#jazz + damian duo
demonic0angel · 11 hours
Just Give Up… (click for clarity)
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Part two of this idea
I’m completely obsessed with the idea of Damian becoming Jazz’s child for some reason, so expect more stuff with them as a duo.
Image description below:
Panel 1 has Jazz and Dick across from each other, with Damian in the middle. Damian is shyly showing off his A+ grades, while Jazz and Dick are visibly gushing over him with happy flowers all around.
Panel 2 has Bruce’s disgruntled face. A visual flower (not real) hits him and then bounces off.
Bruce: So… when am I going to have my son back?
Panel 3 has Jazz, Damian, and Dick’s angry and pissed expressions as they glare at Bruce. The visual flowers (still not real) are dying.
Dick: …. Say that again?
Panel 4 has Bruce looking shocked while Tim and Alfred side eye him in concern, slightly out of the panel.
Panel 5 then has Bruce looking dejected and sad, while Alfred and Tim awkwardly comfort him.
Bruce: … nevermind…
Tim: just hang in there, B
Alfred: there there, sir
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This is a mashup of various tropes. Don’t like don’t read. May include
- deaged danny
- Damian x Dani (serious chaos)
- dead Jazz
- dead Sam
- dead Tucker
- not-shit parent Vlad (kinda)
- the Waynes have a strength kink
So when Danny is 18 and have safely moved out, has financial security and can go no contact with his parents he decides to tell him that he’s Phantom.
It doesn’t go well.
By the time Jazz Sam and Tucker find him he is deaged to around 6. The fentonworks lab explodes.
Dani, who is 16 and was on her way to visit, came just in time to sift through the rubble and find Danny, who has only had enough memory to recognize her as his sister. She also finds three dead bodies. Jack and Maddie survived.
Scared and mourning, she takes Danny and runs to Vlad, who realizes how terrible and obsessed Jack and Maddie were and gives Dani lots of money to hide somewhere where the Jack and Maddie wouldn’t dare to look- at least not for a little while.
So she takes Danny and changes their names.
Elliot ‘Elle’ Jasmine Nightingale and Daniel James Nightingale, brothers and sister duo.
Dani- now Elle- still holds a grudge on Vlad, coupled with the Fenton stubbornness, she insists that she can pay rent/bills/groceries/etc. she gets an apartment in crime alley.
Because Elle doesn’t want to leave a paper trail, she does a less-than-legal job.
She joins a fight rink under the name of Phantasm.
And she’s great at it.
Shes spend the money on education for Danny, ignoring her education for the moment until Danny is old enough to join school.
Damian and Bruce were having major arguments, mostly about his violence and Damian quits being Robin and becomes Nocturne. (Bc I love that name)
He undercover a fight rink and thinks if he busts the rink Bruce will trust him enough.
He does recon and quickly realizes that one of the fighters was incredible, winning fight after fight without causing major injures to her opponents. Her name was Phantasm.
He decides that in order to find out more about her, he has to join undercover. It was only to take down the fight rink and learn more about the beautiful fighter that could bend him in half and nothing more.
Damian joins under the name of Ghoul and swipes some DNA from Elle, learns her (fake) name her (fake) backstory (family died in an heated lab explosion) but doesn’t understand why a chunk of her DNA was unreadable (ghost part of her DNA)
After a bit of digging, realized she didn’t attend school and the next morning Elle waked up to a letter starting that her full-ride scholarship to Gotham Academy has be approved (GA offers a afterschool care for students with younger siblings)
Elle never applied and is confused but accepts after Vlad, Ember, and Kitty convinced her.
She coincidentally is put in the most of the same classes as Damian, who she eventually crushes on befriends because he’s hot she’s suspicious of his faint and funky ecto signature.
So shenanigans include (not in this order and are optional)
- GALA where Vald announces her as Vlad Co heiress and the are invited to the gala and get a bit sus of Elle bc Vlad is sus
- JASON AS ELLE’S NEIGHBOR is actively trying to set up/prevent Damian and Elle getting together (either one works, as long as the plans fail comically)
- TALIA ATTEMPTING TO KIDNAP DANNY because he looked like Bruce/she wants another son and Elle absolutely beating her 7 different ways to Sunday and Talia telling Damian that she approves of her
- ELLE DESTABILIZING/GETTING REALLY SICK and Danny calls Damian in a panic because he knows Elle trusts him even if she won’t admit it
- ELLE GETS SAVED BY NOCTURNE and Elle instantly clocks him as Damian bc of his ecto signature and rips him a new one because look how vigilantism turned out for Danny
- THE BATFAM THINKING DANNY IS THE CLONE OF ELLE and investigating Cadmus, who could have ties to the GIW somehow
- ELLE BECOMING A SORT OF SERIAL KILLER to protect Danny (check the comments @emerald-fox-93 linked it :)))
- DASH BECOMING A GCPD COP AND HAVING TO ARREST ELLE because she killed someone who tried to kidnap Danny. Damian picks her up from the station after she calls him.
- PAULINA BECAME A LAYWER FOR WE bc I saw a post like that and it was fire. She eventually fights for the removal of the AEA (anti ecto acts)
- THE OTHER BATS GENUINELY BECOMING CONCERNED and began to think that Elle is mind-controlling Damian because he keeps brushing them off to hang out with her
- DAN JOINING THE JLA and calling up Elle when he needs her help and Damian being there and being like ‘wtf??’
Jack and Maddie eventually find Danny and Elle and Elle vanishes. Danny- who Elle hid when the Fentons stormed the apartment- calls Damian sobbing and pleading for him to find Elle because the bad people are going to hurt her.
Damian, knowing little to nothing about her situation, basically goes ballistic trying to find her. The family, titans, and the League gets involved because one 15 year old doesn’t realize he has a massive crush on his classmate. He calls up that every favors he is owed (and some that is not) so now basically almost the entire LOA is after a 15 year old girl who was kidnapped by the two mad scientists who are committing around 16 wars crimes.
They find her after the ghosts she’s Still in contact with realize she hasn’t texted in a while and they’ll help Damian on his manhunt
And because Elle is the high princess, the entire ghost zone is ready to help Damian get their princess/queen/regent back
Jack and Maddie never stood a chance.
Any more ideas?? Please tag me and comment 🙏 :))
Edit: I’m updating the post as I think of new ideas, so it’s changing pretty often, you’re not crazy, I just have no writing ability and too many ideas 🤪
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luckyfox3000 · 11 months
Hello my friends! New Promt! Ps. Pick a dc character you want me to fit in a promt. (I like asking questions)
Dick Grayson had no idea what was going on.
Nor did he want to know.
It all started when Bruce informed the family that a recently orphaned Danial Fenton would be coming to stay with them.
Did it bother him? No! Dick was looking forward to having another sibling (dont say he's not Bruce, for God's sake, he has black hair and blue eyes), the only problem was with Damian.
Dick and the family had worked hard to show Damian that everyone was equally loved and that he wasn't getting sent back to the league for simple mistakes.
Dicks biggest achievement was getting Tim and Damian to get along, though they made a rather terrifying duo.
But anyway, that wasn't the point.
The thing was when the boy finally arrived, other then a scowling Damian, everything was fine.
The boy, Danial who liked to be called Danny, was shy and sweet in the beginning and quite nervous to be around the family, but once he warmed he was cracking jokes and puns like their was no tomorrow.
Dick thought it was a bit odd that Danny was so cheerful after just losing his family, but, everyone has their own coping mechanisms, and as long as he didnt decide to pick up a furry costume and prance into the night to fight crime, Dick would support.
Oddly enough, Tim, Damian, and Danny were the ones to get along best, and Dick found it absolutely adorable (at the time. Never mind, no matter their plans, their still cute), though he heard Jason mutter something along the lines of "God damn it, they've band together, we're all doomed."
Which Dick thought was a bit of an exaggeration.
So what if they smiled when news came of lexcorp blown up, and their funds and stocks drastically decreasing.
So what if they sat together laughing adorably (or in Damians case a small warm smile), while surrounded by sheets of paper detailing plans to destroy the league of assassins (Did Danny figure out their identities???)(they called somone named Jazz for advice, should he be concerned?)
So what if when Dick decided to surprise them and barged into their game room to find several assassins and Slade wilson on the floor, tied up masterfully, unable to move a muscle and knocked out while the boys played video games.
It didn't matter, they were adorable.
So why was Dick so frightened now?
Good question.
Dick might have miscalculated.
Feel free to use or add on!
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 19 (Day 2)
Prompt: Siblings | Play
A/N: All I gotta say is this was heavily inspired by Wayne Family Adventures. I think I focused more no the Play prompt than Siblings, either way please enjoy my Day 2 contribution :D
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
Danny was in a tricky situation. He carefully checked his surroundings as he crouched behind a bookshelves to reload. The Meta Alliance was off the table. Duke got taken out by Dick. He had seen Damian hunting down Tim earlier, muttering something about using the same trick again despite his warning. Jason was still wandering the halls in search of him loudly offering Danny a new Alliance promising that he wouldn't be shot on sight. He had lost sight of Cass earlier but he knew Steph was hiding on the second floor waiting for Jason to take revenge.
When Dick had come to him and Jazz earlier that day Danny did not expect for the oldest Wayne to hand them each a paintball gun with a wide grin. Only for them to suggest taking part in a game they played every year called Assassin. It was apparently a secret from Bruce that only the children of Bruce Wayne aka Batman took part in.
He had been suspicious of it at first, Jazz and him had only joined the Family for a couple of months now and Dick had suggested they join the game as a bonding experience between siblings with the rest of the family. When Danny didn't let up on his suspicious staring he also offered that it was a way to train and test Danny's stealth against his new siblings.
Only partly convinced, at least in Danny's case, they had joined. The moment they entered the sitting room everyone else was in, Harper, last year's winner according to the others, decided to start with a special alliance to ease Jazz into the game. Only for her to get accidentally taken out. She had made the mistake of forming the alliance with all the girls including Jazz, without prior information that till then only Danny had been privileged to with how often his own sister had souped him. To Harper's credit, she didn't know about the bad aim his sister inherited from their dad. The girl alliance got pretty quickly dissolved then and the Fanton siblings formed a new one, since Danny knew best how bad of a shot Jazz was.
