#(trying not to be mad bc i get it. from his perspective he's very stressed and worried.
multi-lefaiye · 2 months
sorryyyy gonna vent under the cut
torn between "this customer knows nothing about me and i know nothing about him and i'm not going to assume that there is malice in his actions because i have no reason to" and "i need to sit this man down and explain to him in detail the consequences his actions are having for me specifically and also i hate him"
(elaborating in tags)
#multi makes text posts#ignore this#delete later. probably#vent cw#negative cw#fuckin. dude called in 5 minutes before closing to ask for his lock to be cut#explain to him that yeah sure we can do that. but it's gonna have to be tomorrow#because it's 5 minutes to closing#and i do not have time#he gets upset and guilt trips me until i agree to do it#(trying not to be mad bc i get it. from his perspective he's very stressed and worried.#and it will give him more peace of mind if i can do this for him now. this is customer service.#and it sounds like i don't care when i mention that it has to wait. so i get why he's upset.)#(but fuck you man)#i send him the form to sign so i can cut the lock and tell him i'll do it before i leave#he hangs up on me. proceeds not to sign it.#i call him back and tell him he has to sign it before i can cut the lock. this is a legality thing.#if i do not follow this procedure i will be in some deep shit with my boss#he sounds annoyed and goes like 'okay i get it lol. rules are rules. whatever.' signs it. sends it back.#i cut the lock. i burn my hand a little. (okay that one's my fault lol i wasn't as careful as i should've been). it's whatever#idk idk idk i'm sorry i feel silly complaining#but i was so upset with his attitude#and i'm trying to be understanding because I Get It but i'm also like... man. fuck you#i had to wait an extra like 20 minutes to leave#and then another 10 to finish the other shit i had to do before closing the store#if i get in trouble for ~unauthorized overtime~ i'm gonna start biting people
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
On a related note I guess - not trying to bring you into every Warrior Cats drama (that should be a registered torture method considering this fandom's history) - but how big of a Bramblestar hater do you think you are and on a scale from one to ten how pissed would you be if you told you someone had a whole ass post fit with drawings twisting Squirrelflight into the villain of Bramblestar's story (cause "they only hear Squirrelfight's side" or smth like that do they even hear themselves) from this one line she says in her super edition after being tired with his abuse bc it makes him fweel weal bad :( that was sooo mean of her you guysss
I've seen a few "think of Bramblestar's feelings!" posts and you know, hadn't read the book before so I couldn't really examine them further beyond "my gut says ur wrong" lol
but reading it...I'll give some understanding in that the book is VERY openly imploring the reader to consider Bramblestar's point of view in this. It uses Squilf's perspective to constantly ask the reader to put themselves in his shoes (paws?) on how he would feel if his deputy was sneaking around and how he's soooo stressed.
But that's kind of where my good faith ends because on further examination of the book, Bramblestar's actions just don't line up to him being stressed. His actions come across as him obsessively controlling Squirrelflight because he's afraid of having his authority undermined. No, it is NOT her job to unequivocally back him up on everything he does, especially considering the book has displayed he is making bad calls and is not being rational.
Like, take the "why are you doing this to me?" line that gets thrown around. It's not Bramblestar upset that Squirrelflight has potentially brought someone dangerous to the camp, it's him upset that she is undermining him and challenging his control over her. At this point, neither ThunderClan or the reader know who attacked who (and we still don't know who started the fight between ShadowClan and the group of Sisters btw just that both groups had a member be grievously injured). He has been behaving irrationally up to this point:
-He is refusing to compromise or find alternatives for the territory dispute despite the fact that three of the Clan leaders are itching for a fight.
-When Squirrelflight tries to find a solution, he immediately blames her with the potential death it could cause and also uses her wanting kits to personally attack her.
-He has restrained her control and is forcibly keeping her under his thumb to the point of it being petty.
-And further on in the "why are you doing this to me scene?", he is actively giving a voice to Thornclaw and his pack of followers. He is encouraging the violent rhetoric against the Sisters (which we later learn is because he ALSO does not value their lives on the same level as the Clans).
Like sure yeah the book is encouraging this narrative, but when you actually read it, Bramblestar is just focused on controlling Squirrelflight and getting mad whenever he believes he is being undermined. His actions and the narrative do not much!
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Finally rereading The Outsiders like I said I would. I think I'll probably be doing a chapter a day, even though it's short enough that I could probably bust it out in one or two sittings. I'm really prone to burnout and I am trying to write a bit each day and I have a job to work and adult tasks to do and such, so a chapter sounds like a good goal with that considered.
Also, I'm sick as a fucking dog while reading this first chapter. Not relevant, just a little fun fact.
Anyway, have my thoughts while I read it!!
The Outsiders Reread : Chapter One Notes
less than a page in and I'm already tired of Ponyboy being Not Like The Other Girls
he's 14, that's positive, I should not be able to stomach a well-written 14 year old on account of them acting very 14, but also shut the fuck up
"yeah, I read books, unlike EVERYONE ELSE" go to hell
not to intentionally misread and water down a character, but Ponyboy saying "but sometimes I just don't use my head" is literally all you need to fucking know. that's it, that's the book
we get it, Pony, you come from a very hot family, yall are all conventionally attractive. paragraphs, ffs
also, I love that Soda doesn't drink. that he has a drunk on life attitude. could absolutely never be me, love that for him, unfortunately I fw Two-Bit's vibes with alcohol a bit more--
and the fact that Soda is the only one that can tease Darry.
there isn't a single positive thing said about Dallas besides "I didn't like him, but he was smart and you had to respect him." but frfr he's so great.
but if I met any of these fuckers irl Soda is the only one that I'd have a chance in hell at not hating. and that's only because he seems like he'd be enough of an emotionally/socially intelligent people-pleaser to actively try to get someone to like him, lol.
kinda salty about Johnny being called the gangs pet, wtf Ponyboy. not like he's one person's main reason to live, is SUCH fucking ride or die, later kills a man for Pony. but yeah, he's a pet. he tags along. what the fuck ever, man. if anything, Ponyboy (you know, the person that's mainly part of the gang bc he tags along with his older brothers, the BABY of the group, the quiet & sensitive one that doesn't have a single braincell outside of pure booksmarts) is the pet. like, sure, Johnny has trauma and is really quiet, but let's be so fr right now.
despite what is said in the book (bc it's Ponyboy's pov so we only get his perspective, obviously) I'm sure Darry gets after Soda too.
also, oldest children that become parental figures in some degree are allowed to be mean to their baby siblings. it's our right. as a 20-something year old with a young teen baby brother with common sense in the negatives, I am very biased in saying that Darry is always objectively 100% correct in every situation ever (heavily exaggerating, I just relate a lot).
forever mad that we don't get more Sylvia!!! my most random fav!!! so much love to her!!! she's basically an oc with how little we get of her and how many headcanons I have, I don't even really like the main fanon version of her either, but GOD she's my girl fr
NO BECAUSE WHEN I WAS 14 IF SOMEONE PULLED THEIR OWN KNIFE TO DO A DISSECTION THE WAY MY TONGUE WOULD BE DOWN THEIR THROAT. Ponyboy, babygirl, you did NOT deserve for that girl to hate on you like that. RUDE.
"Dallas deserves everything he gets, and should get worse, if you want the truth." agreed, that's my though process as I'm making the nastiest headcanons for him. my life's goal is to make this man suffer or make him into a loser, and all my hcs do both
breaks my heart so much how Ponyboy talks about Darry, leave my boy ALONE, dude!!!
my headcanons for Darry are usually the exact opposite of my hcs for Dally, I just want this guy to have the very best ong. I'll get so unrealistic with it too, bitch, YES I'll give you an absolutely stunning sugar mommy, babe!! just stop being stressed and stop having bad things happen for a few minutes!!! I almost struggle making in character, good headcanons for him because I just want to give him fluff and filler only and nothing else--
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shinjaeha · 3 years
bad buddy ep 9 (thoughts)
so. i don’t think anyone of us could have predicted the way that this ep was going to go, that’s for sure 😭 i’m laughing about it now, but omg the whiplash i got from this ep. it went from pat/pran being the cutest beings in the whole universe to the utter STRESS of what happened right after...
i know that this ep has stirred up some mixed feelings overall (esp when compared to previous eps), and i have thoughts about this too, so let’s get into it!!
i know that it was basically already confirmed that wai was the one that exposed the two of them on that stage but idk...i think a part of me was still holding out hope that it wasn’t him :( even though i KNOW that they were building towards that from previous eps, and it made sense that this was the climax of wai’s ‘villain/antagonist arc’ :/// but having actual confirmation that he really WAS the one that did that to the both of them just made me so angry and disappointed.
from wai’s perspective, i understand that he’s hurt. if my best friend hid that they were in a secret relationship with someone i hated (and kept fooling me and telling me i was worrying about nothing for as long as pran did), i’d be hurt too...but he really handled that in the worst way possible. wai’s impulsive af, so it’s not exactly out of character...they’ve been hinting this from the very start when he first put up his middle finger at pat’s gang and started their whole initial fight with one another in the first place.
so when he finally pieced it all together (from pran’s constant denials that anything was going on, to seeing him get into the car, to FINALLY connecting that it was pat this whole time), it would have stung for sure...and that’s why he reacted without thinking (reacted vindictively tbh bc he was just so MAD that all rationality went out the window). that being said, i know this goes without saying, but it is never okay to out someone like that. ESP when they’re supposed to be your best friend?? like ream him out in private all you want, but to put him (and pat) on the spot like that and out them in front of everyone?? i wouldn’t even do that to my worst enemy...
i understand that the bad buddy world does seem a lot more accepting overall...so i can see why, even though they were outed in front of everyone, it was kind of brushed away (and if pat and pran are willing to forgive wai for that then fine). but from an audience perspective, and i know i’m not alone, it’s really hard to forgive wai for what he did to them despite him helping to exonerate pat at the end. it was the fact that he didn’t even so much as apologise (and that it was PRAN that was grovelling for forgiveness) that rubbed me the wrong way.
i think it’s also bc his behaviour is such a direct contrast to pat’s behaviour. it makes wai look so much worse. like pat is LITERALLY apologising for being impulsive in this scene, and then wai pulls off something even MORE impulsive, and doesn’t say sorry to pran for what he did once. even when pat and pran were ‘enemies’, pat treated pran better than how wai’s been treating him lately js...it’s frustrating bc there’s just no empathy there at all. like, you’d think you’d at least try to understand WHY your best friend found it so hard to tell you about his relationship (pran even explains it to him in the bar scene last ep)...but instead he just makes himself out to be the victim. pran didn’t hide his relationship with pat bc he wanted to fool wai (why does wai think everything revolves around him...), but bc he was afraid of wai reacting the way that he ended up reacting anyway. not to be the no. 1 pat stan that i am, but pat would NEVER. pat is so caring and considerate when it comes to how pran feels all the time...even if it hurts him. he understands and he adjusts. he can be impulsive too, but at least he reflects and lets himself calm down before doing anything drastic. wai is just plain angry and impulsive 99% of the time. he needs to take lessons from both pat and pran on how to swallow your pride/stubbornness and just apologise when you’re at fault. i’m SO GLAD that pran has pat bc this ep really just showed me how he deserves better.
