#(yes i am drawing extensively from the one picture where will has COMPLETELY tuned him out (there is a football reasoning reference here?
re last answer: please don't stop, being very unhinged about these two pretty white boys is helping distract me from the sharks losing streak rn so bring it on
(sideblog woes but there's the link for you) anyway in the vid they talk about going over to each other's houses to have dinner and things and while that is a delicious example of their codependence i love it bc through an rpf lens there is definitely some old man ******* going on. they can have the dilfs and each other.
(someone else mentioned kept boys which i could write an essay on but i fear being Perceived™️)
anyway if you have anything to add to this please do, if not ignore me and i will hide under a rock until the stress-related insanity has worn off and i am a functioning member of society once more 😂
- @bondedpairs
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ty for the video!!! and please, WRITE THE KEPT BOYS ESSAYYYY i promise i will read it with my hands over my eyes if you don’t want to be perceived. do it scared!! do it anyway!! we’ll all love you for it!!!
#like. i don’t know how to explain how narratively aware will smith is to me. he knows he’s being put into the codependent rookies arc.#he’s aware that zeev buium transforms into a dog. he knows that he and mack aren’t getting together because mack’s gotta work it out first.#& in a less unhinged way i simply mean that will smith has an air of both self-conscious thought & projection i think is maybe fascinating.#but not in a way in which i actually know this or think that he thinks about himself and how he comes across. he just Is Something ????#the best way i can explain is one of my alltime favorite fics i use it like a shorthand citation bc i love it so much but catchascatchcan’s#many worlds universe but specifically the second tk/pat story second person you the ouroboros spits out its tale nolan walks off screen.#like that is the kind of narrative awareness i am trying to explain that no matter where i put him will smith knows he’s inside a story but#not in a way where he’s trying to do anything to it. he’s just present there. this makes no sense to me either please understand#liv in the replies#bondedpairs#happy to have brought you something in your times of woe!!! ​also hope things get a little less stressful for you!! <3#we’re 2gether p much 24/7” no go on i say in my nature documentary voice. watching them like bugs under a rock rn observing from a distance#this DID get me to actually watch the video. agreed with puckpocketed saying rich text and ur tags like. YES the daddy issues popped out.#just wants to make sure he’s having fun!! checking up!! mack the prime irritance in will’s life!! foisted off on one another w/ no choice#it’s like when your parents are friends so then you have to be friends with their kids in a way and then also like. you’re the only kids#close in age to each other but they’re NOT but it is definitely not like. i would choose you for any lifetime it is very will smith hockey#(once again) very aware he has to wait for mack to settle down. like now that i’m saying this i DO want clairvoyant will smith which is not#where it goes in the first half but just in the sense of like. those silly posts that are like ‘invested early in stock!’ & it’s a picture#of braden holtby & his beautiful bisexual wife brandi back when holts was a hipster who wore skinny scarves & now everyone thinks he’s sooo#like that but it’s will smith saying my god you are insufferable but you’ll be fantastic in five years. get in the fucking car.#(yes i am drawing extensively from the one picture where will has COMPLETELY tuned him out (there is a football reasoning reference here?#with the patriots? neonfretra drew this also but it was a tweet about the teams. there’s layers to this here ANYWAY) we’re building a life#i realize after the fact i addressed neither the dilf (gilf?) fucking here nor the content of the actual video & polycules to which i say:#brain scrampled egg. the burnsie/joe/patty/(pavs???) polycule just exists to me and the kids intersect the venn diagram but in a much#smaller portion than they intersect each other in both ways (will/mack joe/the guys)#also as for the content of the video. you’re gonna have to give me at LEAST (how long did it take me until i actually started posting tzjd?#i hate that this is my metric but it really was like. i see everyone yelling about them & i’m like ok. [please ignore the irrational hatred#i have for tz at the time it has to do with moritz seider and also whenever i see him on the ice something awakens in kill mode] and i DO#blame tzjd for my 800 drafts and it took me like. a good while before i finally went OH kay. i see it. okay i can get invested. horizon at#a 45 degree angle moon in the late waxing gibbous winds scented of orange & blowing S by SW from the vortex cycle etc etc ass conditions)
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rue-by-another-name · 7 years
“Rum & Coconuts” - h.s. Part 6
****** I did some research on some of the songs for this story so I’m actually doing research now for one shots what has my life become. I hope you all know the extensiveness that has started to go into this craziness you’re all welcome damn.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Harry kept his album from you for quite some time. You instantly asked to listen to it, obviously, and after talking with Anne on the phone once you’d broke the news of your engagement to your families, you were shocked to find that Harry had already played it for her. 
“You played it for your mum?” you cried, “What is so wrong about it that you can’t play it for me? What did I do?” you begged.
Harry just watched you fall apart while sitting in that damn yellow seat, smirking as you fumed at him and paced back and forth. 
“How am I supposed to support you and sing along when I haven’t even heard your music?” you whined. You had gotten into his habit of twirling around your engagement ring whenever you were nervous, and Harry joked that if you kept doing that then you were accidentally going to lose it at some point. 
“I want it to be special,” Harry said, standing from the seat and resting his hands on your shoulders, giving you a sincere smile as he used his index finger to lift your chin. “Don’t pout, angel,” he mimicked your pout. “I promise you’ll love it.”
