#(or however its spelt you get the idea)
toa-arania · 2 months
I found Touhou on IMDB and then it got worse.
So there's a bit of a story behind this, as there should be with any post. I have spent the past *checks clock* fifteen minutes and counting losing my goddamn mind over this.
Touhou 1-11, including 7.5 but not 9.5 or 10.5 for some reason, are all on IMDB. This is not that strange, as many video games are listed there for their writing or voice credits. What's weird is how I discovered this. I heard a voice in, of all things, a four and a half hour video about the Lego Ninjago show and how badly it fumbles its women. One of the characters sounded a bit like Azula ATLA so I checked. It was not the same VA. Then I saw this.
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And then I saw this.
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Now the sharp-witted amongst you may have noticed the tiny little inconsistency that
Touhou has never had voice acting, especially not back in 2003 when PCB came out. There's also the detail that Layla Prismriver does not appear in PCB, nor does she appear in any Touhou game outside of her mention in the character profile of the Prismrivers, which firmly establishes her as very dead and thusly incapable of speech. You'll be pleased to know that it continues to get worse.
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This is not the plot of PCB. What the fuck do you mean only one of these heroines intends to stop it. The cast list is also fucking bizarre.
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Merlin and Lunasa are here but fuck Lyrica I guess. Alice and Youmu are not credited and REIMU ISN'T HERE EITHER. Youki Konpaku is credited. Youki Konpaku is not in this game. The goddamn Saigyou Ayakashi (which is spelt disastrously wrong here of course) is given a voice credit. THAT IS A TREE. THAT IS A TREE THAT DOES NOT TALK IN A GAME THAT DOES NOT HAVE VOICE ACTING. I AM GOING INSANE. WHERE IS REIMU.
Now obviously what I did at this point is start checking the other ones, and th8, 9, and 10 don't really have much interesting going on other than a continued and bizarre lack of Reimu in all of them. 6, 7.5, and 11 however are all bizarre for fun new reasons. Let's start with Subterranean Animism and work backwards.
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I was suspicious of the lack of images so I went to check all of their pages and they're mostly men as far as I can tell. Most of them are credited in a film called Sule, Ay Need You, which a brief google has only barely convinced me is a real film that exists in the first place. It has a wikipedia article in indonesian. One of them, however (the only one with a picture) has been in eleven million different things with reasonably big parts. I have no idea what's going on here. With the player character situation there are eight characters uncredited not including Koishi, who is also nowhere to be seen (which feels strangely appropriate) and Sanae who I remembered literally as I was typing this is in th11.
Moving on to Immaterial and Missing Power:
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Also I'm pretty sure Meiling wasn't in IaMP? (According to a quick google she was added in a patch but not given a story mode). Anyway the sudden appearance of Reimu is the only real interesting thing here because random cast absences are just so commonplace now. Now lastly for the weird fucking pages we have the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and oh wow this one is something else.
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Where do I even begin. Reimu is gone again. Three separate people are credited as Remilia. Actually most characters are credited twice except for Marisa and Sakuya for some reason. Sometimes they specify (voice) and sometimes they just don't. Most characters have [Character Name] and [Character Name (Voice)] which implies that one person is doing mocap or operating a puppet or something while another voices them but then there's just Rumia and Rumia. Who voices Rumia. Remilia has three fucking credits. Marisa and Sakuya get to be normal people. Reimu and Patchouli are just fucking gone. What the hell is happening.
And now it gets stranger once again because I said th1-11 earlier, not th6-11. The PC-98 games are all here too. However. Those pages are all just. Normal. ZUN is credited as the writer. There are correct plot summaries. No voices are credited. The name format is even different (Touhou [Number] [Japanese name]: [English name] instead of just Touhou [Japanese name]: [English name]). They're far too good quality. It honestly feels like whoever uploaded the PC-98 games is a different person to whoever's been doing their bizarre uploads of the windows games.
Now at this point I was looking for other interesting stuff to add - IMDB has Did You Know segments that had fun little details about the games, which seemed to be accurate. It also has a More Like This section linking to the other pages and-
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Luna Nights is here too.
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merbear25 · 6 months
Hi friend! Congrats on the follows. I was wondering if I could put in an event request please? Sanji x female reader number 9. Thank you and congratulations again!
Hey, hey! Hope you've been well. Thank you for requesting this for our hopeless romantic Sanji! I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
Made with love
CW: SFW, fem!reader, fluff
Over your time traveling with the Strawhats, there was one who stood out to you more than the others―Sanji. He had been the one you went to share fun stories or just to chitchat, and when you needed someone to lean on, he was more than willing to be that person for you. Needless to say, you'd grown quite attached to him. How could you not have? He did so much for you without expecting anything in return.
Someone as kind-hearted as him deserved to be shown just how much he meant to you. There were so many ways you'd been wanting to properly show your gratitude to him, yet your skills and surroundings hindered your abilities to go all out. Perhaps, something simple would work, something that you made by yourself which you could pour your heart into―a cake.
This would have seemed to be the easiest idea to bring to life, although Sanji was the sole cook on board the Sunny, meaning you'd have to find a way to get him out of the kitchen for long enough to bake an entire cake. Realizing that you wouldn't be able to pull this off entirely on your own, you turned to Robin and Nami and let them in on what you were up to―hoping they'd be williing to keep him distracted long enough.
Without a second thought they were happy to oblige, both of them being touched by your sweet gesture. Reassuring you that you could count on them, they slipped in words of encouragement, which gave you faith that everything was going to go off without a hitch.
However, the limited time you had to prepare the cake came with higher chances of errors: miss measuring, a stray fragment of eggshell finding its way into the batter. Although you were able to bypass those, your worries of leaving any evidence behind gave you the incentive to clean as you went, causing you to lose track of time and leaving you with an overdone cake.
Hurrying off to your room to allow the cake to cool, you tried your best to convince yourself that it wasn't that overbaked. While you were preoccupied filling your head with fabrications, it cooled nicely and was ready to frost.
You were imagining a lovely buttercream frosting with a short phrase expressing just how appreciative you were to have him in your life which would be spelt out in a gorgeous crimson. Unfortunately, you hadn't quite considered how much space was necessary to write your message, leaving the last few words disproportionately smaller than the others―the red morphing together in a way that looked like droplets of a less than delectable imagry.
Disheartened was the first word to come to mind when you looked down at your lack luster attempt at gift giving. However, you considered it to be irresponsible to waste products by throwing it away and thought it was possible you were simply being overly self-critical. Twiddling your thumbs, you settled on the decision to give it him.
Searching for him, he was doing exactly as you expected: swooning over his crew mates. Once laying his eyes on you, his heart felt as if it'd burst, "How lucky am I to have three of the most beautiful ladies in my presence?"
Despite this being in his common nature, you couldn't supress the blush creeping on your face. "Sanji," you gently took his hand, "I have something to show you." Leading him to the kitchen, you anxiously showed the cake to him.
Watching his facial expression for any signs of dissatisfaction, his features remained neutral. "You made this for me?"
Nodding, you explained that you wanted it to be a surprise, and that you hoped it tasted much better than it looked.
Eyeing him as he took a bite, you nervously awaited his feedback. Before he had a chance to give any, you had already started apologizing for the quality, "I really hope it's not burnt. I was cleaning up while it was in the oven, and I worry that I left it in for too long. And, I know the writing isn't ideal."
"It's perfect."
Dazed by his praise, you had a hard time accepting it as the truth.
"Don't be so hard on yourself."
"I just think you deserve the best, and sometimes I doubt I can give that to you."
Gently caressing your hand, he rubbed his thumb on the top of it. Though you were trying to hide your face from him, he still attempted to sneak a peek at your delicate features. "To me you are perfect."
A wave of emotions was bubbling up within you, letting the positive ones take the lead this time around. Meeting his gaze, you smiled and thanked him for everything.
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ashoss · 3 months
Dick being a kid the god of travellers is like really perfect because like then Hermes was attracted to Dick’s mum who’s life is literally travel so I love that
But I also raise you Zeus kid Dick who can secretly actually fly but has to hide it cause like no one can know he’s a Zeus kid (he doesn’t want to die thank you very much) so that’s why he loves the traipse (no idea if I spelt that right) so much and then he doesn’t want to tell Bruce because Batman fights with no powers so Robin should too.
