#(which! would have been nice to see or hear about at some point since hair braiding was a time of community for ancient africans)
lavandulawrites · 2 days
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Yandere Kinich x reader
This idea came to me when suddenly and I just had to write it down asap
Synopsis: Ajaw has finally found someone he considers his friend. He is however not the only one. The normally arrogant dragon, finds it fascinating how Kinich is spiralled deep into love and obsession.
Warnings: written in Ajaw’s point of view, Ajaw sees reader as both a friend and a motherly figure, murder, dismembering, Kinich is both down bad and insane, Ajaw cares (?!), drugging, abduction
Word count: 1058
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Ajaw found the black haired man to be extremely annoying. He rarely showed any signs of hurt by his remarks and he put him in timeout way too often. He was in other words stupid and a sorry excuse of a man. Ajaw could feel himself greying in anger at the thought of his dismissal. You however, were different. You were kind (nauseating so) and you always brought Ajaw tasty snacks (as he deserved naturally). You entertained him in various means, unlike a certain useless man.
You were the only human Ajaw tolerated. And he made it known to you. For that’s how kind the Almighty Dragonlord was. To both his dismay and his curiosity, he was not the only one who thought highly of you. Oh, far from it.
Ajaw tried to stay out of human concerns as much as possible (it was after all offensive to his greatness to be a associated with humans), but he found it fascinating how much Kinich cared for you. He would always bring you food if you had forgotten to bring any, put on sunscreen for you (Ajaw found it gross how Kinich’s face reddened at the feel of your skin, he could sometimes swear he could see him wetting his lips like a hungry dog. Disgusting), take you on picnics and buy you gifts. The great dragon never got such nice things from him, even when he had been on his best behaviour.
When Kinich had managed to persuade you to try bungee jumping with him, Ajaw had for the first time in his life not had the desire to cut the rope and let you fall straight down with a splat. It was a weird feeling.
Conflict always seemed to rise whenever you were conversing with someone who wasn’t Ajaw nor Kinich. Ajaw was only offended that you speared another human your time instead of bringing him snacks, but Kinich was seething. His jaw was clenched so hard Ajaw could almost hear his teeth breaking in half. His fist tight causing the veins on his arms to stand out like a sore thumb. He clearly always intimidated the stranger enough that he or she left in a hurry. Had Ajaw not been as strong and amazing as he was, he would himself have been frightened.
Your naivety and kindness was something that clearly troubled his servant. He always worried about you and always came up with poor excuses to see you (be it meeting you or watching from the shadows). Normally would Ajaw not help him, no he would rather have sabotaged him, but since it was you he lend him his hand. You were clearly rather weak compared to the raven haired man and himself. Shorter than Kinich and not a fighter. Which was something the hazel eyed man seemed to appreciate.
Following you around became an everyday occurrence and Ajaw for once helped Kinich. When Kinich asked him for his help to orchestra a dangerous situation where he would come in and save the day, he didn’t think twice before agreeing.
He still wanted his body, but it was no longer his main focus. It was a strange shift in his behaviour, but not unwelcome. It was nice to have a friend after all.
Months had passed and both him and Kinich had gotten closer to you. It was clear as day to Ajaw that the ancient name bearer was head over heels. Especially when he caught him sniffing some clothes he had stolen from you. Ajaw never let that go and tormented him with it whenever he saw fit.
It was a lazy sunny afternoon when Kinich came barging into their home. His eyes were blown wide in rage and his limbs shaking. Ajaw was an expert in recognising blood thirst and Kinich oozed of it.
“The fuck are you barging in for, you useless fool?!” the dragon trumped his foot angrily on the air.
“Shut up, Ajaw. I need your help.”
“Don’t talk to the Almighty Dragonlord like that!! I should teach you a lesson! And why on earth should I help you?” he crossed his arms and raised a brow.
“It’s regarding [Name]” he didn’t need to say more for Ajaw to agree to help.
The forest was thick and dark. Mist covered the ground as far as they could see. Kinich had swung his claymore without his help and already ended the puny man’s life. That was he got for being a treat to your well being he had said. Ajaw had to agree.
Kinich dragged the body through the forest creating a bloody trail behind them. The metallic scent hung heavy in the air causing Ajaw to bare his teeth. Such an awful smell.
The man was as useless in death as he was alive. Heavy he was too, judging by the laboured breathing of the normally strong man.
The body was thrown on a makeshift table of old wooden planks. Thin fingers ran over the many knifes and cleavers in the worn knife roll. It was obvious to the yellow dragon that this wasn’t the first time Kinich had dismembered someone. It was a mystery just how many he had slain in the name of protecting you.
With a giddy smile, Ajaw watched as he lifted the sharp cleaver and started working. The bald easily cut through the flesh. With furrowed brows he worked around the bones with the precision of the most talented butcher. It was an eerie sight; the black haired drenched in blood.
After about an hour or so, he was finished. “Do you know of a good place to dispose of this?” he asked the dragon.
He watched through his sunglasses of your struggle. It was fascinating how you thought you could overpower the taller man in your drugged state. Kinich was clearly irritated which made the sight even more entertaining. It had been so fast. Before you know it you were drugged by the juice Kinich had so kindly offered you and brought home to the two of them. Not that Ajaw was on to complain. He found your company enjoyable and he even cared for you.
He couldn’t wait to see how this would unfold. What would happen first? Would you accept your fate or would Kinich finally, properly snap?
Only time would tell.
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bayofwolves · 19 days
how did abeke take care of her braids when the team was on a mission is what i want to know
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luveline · 3 months
I can’t remember if you’ve done one yet of Jack being jealous of the new baby not because of his dad’s attention but because of readers!
“Jack, Jack, Jack,” Aaron says, hands on Jack’s shoulders where his son sits at the kitchen table, “I forgot to tell you, I got you a present.” 
“What kind?” Jack asks, used to presents by now. There’s been books, crayons, and enough toy cars to fill his parking garage to the brim. 
“What kind do you think?” 
He likes when his dad speaks like that. Aaron’s a peppy dad, he says everything in an altered bubbly tone that makes Jack smile, but his best voice is the soft one. Lightly teasing. He hugs Jack with one arm from behind, pressing his nose to Jack’s hair momentarily. 
“A big one?” Jack asks. 
“Sort of…” Aaron smiles. “Do you want me to go get it?” 
Jack’s about to say yes with a laugh, his excitement like a warm flame just below an outheld hand, but he stops when he hears a familiar gurgly sound and your loving laughter. 
“I know, baby.” That’s your voice, tired and soft as his father’s. “You’re exhausted. Let me give you a little squeeze before you sleep, hm? You’ll cry yourself awake if I don’t, you get all those trapped burps.” You laugh to yourself.
Jack sighs and turns back to his drawing. “Okay, dad,” he says, clearly monotonous. 
Aaron frowns behind his head. “Okay, buddy. It’s in the den.” 
“Okie dokie.” 
“Jack,” he says, and not a lot else. 
Aaron can’t wrap his head around it. Jack was so, so excited for Noah. He bragged to everyone at school that his step-mom was having a baby, that he’d have a little brother, and that they were all moving into a big house with a nice yard to play soccer. Jack and Noah Hotchner, best friends since the minute Noah was born. Or, that’s what you and Aaron hoped for.
It started well. Jack is gentle, and he’s understanding; he realised the baby would need extra care, and he’s done nothing but kiss and cuddle his new brother whenever they’re together. You got him a sound machine and some custom fitted earplugs for the long nights of crying, you never put Noah before him if you could help it. Aaron even pencilled in an hour of Jack time each day, but it isn’t working anymore. Jack’s just sad. 
The present is a jigsaw puzzle. A thousand pieces of guaranteed time spent together, but Aaron doesn’t have high hopes. 
He takes the two short steps down into the den to meet your eyes, shaking his head slowly. “I don’t know,” he mouths. 
You pat the baby’s back. “Well, I might have a suggestion.”
He couldn’t want to hear it more. “Tell me.” 
You hold his baby (your baby but his more urgently, the feeling an ache in his chest and hands) still as small and curled as a rabbit against your chest. Noah’s legs twitch in his onesie, his dark hair short where it brushes your lips. “I think maybe Jack misses me. I miss him, and I’m the grown up. I feel like I barely see him even though we’re living in the same house.” 
Aaron pauses, resting the jigsaw puzzle on the sideboard.
There’s no point in underselling the importance of you in Jack's life. You’re integral to Jack’s happiness, and Aaron can’t believe he hadn’t thought of your suggestion before now; he’s amazed by his own ego. Of course Jack misses you. You spend half your life nursing, which is half a life away from you he didn’t feel before.
“That’s what it is,” Aaron says. 
“Yeah?” you ask. 
He takes Noah from your arms, settling him on the slope of his chest. “If it isn’t, we might be out of answers.” Aaron rubs Noah’s back with delight. It’s nice to see a solution to Jack’s upset in sight, and nice to hold the baby while he’s in a good mood. “Seriously, honey. I think you’re right.” 
“What are we gonna do if it isn’t me?” 
“Give this one back?” 
“That’s not funny.” 
“Sorry, I’m kidding!” He gives Noah a little soft kiss. “Just kidding, beautiful. You’re all mine.” 
You take the jigsaw and give him a smile that borders shy. If his arms weren’t full he’d take your wrist in his hand and hold it for a while, but there’s stuff to do. You emerge from the den to the kitchen and Aaron follows. 
Jack immediately spins in his seat. Aaron doesn’t need to be a profiler to know your theory is correct. The change in Jack is unmissable. 
“Y/N,” he says, hiding his hope poorly. 
You show him the jigsaw. “I know it’s supposed to be your time with dad, but maybe it can be time with me instead? What do you think?” 
“Yeah!” You pop the jigsaw in front of him without crushing his drawings. “Can we? I miss you.” 
“I miss you!” he says. 
“Yeah?” You brush his hair back. “You do?” 
“I do, I want to do the puzzle with you! Can we do it?” 
Your smile is part relief, part love. You hook a chair with your ankle and pull it under you as you sit, fingernail already scratching at the plastic wrap on the puzzle to pull it open. “We’re gonna do it right now.” 
The puzzle is a lot of pieces, you’ve barely completed the frame when it’s time for everyone to head to bed, but, reluctant, you and Jack sit at the table where Jack’s climbed into your lap for a ‘better view’, and you’ve wrapped your arms around him, occasionally loosing an arm to direct him to a right piece. The baby put to bed, Aaron pretends to pay more attention to cleaning the kitchen than he’s truly doing, finding himself leaning against the counter with a sterilised bottle in hand as you stroke Jack’s hair. 
“You know I love you?” you ask quietly. 
“Duh. You tell me all the time.” 
“I don’t want you to forget.” 
“I don’t.” 
Jack snaps a puzzle piece in to place and preens at your murmured, “Good job. Maybe we can try to do some of this every night you’re home?” 
Jack doesn’t cry, but it ties Aaron’s heart into a knot anyways when he turns into your chest to hug you tightly. “Okay,” Jack says, voice muffled by your t-shirt. 
You pat his back. His hands scrunch up like he’s worried you’re gonna pull away. 
“Can I get in on this?” Aaron asks. 
“No,” you both say. 
Jack rubs his cheek into your collar. He doesn’t want to share. “No, dad. It’s not your time.” 
He supposes he does get you every night. “Fine. I love you, though.” 
“Love you too.” 
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izzyy-stuff · 2 months
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bsf!beomgyu x fem!reader
in which your roommate keeps going through your packages, so you decide your next order will get delivered to your best friend's place instead.
wc 3.9k
warnings pet names, best friends to ???, sex toy, mutual masturbation, fingering, oral, unprotected sex + creampie, overstimulation I might have forgotten some
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You were lying in your bed, your back against the wall, and a book in your hands. After spending the whole day at your job, a calm evening with your favorite book was something you needed.
You looked up at the sound of something falling coming from the hallway. Your roommate, you assumed. 
“Are you okay there?” You called, carefully listening to see if she would answer. But instead, you saw the door of your room open in one swift motion, making your eyes widen. “I am stealing these two,” she proclaimed, holding up two red tops. Clothes you ordered, you realized. “No, you’re not,” you answered calmly, closing your book and putting it on your side. “Those are things I paid for.” 
“But they would look so cute on me!” She protested, putting one in front of her shirt to show you. “See? It fits me perfectly!” 
“Put it back into the box.” 
You saw her pout as she turned around, murmuring something you couldn’t hear. You shook your head in disbelief, reaching for your book again. “And stop going through my packages!” You yelled after her, only being met by a simple “Yeah” from her. 
You sighed, knowing you couldn’t count much on what she said. She would open your next package again, no matter what it was or if you told her not to. You didn’t know why she did that, but it had been months since she started, and you had no idea what to do with it. 
That was why you were at your best friend's apartment now, complaining about it while he sat in his gaming chair, only partly listening to what you were saying as he had his left earbud in his ear to hear the game on his screen, too. 
“I don’t know, just order it to my place,” he proclaimed, unbothered. You knew he didn't care about your rant at the moment. He was too focused on his game. “Nice!” He yelled as he killed another enemy. You flinched, unprepared for the scream. “Can’t you turn the game off for a minute and actually listen to me?” You mumbled, becoming annoyed at how you always had to compete with some computer game for his attention. 
“Sweetheart, this is League we are talking about. No, I cannot turn it off,” he shook his head as if he couldn’t believe you seriously asked him that. “I just need to finish this fight, and then you’ll have my full attention. Give me ten minutes, yeah?” 
“Sure, Gyu,” you mumbled back, looking down into your lap.
Beomgyu, your best friend, has been in your life since high school. You two grew to be inseparable over the years, going through thick and thin together, but there was still something you couldn’t get used to, no matter what. He loved calling you nicknames as if the two of you were dating. Things like sweetheart, love, and angel were something you heard almost every day, but it still got you flustered each time. 
“Okay, I am all yours now, angel,” Beomgyu turned around on his chair, taking out his earbud to prove his point. You glanced at his monitor, noticing he had won the game. You smiled slightly, your eyes falling on your best friend right after. “So as I was saying,” you started again. “She still keeps going through all my stuff. She is home more often than I am, so she always gets to it first, and then the next thing I know, my package is opened, and half my clothes are missing,” you huffed, fixing your hair so it wouldn’t get in front of your face. 
“Like I said, just get it shipped here. I don’t care as long as you will come to pick it up, and I don’t have to get it to you,” Beomgyu shrugged, his eyes following every movement of your hand as you tugged your hair behind your ears. “You wouldn’t mind? I swear I will try not to order that many things.” 
“Anything for you. You know that,” Beomgyu nodded, catching the redness in your cheeks as the words left his mouth. His lips formed a smirk, but he kept quiet. He knew the memory of you blushing at what he said wouldn't leave his mind anytime soon, though. 
And just like that, you started putting his address under all your orders. It didn't matter if you ordered new clothes, lingerie, or books, you always shipped it to his house because you knew he wouldn’t open it. No matter how much of a tease and asshole he was sometimes, he still had some respect for you. 
You whined as you opened your eyes at the sound of new messages on your phone. Ready to curse out whoever was texting you, you grabbed your phone from under your pillow, closing your eyes again when the screen light almost blinded you. 
Beomgyu has sent you a voicemail. You read from your phone, scoffing. Of course, it was Beomgyu. Who else would bother you so early? You tiredly clicked the play button, putting your phone down next to you and closing your eyes again, deciding to go back to sleep right after listening to it. 
“So, first of all, good morning, angel,” he proclaimed, his raspy morning voice echoing through your room. You weren’t ready for that. Nothing could prepare you for how close he sounded. It felt as if he was lying right beside you, whispering those words in your ear. You found yourself whisper-moaning, his voice sending shivers all over your body. You were fucked. Or more like - you needed to be fucked. 
“Second of all, I just got one of your packages. It’s light, so I assume it’s some clothes? I know I usually let it be as it is until you decide to pick it up, but I will be close to your apartment later so I can drop it off,” he informed you, but if you were honest, you weren’t even listening to what he was saying. All you could think about now was how the word Angel rolled on his tongue and how you needed him to call you that in his morning voice again. 
“That’s all I need. Sorry if I woke you up. Just let me know if I should bring it or not, alright? Okay, I need to get ready. I’ll talk to you later, sweetheart.” 
You breathed out as the voicemail finished, your thighs rubbing together without you even noticing at first. It’s been a long time since you last had good sex. That must be why you were behaving like this. It had nothing to do with your best friend's voice and his habit of calling you nicknames. Definitely not. 
“Oh, for fucks sake, Beomgyu,” you whined, your eyes now opened as you reached into your top drawer. You hesitated as you grabbed your vibrator, glancing at your phone again. It was wrong. You knew you shouldn’t be horny from your best friend’s voice, but you couldn’t help it. 
