overwhelmed, you'll take him to a back area and be with him. Give him hugs.
He understands that these events take a lot of time and effort. And if he sees you stressing, he'll give you hugs, cuddles, soft kisses and prepare stuff you love. 
Very sweet boi. ^^
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inktheblot · 3 years
📓 👀
Like I'm sure many of us have, I've thought about several potential "next summer in GF" scenes, mostly focusing on relationships that didn't get too much time in the series proper (Mabel and the girls inviting Pacifica to one of their sleepovers for the first time, Ford going on a fishing trip with Fidds and Tate, Soos and Melody's anniversary, The Epic Stan And Wendy Heist We Were Robbed Of: Pun Intended...)
The most fully formed idea I had was for a whole "episode" with a Ford & Mabel A-Plot and a Stan & Dipper B-Plot.
Maybe Soos and Melody are away for the weekend, and then Stan drags Dipper along on some legally dubious errand, which leaves Ford and Mabel to fend for themselves in the Shack. Mabel decides to seize the opportunity to have some rare one-on-one time with her second Grunkle and invites him to bake something with her -- some part of her figures intuitively (correctly) that Ford would want to interact with her (a) she's a more social creature than himself, and might not be content to simply work on a project by herself in silence as long as he would; b) he does also want to get to know her better one-on-one; and c) children require active supervision and attention, oops) but wouldn't know what to say to initiate and wouldn't be thrilled about just Small-Talking It Out. Having an activity to do together breaks that ice and also gives the old nerd a challenge/chance to show off ("I can't say I've made triple-decker banana nut gummy worm muffins before, but on a fundamental level, baking is just edible chemistry -- how hard could it be?").
On both sides of the story we have mostly humorous hijinks, with an underlying layer of "I'm not really sure how to address you on an emotional level right now, even though you're someone who's deeply important to me, so I'm going to rush headlong into your shenanigans, which I do thoroughly enjoy, maybe even more than I expected, and hope that that's enough to convey my feelings", up until the first "commercial break". In "Act II" the Anomaly Of The Week appears, summoned by the specific formula of Mabel and Ford's now-smoking kitchen concoction. Ford is kicking himself -- how could he have let such crucial information slip his mind, he's getting sloppy, he's let himself relax too much, he's weak, he can't even talk to his great-niece, let alone protect her... Despite Mabel's protests, he throws himself headfirst into the fight.
Meanwhile, Stan and Dipper have successfully made their getaway with their sad clown pop-art prints or what have you, laughing and wheezing for breath as they pull over the Stanleymobile in a safe spot in the woods. They're joking and teasing and play-punching each other when all of a sudden, Stan trails off and his gaze turns confused and unfocused. For a minute, Dipper thinks he's being pranked, but soon it becomes clear that his Grunkle is in fact having a memory lapse. Ford had warned the family, in quiet, cautious tones, that it was a possibility; that Stanley had been lucky to survive at all, let alone without any sort of side effects; that he'd already seen it happen a time or two, but they hadn't been severe, and it hadn't taken long to put him to rights, so don't panic. But Dipper hadn't imagined he'd have to handle such a thing by himself, not to mention miles from the ideally easy fix of the Stan O' War II's ship's log or Mabel's scrapbook. So at first, panic is exactly what he does, until it's clear that it's Not Helping (at which point it becomes, uh, more of a Panic On The Inside).
So that parallel thread comes to a head in the form of these unexpected catastrophes being the catalyst for those emotional conversations that hadn't been able to come to the surface yet. Though Ford rushes in to fight off the creature, believing he's singlehandedly responsible for protecting Mabel and the Shack, Mabel easily tames it herself in a creative, compassionate manner ("You're not you when you're hungry!™️"). Ford then has the perfect opportunity to express his admiration for Mabel's social skills as well as the other brilliantly unorthodox solutions for unruly cryptids she'd added to his Journal. Remembering rare monsters' feeding habits was one thing, but even worse, how could he have forgotten that his great-niece was more than capable -- after all, it was she who had punched a unicorn in the face and won! So Mabel gets the bonding she was craving with an unexpected side of affirmation and encouragement, and in turn Ford is reminded that the self-sacrificial shame he bears is unwarranted, that each of the Pines and friends have their own strengths and they have the most success (in monster hunts or otherwise) when they trust each other and work as a team. They return to their baking adventure with the knowledge that they have more to talk about, and more in common, than it may appear on the surface.
