#(tagging people who i've seen blog positively about this + who have good opinions)
elliespuns · 4 months
Just coming on here to clear up a couple things and mostly to apologize. I left the anon on the confessions account about your blog and the anon that got published mentioning your blog specifically was one I assumed would not be posted after seeing the confession page requirements (that say no user mentions will be published) after I had submitted it. I resubmitted an ask taking out any users and that anon was focused as a general point on accounts that I have seen scrolling through the Ellie tag on Tumblr (not your blog) that actually have posted really concerning and bordeline perverted things about young Ellie (ex weird sexual AI art of young Ellie, weird comments about Bella Ramsey not looking enough like Ellie/saying Ellie in part one of the game was more attractive) I have never seen a post from your blog that I thought was perverted and that is a point that I feel was worth reaching out through here about. I have thought that there is potentially odd tone used in some posts with younger Ellie where also your language sounds like an older writer but you have cleared that up and said all your good intentions with your recent post. I never intended to make you feel like you should leave Tumblr and I think you have contributed positively towards the tlou community on Tumblr I am just overly cautious and was trying to say a potential concern as in my main fandom group there has been a lot of really strange blog posts about characters on tumblr who are minors before. On tlou Tumblr and tikok I have come across many posts involving teenage Ellie in the hotel flashback of part 2 in weirdly objectifying ways and that is more so where the concern was based as at that point she was still a kid. Please don’t leave tumblr because of this and again I am sorry for the harm this has clearly caused as that was truly never my intention. There are blogs on here who do post things I find truly concerning but you are not one of them.
Um, okay, I did not expect this. I am completely stunned. In the best way possible. It surprises me that people who once wronged someone anonymously would stand up and take their time to explain or even apologize. 
I've checked the confessional blog again today, and the post is gone. I have no idea if it was you who made this happen, but anyway... thank you for coming through to apologize and get rid of the post that was making me look very bad for those who have never interacted with me. 
I realize it may look weird when my pfp is young Ellie and some of my 'thirsty' posts are about Ellie. To be honest, up until now, I'd never even thought about explaining that none of these posts have anything to do with her young self. Not even in a million years would I think that people would read such posts on my blog and think they were aimed at our kiddo.
Look, I know it'd be better to specify whether I'm talking about young or adult Ellie when sharing unhinged posts without pictures, but honestly, it'd feel over-the-top crazy to me.
Firstly, why would I try to disrespect or creep around the only character I've ever loved so much? Secondly, not only does specifying such details take the fun out of the content that is supposed to be spontaneous and cheeky, but it's also very restrictive.
This blog is a place I love coming back to; why would I even try to post anything concerning when I know how overly sensitive this fandom is? I don't even feel safe venting any of my opinions about the show here because it's so easy to get hate for thinking out loud, so why would I risk losing all the wonderful people who have been following me from the start by acting like a predator towards young Ellie?
And it's just so funny because I may be 30, but in reality, I'm shorter than Ellie, and I even look younger. So if anyone's molesting anyone, it's Ellie molesting me. (That's a joke, obviously). Why am I even explaining it?
As I said before, my consciousness is clear, and I have no problem attaching my real face to this blog because I know I've never shared anything discourteous or impertinent and never will. Do you really think this potato head would be capable of thinking profane things about baby Ellie? I don't even know what profane is (I do, but don't tell anyone).
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Anyway, I was truly baffled and disappointed when I read the confession because I understood NOTHING. I kept thinking about it for a long time, and I couldn't get it out of my head that someone would go through my posts and feel off about the content they saw.
I don't want to spend my time overthinking every post before sharing because, god forbid, I use ONE specific word or phrase and everyone will think of me as a molester. 
I like to joke on my blog. I do that... a lot, actually. So most of my posts need to be taken with a grain of salt. Especially those that literally scream 'sarcasm'. So you either need to get used to my humor and understand I'm not always deadly serious (unless the topic requires it) or you need to unfollow and move along because I won't be apologizing for my passion to make posts based on my spontaneous thoughts. I don't want to tiptoe around people because there's always someone who doesn't like this and that.
I also think it's important to realize that Ellie (as a game character, not talking about the show) is a pixelated, fictional character. Not only don't I ever try to disrespect her, even though she's just a bunch of pixels, but she's also not real (even I'm shocked right now), so nothing anyone says about her online can really hurt her. Not the Ellie this blog is about.
I get that people get overprotective of her (I do too) because damn, it's so easy to forget that this girl doesn't exist in the real world, but to the point of hating, reporting, or harassing? I don't think that's right either.
Anyway, thank you for coming through. I appreciate it, and all is okay. I wonder who you are now. Oh, and if it was really you who requested the ugly post to be taken down, thanks for that too.
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vivacissimx · 4 months
I genuinely love anything related to ASOIAF world. Still, due to the ongoing drama and harassment I've seen writers experiencing on Tumblr I decided to withdraw myself and protect my peace. Lately, I've been missing it here, but I'm still sceptical about jumping and pursuing writing for the fandom again. Can I ask you how you manage to stay drama-free and have a peaceful blog that I truly enjoy, despite the ongoing situation?
I definitely understand where you are coming from and have been in that position before, where the personalities of the fandom got under my skin. Existing in a community requires a balance that varies from person to person & you alone can know what works for you. What works for me personally is to have a circle, or several circles, of people who enjoy the characters/themes you enjoy. Having people to bitch about fandom with is not this! In my experience, your relationships need to have a positive foundation. And, yknow, these are people who you should show up for when they create things too. You don't have to force yourself to do more than you want to, but engaging with their metas, artwork, fics, headcanons, even just adding a bit in the tags/comments or having an open mind to something you hadn't considered before is a great way to foster good times in fandom! Being positive and generous is the best way to invite positivity and generosity back.
Which is probably the other thing about enjoying fandom-- you should be a creator! When you create and grow and share it'll naturally attract similar energy to you. There are people I've never had a conversation with ever, but they show up in my comments sections sometimes and that alone makes fandom feel like a place where I can connect with other people who nerd out in the same direction as I do. Not only that, but you'll hone a creative skill in ways that surprise and excite you. Learning about writing by writing fic & learning how to read by constructing meta has been hugely rewarding for me. Of course, harassment is a different thing. I have had to moderate my comments or turn off anon at different points. "Don't feed the trolls" is golden advice, in my experience. When they don't get the attention they want, they tend to disappear.
And, because I'm not delusional, I suppose the last thing is to just ignore 99% of the bullshit. It doesn't matter. It'll blow over. It'll start up again. It's a constant cycle. Block liberally. People talk online in ways they never would dare in real life. When you catch yourself getting mad and gearing up to say something, just leave it for 24 hours. Chances are you won't care anymore. That's not me saying to tolerate bullshit, but engage with fandom on your terms and not because you feel cornered by someone else's ridiculous opinion. If I'm really incensed by someone's hot take I will open a new text post and try to formulate a meta about the process of how I came to my (diametrically opposite) conclusion. That's way more productive/effective than engaging in discourse, I've found. On the flip side, if you catch yourself in a weird situation with someone you consider a friend and you're starting to resent them: communicate, communicate, communicate. I can't stress it enough. Don't let things fester to the point that it's tainting your relationship to something you love or someone you care about. There is no relationship on Earth without it's disagreements and it's equally as toxic to try and create total uniformity as it is to constantly argue with people.
