#(pencil im holding snaps in half)
uniformbravo · 3 months
i am doing soooo good at pretending my current fixation isn't rapidly spiraling into full-on obsession territory
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chaoticnezz · 2 months
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You hummed a familiar tune that you had heard one day on your walk to the store. You let a small huff of relief slip between your lips. 'im glad that nobody's here.'
Earlier their was a fight in the hallway, as you were going to the music to enjoy your free period you had got caught in the crowd. You had barely managed to slip through into a quieter hallway.
The bad news was that this was an unknown hallway to you, sure you've been going here for about a year and a half, but this school was huge so you haven't seen all of it.
You felt your fingers move along the groves of the wall, As you tried to find someone to ask for direction to hallway 1-C. As you walked further down the hall you heard a frustrated grunt followed by the sound of paper being crumbled.
You followed the sound, letting curiosity get the best of you. Stoping at a partially cracked door, you gently opened the door and steeping inside the room.
A head snapped in your direction. Your e/c eyes Locked with a pair of teal eyes. You examined the stranger, he had red hair with some teal tips sprinkled around, accompanied by teal eyes.
You inhaled a small puff of air. "I'm sorry for disrupting you." The strangers glare softened. "It's alright, so what brings you to the art room."
He set down the pencil that you now realized that he was holding. "I heard paper being crumpled, and I'm also kinda lost." The strangers face relaxed Even more as he let a small snicker escape his lips.
"Really? Well where do you need to go I could show you the way." The tips of your ears had turned a bit red (or whatever color you have for blush.) From being laughed at.
"Well I need to go to the music room." "Alright I'll show you the way, my name's sora M by the way." "Well Sora I'm Y/n L/n."
Sora stood up from his seat at the desk. You now realized that Sora was a good foot or so taller then you. Sora walked out of the now opened door.
As the two of you walked down the school halls a question lingered in you mind. "Why exactly were you crumpling up paper.
"Well I was struggling to draw one of my model photos." Sora let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, well maybe you just need a new model."
"Maybe your right thanks for the help Y/n." The two of you began to continue down the halls in silence. The silence would have been nice if their wasn't this weird feeling crawling up your spine.
That feeling never disappeared even after a couple of weeks.
But here you were waiting in the art room for Sora. He asked you to help him with his art project. The doors soon slid open and soon in came Sora.
"Sorry I'm a bit late I had to stay after class to help a teacher." "It's alright, so what did you want me to help you with."
"Well I need someone to model for me but." "But what?" You hoped off the windowsill and stared at Sora, pure curiosity filled your eyes.
"I'd rather have someone to keep me company forever." "What" you backed away from Sora not liking how his tone of voice changed.
Sora stepped closer to you each time you took a step back. And soon you were backed into a corner. You began to throw punches and kicks trying to keep Sora away from you.
"I don't like violence, angel please don't make me do this." That was the last thing you heard before getting knocked unconscious.
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wttcsms · 6 months
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a very old atsumu draft from 2021 that im afraid won't make it out the gdocs, but i reread it and realized how silly and light it was & maybe you guys will too!!!!
atsumu miya’s guide to escaping from the friend zone, atsumu miya x f!reader
third year au, enemies to lovers, shoujo manga vibes* features romcom elements, knowing each other since childhood, he falls first AND he falls the absolute hardest, getting together, miscommunication as a means to be comedic not for poorly manufactured drama/angst, lighthearted with a happy ending, no angst 1k written, est. ~10k when completed 
You’re in love with Atsumu Miya — you just don’t know it yet. 
At least, that’s what Atsumu claims as he speaks with his mouth full, bits of rice flying out of his mouth, leaving everyone in his immediate vicinity disgusted. 
“She doesn’t even know you exist, idiot.” Osamu doesn’t look amused as he pulls his bento box closer to himself, trying to avoid the hailstorm that is Atsumu’s half chewed grains of rice. 
“She does!” He’s awfully indignant when he replies, looking like he’s about to make a move to slap his brother but thinks better of it. As captain of the Inarizaki Boys’ Volleyball team, he has to learn to behave lest he lose the title altogether. 
“Wanting you dead isn’t the same thing as loving you,” Rintarou is quick to chime in, and the first and second years on the team snicker.
“It’s a work in progress.” Atsumu snaps, failing to mention that you loving him has been a ‘work in progress’ for the past decade and counting. 
(Not like he’s, you know, obsessively keeping track. Definitely not.) 
The two of you have been attending the same school since your elementary days. On the first day of class, your teacher made everyone hold hands with the person next to them, and a five year old Atsumu just so happened to be the person seated next to a five year old you. 
“This person is going to be your buddy for the rest of the school year!” Your teacher exclaimed, clapping her hands together and smiling too cheerfully for so early in the morning. 
Then, someone had exclaimed that boys had cooties, and every girl buddied with a boy immediately took back their hand, either on the brink of tears and dramatically turning up their nose in disgust. 
Atsumu likes to claim that this is where things went wrong (never minding the fact that you had been the only girl not to drop a boy’s hand), but what really started your dislike for him (that has since spiraled into his closest friends thinking you want their captain dead) happened in middle school. 
As fate would have it, you were seated in front of Atsumu for math. He had (still does) a bad habit of chewing gum as loudly and obnoxiously as possible (from your perspective, anyway; truthfully, Atsumu just lacks self-awareness). He made it hard to concentrate during lectures and tests, and midway through the year, you complained to your teacher. 
(“Why do you not want to be seated close to Mr. Miya, hmm?” Your teacher smiled at you, his tone light and teasing. “Is it because of a crush?” 
“Gross! No! I do not have a crush on Miya!” Your eyes were wide, and you were shaking your head. “He just gets on my nerves. He’s always stealing my pencils and smacking on gum and hiding my textbook-“ 
“You know, Miss [Surname], middle school boys are mean to girls they like. I’m afraid that my seating charts are always permanent, but even if they weren’t, I think I would make Mr. Miya very upset if I moved you.” 
“Who cares about that? He’s so annoying. Let him bother someone else!” 
“Ah, [Surname], class is only in session for a few more months. If it gets worse, then we’ll see to adjusting the seating arrangements. For now, let’s get you back to your desk and focused on these fractions.” Your math teacher doesn’t bother hiding a smile as he jokes with you. “You better be careful; he might yank your hair and think it’s a proper declaration of love.” 
Your math teacher never tells you that Atsumu spent two weeks of summer break cleaning this classroom to get seated next to you.) 
The complaining didn’t work, and you were still stuck in the same seat in front of Atsumu. Then, one day, while he was ignoring the teacher’s lecture and giving his attention to something more worthwhile (such as the back of your head), Atsumu noticed a spider crawling from your back and aiming upwards, towards your hair. He watched in morbid fascination as the spider made its way into your strands of hair, and he reacted quickly, not quite thinking things through. 
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled, forcing you to tilt back with a yelp, which then caused the entire class to turn and stare at the two of you. 
The spider was nowhere to be found, at least, but your teacher had to stop his lesson, shaking his head while he walked to the classroom phone. 
“Honestly, Mr. Miya, what goes on in your head?” The teacher sounded like he was holding back laughter as he dialed the principal’s office. 
Meanwhile, you straightened yourself out and turned to glare at Atsumu, who could only give you a sheepish grin in return. 
“Sorry,” he told you, not sounding the least bit sorry. “Ya should be thankin’ me—“ 
“Thanking you?” You practically yelled it out. “I should be beating you. What is your problem with me, Miya?” 
And that was the moment when Atsumu Miya realized that getting you to fall in love with him might be a bit of a struggle. 
But that was then, and this is how. Now, you’re both in your third year of high school. Now, Atsumu is the captain of a team that’s an absolute powerhouse. Now, Atsumu is a box blond and despite his harsh attitude, girls are still vying for his attention. 
He figures it’s only a matter of time before you come to your senses and join them. 
You never do, though, and now he’s stuck rethinking his master plan. His friends are no help whatsoever, and the school year is going to fly by if he’s not careful. He knows you’ve been accepted to Tokyo U, and he knows that he’s probably not heading to college — not when professional scouts are watching his games and have the power to sign him right after graduation. He’ll never have a chance to be this close to you ever again, and he has to act now. 
“Work in progress, my ass.” Rin snorts. “You’ll be lucky to even be her friend at this point.” 
Now, Atsumu doesn’t like to consider other people as geniuses, but he’ll settle for considering Rintarou his muse. All this time, Atsumu’s been trying to get you to love him, completely disregarding the fact that you have to like someone before that can happen. 
And people like their friends. For the most part. 
“Ya know what, Rin? You might actually have a point.” 
“There was no point. I was making fun of you. Whatever you’re thinking about doing, here’s actual advice: don’t.” No one on the team is particularly surprised when Atsumu doesn’t take that advice.
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ficmashup · 6 months
half request??
just got into work and found out one of my patients died an hour after i left my last shift. and i’m kinda taking it a bit rough. how do you think price or simon would comfort medic! reader after a terrible day like this. obviously no pressure and pls ignore this if you’d like, im just in need of some comfort/angst/fluff🫤
A Bad Day
A/N: Oh, Anon, I'm so sorry that happened. That's incredibly hard to go through. Hope this short and sweet fic gives you a little comfort. <3 I tried to keep the situation pretty vague, so take it as you will. (Also thanks for being the first to send me an ask!) I personally pictured my OC G for this, but this can really just be Price x medic!reader.
Warnings: Language, moodiness, clear implication of something bad having happened.
Word Count: 1.1k
Nothing else exists outside the paperwork I’m filling out.
There are a few desks offered in the back of the medical tent and I claim one of them as my own rather than going back to my room to be alone. The shuffling of feet and soft voices keeps me from my own thoughts as I bury myself in the monotony of filling out information. The boys stop by throughout the day. Soap tries to tease me and make a few jokes, but all he gets from me is a few hums. Gaz comes by next and leaves a small pile of hard candies without saying much. I don’t touch any of them.
Simon comes by and he just drags a stool over, sitting beside my desk within my eyeline. After a handful of minutes, I sigh and let my pencil pause even though I still don’t look at him. “Fuck off.” I tell him under my breath and go back to work.
“Why don’t you come to the training ring with me for a while?” He offers and my eyes shut a moment.
“Don’t treat me gently right now.” My voice is low and holds a warning.
He leans an elbow on my desk and my eyes snap to his. He stills. “Didn’t know me offering to go a few rounds was gentle.”
“It is. You’re trying to be nice and sometime in the future, I’m sure that I’ll be grateful for the effort. But not today and not now.” I get back to work and take a deep breath to keep myself steady. “I just need to do something successfully right now. Be productive. And I don’t need a chaperone.” A few beats pass before Ghost sighs and gets up, his fingers tapping twice on my desk before he walks out.
I’m left alone for the rest of the day and I finish all my work along with a dozen useless tasks to simply fill my time. Night falls and I rub my eyes as they ache before rising from the desk. A deep breath leaves me before I turn towards the exit to find Price waiting with his arms crossed. My body laxes at the sight of him, tiredness catching up with me along with the weight of the day. I walk over slowly and stop in front of him, letting him read my expression as I barely manage to give him a weak smile. “I have food waiting in your room.” He says softly as we begin walking down the hall. I appreciate the little touch of his fingers to the inside of my arm as we turn and the feeling of his hand hovering over my lower back. It’s all we allow ourselves while still in a public place.
“I don’t feel much like eating.” I murmur and he hums.
“I know.”
It’s that quiet acceptance that makes me swallow as emotions crowd my throat. I focus on Price’s steady presence and the faint scent of cigars that always seems to linger on him. When we get to my room, I walk in and sit on the end of my bed while Price steps in after me to shut the door. I set my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. A second passes before John sighs as he gets onto his knees in front of me with his hands gently sliding up and down my arms.
“I’m here if you want to talk and I’m here if you want to be silent. Either way, I’m here.” His voice rumbles through me and I open myself up a bit more to make room for him to press closer. My arms rest on his shoulders while his rest over my thighs, his fingers skimming up and down my sides.
“Pretty bad day.” I whisper and he hums while I press my temple against his. “I keep replaying it. Debating if there was something else that I could have done—”
“Don’t do that.” He pulls back just enough so that I can see his pretty blue eyes. His hat gets discarded onto the bed beside me. “You did everything you could have at the time. After that, it’s out of your hands.” I nod and reach up to idly run my fingers through his beard as we simply share space for a while. Breathe the same air. Soak in the comfort of simply being with someone who understands.
Eventually he tempts me up to my desk to eat something and he even slips me a bar of chocolate that makes me feel a little lighter. He pulls my feet into his lap and fondness fills my heart as he removes my boots and socks. His fingers slide under my pants, kneading my calves one by one as I eat and even feed him a bite or two of chocolate as payment for the attention.