And Dipper, when the easy solutions aren't available, and trying to "tough it out" doesn't work, and there's no feasible way he can drive or drag Stan back to the Shack himself, gives in to his emotions, the despair of the moment plus everything else he hasn't known quite when or how to say. All his love and appreciation for his Grunkle, in those words, and the fact that the most valuable thing he taught him wasn't how to throw a proper punch or how to talk back to bullies or how to distract someone running a yard sale but to always put his family first, no matter what you might look like or what you might lose. And that, of course, is the ticket: Stan slowly comes back to life, and rather than brushing off the sentiment or replying with a choke-hold as he might have a year ago, he can fully return it. "Love ya too, kid."
Close on all four, sitting in front of the TV, with some new bizarre artwork on the walls, chowing down on some only mildly exploded dessert-for-dinner. All is well. ❤️
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ripperdaddy · 4 years
the viktor vector romance path + ending we deserve
Disclaimer: This is definitely something I came up with in my head. There will be a few instances that are solely made up so it can tie in with the “story.” This is purely fictional; something I wished happened if there was a possible Vik romance 🥰 This is based on my general knowledge of the game & Vik’s life. All gifs + images are from my own personal play through, but wouldn’t be possible without the help of the Appearance Menu Mod, found on Nexus Mods by the creators, MaximiliumM and CtrlAltDaz. And the shirtless Vik mod by the lovely samsnak ♡
It would start after completing the Paid In Full quest where you pay Vik back the eddies you owe him.
I feel like realistically, the general player would have to be at least halfway through the story to have collected enough eddies. I would say that a good point in the story where we can begin the romance is that you’ve already established a connection to Alt and have dealt with the VDB’s.
I think it would be a short side quest like River’s. Vik already plays a big part in the story overall on his own, so I don’t think it’s necessary to make his “side quest” too long. His romance would just be an addition to the ending.
And as much as I would love for him to be a bisexual option for both male/female V, if we’re sticking with the game’s standard with limiting partners to only one kind of partner, he would only be romance-able by a female V with a feminine voice.
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V: Finally scrounged up enough eddies to pay you back in full.
Vik: Hold on to ‘em just in case - you need ‘em more than me.
V: I’m not taking them all the way to my grave, Vik. Here. And.. thanks again for doing so much work on me ‘thout ever seein’ an enny.
Vik: That’s what friends are for.
Then, there is an additional option for dialogue to trigger the romance path.
V: Friends? I think you’ve been in and out of my body more than anyone else I’ve hooked up with in Night City.
He laughs, with a coy smile. “Well, can’t argue with you there. Why don’t we take some of these eddies and grab a drink. You know, to celebrate. Catch up on old times. Haven’t seen you round here much lately, kid.”
You agree to meet at the El Coyote Cojo tomorrow evening.
You meet around 9 PM and you are welcomed by the sight of Pepe and Vik at the bar.
V: Nice choice of venue.
Vik: Thought you’d like it. Haven't been here since.. well, you know.
V: I miss him, Vik.
Vik: I know, V. Me too.
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You immediately take a seat and tinker with a few dialogue options, where you can either have a sweet moment talking about Jackie or some surface questions to ask, like how he’s doing, what kind of drink he likes, etc. But it all winds down to Jackie anyway, where Vik confides in you about his past. Judging by how Vik was so affected by Jackie’s death, and V’s (if you chose the suicide ending), you can tell that he has lost a lot in his life, and keeps his circle very small.
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You then achieve an even closer, more personal relationship with him. But, ultimately nothing happens other than the usual, wait 24 hours in game for a text/phone call from Vik to head into the next stage. At least now, you have established the foundation for a future romance.
Halfway through the 24 hour period, you get a text from Vik thanking you for the lovely evening. No reply needed, as he calls you once the 24 hour mark hits and invites you out for another date.
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You meet at Tom’s Diner for coffee in the afternoon. It starts off with him apologizing for being emotional the previous night and asks if you’re open to hanging out again and going down to Pacifica to watch a fight with him.
Vik: Hey, V. I just wanted to apologize about last night. I didn’t mean to be such a downer.
V: It’s okay, Vik. We share the same grief.
Vik: I was going to head down to Pacifica and catch a real good match later on today. I was wondering if you’d like to come along, think it’d be great for the both of us, you know, as a distraction.
pssst even Johnny’s rooting for y’all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Johnny: Hmm, interesting.
V: What?
Johnny: Never thought you'd be going out with this guy.
V: Vik's amazing. And I mean--we basically owe it to him since he practically saved our life.
Johnny: Don't tell me you're going out with him out of pity.
V: I'm not.
