#(slowed down and zoomed in so you can better appreciate
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"I told ya! See? As long as we're together, everything is gonna be okay."
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hopepetal · 1 year
Part three of my desert skies au with @applestruda!!
Part One | Part Two
Reblogs are appreciated!!
“Just a little warning ahead of time,” Grian had started, holding out his hand to Scar as he rose from where he knelt in front of the small altar, “the valley can be… a little difficult to navigate.” He honked to get Scar's attention, holding out his hand again. “And it's quite cold.”
Scar honked back, taking Grian's hand. “A bit nippy, huh? Don't you worry, mister. I can handle a little chill.” He honked out a laugh.
Grian laughed as well. “Alright.” The golden dome above them began spinning, a loud rumbling echoing throughout the temple as the large gates that led to the valley opened. A pale orange light bathed the temple, and Grian lifted his chin to feel the first whisper of cold creep in through the doorway. “Though you’ll find it’s a little more than ‘a bit nippy’.”
He tugged on Scar’s hand and led them through the doorway, into a sunbathed forest that Scar gazed at in awe. Right before they reached the large pond, Grian took off, sailing into the tunnel of clouds with an excited honk. These tunnels were a bit more difficult to navigate, with the cold air currents coming in to mix with the warm ones, but Grian was no moth. He flew with ease, honking in rapid succession as a way to show his excitement.
They burst out of the exit, Scar raising his hand up to stop the sudden bright light from blinding him. A moment later, the cold hit them, and he yelped. “G, it’s really cold!”
Grian laughed, spreading his wings so that their flight slowed down. “I told you!” he crowed, “I told you, but you didn’t listen! And here I thought you could handle a little chill!” They soared over the slabs of rocks that stuck out from the clouds, and Grian caught sight of the landing area as Scar honked at him in mock offense.
“I said I could handle a little chill!” Scar clarified, laughing as they began their descent. “This is not a chill!”
Grian honked as they hit the ground, holding tight to Scar’s hand as they slid over the snow in an arc, kicking up white flurries as they skidded to a halt. “I warned you,” he giggled, “and it gets better after a bit, you'll warm up plenty!”
“No, never,” Scar groaned dramatically as Grian led him to the candles scattered around the area, “I shall never be warm again! My wings will freeze off, and I will never recover!”
Grian hummed, unconvinced. “Mhm, sure.” He led Scar to the crest of the hill, gazing out over the slope that stretched out as far as the eye could see. “Right. We're going to be skating down this hill. Usually people race, but I'm not sure–” He cut himself off before he could finish, shaking his head slightly. “Hold on tight to me, it may be a little rough.”
“Wait!” Scar interrupted, “I want to race. Pretty please? It'll be fun!” He let go of Grian's hand, hopping up and down excitedly. “I wanna race!”
Grian let out a long, drawn out sigh. “Another time, Scar. There's something I want to show you, and I need the speed from the race to fly over the wind barrier. It's a bit tricky, and I don't want to lose you.”
Scar slumped over, disappointed. “Aw… okay…” He reluctantly took Grian's hand once more, honking. “Next time, though! We'll race and I'll win!”
Grian laughed. “Yeah, we'll see. Right then, hold on tight!” He took a few running steps, and then they were off, sliding down the hill.
Scar began honking loudly as they zoomed over the snow, kicking up powdery snowflakes as they did. Hitting the ice only sent them faster, the light from the candles filling their chests with warmth and light. Grian couldn't stop himself from letting out a few quick honks in succession as they shot into a tunnel– going through the valley was always such an exciting journey, even if it was quite cold.
The two caught air several times, which Grian wasn't surprised to see. When they got more airtime, he simply flared out his wings and maneuvered them back to the ground, landing with a soft thump on the snow. Beside him, Scar was letting out excited, joyful honks in quick succession. Grian was reminded of himself when he was a moth– he had adored the valley of triumph, despite having initially complained at how cold it was. It almost hurt to see how similar his old self was to Scar. Some days, he desperately wished for his younger self to come back.
Grian was quickly distracted from his thoughts when Scar let out a panicked honk at seeing the path suddenly turn incredibly narrow. With a reassuring honk, Grian held just a little tighter to Scar's hand. “We're about to fly!” he called back, and Scar honked in response. As they shot into the narrow passageway, Grian prepared himself.
As soon as they shot out of the passageway, the duo was blinded by the sudden sunlight that reflected off the snow and was made much brighter. The moment Grian felt his feet leave the ground, he spread his wings and boosted himself upward, straining against the pull of gravity. He flapped his wings again, the force causing him and Scar to spin in the air. “Okay, okay, okay…” Grian muttered to himself as they cleared the wind barrier, flying high above the ground. “Whew! There we go!” He let out an elated honk.
Scar honked along with him, giggling. “That was so fun!” He glanced down, letting out a soft ‘oooh’. “Oh, we are so high right now.”
“Yep,” Grian confirmed as he flapped his wings again, “I usually fly really high up– I just feel safer. More free.” Another flap of his wings propelled them forward. “Most people don't do that, though. They prefer to have more cover over their heads. I'm a bit different in that aspect.”
“I like having cover,” Scar mused, “more safe that way, I think.”
Grian shrugged, nodding. “Yeah, it could be. Alright, we're almost there.” He dipped down low to brush against the clouds, feeling energy flood back into him as he did so. The mountains were coloured a vibrant red from the light as they flew through, turning around a corner and spotting a large wall on top of a sloped hill. “There it is!”
Scar was silent for a moment, before he whispered in that quiet, awe-struck voice of his, “woah.”
Grian dipped lower so that they would be able to make it under the archway, honking. “Just wait until you see…” He trailed off as they soared out from underneath the arch, letting the sights speak for themselves.
Grand towers, stretching up toward the heavens. A dusky red light illuminating the area, glinting off the grandiose golden structure that floated in the middle of it all, acting as a centerpiece to the architectural wonder. Snow capped mountains, with pointed peaks that were needle sharp. In the background, there was Eden, looming above the world and shining like a gemstone. As they soared into the main area of the citadel, Grian felt the updraft hit, and began slowly climbing upward with Scar holding tight to his hand.
“This place…” Scar breathed, “it's beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Grian agreed, gently squeezing Scar's hand, “yeah, it really is beautiful.”
The updraft carried them into one of the many covered pavilions, and Grian let go of Scar's hand when they landed. Stepping forward, he lit the candles, feeling the light seep into his wings. “Alright, there are a lot of candles in the little buildings here, and there's a winged light somewhere around here. But there's a constant updraft, which makes it more difficult to…” As he straightened up, Grian realized something was wrong. Turning, he saw that Scar had disappeared, and was now flying up toward the golden structure. “...fly. Oh, for goodness sake!”
“Grian!” Scar yelled, honking loudly to draw his attention, “Grian, I made a mistake!”
With a sigh, Grian spread his wings and took off, following Scar up in a slow, spiraling circle. “You know,” he called out, taking his time as he followed Scar, “you really shouldn't fly off without me in areas with unstable air currents. Or fly off before I'm done talking.” He did a lazy twist in the air, laughing at Scar's panicked honks. “Oh, you're fine, stop it. Just take some deep breaths, spread your arms, and stop gliding. You'll start slowly falling.”
“Oh gosh, oh goodness, oh, oh…” Scar did as he was told, beginning to fall slowly. He fell past Grian, who let himself begin to fall after. “I'm doing it! I'm doing it, are you watching?! Grian, are you watching?”
“Always,” Grian responded with a snicker, “otherwise moths will run away and get themselves caught in an updraft, like a certain someone~”
Scar honked indignantly. “I got kidnapped by air! How is that my fault?!”
Grian laughed louder, before noticing that they were falling a little faster than intended. “Scar,” he called down, “I want you to start gliding again, just for a second–” Aaaand Scar was not listening to him. Oh, joy.
Grian could only watch as Scar plummeted to the ground, smacking straight into the center of the circular platform and falling flat on his face. Before he could land next to Scar and help his companion up, an unknown sky kid ran over and helped Scar to his feet before offering him a candle.
Grian landed a few steps away as Scar accepted the candle, and he reached out with his own to illuminate the other's face. “You good, Scar?” he asked, “I tried to warn you, but…”
Scar shrugged. “I'm fine! He helped me up– hold on, he's offering me some more candles!” Scar turned back to the other sky kid, honking in appreciation as he accepted the candle. “Oh– why, hello there! What's your name?” The sky kid let out a few honks. “Impulse? Oh, that's a cool name! I'm Scar, and this is Grian!” He gestured over to Grian, before glancing down. “G, you wanna…?” He made a gesture that Grian could only describe as 'give candle'.
Grian laughed slightly. “Uhh, I don't have enough.”
“Oh!” Scar relayed that information to Impulse, who honked back a laugh. “Yeah, he says that's no problem.”
Impulse offered Grian a candle, and he took it with a bow. “Hi, so sorry about that. I'm a moth guide, and–”
“Oh, really, don't worry about it.” Impulse's voice was soothing in a way Grian couldn't quite place. “It's nice to meet you, Grian. I noticed your friend took quite the spill. I hope you don't mind.”
Grian shook his head. “Oh, no, he's not– I don't–” He spluttered for another moment before starting over. “Thank you. That was very kind of you.”
“Of course!” Impulse looked between Grian and Scar. “You're traveling together, right? Gathering light?”
“Yep!” Scar confirmed with a honk, “I lost some light, he lost some light–”
“–and I've just been guiding him through the realms,” Grian finished. “I was about to show him the flying race, though, because it's fun.”
Impulse seemed to light up. “Oh! Oh yeah, that's a lot of fun. Do you mind if I join you for that? I was headed down to that part of the valley anyway. I'll be out of your hands after, I promise.”
Grian looked at Scar. “I'm not sure–”
“Of course!” Scar interrupted, “the more the merrier!” He took Grian's hand, and held out his to Impulse. “Flying race sure sounds like fun!”
Grian sighed softly, before nodding. “Yeah. Right, then! Let's go!” He took a few steps before spreading his wings and taking off, letting the updraft carry him and his companions through the sheer mountains. Landing was certainly smoother this time than the last, but Grian still stumbled forward slightly.
Entering the temple, Grian had to laugh at Scar's awed 'oooh'. “You never get used to it, huh?” he teased.
“Never,” Scar answered, craning his neck to look around the temple, “I hope I never do.”
Grian led the group to the candles that sat at the front of the temple, holding out his candle to light them. “Right. We’re making this a race, then?” He glanced at Impulse, then Scar. “I hope you two aren’t disappointed when you lose.”
Impulse laughed, pulling away and taking a spot in front of the doors. “You’ll be eating those words soon enough!”
Grian led Scar to one of the doors and let go of his hand. “Okay, you know how to race, right? Just fly on through and get to the other side. Not too difficult– although, given what you’ve told me… actually, do you just want me to guide you through this? It’s fine if you don’t want to do this alone.”
“Nah, don’t even worry about lil’ old me!” Scar sat down on one of the glowing spots. “I’m so good at this flying thing. In fact,” he added on as Grian took a seat next to him, “I bet I’m going to win this race! And then you’ll have to let me guide you!”
“A horrifying concept,” Grian muttered, but his voice was light-hearted.
The three stood as the doors slowly rumbled open, the wind blowing through their hair as sunlight streamed in. Grian let out a few honks, which Impulse and Scar responded to with their own. Then the gate was pulled up, and the race began.
Grian took off immediately, tucking his wings in close to dip into the clouds before shooting through one of the first archways, feeling the light he collected warm him. Diving down, he soared through another archway before flying into a tunnel of clouds. Following the trail of birds, he shot out from the tunnel with an excited honk, noticing Impulse and Scar following close behind.
Grian pulled ahead as they soared through the bridges and fallen pillars, tucking his wings in close as he maneuvered through the close quarters. He heard Scar honk a few times as he narrowly avoided smacking face-first into the pillars. “Follow the mantas!” he called back to Scar as they flew, “so you don’t get lost!”
Rounding the corner, Grian noticed that Impulse had almost caught up to him– just as they were getting to one of the hardest parts of the race. The rocks scattered all throughout the sky were notoriously tricky to navigate through, especially for newer or less skilled flyers.
“Grian!” Sure enough, Scar called out to him, voice tiny and faint from the distance. “Grian, I'm not too sure about this! I think I made a mistake!”
Grian let himself slow down, allowing Impulse to overtake him. “Just go slow, Scar! Stay calm! It's almost over, you just have to get through this–!”
Scar let out a few panicked honks before crashing into one of the rocks, throwing himself wildly off course and right into more of the rocks. “Oh no! Oh– ow! Ow! Grian! Grian, I’m in a bit of a tizzy! I require assistance– ow!”