anyway, i’m sorry, i’ll shut up about wai (for now), but he pissed me off so much this ep omg.
then, on the other side of the fence, you have pat’s gang who are just so easy going and happy for him?? they didn’t even care at all that pat kept it a secret. they knew he had his reasons and they understood. THESE are true ride or die friends. it’s interesting how pran’s friends seem more accepting on the surface, but it’s actually pat’s friends that ended up being the most accepting...it kind of reflects pran’s parents and how they seem more accepting too (being totally fine with him dating a boy), but aren’t really (as long as that boy isn’t pat).
i’m so glad that korn got his redemption arc bc i always had faith in him!!!!!!!!! and now i can love him openly the way i loved him in the novel 😂 also, he’s the funniest character in the show imo so i’m always here for more korn scenes!! he was so cute when he was apologising bc he felt so bad for rejecting pat even though it was all just an act ;;;
it also explains why pat was always more okay than pran was when it came to going public with their relationship. i think he prob knew that his friends and paa are loyal to the bone and would back him no matter what (which was why he seemed taken aback at how they acted when they were pretending they didn’t want him to sit with them). pran clearly wasn’t as confident (in both his friends AND family), and that fear was valid judging by how wai reacted. and how long it took safe and louis to start talking to him again...
the lunch scene was sooooooooo adorable. who am i kidding, every scene they have together this ep was just super, super cute...but this one gave me such butterflies. the way pat was eating all alone so pran came to join him?? them checking up on one another?? pran FINALLY getting to give pat the iced tea that he never got to in high school (and remembering his order)?? the hand holding??????? if i don’t find a love like this in my life, then i don’t want it :’)))
pat really went from jokingly being jealous of pran and wai, to turning into a puppy again the second pran gives him attention, to being all ‘i can post a status saying that you’ve dumped me if it gets wai to talk to you again’ with the sweetest, most sincere smile on his face. this wasn’t even a sad moment, but i TEARED UP FR. i was just so incredibly touched bc i could feel how touched pran was too 😭 when i say pat best boy, i mean pat BEST BOY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. i love him with my whole heart and soul.
and then pran feeling so overwhelmed by pat’s sweetness and sincerity he has to stop pat from doing it and hold his hand. he’s not vocal about his love in the same way that pat is, but you can tell how much pat’s actions/sacrifices mean to him. the love and support is so real. they always have me smiling until my cheeks hurt.
i just love how in so many other shows, being outed in this manner might have caused a rift between them, but in this one it just brought them closer together. with every new ep their relationship grows stronger and more stable and it’s so, so beautiful to see. we’ve seen time and time again that they know how to talk to one another. they know how to communicate and express their feelings effectively...and that makes all the difference. they are THE standard. don’t ever settle for anything less.
rolling my eyes as usual at wai being a pouty, dramatic baby during the rugby practice scene, but at least we’ve got korn and the team cheering on how cute pat and pran are being 😂 love that pran bought an inhaler just for pat this time around. and how pat, as always, tries to make pran smile when he notices him getting sad bc of wai sulking and stomping away from them.
hot pot double date scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love how open and casual they get to be around ink and paa in both their relationship and sexual identities now. it must be so freeing. so the preview really was just to throw us off bc paa clearly has no hangups about pat liking boys...just that it’s pran since they’ve been rivals their whole lives. thinking about it, it prob is weird for her too since she was originally helping pat win ink over, only for her to find out that he’s now in love with pran haha.
i like how clear pat is about his sexuality and liking all genders (this is one of the things that i tend to love about p’aof’s dramas bc a lot of his characters have scenes where they come out/talk candidly about their sexuality). and i LOVE how paa called out the infamous “i’m straight, but i only like you” line that’s so prevalent in BLs. so happy they addressed it!! it’s one of my biggest pet peeves in BLs too. anyway, not them back to flirting in front of the hot pot omg. i’d almost feel sorry for inkpaa if they didn’t have each other too ;)
SPEAKING OF INKPAA, i don’t think you understand how much i screamed during their Scene. is it just me or is paa dressing more like ink now too?? her outfit is similar to ink’s sleeveless yellow top in ep 4 :)))
but i legit just love them so much...and even though i’ve been convinced since the start they were gonna happen, actually SEEING their relationship starting to progress like this just hits different. THEY’RE SO CUTE.
i never thought about it, but it’s interesting how ink mentioned that she’s never actually seen pat and pran fight before. paa is part of the family rivalry, so of course all she’s ever seen is them being rivals since they were kids...but ink has only ever known the high school version of them when they were ‘kind of’ friends. she doesn’t know about their history before high school, so she was prob picking up all the hints and ~feelings involved all the way back then (hence wanting to give them both her couple bracelets too). she always knew :’)
anyway, back to inkpaa, and when paa jumped down that step and said “anyone taller than me is fine” i almost cHOKED. and then ink asking paa if she felt comfortable with her?????? i was NOT expecting her to be so forward. when paa looked away, it reminded me of when she was being pat’s love guru and told him that ‘eyes don’t lie’...SHE WAS FEELING IT. paa, you need to take a leaf out of your own book!!
it’s so cute how ink backed off when she realised that she might have been coming on too strong and possibly scaring paa away before she was ready. and you cannot tell me that that wasn’t disappointment on paa’s face when ink said she was kidding. the way she stared after ink when she left and dawdled before heading back up????? her feelings are coming to life and i can’t WAIT for her to realise. also, if we don’t get a scene where pat acts as paa’s love guru and helps try to set her up with ink/realise her feelings for ink too then i’m gonna riot!!!!!
i’ve been waiting for the scene where pran washes the dishes and pat hangs off his shoulder since seeing it in the first ending credits and it lived up to all the hype!!!!! the domesticity of it all :’) i’m so down bad for them. in front of poor paa’s salad again too and everything. insufferable. i hate people in love!!!!!
idk how they always manage to outdo themselves with the product placement scenes every single time, but yet again, they made it work. pat never wanting to see his boyfriend’s efforts go to waste and cheering him up once again after wai shuts him down. how he starts the cute little exercise/dance, and pran plays along with him (i cackled so loud when pran started tapping his feet). they’re such dorks. just two fools in love. pran is sooooooo happy and playful when he’s with pat, and that’s all i ever want for the both of them. they complement each other in the best ways. it’s so easy to see why they both fell in love with each other.
i hated seeing pran sitting all alone in the crowd :( but here’s to the power of sports being able to bring people together again, i guess?? 😂
ngl, i know next to nothing about rugby, but pat was doing the MOST for the team this whole match. wai, on the other hand...smh. he was so ready to just let his entire team lose just bc of his own personal grudge (and isn’t he on a rugby scholarship?? he needs to get his priorities in order...). pat was willing to just sit on the sidelines if it meant that wai would actually play properly. yet again, always ready to swallow his pride and put the team ahead of himself and the issues between him and wai.
what i liked about this scene is that we got to see pat’s impulsive nature (how he was ready to throw down with wai when they were playing), but then how he takes the time to reflect and pull himself together again before confronting wai and telling him that he’ll sit out if it means that it’ll be better for wai and the team. it’s just like in ep 5 after their fight scene when he took the time to shower, calm down, and think about his actions before he went to go talk to pran. or in ep 8 when he played out his anger on the xylophone and calmed himself down enough after to apologise to pran. this is one of my fave qualities about pat. that he can be as hot-headed and impulsive as he is sometimes, but that he doesn’t let that overtake his rationality (unlike someone else...). he takes the time to reflect and reevaluate if he’s done too much/been at fault.
wai passing him the ball was the bare minimum, but it’s a step in the right direction so baby steps, i suppose. he needs to stop getting into fights he can’t win though...i can’t believe it was KORN that broke that fight up. who would have thought.
lbr, is it even a BL if there isn’t at least one hair drying scene?? 😂 also, the bisexual lighting in this room!! but fr, i always love when they play around and have fun with one another like this bc it feels so authentic. like a real relationship between two people that actually love each other. i feel like that’s kind of rare in BL? either bc most of the time, BLs primarily focus on the main couple getting together right at the very end so there’s no time to explore their relationship as a couple...or bc when they’re actually a couple, the focus is more on the conflicts within the relationship (usually infidelity or miscommunication tbh), and not on why the couple fell in love and are together in the first place. by making most of the conflict based on external factors, this is def one of the benefits that bad buddy has over other series’ imo. we get to see them fall in love, and then linger on and enjoy the wholesomeness of their romance for a longer time than most BLs with established couples tend to give us. we get to see them EXIST, and beat the odds, as a couple. work through their problems as a couple. from the domesticity, the cute moments, the serious moments, the arguments (and how they get resolved just as easily as actually talking to one another). it helps that ohm and nanon aren’t afraid to be intimate, and are so natural in their affection with one another too.
the fact that korn KNEW to come to pran’s room to look for pat though. i love how as soon as korn found out that pat was in a relationship with pran, the rivalry just stopped mattering to him. it’s like he trusts pat’s judgement and knows pran makes him happy, and so he dropped all animosity and pran became a friend to him too. it’s the utter loyalty for me!!
the way korn saw them on the bed together and immediately asked if they were banging in the least subtle manner i LAUGHED.
okay, but wai really needs to either stop starting fights, or get a new job, bc it’s like everyone just comes to his bar to fight him 😭 i knew rugby guy was going to be trouble when they kept highlighting him on the field but i was not expecting the GUN. i gasped the second i saw it????? the absolute tonal shift in this ep as soon as he pulled it out though...esp bc after that i KNEW what was coming...there’s only one thing that can happen when someone pulls out a gun like that :(
so i know that some people were kind of thrown off by the randomness of the gun, and while it def shocked me too, i don’t think i was that bothered by it mostly bc // NOVEL SPOILER ALERT...DON’T READ THIS NEXT CROSSED OUT PART IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THE NOVEL // a random gun gets pulled out in the novel too...and while so far, the drama hasn’t really followed the novel that closely, this kind of felt like a shout out to the novel.
it ALSO gave me baz luhrmann’s romeo + juliet vibes. so the gun coupled with pat’s many hawaiian shirts (like romeo in the movie) def makes me feel like it’s homage to the film since bad buddy’s essentially a BL romeo and juliet and all. though obviously things turn out a lot less tragic than romeo and juliet (and thank god for that!!).
