#(these days I imagine the moment I get to see you again constantly. whenever things get rough I imagine seeing your smile again
queerplatonicdiaries · 2 months
squish ramble
this probably isn't gonna make much sense bc I'm kinda sleepy but I just. I love them so fucking much. we just called for like an hour an a half and for those moments everything else disappeared. all the stress, all the worries, it all seems so much lighter just because I know I have them in my life and we can talk about anything. that feeling of complete ease and comfort when we're together, even if it's over a patchy phone signal, there's nothing else in the world that could replace it. the feeling of being seen and heard and understood entirely, the knowledge that we have each other and we're going to be okay. I know we're still young, but I hope we have this for the rest of our lives. I think as long as I have them, everything else will be alright. I love them and I love loving them, it's the best feeling in the world <3
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whateveriwant · 9 months
I know you already did the 141 boys when their wife gives birth (which was fantastic btw) but maybe if they missed the birth because of a mission or whatever else your brilliant mind can think of!
Don't give me compliments because then I'll follow you home like a cat and you'll never get rid of me 😖
(This goes for all the men, really) but he's absolutely gutted to not be with you as you're giving birth
Honestly, if he had the choice, he would've rather lobbed off his own arm than miss such a momentous occasion in both your lives
It’s nothing less than the literal fate of the world that's keeping him from you, and he makes sure to reiterate that over and over again
The only thing that gives Price a bit of peace of mind when leaving you at a time like this is knowing you have a strong support system to help you through it
And boy oh boy does he put those friends and family members to use by having them constantly text him with every update imaginable
What time your water breaks, how far apart your contractions are, how much you've dilated, so on and so on. He wants to know it all
While he has to remain focused during the bulk of the mission, when he's able to, he's whipping out his phone to scroll through the literal hundreds of messages that await him
The updates are so plentiful and detailed that if he tries hard enough, he can almost pretend like he was right there beside you all along
And once he gets to the pictures of you holding your little one for the first time, well… he's not afraid to admit that he sheds a manly tear or two at the sight
He kicked up quite the storm at work when he realized he was going to be missing the birth of his child
He did everything in his power to try to get out of the mission – to try to get back to you – but, ultimately, he had no other choice than to go
But he's not just going to go gently into the night. No, he has a few tricks up his sleeve to make it as if he's still there with you in some capacity
Like Price, Soap takes comfort in leaving you with a huge support system to help while he's away
And also similarly, he's recruiting your loved ones (more so their phones) into letting him video chat with you whenever he gets the opportunity
(Does that mean he snuck his unauthorized smartphone into the middle of a battlefield? …. Yes. Yes, he did. .……....… Don't tell Price)
You'll be in the midst of a call with him and a bullet will fly right by his head and embed itself in the wall behind him
Of course, this has you incredibly concerned, worrying over how you're distracting him when he should be focused on his mission
But he assures you there's no need to fret, dear. He's perfectly safe and everything’s completely fine
(Oh, and just disregard that sound in the background, hun. No, it wasn't a bomb. Heavens, no! It was a… a… piano falling out a window)
Even when he's away on mission during normal circumstances, he's calling home all the time to check in with you
But given your current state, now he's checking in twice as much as he usually does
Expect a minimum of three calls a day just to ensure things are still all hunky dory on your end
It's during one of these calls that your water breaks, and as you fly into a state of panic, forgetting everything you're supposed to do, Gaz has to calmly walk you through the steps of what you'd planned
He's able to talk you down and make sure you get yourself to the hospital in one piece, but then after that call, weirdly, you don't hear from him again
It's not until several hours later when you've already delivered your child that you're awoken by the feeling of someone beside your bed
You look to see who it is and it's none other than Gaz himself – still dressed in his full gear, covered in all sorts of dirt and grime, a hushed apology pouring from his mouth
He's so sorry he couldn't get there quick enough, beautiful. He left as soon as he could once he'd pulled a few strings with Price
But you don't even care about the excuse because you're quickly enveloping him in a hug. With tears in your eyes, you assure him it's alright. He's here now, and that's all that matters to you
When he was informed he was being shipped off to a remote location less than a month before your due date, he was livid
No phone, no radio, no communication of any kind with the outside world and he was supposed to be okay with that? He very much wasn't
The higher-ups had to really hammer home the whole “safety of the world” thing to convince Ghost to go, and even when he did, he did so grudgingly
He finds that as he sits in this shoddy shack halfway across the planet from you, all he can do is keep a mental tally of everything he’s missing
Going with you to your final check ups, helping you pack your hospital bag, holding your hand as you begin to push, etc. etc. etc.
But what about things he might not know about? What if something's gone wrong while he's been away?
He can't let himself think on it too much because he'll end up putting his fist through the drywall, and he needs at least one good hand to hold his child with when he meets them for the first time
Seven weeks, four days, and nine hours after he shipped out, Ghost is on a plane back home
He doesn't stop to talk to anyone when he touches down at base (not even to report to his superiors). He just gets into his car and books it, not letting off the gas until he's parked outside your home again
And when he finally reaches the front door, an unexpected tremor passing through him as he grabs for the handle, he closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath, and walks inside, beginning the next chapter of his life
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spiceofvy · 6 months
hello friend!
i just read your skz posts for nearly an hour straight — you’re a very talented writer! i love your characterizations of them and the scenarios you come up with for requests are all unique, i love that!
if you’re up for it, would you consider writing a soft/fluffy skz with reader who craves some attention but for some reason won’t just verbally ask for it? (maybe had a long and hard day, or is a little too shy to ask for affection straight up, or is sleepy, etc.)? especially seungmin — i see a lot of rough or aggressive seungmin but lately i just so crave a sweet and fluffy seungmin.
no worries if you’re not interested — i still really enjoy all your writing! 🌸🌼
SKZ - Reader is too shy to ask for affection
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a/n: aww thank you for your super sweet words! the ask is also super adorable! while writing i also realized that i was also in need for some seungmin fluff, so i made sure to write his part extra long! i hope you enjoy!
cws: gender neutral reader, sfw, fluff
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Chan: He just constantly misses you. Even when he just saw you, or made the choice to leave himself. So he is really aware of how you feel when you are around each other. And with that discovered that your habit of visiting him in the studio was not only to spend time with you but also you subtly showing him that you need some attention from him. So he just opens his arms for you and pulls you onto his lap. No words needed.
Minho: When he realizes your need for some attention he is initially unsure what to do. Do you just need a hug, or maybe some cuddles? Would a few kisses make it better or is the solution a home cooked four course meal? In the end he makes the smartest decision possible and just hugs you really tightly, softly asking what you want to do. Being all ears for what you need and then doing exactly that.
Changbin: A very cuddly person himself, so when he cuddles you it's always one of his own needs too. Especially after a long day he just wants to feel you close. Prefers the bed over the couch so if one of you falls asleep while cuddling you don't have to get up again. On the very few days he does not initiate a cuddling session himself, he does take the hints for your needs for attention very well. A pull at his hand, a look towards the bedroom and a moment later you are cuddled up against him.
Hyunjin: I stay true to my "Hyunjin can read your body language like a book" agenda. Because this is also very true in this scenario. You don't need to tell him that you are in need of his affection because he can tell just from your eyes. And he doesn't care how busy he is in theory because he always has time for you. Even better if he can share it with his other passion, art. He loves to have you on his lap as he paints, sometimes using his clean hand to caress your back.
Han: I imagine this situation to be really rare when dating Han as he is at least just as needy as you are. Most of the time he just takes the affection he needs, throwing himself on you when you are lying on the couch, cuddling you tightly. So when he can't do that it's probably because he has to rehearse a lot for a comeback or while he is on tour. But as soon as you just sit next to him and stare him down he gets the message and throws himself at you in his usual manner.
Felix: Feels your need for his attention under his skin. He is a giver when it comes to any kind of affection. So whenever he just gets the feeling that you could need some love he gives it to you en masse. He pulls you onto the couch and curls up next to you, nuzzling your neck and holding you so tight all your worries are gone. Holding your hands even after he lets you go and smiles at you until you fall asleep.
Seungmin: The thing with Seungmin is that he himself is quite shy about physical touch and unsure about how much you want from him. So he just sits next to you, extending his arm out, softly caressing your cheek with his fingertips, and when you lean into his touch he opens his arms for you, pulling you into a warm hug. Laying you on top of him, cuddling with you on the couch. After some time he starts softly talking to you about his day, and in return listens to you talk about your own, softly massaging your scalp. Letting you stay there after you fall asleep, even when he is tired himself, and his legs feel numb. Because your comfort means just so much more to him than his own.
Jeongin: Also tends to be on the shy side when it comes to physical affection. But he easily picks up on the little things, your eyes lingering on his hands, maybe you pulling over one of his sweatshirts to feel closer to him. So he just straight up asks if you want to spend some time cuddling on the couch. You don't need to say much, a quick nod is enough for him to pull you close and spend the whole night watching movies with you.
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stuffeddeer · 1 month
i just wanna hug dazai all the time randomly (i never get hugs at home) and if he were to hug me i would cry (a little)
i also feel likes his hugs would feel so so safe warm and comforting
(could i please be 🌹 anon?)
im collecting more anons like Pokémon omg YES you are in my Pokédex now hiiii 🌹anon sorry this took so long (like every rq oops!)
i included platonic hcs at the end as well bc why not
cw: dazai-standard suicide mention, i use the word vomit once ?
Hugging Dazai catches him off guard. Or it used to, you had found - randomly jumping on top of him throughout the day whenever you'd see him. It started sporadically and became more frequent, which led to Dazai becoming more prepared. He'd tense up as you entered a room, ready for you to pounce.
It started as a playful bit, knowing Dazai tended to short circuit when given affection. You'd seen it multiple times with Atsushi, the lovable boy having no clue why Dazai would panic a little when randomly given flowers that one time, or why he was so surprised when Atsushi spared a few kind words. It was little things, things Dazai clearly wasn't used to, and it always made you smile.
So of course, you wanted to do the same.
The first time he nearly pushed you off of him, choosing instead to hold his hands up like you were some cop trying to take him down. The second he'd merely frozen, breath baited as he waited for you to let go. By the third, he was able to brush it off with an awkward laugh, and the more it happened the more he was able to respond with a joke or the like. But you never missed the way his whole body seemed to pause for a moment.
Of course, once you noticed he was mentally and physically preparing before you even did it, you started to think you might've pushed too hard. Was he uncomfortable? Was he unsure of how to ask you to stop? It made you feel guilty, especially when he started flinching when you entered the room, knowing what was coming next.
You stopped.
It wasn't like it was hard, and the guilt eating at you was much worse. Dazai wasn't the only touch starved one, but you'd not-so happily give up the brief second of hug you got when seeing Dazai in favor of him feeling safe around you, as well as keeping your friendship alive.
It was hard at first, arms moving up slightly on instinct as you had to constantly remind yourself to stop. After maybe a week of no more hugging, you finally felt relieved - everything was back to normal. Dazai wouldn't freeze when you walked into a room, your hands wouldn't twitch as though trying to reach out for him.... Everything was normal.
Except Dazai, again.
Something was off, you could tell. While everyone gets confused sometimes, watching Dazai of all people furrow his brows and look away from you was almost scary. One of the greatest geniuses in Yokohama was confused by something - by you. Nothing had changed, had it? Maybe he was confused by why the hugs stopped, but you're sure he's smart enough to realize that on his own. You didn't want him to feel uncomfortable around you, that's all.
It didn't take long for the confusion to turn to veiled fear. He hid it well, you being none the wiser - but Dazai couldn't help the anxiety that grew around you. It wasn't like you were avoiding him, you still acted the exact same. You just kept your hands behind your back and made sure to maintain distance.
But that's what scared Dazai - the distance. The worry and fear he felt stemmed from the reason why; why had you stopped in the first place? All he could think of was that you finally figured out his secret. Dazai has a huge crush on you.
He’d always tensed up when you hugged him, feeling his heart rate far from his usual controlled pace and instead beating quicker than he could’ve imagined. Something so small and normal as a hug left him breathless when it came from you, and his greatest fear was that you felt the harsh thrumming of his heart and decided to stop. If you knew his secret, then this surely is you rejecting him.
The thought makes Dazai nervous. Being rejected is normal for him, never one to shy away from shooting his shot. Asking any person with a pulse to kill themselves with him left the brunet very accustomed to the response of “no.” Even being yelled at or hit by some unruly people was something he accepted with a smile, but the thought of you politely turning him down made his chest ache.
You stopped hugging him. Surely you didn’t feel the same.
Dazai understands he is an attractive person, both in looks and personality, and he’s more than used to leveraging these factors in his favor. Just a few weeks ago, he 100% was sure that you had a crush on him, a huge one at that, and he quite enjoyed toying with you every now and again when work days would drag on. But now, he couldn’t tell left from right. Daily hugs to quitting cold turkey made him so nervous, knowing you must be too uncomfortable to even touch him anymore let alone hug him.
That’s fine. He’s fine with that. People changing their minds about him, people leaving - Dazai is used to that. You deciding you don’t like him anymore (maybe just the attention he gave before rather than crushing on him specifically?) and moving on when you realized he likes you instead is fine. It’s fine.