But you did continue to sulk as you made your way to the office that day and pouted at your desk. Savie merely laughed at you, handing over some folders for your approval as you fiddled with your blazer. 
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“Would you stop worrying?” Savie asked, “It’s amazing. You’re going to love it.”
“Wait,” you gave her a surprised look, “You mean you’ve heard it too?!” 
Savie shrugged, “Yeah Harry came by the other night and played some of it for us. He’s having Beau work on some concept art for the album and whatnot.”
“Oh my gosh,” you groaned and covered your face, resting your elbows on your desk. “Why is he keeping this from me? What did I do to deserve this torture?! I’m the one that let him run off to paradise for two months and write the damn thing!”
“Maybe because he knows you’ll hate how much he wrote about you,” Savie laughed, smoothing out her skirt before winking at you and walking out of your office. 
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The rest of the morning went well as you worked through some paperwork and called some of your suppliers. You were in the middle of setting up a model for an upcoming bathroom redecoration when your phone started ringing.
“Hello?” you asked, hitting the speaker as you continued to draw on the large screen with the faux program pen. 
“Hi love,” Harry’s voice filled your office, “I hope I haven’t caught you at a busy moment.”
“Um ... kind of,” you mumbled, chewing on the edge of the pen as you changed the color of the walls with one tap. “What’s up?”
“M’afraid I left my wallet in your purse last night?” Harry asked, “And I’m at the studio and in need of it. Hate to ask this but we’re at crunch time now and doing some vocals and everyone’s here waiting around. Would you mind bringing it?”
“That’s all the way across town,” you groaned, knowing exactly where Harry was and knowing the traffic would be a mess at this hour. 
“M’sorry angel,” Harry sighed, “Really didn’t mean to inconvenience you.”
Under normal circumstances you’d probably badger him about it and then grudgingly bring it over, but considering you’d only had Harry around for about a week and a half, you were jumping at any excuse to see him and his mates. So you checked your purse for his wallet, which was indeed in your purse, and let out a long sigh. 
“Well I guess I’ll just have to bring it over, you nuisance.” 
“Still wanna marry me?” Harry asked, and you could practically hear the mischievous glint in his eye as he spoke. 
“Guess I’ll have to. Ring’s all gorgeous and all that,” you joked while packing up your things. “Traffic is going to be horrid so it might take a good while.”
“Just text me when you’re close,” Harry said, “Thank you again, Y/N. I love you.”
“Love you too,” you sighed, “See you soon.” You notified your assistant that you’d be gone for your lunch for a little while, but you were lucky that you hardly had anything going on this afternoon anyway. Jumping in your car, you threw on your shades and made your way towards Abbey Road Studios. 
Considering your undying love for The Beatles, you’d always found this to be a national monument in your heart. Seeing tourists and native alike line the street to get that iconic photo was something you and Harry weren’t above - you’d both done it on multiple occasions. You’d brought your family here, your friends, and even you and Harry had done your own pose at one point because you were both such nerds. 
It took a while to find parking considering you didn’t have any sort of badge to get into the parking area, and you jogged across the street weaving through people before getting to the gate while texting Harry that you were here so he could come and pick it up. But he didn’t text back, so you had to press a buzzer and told the intercom that you were dropping off Harry Styles’ wallet. 
“Are you his assistant?” the woman asked.
“Um ... no I’m his gir - fiancée?” you said nervously. You bit your lip to try and stop yourself from smiling. You still weren’t used to calling yourself that and you had a feeling you never would - not until you were calling yourself this wife of course. 
The gate opened and you saw Jeff at the door as he waved you in. “Hey little lady,” he smiled as you gave him a hug. It’d been a long time since you’d seen Jeff and it felt like you were seeing an old friend after a long time. 
“Hi Jeff,” you smiled, “Harry forgot his wallet and asked me to drop it off. Do you want to give it to him or ...?”
“Nah I’m sure he’ll want to see you,” Jeff smiled, “You can just go right through that door and take a left.”
“Thank you,” you squeezed his arm before your heels clicked along the floor as you pressed open a door. What you were greeted with was a large room filled with speakers, wires, instruments, and people milling about. Camera were also set up places and as you almost stumbled over a wire yourself, you finally spotted Harry in the middle of it all standing behind a mic in one of his favorite ridiculous black pairs of pants and a smile on his face.
“Um ...” you softly cleared your throat and his eyes whipped to you, the smile widening as he nodded and suddenly some lights flashed in his direction and what sounded like a choir started going off. 
You had no choice but to stand where you were, the musicians starting to play around him as he winked at you and started singing. Your eyes widened as the music went on, lips parting and palms starting to sweat as you stumbled to sit down on one of the seats placed around the studio. It was gorgeous, a slightly haunting tune as Harry sung his heart out and belted notes you hadn’t heard him sing in a while. 
You knew you were crying, but you tried to wipe the tears away as the music died down and Harry raised his arms, giving a thumbs up and clapping. He pulled out one of his ear pieces and squinted against the lights, “Y/N?”
Standing, you wobbled over to him on your shaky legs and sniffled, handing over his wallet, “I um ... it was so - you all did a great job. I can’t - wow. What was that? What was it called? What was it about?” you rambled, biting your lip as Harry smiled at you and wrapped his arm around you. 
