#it’s like when your parents are friends so then you have to be friends with their kids in a way and then also like. you’re the only kids
starkeysprincess · 2 days
right and like readers parents dont know whats going on between them so they trust rafe the most so every time readers going to the doctor. rafes always her doctor. ohoh and when he does a little (a lot) more then js a pelvic exam😣
warnings: dbf!doctor!rafe, inspection kink, fingering, reader is 18+, CNC — this is ALL consensual
your parents, especially your dad, trusts rafe, why wouldn’t he? after all, he is his best friend.
when you first went to him for a pelvic exam, you were fidgeting, your leg bouncing up and down out of nervousness. sure, you knew you could trust him, he was a family friend, but that didn’t ease your anxiety at the fact you’d be sprawled out with your legs spread open and he’d be between them.
“hey, relax, s’just me. you’re in good hands, i promise,” rafe reassured, his thumbs rubbing your calves soothingly.
you relaxed your body as he gently spread your pussy open. rafe runs his gloved fingers along your folds, coating them with your slick, pulling a gasp from your soft lips when he inserts his thick digits into your tight hole.
"see, s'not so bad" he murmured, pushing his fingers further. rafe moved his fingers slowly, his free hand grasping at your hip to stop you from squirming, "can't do my job if you keep squirming, sweet girl".
you usher an apology, keeping yourself still as he moves his fingers again, only to furrow your eyebrows when he pulls his gloved fingers out of your cunt.
"can't examine you properly; my gloves are gettin' in the way. 'm gonna have to feel you raw" rafe rasps, "is that okay?".
you nodded, not questioning him, considering he's a doctor and he knows what's best.
rafe removed his gloves, tossing them into the trash nearby before moving his fingers to trace along your bare cunt. his eyes flickered to your face, almost as if studying your facial expressions as he pushed his fingers back into your soaked cunt.
your breath hitched in your throat when he pumped his fingers in and out of you. his free hand slides up your hip to your lower belly, firmly pressing down as he curls his fingers against your cervix.
"there you go, you're doing such a good job," he praised, watching you suck your plump bottom lip between your teeth, your face contorting in pleasure. his tongue swipes across his lip, his thumb moving to circle your clit.
his cock stiffens, holding back a groan as he feels your pussy soaking his fingers. his hand slipping from your belly to palm himself through his pants, "think 'm gonna need to examine a little more".
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Simon’s never given much thought to babies before.
When he was younger, enough time was spent scorning his father and the childhood he was depriving him of, that any thoughts of becoming a dad himself one day were nonexistent. As far as he was concerned, he was essentially already a stand in parent to his younger brother.
As he grew older and enlisted, his life becoming one that consisted of nothing more than violence and destruction and terror, he thought the odds of him surviving into his 30’s were so slim that he need never bother worrying about having a ‘next of kin’.
That was until, he met you, of course.
Because now that Simon Riley has you in his life, he’s not quite so pessimistic about his existence the way he once was, doesn’t picture a foreboding dark cloud when he considers what his future could be. What a future with you could be.
Still, as much time as the two of you spend actually engaging in the baby making process, Simon really only considers babies as being something that other people have, not him.
Not with his line of work, not with the risks that come alongside the territory, not when he already can barely stand to leave you for deployment, let alone leave you behind with a child on top of everything.
No, Simon is perfectly content with his life where babies are just another anomale.
But then, your best friend announces she’s pregnant. And the sight of you holding a positive pregnancy test in your hands, changes something within him.
Suddenly, Simon is noticing chubby, drooling little infants everywhere he goes.
Fat babies shoved into the uncomfortable looking seats of grocery carts pass by him in the shops, crying babies strapped to their mums on the tube, sleeping babies being pushed around in their prams without a care in the world. Even on base, he notices more people talking about their children, showing off picture of their offspring.
He’s looking at you a little different as well. His gaze on you will darken as you and your friend chat about baby names, casually mentioning the ones that you like for yourself. His grip will tighten around the shopping cart when you wave to passing babies, making them giggle. He’s surprised at the way his cock twitches when you pretend to hold a breast pump up to your own chest, wrapping the baby shower gift you’d gotten her.
It only takes so long for you to notice the change in him as well.
You’ll be strolling through the park on a chilly morning when a young family goes by, Simon muttering something about how the little bald headed infant ‘should have a hat on for fuck’s sake, cold out ‘ere’. You’ll be in the shops, when suddenly Simon returns holding a pair of teeny tiny baby shoes in his hand, appearing comically small in his large calloused palms, wondering if maybe your friend would like them. You’re sitting outside a cafe while a pair of chubby cheeked babies are sat in their strollers staring at Simon as if their lives depended on it. You’re giggling to yourself, watching your boyfriend stare right back at these little girls, when the 6’4” tank of a man slowly lifts a gloved hand and waves at them, earning a pair of gummy smiles in return.
The most evident change in Simon however, is in bed.
Almost overnight, he goes from never having considered children, to suddenly dedicating every effort to getting you pregnant by the end of the year, month, week.
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sage-nebula · 23 hours
While Sonic did raise Tails, I think it's also important to remember that he was a kid / is a teen himself, that he was a big brother raising a little brother, and that they are also best friends.
What I mean by this is, Sonic didn't—and doesn't—act like a traditional parent to Tails. How could he, when he had no example to follow? Why would he, when that would inhibit his own fun?
Sonic, age 11, would roar with laughter hearing the tiny 4-year-old next to him repeat after him, "yeah, fuck you, Robuttnik!" in his squeaky baby voice because preteen big brothers think it's hilarious when their toddler little brothers swear.
Preteen Sonic, whose diet consists of chili dogs and Chaos Cola, and who thinks that that's the perfect diet because it tastes the best and he doesn't know what a nutrient even is, would have no reason to tell Tails to eat vegetables or fruits because, well, he doesn't need to, so why does Tails?
And grounding? At any age, forget about it. If he grounds Tails, then Tails can't come on an adventure with him. Sonic would feel he's punishing himself with that one.
Honestly, most of the time, Sonic is on board with what Tails wants anyway. When other adults raise an eyebrow (if they do), Sonic agrees with whatever Tails's reasoning is for why he's doing what he's doing. Example:
Vanilla: "Tails, while I admit your knowledge of this machinery far exceeds my own, I still have concerns about you handling such explosive, radioactive materials. You're too young; it's not safe."
Tails: "It's perfectly safe. I only handle it in my underground fallout bunker and I'm always in full hazmat whenever I use it. You don't have to worry."
Vanilla: "Sonic?"
Sonic: [gestures at Tails] "He's got his bunker and his suit."
Tails: "I'm fine."
Sonic: "He's fine."
Vanilla: [sighs]
It's for the best, because if Sonic ever did try suggesting something wasn't age-appropriate for Tails—or that Tails shouldn't do this-or-that—Tails has the perfect counter due to his upbringing. Example:
Tails: [watching a rated-R science-fiction movie while editing schematics on the Miles Electric]
Sonic: "Should you be watching that? Seems a bit . . . mature for an eight-year-old?"
Tails: "Should I have helped fight the Death Egg Robot four years ago? Seems a bit mature for a four-year-old."
Sonic: "Touché, little bro. Carry o—actually, scoot over; this one looks interesting."
Sonic raised Tails, yes, but not in the way a traditional parent raises a child. He did his best, but he was a kid / teen raising a kid / teen and so things like "don't swear" and "eat a balanced diet" and "only G-rated cartoons" weren't exactly priorities. And even bedtime . . . Sonic teases Tails about his sleep schedule, but he's home sporadically and Tails is a Big Kid now; so long as he's not falling asleep on adventures, Sonic figures Tails can handle that himself.
Of course, none of this is to say Sonic doesn't care about Tails—he does, of course he does!—or that he didn't help Tails with important milestones when raising him. He was the one who taught Tails how to read and write. But he also respects Tails, and perhaps most importantly, is a teenager who wants to have fun with his kid brother / best friend. And that, in turn, is what keeps their relationship from really resembling that of a parent and child. Because they aren't; they're brothers-who-are-best-friends. And that's pretty darn special in its own right.
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whorelaud · 1 day
꒦꒷ 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 off limits ¡
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pairing brother's best friend¡nicholas chavez x fem¡reader
summary thinking you were messaging your friend, you accidentally sent your brother's best friend a thirsty paragraph about him, with Nicholas opening it before you get a chance to delete it. what you were not expecting was the leading conversation, causing realization to wash over you as he hints your desire is not one-sided after all.
contains suggestive, sexual tension, a bit of dirty talking, a brief kiss, flustered reader, cocky nic, hes also very freaky (uhh???)
a/n this is the silliest thing ive ever written i was giggling the whole time while writing it. likes and reblogs are v much appreciated!!!
word count 1.7k
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You: the amount of self control i have is insane because why do i not have this mans dick in my mouth rn please i need nic so fucking bad its not even funny anymore he is everything i want in life id let him use me any day morning afternoon n night im available ugh i dont even get the ick when its him he was acting like a dad earlier yelling at us to grill the meat right and it was so adorable ill call you daddy u want me to call u sir i dont kink shame im down for whatever king omg stop he got hurt earlier and he GROANED???? i almost fell to my knees YAHOOO he definitely whimpers #needthat 10/10 i just know its thick ooh tip pink shade #d97e77 thats insane till my knees are bruised and my throats scratched my panties fell tears are rolling down my thighs OMG PLS can you feel my pain hes so bodangshis how does my brother look at him and not wanna fuck him id be all over him if that was my friend gahhhd!!! hes actually so sweet he kept speaking to me earlier so i dont feel left out of the conversation and i find that adorable do u think he slaps it before he cums oh my his girlfriends so lucky im ab to put her in a headlock ahaha this is gross no man should have this much of an impact on u unless their dick is big and the sex is absolutely amazing yooo what he probably knows how to please a lady id be hard if i had a dick rn STOPP he has a happy trail im gonna lose it hahah lets find out where it leads i dont wanna think ab that im going crazy literally pulling my hair out that should be u baby GIVE ME A CHANCE?!!!! thinking ab him makes me so nervous this is getting a little too srs ahaha okay im sorry hows life?!? i miss u :(
Sending that message, you were anything but expecting the response you got in return, not from the man himself, that’s for sure.
nic: oh?
nic: i think you got the wrong person
You audibly gasp, realization washing over you as you read over the message. That was, in fact, not for Nicholas, nor was it for anyone but your friend to see.
You panic, putting your phone down to process what happened, needing a moment before responding. Right, you needed to do that.
But why did he see it so fast? He didn't even give you time to comprehend your message, the text switching to read in an instant.
Hell, it was midnight, and it’s been a long, tiring day for the both of you, having been out the whole afternoon, merely to come back to the hotel and spend more time with your other friends.
Everyone decided to end the night off early; early being a bit before midnight, with you heading to your room afterwards. Your brother and his best friend shared the room taking place next to yours, making it easy to reach out to him.
And for that, you were grateful since Nicholas was with him; meaning you got to see more of him throughout this trip.
You’ve had a crush on Nicholas for god knows how long, with it starting the moment your brother befriended him. You’ve technically gone through all the phases he experienced, hell, you saw him more than your own parents.
He was sweet, a little too sweet, perhaps it bothered you. Nicholas was very known among women, he knew how to attract a lady, showering her with praises until he eventually got what he wanted.
That made you extremely jealous, knowing you couldn't have him. He was forbidden, off-limits, someone you could only admire from afar.
And that stupid crush of yours led to this conversation, one you didn't want to discuss.
You: i didnt mean to send that to you
The text switched from delivered to read right away, causing your breath to catch in your throat.
nic: clearly
nic: i dont have a gf btw
Why did he feel the need to clarify that, and why were you relieved over hearing it?
You buried your face in your pillow, feeling heat reduce from your body. You’ve never been this embarrassed before, not around Nicholas. While you were weird sometimes, it was never this bad.
He wasn't supposed to know about this, nor discover it the way he did.
You: cover your eyes pls
You: this wasn't for u
nic: you sure?
nic: are there any other nics in your life?
Your stomach twisted at the message, hand coming up to cover your mouth as an audible gasp escaped your throat. How could he say that?
You felt all sorts of emotions wash over you, unable to process each one of them as you read the message over and over again.
You: what if there is
The question was risky, it could either end with him telling your brother, or him teasing you over it and brushing it off. Either way, you couldn't have him, so why not just fuck it and go with the flow?
nic: then that would be disappointing.
Your breath caught in your throat, vision going blurry as Nicholas’ bubble kept appearing and disappearing.
nic: id really hate that you feel this way about someone else
Oh my god, were you dreaming?
You could not believe your eyes. You turned off your phone, letting the dimness of the room seep through for a moment before you unlocked your device once again, heart skipping a beat when you realized it was real.
Nicholas, your brother’s best friend, might have been flirting with you, but that’s just in your head, right…?
You: ??? wdym
nic: you first
nic: was this about me, doll?
The pet name made you weak to your core, spiraling you over the edge as you put your phone down for a second. You took a deep breath, feeling your face heat up at how suggestive the boy sounded.
He sounded so desperate, you weren't sure if it was the tiredness, or him being genuine. Either way, you’re fucked, because you’re willing to do anything for him, even if it means breaking your heart.
You: what if it was
You: what will you do ab it
You felt nauseous as you waited for a response, groaning when the boy disappeared for a minute. Did you say something wrong? Why did he suddenly leave?
nic: then id risk it all
Speechless. Your mouth hung open, chest filling with lust as a breath heaved out of you.
You: are you saying this because you’re tired
nic: no
nic: god no
There was no ounce of self control in your body left. You almost screamed, overwhelmed by a new sense of emotions.
Is this how it felt? Because fucking hell.
You: it is
nic: it is what?
You: this is so embarrassing
You: why are you making me admit it you know exactly what im talking about
nic: baby
nic: jus tell me
You: no you suck im going to sleep
nic: WAIT no come here youre so cute
You blushed at the message, unable to suppress the smile forming on your lips. God, he’s such an idiot. And you were totally swooned for him.
You: i literally just sent you a message talking ab how much i wanna suck your dick what about that is cute
nic: oh? so you do admit it
You: …
You felt nervous, realizing how serious this has gotten. From a silly message turned into you contemplating whether this was a good idea. The last thing you were anticipating while typing that message was a confrontation, one from Nicholas; at that.
nic: you couldve told me yk
You: do you hear yourself
nic: ? what
You: nic you know this is wrong
You: youre gonna wake up tmr and forget all ab it
nic: you knkw
nic: yoirw so fucjinf hot
You came to a halt, noticing the amount of mistakes the boy was making. Your mind wandered somewhere else, feeling heat crawl past your neck, all the way to your face.
You: what are you saying
nic: fucking hell
nic: take the hint baby
You froze in your spot, tongue coming out to wet your lips, suddenly feeling heat travel to in between your legs. Don’t give in, don't give in, don’t give in.
You: what
nic: you couldve asked me if you were curious
nic: i wouldve happily showed you
That sent you over the edge. Your mind went fuzzy, unable to process the last few texts you received from Nicholas. He was being serious, dead serious, you were sure of that.
The texts you exchanged always revolved around your brother; usually Nicholas asking whether he was home or not. However, this one was different.
He was hinting something, something very risky that you were unable to resist.
You: dont say that
nic: what, you don't believe me?
You: nic
nic: give me five
You stared at the message on the screen, confused on what he meant. Your eyebrows furrowed with puzzlement, awaiting a message, merely to get nothing in return.
As you were about to shut your phone and go to sleep, it pinged, the notification startling you awake. You clicked on it immediately, mind going hazy as you read the message over and over again.
nic: open the door
nic: im outside your room
You didn’t hesitate as you got up, swiftly walking your way to the door. You unlocked it with haste, vision going blurry as you caught sight of Nicholas, who was standing inches away from you now.
He looked just as desperate as you were, maybe even more. And that was it, it was all you needed to pull him by the collar and cease the distance between you two.
The moment his lips collided with yours, you realized that maybe it’s worth ending up with a broken heart, because Nicholas tastes fucking addicting, and you found every way to make good use out of that obsession.
The possession of knowing he’s off limits, yet here he was, eagerly kissing you numb.
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lightseoul · 11 hours
a/n. second time writing from bkg's perspective. this was so fun! (1.1k)
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the moment that cemented bakugou’s resolve to marry you wasn’t exactly grand.
it wasn’t your first kiss.
or the first time you made love to each other.
not even the first time you met his nerd-ass friends or his (slightly) overbearing parents. although those two come as close runner-ups.
no, it was rather a random saturday morning after you spent a night at his place, now clad in what he thinks is nothing but your intimates and a burnt orange t-shirt of his that drapes loosely over your frame.
and as he enters the kitchen and closes the distance between the two of you with a few strides, he can’t help but wonder what you’re doing—deeply focused on your laptop—when you’re probably the one who’s extra pedantic about not bringing work home.
“morning,” he grunts, leaning down to kiss your cheek, which you happily accept. although, to his chagrin, your eyes remain on your computer screen, not even sparing him a single glance.
he knows it’s fucking embarrassing, how strongly you elicit feelings within him without you even fucking trying, but he can’t stop the frown that takes over his face even if he attempted to fight it.
shaking off the irrational disappointment from not even being ignored, he rounds the kitchen island and starts brewing the two of you coffee.
“by the way,” he starts, glancing at you over his shoulder, “the old hag’s birthday is coming up. she wants to have dinner with just the four of us, or some shit.”
“i know,” you simply pipe up from where you’re seated on one of his fancy bar stools, gaze still glued on whatever the fuck it is that’s keeping your attention from him.
he turns to you, a manual coffee grinder in tow. “you do?”
at that, you finally look up at him, an innocent expression etched across your features. “you don’t remember? i asked you when your parents’ birthdays were way back in march.”
way back in march.
back when you unanimously decided to decisively end the dating phase and become boyfriend-girlfriend.
“yeah?” is the only thing he manages to get out.
you let out a soft laugh that’s nothing but music to his ears. “yeah, dummy.”
before you can get to see the red that’s most definitely creeping up to his cheeks, bakugou turns his back against you, returning to busying himself with crushing the beans into fine powder and pouring lukewarm water into the machine.
only a few months before reaching a full year together, and you still manage to make him fucking blush.
over the most mundane things, too.
when he first got into his very first relationship with you at the ripe age of 28, he thought he’d outgrown and was way past the embarrassing shit that the human body was capable of when dealing with anything remotely close to romance.
it didn’t take him long enough into your relationship to find out he was so, so wrong.
sighing, he pours out the cup of ground beans onto the filter, finally pressing the button and bringing the coffee maker to life.
you must be done with what’s highly likely is work by now.
but chancing a glance at you, he’s once again met with palpable disappointment when the very same sight greets him.
before he can rein them in, the words come tumbling out of his lips.
“the fuck is so important on that laptop?”
his booming voice must’ve caught you off guard, because you startle ever so minutely in your seat.
“sorry,” he quickly adds on, albeit through a mutter; frustration with himself and his inability to modulate his voice added to the increasingly long list of emotions he’s having to fucking deal with right now.
waving him off, you shoot him another one of that disarming smile of yours. “‘s funny that you ask. i was just about to ask you for your opinion.”
with that, you gesture him to come close with your fingers. curious, he once again rounds the island, ultimately occupying the spot to your right and leaning down to peer at the small text on your screen.
before he can even get a word in, you hurriedly explain yourself. “mitsuki-san mentioned her personal sewing machine broke, so i’ve been thinking about getting her a new one.”
you point to a sleek, off-white model among what looks to be a vast array of selections, “i researched the specs and i think this one’s the best. what do you think?”
a million things course through his mind in an instant, but what he ends up sputtering out is: “you’re such a fucking nerd, you know that?”
at that, you look up at him, your seemingly perpetually moisturized lips now formed into a playful pout, and it takes everything in him not to just pull you in for a kiss and completely abandon the conversation in its entirety.
but he’d like to think he at least has the slightest bit of self-control.
even if you do wear him the fuck out on a daily basis.