pat’s a much better person that i would ever be bc i prob wouldn’t have stood up for wai after the way he’s been treating both pat and pran this ep...but i know it’s part of his character growth. he won’t sit idly by the way he did when his friends did the same thing to wai all those eps ago. he has too good of a heart to do that ;;;
no but i was yelling the entire time they were fighting over the gun bc i was gearing up for what came next and then it happened :( rugby guy was so shocked and i was just like ????? what did you expect when you brought a gun, dude?? what did you THINK was going to happen. anyway, can you imagine if they had ended the ep like that with pat being shot and then told us to wait two more weeks for the next one...it could have been so much worse...
the prank they played on pran...i would have strangled every single one of them if someone had done that to me omg. pat’s lucky he’s so cute.
i could understand the gun and pat being shot, but the gun possession charge threw me for a loop. like this boy just got shot and you’re really going to presume it was his gun and charge HIM with possession?? when i’m sure there was a whole other set of fingerprints on the gun too?? and no further investigation whatsoever??
though tbh, from the amount of true crime i watch, the police incompetence sounds about right 😭
i can’t believe it took pat standing up for wai and getting SHOT for wai to finally come around, but fine. okay. i’ll take it if it means that he finally stops being a child (and if it makes pran happy). as long as it gets him off both pat and pran’s backs. he’s on thin ice, and i still wish that he’d at least APOLOGISED, but it is what it is.
ngl, i do think that this whole gun arc was done a bit too hastily. like it felt kind of shoehorned in to give this ep some conflict (and to tie up the wai situation). it’s not my fave writing from the show, BUT i do like how it was pran coming to save the day this time since it’s usually pat that does that for pran. they always end up balancing each other out in the end, and it’s yet another thing that i love about their relationship.
the husband/wife conversation!!!!! this is also one of my least favourite things about BLs. how so many of them feel the need to assign heteronormative labels like this to their same sex relationships. i can really think of only one instance in a BL where i didn’t actually mind this bc of the context...it was even irritating me in this show itself whenever pat called pran his ‘wife’/’housewife’, and it was obviously something that pran wasn’t comfortable about, so i love that he brought it up to pat directly. like i keep saying, it’s the communication between these two that just sets them apart from the rest.
“does calling me your wife make you feel superior?” i love pran so much :’) and i love how pat told pran that he only used those terms bc he wanted to seem closer to pran, but pran said that being boyfriends doesn’t mean that their relationship means anything less. i like the insinuation that being boyfriends is just as meaningful as being married (esp since same sex marriage is unfortunately still not legal in thailand...and most asian countries). just bc you’re not married to someone doesn’t invalidate your love, or make it any less deep or real. and just bc you’re not a straight couple doesn’t mean that that your love is any less valid or significant.
i’m gonna giggle EVERY TIME pat calls pran his boyfriend now, aren’t i?? i’m so whipped for them.
and OF COURSE they had to end it like that before giving us a two week break 😭 i would expect nothing less. but at least we know the friend arc is pretty much all tied up, and we’re finally moving onto big boss time bc their families were always going to be the hardest obstacle for them to overcome. but if pat can win pran over, and then win wai over, i KNOW he’ll be able to win pran’s parents (esp his mum) over eventually too.
overall, did i think this ep was a little messier than usual? yes. but did i still love it anyway? absolutely. while i do think that the latter half of this ep was weaker than the first half, this was one of my fave eps in terms of the development of pat and pran’s relationship. i love that each new ep gives us a little bit more dimension to their relationship. it just feels more and more fleshed out bc we’re watching them become increasingly more secure in their feelings for one another as they learn to deal with each new conflict that arises together.
i actually thought that this ep was going to be a lot more angsty than what we got (based on the preview), so i was pleasantly surprised with how fluffy it was. the next preview looks light, but that makes me more worried bc i know they’re gonna be found out by their families soon. it’s inevitable. but i like how the preview shows them working together to uncover WHY their families despise each other so much. i wasn’t expecting that at all, but it fits the dynamic of their relationship so well. of course they’d work together to find out how to mend the rivalry between their families. so far they’ve been dealing with all the problems they’ve encountered together, so it’s only natural that they would deal with this together as well.
anyway, it’s prob a good thing they’ve waited until the new year for the next ep bc at least we’re ending this one on a fairly positive ep. happy new year everyone!!!!! just one more week to go before ep 10!!
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thank you for the tags @mithranqueer and @rufusrant vv happy that y’all thought of me haha 💕 (and thanks for the awesome questions @dustino)
have you ever written rpf before, or are the beatles the first you’ve ever done it for?
yeah, no, the beatles are the first and most likely the only rpf thing i’ll ever write. i’ve written fictional character ones before that but they were shitty so the first thing i ever posted was beatles too.
what’s your favorite ship to write and why?
starrison... because it just is, i have really no idea. they have the dynamic of the kind of relationship i want, i guess, (plus majorly awesome side-character energy) so yeah.
easiest beatle to write?
george. his personality is scarily similar to mine, so all i really have to do is think how i’d handle (x) situation.
hardest beatle to write?
paul. which is strange bc every mclennon fic ive ever written is from his perspective lmao. i think it’s hard for me to write him because i don’t actually like him very much and he gets on my nerves.
original era or modern au?
modern, but i can tolerate original if i throw period-typical homophobia in the bin. don’t like writing that.
least favorite pair to write?
mcharrison.. mostly cause they’re just such great friends and ugh, will die for some good mcharrison bromance (writing a fic like that now lmao...)
do you read or write more?
write, sorry to every fic ive ignored, but multi-chapters stress me out so much especially if they already have upwards of like 10,000 words. (very sorry if i’ve ignored your work, it’s really not your fault i promise) if i catch a multi chapter in its first couple updates i’m more inclined to read it. (but yeah, i write way more to the point where i have several almost finished fics in my drive, expect a week soon where i just post them all ahajkdks)
aus or canon compliant?
i mean i guess modern au if that counts? or them as like, anything but musicians because that’s hilarious.
ship you’d like to see more of?
uhhh... lenstarr or lennison (create the content you wish to see)
au/trope you want to see more of?
nothing specific. (but i love drunken confessions and bed-sharing, specifically together)
fanfic trope pet peeve?
ARCHETYPE BEATLES. archetype beatles can fucking kiss my ass. no sweeter-than-sweet ringo, depressed/moody/angry george, way-too-much-of-a-“leader” john, and paul the a) over-the-top drama queen or b) the Most Serious About Music™️. hate those. please be complex :))
prefer to write one shots or multi chaptered fics?
oneshots. but i did just start a multi chapter one you can read here if you’re interested 👀 (it’s sort of crack, idk if that hurts or helps)
on a scale from one to ten, how much has fanfiction taken over your life?
like maybe 6-7. it’s a lot.
do you have an author you look up to?
YES. literally all of them omg. seriously @mithranqueer @measuredoutinyears @dusted-0negin @celeste-fitzgerald @rufusrant @muzaktomyears @blobfishmiffy you all are very cool and i always feel very nervous to talk to you 😌
what’s a fic you can’t get tired of no matter how many times you read?
(time to sift through my bookmarks)
by @measuredoutinyears
a love that’s shining all around here - starrison (literally the first beatles fic in my bookmarks)
because you’re sweet and lovely - starrison (oh my god)
by @mithranqueer
baby, you’re a rich man - starrison (ahhhhhhh them as mob members is crazy and perfect and you know??)
by @blobfishmiffy
beatle toast (but gayer) - lennison (vv accurate for their dynamic)
a push in the right direction - starrison (the obliviousness and denial and the lenstarr bromance = everything)
by @celeste-fitzgerald
if this was a movie - starrison (i think the first time i read this i had to get up it was just so sweet)
by no particular author i know the tumblr url of:
peppermint kisses - mclennon (it’s christmas fluff i mean come on)
drunken lovers. - starrison (what did i say about drunken confessions)
attracts me like no other lover - george/everyone with endgame starrison (not sad but made me cry)
do you have a current fic obsession?
will you be mad if i say my own?
how seriously do you take fic writing?
not as serious as i should maybe, if you measure how much i don’t try and how much i live off of people’s praise :D
tags before the nsfw: ... @muzaktomyears (vv sorry if this is like the third or fourth tag, but y’all already talked about some of my favorites)
do sex positions (top/bottom) effect your enjoyment when reading or writing a fic?
kind of ?? more in the next question
do you have a preference over who’s who at all? if you do, then what are they?
in lieu of the confusing answer i had, here’s the six main ones:
mclennon: top john
starrison: prefer top george but either one is fine
lennison: top george
mcharrison: either way
mcstarr: mostly top ringo, maybe top paul
lenstarr: top ringo
this stems from the deal that if i read a ship and one or another of them is the top the possibility of me being able to picture it another way goes down (like first come, first served sort of)
is there any kind of kink you have to fight back including in every fic?
nor unless you count dirty talk which i always put in there anyway
when do you feel comfortable adding a smut scene in your fic, if it matters to you at all?
i guess in truth, i’ve only written a couple of fics (posted and unposted) with smut in them, and in a decent half of them i used sex to represent a deeper emotional connection rather than, like, because i was horny (but i have like 4 of those too so if you want i could..) /hj
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Listen Imma write this down bc holy shit
I had such a weird dream about the final episodes of MLB and like...oh bboy
It just went like...
So basically for some reason there are like a bunch of akumas destroying paris, and LB and CN are the only ones left along with some other people. But everyone is getting like....akumatized and shit
And then while Chat Noir and Ladybug are trying to figure out how in the diddly darn fuck they can get all the akumas, bc it's not only the ppl getting akumatized, there are akumas EVERYWHERE, so they gave to be careful bc they are feeling so freaking scared and anxious, it's just a lot.
And then while they're fighting Natalie in the peackock thing, she taunts CN by telling him that his power is to destroy, he can't do anything.
Not only that, but before CN had been having a bit of a breakdown bc he felt like he couldn't help or be part of the team. So natalie's words were just...they were a lot.
Not only that but their powers just don't last that long, so they have the stress of getting as many akumas as they can. Also it wasn't just ppl getting akumatized?? It was also objects for some reason? And it's like tf? How can a fire hydrant be SAD?! SIR?!
And so he thinks about letting go of the miraculous and shit...
And for some context, before this happened (imma take out the mermaids that were in my dream for some reason lmao)
And then I think Marinette knows she's Chat Noir... something weird happened when the episode of Lies was happening, like for some reason Adrien erased everything wrong he did with Kagami, and then they both met this one woman who has been akumatized bc Kagami broke her flower thingie and she was a bridesmaid but in the end they fixed it and she wrote them a letter. Along with Kagami. But then for some reason later Kagami and the lady (who turned out to be Marinette in disguise or smth? Idk it was a weird dream) get a bad feeling and HM wants to akumatize them, so he looks for the letters to have the Butterfly go in. But them Ladybug figured it out, and whole Adrien as Chat Noir was having the letters kk his pockets, LB took them and destroyed them so the akuma couldn't get them, and so CN was like really mad with LB.
