#(i know i should have blocked them when i found out they were a minor but i did give them the ‘get out of here’ chance but then—
rosesradio · 1 year
threatening a user with blocking & then going to sleep as a power move 🤡
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phantasm-echo · 17 days
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POV: you wake up in the middle of your own autopsy with force powers then immediately get brainwashed into falling to the dark side
I was reminded of the fact that I haven’t drawn inquisitor!fives’ autopsy scars in way too long so here I am, delivering a few too many Fives 💀
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Anyway I know I don’t post much about the AU on here so props to anyone who knows what’s going on here even slightly, I’ve decided to nerf siren!echo (who WAS part of this AU yes I know quite random) but since him being turned into a siren kinda limits what I can do with him story wise he is now an AU of the AU.
That means the name I came up with for the au (dead mean walking/swimming or dmw(s) as I’ve been tagging it) is kinda irrelevant. I’ll just call this the inquisitor fives AU but if you have any AU name suggestions feel free to drop them.
Here are some of the major factors of the AU:
It gets worse before it gets better
(WARNING: there are quite a few heavy topics covered in the AU such as torture, dehumanisation and su*cidal thoughts, so pls read at your own discretion)
- fives wakes up in the middle of his own autopsy with force sensitivity, then gets brainwashed into falling to the Dark Side by Palpatine. As an Inquisitor, he does not remember anything about his life because those memories were blocked by Palpatine.
- Palpatine discovers that Fives is essentially immortal, and any injuries inflicted on him will heal no matter how bad.
- when echo gets rescued from skako minor, he is recalled to Kamino for experimentation, first of all so they can figure out what the Techno Union did to him, second of all to see how he survived his injuries. Nala se, who knows that fives came back to life, theorises that since he and echo were tube twins they share the “immortality”. He is kept on Kamino for VERY extensive experimentation where terrible things happen to him (cough vivisection cough lobotomy) and so never joins Clone Force 99 even if he did work with them on Anaxes.
- Fives in this time is sent out on many missions by Palpatine that involve him unaliving many people, and after the rise of the Empire he hunts a few Jedi.
- Fox, who throughout the war had experienced many blackout missions where he woke up afterwards covered in blood, is the last living Coruscant Guard commander. (Thorn dies, stone vanishes one day, Thire mistakes Vader for a Jedi and pays the price) Despite the best efforts of his son secretary Dogma (no way!?) Fox has very little will to live, is extremely depressed and borderline suicidal, he would like nothing more than to bite the dust, but still feels he has a duty to the very few remaining corries and so tries to keep it together (he is failing)
- one day Palpatine decides he doesn’t need Fox to do his bidding anymore since he has much better assets at his disposal (Fives), and decides it would be ironic to sic his pet clone inquisitor onto Fox. Fives still doesn’t remember anything, and only knows that Fox is responsible for the main scars on his body and believes fox is the reason he doesn’t remember most of his life, and so sets out to kill fox. They battle it out (ref to that one animation wip I posted) and fives is on the verge of killing fox (who didn’t really try to fight that much, like I said he would very much like to die and dying at the hand of the vod he “killed” seems fitting to him) when he gets a sudden vision of echo.
- all fives knows is echo is extremely important to him and must be rescued and that snaps him out of palpatine’s control. He knows he probably can’t rescue echo alone, and since fox has already been betrayed by the empire he decides “fuck it” and basically kidnaps fox and they run. They make a deal, that once echo has been found, Fives will put Fox out of his misery (fox feels that fives should be the only person to kill him, and only goes along with the plan because he refuses to let anyone else kill him)
- fox and fives proceed to go on an intergalactic road trip to “rescue echo” even though neither of them know how to do that. They become closer friends throughout, and fives slowly regains bits and pieces of the Before
- meanwhile during the destruction of Kamino, the bad batch stumble on echo and rescue him and he stays with them for a little bit before leaving with Rex
- meanwhile Dogma helps the rest of the remaining Corries desert, kills too many storm troopers, and tries to go after his buir fox and the bastard inquisitor who kidnapped him
This is the main stuff you need to know for the AU haha so if you’ve got new name suggestions I’m all ears ty!!
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highvern · 7 months
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When I Kissed the Teacher
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, humor
Summary: Mr. Kim has a crush, to his students that much is clear. It's also clear that you like him too. What happens when a group of meddlesome ten year olds decide to play cupid for their two favorite teachers?
Warnings: science teacher mingyu, grammar teacher reader, meddling students, crushes, flirting, lots of candy and coffee
Length: ~5.2k
Note: it's here! thank you to @gyuwoncheol and @gyuswhore for beta reading and to my lovely @tomodachiii for fact checking my knowledge of primary school lol
read more here
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked!
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Turning from the white board, Mingyu faces the room full of weary children. Mondays are hard. Early mornings are hard. Learning the difference between reptiles and mammals first thing on Monday morning is downright torture. But it’s nothing a little bribery (read: candy) can't fix.
"Alright class, today we're learning about animals! Who remembers what a mammal is?"
Mingyu barely finishes his sentence before a sharp knock interrupts.
“Mr. Kim,” you seethe from the doorway.
Mingyu turns around immediately, eyes wide in fear at your tone. “Yes?”
“Can I speak with you? In the hallway?”
The class of ten year olds “ooooh” as their teacher trails after you like a kicked puppy. If they weren't awake before they sure are now. He shoots a silencing look back before dipping out the door where you wait, foot tapping impatiently.
“Would you like to explain where all my printer paper went?”
Mingyu tries to play dumb. “I don’t know?”
“Oh really?" You blink. "Because I found the box in the workroom and guess what was on the printer? More of your worksheets for your class!”
“How do you know they were for my class?”
You don’t answer, in favor of shoving the animal themed coloring sheets into his chest harshly.
“Listen, anyone could have…” He trails off under your withering glare.
“If you need paper, ask!”
Mingyu burns under the reprimand. “Oh, like you asked to use my paints last month?” 
“That was an accident!" you argue, eyes wide. "And I replaced them.”
“Alright, then I’ll replace the paper I took.”
With a curt nod, you turn to leave; unaware of the blushing cheeks and heart eyes following your retreating form. But the gaggle of elementary students waiting for Mingyu's return see them clear as day; their fits of shrill giggles and whispers falling on deaf ears as he shakes off the stars clouding his mind.
Mr. Kim, their goofy science teacher, has a crush. And like children are wont to do, they hatch a scheme to help him out.
“Alright. Do we remember the difference between fragments and sentences?”
The classroom ripples with tiny voices shouting “yes” with varying degrees of confidence. Their last quiz grades are proof they haven’t quite grasped the subject yet but that’s why you’re planning for an intensive review with them today.
“Awesome! So our warm up today should be a piece of cake. I’ll help with the first one so let's all look at the boa—”
A knock at the door cuts you off. Mingyu stands in the threshold, looking positively mischievous. 
“Sorry to interrupt, Ms. y/l/n. But can I speak with you in the hall?”
Forcing a smile, you respond. “Certainly. Class, why don’t you all work with your desk partner on the worksheet and when I come back we’ll go over the answers?”
They break into groups, chattering about everything but the work you’ve assigned; most notably the way Mr. Kim beams as you follow him outside. However, once you’ve crossed beyond the border of the brightly decorated room, twenty pairs of ears strain to hear why Mr. Kim interrupted their morning lesson.
“What's this about?” you ask.
Mingyu smiles, eyes shifting to the floor. “Here's the paper I owed you.” 
“You’re kidding.”
Three hefty boxes are stacked next to your door. It’s far more paper than Mingyu used for his color sheets, and more than you’d probably need for the rest of the semester.
“I thought you could use extra since you’re too stingy to share.”
“I’m not stingy!” You scoff.
Mingyu simply flashes another self-satisfied smile before heaving a box into his arms and carrying it into your classroom. He could certainly carry all three boxes at once; anytime there were desks or anything else remotely heavy to be moved, Mingyu did so with ease. But the kids don’t think anything of the way he so obviously drags out the torture.
The kids watch Mr. Kim weave through the maze of tables towards the back of the room.
“Lia, can you open the door for me please?”
The little girl jumps from her desk and bolts for the supply closet, braids bouncy with each step.
“In here okay?” Mingyu asks.
Blinking from your stupor, you turn back to your desk as you answer. “Yeah, it’s…whatever.” 
Your class stopped their work to focus on the unfolding drama between their two favorite teachers. They don’t know why you can’t seem to stand their science teacher, and it’s anyone’s guess why Mr. Kim has decided to interrupt their grammar lesson for something so silly. But it’s clear that whenever you two meet an argument is clear to follow. And in the guidebook of elementary school, if you like a girl, you always argue with them.
So enthralled in your silent battle of wits with the peppy man, you miss the two girls plotting in the corner.
Hana turns to her friends with breakneck speed. “Did you see the way Mr. Kim smiled at her?”
“He’s so in love,” Arin sighs dreamily.
“And Miss y/l/n is blushing! We should help them.”
Their whispers are cut off when you clap. “Alright! Back to work!”
Mingyu lingers by the front until you forcibly shoo him away, huffing at the permanent smile stretched across his lips even when the door slams in his face.
“Meet at the tree during recess.” 
The two girls nod and return to their worksheets.
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A new week comes with new challenges. Today’s is the universe’s determination to make your life as difficult as possible.
Your alarm didn’t go off, your shoddy dryer left you with damp clothes, and your car battery decided a short strike would be a great way to start the freezing morning. There was barely time to wash your face with cold tap water let alone put on makeup or style your hair. To top it all off, the green lunchbox with leftovers from your favorite restaurant sits on the shelf of your fridge which means the crumbled granola bar at the bottom of your purse will finally see the light of day.
Flicking on the lights, you rush to prepare for the day. By the grace of god your first period is planning time so no students witness your near breakdown from the absolute shit storm of the morning. Not much is to be done since you already organized everything you needed Friday afternoon but the tense events of the day leave you feeling off. Not even a cup of coffee with the creamer you reserve for days like these helps the overwhelming unease rippling in the back of your throat.
Your allotted private time washes by and before you know it, a gaggle of students filters into your room, giddy on holiday spirit and sugar. The first five minutes of class are spent reminding them their butts belong in chairs at their own stations, that the warmup is for them to complete on their own, and if they aren’t feeling well enough to do classwork they need to go to the nurse.
Twenty minutes into the lesson and the worksheet for their quiz on Friday finally manages to capture their attention. A few students struggle but most are sailing through. Its the same material as last week just with a new puzzle for them to complete once they have all the correct answers.
“Alright, who can tell me what word fits for number six?” you ask.
The attentiveness you’ve sweated to cultivate all morning dissolves when a volunteer knocks to distribute candy-grams.
“Delivery!” a young woman sings as she enters, dressed in red from head to toe with heart shaped sunglasses and a sparkly headband. Her wicker basket flows with candy bars wrapped with shiny ribbon and cardstock penned with confessions.
The shrill symphony of oohs and ahhs as the kids receive pieces of candy raises the vein on your temple. 
“And for Ms. y/l/n!” the young woman sing-songs, heart headband bouncing as she approaches your desk.
The cardstock reads one of the cheesy messages the school provides for the Valentine cards they sell as a yearly fundraiser.
‘I like you a choco-lot! - your secret admirer’ 
You throw it into a drawer in your desk, oblivious to the crestfallen faces of two little girls watching with rapt attention. 
“I don’t think she likes chocolate,” Arin whispers.
“No. Remember during Halloween? She said her favorite candy is Twix. She gave Gabi an extra point on the spelling test when she brought in her halloween candy and gave them to her.” 
“Well maybe she’s mad because it wasn’t a Twix!”
“Maybe. But Mr. Kim didn’t react to the note on his desk this morning either,” Hana huffs. “But he was late so maybe he didn’t see it.”
Your second attempt to put class back on track falls flat. Instead of group review, kids come up to your desk one by one to check their answers while you nurse your headache until the bell dismisses everyone to their next destination. Another crop of students flood the seats, emotions running high from who did and didn’t receive candy in their last class. Two students end up arguing about who knows what and then proceed to break into frustrated tears.
You bite your tongue to stop from doing the same and put on one of the movies you reserve for days like these.
When Mingyu walks into your room after school ends and all the kids are dismissed for pick up, you give him a look that sends him turning around and exiting the way he came without a word.
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Tuesday brings a better attitude. Mostly because you get to take all of your class to the library for silent reading. But the homemade stirfry sitting in your lunch box in the teacher’s lounge helps too.
Your second period kids spread out through the room, some sprawled across the worn rugs on their bellies while others curl up in the much coveted bean bags; a few choose to hide between the imposing bookshelves, crowded on all sides by the smell of old paper. 
With an overly sweetened latte sitting in one hand, and a new novel in the other, you perch at the long table near the librarian's desk to ‘supervise.’
“How did you manage to get a copy of The Gate? I couldn’t even get the pre-order before it sold out.” Elise, the librarian, asks. 
You smile into your coffee cup before responding. “Eh, I know a guy.”
“You do? I thought you didn’t date?”
“I don’t.” You nod. “But it doesn’t mean I don’t have connections.”
“Well whoever your ‘connection’ is, send them my way when you're done with him.”
You pretend to ponder before answering, “I’ll think about it.”
Snapping your book shut, you rise to gather the kids to return back to class. It takes several minutes as a few refuse to join the line until their current chapter is finished and Kai pulls out the puppy dog eyes, begging to stay all day to finish his book. 
You corral them out the door with promises of more reading time on Friday if they behave well the rest of the week. Some roll their eyes but most nod enthusiastically at the opportunity to skip on their weekly quiz.
Unlocking the door, you unpack your things and find a basket of Valentine’s on your desk to be passed out. Almost all the kids receive at least one, some find two or even three heart shaped sugar cookies on their desk. Your heart squeezes when some of the students decide to divy up their cookies and gift them to the students who didn’t receive a note. 
The last cookie at the bottom of the basket has a note with your name on it and a message in the same swirly script as yesterday’s.
We go together like milk and cookies. - your secret admirer
As far as cheesy Valentine’s go, you’ve seen worse. But free snacks are free snacks and the confection tastes great dipped in your coffee.
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Your fourth period class focuses on their worksheets, silently deciphering the reading and ticking of questions. You promised whatever group finished first with the most right answers gets a special Valentine treat; full sized candies and extra credit on Friday. 
Whatever it takes to keep them focused while you work through grading everything for your other classes.
You don’t notice the man waiting at the door until one of your kids greet their science teacher; a ripple of tiny ‘Hi, Mr. Kim!’s following. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Mingyu announces from the door. “But, ugh, the volunteer accidentally gave me this.”
“Oh! Thanks Min—Mr. Kim.” 
You take the can of orange soda from his hand and skim the note.
I have a ‘crush’ on you. - your secret admirer
None of the students can read the note from their seats but you and Mr. Kim look equally bashful. 
“What are you guys working on? Mingyu asks, hoping to diffuse the tension.
A cacophony of voice race to explain their assignment. Mingyu pretends to understand, smiling at their enthusiasm and grabbing a worksheet for himself. 