“i just want to make sure it’s perfect!” you argue, shifting to stare at your laptop again and bringing him back to the present. your voice is way smaller when you continue. “…i want her to like me.”
he doesn’t even miss a beat. “she already fucking does, dumbass.”
and she really does.
the morning after bakugou first brought you to meet his parents a whopping two months into calling it official, mitsuki texted him something along the lines of having the family heirloom slash ring already adjusted to fit your finger.
he immediately called the old hag after receiving the message just to reprimand her ear off for being too fucking forward and for meddling too much.
but, if he were to be completely honest with himself, he was angry not because mitsuki was imposing, but because he couldn’t believe his mother beat him to that important realization.
the realization that maybe, just maybe, you’re the one.
and now, as he studies you as you scroll through more and more iterations of the best sewing machines on the market with your eyebrows adorably furrowed in utmost concentration, it dawns on him.
it dawns on him that that maybe just turned into a definitely.
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tagging. @bunnysaursushii @yawnzzzzzzzz @cholios @kashee-h @iluv-ace @lotuslovers @elarakive @sugurusmoon
˖���‧₊ this one made me smile like an idiot while writing lmao. as always, reblogs, replies, and tags are appreciated <3 have a nice day!
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henry7931 · 2 days
Halloween Tales: Pumkle!
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Okay I realize it’s not the best looking pumpkin but I tried my best! And I really wanted to do something fun for the season so… I guess I started with carving a pumpkin? I even named him Albert lol.
I’m 21, single, gay, and kinda lonely all around. I’ve really tried making attempts at making friends in my new college town but I guess I’m just weird. Plus, it doesn’t help that my parents got me a townhome to myself.
I started to head inside when I heard the sound of a car pulling in. I look up and knew instantly by the 2009 mustang that it was in fact my uncle Dennis.
“Oh great!”
Dennis climbs out and immediately starts talking.
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“Sup Bud!”
“Hi Uncle Dennis. What are you doing here?”
“Well I talk to my brother and I’m out of a job right now. And he said I can come live with you for a bit. So looks like we’re roommates!”
“Fuck…” I say under my breath.
I thought for a moment he heard me but he just kept talking… which eventually turned into a ramble.
“So yeah, like I was saying you’re going to have to be cool with what I want around here. Starting with getting rid of this stupid pumpkin.”
“Oh come on Dennis! I just got done with carving it! His name’s Albert.”
“Ha! You named him? How fucking silly! We’ll say goodbye to Andy.”
Dennis carries my pumpkin to our dumpster and tosses it in.
I walk back into my house pissed off. I couldn’t believe he just did that!
I stayed in my room for hours trying my best to avoid him. But eventually I have to leave my room.
It’s 8 o’clock now and I walk out of my room. I look around and Dennis had literally turned my place into his own person man cave.
I walk outside to find sitting on my front porch.
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“You’re awake! I was wonderin when you’re gonna start cooking dinner because I’m starving!”
“Bro you can’t cook?”
“Hell no! But you can,” he says lighting a cigarette.
“Why would I do that,” I say crossing my arms.
“Well you can cook for me or I can tell your parents all the bad things you’ve been doing here.”
I roll my eyes and stormed into the kitchen. I cook for him and he even complained about the food!
After that, I uncle Dennis pulled off his clothes down to his boxers and flung his body on the couch. I couldn’t believe his lack of decency. But I also felt something strange deep inside of me. A weird attraction to his fit body.
I realize my uncle is a good looking man but his personality sucks! And I feel so grossed out by even finding myself being so turned on…
But his big smelly feet… his pits… his chest… his bulge… god it’s been a minute since I’ve seen a handsome my body that wasn’t on the internet.
I run off to bed and lay down. I realize that I have a raging boner. So I angrily started jerking off trying not to think about Dennis.
But alas… his body is all I have on my mind.
I think about how he’s such a dick that I literally blurt out, “I wish that I could change Dennis! That someone or something would just takeover him and let me do whatever I want with his body! I want to smell his feet so bad! I want to feel his cock… his balls! Have his strong hands rub all over me!!! Ohhhh fucccccc…”
I came at the thought and soon fell asleep.
The Next Morning…
I wake up and get out of bed. I head to the bathroom and here Dennis is inside.
“Hey Dennis can you hurry up! I have to pee!”
Dennis swings open the door and he’s standing in his briefs last night and he’s WEARING MY PUMPKIN ALBERT OVER HIS HEAD!
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“Really funny Dennis! Now take it off.”
Dennis shrugs at me and then I notice something… the pumpkin is hallow…
I begin to scream and run… the pumpkinhead wearing uncles body follows me until I’m in a corner.
“What are you going to do to me?!?,” I say to it as it fully approaches.
He reaches out and grabs my hand. He moves my hand to Dennis’s crotch. He return reaches into my pajama pants and starts fondling my dick…
“Holy crap…”
I lose train of thought for second because it feels so good.
“ Hold on a sec, how and why are you controlling Dennis’s body?”
He turns and looks around the room trying to search for something. And then gestures like he wants to write something.
I find him a pin and paper. I give it to him and he starts to write.
“Hi Caleb, it’s me Albert! I heard your wish last night and decided to take over Dennis. Thank you for granting me his body, I’m so happy to have it. Now I can’t wait to serve you. This body is now just as much as yours as it is mine. Oh and one more thing! Sorry I look scary right now butI’ll look normal soon I promise!”
“My wish… that’s right! Wait… What about Dennis’s uhhh head.”
Albert grabs my hand and leads me to the front porch. I see a new pumpkin sitting with what looks to be a very angry face.
“That’s Dennis?”
He gives me a thumbs up.
“So what now?”
He takes my hand and leads me back to the bedroom.
Albert lays down on my bed and pulls off his new bodies briefs.
The beautiful body that once belonged to my Uncle Dennis is now completely naked in front of me.
I thought for a moment that maybe I should stop but what’s the point? I can’t undo anything now.
I get into bed with him and immediately press my face into his crotch. He has this mush to him that so hot to me and I just know it’s been a minute since his body has had a proper shower.
I kiss down his thighs and look down at his big sexy feet.
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I look up at Albert and say, “feel free to play with your new dick for a few. I’m going to be down here,” I say directing to his feet.
I run my tongue up and down his soles while watching Albert gently fondle his new dick. He twists his nipples which causes his dick to leak a bit.
I stand up and pull off everything that I’m wearing.
I put his big feet together and start rubbing my boner in between his soles. Albert catches on and starts giving me a foot job.
He works his toes so well… it’s impressive especially since last night he didn’t have any.
I moaning loudly and Albert pace’s faster on both of our cocks. Im watching his big hairy balls move up and down… his tight grip on his cock…
I can’t take much more…
We both explode at the same time. His feet and his chest is covered in cum.
I lick his toes clean and work my way up to his chest.
I lick his cum off of him and I notice something. His cum has a pumpkin flavor to it.
I bust out laughing and crawl up to his chest. He pulls me in and we’re both lying naked cuddled up together.
A few hours later, we wake up from a nap and we’re both hard again. This time Albert takes control and works my cock for me.
I cum again and crawl down to his dick. I give his throbbing head a kiss before sucking him off.
Albert seems to love it from how squirmy it made his body. He must have known he was close because he literally pushes my head in and cums down my throat.
We eventually get up and I take us to the bathroom.
I turn on the shower and we both get in. Our bodies are rubbing soap all on each other and I keep kissing him. Albert seems to be fascinated by my cock because he can’t stop touching it.
I feel his cute hairy butt and got an idea. I gingerly inserted a finger into his hole.
“Is that okay?” I ask him.
That’s when he makes almost a grunting noise.
“Oh my god Albert! Are you about to speak?”
“Wow! Thats awesome!”
After our shower I dry us off and I head to the suitcase Derek brought. I dig through his clothes and found an outfit for Albert that I thought would look sexy on him.
I get him dressed and he sits on the couch. I pull my phone out to take a picture.
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“Okay! Flex for me sexy!”
He taps at the couch to come sit with him but I tug off his boots and pull off his socks.
“Sorry I like seeing them.”
He wraps his arm around me and we watch a Halloween horror special together.
Soon it’s night time and I offer to cook for Albert but instead he gets up. He heads to the kitchen and starts cooking for me.
“You’re so sweet!”
As he brings out a plate, he starts to make a muffling noise.
“Uuuu— rr— muh-muh love.”
“Aww thank you. You’re my love too.”
After dinner, we both strip out of our clothes and full around for the third time.
This time Albert lets me insert a couple of fingers into his hole. I work it for a bit trying to be soft since he’s so tight.
I pull out and carefully insert my dick into him. His body quivers, I move back and forth inside of him.
He runs his hands all over me. He starts to moan…it’s a deep moan that sounds almost like Dennis’s voice.
“Harder Caleb! It feels soooo good,” he says clear as day.
I go faster and faster….
We’re both moaning so loud!
I feel myself about to cum inside of him and his dick explodes.
I lick his chest clean and we both fell asleep.
The next morning I wake up and almost thought yesterday was a dream.
I look over and Albert’s not in bed with me. But I notice a bunch of pieces of pumpkin are laying in the bed.
“Oh my god Albert!”
I rush out of my bedroom and run to the living room.
But I’m caught off guard when I hear a familiar voice say, “Good morning Caleb.”
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I turn and see him… he has a human head! An exact match of Dennis…
“Hi…,” I say taking precaution just in case last night was a dream.
“Sorry, I wanted to surprise you. Do you like the new head?”
“It’s me my love!”
I rush over to him and touch his face.
“God, this is… wow this is amazing!”
I kiss his lips and we keep kissing over and over again.
“So can I do that thing with my new mouth on your cock now?”
“Oh god yes!”
A Month Later…
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“So you ready to meet our family?”
“Yeah but do I have to pretend I’m Dennis?”
“Yeah babe and you can’t be flirty with my parents around. It’s taboo.”
“Fine! But can we at least share a bed?”
“Well I guess I’m sure that would be fine since they only have my old bed.”
“Great! Now come give your uncle Dennis a kiss before we have to go!”
I roll my eyes and pulled Albert in for a long kiss.
“Oh don’t forget the pumpkin pie! I made it from scratch.” 😉
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drdemonprince · 2 days
since u said to ask u questions about money. i’ve been struggling with whether/how to save for retirement. my boomer parents have been prepping for retirement and encouraging me to have retirement funds but it’s hard to balance with a lot of doomer feelings about the future. like the “why throw money at a retirement i may not even have” type of feeling. do you have a take here?
Saving for retirement is not *just* so you have resources when you are 67 or whatever. It's also so you are not as dependent upon an employer now. I strongly strongly recommend that anyone who does have the means to save research the FI/RE movement, and specifically throw some money into high interest savings accounts (Vanguard's money market account is a good one) or an index fund -- my investments are literally up 14% this year, it's money you're completely leaving on the table if you just have it sitting in a checking or even a low-yield savings account. If you're socking any money away at all, it should be working *for* you and generating income, otherwise that savings is losing value over time due to inflation. It's really all about having some cushion that makes you less dependent upon any single employer or your family or a spouse, so you can walk away if anything gets hairy. It's also so you have a slush fund to take care of emergencies and your friends. I really wish that more left-leaning people wouldnt just throw their hands up and conclude that exercising any kind of financial agency is useless, bc that thinking makes us way easier to starve and exploit! The wealthy people exploiting us want us throwing every last penny away and feeling powerless.
I recommend reading Mr Money Mustache, the book Boggleheads, following the financialindependence and leanfire subreddits, and finding the Socially Conscious Mustachians facebook group.
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nopanamaman · 2 days
What’s the deal with Tsar and Arthur?
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Today we’ll look at the two most popular members of Sanya and Yura’s friend group, Tsar and Arthur, a.k.a. Anger Management. How did they meet? What’s their life like? And most importantly, why the hell are they so angsty?
Let’s start with the older one.
Arthur Sokolov
Joining the orphanage
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Arthur was brought to the orphanage not long after being born. He never met any of his parents.
Growing up in a state-funded shelter meant developing a clear understanding of what kinds of behaviours will and won’t result in getting your shit kicked in. You can’t be too cocky, and you can’t be too weak. Follow the hierarchy, but don’t let your fear of elders show.
Arthur learned to navigate that little society well. He had earned respect among kids his own age and younger, and avoided being pushed around by the older teenagers too much. Less due to a noble heart and more because of being too proud to act like a doormat. 
However, that didn't make him immune to peer pressure.
Correctional psychiatry
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Business trip.
Many low-end orphanages across the former USSR had been essentially transformed into incubators for future gang members. “Businessmen”, either by bribe or threat, came to these institutions to recruit impressionable children into their organisations. One such uncle visited Arthur’s foster home.
For kids like him, the course of action was simple:
get sent to a mental institution for corrective treatment;
sneak as many bottles of trihexyphenidyl as you can into your bag during your stay;
leave the hospital as normal;
transfer the trihexyphenidyl to a gang representative and get your paycheck.
Under that business model, Arthur became a frequent guest at psychiatric wards. Having witnessed their indifference and medical callousness firsthand, he had developed a massive disdain for all kinds of mental health professionals.
It started even before joining the gang, of course – way before. It’s hard not to foster a vendetta when you get thrown to the looney bin for any misstep. At first he tried to honestly convince the doctors working there that he was fine, but he eventually realised it was futile: they were always in on the punishment.
Hustling continues
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Arthur and Ivan at 15 and 17 respectively.
As Arthur grew older, he got more deeply involved with the gang’s activities alongside other kids. This meant participating in transfers, standing watch during certain deals, acting as a “treasure man” (i.e. hiding drugs in agreed upon places for clients to pick up), and so on. Fights were frequent.
He knew it was a slippery slope, but getting out was not an option – not an easy one, at least. This was the period during which he grew close to Ivan, who was commonly assigned to work with Arthur and other children from their institute.
They bonded on the basis of wanting to leave the business, though for different reasons: most of all, Ivan didn’t want to disappoint his grandma.
Getting out
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First meeting with Yura.
The sudden disbandment of the gang was a relief to both Ivan and Arthur. A major member got caught and ratted almost everyone out, except for the dozens of orphans involved. So while Ivan went to turn himself in, Arthur got to walk free.
Before going, Ivan suggested Arthur replace him at his pop’s car repair salon. The boy seemed to have a knack for fixing things, and the two had developed a trusting relationship over their time working together.
While everything was looking fine, Arthur still wanted to destroy all traces of his activities - even those that couldn’t reasonably be tracked down to him. This led to him encountering Yura. Despite the very rocky start of their acquaintance, they went on to hang out together pretty regularly.
As of today, Arthur continues to do part-time at the workshop alongside Ivan. Both are committed to never getting back into the criminal business. Unless you count Sanya's Dynamo. Which you shouldn't. Having experienced what actual gangs are like, Arthur finds it hard not to look down at the girl's little roleplay.
Joining the orphanage
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Before coming to the orphanage, Tsar lived with his grandma. She died when he was 6. Since his parents had lost their parental rights due to alcoholism a couple years prior, there was only one place for him to go.
Tsar had a very hard time adjusting to the rigid hierarchy of the foster home. He was lucky enough to catch Arthur's attention and, in a sense, got scooped under his wing. The boy disliked relying on the older kid too much, but was too weak to stand on his own.
Gang involvement
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How come mom lets you have two trips to the mental ward
Since Arthur got dragged into gang activities earlier than Tsar, the younger kid felt jealous. He, like most other children, fully bought into the romanticised idea of criminal life that was pushed by the uncles visiting the orphanage.
But as years went on, he saw the toll it had begun to take on Arthur. Tsar had taken a couple of correctional trips to mental wards as well, though he'd never participated in any illegal schemes. Those times were bad enough - he couldn't imagine going there again and again on purpose.
By the time Tsar would be old enough to get recruited into the business, Arthur forbade him from it. The kid still wanted to join to prove his worth, to earn his share, to show his guts. But his trust and respect for Arthur were stronger.
As much as he hated the idea, he stuck to the sidelines.
Contact with parents
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Teatime with family.
Tsar’s parents reached out to him a couple years after he was transferred to the orphanage. He could only meet with them under supervision up until he was 13 years old. Afterwards they were allowed private meetings.
Today, he occasionally comes to visit them at their apartment. They still drink, but to Tsar, they just seem quiet and pitiful. He usually lends them the pocket money he receives from the orphanage. He knows they won't return it.
Anger Management
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Ural models are known for their incredible durability and a baffling number of switches.
Tsar found a creative release in music and wrote songs to vent his frustrations. The orphanage had an old acoustic guitar that he learned to play, but it got completely broken when the boy was 13. After Arthur joined the workshop, he bought a black Ural from Ivan’s dad for cheap, upgraded its port, and gifted it to Tsar.
As it turned out, Ivan’s dad was hopping from one band to another in the 80s-90s, so he was happy to accommodate the kids' creative endeavours. He allowed them to use the spare garage space to practise and even supplied an incomplete drum set.
Tsar begged Arthur to back him up with drums. The latter begrudgingly agreed to learn them, but ended up really enjoying hitting barrels with sticks. Right now their band has a tiny local following, mostly in the face of Sanya Kazarina.
Some notes
I remember sitting down and reading about actual orphanage experiences in the post-soviet space – it was eye-opening, but also gave me a lot of material to work with, as heartless as that probably sounds. A lot of things simply clicked into place.
I didn't go into too much detail here, but FYI, I've downplayed the severity of certain situations. Trauma aside, I'd say both Tsar and Arthur got quite lucky in the end.
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nonranghaes · 2 days
heads up: reader didn't have a great childhood (implications of being poor, implications of reader no longer having contact with their parents).
sometimes you think seokmin is... really, really good for you. he's the kind of person who listens, who holds you (both when you need it and just to be close to you), who doesn't seem to let little things stop him. he's funny, and charismatic, and he feels like he's everything you just aren't. but above all else, seokmin is your biggest supporter.
and it becomes glaringly obvious just how true that is when he sees you staring in at a toy store, his jacket now hugged against your chest (he'd draped it over your shoulders when he saw you shiver), longing for something long lost. he slowly came back to your side, peering in as well as he followed your gaze to a winnie the pooh plushie, sitting happily among the others. he glances at the doors, just to make sure the store is still open... and then he turns to you again.
"i'll buy it for you," he says, smiling. he tucks his hands into his pockets, rocking on his heels. "we can keep him in my car while we eat dinner, if you're worried about that--"
you shake your head. "it's silly," you say, letting out a sigh. "i just remembered how badly i wanted one as a kid. that's all."
it isn't the first time seokmin has seen that longing look in your eyes, either. sometimes, you'll be walking through the mall, and he'll see the way you stop and see children's decor before frowning to yourself, mumbling about how you wish you could have decorated your room like that as a kid. books in stores that you sigh and sometimes say you wish you could have read when you were a kid--like that series about the kid who's the son of a greek god or something. every time, you answer with the same thing: money was tight. space was tight. you didn't exactly get to decorate your room since it wasn't exactly your room then. you haven't said much more, but seokmin knows he'll be right there to listen when you're ready to tell him more.
"so? you can still get one." seokmin chuckles a little as he takes your face into his hands, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "do you want it?"
shyly, you nod.
