#(you know in the dark world when odin snaps at him /in front of jane/ and thor gets shut down at every turn and goes silent)
magnusmodig · 6 months
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rough childhood headcanon qs / anonymous / accepting !
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╰┈➤ 6 . what was the worst / most traumatic moment in their childhood?
||. Oh, I am sure that there are multiple that Thor can recount (if he ever bothered to) and the list could fill up a very long and detailed tome. But were I to try and summarize most of them, I would end up with one word: Gungnir.
Disagreed with something your father said? Gungnir. Went against the grain because you felt it better to do things your own way? Gungnir. Have the gall to talk back (regardless of whether your point was valid or just genuine childish disrespect)? Gungnir. Make a mistake? Bound to get scolded? You've spoken out of turn? Gungnir. Dare to defy Odin and you will hear the sound of urdu thudding against the ground, because very likely you aren't talking to your father at all. You're talking to the All-Father, and he is not a very patient manner of beast.
And I would imagine that Thor, being the temperamental, strong-willed, passionate individual that he is (not to mention a perfectly bright and excitable creature as a child, the lovely lamb) wouldn't have known the difference at first. How would he have? His father was his hero. He answered a great many questions and told the history of his father and fore-father. He took Thor's hand in his and squeezed it tight, and showed him the great treasures of Asgard and the spoils of its righteous conquests as heroes of the Great Wars. ...So how was Thor to know the difference between the father who held his hands and spoke with a fond twinkle in his eye, and the All-Father who spoke with authority heavy in his tone and the slam of urdu on the ground? So Thor would speak up as any child might, interrupting and asking questions and never exactly listening, because Thor has his own thoughts and opinions and he would very much like to share them all. And father would listen, but the All-Father does not. And Thor would argue and debate and counter when he feels something unjust, unfair or otherwise downright vexing for a little one who knows no better about the world than that which consists of himself and his brother and his parents, and maybe sometimes he was eloquent enough to earn an impressed hum or a begrudging acquiescence — if he was debating with his father, at any rate.
Thor was oh-so very often not speaking to his father at all.
And it was very much his own mistake for not catching on to the difference.
But at some point, Thor learned better. Fight back, but maybe not so blatantly out of line. Defend your point and speak your mind, but beware of the All-Father's command. Do what's right, but in the shadow of rebellion ; keep your head down, and your eyes lower, as you slip around the politics of the rulings – for rules are made to be broken , after all. Most of all: when Gungnir sounds, bite your tongue and hold your breath.
You will speak when spoken to or you will not speak at all.
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
OG616 : Thor: The Dark World - Pt.5 [The Visit]
[My masterlist, where all parts of this and my other fics can be found]
Pairing: Loki / Sigyn (basically an oc based off the marvel/myth namesake)
Warnings: Major character death, some other mentions of violence/death. Nothing overly graphic.
Author’s Note: Have a little old-married-couple-Logyn as a treat. (followed by immediate sad. I promise, this gets less dark soon!)
Taglist: @high-functioning-lokipath , @onaheroicmission To be added to the taglist, just ask me here or send a message! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He was there.
Right there.
Moments away. Inches away. Loki stood with his back to her, flipping through a book.
The inside of his cell looked surprisingly comfortable, mostly thanks to what few things she and Frigga sent. Inside there were the tables, the chair and footstool. Books, stacked neatly against the far wall. A bed in the corner - with their blankets on it. The bed was unmade, one of the blankets hanging off the edge onto the floor.
At least he’s gotten some rest.
She smiled softly, then looked at him again. She wasn't sure how to get his attention.
Glancing around just to make sure they were alone, she pulled down her cloak's hood.
Seconds felt like years. Eons.
What do I say?
She stared at him. Took another step up the stairs before the cell, and tripped - gasping sharply, barely catching herself before she fell into the field of burning energy.
That was close. She leaned back, trembling slightly, her gaze locked on the deep gold aura gleaming in front of her.
Then she looked up. Her heart skipped a beat.
Loki was watching her, his face conveying pure astonishment for a split second - then confusion. Anger?
"Sigyn." He snapped his book shut. "I should have known you would be foolish enough to come here."
"Yes, foolish. It is foolish to risk getting caught, to risk getting killed-" He stopped himself. Exhaled, set the book aside. Looked back at her. "You should not have come."
"I hadn't meant to anger you..."
"Pardon me for fearing for my wife's safety."
"Loki, I am safe." She tried to step closer, but stopped at the barrier. She already hated the barrier. "You see? I got past the guards without them ever noticing - Loki, I'm here, I've come to you! Are you not glad to see me?"
"I would be more glad if you were not so close to being locked away too."
Sigyn's voice softened. "If it meant being with you, I would choose it."
Loki swallowed, watching her. He stepped closer.
"What happened to you, Loki? What did they do to you?"
"The Asgardians?" He huffed a laugh.
"No. The creatures you were with, the mad titan and his ally. What happened?"
Loki’s smile quickly disappeared.
".. You shan't speak of it. Of course." Sigyn looked away.
Give him time. Be patient.
She looked back at him.
He seemed to be studying her. Soaking in every inch of her. It felt almost like when he would admire her, so long ago. Of course, she admired him too.
She'd always admired him.
"I still can't believe you're here.." She breathed. "I missed you. I missed you so much. When they told me you were dead, I..." Tears gathered in her eyes. "I couldn't believe it. I didn't, at first. And then you were alive again. But you weren't safe, you were out there, alone.." She stumbled over the words, whispering through tears. "I missed you."
He let out a soft, defeated sigh, blinking slowly. "I missed you too."
Sigyn's heart felt lighter than it had in over a year.
He missed me. He still loves me.
She smiled, in spite of the circumstances, though she desperately wished she could join him. She wiped a few tears away with the back of her hand.
"The necklace I gave you.." Loki walked to the edge of the barrier, his hands behind his back. "You still wear it."
"Of course I do." She pulled it from under her shirt, holding it out. "I haven't stopped."
"Since the day you fell."
Loki nodded. "Hm. Truly the goddess of fidelity."
"It's just a title," She returned the necklace to its previous spot.
"But you uphold it well."
She smirked. "As you do yours."
Loki let out a breathy laugh. "I'm sure many would disagree."
"The god of mischief," She smiled, warmth in her voice, "The trickster. Fitting titles, both."
"And yet who is now on the outside looking in? Hiding their identity, committing - I'm afraid to say - terrible crimes?"
"Is it a crime to see my husband?"
"It's certainly a crime to break into the dungeon."
"Funny. You'd think they'd be more worried about someone getting out, not in." Sigyn grinned.
Loki huffed, "You would be surprised."
"Perhaps. Shows how much I‘ve yet to learn," she giggled, glancing away for a moment. As she turned her head, she could've sworn she saw Loki truly smile at her.
"Have you any idea how these cells work?"
"Now, Sigyn. Don't tell me you're going to break in and out of the dungeon."
"I only asked a question." She walked over to the dungeon wall. No controls, no levers, no hint to how the barriers were sustained..
"Some sort of spell, I imagine, but none I know." Loki watched her, gripping his hands together as she continued smoothing her hand over the wall. "Sigyn," He called, "You should leave."
She stopped. "What?"
"Leave, Sigyn."
"I've only just got here.."
"It's not safe."
"The guards are coming on patrol. Unless you would like a cell of your own, you must leave."
She looked at him one last time. Sure enough, the sound of footsteps echoed through the dungeon. She hadn't noticed.
"I love you," She grasped her hood.
He gazed down at her, his breath heavier. "..I love you too, Sigyn. Now go."
Sigyn left the dungeons completely unnoticed. She meandered through the palace, stopping near the throne room. Checked to make sure she was alone before pulling down her hood and gazing out a window at the city. Her heart still felt giddy, her hands still a bit shaky after finally speaking with him - it took everything in her not to shout for joy.
I'll find a way to free you, Loki. You'll be safe here. The Nine Realms are protected, our family is back together again. We even have Jane now - everything is better than it was before. She sighed happily, taking in deep, relaxed breaths between small fits of laughter. It will be okay. Everything will be okay-
Alarms sounded.
The prison alarms.
Her hair stood on end, her heart skipping once before pounding in her chest.
Had he found a way out?
Guards hurried, battalions forming and marching to report to the king. They wouldn’t rally so many just to stop him… We’re under attack.
Sigyn followed. She caught a glimpse of Frigga and Jane walking away.
Good. Frigga will keep her safe.
"Allfather?" Sigyn caught up with Odin. He turned, facing her.  "Allfather - how can I help?"
"You can stay out harm's way."
Sigyn huffed, "I want to help."
"Sigyn, you have little experience in battle, and no weapon to speak of. The best you can do is stay safe."
She wanted to argue. To help, to fight whatever was attacking her home - but instead she nodded, backing down. An argument between her and Odin was the last thing everyone needed. "Very well, as you wish.."
Odin seemed vaguely impressed as she turned, leaving. Not knowing where Frigga and Jane were, Sigyn went up to a room she knew healers would be hiding in - and sure enough, many were there, looking bewildered. She closed the door, standing before them.
"The Allfather will protect us. We are to remain here."
Countless explosions sounded from outside. The entire room shook as something attacked - no, bombarded the palace.
The servants looked to Sigyn. As princess, she was highest in command among them.. Though she’d hardly led anyone before.
"Don’t fret," She assured them again, "We will be safe here."
They waited.
And waited.
Holed up in the quiet healing room, listening to muffled explosions from outside.
Sigyn couldn't decide if it was better or worse to be waiting, rather than in battle - at least out there, she might see what was going on. Eventually, the deep hum of a ship flying away suggested they could leave.
Sigyn walked to the door, opening it. Paused. "It's safe."
Making her way to the throne room, her breath grew unsteady.
Bodies. Bodies everywhere, littering the floor with blood and decay. A ship had crashed into the throne room. Countless pillars of stone toppled over, the dust still settling over the ruin. 
The throne of Asgard, half destroyed. More bodies laid strewn about before it.
She swallowed, looking at each of them pointedly. Rest well. You fought bravely.
She looked around her. Not a soul. Where are they all?
She searched the castle, catching sight of Thor and Jane. They were safe.
"There you are!" She stopped in front of them. "Where is everyone, brother?"
Thor gazed down at her.
Sigyn's brow immediately furrowed and her stomach churned. He had the same grim look she'd seen over a year ago, when he'd returned from the Bifrost with Odin. But now it somehow looked more certain. More real. More… Enraged.
"Sigyn, come, there is.. No way to put this lightly."
Frigga was dead. Gone.
Dark elves had attacked and murdered her, along with countless others. Dark elves of Svartalfheim - an enemy they were told had been slaughtered by King Bor eons ago. 
Yet another lie that had cost her family everything. 
So many lives lost.
Her life lost.
Sigyn sat by a window, weeping quietly. Grief came in waves, washing over her relentlessly, one after the other.
If I'd followed them, her and Jane, things might be different.
I should've followed them. I should've helped them. I should’ve known how to fight.
She gripped the folds of her cloak, sniffling. Squeezing her eyes shut.
Mother, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I should've been there to defend you.
Sigyn opened her eyes again, gazing out the window.
I miss you already.
That night, a funeral was held. Sigyn begged Odin to let Loki attend.
He refused, and forbade she try to tell him herself. 
She knew it was too risky to go see Loki now. Frigga was no longer there to vouch for her - one wrong step, and Odin may have Loki executed for all she knew...
So Sigyn stood alongside Thor and Jane, clutching her necklace with white knuckles. Watched as boats, carrying the deceased, drifted peacefully by. There were so many boats... Too many.
A flaming arrow was lit, sent flying out to meet Frigga's boat. Flames consumed it. Then more arrows flew and met the other boats, flames growing. Burning.
As Frigga's boat drifted to the edge of the sea, Odin beat Gungnir on the ground, and her body turned to stardust, floating up into the sky.
Sigyn's gaze followed them.
An ocean of stars. Billions of shining lights, the same she and Loki once lied under. The same she once asked Frigga about.
I miss you, Frigga. A tear ran down her cheek as hundreds of lights were released, each drifting to the sky. Stars in their own right.
I will keep your son Loki safe. Give him your love and mine, love him more than I ever have before. I will help Thor, and Jane, the mortal. I promise, I will do you proud. Even if you were not my birth mother,
She swallowed,
You were a mother to me.
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
I’m Only Human
Chapter 4
Pairing- Loki x Reader, Thor x Reader( Best friends)
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts in italics.
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Loki heads into the Vault, sees the Casket of Ancient Winters sitting on its stand. He walks over to it slowly, reaches out to it, lifts it between his forearms off its pedestal. As he does, a blueness spreads from his arms, across his body.The latticework behind the Casket starts to separate, the Destroyer rousing. A fire starts to glow within its black metal armor, as it rattles to life, but Loki ignores it -- the blueness spreading further, consuming his whole body.
“Stop!” Odin shouted.
Loki turns, sees Odin hurrying into the room, the Destroyer goes motionless, the latticework rejoining before it. Odin eyes Loki with dismay.
“Am I cursed?” Loki questioned.
“No. Put the Casket down.” Odin replied.
Loki sets the Casket back upon its pedestal, his body quickly returning to its normal form and color. He stares at his father.
“What am I?” Loki asked in a curious tone.
“You're my son.” Odin Said Sincerely.
“What more than that?” Loki started. Odin doesn't answer. He looks suddenly weary, burdened. Loki sizes him up, realizes the truth.
“The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it?” Loki finished.
Odin looks him in the eye. He can deny it no longer. “No.” Odin answered. “In the aftermath of the battle, I went into the Temple, and I found a baby. Small for a giant's offspring -- abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's son.”
Loki is sent reeling by the revelation.
“Laufey's son...” Loki trailed off as he desperately struggles to make sense of it all. “Why? You were knee-deep in Jotun blood. Why would you take me?”
“You were an innocent child.” Odin replied.
“No you took me for a purpose, what was it?”
Odin doesn't answer. “Tell me!” Loki shouted.
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“I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an alliance, bring about a permanent peace... through you. But those plans no longer matter.” Odin explained.
“So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me.” Loki expressed.
“Why do you twist my words?” Odin Asked.
“You could have told me what I was from the beginning. Why didn't you?” Loki urged Odin for the truth.
“You are my son. My blood. I wanted only to protect you from the truth.” Odin stressed.
“Because I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?” Loki proclaimed loudly.
“Don't...” Odin trailed off.
“It all makes sense now. Why you favored Thor all these years.” Loki shouted.
“Listen...” Odin wheedled.
“Because no matter how much you claim to "love me,” you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the Throne of Asgard!” Loki yelled.
Odin's body begins to shake, he lifts his hand. It starts to move out of synch temporarily, leaving a trail, the effect of the Odinsleep approaching. Loki doesn't notice as Odin tries to fight it off.
“Listen to me!” Odin shouted. Loki strides away towards the exit. “Loki!” Odin starts towards him, when the enormous mental, emotional, and physical strain of recent events finally takes its toll. The effect of the Odinsleep consumes him. His entire body now moves out of sync with the rest of the world, leaving trails behind him as he staggers backwards. Odin falls back against a wall, his face contorting in a scream. He collapses to the stone floor. Loki, shocked, hurries to him. He takes Odin in his arms, calls out. “Guards!”
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Cars, pick-ups, and SUVs are parked around the crater, the sound of a boisterous party coming from within.  It looks like the whole town has turned out. Locals sit on  lounge chairs, drink beer from coolers, laugh and talk. They watch the center of the crater, where large men have formed a line to take a turn with the mysterious object. One of them struggles and fails to lift it. As he gives up, the next man steps up and takes his turn, straining from the effort. Other Townies snap pictures of the scene with their cell phones.
They hear an approaching rumble, then clear a path as a large pick up truck  backs its way down the crater's edge. An eager townie  hops out the passenger side and pulls a thick chain from the back of the truck. He fastens one end around the object, then securely affixes the chain to the bumper and the rear of the undercarriage.
“This'll do it.” He yells to the driver. “Okay, let 'er rip!”
The townsfolk watch as the pick-up's engine roars, then  strains, its wheels spinning futilely, until finally the rear of the truck, along with the back wheels and axles, break off and go flying.
People dive out of the way. The pick-up driver sticks his head out. He is STAN "THE MAN” LEE. He looks back, shocked. The townsfolk laugh, the party continuing. They don't notice as --on The Crater’s Edge above them An imposing Government vehiclepulls up to a stop. A Fed in a suit climbs out, peers down at the boisterous gathering Below, his eyes fixed on the object at the center of the crater. He is  is Shield agent Coulson. He stares down at the object which glows with an otherworldly blue energy -- Mjolnir. He pulls out a phone.
“Sir -- we've found it.” Coulson says into the phone.
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In a back room, Thor, now shirtless and wearing jeans, looks around for a t-shirt. Jane, Y/n, and Darcy, standing in the lab, can't help but notice his reflection in the mirror. Darcy eyes his powerful build,rippling biceps.
“You know, for a crazy homeless guy, he's pretty cut.” Darcy commented.
“He’s not a homeless guy well technically he is right now.” Y/n explained well at least try to.
Jane turns away. Thor emerges from the back room, holding a t-shirt.
“Hey, sorry I tased you!” Darcy you called out and Y/n laughs.
Thor heads over to Jane's work area, starts fiddling with the equipment there with interest. Jane hurries over to put a stop to it.
“Excuse me... excuse me!” Jane yelped as She leads him away from the work station. Thor holds up the t-shirt. On the front, it bear a sticker which reads- hello my name is Dr. Donald Blake. Thor looks at it, puzzled. Jane rips the sticker off.
“My ex.” Jane started. Thor stares at her a beat. “They're the only clothes I had that'll fit you. Sorry.”
“They will suffice.” Thor replied as  turns, his attention to the pictures of the Bifrost on  the wall.
“You're welcome. Now tell me...” Thor studies the frame-grabs with interest. Jane points to his form in the Bifrost photo. “What were you doing, in that?” Jane asked.
He glances at it, dismissive. “What does anyone do in the Bifrost?” Thor asked.
“Portal?” Y/n answered.
Everyone stares at Thor and Y/n. Erik seems to recognize the word. Jane opens her notebook, quickly writes the word down. Thor moves close to her, eyes the notations and drawings within the book, curious.
“The Bifrost...” Erik said in amused but also  skeptical way.
Jane starts to get uncomfortable with Thor standing so close to her, looking over her notations. She quickly closes the book.
“What exactly is the Bifrost?” Jane questioned.
“This mortal form has grown weak.” Thor announced.
“But--Somebody get the mortal a Pop-Tart.” Jane noted.
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Frigga sits at her husband's bedside, holding his hand. Odin lies there -- looking pale and lifeless, his body and the space around it warped from the effect of the Odinsleep. The walls of the chamber have moved close around him, protecting him like a dark crypt, sealing off any daylight. Loki sits at Odin's side, across from Frigga. She speaks  softly to him. “I asked him to be honest with you from the beginning. There should be no secrets in a family.”
“So why did he lie?” Loki wondered.
“He kept the truth from you so that you would never feel different. You are in every way our son, Loki, and we your family. You must know that.” Frigga informed Loki. Loki takes this in, stares at Odin. “You can speak to him. He can see and hear us, even now.”
“How long will it last?” Loki asked
“I don't know. This time is different. We were unprepared.” Frigga answered.
“I never get used to seeing him like this. The most powerful being in the Nine Realms lying helpless until his body is restored.” Loki disclosed.
“But he's put it off for so long now, I fear...” Frigga trailed off. Loki takes her hand. She's grateful, wipes tears from her eyes. “You're a good son.”Loki sits there, uncertain how to react, uncertain how he really feels. “We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother.” Frigga told her son.
Loki looks to Frigga, concerned. “What hope is there for Thor?”
There's always a purpose to everything your father does. Thor may yet find a way home.” Frigga said without a shadow of doubt.
Loki looks troubled by the revelation. He rises, heads for the exit, when they hear the clatter of armored footsteps hurriedly approaching.
The Einherjar guard  enter the room, block his way out. Loki tenses, prepared for the worst, but the guards just stand before them. Loki is baffled.