“Sign of the Times,” Harry kissed your forehead, “S’gonna be the first single. So you liked it?”
“Oh Harry it was beautiful,” you whispered, suddenly feeling like all eyes were on you as you and Harry spoke. 
“You know,” Harry grasped your hands in his, “If you stick around you can hear the whole album.”
You didn’t protest at all as you nodded excitedly and Harry laughed. “I wanted you to hear it for the first time live,” he admitted, “I figured that would be more personal since you gave up the most for this album. Wanted to present it to you as a gift.”
And once again, you felt tears building up and you were quick to blink them away. “I’d be happy to stay,” you nodded, “Yes absolutely.”
“Good,” Harry nodded, “Because I planned this whole thing and forgot my wallet on purpose and checked your schedule to see whether or not you were busy.”
Your heart swelled at the thought of all the hard work Harry had gone through for the moment and couldn’t help but beam at him, giving him a quick kiss. Once you pulled away, Harry wrapped his arm around your waist, “Everyone!” Harry called, “This is Y/N - my ... fiancée.” He looked down at you with such joy and happiness that you couldn’t help but return the dopey grin. 
“She’s going to stick around and hear the album for the first time. Pay her tears no mind - she’s just really excited!” You and many others chuckled at this as Jeff waved you over to a chair next to him. And, for the next hour or so, you were fully enraptured and completely immersed in Harry’s new album. Every song surprised you in the most wonderful of ways, and you could barely breathe during some of the songs. You knew almost instantly which songs you’d influenced, which lyrics he’d written near you, and which songs he’d worked the hardest on. 
Once the recording was over, the pictures had been taken, and Harry was cleared to leave after speaking with Jeff, you waited for him next to the door patiently. He smiled when he saw you, jogging over and scooping down to wrap his arms around your waist and lifting you up a bit, nuzzling his face in your neck. 
“What did you think, love?” he asked, setting you back down on your feet. 
You were so overcome with everything you wanted to say that you couldn’t think what to say first. So you grabbed his face and kissed him instead, biting his bottom lip and rolling your lips against his again and again until your lungs were bursting and Harry’s fingers were digging so deeply into your waist. 
He pulled away with flushed cheeks and a large smile spreading across his face, “I’m guessing you liked it?”
“I have so many compliments and so many questions,” you said hurriedly, “I want to know everything. I want to know every detail of why you said what you did and what tunes you chose and I just want to listen to you talk about it for ages,” you rambled. “Please,” you whispered, watching as Harry reached up to run his fingers through your hair and bring his lips to your forehead once more. 
“I’d love to talk with you about it,” he nodded, “Wanna go home?”
As you both prepared dinner, Harry explained his thoughts behind the songs. He admitted that there were many songs about you. Meet Me in the Hallway came from the times he’d wanted to be with you so badly while you were in uni and he would pace the hallway, waiting for you to answer the door and wondering what it was that he needed to do before he felt he would be good enough for you. This was something Harry had never told you before, and you found yourself getting worked up by the fact that you were having these same thoughts as neither of you had talked about your feelings for one another for so long before finally admitting it. 
Sweet Creature was also obviously about you. This warmed your heart, considering he told you it was his mum’s favorite song on the album. Harry had pulled it from your conversations in Jamaica when you’d started getting worked up and frustrated over the lack of communication between where your relationship was going. But regardless, he would always come home to you as you would to him. 
“You know you’re stubborn,” Harry chuckled when you commented that this totally wasn’t true.
“Am not,” you grumbled, slicing some broccoli stems with a passion and that only proved Harry’s point further. 
Woman was from the week before you dated when Harry literally couldn’t hold it in anymore. You all went dancing and you were just dancing this this other guy and Harry lost his shit. He couldn’t help himself as he was going out of his mind and you had to talk him down once you got back to your dorm because he was just so angry but couldn’t tell you why. A couple days later of course, Harry finally came to you crying, a mess, basically collapsing before you as he admitted how he felt. You were so shocked - Harry Styles, more importantly your best friend, had the same feelings for you that you had for him. It was a miracle. You were quick to tell him you felt the exact same way. 
“And Only Angel,” Harry shrugged, “I mean, for obvious reasons.” You were his angel and though you constantly were the apple in everyone’s eye and the perfect businesswoman and role model for all, you also had most definitely pulled him into random closets and bathrooms at uni parties with reckless abandon and would strut your stuff around the house in order to get what you wanted. This made you blush as Harry nuzzled the back of your neck while standing behind you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing down your neck.
“Well now everyone knows my secret,” you moaned softly, reaching up and knotting your hand in the nape of Harry’s neck where his curls were starting to swirl as his hair grew. Harry sucked on your skin and bunched the material of the extra large shirt you were wearing in his hand, exposing your thong as he pressed his body tightly to yours. 
“Everyone deserves to know what you put me through,” Harry nearly growled, “Killin’ me slowly all the time, angel.”
Since Harry’s return, you’d both been so loved up and excited around one another that the farthest you’d gone was constant kisses wherever you went. But in the week and a half he’d been back, this was actually your first dinner that you’d been able to be home for. You were both busy with Harry being in the studio and you being at work, and so as Harry lifted your shirt over your head and kissed down your back, you couldn’t help but tilt your head back and moan at what was to come. 