He plants himself in one of the tiny plastic chairs next to your desk meant for ten year olds rather than a grown man of his size. It’s comical the way his knees brush his chest and any small move across the slippery seat threatens to land him on the floor.
Reviewing the sheet, Mingyu announces, “Alright, how about if you guys finish your work before me, we can have a pizza party in my class on Friday?”
More screams bounce off the walls.
“You guys can’t finish if you’re talking to Mr. Kim,” you remind them.
The room descends into a cozy calm; the sound of pencils on paper, your keyboard clicks, and the soft jazz from the computer speakers blending together.
You don’t look up to grab the answer key from the corner of the desk, Mingyu huffing from his seat at being caught.
“No cheating,” you smirk under your breath.
“Creative strategy,” he argues.
Instead of answering you shake your head and continue to focus on your own tasks. 
Ten minutes and twenty emails later, two groups of students rise and approach your desk at the same time. 
“We finished first!”
“No, we did!”
“Guys,” you interrupt them. “I’ll grade them both and whoever has more right wins. Besides, Mr. Kim owes you a pizza party anyway.”
The entire class cheers at the news while Mingyu playfully pouts. Maybe if he hadn’t given up on his worksheet to snoop through the basket full of snacks on your bookshelf, he wouldn’t be eating his own words.
The second group of students to approach your desk ends up victorious. You mark down their candy orders to pick up on your weekly grocery shopping trip on Thursday night before sending them to back up their belongings so you can all head to the cafeteria.
“What’d you bring for lunch?” Mingyu asks as he walks with you to the teachers lounge to retrieve your lunch boxes.
“Pasta salad.”
“Wanna trade?” 
“What’d you bring?” you ask, handing him the black grocery bag you know carries his lunch.
“Pasta salad.”
You roll your eyes and kick the fridge shut.
After lunch you have another free period. The printing room is empty so you take advantage and make enough copies for the rest of the week. Perhaps Mingyu wasn’t wrong to bring you three boxes of paper.
Lugging the stack in hand, you turn down that hall only to find a familiar face standing guard outside your classroom.
“Arin? Why are you in the hallway? You should be in class.”
“I was just…going to the bathroom!”
“Really? Because there's a bathroom right outside Mrs. Lee’s classroom if I remember correctly.”
“It was gross!”
Considering Mrs. Lee’s classroom sits on the main hallway and intersects with two other grades, it probably looked more akin to a battlefield than a restroom at this time of day.
“Okay…but hurry back. And I’m gonna let Mrs. Lee know what took you so long so she isn’t worried.” 
You side step around her but she moves right into your path. And then again. And again.
“Arin, what are you doing?” 
“Sorry, Ms. y/l/n. I don’t feel good. Can you walk me to the nurse?”
Crouching to her height, you rest the back of your hand against her forehead. Arin never admits she doesn’t feel well even when she’s tinged green and hacking up a lung. It’s the perfect admission to keep you from peering past the threshold of your classroom and blowing the entire operation.
Until a loud crash and high pitched scream breaks the silence of the hallway.
You jump back up.“What the—”
“Wait!” Arin shouts, throwing her arms and legs wide to block your path like a three foot tall ‘X’.
“Arin, what is going on?” 
“Mr. Kim said animals make themselves bigger to be scarier,” Arin says, tiny face scowling.
“And why are you trying to scare me?” 
Another bang echoes out the classroom forcing you to pick the little girl up by her armpits and carry her inside with you. She slips from your hold as you stare with a wide mouth at the scene. A desk is pulled up to the board allowing Hana to balance atop it as she scribbles across the chalkboard.
Wil you be my Valintin? - Mr. K
“Hana! What are you doing?”
“Arin!” Hana huffs indignantly.
Arin opens her mouth to respond but the look on your face silences both girls. You help Hana down from the desktop before crossing your arms in front of you and taking a deep breath.
“Sit. Now.”
They trudge to the seats next to your desk; heads hung low, tears brimming in their eyes. Neither has been on the receiving end of such a reprimand before; they’re usually your best behaved students.
You allow them to stew in silence as you right the two chairs Hana knocked over. She doesn’t look injured which is a relief but your nerves are shot from the perplexing situation. Hana and Arin can be troublemakers but they’ve never done anything like this before.
Once you're certain the urge to yell at them is quelled you approach your desk and take a seat. You watch them expectantly. Arin chances a glance up and swiftly looks back to her lap while Hana focuses on the picture at the edge of your desk, blinking away tears.
“Girls,” you sigh. “What were you doing in here?”
“Ms. y/l/n,” Arin blubbers.
Presenting the tissue box, you wait several moments while they both dab their eyes and blow their noses before speaking again.
“We just thought…” Hana starts, glancing at the other girl.
“Thought what?”
“Mr. Kim’s in love with you and we wanted to help!”
“I see.” You nod. “Did Mr. Kim tell you that?”
They look at each other before shaking their heads ‘no.’
Your temple throbs from the situation. A measured breath through your nose sends the girls into a frenzy.
“We can tell!”
“You’re perfect for eachother!”
“And did Mr. Kim ask you to sneak into my classroom while I wasn’t here?”
“No ma’am,” they mumble in unison.
It dawns on you that the two girls have been behind all the gifts you’ve received this week.“Are you two behind all the Valentine’s I’ve gotten?”
“We were just trying to help!” cries Arin.
Moving to crouch in front of them, you wait until they both look up at you.
“It’s very sweet what you were trying to do and I’m sorry I yelled at you. But you can’t sneak out of class. What if something happened and you got hurt climbing the table?”
“I’m sorry,.” Hana says.
“Me too.” 
You pass them more tissues to wipe their noses.
“How about we get you two back to class?”
“But what about Mr. Kim?”
“Yeah! He needs to know how you feel.”
“That’s between Mr. Kim and I. Understand? Those are grown up things.”
The repulsion painting their faces forces you to bite back a snort. Instead you offer your hands, pinkies extended towards them both.
“How ‘bout this? I promise to talk to Mr. Kim if you two promise no more meddling. Okay?”
All three of you share a smile as you intertwine their pinkies with your own. 
“Now,” you say whilst jumping to your feet. “You are supposed to be in Mrs. Lee’s class. And you are supposed to be at the library.”
Escorting them both back to where they belong, they can’t help but giggle when you pass Mr. Kim’s room and he waves. The question is clear on his face but you shrug your shoulders. 
You’ll explain everything later.
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You smile knowingly at the corner of the classroom where two little cupids sit as the volunteer brings you a lollipop with a note reading ‘I’m a sucker for you.’
Part of you feels guilty they pooled their own money together to supply you and the teacher next door with treats all week in an effort to play matchmaker. But another part can’t help but laugh. And when you get the chance to tell Mingyu what they’ve planned you’ll no doubt laugh harder.
But because the universe somehow knows you lied to your students the day prior you find your reckoning in the cafeteria.
It was Mingyu’s fault. Or at least that’s what you argue. You barely made it three steps inside the room before the large man bulldozes you; sending his lunch and your own down your fronts in a palette of greens and browns.
His eyes widen in horror as a slice of tomato peels off your shirt and flops to the floor. “I am so sorry!”
“Seriously?” you choke.
The entire school watches with baited breath. Students and teachers alike watch with abject horror as you skirt around the taller man and flee with shaking shoulders and your chin dipped into your chest. Mingyu gapes like a fish as you run by, frozen in place. As hundreds of eyes settle on him, he realizes they all saw how he drenched you in salad and coffee. 
Mrs. Lee dismisses him with a nod, silently agreeing to watch his class so he can trapeze out to his car and find something suitable to wear.
Mingyu watches the game of kickball unfold across the field, keeping an eye on the rowdier students as they pick teams. But even from a distance he recognizes one face is notably absent.
He finds Kai slumped on a bench at the far corner of the playground using a stick to draw lines in the dirt at his feet.
“Hey, buddy. You feeling okay?” Mingyu asks. 
Kai never misses a game of kickball. Even when his arm was in a cast at the beginning of the year, he insisted he only needed one good arm to play defense and neither to play offense. Kai’s mom simply laughed at Mingyu’s concerned email and said her son was exactly like his dad and there was no stopping him if he was set on something.
So to have the little curly haired boy isolated on the far edge of the field is serious cause for concern.
Kai looks up briefly at Mingyu’s approach before returning to his mud art. “Mr. Kim, have you ever liked someone?”
“Liked someone?” Mingyu drops onto the bench next to him.
“Like,” the little boy inhales trying to explain himself. “Like a girl?”
Mingyu snuffs out his chuckle at Kai’s innocent question. “Yeah, why do you ask? Do you like a girl?”
“I–My friend does!”
“Okay,” Mingyu nods.
“And he doesn’t know how to tell her.”
“Well that's tough.” 
“How’d you tell the girl you liked?”
“Well,” Mingyu drops to a whisper. “Once upon a time, I had a crush on this girl. And she was the prettiest girl I ever saw. Smart and funny too.”
“Did she run fast?”
The question confuses Mingyu at first but then he remembers he’s talking to a ten year old and the rules of attraction hinge on who gets the swing the highest and jumps off.
“She ran really fast,” he nods. “And she made me so nervous I couldn’t talk to her. My palms got all sweaty and my face turned red.”
“That happens to m—I mean my friend!”
“And it feels like there's a bunch of frogs jumping around your stomach?”
“Yeah,” Kai nods. “So how’d you tell her?”
“Well one day, I finally decided to introduce myself. Walked right up to her, opened my mouth and…poof.”
“Poof.” Mingyu hangs his head. “I forgot everything I was gonna say to her.”
“What happened after that?”
“She waited a few minutes and then said ‘okay, I’ll meet you at 6:30 for dinner.’”
“She knew you liked her?”
Mingyu nods gravely before imparting his most sage wisdom. “Girls are very smart, Kai.”
“So I should try and tell her I like her?”
“Your friend should at least try,” Mingyu shrugs.
Kai blushes, having been clearly caught. “But what if she doesn’t like him back?”
“That’s okay. It just wasn’t meant to be.”
“Thanks, Mr. Kim. You’re the best!”
“You’re welcome, buddy.” Mingyu gives him a fist bump before shooing him back towards his friends. “Now go play kickball, the boys need your help.”
Kai runs off but a new presence fills the vacant seat on the bench. 
“I thought we agreed to keep our romantic life a secret at work.”
Mingyu smiles sheepishly before turning to look at you. “Oh, you heard that?” 
“Yeah, I heard,” you smile. “They already think you have a crush on me.”
“Smart kids.” He says, enjoying the way the worn sage button up swallows your figure. 
Mingyu loves when you wear his clothes, he told you this morning when you stole his favorite jacket. Which is why you both took almost twenty minutes to gain your composure after he spilled an entire tray of food on you. 
Mingyu swears he didn’t do it on purpose. How could he have known you were coming through the door at that very moment? But he’d do it again if it meant seeing you in one of the spare shirts he keeps in the truck again. Even if it meant he’d also sustain minor coffee burns.
“They think I have a crush on you too.”
You watch the way he traces your collar bone, catching the twinkle of the diamond pendant resting at the hollow of your throat; his birthstone. It was the first piece of jewelry he bought you when you started dating almost a decade ago. 
You hadn’t taken it off since the day he gave it to you with shaky hands and red ears.
“Do you?” He asks.
“Do I, what?”
“Have a crush on me?”
“Oh Gyu,” you coo at him. “I have the fattest crush on you.”
“Damn right you do.”
Sitting outside with an entire audience of other teachers and students doesn’t allow either of you to fall into the familiar comfort of adorning kisses or airtight hugs. But Mingyu’s pinky brushing yours in the ample space between your figures is enough for now.
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Friday is Valentine’s day which means all the kids don red and pink outfits and prepare for a day of candy filled fun. You spent all morning helping the art teacher set up paint stations. Why she cashed in on the long owed favor with such a simple task was beyond you but the monotony is a nice change from the chaos you’ve experienced all week. When second period rolls around, you shuffle back to your classroom; welcomed by the line of students waiting outside your locked door. 
“I swear! I saw Mr. Kim and Ms. y/l/n at the grocery store last night.”
“Hana, Ms. y/l/n said its grown up business. Maybe you just saw people that look like them,” Arin shrugs. “And I don’t wanna get in trouble again.”
“It had to be them!”
They quiet down as they walk past your figure, smiling like cherubs when you greet them.
Students file in one by one, shrill voices echoing from excitement. Most cheer about their pizza party with Mr. Kim later that afternoon, a few squeals about the set of Valentine’s their parents sent with them to handout. 
Your ears catch a few other snippets of conversation as you wait for the stragglers to make it by. 
“Oh my gosh those are so pretty!”
“Those look like the flowers my mommy likes!”
Curiosity gets the better of you, forcing you to step into the room and see what the kids are talking about. 
An explosion of pink camellias resting on your desk. Huge blossoms with pale pink petals spill over the sides of the vase, slips of greenery sprinkled throughout. Approaching your desk, the floral aroma fills your nose. The blooms feel like soft velvet under the pad of your finger tracing the largest one in the center of the arrangement.
Who on earth?
As if on cue a mop of black hair peaks in from the hall. Mingyu eyes the bouquet and the pleased look on your face before allowing his own to break into his infamous smile.
“Just wanted to make sure they got here safe,” he calls.
You whip your head up, eyes wide and mouth open at the can of worms he just spilled.
“What?” Mingyu asks innocently. “Can’t a man buy his fiancee flowers?”
He disappears with a wink but his laughter at the chaos he’s stirred up can be heard miles away.
“MISS Y/L/N YOU’RE MARRIED?” Mark screams.
Another shrill voice answers, “Fiancee means they’re almost married, idiot!” 
“You lied to us!” Arin and Hana chorus.
Dropping into your chair, you hide your burning face in your hands. Coincidentally it also hides your shy grin from the hoard of ten year olds jumping in their seats at the news.Mingyu is in so much trouble.
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A few weeks before the new school year starts, a group of nearly eleven year olds crowd into the pews of the massive church at the center of town. Stained glass reflects patterns over the marble floors, casting them in a rainbow of colors. 
Some sit on their hands to calm the adrenaline pumping through their tiny veins. Others rock back and forth in an effort to watch Mr. Kim strut down the aisle in a fancy looking suit. 
But all of them gasp when you turn the corner.
You look like a real life princess in your wedding dress, floating towards their science teacher waiting at the altar with tears and a smile matching your own.
When you and Mr. Kim kiss, the girls squeal and the boys blush.
Several rows ahead sits a small group of older students, who’ve long graduated elementary school and are headed to college in a few days. They exchange satisfied smiles and pat themselves on the back for getting their favorite fourth grade teachers together all those years ago.
Maybe now your new classes won’t try playing Cupid like they do every year given Mr. Kim finally married their favorite teacher.
