#(we just had our third anniversary last week)
varjopeura · 1 year
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I have strangled countless butterflies yet the flutters in my stomach remain
A personal piece from a few years back. Found this while going through my old art and decided to clean it up and post it, since I do quite like it.
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batshit-auspol · 8 months
have we talked about the woolworths debacle yet?
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Alright kids strap in, because the culture wars are back and stupider than ever.
So there are two characters you need to be familiar with in this story before we continue:
Woolies (i.e. Woolworths) - One of two supermarket chains in Australia. Not related to the giant Woolworths chain that used to exist overseas, other than the Aussie one swiped the name because the original forgot to trademark the name 'Woolworths' here. Biggest company in Aus, and also the biggest employer. Not a brand anyone with more than two braincells would pick a fight with.
Peter Dutton - Man with less than two braincells, and current leader of the political opposition in Australia. Best known for bearing a passing resemblance to a potato and once demanding that a homophobic song get played for balance when a football halftime show performed 'Same Love'. His reputation is so bad that if you told an Australian that Dutton's favorite pastime was drowning puppies, they probably would believe you.
And to prove our point, here's the best headline a friendly newspaper could come up with to try spin his image:
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The third thing you need to know is that in Australia we have a national holiday called "Australia Day" which is basically a scheduled day for everyone to get into a giant argument.
This is because for the last 30ish years it has been held on the anniversary of the British claiming the land around Sydney as a colony which was:
a) More the founding of an English prison then the founding of Australia, and more importantly
b) from the perspective of the people who were already living here, kindof a very shit day
Now not everyone agrees on this, and even those that don't 'celebrate' will often still have a get together with friends, but it can't be denied that we've shifted a long way from the days when the country used to celebrate Australia Day by kitting ourselves out in Aussie flag budgie smugglers, drinking enough beer to drown Harold Holt, and partying like it's 1789.
(Now a brief break for a real photo of Peter Dutton at a press conference)
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Good luck sleeping tonight. Anyway back to the story.
As a result of this shift away from the trend of showing your patriotism by wearing Australian flag underpants, this year Woolworths decided that they were no longer going to be rolling out their box of southern cross thongs - on the grounds that "this kitschy shit never sells" and they are far too busy with more important things like blaming price gouging on inflation and installing self-checkout machines that think your canvas bag is a crime against humanity.
Never a man to miss an opportunity to act like a massive twat, upon hearing that Woolies had dumped their flag merch, Peter Dutton rushed onto the airwaves to declare that Woolworths had "gone woke" (paging 4chan circa 2009) and called for the country to boycott the store, a story which Australia's media have gleefully put on loudhale for over a week now in order to drive outrage clicks.
We at this point remind you that Woolworths is a company which, as we previously mentioned, basically has a monopoly on selling food in this country. Not exactly something you can boycott.
(Another real Dutton photo break)
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Needless to say Dutton's dumbass plan did not immediately put Woolies out of business, however the relentless media campaign by Rupert Murdoch's minions did result in a bunch of innocent low-wage floor staff being harrassed by The Dark Lord's fanboys and a few Woolies stores were graffitied.
Allegedly being the 'free market' guy, Dutton also kindof snookered himself by demanding the free market not decide the fate of Australia day, but logic was never one of his strong suits.
Anyway, in the end we're just going to keep having this dumb circular argument every year, fulled by a media who love fanning the flames, until a politician has the guts to shift the date to May 8 (pronounced m8), and everyone promptly forgets this was ever a thing.
All in all, that's the long and the short of it. As a final touch we'll leave you with this real tweet by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, in all its batshit glory.
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We look forward to the absolute dumpster fire of comments this post is going to generate - as is the Australia Day tradition.
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ambers-archive · 26 days
got love struck ❤︎ ࿐ ۫ .˚ ✧ ˚ 
in which spencer wants your anniversary to be perfect, but everyday is perfect with you. word count: 2.1k cw: purple scarf cameo, idiots in love, fluff, happy ending, established relationship. (english isn't my first language, minimal proofread!) pt1 what if all i need is you (can be read as standalone)
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Spencer closed the tab on his computer, a frustrated scowl forming on his lips. For days, he’d been scouring the internet, spending sleepless nights hunched over his desk, searching for the perfect anniversary gift for you. It was your first year together, and everything had to be perfect.
But nothing felt right. Every idea he considered was quickly dismissed. He shut his eyes, trying to quiet his overthinking mind.
You two met at his favorite coffee place, he noticed you right away when he realized you stole his seat. 
You had yourself perched against the chair nuzzled against the rest of the wall. 
And after a week of ogling you across the room he finally got enough courage to start a conversation over a book you were reading. Then with shaky fingers and some mumbling he finally had the courage to ask you out, suggesting a tour of the city since you just moved.
Spencer knew his demanding work schedule wasn’t easy on you. You were so patient, understanding, and kind—perhaps too kind, he often thought. Canceled dinner dates, postponed trips, missed laughs, and missed love were all too common. Yet despite it all, you always met him with a reassuring smile.
“I know you’re busy saving lives,” You had told him once, as the two of you cuddled in bed after the third missed date in a row. He hadn’t had anything better to offer than a string of apologies, and he feared one day it wouldn't be enough.
“Hey pretty boy, what’s got you so upset?” Morgan asked, his voice pulling Spencer out of his thoughts.
Spencer took a moment to collect himself before turning to Morgan. “I’m trying to figure out a good anniversary gift for her.”
In a room full of profilers he didn’t think they’d be so keen on his social cues, but of course they noticed him constantly fidgeting and sneaking quick glances at his phone. 
Emily was the first to find out about you.
The teasing lasted months.
Penelope was rushing toward his desk with her tea in one hand and Morgan’s coffee in the other.
“You have to go all out!” Garcia exclaimed, barely containing her excitement. “Chocolates, flowers—oh, please tell me you’ve got the whole day planned!”
“Calm down, baby girl,” Morgan laughed, taking his coffee. “I’m sure our genius over here has something in mind.”
Spencer sighed. “I want to make it special since it’s our first anniversary, but I just don’t know what she’d like.”
“Well, what are her love languages?” Penelope asked, ready to unleash her vast knowledge of relationships.
“I think it’s quality time,” Spencer replied, a small smile playing on his lips as he thought about you. “She’s always engaged in our conversations, making strong eye contact, putting her phone away, asking questions. She also lingers after dates.”
He paused, recalling the moments you’d linger on your doorstep after he drove you home, the way you’d breathe him in after a kiss, your forehead resting against his. “She never seems in a rush to leave, like she values every moment we spend together.”
Morgan grinned, leaning back in his chair with a knowing look. “There you go, pretty boy. Think about what she loves, what makes her happy. That’s the key.”
Spencer nodded picked up his phone, scrolling through the list he’d made of all your favorite things.
He stopped on a picture of you smiling back at him from the screen, a photo he’d taken during one of your many picnics. Your hair had been flowing in the wind, your eyes crinkled with your smile as you explained the meaning behind one of your favorite songs. It was the same photo that graced both his phone and laptop backgrounds.
“She loves almost every kind of art,” he whispered, his heart swelling with affection. “Renaissance literature, realism paintings, classic books. And she’s really outdoorsy too.”  He whispered, his heart expanding, pumping. thump, thump- laced with love.
He thought about the countless picnic dates, the times you’d coaxed him out of bed for a run or a hike. His mind wandered to what you might be doing right now—your second class of the day had likely started, and he imagined you taking notes, doodling in the margins.
Penelope and Morgan exchanged amused glances, their lips quivering with smiles as they listened to Spencer’s lovesick ramblings.
“Looks like Reid’s got it bad,” Morgan whispered to Garcia, who stifled a giggle behind her hand.
“He really does,” she agreed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Spencer hadn’t seen you in two weeks, four days, twenty-three minutes, and fourteen seconds—far too long. He didn’t want to waste another moment as he approached your door, your favorite flowers in hand. Fortunately, he didn’t have to wait another second, as you opened the door before he could even knock.
Spencer’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of you. Every day, he found himself falling for you more and more. You gave him a shy smile, stepping out to wrap your arms around his taller frame. He hugged you back immediately, burying his head in the crook of your neck. When you finally pulled apart, he took a proper look at you, bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sunlight. In that moment, and in every other, you were the epitome of beauty—a vision that left him utterly mesmerized.
“These are for you,” Spencer said softly, offering you the peonies. He realized they paled in comparison to you, but nonetheless, he held them out.
“You never forget them, Spence,” you said, your voice equally soft. Spencer chuckled, half-offended that you’d think he ever could—eidetic memory or not.
“I’m glad you like them,” he replied, taking your hand as he led you to his car, opening the door for you. “I have the whole day planned.”
“Yeah?” Your head rises of its own accord against the car seat. 
"I really want it to be perfect." 
It’s already perfect because how much better can it get you thought? You're in his car, your favorite songs playing in the background and his hand never leaves your side. 
“It already is.” You say grazing your thumb over his knuckles. 
You finally reach the place away from everyone else. “There’s a trail nearby and a perfect place for a picnic.” Spencer whispers, slipping his hand into yours again. 
It fits so perfectly.
You smile, squeezing his hand “Lead the way.” 
In a field of daisies Spencer pulls out a blanket, carefully placing his gifts as he pats the spot next to him. You nestle against his taller frame, he smells like sandalwood, coffee, and home. 
“What are you thinking about?” You ask him, he smiles down at you playing with your hair absentmindedly. 
“You. Always you.” You get the familiar, but nevertheless oh-so welcome kick in your stomach every time he smiles at you. 
“What about you?” He asks in return, and you shrug, not able to convey all your emotions. 
“I'm thinking that I want my gifts.” You say slightly pouting.
With a shy smile, Spencer untangled himself from you and reached for the presents. He handed you a beautifully wrapped package and a small painting, both wrapped with care.
“I hope you like them,” he said, his voice tinged with nervousness.
Your eyes lit up as you unwrapped the gifts, revealing a limited edition of Sylvia Plath’s work—a book you’d mentioned offhandedly that you’d been searching for. Your gaze met his, overflowing with emotions you hadn’t known were possible. You always believed in love, but this? This was beyond anything you’d imagined. It made all the heartbreaks of the past worth it because they led you to him.
You abandoned the gifts, flinging yourself into his arms. He laughed, catching you as you both tumbled onto the grass. Spencer buried his face in the crook of your neck, holding you close.
“They’re perfect,” you whispered. “Thank you so much.”
Spencer’s cheeks flushed. “I’m glad you like them,” he replied, still holding you.
“How did you even find it?” you asked, marveling at the book.
“Brittney Johnson—remember the missing persons case we solved? Her dad’s a book collector. He was really grateful and said if we ever needed a favor, he’d be happy to help.”
You smiled, touched by his thoughtfulness. You’d spent so long building walls around yourself, convincing yourself you didn’t need a relationship. But with Spencer, those walls crumbled before you even had a chance to put them up.
“I also wrote you a card, my handwriting isn't the best, but I know you like words of affirmation” Spencer said, reaching into his bag. But before he could present it, dark clouds gathered overhead, and raindrops began to fall, dampening the ground.
“Seriously?” Spencer groaned, quickly sheltering you with his jacket. The chocolate and sandwiches were ruined, along with your clothes. The two of you hurried to the car, making sure the gifts were safe, and finally found shelter inside.
“I’m sorry our picnic was ruined, angel,” Spencer said, helping you fix your hair.
“It’s not ruined, Spence. We can have a night in, order some Chinese, and finish a new episode?” you suggested, trying to cheer him up.
“Yeah, sure,” he agreed, though he couldn’t hide his disappointment as he started the car.
𐙚 ✱ ❤︎ ࿐ ۫ .
Back at your apartment, the two of you hurried inside, drenched from the rain. You kicked off your shoes and quickly disappeared into your bedroom, returning with dry clothes for both of you. You handed Spencer his sweater, the one you’d “borrowed” long ago, and couldn’t help but smile as he accepted it.
“Hey, I was looking for this,” he said, pulling on the warm sweater.
“Sorry I stole it,” You replied, not the least bit apologetic.
He shook his head, following you to the kitchen, where you were setting up takeout containers on the counter. The sweater smells like you and he thinks he should let you keep it. It smells like cherries, winter warmth and like the love of his life.
“I love that you did. I feel closer to you whenever I wear it.”
You blushed, grateful he couldn’t see your flushed cheeks as you turned to grab plates. Spencer wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“This isn’t how I planned our anniversary,” he admitted, his voice soft. “I wanted everything to be perfect.”
You turned in his arms, cupping his cheek as you gazed into his warm eyes. “Spence, it was perfect. It’s not about the flowers or the gifts or the picnic. It’s about being with you.”
Before Spencer could respond, you gently stepped out of his embrace, suddenly remembering you still had his gift to give.
“I have a surprise for you,” you said with a smile, rummaging through the gift bag. You walked back to him, holding up a beautifully knitted purple scarf.
“My mom’s been teaching me how to knit, and this is the first thing I made. It’s for you. I know you get colds easily, and keeping your neck and chest warm can help reduce the shock of inhaling cold, dry air, which irritates your respiratory tract. I even stitched my name on the end, so a part of me is always with you.”
Spencer’s face lit up as he accepted the scarf, immediately noticing how it carried your familiar scent.
“This is so thoughtful,” he said, his eyes soft with appreciation. “I don’t think anyone’s ever been this concerned about my colds. Although, just so you know, wearing a scarf alone won’t prevent you from catching a cold. Colds are caused by viruses, usually spread through respiratory droplets or by touching contaminated surfaces.”
You smiled at his rambling, finding comfort in the way his mind worked—it was like a love language all its own. Chuckling softly, you wrapped the scarf around his neck, adjusting it just right.
“It’s the thought that counts, angel,” he said sincerely, his voice filled with warmth. “It’s already my favorite scarf.” He then brought your knuckles to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to them.
It's in the quiet, messy, beautifully imperfect moments like this, spencer thinks: where love is felt in every heartbeat, every glance, and every shared breath.
