#(still wouldn't be familial or even like how sonic and tails get along)
sonicprim3d · 13 days
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Probably worth mentioning that the relationship between my Surge and Kit isn't familial. It's only barely platonic.
At this point in their story in the AU, they're just forced to get along due to proximity and Starline's insistence. If given the chance, Surge would just ditch him. Which, yes, goes against her purpose as "Sonic's evil copy" as Starline intended, but he also fucked up and only made her want to surpass and kill him, while Kit's been given the "loyal to a fault" trait he thinks Sonic and Tails share.
Kit does want to get along with Surge and does want what's best for her, but he also recognizes that she doesn't care about him and so just kinda keeps his mouth shut unless he has to speak up. Usually she doesn't really care, but if she tells him to shut up he does.
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w0lp3rtinger · 5 months
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@biolover9 <3 eeeehehehehe - @lambpaca and I have talked about this. Like, even outside of the parameters of Shadow and Amy getting together. This is just general conversation.
I've mentioned this a bit about it before on the sideblog, but I just... never could see Shadow ever wanting biological children. Truthfully, I don't think he could have them even if he wanted to, not without a massive amount of medical intervention.
Like... if you're making the ultimate weapon, the ultimate life form, why would you ever give it the ability to make more of itself? That lessens your control over it and runs the risk of causing your enemies to get their hands on a weapon of their own. You don't want that.
(I'm saying 'it' because like... that's how GUN viewed Shadow. 'It'. Even Gerald viewed Shadow as 'it' in the end in his diary. What Shadow wanted didn't matter to them. )
Beyond that though, I can see Shadow looking at their own biology and not wanting anyone else to have to endure it. Especially working off of the idea that they're still young and all the ramifications of genetic testing and mutation on them haven't really come to fruition yet (looking at you, 'immortality'). Why would he be selfish enough to pass a potential curse like that along?
That's not to say Shadow doesn't like kids. We've seen them be extraordinarily patient with characters like Cream, Tails, and Charmy both in-game and outside of game. I think for them to want kids though, they'd need to have certain needs met. They'd need to be free from GUN, they'd need to feel safe, they'd need to make a lot of peace with themselves and grow as a person. Essentially, they'd have to go through hell and then also a lot of soul-searching before reaching the conclusion of, 'I want to be a parent.'
But Amy? Oh without question, I think Amy wants kids. Doesn't matter if they're hers or someone else's. I've joked about her having a vision binder listing out three kids and names and everything. Amy also has been shown to want a domestic future after she's defeating Eggman. She wants to enjoy the peace and the every-day magic of just existing to exist. I think a lot of people agree that Amy would want kids to be a part of that domestic bliss.
Personally? I think there's also this idea that kids are hope for a future. Amy has spent her entire childhood fighting. There's no way to get that time back, no way to undo that which she has seen and had to experience. She forced herself to grow up quickly in order to protect both herself and the world. Amy wouldn't have kids unless she felt safe enough to do so.
I also think Vanilla being Amy's main parental figure that we see in almost every iteration of the Sonic franchise helps. Vanilla is, by all accounts, a loving, kind parent. That would have made a positive impact on Amy not only in regards to who she becomes as a person, but also, her own expectations on what being a parent entails. Seeing someone who wants to be a parent, who likes being a parent, who likes their kids (both their biological kids and the ones they pick up like a wet cat off the street), that means something, you know?
All the Sonic Gang solidify that family is what you make it, family is a choice, but Vanilla shows that parenthood is also a choice, and one that can be done with joy.
How does Gigi factor into this? Well, I kinda touch on it in The Home You Make, and then I show it in Late Evening Talks, but effectively- Amy and Shadow both make each other feel safe, they help the other grow, they help the other be their best selves, and in the moments they struggle, they're there for one another. This creates an environment for the two of them that allows them to entertain and discuss the notion of being parents. Without question, I can see them covering it before they even really start dating. Shadow in particular, not wanting to mislead Amy, would make his stance/circumstances abundantly clear, but now, fully committed and comfortable with one another in a way they were not previously, the subject would come up again not as a nebulous 'well maybe' but as a 'are we gonna do this?'
And they decide, 'yes.'
They'd take the adoption process slow, looking. They’re not really looking for a hedgehog- the species doesn’t matter. It’s the kid that does. I don’t even think the two of them really know what they’re looking for when they start. I mean, how do you put parameters around this sort of thing? Ultimately, Gigi wins them over. She’s funny, she’s creative, she’s sweet even if she’s a hellion, she’s protective, she gets into fights- she’s them. They see her in them. They get this kid. The child care staff warn them about her being 'stubborn and standoffish,' and overall ‘difficult to work with’. That pisses Shadow and Amy off royally. Not like that's unfamiliar territory- they’ve been this kid, frankly. When they meet Gigi, they’re smitten, and frankly, them coming from a place of understanding with her helps her warm up to them. When they fully decide to go for Gigi, they take the process slow, letting her get to know them, letting her decide if their home is the place she wants to be.
And she decides, 'yes.'
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tezzbot · 6 months
congrats on finishing your essay! :))
Love your Sonic Underground au, btw! I need some lore drops on my boy, Manic, tho. It doesn't even have to be a long explanation. Something goofy like, how many times has he been arrested?
Also! Do the triplets eventually form a band? [side-eye]
Oh my goodness, hello!! I love your art so much it's all so cool!!!! Thank you lol!
Some stuff about Manic in the au lets see...