Fic taglist: @tacosandbitch @leechanniee @syprosight @prettygyuuu @itza-meee @cottoncheol @ashluvy @jkslvsnella @xuimhao @vanishingboots @miujunhui @viciousdarlings @imprettyweird @akeminy @sana-is-ms-rmty @jayfrvr @watermelonsugawara @bouclesdefeu
Permanent taglist:
@cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @tomodachiii @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @gyuguys @primoppang @mine-gyu
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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httpdwaekki · 3 months
fixation | l.f.
summary: you and felix get high before tensions start to rise and who are you to deny your favorite sunshine.
wc: 2.2k
warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY (minors and ageless blogs WILL be blocked), both felix n the reader are high, smut, nipple play, clit licking/sucking, switch (both), fingering, ddlg (if you really squint), felix calls the reader mama (it felt right in the moment idk how i'm feeling about it), probably more read at your own risk.
a/n: inspired by @felixknow ‘s hannie’s🍒 fixation fic. idk how i’m feeling about this one chat, but i’m kinda obsessed with it at the same time. i hope you all enjoy, remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3.
hannie’s vers. | my library
please consider donating to this fundraiser!
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(images are not mine! credit to owners!)
felix was known for his love of physical touch.
you literally could not find him not touching someone in some sort of way. so much so that you give him the unoriginal title of ‘cuddle bug.’ now this was also true tenfold when he was high.
anytime you got high with him, he’d always somehow find himself on top of you, and 9 times out of 10, with his head on your boobs.
you both were sat  on your bed, a couple of hits deep, when he feels the need to touch you. you were propped up on some pillows on your side, face smushed into a random plushie as you were invested in whatever youtube video was on your phone.
he makes his way over to you from the other side of the bed. he inserts himself in the little space between you and your phone cause you to lean back.
he pushes you fully in your back, before flooping down onto you, his head on your tits. you thought nothing of it, you going back to your video, felix mindless scrolling on twitter. 
a few minutes go by before felix lets out a laugh. he turns his phone to you, showing you something he found scrolling. “this is me.” what was it? literally just a picture of tits, a meme of spongebob smiling big and the caption ‘me when boob’.
“no shot you’re looking at other boobs while laying on mine” you tease. he sits up to defend himself but you won’t here it “foul! foul i’ll tell you! are mine not good enough for you?” 
you were enjoying this too much, felix’s freckled face was red the more flustered he got. “no no! i love your boobs! they’re the best!” you kept egging him, finding it cute as he tried to defend himself.
“suuure they are, i’m sure you tell all the girls that.” unbeknownst to you, you struck a cord. you had forgotten how sensitive the precious sunshine became when he was inebriated.
“no, that’s not true.” he mumbled, causing you to sit up. “hey hey, lix, i’m joking bug, i’m sorry.” you rub his thigh, hoping to soothe him.
he looks over at you with a pout. “don’t do that.” he playfully hits you, pulling a giggle from you. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” you squeal, as he toss both your phones away before he throws more playful hits your way.
you throw yourself back, attempting to protect yourself from his attacks. eventually he halts his attacks, finding himself straddling your hips, leaning over you, both of you breathing slightly heavier. you both feel something shift, the tension becoming thicker . 
“you know, i think i deserve something special for you being mean.” your mind hazy not just from the weed but now felix’s presence over you.
“what do you have in mind?” you ask softly. not breaking eye contact, he brings one hand up to cover your clothed tit, giving it a light squeeze. “i think you should let me show you how much love them.” his deep voice sending shockwaves through your system. 
you give him a soft nod, keeping your eyes on his. you had taken your bra off almost as soon as both of you had entered your apartment, you hated the way the underwire felt, especially when he laid on them. 
so you could feel every agonizing movement he made, brushing your senstive bud each time. you watch as he brings himself down, making himself eye level with the now hardened bud.
he brushes his thumb over it, revealing it through the fabric. he takes the bud in his mouth over your shirt, keeping eye contact with you, catching every glimpse of your face he can get.
he alternates between sucking it and flicking his tongue around it. he brings his hand to your other tit, making that peak hard on contact.
the combined stimulation, caused you to let out a soft moan. he pulls away from you, causing a whine to leave you.
“does that feel good mama?” you nod your head, brain too fuzzy to form words. you were sure it was the weed but something about your mind already hazy made this feel that much better.
he places a kiss to the wet peak before reaching down, and pulling at the hem of your shirt, “lean up for me.” he taps the side of your boobs with his free hand. you knew deep down he only did that to see you tit jiggle a bit.
he pulls the shirt off as you lean forward, tossing it somewhere in the room. he kisses the nipple he has had been sucking for the past minute or so before moving to the other one.
he places a kiss to it once again before taking it in his mouth fully. you let out a breathy moan, finally feel his mouth on you. he lets out a moan, sucking the hardened bud happily. you felt like you were on cloud 9, you wrapped your arms around him, one around his shoulder the other in his hair.
he grazed your nipple with his teeth causing you to let out a squeak. “lix please.” you begged, your thighs pressing together. “what’s wrong, hm? you feeling needy.” you pout at his words nodding your head again.
“don’t worry mama, i got you.” he smiles, before taking your nipple between his teeth once more.
you let out a whimper, his voice and actions taking over your senses completely. your hands fisting his soft locks as he continues his work. “lix please.” 
he ignores your pleas, simply too invested in softly sucking your chest. he becomes dazed, cheek pressing against your soft flesh as he relaxes into you. “god, you’re fucking perfect.” he says releasing your nipple for a moment.
he gives it a soft blow before giving it one last lick and kiss before moving to the other side once more.
he melts into you once again, his cheek pressed to you as he lazily sucks. he had his hand playing with your other boob, pulling yet another whine from you.
“baby boy,” you moan, head falling back at the stimulation. “as pretty as you look with my nipple in your mouth i need something more.” he pulls back, pout evident on his freckled face.
“but they feel so nice to play with.” his hands still pawing at them, rolling your nipples between his fingers. you grab his hands, intertwining your fingers. “i know baby but i think i’m gonna go insane if you don’t do something else in the next 10 seconds.” 
his cheeks flush before you pull him down to you. you capture his lips in a feverish kiss, taking one of your hands to card through his soft strands. he moans into your mouth as you gently tug at them, scratching his scalp softly.
his free hand makes its way to the side of your breast, playing with it once more. “have i just unlocked an obsession for my boobs in you.” you ask, pulling away from him, breathing heavy.
he gives you a confused look, “what do you mean just unlocked? i have my face in your tits half the time for a reason.” he says like it’s obvious.
you let out a giggle as he leans down, placing kisses on your jaw before making his way down. he stops at your boobs once again. “felix i swear to god i won’t let you play on them again.” you threaten, cause him to shoot up.
“that seems a bit drastic no?” you roll your eyes, “i don’t care, please.” you whine, feeling yourself going insane at the lack of stimulation. “okay, okay, i’m sorry.” he places one last kiss to each nipple before making his way down.
he trails a bunch of kisses across your soft tummy, one to each hip bone before pulling down your shorts. “fuck angel,” he breathes as he spreads your legs, staring at the wet patch on your light blue panties.
he places a kiss to it before rubbing small circles with his thumb. “ah.” you moan, at the slight stimulation. “lixie, please.” your mind is so far gone and he’s barely touched you. between him and the weed, it was fucking intoxicating.
“i know baby, i know,” he reassures, his voice dropping an octave or two. he’s rubbing smalls circles to your clothed clit, mesmerized by the growing wet patch darken the fabric.
“all this because of me?” he asks, looking back to you. you nod, pout present on your lips, “all you lixie.” you mumbled. he places once last kiss to the wet patch before removing those as well.
“look at this pretty pussy hm?” he spreads your lips apart, eyes sparkling as he takes in the sight of your glistening cunt.
he licks a long stripe from your wet entrance up to your bundle of nerves. he latches onto it, giving it a harsh suck. “ah! fuck.” you moan, back arching as you reach for the closest thing for you to hold, which happened to be a stuffie.
you stuff your face in its tummy and felix expertly plays with your swollen clit. you turn your head to the side moaning into the soft toy and he slips a finger in.
he pulls away, but his finger keeps thrusting into you. “no, no, my sweet girl, let me hear you baby.” his free hand rubbing your inner thigh, as he places kisses all around your clit.
“ lixie,” you cry, turning to look at him while tucking the plushie into your chest. “i know mama, am i making you feel good?” he asks between kisses.
“yes, yes, it feels so good, more please.” you beg, you needed more, you needed your senses completely overwhelmed by him.
he adds a second finger before completely taking your clit in his mouth once more. “ah,” you cry, back arching at the added stimulation. “lixie please, don’t stop.” 
the weed in your system was making everything feel euphoric. he takes the hand that was rubbing soothing circles to your thigh to spread you out, giving him easier access to your pretty clit.
you moan, your hand coming up to squeeze your tit, finger brushing your peaked bud.
“look at you,” he pauses for a moment to flick your clit once more. ��so gorgeous for me,” he gives the bundle a suck before grazing his teeth against the nerves, pulling a high pitched moan from you.
“sounding so pretty for me hm?” he speeds up his fingers, curling them into that gummy spot, sending you into a state of pure bliss. “ah!” you scream, breathing heavy, head thrown back.
“fe-felix, p-please, i’m gonna c-cum.” you manage to stutter, your senses fully overtaken by him. “yeah? my pretty girl gonna cum?” he slips a third finger in, causing your eyes to roll back into you head.
“yes, yes, please, li-lixie, i can’t-“ you cut yourself off with a moan, it was feeling almost too good but you needed your release more than air in that moment.
he ignores your comment. “my baby playing with her pretty tits for me,” he blows on your clit, causing you to squeeze and brush your sensitive nipple. “play with your nipple for me baby.” you follow what he says, letting out a pornographic moan.
“felix p-please.” you cry, tears collecting in your eyes as the coil in your tummy becomes tighter and tighter. “come on angel, show me how good i’m making you feel.”
his fingers become impossibly faster, his mouth attached to your clit, sucking it into his mouth while his tongue flicks it.
you scream at the stimulation, your hips rocking against his face, chasing your release. plushie in a death grip to your chest and you roll your nipple between your fingers.
“felix!” you moan as the coil snaps, feeling everything and nothing at the same time. he works you through your high, slowing his fingers but not stopping them.
your clit still in his mouth as he overstimulates you. your body convulses as the shockwaves run through you. “l-lix please, it’s too m-much.” you whimper, body shaking hiding your face once again. 
his stills his fingers, pulling his mouth off you to give your clit a few loving kisses. “so pretty for me angel.” he whispers between kisses. 
“l-lixie.” you call out to him, needing to feel him pressed against you. he looks up at you, making grabby hands to him making him smile.
he carefully pulls his digits out, pulling a whimper from you in the process. he gives your clit a few more kisses, causing your legs to shake involuntarily.
he makes his way up, kissing your tummy and of course, each nipple and even giving one a cheeky suck. 
once he makes his way up you, laying on top of you, plushie squished between you, wrapping your legs and arms around him, pulling him close. he giggles at your cuteness before giving you a loving kiss.
“i love you mama.” he mumbles into the kiss. you smile against him, “i love you more lix.” you pull him tighter to you, both of you falling in a quick, peaceful slumber.
(and yes he does wake you up later, mouth attached to your nipple once again.)
do not repost
p.s. my taglist is open if you would like to be added! just send me an ask <3
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minniesmutt · 3 months
❄︎ ━━━━━━ 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞
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❄︎ ━━━ PAIRING: BANG CHAN X READER X CHANGBIN ❄︎ ━━━ CW: DOM!CHAN, DOM!CHANGBIN, SUB!READER, FREE USE, POLY RELATIONSHIP, MASTURBATION, FINGERING, UNPROTECTED SEX, CREAM PIES, DEGRADING, MANHANDLING, FILMING, CHOKING, DP, FINGER SUCKING, PET NAMES (BABY, DOLL, PRINCESS,), ALLUDES TO AFTERCARE ❄︎ ━━━ WC: 2K ❄︎ ━━━ NOTE: ❄︎ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     It was a stressful time for both of Y/n’s boyfriends. She knew it was when a comeback was on the horizon. They needed to put together all their songs with everyone’s takes and with what sounded best. It would go into the early hours of the morning. Chan always brought work home with him anyway. But now more than ever.
     Even with the soundproofing in the two’s home studio, she could still hear their frustration as Chan and Changbin went about mixing their tracks. Y/n gave them their space. Only bothering them to feed them so they didn’t miss taking care of themselves. She felt bad she could only do so much for them. But both found a way for her to help them out.
     Changbin needed a break from the studio. Walking out into their kitchen and grabbing some water for him and Chan. Seeing Y/n in her own world cleaning up the kitchen with her headphones on. Unaware of his presence or the fact that he was eyeing her up and down since she was only wearing one of their hoodies; and it was barely covering her legs which made his gym shorts tighter.
     “I have an idea,” Changbin said as he came back into the studio
     “Let me hear it,” Chan sighed as he leaned back in the chair.
     “Remember last month when you, me, and Y/n were talking about exploring new kinks?”
     “I thought this was going to be about the song.”
     “It wraps into it.”
     “Alright… and yes I remember the conversation.”
     “Remember what she said she wanted to try?”
     Chan thought for a moment, “Free use? Right?”
     “She said last night she wished she could do more to help us.”
     Both boys looked at each other and reached a silent agreement. Texting her to come into the studio real quick.
     “What’s up?” Y/n asked
     Chan too had to eye his girlfriend up and down as she walked over to them.
     “Remember the other night when you said you wanted to help more?” Changbin asked
     “Yeah. What do you guys need from me?”
     “Let us use you till we finish the album?” Chan asked
     Y/n felt her whole body heat up hearing the offer. “Are you guys sure?”
     “A hundred percent,” both said
     “Do you guys want me to stay in the studio or leave you guys alone till you need me?”
     “How about you stay in here with us for today? Make it easier the first time?” Chan suggested 
     “Be like when we’re at the company. Just chill while we work,” Changbin added
     “Except we’ll just fuck you when we feel like it,” Chan giggled
     “Bedroom rules?” Y/n asked
     “Bedroom rules. We know all of our yes’ and no’s.” Chan confirmed and Changbin nodded
     “Okay. Should I go grab anything from the bedroom?”
     “No baby. Just go lay down pretty on the pull-out couch, maybe get yourself ready,” Chan said as Changbin got up and fixed the couch they had. Typically used for naps or when one of the kids was over and passed out. 
     Y/n laid back on the mattress after Changbin fixed the pillows and walked back to his chair. The two looked at her for confirmation. They had never not made her cum when they had sex. But they honored her wish. They always gave in to what she wanted but rewarded her in the end.
     The two tried working. Bin moved a few things around and made Chan listen. Chan leaned back in his chair with a sigh as he took back the headphones. He couldn’t keep his ears from picking up the small noises coming from behind them. The oldest looked back at their girl. Lying back on her phone with her legs bent up on the mattress and spread just enough so he could see her fingers dipping in and out of her little hole. 
     He got up from his chair and walked over to the pull-out. Grabbing her ankles and pulling her to the edge, her sweater riding up and phone falling next to her as he did. Giving him a good view of her fingering herself and of her wet folds. Chan smiled as he kneeled between her legs. 
     “Our little whore,” Chan smiles and pulled her fingers out of her. He pinned both her arms down onto the couch before sitting up and pulling his gym shorts and boxers down. Y/n watched his hard cock spring up before he wrapped his hand around himself. 
