#(uh oh spaghetti-os)
When my mom said she didn't like being my mother on my birthday...I wanted to laugh, but cry at the irony and how funny she said that on my birthday. I know it was because she was frustrated, but...damn. Out of all the days? My birthday? I actually felt like running into traffic or hitting my head on the wall of the Peabody Hotel where we were standing at. If my mom told me she didn't like being my mother, what would stop her from stopping me?
I started crying like the crybaby I am and I tried my best to keep myself from letting out any noises, but I did and she heard. She got even more angrier and said that it was what she felt all the time when I was being myself. Love it when she blames me for her problems even though she's also the problem. Like uhhh, I have horrible habits of hating myself and seeing myself as selfish and a crybaby for wanting to vent out my frustrations and wanting to cry all my feelings out because it's all I can do.
Reasons why I hate myself is because she's made me feel so shitty about myself. Why I'm scared to tell the truth is because of her. Why I'm scared of just asking for anything, especially food, is because she made me feel bad about my weight at times.
And I have to not feel these things because I get yelled at. When I need help, I can't tell my mom because she'll make me feel worse about myself. Even when she says I can tell her anything if I ever need help, I know she won't help me. Because I have told her how I feel. I've told her how shitty I feel and how sometimes, killing myself feels like the best option for anything. And then I get shamed for feeling that way. She yells at me and how she has problems herself and saying things like "What would happen if I killed myself? What would you do? Huh, how would you feel not having a mom anymore?"
And it's like "Well, I wanted help but I guess I won't be getting it." And I'm scared to say anything to my dad and step-mom because I don't know how they'd feel. What they'd say. How much more shitty I'd feel.
So uhhh...yeah. My mom apparently doesn't like being my mother, even if she says she doesn't mean it, I feel like it's somehow true.
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melpcmene-arch · 10 months
Vash: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
This should be a canon line now, and it is, because I say so
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redgentleengie · 1 year
"I feel... a *grave* disturbance in the Force."
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turtle-trash · 8 months
Looks around nervously. Gee I hope I didn’t accidentally cause a potential rift in puyo fans over posting that screenshot [gets scared Ai style]
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Hmmm,,, perhaps I should make a side blog so I can do whatever I want and be a freak there,,
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tyrian-sexual · 2 years
So ur saying that the TV static in my eyes that's been there all my life isn't /normal/?
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Soul: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
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doodle-poofes · 2 years
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Wheel of Weekly AU Designs, turn turn turn! So funnily enough, these designs are from a year ago, I just never came back to them. But the basic idea was Max has Cupid’s Bow but doesn’t fully know how to use it yet. Yakko has a curse that turns him into a monster ((really wringing out the uses for the werewolf-esque designs the weeb warners present)). Max gets frightened and shoots the wrong kind of arrow, uh oh spaghetti-os. He misses, bc it’s Max. But then he goes to retrieve the arrow and he pricks his finger on the tip, Goof Luck for the win. And that’s what starts things off! ((They’re slightly different in concept, but go check out @/cheezydraws’ cupid sketch too!))
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new-tella-us · 4 months
I just realized something. Seduce Me could have easily EASILY been a horror game. James mentions a line that never really matters in any of the routes but could have been a game(or genre) changer, he says if they’re low on energy they start losing their humanity and become “unpleasant”. I assume that means violent.
That could be a horror game! The five dudes you chose to shelter are now keeping you trapped in your house and are hunting you down because “Uh oh, spaghetti-os! We’re low on energy!”
Now if I were to make a sliiiight tweak as to not lose the entire otome part of this otome game, maybe it has to also deal with day/night cycles? Like during the day, they’re completely pleasant, that’s the Otome part. But during the night, they lose themselves and your objective is to survive the night. Are they aware that they get violent at night? Nah.
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lizaluvsthis · 8 months
The Girl in Fatal Lavanders
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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First (Prologue)
Author's note: I'd like to thank @itsajjanea for drawing three that describes out the song Heathers by Conan Gray (I loved that song before and still do) the song gave so many feels <3
For now- onto the fanfic!
Summary: SMG4 has found someone new, much to Three's dismay. He couldn't help it but feel like something is wrong with his new "Girlfriend" and that there is something more going on with her than just being all 'kind' and 'polite' to people, especially with SMG4.
will SMG4 still end up being inlove with the Lavender Girl? or does he end up with Three's open heart
Tags: Enemies to Friends, Sun and Moon, angst, betrayal, catching feelings, comfort, hurt/comfort, drama, enemies to lovers, enemy, fluff, oblivious, slowburn, fruityass, gayness
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG3
SMG4 & Original Character
PuzzleVision(TvAdware) & Original Character
SMG3 & Mario
SMG4 & Mario
Beginning Chapter - 1 New Person, 1 New Goal
An announcement breaks out from the castle of SMG4's as he calls everyone. "The hell did you bring us here for?" Bob angrily asked, ruining his dating plans with another chick.