“Hold on, Scar!” Grian slowed down as much as he could, letting Scar fall past him. As soon as he could, he grabbed Scar’s hand, and folded his wings in tight so that they dropped down and shot through the rest of the rocks.
After a moment of silence, with nothing but the wind whistling to break the quiet, Scar spoke up. “Thanks for saving me.”
Grian sighed. “Of course, Scar. I should’ve thought to warn you about the rocks, but it’s been a while since I flew here, and I guess–” He braced himself for the landing, before they began to slide down the hill– “I guess I just forgot. I’m really sorry about that.”
“No, no no, don’t you worry about that! I’m the one who got himself all banged up! The rocks, you know, they really give a good bangin’. They banged me real good.”
Grian couldn’t help but laugh at that– awkward, clunky, and so very Scar. “Yeah, yeah, they really did.”
Heralded by fireworks, the two skated into the large arena, their feet hitting the ice with a satisfying sound. Impulse was there, waiting for them on the raised platform in the middle of the arena. He honked in greeting as Grian and Scar skated around to grab the light from the candles before joining him on the platform. “Ran into some trouble?” he asked, looking Scar over. “I wanted to stop, but gosh– those winds are really hard to navigate.”
Grian nodded. “Yeah, they’re almost impossible to slow down in safely. It’s still a really difficult task for me, even after so much practice.” He glanced up at Scar. “And yeah, we ran into a bit of trouble–”
“I got banged by a rock!” Scar proclaimed, proud as could be.
“...yeah,” Grian relented, “that’s pretty much it. I saw it coming, really, but someone decided they wanted to be independent–”
“Nothing wrong with that!” Impulse said. “If you know what you’re doing, that is.”
Scar honked indignantly, stomping his foot. “Oh, you’re both so mean! So, so mean to me! I have done nothing wrong ever, I will have you know–”
“Okay, Mr. Rock Banger,” Impulse shot back, earning a wheeze from Grian. “Well, anyway. Thank you both so much for letting me join you on your trip down. I’m guessing you’re heading to the wastelands next, then?” He glanced toward the large door behind them as he said that, before turning back to Grian and Scar. “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” Grian tightened his grip ever-so-slightly on Scar’s hand. “I think we’re going to need it.” For the first time, something about the way he spoke seemed dull. Grave, even. “It was nice meeting you, Impulse. I really hope we run into each other again sometime.”
“Of course. I’ll be here in the valley if you ever need me.” Impulse stepped back. “Bye, fellas. Don’t lose your light out there.”
“Oh, that’s just a given with me!” Scar piped up cheerily. “Just you wait, I’ll be back sooner than you think!”
Grian groaned, starting to lead Scar toward the temple. “No, you are not, not on my watch–” Glancing back, he waved to Impulse with his free hand. “Goodbye! May your light continue to shine!”
“May your light continue to shine!” Impulse called back, watching as they disappeared into the temple.
The darkness of the temple interior was a big adjustment from the bright valley, and Grian took a moment before leading Scar further into the temple.
“Woah.” Scar pulled away from Grian to hop up onto the platform that held the stone altar, soaking up all the light from the candles. “This is–”
“Let me guess,” Grian interrupted as he lit the white candles, “so cool?”
“Exactly!” Scar hopped down to kneel next to Grian. “How did you know?”
Grian had to stifle a laugh at that. “Lucky guess.”
As the door slowly opened, their eyes were drawn upward. Eden, floating, shining, loomed above them like a dark cloud. A somber sort of silence fell over them as Scar took Grian’s hand once more and let himself be led out of the temple.
Just through the cloud tunnel lay the golden wasteland. A place Scar couldn’t quite remember– but could never forget.
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paintedpeeta · 1 year
I mean I feel like between your tags on my drabble and @loungemermaid’s headcanon we have to talk about it now: the praise, the adoration, the confidence-boosting … it’s what they deserve 😭 and I feel like their reaction to the worshipful behavior either goes “I have to go process this and possibly cry” or “I’ve never desired you more slow zoom on my face as I realize this about myself” 😆
i feel like early on in their relationship katniss’ reaction to any of his compliments would be like “peeta please shut up.” while she attempts to hide her face in his arm or chest because she physically cannot handle it. it makes her blush, and that in itself makes her more embarrassed because she loves this boy but somehow can’t deal with him saying nice things about her.
it would take some time and healing for her to finally get confident enough to accept the things he says about her, although sometimes it still makes her cheeks flush pink if we’re being real (sometimes he’ll say something crude just to watch her grow flustered, because he’s a menace like that)
she takes a lot of satisfaction in him praising her once she got passed that initial shyness, hanging around for a compliment after she cooked dinner or lingering in his eye line when she’s wearing a new dress. he is, of course, more than happy to dole out plenty of affection.
and (don’t think about it don’t think about it don’t think about it) it would’ve been so rare for peeta to hear nice things growing up, especially directed at him. this realisation would come to katniss, and after that she’d be all about heaping praise and love on him. it would, as you say, be pretty emotional for both of them - it would be difficult to process someone loving you like you hung the moon after being severely under-appreciated in your home life.
after he’s had a nightmare or a minor episode she’ll hold him close and whisper sweet things in his ear, assuring him about who he is and what he is. it’s a definite way to make him feel better, but the circumstances don’t always have to be so grim to get her saying nice things about him. they exchange teasing glances when she’s helping out at the bakery, her in the back store dealing with the logistical side of things while he serves customers in the front. when the shop clears out, she’ll peek out from behind the wall like “come here, handsome.” and best believe he doesn’t have to be called on twice.
they very much worship each other the way you showed in your drabble, the kisses over his rib cage and down her back 🥹 he likes to catch her as she brushes her teeth in the mornings, trapping her infront of the mirror and holding her round the middle while she laughs and tries to escape his grasp while he calls her pretty and kisses the side of her face and whatever else he can reach. when she gives him his monthly hair cut, she’ll frequently pause what she’s doing to kiss him quickly (and it makes him feel like the most special boy in the world). likewise, at night she’ll hold him over her and call him her sweet boy, scratching his back and making him feel so relaxed and cherished.
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room-surprise · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Anime Review, Season 2, Episode 16 review
My darling Kabru returns again...
Another good episode!
Kabru's English voice actor does a better job in this episode. I still think he sounds like he's congested or like he's talking with a sock stuffed in his mouth (nasal? muffled? mumbling? it's hard for me to describe what this vocal quality is and why it grates on me) I'm excited to hear his performance in the next episode, maybe he'll impress me with his range once things get more serious...
This episode had a few cuts that were sad! Some internal dialog, and the moment where everyone in the party pats Chilchuck on the head and tells him he's a "good little lad"
Cutting thoughts out isn't new though, Trigger's been mostly excluding thoughts from the anime whenever it's been reasonable... and the cuts in this episode aren't too egregious.
We'll see if they keep in some of the more essential mental dialog in the next episode or not.
This episode is very talky but I like it a lot, I kind of wish there was more time to slow down and appreciate all the things that are happening... but I know they need to keep things moving. The great thing about manga is you can read it as slowly as you want, and take your time to absorb it.
Laios is being soooo cute about Toshiro. He likes Toshiro so much, it's so adorable and so sad lmao.
They kept in the bit where Maizuru calls everyone else something rude but calls Rin O-Rin... kind of annoyed that they didn't translate it as Lady Rin or something, since that means viewers that don't know O- is an honorific won't understand that Maizuru is only treating Rin, who is Asian-looking, with respect. A minor but important clue/foreshadowing for later!
I think unfortunately it's much more obvious that Izu's a catgirl in animation, since they made her head covering move with her ears... would have liked for it to be more of a surprise.
Dub specific thoughts:
I really don't know what to think of Bang Zoom's casting choices... They've clearly gone out of their way to cast minority characters with minority actors, and they are clearly trying to keep things somewhat accurate...
But then you have Kabru, an Indian-coded character played by a black American actor.
And then you also have all of Toshiro's party played by East Asian actors... except for Toshiro and Izutsumi. The two characters who are actually the most important to the story, the two biggest roles.
(I could of course be wrong about the ethnicity of Toshiro and Izu's English voice actors.)
I of course understand that things happen! Sometimes the person you hire for a role is mostly based on schedule availability! But still... Seems weird, seems a little sus.
Especially with what they did with Leed.
Despite all of this, the performances are still great! So now I'm looking forward to the next episode...
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popcornforone · 10 months
A Mr Ben Fan Fic
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I need help. I am always in a Dave York pit, however I am really really really feeling Mr Ben at the moment. I had no intention to write this at all. I have so many in draft that I wanted to get done but on November 6 an idea came into my head & I then spent nearly 2hours starting. I have no idea when you will read this but I really like what I’ve written here.
Synopsis:- your car is being repaired, & your on your way to college in a storm. Circumstances beyond your control, lead you to the best kind of lazy day to snuggle in doors.
Word Count: 4100
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV sex. Established relationship. Swearing, angst, teasing, fingering. Mentions of oral & previous sexual encounters. Dirty talk. Innuendo & things implied. Cream Pie, tasting, mentioned or sex in a public place, talk of gagging.
Thanks as always for the read peoples it’s really appreciated. All feed back is welcome. Enjoy
5 days the garage said. 5 days & your car would be back. 5 days & it would be repaired from the rival men’s hockey team taking it out on the nearest car possible when they lost, which just happened to be yours. You didn’t know until right at the end of the match as you were doing the college radio commentary for the game. The college said they would pay for all your repairs & 3 of the rival team have now been kicked off their scholarships. That makes you feel a little bit better but not right now.
It’s now been 8 days since they said 5 & it’s properly fall. It’s dropped in temperature. It’s raining & the bus stop is 10min Walk from your apartment to get to the campus. You’re there as a mature student. Getting your masters studying 2 days a week while you work the other 3 in your job. This will leas to a promotion though, your work have said that. That’s why you were working & commentating on the hockey game. You’re lined up to be the next big sports reporter on tv. NFL Super Bowl anchor one day has even been mentioned by some people in the industry that know what they are taking about. You blushed when you heard this. Your potential is already being recognised.
You waited as long as you could for the rain to slow down before you take the most sheltered walk to the bus stop. No amount of clothes & layers & waterproofs will protect you. You have a change of clothes in your bag. You stride over puddles & avoid the splash points walking under as many shelters as you can. But then it happens. The bus you are meant to catch is early & your still 2mins away from your stop so you start to run, knowing if no one is at your stop you will be late or will need to call an Uber. That would be have been the sensible thing to do to start with. You’re good at jogging but not in the rain so you start to gather momentum. But in Your haist, you’ve neglected where your feet are going on the path.
The bus hits the deep puddle in the road right next to you. Drenching you in seconds making you stop in your tracks.
“Fuck!” You shout as the bus keeps going, spray flying into the air covering any other crazy person who’s out in this rain & because no one is waiting doesn’t stop at your stop. It just keeps going.
“Oooh for fuck…” but your expletive is stopped by the lorry that then also hits the puddle & covers you. It uses its horn too.
“FUCK YOU!” You scream as you trudge your sodden mess of a being into the bus stop & sit down for a few seconds. Your shivering, hands are shaking. You could just turn around & go home & do this on zoom but you’re resilient & you’ve got to where you are in life because of this. However this weather, the splashing & the bus have made you think today is not your day. Everyone can have bad days & you feel your bottoms lip quiver.
Beep beep! A horn goes off, you don’t pay attention to it probably some jerk mocking you. BEEP!!!
“Urgh” you go & look up to moan & be all grumpy & moody but then you stand there in shock. A friendly face in a blue Ford is waving at you. It starts off your own water works & you as you cry, rush & leap into the back seat of the car. This is no strangers car. You quickly shut the door & let the emotions take hold. A warm friendly hand from the drivers seat leans into you from the front.
“You’re soaked” he says “didn’t I tell…” but his voice trails off when he sees you’re crying. “Hey hey hey.” He turns the engine off & puts his hazards on so no one hits his car & his face turns to face you. Bens face no matter what, is always reassuring & soft. “It’s okay I’m here, you’re safe, okay you look like a drowned rat but…” you sadly pout at him. “Sorry trying to make you smile” Ben smirks. “It’s better you laugh then cry” that perks you up slightly & your lips almost smile at him as you grab the towel he has on the back seat for when the travels with his cat to wipe you down slightly. It doesn’t bother you if you’re now covered in cat hair.
“You like my little smile Ben”
“Hey what can I say, I’m a romantic who likes the small things in life” the way his hand feels against your cheek has you blushing & feeling rather warm.