You pressed play once again, your hand slowly sliding into your pajama shorts as he greeted you good morning. You were wet already, and it was all thanks to his stupid hot voice. You whined as your finger carefully thrusted into your cunt, trying to turn on the vibrator with your other hand but failing miserably. “Fuck, what now?” You grunted, glancing at the toy. “No, no, no, do not die on me now,” you cried, seeing as it refused to turn on. It wasn’t that long since you charged it, so you knew there wasn’t a problem with that. 
You threw it aside, giving up on trying to figure it out as the voicemail came to an end again. It was too short. Not only Beomgyu's voice note but also your fingers. You needed something more. 
An hour later, you were back in your bed. After finally managing to finish on your fingers, you went to take a shower before you ran off to your room, taking your laptop. You scrolled for a little longer than you had expected you would before you finally found a new sex toy you liked. You knew you needed to buy the rose toy right after stumbling upon it. 
You hesitated as you started filling out the shipping address, biting your bottom lip. You knew you couldn’t have it delivered to your apartment. It would be a disaster if your roommate got to the package before you, but sending it to Beomgyu didn’t sound much better. After everything that happened in the morning, you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to ship it to his place. 
Still, you wrote down his address. In the worst-case scenario, you would blush as he handed you the package. There was nothing worse that could happen.
Or so you thought. 
“Yes, angel?” Your best friend asked immediately as he picked up your call. You cleared your throat, almost forgetting everything you wanted to say the moment he spoke. “Uhm, about the clothes. You don’t have to get it to me today,” you proclaimed, glancing at your laptop. “I just ordered another thing, so I’ll pick it up on Friday.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t mind taking it to you, really.” 
“It’s fine, Gyu,” you shook your head. “I’ll come get it on Friday.” 
“Okay,” he nodded, deciding it wasn’t worth it to convince you. “We can do our movie night then too, what do you think? Instead of Saturday if you’re already going to be here,” Beomgyu suggested. 
“Why not?” You agreed, smiling when he started telling you about a movie he already had in mind. This was how you two were supposed to be. Friends who talk about unimportant things on a call. Not lovers or anything similar. That was the last time you got off to his voice. You told yourself confidently. You had to get rid of whatever weird crush on your best friend you were getting. 
Beomgyu groaned as he saw his character die, his head hitting the back of his chair. Nothing was going his way today. It was already the third game he lost, and Soobin’s laugh wasn’t helping much. “Man, you suck today.” Beomgyu rolled his eyes at him, about to press ready again when his doorbell rang. “Well, good thing I am ending for today then.” 
“Hey, don’t get pouty now. Let’s keep playing,” Soobin tried to stop him from leaving, but the next thing he knew, Beomgyu was already off the game. “You’re not seriously pissed, are you?” 
“No,” Beomgyu shook his head, disconnecting his headphones and taking his phone with Soobin still on the call to the door. “But someone is at the door, and my girl is coming later, remember?” 
“She is not your girl,” Soobin reminded him. “She basically is,” the younger male argued immediately. “Anyways, I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Soobin shook his head at him. “At least make a move on her if you want to call her your girl.” With a quick “Mhm,” Beomgyu hung up the call, putting his phone into his pocket as he opened the front door, being met by the delivery guy. 
“Y/n y/l?” The older male asked, looking up from the package at the boy. “That’s my girlfriend,” Beomgyu proclaimed, reaching his hand towards the package. “Do you need me to sign anything?” 
“No, no need,” the delivery guy shook his head, tilting his head as he looked at Beomgyu. “I guess not all young guys can fulfill their girlfriend’s needs,” he laughed, handing him the box. 
Beomgyu stared at him confusedly, not saying anything as the older male left. He had to blink a few times to get back to reality, closing the front door again. He looked down at the box in his hands, and then, it hit him. He noticed the shop’s name written right above his address, scoffing. You were unbelievable, sending sex toys to his house as if it was nothing. He was sure you were crazy. 
He sat on the couch in his living room, putting his phone on a speaker and placing it next to him so he would have his hands empty. You picked up almost immediately, creating a smirk on his face as he tore open the box. 
“Is this what’s popular now?” He wondered, the sound catching your attention immediately. “A rose toy? Is that what you’re into?” He continued, making your eyes widen. “Beomgyu, what are you doing?” You asked, a wave of anxiety rushing through your whole body. “Calling you, what else,” Beomgyu answered, and you swore you could see the smirk on his face. “We agreed I would call you when your package arrives so you can come over. So I am calling.” 
“You should come fast. I am curious how this one works,” Beomgyu mumbled, hanging up on you before you could say anything else. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you hid your head in your hands. Why did he have to open that box from all the possible ones you had sent to his house?? You whined, having no idea what to expect from him. He always made fun of you. That was somehow his love language, so surely he didn’t mean he was curious for real, right? You’d like to believe that was the case. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you knocked on the familiar door, more nervous than when you came to his place for the first time. It didn’t take much longer for your best friend to open the door for you, a grin on his face. 
“Do not look at me like that,” you warned him, feeling hotter the more you looked at him, his dark eyes staring into yours. “I am not looking at you anyhow, sweetheart,” he grinned even more, making you scoff as you walked past him inside. You were too nervous to look at him any longer. 
“Whatever, I am just going to get my stuff and leave,” you mumbled, noticing your box with clothes next to his couch. “Where’s…” You started, sighing. “The other thing?” You turned around to face him, your eyes widening when you saw him holding up your new sex toy. “Fuck, Beomgyu, give it to me,” you tried to take it away from him immediately, but he only raised his hand higher, taking advantage of the fact that he was taller than you. “Wish you said that in a different context,” he leaned down to your ear, sending shivers all over your body. 
“Shut up,” you blurted out, knowing your face was red like a tomato. “Make me,” Beomgyu smirked, not taking his eyes off you. “You’re crazy,” you mumbled, stepping back so you wouldn’t be as close to him anymore. “I am crazy? Isn’t this exactly what you wanted when you sent a sex toy to me?” 
“N-No!” You stuttered, suddenly questioning what was going through your mind when you ordered it. He was right. You were the crazy one here. “I just didn’t want my roommate to open it because it would be embarrassing!” 
“But I opened it instead.” 
“And you’re an ass for that,” you stated, taking a step forward again when you saw his hand slowly falling down at your words. However, when he registered your movement, his hand was in the air again, only causing you to jump at him. “Maybe I am,” he nodded, his empty hand wrapping around your waist and bringing you even closer to himself so your bodies were now touching. “But it’s your fault.” 
“I didn’t do anything,” you protested. “Actually, it’s your fault. You are the reason why I had to order it,” you proclaimed, poking Beomgyu in his chest. “If it wasn’t for your stupid voice and-” you closed your mouth again, swallowing everything you wanted to say next when you saw his eyes. You realized he wasn’t joking when he said he was curious how the toy worked. His eyes had written all over them that he wanted to fuck you. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” he breathed out, and the next thing you knew, his lips were pressed on yours, his grip on your waist tightening to make sure you wouldn’t run away. 
You froze for a second, trying to figure out what was happening, before your hand found its way to the back of his neck, bringing him even closer as you kissed him back. You started moving to the back, keeping his lips on yours. You quickly pulled away, glancing behind yourself to find the couch with your eyes before you kissed him again. “Mhm, bed,” he mumbled against your lips when he noticed you were trying to walk to the sofa. “Please,” he added. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this for,” Beomgyu whispered, now hovering over you on his bed, his lips unable to leave yours. Your sex toy was placed on his desk right after you went into his room, long forgotten by now. Or you thought it was. “The toy, love, please,” he begged as his lips moved to your neck. “Show me how you use it,” he said, making you moan as he sucked on your sensitive spot. “Need to see you.” 
His hands slowly moved under your shirt, getting to your back so he could unbutton your bra. You quickly caught up on his actions, pulling up your shirt and throwing it somewhere on the floor. Beomgyu took down his shirt right after you, your eyes falling on his torso. “Like what you see?” He chuckled, his eyes landing on your chest as you took down your bra. “I could ask you the same,” you smirked. “God, I absolutely do,” he nodded. 
You hesitated, biting your bottom lip as you looked at him. “You want me to show you the rose?” You finally asked, as if you didn’t already know his answer. You saw his eyes lit up as he got off the bed, rushing to his table to grab the sex toy again. “More than anything,” he answered as he returned to you. 
You sat up, your back against his wall now. “Okay,” you nodded after giving it another thought. “I wanna see you too, though.” 
“See what?” 
“How you masturbate,” you piped quietly, immediately regretting it when you saw the smirk on his face. “Your wish is my command,” he smiled, sitting down on the other side of the bed so he would be facing you. 
“Fuck, Gyu,” you moaned out, your legs now stretched apart as you held the rose vibrator on your clit, your head thrown back from all the pressure. “Mhm, angel, just a little bit more,” Beomgyu groaned, his cock in his hands as he kept his eyes on you and your cunt. “I’ll make you feel even better,” he proclaimed, making you clench around nothing. 
“Gyu, need you right now,” you cried, making him chuckle as he sped up his hand movement, getting closer to finishing. “Almost there,” he groaned. Beomgyu needed to be inside you probably even more than you needed him, but he said he would show you how he masturbates, so he needed to finish what he started first. 
You heard him moan your name and knew that was his end. As if it was a signal for you, you came at the same time Beomgyu did, catching your breath as you threw the toy on the other side of the bed, knowing there was something even better coming your way now.  
“Beomgyu, please,” you begged him, not caring that your legs were already shaking. You just needed him. “I am here, angel,” he assured you, placing his lips on yours again. You whined when he pulled away, his hands grabbing onto your knees as he opened your legs properly. 
Before you could even register his movements, his head was facing your pussy, his fingers sliding between your folds. You gasped when you felt him thrust two fingers into you, his tongue on your clit right away, sucking on it as if his life depended on it. Your lewd sounds filled the room soon after, his head buried in your cunt as he ate you out, making you cum for the second time. 
“Beom- ah,” you moaned again, drunk on the pleasure you were feeling thanks to him. You wanted to pull away from him, unable to continue for much longer, but he held onto your waist, pulling you back to him when you tried to run away, keeping his nose in your wetness as he kept tongue-fucking you. “God, do that sound again,” he groaned into your pussy. “It’s- It’s too much,” you cried. 
“I need your cock inside, Gyu,” you moaned when nothing else seemed to work on him. He refused to pull away from your cunt, no matter how much you already squirted. Finally, he looked up at you, catching his breath. “I don’t think I have any condoms. Let me do this for you instead,” he mumbled, his head between your thighs before you could even say anything. “Fuck,” you groaned. “Go raw.” 
And suddenly, he was up again, his eyes sparkling. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” you nodded. “Just please, fuck me already.” 
Beomgyu held onto your ankles, pulling you down so you would be lying down instead of sitting, hovering over you, just admiring your body before his lips found their way to yours again while he gave his cock a few pumps, getting himself ready. “Hold them up, yeah?” He said, pushing your knees to your chest. 
He aligned his tip with your hole, his precum leaking down your cunt onto the bed sheets. “I am going in,” he stated, making sure you were ready as he thrust his hips towards you. You moaned out immediately, not expecting him to push in his whole length. “Beomgyu!” You gasped as he sped up his thrusts, your eyes rolling back. You were right before. Your fingers were definitely little compared to his cock. 
“Fuck, you feel so tight,” he groaned, his hips slapping against your ass. Your mouth was wide open now, your sounds filling the room again. Your pussy clenched around the cock inside you, feeling every vein of his. “Need to fill you up already.” 
“Fuck, Gyu. I am going to cum.” Beomgyu’s grip on your waist became tighter as he kept you in your place. “I am almost there, too,” he said, his moans mixing with yours as he felt your cum on his cock. It took him a few more thrusts as he chased his orgasm before releasing inside you, his cum mixing with yours. 
You whined as he pulled out of you, letting go of your knees. Your legs fell on the bed immediately, shaking as the mixture of your and Beomgyu’s cum leaked out of your hole. “That was…” you breathed out. 
“Amazing,” he finished instead of you, making you nod. 
“Are you staying for the night?” Your best friend asked, lying down next to you, still naked, as he stared at the ceiling. You turned your head towards him, your eyes carefully observing every part of his face. “If you want,” you mumbled, making him turn his head towards you, too. 
For a moment there, when his eyes gazed into yours, a quiet “please” escaping his lips, you caught yourself wanting more than just a friendship from him. You needed him. On a whole different level than what a best friend could give you.
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⋆✶ izzy's tags @beomiracles @seoulzie ✶⋆
↪ Izzy speaks… it's 5 minutes before midnight right now, and I only proofread vaguely, but when I already finished it, I wanted to publish it too, so here it is
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alexiroflife · 3 months
crack, fluff, ft: first years
satoru gojo x reader
Synopsis: satoru walks in on you showing his students a paper fortune teller
to sum it up: no productivity occurs when you, satoru, and the students are together
WC: 1,489
Warning(s): none
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“Where the hell are my students?” Satoru mumbles to himself when he makes his way to the training field and finds it completely empty. He raises a hand to his hip in thought. He thinks he told them to meet here, but not even Yuji is anywhere to be found. 
He imagines he’s going to hear a mouthful and then some if Yaga somehow finds out about this, so the sorcerer searches everywhere for his kids; the gym, the dorms, classrooms, but still nothing. 
With his mind now completely riddled with confusion, he texts Megumi on his way to his office and, not shockingly, receives no reply. Gojo isn’t terribly shocked or worried, but a heads up if they decided to skip today would have been nice.
He throws open his office door with his face stuck in his phone when he looks up and finally locates all three of his missing students within his space. Satoru is surprised when he sees the kids crowding around your figure, which sits in his desk chair hunched over with a folded paper fortune teller in your hands. 
Itadori and Nobara lean in closer, engaged with the activity as Nobara demands to know if the fortune says anything about her becoming a model in the near future, while Itadori talks over her to beg you to do his fortune for the twentieth time. Megumi sits nearby and watches calmly.
When Satoru’s presence is made known, the four of you turn and look up at him, momentarily falling silent. You smile brightly when you see him. “Hi, Satoru! Sorry, I forgot to tell you I was visiting today.”
The white haired professor tucks his phone back into his pocket with a grin. “Baby!” he exclaims, sauntering over to you to lean down and kiss your cheek lovingly. “Stealing my students from me, I see,” he says smugly, rubbing your cheek softly with his thumb.
“She wouldn’t have had to if you weren’t twenty minutes late,” Fushiguro chimes in tiredly, and Satoru shrugs bashfully when you toss him a knowing look. 
“What can I say? I’m a busy man.”
“Gojo!” Itadori exclaims, rushing to stand from his previous “criss-cross” position on the floor at your feet. “Your wife was just showing us this cool game she said you used to play! Look, the paper shows you your future,” the pink haired teen points to the dome-shaped object clutched over your fingers and you beam, opening it back and forth proudly. 
“Ohhhh, I remember those!” Satoru exclaims quietly yet excitedly as he rests his hand on the back of his chair behind you, leaning over you to take a closer look. 
“I thought it’d be fun to show them while they waited since they’ve never made one before,” you say, handing the fortune teller to Satoru.
“And Yuji’s been hogging it this whole time,” Nobara crosses her arms and glares at the said boy angrily. “You had your fortune read at least fourteen times already.”
“Because I have to make sure I get the most accurate results!” he fumes, and the two start bickering once more.
“Man, we used to make these things all the time,” Satoru marvels. “It’s actually thanks to these fortune tellers that (Y/n) and I are even together now.”
The kids freeze, looking over at Satoru inquisitively. “Huh?” Nobara and Yuji unify, while you roll your eyes and Megumi tries to shrink away from the conversation completely, sensing incoming bullshit from a mile away. 
“Satoru, stop telling that lie,” you exhale and he looks down at you with a smirk.
“What? It’s true!” he swears.
“So it really works?” Itadori gasps, turning to his sensei with glittering eyes. Satoru only nods with a wide smile, holding up the paper in his grasp.
“Mhm. We were here at Jujutsu High, just about your age, and I had the fattest crush on the prettiest girl in school,” the blindfolded man reminisces and you groan to yourself, flushing and turning away. “We were all in a big friend group, so one day we all decided that we’d make some fortune tellers like we did when we were kids- you know, just for the fun of it. I filled one with a message saying ‘you will marry (Y/n) (L/n)’ and the rest was history.”
Nobara stares at him as if he is ridiculous, squinting her eyes and curling her lips while Yuji absorbs the entire story believingly.. “Wait… aren’t the fortunes random though? Wouldn’t that just mean that a bunch of other people got the same message that you wrote at one point?”
“And you wrote the fortune yourself,” Megumi adds. “I don’t think fortunes are supposed to work like that.”
“Well, sure, if you wanna get all technical, but it worked, didn’t it?” he beams, tossing the paper to Yuji and craning over to gather your cheeks in his hands adoringly, bringing your face to squish against his. “Now (Y/n) and I are happily married,” he coos, Nobara and Megumi practically gagging while Itadori blushes happily at the sentiment.
