#(waves my little asexual flag)
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yourlocalgremlin96024 · 4 months ago
Ya know what-
(Aroaces your racers)
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(Non-flag coloured version below cut! ^^)
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jeremywhitley · 2 years ago
Here we are, six weeks later...
So, in case you haven’t heard, our six week run on Love Unlimited following Gwenpool wrapped up today and...
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and as much as I did write all of this and it is extremely important to me, I feel I really need to make sure you all know that this didn’t start with me.
To be completely accurate, it started with Chris Hastings and crew for creating such an amazing and nuanced character out of what could have only ever been a high concept and a cover gag. Not that the cover gag wasn’t good, but the statue that is revealed from that piece of marble over the course of The Unbelievable Gwenpool is truly astonishing.
Then, of course, there’s you. An audience of fans with an incredible love and passion for a character who also saw a lot of the quirks and experiences that we as people on the asexual spectrum experience and talked about it online.
Which is where the incredible @alannawrites, my editor, comes in. Alanna had been looking for an opportunity to tell a story about being ace in Marvel comics. We had kind of skimmed around the edges during Unstoppable Wasp, but ultimately being a character who owed so much to a movie franchise, there were a lot of nerves there. Gwen was not only a great opportunity to tell a story of a person hyper aware that they are in a story struggling with the tropes that affect their actual life, it was a chance to bring about this story for a character a lot of the fandom already saw as ace. Obviously, not everybody, but still a lot.
So when editorial game to okay to tell this story, Alanna reached out to me - somebody she’d worked with but also specifically had just had their own little coming out as demisexual a little while back. I was thrilled by the idea and before long we brought on @bailiesartblog and Kelly and had a full creative team of people on the ace spectrum. This is easily the first time that’s ever been a thought.
For me it was important that it not just be a story of coming out, but that it be a Gwenpool story. A story of knowing how stories work, what tropes you can play with, trying to direct the story where you think it should go, and ultimately finding that the story just won’t comply. And for people who have experienced being on the ace spectrum or a lot of other marginalized genders and sexualities - that’s a very familiar problem.
Ultimately, it’s different from a lot of other Gwenpool stories because it’s not the world around her. She has 2-3 real working possibilities for romantic relationships in this story and one that is about to become a fully adult sexual relationship with a woman whom she really loves before it skips the tracks. Ultimately, it’s not a thing from the 616 that’s holding her back, it’s a thing she brought with her from the real world - her sexuality - and no matter how worthy you are, you can’t beat that with a hammer.
There’ll be lots of time to talk about this later, but along with her actually saying the words and waving the flags above, one of the sequences that’s most important to me is the opening sequence of issue 6
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This is the problem sometimes with being story tellers. When you think you know the story, realizing you’re not who you thought you are can feel like maybe you’re a villain. Maybe you’re a monster. Maybe you don’t belong here.
Some people on the internet seem to have decided to misinterpret this sequence as us comparing being asexual to being a monster, when very clearly that’s Gwen doing it. I’m just going to assume they’ve never had the experience of struggling to understand themselves and where they fit. Sounds fake, but whatever.
I love this FF story. I love Ben Grimm. I love this cover and that was why I gave my art team the truly unenviable task of recreating it. Like, I don’t know if you’ve been there, but I certainly have and I’d wager that most of us have at some point.
But perhaps the most important image in this scene is the next one:
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Julie sees her friend, her girlfriend, the person that she cares about spiraling and literally yoinks her right out of the frame.
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And sits her down and talks to her about it. And listens to her about it. And when she starts asking questions that Julie can’t answer, she finds Gwen somebody who can.
And that is an incredible gift to give to someone. And yeah, maybe we should all do that for each other, but man is it hard. Julie for one is in a multi-month relationship with this girl that just told her that not only was she lying about being ready to have sex with her, but that she didn’t actually like kissing her and has been faking enjoying some aspects of their relationship. You wanna think you would still be there for this person, but that’s a lot to handle and it takes a lot to be the person Julie is in this moment. But, personally, I love Julie Power and I think she’s the kinda person to stick with it.
And ultimately I think this scene is so important to me because I hope this book is our opportunity to be Julie Power to somebody reading this story. I hope someone who is going through a hard time or struggling with how to define themselves will find this story and it can be the hands that pull them out of the cover of Fantastic Four 51 when they need it. Maybe that’s a lot to hope for a comic, but it’s really the ambition I think the team went into this comic with. We want to tell a story about an aroace character coming to terms with who they are and learning to accept and be comfortable with it, but ultimately we hope this story gets to someone out there when they need it and makes the difference.
Well, this has gone really long and I’m sure there will be other things I wanna say about it later, but until then take care of yourselves and hopefully you’ll get the chance to be someone’s Julie Power.
P.S. - Julie, you’re amazing and I’m sure we will find a romance for you that works out eventually. Sorry that we’ve collectively now put you through three breakups.
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acesartemis · 2 months ago
cap comes out to the US as demi & bi
He could jump out of a plane, throw himself into the line of fire with only a round, metal shield to protect him, but the second he was in front of microphones and cameras he was terrified. He hoped the sweat beading on his brow was not visible on screen.
The cold of the black colored titanium band bit into the skin of Steve's middle finger as he gripped the edge of the podium in front of him. It grounded him. It was the symbol of why he was standing behind a podium in the first place.
"My fellow Americans," he began, wincing. He was stealing the presidential greeting now? But, really, it was a fitting way to address the country as a whole. He was one of them, first and foremost. The colors of his uniform and shield drilled that notion home. "I am here to reveal something about myself I have struggled with for a long time. I'm bisexual. I know many are thinking, 'Damn, Cap, who the hell cares?' Or, why this requires a national announcement. It doesn’t. It shouldn’t. But that's not all I mean. I am also demisexual. 
“I know the majority of the populace just asked ‘what the hell’ at their screens. Yeah, it’s a term that never existed in the 40s, and it's a mainly unknown term now. That is why I am here today. To be a symbol, one of my own choosing.”
