#(i like the end we got tyvm!)
snarltoothed · 6 months
okay like two out of three of my cats are like… on death’s door basically despite them being all roughly the same age and sharing the same genetics (mother aged 16, son and daughter aged 15) and while i’ve accepted that i’ll be exceptionally lucky to get even another year or two with the momma cat (bonded to me) and that her son (bonded to my mom) is not too far behind… despite being the runt 15 years ago, the daughter (also bonded to me) is still quite spry and in good health so i literally tell her sometimes like you’d better live til you’re 20. i need at least five more years with you and also some time in between you and your mom dying. please.
#having old pets is sad#however i could not imagine willfully abandoning an elderly pet#which like… seems like it goes without saying but a lot of people do just decide their pet is too old and surrender it to a shelter#and miss daughter kitty was abandoned at like 10/11 by my cousin she did actually leave our household for a while#like who does that…#i mean no complaints i wanted to keep her when she was a kitten so i was more than happy to take her back but dude after ten years?#and she’s not even old in a sad way yet. and i’ve had her for an additional 4-5 years since#i mean it had something to do with her needing more attention after her other brother died and my cousin having kids and the cat probably#was not crazy about the kids she is very much a grumpy old lady even if she’s still lowkey a crackhead like a much younger cat#she is fat as fuck rn but idk what to do about that while the other two are still alive#like if we feed her less she will just steal more of their food than she already does because theyre too busy having arthritis to go eat#but like… we can’t just feed them less because they have a reduced appetite they still need to fucking eat…#so idk she’ll be going on a diet eventually but it’s not presently feasible#before i moved back in her diet was really strict because she hated my roomie’s cat so much she literally lived exclusively in my bedroom#so like i can adequately manage her diet when she’s not being a thief… but idk how to explain theft to a cat#at least i got her off iams dude idk what is in that shit but weaning her onto better food took at least six months and a lot of vomitting#like not ideal that she’s becoming obese again but she was this fat when i got her too (bc high carb iams diet)#HOWEVER her energy levels (while they’ve dropped since she was a healthy weight) are still wayy higher than when i got her#so getting fat from her high end gluten free purina and her relatives’ prescription hypoallergenic kibble and wet food for extra protein…#every other day (which has kept her from developing any visible muscle degeneration tyvm) is evidently healthier than being iams fat
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
Instinct (Tanya Denali x fem reader)
Right so, how do yall think single!Tanya would react if she just kinda...stumbled upon the one, completely unexpected? One would think if you got a cousin who's able to see the future then surely they would've given you a lil heads-up, so you wouldn't make an absolute fool out of yourself.
Spoiler alert: Alice did not give her a lil heads-up.
Before we dive deeper I feel like it should be mentioned our girl´s been existing for a millenium, doing pretty damn good without someone constantly breathing down her neck, tyvm. It´s not like she couldn´t have someone constantly breathing down her neck, puh-leeze. Girl could have anyone she desires and we all know it. She knows it.
Besides, it´s not like she´s been entirely on her own when it comes to physical matters. There´s been flings and ONSs and perhaps she´s even tried to be exclusive with someone here and there - I wouldn´t call it "relationship" though. I can´t see Tanya Denali binding herself to just any mortal. She´d never put her family in harm´s way simply because she couldn´t keep her hands to herself-
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...like someone else did.
(No, I do not consider Bella to be Edward´s mate. She is his singer, that´s different.)
As open-minded and free-spirited as the Denalis are, they´d never go against the laws of the Volturi. Tanya will make personally sure they won´t.
However, one can´t deny that this world could get quite...lonesome, especially when one has been living for as long as the sisters have. I don´t think Tanya would ever openly admit it, but she was lonely. She was yearning for something more than the occasional fling or ONS.
That´s how this whole thing with Edward started. He was a vampire, he was single, he was there. That´s all this was, imo. All of it combined seemed like the perfect match and seeing how our girl got people probably tripping over themselves to fulfill her every wish, surely this time wouldn´t be any different-
...Except, it was different. Eddy didn´t bite - that was a first. Something Tanya wasn´t used to, perhaps - hence why she was so hellbent on making things work between them. Our girl loves a good challenge.
(Human!Tanya in today´s day and age would be a total Daddy´s girl - used to getting her way and never been told "No". Yall can´t convince me otherwise.)
I´ve said it before: Tanya is a woman who will go after what she´s set her eyes on with everything she´s got. And what she´s set her eyes on wasn´t necessarily Edward himself, but rather what he represented - an end to her solitude.
Well, it didn´t work out in the end - obviously. But that craving for something more persisted. Enter-
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"You", a husky voice almost breathed to your left, causing you to startle slightly before turning to take a look at the blonde wom-
...bombshell of a woman, who was currently staring at you like she´s never seen another human being in her life. Or perhaps you got something on your face.
In any case, that unblinking stare was quite unnerving.
"Uh...hey? Can I help you?" That came out a tad bit more aggressive than you intended but, in your defense, it´s been a long day.
You´ve only just had time to sit down and unwind after having packed up your whole life and shiped it here, to Alaska - your new home. Or, well, what you hoped would become your new home, in time. You´ve always struggled with adjusting to changes and this one was huge, but more than that: necessary. You wouldn´t have made it otherwise, of that you were certain.
So, here you were now - trying to enjoy some well-deserved me time in this little coffee shop you found when you were taking your first stroll through the quaint town of Fairbanks.
...Emphasis on trying, because that woman was still staring at you. She still hasn´t blinked yet. You don´t think any part of her has moved since she came to stand before you like a bearer of bad news. Honestly? You were starting to believe it. Something about this situation - about her - just felt off.
The exasperation that was steadily creeping up on you increased tenfold when some other blonde bimbo approaches, eyes laser-focused on your weird altercation, wearing a smile that showed way too much teeth-
'Can´t one enjoy their overpriced and incredibly stale coffee in peace? Goddammit-'
Off to a good start...
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As for our proud coven leader?
Tanya had been suffering this...itch for the past couple of days. She hadn´t been able to make sense of it, hadn´t been able to figure out why she was experiencing it in the first place. All she could focus on was how utterly distracting it was, how much of a power it held over her - making her stumble through this town in search of its source. It was driving her mad.
That near magnetic pull seemed to have reached its peak today, the force of it almost bringing her down to her knees. Her eyes were wide open, but she wasn´t seeing. She pushed through the haze, body on autopilot, blindly following wherever instinct seemed to lead her. She was close - so close she could nearly taste it-
The jingling of a bell registered somewhere within her, sounding out rather dull though; nothing more than a background noise. She took in her surroundings - warm afternoon sunlight filtering through the windows, soft chatter and laughter floating through the air, the clinking of cups and the gentle hum of the espresso machine, the woman sitting on a bar chair across from her-
All of a sudden, the haze cleared and a wave of contentment washed over her. At the same time, everything around her seemed to fade until the only thing left to focus on was-
She entirely ceased to function for a hot second before remembering she was out in the open where she was supposed to human.
"Uh...hey? Can I help you?"
Right now, she couldn´t care less about what she was supposed to do.