Though Danny additionally had the one with Duke until he got taken out. They honestly had thought that with their Meta-powers they could overwhelm the others. Hell they were a power duo on patrols, this should have been easy. That was until Dick got Duke and Duke in all the dramatic sibling fashion 'died' in a distracting way that made Dick and Danny laugh only for the Ghost to then escape.
"AH FUCK!" Looks like Jason got taken out now too from the sounds of it. Danny didn't stay to find out who took the revenant out. He went invisible and phased through the wall behind him and floated up a floor through it. Carefully to avoid Bruce as well as Alfred so that the two adults shouldn't grow suspicious. Suddenly there was rusting behind him and Danny turned around quickly. He was still invisible so aside from Duke no one should be able to see him right now.
"I know you're here Danny. Show yourself."
"You're wearing your mask with heat-vision?" The question came out before he could help himself as he stared at Tim. Both his hands raised as he held them up, showing that he meant no harm, his paintball gun in his right hand pointing at the ceiling for extra measures while Tim was grinning at him with his gun pointed at Danny.
"Your body temperature is lower than the average human one, especially when you use your powers. It's the easiest way to find you since it was decided that both you and Duke were allowed to use them."
"I see." Danny nodded along. "I take it, you want to take me out right now?"
"If you don't agree to my proposal. Help me take out Damian and Cass."
Danny hummed thinking about it for a second before he noticed movement from the corner of the hall. He grinned, shrugging with his shoulders. "I would but… sorry maybe next time!"
He let himself fall through the floor as Tim cried out, blue splotches on his back appearing. Danny barely missed getting shot too as he fell onto the first floor. An orange splatter left on the wall at the height his chest had been mere seconds ago. Cass standing at the end of the hall as they made one final eye contact before he completely disappeared from sight through the floor.
But he did not get a second of rest as he fell into one of the down stairs sitting rooms. The moment he was through the ceiling and made eye contact with a stunned but then grinning assailant. He flipped to the side barely dodging the colorful rounds shot at him and aimed his own gun. Ten shots, nine missing but the last one finally got his target's leg.
"Gotcha!" He cheered as he floated down grinning brightly at Dick.
"Not bad baby ghost. I didn't expect you and Jazz to be this good. Sure you guys didn't have formal training?" Inspecting his leg the elder smiled, happy at seeing Danny enjoying himself this freely. He still remembered the first month in which Danny barely spoke to anyone aside from his sister. Dick had been a bit worried when he asked the Fanton kids to join their game but he was glad that he did now. The Fantons had come a long way and it appeared that they finally saw the rest of the Waynes as siblings too.
"No, everything is self thought. Though, Jazz hitting Harper was totally an accident considering she had been aiming at-" Their phones buzzed and both each took their own out. Dick whistled. "Baby bird took out Steph. So now it's only you, Jazz, Dami and Cass left. Looks like this year's game will even be over before patrol starts."
"Did it take longer last year?"
Dick nodded. "It went right into patrol time. But maybe it's getting over faster this year because everyone is at the Manor." He didn't mention that he had specifically asked the others to not draw out the game too long. Despite the couple of months, Danny and Jazz were still new to Gotham and the family and they both didn't need distractions during patrol and support.
"Speaking of being at the Manor. Why hasn't Alfred said anything about the paint splatters yet? He is omnipresent, I thought he would be the first to notice." The halfa tilted his head in light confusion. Really with the way Alfred always knew what was going on in the Manor Danny had long since expected for the butler to gather them all to give them a stern talking about playing with paintball guns inside the building.
"It's fine as long as we clean up after ourselves." He raised an eyebrow and Dick rubbed his neck nervously. "And as long as we don't go overboard and damage anything permanently. Besides, sometimes Alfred even ends up joining in on these games to teach us a lesson or to get back at us for all the grief we gave him with injuries in the past."
Danny raised a suspicious eyebrow. "He… won't just do that this time, will he?"
"Nope, but we should clean up here before Bruce comes back. It also helps that most of us only shoot when we are sure that we will hit the others and not something else." Danny nodded, muttering an embarrassed 'sorry' remembering how he let more than one shot lose at his targets. Dick only chuckled, patting his head and offering a cloth piece to wipe the paint from the wall.
Once it was clean Danny gave a grinning Dick a little finger salute before going invisible again and leaving the room. There were only four players left. He wouldn't be able to find Cass but he could try and take out Daimien. Choosing to be as silent as possible Danny used his ghost powers to also float. He turned off his ghostly powers as he came across Bruce and Tim by the stairs. The man was asking Tim about the paint on his neck that he must have splattered there when Cass had taken him out earlier.
"Damian and I got into a disagreement when I passed his atelier earlier. He threw one of his paint brushes at me like a dart."
"Damian wouldn't just do that because of a simple disagreement. What sort of argument did you two get into this time, for it to art out like this?"
Danny frowned slightly. The others never had mentioned what would happen if Bruce found out. He hid his gun on his back under his hoodie.
"Hi Bruce, I think someone must have pissed him off at school. He threw one at me too, when I asked him what got him into a sour mood." Danny decided to add to the lie. Really the youngest stabbiness was a really nice trait that made these lies even more believable. Tim gave him a thumbs up for the support hidden from Bruce's eyes.
"Hello Danny. Maybe I should have a talk with Damian. I cannot have him bring another knife to school again." The man muttered with a sigh as he walked away from them. Tim and Danny grinned at each other before once again Danny saluted before making his way back to the second floor. He had a feeling that he would find Damian or Cass up there.
Hearing voices by the end of the hall where Damian's Atelier was, Danny decided to try and be sneaky. The door was only a gap wide open, he peaked into the room. It hadn't been long since he had meet Bruce with Tim by the stairs but apparently the man was quick with his actions. In the room were said man and the youngest Wayne, Bruce was apparently trying to get Damian to tell him why he was in a sour mood and hurl his paint brushes at his siblings.
Danny snickered, the man's back was to the door and he grinned the moment Damian noticed him peaking in by the door. He gave the youngest a little bit of a mocking wave with the addition of a wide grin as Damian scowled. Bruce apparently took it that Damian did not like the reinforced rule of no knives at school.
Still grinning the ghost boy pulled his gun from the back and aimed it through the door carefully so that Bruce wouldn't notice him. Damian was now flat out glaring deadly at him, daring him to do it in the presence of his father. Waiting for the right time Danny watched Bruce and when the man appeared to look at something at his side he fired a shot. Hitting the youngest square in the chest who quickly despite his deadly glare turned towards one of his unfinished pieces and grabbed some of his art supplies to explain that color splatter as a lapse of his own judgment and frustration of the topic they were discussing.
Danny definitely knew he would be paying for this action later. Damian wasn't as stabby with him like he was with others thanks to Danny's ghostly powers, but that only meant that the youngest was creative in other ways to get back at the halfa. Though right now it only mattered to Danny that he was able to get two of the bat-kids out of the game with no formal training. That grin was whiped of his face when he felt a short sting on his back and his head whipped around to see Cass behind him smiling brightly.
"Lacking situational awareness."
"Okay yea, that was my bad." Letting out a sight he admitted defeat as he in a bout of dramatic essence chose to lay flat on the ground only lifting his head a little to face an amused Cass. Taking out his phone he proceeded to text the group that he had taken out Damian but in return got taken out by Cass. Looks like Cass would be the winner this year, he commented into the chat.
"Finally found you Danny!" Looking up stunned as well as hearing shuffling towards the door from the Atelier Danny looked up to see Jazz standing by the end of the hall now her paintball gun aimed at Danny as Cass dived to the side away from him. Right, his sister was still in the game!
"Let me handle this!"
"Wait Jazz!"
Too late his sister fired multiple shots and in a feat the half ghost honestly thought impossible, the projectiles ricochet off of decorations, leaving small splatters of paint behind them everywhere. The door next to him opened and Danny stared wide eyes up at Bruce and Damian.
"What is going on-"
At the end of the day Cass was declared the winner while Jazz was declared the honorary winner by being the first one to ever hit Bruce Wayne aka Batman square in the face with a paintball gun.
Though the siblings all got a stern talking to from the man for playing Assassin inside the Manor as well as Alfreds disappointed look™ that was followed by an amused smile whenever the butler side eyed Bruce. The smiles and looks all the siblings exchanged promised that next year's game would be filled with revenge plans. Maybe till then Jazz's aim would become better with the shooting classes Bruce decided to sign her up for with a knowing smile.
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phantomposting · 2 years
Time for another soupy 4am half asleep romps cause this idea is keeping me awake. Sorry in advance for grammatical and spelling errors.
So I've been stuck hyperfixated on twin aus lately cause I'm an absolute sucker for supportive found family stuff. However I've begun to run out of ideas to rotate in my brain and timeline out. This one popped in my head yesterday tho and it's been stuck in my noggin ever since.
Instead of just one twin going missing from the league on a mission both end up lost. Maybe the league assumes Damian and Danyal died and the bodies simply couldn't be recovered. Either way they stick together both ending up with the Fenton's in aminty Park Illinois.
Damian is still his prideful headstrong self. It takes him a long time to actually bond with Jazz due to his stand offish nature. But eventually they become close. Danny has just about the same character development but he is inseparable with Damian and Damian helps him become a little more self confident.
When it's time for the accident to occur both twins are caught in it. Both gain ghost powers and walk the fine live between dead and alive. Danny has a protection obsession and a minor space obsession, Damian has a protection obsession in the sense he must keep his family safe and his minor obsession is animals.
Danny takes up the alias Phantom and Damian takes up Ghoul. Together they make an unstoppable undead vigilante duo many of the ghost rouges refer to as the demon twins. Damian absolute retained more of his league training than Danny so Damian has an easier time at the whole ghostly hero biz than Danny. But he's very encouraging towards Danny in the hopes up helping him and his confidence. Probably has a bit that focuses mainly on that struggle with his confidence.