Yet he still finds himself frowning in your direction when you aren’t looking. Nervousness is annoying, but he was hoping it’d lead him away from you. Still, however, Dazai finds himself following you with his eyes whenever you so much as re-situate yourself in a chair. He can’t help but silently beg for you to come over to him, even though he knows he’d nearly vomit if you did. How annoying.
Of course, sitting across from each other for lunch isn’t conducive for moving on and staying away from you, but you happened to stumble upon the brunet and his bespectacled coworker at the cafe and got an invitation from the latter. “I have to get back to work. Mind making sure Dazai doesn’t do anything too drastic again?” Kunikida had said to you, to which you kindly agreed - how could you have said no?
Dazai wishes you did, every brush of his knee against yours making him lose more and more of his appetite. With Kunikida gone, after a few beats of silence, you let out a sigh. “Sorry. I’ll leave you to it, okay? Good luck at work.” Just as you stand up to leave, Dazai - stupid, stupid Dazai - grabs your arm.
The action causes you to cock your head, confused as he grabs you. The face makes him quickly let go, grabbing his mug of tea instead so his hands don’t reach out again. “You’ve been avoiding me,” he starts, deciding to just get it out of his system. Maybe if you rejected him to his face, he could move on. “No more… hugs and stuff.”
Slowly, you slide back into the booth seat, a solemn look on your face. “Yeah.”
“Yeah,” he murmurs into the mug, not wanting to make eye contact. What does “yeah” even mean? Is this your way of saying you know? You know he knows?
“Um, well, I know you don’t really like affection. I know you aren’t used to it, I should say. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’m sorry for continuing for so long,” you finally apologize, the guilt that built up over time washing away finally.
“No, no,” he starts, turning to look at you rather than his mug. “Uncomfortable? You thought I didn’t like it?”
You deadpan, unamused. “Dazai, you used to tense up when I entered a room and I saw you flinch a few times when I got close.” Slowly, your expression turns, no longer unamused. “I’m not that stupid, man…” A small chuckle punctuates your last sentence.
Of course that’s what you took away from it. Dazai feels like an idiot, so worried that you might have realized his secret that he didn’t even pay attention to what was in front of him. You stopped for him, of course! Because you still like him. He’s sure of it, knowing you stopped something that clearly made you happy just for his comfort.
“Thank god,” he sighs in relief, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“..? Did you actually think I was that stupid?”
“No, you idiot - I thought you were rejecting me. You still like me, that’s perfect.”
You fluster at Dazai’s words, eyes widening at the bluntness of it all. “Wh-what?! How is that what you got from what I said?”
He only grins in response, the bandaged man leaning forward over his teacup to reach you. Dazai was never one to explain what was in his mind, leaving you confused and flustered across from him. “It’s okay, pretty - I feel the same,” he whispers into your ear, only so he can watch as you shiver at the feeling of his breath against it. After pulling back, his smug grin only grows. “I thought you were avoiding me because you found out.”
Staring at him, you wonder why it is that you like him. At least now you can go back to hugging him all the time.
platonic hugging Dazai hcs 😽
like above, he's caught off guard at first
but then he decides to return the favor >:)
dazai will try and catch you off guard with a hug and it quickly turns into high stakes tag
the two of you immediately make eye contact when you're in the same room, and actively RUN from each other so the other can't hug first
high stakes tag. dazai jumped off a roof to catch you off guard one time. now he isn't allowed roof access at the ada 🙂‍↕️
he can still jump from the windows
it hits a point where everyone Around you is nervous. you two have vaulted over tables and everything it's scary
rooms will empty if the both of you are in one
dazai is definitely winning sorry! he feels it in his bones when you're about to arrive and hides behind doors to jump out at you 🙂‍↕️
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joemama-2 · 2 months
itadori yuuji is great with kids.
he has as much energy as them, so he’ll run around with them constantly, which helps when you want to put them to bed early. he’ll take part in any game or creative imagination the kid has conjured up.
a tea party? okay, he’ll be the king. oh, he’s getting a call from elmo? he takes the the small toy phone into his hands and has a full on conversation with him. and lastly, he loves just picking them up into his arms and airplaning them around the house.
it’s why when you first saw him interact with kids, you couldn’t help but almost tear up at the sight. it’s like him and the kid would match each others energy, bouncing off the walls together. and you didn’t miss the way the kid would automatically smile and reach their grabby hands up for him as soon as you two entered.
and when you looked at yuuji, you just knew, he would be a perfect dad.
maybe you two were too young to even be thinking about that. kids thinking about having kids is crazy. but you didn’t want kids now of course, but when you were older. you guys kinda had your future planned out for each other. you can call it cute, wholesome, or optimistic. but either way, you knew you wanted to spend your life with itadori yuuji.
but can people really blame you? living in a world full of curses and being a sorcerer meant that any moment could be your last, every breath could be your last, and every smile could be your last.
that’s why whenever you and yuuji were together, you’d spend it like it was your last.
you were already head over heels for him, but seeing him be so playful…so innocent with not just kids, but with you, it struck a chord in your heart in a repetitive thrum. and you found yourself constantly wanting that same melody to played.
you guys were kids, but with what you did for a living, you were forced to act anything but. which is why you loved these kind of moments. the moments where you can do simple teenager things, you know, actually act your age.
the mental and physical toll of being a sorcerer was hard on you both, especially yuuji. and it was your job to hold him up whenever he fell down.
“boy or girl?”
he looks up from his milkshake, eyes landing in your own as you sit across from him. the comforting diner offering a sense of peacefulness. he mulls over your words before answering. “either.”
an eye roll. “no, pick. if you had to choose one, boy or girl?”
“and what is the context of this situation?” his head tilts in that adorable way you love, pink hair ruffled after he runs a hand through it.
“children.” you say.
he stills for a moment, eyes just locked with yours. the silence is deafening, but not tense. it’s like he’s trying to decide if you’re being serious or not. because in all honesty, he had no idea you wanted kids. which is a little ironic since you talked about your future all the time, and kids just found themselves drawn towards him whenever you guys hung out with your side of the family. but, for some reason, having kids of his own one day felt odd, felt strange.
his lips purse and eyes travel to the ceiling. “i guess, if i had to pick, maybe….a girl?”
your head tilts. “not a boy?”
“well, i wouldn’t care. i would love them equally.”
“but you want a girl.”
“i’d want anything, as long as i get to have it with you.” he looks at you again, dopey smile on his face. “if it was a girl, i’d have two precious girls in my life. if it was a boy, i’d have a little warrior.”
you smile back. “the girl can’t be a warrior too?”
“she’ll be my precious warrior.” he says, hand reaching across the table to find yours, fingers interlacing like its second nature. “just like you.”
and god does he always know what to say to get your cheeks red, embarrassed. “and what if i want a boy?”
his thumbs rubs across the back of your palm, sliding the milkshake over to you, to which you sip from. “then we’ll have both.”
“how can you be sure we’ll have both?”
“i’m not, but anything is possible with you.”
your eyebrow raises playfully. “you’re really sweet today, huh?”
his eyes roll and he scoffs. “baby please, i’m always sweet.”
and well, he’s right. he’s always sweet, always thoughtful, always perfect when it came to you. you loved him so much, it felt like you couldn’t ever love anything more than him.
but years later, that all changes when you two first see the sonograms. how can you love something you’ve never even seen, touched, felt? but that’s what a parental love is all about, isn’t it?
you instantly feel protective, like you want to shield them from the cruelness of this world. like you’ll do anything for them, including….dying. however sometimes, you can’t protect them.
itadori’s world stops, shatters and crumbles as he hears the news. he doesn’t even feel his legs moving but suddenly, he’s no longer in the comfort of your guys’ home, but in the hospital. the nurses and security are nothing compared to his strength, the strength of a father, and the strength of a husband.
it’s almost insulting, or comical. after everything you two have been through, one would think a sorcerer would die from fighting a curse, not from a drunk driver.
burying people has never been a foreign concept to him. but you know what is?
burying three people all in one casket. his wife and unborn twins. a boy and a girl.
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hoe4sports · 2 months
Out and about
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Jessie Fleming x reader
A note from the author: I have tons of angst in my drafts, ready to be published. I figured we all needed some Jessie fluff before catching the train to angstytown. This is a shorter one.
Warning: Pregnancy.
Summary: Jessie fears that the baby won’t recognise her once she is out. Your girl decides that she only kicks in the mornings and during daytime, but Jessie is always out before you wake up.
You felt as if your body was floating. The sensation was relatively normal considering you were between a state of deep sleep and awake. For the last few weeks sleep had been limited as your baby had just figured out how to kick you to the best of her ability. The feeling of the kicks felt odd at first, but then you got used to it. If you couldn’t remember having her kick for a few hours, you would have some starburst and she’d go crazy. Regardless, the feeling changed between feeling like a bubble was popping and feeling like a little fishtail was hitting the walls of your insides. But knowing it was your daughter, growing constantly; it made you feel better.
Whenever you had days where she kicked you all day at work, she wouldn’t kick as much when you got home. It made perfect sense to you, who could kick for 8 hours and then keep kicking afterwards? Jessie however, hadn’t had too many chances of feeling her little girls kicks. She had just left for national camp when you had felt the first kick, and she wasn’t able to make it home before she had to go to the Olympics. It made her pout even more when little Miss didn’t kick for the first few days when she got home.
A week after she got home, you had been relaxing by the pool in your garden and your baby decided to put on a show. Jessie finally got to feel her kick, but it was not exactly an obnoxious number of kicks. Your wife had been amazed when she could physically see the kicks outside of your growing belly, leaving her instincts going crazy with nesting. Due to her work, and the importance of restitution; things had to be planned if they involved a lot of physical activity. Like painting the nursery, you didn’t mind as it meant that you could pick the colours without debating them with Jessie. But Jessie couldn’t help, but feel slightly disconnected to the baby. She knew it was going to be rough with her time away from home and her limitations leading up to pre season, but she hadn’t imagined it to be this hard.
You had picked up on this, and noticed that if you woke up after her; she would try to talk to your belly in hopes of her future daughter hearing her. What she didn’t know, was that you would make sure to pretend to sleep so she could have her special moments with just her and the baby without you taking active part in the activities.
This morning, you felt woken up by Jessie’s hand touching your belly. “Little miss, I know that you are awake inside there. I just wanted to feel your kick. Maybe you could kick for me?” Jessie spoke softly as she laid with her head close to your belly. It demanded a lot of you to not start giggling over her funny act. Her hands tried to touch up different spots on your belly without any success. “Alright, how about you kick and I can make mama eat some brownies for breakfast? You like that huh?” Jessie tried poking your belly gently, but once again being left without any results.
“Maybe you are still sleeping in there? I don’t really know if you sleep whenever mama sleeps..”
“Okay, how about I get mama to eat starburst? Maybe you will want to kick then?”
“Well, I guess you are not feeling it? But that’s okay, I just really want to feel you kick. I just want to try to bond with you without your mama having to help me.”
Not even a single little pinch.
“Don’t tell your mama about this, but sometimes I’m worried that you won’t like me. Especially after spending so much time with mama. I wish I could be home with you forever, but I have to play football so you can have all the things you want to.”
No response. Basically left on read by an unborn baby. Practically feeling ghosted.
“It was nice talking to you. I hope we get to spend some time together. I think I’m worried that I’m not gonna feel like your mommy or maybe that you wouldn’t want to call me mommy. Ugh. “
You could feel the tension in the air rise and the feeling of the room change. It felt more serious now and Jessie seemed to be vulnerable.
“Mommy is being a bit silly now isn’t she? “
You could hear Jessie sniffle while sitting herself up in the bed. You didn’t want to interrupt, as this was her time to bond with her unborn daughter.
“Can you keep a secret babygirl? Sometimes mommy feels so scared to call herself mommy. You are a very strong willed baby already, never kicking if you don’t want to. Never stopping cravings until you get what you want. What if you decided that you don’t want to spend time with mommy?”
The open hearted confession Jessie had made, forced your heart to feel ripped a part. You didn’t know what to do, or what to say. Were you going to interrupt? You didn’t want to ruin her special moment or make her stop talking to your daughter when she thought you were asleep.
Before you were able to think of a reaction, Jessie’s side of the bed shifted and you hear her shuffling to the closet before shutting the bathroom door. You opened up your eyes feeling emotional, but determined to make Jessie feel more connected to your future daughter. You thought about what you could do to have her feel more connected, to have her feel like she was also going to be your daughter’s mommy and to have her feel less scared about not bonding with her. Thats when you remembered the starburts in your nightstand which you quickly popped into your mouth before laying back down.
After a while, Jessie was about to head out of the bathroom. You pretended to be asleep, and just when Jessie came out of the bathroom; you pretended to wake up.
“Mm, good morning babe, up so early?”
You mumbled as you turned your body sideways, your little bump resting on the mattress.
Jessie smiled at you before she slipped into the bed and kissed your cheek.
“Bright and early, as always. I’m gonna head in for work soon, okay?”
You pouted at Jessie who responded by tucking your hair behind your ear. Then, you felt your daughter kick.
“Babe, shh, feel”
You took Jessie’s hand and placed it on your belly leaving her with your daughter’s series of kicks. Jessie’s eyes widened and her month opened slightly in shock. She had never felt this many kicks at the same time before, normally just getting one or two before your daughter decided that enough was enough.
“Hi- Hi my girl, are you up so early? Kicking so nicely for mommy?”