I also raise Athena kid Jason, he loves reading and seeing him absolutely terrified of spiders more so than like the joker is funny to me.
zeus dick (my inner 12 yo boy is giggling) is indeed interesting and i do like that inner conflict dick would have with “well batman doesn’t have powers, so i need to not use my powers” (plus bruce wouldn’t know how to train a kid with powers like that unless he told the league to help lol)
HOWEVER while in batkids have powers aus the “dick can fly” one is really popular but it kinds goes back what i was saying in the tags about attributing their own skills that they developed to a power. dick has been training his body since he could walk probably on the trapeze and with acrobatics- stuff that takes so much work and dedication and to give him the power of flight kinda takes that away? and that freedom he gets while in the air comes from his own satisfaction with his training (but its also cute to imagine baby robin dick flying around with superman :))
i do like athena jason ! esp with the more warlike association athena has as well. seeing as shes also the goddess of craft i can imagine him crafting super intricate devices and stuff for patrol lol
athena!jason, seeing the joker: eh whatever
athena!jason, seeing a spider- duel wielding guns, explosions going off, acid being poured on it
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celestialbeingscomic · 5 months
HI! This is the introduction of this account!
Very important note!
This comic that I’m doing for fun! Would never have been a thing without @caseykeshui
It probably would only be an imagination!
I’m very excited on starting this comic! It’ll be so much fun!
So some things to mention is that:
None of this is real! It’s based on science and maybe real events that have happened or is happening that deals with the planets
Only Saturn and Jupiter have “canon” relationship, being the equivalent of a “old married gay couple”, the rest is implied and can be seen however!
Iris and Planet X will have occurrences! If you see their information on this post that means they have been shown PROPERLY in the comics!
A lot their personality’s are based on solar balls! (I just love the idea of Neptune being a little silly thing! And I liked the idea for the other planets too!)
More will be added along the way!
And I’m probably put a trigger warning just saying “iris” cause this dude deserves his own trigger warning.
—- we r introducing by size
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MERCURY (don’t know if I spelt it right.)
Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system
He is the closest to the sun and with that, the sun has grown somewhat of an attachment to mercury. (They r bffs ^^. (Sometimes))
Venus is known for teasing and others would say, bullying mercury. Why? He’s tiny :3 and in my au, they see each other as brothers almost.
He is so fancy fancy! He reads allot, since he kinda just learned to somewhat tune out sun he tries to find other ways of entertainment!
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Surprisingly earth is smaller then Venus in this au I guess cuz-
He knows all of the moons names, because his little sweet fragile earthlings named them so ofc he put his heart and soul into learning, every. single. one. Of. Their. Names. He’s dedicated :)
And with him knowing all of their names, he has maintained a pretty good relationship with them, even though he barely sees most of them ;-;
He tries not to mingle to close with the sun, yes the suns solar flares can’t really hurt him or the earthlings, but it’s because the sun has tried multiple times to eradicate the earthlings. So earth tries not to get to close, in risk of burning himself as well.
His main home is in the Goldilocks zone, he barely leaves, in fear his earthlings won’t survive!
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One of the fastest ones I have made, I put a lot of consideration into him.
As you can see, he is very, anti-earthlings. He is one of earths best friends, visiting earth often in the Goldilocks zone! Which I will explain later on
He has some anger issues :) nothing else
lil bully >:(
He cares deeply about his friends, VERY, deeply.
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Oh mars, he is so sweet, he’s so bbg :(
And he’s a father
Idkw people make him a cowboy but it looks good on him so.. he’s a cowboy now :D (also I forgot to fill in a lot earths colors so :( )
I was actually time crunch with him, it was 11:55 and I had to finish him before 12 AM oh the coloring.
He was the first to figure out that earth is very sick, but earth tries to not show to not put pity on him, he doesn’t want his relationship to change with everyone so mars promised not to speak of it in public if he can help it.. Venus tho- he was mad at mars for a while.
Oh he has nicknames for EVERYONE!
Neptune: cave brain (head empty no thoughts just be silly)
Uranus: Aussie boy
Saturn: rings. Yes just rings.
Jupiter: smartie man/earths pops (we will discuss in jupiters)
Venus: hot head
Earth: Mother Nature (earth does not appreciate but doesn’t stop him)
Mercury: small man
Sun: Bug guy. Yes big guy >:) so clever
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NEPTUNE! My baby boy :)
He’s so silly!
He came morph his body into any matter, any shape, 2d, 3d, realistic. Blob.
Also the planets can detach their heads but Neptune really is the only one you can see that happening with, as he takes head off a lot to look at planets/moons or to see things he can’t see in normal size!
He lives in both the icy hollows (aka where the ice giants zone is) and one of the astroid belts
He remembers his moons names, but not his own most of the time.
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URÄNUS(be mature be mature be mature-)
He is a little shy Aussie boy, and Neptune’s cousin why r they cousins? Idk I thought it was a neat concept :P
He knows of iris, due to Neptune speaking about him and forgetting moments later. “Iris? Who’s Iris?! Why do they make you go through pain?!” “… who? :D”
Leave the tink tink alone, poor boy is shy :(
He’s also very introverted, and feels horrible that he’s named Uranus :( he envies Saturn also, people keep mistaking him as a Saturn clone and he’s just tired.
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Fancy fancy 2.0
He’s so sweet and he gives off mama bear vibes :) like omgggggggg
His beautiful husband Jupiter comforts him when he goes through his emotional breakdowns. Jupiter TREATS. HIM. RIGHT.
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The gay hubby of Saturn:D
Surprisingly he has a pretty good relationship with his 80+ moons :) he has outfit that each one chose out for him
He’s such a boomer too T-T
Now, earth and him ARENT like family family, but Saturn treats earth like family family, to the point they address one another with family titles like father, dad, son, child of mine.
Oh I can’t think of anyhing besides him being extremely knowledgeable and some how knowing a lot about the planets and the solar system. It’s to the point you would think earth would know it seeing how he knows everything his humans know.. maybe that’s why they r “family”
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OH BOY! Isn’t he just something
I’ve implied that he likes earth like that but, atm, he doesn’t see earth more than a friend :)
He and mercury get along swimming! Yes mercury gets tired of suns solar flares always blasted at him but who cares :D
He knows about Iris, he’s trying to get rid of Iris, but currently. He’s having trouble.
EITHER iris is to close to earth to the point where he is risking burning earth and the creatures (which is not his goal atm) or he’s next to Neptune, and Iris notices sun so fast at that length of distance :O if sun tries to grab Iris, Iris is already gone by that time >:( and is he shoots a solar flare it won’t reach them in time D:<
— anyways that’s all
So thank you for everything! Idrc how much this blows up but I’m just glad that I finally am doing a comic at my own time! This is great practice for my collab comic with Tigerlily! Crystal cove :)
Anyways thank you Casey for the inspiration behind this comic! You are the back bone structure you don’t even know about!
I do wanna say that Casey is currently not posting country human or planet human content at the moment for what I remember, mental purposes maybe 🤔
Either way thank you :)
Oh and a size chart for anyone who cares
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melinoelliones · 2 years
Valentines Akira Fluff
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You and Akira had decided to spend the night together once again, however today was no ordinary day, it was Valentines Day.
2.1K Words  
This is pure fluff/hurt/comfort, all SFW 
Happy Valentines Day Rena my love!! Yes, I got you for the server exchange and believe you me, it was hard to keep it a secret. I know you’re an Akira lover so I tried my best, oblivious bf x obvious gf realness. 
This reader represents Rena and how she acts so just be aware. Also she/her is used.
I got the idea from The Neighbourhood You Get Me So High.
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Oblivious. If you had to describe Akira in one word, that would be it. You could gift this boy a million roses and a diamond ring yet he’d still have no clue unless you spelt it out for him, you’d know that better than anyone.
You and Akira had been close since the day he transferred to Shujin Academy; trips to  Akihabara together, staying round one anothers houses, you had even joined The Phantom Thieves of Hearts for him. You were joint at the hip, the usual quiet and well mannered Akira was the complete opposite when around you, you brought out a new side to him. You were what Akira had needed to come out of his shell and truly live up to the title of “Leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts”.
Those feats aside, you had a soft spot for him, not the Leader, not the Joker, just Akira, his regular old self. One could say you had fallen for him, but you wondered what was the point if the other showed nothing back, especially considering the amount of times you hinted at wanting to explore something further.
“Can you get in already, it’s getting cold under here” you whined, Akira was allowing a draft to make its way under the duvet as he was lightly perched off the side of the bed, “Alright alright im coming”. He carefully slid himself under sheet, making sure to cover any possible openings as he knew you loathed the feeling of letting ‘warmth out’.
You were spending the night at Akira’s place tonight, this was super common for you guys as you spent what seemed like every waking minute together, his home slowly became your home. No hidden motives or agendas, just a casual ‘night over’ as you will, however the following day was a special one, or so you had hoped anyway. 