Phantom still has his white hair and green eyes and ice core and Ghoul has white hair and blue eyes and a shadow core. With this shadow core he can manipulate the shadows to give him the cover of darkness or make shadowy weapons. He uses this to take a more stealthy assassin approach to his heroing.
Eventually down the line the Fenton parents fond out Damian and Danny's secret. I like to think Danny couldn't stand to keep it a secret anymore but Damian didn't deem it safe enough to open up yet. As a result Danny opens up only about himself which leads to Jack and Maddie trying to "fix" him. Damian rescues him and they go on the run.
They end up on Gotham and the bats start getting suspicious of the two meta children going around fighting crime in their city. Don't they know there's a no metas rule?
Chaos ensues and Bruce finds out that these two homeless meta twins are actually his children and he has to slowly earn these kids trust so he can help them and bring them into the family. Lots of chaos, trauma, and happy moments later and the whole batclan welcomes the two with open arms :D
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spacedace · 2 years
okay context: so in this AU, Danny and Dan are the only ones who don't know the batfam secret. Jazz figured it out when they first moved in next door to Jason. Damian told Elle after she trusted him with the truth about being a halfa. Elle didn't tell anyone else since it was a secret Damian trusted her with, while Jazz & Jason assumed that everyone else in the Nightingale family knew and never really brought it up.
It just completely sailed over Dan & Danny's heads. Even though part of the deal the family worked out with the Spirit of Gotham is to help protect her Bats and Birds (that's why Dan ended up in Bludhaven, to help keep Nightwing safe) and they regularly (secretly) follow the batfam around during patrols and fights to help make sure nothing bad happens to them.
Which brings us to the disaster dinner where, after things have almost calmed down from the chaos and embarrassment of Elle and Damian's power point & movie, everyone is actually almost getting along. Turns out, getting horribly roasted by the two gremlins helped break the ice a bit. It's kinda hard for the Bats to hold on to as much of the suspicion for the Nightingales as before when they just watched a supercut of everyone’s most embarrassing moments from the past five years with color commentary from the Chaos Duo.
Which is to say Danny is feeling comfortable enough - with some edging on by Elle - to reveal his conspiracy theory about who Batman is, to Bruce.
Just looks Bruce straight in the eye and with his whole heart and soul asks, "So, like you're for sure Batman's sugar daddy right?" -
Tagging for those who asked: @screamingtofillthevoid @stargirl1331 @mnemovoid @malice-of-the-sunrise @bathildaburp @autumnwulf @revnantdpxdclover @coruscateselene @writer-extraodinaire @idfk-man10 @fluffen-spooky @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @unadulteratedsoulsweets @phoenixdemonqueen @overlycaffeinatedsuperwholockfan @gin2212 @emotional-otter @lexdamo @dixiwoods @wildbacon @ashleysmshly @that-random-fangirl @satanicrutialspecialist @lazy-bouqet @treepainting @busterkeel @gin2212 @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @jaggedheart11 @introvert-even-on-the-internet
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alldancersaretalented · 2 months
Duos/Trios 23/24
Here's a small collection of Duos/Trios sorted by dance studio!
4PM Dance:
Mila Madriles, Kennadie Wright - Hey Mickey
Avi's Dance Project:
Aubree Ginter, Coraline McClintock - Only Hope
Terryn Jackson, Sydney Williams - Let Me Think
Christine He, Nicole He - Home
Mariah Merrigan, Kaydence Thomas - Secret Symphony
Aubrey Avila, Alyssa Garay - Islands
Molly Croll, Ella Siders - Stand By Me
Evianna Granado, Ana Roman - We'll Be Fine
Alexa Estep, Caylin Garcia - Song For You
Bobbie's School of Performing Arts:
?? - Not A Mountain
?? - Don't Give Me Up
?? - Life's What You Make It
?? - LiourI
?? - Only Ever Loved Your Ghost
?? - I'm Through
Canadian Dance Company:
Ellianna Buck, Olivia Colozza, Delia Wu - Freeway
Emma Lee, Emma Phillippe, Stella Savage - On Broadway
Olivia Colozza, Filip Lipiec - Hard To Handle
Alexandra de Groot, Kadence Wright, Clara Zhao - Snowing
Callista Crowe, Damian Shillis - Every Little Thing
Jessica Battley, Kadence Wright - Swing Phenomenon
Jessie Alfaro Kazula, Sabrina Digings - Feet Don't Fail Me Now
Ryan Blackburn, Callista Crowe - Anything You Can Do
Damian Shillis, Sophia Van Haastrecht - Last Night
Cydnee Abbott, Chloe Greenfield, Sadie Wen - Mind-Link
David Blackburn, Arianna Frano - Moves Like Jagger
Therese Marie Adap, Sadie Wen, Avery Yoo - Aaab
Therese Marie Adap, Oliwia Lipiec, Avery Yoo- Contra
Aliyah Demone, Irene Rose Santos, Analia Theofilopoulos - Glitch
Ella Boughner, Lauren Gibbon, Anna Volkova - Drive
Lauren Gibbon, Olivia Granic, Gabriella Seixeiro- TBA
Lauren Gibbon, Brandon Yoo- Die Trying
Olivia Granic, Gabriella Seixeiro - On The Jazz Four
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio:
Addalyn Daley, Coco Gonzales, Ivy McEwan - Run The World
Kate Baker, Violet Schwarz, Anistyn Larsen - The Grudge (Shannon Mather)
Kylie Lawrence, Elliana Wilson - Say A Little Prayer
Tessa Ohran, Rory Frye, Hadlee Heriford - We Could Stay (Noelle Marsh)
?? - Evening Ceremony
?? - Inside
Club Dance Studio:
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Sylvie Win Szyndlar - Dreamscapes (Jenn Peterson)
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Sylvie Win Szyndlar - La Rapture (Brady Farrar)
Amelia Principe, Annalisa Francis, Mackenzie Hammer - Diamonds
?? - Big Love
?? - Party Girls
Penny Harris, Brody Schaffer - My Girl
?? - Nana's Flowers
Aspen Bloem, Annelise Hseih, Ryee Kameya - Funk Soul Brother
?? - Tres Chicas
?? - Tick Tick Boom
?? - Rhythm X 2
Dance Deluxe:
Haven Bryan, Adriana Houlihan, Adaline Louderback - You're Invited
Allie Aston, Livian Bailey, Lily Conaway - Hollywood
Jake Roberts, Stella Roberts - We Go Together
Emerson Mullan, Avery Stephens, Adelina Quintanilla - Hocus Pocus
Brighton Taylor, Briele Bailey, Remi Skidmore - Big Finish
Kamdyn Arnold, Haylie Birchman, Aracely Lee - Snap
Eva Gonzalez, Remi Skidmore - Snowing
Gage Davis, Vanessa Soto - Somebody
Gage Davis, Vanessa Soto - Falling Slowly
Dance Enthusiasm:
Liesl Dowdy, Margot Phelps - Shake Your Groove Thing
Kayleigh Stoler, Violet Werner - Sign Of The Times
Julia Visan, Olivia Visan - Optical Prism
Shelby Ellis, Kayleigh Stoler - Made For You
Olivia Visan, Violet Werner - Explosion
Jazmine Raine Werner, Violet Werner - Time
Amelia Gonzales, Kayleigh Stoler - Dream On
Malia Gazda, Paige Kim - Falling Leaves
Shelby Ellis, Janea Latimer - Let Me Follow
Taelyn Albrecht, Paige Kim - Refugees
Taelyn Albrecht, Jazmine Raine Werner - One Sec
Taelyn Albrecht, Alexa Lynn - Carry You
Christina Kalafatis, Emily Zolla - Hocus Pocus
Dance Precisions:
Aliyana Denham, Aniyia Ortega, Kennedy Wong - Think
Everly Park, Skylie Schreppel, Grecia Underwood - Like This Like That
Emma Orr, Xara Sakhrani, Charlotte Stirling - Shake Your Tailfeather
Elleyna Kadera, Raegan Wendell - I Feel Good
Sydney Ko, Londyn Nevois - Nowadays
Dance Town:
Belle Marie Arauz, Amanda Carpenter - My Dolphin And Me
Krystal Alvarez, Luna Santana, Arantza Sardinha - Con Altura
?? - Without You
Elektro Dance Academy:
Niah Corpeno, June Townley - Butterfly
Elite Dance Pro:
Peyton De La Cerda, Valynnita Mei, Alice Yan - Forget About That Boy
Alexa Schwarze, Summer Skousen, Chloe Tarwater - Fleur
Olivia Quintana, Ella Rempfer, Charlotte Woodside - Bang Bang
Carlin Ciocchetti, Lily Douglas, Sophia Schiano - To Falter
Elite Danceworx:
?? - Life Is Circles
?? - Make It Matter
?? - Cranes In The Sky
?? - Third Dream
?? - Free To Form
?? - All In The Same Breath
?? - The Beauty of Dissolving Portraits
Epic Dance Complex:
?? - Let You Know
Evolve Dance Company:
Olivia Bennett, Adeline Vogt - Wash That Man
George Grech, Jaydnn Mendez - Creeks
Alexa Kunishige, Ava Sparks - Thousand Eyes
George Grech, Vivian Grech - Groove Is In The Heart
Ava Banuelos, Sienna Thor - Don't
Trinity Hastings, Tanziana Contino, Viviana Contino - Iris
Evolve Dance Complex:
Dylann Sebes, Brynley Brett - It's Raining Men
Jossi Josephic, Hallie Oberhofer, Deanna Tierno - Bites The Dust
Ella Martindale, Natalie Vinton - Sweet Dreams
Kyleigh Harbarger, Lola Rodi - Adios To You