     Chan pressed himself against her before pushing himself in fully. Bottoming out in one fell swoop. Y/n moaned as her walls stretched to accommodate him. Chan grabbed her hips and pulled out before harshly pushing in. 
     “There we go,” Chan groaned as he got to a fast and rough pace. Hips slamming into her as she bit her bottom
     “Channie,” Y/n whined.
     “Just let Channie fuck his stress out on you baby.”
     Chan moved one of his hands up to wrap around her neck. Y/n gasped as his cock pistoned into her, which seemed faster now that he had a hand wrapped around her neck.
     “There we go, baby,” Chan groaned as his dick twitched inside her.
     Y/n clamped her legs around his only for him to spread her open again, “Maybe we should have tied you up,” Chan smiled
     Chan let up on her neck a bit, letting her get some air in her lungs just as he knocked it out of her. “Gonna hold Channie’s cum inside you, huh?”
     Y/n attempted to nod before Chan filled her with his seed. Painting her walls white before pulling out and fixing himself and going back over to the desk with Changbin. Y/n took a second to compose herself before she rolled over onto her stomach and grabbed her phone again. Trying not to focus on Chan’s cum dripping down her leg. Just scrolling through social media.
     She got lost in videos till she felt her bottom half being repositioned and turned to see which one it was. “Eyes forward doll,” Y/n heard Changbins voice.
     Y/n turned back to her phone as he spread her legs and arched her back. Y/n scrolled down to another video before she felt his tip pushing inside of her. His hands grabbed onto the fat of her ass, spreading her cheeks apart and watching himself sink into her, some of Chan’s cum getting pushed out. Y/n dropped her head down, keeping her composure as he stretched her just a little bit more.
     Changbin didn’t move for a moment. He always liked feeling her around him, even stressed out apparently. Y/n smiled as she lifted her head back to her phone as Changbin moved up to her hips. Pulling out and quickly pushing in again. Hitting hard in her, making her moan.
     Repeating his thrusts as his hips slammed into her. Y/n laid her head on the couch and dropped her phone in front of her. Changbin noticed and leaned over her, grabbing the phone from below and sitting up again. Opening up her camera app, propping her phone in front of her, and pressing record. Changbin sat up and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her up a bit for the camera.
     “Fuck Bin,” Y/n moaned, catching the image on her phone screen.
     “Going to have a nice memory of this forever,” Changbin smiled
     Y/n gripped at the covers without luck. Bullying her cunt till he spilled inside her. Shoving himself deep inside her as he added his mix of cum to her insides before pulling out. 
    He watched it drip out of her for a moment before tucking himself back in his pants and returning to his work. Y/n grabbed her phone after a moment and stopped the recording. Her hole clenched around nothing as both their cum dripped out of her. 
     She felt a little high on the fact they were using her. The idea made her throb when she had originally brought it up. Now she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.
     Y/n laid back down on her stomach. Mindlessly scrolling or playing some game on her phone. Just waiting around for them. 
     Eventually, both boys sighed behind her then she felt their mattresses dip down on both sides of her. 
     “Done for the day?” Y/n asked them as she turned her phone off
     “Just with the tracks,” Chan said behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. 
     “Wanna order in for dinner tonight?” Changbin asked 
     “Sure. Means I don’t have to cook,” Y/n smiled as she turned her body to him. 
     Chan kissed the back of her head, both of them now pressing up against her. She wasn’t unaware of the hardness against her and both their wandering hands. Chan groped her breast over the sweater and Bin’s hand grabbed her ass.
     Y/n smiled at the boyfriend in front of her before he lifted her leg. Bring it up his waist before she felt Chan’s dick behind her. Rubbing between her folds, spreading their cum mixture around before he pushed into her again. 
     “Take two more for us,” Chan growled in her ear
     “Been so good letting us use you today,” Changbin said before he pressed his lips onto hers. Y/n melted into them. Continuing to let them do whatever they wanted to do to her. Chan thrust up into her from behind as she felt Changbin pull himself out of his shorts.
     Chan moved his hand that was groping her breasts down and bunched the sweater up above her breasts. Her chest pressed up against Changbins as he ran the tip of his cock over her clit. 
     Chan slowed down his thrusts and Changbin pulled his lips away from her mouth. Chan took the opportunity to push two fingers into her mouth and Y/n wrapped her lips around his fingers. 
     Changbin moved his tip to her hole currently being filled and slowly fucked. Tip poked her till he slipped inside with Chan. Y/n moaned against Chan’s fingers while Changbin hooked his arms under her thigh and pushed her leg up more. Both shallowly thrust inside her. Bit by bit they worked themselves into her while they rubbed up against each other. Letting their own moans and grunts fall into her ears. 
     “Forgot how tight it is when both of us are in her,” Chan grunted
     “Should do it more often so she can take both of us whenever,” Changbin suggested
     Y/n moaned in agreement as Chan pulled his fingers out of her mouth, resting his hand around her neck, not putting any pressure on it though.
     Both boys had to move slowly but Y/n still could feel both of them throbbing inside of her. She was sure they could feel the other too. Y/n dropped her head, resting against Changbin’s forehead.
     “Feel good baby?” Changbin asked
     “Mhm,” Y/n nodded
     “So good you can’t talk now,” Chan said behind her
     “Always so good for us,” Changbin replied
     Both of them tightened their holds on her as they got closer to their release. Y/n whimpered with each thrust they made into her. Chan grunted as his cum shot up into her again. Both Changbin and Y/n moaned as they felt his cum covering them. Changbin released not long after Chan finished and feeling the same effect. Both stilling inside her, catching their breaths, and coming down from her high.
     “Gonna pull out, alright?” Chan told them
     Both nodded at his warning and Chan slowly pulled out of her. Y/n grabbed onto Changbin in front of her.
     “Did so good today princess,” Chan cooed in her ear till he popped out of her and it was just Changbin in her.
     “Perfect today. Binnies gonna pull out too, okay,” Changbin added
     Y/n nodded as Chan wrapped his arms around her tighter. Changbin slowly pulled out of her, Chan kissing her neck and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
     “Cuddles,” Y/n sighed
     “Of course,” Changbin smiled
     “How are you feeling baby?” Chan asked, pulling her hoodie back down to cover her
     “Good,” Y/n giggled
     “Liked it?” Chan confirmed 
     “Loved it. Love you guys too,” Y/n said “Can we go again tomorrow?”
     “How about you rest up and we’ll see,” Changbin suggested 
     “M’kay,” Y/n agreed as she snuggled up to the two 
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goldyke · 1 year
LAP Bands should be illegal
This post is going to deal with medical fatphobia, weight loss surgery, coercion, emetophobia, food issues, disordered eating, and just all around bad shit. But it’s important.
Shortly after I reached adulthood, I was coerced into weight loss surgery. I weighed about 250 pounds and was considered morbidly obese.
The Lap Band is a disgrace to the medical profession and is just another example of how the medical profession does not care about the lives of fat people.
To preface this: the surgery works. I lost 70 pounds and people treated me differently and I hated them all for it.
The Lap Band made my life miserable. When it was filled, I could not eat until noon without getting stuck. Even then, getting stuck was always a risk. There was a strict diet to follow and you were supposed to be safe from that if you followed it. On top of that, there were rules for how you ate. One standard I saw was not to eat in bites larger than your fingernail. Can you see yourself doing that for a week, let alone years and years?
Getting stuck is a horror you can't imagine. The food lodges in the top of your stomach, blocking off your system. You continue to produce saliva and swallow it down. Slowly, the mucous in your saliva builds up. It feels like you're drowning. Eventually, you have to essentially throw it all up. A disgusting experience (and a mortifying one if you're in public.) The saliva is thick and ropy. This experience is often called "sliming" on the forums.
I became frightened of eating in public. In a way, I became frightened of food altogether. I knew something had to give the day I reacted to someone biting a hamburger in a tv show the way a regular person would react to a killer jumping out in a horror movie. I developed the disgusting and unhealthy habit of chewing and spitting out food. I completely lost my enjoyment of many foods I had previously enjoyed because of how problematic they were (I can no longer enjoy a chicken thigh for example.) I stopped eating meals and began grazing. I developed eating habits worse than the ones that "made me fat"
After 3 years, I had the band emptied of fluid, which significantly decreased, but did not stop, these problems. I regained the weight, and found it didn't bother me. (Along the way I discovered that my discomfort with my body had never been weight related)
I had my band removed after 6.5 years earlier this year. I am in a support group on facebook for victims of this malpractice. There are 5.6 thousand members, each with their own horror stories. Some of them cannot get the band removed because insurance will not cover the procedure, though they happily covered the band's placement. Some have tried to go through with removal but have had surgeons try to coerce them into getting a different weight-loss surgery instead of just removing it. Many have long-term damage from the band eroding the walls of their stomach or esophagus, or from the band adhering to multiple organs. Many of them had the band for 12-14 years, before removal because none of our doctors told us it needs to be removed within 10.
Many practices no longer perform Lap Band surgery and now believe it is unethical. The surgeon who removed my band still performs this surgery regularly.
A study performed in 2011 with 151 lap band patients, found that 22% of patients experienced minor complications and 39% experienced major complications. The person who coerced me into surgery actually experienced major complications and needed an emergency removal.
I experienced no serious complications. Everything I described above is considered normal. And It still drastically lowered my quality of life.
I don't know why I'm sharing this or who I'm sharing it for, but here I am. If you know anyone considering the lap band surgery, don't let them go through with it without knowing the truth. And please be kinder to your body than the medical profession wants you to be.
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hotnbloodied · 7 months
Yan!Cheater X Reader
!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion.
TW: cheating, implied stalking, kidnapping, physical violence, confinement.
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You were with Marshall for about three years now, everything seemed to be going fine. At least, that’s what you thought. You two had met back when you were starting out as a bartender. Honestly, maybe if you listened to your coworkers about how he was at the bar all the time and took people home regularly it would have been the first red flag, but you were too naive at the time. Not to mention that the more you think about it now, the more you realize that he always seemed to know what to say, sweet honeyed words, charming smiles, small gifts. You felt like you wanted to throw up, the two of you were even talking about starting a family for crying out loud!
So imagine your horror when you decided to stop by his apartment since you got out of your, now corporate job, early to get dinner started for him and found clothes scattered throughout. Bursting into his bedroom you found him and a person you didn’t recognize both naked in his bed. After telling both of them to fuck off you stormed out of his apartment and blocked his phone number and socials. Funny thing you realized is that he didn’t know where you lived. Since in all the time you two were together there was never a time he stepped foot in your house.
At first it was hard on you, you used to care for Marshall all the time and you grieved the time you spent on him. But after the week or so of angst that you allowed yourself, you started doing better. You had more time to yourself and more freedom. You even started accepting your coworker’s invitation for drinks. But just when you thought that you found a good groove to yourself the phone calls started.
‘babe plz take me back’
‘I miss u’
‘Y did u block me????’
‘U r NOTHING w/o me!!!’
You were startled to say the least, but you knew him (right?) There is no way a proud person like him would cause a scene that would make him look crazy… (would he?) So imagine your surprise when you were heading out of work only to be grabbed by Marshall. You almost didn’t recognize him since usually styled hair was greasy and messy, his face which was usually pristine looked rough and there were a couple of breakouts, his clothes that he meticulously planned were nowhere to be found but instead he wore loose fitting mismatched pieces.
If you saw him first you might have been able to steer clear of him, but alas, he saw you first and grabbed your arm. “Please take me back!” He sobbed. “I feel so empty without you!” You cringed and tried pulling back your arm, “hey, let go of me. You’re the one who wanted to backstab me.” He gripped tighter, making you wince a bit, “I promise I’ll be better! I’ll pay attention to no one else but you! I’ll think of no one else but you! Look! I even deleted all my contacts!” He attempted to take out his phone with only one hand but you didn’t care if it was true. “Let go of me you fuck!” You swung your arm trying to break free, it was until a coworker saw the bind you were in and stepped in. Separating the two of you and knocking Marshall down. “Leave me alone, or I’ll call the cops next time!” You yelled at his fallen form.
Marshall looked up at you and started laughing, it was slow at first but turned maniacal quickly. “I see how it is, have fun with your new boy toy while it lasts! I’ll get you back.” He clumsily stood up and left hastily. Your co-worker asked if you were okay and  you thanked him for his help. He told you that you should probably go to the police station to make a statement but you brushed him off. Oh how stupid of you.
One particular late night after working late you were walking home, until you suddenly blacked out. You awoke to a throbbing pain in your head, vision blurry and unable to move your body freely. “H-huh?” “Welcome home darling!” Through your haze, you saw Marshall. He looked better than the last time you saw him but something wasn’t right. You suddenly realized that you were in a situation so you looked around the room and you saw pictures of you scattered everywhere from the ceilings to the walls and even some on the floor. “Where… am I?” He scoffed, “home! Do you like the pictures?” He giggled, “it wasn’t until after you left did I realize that I didn’t have enough photos of you. Which reminds me!” He took out his phone and started snapping pictures of you while in your state of being restrained and confused in an unfamiliar bed. You looked so alluring to him, so much so that it got him a little too excited that even you could see it.
“Marshall, let me go! I won’t press charges.” “Oh that’s right that you won’t press charges, cause you will never be able to! I’ve prepared this cage for you, my pretty bird. And I'm not going to let the only good thing that was a part of my life leave me... ever again.”
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lowkeyrobin · 15 days
still so disappointed that mr pennycrumb [fives dog in the comics] didnt rlly appear much in the show </3
ok ok so its the academy's birthday and the reader is insanely good at gift giving and never forgets to give presents if theres smth special happening. they hand out the gifts to everyone except they avoid five and disappear w/o them knowing where they went, only to come back at dusk w/ a larger box. obviously five went insane and rambles on how worried he was before the reader finally shuts him up by plopping the box on him, and boom. theres a puppy.
[loved the last viktor fic btw. literally bawled my eyes out]
- 🦇
OMG YES the only appearance we saw was in s3 when Luther went on a jog before he got napped :( ; and thank you!! I got bored and I couldn't extend it any further so it's kinda dumb but it's alr haha ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also sorry this is so short and dumb idk writers block is so picky
FIVE HARGREEVES ; mr pennycrumb
summary ; when the umbrella academys birthdays roll around, you get five a whole ass dog
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; some of the gifts are related to hobbies/interests that are more of hcs than actual canon
word count ; 738
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When you walked into Allison's with multiple boxes and bags for the Hargreeves, they all knew you were at it again with your insane yet accurate gift giving. They started with cake, then moved over to presents.
Gift giving in the family was like secret Santa in a way. Everyone would essentially get gifts for all the others, and they'd pass around gifts one by one, usually by number order. Luther was always first, Viktor always last. Lila usually snuck in around Diego, because duh. Viktor had gotten used to being last, the forgotten one. But around his family now, he knew it wasn't like that anymore. He'd rather go last so everyone else could have their special time on their special day.
So, the group sets the gifts tagged for Luther on the table in front of him. The kids halfway watch from afar, paying attention to the TV and their toys more than their celebrating parents, aunts, and uncles.
You were among the minority in the house that didn't share a birthday with them, thank God. You would've gone insane over big birthdays like this.