Jessie sat up in the bed staring at your belly with her hand still attached. Her eyes were tearing up, looking glossy and the shocked face she had made wasn’t going anywhere. You smiled at Jessie and reached to touch her back, stroking it gently.
“She never kicks in the mornings, Jess. She must recognise that it’s you. She probably misses you since you always wake up and leave for work before me”
You said as you comforted Jessie as best as you could. You were 6 months pregnant and soon there would be a tiny version of Jessie running around. The silence in the room was loud. Jessie crossed her legs, but kept holding her hand in where her daughter had just kicked you. Her eyes were tearing up even more leaving a few drops to fall onto the sheets. Then, your daughter kicked again. Harder this time and even more noticeable. Jessie looked up at you, looking filled with pride and joy.
“Are you okay, babe?” You asked carefully, not wanting to tip Jessie over the edge and fall into the ocean of emotions.
“I’m calling in sick, I need to spend more time with you and our girl before she arrives. Then maybe she will recognise my voice once she’s out and about?”
A smiled formed on your lips as you stroke Jessie’s cheek drying off the few tears of joy that had rolled down her red cheeks.
“Baby, I promise you. She will know you when she decides that she is ready for us. Whenever you spend your mornings with us, she always kicks way more than usually. Our girl knows her mommy.”
Jessie sniffed before looking at you and smiling.
“God darling, what would I do without you?”
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a-boca-do-inferno · 3 months
NSFW ALPHABET (caesar x human!reader) [request]
warnings: swearing, interspecies smut mention(duh)
words: 2.4k
notes: howdy caesar girlies! this was so much fun. im so excited bc ive never done a nsfw alphabet before, i hope i did well lol enjoy xx.
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Aftercare; what he’s like after sex.
Affectionate to a fault. It would come to no surprise that Caesar is very protective of you—always careful not to hurt you given your difference in size and strength. He’ll constantly rub you arms up and down soothingly in silence, scanning you with his green eyes to look for any unintended marks he might have left on your hairless skin. The king restrains from being too rough a lot, but sometimes he can’t control himself and he knows it, even if you actually like it when he does that. And he’s not as stealthy as he thinks himself to be while checking on you, however you allow him to do it without any teasing comments, for his own self-reassurance. It’s adorable.
Body part; his favourite body parts of you.
Caesar has a thing for your chest. Regardless of size or shape, just the softness of it... How it fits into his big hand, how wrinkled your nipples get under his touch. Loves tasting your breasts with his tongue, cupping them, kissing them, the whole deal. And your belly, too; maybe it has to do with the fact that it’d be impossible for you to bear his child, yet he just cannot help himself from imagining how your womb would look like with a baby bump. 
Cum; anything to do with cum, basically.
This ties into his love for your belly and the kink part later on, but obviously Caesar has a breeding kink deep down, even if he doesn’t think about it too much. In his more, shall I say, animalistic moments, his aching need to fill you up with his seed is almost unbearable. He becomes another person—another creature, even—whenever his eyes watch your entrance dripping with his semen, hot, pale, thick, trickling your thighs gloriously. The sight is enough for him to get instantly hard again.
Dirty secret; a dirty secret of his.
Caesar is just a sucker for the sounds you make, although he shall never tell you this; mainly because you two have to keep it low profile, otherwise it would be embarrassing—at best—for him to face the council the next day after the whole colony heard your passionate… love-making. He can get aroused by the tone of your voice only, when you speak a softer word or produce a deeper murmur. Especially if you talk into his ear. And even though he never actively makes you aware of it, you can tell whenever his fur stands on end after you whisper something to him, no matter how trivial the subject is. With one look, you know it’s on.
Experience; does he know what he’s doing?
Mostly. Caesar is undoubtedly well versed in the art of sex with a female ape, but with you—for obvious reasons—he will often ask what makes you feel good, genuinely curious and eager to learn so he can please you. It doesn’t take much for you to get him going, yet he knows human females have a different pace for things, as you’ve mentioned a few times in casual conversation. He’s thankfully not shy when it comes to learning new things, be them about sex or not, and that makes for a considerable improvement every time you two fuck.
Favourite position; this goes without saying.
Doggy. Albeit Caesar can’t help but find the term ridiculous, occasionally making a joke about it and calling it apey style—to which you only snort softly and roll your eyes. He loves seeing your shapely figure all bent for him, completely under his mercy while you take his cock with your face muffled against the nest, moaning repeatedly. His palm tightens around your hair, guiding the rhythm of his thrusts as he goes faster and faster, pounding into your very core. The king enjoys every second of it, coming inside you with warm spurts all over your butt. It’s really a sight to behold.
Goofy; is he more serious in the moment? is he humorous?
Caesar has a sense of humour, sure, but he takes your intimate moments very seriously. He’s a natural leader, after all; and with authority comes an almost unshakeable sterner and more focused way to behave. Fortunately, he knows when to loosen up in bed, and it’s usually at times where he can sense you’re a little nervous or insecure.
Hair; how well groomed is he? does the carpet match the drapes?
lol All natural here, baby. Rightfully so, and Caesar knows for a fact that you absolutely love his fur in all the imaginable places. His natural musk turns you on to no end and the king is very aware of that, frequently using it in his favour. It’s annoying sometimes, how he’ll rub himself on your side when you’re mad at him for some random thing, and you just melt instantly as his furry skin tickles you. Interspecies advantage that the king just loves.
Intimacy; how is he during the moment? the romantic aspect.
Tender and loving all the way, except when Caesar’s really feeling it, which usually occurs whenever he’s had a bad day and you happened to be spending a little too much time with other males. Not that he’s the jealous type—he’ll never admit it, but it adds more fuel to the fire when he can smell the scent of other apes on you. He’s determined to erase it and replace it with his.
Jack off; masturbation headcanon.
Wouldn’t go as far as to say Caesar is a big fan of it, since he’d simply rather have your inner walls around him as opposed to your hands, but he will occasionally indulge in it. It mainly goes down to how much time you two have at your disposal, and how much stamina. Caesar’s an old man, let’s face it; sometimes he just wants to nut with your presence around and it will be enough for him. His only concern is your pleasure, anyway, but we’ll get to that...
Kink; one or more of his kinks.
Breeding is just a dead giveaway at this point. The fact Caesar can’t ever impregnate you is both a lingering frustration deep within him and somewhat a relief when it comes to coming (hehe) inside you, seeing as he can do so as many times as he wants, free of charge. And believe me, he does it a lot. The best part of sex with you is when his nostrils flare and his cock pulses desperately, releasing his seed and marking you as his, just how nature intended—in his mind, anyway. 
Location; favourite places to do the do.
Caesar’s got a thing for rivers, waterfalls, bodies of water in general. His favourite place to fuck you is underwater, preferably when you two go hunting and it takes longer than expected—something he often makes sure to happen, pretending to lose sight of a deer or two just so the sun goes down and he can use his favourite excuse that you should stay the night. He lives for the way you look all wet (hehe) whilst bathing in the river, so vulnerable and naturally beautiful, how the droplets contour your naked curves… The sound of water is a turn on for him too, yet you’re the one in the centre of his thoughts. There’s also a certain thrill of being in “public”, arguably, but he’s much too careful for it to actually be a risk. 
Motivation; what turns him on, gets him going.
Caesar loves your curves because they come with a plus of smoothness that only human females have; the way they shift as you move, making your body a feast for his eyes. You were forced to sew your own clothing as time went by with you living in the colony, and the scarcity of animal fur makes for quite the flashy outfits that show a lot of skin—which he isn’t mad at, at all. This softness of your body shape, paired with your strength, makes you irresistible to him, embodying the perfect balance of sensuality and resilience. You are, to the king, the epitome of femininity in your own way, and he can't help but be drawn to it.
No; something he wouldn’t do, turn offs.
Caesar’s pretty open minded and easy-going sexually, but something he would never do is definitely share. No getting freaky with other males, even females, if he can help it, nope! He’s not jealous per se—or so he keeps telling himself, it’s just the mere thought of having your attention split between him and others, in your intimate moments, no less… It makes him mad, not just turned off. Besides that, anything goes, as long as you’re both safe; especially you. In bed, you’re the boss.
Oral; preference in giving or receiving, skill.
Oh, my, does Caesar love eating you out. There’s just something about the human anatomy of your pussy that he can’t get enough of; your scent, your taste, how much you squirm and suffocate him with your tender thighs. He loves to tease you with his fangs, grazing his teeth over your pelvis before going all in with his skilful tongue. He laps your folds as if he’d been in the desert, without water—or food, in this case—for far too long, just deeply savouring you. Again, he’d much rather have your vagina around his cock, however he can appreciate your orals too. He won’t ask for it, letting you decide when you want to do it, if you feel like it. He’s happy to oblige, but he’s definitely more on the giving side of things.
Pace; is he fast and rough? slow and sensual?
Caesar is adaptable. He’s mindful and watchful of your needs, only getting rougher on his own account in those moments where he’s unable to hold back from his most animalistic urges. His default is slow and sensual, always wanting you to let go and relax after busy days in the colony, and you’re beyond grateful for that. But when you want it rough, do brace yourself. Face against the nest and all that.
Quickie; his opinions on quickies, how often.
Loves them and there are seasons—around winter and autumn—when it happens more often, as the colony affairs take most of his time. Caesar’s a patient guy and would choose to do things at his own pace always, sure, but the reality of leadership isn’t all peaches and cream and he knows how to navigate through that with you like no other. Man got skills.
Risk; is he game to experiment? does he take risks?
Caesar can’t afford to take too many risks because he’s got a reputation to maintain, as stated before. But, he will definitely experiment within the limits—more so if it has nothing even remotely potentially dangerous involved, as he is overprotective of you.
Stamina; how many rounds can he go for? how long does he last?
Being a chimpanzee has its perks and one of them is definitely resistance. Although chimps’ intercourse is fairly practical and quick, Caesar’s simply built different. You reckon that’s also a reason why apes respect him; perhaps they can somehow sense the king’s physical advantages over any other males around. You have no complaints, that’s for damn sure.
Toys; does he own toys?
Caesar’s familiar with this concept after you tell him, but it’s no secret the options are scarce in your conditions. When you find an untouched vibrator in one of your scavenging trips to the city, though, his curiosity is instantly peaked. He’s still sceptical about the toy’s ability to satisfy you over his own cock, of course, yet the option seems more reasonable when you ask him to stimulate you further with it while he’s fucking you. He’s always happy to oblige if it adds to your pleasure.
Unfair; how much he likes to tease.
Caesar’s genuine nature doesn’t really allow him to make you suffer often, even if it’s for a reward later on, however he can tease you from time to time. Mainly whenever you get too cheeky with your jokes about giving more attention to the males in the colony, Koba from all apes. He finds himself rolling his eyes in a mix of impatience and amusement at your jabs about there being a thin line between love and hate for humans. Puffing his chest in response, he will sign to you playfully, with a cocky grin, that no other ape in the colony would ever be able to satisfy you like he can. Additionally, he makes his case for it that night, coming three times inside you without batting an eye. You have no choice but to yield.
Volume; how loud he is, what sounds he makes.
Fun fact: Caesar is regretfully much louder than he should, but he just can’t control himself with you. It’s particularly hard for him to shut the fuck up whenever you get the idea of bouncing on his cock. Not his favourite position, yet for some reason, just the sight of you riding him with so much necessity, practically coming undone with every movement is enough for the ape king to snarl and growl almost like he’s being gutted, filled with pure desire for you.
Wild card; a random headcanon.
Caesar’s favourite hobby includes casually grooming you after sex. Not that you have lice or anything like that; he knows you manage to keep up with your hygiene even whilst living with the apes, but the king enjoys bonding like this with you, similar to when you teach him new human customs he never got the chance to get in touch with before the flu.
X-ray; let’s see what’s going on under that... fur.
Caesar’s stature is impressive for an ape and his cock, while not disproportionate to his size, is certainly above average for his species. He’s thick and veiny, qualities that can both be a delight and a burden when you turn him on in public with your teasing.
Yearning; how high is his sex drive?
High as fuck. Seriously. Caesar might kill someone with his bare hands if he spends too much time without touching you. Apes already drive him crazy almost on a daily basis, but if on top of that he can’t even come home with the silent hope you’ll be there waiting for him to fuck you senseless, the ape king will fall apart. He’s that needy.
Zzz; how quickly he falls asleep afterwards.
Depends on what kind of a day Caesar had, really. If he’s been stressed and took the opportunity to blow off some steam, then he will be most likely to pull out of you and hold you to his chest, closing his eyes and drifting off the next minute. Oppositely, if he only improved his day by having sex with you at night, he makes conversation and asks about you and your day in the colony. Ultimately, it all comes down to context.