He was kidnapped as a baby after the triplets had been sent halfway across the continent for their own safety, whoops lol, he's quite charismatic, must always have been since he managed to endear himself to Ferral pretty much immediately lol, he grew up pretty much similarly to the canon of underground, getting by stealing where he has to bartering and stuff, he's part of his own found family within the city and they're all very close, a tight-knit little community of thiefs sfgdhj, though every so often one or two of them decide to spread out (though they stay in touch), which is actually the reason for Manic's being on the train alongside the others, he has family he misses! And he has some things to get to them! (little does he know he'll be meeting more family than he anticipated lol) Though he's never actually been out of the city he grew up in himself (despite what he may claim lol), uhh he is very technically minded he loves to tinker and making little thingamajigs and doohickeys that look like they wouldn't have any practical use but he usually finds a way lol, nothing, like, robotic like Tails does, he's more a manual guy fdsgfgdf, aaand just a random headcanon he's fairly dyslexic n has some trouble reading, he usually has someone help him. There's also gender happening to him :thumbsup:
As for how many times he's been arrested lol uhhhh I think that early on he was pulled up a few times, probably spent some time in juvie, but he hasn't actually been caught in quite a while, I don't imagine Manic gets caught all that often lol you know those videos of kids running from cops and the police just making absolute clowns of themselves trying to catch them? That's Manic JHGJFG
So wrt the band, I'm sort of playing around with ideas right now? The main idea that I'm running with is that, the medallions only react to them when the triplets are getting along, when there is harmony between them (eehh? geddit? lol) that's the only time that they are able to be activated. Which, given the rocky start that they all have with one another obviously takes time, with Sonic being reluctant to share pretty important info with them and generally keeping his distance from them, Sonia's frustration with him and her being Very mad at Manic for scamming her, not much harmony going on for a fair bit of the journey. Eventually the three of them do get along and discover the powers of the medallions and they do perform a few times throughout. Eventually Sonic does spill that they're family and after the reactions they come up with the idea to use their music to get their mothers attention, Sonic is hesitant etcetc. I DUNNO! I'm still futzing with it lol I'll decide on stuff eventually fdghfg
Oh and I do want Sonia and Manic to have their own powers like a lesser version of Sonic's speed but, again, still deciding LOL
Anyway! Sorry this got so long lol, I've thought a lot about this AU! Thank you for the qs!!
OH ALSO Manic uses "bro" and "brother" on Sonic just as a casual thing but the first few times Sonic is like .Does He Know... GJFHG OKAY I'M DONE
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sage-nebula · 2 years
What if Tails was a villain of his own? As in he wasn’t really influenced by eggman but more he became his own faction of villain trying to take over the world. What do you think his motivations would be?
I really can't see that happening, haha. To be honest, I feel like things are a combination of nature and nurture; we are who we are because of our experiences, but also there are some personality traits that are just sort of . . . there, for us. Like how some babies are fussy and cry a lot, other babies are giggly, some are just sort of spaced out and chill. For Tails, I don't think he has any innate quality that would push him to want control or dominion over others. I know that some people, when bullied, tend to turn to revenge fantasies, but I don't think Tails was ever like that. Even when he was being bullied back on West Side Island, he didn't want to get revenge against or see his bullies suffer; he just wanted them to leave him alone at the least, or start treating him kindly at best. He would have wanted to befriend them, not get revenge against them. And even when raised by Eggman, although he has a very skewed perspective on things (e.g. viewing anthros as animals, thinking taking the Master Emerald was justified), he's still, innately, not doing any of this because he wants control or to destroy the world. Rather, it's because this is his home and his family and also scientific innovation is the most important thing in the world, more important than literally anything else.
So I really can't see Tails ever wanting to take over the world, or ever being a villain. Especially in normal canon, where Sonic raised him—like I said, part of it is nurture. In Beyond Oblivion Eggman imparted his values onto Tails, but in normal canon, that was Sonic instead. Sonic's ideals are freedom for everyone, environmentalism, helping and protecting those who can't help or protect themselves. And Tails, having been raised by Sonic, believes in those ideals, too.
So the closest that we could ever get would be a situation where Tails, being 8, just isn't thinking ahead to potential ramifications. Things like, "having fake Chaos Emeralds as a failsafe in case Eggman ever does something and we can't find the real ones in time is a great idea" without considering "what if Eggman or someone else steals those fakes and uses them against us?" Or him getting so caught up in his own inventions that he's not realizing or caring that he's putting himself in danger, because he doesn't see himself as important as, say, Sonic is (because he thinks the world could get along fine without him so long as Sonic is there, and maybe that's true on some level, but he forgets / doesn't realize that Sonic wouldn't be okay without him). Things like that. But I couldn't see Tails going full villain in normal canon, and even in my fic, though he has very skewed beliefs and perspectives (I actually wrote out a "Reasons Why Miles Prower is Problematic" list when brainstorming for this fic lmao), he still, at his heart, doesn't want to be a dictator or anything like that. He just wants to invent things and push the limits of scientific innovation.
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Part 10 ~
"During the Black Arms Invasion - 6 Years ago"
Shadow (in his super form) : Only one thing left to do.
[The Messiah - Yutaka Minobe]
Black Doom : Shadow, what are you doing?
Shadow (in his super form) : Now to put the past behind me. Chaos...CONTROL!
(teleports the Black Comet outside of earth, where it becomes ARK's target)
Black Doom : Shadow! Don't do this to me! I'm the only relative that you've ever got! You wouldn't do this to your own father, would you?
Black Doom : No, shadow! Shadow, please! No, Shadow, no! No, no...NOOOOOOOOOO!
"6 years later..."