And so later after the whole thing they like go to Marinette's house but Adrien is still chat noir. I think everyone knows who he is now? So then he is feeling very down, and Marinette makes her parents go upstairs or smth, and while she's baking with him she's trying to cheer him up about his powers and ladybug, but Adrien is just so sad, so she just says fuck it and transforms in front of him and Adrien is like N A N I?!
Anyway skip to a bit later and then they're fighting Natalie and LB has to leave CN on his own to help this one person I think, and when she comes back he's akumatized.
And before I think LB managed to trick him with another LB to like...help her? But now CN ain't taking any of that shit so he's just. He's just going for it.
And then he sort of like kills her or smth? But then he goes and asks Natalie: would father have let us get married (for some reason??? But just imagine he's saying stay together, with Marinette i think? -no one except him knows her identity-" and then natalie is like yup so CN is like OH MY GAWD WHAT HAVE I DONE AJDJDJD and then I woke up
So like...it was literally the end of the world and I was about to panick bc i was switching between being LB and seeing as another perspective? Anyway it sounds stupid lmao but ISTG there were butterflies EVERYWHERE and the sky was so dark and gloomy, and everyone was suffering from being akjmatized, and there was so much pressure bc one touch from an akuma and you were gone and ufff
Anyway how's yalld day been? Pfttt
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derireo · 4 years
Omi x Izumi Parenting HCS
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i’m reposting, but not deleting the original one so that the anon can see i did it lol
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Okay, so like. Obviously Omi is the mom and Izumi is the dad. Omi cooks, cleans, makes sure the kids have everything they need for school/daycare and is at the top of the contact list if something happens. Izumi only drives the kids to where they need to be and then dips because she's always going to work or is stressed and just needs to go home and rest.
Omi is a super loving parent, but is strict. Back in his acting days he may have been more lenient with the boys, but he had to put his foot down with his own children. He was very protective and he was worried he would lead them down the wrong path if he didn't teach them the lessons that he learned very late in to his life.
Izumi? Well. She's kind of a fun parent. Very goofy around the kids and Omi loves it, but they don't understand her humor! Also since Omi is too nice to tell her to stop making curry, their kids literally asked her to stop once they were able to properly formulate a sentence lmao.
Omi changes the diapers!!
Izumi gives the baths!!
Also did I forget to mention that when Izumi gave birth like, Omi full on sobbed when the baby came out. He was ugly crying and Izumi had to console him despite having her body absolutely destroyed by a tiny human life form?? She was so annoyed lol Omi had to come by the next day with some treats so that she wouldn't stay mad.
Izumi at first was super protective of their kid; wouldn't even let Omi hold them sometimes haha
But then at some point, after getting really tired of breast feeding bc it hurt and always being too tired to change diapers or burp the baby, she eventually handed their kid to Omi much to his delight
First baby is coddled hella!!!! Second baby is coddled hella!!!! Third baby??? Coddled hella!!!!
Izumi and Omi just keep going at it y'all someone needs to teach them about condoms.
Anyways, the kids are probably sheltered for a good part of their lives, but with Izumi's coaxing, Omi eventually lets them have more fun and lets them do more daring stuff like walk to school by themselves.
Both Omi and Izumi are supportive parents and let their children participate in whatever extracurricular they want. Let them wear whatever, listen to whatever, and feel whatever. They're 100% behind their kids and only wish that they become comfortable in their own skin and become their own person.
Of course, there may be things they will be against or reluctant about. What if their kid wants to become a clown?? What is the proper response to that??
The teenage years are hectic. Once their child has grown and has their own ideals, it gets a little difficult. Parents and children have differing outlooks when it comes to the world and the society. I'm hoping the family is unproblematic
Izumi loses her temper faster than Omi does, but never shouts. She tends to hug herself and mull things over in her head when she's in an argument with her teenage kid, trying to understand things from their perspective and see what she can do to compromise. As much as she wants to, she never runs away. She could never do that.
Omi is more patient, but it feels worse when their kid is arguing with him than their mom. He is all smiles, sad smiles, warm eyes, disappointed eyes. He never shouts.
There were two instances where he did though. The time when one of their kids were starting to get into a violent rebel phase without them knowing, but came home one day all beat up and bloody.
The other time when one of the kids got into a fight with Izumi and made her cry; and Izumi never cries. When Omi went to see what was happening and saw the tears that she was quickly wiping away with her sleeves while their kid looked angry and agitated, he couldn't help the booming voice that left him and effectively startled everyone in the household.
It wasn't the correct response to such a situation, and everyone apologised to each other after they all calmed down.
Never heard of 'em.
Just the regular Halloween and Christmas, but no other holidays are celebrated in the household. Mother's Day and Father's Day never comes up, but their kids always try to find something nice to give them.
Birthdays are also not a big thing at home. It was when the kids were babies, but they gradually stopped when they got much older. They would let their kids celebrate their birthday with friends and give them a small gift or a cake.
Anywho, for the most part, the Fushimi/Tachibana residence is a very quite one, but everyone is happy and very well loved!
Once the kids start moving out to live their own life, both Omi and Izumi are very sad, but are way too excited for when they come back to show them how they fare with their own relationships and families!!!!!
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
and I know it's unfair because I haven't answered the ask yet but you're Brazilian so you know way more than me but I'd love to hear your thoughts about Imperial Brazil?? I'm really struggling with him bc i know about him in this era more from a portuguese perspective.....
Sorry for taking so damn long audshdf I was saving this ask to do a real deep dive into the whole empire with a lot of historical explanation and a lot of detail buuuut I was having some trouble coherently organizing my thoughts about Pedro II’s reign so instead I’m gonna use this ask to more loosely talk abt the first half of the empire. You’ve seen my basic thoughts on the second half on that other post, so now I’m gonna ramble mostly about 1808-1840.
Also, hm, this is LONG. It’s embarrassingly long. I hope you have time. 
And yes 1808-1822 is not part of the empire, but Brazil was no longer a colony in practice during those years, and I think they were crucial to his development as a person. 
Before 1808, Brazil pretty much grew up alone. His mother was around less and less, and he had no friends. Portugal was, as we already know, a shitty dad. Up to that point, he was not only absent but also very controlling. He never allowed Brazil or his people to learn how to read, Brazil wasn’t allowed to have libraries or universities or newspapers or even print. Portugal alienated Brazil both from his mother and from Port himself. He was forcefully kept from developing his own ideas, and his growth was stagnant – even physically. The way I see it, after 300 years he was still a small child, while the others around him were already growing into teenagers even though they were younger in actual numbers. Portugal literally kept him from developing as a person, by force. 
But suddenly, Portugal needed him. Suddenly, he showed up at his shore, with hundreds of people, and objects, and books. And though Portugal desperately needed Brazil at that time, his king couldn’t be there with Brazil being like that. That land with no cities and no libraries and no economy no nothing because he was forced to have nothing. 
He starts growing really, really fast, and forcefully again. And it was a painful process – his people were being kicked out of their houses so that the people that arrived from Portugal had where to live. In a few years, he grew almost as fast as humans did. But it was still an incomplete growth – most of his people were still living in misery, but now he had a structured state that allowed him to more firmly fit into what a nation means. But it all happened so fast he was… dizzy. 
And that was all combined with what was happening in his relationship with his father. They had both gotten much closer now that Portugal was physically there more often. I think Portugal is considerably less shitty to Brazil during these years, both because he needs him and because he is a relief from everything going on in Europe. But that doesn’t mean he became a good dad, but also Brazil was a lot smarter now, a lot freer, and quick to realize something that had always been true – Portugal needed Brazil more than Brazil needed Portugal. Much more. 
The fact that he wasn’t a colony anymore but wasn’t quite independent, and thus still had to obey Portugal to some degree, started to annoy him. This has quite a bit of teenage rebellion element into it, but that doesn’t mean it came from unjustified anger. Not at all. His pride and ego were starting to really develop. The king of Portugal liked him better than he liked port himself, Brazil was heaven on earth, Brazil was rich, Brazil was full of potential, Brazil was great, Brazil was paradise, Brazil was not his own.  
And that just keeps building.
And when Portugal starts talking about making him a colony again. After all that shit about the being a united kingdom, about Portugal being his father and trying to get close to him, of seeing him as a refuge and a relief, after all of that connection I think Portugal genuinely tried to build with him, the ugly truth is bare again – Portugal never saw him as worthy of equal footing, never saw that united kingdom as anything but temporary, never saw brazil as anything more than a colony. 
And Brazil is mad. 
When he found out the plans of Pedro I to declare independence, he’s more than happy. He’s been thinking of it for a while, and I think maybe deep down he didn’t love the idea of another Portuguese man being his boss, but Pedro had grown up in brazil, dude was carioca at heart, his wife was wonderful, Brazil could work with that. He declared independence, fought against Portugal, won, still had to pay for his independence, but, at last, he got it. 
I think in a way Brazil’s anger, as righteous as it was, did blind him to what was going on. He wanted so bad to get rid of Portugal and avoid going back to how it was when he was a colony, that he waved away or even approved things that really just kept him stuck in the same place. Very little actually changed for most people, and as someone who literally represented all the people, he knew that and could feel that, but he was still so euphoric personally about it that he… ignored it. 
Pedro I’s reign was… messy. He needed a constitution, he got into a war with Argentina, everyone was talking about who Pedro was fucking, it was just a whole mess. For that reason, I think despite declaring his independence, brazil remembers Pedro as being mostly an irresponsible asshole who couldn’t keep it in his pants and was too busy being a playboy to rule this country yet still managed to be authoritarian and also made him lose Uruguay. And when it came time for him to choose Brazil or Portugal, just like his father, he chooses Portugal. 
That was a blow on his ego. Brazil at this point was still just a teenager, who had in two decades grown insanely fast for a nation, has been told by each king his land was heaven on earth and so much richer than Portugal, yet no one was willing to choose him. Ever. He was still an afterthought. Like a colony, that still had a metropolis. Pedro left him with a 4-year-old, with a government disorganized, and no money. 
And then the Provinces start to rise up. 
So, hm, a quick background on how I see the provinces: Some of them existed since around 1530, some were younger and some weren't around yet, and if Brazil first appeared representing the people that were born in this new colony, the provinces were much more… administrative and political. Yet many of the ones that were around grew much faster than Brazil – they were already teenagers or even adults by independence. They had always responded directly to Portugal and for a long time saw no connection between themselves or between them and Brazil. The idea of “Brazil” was only like… 100 years old, even less than that. And some of them were not loving being attached to those two kids – Brazil and the baby emperor. They saw the weak government of the regency as a chance to rise up and declare their own independence, as many who started as provinces around them had – like Uruguay.
