#(push those buttons)
bulldagger-bait · 1 year
I've always been curious to know this about the people around me. Most people have been in severe pain, but in my experience few have had what they would say is their 10/10 experience. I guess it's just something I find fascinating, as I had my 10/10 experience quite young and I sometimes forget that not everyone has. In my opinion it changes your relationship with pain and how you engage with it afterwards. If you answered yes, feel free to elaborate on your circumstances in the tags!
(reblog for a bigger sample size etc)
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katabay · 7 months
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some death mark sketches! somehow I missed the death mark 2 announcement trailer entirely??? belatedly, I’m excited to see that daimon will be showing up in dm2 🥳
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writer-room · 10 months
Honestly the funniest thing about TDP to me is that Rayla for some reason always thinks Callum isn't 100% ride-or-die with her on any given situation. Seriously, she could decide she's jumping off a cliff and he'd do it too--oh wait.
I get that half of it is 'protecting' him but like. Girl he has been ready to die and kill for you since the first snake chain incident. It has not lightened up since. In fact its gotten worse. She's his special little guy and if anything happens to her he will kill everyone in the room and then himself. She physically cannot ever sacrifice herself for anyone because Callum WILL be following her straight into the afterlife in no less than a minute. I'm fully convinced he can and would go even further than Claudia and he'd barely have to think on it for five seconds before shrugging like "damn this sucks, can't believe I have to turn evil" "you literally don't have to--" "no I'm gonna"
And honestly I think that's peak teenagers first girlfriend behavior.
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iwozlegit · 2 years
|| 🍍• I’m probably not the first to say it, but imma gonna say it anyway…
…we were robbed with the Orion Pax arc in Transformers: Prime.
The fact that the 3 episodes supposedly spanned over a time period of months, is crazy.
Did Megatron make a conscious effort to actually “catch-up” with Orion when he said there’d be “plenty of time” for it?
If they did, what did they talk about? Was it awkward and short? Was it lighthearted and whimsical? Did it bizarrely feel as though the war had never been? Did Megatron lose himself in the illusion of a former friend?
If they didn’t, did Orion attempt to pursue a catch-up with the former gladiator, himself?
Did Orion forget to call Megatron his name, instead uttering Megatronus? How did the tyrant react to this? Was he insulted? Did he not mind in the privacy of their off-shifts?
What had been Orion’s final memory?
Did Orion ever inquire about Alpha Trion?
What did Orion get up to on his off-shift hours aboard the warship?
Did he have his rations in the company of others, or did Orion eat alone? Did he eat with Megatron?
Did Orion ever ask to venture to the Earth’s surface to see its beauty up close? Did Megatron go with him if permitted and show him?
Did Orion, inquisitive as ever, inquire why everyone looked so different - why Soundwave appeared so thin, why he, himself, felt so heavy, why Megatron seemed so distant and cold and angry?
What were his other interactions with Knock Out like, if there were any? Did he and Breakdown steer clear of him like the others? Or did Breakdown’s un-Decepticon and odd consideration for others spread and extend itself to the timid clerk with ease? Would Knock Out follow suit given his coy interest in the mech Orion became, or because of his partner’s kinder spark? Did Knock Out ever offer Orion a cool new paint touch-up?
What had Megatron worried Starscream would do or say to Orion when the warlord said “he did not…do or say anything troubling to you?” …despite the obvious, obviously. Why was Megatron so determined to live a lie?
Did Soundwave privately raise his concerns of allowing the amnesiac Prime so close to Megatron again, to the Decepticon leader himself? How would Megatron have reacted to it?
Did any of the rest of the crew hint at their concerns of having an amnesiac Prime aboard?
What unfolded after Orion slipped away?
What were Megatron’s real intentions of having Orion on board if Soundwave was capable enough to do the same thing?
Did Megatron think Orion, if provided another chance, would still want to be beside him after everything he’d done? Is that why the mistruths he told were so elaborate that he ended up getting caught in them and when Orion stirred to see their error, Megatron resorted to violence knowing that he could not save his fantasy???
