chaoticnezz · 5 months
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You're favorite part about working with animals was when you got to see the sea creatures. You worked at a place that was like a zoo but for sea creatures (aquarium). Most of the time you spent giving the children a tour of the place, or just playing with them as the parents got a break.
"And this kids is the petting area, where you can pet all of the sea creatures. But before you touch them let me show you how to handle them, so that you don't hurt them."
The children surrounded you as you crouched down to be level with the water table. The table was quite deep filled with water and aquatic life. You gently touched a black octopus that leaned into you touch with each pet.
Softly you pulled your hand out of the water, "and that's how you should handle all the sea animals so please be gentle, you are free to touch them." Soon all the children scattered around the water table, all but one.
"E-excuse me miss but I'm scared to touch one what if they hurt me." You crouched down to the boys level and you patted his head with your non- wet hand. "It's alright they won't hurt you I promise, do you want me to help you pet one?"
"Y-yes please" "alright what's your name I'm y/n." "I'm Tim" you gently grabbed Tim's hand and slowly led him over to the water table. Looking into the water table you grabbed the friendliest sea animal you knew.
The black octopus it was about the size of your palm so it was small enough not to terrify any of the kid. You and Tim both crouched down at the water table. "Alright Tim I want you to meet, Minato if that's to hard for you to say you can just call him taro."
"Taro?" "Yeah, Why don't you touch him with one finger, to start off." "But won't he bite me?" "Of course he won't let me show you." You took one of your fingers and began to gently rub it across the top of the octopus, causing Minato to rub his head into you finger.
"See now you try" Tim reluctantly pet the octopus, only to calm down after seeing that Minato didn't bite. "There you go, see he doesn't bite." Tim smiled "woah, you're right he feels so cool."
You but the final starfish back into the giant tank. It was closing time and today you were assigned with the task of bringing all the sea creatures from the petting zoo into the ocean tank.
The ocean tank is basically a part of the ocean near the zoo meant specifically for the sea creatures that you kept their. The last group of sea creatures you had to move for the night was the octopuses.
And there was only one of those in the petting zoo area. Gently you grabbed the small black octopus and put it lightly into the bucket that was half filled with water. You walked so carefully as if you were walking on glass.
Picking up the octopus you bent over and placed him into the ocean tank. Standing up you turned to walk away only to get pulled into the salty water. You gasped for air as you made your way back to surface, only to get pulled into someone's chest.
"Love <3!" You could practically hear the love in their voice, the fact that their was someone in the ocean pool wasn't what scared you. What scared you was whatever was gripping onto your waist and legs.
You hesitantly looked down only to see black tentacles. You felt a muffled cry escape your throat. "Love? Ways wrong, do you want to go back to the shore?"
The strange creature gently put you back onto the shore. You turned around now being able to fully see him.
He had short black hair with blue tips, on his neck was a black choker with gold spikes followed by a gold spikey necklace, his ears were accompanied by dangleing golden shell earrings. His arms had long fishnet like gloves on, along with a black bracelet on each wrist.
His nipples were covered by a gold swirl thing on each side, both side were attached at the front by two lose chains. Where his v line would have been their was a heart shaped tattoo. Instead if legs he had the bottom of an octopus. The color of his tentacles were black while the underside was blue with teal suction cups. His waist was adorned with gold swirls and shapes.
Your mouth was hung open in shock of what you were seeing. You finally got the courage to look at the male in the eyes only to meet with a pair of concerned bright green eyes.
"Oh my it seems your dehydrated here let me take you back to the water." Before you even have time to object you were grabbed and plunged into the depths of the ocean. You struggle in his arms you captor not noticing until you body went limp.
You were on the verge of passing out when you were suddenly brought back onto shore. You began to gasp trying to intake as much air as you possibly could. "Love I'm sorry I don't actually know much about humans!"
"Love I'm truly sorry! so, please... Please don't leave me."
