sharkpupsblog · 2 years
😈 Brand New Person ‼️ PART (6/6) How could you let us down?
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A Dark Riders and Dark Rider! Aideen! GN! Reader fanfic!
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Woooo!!!! Last part omg!!!! This part is LONG . Took me so long to write it bcs I kept changing it and restarting it and then i got sick 😭 and while I was editing to finally post my eyes started acting up and it just took . A really long time 😭💔💔💔 so happy I’m finally able to post!!! 😭❤️ ty everyone for ur patience u guys r so sweet I appreciate it sm! This fic has some medical stuff mentioned in it and i am . Not a doctor . So i apologize if any stuff is wrong 😭😭😭 Can’t believe I’m finally done with this fic 😭💔 I loved writing for it sm! The fight scene and run away scene were def my faves to write! Anyways enjoy!!! :D
Summary: You wake up in a hospital room and Anne comes to see you.
Warnings: mentions of medical equipment like n33dles and bl00d bag, mentions of bl00d and talks of bl00d loss, mentions of d34th, thoughts of being m4uled by a shark, and mentions of a hospital and talks of being in one and foul language.
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“Got any fish yet?” Mayor Klaus smiled at a fisherman who sat at the edge of the bridge leading to Goldenleaf stables. The mayor was walking around the village enjoying the nice day and while he walked he checked in on the villagers. The fisherman looked to Klaus giving the mayor a frown and a shake of his head “sadly nothing yet mayor.” The man looked back at where his lure bobbed in the water “hopefully the waves will guide them to me!” The mayor watched as the lure slowly drifted back to the fisherman due to the waves pushing it to him. The waves were calm near the village, but were strong at the Dark Core oil rig. The mayor hoped that the people on the rig were alright. It must be awful to be hit by such strong waves. While the mayor wondered how the people on the rig were doing, the fisherman watched a shadow slowly rise to the surface. “What is that?” The fisherman got up getting ready to reel in what he hoped was a big catch. Klaus looked to the shadow in the water watching it get bigger and bigger as it slowly rose to the surface. The mayor thought it was a shark. The shadow was definitely big enough to look like it belonged to a shark. Fort Pinta had a shark there, maybe it swam over to the fishing village? The man hummed “I think the shadow may belong to a shark.” The man told the other his guess on whom the shadow may belong to. “It explains why there are no fish today” he looked to the fisherman who was now reeling in his line not wanting it to be ruined by the shark. “I’ll go alert everyone of the shark in the water if anyone comes near the water warn them!” The mayor turned, and started jogging back to the heart of the town to make his announcement, but was stopped by the fisherman shouting for help. “Help!” The fisherman yelled “help me!” Klaus was terrified to look back. The mayor was thinking that the shark had grabbed the poor fisher. As horrible as the sight would be the mayor had to help, so he turned getting ready to see a gruesome sight as he did. The man wasn’t met with a shark mauling a fisherman. Instead he was met with lots of people gathered together trying to get something out of the water. The villagers all worked together to pull something out of the water, and the mayor’s jaw dropped as he saw a person be laid on the bridge. Then a horse was being guided onto land. Some poor rider must have fallen in the water. The man thought the person on the bridge was dead, but they started to cough and squirm around. Klaus quickly burst into action as he realized he needed to get the village doctor and vet. The man changed his jog to a full run, and he ran all the way to the doctor and the vet.