“Spread your - that’s it,” Harry hummed as you spread your legs without much resistance and clutched the kitchen counter tightly as Harry pulled the string of your thong down you legs slowly in a teasing manner. 
You looked over your shoulder to see Harry taking off his own shirt, stepping out of his joggers to stand naked behind you as you involuntarily let out a moan at the sight of him. 
In one swift movement, Harry turned you to face him and lifted you up, pushing all the contents of the counter to the side before setting you on it. He wasted no time in leaning in and feverishly pressing his lips to yours as he stood between your legs. 
You hooked your arms around his neck, pressing your chest to his in an attempt to feel every inch of him. His skin on yours was always so comforting, and as you tugged at his hair, a moan tore through Harry vibrating against you as he slowly pressed himself into you. You could feel his breath on your collarbones as he buried his face in your neck, letting out a long moan at the feeling of you surrounding him. 
“I missed you so much,” Harry moaned, pulling out almost all the way before slowly starting to thrust at a steady pace. You were so overwhelmed from not feeling him for so long that you could barely speak, your mouth open in a silent cry as your breathing picked up and your eyes fluttered closed. 
You wrapped your legs tightly around him, whimpering at the slow pace Harry was torturing you with as he kissed along your chest. You were mesmerized by his touch, delirious in the feel of him, and slowly slipping away from all reality as you felt your climax slowly start to build. 
It was once you and Harry had finished, dinner completely forgotten, and were lying on the couch wrapped in a blanket that you continued to ask him questions about the album. “You should feel so proud,” you said quietly, lying on your side facing him, leg thrown over him as he laid on his back with his arm around you, the other playing with your hair. 
“I’m sure I’ll feel better about it as time goes on,” he nodded, “But hardly anyone’s heard it. The real test is when the fans here it.”
“But it’s not up to them how you feel about your own album,” you noted, “However you feel right now, however proud or happy you are about the work you’ve done is what you hold on to when you release it to the world. Because that’s what matters.”
“And you,” Harry said softly, “And what you think.”
“I love it. I love everything about it.”
“Even that I wrote songs about my mate’s girlfriends and people will think I was unfaithful to you? People are going to say nasty things, babe.”
You shrugged, “I can take it. Nothing I haven’t heard before.”
“And you’ll still wanna marry me?” Harry smirked, holding up your hand and running his thumb over your ring.
“I’ll always want to marry you,” you giggled, scooting up and pressing your lips to his as Harry chuckled. 
“Well thank God for that, angel.”
After your vacation, you had been skeptical to take off work for a while longer. But considering you massive love for Saturday Night Live and the fact that you’d been working yourself to death in Harry’s absence, Savie basically kicked you out of work to go and watch Harry perform for the first time for SNL. 
Harry had been gone for about four days before you arrived in New York, and you were surprised by how much he was actually doing for the show. 
“Oh God,” you bit your lip, “What have I walked into?”
“Babe!” Harry smiled as he stood up and strode over to you in a full colonial age costume and beard. “Ever wondered what it would be like to kiss me with a beard?” he asked.
“No considering you struggle to grow one,” you winced, ducking under his arm as he attempted to pull you in. 
“Not fair,” he pouted, adjusting his uniform. “M’gonna be in a skit! Two skits!” he said proudly, “Are you proud of me?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, squeezing his beard covered cheeks as you sat on the couch in his dressing room, “So proud.” Harry puckered his lips and you kissed them quickly, making a vomit sound after feeling the course false hair on your face. 
Harry preformed remarkably well, and it was so lovely so see such a positive reaction back when he performed a new song for the first time. You could see he was just having so much fun, and you enjoyed being able to be there for his first performance. 
“You can come to the after party?” Harry suggested, “Please?” You only laughed, pressing your lips to his as Harry tugged teasingly at your dress. 
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“Happy to support,” you nodded. You could see the pure glee on his face as he took your hand, following some of the cast as they made their way to whatever club you knew you were going to be exhausted by the time you left. But this was Harry’s time; this as his first big night. And this was your time to support him endlessly. He was a strong kid, but everyone gets nervous sharing something that means a lot to them with the world and you were going to make sure he felt loved through the entire process, no matter how many dressing rooms you had to support him from.
Leave it to Savie to plan her going away dinner the exact same night Harry was doing a secret concert. You’d already talked to her and she would be cutting the party short so that you, Savie and Beau could all make it to the concert on time. But you felt a bit guilty considering this was your last night before Savie and Beau left for France.
“Are you kidding me?” Savie scoffed, “The fact that I’m one of only so many people that gets to Harry Styles’ secret concert is way better than any stuffy party. Plus, if it gets you in that dress then I’m all for it.”
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You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as Harry walked out of your room buttoning up his own shirt. “I’ll make sure the guards know where you’ll be to get you,” he said, “Park in the back, yeah?”
“Good luck,” you smiled, pressing your lips to his as Savie groaned.
“Yes it’s so cute. He’s performing in a fun suit. He’s not going off to war. Now come on,” she groaned.
“I’m so going to miss you Savanna,” Harry sighed, giving Savie a hug as she rolled her eyes and straightened her own dress back out once Harry’s bear hug attack was over.
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“Please,” she scoffed, “Like you both aren’t going to come and visit all the time.”