A huge demisexual flag unrolled behind him.
“Demisexuals, and furthermore Asexuals, are those of us that do not or only under certain conditions form sexual attraction to others. It can be very alienating, and many people think there's something wrong with them because of it. I was one of those people. Yes, an Avenger felt broken.
“But we are not. We just work a little differently. We are queer and we exist, and I stand here today proud in my identity. Thank you.”
He stepped back from the podium, waved, about-faced and left the reporters shouting questions at his back.
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littleladybaker · 2 years ago
Rebloging this for Ace visibility day!
Scaarbach Pride
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Super late I know but this is just some headcannon I have for these two. Lenora is Acesexual Biromantic and Otto is Demi-Sexiual.
Keep reading
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riotwritesthings · 9 months ago
Purple from the ace flag? Pwweease?
I'm happy with WinterIron. (✿◡‿◡)
Eggplant Purple
WinterIron, T - Humor
“Tones, your phone is going off,” Rhodey says, glancing between the device on the worktable and the half-disassembled War Machine armor.
“What?” Tony calls, his voice distorted and echoing from inside the depths of the armor’s chest.
“Your phone!” Rhodey repeats more loudly, “It's making noises at me!”
Tony leans out from around the armor, wiping at his forehead and smearing grease across it as he asks, “Can you check it for me? If I let go of this bolt before it’s fully tightened there’s a small chance it might go flying.”
“Very reassuring,” Rhodey says with a roll of his eyes, dropping the armful of tools that he’s been holding for Tony onto the table so he can scoop up Tony’s phone instead. “It’s from ‘SugarPants’, who I’m going to assume is Bucky-”
“You assume correctly,” comes Tony’s echoey reply.
“-And it's- Ugh, it's just a bunch of eggplant and exclamation point emojis. Why did you make me read this?”
“Eggplants?!” Tony demands excitedly and when his head pops out from behind the suit again there’s a wide grin on his face.
“Eggplants,” Rhodey confirms seriously, “and I had to see them with my own eyes.”
“I gotta go,” Tony says as he starts to free himself from the insides of the suit, “I have been waiting for this.”
“Ew,” Rhodey says with feeling, “why am I being forced to relay your weird lazy sexting? Seriously emojis? Isn’t he a hundred years old?” His frown deepens as Tony completely ignores him, dropping tools left and right and shaking his foot free from some wires tangled around it. “I feel like you’re not appreciating how traumatized I am,” Rhodey grumbles and then raises his voice a little as he tries to point out, “We’re in the middle of something here!”
“I’ll be right back!” Tony calls, waving one hand distractedly and not looking back as he heads for the elevator.
“You are the worst!” Rhodey calls in return, “And you forgot your phone!”
Tony just grins at him as the doors close between them.
Rhodey sighs, wishing he could be surprised, and when the phone chimes in his hand again he glances at the screen before he can stop himself.
“Oh great, now there are cucumbers too. And they’re partially sliced up, what the hell does that mean?!”
Tony spends the elevator ride impatiently bouncing on his heels and watching the numbers count up until he finally reaches the roof. He squeezes his way out as soon as the doors start to open, excitedly shouting, “Eggplants?!”
“Eggplants!” Bucky repeats happily, the brim of his dumb, adorable gardening hat flopping as he looks up from the garden bed that he’s crouched next to.
“I can’t believe that actually came in!” Tony says as he hurries over, winding his way between the raised beds that take up a good quarter of the compound’s roof.
“I told ya we wouldn’t let the bugs win,” Bucky says, leaning over to bump their shoulders together when Tony drops down beside him. “See, we got little eggplants just starting to come in, an’ either the cucumbers are comin’ in too, or the plant has a tumor, I’m not sure.”
Tony laughs, and then reaches over to swipe his thumb over a smear of dirt of Bucky’s cheek as he says, "You have dirt on your face, again."
"Well you have grease on your face, like always," Bucky returns with a grin, and then leans in to kiss him.
“So,” Tony says when they break apart, looking back at the plants nearly spilling out of the bed, “when do you think I can throw these in one of my shakes?”
“I told you, we’re cooking with them,” Bucky protests with a laugh, bumping their shoulders together again.
(this one goes out to my asexuals. and my gardeners. 🍆🥒)
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piles-of-numbers · 2 years ago
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hi, I wrote / doodled my aroace journey for pride
id below the keep reading
ID: A series of 10 images featuring a handwritten story and doodles along the way. They read as follows:
Growing up, I believed my life would follow a certain path. (Doodle: footpath with grass around it). It was the path of all my favorite books, shows, movies, etc. Doodle of a row of five triangular flags along a path. The first is labeled "meet a guy," the second is labeled "we develop some witty banter," the third is labeled "He confesses his love for me," the fourth is labeled "???", and the fifth and final one is labeled "Profit."
That path was in my mind during most interactions with my guy friends. Doodle of a stick figure posed with hand on face, considering another stick figure. Next to the stick figure is a list: nice (check), funny (check), smart (check), likes me??. These candidates became my crushes. I waited for a confession. Sometimes, my friends would suggest I take initiative. Doodle of the same stick figure in a thoughtful pose, along with two more stick figures. One says "You should ask him out!" The other says "Yeah!". But something about the idea felt off.
I told myself I wanted to focus on school instead. (Doodle of a paper with an A on it, two books titled Math and Biology. In truth, the idea of dating didn't really excite me. I thought that there was nothing wrong with being single. Thought it wouldn't be the end of the world if I just kept to myself. But all those stories taught me about what happened to those kinds of sentiments. Doodle of a stick figure, hands on stick hips, saying "I'm better off alone!". Below that is words written in the Spongebob timeskip card, "Two Days Later....". Then there are two stick figures holding hands and looking at each other, saying "I'm only complete now that I've found you."