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Bright lights stung your closed eyes as you started to wake up. It took your eyes a few seconds to decide when was a good time to open. When you opened your eyes you deeply regretted it. Bright white lights hit your eyes hard making you wince, and cover your face with your hands. You sat up slowly doing your best to sit without the help of your hands. Your body hurt and you felt dizzy. Something was pricking your right arm, you wanted to check what it was, but your eyes still needed a moment to recover. Once you felt ready you removed your hands from your eyes. You squinted as you looked around the floor of the room. The floor was completely white and clean. So clean it reflected the lights on the ceiling. Your bed, the floor, and the contents of said floor were a great help for you to figure out where you were. You were in a hospital room laying down on a hospital bed covered by blue blankets, hooked up to a monitor that was beeping loudly and enjoying eye torturing lights. You survived… What about your horse? Were they okay? You had to find them, you had to get out, and look for your most loyal friend. You were about to get up, but your curiosity stopped you. The pain in your arm made you look to it, and you saw what was hurting you. It was a needle hooked up to a blood bag that hung from a pole. You hummed wondering if it was safe to take the needle out of your skin. You knew you lost a lot of blood during your run from Katja. You definitely needed the blood in that bag to live. Was it safe to take the needle out? You probably already got a lot of blood in you right? You weren’t too sure taking the needle out was safe so you decided to take the pole with the blood bag with you. You removed the blankets on you which made your body shiver instantly. You were wearing a hospital gown you wondered where your clothes were, but that didn’t really matter right now. You sat on the edge of the hospital bed slowly moving as pain hit your body. Your body was begging for five more minutes in bed, but your brain and heart were saying ‘find your horse.’ You could always rest later, right now you needed to look for your horse. You put your feet down on the ground shivering again as the cold of the floor traveled from your legs to your whole body. The monitor in the room showed a flat line, and let out a loud sound as you unhooked all the stuff reading your vitals. You managed to stand up, taking a shaky step forward and away from the bed. You had to be quick, the monitor was definitely going to alert the doctors and nurses of the hospital, and you didn’t want them to put you back in bed. Your legs were shaky, you felt like a newborn foal just learning to walk. The pole the blood bag hung from became something to hold onto. It was very helpful and you were glad it was in the room with you.
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With the help of the pole you took more shaky steps. You needed to get out of the room quickly. As you walked to the door you thought of places to look for your horse. Where were you anyways? You needed to find out where you were first, and find a change of clothes too. You grabbed onto the handle of the door slowly turning it so it wouldn’t make any noise. Once the door was open you very slowly moved it. You didn’t want the door to creak, but you realized it didn’t matter anyways. The monitor was already making noise. You huffed, and quickly opened the door getting scared as you saw someone standing on the other side. You were looking at their shoes. You covered your mouth trying to think of excuses to why you were out of bed. Once you came up with a good one you quickly looked up. Your hand fell from your mouth, and you frowned “Anne?” The woman looked shocked she thought the beeping came from you dying. To see you alive was a huge shock. She stammered as she tried to think of something to say to you. Her hand was held out, she was about to open the door, but you did it first. Without thinking you took her hand pulling her to you, and you hugged her. You didn’t know if she would react to the hug well. Would she hate you? You did scratch the fuck out of her face a day ago. Wait how long had it been? Hopefully a day? Your thoughts on how long you must have been out for were interrupted by Anne moving. The woman hugged you back bringing you as close as she could to her. You started sobbing unable to control your emotions after she returned the hug. “I’m so sorry” you sobbed shaking your head. You were apologizing to her for how you clawed her face, fought her, and betrayed her. Anne did not say anything, she just held you. The woman cared for you, but could she forgive you? Could she really say she forgave you, and move on from the shit you did? Anne was angry, she was really angry with you, but she was still here. Because she cared, and because she had something important to tell you. She couldn’t bring herself to lie and say she wasn’t angry and that she would forgive you. Instead she said nothing, she just stood at the door holding you close to her as you cried.
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You were found by a fisherman in Goldenhills” Anne sat by your bedside holding your hand. “He saw a figure in the water him and the mayor thought it was a shark” she was telling the story as she saw it in the papers. She saw it two days ago you had been out for three. “As soon as he was about to leave, your horse came out of the water” your horse was fine thankfully, and waited for you in Goldenhills. You really owed them they saved your life. Your poor horse deserved the world and more for their insane loyalty. “Then the fisherman saw you on their back, and he gathered a group to pull you out” Anne frowned. “The doctor at the village stabilized you, and then you were transferred here” you were in a hospital in the city. You had been to the city plenty of times so you knew your way around it. Once you left the hospital you were going straight for Goldenhills. Now you were caught up on everything. Anne cleared her throat, and you looked at her seeing how glossy her eyes had gotten. “Anne?” You frowned squeezing her hand “what’s wrong?” You worried for her. The leader had to tell you why she was here. Why it was only her and no one else. She told you everything you needed to know, and now it was time to move on onto something else. She had been stalling for long enough, and now it was time to rip the band aid off. The woman decided there was no reason to take this slow. She needed to tell you what she had, and she needed to tell you now. “Fripp sent me” she said to you letting go of your hand. You looked at your now lonely hand wondering why she let you go. “I waited for you to wake up so I could tell you that-“ her words became a lump in her throat. “That-“ telling you what Fripp had sent her here for was easier said than done. She looked down at her lap, her head hanging low, and she gathered strength for what she had to tell you. “After all the things that happened and all the things you did” you watched as Anne messed with the fabric of her shirt. “Fripp and the druids decided that the best thing to do about you is-“ Anne looked up at you. She had to look at you while she broke the news to you. No more looking down, and messing with her shirt, she had to look right at you so you could understand that what she was about to say was serious. Her looking at you made you nervous really, really nervous… What was she going to say?