“She has a point,” you shrugged and looked to Harry, “We now have an excuse to visit Paris more often.”
“Like we needed an excuse before,” Harry smirked, “Now go! I don’t want you to miss your reservations.”
Dinner was much more sentimental than you thought it would be. It was just you and Savie sitting together, all dressed up in a fancy restaurant paying for overpriced food, and enjoying each other’s company.
“We sure have come a long way since fast food in pajamas in the middle of the night,” Savie chuckled, raising her wine glass in a toast. 
“To caviar,” you chuckled, clinking glasses before you both sipped your drink. 
“I’m so happy for you and Harry,” she sighed, “I know I’ve been a nuisance and basically the child of your relationship, but at least I’ve done my part in helping you plan for your future. As your first child, I turned out pretty great, don’t you think?”
You laughed, “We’re going to miss you. I’m not sure we know what our relationship is without you, honestly. You’ve been there every step of the way.”
“Except for when you went on crazy romantic and expensive vacations without me,” Savie shrugged, “But I’m over that now.”
“I’m really happy for you and Beau as well,” you smiled, “I’m glad you found one another.”
“Who knows if we’ll last,” Savie shrugged, “But all that matters is right now I feel so excited to go somewhere new with him and be a part of his life and I think that’s all that’s important right now.”
“He’s a good guy,” you nodded, “You’ll be treated well I know. I can stop worrying about you now.”
“Aw Mum,” Savie pouted.
“My baby girl is all grown up,” you pretended to flick away a faux tear. 
You were both so giddy by the end of dinner that going to a concert was probably the best choice you could make. You were able to park relatively easily before you knocked on the secret back door and the security guard let you in. You and Savie scooted past eager fans as you made your way to where you saw Anne and Gemma were sitting. Waving to them, you gave them both hugs before Savie did the same - everyone at this point considered Savie family - and the lights dimmed.
“You’re just in time,” Anne said as she squeezed your hand. The electricity of the room was magnetic, and you enjoyed the fact that it was so hot you had to really work hard to breath. Harry obviously was a natural, and you could see a part of him up on that stage that was something he’d been missing for so long. You were sure everyone else in the room could feel it too as his music coursed through their veins. 
This was the atmosphere you’d been missing probably just as much as Harry, and you didn’t realize it until you were crashing through your door back home, lips locked and clothes being torn to get off of each other. The crazy, spontaneous romantic side that you’d felt you’d lost hadn’t been a product of lack of interest or love as you’d worried about previously, but it had been the lack of stage adrenaline. Rock Star Harry ravaged your body and love life in a way no other version of him ever could, and so you both enjoyed this resurgence of lust as the night turned to early morning with reckless abandon even though you were both ridiculously tired by the early hour you had to take Savie and Beau to the airport.
She could tell the instant Harry got out of the car to help load their bags they were flying with them. You were both wearing sunglasses, both hair a mess, and you were actually wearing leggings, which was a big deal for you considering you liked to always wear jeans if you were wearing pants. 
“Spent the whole night fucking and forgot you were dropping us off, didn’t you?” she asked, hands on hips, smirk on face. Harry just blinked at her, giving her one last look before getting back in the car and leaving her to laugh. “God, it feels like uni again. Just don’t break anymore lamps, okay? You knocked over at least five junior year. I thought you were going to burn the flat down easily.”
Harry just looked over to you as you took a sip of your last-minute made coffee. Reaching out, he wrapped your hand in his and without saying a word you knew what he was trying to say. Things were going to get hectic, but you’d survived it once before and you could easily do it again. 
“We only broke three,” Harry grumbled, before pulling out of the driveway and making his way to the airport. 
The nice thing was that Harry wasn’t as constantly busy as he was before. He got to pick and choose where he wanted to play. Sure, he still was leaving every couple of days and returning late at night, but he didn’t have to stop at your uni to see you or drop his things off somewhere before finding where you were. He could just come home to you after getting back late, or show up at your office once he’d finished a trip. 
You both admitted this was easier, and you knew that when touring started again it would be difficult being apart once more, but every time things seemed to get a little bit more crazy or busy, Harry would always go back to the, “You sure you wanna marry me?” line and that would always ground you both once more. 
It reminded you both that no matter how busy things seemed, you still would be spending the rest of your lives together and that’s what was important. 
Not two weeks after Savie and Beau left for France, Harry was doing an interview in France and suggested you tag along. The nice thing about being a CEO of your own company, which you started to slowly take advantage of, was that you could do just as much work from the road as you could in your office. Your employees would send you files you could flip through on your laptop or iPad as you waited in dressing rooms, and you were able to bring work with you everywhere you went. 
Even Mr. Euing couldn’t find any fault in you being out of the office a bit more. You were still running a great company and doing a fabulous job at it. You still were more involved in your own company more than the average CEO, so there wasn’t much to complain about. 
Savie was running around like a chicken with her head cut off when you knocked on her door and waited for her to get ready for you both to go out. Your mum, fabulous woman that she was, had suggested multiple places for you to go wedding dress shopping while you were in Paris and you couldn’t turn the idea down. You were huge on family, but your parents weren’t the planning type, nor was your mum huge into fashion, so she begged that you find a dress before she would have to come with you. And how could you torture your mum with whatever dresses you could find back home when you could just go to Paris instead? 