So, being the star student I was, I decided that I was just staving off the inevitable and decided to skip to that part where I found someone I liked. My sophomore year, the stars seemed to align: I turned 16, the age of most teenage protagonists, I heard through a friend that a guy would have asked be to Jr. Prom if I hadn't already expressed I was busy that day, and said guy got me a small gift for my birthday. So, with encouragement from my friends, I decided to strongly hint (but not outright say) that I liked him. And so, a week after my 16th birthday, he asked me out, to which I responded with a super confident "sure?"
We went on two dates before I ended it. He didn't do anything wrong, but something on my end felt wrong. I wouldn't say that I was repulsed, that seems to strong of a word. But the situation seemed forced. I decided I must not be mature enough, that I would date when I got to college. Towards the end of high school, I discovered the actual definition of asexuality. A doodle of the stick figure wondering Wait... sexual attraction? What is that? That's real? Cue about 3.5 years of questioning: how to prove a negative? maybe I am just anxious? No "right person" yet? I don't hate the idea of sex? Other people are exaggerating?
Fun thing about the anxiety question, I started taking anxiety medication during my last semester of college. With my mind a little more ordered, it all became clearer: I'm ace. The stick figure now waves an ace flag. With that sorted out, I was ready to move along in life when... the stick figure is handed a paper by a little brain and asks "oh? what is this?" The happy little brain smiles as the paper reveals the words HAVE I FELT ROMANTIC ATTRACTION???* The asterisk leads to the smaller note "also gender???"
Of course I had. Right? There was the aforementioned guy in high school, and in early college I thought about pursuing two guys. But I realized something: I always thought I had to like somebody. The butterflies I had in high school were less about the guy, and more... Doodle of two butterflies having a conversation. "Omg he likes us" "Mission accomplished" "Wait now we have to go on a date." "Ahhhh? what do we even do?"
What even is romance? I don't know. It's different for each person. Like a lot of people, I crave a connection founded on trust, shared interests, inside jokes, etc. Doodle of two stick figures, there are squiggly lines between them, a connection. But I think something about that connection, maybe its very essence, is just different. Two stick figures with different squiggly lines between them. I remembered thing how I've always wanted to skip the whole "head over heels" part of the relationship, and go right to being an old married couple. So, I'm aro. At first, I had a mini crisis. Doodle of the stick figuring sitting on the floor with tears, holding the aro flag. A sad brain pats the stick figure in support.
But that crisis ended when I stopped treating this revelation as a path being blocked... Doodle of a path leading to an archway, the archway is boarded off.... and more like a bunch of new paths I hadn't really considered opening up. Doodle of the archway path no longer blocked off, surrounded by a bunch of other archways.
Honestly, the first path isn't even gone, it just looks a little different. Doodle of the archway path looking the same as before, but the archway is a rainbow in the colors of the queerplatonic flag: yellow, pink, white, grey, black. The pathway has pebbles of those colors. I'm thankful for all the stories and comics people have shared related to the aroace spectrum. I shudder to think what my life would look like if I hadn't found these words, what paths I may have forced myself to walk. So now, it's my turn. Happy pride 2023, especially to my aros, my aces, aroaces, my aspecs, and to everyone still figuring things out. Doodle of a stick figure holding an ace flag and an aro flag.
End ID.
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silver-ink-iron-words · 2 years ago
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This is so touching!
I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this. But then I was like, I've already made them wait long enough, and what's the harm of posting two things in one day?
Felt it'd be nice to have Part 6 be a little less plot-driven. You'll see what I mean
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
QPR, Part 6
“[Hero], come on!” the villain called, from where they laid sprawled on the couch. “You said it wouldn’t take that long!”
“Hold on just a sec.” The hero’s voice floated from the kitchen. “They’ll be done soon.”
The villain scowled and flopped back on the pillows. “You never see Do-yun making Ha-rin wait around forever.”
“That’s because tv shows have this magical trick called the jump cut.” There was the sound of an oven door closing. “We'll just let them bake, and then they’ll be so good you won’t even remember the wait.”
The villain groaned.
Then they heard the sound of running water, and burst up, rushing into the kitchen. “Are you doing my dishes?!”
The hero jerked their head up like they’d been caught vandalizing. “I was just going to do a few while we waited.”
“Okay, one, you do not need to do my chores on k-drama night. And two, how long is the baking going to take?!”
The hero glanced to their phone on the counter. “’Bout fifty more minutes.”
The villain gaped. “That’s most of an episode!”
“Well I didn’t want us to have to pause the show during a big scene. This way we can – Jesus your hands are freezing!”
The villain had come up behind the hero to hug them, pressing their hands on the hero’s stomach.
“Come watch tv dear,” they said into the hero’s shoulder. “I’m cold without you.”
The hero shook their head, but also cracked a small grin. “You’re evil.”
The villain matched their expression and pressed their hands more. “Of course I am. It’s the only way I can get you to cuddle me.”
In the end, the brownies were, in fact, good enough to make the villain forget why they were annoyed in the first place.
“Oh my god,” the hero said.
The villain fidgeted. “Do you like it?”
“Like it?” The hero looked up. “[Villain], it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
The hero was holding a small fluffy teddy bear, its fur the black, grey, white, and purple of the asexual flag.
The villain beamed. “Really?”
The hero nodded gleefully. “He needs a name.”
“I think the tag says its name is ‘Fuzzy’ or something. You could – ”
“Ferdinand,” the hero decided, assessing the stuffed animal. “Ferdinand Bearnsby. The next Prince of Denmark.”
The villain wrapped the hero in a hug. “I’m so glad you like it.”
“So is [Villain], like, a law-abiding citizen now?” the hero’s friend asked.
“Uh, sort of?” The hero gazed around at the restaurant’s outdoor seating area. “They still break minor laws, but I think they’ve really toned it down to stress me out less.”
“Hey, that’s great.”
The hero swirled their iced tea with their straw. “Yeah, I guess.”
The friend quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t agree?”