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thank you so much for reading <33
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onlyangel4 · 2 months
healing a heart i didn't break. LH44. MV1. SMAU. part one.
cheater! lewis hamilton x reader. max verstappen x reader.
when your boyfriend of three years fumbles, his rival is there to put the pieces of your heart back together bit by bit.
warnings: 14 year age gap with lewis. cursing. cheating. mentions of the anniversary of a family member's death.
author's note: in this reader is 25 years old. lewis is a jerk but just for the plot. this first chapter is just the cheating. max will show up in the next chapters.
part two
faceclaim: camilla morrone
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, lewishamilton, y/bffinsta and 678,901 others
tagged lewishamilton and y/bffinsta
y/ninsta: the best summer break with my favourite people
view all 19,028 comments
alexandrasaintmleux: looking forward to seeing you all in the netherlands
y/ninsta: i can't wait to see you alex !
lewishamilton: i think this was the best summer break out of them all
y/ninsta: we keep bettering ourselves every single year
y/bffinsta: thank you for letting me tag along
y/ninsta: wdym he was obviously third wheeling us
user 12: i love the friendship between lewis, y/n and y/bff it is so wholesome
lewishamilton posted a story tagging y/ninsta
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written: last beach day with y/n before back to work
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: back at it
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmundt, y/bffinsta and 560,982 others
written: forever the proudest girlfriend. last slide is me and y/bff hardly working while my boyfriend secures p2.
tagged lewishamilton and y/bffinsta
view all 12,348 comments
lewishamilton: the luckiest of lucky charms
y/ninsta: that was all skill baby
y/bffinsta: we do our best
y/ninsta: that we do
carmenmundt: gonna miss you in the merc garage next week honey
user19: i'm new to the y/n fandom. how come she won't be there next week.
y/nfan: her father died on the 31st of august five years ago. she has a family tradition to go home and let go of balloons, so she is never at the race that week.
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y/bffinsta posted a story
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y/ninsta replied to your story: i didn't know you were going
y/bffinsta: yeah lew had a paddock ticket reserved and as you are busy he gave to me
y/ninsta: oh. have a good time, wish him good luck from me
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, carmenmundt, max verstappen and 320,982 others
y/ninsta: oh dad, i have a love hate relationship with day. i love it because i get to sit down with everyone and talk about my favourite memories of you. but i hate it because it reminds me that you are really gone. i hope you are proud of me and the woman that i have become. i know you are looking down on us.
view all 6,902 comments
carmenmundt: thinking of you darling
y/ninsta: thank you carmen
mercedesamgf1: we love you y/n
y/ninsta: i love you admin
alexandrasaintmleux: forever in my thoughts
user32: guys wtf is going on. every year y/n posts a similar thing and lewis and y/bff are always the first people to like and comment on it. this has been up all day and all the other wags have liked it and even max fucking verstappen has but not a peep from y/bff or lewis. something is going on.
user12: shit open twitter
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liked by user23, f1fan12, user22 and 120,987 others
f1updates: the internet is in shambles after pictures of lewis hamilton and y/bff were posted by papparazzi. y/bff is best friends with lewis' long term girlfriend y/n. y/n was not in italy this weekend as she was at home honoring her late father. admin doesn't tend to like to take sides but this is awful behaviour from lewis and y/bff and we hope that y/n is okay.
view all 22,398 comments
user23: this is awful. y/n is grieving her father and her two favourite people betray her.
f1fan12: lewis hamilton i am in your walls
user22: there is no innocent explanation to this. this is cheating.
y/ninsta posted a close friends story
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written: and they both blocked me with no explanation. like i'm in the wrong
alexandrasaintmleux replied to your story: where are you
y/ninsta: my childhood home
alexandrasaintmleux: i'm coming
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zaczenemiji · 3 months
Hello Dearest Writer! I have read the Shattered Pride that you wrote which I like it! and I hope you don't mind me requesting ^^. I wanted to request for a lil' bit angsty Kenji Sato x Reader, where kenji & reader have a heated argument that leads to reader with tears streaming down her face from kenji's hurtful words and attempted to remove her engagement ring and proposed to end things for the better and kenji got scared and regret everything he said, so he asked for forgiveness, convinced her to stay and makes it up for her. Thank you so much, Writer! I hope you have a nice day!
Second to None
Kenji Sato x Reader
Word Count: 2,076
Genre/Warning: Angst, Character Development, Drama, Established Long-Term Relationship, Heartbreak, hurt/Comfort, Redemption
Author’s Note: My works are becoming longer lately 🤧 Is that a good thing or not?
MASTERLIST | Shattered Pride
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The reservation; a special menu and a gift sat neatly wrapped beside your plate. Your eyes dart to the door every few minutes, eagerly yet anxiously anticipating Kenji’s arrival.
The minutes turned into an hour, each second becoming agonizingly longer than the last. Your discomfort became noticeable to those who arrived before and after you.
Some couples came in pairs. Others also waited but the arrival of their beloveds was only half as long as the duration of your waiting.
The waiter approached with a sympathetic smile. “Would you like to order now, miss?” He asked gently.
"Not yet," you replied, forcing a smile. "He should be here any minute." You smoothed down your dress, avoiding any more contact with someone who isn’t Kenji.
“Are you on your way? Our reservation was at 7,” your message long showed as delivered, but still, no reply, and all your calls went straight to voicemail.
Your heart sank as the waiter returned, his expression more apologetic than before, "Shall I bring you a drink while you wait?"
"Yes, please," you answered, trying to mask your growing disappointment. You chose a glass of your favorite wine with Kenji, hoping the familiar taste would bring some comfort.
It was your fifth anniversary together, a milestone you had been looking forward to for weeks. Yet just like last year, it seemed like this would be a missed one too.
The first years of your relationship were pure bliss. The years that followed were less exciting but more comfortable. Yet from last year til today, some things were never the same.
At first, it felt like it was just because both of you had gotten used to each other. But as time progressed, it started seeming like your relationship was just a background—a television turned on not for the sake of watching, but for the sake of not being alone.
It started with last year’s missed anniversary; he said that it was an important out-of-town game that he couldn't skip. "I'm so sorry, the game went into extra innings and I missed the last train back. I'll be home late.”
He went home the next day.
You reminisced your first anniversary, a weekend getaway, a brief escape from your busy lives. The second, you had gone to a cozy little restaurant. The third had been a quiet dinner at home.
The fourth anniversary was marked by absence and loneliness; as this year’s. It wasn't the first time Kenji's baseball career had come between you, but you had hoped that anniversaries would be different.
You started to wonder if you would always come second to his dreams.
Another hour passed and the restaurant began to empty as the night grew older. "Kenji, I'm still here. Please call me." But still, there was no response.
Finally, your phone buzzed, "I'm so sorry, practice ran late and then we had a team meeting. I’ll try to get there as soon as I can."
You stared at the message, a tear slipping down your cheek. You heard similar apologies countless times before, each one chipping away at your patience and hope.
You signaled the waiter and asked for the check. You couldn't sit there any longer and pretend that everything was fine.
You walked out into the cool night, clutching the small gift you had brought for Kenji. The streets were quiet, the city's usual buzz dulled by the lateness of the hour.
You felt a profound loneliness, one that wasn't just about this night but about the accumulation of missed moments and broken promises.
When you finally got home, the flat was dark. You placed the untouched gift on the table and changed into more comfortable clothes.
You were too drained, emotionally, to even wait for Kenji in case he’d come over. You lay down on your bed, more than willing to sleep off the pain you just can’t get used to.
As your consciousness was being tugged to sleep, your phone buzzed again. It was Kenji, calling. And for the first time, you decided to put yourself first and slept.
Morning came and you sat at the dining table, a half-empty glass of wine in front of you. It was far too early to be drinking, but the remnants of last night's disappointment and loneliness still clung to you, and you needed something to numb the ache.
You swirled the wine in your glass, your mind replaying the evening over and over. The beautifully wrapped gift lay discarded on the coffee table.
You immediately slept last night but somehow, you hoped that Kenji would walk through the door with some grand gesture, some sign that he valued your relationship as much as she did. But he never came.
The sound of the key turning in the lock pulled you from your thoughts. Kenji walked in, looking exhausted and worn. His eyes immediately found yours, and he saw the wine glass in your hand.
"You're drinking this early?" he asked, concern laced with surprise. You didn't respond, just took another sip.
The silence was heavy, filled with all the words you wanted to say but didn't know how to begin. You set the glass down and met his gaze.
"Do you even realize what day it was yesterday, Kenji?" you asked, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Of course, I do. I'm so sorry. Practice ran late and then there was an unexpected team meeting. I—“
"You always have an excuse,” You cut him off, your voice rising. “Do you know how many times I've heard 'practice ran late' or 'there was a meeting’? I'm tired of it!"
"I know," he said, trying to calm you down. "I really wanted to be here, but you know how important baseball is to me."
"And what about me, Kenji? Am I not important to you?" you snapped, tears welling up in your eyes. "I've sacrificed everything for you! I left my career, my family, my friends, everything to come to Japan and support you! And for what? To be stood up on our anniversary again?"
His face tightened, "It's not like that. You knew what you were getting into when you decided to come with me."
You took a step back, your voice dropping to a whisper. "So, it's my fault now?” You asked. “I chose to support you because I believed in us. But it feels like I'm the only one making sacrifices here."
"That's not fair," he retorted, frustration creeping into his tone. "I work hard for us. I'm trying to build a future for us."
"But at what cost, Kenji?" you shot back. "Every time I need you, you're not there. Every important moment, every milestone, you're always somewhere else. Do you even understand how lonely that is?"
He ran a hand through his hair, struggling to find the right words, "I'm doing my best. It's just... baseball is my dream. I can't give that up."
"And what about my dreams?" you cried, your voice breaking. "I had a career I loved, a life I was proud of! I gave all that up for you, believing that you would be there for me, that we would support each other. But it feels like I'm the only one who gave anything up!”
He took a deep breath, his own anger rising. "I never asked you to give up your career!” He said. “You made that choice!”
Your eyes widened in shock and pain. "I made that choice because I loved you—because I thought we were building a life together,” you said, voice softening and heart breaking. “But it seems like I'm the only one who sees it that way."
There was a long silence as you two stared at each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily between you. Slowly, you reached for your engagement ring, your hands shaking.
"What are you doing?" Kenji asked, panic creeping into his voice.
You struggled to remove the ring, tears streaming down your face. "Maybe we're fooling ourselves, Kenji,” you said in between sobs. “Maybe this isn't working. I can't keep feeling like I'm second to your career. Maybe it's better if we end this now."
His heart raced, panic surged through him, and his voice trembled with desperation. "No, please don't," he said, stepping closer, his hands reaching out but hesitating to touch you. "I'm sorry for everything I've said. I didn't mean it. I love you, and I can't lose you."
You looked at him, the ring held loosely in your hand. "Do you really love me, Kenji?” You asked. “Or do you love the idea of me being here, waiting for you, always understanding and never complaining?"
He stepped closer, his eyes pleading. "I love you. I know I've been an idiot, and I know I haven't been there for you like I should. But I promise I'll do better. Just please, don't leave me."
His eyes filled with tears as he dropped to his knees in front of you, the weight of his regret crashing down on him. "I love you," he said, his voice breaking. "I know I've been an idiot, and I know I haven't been there for you like I should. Every time I chose baseball over you, I was wrong. I see that now.”
“Please, don't take off that ring. Don't leave me,” he pleased. “I can't imagine my life without you."
You looked down at him, your own tears blurring your vision, “How can I believe you, Kenji?"
He reached out, taking her hands in his and holding them tightly. "Because I can't bear the thought of losing you,” he said. “I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that you're the most important thing in my life. I'll talk to my coach, I'll cut back on practice—anything. Just please, give me one more chance."
You hesitated, the pain and love warring within you. His eyes were filled with genuine fear and remorse, and you could feel his hands trembling. "One more chance, Kenji,” you said. “But things have to change. I can't keep feeling like this."
He nodded fervently, pulling you into a tight embrace, his heart pounding with a mix of relief and fear. "I promise, things will change,” he said. “I'll make it up to you, I swear. I love you more than anything. Please, believe me."
The next morning, Kenji came over early and made you breakfast, a small but heartfelt gesture to start making amends. He took the morning off practice and thought of having breakfast together.
Over the next few weeks, Kenji made noticeable changes. He began to prioritize your time together, making sure to balance his demanding baseball schedule with moments that were just for you two.
One evening, as you sat on the couch watching a movie, Kenji turned to you with a serious expression, "I talked to a few people, and I found a way for you to continue your work here in Japan.”
You looked at him, curiosity and hope in your eyes, "What do you mean?"
“There are some production companies interested in meeting with you,” he said. “I want you to have your career back, to have something that's yours."
Tears welled up in your eyes, this time from gratitude and joy. "Kenji, that's... I don't know what to say. Thank you."
He took your hand, squeezing it gently. "I want you to be happy. I want us to build our lives together, supporting each other's dreams,” he said. “I'm sorry it took me so long to realize how much you were sacrificing."
True to his word, Kenji began to make your relationship a priority. He surprised you with small dates, like picnics in the park or quiet dinners at home. He even started learning a bit of Japanese cuisine to cook your favorite meals.
Kenji made it a point to never miss another important moment, attending every event and celebration that mattered to you. He cheered you on as you restarted your career, eager to see you shine.
In the end, you both learned that love required effort and compromise from both sides. It wasn't always easy, but you faced your challenges together, knowing that your love was worth fighting for. And with each passing day, you both found yourselves more deeply in love, more committed to the life you were building together.
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
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stars1997 · 6 months
Anniversary Love
Paring(s): Nico Hischier x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut!! (18+) smut with plot, fingering, phone sex, mutual masturbation. (Not edited)
Summary: The team had a few away games over on the west coast this week. The away games also happen to fall on your and Nico’s anniversary. you decide to wear one of his jerseys when watching the game. he scores a few goals and to show him how proud you are of him you send him a few risky photos/videos.
word count: 1.7k
It was 9 p.m. on a Friday, and the Devils were going up against the LA Kings. The game didn’t start till 10 p.m. This gave you some time to make some dinner before the game started.
You made yourself a grilled cheese and some soup. Eating it quickly and sending a good luck text to Nico.
Some of the wives and girlfriends invited you over so you could all watch the game together. You told them you weren’t feeling the best, they told you it would be best if I stayed home and got some rest.
Cleaning up your dishes, there was only a couple of minutes before the game started. You went into your and Nico’s room and grabbed one of Nico’s jerseys.
Getting comfortable, slipping out of your day clothes, and leaving nothing but your underwear on. You slide on the jersey and some fluffy socks and make your way over to the couch.
Making yourself comfortable, grabbing the blanket that Nico and you use when you watch movies together. It took the rest of the time to turn on the TV and get the game on, when you finally got it up, they were getting ready for puck drop.