Andrew Spalvieri, Abby Spalvieri - Devil Went Down To Georgia
Cami Vorhees, Elyse Wingertsahn - Stay Away
Samuel Evans, Onna Williams - Implacable Hearts
Evoke Dance Movement:
?? - Boogie Shoes
?? - About Today
?? - Come Let Us
Imperial Dance:
Malia Gandy, Dayana Hernandez, Sophia Solano - Took The Night
Isabella Cruz, Eliyan Rall, Zarielle Trimmings - Call Me Mother
Myla Durand, Anaya MIchell, Sofia Velazquez - Run To You
Aria Edmond, Sarai Trimmings, Savannah Yard - Secure The Bag
Sophia Basso, Sophia Solano - Mini Me
Leyla Bedoya, Marley Cheron, Gabriella Cuadrado - This Woman's Work
Aryanna Anujar, Sophia Basso, Hannah Galantai - Amor
Marlon Cheron, Layla Hernandez, Arianna Velazquez - Love Me Or Leave Me
K2 Studios:
Emery Cordero, Rylai Orozco - Safe And Sound
Belle Anguiano, Sadie Anguiano - Beautiful Thing
Juniper Balatero, Rosalind Balatero - Stand By Me
Lilly Douglas, Penelope Lee - Breakin Dishes
Ella Cordero, Alani Hernandez, Jiselle Saavedra - Dem Girlz
Riley Fernandez, Nicholas Turner - I Follow
Jessica Sutton, Rebecca Sutton - Fix You
Adiyah Ayres, Kynzli Reece - Madness
Ariana Gomez, Neriah Karmann, Nicholas Turner - Unbreak
Neriah Karmann, Abby Viramontes - Save Me
Alex Almeida, Zoey Garcia - River
Love Acierto, Alex Almeida, Jordan Wallace - Be Alright
Tessa Andelkovic, Jade Castaneda - Monsters
Larkin Dance Studio:
Stella Ames, Jade Glyzinski, Harper Kill - How Long Will I Love You
Hallee Anderson, Gigi Shea, Sailor Stormoen - Bird On A Wire
Elia Cocchiarella, Eleanor Lamers - Checkerboard
Savannah Jackson, Maylin Munos, Neala Murphy - Dream
Matinly Conrad, Chase Lang - When I Was Your Man
Evie McCune-Barrett, Truett Ziemke - As Long As You Love Me
Lexie Charnstrom, Scarlett Manzel, Evie Mccune-Barrett - Change
Maddie Kulenkamp, Brody Lanoux - Mr. Postman
Mila Ayshford, Tillie Kuhl, Palmer Peltier - The Trumpet In My Head
Lilly Anderson, Bella Charnstrom, Malia Scott - Too Tightly
Jemma Eisenbrei, Mia Kostinovski, Hailey Turnbull - Gold
Finley Ashfield, Kelsie Jacobson, Savannah Manzel - Picture Perfect
Sienna Powers, Hazel Semans, Savannah Werner - A Noise I Once Heard
Belle Hughes, Maizie Hughes - Near Me
Erik Barker, Laci Bloss - To The Moon
Lola Boisen, Sarah St Cyr - Twilight
Matissa Conrad, Tahari Conrad, Ava Rothmund - Eternal Voice
Kate Monge, Giselle Mourad, Harlow Pike - To One's Perception
Laci Bloss, Daphnie Braun, Kira Riessner - Allure
Caleb Abea, Keira Redpath - Empty Apology
Isabella Jarvis, Claire Monge, Keira Redpath - Stuck In Pause
Miami Dance Company:
Varia Mari, Brooke Martin, Kylie Sanchez - Rise Together
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy:
Lindsey Gruidel, Tatum Jackson, Savanna Pitcher - Deeper Love
Lindsey Gruidel, Tatum Jackson, Savanna Pitcher - What It Means To Be Human
Murrieta Dance Project:
Rylan Ashley, Sierra Koops - That Beautiful Sound
Lily Dejoya, Carter Ruiz - Total Eclipse
Brooklyn Coronado, Jaclyn Coronado - Can't Let Go
Kailyn Nong, Emma Vianzon - When Doves Cry
Juliana Kang, Emmersyn Van - Little Fluffy Clouds
New Level Dance Company:
Gisele Alpendre, Haley Raines - Wherever You Will Go
Francesca Caputo, Harper Stein - Until We Bleed
Natalie Frantzen, Noelle Klug - Fix You
Charlotte Danford, Beata Polunin - Paint It Black
Brooklyn Bailey, Sabryn Stein - Tragedy
Marisa Bruno, Ainsley Rice - Black Car
Charlotte Dister, Taylor Lapointe - Selah
Elle Bonner, Myiah Brown - Awards Night
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance:
Ella Saad, Sophie Saad - Venus
Lily Marshall, Daisy Nuznov - Carry Me
Maria Carpenter, Camille Moore - ??
Stella Bennett, Sophia Cialkowski - ??
Isabella Jaczynski, Danica Lentz - Tumbling Lights
Lily Saad, Mila Saad - Ain't Nothing Wrong With That
?? - Last Goodbye
?? - Lucky Ladies
?? - Big Finish
Orange County Performing Arts Academy:
Bailey Chalmers, Kiera Simon - What's On The Menu
Everleigh Alonzo, Annabelle Bright, Camila Valdez - Emergency
Harper Bridge, Elle Dahl, Raegan Gold - Conga
Olivia Montano, Hayden Peterson, Parker Seymour - Space Jam
Elizabeth Leiter, Hannah Wright - Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better
PAVE School of the Arts:
Aniston Maurer, Lola Mesa, Sophia Smith - Mr. Postman
Claire Devine, Emma Wishart - Showtime
Ashlynn Fairfield, Rebecca Kessler - Dancing Machine
Annelise Chan, Kirsten Kim - Zero To Hero
Stella Fisk, Emi Hoang - Creep (Sasha Dee)
Stella Fisk, Emi Hoang - Tightrope
Kensington Arrendondo, Talia Donaldson, Kassidy Luong - Diamonds
Paisley Branch, Kira Guchko - Angels
Kaylee Baldwin, Kaylee Townsend - Women Be Wise
Hayden Calder, Wavy Hazen - Nowadays
Joah Moore, Bryn Zimmerman - Look
Charlotte Minhas, Phoebe Black - Gimme Gimme
Oliver Hincy, Olivia Battle - Moving Pictures
Adriana Krall, Alexa Krall - It's All Coming Back To Me
Emersyn Fee, Sienna Hardin - Everytime It Rains
Kailey Longshore, Peach MIller, Ella Smallwood - Bassline
Spree Hazen, Ava Kendall - Tell Him
Ava Zimmerman, Kate Allen - Silhouete
Project 21:
Kami Couch, Katie Couch - To Cross Paths
Renner Dance Company:
?? - End Of The Line
?? - Climb Every Mountain
?? - Pixies
Charlotte Bailey, Madeline Collier - I Enjoy Being A Girl
Charlotte Lewis, Olivia Siri - Sugar And Spice
?? - Dog Days
Leighton Crump, Seneca Hrdina - Found
Emily Fedirow, Presely Krohn - Surround You
Ella Garrett, Grace Snider - Girls Night Out
?? - Never Grow Up
Rose Mangan, Brantley Meador - Dancing On The Moon
?? - You Are My Sister
?? - In The Distance
Sophia January, Stella January - Inside
Sarah Martin Duncan, Ensley King - A Winter Story
Claire Naismith, Lauren Stubbs - Ends Of The Earth
?? - Pressure
?? - What Might Have Been Lost
?? - Still Life
Stars Dance Studio:
?? - Proserpina
?? - Rollin'
?? - Mirrors
?? - Here On This Hill
Studio 19 Dance Complex:
Frances Farone, Mackenzie Smith, Leira Wilbon - California Cuties
Brynleigh Kerestes, Kallie McKenna - Small Word
Nitalia Manilla, Alessia Price - Think
Landry Blosser, Brynleigh Kerestes - Sugar And Spice
Ashlynn Bickford, Iris Edwards, Charlotte Haas Itsy Bitsy Spider
Harper Miller, Sloane Sherrets - Opposites Attract
Scarlett Fornear, Olivia Fornear - Good Company
Maddie Maker, Sadie Vaccaro - If We Hold On Together
Maddie Chiplock, Maddie Maker, Addison Smith - Venus
Claire Osche, Grace Sypien - Holly Rock
Mila Jaymes, Brooklyn Schirripa, Evelyn Woodburn - Gonna Get Ya
Carina Lavella, ?? - Mr. Sandman
Sienna Arias, Atalia Spagnolo - State Of Shock
Tia Adams, Sienna Arias, Ella Laughlin - Meeting In The Ladies Room
Sofia Farone, Brooklyn Schirripa - Good Versus Evil
Avery Organ, Evelyn Woodburn - Sassy X's Two
Camia Adams, Kendall Nace - We're Gonna Party
Gianna Cugliari, Melanie Steed - Silent Night
Gianna Cugliari, Madison Makowski, Karsyn Schifino - Choose Your Path
Alexandra Bayles, Antonia Spagnolo, Haley Steed - Scarborough Fair
Kileigh Davison, Sophia Haas, Sophia Lapina - Bad Apples
Calista Herbst, Emma Schrock - Ashes
Haley Steed, Hannah Steed - Tappin With My Twin
Lexi Pompa, Taylor Williams - Troubled Waters
Gia Booker, Aliana Spagnolo - Running With The Wolves
Ella Barch, Keira McKenna - Carry You
Mia Jackson, Ava Means - Don't Stop The Groove
Ellie Rosenwasser, Mia Mirabile - In The Hold Of A Dream (Chelsea Jennings)
Soleil Herbst, Mia Jackson - Hold Me Down
Emily Holcomb, Becca Kohler, Allie Philips - Why
Millie Julius, Rowan Mansfield, Ciera Ragula - Islands
Haley Engelmore, Raelyn Rectemwald, Kyleigh Turner - She's Not Me (Talia Flavia)
Tessa Pagone, Madeline Schrock, Addison Vargo- Hold On Tight
Studio 702:
Grace Peralta, Kamea Solidum, Reese Tolentino - Balacobaco
Aalayah Perkins, Breanna Tenney - Belly of the Beast
Charley Lehman, Faith Letourneau - Cyber Surveillance
Redle Edler, Alysa Owen - Vulgar
Studio X Dance Complex:
Emery Bourne, Braxy Montana, Karter Strong - Proud Mary
Emma Acosta, Hannah Martinez - Free Me (Victoria Wootem)
Kambria Keegan, Berkeley McGrath - Dangerous
Berkeley McGrath, Abigail Weber - Rain
Summit Dance Shoppe:
Jemma Scates, Shayla Scates - Girls Night Out
Meadow Majkrzak, Brooklyn Peterson, Malia Reuter - Luminous
Monroe Johnson, Zoey Schelitzche,  Camryn Westrum - Best Of My Love
Katy Lawrence, Tova Thompson, Greta Wagner - Stop
Audrey Boro, Nora Turunen, Finley Weigelt - I Believe
Kinsley Fairchild, Annie Zechmeister - Carmen
Lily Buchholz, Calia McArdle, Emma Misuraco-Janish - Carry You
Temecula Dance Compancy:
Amara Fisher, Alana Kalahiki, Luke Noss - A Little Less Conversation
Bailey Dalton, Teaghan O'Reilly, Cece Radach - Calling All B.B.S.