“Thor is banished. The line of succession falls to you. Until he awakens, Asgard is yours.” Frigga remarked.
The Einherjar kneel before the shocked Loki. Another Einherjar enters, holding Gungnir before him. He kneels before Loki, offers the spear to him.
“Make your father proud.” Frigga proclaimed.
Loki reaches out tentatively, then takes it. He likes the feel of it in his hand.
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Thor, Y/n ,Erik , Darcy, and Jane sit at a table in the local diner. Selvig and Darcy watch as Thor eats ravenously from a huge mound of steak and eggs. A couple other full plates --pancakes and biscuits and gravy -- are piled high before him.
Jane's eager, her notebook at the ready.
“Now tell us exactly what happened to you last night.” Jane voiced. Thor looks her in the eyes, staring, intrigued. Jane gets flustered, looks away. “Maybe start with how you got inside that cloud.”
“And how you could eat an entire box of Pop-Tarts and still be this hungry.” Darcy wondered.
“Big man bigger appetite.” Y/n Stated.
Jane shoots her a withering look. Thor downs a cup of coffee.
“This drink. I like it.” Thor announced.
“Yeah, it’s great, isn't it? Isabela makes the best coffee in town.” Darcy declare Thor.
Thor hurls the empty mug at the ground, shatteringit “Another!” Thor called out.
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Isabela, the diner's proprietor, glares at Thor  from behind the counter.
“Sorry, Izzy. Little accident.” Jane told the older lady.
“Yo voy a pagar la taza.” Y/n told lzzy (I'm going to pay for the cup.)
Isabela turns to Y/n  and starts venting quickly in Spanish. “¿Viste eso? ¡La primera vez que trae a un hombre aquí, y él es un lunático!” (Did you see that? The first time she brings a man in here, and he's a lunatic!) Y/n is laughing her ass off.
“What was that?” Jane questioned in an irritated voice.
He doesn’t understand. The other patrons stare at him.
“It was delicious. I want another.” Thor answered.
“Then you should just say so!” Jane proclaimed.
“I just did.” Thor Replied.
“I mean ask for it. Nicely.” Jane corrected.
“I meant no disrespect.” Thor disclose.
“All right, then no more smashing, deal?” Jane told Thor.
“You have my word.” Thor promised.
“Good.” Jane noted.
A few townies, looking bedraggled, enter and take a seat at the counter. We recognize them from the crater. (Among them  is the Drunk Townie Jake, who is not presently drunk.)
“Morning, Pete. Jake.” Isabela greet the man.
“The usual, please, Izzy.” The man replied
Isabela pours them a couple cups of coffee.
“You missed all the excitement out at the crater.” The man told Isabela.
“What crater?” Isabell asked.
Y/n and Jane overhear this, exchange a look, turn to the Townies with interest.
“They're saying some kind of satellite crashed in the desert.” Pete Answered.
“We were having a good time with it till the Feds showed up, chased us out.” Jake explained.
Satellite I think that’s the Thor’s hammer.
“Excuse me, did you say there was a satellite crash?” Jane asked Townies.
“Yep. They said it was radioactive. And I had my hands all over it.” Jake confirmed. “I'm probably sterile now.”
Thor, unconcerned, prepares to dig into the giant pile of pancakes. Darcy is amazed by the sight.
“Oh my God, this is going on Facebook.” Darcy whips out her cellphone. “Smile!” Darcy tote Thor. Thor smiles  as she snaps a photo of him and his massive stack of food.
“What did the satellite look like?” Erik Chimed in.
“I don't know nothing about satellites. But it was heavy. Real heavy. Nobody could lift it.” Jack. Explained.
This gets Thor's attention.
Y/n projects one of her thoughts to Thor. It’s your hammer Thor.
Thor springs to his feet, heads over to Drunk Townie Jake, and pulls the Townie around to face him.
“Where?!” Thor demanded.
“About twelve miles east of here.” Jake answered nervously.
Thor grins, his spirits soaring, as he quickly strides out of the diner with Y/n hot on his trail.
“I wouldn't bother! Looked like the whole Army was coming in when we left!” Pete called out to Thor and Y/n.
Thor studies the position of the sun, gauging his bearings. Jane, Darcy, and Selvig catch up to him and Y/n.
“Where are you two going?” Jane question Thor and Y/n.
“Twelve miles east of here.” Thor Replied as he follows Y/n to her car. Jane walks with him.
“Why? And why are you going with him questioned Y/n.
“I’m going to helping him.” Y/n answered.
“To get what belongs to me.” Thor said without missing a beat.
“So now you own a satellite?”Jane questioned sarcastically.
“It's not what they say it is.” Thor replied.
“Whatever it is, the government seems to think it's theirs. You intend to just walk in there and take it?” Jane wondered.
“Yes.” Thor noted. “If you come with  me there now, I'll tell you everything you wish to know.”
“Everything?” Jane wondered.
“All the answers you seek will be yours, once I reclaim Mjolnir.” Thor told Jane
Darcy looks to the others."Myeu-muh?" What's "Myeu-muh?" Darcy said confuse.
Jane studies Thor.
He looks sincere. She's nearly swayed,when -“Jane. Y/n.” Erik called for Them.
Erik pulls Jane and Y/n aside. Thor can tell that Selvig doesn't much care for him. “Please don't do this.” Erik stressed to Jane and Y/n.
“I think we should here him out.” Y/n said giving a knowing smile at Thor.
“You know what we saw last night. This can't be a coincidence. I want to know what's in that crater.” Jane expressed.
“I'm not talking about the crater. I'm talking about him.”Erik corrected.
“He's promised us answers.” Jane replied.
“He's delusional! Listen to what he's saying! "Thor." "Bifrost." "Mjolnir." These are the stories I grew up with as a child!” Erik explained.
“What if he’s telling the truth what if he really is the God of Thunder.” Y/n said trying to reason with Erik.
“Really you actually believe him. He hit his head when Jane hit him he’s not the god of thunder!!” Erik voiced.
“We just can’t abound you hit him twice I won’t do that look i’m not leaving him he needs help and I’m going to help him. Y/n declared.
“I’d just be riding with him and Y/n out there, that's all.” Jane explained.
“It's dangerous. He's dangerous.” Erik replied.
“So Am I and you asked me to be here so what’s the difference between me and him?” Y/n asked.
After a moment, Jane nods at Erik. They head back over to Thor and Darcy.
“I'm sorry. I can't go with you and Y/n.” Jane told Thor.
“I understand. Then this is where we say goodbye.” Thor Accepted. He takes her hand and kisses it.
“That's... thank you.” Jane giggled.
Thor bows slightly to each of them.
“Jane Foster... Erik Selvig... Darcy. Farewell.” Thor replied. He and Y/n gets in her car heads off down the street.
“Early you said you know who I am.” Thor Announced.
“I do you are the god of thunder.” Y/n replied.
“How is it you believe me when the others didn’t?” Thor questioned.
“I can reads.” Y/n answered taking her eyes off the rode for a second. “That’s how I woke you up in the hospital before.”
“Really your truly a mind reader?” Thor Asked.
“I know what happened with the Frost Giants and how you got here you were banished by your father Odin.” Y/n answered
“Wow... this is amazing how long have you been able to do this?” Thor wondered.
“Ever since I was five I can also control the weather too.” Y/n Remarked.
“You can what..” Thor Stated as he looks around the car he sees it begins to snow.
“This is extraordinary.” Thor beamed.
“I’m glad someone thinks so.” Y/n said smiling. “But we’re not going far.
Erik looks worried and relieved.
“Now... let's get back to the lab We have work to do.” Erik told as him  and Darcy turn and start to go. Jane looks after the car as they drive away down the street.
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Sif joins the Warriors Three as they hurry towards the Throne Room. Two Einherjar Guards enter, admitting Sif and the Warriors Three, who burst through the entrance, heads bowed.
“Allfather, we must speak with you.” Sif urged. But as they raise their heads, they stop short to see -- Loki Sitting sprawled upon his father's throne. He wears his horned ceremonial headdress and holds gungnir in his hand. Sif and the others look up, shocked at the sight before them.
“What is this?” Volstagg Questioned.
“My friends... you haven't heard? I am now Ruler of Asgard.” Loki informed them.
“Where is Odin?” Fandral Asked in a curious tone.
“Father's fallen into the Odinsleep. My mother fears he may never awaken again.” Loki answered.
“We would speak with her.” Sif replied.
Sif and the Warriors Three exchange a look. Loki notices.
“She has refused to leave my father's bedside. You can bring your "urgent" matter to me, your King.” Loki declared
Sif covers quickly. “We would ask you to end Thor's banishment.” Sif voiced.  
“My first command can not be to undo  the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people must have a sense of continuity in order to feel safe in these difficult times.” Loki remarked.  Sif and the Warriors Three trade looks, not liking any of this. “All of us must stand together, for the good of Asgard.”
“Of course.” Fandral replied
Sif and the Warriors Three bow their heads and exit. Loki stares after them.
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Jane, Selvig, and Darcy head up the street. They're by Arturo's, when a pick-up Truck pulls up before them, stopped by traffic. In the back of the vehicle, Jane notices,partially covered by a tarp, the dark matter analysis machine from her lab.
“Hey! That's my stuff!” Jane called out.
Jane, Selvig, and Darcy reach the lab, where government vehicles are parked. Shield Agent haul equipment out of the lab and load it into waiting vans. Other Agents strip all the equipment from inside the Pinzgauer and cart it away. Still others emerge from her trailer, arms loaded with scientific instruments and documents.
“What the hell is going on here?!” Jane barked at the Agents but they  ignore her as Agent Coulson approaches.
“Ms. Foster, I'm Agent Coulson, with Shield.” Coulson informed them.
Erik, recognizing the name of the organization, grows wary.
“I don't care who you work for, you can't do this!” Jane voiced loudly.
“Jane. This is more serious than you realize. Let it go.” Erik Chimed in.
“Let it go?! This is my life!” Jane remarked  angrily.
“We're here investigating a security threat. We need to appropriate your equipment and all your atmospheric data.” Coulson disclosed.
“By "appropriate"  you mean "steal?" Jane corrected.
Instead of answering, Coulson gives her a check. “This should more than compensate you for your trouble.” Coulson replied.
She throws the check to the ground without looking at it. “I can't just pick up replacements  from RadioShack! I made most of that equipment myself!” Jane exclaimed.
“Then I'm sure you can do it again.” Coulson pointed out.
“And I'm sure I can sue you for violating my constitutional rights!” Jane told.
“We're the good guys, Ms. Foster.” Coulson reported.He tries to walk away, but Jane blocks his path. She is fully herself, fueled by outrage.
“So are we! We're on the verge of understanding something extraordinary.” Jane started. Jane holds up her notebook. “Everything I know about this phenomenon is in this lab and in this book, and no one has the right to take it from me.” Jane finished.
Coulson gestures to a nearby Agent, who promptly plucks the notebook out of Jane's hands and adds it to the pile he's carrying. Jane is stunned.
“Thank you for your cooperation.” Coulson announced.
He gets into a car. The cars and trucks pull away.
Jane,Erik, and Darcy enter, staring in shock at the now-empty space.
“Years of research, gone.” Jane cried out.
“They even took my iPod.” Darcy confessed.
“And your back-ups?” Erik questioned.
“Look around! They took our back-ups. They took the back-ups of our back-ups.” Jane explained.
“I just downloaded, like, thirty songs on there.” Darcy told.
“Will you please stop talking about your iPod?!” Jane barked at Darcy then she looks over to Erik.
“Who are these people?” Jane asked Erik.
“No one knows much about them. But I knew a scientist -- a pioneer in gamma radiation. Shield showed up, and he was never heard from again.” Erik answered.
“I'm not going to let them do this. I'm getting everything back.” Jane declared.
“Please, let me contact one of my colleagues. Dr. Pym or Dr. Munroe they had some dealings with these people. I'll e-mail them  and see if one of them can help.” Erik insisted.
“They took your laptop, too.” Darcy Chimed in.
Annoyed, Erik thinks.
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Erik and Jane in the Pinzgauer drive up in front of then town's rinky-dink library. A sign in the window reads, "Free Internet.”
“I'll just be a minute.” Erik told Jane as He climbs out and heads inside. Jane looks down the street and sees something that intrigues her.
Thor and Y/n enters the store. Thor approaches a pet store clerk While Y/n looks at all the animals.
“I need a horse.” Thor announced.
“Thor they don’t sell Horse.” Y/n answered.
“Ya, we don't sell horses. Just dogs, cats, birds.” The clerk agreed with Y/n.
“We’re just here to kill time for Jane to find us.” Y/n told Thor as she starts to play with some bunnies.
“Right well Then give me one of those, large enough to ride around town for now.” Thor replied.
“You can’t ride any of them you would squish them with your weight.” Y/n disclosed.
The Pet Store Clerk looks confused. Just then, Thor and Y/n hears a car horn . They turn to the open door. Across the street, Jane calls out to them  from the Pinzgauer.
“You still have room for one more?” Jane wondered.
“Ya come on Thor.” Y/n replied.
Y/n and Thor walks out the pet store to the truck and Jane gets out the driver seat so Y/n can drive.
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It's story time in the library, as a LIBRARIAN reads a book --"THE SECRET HISTORY OF GIANTS"-- to a group of kids.
"And though they're large, giants can be quiet. You have to listen carefully for the sound of their
footsteps -- because they may be closer than you think." The librarian shared  with the Group of kids.
Nearby, Selvig sits at a computer terminal, finishing up his e-mail and his Text to Dr. Munroe. Beside him, a kid  flips through a book with interest. The Librarian stops mid-story and calls to the Kid pleasantly.
“Joshua, come sit down. It's story time.” The librarian voiced. The Kid closes his book and joins the others. Selvig looks over, notices the title of the book the Kid was reading --"MYTHS AND LEGENDS FROM AROUND THE WORLD."
He picks it up, flips through it, stops at the section on Scandinavian Mythology. It's a picture of a Rainbow bridge  coming down from Asgard to earth. Asgardians walk upon it, among them Odin, Loki’, and Thor, who wields Mjolnir. On the ground below them, a group of  vikings kneel reverently. He eyes the illustration, pondering.
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Jane's Pinzgauer cuts off the road, heads over the rugged terrain. Storm clouds roll in over the desert sky. Y/n drives. Jane is pumped with adrenaline, nervous and excited, as Thor sits beside her, upbeat and eager for battle.
“I've never done anything like this before! Have you ever done anything like this before?” Jane asked in a curious way. Thor looks amused by her excitement.
“All time he’ll I think I’m doing it right now.” Y/n answered.
“Many times. You're brave to do it.” Thor replied.
“I all time. Hell  I think I’m doing it right now.” Y/n murmured.
Thor chuckles at Y/n. She is one funny mortal he thinks.
“They just stole my entire life's work. I really don't have anything left to lose.” Jane
“Who is they.” Y/n questioned in a serious tone.
“Erik said there Shield some law-enforcement organization they came and took everything.”
Y/n’s whole demeanor change. How the hell did they catch on so fast? How am I going to protect Thor if they find out what he is it’s over. The clouds outside turn a dark gray.
“But you're clever. Far more clever than anyone else in this Realm.” Thor said voice soft with affection
"This Realm?" Why do you talk like that?” Jane wondered.
“You think me strange?” Thor asked.
Jane laughs, catches herself. “Yeah. Just a little.”
“Good strange or bad strange?” Thor wondered.
“I'm not quite sure yet.” Jane answered as She looks at him, sees him staring at her. She's lost in his gaze. There so lost in each other that they don’t see the distress that Y/n in, being lost in her own thoughts of what’s going to happen. The pinzgauer lurches off the road. She quickly snaps out of her thoughts and regains control of the car.
“Sorry.” Y/n announced. Y/n glances at Thor through that review mirror and, he can see that something is troubling her but before he can ask her on the  matter Jane speaks.
“Who are you? Really?” Jane queried.
“You'll see soon enough.” Thor told Jane.
“You promised me answers.” Jane Remarked.
“What you seek -- it's a bridge.” Thor answered.
“A bridge? Like an Einstein-Rosen Bridge?” Jane guessed.
“More like a rainbow bridge.” Thor corrected.
“God, I hope you're not crazy.” Jane declared.
As the Pinzgauer heads away, we continue up a hillside, revealing a light illuminating the valley beyond. As we move closer, we see the glow comes from -- A Massive Shield Base Now set up around the crater -- vehicles, trailers, barricades. Armed Guards man a gate in the razor wire fence that runs fifty yards from the crater's edge, enclosing the complex. Clear, plastic access tubes with junction boxes lead to a translucent cube structure erected in the middle of the crater. Through the glass walls of the base's command trailer, we see Coulson directing technicians, busy at work. Within the cube structure itself, a team of Shield scientist work with high-tech machinery, analyzing the object at the center of it all -- Mjolnir.
Y/n, and Thor crawl to the edge of the ridge, look through binoculars, see the impressive shield base.
“Look I know how important this to you but We can go to Home Depot and get you a hammer.” Y/n insisted as she tries to pull Thor way from the edge. Thor doesn’t budge and looks at Y/n.
“Your worried about about me?” Thor wondered.
“Of course I’m worried you don’t know how these guys work if they catch you it’s over. There’s no way I’ll can help you get back home.” Y/n answered.
Thor puts a comforting hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “I will be fine I have been in worst situations before and I’m still here.” Thor explained.
“I that is real reassuring thank you.” Y/n replied Sarcastically.
Jane walks up to Thor and Y/n with a concern look. “Hat isn't a satellite crash. They would have hauled the wreckage  away, not built a city around it.” Jane disclosed.
Thor shrugs out of his jacket and hands it to her.
“You're going to need this.” Thor commented.
“Why?--“ Jane trailed off.
Thunder rumbles overhead. She stares at him intently and takes his jacket.
“Y/n are you doing this?” Jane questioned.
“No this isn’t but I think I know who is.” Y/n answered.
“Stay here. Once I have Mjolnir, I will return what they stole from you—Deal?” Thor Remarked.
He looks to Jane then Y/n, already knowing that Jane will take put but Y/n will disobey his request.
“No! Look what's down there! You can't just walk in, grab our stuff, and walk out!” Jane proclaimed.
“No.” Jane looks relieved. “I'm going to fly out.” Thor replied.
Before she can react, he starts heading towards the crater. The first drops of rain begin to patter into the dust.
“Wait...” Jane trailed off. But Thor is already headed towards the crater.
A  Needle spikes on a handheld sensor device. The technician holding it looks over at the hammer. Mjolnir begins to give off a subtle glow. A bolt of lightning cracks across the sky above.
A younger shield agent, a techie in a headset, monitors security. A junior, looks on, none-too-pleased.
“Feed from the keyhole. Can barely penetrate the cloud cover.” The Techie hikes a thumb at another monitor, squelching with static. It shows an SAR shot of the area, laid over a terrain map. “Tech's barely working as it is, with all the interference that thing's giving off.” He gestures towards the hammer. He checks a computer. “Hey, we've got a commercial aircraft coming in right over us, Southwest Airlines Flight 5434.” Techie disclosed.
“Reroute it, like all the others.” Sitwell ordered
“Right. Can I get the passengers some free drinks for the trouble?” Sitwell glares at him. “It'd be a nice gesture.” The Techie types into the computer, when he notices something on another screen, holds up a hand. “Hold a sec... we got something outside the fence, west side...”  Techie trailed off. Techie points at the screen. Through the haze, it shows a  thermal image huddled beside the fence.
“DeLancey, Jackson -- check it out.”  Sitwell said into the radio.
Back at the top of the Cliff Y/n is using her telepathy to track everyone in the facility. She picks up on the conversation Sitwell is having with one of the Techie. They found you Thor keep your guard up two coming your way. Y/n broadcasted her thought to Thor. Back down at the Base a pair of Shield Agents(DeLancey and Jackson) take off in a jeep to investigate. Sitwell looks out the window, something strange catching his attention. The window's reflection that a glow is coming from the hammer containment area.