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futterurl · 10 months
Hello! I absolutely love the future man writings you’ve done and wanted to request smut for josh futturman. I can just imagine for his first time getting intimate with a partner he just gets so overly eager that he ends up overstimulating himself and his partner hehe
sry ive been gone for a bit schools been kicking my ass ! anyways yeah i got a little carried away sry if this isnt what u rlly had in mind
WARNINGS: fem!reader, titplay, oral(f!receiving), virgin!josh, p in v, creampie, super soft
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it had been a nice day, going out and spending the day with your boyfriend, josh. you two were sat in your apartment, watching a movie, him holding you in his arms while a bowl of popcorn sat in your lap. his hand held onto your forearm, rubbing back and forth lightly with his thumb.
you loved days like this. you loved your boyfriend. he was the sweetest guy you had ever met, and boy were you glad he was yours. he would constantly try to spend time with you, and would try to teach you about the video games that he played. you always looked up to him.
and to him? lord, you were a goddess. you were this kickass woman who was one of his well respected co-workers, you had such a beautiful personality, and you were drop dead gorgeous to him. he fell in love with you all over again whenever he looked at you.
you both tool each other in with your worries and guilts. he knew that you were more shy, and he did a majority of the talking in public, and wouldn’t try to pressure you with anything. he was so kind to you, you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
while you guys were snuggled up, you started to talk over the movie, not paying it much attention. just talking about funny stories that happened in the past.
“…and she caught me. jacking off. in my room. it was the worst thing ever.” josh was telling the unfortunate story of his poor mother just trying to bring him something, but seeing that mess instead. you couldn’t help but laugh.
“god, if that kinda stuff happened to me, i swear, i’d never look anyone in the eyes again.” you laughed.
“this is a random question, and sorry if it’s intrusive, but…have you ever had…like, sex before?” he asked you, sitting up on the couch so he could look you in your eyes.
you shifted, not used to being asked this question. “i…i have. once. it was a mistake. i don’t know why i did it.”
he started to look a little worried. “did he make you do that?” hoping it wasn’t that.
“oh, no! no! don’t worry, i was fine with it.” you reassured him. “i just…regret it, was all. it wasn’t all that good, just a heat of the moment thing, wanting to do it. we fucked, he came, and that was that. nothing special.”
“did he uh…did he make you…y’know…” he tried to ask in the most not awkward way possible, which was still very awkward.
“make me cum? uh, no. it wasn’t…wasn’t really a priority, i guess. just the experience.” you started to fidget with your hands.
“that’s…yeesh, that’s kinda fucked.” he was a little irritated. was it that difficult to focus on a girl for a few minutes to make her feel good? he didn’t understand it. “i’m sorry it wasn’t good. i just don’t get how he could finish and not care that you didn’t.”
“it’s fine. i don’t really care that much.” you were still a tad bit upset over it, but he was out of your life now. you didn’t have to worry shout him, only being in your happiest relationship yet with josh.
“what about you?” you asked him, curious.
“me? oh, uh, this is kinda sad, but i…haven’t done that kinda stuff.” he started. “it just never kinda…happened. moment was never really right. but now i’m here, with you. i couldn’t be happier.” he hugged you, kissing your jaw.
you rubbed the back of his head. you loved this man more than words could describe.
“i don’t know how to ask this in a way that isn’t awkward, but i’m just gonna go ahead…would you mind if i…if i, uh, made you…you cum?” he asked, looking at you.
you looked at him. “a-are you sure? you don’t have to if you feel bad or anything like that, it’s not your obligation to-”
he cut you off, holding your hands in his. “i…i want to do this. it’s not out of sadness or anger for you…”
you gave him an inquisitive stare.
“okay, maybe it is a little bit.” he admitted. “but i really do wanna do this. i’ve wanted to do this with you…for a little bit now, but i didn’t know how to ask, or bring it up. you feeling good makes me happy.”
it was like he was trying to make you fall in love again and again.
“josh, that’s really sweet…i…i do think i may be ready to try this stuff out with you.” you started to get a little shy.
“okay…okay…great.” he tried to hype himself up, telling himself that it’s real and this was happening. “just, uh, tell me if you’re uncomfortable or anything like that, and we can stop, go back to watching the movie, no questions asked, okay?”
you smiled, knowing he was your safe place. “thank you so much.” you gave him a kiss on his lips. he went and deepened the kiss, holding your frame in his arms.
you made out, him slowly getting on top of you, laying you in the couch. his hands went from holding your body to feeling around: touching your hips, your waist, your breasts, everything. he gently caressed one of your breasts, to which you let a moan out at.
“did you like that?” he asked.
you nodded, pulling your shirt up. “please.” you yanked it off your body. he stared at you with awe, your breasts clad with a bra. you looked so beautiful to him.
“can i…can i take this off?” he asked, fingers playing with your bra. you nodded, reaching back and unclasping it.
“how the hell do you unclasp that so easily?” he discarded your bra, asking while staring at your bare breasts.
“lots of practice, i guess. you get used to it after wearing these since the ripe age of 13.” you giggled.
his hand moved towards your breasts, but hesitated. he didn’t want to squeeze them too tight, or hurt you.
“you can touch then, josh. it’s okay. please. i want you to.” you reassured him, guiding his hand to gently caress your left tit. he played with it, new to the sense of it.
“it’s so soft…” his thumb ran over your nipple, causing you to shudder. he could tell you liked that.
“do you think i could…suck on them?” he asked, testing the waters. you nodded your head slowly.
“yes, please. whatever you like.”
“this is about you, though, not me. i want this to feel good for you.” he looked at you with concern in his eyes. sure, he was getting very caught up in the moment, but he knew he ultimately wanted you to have a good takeaway from this: you were someone he loved so much, he wanted to watch and make you feel good.
“josh, i want you to do this, don’t worry.” you smiled at him. he was so careful with you, it made you feel so delicate. so special.
he leaned his head down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth. his lips wrapped around it while his tongue ran over it.
you ran your fingers through his hair. you had thought he’d be a boob guy, and this for sure proved it. he loved feeling them, the texture so foreign to him.
he moved on to the other breast, suckling onto your other nipple, to which you let out a gasp at. it felt…good.
he played with your other breast in his hand, giving it gentle squeezes. you let out a hushed moan. you didn’t think it’d feel good.
his head lifted up, kissing you again. it was a deep kiss, his hand digging to play with the hem of your pants.
“please, wanna make you feel good down there.” he pleaded, looking at you for permission.
you had never been like this before. someone focusing on you felt…unbelievable. it really did.
you nodded, unzipping your pants. “please, josh, want this so bad. want you so bad.”
he lifted your hips up, helping you shimmy out of your pants and panties. you were there, completely bare in front of him. he took his shirt off, trying to make you feel more comfortable. he stared at you with awe.
he couldn’t believe you were with him. you were so beautiful, and had an even better personality. he couldn’t believe that you loved him, and that you were willing to do this with him. he felt like the luckiest guy in the world.
“is this okay?” he asked, lowering himself, his head in between your legs. he rubbed your thighs, trying to help you stay comfortable. he could see your slick. he wanted to get a taste so badly.
“yes, please josh. please.” you wailed.
he obliged, taking a long lick up your slit.
“oh, fuck…” you moaned. loud. you hadn’t ever felt that good before.
“you okay?” he asked, making sure he didn’t do something wrong.
“i’m great, just felt really fucking good…holy shit.” you looked down at the sight of him, in between your thighs.
he dipped in again, this time bringing his tongue to lay flat on your clit. you shuddered, feeling all sorts of sensations. he held your hips steady, running his tongue in tight circles around your clit.
you swore to god, you could hear him groaning into your cunt. he was letting out little noises in exasperation as he pleasured you, rubbing your clit with his tongue, getting into a rhythm.
“jesus christ, josh, i’ve never felt so good, fuck…” you could barely get the words out in between moans.
he licked another stripe down your slit and ran his tongue on your entrance. you tugged at his hair a big, cautious yet excited to see where this was gonna go.
his tongue slowly crept inside of you, feeling around as you scratched at his scalp, letting little whimpers out. he held tightly onto your thigh as he started to tongue fuck you.
you threw your head back in pure ecstasy. you were starting to get close.
“josh…g’na come soon…fuck…” you panted out.
“please.” he said, moving his mouth up and tasting you all over. “do it f’ me. come on my face. please. you’re so hot. fuck. come all over me.”
he moved his mouth and latched onto your clit again. from there, he just sucked. your orgasm approached.
you let out a cry as your hips started to spasm ever so slightly, your body contorting. josh continued to suckle on your clit while you rode out your orgasm.
“oh my god…” you breathed. “how are you so fucking good at that?”
he lifted his head up, mouth coated in your cum. “don’t know. just pure talent i guess.”
you lightly pushed him. “fuck you.”
“i mean, if you’d be ever so kind.”
you looked at him, starting to laugh, but understanding what he wanted: you.
you moved yourself closer to him, closing the space in between you two.
“please.” you said, planting a kiss on his cheek. “i..i think i’m ready for this. fuck me, josh. please.”
“fuck, i’m so fucking hard for you right now, holy shit.” he kissed you, lying you back down on the couch. he pulled his pants down, huge erection standing up in his underwear.
“do you see how crazy you make me? you’re so perfect.” he looked down as he slowly started to take off his underwear, cock standing out.
you blushed. even in situations like this, he still made you feel so special.
he got on top of you, cock springing out, almost touching your delicate folds. you shuddered.
“a-are you sure you wanna do this, josh?” you asked him. doing something like this for the first time was really important to you, so you hoped you could make it important to him.
“yes, there’s no one i’d rather do this with than you.” he kissed you softly, sliding his cock through your slit, bumping his tip to your clit. you both groaned lightly.
“i…i’m gonna put it in now…okay?” he asked for permission.
you smiled. “yes. please.”
he used one of his hands to steady himself and his other one to hold yours as he slowly pushed inside of you. he was feeling all sorts of new sensations, all good like he’d never felt before. your walls clenched around him. he let out a moan as he slowly inched himself inside you.
you held his hand, gripping it tight. it had been awhile since you’d done this. it was a big stretch, but it felt so damn good to have him inside of you.
he finally bottomed out, cupping your cheek. “you’re so tight…oh my god…i knew it’d feel good but…didn’t expect this…” he was breathing heavily, catching up with his senses. he felt like he was going to cum just from being in you.
“josh, want you t’ start moving.” you pleaded, feeling so full but desperate for friction.
he obliged, giving experimental thrusts and letting out low groans in the process. your tight walls kept sucking him in, as if they didn’t want him to pull out.
“fuck, you feel so good. i love you so much.” he started to thrust a bit faster now, hands on your hips, holding you steady. every time his hips met yours you could feel yourself groan with delight. even though this was his first time, he wanted to take care of you.
he started to thrust hard, moaning sweet nothings into the room. every word he said professed his love for you and your body.
one thrust in particular hit a certain part inside you that made you let out a really high-pitched moan. he stopped, looking at you.
“shit, you okay?” he asked.
“yeah, m’ fine, that just felt really good.” you gave him a smile.
he tried to angle his hips to hit that sensitive spot again, which he was successful with after a few harsh thrusts. he abused that sweet spot with every thrust, leaving you a moaning mess. he took your lips into his, kissing you like your lives depended on it.
“josh, close, shit.” you could barely form words with how good you felt.
“me too, gonna cum, fuck.” he started to move incredibly fast, moving like there was no tomorrow. “please, cum on my cock.”
you could feel the knot on your stomach start to snap, riding out your orgasm. you were letting out these pornographic moans that were driving him insane, leading him to cum right after you did.
but he didn’t stop.
“feel too damn good. can’t stop. shit.” he continued his quick and deep thrusts, leaving you screaming.
“josh, can’t. already came. oh my god.” you were a moaning mess, feeling his cock penetrating your tight walls right after having an earth shattering orgasm.
“please, need you to cum again. wanna make you feel better than you’ve ever felt.” he moaned, trying to hit that spot inside you with every single thrust, making himself feel overstimulated in the process.
you felt another orgasm start to bubble up inside you as he kept going. the knot snapped yet again when he led his hand to your clit, rubbing it in circles with his thumb.
“cum for me, please. cum. wanna make you feel good. please. need you to cum on my cock again. i’ll do anything.” he begged and pleaded, bot stopping his aggression to your cunt.
you were practically screaming, head thrown back and breathing like a madman. he helped you ride through your orgasm, him taking a few extra seconds to reach his own again, as well.
he eventually stopped, laying on you carefully as to not hurt you.
“sorry, got…got a little carried away.” he said in between breaths. he felt so woozy.
“no, it felt really good josh. thank you.” you wrapped your arms around him, holding him as he lay on top of you.
“was it that good?” he asked, making sure you got as much satisfaction as he did.
“i’ve never felt that good in my life. serious.” you replied. he knew how to make you feel special and really good. “you’re amazing.”
he held you, planting a kiss on your cheek. “i hope you know how much you mean to me. i love you so much, and i wanna be with you forever.”
you were practically gushing. he was so darn cute. “i love you more.”
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astrophileous · 11 months
Derek getting jealous over Bug’s pregnancy pillow 🤭🤭🤭 he just doesn’t understand how it can be that much more comfortable than he would be. If Bug makes him snuggle with it post-pregnancy when she needs to sneak out from his arms during the night to check on the baby too? He wakes up like “????”
Nooo but can you imagine how EXASPERATED he is when Bug pulls out the pillow again when she's pregnant with their daughter/Baby Bug???? 😭😭😭
Btw so sorry for the delay, I was stressing FOR DAYS bcs my brain refused to cooperate and write (I think it's back to normal now so YAY)
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"Not this montrosity again."
Derek nearly whined at the sight of your pregnancy pillow; the one you had stored safely after the birth of your son, and the same one you had pulled out of its resting place now that you were in your second trimester with your daughter. It was a gift from a friend, and Derek was never a fan of it since the first time the pillow found its way into your shared bed.