The small silence was followed up by some idle chit chat between you too, the usual rundown of your day and what to do the next. “What time is it by the way? My phone is charging” you asked, just curious as to how late it had possibly gotten while you talked, “It’s….. almost 12, what? We should probably get some sleep while we can, everyone's coming over to the shop early tomorrow” Akira exclaimed, his eyes in shock as to how quick time passed when you guys spoke.
“Oh, okay that's fair, but just curious, you do… know what day it is tomorrow right?” you questioned, the slight glimmer of hope that he’d remember or even care for that matter slowly fading as he responded, “Feburary 14th? What about it?”, confusion written all over his face.
“It’s Valentine's Day Akira?”, you scoffed in utter disbelief. “So? Is there something I'm not getting at, it's just like any other day is it not?”, Kurusu stared blankly, the nonchalant tone in his voice tipping you over the edge but you attempted to hold it in. Your heavy heart almost pushing tears to your eyes.
If he didn’t see the importance of the day then why show him any signs that you did? You knew deep down that he wouldn’t feel the same way you did, yet you would always try and dig for the minute signs that would tell you otherwise. Delusional is what Ann would always say but that wasn’t always a bad thing to be, but in this instance yet again, she was right. 
Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you turnt to face the wall, covering yourself with the blanket you simply let out a sharp “Maybe to you it is, but whatever Akira, night”. The boys eyes fixed on the ball you had curled yourself into, sheets over your head to muffle your sorry attempt at controlled breaths to halt the flood of tears which were starting to trickle down your cheeks. You hoped he would assume they were soft snores however he could hear them clear as day. He went to tap your shoulder before catching himself, he watched on as the sheets shifted around as you repeatedly wiped the tears for him not to notice.
His heart sank, why were you so distraught, he didn't feel as if he had said anything out of the ordinary. In roughly an hour it was Valentines Day, what about it was special? You both weren't in any couple, you had no upcoming plans other than the meeting tomorrow, so it was just a regular Tuesday.
Akira slid out from his side of the bed making sure to grab his phone from the nightstand before silently slipping away.  “What was that all about?” he muttered to himself as he crept down the stairs from his attic room, “I feel like i’m missing something but what is it?”. 
The neverending unanswered questions engulfed his tired mind as he hit the cafe floor. Pulling out his phone he decided to text the group chat for advice, if he ever needed honesty those people were the ones to go to.
Akira - ‘Is tmr an important day? I’ve been made to feel like it is but with no explanation?”  
Morgana - ‘........’
Ann - ‘You did not do what I think you did.’
Ryuji ‘Fucking idiot’
Ann ‘We’ll be there in 10, don’t do anything else stupid’
Akira ‘I didn’t even finish?’
Seen by everyone
Taken slightly aback by their responses Akira slumped himself across one of the booths in the cafe, the sound of the clock ticking away as he waited. Morgana emerged from the corridor not too long after the last message had sent, without a word he curled into a ball on the edge of the table, “hmmpth”.
As the minutes went by Akira could feel himself drifting off, before he could act on said feelings he was rudely awoken by the front door slamming open, any home training those two had been given were long gone. “AKIRA KURUSU” they bellowed in unison causing Morgana to shudder off the table.
The new group members begun to make themselves comfortable as Akira perked up, the aura in the room wasn’t the usually upbeat one, he knew he had done something wrong just by that and the looks on their faces. 
“Who knew Akira was as stupid as Ryuji” Morgana splurted out sarcastically, changing from his cat form to regular form, “HEY? STUPID CAT this isn’t about me” Ryuji spat back, “anyway back to the matter at hand here, you really don’t understand why tomorrow is a big day?”. Akira shook his head in response, he truly had no clue, if he did he’d probably be fast asleep like he wanted to be.
Deciding to add her two cents into the conversation, Ann lent over the booth Akira was sat on, “she likes you Mr Phantom Troupe Leader, you can’t truly be that blind can you? I told her you didn’t feel the same but she doesn’t liste-”, “what are you talking about Ann? I do like her, I have always liked her?” Akira cut her off, his tone showing genuine confusion as he perked up in his booth.
“If you liked her, why did you act as if tomorrow was a regular day idiot? It’s not as if she hasn’t given you endless hints and clues…. let's be honest here”, Morgana choked out, he couldn’t contain his laughter any longer, the situation was beyond humorous to the little cat guy.
“Maybe I am blind, I didn’t see any of the hints, signs, any of that. I thought I was chasing something beyond my reach” Akira sighed as he slipped himself out of his seat and towards the locked cabinet opposite the stairs, the group watched on, heavily intrigued as to what he was doing. “Let me just show you guys” he huffed, pulling a key from the grate by the stairs to unlock the overflowing case.
Akira grabbed an armful of items from one of the shelves before aimlessly scattering them across the booth table the rest were sat at, their faces as if they were deer in the headlights. “What IS all this?” Ann spoke up, asking what everyone else was thinking. “Look closer” was all he responded with.
As they all rummaged through the items the pieces started to piece themselves together little by little. Lying before them were heaps of items from trips they had all been on ranging from figures and manga from Akihabara to photographs of you and Akira doing day to day activities, some of them were simply of you sleeping and pointing at things. 
Ann looked up at Akira, his eyes softening as Morgana shifted through the photos, “You do like her, don’t you” she asked sincerely, her hand tightening on his shoulder as a cheshire cat smile emerged on her face, “I have an idea, have you got anything to wrap with? A bag even?” she quizzed him as she paced back and forth.
Walking back over to the cabinet he pulled out a gift box, “I have this from one of the prizes I won on a crane game?” he suggested, unsure as to if that would be okay, “Perfect, everyone pick one item to put inside, this will be her gift!”, Ryuji added, trying to immerse himself into the activities. ”So you caught on I see” she chuckled to herself. Everyone carefully placed an item inside, Akira slipping in a few of his favourite photos at the top for you to see.
Taking a step back to admire the last minute gift, the group silently patted themselves on the back for the fast thinking. Ann passed Akira the box, her brows narrowing as she spoke, “go give this to her, but in all seriousness Akira, no one should go to bed upset. We’ll see you tomorrow”, her sincere tone clinging to him as she proceeded to leave the cafe followed by Ryuji, “She’s right u know” he chipped in as the door closed behind him.
Akira’s eyes shot to the cat facing him head on,”have anything to say there?” he asked sarcastically, “absolutely not, go to bed” Morgana hissed, strolling past him, tail held high. Akira sent a quick thank you text to the group before taking himself back to his bedroom, not before locking the bookcase, that was to be a secret between him and the others, for now anyway.
Akira slid into his side of the bed in hopes of not waking you but failed, you rolled over to notice him with a large box, the tense smile on his face baffling you. As you sat up he passed you it, “did you really go out at this hour and buy stuff just because of our conversation? What makes you think i want your pity gifts? Goodnight Akira” you scoffed, as you attempted to roll back over he placed his hand on your shoulder. 
“I love you”, the boy blurted out, the newly found frown on your face deepening before he continued. “I love you, I have for quite some time to be fair, I’m an idiot to have not taken the hints you sent me seriously, I shouldn’t have even needed you to show hints for me to muster up the courage to say it. This is also no pity gift, inside are items I deem thoughtful, every trip we take you point and I watch your eyes light up at your favourite things but you always say “I can't justify it”. You deserve more than any item on a shelf but in here are a couple things I noticed that piqued your interest in stores along with photos I took of you when I found you the happiest, I’ve had these for a while I pay attention to all that you do and take note of any little thing you say. You’re my best friend, and I’ll love you forever, Happy Valentines Day.” he spilled, letting every thought on his mind free. 
Speechless, you watched as Akira cupped your tear stained cheeks, his thumbs wiping the tears you hadn’t realised had started to fall. Pulling you closer you whispered “you’re sweet when you speak your mind”, an innocent smile making its way to your lips. “Is that so” he cheekily smirked, placing your lips on his, your lips gliding over one another effortlessly. The kiss was short but sweet, pulling away you could feel your cheeks heating up as your nervousness kicked in.
Akira planted a quick kiss on your forehead, he could tell you were flustered, “can I open this in the morning? I’m exhausted” you asked softly, he nodded whilst you placed the box on your bedside table. Akira let out a yawn as he slid deeper into the bed, “we need to be up early tomorrow, we should get atleast some sleep” he laughed, arms out for you to lay with him.
You allowed yourself to be pulled into him, his arms wrapping around your waist as you rested your head on his chest, “goodnight Akira, I love you”, you giggled as you noticed his heartbeat speed up as you spoke, “Goodnight my love”.
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year
Mansion Blueprints
I was playing Minecraft and it lead me down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out the blueprints of the mansion and where every room was located,
I def got things wrong ik in some routes it tells the player what directions certain rooms are located
I’ve made edits as i go through the game files for info.