“Hope I didn’t upset the boys too much today.” I say when I’m finished and I’m just watching him touch me with such gentle care that it makes everything seem a little better.
He chuckles. “We’re all still learning what each other needs. They won’t hold it against you.”
“How many came to complain to you today?” I risk asking and hum a laugh when he gives me a smile. All of them, then. “That’s sweet.”
“You don’t have to worry about them today, sugar. Let me take care of you.” He gives my legs a little tug and I melt a bit more in my chair, letting him.
My lips press together as I think for a few moments and Price stays quiet as he lets me. “It’s going to take me a while to get past this one.” My voice is hushed.
Price’s expression doesn’t change as he nods. “Sometimes it does. That’s fine. As long as you don’t let it stop you.” I take this in, storing his words away for when I might need them before easing up from my seat and sliding onto his knee. He instantly wraps an arm around my waist to pull my body against his while my fingers gently scratch the baby hairs on the back of his neck.
“Mind if I do something terribly unprofessional?” I ask and soak in the humor glittering in his eyes.
“I’m clearly a stickler for professionalism.” His hand squeezes my hip while my head tilts to get closer to him, our lips a fraction apart.
“Clearly.” I give him a sweet kiss. “Thank you.” I murmur against his lips and rest my forehead against his.
“Always.” He whispers back. For the first time today, I feel steady with him under me and his arms around me.
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vaultscavver · 9 months
wasteland, baby!
falloutober day one: WAR NEVER CHANGES. 2k / ( eventual sole survivor x hancock x maccready )
a/n: thank you @falloutober for the amazing october word prompts! ive been excited about this challenge for months, and ive already plotted out an entire series to work with falloutober that im super excited to share! so, without further ado, welcome to my pet project, “wasteland, baby!”
xx, scavver
SYNOPSIS — A nuclear apocalypse should have been the end of the world in 2077. But two hundred and ten years later, humanity is still clawing at the brink of survival, scraping instinct from underneath their fingernails and wiping irradiated sweat from wasteland-marred foreheads. The year is now 2287; natural resources have mutated, people are as irrational as ever, and a pre-war vault dweller emerges from a pod in which she had been frozen for the last two centuries. The Sole Survivor of Vault 111 has hell to pay, and who better to join her pursuit of revenge than a red-coated ghoul mayor searching for a purpose and a gunslinging sharpshooter with too many debts to pay?
─ ─── ──── ─── ♠ ─── ──── ─── ─
The world ended in 2077.
It wasn’t a surprise for anyone. Nothing lasts forever. 
There’s always an end, a lowering of a pencil after tracing a careful circle. There are preserved pieces of time frozen on display for people to reminisce about. But when something expires past it's intended use, does it count as dead? Is it really lasting if it's pointless? Does something need to have a purpose to be alive or has humanity just been trained to believe so?
Watching the orange skies darken with the mushroom clouds of a nuclear war, Eleanor Mercer couldn’t help but feel expired. She held her five-month-old son in her arms as the elevator lowered them into the ground, where Vault 111 would save them from the war waging above ground.
She had only been granted the elite spot in the Vault because her late husband, Nathaniel Mercer, had died on duty and granting Nora a place in the Vault was the government’s way of compensation.
Never mind that Nora could scarcely afford their suburban lifestyle on her own, or that their infant son was now fatherless.
She had planned to move back in with her parents in the country, maybe go back to medical school, try to build a happier future for her son.
The large elevator doors closed with a resounding slam.
Her neighbors, an assortment of military personnel and government officials, were crying and holding onto each other as they descended. Nora barely recognized any of them, and now they had to hide away in a Vault together for who even knows how long.
Expired. Gone. Over.
Nora’s tongue tasted metallic, adrenaline postponing a complete breakdown. Was that it? Was it all worth nothing? Their entire lives, just… blown up?
Selfishly, she thought about the boxes in her living room that were still half-packed, full of treasures and knick-knacks that she wished she had taken with her. Books, pillows, Nate’s guitar, her son’s favorite blanket. Maybe some onesies, or at least diapers, for her baby — her baby who was squealing, gurgling as he cried into her chest.
Snapping into focus, Nora readjusted her hold on him, quietly soothing his cries and rubbing her palm over his back in an effort to comfort the infant. Slowly, just as slow as their descending elevator, his whining lulled and his eyes closed, half-asleep against his mom’s shoulder, unaware of the uncertainty in the world.
This didn’t feel like an ending. It felt like it could be an ending. It was a semicolon; a sentence that is pulled longer than it should have, words added on and on and layered atop one another, when in reality, Nora wasn’t completely sure any of it was worth writing at all.
To Nora, the world had ended just as it started; with a bang, a flash, and a deep-rooted emotional scar that would last eternities. 
The elevator stopped; the first family out were the Russos, with their small crowd of children. Mrs. Russo found the Vault Overseer and was immediately demanding to contact their in-laws to see who survived, while Mr. Russo tried to herd their kids into following the orders of the Vault Technicians. 
Other families were smaller and quieter, following instructions without question. Nora followed close behind neighbors whose names she didn’t know, at the rear of the group, heading through the Vault’s entryway and into a room lined with pods that reminded Nora of small spacecrafts.
This room was significantly colder than the entryway, and the baby started to cry again.
Kissing his forehead and rocking him gently, Nora trembled, struggling to keep calm. "It's okay, sweetheart. Mommy's here, see? We'll all be okay. We’ll all be okay.”
No matter how many times she repeated the words, she couldn’t convince herself.
Glancing around at the lines of pods they were told they would be decontaminated in before moving to the deeper sections of Vault 111, Nora couldn't help but wonder if "okay" was the same word as before.
Next to them, a Vault Tech Doctor cleared his throat, stepping forward with a fake smile. "Sorry to interrupt, Mrs Mercer... But it's vital that you put on your new Vault Suit. And, please, step in here..." He gestured to the pod to Nora's left and she nodded once, absently.
The doctor gave her a folded pile of clothes and moved on, giving the same pile to all the other residents that had been able to enter the Vault.
The jumpsuit was a slick and heavy material that stretched easily in her hands, smelling like disinfectant. The whole Vault reeked of a hospital, actually — the metallic white walls were crisp, bright orange railing blocking the mounds of wires and tech beside each pod. There was a loud ambient sound like an air conditioning system on full blast, but Nora couldn’t locate where it was coming from. 
One of the neighbors whose name she didn’t know offered to hold the baby while Nora dressed into the blue jumpsuit, prepping for decontamination in the pod.
"He'll be okay, right?" Nora asked the doctor as she took the baby back, shifting uncomfortably in the skin-tight suit, "The, uh, the cleansing won't hurt him?"
"Not at all!" The doctor ushered them into the pod, "Vault Tech decontamination regimes are perfectly safe for both you and your little one. Now, take your time! We have all day."
Nora slid into the seat of her pod, resting her back against the soft pads, holding Shaun close. The door closed heavily, locking them in the pod.
Her throat started to close up, panic seizing at her chest, and she struggled to make herself breathe, to calm down, to be strong for her son.
"The pod will decontaminate and depressurize you before we head deeper into the Vault." The doctor's voice was robotic and altered as he spoke through the closed door, pressing buttons on the side of the pod. He gave Nora another fake smile, "Just relax." 
"Time for a whole new life." Nora murmured to the baby, once again rubbing his back soothingly. 
She wondered about all the work they’d put into the things they surely lost; would her son be happy here? Did they have all of the materials and necessities to properly care for a baby? How long would they be there? Would her son grow up underground, learn to read here, learn to live here? Would he get a chance to pursue a life for himself? Or would they be mindless worker bees for the rest of their lives?
"Resident secure." The Vault 111 Computer spoke through speakers imbedded into the inside of the pod. "Occupant vitals: Normal. Procedure complete in five... four... three... two..."
Nora never got to hear the final number of the countdown. Frost arose on the inside of the pod, coating the glass and sending goosebumps rising on her arms as she panted, finding it difficult to breathe. Before she could even wonder what was going on, why it was suddenly so cold, her vision went white, and her body became stiff. 
Her consciousness distorted, like she was balancing between sleep and awake, knowing only the foggy darkness of the freezing pod.
"Manual Override Initiated." The computer's voice spoke again, and Nora gasped as feeling returned to her fingers and nose. Was that it? Was she pressurized and ready for her new life at Vault 111? Why was it so cold? "Cryogenic stasis completed."
Panting, Nora struggled to move her arms, to lift the baby and check on him, but she felt so... stiff... heavy... like her entire body was asleep... she could hardly breathe, hardly move, hardly see... Her vision slowly came back in, blurry and distorted, but good enough to see two mysterious figures approaching her pod.
"This is the one," a woman's voice spoke out of a hazmat suit, pointing towards them. "Right here!"
Were they worried about the baby? Where was the doctor?
The second figure was a man wearing a brown leather jacket and biker pants, with odd straps crossing over his chest and back, adorned with so many weapons it was hard for Nora to even name them all. He had a pistol in his right hand, and his left hand flexed at the holster on his hip. He examined the pod, then turned to the woman. "Well? Open it."
Pressing a few buttons, the woman released the locks on the pod, opening the wide door. Steam rolled out Nora was sent into an immediate coughing fit, holding her son tightly against her chest. He was crying again, screaming against her jumpsuit, and she could barely move well enough to soothe him.
Continuing to cough, her voice ragged and hoarse, she looked wide-eyed between the two mysterious figures, her eyebrows drawn. “Is… is it over? Are we okay?”
“Almost.” The leather-clad man stepped forward; hands braced against her shoulder to keep her from stepping out of her pod. “Everything is going to be fine.”
The woman in the hazmat suit approached cautiously, hands extended. “It’s okay, hon. Just give me the baby.”
“What?” Nora croaked, wheezing, holding her son tighter. “No, I’ve got him.”
"Just give him to me." The woman coaxed softly, wrapping her gloved hands around the baby’s middle. "Everything will be okay, just hand him over."
"No, wait — No!" Her protective fury took over as she gripped her son tighter, struggling against the woman’s advances.
"Let the boy go." The man said, and as Nora turned, she met the barrel of a gun, inches from her eyes. "I'm only going to tell you once."
As Nora and the hazmat-wearing woman struggled over the baby, his cries increased in volume. The leather-bound man growled loudly, grunting out another warning.
A gunshot rang out.
Pain like nothing Nora knew swarmed her body, her vision going dark with it.
Her arms slacked and the hazmat-wearing woman stumbled back, holding the baby, ignoring his screams.
Nora had screamed, too, she realized only after she went quiet, her frozen hand palming at the bleeding wound in her shoulder.
"Damn it." The man put his gun away, shaking his head. He whirled murderously around to the woman, who coward before him. "Get the kid out of here. Go!" The woman turned without question, fleeing out of Nora's line of sight. 
This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be real.
Bleeding, frozen, in a pain like none other, Nora tried to heave herself from her pod, to follow the woman, to get her baby — but the man easily pushed her back against the cushion of the pod, putting his gun away.
He wore a frown, a deep one that carved long lines into his gaunt, pale face. A scar ran over his left eye, marring deep into the flesh, his icy blue eyes ringed in a sleepless red. He gave her a sadistic smile that looked closer to a grimace, “At least we’ve still got the backup.”
And he closed the pod door, sealing her in again.
Nora pounded on her glass as he walked away, trying to scream again, but her voice wouldn't work. Blood ran heavily down her arm, dripping from her fingertips.
The Vault Tech Computer rang again, "Cryogenic Sequence Reinitialized."
Nora's vision went white once more. 
Pain thrummed through her, and for a long while, it was all that she could feel. Pain and impossible cold, so freezing that it burned.
"Critical failure in Cryogenic Array. All Vault residents must evacuate immediately." 
Gasping and coughing, a sudden heat rushed through her, loud alarms filling reverberating around the metal room as her pod door was unlocked and released, opening too quickly for her to brace herself. She fell forward, hands and knees on the ground, heaving and shivering and panting as she tried to catch her breath. 
She barely registered the flashing orange lights and trilling alarms filling the Vault as she tried to stand, only to stumble back to the ground, shaking violently. Her body still felt frozen. She fell limp against the Vault’s cold, dusty floor.
Even unconscious, Nora kept shivering; two hundred years was a long time to be frozen, after all.
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bi-frog4girls · 1 year
Yandere x reader
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You hummed a familiar tune that you had heard one day on your walk to the store. You let a small huff of relief slip between your lips. 'im glad that nobody's here.'
Earlier their was a fight in the hallway, as you were going to the music to enjoy your free period you had got caught in the crowd. You had barely managed to slip through into a quieter hallway.
The bad news was that this was an unknown hallway to you, sure you've been going here for about a year and a half, but this school was huge so you haven't seen all of it.