The jeep pulls up as the Agents scan the fence with an flashlight, see nothing unusual.
“Looks like we're good here. Must have been another coyote.” Agent Jackson seven to the radio to Sitwell. Just then, the Agents notice a section of the fence has been bent up from the ground, leaving a gap. Before they can call it in, a massive crack of lightning illuminates the night sky -- revealing the silhouette of a large man standing outside the driver's (Jackson's) side of the jeep. DeLancey looks over, notices.
“Jackson?” DeLancey hesitated. The Agents reach for their weapons. Thor elbows the driver across the jaw, causing him to drop his weapon. Jackson slumps over the steering wheel, as DeLancey starts to raise a shotgun at Thor.
Thor grabs the barrel, yanks it out of DeLancey's hands and thrusts the hilt back, smashing the Agent's jaw. Thor reaches into the jeep to grab a rain slicker.
Part 5
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thorne93 · 5 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 4)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count: 2004
Warnings: Language
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
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“What?” she asked, closing her eyes and violently shaking her head. “What the hell are you talking about? Did you get to the hammer?”  
“No. I got to it. But this man was in front of it. He was gorgeous, Shannon.” 
“Really? You were stopped by a pretty face? You've never been the type,” she teased. 
“No I'm serious. He had pitch black hair, it was slicked back. He wore a suit, an expensive suit. His face, my god his face. He had blue eyes you could swim in. And his face was sharp…” You started to drift into thought about him. Part of you was trying desperately to remember why Thor and this mystery man made you feel so damned… warm and powerful. 
“Earth to Y/N,” Shannon said, snapping her fingers in front of your face. 
“Hmm?” you asked, turning to face her. 
“So you saw a hot guy, big deal?” 
“I don't know...  But we know Thor is still here. We need to call Jane.” 
You called Jane and told her that Thor was still being held captive at the compound-city thing they built. 
“We can't leave him here, Erik,” you pleaded, once Jane told you were on speaker with everyone. 
“Y/N, listen to what he is saying. You believe all of this? They're children's stories.”
“Erik, we’re scientists. Look at the facts. A man shows up in an inexplicable storm, with a hammer that no one can lift, talking about realms. If he's delusional, he sure has a lot of convincing evidence around him.” 
All you heard was an exasperated sigh, presumably from Selvig. 
“Jane, come on, tell me this all just adds up in a funny way to you,” you begged. “Tell me I'm wrong.”
Begrudgingly, Jane agreed in a hesitant voice. “She has a point.”
Erik and Jane went a few rounds before Erik finally agreed to trying to come get Thor. He thought if he gave them the name of that doctor Jane used to date, it might throw them off the scent and let him go. All of you devised a plan, Shannon faked the ID in the system really quickly using her phone (gotta love brilliance and Stark Technology, kids), and Erik was on his way back. 
Erik retrieved Thor and you two and drove back. After he dropped you two off, Thor and Selvig went to a bar.
“So you still think he’s some sort of god, huh?” Shannon asked as she fixed the two of you some water. 
“I don’t know what I believe any more,” you said with a sigh. “I just know I feel… different around Thor. I felt different around that man at the crater. Something… I don’t know,” you said shrugging. 
“Did he say anything to you?” she asked with a frown. 
Your brows knitted together as you purse your lips. “He said ‘You can see me?’ as if I wasn’t supposed to be able to,” you remarked, your eyes on the floor, trying to decipher what that meant. Shannon did the same, and you could almost visibly see the gears of her mind working before you continued. “Then I said that yes I could, and he said ‘You’re Asgardian,’ and disappeared.”
“So that was it. You were both standing at the hammer, he asked if you could see him, and then said you’re Asgardian? He’s suddenly claiming you’re from the same place Thor is?” she asked, shaking her head and giving a callous laugh. “What a nutjob.”
About the time she said that was when Thor returned with a very drunk Selvig and dropped him in his bed before Jane and Thor went to the roof. 
“So, did you get any of your data? At all?” Shannon asked, now that you two were probably alone. 
“I got this,” you said, pulling the recorder out of your pocket. ”It isn’t much. Just my thoughts of the last few days, nothing for calculations, but it’s a start. We have that at least.”
Shannon took the recorder from you and flipped it over in her hands. “At least it’s something,” she noted. “Hey why don’t you come back with me?” she asked suddenly. “Jane’s research is gone, you’ll have to start basically from scratch. Why don’t you do that at one of Tony’s labs?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. I should probably help Jane rebuild what she lost.”
“And you can, you will, but with equipment that was made after Y2K,” she said with a cheeky grin. “Come on, please?”
You let out a breath of air. “I will come back to help you give what I have to Tony, but then I’m coming right back to help Jane. It isn’t right she lost all of her work thanks to those goons.”
“That’s all I can ask then.”
Around 1 AM, Shannon said she was tired and went down the road to a little hotel to sleep, ready to take you back with her tomorrow to NYC. You decided to go tell Jane your plans, but when you got to the roof, Jane was passed out on the lawn chair and Thor was sitting staring at the fire they’d made. 
“Oh, damn, she’s asleep,” you noted when you saw her. 
“Ah, Lady Y/N, so nice to see you,” Thor said with a smile. 
“Thanks. I was just gonna come talk to Jane but she’s clearly not talking right now so…” You gestured to Jane and gave a faint laugh before stuffing your hands in your pockets. 
“Ah, yes, tis quite hard to speak to the sleeping,” he remarked with a soft smile before standing up and walking towards you, taking a spot beside you where you stood and looked up at the stars. “What were you going to talk to her about?” he wondered.
“Oh, I was just telling her I’m going back to NYC, for a little while. My friend Shannon and her colleague would love some of the data I’ve gathered. Actually, they’d love to have data on you,” you said with more honesty and earnest, gesturing towards him with a turn of your body.
“Mmm, yes, your kind have not seen us for some time,” he stated quietly, almost to himself.
You turned and looked at him. “You really do think you’re Thor, don’t you?” you asked softly, no accusation in your voice.
“I know I am. Son of Odin, brother of Loki, son of Frigga…” he said, his voice trailing off, seeming sad.
In your head, you couldn’t fathom that you were talking to a god. In your heart though, Thor seemed so sincere, so genuine when he spoke of his family and his home. How could it not be real? How could he just be a delusional man? No, something about him just felt… otherworldly to you.
“What happened? Why are you here? Why can’t you return home using the Bifrost?”
“You know of the Bifrost?” Thor questioned. He’d mentioned it once, but never explicitly stated what it was or how it was used. 
You shrugged. “I studied Norse Mythology extensively in college. Your name came up quite a bit. In fact we named Thursday after you,” you said with a smile. 
“That is a heavy honor to bear,” he said with full seriousness.
“Not really, Thursday is the day before a real weekend begins, you’re almost like Monday’s less evil twin, but still evil,” you teased before looking up at him and grinning. 
A small blip of silence passed before Thor calmly said, “I was cast out. I stormed a realm of our enemies and sought out war with people we’d made a treaty with. With one careless action, I destroyed a treaty older than myself.” He hung his head in shame and you pressed your lips into a sympathetic expression, a small frown forming on your face. 
“I’m sorry,” was all you could offer.
“My father and I argued, he called me cruel and vain, I called him old and foolish. Before I knew it, he took Mjolnir and took away my power and cast me out. My banishment, the threat of a new war, it was all too much for him and he died. My brother is king now and our mother forbids my return. That is why I can’t return. That is my fate…” 
A tear dropped from his eye and you felt yourself naturally reaching towards his hand. You gripped it, and gave it a small, reassuring squeeze, to which he squeezed gently back.
“That seems… harsh,” you stated. “You made a mistake, but to banish you from your home forever… No mother would choose her husband over her son. Perhaps your actions did put too much stress on your father but… I doubt this is the first time you’ve made a mistake. Surely she doesn’t hold you responsible.”
“According to my brother, she does.”
“Your brother? You’ve heard from him since you’ve been here?” 
“Yes, while I was put in that room near my hammer,” he stated. “He visited me and told me everything.”
“Is your brother, by chance, perhaps… uh, pale, with dark hair?” you asked, trying to avoid using words like “gorgeous” “breathtaking” “stunning in all physical aspects”. 
“Yes, why?” 
“We met, I think,” you said, your eyes cast down to the town below. “I went in to see what Mjolnir was. I felt a pull to it… But he was there.”
“That’s impossible,” Thor stated.
“That’s what he said,” you noted with a scoff.
“No, I mean… He shielded himself from the mortals, from the humans. I know some of his tricks and he used one while he was here, not to alert anyone. The only way you could’ve seen him is if…” 
“Is if what, Thor?” you pried, taking a step closer to him. Part of you already knew the answer, but you needed validation for this.
“Is… if you’re Asgardian…” 
Quietness filled the space between you two as you thought on his words. Could they be true? Could you really be from another world? If so, how? Why? 
“Tell me about it,” you softly requested, thirsty to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.
For a moment Thor seemed unsure what to say. His golden features twisted into a look of ponder before he began. “The kingdom looks as though gold touched everything. Our palace is so massive, I haven't seen every corner of it. The people are kind, caring. Never selfish. The food is savory, but humble. Sweet, and subtle… Animals of all kinds canvas the woodland areas. The markets are so plentiful, it’s hard to choose where to go or what to get.”
“It sounds like heaven. It sounds blissful,” you mused. “I wish I could go there someday.”
“I wish I could show you,” he said with a thoughtful sigh. 
You placed your hand on his shoulder. “You’ll return, one day. I know it…” 
“You’re too kind, Lady Y/N.”
“I have hope, that’s all. I have hope that SHIELD will surrender what they took from us, from Jane, and return her work. I have hope that my friend will finally be asked out on a date by a guy who is clearly in love with her. I have hope that my work in physics will change a few lives.”
“You’re a very wise human,” Thor complimented.
You shook your head and laughed. “I’m a hopeless romantic. I see good in every situation. It can sometimes be a downfall.”
“Optimism can never be a bad thing, not where I come from.” 
His words warmed you and you smiled up at him, where he returned the gesture. The two of you looked up to the stars as Thor started to tell you about the nine realms, more about Asgard, and some of the places he’d been. Mainly he went places to battle people, but sometimes he saw some really beautiful places. 
But as the night grew on, you became exhausted. The two of you bid goodnight until the morning.
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Smoke 16/16
Pairing: Ronin!Clint Batron x Black Cat!Reader
Warning: Violence. Torture mentioned. Death mentioned. Nightmares. Lies. Seducing. Sexual humor. Broken and damaged pasts. Killing. Possessive Male. Struggling to open up. Secrets. Dark past.
I fucked up, I’m sorry y’all. I thought there were 17 parts. There is only 16. I apparently looked at another story, like a dumbass. My bad y’all I am so sorry.
This is the last part.
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When Buck pulls into the drive of the house. They get out, it’s like a storm had been brewing. So much needed to be asked, answered and said.
“Why?” Clint burst suddenly, Y/N turns slowly facing him as they stood at the front of the compound. “Why would you do this?” He steps towards her.
“Clint.” Buck warns him. He turns on his friend, hands on his hips as he stares at him.
“I’m sorry, Buck but this doesn’t involve you.” Clint grinds out.
“It’s fine Buck.” She nods. Buck eyes them both before he heads inside. Sure to fill the others in on what happened. She sighs, running a hand through her hair. The side of her face is bruising, swollen from the hits she had taken.
“My job was to stop you, instead I became involved, curious, drawn too.” She admits. “Batroc wasn’t a good person, it didn’t bother me. You taking him out. I didn’t think it would come back around.” She sighs.
“Come back?” He blinks at her.
“You killed him.” She nods. “But the witness, they saw me. I slipped out the window.” She admits, dropping her gaze to the ground.
“Why?” His voice even sounds confused.
“I stole all the information on you. To protect you.” She lifts her eyes to him.
“Why did you tell him it was you?” He shakes his head.
“You should know why.” She watches him.
“Well I thought I knew you. Guess I’m still learning.” He shrugs. “Tell me, Y/N.” His voice filled with command and irritation.
“If I gave you up, he would come for you. Your family.” She throws her hands up, irritated as well. “Everyone dear to you. Pepper. Nat. Morgan. Peter. Wanda!” She was close to yelling at him. “Because instead of doing the job I was hired for, I grew attached to you. I fell for you. And it came down to you and your family or myself. That was an easy choice, Barton.” She sighs.
“You took the blame for what I did, to protect me and my family?” He lifts a brow watching her.
“It’s not the first time.” She tugs on her bottom lip with her teeth.
“What does that mean?” He watches her.
“The night we met. I slipped out your window.” She nods slowly.
“I remember.” He nods.
“I stole all the information on you. I made it look like I killed him. I left right after that.” She looks down, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I wanted to go back. To pick up where I left you.” She swallows.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because I set myself up to be the killer.” She lifts her chin, looking at him. “They would come looking for me. I couldn’t put you at risk. So I walked away. Stayed away to make sure it never fell back on you.” Her words stun him.
“That’s, that’s why you left? Why I woke up alone? For two years?” He stares at her.
“You were too important to risk.” Her voice suddenly soft. “Than you got your family back and I figured I was better off in the shadows, till you started looking for me.” She admits.
“Christ Y/N!” He throws his hands up. “What about what I wanted?” He scuffs.
“What you did during the snap, you were hurting.” She glares at him. Suddenly hard. “But that was my life, I was willing to protect you before you poured that first drink. So don’t you act like you’re this horrible person who just kills to kill. You were hurting, grieving and living in fucking denial.” She points out.
“Listen here woman.” He points a finger at her. The corners of her mouth twitch. “You don’t get to make rash choices anymore. You want to make rash fucking choices, I’ll make them with you. You don’t get to offer yourself up in place of me. We’re in this together.” He warns her.
“Clint.” She sighs.
“I wasn’t done.” He bites out. Her mouth closes. “Understand this, you are my damn family too. Just as much as the fucks that are sitting around watching us argue on security footage.” He huffs. Her lips press together. “Got it?” He lifts his brow.
“Got it.” She nods, pressing her lips together once more.
“What the hell woman, you just thought I’d be okay with you gone?” He shakes his head. “Like I don’t fucking love you. You god damn fucking wild card.” He scuffs.
“That’s why I did it. All of it.” She smirks at him. “From the very beginning. You finding me in the alley with a dead guy attached to my heel.” She shrugs.
“What?” His head tips in confusion.
“I read the dossier on you. I was intrigued, when I found you. I followed you and tried to deny what I was really doing.” She smirks.
“What was that?” He smiles.
“Stalking you for my own personal gain. Than one day you’re sitting on that fire escape, you spot Odin. Fresh home from a kill and you end up sharing your donut with the stray cat. Feeding him, petting him, you even picked him up and rubbed his belly. You were sweet, under all the grief, denial and anger. Like sour coating on a sweet candy. I was head over heels in love with you. Before I broke into your apartment and had a drink with you.” She grins, tipping her head.
“Than stop running from me, damn it.” He laughs softly.
“I can work on that.” She nods, smiling.
“Can we take this where there literally isn’t a group, eating popcorn wondering if you’re going to kill me or not?” He sighs, shoving his hand through his hair.
“But isn’t the a reason you’re with me. There is the chance I might kill you?” She shrugs as he leads her into the house.
“I didn’t say it wasn’t I just don’t need them placing bets.” He smirks at her.
“Hey how did you know I left?” She looks over at him.
“Odin told us.” He smirks.
“Little furball is going to the pound.” She mutters.
“That’s a fight you won’t win.” He chuckles.
“I can take you.” She scuffs, with a smirk.
“But you won’t fight Morgan.” He points out.
“Damn.” She mutters under her breathe.
“Welcome to the family. We have eyes everywhere.” He chuckles, throwing his arm over her shoulders, pulling her into his side. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, she huffs, but wraps her arm around him as well.
It wasn’t perfect. They were both fucked up. It was just going to take time and patience with each other. But at least together they were good. That was a start.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @bugalouie @nishanki1 @crist1216 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @tomhardy41 @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @this-is-mycrisis @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @xrosegoldwolfx @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @optimistic-babes @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @aspiringtranslator @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @nerdypinupcrystal @atlas-of-the-world @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @thefridgeismybestie @dumbbitchenergytm @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @mcuwillbethedeathofme @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @a--1--1--3 @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Clint ‘Destory Me, I’ll Thank You’ Barton: @ml7010 @coley0823 @yavanna80 @lakamaa12 @boltsgirl919 @feelmyroarrrr @mrsseizetheday @honey-bee-holly @marvelfansworld @mybarnesmyhero   @the-real-mary-jane @dumbbitchenergytm @agentsinstorybrooke @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Smoke: @2s0uls @xxloki81xx @csigeoblue @demonlover87 @capandbuckylvr @marvelfansworld @natromanoffsboys @barton-you-dummy @thefandomimagines @thosesexytexasboys 
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Unforseen Chasm
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part 4 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count:  2004 Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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“What?” she asked, closing her eyes and violently shaking her head. “What the hell are you talking about? Did you get to the hammer?”  
“No. I got to it. But this man was in front of it. He was gorgeous, Shannon.” 
“Really? You were stopped by a pretty face? You've never been the type,” she teased. 
“No I'm serious. He had pitch black hair, it was slicked back. He wore a suit, an expensive suit. His face, my god his face. He had blue eyes you could swim in. And his face was sharp…” You started to drift into thought about him. Part of you was trying desperately to remember why Thor and this mystery man made you feel so damned… warm and powerful. 
“Earth to Y/N,” Shannon said, snapping her fingers in front of your face. 
“Hmm?” you asked, turning to face her. 
“So you saw a hot guy, big deal?” 
“I don't know...  But we know Thor is still here. We need to call Jane.” 
You called Jane and told her that Thor was still being held captive at the compound-city thing they built. 
“We can't leave him here, Erik,” you pleaded, once Jane told you were on speaker with everyone. 
“Y/N, listen to what he is saying. You believe all of this? They're children's stories.”
“Erik, we’re scientists. Look at the facts. A man shows up in an inexplicable storm, with a hammer that no one can lift, talking about realms. If he's delusional, he sure has a lot of convincing evidence around him.” 
All you heard was an exasperated sigh, presumably from Selvig. 
“Jane, come on, tell me this all just adds up in a funny way to you,” you begged. “Tell me I'm wrong.”
Begrudgingly, Jane agreed in a hesitant voice. “She has a point.”
Erik and Jane went a few rounds before Erik finally agreed to trying to come get Thor. He thought if he gave them the name of that doctor Jane used to date, it might throw them off the scent and let him go. All of you devised a plan, Shannon faked the ID in the system really quickly using her phone (gotta love brilliance and Stark Technology, kids), and Erik was on his way back. 
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Erik retrieved Thor and you two and drove back. After he dropped you two off, Thor and Selvig went to a bar.
“So you still think he’s some sort of god, huh?” Shannon asked as she fixed the two of you some water. 
“I don’t know what I believe any more,” you said with a sigh. “I just know I feel… different around Thor. I felt different around that man at the crater. Something… I don’t know,” you said shrugging. 
“Did he say anything to you?” she asked with a frown. 
Your brows knitted together as you purse your lips. “He said ‘You can see me?’ as if I wasn’t supposed to be able to,” you remarked, your eyes on the floor, trying to decipher what that meant. Shannon did the same, and you could almost visibly see the gears of her mind working before you continued. “Then I said that yes I could, and he said ‘You’re Asgardian,’ and disappeared.”
“So that was it. You were both standing at the hammer, he asked if you could see him, and then said you’re Asgardian? He’s suddenly claiming you’re from the same place Thor is?” she asked, shaking her head and giving a callous laugh. “What a nutjob.”
About the time she said that was when Thor returned with a very drunk Selvig and dropped him in his bed before Jane and Thor went to the roof. 
“So, did you get any of your data? At all?” Shannon asked, now that you two were probably alone. 
“I got this,” you said, pulling the recorder out of your pocket. ”It isn’t much. Just my thoughts of the last few days, nothing for calculations, but it’s a start. We have that at least.”