"then wait here."
you watch as he heads into the store, already making a beeline for the silly little bear that you have a soft spot for. he reaches up, pulling one down before he looks at you through the window, raising the plush's paw to wave at you. it makes you smile (seokmin's really good at that, you think), and you watch as he carries him over to the checkout.
is this what it's like to be loved...? it still feels new to you sometimes, no matter how much your friends love you. but you think if life can be this sweet, you never want to stop feeling it now as you choose your loved ones, none of them bound to you by blood.
you think you like it better that way anyway.
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solelifauna · 2 days
Definitely NOT Invincible (Yandere Invincible & Reader)
(Y/n) Grayson, daughter of one of the greatest heroes, learns just how NOT invincible she is. Thrown back in time after her death, she must warn the Guardians of the Globe of the oncoming slaughter while she also battles her own monsters (both figuratively and literally). However, her father and brother begin to gain interest in her strange behavior, something (y/n) could rather do without.
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(Y/n) Grayson,  the youngest member of the Grayson family, born to Nolan and Debbie Grayson, with your older brother, Mark, only three years your senior. Life growing up was idyllic in many ways—you had a loving father, mother, and brother who, at least for the first few years of your life, seemed completely normal. But you always knew something was different about your family, especially about your father and brother.
From an early age, you noticed how often your father would leave at odd hours, saying he was "called into work." When Mark turned 10, he and your dad started spending more time together, and they began excluding you from their bonding sessions. You were curious, but it wasn’t until your parents finally sat you down that you learned the truth: your father was Omni-Man, a powerful alien sent to protect Earth, and your brother had just started developing powers like his.
Excited by the revelation, you had a flood of questions—what it felt like to fly, whether you'd get powers, and what space was like. Though your father answered your questions kindly, the growing divide between you and your family was undeniable. Mark, once your geeky, lovable older brother, started to change. By the time you were 12 and he was 15, that change became frightening.
As Mark's powers grew stronger, so did his sense of superiority. He began referring to others as "humans" in a dismissive tone, something that deeply unsettled you. He no longer saw himself as part of the same species, despite being half-human. While he still had moments of warmth and humor with your family, outside of the home, Mark was becoming someone else—cold, calculating, and even cruel.
He rose in popularity at school thanks to his new powers, good looks, and charisma. He became the star athlete, using his power to brutalize opponents on the field, often injuring them far beyond what was acceptable, and then charming others to get out of trouble. One day, he came home covered in blood after beating a kid so badly that the other boy was left mangled and broken. Mark’s behavior was alarming, but what terrified you most was that your father approved of it. Omni-Man encouraged Mark’s aggressive dominance, much to your mother’s distress and your growing fear.
While Mark and your father’s relationship grew stronger, you felt more and more left out. Your own 10th birthday had passed, and your powers had yet to manifest. Nolan began spending less time with you, focusing on Mark's training, leaving you chasing the bond you once had with him. Debbie tried to bridge the gap, but you couldn’t help feeling the loss of both your father’s and brother’s attention.
The real turning point came when you were 12. One day after school, you were hanging out with your friends Hallie, Connor, and Weston in the reclusive meadow near your school. It was a peaceful, secluded spot until you were suddenly attacked by a strange creature—something none of you had ever seen before. It was monstrous, something straight out of the Dungeons & Dragons games you played. You barely managed to kill it, naming it a "Demogorgon" after the game. The four of you hid the body, terrified and confused.
You didn’t know what to tell your parents, but the scratches and bruises covering you were impossible to hide. Your father didn’t have time to deal with what seemed like childish nonsense, and the local law enforcement was baffled by the sudden attacks happening in your area. The creature you killed wasn’t a one-time event; strange attacks began occurring more frequently, leaving the community on edge. Still, your father was too occupied with his work for the government, and Mark was too wrapped up in his own world to help.
As time passed, it became painfully clear that your father was growing distant. You idolized him, but without powers of your own, it seemed like you were losing him. Mark, meanwhile, reveled in his strength, and with your father’s approval, his behavior became more dangerous and reckless. He started using his powers in more violent ways, and the line between heroism and cruelty began to blur for him. You watched your once-loving family dynamic twist into something darker.
Despite this, you chased after them both, desperate to stay close to the people you loved. You begged to join their training sessions, hoping that maybe your powers would eventually show. Yet, with each passing day, you felt the weight of their growing alienation. Mark was becoming someone you barely recognized—a far cry from the nerdy older brother who used to sneak you extra cookies at night and argue about comic book trivia.
Now, you and your friends are facing a looming threat from these mysterious creatures. The attacks are increasing, and no one seems able to stop them—not your father, not Mark, and not the authorities. As the danger mounts, you realize that you and your friends are the only ones who know the truth about the creatures. You’ll have to rely on each other to survive and solve the mystery behind these attacks.
Now at 15, your life had already turned into a living nightmare, but that year? That year, everything truly fell apart. You’d made it to high school, but the past three years had felt like an eternity. Your father was still physically there, but the emotional distance between you two had grown insurmountable. When he did spend time with you, it felt more like an obligation than a genuine connection. You weren’t stupid—you could see it in his eyes. He’d written you off the moment it became clear you didn’t have powers. To him, you were just another weak human, barely worth his time.
Mark wasn’t much better. He oscillated between two extremes: sometimes he was distant, barely acknowledging your existence at home or school. Other times, you’d catch glimpses of your old brother, the one who’d stay up late with you, watching cheesy movies and tucking you in when you fell asleep. Those rare moments of warmth became your lifeline. You clung to them desperately, as if each one could push back the growing darkness in your family.
But then there was the other thing—the real problem. The Demogorgon situation. What had started as a single encounter had become a full-on invasion. No one else seemed capable of dealing with it. Not your dad, not Mark, not the heroes the world adored. So you and your friends had decided to do it yourselves.
At first, it seemed impossible to hide the cuts, bruises, and sprains from fighting the monsters. But with your mom working full time and your father and brother too wrapped up in their own twisted lives to care, no one really noticed. You didn’t blame your mom—she was drowning in her own problems, trying to keep the family together despite everything.
You were fortunate enough to meet Haymitch—a rugged, grizzled man who’d been hunting the creatures for longer than you could imagine. He tried to tell you to back off, to leave it to the adults. But of course, you didn’t listen. You and your friends had been through too much, seen too much. In your stubborn teenage way, you refused to step aside, leaving him no choice but to train you. Over time, he became something of a mentor and a father figure, filling the void that your real father had left behind.
But that year? That year, the world came crashing down.
It started with the Guardians of the Globe. They were the strongest superhero team on the planet, and they were slaughtered—every last one of them. Except for your father. At first, the news rocked the world. Omni-Man was hailed as the tragic survivor, the hero who narrowly escaped death. But you knew better. Something felt wrong about the whole thing. Your gut told you there was more to the story, but you couldn’t imagine the scope of the horror that was to come.
Soon after, the truth emerged.
Your father didn’t come to Earth to protect it—he came to conquer it. And Mark, your once-nerdy, sometimes-kind brother, had fallen right in line with him. Together, they unleashed chaos on the planet. They pillaged cities, tearing through anyone who stood in their way. Mark, now going by the name Invincible, seemed to take after your father in the worst possible ways. The sweet boy who used to protect you from bullies was now a monster, crushing anyone—heroes, civilians, soldiers—who dared oppose him.
The world was plunged into ruin.
You and your friends ran, barely escaping the destruction. You thought maybe your father would have taken you, but no. You weren’t a Viltrumite. You weren’t powerful. You were just… nothing to him. Weak. Disposable. He had already whisked your mom away to a “safe location”—where, you didn’t know—but you were left behind. Haymitch stayed with you, leading your ragtag group as you all tried to survive in a world turned upside down.
You’d never felt so betrayed, so alone.
But even in the wreckage of your life, there was a flicker of hope. You had your friends, and you had Haymitch. And most importantly, you had a burning desire to stop your father and brother. Even if you didn’t have their powers, even if you didn’t have Viltrumite strength, you had something they didn’t—humanity.
And you were going to fight back.
Months passed, and the world’s governments were in tatters. Omni-Man and Invincible’s conquest was nearly complete. Entire cities lay in ruins, and any resistance from the human military or remaining superheroes was swiftly crushed. Yet, even amid the chaos, pockets of resistance formed. Small groups of survivors, including former heroes, started to organize, desperate to reclaim their planet.
You and your friends became part of that underground movement, thanks to Haymitch’s connections. He was no stranger to fighting overwhelming odds, and with his help, you quickly became proficient in guerrilla tactics. You might not have powers, but you had your wits, and you knew how to strike fast and hard, using the terrain and the enemy’s overconfidence against them.
Every day was a struggle, a fight for survival. You missed your mom, wondering if she was safe or if she even knew what was happening. As for your father… well, you weren’t sure what you felt anymore. Love? Hatred? Betrayal? It was all tangled up in a knot too painful to untangle.
And Mark. God, what had happened to him? Was he too far gone, or was there still a part of him that remembered what it meant to be human? The Mark you once knew wouldn’t have done this. But now, the lines were blurred. You didn’t know if he could be saved, or if he was beyond redemption.
The day started out like any other grim scavenging run. You, Hallie, Connor, Weston, and Haymitch had been searching for rations—anything to keep your group alive. The world had become a brutal place, where food and supplies were scarce, and desperation drove people to violence. It was only a matter of time before you crossed paths with another group, and when you did, tension rose immediately.
The air was thick with the potential for bloodshed. Hands hovered near weapons, and the slightest wrong move could trigger a firefight. But as the seconds ticked by, you realized that these weren’t just scavengers—they were survivors, just like you. What’s more, they were part of something bigger. The remnants of humanity’s greatest defenders had gathered in secret, forming a larger resistance led by the surviving heroes who had managed to evade the massacre Omni-Man and Invincible left in their wake.
After a tense exchange, they extended an offer: come with them. They said kids shouldn’t be out here, fighting for their lives like this. It took your group time to weigh the options, but the decision was unanimous—you’d all go. You’d join the resistance and help however you could.
Those weeks spent with the resistance were the best you’d had since the world fell apart. There was food, shelter, and—most importantly—hope. You trained alongside the heroes, working with them to organize missions, raid supply caches, and defend what little remained of civilization. For a while, you dared to believe that maybe, just maybe, you’d have a chance to fight back against the Viltrumite tyrants.
But in the back of your mind, you dreaded the inevitable. Every night, the fear gnawed at you—Omni-Man and Invincible would find this place. They always did. And when they did, there would be no mercy. No escape.
That day came sooner than you expected.
You were talking with another resistance member when the alarms blared. Panic rippled through the compound as the distant sound of gunfire echoed closer and closer. Then, the ground shook beneath your feet as the roof was torn open with monstrous strength. Invincible descended into the fray, a twisted grin plastered on his blood-splattered face. Omni-Man followed, cold and detached as ever, watching the carnage unfold like it was just another day.
The heroes fought valiantly, but one by one, they fell. Invincible tore through them with savage glee, while Omni-Man dealt crushing blows with deadly precision. It was a massacre.
You were frozen in place, too terrified to move, when you heard a booming voice cut through the chaos—your father’s voice. "To the rest of you," he called out over the battle, "you will die today. There’s no point in fighting." His words sent a chill through your bones.
Everything happened so fast. You tried to run, but before you could escape, a powerful hand grabbed the back of your shirt and lifted you effortlessly into the air. The breath was knocked out of your lungs as you were spun around to face the monster holding you.
It was your father. Omni-Man.
Your mind reeled as you looked at his face, stained with blood—an expression of cold indifference as he gazed down at you. You wanted to scream, to beg, to ask him why, but the words wouldn’t come. All you could do was stare at the man who once cradled you in his arms, who used to play tea party with you, who had been your hero.
But now? Now, he barely recognized you as his daughter.
You struggled, kicking and thrashing, but it was useless. His grip was iron. His gaze pierced through you like you were nothing. Then he spoke, his voice calm and emotionless.
"It really is a shame you turned out like this. So weak."
The words hit you harder than any physical blow could. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked into his face, searching for any sign of the man you once loved. But there was nothing.
He tilted his head slightly, almost as if considering his next move. Then, his large hand enveloped your head, cradling it—just like he used to when you were little—before he squeezed.
The pain was blinding. It was as if your skull had exploded under the pressure. You couldn’t scream, couldn’t think. Everything went dark.
You were dead.
Your father killed you.
You didn’t even get to graduate high school. You didn’t get to have your first crush. You were dead.
But then, you started to feel.
You were supposed to be dead. The pain should have been gone. Darkness should have consumed you. But you could feel again.
You violently jerked awake, gasping for air, your heart pounding in your chest like it was about to burst. Your mind scrambled to make sense of what was happening. 
You should be dead. Your father crushed your skull.
Your hands frantically touched your face, your head, everything. You were whole. You were alive.
Your heart raced, your breathing ragged as you clutched your chest, desperately trying to calm the frantic beating. You forced yourself to focus, but only one thought kept swirling around in your mind:
‘How the fuck am I still alive?’
Last you remembered, your fathe—Omni-Man—was crushing your skull in, revealing just how much of a useless, weak, waste of Viltrumite DNA he thought you were. Then... nothing.
That’s when you noticed your surroundings.
Wait– this wasn’t the battlefield or a bunker. This was your bedroom. The walls were familiar, decorated with posters of bands you loved when things were still normal. The faded rug beneath your feet had that same worn-out spot where you always paced while talking on the phone with your friends.
But this wasn’t possible. You watched your house get destroyed when Invincible and Omni-Man tore through your neighborhood. You watched it crumble along with everything else. You scrambled to your feet, heart racing again as your mind tried to make sense of it all. That’s when you stopped dead in front of your mirror.
Your reflection stared back at you, wide-eyed and pale, but something was off. Way off. Your scars. The ones you had earned during your time in the resistance, the ones that covered your face, arms, and body from fighting to survive—they were gone. Not all of them—no, the scars from your battles with the Demogorgons were still there, thin lines across your skin like faint echoes of the hell you’d been through. But the deeper, newer scars from the resistance, from facing Omni-Man and Invincible’s destruction? They were gone.
Your breath caught in your throat as your mind raced to make sense of this.
Wait a minute.
Something clicked, a horrifying realization dawning on you. You spun around, desperately searching for your phone. After a frantic few seconds of tearing through your sheets, you finally found it, buried under your blanket. Hands shaking, you powered it on, staring intently at the screen as the date loaded.
October 13th, 20XX.
Four months before the Guardians of the Globe were slaughtered. Five months before the world would fall to ruin.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, the word escaping in a half-choked whisper.
Your bitch ass time traveled.
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(Firsts - part two)
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Pairing - Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
Summary - part two to firsts, Rafe Cameron was your first everything.
Warnings - language, alcohol, public sex. (18+)
A/n- shoutout to anon who said this part should be called seconds! Love you! 🥰 I didn’t think I’d ever make a part two because nothing ever wrote as well as the first part, but part of the end plot came from the recent tell me lies finale!
Part one
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Rafe Cameron.
Rafe Cameron was your first everything.
The first time you made out with someone it was with Rafe, both aged 15, you both had been each other's first for everything. The best of friends since age 5, so when he found himself standing between your legs at a party as you sat on the island bench chewing on some plain bread because the alcohol was making you feel a bit nauseous, you both just kissed. No question to it, he leant in and so did you.
You remember his hand holding your jaw as your lips moved together, tongues brushing each other and his other hand held your thigh thumb caressing your naked skin. Small giggles would escape both your lips as you kept kissing.
Nobody questioned anything the two of you did, knowing better not to get involved in your business. So when the two of you began getting heated, your hips grinding into each other and his arms wrapping around your waist, they knew it was time to give you space and left the kitchen.
You made out alot after that, but you were always just best friends.
The first time you both had sex was with each other. You had just turned 16, Rafe had been talking about watching porn a lot and said that some girl in your grade propositioned him at a party, saying something about a box full of condoms and no parents home. You didn’t like that one bit so you told him you also wanted to have sex, it was just agreed upon you’d have sex together.
The two of you had two shots of vodka to calm the nerves, it was in your bed when both your parents had an event. Equally both as nervous but he comforted you alot more than you did him. “Just tell me to stop if it’s too much” he kept saying as you both kissed and removed clothing, you told him you would and to stop worrying.
You had lit a scented candle and dimmed your lights down low, you didn’t feel nervous about being naked with him. You were nervous for the pain, your friends had told you how much they hated it the first time so you assumed you would.
But it was different, you had both done a lot of research on how to have sex, not just sex. Good sex, you weren’t sure how many blogs you had read with him. Looking up everything and anything about it, so when the time came, it was enjoyable, Maybe not as enjoyable as it was the 3rd or 4th time but it wasn’t as bad as your friends had said. The moment you saw each other naked that was when it changed for you, seeing his erect cock that stood for you made your inside churn. You were done for and you did nothing to stop it, that feeling grew and grew. When he gave you a real orgasm you knew you’d never be able to have anyone else.
Rafe was your first everything until he wasn’t.
Months went by after your birthday, you were still angry and hurt at Rafe but it was starting to fade because you never saw him. He lived right next door but he was never around when you were, your schedules never matched up anymore and that was a blessing in disguise.
Your family had received the invite to his engagement party, you had immediately said no to your parents but they were not letting you out of it. You spent weeks dreading the day, avoiding looking for a dress just hoping your mum would understand.
But when the night came a lot faster than expected you could no longer put it off, your mother had left you a dress hanging in the bathroom. It was beautiful, exactly the kind of dress you would have brought. There was no getting out of this party, so you had to figure out a way to make the night bearable.
Dressed in a pretty black baby doll dress you found yourself leaning against the bar, champagne flute between your fingers as you stared off into space. Moving from one foot to the other, feet aching from the stupid stilettos you decided to wear, you had secured a nice spot at the bar. Hidden behind some ridiculous ice sculpture of the lovely couple, you were unsure of how many glasses of champagne you had thrown back. Trying to blur the night out the best you could, you hadn’t spoken to Rafe yet. Your parents had been pulled away as soon as you walked in so you were able to run and hide before any greetings were made.
Apparently your hiding space wasn’t kept a secret for very long though, someone’s fingers grazed your hip causing you to wobble on your feet and fumble with the glass, the contents spraying over the marble floor at your feet. “Fuck you scared me!” You squeaked, coming face to face with Jeremy. Rafes' older cousin, Rafes, suddenly became a very hot older cousin. “Sorry! You did look like you were on another planet” he laughs, reaching over the bar he grabs the tequila and pours himself a generous shot. He grabs a rag and kneels at your feet, wiping away the liquid from the floor and the small amount that hit your feet. He looks up at you through his dark lashes and you quickly look away when the heat between your legs flare.
He steps up and presses the shot glass to his lips, your eyes glued to them as he shoots it back and licks the liquid from his lips, he gives you his famous dimple grin and leans against the bar. “So y/n.. how have you been? It’s been 4 years?”
“Yeah 4 years.. I’m good! Just turned 21!” You smiled, waving the glass of champagne in the air like you weren’t drinking at the age of 15, he grasps a glass of champagne and knocks it with yours. The two of you share a look as you both take a sip of the bubbles. “You look good”. He’s not shy and takes a long look at you, trailing him from top to bottom. “You too Jer”
“So I heard about you and Rafe, sorry about that. He can be an asshole” he says, he’s moved closer to you now. Both your forearms are rested together as you both stare out at the sea of people, your eyes finally find Rafe. He’s clenching his jaw as his fiancé whisks him around the room, flaunting her huge rock off.