Shadow : So with Black Doom, being only the relative in the family, fueling his hatred against Mobius, The Death God Grim manage take his soul away and sent him to the inferno, just to believe that the villains in our universe were always full of stubbornness since the ancients arrived on the planet. But with the Black Arms Invasion coming to an end, who's responsible for this madness that harmed Mobius to fuel the hatred between humans and Mobians, and even intergalactic beings?
Sonic : You alright there, Shadow? What's bugging ya?
Shadow : Oh, nothing bothers me. I was thinking about the incident since the Black Arms invasion. That "other" incident.
Sonic : What? You talking about the Gizoid incident back in 2003? That incident was Eggman using Emerl to put Mobius in danger after his weapon on the death egg was destroyed. But I now remember that I realized he was reincarnated into that Gizoid back in 2004. It hasn't been like this since the Dreamcast era ended in 5 years.
Tails : Hardly to tell you guys, now you thinking about these incidents we're starting to kicking it up a notch. But in the real world AU, the Space Colony ARK is in really hot water right now, when this declaration of war is going to destroy the world, but we do know is that the Real World AU is being collided with the Ohkuboverse and it could really rip through the fabric of space time. However, that's only a facade.
Knuckles : A facade? Heh, what is this, Neo Contra from 2004? All I'm saying that this Soul Eater nonsense is blowing everyone's mind since their show had failed due to the unknown circumstances at Square Enix. We don't know what was Japan thinking that not all Japanese animation we're failures, but the studio did a pretty good job on the reboot of Fullmetal Alchemist. In fact, I got the voice of that Flame Alchemist Colonel Roy Mustang. What new voice did you get?
Sonic : I got Roger Craig Smith, that did Batman and Chris Redfield from Resident Evil.
Knuckles : Well, I guess Egghead still have his voice since 4kids had him dropping the balls of being the Mike Pollock guy. No wonder his old voice sadly passed on since he voiced in one of those games in the old days.
Sonic : Way to hang it. It's been like this since the Olympic Games with Mario to defeat our respective foes to save Canada and London. I wonder what's he up to now? (Mario appears on the screen)
Mario : Good evening, Sonic. How is my rival/smash fighter friend doing on stopping the conflict?
Sonic : Oh, hey, Mario. Yeah, yeah, there's a war going on. What's the sitch? How's everything going on in the war zone?
[Tense - Kenichi Tokoi]
Mario : Not to worry. You see we had a problem back at Nintendo in 2009. But since you made the agreement of becoming a Smash Fighter along with Snake, we decided to give you information on that Square Enix representative. This Maka Albarn we interrogated with, isn't appeared what she used to be. Turns out that she was actually a disguised form of someone that looks alike her. (Shows a photo of Bendy and his lover Inky Albarn in a black dress)
Sonic : Who is that?
Mario : This one on the left is cartoon legend Bendy the ink demon, and over on the way right here is his ex-lover, Inky Albarn, or should I say the Demon Queen of his world!
Sonic : So, the protagonist of Soul Eater is...(flashing images of Inky wreaking havoc and attacking people)
Tails : A fake! So the protagonist of Soul Eater was actually the queen in disguise? How did you know she was Bendy's former love?
Mario: Because the bratty teenagers from Soul World were bamboozled by this imposter who was trying to conquer the real world in inky darkness and enslave all of mankind. But poor, poor, old Bendy and friends could not take his lover's evil ways anymore. So to put a stop to the queen's reign of terror, he helped the technicolored toons Cuphead and his companion Mugman to defeat her instantly and therefore imprisoning her underneath the studio that is responsible for the creation of Bendy's world and was remained sealed away. Until now...
Sonic: So, a couple of colored toons managed to defeat her and eventually saved the world of toons and the real world itself. So what happened after her himprisonment?
Mario : However, not all things were going great in Real World AU. So, since her defeat, the queen discovered that a man named Atsushi Ohkubo wanted a new Japanese manga after Shotaro the Dokeshi's tale has mysteriously reached his end and named the title Soul Eater, a title that he got it from the weapon wielded by PSO NPC Kireek.
Sonic : That's not how it happened, you know what really after her defeat, Inky Albarn had stood underneath the Studio of Bendy's World for a long time, but before the 21st century hits, the queen had an idea of getting the perfect disguise, by becoming the hero of Soul World as we all know it!
Shadow : And not to mention it, the queen had framed the "real" Maka Albarn in her demon form to cause the incident that took place back in the 2000s. But to prove her innocence, Grim the mobian death God had no choice but to help her out and set out on a request to find the queen to put up her wicked ways against humanity!
Sonic : I gotta agree with it to you, Shadow. It's much more than that to stop a demon's reign of terror that could easily destroy the world, the real world.
Mario : So, do you agree with terms of using the powers of the Chaos Emeralds? And I will offer you a smash ball if you don't mind.
Sonic : So much for shadow of being a stuck up assist trophy. And I only have one arrangement song for Angel Island that Senoue always forget, but you're absolutely right about that, we'll use the power of the emeralds and take down the queen itself!
[SA2 (ver.B+C) - Jun Senoue]
Tails : Meet us there!
Sonic : Come on guys, we got some baddies to take down, stopping their reign of terror, and kicking their butts!
Knuckles : It's only a matter of time before Neo Metal Sonic plans to take over the real world, we don't have much time left before the planet is done for! Then I'm right with you guys!
Silver : Don't forget about me!
Sonic : Silver, you're going with us too?
Silver : Look, back in rivals, I just wanted to apologize how harsh I was back then, and I had to help you defeating Solaris, that turns out to be a science experiment that went out of control.