Ava Aflague, Anaya Johnson, Ava Thammavong - Soy Yo
James Hetsko, Jocelyn Hetsko - Mr. Zoot Suit
Hudson Locke, Jake Pribyl, Vera Spencer - 3D
Audrey Fite, Piper Conway, Alyssa Vinskey - It's A Mood
Andrea Tylman, Ella Zhang - Forever Friends
Paige Caveney, Giada Gariffo, Brinleigh O'Reilly - F.U.N.
Scarlett Berroteran, Ta'ina Gonzalez, Princess Sanchez - Shake That
Kyrstin Duquid, Brooklyn Powell, Ava Radach - Scheibe
Carter Roa, Lacey Walker - I Love You But Don't Trust You
?? - Diamonds
?? - Chase
?? - Skinny
The NINE Dance Academy:
Abigail Mathias, Evelyn Rego, Ella Waltman - Material Girls
Charolette Baldassarra, Laurina Lin, Gia Traficante-Petrozzi - New York New York
Sienna Di Pietro, Mia Jorge, Alina Sedova - Statues
Molly Kravetz, London Mandell, Ashley Shultz - Piano Man
Nathaniel Chua, Tristan Redly, Ashley Shultz - Is There Somebody
Emily Bertola, Jessica Brettone, Lily Kravetz - What Lies In The Balance
Nathaniel Chua, Shaunaughsey Meagher - Bound To You
The Vision Dance Alliance:
Julia Amato, Violet McGuire - Void (Jess Malafronte)
Julia Amato, Emily Polis - Willow Bends (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Emily Polis - Two Organs (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Maddie Polis, Emily Polis - You Are Every Memory (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Hannah Beatty - Claim It (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Maddie Polis - Human Touch (Jess Malafronte)
Vlad's Dance Company:
?? - Without Hesitation
?? - Not To Be Forgotten
Westside Dance Project:
Isabella Kouznetsova, Diana Kouznetsova - Cells Divide (Timmy Blankenship)
Isabella Kouznetsova, Diana Kouznetsova - Sharp Dialogue (Alina Krasovskaya)
Esme Chou, Tegan Chou - Amaru
West Florida Dance Company:
Marlow Hess, Lola Bryant - All That Jazz (Jess Disalvo)
Macey Strickland, Stella Brogan - Shot Me Down (Struther White)
Scarlett Griffin, Sophia Griffin - If I Could
Lily Hackney, Reagan Hess, Desa Jankes - Movies (Jess Disalvo)
Ava Kim, Natalie Kim - Sunshine
Bella DiBenedetto, Aubrey Haugh - Swim Good
Stella Fowler, Caleb Monnell - Your Angel
Hudson Heath, Caleb Monnell, Indy Ray - Bad Romance
Woodbury Dance Center:
Ian Stegeman, Skylar Wong - Depth Over Distance
Wyatt Brisson, Klaire Simek - What Weighs Me Down
Caleigh Proulx, Samuel Sharp Jr. - Glacier
West Coast School of the Arts:
Isla Benedetti, Olivia Conner, Aubrey Minadeo - Werk
Kinsley Cooper, Larkin Low, Paige Perez - Jail House Rock
Genevieve Lee, Marlee Ninofranco - Eyes In The Back Of My Head
Lily Meghdadi, Mila Osgood - Young And Beautiful
Skylar Nixon, Dakotah Robinett - Play That Sax
Alexa Perez, Mackenzie Perez - Opening Up
McKinley Barragan, Kensie Lee, Ayla Mohtashami - In The Zone
Madison Fontanilla, Marlee Ninofranco - Journey Of You And I
Lyric Low, Camdyn Mitchell, Makayla Tran - Everybody Needs A Best Friend
Ally Cheung, Casey Cheung - How It Ends
Leyna Huynh, Sophia Thayer-Pham - Move
Ally Cheung, Gabi D'Ambra, Sophia Oppegard - Poison And Wine
Yoko's Dance and Performing Arts Academy:
Priscilla Huang, Isabelle Shi, Grace Yan - Firework
Arielle Konaris, Anaya Seals, Avery Yamaguchi - I'll Get You Home
Michelle C. Wang, Alexander Wang - Why Don't You
Kaelani Carlson, Isabel Dela Cruz - When The Party's Over
Fiona Wu, Raina Wu - Bitter And Sweet (Megan Ellis)
Avery Du, Grace Koo - Black Horse And A Cherry Tree
Samantha Tan, Isabelle Tang - How To Save A Life
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 1 year
Friday Fic Recs
Some ongoing/incomplete fics I've been reading this time around, exclusively batfamily and dp x dc in no particular order. Quick note: this was written and queued in mid-August but I don't think any of them will be finished by the time it goes out.
take these broken wings and learn to fly by fishingclocks - Dick & Bruce & Alfred
Battinson gets a Robin, as he should. Full disclosure, I have not seen the movie yet, it is on my list. That said this is such a wonderful look at all of these characters. Dick is delightfully insightful and emotional and smart. Writing children is hard and this fic definitely hits what I consider fundamental and essential: treating them as humans with thoughts and feelings above anything else. Bruce is competent and struggling and I love how he tries. The relationships are wonderfully thought out and I've loved watching them develop over the fic so far.
Some Who Wander by LeafyNib - Tim & Jason, Tim & Damian, Tim & Bruce, Bruce & Damian
Reverse Robins! I'm not a Reverse Robins person normally so let me tell you this is a good reverse robins fic. It follows a resurrected angsty Tim, sad about Tim's death Bruce and Damian, and of course, very excited and tiny Jason who's got himself a brand new brother! I love the thought put into it all. Tim isn't just a colder version of Red Hood, he has his own hangups and flaws that make sense for his character. Damian is going through it the poor lad and honestly so is Bruce. Jason is adorable and trouble and smart which I always love. Tim and Jason are a really fun duo! It's a great time so far!
The Business of Family by Spaced_Ace - Oswald Cobblepot & Jazz Fenton & Danny Fenton
There are some fascinating AUs happening in the DP x DC fandom. This one has Oswald Cobblepot as a distant relative of the Fenton kids and maybe their last shot out of Amity before it's too late. There's a lot of scheming happening on all sides, especially the kids, Oswald is mostly just horrified and hoping this helps his PR issues. The way Danny and Jazz's abuse shapes each of their actions is interesting. The worldbuilding is really intriguing and the POV switches are fun as we get to see different perspectives.
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fanghur · 1 year
I might have had a particularly crackish idea for crossovers, but spoilers for RWBY volume 9. Fair warning, it’s a doozy of a ramble.
So, the Danny Phantom fandom (Phandom) has created Little Baby Man Danny, which I think is initially @tourettesdog ‘s brain child, but add variations to the idea of it being a contagious condition.  
Consider, if Danny uses portals to other worlds, and being half alive/human, could infect other humans that have, in some way, shape or form, died before,
Example, since the Phandom is on a massive DC crossover kick, Jason Todd being bitten by a little black and white blur, and suddenly, Little Baby Man Red Hood
But let’s go farther afield, shall we? I personally love the Artemis Fowl series, so, Artemis, post Last Guardian resurrection, either doing something he shouldn’t, or something that just happens out of the blue to him (let’s face it, it’ll be funnier), and poof, Little Baby Man Arty, who’s absolutely feral. Everyone else is freaking out because even after developing Atlantis Complex, no one would expect Artemis to turn into a biting, scratching, no-thoughts little chaos creature, Ghost equivalent of rabies or not. And that he keeps hiding in the Fairy Roses, or even growing more anywhere viable for their growth that he settles on (which admittedly isn’t often). Even the most chaotic cat has nothing on a little guy that has ghostly abilities, genius intellect (at least in planning the chaos) and a new disregard for dignity or self preservation to everyone’s, but especially Butler’s and Holly’s dismay (like a fallen bookshelf would be what causes his second death? Ha, no)
The one that really got me on this train of thought, though, is Ruby Rose of RWBY after, well, the Ever After. Ascension, to me, at least, would count as death at least a bit, even if not in it’s base process than certainly with Ruby doing so in a parallel, if not outright, a form of suicide. Yes, it’s still a strech, but let me have this. Little Baby Man Ruby flitting around with her semblance + ghostly flight for maximum chaos, and reverses the whole ‘rest of the team got shrunk and are metaphorically and literally on her shoulders’ from v9, instead team WBY is trying to prevent their leader from disassembling any vaguely interesting weapons in a ten mile radius because interesting and devouring any cookies in an area twice that radius. Bonus for Neo, however you’d like to imagine her post-ascension, or just her appearing just to nope out at seeing this shit. Little Baby Man Ruby annoying Salem and/or Cinder into defeat because their magic ain’t got shit on a tiny ghost thing with Silver Eye anti-Grimm eye blasts the moment either look at her family.