She´s puffing up in an instant, like it´s instinct - absolutely ready to slay, to charm, to impress. She's Tanya Denali, for crying out loud. She will not be rendered useless by a human-
No matter how absolutely stunning that human is and how much she longs to be with that human from now on until the end of time because it's meant to be-
Tanya Denali will not be rendered useless. She's the one who renders others useless. So that human woman, currently emitting an absolutely mouthwatering smell, had better get ready to be swept off her feet-
...Except, said human looked anything but. In fact, the woman looked quite unimpressed, just about done with stuff. Not that the vampiress minded much. She knew how wary humans could get in their presence. It happens almost unconsciously, like it´s instinct - a natural response when faced with an apex predator.
'A mere delay of what is to come. Of what is meant to be.'
Just as the coven leader prepared to flash a megawatt smile, which would surely seal the deal-
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"Hey Tanyaaa! Who´s your friend?" She didn´t have to face her sister to know she was smiling like a cat that got the canary - she could hear it in her voice.
"Kate", she managed through gritted teeth. "Shouldn´t you be with Irina? Take care of those...shipments?"
'And quit being a massive pain in my a-'
"Nope", her sister replied bluntly. "It´s all taken care of. Carmen and Eleazar got back from their-"
Her sister´s eyes darted to her companion for a brief moment, much too swift to be perceived by the human eye.
"...Trip a lot earlier than expected. They were so kind to fill in for me, told me to go and check up on my dearest sister instead. Y´know, since the last few days have been quite-"
"Katrina", she whipped around to face her sister when it seemed like the spew of unnecessary information wasn´t going to stop anytime soon. Honestly-
"Don´t you have other things to do? Other places to be?" Her eyebrows raised so high it felt like they nearly met her hairline.
She loves her sister, but Kate has this irritating quality of showing herself when she really wasn´t needed nor wanted. It´s entirely on purpose, of course. Her younger sister does so love pushing buttons and testing limits, especially hers.
Never before in her life had the urge to strangle her sister been this appealing. That cursed smirk-
"Oh...by the way sis-", her left eye was starting to twitch. "I´m not as well-versed as you are when it comes to canoodling with une madame, but I´m pretty sure that´s not how you do it." A pointed look was thrown over her shoulder, head nodding at the human woman still sitting-
...Who used to sit in front of her. She was right there just seconds ago!
Her eyes frantically scanned the establishment, ears straining to detect that angelic voice, nose going crazy trying to catch a whiff of-
The little coffee shop went dead silent then, all eyes turned to her, looking at her like she´s completely lost it. Even her sister shot her a look that was free of mirth and mischief for once.
She had to get out of here.
She turned on her heel, blonde curls bouncing as she marched out of the shop, Kate not far behind. It took a mere few seconds until both of them were standing on the sidewalk in front of the facility, but it´s been the longest few seconds of her life.
The urge to break character, to drop this wretched human facade - if only for a moment - so she could-
"Tan...what´s going on?" Eyes roamed up and down her body, taking in her frenzied state. "What just happened in there?"
A hand slowly reached for her, hesitating for the briefest of moments before it came to rest on her shoulder. As if Kate didn´t wish to accidently spook her, as though her sister were dealing with a wild animal.
Honestly? She didn't quite understand, herself. Now that this woman was no longer in her vicinity, that god-awful itch returned. Only this time, it was made so much worse by that mouthwatering smell which seemed to linger in every facet of her being. It made her feel light-headed; she had great difficulty stringing together a coherent thought.
For the first time in over a millennium, she felt drunk.
It was addicting-
"...Tan? Tany-hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hands grabbed her before she could storm off again. She wasn´t sure where to, exactly. She moved on autopilot, led by a force greater than anything she´s faced in life.
"Will you please tell me what's going on? What's the matter? Is it that woman from before?" That got her listening. "Are you...are you mad at me or something?"
Kate must´ve taken her confused silence as an affirmation. "Come on sis, don´t be like that. I´m sorry, okay? I´m sorry for thwarting your plans of getting into that woman´s pants. But Tan...there´s more where she came from. You´re gonna have your hands full in no time, I´m sure-"
The rational part of her recognized her sister was trying to cheer her up by being her usual impish self. Had she not been as preoccupied as she was in this moment, she might´ve even appreciated it.
However, the primal part of her that seemed to continuously gain the upper hand as time went on did not appreciate it. On the contrary - it roared and snapped its teeth at the implication she would make do with any other ever again-
"-emember? You were so furious at me because she´s had you in a limbo for weeks. I know you have a thing for prudes, but I still think I did you a favor. Some of them just aren´t worth the trouble, if you ask me. Why suffer blue balls when you can have any other-"
As Kate continued her dive into past affairs, she could feel something inside of her snapping.
"She´s NOT just any woman, Kate! So don´t you dare talk about her like she´s merely a way to pass time!" Her sister had the decency to look mildly guilty, at least. More than that though, she looked just as confused as Tanya felt.
"...Okay?" There was that look again. Like she´s lost it. She couldn´t blame her. None of them had ever experienced it...until now.
She ran a hand through her curls in exasperation. "Kate, I...I think...I-"
Gods, what was this woman doing to her?
Hands reached for her again, cradling her upper arms like she was made of porcelain. "Tanya...calm, it´s okay." Kate soothed. "I´d ask you to take a deep breath for me, but that´d kinda be in vain, don´t you think?"
Trust her sister to make light of just about any situation. It´s a trait she both curses and cherishes.
"Honestly though...what´s going on? You´re starting to scare me, sis."
'That makes two of us.'
Yes, this new development did scare her - immensely so. But at the same time, she´s never felt so overcome with purpose and meaning; like everything makes sense now.
In all of her undead existence, she´s never felt so alive.
She couldn´t explain it, even if she tried - one has to experience it to understand. If she had to put a name to it, however-
"Kate..." Her sister took note of her ever-growing smile with a mix of uncertainty and anticipation. Had it still been necessary for her to take a breath, she would have refused to release it in that moment. Tanya was sure of it.
"I think...I think I´ve found my mate."
A/N: Well, that kinda escalated. I´m glad it did though, lel.
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kirikeijii · 2 months
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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥
Timeskip!kenma x fem!reader
synopsis: you loved strawberries. when someone raced you to get it. You got upset but of course, this did not go unnoticed by your loving boyfriend.
cw: just fluff, inspired by a k drama I saw on fb, mention of cars (I think Kenma would have at least 5% interest in cars) Lev, kuroo, and Alisa mentioned, not much talking huhu, also my first time writing so save your judgments for another day tyvm
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"Y/n?" Kenma peaked into the living room of our apartment. Kenma and I have been dating since 3rd year of high school. We were childhood friends and with kuroo. I lived at least just 1 block from Kenma and Kuroo's house so my house was normally where everyone hung out unless we wanted to play on Kenma's Xbox.
Kenma only told me he liked me and wanted to court me in 3rd year highschool because by that time kuroo wasn't gonna come teasing him after he confessed. We started dating 6 months later and moved together 3 months after graduation. We've been together for almost 3 years. Supporting each other through our ups and downs. Now he's the CEO of his company even if he's a college student.
"Yes? Did you need something?" I answered. Hair in a messy bun, glasses on the end of my nose, earphones in my ear. I set my laptop aside that was recently placed on my lap now on the couch and my leg up our coffee table as I give kenma my full attention.