That's pretty much how I find my balance. I still take steps back from fandom when I need to or when I'm not having fun, and that's healthy. Hobbies in general should happen at your capacity, on your schedule. Now your balance will be different than mine, most likely, but I hope there's something here you can use regardless!
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Watchlist Tag Game!
Another unexpected tag game! This time from @waitmyturtles
Currently watching
A Boss and a Babe: Wasn't sure if I was going to watch this one because I'm not a huge fan of boss and subordinate as a positive romantic plot (looking at you GAP, sorry). But started watching it after seeing some of @respectthepetty's posts about Episode 4.
Bed Friend: If I were being accurate, I would have put this show down like four times in a row because I have rewatched all available episodes about four times, and honestly will probably watch the whole thing again. I love it so much, I do still think that Moonlight Chicken is my favorite show of the 2023 line up so far, but goddamn if I don't get overly attached to traumatized men.
Breaking Bad: Fun Fact! I have watched the first season of this show three times and never made it beyond that! So my friend set out to fix it and now we are trading one season of Breaking Bad for one show of my choice with a comparable number of episodes. Traded season one for Moonlight Chicken, and I'm trading season two and three for Word of Honor.
The Eclipse: Can't put my finger on why but for some reason I am obsessed with this show where the main character is a emotional repressed gay boy who has difficulty accepting himself and feels pressured to perform actions far outside what a teenager should be allowed to do because adults put pressure on him and because he doesn't want people to be disappointed in him...Anyway, with the Our Skyy 2 release date coming up how could I not rewatch this show I have already seen approximately six times?
The Eighth Sense: Have to thank @bengiyo for writing about The Eighth Sense, and everyone else that I follow that started watching this show immediately and started writing beautiful things about how queer it feels. It's my first Korean BL TV show (I did watch Wish You a few years back) and I am thoroughly enjoying my time so far!!
Unintentional Love Story: Don't have a lot to say about this show yet, I'm only two episodes in, but I think it's good so far!
Word of Honor: Rewatching this with my friend to try to get him to branch out of American television. I figured the costumes alone in this show would keep his interest, but let's be real, I was dying to see his reaction to my favorite little war criminal Wen Kexing who has done absolutely nothing wrong ever in his life, m'kay? This is my completely unbiased, objective opinion (do not look at my username).
Looking forward to watching soon
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That is all...
...just kidding!
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: Somehow, my tumblr blog accidentally turned into a primarily BL based blog, probably but actually before I was introduced to Word of Honor and then rapidly and descended into the Thai BL world from there (I know WoH is a cdrama, but I found KinnPorsche through a masterpost of queer asian media that was on the woh tag) my hyperfixation and truest love is playing Dungeons and Dragons. I've been in a campaign for 6 years now and recently started another campaign with another group! I wanted to see this movie when it came out but I had COVID and only now am freed from my self isolation! Heard it was good and fun and worth seeing in theaters so I am hoping to go soon!
Our Skyy 2: I just miss my boys, okay? I'm only human.
Only Friends: If the fact that I have watched KinnPorsche 14 times is anything to go by I love messy bitches, and this seems like a show full of messy bitches! Any show that requires a fucking flow chart to know their relationships to one another? I'm in! Also, I listened to the playlist that Jojo posted on Spotify and I was sold. This is definitely my most anticipated of 2023.
Still deciding if I’m gonna watch
Succession: I follow at least one person who has been posting a lot about Succession as the fourth and final season airs, and it sounds really good! I was actually convinced to start the first episode but I kinda fell off of it pretty quick. I think I was tired and I know like with any show the pilot is not the episode to judge something on.
Beef: Only putting this on here because I felt compelled to look it up in the tumblr tags today just to put some feelers out.
and that's it lol, I finsihed Shadow and Bone Season 2 and The Owl House so I don't really have any other shows that I am thinking about watching at the moment. If anyone who reads these block paragraphs has suggestions I'm all ears.
Well, anyone I was going to tag has been tagged by wmt so uhhhh, if you wanna do this game, take this as me officially tagging you!
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About the Teigh
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What should I say about myself past my tagline? "50 year old beach heathen. Lokean. Tea/coffee-drinker. Writer/photographer/hobby chef. Tarot/runes/dreams/psychometry. Genderfluid. Bisexual. Multi-fandom nerd. Why am I the only one who has that dream? They/Them," only gives so much, after all, and I mean, one of those things is a line from a movie probably a lot of you haven't seen because you're too young, and it doesn't have Taylor Swift in it.
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If you've looked at my Tumblr, you know I'm a HUGE Marvel/MCU nerd. There are characters I hate (I have tags especially for you folks who love those characters so that you can filter out my rare venting about those characters posts), there are characters I like, there are characters I love, and then there are characters that I'd potentially open up a metaphorical vein for them. We all have those. We're nerds. We're on Tumblr, ffs.
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I love tea. Yes I love coffee, too, but because of an rp character my name and personality has sort of become enmeshed with even just the notion of tea and all manner of tea paraphernalia. Teapots, tea cups, tea service, tea sets, tea, tea, tea, tea... *cue Monty Python singing the Spam song but it's tea*
I love photography. I'm a hobby photographer, and once I'm the hell out of Texas, I'll feel inspired to jump back into my photo game again.
I love cooking. What started out of spite because of my ex and a mutual friend telling me I'd starve to death without the ex to cook for me has turned into a creative outlet and passion. I know I cook more than my ex ever did, and with the exception of my picky, pissy SIL, most people love my cooking. So yay me.
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I love animals, the beach (obviously - it's the place I most want to be), flowers, lots of different fandoms aside from Marvel (Hannibal, The Following, horror movies, Stephen King, period movies, literature, Shakespeare, Stranger Things, Peaky Blinders, Boardwalk Empire, ALL of the things that Mike Flanagan directs, BBC Sherlock, RDJ's Sherlock movies - the list is really kind of long, so I won't try to put everything down). I love pretty much all types of music (save Christian rock and quite a lot of pop singers, esp one particular one whose name I've had to filter out because so many of y'all love her).
I write fanfiction. I'm not a popular writer, but I'm damned good at what I do. For those who don't know, I'm Wolfsheart on AO3. I'm a huge sucker for kudos and comments. LOVE the comments, especially the positive ones. Hateful ones, not so much. I delete, block, and report people who send hateful shit. If you leave hateful shit without signing in, I'll report you as spam since AO3 hasn't provided a way to block and report 'guests'.
