#what other kind of tags do i put here lamo
knullanon · 3 years
l.d fic #1
ok everyone! heres the first part of that lex dad fic that i had written!
words: 1062
warnings: nothings i can find, tell me if yall find anything!
"How long do I have to wear this dress?"
"As long as the gala goes on, ___"
"Just call it a fancy party, or a luxurious gathering since its you-"
"Oh, do not get smart with me, ____"
Pulling at the top of your dress, you tried to loosen up the tightness of the neck area. It felt like a noose to you. Fortunately, the fabric was soft, extremely luxurious, and it covered every part of your body, excluding your hands and head.
Lex, on the other hand, was in some kind of fancy suit, that looked more expensive than the carpet in his penthouse. And his carpet was more expensive then your phone bill. Well, when you had a phone.
You didn't remember when he had found you, but you remember before. At least, bits and pieces of it. A home in a suburban neighborhood, a mom and a dad, a normal looking life for a kid like you. However, after a few months ago, it was far from normal.
You were given the finest things people would want in life, in return for… hanging out with lex luthor. It sounded weird at first, but you soon realized it wasn't a joke.
You werent treated as a prostitute, and not as a lover either: you weren't even legal. If you had to guess the relationship between you and Lex, it would have to be a father and daughter kind of relationship. Which also could explain why he wanted you to call him dad.
Back to this "gala", Lex actually would ban you from going to any party at all and left you with guards at all parts of the penthouse you were stationed at, sometimes even leaving you with Mercy.
You didn't really know why he was letting you go out to this gala, but you had a few ideas. For starters, this gala was not just for anyone, it was for extremely rich people who had nothing better to do then sit around in a room. Which also explained the reason why everything looked the price of a liver.
Another possible reason was that a close colleague of your "dad" had seen you walking around in the penthouse. You never saw who it was but Lex advised you to stay out of sight when people were visiting.
Fortunately he didn't get as mad as you expected him to which was a good thing to be honest. He wasn't the type to tell you, more just reprimand you in a voice that just spelt disappointment.
Anyway. It wasn't good to think of when he was angry with you. Right now you had to focus on the people who were trying to figure out who you were.
Sticking close to Lex was easy, since he was 6 feet tall. Easily. And the fact that people wouldn't approach you when you were next to him. Only the people who you actually recognized either from voice or appearance were brave enough to even look in your direction.
The night was almost over when a man approached the two of you. At this point your feet were getting sore and when you asked Mercy for the time, she responded that it was almost 12: lex would definitely send you to bed as soon as you got home again.
However, the man who approached the two of you was familiar. It only took a few seconds of going through your memories and seeing Lexs face turn to slight annoyance to realize this was Bruce Wayne.
He walked up to the two of you and smiled down at you.
"Well, I didn't know Lex had a child. What is your name?"
You were about to respond when Lex interrupted you. "Their name is ____. And unfortunately, we were just about to leave. I hope that whatever you were going to ask can wait until later?"
Wayne's smile faltered a little, before it turned neutral. "Unfortunately, no, but it is a quick question. And one that I need to speak with you in private?" He looked at you, before speaking again, "No harm meant."
You were about to respond again, when Lex motioned to Mercy. "Mercy, could you take ____ back to the limo? I will be just a moment- oh, and do not let her out of your sight."
Mercy nodded, and taking your hand, she led you back to the elevator where the entrance was. All while everyone was focused on the two of you.
Wayne was the first to speak. "She's not yours, is she?"
"____ is my daughter, and I hope you would have the decency to not spew this to the media. You don't seem the type of man to feed the media with info, especially not of a young girl."
Wayne looked offended, and didn't even try to hide it in his face. "No. If anything, I was wondering why you, of all people, would be taking care of a child."
Lex did not seem offended. "Oh, but you have so many children, I thought it was a necessity." Lex leaned in a little towards Wayne and whispered, "And to be quite honest with you, it is none of your concern."
Wayne simply glared at Luthor before Lex started moving away from Wayne.
"Well, I'm sorry to say but I believe I've kept ____ waiting for long enough. I'm afraid I must go."
He didn't wait for Wayne to say anything he simply stormed off to the elevator and left.
Wayne did nothing but walk over to the windows, where he was able to get a clear view of Mercy holding your forearm and opening the limo door while a few more guards stood near you. Lex appeared soon after with his own guards and ushered you in the car.
Lifting his hand towards his ear, he commmed his own children.
Whispering, he said "All of you better be following that limo when I get down there."
He heard Dick chuckle. "Oh, don't worry Bruce. I think the 4 trackers on that thing will be enough."
Bruce didn't say anything as he watched the limo drive off into the distance. Figuring it was time to dip, he left his wine glass empty at a table and left the room, trying to figure out who the strange girl he had just met was.
ok, so there was part one! hopefully yall dont mind that i put the read more thing on here, but i dont want to take up everyones dashboard lmao! next part soon!
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