The first period had gone by fast. The devils are up by one and the kings at zero. Nico was the one being interviewed during the first intermission. He looked flushed and all sweaty. The LA Kings were playing hard tonight so that meant that the Devils had to play harder.  
“You have been playing extra hard out there tonight. I know that LA has been pushing you guys to work hard but is there a reason why you are working just a little harder?” the interviewer asks Nico. Today is Nico’s and yours second anniversary. Even though we have been together for two years, him being away for so long always makes you sad.
“No, yeah. LA pushed us to be our best selves out there. We were very lucky to be able to get that goal. But I'm also playing for my lovely lady at home! Today is our two year anniversary. I love you and I’ll be home before you know it.” He looks at the camera for that last part, sending you a wink. The interviewer thanks him and he heads to the locker room.
Your cheeks were bright red. You pick up your phone to text him a photo of how red in the face you were. He sent back a quick heart and kissing face emoji. You let out a little giggle.
They were in the middle of the second period. The devils are now up by two, the score now being three to one. Nico was fighting to get the puck out of the devil’s zone. He skates around the net sending the puck to Luke. He skates down the ice and passes by Luke. Luke sends the puck back to Nico. Nico was able to get a breakaway. Shooting the puck and making a goal.
“Yes!” your arms in the air as you cheer at the tv. After the goal they zoomed in you your boyfriend. He’s got a huge smile on his face, as he’s letting out huffs of air trying to catch his breath. Something about the excitement of the goal and how hot he looked when they zoomed in on him turned you on a little bit. Not long after they dropped the puck to continue the game Nico scored another goal.
The second intermission rolled around, and the score was now five to three, Nico scoring two of those goals. you decided to send him a little congratulation text.
y/n: Oh my! Congrats babe on the two goals! do you think it’s because I’m wearing this? y/n: (photo of you in his jersey) Nico: Thank you, baby! Hoping for a third, just for you. Nico: You look hot in my jersey. I wish I was home to see you in it in person. y/n: Wish you were here so you could take it off me. Nico: Don’t do this to me right now baby. I need to head back out for third period. I love you and ill call you when I get to my hotel room.
You smile at your phone, an idea popping into your head.
The third period went by a lot faster than you were expecting. They were able to keep the lead but not by much. The final score being five to three.
You were going to show him just how proud you were of him and how he played in tonight’s game. You open the camera app, setting your phone down on the couch so its resting against some pillows so it was able to get your whole body in frame.
First you decided to take a few photos. The first one, you’re sitting on your heels. Your back facing the camera so your able to see the number and his last name.
You lift the bottom of the jersey up just enough to show off the black lace thong that you have on underneath.
Turning so you’re now facing the camera you then lift the jersey up, flashing the camera as it took the photo.
The last photo you bring one of your hands down to your underwear, touching yourself over the lace, your other hand still holding up the jersey.
You let out a little giggle as you press the send button on the first photo.
y/n: (photo) y/n: What do you think of this photo I took? Was thinking of posting it so people know that #13 is mine. Nico: No! you will not be posting that photo. y/n: What about these? y/n: (photo’s) Nico: Babe you need to stop sending me these when I’m still in the locker room with the boys. Now be a good girl and wait for me to call you when I get back to the hotel.
Another giggle left your lips at his text.
y/n: Yes sir.
You waited about twenty minutes, but you were growing impatient. pulling down your underwear, tossing them onto the floor next to you. Setting the camera back up as you press record.
You position yourself so your back is against the arm rest. Your hands playing with your tits before you slide your right hand down, sliding your fingers through your folds.
Your quick to send it to Nico. Although you didn’t get a response back right away. It takes a minute for your phone to ring. You pick it up to see that Nico is facetiming you.
“Why are you such a brat?” he says as his face comes into frame on your phone.
“Only for you baby. I’m so happy for you! Two goals that’s amazing.”  You give him a cute little smile, trying to act innocent. “Thank you, baby, but that’s not going to detract me form the fact that you were being a brat earlier and still being one now. You made me hard right after I got out of the shower, I only had my towel on. Everyone was confused why I was taking so long to get dressed.” You knew that if he was home, he would have you over his lap right now.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to show you how proud I was of you tonight. Did you not like it?” you ask still acting innocent. As he starts to talk, your hand reaches down to play with your clit. “No baby I love when you show me how proud of me you are, but you should have waited till I got back to the hotel. You know better than to send me stuff like that Infront of the guys.” You let out a little moan when he finishes his sentence.
“Man, you really like being a brat don’t you,” he says, your fingers don’t stop though. You could hear his zipper, he was quick to pull down his pants and underwear. You hear shuffling then his face pops back into frame with the headboard behind him.
He spits in his hand bringing it to his cock, his head tips back and he lets out a moan. “Fuck baby I wish I was with you right now. I wish this was your hand stroking me.” He says, stroking his cock faster. your fingers rub your clit faster, matching his speed.
“I hate that you’re going to be gone for so long. We’re going to have to do this every night,” I say, he lets out a little laugh.
“Fuck. Set your phone up so I can see you and use your other hand to finger yourself.” His accent stronger now then before. You set your phone up, doing what he told you to do.
You let out a loud moan as you curl your finger inside you. You’re trying to keep your moans down, not wanting to get another noise complaint.
You can hear him mumble curse words under his breath after every grunt and moan that he lets out. “Baby I’m not going to be able to last any longer. I want you to cum with me.” You nod letting him know that your also close.
“Fuck Nico. I’m,” you’re not able to finish your sentence because your cut off by the loud moan that leaves your mouth. You hear Nico let out a grunt, letting you know that he came as well.
“Fuck baby I miss you so much, but I got to go. I have to let jack know that he can come back into the room and then I have to go to sleep. So do you because its late over there. Happy anniversary love and we will celebrate when I get home.” He says, out of breath. Running a hand through his hair. You both say goodnight and hang up the call.
You take a shower and get changed into some comfy pajamas about to get into bed when a knock sounds on the door. You open it to see one some of the girlfriends and wives. “Weren’t feeling good my ass. How was your little call with Nico?” one of them asks making you blush. now knowing that they were able to hear you from the apartment that they were hanging out in.
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AITA for being upset that my boyfriend of 3 years doesn't remember our anniversary even though i know he has adhd? ☕️☕️
I (26 W) have been dating my partner (32 M) for over 3 years now. He is officially diagnosed with ADHD and I am currently waiting for my own diagnosis for ADHD. He got diagnosed shortly before we got together and he has opened to me about how insecure he is over his disabilities causing a rift between us since all his previous relationships end with his partners leaving after they "get tired of dealing with his issues" because he also has autism and has been rude before in regards to my weight despite knowing that i am recovered from an eating disorder and this is the context in which his insecurities were disclosed to me. I also don't mean rude like accidentally, he literally put his hands on my stomach and said "what is this" after we had already had several Big Fights in regards to his previously rude behavior. For further context, I told him on our second date that I have a strict boundary around food and my weight and would appreciate it if he kept comments about my body weight or how much i eat to himself because it's triggering for me.
I try to be mindful of his limitations but recently, he asked me if he had forgotten our anniversary. This wouldn't bother me as much if it wasn't our third anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks and if I hadn't repeatedly told me over our time together the exact date of our anniversary. Now, I don't expect him to remember dates off the top of his head. I struggle with that information myself but what I DO hold against him is the fact that he KNOWS he forgets things and doesnt make ANY effort to have a failsafe against that. I put everything in my phone and he WORKS in tech so he knows how easy it is to set a repeat event with reminders nowadays so I don't understand why he can't just fucking figure out how to remember our anniversary without constantly making me be the one to remind him. I have told him exactly this and asked him why he didn't write it down over the last 3 years if he knows he's bad with dates. he said "that's a good point" and that was that. Now, he keeps trying to manipulate the information out of me by asking me when I'm like half asleep because he "thought i might slip up and just tell him."
Am I in the wrong for being mad over this? it feels like he doesn't care enough to do the bare minimum of being in a relationship with another person. I've dated others before with ADHD and it's never been a fucking issue before for them to remember our anniversary. I myself put in the effort when I care about someone to do the bare minimum and write down information I want to remember about someone. I just don't understand why I feel so guilty over getting mad about this when I feel like I have every right to be upset because it's not like I haven't been forthcoming before, it's not like i haven't repeatedly told him over the years and he puts in birthdays to his calendar so like why doesn't he care enough to put our anniversary into it? He wants to marry me but I dont want to spend the rest of my life reminding him to care enough about me to remember things like my birthday, our anniversary or my eating disorder.
But I also know that expecting people with ADHD to remember things is kind of an ableist move and I don't want to start an argument where I'm being a dick to his disabilities. So WIBTA if I decided to make this into a big deal because it is for me knowing my partner has ADHD and cannot help being so forgetful all the time?
What are these acronyms?
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
The private jet - sugar baby!Evan Buckley x male!reader
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It was yours and Evans one year anniversary so of course you had to take him on an extravagant trip.
He chose to go to the Bahamas as it was the first place you took him when you started dating, he should have known you were going to be the love of his life when you flew him across the country in your private jet for your third date.
"We'll be landing in an hour Mr. Y/L/N," the stewardess tells you, pouring you both new glasses of champagne.
"Thank you Sarah, would you please give Evan and I a bit of privacy," you request.
"Of course sir," she smiles and heads back to the kitchen of the plane.
"Privacy huh?" Evan grins, climbing over from his seat and into your lap, grabbing a glass and handing it to you before taking a drink of his own.
"I want to start our anniversary off right," you smirk, downing the glass and setting it back on the table, your hands going to Evans waist.
He finishes his drink and sets it down next to yours so he can wrap his arms around your neck and kiss you sweetly.
It quickly heats up, Evan rocking his hips and toying with the top buttons of your shirt feeling you get hard underneath him.
"Have I told you how sexy you are," Evan says, kissing the now exposed area of your collarbone.
"You're one to talk," you chuckle, "take your pants off handsome."
Evan grins, standing up to shrug off his very expensive pants that you bought him last week while you free your cock from your own.
"Why don't you be a good boy and go down on me," you tell him.
Evan who is totally naked from the waist down smiles, getting on his knees and happily taking you in his mouth.
He always sucked you off like a pro, it was one of his many talents and you often bragged about it to your other rich friends.
He licks the shaft, sucks on your balls and deep throats you all while making the most heavenly moans.
"Alright baby, get back up here," you say after a few minutes of giving him praise for his work.
Evan releases your cock from his lips with a pop, getting back to his feet and positioning himself in your lap.
You guide your cock inside him as he sinks downs, moaning at feeling so full.
"Just like that," you tell him when he starts bouncing in your lap.
His cock swings around, slapping his stomach over his shirt as he rides you.
"Fuck you feel so good inside me," he moans.
"I can't wait to fuck you all over the resort we are staying at this weekend," you grin, "our suite has a beautiful view of the ocean."
"You're always so good to me," he groans, moving faster.
"Only the best for my baby," you repy, kissing his neck and playing with one of his nipples through his shirt.
Evan is sighing and panting, getting closer and closer to his release.
"Y/N I'm gonna cum," he moans.
"Not on the suit my love, it costs a fortune to dry clean," you say, grabbing the napkin your champagne glass was sitting on and handing it to Evan.
He slows his pace, cumming into the napkin making sure not to get any on your expensive suit.
"Don't stop Evan, I haven't cum yet," you state and Evan picks his movements back up, waves of aftershocks hitting him.
After another few minutes of him riding you he gasps when you cum deep inside him.
"Oh fuck that feels amazing," he says, milking you for every last drop of cum.
"Thank you for making me cum baby," you smile at him as his hips still but he keeps your cock inside him, "you were so good for me I think you deserve a shopping trip when he get home."
"I would love that," he smiles back, kissing you deeply.
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faghubby · 6 months
Vacation Freedom
"I think you should get changed, I don't want to see those clothes again until we are headed home" Judy said as she tipped the bell boy for being up our luggage. I flinched alittle as she said it in front of the bellboy. But that is what this vacation was about wasn't it.
Over the last two years Judy and I had explored our sexual fantasies. It started on our third anniversary. We were laying in bed in the after glow of sex. When we started talking about fantasies. Now we had this discussion before but somehow now. I didn't hold back.
"I like to see you with another woman" I told her.
"Really? I don't think I could do that. "Wait Paul are you there too? Is this like a threesome thing?" Judy asked an obvious disappointment in her voice.
"No, just you and her" I told her.
"Would you be with a man if I wanted?" Judy asked.
"Well maybe" I told her. She sat up and turned on the light.
"Really if I wanted to see you suck some guys cock" Judy was saying as she did I got an erection. Since we where only covered by a sheet it was hard to conceal.
"You would!" Judy laughed as she stroked my dick thru the sheet. I didn't try and deny it.
"Have you ever sucked a dick before?" Judy asked as she teased me.
"No, I just " I fell silent.
"You don't get away that easy" Judy said. She let me go and rolled over she went and got something from her dresser. She came back to bed and stroked me again.
"Show me what you do" Judy teased as she held her vibrator to my lips. I looked at her smiling face and parted my lips. She giggled as she watched me lick her toy.
"That is so hot" she told me. After a few minutes she stopped.
"You got me so wet, fuck me" she told me. I didn't last long but she didn't care. I held her as we drifted off to sleep.
In the morning I went to get in the shower. When Judy came in to use the toilet.
"Paul, would you swallow?" She asked staring at me.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Would you let a man cum in your mouth?" Judy asked.
"I guess. I mean you have to try it right?" I said. I was rock hard again
Judy watched as I got in the shower. She joined me as I washed my hair. She stood behind me and stroked my dick.
"When you shower at the gym do you think about all they men and what thier cocks taste like?" She asked. I didn't respond.
"You want to suck them don't you. You aren't interested in them sucking you" she stated as she did she used the soap to lube between my ass cheeks. Her finger teasing my asshole. I came in big spurts.
Judy continued to tease me about cocks, blowjobs even getting my ass fucked over the next few weeks. I found myself admitting to it all. Even telling her how I used to wear my mother's underwear and wonder what if felt like to be a girl. Judy never looked down on it or found it disgusting instead incourged me to tell her more.