I've got side blogs on Tumblr that are mine alone and a few Tumblrs that I co-mod with one of my sibs from another crib, @scottxlogan. In case you're interested:
Love is in the Earth (A blog about geology/stones/crystals covering both geological and metaphysical properties of them)
Mimir's Well (Tarot/Divination blog)
Lokiscarlip (Good Omens RP)
Mine and Scottxlogan's:
Marvelrarepairs (Marvel Rare Pairs, self-explanatory)
Starksummers (Also self-explanatory? Scott Summers/Tony Stark, or as we call them, Mechanical Boy Band)
Marvelrarepairs Bingo (Same as above but with Bingo cards!)
Scott Summers Bingo (A bingo for pro-Scott Summers folks)
Scogan Bingo (Scott Summers/Logan)
Oh yeah, here's a big thing. Super big heathen here. Nordic gods are my deity-drugs of choice. Loki's the top of the hierarchy. I read tarot, runes, psychometry. I'm your basic beach witch currently stuck in relatively Central Texas, trying to get this making money for me before my sister and I can escape Tex-ass and even after.
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Look, I tag every post. I tag with what's in the post, if I put my negative opinions into the post (even the tags), I will always tag with "This is not a ***** friendly blog." Ex. "This is not a Jean Grey friendly blog," and "This is not a Peggy Carter friendly blog." If there's something I post that isn't tagged in a way that you'd like to filter it out, send me an Ask and I will put that tag into my routine so that you can filter it out. Tags are a courtesy, and I'm all about being courteous - kind of wish more folks on here were that courteous because there's some stuff I filter out and y'all don't tag so I'm stuck seeing it and have to block those posts.
Oh but here's the catch. I have Anon Asks shut off. I used to get a lot of hate asks and even death threats in anon because someone didn't like that I don't like a character they loved. That was pre-tagging days on here. So I shut off Anon Asks. Sorry, not sorry. You can send me asks, you'll be safe, and I won't like...eat your face or anything.
I only eat the rude.
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
How are you? I hope you're doing fine. Letting you know that i love your blog sm and you as a person? chef's kiss.
I've seen you helping out people and giving advices and i've read all of them. i really adore you doing so.
I too wanted a advice/help. I've been stressed out of this lately and i know for a fact that i myself am doing this to myself but i still can't help but spiral and am not able to come out of this.
so the thing is i am straight.
i am in a lot of fandoms like the marauders, and too a lurker in lgbtqia community it's cause i always have been the type of person to learn and seek things. if there is something new i want to know about it. i want to be educated on everything and be familiar with it, know people's opinions. and coming in lgbtq community was something of that sort too. (i love it here you all are so sweet and the nicest people i've met) i was curious and i wanted to be comfortable with and to see is there something so wrong that i see my friends (homophobic) talk shit about it. (i remember this girl, she told my friends that she was bi and they were like uhm..i felt so bad for her and that was when i realized that i felt nothing odd about her liking girls? like it seemed normal to me and kind of made me furious that they were acting like that when it was not a big deal. and after that i started learning about all this cause i wanted to be familiar with it, know about other people's opinions) and now here are we.
I read bls, gls, ship queer ships, a huge supporter of lgbtq community, friends with good people.
but recently i've been spiraling due to being straight. yk being in this fandom, i don't say that straight people can't be in this fandom. but uh i've seen others say that and it haha makes me feel like i'm catfishing?
i've always tried too hard to fit in. so...recently i've been forcing myself to fit it the queer community, be a queer. (i hope using this word isn't disrespectful) i've been seeing that i kinda am 'trying' to like women. (ofcourse before too i pointed out omg she's so pretty and all but not in that way but now maybe i'm forcing myself to do so)
idk how to more put what i am feeling in words. sorry for the long ramble hope it made somewhat sense?
do you have some advice for me...?
Hi hon!
Okay, so I'm gonna say some stuff that I think you need to hear:
You do NOT need to have any sort of sexuality to be in any fandom. There is no bouncer checking your id at the entrance of tumblr. You can be any sexuality and it is VALID.
As far as being queer. I mean, I can't tell you if you like women or not. But...you can find someone pretty and not be attracted to each other.
I think you need to take a deep breath and remind yourself that whatever your sexuality is, is is valid, and people should accept you for it. Then...start reflecting to yourself about what you find attractive. And if you're not sure yet, that's okay! It sounds like you're young, and you have all the time in the world to figure it out. It sounds so cheesy, but: Instead of trying to fit in with others, try to stand out as you. Figure out who you are, you know?
(Also, I would just say, because you mentioned it...sometimes people do find offense to being referred to as "a queer" versus "being queer." It sort of depends on the person.)
Let me know if you need to talk! <3
(Also I am naming all the anons who write to me in case they want to write in the future, and I am using a random positive affirmation generator to do so. So I dub thee: sophisticated anon. Enjoy your free tag!)
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brsb4hls · 1 year
I think one of the main issues with not only s2 but some of s1 as well as that only neil was involved with the creation of both of them because terry unfortunately passed away. It lost something vital in that moment. In s1, they still had the book and I think s1 did a good job as far as adaptations go with some grievances, but now in s2, it's whatever neil is going to do and with how active he is on tumblr and how the fans are and how he's reacting to them, it's losing the spirit of the original even further. Not BECAUSE the ship is canon, but everything else surrounding the ship and how we got there and how the writers and the actors are changing the characters more as they progress from one season to the next. I watched s2 feeling giddy for more good omens and very quickly that giddiness turned sort of confused and disappointed. I didn't want disjointed filler fanfic with a loose plot. It didn't fit. It didn't feel right. Overall, I didn't hate the season, but I didn't quite like it either. The handful of you good omens critical blogs have summed it up very well for me and I'm surprised it's not a more popular opinion. I've just seen a couple people talking about how book fans are complaining which is the most dismissive way to put it. I'm not sure if people are blinded by their theories and canon ship or they just don't care that this season felt almost fanmade, but I'm sad that the book and tv show versions are now miles apart rather than cousins.
That's a long ask, thank you for sharing!
I actually did like season 1, too. The book is very hard to transfer to tv imo and choices had to be made.
Technically, Adam is the main character, but putting more focus on him would either mean a) a kid show with a lot of stuff about the them or b) more Anathema and conspiracy theories discussion.
That probs wouldn't have worked that well, so Gaiman made the two most colourfull characters the protagonists and in order to flesh them out added to their relationship.
Other stuff was added for comedic reasons or drama. Which I get.
So season one was a fair interpretation with necessary (to appeal to a mainstream audience) changes.
And both actors were doing an amazing job, so that helps.
Another plus is that a lot of new fans had so much fun with the material and created a ton of art/fics and revived the fandom.
And then it went off the rails somehow.
The thing is, Good Omens isn't a drama. A lot of dramatic events happen, but they feel understated, it's mainly weird, quirky and funny.
It also isn't a love story. In the romantic sense.
There is a lot of love in the book.
And I truely do not know what exactly happened, that turned such a unique little thing into the most bland, generic romance.