“Thank you though Ben, this is…”
“You still should have called me this morning, I’d have gone out my way to pick you up” knowing your calmer Ben turns back around & turns the engine on & take the two of you to the college.
When you arrive at college you you look at your phone to see a notification pop up.
“Typical arghhhh” you growl, as Ben parks his car in a teachers spot.
“What’s up now?” He says sarcastically as he does his coat up.
“I was rushing in for a writing lecture with Professor Steven’s but his own kids school is shut due to flooding, so he’s not going to be in today. I got drenched for nothing” Ben turns to face you & sees the frustration in your eyes.
“Hey, just remember what we said the other week” you roll your eyes at him & say in unison mocking him in his teachers voice “everything happens for a reason”
“Yea I know Ben but still. My next lecture today isn’t until 1pm. I’ve made this journey for no reason.” Ben shakes his head at your negative attitude.
“You’re as moody as the weather today you know that” you raise an eyebrow at him & sigh.
“It’s not my fault Mr Ben” you snap back, frustrated with life. He knows you’re in a mood when you call him that. He much prefers it when you call him your handsome professor. You were introduced at the writing meet up at the start of term. A few flirty words, became a coffee, then dinner & a movie, & have now become a relationship. Spending alternate weekends at each others apartments. The way he makes you cum you’ve never experienced before. His hands are masterful on your clit. Because you’re a mature student it’s not frowned upon, & he doesn’t teach you. He’s not breaking any rules. You could have easily had met it at a bar one day. But maybe the way you shout ”ooh professor teach me about kinky sex” shouldn’t really go into the college open guide for prospective new students. Especially as Mr Ben like to gag you & you send nudes to each other each night. A few 3am hook ups have happened when things have got out of hand on face time. He’s often the one rushing to yours to pleasure you until you both sleep through your alarms the next morning. That happened 2 weeks ago.
Ben doesn’t say a word & gets out the car & slams the door making you jump. Your lips quivering in sadness again, as you try to hold everything in. Today really isn’t your day is it. Your door suddenly flings open & he grabs you by the arm pulling you out the car. The rain still pouring, thunder happening a little way off on this miserable day. He shuts the door behind you & pushes you against the car, before his lips find yours. The movies always make this so romantic. & as much as this does perk you up a little, you’re still moody. Bens kisses can almost solve all of the worlds problems. He moans as his tongue finds your tonsils. You can’t deny that this is fucking sexy. He locks the car & then drags you into the college.
“Come on baby” the main hall is slippery & he holding onto you in your sodden state, walks you both through all the students & up to the 2nd floor to his office. It’s not a secret that Professors Ben isn’t single anymore but some people are shocked when they see it’s you he’s protecting & adoring.
Bens office isn’t one he has to share with anyone. Being head of English he gets one with a small bathroom to himself. He throws you in there.
“There’s towels in my gym bag & a big enough sink for you to soak some of your clothes” & he shuts the door & wanders off. He’s also locked it. Is he punishing you for being in a mood & not getting out of the gloom? No Bens to sweet for for that. He knows you need a good cry & to let it all out. He stand by the door as he hears you sob a little before you head to the bathroom. It breaks his heart a little but you needed this moment. You need a good cry after the morning but as soon as you’re out of your wet clothes your attitude improves straight away.
You don’t even realise when you come out the bathroom in your leggins, dress & college hoodie that Ben has returned & is sitting at his desk on his laptop. On the table is a bacon sandwich & a big cup of tea for you, as he looks at his laptop. You perch on the end of his desk & smile at him.
“Thank you”
“For what”
“For being you, for being mine, for letting me be moody”
“You’re welcome I guess” he pokes his glasses further up his nose & smirks. “You always said if I can’t handle you at your worse I don’t deserve you” his big brown eyes dazzle back at you.
“That’s not me at my worse” you say as you bite into the warm toast & bacon.
“Well you’re moodiest then…?” He sees the smile on your face as he teases you. “There it is, that famous smile, the smile that everyone wants to see but only I get to” he stands up & takes a bite out of your sandwich.
“What?” he says mouth full trying not to laugh “I paid for it, what you gonna do about it?” You then lick your lips before you kiss him & bite his. “Keep doing that & I won’t do any teaching today” he smirks before he softly kisses you back.
“Well maybe that’s what I want, I mean after all my handsome professor did save me from getting wet” you sip your tea, slurping which has Bens heart rate accelerate.
“That i did” Ben puts the bacon sandwich down & his hand trail up from your knees to your thighs, your leggings are thin it’s almost like he’s stroking your skin. “But i…” he then stops thinking it’s too smutty.
“Finish it Ben” you fully uncross & spread your legs & he pulls you so his hardening groin rubs against your pussy. Both still completely clothed. Ben chuckles & then say the words.
“… I think I can make sure you’re not just wet but drenched & soaked.” His hand starts to stroke your entrance, knowing the feel of your panties & legging will cause friction against your clit. Your roll your head back & sigh in pleasure.
“Ooh professor” you moan.
“You like that baby”
“Fuck yes”
“Do you want me?”
“Ooh Ben yes,” your breath is hitched.
“Want your professor to teach you to be nice when people do you a favour? Want your professor to fuck you in his office again?” You both usually have no lessons after lunch on a Thursday & Ben will always use that for his ‘special tutor session’ well that’s what it say in his diary. You’ve been walked in on once since these meet ups started at college. A department assistant needed a book & just walked in while you were sitting in bens chair in just his dark blue shirt, as he licked your pussy dry. Safe to say from that day on Ben has double locked the door on Thursdays.
“Yea Ben, please me Ben” your hand is on his belt undoing it when the room plunged into darkness.
“Ahhhh” you screech” is this a game Ben?” Your body trembles.
“Nope I’m not that clever enough to do that.” He replys & he pulls you in close to him. Lightning lights up the room from his window before the emergency lighting comes on & the college tannoy announce system starts.
‘Due to the incoming storm, unless it is unsafe for you to do so, lessons are cancelled for today. This is a message for all staff & students to leave as safety as you can, if you can’t leave the cafeteria on the first floor will be serving free food & drink all day’
You look at Ben & his hand cups your face.
“Can I have a lift home baby?” You ask & do your innocent eyes at him. Eyelashes fluttering.
“See is it so hard to ask for a bit of help”
“Well no, you’re right there, but I have alternative motives” you say as you pack your damp clothes into a carrier bag after ringing them out of the sink.
“Do you now?” He raises an eye brown as he put his stuff in his bag & put his coat back on.
“I do, you see as much as a lesson in your office is good, I know my bed is much more comfortable for a more personal lesson”
“What make you think I don’t have work to do & that I don’t want to go home to my cat Mr Collins?” He asks.
“Seriously?” You slump a little as you were not looking at his face & then see the sarcastic look on it. “Fuck you Ben” you zip your coat up & pout.
“Ooh you will in about 25minutes.” He says & he rubs his nose against yours before he ushers you out of his office to lock it up. Those work trouser always make his bum look nice & plump as he bends over to grab his bag that he put on the floor as he locked the office.
You rush into your apartment to avoid the increasing resilient rain & shut the door behind Ben & go & turn the heating on but it’s as you feared. The whole block has no power. Bens phone then pings.
“Yea my building has no power too, so it’s not like we can head there either” he says as he hangs his coat up.
“Well we best go get warm some other way shouldn’t we” you take his hand & walk him to your bedroom. “Unless you really do want to go home”
“& miss an afternoon of sex with you… fuck no” he’s kicking off his shoes as he walks along to your bedroom. Once in your bedroom , you light a few candles on your dresser for a little bit of light & Ben scoffs. “Thought I was the romantic one”
“I have my moments baby” you reply as you walk over to him & start unbuttoning his shirt. “& right now I want you to teach me how to be a romantic lover”
“Oooh baby I can’t teach that” he says as he grabs the hem off your dress before he takes it off over your head. The lightning outside crashes as he admires your spotty blue bra “you already do that anyhow beautiful” you sit on the bed & shuffle off your leggings & he loses his trousers. His grey briefs don’t hide how much he wants you. A slow large soft hand strokes your shoulder as he peppers kisses around your neck, just in the crook. Your favourite spot. Your eyes close in pleasure. One hand ruffling his slightly damp hair from the rush inside from the rain. The other feeling his length from above the cloth, edging him on, getting him ready. As his lips embrace yours for a tender kiss his hands unclip your bra.
“All the bloods not rushed to your cock yet then Ben” you mumble before you continue the kiss. He’s smirking this is only the 3rd time since you started having sex that he’s taken it off in one go.
“You always said I had masterful hands.” He cups your breasts, your nipples hardening at each motion he does on them. You’re so aroused that you might not even need him inside you to make you cum.
Out of habit he lays you down on the bed. His whole weight on top of you. He penis pulsing inside his briefs, & one of those large hands inside your panties. Your clit being attended to as your kisses get much more passionate.
“God you’re wet already baby” he says as his strokes get more intense. You have no words in reply. “Good girl” he lifts off your body & slowly peels your sodden panties from your body. His eyes always dilate at the sight of you naked. He always wonders how he got so lucky. “Godess” he whispers as he pulls his briefs down to reveal his girthy length. You without realising moan deeply & lick your lips, knowing just how the pinch is going to satisfy your needs. He lies back in the bed being your big spoon. You’ve moved up a little so your head is on the pillow. The kissing resumes & so does the pleasing if your clit. Your own hand now jerking his length. His low moans rattles like the thunder outside.
“Ben, make me yours” your teeth graze his lips.
“You already are beautiful” your pelvis is moving at a same rhythm to his hand now. You turn to your side Lying on you right, facing the window. The storm still bellowing outside the candles flickering away. You’re gently grind into his lap & he moans. “Oooh baby you want this”.
“Mmmmhmmmmm” you mumble & then gasp. He’s turned to be a full on spoon & is stroking his length against your slick. Coating it, ready for fun.
“Oooh you do like that baby” you nod in reply & then feel it as ben adjusts your legs & his body & he slowly inserts his erect penis inside you. All the way. In one go, the entire shaft. Your hand grabs the pillow as noise escapes your mouth before there’s a long drag against your walls before he glides fully back in. “Oooh you take me so well” he says a seductive look back at you as you turn your head.
“Yes Ben oh yess baby” you’re stumbling to find other words in your vocabulary. He’s dragging you, each slow draw against you feels exquisite. He has a quick look from over your left shoulder that he’s been kissing to see how good it looks. You always feel so tight to him, but he always can go fully in, balls deep, & he looks at the magnificent site, proud of the both of you.
“You enjoying this baby”
“Yes Ben”
“So good so right so tight, oooh my baby girl, you make me want more”
“Who says you can’t?” Your lips take his & a long sloppy kiss commences. This is all it takes for him to speed up & find a more vigorous rhythm.
You both moan & hum. A low but panty noise. It’s drowned out only by the thunder outside. Every now & then the lightning fills the room. Crashing & hitting hard like he is doing when he finds your gspot. He bites your lip when you quiver the first time. He knows he’s found it. He can feel your body tremble. Feel it rive in pleasure. He’s alternating his kisses as you lie there & moan his name.
“Oooh ben oooh baby yes yes yessss” it’s a strained cry.
“Fuck sweetheart” he’s working his pace further. “Oooh my love oooh fuck”
“Oooh fuck ben more”
“Fuck please”
“God you’re needy” be nips around your neck”but your cunts glorious” & he ramps his pace up even more. How does he feel bigger than he did at the start? Maybe you’re so in the zone, you are just lost in this trance of passionate love making. But he hits the spot with each thrust.
“Ooooooh fuck fuck fuck Ben” your moaning is getting loud as he withdraws & lays you on your back. You gasp at the loss of him but as soon as he’s happy that you’re lying facing up at him he’s back on top of you. It was only a few seconds he wasn’t inside of you & his penis is covered in your juices, but the feel as he dives back in & grind down on you hard is insane. “Ooooh yessssss”
“Fuck baby” he lifts your legs & puts your feet on his shoulders. When your minds not in a sex glazed fog, you can see his jaw is clenched as he pummels you. His cock feeling phenomenal. His body sticky with sweat. He may be a handsome professor but right now Mr Ben is fucking you like it’s your wedding night. It’s rampant passionate & sexy.
“Ben oooooh fuck Ben” your screams & moans are now louder than the lightning. You see bens silhouette when the shadows appear on the wall from the extra light. He’s a monster of a man in size so broad & he is all yours.
“Fuck darling Jesus fucking Christ, your so tight”
“Yes yes yes yes yes I’m almost there baby”
“You wanna drench me?”