"Whatever it is, I don't care." Three calmly said sitting peacefully on the couch waiting for SMG4 to say something. "Prepare yourself to be blinded by this but..." 
"But first- promise you guys won't laugh..." SMG4 held back in reassurance from his crew's support. Boopkins being the bright one of the team, spoke. 
"Awe don't worry SMG4! We won't laugh or judge you!" SMG4 gave Boopkins a weak smile and proceeded, taking a deep breath. 
"I know it has been a few weeks now since I've gone out for a few or most days, I never bothered to check the castle much because I went away. Now that I'm back again... I wanted to surprise you all with something..."
"Ohhhhh is it spaghetti-os?" Mario cheered in excitement, but with a disapproving look on four's expression, he wasn't talking about that. "No, but it's something else... I uh- I've met someone new" 
Four gave a nervous chuckle at the end. The whole crew felt silent as they all began to laugh. SMG4 felt embarrassed and humiliated himself, grunting and blushing down. Mario spoke up.
"Are you sure you're not high or anything S-M-G-4 ? Or haven't you gotten enough B-tches from the past few years you've attempted dating a girl? Oh no wait- you don't have any!" This caused the whole crew to laugh even more, except for Boopkins and Meggy.
"C'mon, guys! At Least Four is trying his best here- say- SMG4, we haven't met this person yet- what's their name?" SMG4 looked at Meggy bringing his smile up again.
"This is a surprise everyone- but... here she is!" A door opens from the entrance, with a first footstep from the opening. Is seen with purple scandals following on with a pair of white socks exceeding up to the leg reach.
Slow opening, the person dressed in dark magenta overalls. With the length of the pants put a match near the sock's leg reach. With cute navy blue buttons, and lilac color of cloth from their shirt.
Up to the face with a smile, oddly enough with a non-patterned color of red as the hat's signature. Almost near to Mario's similar color but gave off soft and dark.
The symbol from the top spots out a "#" Then the hair gave out a brunette color, and the excess ends to the shoulder length gave out curls. 
Oddly enough, Lavender colored eyes are rare to have. And a mole near the corner of the left cheek.
She gently closed the door, seeing from her second hand, it was a phone with the color of cyan. "Hello there everyone! Wow! I'm super excited to meet you all!" Everyone went silent.
"Guys, meet my new girlfriend..." SMG4 let out his hand extending to the brunette. She gladly accepted the handhold, getting pulled slowly by SMG4s. She looked at everyone who still smiled, side-hugging SMG4 with his hand touching her back.
"Haha- very funny SMG4-" SMG3 crossed both of his arms, there is no way SMG4 could pull out someone with the likes of HER... (plus- she looks kinda mid...) SMG3 thought to himself squinting his eyes at Four's new 'Girlfriend's' face.
"Are you brain damaged?" Three pulled out his sarcasm to see how his 'girlfriend' would react to that and how she'd deal with it. Unfortunately for three, however, She was pretty aggressive for action so he brought back what he said.
"Aren't you emotionally unstable?" The crew went on with the hums of "oohs" as Four quieted them down pushing three out of the way. "Hey- slow down- we don't want to settle up fights here, right "Three"?" 
SMG4 tilts his head, side-eyeing at Three. He just wished that the man wouldn't do anything stupid. "Right." Angered by the purple and black. 
"Anyways- six, you have the microphone" SMG4 lets go of her to make the brunette feel welcomed and comfortable. "Hello everyone! My name is T-A-G-6, I'm just a lovely and polite girl who loves to play video games and helps out with editing videos! I do find memes funny too besides with this cutie" 
Six looked at Four with a smirk and winked at him, four giggled like a blushing boy from high school. This made Three's brows change out with a more angered expression giving her the looks.
"My name stands for 'Totally-Average-Girl' then there's six! You can call me Tag or Six if you prefer it that-" SMG3 decides to break in again, approaching her confidently smiling. 
For three who wanted to show her who's boss at being close with SMG4.
 "how about bombers? You sound like a horse and you play like a hooker tiny wrink-" 
TAG6 took a step back summoning a big solid grey hammer, whaming Three's chin then up to the roof where he gets thrown out to the space leaving him screaming.
"So- any questions?" Her left eye twitched from Three's sudden call from her. (Why he... better get a taste of his own medicine! ) Six pouted her mouth just putting a thought about Three's immediate reaction.