Probably capitalism.
I mean, just watching Crowley and Aziraphale trying to weather everyday life without having their jobs anymore would have been hilarious, but probs to niche.
And I would love to know what made Gaiman change his tune in regards to the nature of their relationship.
He does not really answer stuff, though, he's good at circumventing.
I hope at least it wasn't tumblr that influenced him. In most cases a creative process suffers from too much social media interaction. (Season 3 could get even worse).
The fandom dynamics regarding criticsm are always complicated.
I do speculate that most hyper positive fans are fairly new, just in it for the ship and going with the flow.
Also critcism is kinda a four letter word these days.
I mean it can be fun and relieving to went or pick apart or even ridicule and as long as it's tagged correctly nobody gets hurt by it.
Maybe 'Good Omens' also is a sore subject, because after years of being vague, Crowley/Aziraphale actually got canonized, and no matter what they represent as, they do look like a gay couple to the general audience, and people might be afraid criticsm might reflect badly on the representation they finally got.
Who knows.
In the end, one can always cherry pick. I do like some scenes, I do ship Crowley/Aziraphale, but I'm disappointed that their characters went full on angel/demon cliche contrary to the appealing, nuanced book versions.
And yeah, there is no actual plot so we might as well have gotten smth like Crowley tries to earn money by becoming an uber driver or smth (there's great fanfic about that).
But that's just me, I do get why people enjoy it. Criticsm just helps to deal a bit with the disappointment, because, like you, I was initially thrilled about the second season.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
So, a good writer I follow writes about this specific crossover in the Transformers fandom, and they made this post in response to smn wanting to do a similar crossover, and going to the person's blog, it's now completely blank. I feel like their response to people wanting to do similar crossovers, and claiming a tag as only theirs, is wrong. But idk if I'm alone in this, so I want to know smn else's opinion on this and you are an older fic person.
(Also, it shouldn't be said, but knowing how some people are(not you), please don't harass this person)
TBH, there's always a danger that people will do just that. The bigger the blog publicizing something, the bigger the danger. We'll hope for the best.
I don't find their response that bad. It seems like they mostly want others to distinguish their own fics and not try to be like "This is an official part of so-and-so's AU". They're not saying the AU concept can't be redone.
The tagging thing... eh... I think it ties into the first part, but can't people just go to that tag on their blog for their version and the general tag for every original post with that tag? This seems like either I don't or the author doesn't understand how tumblr works on a technical level. I don't think this is a big deal, but maybe minorly entitled.
Overall, this sounds like a common situation with a BNF who's trying to be nice but isn't necessarily comfortable with the level of awkward adoration from fans.
The vibe I get off of that post (without knowing anything else about the situation) is that this is a specific person's AU that they probably regard as their own creative work.
Their fan, in contrast, regards them as some sort of higher being and the AU as more akin to pro media. [I have reached the point in school where I have to write stuff and make stories, and thought "Why not write stories of my favourite au in the transformers fandom!"] is both flattering and possessive. It's a very common sentiment from the sort of fans who see themselves as part of the rabble and treat BNFs like celebrities.
But from the other writer's perspective, this can feel a bit intrusive, like their fic is public property now that it's popular. It can feel like the author's individual personhood as a creator is being erased from the equation, even as the person is complimenting them.
There's a perhaps subtle but significant difference between "Hello, fandom peer! Your idea is cool and I'm going to write my own take on it!" and "Hello, BNF, I'm going to join your AU because it's MY favorite!"
Perhaps I'm projecting, but I've seen this odd injection of parasocial worship very often around people I run into at cons or am even friends with—cesperanza occasionally, astolat constantly, perhaps Kandy Fong, the first vidder—and it's deeply uncomfortable. Like... one wants to celebrate one's talented peers and tell them when one enjoys their work, but they're also people, and sometimes, it seems like their fans don't quite regard them as such. Kandy gets treated like a public resource that owes people fandom history work but not like a peer who wants friends to hang out with. It's awkward.
Anyway, I feel bad for the person who made that slobbering golden retriever of a post that their idol didn't respond super positively and they felt the need to run and hide, but I don't think the author did anything wrong.
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
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I posted 8,811 times in 2022
819 posts created (9%)
7,992 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,860 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#interview with the vampire - 436 posts
#hannibal - 358 posts
#our flag means death - 310 posts
#dracula - 266 posts
#myst is me - 209 posts
#dracula daily - 207 posts
#precious fluffy angel - 205 posts
#the sandman - 173 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 163 posts
#once upon a time - 149 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#or my favourite - 'this relationship that is full of red flags is actually toxic because the guy is old...' i've seen that at least twice 😂
My Top Posts in 2022:
"they brought back what makes Dracula so terrifying as a villain, especially to women" my dude I need to HEAR this essay PLEASE
Yeah I really should have said "particularly to women" because the general theme is applicable to anyone of any gender but in this film, it's about women- this is why I shouldn't write reviews late at night, bloody hell. 
(edit) I feel I should clarify something - please do not watch The Invitation thinking that it’s going to be an A24-style Serious Horror Flick. While it’s got some serious themes included in the story, it is still very much a love-letter to old relatively-campy gothic horror vampire flicks. I had a ton of fun watching this film, but I also picked up on the thematic elements, too. 
Anyway - I'm going to be vague here because I don't want to spoil things but here it goes (and this is a combo of my opinions and what the director/writer has said about her intentions)
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The way I see it, The Invitation is based around the interpretation that Dracula is a symbol of rich, powerful older generations preying on, controlling and wanting to destroy younger generations. In this case, preying on, controlling and wanting to destroy women. It also explores how that level of power corrupts others and drives people (particularly rich, powerful people) to do insanely immoral acts, just for the sake of approval from their higher-ups. And just how far back this kind of evil goes.
It also explores how women from different eras and class backgrounds react when having their choices taken away from them. Some are power-hungry and are more than happy to sacrifice their choices for the sake of a higher position and don't give a shit about when it happens to women in lower classes, while others are struggling to find the courage to stand up for themselves so they accept that this is the right way for them to live and try desperately to find the positives in this.
But then there's Evie, the main character. She is modern woman from a working class background who is looked down on by her rich clients at her job where she works as a catering server, and can't stand it when she sees workers being mistreated by their bosses. So she's brought into this grand, elegant world filled with luxury and is swept off her feet by the lord of the manor. But then she realises that the price she must pay in return is the loss of control over her life. To basically become a prisoner and slave to her master/husband's whim... yeah, not-spoiler-alert-cos-its-in-the-trailer, she doesn't take that lying down.
So, to summarise - it's all about breaking this centuries-old cycle of violence against women and dismantling a system that thrives off the oppression of women.
Very topical film, wouldn't you agree?