Knuckles: Hey, remembered Espio helped you out on defeating the ifrit? That monster released by Eggman Nega was it? Grim manage to help you and Epsio to track down that nasty descendant of his, who knew capturing Chao to feed the Ifrit was about committing Chao genocide? That Eggman Nega fella sure knows his place.
Sonic : Mario, you got yourself a deal. We'll put an end to this conflict once and for all! Just leave the world to the fastest hedgehog there is!
Shadow : Well then, LET'S GET MOVING!
~ Sixtieth Scene: A Hero's Warm Welcome ~
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yanderegrizzsworld · 3 years
I just made some more headcanons for your enjoyment in one day aegean lets gooooo
I like the whole opposites attract kinda thing so i find great enjoyment of thinking about Shadow wearing a leather jacket and shades while his companion is decked out in pastels and cute food related jewelry. Although the reader looks like an easy target they aren't, it is not something they talk about much but they use to train self defense a lot. Even if the reader can sometimes seem dim-witted, Shadow has seen them fight and just how much work they put into their crafts.
Another thing that I think would be a cute scenario between Shadow and the reader is if the reader had a tendency to make hand crafted presents for their friends, like a small wooden model of a plane for Tails or a pink heart patch for Amy. Shadow would cherish every item that you make for him and he makes sure that they're polished and clean, this can also be said for Metal Sonic.
Now Knuckles is interesting, for starters he lives on an island with the sole duty of protecting the master emerald, now imagine if that level of devotion and need to protect was brought onto you. He would constantly be with but it wasn't always like this, his obsession started off slow and barely noticeable. The first weeks into your relationship he's had this need to protect you, mainly from Eggman or any of his robot henchmen but also just from anyone in general. Knuckles isn't a big fan of PDA but if it keeps the douchebags away from you then it's worth it, so when you're out on the town he will have his hand(s) somewear on you, it's either on your hip or your shoulder. Maybe even your hand “gasps”. It calms him down knowing that you're there at arm's length if something were to happen. Like i said earlier he's not very big on PDA but when you're alone he's a cuddle bug, kinda. At first he asks if he can hold your hand but after a few months he just picks you up and leaves to go to a private place to cuddle in. Or on bad days he will crawl into your lap and just kinda stay there without saying anything as you brush your fingers through his fur? hair?? quills??? Whatever they are and he's content once again. But the slope to insanity soon chases Knuckles into his nightmares the longer you are apart, and that's when things start to get ridiculous. He would start asking if you can hang out at his island more often but after a while those questions would become demands.
Infinet is the kind of yandere that would make you watch your parents die along with everything you hold dear too, you see that painting that you made gone, oh look at that pretty family heirloom demolished, is that yo- vapourized within seconds. Now Mephiles is a heartless monster and he shows that by making you relive your friend's death over and over again. I personally wouldn't be too surprised if Mephiles accidentally or intentionally killed you at several points, he just finds your reactions so amusing and so dues Infinet. Although Mephiles usoly works alone he tolerates Infants presence if it means geting a chanse to see someone else torture you. Even though Infinite can have his lesser tough moments don't be fooled by it because in another timeline he gauged your eye out at Mephiles request. Mephiles lives for your screams and hopelessness, that emptiness in your eyes as he lifts your chin up to look at him. It's only then that he considers reversing time and doing it all over again, and that dues mean he gets to see Infinet paresh within his grasp, as his body contorts into ways it shouldn't. Pieces of bones stick out of open wounds as he screams in pain right before your eyes.
Werehog Sonic is a feral yandere that usually acts on his senses, he's still his old self but with less impulse control which leads to some unwanted scenarios, like the time he barked at the neighbor because they were playing music too loud and that woke you up. Just like a dog Sonic is loyal and won't let you get kidnapped anytime soon which means Metal is going to have difficulties. And if Metal won't stop harassing you two then… murder isn't often on his mind but Sonic might consider it just this once. Like Metal hadn't considered it already but he held back because you were there. Sonic in this form is really fluffy and will curl around you whenever you're cuddling or sleeping, he sometimes uses his tail to playfully slap you or tickle you. He likes making you giggle.
Now that we're on the topic of supernatural beings, how about a yandere vampire Shadow, now as a being of darkness Shadow only has the time to hangout when it's night. Shadow hates the thought of using or even asking if he could take some of your blood by biting you, he would make sure that he was well fed the night before visiting you but sometimes that neck of yours locks really enticing. Maybe if he's hungry enough and with your gentle voice encourages this action he might oblige, but not without making sure that you're comfortable and that you feel safe, you even create a safeword (consent is the sexies thing on earth, howl if you agree). You would think that you would be entranced by him but he's entranced by you. You're just so warm and he's not, you make his dead heart thump with just your words, he feels chills go down his spine with your touch like it's a defibrillator bringing him back to life one hug at a time. And he would be damned if something were to happen to you.
Now these headcanons are fun and all but consider how they would react if you became a monster *eyes emoji*
You my dear with your ideas are just
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Let's get on to each section.
Shadow with cute pastel reader
The opposites attract, I eat that shit up. Shadow being the cool "edgy" hedgehog who doesn't take shit from anyone & anyone who tries gets a bullet to the head while to his side y/n is just covered in pastel outfits with colorful food-related accessories that'll just make anyone nauseous by looking at you from how bright you look but keep their mouths shut unless they want to deal with the ultimate life form. I can imagine Shadow is extremely soft with you like this & even buys you more bright outfits & accessories.