Kenma doesn't really speak much so I try to give him my full attention every time.
"My company is holding this celebration.. because we made this really good trade for stocks and naturally I have to be there..." He continued to ramble on fiddling with the door frame he peaked from looking anywhere but to me. "...so I was wondering, if you're not busy this Saturday."
"I'll go with you, ken." I smiled at him. "I'll go anywhere you go, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I'll be beside you along the way." You say as a joke.
That made him look at me with a smile. He was definitely blushing. "You know me so well." He said as he walked behind the couch and kissed me as I looked up parallel to him while I cupped his face.
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The day of the celebration came. You and Kenma arrived at the venue, door opened for the both of you.
Kenma was very nervous as he is always when he is at a gathering with people he barley knows. You two were sat down in the table at the very front along with Kuroo, Lev and his sister.
The both of you didn't know why they were there, but you figured maybe his assistant invited everyone in his close contact that are sophisticated or something.
As the party went on, it was getting very boring for you. They finished serving the food so what was there to do. They served some rice and steak along with some small fruits like green grapes, blueberries, raspberries and some strawberries.
You loved strawberries. The only fruit in your fridge was strawberries, although it's already gone due to you making them your midnight snack up until 2 in the morning. Kenma even gave you his portion of strawberries knowing how much you like them.
Due to your boredom, you looked around the room spotting some strawberries in the center of your shared table. You wondered why you never saw it when it was right in front of you but shrugged anyways.
Moving your body to grab it, someone got there before you. You retract your hand to see Lev's sister grabbig it and biting on it while looking at the stage with all the performers.
You couldn't blame her, she didn't see you. Upset, you put your hand back on your lap with a sigh and continued watching the show they put on, trying to get your mind off it.
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After the party you and Kenma went into his car. He opened the door for you and you sat on the passenger seat and looked up tired.
"That was tiring.." You said hearing Kenma sit on the driver's seat.
"What do you mean tired? You just sat there." The boy said removing his expensive, rented blazer and vest and putting it behind your seat,
Kenma was rich. I mean rich rich. This was because he never really spent that much money when he was young. Unless it was a necessity he only spent his money on you, games, and maybe sometimes cars.
He likes to name the cars he's bought in the past like some cool Japanese girl names. For example yuki, yuri, reiko, ayumi, or chiako. Something like that.
For some reason, his favorite car was the Mclaren 765lt Spider in Lantana Purple. He said it looked cool, and would always take it out for a ride. He liked it so much that he named it after you.
You even said it was weird he named his car after you but he said it was perfect because you were his favorite person and now his favorite car was named after you.
Minutes passed and you can feel the car slowing down at a convenience store. Your eyebrows furrow as Kenma got out of the car before you could talk.
He came back a little later hands behind him. He was carrying something tho you couldn't see it. He then sat on the driver's seat, closing the door beside him.
"What'd you buy?" you tilt your head to the side with a smile on your face.
"This." He then showed his other hand with a box of strawberries. You looked at the strawberries in his hands then him to see the boy smiling. " I saw you earlier you know, I know it wasn't Alisa's fault that she didn't see you but you just looked so sad when she got to the strawberry first. I know how much you like them." He kissed your forehead and rubbed the back of your head giving you the plastic box of strawberries.
You looked down at the strawberries to see a little flower clipped beside it making you blush, smile reaching ear to ear. "You know me so well." you leaned on his shoulder before starting the car and back to your lovingly shared house.
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ᯓ★ This was shit but it was my first time writing and posting it. Thank you for reading<3 | Masterlist
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apoptoses · 3 months
“Either the big plane with the velvet bedroom on it or the smaller one with the low ceiling and the leather chairs” it literally just HIT me that one of Armand and Daniel’s planes has a VELVET BEDROOM. What are the chances they fucked there 🙂‍↕️🤞
anon pls I have a folder of 80's pj interiors saved just for fodder on this topic!! because i think we tend to picture a private jet interior like modern celebrity-rented pjs, all kinda cookie cutter and beige/white/wood interiors but vintage jets were WILD, like-
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So like we know Armand went though his flying phase and I like to imagine at some point Daniel made a mile high club joke and then oh, fuck, now he's done it, it's become a thing.
And Armand jerks him off in tiny airplane bathrooms where they've barely got room for both of them to stand up, gives his wrist little nibbles until he busts in his jeans while everyone is asleep on an international red-eye flight. He's a pest and it sucks because there's no privacy and frankly by the end of it Daniel is sick of only ever coming 40,000 ft in the air in the same room as a tiny stainless steel prison toilet.
So the first pj? A fucking revelation.
The cockpit door shuts and finally there's no one around to see them share the blood. Daniel can actually take his pants off and enjoy the sight of Armand on his knees on the plush carpet, and then go spread out on the big velvet bed and get wrecked like they're still on the ground.
(AND he can take a shower after, no more fucking public bathroom germs for him anymore tyvm he's a man of means now and he thoroughly enjoys it)
Now that Armand has the cloud gift they don't really need a jet to go between NYC and Auvergne but I like to think they still have one they use for transatlantic travel. Its got a sleeker, more modern interior- Armand is a man of the times, and some part of him hates reminders of the night he turned Daniel (he still sees it as a funeral, after all)- but there's a little velvet blanket tucked in the bedroom for old time's sake.
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tiyawnyana · 2 years
"I'll be good"
Request from @hislaevv :
Ao’nung trying his hardest not to bully Lo’Ak bc his protective, sensitive, blueberry bf— Neteyam, gets very moody when any of his siblings get picked on.
“Teyam, I’ll make it up to you. I promise I’ll never do it again. I’ll be good” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) u can take it from there! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) very light to moderate nsfw if u can.
Please Ibeg u 😣🙏🏽 tyvm
When I tell you this was a bit of a toughy I'm not kidding but I loved this request, definitely challenging on the bullying part (I hope it turned out OK, I picture Lo'ak as an instigater when it comes to Ao'nung in the future) pls lmk if you like!
Warnings: uh anger, slight fight, lo'ak being a turd, aonung being dumb and some nsfw spice! Also aged up characters, neteyam is 20 Ao'nung is 21
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Ao'nung has learned that in order to stay on his love's good side, he must be kind and helpful with his love's younger siblings. Has he followed through with that? Mostly. Somewhat.
Look, he's been respectful and kind with Kiri. He helps with whatever she needs, and often goes diving with her. Sometimes he has trouble keeping up with her!
He also helps watch over Tuk, often playing with her in the water or teaching her new things.
It's the youngest son that's putting a (metaphorical) knife in his side, Lo'ak.
"Lo'ak no, don't do-"
Ao'nung chuckles as Lo'ak throws the netting a little too hard, toppling over off of the deck. He lands in the water, resurfacing and spitting, only to glare up at him.
"You ass-"
"You're not messing with my baby brother, are you, ma' yawne?"
Neteyam approaches them, the two turn to look and Ao'nung smiles so wide while Lo'ak fake gags.
"He pushed me in!"
"What? No I didn't, you fell." He sighs,"I tried to warn you."
Neteyam scowls at the both of them, and they both shut up,"Please be nice."
Ao'nung glares down at Lo'ak, only to receive a light smack on his bicep.