But yeah, in conclusion - I fucking loved this film. These themes are present throughout and made even clearer as the film goes on. I highly recommend checking it out (it seems to be divisive so it might not be good to you but that’s ok if that’s the case - this is just my opinion) and I hope my vague ramblings make sense 😂
458 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Hmm... a dandy gentleman who is mocked by his peers because he can’t live up to stupid society’s standards of what a “real man” is... and a laidback yet grumpy chaotic Goth who has a notorious reputation but is really not that bad, all things considered... 
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I guess what I’m saying is, Stede and Edward are (well, might be, it sure looks like it) the Ineffable Husbands: Pirate Edition.
461 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
One thing I really appreciated about The Sandman on Netflix was that it wasn’t gratuitously violent. This is a dark comic series, I understand that. But, personally, I think it’s way more effective when its either implied or you see the aftermath and even then not nearly as much as you’d think. 
And I know the show did tone down some of the most disturbing elements from the comics but even then, it was still effectively disturbing without being gross about it. There was also a lot of focus on the dread and suspense building up to the horrific act than showing the actual act. Which is really good because that gives you more time to connect with the characters, so that when they do die or don’t die, you have a relatively strong emotional reaction. 
Look, i’m a “less is more” kind of gal. And I thought that was extremely well executed here. 
678 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Remember when it was revealed that Morticia’s mum was the Wicked Witch of the West? 😂
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1,078 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Just catching up on everything. I'm sorry you got hate. I find that you tend to be one of the more level-headed blogs out there while keeping your biases in check when responding to asks. Doesn't mean you don't state your opinions and views but you usually come at things with a thoughtful, intelligent, and often empathetic perspective. I can't say that for a lot of other anti blogs on here but as they've often stated, they're free to express their opinions and they do tag their content correctly. I mean if there's one anti blog on this entire site that Jensen or Misha stans shouldn't be hating on when they go looking for trouble, it's yours. I actually think if they could get past their own biases and obsessions and sensitivities, they could actually learn a thing or two from reading your posts, Supernatural related or not. I don't even consider your blog to have any "hateful content" truth be told. It's only considered an anti blog because of the way you have to tag your posts because heaven forbid you say one criticism against any one of these guys or anything to do with this show. So I really don't get why you were the one chosen to be attacked, not that attacking anyone is ever okay, but yeah.
I'm not an anti or an AA but in the middle and I like to read your takes on all different subjects. I may not always agree but I appreciate them and the spirit with which they're intended. I'm not trying to speak for him or make assumptions, but if Jensen himself somehow ever happened to see your posts or blog, I seriously doubt he would be that fazed by it. Other anti blogs? Some, yes. The rest? Don't know. Guess it would depend on how vitriolic the "criticisms" are. But your posts? Nah. You've always posted your opinions in a respectful manner whether it's about him or his wife and I don't think I've ever seen you discuss his kids or family in the time since I followed you. So AA's or anyone else coming at you should cool their jets. No need to take up arms in some imaginary online fandom battle that won't matter another 15 years from now, or ever really. One lesson AA's and Minions fail to grasp is that public figures are always open to criticism and its going to happen no matter what they do or don't do. There's a reason celebrities are told to stay away from anything critical that's said about them online. Jensen, Jared, and Misha all understand that. It's what they signed up for, the great trade-off, besides their privacy. Even if the internet didn't exist, people would still have opinions. Its going to happen. But they also need to learn when someone is stating them in an earnest and almost professional way compared to someone who is acting like a 6th grade mean girl, performing for her clique, just looking to call people names, laugh at them, pick apart someone they're jealous of (and their partner who they're scarily obsessed with), and not contribute one piece of logic to the equation. There's a huge difference between someone who makes fun of Danneel's hair extensions and her face (like a 6th grader would) compared to someone who makes valid points as to her behaviors, past and present, why she should not be taken seriously as a producer, and maybe why there is a strong belief of a separation going on behind the scenes. There's a difference when someone gets an ask criticizing their posts and they proceed to attack and shut down that civil yet critical ask, and there is you who gets asks criticizing a post you made where you defend your position or opinions but use facts to back it up while maintaining a respectful tone. I'm using hypothetical examples obviously, but your blog definitely belongs to the latter group on any given subject. So people need to chill out and leave you be.
Anyways, just thought I'd tell you that. Hope the hate goes away and these people chill. Have a good one.
Wow! Thank you so very much for your kind words! (I'm blushing.)
What's funny is that the most recent hate came from a Rob fan (with Destiel leanings). I think I've blocked most of the other AAs or Minions who tend to send hate, so it's rare. And even then, it doesn't really bother me. I just accept that some people are so enmeshed in their stanning that any slight against their fav is a personal insult to them and they become overly reactionary. It all stems from insecurities, so I sometimes provide a little latitude (just a little).
"There's a reason celebrities are told to stay away from anything critical that's said about them online. Jensen, Jared, and Misha all understand that. It's what they signed up for, the great trade-off, besides their privacy." I've listened to and read a lot of interviews with actors and a frequent saying is that actors, in general, go into acting because they are insecure and they want the love and adulation that comes from being noticed. But you're right, there's a very big drawback to being in the public eye and I would hope that any actor who's been in the industry long enough, has developed a thick enough skin that if they venture online, they can recognize the difference between petty criticism and constructive criticism, regardless of the source.
Anyway, thank you again for your kind words. I'm so glad you enjoy my blog and I will endeavor to remain mostly level-headed (unless you see a post where I proclaim I'm ranting or being petty... some days are just like that, lol!).
And for all your kind words, please accept this virtual bowl of strawberries from my garden!
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dragonkeeper19600 · 1 year
I'm so glad i found this blog. I too feel dissatisfied with HNK but if torturing readers was the point of it all and not getting Phos a satisfying comforting ending wasn't well... good job for them ig.
But, like, yeah. So glad you are vocal of your dissatisfaction and frustration about it. I honestly feel regretful reading 100+ chapters of... That. If i had known it all boils down to Phos being alone and without the people she sought acceptance from then i wouldn't have read it... it's those cases where i wish there was author tags like in ao3 lol. The whole "i wish i stuck to don't like don't read mentality" :' )
I can't really blame the mangaka though. I have read their previous works and i noticed they do tend to come up with stories people would not be so into. It's their preference/fetish and i wouldn't judge them. It's just that HNK to me had so much promise, yet perhaps i should have been more strict with what i read.
(sorry for my tangent, i actually came here to say i like your HNK fix it fic ideas, it's a good AU and really spark with my own preference for the plot ^^!! Kudos to you!!)
Hey, sorry it took me so long to get to this ask! I really appreciate the positive feedback! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees what a mess this series is.
However, I personally don't really see reading/watching a bad series as a waste of time. Maybe I'm optimistic, but I think that it's good to be open to reading as many different things as possible because it can broaden your scope and lead to new ideas of your own. Even when a series doesn't work, it could still carry good ideas, provide an example of what not to do, or at the very least make you think about something you never thought about before.