"Don't say that." You put your palms on either side of the pillow, acting as if you were cupping its ears. "He might hear you."
"Great. So it's a he?!"
"Derek Morgan, you're not seriously jealous over a freaking pillow?"
"I have the right to be when you constantly choose to cuddle with it." You suppressed a giggle when you saw the daggers Derek was shooting its way. "I don't understand why you need the pillow when you have me."
"Because, as much as I love and adore your hard panes and muscles, I need something fluffy to get me sleeping comfortably through the night."
Derek scoffed loudly.
Who would've thought Derek would ever live to see the day he found himself mourning over the fact that he was fucking ripped?
Every night before the two of you went to bed, Derek never failed in throwing the dirtiest, nastiest look in the direction of said pregnancy pillow as if the inanimate object was singlehandedly responsible for ruining his entire life. Derek couldn't be more happy to get rid of it the moment you came home from the hospital with your daughter in your arms. Unfortunately, the man soon realized that getting rid of the offensive item might be a more challenging task than he had ever anticipated in the first place.
"Bug?" Derek mumbled blearily one night as he rose from the light sleep he had accidentally fallen under.
The last thing he remembered was lying in bed with you in his arms. Something about the lull of your voice and the familiar scent of your body wash had managed to make him drift into an unexpected slumber. Derek was putty whenever you were next to him, and he was perpetually alright with that knowledge if it meant he got to keep you constantly by his side.
The bedroom was enveloped in darkness as he stirred, squeezing your flesh wherever his arm could reach. But Derek realized a little too late in his half-awake state that the softness in his hand was, in fact, not you. And it took a few more seconds for him to turn on the bedside lamp to confirm that it wasn't you who was lying in his arms.
It was the fucking pillow.
Derek grabbed the object with utter disgust, stomping through the house until he found you in the nursery. You were sitting in the rocking chair, nursing your infant daughter in your arms, when you looked up at the sound of the door opening. Your head immediately threw back in laughter once you saw the look of contempt that Derek was aiming towards the pillow in his hand.
"What's wrong, Derek?"
"I woke up to this in my arms."
"Did you have a good sleep cuddling with the pillow?" You snickered, enjoying the way Derek's frown deepened with frustration. "I told you it's comfy."
Derek scowled at your cheeky wink, refusing to relent even if deep down he had also begrudgingly started to agree with that sentiment.
After that night, you never heard him threaten to throw out the pregnancy pillow, ever again.
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Playing Video Games With Gen
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Gen Narumi X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Arguing, reader’s temper flares and she destroys something, reader is a little stressed, sprinkle of angst, fluff at the end
Word Count: 894
(A/N:) This has been in my drafts for a good long while! But now it will finally see the light of day! I hope everyone is enjoying the Kaiju No. 8 anime so far! I am! Saturdays have become so exciting for me and I’ve been watching the episodes over and over. I just adore this story and I can’t wait to see more moments come to life! But until next time enjoy this little piece! Happy reading! ~Countess
Dating Gen Narumi had it’s ups and it’s downs. But the First Division leader was good at what he does. From killing kaiju to slaughtering online players in the gaming universe. While you enjoyed playing video games every now and again, life always seemed to take up majority of your time. That and the threats of kaiju constantly threatening the innocent civilians. So it was a rare moment when you got to sit down to play by yourself, let alone with the man known as the Force’s Strongest Combatant. 
You found yourself in one such rare moment. It was a rainy day and so far no kaiju threat had emerged. So Gen invited you into his office where he wanted to play games. Surrounded by his figurines and sitting in a comfortable chair before his large gaming setup, you were furiously smashing buttons while Gen sat at your side smirking obnoxiously. Gritting your teeth, trying to come back at the last second only to lose the round. Cursing viciously, you were just about to smash the controller when Gen’s larger hand encircled your wrist.
“These controllers are very expensive babe,” he smirked.
“You can afford a new one captain,” you snarled, temper still flaring. Still Gen refused to release your wrist. Guiding you to sit back down, he brought your hand close to his face, where he brushed tender kisses to the skin of your wrist. You started calming down until he bit down on your wrist playfully. With a hiss you ripped yourself away from his grip and sent his precious controller flying. It shattered against the wall with a satisfying crash.
Normally Gen would freak out, bursting out with a childish tantrum. But as he glared at you, emotions raging inside his eyes, you knew you royally screwed up. Quietly Gen walked over to the destroyed controller, scooping up the pieces and throwing them into the trash. Guilt eating at you, you knew that your temper got out of hand, so you walked to him to help him clean up the mess you made.
“I’m sorry Gen,” you apologized immediately. “I’ll buy you a new one. I shouldn’t have done that.”
He shook his head, “It’s okay. I’ll replace it. I shouldn’t have teased you so much.”
“No it’s not you. I lost my temper and all you were doing was playing with me like you usually do. I guess I just have so much stress on me right now. It’s no excuse but I’ll try better.”
“I’ll let you win some,” he offered.
“Ha! Don’t let me win you goof,” you laughed tossing the last plastic piece into the wastebasket. “It’s no fun that way!”
“Well that was my only extra controller,” he ran his fingers through his two toned hair. “Wanna go get a new one together? The walk may do you some good if you’ve been overwhelmed here lately.”
“It’s raining though,” you whined.
Gen chuckled, standing back up and offering you his hand. “It’s okay! You aren’t sweet enough to melt!” You stuck out your tongue but took his hand nonetheless. 
Walking down the streets of Japan hand in hand with Gen Narumi was something you probably would never get used to. With the stares and whispers encircling you both. It didn’t help that his phone would keep pinging in his pocket from people posting about the handsome captain whenever he made an appearance. Normally he would be scrolling through all said posts and ignore you, but on this occasion as he held your hand and the umbrella above your heads, he could do no such thing. You stepped into him tightly, enjoying the warmth of his body heat as the rain relentlessly beat against the umbrella.
Making it to Gen’s normal electronic haunt and purchase in tow, you both made it back to Gen’s office in record time. It helped that the rain only had picked up heavier as you both were out. Setting it up and handing it over. You couldn’t help but notice that he had purchased the controller in your favorite color. 
“This one will be yours whenever you want to play,” he kissed your cheek. “And maybe if it’s yours you’ll take better care of it.”
You laughed before kissing his cheek back, “Thank you Gen. You know how to treat a girl right.”
“Of course! Now ready to lose some more?”
“Who knows I may get lucky,” you grinned viciously a plan already cooking in your mind.
You wound up winning a couple of rounds, though you did have to resort to cheating. Gen couldn’t play when you knocked his chair over during a critical time in the round. And apparently he didn’t enjoy having feet anywhere around his head. So you took to sticking your toes against his cheek or blocking his vision, with said feet. Though you did pay dearly for cheating as Gen tickled you mercilessly, leaving you both breathless sprawled out on the floor. You couldn’t help but wish for more easy days like this. And though it had started out rough, this was what you needed. Just to be around the man you love and have fun. It was like the tension you had been dragging around for weeks melted away, just from the looks he gave you and you knew that Gen needed this as well.
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snaillock · 1 year
could I pls ask for a boyfriend's Nagi x male reader? like him having a weakness for the reader and being like a puppy with him? idk if I'm explaining myself idk how to put it in words 😭 I love blue lock and there's almost no x male reader with them so I'm excited to find this sorry 😓
nagi x male!reader
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AHHH my first request!! tysm for asking i would love to make this! i also got curious and only found like three nagi x male readers (two of which were smuts that i was too uncomfortable to read☠️) but don't worry im here to save the day. this also ended up being a lot longer than expected but still really hope you enjoy!! ^^
tags: male reader, sad nagi backstory moment, me getting too carried away with build up again
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you were one of the few people who didn’t look at nagi like he was some anomaly. while others in your school would steer clear and gossip about him behind his back, you were one of the only people who spoke to him and treated him like an actual person and not some freak of nature
you would try to talk to him in class but he wouldn’t talk back (since “talking is such a pain”) so you assumed you were bothering him and eventually stopped.
nagi eventually noticed you wouldn’t talk to him in class anymore and it didn’t bother him at first. but eventually he finds himself missing it and would make the rare effort of trying to initiate conversations with you.
that led to you guys talking every day during class. the more you two spoke, the more you realized how much you had in common with him. you soon asked him if he wanted to come over to hang out.
he usually rejects any hang-out offers from literally anyone. though when you asked him if he wanted to come over to your place to play video games together, he accepted because he found you to be less of a hassle to be around compared to others.
when he came over, he realized he actually really enjoys being around you and had fun spending his time playing games with you. he even took a look around your room to admire all the things you’ve collected that represent your personality and interests. this only made him more captivated by you and wanted to be much closer friends
now for the exciting part
once some time has passed and you two got closer, you soon find out he’s a shamelessly clingy person both emotionally and physically.
whenever he would see you, he randomly wraps his arms around you and latch onto you. he hates being forced to let go whenever you two have to go to class.
he gives absolutely zero fucks about being publicly affectionate with another guy in school, paying no mind to the weird stares and whispers
he constantly wants to stay over at your place and when you come over to his for the first time, he introduces you to choki (a hugeeee moment for him trust me)
nagi truly loves being with you. at first, he didn’t care about being an outcast until you showed up in his life and showed him what true friendship and love was like
soon his feelings for you as a friend develops into something much more unfamiliar before he can realize it. falling in love was definitely a new experience for nagi and falling in love with you specifically was a slow delicate process
he definitely didn’t realize for a while that he likes you in that way until he finds himself admiring you as you somehow have soft lighting all over your face and pink flowers and hearts circling your head (all in his imagination my boy is completely whipped). he then thinks, “hmm this feels like one of the shojo mangas i’ve read befo- ohhhhh!”
once the initial shock is over, he’s already bold enough to confess to you quickly after. i can imagine him suddenly telling you how he feels in the most random scenario ever.
it would be so out of nowhere. you guys could be out walking in the park. you casually sip out of your bottle when he nonchalantly says, “wanna be my boyfriend?” with his signature neutral face, making you choke and cough on your water.
he would then elaborate on how much he likes you with the plainest face ever like it was a regular tuesday conversation. the one difference is the light flush on his cheeks and you can definitely tell that he truly means all of it. so once you stopped coughing, you obviously accept his confession
if you thought he was already pretty damn clingy prior to you two becoming a couple, then be prepared for that to increase tenfold
holding hands isn’t enough for him, ideally he needs to be super glued onto you permanently for the rest of his life
you guys are definitely the couple people gag at when they see you both curled up cuddling each other in the hallway.
once again, he gives absolutely no shits. he needs to show off what an amazing boyfriend he has so he’ll never tone it down on the pda
on the very very rare occurrence that you're not with him and you happened to be talking to someone else in the hallway, he sees this and immediately gets a little possessive. so he walks up right behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on you. you assume he's just being needy again and find it cute, completely unaware of how he's now glaring deep into that person’s soul from over your shoulder. i mean you’re his man and his man only so everyone needs to know.
he requires you to pet and run your fingers through his hair for a low minimum for uhhh 2000 times a day. you swear that he purrs every time you do it but when you try to listen out for another one, he already fell asleep on your shoulder
whenever you guys are cuddling either at his dorm or your place, he just lays his entire body weight onto you like a heated blanket while resting his head on your shoulder with your fingers carded through his hair. if you try to gently nudge him off so you can get up and use the bathroom, he audibly whines and eventually relents. he totally tries to follow you into the bathroom after that.
whenever you compliment or praise him, he looks totally unaffected but internally, he’s jumping around screaming. meanwhile, he will randomly drop the most endearing and beautiful arrangement of words at you in a completely neutral voice and just move on with his day like you didn’t just witness the most flattering thing you’ve ever heard.
loves whenever you randomly grab his chin and give him a short but very sweet kiss.
nah actually scratch that. nagi loves kisses from you anytime anywhere. fleeting cheek kisses before you both head to class. kisses on his forehead as you hold him close under the covers. drawn out victory kisses you both finally finish a difficult match together. no matter what it is, he always helplessly melts into each one.
before you appeared in nagi's life, his world was just one big dull pain he simply had to push through every day. now that he had you by his side, he finally had the motivation to get out of bed every day.
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carlsdarling · 1 year
I imagine that Carl would be horny alllll the time. Just whenever: Short shirt? Cleavage? Sweat? Bending over? It all gets him going. So what if the reader is gone on a week long trip and he just pounces on her when she’s back because the poor baby is desperate.
Fucking needy!!!
Carl is naughty and can't control himself after Y/N has been away for a while. Bit of a plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
You had been dating Carl for about three months. You had liked him from the first time you saw him, right after you arrived in Alexandria. You had lost your previous group, and they had probably moved on without you. Carl, with his charming personality and his protectiveness, had immediately won your heart, and you didn't care about his injury at all, you were head over heels in love with him. Still, you had actually wanted to wait a while before sleeping with him; but it turned out to be impossible. Carl was so horny for you that after less than a week you ended up in bed together - or rather, in the back seat of his car.
It wasn't that Carl had pressured you into it, but with his constant groping, kissing, moaning and wailing, he had managed to get you just as hot for him and without hesitation had spread your legs for him, wet as the Colorado River. It had been wonderful, passionate and loving, and you had done it every day since.