She told me she would help me explore my fantasies. First buying a strapon and teaching me to suck "her cock". Then taking my anal virginity with it as well. After that her buying me panties wasn't to far fetched. We continued to play off and on. A year ago Judy had me shave my legs and wear a dress. Taught me to walk in heels. Soon I was dressing up and playing her lesbian lover every weekend. She even bought me a strapon to use on her.
Six months ago we talked about inviting a man to our bed. I agreed but when it came to it I hid. Judy convinced me to at least watch. I sat and watched as a large man fucked my wife with a big cock. Judy tried to intice me to join her. But I just watched. As soon as he left I dove between her legs and licked her for an hour. He had used a condom but I was so turned on I came in my pretty panties as I pleased her with my tounge. Judy took off my panties and made me lick them clean.
"You are just a little sissy" she teased. We talked alot about it. And basically figured I was afraid someone would learn that I was a bisexual sissy.
Thats when Judy came up with taking me on vacation. But I was to be her sissy for the whole thing. Not wearing boy clothes at all. I could watch her have sex with men. Maybe even join in if I wanted.
It was obvious she was not going to be happy till she saw me suck a real cock.
Judy had made sure I was free of body hair. Even plucked my eyebrows a bit thinner but not necessarily in high arches. She had also gotten me a wig.
By this time I had alot of practice and was able to do my own makeup and hair. I got dressed in a skimpy sundress Judy had gotten me. I wore a white thong underneath and a pushup bra held my glue on tits. I choose my long red wig. And 2 inch heeled sandels. Judy nodded her approval as she led me around the resort. We where tired from the flight but it was to early to sleep so a bit of exploring to know our way around. We found ourselves at a pool side bar. As soon as we sat down a group of men bought us a drink. Judy invited them to join us.
John, Brad, Phil and Dave. They were all coworkers on some kind of team building retreat. But had the day off. Dave stood behind me and was not shy about his hands on my ass. While the other three hit on Judy. Fighting for her attention. I was so turned on. Judy noticed it as well. She stood excusing herself to use the ladies room she took my hand for me to join her. She stopped only long enough to whisper something in Dave's ear. When we came out of the ladies room Dave was waiting.
"I like girlie bois" he said quietly to us both. Judy smiled and put my hand in his. He looked around.
"I share a room" he said worried Judy just handed him our key. She squeezed my hand as Dave led me away. I was terrified and excited. Dave was all over me in the elevator kissing me and holding me tight. As we got into the room he stopped .
"I am married" he seemed to need to confess. I just dropped and unbuckled his shorts. I let them fall then pulled down his boxers as well. His average maybe a bit bigger cock was rock hard. I took him in my mouth with ease. I then stopped and looked up at him.
"I never been with a man" I confessed. He grabbed my head and shoved his cock back in my mouth. He was soon face fucking me.
"Yeah, suck it bitch" he told me. The more forceful he was the more I wanted it. I was amazed at his stamina he must of lasted 10 maybe 15 minutes before he grunted and pumped his load down my throat.
Dave was probably 10 years older then me. And 40 pounds heavier. Mostly muscle and height. As he was at least 6' 2" to my 5' 7" he grabbed my arm and practically picked me up from the floor. He lifted my dress over my head. His hands slid over my cage. As they caressed my ass, thighs and stomach. He had me remove the false breast telling me he wanted to see me.
He made love to me, he was tender and gentle even though his big cock nearly split me in two. We fell asleep in each other's arms.
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Hey, a request if u are still taking them.
Sebastian stan x wife reader, finding out she is preggo, maybe some smut? Thanks
The day our lives changed forever
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PAIRING | Husband!Sebastian Stan x Wife!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You're on vacation with your husband, Sebastian, and your perfect set of twins. The two of you are reminiscing about the moment you found out that not only you were pregnant, but that you were pregnant with 2 children at the same time, and neither of you could have been happier about it.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ slight nipple play, grinding, a little bit of spanking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, peeps!), fingering, implied aftercare ], semi-public sex, swearing.
A/N | Thank you so much for your lovely request @thatmarvelgirly! I hope you will enjoy the route I took with this as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblog will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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You, Sebastian, and your twin boys, Jax and Evan, are enjoying a nice beachside vacation in Florida to celebrate your wedding anniversary together. This week is your third wedding anniversary, and the second year you're going on vacation as a family. All four of you just went to dinner and are back at the hotel now, and it is time for bed for both of your boys. ''Shall I get them in their pajamas and ready for bed?'' you offer and Sebastian nods, he's going to get their beds ready, together with a bedtime story to tell before they're going down. ''I'll see you in a few minutes, babe,'' he says as he gives you a peck on your lips.
''Alright, which one of you wants to get their pajamas on first?!'' you ask in a cheery voice and they both coo out in excitement. ''Evan, you're up first,'' you say as you take his clothes off and pick up the pajamas he wore last night. They're very light since it's pretty warm in Florida, and you don't want them to overheat. Within no time he has his pajamas on, and you put him on your bed to change Jax next, and he's also done in record time. They're both pretty exhausted so it doesn't take long for the both of them to fall asleep, the story wasn't even done before they were out like a light. Sebastian gets up from telling their story and walks over to you before grabbing your hand.
''They're perfect, aren't they? I can't imagine ever living without them,'' you say, as a small tear appears in the corner of your eye. ''I know, they're the perfect addition to our family,'' he sighs and he closes the door before wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you into his chest. ''It's okay, baby,'' he says in your hair and he gives a soft kiss, but he doesn't know you're just a little more emotional than usual due to hormones. You have a very special surprise for Sebastian planned, but you're waiting to tell him until later in the evening when the two of you are cuddling together in bed, or enjoying each other's bodies in an entirely different way.
''Can I get you something to drink? I thought the two of us could sit on the balcony and enjoy the sunset together,'' you ask him and he happily agrees. ''Sounds good, I'd like a beer,'' he says before walking to the balcony, where he gets the big couch ready for the both of you to cuddle on as you overlook the ocean, watching the sunset. You get yourself a cup of tea and walk outside, holding your tea in one hand and Sebastian's beer in the other. The baby monitor is standing on the table in front of you, so you can still keep an eye on the boys. When you sit down you sigh softly, finally relaxing again after the day you had.
''I can't believe they're growing up so fast, it feels like yesterday when we found out you were pregnant with them,'' Sebastian said when he looked at the monitor, thinking back to the faithful day that you found out you were expecting twins. ''And for it to be two, that was the biggest surprise of all,'' you say laughing, remembering the shock on his face when the doctor told you that you were expecting identical twins. ''Are you- Are you sure?'' Sebastian said during the ultrasound and yes, the doctor was 100% sure. ''Oh my god, we're having twins, I can't believe it,'' you said as the tears were streaming down your face, and Sebastian kissed the top of your head, crying softly too.
''They're nothing short of perfect though, and I haven't stopped thinking about the night they were conceived either,'' you say, a little blush rising on your cheeks. They were conceived during a particularly cold and snowy Christmas, your first Christmas together as a married couple. The two of you weren't able to go home because there was a snowstorm, so you decided to make the best of it, the only way the two of you knew how. It didn't take long that evening before the two of you were moaning and groaning, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through the apartment. And 9 months later, you were holding your beautiful baby boys in your arms.
''Hm, I wouldn't mind having a do-over of that night,'' Sebastian whispered in your ear, his breath feeling warm and ticklish against the shell. You felt the blood in your cheeks rise to the surface faster than before, and when you turned around, Sebastian took a sip of his beer like he hadn't just said he wanted to conceive another child - or two, as history tends to repeat itself after all. ''Well, I surely wouldn't mind having a do-over either,'' you say and you turn slightly so you are on your knees, facing Sebastian on the couch. He places his hand on your cheek and rubs soft circles with his thumb as he looks deeply into your eyes. When his eyes flicker down to your mouth and back to your eyes, you know you're an absolute goner for this man. Again.
Before you could even comprehend what was happening, you had closed the gap between the two of you. Your tongue slid against his at a slow, loving pace as it took your breath away. Your hands were wandering from his shoulders down to his chest, where they found their place for now. Sebastian's hands moved down to your waist and hips, pulling you over his lap until you were straddling him with both your thighs on the sides of his. He breaks the kiss to get a good look at you, and with a smile, he confesses his love for you. ''God, I love you so much, babe. I'm honestly still pinching myself every single day that I wake up next to you, as my gorgeous wife. I must have done something right in this life and all my past lives to deserve someone as loving, caring, and amazing as you are,''.
His hands found their home on your hips as you try to hold back your tears at his confession. ''I love you too, Sebastian, more than I could ever begin to tell you. I count my lucky stars every single night that I have met you in this lifetime, and that we get to spend our lives with Jax and Evan. You've given me more than I ever knew I wanted, and for that, I will be grateful for the rest of our days together,'' you say before placing a soft kiss on his lips, but neither of you deepens it this time. You're just enjoying the moment together. The two of you stay like that for a while, giving small kisses and whispering sweet nothings.
At one point, Sebastian's hands drop down to your ass and he squeezes softly, which makes you grind forward on his lap, and you can feel how hard he is right now, but you would be lying if you said you weren't turned on as well. ''Hm, feels good, baby,'' he says as he keeps grinding you over him, and you can feel him get harder - not that you thought that was possible. Your hands go towards the hem of the shirt he's wearing and you drag it up, taking it off before throwing it somewhere near the couch, you could worry about that later. Now it was Sebastian's turn to take off your dress, and since it was already bunched up from sitting on his lap, it was pretty easy.
When your dress comes off he bites his bottom lip at the sight of your naked breasts, your nipples already hard from your arousal. He leans forward and starts sucking on them a little bit, playing with the other before giving the same treatment to the other one. Your head falls back to your neck at the feeling of sparks going through your body, straight down to your core. Soft moans are coming out of your mouth and before you know it, Sebastian urges you to get up, so he can take off his pants and underwear, giving your underwear the same treatment too. ''Fucking perfect for me like this,'' he says as he pulls you back on his lap.
His achingly hard member is leaning against his stomach as you sit back down, and you wrap your hand around it, squeezing and moving up and down just the way he likes. This earns you a deep groan and this time his head falls back, so you start sucking lightly on the exposed skin of his neck. His hands found their home on your ass again, and he spanks you on both cheeks at the same time, not caring about anything or anyone other than the complete pleasure he's feeling right now. You moan loudly at the feeling, as you get wetter every second. ''Need you in me, Seb, please,'' you say and you shift a little, so he can line his thick cock up with your entrance.
You slowly lower yourself onto him, and Sebastian lets you go at your own pace, not wanting to hurt you. Soft whines and moans leave your lips at the way he stretches you, a pleasant burn every single time until you're fully seated, and Sebastian's slid home. His lips are attached to yours in an instant, kissing you with every single ounce of passion he has, and you start bouncing up and down lightly. ''F-fuck, Seb-'' is all you can say, and he's loving it. ''Feels so warm and soft around my cock baby, love being inside you. Gonna get you pregnant again and get you round with my children again,'' he says, and that snaps you back to reality. You almost told him right then and there that wasn't possible, but luckily you were paying enough attention not to.
Instead, you let out more moans and whines as he grabs your ass, making you bounce faster as you're both chasing your highs. It's a good thing your sons are deep sleepers, because they surely would've woken up from the both of you doing this, and neither of you cared about if anyone else could hear, you were completely wrapped up in each other's bodies and pleasure. Your hand snakes its way between your bodies and your fingers find your clit, rubbing tight and fast circles as you're chasing your orgasm, which doesn't take long. In less than a minute after you're falling apart on his cock, moaning his name like a prayer.
''Oh, god yes, fuck me like that baby, milk my cock until I cum inside you,'' Sebastian says when he feels you clench down on him during your orgasm. He holds out when you're riding out your orgasm, and not long after he shoots his ropes of cum deep inside you as he kisses you feverishly, all tongue and teeth at this point. ''I love you so fucking much,'' he says as he gets down from his high. ''Seb, I'm pregnant,'' you say in your post-orgasmic bliss, and you see his eyes widen. ''Baby, I know I have strong swimmers, but they're not that strong,'' Sebastian jokes, but you shake your head.
''No, silly. I've been pregnant for about 2.5 months now, I found out right before we went on vacation, and I wanted to wait for a special moment to tell you,'' you say, and you see tears of happiness welling up in Sebastian's eyes. ''I'm going to be a dad again...?'' he says and you nod. ''Yeah, and Jax and Evan will be big brothers,'' you say, placing your hands on both of Sebastian's cheeks. The kiss that follows is filled with so much love, happiness, and promises of everything to come, and both of you couldn't be happier. The rest of the night is spent cuddling, and thinking about a future with an even bigger family than you already have.
It turns out Sebastian has really strong swimmers because the two of you are welcoming another set of identical twins into this world 6.5 months later. History does tend to repeat itself after all, and you're incredibly proud as you're holding your girls in your arms. Jax and Evan are the proud brothers to their little sisters, named Ruby and Scarlett. ''We brothers now!'' Jax says happily as he pets Ruby's head, and you and Sebastian laugh wholeheartedly. ''You are brothers now, and both of you need to protect your little sisters at all costs!'' Sebastian said and he nods furiously. You look at Sebastian, and the two of you are on cloud nine and never want to come down from your special place.
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teaberrii · 2 years
The Genshin Boys Surprising You on Your Birthday
Featuring: Alhaitham, Childe, Heizou, Xiao, and Zhongli
Notes: It's my birthday, so I wrote a little something.
He's done. He's prepared. He's ready to give you your annual birthday surprise.
Alhaitham wouldn't let you in your room for weeks, and you have no idea why. You didn't mind sleeping with him, though.
You get home that day to see the door of your room slightly ajar. Alhaitham comes out and tells you to close your eyes. You're skeptical, but you do as you're told anyway.
Alhaitham's hands are on your shoulders as he guides you inside your bedroom. Then, when he tells you to open your eyes, you see a custom-made bookshelf in the shape of a tree. It sits perfectly in the space you've been meaning to fill in your bedroom.
You notice each branch has a book. When you take the books off the shelf, you notice that they're new and ones you haven't read before. Each book is also from a different genre.
Alhaitham helps you organize your books and surprises you with a two-tier cake he made himself. It's not until later you discover Kaveh had secretly given him cooking lessons.
I know you think that I do not care much for these anniversaries, but celebrating the day you were born is a must. Let's continue celebrating together as we continue our journey hand-in-hand.
Childe picks you up after work, and you go straight to his place for your birthday surprise... if only you knew what he's planning.