The regency lasted 9 years, but I think those few years were also crucial to form Brazil as a person, due to how stressful they were. Think about it, he saw what was happening around him, with Spain’s former colonies. And I think he for the first time had to grapple with the very human existential fear of death. 
If each of his provinces became their own country, would he still be around? Would he just become… Rio? But Rio existed as a province too. Would he just… be a lot of different countries? Probably not.  He would probably disappear. He had only just started to be allowed to live, but that could be taken away at any moment. Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul succeeded in getting their independence. How long until the others? It was quite terrifying. And I think that experience not only made him averse to the idea of being a republic in general at the time, but also created a lot of emotional and psychological problems for him, a lot of insecurity, as well as it made him realize he was nothing. There was nothing to justify his existence. He couldn’t say he existed because he wanted freedom or republic, he had none of these, plus it was something the provinces too could have. What united that land? What made him him? Those were all questions that would haunt him for the rest of the empire, and he would soon be more than willing to go after and accept easy answers. That’s how he gets to that whole indianismo think I talked about some time ago.
He fights his own provinces, on people, countless times. Revolts that really were like civil wars kept popping, and he, who was just a teenager, had to fight to oppress his provinces and force them into being a part of him, for a reason he himself didn’t know. He couldn’t explain why they should be a part of him, except that they were and he wanted them to be and he wanted to live. And he didn’t know why.
In summary, this whole period was one of fear, and insecurity, and doubt. It shook him profoundly as a person more than as a country. Because once Pedrinho was in power, things were quick to stabilize and it was, in some ways, as if those revolts had never happened, but Brazil remembered them, he lived through them, and never really forgot that fear. 
If the regency was marked by external peace and internal turmoil, Pedrinho’s reign was one of relatively internal peace and external turmoil. Pedro II was… a complicated figure. Most Brazilians today regard him as an excellent ruler and a wise man, but I at least can’t be this optimistic about the man who insisted on the Paraguayan war, refused to abolish slavery for decades, and basically laid ground to a lot of the problems we still have today, like bad distribution of land and late industrialization. He didn’t do all that by himself, of course, a lot can be blamed on the senate, but he was the most powerful man on the country, and he receives way too much credit for his personal beliefs of being an abolitionist and a pacifist. Maybe he really was both these things, but that doesn’t change the fact that he didn’t use his power to end slavery and avoid war, quite the opposite. And why is that important here? Because I think brazil, the tan, was also fooled by it. He quickly bought into the narrative that Pedro II was this wise incredible man, and overlooked all the ways he kept the worst structures of the country untouched in order to not upset the elite that kept him in power. Brazil wanted nothing but stability and power, and Pedro, looking like the opposite of his father at the surface, brought that. There were no more separatist movements or civil wars once he rose to power, Rio Grande do Sul was reabsorbed, and the years that followed were ones of relative prosperity, and all of that really made brazil more and more attached to the whole concept of the empire. I think just like he was willing to ignore a lot of things during independence for the sake of it, here too he ignored all the ways Pedro II held him back so that he could fully feel the pride of being a powerful empire.
Brazil really did like being an empire during that time. The narrative of the empire was one that answered the question that haunted him for so long – what justified his existence. Justifying it, in the 19th century, is what I believe to be the main motivation underlying everything he did and thought. And the narrative was that the empire guaranteed stability and avoided civil wars and fragmentation, allowing Brazil to be, to quote José Bonifacio, “This majestic and solid piece of social architecture from the Prata to the Amazonas”, and again, all that in comparison to his neighbors that were constantly drowning in civil wars and fragmenting. For stability and that justification, he was willing to turn a blind eye to anything else.
So he rose from the regency feeling stronger than ever. Pedrinho had put everything into place, he was growing, he had a Brazilian in power for the first time, his coffee was going well, and he had survived. Many of his neighbors hadn’t, or at least not in the sense of managing to keep their territories intact. He did. His neighbors were unstable, with wars and coups and wars (like he hadn’t just had exactly that), he was stable and growing and he was the strongest. Once free of the fear of being destroyed from the inside, his ego grew once again, and he felt good. He felt pride in being a big strong and centralized empire, and to look down on the other Latin Americans and even on his father. He was ready now to make his power and influence spread, as an Empire. 
That's it, sorry if this is both ridiculously long and also a mess, I have way too many thoughts about imperial brazil and I could've probably written ten more pages of it and still have something to say. Also I'd still love to hear your thoughts on the empire for a Portuguese perspective, because I genuinely have no clue what that would look like. But anyway hmm I hope this was fun? 
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latinokaeya-moving · 4 years
wait wait okay i know none of you care but here’s my opinions on each of the main characters in money heist bc i’m taking a break from packing/watching n wanna complain
under a readmore bc ilyall. i’ve only seen 8eps so far for any money heist fans out there that might wanna get mad at me
the professor - easily the most likeable male character, i think the whole planning of the heist is very cool and he’s got that sorta socially awkward energy to him. he also looks like a history professor. glasses and all. i’m smitten
raquel / the inspector - i’m constantly cringing when she’s on screen not bc she’s a bad chara but bc of the whole heist thing n she’s always just two steps slightly behind figuring everything out and it stresses me out. i knew her n the professor were/are gonna be a thing from the start. her ex husband subplot i don’t really like. she’s also constantly getting the short end of the stick bc everyone treats her like shit thanks to misogyny. justice for raquel
angel - fuck this dude. i used 2 know a guy called angel and he was super sweet. he doesn’t deserve 2 have his name tarnished by this desperate Nice Guy
NOW.....the Heist Robbers
berlin - HE FUCKING SUCKS he’s terrible first and foremost his entire character is a gross ableist caricature and that informs the entirety of his personality being an absolute disgusting creep and it sucks so godamn bad. i hate immoral evil crazy trope. i cant like anything about him i’m sorry he’s just awful
moscow n denver - they’re nice. i like them. father n son duo that are a lil boring but i appreciate their subplot with monica and whatnot. they’re trying their best
helsinki n oslo - twins that r literally just there 2 be the muscle. respectable bc i don’t remember anything abt them except that they walk around looking big and burly. big respect for helsinki being gay. king
rio - i.....don’t like him at all. his whole business w tokyo is stupid, i don’t like the romance thing w them, he’s not very interesting and i’m not invested in him at all. he’s constantly getting scenes w allison parker that r framed Weirdly n its fucking WEIRD even if nothing has technically happened yet lmao.
tokyo - now i’m the first 2 defend a bitch character from misogyny but this just ain’t it babes. she’s not likeable. her romance with rio is bad and has literally been responsible for almost fucking up the heist several times. i hate that she’s the narrator bc i don’t CARE abt her perspective give me anyone else dear god. ALSO THAT SCENE WITH ALLISON???? FUCK you money heist. i’m gonna kill you
nairobi - QUEEN played by the iconic and beautiful alba flores, the only lady of colour in the entire cast and played by a lesbian godddd i love her i only care about her. nairobi as a character is meant 2 be str8 i think but she gets both queer and dyke passes bc she’s the ONLY one that’s been trying to be reasonable and keeping to the plan n hasn’t majorly fucked up smth even once. she deserves more screentime. the first time i saw her i was like “oh 🥺” and i haven’t stopped being like that since. she’s objectively fun and good and enjoyable...give me more nairobi. let her be gay.
anyways i think i’m done 4 now i can’t think i just wanted 2 ramble abt this stupid show
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gimmedatingadvice · 4 years
Hi luv, I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night !!
I wanted to ask do some advice because I just need some outside perspective! So I’ve been dating my bf for 18 months (+1 year of friendship) and we’re both 19. Basically all of this starts back on 10/21/20 he was feeling bad and had decided to go get tested for covid, and he came out positive. That same day after getting his results he called me and let me know,during that phone call he somewhat tried to hint that I gave it to him bc I live in my college dorms while he lives off campus. That same day (like 15 min after hanging up with him) his dad calls me and was extremely disrespectful and blamed me for him getting covid. Well that same day after being humiliated by my bfs dad I told my bf about it and told him what happened and that I didn’t want to ever speak w/ his dad bc I wasn’t going to be treated like that by anyone (like my own parents have never humiliated and make me feel so bad). My bf said he was going to be neutral in the situation but then proceeded to defend his dad (-.-) and said that I need to be more understanding about the situation. So fast forward 2 day (the day I get my test results) and I came back negative for covid and I just had to self quarentine just in case, well then I let him know about my results he was soo salty and he literally said “k cool”. I let it slide because I didn’t want to argue about it, so throughout my self quarentine we had gotten into a pretty bad argument (#1) about the whole father situation + some built up tension about how I wasn’t being “myself” because I wasn’t in the honeymoon phase. Well that night he got mad and was wanted a break, I told him okay and told him to take as long as he needs but that I wasn’t going to wait more that a month, he said that was fine. Well the next day I wake up and he had posted stuff online in regard to our argument and how that he doesn’t have anyone in his side and stuff (he always does this after arguments he starts it I just ignore it) WELLL after that post I saw that he had posted a conversation he had started with one of his female friends that she was giving him advice and stuff I was like wow because I just don’t like the vibe she gives off. (I don’t have a problem with him having female friends, but it just bothers me that I was pressured to drop all of my guy friends... but that’s a different story for another day). Anyways after seeing that I was kinda upset but still gave him space he texted me in the afternoon that day that he wanted to tak, we talked it over and he had decided that we should stay together. So the next day went by smoothly but on the 3rd day he asked me that was wrong and stuff, and I told him that I was upended about the whole starting a convo w/ the girl and that I was upset that he still hadn’t apologized to his really rude and petty behavior of those two days. We he got v defensive and agitated that I told him why I was wrong and so told me to figure out what I want and if I still wanted to be in our relationship and that I had like 4 days to figure it out. WELLLL I based on his behavior those days prior I was considering breaking up with him but decided against it bc we were under a lot of stress. The next day (4) I get a text from him saying that he wanted a response by the end if the night bc it wasn’t fair for him to keep him waiting... so I told him that we could try to work it out. After that we were doing alright ans slowly trying to fix out mistakes and make sure we corrected our wrongs. Well towards November we’re back to we’re we were before, but I noticed that would just run out of conversation and I know that I personally will do things to avoid talking to him. Lately I’ve just stopped feeling any feelings in regards to him, I do love him but find it hard to incite any emotion.
Hi!! Aww, thank you! I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night too, but if you aren’t because of this concern you have about your relationship with your partner, I really hope I can give you some help to put your mind at rest!
So based on what you sent me, I’m afraid your boyfriend was being rude and disrespectful to you before. I’m sorry that happened to you. You said you were both taking time and effort to work it out though, which is great and I’m glad that you’re both doing your best! But, I see that the problem you have now is that although you love your boyfriend, it sounds like you’re losing interest in him. Maybe the relationship has burnt out.