But here’s my best attempt at architecture theory:
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The mansion is kinda big lmao
There has to be about 3-4 floors given the window placement. I forgor to add the final stairs mbad
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Every floor has very long halls to each room.
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The parlor/living room could be on the left room on the first floor, with the three arched windows. However, it has a high concave ceiling (i’m so sorry i spelt it wrong).
 Another possible location is the same place but on the second floor. The windows don’t match due to the railings on the outside (it could be the balcony/dining area). The parlor may also be hidden in the back of the house.
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First floor, right hallway with the 2 arch window placement.
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Similar to others, his room could very much be in the back as well. The only front facing window is on the 4th floor to match the big ‘square’ window in his room. Teo’s room is at a perspective, which could make the window look more flat.
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Looking at Scorpio’s fire pit made me realize there are 6 chimneys throughout the entire mansion.
The three arched windows follow along with the left side of the mansion, however the window pattern matches the right side windows more. Scorpio’s room could be on the second floor, but there’s still the issue of the railing on the second story windows.
EDIT: In the game, Scorpios room is upstairs (third to the right). In theory he could be above leon.
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None of the windows match the weird panel structure his windows have. They look like they’re made out of bricks. The 4th story, left room is the closest thing I can draw to with the spacing between the windows. Also Dui has the best room imo, its clean, its simple, it has plants.
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There’s a structure hidden behind one of the chimneys LMAO. It has the giant glass top similar to an observatory. I would assume this is an example of a room in the back, also on the fourth floor to the left. There’s probably interior staircases/hallways to travel through.
Also why is Huedhaut called the wisest man in the heavens when his room is a pool right next to a bookshelf please
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mf lives in the bikini bottom
Ichthys’s room is still accessible through the hallway as seen throughout the game.
In a crack theory, Ichthy’s and Huedhaut’s room might be connected through the water ways through some sort of magic decoration system.
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This idea is flawed though because the water in Hue’s room is a pool, not an open body of water like Ichthys’s.
The mansion might just follow non-euclidean geometry and it takes up whatever dimensions it needs for supernatural beings. The king might have just connected a bunch of portals to doors and hoped for the best, which makes sense bcuz after the season 1 gods get their sin absolved, they still go to their ‘rooms’ in the heavens.
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I forgor to add the dining room, the garden, and other rooms as well LMAO
time to replicate it in minecraft
Thank you for attending my ted talk. I will make changes to this later.
edit: i don’t know where the balcony is bcuz its connected to the ‘dining’ room, but the dining room and parlor are the rooms closest to the front door.
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goatpaste · 2 years
Hey, I’m the person who made the initial callout and I’m glad to see that you’ve changed. I apologize for spreading any misinformation and have edited my post linking to yours. I’m glad to see you’ve improved 👍
hey no worries, i understand why ppl would feel the need to let others know about my past post if they worry about who i am right now
but i want to restate, that is not the same person i am now. i dont want those old post to represent me as a person. they were wrong and bad, and people are allowed to not want to be around me because of it.
However who i am at this time and place is not that person anymore. I would like to at least be acknowledged for growing and changing from that point in time. I was 18, and yes i should have been old enough to probably know better but i was in a transition period in my life a lot going on and i think i was much more on the internet discourse and letting myself fall into these groups and ideas that really were productive or helpful or kind. I took me a bit but i did eventually realized what i was saying was hurting people and for a reason, that i was not being a good ally to others.
it has been 5 years since i basically even mentioned any of that discourse half because i dont feel that way anymore, and the few times i did good or bad always spiraled with the ask and my followers and just felt like ask bait after awhile. and when i get flustered i have bad adhd, dyxlexia and autism so i tend to spiral myself where i mistype and things i say are spelt out wrong or lose my footing on topics when i get overwhelmed. most of the time i wouldnt really answer ask about if i was an aphobe unless people directly Dm'd me, which they have.
I have tried to remove old post of me saying these things because i dont like the idea of ppl searching my blog to find old outdating mean spirited things iv said, but i also havent gotten rid of it all between not being able to find all the post and part that i worried it seem like i was attempting to hide myself when its more i wanted to kill and bury this older version of myself.
but yes, i have had people pinning me for being an aphobe since i chose to be stupid publicly online 5 years ago and its something i have to accept and live with as i move forward and know it will effect how ppl who see me and know me and know about this look at me. you making a callout post was just your trying to keep the people you know and care about safe with the information you had at hand.
but thank you for understanding and seeing the change iv tried to make as a person over the last few years. i do appreciate you come to me and letting me know.
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
On The Sixth Day of Christmas
Day 5 | Day 7
Pairing: Elvis (or Austin!Elvis) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Naughty Talk, Swearing, Spelling and Grammatical Errors Most Likely
Word Count: 712
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You didn’t know what it was, but the twelve days seemed to just drag on and on. One day after the other. You just spent time with Elvis at home. This is no complaint though. You loved spending time with him. The two of you occasionally went out, but you stayed home for the most part. 
You felt as if everything was getting boring, and maybe next year it would be different. But it just seemed like an endless cycle. Wake up, cuddle with Elvis, get ready, make breakfast, read the paper, do a crossword, watch some tv, make lunch, do some chores, make dinner, listen to some music, dance, take care of more chorus, and then go to bed. Rinse and repeat. 
Elvis had a very exciting life. A dangerous one, but exciting. Of course, you joined him every once in a while to cheer him on. You loved to watch him live and interact with the fans. Then you would also join him on his days at the studio, or even the days when he was filming. Those were the days when you were happy to be getting out. 
Welcome to day six. It is going to be a big surprise here. It is indeed more birds. Six geese of laying. Now, this was quite an easy one. Everything was planned and there was nothing to worry about. 
So, you woke up early and creeped out of bed. You went downstairs in your pajamas and went towards the closet that held all your arts and crafts. You pulled out the six geese you bought and you brought out what they were laying on. Each goose had its own special thing it was laying on. 
Of course, you had to use an egg for the first one, just to let people think that it would be normal. However, it was far from normal. So, after you set up the first geese you went around to set up the rest. 
Five of the geese were left, and everyone was wondering… what were they laying on? Well, the second one laid on another goose. The third laid on Elvis’ guitar. The fourth laid on the toilet, the fifth laid on the coffee table on top of some newspapers. The last one laid on top of Elvis. Of course, this was the last one you did.
You snuck back into bed and placed the geese on top of his face. He was sure to get flashbacks to the French hens just a couple of days ago. You would be laying next to him obviously ‘clueless’. You had no idea how that got there… wink. 
So, you closed your eyes and got cuddled back up onto the blankets. It didn’t take long because you heard a low slight scream come from Elvis’ mouth. Sure you knew it was coming, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t fall asleep in that small time frame. So, you jumped awake.
“What the hell Elvis,” you mumbled as you laid back down. Your heart was beating quickly and you were trying to get it to calm down. 
“What the hell me? What the hell you, Y/n.” He sighed and threw the goose across the room. You gasped and looked at him.
“You just killed him.”
“You almost killed me,” he muttered and laid back down with a huff. You let out a light giggle and moved closer to his side.
“That goose just happened to find the most comfortable thing to sit on. You can’t blame them.” You said as you ran your finger across his bare chest. 
“The only thing I want sitting on ma face is you.” He muttered as he closed his eyes. You gasped once more and slapped his chest.
“Get those naughty thoughts out of here,” you shook your head.
Elvis looked down at you and smirked. “Oh, I have a lot of naughty thoughts to let out.”
“No not- Jesus Christ ya weirdo.” You chuckled lightly and pulled away from him. Elvis whined from the lost comfort and pulled you back in. He started to kiss the back of your neck.
“Stay a little while,” he said seductively in your ear. It makes your legs just weak at the sound of his voice.
“Mmm, fine.”
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Want to join my taglist? // Let me know If I spelt any wrong! I have updated my form for my taglist. You will be tagged under everything now in that selected fandom/person. Just makes my life easier.