You grip Satoru’s wrists as he squeezes your cheeks, pouting when he presses another loud kiss to your temple. “Satoru, please, you’re gonna scare off the kids.”
“Mrs. Gojo! Make me one that says I’ll meet Megan Thee Stallion one day,” Yuji exclaims passionately, heart set on the notion that these fortunes are meant to breathe truth into manifestation.
“You pervert! Megan would never have the time to even think about meeting you,” Nobara argues.
“Not if it’s put into a fortune! You know what, I’ll do it myself!” he rushes around the office to find a new sheet of paper and slams it onto the floor, laying on his stomach to pour his intense focus into crafting a new fortune teller the way you showed them.
“If you’re gonna just write whatever you want, then put a message in there that says I’ll get famous,” she crouches beside him, and Yuji immediately shields her from his work with his forearm.
“No, go make your own! I don’t need your juju rubbing off on me and ruining my fortune’s accuracy.”
“That doesn’t even make sense!”
“I don’t care, just don’t touch mine!”
“Will you idiots shut up?” Megumi hisses, moving to stand over them as they bicker. “It’s a piece of damn paper for kids. Give it a rest already.”
The two on the floor turn to glare boredly at the Fushiguro, putting their feud on hold to ridicule him. “And that attitude right there, Megumi, is why your fortune will tell you that you’ll end up alone with forty cats in twenty years,” Itadori deadpans and Nobara nods enthusiastically.
Megumi grits his teeth and punches the top of Itadori’s head, the boy ducking and clutching his dome. “Like hell I will! I hate cats!”
“Then why don’t you be a little more positive, hm?” Nobara grins evilly, leading Megumi to tighten his fists.
“Give me that damn piece of paper,” he demands, reaching down for Yuji’s when the said boy yells and throws his body over his sheet to keep his friends away.
Gojo chuckles, watching the scene unfold as he pulls away slowly from you, rubbing your back gently. You shake your head with a small smile, gazing up at your husband. “You started this,” you accuse, to which he laughs.
“How could I possibly have when you’re the one who showed them the fortune teller?”
“Only because you were late to training,” you raise a brow.
He gives in. “Fair enough.”
“You think they’ll make it to training today?”
“Mmmm,” Satoru thinks for a moment, watching his students fight to write their own little desires on a paper that holds no further power outside of your own conviction. “Nah. I'll give them the day. They’ve been working hard.”
You smile. “Okay,” you nod. “Just don’t let Yaga know about this.”
“If you promise to keep it a secret, we won’t have anything to worry about,” the white haired man says suavely, ducking down to meet your eyes. Though his blindfold serves as a barrier, you can feel his gaze soaking you in. 
You click your teeth with a playful smile. “Fine,” you say, and his grin widens, lips meeting yours swiftly with his hand pressed to his desk and the other still gripping the back of your seat. He kisses you once more on the corner of your mouth then pushes himself up, turning his focus back to his students.
“Alright, guys, whoever makes the most fortune tellers in the next five minutes gets to pick the place to eat tomorrow after the mission!”
You watch as further chaos ensues, papers flying and arguments rising, Satoru standing blissfully in the midst of it all. You sigh once more and prop your chin in your hand, pondering over how Satoru gets away with this behavior as a teacher so often.
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idkwhatever580 · 4 months
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader!highschoolau
Prompt: Natasha and y/n like each other but are two dumb idiots that won’t ever confess their love. Or will they? (You know they will) both are about 17-18
Warnings: swearing, Natasha has bad parents
Pronouns: she/her mostly
A/N: Omg I need some fluff. lol all of my stuff is basically fluff. Also I’m graduating todayyy!!!!! I’m so excited!!! I’m gonna cry 😭
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Nobody’s Pov
Natasha and y/n are having yet another sleepover. Ever since Natasha turned 16 she was basically kicked out.
And so naturally her best friend y/n welcomed her immediately into her home.
And of course y/n’s parents were more than happy to take her in.
Natasha goes home sometimes, but mostly stays in the y/l/n’s guest room which at this point is her own room.
And yet, the girls always find themselves asleep together in one of either beds.
Natasha lies awake behind y/n in an almost spooning position, and she just admires y/n from afar. She can’t even see y/n’s face but she doesn’t care. She softly trails her nimble fingers up and down her arms and shoulders.
Her touch is so light. Yet not enough to wake up y/n. Or so she thought.
Y/n’s pov
I softly awake to Nat’s hands rubbing up and down my arm.
I don’t want her to pull away like she always does, so I stay as still and as calm as possible.
I won’t move a muscle so that she stays close to me.
Okay. Sure. Maybe I do have a little crush on her.
Maybe it’s not so little.
We’ve known each other since we started school. And although her parents are assholes, I’ve always been by her side. Through thick and thin.
So of course I was bound to fall in love with her.
It’s hard though. She hates physical touch but I’m her exception. She loves simple things like holding pinkies. Or a slight touch of shoulders or knees. But when we’re alone she’s all over me.
And yeah it’s nice but it’s hard when she doesn’t like me the same way. It’s hard when she’s so flirty too.
But I don’t care. All I can about right now is the fact that she is touching me.
I keep pretending to sleep but I know I move a lot in my sleep so I decide to turn around and snuggle into her. She won’t do anything since I’m “asleep.”
She pauses her movements scared she’s woken me up but then when she thinks I’m still asleep she envelopes me in a hug.
I softly breathe into her neck and smell her.
She smells nice.
She smells my hair. And rubs my back. And I wish she’d do this in a romantic way. But that’s not her thing.
But then. Out of the blue she starts whispering to me. Obviously she thinks I’m still asleep. And I guess I’m doing a good job. But I’ve always been god at fake sleeping. And it’s not like she’s a super spy or anything.
She starts whispering into my head from where she is. Like she’s wanting to tell me this.
“Y/n, I don’t know how or why, but I’ve fallen for you.”
If I wasn’t fake sleeping I would be shitting my pants right now. But I want to hear what she has to say so I keep up my facade.
“I love your hair and how it looks in the wind. I love how your nose crinkles a bit when you smile. I love you have little specks of gold in your eyes when you look at the sun.”
She sighs and continues
“I wish I was brave enough to tell you all of this. I wish I could kiss you and tell you how much I love you.”
She is getting a bit choked up and I hear her sniffle a bit but she keeps going
“I wish you loved me. But you don’t. So I can’t ever tell you these things. Because I don’t want to lose you. If I can’t have you as a lover, then I’ll take you as my friend. And that’s okay.”
She sniffs a bit more and continues, god what I’d do to kiss her right now
“I just don’t know what I’m going to do when you fall in love with someone else. I’m not ready to hear you talk about your crush. I’m not ready for you to break my heart. I’m not ready to watch you at the altar and hear you say I do to a stranger as I stay silent when they ask if anyone objects.”
Another sigh. She starts scratching my head softly.
“But I won’t say anything. I will never tell you how the first time you gave me butterflies, I thought I was actually sick. I thought I was having a heart attack at 16. And I never said anything. I can’t. I won’t. Your happiness matters too much to me. So I’ll stay your best friend. And I’ll let you go.”
She holds me tighter and says
“Because sometimes when you love something, you have to set it free”
My heart clenches at her words.
She really does love me. Oh my god she loves me back. I have to tell her!
I almost jump up but then I realize she’d know I was fake sleeping if I jumped up. So I pretend to shuffle a bit.
She stops her speech knowing I’ll be “waking up” soon and just continues to scratch my head softly.
I “wake up” and peek my eyes open at her.
She smiles and says
I send her a dopey smile full of love back at her and say
Then we pull apart awkwardly and I don’t know how to tell her that I love her too.
So I end up letting us get ready and then we go downstairs for breakfast.
My mom has known about my crush on nat for a while but she doesn’t mind. She thinks it’s cute.
And my dad has an idea about it but he doesn’t really dabble with my relationships yet. They’re both supportive though thankfully.
We eat breakfast and have some small talk.
Natasha knows I don’t like to talk a bunch in the mornings. But when we’re done with breakfast and put our dishes in the sink to clean later we head back up to my room.
“Wanna play Roblox?”
Natasha asks me with a smile knowing I love Roblox on Saturdays.
I nod my head and we jump on the bed and I decide I should tell her.
We sit on my bed and I set my phone down as I think of how to tell her. She suddenly says
“You alright?”
I nod my head and say
“Can I tell you something?”
She sets down her phone and nods her head. Then we face each other sitting with our legs criss crossed and she’s all ears.
“I have this crush on this girl.”
A flash of dread goes over her face. Clearly she is not ready to hear this yet. But she doesn’t know it’s her. Either way she covers it up and pretends to be excited.
“Omg! Really? Who is she! Do I know her? What’s her name? What does she look like?”
I smile cheekily and say
“Well. I won’t tell you her name yet”
She groans at my teasing and I continue regardless
“But. I’ll tell you about her and then I’ll tell you who she is.”
She nods her head and is staring at me.
“Well, her hair is so pretty. It’s curly and red. And her eyes are like forests.”
I kind of look off into space and keep talking as if I’m imagining my dream girl
“Her smile is so pretty and we’re pretty good friends. Her laugh is so contagious and she just lights up the room wherever she goes. She has had a rough life, but she’s never lost her heart. And she’s so kind to me. But I think the thing that gets me is how she loves everyone and everything. She talks to passionately about her feelings and her hopes and dreams to me. And it’s really only a few people she lets in and I am so lucky to be her friend. And I think she likes me back”
Natasha’s shoulders slump a bit more every few seconds and she’s droopy now. I look back at her and say
“Any guesses?”
I send her a sly smile and she looks at me and says
I start laughing my ass of and I say
“Oh man you’re so funny. Heck no! She might fit my type but definitely not her.”
Then Natasha kind of shrugs her shoulders and is gloomy now. She doesn’t care that she’s showing her dissapointed face at my crush.
I lift her chin up and say
I give her a look telling her everything she needs to know. But she doesn’t believe me so she says
“Who is it then?”
I smile and giggle at her obliviousness and I say
“I’m not gonna tell you until you give me some advice. What should I do about it?”
She sighs and says
“I guess you should tell her.”
I smile and say
She looks at me and says
I smile and say
“I just did”
Her face turns pale and she says
“Wha- what do you mean?”
I giggle and say
“Natty, I just told her.”
She blinks a bit and silently points at herself as if she doesn’t believe me.
I laugh and nod and then I say
“I really really like you nat. And I wanna kiss you”
Usually I am not this bold so she is a bit dumbfounded and she nods her head so I lean in until I’m about half an inch away from her and she takes the initiative to go the rest of the way.
The kiss is soft and tender. Wayyy better than i imagined. And her lips are divine. They make me think of when the girl from the Lorax was describing truffula trees. (I don’t know. Don’t ask)
Then I pull away in need of air even though I don’t want to and we just stare at each other.
I look back at her lips and now I have become very shy. So she takes the lead and kisses me hard on the lips this time.
She ends up pushing me back on the bed and I wrap my left hand around her side and my right one threads into her hair.
We kiss and kiss and then after a bit, she trails her tongue along my bottom lip asking for permission and I grant it.
When she puts her tongue in my mouth I almost pass out. God she’s going to be the death of me.
This kiss is amazing. After a bit more kissing I accidentally let out a moan and it brings us back to reality so she pulls away.
I keep my eyes closed for a few seconds and a dopey smile is on my face.
She giggles at my flustered state and I finally open my eyes and awkwardly say
She laughs and says
We sit in silence for a bit until she gets off of me and I sit up. I look at her and say
“I’m sorry”
Her eyebrows furrow and she says
I look at my hands in my lap and I say
“I heard you this morning. When you said all those things to me. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier but I didn’t know how to tell you”
She scoffs and shoves my shoulder slightly saying
“You little fuck!”
I laugh and then say
“Forgive me?”
She thinks about it and says
“I’ll forgive you if you say yes to this…”
I nod my head and dramatically say
“I’d do anything for my queen to forgive me!”
She laughs and says
“Be my girlfriend?”
My breath catches in my throat and all I can muster up is a nod.
She smiles and gives me a soft peck and my face turns red. I am all awkward now so I say
“What now?”
not knowing what to do and Natasha says
“Well. We could play Roblox?”
I nod my head and gasp and say
“Wanna be Roblox girlfriends?!”
She nods her head at my childishness and I pump my fist knowing Roblox girlfriends is like the ultimate title. Then my mom knocks on my door and says
“Come in!”
I smile at my mom and she narrows her eyes at me and says
“You’re being suspicious…”
She takes a look around my room but drops it and says
“Can you please text me those pictures from last night?”
I nod my head and say
“Do you want the ones of me in my cap and gown?”
she nods her head and says
“Yeah and make sure you send me the one of you throwing your cap in the air”
I nod my head and she leaves. Then I turn to Natasha and she says
“I can’t believe we graduated yesterday and now we’re dating!!!”
I nod my head and say
“Roblox baby”
“Yes of course. I forgot”
A/N: sorry about the last part. I didn’t know how to finish it and graduation has been on my mind.
@ihartnat @ilovesnat
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hey babes, since you didn't update in 5 days im hoping that nothing bad happened to you and that you are alright:(<333
Anyway If not here is an new idea:
So Y/N is an Omega and her Parents don't like her and always been mean to her and abused her and all that yk? When they hear that Klaus who is an alpha seeks an Omega to be his, they try to sell her to him. (I don't know how to write this without it sounding weird but anywaysss) So they make her "perfekt" for him with putting on nice clothes and make up. And teach how she needs to be with her Alpha, which are all things like she needs to listen to him and do as he says and all that stuff. She is scared of what will happen to her since she heard the stories about Klaus.
But when she is with him he treats her so good and is caring and sweet and tells her that everything her parents said and did to her isn't true and that she doesn't have listen to their rules. She is comfortable with him and surprisingly happy and than there is smut and she even let's him mark her. She is happy with him and never wants to be away from him again and is kind of thankful that her parents sold her off.
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Just for him
Klaus had been with his fair share of betas over his time, some other alpha as well but not an omega. Omegas needed tending to, attention and affection that he hadn’t been willing to give until now. He was at a time where he didn’t have anything to do, enemies were eliminated and he was in a somewhat healthy position with his family. All he needed was an omega and his days would be perfect.
And it didn’t take long for the word to spread through the supernatural community, all werewolves were informed that Klaus Mikaelson was looking for an omega to claim.
What they didn’t expect was for him to be so picky.
Elijah had been taking phone calls to arrange his brother meeting with omegas and their families to try and find the one best suited for him and they were both losing hope until Y/n’s father called. They painted the perfect picture, a sweet little angel. So Klaus agreed to a meeting and they brought the girl over.
When they arrived at the abattoir the girl was pushed forward, she reeked of fear and anxiety as her big eyes darted in every possible direction. Her hair was down, framing her soft face, her face was smooth with makeup with a pink blush across her nose and cheeks. Her lashes were long and painted black while her lips were pink and glossed.
Klaus’s eyes travelled the length of her, his pupils dilating as he looked over her pink cami dress. Her smooth legs were on display and her small feet were hidden by ankle strap platform heels.
Elijah could feel his lips quirk up slightly at the sight before them and he glanced to Niklaus with interest. They both gave a subtle nod before welcoming the Y/L/Ns inside.
Y/n kept silent the whole afternoon, just like her parents told her to be. Either her mother or father answered any of Klaus’s questions and both were more than eager to convince him she was perfect.
What they didn’t pick up on was how close Klaus was to tearing their throats out for not shutting up. Throughout the afternoon he could sense that it wasn’t just him that y/n was afraid of. He could see her body twitch and shift whenever either of her parents put a hand on her or looked her in the eye, at one point she had shuffled closer to Klaus himself so that her father couldn’t put his arm around her.
His eyes had been checking her all over and after staring at her soft thighs for a considerable amount of time, he eventually noticed small marks. Her dress had accidentally moved up and it barely covered her pretty panties from his view but unfortunately he didn’t catch a peek. What he saw instead were fingertip shaped bruises on her skin. It was her mother who fixed her skirt, a glare on her face when y/n went to open her mouth to apologise.
So he decided he would like to spend the next morning with y/n, alone.
The poor omega looked like she was going to cry when he told her that she would be having brunch with him and only him. As much as she was afraid of her parents, the ruthless Klaus Mikaelson was surely worse.
Nevertheless the next morning she was up and ready. Dressed to impress and waiting for him to come pick her up.
Her parents stood waiting expectantly for the door to knock and were fast on their toes to answer it, bright smiles on their face. Klaus raised a brow and glanced behind them to y/n who was picking at her freshly done nails.