Possibly my favourite part is how a crossover with all of these could work when shoved together. DP and DC crossovers are very popular atm, at least for the Phandom, RWBY and Batman (and the JL as a whole) have official crossovers, and Artemis Fowl also for crossovers but also just a long time fav. 
Listen, I just want to imagine LBMRuby and LBMArty becoming best friends without their repressing emotions or the weight of their worlds and legacies on their shoulders. Let them be little chaotic rose-themed creatures together!! Red Hood, tbh is more to connect as a connection to Batman (Team _WBY running into him again after whichever official crossover and just, ‘Red Hood and Ruby got turned into What?’). Ruby and Jason as Red Buddies, Artemis and Danny being a disaster duo that are both Prime Wayne Adoption material (in their normal forms), Ruby and Danny as Heroes, Artemis and Jason as Criminals, etc..
And the others! Sam bonding with the fairies and Damian over being vegetarian and being eco-friendly, Tucker and Foaly getting a rivalry over tech and their names (’There can only be one Foaly/Foley!’) and Oracle just hacks them both. Jazz taking only look at WBY and the Bat Clan and siting them down when things have settled a bit for some impromptu therapy. Butler, Yang and Blake talking shop about guns, drawing in Damien and Weiss when it extends to bladed weapons (and the Remnantian philosophy on ‘it’s also a gun’ for weapons), before everyone else is giving their two cents in non-lethal weapons.
And for how Little-Baby-Man-ism gets cured? Maybe it’s just time, maybe they swing by the Ever After and chuck them at the Tree for Ascension and free therapy, or maybe a trip to the Far Frozen since it is a ghostly disease. Maybe the others get ghost powers like Danny’s, and shenanigans continue in a different form. 
Like, Artemis gets a ghost form that looks more like the depictions of Fairies as the Fair Folk of lore, all graceful looking and ethereal, with orange roses integrated. Or he ends up like a vampire, though different from Vlad, and that becomes a whole thing. Also, he accidently turns intangible and falls until he lands in Haven City. No one is amused by the idea of Mud Men just falling into their city, least of all the Mud Man in question.
Ruby, ironically, has less of a rose theme when she develops a ghost form, but it leans heavy into plant-like with Tree-likeness instead, and her colours turning from red to the green-red-purple combination of the Leaves. Her arm turns invisible once and Yang uses it as an excuse for all the hand puns she can make esp. referencing her own prosthetic. (”Say that you’ll give me a hand one more time, Yang, and I’ll tell Dad to show Blake all your baby photos” “C’mon, Sis, just gotta lighten up” “was that a pun on my ghost glow?” “Nah, the flying” starts dialing Taiyang “Wait, Ruby!”)
Not many thoughts on Red Hood tbh, I’m not part of the DC fandom specifically, though I enjoy the content, but it seemed rude to ignore him. I’d rather not accidentally butcher him. 
New plants are grown at each of their homes, orange roses and a sapling tree with odd-coloured leaves each give Artemis and Ruby a way to fast-travel to each other’s homes, and Wayne Manor and Amity Park (Sam's greenhouse?) while Danny and Jason are stuck to ‘traditional’ portals. Maybe RWBY’s the only one from a different world, or the others are all from different Earths.
I’ve got a lot of thoughts, obviously, but fuck it, I’m not gonna actually write it into more concrete existence, as opposed to continuously rotating it in my brain. Y’all can take what you’d like, I just want to see if anyone makes anything of this.
TL;DR Give Artemis Fowl and Ruby Rose ghostly Little Baby Man forms alongside Danny. Also Batman’s involved ‘cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
If you find a vigilante in the dumpster
by lunamugetsu
The plan was simple, Jazz and her now de aged brother would go lay low in Gotham, act as a mother-son duo. Wait as Danny heals up by absorbing the ambient ectoplasm leaking from the city and Vlad gives the green light that he has a safe place they could stay. Plus with the blessing from the Ghost of Gotham and knowing that even the GIW wouldn't dare to encroach on Batman's territory, it was a pretty safe plan. That was until a certain vigilante just keeps on finding himself in their dumpster. / / It was a normal night of patrol for Jason. Beating up a bunch of criminals. Shooting them with bullets (they're rubber bullets Bruce! Calm down!) Get stabbed by them. Pass out from blood loss in the place he was taking refuge in Wake up in an apartment, his wounds bandaged and all. And to a black haired blue eyed kid staring at him. "I found you in the garbage!"
Words: 3214, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Ghost family of Gotham
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, DCU, Batman (Comics)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Danny Fenton, Jazz Fenton, Vlad Masters, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Duke Thomas, Titus | Damian Wayne's Dog, Alfred Pennyworth, Alfred the Cat (DCU)
Relationships: Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Kid Danny Fenton, de aged Danny, Found Family, Family Fluff, found family fluff, rating is for Jason's swearing, and torture scenes, Implied/Referenced Torture, no beta we die like robin, no robins were harmed in the making of this fic, Danny was harmed in the making of this fic, Awesome Jazz Fenton, Protective Jason Todd, Jason todd giving off big dad vibes, Good Vlad Masters, Will Be Explained Later, Danny Fenton Loves Space, Hurt Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Jazz Fenton Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, They all need hugs, And they get hugs, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Eldritch Danny Fenton, which would also be explained
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45233827
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demonic0angel · 2 months
Thinking of a Story Idea (click for clarity)
Tumblr media
Where Damian is left alone in Gotham (from plot convenience) and refuses to stay home, so he goes out as Robin by himself. However, he gets into trouble and has to run away from the enemy who keeps chasing him. Just as he thinks that he’s going to get caught, Jazz rescues him by making Shadow catch and absorb him.
Thus, an unlikely friendship happens as Robin uses Jazz and her Shadows as a little getaway and convenient portal, and Jazz makes her first friend in Gotham.
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talzane · 2 years
I've been seeing a lot of Damian and Danny Twins AUs lately, but they always seem to recognize each other by appearance. They're two kids raised by the League to, assuredly, be a deadly duo at least until Ra's decided one of them had to go. Once Robin starts working with Batman--depending on the canon, he's also trained by the League--those team(twin) fighting lessons and years of practice should come back like muscle memory. For Danny, that should resurface at least a little as he works with Tucker, Sam, Jazz, and possibly Valerie (for this specific AU it would make a *lot* more sense if Valerie was added since she can also fly and then have Danny train her to fight like a Leaguer beside him).
Somehow, probably a ghost nut convention, Danny ends up in Gotham. Batman has been incapacitated and captured by Scarecrow, who is once again bragging about his latest fear toxin that will bring Gotham to its knees, starting with its Dark Knight. Danny has to help a fellow vigilante out and heads off, following the signals of Gotham's shades to Scarecrow's base. Danny, being cautious for once in his vigilante career, surveys the base, and sneaks in.
Robin, the only other bat in Gotham by some misfortune, decided to sneak off to "rescue" his father all by himself. He had no clue who the newbie breaking in Scarecrow's base was, but his father wouldn't want him to let them die, which is why he found himself following the *glowing* imbecile.
*Nice going Fenton, you could have just turned intangible. I guess old habits must come back,* and not wanting to miss another opportunity for improved sneaking, Danny promptly turned invisible and broke left as he continued to creep farther into the building.
*How did that idiot manage to evade me?* Damian wondered with no small hint of irritation after he entered by the same entrance and turned towards his right.
Minutes later, both teens entered into a large, open area. Apparently Scarecrow had set up shop in a large warehouse with ample office space at the front, which the boys had found empty of threats, to their mutual frustration. Danny, still invisible, flew to the rafters and slowly drifted deeper into the warehouse towards the source of the noise and lights he could see. Robin kept to the right of the warehouse, grappled to the rafters and swiftly darted along them towards the area where Scarecrow was likely holding his father.
As Danny neared the back of the warehouse, several things became very clear. The first was that his eyes had been correct, those were *actually* massive vats of chemicals. The second was that massive vats of chemicals without lids existed somewhere outside his parents' basement. The third was that this "Scarecrow" guy, with all his advanced chemistry lab set up, advanced formulas, TV cameras, hired thugs, and insanity was...just a dude with a sack on his head. Danny shook his head, *this is why I don't fight humans.*
Robin, on the other hand, was primarily focused on finding a way to neutralize the thugs around Batman long enough to free him. Robin thought for a moment, Damien Wayne thought for a moment, and Damien al'Ghul thought for a moment. Something in his gut told him his plan would work, and father had said to trust his gut unless it told him to kill people.
Robin leapt from the rafters onto the thug nearest Batman and after absorbing the rest of his fall with a precise roll to his right into the back of another's ankles (ACL tear if done right...or wrong for the rollee), he darted, again towards his right, attempting to clear a space around the objective.
Danny, from his vantage on the rafters, saw a flicker of motion before *Robin* dropped through his field of view and instinct kicked in, pulling Danny after him. Danny, feeling years out of practice, barely avoided twisting his now-much-larger ankle on the shoulder of the goon he crashed onto, and his roll to his left into the next thug's calves was horribly off target to the point he had to yank the man's feet from under him with ghostly strength, but this fight felt...right.
Damian noticed the stutter after his partner landed, that didn't normally happen. *Normally? Ttt, father isn't so clumsy...*
After a minute, perhaps two, had passed, a small space and a shorter window had appeared for Damian to free Batman.
Danny, appreciating the moment he and his mysterious partner had bought, made eye contact with their objective. Tall, dark, brooding, bat-obsessed, and intimidating was putting it mildly. The Batman was terrifying and his gaze was fixed on Danny, so Danny pointedly looked away from him and returned to his job, keeping watch. Dam-- his brot-- Danny had never been that great at rescuing the target anyway, he'd made the best distractions when necessary though. *Could have just phased the bindings off him, stupid,* the voice in the back of his head chided him. *Great going, Fenton. Really slipping up today aren'tcha?*
Damian's hands fumbled for less than half a second as he released Bruce from the table, but he couldn't help it, that had felt...just like before. As the bindings fell away, Batman removed himself from the table and focused the full might of his glare on Scarecrow.