The hero sighed. “Okay, so don’t ever tell [Villain] this, but I think their ‘devil may care’ attitude is maybe, kinda . . . a little bit cool?”
The friend grinned. “Oh really?”
In return, the hero’s smile was sheepish. “It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I secretly wish that they’d behave more like their old villainous self sometimes.”
“Hm, well I suppose that – ”
Something enormous crashed into the street, making all the dishes clatter. The hero and their friend both whipped their heads around to see the cause of the noise.
“Oh hi [Hero]!” The fifty-foot tall mech waved at the two of them. “Fancy meeting you here. How did you know it was me?”
“[Villain], why are you in a giant robot?!”
“Isn’t it cool?” The villain spun around, their heavy feet cracking the pavement and the machine's hinges screeching with every movement. “I finally figured out how to get the power system working.”
“This is illegal.”
The villain laughed. “Ah okay, I see the issue. But, fear not my darling, for I have” – they pulled out a sheet of paper that looked miniscule in their enormous metal hands – “a permit!”
Soon after, the mech continued walking down the street, while the hero followed them, shouting at the top of their lungs.
The friend watched them go, and then chuckled. Those two maniacs were perfect for each other.
A-spec stories taglist:
@feline17ff , @piept , @doublericenobeans , @vioqueenofmushrooms , @pigeonwhumps , @thelazywitchphotographer , @taramacgay
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thecassafrasstree · 1 year ago
I finally finished putting patches on my pencil case/art bag! Some I made myself, some I purchased, and some had been sitting in my mom's sewing kit for 20+ years so I just took them. 😂
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[ID: A brown canvas purse with embroidered patches all over it. Individual patch descriptions in the next image. End ID.]
The front. I have a lot of Critical Role stuff on this bag, as it's my current hyperfixation.
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[ID: Top - The top flap of the front pocket. Has a blue embroidered patch of the Bell's Hells logo from Critical Role on the left, and enamel chibi pins of two of the Bell's Hells characters, Ashton and Orym, on the right.
Bottom - The bottom flap of the front pocket. There is a triangular, blue and white Girl Guides patch; a round, green patch with a person considering 3 roads before them; a homemade patch of a blue, cartoon dragon head: a honeybee patch; a red and black patch that says "Just Don’t"; a rectangular, black patch with a yellow border and a blue violin; and a black and white patch of the Critical Role logo. End ID. ]
Close-ups of the front patches and pins. I'm pretty sure the green one and the violin patch are badges from my Girl Guide days. The triangle patch is from the Guiding troop I was in in my hometown, but I've blanked out the town name for privacy reasons. The dragon patch I made myself.
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[ID: The back of the purse, featuring more embroidered patches. There is a rectangular Asexual Pride flag patch; a watermelon slice patch; a black and white, oval-shaped patch from the TV show Supernatural that says "Protected by Castiel"; a rainbow with clouds patch; and a black and red patch that features the Anarchy symbol of an A inside a circle. End ID.]
The Ace Pride patch and the Anarchy patch are handmade. I've had the Castiel patch sitting around for a while, and just had to figure out what to put it on.
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[ID: A side panel of the purse. On top there is a patch shaped like a mushroom that has a red cap and white spots. On the bottom is a colourful Ashari symbol from Critical Role that resembles 2 stacked hourglasses with a diamond in the center. End ID.]
These two are both handmade. The mushroom was the first patch I ever made myself. The second is the symbol of the Ashari, a druidic culture from the world of Exandria in Critical Role.
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[ID: the other side panel of the purse. On top is a rectangular patch featuring a white Trillium flower and "Ontario" printed in yellow letters. Underneath is a round patch with the Antifascism symbol of a black flag and a red flag waving together on a white background. End ID.]
The top one is a patch I found in my mom's sewing kit. I decided to use it because I'm from Ontario, and the trillium (the provincial flower) is pretty. The other one is an Antifa patch that I made myself.
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[ID: Photos of each side of the purse's shoulder strap. A series of colourful pin-back buttons runs the length of each side. End ID.]
I also have a bunch of buttons pinned to the strap. Most of them are fandom buttons for Pokémon, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Undertale. Some have funny sayings printed on them. A couple are for different causes, like environmental protection, and free university education.
I'm pretty pleased with how it came out! There's a little bit of space under the front flap that I could potentially put a couple more patches or pins on, but I'm happy to take a break from this one for now. It was actually pretty challenging to get them all sewn on. 😅
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f1-disaster-bi · 9 months ago
❤️ hey there! Would like to request;
24. Only realising when they have to let go. Lewis X Lance. With maybe Lance doing the hand holding and getting embarrassed when he realised it!!!