Just everything got Carl going - if you bent over, tied your hair up, touched his arm, your shirt slid up exposing your belly, your cleavage (especially if it was sweaty) damn it, all you had to do was walk in front of him and he'd see your arse and he'd get horny, push you against the nearest tree or make you immediately ride him on the wooded soil. More than once you had been surprised by walkers during such actions, literally with your pants down. If Rick ever found out about it, you'd both have to write your testaments right now. He hadn't been thrilled with how fast your relationship was evolving anyway, but Carl was an adult and could do what he wanted.
But now you had been away for a week, accompanying Rosita, who was pregnant and had to go to Hilltop for a medical checkup. During your stay at Hilltop (although it was only for a week), you had thought of Carl constantly. The longing tension in your nether regions had been almost unbearable after only two days, no matter how often you touched yourself at night. Carl's horniness had somehow infected you. "You and Carl are downright addicted to each other," Rosita had stated, rolling her eyes meaningfully.
"We're not," you'd defended yourself, your face bright red.
"They are," Rosita said to Jesus, who was leaning against the door, grinning in amusement. "They literally can't keep their hands off each other. I bet Carl's right wrist is all sprained by the time we get back."
Jesus laughed. "You could have brought Carl," he wondered. "We have plenty of space at Hilltop."
"Oh, believe me Jesus, you don't wish that," Rosita replied. "They live in the house next to mine, and often they're so loud I can hear them. And it goes on all night."
"'Shut up", you commanded her, ashamed.
Now you were on your way back, and the gates of Alexandria appeared before you. Your stomach tingled; in a moment you would finally see Carl again.
Rosita hadn't finished parking the car when Carl already showed up, and when you got out, he immediately threw his arms around your neck and you could feel his massive boner. "I missed you so much," he murmured and kissed you deeply.
"Me too," you grabbed his butt. It would probably be best if you went to Carl's room right away and didn't come out until tomorrow so that Carl could pound into you until he was completely exhausted.
"There's a hole in the wall over here," Eugene objected.
Rick came over. "It needs fixing right away," he decided, "Carl, Y/N, it's a lucky thing you're here right now, we can use any helping hand we can get."
Carl looked pissed, he'd wanted to get the fuck out of here right now and rail you dizzy, your legs on his shoulders, and now he was forced to wait. Rick handed out tools. "There, plane off that metal and bend it so we can nail it up." You did your best, but were constantly interrupted by Carl, who, rather than concentrating on the work, kept fumbling you unobtrusively. "Carl," you scolded quietly as his hand tried to move back into your cleavage. ""Stop that!"
"But I can't control myself," he squealed and kissed your neck, leaving a hickey. Embarrassed, you looked around. Luckily Rick had just turned his back on you, but Daryl had seen everything and was grinning wickedly.
"Stop it now," you threatened, picking up a bolt from the ground. Big mistake: you'd been bending over. "Carl!" you hissed as he promptly grabbed your arse. "I mean it!"
"What's going on?" asked Rick, looking from one to the other in annoyance.
"Nothing," Daryl said hurriedly. "It's just something has fallen down." At that, Rick nodded and turned away again.
"It's more like something has risen," Carl whispered in your ear, taking your hand and guiding it to his hard one. He had long since dropped the screwdriver.
You withdrew your hand. "Carl, that's quite enough," you said sternly. "Get a grip on yourself. It can't be that everything gets you going and you can't control yourself for half an hour!" Carl was so desperate for your touch that you were afraid he was going to fuck you right here.
"Get away from here," Daryl said with a wink. "There's no sense in that. You two cannot focus on the work right now." Carl hastily grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him so fast you almost stumbled.
"Where are you heading?" you asked, uncomprehending, because the house was in the other direction. He turned toward a section of land that was near the main gate and where a few old cars were rotting in the high grass. Carl grabbed you around the hips and unceremoniously sat you on the hood of an old Chevrolet, then positioned himself between your legs and impatiently slipped his jeans and boxers down to his knees. His cock was so hard it had to be painful for him; it twitched slightly, and the tip looked sore. "Honestly, Carl, how many times did you jerk off in that one week?" you asked tauntingly.
"I wasn't counting," Carl admitted bashfully. "Anyway, I could hardly stand it without you." He fiddled a condom out of the wrapper and put it on his cock. You eagerly embraced him and let him penetrate you; it wasn't like you weren't horny for him, too. He moaned lustfully as he buried his entire length into your slick folds, his breathing shallow and rapid, and he made short, quick thrusts - as he always did when he was being particularly needy. His mouth was open and his eyes closed, there were drops of sweat on his upper lip. You tenderly stroked his lean back, then grinded your fingers into his tight buttocks as you approached your climax. "Carl, I'm close," you whimpered.
"Me too," he moaned, only seconds before he began to moan very loudly and the movements of his hips became even faster and more intense as he cum and spilled his seed into the condom. Sweaty and exhausted, you sagged on the hot hood, the grass tickling your bare legs. "Don't ever leave me alone for so long again, Y/N," Carl pouted before embracing you and kissing you tenderly. „I can't stand it!“
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
ok but imagine miggy saying you're beautiful for the first time, like,
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he never realized how long he's kept it to himself, how long he's been yearning to tell you those two words, three if he wanted to emphasize his point. could you blame him? he's a complete and total mess of a man around you, maybe not outwardly, but he's a nervous wreck whenever you're around. a simple touch or a quick smile in his direction from you is enough to lighten up his whole day–give him the patience and motivation to keep bearing these troubles he has to endure throughout the day.
he never really understood why his eyes would follow you on your way out of his office, he never really noticed until lyla pointed out how his pupils would dilate and he'd watch you leave his office with an increase in serotonin when he catches a glimpse of your hair, your eyelashes, your petal-like lips that looked so, so...
"kissable?" lyla would prompt, which made miguel snap out of it, dismissing her and arguing to her that all he thinks of you is just a delightful colleague–words he never realized he was capable of using together. "right... a delightful colleague who enters your dreams every night. say, what if i made them listen to a playback of your most recent dream about them–" "that won't be necessary." "and why not? you don't even have the cojones–" "don't say that." "you don't even have the guts to tell them what you think of them."
miguel hated how right lyla was, practically all the time–especially when it came to his feelings for you. he clicked his tongue as he thought it over, with lyla pretty much just telling him, "confess, you big dork," and with him cussing under his breath as he felt a little hotter in the room as he thought more and more about you–about your smile, the way your laugh echoed in his ears as you teased him for his eternal pout–and how small your hands felt against his when you accidentally placed your hand on his... oh how he wished those moments could last forever, instead of asking lyla to play it back for him as he smiles to himself. it kept him thinking on what'd change if he told you just how he saw you, how absolutely ethereal you were to him.
guess he'll just have to try and see what happens.
the next day, you came by his office again, and you were... oh goodness, you were so adorable the way you looked right then and there. your hair was messy, you were wearing a pair of glasses that were barely hanging on to your face–you had a pencil tucked behind your ear, and a huge grin on your face as you rambled to him about a successful mission and containment of a fickle anomaly you two were hunting for the longest time.
if only miguel could bury his face in the floor right then and there–the mask could only do so much to hide how he looked like when he saw you in your element, in your truest, rawest self–the you he fell for time and time again, and continues to fall for.
as you rambled to him, miguel clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms as he realized he was smiling when he heard you get excited, heard the cracking of your voice from so much glee at your victory–hearing the passion from your voice as he listened, he listened and tried to keep his poker face on, but you were too irresistible for him to keep it up–too cute to make him want to keep this stern front up.
"you're beautiful." he blurted out as he looked down to the floor, trying to soak up the details of the floor when all he wanted was to soak up the details of you. but looking at you now would be fatal for his facade, and he wanted to let you know he... oh who was he kidding? he appreciated every bit of you! he can't hide that love and longing for you, he wanted to let you know at least one bit of the multitude of things he believed you were. if you'd let him tell you, you would never hear the end of it–because you're constantly surprising him and making him fall deeper in love with you that his love becomes... endless for you.
whether or not you believe him is up to you, but he truly does believe you are beautiful. he looks up at you finally as you stopped talking and just stared at him, with a look of embarrassment on his face as he tried to remain confident in himself as his self-assurance was dissipating. "you're really beautiful..." he repeated as he stepped forward towards you and stroked your cheek. he smiled, and widely this time. he wasn't going to hide it anymore, he loved you. he loved you and knew you were the most beautiful person he had ever, and will ever, meet in his whole life. hopefully... you believed him, and hopefully... you felt the dame way, too.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck
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ashwhowrites · 11 months
Hi babe! Can you write one where Eddie has a very sensitive girlfriend? Like, does she sometimes get bullied for some new hairstyle she got and then she cries, or she fails a test, cries again, some new clothes and some idiot judges her? cries, and then one day Eddie sees her crying once again, and instead of comforting her, like always, he was tired of her always being a crybaby who doesn't know how to deal with insults, this only makes her cry more, but Eddie notices his mistake. Don't write if you don't like it! I'm normally crybaby, I just wanted to know how Eddie would deal with this 🥰
I AM the sensitive girlfriend so I think I can make this request work :) this fic is very personal to me so please no harsh words about the readers behavior or thoughts
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Y/N was the type of person that felt everything. She connected emotions with everything around here. It was something she loved about herself but something that she could be most insecure about.
Eddie was understanding of how sensitive his girlfriend was. She was always honest about how overly sensitive she was and that she could cry at the drop of a hat. Eddie wasn't bothered by any of it. He understood it was something she didn't have control over.
Y/N was always grateful that Eddie adored her through her emotions. Whenever she cried over something she felt stupid, he reassured her it didn't bother him. She feared she was too much to handle, but he told her otherwise. The need to cry over almost everything was draining for her, and she can only imagine it was draining for their relationship. But Eddie never had anything negative to say.
It was still a fear of hers that he thought differently from himself and was too afraid to speak up because he knew it would send her over. With every sweet word, she feared a negative one was in his head.
She knew that Eddie had to walk on eggshells with her and that he always needed to think about what he was going to say. They've had moments in the past where he put his foot in his mouth and watched her cry. Sometimes he was the one who made her cry, but she saw it as her fault. If she wasn't such a crybaby, she could shrug off anything that was said to her.
Y/N dealt with jealousy issues as well. She has been replaced and forgotten in the past. Her stomach and heart couldn't handle Eddie talking about other people he found attractive, and that included his exes. She always made sure never to ask about his past relationship because she knew it wouldn't go well. But sometimes Eddie forgets that and speaks mindlessly.
Eddie laughed as he told a story about an ex he had, slapping his knee as the laughter took over his whole body. Y/N wanted to laugh with him because she knew an ex was just an ex. But now all she could think about was Eddie working with his ex, and that if he ever talked about where he used to work, her brain was going to think of his ex immediately. His old job isn't just an old job anymore, now it's a landmark of where he had a relationship. The feeling settled in her stomach and she tried to shrug it off. She knew it wasn't a big deal, and certainly nothing to be upset about.
But the tears came down anyway, and her thoughts focused on Eddie being the way he was with her with someone else. Someone that got to learn all the things about Eddie first, and got to love him first. It was a known thing that in their relationship they didn't talk about exes often, and she was hurt that he ignored it. She went silent, fighting in herself, and hated that she was already upset. She was embarrassed, it drained her to constantly be upset about Eddie's past attractions. She hated that she couldn't move past it without it keeping her up at night. She just wanted to be normal. She just wanted a normal brain that could handle this and be mature about it.
"Why are you so quiet?" Eddie asked, realizing the silence after his laughter died out.
She simply shrugged and said it was nothing. To her, it should be nothing. All he did was tell a story and she needed to grow up. But Eddie didn't buy it and he was annoyed with the silence.
"You're crying so it's not nothing. What is it? Did something happen today during your shopping?" He asked, she never would come out and say exactly what was wrong. He knew she liked to be asked specifically so she wouldn't have to bring it up on her own.
"Is it something I did?" He asked, he knew he hit the target when she stiffened. She slowly nodded and looked at her hands.
"Is it about the story I told? Because that's pretty stupid to be upset over." Eddie said, not thinking about the words leaving his mouth. If he thought it over, he'd know that added salt to the wound. But he didn't realize the mistake at first. He didn't realize any progress of her wanting to bring it up vanished. Now she felt way too insecure to admit she was upset about it. She already thought she was pathetic enough for being upset over it, but now Eddie thought so too? How many times has he thought the same thing and just never said it?
"I'm okay." She said, smiling as she wanted to move past it.
Eddie let it go, talking mindlessly about anything. She listened but he could tell she was upset. He gave her a few minutes before pushing into her again.
"Alright, talk to me. What did I do?" He asked softly. The sweet tone he always used, but now she felt like he was faking it. Deep down he was so annoyed about having to comfort her again.
"I didn't like the story about your ex, and I felt stupid for being upset about it so I wanted to deal with it on my own. And then you said it would be stupid for me to be upset about that and.." she cried into her hands, her voice cracking as her cries took over.
Eddie felt his heart sink, immediate regret filling his body as he raced over to her. He grabbed her hands and pulled her into a hug. His hands rubbed her back as she cried into his shoulder.
"Shh, it's okay. It's not stupid. I say shit without thinking and put my foot in my mouth. I'm sorry. And you are valid to be upset. Okay? You've been open about how it's hard for you to deal with my past relationships and I disrespected your wishes to not talk about it. It's not stupid and you're not stupid." He reassured her, and he meant it. He doesn't know why he even said that in the first place.