Five, meanwhile, was going insane over you basically ignoring him all day.
You'd gotten Luther some workout gear, knowing he'd taken up going to the gym within the past couple of years. Among other gifts were little trinkets and other things he wanted. He was a little hard to shop for, never really wanting anything, enjoying the quality time over any gift giving.
Next was Diego, and inside the gift you got for him, was a knife sharpening kit. He'd lost his old one just in time. Lila came up next, receiving a few nice outfits you found for her and a gift card to Cosmoprof, as she'd been thinking about re-dyeing her hair to white again.
Next up was Allison, grateful for the numerous acting job business cards you'd given her on top of a bunch of books that were on her Amazon wishlist. She was a serious reader who wanted to get back into acting, now.
Klaus was after her, ecstatic about a carry-around cleaning kit. You were going to go with a joint maker to make his life easier before he got sober. Now he wouldn't need a full bag of cleaning supplies, he'd have your perfect gift.
Five decided to go last, wanting to watch his family be happy more than open presents himself.
Ben was next, receiving some letters from modeling agencies. As he should.
Viktor was second to last, very appreciative for the new drink recipes you'd made and found for him atop the pile of clothes you'd gotten him.
You disappeared around dusk, leaving Five to open his presents without presence. He was physically eighteen, mentally sixty-two today.
As he looks up, seeing the lack of you around, he hides a soft frown. He noticed how you weren't standing near him all night, how you barely even spoke around him.
"Did you do something to Y/n?" Klaus asks out of the blue. "They just kinda... dissappeared"
Five shrugs. "I don't think I did. Even if I did do something, they'd talk it out with me"
Allison shrugs. "I think that's them" she comments, looking out the screen door to see you pull up in your car again. "Diego, could you get the door?"
Diego turns around, unlocking the door for you, holding it open as he sees you holding a big box.
"Why is that box bigger than you?"
"Also, why is it moving?"
You set the box on the table in front of Five, a wide smile on your face. "Open it"
He slowly sets aside the large box of coffee pods he received from Diego to the side, slowly reaching for the box flaps. As he pulls them to the side, out jumps a little dog.
"Oh my God?"
Five smiles, pulling the puppy into his lap. He looks up at you, a glimmer in his eyes. "Why did you get me a dog?"
You shrug, moving the box off the table. "You're a lonely old man, you need some company"
He chuckles, petting the pug's head.
"What're you gonna name it?" Ben asks, arms crossed.
"Him" You correct
"Mr. Pennycrumb" Five answers.
"Why?" Luther asks.
The physically younger boy shrugs. "Why not?"
"Interesting choice" Klaus mutters with a shrug.
Five smiles up at you, giddy like a little kid. "Thank you"
"I try"
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becomingmina · 8 months
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pairing: jeongin x female reader genre + warnings: fwb, angst, jeongin is annoyed at reader, smut mdni! wc: 2k mina's note: S/GF/N = Seungmin’s gf name. You get the drill 😛
mad master list here ; other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
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Jeongin groans at the vibration from his phone. It was 1 in the morning and he had just fallen asleep a couple minutes ago.
“Hm?” He answered the call from Seungmin, only because it was at an abnormal hour and because he heard his hyung rushed out the door not to long ago.
"Hey Jeongin, I'm picking up my girlfriend and your little girlfriend is here too," Seungmin says over the phone.
"She's not my little girlfriend," Jeongin scoffed, arm laying across his eyes, trying his best to block out any light so he doesn’t lose his tiredness.
“Okay, not-your-little-girlfriend will be alone outside the club if I only get S/GF/N so—” Seungmin emphasised on the alone, feeling worried about you but seeking Jeongin’s confirmation first.
“So?” But Seungmin was only met with a grumpy Jeongin.
“So do you want me to get her too or?”
“Ugh god.”
“I can’t just leave her, they have all been drinking and—”
“Ugh, she can stay over,” Jeongin puffed, clearly annoyed.
“Okay we—”
“—But I'm going back to sleep so don't wake me when you guys get home," and with that he hung up the phone.
You entered Jeongin and Seungmin’s shared apartment, the place was always so welcoming and cozy but this time round you felt a little out of place. All day you’ve been messaging Jeongin telling him you miss him, his hugs, his touches, his kisses, only just to be left with a message that broke you a little.
Jeongin 🤍 Can you stop messaging me?
Jeongin 🤍 My phone is buzzing non stop it’s annoying
You guys weren’t dating, only a fling as the other boys would say but it was clear to everyone that you had feelings for this boy. Maybe more than he has for you. The text made you question your whole situation-relationship though — does he even like you anymore?
You were going to spend the day copped up in bed but after your roommate found out why you were so upset, she insisted you go out clubbing with her and the other girls.
“I would go but Jeongin hates me going,” you say fiddling with your blanket.
“So?” S/GF/N questioned as she moves your hair away from your face.
“He’ll get angry,” you were a little bit nervous on how he would react since he already is annoyed.
“Y/N I think it’s time you stop being the one what chases him. If he wants you to stop messaging him then you should not talk to him at all. Ignore him, go out, go drinking, go clubbing, make him mad. Be a little bit petty back,” she says with a smile.
You take a deep breath in as you considered everything she said. Maybe it was time you stop giving him so much attention. Maybe it was time you stop letting him get his way with you.
“Trust me Y/N, he’ll want your attention by the end of the night,” S/GF/N says as she gets up opening her hand out for you.
“Okay,” you took her hand.
You took your time getting dolled up, searching for an outfit. You wanted something what was still in your comfort zone but a little bit sexy. You settle for tight demin jeans and a long sleeve crop top with a wide v neck showing your cleavage area, making sure it was an outfit that will piss Jeongin off.
The first couple of shots you were as confident as when you agreed to go out. You wanted to piss Jeongin off. But towards the end of the night when the alcohol started hitting you, you can’t lie you missed him, you wanted to be with him. You start to slowly lose your security as you read over the many messages he left you asking where you were.
Seungmin brings you a pillow and blanket, with a glass of water. He hates to be a bad host and leave you in the living room but he respected his member’s wishes.
“You know your way around Y/N. Good night,” he says before returning back to his room to your friend.
You were in your clubbing outfit and it was uncomfortable for you to sleep in but you didn’t want to go into Jeongin’s room to dig through your pile of clothes afraid he was mad at you. You decided it was best if you just called a taxi, copping the couple hundred dollars to take you back home in the other part of the city at this hour of the night.
“You can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep out here,” a voice stops you from taking any step further. You turn around and there Jeongin was standing in the hall way. Your heart skips a beat at his presence.
“No it’s okay, I think I’ll just go home,” you say quietly, standing across the room from him.
“Didn’t you want to stay?” He asked but it came out a little be aggressive as if it you begged to stay over.
“Yeah, I wanted to see you but it seems like you don’t want me here. I’ll leave,” you choked.
He can tell you were hurt, your voice breaking a little bit as you reply back to him.
“It’s okay—”
“—I want you to stay Y/N,” he says firmly. “If you leave right now, I’m assuming you’re leaving me forever.” Jeongin makes his way to the couch, taking his seat as he waits for you to come to him. You couldn’t fight him, you wanted to stay, you wanted to be around him tonight.
“I think we need to talk Y/N.” You make your way over and he pulls you next to him.
“You wanna tell me where you were? Why you didn’t reply me back?” He asks softly, glancing down at you.
“I just felt like I was annoying you so I—,” you start to speak.
“—So you went clubbing instead?” He didn’t wait for you to finish your sentence. “I thought we agreed for you not to?” He puffed out, trying to stay calm. “Or does that not mean anything to you anymore?” He pierces his eyes into yours, waiting for your answer.
“Jeongin.. I miss you and all I got from you was a can you stop messaging me,” you voiced, looking away from his glance.
“So you broke your promise and went out instead?” His tone was harsh now, he is showing his madness.
It flipped a switch in you, snapping you back to the mindset you had when you agreed to go out. He had no right to be mad at you, he was the one who was mean to you first. You only ignored him because he wanted you to stop messaging him and now he’s the one that’s mad? What is his issue?
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him.
“Pfffftt..” he chuckle, amused at your reaction.
“What does me drinking and clubbing have to do with you anyways? It’s not like we are dating?” You retorted, tired of playing the cat in his little chase game.
“Yeah true,” he rolls his eyes at you now. “We aren’t even dating. But then go ahead.. Go ahead and tell me why you are missing me so much then? Spamming my phone with “I miss you”messages?” He scoffed, lifting his hand to air quote you.
You get up to walk out on him but he pulls you down, so you’re on him straddling him. You tried your hardest to get up again but he was too strong for you, holding you still by your waist.
“Silly girl..” Jeongin scoffs again shaking his head. “We’ve been here before.. You can’t go out because you’re mine,” he smirks.
“Hate when you wearing pretty clothes like this out,” his hands travelled from our waist down to your hips where he rubs circles with his thumb. His touch made your heart flutter.
“Hate it when you get drunk and get friendly with every fucking guy you make eye contact with,” he says above a whisper, lips close to yours. His possessive side was showing and it was turning you on so much.
“Jeongin..” You whimper, arms coming to hug around his shoulders now and you move up a little bit, sitting atop his hardening length. You take in a sharp breath at the contact.
“Hmm? What is it?” He was satisfied with your reaction.
“Want you…” you were as needy as when you sent him those texts in the morning. You craved him.
“You want me? I think you forgot to say something,” he teased, his fingers doesn’t stop caressing your body.
“I’m sorry,” you replied. “I’m sorry I went out clubbing. I only did it so you can pay attention to me,” you admit falling vulnerable for him again.
He lets out a little laugh before apologising as well. “I’m sorry too Y/N.”
“I’m sorry I replied to you like that. I’m sorry I let my anger out on,” he moves you closer to him, hands now groping your buttock.
“Why were you angry?“ you asked him with your big eyes, ever so innocently making him fall vulnerable to you too.
“They stuffed up my measurements, so I don’t know if I’ll have an outfit for the performance next week now,” he replies. You got your answer on why he was annoyed now. Clothes, fashion, and styling means a lot to him, so you understand how he feels when it doesn’t go right for him.
“I’m sorry it didn’t go well for you—” you tried to cheer him up.
“—No it’s not your fault. Never your fault, pretty girl,” he was desperate to let you know you shouldn’t take the blame for his behaviour.
“I’m sorry I got angry at you for clubbing too. I just get so possessive when you go out. You know I get like that only because I like you so much right?” He admits, cupping your face. You both look at each other with lust before attaching your lips.
“I know,” you pull away with a smile. You both slowly start to forgot everything that happened now.
“You want to show me how much you missed me, pretty girl?” He looks down at your body and tugs at the waist band of your jeans, signaling for you to remove them.
You get up to remove your jeans leaving you in your panties.
“This is how much you missed me?” He eyes your underwear before looking into your eyes with a smirk.
You shake your head no and continue to pull down your panties off as-well, kicking them off. He licks his lips at the sight of your bare pussy. If anything, he missed you like how you missed him too.
“Missed you more.. like this,” you say and straddled him again. With your jeans and panties off you can feel how hard he was for you now and it was riling you up so much.
“Missed this.. so much,” you moaned as his big hands come to helps you roll your hips on him.
“Yeah then keep going baby. You always make it feel so nice,” Jeongin encourages you, trying his best not to roll his eyes back at the pleasure.
“I’m close- I’m gonna cum,” you bite down on your bottom lip, feeling the damp spot forming on his grey sweat pants. You were a moaning mess now trying to save your orgasm.
“Not yet, keep going.. let me cum with you,” he mumbles. A couple more grinds and he feels himself ready to bust with you.
“You okay pretty girl? I’m close now,” Jeongin grips your hips harder now.
A loud moan falls from your lips as you both let go. You let your juice flood on his pants as Jeongin cums inside his boxers.
“Good girl.. You feel okay now?” He says rubbing your back as you both catch your breath.
“I’m okay now,” you say.
“Good.. Only want the best for my little girlfriend,” your eyes lights up at his comment and he chuckles at your cuteness.
“What? You are my little girlfriend right?” He presses a kiss to your cheek.
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textualdesires · 2 years
Animal Impulses [Tyler Galpin x Reader]
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You stumbled upon his hideout. Had discovered his secret. And you had every intention of helping him control his urges.
[Tyler Galpin x gn!afab!reader]
Warnings: Dacryphilia, Blood Kink, Pain Kink, Size Kink, marking, choking, P in V penetration, Oral (f and m receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), mentions of murder, tyler being creepy, dubcon if you squint
18+! MINORS DNI! (I will block you.)
„You should be running.
Be scared of me.
How are you not scared of me?“
You don’t know how you found yourself in this situation to begin with.
You should have known better.
There was a curfew for a reason.
My god, a killer was on the loose.
Targeting both the Nevermore students and the townsfolk.
But yet your feet almost automatically strutted through the fallen leaves.
You had found a cave, then.
And just like a child, curiosity got the best of you.
You didn’t know.
That you had walked straight into his lair.
You’d known Tyler for ages.
The sweet barista who always made sure your drink was extra hot, like you requested.
Who had at some point memorized your order, your cup ready before you even entered.
Sure, you had crushed on him.
Who wouldn’t fall for the soft curls, the bright smile and the intriguing secret behind his eyes.
You finally found out what it was.
His heavy steps cornered you now.
He towered over you as he trapped you against the walls, his eyes darker than you’d ever seen.
„I know you won’t harm me.“
It was barely a whisper.
Your breath was visible in the cold night air, your cheeks reddened not only from the temperatures.
You could feel a warmth radiating off him, even as he stood in only a shirt.
His fist hit the wall next to you with an impact that made some rubble fall.
„How are you so sure?
I don’t see friend or foe when the impulse takes over.
I could hurt you without even knowing it.“
Your hand found his tense shoulders now as you soothed over his barely covered skin.
A deep breath escaped him now, like he had let go off years of pent up anger.
But he was far from calm, far from harmless.
Somehow that just drew you in even closer.
„I know you, Tyler.
You’re not a bad person.
Your impulses, tell me about them.“
„You sound like my shrink.“
„I’m just trying to help.“
„How could you possibly help?“
It was you who had the upper hand now.
Softly you let the hand that was previously on his shoulder drag towards his chest.
You inched in closer, so close you could almost feel his lips on yours.
„Perhaps I can take away some of your pain.“
That was his cue as he harshly pushed his lips against yours.
You matched his pace, fighting desperately for control.
You weren’t surprised when his teeth gnawed on your bottom lip.
He had drawn some blood with his sharp teeth.
You could see him changing now, see the ferocity in his every move.
His chest was heaving as he desperately tried to hold back the animal impulses.
With a grin you licked the blood of your own lip.
He pulled you in by the waist, hips grinding against yours as he once again took you in.
He had tasted blood and he wanted more.
In whatever way he could.
It was you who slowed him then, forehead resting against his.
„Does it help? Does it still the urges when we kiss?“
„It does, but I want more. I need more.“
„I have more to give.“
You started leaving chaste kisses along his jaw, lips traveling towards his neck.
You sucked bright red marks into his skin, the fact that you were marking up the police chief’s son just giving you even more confidence.