“Come omega” he commanded, watching as she quickly scurried to his side. Her hand hesitantly went to his outstretched one, her eyes not daring to meet his. He hummed lowly and guided her to his car, opening the door for her and watching as a soft blush covered her face. She got into the passenger seat obediently and within a second he was beside her.
The ride was quiet, she could hear her heart pounding as he drove to a cafe.
He turned his head to her as he parked and unclipped his belt. “You don’t have to be so quiet my love” he mumbled whilst reaching forward to let his hand graze her cheek. Her eyes found his as a small whimper left her on response and his lips twitched into a smirk. “You truly are a sweet little omega” he grins and her cheeks redden further.
He shakes his head to himself and reaches for her hand, holding onto it and pulling her along with him into the cafe. “I’m sure you’re hungry sweetheart, you barely ate a thing at dinner” he muses as he leads her to their table and sits her down before seating himself opposite her.
Her big curious eyes dashed around the lounge type room, following the plates of food that the waitresses wore and to the range of guests, all clearly from money.
Klaus watched as she looked back to him quickly, her jaw clenched shut and her nose struggling to breath fast enough. He turned his head slightly and slid the menu across to her “you can have any thing you like, would you like something sweeter like pancakes or waffles or would you prefer something bigger like a full English or an American breakfast?” He pointed to the different sections for her and let her scan through the contents of each offer. Though his eyes narrow when her gaze landed on the sides
“I’ll just have some toast” she uttered reluctantly but he shook his head
“Choose something proper or I’ll pick for you” he commanded, his tone a little rougher as he felt his wolf pushing forward. A low, barely audible whine left her throat as she looked back down to the menu.
When she failed to make a better choice, out of fear of her mother or father finding out of her ‘greedy’ habits, Klaus simply did as promised and ordered her a stack of pancakes with bacon and syrup while getting a full english for himself.
A vanilla milkshake was put infront of her, despite her claiming to want a water and once more her cheeks went a shade pinker. It baffled her how he seemed to know exactly what she wanted and her wolf was slowly warming to his.
Throughout brunch Klaus was able to pull a few conversations out of her, nothing personal otherwise she seemed to shut down but she liked to hear about him and his interests though he had began to wonder if it was genuine interest or what how she was told to behave.
It wasn’t until after he had payed and brought her back to the car did he mention anything of it.
Just as Klaus clipped her belt on for her to ensure her safety did his hand get ahold of her chin to make her look at him. His eyes flashed gold making hers do the same, his irises bled into orange while hers went a pale yellow. He leant forward to brush his nose along the side of her neck, his wolf hungry for her and his mind wandering at the scent of her blood beneath her skin. The primal urge to sink his teeth in and mark her as his own was overwhelming and the way her wolf was responding only added to it. She was so submissive to him, so ready to bend to his every word.
“How long have your parents been training you?” He whispered gruffly and she felt her heart sink. When she didn’t reply he pulled back and tilted his head at her, daring her to speak “omega…”
“Since you started looking” she murmured timidly
“So they made you just for me?” He hummed and tucked her hair behind her ears as she nodded. “You know you don’t have to be so scared” he told her gently as he watched the panic sink in “you’re a very good girl, a very lovely omega but I’m sure you’re even better when you’re being yourself sweetheart” he explained and she nibbled her lip nervously. “I’d like to keep you my love” he muttered and she glanced to his eyes “to be my omega” he confirmed and she nodded slowly. “But I need you to be happy and comfortable, I don’t want my little omega to be afraid and feeling out of place” he murmured softly.
Y/n fiddled with her fingers as she glanced between him and her hands, unsure how to behave. He sighed lightly and stroked her jaw “alright sweetheart, you just sit and ill get us back” he mumbled a little disappointed.
She looked out the window as he got into his own seat and started the car. Her leg bounced through her nerves as she pictured her parents reaction when he told them she wasn’t the omega for him. As they drove nearer and nearer to his mansion she panicked more and more. Her breathing grew more laboured and she felt like the car was growing smaller around her.
Klaus glanced over to her as he heard her heavy breaths before quickly pulling over and unclipping his belt. He sped round to her side of the car and pulled her out of it and into his arms. She panted for air and he smoothed his hand over her hair
“It’s alright my love” he murmured softly “just breathe sweetheart, nice deep breaths” he tried to calm her but it wasn’t working. He bounced her gently almost like a baby as he shushed her softly. “You’re okay” he hummed “nothing’s gonna happen to you” he whispered but her face only seemed to get redder without air. He cupped her head and pushed her face into his neck, letting her nose press to his scent gland.
As though a switch was clicked she was relaxed, inhaling his scent and huffing it back out. Her eyes fluttered shut and a soft moan left her pink lips. Klaus felt a low rumble leave his chest at the sound she released and his body shivered when her open mouth pressed to his neck.
His fingers gripped onto her hair tightly as she sucked the skin into her mouth.“Omega…” he groaned as he felt the wind whip over them as a car sped past. Her legs were round his waist as he clung onto her tightly. “Such…a good omega” he mumbled as her blunt teeth scraped his neck.
Y/n couldn’t help but want to sink her teeth into his skin. His alpha scent was addicting and being this close to him was sending her into complete auto drive.
Klaus stroked her hair gently, encouraging her to sink her teeth into his neck with a grin forming on his face. None of the other omegas he had met with were like this, nowhere near as perfect as she was.
His wolf had chosen hers and she had submitted to it instantly. Already she was seeking comfort from him and a whining mess.
Klaus’s eyes rolled back as he felt her little canines sink into the side of his neck, he squeezed her tight and pressed her up against the door on his car as he felt the gentle burn of the venom in her gums transfer into his bloodstream.
With much reluctance, y/n pulled her mouth away from his neck and began to drop her legs back down to the ground slowly. Her eyes widened as she realised the marks in his skin weren’t fading and hesitantly looked up to his eyes. He looked straight back at her, pupils blown open and fangs visible against his lip. She felt her belly pool with heat at the sight and she began to tilt her head to expose her neck for him.
Klaus didn’t waste another second before pressing his mouth to her throat, licking and nuzzling the flesh before dropping his fangs into her. Her moan was heavenly and encouraged him to take a gulp of her blood. The taste was intoxicating and his entire body was filled with a pleasant buzz as his hand began to grope alone her thighs.
Both minds fell to autopilot as he pulled back and her legs dropped down from his waist. She was turned around and bent straight over the hood of the car. Klaus ground his front against her soft little ass, his hands dragging the skirt of her dress up to reveal her cotton panties. He let out a groan before sinking his teeth back into her neck from behind, then her shoulder and her back, covering her in bite marks.
Y/n was a babbling, panting mess, her body rubbing itself against Klaus’s dick like a horny puppy. Her omega mind was completely in control as whimpered pleas fell from her lips, begging him to claim her right there.
Klaus wasn’t in any more control to deny her, his fingers snapping the elastic in her panties and throwing them to the road, his darkening eyes finding her bare ass and soaked pussy as he crouched down to get a look at her.
Y/n let out a pleasured cry when his warm mouth pressed to her cunt, her nails dug into the metal she was sprawled over and her legs began to shake. She moaned loudly for her alpha, begging and begging for more.
Klaus lapped like a dog, his tongue twisting and folding to devour her. His hands held her ass to give himself the best access and he sucked and fucked her weeping hole with his his face. Her little nails elongated to form her wolf’s claws as she cling to the car, her moans and cries were echoed out into the road and nearby trees but she didn’t care. All she knew was that whatever this feeling was, she was addicted to it.
Her hips ground herself onto his mouth, her body trembling and screaming for him to keep going. She let out a loud, incoherent sound as she felt something much more urgent flood her, begging to be reached.
Klaus could feel her body struggling to hold onto the building feeling. His tongue plunged into her repeatedly, taking enjoyment in her cries and the way her little cunt would tighten. It only took a few more sucks and licks at her pulsing clit before her legs went out and he help her firmly against the car as a rush of wetness was squirted all over him.
Klaus let out a grunt and a laugh when he pulled his face back to look at the mess, wiping his face with his sleeve and watching her limp thighs drip. “Perfect. Fucking. Omega” he growled as he stood up and ripped his belt off.
Y/n was panting softly, her breath creating a wet circle on the car as she pressed her cheek against the top. A small whimper left her when a car drove past, the drivers eyes wide as they sped by.
She felt his hands hold onto her hips, lifting her so she was bend further over the hood so her toes couldn’t reach the ground. Her lashes fluttered and a breath of air left her lungs as she felt something nice and thick press against her cunt.
“Alpha…” she whined and Klaus hummed deeply
“It’s alright omega, it’ll feel so good” he whispered as he thrust his hips forward. A sharp noise left her at the stretch. Klaus’s head threw back as he forced his cock all the way inside. His hand gently stroked her back as he heard her little sobs “it’s okay” he murmured “you’ll feel better in a moment I’m certain” he soothed.
Her pussy squeezed and pulsated around his cock, clinging to him desperately. She slowly felt the sting disappear and was left with a full feeling. Klaus sensed her calming and gently traced the teeth marks in her skin. “good girl” he whispered as he slowly began to move within her.
Her body relaxed entirety when he started thrusting into her, her cries became soft little moans and her eyes closed.
Klaus could feel his wolf sit right at the front of his mind, claiming her now as his. Klaus could feel the need to breed her full of his pups overwhelm his body.
His hips snapped to hers quickly, her hot pussy swallowing his cock more and more with each thrust. Her moans grew more frequent and her body rocked back and forth slowly to feel him hit deeper.
His hands caressed her hips gently as he groans loudly. “Such a good omega” he praises making her whimper happily.
“More” she whined and he grinned, moving fast and harder, causing the car to shake beneath her. He moved his hand around her waist, sliding it down to stroke his fingers against her slippery clit.
Y/n let out a loud cry at the familiar build up of heat. She looks over her shoulder to see her alpha pounding into her. Dark veins travel under his golden eyes as he looked to her. His lips parted to pant and he smiled to her, his spare hand pet her hair gently. A grunt left his lips when she tightened around him and he pressed his fingers down a little harder as she ground her clit against them.
Her sweaty hands left marks against the hood of the car and her body felt hotter with each passing second. Klaus could feel her squeezing his swelling cock every few seconds, her puffy clit pulsating and her thighs trembling. He could feel the marks in his neck burn pleasantly and knew she could feel the same from her own mating marks as a pleasant purr rolled through her body.
Mumbled moans tumbled from her lips clumsily as her mind completely clouded over. She muttered incoherently as she felt his cock spill inside her. He rubbed her clit quickly, his other hand gently sliding down to her ass as he moving his hips a little slower as his sensitivity skyrocketed.
He smiled lazily to himself at the coked sound she let out as her pussy spasmed around him. He pet her ass gently, gradually reducing his thrusts and pulling himself out. Klaus let her rest against the car for a moment, grinning as another car went by and offering a finger wave to the passengers.
He hummed to himself as he pulled his trousers back up and grabbed his belt from the floor. He fixed himself up before picking up on the sniffles of his omega. He frowned and noticed her still over the car, he quickly lifted her up.
“Sweetheart” he whispered, his hand cupping face to see the tears gathered in her eyes. “Oh dear” he uttered, quickly pulling her face to his neck again and kissing her forehead “what’s wrong omega? Does it sting?” He questioned and she shook her head
“My mother’s going to be so mad” she whispered, looking to her underwear that resided on the dirty road. Klaus smiled gently and pet her cheek
“No she won’t my love, she’ll be very proud of what a good girl you’ve been for your alpha” he told her and she sniffed “I’m gonna get rid of those worthless parents of yours my lovely, and then you’re going to stay with me forever” he whispered “gonna look after you and our babies, bet you’ll give me strong alpha pups” he cooed and she smiled slightly while wiping her eyes.
“my alpha?” She whispers quietly and he nods
“All yours little one, yours forever” he confirms as he carries her back into the car and sits her on his lap. “Gonna have to buy you so many dresses my lovely, and so many pairs of panties for me to rip up” he teased and she blushed. He stroked her hair gently with one hand while the other drove the car back to his mansion.
His siblings only smiled as he walked past them with her hidden in his arms, he took her up the stairs and into an empty room. He opened the wardrobe in the corner and dozens of soft materials fell out. Her eyes sparkled at the sight and he set her down on her feet
“You stay here and build your pretty nest and I’ll go take care of your parents okay sweet omega?” He smiled and she nodded with a bright smile as she grabbed one of the fleeces.
He kissed the top of her head before jogging down the stairs to sort everything out for his little omega to live a safe and happy life.
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twice-inamillion · 8 months
The Company
Smut and Story Building (Stranger sex, teasing, rebound sex, deep penetration, creampie, blowjob) 
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Chapter 5
2,610 Words
(Jessica and you have dinner together after her failed attempt to meet with her friends. She complains about her ex and you find your way to fuck her at the end, maybe a little too good. Now she can’t go to her ex or any other man after your lustful adventure.)
It’s been a busy couple of weeks in your personal and professional life. You haven’t had a chance to rest, besides the occasion blowjob at the office. This week, you’ve finalized two groups that will be debuting in the near future. You’ve waited so long for your first group to debut that you couldn’t help but support them the best you could. You made the decision to move them out of their cramped dorms and into a nicer and more spacious apartment meant for confirmed idol groups.
Wanting to see their reaction, you disguise yourself as staff and help them move in. You can’t help but smile at their reaction when they see their new apartment. You and IU give them a tour and get furniture arranged to their liking. As you carry some of the heavy items, you can’t help but notice one of the members eyeing you from time to time. “Where do you want this box?” She walks between you, points at where she wants her item and continues to follow you around. You then hear, “Jennie, stop following him and come help us bring these boxes.” You see Jennie’s face turn red from the comment that her groupmate Jisoo made. 
After a couple of hours, the five members thank you for your help, and you let them know to inform IU if you need any help, to which they happily agree.
You’re heading up the elevator when it stops. The door opens, and you see a familiar figure. 
“Ahh, yes,” bowing after realizing you’re Taeyeon and IU’s boss. 
“Don’t need to be formal. Feel free to speak freely.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to surprise IU and Taeyeon, but they’re not home.”
“Oh… I think they’re busy until late tonight.”
You can see her reaction change and say, “Seems like something is bothering you.”
“Yeah, I need to talk to them about something.”
“If you don’t mind, I’m willing to lend an ear. How about joining me for dinner?”
She stays silent and seems to think about it for a while but makes up her mind, “Yeah, I think I’ll take you on the offer.”
The two of you head to your apartment, “Wow, your place is so big. I didn’t know you had a whole floor to yourself.”
“It’s nice. I know I won’t have time to commute from home, so I moved next to the company, which makes it much easier. Want a drink?”
You serve her a drink, and she sits on the stool, watching you prepare dinner. You make a nice Korean meal, and the two of you share some wine. She tells you about the problems between her members, but more about her failed relationship with her now ex-boyfriend. 
“He’s such a dumb ass. He was so scared of people finding out about our relationship that he just chose to distance each other.”
“His loss. If I was him, I wouldn’t care what people think.”
“Right, he’s such a wuss. I don’t need people like that in my life.”
“Maybe you’ll find someone that cares for you. I mean, look at you; you’re beautiful; who wouldn’t want to date you.”
“Aww, thank you. I would totally date you if you weren’t with Taeyeon,” says Jessica as she takes a sip of her wine.
“What do you mean together with Taeyeon?”
“Aren’t you to dating?”
“No, I’m not with anyone.”
“Oh… it just seemed with you were. She said you to had a thing.”
“We fucked, but nothing serious.”
“So you’re not together?”
Jessica fixes her hair and undoes her blouse a bit, “You know, it's been a while since my ex and fucked. He was too intimidated by my popularity that he stopped giving me affection.”
“Oh really, maybe I can help you with that.”
“Hmm… I don’t know. We don’t know each other that well,” teasing you as she shows off a bit of cleavage. 
“If you don’t want to, that’s fine, but from the looks of it, you need someone to fuck you real good to make you forget that bitch of a boyfriend you had.”
She smirked at you, knowing that you hit the nail. “Not saying that I’ll let you, but if I did, what would you do to me?”
“I’ll take you right here, right now, and put you on all fours. I’ll put your ass up and shove my cock in that hungry cunt of yours and fuck you until you forget that ex of yours.” 
You could see that she was getting turned on by the way she would move her legs under the kitchen counter. You know she needs a good fucking, and she knows it as well.
“You think you can make me forget about him? You’re that good?”
“If Taeyeon told you about what do you think?”
“You’re just talking.”
You walk around the countertop, turn her stool around to face you, and say, “Just say the word, and I’ll guarantee you forget that ex of yours.” You look straight into her eyes; you can see the lust in her. You know the thin line she is about to cross; you can see it in your eye; all you need to hear is the magic words.
“Fuck me, make me forget.”
Those are the words you wanted to hear. The is no going back, especially for her. You’ll make sure you make her forget about that sad excuse of a boyfriend.
