#(stopping a garden hose by the narcissist cookbook)
faggotfungus · 2 years
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carp-esh-ove-lem · 2 months
also sorry theres no rage in me at all. i'm sorry there's no fight. idk what happened man. ik i should probably make an effort to be angry even if it doesnt generate naturally but im a bad person like that i guess. sorry the large injustices of the world and the small unlucks of my life are hardly ever met back with any force of will. sorry about the exhaustion and the acceptance. and sorry about being forever more comfortable with taking the things that hurt for perpetuity instead of doing anything to change them. thats my bad bro
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narcissistcookbook · 2 months
i came back to the garden hose song, you know the one about being poly and stuff im tired whatever, after finding out im polyamorous and it's really done so much help in accepting that part of myself and that it's okay
unrelated how do i successfully turn my two crushes into two boyfriends
excellent question. on the one hand, it involves a lot of communication and boundary setting between each of you and the three of you as a unit, as well as an acceptance that the first time you try this you're probably going to do it clumsily and make some small and big mistakes and that is part of the process. and be aware there is a difference between someone giving their consent to be in a non-monogamous relationship with you because they want to be in that kind of relationship, and giving their consent because they don't want to not be with you (very different and difficult to distinguish, sometimes impossible)
alternatively, love spell!
our father who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
give us this day our daily breed
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us
lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
for thine is the kingdom
the power and the glory forever
make my two crushes into boyfriends please thank you
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werewolfcave · 4 months
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An exploration of Yukari's feelings on polyamory. Words are from STOPPING A GARDEN HOSE WITH YOUR THUMB by The Narcissist Cookbook. Drawing at the end can be seen in full here.
Personally I believe that Yukari's feelings about the fact that she's polyamorous are very much tied into the things she doesn't like about herself. The trauma from her mother would cause her to internalize the idea that having multiple partners is wrong and makes her just like her mother. I think once she came to terms with being polyam it sort of opens the floodgates to re-evaluating herself and her idea of what about her can be loved.
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Practically Imperfect • the Pattern • GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE • the Simplest Words • Joy! Joy! JooOY! • FUNGUS • i think i'm going to leave my phone at home tonight • vs The Heat Death Of The Universe! • Functional Poetry • Dragon • STOPPING A GARDEN HOSE WITH YOUR THUMB • Eaten Alive By Wolves
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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desthen · 1 year
"What I'm trying to say is By not accepting who I am and what I want By crushing and condensing my identity til it explodes all over everybody's everything I hurt people And then I kept doing it Again and again Until I learned that raging against the parts of me I find hard to love Doesn't actually erase them It doesn't actually fix anything It just makes me ill And unfulfilled And you know what's truly terrible? Is that some people go their whole lives thinking that's an okay way to feel They wake up every morning and voluntarily erase themselves Dream by dream, wish by wish Until they're barely even fucking people anymore They're just piles of bone and hair and flesh Red meat going bad And I dunno Maybe it's just me, man But that sounds far worse than any awkward, honest conversation I have ever had"
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everchased · 10 months
23 and 31 for spotify wrapped
guess who turned 30 (and was normal about it) and figured out they were poly (and was NOT normal about it) this year babyyyyy!!!
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pacificglovebox · 8 months
Jyn's Music Share Saturday #5
This week a friend described my music taste exactly "You're very into wordy songs that tell a big story." Thank you my friend - you know who you are :3
The following song definitely fits my music taste! It was difficult to pick just one song from The Narcissist Cookbook but this song has been on repeat recently again but I definitely listen to all the songs they release
Analysis: This song really could be one entire quote that should be posted, but I hope you listen to it and get to experience it for yourself. I cry to this song because I relate to the artist and their struggle with trying to suppress their identity, hurting people around them, and finding out that suppressing our identities does not rid ourselves of them. The same friend from above who described my music taste has also seen me at my recent worst and I am sorry that I made her sad when I was depressively hating on myself. I'm not perfect and I do not yet have love for all parts of myself, which is why I think the following quote is helpful to focus on...
For me if I can love all my friends and family, despite that they are imperfect and we all fail eachother at times, then hopefully I can learn to love the parts of me that aren't perfect
Quote from Song:
"And now I'm eyeing an uncomfortable question
What other parts of me have I been neglecting?
What other scary, strange things are under here?
Because if it's possible to love more than one person
Maybe I can love more than one aspect of me"
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10. How would you describe your style?
41. Top ten favorite songs?
10. My style…
I don’t really put a lot of thought into my style, haha. I tend to wear a hat most days (either my ball cap or that flat cap), jeans, graphic tees, and a hoodie or something. My style is comfy plus things I like. Usually darker colors, but for instance today I’m wearing a purple Jurassic World shirt and my hoodie is a galaxy pattern (pinks, purples, and blues).
41. Top ten favorite songs?
Shit. Uh. This is hard. If you ask me this question a month from now, this answer is likely to change. But gun to my head, here’s ten songs that are current favs:
(Unusual Asks Questions)
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clumsy-klutzy-faller · 8 months
//I was listening to Stopping a garden hose with your thumb by The narcissist cookbook and I just realized that they technically can listen to that one. I mean, I didn't say anything about sashanarcy and that's just a random song sent without any specific intention, but still.