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nezierf · 1 month
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joining the trend with another polish miku (from warsaw)
inspo: its mostly traditional wilanów outfits with a mix of others from around warsaw + changed colors to mikupalette
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wind-tied · 27 days
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forever70s · 4 months
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1974 portrait of Pablita Abeyta, Navajo sculptress & activist
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
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Soir de mai 🌸
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arrgh-whatever · 5 months
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we're playing mice & mystics and i gave our characters a little redesign
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muz-z-brna · 15 days
Vážení brňáci,
Konečně máme ochranu
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eucyon · 1 month
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The Nez Perce pack of Yellowstone started with 6 wolves captured and relocated to Wyoming from Canada in 1996. The pack initially had trouble adjusting to the move with several escapes from the acclimation pens and multiple livestock depredations (cause for the offending wolf to be shot). Eventually the pack began to thrive, reaching its peak in 2002 with a total of 20 wolves. The Nez Perce wolves were led for seven years by two brothers (70M and 72M) and a female (48F) until all three of them passed in 2005 and the pack subsequently dissolved.
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under-loch-n-key · 7 months
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Done with my Golden Pince-Nez Sherlock & Co. art!! I am pretty proud of the "early morning but not-quite-so-bright" lighting. Some lines and shading are messy and a bit wonky, but oh well, I am pretty happy with it overall. It was really fun to do.
I just loved the cathedral scene and John's monologue so much that I had to draw my version of it.
Anyway, I hope you lot enjoy!! 💛💛💛
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thefisherqueen · 1 year
“Holmes and I sat together in silence all the evening, he engaged with a powerful lens deciphering the remains of the original inscription upon a palimpsest, I deep in a recent treatise upon surgery. Outside the wind howled down Baker Street, while the rain beat fiercely against the windows.“
What is better to sit and read inside with good company, while storm and rain blasts the windows. Love this little passage of domestic bliss.
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chaoticnezz · 4 months
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You grabbed the bowl of sugar cubes you had made earlier, and set them on the tray. You also grabbed a small ceramic cup the color of the cup was black with gold details, if you could afford that cup you would buy it with no hesitation. But unfortunately you couldn't.
You took the tray off the counter and began to walk around the place corridor, stoping at a set of giant doors with roses engraved into the wood. *Knock* *knock* "come in." You opened the door with one hand before putting both hands on the tray and walking into the room.
Walking into the room you spot prince Koji sitting on his bed looking upset. Prince Koji often wore black which matched his Black hair. He also had heterochromia so he had one black and one blue eye. You thought it was cool but not everyone thought like you, perhaps his heterochromia is why all of his lover's left and he has such a hard love life.
That would make sense because everyone here wants nothing but perfection, and they probably see heterochromia as something not perfect.
You set the tray down on the nightstand next to Princes bed. You carefully grabbed the teacup and handed to the prince who took it gently. "How many sugar cubes would you like master Koji?" "... four" you grabbed four sugar cubes and carefully plopped them into the tea trying not to splash the hot tea everywhere.
Koji takes a small sip of tea, Koji opens his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. "I'll get it" you set the tray on the nightstand bowing to prince Koji before running to his chambers doors.
"Hello, master Koji is trying to rest right now, so how many I help you?" "Ah I see, when master Koji wakes up hand him this letter it's from his father." You gently take the envelope that was handed to you, "I will, thanks." You gave the man a small bow before shutting the door.
"A letter from your father master Koji." You hand Koji his letter before grabbing the tray and taking it back to the kitchen. Prince Koji didn't own a large place but it was still bigger than a village house. You put the sugar cubes back inside the pantry. Grabbing the rest of the dishes on the tray, you began to put them in the sink and wash them. 'I hope master Koji feels better soon, he's been down ever since his fiance cheated on him and left.'
*Crash* you jumped at the sound of porcelain hitting the ground, looking around you noticed that you didn't drop anything. Then it clicked you left the teacup with prince Koji. You walked quickly over to Koji's room, not being able to run because you were in your work gown.
"Prince Koji are you alright!?" You asked once you were in his bedroom. "I'm alright I just dropped... My cup." For some reason Koji looked very upset over a cup. You walked next to him and began to rub his back in a comforting manner with one of your hands.