"It is stupid! I'm such a crybaby. You have to walk on eggshells with me because I cry over everything!" She sobbed, throwing her arms up around his body.
"You're not a crybaby! There is nothing wrong with being sensitive. You can't control how you feel about things. I think it's sweet that you love me so much that it hurts to think of me with someone else. It makes me sick thinking about your exes too. I'm sorry for not being considerate of your feelings and hurting you. I promise I don't feel like I have to walk on eggshells, baby. I love you so much and I hate that I made you cry."
"I love you very much." She cried, slowly feeling better. She wiped her tears as she felt herself stop crying. He may have said the wrong thing but he said all the right things to make her feel less insecure about herself.
"I never want to make you feel stupid for ever being upset," Eddie promised, a soft kiss to her forehead as she sniffled.
"Thank you for telling me. You did so well talking to me about your feelings" He added, knowing in a moment like this she needed the praise. Talking about her feelings was hard for her and he always praised her for it.
He spent the night kissing her softly. Reminding her she's everything he'd ever need.
She may have been a crybaby, but she was his crybaby.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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verystrxxwberry · 4 months
Hello Alex, I hope your exams went well! I noticed you have recently opened your rqs again, so I had to scoop right in hope you don't mind! may I have my eyes (and mind and soul) blessed with a headcannon of the Eldarya boys trying to get MC in the mood (what would they do, say, treat her etc) if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) btw its completely fine if you don't feel like it, just trying my luck! wishing you the best!
ELDARYA; routes when they try to turn you on (NSFW)
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: NSFW not heavy- simply suggestive, TO & ANE routes. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi! My exams went decently, thanks for caring :). And of course you may get those headcanons. I hope you enjoy them.
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
It is known that Ezarel likes to be the one starting physical contact as he doesn’t like to be touched all of sudden. When he is needy it will be obvious the moment he gets more touchy and not in very regular areas to touch in public. He rests his hand on your rear and gently caresses it with his thumb, or he even gives three or four kisses to your nape as he is hugging you from behind.
Sometimes he teases you, but he might not be horny at the moment. He likes to see your frustrated face and his grin makes it very obvious.
Mf will tease you and then leave you to go do something.
You will have to wait until you two are in private.
Whenever he tries to seduce you, he definitely uses his gaze to communicate it to you. You’d lose your focus because he’d be looking at your eyes with such a gaze that you’d love to hide yourself at that moment before he devours you. You know the predator look he gives when he wants something. You definitely can tell what kind of thoughts are on his mind.
He’s the kind of person who remembers very vividly your words and reactions. If he knows how you will react when he touches your knee under the table, he will. If he knows what you like by your own words, he’ll subtly put it into practice. So, yeah, you can say he seems to not listen but he always remembers. He has a good memory after all.
He’s gonna make you sit on his lap as he does some paperwork, or as you two simply cuddle in bed, or casually when ‘there are no chairs’ (there will def be). So when he feels a tiny bit silly, he makes sure that his leg is right in between yours and then shakes it a little. Just a little to check your reaction… 
When he sees you getting embarrassed about it, he’d start with the “aw, what’s wrong, dear?” as he shakes his leg again.
He uses that mocky tone of voice to make you mad at him for playing so dirty.
We all know he is really handsome, and he will definitely dress properly for good occasions. You’d never imagine to see Nevra prettier than he already is, but seeing him wearing a smoking changed your view completely. The tie resting comfortably against his chest, a very few buttons of his shirt untied to expose his collarbones, the way his hair is styled slightly different but without losing his essence. 
He knows he looks good and he’s gonna take advantage of it to be close to you and keep your eyes on him. He’d be talking to you and whenever he sees your attention goes somewhere, he plays with your hair a little to keep you with him. 
He’s not afraid to show his confidence, as he knows that it’s the most attractive thing about him. And definitely it is the thing about him that makes you easily aroused.  
Whenever Valkyon wants to achieve something he goes for the compliments. He is honest when he speaks and acts, so he’s not gonna hide the truth from you at any moment. When he teases you to get aroused is most likely because he also is and knows how the night would end up perfectly.
So yes, compliments. He checks you out constantly unconsciously, and casually mutters something related to the way you are looking that day. And it is positive. Valkyon might be realistic and honest, but he is completely in love with your appearance and personality, which will also compliment when you rant about anything.
His honesty can be a bit surprising though… to the point where he holds your hips and mutters to your ear the things he wishes to do to you at that moment. Remember the outfit he complimented on you before? Alright, he wants to take it out now.
He’s very good at dirty talk and more than once he’ll leave your legs shaky at how unexpected it can be the amount of naughty thoughts he’s got.
After stressful days, he loves to give you massages to make the tension get released from your body. When he sees how responsive you get by sighing from the pleasant feeling of being relaxed, he’ll give gentle kisses along your spine, up… down… and then reach your neck, or sometimes he’d reach lower... and you might know where.
He has an ace up his sleeve to fall back on when he runs out of ideas on how to make you feel ticklish somewhere. Valkyon is experienced in sexual terms, so he has had time to develop a kissing skill that will leave you breathless many times over. His kisses will leave you wanting more, and it's a factor he likes to play with a lot.
He’s a romantic one, and doesn’t doubt a single bit to show you his love for you. He truly spends time on planning every detail of a date, of a gift… he is able to make you satisfied in terms of quality. But about intimacy… he gets kinda nervous.
He generally doesn’t take initiative for these situations, but he’d try subtle intimate touches when you are in private to try his luck.
The best way to spend the night is by taking a warm bath with him, and if he wants to make things more heated, he wants your opinion first. You are resting your head in his chest, sitting right in between his legs as he basically holds you comfortably. Then you feel how his hands caress your belly and he asks against your ear “Is this alright?”
The way he simply whispers it, in a low and gentle tone, is capable of melting you. He is happy when you give him the green light, and he’s gonna worship you as if you were a superior being.
He sometimes pulls your legs into his lap and gives gentle caresses to your knee. Sometimes he isn’t aware of his hand going lower to your thigh, resting it there and rubbing his thumb gently against the flesh.
I honestly don’t think he’d turn you on on purpose. It would be by his genuine attractive habits.
It wasn’t until he met you that he started using cologne for special occasions. Of course he put on deodorant (when he didn’t forget), which already made him smell really good. But then he started using cologne to be around you. His scent has always been attractive to you, it was manly yet refreshing, but whenever he puts on cologne it makes you want to glue to his clothes and never forget that scent.
He rests his hand on your lower back when he feels like it. He has a big hand and it’s a big dude itself, so he likes to feel like he can protect you. As you walk he guides you with his hand, by pressing it a little tighter on your lower back and sometimes your waist. 
Lance loves to rub his thumb on your nape and scalp as he is listening to you talk, a thing that makes you unable to focus most of the time.
Whenever you talk to him in public he tends to lean a little bit towards you to listen to you or talk back to you. He loves to lean closer to you in general.
Oh, and he is aware of your reactions, but won’t make it obvious. He feels very proud though. Even though there will be moments in which he’ll keep playing because after all… he can also be a little bit aroused around you.
You can see a smug smirk threatening to get bigger as he looks at you. Well not at your eyes but your lips.
And he sometimes stares at your lips with hidden hunger, and you won’t realize until he presses his thumb against your bottom lip and caresses it slowly. He will also use this method to make you quiet whenever you’re speaking too much. 
He doesn’t think about turning you on until he is also turned on, but he is a little bit shy about it. 
His main card is his charm. He knows how to make you laugh, how to be kind and gentle towards you. He’s gonna treat you as his royalty, offering you his hand or arm to walk, giving you soft kisses on the forehead, saying sweet nothings in a loving way.
Physically, he doesn’t dare to do much other than using his nails to caress your back and arms. He can get clingy when he needs anything, and he gets suddenly distant when it’s related to a sexual way because he doesn’t want to be so tiring with that.
He will even ask you if it’s alright for you that he kisses you. It won’t be a normal kiss though. You’d feel his hunger for you on it and it’d be contagious.
He has the unconscious habit of being close to you, and you’d constantly feel his chest on your back, his arms hugging you from behind… and sometimes the full package iykwim.
More than once he’d grind himself against you, and it’s hard to not melt at that instant when he does that, adding his small growl to tease you as well. 
This is up to the tastes of some ppl, but just saying that for him it is natural to walk around shirtless, even in the dorm. This is simply for his own comfort, and who knows, sometimes to flex his muscles for you hah.
✩; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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firsttimewriter92 · 2 years
Schilling for your thoughts Part 2
König x f!reader
Summary: After meeting König your feelings seem to be all over the place. You miss him. Two new recruits for task force 141 are the last thing you want to think about. Part 1 here. It´s better if you read it. Part 3 here
Word count: 3.895
Warnings: mega fluff, slight sexual thoughts, making out, slight touching, Graves is alive in this one (and an a**), that´s just how I see him
Authors note: Yes, I am one of those who believe that König is a ginger, freckled, mighty sweetheart. (I was trying to find this amazing fanart I saw of him that basically started this fic, but I can´t find it again!! I´m sad; It´s so good) Only slightly awkward but he knows how to let someone know he´s interessted. He´ll only unleash the beast on the battlefield, that´s it. I will die on this hill!! Social anxiety, yes. But he´s not completely incapable of interacting with a person<3
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 Sweating you woke up for the second time that night. Blinking your eyes open you groaned in frustration and then dissolved into little disbelieving giggles. Throwing your arm over your eyes you could still see his eyes boring into you from above, still felt the tingle of his tongue on your neck, still felt his broad frame completely covering you. How in the world were you able to imagine all that? Make it feel so real without actually having touched the man. König.
“Fuuuuuck” you mumbled while images of your dream invaded your memory. Your whole body tingled and itched. You still had his scent in your nose. Although in your dream it was mixed with sweat and sex. It was just your imagination. You hadn’t seen him since your first encounter at Lucy´s two days ago. Much less had him panting underneath you, grabbing and licking desperately. God, you needed a glass of water. You hopped off your bed knowing you had to leave for work soon anyway and made your way into your bathroom. Work would keep your mind off him, you were sure. At least you hoped it would.
Nothing worse than working in a male dominated field, constantly being surrounded by them and being horny as fuck. If you couldn’t get the edge off somehow, even someone like Philip Graves would become attractive. If even for only one night. You shivered thinking about that. No. No, no way José. That self-centred, entitled prick was a constant pain in your ass. His interactions with you only consisted of two things. Him asking you out in the most sleezy, vomit inducing type of way or him trying to make you responsible for every little mishap the base´s equipment had. He just wouldn’t get the hint.
Sure he wasn’t the most pleasant fellow on base but by far the worst you had to deal with. Other than him the soldiers either left you alone, respected your skill and opinion or were good friends and comrades of yours.
When Captain Price formed task force 141 and made you it´s chief mechanic you first thought he was pulling your leg. Sure, you were brilliant at your job, only a fool would deny that but he and the people he wanted to recruit were literal heroes. Legends even and he wanted you amongst them. Making sure that whenever the massive doors of the hangar opened and they made their way towards the various vehicles and planes, helicopters ect., they would be working with top notch equipment. Functioning vehicles and helis were almost as important as their weapons. You choosing not to be in the field meant, that doing your job was your contribution to keeping your team alive.
At the beginning you didn’t feel like part of said team at all. You made sure everything was on point for them to use but you didn’t throw yourself into dangerous situations like they did.
And then one day over shouting, explosions in the background and shots fired rapidly, you´d guided Ghost over the comms on how to repair an enemies heli for them to escape. The moment the background noises had faded and you knew they were in the air away from most danger, you had almost cried in relief.
Waiting on base for the heli to return you´d paced the floor of the hangar and nervously bit your nails. After what felt like a lifetime, they´d landed and Soap immediately jumped out and ran towards you. Your breath had been knocked clean out of you when he´d crushed you to his chest shouting.
“You are absolutely incredible!! There was no way we would have been able to make that piece of junk fly again without you. You saved our arses out there,___!!!” Relieved laughter had bubbled from your chest when he´d let you go and held your shoulders, looking at you with sparkling eyes.
“Good job” the Captain had said with a short but proud smile when he came to a holt in front of you. He never had to say much to make his feelings known. That `good job´ had told you enough to make your chest swell as you nodded to him. Ghost hadn´t said much. He´d just walked over to you lifting his arm in an angle and happily smirking you had done the same. Your forearms connecting he´d looked down at you nodding his head once, slowly.
That was it. Since then you became best friends with Soap, good friends with Gaz, Captain Price became somewhat of a mentor to you and Ghost…well, he was special. You didn’t talk much but when it was his downtime (which he only took very begrudgingly) he would come find you, sitting or standing next to you and watching you work. Sometimes he would ask you a question and so you figured you´d just do the talking. Whenever he was there with you, you would explain the steps you took to repair or maintain motors, axle´s and technical equipment.
So, when Price had announced two new recruits for the 141 you´d all looked a little surprised. But of course you trusted your Captain with his judgement. Today was the day the new recruits would join your task force and you would make sure to make a good impression. Knowing them or not, they were part of your team now. And you would try and make them part of your circle. You didn’t even know their names yet.
Showering quickly, making coffee and eating a quick breakfast you hurried over to your base. You didn’t live far from it and as you weren’t active in the field there was no reason for you to live in the barracks like Soap or Ghost did as long as they were on duty. Which seemed to be a never ending occurrence.  