Johnny: I know, I can feel you get all mushy-gushy. It's almost repulsive. Just wanted to hear you admit it.
V: Eat a dick, Johnny.
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You arrive before the GIM and blend into the crowd.
V: Nothin’ like watching guys beat the shit out of each other to get your blood pumpin’, huh?
Vik: This is a real good matchup, V. This kid’s fresh, young talent.
V: You miss it, don’t you?
Before the fight begins, Vik shares a story about his time in the ring and coming in second in the Watson Boxing Grand Prix.
There’s some extra fun options in the dialogue, you can bet some eddies on who’s gonna win, or side with him. The fight ends, and you two head outside.
Since you’re already out in Pacifica, you head over to the boardwalk (where you would ride the roller coaster with Johnny) and he starts telling you about the last days of his boxing career and how he transitioned from the sport to being a ripperdoc.
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You both share a sweet moment with each other, reminiscing about old times and talking about V’s future with the relic. This is where I would see Vik confessing how he feels about you, mentioning how grateful he is for Jackie introducing you to him.
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The evening ends and Vik asks you to give him some time to try and dig up some footage from his storage and have you come over to watch. You can kiss him then wait another 24 in game hours before the last quest. Halfway through, he texts you and asks you what you’d like for dinner. You can opt for pizza or chinese.
I haven’t seen or read anything about how or where Vik lives. If I overlooked something, please let me know! But for the sake of the story, let’s say he does actually have his own place that’s now introduced in the game. Personally, I think he has a typical bachelor pad, like a really nice apartment. Not too far from his clinic either. He looks like he would just walk to work. Vik definitely has a lot of money, but he’s so humble I doubt he would choose to live lavishly. As mentioned in the beginning, he typically just “sleeps nights” ever since he was over “being a legend” so I’m guessing his lifestyle is very routine. He goes to work, goes home, sleep. Seems unlikely he has a place like the Peralez’s. It would probably be just the same as V’s but decorated to his taste.
The evening comes and you are over at his place. He’s dressed in just a white undershirt, no exo-glove. You get to know more about his family, how he grew up — scanning things around his place. Then he plays some footage of one of his fights for you, while you two have a conversation and share a beer. As you two sit on the couch, you get close, then have an opportunity to kiss him.
then this is where da sex happen hihihi (ノ・ω・)ノ
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The next morning you wake up and you two have a heartfelt conversation about where this is going. He already knows your situation, so I would assume he is very accepting and supportive. And with Vik, he seems like the kind of guy who would still want to be in your life and keep the friendship the same way despite no longer being together romantically. So it’s official. He’s your man 🥵 !!11!1!
Like how River gives you the “fuck the police” tank top after sleeping with him, I think Vik would give you his Night City Devils t-shirt that provides you with a significant amount of armor or some kind of cyberware upgrade that makes you invulnerable for a brief moment while using your hands to fight enemies.
Note: I was thinking of Vik giving V his boxing glove necklace, but because it's part of his character's appearance in the game, I don't think we would be able to essentially "take it" from him - unless he gives you a replica as a keepsake. Which I think would also work.
If you successfully romance, during the rooftop scene near the end of Nocturne OP55N1 (despite Vik’s disposition of him telling you to take matters in your own hands and being a little closed off), you still have an option to reach out to him when Johnny advises you to call a loved one.
V: Hey, Vik. I just wanted to say, thanks for hanging with me, until the end.
Vik: Quit talking like it is, V. Just do what you need to do.
V: I mean, think of it. It’s like I’m heading into the last round of this whole thing.
Vik: Well, in that case.. remember—keep your hands up, guarded at all times. It ain’t over just yet.
V: Heh.. I can feel it, just a few more punches.
Vik: Now look at you - the new welterweight champ of Night City.
V: Thanks, coach.
Vik: Last piece of advice from the coach's corner. Just.. be careful, kid. Remember, I’m with you.
Okayyyy, soooo I’m not the biggest fan of how CDPR gave us two of the same endings (Path of Glory). The only difference is that Rogue’s life is spared. I would have assumed that not only would we get to keep Rogue around, things should have played a bit more differently for V if we took the route of going solo against the corpos. So let’s tweak it.
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This specific ending; it should be after getting through Don’t Fear The Reaper where you single-handedly manage to rip through Arasaka by yourself. Johnny goes back to Alt & Rogue is still alive. Yes nobody dies!!!
(honestly this ending can apply to any love interest you choose)
Vik and V are now living together in a lavish penthouse, entertaining an upcoming merc to do their work for them (which is now the current POV of the player.) You were recruited by Rogue at the Afterlife, who told you to visit this couple for a real, preem job.