"Forgive me, Dark Knight, if I'm not afraid of your...theatrics. You see my new toxin will--"
An echoing, teenaged voice cut him off, "Blah, blah, crumble the Dark Knight to ruins and bring Gotham to Wisconsin or something, just give up already!"
Scarecrow's mask twisted to match the sick grin underneath, "Is this a new bat for me to te--"
"Am not," the voice, coming from the glowing figure, retorted.
The few goons who had managed to regain their feet since the first beatdown slowly worked to form a perimeter between the 'Crow and the Bats (and co).
"Good, then try *this*!" Doctor Johnathan Crane cried as he hurled a small vial filled with a yellow fluid at Danny's feet. Both Batman and Damian lunged to make space and time to don their filtration masks, but the glowing figure didn't move and vial smashed between his feet.
Damian's heart clenched in fear, *Why didn't you move!?*
The Bat's eyes narrowed.
Danny breathed in the sweaty aroma. *Ugh,* "Dude, was this supposed to smell like gym shorts?"
The Scarecrow stood amidst the vast chemical distillery he had set up in his months out of Arkham, behind the wall of hired muscle he had found, and his jaw fell slack. All his calculations had amounted to was the smell of used gym shorts!?
While the 'Crow's brain tried to reset from Danny's perfect distraction, Danny turned his head back to face Robin with his customary, cocky grin.
Damian recognized the signal for what it was and they sprung back into action together, in sync. As they bounded through the remaining thugs like scythes through a wheat field, every thug they threw was stomped out by the other, every combat roll to quickly find a new angle was covered, and every opening was protected just like they'd been doing this for years.
The fight came to an end to the symphony of Scarecrow's screams, "It's not possible. It's just not! My formula was perfect!" They ended when Batman, who had already handcuffed the pleading lunatic, had knocked him out for "resisting arrest."
Danny and Damian stood near each other to catch their breath, supposedly, but they were appraising each other. Their physiques matched, even if one of them glowed, the eyes matched, even if they shouldn't, and the hair, which was still waving around despite the lack of wind, definitely didn't match, but Damian had a feeling.
Robin was dressed like a stoplight. It was really not Damian's style...at least not back then, but maybe it could have been by now. The hair was the same, he couldn't make out the eyes through whatever was covering them, but this was Damian, no doubt about it.
Danny stepped closer to Robin. Robin's body language immediately became tense in a falsely disaffected manner. Definitely Damian. Danny swooped in for a hug and turned his head intangible, *Ha! Got it right that time!*
When Damian swung at the mystery glowstick's head, he didn't expect his fist to go through it, but his fist certainly collided with their ribs.
Yup, it's Dami.
Damian let himself relax, this was Danyal. Somehow, he was alive, and Damian returned the hug. He'd kill Danyal for not telling him he was still alive later.
Damian's eyes cracked open to see the disapproving figure of Batman glaring down at him.
In case it wasn't clear, Danny was "slipping up" because he was running on instincts from his days with Damian, not cause he's having problems.
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
dp x dc
Twins au
Danny dies a little after born and become a little ghost with the obsession of protecting his twin (the only person he was familiar). Damian grows used to have a friend that no one except him can see (everybody thinks that Danny is an imaginary friend), later Talia sees Danny. She was contented to see her son, but if her lost son is back, he needs to live.
That's how she starts experimenting with clonation, to get Danny a body (what later she would use to create Damian's clones). When is ready, she fuses Danny's ghost with the body, but when Danny awakes he can't remember who was he.
Talia sees this as an opportunity for her son to be free, so she takes the little Danny the only 7 years and give to some assassins who were planning leave the league.
These assassins wants their son to live in a safe environment and don't be use as a hacker tool. They make a deal with talia, she helps them leave and they take care of her son.
Talia is happy that at least one of her sons will have a best life, but she is heartbroken to see his little Damian so sad to lose his only friend, even if Damian denied (neither damian nor danny knew about them being twins)
She decide that someday she'll reunite them
The assassins were tucker's parents and his son Tucker. Danny becomes Tucker's best friend and Tucker's parents tell them that Danny or Danyal (Danny conserves his birthname!) is the son of a friend but she can't take care of him and ask them to.
Danny is trained by tucker's parents as last petition of Talia, but not tucker. They don't want that their little boy learn anything of their past live (Tucker only live because they said to Ra's that he was a smart boy and that could be useful have a specialist personal hacker by how the technology influences the people nowadays. Tucker lived in a small room and pass all his days being train to be the best hacker to Ra's, by this Tucker become claustrophobic and when they leave the league he try to forget everything of their past).
The duo become in a trio when they meet Sam.
Jazz still becomes in Danny's sister, but is more like she adopt the whole trio as her little siblings (why one if she can have three)
The canon pass in both sides, but early in Danny side (he become a halfa at his 10 years). The trio was visiting their sister when they hear something coming from the lab, they go downstairs and found a depress fenton parents who tell them about the portal before leave. Sam wants a picture of the portal, Danny enters into it and tripped over it, activating the portal. Jazz open the door and hear Danny's scream.
This time the cause of the twin's reunion is Vlad.
Vlad still creating Dani but this time he thinks  ¿Why should I bother making a new research when there out exist previous investigations?
So, he steals Talia's and Lex's investigations about cloning, painting in his and amity's back a target. Ra's is furious when he finds out that Talia was keeping secrets from him, but Talia is a step before him.
She needs to take her son to a safest place and she knows where.
Look like is time for her sons to reunite
Notes: Danny is the Prince of the ghost zone, but he doesn't know and thinks that the ghost that treat him with respect and adoration is because he being the 'Saviour of the infinity realms'. Apart he have classes with Pandora, Dora and the ghost writer. Talia gets a report of her son every month and tucker's parent know of him being a halfa, but Danny don't know they know.
Damian is a liminal by spend time with Danny (as a ghost) and the lazarus pit. Dani can feel Damian signature too.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Danny, Jazz, Tucker, and Sam all know one person from the Batclan each but are unaware that the others know. Barbara and Tucker are online gaming friends, having met in an online session while bonding over technology. Jazz knows Jason from summer camp, Bruce wanted to give Jason a normal summer while Jazz wanted to escape from her parents which resulted in the two bonding during their summer vacation. Sam and Damien met a fancy gala where they both glared bloody murder when another guest was gushing about their fur coat made from a nearly extinct animal, they both swore vengeance while jinxing each other which led to the duo chatting then later bonding fue to shared interests. Danny and Tim know each other due to both being an Inventers Convention, Danny wanted to escape from his parents section of Ghost tech while Tim has wandered off to do browsing on his own.
ooo Yes That's interesting way for them all to meet~ Danny and Tim knowing each other last~ LOL uwu Amg can just imagine danny and tim both getting into discussions about how somethings made, while making jokes. Danny making puns. Danny not realizing he's talking to Tim Drake-Wayne.. not like it matters. Can see them just hanging out without names til midway/need to depart like wait a minute forgot to ask. (Danny not realizing how smart he is and yet he's keeping up with Tim's logic no problem. Bruce impressed watching them. Though both quite surprised who Danny's parents were) Sam makes gala's tolerable for Damian.. because they both scare off anyone that wants to treat them like cute kids. Jazz and Jason bond over literature. lol imagine that they both do cause a little havoc at the camp because of some pricks. Both getting "revenge" no one finds out because they're that good at it. Became pen pals until Jason's passing. Jazz cried when she heard the news. She probably kept sending them until Alfred sent the letters back with a sad letter. unless it was widely known outside of city. Only one I don't have extra thoughts of is Babs n Tuck because.. online friends LOL both sniping hackers in games ruin them lol
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doubleattitude · 4 years
JUMP Dance Convention, Pittsburgh, PA: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
JUMPstart Solo
1st: Penelope LeMieux-’I’d Rather Go Blind’
2nd: Lainey Hess-’When She Came Back’
3rd: Reese Braga-’Fallen Memory’
4th: Harper McCarey-’I Can Go The Distance’
5th: Aleah Blair-’Heartbreaker’
5th: Ava Edmonds-’Let ‘Er Rip’
5th: Daniella Robison-’Through The Eyes of a Child’
6th: Macey Strickland-’Wind It Up’
7th: Ellliana Macioce-’Dreamer’
Mini Solo
1st: Kensington Dressing-’Distant World’
2nd: Tessa Yost-’Runaway’
3rd: Lexus Natalie-’Alternate World’
3rd: Ella Dobler-’Sara’
4th: Aili Joyce-’Hurricane’
5th: Raegan Hess-’Black Hole Sun’
6th: Mya Lanigan-’Halo’
7th: Mia Bianco-’Business of Love’
7th: Madisen Scott-’Diamond In The Sun’
7th: Kendall Bruce-’Swing Phenomenon’
8th: Zoe Wojcik-’Fame’
8th: Kaitlyn Semtak-’Secret Hideaway’
9th: Lily Celaschi-’Brave’
9th: Grace McAllister-’Flying Solo’
10th: Sophia Berzansky-’The Rain’
Junior Solo
1st: Cameron Vorhees-’Unplug’
2nd: Shayla Blair-’To Be Free’
3rd: Adelina Belusko-’Odalisque Variation from Le Corsaire’
3rd: Bella Rose Penrose-’Spine’
4th: Sareni Porreca-’Groovin High’
4th: Paige Borg-’Otto’
4th: Ava Sefcheck-’Sad Day’
5th: Eliza Mercer-’Goetia’
6th: Ella Way-’Peace and Glory’
6th: Ivy Gang-’Stutter’
7th: Lily Turner-?