Taglist: @babyhoneypresley, @emmymaehereeeeee, @mirandastuckinthe80s, @mommy-maia, @yagirlalexx, @alligator-person, @diorxmimi, @anangelwhodidntfall, @pumkiinpasties, @djconde58​, @21bruhs, @girlblogger2002, @dollfaceyourfear, @homebodybirkin2003, @dark-as-love, @pandora-journey, @hsstylesrings, @4everrmore, @bewitched-tales, @butlersluvbot, @curatedbyemily, @gyomei-tiddies, @wandawiccan60, @re3kin, @passengerjett, @neepo, @vane28282, @emilykolchivans, @gothantoinette, @gruffle1, @annamarie16, @misacc08, @marchingicenotes7, @callthedarknessdown, @domaniquessidehoe, @gay-af-satan, @skinnypantsmcgee, @sassyblazecloud,  @lordandmistress, @nuo0n, @coldonexx, @adoreyouusugar, @aliciaelle47, @danitheedanimal, @raefoxiegirl, @cobra-kaii, @rylee-durhxm, @crabat-the-queen, @austinbutlersgirlfriend, @hopefulinlove, @aradevil, @laperceval, @xcallmetaniax, @londonalozzy, @mslizziesblog, @gloomynigvts, @randompointlessbeauty, @nora-nexus-34, @jazmin2211, @kittenlittle24, @moonbird1507, @bobthefishiesworld, @cevans-winchester, @luckyevansstan, @noorreads, @normatural, @hauntedarchivesx, @thatcrazyfangirl22, @amiets2, @myguiltypleasures21, @poppet05, @xcallmetaniax, @fullmetal-falcon, @kaitaesupremacy, @rainydayz101, @asd-n-adhd-fox, @eliseinmemphis, @adaydreamaway08, @stitchattacks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @dkayfixates, @fa1ryprincess222, @austinstyles
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morguemaw · 2 years
Lustale Info post (always check og! Will be updated overtime)
Wanted to make a post about Lustale that will be important!! Below the 'Keep Reading' is TLDR of the lore so far, ( may vary depending on what will be changed/what reblogged version you are reading, so PLEASE check back to this one instead!! Will be pinned for a period of time :) )
A important note,
Lustale is a AU created and owned by me, its loosely based on Underlust and will be a Slice of Life type story that will also in return extremely loosely follow the original plot of Undertale. Dont ever tag it as Underlust, only Lustale/Lusttale please (can be spelt either way just Lustale has one less 'T' to make it look less cluttered )
Links to important info;
(Non Important) The first mention of Lustale .. The birthday!! Tiny lore concept / Another tiny lore concept
Trait of Passion roughly explained (if the idea is changed this link will be too ) Another post about the Passion/Corrupted Passion arch
Sans Ref sheet + Additional Info
Papyrus, Undyne, and Grillby references + Small info
Angst Concept (Monsters Free ending?)
Small Gaster mention + Small info on him
Small fun facts/mini profiles about some Characters
Toriel mention/rough design
Any background characters preferred to be saved for Inbox/Anon requests and can be most likely found in the Lustale tag on my profile :)
The asks ive been getting recently help me think over lore, hence the changes
TLDR about the lore;
Monsters got trapped underground classic undertale style, but when the first human fell down they had a unique trait of Passion that gave the underground a feeling of love and happiness, Human got sick one day and when they passed Royal Scientists tried to copy the trait but failed, and somehow the failed shit got into the core which traveled through the AU/into the air and it only affected adults because do i really need to explain ?? (tho i kinda did in one of the linked posts) Ages are kinda undecided as of right now, only important age is Frisk because they are the only child (next to monster kid) who really matters/is physically there/not dead, they are 16. My reasoning is that again everyone affected are adults, and monsters and humans age differently in my eyes Toriel isnt affected because she was in the ruins so the corruption didnt get to her Asriel's soul was basically artificially made via soul bits, however he did have a solid body that existed via a egg from Toriel and sperm cell from Asgore, both ended up dying (this is my lazy excuse to make sure Flowey and Asriel can both be a thing ) Despite me referring to characters as "corrupted with Lust", there is no cure nor any end to their sins. The au is again Lustale... So yea :) The timeline went roughly like this, this is based on my own headcanon years rather then official ok?
Year 2000; The war began Year 2002; The war ended, monsters banished to the shadow realm Year 2012; First human fell down, Chara Year 2014; Chara got sick, within the same time of Chara being down there for the 2 year gap Asriel's soul was patchworked together via bits of Toriel and Asgore's soul but it failed and both kids died within the same year Year 2015; Toriel went into the Ruins and vanished Year 2016; Passion spilled into underground Year 2030; Underground turned into what it is now, after quite a few years everyone was used to Lust as the new main for them Year 2032; Frisk fell down, the story begins!!
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movedto-mastcrmarksman · 10 months
[TOUCH] The sender caresses the receiver's back, attempting to entice them back into bed.
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Prompts from Post-Cotial, In Bed, or Honey Come Back memes -> Accepting
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As the autumn leaves turn to crunches under their feet, their apartment's thermostat has been turned up to keep the home toasty as they wait out for the first of the season's storms. Snowfall already began, and every year like clockwork; clint turns his home into an oven. Blankets gathered over years and years get pulled out from storage; some being a thick woolen knit identify for outdoor use and others softer fleeces acquired more recently.
Each blanket has a distinct smell to them, or at least the ones he's had since he was in his twenties. Even as the mornings begin frost with them, making the hardwood floors unappealing for frozen toes to touch; his training could not go on for hibernation.
Clint knows his worth, his value to New York City, and it's that of being one of its heroes. Finest heroes might he add, along with being the best master marksman in the world. He's been in this business for years, with no retirement plan in sight, and the way he keeps on top of that is getting up in the mornings.
Early mornings, despite the rebellious and somewhat depressive part of his brain wanting to remain curled up in a dark warm hole shut odd from the world, were when he spent the time honing his skills. His two to four hour workout regime that keeps him fit and absolutely to keep up with heroes like Captain Marvel and Thor.
In the last few years, there has been on hindrance to this work out regime which hasn't affected his skill set, but did distrupt his sense of discipline with himself. That hindrance had one name and that was Peter Benjamin Parker, of whom was currently curled tightly into the flannel sheets swapped in for the wintry months.
Clint had been in the process of sitting up, stretching out his arms above his head and spine before he got out of bed (letting his legs savor the warmth) before he was up and going to slip himself out of bed and descend the loft staircase. He had reached a hand to pull the sheets and covers higher over Peter, tucking him in tight.
However, Peter doesn't keep himself tucked in that way. NO, Clint finds that out when two fingers start to walk up the back of his spine, fingers warm against his skin as Peter had slipped his hand underneath the sleep shirt that Clint's been sporting since the cold spell had hit the city.
The archer finds himself stalling, in fact more than stalling, Clint was actively leaning back as Peter's fingers continue to trace up and down his spine. A few moments he just breathes with the lines drawn on his back until he feels Peter start to spell out words on his back.
What's one missed morning? echoes in the back of his mind, it's a phrase he's thought often since Peter B. Parker has wormed his way into his house and bed.
First, S-T-A-Y is spelt along his spine but Peter doesn't stop there and he had already been convinced. It's thr next thing that Peter starts to write out along his spine as well.
I-W-O-R-K-U-O- and Peter doesn't have to finish that as Clint twists around to go kiss Peter's lips, whose peaked his head out of the blankets and he's looking at Clint with a gaze. He supposes that he could tuck himself back under the blankets.
I'll work you out is what he imagines Peter was implying, and the look in the dork, his dork's eyes was warm, inviting, and Clint likes the idea he was suggesting. He speaks only for Peter, with a whisper as he gets under the covers and lays his body over Peter's. His lips finding his lips again, ❝ And I'll keep you warm. ❞ He promises as his lips go for Peter's throat and Peter's hands are tucked back under his shirt.
This may be his preferred way to get sweaty, he'll thinks later after they have removed their clothes and kissed his way down Peter's body, currently working the both of them out.
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missfingers · 11 months
Uhmmmmm hunt wound and ghost for Dyheri (?) hope that is spelt right
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thank you anon !!!!! lets GOOOOOO
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
its been so long that he isnt constantly on guard or anything. like in a literal sense dyheri is hypervigilant but its becauses hes a rogue and a thief so he Has to be alert to survive. but specifically the person whos hunting him is so far in the past and he believes he never even cared for him at all so dyheri would have no idea that his fathers even looking for him. the regret haunts him definitely, he wonders if he did the right thing running away, but then quickly will stamp the feeling out with resentment instead. meanwhile his dad khnorvir HAS been hunting him since the day he left hes just never found him to the point that he thought he was dead and began practicing necromancy
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
the two most obvious answers are the trauma from his childhood and while not a "wound" in the practical sense more like a gradual adjustment into disability his blindness. normal wounds are treated with the appropriate amount of lone practical care to keep him moving and hes pretty detached about them. his childhood however fundamentally changed how he views relationships - he was born to parents who didnt care fully for him and unintentionally or not taught him by sending him on rogue jobs with their associates that rhe only way to get affection was by doing service for other people and all love was conditional and temporary. so not only did that cause him to run away from his foster father out of abandonment issues, now long into adulthood he doesnt trust anyone and solely shows platonic affection through trying to awkwardly share his spoils with those he likes / doing tasks for them.
his blindness. he came from the underdark so already has sensitive eyesight attuned to pitch black + was born with albinism which made them even more sensitive so when he ran away from home and found his way to the surface he quickly learned to start covering his skin and eyes to prevent injury. but more than a century in sunlight with delicate eyes like his will worsen his eyesight no matter how resilient he was. hed probably have a lot of internalised ableism about it at first - fear, mainly, because hes afraid of relying on other people and believed losing his eyesight would disadvantage him and make him lose his independence and Have to depend on others. through surviving on his own throughout this change however he'd realise this isn't the case, he'd adapt his own ways to accommodate his new needs and additionally meet a faerie dragon named scrimp that would become his service familiar. by the time he's lost the majority of his eyesight he's made peace with it as much as any newly disabled person can - he still has spells of despair and frustration but on the whole he copes well and is now used to thinking even faster to keep ahead of those wanting to use it against him.