“Mmm… doesn’t matter. It’s whatever”
Jeremy shoots you a sideways look as if to say ‘I don’t believe you’, he also watches Rafe walk round the room. He was angry for you, angry his little cousin would throw away such a perfect person for a girl who had a rich daddy and nothing else to offer. Anger spread through your veins as you stared at him across the room.
“He fucked me over on my birthday… I'm still mad. I just… I just want him to feel the way I do… hurt” you spill, swallowing the rest of your drink and slamming it on the table. Your cheeks and neck flushed pink as the alcohol warmed your body, you were hurt but most of all angry. Angry he’d do that to you and walk away like it was nothing… like he hadn’t just ruined your life again.
“What did he do?”
Rafe stands across the room, a permanent fake smile plastered on his face as he makes the rounds. Sipping on warm champagne even though he’d much rather be throwing back shots right now, he didn’t want to be here. He hated being around this many people when he was stone cold sober, hated that you were right across the room. Hated that his eyes kept drifting over to where you stood at the bar talking to his cousin Jeremy, hated that you probably found him so hot now. You used to tell him that his cousin was hot when you were both 16 and he hated it back then, he hates it even more now because he can’t do anything to stop the interaction. Hated the sick thoughts that spread through his brain when he imagined the two of you fucking.
Rafe isn’t sure how many times he’s looked over at you tonight but when everyone is made to take a seat to eat he hates that he can’t find you in the crowd and hates it even more that his cousin is missing too. Hates that he doesn’t know what you’re doing and hates that’s he not doing it with you.
Rebecca could sense something was off and sent him a look of disapproval, flicking her eyes over to her dad who was also watching the both of them. The whole thing was a joke, made to get married just for the business. But he put himself in this mess and couldn’t expect anyone else to get him out, even his father had no sway over the Jones family.
Rafes anxious foot tapping had caught Rebecca’s attention again and she gave his thigh a squeeze, unsure why he was acting the way he was. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since sitting down for dinner, staring down at the plate and trying to figure out if it was the entree or the main course, honestly they were all the same damn size but cost a shit tonne of his money. Rolling his eyes and clenching his jaw, he felt his phone vibrate with a message and your name appeared on his screen. His heartbeat was felt in his ears as he looked around the table before opening the message. ‘We should talk’.
Pushing his chair back roughly he excused himself from the table, letting them know someone was calling. Rebecca eyed him suspiciously but couldn’t be bothered dealing with his shit right now, sitting back in her chair and breathing a sigh of relief when he left.
Rafe however was not relieved, he was nervous, scared out of his brain at what you might say. He’s not even sure why he’s actually even coming to talk to you, he fucked up at your birthday party. If Rebecca found out she would be so pissed, her dad would pull the plug on the business deal. His whole life would go up in flames and his dad would kill him. However, as soon as you told him where to meet you he was taking bigger strides to get to you. He needed to apologize for the past 4 years, and needed to tell you what’s been happening.
However as he rounds the corner of the porch the muscles in his legs lock, his eyes fall to your naked frame. He didn’t even need to see your face to know it was you riding someone’s cock on a deck chair, he feels sick to his stomach but he couldn’t look away. The curves of your body had changed over the years, your hips grew wider. Your and thighs thick, his hands fisted at his side. Was this your form of revenge? Had you not meant to text him? Did you want him to watch you? Or were you hoping he’d see and run back inside?
His eyes fixate on where the guys cock disappears between the two of you, your head is thrown back and palms pressed against his chest. He can’t hear you from here but he knows your moaning, he still hears the sounds to this day. He so desperately wants to be the person under you, watching you come undone around him and feel your wet pussy. Anger bubbles in his chest when he sees who’s dick it is your fucking.
His fucking cousins… he sees red.
2 hours before
“Fuck what an asshole!” Rafe’s cousin exclaims, pouring you another glass of champagne. He shakes his head in disbelief at the idiocy of his younger cousin, he was always rooting for the two of you to open your eyes and start dating. “Yeah… I wanted to get him back. Tell Rebecca or something but I don’t know.. I don’t think it’ll do anything, he doesn’t care about me”.
Jeremy chuckles softly, the dimples on his cheeks causing your knees to weaken just a little, you felt like a 14 year old girl again. Creasing your brows at him as he shakes his head at you.
“That’s not the case at all… he hasn’t stopped looking over at you all night. I think he’s got himself stuck with the Jones family, however that doesn’t give him the right to treat you the way he has.. I have an idea”.
The next thing you know your agreeing to get revenge on Rafe; your agreeing to fuck his older cousin. The older cousin you actually did have a small crush on years ago. The older cousin you knew would be just as good as Rafe in bed maybe he even better?
“You're sure you're okay with this?” He questions, he’s taken his suit jacket and tie off now. The two of you sat on a deck chair as his hand lay upon your thigh. “Yeah”. He’s kissed you multiple times on the way to the garden, calming your nerves with each slide of his tongue.
His lips are on yours again and it feels slightly like how it did with Rafe, you liked the feeling of his soft lips and the way his tongue tastes on yours. He was softer like how Rafe was when you first kissed, his hands roamed your body stopping to caress certain areas. “We will get a text ready to send him” he whispers, his mouth now kisses down the length of your neck and you keep picturing Rafe. You shouldn’t but you do.
“When will we send it?”
He pulls away for a moment, fingers dragging down the zipper of your dress a shiver runs down your spine. Your own fingers unbuttoning the tiny little buttons on his white shirt, he was built like Rafe. Tanned and toned, everything you enjoyed in a man. “When I’m inside you, send it when you feel close to coming but don’t come until we know he’s seen you”
You nod your head going to open your mouth then ask him how he can be so sure he’ll make you come. “Don’t even ask the question that’s on the tip of your tongue, I’ll make you come don’t you worry”.
It all moves so fast, kissing, touching. His fingers are inside of you and bringing you to your first orgasm, he told you had to show you he could do it. You’ll remember the way his tongue felt on you till the end of time. “You ready?” He checks again, you can feel his hard cock against your opening. You lower yourself onto him without speaking and he chokes out a noise when you clench around him, your hands planted on his chest as you begin to find your rhythm. “Fucking hell” he grunts, his fingers dig deeper into your hips. He feels good, really good. You hadn’t been with someone in a while, always comparing them to Rafe. But right now all your mind could comprehend was the way his cock hit exactly where it needs to be, your pussy juices dripping around him with each thrust. “Oh” you cry, momentarily forgetting why the two of you are fucking in public, he halts his movements when he feels your walls begin the pulsate. “Wha- wait” you cry, he’s pressing send on your message to Rafe but you’re more focused on finding that white hot release.
Text Messages
We need to talk 7.55pm
I’m outside 7.56pm
On my way 8.00pm
“I’m about to explode” you cry, the anger of waiting for him to reply has you wanting to scream. Your orgasm had been bubbling, ready to let rip. Until Jeremy paused your actions and said to wait for him to reply, he had also said he’d rather just fuck you right now rather then get back at Rafe but he said it was his idea and he had to see it through. Said something about you deserving your revenge.
When you could hear footsteps you began to rock on Jeremy again, neither of you certain it was Rafe but you didn’t want to miss your chance. You bounced against his cock slowly, the lights around the pool illuminated your naked body, you were sure he could see exactly where his cock was going and how wet you were from where he stood.
You put on a performance, rolling your hips and bouncing. Throwing your head back and whispering for Jeremy to grope your tits, they were Rafe’s favorite thing.
You hadn’t expected Rafe to move around the pool, he was now in your line of site and he stared you down as you fucked his cousin.
He licked his lips in desire and let his eyes roam your body, blocking out the fact you were riding a family member. “Oh fuck Jer” you cried and he winced at his cousins name but couldn’t tear his eyes away from you as you came, moans of delight filled the still air and you the sweat on your skin made you glisten under the moon. Jeremy followed close behind coming so hard the two of you shook and caused you to come again, you practically convulsed on top of him as you came down from your third orgasm. “Holy fucking shit” you whispered in shock, pushing yourself back up to see Rafe still watching you.
You looked right at him and tossed your hair over your shoulders bearing your perky tits for him, sending him a small wave. “Enjoy the show?”.
He couldn’t hide his anger, he practically had steam rolling out of his ears but the sound of his name being called from the back patio had him scurrying off back into, glancing back at you a few times.
“Well fuck… that was the best fucking revenge ever!” You laughed, Jeremy laughed with you and you lean your weight into his chest. “Always here if you need to get revenge on him again”.
🏷️ Tag list- @laylasbunbunny @maybankslover @h34rtsformilli @hallecarey1 @outerbankspov @cameronmedia @crunchy-leaves77 @vigilanteshitposting @pedrisgatorade @rafemotherfuckingcameron @s-we-e-t-t-ea @rafesthroatbaby @alltoomay @moremaybank @mrssturnioloo @darleneslane @tierra-0604 @gabys-gabs @definitelynotholly-blog @renmpsworld @delicatepiratecloud @speedycomputerfury @tiacordelia02 @bbycowboi @jscameron @rafegirly @loverofdrewstarkey @ijustwanttoreadlols @spookyscaryspoon @rubixgsworld @pickingviolets @wearemadeofstardust0 @one-sweet-gubler @skel-skell @imawhoreforrenandriddle @aaronhotchswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @amorisxx @torrie421 @darleneslane @romaescapes @baconeggndcheez @capstellium @watersquirtpewpewboomm @ietss @electrobutterfly @1-800-imagines @kriissy4gov @theoraekenslover @blazebreaker
(if I have forgotten you please let me know)
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23victoria · 1 day
𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱
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*☾⋆・゚ pairings: 𝔰𝔢𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔫 𝔳𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔩 𝔵 𝔶𝔭𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯!𝔣𝔢𝔪!𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
word count: 6.4𝓀
*☾⋆・゚ synopsis: you knew it was wrong, sneaking around with your dads best-friend, but you couldn’t control it…he was just too fucking hot, plus, his dick was big 𝔠𝓌!☠︎ age gap, corruption, semi-public sex, rough sex, car sex, fingering, anal fingering, oral (f & m), degradation, riding, body worship, daddy kink, overstimulation, size kink, belly bulge, dacryphilia, breeding kink, pregnancy talk, spanking, nipple play, dirty talk, pussy worshipping, cum play, cockwarming
authors note: there’s an age gap, age is not specified in here so you can control the age cap, it is father bsf so…yea, it’s just porn tbh, i kinda struggle with this idk why, kinda losing motivation (help me) but i hope you enjoyyy! ask, likes, and reblogs are appreciated!!
𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔟𝔢 𝔞𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔶 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱? CLICK HERE!
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You sit at the small corner table in the cafe, legs bouncing with barely-contained energy. The gentle hum of chatter fills the space, the occasional clink of ceramic mugs and the whirr of the coffee machine adding to the background noise. But all you can focus on is the pounding of your own heart, the jittery, electric current racing through your veins as anticipation claws at you. You know it's wrong—everything about what you're doing today goes against what you’ve been taught, especially by your dad. He raised you better. If he knew…
You shake your head, trying to push the guilt away, but it lingers, gnawing at the edges of your excitement. God, the thrill and anxiety of it all is making it impossible to sit still. Your hands wrap around your coffee cup, fingers tapping against the ceramic as you bring the drink to your lips, trying to steady yourself. But the butterflies in your stomach refuse to settle, and you can’t deny that part of you loves the rush.
After all, how could you resist? His touches, those fleeting moments of eye contact, the way he smirks at you like you’re sharing a secret with just one glance—how could anyone resist? The fire that ignites in your belly every time you catch his gaze, the way his mere presence sets your skin alight with longing. It’s not like you planned for any of this to happen. It just…did.
Your parents had moved back to town when you were 18, and that’s when you first saw him—your dad’s best friend. Older, of course, but Jesus, the man was stunning. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a deep voice that made your heart flutter every time he spoke. You knew from the start that he was trouble, but back then, it was just a crush. Just harmless glances when he came over to hang out with your dad, harmless daydreams about what it would be like to be noticed by him. You were sure he knew, even then, but he never acted on it. Neither did you. Not until that night.
It was the night everything changed. You were 23, out with friends at a club in a different city, far enough away from your hometown to feel a sense of anonymity. The music had been loud, the alcohol flowing, and when you saw him across the room, your heart skipped a beat. You had been out of town, miles from anyone who could know or judge you, and when his eyes met yours from across the bar, you knew. This was your chance. The tension that had been simmering beneath the surface for years finally exploded. One drink led to another, and before you knew it, you were in his hotel room, breathless and aching, as he made you his in ways you could have never imagined.
God, you still get shivers thinking about that night. The way he touched you, how full he made you feel, how he whispered your name like a prayer while he pounded into you, hard and relentless. The way you screamed for him. No one had ever made you feel like that—no one else even came close. That night sealed everything. He was yours, and you were his, no matter the consequences.
And now, here you are, a year later, still sneaking around, still caught in the web of secrecy and desire. Every stolen moment feels more thrilling than the last. The guilt still eats at you sometimes, like now, sitting here waiting for him, knowing full well that it’s wrong. Knowing full well that he’s your dad’s best friend and that there’s an age gap that would make people talk. But fuck, how could you regret it? He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you, and you can’t bring yourself to walk away, no matter how much you try to reason with yourself.
You glance around the cafe, checking the time on your phone again. He’s late, but he always makes you wait, probably enjoying the fact that it drives you crazy. The need for him is clawing at your insides, and the week you’ve been away for work hasn’t helped. You couldn’t see him—only a few rushed phone calls and texts exchanged here and there. You missed his touch. You missed his lips on yours. You missed the way he made you feel whole.
God, you need him now. You shift in your seat, squeezing your legs together, trying to alleviate the ache between them, but it’s no use. Your mind is swirling with images of what’s going to happen when he finally gets here. You close your eyes, leaning back in your chair, letting your thoughts drift back to all the times you’ve been together, sneaking around like teenagers, fucking in every place you could find—his car, the back room of his shop, the bathroom at your parents' house during a party when no one was looking. There’s no shame left in it, only raw, desperate desire.
The door to the cafe opens, the bell above it chiming softly, and for a moment, your heart stops. Is it him? You open your eyes, trying not to be too obvious as you glance toward the entrance, but there’s no sign of him yet. You sigh and take another sip of your coffee, willing yourself to calm down. But then, you hear it—the unmistakable sound of his voice, deep and smooth, ordering a coffee at the counter. It’s the same order he always gets, but today, there’s an extra word slipped in—your secret code. A signal that he’s here for you.
Your heart leaps in your chest, and you quickly stand, grabbing your purse as you casually make your way toward the back exit. You don’t dare look at him as you pass by the register, knowing you’ll give everything away if you do. Instead, you focus on the door, slipping out into the alleyway behind the cafe. It’s quiet, the faint hum of the town’s traffic in the distance. The cool air hits your skin, making you shiver, though it’s not just from the cold.
You wait, leaning against the brick wall, your pulse racing as you stare down the alley. It only takes a few minutes before you feel him—his presence behind you, the warmth of his body pressing against yours as his hands slide around your waist, grabbing your ass possessively. His lips are on your neck in an instant, and you can’t help but moan as his teeth scrape against your skin.
"You always look so fucking good in this dress," he mutters, his hands impatiently gathering up the fabric of your sundress, sliding it higher until his fingers meet the skin of your thighs. "I’ve been thinking about you all week, baby. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw you like this—squirming under me, so needy."
His words send a wave of heat through your body, your cheeks flushing as your mind spins with the memory of all the times you’ve snuck off together, the thrill of it never fading. But this time, after being apart for so long, it feels even more intense. 
"Fuck, I’ve missed that," he breathes, his voice gravelly, his hands tightening their grip on your hips. "I’ve missed you, baby. You have no idea."
Your chest rises and falls rapidly, your mind clouded with lust as he pulls your panties to the side, his fingers teasing your entrance as he rubs you slowly, deliberately. "I missed you too," you manage to say, your voice thick with need.
He presses you against the brick wall, his body shielding you from view as he leans in, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss. His hand trails down your side, the warmth of his touch sending shivers up your spine, and you can feel the heat between you building with every second.
You gasp into his mouth as his hand slips beneath your skirt, his fingers finding their way to your core with ease. He doesn’t waste time teasing you; instead, he plunges two fingers deep inside you, his pace relentless from the start. The sudden intrusion leaves you breathless, your hands flying to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you try to steady yourself.
“Seb…” you moan, your voice barely a whisper as his fingers curl inside you, hitting that spot that has your knees buckling. He smirks against your lips, his mouth never leaving yours as he continues to kiss you, his tongue sliding against yours in a dance that leaves you dizzy with desire.
“Fuck, baby,” he mutters against your mouth, his voice rough and low. “You’re so fucking wet.”
Your only response is a broken moan as he picks up the pace, his fingers working inside you with expert precision, curling and twisting in just the right way. It’s too much, the pleasure building inside you too quickly, and you can feel yourself spiraling, your body arching into him as you claw at his shoulders, trying to hold on.
“Seb, I—” you start, but the words are lost in a gasp as he presses his thumb against your clit, circling it in time with his thrusts. Your head falls back against the wall, your moans growing louder despite your best efforts to keep quiet. It’s impossible, though, not when he’s touching you like this, not when he’s pushing you closer and closer to the edge with every flick of his wrist.
“You gonna come for me, baby?” Seb growls, his breath hot against your neck as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you, his pace never faltering. “Come on, I want to feel you.”
It only takes a few more seconds before you’re falling over the edge, your orgasm crashing through you with a force that leaves you shaking in his arms. Your eyes squeeze shut as you cry out, your whole body trembling as you come around his fingers, your nails digging into his shoulders hard enough to leave marks.
Seb grins as he watches you fall apart, his fingers slowing but not stopping as he rides out your orgasm, drawing every last bit of pleasure from you until you’re left panting against him, completely spent.
“You taste so sweet, baby,” he murmurs, pulling his fingers from you and bringing them to his mouth. He sucks them clean, his eyes never leaving yours as he licks every drop of your release from his fingers. “Fuck, I’ve missed that taste.”
You can barely catch your breath, but the sight of him licking his fingers clean sends a fresh wave of arousal through you, and you bite your lip, trying to control the smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
Seb chuckles, his hand cupping your chin as he leans in to kiss you again, his lips soft and sweet against yours. “C’mon, let’s get out of here before I fuck you against this wall.”
He pulls you away from the wall, his arm around your waist as you make your way toward his truck.
As you walk, Seb’s hand drops to your ass, giving it a soft smack. You yelp in surprise, shooting him a playful glare, but the smile on your face gives you away. “You’re terrible,” you tease, but there’s no real heat behind your words.
He just grins, his hand lingering on your ass as you reach the truck. “You love it,” he murmurs, and you do—god, you really do.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Once you’re both in the truck, Seb starts the engine, his hands resting on the steering wheel as you settle into the passenger seat. But you’re far from done with him. Leaning over, you press a kiss to his neck, trailing your lips along his skin, and you feel him tense beneath your touch.
“What are you doing, honey?” he asks, his voice thick with amusement, though there’s a hint of tension there, too—the good kind.
“Nothing,” you say innocently, your hand slipping down to rest on his thigh. You rub slow circles there, feeling the muscles beneath his pants twitch under your touch, and you hear him let out a low groan.
Next thing he knows, your fingers are unzipping his pants, freeing his already hard cock. Seb lets out a sharp breath, his eyes darting between the road and you as you wrap your hand around him, stroking him slowly. “Fuck…” he groans, his grip tightening on the steering wheel as his hips jerk up into your hand.
You lean over him, spitting on your hand before rubbing it up and down his length, your thumb brushing over the tip as you watch him fall apart beneath your touch. His head falls back against the seat, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment before he forces them open again, trying to focus on the road.