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“They decided the best thing to do is exile you” Anne felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. For her the worst part was over but for you? It was just beginning. You shook your head not believing what Anne was saying. You laughed nervously “exile?” You really couldn’t believe it “Anne I-“ you laughed again “please let me talk to Fripp if I can explain that this is all just a big misunderst-.” Anne huffed “there is no talking to Fripp” she narrowed her eyes “what’s been decided has been decided.” She looked away from you “you betrayed us…” Anne was deeply hurt and she stood with Fripp in fact all of the Soul Riders stood with him on his decision. If you betrayed everyone over a lie so quickly what said you wouldn’t do it again? Anne and the others lost all trust for you.“He’s allowing me to stay with you until you leave the hospital” the air in the room became cold. You felt like crying, and you couldn’t hold back tears anymore as Anne said “I’m not here as a friend just as a Soul Rider making sure things are done.” She had to be cold to you now she needed you to know that there was no changing Fripp’s word. No matter how much you begged, or tried to prove you were still her friend Anne was not going to fight to change the verdict. She still cared for you not as much as she did before everything, but she still cared. At least enough to be at the hospital with you. Even though she still cared a bit she knew she needed to be cold to let you know shit was serious. She got her point across to you by saying she wasn’t your friend anymore, and by suddenly becoming cold towards you. You covered your mouth, you were horrified. Death was awful, but being alive and completely alone was worse. Fripp was smart, he knew this. He gave you the worst possible punishment. Death would have been so much better than being exiled. Everyone you knew was a druid, or worked with them in some way, and surely they would all know of your betrayal. Surely once you got out of the hospital everyone would turn you away. What were you going to do now? Where were you going to go? Exile was the worst punishment ever given by Fripp. The leader knew how horrible this punishment was. He saw it with Evergray he saw how well it worked. He wanted you to suffer for your betrayal… And suffer you would.
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TYSM FOR READING!!!! :D also i realized a lot of my angst fics have good endings 😔 I am tired of being good 😈😈😈 So i make evil ending 😈😈😈 anyways ty for reading and to those who followed posting of the fic since the first chapter tysm for ur patience! ❤️❤️❤️
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butchlinkle · 17 days
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really helpful technique ^ once you know how to divide by halves and thirds it makes drawing evenly spaced things in perspective waaay easier:
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some-pers0n · 2 months
Hey you ever think about The Characters so much to the point where
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prokopetz · 3 months
The real reason your sapient dragon character needs a "rider":
Dragons on the wing are vulnerable to being mobbed by smaller, more agile flyers, particularly in your large rear blind spot, like a bird of prey being mobbed by crows. Having a human armed with a long spear perched on your back helps to dissuade anyone from getting any funny ideas.
Breath weapons are impressive enough on the ground, but in flight they're really only good for strafing stationary targets; trying to use your breath weapon in an aerial dogfight is a good way to get fire up your nose. A real fight calls for sterner measures – and, concomitantly, a crew to aim and reload the cannons.
In today's competitive world, it's not enough to devour a flock of sheep and call it a day if you want to keep your edge. You're accompanied at all times by a qualified personal alchemist tasked with carefully regulating your internal furnace to ensure peak performance, and sometimes you even listen to them.