"I mean it, Ao'nung." He's throwing a glance down at Lo'ak before walking off.
Ao'nungs shoulders sag, before he glares and throws a fish at Lo'ak as he snickers.
The next few days it seems that Lo'ak is really testing his patience.
He continuously doesn't listen to directions, specifically when Neteyam shows up to paint Ao'nung in bad lighting when he does get angry. And those nights, Neteyam gives him the silent treatment.
This happens so much throughout the next few days, Ao'nung tries to hold his composure.
And of course, he finally snaps at the worst time.
"NO, Lo'ak, you couldve gotten hurt worse."
He just won't listen to Ao'nungs instructions on the hunts they go out on. He won't stick to the pattern, he just goes off on his own and this time he got hurt, slammed into a coral formation and his back was scraped up. He had to be dragged up out of the water, the wind having been knocked out of his chest.
"I have told you time and time again, stick to the circle." He's angry, dragging Lo'ak to his mother Ronal to have him patched up.
"I tried to this time!" Lo'ak argues, wincing at the vice grip around his bicep.
"No, you didn't! It doesn't help that you still have not improved on your swimming as of late," the next words are sour on his tongue,"You are acting like the demon you were before."
He regrets it as soon as it spills from his mouth because Lo'ak stops abruptly, yanking his arm out of Ao'nungs grip, and to make it worse, Neteyam rounds the corner at the worst time.
"What did you just call him?"
Ao'nungs heart drops into his stomach and his head drops in shame and embarrassment.
"Lo'ak, what happened?" Neteyam checks his brother, a soft gasp leaving his lips and he turns a freezing glare to Ao'nung,"my brother is injured and you call him a demon?"
"Ma'Teyam, please," Ao'nung reaches to him, trying to explain.
"No, we will talk later. Let's go, Lo'ak," and he's dragging him off to their mother.
Neteyam ends up ignoring him the rest of the day, sticking with his brother and family. Ao'nung feels horrible for what he's done.
Ao'nung is sitting on the beach, hours later and trying to figure out how to apologize. He shouldn't have said that, why did he say that? Sure, Lo'ak was impulsive and sometimes reckless but he was not a demon. He was just so angry in the moment; no, it was inexcusable.
He quickly gets up, going off to find Lo'ak and apologize but stops as he sees Neteyam in their pod. He's visually upset, folding fabrics only to throw them across the pod.
Ao'nung silently steps inside before closing the opening flaps, leaving them alone.
"Ma, yawne," he speaks softly.
"Do not sweet talk me, Ao'nung."
He flinches at the tone before clearing his throat,"Please, Teyam, I'm so sorry. Is Lo'ak alright?"
Neteyam stands, turning around to face him and his brows crease.
"Thankfully yes, he's been patched up." He pauses,"I told him to train with you because I thought you could help him, he's wanted nothing more than to fit in over the years but now," he sighs, rubbing a hand down his face,"You called him a demon, just as you did all those years ago."
"I know, I honestly don't know why I did but I am so, so sorry. He got hurt because of my hunting circle and I just," he steps closer,"I don't want him to get hurt because of me. I mustve lost my temper."
Neteyam shakes his head,"You are not supposed to apologize to me, Ao'nung," he points,"You have to apologize to Lo'ak. He needs to know you do not see him as a demon."
"I will, ma' yawne."
Neteyam sighs, crossing his arms. His ears flick back and tail swishes behind him, showing his frustration,"How can I forgive you, when you've hurt my brother? I see you, more than anyone, but this hurts me so."
Ao'nung steps closer, they're nearly touching, and drops to his knees,"I will not do that again, I promise you, I'll apologize in the morning," he reaches for Neteyams hands, kisses along his knuckles,"Ma'Teyam, please, I'll make it up to you. I promise I won't do it again," he kisses his wrists before looking up and locking gazes,"I'll be good."
Neteyam gulps, feels his heartbeat speed up and all his resolve melt away. His ears flick back and tail swishes behind him more, he can't seem to pull his gaze from Ao'nungs needy eyes.
He releases a shakey breath as Ao'nung lifts himself a little, just enough to press a soft kiss to his naval, his hands coming up to gently hold behind his thighs. Neteyam lifts his hands, grasping onto Ao'nungs shoulders.
"Ma' yawne," he gasps at the light nip of teeth over his hip,"You cannot just do thi-" He's stopped, a moan releasing from his throat and he quickly covers his mouth.
Ao'nung grins, having had lifted one hand and stroked the base of Neteyams tail.
"Please, let me make it up to you," he kisses an open mouth kiss right above the band of his loincloth, before licking up his abdomen in one long stroke.
Neteyam gasps once more before grunting, bending at the waist and gripping Ao'nungs jaw, dragging him into a needy kiss.
"You better," he breaks the kiss, staring into his lust filled eyes,"apologize to Lo'ak tomorrow."
"Of course, just let me," Ao'nung groans as he's dragged into another kiss. He stands, gripping Neteyams waist and guides him to their little nest and ushers him to lay down, he finally breaks the kiss,"let me take care of you, ma'Teyam."
He crawls up Neteyam, leaving kisses and little bites along his frame, their bodies grinding against one another. Open mouthed kisses, hickeys and bites are littered amongst eachother, moans filling their pod.
The night continues, and Ao'nung makes it up and then some to his mate.
The next day, Ao'nung apologizes to a smirking, cocky Lo'ak and he prays to Eywa for strength not to, as Neytiri said it once, pluck his eyes out.
Ok again I had a lotta fun writing this so thank you @hislaevv !
Keep challenging me yall, send in more requests! I'm having so much fun writing about these boys (but also send others too!!)
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hawthornesbiggestfan · 7 months
the naturals series—a short (LIE) rant
just finished the natural series (still need to read twelve) and i have way too much to say. where do i even begin?
it ALL made sense in the end. at first i assume each book had its own plotline. each book was a different case. BUT NOOOO jlb managed to tie ALL of them together. and everytime i thought it was all figured out—there was a plot twist. there was always a plot twist.
the cast was my favourite. i love our mc cassie. shes so relatable and so human, not an emotionless girl like most books try to make their mcs nowadays. she genuinely felt empathy and understanding towards the victims.
the love triangle felt, to me, a little unnecessary. but i will say that i loved how it didnt really got in the way of the main plot, it was just smth to entertain and make us see that these are teenagers and not just random people solving cases.
my favourite so far (if u couldn't tell) is lia. i WILL be talking about her for the next 10 years of my existence, tyvm. i love how layered she was and how slowly throughout the series we see her open up and show who she is underneath all those layers of deception. i have sm to say abt micheal and lia, but lets keep it calm (for now).
bad blood was AMAZING. the cult and all that shit was so well written like??? im currently wondering if it genuinely is a real cult (who knows?). the ending was not expected, and im so sad abt what happened w cas n her ma.
anyway!! in other words, this book was amazing. im so upset that theres barely any content abt it. 5/5 stars (and def better than the inheritance games, JUST SAYING)
go read it. now.