You felt your fingers move along the groves of the wall, As you tried to find someone to ask for direction to hallway 1-C. As you walked further down the hall you heard a frustrated grunt followed by the sound of paper being crumbled.
You followed the sound, letting curiosity get the best of you. Stoping at a partially cracked door, you gently opened the door and steeping inside the room.
A head snapped in your direction. Your e/c eyes Locked with a pair of teal eyes. You examined the stranger, he had red hair with some teal tips sprinkled around, accompanied by teal eyes.
You inhaled a small puff of air. "I'm sorry for disrupting you." The strangers glare softened. "It's alright, so what brings you to the art room."
He set down the pencil that you now realized that he was holding. "I heard paper being crumpled, and I'm also kinda lost." The strangers face relaxed Even more as he let a small snicker escape his lips.
"Really? Well where do you need to go I could show you the way." The tips of your ears had turned a bit red (or whatever color you have for blush.) From being laughed at.
"Well I need to go to the music room." "Alright I'll show you the way, my name's sora M by the way." "Well Sora I'm, Y/n L/n."
Sora stood up from his seat at the desk. You now realized that Sora was a good foot or so taller then you. Sora walked out of the now opened door.
As the two of you walked down the school halls a question lingered in you mind. "Why exactly were you crumpling up paper?"
"Well I was struggling to draw one of my model photos." Sora let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, well maybe you just need a new model."
"Maybe your right thanks for the help Y/n." The two of you began to continue down the halls in silence. The silence would have been nice if their wasn't this weird feeling crawling up your spine.
That feeling never disappeared even after a couple of weeks.
But here you were waiting in the art room for Sora. He asked you to help him with his art project. The doors soon slid open and soon in came Sora.
"Sorry I'm a bit late I had to stay after class to help a teacher." "It's alright, so what did you want me to help you with."
"Well I need someone to model for me but." "But what?" You hoped off the windowsill and stared at Sora, pure curiosity filled your eyes.
"I'd rather have someone to keep me company forever." "What" you backed away from Sora not liking how his tone of voice changed.
Sora stepped closer to you each time you took a step back. And soon you were backed into a corner. You began to throw punches and kicks trying to keep Sora away from you.
"I don't like violence, angel please don't make me do this." That was the last thing you heard before getting knocked unconscious.
Word count 643
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ravenveenova97 · 3 months
Paldea Forbidden Fruit
Sunset mistakes
I was happily walking around the scorched trail with sky in toe looking around to every pokemon I saw "the vast amount of pokemon out right now is unreal, I don't know we're to start hehehhehe" I had my art pad in hand with a bag sling over my shoulder holding in my art supplies, I was looking around and found a nice spot by a pond with an amazing View looking out into the Paldea sea and from there I could see multiple pokemon around "well sky this looks like the spot wouldn't you agree" she smiles happily at me and nods.
I settle myself down by laying out a blanket and took off my art bag then opened it to get stuff out, I was looking amongst the things I brought and I couldn't think what I should use "hmmm i have water paints and pencils......but I also have oils too......maby I could use my coals......or my pencils" I was looking amongst them and Sky points to the water colours "hehehhehe you think I should do a water painting" she nods at me and I giggle "ok, water colours it is now.........what pokemon do chose to paint" i look around and i can see tons of Mabostives, maschefs roaming around but one pokemon walks up to me and i look into its eyes and address it "would you mind if i paint you.....Zoroark" the pokemon eyes widen as i saw through its ilution it was a Mabostive "hehehhe its ok you dont need to be scared" i pulled out some chocolate and snapped it in half and leaned fowerd handing it out to him "its chocolate, you might like it" he cut off hes ilution and reached out for it and brought it up to hes nose sniffing it, i giggled "its nice trust me just eat it like this" i broke a bit off for me and sky and we ate it to show him its ok.
Zoroark opens he's mouth and ate some and after he swallowed he's face grew bright, I took in every detail how he's eyes squinted and how he's smile carved, even he's ears perked up and did a little wiggle "heheheh see tould you it was nice, so can I paint you Zoroark" he finishes the chocolate and was licking off the remains of it off hes claws then looked at me wile giving a sweet but happy cry saying yes, I smile at him and nod and open my pad designed for water colours and started to paint him "I cant believe im actually painting a Zoroark hehehhehe" i was so happy with myself as they dont show there true form around humans due to not trusting them, but me hading out that chocolate gave him the courage to trust me "you know Zoroark, i find your species fascinating" he looked up at me as i looked down at him from the small hill i was sat on, he gave me a little head tilt like he was confused.
I softly smiled at him "I think all Zoroarks are stunning and beautiful pokemon......your eyes stand out the most..... beautiful and pure and as clear as the sea......how they shine in this light and how warm they look shows your not a bad pokemon as people make you out to be" i was painting hes fur wile i continue to talk to him "i meen look at you....your the definition of beautie and mystery.....your by far the most breathe taking pokemon iv ever seen" i was happily smiling and when i looked up i saw a glint of happiness in hes eyes.....like someone finaly saw him for the amazing pokemon he truly is.
I soften my facial expression and look at him "I mean it Zoroark.....I see beauty in this world and I see more than most don't.....I'm able to look past stereo types and see the soul for what it truly is" he eyes teard up and was smiling happily at me, i smiled at him and he walked up the hill and sat down next to me and looked at my pad and pointed at it "yep thats you" he seamed happy and i raised my hand up to hes cheek and gave it a little scratch, hes face turned into pure delight and i giggled "hehehhehe like that do we, well what about under here" i moved my hand away and strated to scratch under hes chin, this made Zoroarks leg start to go and i laughed "hahahahah dose that feel good zoroark" he was loving the attention i was giving him, after i stoped he had the biggest smile stretching from ear to ear.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and Sky handed me some water "ow thanks Sky" I turned to Zoroark and handed it to him "would you like a drink" he took the Cup out of my hand and happily started to drink it, never in a million years I thought I be sat like this with a wild Zoroark.......but it's nice.....I wish more people saw it as a stunning pokemon.....but like I said stereo types run thick with Dark types.....but I'm so happy i can be that one human that looks past that and see them for what they truly are.
I continued to paint Zoroark and I even let him do some painting of he's own hehehe, I love spending time with pokemon....it's why I chose to be a pokemon researcher....I love to make meany pokemon friends and bring there story's to light.....just like Zoroark here, time was moving on and I just finished the painting "and it's done, so Zoroark what do you think" I tilted my work to him and he looked at it and smiled nodding "hehehhehe I'm happy you like it" I had a big smile on my face and that's when he showed me he's painting, I looked at it and my eyes soften "is that me and Sky" he nods and me and hands it over for me to keep "realy....but you painted this.....dont you want to keep it" he shook hes head and waved it gently up and down for me to take, i slowly reached my hand out and took it off him looking at it with the most gentle smile iv done in years "thank you Zoroark i love it, you did sutch amazing job" he was happily crying out and i ruffled hes fur and scratched behind hes ears "and you keep Amazing me Honan" I turn my head up and I see Jacq lent over and I'm looking into he's breath taking eyes.
I end up blushing and my body shivers in nerves "Jacq what you doing here" he chuckles and stops leaning over me "I was just doing a bit of research over here, but bumping into you was a surprise" he looks at Zoroark that had its ears back sceard and Jacq kneeled down so he was Zoroarks hight "its ok im Honans friend" Zoroark looks at me and i nod, hes ears returned to natural as he's fear left hes body, Jacq saw the painting i had in my hands and he warmly smiled "did you do that for Honan"
Zoroark nodded at him still a little uneasy "I see it's painted beautifully good job" Zoroark worried face turned into a cute smile and he sat down and relaxed, Jacq moved he's hand out to scratch him under the chin and Zoroark melted "hahahah so you do like this" as soon as he said that I relised he was around even then "Jacq how long have you been watching me and Zoroark" Jacq looks at me and scratches the back of he's head "i guess from the very start" Zoroark scooched up so Jacq could sit next to me "start of what" he warmly chuckled and looked at me in the eyes "I saw you giving him Chocolate to make him trust you" I blinked a few times and all the blood rushed to my face "you have amazing skills with Wild pokemon Honan hahahhaha what other surprises are you hiding"
I look away quickly and scream internally "nothing there nothing" Sky giggled at my reaction and I felt Jacq place he's hand on my shoulder, I look round to were he put it and back up at him "you ok" I gulp a little and nod "hahahah that's good, but there no need to be embarrassed, just be yourself around me, ok" I nod and fidget a little wile playing with my hands "so did you come out here to do more of your art" I nod wile looking at my hands, but Jacq tilts he's head at me "are your sure everything ok Honan"
I was feeling my heart race a mile a minute in my chest and my body started to grow hot again, I was looking down still and Jacq moved infrount of me and placed hes hand on my thought head, I snap out of it and look up and when I do hes got a worried look on hes face "your quite warm, are you not feeling well" I'm looking into hes gentle eyes and i end up getting lost in them, it was like staring into fields of lavender...... beautiful and breathtaking.....I cant seem to look away.......there hypnotizing, i end up softly smiling as i could stair into hes eye every day and never get bored on how memorizing they are they truly are stunning, it was then the softest smile Iv ever seen on Jacq spreads across he's face, as he's eyes grow even more gentle "Honan you keep looking at me like that I'm going to start blushing" he averts he's eyes to he's side as he removes he's hand and sheepishly smiles "I'm sorry i didnt mean to" i blushed super hard and looked away, Jacq ended up lathing at me reaction and sighed "it's ok Honan don't worry about it"
I end up feeling my hands start to get clammy again and I'm starting to lose myself a little "I am sorry Jacq but...." I turn to him and raise my hands out and gently take off he's glasses "Honan?" I stear deeply into them and I smile softly "has anyone tould you that your eyes are breathtaking" Jacq cheeks started to turn a pretty pink hue and he averted he's eyes from me "no.....not really" I smile at him and hand back he's glasses "sorry I just wanted to see them better, I know there was a reason why I draw you a lot........I'm just mesmerized by how they look and how you smile....I love how the ends curl and how soft your face is when you do" my cheeks were red but I felt at peace being like this with him........even now with him not looking at me I can tell he's a softie with a pure heart.
Jacq ends up putting he's glasses back on and turns to me about to say something but he withdraws it "Jacq everything ok" he looks at me and he smiles but Its different like there pain behind it "yer I'm good....just surprised is all" I can tell he wants to say something but he's stopping himself, I end up changing the subject and stretch "well at least I won't be alone to watch the sun go down" I giggle and Jacq smiles at me again "I take you like watching the sun go down" I nod at him wile putting away my paint and pad back into the bag "yer when ever I get a chance i will go out and find some were to watch it, but so far iv not found that one place were it looks beautiful"
I zip up the bag and stand up moving off the mat then rolled it up "i see......well i can show you my favorite spot" i stand up and look up at him "really....you show me where you like to watch the sun set" he nods at me and holds out hes hand to me but he relised and laughed sheepishly "ops sorry.......I keep forgetting that I'm your teacher" I blush but walk next to him and take he's hand in mine "it's ok but I would have taken it eather way" Jacq sigs and tightens hes grip on my hand "your going to get me in trouble one of these days Honan" he laughed warmly joking about and i giggled "well nothing wrong with friend holding hands......right"
My eyes looked at him as I longed for he's touch........I can't seem to see him as a teacher to me anymore.....I guess what the girls said could be true......I do think I have a crush on him.....how could I not, not with gentle fetchers like that "I guess your right and it's not like the director be this far out given he's age hahahhaha" I let out a laugh and Jacq chuckled "well follow me I hope your ready" i nod and i say good Bye to Zoroark and we make our way to Jacq special location close to Casseroya lake, when we reached the area jacq sat down after letting go of my hand we peard out to the lake, i was stunned this view was stunning "Jacq how did you find this spot" he takes a deep breath and leaned back on hes hands "it was by accident, i was doing my research around this area a wile back, back before i became a teacher for Uva academy.......I was just checking on the pokemon in the area and I started to get a little sleepy, hahhahaha i may have fallen asleep with my research notes........but when i woke up i realised the sun started to set then........well i saw this" he looked out on the lake and closed hes eyes, he looked at peace and relaxed "this is my special little spot i come to every now and then......but there two other things that makes this location one of my treasures" i smile at him and look back out to the view "what two things are those" he looks at me and smiles warmly "the starts here at night are enchanting you can see them clear as day.....but the other thing you have to be lucky in seeing it"
He turns round and sees the sun hit the waters surface "if your lucky you might be able to see it tonight" I turn my head round and look as the remaining glow of the sun sunk into the water "but I wanted to show you the one miracle that happens here" just then as I looked into the sea I saw a hue of green and then as the sun set there was a flash, I looked at it on awe, taken in by this phenomenon "seams were in luck, we were able to see the green flash" my eyes started to well up a little and Jacq looked into my eyes and hes soft smile came back "what that the first time you saw the green flash" I wipe my eyes and look at him "yes it was.....I never thought I would see something as amazing as that......thank you Jacq"
He smiles brightly at me and pats my head "hahahha your welcome, IV never brought anyone here before.....so that makes you the first person" he looks at me and then away, my heart starts to beat faster and faster in my chest and I start to get butterflies.......I'm the only person he's shown this too........could the time be right, I move myself a little closer to him and im super red in the face "I don't mean on the lips, I ment on the cheek" I recall what penny said to me and I swallow my shyness and go and make my move, even tho im sceard right now, well I'm petrafide but......I need to know if he feels the same way.