Shannon took the recorder from you and flipped it over in her hands. “At least it’s something,” she noted. “Hey why don’t you come back with me?” she asked suddenly. “Jane’s research is gone, you’ll have to start basically from scratch. Why don’t you do that at one of Tony’s labs?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. I should probably help Jane rebuild what she lost.”
“And you can, you will, but with equipment that was made after Y2K,” she said with a cheeky grin. “Come on, please?”
You let out a breath of air. “I will come back to help you give what I have to Tony, but then I’m coming right back to help Jane. It isn’t right she lost all of her work thanks to those goons.”
“That’s all I can ask then.”
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Around 1 AM, Shannon said she was tired and went down the road to a little hotel to sleep, ready to take you back with her tomorrow to NYC. You decided to go tell Jane your plans, but when you got to the roof, Jane was passed out on the lawn chair and Thor was sitting staring at the fire they’d made. 
“Oh, damn, she’s asleep,” you noted when you saw her. 
“Ah, Lady Y/N, so nice to see you,” Thor said with a smile. 
“Thanks. I was just gonna come talk to Jane but she’s clearly not talking right now so…” You gestured to Jane and gave a faint laugh before stuffing your hands in your pockets. 
“Ah, yes, tis quite hard to speak to the sleeping,” he remarked with a soft smile before standing up and walking towards you, taking a spot beside you where you stood and looked up at the stars. “What were you going to talk to her about?” he wondered.
“Oh, I was just telling her I’m going back to NYC, for a little while. My friend Shannon and her colleague would love some of the data I’ve gathered. Actually, they’d love to have data on you,” you said with more honesty and earnest, gesturing towards him with a turn of your body.
“Mmm, yes, your kind have not seen us for some time,” he stated quietly, almost to himself.
You turned and looked at him. “You really do think you’re Thor, don’t you?” you asked softly, no accusation in your voice.
“I know I am. Son of Odin, brother of Loki, son of Frigga…” he said, his voice trailing off, seeming sad.
In your head, you couldn’t fathom that you were talking to a god. In your heart though, Thor seemed so sincere, so genuine when he spoke of his family and his home. How could it not be real? How could he just be a delusional man? No, something about him just felt… otherworldly to you.
“What happened? Why are you here? Why can’t you return home using the Bifrost?”
“You know of the Bifrost?” Thor questioned. He’d mentioned it once, but never explicitly stated what it was or how it was used. 
You shrugged. “I studied Norse Mythology extensively in college. Your name came up quite a bit. In fact we named Thursday after you,” you said with a smile. 
“That is a heavy honor to bear,” he said with full seriousness.
“Not really, Thursday is the day before a real weekend begins, you’re almost like Monday’s less evil twin, but still evil,” you teased before looking up at him and grinning. 
A small blip of silence passed before Thor calmly said, “I was cast out. I stormed a realm of our enemies and sought out war with people we’d made a treaty with. With one careless action, I destroyed a treaty older than myself.” He hung his head in shame and you pressed your lips into a sympathetic expression, a small frown forming on your face. 
“I’m sorry,” was all you could offer.
“My father and I argued, he called me cruel and vain, I called him old and foolish. Before I knew it, he took Mjolnir and took away my power and cast me out. My banishment, the threat of a new war, it was all too much for him and he died. My brother is king now and our mother forbids my return. That is why I can’t return. That is my fate…” 
A tear dropped from his eye and you felt yourself naturally reaching towards his hand. You gripped it, and gave it a small, reassuring squeeze, to which he squeezed gently back.
“That seems… harsh,” you stated. “You made a mistake, but to banish you from your home forever… No mother would choose her husband over her son. Perhaps your actions did put too much stress on your father but… I doubt this is the first time you’ve made a mistake. Surely she doesn’t hold you responsible.”
“According to my brother, she does.”
“Your brother? You’ve heard from him since you’ve been here?” 
“Yes, while I was put in that room near my hammer,” he stated. “He visited me and told me everything.”
“Is your brother, by chance, perhaps… uh, pale, with dark hair?” you asked, trying to avoid using words like “gorgeous” “breathtaking” “stunning in all physical aspects”. 
“Yes, why?” 
“We met, I think,” you said, your eyes cast down to the town below. “I went in to see what Mjolnir was. I felt a pull to it… But he was there.”
“That’s impossible,” Thor stated.
“That’s what he said,” you noted with a scoff.
“No, I mean… He shielded himself from the mortals, from the humans. I know some of his tricks and he used one while he was here, not to alert anyone. The only way you could’ve seen him is if…” 
“Is if what, Thor?” you pried, taking a step closer to him. Part of you already knew the answer, but you needed validation for this.
“Is… if you’re Asgardian…” 
Quietness filled the space between you two as you thought on his words. Could they be true? Could you really be from another world? If so, how? Why? 
“Tell me about it,” you softly requested, thirsty to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.
For a moment Thor seemed unsure what to say. His golden features twisted into a look of ponder before he began. “The kingdom looks as though gold touched everything. Our palace is so massive, I haven't seen every corner of it. The people are kind, caring. Never selfish. The food is savory, but humble. Sweet, and subtle… Animals of all kinds canvas the woodland areas. The markets are so plentiful, it’s hard to choose where to go or what to get.”
“It sounds like heaven. It sounds blissful,” you mused. “I wish I could go there someday.”
“I wish I could show you,” he said with a thoughtful sigh. 
You placed your hand on his shoulder. “You’ll return, one day. I know it…” 
“You’re too kind, Lady Y/N.”
“I have hope, that’s all. I have hope that SHIELD will surrender what they took from us, from Jane, and return her work. I have hope that my friend will finally be asked out on a date by a guy who is clearly in love with her. I have hope that my work in physics will change a few lives.”
“You’re a very wise human,” Thor complimented.
You shook your head and laughed. “I’m a hopeless romantic. I see good in every situation. It can sometimes be a downfall.”
“Optimism can never be a bad thing, not where I come from.” 
His words warmed you and you smiled up at him, where he returned the gesture. The two of you looked up to the stars as Thor started to tell you about the nine realms, more about Asgard, and some of the places he’d been. Mainly he went places to battle people, but sometimes he saw some really beautiful places. 
But as the night grew on, you became exhausted. The two of you bid goodnight until the morning.
@reigningqueenofwords  @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @georgialouisea @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @dammit-stark @livelikeawinchester @sammysbuttcheek @bran2015 @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo  @depressed-moose-78 @oldfreakything​ @expecteddifferent @girl-next-door-writes @fanaticfanfiction @dakotapaigelove @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​
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solitaria-fantasma · 5 years
((Alright no Endgame spoilers but I’m seeing a sudden spike in people complaining that Thor’s characterization is wacked and has been wacked since Ragnarok and?? No???
Spoiler: Ragnarok is actually my favorite MCU movie to date and I am going to be biased under the cut.))
Just because Thor doesn’t say ‘thee’ and ‘my lady’ and ‘my cape was indeed made from mother’s drapery please do not tell the man of iron” (I can only find this damn thing on pinterest anymore tHAT’S NOT A SOURCE, GOOGLE). In “Thor” and “Dark World”, Thor was the first-born prince of a powerful kingdom. He was surrounded from birth by the social pressures and traditional styling of a royal family that has been reigning for literally thousands of years.!
Yes, he keeps that princely persona up and running when he’s on Midgard, but in “Thor”, he’s fully expecting to go home right up until he tries and fails to reclaim Mjolnir. After that, you can see some of that persona starting to slip - after Eric Selvig talks him out of SHIELD’s custody, and Thor has that alone time with Jane on the roof, talking about Yggdrasil and the Bifrost, you can visibly see him starting to loosen up.
That persona snaps right back once Thor does reclaim Mjolnir and return to Asgard, but it slips again in “Dark World” when Thor is put into a situation where he literally has to commit treason against his own family and kingdom to save Jane’s life and the stability of all the realms at once. Reality as we know it is about to end, his (presumably) first love (we never see any mentions of anyone else) is about to die, and he’s supposedly witnessed his brother sacrifice his own life to save him.
Combine all of that with the events of “Avengers” and “Age of Ultron”, and all of the missions and experiences and team-building they must have been doing to all have been so friendly in AoU’s party scene, and then we get to Ragnarok, where Thor gets the rug yanked out from under him by finding out that:
A) Loki is alive
B) Loki has been impersonating Odin for some time
C) Odin literally dies right in front of them
D) He has an older sister and said sister shatters Mjolnir like it’s absolutely nothing
E) He’s stranded on a distant planet where no-one knows his name and forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena from which death is the only escape.
At this point, the poor guy has absolutely NO reason to keep up any kind of mask. Why should he? I thought it was perfectly natural for Thor
Also, we find out in “Infinity War” that Thor is, what, 1,500 years old? Someone did the math once, and concluded that the poor guy is only about 23-30 years old through all this so it’s no wonder his public persona is bouncing all over the place.
This is entirely stream-of-consciousness and I’m not going to edit anything to sound more ‘professional’. I just wanted to get this off my chest bc those posts I mentioned up top were getting under my skin something fierce.
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Stray Dove 7: Jilt, Mercy, Forgiveness
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Stray Dove Masterlist
Thor Odinson x Plus!Size Reader
Warnings: Angst!
A/N: Here we pickup after the Dark World and head straight into Ragnarok!
Jilt, a hasty emotion that can make one suddenly reject or abandon something or in this case someone at the discovery of utter betrayal, in this case such as faking ones death. Though when accompanied by mercy, mercy that is the ability for one to show compassion or forgiveness to once betrothed that is well within the gods ability to punish or harm, though he never stopped loving her. Thor forgave Y/N, though he wondered at times it felt that he was to readily able to do so at a moment’s notice, even impairing the love that he tried to force for Jane, but the god could never replace the love he still held for HIS fate with that of a mortal.
To be honest, fake dying hurt, it really did, but the pain didn’t in no way make it worth the effort, the second Thor left with Jane Y/N swore her soul bled, especially at the begging and pleading the god rambled into her ear as he held lifeless body tightly to him. Thor even snarling at Jane to stay back as he cradled Y/N close, carrying the lifeless fate to lay next to the body of Loki. Lying in soul crushing agony, screaming for the spell to be over to go hide, hoping the use of said spell would have given time for troubled mind to clear & accept the fact there was no going back to HER Thor after this.
Sitting up in the waste of the dark elves homeward, guts twisted painfully tight, Y/E/C orbs falling on Loki who had been watching her close, wondering if Y/N was about to break & leave him to do what he had planned alone. Watching the god get to his feet to help her up quickly & not expecting the fate to fall into his arms with black dust covered arms wrapping around lithe torso. In shock Loki finally returned the sentiment, dirty hand smoothing down disheveled hair & allowing the fate her second of insecurity, fists wrapping tightly in leather long coat.
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Both returning to Asgard as einherjar when Y/N calmed enough to follow through with the plan Loki had outlined, the god asking kindly of the fate to accompany Odin to Midgard to assure he was safe. Y/N disguised as his private aid, that stood close to the aging gods side, giving Strange a run for his money when he came to them in the retirement home.
The sorcerer explaining, he had another place that he believed the older king would enjoy especially since he was regaining coherence, which had a lot to do with Y/N who slowly began to unwind the spell that Loki thought was fool proof, agreeing to accompany the old man to Norway.
“Sorry for condemning you Y/N,” the old king admitted to the fate both walking through the field, he had been saying that the past few days leading her to believe that he was possibly…
“I told you yesterday your majesty,” Y/N began before he cut her off.
“Odin, little fate, call me Odin,” he smiled, reaching to take sun kissed hand to lay in the crook of his elbow as they continued to the rock that he loved to sit on & look across the sea to reminisce on the old days.
“Odin, then,” Y/N smiled, enjoying having him coherent & able to hold a conversation.
“I hope you are ready for company,” the old man began as they took a seat, Y/N felling the energy coursing through the air knowing that this was what she had sensed for a long time coming staying close to Odin, both turning to look behind them to watch Loki flop on his belly & Thor laughing at least until recognizing Y/N & his father.
It was tense, the brawny god starting for them, the fate becoming nervous for the first time in a long time as she helped the old king get seated as his sons came forward, Y/N sure to step away from Thor because of the betrayal in his eyes & wasn’t wanting to suffer his wrath. Knowing they needed time with Odin because he didn’t have much longer a secret that she had purposefully kept from Loki.
“Y/N! Why didn’t you tell me that you two where moved,” Loki berated the fate who stepped away from Odin glaring hard at the god of mischief who was quick to calm himself, remembering her temper.
“Mind your tongue Loki,” Y/N snarled under her breath, eyeing Thor closely as it seemed he wasn’t about to let her back away as he pushed around Loki to look her over, noting skin was no longer pale, sun kissed & looking like the maiden he had fallen for all those centuries ago.
“Dove, you….,” Thor began, reaching to take a hand, warm, soft hand that sat lightly in his calloused hand relishing in the feel before Y/N slowly took it away.
“Don’t be so surprised… I'm not her anymore,” Y/N murmured as the two locked gazes before pulling away to allow them to all speak to one another, but the gods sight barely left the thick framed fate that stood close to Odin.
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The appearance of Hela just moments after Odin turned to golden ash had the god pulling Y/N close to him making sure to keep the fate safely between he & Loki. Y/N herself dropping her illusion to be clothed in black battle armor the god remembered from when they used to ride into battle. Odd that a memory such as that was making him forget about the impending doom that was now materializing in front of them as the goddess of death.
Nothing going as planned, screaming at Loki along with Thor to not call for the Bifrost all too late as they were sucked into the white light, a bruising grip around the gauntlet that still carried Thor’ seal. The god quick to pull Y/N in front of him & holding tight as they traveled the wave of light strong arms wrapping around thick middle as a dagger was flung at them. The two looking down in time to watch Loki retaliate only for the younger god to be pushed out of the Bifrost & Hela coming straight for them.
“I’ve got you dove,” Y/N heard whispered in her ear as they were pushed out of the Bifrost & into nothing.
Shocked that they both bounced on a hard surface seconds later that made both lose breath, the fate rolling out of the gods arms to get to shaky feet to survey the junk heap they had landed in. The fate quick to stagger out of reach of the god that got to his own shaky legs, he was reaching for Y/N even after all the Hel she was sure to put him through.
Why did the god cling to her so blindly, hadn’t she hurt him enough with all the Hel her tortured soul had inflicted on him? Shattered heart crushing to dust as the god reached for her blindly once more, to protect her & watching features falter as he realized Y/N truly cringed from him.
“Y/N, please, don’t fear me, stop fighting US to protect me,” Thor bellowed, impatience & anger getting the best of the god that was trying to cling onto the last bit of familiarity.
“NO! Why want you let me go,” Y/N snarled out as the two stood off, fingers twitching to run around the nape of strong neck to pull his lips to hers.
“Because I love you,” the god roared before they were distracted by the landing craft, Thor hurrying to protect Y/N who called her swords in preparation for the fight.
“You still have your seidr,” Thor began getting her attention as the doors to the craft opened but the fate looked at him in puzzlement of the statement.
“Of course I do… Thor…,” Y/N began anxiously watching the gods face over taken by a smile at the realization his name passed her lips, “I can’t leave you. You are…”
“I am your king & I command you to go find Loki. If we are here chances are he is to! Go,” Thor barked out the order in a manner the fate wasn’t allowed to ignore, a quick nod left the god alone in the group of mismatched creatures that were laughing as they came closer.
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Cocking her head at how she found the god of mischief, standing at what appeared to be an extravagant bar reaching for a drink that was placed in front of him, in blue leathers & looking well considering how she & Thor had been tossed out of the Bifrost. Having conjured an elaborate gown to make herself fit in & hated it but it was a necessary evil. Sidling next to the raven-haired god to run a smooth hand around taught side & under the cape as if a whore looking for attention. Looking up into emerald orbs that quickly widened in shock that Y/N was standing next to him, leather clad arm falling around satin covered shoulders to pull her close protectively.
“Where did you come from pet,” Loki hushed, taking the drink in free hand to pull her away with him to a quiet corner.
“Out there in the waste, Thor & I both….,” Y/N began but he cut her off.
“How long have you been here,” Loki asked, looking around as if keeping an eye out for someone.
“An hour at the most? How long have you been…”
“An hour? I was pushed out weeks ago & you just arrived,” Loki sputtered, spotting someone & tugging the fate with him to take a seat on a shiny couch.
“I need you to listen to me close. Not a word,” Loki began.
“Not a word, Loki this….,” Y/N began, growing irritated with the god that continued to hold her close.
“As your ruler, not a word,” he bit out quickly, the fate cocking lose curled Y/H/C head at Loki pursing pale lips tightly together glaring at the god.
“No, you don’t get to pull that on me, I answer to one king & I am already following HIS order to come find you, so we can stop Ragnarök,” Y/N hushed/yelled, but it seemed Loki was prepared for what she had to say.
“Then as the rightful crowned prince & your charge I order you to hush & follow my lead,” Loki snapped back, obvious he hated to command Y/N like a servant but hadn’t a choice as the room began to become crowded, emerald gaze falling on a man in a long robe that mead her think of Hugh Hefner.
It seemed seconds later keen hearing picked up on the voice of Thor, quick to turn to look at the god sitting in a chair rigidly with the one explained as the Grandmaster looking him over like a prized fighter. The fate pinching Loki hard to get his attention, to which was quick to excuse himself with Y/N in tow.
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cali-holland · 6 years
Masterpiece- Loki One Shot
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Prompt: When Loki visits Earth 5 years prior to the events of The Dark World, he falls in love with you. He finds his way back to you when Jane discovers the Aether.
Word Count: 3000
Based on: All Too Well by Taylor Swift
“Loki, come on,” You laughed, pulling him up to your sister’s front door.
“I simply don’t understand why we must do this.” He said, giving you an innocent look.
“Because she is my sister and she wants to meet you, my boyfriend.” You straightened out the scarf on his neck as talked. Loki smiled at his title- it was something that he never thought he’d receive. Six months ago, he wanted a change from Asgard and Odin sent him to Earth, where he met you. When Loki fell for you, he fell hard; he hadn’t revealed his true identity to you, afraid that you would leave him if you knew.
“Do I look handsome now?” He gestured down to the scarf.
“You always look handsome.”
“And you always look beautiful, plaid shirt and all.” Loki smiled, leaning down to kiss you.
Your sweet moment was cut short as your sister opened her door to greet the two of you. You and Loki stepped inside as introductions were made.
“Do you want to take off your scarf too?” Your sister asked Loki as he removed his jacket. “We keep it pretty warm in here.” Loki laughed lightly, removing his scarf and handing to your sister to put away for the evening.
After dinner had passed, you were driving back upstate to your house. Your right hand rested in Loki’s as he held onto it. He silently kissed the back of your hand, causing you to look over at him.
“What is it, darling?”
“Nothing,” You smiled softly, turning back to the road ahead. You slammed on your brakes, realizing you almost ran a red light by being distracted.
“Lovely.” Loki chuckled at your abruptness.
“I was distracted by you.” You teased, “If anything, it’s your fault.”
“Oh, sure.” He turned his attention to the radio as it began playing the familiar ukulele of Elvis’ Can’t Help Falling in Love. You started to softly sing along to the peaceful song.
“You have the most beautiful voicest.” Loki said, admiringly.
“I’m nothing compared to Elvis.” You replied with a laugh.
“I don’t know about Elvis, but I know I can’t help falling in love with you.” He leaned over and pressed a short kiss to your cheek.
“Aren’t you a mushy one?” You teased, continuing to drive along the street. In that moment, everything was peaceful. You and Loki were completely happy together; the song was just the right moodsetter; and the Autumn leaves were falling down like pieces into place.
That night as you got home, you and Loki ended up drinking hot cocoa while looking over old photo albums of you. Your cheeks were red in embarrassment as you remembered your glasses stage and that cramped little twin bed you used to sleep in every night.
“That’s the smallest bed I’ve ever seen.” He chuckled.
“What? Have you never had a twin bed?” You questioned.
“No, my parents gave me a rather large bed. It could fit five people easily.”
“How big of a room would you need to do that?”
“A very big room.”