They give you some vague details about the gig and go on for a brief moment about what you will be doing and what you should expect. Vik emphasizes to you that it’s important you get what they need because it’s for his wife, V, as her life depends on it.
As Never Gonna Fade Away is playing in the background, they tell you to break into Arasaka HQ.
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Then the game officially ends.
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paroxysmal-distaste · 3 years
proximity. || ch4, luminous
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◬ Chapter 4 - Luminous ◬ ◬ Pairing: Bill Cipher x Fem! Reader ◬ ◬ Date Published: 11/03/2018◬ ◬ Word Count: 2.6k ◬
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A bad afternoon was turning into a bad habit, as you marked this as your second day waking up with drool spread across your cheek and your eyes rusted shut.
The majority of the night before was spent welding together the remaining pieces around the portal, and today would mark the first time you were to test it. It was very tempting to ask your brother to split himself off and assist you in the making, especially since he was much stronger than you, but the last thing you wanted was to get him involved. The timing with his appearance in town was quite inconvenient, but you were to continue as planned as if you hadn't met with him.
Your body felt rigid and a stinging in your limbs, felt more so when your fingers reached towards your face to pull away the strands of hair that were stuck to the corners of your mouth.
A feeling of deja vu ran flooded over you, recalling familarity in a distant dream you could almost describe at the tip of your tongue. Dreams usually just come flooding back to your head faster than blood when you're doing something randomly that relates to it, so you hoped you could remember later on.
The only thing you remembered right now was an axolotl. Funny little creatures.
You examined around the living room. Seemed like you had slept on the couch, meaning your brother slept on your bed.
Actually, where was B/N living prior to today?
Your mind trailed to the girl you glared at the day prior. Pacifica.
As you sat up, a pain shot through your back, slightly aching towards your neck. Lazily, you got up and headed to your room, where your brother was. He was even a heavier sleeper than you, if that were even possible. With a quick walk to your room, memories of last night came rushing back.
My cars gone.
Dipper Pines is suspicious of me.
And the portal.
Your lips quickly curled into a smile at the thought, completely ignoring the previous thoughts. Right now? It was time to put all that planning and prioritising of your life's work into action. You just had to test it out now. Quietly tiptoeing over to your brother, you bent down and pushed his shoulder blade, speaking softly, "B/N,"
He didn't reply.
"B/N." Your voice raised in volume, as you nudged his back even harsher.
He only groaned and used his right hand to swat you away, almost hitting you in the face. You rolled your eyes and straightened your lips into a thin line, grabbing the nearest pillow at his feet and smacking it onto his head, hard. Instinctively, you stepped back to avoid any reflex of his or repercussion.
"Ow what the hell?!"
"B/N, I'll be down in the basement again, don't come down there because I'll be working. Okay?" He groaned and threw the pillow on his head back at you and muttered, "Whatever, I don't care."
You ducked, barely missing the pillow flying over your head before frowning.
"Fine, doesn't matter, just know that you can't go to the basement. You probably won't see me for a few hours, so be aware of that." You stated, shifting your sleeve and checking your watch.
He didn't reply, so you weren't entirely sure whether or not he heard you. With a sigh, you went to your underground workshop.
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"Shit, what if I get caught?? What if I get arrested? I mean it's not illegal because these are my own powers. But, I don't have a permit, I don't have legal authority to be conducting an experiment such as this one in the first place, no matter how its being powered. Even if it was being powered with a bolt of lightning like Back to the Future, i still don't think this would be legal All for what...?!"
You were yelling at yourself at this point, panicking at the potential liabilities you might be facing if the portal activation was successful.
You slapped your hands in alternations on your cheek, your mouth parted open and a popping sound leaving your lips, "I can do this! Fortune and fame... enough for everyone in my family to benefit. That? And I get to continue to study what I love. My work- finally put into practice!"
You clapped your hands over your cheeks in sync once more, only to mumble 'ow' from the rough slap, rubbing it timidly.
I'll power the portal by connecting a circuit to a button and extension cord. Keeping the current running will be my job.
You'd already taken note that your powers work more in a state of fear, probably because of natural human instinct. With adrenalin and cortisol pumping in your veins, it was essential that you took advantage of your body's defence as the main fuel for your electrical current.
However, it was personal self development that was not your strong suit. You had all the technicalities, the math, the construction - all of it. Everything that went by the book. It was the improvement of your powers that needed to be worked on, but you had been procrastinating it, unsure of how to go about it.