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soov-archived · 2 years
waist rubs while lying close to each other + nuzzling their face into s/o’s neck
for riki (r we even surprised)
ilu bff i hope ur having the most insane amazing best day ever🌷
LILYY tyvm for requesting hope u Like this silly little drabble love u 🌷
important : gn!reader, 0.5k words, 1 pet name (baby), 1 mention of pancakes, niki gets called stupid but it doesn’t mean any harm. lmk if i missed any! . . . rei is thinking — requests are open!
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“you look so stupid right now,” you chuckled quietly, palms cupping both sides of your boyfriend’s face.
riki had been trying to cheer you up for the whole day after he noticed how you seemed off. he got so stressed about it that he tried everything he knew that could make you smile. from drawing his signature insect (which he nicknamed ‘jongseong’) to baking a ton of pancakes that turned out half-burnt, nothing worked out.
however, by the end of the day, what made you show a sign of happiness was the basic silly face he made. nishimura gave himself a trophy and a gold medal in his imagination for finally getting a reaction out of you. the corner of his mouth turned upwards at the sound of your laugh, his expression softening in a fraction of a second.
“and you finally smiled,” he breathed, his hands coming to rest on top of yours as he watched you grin heartily.
you nodded. “why would i not?”
“you didn’t smile when i drew jay hyung earlier,” the boy pettily sulked. with care, he pulled you down on his bed, tangling his limbs with yours. “nor when i invited you to build my new lego set. y’know i don’t go asking everyone to do it with me, it’s a very sacred ritual.”
his jokes (and the tickling feeling of his hair on your neck whilst he buried his face on your shoulders) enticed a loud laugh from you. “gosh, i take back what i said. you didn’t look stupid, you are stupid.”
in faux offense, your boyfriend let out a gasp, removing his head from its resting place. “you are so mean.” he let out a playful scoff, getting happier whenever you found his dumbassery funny. he would do anything to make your pretty smile show up on your lips every second of your life. “i’m glad you’re better now.”
“i think i just needed some time to think,” you hummed. your body melted in comfort while riki began to rub stars and wonky hearts on your bare waist, right where the hem of your shirt went slightly up. it was too hard not to relax in his arms when you knew he was trying to soothe you. “but thanks for the effort, and m’sorry if i was too distant today.”
“you’re great, baby.” nishimura assured, plush lips being pressed to the space between your eyebrows. “i’m sorry if i was too invasive, though.”
“it’s alright.” mumbling back, you layed your head on his chest, the peaceful tempo of his heart making you drowsy. after a while, you spoke up with the remaining energy you had left for the day. “you looked cute all worried about me. it was really adorable.”
his heart rate picked up incredibly fast, burying his face on the crook of your neck once again. ni-ki felt stupid for reacting in such a way — stupid just like how you had jokingly called him before. “i hate you.”
for the last time that night, you chuckled at his behavior. “love you too, riki.”
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⠀ ⠀ © soov, 2O23.
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ofstormsandfire · 1 month
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Again gonna go for the caveat that I am not really much for marriage personally, though I wonder if I'd get good tax benefits for marrying a Champion...
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She's SO cool I still have a cosplay of her and it's great. The wig is heavy and I really should remake the hairclips but like, she's recognizable so I'll take it haha.
Again. I'd marry her for tax benefits and maybe we could kiss about it too who knows.
Blorboooo. Less of an active one, but very much one anyway because my Pokémon thoughts perpetually loom in the background of whatever else I'm into. Comes with the territory of being my first fandom and also one that big-time changed my brain chemistry.
I have noticed. Multiple people. Getting confused that I write Cynthia as being particularly smart, or really expanding on her character beyond "badass champion who strikes fear into the hearts of pokemon players." (Confused is a nicer way to put it than I'd like to.) Anyway Cynthia is a fun case of a character where I can, in fact, cite my goddamn sources as to why I write her the way I do. She's a massive nerd, she's a bit of a battle junkie (maybe not quite Nemona levels, but she'd certainly have fun battling her while they figured it out), she's not good at keeping things tidy, she loves her team.
People tend to just... not see her as a person, sometimes, apart from "really hard final boss" and honestly I think we as a fandom should stop that. If I've made no other contribution to the Pokémon fandom I hope people will stop forgetting that Cynthia's a nerd.
Also she got my asexuality lol. It felt fitting.
I wish she showed up more often than she does in canon. Is this partially because I'm gay? Yes, but also because she's just a really cool character and she's fun to hang out with :)
Also. Funny story. I took an archaeology class back in freshman year of college specifically because I was like oh, Cynthia thinks this is cool, I need an elective that fits these criteria anyway, it probably can't be that bad.
...Um. Fast forward to senior year. I liked that class so much that I first ended up signing on for a minor in anthropology and then a second major. So Cynthia's directly responsible for that one LMAO
Tyvm for the asks!
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9w1ft · 11 months
Idk if you've already answered this, but do you know why vogue deleted kaylor's bff game vid? P.S. love ur tumblr
hi! tyvm 🥰
so first of all, just to clarify, the video was put on private, it hasn’t been deleted. second of all, no i don’t know why —i don’t think anybody can know why— but if you are interested in what i think, i guess i will say it this way,
over the years i’ve felt like i’ve experienced a pattern of happening when it comes to kaylor, where often something really big and loud in a positive sense will be accompanied either before or after by something to the negative side of the spectrum.
i think that sometimes the argument is summed up as any of the following, that “something bad just happened, that means something gay is coming” or “something gay just happened, that means something bad is coming” or “the girls decided to throw us a bone” or “this must have been an early apology to appease us because they need us to spread their message” but speaking for myself i see it a little differently. because i don’t think we (the fans) are the focal point of their actions. when you put taylor and karlie as the focal point of their own actions, i think that you might be able to see this pairing (of kaylor positive happenings with kaylor negative happenings) as a sort of risk management. what i mean by risk management is, it’s a way to continue to keep their options open to them as to where they want to go next with their narrative, every step of the way.
so for example, if they add a qualifier or several qualifiers, karlie can easily go to eras tour (and taylor can sing maroon (a song people say is about karlie) on karlies birthday, and she can pair our song with the kaylor anthem you are in love, and sing king of my heart and exile and new year’s day etc etc all in the same week) and even the most clever of gaylors will end up saying “but. BUT!! the bff video got taken down! taylor must have done that! or karlie must have done that! they must be feuding! so i still don’t believe!” and so the needle isn’t drastically moved. it keeps people confused and not in agreement and allows the girls to be able to do things without the ball rolling out of control.
it’s like that one parable about boiling a frog. if you turn the heat up suddenly on a pot of water with a frog in it, they will jump right out. but if you keep the water heating up ever so gradually, the frog won’t move and it will become cooked. imagine the jumping frog is a fanbase becoming suddenly uncontrollable, and the adjustment of the heat as this continual pairing of hot and cold developments, ultimately (i would argue) trending towards hot in the long term.
so anyway when i see something like the bff video being put on private so close to when karlie went to eras tour, i just kind of nod an smile and say, ah, okay, another adjustment, all is good. and move on. that’s it. and when you are more aware of this and see things happening in concert with one another time and time again, the mere existence of this pattern starts to feel like more evidence pointing to this being business as usual. and i think it helps you relax a little bit.
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To all of y’all saying Wesper was rushed or that you don’t like that they had a once night stand or that you don’t like that they had sex: Reapectfully, SHUT UPPPP.