8th: Brooklyn Corbett-’Feeling Good’
8th: Adina Rooney-’Inhale Exhale’
8th: Emily Wiles-’Our Last Day’
8th: Emma Ferguson-’Too Good to Be True’
9th: Elliana Quiner-’Hidden’
10th: Thalia Millett-’Sorcerer’
Teen Solo
1st: Ying Lei Pham-’Empty Space’
1st: Britton Johnson-’Unbreakable Heart’
2nd: Elyse Wingertsahn-’Daylight In The Sun’
2nd: Lindsey Weaver-’Feud’
2nd: Rachel Quiner-’In Case You Don’t Live Forever’
3rd: Emily Haas-’Light Ascending’
4th: Sarah Georgiana-’Lungs’
5th: Ava Carroll-’Are You Sure’
5th: Zoey Schneiter-’Do You Feel Real’
5th: Samiyah Norris-’You’
5th: Tori Shaner-’Youth’
6th: Isabella Porreca-’Always Be My Baby’
6th: Maya McDaniels-’Edit’
6th: Shay Kaminski-’Love and Respect’
7th: Stella Morris-’The Rain’
7th: Maranda DiNinno-’Trigger’
8th: Calico Reyes-’Je Suis Malade’
8th: Samantha DeFabio-’Multiple Self’
9th: Camryn Lanigan-’False Confidence’
10th: Gavin McGuire-’Beat Box’
10th: Emily Snyder-’Fragile’
10th: Louise Hindsbo-’I’m Not Ready’
Senior Solo
1st: Avery Earle-’Trick of the Light’
2nd: Gionna D’Alessandro-’Wish you were here’
3rd: Savannah Quiner-’Those Days Are Gone’
4th: Sarah Kemling-’Fight It Rough’
5th: Cassidy Reigel-’16 Tons’
5th: Madeline Sciullo-’Failed American Dream’
5th: Katie LaRuez-’Satisfied’
6th: Claire Faust-’All I Need Is You’
6th: Rayna Tyler-’Embraceable You’
6th: Morgan Faust-’Final Curtain’
7th: Nicholas Jacobsen-’Tainted Love’
8th: Kaylie Parker-’90 Days’
8th: Makaylee Rogers-’Deep-Six’
8th: Abby Griffith-’The War’
9th: Kylie West-’What A Little Moonlight Will Do’
10th: Emma Girdany-’Flicker’
JUMPStart Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me To the Moon’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Beat’
3rd: New Level Dance Company-’Ill Be There’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Gallows’
2nd: Inspiration Dance Academy-’Lost’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Rescue’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Exiles’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Two’
3rd: Studio 412-’Nature Boy’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’still life’
2nd: Mid-Atlantic Center for the Performing Arts-’Carmen’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Wheel’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Elite Dance By Damien-’Alter Ego’
2nd: Elite Dance By Damien-’Extremity’
3rd: Ultimate Dance Complex-’In Madness Lies Sanity’
Mini Group
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
2nd: Ultimate Dance Complex-’Love Shack’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Ramalama’
Junior Group
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Hope Theres Someone’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’hope’
3rd: Studio 412-’Afraid To Go’
Teen Group
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Rise We Fall’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
2nd: Ludovici Dance Academy-’Runaway Baby’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’My Tears Are Becoming A Sea’
3rd: Mid-Atlantic Center for the Performing Arts-’Your Pen, Your Sword’
Senior Group
1st: Ultimate Dance Complex-’In Case You Don’t Live Forever’
2nd: Ultimate Dance Complex-’I Keep On Falling’
3rd: Elite Dance By Damien-’Standards of Society’
Junior Line
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
Teen Line
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Cruelest Month’
2nd: Elite Dance By Damien-’Comrade’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Pump It Up’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Elite Dance By Damien-’Bring Me To Life’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Ultimate Dance Complex-’If I Should Stay’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Mini Jazz
Ultimate Dance Complex-’Love Shack’
Mini Contemporary
Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
Mini Lyrical
Ultimate Dance Complex-’Send In The Clowns’
Mini Specialty
Evolve Dance Complex-’Ramalama’
Junior Contemporary
Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
Teen Jazz
Mid-Atlantic Center for The Performing Arts-’Slap That Bass’
Teen Ballet
Mid-Atlantic Center for The Performing Arts-’Gypsy Dance’
Teen Tap
Ludovici Dance Academy-’Runaway Baby’
Teen Contemporary
Evolve Dance Complex-’Cruelest Month’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Rise We Fall’
Teen Lyrical
Elite Dance by Damien-’Pain On My Mind’
Teen Specialty
Elite Dance By Damian-’American Beauty’
Senior Jazz
Ultimate Dance Complex-’I Keep On Falling’
Senior Contemporary
Ultimate Dance Complex-’In Case You Don’t Live Forever’
Senior Musical Theatre
Elite Dance By Damien-’Wilkomen’
Senior Specialty
Ultimate Dance Complex-’If I Should Stay’
Best of JUMP:
Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
Ultimate Dance Complex-’Love Shack’
Studio 412-’Afraid To Go’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
Elite Dance By Damien-’Comrade’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Cruelest Month’
Ludovici Dance Academy-’Runaway Baby’
Mid-Atlantic Center for the Performing Arts-’Your Pen, Your Sword’
Studio 412-’Cellophane’
Ultimate Dance Complex-’In Case You Don’t Live Forever’
Best in Studio:
Ultimate Dance Complex-’In Case You Don’t Live Forever’
Elite Dance By Damien-’Comrade’
Evolve Dance Complex-’Cruelest Month’
Mid-Atlantic Center for the Performing Arts-’Your Pen, Your Sword’
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/03/04/team-lebron-or-team-durant-how-the-nba-all-star-captains-drafted-their-rosters/
Team LeBron or Team Durant? How the NBA All-Star captains drafted their rosters
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The 2021 NBA All-Star Game will be held Sunday, March 7, in Atlanta. But because of COVID-19, a weekend’s worth of events will be compressed into a single night — the skills challenge and 3-point contest will take place pregame, while the dunk contest will act as the halftime show.
All-Star voting began on Jan. 28, and All-Star starters — determined through fan voting (which accounts for 50% of the vote), media voting (25%) and player voting (25%) — were announced Jan. 18 on TNT. The reserves — which are voted on by the NBA’s coaches — were announced Tuesday on TNT.
After its thrilling debut in last season’s All-Star Game in Chicago, the “Elam Ending” will return. So will captains, with the Brooklyn Nets‘ Kevin Durant and Los Angeles Lakers‘ LeBron James — the top fan vote-getters in their respective conferences — making their selections for the showdown at State Farm Arena.
Here is everything you need to know, including the pick-by-pick breakdown.
MORE: Pick the winners! Play ESPN’s All-Star Challenge
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The NBA All-Star draft is complete
LeBron James and Kevin Durant assembled their superstar rosters. Here’s the pick-by-pick breakdown:
Team LeBron
Captain: LeBron James, Lakers
Pick 1: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Bucks
Pick 2: Stephen Curry, Warriors
Pick 3: Luka Doncic, Mavericks
Pick 4: Nikola Jokic, Nuggets
Pick 5: Damian Lillard, Trail Blazers
Pick 6: Ben Simmons, 76ers
Pick 7: Chris Paul, Suns
Pick 8: Jaylen Brown, Celtics
Pick 9: Paul George, Clippers
Pick 10: Domantas Sabonis, Pacers
Pick 11: Rudy Gobert, Jazz
Team Durant
Captain: Kevin Durant, Nets (injured, will not play)
Pick 1: Kyrie Irving, Nets
Pick 2: Joel Embiid, 76ers
Pick 3: Kawhi Leonard, Clippers
Pick 4: Bradley Beal, Wizards
Pick 5: Jayson Tatum, Celtics
Pick 6: James Harden, Nets
Pick 7: Devin Booker, Suns
Pick 8: Zion Williamson, Pelicans
Pick 9: Zach LaVine, Bulls
Pick 10: Julius Randle, Knicks
Pick 11: Nikola Vucevic, Magic
Pick 12: Donovan Mitchell, Jazz
No love for the Jazz?
The Utah Jazz have the NBA’s best record at 27-9. They have one of the most potent duos in the league in Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Gobert. And they were the last picks in the draft? LeBron and KD have some explaining to do:
LeBron said there is no Utah Jazz slander 😅 #NBAAllStar pic.twitter.com/3pYICBbj8d
— ESPN (@espn) March 5, 2021
Which team has the edge?
Both rosters are loaded, but which team should be considered the favorites heading into Sunday’s All-Star Game? ESPN Stats & Information breaks down both squads:
Tale of the tape: Team LeBron vs. Team Durant
Team LeBron Team Durant Points 9,492 10,100 Rebounds 3,269 2,770 Assists 2,603 1,958 Blocks 304 209 Steals 459 422 FG% 51.4 49.5 3PT FG 824 888 3PT% 38.3 39.2 Dunks 375 219 PER 24.34 23.68
* Heading into play Thursday (not including Durant, who will not play)
Team Durant has the edge in points. Team LeBron has the edge in assists, field goal percentage and dunks.
Collectively, Team LeBron has won eight total MVPs (four from James and two each from Curry and Antetokounmpo). With Durant out, Harden is the only player on Team Durant with a MVP award.
Team LeBron and Team Durant each have five of the top 10 scorers in the NBA this season. Team LeBron also has 26 total first-team All-NBA selections. Team Durant (minus Durant) has eight.
Team LeBron has combined for 29 triple-doubles this season (six different players have had multiple triple-doubles). Team Durant has combined for 10 triple-doubles this season (the only player with multiple triple-doubles is Harden, who has eight of the 10).
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All-Star event rosters
Dunk contest
3-point contest
Skills contest
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With the dunk contest set for halftime of Sunday’s All-Star Game this season, we asked our group of NBA insiders to vote on the most iconic dunker for each franchise. Let the debate begin.
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Unfortunately, there are only 24 All-Star spots. The Undefeated presents its annual squad of deserving players who didn’t make the cut.
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All-Star news and analysis
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