She wraps her legs around you as you pick her up from the stool and take her to the couch. She kisses you passionately on the way there, but you don’t care for that and toss her onto the couch. You take off your shirt and see her eyes widen, and biting her lip. Her reaction makes you smirk and decide to go all out. You’re not here for foreplay; you’re here to fuck the shit out of her. 
You pull off her skirt and panties, tossing them across the room, “Wow, so eager, huh.”
“I’m here to fuck you, right? Plus, I can see that you’re wet already, so let’s not waste any time.”
She nods her head, and you continue to undress, pulling down your pants and boxers, revealing your cock. 
She gasps when she sees your cock spring out and says, “Oh my god. Your cock is so big!”
“Bigger than your ex, huh.”
“Yeah, much, much bigger. His doesn’t even compare. Don’t think it’s all going to fit inside me, though.”
“It will. It fits inside of Taeyeon. I bet you’ll take me in nicely, too.”
You grab your cock and slap it on her slightly shaven cunt, just small traces of hair from not having sex in a while. She could feel the hot radiating from your cock, making her cunt leak even more.
“You like it?,” asking as you press your cock on her pelvis. “Yeah, I want you in me; make me forget of that dirtbag.”
You can help but smile as you align your rock-hard cock and slowly press the tip inside of the entrance. Jessica moans and whines, from how much you’re stretching her, “Oh my god! You’re so big!” You grab her hips with a firm grip and press your weight on her. She feels your thick cock spread her walls, “Fuck… it feels like you’re splitting me in half!”
“You’re so tight! How small was your ex? Feels like I’m the first one fucking you!”
She whines and groans as your try to insert more of your cock, “Much smaller! His cock is nothing compared to yours!”
You can’t help but laugh at the poor guy, “Damn, poor guy, but don’t worry; I’m going to stretch you real good,” as you slam your cock all the way inside Jessica’s womb. She screams in both pain and pleasure, “You’re hitting me so deep! Let me breathe a bit,” but you don’t let her. You’re here to fuck and enjoy and enjoy, so watching her whine turns you on. You increase the speed and strength of your thrusting and can see Jessica go in a state of ecstasy. Her body and mind are experiencing something they have never experienced before. 
You can’t help but smile at the sight of Jessica’s eyes rolling back and making her into a complete mess. It’s not long until she ends up having an orgasm, her body squirming, “Ahh… ahh, fuck! What’s going on? Why is my body feeling so hot? I feel like I’m going to pee!” and cries as she sprays you of liquid when you pinch her clit.
You pull your cock and are sprayed with Jessica’s liquid and see her panting. You immediately plugged your cock back inside of her, causing her to cough violently from the sudden pain of her womb getting stabbed. She tries to push you off, but it's no use. You can feel your own high arriving, and you need to see it through. 
Her walls were tight, and it was making you reach your peak; you know that it’s the first time you two actually met besides her casual visit, but you really want to cum inside of her like one of your sleeves. 
“Fuck… I’m about to cum.”
Jessica’s eyes go wide, and she says, “Wait… cum outside, pull out!”
“Nah… I’m going to cum inside!” you yell and grab her waist and blow your load inside of her. Jessica’s back arches and her body shakes as she feels your heavy white load invade her cunt. “Fuck…your pussy is milking me…”
It takes a while for Jessica to regain her composure, but after some time, she lifts her head up and says, “I told you to pull out. Why did you come in me?”
“You said you wanted to forget about your ex, right?”
“Yeah, but don’t just cum inside me.”
“Why not?”
“Just don’t. Not even my ex came inside of me,” she pouted.
“Haha, really?
“Yes, I made him wear a condom every time.”
“So that means I’m the first one to paint you white?”
You can’t help yourself but get turned on again. You pick her up and carry her to the bedroom next to yours. She yelps when you toss her onto the bed and turn her over. You lift her, press her body down and lift her butt up in the air and spread her legs. 
“Wait…what are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m hard, and I really want to fuck you, so just relax and enjoy.”
“Wait… I’m not…” you don’t give her time to finish off her sentence as you quickly align your cock to her entrance and shove it in one go. “Oh fuck! You’re being too rough!”
You grab her ass and give it a nice feel before giving it a hard slap. Jessica groans in pain from your large hand on her rear but gets turned on. Seeing her reaction, you continue to slap her ass, every time with a heavy hand, until her ass is completely red. 
You thrust inside of her for about ten minutes until you’re at your peak once more. With your two hands, you grab her hips and bring them towards you as you place your weight on her and say, “I’m cumming! I’m going to paint your walls completely white. Your pussy is mine!”
You unload a massive amount of cum inside her, completely drowning her cunt of your seed, “Take my cum!” as Jessica’s blood comes rushing to her head. She grabs onto the bedsheets, gripping them hard as you drop your load into her cunt. “It’s too much; you’re going to drown me!”
You pull out your cock and watch your cum ooze out of her and stain the bed. “How was it?”
“Hot. I can feel the warmth right here,” she says as she points at her tummy.
The two of you spend the whole night fucking, round after round. You smirk as she moans out your name and digs her nails deep into your arm as you fuck her. Anywhere from the hot tub, out on the balcony, and the shower. By the next day, she’s a mess, her womb completely yours and the shape of your massive cock. You know she’s ruined for any other man that’s not near your size. 
“Still remember your ex?”
“What ex?”
You can’t help but laugh as you enjoy a blowjob from Jessica while lying on the bed. With her hand around your cock she bobs her head. Her tongue coats every inch of you with a thick layer of saliva. You grab your phone and take a quick picture before Jessica notices. She lifts her and catches you, “Hey, what are you doing?”
You grab her head and press it back down, causing her to gag when your cock hits the back of her throat. The sudden reaction of hitting her throat causes you to bust a load. In a panic, she tries to drink as much as she can because it's too much for her and gags. You release your grip, and Jessica lifts her head up, coughing. You watch cum dripping out her mouth and back onto your pelvis. “Lick it off.” She sees your serious look and does as she’s told, licking off the cum she just spits out. 
Suddenly, her phone rings, and she grabs the phone from the nightstand. She answered the phone, and it was Taeyeon with IU. 
“Why haven’t you answered our texts? Where are you?”
“Sorry, I fell asleep after getting home.”
“Oh, okay, we’re sorry we were not able to meet yesterday. How about joining us for brunch?”
“Hmmm… I think we can…” She stops mid-sentence when she sees what’s in front of her. 
You wave your cock in front of her and whisper, “Want to go again?” 
She sees your limp cock get hard in a matter of seconds and is now at full length. She bites her lip and climbs on top of you, lifts herself to your cock, and with her free hand, aligns it to her cum stained, covered cunt before dropping her whole weight on you. She yelps from the girth and tightens her walls, “Ahh… actually, I have some last-minute things I need to take care of that might take me a while. How about meeting later next week?” 
“Oh… okay. Next week sounds good.”
“Okay, bye…” 
You grab the phone off her hands and end the call, throwing her phone at the end of the bed. “I see someone wants to go another round.”
“Shut up.”
“How about this round? Grab some breakfast after. Maybe dinner, too.” She smiles and begins to ride you. 
The two of you end up sending the whole weekend fucking like animals. At the end of each session, she begs you to pump her womb with cum, even going as far as to breed her. Like a gentleman, you do as you're told and even tease about her ex; she pinches your thigh and tells you to fuck her harder. You even joke around and say, “Do you think we know each other better now?” 
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marigold-hills · 24 days
@wolfstarmicrofic | August 25th: win | 1000 words
CW: attempted mugging, mentions of broken bones
Remus Lupin is well aware what he looks like: the wrong side of lanky, with a nasty scar across his face from falling off a bike at five, and a nastier one down his sternum from heart surgery at fifteen. Weak knees, weaker ankles. Breakable wrists. He surrounds himself in soft things, wears sweaters and cardigans even in the summer, when his varied blood deficiencies keep him cold in the heat.
He doesn’t usually go out in the dark. His library desk job keeps his work hours to a respectable 9-to-5, and he’s not one for bars, or clubs, or any other sort of entertainment that would require him to be out in the evening.
Today? Well, there was a book signing at the library. It run late, and he was having a nice chat with the writer, managing to keep his fan-boying to a minimum (it was the James Potter, after all). There was wine, which he doesn’t usually partake in. So: it’s well past his work hours, he’s pleasantly buzzed and on a high from a successful social interaction. Then he sees him.
It’s probably the most beautiful human specimen Remus’ has ever seen. He was stunning in the library, where he accompanied the James Potter for the signing, and he is just as lovely now, in the dim unflattering streetlamps. The hair, the bone structure, the shoulders. Everything about him made Remus decide not to say a single word to him, only gape half-open-mouthed and watch from across the room.
(Doing it now, as he as good as follows him down darkened South London streets, feels roughly stalkerish. Again, Remus knows what he looks like. He’s got too big ears and slightly too big front teeth and definitely too big a nose. He wouldn’t even try to talk to someone like this, not for all the embarrassment in the world.)
Remus is slower, especially with the crutch he has had to use since he broke his ankle a month earlier. His foot is still in the awkward boot-cuff. There should be no way of him catching up, so no chance of an interaction, successful or, more likely, otherwise.
Out of the shadows, appears a figure. Hooded, wide-shouldered, knife-wielding. The beautiful friend of James Potter doesn’t notice until the man is almost on him, knife pointed at the Nirvana logo on his T-shirt.
Remus can’t hear what’s said, but he doesn’t really need to. He’s lived in South London all his life, from Lambeth to Peckham - he’s seen his fair share of muggings.
Something comes over him. Maybe the late hour, maybe the wine. Maybe the impossible wrongness of a man so pretty being in such a situation. Whatever it is, before he even thinks about it, he’s somehow caught up.
Next thing he knows, he’s behind the mugger.
Next thing after that, the heavy, metal leg of his crutch makes heavy, violent contact with the side of the mugger’s head.
He falls to the ground in a heap of limbs and dark fabric and dropped knifes and for a terrible second Remus thinks:
“Fuck. I think I killed him.”
Through the wine-haze or adrenaline-haze, or maybe your-dodgy-heart-finally-gave-in-haze, he realises he said it out loud.
The pretty man leans down and checks the muggers head, then his pulse. “He’s fine. Well. He’s probably concussed. That was a mean hit,” he looks at Remus with something like appreciation in his eyes. “Thank you, Remus. Lucky you were here, or he’d have probably made off with my phone.”
“You know my name?” Remus asks rather dumbly. The answer is obvious and self evident because the man just said it.
“Of course I do. I’ve been watching you all night,” the cheekiest smile Remus has ever seen. The man prods the prone mugger with the tip of his shoe. “Who knew it’d take something like this to actually get you to talk to me.”
“Huh,” Remus says. (He has a degree in literature, he should really be able to string a sentence together with some intelligence, but apparently it has abandoned him.)
“Should probably call an ambulance.”
And that brings Remus out of his stupor. “You’re hurt?” He just stops himself from checking the man over, hands itching to reach out and feel for the damage.
“For this one. Can’t really leave him just lying on the side of the road.”
“Oh. Right, of course.”
“And they’ll probably arrest him, while they’re at it. Win-win.”
“Silver linings.”
The man – Remus doesn’t know his name – laughs at that. It’s oddly dog like and on another person it’d be too much, too loud, but on him? Perfection. Remus wants to ask to record it. Maybe playing it in the evenings will cure his insomnia.
Adrenaline wearing off, Remus realises that his broken ankle hurts way more than it should. More than it has for a while. The same amount as…
“I’ve re-broken my ankle,” he doesn’t mean to blurt out loud. There’s immediate concern in the man’s face. Remus half-sits half-slumps down to the pavement. “Yup. I’m pretty sure I’ve re-broken my ankle. Fantastic.”
That’s what he gets for chasing down would-be-muggers down the streets of London. It’s probably some cosmic price to pay for hearing that laugh. It must be delirium: Remus thinks it’s worth it.
There are gentle hands on the side of his face, guiding it upward, and gentle eyes full on sincerity. “Thank you for helping me,” the man says again, “let’s get you to the hospital, alright?”
Through the pain-haze or wine-buzz-haze or maybe you-just-assaulted-someone-haze, Remus becomes shameless. “Will you stay with me?”
“As long as you’ll have me,” the man says and the way he looks at Remus? Like he doesn’t have too-big ears and too-big a nose, or the scar, or the hair he can never get to behave.
Remus, more than shameless: “forever, then.”
The laugh he gets in return is somehow even better. There is nothing mocking about it. Instead, agreeable. “Alright. Forever.”
does this count as a meet-cute?
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
Cobalt Eyes and Sweet Smiles
In which a certain shy, quiet WSO catches your attention one night.
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When your pilot friend offered to bring you to the Hard Deck as a guest, you knew their intentions instantly. The other pilots would notice you, notice how you weren't one of them, and try hitting you up.
"Maybe you'll actually meet someone to take home," they said.
You rolled your eyes and went along with it, tired of hearing about how "we gotta find you someone."
It was nice, being offered one's spot at the pool table, being asked if you wanted to play darts or needed a drink. The pilots were quite nice to look at.
But one in particular stood out to you.
He had tucked himself away in the corner of the bar, his cobalt eyes able to observe the room without being noticed.
You noticed him right away. How he tried to weave his long, lean body through the crowd so he didn't bump into anyone. How instead of a beer, he was carrying water and a cup of peanuts. How despite that his shoulders were hunched in an effort to make himself smaller, his biceps strained against the khaki material of his uniform.
You recognized the pins that adorned his uniform. He was a Lieutenant, and a pretty decorated one at that. Clearly that hadn't given him an overblown ego, otherwise he would have spoken to you by now.
He was attractive and you could tell that he didn't realize it. You knew the glasses he wore had been given to him by the navy and were what they referred to as "birth control glasses". But the large wired frames added to his charm.
You couldn't help but stare at him. A smile broke out onto your face when he looked up from brushing the crumbs off his pants, those stunningly blue eyes locking with yours.
His thin lips parted and you could see the realization that you were staring at him in his eyes. You winked, hoping it would wash away any potential doubts he had.
A red flush rose from his neck to his cheeks as he looked away, focusing on the crumbs that were still on top of his pants.
It was adorable.
"Who's that?" You asked the too cocky for his own good pilot who had been trying to strike up a conversation with you since you walked in. Hangover? Hangnail?
"Oh, that's just Bob," he scoffed, "Or as I call him, Baby on Board."
The ice cold glare you gave him stopped his laughs, "He uh, he doesn't say much."
You didn't mind quiet. In fact, you tend to like the quiet ones more as you got older. Perhaps it was because they seemed to balance you out.
Perhaps it was because you learned that it was always the quiet ones who knew how to make you feel the best.
"Who's the girl?" You asked, motioning to the dark haired woman who had sat down next to him. You watched her jerk her head towards you, her eyes briefly making contact with yours. They looked like friends, but you wanted to make sure.
"Oh, that's Phoenix. He's her back seater. So, do you want to watch me play darts?"
"No," was all you said before walking over to Bob.
"Go talk to her," Phoenix whispered, "She's been staring at you all night."
"Probably thinks I'm some cool, elusive guy. Best to not break the illusion," Bob responded before taking a sip of his water.
Phoenix wasn't sure what was so 'elusive' about eating peanuts at a bar, but her friend needed a confidence boost, not a confidence downer.
"You're a catch, and she's interested. She couldn't take her eyes off of you while Rooster sang," She pointed out.
Bob just shrugged as he shook his head.
You were absolutely beautiful. You lit up a room with one smile. From the way the corners of your eyes crinkle to how your nose scrunches up, to the way your smile encapsulates your whole face. Your voice was sweet, loud but not shrill.
You were a dream. And dreams didn't tend to go for quiet wallflowers like him. He learned this years ago and had accepted it. It made him less likely to get his heart broken.
Though he still felt his heart twinge when Hangman came up to you. Bob didn't blame the man, he was just….jealous, as ridiculous as that sounded. Jealous that he couldn't just waltz up and start a conversation.
He had tried in the past and ended up embarrassing himself more than getting someone's number. It was easier to hang in the corner, even if it made his chances of finding someone lower. It was better than getting his hopes dashed.
Not that Bob enjoyed being alone. Honestly, he had hoped that by now, he would have settled down and startef a family. When asked what he wanted to be as a kid, his response was "a dad".
Life just hadn't worked out that way and it was best not to dwell on it. As much as he wished, life wasn't some romantic comedy where his future wife would just waltz into a room and a love song would play while he and her locked eyes for the first time.
Though 'Pretty Woman' was playing when you walked into the Hard Deck.
Phoenix's elbow jabbing his chest broke Bob out of his thoughts.
"Looks like I don't have to convince you to go talk to her," was all she said before getting up to walk away.
Bob was quite confused, until he looked directly ahead.
Oh no.
You were walking straight towards him.