I mean in and close my eyes and I'm inches from hes cheek, but Jacq turns round at the worst time and I end up kissing him on the lips, time stood still for us both for that moment and I felt sparks flying, I got lost in it so when I pulled way I was mesmerized for a moment but I snapped out of it and realized I kissed him on the lips, my face turned bright red and I pulled away so qwick "IM SORRY" I was freaking out and Jacq was dum founded for a moment "Honan did you just....kiss me"
I couldn't even look at him but instead I took off running "HONAN WAIT" I didn't stop running till I was out of sight and ear shot from Jacq "why did I do that" i was panting out of breath and tears started to drop from my eyes "why did i think kissing him prove any thing im so stupid.......iv messed up" i was feeling deep regret for what happened to the point I felt sick "what have I done"
That was one of the most emotional days iv experience in a while I kissed my teacher and I messed everything up.......its going to be hard being around him now.......I'm such a fool.
0 notes
axisreed · 8 months
Despair paid me a visit
To what do I owe the anguish? I said
All I heard was nothing
A loud nothing that carried the weight of melancholy
The echoing cries of failure and dejection that sucked the life out of me
Rendering me restless and unfeeling
I wanted to cry but no tears were coming out of eyes
Was I so useless that my lacrimal gland cant even function properly
or Is my body so fed up of myself that It just doesnt heed to what I am feeling
“snapped” I broke my pencil in half
People looked at me and I just stared blankly
I figured if I am going to break something better to break something thats easy to replace
or so I thought, I couldnt bring myself to throw away the pencil that Ive broken in half cause somehow it reminded me of myself even though its broken, It can still do what its meant to do. With some tape I can still have a firm grip on it and hold on to it, depend on it to write what I need to write
the thought of this resonated within me even further. Alot of people depend on me and when its too much, I still hold on and keep a firm grip on myself in order for the broken pieces to not fall out so that I can still do what Im meant to do.
its a heavy weight that I carry emotionally because I feel so alone, I dont feel like I have anyone I can depend on, it feels like no one understands me or tries to and even if they do try I think my brain is predispose to tell me thats your role and not theirs
0 notes
akanewcrld · 2 years
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notes: what it would be like to share a desk with them!! 
characters: ochako uraraka, momo yaoyorozu, kyoka jiro, mina ashido, tsuyu asui, toru hagakure 
warnings: mentions of food in tsus!!
word count: 0.8k
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OCHAKO URARAKA, who passes you little notes everyday. it could be a question like “wanna hang out after school?” or just a cute drawing, but you often see a little folded paper with a heart on your desk. 
your eyes look down to find a white paper folded, with a tiny heart drawn on top. you look over to ochako, who is too busy writing down notes about the lesson to notice. 
you open the paper, reading the content inside. “hey, wanna hang out after school? :D” you take your pencil and write on her note “ofc <3” and slide it back to her. 
ochako reads the note, smiling over at you before going back to writing the notes. 
MOMO YAOYOROZU, who helps you study. if you space off in class, she will let you copy off her notes. she invites you to her dorm to help you learn everything you need to for that next test, but sometimes you’ll just hang out. 
“y/n?” you snap out of your thoughts, looking over at momo. you ask her what she needs. 
“you haven’t written down any notes.” you look at momo’s paper with half of the page already filled, then at yours, which is empty. 
“here, you can copy off mine, but pay more attention next time, y/n.” momo tilts her notebook towards you slightly, continuing to write. 
“we can also study at my dorm later, if you want.” momo tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. you nod your head in agreement, making momo smile. 
KYOKA JIRO, who gives you her airpod in a boring class so you can both listen to music. she’ll usually play loud music but sometimes you’ll convince her to turn it down so she can at least try to focus. 
you let out a sigh, only loud enough for you to hear, and jiro. she looks over at you, pulling out her airpods. she holds one out to you that you take and she starts to play music. 
you take a few minutes to not pay attention to the class, lightly tapping your feet to the rhythm of the music. once one or two songs end you turn to jiro. 
“hey, maybe we should try to pay attention a little bit, that looks like stuff we should probably know.” jiro frowns, but it’s not like you want to pay attention either. 
“yeah, you’re right.” she turns her music down some, giving you a thumbs up before she starts writing. 
MINA ASHIDO, who is always talking to you during class. it doesn’t bother you much, but aizawa often has to interrupt his teaching to tell her to pay attention. due to all of her talking, she doesn’t get the best grades, but you try your best to help her!
“hey y/n? me and the squad are gonna be hanging in my room if you wanna come! it will be fun.” mina whisper shouts. 
“sure, i will.” you smile at mina, turning back to your notes. 
“oh, did you hear that-“ 
“mina, stop talking in my class, or i will send you to detention.” aizawa clears his throat, going back to his lesson. 
“i’ll tell you later..” mina tries to focus on the lesson, visibly confused. 
“i could help you later if you want.” mina nods in agreement. 
TSUYU ASUI, who is always giving you little snacks and sometimes packs your lunch for you. sometimes she’ll even bring homemade food, which tastes very good. 
your stomach grumbles quietly. you forgot to eat breakfast and it’s the class before lunch. you stare at the clock, willing it to go faster. 
“y/n, are you hungry, kero? i made some homemade cookies if you want one.” your eyes light up at tsu’s words and you eagerly nod your head. 
tsu hands you a cookie which you take a bite of. “mmm!” you whisper, taking another bite. tsu puts her cookies away. 
“im glad you like them, kero.” 
TORU HAGAKURE, who always lets you borrow her school supplies. pencils, highlighters, erasers, anything you need. 
“alright class, take out you pencil and notebook. you’re gonna need it.” your teacher says. you grab your notebook from your bag, searching for a pencil as well. 
hagakure taps you on the shoulder. “y/n? here, take this.” she gives you a pencil which you accept. “thanks hagakure!” you smile at her. 
“do you need a highlighter too? fee free to use mine.” hagakure has a few highlighters lined up on the desk in the middle of you and her. 
“you’re really awesome for letting me use your school supplies hagakure, thanks.” you tell her at the end of class
“o-oh, it’s nothing. just trying to help out a friend.”
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Ohh Sebastian! I Love to hate that bitch, so how a hatefuck/showing him his place that Starts with him beeing so brate but ends with the prideful demon basically worshipping Reader-Chan?
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Sebastian (being put in his place for misbehaving)
Cw: dubcon, hate sex, cock biting, cock slapping, pain play, cb/t
Sebastian backed you against the wall, putting a hand on either side of you, trapping you. “What’s wrong? You seemed especially upset today.” He says, grinning when you shoot a glare his way. “Why don’t we talk this out like friends do?”
You tried to shove him away but he stood his ground, not even bothering to pretend to care. “Seb, get the fuck out of my way. I have stuff to do and you’re in my way. Now move.” You try to wiggle away but Sebastian leans against you, using his weight to stop you from getting away.
You hiss and kick one of his legs, it was apparently enough to knock him off balance, though you weren’t ready for him to grab you and drag you down with him, you landed ontop of him. He ground his hips against yours, grinning when you glared at him. “Oh? You want to escalate this?” Sebastian purred out.
You slap his hands away press down on his shoulders to keep him on the ground. “Knock it off you pathetic, impulsive demon. Hasn’t anyone taught you manners?” Sebastian grins at that and tries to rock his hips up.
“Then why don’t you punish me? I’m already under you, why not take it a step further?” One hand had slid to the back of your head, he forced your head down and gave you a kiss, only for you to shove him back down.
You growl at him then grin. “Fine, I’ll punish you right now.” You slide down, undoing his shirt, opening it and exposing his chest. Sebastian’s eyes lit up when one of your hands started teasing his nipple, lightly tweaking it while you slide down to the seat of his pants, giving the outline of his hardening cock a few kisses.
He moaned, head falling back in bliss before you started undoing his pants. His cock spring free, already at half mass. “That’s better,” Sebastian purred out. You took just the tip into your mouth, giving it a teasing suck. “Im surprised your mouth actually has any use.” Sebastian chuckled out the last part, lightly trying to force more of himself in your mouth.
You look up to him and grin, before you sink your teeth into the tip of his cock. Sebastian instantly cursed and his legs tried to snap shut in a weak attempt to get you to let go of his cock. Your teeth were sharp enough to do damage but you kept the pressure just light enough to avoid breaking skin.
Sebastian tried to pull you off, to which you grinned, releasing his cock and kissing the teeth marks you left on it. “Does it hurt? Don’t worry I’ll kiss it better…” You purr out, letting a hand give the base a few strokes while you kissed his cock.
Sebastian sighed, giving a light thrust of his hips in hopes to get more. You suddenly take his cock back into your mouth, swallowing down most of his cock, he forced your head down to take it all in, you choked on his cock, glaring up at him. Did he have this little self control normally?
Fuck it, if he wants to be a brat you’ll just have to punish him some more.
Your teeth sunk back into his cock, this time taking the base of his cock. He jerked, looking down at you surprised. He gave a few protest before you grinned and pulled off, letting your teeth scrape against his cock on the way, then you went back down, repeating the motion.
He hissed, no longer having a cocky grin on his face. “Okay, point taking, now please, I’d like to keep my dick-“ He cut himself off with a yelp when you let go of his cock, slapping it with your hand.
“You are such a fucking brat!” Slap “You act like a bitch until you get what you want, then,” Slap. Slap. Slap. “You almost fucking made me gag with your damn pencil dick!” With two more slaps he keened, back arching, you grab his cock, squeezing it painfully tight to stop his orgasm.
You have to hold back a laugh at the cry he let out, cock bobbing in your hand. He shot you a glare. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry, just stop teasing.” Did he really think he could boss you around? You let go of his cock and slide your hand down to his balls. You squeezed them hard, making him shake and try to push your hand away. “Fuck, ok, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He whimpered out.
You let go of his balls, making him slump down. His cock throbbed painfully between his legs, bright red and leaking pre cum. You decided to be merciful and started stroking it. You shoved him into a kiss and forced your tongue into his mouth, intentionally dragging your tongue over his fangs.
You start to slow down when he gets close and he tries to thrust up. You place your hand onto his hips and hold them in place. “Beg.” You growled out pulling back from the heated kiss. “If you want ti get off your going to have to beg.”
He snarls in response but the second you let go of his cock he’s whining pathetically. “Ok fine! P-please, I need to cum!” He quickly hissed out, humping the air. “Just let me cum!” He almost bucks you off him when you edge him again.
He gives you a few more broken pleas, going so far as to pleading offer to make a pact with you in exchange. You grinned, he could be super helpful to have at your feet…
You agreed, forcing him to finalize it. The pact mark being placed on your thigh, and a mark mirroring it on Sebastian. Your hand went back to his cock, pumping it quickly.
“T-thank you!” He hissed out, cumming on his stomach and chest, a little landing on his face. You worked him through his orgasm, stopping once he was done.
He looked like he was ridding out his high, you gave him another kiss, hand resting on his thigh. His cock gave a few more throbs before resting on his stomach again.
After you pull away from the kiss, you make him look up at you. You watch the dopey grin on his face fade as he realizes what he just did.
You laugh and he quickly hides his face though you could see he was blushing. “Did the post nut clarity kick in yet?” You laugh out, sitting up on his stomach. He wouldn’t look at you. He tried to get up but you shoved him back down. “Na-uh! I’m your Master now, you’re going to please me.” You growl out, making him shake under you.
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fandomlit · 3 years
secretive (shane madej x reader)
requested by anon “Could you do a Shane Madej x reader where he thinks the reader is cheating on him with Ryan. Like they whisper things to eachother and stop when Shane enters the room, they text all the time and hang out without Shane a lot. He ends up snapping at the reader about it but it turns out they were actually planning a suprise for him.”
summary shane madej has never been an insecure guy. but when it comes to you, that side can come out to play.