"It's alright" after awhile of you rubbing his back you walked to the other side of the room and grabbed the broom and dustpan. You swept up all the bits of porcelain and dumped them into the trashcan.
"Prince Koji you should get some rest" you turned his light of before facing him again. "Goodnight Koji." You gave him a small smile before shutting the door.
You wrapped yourself in your coat making sure you had your money. You were heading to the market to buy a new tea set. The tea set that Koji broke was one of the only ones you had in the palace.
You opened the door and were met with the cool breeze of fall. Deciding to make the trip quick, you began to run in the direction of town not noticing someone watching you.
Koji's always loved how your name rolls off his tongue, even since the first day he met you. When you were first introduced to him by his father, you were so shy and timid he loves seeing you grow out of your shell.
When Koji open the letter earlier he couldn't believe what he read 'dear Koji, if you are unable to keep and find a wife I will have no choice but to fire all your maids and servants. And sell the castle.
In a fit of rage Koji grabbed the teacup you had left for him and smashed it onto the ground. That's when you came into the room and began to comfort him, he felt so relaxed by your touch that he fell asleep.
He woke up to the front door slamming shut. Looking outside Koji got the wrong ideal he thought you were running from him.
Before he could even think properly he ran towards you and tackled you. "Gah" you landed on the ground with a hard thud. Koji's mind spaced out he didn't even notice the words that left his lips. "If you ever try to run again, I'll break your fucking legs."
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nezierf · 6 months
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first time playing gay lawyer simulator
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leenabb104104 · 2 months
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Even leaders need love 🥰💚💕
Nez had been the Batch’s handler for some time, and her and Hunter always had a special bond, trusting and relying on one another. It was only natural after all was said and done that they’d settle down on Pabu together 💚💕
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @sukithebean @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha
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shakespearefreak · 2 months
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Over the weekend, I went to my family’s Cottage in the Northwoods for the first time since I was a kid! 🌲 I had a fantastic time, and also brought Kaya, Samantha, and Nellie (my mother and stepfather were very patient with me packing three dolls, two doll horses, a teepee, and a bunch of photography equipment 📷 into their van along with my suitcase 😂). I’m going to post the pictures of Sam and Nellie separately later on, but I wanted to share my Kaya photos now.
I’m pretty proud of the teepee: I made it myself!... or, sort of. I bought the first version of Kaya’s Teepee NIB recently on FB Marketplace. When it arrived, it was very clearly unopened… but the faux animal-hide fabric was cracking horribly from sheer age, and I didn’t feel right returning it because of something the seller clearly didn’t know about after opening it when it was NIB; besides which, shipping cost a lot, and it would barely have been worth it to return after shipping it back, even if the seller did accept a return. So I bought some microsuede and faux leather cord and, using the original fabric as a stencil, I made my own. I did everything myself, from sealing the edges so they don’t fray, to dying the flaps at the top with some Rit fabric dye left over from a different project; then I attached it to the original plastic tent sticks. I also changed a few things while I was at it to make the doorway larger so you can actually see inside. It’s not perfect (I messed up and cut both pieces the same, rather than as mirror images, so part of it is actually wrong-side-out; and I burned one side in the dying process, as well as splashing some dye on it) and I plan to re-do it later, but honestly I’m a bit amazed it came out as well as it did!
Note: I am White. If you are indigenous and find anything in this post offensive, please let me know and I’ll edit it or take it down!
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wind-tied · 7 months
🌎 Culture Har Har Har
🌎 Culture - Draw your OC in clothes and/or doing actions that represent their culture.
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Nez participating in winter caribou racing + wearing fancy festival clothes :) The caribou species is called a Omkosso Tabin by Werins.
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Vitus playing a ball game from Pansai that involves not letting a ball hit the ground. Similar to volleyball but with legs/feet. Outfits are often brightly colored, and very patterned.
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Asmund engaging in a camsabi ritual for gkisons. It hurts a lot little bit. Gkisons bear burdens and knowledge for their loved ones.
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muz-z-brna · 6 months
Toto je přesně ten typ obsahu, pro který byl zřízen tento účet.
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