// I'll have to look that up :)
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saphushia · 1 year
not sure if you're picky with your genres, so I'll recommend a song from a a couple random genres
if you like a sort of alt/pop rock vibe then I recommend "So Alive" by the Goo Goo Dolls
if you like more edm/dance vibes I recommend "Pay No Mind" by Madeon
if you like piano music I recommend "Breathe" by Greg Maroney
if you like punk rock I recommend "Futureproof" by Nothing But Thieves (my favorite band!)
and finally if you like just your ole' average pop genre I recommend "Cielings" by Lizzy McAlpine
oh i listen to a lot of shit jbdfjk. favorites rn are rock n hyperpop, and i tend to not be as big on slower stuff, but i'll listen to anything lmao
also just lost my mind listening to pay no mind cause i knew i'd heard it before but to a different beat and turns out it's sampled in another song i listen to regularly aubsdkjfbgkj that aside, these are good! i think i like futureproof and pay no mind best <3
heres some assorted genres i've got-
Sigh on a Hurricane -by- HIMALAYAS (rock) Blood Of Angels -by- Brown Bird (americana) STOPPING A GARDEN HOSE WITH YOUR THUMB -by- Narcissist Cookbook (spoken word/folk) when you hear it you'll shit bricks -by- gingus (hyperpop, also the song that samples pay no mind lmao) Meant, Said, Felt -by- The Title (EDM/pop)
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faggotfungus · 2 years
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Made this for The Narcissist Cookbook since their, "This Is How We Get Better", album has been helping me a lot lately; especially "FUNGUS" and "STOPPING A GARDEN HOSE WITH YOUR THUMB". I've listened to Fungus a lot this past week, so I decided to show my appreciation.
I based this piece off the album art. :)
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Saw this today, and I thought you might need it. 🏳️‍🌈✨
Also, for the love of everything not holy, please check out The Narcissist Cookbook.
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narcissistcookbook · 11 days
Just so you know STOPPING A GARDEN HOSE WITH YOUR THUMB first made me stop apologizing for being queer and now it's making me confront my big ole poly crush i have on a friend. Legitimate life changing music.
i'm the bad influence your parents warned you about
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tazzy-ace · 1 year
Getting to know me, thanks @ohmyitsfaith for tagging me!
Relationship status: Currently happy with my one partner rn
Favorite color: Red. Any shade of red tbh. Just redyed my hair bright red yesterday, but also love very warm dark reds too
Song stuck in my head: STOPPING A GARDEN HOSE WITH YOUR THUMB by The Narcissist Cookbook (both bc I just really love the song and bc I've got a WIP inspired by it)
Last song I listened to: Currently listening to the new Stray Kids album, so last song is Collision by Stray Kids
Three favorite foods: stovetop macaroni and cheese, jambalaya, steak
Last thing I googled: "botw leviathans" bc I'm trying to finish up the last few Breath of the Wild side quests before I beat the game and finding that last skeleton in the ice cave was driving me wild
Dream trip: Never really been the type to dream up places, maybe bc I am such a homebody, but I wanna travel to meet and see the folks I care about. About to take one of those trips next week to see my partner! Excited about that and would definitely say it's a dream to be able to see them in person
Anything I want: Gonna be sappy with my answer. For all my people to be happy and safe. And for my trip to go well, managing my anxiety pretty well for that but yeah jsksj
Tagging people I'd like to get to know more: @chqnified @dissociated-and-tired @foxofninetales @hils79 @lasenbyphoenix @signed-potato
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aneci-side · 2 years
incoherent rant at the unholy hours of the night pt.2
ghost stories means so much to me because it helped me to identify a lot of feelings i was definitely feeling but couldn’t verbalize properly. like, the first listen through to the song left me completely silent afterwards because of how much it just, hit.
it’s one of my favorite songs by him and again, is one of the most meaningful due to how the lyrics impacted me. especially whenever the song picks up after the “fuck, sorry // you asked a direct question” (/lyr)
“i guess i’m scared i’m imaginary // that i invent myself everyday so other people don’t have to // that who i am is really secondary to what i want everyone else to see” (/lyr)
these three lyrics especially hit hard like a truck, because i’ve always struggled with identity problems for a long while, and just having it so succinctly described in three lyrics helped me to .. properly process them, i suppose. and it helped me to get better. it’s still something i struggle with, due to my anxiety and wanting — or rather, feeling the need to meet everyone’s expectations of me, but this was a well needed wake up call. and the following lyrics after that, too.
“but, god, help me, i’m twice as scared if i’m sane // ‘cause then what excuse do i have for treating people like problems that need to be solved or explained?” (/lyr)
this was another thing i struggled with, and wasn’t even something i realized was a problem until listening to the song and looking back. it was a detriment to my relationships, both platonic and romantic, because i always felt the need to give out solutions and figure out x, y, and z. thankfully, it’s not something i do much anymore, but it meant putting a lot of my emotions on the line to meet a nonexistent requirement to help “fix” someone. and the fixing someone mentality doesn’t do anybody any good.
a lot of the lyrics resonated w me but, those two sets especially hit due to how close to home they struck for me. and i would type more but i’m tired so. good night 🫶
also ps i don’t know if i’ll ever get around to making a post about it but stopping a garden hose with your thumb helped me to accept that being polyam was okay. hartt (a lot of his songs help me process thoughts and shit. very cool music)
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