Childe has all the lights off, and as soon as you turn them on, the entire place is decorated with fairy lights, heart balloons, and scented candles.
Childe had spelt a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY using balloons in the living room while the bedroom had I LOVE YOU and rose petals placed in the shape of a heart on the bed.
Childe takes you back to the living room, and you enjoy his homemade food as he serenades you.
You lead Childe back into the bedroom and end your birthday festivities with a nice, long cuddle.
Happy birthday! I hope this wasn't too much. I always say this... but even when we're old, I'll always find a way to give you the best surprise ever.
Heizou makes you work on your birthday. He's prepared some riddles and puzzles that you have to solve to get to him and whatever surprise he has waiting for you.
You start your adventure at your house, and you end up going to four different places. The first is the place where you first met. The second is where he confessed to you. The third is where you had your first kiss. The last place is your final destination.
You arrive at a Ferris wheel where he's waiting for you. You playfully scold him for making you run around on your birthday.
You and Heizou ride the Ferris wheel until it stops at the top. You think something has gone wrong when fireworks go off, and Heizou gives you a passionate kiss.
You ask Heizou if this place will be the one where you spent your first birthday together. He smiles at you in return, and you enjoy the rest of the fireworks show holding hands.
These ordinary places can become so special from just a single action. Today's memory is my gift to you. Let's continue creating great memories together!
You know Xiao doesn't like being around crowds or care much for birthdays, so you're surprised that he takes you to the beach. It starts with breakfast-in-bed, building sandcastles on the beach, swimming in the ocean, and a beautiful view of the ocean at a seaside restaurant.
You and Xiao are walking hand-in-hand on the beach just as the sun sets over the horizon.
Xiao stops you, and you turn to see him pull out a traditional Chinese hair clip. It's hand-carved with two golden butterflies flying together on the top.
Xiao helps you put it in your hair. He doesn't like being in photos but takes one with you with the clip in your hair.
You find out later through a friend that Xiao had got the hair clip custom-made and that he chose the butterflies to symbolize long life, happiness, and eternal love.
If I'm not wrong, birthdays are a day when you spend time with people you love. If that's the case, I hope to continue spending this day with you for the rest of our lives.
Zhongli pulls up to the most expensive restaurant in town. When he told you he was taking you out for your birthday, you were not expecting this.
You loop your arm around his, and a waiter escorts you and your date to a table with the perfect view of the city skyline.
You end up having a lengthy conversation with him about life, your troubles, books you have read, and anything in between. Zhongli is a great conversationalist but an even better listener.
Zhongli pays for everything, and you enjoy an evening stroll together at the lake.
Zhongli takes you to a pier, and as you look at the moon together, he takes a piece of paper from his chest pocket. His gift to you is a poem where he details he will always be your biggest cheerleader in all your future endeavours.
I understand that it doesn't have to be your birthday for me to give you this. But let today be the start of knowing that you will never be alone.
Bonus: Paimon
You come home to find your place filled with smoke. You panic and are about to call the emergency number when Paimon suddenly appears.
Paimon bluntly tells you that she just remembered it was your birthday and wanted to do something special for you.
You also find out that Paimon had used your card to buy an expensive gift online. A gift that you really didn't need.
You spend your birthday chasing her around as she tries to convince you that she tried her best.
Paimon helps you clean up the mess she made and finally asks if you can make both of you dinner.
Paimon didn't do it on purpose! It's the thought that counts, right? But, happy birthday! Here's to another year together!
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dira333 · 11 months
Passing Peonies - Post War Touya Todoroki - Part IV
When the war ended, Midoriya Izuku had proven one thing: That Villains did not need to be killed to be defeated. That you could make friends from enemies.
Touya Todoroki, formerly known as Dabi, had been one of those taken into the rehabilitation program. After one year of intense physical and psychological therapy, he's got the chance to prove himself. To prove that he can be a part of this world.
Complete fic length: 30.600 words - Masterlist
Warnings: poor mental health and resentment against past actions is mentioned, burn scars etc. as well. There is angst but this is mostly soft Touya coming back to his family...
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Part 4: (2,1k words)
You’re a good teacher.
He’d known before but it becomes clearer now. 
He’s still got problems with fine motor skills, his fingers often too stiff to tie ribbons or cut the smallest branches without damaging the rest of a Bonsai but he’s learning so much, not just about taking care of plants but other things as well.
The old ladies that used to coo at your friendly gifts now flock around him, tell him about their grandkids and ask for his opinion on what to buy them.
He figures out quickly which students like his snarky comments and who’s appreciative of being guided toward a cheaper alternative.
The week after he gets his ZZ plant, he can choose between a bouquet or an indoor plant.
“You don’t even know if I’ve taken good care of him.”
“Well, have you?” You ask, pushing the sleeves of your cardigan up your arms as you prepare to dig into the roots of fiddle-leaf fig, the sight of your bare underarms distracting him for a second.
“Of course. But that’s not the point.”
“Bring him in tomorrow then if you want me to review your work.” You cheekily smile up at him. “Even if you’re just fishing for compliments.”
He picks a golden pothos for his therapist, knowing that he desperately needs a plant to light up that office while also knowing he can’t take that free bouquet and gift it to you, even if he’s starting to want to.
Three months later you’ve fallen into a rhythm. 
Every second Friday after closing you let him into your apartment where, after a grilled cheese sandwich and a shared bowl of soup, he waters your plants and renames them.
Bob’s doing so well, he’s already a parent, one of his kids now sitting on Fuyumi’s shelf. 
Hawks has put in a request for more Bouquets for his agency, as well as his father and Shouto, who in turn has seemingly told all his classmates about this great flower shop downtown.
Touya would love how much more money you’re making now if all those customers wouldn’t cut into the time he gets to spend with you.
At least the purple-haired gremlin Shouto calls a classmate hasn’t shown up since he scared him off. He doesn’t like guys buying flowers as an excuse to check you out, especially when they’re too cheap to buy a proper bouquet.
“No grilled cheese today.” You tell him one Friday evening as you close the door and turn the key. “I’m buying you dinner.”
His heart skips traitourously.
“You sure your plants can survive without my care?” He jokes and you grin.
“Positive. Now grab your jacket and let's head out.”
“What’s the occasion?”
“Oh, multiple things. We’ve got so much business now we’ll have to start dividing our orders into two different pick-up dates. What do you think of Tuesday and Thursday? We could use Monday and Wednesday to make the bouquets.”
“And the other reasons?”
You laugh, clearly figuring out that there’s no use in redirecting his thoughts. 
“I don’t believe in anniversaries but I’ve heard people say that it’s always hardest after the third month, so I thought you could use a little celebration.”
He looks at you, calculates the slope of your nose against the curve of your lips, and cocks his head to the side.
“And the last thing?”
You sober up quickly, looking down the street into the dark night, the sign of a gas station glowing in the distance.
“Today’s the anniversary of my father’s death.” You look up at him, your eyes open and vulnerable. “I like to do something nice for someone else on that day. As a gift to the world, you know?”
He doesn’t know. But it fits you. Like green aprons and cardigans, white shirts, and grilled cheese.
“Do you want to talk about him?”  
You walk in silence for a while, the same comfortable silence he’s shared with you since he’s met you, until eventually you open your mouth.
“We have the same quirk. It has been in our family for generations. My great-great-grandmother was a hero, actually. She made sure to marry someone who complimented her quirk and so on and so forth, until my father decided to marry someone quirkless, to not be a hero, or even a fancy landscaper. He just wanted a normal, comfortable life.”
You point at the door or the restaurant and he follows you, feeling like your story isn’t over yet, but not ready to push you to talk when you never do that with him.
The restaurant isn’t fancy, but it’s not fast food either, telling him that you’re spending quite some money when he’s seen how you live and knows how much the shop used to bring in.
When the waiter leaves your table and he opens his menu, you lean across the table to whisper, bringing along a scent he’s grown so familiar too. The scent of earth and greenery, of flowers and foliage, of you and your shop and your home.
“Sorry, what?” He shakes his head to clear his mind, realizing he missed every word you’ve just said.
“I said if you’re not against sharing they have this amazing combination of gyoza dumpling and melted cheese. They line the Gyoza up and when the cheese is melted you can dip the gyoza in. You can choose what the fillings are and if you want other dips for it but it’s usually a serving for two.”
He blinks at the giddiness lighting up your face. He’d never been especially inclined towards cheese until his mind started linking it to you and now, linking it to you being happy.
“Of course.” He hears himself say and sees you lighting up even more. “But if we order it, we have to go full in. Filled with cheese to dip in cheese. We’re not cowards after all.”
You giggle and he looks back down at the menu to keep himself from staring, glad that his skin grafts cannot blush.
When the waiter returns, however, he’s pulling a face that spells uncomfortableness.
“I’m sorry.” He says, clutching his notepad with both hands. “But I’m… well, I was made aware that we cannot serve you.”
“What do you mean?” Your face is full of confusion while Touya catches on faster. 
“He means he can’t serve me.” He explains and the way the man cringes tells him everything he needs to know.
“It’s alright.” He says when he feels that it’s not, in fact, alright. “I’ll just see you tomorrow then.”
“No.” Your hand’s flat on the table and your voice serious. “Matsumoto-kun, you’ll be serving us.”
“I’m sorry, please, I-”
“Leave it.” Touya tells you, the hard line of your mouth something he hasn’t seen before.
“Is there a problem?” Behind Matsumoto, a new face appears.
“Yes.” You’re standing now, smaller than the two men, but standing your ground. “You’re taking part in the rehabilitation agreement, yet you’re not willing to serve a member of the same agreement. I don’t want to do this but I will have to make a formal complaint if you continue to refuse us service.”
“Madam.” The man behind Matsumoto, obviously the manager, is wringing his hands now. “This isn’t about the agreement. You have to understand what your companion did-”
“It doesn’t matter who he is or what he has done.” You tell them sharply. “He could be Tomura Shigaraki and it would still be your duty to serve him as a customer if he came in here as part of the Rehabiliation agreement.”
“This isn’t our decision,” Matsumoto whispers, eyes looking everywhere but at Touya himself who’s now standing himself, hand on your arm as if that would do something but ground himself.
“Come on.” He tells you. “Not today.”
And somehow he’s said the right thing because you nod and grab your purse and your jacket, following him out of the restaurant.
Five steps from the door he can hear you curse under your breath.
Ten steps from the door he can hear you sniffle and when he turns, you’re full on crying, fat tears dripping down your face.
“Hey. Hey, don’t cry about that. It’s not worth it.”
“It is!” You disagree wetly. “They shouldn’t treat you this way and now I’m mad and I’m hungry and I’m upset that I always cry when I’m mad, and-”
“If it would make you feel better you could let weeds grow in front of their door.”
“They would just pull it out, that’s just hurting the plants.” You complain but you’re almost smiling now.
He’s grinning back at you. “We could spray paint their windows. Egg the front. Put toilet paper over the door.”
“What are you? Five?” 
He laughs and you laugh with him, frozen on the sidewalk in your shared little bubble.
“There’s a Kentucky Fried Chicken down the street, isn’t it?” He asks. “They have cheese fries. It’s not as good as dipping cheesy Gyoza into melted cheese but would it satisfy your cheesy needs?”
“You make me sound like an addict.”
“Aren’t you?”
“Maybe a little bit.”
He watches you pop another cheese-covered fry into your mouth and feels only a little weird about it.
“Feeling better?” He asks, chewing on his straw.
“A bit. But I’m still going to put in a formal complaint. It’s not okay.”
“It’s been a year. It’s going to take some time.”
“Still. God, now I can never go back there again and I don’t know anyone else who offers that dish.” You complain.
“I could learn how to make it.” The words are out of his mouth before he can stop them and he bites his tongue, regretting them immediately when you pinch your brows.
“I didn’t know you can cook.” You offer him an easy way out and he shrugs.
“I don’t. But it doesn’t sound that hard.”
You laugh. “Oh, it is. Why do you think I only offer you Miso soup and grilled cheese sandwiches?”
“Because that’s your favorite food?”
“True. But it’s also the only thing I can make. Well, when the sun’s in the right position and the moon’s not looking, I can also make a fried egg.”
He laughs at that. 
“You seem so talented, I thought you’d be good at everything.”
Your smile wavers and you wipe your fingers, signaling you’re done with your food.
“Want to take a walk?” You ask and he nods, throwing away the trash and meeting you at the door.
Something in him wants to take your hand, make sure your pulse is still the same as always, that you’re fine and well and there with him, but he knows that’s not the whole reason.
He wants to take your hand because he wants to hold it and feels like a ZZ plant that’s been put in a dark spot, longing for more light and scared it might burn him at the same time.
He doesn’t put his hands in his pockets, lets them hang by his side loosely, hoping against hope that your hand will knock into his as if a ray of sunlight might accidentally come his way.
“My father died five years ago.” You tell the night sky above you. “He had a heart attack and died in his sleep. I miss him every day. And I know he’d be proud of me. Of what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. He’d love my apartment and my shop and even if he’d call every bouquet I make perfection, he’d still pluck around in it, because he couldn’t let anything go untouched. Isn’t that love, that you love something not only despite its imperfections but simply because of them?”
Heaviness settles in his gut yet again as your words sink in. 
You look at him and he wonders if you’re talking about him too. 
He thinks about his parents, his siblings, his friends - if he can call them that. 
He wonders if they love him despite his imperfections and he wonders if he loves them.
“My mother remarried three years ago. And I’m happy for her, because her new husband is really nice, and she’s happy. But they moved, about two years ago, to America of all places. Plane tickets are expensive.”
“It gets lonely sometimes.” He says, not really knowing why until you nod.
“Yeah.” You breathe out. “Yeah.”
He wants to say that he’s here now. That you can lean on him. That he’ll be there for you.
But he doesn’t. Because he can’t. He shouldn’t. He won’t.
So he doesn’t say anything and it seems to be the right thing, allowing the two of you to walk in silence through the dark.
taglist: @misfit-megumi @shoulmate @pixiesavvy @the2ndl @neko-my-cat @chelseaquake
taglist is open, if you want to join, just mention it in a comment or send me a message.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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https-harlow · 1 year
Fight The Feeling Prologue- Part 7 Celebrations & Realizations
18+ Smut
Summary- You and Jack celebrate your one year anniversary and Jack's birthday with a trip to the Bahamas, the same place he took you for your first date.
Thank you so much to @harlowcomehome for helping me with the smut! I appreciate it so much!