His hand found your hair then, pulling you back.
„Stop being a tease.“
„Why? I thought you needed more.“
„You should not mess with me.“
You grinned a bit as you pulled his shirt above his head then.
You wondered where all this toned body and warm skin had been hidden when you would ogle at him in the coffee shop.
You wanted him for a while now.
Your sharp nails dragged along his torso, causing Tyler to groan.
He knew pain, it had become a close friend.
One he loved when it came from you.
God, you were even better than he could have imagined.
He had been pinning you for ages.
Had tried to tell himself it was just a harmless crush.
Even when he could smell you from miles away.
Even when he found himself in front of your window, quietly looking in.
You had come to him like a gift from the gods.
You had dropped to your knees now, not even caring about the gravel scratching up your knees.
You were quick to unbuckle his belt, pulling down his jeans and boxers at the same time.
His physique just kept bringing surprises.
With a tip of his finger he tilted your chin up, looking into your eyes.
He did not want you to stop, god no.
But he was afraid of what he would do once you started.
„Are you sure about this? I have no clue how this will affect me-„
He didn’t get to finish his train of thought.
You grabbed him, your tongue swirling across his tip.
The grunt that left his body was inhumane.
Like he had been touch-starved for centuries.
And you were intent on fulfilling his desires.
You opened your mouth, letting your lips slip around his tip.
His hands immediately found your hair, scalp burning as he took control.
He pushed himself further into you, causing you to gag around him.
Tears started running down your cheeks as he continued to push into your throat.
He was vocal, clearly enjoying himself.
You could feel it, too.
The way he would twitch every now and then, precum filling your mouth.
He pushed you off him when he couldn’t handle it anymore.
„Stand up.“
It was an order, one you gladly followed.
Your eyes shot up to his and a breath escaped your lungs at the state he was in.
His pupils were blown, his chest heaving.
His curls had fallen clad against his forehead with the heat you produced.
He grabbed your chin so softly, you almost forgot the monster behind his eyes.
Soft kisses found your cheeks as he relished in the taste of your tears.
His mouth traveled further and further, coming to your beck and leaving wet trails that cooled with the night air.
You could feel yourself pulse at how much he turned you on.
„I can smell you, you know?“
You gulped slightly, causing him to chuckle.
Your cheeks were now beyond red, your face emitting just as much heat as his body was.
You tried hiding your face in his shoulder but he would not let you.
His hand gripped your cheeks then, pressing a long and furious kiss onto yours.
„Never said I didn’t like it.“
His hands rummaged your body, grasping at the too many layers you wore.
Carefully he slipped you out of your coat, letting it topple to the floor.
He was not as careful with your shirt.
With a loud rip he had torn it off you, leaving you exposed.
„Tyler!“ You yelled in surprise.
„Don’t fret about the shirt.
I told you, I needed more.“
You shut up then, his hands unclasping your bra and throwing it to the ground.
His lips traveled along your clavicle, further and further down until finally he found the are he desired.
He was quick to pull your jeans down your waist, causing you to stumble.
His hands were fast to hold you in place.
His tongue lapped at your core feverishly within seconds.
He didn’t give you time to adjust as his sloppy movements started.
He was fast but controlled, knowing exactly how to move.
„You taste just as good as I imagined.“
Your cheeks reddened even further if that was possible.
Gosh, how could you have been missing out on this?
Perhaps you should have done this sooner.
Maybe you could have prevented some of the misery then.
A gasp escaped your mouth as he pushed two fingers into you without warning.
His long fingers stretched you out delicately.
He had to prepare you for what he wanted to do.
He had urges, sure, but he was not cruel.
Not to you at least.
His tongue worked simultaneously with his fingers, curling and hitting a spot deep inside you.
You saw stars as your body felt overwhelmed, your legs almost buckling underneath you.
„Tyler, I‘m gonna-„
„Cum for me, little one.“
He didn’t need to tell you twice.
Your moans echoed along the empty space as you gripped his hair for any form of stability.
You thought you would faint.
You swore you could have.
Tyler stood again once you had gotten over your high, pulling his long fingers out of you.
„Taste yourself.“
Your lips wrapped around his fingers, his eyes scanning you as you lapped up every last drop of it.
God, he wanted you.
Needed to feel you around him.
He wanted to destroy you.
His hand wrapped around your throat immediately.
You squealed under his touch, for the first time showing any sort of fear.
But this was no normal fear, no.
It was laced with arousal, laced with want.
It was more delicious than any fear he’d seen before.
The moan that ripped put of your throat as he squeezed made him hungry for more.
„You liked that, huh?“
You nodded softly, an innocent smile meeting his dark grin.
He picked you up by the thighs then, pushing you into the wall behind you.
With ease he held you in his place, his arms flexing.
He needed to get his fix now.
He lined himself up with you as your hands wrapped around his neck, holding on to him.
You hissed as he pushed his tip into you.
Even now he was slow and careful not to injure you.
A whine escaped him as he bottomed out.
Slowly he started pushing into you.
His hips snapped against yours as he almost pulled out only to thrust back in again.
He picked up his pace, groans escaping him as he fucked into you harder.
It didn’t take you long to get to your second orgasm.
He rode it out with you as your fingernails scratched up his back and neck.
He was determined to give you what you wanted.
Your loud moans had him getting closer to his own relief quickly.
His hips stuttered when he came with a few loud groans.
He stilled, pulsing inside of you as you could feel him filling you up.
His lips found your neck again, biting and sucking at the skin to stifle his sounds.
He had to mark you as his.
Had the world to see that he wrecked you.
Carefully he set you back down as he tried to catch his breath.
A short laugh escaped his lungs as he saw how exhausted you looked.
It was an earnest one.
Like you were the cutest thing he’d ever seen.
Your heart fluttered softly.
It felt like he was himself again.
The barista that would make sure the heart on your drink‘s foam was perfect.
The one who would trip over his own two feet when you caught him staring.
The one you had fallen for so effortlessly.
He pushed his forehead against yours, pressing a few soft pecks onto your lips.
„You understand you can’t tell anyone?
About the lair?
About who I am?“
You nodded softly.
You would keep his secret if it meant you could keep him around.
Your hand softly pushed his hair out of his face.
„This can be our little secret.“
He smiled, another kiss meeting your lips.
He pulled you against him then, his arms wrapping around your waist softly.
He never wanted to let you go again.
You were his now, had saved him.
Why kill when he could have his own personal way of stilling the animal impulses?
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flyingcakeee · 3 months
Quite frankly, I'm tired of F1 social media admins, both F1 itself and teams, as well as F1 journalists and content creators with big platforms.
Firstly, for teams and official accounts, you should NEVER be unprofessional to such an extent that you are using literal chosen ship names in your captions, weird nicknames, or be posting bashful content without reason.
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You are supposed to be representing the "Pinnacle of Motorsports" yet you post shit like this for engagement. It is okay if you post funny haha clips, but this is severely unprofessional and even inappropriate at times. I want to narrow down specifically Red Bull's Threads account. It is very VERY unprofessional and I genuinely thought it was a fan account that somehow got a badge but no, it is the actual account. Posting THAT when Lance's contract was renewed is super unprofessional, it would have been 100x better if you didn't even acknowledge it, you never even acknowledged Pierre's. On top, using a driver who is known to be close to Lance for that picture? Just fucking weird.
Content creators and big name platforms have this same issue too.
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I'm sure we all have heart of Rocket Powered Mohawk or whatever that man's name was or the Red Flags Podcast, both which use their platforms to shame on drivers. (Said screenshot is in reference to Lance Stroll).
Funnily enough, we ALL know about what David Coulthard said about Logan incorrectly when trying to blame him for a rather minor incident regarding a parking job when it was in fact not his car, and FEW have heard of what Crofty said about Logan. Unfortunately, Sky Sports does this a lot and constantly has a bias, in fact most F1 broadcasts do and you're safest bet is F1TV which is extremely expensive.
Or when a reporter asks a very clearly inappropriate question such as "how do you feel being the slowest driver" to a driver, that is literally so fucking unprofessional that they better be praising god they didn't get a snarky comment from the driver in response.
By the way, this goes for drivers as well, using their platforms to slam a driver.
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This incident in particular not only caused many people to rally behind Lance but also caused many to support Bianca for something so tone deaf and horrible that I can never support her personally.
This doesn't go out for drivers personal accounts specifically, especially when it shows off their personality (take Tsolov's 'cringy' video which not only introduced us to him but showed us that he was a kid or take Fernando's TikTok as a whole and there's plenty more examples), but when shit like this or that happens, it is super discouraging to even be a fan of this sport. Not to mention that for everyone mentioned above, they now have free reign to shame on any driver through their likes as Twitter made it private.
I get marketing yourself or your team or your sport or whatever out to people who aren't apart of your community, but you are very much pushing them or your actual fans away a lot. You lose fans who don't want to associate themselves with you anymore because you were unprofessional. I've found and blocked many content creators because how absolutely disgusting the comments they made were, and the sad truth is, it's only a handful of drivers who receive this on most occasions, but it's not limited to any driver and EVERY driver can or will receive it.
It's harmful and disgusting and disrespectful to those individuals and yet you post things like this and wonder why some drivers don't use the internet as often.
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(P.S., Lance has been interacting at fanzones a lot this year, he had to step away because he was getting hate.)
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satanzhole · 10 months
WHB Satan
Satan’s H- scene and the way he called mc a dirty bitch in his card story inspired me to write this. His h- scene was hot but I needed more fr
Satan x fem!reader 
CW: degradation, choking, creampie, squirting, pussy slapping, fingering, coochie being ate, fucked grammar
You were walking in an alley in Gahanna along with Satan, Sitri, and Ppyong when suddenly you felt an immense amount of pain in your chest so much so that you couldn’t properly breathe. 
“Solomon?”, Sitri asked with a worried expression on his face as he turned around and saw you collapsed on the ground and holding your chest. Sitri hurried to your side to help you off the ground but you were still panting. 
“Oh Mc! I don’t think she can breathe properly, aye!” Ppyong shouted as he floated toward you. 
“ Ohh is “that” it?” Satan said while walking back to you. He snatched you away from Sitri and studied your complexion in his arms. 
“Did something happen to Mc?”, Ppyong asked. 
“It looks like Mc can’t breath”, Sitri stated with an anxious expression on his face. 
You could hear the devils around you stirring but due to your current predicament, you weren’t able to understand them properly. At first you felt stifled in the chest and found it difficult to breathe but now, you felt like someone was trying to strangle the life out of you. 
“This is a human and we are in hell”, Satan remarked as he looked down at you in his arms.
 “Mc. According to your Earthiem knowledge, you’re currently on a different planet”. 
“Does that mean… Mc is like this because the environment changed a lot?”, Ppyong asked. 
“That’s right”.
“Ooh…! Now I understand, aye! I heard that humans need oxygen tanks or space suits when they go to different planets, aye! But right now Mc…” 
“Is completely naked”
“Then if this continues ….” said Sitri. 
“Mc will keep struggling to breath until they dry up like a mummy”, Satan explained with a troubled look on his face. 
“Mc won’t die right away, but will be in even more pain”. 
“Does that mean… that I have to return to Earth. I want to stay here”,  you asked Satan as you were still panting from the lack of oxygen. You grabbed the hem of Satan’s clothes and spoke. 
“ I’m going to help you until the end.”
“But Solomon, you should worry about your own state”, Sitri commented.
“ Help until the end… I want that too”, Satan said firmly as he looked you in the eyes. 
“ I didn’t say there isn't a way”. 
Sitri and Ppyong both gasped in surprise at Satan. 
“Think of it, descendent of Solomon, humans lived here before you. Solomon. Your ancestor. At that time, there was a method that the devils devised with him. We’ll constantly blow “devil energy” inside of you to make you adapt to Hell”. 
“In other words, I think he’s saying that he will give you an oxygen mask, aye!”, Ppyong shouted gleefully. 
When Satan nodded, Ppyong proudly wagged his tail. But you were finding it harder and harder to breathe. 
“Your Majesty, I think we should use that method as soon as possible”, Sitri suggested. 
“Alright” , said Satan, and covered your eyes with his hand to block your view. 
“Think of the place you feel the most comfortable in” 
“The place I feel the most comfortable in…” 
Your room was the first to come to your mind… No, it was Minhyeok’s room. Where you could be the most comfortable while the sun was up.Where all your precious porn files were …
“ I have it” 
“Alright. Before you open your eyes…
You felt Satan look up at the surroundings. Satan started speaking to both Sitri and Ppyong. 
“Once Mc accepts the devil energy, she’ll fall asleep for a while. Because humans use their stamina to properly absorb that energy in their body. For those few hours we will have to protect Mc”. 
“ Leave it to us, your Majesty Satan”.
“ We’ll do our best, you Majesty Satan, aye!”
“Also, we can never let the angels know that Mc has to receive devil energy intermittently, and that she has to fall asleep because of that”. 
“Of course your Majesty Satan”.
“Of course, your Majesty, aye!”
That was the last you heard from Sitri and Ppyong. 
“Alright Mc. Open your eyes”.
Satan finished beseeching and lifted his hand from your eyes. Minyeok’s room was spread out before your eyes, and only you and Satan were left in it. You widen your eyes at the surprising and much missed scenery. Satan grinned at you, still holding you in his arms as he supported you. 
“Is this really Minhyeok’s room?”
“I don’t care whose room you thought of. But this is a place from your heart where you feel most comfortable. It’s a virtual space in your heart realized”.
You still found it hard to breathe. But when you stood in some place similar, you somehow felt more at ease. The walls with vintage baseball cards that Minhyeok collected. The table with the picture he took with you in the past. Everything was identical to Minhyeok’s room that you knew. 
There was one thing that you weren’t familiar with. 
“Why am I naked?” Pain and impression aside, you couldn’t not ask that question. You thought it was strange how you were the only one who was standing there naked. Standing in front of Satan like this made you feel exposed but it was also turning you on. 
Instead of answering your question, Satan took your face into his hands and kissed you deeply. His pink tinted lips were plump, warm and soft. You parted your lips so he took the chance to slip his tongue in. His hands moved away from your face and traveled down to your ass. He grabbed and squeezed your ass in his hands, spreading your cheeks apart enough that your pussy lips spread as well. He released your ass only to slap it and grip it again. You heard a deep growl come from Satan and you felt yourself getting wet. Satan guided you toward the bed and soon you felt something behind your knees. The two of you separated as you began to slowly sit down on the bed. Before you even sit, Satan gave you a cocky smile and pushed your shoulder back on the bed. He leaned over you while his fingers grazed your lips, neck, and breast. 
“I thought you were an interesting human. From when I first saw you”.
“Because I’m a descendent of Solomon?”
“No, because the video you were watching was so interesting”
 You were now completely laid back on the bed and Satan was on top of you. He trapped you between two arms and it gave you the perfect view of his well toned muscles that were covered with bold veins. He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the lips, jaw, and neck then sat back up and began to slide his clothes off.  Each time he took off a piece of clothing, you couldn’t help but look amazed by how perfect his body is. His body has incomparable beauty which is no surprise considering the fact that he was made in God’s image. Your eyes started at his plump chest and traveled past his thick veiny arms and firm abs. He has a bold v-line, a light pink happy trail that matches his hair and even more small veins that lead down to his brick hard shaft. His dick is curved upward and just about reached his belly button. It’s girthy with three visible veins with precum leaking out of the head and sliding down the shaft. 