There was a desk connected to a bunch of buttons and switches. You carefully took a look at them, checking to see which ones to turn off and on. The only ones that you kept turned off were, 'Complete' and 'Emergency'. The switch that you had named 'Complete' was one of the few that you had to keep on if you were absolutely positive that the portal was ready to be opened.
I guess this is why this is a test run.
The 'Emergency' button was kept around for the safety of you and others, in case something were to go wrong, including if the portal doesn't stop with the typical stop button. The Emergency button would go as far as deconstructing the entire thing, which is why you wanted to avoid having to use it.
Now, you had 3 different switches/buttons that had to stay on in order for the test run to work. You made it like that so when the time came to start it up, that someone wouldn't just rush in and accidentally press a button and boom - the portal opens.
You started with cleaning up your work area because you were already aware that the second your dimension comes in contact with another side (which is one of many, comparable to have sides on an infinity dice) that their world of physics - or lack thereof - would leak into ours and make things unstable, sucking in anything it could.
It's as if our world were on a scale, and any slight disturbance or inconvenience that were to threaten our balance would immediately interrupt our stability. Gravity would also change instantly, and you were not having all your paperwork be lost in case this didn't work.
You walked over to a button that you labelled as, "START." It wasn't the typical big red button, but it was bright green to avoid confusion. It was just so it was noticeable and it wouldn't be accidentally pressed. Even if that were to happen, you'd also have to flip a lever near the edge of the portal. You pulled the lever first, then the button.
There were 2 clip-like objects that had a very small needle in both of the tops. It was something that was supposed to be put on both of your index fingers, and prick into the skin, to allow a better connection from your body to the metal circuit - basically a pulse oximeter.
Carefully, you grabbed a pin and placed it on the finger on your left hand, wincing slightly as the needle broke through your skin. The same thing was done to the other hand, and you glanced over to the rest of the cables that ran through the back of the portal, making sure everything was OK.
You were sweating now - this was both exciting and terrifying. A hand was hovering over the only thing that would be separating your universes. (Maybe)
On the count of three, you thought.
You took a deep breath, this was it! You were to push the button, and use as much power as you could at the same time. The current will run through the entire portal and light up if everything goes as planned.
You estimated that the electricity would run under 18 seconds at least. Any more than that, then it would be reaching towards other things that it shouldn't, like interfering with all the power in the town.
No, this was a bad idea.
"Hey Y/N, what are you doin-"
You jumped and swung around, looking for the source of the voice. Upon contact with the perpetrator, you narrowed your eyes, your face burning in a weird roundabout embarrassment and anger.
"B/N?! You scared me half to death! What the hell are you doing down here? Leave!"
Your brother squinted at you, "Probably didn't hear it. So, whatcha doing?" He rubbed his eye, removing any sleep that was dragging him down. You had only been getting everything cleaned and ready for about 40 minutes. You would have thought he'd slept for longer.
"What do you think?"
"Oh, I don't know, that's why I asked." God, how am I related to him?
Frustration shot through you almost immediately. Oh, you were going to kill him after this. He walked towards you, seeing your shaking hands still hovering over the button, slowly dripping with blood starting from your fingers. "Woah, you're bleeding."
"No shit! I need you to leave, this is dangerous. I'm working on something that no person has ever seen before." You gestured with your head, seeing as your arms were preoccupied.
"Can I watch?" Your brother asked.
What the-??
"Um, no? Leave, please. We're talking about ripping a hole through our dimension into another." You replied, shaking him off. As you heard his footsteps get quieter, you turned back around and looked at the button.
A loud slam was heard, marking the fact that your brother had left already but you waited a few moments just to make sure anyways.
Fuck it. It's time.
Bam. You slammed your hands down on the button.
Almost without warning, blue electricity shot through you, leaving a tingling sensation in your arms, travelling down the stand where the button was, and connected to every cable insight. A large extension cord that you had marked as, 'PORTAL-S' lit up bright blue and trailed towards the portal.
The portal glowed and your eyes were wide with surprise and excitement, forgetting the anger from before. Electricity ran across the symbols that circled the entrance of the gateway. Something you added for good luck- despite not being a major believer in it, it was something that your brother had mentioned adding when he was younger before you left home.
It wasn't long until pain was running through your arms. The portal was literally sucking the life of you. After all, you were it's only energy source. It was like someone was holding down your hands firmly on to the button.
You tried to yell as a way to release a bit of tension, but you couldn't even hear yourself, only vibrations. The gateway itself was creating a loud noise, almost like the sound of an aeroplane. Miraculously, you could just faintly hear your brother call your name, "Y/N!"