Please and thank you 😘
This idea is very cute and brought to you by chats with my dear @princelancey 👀
The music was loud, vibrating throuhg the ground and up into his body as Lance grinned. He had easily gotten swept into the crowd, losing himself in the freedom that was Pride and enjoying the overwhelming sense of belonging that filled him as he glanced at his friends. Esteban was smiling back at him. The Bi flag on his cheek a little smudged from when someone had cupped his face and asked for a kiss that Lance had made sure to snap photographs of as Mick had laughed beside him. Mick was holding onto the tail end of Esteban's shirt, the shorter man being jostled by the crowds but the smile on his face was as genuine as the awe in his eyes. It was the first Pride that Mick had ever attend, and his first as being openly asexual. He and Esteban had bought Mick the flag that he was wearing as a cape, and it had almost made Mick cry when they had tied it around his shoulders, and God, Lance loved his friends. "Let's go to the stage", Esteban managed to yell over the noise of the crowd, "The drag show is starting soon and Charles is performing today" Lance just nodded before he turned in the direction of the stage. He started to push his way through gently, offering people smiles and high fives as he went before a moment of panic gripped him when he heard Esteban call his name. He surprisngly couldn't see him as the crowd moved and people bounced to the music, but he spotted Mick and held out his hand to him before turning back. It took a moment of searching before he felt a hand grab his, and Lance smiled. He felt the other squeeze his hand softly, and that was enough confirmation for Lance to keep going without looking back. It took longer than he thought to get through the cowd. The sun beating down on him, making him glad that he was wearing a white tank tpop and demin shorts for today. The tank top had been a gift from Esteban and had "Be Gay, Do Crime" written under a glittering rainbow. It was one of Lance's favourites, and perfect for today, getting him lots of approving glances and thumbs up. Eventually, the stage came into view and Lance had to stop as he realised that Esteban and Mick were not behind him. They were in front of him standing with Pierre and Lando right by the stage, and Lance felt his cheeks flush with embarrasment as he realised he was not holding his friend's hand. He turned around slowly, prepared to apologise to the poor person he had grabbed when he laid eyes on the most beautiful man he had ever seen. He had kind brown eyes, and beautiful dark skin covered in tattoos and glitter. His chest bared, and his hair pulled back in braids that been woven with colourful strands of thread making up the Pride flag. His smile was kind as he looked at Lance who sheepishly let go of his hand. "I am so sorry", Lance managed to stutter out, raising a hand to rub at the back of his neck as he looked down at the other, "I thought you were my friend" The short man looked at him for a moment befoe stepping into Lance's space more, and taking his hand again with a gentle squeeze. "I'm Lewis", Lewis introduced himself, "I can be your friend, or I can be more than a friend if you're single and free Friday night" Lance's brain short circuited for a moment because he couldn't believe that this man, this gorgeous adonis of a man was hitting on him? "I take that as a no?", Lewis's smile faltered and his hand let go of Lance's for a second before Lance was grabbing it again, entertwining their fingers. "I'm Lance, and why wait till Friday?", Lance asked shyly as he offered Lewis a smile. He turned away for a moment as Esteban called out for him, waving him over with a curious look, and Lance turned back to Lewis, gesturing towards his friends, "Want to watch our friend perform drag with me? Maybe we can go for a drink after?" "Yeah", Lewis laughed and it was the best thing Lance had ever heard as the other leaned in to kiss his cheek as he squeezed their fingers together, "I'd like that,Lance"
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the-shy-artisan · 9 months ago
seeing as it's pride month, i'd like to share with you all my coming out story c:
i knew, even at a very young age, that i was different.
i was around seven years old when i decided i wasn't interested in sex. of course the adults around me thought it was cute or saw it as a joke: what seven year old says something like that? "you don't know that for sure," they'd tell me, or, "you'll change your mind when you're older."
well, i grew a little older, but my decision still remained; buried at the back of my mind, out of sight and quiet. by middle school, i watched as my peers fawned over movie stars far older than them; they would point them out in teen magazines and ask me things like, "isn't he so hot?" "god, i want do him so bad," and, "what about you? who would you fuck if you had the chance?" i'd never answer, because i didn't have the heart to tell them i didn't feel the same way as them. it was yet another way i didn't fit in with the crowd.
then high school came around.
my views on sex aside, i did have relationships. but it wasn't until my third that i started to heavily question my sexuality. it came about one day during a visit to his house, we were on the couch watching a movie. he started touching me in places i never wanted to be touched. i moved his hands away multiple times, told him no, even moved to another piece of furniture away from him. i sat through the rest of the movie with my legs firmly crossed and my arms wrapped around myself. i felt sick to my stomach, and later i confided in my mother about what happened.
what she said still shocks me to my core to this very day:
"well, you've been in the relationship almost a year, and he's a man. you need to give him something. he has needs you know."
i was appalled. i reminded her of my long standing views about sex, only to have her respond with, "still? i would've hoped you'd outgrown this by now."
it broke my heart, but i broke hers the day i ended the relationship (she was certain we were going to get married and give her "beautiful" grandchildren).
i spent a very long time wondering if she was right. i started to think i was broken.
then came college… and the discovery of a magical word.
i found it on tumblr, hidden under the gif of a waving flag striped with purple, white, grey, and black. "asexuality." i was intrigued, i had never seen another flag besides the rainbow we all know. a quick google search brought up a definition on my computer screen… and tears in my eyes.
asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity.
all those years spent thinking there was something wrong with me, that i was the odd piece to a puzzle that didn't fit in, that i was a broken thing never to be fixed; everything suddenly made sense. that seven year old little girl who was ridiculed and shamed for even having the idea of never having sex, the teenager who cried alone in the bathroom as she vomited after her boyfriend made unwanted advances towards her; there was finally a word that described her.
it's been some time since i've taken on that label, it almost felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. i finally felt comfortable in my own skin.
of course that's not to say there hasn't been some negative outcomes: my mother screamed and cried the day i came out to her (she still denies my sexuality to this day), and i've had complete strangers tell me i should be raped to be "fixed."
but despite that, i am proud to be ace. and unlike what some may think, i do very much wish to be in a relationship; just a queer platonic one, another thing i see many have mixed feelings on, much like the identity i use to describe myself. but the love i experience and wish to share is deep and true, just minus the sex. i only wish others would understand.
i am not broken, i never was.
i was just different.
and that is okay.
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weirdestbooks · 5 months ago
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Mi Mejor Amiga (Wattpad | Ao3 | CH HHM Oneshots)
Brazil loved mocking idiots on the internet. Doing it with Philippines just made it better. There was nothing the two of them loved more than being able to meet up and shit-talk people until, eventually, many of Brazil's states joined in, and they ran through every single piece of gossip that had come about in the few months since they last met up.
“Oh, Phil, did you know you’re curing me of my lesbianism?” Brazil asked her friend as they sat, lounging around her home, just enjoying being able to exist in the other’s company.
“Oh, yeah, sorry, but asexuality doesn’t exist, so I needed someone to be my girlfriend, and you are the only good option,” Philippines joked, a familiar smile curling across his face.
“And yet you’re cheating on me with Hawaiʻi,” Brazil teased. Philippines snorted.
“Better that conspiracy theory than the other one,” he said. Brazil winced.