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
simple! his foster father kh'norvir. as ive said before dyheri had very uncaring birth parents but theyd hang around a tavern where a gloura bard played. he saw how badly mistreated the child was and through his charms managed to get the parents to pass custody under the guise of an apprenticeship and raised him as his own. dyheri though had already learnt that the love he was given was conditional so was convinced khnorvir would get sick of him and give him away like anyone else had. he acted out on purpose to make this happen quicker but it of course dient happen, so in his teen elf years he finally decided that if he ran away first then khnorvir wouldnt habe the opportunity to abandon him. so he did
on the whole hes successfully let his mind paint khnorvir as just as villainous as his parents and their colleagues over the decades so hes convinced himself he was right and doesnt miss him. he gets lonely so often because of his inability to let people in but he just resigns himself to believing this is how he has to live to survive in a cruel world
smile !
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burning-bubble-tea · 1 year
Climate change conversation oopsies posies this is gonna be a downer.
So I’ve been feeling critical about many of Kurgazet’s in a nutshell videos (spelt wrong don’t care) and while I appreciate the optimism, the videos lack a structural analysis of climate change and often subscribed to streams of though that depend on technology as the only way out. It also over generalizes humanity and perceived through a global North, European lens. I understand this lens because they are based in Europe but it does not do a good enough job at acknowledging who specifically has been a major factor in climate change being the global north. They give numbers on how emissions are going down but do not mention how global North countries have outsourced much of its labours and therefore emissions overseas.
Anyways blah blah blah, be critical of science duck because their optimism is occasionally ill informed and ignorant.
But anyways, many people in comment sections talk of how climate change is a terrible thing and should be treated negatively because kurgazet is just a reflection of how these ideas do not change systemic issues creating climate catastrophe. Many of these people are being realists and citing how when kurgazet says some people will die but humanity on the whole will survive ask who dies? Well people suffering under poverty and people exploited and people trying to live differently than those in the North. These people and I want the same thing. We want the nightmare to end, we want to see climate change have people come together and stop it. However this notion that since kurgazet’s optimism is problematic, optimism itself has no place in climate justice. I personally disagree with those lovely people there. If that is how it works for them and they do not become deactivated by thinking this way, all the power to them. However if you’re like me and you feel like you’re becoming a doomer, I like to remember that one can be happy and also not fine with how things are advancing. Kurgazet asks its viewers to stop being doomers to stop focusing on the bad and only focus on the positives and believe in a technology based solution. However I personally find it is possible to both acknowledge and engage in action when it comes to climate change, while also still enjoying life.
I find that despite the world burning around me, I’m not the dog saying this is fine while the house burns down. I do not try and enjoy being on fire. But I try and enjoy being alive. The house may be burning but I know that if I think this way others do. It may be a insurmountable problem on my own and it seems like no one powerful cares and the rich get richer but also I can still gaze out the window, talk to friends, enjoy the breeze of the ocean. There is still happiness to be found in a broken world but because I want to live happyily does not mean I ignore the problems. The problems are there and are real but I can still love and eat. I’m not laughing that the end of the world is upon us. I’m happy in spite of the situation. I am not happy because I believe in a lie that a billionaire has a plan, I’m happy because I’m happy.
Also side note one person in a comment section mentioned how they lived off the grid on the farm and like I wouldn’t feel comfortable living like that yet because urban environments are my community. Also cities aren’t the issue but how we make them.
In the end I know my job does not have direct relations to improving climate change but not everyone has to, but only should be critical when the solution to climate change is boiled down to technology will save us.
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sophierequests · 2 years
Can I request a Darkling x reader where she's best friends with Kaz, Jasper, and Inej (I'm not sure if I spelt it right so I'm freaking out OH MY GOSH) and he gets jealous (but he has nothing to worry about) and he also yells at her, which makes her scared, and he feels awful afterwards? Maybe angst with a happy ending as a genre/vibe? If not I completely understand. Have a nice day ❤
between brick and mortar
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𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧┃𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭┃𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬
Pairing: The Darkling x gn!Reader
A/N: Sooo, my characterization of the Darkling is kinda me, but I am still working on it, so I hope this is not too ooc for your liking. I hope you like the fic, and thank you for requesting this!
Summary: Aleksander dislikes the relationship the reader has with her old best friends, leading him to lash out on her
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: Mention of bruises and yelling
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The sun had just begun to set when your coach reached the grounds of the Little Palace. You felt tired and terribly nauseous, while you wobbly stepped on the steady grounds of the courtyard. It didn’t really help that you had spent the last few days either on a wonky ship or inside the clammy coach.
Even though you were glad to be back in Ravka, you already began to miss your old home back in Ketterdam. The city wasn’t that much of a treat to come back to. Its dirty streets with their putrid smell didn’t truly catch your interest. There were certain people that you did miss, however.
Your old friends, who were more like a little fucked up family to you, had you coming back regularly. The Crows, consisting of Kaz, Inej and Jesper, took you in when you found out about your Grisha abilities. Soon you moved in with them, spending every waking moment with helping and supporting your newfound family.
Obviously, they didn’t appreciate it when you decided to go to Ravka to advance in your Grisha training. They also didn’t appreciate it when you told them about the relationship you had with General Kirigan - also known as the Darkling. Kaz almost whacked you with his cane, when you told them about what had happened between the two of you. Inej and Jesper only gave you judgy expressions, trying to talk you out of it.
Once they realized how good you felt - and looked - after you came back to visit them, they slowly but surely got around to accepting it. They didn’t like it, but they noticed what he did for you, and how much he helped to develop your abilities, so they didn’t try to get you away from him. (Even though Inej did threaten to stab him if he’d ever try to hurt you.)
Aleksander wasn’t too fond of your friendship with them either. You noticed the displeased expression he gave you when you talked about all the things you experienced with them, all the heists you went on together, or just in general about the strong bond you still had with them.
Sometimes you thought back to the first time you went back to Ketterdam, after getting together with the General. He suggested accompanying you, but you just laughed at that. Having the Darkling stay in a crooked town, such as your old home, wasn’t really the best idea. The evening before you left, he just spent most of the evening sulking, visibly distressed by your decision to hold on to your past. It was a mystery to him why you still decided to spend time with people that weren’t as appreciative of the Grisha powers as he was. You also came to the conclusion, that he might be slightly jealous of the close relationship you had with them, but you knew that he would never admit it.
After finally climbing up the mountain of stairs to his chambers, you slipped into the room, dropping your bags on the floor right by the heavy entrance door. The room had always looked surreal to you, since it was completely different to the places and flats you knew from the Slat. It looked enormous, making you feel like a tiny being in the utter vastness of space.
Much to your dismay, you didn’t find your partner laying in the bed, sleeping peacefully and waiting for your arrival. At first, you didn’t find him at all. Until you heard the distinct shuffling of paper coming from the cramped office space he insisted on keeping unchanged.
You frowned, knowing that he probably didn’t plan on sleeping, most likely worrying over some new military scheme.
Without a sound, you slid into his office - a habit you had picked up from Inej - walking over to the desk, that he was currently hunched over. His black hair was messy, but all in all, he still appeared quite well put together. You could see him playing with his rings erratically, a sign that he was evidently unsatisfied with what he had in front of him.
Your hand moved to lay on his shoulder, the rest of your body following to lean against his side, allowing you to take a peek at the array of maps and documents sprawled out on the wooden table. He shuddered slightly, almost unnoticeable, he was surprised but not startled.
“Good evening, love.” he cooed, straightening his back, and facing you fully.
His hands found your waist, and yours wrapped around his shoulders. He leaned down a little, pressing his lips against yours softly. Even though you adored his passionate kisses, you were way too tired for this kind of ecstasy, and he knew that.
“Good evening, you look tired. How long have you been working?” you said, as you let go to smile at him.