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Over the next 4 months, you spent 2 and a half with Jack in Louisville, most of that being over the holidays so it wasn’t odd that neither of you were working. Jack and his friends even convinced you to look at some houses and apartments in the area, but you ultimately decided that it wasn’t the right time. Jack offered to let you move in with him, but even though you had spent the last 2 and a half months practically living with him, you didn’t want him to make a decision like that without putting more thought into it other than just not wanting you to leave.
The month and a half after that was busier for you and Jack. You were traveling for runway shows or photoshoots, Jack started recording his album Come Home The Kids Miss You, and he had the celebrity all star basketball game, which you figured out a way to go to so you could support Jack.   
After the Celebrity basketball game, it was your 1-year anniversary, which was around the same time as Jack’s birthday.  You wanted to celebrate your anniversary and Jack’s birthday separately.  Not because you wanted a specific trip just for your anniversary, but because you didn’t want Jack to have to share his birthday celebration with your anniversary. Jack insisted it was okay, he was going to have his party at home anyways, and with Jack releasing Come Home The Kids Miss You in May, and all the promo he had in April, along with the couple of photoshoots you had, neither of you had time to take two separate trips.
You both took a week off, and even though your trip was partly for Jack’s birthday, he insisted on planning everything, letting you plan a day for his birthday, but he insisted that your anniversary was more important than his birthday. 
Jack planned a trip to the Bahamas, similar to your first date trip, but this time it was for a full week instead of a weekend, and instead of staying in a hotel, Jack rented out a private house on the beach for the two of you. You were both less known a year ago, so you weren’t as worried about being recognized, now you were. 
You two spent the first two days between the beach and the house, enjoying each other’s company with no distractions. You both told your teams to only contact you in if it was an emergency. On the third day was when you planned Jack’s birthday celebration. You wanted it to be a complete surprise, so all you told Jack was to dress up for dinner. 
“Our car is almost here.” You told Jack and he nodded, sitting down on the bed, watching you get ready, he had been ready for a few minutes.
“Okay, I’m ready whenever you are baby.” Jack told you and you nodded.
“Okay, can you help me put my necklace back on please?” You asked, carrying your necklace over to Jack. Jack had been giving you one gift every day of the trip instead of giving you all your gifts at one time, the first day’s gift was a new purse, and the second day’s gift was the diamond necklace you had in your hands. You had taken it off before you both went into the ocean, not wanting to risk anything happening to it.
“Of course.” Jack said, taking the necklace from you and waiting until you turned around to clip it on. Jack pressed a kiss to the back of your neck before wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I love you.” Jack said, his lips brushing against your skin.
“I love you too.” You said, turning in his arms to kiss him gently. “Let me put my shoes on and then we can go.” You told him and he nodded. You walked over to where your heels were, putting them on and grabbing your purse.
“Where are we going?” Jack asked, standing up from the bed.
“Just to dinner.” You told Jack and he nodded. “Everyone already signed NDA’s, including the driver, so we don’t have to worry about anything getting out.” 
“You didn’t have to do all of this.” Jack told you.
“I know.” You said, slipping two small, wrapped boxes into your purse as Jack eyed them suspiciously. “But, I wanted to.” You said.
“What are those?” Jack asked as you both started to walk out to the car, Jack resting his hand on your lower back.
“Your presents.” You told him, both of you getting in the car, greeting the driver, but he already knew where to go so Jack didn’t figure out where you were going. 
“Baby, you didn’t have to get me anything.” Jack told you and you smiled softly, tracing patterns on the back of his hand as he rested his hand on your thigh.
“I wanted to. You spoil me all the time, so let me spoil you tonight.” You said. “Plus, I only have half of one of your gifts, the other half is in Louisville.”
“What did you do?” Jack asked and you laughed softly.
“You’ll find out soon.” You smiled softly.
As the car pulled up to the restaurant, Jack looked over at you. 
“I’ve been trying to book this place for a month now for our anniversary, how did you book it?” Jack asked. You had gotten a reservation at one of the fanciest restaurants in the area, with your anniversary being during one of the peak times to travel to the Bahamas, and the fact that you wanted to book the whole restaurant, it wasn’t an easy reservation to get.
“I have my connections.” You smiled softly, grabbing your purse as you and Jack thanked the driver after you got out of the car.
“I have connections too, but not as good as yours clearly.” Jack joked making you laugh.
“Well, I know the owner’s daughter, and I might have told them if anyone under the name Jack Harlow tries to make a reservation, say you can’t do it.” You told Jack and he teasingly shook his head.
“I love you, but damn, I tried absolutely everything I could think of. Had me all stressed out and shit.” Jack said, laughing, kissing you gently once you walked in. 
“Sorry.” You giggled, kissing him once more before you were led to your table by your waiter.
You had rented out the restaurant, so it was just the two of you, other than the few staff members who were working. Once you were both finished with dinner, you decided to give Jack one of his gifts. 
“Ok, so.” You started, sitting back in your chair, Jack sitting across from you, his hand resting on top of yours.” I have two of your gifts here, well, one and a half technically.” You pulled one of the boxes out of your bag. “Technically, this one is for our anniversary.” You said, handing Jack a box. 
“Baby, thank you.” Jack said as he took the box from you. He unwrapped the box before opening it, seeing a Rolex watch inside, pulling it out and seeing the date Jack asked you to be his girlfriend engraved on the inside. “This is so sweet, thank you.” Jack smiled, running his finger over the engraving before you handed him the other box, Jack putting the watch back in the box carefully.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled softly. “This one is technically for your birthday, not that it really matters, but the other part of it is in Kentucky, I couldn’t exactly get it onto the plane.” You said and Jack looked at you suspiciously.
“What did you get?” Jack asked.
“Just open it and see.” You giggled, sitting up, out of all of Jack’s gifts, even though it wasn’t the hardest to get, his third gift was the most time consuming, you were the most excited for this gift. Jack opened the box, seeing what was inside, looking between you and the box a couple times.
“No, I can’t let you get this for me, this is too much.” Jack insisted and you laughed softly. 
“It’s already parked in your driveway.” You told Jack and he continued to look at you in disbelief. 
“You really got me the Jeep?” Jack asked and you nodded.
“I did, it’s the one that when we see one you always talk about how much you want it but you still haven’t bought it for yourself, so I bought it for you.” You said and laughed softly when Jack stood up, walking around the table to hug you.
“I seriously can’t accept it but thank you so much.” Jack said.
“Nope, you’re keeping it, I’m not letting you give it back to me, you deserve it.” You told him, pulling away from the hug to kiss him. Jack continued to kiss you several more times.
“Thank you so much, I don’t even know what to say.” Jack told you and you shook your head.
“You’re welcome, and you don’t have to say anything.” You told Jack and he nodded, kissing you again. 
Later that night, you and Jack were sitting in the living room, when you got up, walking to the bedroom to get his last present. You walked back into the living room, handing him the box.
“What’s this for? My birthday or our anniversary?” Jack teased and you rolled your eyes, laughing.
“The watch was for our anniversary because it has our anniversary date on it, the car was for your birthday because I had planned on giving it to you on your birthday, but I didn’t think I could hide a car in your driveway for that long.” You explained and Jack laughed softly.
“You know, that makes a lot of sense.” Jack said and you shook your head, laughing again. 
“So, this is something I’ve been working on, it’s just a sample product, if there’s anything you want to change you can, I also figured you’d want to order some for your friends, so I can take care of that when I get home.” You told him, Jack was confused at what the gift could be, but he opened it up anyways.
When Jack opened the box, he saw two pairs of custom New Balances, one in red and one in blue with the title of his album embroidered on the back.
“Baby.” Jack said, his eyes tearing up. “This is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me.” Jack said, your eyes tearing up now. “You designed these?” He asked.
“Well, I picked the color and put the album title on the back, but I figured you would want a pair for your friends, so just let me know what sizes and I’ll order them.” You told Jack and he leaned over to kiss you. “Though, you can’t change the album name now.” You joked, and Jack laughed.
“So that’s why you were so adamant about the album name not changing.” Jack said and you nodded, laughing softly. Normally, you wouldn’t have cared what Jack named his album, but once you started planning the shoes, Jack had mentioned changing the album name, which caused you to panic because if he would have, your gift wouldn’t have worked.
“Yeah, and I couldn’t say why without ruining the surprise.” You said. 
“Well, thank you.” Jack said. “I love you, thank you for making me feel appreciated and loved tonight, and every day.” 
“I love you too. That is all I want to do, you make me feel like a literal princess every day, so any time I can make you feel a little extra special is worth it to me.” You told Jack, leaning over to kiss him.
“I’m so glad we got to take this trip together.” Jack said, putting the shoes to the side before pulling you gently to his chest as he leaned back on the couch.
“Me too.” You smiled, kissing Jack softly as you ran your hands through Jack’s hair. Neither of you pulled away until Jack’s phone started to ring. Jack groaned as he grabbed his phone from the couch, seeing Neelam was calling him.
“It better be fucking important.” Jack muttered underneath his breath, making you giggle. “I’ll be right back.” Jack said, as you moved off him. Jack walked into the other room, coming back a few minutes later.
You could tell just by the way he walked back in that he was excited, a major change in his demeanor from when he walked out annoyed.
“Guess what?” Jack asked, holding back his smile.
“What?” You asked, giggling at his happiness.
“I got the part.” Jack said, smiling and you gasped.
“Really?” You asked, and Jack nodded, you smiled, jumping up from the couch almost immediately, hugging Jack as he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands going to your butt to hold you up, even though he could have placed his hands on your thighs, Jack never missed an opportunity to place his hands on your butt.
“Really.” Jack smiled as you kissed him.
“I’m so proud of you.” You told him. “You’re going to do amazing. I already know it. Do you know anything else about it?” You asked, you had known Jack was auditioning for the remake of White Men Can’t Jump, but he hadn’t told you much more than that.
“Neelam said that Alexa Demie will be playing my love interest, but that’s all she told me for now. She said we can go over everything else once I get back.” Jack said and you nodded slightly.
Truthfully you weren’t sure how to feel about that, you knew it was just acting, just a role Jack was playing, but he had just said in an interview before you left that Alexa Demie was one of his top celebrity crushes. You trusted Jack, but you knew fans would go crazy with rumors. 
“I’m so happy for you.” You said, kissing Jack. “You deserve this. You’re officially a movie star.” Jack placed you down on the couch before sitting down next to you.
“A movie star huh?” Jack asked and you nodded. 
“My movie star.” You told him, and even though Jack would never admit it, your saw him blush.
“Hm, I like the sound of that.” Jack said pulling you back on top of him so you could lay on his chest. “Come with me?” Jack asked.
“What?” You asked, tilting your head up to look at Jack.
“Come with me. I know we’ve been talking about you moving in with me, or at least moving to Kentucky, but I’ll be in L.A. filming for a couple months, so instead of you moving to Kentucky just for me to leave, you should come to L.A. with me. I’ll rent a house, probably not as fancy as this one, because this cost a lot more than I thought it would.” Jack joked, making you laugh softly. “But we’ll be able to be together. A lot of your work is in L.A. right now anyways, so instead of getting hotel rooms, let’s just rent a house.
“You know.” You smiled softly. “I did just sign that lease at the last apartments we looked at.” You told Jack.
“Really?” Jack asked excitedly and you nodded. 
“I did, just for a couple months until we figure out what we want to do, but we both liked it, so I figured we could decide if we wanted to move into that apartment or yours. We can figure that out once we come back from L.A. because I’ll come with you.” You told Jack, who smiled even bigger if that was even possible. 
“I really am the luckiest man ever.” Jack said, his hand rubbing your back. 
On the last day of your trip, you and Jack had been running along the shore, for the last hour or so. You were collecting seashells and he watched you with adoration. 
You looked over at him, seeing his goofy smile plastered across his freckled faced. “What? What’re you looking at?” You smiled. 
“I just like the way that bikini hugs you.” He wiggled his eyebrow at you, you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“You do?” You stood on your tiptoes in the sand kissing his slightly sunburned lips. He deepened your kiss, his hands migrating to your butt, just like you knew they would. 
You giggled against him, as he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around him. “What if I did this?” He smirked as he untied your top with one hand. 
“Jackman!” You gasped quickly pressing your breasts against his chest. 
“It’s a private beach baby.” He rasped. 
“Nothing private about the way you moan.” You winked, and he didn’t disagree as he walked you up the stairs and into the private beach house. 
“Shower?” You asked in a breathless tone. 
The two of you undressed one another quickly as the sand granules hit the floor. You were fixated on his toned arms and fit figure. You ran your hands through his messy curls as you waited for the water to get warm, your naked bodies pressed against one another as you continued to sloppily kiss. 
Jack walked the two of you into the shower, you weren’t able to do anything before he started to play with you. He had cornered you against the wall, facing him so he could watch as he took you by surprise. 
“Like that?” 
“Feels, feels good.” You moaned as he lifted your leg against his hip, making sure you didn’t lose balance as he continued to rub soft circles against your clit. 
“I just want to make sure you remember our last night here in the Bahamas.” He placed sloppy kisses against your temples as his curls continued to be completely soaked in water. 
You two hurriedly washed the sun and sand off your skin before quickly wrapping yourselves in towels and making it to the bedroom. 
“Sit” Jack commanded and you weren’t going to argue, you sat on the edge of the bed, he kneeled below you, his eyes still focused on you. 
“Jack, you don’t have to, let’s just fu-“ 
“Shhhh.” He put his finger to your lips. He leaned you back with the touch of his hand, using the other to spread your legs. 
At first, he made small strides across your folds, teasing you as his beard rubbed against your thighs. It was slightly painful but thrilling nonetheless. He sucked on your clit, he did it so softly that you could’ve come right there. Your fingers were entangled in his curls, he liked when you’d pull on them and you knew that by his growing erection. 
“Baby, I need you.” You moaned, knowing he loved the sound of that. “Tell me how much” he smirked as he stood up. 
“Stop playing.” You giggled as he left wet kisses against your neck and collarbones, you were tired of his teasing and decided it was your turn now. 
You intertwined your hands. “Lay down.” You switch positions as you kept eye contact with him. 
“Let’s start with missionary since you’re so pretty.” You said half-jokingly.
“Well, I didn’t get the nickname missionary Jack because it’s my favorite position, but because I’m pretty so everyone wants to fuck me like that.” He smirked knowing you’d laugh but secretly love the sound of that. 