Wait, B/N? No way. Hell no.
The portal then glowed brighter than before, and the pain now was almost unbearable.
"B/N! I told you! Leave!"
"No, but-"
"Go!" You managed to croak out. Faintly, the outline of your brother running away was just visible, until you brought your attention back to something in your peripheral vision.
Your eyes managed to see something - a creature maybe - fly out. You couldn't exactly see it, since it was invisible but it had a large tail that was the width of its body and giant claw arms. It looked similar to those skull-crawlers you saw in King Kong: Skull Island.
Although it was invisible, you could see the shape of it, like the outlines you see in a heatwave. It was a wavy line of its body but that was all you could see before it disappeared into the wall of the bunker.
You continued to struggle with the portal while you could only watch as all your work floated into the portal. Your eyes widened in terror seeing papers tear and get swallowed up by the portal. It was the exact precaution you made sure to store away, so fortunately, there were a few papers you had deemed unnecessary for safekeeping. The portal then shook and made a loud rumbling noise, feeling like an intense earthquake.
Your body started to float, the only thing holding you down being the clips and cables. The light for the portal glowed brighter than anything you've ever seen.
Pieces of the ground began to crack and break off, chunks floating above you, your only response for your eyes and mouth to widen in shock. That's not supposed to happen. The extension cords were also threatening to break and rip.
Until it just...
You let out a weak stream, and finally managed to pry your hands off the button. Hell yeah the portal worked, but seeing that invisible outline escape its gateway caused panic to cover every inch of your body. It wasn't comparable to the pain that was streaking through your limbs, but you tried with every bit of your strength to remove the pins pressing into the pads of your fingertips.
All that loud noise went silent.
You tripped backwards and fell on your behind, as you saw the portal's electricity around the entrance reverse and move back into the cables in a flash.
It went quiet for a while.
The portal shut powered down suddenly. No warning, no indication. You snapped out of what seemed to be some sort of trance, and you winced when the tiny open hole-wounds on your fingertips made contact with the ground. You ogled at your wrists and saw a small amount of electricity start to fade out and retract back into your wrists, a bit like your veins.
Looking up, the portal made a giant screech and all the lights turned off, leaving you in a pitch-black room.
Your first priority was your brother. For once, you had to put family over dream.
Dashing back upstairs, you see him sprawled on the floor, convulsing violently.
"B/N!" You yelled, rushing to his side. His eyes were bright blue, and the same electricity that was running through you was now tainting his veins. The second you touched him, all the light from his body disappeared and he stopped moving.
"B/N?" You whispered, voice shaking and tears beginning to brim your eyes. Suddenly, he sat up stiffly with a gasp and coughed, doubling over when he let air out. Upon seeing that, something clicked in your mind. You don't know how you knew, or where you learnt it from but you just knew what happened to your brother. Like a dream, it was information that just popped into your head.
"I think I know what happened, B/N." You muttered as you hugged him, rocking him back and forwards as you sniffled. Your brother clutched his forehead in pain, reluctantly hugging you back., "W-what?"
"I think," you faltered, "I think... you can absorb powers from objects, not people. Objects, like the portal."
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ciphers-crypt · 2 years
[A Bill Cipher kinnie aesthetic blog. Feel free to send asks and I'll respond in character!]
[More below the cut:]
△ Pro-ship (especially pines//cest and bill//dip, or if you ship Bill with any minors) △ Truscum/transmed △ LGBTQ+ exclusionist/gatekeeper (including but not limited to: anti-nonbinary, anti-ace/aro, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, and many more. basically just be cool) △ Anti-kin, and/or pro-factkin
△ Anti-endogenic systems
△ TERFs/SWERFs △ Racist
ABOUT ME: △ I post a lot of horror content, be warned! Body horror, gore, unreality, etc. △ The mod is a nonbinary adult, you're free to use they/them for me. I'm not likely to post much OOC here, but will if necessary, so don't be afraid to ask if you've got questions for Me specifically △ Bill Cipher here is Also nonbinary - you're free to refer to me-as-Bill with he/him, it/its, and xe/xir. Those are my preferences, but I'm always looking for new pronouns, so if you have neopronouns you think would fit for Bill, feel free to try em out. Bill isn't extremely concerned with what people call him. △ In our post-canon, Sixer resurrected me as a human-ish entity that ended up living with him in the shack. We're gay and in love, you know how it goes. I run this blog as if it's during that time period. △ Bill Cipher is aware of the multiverse, including the one(s) where Gravity Falls is a cartoon. This is to say you're welcome to send asks referring to the show, or you can send asks in character as your kins or a resident of Gravity Falls, and I'll respond basically as if you're from an alternate universe.