Bob knew he should get up and head straight to the bathroom. Or go to the bar. Something so you wouldn't talk to him and discover he was quiet not because he was some cool figure but because he never fucking knew what to say.
But his legs were frozen in place. All he could do was ensure that he had brushed all the crumbs from the peanuts off his pants.
"Hi! Is this seat taken?" You asked. Bob was now thankful he was still sitting, because your melodic voice paired with that sweet smile would have made him fall to his knees.
It took Bob a few moments to realize that he needed to actually give you a response. You didn't seem to mind, which was surprising. He was used to folks getting huffy, expecting a quick response from him.
Instead, you just gave him that beautiful smile.
"No! U-uh, no, i-its free, ma'am," he managed to get out.
"Glad to know," was all you said before you sat yourself on one of his thighs. You slung an arm around his shoulders, your fingers reaching up the nape of his neck towards his sandy brown locks.
Oh sweet Jesus.
You couldn't help but smirk as you watch his face process what was happening and then proceed to short circuit. He clearly wasn't used to this type of attention, which was an absolute shame.
"Uh…um t-there's a s-spot uh o-over there," He stuttered, avoiding your eyes.
"I know," you leaned in, your breath hot in his ear, "I like this seat better."
Did he and Phoenix actually eject out of their plane in time or did he die that day and was now in heaven?
Maybe she had mistaken him for someone else. Bob kept thinking of scenarios that would explain why you were doing this, besides you actually being interested in him, because someone like you was never interested in someone like him.
For a moment, you worried that you may have been too much. It looked like he was malfunctioning at your attention.
But then you felt a strong arm wrap itself around your waist, securing you in place.
"I-I'm uh…I'm Bob." God, he was so cute. His cheeks had what seemed to be a permanent flush to them.
You giggled as you told him your name, which caused the corners of his mouth to turn upwards.
"It's nice to meet you Bob," your fingers twirled around his sun kissed locks.
"It's n-nice to meet you t-too, ma'am," He mumbled. He honestly didn't know what to do. He was usually the one pretty girls went up to to ask about the relationship status of his other pilots.
"You're so nice, but you don't need to call me ma'am," you giggled.
Somehow, his face turned an even brighter shade of red as he mumbled an apology.
"It's okay, it's quite sweet. And hot, to be honest," you admitted.
Bob looked up, his eyes making contact with yours for the first time since you sat on his lap.
Hot was not a word used to describe him. Cute, nice, nerdy, okay, were the adjectives he was used to hearing. Not hot.
"R-really?" His voice was still shaky, though it was the most confident he sounded since he began talking to you.
"Yeah," you giggled, straightening his collar, "So is Bob your call sign or your actual name? I can't tell with some of these."
"Well, my full name is Robert but my call sign is Bob," he found himself becoming more relaxed, despite having to remind himself not to look at your chest that was at eye level.
"Does Bob stand for something?" You asked, genuinely wanting to learn more about him.
He shrugged, "It's a long story." Surely you didn't want to hear him talk, did you?
"Have anything to do with your commendation medals?" You asked. He looked shocked at your knowledge. For a brief moment you were almost offended until you remembered that he honestly thought you were just a civilian.
"Both my dads are in the Navy. I know what a lot of the medals mean. It's also how I know this guy," you motioned to the man clad in a Hawaiian shirt who was leading the crowd through another Jerry Lewis sing-along.
"Does he know anything other than Jerry Lewis?" Bob asked out loud.
"If he's feeling extra deep, he'll play Clocks by Coldplay. Other than that…no, he doesn't."
The two of you exchanged a look before laughing. He had the sweetest laugh you had ever heard.
You rested your head on one of his broad shoulders. He was sitting up a little straighter. The tension in his body had faded. Not all the way, but a bit.
You liked it. You wanted to see more of it, more of him.
Though Bob didn't really suit him. Neither did Robert.
"Can I call you Robby?"
"You can call me whatever you want." Oh, so he could be smooth.
You grinned, "Whatever I want? That's quite open. My Pa always said to never take something open-ended until you made sure there weren't any strings attached."
He shrugged, a small smirk slowly appearing on his handsome face, "Well, I guess there is something I'd want in exchange."
You quirked an eyebrow, "And what would that be, Robby?"
Here goes nothing.
"You can call me whatever you want, as long as I can call you for dinner?" Oh God, that was so cheesy. What was he thinking? Bob didn't blame you if you got up and left right then and-
A pair of soft lips pressed against his cheek, the sweet smell of lavender flooding his nostrils.
Oh your lips were like heaven.
"I'd love that Robby. I'd also love to call you for breakfast," you cooed in his ear.
His large hand gripped the fabric of your dress. You wondered if he could feel your thighs clenching. Not that you didn't want him to know you found him extremely attractive. Quite the opposite in fact.
"Y-you smell really nice," was all he could get out. His head felt fuzzy. You were overwhelming in the best way possible.
"I was just gonna say the same about you," you smiled as the scent of sage filled your senses. You then noticed that his glasses had fallen down the bridge of his nose. With zero hesitation, you gently pushed them back up.
Bob was thinking of every possible unattractive thing and scenario to kill the growing erection he had. Your fingers that were tracing circles over his biceps weren't helping.
If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.
"W-would uh, would you want to get out of here?"
Realization set in at what he just said. Fuck. The last thing this angel wanted was to be taken back to base housing. The last thing he needed was Mickey walking in on him trying to flirt too. Also, when did she ever indicate she wanted to go back to a bedroom? She didn't. Yeah, she mentioned breakfast but maybe she was just a big fan of brunch. Brunch was pretty great. You could order waffles at two in the afternoon and no one bats an eye. Had he gone too far? He had gone too far.
Of course a beautiful girl would show interest in him only for him to fuck it up.
"We, we could go to another place! I-I, uh, I know this other bar, it's much quieter or there's a late night coffee shop we could go to, or-"
"My apartment is a fifteen minute drive, and I drove here." You told him.
"O-oh. O-okay." Bob was still worried. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel pressured to do anything. He was truly more than content to just talk to you all night, maybe kiss you on the cheek if he was lucky. If you allowed it.
"I…..I have a good collection of board games if you're interested," you said, hoping it would alleviate his clearly displayed nerves.
"I-I just wanna, uh, wanna talk to ya," he admitted, a Midwestern drawl lacing his voice.
"Where you from Robby?" You asked, pressing your forehead against his. You could hear him gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing.
God, you wanted nothing more than to mark up his neck.
"M-Montana. W-why?"
"I could listen to your voice all day," you sighed, brushing your nose against his. It was obvious it took all his strength to not look away from you, to flash a weak smile instead.
"Really?" Normally, his accent wasn't something folks enjoyed hearing. After years in the navy, he learned how to make himself sound neutral.
You nodded your head, "Yeah. I like your voice. And you." That rose tint had made itself a home on his cheeks, not that you minded. It was honestly the cutest thing.
"Is that so hard to believe?" You asked. It was almost sad that he was genuinely shocked by this.
He shook his head, "I-it's just uh, usually, uh, I'm uh, not the one folks um, typically go for."
"Well, those folks are idiots," you responded, "you have a lot to offer: smart, sweet, kind, funny. Extremely handsome to boot."
You were being genuine. Bob couldn't help but smile, practically beaming.
"C-can I kiss you?" He found himself asking. Where that bravery came from, he wasn't sure.
He was genuine, something you didn't see often, particularly from those in the navy. Your fathers always had warned you of such, hence their 'no pilot' rule.
They never told you about what to do when you found a sweet, honest, good hearted man in the navy.
It probably helped that he wasn't technically a pilot.
You nodded your head quickly, not wanting to doubt for one moment, "Was beginning to worry that you'd never ask."
He was a good kisser. His large hands cupped your jaw and most of your neck. He was gentle when he titled your head down, moving his lips against yours.
You could kiss him for hours. When you broke away for air, his face was still red, though a proud smile was now on his face.
"You gonna take me home Robby?" You asked before placing a gentle kiss on his jawline.
"I-I don't know what your car looks like," his voice was now low, vibrating into your shoulder, a stark contrast to the adorable observation he was making.
You kissed his cheek again, the corner of your lips brushing against his, "you're really fucking cute Robby."
Bob knew in that moment he would follow you to the ends of the Earth.
"Y-you're um, you're one t-to talk." It sounded much smoother in his head. And yet, you didn't mind the stuttering or that he was still nervous despite being brave enough to ask if he could kiss you.
You liked him, just the way he was.
It was a nice change. A really nice change.
"Why don't we get out of here?" You hopped off his lap, extending a hand out to him.
Bob thanked whatever higher being was up there for throwing him a bone before he made an even bigger fool out of himself. Granted, you had made your interest in him well known, so was there really a point to being so nervous?
He grabbed your hand, following you out of the bar. As you two left, you flashed a wink to your friend Bradley, who simply gave you a thumbs up, signaling his approval.
"Did you plan that?" Phoenix asked as she watched you and Bob walk out the door.
"Not planned, more like hoped it would work out that way," Bradley responded, smiling.
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xanticore · 3 months
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Part two
Genre: angst
Setting: early 2000s ,, L.A.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and drug addiction. Sex addiction. lots and lots of cursing. he cheats. (the horror) slight mentions of suicide. slight grammar errors im writing this at 3 am.
Summary: Jungkook was always one to have his anger get the best of him...that was only because of the amount of drugs and alcohol he abuses in his daily life. When you first met him, you knew he had personal problems but he never discussed those things with you. One night after a show, you wanted to talk about his habits and something snapped in him. You don't know if you're able to even look at him again.
Rockstar!Jungkook - he sings and plays guitar.
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Jungkook had some problems...mentally. And you knew it, and so did his band mates. You were the type to try and ignore it and see the good in him for the most part. Certain times, Jungkook was definitely a good boyfriend to you. He would buy you expensive bouquets, new clothes, and even jewlery; but that was all during a time where he was sober. You don't know what happened to make him relapsed and you honestly tried to retrace your steps.
It gotten so hard on you, to the point Jaehyun, his bandmate that plays drums, had to remind you countless times that none of this wasn't your fault. You couldn't help but still have it on your mind though.
Kook distanced himself from you and he rarely ever calls you. You tried to call him but you would always hear that he was either unavailable or worse, just a dead line- no one would even pick up. Overthinking with such a guy like him was inevitable. You didn't know what he was doing because you couldn't even get a hold of him. You tried your best to let him be an adult and let him just comeback on his own; but that never worked out in the end.
So you decided to take matters into your own hands. Jaehyun contacted you that they would be during their last show of their tour in downtown L.A. at the metal club. You we're excited but very disappointed in how Jungkook didn't tell you but someone else did. You shrugged it off and made your way towards the club.
The show went on as planned and they performed- in a sense good. The other members were flawless with their instruments but you noticed that Kook wasn't doing so well. It was unusual for him to even slip up a riff. You sighed already could tell he had some alcohol in his system. It was even obvious in his singing. You looked over at the bassist and the other guitar player-Yugyeom and Eunwoo. The two seemed to take notice of Jungkooks performance and how it can affect the rest of the members and song all together.
Luckily, the show went on and managed to have the crowd cheering and screaming. You went backstage and waited for them to come out. Each member greeted you with a warm smile and Jaehyun stopped for a moment.
"You noticed?"
"Yeah...he's drunk. He was already in a shit mood ever since this morning. When he sees you, hopefully that sour attitude changes."
Jaehyun said before shaking his head. "If he does anything to you..let me know. Ok?" You nodded at his request and that nearly had your hair on your arms sticking up. At last Jungkook came off stage already having a beer bottle in his hand. He saw you and just rolled his eyes which you was taken aback by that action of his. "What are you doing here (name)?" He said nonchalantly, as if he didn't wanted you there in the first place.
"Jaehyun was nice enough to tell me you were doing your last tour stop here. Ughh Kook, you fucking reek of alcohol-"
Jungkook just chuckled and took a swig of his beer. "And this? can we talk about how you just relapsed out of nowhere and how you never return my calls? You've been so distant with me lately." You snapped at him as you watched him, carelessly drink his drink. "I've been busy-"
"Drinking and doing coke isn't being 'busy' you need serious help Jungkook and your band mates is slowly getting sick and tired of your behavior and so am I!"
"I don't fucking care what they think. I'm living my best fucking life as much as possible trying to keep myself fucking happy in this world!"
"So doing this is your solution?!"
"Yeah. Drugs, beer, a good fuck with a girl who isn't bugging me 24/7 trying to get in contact with me"
That was it. You froze for a moment and all the color on your face has drained as your heart sunk. Jungkook still didn't realize what he said. You watched him throw away the bottle, taking out a cigarette and lighting it with his lighter afterwards. You didn't have the energy to even comment on it but you were more worried about his wellbeing.
"Why? just....just why are you trying to kill yourself like this?" You said trying to not choke up on your words.
"Im tired. I kinda do wanna sleep." Kook replied, exhaling the nicotine. "also I wanna get away from you. i'm sick of you..."
im sick of you
im sick of you
You couldn't help but repeat those harsh words over and over. You couldn't tell if the alcohol or drugs were talking or Jungkook himself. He still had no reaction to what he said but you was already too weak to even argue with him. You felt tears roll down your cheeks and heard a sigh coming from him. "Look, I gotta go. I can't be here while you're crying like this-"
He walked passed you so carefree. He didn't even bother to look back as he walked down the hallway. After that, you knew it'll be the last time you talked with him. You felt like he didn't need you so why should you continue to care.
You left the club alone without your boyfriend that you once cherished and cared about.
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Extra: 6 months later. Jungkook was in rehab in a therapy session. Told in Kooks pov.
I was in my therapy session and I told my therapist about my problems I had with the things I do. I've been told things that I regret saying to my girlfriend. I was just too upset with everyone and high off my fucking mind to the point she stopped all contact.
I wanted to go back to my habits again but that would only cause me more unwanted trauma. I was still in denial after what Jaehyun told me. I seriously don't remember anything from that night...and it pisses me off.
After receiving the news I've gotten from my brother, my whole world crashed and I wanted a way to get out of here. I couldn't bare just being here I was mentally and physically exhausted with my life. Nothing was making me happy and touring definitely didn't help. I grew an unhealthy addiction with sex. I had sex with many woman not caring in the slightest I was taken. Not caring I had someone worried about me back at home.
I really loved (name)...I really did. In the beginning; I tried my absolute hardest to stay away from the dark. She was my light.
"It seems you wasn't ready..."
"I wasn't. I wish I could go back in time and changed everything."
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a/n : Yay or nah? Lowkey was in my feelings but i wanted to write angst.
dividers: cr to owners
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gyuarchives · 2 months
wrong timing, right nor wrong person.(?) | a choi yeonjun oneshot. (good ending)
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sypnosis: this is the last time. you told yourself this is the last time that you would let yourself fall in the arms of love and catch feelings for a person. you don't even care if it was the right thing to do or not. but maybe, just maybe, your shot would hit the bullseye this time.
genre: happy ending (yay!), fluff, gn!reader
word count: 894 words
warning: none!
note: if you're seeing this before the original story, click here to read the intended ending (the bad ending)! there is no particular order of how you wanna read it but just to let you know that this is a different ending from the OG one! enjoy!
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"can i talk to you?"
"yeah sure! i still have some time left before my next class, what's up?"
you hate it. you hate this smile on his face that makes you feel like the whole world will be okay and that there is nothing to worry about, but your mind was filled to the brim with worries, concerns and your heart was screaming for you not to do this; however your mind said that you should, because you wouldn't have another passing chance like this again.
"no like, in private."
he looked around the lecture theatre as the other students were taking their leave after the boring class ended a few minutes ago, only the nerdy, studious ones stayed back, but none that you would even care about.
it felt like he did not want to budge from the spot he was standing between the seats, so there wasn't much choice but to do it then and there.
you took a deep breath, and dived right into the deep end.
"yeonjun, i know we have been friends for so long, and school has been so much fun with you around. classes were more tolerable, lunch breaks were so full of shit-talking about groupmates and professors.. there was never a dull moment since we worked on that project together and got closer. you came around quick every time i needed help, and you never fail to cheer me up on days when i couldn't move a muscle to smile. you really make me feel much better about life."
at this point you weren't halfway through your confession, and you were already choking up on words as your vision starts to get bleary. yeonjun looked like he knew which direction this was going. you exhaled strongly through your nose for an inch of relief.
"all those moments made me feel somewhat...attracted to you. and i couldn't ignore those feelings. every day i get to school, the only thing i would look forward to was seeing your face in classes we shared.. p-point is, i like you. so much. and i know our final year is already ending, but i feel like i need to get this off my chest before the end, or else i will never lay it to rest. and i don't really care if you don't feel the same, this was mainly for me. okay?"
you stopped talking and finally looked up from the ground to watch his face unfold into a look so mellowed, yet shocked. he couldn't even fathom his words right, and you could see his brain turning to match your words into coherent sentences that he could register.
he rubbed his mouth anxiously, a subconscious self-soothing gesture as he tried to process your confession. he didn't know how to take your words in, but he knew he has to say something anyway.