"Ooh! Ooh! How did you two meet?" Tari asked intrigued with TAG6's special skill and appearance. "Funny to answer that but- we met online" SMG4 walked in looking back at Tag's lavender eyes.
Four and Tag explained to the crew how they met while on a public server from multimedia works. Four noticed Tag has the same interest as him, and a few more days of him taking her on dates.
The two finally made it official. "Wait wait! Did you both kiss?" Saiko looked at the two with an amused look when Four and Tag struck eye contact and then back to her. "Umm- no we- haven't yet... we're taking this whole thing- slow..."
TAG6 made a sheepish grin and with Four scratching his back, "We uh- we're not there yet..." SMG4 looked down sadly but forced a smile just for TAG6 to not worry her.
"But- that's okay! We can- do that if... we're both ready..." simply patting Four's back gaining comfort from her.
The crew showered her with questions and conversations, as Meggy left in hopes of finding where SMG3 had gone right after TAG6 blew him off the roof.
"SMG3? Are you here?" She said following three foot tracks from the mud. "SMG3!" Meggy shouted his name to be left with faint sobs near the bush.
Meggy quietly sneaks in, to see SMG3 crying silently hugging both of his knees. "What am I gonna do now? Four has a girlfriend and he didn't even tell me... I don't even know WHY this bothers me so much-" 
Meggy felt bad at Three, he didn't deserve any of this. She began to back away but snapped a twig from under, getting Three's attention as he looked at the sound.
"Squid. What are you doing here...? Came to make fun of me?" SMG3 wiped out his tears after seeing Meggy, getting up properly from the ground.
"I didn't mean to barge in like that, I saw you crying and... well- sorry..." Meggy held her left elbow in a single shell of comfort.
Three sighed, but seeing him not pushing or telling the orange squid to go away. She continued. "He means so much to you if that's what I would've guessed" 
Meggy stood next to him, looking down at the ground. "Ever since before and after three, I know. I saw how you acted... you know, you can't keep your feelings in there for too long" 
“I can’t say that I’d let it all out only idiots do that.” 
Meggy turns around. “It’s your choice, only you decide what you pick. Please remember SMG3… it’s not healthy to cover up wounds without someone doing so.” 
“But at all costs, you’ll be okay three” Meggy placed her hand to his shoulder. “I can’t promise that sh-t.” SMG3 shrugs off Meggy’s hand leaving her out of the way.
In the castle, SMG4 enjoys getting compliments on how he just got a girlfriend along with them congratulating him. For Mario however, he doesn’t see anything changing from the man.
“Boy, you sure know how to charm a woman SMG4” Mario gave out a laugh to which SMG4 gave along. “Guess I bring out my luck to 'em” he finger guns at TAG6 with a wink.
TAG6 played along to her role, acting in love, acting happy, acting fine, acting okay. Everything was fake behind the mask, she felt anger, disgust, hatred, and pity with his crew and SMG4 to himself.
(How cheesy could this guy get along with his members? It’s so boring…) The goop who controls its own human body, rolled its eyes for who knows how many?
But no matter… I still have the Meme Guardian in our grasp, there is no way of escape for the man and the plan itself…
TAG6 made a sly face behind his shoulder. This plan is just getting started…
“Hey! U-uh- Meggy Spletzer… was it?” She caught the orange squid’s attention by surprise. “Yep, that's my name! You know me from somewhere?” Tag gets too excited and squirms, hugging Meggy tightly in results crushing her ribs.
“OH MY GOD OH MY GOD- OH MY GOD!!! I’M SUCH A BIG FAN! I SAW YOU ON TV, YOU WON ON SPLATOON FEST!” Tag shook her from side to side, nuzzling under her neck. “Sorry- heh…Again- I’m such a big fan!” Disgusting. 
Meggy swoons her head from left to right, trying to recover her strength after Tag lets her go. “How long have you been a fan? Now that's a shock, but- well- it’s an honor to be known as your splat star!” 
(Everything is going smoothly as it is… remember the plan… get close to his friends and never let them know about his disappearance.)
With a quick glance on the brunette’s, it is now Mario’s turn again to speak with his closest friend. “Don't you feel a bit happier now that you got a girlfriend SMG4?” Mario asked, in such a simple question. 
This made SMG4 rethink about his whole life, yeah he is happy that he got a girlfriend. But why does he feel like something else is missing? Why did it feel so wrong? Where does he even get this? It couldn’t possibly be SMG3.
The SMG3 he knew wouldn’t be having these kinds of feelings to him… right…? He's never been the intimate guy that he knew who would be pulling these stuffs... or would he...? Nah- three doesn't have these stuff its just SMG4 being an overthinker...
But really tho... he doesnt have these feelings to him right...?