“I wish you’d take me to meet your family.” You let out a small sigh as you stood from your snuggling position on the couch.
“Darling, you know I can’t. They wouldn’t understand.”
“We could make them understand.” You replied, walking into the kitchen and opening up the refrigerator to find yourself a midnight snack.
“Y/N, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Do you know that?” Loki asked, following you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Now I do.” You giggled as he nuzzled his nose into the back of your neck.
“Dance with me?” He offered, letting go of your waist and pulling your hands into his.
“There isn’t any music on.” You laughed as he pulled you into a slow dance.
“Then sing to me that song from earlier.”
“Loki, I can’t-”
“Sing to me, love.” He spoke. The refrigerator light lit up his softest features as he looked down at you. Even if it was the middle of the night, you still went along and sang the Elvis hit.
“Wise men say, ‘only fools rush in’,
But I can’t help falling in love with you,
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin,
If I can’t help falling in love with you?” You continued to sing as he hummed the song as best he could.
“You’re such a dork, but I love you.” You said as he twirled you around.
“I love you too.” He kept you close as he rested his forehead against yours. As he looked into your eyes, Loki knew he never wanted to go back to Asgard; he only wanted to stay here with you forever.
The tranquil atmosphere was lost when the sound of a raven came from the window. The moment his eyes found the raven, Loki knew his time here was over.
“Is that a raven?” You asked him, confused about the situation as he calmly walked over to the window. “Loki?” You called to him again as he wordlessly opened the window to receive a small letter attached to the bird’s foot. After a moment of silence, Loki had finished reading the letter and looked to you with sorrowful eyes.
“I have to leave.” He said, his voice just barely above a whisper.
“Leave? Leave where?” You inquired.
“Y/N, I’m not from here.”
“Loki, what’s wrong?” You reached for his hands, but he pulled away from you.
“I’m from a different world than you. I’m not from Earth.” Loki paused, “I’m Asgardian- I’m a God. I know it’s a lot to take in and you probably don’t believe-”
“Of course, I don’t believe you. That’s all myth and legend.”
“But it’s not. It’s real, I’m real. Look,” He cast an illusion towards an empty glass on the counter, filling it with water.
“That- that’s not possible.” This time, it was you stepping back from him. You shook your head as your mind attempted to grasp the concept of the man you love being someone else.
“I wanted to tell you earlier, but I couldn’t-”
“You couldn’t? You could have told me that six months ago.” You replied, now feeling betrayed.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t want you to treat me differently.” Loki attempted to take a step towards you, which only resulting in you stepping away.
“You’ve lied to me, this entire time.”
“I didn’t mean to. Y/N, please, darling-”
“Don’t call me that.” You snapped, “Just leave. I don’t want to see you ever again.”
Loki went to respond, but found his words trapped in his throat. For once, he found himself heartbroken and speechless. He quietly left your house and called for Heimdall to bring him home. Ever since that night, he found himself loathing the human race and Odin- the one who brought this all upon him by summoning him home.
5 Years Later
“I can’t believe we have no coffee.” Darcy whined throughout the apartment.
“Darcy, really, just go to the store and buy yourself some.” You told her, returning to eating your lunch.
“You know I can’t- Jane’s got all of the money.”
“I thought she pays you.”
“Yeah, but she holds onto it because she knows I’ll buy the most ridiculous things with it. And that all leads back to me not having coffee.” She dramatically threw herself on the couch.
“We’ll go out later today and I’ll buy you coffee.” You replied, playfully rolling your eyes at your friend. You felt guilty for the way you ended things and, when New York happened, you wanted to somehow find a way to reach out and apologize to him, even if he was a criminal now. That’s when you crossed paths with Jane and Darcy; Jane was furious about Thor not coming to see her when he was on Earth and you happened to run into her. Ever since, the three of you had studied space and all the different aspects of the universe, with both you and Jane trying to find your respective boys.
“It’s beeping!” Darcy shouted, startling you as she jumped up from the couch.
“What do you mean?”
“This thingy. There is something crazy happening- we need to find Jane!”
“She’s on that lunch date right now.” You said, not wanting to disturb her. She wasn’t exactly the best when Thor didn’t come by; and she was just now trying to get back out there, a year later.
“Yeah but this is important!” She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her car keys, rushing out of the apartment.
“Darcy!” You called after her, pulling on your shoes and hurrying behind her.
When you two finally made it to Jane, she looked like she was in desperate need of saving. Once Darcy told her the issue at hand, she rushed off and the three of you went to find out what was happening.
“This is crazy.” Darcy exclaimed, dropping a bottle into the portal. You and Jane stared in awe as it magically appeared to be falling from the sky.
“I don’t believe it.” Jane wandered off as she messed with the screaming device.
“Darcy, you may have discovered something incredible.” You said, watching another object go through the endless portal.
“I know, right?” She smiled, “Imagine if I had listened to you and not gotten Jane. We would have never known this existed!”
“Where is Jane?” You asked, suddenly not seeing your other friend.
“Probably off doing sciencey stuff.” Darcy shrugged nonchalantly.
After several minutes had passed, you two started to search for Jane. Darcy’s worry really began to kick in when you both found no trace of her.
“That’s it- I’m calling the police.” She huffed, pulling out her phone. The search had gone on for a few hours and now the two of you were sat on the hood of the car outside.
“Darcy? Y/N?” You heard Jane’s voice come from behind you.
“Where the hell were you?” Darcy questioned.
“You had us going crazy.” You told her.
“I was only gone for a few minutes.” She replied, confused at your worries.
“You were gone for hours, Jane.” You informed her. Darcy shrieked as rain began to fall on the three of you.
“Guys,” Jane said, looking frightened. It was raining everywhere, but a small circle where she stood. Following an abrupt roar of thunder, you three wordlessly looked towards the source of the sound.
“Whoa,” You managed to breath out, seeing Thor standing a few paces away from you all.
Your friend silently walked over to the god, staring up at him in disbelief.
“Jane,” Thor let out a small smile upon seeing her again. Darcy stifled a laugh as you both watched Jane slap him across the face.
“Sorry, I just had to make sure you were real. It’s been a very strange day.” She said. He went to say something else, only for her to slap him again. As they began to talk as a normal star-crossed couple, Darcy turned to you.
“I don’t think your wonder-boy is coming.” She said.
“I don’t believe so either. He should be in prison.” You replied. Your voice was unsteady as you were still torn between loving him and hating him.
“Well, do you wanna go meet another god? He’s obviously taken, but-” As she began to ramble, you walked towards the two of them and Darcy came bouncing along after you.
“Jane,” You spoke up, calling her attention away from Thor.
“Oh, Thor, this is Y/N.” She said, introducing you to him.
“Hi.” You stated, acting as if you had heard absolutely nothing about him from your friend.
“Hello,” He smiled at you.
“How’s space?” Darcy asked him, standing beside you.
“Space is fine.” He replied kindly, before turning to Jane, “We must go to Asgard.”
“Asgard?” You repeated.
“Ooh! Let’s go!” Darcy encouraged.
“I-” Thor started as Jane spoke up.
“Can Y/N come?” She asked. “If I am going to go, I want Y/N to come too.”
“What about me?” Darcy piped in.
“You need to find Eric and tell him what’s happening.” Jane instructed.
“Alright, Lady Y/N can come with you.” Thor said, deciding against questioning her.
“Jane, are you sure about this? It’s been five years.” You whispered in her ear.
“I’ll get you that apology.” She told you quietly, before informing Thor, “We’re ready.”
Holding onto Thor, you and Jane were taken to Asgard with the Bifrost, leaving Darcy there alone to find help. When you arrived, Thor immediately took Jane to the healers and you accompanied them, learning what was wrong with her by doing so.
Odin was not pleased when he discovered that Thor brought not one but two Midgardians to their home planet, and he was even more distraught once he realized Jane had been infected with the Aether. Thor convinced him to let Jane stay for the time being, leaving the three of you in the room with the healers once more.
“Lady Y/N, may I have a word?” Thor turned to you, gesturing to the door. You nodded and followed the god outside.
“Why is it that Jane asked for you to come?” He asked.
“I don’t-”
“You do know. You are Jane’s friend, she trusts you. Because of her, I do as well, but I want to know the real reason you are here.”
“It’s Loki.” You admitted sheepishly.
“Loki?” Thor questioned.
“About five years ago, he was on Earth for 6 months and we were close- very close.” You told him, “I know he’s a criminal, but I want to apologize to him because I’m the reason why things didn’t end well.”
“Oh,” was all he could say for a few moments. “I will speak to my brother, and I will get back to you. Stay here with Jane, I’ll be back soon.” Thor walked off down the hall, leaving you to return to Jane alone.
When Thor arrived at the dungeons, he still hadn’t formulated how he was going to ask Loki about you. He knew Loki had left for several months, but he didn’t know where to- he just knew his brother wasn’t the same when he came back.
“Ah, you’ve come to see me.” Loki said, “Something important must be happening.”
“Loki, I need to ask you something.” Thor replied, shaking his head at his brother’s teasing.
“Ask away. It’s not like I have much else to do.” He answered, casually leaning back on his bed and closing his eyes.
“Who’s Y/N?” He asked. He watched as Loki stiffened at the sound of your name and his eyes flew open sharply.
“How do you know about that?” His voice was cold, yet almost shaky.
“I met a Y/N and she told me that you two have a history.” Thor explained. “Tell me, brother, did it happen to be love?”
“Yes,” Loki replied quietly. His eyes finally met Thor’s, “The last thing she said to me was that she never wanted to see me again.”
“She’s here, and she’d like to speak with you.” He stated.
Loki swallowed the lump in his throat and took a deep breath, “Very well then.”
Without another word, Thor exited the dungeons to find you.
“Y/N,” He spoke up upon seeing you talking with Jane.
“Yes?” You answered as you and Jane looked over at him.
“He’ll see you.” He said. Your eyes went back to your friend, who only nodded in encouragement.
“Forgive me, Lady Y/N, I had no idea you existed.” Thor informed you as you two walked to Loki.
“He didn’t tell you?” You asked quietly.
“No,” He shook his head, “But it makes sense that he’d met a girl- he wasn’t the same when he returned from that trip.”
“I’ve had this guilty weight on my shoulders for five years- I just want him to know I’m sorry.” You replied, and the god only nodded. He stopped as you two came upon the dungeons.
“I’ll leave you to discuss it alone.” Thor said, gesturing for you to continue down the dimly lit hall. You walked down the hall to find Loki in a cell, sitting on his bed.
“Loki,” Your voice quivered as you saw him for the first time in years. As he looked up at you, you could see pain in his eyes.
“I still have your scarf.” You told him after a moment of silence. You felt your voice beginning to break as you spoke. “It even still smells like you. Every time I see it, I’m reminded of you, and how much I did love you, how much I still love you. I was wrong to say those things. Maybe we just got lost in translation, but we were a masterpiece- you were my masterpiece, my everything.”
When he still didn’t say anything, you felt paralyzed as if you were just a crumpled up piece of paper lying there in front of his cell. Feeling tears in your eyes as you began to remember all the plaid shirt days and special nights, you looked down at your shoes.
“I love you too.” You heard his soft words. You lifted your head to face him, only to find him standing right on the other side of the stall with a small smile on his face. On the other side of the glass, Loki lifted up his hand and placed it against the cool material. You stepped forward, doing the same and pressing your hand to where his was. The only thing in between you was the cell wall, but, just like that you were there again, when you loved him with all of your heart, back before you’d lost the one real thing you’d ever known. You both remembered the love and the pain all too well.
Tag List: @cutefluffy89 @gorgeouslygrace @ria132love @flammy-whater @delicately-written 
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philosopherking1887 · 6 years
Prince of Darkness, Part III
My 666-follower giveaway fic for @shine-of-asgard, which I originally intended to be between 1000 and 2000 words, is now more than 7000 words... and I still have one part left. This is even worse than the time my 2500-word giveaway fic for @darklittlestories came out at 5200. Length limits are seriously not my thing.
Part I, Part II
Thor was beginning to think he might be happy in Midgard. Not yet, of course; not while the news of his father’s death and his mother’s rejection was still so fresh, not while he could still feel the ache in his muscles from straining to lift Mjölnir, in vain. But someday. He would court Jane slowly, as befit a lady of her standing and education. Selvig, who seemed to stand in place of a father for her (he called himself her “advisor,” which seemed odd considering that she held no political power) had given his implicit permission.
So it came as a complete surprise when Lady Darcy called from the front room of the Midgardians’ strange abode, “Thor? There’s someone here for you… she says she’s your mother?”
Thor’s hesitant spark of hope was instantly smothered. What could she be here for, but to let him feel the full measure of her fury and disappointment?
He emerged from the room where he had been reading one of Jane’s texts of Midgardian physics (a wondrously bizarre way of viewing the world) with his head bowed, bracing himself against the onslaught. But when he dared to raise his eyes, Frigga’s expression seemed wrong; it was worry, not anger, that creased her brow and tightened her lips.
“Mother, I did not expect to see you,” he said cautiously.
“Thor, my son,” she said, her voice thick, and rushed forward to embrace him.
“Mother, I don’t understand… I thought you blamed me for Father’s death, had forbidden me to return…”
Frigga drew back with a look of consternation. “Who told you that?”
“Loki. He came here to see me, two days ago now.”
Frigga shook her head frantically, a hand straying toward her mouth. “No, Thor, your father is still alive, though he did succumb to the Odinsleep after putting it off for so long. But Eir and I have had to wake him before his strength was fully restored.”
“What? Why? Why would Loki lie to me? Mother, what has happened at home?”
Frigga closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she answered, and how had Thor not noticed the redness around her eyes? “Loki is… missing. No one has seen him for two days. Which might not be a cause for alarm, except that…”
“…he was King while Father was Sleeping. And Heimdall has seen nothing?”
“Nothing of Loki, no. He has known for some time that Loki can conceal himself when he wishes, but we assumed it was only some foolish love-affair he wanted to keep secret… But what he has seen is even more troubling. Jötunheim is awake again, showing an energy and rebuilding at a pace that can only mean…”
“…the Casket,” Thor filled in. “Where is it?”
“Not in the Vault. We looked, General Tyr and I, and it seemed to be there. But on a hunch, I shielded my hand and tried to touch it, and it vanished. An illusion.”
Thor’s mind insisted there was only one way to put together the information he was receiving, but his heart refused its verdict. “They must have captured Loki, forced him to call off the Destroyer…”
“Oh, Thor…” Frigga’s voice cracked. “You must speak with your father. Call Mjölnir and we shall go at once.”
“Mjölnir? But I could not lift her…”
“Your father has lifted the banishment. This is too important, and we need you.”
Thor raised his hand and reached out for his weapon… and she answered. After a few moments he realized that he needed to go outside so that the hammer would not come crashing through the glass doors.
Having Mjölnir back in his hand comforted him… but the worry he felt for Loki was too sharp and pressing for even her presence to offer much relief. He bade his Midgardian friends a hurried farewell, thanked them for their help and hospitality, promised to come visit them when he could. Then, with Mjölnir’s aid, he and Frigga flew back to the Bifröst site, she called to Heimdall, and in scarcely an instant they were back in the Observatory… in the place where, barely four days ago, his world had fallen apart.
Horses were waiting for them on the bridge. Thor was still wearing the Midgardian clothing Jane had lent him; after fumbling a bit, he tied Mjölnir to the belt loop of his jeans so that he could mount.
The time they spent traveling passed at once too swiftly to recall and too slowly to bear. At last Frigga led him into the chamber where Odin had Slept. He was still reclining in the great golden bed cushioned with furs, drinking some revitalizing potion from a silver goblet at his bedside.
Thor knelt by his father’s bed and took his hand, feeling the dormant strength beneath the fragile papery skin. “I am sorry, Father. Sorry for my defiance, my arrogance… tell me how I can help my brother.”
There was pity in Odin’s gaze when he said, “I don’t need you to help him. I need you to stop him.”
The words chilled Thor to the spine like the wind in Jötunheim. He carefully withdrew his hands from his father’s, stood and backed away a few steps. “I don’t understand.”
“Thor, we should have told you, we should have told you both,” Frigga said; if his mother were not usually so dignified and composed, he might have called it an outburst.
“Should have told me what.” His fear settled like a block of ice in his stomach, radiating cold through all his limbs.
“Loki is not our son by birth,” Odin said, his voice too calm, too neutral. “I found him as a baby in Jötunheim, at the end of the war. He was born too small, so Laufey—his father—left him to die.”
Thor could not believe what he was hearing. “That’s impossible. Loki is not a Frost Giant. He looks no different than any of us…” He stopped. But Loki did look different from everyone in his family; Thor had even teased him about it—the dark hair, the long nose, the lean build—and jokingly called him an Elven changeling.
“He’s a shapeshifter; it’s a rare trait among Jötnar, but not unheard of. He shifted to an Aesir form as soon as I picked him up, sensing a possible provider. And he stayed that way until… something happened during your idiotic excursion to Jötunheim. He went down to the Vault to try holding the Casket; I saw what he was doing and went to stop him, and he confronted me.” Odin’s eye clouded for a moment, as he drifted into troubling memory. “That was when I fell into the Sleep. He was angry, irrational…”
“How could he not be angry?” Thor interjected.
“He would be dead if not for me!” Odin snapped, and lying there in his nightgown wrapped in furs he seemed more like a querulous old man than he ever had before. "But how did he repay me? He stole the Casket and took it right back to Laufey.”
“Laufey is dead,” Frigga put in, her voice brittle. “Heimdall has seen that too. There was some sort of power struggle with his sons…”
“Maybe Loki betrayed that father, too. Better to have the viper in someone else’s nest...”
“Loki isn’t a viper,” Thor said through gritted teeth.
“Blood will out,” Odin said as if he hadn’t heard, his eye burning into Thor’s. “I should have known. The boy was always a liar and a sneak…”
“Odin!” Frigga cried, anguished. “He’s our son!”
“Not anymore.” Odin’s pronouncement carried the weight of a disowning.
“He’s still my brother,” Thor said with quiet vehemence.
“You can believe that all you want, but you’ll still fight him when he comes with a Jötun army to assail Asgard.”
“He won’t,” Thor insisted.
“You think returning their greatest weapon to them will be the end of it? No, Thor; he has chosen a side and it isn’t ours.”
Odin was half right. When the Jötun army came to Agard, Loki wasn’t with them. But it was plain that they had an insider’s knowledge of the palace, the city, the land. They destroyed hidden stores of food so that the city would not be able to withstand a siege; they blockaded the entrances to a secret fortress in the mountains so that the people could not take refuge there and raided caches of weapons so that the populace could not take up arms. To their credit, Thor thought, it seemed that they tried to minimize civilian casualties: the aim was to humiliate Agard’s rulers, not to make enemies of its people.
Odin sent an emissary under a white flag to the camp the Jötnar had established in the mountains, bearing a missive that read, “Odin All-Father demands that you turn over the traitor Loki Laufeyson.” The emissary returned, frightened but unharmed, with a reply, written in large letters on his white flag: “Odin Father of Lies does not seem to be in a position to demand much of anything. The traitor Loki Laufeyson conveys his warmest regards to Frigga All-Mother and invites her to send a message when she wishes to discuss terms of surrender. She has the word of King Helblindi that she shall not come to harm. Jötunheim has no quarrel with Vanaheim, but remembers ancient alliances before the Realms submitted to Asgard’s tyranny.”
Odin was furious; Frigga said nothing. He did not even ask whether she planned to take Loki up on his offer. Thor thought that might be a mistake. Once his parents might have thought and acted as one… but Frigga had been quiet and distant since Odin had disowned Loki. Thor realized that it would not surprise him if she acted on her own contrary to Odin’s wishes—not only as Queen of Asgard, jointly responsible for the Realm’s well-being, but as All-Mother of the Nine Realms and a princess of Vanaheim.
As Thor led skirmishes against the Jötnar, he wondered always if he would encounter Loki: he looked for a shorter, slighter figure among the hulking giants; he half expected at every moment to come face to face with his brother, to confront that face he knew better even than his own… but would it be icy blue, now, the crystal-green eyes turned to red? Would he know his brother in such a guise, by anything else but his stature?