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gif cred belongs to @ryanbergara​
shane was rarely insecure. he had learned to become proud of who he is, lanky limbs and all. but of course, there was the occasional slip up--especially when it came to you.
when shane first met you, he was smitten. your dorky personality, stunning beauty, and unrelenting kindness drew him into you instantly, and he chased that feeling to the ends of the earth. and now, almost a year and a half into your relationship, he could honestly say that he has never been happier.
but of course, those pesky insecurities come out to play sometimes.
shane had volunteered to do coffee run that morning before filming unsolved. when he came back to the office where he had left you both, he saw you two sitting unbearably close at the desk, talking and smiling and ignoring everyone else in the room setting up for the shoot.
trying his best to brush it off, he entered the office and gave you both a smile. “caffeine time?”
you leaned away from ryan, clapping excitedly. “caffeine time!”
he gave a wide grin at your cheeriness and grabby hands, handing you the order he had memorized on your first date. 
you stood up from the desk and giggled, “you can have your seat back. i gotta get back to work.”
“alright, have fun,” shane smiled. you gave him a quick kiss before skipping off to your workplace. after shane settled in his seat with his coffee, he said to ryan as casually as he could, “what were the whispers about?”
ryan gave him an entirely unconvincing confused look. “what whispers?”
“between you and y/n,” shane explained, motioning to the door you had just exited through.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” ryan said, shaking his head at shane. before shane could press any further, you came back into the office.
“sorry,” you giggled. “forgot my phone.” you snatched off of the small table and then pointed to ryan with a serious expression. “text me, bergara.” and then you left, just as quickly as you had come.
ryan looked up from his prepared manila folder to the camera crew, not daring to glance at the unintentionally glaring shane, and spoke, “are we ready to roll?”
“who are you texting?” shane teased when he entered the living room to see you curled up, smiling at your phone.
“just ryan,” you shrugged. that didn’t sit right with shane.
“you two seem awfully close lately,” shane tried to comment nonchalantly. but if he implicated that anything was wrong in his tone, you didn’t notice. you just giggled as your phone buzzed with another text. shane took a sip of his tea with a frown.
after a while of smiling at your phone, you moved over to cuddle with shane as he watched a show on netflix.
you placed a kiss on his cheek as you draped yourself over him. “i love you.”
that did lighten his heart a bit. “i love you, too.”
ryan and shane got lunch together many days of the week. then he would come back to the office, pay you a visit in yours, and get back to work. but today, ryan had a different idea in mind.
“why don’t we eat with y/n today?” the shorter man proposed. that unsettled shane a bit. supernatural beings were nothing to him, but a guy taking invested interest in his girl friend as of late? that rattled him.
shane excused, “she’s usually busy during our lunch.. but we can check.” he shrugged. “no harm in that.” and though his thoughts betrayed his words, he led the way to your office.
you were on the phone when shane peeked in. you waved him in as you spoke, “it’s alright, lea.” you tapped your pencil against your desk as the boys filtered in. “yeah, just send it and we can edit and complete. it’s no problem. just relax and enjoy a day off, girl. of course. see you.” you hung up and gave the boys a smile.
“what was that about?” shane asked, coming closer to your desk to give you a quick kiss.
“was that the girl who hasn’t shown up for the past few days?” ryan asked, taking the seat across from your desk.
“yes,” you groaned. “im trying to be patient with her, she’s using some sick days so i can’t really get on her, but did she have to take off in the middle of this project?” you let out a huff.
shane was slightly bothered that ryan knew more about this than he did. but instead, he asked, “would it comfort you at all if we had lunch with you today? or is this girl taking up your schedule?”
you grasped his hand in yours. “please have lunch with me.” you reached out your hand to ryan, who laughed as he took it. you squeezed both of their hands, though shane’s lips were now tightly pursed. “this morning has been insane.”
“we got you,” ryan nodded with a grin that you returned sweetly. when you looked up at shane, he quickly changed his expression into a grin. he felt his jealousy rising second by second during the entire lunch.
shane had just walked into the breakroom to see you and ryan laughing as you poured yourself a cup of tea. “that’s actually not a bad idea, bergara. where’d you come up with that one?”
“i’ve got so much in this noggin, you don’t even know, l/n,” ryan responded easily, making you laugh again. shane still hadn’t been noticed, but he felt as if his heart was beating so loud that he surely would be.
“but yeah, shane stays late every thursday,” you continued, “so if you came over right after work, we should be able to get it all done and shane wouldn’t even know!”
“im a genius,” ryan praised.
“that you are,” you agreed, holding your cup out. he clinked his water bottle against it and you both turned to the door. shane was long gone.
you had stayed a little bit late that day, and so shane was stuck pacing your shared apartment as he awaited your arrival home, thinking of what to say.
his blood boiled as he thought of the implications of the past couple of weeks. you and ryan were definitely planning something. and with how close you two were lately, it was probably something that shane, your boyfriend, would not care for at all. and if his thoughts were right, then had this happened before? is he only noticing this now? he couldn’t even begin with what he needed to say to you.
you were the most important thing to him. from the moment he met you, he knew he had to be with you. and now that you could be cheating on him with his best friend? his heart was pumping and aching in his chest, and he didn’t know whether to be angry or sad.
when you opened the door, his head immediately shot up. “hey,” you smiled. after you closed the door behind you and took in his frantic state, you asked, “something wrong?”
“we gotta talk,” was all he could manage as he shook his head.
you furrowed your brow as you slipped off your jacket and dropped your bag. “okay..?” you stepped toward him. “what about?”
but your innocence just seemed to frustrate him. “i know about you and ryan.” you stopped in your tracks, but he didn’t dare glance at your reaction to his words. he was worried about what he’d find there. “i heard you guys talking in the breakroom earlier about meeting up when im not home, and how you two always text lately, and you’re always.. touching and..” he took a breath. “i know, y/n.” he finally looked up at you to see your face frozen in what seemed to be shock and concern. you stepped closer to him.
“shane, what?” he stood his ground, arms crossed as you moved in front of him. “shane, no.. no, i love you so much, i would never cheat on you.” you placed your hands on his arms and looked him dead in his eyes. but his expression remained stone.
“why should i believe that?” he spoke lowly.
he wished he hadn’t seen your heart break in your eyes. “shane, ryan and i are your best friends, we wouldn’t dare do that to you. we..” you let out a sigh through your nose and removed your hands from his arms to fish your phone out of your pocket. you unlocked it and handed it to him, revealing the texts between you and ryan.
scrolling up, he found:
boogara, 12:38pm okay, this might be a stupid question..
y/n, 12:42pm i love it already, do tell
boogara, 12:44pm alright do you think it would be at all possible to get balloons custom made as characters from the hotdaga?
boogara, 12:46pm shane better appreciate this idea as much as you do when his birthday comes around
y/n, 12:48pm ryan, that man will celebrate harder than he’s ever celebrated before
boogara, 12:49pm he better
shane didn’t know what to make of that as he handed his phone back to you.
“we were planning a surprise party for your birthday,” you sighed, tucking your phone back into your pocket. “that’s why we’re so.. secretive.” you twiddled with your hands nervously. “but i guess not anymore.” shane didn’t know what to say. you looked up to him sadly. “you thought i was cheating on you..?”
shane’s heart burned with guilt. softly, he spoke, “i did, yeah.” your frown deepened. “but not because i don’t trust you,” he explained, taking your hand in his. you looked to your hands instead of his desperate eyes for a moment. “but because i just..” you looked up at him, and the words spilled out, “i don’t know, im just always in awe that i get to be with you and... i guess i got scared that maybe you thought i wasn’t good enough for you, because god knows im not.”
“shane,” you said softly, placing a hand on his cheek. “you’re perfect for me. ryan is definitely one of my best friends, but he doesn’t hold a candle to the love i have for you.” he offered you a short smile. “i only have eyes for you, dork.”
“im sorry,” he whispered. you pulled him in for a tight hug.
“i am, too,” you sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. “will you still act surprised for your birthday..? ryan’s pretty proud of himself.”
“i’d do anything for that little guy,” he sighed, pulling away from you to gaze at your sweet smile. “let’s go watch drunk history.”
forever tags <3 @bombardia @simonsbluee @ari-shipping-stuff @cheshirecat107 @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof
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hcs for studying with tsukki and agashee?🥺👉🏻👈🏻 like maybe a s/o who gets easily distracted and stressed, how would they help them study and also how they'd help their s/o remain calm and get out of ruts :(
ahh I love that idea anon!! I actually wrote a one shot a little while ago for my friend that was similar to this :)
btw Tsukishima’s s/o is the one who get easily distracted and Akaashi’s s/o is the one who gets stressed. I know you probably didn’t want them separated but it was easier for it to flow that way sooo 
anywhooo I hope you enjoy and ty for the request!!
(oh also I'm referencing the american school system in these head canons soooo I apologize if some of this isn’t accurate for some of you. Im really only familiar with that school system.)
•Study Dates w/ Tsukishima and Akaashi•
warnings: one or two curse words
genre: fluff + comfort
characters: Tsukishima + Akaashi
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you had a little over a week to prepare for your upcoming midterm test 
normally tests wouldn’t really be a problem for you, except this class was definitely not your strong suit
you constantly struggled with everything involving that class
it didn’t matter if it was a lecture, notes, examples, classwork, homework, quizzes, or tests
you practically failed them all
to put it quite frankly, this subject kicked your ass day in and day out
honestly you could not afford any more blows to your GPA 
so, you decided to ask your boyfriend for help
I mean he was top of his class after all 
not to mention he was really good at the class you were struggling with
the first time you brought it up to him he sat there with a look of pure disinterest on his face
then he just started snickering you were lowkey offended that he was laughing at your stupidity but like what did you expect
you knew the only way to get him to agree was to stay persistent, so that’s exactly what you did
it took a little while and you went though a lot of teasing but you finally got him to accept your request
so here you were, sitting on tsukishima’s floor with papers and books spread out between the two of you
however, your forgot to mention how distracted you became when you studied
this meant that tsukki had to figure this out first hand safe to say he was a little irritated he didn’t get a heads up
he didn’t know how you could become so interested in every little thing that wasn't your textbook
“Hey Kei, those dinosaur figurines are pretty cool.”
“Y/N, you need to focus or I'm kicking you out.”
[hmm I wonder if Kei would let me borrow a hoodie or two]
“Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!”
“Kei Kei, look at my pencil mustache!”
*takes pencil and snaps it in half*
“Kei did you kn-”
Tsukishima knew that at this rate you two would not make any progress at all
he grabbed his headphones and covered your ears with them
you looked over at him with a confused look on your face
that was until you heard the slow beat of lofi music fill your ears
he pointed back to your textbook and you happily obliged 
at some point Tsukishima had grabbed your hand, placing it in his lap and tracing light circles in your palm as he completed his own work
with the mixture of the soft music and comforting touch, you slowly felt yourself begin to focus on the task at hand
tsukki had you take breaks every so often so that you wouldn’t overwork yourself 
you two would go get a snack from the kitchen or play a round or two of among us before going back to work
he would calmly talk you through any problems you were struggling with in a way that wouldn’t confuse you too much and answer any questions you had
to be honest, tsukishima was a really great person to study with and he did everything he was able to help you focus and feel comfortable
even if he didn’t show he cared, you knew he did
in the end, you ended up getting your first ever good grade in that class and spoiler alert, you and tsukki had a lot more study dates after that 
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Akaashi knew that you had an upcoming test
you two took that particular class with one another and it was pretty obvious how much you struggled with the work
so, being the good boyfriend he was, he offered for you to come over so he could help you study
you ended up refusing said offer
you didn’t want to interfere with his tight knit schedule and mess up his own study time
he didn’t want to push you so he just told you to call him if you were stuck or needed help with anything
you mentally refused to take up that offer too, which ended up being a pretty bad decision on your part
you were now sitting at your desk, practically pulling your hair out
you got extremely stressed whenever you had to sit down and study and with this class being so difficult for you in general, you started to break down
you felt warm tears stream down your cheeks, biting at your lip in an attempt to hold back sobs
this felt absolutely impossible and you were ready to give up at this point
coincidentally, your phone began to viberate
“H-Hey Keiji. What’s up?”
“Y/N, are you crying?”
“Hold on, I'm on my way.”
“Wait Keiji, I'm okay.”
“I know you're struggling my love, please let me help you.”
“Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
you tried to steady your breathing and reel in your tears but it was no use
you were way too stressed at the moment to calm down so quick
Akaashi used his spare key to open your front door and walk in
the first thing he did when he reached your bed room was pull you into a hug
he whispered words of comfort and encouragement into your ear as he rubbed your back
after you had calmed down he had you point out the questions you were having difficulty with and calmly talked you through each and every one
by the end of things, you had actually understood the material really well and felt calm and prepared for your upcoming test
after this little incident, you and Akaashi ended up studying together more often.