OTHER: △ I'm not looking for canonmates, but if you'd like to meet my Sixer, he's @beneath-the-shack. △ Sourcemates and doubles are welcome to interact! △ My canon lines up with the show in most major ways, just with a bit more detail in my memories than what we see in the show. I feel like the show leaves a lot of details open to interpretation because of Bill's nature as a chronic liar, and so I've got details going on in my kin canon that aren't established in the show but could technically be canon there. Book of Bill is not canon for me - my post-show and backstory events are different. △ This blog ships Billford. My Ford and I are partners IRL.
CHARACTER TAGS: △ SIXER (Stanford Pines) △ SHINER (Stanley Pines) △ PINE TREE (Dipper Pines) △ SHOOTING STAR (Mabel Pines) △ QUESTION MARK (Jesús "Soos" Ramirez) △ CHILLER (Wendy Corduroy) △ STARSIGHT (Gideon Gleeful) △ SPECS (Fiddleford McGucket) △ ??? (Pacifica Northwest) (don't remember what i called her yet LOL) △ HEARTACHE (Robbie Valentino) △ TIMEPIECE (Blendin Blandin) All others tagged by name!
THEMES & SYMBOLS: △ ALL SEEING EYE △ EYES △ TRIANGLES △ DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES △ REMEMBERING AND FORGETTING △ LET'S MAKE A DEAL (deal making) △ ❔ (question marks - tagged like this so it doesn't get mixed in with soos' tag)
STORY: △ UNTIL THE END OF TIME (my relationship with fordsy 💛) △ THINGS CHANGE (angsty breakup period billford ]: ) △ THE WHOLE BEING DEAD THING (when I was dead!) △ WE'LL MEET AGAIN (post-canon!) △ HUMAN ENOUGH (guess who got a humanoid form!)
OTHER: △ CIPHER SPEAKS (Original text posts) △ CIPHER'S ART (I draw sometimes but only when it's funny) △ INTERACTIONS (In-character convo) △ BENEATH-THE-SHACK (my Sixer <3) △ MEMORIES (explicit discussion of kin memories) △ CIPHER'S SECRETS (codes and riddles and all kinds of clues!) △ CIPHER'S SOLUTIONS (the answers to said codes, blacklist if you don't want to see them! I won't usually post these myself, I like to leave the solving to you all) △ SIXER'S SECRETS (secrets, but the ones Sixer posts) △ SIXER'S SOLUTIONS (the solutions thereof!
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papa-puffy · 3 years
[OOC: The following Drabble is a flashback, and features CWs & TWs such as alcohol, abuse, and other uncomfortable topics. It is centered around JSchlatt (J.J.), Captain Puffy (Puffy/Pacifica), and Captain Walter Schlatt (OC), when JSchlatt and Puffy are children!]
"Pacifica." Walter Schlatt, Puffy's Grandfather, croaked. "I've decided that one day, when all this is through, yer gonna be the one to inherit all o' this."
Pacifica smiled, when her hair was ruffled.
Then the day changed for the worse.
"Cap'n?" Came the familiar sound of her aunt's voice. "The boy's gone and taken more than his share o' lemon's again. Sayin' he's sick."
"J.J?" Puffy asked, her voice as gentle and caring as it always was. Her Grandfather looked at her judgementally, though, and quickly she stood up straight.
"Bring 'im into my quarters. Pacifica, it's time you learned how a Cap'n keeps the respect of 'is crew." Walter held his chin high, finishing downing his bottle of whiskey and near-slamming it on his desk.
Later, Pacifica pressed a wet rag back into lukewarm water, before pressing it back onto her brother's bloodied cheeks.
He snuffled again, eyes downcast and eyebrows furrowed. "You don't haf'ta help me, Peanut. Don't care that much."
She looked at her brother, before shaking her head fondly. "You don't let people help you enough."
"Don't want help. I'm a man, damnit."
"Cap'n's made you think that men have to be all that and a slice of pie. You're a man, yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to be all tough all the time. No one's that good."
"I should be. I should be better than you."
"You are! You saw how much better you were at steering the ship when Mama tried to teach us."
"Yeah, but then Pa made sure I knew every little thing I messed up on."
There was a short, awkward silence.
"... Are you really gonna do what you said? Run away?" Pacifica asked.
J.J. looked at his little sister, and frowned.