“Fuck, baby, we’re almost there—let me concentrate,” he mutters, but he doesn’t finish the sentence, his words trailing off into a low groan as you bend down, taking him into your mouth.
The taste of him, salty and warm, spreads over your tongue as you bob your head, your hand still stroking the base of his cock as you suck him off. Seb’s hand flies to your hair, gripping it tightly as his hips jerk up into your mouth, and he lets out a string of curses, his voice rough and low.
“Shit, baby,” he groans, his fingers tugging at your hair. “You’re gonna make me fucking crash.”
You smile around his length, hollowing your cheeks as you take him deeper, your tongue swirling around the head of his cock. He moans, low and guttural, and you feel him twitch in your mouth, his whole body tensing as he gets closer and closer to the edge.
But just as he’s about to come, he slides a hand down to your ass, rubbing your clit through your panties before slipping his fingers beneath the fabric. His touch is quick, precise, as he fingers you while you continue to suck him off, and the sensation of it all—the taste of him on your tongue, the feel of his fingers inside you—is enough to send you spiraling again.
You moan around his cock, the vibrations making him groan loudly as he fucks up into your mouth, his hips thrusting harder now, chasing his release. “Fuck, baby,” he growls, his thumb circling your clit as his fingers pump in and out of you. “Come for me.”
And you do—your body tensing as your orgasm hits you hard, your vision going white as you clench around his fingers. Seb groans loudly as he feels you come around him, his own orgasm following quickly after as he spills into your mouth, his body shaking from the intensity of it all.
You swallow every last drop, licking your lips as you pull back, watching him as he tries to catch his breath. His hand slides from your hair to your cheek, pulling you up to him as he presses his lips to yours in a messy, breathless kiss. “Fuck, baby,” he mutters, his voice still rough. “C’mere and give daddy a kiss.”
You happily oblige, your lips crashing together in a sloppy, heated kiss, your bodies still trembling from the intensity of your shared release. He pulls you onto his lap, his hands gripping your hips as he kisses you deeply, his tongue sliding against yours in a way that makes your head spin.
By the time you finally pull apart, you’re both out of breath, your foreheads resting against each other as you try to calm down. The truck pulls to a stop outside your spot, it’s a hidden clearing in the middle of the woods, where the trees create a perfect circle of privacy, and the open sky above provides a perfect view of the stars at night. It’s secluded, untouched, and filled with the most intimate memories shared between you and Seb. He turns off the engine, his hand slipping back to your ass as he grins at you.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, honey,” he murmurs, his voice filled with amusement as he opens the door, stepping out of the truck. He reaches for you, his hands sliding beneath your legs as he lifts you out of the truck, carrying you like you weigh nothing.
You giggle, your arms wrapping around his neck as you press a soft kiss to his lips. “Maybe I like playing dangerously,” you tease, your voice soft and playful.
Seb chuckles, his hand smacking your ass playfully as he carries you toward the truck bed. “Two can play that game, honey.”
You moan as he kisses your neck laying you down in the back of the truck. A gasp escapes your lips as you feel the straps of your sundress being pulled down. Seb’s eyes are focused on you—dark with desire, his lips curled into a soft smile as he watches your reaction. His mouth dips lower, his lips brushing over the swell of your breasts, his tongue flicking over your nipple before sucking it into his mouth, as he pulls your sundress down further, exposing you to the cool morning air.
“Mmh,” you hum softly, the sensation of his mouth sending ripples of warmth through your body.
“I’ve missed you so much, honey. You and this sexy body of yours.” He switches to your other breast, his hands holding you firmly as he takes his time worshipping every inch of you. “God, your pussy… fuck, I love your pussy so much,” he groans, his words sending a fresh wave of heat pooling in your core. “The taste of it, the way it feels around my fingers, my cock… Just thinking about it has me so hard.”
Your breath hitches as his words sink in, a mix of arousal and anticipation building deep inside you. Seb always knew how to make you feel desired, cherished, and completely out of control with need. The way he talks to you, the way he touches you—it’s like every part of him is made to drive you wild.
His kisses trail lower now, leaving a path of fire down your stomach as he works his way between your legs. You spread them instinctively, knowing what’s coming next, your body already aching for him, needing his touch more than anything. He pauses for a moment, looking up at you with a smirk, his hands gripping your thighs as he pushes them further apart.
“So beautiful,” he mutters, his voice thick with lust as he kisses along the inside of your thigh. “And all mine.”
You moan softly, your hands tangling in the blanket beneath you as his lips get closer and closer to where you need him most. The anticipation is driving you insane, every second that passes feels like too much, but Seb knows exactly how to take his time, to make you beg for it without even saying a word.
When his mouth finally reaches your core, a gasp escapes you, your hips jerking up instinctively as his tongue flicks over your clit. The sensation is almost too much, the pleasure immediate and overwhelming as he starts to eat you out, his mouth relentless against you.
“Fuck, Seb,” you moan, your back arching off the blanket as his tongue swirls around your clit, sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through you.
He growls against you, the sound vibrating through your core as he licks and sucks at your clit with precision, driving you higher and higher. “You taste so fucking good,” he mutters, his voice muffled as he buries his face between your legs, his tongue working magic on you.
Your hands fly to his hair, tugging at it as you moan loudly, your body already teetering on the edge. “Seb, oh my god…”
“You like that, baby?” he murmurs against your clit, his fingers sliding up to tease your entrance as he continues to devour you.
“Yes, yes,” you moan, your body trembling as he inserts two fingers inside you, curling them just right as he pumps them in and out, matching the rhythm of his tongue. The pleasure is too much, too intense, and you can feel yourself spiraling out of control as he pushes you closer to the edge.
Seb smirks, taking your moans as a yes, his fingers thrusting deeper inside you as he flicks his tongue over your clit with even more pressure. Your body responds instantly, your legs trembling as the pleasure builds to an almost unbearable peak.
“Oh fuck, Seb,” you cry out, your head falling back as your body tenses, every muscle tightening as the orgasm rips through you.
Seb doesn’t stop, his mouth and fingers working you through your orgasm, his tongue relentless as he pushes you even higher. Your legs shake uncontrollably, your body completely at his mercy as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you.
When you finally come down, your chest heaving and your body trembling, Seb pulls his mouth away, but his fingers remain inside you, still moving slowly as he cleans you up, his eyes watching you intently.
“Feels good baby?” he teases, his voice soft but filled with pride as he watches you catch your breath.
You nod, still too breathless to speak, your body completely spent from the intensity of your orgasm.
Seb leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips as his fingers slide out of you slowly, leaving you feeling empty and longing for more.
“God, I love you like this,” he whispers against your lips, kissing all over you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’re still trembling, lost in the aftershocks of pleasure as Seb kisses his way back up your body. His lips are warm against your skin, grounding you, pulling you back from the blissed-out haze that has settled over you. The sun is rising higher, casting golden light through the canopy of trees surrounding your secret spot, but the world beyond the clearing feels distant—irrelevant. The only thing that matters right now is the heat radiating from Seb’s body, the way he presses against you, his hands roaming over your sensitive skin.
You can feel the shift in his energy—the tension, the need that hasn’t been fully satisfied yet. He kisses you deeply, and the hunger in that kiss makes your stomach tighten. You feel his hand sliding down your side, gripping your thigh as he positions himself between your legs. The tip of his cock brushes against your entrance, and your breath catches in your throat.
“C’mon, baby,” he murmurs against your lips, his voice rough with desire. “You can’t be tired already. You can give daddy a few more, right?”
Your heart races at his words, at the idea of what’s coming next. Your legs are still shaking from the intensity of his touch, but as you nod your head, your body responds in ways that words can’t. “Yes… yes, Seb,” you whisper breathlessly, your hands resting on his strong shoulders as you brace yourself for what’s to come.
He smirks, a flash of something dark and teasing in his eyes as he shifts his hips, the tip of his cock sliding along your wet slit. The sensation sends shivers through you, your body hypersensitive, already craving him. You gasp, your fingers tightening around his arms as you feel him position himself at your entrance.
And then, in one slow, deliberate thrust, Seb pushes inside you.
A yelp escapes your lips as the stretch of him burns through you, the sensation overwhelming. He’s big, and the way he fills you—bottoming out until you’re impossibly full—takes your breath away. “Fuck,” you moan, your head falling back against the soft blankets beneath you, your eyes squeezed shut as you try to adjust to the intensity of it.
“It’s too much,” you whimper, your voice shaking as you grip his arms, your nails digging into his skin. “Seb, I—”
“Shh, baby,” he soothes, his lips brushing against your ear as he stills inside you, his chest pressing against yours. “Yes, you can. You can take it, honey. I know you can.”
You nod, gasping softly as he starts to move again, his hips pulling back before slowly thrusting forward. The drag of him inside you is agonizing in the best way, every inch of him stretching you, filling you, making you feel so completely his. Your legs wrap around his waist instinctively, pulling him closer as his pace starts to pick up.
The tenderness melts away, replaced by something primal. His hips snap forward with more force, the sound of his skin slapping against yours mixing with your moans as he sets a relentless rhythm. Each thrust feels deeper, rougher, hitting a spot inside you that has your back arching off the blanket, your body completely out of control.
“Oh fuck,” you cry out, your voice breaking as the pleasure builds rapidly inside you, your fingers clawing at his back as he drives into you harder, faster. “Seb, I—”
He smirks down at you, his eyes dark and wild with lust as he watches you fall apart beneath him. “You like that, baby?” he growls, his voice thick with satisfaction as he thrusts even harder, bullying your body with every stroke.
You can only nod, your words lost in the overwhelming pleasure. He knows exactly what he’s doing, knows exactly how to push you to the brink. Each thrust is aimed perfectly, hitting that sweet spot deep inside you that has your vision blurring and your body shaking.
You feel yourself tightening around him, the pleasure too intense, too consuming. “Oh fuck, I’m—” you try to warn him, but it’s too late. Your orgasm crashes over you, your body convulsing as you scream his name, the pleasure so overwhelming it borders on painful.
Seb doesn’t stop. He fucks you through it, his cock driving into you relentlessly as tears prick at your eyes, the intensity of it all too much to handle. Your legs are shaking uncontrollably, your body completely wrecked as he continues to thrust into you, prolonging your orgasm until you’re nothing but a trembling, whimpering mess beneath him.
“Aww, honey,” Seb murmurs, his voice thick with both affection and lust as he leans down to kiss the tear-streaked cheeks he’s caused. “You look so pretty when you cry. Gosh, you’re just perfect. Fuck, just look at you. So beautiful.”
His words make your heart race, and a fresh wave of heat surges through you as his pace increases, his hands gripping your hips tightly. He’s not letting up, not giving you a moment to recover from the intensity of it all. You gasp, your body responding to every thrust, every word, every touch.
“You feel so good on my cock, baby,” he growls, his voice deep and rough, sending shivers down your spine. “The way you squeeze me… fuck.”
Your eyes meet his, and the fire in his gaze makes your stomach flip. It’s almost too much—the way he looks at you like you’re the only thing in the world that matters. You’re already breathless, on the edge, when he suddenly leans closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, “I can’t wait to get you pregnant.”
A moan escapes your lips before you can stop it, and Seb’s lips curl into a smirk against your skin. He pulls back just enough to look at you, his eyes dark with satisfaction at your reaction. “Oh, you liked that, huh?” he teases, his thrusts becoming even harder, even more deliberate. “You like the thought of me fucking you over and over again, filling you with my cum until you’re pregnant?”
Your breath catches in your throat, and all you can do is nod as the pleasure builds inside you. “Yes,” you moan softly, your voice barely a whisper.
Seb’s grip on your hips tightens, and in one swift movement, he hooks your legs up onto his shoulders, changing the angle as he thrusts into you with more intensity. You cry out as he goes deeper, hitting a spot that makes your vision blur. “Yeah, baby,” he growls, his pace quickening. “You want that? You want daddy to get you pregnant? Have you nice and round, carrying my child, letting everyone know that you’re mine?”
“Yes!” you cry out, your voice breaking as his words push you closer and closer to the edge. “Fuck, yes, Seb!”
He grins down at you, his breath ragged as he pounds into you relentlessly. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the air, mingling with your desperate moans. “You like that, huh? Want the whole world to know you’re mine. That you’re a slut for daddy, letting me fuck you pregnant,” he growls, his words sending shivers down your spine as your body tenses, the pleasure coiling tight inside you.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you scream, your nails digging into his arms as you teeter on the edge of release, your body trembling with anticipation.
Seb leans down, his face inches from yours, his breath hot against your skin as he whispers, “Then cum for me, honey. Let me feel you cum all over my cock.”
With one final thrust, you’re gone. Your orgasm crashes over you like a wave, your body convulsing beneath him as you scream his name, your vision going white from the intensity of it all. Seb doesn’t stop, his hips still driving into you, fucking you through your orgasm until you’re a trembling, moaning mess beneath him.
“Fuck, look at that pretty sight,” he groans, his voice full of admiration as he watches you come undone. “God, you’re perfect.”
You can feel his pace falter as he gets closer to his own release, and you cling to him, your legs still hooked over his shoulders as he drives into you one last time. With a deep groan, Seb spills inside you, his body shuddering as he collapses on top of you, his breathing heavy and labored.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Sebastian’s body presses against yours, his warmth surrounding you in the most comforting way as you lay there, side by side in the truck bed. He kisses the top of your head, his lips moving down the curve of your neck, soft and tender. Every touch from him sends shivers down your spine, and even though your body feels spent, there’s something about the way he holds you, the way he whispers against your skin, that ignites something deep within.
He pulls you closer, your back pressed to his chest, his hand resting on your hip as he lets out a soft sigh. “Honey,” he murmurs, his voice low and filled with affection, “you think you can give me one more?”
You feel the flutter of anticipation deep in your belly at his words. Your body is exhausted, every muscle aching from the intensity of everything that’s already happened, but something about the way he asks, the way he coos at you, makes you want to give him everything you have left.
You whisper a soft, breathless, “Yes.”
Sebastian smiles against your neck, his lips grazing your skin as he pulls you even closer. “That’s my girl,” he says, his voice filled with praise. “Ride me, baby. I wanna get a full view of you, my beautiful girl.”
Your heart races at the thought, the idea of being fully on display for him, letting him watch you as you take control, sending a thrill through you. Slowly, you shift, moving to straddle him. Seb’s hands never leave you, his fingers tracing up your sides, helping guide you into position as you sit above him. His eyes are dark with desire, watching you with an intensity that makes your whole body heat up.
Your hands rest on his chest, his strong, broad frame beneath your fingertips as you steady yourself. He gives you a reassuring nod, his hands moving to your hips, gently guiding you as you reach between your legs to grasp him. You can feel how hard he still is, the tip of him pressing against your entrance, and you bite your lip at the anticipation of the stretch.
“Go slow, baby,” Seb whispers, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your waist. “I know it’s a lot, but you can take it. You always do.”
You sink down onto him, inch by inch, the stretch almost overwhelming after everything you’ve already been through. A soft whimper escapes your lips, and Seb tightens his grip on your hips, grounding you. “I know, baby,” he coos, “but look at you. You’re taking me so well.”
As you finally take him fully inside, you let out a soft gasp, feeling the familiar fullness, the way he stretches you like no one else ever could. Your head falls forward, your hands gripping his chest for support as you try to adjust. That’s when you hear Seb’s voice, rough with lust. “Fuck… look at that.”
Your eyes flicker down to where your bodies are joined, and you can see it — a slight bulge in your lower belly where he’s buried so deep inside of you. The sight of it, the visual proof of how full you are, sends a fresh wave of arousal through you, and suddenly, you’re moving on top of him, your hips starting to roll in slow, deliberate circles.
Seb watches in awe, his hands moving to cup your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your sensitive nipples as he groans. “That’s it, honey. Just like that. You’re so fucking perfect.”
His praises fuel you, and you start to pick up the pace, moving faster as the pleasure builds inside of you once again. Each movement draws soft gasps from your lips, and you feel yourself slipping further into that blissful haze where all that matters is the way he feels inside of you, the way his eyes are locked on yours, filled with so much adoration and desire.
“Faster, baby,” Seb urges, his hands gripping your waist now, guiding your movements. “I want to feel all of you.”
You obey, quickening your pace, but it’s not long before Sebastian starts to thrust up into you, meeting your movements with his own, the intensity increasing with each second. His hips drive into you harder and deeper, and you’re starting to lose your balance, your hands slipping on his chest as your body struggles to keep up with the relentless pace.
Seb notices immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him as he takes over, fucking up into you with a rhythm that leaves you gasping for air. Each thrust jerks your body, sending shockwaves of pleasure through you that make your vision blur and your voice come out in broken moans.
“Oh fuck, Seb, too much—ahh,” you cry out, your nails digging into his shoulders as you try to hold on.
But Seb doesn’t slow down. If anything, he thrusts harder, deeper, his pace almost brutal as he chases both of your releases. “You can take it,” he growls, his voice low and commanding. “You’re my good girl, right?”
“Yes,” you moan, your head falling back as the pleasure becomes too much to bear. “Yes, Seb, but—”
“Shh,” he interrupts, his lips brushing against your neck. “I know it’s a lot, but you can do it. I know you can.”
His words make your whole body tremble, the praise mixed with the roughness of his movements sending you spiraling. Your orgasm is building fast, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter inside you with each thrust, and you can feel yourself right on the edge.
Seb feels it too. “You gonna cum for me, honey?” he asks, his voice rough and breathless. “You gonna cum on my cock?”
You nod frantically, your words coming out in a desperate moan. “Yes, Seb, yes, I—”
“Cum with me,” he growls, his pace becoming erratic as he thrusts even harder, hitting that perfect spot deep inside you. “Now, baby.”
The command is all it takes. You shatter around him, your orgasm tearing through you with a force that makes you scream his name. Your whole body shakes as the pleasure overwhelms you, your vision going white as you convulse around him. Seb isn’t far behind, his hips slamming into you one last time as he groans your name, his release spilling inside of you, filling you so completely.
You collapse against his chest, completely spent, your body trembling from the intensity of it all. Seb’s arms wrap around you, holding you close as he catches his breath, his chest rising and falling beneath you.
“Fuck,” he mutters, his voice soft now, filled with awe as he presses a kiss to your temple. “You did so good, honey.”
You’re too exhausted to respond, your head resting on his chest as you try to calm your breathing. Seb doesn’t seem to mind your silence, his hands moving soothingly up and down your back as he holds you.
After a few moments, he shifts slightly, still inside you, and you whimper softly at the overstimulation. “Let’s stay like this, baby,” Seb murmurs, his voice low and affectionate. “You gonna keep daddy’s cock warm, right?”
You can’t help the soft moan that escapes your lips at his words, your body still too sensitive, but the idea of keeping him inside you, staying connected like this, sends a wave of warmth through you. “Yes,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
Seb smiles against your skin, his lips brushing your ear as he speaks. “Good girl,” he praises softly. “Keep my cum inside you all day, so you can carry my child, right?”
You nod, too overwhelmed to do anything else, but the thought of it—of him filling you over and over until you’re pregnant—makes a fresh wave of arousal pool low in your belly. It’s a thought that would’ve terrified you once, but now, with Seb holding you like this, it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
Seb kisses your temple again, his voice soft and comforting as he murmurs, “You’re everything to me, baby. My perfect girl.”
You smile softly, your body sinking into his as you let his warmth surround you. Maybe there were doubts before, maybe there was fear, but here, in his arms, with the taste of pure bliss still lingering on your skin, you know you made the right choice. There’s no room for regret when it feels like this—when he makes you feel like this.