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phantomphangphucker · 3 years
Phic Phight - The Weird Little Shit
For: @darks-ink
A class discussion held by Wes about Danny’s weirdness was never not going to be an absolute cluster fuck
Wes smacks the board, “alright, fuckers, thank you for coming-”.
“We’re only here because we lost a bet”.
“Shut up, Dash. You shouldn’t have to be strong-armed into learning the truth”. Everyone rolls their eyes at Wes pretty actively. “Anyway, since you all refuse to see or even listen to the truth of what Danny Fenton is. Instead, this. Weird shit about Danny Fenton one oh one”.
Dash snorts, “now this I can get behind, little shit weighs, like, ten pounds or some shit”. Wes points at him aggressively, “exactly”. Scribbling down ‘weighs less than a sack of potatoes' on the board. Star throwing in her two cents, “yeah and I’ve seen Sam just pick him up under her arm and run off”.
Brittney smacks her desk, “half the time he makes food directly in home ec it’s fucking cold, which ew, but also really weird”.
“Oh yeah he does that with his drinks too. He whole ass ‘drank’ a solid chunk of ice, major power move honestly”.
“And remember that snowball fight? I don’t think he ever actually made any snowballs, he just kept acquiring them”.
“Kid made for a great air conditioner when all the windows got stuck shut though; guy runs cold as fuck”.
Wes is just aggressively scribbling more down with a mildly manic grin.
“We should totally invite him to parties so he can keep the fucking beer cold”.
Dash laughs loudly and smacks Dale on the arm, “now there’s an idea!”, deadpanning, “still not inviting freaky Fenton though”. Dale chuckles very awkwardly.
“Well he’s an ice sculptor so that’s not surprising”.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘ice sculptor’? He clearly lifts weights in his spare time”.
“Oh yeah, he lowkey picked up the back end of my car once”.
“James, your car is a tiny little piece of shit. I could lift that damn thing”.
“Anyway. Like I was saying, people who handle cold shit all the time, you know, like ice sculptors, usually have cold hands”.
“He lifts weights! Not ice sculpts!”.
“Here I though he was a painter”.
“Why the fuck would he be doing that?”.
“Well he’s always randomly splattered in green paint”.
Basically everyone pauses to look at Hanna. Kwan blinking, “the green is ectoplasm, duh”. Emilie shrugging and nodding, “everyone knows that”.
“Well I thought it was paint”.
“Well you’re clearly stupid”.
“Shut up”.
Dash waves everyone off, “so clearly not a painter or weight lifter, because have you seen his goddamn noodle arms?”.
“He lifts weights!”.
“No he doesn’t!”.
“Who cares! Have you seen his dad? Of course he’s a strong little shit! What really gets me is him getting out of locked rooms”.
“Oh he whole ass climbs out windows and shit”.
“All that ecto that gets on his skin makes his hands all sticky, hence why he can climb the side of buildings”.
“When the heck did you see him doing that?”.
“Oh I totally saw him showing off knife swallowing to some elementary kids”.
“I think he hangs out and does drugs or some shit on the roof”.
“So he climbs up the school building to do drugs? Why wouldn’t he just use the hidden steps like a normal person?”,
“I’m pretty sure the kitchen staff actually include him in their budget for missing utensils cause he eats so many of them”.
“Julie, no one’s saying Danny’s close to normal. Also kids got an iron stomach damn”.
Dash has to jump in there, “I totally made him eat my underwear once”. Earning him a round of judging glances. “What? I didn’t expect him to actually do it. I was planning to mock him for pussying out. But then the little fucker went and did it”.
“Power move”.
“Shut up”.
“You fed your underwear to a guy who builds guns?”.
“Excuse me but what?”.
“Maybe him doing so much dangerous shit is why his heartbeats all slow and stuff”.
“Again, excuse?”.
“Well we totally tested everyone’s heart rates and breathing and shit and he’s super low. He blamed his corn supper”.
“That’s stupid”.
“His corn supper had teeth, Todd”.
“Back to the gun making because what?”.
“FentonWorks is a weapon company what do you expect?”.
“James, he made a shotgun out of a pencil, two toothpicks, an elastic band, and a snapped in half penny. The thing was magically welded together”.
“You can’t weld a fucking pencil. It’s wood, moron”.
“Well it was goddamn wielded”.
Wes grumbles, “yeah he welded my binder zipper together once, stupid pyrokinesis”. Star glares at him, “I thought this wasn’t about your crazy conspiracy crap?”. Wes glares at her like she’s stupid.
“Ignoring Wes being crazy again. You guys do know he has laser beam lipstick right? He could totally weld stuff with that”.
“Didn’t he have a tail that one day?”.
“That lipstick of his is the plasma peach one right? Because girl I so need some, it makes amazing blush”.
“Oh no a dog just crawled under his shirt. I think he was trying to hide the treats or some shit?”.
“Fucking where? in his shoulder blades?!?”.
“Oh my god that’s right, he can totally pop all his joints out so probably yeah”.
“Since when could he do that? Better yet, why? Fucking ow”.
“His fingers also glow green when he cracks them”.
“Right Right I remember that! We also got him under a black light, totally wild”.
“I wish I could pop out my joints randomly”.
“He probably just eats glow sticks and they leaked into his joints and shit”.
“Who cares, take him to a rave”.
“Oh my god yes he does amazing makeup”.
“Wait Fenton does makeup now too?”.
Wes points at Dash, “he’s got to cover up the dead parlour to his skin somehow”. With half the class shouting, “HE’S NOT DEAD”.
Emilie pursing her lips, “but what if he was, that would be hot”.
“Oh get off your vanilla basic bitch high horse, Karen”.
Wes rubs his forehead, “not this shit again”. Smacking the board, “weird shit about Fenton, people! Not y’alls weird necrophilia fetish!”.
“Hey that’s just Emilie”.
Jesse looks genuinely offended, “bitch what? Have you seen a ghost? That glow? Mmmmmh yeah, daddy”.
Star chokes, “oh my god. I love our town”.
Wes sighs, “I should just start blocking you people from seeing ghosts at all. Cover those eyes until you stop BEING FUCKING BLIND”.
“Eyes never stop seeing, they just get covered”.
“NO! NO! BAD!“.
“That weirdly reminds me that Danny can totally walk with his eyes closed”.
“That’s weird how?”.
“How ‘bout you fucking try it then!”.
Dash shrugs, “well his eyes go glowy green all the time so no surprise he can just see through his eyelids”. More than a few people look to him, “why did you not add that to the weird list?”.
“Because it’s not weird”.
“Dash... do you know anyone with goddamn glowing eyes... besides ghosts”.
“Uhhh the entire Defect Quartet”.
“Honestly him biting open pop-cans is weirder”.
“Oh god yeah, that’s horrible to hear”.
“He dead ass cut his lip up once doing that and just... kept doing it. There was blood all over his neck”.
“Why the heck didn’t anyone take an edgy aesthetic photo of that? Goddamn”.
“I feel like this is more an off-the-books class on discovering that Danny might actually be hot”.
“You wanna say Fenton’s hot again? I’ll goddamn choke you, motherfucker”.
“Do it you fake ass bear dom”.
A couple of people shuffle out of their desks and away when Dash actually throws a punch at Jasper.
“On a side note, once saw Danny sleeping in a trash can”.
“How is that weird”.
“How isn’t it? It’s a trashcan”.
“And he’s trash, your point”.
“FUCK YOU!!!”.
“Huh, he did survive falling from the ceiling multiple times and that drowning once”.
“Fucker wasn’t drowned, he can breathe underwater”.
“Excuse me?”.
Dash snapping his head around, “IM TEACHING HIM A LESSON!”. Jasper just smirks, “I DON’T NEED BREATH PLAY TIPS FROM YOU!”. Dash tries punching him again.
“This is ridiculous, I mean really, Danny would be the dom”. That silenced the entire room.
“Come on, he ate Skulker once ‘cause the guy was coping him an attitude”.
Wes turns around and slams his head on the board, “God fuck this is such a cluster fuck”.
“You’re hosting this and holding us hostage here”.
“Oh suck my toes”.
“While Wes loses his mind for the fifth time this week, what we’ve got is he’s icy as shit, likes welding and makeup and ice sculptures and weight lifting, weighs fuck all, just vores goddamn everything, and climbs shit weirdly well?”.
“You’re forgetting all the glow shit”.
“HA! Glowing shit”.
“Fuck Todd, you are a dumbass”.
Just then Danny Fenton opens up the door, the class going dead silent while he glances around slowly. Him looking to the whiteboard, then slowly back to his fellow teens, speaking “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no”, while slowly backing out and closing the door.
At first, no one says anything before Star snickers, “pffft”; the entire classroom bursting out into laughter directly afterwards.
Wes turning around and smacking his head on the board once again, “why. Just. Why me”.
Prompt: Wacky reveals (ex: Danny drying up too quickly bc intangibility, Danny's drink stays cool way too long, people's electronic devices are always more charged when they've been near Danny, etc)
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
you belong with me (d.m one shot!)
“You belong with me” for Draco plz 🥺💚
@scene-awsten said:
you belong with me + fred or draco ( u choose im not picky at all !! ) ur writing is amazing btw <3
PROMPT: based on you belong with me by taylor swift (an installment of my taylor swift x harry potter series. to read more about it, click here) Draco doesn’t know how to express his feelings.
WC: 2.8K+
you belong with me (d.m one shot)
You and Draco have a complicated relationship, to say the least. Most days you were at each other’s throats ready to tease each other until one left the room or turned an embarrassing shade of red. He’d reply to your words with a rude remark- which you learned not to take to heart- that leaves you in a fit of laughter because you knew he never really meant it. 
It started out in your first year, when you would try to talk to him, as best as your 11-year old half-blood self could. When you were sorted into Hufflepuff and were placed in the same class as the Slytherins for Defense Against the Dark Arts. You were partnered up with young Draco, who wore a frown on his face when he was separated from his friends in the class. 
You stared at the boy, taking in his appearance. You grew up in the Muggle world, only learning about the Wizarding world in small bits through your father’s stories. You tapped his shoulder, “Hi, I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
Draco furrowed his eyebrows, looking up and down from your face to your outstretched hand. Reluctantly, he shook your hand, “Draco Malfoy.” 
You grinned at him, scooting over to get closer to him. “You look like a barbie doll.” 
“A what?” he asked, looking at you with a grimace. He moved his chair to create more distance between you two, completely defeating the purpose of your move, “What the hell is a barbie doll?” 
“You guys don’t have barbies here?” 
“If it's something from the Muggle world, then no.” Draco scoffed, opening his book to the correct page. “Anything from the Muggle world is inferior to the Wizarding world.” 
“I don’t know,” you replied, oblivious to his obvious jab. “I will say I miss pens and pencils because these quills are just ancient.” 
Draco didn’t talk to you for the rest of the class period, just sneaking side glances at you as you struggled to write with your quill. He rolled his eyes at your cluelessness with all things Wizards and wondered how on earth you got accepted to Hogwarts. I already hate this bloody school, he thought. 
Over the years, you found yourself creating a bond with Draco. Despite his terrible people skills, you seemed to be patient with him, not really taking offense to his words. You would laugh and say something kind to him, throwing him completely off balance. Draco didn’t mean to be rude, you see, he just didn’t know how to talk to people. So he acted like a little boy on the playgrounds, pulling the pigtails of the girl he thought was very pretty. 
Then one day, you returned to Hogwarts and puberty hit you like a truck. Draco almost didn’t recognize you. You walked into the Great Hall, yellow tie proudly around your neck, with your fellow Hufflepuffs. You threw your head back laughing at something Cedric said and having to take a moment before you could say something back.
Draco noticed that your hair grew longer and your features matured over the summer. Your lips were more plump and you sported a natural blush on your cheeks. He gulped, ignoring the banter of Crabbe and Goyle to his left as he watched you take a seat beside Cedric. You noticed his eyes and sent a smile his way, causing the boy to look down at his plate, embarrassed that he was caught staring at you. 
Cedric looked at what got your attention and let out a chuckle to see a flustered Draco, “That boy is so smitten with you, you know that, Y/N? It’s quite funny actually.”
You grinned at Cedric, “How’s that funny?”
“Because he’s crushing on you like a little school girl and it’s funny to see it not returned.”
“Who said I don’t return the feelings?”
He raised an eyebrow at your question, “Do you?”
Draco was both irritated and relieved that he didn’t have classes with you this year. To say that he forgot how to speak when you passed by him, was an understatement. Every time he saw you even walk in his general direction, he would turn around and walk the other way. He didn’t know why but he did. You made him nervous all of a sudden and he didn’t like it one bit. As much as he hated to admit it, he missed your banters. His days seemed very uneventful without them. 