“You wanna soak me”
“Ooooh yes”
“you want to…”
“Oooooh fuck” you interrupt his sentence. It was almost a tease what he says because that’s what you do. You squirt, as your orgasm from over stimulation hits you like a train. Pleasure explodes out of every part of you as Ben watches in awe at the mess you are making.
“God that’s sexy, oooh fuck” 3 jolted thrusts later, he cums inside you. Filling you up, coating you, his body twitches & he screams your name at the top of his high. “Oooh fuck baby oooh fuck”
“Oh Ben oooh fuck ben” you don’t think you’ve ever breathed this heavily in your life, as you open your eyes & slowly come down from your extreme high & realise what you did. You slowly lower your legs off his shoulders as he leans back & admires the state of the mess you’ve made.
He doesn’t hesitate. Ben drops his head between your thighs as soon a he has come too & he laps away. His cock is still hard & dripping.
“Oooh baby” you snarl & run your fingers through his hair pushing his lips further into you, as his tongue licks you out. You don’t cum as he abruptly stops. His face glistens, covered in you & him. Well you think that’s the scene before you. You’re over taken by the taste of his lips that are sticky & consists of you both. He holds your head in place as you go back to his hair with your hand.
“We taste good together”
“Yes we do Ben” he’s pushing hard against you, almost ready for another round he’s not gone soft yet. He hitches against your enterance as the kiss continues. But you then both jolt. You hear a rumble but it’s not the thunder from the storm. It’s your building generator. The power is coming back on.
“What was that?” He asks distracted for a few seconds.
“The powers coming back”
“Did we make enough electricity between us baby, to restart it” he says before your neck receives the next round of kisses your nails dig into his back.
“Ben we’re so electric, the grid would flood”
“Is that so” he smirks he’s almost inside you as his hand caresses your tummy. “Well you’ve been wet & drenched & even squirting…” you bashfully smile at that. Still you can’t believe that’s even possible ”let’s get the flooding sorted too” & he pushes deeply inside you making you moan. The power might be back on but the only connection either of you need this afternoon is your body’s moving as one. A storm maybe brewing but those rumbles of thunders don’t meet the noises you & your handsome professor make for the next few hours. The candles have long flickered out by the time your afternoon delight is over.
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tokkishouse · 2 years
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We don't get snow where I live so I get to live vicariously through this fic
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(Sfw) Playing in the snow with Venti
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Characters: Venti x GN!Reader
Warnings: None, the reader is implied to be taller than Venti and strong enough to carry him
WC: 841 words
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"C'mon Y/N! The snow's at the perfect thickness!"
You let out a sigh and take a moment to stop pulling the sled, instead glancing up at your lover, who's standing at the top of Starsnatch Cliff, flashing you a wide grin. The harsh winds and freezing temperatures had forced the bard to switch out his usual attire for something warmer. The hand-knitted scarf that you had wrapped around his neck was loosening a bit, letting you get a peak at his Rudolph-red nose and see his breath puff out with each exhale.
“I’m coming, I’m coming…”
You flash him a tired smile and keep tugging the sled uphill. When you manage to catch up to Venti, you take a moment to really appreciate his appearance.
The snowfall had decorated his hair, forming what almost looked like an ice veil down the strands. When he blinked, you could see the tiniest of snowflakes clinging to his lashes. The tips of his ears, just like his nose, were bright red and despite his divine powers, a shiver ran through his body.
"You're staring quite a bit, Windblume," Venti teases, knocking you out of your trance. "You can stare more later. I wanna go sledding!"
He bends down and pulls the sled up as much as possible, nearly toppling over as he reaches the steepest part of the cliff. You look back in the direction you came from, cringing at the way the environment melts into the snowy landscape the further you look.
"Are you sure this is safe? I can barely see past 20 meters," you ask, squinting to get better focus on the objects in the distance.
"Absolutely! You don't trust me?"
Snow-covered hilichurls turn their head in surprise at the sounds of you two screaming as you speed down the cliff. Snow and ice are flung everywhere and you've long since lost your beanie due to the sheer speed of the sled that’s sending you two zooming down Starsnatch Cliff. Genuine fear for your life is plastered on your face, while Venti's screams are of excitement and joy, a smile that you swear can’t get any bigger glued to his.
You two hadn't managed to hit any obstacles, something you could probably thank Venti's anemo powers for, but that doesn't make the potential danger any less imminent.
You plead, grabbing the ropes of the sled and tugging hard in an attempt to stop, or at least slow down. Instead, the action jerks both of you to the side and down another path. Venti nearly gets thrown off the sled before he can react, leaving him unable to stop you two from crashing into a giant rock. The impact forces you two off the sled and sends you flying through the air. You consider for a moment, getting your wind glider out to catch the air before you crash, but by the time you move to unfurl the wings, you're lodged halfway into a giant pile of snow. Venti is quick to follow suit, his legs kicking out frantically as his upper body gets lodged in a pile of snow and ice.
You eventually manage to free yourself from the snow pile, falling back on your boat. You shiver as the cold seeps into your bones, and you suddenly wish you had put on an extra layer of warm clothes. When Venti manages to get out of the snow pile as well, he falls on his back, letting out a shudder. He turns to you, his face red all over. You want to curse at him, scold him, or even just shoot him a glare-- but the earnest smile and the excitement melt away all your frustrations.
"Let's make snow angels next, Y/N!"
He doesn't wait for a response, immediately waving his arms and legs up and down to make the snow art. You turn to look back up at the sky, the overcast weather and gentle snowfall adding to the overall ambience of your environment.
"..yeah, let's."
You mimic Venti's actions, shivering as the snow melts under your warmer body and drips into your coat sleeves. The rest of your outing is spent filling the field with snowmen, snow angels, and other snow creations. When the sky finally darkens and the sunset peeks through the clouds, you're carrying an exhausted Venti on your back, beginning your journey back to a warm home.
The next day, both of you woke up with a high fever and the chills. The consequences of playing all day in the snow and not stopping to warm up at all. Currently, you two were cuddling under a large comforter, with Venti laying on top of you with his limbs sprawled out. His hair tickled your chin as he lay there, dozing off. You look down at him, absentmindedly playing with his hair, and you can’t help your smile slowly growing.
Despite how stuffed up and generally gross you both felt, the extra time spent together in each others embrace made up for that fact.
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Requests are open ✧˚~
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eddiernunson · 1 year
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Found Again | Part 2 | Sequel to Trapped
Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: The year is 2005. Vecna is defeated, Steve Harrington is finding grey hairs. Eddie has already been dead for 19 years. Unfortunately, you have too. Since 1989. In a new life, new state, new friends, new school, you find yourself drawn to the new kid, and he to you. Something tells you it had to do with the dreams of a man with long hair when you were small.
Authors Note: To everyone who has read the parts of Trapped to read this, you are wonderful and I appreciate you! So this is the introduction to the character Eddie reincarnates into... and I hope you like him. Also I forgot the tags on the last chapter. I gotta get better at that.
You ran into the gymnasium as Coach Rudy introduces the newest junior year to their upcoming semester, and as it’s the first day of school he seems to ignore your tardiness. You find yourself sitting right next to Kaitlyn, thank god.
“Late already? Aren’t you usually on your best behaviour for the first week or so?” She asks, and yes, unfortunately tardiness is a habit of yours.
You grit your teeth in a smile, itching to tell her all about the mysterious new kid you just saw in the parking lot.
Coach Rudy was in the middle of explaining the introductory 'game' he was about to have you all play, the stupid one where you say your name and a fun fact about yourself, when said mysterious stranger pops into the gym, out of breath.
“Aah, this must be our new student.” Coach exclaimed, holding his hand out and walking towards him quite dramatically. It was a bit over the top, but again, there weren’t a lot of new students in your school. “Here, you can start us off. Introduce yourself, where you’re from, and one fun fact about yourself.”
For the record, where you’re from was only for the new kid. Most of the population of your high school were from here.
“Sorry, couldn’t,” he speaks, and holy hell, it sent shivers down your spine, and you suddenly wanted to spend hours talking to him. “Couldn’t find the gym. My name is Patrick, I’m from Ohio, and I broke my left thumb twice, at the same spot.” He holds out his hand, extending his thumb where you could see a dent on his first knuckle. Your eyes zoom in on it, fixated on him showing his hands.
The moment you had realized you were staring, you blinked away. It felt like slow-motion to you, but it only lasted half a second. You were startlingly aware of how much you wanted to endlessly linger over him without a care and these intense reactions were overwhelming you.
You saw this guy literally only ten minutes ago, get it together, girl!
“Welcome to our school, Patrick. Glad to have you here. Who’s next?” Painstakingly, you all sit in a circle and one at a time the twenty-five of you say your name and a fun fact. Some of them were weird, others were interesting.
Somehow your brain refused to tune in your classmates. How has this person affected you so much, and why does this feeling feel like coming home at the same time?
“Maddie, your turn?” Next to you Kaitlyn lightly bumps into you.
“Oh. I’m Maddie and my mom took me to a psychic when I was four.” It wasn’t exactly unknown; it became your fun-fact when you realized teachers would be pulling this stunt every year. Having known most of your classmates since you were 4, it makes no sense to be experimenting with fun facts when most of them have grown up with you.
“Boo.” Kaitlyn whispers, and you knew why.
Because of all the juicy secrets you have told her over the years, she could never get out of you why you had gone to a psychic. You were keen on not telling, it was nice to have a mystery that people had wanted to know. There were even rumors speculated as to why, none of them true.
The class introduction took the first forty-five minutes of class. The coach insisted that he wanted a judge free place where you’re free to play without judgement of your classmates. As always, Coach Rudy was met with furrowed eyebrows and rolling eyes. As much as he tries, and he truly does, it doesn’t negate that teenagers can be sneaky with their malice.
You had once rolled your eyes at upper classmates who insisted the class wasn’t all what it promised to be. That was when you learned teenage girls have such a quiet way of being cruel.
Turns out, anti-bullying policies are bullshit.
The second half of your class was spent separating into teams for a fun game of dodgeball. Yes, dodgeball. On the first day. At first period. You found yourself on opposing teams to both Kaitlyn and the newcomer your neck couldn’t stop turning back towards.
Rather than allow yourself the embarrassment of being one of the last ones because you didn’t participate then being hit in the face with a ball, you let yourself be one of the first out. You were not about to put yourself through that in front of him.
“Maddie!” Rudy blows his whistle, “more participation!”
You didn’t care if he called you out for not taking part, something Rudy was known to be passionate about. It was a preferable fate.
Turns out, Patrick was fantastic at dodge ball. He dodged effectively, his aim was skillful, and lastly, he didn’t shoot to kill. His shots were kind.
That was what stuck out to you. He had the ball in his court, but it never felt malicious, he was just enjoying the game. Damn this was really attractive, your mouth watering as you watched obsessively.
The bell rings minutes after Patrick hits the final standing on the court, and the other person laughs when he hits them with the ball. Patrick’s joy for the play of the game was contagious and the smile on his face spoke a thousand words. He meets up in the middle when Rudy calls you all over.
As you catch a closer glimpse, his forehead was beaded in sweat, poor kid is going to his first day having sweat everywhere without any gym clothes. You were sure Rudy didn’t think anyone would be that into the game, in fact it might've been the reason he chose this game to begin with.
After the class is dismissed, they all pick up their bags off the floor, something you would usually put in the locker room. Someone stands in your peripherals, clearing their throat to get your attention. You were sure it was Kaitlyn, but unless she has grown six inches over the span of five minutes and cut, curled, and dyed her hair, it wasn’t.
It was Patrick.
“Hey.” He greeted, his face still shiny, his smile contagious.
Your heart skipped a beat.
In fact, you thought it stopped working altogether for a solid minute before your brain even catches up.
“Hi.” You manage out, and your body feels like it’s in a time lock, stuck in place.
“I don’t know this school at all, I thought I’d be able to figure it out, but I was proven very wrong. Can you show me around?” How was this real?
Things like this didn’t just happen.
This literally felt as if the world had delivered him to you on a silver platter. Here you go, you’re welcome.
“Uh, sure. No problem.” You agreed, as if you didn’t spend the entire period staring at him obsessively. “Just one moment, ok?” You hold out a finger, walking slowly towards where Kaitlyn stand in a corner, gesturing wildly and wondering what the hell was going on.
“Ok. I’ll meet you in the hall.” He gestures towards the big doors on the opposite side of the gym, and you nod stiffly in response.
“Uh, did I miss something?” Kaitlyn demands as soon as he’s out of earshot.
The fact that you didn’t get any time to tell her about seeing him by the time he had approached you was almost too much for you to process. “So, I saw him in the parking lot, he showed up about five minutes before the bell, and I was one of the only students there. Maybe he recognized a familiar face?”