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*☾⋆・゚ taglist! @ham1lton @ietss @animeandf1lover @nelly187 @heartsfromtaeyong @bloodyymaryyy @nor-4 @zacian117 @mel164 @uhhvictoria @hadidsworld @zabwlky1999 @sya-skies @lillysbigwilly @avengers-assemble123456 @santanasaintmendes @km-23mr @hookhausenschips @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @Ronpho @minekarina @aeongism @Formula1-motogpfa @slagclarens @aleexvqa @f1updates4you @booksandflowrs @chaostudee @winkev1 @strawblueberrys @Blakesbearblog @cel-b @perfumejamal @aykxz98 @pandora-08 @szalovebot @tellybearryyyy @exotic-iris13 @magixpracticality @oledoledoffen @pear-1206 @oliviah-25
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avatar-anna · 2 days
Hiiii i thought of your young parents series today while scrolling through tik tok. An old clip came up from when Nickelodeon pranked them with that lady going into labor and Harry is like the most calm and attentive in it. Anyway I was like “ahhh and he would be if he had like a baby or was expecting one!” Also wanted to mention I love that series so much and often reread my favorite ones.
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Young Dad! Harry Styles x Young Mom! Reader
bro this takes me baaaack😭
this prank definitely hits home for young dadrry, and zayn and louis definitely know that when they decide to pull the prank on the rest of the boys. poor baby h is just like wtf and grumpy afterwards. y/n just finds it hilarious:
"It's not funny."
Y/n, who held little Simone in her arms in their hotel room, tried not to laugh at her boyfriend, who was clearly annoyed at his friends' antics. "I'm not laughing at you, I promise. It's just—"
"Did you really do the breathing exercises with her?"
Harry huffed and rolled his eyes, and this time Y/n did laugh.
It wasn't often that Harry got all pouty like this, and when he did, Y/n found it adorable. When she heard about the prank Louis and Zayn pulled, she wasn't surprised by the role Harry played in all of it. Of course he jumped into action when he thought a woman was going to labor. And of course he'd do everything he could to make the woman comfortable. Harry and Y/n had had a couple false labors before she eventually gave birth, and he was the one to help her breathe through her contractions and held her when every sitting position was uncomfortable.
"H, come here and hold your daughter. It'll make you feel better," Y/n said when her laughter subsided. Simone, who was playing with a strand of Y/n's hair, blinked at her parents innocently.
Harry, who could never resist holding Simone, softened a bit and stepped closer. The baby instinctively held out her little arms toward him, which melted any remaining embarrassment from his day. "Hi, baby," he cooed, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. "Missed you today. What did you and Mummy get up to while I was gone?"
"Well, we went for a walk on the beach, then we did a little shopping had some lunch at a cute little cafe, then we had to come back to the hotel because someone decided to spill their food all over themselves, and it was not me."
"Messy girl," Harry said, kissing his baby's cheek. "But thanks to you, I was ready to assist a woman in labor at a moment's notice, prank or not. Some might even say I was heroic."
Y/n rolled her eyes while Harry wasn't looking. "Yeah? And what does that make me for actually going into labor?"
"Babe, I was literally prepared to deliver a baby today."
"You almost fainted in the delivery room when I had Simone!"
"I've...matured since then," Harry said, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
That was a story Harry would take to his grave. The boys would give him hell if they found out, not that they would fare much better. He never actually passed out, but he did have to sit down at some point during the delivery. Let's just say it was something he would never forget.
For many reasons.
"Whatever you say, lover," Y/n mused, patting his cheek before heading into the bathroom for a shower.
"It did take me back," Harry said quietly a few hours later. Simone was asleep on his chest, and he didn't have the heart to move her into her crib. He was technically supposed to be in his own room soon, but he would sneak back in tomorrow morning before anyone from management noticed, and the boys would cover for him if they did.
Y/n, who laid beside him on the small hotel bed, brushed his hair away from his face. "I bet. Can you believe it's only been a few months?"
"It's already been a few months," Harry corrected, his hand soothing over Simone's back. There was a time when his hand covered her entire back; she was so small, and Harry was scared he might hurt her because of how delicate she was. And now it felt like she was growing too fast. He and Y/n could barely keep up with her as she grew out of her infant clothes. "Soon she'll be sitting up and crawling, then walking and talking, then going to college and getting into trouble."
"I think you missed a couple steps there," Y/n mused. "But yeah, I know what you mean."
"I'm scared I'm gonna miss all of it. Today reminded me that I wasn't even there to take you to the hospital when you went into labor. My mum had to drive you."
"But you were there when she was born, H," she reminded him. "You held my hand, you didn't complain when I squeezed it too tight. You got to cut the umbilical chord. And you'll be there for all the other milestones too. You're here. I gave you a choice a long time ago, and you chose us. Don't forget that."
"I suppose," Harry relented. He turned his head to the side to look at Y/n, careful not to move too much in case he woke up Simone. "I love you."
Y/n kissed him, cuddling into his side when she pulled away. "I love you too. Now, if you're up for it, I've thought of some ways to get back at Louis and Zayn."
Harry grinned. "I'm all ears."
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Chapter 1: I Need You Now But I Don't Know You Yet
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!Reader, Reader POV
Summary: With a birthday printed on your wrist that happened over a hundred years ago, you always thought that you were cursed to never meet your soulmate. But when you finally meet the man that's supposed to be the other half of your soul, you wonder if the stars were wrong, and wonder how this man was meant for you. Reader is Hughie's sister, is not a supe, and is a Literature Professor that gets dragged into the middle of things. This fic takes place in an AU set loosely after Season 3 and does deviate from the plot of The Boys
Tropes: Soulmate AU, Little bit of Grumpy and Sunshine, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Protective Ben/ Soldier Boy, Jealous Ben/Soldier Boy
Warnings: Self deprecating thoughts, Little bit sad, Cursing, Mentions of drinking, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Death, Loneliness, Longing, Basically the reader just wants to be loved, Reader wears glasses?, Soldier Boy might be a little OOC.
Word Count: 6.3K
Song Inspiration For Chapter: IDK You Yet (Title of chapter based on song) Y'all should listen to this song because it fits so well!
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal Monologue Is in First Person And Is In Italics
A/N: Guys you have no idea how excited I am about this story! It's already shaking up to have a TON of my usual angst, but I'm not surprised.😅 I'm also a little disappointed. I read a soulmate AU fic forever ago for Joel Miller where the birthday was printed on the reader's arm and I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called or find it. If y'all know what it is, please let me know. I'd love to read it again and give the writer a little bit of credit for inspiration. ❤️
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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January 24, 1919
The date on your right wrist haunted you, the bold black numbers mocking from the moment you learned what they meant. It had to be a celestial mistake, a misprint, something wrong in the stars that shone so brightly over others, but dulled above your head.
Sometimes you thought you were cursed, that some mystical being before your birth marked you, scarred you, and made you carry the weight of the whole world on your shoulders.
That whoever it was made you different on purpose and you hoped one day you understood what that purpose was.
You'd never met someone born with the same dilemma, to be saddled with a soulmate that was born over 100 years ago, and yet here you were.
You'd heard it all growing up, the hushed whispered "freak" from your schoolmates, the odd looks from your neighbors, the pitying frowns of your parents who had known each other since pre-k, and the hug from your older brother as he whispered the familiar phrase “it‘ll be okay" to soothe you.
But you always wondered…
When would it be okay?
You watched all your friends find their happy endings with their soulmates, the birth years printed on their wrists at least within the same few decades, but not you.
You were alone, different, cursed.
The date printed on your wrist made you different, because no one else had a soulmate that was born so far in the past.
Your soulmate's birthday brushed on your skin only brought a wave of disappointment every time you saw it, because what the hell did it mean? 1919? That meant that your soulmate would be over 100 years old when you met him, whoever it was.
If you even met him.
No one lives that long. My soulmate should be long dead. He can't still be alive. Can he?
Each year that passed was like another nail in the coffin, but you celebrated the birthday of your supposed soulmate with a cupcake and a beer, locked away in your apartment to shut out the jeers of those who knew your particular dilemma. And each year when you blew out the candle you wished that it would be the year you met him, but now you weren't sure it would ever happen.
Because it was impossible.
You didn't understand why you were different, why you were chosen to have a soulmate that was long dead. Maybe it was true, maybe you were born late, born under the wrong sign, or maybe you really were cursed.
You'd heard the stories of people who never found their soulmates, urban legends really, but it didn't make you feel any better. The stories of people who wasted away to nothing, driven to the point of insanity because they never found the other half of their soul, alone for as long as they could stand it before they finally crumbled to dust.
You refused to be like them, turning to books for solace and hoping to escape. Slipping into the pages and into other worlds where people found their other half to leave the loneliness that haunted you behind.
And in that solace your found your true love, literature. It wove around you and brought you peace in a world where you felt lost and different.
When you moved away from the small town you grew up in, you got a job as a Literature professor, reading the great works of others, while trying to forget about the date on your wrist and the soulmate you longed for each day.
It was incredibly lonely to think that you'd live your whole life with only one half of your soul.
Every time you opened a book from the era your soulmate was supposed to be born in you wondered if he had read it, wondered what it was like to live in that time, and imagined what it would have been like to be there with him.
Each day you covered up the date on your wrist with a splash of foundation and playfully laughed it off whenever someone asked you if you'd found your soulmate yet. All the while spending year after year fading just a little bit more as you lost the last pieces of hope that you'd ever meet him.
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One Year Ago
You were running late. Frankly you were always running late, but in the city that never sleeps it was to be expected.
It was supposed to be a big day. You had about a hundred papers to grade, a test to proctor, and three lectures to give, but you couldn't complain about your job, you loved it. Loved the groans of your students whenever you announced a test or an essay, loved the soft evenings where you read papers with a cup of tea and learned what in the assigned text was special to your students, and loved to teach from the books that had become home to you, the books that tried to heal your wounded heart.
But today something was different.
Something nagged at the back of your mind, as if you had forgotten that something else was supposed to happen today.
Haircut? No that's not it.
You think as you walk to the large wooden desk in your living room/bedroom. It was technically a dining room table, breakfast table, and your desk, but you'd loved it since the moment you found it tucked into a corner of an antique store in Brooklyn.
Your small studio apartment was quaint, the bedroom and living room divided by a large mid-century wooden screen that you had bought for twenty bucks at a thrift store the weekend you moved into your apartment five years ago. The living room only housed a plump cream colored couch that faced out the window towards the living room window that gave you a spectacular view of the alley between your apartment building and the next. Sometimes you got to watch the couple in the apartment across from you having a terrific fight and then got a front row seat to the loud make-up sex they had almost immediately after.
Large stacks of books dominated every wall stretching up as high up to the ceiling as they could reach, some were pressed against the exposed brick walls, others serving as the base for the coffee table you’d made with a vintage window, and of course there was one stack that towered high above your bed on top of your bedside table.  You didn't own a tv, not when you spent most of your time reading.
Being a English professor meant that you could never have too many books not when they were like old friends that pulled you in whenever you opened their yellowing pages.
Meeting with the head of the English department? You bite the inside of your cheek as you shove your notebook, planner, pencil case, and laptop into your leather messenger bag. No, that's on Thursday.
You'd been working on a research paper that you hoped to publish about the Modern Period of Literature in America, but the head of the English Department wanted to see how much you'd done. In all honesty the only reason why you'd started studying the Modern Period of literature was because it was supposedly the time period in which your soulmate grew up and you thought that it would give you some insight into what his life was like. 
And despite your being an expert on that time period, the head of the English Department did not share your enthusiasm for it. The only thing the head of the English Department had any enthusiasm for was his self-published book of erotic poetry and staring at your legs for too long while making subtle attempts for you to sleep with him even though he was married.
You fight the wave of revulsion with the memory of the last time you had a meeting with him and give yourself a once over in the mirror hanging on the bathroom door that faces in to your living room. You looked the way that you always did, maybe a little more frantic than usual, but that was expected given the fact that you were running late.
Today you had decided to wear your favorite dark green chunky sweater that you'd knitted yourself, a dark gray argyle midi-skirt, chestnut brown ankle high-heeled leather boots, and your traditional pair of circular black-rimmed glasses.
It's going to be a good day. You smile at your reflection. Yeah, if I could remember whatever the hell it is I've forgotten.
You roll your eyes and grab a bagel from the bag on the counter.
No time to toast it.
You think mournfully before shoving it between your teeth as you run out the door, slamming it behind you so hard that it rattles the watercolor botanical framed prints on the inside wall of the apartment.
"Late again?" Your neighbor, Mrs. Charleson, asks opening the cheerful yellow door of her apartment.
She was wearing her traditional pink cat eye glasses and had her wavy gray hair pushed back by a floral headband. When you'd moved in five years ago, she had brought over some cinnamon swirl muffins and a pot of blueberry tea. She'd just lost her own soulmate and husband of sixty-five years and was looking for a friend about as much as you were.
And although she had about eighty cats, all of which who were named after literary figures (your own cat was named Heathcliff), and often smelled like mothballs, you enjoyed spending time with her. She knew about your dilemma and didn't judge you for it. She didn't throw you a pitying look or make outrageous comments about why you'd been chosen to never meet your soulmate. If anything she acted like the way you thought your mother always should but never did. Not with judgement as your mother did, but with concern and love.
"Always." You shout back, muffled around the sesame seed bagel, stamping your foot to get your boot in the right position.
"Tea later?"
"Get some earl gray macaroons!"
You make it down the stairs successfully without falling, before throwing yourself against the door that leads into the black and white tiled lobby. Your high heeled boots clack loudly against the floor and you step out onto the crowded sidewalks of the early morning.
Fall was just beginning in the city, your favorite season. The leaves in Central Park were turning reddish brown and yellow and there was a wonderful chill that swept through the crowded streets.
You wove through the people, walking in the direction of NYU and looking down at the antique wristwatch perched on your left wrist to confirm what you already knew- that you were going to be late for your 8:00 am lecture on 20th Century American Romantics.
The city is lively for a Monday morning. The chatter of people on phones, the buzz of traffic, the high pitched screech of horns, and the smells of the city wafted over you. It was so different from the small town you grew up in, but you loved being here. Here no one knew you, no one judged you, no one muttered something under their breath about you, and no one grabbed their children and crossed the street as if you were contagious.
You felt free.
You round the corner still looking down at your watch, weaving in and out of the foot traffic the best you can, when someone bumps into your shoulder. Whoever hit you was solid, broad, and much taller than you. The bagel drops from your mouth as you jostle from the bump, and you let out a low groan.
There goes my breakfast.
You look up prepared to curse out the offender when you stop. Whoever it was hadn't stopped moving, but you catch a flash of his bright green eyes as he passes, meeting yours for only a moment.
But that moment seems to last a lifetime.
He was tall with wild dark brown hair so long it touched his shoulders and a scraggly beard that fell over his chest almost to his collarbones. He looked dirty,  almost worn, and was wearing a faded maroon track suit that had some writing on the sleeve in another language that you couldn't place. But his eyes were a brilliant green, so beautiful that they took your breath away.
As soon as his eyes meet yours, your skin hums, body lightening, warmth unfurling like the petals of a flower in the center of your chest curling outward reaching for the sun above. All sounds of the city vanish, leaving you only with the manic thud of your heart. Everything in your body turns towards the man, cells vibrating, reaching out, wanting more, begging you to grab him and hold him close. Electricity pulses and dances along your skin making your hair stand on end and goosebumps erupt along your flesh.
The birthday inscribed by the stars on your wrist sears against your skin like a brand beneath the foundation you smeared over it this morning. You look at him as if seeing for the first time, as if the past years of your life have been colorless, as if you'd been living in a cave for centuries and he's your first glimpse of sunlight, and as if you'd never seen the stars and he's the midnight sky.
You'd never felt any of this before.
The man's eyes widen as he looks at you, people passing between the two of you in a faceless blur, and you wonder if he feels it too.
He has to…
But the man shakes his head and turns his back on you continuing on his path down the sidewalk in the opposite direction, adjusting the strap of the bag on his shoulder as he goes.
"Wait-" You start to say, but your phone rings loudly in your pocket breaking the spell, and as you look down to retrieve it, you lose the man in the crowd.
What the hell just happened?
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The rest of your day is chaotic, almost a blur, your body still humming from seeing that man on the street, wrist aching where the birthdate on your wrist burned against your flesh so hot that it seared through the foundation you brushed meticulously over the skin this morning to cover it up. It was no longer black, but flashed a brilliant gold with every shift of your wrist in the light as you moved your arm when teaching, peeking out beneath the sleeve of your sweater. Every flash distracted you from your lecture. Even your TA, Tate, who sat in the front row of your class began to notice how often you lost your train of thought.
You barely got through your 8:00 am lecture, stumbled through you 9:00 and 10:15, and canceled your 2:00 class much to the chagrin of your students who were expecting a test.
When Tate finally asked you if you're feeling alright, you wave a hand and tell him to take the rest of the day off, while you barricaded yourself in your office and stared at your wrist for hours, running your hands over the golden date confused. The birthdays always shone gold after two people found one another, and when your soulmate died, it went back to black, as if a reminder that the world had faded.
It was weird to see it shine so brightly when you'd lived your whole life staring at the mark and wishing for it to go away.
But he's not here, he's gone. I don't know where he went or how to find him…
Your friends back home described finding their soulmates before, tried to explain to you what it was like when they locked eyes with them for the first time, but everyone was different. No one could describe exactly how they felt when it happened.
Deep down you thought that it should feel like what happened when you locked eyes with the man on the street, like nothing else existed, just him and you but-
He acted like it was nothing like I was just another person and not the other half of his soul.
You swallow the lump in your throat, emotion from a lifetime of disappointment building, and finally the tears begin to crest and fall over your cheeks. You'd never heard of a one sided soulmate before, of only one person feeling drawn to the other one.
Then again, I've never heard of someone printed with the date of a soulmate who was born so far in the past.
Seeing him for the first time was like taking a bullet to the chest, the sharp spike, followed by the force of gravity jolting you into reality.
But why him?
You think again about how weathered he looked, like he'd been living under a rock for the past hundred years. And then you see the flash of his brilliant green eyes again in your mind, just for a fleeting moment, but it's enough to make the warmth trail along your skin, like the soft caress of a lover.
Was he really born in 1919? Or was this just another joke? Another way for the universe to laugh at me?
Frustrated tears blur your eyes as you stroke the birthdate on your wrist, heart breaking all over again, because it seemed that even if you had found the man the universe designated for you, he didn't care.
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One Year Later: Present Day
You sigh loudly and hold up another dress in front of your body looking at yourself in the mirror. You had no idea what you were going to wear to Annie and your brother Hughie's housewarming party and you only had about another thirty minutes before you had to leave.
Your brother had been living in New York longer than you had, but he still made time for you. The two of you got lunch every week and it was your fault that he met Annie.
Meeting her yourself had been a complete fluke. You'd been sitting at your favorite bench in Central Park by the pond, reading your favorite book, allowing the gentle prose of the author to whisk you away for a few minutes, when someone sat down beside you and promptly began to cry.
And when you asked her what was wrong she'd told you everything about her problems at work and although you'd never been the best at comforting other people, you'd taken her to the closest coffee shop and the two of you had bonded over Chai Tea lattes.
You'd invited her over to watch a movie with your brother one Saturday night and then had a front row seat when the two of them realized that they were meant to be together. You'd tried to be happy for them, but the whole time Annie gushed about Hughie and Hughie stared at her like she was the last glimpse of the sun before it dropped below the horizon all you could think about was that it would never happen to you.