He was walking towards the courtyard when he felt someone grab his forearm, pulling him towards a secluded part of the castle. Draco’s eyes widened when he realized it was you, angrily huffing as you stopped behind a pillar. You let go of his arm and crossed your arms over your chest. He was mentally debating if he should just run now. Surely you wouldn’t run after him, right? 
As if reading his mind, you glared at him, jabbing your index finger in his chest. “Don’t even think of running, Malfoy.” 
He gulped, nodding slowly, “O-okay..”
Once you saw his demeanor, you cleared your throat, realizing you’re probably scaring him. You frowned, “Why are you ignoring me?”
“What?” he asked, acting clueless but he knew he was ignoring you. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, nervously looking everywhere but your face in front of him. Merlin, you were prettier up close. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Y/L/N.” 
“Don’t be daft, Malfoy,” you rolled your eyes. “I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re avoiding somebody. Remember when you got Pansy in trouble and she swore she would hex you the next time she saw you? She was so furious that you were absolutely sure that she would so you would hide from her. The same way you’re hiding from me now. So what gives, Malfoy?”
Panicked, he said the only thing he could think of, “I’m not avoiding you. Did you ever stop and think that maybe because we don’t have classes together anymore, that means I no longer have to talk to you?” 
“Oh.” You blinked. You swallowed down any feeling of sadness as his words marinated in your head. You looked down, hiding the stray tear that slipped from your eye from the boy in front of you. You wiped it away hastily, clearing your throat before looking up. “I-I’m sorry. I thought we were past being just classmates… I must’ve misunderstood, then.”
His face dropped, leaning over to touch your shoulder, “Y/N-”
“No,” you interrupted, giving him a sad smile before backing away. “Silly me, thinking that we were friends. You’re Draco Malfoy, you’re too cool to have friends. I’ll leave you be now. Sorry for the inconvenience.” 
Before he could tell you just how wrong you were, you already disappeared from his vicinity. You walked away, hurriedly, down the corridor, ignoring the sound of Draco’s voice calling after you. Draco groaned, punching the side of the pillar in annoyance. Why can’t he just be nice for once?
You and Draco avoided each other pretty much entirely after that day. You were too ashamed to face him and Draco was too nervous and scared to come up to you and apologize. You just felt stupid thinking that something was brewing between the two of you. It wasn’t until Cedric dragged you to a Slytherin party- for Merlin knows what- that you and Draco were forced to cross paths again. You huffed as Cedric rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand to lead you to the Slytherin common room. 
“I don’t understand why I have to go with you.” 
Cedric looked over at you, irritated by your attitude, “Y/N, you need to have fun. Loosen up a bit!”
“Hmph,” you groaned, following him anyway. He mumbled greetings to Slytherins that you passed by, not letting go of your hand. Cedric was one of your closest friends, this affection between the two of you was normal. It didn’t mean anything but a sign of your friendship. “I am very much a fun person.” 
“I didn’t say you weren’t,” he stopped in front of the drinks, letting go of your hand to make the two of you some drinks. He mixed in random liquids, making you grimace because he was never good at proportions and you knew this drink would be horrid, before handing it to you. “I’m just saying you need to have fun.” 
Reluctantly, you chugged your drink, coughing after it burned your throat. You were indeed correct- the drink was terrible. “I hate you, Diggory.” 
Chuckling, he sent you a wink, “I loveee you, Y/L/N.” 
You wanted to say something back but Cedric suddenly stumbled over. Luckily, he caught his balance before he fell face first on the Common Room floor. Draco bumped into him, glaring at the Hufflepuff as he made his way to the group of Slytherins on the other side of the room. When he looked up to meet your eyes, his expression changed. His face became blank, eyes ghosting over your face. Draco gave you a small smile that vanished just as quickly as it came. He turned his back and returned to acting like you didn’t exist. 
Cedric snapped his fingers in front of your face, trying to get you out of your trance. You blinked a few times, now focused on your friend who had a shit-eating smirk on his face. You hissed, “What now, Diggory?”
“Seems like Malfoy’s jealous,” he sang, laughing behind his cup. “I would love to push his buttons and see him completely blow up at this party.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you sighed, stealing his cup and drinking the rest of his disgusting liquid. You grimaced, why did I do that? You continued, “And besides, how would we make him jealous?”
“Like this,” he started. Then, he leaned in your ear, dangerously close to your skin. In a breathy voice, he said, “Pretend I said something funny.” 
You giggled at his antics, thinking of how ridiculous your friend was being. But when you shot a look at where Draco stood, you began to reconsider your original opinion. He was standing there, uninterested by the story Blaise was telling him from beside him. Draco’s nostrils were flared and the cup he was holding was starting to lose its shape with how tightly he was gripping it. He didn’t even bother looking away when you cocked your head to the side to look at him. 
You thought he would’ve done something to get your attention but for the rest of the night, Draco kept his distance. After a while, Cedric gave up, shooting you an apologetic look that his plan didn’t work out. In fact, Cedric left you at the party a few minutes after Cho showed up. He said he was getting tired and was going to head up, but the two weren’t necessarily discreet when Cho left five minutes before Cedric did. You sent a wink his way and began to finish your drink, realizing that there was now no reason for you to stay. 
With a sigh, you tossed your cup into the bin and began to get ready to leave. Draco watched with a panic as you retreated to the exit. He chewed nervously on his bottom lip, unsure of what to do. He watched you disappear into the darkness and slumped his shoulders. 
“Run after her, idiot.” Blaise chuckled beside him. “And hurry up, I’m tired of you sulking.” 
“Go on, Draco,” Blaise simply rolled his eyes and ushered his friend out of the Common Room. “You’ve been staring at her the entire night. I reckon you don’t even know what I’ve been saying all this time.”
Finally coming to his senses, Draco ran after you, getting a hold of your shoulder to pull you towards him. You looked at him, confused as to why he was out of breath and standing there like a deer caught in headlights. He stared at your face, taking in your beauty. He wanted nothing else but to tuck that strand of hair behind your ear or kiss your lips that seemed to be glistening under the glow of the lights in the corridor. 
“Draco?” you asked, removing his hand from your shoulder. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to seem defensive, but in reality, you just missed him. “What do you want?” 
Draco gulped, not realizing that he now has to actually talk to you. He didn’t think he’d get this far. He blushed, gaze averting to the empty hallway behind you. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, a sheepish smile on his face. You leaned forward a bit as if saying, “Well get on with it.” Draco sighed, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. Without thinking, he blurted out, “Are you dating Diggory?”
He grimaced, mentally face-palming. That was not what he wanted to say. He groaned, “I mean-”
“You’re a git, you know that?” you hissed, shoving him a bit. “You tell me that we’re not friends and make me feel so bloody stupid then all of a sudden, after not talking to me for weeks, may I add, you think you have the right to ask me about my dating life? You-” you paused, taking in a breath. “You-Draco Malfoy- have no right to ask me anything.” 
He stood there, unable to say anything back. What could he even say? What you said was valid, you had a reason to be upset with him. He has been such an arse to you and for no good reason! Draco knew he was just being stupid. 
You rolled your eyes and walked away, assuming that Draco wasn’t going to say anything else. You scoffed loudly, shooting him a glare as you turned to leave the boy alone in his loneliness. 
Draco called out for you again, “Y/N-”
“Oh and for the record-” you turned around to face him again, but not daring to walk closer to him. “Not that it’s any of your business but me and Cedric are just friends. He’s not the guy I fancy.” 
“Y/N! Merlin, please stop walking away! How do you walk so bloody fast?” Draco jogged towards you again, this time stopping in front of you to prevent you from moving any further. You still wore the same scowl on your face and he couldn’t help but stop and think about how cute you look. He chuckled, eyes lighting up when he saw your lips quirk up to a small smile before it vanished. “I didn’t mean to ask about Cedric. Quite frankly, I don’t care about your relationship, or erm, non-relationship with him. Well, I do b-”
Both of your eyebrows raised in amusement at the boy’s blabbering, “Why would you care about my non-relationship with Cedric?” 
“I just said I don’t, Y/L/N,” he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked up at you, growing more flustered once he saw the smirk on your face. “Okay, yes, I do care but listen… Blimey, how do I say this? I just, Y/N, I-”
“Spit it out, Malfoy.”
“Youbelongwithme.” Draco spoke quickly, almost making you miss what he said.
Mouth agape, you asked, “Come again?”
He sighed, “You belong with me. I fancy you. A lot actually. That’s why I avoided you all this time. I just… I don’t know, you know? I’ve never really fancied anyone before. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
“Not run away from them,” you teased, laughing lightly at his cluelessness. 
“Alright now, no need to laugh,” he mumbled. “It’s already embarrassing enough confessing my feelings to the girl I fancy but for her to laugh at me is something else.”
“I’m laughing because you’re cute, Malfoy,” you hummed, reaching up to touch his cheek. “But run away from me again and I’ll hex you into oblivion.” 
Draco couldn’t do anything else but nod as your scent filled his senses. You were slowly inching closer to him, breath tickling his lips. He visibly gulped, snaking his hands around your waist to pull your body closer to his. His nose nudged yours, “Promise I won’t.”
“Good,” you whispered, eyes flickering up to meet his own and then looked down at his lips. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. You pushed your lips together, sighing in content as he groaned into your mouth. His lips moved with yours in sync. Both of you were too caught up in the feeling that you didn’t hear the footsteps coming closer to the both of you. 
Someone cleared their throat, making you two jump away from each other, fearing that it was one of the professors. You shook your head, burying your head into Draco’s chest when you realized who it was. Draco wrapped an arm around you, smiling down at your retreated figure. 
Cedric chuckled before walking away, “Told you we could make him jealous.” 
Draco nudged you, “You were trying to make me jealous?”
Now it was your turn to be embarrassed. To silence him, you pressed your lips to his again, “Shut up.” 
“Gladly,” he muttered, kissing you deeply.
A/N: i bought cameos from the phelps twins and oliver’s video came in today and it was so lovely. i can’t wait for james’!!
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p1nkwitch · 2 years
Oohhh may I ask. About your arranged marriage WIP? 👁👁
Boy do i!!!
There is one thing i love and that is Elias being jealouse, cause usually one think oh- Peter should be jealouse to feel lonely.
But not, give this beholding evil bastard a taste of his medicine and make him truly feel it, make him squirm!!! I want him to go politely rabid at someone for trying to steal what is his. Because Peter is, he is the one he marries every time and the one who will ultimately kill him.
So? Arranged marriage, Peter and Elias divorce but this time it is due to an awful, awful fight. Peter leaves to the Tundra and when he comes back his family intercepts him and brings him to Mooreland.
Weeks later Elias finds out that Peter is getting married.
To someone else.
Cue absolute madness and fury because how dare they ?! Also its a play on Elias feelings and him accepting that ok, yes he loves Peter and maybe divorcing is not nearly as fun, maybe just maybe he wants to stay togehter and treat him better if it means this never happens again. It is also a way for Peter to be like i am very unhappy, Elias treats me bad sometimes but now i have to marry someone i dont want and i am miserable. Despite everything i love Elias but clearly he doesnt love me back, not enough, which he thought was ok, but hey turns out its really not.
I need to pick back on this onw cause it has a lot of fun things to work with that i love deeply.
“Yes Peter, i know, once you tell me what Nathaniel wanted you can propose again, albeit i would want a dinner first” That's when he notices how he shifts uncomfortably.
“No Elias. I'm not going to be marrying you” It takes a moment to comprehend his words. He swallows down the threatening tone and instead speaks as calmly as if he was in a meeting or talking about the weather.
“Is that so? Who may you be marrying then?” Peter blinks a few times and looks everywhere in the room. If this is an attempt to make him regret the divorce its going to go poorly. This was a very insulting joke.
“My mother and uncle have agreed that I should keep the Lukas line alive, therefore I need a wife. Since we divorced they figured it was the right time for me to settle down. Arrangements have been made already” You could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed that statement.
Elias' face remains unchanged, yet he was currently wishing violent acts against Anna and Nathaniel.
“That is ridiculous, we have fought before, this is not our first divorce, they have no claim over what you do-” Yet Peter shakes his head.
“I-” It takes a few seconds for him to come to a conclusion, because the next words that come out of his mouth make Elias' blood boil. “I am tired of being kicked out everytime you are in a mood. Its lonely, yes, but it is starting to wear me down Elias. I will marry, I just figured you should know by me rather than Simon or my family. I will pick up my stuff from the apartment and… I'm taking Captain with me” The cat.
He is taking the cat.
“No” Peter looks for the first time, rather angry.