You jogged over to your hangar like every morning, greeting people left and right until you heard the boisterous bickering of Soap and Gaz. Grinning from ear to ear you walked into the large area full of soldiers, vehicles and helicopters. “Could you two please shut it! It´s my first day back, seriously!” you said loudly but with a huge smile on your face. “There she is!” Soap laughed and scooped you up, swinging you left and right. “Never leave for that long again, hen. Please! Ghost is not a suitable replacement for you.” He sat you down on your feet again. “I was only gone for two weeks, Johnny, don´t be so dramatic” you rolled your eyes playfully. “And don’t make fun of my padawan” you pushed your finger into his chest. He smiled and swung his arm over your shoulders. “Aye, a´right, lass. Promise!”
Gaz smiled at you. “Good to have you back,___. You are right on time, the two new recruits are with Price right now. He will introduce you in a sec.” You raised an eyebrow. “You already met them?” you asked. “Aye, this mornin´. We had an early briefin´.” Soap said. “Hmm, I see. So…are they…?”
“Capable? Yes, absolutely. They come highly recommended” Gaz said matter of factly. You felt a weight drop from your chest. “I see. That´s good.”
In the corner of your eye you saw something that made your head whip around. Price had just entered the hangar with casual steps. He stopped next to a table and turned to the soldier following after him. Your jaw dropped and your whole body jerked a little to the side. Soap gave you a knowing smirk. “I know, right? He´s massive. 6´10 I think.”
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you were desperately trying to convince yourself that it was totally normal to have a vast number of 6´10 men walking around the immediate vicinity of a military base. It was normal, there were a lot of men of that hight walking around. Right? No,___. Fuck no! There aren´t!
You weren’t 100% sure it was him though. How could you be? The mountain standing next to Price was wearing full gear as well as a sniper hood, completely covering his face and neck. You couldn’t see his eyes very well from that distance to make sure. There also was one other thing. This man stood tall, shoulders pulled back, head held high. He wasn’t slouching, so even though you whished nothing more than to see König again, this couldn’t be him. The height? Total coincidence.
Trying to hide your, as you realised, devastating disappointment you got to work immediately. Thinking about the auburn haired man that stirred a longing inside of you, you couldn’t explain. It wasn’t just the dreams you had about him. It was his excitement, his eagerness, his voice, his damn smile. You saw it every time you closed your eyes. Your heart hurt. How could you be lovesick? It didn’t make much sense to you. The only thing you knew was that your heart and body felt like they were on fire constantly since meeting him. Your body pleasantly, your heart filled with something aching. It was a mixture you had never felt before.
Sighing deeply you were currently torso deep leaned into the hood of your latest broken piece of equipment when you heard Price´s commanding voice booming behind you. “___, meet the new team members.” Nervous, you wiped your hands on the rack hanging from your black overalls. When you turned, the world seemed to stop yet again. There was no denying. Not being able to see more than his eyes this close to you, it was enough. You had struggled too much to figure out their colour to not recognise them now even surrounded by the hood and black face paint. His eyes were wide and they looked to your shock absolutely horrified.
While Price was looking a bit taken aback by your quietness he didn’t comment on it. König´s eyes still held your own until he seemed to snap out of something and took a step towards you. “Nein…” he sounded so devastated you didn’t know if you should try to console him or be offended. “Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, Maus. Was machst du hier?! Wieso…wieso bist du hier?!“ (Mouse, what are you doing here?! Why are you here?!) His hands moved to the top of his head like he was trying to grab his hair but he couldn’t. Instead he got much closer and lay both massive hands on your shoulders leaning down towards you and looking into your eyes. His own swam with what you now saw worry, fear and maybe a bit of relieve.
Price stepped into your field of vision with a raised eyebrow. He looked ready to pounce on König within the second you asked for it. “I´m fine, Captain. I…I´ve met him previously.” He didn’t look very comfortable with this information but slowly walked backwards towards Soap who´s collar was held by Gaz, holding him back from sprinting.
Your attention was pulled back towards König again as he carefully moved one hand and lay it gently on your cheek. “You´re not supposed to be here” he whispered. You knew he didn’t mean it in a condescending way so you tried an encouraging smile. “I didn’t have the chance to tell you what my occupation was” you answered slowly. “I didn’t know you were a soldier either.” He nodded his head a bit.
It suddenly dawned on you what his and your position would mean now and your stomach twisted uncomfortably. You understood his tone of voice now. He sighed deeply. “Ich hab´ so oft an dich gedacht” (I thought about you so often) he said gently. Your heart squeezed in your chest and trying to not choke up you nodded. “Ich auch an dich” (As did I) you answered. Why beat around the bush? He was here and so were you. You had to work with that fact. His eyes narrowed and you knew he was smiling underneath his hood. Slightly touching the hand that was still on your cheek you smiled back. You couldn’t see his cheeks or ears but your best guess was that they were bright pink at this point.
It was a bit difficult to manoeuvre everything since König joined 141. Price had pulled you aside after your first encounter with König at base and asked if this would turn into a problem. You gave him your most honest answer. “No, Sir. Unless you feel it´s a problem that I worry about my teammates out in the field. It will eventually happen with König and Horangi too.” Price huffed a small laugh. “Yea, I know you worry ´bout us. I also know you sometimes stretch your hours to be here when we get back and then pretend like something was broken” his voice sounded mildly stern. You hung your head a little. “I just wanna make sure you´re sure about how much you wanna…pursue whatever this thing with König is. You know the military has some rules about that.” You felt your face burn but nodded quickly. “I´m aware, Sir. I…I´m not even sure what…” He raised his hand. “Don´t need to hear it. I can´t stop you from caring and it´s good that you do. Not gonna lie, feels nice when we get back and you´re there.” You stared at him and your heart swelled for your Captain.
Months passed and it was like you expected it to be. König and you had this unspoken agreement to see what this thing between you would turn out to be but it was difficult. You only saw each other on base when you were both fully committed to your jobs. Your job was to make sure all their equipment was on point. You couldn’t let yourself fall much deeper for him and let it become a distraction. And on the other hand you wished for nothing more than be closer to him. Other than some very small touches and hushed conversations you hadn’t had the time to explore further what you felt for each other. Every time they left in the heli or plane he would turn one last time and look back at you giving you a small wave.
The next time they came back, König was the one who´s gear was caked in blood more than the others. He really looked like an absolute beast coming down the ramp. Powerful legs carried him in long strides towards you until he stopped right in front of you. His gaze was cold, his posture challenging. It was like he was trying to intimidate you. And it almost worked. What you couldn’t forget however was his sweet smile, his adorable grin. “Was versuchst du hier, König?” (What are you trying to do here, König?) you asked him calmly and lifted your hand to his smudged cheek.
Immediately his shoulders slumped the way you remembered and his eyes closed. You hadn’t seen his face since that day at Lucy´s. His hood was always on. After months of pining your patience was at an end. You took his hand and pulled him outside the hangar. You could see Gaz and Soap fist-bumping in the background as you pulled König after you into the dark. The dull light of the hangar reached you only slightly when you stopped next to the heli and turned to him. “Ich will dich sehen” (I want to see you) you said while still holding his hand.
His breath stuttered as his other hand moved to his hood, pulling it over his head. Your heart beat against your ribs hastily. There he was. The area around his eyes painted black only accentuated his glowing irises, solely trained on you. With an almost wide open mouth you saw that his hair was not tied back. Or maybe not anymore. It flowed down towards his shoulders, framing his face with strands of liquid copper and brown. His mouth was a straight line, his brows pinched. He looked like he was fighting with himself. “König” you whispered pulling him closer to you. “We both know there´s something there.” He nodded immediately but looked almost ashamed. You continued. “For me, it was there in the bookstore, it was there when you joined 141 and it´s here now” you pointed at your heart. He inhaled sharply. “Oh, Maus. Du weißt ja nicht…” (Oh, mouse. You don´t even know…) “I thought my heart would explode in that bookstore.” He came closer to you, gently reaching out and touching your waist.
“When I realised that you´re in the military, in my team…I got so scared. I thought you were active in the field for a second. It terrified me. I thought you´d get to see the side of me that I don’t….can´t show you.” You took the last step and lifted both hands to his chest. His heart was hammering against your palm violently. Moving your hands further upwards you encased his aristocratic face into your hands. “I´m used to seeing blood, König” you said a bit teasingly. He huffed and smiled a little bit. “I…change….out there” he said hesitantly, looking at you with the most vulnerable eyes you had ever seen on a person.
You nodded in understanding. “You don’t have to explain more than that, König. All I know is that you changing out there, brings you back to me time and time again unscathed. That´s all that matters to me.” His eyes were so round and disbelieving. His arms sneaked around your waist pulling you flush to his wide chest. Your own hands wound themselves to the back of his neck pulling him down to you gently.
With somewhat sweaty hands and a body boiling so hot you could feel your own heat emitting from it, you looked into his beautiful eyes until his nose brushed yours gently. Your lips twitching you closed your eyes and waited for him to take the last step. He took his time.
Holding you ever so close he brushed his nose up the bridge of yours until his lips softly brushed your forehead. The air was almost punched from your lungs when you felt their soft texture breathing little pecks over your hairline, down your nose again and finally stopping above your mouth. “Meine kleine Maus. So wunderschön” (My little mouse. So beautiful) he breathed against your quivering lips. He was driving you nuts.
Slowly he began to move one hand up and up over your spine. Goosebumps covered your whole body and your knees became weaker by the second. “König” you almost whined. “Bitte” (Please).
So, finally with a violent shiver of his own and a slight groan, he moved his head and fully took your mouth with his.
It was like something in yourself opened up for the first time. You´ve kissed plenty of people before but none of them felt like he did. None of them tasted like he did. He was holding you gently but firm as he opened his mouth slightly. One of his hands at the back of your neck managed to let you forget everything that was going on around you, in the world.
Quickly you noticed that just standing there, holding onto him and letting your lips do the talking wasn’t enough. You´ve got a taste of him and now, your body craved more than you were sure you could chew at that moment. Open mouthed kisses with König was something out of this world. He may seemed like a bit of a shy person but damn, he was an incredible kisser. When you let out a little whimper you could feel his hands clamp down on you for a second. Encouraged by his reaction and knowing he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him, you gently and carefully touched his tongue with yours. A deep, rattling sound came from his chest as he used his own tongue to explore your mouth.
You couldn’t imagine how you had ever lived without his kisses before. It was like the movements of his tongue and gently fingers breathed live into you all the while robbing you of every ounce of oxygen in your lungs as well as every coherent thought. “Shit” he breathed. “I can´t” *kiss* “fucking stop” *kiss*. “You are so addicting. Thought about you” *Kiss* “every damn day.”
“Don’t let go” you breathed against his lips, desperately clinging to him. “Gott, Maus. Nicht mal wenn ich könnte” (God, mouse. Not even if I could) he growled. Your head was swimming. One more German word out of his mouth and you´d jump his bones then and there. König´s hands framed your face and slowly he retreated his wicked tongue from your mouth. Pecking your lips several more times he was panting by the time you opened your eyes to look at him better. Your hand had wandered from his neck into his hair and you twirled the silky strands affectionately while gazing at his kiss swollen lips. He grinned and all your were able to concentrate on were those damned canines.
Smiling you brushed your nose with his and giggled when he squeezed you hard licking his teeth. Your nether regions tingled so bad at this point, you really had to concentrate. You didn’t want this to be less than a make-out and a quickie. You cared for this giant sweetheart more than what you had thought was possible.
“I´d love to continue this, Maus but…You have to know that…I care a great deal about you. You mean a lot to me. I can´t just…” You touched his face with a light brush of your fingertips and he looked at you almost apologetically. “It´s okey, König. So do I” you smiled wide. The look of content and relieve that befell his face was so pure it almost choked you up.
Still holding you close to him he buried his head into your hair and took a deep breath. He mumbled something you couldn’t understand so you chuckled and leaned back a bit to look at him. He had a sheepish smile on his face. You pulled his head down again and kissed him, fully enjoying the little hiccup escaping him. When you detached from him again he touched your face with gentle fingers, mapping out each curve and edge. Then he sighed deeply and said “I´m really not looking forward to the conversation I´ll need to have with the Captain. He scares me.”
At that you had to laugh a little. “What conversation do you mean?” you asked. Hope and excitement spreading through your veins. “Well” he said, grinning again. “I want to take this wonderful little Maus out on a date and see where it take´s us. She´s pretty neat.” You giggled and felt your cheeks and neck burn. “But I need to talk to the Captain first.” You nodded in understanding.
“I think your Maus will be very happy to say yes to a date” you chuckled in a whisper and got on your tiptoes. He bent his head quickly, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you into his arms. This kiss was incredibly sweet though not less passionate as  the last one.
As he slowly turned on his axis, never once leaving your lips, your heart sang with possibility and affection towards the man named König.
Thank you very much for reading. If you´d like, please interact with this post. Comments, likes and reblogs are always loved on this blog <3 You can check out my other work on my blog.
Ok, so Part 3 would be totally optional and I guess the only way for this versions König smut ;) Let me know what you think.
@starthewolf-146 @polnareffsbouncybaraboobies @fullldash @konig-breedme @rainhopesforbetterdaystomorrow @kdkj122920
@thychuvaluswife @deceive-me @radishdoodles @lolis-pikt
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