“Pshh- You’re talking nonsense Mario- TAG6 is a perfect girl and a perfect person to me! Why would I be less happy about this?” SMG4 re-arranged his hat and pulled his collar.
It felt that something inside of him cracked, from this hurting and deep tingling he’s touched. He couldn’t get a hint.
Mario points up his hand, speaking of his joy rate. The more the red italian spent the time with SMG4, the more he knew every move and every breath of his best friend.
There is a high difference on how he acts around them, yet this one is giving him a vibe that- he couldn’t understand.
Something is telling him that this person does NOT have a soul… nor this person is even living...
Next Chapter - One is off, theres two but one
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Butters: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
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I love staring at my art and feeling very insecure about it. Because sadly, I'm one of those people that very much sadly, compares it to others who are just amazing at it. And I know that's literally part of "What Not To Do As An Artist 101" but I do it. And I'm not proud. I also just look at it and wonder why it just looks awful, yeah, others say it's good and I feel confident about it. But I can't help but also think it's awful looking and that everyone is lying to me.
It's probably the most common thing ever in an artist. Actually, it most definitely is. In some forms or another. My art isn't the most amazing compared to others who are better, but I like to feel proud of it. I just can't let myself be proud for too long or else it'll just get into my head. I think I've just compared myself to others for too long because it's just...something I've done.
I think it just kinda what has to do with my mom I guess. I dunno, something in my childhood must have made me start just comparing myself to others and wishing I was better. Eh. Whatever. That's just how it is, I guess. It won't get better, but it just doesn't stop me from drawing. Even if I hate the look of it sometimes.
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artiepoison · 1 year
Icorect PJO/HOO quotes from this website :https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator
Thalia: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Nico: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Percy: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Percy: Pros and cons of dating me. Percy: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Percy: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Grover: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
Nico: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens."
Annabeth in TLT
Annabeth: *trying to buy a Father's Day card at Hallmark*
Annabeth: Excuse me, do you have any that just say "You are my dad?"
Associate: Well, I-
Annabeth: How about "You banged my mom?"
Associate: No...
Annabeth: You know what, I'll just get a blank one.
Annabeth: *writes* You are a father. This is a day. Here is a card.
Leo: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Nico: You can't wake up if you never get to sleep.
Piper, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Hazel: War is heck!
Jason: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
Frank: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Will: Can we go to a haunted house?
Nico: What’s wrong with the one we live in?
Will: Wh-what?
Nico: Goodnight, Will.
Percy: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Annabeth: What baby?
Percy, crying a bit: Me.
*The Squad is playing Chess*
Annabeth: *easily beats everyone because they know how to play*
Piper: *doesn’t know the rules, but wins anyway*
Leo: *doesn’t know the rules, and loses*
Jason: *knows the rules, but still loses to those who don’t*
Frank: Actually, you can’t do that, because I said so.
Percy: They named a board game after cheese?
*when the Squad drops food*
Annabeth: Eh, oh well.
Nico: FUCK!
Jason: *just gets more food*
Percy: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*
Leo: *eats the food off the ground*
Leo: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Hazel and Frank's convo?
Piper: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Percy: I'm in the washing machine.
Nico: I'm in the closet.
Jason: We accept you Nico. <3
Nico: No I'm literally in the closet.
Jason: Love is love. <3
Frank: Are you trying to give me a frickin’ aneurysm?
Percy: Pretty sure we all are.
Hazel: I wasn't.
Leo: I was.
Jason: I was trying to stop them, for your consideration.
Nico: I just cause aneurysms naturally.
Annabeth: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Percy: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Annabeth: ...
Annabeth: You mean ring bearER, right?
Percy: ...
Annabeth: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Nico: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Will: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Nico: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Will: Is it working?
Mallory: Nothing in life is free.
Sam: Love is free.
T.J: Knowledge is free.
Alex: Friendship is free.
Halfborn: Self-respect is free.
Magnus: Everything's free if you don't pay for it.
The Squad: ...
T.J: Magnus, that's illegal-
Alex: No, let them finish!
sooooooo yep. Hope you enjoyed
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incorrectjjkquotes · 10 months
Yuuji: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
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caretaleandotherstuff · 3 months
Care: Did you ever have like a pet run away and find it or anything?
Blade: I had a lizard that I burnt.
Blade: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Care: Try not to roll your eyes at me.
Blade: I don't have pupils.
Blade, looking at a map: It’s a barren, featureless wasteland out there, isn't it?
Care: Other side, Blade...
Care, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me.
Blade: Yeah, Care will straight up cry in public. Don't try them.
Care: Exactly, I will straight up-
Care, tearing up: Blade, why would you say that?!
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Klaus: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
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