“Ah, that does it a little close to home, doesn’t it? Sorry,” she said. Philippines waved her off, a smile on his face.
“Don’t be. You did nothing to trigger anything, so it is all okay,” he said before brightening as he looked at his phone. “Oh my god, people are drawing the Brazilippines flag as a country person.”
“What? Give me that!” Brazil said, leaning over and snatching Philippines’ phone from his hand, looking at the (admittedly well-drawn) art before laughing.
“I’m not bothered by that; that’s just fun and cool,” Philippines said. “We should try to convince historians far in the future that Brazilippines is a real person.”
“You are a menace to society,” Brazil deadpanned. Philippines shrugged.
“Well, duh, how else am I going to use my free will?” he asked.
“Don’t even joke about that,” Brazil said, shooting him a glare. 
“It’s my trauma!”
“I’m getting you a therapist.”
“Betrayed by my best friend. I can’t believe it.”
“Oh, shut up, Philippines.”
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cosmicarchivist692 · 9 months ago
Radiorose Week Day 6 BONUS: The Pride Party and Distance
[Radiorose Week Day 6/Turning A Wrong Alley Right]
Rosie opened the door, Al quickly stepped in and started pacing. "Al, what's wrong?"
Alastor stopped for a moment to look Rosie in the eye before pacing again. His stitched smile was as close to a frown as it could be. "Charlie is insistent I participate in this, 'pride party,' today at the hotel. It's going to be crowded and I'm going to likely be bored out of my mind.... Rosie, will you come with me?" Alastor asked, still annoyed he was being forced to go.
Rosie sighed and grabbed Al's hands to get him to stop pacing. "You're going to run a hole into my floors at this rate, and you're going to pay for a replacement." She joked before turning serious, "I do think this would be a good experience for you, but I understand your hesitancy. I will go with you deer."
Al sighed. "Thank you Rosie."
Rosie dressed up a little nicer and came back downstairs and offered her arm to Al. They quickly linked arms and started their walk to the hotel. As they got close they saw a huge pride banner that had been hung from the roof while Al was gone. Al sighed, he was already sick of this month.
Rosie elbowed him lightly, "come on! It'll be fun, I promise."
2 hours and hitting the mandated limit of 2 drinks later, and minimal fun had been had. The most fun he'd had was when Lucifer had accidentally set the kitchen on fire making "pride-ffles" (pride waffles).
Lucifer looked so defeated and the waffels ended up looking like a goth pride flag. Charlie, of course, thanked her dad anyways before he headed up to his room.
Al sat on a seat at the edge of the circle of everyone who were talking and laughing. He sighed, Rosie was in the middle of it all having a blast.
"Y'know, this might be the gayest party I've ever been to." Angel Dust said, getting a laugh from Husk, Rosie, Cherry, and Vaggie.
"Oh, so he gets to say it?" Alastor asked, crossing his arms. The entire room went silent as Angel and Cherry tried to stiffle a laugh. Charlie was slightly mortified and Rosie quickly came over and rested her hand on his. "Deer, when you said it you used it technically as an insult, this was a statement of fact and it's also okay because... well, he is gay."
Al sighed, they had already had this conversation before. "Ah... fine. You're right... I'm sorry Angel for disrespecting you and the other gays-" "queer people" "-when I used gay a couple weeks ago." Angel and Cherry started laughing their heads off.
"Oh no worries Al, we forgive ya." Angel turned to Charlie. "Speaking of my gayness, since you're hosting this pride party Charlie... Do ya know what everyone's sexualality is?"
Charlie took a moment to think, "Well, you're gay, Husk is Pan, I'm bi, Vaggie is lesbian, Cherry you're...?" "Eh, dunno yet, I just fuck who I wanna" "Well, um, okay... Nifty is straight, I think. Al is aroace, and Rosie, you're bi right?"
No one said a word as they just stared at Charlie before all turning to Al. "I'm what now?" Charlie turned red, embarrassed and turned to Rosie mouthing, 'so sorry!' Rosie responded with a sigh and a wave of her hand.
"Wait, the tall strawberry twink over there is aroace? I did not see that coming." Angel said. "Always thought he'd make a good movie star."
"Can someone please enlighten me what this 'aroace' is? And why you are so certain I'm it?" Rosie bit her lip, annoyed, "Al, aroace is short for aromantic asexual. Basically, you aren't romantically or sexualy attracted to anyone. It's part of the lgbt-"
"Wait, so I'm a gay?!" Rosie rubbed her forehead, she was too tired for this crap. "That's why I insisted you come Al... you're one of us, we couldn't leave you out." "You have a lot to learn deer. Starting with the fact that not everyone on the spectrum is gay! The proper term is queer."
"So wait, are you saying that I'm not the only one who's felt this way before? Interesting." Al stumbled up and proclaimed, "In that case, I am indeed aroace. I'm a ga- queer too."
"Sit down deer." Rosie grabbed Al's hand at sat him back down.
The rest of the party went great. Al ended up joining in more and by the end of the night he ended up having a great time.
Al didn't respond.
"Al did you hear me?" He zoned back in and turned to Rosie. "Sorry darling, I must've zoned out."
Al had been doing this more and more often recently, Rosie wasn't sure why. He seemed more distant than ever. "Look Al, you've been doing that more and more recently, is everything okay?"
Al shrugged, "Everything's marvelous."
"Mhmm... that's not true. You've been... distant recently. I'm worried." Rosie stepped closer and tilted her head.
Al took a step back. "It's nothing. I'm just... confused. That's all."
"Confused? About what?" Rosie respected Al's boundary but it worried her more.
Al didn't respond.
"What's going on in those frequencies of yours up there?" Rosie pointed at his forehead and pushed the topic a tad more.
Al finally decided to open up a little and said "I'm confused about us. We've been friends for ages, but we don't act like normal friends."
"What do you mean? Give me an example." Rosie thought she knew where Al was going with this, but wanted to make sure.