“Its my pet, those are my things. I'm picking them up and you won't have to see me ever again, i won't bother you anymore, i won't cause you to flip out for every little thing. Its over Elias. At least i got to go out with my life, im fairly sure i cant say the same about all the other Lukas you fucked over the years” Elias had been holding a pencil, it snaps in half whne he says that.
“How dare you-”
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bothcreativitybois · 3 years
The Mayors Sweet Treat Chapter 5
Wordcount: 2430
Ship: Intruality
TWs: Food, dog, swearing, sexual references, spicy thoughts (not smutty)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Taglist: @crazydemigod666 @star-crossed-shipper @idont-freaking-know @someoneiwasnt @seraphiie @the-sympathetic-villain @cute-and-angsty-princess @lonelymuffin @bloodymari-0666 @im-an-anxious-wreck @newtnotfound @fantasticallytired @obsessive-fallen-angel
“You’re good!” Patton shouted as Remus backed into the narrow driveway next to the bakery. His truck was filled with paints, tools, hardware supplies and a very happy looking dog. Janus stood by watching to make sure Remus didn’t hit anything. When The truck was backed in enough Remus killed the engine and jumped out, Patton rushed up to the tray of the truck and began petting the dog. Cain happily soaked up the love, Remus began hauling items out of the truck. “Who are you baby? You’re adorable!” Patton cooed, Remus smiled and Janus rolled his eyes.
“His name is Cain.” Remus said and grunted as he pulled out a metal tool box. “If you scratch his chin he’ll never leave you alone.”
“He also eats my food and doesn’t pay rent so I wouldn’t mind that.” Janus added. Cain jumped out of the truck and Patton knelt down to scratch his chin as instructed. Cain put up his head and closed his eyes.
“Oh you’re so cute! I love you!” Patton continued, Remus couldn’t stop watching him. The little dimples in his cheeks, how much love was in his eyes when he looked at Cain, Remus wondered what it would be like to have Patton look at him like that. His mind raced back to the thoughts he had a few days ago.
“Damn, you’re so cute.” Patton whispered as he bit his lip. Remus was on top of Patton and his hair perfectly fell around Patton’s face, creating a tunnel for just the two of them. Remus lent down and pressed his forehead against Patton’s, both men closing their eyes. Remus’ breath caught in his throat which caused him to let out a small noise. “I lo-.”
Remus was brought back with a pinch to his ribs.
“Ow, what the fuck?” Remus exclaimed as he swatted away Janus’ hand. These thoughts were getting out of hand. Yes they were fun but very distracting and uncontrollable.
“Roman told me to do it if you got distracted.” Janus shrugged and walked away with a crate of spray paints. Patton felt guilty for not doing anything, he joined Remus at the back of the truck.
“What can I do?” Patton asked. Remus looked around a moment, not sure how much Patton could carry.
“Uh, can you get that ladder for Janus?” Remus replied. “Only if you can.” Remus worried. Patton smiled smugly. He leant forward and dragged the ladder out, easily carrying it with one hand. He walked past Remus just as Janus walked back over.
“I carry ten kilo bags of flour two at a time.” Patton looked back and flashed a smile. “Don’t worry about me, honey.” Patton walked away and Remus followed half stammering some apologies. 
Jan: Just talk to him ffs he looks incapable of hurting you 
Virgil sat on the kitchen counter while Patton ran around grabbing ingredients, Janus and Remus were working in the other room. Virgil balanced a phone between his shoulder and ear, hold music played loudly from it.
“What are they saying?” Patton whispered. Virgil put up a finger as a signal to wait.
“That makes no sense, you would’ve known the location before taking the order. If it was too remote you shouldn’t have taken the order in the first place.” The voice began again but it wasn’t long before Virgil interrupted. “No, I understand but you should have contacted him, or at the least gave him an answer instead of bouncing him between numbers. Will we be getting a refund?” Virgil swung his legs off the table as the voice spoke more, Patton began dropping ingredients into a mixer. “That isn’t how it works, your contract said you’d deliver th-” Virgil was cut off by the voice followed with a disconnect sound. He threw down his phone and pressed his hands to his face. He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair.
“They don’t have my sign do they?” Patton asked sadly. Remus walked over to the kitchen entrance to listen in. 
“No they have it, but they won’t deliver to such a remote location. It’s at a warehouse in the city. They’ll refund the delivery fee but you have to pick up the sign yourself.” Virgil explained. Patton put down the top of the mixer and clicked it on before turning to Virgil.
“How? My car is tiny!” Patton panicked, Remus quickly moved to him and put a hand on his shoulder as comfort.
“It’s alright.” Remus soothed. “I’ll go get it for you tomorrow.” Patton felt guilty. All these people were so quick to help him but he had nothing to give in return.
“No I need you for the picnic.” Patton reminded him. Remus had influence and in his own way always knew what he was doing, that made Patton feel comfortable. The confidence he exuded was…
“I’ll go get it now then.” Remus suggested. He took out some keys and spun them around his finger. “Virge, message me the address.” Remus liked long drives, they helped him think. And with everything that was happening, the thoughts he was having, he could use some time to think. Patton looked around, seeing who he would be left alone with. He didn’t have a problem with making friends usually but two people he’d just met?
“I can’t ask you to do that, Remus.” Patton said, hoping Remus would catch the hint. Unfortunately he didn’t.
“It’s all good, just watch Cain for me until I’m back. He doesn’t like long drives.” Remus informed as he walked out the door. The elderly cattle dog padded up to Patton and leant on his leg, his innocent puppy eyes were very different to his owner's devilish gleam. Patton wanted to scratch him but needed to check his batter.
Quite a few minutes of awkward silence went by. Patton tasted his batter and added some more tweaks, Janus used a thick lead pencil to sketch a drawing to paint over and Virgil did… something on his phone. Janus looked into the kitchen, Virgil looked awkwardly across at Patton. He sighed. Virgil wasn’t the biggest fan of new people and Patton clearly was caught off guard with Remus’ dramatic exit. Janus pulled out his phone and texted Virgil.
Virgie: hnnngg social anxiety
Jan: Just ask if he needs help!
“How much business can a sign company have?” Virgil complained, Patton laughed across the room. Finally the hold music halted and Patton heard a voice drone through the phone. “Hello, I am calling on behalf of Froggy And Doggy Bakery. We ordered a sign last year and it still hasn’t arrived.” Virgil said in a professional voice. The person on the other end typed some stuff then told him something. Patton put down the eggs he had in his hands and rushed in front of Virgil.
Virgil looked over at Janus who nodded gently in response, Virgil took a deep breath.
“Patton?” Virgil said across the room. Patton looked up from mixing some flavours through the batter. “Is there… can I help?” Virgil mumbled. Patton wasn’t surprised anymore, he began thinking maybe all the tall men in this town had an agenda to kill him with favours. He giggled and pointed to a few aprons on a hook.
“Grab one and come over here.” Patton smiled. Virgil walked to the hook and pulled off a pink apron, he tied it up and joined Patton at the mixer. Patton pulled out a toothpick and dipped it in the mixture before thrusting it to Virgil. “Try this.” Virgil took the stick and licked off the batter. The delicate and fluffy batter had a strong punch of lemon and vanilla. The flavours tingled the back of Virgil’s jaw.
“That’s nice but maybe a little… strong.” Virgil shared. Patton laughed and took back the toothpick to throw away.
“The flavour will dilute after baking, it has to be strong or you won’t taste it.” Patton clarified. He threw the toothpick into the sink and rummaged in a draw, pulling out some dainty white mini cupcake papers and a large patty cake tray. “Can you put one paper in each tray? I have to take out the meringues." Patton looked across the room to see Janus had abandoned the drawing and was in the kitchen entrance. Patton walked across to the oven and pulled out a tray of cute pastel pink meringues shaped like flat roses. Virgil began dropping the papers into the tray. The large tray probably had two dozen holes, each no bigger than an inch in diameter. Janus leant down to pet Cain while the others worked. Patton used a spatula to scrape off the sweet treats and place them in a plastic container. Janus watched Patton's hands, how smoothly he scraped off a meringue with one thrust and gently laid it on top of the others in the container. It looked effortless yet Janus was sure if he tried he'd snap at least half of them in two. Patton noticed Janus staring from the corner of his eye, he tried his best to stay calm and focus. Meringues were small and light, which means they're easy to crush. He was thankful he had Virgil to take care of the patty cake papers so he could focus and take his time. Patton placed the last meringue in the container and looked up in time to see Virgil place the last paper. 
He’s really nice albeit a little dry and blunt.
"Thanks. I'll put in the batter to make sure they all have the right amount." Patton thanked. Virgil nodded and looked up at Janus, he smiled smugly.
“Wrist is tired, needed a break.” Janus opposed in a friendly tone. “Also couldn’t miss you wearing that cute pink apron.” Janus chuckled as he turned around his phone to show a picture of Virgil in the apron holding the small cake papers, Patton also stifled a laugh. Virgil took off the apron and hung it back up.
“Send that to anyone and I’ll add another 10 hours to your community service.” Virgil warned.
“Too late.” Janus smirked. “Officer Honeycutt loves seeing her recovered little delinquent.”
“Well we can’t all be teenagers graffitiing forever.” Virgil shot back. Patton looked up.
“Who is Officer Honeycutt?” Patton asked, both boys looked over like they had forgotten he was there.
“My mother.” Janus said as he put away his phone. “Don’t worry, she doesn’t give anyone trouble. Most she’ll do ya for is drunk and disorderly but you don’t seem that type.” Virgil and Janus laughed, but it felt friendly. Not like laughing at Patton but joking with him. He laughed too.
“And Virgil does?” Patton joked, both men laughed again and shared a look.
“You’d be surprised what he used to get up too.” Janus eluded. Virgil hit him in the shoulder and picked up his bag. Patton’s nerves had disappeared, he wasn’t sure when but they were gone.
“I’m going to get myself a coffee and take Cain out for a bathroom break.” Virgil announced before turning to point at Janus. “Play nice.” Janus smirked.
“How nice exactly?” Janus asked mischievously. Virgil gave him a serious stare, Janus put up his hands in surrender. “Alright!” He surrendered. Virgil left with Cain and suddenly Patton was alone with Janus. He had no problem with Janus but out of all the friends Patton had met he seemed the most critical. Or more accurately, most straightforward with his judgement. Patton began scooping batter into the papers with two metal spoons. Janus entered the kitchen and sat on a counter, closely watching. Patton was a man in chains, facing the judge and waiting for his sentence. Remus’ voice echoed through his head.
Patton tried his best to focus. Everything would be fine.
“What makes you think Remus is so sexy?” Janus said suddenly and plainly. Patton dropped the spoons in shock and batter splattered over a few of the papers. His face burned a furious red. Patton looked back at Janus who was unfazed. “Is it his moustache?”
“Shouldn’t you be drawing?” Virgil teased as Patton gathered more items.
“That- I don’t-” Patton tried as he shakily recovered the spoons. His head raced. He didn’t think of Remus like that… did he? Even if he did he was too busy to make a move. And with everything that happened with his last partner he wasn’t sure if he was ready to move on. He attempted to gather all his thoughts into a sentence. “I don’t have time to think of Remus like that and he doesn’t think of me that way either so what’s the point?” He hoped that answer was good enough. He cleared his mind and went back to scooping batter.
“Funny, most people don’t answer when I ask them stuff like that.” Janus remarked. “They usually tell me not to ask stuff like that or refuse to answer.” Janus laughed slightly.
“I’m sure you mean well.” Patton answered. “Maybe you’re trying to protect Remus, maybe you’re trying to get to know my taste, or maybe you’re just curious. But I don’t think you’re asking for malicious intent.” Patton turned around and gave Janus a reassuring smile, he looked away.
“And how do you know that?” Janus pressed. Patton put down the spoons and picked up the tray of batter.
“You don’t seem that type.” Patton repeated with a wink. He adjusted the heat on the oven and slid in the tray all the while Janus watched him in thought.
“What if you did have the time?” Janus asked abruptly. “To think of Remus.” Patton took a moment. He brought up thoughts of Remus, thoughts where he wasn’t worried about the bakery or his mother. He smiled as he ran the scenarios through his head.
“Yeah, maybe something could happen.” Patton admitted. “But like I said, I’m pretty sure Remus doesn’t think of me that way.” He didn’t even know if Remus was into guys. He’d made the mistake of assuming that before, it didn’t turn out well.
“Interesting.” Janus muttered as he walked back to the wall he was sketching on. “Remus isn’t easy to deal with sometimes. He’s loud, will do his best to annoy you and is unpredictable. But he seems to have taken a liking to you, so here’s a little advice: set up your boundaries or he’ll tear right through you.” Janus’ advice seemed bittersweet but it did get Patton thinking.
Remus seemed gentle with him so far, was that good or bad?
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