He sighed, his dark tired eyes scanned you intently as if he was looking for something that had changed whilst you were out of his sight.
“Quite a while, but it’s important that I finish this as soon as I’m able to.” he answered, already knowing that you would’ve asked him to join you in bed.
“Are you sure? I missed you sleeping next to me.” you mumbled, stifling a yawn.
“So did I, but I truly have to finalize this. Don’t worry about me, I’ll join you tomorrow.” his low voice trying to appease you, “Go to sleep, darling. I’m right here in case you need me.”
With one last peck on his cheek, you left the room, throwing yourself on the bed, sleep finding you sooner than expected.
The shutting of the door awoke you from your deep sleep. When you turned to your side, you noticed a note lying on your nightstand, right next to a glass of water, that had been placed there only recently. It read:
Don’t wait for me with breakfast, I have a meeting. We’ll see each other in the evening. Cure your headache.
You sighed, the hopes to spend a cosy morning with your boyfriend disappeared immediately. But you didn’t have too much time to fret over this change of plan, breakfast was soon to be served, and your energy levels were in desperate need of some food.
The rest of your day was spent finishing dull tasks that you had been putting off forever. Your thoughts always seemed to wander between the time you had spent with your friends and the moments you spent with Aleksander. You knew how challenging it could be for all parties involved. You were well aware of your boyfriend’s distaste for the Ketterdam lifestyle, but you also knew that you’d never willingly let go of your old friends.
Whilst you were contemplating this apparent conflict, Aleksander had already entered the room, watching you fold the laundry you had just received from the maids. You were merely dressed in a loosely fitting top and short shorts, that showed off a big portion of your back.
He was clearly agitated, apparently whatever meeting he just had been in, didn’t go as planned. His mood only soured when he spotted an array of bruises trailing down your spine. It wasn’t anything serious, but it made him even more furious, supposedly knowing who to blame for it.
He grabbed your upper arm tightly, forcing you to jump and spin around hastily.
“Saints, you scared me!” you chuckled, not yet aware of his current temper.
“What in all Saints happened to your back? I told you, these people aren’t the crowd you’d want to surround yourself with.” he snarled, a rash pang of anger rising up in his chest.
His sudden change in demeanour gave you goosebumps. He was known to be stern, and you were well aware that he could be able to lose his temper if things went terribly wrong, but during all of your relationship he never once had raised his voice against you. When you didn’t answer, he opened his mouth again.
“I asked you a question. What happened?”
“Aleksander, what do you mean? The bruises on my back?” you questioned meekly, voice already quivering, “It’s nothing really. I just tried to help out Kaz and Inej, and got myself pulled into a tiny…dispute.”
“You can’t be serious. Do you really think I care about your little criminal friends?” he spat, his voice getting louder, “I would’ve never let you go back there again if I knew that this is how you’d come back. I can’t believe you’d ever consider going back to these deplorable children.”
Tears were welling up in your eyes as you ripped your arm away from his tight grasp. You couldn’t believe that he would talk about the people you called family like this.
“This is what you think of them? They were the only people I had, Aleksander. They are good people, even though you don’t seem to accept that. This wouldn’t even be a problem if you wouldn’t make one out of it.” you stammered back, now actually crying.
“Maybe you should consider the people you decide to waste your time on.” he retorted, frustrated by your rebuttal.
“You know what? Maybe I should.” you whispered, barely audible to him, “I think I should leave, or I might say things I’ll regret later. Have a fantastic night.”
With that, you dashed through the door, slamming it shut tightly. Aleksander was left alone, standing in the middle of his now empty bedroom. His previous anger was suddenly replaced with a foreign feeling of guilt. He had no right to yell at you the way he did. But somehow the sight of seeing you hurt, paired with his prior frustration, made him lose all his senses and rational thinking.
He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose to keep him from throwing something around the room. Much to his dismay, there was only one way to make this up to you. He had to apologize.
Without hesitating any longer, he threw open the door in an instant, striding through the halls of the Little Palace in an attempt to hide his tense thoughts. People tend to call him heartless, and in moments like these, he did his best to keep up this image, never showing any emotion that would betray him.
He knew that you wouldn’t be inside the Palace. You wouldn’t risk just accidentally running into him in the halls. But he knew that you had one place, where you would always go when you had a bad day. Whether it was a failed training unit, an especially hard study topic or just a generally bad day, you would always go to the hidden lake, close to Baghra’s hut. He had never understood why you chose this exact spot since you weren’t particularly fond of his mother, but you were always there without a fail.
You heard his heavy steps approaching, way before he actually chose to make himself present. There was no need in talking or visibly acknowledging his presence, since this would only make you angrier, having to take the first step again. So you waited until he saw it fit to talk.
“You’re going to catch a cold.” he said matter-of-factly, trying to get you to accept his attempt at conversation-making.
When you didn’t answer, he chose to take a few more steps, to appear in your vision, that was still focused on the body of water in front of you. He was relieved that you weren’t crying any more, but your eyes still appeared to be slightly puffy, and your expression had turned sour.
“I’m here to apologize, Y/N.” he tried to begin, but you just felt like laughing at that.
“The Darkling does not apologize. Not to anyone.” you retorted, watching him scowl at the mention of his alias. You knew he didn’t like when you called him that.
“Then let this be a first.” his tone was way softer than before, making you relax, “I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you like that. It was unjust to treat you like that.”
“Then why did you? You know that the Crows are like family to me. Why would you say that?” you interjected carefully, not wanting to be too confrontational with him.
“I dislike when you’re with them because I don’t think they value you as I do. I don’t hate them, and I like seeing you enjoy your time with them, but I can’t stand seeing you get hurt because of their…negligence.”
You sighed, looking up into his eyes for the first time since he came to look for you. His eyes were hard to read, even for you, but now they seemed to be filled with something close to remorse.
“It wasn’t their fault. I tried to help and things went south. That’s a thing we have to deal with wherever we go, Aleksander. They do care for me, but they aren’t Grisha. They can’t protect me like you do, but that is fine.” you said gently, waiting for him to say or do something.
“I’m aware, and I’m…sorry for the things I said. It was never my intention to hurt you, but things just went…wrong.” he chose his words wisely.
“Our intentions betray us sometimes.” you chuckled bitterly, but gradually getting around to accepting his apology.
“Apologizing may not be my strong suit, but I still want you to know that I’m truly sorry.”
“If I’d try to tell anyone that the General Kirigan has just apologized to someone and meant it, they wouldn’t believe me. So I am inclined to accept it. Just because it’s not every day that you see a miracle.”
He chuckled in response, offering you a hand to pull you off the muddy ground. You gladly took it, starting to regain the bubbly feeling of excitement you had when you were around him.
“Now, let’s go back to the Palace. I suppose there are some travel stories you have to get off of your chest.”
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metaphor-cheese · 3 years
Because im weak for my own damn au heres some doof and byoof hcs:
-buford wants to call doof dad but is too anxious to do it other than accidentally
-doof has 100% accepted him as an honorary child however. whenever people ask him how many kids he has he says 3, before pausing and asking if they mean biologically, legally or emotionally
-vanessa and buford had no idea what to make of each other at first but he offered her some tuff gum and she gave him one earphone so they could listen to heavy metal together and they reached an understanding. They’ve said like 3 words to each other but hang out all the time
-they watched one of vanessas french films together once and buford quietly understood every word and when he laughed at a pun vanessa was like ‘?!?!!?’
-norm pats the Childe on the head. He is accepted.
-biffany and doof know each other from yoga class and she sees him as bufords babysitter. Buford has warned doof that if he hooks up up his ma its on sight
-buford had a meltdown once like Really Bad and doof instantly went into parent mode
-doof asked about bufords dad one (1) time. Biffany was busy and he asked why his dad couldnt pick him up instead. Buford didnt reply and doofs pretty aware of family issues so he dropped it and just silently decided ‘right. Time to be a dad’
-buford talks abt baljeet all the time. Doof refers to him as his ‘little friend’ or ‘little enemy’ depending on the context (“‘nemesis’ is a bit strong. I mean you’re still just kids, afterall”) and is torn between thinking its cute and being sick to the back teeth of hearing about him
-he totally gave buford ice cream and sat with him on the couch telling him he was too good for baljeet while he cried over the breakup at one point fkckdkkdfkmf
-eventually doof hears enough abt the situation he forces them both on dr feelbetter lol
-buford keeps seeing perry around doofs base and is always like “what’re you doing here little buddy? :/ *picks up and hugs* dw i got ya. Im gonna get you home :)” and perry is Dying inside because now he has to treck all the way back
-buford has never once said doofs name right and doof has never once spelt bufords name right. Equivalent exchange
-whenever buford hears an emotionally scaring backstory he’s always like ‘oof thats rough buddy’ so doof stopped telling him emotionally scaring backstories
-vanedsa bought buford an nb pride badge when he came out
-buford Does Not understand norm but they’re both batshit so they get along. Norm will be like ‘I LIKE MY EGGS CRUNCHY :)’ and buford will be like ‘wtf. …yeah same’ and they highfive
-buford cant rlly build but he likes to think he’s helping. He tends to default to his task in phineas and ferbs builds of just carrying heavy stuff to doof but doof wants him to feel included so he’ll sometimes teach him how to use a drill or lift him up so he can turn on the machine or let him add a sandwich maker to the design in the blueprints stage or snth
-buford sometimes rants about something really stupid and petty and doofs like ‘DUDE. SAME HAT.’ and then when they build an inator based it, he lets buford tell his emotionally scaring backstory of being ripped off in a yarn shop or smth
-theres always some plot contrivance that stops buford finding out doofs nemesis is perry. Always.