…you know…just a few thoughts really :)
Ideas/headcanons ®️of @legitconcrusher
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stickandthorn · 10 months
Yeah the team building exercises resulting in multiple party members going “maybe it’s time I lean into the dark power that might consume and kill me” does not feel super like a success to me.
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sonnburn · 2 years
When the fandom adopted Payu as the VegasPete son I was like, “Yeah, that makes sense, carry on”. But when they started pushing Prapai as the Kinnporsche son, I was like, “Eh, that’s a stretch.” It felt like they were only doing it because the other ship was doing it, ya’ know? But then episode 8 happened.
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Arrogant, comes from money, works for/with his father, looks good in suits, used to getting what he wants, falls in love fast, painfully unsubtle flirting techniques, impulsive, sleeps around casually, guilty of dubcon, involved adjacently with the mafia via illegal street-racing? Yeah, that’s Kinn.
But also, charming, drop-dead gorgeous, loves motorcycles, chaotic gremlin energy, biggest dopiest smile when in love, good big-brother/caretaker, loyal friend, lots of sexual experience but NO romantic experience whatsoever, kinda slutty (affectionate), and a certifiable dumbass? That’s all Porsche, baby!
This episode changed my mind, it made a very convincing argument for Prapai being the Kinnporche son and now I am here for it!
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smimon · 4 months
Feel free to express your opinion on this post or make your own poll if you believe this one is not controversial enough
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silverfoxstole · 15 days
And… it’s done!
Took just over a week and the seam ripper got a workout but the Dark Eyes coat mark II is finished:
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I had to make a few more adjustments/corrections as I went along:
The day after I set in the sleeves I noticed that the right shoulder dart was slightly too far forwards, which meant the sleeve head and shoulder pad had to come out so I could unpick the top of the seam and move it to the right place, something that helpfully removed the one little tuck I’d ended up with at the same time. Unpicking resulted in the fabric tearing so I had to take some extra on the seam when I restitched it, but this actually hid some of the holes from where I’d taken out the topstitching the day before which was a plus so I won’t complain! I also took the sleeves up by 3/4 of an inch when they proved too long even for someone with gibbon arms, an adjustment I must have made before but didn’t make a note of on the pattern.
Because I’m never satisfied I changed the collar again, rounding the ends slightly as it still looked too pointed. It was too high as well but I think I may have taken a bit too much off when I cut it down; not much I can do about it now. After I’d attached everything and topstitched I realised that it wasn’t meeting the lapel on the left side by about a centimetre which meant yet more unpicking to put it right. The edges aren’t sitting completely flat, something that’s annoying but that’s my fault for not rolling them over far enough when doing the topstitching.
The front edges were sticking out at an angle towards the bottom so I took some more off the seam to level them out.
When I made my first version, not knowing what the lining looked like I used up some ladybird satin I had left from a coat I’d made a few weeks before but this time I went for plain navy lining fabric which I think is probably more accurate (I could be wrong, of course; for all I know Paul’s hiding a funky lining in there. I know I would!):
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I thought I’d put some photos of the two versions side by side so you can see the differences. The major changes were: returning the back side panels and creating the belt; shortening and shaping the collar; adding the pocket detail and the false bound holes behind the second row of buttons; topstitching round all eight buttonholes. I also felt when wearing it that the first coat was too short so I increased the length by a couple of inches. With hindsight I wish I’d narrowed the lapels a bit as they’re a lot wider than the collar but by the time I noticed it was too late to change as I’d already made the bound buttonholes. Never mind!
For comparison, old coat on the left, new on the right:
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Overall, I’m really pleased with the way it’s turned out. It looks much more like the original, which is what I wanted, and though there may be tweaks I’d make if I was able I always feel that way; I’m never 100% happy with anything I make as I can always see room for improvement.
Obligatory dodgy mirror selfies to finish; I’ll try and get some better pics if I manage to wear it out somewhere in the next few weeks. You’ll probably have noticed that my version buttons up the opposite way round and that’s because - apart from the frock coat where it didn’t matter - I’ve never worked with mens’ patterns and changing the crossover would just confuse me. The shirt and waistcoat for my NotD cosplay both button this way and I wear my watch chain on the other side as well; I think that’s probably partly what Paul was referring to when he said upon seeing me in May that it was like looking in a mirror!
