#(why does the universe hate me)
beausbugbiome · 1 month
Hope you feel better soon!
Here's a nice bug
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Aww what a wonderful little fellow! Thank you so much!
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love4myg · 2 months
fucking end me rn.
the document i wrote my wip on got deleted, and the writing software i use isn’t letting me use the undo button or shit so i can’t get it back.
i’m actually gonna cry. wtf do you mean the first 10k words of my wip is just gone?!
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kip-has-fleas · 7 months
breaking news: trans boy has a crush on a lesbian who is dating (part two)
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honeycologne · 11 months
Its late and I felt a bit ill, so I put on some audio adventures for the comfort…
it was Scherzo.
I was not comforted.
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aquareegia · 5 months
put my mattress on the floor bc I'm too paranoid the bed will completely collapse. guess me and my plushie gang are sleeping on the floor now.
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lqcb97 · 1 year
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justsomecreature97 · 2 months
A beautiful bisexual man asked me a favor, metaphorically begging on his knees, and I crumbled like the weak gender-fluid bitch that I am.
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sowhatsthesituation · 4 months
Guys I don't think the universe wants me to watch s17 of Taskmaster
I'm missing it again this week
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kairos-in-space · 3 months
i just realized i am most likely going to be on my period on my birthday
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saintlaurentproblems · 4 months
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delulu-4-lewlew · 4 months
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for George. But this could have at least been a 1-2.
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shy-fairy-levele3 · 8 months
I am so mad!
It's supposed to snow for the next FOUR DAYS and of course on the weekend I actually have plans.
The only thing I wanted, the only thing I actually asked for, for Christmas was a ticket to a play. I am supposed to go tomorrow, but who knows if buses will be running, or if the play will even go on?
If it's cancelled I just might cry and scream like a child until I pass out.
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skrunklymice · 1 year
I just lost my discord account. I'm going to go and crawl into a hole and never come out again because WHAT THE FUCK.
Okay so I just tried to change my email because I haven't used it in a while and because I DONT HAVE ACCESS TO IT ANYMORE. So when I was going to go change it it told me to put in a verification code that was sent to that email even though,I litteraly can't because I deleted it so now I'm fucked because i logged out of it and i need that email but Google decided to fuck me over aswell by refusing to let me restore the email.And I'm more pissed off then sad because this fucking ridiculous and I hate discord so much AAAAASJDHDJSJ.
And now I have to make a new one great. But ig it's not too bad because I didn't have alot of important stuff on that account other than the gs discord server so yeahh..
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk and now I'm going to continue to be mad at the world and ask it why it hates me
(Edit: I made a new acc and it's rancid_rat_hairz :3)
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unityrain24 · 9 months
are you serious. my painting professor is fucking mormon?
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aquareegia · 7 months
hate that bc of my hormone issues I gain weight by literally just looking at a donut but barely lose any weight 😭
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hippielittlemetalhead · 11 months
I took a couple hits off my stiizy before a shower thinking I had Sativa in it and now I'm thinking it was Indica cause I'm feeling droopy and like I need a nap. I have places to be, I'm supposed to be driving to a date soon!
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