-perry wanted reassigning cos of this new difficulty but OWCA sucks and is exploiting him so they refused. Give this damn plat a day off
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How They Propose To You- Harry Potter Preference
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Hermione had been thinking for months how she was going to propose. She wanted it to be special and romantic but how it really happened just seemed to work a lot better.  You were both sitting in your lounge room reading quietly when Hermione puts her book down, after trying to read the same sentence about eight times, and turns to you.  “Darling.” She slowly tells you, almost questioning just that one word. “Yes, babe.” You reply back to her.  “I’ve been thinking that we should get married.” She said to, not even sure if it was the right words. Before you can reply however she ran to your shared room and ran back before you can chase after her.  When she stands back in front of you shes holding out a ring. “Please?” She asks sweetly. “Yes.” You say quiet and excitedly.
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Ginny was clever but also a little strange with how she planned it and it ended up turning into one of the most romantic experiences of your life.  You quietly awoken by Ginny, who hadnt been able to get to sleep, lightly shaking you awake. “Come with me.” She said to you the second you woke up. “Babe it’s 1 o’clock in the morning.” You said to her looking at your watch as you groggily followed her.  “Where are we going?” You asked her a little annoyed but curious as you found her out the back. “Close your eyes.” She whispered to you. Once you had you quietly hear her whisper ‘incendio’ and you felt a warm candle light on your face. “Okay open your eyes.” She whispered to you. You blink your eyes open and saw Ginny holding out a ring. “Will you marry me, my darling?” She asked you sweetly. “Of course I will, you beautiful weirdo.” You say to her as you run into her arms.
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Credence was extremely nervous when he was about to propose to you. He had no idea what he was doing.  “Lets go this way.” Credence timidly said as he  turned a corned and brought you both into an alleyway. “Whats going on Credence?” You asked him worried as he began to back away and trip over his steps. You watched him worriedly as try to find his footing and then clumsily reached into his pockets.  He pulled something that appeared to be a ring out of his pocket but in his nervousness he dropped it, landing right in front of you. “Oh no! Y/N I’m sorry, its, um, I-”  “Credence were you going to ask me to marry you?” You interrupt his ramblings as you picked up the ring. This caused him to blush and look down as you put on the ring and slowly approached him. “I would be honoured, my love.” You whisper to him as you lightly kiss his cheek. This causes his face to light up as he held you in his arms and kissed you. 
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Draco was extremely romantic and extra in how he proposed to you. He loves you so much and wanted to really show you that. Draco held you arm as he walked you to a balcony at the quidditch world cup to look at the fireworks. As you looked at them in wonder they began to spell your name. You looked at Draco confused as he told you to keep watching. By the time you looked back the lights had spelt out ‘Y/N will you marry me?’. You jaw dropped and you looked back to Draco on 1 knee presenting you with a ring.  “Yes! Of course I will, Draco!” You squeal as the whole audience at the world cup cheers for you both. 
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knullanon · 3 years
l.d fic #1
ok everyone! heres the first part of that lex dad fic that i had written!
words: 1062
warnings: nothings i can find, tell me if yall find anything!
"How long do I have to wear this dress?"
"As long as the gala goes on, ___"
"Just call it a fancy party, or a luxurious gathering since its you-"
"Oh, do not get smart with me, ____"
Pulling at the top of your dress, you tried to loosen up the tightness of the neck area. It felt like a noose to you. Fortunately, the fabric was soft, extremely luxurious, and it covered every part of your body, excluding your hands and head.
Lex, on the other hand, was in some kind of fancy suit, that looked more expensive than the carpet in his penthouse. And his carpet was more expensive then your phone bill. Well, when you had a phone.
You didn't remember when he had found you, but you remember before. At least, bits and pieces of it. A home in a suburban neighborhood, a mom and a dad, a normal looking life for a kid like you. However, after a few months ago, it was far from normal.
You were given the finest things people would want in life, in return for… hanging out with lex luthor. It sounded weird at first, but you soon realized it wasn't a joke.
You werent treated as a prostitute, and not as a lover either: you weren't even legal. If you had to guess the relationship between you and Lex, it would have to be a father and daughter kind of relationship. Which also could explain why he wanted you to call him dad.
Back to this "gala", Lex actually would ban you from going to any party at all and left you with guards at all parts of the penthouse you were stationed at, sometimes even leaving you with Mercy.
You didn't really know why he was letting you go out to this gala, but you had a few ideas. For starters, this gala was not just for anyone, it was for extremely rich people who had nothing better to do then sit around in a room. Which also explained the reason why everything looked the price of a liver.
Another possible reason was that a close colleague of your "dad" had seen you walking around in the penthouse. You never saw who it was but Lex advised you to stay out of sight when people were visiting.
Fortunately he didn't get as mad as you expected him to which was a good thing to be honest. He wasn't the type to tell you, more just reprimand you in a voice that just spelt disappointment.
Anyway. It wasn't good to think of when he was angry with you. Right now you had to focus on the people who were trying to figure out who you were.
Sticking close to Lex was easy, since he was 6 feet tall. Easily. And the fact that people wouldn't approach you when you were next to him. Only the people who you actually recognized either from voice or appearance were brave enough to even look in your direction.
The night was almost over when a man approached the two of you. At this point your feet were getting sore and when you asked Mercy for the time, she responded that it was almost 12: lex would definitely send you to bed as soon as you got home again.
However, the man who approached the two of you was familiar. It only took a few seconds of going through your memories and seeing Lexs face turn to slight annoyance to realize this was Bruce Wayne.
He walked up to the two of you and smiled down at you.
"Well, I didn't know Lex had a child. What is your name?"
You were about to respond when Lex interrupted you. "Their name is ____. And unfortunately, we were just about to leave. I hope that whatever you were going to ask can wait until later?"
Wayne's smile faltered a little, before it turned neutral. "Unfortunately, no, but it is a quick question. And one that I need to speak with you in private?" He looked at you, before speaking again, "No harm meant."
You were about to respond again, when Lex motioned to Mercy. "Mercy, could you take ____ back to the limo? I will be just a moment- oh, and do not let her out of your sight."
Mercy nodded, and taking your hand, she led you back to the elevator where the entrance was. All while everyone was focused on the two of you.
Wayne was the first to speak. "She's not yours, is she?"
"____ is my daughter, and I hope you would have the decency to not spew this to the media. You don't seem the type of man to feed the media with info, especially not of a young girl."
Wayne looked offended, and didn't even try to hide it in his face. "No. If anything, I was wondering why you, of all people, would be taking care of a child."
Lex did not seem offended. "Oh, but you have so many children, I thought it was a necessity." Lex leaned in a little towards Wayne and whispered, "And to be quite honest with you, it is none of your concern."
Wayne simply glared at Luthor before Lex started moving away from Wayne.
"Well, I'm sorry to say but I believe I've kept ____ waiting for long enough. I'm afraid I must go."
He didn't wait for Wayne to say anything he simply stormed off to the elevator and left.
Wayne did nothing but walk over to the windows, where he was able to get a clear view of Mercy holding your forearm and opening the limo door while a few more guards stood near you. Lex appeared soon after with his own guards and ushered you in the car.
Lifting his hand towards his ear, he commmed his own children.
Whispering, he said "All of you better be following that limo when I get down there."
He heard Dick chuckle. "Oh, don't worry Bruce. I think the 4 trackers on that thing will be enough."
Bruce didn't say anything as he watched the limo drive off into the distance. Figuring it was time to dip, he left his wine glass empty at a table and left the room, trying to figure out who the strange girl he had just met was.
ok, so there was part one! hopefully yall dont mind that i put the read more thing on here, but i dont want to take up everyones dashboard lmao! next part soon!
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