You may think that you need to break up with him since you’re not into it anymore and that could be what you need to do, but if you genuinely care a lot about him and you both really want to make the relationship work, it’s usually possible to get through the difficulties and make it work. So, don’t make any hasty decisions.
Now, ask yourself what kind of relationship you want (what do you need to feel loved, what love means to you, etc.). You should be completely honest with yourself. Think about why exactly you’re feeling this way. Maybe it’s because your boyfriend isn’t meeting some of the expectations that you have of him. Maybe it’s because you aren’t compatible with him. Oh and trust your gut feelings too.
You should also have an honest and kind discussion about it with your boyfriend (preferably in person). It’s important for him to also know what’s going on. Let him know what’s bothering you and be very clear about it, so that there will be no misunderstandings. But also remember to be prepared for how he might react. For instance, if he doesn’t feel the same way as you do, he’ll be hurt. And it feels terrible to hurt someone, but you have to remember that this is a better option for him and you; it’s better to be truthful. That way, you can both come up with a solution that would suit both of you. You can either work on this together or end it.
You are both still young, so you’re both still learning and growing up. You can both stay in the relationship by learning and growing together. Or you both might decide not to stay in this relationship. And that’s sad, of course, but that’s okay too. Not all relationships last.
Also, if you did all that you can to work on this relationship and you’re satisfied about that, but you’re still unhappy and you feel like you’re in this relationship just because you have to, you should consider breaking up.
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tsunrugi · 7 years
So I have a lot of thoughts about Ares that I haven’t been writing down/sharing on here! I was going to go through point by point with that trailer they did a few months ago, going in to my personal opinions/predictions for each team, situation, and what I think that means for the characters in them… but then I realised I really just want to talk about Teikoku. So i’m gonna. do that.
so aliea is a super influential arc for a lot of characters, and three of those have ended up at teikoku - sakuma, fudou and kazemaru (just mentally add + genda every time i mention sakuma, i love him but unfortunately he doesn’t get built on much after aliea). and actually the minute hino said this was an alternate timeline i was v. concerned in regards to the development for these characters bcs i see them as being v important to them growing up in to strong healthy beautiful adults! very briefly:
- it reaffirms sakuma’s sense of self in a teikoku w/out kidou. it helps him define himself w/out kidou. also like it’s super fucking mature of him to be able to encourage kidou to go to raimon when he knows it’ll hurt him in the process!! props for sakuma, look at all that Character Growth.
- it sets up fudou’s whole deal. on subsequent viewings it actually also sets up his isolation which is super super important for his later development.
- it shifts kazemaru’s perspective, shows us (and him) how destructive it can be to cling to things like being the best, how having high standards for yourself can, when left unchecked, be self destructive. the whole dark emperors thing makes him grow up very fast and kind of refocuses his priorities in sport (and life?).
so in ares, these things haven’t happened. maybe they won’t happen! that concerns me because i love that these things happened because it’s a testament to how well i11 develops its characters subtly and continuously through the series. i want to have faith but lbr, this is going to be one fucking crowded series. here’s maybe my thoughts re: all of these characters being together, on what appears to be the most fucked team in the competition. like, rip teikoku, you’re not getting anywhere and it’s not fair because you’re beautiful and you deserve it.
first up with sakuma. he’ll probably suffer enough being a captain on a team coached by kageyama, but i’m curious to see exactly how. not just because i enjoy suffering, but because kageyama brand suffering is pretty bland at this point, so the real question is - will this suffering bring about as nice character moments as shin teikoku did? shin teikoku was such a good story arc. it had purpose in the overall season as well as for the characters involved! and i’ll say it again, i really love how sakuma Grew because of it. it takes a lot to own up to your own mistakes, let alone as big as the one he made. he wasn’t just trying to absolve kidou of his guilt by telling him he was better at raimon: he was also in a way repenting himself, giving himself a stern talking to, to try and see past his own desires and fears and paranoia and to fight his loneliness with his friend’s happiness. it sounds so petty but this can be hard!! fomo is a Real Thing. and i think this kind of shapes sakuma later, in ffi - he gets setback after setback but he works through it and it’s Brilliant. he works hard to get back in to shape so he can play again. he works even harder to try and be on the representative team, and then gets knocked back. picks himself up and keeps going. puts aside his own beef with kageyama to support kidou. he works on himself constantly, physically and mentally and just As A Person, and it all starts with that guilt from shin teikoku. will ares have these moments for him?
i can see the whole “kidou come back to teikoku :cccccc” thing being solved by a casual conversation. it might even be OFF SCREEN. and that feels super anti-climactic considering the lasting impact of shin teikoku? what i want is for sakuma to lose it again - maybe have his anger at his own inability as captain boil over, have him lash out at kageyama in the Worst Possible Way. he’d have to be isolated. he’d have to ignore support from genda and kazemaru and whatever interaction he has with kidou. but it would be FUN and we also get to have his development and learning growth and i’d be happy*
i want to jump in with kazemaru next. because he’s kind of similar with sakuma in how dark emperors impacted his character, only his attachment was to the idea of winning/being the best rather than a person or idealised team/friendship situation. kazemaru doesn’t look like he’s in a good position in aliea which ngl gives me Life, but the question is - will this lead to his realisation and reconfiguration of his toxic mindset?
there’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve, or with having ambition or goals. but we all know how that ended for kazemaru, because of the way he internalised loss and failure and was eventually tempted by pure power. he’s very de-powered in ares. he has to play second fiddle to KAGEYAMA, of all fucking people, and idk i got the vibe from the trailer that he’s trying to start a coup with sakuma at least to usurp it all. but… is this consistent with s1 kazemaru, or even early aliea kazemaru? he feels very ffi kazemaru already. again, no doubt he’ll Suffer, but there was something to dark emperors that was so shocking, so impactful, that you can’t help but want something just as big? i don’t think there’s space for it in the ares story. and like sakuma, i don’t think he’s isolated to the point he was in aliea for it to happen all that naturally. so the question is - will his toxic mindset get addressed? will the dark parts of his ambition be dealt with, or will they still be there ready to explode?
i think that’s my major concern. aliea built kazemaru’s dark emperor turn so well. i don’t want that aspect of his character to just be ignored like it was never a thing, because imo it’d make the whole thing feel less like natural, human development and more like contrived plot device. and yeah, i know this is fiction, i know things have to happen for the plot, but i like i11 because it does treat character seriously, and does have the plot evolve along character lines. even in s1 kazemaru talks about how he wants to fight on the world stage. his break in s2 is believable. his stress, his fear, his anxiety, his despair, it’s all believable! please let elements of that stay in whatever he has to go through in ares.
and now for fudou! i love fudou. i was v. concerned when he turned up in the outer code and seemed Actually Stable. see, the thing with these three in aliea is that they were all isolated (sakuma you could argue had mentally separated his own suffering from genda’s, when you consider the extend he went to in shin teikoku in comparison). and they all dealt with that isolation by taking the power of the aliea meteorite. sakuma and kazemaru did that with a whole lot of passion. they let it consume them. fudou… didn’t. fudou was in control. and he seems to discard it without having to break like the other two did.
fudou is so interesting, i’d recommend an aliea rewatch just focusing on him. he’s all about the calculated revenge agains the world. he wants chaos, but he himself is not chaotic. he wants it to come apart around him, but to stay above it all. that’s why the only real moment of shock for him comes when kageyama rubs it in his face that he’s just as much of a pawn as the rest of them. this is a Deep Cut for him. this is Huge. and it’s huge because, as much as he wants to stay separate, he is still insanely affected by his family situation. it follows him in to ffi in that he can’t open up or trust any of his teammates, and how he deliberately antagonises them to keep them away. he doesn’t want, closeness. he doesn’t think he needs it, even though in many ways he craves it (snarky comments to himself that just serve to show how lonely he is, the fact that 90% of his hissatsu are combo moves, etc).
ANYWAY. why does this matter? well, in what we’ve seen of him in ares he’s…. playing nice? he’s sitting quietly and listening? he’s involved in team play? HE’S WEARING THE NO. 10 JERSEY JFC. this fudou already feels post-ffi. i can give them the benefit of the doubt - he doesn’t know why he’s at the teikoku meeting, and he doesn’t seem to have an established relationship with kageyama. maybe he’s just playing it save, sussing things out. but i hope there is some chaos. i hope he doesn’t play nice from the get-go. ffi was really fun in deconstructing his actions vs. everyone else’s intense dislike of him. it’s a really subtle unravelling of a villain, one that i missed on first watch because i was too god damn mad at him. but!! it’s so good. it’s so well done. and there are so many layers: we see fudou as we know him, just that Shithead who caused shin teikoku. we see fudou from the POV of kidou and sakuma, as someone who can’t be trusted, as someone who might still be working with kageyama. and then we see him through his own actions: he was fucked over too, and he wants to get back at kageyama just the same as everyone else. he’s insanely attentive to his teammates, even in the early stages of the season. he’s alone. and he grows. i love adult fudou because it’s such a lovely transformation from this isolated kid who dealt with his pain by causing chaos, to an actual well adjusted human being who has Friends and who Coaches and Helps people and Supports them while still retaining his own sense of self. IT’S REALLY NICE. BUT WE CAN’T HAVE THAT ARC IF HE’S ALREADY THERE.
so hino, please, make fudou a shit. make him the biggest shit. make him ambiguous and unpredictable and look I know there’s not that much time to deal with this but make him chaotic, just for a little bit. he is the joker - let him act like it before he joins up all buddy with sakuma and kazemaru, as per the implications of the trailer. you can do it, i have faith in you.
*i will most likely be happy with anything they do anyway this is all moot
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derireo · 4 years
Hello dear! I was wondering if I could get some Omi x izumi parenting headcanons ? Thank you for your hard work ♥️
No problem, nonny!! I hope this is what you had in mind. Thank you for the request! <3
Omi x Izumi Parenting HCs:
Okay, so like. Obviously Omi is the mom and Izumi is the dad. Omi cooks, cleans, makes sure the kids have everything they need for school/daycare and is at the top of the contact list if something happens. Izumi only drives the kids to where they need to be and then dips because she's always going to work or is stressed and just needs to go home and rest.
Omi is a super loving parent, but is strict. Back in his acting days he may have been more lenient with the boys, but he had to put his foot down with his own children. He was very protective and he was worried he would lead them down the wrong path if he didn't teach them the lessons that he learned very late in to his life.
Izumi? Well. She's kind of a fun parent. Very goofy around the kids and Omi loves it, but they don't understand her humor! Also since Omi is too nice to tell her to stop making curry, their kids literally asked her to stop once they were able to properly formulate a sentence lmao.
Omi changes the diapers!!
Izumi gives the baths!!