Based on what I've seen online, a lot of people stuck with this series in particular for so long because they were convinced that the ending would somehow make everything in the story worth it. A lot of people were hoping Phos would defy or "defeat" Aechmea in some way in the end, sort of like the "Hell Ending" I wrote about in one of my posts. So when he didn't do that and just went along with what Aechmea wanted, a lot of people felt ripped-off. However, in my opinion, thinking that the ending alone would make this entire frustrating series worth it was a naive hope from the start. Only very rarely is a mediocre work elevated or redeemed by its ending, and even if it is, if you find yourself waiting for the ending for something to get good, then the work is already seriously flawed. It should be good, or at least decent, all the way through. By the ending, it's too damn late.`
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heybaetae · 2 years
Kelli I am SO happy I was able to find your blog and follow you for a while now and read your thoughts on things.. It's so refreshing and reassuring, knowing there is someone who thinks similarly to me. I love reading your asks and tags and posts on things that would definitely be "controversial" on stan twitter when in fact, they are just very logical and actually make sense. I tried to find people on twitter who think the same way but I always end up on your blog at the end.
I really love how you try not to glorify idols and the fans' relationships with them and you called out the constant need for content too.. And while I do have to admit, I also like it when we get new content and I love seeing their faces especially if we haven't seen someone in a while, I do try to stop and pace myself. A lot of times I think we can feel if something they filmed was not entirely their choice (I mean it as in it's because of a brand contract or something), but they still have to do it. And they might still enjoy it and that's a really good thing I think! But there are things that I would really like if they kept it to themselves (enlistment bangtan bomb :/) because if it is received positively, others will follow. And this might just be my opinion but bangtan haven't really moved like every other kpop group, they haven't done everything the same way, so I thought maybe they could share less than what others share and what is "expected".
Anyways, I'm really happy you sometimes share your thoughts on things like these. I hope it makes you feel better and you don't get uncomfortable anons because of them. :(
wow, this is so lovely of you to send me. thank you for understanding my intentions with the occasional thoughts/opinions i share here. thankfully, most people are really cool about it even if they don't entirely agree, but i'm pretty open to discussing things further in a civil manner because as i've said before, i think nuanced conversations are healthy to have in a fandom. that's how we learn from each other and make our space better to be apart of! it's just as reassuring to me when someone like you lets me know that i'm not being overly critical or conscious about certain things (i.e. what needs to be content and what doesn't because of the kind of message it sends) and know i'm not the only one feeling how i do in certain situations or big moments. everyone's feelings are valid and it's nice to be reminded of that :)
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The FNDM is emotionally exhausting to me honestly. I mostly follow RWDE blogs because the non-critical side of the FNDM is ironically the most hateful TV show based community I have ever seen. But they also have a tendency to attack anyone who is a RWDE poster so I'm sometimes afraid to even try to reblog things because I'm new to Tumblr and afraid of getting harassed. I only started to reblog things lately because I was semi peer pressured into it by a reblog of a reblog I saw on someone else's account. I don't think people really know what it's like to witness the sheer hatred that is spewed by the RWBY Fandom without them even realizing how hateful it is.
That's what I hate the most about RWBY to be honest. The show itself is incredibly hateful without realizing it and it breeds hatefulness in its fans.
Fans think that being upset that the only civil rights activist is a terrorist and an abuser is a sign that someone is an abuse apologist.
Fans think that being upset that Ironwood's disabilities and PTSD were used to turn him evil is a sign that someone is a Nazi even though by virtue of calling out ableism, they are directly going against Nazi ideology.
They can't just be wrong. They have to be hateful and wrong. They have to be bigots without even realizing it.
It's insane and emotionally exhausting and I can't fathom what it must be like to be in your position where you have to deal with these kinds of people all the time.
All this to say, I hope you're doing well.
Hey anon! Yea their is a reason I never go into the main tag because the fans are....something else. Criticizing the show somehow makes you racist and sexist despite discussion how the show has racist and sexist ideologies. Their is no shame anon in not wanting to reblogg anything, I get it and I know a lot of people who are too afraid of reblogging content for fear of catching the attention of mega fans who would start harassing them for having any sort of even mild criticism of the show. It's....shocking how much a show about "trusting love" spews so much hate and anger. It's okay to not be bothered by the flaws the show has. It's okay to love the show and not care about the flaws, but it is not okay to attack people who are not okay with ignoring the flaws and want to talk about them.
Fans don't want to see how fucked up James, Adams and Penny's stories where, they don't want to admit how messed up it was that the writers looked at these characters who have suffered and been horrifically harmed by the world, the people who where supposed to protect them, the people who where supposed to be their allies. Everyone turned their backs on them and abandoned them and we're supposed to cheer and think its fabulous story telling and not see it for the horrific and harmful that story is.
They refuse to accept that sometimes they can be wrong about things, they have to be right no matter what. Normally, when people are given new information, they realize their opinions can change and evolve as they learn new information. However, the mega fans refuse to do that and will dig their heels in and deliberately twist other peoples words to support their narrative and will not budge no matter what because being wrong is not allowed.
Thanks anon I appreciate the kind words. I've been sick the past few days which sucks but I haven't been getting much crap lately so that's been good. Of course I imagine the long hiatus has likely just in general massively slowed things down so that might have something to do with it haha.
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transskywardsword · 2 years
i saw your tags about disliking flirty sleazy hw link, but what's your opinion on a more nuanced take on it? taking the flirtiness and 'prettyboy' characterisation and putting some depth to it. This is admittedly more about Warriors lu than hw Link (i'm very slow at getting through games unfortunately and thus have little info on the game itself), but i think that is where a lot of that characterisation started outside of him simply being pretty in the game? i've seen a lot of writing of him where people have really delved into WHY he's flirty and such, and i do have my own thoughts.
this might get uhh rambly hes my blorbo so i apologise if any of it is hard to understand lol
one aspect of it i think is the recognition and idea that beauty and attraction is something that can be weaponised and used to your advantage. obviously this is seen with: all of Cia and her obession with link (i do think his pretty looks is partly why she goes for him over others in these characterisations). so in turn Warriors knows it's a powerful tool and uses it to his advantage - presenting himself in a very specific way that makes him look the best, both for his men and as a barrier of sorts. if he's put together on the outside he's put together on the inside. it's also probably one of the few things he can control in war, making sure his scarf is perfectly positioned and his hair is neat and his sword is clean: the perfect image of the hero. I also think its a coping mechanism, this control.
another aspect i've seen is that his flirtiness and womanizer reputation is less sleeping around, and more not being able to handle romantic commitment, which is very interesting to look into, especially considering again, Cia's business. It makes sense that someone who has been told they're great and powerful (and had the rise and fall of that ego boost) has confidence, yet someone who has had that weaponised against them is wary of letting people in, especially in the context of relationships. that is often a vulnerable position, having someone know you, and with Cia's 'personal space issues' it makes sense he'd want to be in control of a sexual/flirty situation (by flirting and making the moves) yet not actually commit to any of it when the opportunity arises (touch averse, ptsd, etc).