Also in terms of the one night stand/wesper having sex in the show I’m actually VERY glad they did that considering they’ve aged up the characters the way they did. This is a portrayal of adults, not kids, and Wylan was NEEEVER shy about his feelings for Jesper in the books so I definitly feel like if he saw that man in the streets he’d totally have a one night stand, especially if Jesper was on the same page lmao.
People DIED with that line delivery
It was me
I’m people
Anyway Wesper is life tyvm imma go rewatch that scene in Ep 4 again you know the one
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sinni-ok-sessi · 8 months
hi! for the WIP meme, please tell me about:
scenes from a sickbed [NiF] and
in which nobody is Gregor and everyone is Just Fine tyvm [NiF]
god how I would like to make progress on either one of these
OK, so these are both prequel fics set in between Meiling and MCS rocking up in the capital
scenes from a sickbed is Lin Chen-POV of Mei Changsu's time at Langya Hall. It was meant (long-suffering sigh) to mostly be silly moderately horny necking in the Langya archives but unfortunately I started writing it and it got sad almost immediately. Surely no one could have foreseen this. Required me to make too many decisions about when certain pre-main plotline events happened (MCS' medical interventions; the arrival of Feiliu, etc), which is why it stalled
in which nobody is Gregor is all @cicelythereaper's fault, because we have an ongoing 'consider if these characters from NiF and the Vorkosigan saga met each other' conversation and I collect Sad Emperors, so this is a 'what if, in the early years after Meiling, Jingyan did something ill-advised (and noble and self-sacrificing etc) and ended up in intergalacticnational trouble such that his smartass cousin had to come rescue him'.* Required more plot than my brain would provide, but one day, perhaps...
*this will mean considerably more to you if you've read The Vor Game
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crystalflygeo · 8 months
Long overdue final ebg post (lmao) bc I need to get this out of my system...
Tag for all the posts/storyline
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Art by the amazing lovely precious cutie Aine @/ainescribe
First of all I want to thank @i23kazu immensely for allowing me to participate pls I was SO unsure at first haha and she absolutely killed it with the interactions, the lil side project, the prompts, the scores tally... it's just so much work, kudos to you Ying fr!! It was a super fun game.
Shoutout to my besties/mutuals
@silentmoths @ainescribe thank you for your lil asks I love seeing your characters aaaaaaaa 💕
@floraldresvi @moraxsthrone and all the anons I got, your sabotages here and in discord were brutal omg Vi you almost made my cry //pos bc I wanted to react/respond to Li's messages 🥺 EVERY SINGLE TIME ghgnhgnghgn and NOT KEL MAKING MY GIRL HAVE A WET DREAM/SPICY MEMORY TYVM 💕 the way I had to contain myself hELP I loved it svcgavscgvsjgacbkackl
@meimeimeirin you also sabotaged me a lot, meanie //pos I loved SO MUCH your asks/little stories aaaaaa thank you for engaging so much when I know you're super busy 🥺 it def made my day everytime, ty for bringing the girl home and solving my silly lil mystery hehe 💕
@kurikurikurisu GIIIIIRL it's so funny to me that we kinda started interacting more on the last ebg for Rin and then I was like "she's a cool person I wanna fren.... 👉🏻👈🏻 but I shy...." took my sweet time to invite you to the server and turns out THIS ebg got us closer (I think? ehe?//hit) we didn't interact much in tumblr with each other's plots but bOY were we emotional support in discord, we really were in this suffering together 🤝🏻 mhm //nods nods 🤣 thank you so much for being interested in my lil silly plot and my girl aaaaaa
As for the "plot" and other things... (this got so long I am so sorryy;;;)
Well at first I wanted to do kinda a normal ebg, no plot or anything bc I don't think I have the smarts to do an elaborate game/story lmao and I kinda wanted to have more established s/i lore?? And then I realized hey I can use the ebg to introduce my s/i!!!
See I'd been working SO hard on her names lately, researching and studying in-game adepti lore and stuff and I though why don't I make it a simple game where the goal is to guess her name (with me giving hints ofc) and at the very start I had the idea of her losing her memories so she could re-discover/remember things about herself alongside the "players" learning them. Whoever character I got as my bias would help her and get to know her too along the way, even npcs (or in the rare case of me getting Dottore/Pantalone, probs be the villain for her memory loss lmao)
And then I got Kazuha. And it was so SO perfect. I took inspiration from Spirited Away with the plot point of having your name/memories/identity stolen and for some reason I remembered the whole Ino-shika-cho koi-koi card combo from Summer Wars I just had this vivid mental image of a scene where Kazuha dropped the biggest hint by writing the Kanji for Butterfly (Chō) which doubles ofc as the Hanzi for Butterfly/Crystalfly (Dié) written the same pronounced (and romanized) differently :3c
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I was very proud of myself//hit also
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I did not end up making haiku bc they are complicated but I at least tried to loosely keep/emulate the 3 phrases, phonetic rhyme and sensory elements while referencing my lil plot lmao
✧˖Originally I was gonna blame it on a playful tanuki or smth but I don't think they're powerful enough youkai lmao it was probably a kitsune.... we may never know ✧˖She was technically never in any danger yeah but imagine being lost with no memories and no way to know if you could get them back even because every person she met kept telling her they didn't know ofc she'd break down, or at least me, I'm very crybaby and neurotic sometimes//HIT ✧˖Yes this entire thing was technically Zhongli's fault since he did write her a letter addressed 亲爱的晶蝶 ("My dear Crystalfly/Jingdie") and that IS her name woops on a random note I kinda imagine he also signs with something like 你的龙 "Your Dragon" and vice versa with Crys ("My dear Dragon/your Crystalfly") sgcvgajsvcjhacbajkca //squeals kicks feets
And all this started because I was stressing over the fact that "Crys" is not an appropriate name for a Liyue character lmao, I debated for so long giving her a chinese name, but I didn't want to further make her an OC I wanted her to represent me/my blog (also part of me was and still is immensely worried I somehow insult cn ppl by being as some sort of weeabo equivalent or that I am "appropriating culture" or idk I may be dumb but I try to do my research and I prommy it does not come from a place of malice or anything I genuinely love genshin and Li and it's got me interested in a culture/country I funnily enough have somehow interacted with and have friends in but never really paid that much attention to ig...) and then I just had the epiphany What if I just reverse engineer and name her Crystalfly in cn? Lore would be that either her name got accidentally translated in documents a long long time ago and ppl started calling ehr Crystalfly/Crys and she rolled with it or she simply adopted the translation/nickname as her name for international settings, keeping her true name more private (hidden in plain sight tbh) p sure the only ones who know are the elder adepti (Ganyu/Xiao included) and Neuvillette (once he told her his real/first name) (ironically Crys may be harder to pronounce i other languages lmaoooo rip Fontaine)
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Anyway this got way too long lmao sorrryyyyyyyy thank you everyone kith kith love y'all bye!! 💕
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kachulein · 7 months
assign your moots with their bias & a trope!! tell us why too 👀
I'll do this for Kris and Lys considering we all got the same ask👀 I'm literally so curious about who you are anon since you must know all 3 of us. (plot twist, either Lys or Kris are behind those and sent themselves the ask as well😂) (on that note, isn't it weird that we can send ourselves asks? Like yeah, I totally enjoy talking to myself pretending to be an anon???? Tumblr what were you thinking😂)