Also did I forget to mention that when Izumi gave birth like, Omi full on sobbed when the baby came out. He was ugly crying and Izumi had to console him despite having her body absolutely destroyed by a tiny human life form?? She was so annoyed lol Omi had to come by the next day with some treats so that she wouldn't stay mad.
Izumi at first was super protective of their kid; wouldn't even let Omi hold them sometimes haha
But then at some point, after getting really tired of breast feeding bc it hurt and always being too tired to change diapers or burp the baby, she eventually handed their kid to Omi much to his delight
First baby is coddled hella!!!! Second baby is coddled hella!!!! Third baby??? Coddled hella!!!!
Izumi and Omi just keep going at it y'all someone needs to teach them about condoms.
Anyways, the kids are probably sheltered for a good part of their lives, but with Izumi's coaxing, Omi eventually lets them have more fun and lets them do more daring stuff like walk to school by themselves.
Both Omi and Izumi are supportive parents and let their children participate in whatever extracurricular they want. Let them wear whatever, listen to whatever, and feel whatever. They're 100% behind their kids and only wish that they become comfortable in their own skin and become their own person.
Of course, there may be things they will be against or reluctant about. What if their kid wants to become a clown?? What is the proper response to that??
The teenage years are hectic. Once their child has grown and has their own ideals, it gets a little difficult. Parents and children have differing outlooks when it comes to the world and the society. I'm hoping the family is unproblematic 
Izumi loses her temper faster than Omi does, but never shouts. She tends to hug herself and mull things over in her head when she's in an argument with her teenage kid, trying to understand things from their perspective and see what she can do to compromise. As much as she wants to, she never runs away. She could never do that.
Omi is more patient, but it feels worse when their kid is arguing with him than their mom. He is all smiles, sad smiles, warm eyes, disappointed eyes. He never shouts.
There were two instances where he did though. The time when one of their kids were starting to get into a violent rebel phase without them knowing, but came home one day all beat up and bloody.
The other time when one of the kids got into a fight with Izumi and made her cry; and Izumi never cries. When Omi went to see what was happening and saw the tears that she was quickly wiping away with her sleeves while their kid looked angry and agitated, he couldn't help the booming voice that left him and effectively startled everyone in the household.
It wasn't the correct response to such a situation, and everyone apologised to each other after they all calmed down.
Never heard of 'em.
Just the regular Halloween and Christmas, but no other holidays are celebrated in the household. Mother's Day and Father's Day never comes up, but their kids always try to find something nice to give them.
Birthdays are also not a big thing at home. It was when the kids were babies, but they gradually stopped when they got much older. They would let their kids celebrate their birthday with friends and give them a small gift or a cake.
Anywho, for the most part, the Fushimi/Tachibana residence is a very quite one, but everyone is happy and very well loved!
Once the kids start moving out to live their own life, both Omi and Izumi are very sad, but are way too excited for when they come back to show them how they fare with their own relationships and families!!!!!
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tayegi · 8 years
Equilibrium is blowing my mind 😮😮😮 I never expected jungkook to suddenly turn into some possessive psycho jerk 😨😨 I really hope he gets his shit together. What the flying f*ck 😱😱😱 In fact It'd be cool if Jin suddenly showed up with food and The OC leaves that chaotic relationship for food 😂😂😂😂 EVRYONE WOULD PICK FOOD OVER RELATIONSHIPS. right ? Am i the only one lol *cries*
Anonymous said:Sorry for being late to the party lol, but I just read the new update of Equilibrium and I felt so fucking anxious and scared for the oc. I don't know how in the hell, some ppl find jungkook's actions hot when he is literally being psychotic and obsessive. Especially the part when he told her 'You'll regret it', he's basically threatening her there. It's obvious the whole relationship they have is toxic af and it only seems to be getting worse as time passes. Apart from that, have a nice day!
Anonymous said:OMG EQUILIBRIUM 11 Omg I still have goosebumps, like Jungkook was being so fucking possessive it scared the shit out of me. Even tho It was a shitty move for the oc to not attend his graduation, she still could had attended but that phone call... I don't want this to turn into some creepy murdering fanfic LOL. Ughhh Jungkook what is even going in your mind? I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! xx :)
Anonymous said:Dude, you did such a great job at writing o/c's anxiety in this chapter. I try not to be bias toward her, but it's really hard since the story us in her pov. I got seriously grossed out by JK, man. I was so uncomfortable with the whole morning ordeal. 😩 And his threat at the end?? I know it's a story, but I had my friend-instincts kick in and I just wanted to shake her and be like "PLEASE LEAVE THIS RN PLEASE" (1)
Anonymous said:(2) And I'm curious about how Jimin would react if he knew how JK was acting. He has this idea that JK is a perfect boy, but if only he knew...But, at the same time, they all have this distorted view of one another, huh? We see Jimin as Mr. Perfect cause that's how o/c sees him. I guess it goes into that whole "unreliable narrator" thing? I'm just writing what thoughts the chapter has provoked. I absolutely love how u pay attention to detail in this story!! Awesome job as usual, mane 😊🙆
Anonymous said:Jungkook needs to take a moment to realize how miserable and uncomfortable the OC is like my goodness. Things have gone waaaaaay downhill. Especially for the OC. Also Jungkook actions are just kind of creepy??? And just like so unhealthy. I know it can be really hard to get out of a relationship, and she still loves Jimin and all, but the OC needs to just get out of there.
Anonymous said:omg jk is becoming such a possessive creep like reading the last part gave me chills tbh. they all need to realize that this relationship is v toxic and dip out of it. i kind of expected this to become what it is from the beginning but you still added twists to it that caught me off guard, thanks for being a great writer lu
Anonymous said:oh man that last chapter. just really fucking scary.... i went back and reread the end of ch.10 to recap and it makes me wonder how far y/n's willing to go for what's "worth it" in exchange for her own personal well being. because fuck, what jungkook is exhibiting is extremely concerning. as always your writing is amazing! thank you for using your free time this way, i'm sorry people are being gross and rude. you don't deserve that kinda shit, lu :(
Anonymous said:I genuinely love how you describe the OC as a trapped bird, and seeing how Jungkook reacted to everything is actually causing me to fear for the OC's well-being. I just want her to exist the whole relationship and just hook up with sunshine, can do no wrong hobi instead of the possessive junglecock and the passive Jimin :/ just my thoughts. But you're an extremely talented writer and your PhD is more important than smutty fanfic, so take all the time you need
Anonymous said:Ok first of all what the hell at ppl asking u for quick updates cuz ive lived with phd students they literally have a never ending to do list and im so amazed at ur ability to find time to write unbelievable. U go girl. And 2ndly, the claustraphobia u mentioned that oc was feeling. That was so detailed and even i felt like i was in her place. And jk..uve characterized his possessiveness so well and i got so mad forgetting this was a fictional character i was ready to throw a chair
Anonymous said:eek jungkook is making the equilibrium relationship so unhealthy somebody punch him
Anonymous said:Jungkook makes me so uncomfortable and I can actually feel the claustrophobia that OC feels .-. Overall, really excited for the next parts and can't wait to reread to see if I can find more theories. Thanks for the new chapter!
Anonymous said:ch 11... HOLY FUCK SHE NEED TO GET OUT JK IS LOONEY!! you really know how to make a story really good dude. super excited for updates!! i'm really curious about jimin's thought process about all of this. you've given a really good insight on kook and oc but jimin is still a little hard for me to figure out, i assume that's coming soon? i feel for oc, i want to protect her and tell her she's stronger and smarter than all of this. she's worth more than all of this craziness!!! GIRL POWER!! lol
Anonymous said:Holy fucking shit everything is so messed up in equilibrium like !! I love it and at the same time i cry because of the way you describe the oc's feelings I SWEAR I CAN FEEL IT TOO HOW DO YOU DO THAT? I can feel everything, my heart is pounding so fast now. Im so into it and i just want her to run away from this toxic relationship and take care of herself first like i know she loves jimin to the core but she is more important my heart clenches at every exquisite word you writE THANK YOU SO MUCH
Anonymous said:The story is really great I love how original your writing is I don't even see the characters as Jm an jk Which allows me to see how disgusting they all let themselves be treated in the relationship, a lot of the times I feel like readers are blinded by the image of an idol it changes their perspective honestly even if it was just one person who was lying about loving the other it would still be just as horrible I'm really curious as to what's even going on and how you are going to continue it❤️
ahmie-cat said:I feel so sad for the oc in equilibrium. Jungkook don't own nobody! How dare he claim ownership on the oc! I will fight him any day! I'll fight for the oc's freedom rights. Lols, just kidding... But really all of the characters are so sad...
Anonymous said:Honestly in the earlier chapters i really liked Jungkook but now hes just scaring me. The way the OC reacts to all his actions is so relatable thats exaclty how I would feel in her situation. This is crazy I dont even know how this fic would end I love it so much
Anonymous said:I was the anon who recommended you watch wfkbj and I'm so glad you like it!! :) ALSO the latest chapter of equilibrium was so good oh my god;; it's just ramping up like tenfold and while I was reading it sometimes I just had to stop and take a breather bc of all the tension lol. Honestly I don't even know how the oc is dealing with jungkook rn bc his behavior would chill me to the very bone I would have to get out !!! Anyways as always thank you for updating
Anonymous said:ah goodness, it was autocorrect that changed jungkook to jongkook! maybe next time i'll just use jinglebook to refer to him instead thens ahahahah. "goodness gracious, jinglebook is hella possessive that i'm actually really scared for y/n :s"
Anonymous said:So, uh. Equilibrium Jungkook is fucking terrifying....
Anonymous said:I hope the oc in equilibrium leaves the relationship. It's so unhealthy and I feel like she might develop some type of mental illness or just be very stressed and anxious if she continues the relationship.... It's just a fanfic, but man, i'd hate to be in her position... I feel like crying Lols. Is this what you intended?? Haha.... It's really good so far I'm looking forward to what happens next. I feel like there'll be a good moral to the story. *Fingers crossing.
Anonymous said:Damn wtf jungkook behavior is freaking me out 😳 "you'll regret it" like wtf crazy people say shit like that
Anonymous said:the characters in equilibrium seem to have never been in an actual proper relationship so the fact that they seem to have lasted this long is by sheer miracle. It's also probably why their worst aspects are even more apparent like jk's obsessiveness (which btw yikes boy yikesss) they literally all need to walk far far away from each other cause they a mess but I do wonder who's gonna be the first to do it cause it's all so complicated now, sorry for rambling I just love this fic so much!!