"hey yn look-"
"if you are going to reject me or say that you're seeing someone please save i-"
"i-i like you too."
your mind stopped working. for the first time today, you looked into his eyes in search of some genuineness. is he being for real?
"r-really? did- did you just say.. that??" you stumbled on your words not believing the first time he said that.
"yes.. yes i did, yn."
he smiled at you sweetly, eyes formed into crescent moons, letting you know that it is sincere. yeonjun gently pulled your arm and you let yourself drift closer to his body, hugging him in the process. he wrapped his arm around you as he caressed your hair lovingly.
"well...this is nice."
you giggled after making a sudden comment, hearing his heartbeat strong and rhythmic on his chest, reminding you of how glad he was to finally let you know what he has been feeling for a couple of weeks now; all those moments of stealing glances during lectures, babbling to the other 4 of his best friends of how he feels towards you everyday (and slightly annoying them with how often he talks about you and the rest having no such game), wandering around beaches and parks alone to properly think about the situation, if it was really a genuine crush or just a passing feeling he will get over.
you weren't any different either. it was hell for a few months ever since you realised you developed feelings for your project mate and you couldn't look at him the same after the discovery. you didn't go about a day without asking your friends if it was the right choice in crushing on him and them supporting you in the decision, but you couldn't help but question if he's already taken on the down low, or he was just being very kind to you and that is just his personality to everyone else. it is safe to say that none of those are true now.
you heard his giggles reverberate through his chest that made you smile much wider, encouraging you to be glad that the last time you gave love a chance was the first time you struck jackpot.
"let's go on a date right now then."
"now?! jjun, i literally look so ugly right now.."
"hey noo don't say that! you look cute. no one else will see you but me, so let's go try that new cafe down the street yeah?"
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a/n: hope you enjoyed the good ending :3 feel like ive been writing alot of bad endings these days so i figured hey maybe i should write a nice one so yall wouldnt leave this app heartbroken </3
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sunny44 · 4 months
Forget about us
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Ex!reader
Warnings: nothing I guess
Summary: Y/n writes a song about her ex and ends performing for him.
Note: heyy, this story was inspired by the song Forget about us from Perrie, im using her as face claim and her last name also.
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Y/nedwards instagram post
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Liked by @rebeccadonaldson, @maxverstappen1, @yourbff and others 28397
Y/nedwards Hey guys, I’m happy to tell you all that my new single “Forget About Us” is out now. This is a very personal song for me and I was really concerned to put it out but here we are.
Hope you guys like it
@f1fan this song is fantastic and I love it
@jnao22 I hope Carlos listens to it
@Imrebeccad In love with this song
Load for more comments
This was definitely the most personal song I had ever written. I had written songs about him and our relationship before, but nothing so deep and exposing my feelings so clearly. But after years, I finally felt ready to expose my feelings to the world, and here we are.
And it happened to be during the Monaco Grand Prix weekend, to which I was invited by Ferrari. Even though I knew he would be there, I couldn't refuse because, according to my agent, this was what I needed for my career, especially since I made a song about him, even though people didn’t know about it.
So here I was, entering the garage and being greeted by some familiar faces.
"Y/n." I turned around to see Charles, surprised to see me.
"Hi." I hugged him.
"How are you? It's been a while." He said, a bit awkwardly.
"I'm fine, and you?"
"Also fine. I heard your song, and it's amazing."
"Thanks, I listened to yours too, and I'll definitely ask you to do a piano solo for me."
"I'd love that."
"Y/n?" And the voice I least wanted to hear.
"Carlos." I said simply.
"I didn't know you were coming."
"Yeah, I was invited."
"Oh, that's great. How are you?" At this point, Charles had already found a way to slip away.
"Good, and you?"
"Good too." Thank God he didn't mention the song.
"You are..." he was interrupted by a woman with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
"Hi, love." She kissed him and looked at me. "Hi, you’re Y/n, right?"
"I'm Rebecca, Carlos's girlfriend." She said kindly and extended her hand to me.
"Yeah, of course." I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise, I loved your song. I haven't stopped listening to it for a minute."
"Song?" Carlos asked, confused.
"The one I showed you the other night, and you said it was very good."
"Thanks for that. Look, I need to go, but it was a pleasure meeting you."
"Sure, if you want to watch the race with me."
"Thanks for the invite." I said, walking away.
It was all too much. The encounters happened very quickly, just minutes after I arrived so I needed some time away. But on my way, I bumped into someone and would have fallen if the person hadn't caught me.
"Oh my God, I'm sorry." I said as soon as I regained my balance.
"No problem, I almost made you fall." I picked up my bag from the floor. "Y/n, right?"
"Yes, nice to meet you."
"Max." He said, and that's when I realized he was another driver.
"Of course, I know who you are." He smiled. "Sorry again, I wasn't paying attention, and it's very crowded here."
"Small place with lots of people, it's normal." He laughed. "Which garage are you in?”
"I knew I recognized you from somewhere."
"Please don't tell me it's because of Carlos."
"Actually, no, you released a song a few days ago, didn't you?"
"Yes I did."
"Daniel hasn't stopped listening to it, and he insisted I listen to it too. Really good, by the way." He said kindly.
"Thanks, that means a lot."
"Now I know who it's about." He joked, and for some reason, that made me laugh.
"You're welcome in the Red Bull garage anytime."
"Well, I have to go, but I'll see you around."
"Sure, definitely." He waved and started to leave. "Oh, there's an event tonight, and they're looking for someone to close the night. I'll mention you."
"Wow, thank you, that would be amazing."
"See you later then."
"Sure." And then he left.
A few hours later, I got a call from the event organizer at Tag Heuer, saying that if I was available to sing my song at the end of the night, she would send me the details. Since I couldn't refuse, I obviously accepted.
And now, I was here, nervous, trying to think of an outfit that would look good but not too simple since Monaco wasn't a place where people wore ordinary clothes.
"Oh my God, I have nothing to wear." I said, frustrated, to myself, and seconds later, there were knocks on my door. When I opened it, my manager walked in with a black garment bag, probably with an outfit inside, followed by two more women. "What's going on?"
"Did you really think I wouldn't find a way?" She shook the hanger in her hand, and I laughed. "Have you showered?"
"Then you can start on the makeup."
I think an hour later, I was ready. The outfit was perfect for a performance at an event in Monaco. I would say a bit over-the-top in my opinion, but according to my manager, it was a common outfit for the place we were in.
When I left the hotel and headed to the event, I was wearing a black dress for now since I would be participating in the party a bit before my performance, and she didn't want to spoil the outfit's surprise.
When I arrived, I obviously passed by several photographers before managing to get inside. Once I stepped inside, a few gazes turned directly to me, and I just smiled and tried to blend in.
"You look beautiful." I heard a voice behind me, and it was Carlos.
"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself."
"Found you." Now it was Max. "So, are you nervous about later?"
"Later?" Carlos asked.
"Oh, I mentioned her to the Tag Heuer folks. They were looking for a final performance to close the event."
"You're going to sing?"
"Want something to drink?"
"Oh, I don't think it's a good idea. Better not to be tripping during the performance." Max laughed and agreed. "But I'll take a sparkling water if you have."
"Sure, be right back."
"About the song..."
"We don't need to talk about it. Actually, I don't want to talk about it."
"I don't want to talk about it with you."
"Because the song is about me?"
"Look, just forget it, okay? I wrote a song about something in my life, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I didn't say there was."
"Just forget it, okay? Why don't you go be with your girlfriend?"
"So you can stay here alone with Max?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's obvious he's into you."
"And this concerns you because?" He didn't respond. "That's what I thought."
With that, I left and found Max halfway. We talked until it was time for me to go. I changed clothes and was backstage, waiting for them to announce me so I could go on stage.
"And now we have one last performance, singing her newest single. Y/n Edwards."
I went on stage, and the music started playing. I felt the gazes on me, but his gaze felt like it was burning my skin. I had to be careful not to stare at him the whole song, but a few times our gazes met, and when the song was ending, I looked at him, who was smiling at me and applauding along with everyone else.
After that, I returned to the party, which now had a DJ. I received several compliments and once again encountered Carlos, but this time with his girlfriend.
"You were amazing." She said excitedly and hugged me. "It was even better live, and I loved your outfit."
"Thank you."
"Y/n." Max came with a drink in hand. "Here, your manager said it's your favorite."
"Come on, let's leave them alone." Rebecca said, and reluctantly, Carlos went with her.
"Come, let's go over there." He took my hand, and we went to the other side.
Most of that night is a blur. Max and I drank too much, and I only remember waking up naked next to him the next morning. I spent the day at his apartment with him until I caught a flight to England in the evening.
Already back in my routine, I woke up to the alarm, ready to get dressed for an interview. When I picked up my phone, I was hit by thousands of news stories with titles like "Carlos Sainz and Rebecca Donaldson Break Up," and there was also a message among the thousands of others that caught my attention.
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Bonus scene!
Y/nedwards instagram stories
“So happy that I got to play my song here in Monaco, thank you @Taghauer”
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fragileruns · 11 months
Hii, I saw your last post and I thought why not send a request? Here is my idea: single dad!Spencer/Reader. Spencer brings his daughter to the BAU during a paperwork day, his daughter meets Reader for the first time. Reader is not used to being around children, so they (you can keep it gender neutral if you want to) are a bit awkward aand shy. But of course Spencer's daughter wants to be their friend because Spencer always tells his daughter how amazing Reader is. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination, thank you for reading and writing this, I'm sure it will turn out better than I imagined <33
i’m so sorry this is actually awful because i’m also terrible with kids and have no idea how situations go about with them haha - hopefully it’s somewhat what you wanted, though!
spencer reid x bau!reader. featuring his daughter, derek, brief mention of emily, y/n & spencer being flustered over their situationships, reader is mentioned to have a bunny, i think that’s it? it’s just fluff
You thought you had to be imagining things when you heard a voice - one that could only belong to a little kid - ask “Which one’s Y/N?”
You weren’t, and one glance around the room confirmed that. You saw Spencer bent down, messing with a little girl’s hair, who you could only assume was his daughter. Once he looked up to point over at you and gave you an almost apologetic smile, your eyes widened and you realized too late what was happening.
“Be nice, okay? Don’t be too crazy.” You could hear him tell you, and your nerves were fighting with you as you tried to plan for what was going to happen. What are you supposed to say to a little kid? You hardly knew what to say to people your age.
“‘M always nice, Dad,” The little girl sighed with a slight huff as he still held onto her and he only chuckled, placing a kiss to the top of her head before he let her go. Immediately, she was rushing over to you with a grin.
“Y/N!” She sounded so excited that you almost questioned if you were some sort of child tv show star. Why would she even be looking for you? You’ve never met.
“Hi, Max. Right?” You smiled down at her, and she nodded eagerly. You could hear Spencer’s footsteps approaching, and you were thankful that at least if you were a total bore to her, he could save her.
“Daddy told me that you, um, that you got a new bunny. Can I see it?”
You nodded and went to grab your phone to show her the pictures you got, and you almost wanted to laugh at the innocence of the interaction. You didn’t expect a child to be so eager just to see pictures of your new pet.
You also didn’t expect for you to be a topic of conversation in the Reid household, and Spencer seemed to fluster at the idea of you knowing as much.
“She just - she really likes bunnies, so when you were showing pictures the other day, I wanted to - yeah. I just told her,” He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, and you smiled up at him before turning back to his daughter.
“You can come see him one day, maybe. If your dad’s okay with bringing you over.”
You and Spencer both seemed surprised at your invitation, and you weren’t entirely sure where it had come from. Spencer had never been to your house before. It seemed too intimate, almost, for the weird type of situationship you two found yourself in.
Max gasped with excitement and turned up to her father, “Please? Can we go today, Dad? Please please please?”
“I don’t think they meant today, sweetheart. Maybe some other day though, okay?” He tried to calm the little girl, before turning back to you. “If you’re really okay with that.”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” You grinned, placing your phone back on your desk now that Max was done swiping through the pictures.
Derek walked by then, and as soon as he came up to your desk and noticed the little girl standing there, he made a dramatic gasp. “Max? Since when did you get to be a giant?”
She giggled and quickly ran for his legs, tackling into them with a tight hug, “Hi, Uncle Derek.”
You were thankful for the reprieve, worried that now you didn’t have the prospect of seeing a bunny in your conversation, you’d have nothing else to say to her.
“Daddy’s gonna take me to see Y/N’s bunny.” She said, the child in her shining through at the need to tell every little thing, but you didn’t mind. You sort of liked that you had something to make her so excited.
Derek looked up at the two of you with a grin, and you both knew what was coming. He had been too eager to tease the two of you about being ‘lovebirds’ even when you vehemently denied it. This was only more fuel.
“You sure you’re invited to go with him?” Derek had questioned, but Max didn’t understand the implication.
“‘Course I am, Uncle Derek. It’s a bunny.”
“Yeah, Derek. It’s a bunny.” You spoke up, eyes narrowed at him in a way that told him not to push it further, but the chuckle that left him told you he wasn’t done.
“Hey, kiddo, why don’t we go see Aunt Emily? Let your dad and Y/N keep planning their date.”
“It’s not-” Spencer had started but Derek looked at him with an innocent expression.
“Playdate, obviously. For Max and the bunny.” Spencer’s cheeks were flushed pink, and yours were too, as Derek broke into a grin.
“Yeah, Dad. Obviously.” Max mimicked before eagerly following after Derek to find Emily, leaving you and Spencer avoiding eye contact with equally red cheeks.
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deanwritings · 6 months
The Guest House - Chapter 9
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,474
A/N: I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's kind words and support these last few weeks. It was a very tough time but I've finally given myself time to rest and recover and starting to feel better again. I'm so happy to be back at this story and hope you all enjoy 🩵🩷
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“I WHAT?” You stammer as Dean leans back, out of your space, still grinning. 
After you had told him about your dream car, he had texted Rick, asking him if he would bring the ‘73 Mustang along for you to drive while he worked on Rick’s show cars. He initially was going to leave you at home with his mom, but thought you would enjoy this a lot more.  
Plus, Rick loved showing off and racing his collection–the ones he didn’t plan to put up for auction–so he was more than happy to oblige. 
“Hey, Dean!”
Speak of the gray-haired devel. 
Dean turns to see Rick jogging from the garages, his arm outstretched above him as Dean waves back. 
A few seconds later, Rick steps into the circle you and Dean had created, his hands on his hips as he catches his breath. 
“Y/N,” Dean points towards the newcomer. “This is Rick. Rick, Y/N.” Rick reaches out his hand and you take it, giving it a firm shake as Dean raises an eyebrow. 
“Nice to meet you,” you greet Rick with a smile as you drop his hand. 
“You as well.” Rick returns. “Heard you had an interest in Mustangs.” 
Dean’s eyes dart to you, his smile growing as the color rushes to your cheeks before you sneak a glance at him.
“Really just one Mustang.” You admit, your attention back to Rick. “My dad tried to get me a ‘74 for my first car but my mom shot that down pretty quick.” 
“Ah,” Rick snaps. “That’s too bad. Beautiful machine.” And you nod in agreement. 
“Well,” Rick’s hand lands heavy on Dean’s shoulder. “Dean here has some work to get to for me, but while he works, you and I will play.” Your lips pop open at Rick’s words and you suck in a breath as you quickly turn to Dean, panic in your Y/E/C eyes as your gaze darts across his face. Dean can’t stop the smirk that appears as you look up to him to save you.
“He’s harmless, I promise.” Dean assures you with a wink, his hand coming to rest on your upper arm. The color returns to your cheeks, and Dean’s smirk relaxes, just one corner of his lip raised as his heartbeat slows. 
Fuck. He drops his hand away from you and straightens out as he clears his throat. Touching you while you were looking up at him like that, through your thick lashes, was a bad idea. And he takes a step away.
“Well, I’ll leave you kids to it.” Dean turns, walking backwards to keep his eyes on you and Rick. And you. “Have fun.”
This time, he fully turns, away from you as he hears Rick starting his spiel about Mustangs and how they were first introduced to the public at the World’s Fair in 1964 and since then, it’s been one of the most desired cars of our time. 
Dean smirks. He’s heard this history lesson more times than he would have cared to, but Rick’s a good guy, who pays well. Really well. Just for today's work, he was going to take home $6K, which was definitely over market value for Dean’s work, but Rick liked and trusted Dean, and for a man where $6K was nothing, he was more than happy to pay extra to keep Dean around. 
Dean steps into the garage, welcomed by Rick’s Datsun 240Z, Pontiac Firebird, and of course, Rick’s pride and joy, his 1969 Corvette Stingray. The first two were going up for auction tomorrow, while the Stingray was just here for a general checkup. 