And now one year later, the two of them were finally moving in together in a fancy apartment uptown and you didn't want to imagine what the rent was. Your own studio was enough for you and you were lucky enough to have one that was rent controlled.
But you figured due to Annie being one of the Seven, she was probably making more than your measly teaching salary could ever amount to.
Learning that she was Starlight had been surprising, you weren't a supe, not even close and you didn't want to be. You had your hands full with teaching college kids, and didn't want to think about what it would be like to have superpowers or really what you would do with them. You certainly didn't need them to be a teacher and you didn't want to have them.
Plus, you always worried that you'd get some weird power like shooting webs out of your butt or making it rain blood. You didn't want to take that chance and shooting up Compound V felt like Russian Roulette.
You also worried about your brother working so closely with supes. The two of you hadn’t met any growing up and you worried that he was putting himself in danger every day when he went out to deal with them. But you were happy that Annie went with him, because you knew that she wouldn't let anything happen to him, she loved him too much.
As you hold up a black dress in the mirror you see a flash of the golden birthdate on your arm, and you're unable to fight the emotion that builds in your chest when you do.
It had been a year since it happened, since you locked eyes with a complete stranger on the street and felt your soul intertwine with his and he turned his back on you.
You'd understood that.
Understood that for some reason he decided to turn away like you meant nothing to him, like you weren't the other piece of his soul, and like a part of him didn't call out to you, a lighthouse over a stormy sea to a sinking ship.
It had broken you more than the first time you realized what the date on your arm meant. It always seemed ridiculous that something that brought happiness to millions of others made you feel broken, like there was something wrong with you.
And in that moment on the street something felt right for a few seconds, you felt whole for the first time in your life, only to have everything dashed against the rocks all over again.
But you hadn't forgotten him, couldn't forget him. His green eyes haunted you and each night you dreamed of him.
You saw pieces of his life, his memories, felt his pain, his anger, his frustration, and deep down his fear whenever you fell asleep. You'd never heard of that before, of a soulmate dreaming the memories of another.
You'd asked your neighbor, Mrs. Charleson if she had dreams of her soulmate's memories, she'd said no, but then she said that she'd heard about it, thought that it was only a myth, but it meant that the souls were fated to spend more than one lifetime together.
As if you knew what that meant.
It had broken your heart even more when she said that, because if that were true why did he turn away?
How could he turn away? Why did he leave me standing in the street and acted like I wasn't his other half?
It made you think that maybe he wasn't impressed with you and that he was disappointed that you of all people were his soulmate.
You'd had a mental breakdown at Mrs. Charleson's apartment when you went home early the day you met your soulmate or whatever the hell he was.
She'd made blueberry tea and rubbed you back. And when the tea hadn't worked she had cracked a bottle of red wine and ordered greasy takeout food that the two of you ate on her floral couch while her cats circled like sharks looking for a piece of your chicken and broccoli.
You would have called Annie, but she and Hughie were out of town on a long weekend getaway.
And when you went back to your apartment and crashed into your bed, you'd dreamt of him for the first time.
The memories you'd seen when you closed your eyes that night were not happy at all. You'd seen the early years of his life being berated by his father, years of him drinking and fucking his sorrows away, and then the worst, him being tortured in what looked like a lab. He was a supe, that much you could gather from the memories. But they were filled with pain, suffering, frustration- you'd never met someone who'd been through so much before. Endured so much torture.
You still didn't know his name, didn't see enough of his life to figure out who he was, only that he was different than you in almost every single way. The memories were terrible, filled with blood, death, and pain. It scared you to see your soulmate that way, see him so angry and see him hurt and kill people. You couldn't imagine the kind of man he was, the kind of man who could burn someone beyond recognition and feel absolutely nothing.
It was confusing. You didn't understand how someone who was supposed to be the other half of your soul, was the complete opposite of you. Someone that was filled with so much rage and pain was the man the stars declared was for you.
It doesn't matter anyway. He saw you and didn't want you.
You ignore the lump of emotion in the back of your throat and hold up a navy blue dress, but you hang it back in your closet with a sigh. Nothing seemed to be appropriate for you to wear to the party and you hadn’t been shopping for a new outfit in ages. Not to mention you knew that no matter what you wore Annie would look flawless.
You loved your brother's soulmate, but sometimes you were intimidated by how pretty she was and how together she was. It made you a little self-conscious about the long skirts, sweaters, and blazers you wore when you were at work and you were not together at all.
You seemed to always be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, frantically running from place to place and trying not to lose the last bit of sanity you had left. While Annie was confident, poised, and glided into each room.
Finally, you reach for a pair of your favorite blue jeans and the same green chunky knit sweater you were wearing the day that you saw him for the first time. The sleeves were long enough to cover the mark on the wrist. You hadn't told your brother or Annie about that day and you didn't want them to see the golden date on your wrist and ask you where your soulmate was.
Guess I'm going a little more casual today.
On your way out you give your cat, Heathcliff, an affectionate scratch behind the ears and grab your purse. You were running a little early this time, early enough to pick up a Snake Plant around the corner at your favorite plant shop, 'Please Don't Die,' as a housewarming gift and then stopped at the liquor store next door to grab a bottle of Annie's favorite wine.
You figured that you'd end up staying late and drinking wine with her long after the party was over.
Hughie opens the door of the apartment when you knock. "Thank God you're here! Annie is freaking out and driving me up the wall-"
"No I'm not! I'm just expressing all the things that have to be done within the next five minutes or I really am going to go crazy!" You hear his soulmate shout back when Hughie lets you in.
The apartment is fancier than yours, all white walls and glass windows that display a view you would kill for. Your brother is wearing a nice light blue button down shirt and navy tie, and his hair is it's usual fluffed and curly self. He looks happy and it warms a piece of your heart because you knew how much that he deserved it. And that's all you wanted for your older brother.
Annie appears, wearing a white dress that wraps over one shoulder and falls to her ankles, effortlessly elegant as usual. It made you feel self-conscious that you'd worn jeans, when Annie was wearing something that made her look like a Greek goddess.
"I am so underdressed." You mutter to yourself
"No! You look great babe. I love those jeans on you." She smiles pulling you in for a hug.
"But please let me do something with your hair." Annie touches the messy bun at the back of your head making a face.
"What's wrong with my hair?"
"Nothing, I'm just going to spruce it up a little bit for you."
Annie pulls the bottle of wine and the plant from your arms and shoves them at Hughie. "We'll be right back." And with that she drags you to their shared bedroom.
20 minutes later your hair has been perfectly curled and styled by Annie's skillful hands. She'd even adjusted your make up so that now you're wearing a bold red lipstick and a dark eyeshadow that matches your ensemble. And even you have to admit that you look better than you did moments ago. You usually didn't wear that much makeup, sometimes it made you feel like you weren't you, but what Annie had applied seemed stylish.
"Thanks Annie."
"Of course." She smiles brightly and leads you back out into the large kitchen filled with stainless steel appliances and real marble countertops. "How have you been? Did you finish that paper you were writing?"
By now several people have already begun to gather at different parts of the apartment, talking quietly with one another, while sipping drinks and eating finger food. The sound of their chatter is masked by the Billy Joel song playing from the speaker in the corner.
"Yeah. I submitted it, now I'm just waiting for the department head to read it." You frown at the thought.
"You don't think he'll like it?" She moves to the freezer to grab a bag of ice.
"Dale doesn't like the modern period of literature as much as I do so I'm expecting him to have a lot of critiques and reasons why he doesn't like it." You take the bag from her and set it on the counter.
"It's okay. I'm used to it. He's never ecstatic about my research work." The thought makes you frown. "Even though he knows it's my specialty and the reason why he hired me."
"Isn’t he the creepy married guy that keeps trying to take you to dinner and wrote all those sensual poems about women who sound nothing like his wife?"
"Ew." Annie's face scrunches up in disgust.
"My thoughts exactly." You sigh looking around the kitchen for an ice bucket. "Do y'all have an ice bucket somewhere or-"
"It should be in that cabinet." She points behind you just as you hear someone knock loudly on the front door.
The ice bucket is acrylic, see-through, and light pink, but you find it easily. The ice clanks against the sides as you pour, not bothering to watch Hughie open the door for whoever it was that hit the front door of the apartment with so much force you thought it would cave in.
Annie leans against the counter pouring herself a glass of wine and groans to herself when she sees who Hughie was greeting.
"What's wrong?" You ask her, your tongue between your teeth as you try not to spill any of the ice over the perfect countertops.
"I didn't think he would come." She grumbles.
"Ben." Annie all but sighs the name.
"And why didn't you want him to come?" You ask, pouring more ice into the bucket.
"He's just kind of rough-"
"He works with Hughie. He's a supe. Thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread or whatever.” She sighs again and takes a sip of her white wine to calm down. "Actually he used to be Soldier Boy."
"Soldier Boy? You mean the supe from the 80's that died?"
Hughie didn't tell me he had a dead man working with him.
"It's a long story." Annie waves her hand as if to dissipate the thought, but it doesn’t make you any less curious. "Now he works at the bureau with Hughie trying to keep supes in check. Usually he and Butcher bump heads."
Hughie didn't talk much about what he did with Butcher, or really who he met, but after Homelander disappeared and Stormfront took over as leader as the Seven more supes began to come out of the woodwork, supes that had been afraid before, but now had no one to keep them in check. And although The Seven were feared in the city, no one was feared as much as Homelander.
"I'm sure that he won't try anything Annie. And if he does I'll keep him in check." You smile at your friend.
It's her housewarming party and supe or no if he's a prick I'm going to kick his ass out. Annie doesn't deserve to feel stressed today of all days.
"Thanks babe."
"What are friends for?"
She squeezes your arm and walks away to talk with MM who stands with a little girl who must be his daughter. You'd only spoken to him a handful of times, but he was always eager to talk about her achievements in school. He was so proud of her that it made your heart warm. Her mother wasn't his soulmate, but there hadn't been any hard feelings between MM and his daughter's mother.
That wasn't unusual. You'd known several people who decided to date other people before meeting their soulmate as a way of passing the time. You'd always thought it was ridiculous to commit yourself to someone else and fall in love with them, only to have your heart broken when they met who they were meant to be with.
It was why you hadn't tried to date anyone, because you might have never met your soulmate, but the other person you'd be in a relationship with would. And you didn’t want to give your heart to someone only to have them leave you when they met their other half. Which meant that you were probably going to die alone, especially because your soulmate doesn't want you. It hadn't helped that you'd seen a few memories from your own soulmate with other women over the years, women that didn't look anything like you, women that seemed more confident, more beautiful, and more stylish than you.
Maybe that's why he didn't want me.
Your feel the familiar twinge in your chest when you thought that and fought the tears that burned when you thought of how happy Annie and Hughie were. You didn't want to cry at their party.
The familiar question rises in your head again:
When will it be okay?
Probably never.
You turn toward the freezer holding the now half-full bag of ice intent on putting it back when someone bumps into you. The bag slips from your hands and ice goes skittering across the perfect hardwood floors in every direction, but just when you start to drop to pick it up, you feel a large hand grip your shoulder.
A gasp escapes from your mouth as it makes contact.
As soon as the palm touches you, you feel nothing else, not the shift of the sweater against your skin, not the slight chill from the air conditioner, not the brush of your hair against your cheeks, all you feel is the warmth radiating through your clothes and soaking into your skin from the person's hand.
The hand moves to cup your chin gently, the shock of the person's skin touching yours makes the feeling increase ten-fold as the hand tilts your face up to meet the eyes of the person who bumped into you.
You know it's him before your eyes meet his, know that it's the man from the street who you saw for only a few seconds a year ago, but this time when his beautiful green eyes meet yours everything you felt that day comes roaring back.
He's taller than you remember, shoulders proud and broad stretching a dark gray button down shirt over his chest that have the sleeves rolled up revealing tanned arms. His hair is shorter, still dark brown, but now only long enough to cover the tops of his ears and his beard is shaved so that only a thick dusting covers his cheeks, but it's still him. And he's more handsome than any version you could come up with in your mind.
All sound in the room vanishes, the drone of chatter fades, the clinking of glasses disappears, the only sound that remains is your own heart thudding in your chest and you swear you can hear his beating at the same frequency, both of your hearts calling out to one another.
Your entire body feels like it's vibrating, as if every cell is moving so fast that they're heating you from the inside, leaving behind a molten puddle of what you used to be. A golden cord weaves around the two of you securing your heart to his in your mind, making you gasp as it hooks to his heart binding his soul to yours. Time stops as he gazes at you, something brightening in his green eyes as they absorb your own gaze.
The man doesn't move. It almost looks like he's stopped breathing, and you realize that you haven't taken a breath since he touched your shoulder. His eyes drop down to your right wrist where your hand rests over his heart, where he knows his birthday will be.
You don't remember reaching out to touch him, but now that you realize it, you can feel his heart beating beneath the palm of your hand like a fluttering bird, gentle and judging by the memories you had witnessed from him, nothing about this man was gentle.
"I've been looking everywhere for you sweetheart." The man rumbles, the words vibrating against your fingertips where they rest against his muscular chest. He smiles down at you and somewhere deep down you feel something break open that you thought was locked away long ago.
And as you stand there looking up at the man you thought you'd never see again, the autumn sun warm against your back, you feel a flicker of something that could grow into a blaze spark to life in your chest.
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A/N: I hope y'all loved the first chapter as much as I loved writing it! I've never written a soulmate AU, so I am a little nervous about it, but I think that it's going to be a lot of fun! And yes, I did give Ben the same birthday as Dean Winchester (not the same year). In my head Ben is Dean from a different universe, and it just made sense to me. 😂
Thank you so much for reading! Reblogs, likes, and comments are not required, but are always appreciated! I love hearing what y'all think 😊 If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series please let me know! :)
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peachhcs · 1 day
a trip to van
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy spends a weekend in van with her two favorite people
4.5k words
hiii here's this that i've been working on for a few days. i thought this idea was super cutie and wanted to write more quinn and samy dynamic. also lowkey predicting that sjs vs. van game in a week so lol this won't be accurate but anyways let me know if u guys like these longer fics or not bc i think they're fun to write sometimes!! (also i imagine samy taking these pics of quinn and will)
au masterlist
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"i actually can't believe you convinced me to let you stay for a whole weekend," the oldest hughes brother teased samy as they climbed into the car once her stuff was in the back.
"oh shut up. you've been begging to spend more time with me. plus, i haven't been to van in years," the younger sibling countered as they shared a laugh.
"yeah, you're right. you're right. it's good to see you, squirt," quinn squeezed her arm across the armrest as they pulled out of the pickup line.
it was thursday night and samy was in vancouver for the weekend to watch her brother and will play one another on saturday. she was ecstatic to say the least to be spending some time with quinn and getting to see will. it wasn't often that the oldest and youngest sibling spent 1 on 1 time together—in the summer if they were lucky, but even then, quinn had things keeping him busy and so did samy.
"mom told me you need to take me to a hundred different places while i'm here. she sent me a whole list," the brunette chuckled.
"oh really? like where?"
"apparently this bakery that sells really good bagels. there's an italian restaurant in downtown mom really liked that she wants me to try. i dunno, i'll send you the list," samy clicked around to add quinn to the note.
"alright, i'll have to check it out. is she expecting me to pay for all your meals this weekend?" the older boy hummed, amusement on his features.
"i mean i won't complain if you do. i am a broke college student," the younger brunette grinned.
"good thing i make millions," samy hit her brother's arm for that comment making quinn laugh out loud.
"you better stay humble for someone making 8.6 million a year," the girl mumbled, still unbelievable that her brothers were that rich for doing something they genuinely loved doing. she knew she'd never make anywhere close to that even if she did put in the same amount of work.
either way, she secretly enjoyed bugging and asking her brothers for things knowing how much money they had and that they could definitely swing helping her out with groceries here and there.
"plus, you got your boyfriend making a good couple hundred thousand. you're in good hands," quinn added and samy just flushed, rolling her eyes slightly.
"don't worry, i know. i've been told many times that i should just drop out of college and move to san jose because will can support us," he poked at her every time about it and sometimes samy also still couldn't believe her childhood best friend now boyfriend was rich enough to support her and she didn't have to do a thing. "don't worry, i got you, squirt. welcome to luxury for the weekend," quinn grinned as he leaned back in his seat and really embraced his millionaire status inside his expensive car and fancy sunglasses atop his nose.
later that night, samy sat in quinn's apartment on facetime with their parents plus jack and luke so they could see she made it in safely.
"i'm so happy you had a safe flight! how is it so far?" ellen wondered with a bright smile while quinn slipped into frame.
"it's been really good. quinn's been a really great host," she pinched her brother's cheeks making him push her hands away.
"damn, i'm so jealous i'm not in vancouver right now. it could've been a reunion!" jack exclaimed.
"hey you get to see will in like a week when he plays you guys in jersey," samy smiled a bit, sad that she couldn't fly out for that reunion.
"yeah, i guess. how's quinn's? has he made you his weird protein shake yet?" the middle hughes wondered while luke snickered.
"dude, it's not that bad, i swear. it gets me up in the morning," quinn rolled his eyes.
"oh it's bad, don't try gaslighting yourself. if he does make it, don't drink it. it had me on the toilet for an hour," jack mumbled while samy laughed and ellen and jim just shook their heads.
"well, i'm glad you've been having a good time so far. it's rare that i see my kids getting along on their own," ellen chimed in.
"hey! we get along! what are you taking about?" luke defended himself.
"mhm, yeah, sure you do," jim chuckled.
"we do! i swear. at least jack and i kind of get along better," the second to youngest sibling patted jack's arm and the two boys gave their most convincing smile.
"key word: kind of," samy chirped.
"oh shut up," luke rolled his eyes at his sister.
"there it is," quinn mumbled, concealing his laughter so their parents or luke wouldn't see.
"well, anyway, it's good to see my kids sort of together. you two have fun in van this weekend! i want lots of pictures and tell will we said hi!" ellen cheered, breaking up the bickering before it got worse. her kids smiled, all nodding.
"will do. love you guys," samy waved before disconnecting from the call.
quinn jumped up from the couch to continue making dinner. the siblings sat in comfortable silence for a moment until the older boy decided to keep talking, "so how have you and will been doing? okay?"
"yeah, we're good. we talk like every night. it's good," the brunette nodded.
"good, i'm glad. i'm happy you guys worked things out," quinn nodded in approval.
"yeah, me too. we're still..readjusting, but it's been easy i think now that will's had time to settle into california and the team."
"that's good. i mean it'll take time, but i'm glad to hear it's been easy," samy appreciated her brother's words knowing some may think she took him back way too soon and way too easily.
"thanks. what about you? have you found anyone or been seeing anyone?" she loved poking into her brothers' lives. it wasn't easy with quinn considering how closed off he was and how easy it was for him to hide things because he lived in a different country.
"funny, but no. i haven't really been seeing anyone," the older boy hummed.
"lameee, we need to get you someone. i mean don't you have like girls lined at your feet?" samy giggled, thinking about all the edits she saw about her brothers on tiktok.
"very funny. i'm just trying to work on myself. is that a crime?"
"of course not, but i feel like mom's looking for another daughter," the younger brunette teased a bit.
"she'll find one in jack's girlfriend. i have a feeling he's getting married first out of all of us," it wasn't too out of character for jack since he was the middle child and all.
"you think so?"
"i mean i don't know, but yeah. he likes jumping into those things," quinn chuckled.
"yeah, i could see it. i think it will be jack, you, me, then luke. or luke and i are switched and i'm last."
"you last? that's surprising."
"well will and i aren't getting married anytime soon. we wanna live a bit and establish ourselves before anything serious," samy nodded. she wasn't too big on getting engaged so soon anyways. it was probably the only thing she wanted to take her time with other than having kids. that was a way later thing.