Anonymous said:What the ever loving monkey fuck is wrong with Jungkook. See, i was okay with him being jealous of Jimin because that's normal. I was moderately okay with OC agreeing to Jungkook's terms because she wants to stay with Jimin. I AM NOT OKAY with his sociopathic tendencies and how obsessive he's become. I think he's mistaken OCs genuine kindness for romantic interest at one point. And the thing that scares me the most is how Jimin seems to have no idea what's going on right under his nose as well
Anonymous said:Bruhhhh jungkook is legit fucking scary but the story itself is amazing and complex im gonna reread it right now
Anonymous said:Equilibrium is getting really interesting!! I'm kinda worried tht ppl read sentences like "Even a domesticated pet needs a taste of freedom" in context with her just /looking/ at jimin and think 'oh how romantic' tho. In every scene between her and jk u can practically feel her discomfort and fear and his possessiveness and how he's abusing her. I would normally stop reading a fic like tht bc I don't like it when the ppl are written like that bc they are real after all but I'm super hooked (1/2)
Anonymous said:(2/2)now and I am also really curious as to if and how they all are gonna get out of that situation or if jk kills her before they can just bc she takes care of a literally puking-everywhere-bedridden jimin. I'm also curious how Jimin is gonna act towards y/n now that they're alone and if he even noticed the toxic stuff that's happening between her and jk or if he didn't even notice bc jk kept him "happy" (idk how else to put it) so yeah. Keep up the great work!! Have a nice day xx
Anonymous said:GURL YOU NEED TO RUN FAST AND YOU NEED TO RUN FAR. It sucks that Jimin doesn't like OC romantically, but he's just using you to stay with JK. But JK... that shit is gonna hit the roof soon soon and it ain't gonna be pretty @.@
Anonymous said:Hey Lu, thanks for taking the time to update again~ Regarding the story...Jungkook is incredibly terrifying, like I had to step away a few times as I read because I just want the reader to leave so badly. I wish she would just be like "peace out". Everyone should just leave this situation and say "peace out". Even though I know the feelings are so complicated between all of them, it's just such a shit show on fire :( . Well done on setting everything up though. The tension is insane!
Anonymous said:Ugh I honestly want to slap Jungkook so hard. Possessive little shit.. As always your writing is amazing. Thank you for the update.
mirajoey said:MY GAWDD!! Jeon Jungkook has gone mad😱 i pray for oc's safety
Anonymous said:i am terrified by jungkook's actions and NOTHING in this whole damn world is going to excuse what he is saying and doing in equilibrium. WHERE IS YOONGI DITCH THEM ALL Y/N AND GO FOR YOONGI. and today, i have been going through some really misogynic shit today and it felt so freaking uncomfortable and i was so angry and kind of frightened...i do not know how y/n is able to act like a normal person with jungkook around who is being very possessive and psycho-like
Anonymous said:When I first saw you updated Equilibrium I almost yelled "IMMA BUST MY LEFT NUT" (I was really excited lol) and now I'm lying here in a puddle of emotion really scared for the OC lol. I adore your writing so much, thank you for writing these xx
Anonymous said:JEON YOU CREEP. Man this is all such a disaster BUT I LOVE TO WATCH THE DRAMA UNFOLD. Anyways it was a great chapter and I am so e x c i t e for the next part to start. You da best 😆
Anonymous said:This is what your writing does to people, this is literally the only time I've ever dislike Jungkook that much in a fic. I wanted the OC and Jungkook together, but now I really thing all 3 should go their separate ways. Jungkook's possessiveness is getting too much, it's too obsessive. I feel sorry for her, but at the same time her own fault as well. As for Jimin who knows he may not be as oblivious as we think ?! He is using the OC to get with Jungkook in the first place.
Anonymous said:Equilibrium OC should just pack her fckin' bags there is no happy way out of this one
Anonymous said:(1/3) Right before I read this I watched this British PSA music video about abusive relationships, where a pregnant woman was choked to death by her boyfriend as she was trying to leave him and I feel like these people who romanticize these types of relationships forgot that this actually happens IRL. This happens to real women and men and some of them don't make it out alive. And when they try to defend it by saying "it's just a story, it's not real" it's very real for some people.
Anonymous said:(2/3) And the fact that the OC is having trouble sleeping and feeling this anxiety. And the that Jungkook didn't fell any sympathy/empathy for Jimin while he was ill, it just doesn't sit well with me. And the OC isn't innocent either. So afraid to shatter what's left of the already crumbling illusion she's built up. The need to keep the fantasy of this relationship with Jimin that I'm not sure existed outside of her mind. I really do enjoy this story and how you portray the characters.
Anonymous said:(3/3) The isolated relationships between the three of them is very realistic. I've seen some of my close friends go through similar situations. And it's hard to get out once you're in.Anonymous said:I cant believe anyone in their right mind is sympathizing with Jungkook in Equilibrium?! The way he is with Y/N makes me so uncomfortable, esp with his “You’re all mine” crap and being so “in love” with her when all he wants is to have her under his control even tho he thinks it’s love. Jimin too, the way he’s down to have Y/N in the relationship since JK wants her but she wants Jimin.. also I’m glad ur fanfics exist since they can give some girls a perspective on what’s NOT okay and NOT love
Anonymous said:' And if I find out you let someone else touch what's mine... you'll regret it' - I kept on reading this over and over but each time it makes me cringe more, the fact that he constantly calls her 'mine' is so fucking off, like as a kookier Stan in rl , I felt really bad for jungkook but now I find it so hard, this relationship is taking a big twist that I did not see coming and it's getting abusive real quick.
Anonymous said:(Cont last) I stood firm in my decision. On the last day that we talked, he finally understood why. It was only then he realized his mistakes, only then did he cry & apologize for everything. He tried to convince me to give him a chance but the time for that has already passed. We are officially over. I loved the guy, you know? and deep down, I know there's good in there. But I can't risk my heart and soul anymore. I'm sorry this has gone out of topic, I just needed to get it off my chest.
Anonymous said:(Cont.) When he got mad at me for one minor thing, he will accuse me of cheating and call me demeaning words. Our relationship was always on his terms. I was always the one apologizing & making an effort to make him happy. I paid for all our dates. Just wow, I'm stupid. After a fight early Feb, I got tired of it all. I broke up with him and that process took 7 fucking days in which he tried to convince that my reasoning was wrong and that he was right. My gut feeling was telling me to leave.
Anonymous said:just finished reading ch 11... yikes. like YIKES. oh my, I'm honestly very worried and scared for the oc. reading it actually made me anxious and nervous lol. that relationship is a nightmare oh sweetie no, she needs to leave asap
Anonymous said:(Cont. Part 3) I felt caged. I always had to inform where I was, who I'm with, are there guys going to be at the event I'm going to. If there were guys, he didn't want me to go. I couldn't even get a regular update from him where he was and couldn't check on his phone. As I said, I was being stupid. I tolerated all of his bullshit. When you're in an abusive relationship, you won't realize it immediately. He'll come off sweet and only wanting to protect you and your relationship.
Anonymous said:(Cont. Part 2) to the red flags he showed early in the relationship. He didn't want to me talk to any guy who wasn't a family and asked me to delete all the guys in my Facebook account. Stupid me did so because I believed him when he said that "It's not because I don't trust you, it's because I don't trust the people around you." I stayed loyal to him but he was always paranoid that I was cheating on him. When we broke up, I learned he was talking to lots of girls that's why he was so paranoid.
Anonymous said:I got curious and read Equilibrium. All I can say is whoa! The anxiety and fear that I felt was so visceral; it made me fill ill. I've recently broken up with my ex, who was like that - subtly emotionally and mentally abusive. I am fairly young, naive, and inexperienced in relationships. I had a low self-esteem. Growing up I felt that I was unattractive and no one would like me. He was the first guy to really pursue me and I guess I was so hungry for love and affection that I turned a blind eye
Anonymous said:oc's anxiety is getting worst in equal... 😞 i hope she gets out soon. i agree, SEND IN MAMA JIN! lol kook is getting crazier each chapter i'm getting scared for her well being 😟☹️😦. SHES WORTH MORE THAN THIS CRAZINESS!! 💔 side note, thank you for sticking to it, i know it's not easy. and thank you for updating. i always look forward to your work ❤
withlove-sydney said:Tbh I was worried that this story was gonna take a disturbing turn after jk revealed that he was purposely trying to keep jimin away in chpt 10 and this chapter just confirmed how toxic he is. I agree with that other person tho I'm glad that you're the one writing this because I trust that you won't try to romanticize this at all. My ex was really possessive like jk and its not cute or sexy at all. I ended up so scared of him and when I see similar things in fics it gives me chills...
btsninetyfiveline said:I just want to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the relationship you're portraying in Equilibrium! It's soooooooo important to have stories that show abuse and possessiveness in an unhealthy light! I'm so tired of these "you looked at another guy for 5 seconds in the club so now I'm gonna take you home and show you who you 'belong' to" narratives. It's so important to address and educate young girls on signs of an emotionally manipulative relationship! 💕
Anonymous said:Hi Lu :) how are you? I love how you put out your stories unexpectedly, its always a pleasant surprise. Chapter 11 is so well-written (like all your work ofc).You set up the suffocating atmosphere perfectly with images and metaphors, like Oc's suffer is so real. I am really concerned about oc's mental health... in this chapter we see that she isn't in a good place and I am scared of what is yet to come. Thank you for your hard work. xo
Anonymous said:After reading chap 11, i feel so bad for the oc. Even reading about jk's possessiveness/threats makes me feel suffocated ;-; Though I'm excited for what's going to happen after he leaves for his trip hmm.... once again thank you for the update, Lu! :-) I'm really loving the pace of the story so far.
anonymouspseudonymous said:There's this anon that said "this ain't your ordinary fic where they all compromise and be happy" and i cannot agree more. Although, even if I get it that people hate JK for being cray, you have to punch Jimin as well hahaha idk man this is fucked
Anonymous said:I'm reading ch11 of equilibrium and the part where she wants to touch jimins face but jungkook has a tight grip on her wrist restricting her from doing so is so symbolic of their relationship and how she wants jimin so badly but jungkook is holding her back from him almost keeping her hostage in a way. Anyways I really enjoyed this part it gave me goosebumps so thank you for sharing your work with us even though you don't have to! You owe us nothing so I appreciate everything you give us💓💞💖💕
Anonymous said:I'm glad you don't tolerate the bullshit that jungkook isnt as bad as the protagnonist. People need to hear that that shit is toxic and manipulative. People are brainwashed into thinking it's romantic and okay. When it's absolutely not. No the protagonist isn't free of fault but she isn't being obsessively creepy.
Anonymous said:I think people tend to gloss over the fact that it IS an obsession (unhealthy and actually rather terrifying) and not actual "love" because they like the idea of someone doing anything to stay with them. But even in wanting to stay with someone, there have to be limits. You shouldn't end up losing yourself to someone if they want you as a person, not as just an object or a way to get what they want. There is a line between devotion and obsession, and people seem to ignore that all too often.
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