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But others shouldn't underestimate y/n, bitch will fuck em up. Though Shadow is happy & admires that you can defend yourself from danger, he likes the idea more of being your personal guard.
This are the types of weapons y/n most likely uses as self defense
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Shadow/Metal Sonic & Gifts
Shadow would definitely cherish each item you make for him, his heart swells since it reminds him that you think of him! & he would 110% throws hands with anyone who tried to touch them, the smallest speck. Metal Sonic would be 20x more protective of them since I'm sure he's never been given a gift in his life. Any bot who lay a finger on your gift ends up with an arm ripped & Metal Sonic gives you something in return (by sneaking to you without alerting the others, especially Sonic).
Yandere Knuckles the Echidna
He'd be the perfect protective platonic yandere. I always imagined that since Knuckles lived most of his life on Angel Island alone, he'd be very socially awkward cause, who has he been chatting with on the island? Zilch. & since he is very protective with the Master Emerald he would undoubtedly be protective of his obsession, y/n. The concept of him being secretly a cuddle bug just- it gives me serotonin, like you have this tough, red echidna with such power that he's able to halt Sonic in his movements with his bare hands, a creature of honor, who can read & understand ancient languages & an expert of surviving the wilderness– who just wants to nuzzle into y/n to feel their warmth & feel a connection he never got back on Angel Island. I just-
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Yandere Infinite & Mephiles
Like stated before here there would be little to no fluff with this two. They both can also technically be categorized as sadistic yanderes as well, but out of the two Infinite would be better but not by much. Infinite is that one cat that's just an asshole for no reason, destroying your shit & making your day/life more difficult. Terrifying would be an understatement with Mephiles, he thrives for your fear & hopelessness. He wants to be the reason you cry, the reason you tremble with horror, the reason you're in despair. Infinite would dangle some hope infront of you, like your freedom, only for Mephiles to take it away from you & bring you back into the void of despair.
Yandere Werehog Sonic (w/ Metal Sonic)
Werehog Sonic is a mixture of a golden retriever & a husky, but thankfully he doesn't shed much. Privacy ceases to exist with him, he's the type of dog that would try & follow you to the bathroom wagging his tail & is hands down a cuddle bug as well, gently putting his tail in your fair. But it could also be him trying to cover you in his scent (to let other werehogs/people in general know that you're taken). Metal Sonic definitely is going to have trouble since Sonic just doesn't leave you be. Like, the moment Metal sees you without Sonic he's taking the opportunity.
Yandere Vampire Shadow
Imma say that I live for the fact that you write yandere Shadow as soft & that's gorgeous mmmmwah. But yeah, he makes sure to be well fed before visiting you, hell he might even some extra just to be safe. You have to hide all the garlic in your home or make sure the scent of it is gone else he won't go in. Fuck, you encouraging him that he can take a sip out of your neck as you wrap your arms around him, letting him feel your natural warmth makes him go weak in the knees, you truly have this man around your finger. He would a thousand times if you're still okay with this.
& yes, consent is the sexiest thing on earth
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If Y/N became a monster
Let's say for this post, y/n turns into a werehog/werewolf. Also this are the characters that I immediately thought of.
Excited cause you look so fluffy & so cuddle-material & are openly sad when you return to normal: Silver, Amy, Charmy, Tangle & Rouge
Excited cause you look so fluffy & so cuddle-material & are secretly sad when you return to normal: Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Cream, Espio, Vector & Whisper
Excited but help look for a way to turn you back to normal: Tails, Amy, Blaze, Whisper, Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Espio
Again, you & your ideas
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mahoutoons · 2 years
Sonic family headcanons
So we know that at least in the games, none of the Sonic characters besides Cream have parents. So here's a set of headcanons for Sonic characters parents.
-Sonic's parents kind of left him to his own devices even as a kid. He'd run far away and they wouldn't really care. According to them, they had other things to worry about. They died when Sonic was quite young.
-Tails' parents are loving and supportive but also a bit protective since he used to get bullied for his twin tails. They're quite prooud of the fact that he's a genius. Tails' dad especially loves to brag about his son's invention, much to Tails' embarrassment. Tails' mom is a doting parent who would do just about anything for him. Both of them are fond of Sonic and are glad their son has someone to look up to.
-We know that Knuckles is the last echidna. His parents died when he was relatively young. He was closer to his father. Knuckles' father instilled in him a sense of duty. He was strict but never too hard on Knuckles. His mother was quite protective and worried about Knuckles.
-Amy's parents were neglectful and abandoned her when she was very young. Because of this she has abandonment issues and hates being left behind. Amy would wander around until she met a famous psychic who took her in and taught her how to use tarot cards.
-Cream's dad died when she was still a baby. However he was a doting father and absolutely adored Cream. He would do anything for her. When he died, Vanilla was devastated. She would often tell Cream stories about her father.
-Rouge never really got along with her parents. They were very strict and wanted her to act like a proper lady. Reputation is everything to them and they'd often chastise Rouge for "ruining the family name". Because of this she was prone to running away. Rouge tries her best to keep her lifestyle a secret from her parents.
-The Chaotix, save for Espio, are orphans. Vector's parents died when he was young, Charmy's parents left him in Vector's care since they couldn't afford to raise him. Espio's parents are well renowned ninjas and taught him the art too.
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Favorite genre of Tails fan art is art acknowledging that yeah he might be super genius smart but he's still an 8 year old kid who probably plays Roblox and probably likes all the other fandoms that unsupervised internet access children get into for the better or worse because what are you going to do? Put parental controls on his snack crumb ridden iPad? He'll just easily hack his way past it so there's no stopping him.