But Savie was definitely acting like a surrogate mum-zilla as she packed her bag and made sure she had everything. “This is just such a big moment and I’ve never gone wedding dress shopping before with anyone and you’re my best friend so we can’t mess anything up!” she cried.
“I’m the one getting married and I think you’re more nervous than I am,” you laughed, “Harry’s interview is going to take all day so we’ve got time. But at the rate you’re going, we definitely won’t have enough time so I need you to hurry your butt up.”
“Fine,” Savie huffed, “Oh jeez,” she looked you up and down closely for the first time since your arrival. “I leave for two weeks and you start dressing like that? Lord help us all.”
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You looked down at your dress and furrowed your eyebrows, “You helped me pick this out.”
“No I did not,” Savie said confidently, “And if I did then I definitely wouldn’t have told you to wear it with black heels. You should have definitely gone with something far more colorful.”
“I’ve missed you so much,” you said sarcastically, clapping your hands, “Now come on, Miss Diva. We have to go.”
Savie looked like a wedding planner straight out of a fancy movie as she stood in her own white outfit amongst multiple dresses layered over her arms. “The issue is that you’re going to look good in everything so we’re kind of fucked.”
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You raised an eyebrow, watching her select dresses carefully as you held your champagne flute and just let her do her job. You knew what shopping with Savie was like. If you tried on at least a couple of the things she picked out first, then she’d be less moody when you started trying on your own things. 
Instantly after trying on your first traditional dress you knew you wanted something a bit different. You still wanted white, but you had this vision of your wedding and it wasn’t traditional at all. You wanted an old church with stone walls and gorgeous stained glass, but you wanted that in the background. You wanted your wedding outside surrounded by flowers and you wanted there to be lots of vines. You wanted it to be authentic and earthy, and a bright white dress wasn’t going to fit that mold. 
“You aren’t happy,” Savie said after you tried on your third dress. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to be that bride that’s all like, ‘I want something different,’” you said in an annoying high-pitched voice. “But this just doesn’t feel like me.”
Savie nodded as the sweet girl helping you, Adeila, helped you off the stand. “I’m going to go and get dressed again and then look around for a bit to see if I find anything,” you told Savie, “Is that okay?”
“Whatever it is you would like,” Adeila nodded, a sweet smile on her face. 
Savie left you to look through the dresses on your own, giving you the privacy you needed to sift through dress after dress and feel the material on your fingertips as you walked. 
Your phone rang, a small smile appearing on your face as you saw it was Harry. 
“Hello happy duckling,” you chirped, blushing slightly when you heard Harry’s low chuckle.
“I take it dress shopping is going well?” he asked.
“I’m looking,” you sighed, “Savie has helped.”
“Ah,” Harry understood, “Well I’m going back to the hotel now so I promise I won’t show up and see the dress.”
“Yeah well maybe I won’t see the dress either,” you grumbled before running a hand through your hair. “I’m sorry,” you groaned, “That was selfish and childish of me. How were the interviews? How do you feel?”
“Oh I’m all fine,” Harry nodded, “Got hit with some hard questions, as one does, but don’t have any of the boys to take the fall or divert the attention. Kind of different of course.”
“Well you’re a very smart and capable person,” you said, finding a dress and furrowing your eyebrows at the use of fabric and the slight change from stark white. “Um ... babe?”
“I’m going to have to call you back. I’ll see you in a bit at the hotel and then the four of us can go out to dinner?”
“Absolutely. Have fun, love. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
“Thanks. Proud of you,” you said softly, smiling as you could literally feel Harry beaming on the other end. “Love you,” you said before Harry said he loved you as well and you placed your phone in your pocket, pulling the dress from the rack and walking over to where Adeila and Savie were waiting for you. 
“I think I want to try this on,” you announced, holding up the dress as Savie cocked her head to the side and gave you a smile. 
“I never would have pegged you for that,” she said, “But I can kind of see it.”
“Well wait until you see it on,” you said before following Adeila back to the dressing room. It was easy to put on, and you looked at yourself in the mirror once you were all placed and pinned so the dress fit you. 
“Wow,” you whispered. There was something almost haunting about it that you enjoyed immensely. It was something different, but not extremely different that you felt you were going way out of the box. It fit you nicely, and as you bunched up the skirt in your hands and did a bit of a turn, you felt comfortable enough and free to move easily. 
“I really love this,” you whispered, almost more to yourself than anyone else.
Savie agreed, her eyes watering as she saw you standing up on the platform. She stood, feeling the skirt between her fingers and the detailing on the bodice. “This is so lovely,” she sniffled, “Oh you look so beautiful.”
“If you start crying I’m going to start crying,” you sniffled, making the both of you laugh behind your tears. 
“It looks good with your ring,” she nodded, “And on you. If you don’t buy this dress then I’m not going to come to the wedding.”
Ordering the dress was quite easy, and it would be ready in the next couple weeks where you could go to the boutique in London for your fittings. You thanked the store owner and Adeila before you and Savie made your way back to the hotel where Harry and Beau were waiting for you both. 
Harry smiled when he saw you, getting up from the lobby couches and pulling you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. “I’m going to guess by the slightly smudged makeup that you both had a success?” he asked, laughing as you pushed him away playfully.