“ You looked at me like that in the beginning too”, Satan said with a red tinted face. 
“Hold your legs open. I wanna play with your pussy first”, he ordered in a low tone, grinning. You did exactly what you were told and hooked your arms under your legs and held them up for him. He went straight to rubbing your sopping wet pussy and teasing your hole that. His middle finger slid right in and slowly pumped into you a few times. You were so wet that his ring finger slipped into you with no resistance. He pumped his curved fingers into your pussy to hit that special spot that’d make you cum all over his fingers. 
“ I'm not stopping until I make you squirt and your cum’s running down my hand.” Satan declared before taking one of his hands and wrapping it around your throat while his other is thrusting his fingers in you. 
“You hear how wet you are Mc? Your pussy’s so noisy. You really are a dirty little human”, he said, flicking his tongue at you.
Satan’s hand around your throat combined with the lewd noises of your hole being finger fucked by Satan’s thick fingers was pushing you to your limit. 
“You’re gonna squirt on me huh? Mmm that’s right.. cum on my fingers like a good girl”, he growled, and it immediately pushed you over the edge. 
“Wait Satan! I feel like I’m going to-” and that’s when your juices came sprinkling out of your tightened pussy. Satan immediately pulled his fingers out and cupped your pussy with his mouth. He used his big, flat tongue to swipe it up your pussy then latched his plump lips onto your clit and sucked on it. You came even harder with the added stimulation of Satan sucking on your swollen clit. He slurped up your cum soaked pussy and gave your clit one last suck before he sat back up and released his grip around your throat. The lower half of Satan’s face was damp and glossy, covered in your cum. 
You flinched at the swift slap to your pussy but it was soon after soothed with Satan caressing you and soaking his hand in your juices. Satan lifted his hand,  showing you his glistening fingers then moved them in front of his lips. He parted his lips and flicked his tongue between his fingers, looking you dead in the eyes to make sure you captured the sight of him cleaning your cum off his fingers. 
“I want you on your hands and knees for me”, Satan said grinning at you while he reached for his dick. He stood back up, gripped his tip then slid his hand down to the base, wetting his entire length with precum. He couldn’t resist touching himself, seeing you with your ass up, sloppy, wet pussy waiting for him to stuff you balls deep. You wiggled your ass for him in anticipation and he responded with a rough slap to your ass. He slapped your ass two more times before he grabbed your cheeks, spreading your fat, wet pussy lips so he could get a better view of your clenching hole. You felt him slide his dick between your folds and up your ass, picking up your juices and teasing your pussy. The sensation of his tip repeatedly rubbing against your clit and gliding between your lips made you whimper out his name.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you. I’m not giving you what you want until you say it ”, Satan purred in a low voice, pushing his tip into you but only enough to tease you. Satan can really be an asshole. Making you be so upfront about how bad you want him to fuck your brains out. He knows it’s embarrassing for you and that’s why he enjoys it so much. You were hesitating for too long so he spoke again. 
“ Come oon. Nasty, perverted human can’t tell me she wants me to fuck her? I know how filthy minded you are mc. What’s holding you back now? ” 
You didn’t even have to look at him to know that he had that cocky grin on his face. Even though Satan’s just egging you on, you’ve got to admit he’s right. You are quite dirty minded. He literally saw your porn collection. You’re always so horny that when you first met Satan, you were only thinking about how good he’d fuck you. So there shouldn’t be a problem with telling Satan how bad you want him, right? 
By now, Satan has started slowly pushing his tip further in. He was getting antsy. Your pussy looks so wet and sexy, he could cum just looking at it. You wanted Satan to just fuck his whole length into you so bad that it made you finally gather the courage to come out with it already. 
“ I want you to fuc-”
“Look at me in the eyes and say it”
Your face was burning up but you did as you were told. You turned around to look at him in his scarlet eyes and repeated yourself. 
“I want you to fuck me Satan” , you said in a shy, sultry voice. Satan growled and flicked his tongue at you. There was a loud “squelch” coming from Satan entering you as he bottomed out. You both let out a moan at how amazing it felt. You’re so full of him right now. There was the pain of being stretched out by his girth but it hurt so good. He moved his hips back and his dick came out glossy, covered in your pussy’s juices. Satan slowly pushed himself balls deep again forcing another “squelch” sound to ring out. He still had a grip on your ass, spreading your lips so he could see your wet pussy gripping him as he went in and out of you. 
You felt a sudden pain in your head due to Satan grabbing a first full of your hair, forcing you to arch your back for him. Now he can start fucking you into next week. 
Satan loved the view of your ass jiggling and bouncing off of his hips. As he was fucking into you, his balls repeatedly slapped your clit and gave you extra stimulation. The feeling made your pussy clench around his length. 
“Mmm fuck. Trying to make me cum already hm? You’re squeezing me so tight mc” , he purred as he kept his steady pace of pounding into you.
“I wanna see you fuck yourself on my cock. Be a good slut and make yourself cum all over this dick ”
He gave you one last deep stroke then pulled out, leaving his tip inside you. 
“Go on. Start moving”, Satan ordered in a deep, seductive tone. The strong grip in your hair was still there forcing you to keep your back arched. You first slowly took in his length all the way to the base then slowly moved your body forward, taking in the feeling of his veiny cock sliding in and out of you. You were throwing your ass back on him while rolling your hips then felt his tip tapping your g-spot. Your slick was starting to build up and cream his cock. 
“You should see how creamy your pussy is right now mc. It’s so sexy. Keep going just like that until you cum”, he said as he watched your pussy lips wrap around his cock and swallow his length over and over. 
You began feeling a heavy tingling sensation as your walls spasmed around his cock. 
“Fuck! Satan” , you whimpered.
“You did really well mc. But I'm still not done with you yet.”
He pulled your body up against his own so that your back was against his chest. You felt his dick in you so much deeper in this position. Satan wrapped his right hand around your throat then used his left hand to rub your clit while he stirred his dick in you. You were so wet now that your juices were dripping onto the bed sheets. 
“Plop plop plop” along with your and Satan’s lustful moans filled the air. 
“Mmhh your pussy’s sucking me so good. Keep taking my dick like that and I’ll let you have my cum”.
The hand that was clasped around your throat forced you to turn your head toward him and look at him in his vibrant red eyes. Satan looked at you with hunger, as if he’d devour you right then and there. He glanced down at your lips then went in for a rough, but passionate, sloppy tongue kiss. He took his time digging his cock deep inside you, almost deep enough to nudge your cervix. The way he was steady rubbing your swollen clit and stretching you out like this made you gasp and break away from Satan’s plush lips. 
You were feeling that familiar tingling sensation you felt earlier built up again. You were so close to cuming and you could tell you were going to cum hard this time. 
“Satan I’m so close I’m gonna cum ”, you whimpered. 
“Yea? Then go on and cum on my dick you dirty bitch. I want your creamy pussy soaking my cock in cum. Do it now you fucking slut”.
Satan’s command was all that was needed to push you into a state of intense ecstasy. Your eyes were rolled back, your legs were shivering, and you were babbling nonsense but that didn’t stop Satan from fucking you through your orgasm.
“Aaah shit mc. Keep squeezing me just like that. You’re gonna take all of my cum like the nasty little cum slut you are”. 
As Satan moaned with his gruff, husky voice in your ear, his pace became faster and sloppier. 
His cum mixed in with your juices and cream and overflowed in you, causing it to drip down his balls and your legs. Satan pulled out his dick, making a wet sucking sound leave your pussy. You were so exhausted from how fucked out you were that you fell onto the bed once Satan released you. Your eyes were getting extremely heavy. Satan laid beside you then gathered you in his arms to cuddle as you drifted off to sleep. 
“Go ahead and rest, Mc. I know you humans need it after being worn out like that. I’ll be waiting here for you”.
That was the last thing you heard as you drifted off into some much needed sleep. 
Omg y’all this was my first time writing smut. It’s probably cringey garbáge but I’d appreciate feedback or whateva
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screamingcrows · 4 months
Afternoon tea - Dr. Ratio x gn!reader
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This was requested by @yinyuedijun as part of the initiative by @/ficsforgaza Thank you for donating and requesting from me; If anyone else wants to support the effort, here are links to their page with directions and a masterlist of writers participating.
Tags: soft, fluff, implied friends to maybe lovers, mildly suggestive, acts of service as a love language Note: istg feed this to an ai, asmr thing, lore.fm or the like and I will have Ixodes scapularis at your heels Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked
"Come again?" Ratio had an abundance of patience when it came to you, but even so, it was difficult to keep disbelief from making his words a little more clipped than usual.
Without hesitation, the book in his hand was closed and found a home atop the worn coffee table, his body twisting to glance at you in the kitchen. Surely, he had misheard you. There was no way you would-
"A codpiece, Veritas. Have you ever considered getting or even making one?"
The way heat flooded to his face made the wish to hide under a familiar alabaster head resurface, an urge not often felt in your company. It was frustrating really, somehow you always made him loose his footing, and what on earth could have compelled you to ask such a ridiculous question?
Wearing the piece around you would be too great a shame to not see clearly how the light warmed whenever it touched your smile, how gracefully you moved around the table with a tray of freshly baked scones, the crinkles around your eyes when you laughed. Always your eyes, attentive and light, ensnaring him whenever he sought answers from you, and he would let them without hesitation. That was a truth.
If perfection existed, it had to be contained within you.
"Well, have you? They have been very fashionable is what I've heard. I'm sure you could cause an uproar if you made one out of that mineral you like so much," amusement was clear from your tone, and as always your words were most likely carefully picked.
"Alabaster was simply fitting, I would hardly call it my favorite. You should know better than thinking me rash enough to act on your whims, I have no intention of causing any uproar at the University unrelated to my teaching material," a scoff left his lips before he continued, "and don't think I missed your little 'have been'."
He enjoyed these peaceful afternoons, as peaceful as any room could be with you present at least, but it was not unwelcome. What had started as a simple apology on your end, having ruined one of his books by accident, had quickly turned into a weekly occurrence when it became clear how much you both enjoyed what you'd taken to calling 'tea parties'.
Your company was refreshing, carefree but wise, and utterly without restraint when it curiosity took hold, the routine of your little gatherings were pleasant while still allowing ample room for variety in topic of conversation. Lately you'd begun requesting taking turns reading aloud to the other, which he had no problem indulging. A small chuckle slipped past his lips, carefully concealed as clearing his throat.
Upon lifting the delicate porcelain to his lips, it was impossible not to notice how your were grinning at him from across the table, already curled up and comfortable as usual. There was no reason not to inquire, the beaming look in your eyes having already summoned butterflies inside his body. It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore how pleasant your company was, especially on days such as today where he'd showed up unprompted after work, yearning more for your voice than he did a long bath.
Or perhaps, inviting you home to bathe with him would've been the optimal course of action?
Oh that wasn't good. He shifted uncomfortably, one leg crossing over the other when blood gathered in an inconvenient place. That ridiculous garment you'd suggested would have been a blessing in his current predicament.
"You're clearly enjoying yourself, did I not notice you brewing us a new tea?" He set his cup down, eyeing it with skepticism as he awaited whatever had you looking so giddy, the sight of your lips stretching in a smile enough to have his heart struggling to break free.
How he wished he could've cursed out loud then and there, how he had been foolish enough to go months without being able to identify exactly what the budding feeling in his chest was, was far beyond him at present moment.
"I fixed your book. It's not perfect, but I did my best, and bookbinding was a lot harder than expected, so it took a while… Sorry," there was such pride in your eyes that he could practically feel his heart about to burst.
With a slightly shaky hand, the lightheadedness from his arousal only intensified by the sheer disbelief as he accepted the leatherbound book. By no means had it been valuable before, holding neither monetary nor sentimental value, but as Ratio set it inconspicuously in his lap, he couldn't help but trace his fingers along the now slightly uneven spine, knowing there was only one thing he could ever treasure more than this.
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minniesmutt · 3 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: SEUNGMIN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: VAMPIRE!SEUNGMIN, HIGH FAE!READER, FEM!READER, ARRANGED MARRIAGE, RUNNING AWAY, CHEATING?, BLOOD/BLOOD KINK, FIRST TIME/VIRGINITY TAKING, BITING, PRAISE, ORAL (F. RECIEVING), FINGERING, PET NAMES (PRINCESS,), UNPROTECTED SEX, ROUGH, CREAMPIE, POSSESSIVE SEUNGMIN IF YOU SQUINT  ☾ ━━━ WC: 2.5K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     Both of them would have been killed if anyone found out. He wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near their land, let alone their realm. Nor was she supposed to be near his. 
     Y/n was always curious about everything in the land. And far beyond it too. Maybe that’s why she found herself in the mortal realm one night. Wandering the streets, admiring what it was like to be human without the responsibilities of a high fae set to wed in a year and a half. 
     A marriage she didn’t wish for. If she went through, she would be this king's fifth wife, much younger than his others from the rumors. She despised the thought of being with an elf that cared little for his lovers and more about his power. She wanted to escape. 
     Maybe that's why she believed Seungmin found her that night. The reality was he was going home and smelled her blood, non-human blood. His curiosity drew him to her. Maybe it shouldn’t have, but those elf ears and beautiful eyes lured him in. 
     He never believed elves were real, even though he was a supernatural being and shouldn’t exist. But when he met Y/n, the vampire was far more smitten than he had ever been in his long life. 
     She’d sneak over to the mortal realm every couple of days to see him. Enjoying the night and company before she returned home. Those mortal realm escapades turned into crossing borders deep in the woods where no one patrolled. Smiling and laughing. Maybe wanting more. 
     It was one kiss that sparked it. Seungmin never made a move until she did. She leaned in one night before he returned home and pecked his lips. Both were gone from that moment. 
     All those every-other-day escapades turned into every day. Sneaking out of the castle and into the arms of a vampire. One she felt safe and loved with. Enjoying the time they had when in a little over six months, they would stop this and she would be married off to a man who sought power more than anything. 
     “Run away with me,” Seungmin suggested as they lay on the forest floor, wrapped in each other’s arms. 
     “Easier said than done,” Y/n sighed as she played with his fingers. 
     “You sneak out every night. Just don’t go back,” Seungmin told her
     “Where would we go?” Y/n sat up and looked down at him
     “Away from the woods that way no elf can drag you back. We’ll figure it out,” Seungmin smiled 
     “Please Y/n. You’re the first good thing I’ve had in centuries. I don’t want to give you up,” Seungmin sat up with her and pulled her onto his lap, her legs laying on either side of his. His hands holding her hips. “Please. Run away with me?”
     “Let me think about it?” Y/n asked holding his face
     “Of course,” Seungmin turned his head and kissed her wrist, lingering a bit, fighting his thoughts. 
     “Min?” Y/n drew him out 
     “I'm fine,” Seungmin cleared his throat, “You should go back. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
     “You're hungry, aren't you?” Y/n knew his tricks when he was hungry for blood—lingering on kisses, zoning out, pushing her home. 