a lot of it seems to be about a sense of control, and how quickly it feels you lose that once you feel you cannot control the surface level presentation you put forwad. he has a reputation of being a womanizer - a war started bec a girl liked him! - and thus he keeps it up to keep in control of the situation.
i also dislike the one dimentional playboy warriors/hw link characterisation, but this is what i usually do with it when writing and just rotating him in my head. if you have any info about hw link in particular that reinforces/contradicts any of this i'd be happy to hear it! and your general thoughts (dw too much about spoilers, my autism craves blorbo info over potential story spoilers and it'll be a while before i get to most of it anyway). i do also see Warriors lu and hw Link as two seperate characters, and am interested on where the deviation in characters they are, its always super intruiging to see where the differences are.
also, i hope you are having a good day/night! you got a cool blog :3
matching blorbo!! i am always down to talk abt hw link, i would die for that man.
now im gonna start w this disclaimer: im not the biggest fan of wars characterization in LU, mostly bc he's not that developed and the fandom took what little they had and ran with it in a direction i dont like. that's no hate to any fans or ppl who do like him, he just isnt my cuppa tea! i 100% see him and hw link as diffrent characters bc to me too much doesnt line up
so my dislike of the 'cocky overconfident sleazy flirty pretty boy' characterization comes to the oversimplification of the few traits we have (bc you're right, there isn't much to go on haha. hw is not known for its characterization), a lack of interest people seem to have in his and cia (and by extension lana)'s relationship and the trauma it causes, and people just relying on stereotypes instead of building character. we know a few things for sure from the game & out of game material: link has a strong sense of justice, he acts before he thinks to an extent, he is a tad overconfident (which bites him in the ass and he has to learn to grow from), he's kind, and can talk to fairies. it's not a lot to go off of, so i understand when people tend to grab onto a few stereotypes and not go anywhere from there but i think that does his character a disservice.
1)on the pretty boy thing: is link gorgeous? absolutely. he's the Prettiest Link by sure, just look at him. he's wearing fuckin eyeliner. but i think people look at that character design and turn it into meaning he obviously must be vain or self-centered. i'm fine with someone characterizing him as caring about his looks; i agree that he probably does to an extent-- no one runs around with something as much of a hazard as that scarf is (it's a wonder he wasn't strangled with it) in a warzone without being somewhat connected to your appearance-- but i feel like if you're going to write him as the 'pretty boy' it should be done like you idea was, with actual characterization in mind, and not like, okay his game model is hot so he must be obsessed with himself. i actually really, really like the ideas you gave abt stability and coping through self-expression btw, i think that's a great idea and i can completely see it. my problem with the 'vain pretty boy' characterization mostly comes from that i think of link as dealing with a lot of discomforts with his body over knowing that his looks are part of the reason why cia attacked; i figure that knowing that being attractive is part of the reason why people are dying (even tho it is 100% no his fault) would totally fuck up your relationship with yourself. i think that his appearance is something he takes care in as a coping mechanism while also being something he completely dissociates himself from. nothings gotta hurt like someone seeing you as purely the 'self-absorbed pretty soldier' when, in your opinion, you being the 'pretty boy' is costing people lives. i think his view of himself and his body is wrapped up in trauma so when people jump to 'oh he has eyeliner he must be completely obsessed with his appearance' instead of examining it further it makes me twitch.
(also, unimportant, but the reason i think cia chose him was because he resembles the first hero the most, and since the first hero is the ultimate form of the hero's spirit, link is the next best thing. she obv can't go after the first link, he's hylia's boyfriend, but this link is right there for the taking)
2) okay next point: playboy link. i also agree with your characterization! i just think that unfortunately, it isn't a very common one. so im like 97% sure that the flirty characterization came for LU, as there is like. no basis for it in game, and i think that a majority of people write it totally wrong. racist implications of a toxic dark-skinned woman chasing after a white man aside, link was stalked. he was sexually harassed and objectified. he had to go fight in a castle with his face fuckin plastered on it-- a war was started bc cia was obsessed and wouldn't respect consent, that's a big fucking deal, and i feel like people don't acknowledge that it is? that must mess with your sense of self, control, consent, agency, trust, etc so, so badly. i feel like sooo much of the flirty characterization 1) turns sleazy, which i see as wildly ooc, esp given his history with consent 2) glosses over the effects of trauma completely. any kind of relationship he's going to have for a long, long time during and post-war, friendship, sexual, or romantic, is going to be affected by cia. cia is likely something he's going to struggle to cope with his entire life. i see it as deeply warping his ideas of consent and causing a significant amount of self-worth problems. and so many people go 'okay he sleeps around' and stop there. it does a disservice to him. if you want him to be a flirt, you have to acknowledge his trauma, ya know?
3) completely cocky link. okay so we know that link is headstrong and acts before he thinks. we know this for a fact. as a private, he abandons his post at the castle to go and fight, and then in the same battle rushes off on his own to protect impa and takedown volga, an extremely stupid idea that would have gotten him killed if he didn't have the spirit of the hero. the fact that volga didn't roast him alive is a fucking miracle. @ link pls use your brain. we also know that he got overzealous when he drew the master sword. he saw his troops as invincible serving under the blade of evil's bane, which has slight validity tbh, it is the master sword after all, but then two things happen that i think really led to him changing himself as a person: dark link & the turn coats. so dark link is flat out a reflection of his negativities and having to fight it was a fuckin slap in the face that what he was doing was foolish and wrong. the turn coats also served to show him that he was very much not invincible. so between the two of those, i think he had a lot of growth. making him a cocky ass ignores that growth completely unless you acknowlage the world around him
also, on the fairies: fairies are good judges of character. i don't think he'd a bestie to the fairies who can talk to them in their own language and chills with the great fairy if he was a total ass
okay i think im finally done word dumping but uhhh i love this man so much. so so much. i adore him and i just want people to put thought into him when they write him bc there is SO much to explore if you just look
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cockneydio · 3 years
I especially find it funny when the person who made snide remarks about your detailed hc (which is refreshingly outside of the norm) has a reblogged post regarding this very thing: someone's hc is widely agreed upon and the second someone has a difference of opinion, they are jumped on and that's not cool. It's widely accepted that Giorno is a Hero(TM) and honestly, that's great, I love that for him. But to see someone embrace (possible) darker parts of him? I don't see an issue with that. (1/2)
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Then just discuss. Don't go into someone's blog and find reasons for "gotcha." I've seen that person's posts in the tags from time to time and I might not agree with them, but they strike me as a true JoJo fan with good and honest insight. You're not contributing positively by trying to shit talk them on anon to me. You score no points with me or anyone else that way.
Anyway. There's a difference between literary analysis and headcanons. These meta posts aren't stuff I just make up or believe for no reason, like the random shitposts I make about how Bruno decided upon his stupid stupid absolutely incomprehensibly stupid hair and clothes, or how people have ideas about gender/sexuality/race/etc. or characters' backstories that fill gaps not covered in the text. I'm doing a critical read and making arguments based on my interpretation of evidence in the canon. That's all. It's basically an 11th grade Lit essay for fun and I'm the first to admit it's exactly as asinine for me to do that as it is to draw pictures of these characters and make up my own stories about them. It's fandom.