No dragon of any quality would be caught dead without their valet. It's not as though you can announce your numerous long-winded titles yourself when introductions are called for, can you? You suppose next you'll be expected to pick up the spoils of your conquests yourself, like a common brigand. Perish the thought!
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onlytiktoks · 5 months
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drowninnoodles · 2 months
thanks to @hannahdra-ws for quote, its very cursed indeed.
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keithbutgay · 2 months
notes goal post
because i really need motivation
(i stole some of these but shhhhh)
if this post gets 50 notes i'll drink water right now
100 i'll go to bed at midnight for the rest of the week
200 i'll actually do my laundry
500 i'll take a shower every day for the rest of the week
1,000 i'll brush my teeth every night for a full week
2,000 i'll stop binding for an unhealthy amount of time for a full week
3,000 i'll start actually wearing my ankle braces consistently
4,000 i'll eat breakfast every day for the rest of the week
5,000 i'll stop binding while sleeping
6,000 i'll stop wearing earrings i'm allergic to for a full week
7,000 i'll start doing makeup again
8,000 i'll stop eating chocolate for the rest of the week
9,000 i'll make my autodale masks
10,000 i'll touch grass every day for the rest of the month
11,000 i'll water my plants twice a week for the rest of the month
12,000 i'll put on my lotion when i need to for a full week
13,000 i'll eat at least two meals every day for the rest of the week
14,000 i'll finish my water bottle every day for a full week
15,000 i'll write more for forest files
18,000 i'll clean out my backpack
19,000 i'll take my vitamins every day for the rest of the week
20,000 i'll finish my stained glass project
21,000 i'll go to bed before midnight for the rest of the week
22,000 i'll do my summer reading
23,000 i'll move the knife out of my room
24,000 i'll eat three meals every day for three days
25,000 i'll stop purposefully triggering myself for a full week
50,000 i'll try my best to stay clean for two full weeks
i'll probably add more goals if this somehow get past 5k, but there it is for now :)
spam allowed
tagging allowed
ummm the deadline is halloween
*thumbs up*
go for it
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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menlove · 6 months
interesting how transmascs & transfems alike think losing weight is the answer to pass as our chosen gender.... almost as if fat people are never Truly afforded a passing gender regardless of trans status. as fat people we are never Truly seen as Men or Women. anyway fuck that notion & if u think u need to lose weight to pass that's the devil talking
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a former US president gets shot at and rather than trend himself he causes supernatural to trend instead because everyone is sharing the news via the destiel meme. unparalleled
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awakefor48hours · 3 months
Since the news is still fresh
Please consider reblogging for more people to see
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whaledocboi · 9 months
ai generated images make me increasingly sad and tired the more i see them in more and more casual contexts. i dont know how to explain, but it just fills the world with a bunch of nothing. no matter how visually stunning the pictures might be, there's nothing behind it for me. no dedication, no emotions, no feelings, no hard work or creativity, nothing i can truly think about, admire or enjoy. i dont think thats how art is supposed to be
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lastoneout · 10 months
Ya know when people told me "when you're finally safe enough that you can leave survival mode and start to let go of and process your c-ptsd/trauma things are probably going to get really, really bad before they slowly start to get better" I thought that was reasonable. I did not understand that by "things are going to get bad" they meant "you're going to find yourself in the worst mental state of your entire life, but dw, that means it's working" and tbh I simply wish someone had been more clear.
Edit: If everyone could please take a minute and think about what it must feel like to be struggling and then have multiple strangers say to your face that they find the prospect of going through what you're going through so horrifying that they'd rather kill themselves and then stop leaving comments like that I would greatly appreciate it.
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alienthegreenalien · 4 months
the new 7 cardinal sins are mommy blogging, making mukbang videos, advertising a book by listing its tropes only, clickbait, making musical biopics, manosphere podcasts, and commenting "mommy? sorry" on a random person's picture
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prokopetz · 4 months
Referencing obscure Internet memes in mainstream media almost invariably falls flat, but if movie!Deadpool walked into the aftermath of a scene of gratuitous carnage and quipped "wow, it looks like a children's hospital in here" it would totally work. To those who don't catch the reference it would come off as generic edgy bullshit, and to those in the know, Deadpool having a Tumblr account is completely believable.
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onlytiktoks · 8 months
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