You straddled him, allowing him to stretch you out slowly. You threw your head back, making your breasts bounce. His dick twitched inside you as you felt his hip bones press into your thighs. 
You started slow, spelling your name as you continued to ride him. 
“You’re a tease.” He rasped as he changed positions on you.
You have no idea how you ended up bent over the balcony railing, looking out to the ocean while Jack fucked you, but you weren’t going to complain. It was your anniversary, and you deserved to watch the sunset while you orgasm. 
“Baby, you look so pretty.” He moaned, you knew he was close when he wouldn’t stop rambling. “Beautiful, take this dick.” He started to noticeably change the rhythm. He was thrusting into you, you kept your balance on the ledge of the deck. 
You wrap your legs around him, and he picked you up, thrusting into you mid-air as best as he could, you gripped onto him going as fast as you could. 
He almost lost balance as he filled you up, his semen dripping down your legs as you climbed off of him. 
“Nice sunset hmm?” You smiled.
“Yeah, the sunset’s totally what I’m looking at.” Jack laughed softly, reaching his hand down between your legs to collect some of his cum on his finger, holding it up as you wrapped your lips around his finger. A moment later Jack pulled his fingers slowly out of your mouth.
“I’ll be right back baby, stay here.” Jack told you, kissing the top of your head gently before making his way back into the house. You turned back to face the beach, sighing softly as you did, leaning into the railing.
In this moment you truly felt like you had everything, and not in some stuck up way where you thought you were better then everyone, you were just truly happy. You rarely had time to yourself, so you spent the few minutes Jack was inside reflecting on your life.
You had the career you wanted since you were a kid, you had the relationship that a year and a half ago was nothing more than something you dreamt about at night, you had everything that you had wanted your whole life. You had never been happier, you never wanted it to go away, you would do anything to stay as happy as you were in this moment.
“Damn, now this is a view I could get used to. Seeing you bent over like that is going to make me want to fuck you again. I should have fucked you against the railing the first night, then we would have been out here every night.” Jack said as you turned to see him now in sweatpants. 
“You always want to fuck me. And I guess that means we’ll just have to come back.” You said and Jack nodded in agreement. 
“As much as I love seeing you naked, it’s getting cold out here, and I don’t want you to get sick.” Jack said, slipping one of his shirts over your head.
“Thank you.” You smiled softly, tilting your head up to kiss Jack.
“Come here.” Jack said, sitting down on one of the lounge chairs, his hands on your waist guiding you to his lap. Jack leaned back so you could both watch the sunset. “We can clean up later, right now I just want to watch the sunset with my girl.” Jack rested his hand on your hip.
“I love you.” You told Jack, your back to his chest, laying your head on his shoulder. 
“I love you too.” Jack said, pressing his lips to the top of your head. 
You and Jack spent the last night of your trip staying up way to late because neither of you wanted it to end. You ended up falling asleep first, around two in the morning, but Jack couldn’t sleep.
Similar to how on your first trip to the Bahamas where Jack realized he loved you, Jack realized on this trip that he wanted to marry you. Jack spent most of the night looking for an engagement ring before he eventually sent a text to a custom jeweler that he had worked with previously and knew wouldn’t leak anything, asking for information about getting a custom engagement ring made.  
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree
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inu-mothership · 2 months
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday Update: July 27, 2024: KogKag!
Hi everyone! We here at @inu-mothership are back with a new round of fic recs! Our server has just celebrated its third anniversary this week, and to honor that, we'll be revisiting some of the ships that we featured very early on in our Spotlight Saturday days. This week, we're going back to our very first fic rec list, which was KogKag!
This week, we're back with 15 new fics, all published after our last KogKag list, which was a summary of the 2022 KogKag Secret Admirer event! Stories are listed below the cut in alphabetical order, according to title, with rating and status (ongoing or complete) also noted. We hope you find some new KogKag gems in this list!
The Beauty of Storms (G; complete) by abovetheruins (Ao3)
Outside, thunder rumbled. A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, throwing the tree trunks beyond the cave into sharp relief. Kagome’s breath caught at the brilliant display, though she was distracted from the storm by the faintest whisper of footsteps beyond the cave. Within her next heartbeat, the wall of water bearing down upon the entrance parted as a shadowed figure pushed their way through.
Caught in the middle of a rainstorm, the Inu gang take refuge with the wolf clan. Kouga and Kagome share a moment.
Chasing Fate (M; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Yōkai exterminators Kagome and Miroku are called to investigate the mysterious possessions and murders that have been happening on the late night Musashi train line. When confronted with the culprit, Kagome is surprised to see not one, but two faces from her past…
The one who broke her heart. And the one whose heart she broke.
Can she put the past aside to solve this case? And perhaps also reunite with the ookami who still owns her heart, even after she let him go?
Cultural Variances (T; complete) by @arisukingdom
Kouga has been courting Kagome for years now, but she is clueless. One day, he had the perfect excuse to complete all the courting traditions he knows of but they aren't enough. What does she need?
Duty Bound (E; ongoing) by Nora_Wall (Ao3)
It's been several years since the defeat of Naraku and supposed destruction of the Sacred Jewel. Stuck in the past, Kagome has been trying to adjust to the tedious life of a village miko while harboring a dangerous secret. With the emergence of a deadly illness sweeping through Edo, Kagome is tasked with helping Kouga save his pack. The only problem is that Kouga is determined to use this opportunity to not only save his tribe, but to convince Kagome to be his. Drawn to the powerful wolf demon, Kagome must learn to walk the fine line between following her heart and staying duty bound to protect those she loves.
Happenstance (T; complete) by @megara09
A chance encounter in a dark park with a stranger who saves her.
When Kagome injures herself, Kouga takes her home. After learning that her injury will prevent her from helping at her family’s shrine, he volunteers to help out.
Add in a creepy stalker and a big secret for some extra flavor!
Howling Heart (E; ongoing) by @mynightshining
Unexpectedly stuck in a storm together after time apart forces Kagome and Koga to address the elephant in the room.
Hungry Like a Wolf (T; complete) by @mynightshining
Koga lived centuries as the Pack's bachelor alpha. It's fine, really. It doesn't bother him anymore. He embraced the lifestyle. Little does he know the Tanabata festival has a surprise in store.
Joys of Music (G; complete) by @classysassy9791
Kouga hated waking up early, until he didn't.
Little Red (NR; complete) by Langus (Ao3)
The autumn air was crisp and the full moon high in the night sky. Its light bathed the forest floor in a cool cerulean glow that cast long shadows into the underbrush. She pulled in a cleansing breath and let it out in a rush.
"Chase me," she breathed and immediately began to run.
An Olympic Rendezvous (E; complete) by NeutrInu (Ao3)/ @neutronstarchild
There is a reason that the Olympic Village supplies so many condoms. Athletes need to find ways to relax and celebrate, right? When Kagome meets an absolutely gorgeous wolf demon from the French team, she decides it’s time to ‘relieve some of that post-competition tension.’ And with this much chemistry, who needs a common language?
Open Invitation (G; complete) by monophobian (Ao3)/ @nikkxb
Kouga didn't know what she was studying or why she was studying or why she was so stressed about it, but he did know he could help. Somehow.
He didn't realize how quickly he adapted to Kagome at his den.
Skip (G; complete) by @commandercrouton
Kouga surprised his wife with a romantic dinner for a special anniversary. Except Kagome doesn’t know.
Slipping Traces (M; ongoing) by @pointyobjects
Kagome arrives back home with an education and a new title in her small town: the governor's daughter. It's her job to make every citizen of Serenity Creek feel entirely at home, including the handsome, aloof new Horsehand.
Summer-time Blues (G; complete) by GoblinOnAHouse (Ao3)/ @brain-rot-hour
Kagome has a lot of thoughts about life with Kouga and the Pack.
And summer.
Zephyr (T; complete) by AshMish111 (Ao3)/ @mrfeenysmustache
For Kagome Higurashi, the winds of change blew fast and hard, leaving her tossed about and her world upside down.
They were best avoided.
But sometimes change comes on the gentle currents of a warm breeze, and before you know it you’ve gone too far down stream to turn back.
She should have known;
She’d always associated Koga with wind.
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sataniquepanique · 2 years
New York, I Love You.
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Summary: Eddie plans a trip to NYC for your anniversary, but becomes distant once you land in the city that never sleeps. You know he's hiding something, but you're not sure what.
Genre: fluff, angst, older!Eddie
Warnings: mention of depression/intrusive thoughts
A/N: I'm getting married in 2 weeks (fucking yikes), so I wrote something based on my fiancé's actual proposal to take my mind off of planning shit for two fucking seconds.
“Have you heard about the theory that Van Gogh didn’t actually kill himself?” You chime, looking over the museum map, eagerly tracing an invisible tour path through the winding galleries.
“You’ve only told me about it a million times over the past seven years,” Eddie chuckles as he stares down the entranceway of the Museum of Modern Art. The two of you look incredibly out of place; stark white walls, juxtaposed with tattoos and leather. The soft squeak of your Docs reverberate through the winding hallway, adding to the anxiety that’s been building since stepping foot in New York City two days ago. Something was off with Eddie, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. It started at the airport, he had stopped talking after getting to the gate; chalking it up to nerves about flying, you ignored it. The first day in the city was the same, barely any conversation unless you initiated it, and even less physical affection on his part. Maybe he was still tired from the trip, or maybe he just hated the city? A third reason rears its ugly head and starts to burrow deep inside your conscious; maybe he was getting tired of you. After seven years of being together, of cohabitating in a small apartment outside of Hawkins, of two cats and a dog later, maybe the love of your life was pushing away. 
A hand on the small of your back snaps your attention back to the map. The 1880-1940’s collection is on the 5th floor, allowing you to traverse through the rest of the museum before seeing the one piece this entire trip was centered around.
New York City was actually Eddie’s idea, though it doesn’t seem so from his current disconnected behavior. A few months prior he had bounded into the living room, smiling like he had just won the lottery.
“Baby,” he sang in his best, most innocent voice, “how would you feel about going to New York City in July?” 
Your head slowly rose from the book you were buried in. His particular tone was usually only reserved for when he was already in trouble, or plotting something mischievous. 
“What’s your angle, Munson?” Shifting forward on the couch, your eyes narrow in suspicion.
Hand over heart, he looks at you with faux offense, “How dare you think so little of me. I just think we should do something cool for our anniversary this year.”
All your wariness fades to glowing endearment.
“Oh Eds, that’d be amazing! Of course I’d love to go to New York!” 
His face relaxes as he huffs out a relieved breath, “Oh thank god, ‘cause I already bought plane tickets—“
You smile at him, impressed that he had actually planned something ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute like usual. You’ve been together almost 7 years, and as time went on celebrating your anniversary became less and less theatrical, now consisting of take-out from your favorite Chinese place and a movie of unanimous choosing. Low-key, comfortable, but still full of love, just like you and Eddie.
“—and I also reserved two tickets for the Museum of Modern Art.”
Your eyes almost pop out of your head, “That’s where—“
“—Starry Night is. I know, that’s why I’m taking you there.” He flops down onto the couch, throwing a casual arm around your shoulders as you melt into him.
For your entire life, or at least as long as you can remember, Van Gogh has been your favorite artist. Doing master-copies of his paintings in high school, trying to hard to get his technique just right, obsessing over his use of color to convey emotion. In college you majored in Art History, specializing in Post-Impressionism, spending long nights pouring over books about Vincent’s life and background. As much as you love his work, his story made him that much more intriguing. How a man struggled with such a tragic life and still managed to see the beauty in the world was nothing less than astounding. 
You’ve seen a few of Van Gogh’s pieces in person at museums in the tri-state area, but you haven’t traveled much further. Money’s been tight ever since you and Eddie moved in together a few years ago, but you’ve always had the bug, itching to go far away and see the world with all it has to offer. Eddie shares the same desire, always talking about dream trips and planning fake vacations, waiting for the day you can make them a reality. 
“Eddie, where did you get the money for this?” The thought of possibly spending rent money on plane tickets makes you panic, but he’s is quick to shrug it away.
“I picked up some extra shifts at the shop, we’re fine don’t worry.”
Eddie is usually very physically affectionate, constantly having a hold somewhere on your body; but through 4 floors of galleries he hasn’t so much as touched your hand. The lack of contact is all you can think about, barely able to take in any of the artwork you’ve traveled all this way to see. As you make your way to the 5th floor, Eddie trudges behind silently. The awkward tension is killing you, and you’re not sure how much more you can take.
Turning into the 1880s gallery, a small crowd of people gather around the far corner. A glimpse of familiar cerulean and marigold swirls, the same brushstrokes you’ve studied for years, peaks over the top of their heads. You swiftly push to the front, and all of the air is crushed from your lungs. 
It’s other-worldly. 
Every photo you’ve ever seen of The Starry Night doesn’t do it justice, not even remotely. The peaks of paint that dot the surface of the canvas, the brightness of each color, none of it can be properly depicted on the pages of a textbook. After so many years of studying this painting, seeing it in the flesh is almost like seeing an old friend. There’s a calmness in it, admiration mixed with giddiness.
You’re close to tears as you feel Eddie’s presence beside you.
“It’s amazing…” his voice is low, partly because of the subdued setting, but also in awe.
All you can muster is a nod as your eyes drag over every inch of the painting, committing it to memory. 
You have to practically rip yourself away, buzzing from the entire experience. 
Eddie waits by the entranceway with his hands in his front pockets, “Do you wanna go get dinner? I’m starving.”
“Sure,” still unnerved by his demeanor, your tone is stoic and emotionless, “Where do you wanna go?”
He scratches the back of his neck, something only done when he’s uncomfortable, “Uh, there’s this pub across 52nd if that’s cool?”
An audible stomach growl answers for you.
Eddie keeps a few feet of distance between your bodies, weaving through groups of people on the crowded sidewalk. You’ve never seen this many people in your life, even at college in Indianapolis. Growing up in Indiana, your hometown was so small that everyone knew each other, same with Eddie’s upbringing in Hawkins. City life always intrigued you, and up until this moment you had thought of Indianapolis as a “big city”; but it was nothing compared to New York. After high school you moved away to college to study art, choosing Indiana University for its busier atmosphere. 
A month after graduating with your BFA, you met Eddie by accident. Moving back home to live with your parents was the last thing you wanted, but finding a good paying job was proving to be more difficult than anticipated. 