I appreciate your willingness to hear ideas that run counter to your take on Giorno. But my meta has nothing to do with embracing "possible" "darker" aspects of Giorno's character. Because I'm not making value judgments about whether what Giorno does is right or wrong, good or bad. That sort of conclusion is of little interest to me, except to say that the read of Giorno as a Hero, versus simply a Protagonist (or, I would argue, a deutoragonist secondary to Bucciarati but that's another post) is misguided. If for no other reason (and there are others but again, another post) than there is a pile of bodies at his feet when he ascends the throne, including innocents, all for a contextually less critical goal than stopping a serial killer or vampire brigade or Pillar Man shenanigans. And anyone who ignores that because they like the character is being disingenuous at best.
I like it when stories work well, when authors make smart choices and layer complex themes into the narrative, like Araki does with the entire JJBA series. I love Giorno Giovanna as a character because he gives me all this material to ponder. And I spend my time in fandom talking about that stuff. It'd be nice if other ppl, reading my meta, understood that's what I'm doing, not attacking their faves, and by and large I'd say they do.
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tracybirds · 3 years
For your TAG ask game . . .
First, thanks for these questions - they rock!
9, 10 and 11
aww thanks 😄😄 ngl the best part is getting to chat to people about their various responses it's a blast (ulterior motive achieved yessss)
I saw you also sent some questions to my main blog so don't mind me I will combine them here 😊💕
so 1. has been answered here
9. If you had to choose one Thunderbird to be a passenger on - which one would it be?
I mean it has to be TB3 right? I want to visit space but I also actually want to go places lol sorry John 🤣🤣 How am I meant to visit Io on a space station? Can't do it need a rocket 😁 Plus the astroboards look like SO MUCH FUN and that's the one gadget I want to try out more than anything!!
10. If the fam HAD to swap Thunderbirds, who would you place with which 'bird?
Okay okay! the crucial piece of the puzzle in my opinion is Thunderbird Shadow because that solves the Scott problem immediately!
Alan then gets Thunderbird 1 bc he is also a speed demon and the top pilot (everyone can fight me on this one but by the end of the series he's vying for Scott's position and he will be surpassing him in the near future)
Kayo gets Thunderbird 3 so that solves that little loop nicely! Especially since she has the experience going along with Alan so much
Gordon gets TB2 bc I agree with @gumnut-logic about him not liking going too fast and also he's already her co-pilot so that works!!
John is getting Thunderbird 4 - as an astronaut I get the feeling there's a decent amount of cross over in training, he would relish the ability to have some autonomy is the calls being made and I get the John and Gordon team up I love 😄
And that leaves Virgil in Thunderbird 5 and I ALSO love this because he clearly loves space even if he doesn't get to go much, he's calm and reassuring and an excellent communicator with panicking people, he's methodical and good at problem solving on his toes and I just like the idea of it being Virgil who answers the cry for help in this universe! Plus the art he'd create up there, the way music would be playing in the station, it would be so lovely, plus I think him and EOS would get along well!!
and finally
11. Do you take a position on the birth order debate?
And the answer is I do but the position is that I'm flexible and will happily slide the ages up and down the scales as I feel like it and John and Virgil get an overlap 🤣 I generally put John as the younger for some extra middle child vibes but it depends. I mean it hardly ever matters to my stories but I've written it both ways 😁 I also have a fic semi planned that probs won't ever get written exploring how pairing brothers into twins might affect the family dynamics so in that there's Scott-Virgil twins, Scott-John twins, John-Virgil twins, Virgil-Gordon twins, John-Gordon twins and Gordon-Alan twins
this all sounds insane until you know that in my year group at school I knew upwards of twenty sets of multiple births, mostly twins, but at least three sets of triplets too, and I have a twin of my own so like.... I think about the twin dynamic a LOT 🤣💕 there are soooooo many ways to be a twin and I feel like I've seen them all
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Prev anon here! Thank you so much for the sugar, it is helping me calm down a bit.
Thing is I do think I am panicking so bad and freaking out because of the salt I am literally crying I have never been so upset I think?
Salt doesn't usually freak me out, But this salt was too much. And the person reblogging it was one of the most positive people I've ever seen And it was from a really bad salter who I just can't even stand and almost creeps me out I am almost in tears. I mean I shouldn't be this sensitive but the comments section- The comment section was so bad and oh my god I wish I hadn't seen it. I think the worst part is that I it wa done of my mutuals reblogging it - think that's what makes me so upset. I mean I shouldn't be, people are allowed to have their opinions but I almost feel...Like betrayed or something. I have never felt this sad or upset and mad and frustrated and oh god. The truth is I AM SCARED. I AM EXTREMELY TERRIFIED BY THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO HATE THE SHOW HERE IN TUMBLR, AND SOME OF THE SALTERS. MAYBE ARE THEY RIGHT? IS THE SHOW ACTUALLY REALLY BAD AND AM I MAKING A MISTAKE? WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE FOLLOW THE SALT TAG? WHY DOESN'T ANYONE ENJOY THE SHOW JDJDJSSSKSK I THINK MY FREAK OUT IS GROWING WORSE?? MAYBE I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, MAYBE AM I BEING IGNORANT? WHY DOES THAT CERTAIN SALT BLOG HAVE SO MANY SUPPORTERS??HOW DO I STOP MYSELF FROM COMING ACROSS SALT THIS IS TOO BAD- I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT THAT INSTA POST WOULD HAVE CIRCULATED HERE ON TUMBLR TOO- WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE THINK MIRACULOUS IS MISOGYNISTIC???IT'S NOT, RIGHT?? I FEEL LIEK MIRACULOUS IS ANYTHING BUT MISOGYNISTIC-
Listen, love? I need you to do a couple things for me.
First, I need you to take 5 deep breaths, so deep you can see your chest move up and down (but not to the point of pain), and count to 4 both when you inhale and exhale. Do that, then if it helps keep doing it until you feel the panic die down. Sometimes it helps to stare at something in the distance. If you feel your thoughts wander off, that's okay just kindly bring th back to counting your breaths.
If you finished and feel a bit calmer, then we can continue.
Because the reality is, people are allowed to have their own opinions. Even the salty ones. And that's okay.
Just because someone doesn't like the same things you do, it's okay because as long as you still do then that's all that matters, right?
Something we have to accept by being in this fandom is that there will be salt, but so what? For every salt post I surround myself with a hundred more that make me feel good. As long as I like the show, who the hell cares what other people think?
Have you blocked that original poster? Just block them, especially if you find their stuff triggering. That's what is in your control to do and you should do it.
At the end of the day, the only one who can monitor the content you see is yourself. If you find this stuff to be so triggering, then you might need to walk away. At least until it's easier to just move past it.
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