Yes, I'm fully saying Tails is 100% an iPad kid.
Going off this, Knuckles (of any universe/interpretation) doesn't seem to be the type to really have an interest or can figure technology out and Sonic while having most definitely more experience and knowledge with it I can see kind of being oblivious to it most of the time but occasionally he'll be chilling with Tails, whose just tapping away on his iPad, Sonic being as bored as he is in this moment will decide to glance over to see what his buddy is up to only to look over in horror to see him looking at some sort of creepypasta (stereotypical hyperealistic blood bleeding out of equally hyperealistic eyes and all) or sees him about to spend an RIDICULOUS amount of money on Roblox or something similar to it and decides he has to be the older familial figure and quickly take the iPad away, however Tails is the absolute master at the puppy dog eyes look so once Sonic returns back it's not long before he gives him the iPad back and at least makes him promise not to watch at least as many of those creepypasta videos or spend so much money on a video game like that again and attempts to look over Tails' shoulder more often to see what he's doing, you know like a good big brother should and even makes other people to always make sure what he's up to.
Amy who'll probably try to help find other kid friendly stuff like cute (regular, non morbian) animal videos or show him other 'chill' games like animal crossing or stardew valley.
Knuckles which with his unfamiliarity with the internet and internet culture maybe will need some help how to differentiate safe and unsafe content for someone Tails' age, but once then he'll get the hang of it fairly quickly.
Shadow, which maybe you'd think wouldn't be the best of choices but actually the opposite in fact all it depends on is he's even willing to be around to 'chill' where he can even watch over what Tails is doing but when he does I think him and Tails actually get along very well and I can see them talking about machines and weaponry of the like and on a whim Shadow can turn any conversion or interaction with him into these types of discussions so he can distract the fox away from looking at unfit content for an 8 year old very easily.
Rouge, she doesn't hang with the Sonic team often but when she does she always has found a soft spot for Tails, he's just a small kid using such big words she finds so adorable. So she'll be quick to act and will introduce him to ASMR, the sensory pleasing safe kind with the soap cutting, slime squishing, or her personal favorite the shiny objects clinkering and the moment Tails is introduced to it he is HOOKED. Rouge can't help but to giggle at the sight of him glued to the screen as she hums to herself. Mission accomplished. Now, maybe while Tails is distracted she can snoop through a certain echidna's belongings and maybe find some clues about the current location of a certain green emerald?
Vanilla, she's a mother on her own so she definitely has more experience with this type of thing even though Cream is more of an outdoorsy play type of person than a technology kid. However, she knows her daughter can be a very good listener so sometimes she'll encourage Cream to ask Tails about one of his inventions to distract him from the iPad and both her and Cream will happily listen along to his info dumping with tea in hand as long as they need to.
(Movieverse!) Like with Cream, Maddie while not having parental experience of her own until these certain blue hedgehog, red echidna, and yellow fox arrived she is still an aunt with Jojo so she knows how to handle the situation a bit at least once Sonic tells her once going on, and Tom though with a bit less experience of course is there as support. It won't fix everything of course, like mention parental locks and controls will absolutely not work with Tails being a genius but at least they try like with the gameverse/primeverse examples make sure people are there with him as much to at least look over his shoulder time to time as well as limiting and scheduling his iPad time as reasonably as possible with it going into Maddie's bedside drawer at a certain time before bed.
Of course all of this will change as he grows older but at least for now he's eight years old, super smarts or not he deserves to be safe online.
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Idk why I wrote all of this but I thought the idea was funny but this I kind splurged a bit thinking about just how important monitoring you children's internet access is even if it's a little bit and as long as it's within reason because unsupervised internet access and it's consequences I've seen time and time again is a BITCH. Maybe it's just the dad instincts coming out of me idk 🤷🏻‍♂️
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
I assume you've played Sonic Adventure and therefore know Gamma's story. I had this idea that Gamma could fall in love with Amy after she saves him. Obviously she wouldn't reciprocate because feeling attraction towards machinery is nigh impossible. Just an idea I had for you. Appreciate your writing!
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Sonic Adventure was very fun! I have fond memories of the game :)c
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Also, I appreciate your request. Gamma needs more love! lol And yeah, Amy wouldn’t feel anything more than friendship for a flicky, but I like the idea that one falls for her charms and big heart XD
This also reminds me of Game-Grumps lololol (they made a comment like this I think once. Ha!)
It was hard to process emotions when you’ve been turned into metal, but as Gamma looked through his green specs at the young hedgehog girl, he could briefly feel the muscles on his weakened wings. They felt stripped of flight, of the power of free life. For a moment, a tiny heart fluttered when his wings could not.
Her name was Amy…
He had witnessed his friend, brother, and comrade be taken away to destruction by Eggman’s command and said nothing. Suddenly, the young hedgehog girl was asking him to find the remaining humanity still left in him, depart from the robotic pull of the machine strangling his tiny body into its control.
What gave her so much compassion towards his steely hide. What aided her in seeing the helpless little Flicky he truly was inside? He had forgotten so much… and yet…
He could, for a brief moment, imagine he was staring out from the robot. He imagined himself a small bird again, gazing at a girl he wished to perch on and nuzzle with loving affection.
She had loved him when all she could see was a robot. She had pleaded and given him back what he had thought he lost. She was…
Everything to him now.
He was a number with a gun. She stood before him when destruction in the form of a blue hedgehog was going to eliminate him.
A friend… she considered a robot, unfeeling and destructive, to have a heart and soul.