“You’re marrying a beautiful bride there, Styles,” Savie joked. “No one’s going to be looking at you all day with the way she’ll be looking.”
“It’s usually like that,” Harry smirked down at you, “You still wanna marry me?”
“Well I’ve already bought a dress,” you sighed, “I guess I really have to now.”
Harry laughed, wrapping his arm around your shoulders before you all went out to dinner and to enjoy each other’s company. Throughout the night you and Harry kept making eye contact, just smiling and blushing slightly, almost as if you were on a first date. Now you just had to convince Harry that you wanted him to wear a more traditional suit for the wedding ... and you weren’t too sure you’d win that argument. 
When Harry invited you to come stop by the shooting for the Sign of the Times music video, you didn’t know you would be having a heart attack. You had dressed casually for the colder weather in a black pair of pants overalls and a dark grey turtleneck to keep you warm. But your ankles were nipped by the wind as you had made the mistake of not wearing socks with your white sneakers. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, eyes wide as you stared up as they lifted Harry a bit higher and higher, testing the wires and cables, “But I thought you said he was only going so high, Jeff.”
Jeff bit his lip as he watched them raise Harry into the air again. He was looking as childish as a school boy with thumbs up and loud laughs as he basically flew through the air. “I was told he would only be going so high but I think they’ve got some other plans.”
“Oh my gosh,” you groaned, resting your hands on your face as you watched nervously. Harry was starting to be flown around, doing dumb twirls or moves as he was instructed and you were literally going to throw up. 
“I’m going to throw up,” you mumbled, holding your stomach as you watched them take Harry out over the water. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh.”
“He’s going to be fine, Y/N,” Jeff encouraged you, but he himself didn’t sound so convinced either. You were wearing Harry’s large fluffy coat he’d had to let go of when they’d dressed him for the video, and suddenly you were having images of this being the last thing he’d ever said to you.
“Will ya hold my coat while I go fly?” 
What the fuck. 
You watched as Harry slowly started walking, making his way to the end of a cliff and slowly being risen from the ground, now dangling over a cliff. Harry dropped a bit and went out of your vision and you nearly screamed, covering your mouth with wide eyes as the helicopter lifted up and Harry was still dangling there. You could feel your heart pounding through your entire body. 
“No,” you shook your head as they lowered Harry to the ground for a break and you heard mention of flying over the mountain in the distance. Marching up to him, you cried, “Are you crazy?!”
Harry just laughed, pulling you into his arms and wiggling his way into the coat as you both stood there - Harry still hooked up to all the wires. “At this rate, these aren't the only wires you’ll soon be hooked up to!” you grumbled, “I can’t BELIEVE you talked me into coming to this. Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?! You could easily fall to your death! I -”
“Y/N,” Harry said sternly, “I promise you, love, that I’m not going to do anything I’m not comfortable with. Besides, if things get too crazy then I’ll have a stunt double come in. But I feel good, you know? This is a really amazing experience and it’s so gorgeous up there. You trust me, don’t you?”
You huffed, mumbling something about Jeff jumping out and surprising you with the mask when you’d first arrived and how this was absolutely ridiculous. But Harry just raised an eyebrow, awaiting your answer. “Yes,” you finally grumbled, “I trust you.”
“That’s ma girl,” he tweaked your nose and you pushed his hand away, trying hard to keep your disgruntled face as he laughed. “Now hold on tightly.”
“Wha - HARRY!” you screamed, Harry’s strong arms wrapping around you as you were lifted off the ground a bit. You could hear laughter from the crew and you knew they were only messing with you and that you weren’t that far off the ground, but you were so shocked and scared that you clung to Harry like a monkey on a tree, nearly screaming until they put you back down.
“No more,” you shook your head, marching back over to the tent as Harry laughed. 
“But you still wanna marry me?”
“I’m really thinking about it now,” you called back, stomping to the seat labeled Styles and sitting down, refusing to watch as they lifted him over a fucking mountain. And in terms of how long you’d already been there, you didn’t have to wait much longer before they were back and you could see the crew lowering Harry to the ground. 
You waited until there was the clear sign and you ran over to him as he was unbuckled from the harness. Harry turned just in time for you to barrel into him, laughing as you both crashed to the ground. 
“Listen to me,” you said, popping up and checking him to make sure he was okay, “I support everything you do in your career and will always be your number one supporter and trust in what you do, but if you ever want to be dangled by a wire over a mountain again, I might just die on the spot.”
Harry took in your serious nature and nodded, brushing your hair from your face and pressing his lips to yours. “No worries, love. I’ll always be around. Can’t get rid of me that easily.”
The next time you took off work was because you love getting to spend time with James Cordon. You could say it was to go and support Harry during his residency there, but in reality you just really loved laughing with James - mostly laughing about Harry. 
And James was basically more excited to see you than he was to see Harry considering he’d get to spend lots of time bragging about Harry and how much he loved him, but off stage was the time you got to spend with both yours and Harry’s close friend. James was just such a happy person, and he made Harry immensely happy, and that’s what you loved the most about him. 
“Well come on then,” James snapped his fingers, “Let’s see that ring.”