Depression started to sink it’s disgusting claws into your psyche; you felt like a failure. 
One night, in a valiant attempt to bring some joy back into your life, your best friend dragged you to a bar in the next town over; the promise of live music and alcohol extremely enticing. Hawkins wasn’t known for much, except for the weird rumors about mysterious disappearances over the years, so you weren’t expecting much from this hole-in-the-wall bar. The Hideout was kind of gross, but in an almost endearing way. The floors were sticky and the air almost unbreathable, but the staff was kind, despite their rough appearances. The bartender chatted the two of you up for while, making jokes and letting you sample whatever beer you wanted to try, all while some metal band played on the rickety stage in the back. 
A little before midnight, the band had packed up and the crowd inside thinned out to just regulars and a few drunk stragglers. As you sat at the bar and waited for your friend to get back from the bathroom, a stranger sat next to you and ordered a beer, greeting the bartender like an old friend. After exchanging a few light-hearted jabs, the stranger smiled and looked over at you. 
“Cheers—“ he holds out the neck of the bottle towards you.
Taken aback by his boldness, you return a small grin, “Cheers to what?” 
He shrugs, sucking his teeth in thought for a second, “To metal? To surviving another gig? I dunno.”
The guitar pick around his neck catches your eye, “Was that your band playing earlier?”
He gives a shy nod, smile stretching wider and accentuating a dimple on his left cheek.
“You guys sounded really good,” You hold out your own bottle towards him.
“I’ll cheers to that,” he taps against yours, a small clink echoing in the almost empty bar. 
“I’m Eddie, by the way.”
“Y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Eddie.” Normally, you would rather die than talk to a random person at a bar, but there was something about this boy that drew you in. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was how ethereal he looked under the neon bar signs, either way you were captivated.
You stayed at the Hideout longer than intended, long after your friend had decided to go home. Eddie made you laugh with stupid jokes and weird stories, sharing your mutual love of horror movies and fantasy books. You were so enthralled that you hadn’t even noticed it was closing time. Apologizing to the bartender, you asked to use their phone to call a cab. Eddie immediately offered to drive you home, promising he wasn’t a serial killer when you profusely questioned him. 
The drive was filled with loud music and scream-singing on both of your parts, Eddie drumming on the steering wheel to the beat as you headbanged beside him. When he pulled up at your parents house, you quickly pulled a pen out of your bag, scribbling your phone number onto his forearm. He winked before driving away, having stayed a few extra minutes to make sure you got inside safely. Every thought for the rest of the night was consumed by Eddie; something was tying you to him, and you wanted to follow that invisible tether all the way to the end.
The 52nd Street pub was empty, something that was shocking upon entry, but you were nonetheless a little grateful for it. The quiet was a welcome change from the overwhelming sounds of New York, a small corner of solitude in the center of the city that never sleeps. Welcome almost as much, are the beers that you and Eddie down immediately. 
Though he normally cannot stop talking, Eddie is being uncharacteristically mute. You have to practically drag out any bit of conversation, forcing small talk until the food arrives and you can focus on that instead. 
After a silent meal, the portly older waiter drops off your check and strikes up a conversation with Eddie about your trip and why you were visiting. Eddie put on his polite voice, smiling and laughing along with man’s questions. This stranger was receiving more from him than you had in days. 
The nagging voice in your head struck up again: he’s tired of you.
You stopped paying attention to Eddie’s side-conversation as annoyance consumed you. There was an emerging throb in your head, the physical pain matching the emotional hurt of Eddie’s complete disdain towards you. At this point, all you wanted was to go home.
The sun was setting as you walk out onto the corner of 52nd, and you squint down the street searching for a cab. 
“Hey—“ Eddie smiled at you for what seems like the first time all day, “—wanna go to Central Park?” He points down the street, and you can make out the tops of the trees seven blocks away. 
You shake your head, “I’m really tired, and my head is killing me. I’d rather just go back to the hotel honestly.” 
Eddie’s face falls a little, and you feel slightly guilty, but then remember how uninterested he was all day. 
Again, he glances towards the park, “Are you sure? It’s just a few blocks away—“
“No, Eddie. I just want to go back to the room.” Your voice was stern, annoyed that he only now wanted to spend time with you. A yellow cab crested over the next block, and you raise a hand to get the drivers attention.
“I would rather share one lifetime with you—“ Eddie mumbles behind you. Only half listening, you swear he’s grumbling about not being able to go to the park, and it sets off a rage flare.
“—What?” You snap your head around to face him, eyes narrow and angry, bracing yourself for an argument.
He’s standing a few feet away, one hand in his pocket, the other holding up a diamond ring. Your lungs constrict, an audible gasp escaping as you stare at him wide-eyed. He grins sheepishly as you freeze in place.
“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone,” He repeats, returning your stare with his soft brown eyes. 
“…are you seriously quoting Lord of the Rings to me right now?” You laugh, all tension leaving your body. 
“Did you expect anything less from me?” His deep eyes search yours, silencing the menacing voice in your head, “Marry me, Y/n. I love you more than anything—“
“—more than Gollum loves his precious?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and snorts, “Obviously, you fucking nerd.” 
Scoffing dramatically, you smile and take the ring from his outstretched hand, sliding it onto your finger. 
“Of course I’ll marry you, Eddie Munson. I thought you’d never ask.” 
Finally, after days of anxiety and frustration, he kisses you, smiling the entire time. You can almost physically feel the stress leave his body as you hold onto him.
Pulling back you grab his hand, interlocking your fingers, “Is this why you’ve been acting weird?”
He chuckles, “Yeah, I was super nervous. I honestly planned on doing it in front of The Starry Night, but I freaked out when I saw how many people were around.”
Your heart soars at the sentiment, and you look down at your hand in his, the little diamond sparkling in the fading sunlight. 
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theoddcatlady · 10 months
She's a Keeper
That’s what my dad always used to say, with a chuckle and a pat to my head. ‘She’s a keeper,’ he’d say to a grocer or clerk at a convenience store. People used to fawn over the cute pigtailed gal by her daddy’s side, always said her pleases and thank yous, never threw a tantrum, was an absolute angel.  
Maybe this is why when I grew up I always need someone giving me a pat on the back. If I’m not getting a compliment about how I look or how well I did at work, I’m gonna assume I did something wrong or I had a piece of lettuce stuck in my teeth all day.  
This hasn’t always worked out for me. I’m a keeper, but I can also be a sucker. Like what’s been happening with my boss.  
I love working as a secretary, it’s a job that makes me feel really fulfilled. This makes me a bit of a stereotype though with how I practically melted when Jonathan Price, my boss, complimented my blouse and my work ethic on my first day. I just reminded myself by looking at the silver ring on his left hand and the picture on his desk with his children that I shouldn’t read too much into it.  
Jonathan was perfect though, and over time I realized I read him just right.  
I never wanted to be the other woman. I just wanted to be loved. And being around Jonathan, working late nights just to have a moment to talk with him, having drinks after work… the inevitable happened. He kissed me after a few too many beers, and we ended up going back to my place. We slept together.  
I poured my heart out to him after that, how I’d liked him for so long, and that I really felt a connection with him. He just smiled and brushed the hair from my eyes, telling me that I was the kind of girl you didn’t just let get away.  
Of course I believed him.  
Of course I swallowed the lump in my throat whenever I saw Mariana coming to visit her husband. My lover.  
Of course I ignored how I was the choice topic of office gossip, how the guys smirked and the other women gave me the side eye and the cold shoulder.
Of course I listened when Jonathan said he was going to leave her soon. He just needed to make sure he didn’t hurt her.  
And of course, whenever he called me to meet him at our typical meeting spot, a hotel in downtown, I was there with bells on.  
Yeah, I know what you’re thinking of me. I think it too. I’m not the brightest bulb in the package, but like I told you, I’m pretty easily manipulated. But I love Jonathan, I love his work ethic, I love how he takes care of his kids, kids that he learned soon enough I couldn’t have. I wonder if that was part of my appeal to him. That he couldn’t accidentally knock me up.  
He doesn’t… didn’t love me. I was just an easy lay, a stereotype in every sense of the word.  
I only started wising up last week, when it occurred to me that Jonathan really wasn’t slowing down his relationship with his wife and certainly wasn’t preparing for divorce proceedings. She was pregnant with their third child, I saw the pictures he posted on Facebook of their anniversary dinner.  
It hit me like a semi truck when I read his status about enjoying their fifteen years together and couldn’t wait to see what the next fifteen will bring.  
I cried. I drunk a lot of wine. And then I asked him to come to my apartment. That we needed to talk.  
Scary words for a guy, right? Took Jonathan a while to drag his ass over, which by then I was even more drunk. I don’t drink often, and certainly not in excess, but can you blame me? I’d just had that reality shattering realization I was just his pet to call on whenever he wanted to fuck and spew nonsense words at. Nonsense words I fell for.
Well, I did what I should’ve done about six months ago. I called him out on his bullshit. Said that he was never going to leave his wife but he wasn’t going to stop keeping me as his side piece. He tried, oh he tried to calm me down, but I wasn’t going to back down to his pretty words this time.  
“Either pick me or stay with your wife. Else I’ll call her and let her know the truth.”  
My ultimatum I’d spent the previous hour preparing. I felt super proud of it when I spat it out, expecting him to pick at least one of the options so this nonsense could end.  
Jonathan’s face went white, then red, and then… he picked a third option.
He killed me.
Jonathan picked up the empty wine bottle while he muttered something about me being too much trouble, and then he brought it down right on the top of my head. Caved my skull in on the first smash, sending shards of glass all over my living room. I dropped like a rock. But I guess Jonathan was just too pissed off, cuz he used the remains of the bottle in his hand to keep stabbing me, again and again in the throat and neck. I was about decapitated by the time he came to his senses.
Of course Jonathan freaked out. Panicked. Just washed the blood off his hands and wiped down the bottle before escaping the apartment. Left me there. All alone. Head nearly off my shoulders, my living room a mess of blood, wine, and glass.
Man, you should’ve seen the look on his face when I came into work today. I was at my desk by the time he came in. He looked like hell, understandably, he just killed a woman two days before. But he froze in his steps when he saw me sitting at my desk, tip tapping away on my keyboard while scheduling another appointment later that week.  
I just waved to him real quick before going back to work. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jonathan bolt for his office and slam the door.  
Oh, that felt so good. Watching him be the one to run in fear. Was he doubting his memory? Was he trying to convince himself that he’d just had a really bad dream?  
I clocked out after that, complaining about a cold, it’d been passed all around the office. But I didn’t go to my home.
I went to Jonathan’s home. A nice house, in a nice part of town. I saw his wife working in the small garden out front and, after adjusting my scarf, I got out and walked up the drive.
She didn’t see me until I was right behind her. Marianna was a pretty woman, even right now with a smudge of dirt across her face, no make up, and her auburn hair held back with a yellow bandanna. I cleared my throat and she nearly dropped the flower bulb she had in her hands. She glanced up, immediately recognizing me. “Oh, hi, Nicole. Is something wrong?” She got up, brushing off her hands and smiling from ear to ear. Her pregnancy was just starting to show, her belly just so slightly growing.  
“Can we talk inside?”  
“Oh sure, sweetheart. The kids are at school, won’t be back for a few more hours. Are you all right, your voice sounds a bit raspy.”  
“I’ll be fine.”
I waited until she was sitting down before I began the most difficult conversation of my life. And I got the most difficult part of it out of the way first.  
“Your husband and I have been having an affair for almost a year.”
It was so sad to see how Marianna just… sighed. How she just nodded. “I figured, with all the late nights at work and business trips that didn’t take him out of town. I was just about to hire a private investigator to start checking in on him, so you saved me a chunk of change. Are you still sleeping with him?”  
I shook my head. “No, I figured that ended when he about took my head off with a wine bottle,” I said.
Her brow knitted in concern, so I decided to show her. I undid the scarf around my neck and showed her what I’d been hiding all morning at work.
My neck is a sight right now, all purple and black and covered in decaying, cut up flesh. I can’t even imagine how the smell must be to someone not used to it. The putrefaction had spread down to my chest, which I showed her by unbuttoning my blouse. I’d had to start tearing my skin off to get any sort of relief, you can’t imagine how horrid the itching gets when your flesh starts rotting off the bone with your skin holding it all in. I even removed my gloves to show off the pus filled sores and bubbles forming in my wrists and fingers.  
Marianna went white as a sheet as she took it all in. It look so wrong, my face perfect as it always has been but from the neck down I look like rotting roadkill. When the wave of stench finally hit her she bolted for the bathroom. I could hear her violently throwing up from where I sat.
I’d just about buttoned my shirt back up when she came back, teetering a bit and still looking pale but managing to remain steady. “Wait. Show me again.”  
I shrugged and unbuttoned my shirt again. If she wanted a reason to barf again, she was welcome to it. But she didn’t. She sat beside me, her expression of disgust melting away into one of wonder. “… Before Jonathan insisted I take care of the kids full time, I used to be a surgeon. You… you shouldn’t be alive. You can’t be alive. Are you a ghost?”  
“No.” I shook my head. “This just happens sometimes. I’m surprised it happened after your husband killed me, I thought I was a goner. But then I woke up with my body falling apart, maybe I was due for a shedding, maybe this just happens when I get hurt real bad, I dunno.”
“Jonathan…” She shuddered and shook her head, “He’s a bastard, but he wouldn’t-”
“He beat me with a wine bottle, Marianna.” I pulled the bloody shards out of my purse. “And then when it broke, he stabbed me in the neck. All because I told him the affair was over.
Now she was crying. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her bottom lip wobbled with her sobs. “No… no… oh my god, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I never thought… I never-”
“I need your help.”  
I rebuttoned up my blouse, but I left the scarf on my lap. “It’ll take me a few weeks to really come back together, but my daddy told me of a way to help me heal faster. His sister was like me. Fell apart, rotted like a corpse, and then looked just as pretty as ever in a few days. It took longer though, much longer… before she started working as a mortician.”  
It didn’t take any effort at all to convince her to help me. The kids are having a sleepover at grandma’s tonight, they really are cuties. There’s a wine glass laced with sleeping medication ready for Jonathan when he gets home, and I’m waiting in the basement, passing the time by ripping off more rotten skin, wondering what human flesh will taste like. Marianna’s already said I can stay here while I recover. She wants to study me. I’m something she’s never seen before and she’s fascinated.
She says I’m a real keeper.
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