"We'll get to those docks in around a week- you can come with me. I don't mind you so much. It's- it's them I can't stand. It was never anything about you, Peanut."
"I can't do that, Cap'n needs us for upkeep. His knees aren't what they used to be, he says."
"Well, his belt is."
Puffy sighed. "Okay. Okay, you just better be safe, okay? No drinking, not too much."
"And you won't tell?"
"Not a soul."
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zinkuldump · 3 years
Cyberpunk 2077 drabble
prompts "nightfall" "silent fury" "breeze"
Corpo V teenager, first meeting with Jackie
The teenager took off the braindance gear with a groan and massaged his temples. Sliding slightly in his chair he unlocked his computer and looked at the cursed mail again.
"Party at the [...], Heywood"
The mail was cursed, the place was cursed, the time was cursed and people were going to die.
He could ignore the whole thing and let it all go to hell. But at the same time, he couldn't. He sighed again, leaning back in his chair. 
It was already nightfall, he had to go soon, see the chaos unfold with his own eyes. He took a gun from his drawer and left the room, and then the apartament, heading towards where the supposed 'party' was said to take place.
The whole biz stank like a rotting corpse, but getting involved was a matter of pride, which is never to be taken lightly in the underbelly of Night City. Jackie wasn't a Valentino for long yet, but he knew that much. They got a tip that Maelstrom was doing an operation on their turf and someone needed to be taught a lesson. That much was sure.
He was there mostly as back-up, to call people if things got hairy and what-not, so he stayed behind with a few others. He was young, but he wasn't stupid, he knew that if Maelstrom got involved here, there had to be something bigger going on. Some kind of opportunity that they couldn't lose. So he was ready for anything.
Except for a skinny, red-haired, corpo teen actually sneaking up on him and dragging him into a back alley, before he could even think about overpowering him.
"I don't want to hurt you, please be quiet and listen," the boy said, letting him go, with a hint of desperation in his voice. After a moment of confusion and panic, Jackie quickly calmed down and just looked him up suspiciously, but nodded.
"Look, your guys getting here, both a curse and a blessing. I got—" he suddenly grabbed his head and squirmed in pain.
"Hey choom, you ok?"
"They fucking hacked me. I'll be fine. But I need to leave, now. I think shit is gonna go down soon, and they already know I nicked their shard. You guys want to know what they were doing here? It's all there. I'll give it to you if you help me get away. And..."
"I don't know. I just saw five people I was meeting every day drugged and chopped up. I kinda feel like puking and it's probably not the best time."
They didn't speak for a moment and Jackie could see silent fury in the boy's eyes and in that moment his smart dress and expensive cyberware felt like an afterthought. There was something real in those black, cybernetic eyes. And just like that he knew, that maybe he's gotten over his head, but he'd help the guy.
"You're definitely right it's not the best time, hermano," he put his hand on the red hair's shoulder, snapping him out of the trance. "Let's hurry then, before you destroy my clothes."
The two boys were riding for a long while on a stolen motorbike, the red haired holding onto the young ganger for dear life. As they finally stopped, the first thing that the student felt was that the wind was still strong, in fact, it must have been like that because of the nearby water. The bigger teenager jumped off the bike and stretched, muttering something in spanish that the other didn't bother focusing on for the translator to work. He also got off the vehicle and sat on the pier, focusing on the unusually fresh breeze for Night City.
"We're in Pacifica?" he asked, even though he knew the answer, realizing that his voice is much more sore than he'd hoped.
"Si," his new acquaintance said when sitting down next to him, and the Maelstrom's shard changed hands without mention. "Gracias amigo," he only said, pocketing it.
"I should be the one thanking you. You really saved my skin. And you still have no real reason to trust me."
"Maybe not, maybe I do," the ganger shrugged. "I'm Jackie by the way. What about you?"
The red haired boy was silent for a moment before replying. "...V," he finally said. "And that's my contact, in case... well, I'd be grateful if you didn't use it to extort me or something. But I want you to have it."
Jackie looked seriously as V's been sending him the data. "Hey, who do you take me for?"
"I don't know actually. You seem alright. I've never dealt much with the gangs though."
"Well, you seem alright for a corpo kid too."
"That's probably an insult, but thanks anyway."
"Not at all choom! What are you planning to do now, anyway?"
"...get home probably. There's not much I can do at the moment."
"I see. Well," Jackie also started sending him the data. "if you need anything or just wanna grab a bite, then I'm down. But I probably need to report back for now, so see you later, V."
"...see you later, Jackie."
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