anyway let's get into it *cracks knuckles*
@http-peachie -> childhood friends to lovers with either Jinsik or Changmin. Listen, both of them would fit this trope so well and the trope itself is really Kris-coded imo. I can't really give a coherent explanation for it, just that something about Kris as a person gives me nostalgic vibes which fits my impression of the childhood friends to lovers trope... smth about it just feels nostalgic. Like I said, idk if that makes sense, it's mostly ✨️vibes✨️ I guess. Alternatively, I'd like to give them hurt/comfort with Seeun (kinda forcing this bias on Kris rn) in which Seeun takes care of and comforts Kris. I just feel like this would be perfect. <3 Third, just for the sake of being evil (as I am iykyk) I'd like to throw in a love triangle with Anton and Jungwon. They are going to either 1) fight to the death and the winner gets Kris (plot twist, I k!ll them both and take Kris🥰😇) or 2) they finally make up (their fight over Kris has been going on for a while yk), become friends and Kris gets both of them🥰🥰🥰
@solovolpe -> e2l with Minjae (I'm just gonna force him on Lys as her new bias now. I don't take criticism for this, tyvm). iykyk but if you don't know Lys, just trust me on this one, it fits, it fits soooo well. Lys was simply made for e2l fics and it's such a fitting trope that I would literally d!e to be able to watch this play out in real life like a movie. It would be dramatic, comedic, and you'd go on a rollercoaster of emotions, probably cry throughout 40% of it but it's all worth it in the end, since they FINALLY fall in love and accept it and live happily ever after. Alternatively, Dorks in Love with Sunwoo because he's one (affectionate)(I didn't want to publicly call him a loser (affectionate) so dork it is) and ✨️vibes✨️ and just to be evil yet again, I'd like to give a third option: snowed in (aka locked in) with Intak (another bias I'm forcing upon her) and they'll be trapped in there until they either 1) fall in love (again, take a chance, baby, let's take a chance🎶) 2) k!ll each other, I guess. We'll see :D
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eggofritts · 2 years
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The third and final of three D2 acrylic charm designs! I will be making these semi-transparent 2.5-inch charms and limited stock since I’m not sure if there’s anyone else interested in these as well.
My current impressions of the siblings below! Of all the D2 characters, I have the most brain rot for them…
Mara Sov
Since I was a fan of Seth Dickinson’s writing, I had done some preliminary research on what he wrote for Destiny lore. One of those things is the creation of Mara Sov and much of her lore. I also saw a Tumblr post showing a lot of people did not like her and that she was a controversial character in the game. This interested me more to play it and make a judgment for myself. I didn’t get to see who Mara Sov was until the Parasite exotic quest and even then was kinda confused as to who she was and her significance. I really like the dialogue during that quest since it was one of the first few instances during the early parts of my D2 journey that showed any hint of vulnerability from a character. Reading the Parasite lore page about Mara feeling gratitude at witnessing the vision of herself becoming the Witness’s disciple intrigued me even more!! Anyways, I say all of this to say that I ended up really liking Mara Sov. Marasenna, The Awoken of the Reef, and The Dreaming City were my first lore books I ever finished reading. I love how terrible she is, 10% of the time when she is viscerally vulnerable, and how complex she is. I am also obsessed with how her character relates to others such as: ofc Uldren/Crow, whatever freaky little friendship she got going on with Eris Morn, the parallels between her, Savathun, and Ikora as people who revolve their life around secrets, Petra and Sjur as her girlfriends wraths, and parallels to Caitl as rulers who rule very differently 9soon we see them interact in season of seraph...? bungo pls).
She has done so many morally reprehensible things. I can see why people don’t like her and can’t imagine her being likable, but unfortunately, I tend to really like terrible fictional characters. I have friends who are some of the kindest people I know and are extremely driven by selfish means. They were the ones who taught me that being selfish isn’t inherently bad and a person can be judged much more holistically. I’m not saying my friends are nearly in the same ballpark of being an egotistical, cold, and manipulative queen like Mara Sov, but that mix of good intentions in coexistence or clashing with selfish goals is familiar to me and I enjoy the moral struggle. That is a lot more interesting to me than being another NPC that just spouts quest objectives. Also to my more shallow tastes, I love a woman who would coldly step on me tyvm. Mara often fails and I would like to see her fail more, suffer the consequences of those failures, and succeed maybe like 50% of the time LOL I like women who are dominant but also fall from their dominance. I am very much a supporter of women’s rights and women’s wrongs LMAOOOOO (Note: I mean this last sentence for only fictional characters in case anyone decides to take this in bad faith. IRL war criminals are war criminals that deserve bad deaths regardless of gender.)
(I thought her hair was kinda ugly at first, but I got used to it so now I like it LOL)
Uldren Sov/Crow
I vaguely was aware of Uldren simply because of his relationship with Mara for awhile. Then I met Crow and realized “oh huh he’s clearly got a lot more going on then just being Mara’s brother”. Then I read Marasenna and realized his dynamic with Mara was a lot more complicated than I realized. I love complicated sibling relationships!! I thought it sucked that much of Uldren’s narrative arc happened in Forsaken which is now in the content vault and I can’t experience it for myself :^(((((. I recently finished reading The Forsaken Prince and thaaaat was really good wow. I wish we can see Jolyon in game considering he was an important person in Uldren’s life. Maybe it’ll happen whenever Crow decides to confidently approach the people that were important to his past life head-on. I really did enjoy the story when catching up on Season of the Risen and Haunted. During the Sever missions, I constantly kept going “omg Crow you’re going to let the little voice in your head keep saying things like that? Oooowww…” Like Uldren was mean afffff 😭 I understand the Crow fatigue for vet fans, but I just came in like a couple months ago so I am all ready to go to see what else the narrative team has in store for my guy. I am looking forward to his growth as his own person with a renewed sense of purpose. I didn’t realize Glint was important to Crow until revisiting dialogue during Season of the Lost and reading more of his lore so I didn’t include him in the drawing. If I ever make more of these charms, I’ll draw Glint in and maybe Petra (after studying up on her lore).
I am extremely mentally ill over the Sov siblings. By extension, I will soon be mentally ill over everything Awoken-related (I need to get on Petra Venj stuff holy moly), but I need to read more of their lore stuff first.
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omgellendean · 5 months
All the emojis, please! For Jon Snow!
Thank you! :3
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc.
Before he thought about joining the Night's Watch, Jon had really intense teenage angst over running out of time to reach greatness. You know, "Barristan the Bold got his nickname by thirteen! The Kingslayer was knighted at fifteen, and I still lose to Robb when we train together!! At my age, The Young Dragon was already conquering Dorn!!!" kind of thoughts, followed by morose confidence that after eighteen, all chances to become a hero are over.
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance.
I strongly believe that Jon is short. Not even average height like Ned: if they met again when Jon is all grown up, Jon still would be shorter. And when they finally meet with Sansa, she's also going to be a bit taller :3
💖 - Romantic relationships or ships.