He asked Heimdall at every opportunity for news of Loki. He was no longer concealing himself; he was in Jötunheim, contributing his magical skill to its rebuilding with the aid of the Casket. Meanwhile, the Jötun army laid siege to Asgard, and Thor knew that Asgard could not long hold out. Odin stubbornly insisted that he would not yield; Frigga grew ever more quiet and distant. Thor wondered how long it would be before she accepted the invitation to negotiate a surrender.
Four months after the invasion of Asgard, the stalemate was disrupted when Heimdall brought news to the royal family: a Jötun force had invaded the northern reaches of Midgard, near the site of their incursion more than a thousand years before. Loki was at its head.
“I must go,” Thor told his parents, and neither of them disputed it.
He assembled a cadre of his most trusted warriors: Hogun, Volstagg, Fandral, and the Lady Sif, along with a handful of the Einherjar he knew best. He asked Heimdall to locate an Agent Philip, son of Coul, who might be able to rally Midgard’s own forces to her defense; Heimdall told him that Coulson and a contingent of Midgardian warriors were already in the region where Loki and his soldiers had arrived.
So Heimdall sent Thor and his chosen companions to the far north of Midgard. In many ways, Thor thought, it was like the desert where he had first landed: barren of vegetation as far as he could see, with only the stark beauty of mountain crags rising from the empty expanse, the harsh dry air cut through by winds that roared and shrieked like berserkers that scented blood.
The Jötnar were at the edge of the land, where the ice met the sea. Coulson was there with his Midgardian agents, clad in their strange black cloth armor over the bulky layers that protected them from the cold. Two strange warriors were with them, one in a suit of red and gold metal armor that wholly enclosed his body, another in lighter red and blue armor with a silver star on his chest and on his blue-and-red shield.
“Nice to see you again, Dr. Blake… or is it Thor?” Coulson greeted him.
Thor skipped over the pleasantries. “We are here to aid you in defeating the Frost Giants. Tell us what we must do.”
“I think you might have come to the wrong party,” said a muffled voice from the red and gold armor.
“I don’t understand.”
“Thor, allow me to present Mr. Tony Stark,” Coulson said, gesturing to the man in the metal armor. “And Captain Steven Rogers.” The blue-and-red warrior nodded. “And your friends are…?”
“Lady Sif and the Warriors Three: Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun.”
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you all, but it’s actually looking like defeating won’t be necessary,” Coulson explained with his usual understated equanimity. “Director Fury is waiting for confirmation from the World Security Council and the UN, but it appears we’re going to be able to come to an arrangement.”
“An arrangement with those—” Monsters, he had been about to say. But Loki was one of them; he always had been. “With those invaders?” he finished lamely.
“They describe themselves as immigrants seeking a better life,” said the warrior with the shield, Captain Rogers. His voice was stern, almost accusing.
“Is that what they are?” Volstagg scoffed, and Fandral laughed. Thor held up a hand to silence them.
“They said their homeworld was devastated by war a thousand years ago and deprived of the resources to rebuild. By your world, interestingly enough,” Coulson added mildly. “They’re just now starting to restore their own planet, but it will take some time for their society and economy to recover. Some of them think they’d fare better here.”
“And so they might,” Thor acknowledged. “But what of the Midgardians… the humans who live here now?”
Stark made an exaggerated show of looking around, swiveling his helmeted head while its expression remained frozen. “Are there some I didn’t know about?”
“Not right here,” Sif interjected impatiently. “In your Realm.”
“The government of Norway seems quite amenable to the arrangement,” Coulson said. “As are the governments of Greenland and Denmark. They’ll have to put it to a vote in their respective parliaments, of course, and maybe even a referendum, but a military response doesn’t seem to be on the horizon.”
“What is the nature of this ‘arrangement’?” Hogun asked, matching Coulson’s imperturbable neutrality.
“As you may be aware, Earth’s climate has been dangerously warming due to unfortunate energy-capture practices…”
“That’s a really euphemistic way of saying ‘human stupidity,’” Stark put in.
“…and the Jötnar have offered us a way to protect the Earth from some of the effects of that warming. Or maybe even reverse it entirely.”
“They want to settle on the glaciers and ice sheets of the Arctic and Antarctic,” Captain Rogers explained, seeming annoyed by Coulson’s vagueness. “No one lives there anyway.”
“That is blatant penguin erasure,” said Stark, puzzlingly.
“Don’t forget polar bears,” Coulson added, deadpan as ever.
“No people live on the glaciers and ice sheets. They’ve assured us that they have only peaceful intentions toward the surrounding populations. They’ll trade, of course, but respect human territorial sovereignty.”
The Asgardians exchanged skeptical glances; Volstagg even snorted aloud, and Thor glared at him.
“And in return they’ll use their magic Casket prevent the ice from melting,” Rogers finished, with a glare of his own.
“It’s not magic, it’s energy transfer,” Stark muttered.
“It’s really a win-win solution for everyone,” Coulson said. “They’ll get an environment that works for them, protect the local ecosystems, and stop sea level rise. Hunting and fishing rights will have to be worked out, but in light of the benefits…”
“I must warn you that the promises of Jötnar cannot be trusted,” Thor said.
“Funny, that’s exactly what they said about you Asgardians,” Coulson replied, neutral as ever.
Sif growled low in her throat; Thor wasn’t sure it was voluntary. “Was there a man among them who was smaller than the rest—about my height?”
“Yes, the one who spoke to us on their behalf was just the size of a tall human. The others seemed not to speak any human languages. I wondered if they choose their ambassadors to avoid intimidating the locals.”
“No,” Thor said sharply. “He is the only one of his size, or one of very few; the Jötnar kill the rest at birth. He grew up in Asgard, so he is the only one who has knowledge of the All-Tongue. That is why he was their spokesman.”
“That and the ‘silver tongue,’” Fandral contributed. “He can be very persuasive.”
“You seem to know this guy pretty well,” said Rogers, sounding suspicious.
“He was raised as my brother.” A knot seemed to form in Thor’s throat even as he said it, and he half-choked on the last word.
“Wow, this is some real George R. R. Martin shit,” Stark commented. He muttered something to himself; Thor thought he made out the word “fucking,” but he couldn’t be sure. Coulson gave Stark a reproving look.
“If you have a way to send him a message… would you tell him that his brother wishes to speak with him? That I have no desire to fight him, only to talk.”
“Of course, we can do that,” Coulson replied graciously.
“And I thought I’d been to some awkward family reunions,” said Stark.
Note: Yeah, I thought the conversation between Thor and Loki deserved its own part. I hope it won’t get too much longer...
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rose-gold-romantic · 6 years
A Loki x reader that takes place during the Dark World. Follow-up fic to Tesseract. I WOULD LOVE FEEDBACK! Want to be tagged in updates? Let me know! The sequel fic, “What Heroes Do” will take place during Ragnarok and I am writing it right now!
@malignentmac @fandomsfanman @i-am-supermerwholoked221b@markusstraya @lafayettes-baguettes-1​
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We rolled into the center of Greenwich, Erik instructing us on how to take the scientific instruments and implement them around the square. I ran along with Jane and Erik, choosing to stay as close as I could to Jane so I might protect her, for Thor’s sake. He had dealt with enough strife already, and Jane being injured or worse did not need to be added to the list.
“Focus, this is important!” I heard Darcy yell at Ian across the way, frantically placing the anomaly devices.
My attention was drawn to the Thames river, Maleith’s ship appearing out of thin air and dragging along the ground. The ship moved forward, beginning to crash through the grounds of the library we stood outside. The ship ground to a halt as it continued to dig further into the ground, tearing up sod and cement. Malekith and his dark elves stepped off of the ship as the ramp descended. Thor flew up to them, raising his hammer in threat.
“You needn’t have come so far, Asgardian.” Malekith said, “Death would have come to you soon enough.”
“Not by your hand!” Thor yelled out, stepping closer.
“Your universe was never meant to be.” Malekith said, using the Aether to begin attacking Thor, “Your world and your family will be extinguished.”
“That’s our cue to get inside!” Erik said, shoving Jane towards the library doors. We rushed inside the building, setting up the gravimetric device hurriedly. “We’re running out of time.”
“Almost there.” Jane said, trying to keep Erik calm.
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Erik said,  “These devices were made to detect anomalies, not cause them!”
“Oh, come on..: Jane said, waiting for the monitor to begin to work. “Come on, Darcy. Come on, (Y/N), we need to make sure she’s alright. Erik, guard the stuff.”
We ran off outside, searching the area for any sign of Jane’s intern. Thor and Malekith were still fighting, and Thor was thrown into a wall just as Jane found Darcy and Ian placing the last of Erik’s devices in the ground. Giving us a thumbs up, Jane nodded, running back to Selvig.
“The Convergence will be in full effect in seven minutes.” Erik said, looking out at the ship.
“That just means we have to keep Malekith busy for eight.” Jane said, adjusting some settings on her tablet. “Okay, you might wanna hold on to something.”
Jane turned on the device, causing all of the dark elves that had been near one of the posts to vanish completely. Darcy spoke to Jane over the phone, and Jane tried to respond as she adjusted the tablet once more.
“Well, gravitational fields interact with the weak spot between worlds creating…” Jane was cut off by Darcy, and Jane used the device to cause some more elves to vanish. This time, however, she also caused Darcy and Ian to disappear as well.
“Oops.” Jane said sheepishly, continuing to watch the monitor.
“Let's go.” Erik said, pushing us along out of the open area we had been standing in.
Once inside the main part of the building, we noticed all of the students that were there crowding the windows with phones out, trying to record the fight happening outside.
“What are you all doing? You need to get out of here! Now!” Jane said, trying to get them to leave to a safer place.
“You're joking, right?” one of the students said, “That's Thor out there waving his hammer around and everything!” He returned to looking at his phone, trying to get footage of Thor amidst the chaos. The glass windows shattered as we continued running out, the students screaming as they ducked for cover.
We ran outside, a group of dar elves spotting us and beginning pursuit. Jane stopped, tampering with her tablet.
“Jane!” I yelled, trying to get her to run again.
“What are you doing?” Erik shouted, trying to be heard above the explosions and destruction.
“My signal's lost connection.” Jane said, frustrated.
“Jane! Come on!” Erik sad as he and I both grabbed Jane and forced her to begin running with us again.
When it became apparent that we would not be able to outrun the elves behind us, Jane managed to make the device work once more, removing the dark elves and replacing them with Darcy and Ian, who were in the middle of what appeared to be a passionate make out session.
“Darcy?” Jane said, bewildered.
“Jane!” Darcy said, dropping Ian to the ground in surprise.
“Ian?” Erik asked, confused.
“Selvig!” Ian said, joyous to see us once more.
“Meow Meow!” Darcy exclaimed, pointing to Mjolnir as it flew by.
Running out to the main square, we saw Malekith walking up towards his ship, portals to all the realms appearing above him. The Aether swelled around him, beginning to climb up into every portal, the darkness beginning to take every realm.
“We’re out of time.” Jane said, running off ahead.
“Jane, Jane!” Erik said, running to catch up with her as Darcy and I followed.
Thor came running out from between buildings, hammerless and staring at the Aether’s red glow.
“Thor!” Jane yelled, coming to a stop by his side. “We’re too late.”
“The Convergence is at its peak.” Erik agreed, holding some of the stakes that we had used to change gravity earlier.
“Can those things stop him?” Thor asked, gesturing to the spears.
“Not from here.” Erik sighed.
“We can’t get close enough.” I said, “There’s no way we could do that.”
“I can.” Thor said, taking the stakes from Erik and rushing off towards Malekith.
The Aether had swollen to twice the size of the enormous ship, and Thor pressed through the dark red tornado until we could see him no more. Jane kept a watchful eye on her monitor, adjusting each device to activate as it separated from the group.
When the last device was throne, we looked up to see Malekith staked to the front of his ship with the pole, struggling to break free. Jane activated the last device, causing Malekith to disappear, and the Aether to cease it’s advance upon the realms.
Dust and debris began to fall, slowly settling all around. Thor lay unconscious, face down in the dirt not too far from the dark elf ship. Jane ran to him, and I followed closely, tears streaming down my cheeks. The ship began to crumble, debris flying down as the ship began to lean towards us.
“Thor! NO!” Jane cried, trying to move Thor out of the way, but unable to move him.
I reached for his other arm and tried to help her, still making no progress in moving the god of thunder’s body. The ship began to fall, and Jane threw herself on top of Thor, holding on to him with white knuckles and closed eyes. The ship was about to land directly on top of us, when it disappeared, leaving behind only the debris that it had released earlier.
“Everybody ok?” Erik said, looking around at all of us as Thor began to open his eyes.
Darcy turned to continue kissing Ian as she had been earlier, and Thor and Jane simply smiled at each other. My stomach sank, reminded of what, or rather, who, I was missing. Who I would never see again. A sorrowful smile spread on my lips, and Thor looked at me, returning it.
Later that day, when Jane, Erik, Darcy, and Ian had returned to their apartment, I returned with Thor to Asgard. I decided to spend my time learning all that I could about magic, and hopefully how to remove the Tesseract’s energy from myself. I would learn how to read the various languages that the books were written in, and perhaps how to defend myself with Asgardian weapons in case of emergency.
I kept far from the palace, not wanting Odin to be aware of my presence. He had not taken kindly to my last visit, and now that Thor had no interest in being king, I suspected that his distaste for me had only grown with time. For nearly four years I delved into study unhindered, slowly mastering not only the written languages, but fighting with short sword and mild magic combined. I had yet to find any answers about the infinity stone’s power, but I was content and happy with my new life.
Until one night, I had another vision.
As clear as day, I saw Loki. Loki and Thor together. They stood in the outdoor amphitheatre of the palace, surrounded by a small crowd while a play had stopped in the background. My eyes snapped open, the golden light of dawn slowly crawling in through my curtains.
Was Loki alive?
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magnusmodig · 10 months
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╰┈➤ thematic headcanons / @diemon / no longer accepting !
hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
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||. Emotionally, Thor is ultimately really calm and relaxed. Very rarely is he truly perturbed, and as such is something of a sage and stable individual. He's an optimist, and always tries to see things from a third angle. If there is a way to keep the peace, foster peace, or protect the peace, then Thor will try to find it and act upon it. That doesn't mean that Thor is blind to the horrors of the world, though. He's a lot more of a realist than people give him credit for, and those who underestimate him will often consider him naïve. (He's... willfully naïve. Could the world chew him up and spit him out? Yes. Absolutely. He's terrified of that. But he'd rather turn his cheek to it and see the good in the world anyways... even if that choice bites him in the end.)
That said, throughout all of his appearances in the MCU, Thor seems to suffers a lot from low self-esteem/self-worth (hah.), depression, anxiety, and a slew of self-destructive/self-sabatoging tendencies. On top of being a naturally reserved person, it boils down to the fact that Thor's best act, is covering up his emotional pain. He wants to seem like he's okay. That he's strong enough. And in being strong enough to carry his own burdens, even if he's not, maybe he'll worthy enough to then be able to help his loved ones carry theirs. Earn their love, in a twisted kind of way. It's what he strives to do every day, to be frank. He wants to be a safe space for the people he loves... and in his desire to protect them, he neglects himself (mostly emotionally) in the process.
He's SO good at this that even his own family was once completely fooled by his act, and all of his closest friends too. I'd go as far as to say he's almost manipulative in that way. Not maliciously, of course. But in the sense that... even if you directly ask him (re: Jane), 9/10x he's probably not going to actually answer your question, find a way around the question, and turn the question back onto your needs and desires... And all of this without skipping a beat. Unless you are on it, or know him well (Jane, Heimdal, Loki), you'll never realize what he's done until it's far too late to turn the conversation back to what it was originally meant to be. (He'll also fight back, resist, and otherwise squirm his way away from you if he feels cornered. The best way to succinctly describe Thor emotionally is a wild animal; a feral beast. A wary, but regal stag on the best of days, easily spooked and quick to flee at the first sign of danger to him... and a wolf, when he's angered, in pain, anxious/scared and trying very desperately to fight his way out of, or through whatever situation is dangerous to him. He's an animal that growls, snaps and snarls. Scary when provoked, and dangerous when approached. And like a stag or a wolf, he will try to make himself bigger and scarier than the danger posed to him, even if it's another person whom he loves.)
He also refuses to talk about things that have scarred Thor emotionally. Things like Odin calling him unworthy and banishing him from Asgard/tethering his power to a hammer, Loki casting himself from the Bifrost in 2011 right in front of Thor's eyes (after killing him and betraying him twice before then), and Jane "dumping" him (though... I think that last one is a bit more... complicated. And not at all what Thor has perceived it as.)
Physically, Thor is a TANK. He can survive the pressure and freezing cold of open space, tank infinity stones directly to his person (power stone to the head in INFINITY WAR) and surrounding his person (reality stone/aether in DARK WORLD), and full on survive the direct blast of a neutron star for about a full minute before it'd start to kill him (INFINITY WAR). As well as various other things he's survived. And that's all admittedly with his full Asgardian traits, including his regenerative healing factor.
Even completely stripped to human mortality, though, Thor can withstand a lot of dangerous situations. He was hit by an RV ... twice. The first time, it was speeding through a violent storm. He walked away without a scratch on his person, and the ability to fight a room full of doctors and nurses within no more than 5-6 hours later.
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eirianerisdar · 6 years
Five Choices
Summary: Loki’s thoughts on infinity wars and mild inconveniences - and love, responsibility, and choices. Alternately titled Word-Vomiting That Infinity War Was Amazing Through Fic. Gen. Oneshot. Edit: reformatted the summary because it was showing up enlarged on mobile.
Cross-posted to FFN
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Fic under the cut.
The first thought that went through Loki Odinson’s mind as he died - and he was keeping that name now that he took it for himself, thank you very much - was that dying was such an inconvenience, really.
Enough of one that he didn’t put mild in front of it; mild inconveniences included the time he thought he was dying on the black sand of Svartalfheim, and poured out his heart like a maudlin, weepy, rapidly-expiring thing held by his equally weepy brother - and then he had woken up, because apparently there was stronger side to his magic he hadn’t known about, before.
So he had decided to pay a little trip to his dear old adopted father and immortalise those last, very poetic words in art.
And then this happened.
And this...wasn’t that.
This was about as inconvenient as anything could get.
And painful. Thor’s scream, muffled by the metal gag around his lips, was worse.
Loki had known in a way, from the moment he slipped his last dagger out of a pocket of dark energy he always kept in his sleeve; that it had come down to him, trickster, survivor, twice prince and twice king, the words of a liesmith and the dance of Loki lightfoot. He had also known that he would most likely die.
But that would not mean he would fail, because in that moment, he was not thinking of his own survival, as he had always done from the moment Thor’s friends began shunning him for his magic.
He was thinking of Thor’s survival. At any and all cost.
Perhaps he would see his mother again in Valhalla, at least.
He wished he could tell Thor-
Loki became aware that he was aware, slowly.
And then he kicked himself for it (mentally, not physically, because in that moment he also became aware that he barely existed, if at all) and decided to wait until his thoughts rearranged themselves to fully comprehend I think, therefore I am before going further.
Once he was reasonably sure that he was a disembodied thought, nothing more, he tried magicking himself a pair of eyes, because there was nothing he could feel, see, hear, taste, or really sense at all.
His magic fluttered somewhere in his consciousness, and fell still again.
So. No body, then.
Judging by his magic, he was probably best described as an identity without a house; no tools with which to wield the energy of magic at all, because he was energy.
A soul.
Hmm. This wasn’t quite just inconvenient, then.
This was downright annoying.
All the more so because he was quite sure that there was a way out of this, and there it was niggling in the back of his mind - a lesson Mimir taught him when Loki was a child sitting attentively at lessons while Thor drew doodles of bloody battles on the edge of his parchment.
Hel take it, he was sure it was something about personality, the nine realms, and the essence of character; how each person born under Odin’s reign had an element that tethered them to the world tree - how Thor’s was lightning, and Loki’s was-
Loki imagined himself as a solitary flame.