"Think of your other friendships and partnerships." Al started. "Think of you act with them. You'd never go on a walk with your arms linked with any of them, would you? Nor would you pick them up and move them around like you do me. What's... what's different about our friendship? Perhaps it isn't right."
"You're right. I wouldn't do that with anyone else. But with you, it's different." Rosie sighed, she didn't know how to explain this to Al. "It doesn't mean this is wrong. Our friendship is just different, we've been friends for... forever. Even before... y'know." She glanced to the side, Al didn't like talking about it.
Al didn't immediately respond, he was lost in thought. "I just don't understand my feelings about it all, darling. They're odd..."
Rosie looked at Al and turned her head. She thought for a moment before saying, "Now I'm not saying anything about anything... but, there is something called a QPR." Al looked up and started paying attention. "It's a sort of friendship that many people in the aroace community end up being a part of."
"Rosie, I thought you said you wouldn't hide stuff about my sexualality anymore." Al squinted and turned his head slightly.
Rosie took a deep breath and told Al, "I have taught you most things about being queer and aroace Al, it's just I haven't taught you about QPRs yet. QPR stands for queer platonic relationship and, like I said, many aroace people end up having one. Now it's not necessary, or anything, just an option. Simplest way to describe what it is, is a friendship that functions similarly to a relationship, except there are no romantic feelings involved."
Al didn't say anything but seemed a little on edge. He waited for Rosie to continue.
"It's more nuanced, of course. It usually happens when two very close friends agree to it." Rosie bit her tongue, hoping Al would finally pick up on a hint.
Alastor's eyes squinted and he suddenly became a little more open to hearing about it. "What sort of things do two people in one do? Is it really everything a normal relationship does?"
Rosie had a spark of hope, but she continued steadily. "Well it's all up to the two people in it, they can do as much ou as little as they agree on. It's very different and open compared to a normal relationship."
Al didn't say anything but thought for a moment before looking back at Rosie. "Sounds interesting. I'd have to think about if that's something I'd ever want to be in."
Rosie nodded, "Of course, there's never a rush. You have a whole afterlife ahead of you after all."
Rosie and Al both nodded with a mutual understanding and they started to gossip about something else. Al did still zone out from time to time throughout the rest of the night, but Rosie didn't mind. He was deep in thought about himself and what he wanted for the future.
Author's Note
I was this close to writing them becoming a qpr in a 3rd section. 🤏 THIS CLOSE. But, as I was rereading everything else I wrote for this week, it wasn't the right time. It felt quite rushed. I even had already written quite a lot of it, but it felt super off. They were characterized mostly right, but it seemed wrong. There must've been too much that happened off camera (writing? What do I call it lol?) and it didn't feel right to rush it. I'd have to do more to lead up to it.
This was originally called 6b, but I think, seeing how I didn't make them official, it being a bonus story is better. I also think, no promises, I will come back to this AU sooner rather than later. (Calling this an AU because no way is Al throwing garlic bread at Rosie canon.) If I do come back, I'm definitely figuring out how to earn making them official.
In terms of how I feel about writing this one? I love the pride party and Al actually learning he's aroace. Going into this one, I knew 2 things. 1. Charlie accidentally let it slip to Al, and 2. Angel caused it to happen. I do see Al as, not necessarily homophonic, but just ignorant to the proper terms. Luckily he's got a Rosie to teach him. Glad to finally finish though, I spent maybe a 3rd of the time working on all these fanfics combined on the two today alone (I'm so tired. I started working on all these fics for the week two weeks before the week began, and finished this one on day 4... and I still have to do day 7).
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alittlebitofloveliness · 5 months ago
Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m bisexual or if I’m a lesbian. I like the idea of a man, but when I’ve tried to peruse them OR like them. I feel awful?? Last year I thought I had a crush on a boy, but after he held my hand I had a full breakdown. I felt like I was going to be trapped forever to him. Or that I have to end up marrying him or something which sounds silly, all he did was hold my hand. But I ended up crying in the middle of the grocery store afterwards. Like I saw my whole life flash before me.
I know I have an interest in girls, because girls are very pretty. I love just about everything about them, but also I find it hard to vocalize that. My family is very accepting but I wouldn’t say there gonna be waving any flags soon. I don’t know I feel awkward most days. No one is FORCING me to like boys, and sometimes I do. Sometimes I like them as much as I like girls. But I can’t tell if it’s natural or if it’s because I feel like I have to like them.I don’t know maybe I’m just weird.
Do you know any outsider character who would go through this? Whether it’s in the canon timeline or like the genderbend one? Maybe they can help me.
Holy shit I feel like past me just sent me an ask wanting advice from current me.
Anon, let me tell you a little story. I've been a romantic all my life. First year of uni I met a dude who was the first guy to ever truly express interest in me. We went on a few dates, he gave me a chaste kiss, everyone in my friend group thought we were sooooo cute together.
I liked it for maybe 2 days. Then this horrible, gut wrenching PANIC started welling in my gut. He was and still is a very sweet, very gentle man. I wasn't scared OF him, but scared of being WITH him. The only way I can describe it is pure revulsion. I didn't want him near me. I didn't wanna touch him. And we weren't even official. All this happened in the span of like. two weeks. But it felt wrong. So wrong. As soon as I told him we were better off as friends it was like this huge weight lifted off of me.
Sometimes I see guys and I think they're cute. Sometimes I think they're attractive. Every time I go on a date with one or one flirts with me that same wave of revulsion rears it's ugly head, usually within 24 hours.