“Ok, but this isn't that. Whatever that was between you two, was insane.” She describes it, adjusting the pastel dress she had chosen for the first day. “Seriously. Like, I know you’ve been crushing on him but it’s obvious he likes you back.”
You make a weird face at her, shaking your head in disbelief. “No way. I was staring at him the whole time. He’s just gonna let me down gently.”
“The way he looked at you, no.” Your head shaking continued, insisting that she was delusional. “Whatever. I’m just saying, he literally could’ve just asked to be assigned a student to help him out, but instead he asked you.” She sighs, grabbing the already crumpled up schedule from her bag. “What do you have next?”
“Ew. I have Chemistry.” Damn it.
“I’ll see you later?” You call out as she runs to the opposite door that Patrick did.
“Text me, keep me updated on how it goes!” She shouted and the door shuts behind her.
Your feet suddenly rush to move, realizing you barely had the time to now both show Patrick and get to your class. With your luck he probably got tired of waiting for you and went to someone else for help.
Nope. He was leaning on a locker patiently, and he pushed himself off lightly, hands in his low sitting pocket pants as he walked to you.
Did-did your mouth just water?
“Uh, which class do you have next?” You ask him, suddenly aware you weren’t in class with him anymore, technically it was just you and him with extra people around you.
He pulls out his schedule, folded more neatly than Kaitlyn’s was. “Uh, Math.” He calls out.
You’re stunned into silence. “With Miss. Lipton?” You ask incredulously, and he nods his head quickly to confirm. “Damn. Same class, follow me.”
Ok. Now, this, this right here? Same class? What was this John Cusack bullshit that was happening and when was the other shoe gonna drop?
He follows you down the hall as you give a quick tour to that specific area of the school to which your footsteps covered. There was a fight last year by that trophy case, a teacher was found hooking up with a student under that staircase over a decade ago, and your freshman locker until you reached the room in the nick of time, only a handful of seats left.
Two of them happened to be next to one another, but you start to walk towards the one in the back, any assumptions that might be wrong would kill your insides. As you turn away from his seat he tugs you by a strap hanging from the bag that sits on your shoulder. When you turn back to him confused, he tilts his head to the desk next to him.
And while this had a part of your body floating on air, the other part was sinking via anvil. You couldn’t shake the feeling that this was too good to be true. It felt too right, like him asking you to show him around was always gonna happen. You were always going to forget your phone and see him run in late. It just made sense.
Too much sense. This sense of coming home just felt overpowering and it was a terrifying feeling towards someone you had just met.
A crazy part of you, a small boat in the sea of this is weird asked you, ‘If this is too good to be true, would it be so bad to believe in it?’
Nope, too crazy.
You sat next to him, Miss. Lipton welcoming all her students back, wrapped up the conversation she was having with her favoured students when until only minutes after the bell. “Morning, students. Welcome to Algebra II!”
Miss. Lipton is the only teacher that doesn’t want to torture you with the get to know one another game, in fact, she just wanted to get right into the learning and make sure her students knew her expectations. She was kind, but she was brutal when it came to missed assignments and homework.
While you were dreading a full semester starting off with gym and algebra, but if it meant you got to sit next to Patrick, maybe it won’t be so bad.
The only reason you know Ms. Lipton’s rules, is because you’ve heard them said to you twice already.  If this was your first time in her class you would’ve been screwed, your ears muffled like there’s no sound, all too aware of him within arm's reach. God, the three minutes of leading him to the classroom were being played on repeat, speaking to him, his laughter at a sillier expression you had made once announcing the scandal that was Mr. Wes, his easy stride next to yours.
Was your breathing this deep, or did you just think it was?
Miss. Lipton wasted no time, getting right into the first lesson and assigning 12 questions for homework. You were given time in class to work on them, and you’re leant down on your desk, staring hard at a math problem you didn’t even listen to the lesson for.
Oh, sitting next him was gonna be bad for your already mediocre grades.
“Did you get a word of that?” Patrick asks you, leaning towards your desk. You caught sent of his Irish Spring soap, and somehow his freshly showered scent melted you.
“No. My brain is all gooey today.” You state in an even voice, leaning towards neither positive or negative in your tone.
“Summer has a tendency, that’s for sure.” Patrick exclaims, going back in his text to read over the lesson.
Sure. Summer.
You follow his lead, might as well figure out what the hell you missed while you can still ask questions.
As you finally start to grasp the concept the bell rings, and Patrick looks to you expectantly, holding a strap of his bag with an easy smile on his face.
“Alright, what next?” You ask him, and he brings out his chart again.
“I have band, next.” He explains, showing you the timeslot.
You definitely did not have band, not knowing how to play a single instrument. “Well, I’m not in that. Here, I’ll show you.” You start down the hall, and the band room was actually pretty far in the school compared to your gym and algebra.
As you make the second turn down another hallway he asks, “What, no commentary, this time?” And you didn’t know him enough to be sure, but there was something in his voice. You weren’t hopeful enough to think he was flirting.
“Oh, well not much to say in these halls. The mural is redone by different senior every four years, there’s the drama room we do one play per semester, down those halls is our art room, here is the auditorium. Oh. If you pass by the bathroom at the end of this hall,” you point at it, “don’t use it. It reeks because the stoners took control of it last year.”
“Didn’t the teachers do anything?”
“You think they didn’t try? Because these kids did everything to dodge them. Kinda like you in gym today, you overachiever.” Was that…flirting?
“Hey, dodgeball is fun when you play it right.” He claims, and he was apparently right.
You stop in front of some open and painted double doors. “Ok, this is your stop.” He looks up at the doors, and you wondered if they were intimidating to you, how bad would they be to him? “What instrument do you play?” You ask, trying to cut his nervousness.
“Uh, bass.” He answers, pretending to do the double pluck that bass players are so known for.
“Electric, or—”
“Electric.” He interrupts you, dismissing the thought of him playing the double bass.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.” You tell him, patting his shoulder lightly. Your brain malfunctions in the middle of the pat, wondering just what the hell did you think you were doing.
You freeze on the spot, muttering a goodbye as you walk away as you felt overwhelmed. At least English would be simple.
English was not simple. The first book of the semester, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde turned out to have so much illusion to imagery to describe a single sentence you were bored to tears by the second page. You understood none of what was happening, feeling less dumb when multiple classmates also had questions.
The bell rung, signifying lunch time. You sat with your food alone waiting for Kaitlyn when the seat next to you is filled by Patrick.
This boy is literally enabling your fixation on him. One part of you wanted to tell him to run from you, because you were unhealthily obsessed with him, and you only met him hours ago.
The other side wanted to beg him to continue, because it gave you the delusion that this might not have been one-sided.
“How was band?” You ask him, the Irish Spring soap hitting your nose sweetly again.
“It was lame.” He responds, opening up his bag of chips on the tray. “We didn’t really get to play much, and it was just some introductory talks. I do music theory on the weekends, so it was basic knowledge. Dunno, felt like Junior High band than High School. What class did you go to?”
That was certainly a critique. And while you were no means an arts school, the drama program you had was nothing to laugh at. Maybe the band class wasn’t up to par with the drama program.
However, you’re now fixed on the idea that he also wanted to know how your class went, too.
“English. I usually love this class but the book she introduced us to was stupidly hard.” You complained and suddenly Kaitlyn pops down next to you.
“I warned you that she’s a villain.” She claims, laughing as you finally discover the true nature of the infamously tough English teacher that was Mrs. Van Heerde. “She’s that intense all year long, by the way. You get used to it within the first week.”
“Do we have any other classes together, or will we be just tortured together during PE all semester?” You ask, yanking out your ever-folded schedule.
The two of you compare, and you have your last class of the day together, Anthropology.
“Hey me too.” Patrick comments, already putting his schedule back in his pocket.
Kaitlyn side eyes you, nodding towards Patrick pointedly with her head. You wish you could express every thought you’ve been thinking, but the fact that it’s stopped by his mere presence is a gift you could never have predicted. She leans forward onto her elbows towards him, a devilish glint in her eye. “So what’s Ohio like?”
“Boring.” Patrick deadpans to her, mouth still chewing as he said it. “Nothing happens there.”
“Why’d you move here? No offense, but nothing happens here either.” You laugh, leaning back in your chair.
Your small town was made of only one high school, and the town had major meetings in which the smallest of squanders were battled out by the leaders. What squanders were so important to gather (most of) the town’s population you might ask?
New library signs. Where to place wheelchair accessible ramps on old buildings.
Stars Hallow was very reminiscent of your town, without all the romanticization of it.
“Dad’s job moved him.” Patrick answers, lips pursed as if he was considering his opinion on being moved going into his second last year of high school.
“To here? Of all places?” Kaitlyn asks, her eyebrows raised up to her honey blonde bangs.
Patrick laughs silently, nodding solemnly in response.
“So why did your mom bring you to a psychic when you were so young?” Patrick asks, taking a sip and your mind is captivated by his Adam’s apple bobbing as he drank. You never realized it was so prominent.
“You won’t get an answer out of her.” Kaitlyn answers when she realizes you were preoccupied. “I’ve tried for years, and nothing.”
“Why not?” Patrick asks, the question directed towards you.
His brown eyes look into yours, and without either of your food to distract you anymore they were so captivating. “I like to have a little mystery in a town where everyone knows everything.”
“Do you even know why she took you?” Patrick challenged you, his eyebrows tilted.
“Yep. I could tell you vividly why she took me.” You pause, leaning over to your bestfriend to tease her. “But I won’t. I let this one fact fester for years so the real thing will not live up to the hype. I guarantee it.”
There’s something behind his eyes that you couldn’t place, an unsaid sentence in his brain. You wanted to be brave and ask what was on his mind, but, then again you were only his tour guide. Tomorrow he’ll be hanging with some people he actually liked.
The air as tense as you thought it was, Kaitlyn switching her glance between the two of you as an unspoken sentence seems to be exchanged. Not that either of you were aware of the sentence, but Kaitlyn was, even if she didn’t know what it meant.
Patrick wondered if you were feeling any bit of as intense as you were towards him as he did about you. Why was he so drawn to you? Why did not knowing about this story of the psychic drive him so crazy?
You wondered why you had the sudden urge to tell Patrick a story that you had stored away in a safe. How was he not freaked out by the sheer intensity of how much you’ve been staring at him all day?
Kaitlyn just wanted to know when the two of you would get a grip and just admit you were into one another. Patrick was cute, and by the reactions of the girls in the classes without you, also desired. However the general consensus is that the two of you were into one another, and anyone with eyes could see it.
Anyone but the two of you, at least.
“Alright I gotta jet. I’ll see you both in Anthropology, I guess.” Kaitlyn walks off, shaking her head in exasperation. One day when the fog settled you’d be able to have a conversation again.
After you dropped Patrick off at his second last class, you were able to show him the classroom for Anthropology, which so happened to be diagonally across the hall. He thanked you graciously for showing him around, and you had to fight back insisting that the pleasure was all yours, you got to look at him all day.
Now you walked into the classroom, seeing the desk layout as both Kaitlyn and Patrick had already seated, with a seat between them you supposed was meant for you. You walked to the seat, and they were already in the middle of a conversation.
“No, I swear to god, you should’ve seen her reaction.” Kaitlyn insists, and you’ve got a bad feeling you were the her she was talking about.
Patrick lets out a light laugh, and his smile brightens up the room.
At least, to you it did.
“I’m not even going to ask.” You claim, shaking your head in contentment. Contentment? Why were you content?
“Oh, I'm telling him about the time-”
“Nope. Don’t want to know.”
“Fine.” Kaitlyn lets you be stubborn, raising her hands up in surrender.
You stare straight ahead to the whiteboard ahead of you, refusing to look Patrick in the eye and give in to Kaitlyn’s little game. You knew, as well as she did, that the moment you looked at him and the spark in his eyes you would want to know what story Kaitlyn was telling him.
The possibilities were endless.
Anthropology was as interesting as you hoped it was, picking it based on liking social studies more around the study of how people lived. At the end of the class the teacher Mr. Sullivan assigned a project that was due towards two weeks.
It was a long project that required days of working together, a study on different tribes in East Africa. It involved basic research, a visual and oral presentation with an artifact that represents the tribe as a whole.
It was a long project, something that earned a groan as he handed the assignment out.
Mr. Sullivan didn’t care, telling you to partner up with whoever.
Kaitlyn, ever a sweetheart, knew what you were going to say before you even say it. “Hey, I’m gonna partner with Lacey, her whole thing is research projects. You should go with Patrick.” Very subtle, Kaitlyn. Very subtle.