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stardustedknuckles · 3 months
I've never had noise canceling headphones before and I feel like I'm having a religious experience. I feel like a blinkered horse. Like this is WHY they were blinkered. Apparently the hypervigilance is stored in the ears for me and this not only takes that WAY down to a level I never realized was possible, it also clears the cache of that part of my brain and I can THINK.
What the fuck. Where have these BEEN. I feel like I purchased a (frankly cheaply made) superpower.
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completeoveranalysis · 3 months
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Watanuki has resolved to make her eat it anyway. 
>:) Lovely. 
Though I find it fascinating the way this problem has played out. The customer presented a problem and even though Watanuki had hints from Yuuko it didn’t make any sense to him until he discussed it with Doumeki. And then they figured it out together.
It feels like it’s signalling that Yuuko doesn’t have much guidance left for Watanuki - or at the very least, he’s finding his own way of figuring out problems in a way that makes more sense to him.
Which is good in the way that Yuuko was always limited in the kind of help she could give, because outright giving any answers would always come with a cost that she didn’t want Watanuki to pay. But we’ve entered the zone where Watanuki doesn’t need to rely on her hints as much and will figure things out naturally using his own methods. 
So that's good! But on the other hand I would like to keep Yuuko forever. 
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I want it officially noted that this conversation between Watanuki and Doumeki lasted for ELEVEN PAGES before there was even a hint of faux outrage!
Eleven pages of solid conversation before Watanuki remembered that he pretends to hate Doumeki!
This is very fun knowledge for all people who are me.
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We love Mokona’s foresight and subtle manipulations to get more snacks. (And to get Watanuki to talk to Doumeki)
But even more than that we love Doumeki’s open concern for Watanuki’s wellbeing and double checking whether he can safely be here! 
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OOPS nope I misinterpreted that, it wasn’t that at all. It was Doumeki double checking to see if this was the best course of action as far as the mystery was involved. He wonders whether Yuuko could have given him better help. 
But I have preemptively talked all the way through that idea so I’m glad I picked up on that undercurrent correctly!
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5hrignold · 1 year
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hey is that guy (points to mc) is that guy bothering you girls
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 6 months
shuro is such a funny and interesting character on reread. In a world where everyones like eating monsters is gross : ( one man is brave enough to say the very act of eating…. is gross : (
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whump-queen · 2 years
today’s objectification brainrot—
whumper bruising and biting every inch of whumpee’s exposed skin, and then poking and admiring each bruise and bloody bite mark, explaining slowly how each one formed while whumpee writhes under their fingertips
showing whumpee off to someone else and doing the same thing—explaining in excruciating detail what their did to make their captive so pretty and pliant
… making them explain each injury and why they deserved it
whumpee tied up and gagged and adorned in jewelry, and whumper just dragging them around a party by the chain on their collar. showing them off to all their friends—running possessive hands down their torso—pressing down on the deep bruises and the still bleeding bites—just to show off how pretty they sound when they’re in pain
more of this trope here and here if you need therapy like me
yeah @unorganisedalienrubbish we rly on some shiit rn
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The fact some people in fandom see Tendou as this incredibly mean/evil person who actually likes being called monster/demon means you didn't understand the message.
People call him a monster, a demon, because of his looks. They literally did it before he played volleyball with others as a kid. They judged him based on his looks. So, despite the love you probably have for Tendou you're still agreeing with those kids.
You are those kids.
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active-mind-15 · 25 days
Greetings from purgatory. I came back with some more art! @japeneselunchtimerush's headcanon about Bokushi wearing mismatched socks has been stuck in my head for ages so I decided to draw it (ft. baby Bokushi, of course). I also included the outfit from the official art of chibi Bokushi wearing mismatched shoes because it's so adorable. Bonus sketch under the cut!
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[Art related to my fic, Accidental Siblings.]
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fooltofancy · 2 months
i like to go into a dungeon and perform Very Well on the first boss (shields when newfolk stand in things, i don't stand in things etc.) and then during the second boss stand in literally everything so they have no idea what to expect when the final one comes around.
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