He had protected her back, he had released himself from his prison… at least…
Was the Flicky Gamma? Or was Gamma like a faint dream and that strange other life was still somehow living on inside him?
He had recently reunited with his family, but as his pink little wings fluttered along the coasting wind, he looked to see that same pink hedgehog girl moving on to Station Square.
After a moment’s pause, he joined her.
Finally, his longing to perch on her shoulder and squish his cheek against hers in a loving thanks could be realized!
But then he never wanted to leave.
After seeing him off, he perched on a branch and sorrowfully watched her enter the train, waving to him as he flapped his little wings in a return sign of mutual missing.
When the train departed, he ruffled his feathers and pouted. His companions noticed this and began to think…
With some help, and careful communication with gestures and claw-drawings, they were able to tell Tails that this little Flicky wanted to do more than just live freely in bliss.
He had a job to do and a hedgehog to protect.
Tails loosely understood and began to rebuild his Gamma incarnation, but before this, the little Flicky knew he couldn’t be away from Amy for long.
So a few weeks later…
There was a persistent tapping on the window, as Amy awoke with her face smushed into the pillow, trying to drown out the annoying ticking.
“Ohhh… What now?” she wiggled her face around the pillow before leaning up, yawning slightly and rubbing her eyes as she carefully tossed the bedsheet aside and looked out the window.
“Hmm..? Birdie? No… Ah! The Flicky Gamma saved!” She gasped, excited to see the handsome little bird sitting on the windowsill.
He puffed up his chest, happily panting at his accomplishment of getting her recognition.
She immediately opened the window and he flew up to her, flying around her in a circle as she spun along with him.
“Oh my! Hehe, you sure are full of vigor. I’m so glad you are safe.” She placed her hands neatly on her chest, overlapping the other.
Her sincere words filled him with great joy. She was still the loving Amy Rose he remembered through Gamma’s hazy memories.
“Oh, are you hungry?”
He chirped.
“Well, I’ll have you know I make the best food there is!” with a hop in her step, she hurried to her kitchen and the Flicky happily followed.
Once there, he helped her prepare a meal for each other, all the while whistling his affections for her.
He gripped the spoon with both talons and stirred before, looking over to see a radio and remembering something from being a machine.
He flew over and tapped it on with his beak, able to vaguely recognize words.
“Hmm?” Amy’s ear flicked a bit as a classic swing song came on. She laughed, “You’re a smart little Flicky.” she grinned warmly as he flew over and flapped his wings a bit in the air.
Then, out of nowhere, he swooped down and lightly took her hand in his beak, spinning her around.
“Ohh!” She was pleasantly surprised but realized he was trying to dance with her. “You’re just full of surprises!” she giggled, curtsying.
Everything was going to plan! The little Flicky gave a closed-eye smile in glee,… but that changed the second the wind blew by the door.
“Huh? It couldn’t be… could it?” Amy looked around the Flicky, hearing a knock that jolted her in spot. “Sonic?” There was a pause.
“The one and only.” A chippy voice spoke out.
“Sonic!” her enthusiasm in rushing to the door left the Flicky hovering in spot, disappointed that the same expression hadn’t been created with his own tactic.
When she opened the door, everything was about Sonic, and the Flicky was left as an decoration flying in the corner.
This new dynamic, her cooing and fawning over him as she made him some food and ignored him, left him in such wild, instinctual jealousy that he had gripped Amy’s shoulder and death-glared Sonic the whole time.
“Just thought I’d drop by! Tails says that family of Flickies you saved has a surprise for you.”
He ate some food as Amy reached down and pulled some food up for the Flicky to eat.
Angstily, he quickly grabbed it and chewed in the other direction, making her confused as to his behavior.
“Really? Oh… I really don’t need anything but their happiness though.” She smiled and lovingly scratched beneath the Flicky’s beak.
His feathers couldn’t help it, they ruffled and puffed and he melted at her touch.
“Haha! Seems to really like you, Amy.”
“Hehe! He even asked me dance! Unlike some shy hedgehogs I know.” she poked fun at him, huffing a sly remark and forcing Sonic to fold his arms and look away, not commenting.
Gamma! If the Flicky could regain his form that Amy had first bonded too, maybe he could receive more attention than Sonic!
The little Flicky suddenly went ballistic, cawing and crying out, tugging on Amy’s dress to get her to follow him.
“Woah, woah! What’s gotten into him?” She was being dragged away by the Flicky, and Sonic got up to see what was going on.
“He seems pretty determined to get you out of the house.” He noted, before shrugging and pivoting away. “Oh well. Looks like your charms are too much for him, Amy.”
“Oh, stop that, Sonic! Help me out!”
“With what? He’s just a small Flicky. Bat him away if you really want too.” Sonic gestured weakly the motion, mostly mocking her as the little Flicky flapped his wings with all his might.
“Where do you think he’s taking me?”
“Tails’s, I’d imagine.”
“OoooOOOOOoooh! Why are you acting so calm! He wasn’t acting this way this morning…” she looked worriedly to the Flicky as she finally gave in and stopped resisting, walking in whichever direction he pulled her.
“Persistent, isn’t he?” Sonic frowned a moment, seeing as Amy let the little tike win. “Guess I have too.” He sighed, racing after her.
After having tugged her so far, the Flicky realized she would willingly followed and started guiding the two. Though he pecked at Sonic whenever he got too close to walking alongside Amy… he finally led the pair to Tails’s workshop up on the hill.
“Hey! Sonic! Amy!” Tails waved but upon the hill, “I was just about to phone you!”