You take out your flip phone, texting her under the table as you turn to your right towards Patrick.
The sound of her phone flipping shut is the signal that she has received it, and she simply just says, “I know.”
You gulp, facing towards Patrick. “So, partners?” You ask delicately, ready for any rejection.
He keeps surprising you. “Cool.”
As if on que the bell rings, and you find yourself walking with Patrick to your car. He was, after all, parked right next to it. In fact, you found yourselves in between his van and your car and the air is so much thicker than when you saw him that morning.
After the miracle of being in the same gym class as him you had expected your only interactions with him to be limited and one-sided. Patrick outright asking you if you would show him around stunted your perception, and you found your luck growing throughout the day.
You look up at him, and nothing in his face is giving him away, the sweater open to reveal he wore an MCR shirt but the baseball cap on his dashboard surprising you.
As vehicles started to leave the lot, still much unsaid, you were about to turn to your own vehicle to reminisce your world-wind first day when an electric shock surges through you as he grabs your hand to stop you. You freeze, staring at it.
You turn back to face him, questioning the grab.
“Can I say something crazy?” He asks you, his voice low and vulnerable.
Crazy seemed good. You nod, because even if crazy didn’t seem good, you’d be willing to listen to him talk about snails if it meant you didn’t have to leave him yet.
“I have spent all day wanting to kiss you. From the moment I saw you, it’s like this…” he looks down, frustrated, looking for the right word.
“A need.” You offer for him.
He smiles, nodding.
“It’s not crazy, because I’ve been feeling the same way.” You respond, the sentence escaping your throat before you could stop it.
Patrick takes this as a go-ahead, walking two strides before his hands frame your face and his lips are on yours. It sounded crazy, but it was like it was coming home. His lips felt familiar, and a tear was already down your cheek before you had processed this emotion. Like something you were missing has been found.
Like you found him and you didn’t even know you were looking.
Patrick connects his forehead to yours, your heavy breaths loud in the silence surrounding you both. You allow yourself to sit in the silence, until Patrick insists you join him in his van so you could finally talk it out.
Because, it was odd, but it felt like this should’ve been happening. Like you going home instead of kissing him would’ve been the wrong choice.
You climb into his passenger seat, feeling strangely safe as you glance around for hidden details about him.
“So.” Patrick starts, leaning on his steering wheel as he talked to you.
“You’ve been feeling it?”
“Since the moment I saw you. I thought I was going insane with how much I stared at you in gym this morning. I thought you were going to tell me to stop stalking you.” You confessed, the openness of it refreshing.
“I was actually showing off.” He replied, a hint of sheepishness in his voice. “My mind kept telling me that you didn’t care and to stop but there was something that told me not to let you go too far, which is why I requested you to show me around.”
“Do you think all people feel drawn to one another like this?” You asked him, keenly aware of the feeling of a magnet that’s been pulling you to him.
Patrick shakes his head, “I’ve never felt anything this strong. This is something else.”
“This is insane. I know nothing about you, but I had this need to be near you all day. I know you’re athletic. I know you play the bass. I know you listen to My Chemical Romance. That’s it. But. Kissing you, is like—"
“Relief.” He interrupts you, understanding everything of what you were talking about. “You’re saying we don’t know one another very well, so tell me the one thing you refuse to tell everyone else. Tell me about the psychic.”
You blink, and the inkling that this had something to do with her was all too much all day. “Did that story intrigue you because I refused to tell it, or because of the psychic?”
“The psychic.”
You knew it. “I used to dream about someone. He was from a long time ago, before we were born, and when I woke up, I talked about him and how much I missed him. My mom took me to the psychic because apparently my details about him were consistent enough to make her raise some questions.”
“What happened?”
“I actually never found out, but the psychic believed me. And there was something, in my little brain that thought she was the real thing. I remember thinking that because that thought is my first memory.”
“I never told anyone else before, because my mom just dismissed it as childish stories, but I used to dream about a girl. I didn’t know much about her, other than she was a light in the darkness. Her laugh, her hugs, when she came into the dream everything was amazing. Then these…” his face grimaces, and you could tell it also became nightmares for him, too. “These cracks would echo in my brain; I think they were bones. I don’t know much after that; they all blend but I will never get that sound out of my head.”
Patrick places the baseball cap on his head backwards, sliding down in his driver’s seat.
“This can’t be a coincidence.” You start, his dreams making sense yet being mind blowing at the same time. “Are you up for something crazy?”
“This already feels insanely crazy, what do you got?” Patrick answers, one hand clutching onto his steering wheel.
“When I went I told her about my dreams, she hired a Private Investigator to look for answers on the person I dreamt about. She said as a four-year-old I’ve given her enough consistent information that if the person I dreamed about was real, then she would get answers.” You pause, letting Patrick soak it in.
Patrick laughs, closed mouthed as if the insanity of the circumstances finally caught up to him. “Fuck it, let’s go.”
I love reading comments in tags and replies, and as always, reblogging is the best way to support fic writers on here <3 Thanks for reading!
taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinncore
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upwards-descent · 9 months
I started writing a self-insert OC Venture Bros fic but idk if I'll finish it, however what I've got is too good not to share (spoilers for season 6 & 7)
"This... Is our new target. Or, I guess more like this is Venture's newest Guild mandated arch."
Henchman 21 leaned over the dining room table, shuffling the stack of papers around so he could read them better.
"Doctor Bedlam?" 21 hissed through his teeth, a sympathetic twist in his furrowed brows. "He's like. Y'know."
"What? Like what?" The Monarch demanded. He had one fist propped up on his cocked hip, the other spread flat across the table. It was still a bit funny to see him in both his cowl and a silk robe. "You chickening out on me now, huh?"
"No, no, no, no," 21 shook his head emphatically. "I just think we should exercise some uh... Extra level of caution."
"Is there something I'm missing here?" The Monarch held up their target's picture. "Are you really that afraid of this fucking... Tony Stark/Slumdog Millionaire lookin' motherfucker?"
"The only reason why Doctor Bedlam isn't a 10 is he doesn't actively kill," 21 crossed his arms, one brow quirked. "Imagine a beast like Red Death but sub the bloodlust for, like, literal clinical psychopathy. You wanna act casual about that?"
"Really?" The Monarch looked at the picture again, pursing his lips in thought. "This guy? He looks like one of those cringey pick-up artists but he only goes after yacht club college girls."
Henchman 21 simply shrugged.
"I'm only speakin' the facts, boss. Don't underestimate this guy."
"Feh," The Monarch flapped his hand and let the sheet of paper flutter back down onto the table, already distracted by an exploration of the fridge. "Nothing the mighty Blue Morpho and his trusty Kano can't handle. We'll suit up after breakfast."
The Monarch-- or rather, Blue Morpho whistled in appreciation once he and 'Kano' were dropped off by taxi at their location. 
"Damn, nice digs," The Monarch mumbled. "What floor is this guy on again?"
"Penthouse suite," Henchman 21 double-checked his notes before folding up the paper into a tiny square and tucking it in his pocket. "Top floor, baby. This guy's an arms dealer, he's like rich rich."
"Like Batman rich or like...?"
"I've heard rumors he's like Oprah rich."
Shockingly, the duo got into the building with no issue. Strange. The security seemed non-existent, the only visible employee being some older guy snoring at the front desk. They slipped into the elevator but when The Monarch reached for the penthouse button, 21 superceded him, obscuring it with a cupped palm.
"We'll take the floor below then climb the stairs to the roof," He encouraged, thumbing the 29th floor instead. "Who knows what kinda shit he's got waiting for us at the door."
"I still think you're overreacting," The Monarch rolled his eyes but didn't fight back, leaning against the wall as the elevator ascended. "Why the hell would the Guild assign such a supposed level 11 badass to a shmuck like Venture?"
"No clue," 21 frowned for a moment. "It's not like Dr. Venture goes out and does superhero work, he's kind of a shut-in."
"Yeah," The Monarch snickered. "He doesn't save cats in trees or kiss babies or whatever. Sometimes he's almost as much a villain as I am. Did you know he powered one of his inventions with a fucking dead orphan kid once?"
"Fucked up but also hardcore."
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Just across the hall was the emergency exit and, once again, the pair slipped out and up with no issues whatsoever. After a brief climb, they were on the roof and overlooking the rest of New York City from a bird's eye view.
"Alright, here's a vent we can enter through," 21 grunted with effort as one of his knives popped open the grate. "This should hopefully take us to the living room but we'll take it nice and slow."
"Move over," The Monarch barked, easily tucking both long legs into the vent, using a swift rush of momentum to zoom in like a slide. "And have more confidence in your leader!"
Crawling on hands and knees, they managed to move rather quietly, pausing over every subsequent grate to peek down and do some reconnaissance. There were exits into a master bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, and what looked like a study. It was too dark to tell but that seemed advantageous so 21 silently lifted the grate and the pair soundlessly hit the floor on two feet.
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timekeeper cookie smut hcs ; 18+
Tumblr media
requested by ; anonymous (03/07/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; timekeeper cookie
outline ; “Can you do smut/fluff hcs for timekeeper?(I am over 18)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, switch!timekeeper, sadomasochism, public/semi-public sex, sexting, degradation, referenced period sex
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
timekeeper is a chaos switch — the sort of person who will battle for dominance and tease and mock no matter which role they end up taking, which makes them a mixture of ‘mean dom’ and ‘bratty sub’
they just generally strive to keep things exciting and engaging in the bedroom so they quite like keeping you on your toes — and they’d appreciate you doing the same
they’re a big fan of pain play of all sorts — be that spanking/impact play, knife play, biting, temperature play or anything else along those lines — or, in other words, they’re sadomasochistic
they much prefer fast, rough and spontaneous sex over slow, gentle and planned sex — but, of course, they can appreciate some sort of routine and intimacy on occasion and if it suits your preference then they’ll indulge you
they’re not always a selfish lover, after all, and they do want you to enjoy the act as much as they do
when they’re in a submissive mood they love being put in their place: blindfold them, bend them over your knee, fill their holes with toys and spank them until their voice is shot — make them shut up and deny them until they’re red in the face (the rougher the better)
they couldn’t care less about getting caught in the act and enjoy the excitement brought on by risks like that — so they’re just as happy to fuck in the middle of town square in the 1600s as they are to make love in your bed at home
uses a lot of degradation and praise in bed whether they’re domming or subbing — like they’ll comment on how aroused you are, how you sound and how you look, but they’ll also goad you into being more active and feign ignorance until you tell them exactly what you want them to do
when it comes to oral sex they much prefer to give and receive at the same time as it’s much more efficient, fun and makes sure that you’re both able to get off at the same time — though they also enjoy being able to make a complete mess of themselves and if you at the same time
if you end up moving around a lot when they’re going down on you and cover their face with your cum then they’ll just grin at you and clean themselves up — maybe even dragging you into a kiss so that you’re able to taste yourself (which is something that they enjoy as well)
they have an extensive collection of toys that they’ve gathered (read: stolen) from all across the timeline as well as many that they made themselves to suit your bodies — so needless to say you won’t be short on opportunities to experiment
if they’re locked into a specific time with you and you both have mobile phones then they’re the type to send you random nudes whilst you’re out and about — with their most frequented sorts being photos of their bare chest and a zoomed in picture of their fingers pumping into themselves with a caption about missing you or asking when you’ll be home (as if they don’t already know the answer)
if you’re able to menstruate then they won’t be put off by it and would probably quite enjoy experimenting with different ways to help minimise your pain with sex — they’d also probably be up for going down on you as blood doesn’t really bother them anymore
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vexic929 · 1 year
“do you feel anything?” “I feel so fucking happy”, “are you trippin?” “only a little bit”, “all that did was make me feel lazy” “same!”, “this shit is garbage, i don’t even feel high”, and“I think this shit is too strong” for anyone and anything, as usual.
doing all of these in reblogs as per usual~
“do you feel anything?” “I feel so fucking happy” from this prompt list info on Barbara and Eden here and here
Eden usually could consider herself just a little bit jealous of Barbara's superpowers; it had to be nice to be able to get up two hours after Eden had, just five minutes before she needed to leave for work (a 20 minute commute from their apartment), and be ready and at the university lecture hall in less than one. She was less jealous when Barbara was badly injured and had to endure the pain without medication, though, as was the case yesterday when Grodd had nearly yanked her entire leg from her body. Fortunately, Caelen had managed to synthesize something rather quickly and now it was merely a waiting game as the team crowded around the medical cot, watching for any sign of a reaction from Barbara.
"How do you feel?" Caelen asked, checking his watch. It had been about 10 minutes since Barbara had swallowed the pill - more than enough time for her speedster metabolism to burn through the slow release coating even as carefully developed as he'd made it.