Not that way, then.
Perhaps...perhaps fire was simply the path, not himself.
And with that, the world popped back into existence. Or Loki did, from another point of view.
He became aware he was on fire.
No, no. Not quite that way. His soul rested on a splinter of burning fuel jutting out of the side of a - what was this, a giant metal hoop?
A startlingly familiar red-gold figure flew past, buffeting him until his host flame almost went out. Mentally growling, Loki barely reoriented himself to glimpse Stark reaching a smaller blue-red figure halfway up the curve of the circle, with more desperation in his flight than Loki had ever seen before, even in the worst of the battle of New York.
He flickered to a flame closer to them, and it became apparent that the smaller figure was in fact little more than a child.
Curious. He did not know Stark had children.
And then the world shivered, and Loki realised that the entire structure was rapidly entering hard vacuum and that his host fire was about to extinguish from lack of oxygen.
Grumbling slightly, he casted out a trail of thought for another fire in Yggdrasil’s branches, and snapped himself towards it - through even less than nothing, because dimensions did not matter, now.
He found himself clinging to the wreckage of a midgardian train, flickering fire all across its frame. It was night, in this part of midgard.
Someone screamed.
Loki noted that yes, it was the voice of that young woman, and that it was very impressive, what she was doing with her magic - but more importantly, the figure beside her had a gold-flamed stone in his forehead - one that flooded his soul with ice, and the memory of a clammy, white-fingered hand stabbing agony into his temples.
The mind stone.
How had he not known what it was, even with it in his hand?
And then, of course, the good captain and his friends arrived. If Loki had a mouth, lungs, and vocal cords, he would have commented loudly on the futility of speaking to your enemies when killing them would certainly prevent future problems - but see, now, that was the problem with the captain. He tended to attempt to preserve life, even when the likelihood of success was close to nonexistent.
Loki was still stewing over this when the backwash from the landing quinjet abruptly extinguished his flame.
Oh for goodness’ sa-
The world tree shivered, and Loki flitted across the flames in its branches until he reached the source.
There was hardly anything there to burn at all; bare stone and lonely wind, and a tiny cluster of embers at the base of a tall double-spire. The stone-keeper’s meagre watch-fire, it seemed.
Loki settled there, a tiny ember huddling in a harsh, fate-borne wind - and watched.
Thanos, with the reality stone already in his gauntlet - that was the end of the collector, then - and a woman next to him, obviously a prisoner of some sort. Her hands looked like they were itching for any weapon.
But then they spoke, and Loki understood.
Thanos was to this woman what Loki once thought Odin was to him - an adoptive father who had no use for his child but as a weapon or bargaining chip, who held no love for him but only fed him lies.
Loki had been mistaken, regarding his own father.
Thanos was everything that Odin was not, because the stone-keeper proclaimed the soul stone’s price - one that Thanos loved.
For a moment, Loki was tempted to laugh in his mind along with the woman; what love could Thanos, destroyer of worlds, slaughterer of children, have for any soul but his own?
And then a chill entered Loki’s thoughts, because he remembered.
He remembered that Odin was once Hela’s father.
Odin, conqueror of the nine realms, slaughterer of Jotunar, Asgard’s iron-fisted king - before there was Thor, Loki, peace.
But had Odin not loved his daughter in a way, despite it all?
Thanos was everything Odin was not, yes.
But part of what Odin once was - Thanos is.
The worldkiller was crying as he reached out.
His adopted daughter was backing away, now, slow horror on her features.
Something akin to disgust coiled in the ember Loki rested in, spitting sparks. This was not love. Not even close to it. Love favoured the loved one above the self. It was what pushed him to lie through his bloodied teeth and guided his fingers to palm a dagger in order to save Thor, despite knowing that his own life would be most likely forfeit. It was what led his mother to take the dagger for Jane Foster. It was what allowed his father to overcome his pride and say the words I love you, my sons.
The woman screamed and beat her fist against Thanos’s chest as he dragged her to the cliff edge.
Loki wished for a dagger, wished so hard he felt like he should have hands, breath, a heart that coursed anger and rage. Not because he wished to save the woman, in particular - he wanted, instead, to take this disgusting creature, this plum-coloured sack of flesh and rip his head from his body for his mutilation of love, and parenthood.
Loki knew what good parenthood was, now. Now, when he had no parents. No friends. Possibly no brother, too.
This was...not love. This was the giving up of a possession.
Thanos threw her over the edge.
Loki, for all his stomach for chaos, could not bear to watch - he slipped away from the ember, and felt, even as he left, the wind snuff it out completely, leaving cold ashes where a fire once burned.
It seemed the fourth dimension, time, was also different - Loki was startlingly sure that a half-day or so at least had passed when he settled on a flame again.
This one was small, enclosed - a glow-lamp on the wall of a small spacecraft, it seemed.
And then if Loki had lungs, he would have forgotten to breathe, because Thor was there.
His brother sat by the side of a viewport, purple-hued stars lighting the still-fresh cuts on his face with darker bruising. A strange animal sat before him - a Midgardian Racoon, if memory served - and they seemed to be in the middle of conversation.
Loki’s mind caught up to Thor’s words just as the first and only tear slipped out of Thor’s eye.
In the next moment, Thor brusquely brushed it away and smiled; but it was enough that Loki wished for hands.
He refused to hug Thor.
Though he wouldn’t mind if Thor were to hug him.
Thor would cheer up immensely if Loki were to throw a handful of mud at his head. It always did, when they were children.
Knowing Loki wasn’t quite dead would be a major part of it.
But bound as he was to flame, Loki had no voice to say I’m here, as he so carelessly did when he still had hands to catch the trinket Thor threw at him to confirm he wasn’t an illusion.
He also had no voice to sarcastically wonder what in their forefathers’ name Thor thought he was doing when it became apparent that the ship was heading to Nidavellir - really, he should have expected Thor to solve the problem of the guy with a weapon of ultimate destruction by forging another, equally powerful weapon.
Loki made the mistake of soul-flitting - that was an excellent phrase, he was so going to use that phrase now - to the flame of the neutron star when Thor activated it again.
He felt - he was the starflame that seared into Thor’s skin, and wished he had eyes to close.
Stupid, heroic, bull-headed idiot of a brother.
Well, congratulations. An axe, of all things. No, Thor would never go for a spear. Or a bow. Or a knife. No elegance or wit.
But then a far-off branch of Yggdrasil burst into new flame, and Loki was snatched away almost before he could do anything about it.
He flickered to existence on a pile of burning shrapnel.
The scene before him was so delicately balanced and a masterpiece of control that for a moment, Loki dared to hope.
Thanos, incapacitated - a woman with both hands latched firmly to his temples, every other limb bound by magic or brute force.
And Stark-
Stark and the boy in the spider-etched suit were removing the gauntlet.
Hope was such a sweet, unfamiliar thing that Loki almost felt an ache where his heart should have been.
And then a man, Quill, whose energy signature read half midgardian and half something else, something extremely powerful - stepped forward, and growled a question.
Was that the name of the-
Oh. Oh no.
Stark apparently had the presence of mind to warn Quill off letting his anger get the better of him - but Loki could tell, even as his hope turned to horror, that it would not do.
Thanos woke, and the moon shattered.
Loki soul-flitted to the burning ropes the midgardian sorcerer cast at Thanos, and strove to lend what little magic he could to strengthen them; he shouted a wordless scream as Thanos snapped the seidr of the strings as an axe to vines. There was pain in his soul now, something Loki had felt in dreams, eons ago, but such a physical pain that he nearly forgot to reach for the nearest fire, which were sparks on a piece of flying metal that even as Loki awoke in, felt Thanos catch the shard and and reverse him and plunge him into-
-Stark’s stomach.
Loki rebounded into a spluttering flame in a hollow a few paces away, and wondered how he could feel so ill, with no body to do so.
Stark staggered.
And the sorcerer Strange opened his mouth, and spoke.
Loki knew then that everything was lost.
Strange should have let Stark die, instead of giving up the time stone.
But had Loki let Thor die for the space stone, the Tesseract he hid for himself? Had he not met Thor’s eyes, and saw the silent agreement in them, and yet found his hands and lips moved of their own accord to save one above all else?
They were all fools. He most of all.
But there was a new fire blooming between Yggdrasil’s eaves, and Loki’s soul flitted away, to the ice-breathed flame of a new bifrost.
It ended where it began. On midgard.
There was ample flame to flit between, on a battlefield such as this. Loki had no knives, nor hands to use them, and so he simply watched, and calculated, and waited.
In the end, it came down to the young woman. The young woman they called Wanda.
She was strong beyond all meaning of the word, Loki could see. Brave was insufficient to describe her; she could be a Valkyrie of legend, leading the soul of a nearly-dead man off the battlefield.
And the man she was killing loved her so, so much.
She succeeded, and Loki felt the fire he inhabited settle from a wind-blasted blaze to a flickering, almost-still flame.
Here there was finally someone who did what was necessary - beyond Quill, who did not kill Gamora despite her knowledge of the soul stone; beyond Gamora herself, who had revealed the stone for Nebula’s sake, leaving her sister to tell others of it; beyond Strange, who did not withhold the time stone for Stark, bleeding out on the ground of a desolated planet; beyond Loki, who had lied and watched his brother’s pain for all of two seconds before giving up the gateway to the nine realms for him.
Here there was the girl who had understood that she was the last - the last one, upon whom all those people before, older and with seemingly more authority than her, had deferred that choice.
The man she killed had been right.
It should not have been her. Not personally, nor physically.
Thanos’s gauntlet glowed green.
And Loki knew it was over, even before it began. Time could not stop it.
Half the leaves on the world tree withered and disintegrated into dust, a movement of death that originated on midgard and spread like an unstoppable plague through branch and bough.
Yggdrasil was forcefully, violently pruned.
Loki was selfish, and he knew it - but it did not stop him from flickering to the softly burning edge of his brother’s cloak, just so that should Thor dissolve, Loki would lose his grasp on the world, too.
Thor did not.
When Loki was sure, he soul-flitted back to Stark’s group. Because some part of him wished to see whom fate had chosen, and whom fate had not.
He arrived just in time to see the boy - not Stark’s son, it would seem, but as close to it as could possibly be - collapse into Stark’s arms, body already flaking into dust and ashes.
“I don’t wanna go I-”
The expression on Stark’s face was one of numb horror - one Loki recognised with a stab of agony. It was the same expression Odin wore when Loki fell off the end of the bifrost, all those years ago.
“I’m sorry.”
Last words from a child who should not have been there, in the arms of one that was not his father, but almost was.
Even as Yggdrasil’s pruning left it crippled, threadbare, where once-vibrant leaves thrived on its branches - new flames burst from every corner of the nine realms, as chaos-
This was not chaos, that Loki loved so much. It was not even order in the manner he used to roll his eyes at.
This was order in its worst form; order without justice.
But as Loki’s soul flickered from world to world, on flame and fire and spark and ember, something occurred to him.
The Avengers were still there.
All six of the warriors who fought him in New York six years ago were still, impossibly, alive.
He had gone into battle with them when they were inexperienced as a team; a fledgling alliance, something he had exploited at the time.
But now they are different.
It was never in Loki’s nature to hope. Hope was reserved for uncalculated moments, and Loki had made it his business when he was still alive to never not calculate.
But he hopes here, in this moment, that although the battle might be lost, that the war would not be.
He settles, eventually, on a candle on a porch of a cabin by a Midgardian sea; an old man is sitting there calmly reading a book by candlelight, and judging by the lack of radio aerial and the darkness in the cabin behind him, a hermit. Perhaps news of the pruning of Yggdrasil has not reached this place yet.
Loki waits in the small flame, and watches the stars.
I wrote this in an effort to express my writer’s soul geeking out over the gorgeous themes in the story that was Infinity War. I’ll probably continue this after Infinity War 2. Whenever that is.
I’ve cross-posted this to FFN!
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FFN profile and stories
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aslightstep · 8 years
8 - Aesir!Tony/Thor
Some legends are told/Some turn to dust or to gold/But you will remember me/Remember me, for centuries
Note: bastardization to the extremes of Norse mythology. Tyr = Tony. 
Thor crept along the halls of his home, down past the guards to where the infirmary was. Father had forbidden him from visiting ‘too soon,’ but Father was only sore at Tyr for not celebrating the great conquering of Fenrir, the mighty wolf that was prophesied to eat his Odin whole some day, choosing to stay in the infirmary and nurse his injury alone.
Thor had celebrated merrily at his brother and mother’s side; his father was safe and Tyr, in his bravery, had proven his worth to his parents to stand by Thor’s side. But as the night grew long and Tyr continued to stay away - from a feast that in other words was being held in his honor! The hero Tyr, savior of the All-Father and Asgard! - his heart grew heavy. Tyr was a blacksmith, and a master of weapons and war. The loss of his hand must have grieved him greatly.
But the infirmary, when he finally arrived, was empty.
“Are you looking for Lord Tyr?” One of the healers asked, a knowing smile on her face. Thor felt his cheeks heat at what kind of knowing that might be. He had very little shame left within him, but he and Tyr were not…discreet in their affections. It seemed like every servant or lord in the palace had happened upon them at least twice. “He left an hour ago. He didn’t say well, but a bright prince like yourself surely has an idea.”
Thor was already leaving before she had spoken, a hopeful smile on his face.
Tyr’s smithy was a place of wonder, swords and shield and armor hung on the walls and strewn about the tables surrounding the great forge in the center. Enchanted suits of mail worked busily at patching holes and sharpening blades, lit up from within by their inscribed runes. The great magic fire of Jalmari crackled merrily in the middle of the forge, belying the true power that Thor had been blessed enough to see only once or twice.
Sitting on the lip of the forge was Tyr, tinkering with a gold and red gauntlet, holding it awkwardly between his bicep and forearm. The stump where his right hand had been before it was lost to Fenrir’s bite was already healed over.
“You’ve enchanted helpers just for this sort of work,” Thor said, smiling hesitantly as he crossed the room. Tyr looked up, saw him, and smiled back, just as tremulous.
“This is the kind of work I need to do on my own,” he said softly. Thor stopped in front of his lover, looking at the runes he had already carved into the metal.
“Shall I leave you, then?” he asked softly, and when Tyr’s eyes met him they shined in firelight. It took Thor’s breath away, even as his heart broke.
Tyr was standing, crushing the gauntlet between them as he flung his arms around Thor. “Never,” he said into the crook of his neck, and Thor returned the embrace, feeling the minute trembling in that deceptively slight frame. For all that Tyr was the bastion of the anger and fire of war, he also embodied the empathy and compassion that caused men both to fight and to drop to their knees to stem the wounds of an enemy.
“Then I will stay. Always,” Thor promised.
Tyr side, pressed a kiss into the skin over his pulse, and pulled away. “Hold this. I need to make one last adjustment.” Thor took the offered gauntlet and held it as indicated.
“Tyr-” he tried to speak, though he had no idea what he would say.
“I don’t regret it,” Tyr cut in, not looking up. “I agreed to chain Fenrir, I agreed to give up my hand. It was the right thing to do, Thor.” He finished the rune and looked up. “I would do it again.”
“It will not be forgotten,” Thor said solemnly, leaning down to press his lips hard against his lover’s forehead. “Your sacrifice will be sung through the ages.”
Tyr snorted, pushing Thor back playfully. Thor was cheered to see his good humor returning. “It’s just a hand. I’ve already got a replacement.” He wiggled the gauntlet back and forth, laughing as Thor’s jaw dropped. “What, did you think I would leave it up to Loki or someone else? Did you see what he did to Sif’s hair?”
“Believe me, he has paid for that a thousand times over,” Thor chuckled. “How shall I help?”
“Hold me?” Tyr asked, turning towards the flames. “Jalmari always takes care of me, but the pain will be great, I can’t deny it.”
Thor held Tyr, close enough for comfort but loose enough to move, as the smaller man stuck his hands into the flame just as they burst to life. He did not scream, but it was a close thing.
Afterwards they rested against the flagons of stone that made the forge, watching Tyr wriggle his new fingers. “How does it feel?” Thor whispered.
“Marvelous,” Tyr breathed. “Strong.” He turned to Thor, his eyes taking on a speculative, possessive gleam that Thor knew and cherished well. “Would you like to see for yourself?”
Tyr’s hands made quick work of his armor as Thor’s head fell back. Centuries of this, he thought, and he smiled.
Tyr was dressed in his red and gold armor, as he always was these days, when he came to Thor’s tent that night.
“The battle comes at dawn,” he said unnecessarily, shedding plate until he was only gauntlet and bare skin, sliding in beside Thor and letting himself be held. 
“I’ll be by your side,” Thor swore, running his hands through curling dark hair.
“It’s foolishness,” Tyr whispered. “I am War. I know where I am not to be. We should compromise with the Vanir. They are clever and fierce, as we are. We should be joining together, not fighting.”
“They threaten everything we hold dear,” Thor responded. “Our home, our way of life.”
“They are not Jotunns, intent on dominion,” Tyr snapped, then immediately subsided. “I just. I dread the dawn. I wish to stay in this moment with you forever.” The red and gold gauntlet intertwined with Thor’s hand, and they both stared at the contrast until Tony brought them both up and kissed the seam where they met, before rolling over onto Thor. “I am War,” he repeated. “My blood needs to sing.”
Thor heard his unvoiced demand and tugged him up, closer, ran lines of fire down his sides. “Then I will plays its song.” 
The night was not long enough.
Thor lost sight of Tyr in the midst of battle. When the tide stemmed all around him, when warriors dropped their weapons one by one and turned towards the west, his heart dropped low.
He found Tyr, bleeding and broken, the red and gold cracked around him, exposing the skin he had worshipped just hours ago. Thor ran the few short meters left, collapsing beside him. Sif and the Warriors Three lingered at the edges of his vision. Somewhere someone was calling for a way to be made for the prince, meaning Loki was coming, but all Thor could see was the trickle of blood running down his love’s face.
“Thor,” Tyr managed on a cough, red misting up into the air with his breath. He raised his hand, palming Thor’s cheek. “I am sorry.”
“You’re fine,” Thor insisted, holding that shaking hand to him. “Do not talk. You are War. You do not end.”
“Of all the terrible things to tell a dying man,” Tyr said, trying to smile. His mouth was bloody; Thor kissed it anyway. “I made you promise to stand beside me…I am sorry I cannot do the same.”
“Don’t say that,” Thor cried, burying his head in Tyr’s broken chest. “Don’t apologize. All the time I ever had with you - I was unworthy.”
“You were. I love you. I - always will.” Tyr’s eyes grew distant, and Thor rocked him gently, like he was simply going to sleep, like they were back in bed, in love, forever. “Remember me, Thor. Remember me. One more promise.”
“I will, I will,” Thor said fervently. In the distance, Loki echoed his promise, then Sif, then the Warriors, then a thousand soldiers, enemy and ally alike. Tyr smiled even as his breath stuttered to a stop, his eyes losing focus. He died in Thor’s arms, and Thor did not know when he stopped screaming.
“Peace,” Thor said when the war council next convened. Tyr’s body was resting in his boat, ready to be put to sea. “We ask for peace.”
Odin looked at him, and where Thor expected surprise, he only saw sober understanding.
Centuries passed, and Thor grew unruly. He was cast out, down to the world of Midgard, deemed unworthy. He found himself missing Tyr fiercely, Tyr who would have been by his side, Tyr who would have followed him.
Tyr, who here was legend. It cheered Thor, even as it saddened him.
“Tyr kinda fades out after this,” Darcy said after noting Thor’s interest in his story. “What happened to him?”
Thor stared at the (incredibly inaccurate) portrait of a War God. His armor was plain and black, but the artist had managed to capture at least one thing in the proud tilt of that defiant chin. “He died,” he said quietly. It had never stopped hurting.
“Oh, man,” Darcy said, then peered at Thor’s face, apparently seeing the truth of it if the devastated expression on her face meant anything. “Oh, man.”
“Indeed,” Thor replied, and that was the end of that.