“No need. A little birdie told us it couldn’t wait.” Sonic joked, pointing his reversed thumb back at the Flicky, who with determined eyes, raced to Tails.
He briefly reunited with the other Flickies, who hurriedly told him how to access the new metallic body and regain his previous form.
“Tails, what’s this all about?” Amy worriedly looked to him, but he just chuckled in delight.
“Your new friends seem to really owe a lot to you. I think they wanted to bring back an old friend for ya, thinking you might have missed him.”
“Who?” Amy put a finger up to her cheek, trying to recall any Flickies she may have missed on her little adventure. “It hasn’t been that long… has it?”
The Flicky dived like an arrow into the deactivated, scraped Eggman contraption Tails had put together. It was as close to the real look as he would have hoped. He moved into the pod that would serve as a source for the robot and began moving his wings into what he thought might be the right position for them.
Suddenly, the machine whirred to life and little wires and lights began to buzz on all around him.
He opened his beak, his eyes sparkling with the thought of Amy dashing into his metallic frame and hugging him with blissful glee, just like she did the blue hedgehog.
He closed his eyes… expecting the experience to be very similar to the first time.
But it wasn’t painful… it wasn’t happening.
He worriedly squawked, his friends looking down at him as he struggled to kick and try and make the thing absorb his essence.
Tails, Sonic, and Amy approached the garage as Amy saw the little device, like a puppet, start to wiggle and turn.
She covered her mouth, “I-…Is that…?”
Tails smiled to Sonic, who nudged his arm as though saying, ‘Good job’ with a wink.
“E-102 GAMMA. REPORTING FOR HUGGINGS.” The little Flicky learned quickly that Tails had not perfectly designed the robot to match Eggman’s sadistic ways. Instead, it was more like an operating gizmo, one he could manually move and speak at his will.
The other Flickies flew a few inches away as the robot stood up, resembling Gamma very well as it stared blankly out at Amy Rose.
It gripped its gun and fired a warning shot to get Sonic to move back.
“H-Hey!” Sonic tip-toed away from the beam, but clearly looked on edge.
“Woah! What was that all about!?” Tails turned worriedly upset to the Flickies. “I gave you that to help out! Not to hurt my friends!”
The other Flickies glared down at the robot, Birdie even giving it a swift kick to remind the Flicky inside to play nice.
Gamma bounced wildly for a moment, as though mocking Sonic, before tucking the gun to his side and holding out his hand to Amy.
“Oh, Gamma!” Amy was moved, but worriedly looked to the smoking area where Gamma had fired. “But… Make sure you keep that blaster in its holster! Understood?” she put her hands to her hips, a slight lean forward to show she meant business, as Gamma stepped back a moment in unbalanced shame.
Tails and Sonic gave confused looks to Gamma, but Amy giggled, absolutely smitten by his words.
“You’re too kind~ But Sonic is allowed to be in my presence, so no worries!”
“B-BU-BU-BU-BUT!” rapidly bouncing again, Gamma seemed to very much appose Sonic’s permission to be near her.
“No, buts!” Amy winked, wiggling her finger in a scold. “However, I would absolutely love to give you a hug, old friend!”
Sonic gagged as Tails just awkwardly sweatdropped, scratching the back of his head.
“Guess he wanted more than a thank you from her… huh?”
“Oh, you think?” Sonic joked, rolling his eyes as he ignored Amy’s energetic jump into Gamma’s arms.
“YES. I HAVE DONE IT. I HAVE ACQUIRED YOUR PURE AFFECTION.” Gamma happily held her as the little Flicky did a cute little dance inside his new robotic toy.
Amy giggled, “I didn’t realize you wanted to thank me so much, even going back inside such a dark and scary experience for you… just to say hello again to little old me.” Amy trailed off, missing his point as he realized something very heartbreaking.
“Oh no! I see you as that charming little Flicky you always were too!”
“…YOU SEE ME NOT AS I HAD HOPED.” The Robot leaned down, showing the Flicky’s disappointment as he gently set her down.
“That’s not true! Many people dwell in my heart!” Amy happily placed her hands over her heart, then guided Gamma’s to the circular opening where the Flicky had flown inside. “Just like you hold a very special one in yours!”
The same feeling of understanding and affection filled the little Flicky, but he decided to pull more affection out of Amy by playing dumb.
“Umm… Like this?”
“Oh you. This isn’t even your real hand!” She let it go and reached in the circular hole all the way to the little Flicky, who happily, with a blush, reached out and let her touch his wing.
“Oh! There you are!”
He smiled sweetly, darting out of the machine and embracing her head, lightly pecking her with kisses on her forehead and cheeks.
Amy placed her hands over her face, giggling at the affections and squealing at how much it tickled.
Sonic continued to look uncomfortable while Tails looked to the other Flickies, nodding to them.
“I think I’ll keep Gamma Mark II with me. As long as he doesn’t blow anything up, he can come by and operate it anytime he wants too.” Tails gestured with a hand to shake on it and one of the little Flickies flew down and gave him his talon, shaking to it.
“You’re awfully nice, Tails.”
“What can I say? I’m a sucker for giving others their hearts true desire~” he teased as he nodded his head back to Amy.
His tails wagged as Sonic groaned, turning his head away.
Amy jumped up and down when the Flicky returned to Gamma’s form and Gamma lifted her hand and spun her around.
They had an awkward dance, where Amy would do a little jig and then have Gamma, while standing in place, lift his arm to twirl her every now and then from side to side.
It was a cute moment, but the Flicky knew he wouldn’t lose his gratitude nor love for Amy Rose… but that perhaps, in either form, it wasn’t meant to be.
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