You and Harry had been so sly about your engagement. Friends and family knew, and there had been some rumors definitely circulating, but neither of you had confirmed it to the press. “Oh please let me confirm it,” James basically whined, “It would be so cute. Just think of this cherub’s face when he gets to say it on national television.” 
Harry turned and James squished his face so his lips puckered, and Harry just stared at the two of you as you admired the way James was squishing his face. 
“It’s not really up to me, James,” you said, “It’s all about when Harry wants to announce it. This is all about his album, and so I don’t want to get in the way of that.”
“You’re dumb,” Harry attempted to say as James continue to squish his face. He swatted James’s hand away before saying more clearly, “If you think the reason I haven’t announced our engagement is because of the album then you’re dumb.”
“Thank you,” you nodded.
“S’cause I want it to be special,” Harry shrugged, “What’s more special then telling it on James’s show and watch him nearly have a heart attack at his future click bait.”
James smacked him on the shoulder as Harry laughed and you let the boys be to do their work. The first night Harry was an actual guest, sitting on the couch as James probed him for an answer. 
“Would ya stop badgering me, James?” Harry asked, “You know us. We’ve been together a long time. There’s always those rumors.”
“Yeah but,” James gave him a look as the audience laughed, “But like ... I do know you guys and that’s why I’m asking.”
“Ehhh we can drop it we can drop it,” Harry waved it away as the audience cheered. You waited a bit to ask to ask Harry about it after the show, wondering why he’d turned James down when you thought he’d be announcing it.
“Don’t worry love,” Harry yawned sleepily as he curled up with his head on your chest, “S’all gonna work out.”
You worked quite a bit the next day, almost never leaving Harry’s dressing room as you worked through some designs and helped spent the afternoon on phone calls. You were sitting on the floor as usual with all your work around you when Harry walked in and started getting dressed in a nice black suit. 
“Well that’s formal,” you said, standing and helping him fold his collar. 
“M’hosting at the beginning,” Harry smiled cheekily, “Would ya like to come sit in the audience and watch?”
“I’d love to,” you rested your hand on his back and smiled up at his as he pressed a kiss to your lips. 
“Perfect,” he nodded, “Right this way then.” Harry led you to your seat and you found yourself right in the front as he worked through his monologue. He was good at it - like, really good at it, and you wondered if maybe, just maybe he’d missed his calling. He never stuttered, never mixed up his lines, and worked the audience’s reactions right into his talk. 
He winked at you as he made his way to the desk, pulling up some cards and clearing his throat, “Now, we’ve all seen those prescription drug ads on TV ...” You couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, astonished by how well he was doing as he rambled through the side effects of going solo and being secretly good at juggling. 
“Now, is anyone thinking of recently becoming engaged?” You felt your cheeks flare up as the crowed screamed in approval and Harry smiled cheekily, “Well, believe it or not, there are some side effects.”
He cleared his throat and looked down at the card, shaking his head as the audience laughed, “I’m about to get in so much trouble for this,” he mumbled, making everyone laugh as he shuffled the cards. 
“Side effects of recently become engaged may include ...” He bit his lip and read off the first queue card, “Giving your girlfriend a really nice ring but her not being able to wear it because she doesn’t want to draw much attention to herself while she knows you’re working on an album and wants people to focus on that.”
The crowd was cheering and laughing rather loudly as Harry continued, “Knowing that she’s picked out a perfect dress and she wants you to wear a normal looking suit for the wedding but that’s just not really your thing but you can’t complain about it to anyone because no one knows you’re engaged.”
“Trying to figure out a clever way to tell the world that you’re engaged to your girlfriend of five years so that you can stop rumors but also somewhat keep your privacy.”
He smiled as he read over the last one quickly before saying, “Trying to figure out a way to inconspicuously get your fiancée in the audience to watch the show by giving her an elaborate excuse that you’re hosting so you obviously want her to watch but also wanting her out here so that she’ll know that you’re telling the world you’re engaged without asking for her permission but hoping that she’ll still love you and want to marry you once this is all over.”
The crowd was screaming and cheering as the camera panned to you and you put your hand to cover your face, laughing as Harry stood and walked over to you, offering you his hand as you stood and he gestured for you to take a little bow. The camera focused in on your ring and you laughed before Harry leaned in for a quick kiss and jogged his way over to behind the desk.
“We’ll be right back with more Late, Late Show!” 
The camera panned out and Harry gestured for you to follow him backstage as the two of you made your way back to his dressing room. “Was that okay?” he asked once you’d shut the door, “I wanted it to be fun, you know? Something people can laugh at and be lighthearted. I didn’t want to make a huge thing about it, you know? I -”
“It was so cute,” you smiled, “A bit much for someone who enjoys the private things in life, but just enough that it was cute and I adored it,” you smiled. 
“Oh thank God,” Harry chuckled, “Now that that’s out of the way,” he let out a sigh of relief. “Now all we have to worry about is what suit I’m going to wear.”
So that was freaking ages long. You’re all welcome! Took me literally hours my goodness. I hope you all enjoyed it! If you’re interested in Part 7 let me know and I’ll start working on it! I’ll be getting it done rather quickly considering I can to pick up Calum from the airport and we’re graduating HOORAY so just know that I’ll work hard on it but if I don’t get it finished before the festivities then I might have to write the seventh part in a couple days. So just a heads up!
Requests for Part 7 HERE
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