I haven't experienced the same with women, but I'm also stupid and didn't realize the one date I went on with a woman was actually a date (rip) and then she ghosted me (fair). I'm fully aware that it's possible that when being faced with dating a woman I might feel exactly the same way, in which case I'm going to have to really consider I might be aromantic as well as asexual. Now, I don't know if this applies to you too but it might. I have never and will never desire anyone sexually, full stop, but right now I think I might never want to date anyone either. And I'm okay with that. I haven't fully ruled girls out yet. Maybe Ill find a woman and start dating her and it'll be perfect (i think it's worth saying Im more consistently and strongly attracted to women than I ever have been to men.) maybe I won't. Maybe the feelings I've had in the past for men have been comphet rather than genuine attraction. I also don't know. That's ok. You also don't need to know, anon. It's really ok. Attraction in all ways is so fucking weird. Its hard to figure out.
As for outsiders characters: I think my aroace queen Evie felt a lot of the same feelings as you before she figured herself out, but she's happy with her best friend Steve and her family whom she's very close to. She watches relationships around her crumble and feels like she kind of lucked out not feeling any feelings of romance
Sylvia, my lesbian queen, spent a lot of time wondering if she was actually into men before she realised she just felt like she should.
Susie Mathews wondered if she was a lesbian for a while before she realized she genuinely does like men too, just has a preference for women.
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whiteboardartstudios · 9 months ago
HAPPY PRIDE! (From me & my ocs) :D
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(I couldn't figure out how to get Glaze to work (TwT) and I really wanted to share this so uhhh here *throws this at you and then scampers away like the lil creature that I am* >:D)
Here are some screenshots of the individual characters because tumblr ate the image quality:
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The flags (from left to right and top to bottom) are: Bisexual, Demiromantic, Pansexual, Transgender (times 2) plus a little bit of Lesbian, "Not Straight LOL", Bisexual plus Genderfluid, and Asexual at the very bottom. Please tell me if I got any of them wrong (I'm mostly worried about the Demiromantic one because I don't usually see it very often so I just went with the first result from Google ToT)
Bonus (Very Poorly Made) memes and image IDs under the cut! (warning the image ids are very long.) Happy pride everybody! :D
Bonus #1:
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Bonus #2: (This one doesn't have the lesbian heart because I added it after my friend helped me make the fire text and I didn't want to bother them again TwT Sorry lesbians)
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[IMAGE ID: The main image is a very tall drawing of a bunch of different characters holding various pride flags. The title says "HAPPY PRIDE! From me and my ocs" with "happy pride" being in all caps and "pride" in rainbow letters. The first two characters on the top left are doing the Barbie and Ken mugshot meme together, although both are smiling. The character on the left is holding a bisexual flag and the character on the right is holding a demiromantic flag. Another character to their right is waving a pansexual flag. On the next row of characters, the first two characters on the left are posing together and are both waving transgender flags. The character on the right also has a little heart with the lesbian flag floating next to her. To their right are two more characters. The character on the right is laughing with their arm looped through the arm of the character on the left, and the character on the right has a bisexual pin and is waving a genderfluid flag. The character on the left is blushing and holding a flag that says "Not Straight LOL" in rainbow letters. A small loading wheel and the words "Hearth.exe has stopped responding" can be seen near his head. Below them are three small characters all smiling and colored in various shades of blue, labeled "??? AKA my blue children". Below them are a group of characters including a water dragon, a tiger made of embers, a shark made of rocks (although he does not look like a shark because the artist does not know how to draw sharks), a dark purple owl, a small glowing creature with wings, a snow fox, a green moth, two relatively abstract creatures that resemble floating space liquid and pink fire respectively, and an eldritch-looking forest creature. These characters are labeled in all capital, bold letters as "Older than gender itself". An arrow is pointing towards the owl and the small glowing creature saying "except for these two. They are baby." with a silly emoji. Beneath these characters, a giant asexual flag can be seen over a bunch of vague scribbles labelled as "literally every single one of my ocs". The characters are all colored in bright, colorful colors. End ID.] [Image ID: The first bonus picture shows the two characters on the top left doing the Barbie and Ken mugshot meme, except yellow letters are put over their flags to say "Barbie" and "And Ken" respectively. End ID.] [Image ID: Thes second bonus picture shows the two characters with the transgender flags. Dark blue text next to the character on the left says "I'm ftm" while the text next to the character on the right says "I'm mtf". A plain white rectangle with the words "the transgender siblings" in all caps and fire font is near the bottom of the image. The character on the right does not have her lesbian heart because the artist forgot to include it. sorry lesbians. End ID.]
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yummypetroliumjelly · 8 months ago
there's no need for queer discourse. we should all be having sloppy gay sex, with fishnets and leather and some gay ass gloves. except the asexuals who don't want to. they can be waving those purple and black little flags. Goth ass coloration. I'll tell you one thing. no need for fighting in this. We all love colors and flags. Unites us. The rainbow? all the spectrum of love and sexuality. The swag. epic. it'll be a cold day in hell before I let this community fall apart due to infighting. There's enough love for the whole world. in my arms. Do you believe me?
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freackthejester · 2 years ago
I am still pissed about being called straight the other day by a guy who had just an hour before bragged about sending a consensual dick pic to a gold star lesbian.
Strangers definitely read me as male in my customer service job, but pretty much all the co-workers know that I'm afab and basically a woman, in terms of getting mad about the patriarchy and having tits and how I identify. There's a tendency for some people who know me medium-well or run in queer circles to call me 'they' and that's perfectly alright and friendly, a reasonable thing to default to when i am that asshole who refuses to answer The Question.
Do I have to come out waving asexual pride flags and Detransitioned Lizards in order to be recognized? Do I have to degrade myself to participating in go buy a flag culture?
Thats how he said it too, the little bastard, he said it was weird that a person would get booked on a Queer show (stand-up comedy) just because they (I) look queer even though they (I) are (am) straight.
You motherfuckingasshole . We're comedians. I'm joking. I'm dodging the question. I'm not part of you're system maaaaaaannaaannnnn.
My belonging in the LBTQIA+ community is the only irretactable part of my social identity. Homophobes don't like me. I'm that scary Political Lesbian who read the SCUM Manifestio and quit men but has a tough time warming up to women because y'all deal with way toofuckingmuch so what am I now except kind of ugly?
and Proud?
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