"I don't think it's working, I just..." Her voice trailed off as she looked around the room distractedly.
"Barb? Hey, Earth to Barbara." Cisca said, standing on tiptoe to peer over Eden's shoulder and into Barbara's line of sight.
"Huh?" Barbara blinked and shook her head.
"Do you feel anything?" Caelen pressed and giggles erupted from Barbara's mouth so suddenly it was almost startling.
"I feel so fucking happy!" She said with another delighted giggle. "Caelen, you're a genius, I could kiss you!"
"Maybe save that for Ira and Eden." Caelen said with a smile. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I'd like you to stay here for a few more hours so we can see how long it lasts- and she's already gone. Great." He said as Barbara zoomed out of the room before anyone could stop her.
"So...any ideas on how to catch a high speedster?" Cisca asked.
Before anyone else could speak, Barbara was back in the room with bags of food. "I got Big Belly Burger! I'm starving!" She announced, dashing around passing out the take-out burgers to everyone.
"Barbara, you're still injured, sit down." Caelen said as a burger was pressed into his hand. "Just because you don't feel it doesn't mean the injury is gone and we don't know how long this will affect you yet, it could wear off any second."
Barbara sat down and immediately started on her fries, entirely unconcerned by Caelen's statements. Ira and Eden exchanged amused looks from across the cot.
"Thank you for the food, Barbie. We really appreciate it. But I think Caelen is right, you need to rest now." Ira said, gently reaching out and taking her free hand in his.
"I'm fine." Barbara said with her mouth full of fries.
"Until it wears off while you're running and you crash through a brick wall at mach-1." Cisca commented.
Barbara swallowed her mouthful of fries and looked up sheepishly. "Okay, okay. I'm taking it easy." She agreed finally. Ira squeezed her hand affectionately and smiled down at her as Eden bent and kissed her cheek. Barbara returned the smile and made herself comfortable on the cot.
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uglypastels · 2 years
Ok here me out, Trucker Eddie
(there's not really an ending to this. Just a headcanon and some thought vomit)
• You're standing on the outskirts of town with a bag in hand, a poorly written cardboard sign in the other, wearing a coat absolutely not suited for the weather. It was getting late, too, sun nearing the horizon by the minute.
• Cars passed by ignoring your plea for an escape. You couldn't stay out here much longer. But you also could not go back. There was no way.
• Then finally headlights show up in the distance of the long road. A truck.
• You do anything to catch their attention and it starts to slow down as it nears you. A nervous feeling bubbles up in your stomach but you push it down as the passenger door opens.
• The man inside is leaning over the chair. A big bright, friendly, smile covers his lips.
• Hi, is the only thing you manage to say at first.
• You need a ride? He asks it as if he had not seen you begging for exactly that.
• You ask him if he's going in the direction where you're headed. He isn't exactly, but it's close enough and you can probably hitch from that point on.
• I'm Eddie, he introduces himself as you get in. You shake his hand as you tell him your name.
• The cockpit is messy. Like a bedroom. There's permanent marker drawings all over the dashboard. A stack of CDs toppled over giving you an insight into his brain. Candy wrappers at your feet with a flannel he must have taken off when he got too warm.
• Speaking of Eddie- he starts the truck up again and starts driving before more cars show up on the road.
• The first minutes of the drive are silent besides his humming and steering wheel drumming. You keep looking his way, stealing quick glances.
• The first thing that caught your attentiom about him were the tattoos. Arms practically covered in them, peaking out from beneath the black sleeves of his shirt.
• His hair was long, curly, tied up in a lazy ponytail.
• So, just like that he breaks the silence, what's your story?
• Story? You have no idea what he's talking about, but it does make you look back at him as you had stared out the window onto the zooming by fields and trees.
• Eddie chuckles. Yeah your story? Whats made you get into a complete stranger's truck, ignoring all hazards of safety?
• Should I be scared? Are you some kind of psycho-killer?
• No, but you might never know. He just shrugged. You were getting onto the highway now. There was very little you could do now anyway.
• But you felt no rising anxiety inside you. There was something about this "complete stranger" that made you quite comfortable actually. So you told him. You told him why you had to get oit of your home town, the people in it, and why you were going where it was you were headed
•  Eddie listened, making comments where suited, joking wherever he could make you laugh- which was appreciated as you had needed a good laugh for a while.
• Its a long drive but the conversation does not really dim down at any point.
• Eventually your interest got the better of you and you lean toward the dashboard and pick a few CDs.
• You can put on any you like, Eddie cocks his head. So, you do exactly that, slotting a CD into the player. Immediately the truck gets filled with heavy guitar riffs.
• I'll be honest, I would not have put you down as a metalhead.
• From the 3 hours we've spent together? You're quick to jump to conclusions.
• Eddie shrugs and starts mumbling the lyrics. It escalates to full on singing along until he's heavily headbanging. You, of course, join in.
I'm too tired to think of more but if anyone likes this, feel free to add in a reblog.
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startrekprodigyfan · 1 year
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Let’s talk simulations!
As I mentioned in another post, simulation is processor intensive and is often not used on characters for a TV production. So things like hair and clothing are designed in such a way that they can be animated with mesh bones instead.
But for things like rain and water or other such effects, simulation is much easier to add.
I was struck by this scene while rewatching Prodigy. If you look closely (I slowed down the gif and zoomed in so you can see it better) there actually are water droplets being simulated falling off the characters bodies.
And you can tell that it’s simulated because when Dal drops his hand suddenly, the water that had collected on the top of his hand takes a few frames for gravity to start pulling it down again. That’s obviously not how water would behave IRL, but it’s probably the best the simulation can do for a TV show. You can see this many of the shots when a character moves faster than the simulated gravity can affect the water.
I personally would’ve expected the water in scenes like this to be a particle effect that just adds drops of water falling from key parts of their mesh to create the illusion that they’re getting wet, I was not expecting there to be full on simulated water droplets that interact with the bodies of the characters.
While not perfect simulations, I do appreciate that they took the time to simulate water at all. They really didn’t have to. A couple particle emitters in the right place and with the overlay of rain covering up the finer details, they could’ve easily gotten away with less. The fact they didn’t, even if the result isn’t 100% perfect, shows me that they care about the attention to detail.
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Character(s): Reader Insert, Lex Luthor, Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley, Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinnzel, Zoom/Hunter Zolomon, Mr Mxyzptlk, Joker, Nightwing/Dick Grayson, The Flash/Barry Allen, Red Robin/Tim Drake, Green Lantern/Hal Jordan, Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane, Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne, The Riddler/Edward Nighma, Red Hood/Jason Todd, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Wonder Woman/Diana Prince, Superman/Clark Kent, Darkseid (mentioned)
Summary: You applied for a job as a taxi-driver and somehow managed to get it. A lot of very interesting people now enlist your services.
Word count: 1580
Tags: Comedy, chaos, mentions/inferences of explosives and illegal acts such as murder, decapitation (written with comedy in mind)
Authors Note: Me? Finishing a WIP? You must have the wrong person.
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Your job was an interesting one.
It wasn't bad, persay. It payed the bills and kept you off the streets. However, if you told yourself a few months ago that you'd be driving some of the most infamous people on the planet around in your tiny yellow taxi every day, you would've laughed and thrown yourself into a psych ward.
Yet here you are, stationed around Central City, Metropolis and Gotham. As you've recently realised, the people who hire your services are quite the colourful bunch, which has led to some- ahem- interesting conversations...
"Ah, Y/N! How are you on this fine evening?"
"Wonderful as always, Mr Luthor. How was your day?" you reply, looking at the billionaire through your rear-view mirror.
"Productive," he answers, "My engineering team are in the process of creating a shield strong enough to stop the Sun's rays from reaching the Earth's surface!"
"How interesting! May I ask what it's for?" you question.
"No, you may not."
"--And they don't use petrol or diesel? Are you sure?" Ivy asks, fidgeting with her fingers nervously.
"Yep!" Harley replies, "It's a completely electric taxi to help the environment."
"Alright then." Ivy appears to relax a little. She turns to the road as you slow your car to a stop in front of the two women.
"There's my favourite taxi driver! How'ya doin', sweetheart?" Harley asks, leaning through the window to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"Better now you're here, Harley. Where am I taking you lovely ladies?"
"You flatter us," Ivy smiles as she gets in the car and fastens her seat belt, "Ace Chemicals, please."
You shoot her a thumbs up. "Got it."
"I'd be careful if I were you, kid. I heard that the Big Bad Bat is out tonight." Harley warns.
"Not to worry, Harls. I was born a Gothamite. I know how to hide in the shadows just as much as he does."
Shortly after your shift that night, you open your door at the sound of the doorbell ringing to see a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. Attached to it is a small paper label saying: "Thanks for your help sweetheart, much appreciated. - Ivy." Needless to say, the questions your nosy neighbours keep asking you steadily become more and more difficult to answer.
"But- you're a speedster? Why do you need me to drive you around Central City when you could jog and be there in seconds?" you ask, turning on your indicator as you drive around a corner.
"Don't worry about it," replies the voice modulator in Zoom's mask.
"Good morning Mr Mit- Mxia- Mr spitlik- Mr Mixiaspitlik."
Mr Mxyzptlk sighs. "Close enough."
"So how come you're taking a taxi? Don't you have a clown car?" you question, turning in your seat to face the pale passenger in the back of your taxi.
"WayneTech promised me an electric car by this year, but I still haven't gotten it even though I've put a deposit down! Can you believe it?"
"How horrible!" you reply nervously. You turn to face the steering wheel again while debating whether you should open your door and make a run for it.
"I know, right?"
There's a very long, awkward pause before you speak up.
"So- the explosives in my trunk- are they-?"
"Don't ask about that," he interrupts, pressing a forefinger to his lips, "It'll ruin Batman's surprise!"
It got to the point where your clients would ask for you specifically, so the company you worked for simply gave you a free phone and gave everyone the number. Soon enough, the resident superheroes and vigilantes caught wind of your work and decided to utilise your services themselves.
"Hey Y/N! How's business?"
"There's never a dull moment, Nightwing, I'll tell you that."
"Good to hear...good to hear." The black and blue vigilante pauses and scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "Hey, could you let a man catch a ride to the docks?"
"Why can't you get there yourself?" you ask, leaning out the driver-side window.
"I- uh- I broke my grapple hook."
You gasp. "Ohhh shit. The Bat isn't going to take that well."
"Trust me, I know." Nightwing replies, groaning.
"Fine, but I'm charging you 15% extra because you didn't call in advance. I'm a busy person, you know."
"What?" he exclaims, "That's daylight robbery!"
"It's 3am, Batboy. Cough up or I'll make it 20."
"Hey Y/N!"
"What's with all the Speedsters needing taxis? Couldn't you just get there yourself?"
"A man needs his rest, right?" The Flash replies, shooting you a toothy grin.
"That doesn't even make any- y'know what? I shouldn't of asked."
"You too?" you begin, "What, did you break your grapple hook as well?"
"What?" Red Robin questions, "No. Red Hood and Robin are annoying me and you're the only one they like enough to leave alone."
"They like me🥹?"
"We all do. You're surprised?" he responds, raising a brow.
"That's so sweet, oh my goodness."
"Wait- who broke their grapple hook?" Tim asks, looking at you quizzically. At that, you slap your hand over your mouth and instead speak through your fingers.
"No comment."
"Run out of juice again, Lantern?"
"Okay- this time it wasn't my fault," Hal replies, slamming the door of your taxi shut.
"Keep telling yourself that buddy."
There have been many awkward occasions where your services have been double-booked, which has led to some, uh- peculiar interactions to say the least.
"Oh yes, of course! If you oxidise the Kryptonite and make a compound of it with my fear gas, it would probably work on a Kryptonian," Crane waffles.
"Wonderful!" Luthor replies, clapping his hands together. "How much?"
"I beg your pardon?" the psychologist asks.
"How much money do you want for you to synthesise such a concoction?"
"With all due respect, Mr Luthor," you pipe up, "If you continue this conversation while I'm here, I may be arrested."
"How come?"
"Guilt by association."
"But you're a Speedster, right? How come you're-?"
"Don't bother asking him. They never give you a straight answer."
Thawne grins, "At least someone here has half a brain."
"How dare you!" the Riddler gasps, "I'll have you know I'm the smartest rogue in all of Gotham. You tell 'em, Y/N!"
"They seem to disagree," the speedster chuckles.
"What? Oh c'mon! Who do you think is the smartest rogue in Gotham then?"
"Poison Ivy," you reply immediately.
"Y'know, I should probably throw you in Arkham."