Jon/Val is going to be endgame, much to everyone's frustration, because Martin can't be assed to flesh Val out further than "cool and sexy warrior lady".
Lol, I mean, I think it's pretty clear by now that Jon and Dany (and possibly Tyrion) will become a thing at some point and there's going to be a lot of messy feelings on all sides. And while I doubt Dany's storyline will be the same *insert complicated headcanon here*, I think Jon's series ending got some of the main beats right. Basically, I think he will survive the final battle and feel like he outlived his propose, break up with/betray Dany in some non-stabby way, get disconnected from the society and move beyond the (destroyed forever, tyvm) Wall to that tower he and Ygritte talked about to mope in peace, get rare visits from the family and surviving friends and have casual sex with Val.
💛 - Familial relationships.
Growing up, he and Robb were crazy competitive over everything, from who learns Ned's bannermen's sigils faster (Robb) to who can hold their breath underwater the longest (actually Theon, but he doesn't count because he's older, so Jon). But while for Robb it's always been in good fun, Jon really needed to win every single time and had to learn not to get upset at least outwardly.
🕊️ - Platonic relationships (friends, enemies, etc).
This one is heavily affected by the show, and I recognise this. Still, I maintain that, while they can't stand each other, Jon and Thorne recognise that they both are actually competent people, of which there's a real shortage on the Wall. So if Thorne returns from his raid while Jon is dead, he's going to be really pissed about his assassination. He's going to be even more pissed when Jon comes back to life.
🗡️ - Fighting styles/combat.
While Jon is outstanding at sword fighting by the Watch's current standard, he still has a lot to learn and is not a legendary fighter.
✨ - Worldbuilding or background story elements.
Jon was really fascinated with Luwin's telescope (called Myrish eye here, apparently) and would constantly bother him to get to look through it. He had to stop himself from asking the same from Aemon, when he first arrived at the Wall.
🍁 - Physical locations, flora & fauna.
Jon can easily withstand cold and actually loves snow and winter, but can't bear hot weather. If this boy ever gets to the Reach, not to mention Dorn, he's getting cooked immediately.
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
my thoughts on the TBB season 2 finale
I’ve been more than open about my feelings at this point. I enjoyed the majority of The Summit actually, it’s just Plan 99 that I wish I could erase from my memory forever LOL
you know what, I’ll just go ahead and name everything I did like about these episodes, since I’ve done plenty of complaining already 😝
like I said, I did genuinely like The Summit as an episode. there were a lot of really great moments up until everything started to go wrong (thanks Saw Gerrera, I hate your guts 🙃)
the beginning part on Pabu with Phee. oh. my. GOSH. that was the cutest thing ever. Tech/Phee is officially up there with Kanera and Han/Leia as one of my favorite SW ships 🥰 awkward Tech was SO cute. and relatable 😝
Tech being so adamant about rescuing Crosshair, oh my heart, he misses his brother SO much 😭💙
I have to continue to talk about how freaking happy I am that Echo is back. idk how often he’ll be around in the next season, but I hope the group permanently stays together now. I missed him SO much 🥺
Wrecker was SO funny and sweet in this episode. the part where they’re like “we need to be precise” and they ALL turned to look at Wrecker, OMG that was literally the funniest thing to ever happen in the entire show 🤣👌🏻
Tech Spiderman swinging up to that sensor tower was 👀
Team Sneaky going off to do sneaky things, while Team Chaos handled the homing beacon, LOVE to see it. I was so proud of my baby girl for getting through the hanger, with Wrecker watching her back the entire time 🥰
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seriously why was this episode just one big Rogue One reference LOL
when Tech and Hunter went off, and Tech was like “it could take forever to locate the problem”, and Hunter almost immediately finds the hidden bomb, I love my man so much 😙
that part when Team Sneaky was fighting off Stormtroopers and Hunter used one of the bodies as a human shield, babe please I’m already simping 🥵
as much as I hate droid deaths, Wrecker stepping on the mouse droid and it getting stuck on his foot was so silly 😆
and now for what I enjoyed in the accursed Plan 99...
gonna start off with an obvious one... Hunter sniper shooting down that ship with his little DC-17 blaster in one shot. sir. SIR. IM ALREADY STUPIDLY IN LOVE WITH YOU PLEEEEEASE 😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵
as horrible as it was, from an artistic perspective, Tech’s “death” was an absolute masterpiece. since I already knew that was going to happen and had even watched that moment in a clip on Twitter with the sound off, what really did me in was the music (darn you Kiners 😭💔) and Omega’s reaction. that’s what got me sobbing fr. I can appreciate something from an artistic perspective, even if I don’t like the subject matter 😞
the part where Omega was woozy after the crash mimicked the end of Reunion with Hunter after he’d gotten shot by Cad Bane, and I genuinely loved that 👌🏻
THE WHOLE SCENE WITH HUNTER COMFORTING OMEGA OMFG MY DADGUM HEART. him smiling when she woke up, the softness of his voice, brushing the hair out of her face, putting a hand on her shoulder and then wrapping his arm around her for comfort... and then to top it off, the way he gently brought up the idea of living on Pabu and asking her if that’s what she wanted to do too. I am WEEPING over this man 😭😭😭💙💙💙
as mad as I am at Cid, it was obvious she meant what she said about Tech. and she genuinely felt bad for what she did. I want her to come back in season 3 and do something to make up for doing that. she HAS to 🥺
as much as I hate Hemlock with every fiber of my being... “who knew Clones are so paternal?” WE BEEN KNEW MY DUDE. sorry, but I’m going to relish in every single confirmation that Hunter is Omega’s dad tyvm 😊
I’m terrible, I know, but I genuinely love to see Hunter in a state of despair, so him picking up Tech’s broken goggles with that sad look on his face was *chef’s kiss*
I was very proud of my girl for taking charge and trying to rescue her brothers. proud mama right here 🥺💙
also, again, I’m sorry, but the whump in this episode was very good. I might’ve enjoyed seeing injured Hunter and Wrecker in the hands of Imperials a little too much 😝
the absolute BEST scene in this episode (and one of the best scenes in the show period)? ECHO IN THE WALKER. OMFG. Ham and I SCREAMED. and to top it off? “Echo?” “Gotta be Echo.” THE BEST THE ABSOLUTE BEST THAT EPISODE WAS WORTH WATCHING JUST FOR THAT MOMENT 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I once again state that I love seeing Hunter in despair and permanently have that look of pure horror he made while watching the Imperial ship fly away with Omega engrained in my mind forever, thanks 😌 and he had tears in his eyes I SAW IT. STOP SAYING HE DOESN’T CRY PLEASE 😤
last thing I’ll say about Hunter I swear lsdkfjghlgfkd. but uhh, that last part about him saying how they’re gonna find Omega no matter what it takes... my man’s about to enter his Joel Miller phase and go John Wick on the Empire and I HAVE BEEN WANTING THIS FOR SO LONG YES PLEASE GO FRICK THEM UP BABE 😍😍😍
the way Omega was genuinely happy to see Crosshair again... the way she desperately tried to wake him up... ohhhhh next season is going to break me in the best way possible 🥺🥺🥺
that’s everything I think! time to wait impatiently for season 3 now✨
......why tf did I have more positive things to say about Plan 99 than The Summit lolololol
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