"alright, fair. i guess i could say the same. i'm not looking for anything," quinn shrugged. he wasn't huge on any of those life milestones knowing he'd find his person when he was ready.
"do you think you're gonna stay in van forever?" samy changed the subject, leaning her arm across the back of the couch and resting her head down.
"i mean probably. i've got a good few years left in me. plus, i like it here. it reminds me of being a kid and growing up in toronto," the older brunette smiled.
"i kind of miss living in toronto. i basically grew up there, you know?" a good 12 years of samy's life was spent in toronto and they were probably some of the best years.
"yeah, i know. they were good years for sure. you could always go back, you know. move back up there," it was definitely something quinn thought a lot about whenever he did decide to retire from the ice. even though he loved michigan, those times in toronto would always call back to him.
it called back to all of the hughes siblings.
"yeah, maybe when i'm like forty and will's retired," the girl grinned and quinn nodded in agreement.
the rest of the night, the two watched some hockey highlights and then a movie before calling it a night. samy excitedly awaited will's arrival tomorrow afternoon where he was able to pull a few strings and fly out early to spend a bit more time with her and quinn.
the two siblings rode back to the airport to gather will while samy continuously checked his flight to see if he had landed yet.
"the plane's not getting any closer every minute you look at it," the older boy laughed, watching the way his sister constantly looked at the website.
"i know, i'm just excited," the genuine happiness was a good look on samy that quinn enjoyed seeing. he hated seeing her so sad this past summer, so he was glad her spirits were back up and she was her usual, bubbly self.
"does this mean i'm gonna be third wheel for the rest of the weekend?"
"no, i promise. we'll just be all gross and kiss when you aren't looking," the girl laughed to herself while quinn rolled his eyes.
"great, great. thanks for having some decency," the boy mumbled but he was secretly smiling.
they pulled back into the airport pickup line where quinn started getting serious deja vu from yesterday. the two of them sat in comfortable silence on their phones and listening to the soft hum of the radio in the background. a few minutes passed when samy began hitting her brother's arm repeatedly, her face glowing.
"his plane landed! he should be coming out," she squealed, jumping out of the car. quinn followed after, the two of them leaning against the side waiting for the blonde.
the younger brunette was bouncing on her heels, scanning every face that came through the doors knowing will was bound to walk through them any second.
finally, will came through, his big hockey bag slung over his shoulder, backpack strapped to his back and sharks hat to cover his messy hair. samy jumped up, running to greet her boyfriend in the middle where quinn couldn't help the smile on his lips.
will dropped his bag so he could lift samy into his arms, the couple spinning around in their bone crushing hug. "missed you," the brunette hummed, pulling back a bit once her feet were back on the ground.
"i missed you, too. its so good to see you," will's hold on her waist drew her in closer, admiring all of her features up close after only seeing them through a screen for months.
"i'm so excited you're here. this is gonna be so fun," samy grinned and pulled her boyfriend down for a kiss, not caring that they were in public or who was watching.
they melted into one another, lips and bodies molding together. quinn, who was watching the entire exchange, pretended to act disgusted which pulled the two apart.
"sorry to break up this reunion, but maybe save that for back at the apartment?" he raised his eyebrow. samy rolled his eyes while will flushed, letting the girl go.
"good to see ya, smitty. it's been awhile," quinn opened his arms for a quick hug.
"it's good to see you, too, quinn. thanks for letting me stay for the weekend," the blonde smiled.
"my apartment is your apartment. although the ice will be a different story tomorrow," the older boy teased a bit, laughing when he saw will pale a bit.
"just kidding. it's gonna be a good game tomorrow. i'm excited to play you and see what you got," quinn smacked will's shoulder and a bit of a nervous chuckle left the blonde's lips.
"alright, don't scare him. let's get back," samy broke them up, tugging them back to the car so they could stop taking up a spot.
once quinn and samy helped will get settled in, the oldest hughes brother let the couple have some time to themselves. they sat out on the balcony curdled up together enjoying the nice weather and city below. it was nice de-stressor for will before the game, too.
"so how do you like it so far? be honest," samy wondered, referring to will's time in the nhl so far.
"i really like it. it's like a dream come true," will said honestly which made the girl smile.
"i'm really glad. you look like you've been thriving."
"i do miss boston and the guys and my family and michigan and you though. it's not the same not having all of you an arm's length away," the blonde frowned briefly, thinking of the boys and his parents on the other side of the country from him.
"i get it. we miss you, too, but i'm glad you've been loving it so far. you've got a pretty big name to yourself now," samy giggled while will rolled his eyes a bit.
"just so you know, i'm only thinking of you when i do those press interviews," his words made the youngest hughes blush, burying her face into his shoulder.
"i actually can't believe all of you are in the nhl now. it still feels like yesterday listening to you guys talk about that dream in our living room, or pretending you were playing a real game back on our rink in toronto," all of those memories were still so fresh in their minds, it was hard to believe it was nearly 10 years ago.
"wow, i remember those days. i was always so excited to fly to canada to visit you guys because i knew i'd get to play hockey," will chuckled.
"back when you were more interested in seeing my brothers than me," samy teased.
"only because we were like nine and thought we were gross and had cooties," the blonde countered and the two shared a laugh.
"i was telling quinn yesterday that i miss being out there. i spent my whole childhood there."
"yeah, toronto holds a lot of good memories for us. i miss it too. maybe we can go back one day?" will raised his eyebrows while a little grin appeared on his girlfriend's lips.
"i had the same thought. i said maybe when you're retired and we're like forty or something," they both laughed again.
"forty? i don't know if i'll be playing for that long. i'll probably be done at around 30 or so."
"so thirty. we'll set our plan now," samy determined and will squeezed his arm tighter around her torso, kissing the top of her head.
"sounds like a great plan."
the next morning the apartment was buzzing with excitement mixed with nerves and adrenaline. quinn had to be at the rink in the late afternoon and will needed to meet up with his team, so the three spent the morning getting themselves ready. samy was a bit torn trying to figure out what to wear, wanting to support both will and quinn.
"what do you think?" she stepped out of the bathroom to show off her outfit—a jean mini skirt paired with one of will's sharks shirts that had his name on the back and one of quinn's many canucks hats.
will fell silent as he took in her appearance when she did a full spin. the gears in his head started turning and a feeling he hadn't felt in a while bubbled in his chest.
the whole idea of playing in the nhl was something will dreamed of forever. dating his best friend was another unimaginable dream and now the two were colliding and knowing samy would be in the arena wearing his number and his name so everyone would know she was his...the blonde's brain nearly stopped working.
"will?" samy snapped will from his daze.
"huh? sorry. you look..wow.." he mumbled, losing his train of thought as he snaked his hands around her waist, drinking in her outfit even more.
"what's that mean?" the girl chuckled, noticing her boyfriend's lustful expression.
"i just..i'm so lucky. you look good wearing my name," will dipped his head down to place a kiss to samy's lips.
he pulled her flush against his chest, hands wandering with a mind of their own. samy fiddled with will's loosely buttoned undershirt and other hand dancing into his curls. the hockey player's hands drifted further down her hips until he grabbed ahold of her ass and squeezed. she giggled at the action.
they pulled back for a second, panting into one another's mouths. will wanted more. he craved more and so did samy, so they reattached their lips. a soft moan escaped will when samy pulled particularly hard on his hair. her lips felt so good against his own.
"god, you're so gorgeous," will pulled back, lips tinted from samy's pink lip gloss.
"right back at ya, hot stuff," the brunette winked and will couldn't stop himself. he dove back in for more, the desire burning from his head to the tips of his toes.
he backed her against the wall of the bedroom where his lips started dipping further down onto her neck. samy moaned when will found her sweet spot almost immediately, tugging harder at the base of his curls.
"will...people are gonna see," she said but she didn't make any move to pull him away.
"good, let them see," he said, the possession clear in his voice and fuck, if samy didn't find that super attractive.
"we should stop. you have to go soon," she tried knowing he was due to see his team in thirty minutes.
"how soon?" the blonde mumbled, still attacking samy's neck.
"like thirty minutes."
"i can do it in ten," his words sent a rush of heat down the girl's spine, but she knew they couldn't. not now anyways.
"will, not now. later, i promise," she finally found the courage to pull him away from her. he looked back up, breath heavy and lips swollen in pink. he was such a sight to see that had samy wishing they didn't have to go.
"i'm keeping you to that promise then," will smirked.
a quick knock on the door caught their attention, the two of them tensing slightly. "yeah?"
"leaving in fifteen!" quinn called.
"be out soon!" samy yelled back, returning her gaze to her boyfriend's burning stare, placing one last kiss to his lips.
"you're gonna do amazing out there. don't be nervous. you know how quinn plays."
"i know, i know. just scared he'll rip me to shreds," the blonde mumbled with a low chuckle, samy going to help him get himself together as she buttoned up his shirt. 
"even if he does, know he's trying to push you and help you get better," samy knew quinn wasn't going easy on will tonight, but she also knew he was gonna use all the tactics he knew that would push the blonde out of his comfort zone a little to get him to play harder. 
it was how luke played on will too whenever they went head to head back in michigan. 
the two finished getting ready, slipping out of the bedroom as quinn was making sure he had everything and everything was turned off before they left. 
"nice touch," the older boy noticed his sister's hat, smiling a bit as he flicked it up. 
"don't worry, i didn't forget about you," she cheesed as the three of them headed down to the garage. 
quinn dropped will off around the back of the rink where the sharks were gathering in the locker room. the siblings wished the blonde luck before they drove back around to the front and the cameras and media were waiting for them. 
"good luck, quinn. i'll see you later," samy smiled as she climbed out of the car. 
"thanks, squirt. text me if you need anything before we get on," the two departed as samy headed to the doors and quinn headed towards the cameras to capture the player's game day outfits and walk up. 
rogers arena was electric leading up to the game. samy had her spot just behind the canucks bench behind the glass where quinn wanted her incase she needed his attention or something—always looking out for his baby sister even during the game. the two waved to one another before samy searched for will doing his warmups. the black and dark teal was a nice addition to the away game jeresey's and she spotted her boyfriend a little bit further down. 
the fans were excited for this matchup, canucks fans loud and eager to get the game underway against the two newest rookies on the sharks. macklin skated by, quickly waving to the brunette. she grinned, waving back and giving two thumbs up indicating good luck. 
the game revved up quickly as quinn took to the ice against will in the first period. samy saw how much the sharks were improving with each game, but she knew the canucks still had the upper hand with their older players and more experience. she was on the edge of her seat watching her boyfriend and bother race towards the puck sliding across the ice. 
quinn was up in will's business, pushing and shoving the younger boy for the puck, so will pushed back harder. the two were basically dancing with one another, the older hughes brother making will work for it. 
some of the other canucks players bumped against the blonde and then in the next second, he was on the ground from a hit. the whistle blew, but will bounced back up, a little flustered but okay. it was a clean hit, so no penalties. samy sighed and then made eye contact with her brother as he skated towards the bench. cool off a bit her look said while quinn just shrugged, but he understood. 
at the end of the first, canucks were up 2-0. samy texted her parents updates even though they were also probably watching. she sent quick messages to gabe and ryan as well as hannah. 
ur brother's got killer aim
tell me about it
he's making will work for it
during every intermission, the cameras always panned to the players' family members if they were in the stands. when the jumbotron showed samy she quickly waved and pointed to her canucks hat. the fans cheered, always excited to see quinn's siblings or parents in attendance. 
the second and third periods played out almost the same as the first. the guys were fast on the ice for the puck and scoring goals. canucks led now by 5-3 and samy knew this would be another loss on the sharks side. she knew it'd discourage the boys, but there was definitely improvement from last game. will got his stick on the puck a few times, passing to his line, but still not enough to over power the older guys on the canucks team. 
when the game ended the fans cheered loudly for quinn's team. samy cheered for her brother too while also giving will and macklin a smile for trying their best. she knew press would take some time, so the girl mingled with fans as they left the rink and back into the lobby. 
she enjoyed getting to talk to girls who looked up to her and parents who congratulated her on having a good soccer season so far, asking questions about conference games and the national title coming up soon. 
will came out before quinn now showered and back in his suit. samy made her way over to him, giving him a loving hug and kiss on the cheek, "sorry you lost, but you played well." 
"thanks, it's okay. i knew we would against quinn. he definitely pushed me though," the blonde chuckled. 
"see, i told you. not too bad," samy grinned, squeezing his arm as the couple waited for quinn. 
he came out a few minutes later, waving to the two. "press wants some pics of all of us around back. is that okay?" the older boy wondered while samy and will nodded. 
they followed the older boy around the back where the media snapped a few pictures of the siblings and will together to share online later. once those were done, the three climbed back into the car to head back to the apartment, feeling exhausted from the long night. 
quinn's ringtone started playing through the car as ellen's name lit up the screen. the older brunette answered, "hi mom." 
"hey quinny, great game! you guys back at the apartment in once piece?" the older woman said. 
"we're on our way back right now. samy and will are here." 
"hi mom," the younger girl called. 
"hi ellen," will said too. 
"hi guys. sorry you guys lost, willie. you played really well, though. it can be tough with these big, old nhl players," ellen chuckled. 
"mom, are you calling me old?" quinn cut in as samy giggled too. 
"yeah, i am. just wanted to check in with you guys and make sure everyone had fun. any plans for tonight?" 
the three exchanged a glance, the silence taken as probably nothing since the late game tired all of them out. "probably a movie or something. kind of beat," quinn answered. 
"i bet. well, have fun guys! i'll talk to you soon. love you." 
"love you too, mom," samy and quinn said in unison, giggles escaping both of their lips. 
once they got back into the apartment, samy collapsed onto the couch, glad to be back in a warm temperatures and not on a frozen metal bench. will copied her movements, falling down beside her while quinn chuckled at their behavior. 
"you guys can pick out whatever movie. want anything to eat?" the older boy wondered as he started shedding himself of his tie. 
"whatever you wanna make, we'll eat," samy said. 
"got it," quinn disappeared into his room. 
"so one day this really could be our life," will hummed, breaking the small silence that had filled between the couple. 
"it really could," the brunette agreed as her eyes flicked around her brother's apartment. 
"only...2 more years?" the blonde raised his eyebrow. 
"possibly depending on what career path i choose," samy reached up to mess with some of the misplaced curls hanging off will's forehead. 
"sounds like a dream," the boy smiled warmly, moving so their heads were touching. 
"yeah, for real." 
will went in to press a sweet kiss to samy's lips, all the love in his chest feeling full and abundant. they pulled apart knowing quinn would come back out any second. 
"also i think ryan and gabe wanted to facetime to say hey and talk about the game," samy giggled while the blonde playfully rolled his eyes. 
"of course they did. don't forget about that promise you made to me earlier," the boy grinned as samy stood up to change into something more comfortable. 
"oh, don't worry. i didn't forget," she winked, heading into the guest room leaving will to quickly follow after her. 
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gojoidyll · 6 hours
kiss me before you go
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gojo x wife!reader pt. 2
have you ever gotten everything you ever wanted? no. but i once got very close.
pt. 1
note | I've rewritten this 7 times...and I still don't like how it turned out 😭
@acornwinter @shokosbunny @tw0fvced @thesunxwentblack @roscpctals99 @mononlogue @meg3mis @lailamatepeque @iamrgo @crookedtimetravelheart @jsprien213 @avaliniko @mischeif-maker @theepitomeofswag @akio-ayashi
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You greeted the teen as he fell in step with you as you traversed the hallway. Any other day, the boy will be going on a mission with his classmates. However, it seems like he has gotten a day off.
You smiled slightly. You remember when you first met him. It was at breakfast after your wedding night. You both were sitting at the dining table. His face was neutral while your’s was smeared with tears.
“So, you’re G-“
“Don’t call me by his last name,” but when you looked at the boy, you did feel a tinge of regret. You didn’t mean to snap at him like that, “just please… call me y/n.”
The boy nodded and introduced himself as Megumi, and from that day on you both have become sort of friends. At least, he was the only human being around you that didn’t kiss the ground that Gojo walked on.
“What is it?”
“Can you train me today?”
You glanced at him. Usually that stuff would be handled by Gojo, “sure,” you decided not to question it.
Though, even as you knocked Megumi on his ass for the tenth time that day, you did start to get a little curious. And Megumi seemed to sense that curiosity just fine.
“Well,” you said as you helped him up, “unless you’re trying to figure out how to fall gracefully, you haven’t exactly been learning anything. I can tell your mind is elsewhere.”
Megumi sighed as he dusted himself off, “I guess I’m just wondering about something myself.”
“Like what?”
“You and Gojo.”
Your face was quick to contort into something bordering on annoyance making Megumi smile ever so slightly.
“What about him,” you managed to mutter.
“I guess I’m just wondering why you two don’t like each other…”
“And why are you wondering about it now? Why didn’t you question it when you were younger?”
“Because I saw how Gojo acted with you in that sushi restaurant. He seemed like a normal husband then, as for why I didn’t question it then… well, my dad already walked out on me. I guess I just didn’t want to say anything to you because I didn’t want you to leave like he did.”
As he was talking, you did pick up on one thing immediately. Gojo hasn’t told the kid that he killed his dad.
The second thing…
“You know, at one point I thought Gojo was the one. We knew each other throughout school, went on missions together, but we never dated. We didn’t even know our clans were setting us up on an arranged marriage.”
“If you two were friends, then what changed?”
“A loss of freedom.”
Megumi frowned at that, “what do you mean?”
“When we first got the news. I was ecstatic. I was going to marry my friend who I’ve always had feelings for. But, unlike me, it had the opposite effect on Gojo. He started avoiding me, acting colder. Even on our wedding day he acted like marrying me was even worse than fighting a cursed spirit. It was then that I realized what was truly happening. He didn’t have a choice anymore, and I ruined that for him. If I fought with my parents, begged them to reconsider, then I imagine Gojo would be free man right now…”
You smiled at that before turning your attention back to Megumi, “understand now?”
“Have you ever gotten anything you wanted, sensei?”
You mulled over the question, and even thought back to when you would see Gojo smile so genuinely at you. How he would hold your hand without his infinity as a barricade. How he would lean into you and whisper in your ear something funny and you both would laugh at the joke whilst everyone else was unaware. Or at how he confessed that he really loved-
“No. But I once got very close.”
You turned your head to see principal Yaga.
“You have a mission.”
“Understood,” you looked to Megumi, “don’t miss me for too long. I’ll be sure to come back and wipe the floor with you again.”
Megumi shook his head at you, “right. Be safe, sensei.”
“No promises.”
Even when you left and Megumi was left on the training field, he could tell that you were sad.
"Maybe i shouldnt have brought it up at all."
"Brought up what?"
He felt someone throw an arm over his shoulder causing him to groan internally.
"It's nothing."
"It can't possibly be nothing! Especially since you look like you got the shit beaten out of you!"
Megumi glared at his teacher, but the man only grinned at his student.
"And judging by the cursed energy on you, I'm guessing it was my wife, huh?"
"Can't hear you~"
"It was!"
Gojo chuckled lightly at his student's obvious annoyance.
"So, mind telling me why you're sparring with her and not me?"
"I just wanted to ask her a few things was all..."
"Like what?"
Before Megumi could say it wasn't anything important, they were interrupted. Gojo's ringtone was alarmingly loud as it broke through the hanging silence.
Gojo answered it with a groan when he noticed it was Ichiji.
"What is it now? I just got done with a mission-"
"It's y/n! We need- we need backup immediately!"
"I'm on my way."
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