Despite the beautiful cars in front of him, his eyes are drawn a few stalls down, where she’s waiting for him. 
That sense of excitement and pride bubbles up in his chest whenever he lays his eyes on her. But she would have to wait for now. 
Tearing his eyes away, Dean claps his hands together and gives them a rub.
“Let’s get to work.”
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Your heart is pounding in the best way possible as Rick crosses the finish line for the seventh time. This is the most alive you’ve felt in a long time. 
He had expertly raced you through the course, taking every curve so smoothly, you barely slipped across the benched, leather seat. When the speedometer first hit 120MPH, your eyes widened and you suddenly realized you were sitting in a steel deathtrap, going at a speed that would surely kill you if you were to crash, with a man you had met only two minutes prior. 
It was insanity. But here you were, loving every moment of it. 
“Whatcha say? Wanna take a ride in the driver’s seat?” Rick turns in his seat once the car slows to a stop. 
You take a deep breath, calming your racing heart.
“God I wish.” You’re practically breathless. “But I never learned how to drive stick.” Rick snaps for the second time today. 
“Well that’s a damn shame.” The older man shakes his head, his unstyled hair following the movement. “I would offer to teach you, but this isn’t quite the type of car you learn on.” He smiles while he pats the dashboard affectionately. 
You swat your hand through the air.
“Oh don’t even worry about it.” You were glad he didn’t offer to teach you. You would have been terrified of learning on such a beautiful car. You would probably find a way to crash it or ruin it. And you didn’t have the funds to fix a classic car at the moment. 
“But thank you for taking me. That was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.” And it was true. The last time you had done anything this crazy was when you were in college, and did the Sky Coaster with Sydney while on spring break in Myrtle Beach. The two of you squeezed each other’s hands as you laid in the harness as you swung almost 200 feet in the air over the boardwalk. Since then, it’s been calculated and controlled decisions as you focused on growing your career above all else.
Without another word, Rick steps out of the car, and you follow.
“So what brings you up to Bolton?” Rick rests against the hood of the car, looking across at you. “Besides Dean?” He smirks. Something tells you he’s fishing, but unfortunately for him, the pond is empty.
“Well, I’m only here because of Dean, but I live in the city and recently quit my job so I decided to take a little vacation before I jumped back into the rat race. I’m renting out Dean’s guest house.” Rick wrinkles his nose and looks away.
“Dean’s renting? Can’t imagine he’s liking that too much.” Rick snaps his cobalt gaze back to you, holding up a hand. “No offense.”
“None taken,” you smirk. “He wasn’t the most gracious host when we first met,” you chuckle at the memory of Dean storming you with a gun as you had lounged in the hot tub. “But we’re getting there.” Rick just shakes his head, looking like he has a comment on the tip of his tongue, but bites it back.   
“Well, I’m glad Dean brought you along today.” Rick taps the hood of the car before stepping around towards the front, and you follow. “Always nice to meet a new face.” 
“Well, I appreciate it.” You smile up toward Rick as you walk in tandem towards the garages Dean had disappeared to before Rick whisked you away in your dream car. 
“I hope you’ll be joining us at the auction tomorrow?” Rick glances down towards you, and you nod.
“I’ll probably be the most useless person there, but I will be there.” You chuckle, and Rick joins in with you.
“Don’t sell yourself short.” Rick steps in front of you as you approach the door. “Besides, I’d love to introduce you to my wife, Addie. She’ll be so happy to have someone else who knows nothing about cars.” He pulls the door open for you. “She says Dean and I are incorrigible at these things.” He shoots you a wink and you smile and give him your thanks as you step inside. 
The garage is set up similar to a classic mechanics’ shop, several work stalls running down the lengthy hall, each with a car quietly parked within them, but everything in the rectangular space screams modernity. Before each stall is a glass garage door, framed in shining black chrome. Lifts glisten in their near-pristine condition, whether because they’re new or because they’re so well kept. The floors are a polished cement, the wall color made to match.  
It was definitely designed by someone with a lot of money.
You glance over your shoulder at Rick.
“You don’t happen to own this racetrack, do you?” You pose the question, the lightbulb having gone off in your head as you take in the gleaming workspace and the proud man smiling behind you. 
“Bought it about a decade ago.” Rick rests his hands on his jean-clad hips. “Was a lifelong dream of mine. I grew up a few towns over and my dad used to take me here all the time growing up. He was a car guy too.” Rick motions to a couch along the side wall and you take a seat. 
“It had shut down back in 2009 when the original owners couldn’t keep up with the payments anymore after the economy crashed.” Rick settles next to you at a comfortable distance. “I was living in the city at the time and had no idea it was on the market. I was in the area for work and decided to take a detour to visit for old time’s sake and was shocked to find it was shut down. I was getting ready to retire, and Addie had been trying to help me find a retirement project so I wouldn’t drive her crazy,” he chuckles. “This wasn’t what she had in mind, but it gets me out of the house, which is what she wanted, so I tell her she can’t complain.” You laugh softly with him, wondering briefly what Addie looked like. Though if she would be at the auction tomorrow, you would get your answer soon enough. 
“Well it seems to be working for you. If you’re this happy coming here everyday, you’ve clearly done something right.” Rick hums and dips his head.
“You’ve got that right. I used to manage wealth portfolios for almost 30 years. I liked it, liked how important and successful it made me, but I wouldn’t say it ever made me happy.” His smile fades off. “Not like this place.” His eyes leave yours and he looks around the space. 
“And the only way I’m ever leaving here is in a body bag.” He turns back to you, a smirk reappearing. “I already told Addie to bury me here when I die.”
The absurdity of his comment catches you off guard, and you burst out with a laugh, but it doesn’t drown out his words, especially when the ring inside you like a damn war bell. 
Even on the best days, you wouldn’t say your job made you happy. Like Rick, your success was what drove you; being promoted and recognized for your work was your greatest focus, and happiness wasn’t something you ever considered. Your work was interesting to you, and a challenge at times, and that had been enough. 
But maybe it was something to consider with your next job: what would you actually be happy doing?
Before you can think on it further, a frosted glass door pushes open from the back wall, and out steps Dean, wiping his hands on a rag before shoving it into his newly adorned, black coveralls with a LRR emblem on his left chest, with his name scripted underneath. 
“Well look who's back,” his smile widens as he catches sight of us on the couch. “Thought he would have had you out there taking a few spins on the track yourself.” Dean points out one of the garage doors towards the track. 
“Turns out Y/N here can’t drive manual.” Rick gives you a few pats on your shoulder, almost like he was comforting you on the fact that you couldn’t drive an outdated system. 
Dean’s lips tick upward.
“Well color me shocked,” he drawls, not a hint of surprise in his words as he smiles down at you, his green eyes glistening. 
Stupid, handsome prick. 
If Rick wasn’t sitting right next to you, you’d probably would have flipped him off.
“Hilarious,” you deadpan instead, opting for the more civil route. 
“How are the cars looking?” Rick stands, moseying over to the car parked in the closest stall, a shimmering moss green classic beauty with a sloping front hood and concave headlights. 
Dean’s eyes linger on you, something stirring within you as he watches, before he turns away, approaching the same car and stepping on the opposite side of where Rick stands, assessing with crossed arms and a leaning posture.
You hadn’t noticed until Dean looked away, but you had stopped breathing. Your heart palpating in your chest desperately reminding you to take a breath.  
You huff heavily, letting the ache in your chest ease. The sound seems to catch Dean’s attention for just a split second before he continues on with his report, and you’re grateful his gaze didn’t hold you again. 
The two men chat for a minute before Rick walks over to Dean and shakes his hand, giving him a firm pat before breaking away. 
You stand as Rick approaches you, his arm outstretched towards you.
“Great meeting you, Y/N. Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow.” Rick gives you a genuine smile with a firm handshake. 
“You too,” you fully return. “And I’m looking forward to meeting Addie.” Rick’s smile grows wider at her name.
“She’ll be happy to have a friend tomorrow.” 
It only takes another moment for him to disappear out the front door, leaving you and Dean alone in the garage. 
You look over to Dean, who is watching you with a relaxed smile, waiting for you to make the next move. 
You shove your hands into your back pockets and rock on your heels.
“Sooo,” you start, your teeth catching your lip on the last letter as you try to cut through the silence. “Are you done?”
Dean breathes out a laugh and looks down. 
“Not yet,” he looks back at you, holding your attention. “I just need to check out the Pontiac,” he throws a thumb over his shoulder to a sienna machine with a giant eagle emblem spread across the entirety of the hood. “Which shouldn’t take long, and then give his Stingray a tune up. Shouldn’t be more than an hour.”
You step away from the couch, heading towards the Pontiac and grimace at the tawdry design sprawled across the otherwise pristine classic car.
“People actually like this?” You point to the logo that looks very similar to Journey’s crest. Dean laughs and steps up next to you. 
“Believe it or not, a similar one went up to auction two years ago and sold for $220,000.” You whip your head towards him, your mouth hanging wide.
“You’re kidding.” You gape, looking back to the very eighties looking car in front of you. Sure, it was in good shape, and obviously people had an interest in this type of stuff, but to spend that much money on a car, a car that was really only fourty or so years old, hardly seemed worth it to you. 
Dean steps away from you, grabbing a tool box from the last station and setting it up next to this car. 
“This one won’t go for that, it’s not as rare, but if it sells tomorrow, which it should, Rick will probably get around $100,000 for it.”
Dean just smiles as he sets up his station, pressing a button by the garage door, sending the car slowly into the air, just a couple of feet, before coming to a stop.  
Dean walks back over to the first station, kicking over a some sort of roller, that you assume he uses to get underneath the cars.
As he walks past you, you can’t help but admire the broad shoulders under the fitted coveralls, the way the fabric stretches rather deliciouslily over arms that you were suddenly very interested in. 
“Any chance you know much about tools?” His deep voice rumbles through you as he turns to look at you with curious eyes.
“I know the basics.” You admit, stepping out of his gaze. You may be a renter, but you had your own mini toolbox for some decoration projects or when you needed something simple done and didn’t want to bother your landlord. You were all for independence when the moment called for it. 
“That’ll work.” Dean grins as he squats down onto the roller, his thighs pressing tight against his work pants. Your heart flutters again. 
He pulls a headlamp from his pocket and positions it on top of his forehead before he lays himself flat, one hand grasping onto the front bumper.
His words finally catch up with you.
“Wait,” he starts to push himself under, but quickly catches himself at your words. “What do you mean?” 
He smirks. The smirk that makes your heart beat in a different way. In a way that makes you want to punch him. 
“You’re going to be my assistant.” You laugh dryly. 
“I’m sorry, have you forgotten that I know nothing about cars?” Your hands flair with your words. “I am not touching any of those.” You point to the car in front of you. “I’ll probably break them.” 
“I’m aware of that.” He annoyingly agrees with you, and you glare down at him. “I just need you to hand me some tools while I’m down here. It will make everything move much faster.” 
“Yes, ‘oh.’ Like I would ever let you work on one of these.” He mumbles, though still loud enough for you to hear before he disappears under the car, a light suddenly illuminating from the undercarriage. 
You walk towards the toolbox, making sure to accidentally kick his exposed work boot on your way. He grumbles something at the contact, but the words are lost with the rest of his body under the car. 
You open up the toolbox, a multi-level contraption, and see some familiar instruments, and others that were completely new to you. 
“Think you can handle getting me a 9/16 wrench?” He yells out to you. Your eyes scan the box, finding the wrenches and reading each handle until you see the size he asked for. You pick it up, but an idea hits you. 
You walk over to the car and lean down, reaching under to give him the tool. 
You smile as you hear him cuss and then the light goes out before he slides himself out from the car, pushing himself upright. This time sans headlight. 
“Everything okay?” You ask with fake concern. 
“Fine,” he responds politely and makes his way to the toolbox with the wire cutters you had handed him. His hand grazes over the container, landing at the wrenches, his brow furrowing when he notices the empty space where the wrench he requested should be. 
“Looking for this?” You hold up the wrench and give it a little wiggle. He turns towards you, his face falling as he notices the tool.
“And you gave me the wire cutters, why?” He huffs, dropping the wrong tool unceremoniously into the box as he walks over to you.
You hold his gaze, even as it makes your throat dry as he towers over you. 
“You didn’t say please.” You see the light flash in his eyes, his lips twitching up as he leans in, so close you involuntarily stand up straighter, his warm breath fanning over you as he refuses to break his stare. He holds your gaze for a moment. Then two. Before he leans to your right, his lips so close, you can practically feel them against your ear.
“Please,” he whispers, sending goosebumps chasing down your skin as your arm drops heavily to your side. 
He pulls back, still smiling as those damned viridescent eyes seem to own you. 
His hand then brushes against yours, and before you can react, he plucks the wrench from your grasp and leans away, that satisfied, smug smirk brightening his face. 
“Thanks,” he fucking winks at you before finally stepping away and dropping back down onto the roller and disappearing underneath the car. 
It’s only then you can breathe again, and with your first breath you mumble, “bastard.”
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avenging-fandoms · 2 years
no but i'm still not over the fact if you were a kook and you were dating jj, you obviously would think he's dead bc of how long he was missing for but when your mom told you someone was there to see you, you'd turn around and you'd see jj, worse for wear and you'd immediately hug him.
if you had one of his necklaces and you were still wearing it, he'd point that out too brb sobbing
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"Yn, you have got to get out of bed, it's been 3 weeks since you barely left this room" Your mom scolded, but you were too upset to even turn your body. You clung tightly on one of JJ's hats with his necklace in your hand which was around your neck, wishing you could fall into the mattress and disappear.
Your boyfriend was dead.
JJ Maybank was the only Pogue to treat you with respect. When he asked you out, you thought it was a dare, a challenge to see if a Pogue like him could get with a Kook like you. You were far off, his friends didn't even know about him asking you out, they would've said no.
You fell deeply in love with JJ for over a year, even though he would be gone for days. But this time, it was weeks. You wanted to keep hoping he was coming back, but after the first week, you started to lose it. Every day seemed long, checking your phone obsessively for a text, a call, anything.
"This is ridiculous" Your mother huffed and slammed the door, your eyes barely batting at the loud noise. You were numb. JJ was the only one who made you feel safe and heard, and vice versa.
You sat up, taking your body and the hat to the bathroom. You took the hat everywhere you went in the house, it brought you comfort. But it wasn't JJ. You set the hat on the counter and turn the water on. It had been a week since your last shower, you were too sad to do anything.
Topper tried getting you out of the house, but you told him to fuck off. You hated Topper, always sticking his nose where it doesn't belong just to please his mother.
The water fell down your back, over your hair as you closed your eyes. Your washed and conditioned- twice. You took time with your body, letting yourself relax in the steam. As you stood under the water, eyes closed with your head tilted up, you pushed your hair back and just saw memories of JJ. You couldn't tell if it was water or tears, you finally cried. 3 weeks of missing JJ, 3 weeks of him being presumed dead. You let it all out, not caring if your mom could hear.
You finally calmed down, probably racking up the water bill. You turned off the water and step out, doing some skincare before heading into your room. You got dressed in shorts and one of JJ's shirts. You said on the edge of your bed, looking at your wall.
"Yn," your mother pushed into your room looking at your pillows, then at you. "Oh, you showered. Well, someone's here for you" You roll your eyes softly and force yourself to stand, heading to your door and your mother disappears in her office.
You head down the stairs and open the door, your breath no longer in your lungs. The Earth stopped turning. The world blurred, everything around you became blurry. Everything but him.
"Miss me, princess?" His voice made your ear drums ring, you could go blind staring into his bright eyes. They filled with tears, as did yours. You collide your body with JJ's and he loses his balance, laying down on the grass with you, the both of you tightly holding each other.
He tried to pulled away and you pulled him back in, crying into his neck. "I thought you were dead, JJ. I-I thought I'd never see you again" Your voice was shaking and JJ pulled away, sitting you two up and holding your cheek and brushing hair off your teary face.
"You thought I would leave you here?" He smiled and you returned one, grabbing his necklace and kissing him hard. Your arms wrap around his neck with his around your waist, your fingers in his hair. “Nice necklace by the way” he winked and you blush.
"JJ.. you know I love you with all my heart," You hold his face, rubbing your thumb over his cheek. "But.. you.. smell really gross" He laughs and you smile, JJ wiping his nose.
"I know, I know. Weeks on an island then trying to save our asses from a really scary dude, a shower was the least of my worries. Plus, I came home to a scary piece of paper on my door"
"JJ.." You rub your hand down his bicep and he shrugs. "Come stay with me, we have some catching up to do anyway"
"What about your mom?"
"I'm not worried about her. All I'm focused on is getting you a shower, fresh clothes, and something big to eat" You smile and kiss him again, bringing him inside.
You finally had your boyfriend back.
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