"Now where's the fun in that, Hood? Besides, I ain't doin' nothin' wrong!"
"You're covered in blood that isn't your own and holding a decapitated head."
"He was in the car when I got here!"
You whip around in your seat. "Harley, if you get blood on my seats I swear to God-."
And this is all fine and dandy until you catch the attention of three of arguably the most famous superheroes known to mankind, and they're not here to ask you to take them on holiday.
"You are under arrest under suspicion of harbouring dangerous criminals," Wonder Woman begins, towering above your tiny taxi. "Anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of-"
"Harbouring criminals?" you interrupt, "Since when?"
"I strongly suggest you don't play dumb now. This is a serious offense and unless you want to be thrown in Blackgate you need to listen to us." Batman states, staring menacingly at you with his arms crossed.
"I am listening to you, Batman, you aren't listening to me."
Superman attempts to mediate the situation. "Well then, what do you have to say for yourself?"
"You are aware that members of your Justice League have been using my services, right?" you question, raising an eyebrow.
"You heard me--" you continue before turning to the Caped Cruisader, "--And your own children have also been enlisting my help from time to time."
"Preposterous," Batman scoffs.
"Is it? Nightwing has me on speed dial if you want me to prove it to you."
"That's what I thought."
"This doesn't excuse the fact that you are harbouring criminals," Diana states.
"Criminals? What criminals?"
Superman sighs. "The records at your agency show that you have been helping people such as Poison Ivy, Lex Luthor, Scarecrow, Reverse Flash, and other criminals."
You wave your hand at the trio dismissively. " The only name I recognise from that list is Lex Luthor, and he has not been trialed for any crimes that I know of."
"He has been charged for multiple crimes in the past. Do you not realise this?" Clark replies, his eye beginning to twitch slightly.
"Supes, I am a taxi driver working at minimum wage. Do you really think I can afford a TV?"
"You have a phone, do you not?" Batman asks.
"Yeah, with a whole 16 megabytes of storage on it," you respond, voice dripping with sarcasm.
And with that, they leave you be. Superman and Wonderwoman shoot into the air and Batman follows suit with his grapple hook. You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding and lean into the driver's seat. You stay there for a few minutes, contemplating what to have for breakfast tomorrow before your phone starts ringing once again. You smile as you read the name on your screen before quickly swiping the screen to answer it.
"Darkseid! How can I help?"
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decadentdollhouse · 2 years
Autistic In Crisis
So, things have been /really/ rough for me lately.
My mental health has been tanking for the better half of this last year, I was hospitalized twice for it, and the medications I was given didn't help much. I also felt like I wasn't particularly being taken seriously by the institutions which housed me, but I know that's partly because the area I live in has a high prescription abuse problem, and partly because there are no in-patient facilities in the area that are familiar with autism and how it affects one's greater mental health.
The psychiatrist I was assigned to afterwards didn't help either, having obscure or unusable methods of contact, and only being available through zoom calls /during my own work hours/, which lead to an "inability to prove (my) identity and state of mind", and combined with no one responding to set up new appointments for me when my psychiatrist went on maternity leave, meant that they would no long approve the medications that were barely helping me hold on.
My work hours did not allow time for my virtual appointments, not if I wanted a decent paycheck, and that made it equally difficult to get medical treatment for the severe joint and muscle pain I've been experiencing for years, which only caused more stress during my shifts. I had to miss a lot of work just to make sure I didn't hurt myself.
So earlier this month, I was fired for absenteeism. Under their guidelines, and by the consideration of the union I was a part of, absenteeism due to health problems when you don't specifically have sick time available, is held responsible by the ill party. You should have had your problem fixed sooner, or left this work environment when it started affecting your health, that was their thought. Except I couldn't (and my still be unable to) get medicaid or any kind of insurance before I had that job. Then when I had insurance through my job, and didn't have the time to use it. My autism, general psychological issues, and lack of education or experience make it functionally impossible for me to get any kind of job, it was a small miracle this place had hired me at all.
My final paycheck was only for $80, and that was 2 weeks ago. I'm getting things set up for food stamps, and to see if medicaid might take me now, but with home difficulties on top of my mental health crashing further due to being fired, things are slow going. With my circumstances, filing for unemployment is more stress than its worth. I violated a company policy, they had every right to terminate me.
I really don't like having to ask people for money, all I can offer is tarot card readings, small pieces of writing, sigil making, and I'd be willing to take art requests, but its decidedly not an area of expertise.
Any financial help would be greatly appreciated. I'd usually also ask for any resources that can be offered, but I actually do have good resources in my area, finances are just (in one way or another) barring my ability to use them.
Tl;dr- I'm autistic and my mental health has continued to impede my ability to hold down a job, including the one that just fired me. I'm dead broke, and can only offer a few things in return for any money you could spare.
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p7agu3 · 1 year
adofai levels review (opinion based)
S, A, B: Positive C: Mid D, E, F: Negative U: Unrated (plague had skill issue)
it gets long lol
1-X A Dance of Fire and Ice: C -intro level, boring tbh -i get why it exists but its not interesting -the music is catchy tho
2-X Offbeats: B -also an intro level -more interesting than 1-X at least -the music is also good
3-X The Wind-Up: C -now the level itself is ok -faster intro level, ok music -speed trial made me rage a lot (1.5x speed, crazy) but turns out im either a lot better at the game now or im just terrible at rhythm games when im sleep deprived -and the music is also a step down from 2-X
4-X Love Letters: C -not a big fan of slow music -but it doesn't feel too much like a drag -also isn't silly or anything -decent level
5-X The Midnight Train: C -made me rage extremely hard on my first attempts + speed trial but its not that bad actually -except that one bit in the middle eughhhh
6-X Pulse: B -cool music, good level design imo -lots of mechanics from previous levels -why is speed trial only 1.1x? kick it up to 1.2x at least geez -visuals are kinda boring -good conclusion to the first worlds set -what do you mean there's another one
B-X Thanks For Playing My Game: U -adofai dev i love you but this too much for me -i can not beat this level -why did you double the bpm -please have mercy on my wretched soul
7-X Spin 2 Win: B -louis from doodle world???? -cool music but not rlly my thing
8-X Jungle City: C -raged SO HARD at this one -but the base level is so harmless.. upbeat… -i reluctantly raise it from a D because im in a sane state of mind rn but it really does deserve a lower rating on basis of my pain and suffering
9-X Classic Pursuit: S -i love this level -music slaps. also, gameplay feels great (i think it's the kick hitsound) -adofai should implement custom hitsounds i think that would be neat -its just so good!!! idk why tho
10-X Butterfly Planet: C -i think i might hate this one, 5-X, and 8-X because when i am very upset (skill issue) i do Not want to hear the silly happy fun music -also the graphics arent that good. the butterflies are ok but they dont add too much -the whole thing still feels rather eh to play, partly because it zooms out more than i'd like (even though i have a right massive laptop) -and i think i have a love-hate relationship with fast levels -was definitely overreacting the last few times i played it tho
11-X Heracles: S -heracles is GOATED!!!! -i rlly love this level -the music is epic, also i think my bass/kick hitsound preference theory might be right -it's also full of rats. my name is plague im obligated to at least appreciate rats -the 'bossfight' going on in the background is very cool and on theme, it distracted me a little on my first attempts but its cool -"Cong-rat-ulations!" i love,,,,,,
12-X Artificial Chariot: S -epic music -goats aren't rlly my thing but the level has a great aesthetic to it -synths or whtv… delicious mmm -cannot say it is better than heracles so the goat joke is lost sadly
XF-X Third Wave Flip-Flop: B -i love me some brass noises -pretty basic level otherwise -the camera turning is trippy but livable
XC-X Credits: A -it looks cool and plays pretty good -the chopped up vocals bit freaks me out a little gameplay wise b/c it's hard to follow but it does line up thankfully
XH-X Last Hope: S -so so cool of a level -it loses a few points for the weird alignment on the one vocal sample but oh my god -the middle bit with the flashing lights.. the mechanic they pull on you.. my god -its such a good twist.. aaaa -music is great too, another point for the kick theory, i wanna eat it (am i hungry? maybe)
PA-X Distance: S -its so chill…. and the level design is just so good it lines up with the music perfectly and enhances the experience its wonderful -also bass kicksound (huhuh?) -plague liking a slow level??? impossible… -aahnghhh it gets an s just for gorgeous design
XR-X Rose Garden: S -fiddle!!!1!!!!!1! -very fun level i like -silly medieval music.. i am predisposed once more but like who wouldn't be
RJ-X Fear Grows: U -i havent beaten it Dx -skill issue.. this mechanic is weird
XN-X Trans-Neptunian Object: B -this level irritates me -it feels like the music isn't synced sometimes? idk -also the honeycombs i dislike (too fast)
MN-X Night Wander (cnsouka Remix): A -bit slow, its cool tho -those triangle note things are kind of argh -narwhal
ML-X La nuit de vif: U -this level actively bullies me -crying about it
there are probably more muse dash levels that i havent unlocked yet
anyways i cannot in good faith hate any of the adofai levels, theyre overall pretty well designed. im just a salty loser lmao
play the game if you can it's pretty cheap and a really epic rhythm game (where the music actually does line up with the gameplay.. looking at you geometry dash)
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thedivinefish · 3 months
TGIWednesday: What is a sink orange?
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TGIWednesday News
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My sweet mother aka Granny Ruth would say, "There's nothing better than a sink orange".🍊 When in season, she would peel the orange and eat it over the sink without worry that she'd make a mess!  So I guess I shouldn't be shocked anymore by the total high weirdness all around and through my home at every turn. We woke up the other morning to a dozen random oranges on the front lawn!  I know, I know, there's got to be a logical explanation... but first let's take out the obvious.  We have no orange trees and we have cameras everywhere 📷 that didn't even pick them up if they fell through a portal! 🍥  Perhaps it's just my mom/Granny Ruth saying hello and hinting that we should all slow down a little and have a sink orange or a nice piece of fruit this summer. There was an Allman Brother's record album called, "Eat a Peach" 🍑 so hey whatever you have in season in your hemisphere, go for it.  Another reminder that instead of living your life as drudgery and expecting the same old nothing matters; experience your life through the eyes of a child and live life as if everything is a miracle and a wonder!
Get on my schedule today and let's make some magic together! View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ OPENING PORTALS ~ We believe, think, know and feel that we can access portals of wisdom, good fortune and healing in our day to day lives now.  I know when, where, how and why to be open to all possibilities and live a life of splendor and appreciation.  I am ready, willing and able to be open to the highest possible unexpected and be in acceptance and allowance that all challenges and issues can be improved when we open ourselves up to the portal of transformational change!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  Know that if you'll make a little daily progress, that the rest of your life could be the best of your life.  ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
Next LIVE  Zoom Event
For the remainder of 2024, each month we will focus on the theme of Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life during our monthly Zoom event.  Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spirit Clearings (register below) next up... Relationships, Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
THURSDAY JULY 25, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7-wellsprings-spirit-clearings 
Call Theme:  Spirit Clearings: Past/Present/Future
1) Past
Spiritually, for my past I'd like to let go of_____
(negative karma, past life hauntings, curses, hexes, any life time where I was a martyr, slave, tyrant, victimizer, anywhere that I took any oaths of celibacy/poverty etc.)
2) Present
Spiritually, I'd like to release_____
(Anywhere I am stuck in a loop of stagnation, all the ways I'm blocking my connection with higher self, any non-beneficial cords, entities and spiritual attachments, any blocks or weakness in the way of my spiritual growth)
3) Future
Spiritually I would like to______
(reach the level of 5D or greater, step into more of my truest soul-self, be a part of the new earth, live in my divine soul purpose in service to our ascension)
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, submit your top 3 words/statements in the format above by Wed. the 24th to [email protected] 
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Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
Register Here - $22
Come See Me in Tampa Office
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa. The next opportunity to book a session there is:
FRIDAY JULY 19TH | 10-4pm 
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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JULY 3RD "Today I will pay attention to signs. I will realize that there is an endless timeline in the greater scheme of life. Some tragedy today could be a triumph tomorrow. I will remain resilient in the face of daunting tasks. I will remain encouraged."  
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From the Fish Box
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  Your Group Healing Call yesterday was so wonderful, I absolutely loved it! And I even got to say "hello" to Kam Yuen - how cool is that?! I so appreciate you, your team and all that you do, being in Divine Service here on Earth, yes indeed. Awesome call and I am so grateful. Much Love & Many Blessings" - LT :) California 
The Fish Market
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Our online shop is getting a makeover! Get a preview now as you look over the 40+ audio titles in our MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family. 🏆 Best Sellers
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
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*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
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