Until he saw a red and gold armor flying on the picture box. “Whoa!” Jane screeched when he stood and crossed to it, holding it so tightly it groaned. “That’s just Iron Man, okay? Tony Stark. He’s kind of a superhero now.”
“That armor.” He watched this Iron Man, this Tony, weave back and forth through similar looking suits, blasting them apart. The compact and ease of movement, the cleverness of his tactics, the red and gold. Remember me, Tyr had pleaded. Thor had kept that promise. This could not be anyone else. “I must go to him.”
“Um,” Jane said.
The next day the Destroyer attacked, Thor was sent home, his brother was lost, and the Bifrost destroyed. Tyr was lost to him again.
The first time he saw Iron Man fight in person, it was against himself.
“I do not wish to harm you, Tyr,” he pleaded, blocking up a blow.
“It’s Tony, big guy. Mr. Stark if you’re nasty,” the man told him while blasting him back. “And if you don’t want to fight, maybe don’t steal my stuff!”
Loki grinned at him the whole way back in the helicopter while Tony Stark regarded him with curious but distant eyes. Eyes that Thor had loved, once.
Thor remembered. Tyr had not.
He was saddened to see how closed off this Tony was, how he had lost his purpose as War since the beginning. War was not for profit, and it was not to be taken lightly. A sword is truly a shield until you swing it at the wrong person. Tyr had taught him that. Tony had seemingly learned this lesson, but however it had happened had carved out great parts of his heart.
Or maybe, he said, watching Tony’s expression fall minutely as the Captain berated him, he had just hidden them away.
“I believe that is enough,” he broke in, and both men turned to him. There was a moment of naked gratefulness and hope in Tony’s eyes before it disappeared. “Past mistakes do not define us, though they should never be forgotten. Leave them behind, for all our sakes.”
Of course, that did not stop Loki’s plan of destruction. He saw Tony look back over his shoulder at him as he and the Captain ran for the suit, and then he was gone.
“I feel the oddest compulsion to say ‘this is just like old times,’” Iron Man said to him as the Avengers circled up, waiting for orders. “You sure you’re a god, Point Break? You didn’t oh, I don’t know, gain some freak powers after an epic beach party down in Cancun in the early 90s?”
Thor did not know what half of those words meant, but he laughed anyway. Iron Man’s head tilted at the sound and his faceplate slid up. “Seriously, Thor. This deja vu is off the charts.”
“Perhaps it is the battle,” he replied. “Doesn’t it make your blood sing?”
“Singing blood?” Tony smiled, his eyes going a little distant. “That would play some pretty wild tricks on the mind, huh?”
“Verily,” Thor agreed softly, and Tony peered closely at him, looking confused before Captain Rogers began calling out orders and the faceplate slid down. 
Thor lost track of him, and began to panic. The stab wound in his side from Loki’s dagger pained him greatly; it must have been poisoned. He stumbled in his movements and suddenly Iron Man was at his back.
They fought perfectly, executing moves and combinations Thor had not used in centuries. Tyr no longer fought with a sword, but he had long used the type of science that Tony used in his gauntlets.
“Keep your head up, big guy,” Tony told him as they cleared out the area. “You’re not allowed to leave me. You promised.”
The suit froze for a second, the helmet tipping in Thor’s direction as his heart seized in his chest. “Wait-” Tony said, even as Thor reached forward with a whispered “Tyr” on his lips, before more aliens came.
Tony blasted up to the sky and was lost again, and the next time Thor saw him, he was disappearing into the wormhole.
The Captain let Thor drag Tony’s body to him, even though both he and the Hulk must have been confused. Thor ripped off the faceplate, fighting not to scream as the same still face he remembered from centuries ago was revealed.
“You’re fine,” Thor insisted, grabbing Tony’s right gauntlet and holding it to his face. “You are War. You do not end.” He closed his eyes.
“Of all the terrible things to tell a dead man,” a raspy voice croaked out, and the Captain gasped out loud. Thor opened his eyes to find Tony staring back at him, at the gauntlet intertwined with Thor’s own hand. As if in a daze, he brought their hands to his lips and kissed the seam where they met.
“Tyr,” Thor whispered. 
“Thor,” Tony - Tyr - replied, a weak smile beginning to form on his face. “You remembered.”
(The team took the revelation well in stride: by that meaning the Captain threw his hands up in the air, said “Sure, fine, Tony can be a god, too” and the archer had remarked “It is just impossible for you not to be famous!” and the Black Widow had added that being the embodiment of War explained a lot and no, Stark, that wasn’t an insult, and the doctor had simply asked if he could test Tony’s blood when they got back to a working lab.
”You know,” Tony said as the team sat around the table, eating the oddly-named food. He was remembering more every second, but remained ‘Tony’ for now and might always. Thor would call him whatever name he wished; he was merely happy to have him in his lap right now, feeding bits of meat to him. “That kinda explains how I keep living through all the absurd shit I do.”
“Going headfirst through that window,” Steven said, nodding.
“Metal poisoning,” the archer added. “Saw Nat’s notes on that. You should totally be dead, man.”
“Afghanistan,” Tony listed, grimacing. “Electrocution, lots of blunt force trauma, like three overdoses…”
“Also how you’ve looked thirty three for fifteen years,” the Lady Natasha remarked, and Tony pointed at her, apparently adding it to some invisible tally. 
Thor’s chest rumbled in laughter, and Tony shivered a little, basking in the vibrations, which only made Thor’s laughter grow. That was something old between them, too. It was a joy to see.
He was eager, however, to begin finding things new.)
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Smoke 14/16
Pairing: Ronin!Clint Batron x Black Cat!Reader
Warning: Violence. Torture mentioned. Death mentioned. Nightmares. Lies. Seducing. Sexual humor. Broken and damaged pasts. Killing. Possessive Male. Struggling to open up. Secrets. Dark past.
After the snap, the avengers split apart. Finding their own ways to cope. Clint found his under a new identity, Ronin. Getting revenge for those they lost. For the family taken from them. The evil left when heroes were wiped out, it became his mission to take out the evil. All while keeping a list of those who could help, if needed one day. Clint stumbles upon a woman, Cat. She’s a mystery in the dark. One happen stance meet, one night, gone like smoke.
After the second snap, setting the world right again. Fury is looking at those kept tabs on. When Cat appears on the screen, nobody know a lot about the mysterious woman who haunted Clint’s dreams and stole his favorite T-shirt. There’s a chance she’s in trouble, can Clint find her, convince her there is more, that he can save her? But is he the cause of what’s after her? Just what mystery is she keeping all to herself? Or is he the one she’s trying to save?
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The heels of your ankle boots crunch against the sidewalk. You were probably going to end up late, but at this point, it was who you are. Your hands tucked into your front pockets of your jeans, a hand closes around your upper arm. Yanking you to the side.
Your back hits the brick wall of some nasty alley. Before you can move, a forearm crushes down on your throat. Pinning you in place. A chuckle makes you swallow hard.
“Long time no see Cat.” He chuckles, but his tone is lethal. Your eyes sink closed.
“Batroc.” You purr as his goon lets up. Your eyes flick to the side, where Georges stood, in a dress shirt and slacks. The French business man he is, cleaned up well for meetings. Dark hair, pretty face and toned muscle.
“You’ve been a naughty kitty.” He sighs. You shrug.
“Some habits die hard.” You admit.
“I’ve been looking for you.” He growls out, stepping closer. You wince inwardly, your demons were coming around for their pound of flesh.
“Sorry, came home. What can I do for you boys.” You shove his goon back, tossing your hair over your shoulder.
“During the snap, someone killed Olivier. Witness I found,” Georges steps even closer, murder filled his eyes. “said a figure in black with a large hood slipped into the night.” He plants his hand next to your head. Licking his lips in irritation. “Cat, that’s you to a T.” His jaw ticks.
“Hmm does sound just like me.” You bat your eyes.
“You’re going to tell me who hired your ass!” Georges hand slams down against the wall.
“I can’t.” You shrug. “Look that was years ago.” You put a hand up, stopping him from grabbing you. “I’ve done a lot of jobs in that time.” You admit.
“Guess you have to pay.” He growls low in his chest.
“I keep records.” You blurt out. Chewing your bottom lip. “Insurance policies if you will.” You shrug. “Give me some time, today, till tonight. I’ll find who hired me, why and for how much.” You nod.
“By night fall Cat.” He warns you, pointing a finger at you. “A second later, I burn this fucking city down.” He threatens.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Georges.” You smirk at him. Your stomach twists.
“Warehouse, over on the water. Dock fifteen. Don’t be late.” The goon tells you as he and Georges walk away. Once they’re gone, you sink back against the wall.
“Fuck. Fuck.” You mutter, pulling your phone out.
Y/N: Gotta cancel lunch. Something came up.
You hit send. Hurrying out of the alley, waving down a taxi.
You unlock the front door, stepping into the house. Your childhood home. It was still yours, but you used it as more like storage, or safe house. You lock the doors and sets the alarm once more. You head for the office, stepping in you shut the door and move to the wall paneling, pressing hard it gives, popping open. Inside is a stash of notebooks, by year. Coordinated with monthly tabs, for quick search. You yank out the book for two years before.
You drop into the chair of the desk, kicking your feet up. You flip the notebook open, finding the month. Scanning the page, your eyes land on his name Olivier Batroc. You swallow, you lied. You hadn’t been hired to kill Olivier. He hired you and you knew he killed him. Closing the book you chew your bottom lip, sitting up. Your brain went into overdrive coming up with a plan. Quickly you put things back, once more securing the house and leaving.
You look around quickly, slipping open the back slider. You crouch down, scratching your pointer finger under Odin’s chin. Worry fogged him, as you tried to distract him.
“Odin.” You spoke softly. His head tips, ears perked. “Stay.” You stare him down. “With Morgan. Take care of her.” You swallow. “Take care of them. Be a good boy.” You straighten up, stepping out the slider. Odin stands, stepping towards you. “Stay.” You press your lips together, pulling the door shut. Slipping away into the dark.
They come into the living room, both Nat and Wanda on the couch laughing.
“Are you seriously so possessive, you can’t pull yourself from between Y/N’s legs to let her have lunch with us?” Nat snickers.
“One.” Clint grins, dropping into a chair. “Don’t judge where I like to spend my time.” He laughs. Buck does the same, dropping on the couch next to Nat. “Two. What are you talking about? She left for lunch with you.” He shakes his head.
“She texted me saying she was canceling, something came up. We assumed it was you.” Wanda looks between them.
“Okay.” Buck looks around. “But that was hours ago. Did she come home?” Clint’s chest tightens.
“We thought she was with you.” Wanda looks at Nat.
“We’ve been on a stake out.” Clint sits up.
“So nobodies seen her all day?” Nat asks.
“We’ll check upstairs.” Wanda nods, her and Nat jump up, rushing from the room.
“Call the others.” Clint swallows, standing up. Odin meows loudly. A panicked cry. Clint whirls around looking at Buck.
“Odin?!” Clint calls. Another loud, panicked meow.
“Find the cat!” Buck and Clint run from the room in the direction of Odin’s crying. They slid to a stop at the opening, Odin is sitting at the side slider.
“Where is she Odin?” Clint asks. He turns pawing at the closed door, looking back at them. Buck rips the door open, the both of them catch something hurrying away from the house, towards the compound gate. It’s Y/N.
“I’m faster.” Buck puts his hand out to stop Clint. “Grab gear. Track me.” Buck nods.
“Stick to her, Buck. Please.” Clint nods.
“I won’t lose her.” Buck takes off at a silent jog, after Y/N she doesn’t look back which means she doesn’t know they’ve spotted her.
“Where the fuck are you going babe?” Clint mutters, yanking the door shut. Odin meows at him. “I’ll bring her home. Stay with Morgan.” He nods, turning he heads for the gear he and Buck had left in the office.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @nishanki1 @crist1216 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @tomhardy41 @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @this-is-mycrisis @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @xrosegoldwolfx @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @optimistic-babes @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @aspiringtranslator @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @nerdypinupcrystal @atlas-of-the-world @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @thefridgeismybestie @dumbbitchenergytm @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @mcuwillbethedeathofme @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @a--1--1--3 @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Clint ‘Destory Me, I’ll Thank You’ Barton: @ml7010 @coley0823 @yavanna80 @lakamaa12 @boltsgirl919 @feelmyroarrrr @mrsseizetheday @honey-bee-holly @marvelfansworld @mybarnesmyhero   @the-real-mary-jane @dumbbitchenergytm @agentsinstorybrooke @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Smoke: @2s0uls @xxloki81xx @csigeoblue @demonlover87 @capandbuckylvr @marvelfansworld @natromanoffsboys @barton-you-dummy @thefandomimagines @thosesexytexasboys 
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Smoke 4/16
Pairing: Ronin!Clint Batron x Black Cat!Reader
Warning: Violence. Torture mentioned. Death mentioned. Nightmares. Lies. Seducing. Sexual humor. Broken and damaged pasts. Killing. Possessive Male. Struggling to open up. Secrets. Dark past.
After the snap, the avengers split apart. Finding their own ways to cope. Clint found his under a new identity, Ronin. Getting revenge for those they lost. For the family taken from them. The evil left when heroes were wiped out, it became his mission to take out the evil. All while keeping a list of those who could help, if needed one day. Clint stumbles upon a woman, Cat. She’s a mystery in the dark. One happen stance meet, one night, gone like smoke.
After the second snap, setting the world right again. Fury is looking at those kept tabs on. When Cat appears on the screen, nobody know a lot about the mysterious woman who haunted Clint’s dreams and stole his favorite T-shirt. There’s a chance she’s in trouble, can Clint find her, convince her there is more, that he can save her? But is he the cause of what’s after her? Just what mystery is she keeping all to herself? Or is he the one she’s trying to save?
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He tosses the discarded T-shirt at her. She catches it, pulling it over her frame. Shaking out her hair, letting it fall down her back. He yanks his own shirt down, running a hand through his own messed hair.
“Come with me.” He grabs a shoe off the floor, sitting down in one of the mismatched chairs. Cat looks over smirking at him, as she wiggles into her jeans. “To the compound.” He shakes his head, tying his shoe.
“Look,” she sighs.
“You agreed.” He cuts her off, finishing tying his other shoe. He stands, pulling her into him, by her hips. “Said you’d hear us out.” He reminds her, kissing her softly.
“Do you always jump to assumptions or am I just special?” She smirks at him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He chuckles, letting her go, she snatches up a boot, pulling it on.
“I’m not taking back my word. I just, need to finish a job, first.” She sighs, yanking on her last boot. “After that I’ll give you my full attention.” She runs a hand through her hair, before she gathers it up, twisting it into a messy bun and securing it with a hair tie, in just a few motions.
“Not another jewel heist, right?” He smirks at her.
“No and don’t judge me.” She moves around, the small apartment. “I saw that judgy look.” She points a finger at him, before she grabs a black hoodie.
“Do you need help?” He sighs, offering the least he could.
“I’m fine.” She grins at him when she is finished pulling on the hoodie. “I’ve been doing this a long time without you, you know.” She reminds him.
“Cat.” He sighs. She pauses watching him. “I need to ask you something.” He swallows.
“Don’t worry, babe. I wouldn’t, not you or your family.” She assures him as she finds the little eye mask she’d been looking for. “This is a company testing on, animals.” She waves him off.
“Be careful.” He nods.
“I’ll come to you when I can.” She promises.
“You have two days, Cat.” He warns her. “I’ll find you if you don’t.” He watches her. A smirk pulls up the corners of her mouth.
“So hot,” she purrs, coming over to kiss him quickly “but I have to go.” She backs away towards the door. “I’ve only got two days to finish this job.” She smirks, slipping on the eye mask.
“Two days, I’m serious.” His stomach twisted.
She pulls the hood up, before slipping on her leather jacket, she pulls the door open. Winking at him before she disappears with a click of the door shutting. He sighs, scrapping a hand down his face. She might as well have scratched her name into his chest, he was hooked on her and he wasn’t risking her slipping away once more.
“Barton? Earth to Barton.” Sam waves his hand in front of Clint’s face.
“What?” He blinks looking around.
“Where did you go?” Nat smirks at him.
“It’s day two.” He admits, picking up his coffee mug.
“Ahhh.” Peter nods slowly.
Something slick and black, darts across the kitchen. It moves with precision, before it meows suddenly.
“Um. there’s a cat in the compound.” Tony looks shocked. The black cat, twists itself between Clint’s ankles, nudging him, before it meows again.
“Kitty.” Morgan slips from the table, heading for the cat.
“Ah littles, let’s not.” Peter catches his sister, holding her up from the floor. But the cat has no interest in anyone else. It’s nudging Clint over and over, followed with a meow.
“Why is it meowing at you Barton?” Steve looks down confused.
“I have no idea.” Clint shrugs, watching the cat. It looks up, locking eyes with him, it meows loudly.
“Um. Clint?” Pepper hurries into the kitchen, everyone looks up. Pepper looks over, Cat steps into the kitchen.
“Cat?!” Peter and Clint startle at the same time.
“Whoa.” The others whisper together, looking at Cat. Her one eyes is massively swollen, a hand sized bruise around her neck, a black duffle over her shoulder.
“Was she,” Sam whispers at Buck “did she look like that in the footage?” They both look over at her.
“It was grainy and dull. Wow.” Buck replies, Sam nods slowly. Nat flicks Sam in the neck, and then Buck the same. They both wince, looking guilty.
“Got in over my head.” Cat shrugs, her one arm wrapped around her ribs, holding tightly. “Short, PG version, ticked off the wrong people. Was going to split, but as I was heading for the train station, I remembered I gave you my word.” She shifts, wincing slightly. “You might be right. I might need out of this life.” She admits. Peter sets Morgan down, Clint moves, taking her duffle, she shuffles, wincing. Tony is out of his seat, letting her take it.
“Is the cat yours?” Wanda looks over where Morgan is laying on the floor, the black cat is flat on his back, purring as she rubs his belly.
“He’s um. a friend.” She looks over at the two on the floor. “Sorry he’s trashy for belly rubs.” She sighs, wincing.
“He’s purring daddy.” Morgan giggles.
“He likes your small human.” Cat smirks.
“Can you, can you talk to cats?” Peter’s head tips.
“Just Odin.” She looks over at the cat, rubbing his face against Morgan’s cheeks.
“Wild.” Peter whispers in shock.
“We worked with a raccoon, but he’s shocked she can talk to a cat. I swear.” Nat rolls her eyes, shaking her head.
“Why just him?” Clint asks, looking at Cat.
“Not a PG conversation.” She looks up at him. “But he will sell his soul to her if she keeps that up.” She looks back at Morgan and Odin, who is getting another round of belly rubs.
“Morgan, baby.” Pepper claps her hands. “Why don’t we get some milk and find a snack for your new friend Odin.” Pepper grins. It was a subtle way for the team to leave, have a conversation Morgan didn’t need to be apart of.
“Momma, isn’t uncle Thor’s daddy, Odin?” Morgan asks looking up from the black cat sprawled across her little lap. The team slowly slipping out of the kitchen, he helps Cat, shuffle out of the room.
“He is. Maybe he came back as a cat.” Pepper nods, pulling open the fridge. “Better be nice, maybe you could write uncle Thor a letter, telling him about your new friend.” Pepper smiles.
“Momma I could just video call him.” Morgan giggles from the floor.
“That’s an idea too. Maybe you need to ask your dad to help you do that later.” Pepper laughs.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @nishanki1 @crist1216 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @a--1--1--3 @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Clint ‘Destory Me, I’ll Thank You’ Barton: @ml7010 @coley0823 @yavanna80 @lakamaa12 @boltsgirl919 @feelmyroarrrr @mrsseizetheday @honey-bee-holly @marvelfansworld @mybarnesmyhero   @the-real-mary-jane @dumbbitchenergytm @agentsinstorybrooke @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Smoke: @2s0uls @rimaries   @xxloki81xx @csigeoblue @demonlover87 @capandbuckylvr @marvelfansworld @natromanoffsboys @barton-you-dummy @thefandomimagines @thosesexytexasboys 
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