     “I’ll be fine till I get back. Don't worry,” Seungmin reassured her
     “You know you can drink from me, right? Don't suffer on my behalf.”
     “No. I can’t.”
     “Why not?”
     “I wouldn’t let you go back if I did.”
     The look in his eyes was serious. He wasn’t going to let her go if he drank from her.  
     “Would you ever? Drink from me?”
     “I fantasize about it, honestly. Every night I wonder what if you taste as sweet as you smell. But I’m not risking someone seeing the mark. Not until I have you fully to myself,” Seungmin hugged her close to him, head resting against her chest. 
     Seungmin, though he didn’t say it often, loved her. If his heart could beat, it would for her. He struggled every night not to take her away from her world. Hiding her away from it. 
     “Tomorrow. Let’s go,” Y/n said after a few beats of silence
     Seungmin lifted his head to look at her. “I thought you were going to think about it?”
     “I did. Min, the option has always been you. No one and nothing else.”
     Y/n leaned down and kissed the vampire under her. Seungmin immediately kissed her back with a smile. Lips molding together before pulling away. 
     “Go back before you get caught. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Seungmin gave her one last kiss before sending her home and crossing the border back to his realm. He knew in less than twenty-four hours he’d finally be able to bring her home. 
     Seungmin spent his waiting time— after eating of course— making sure he had a place set up for them. At least for a week or two till they found something permanent. Thankful Chan had offered him a place in the city away from any woods so no fae came after them. Better than the small town he was in near the woods. 
     He made sure the place was set up before making the drive to their spot. quite early so he waited until the time to cross. He was just in time to see her walking to their spot too. She smiled wide when she saw him—dropping what she was carrying and running to him. 
     Seungmin caught her as she wrapped her arms around him. “I missed you,” Y/n mumbled into his shoulder
     “It’s been a day,” Seungmin chuckled
     “I know,” Y/n looked up at him, holding his face in her hands, “But the idea of no longer sneaking out to be with you made it seem longer.”
     “Don't start crying,” Seungmim smiled as he noticed tears threatening to fall from her lash line, “we have an eternity together.”
     “Let’s go then.”
     Seungmin grabbed the back she had dropped and took her hand, leading her beyond the barrier between realms for the final time. Seungmin was quick to pull her to the car and get them out of the woods. Driving into the city took a couple of hours but neither of them cared. 
     Seungmin held her hand the whole drive until they got to the apartment building. He pulled the car into the parking garage and parked it. 
     “You’re sure about spending eternity with me?” Seungmin kissed her knuckles
     “It was either you or someone I’d meet on the day of my wedding. I’d choose you in any life,” Y/n assured him. 
     Seungmin pulled her in for a kiss before getting out of the car. He met her on the passenger side as she closed the door. Seungmin smiled as he pinned her up against the car and placed his lips on hers. 
     Y/n melted against him as he held her hips, her own hands on his biceps. He bit her lower lip before letting go and pulling away. 
     “Let’s go home,” Seungmin pulled away and grabbed her bag out of the back seat. 
     “I hate when you do that,” Y/n groaned as they headed into the elevator. 
     “Well, we have all night and day to make up for every time I've left you sexually frustrated at me,” Seungmin chuckled as the doors closed behind them and he pulled her into his chest. 
     “That's about half a year's worth,” Y/n told him
     “Would’ve been less if we didn't stop that one night,” Seungmin leaned down, lips grazing hers
     “Hm. I was under the impression at the time I was still going to be married off and had to stay pure,” Y/n told him as the elevator dinged on their floor
     “Not anymore,” Seungmin pecked her lips before picking her up and walking out of the elevator. 
     Y/n wrapped her legs and arms around him and giggled. She never thought she’d be as happy as she was. Let alone with a vampire of all creatures. 
     Seungmin set her down momentarily to unlock the door and dragged her inside. Tossing the bag down somewhere before pushing her up against the closed door and letting his lips attach to hers again. 
     Y/n held the nape of his neck as she returned the kiss. His tongue ran across her lip and she let him inside. Their tongues danced around each other for a moment before he pulled back and picked her back up. Legs wrapping around his waist. 
     “All mine now,” his kisses ran down from her jaw to her collarbones and back up. 
     One kiss lingered for a second at her pulse point. Y/n looked down at him as she tangled her fingers in his hair.
     “Can I?” it was a vague question but they both knew exactly what was being asked
     “Yes.” There wasn't a need to think about it either. She’d permitted him the prior night but he still asked
     Seungmin kissed the skin one more time as his fangs made their appearance. “Tell me if it's too much,” He told her, hands holding her hips.
     “Alright,” Y/n replied as the tips of his fangs tickled her skin. 
     A moment later they sank into her neck. The warm blood flowed into his mouth as she gripped his hair. Letting out a moan and squeezing her legs tighter. Never did she believe him when he said a vampire bite could be so pleasure-inducing. 
     “Min,” Y/n groaned as he pulled his teeth out of her and licked the wound, picking up stray drops of blood. 
     “Taste just as sweet as you smell,” His voice was low in her ears. 
     Y/n crashed her lips onto his in haste. “Need you,” she mumbled against his lips. The slightest taste of blood was still there. 
      He didn't waste time moving them to the bedroom, as messy as the walk was. He finally got them there, a big of clothing having been shed along the way— his sweater and t-shirt, her corset (which he ripped off since he was far too impatient to untie), and her shirt as well.
     Seungmin laid her down on the bed as his lips moved to her neck and down to her bare chest. “So gorgeous.” he moaned as his tongue flicked her nipples and his hands worked on getting rid of her bottoms. 
     Y/n watched as he tossed the rest of her clothing off as he got lower to where she needed him. Lips grazing over her clit and making her squirm under him. His eyes met hers for a moment as he smirked. 
     A moment later he had thrown her legs over his shoulders and was making out with her cunt while two fingers were scissoring her open. One hand tangled in his dark locks while the other covered her mouth. Any noise that wanted to come out was blocked. 
     Seungmin caught sight of it as he glanced up at her. He took his free hand off her thigh and took her hand from her mouth, intertwining their fingers as their hands and laying them on the bed sheets. 
     He pulled away from her clit for a moment. “I wanna hear you, princess,” He started before diving back in. 
     “Oh fuck,” she moaned as his fingers curled up into her walls at just the right spot. Her legs closed around his head as her back arched up off the bed. 
     Seungmin pressed against the spot again as he sucked on her clit. A moment later the knot snapped and she came on his fingers. Seungmin pulled his fingers out of her and licked her clean. Letting his lips guide down onto her inner thighs, teeth growing once again before sinking them into the skin. Y/n tugged on his hair, rolling her hips a bit before he came up. Smiling as he ran his tongue along his teeth and lips, swallowing more of the crimson liquid
     He pushed her legs down onto the mattress and made haste to remove his pants and boxers. It didn’t take him more than a minute before the remaining fabric was gone, joining the rest on the floor. Y/n scanned over his body, the tips of her pointy ears turning red as she caught sight of his hard cock. 
     “We can stop if you’re not comfortable,” Seungmin assured her as he leaned down and kissed her neck
     Y/n shook her head, “I want this. I want you,” she told him
     He lifted his head and kissed her lips again. Gentle. Passionate. His hands cradled her head before he pulled away. Y/n chased his lips for a moment before falling back onto the mattress. 
     “I’ll go slow,” Seungmin pecked her lips as he moved to line himself up at her entrance. Running the tip of his cock through her slick and using his hand to spread it along his length before he pushed the tip in. 
     Y/n gripped his arms as she felt the stretch. “Fuck,” she whined 
     “I’ve got you, princess,” Seungmin held her hips and rubbed circles into the skin as he gave her a moment to adjust. He kissed her neck to distract her as he slowly pushed in again. 
     Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck to anchor herself. It was an addicting feeling of pain and pleasure. Especially when she felt his teeth sink into her for a third time. 
     She moaned loudly from the pleasure of his bite. Seungmin used the opportunity to push all the way in. Sheathing himself inside her. Y/n pulled at his hair as he took his teeth out of her. Licking the spot and returning to kissing her neck as he slowly pulled out and played back in. 
     “Feel and tastes so fucking good,” Seungmim groaned as he accidentally delivered a very harsh thrust.
     “Min,” Y/n moaned, not in pain. 
     Seungmin repeated the action once more, watching her throw her head back into the pillow. He smiled, pulling her legs up around his waist and grabbed her hands, interlacing their fingers as he pinned them down next to her head, roughly thrusting into her. 
     “Who knew my little princess was gonna like it rough,” Seungmin chuckled as he pounded into her. 
      Her walls clenched around him as he continued on. Leaning down to kiss her neck and bite into her shoulder. That bite seemed to break the knot that was forming in her lower stomach. Her legs tightened around him as her walls spasmed around his twitching cock. 
     Seungmin kept his pace as best he could. Hips stuttered a bit as he pulled his teeth out of her. A few more thrusts of fucking her through her high and he was stilling deep inside her. Come painting her walls white as both caught their breaths. 
     Seungmim pulled out of her once he calmed down. He pressed a quick kiss onto her lips before getting off the bed and grabbing a warm rag to clean her up and grabbing some water. 
     “Sorry for biting you so much,” Seungmin apologized as he pulled her into his arms after cleaning the both of them up. 
     “I don't mind. It felt good,” Y/n smiled and kissed his neck, “thank you.”
     “For what?”
     “Taking me away. They moved up the wedding to next month,”
     “Hm. You don't need to worry about that anymore. You’re safe with me.”
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drive-pdfs-and-stuff · 7 months
Hello! This is a blog primarily focused on making animal books (mainly Xenofiction) more accessible to those who can't get them legally (or don't want to support the creators)
I've made two separate drives that contain A LOT of pdfs of said books, such as Warrior Cats, Wings of Fire, Ratha's Creature, Watership Down, Survivors and many more you can see on this list
You can ask for the links through messages or comments!
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More details about this under the cut!
Why not share the drives here?
Well, the last time I saw someone do that, the links got taken down, so instead I'll be sharing them through DMs!
Also, don't be shy to ask any questions.
There are two drives, the Main Books drive, and the Mature Books drive (which is mostly still a work in progress)
Please, specify if you want access to the mature books drive, and only ask for it if you're 18 years old or older, I will be checking if you have your age/age range in bio, if you don't have it, you can also say you're an adult when asking for it. (It's not a foolproof system, I know, but It's not like I want to ask for personal details)
The main drive has books that range from Family friendly to other series with an age rating of +13 or +15.
(I usually censor slurs before uploading the PDFs, but this time around, because of my own triggers, I haven't checked the contents of them and left the books the same as they were upon release, including slurs) (just because I left them intact, does not mean I agree with the usage of said words in the context of the books, which is why I added warnings for each slur in a document inside the drive) (I've personally censored every slur I've found in the books of the main drive, however)
The mature books drive has animal books that have a lot of content not appropriate for minors, such as animals going into heat cycles, uncensored slurs and a lot of other dark topics (like SA, for example). (Just because there's animal heat scenes doesn't mean that I condone the enjoyment of said scenes, if I see someone claiming to be zoophile wanting access to the drive, they will be blocked on sight) (This is not a safe space for anyone attracted to animals in such ways)
Some gross people have already asked me for the link to the mature drive, if more people like them keep asking for it i WILL DELETE IT.
For reference, this drive has books like Ratha's Creature and One for Sorrow, Two for Joy.
The trigger warnings were sourced from book reviews and pages focused on giving content warnings.
Here are other questions you may have:
Can I share the link once I have it?
Yes! As long as you don't share it in public internet spaces (comments, public posts, open discord servers with huge amounts of people) it should be fine. I would love to make it public, however I also don't want it to get taken down minutes after sharing, which is why I'm limiting it to private links.
Can I take the PDFs from the drive and use them on my own drive?
Of course! The entire point of this is to make these books more accessible! Take whatever you need from here!
Have a nice reading! I will keep giving out the links for as long as this post is still up (or gets taken down or something happens to me lol)
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qwimblenorrisstan · 1 month
Surprise Pt. 3 | Soap x Reader
Summary: The boys get called out to a mission after you get injured during a game, and your past finally catches up to you.
Word Count: ~ 4k
Warnings: minor character death, guns, blood, injuries, lil bit of angst, ptsd, panic attacks, episodes, and yeah
A/N: alr I’m kinda making it up as I go, but I feel like I’m slowly getting better at making accented dialogue…hope you enjoy<3 (also thinking of making it gaz x reader x soap, or just johnny?? lmk what u think)
Requests are open!
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The longer they stayed in your home, still keeping eyes out for any of the terrorists in the area, the more they noticed some of your odd quirks.
Simon was the first to notice many of them, due to his years of experience in the military, and all of the skills he’d acquired during that time. He observed every little thing, whether it be on purpose or unconsciously.
Like how you always locked your door after entering or leaving, both locks as well. Not just one. Or the way your windows remained shut and locked, dark curtains pulled over most of them to block out any light or keep someone from looking in.
There was a knife under your pillow, and a small gun in the drawer of your nightstand. Simon would know, he’d searched the entire house when they’d first arrived, not sure if he could trust you or not. You had a gun safe in your room’s closet, and the screws on your room’s hinges were slightly unscrewed, as were every door in the house, so it would creak every so slightly when opened. So you could locate everyone in the house.
It reminded him of his habits a bit too much.
But you also had a kernel of authority to you, despite sometimes mumbling instead of speaking clearly, or the tiniest of nervous ticks he could notice, like how your lips would twitch left when unsure or insecure. Despite your stone-faced look now, you still had a few of the same tells that the little girl he’d known all those years ago did.
He only wondered what had happened to that little girl.
But he knew she’d grown up. And what he saw in you now wasn’t what he recalled from the girl he’d threatened in the past, the girl he’d intimidated and scared into staying away. Because now, you didn’t seem afraid of him at all. Not afraid of his comrades, either.
You were different in more than a few ways, now. He knew foster care had been rough on you, with god knows how many families taking you in only for money or being abusive. He barely knew the general timeline of how long you’d been in it. He’d heard tiny bits of it you’d offhandedly mentioned, and you seemed to have found a more permanent home at 12, staying until moving out here, looking for what most teenagers are, a meaning and some freedom.
But he hadn’t known just how rough it had been.
You’d gotten home from work looking beat one night, wearing some jeans, a uniform shirt, a belt, and per usual a holster for your gun. You always insisted on carrying it, and he didn’t blame you. Bad things happened to girls who lived alone here.
You didn’t even take any time to eat or change before walking into your room and collapsing into bed, asleep in a second. Work always seemed to tire you out, for whatever reason, but maybe they had you doing all kinds of shit he didn’t know waitresses did. Who was he to assume?
“She should eat dinner, at least.” Price said, watching from the couch as Johnny pouted slightly. He’d cooked a meal, especially for you, albeit Gaz had done most of the work and helped him out, basically making the entire dish, poor Soap had been waiting all day to try it.
“I can go get her?”
Kyle suggested, and Simon’s deep rumbling voice spoke up next, glancing over to your closed door, a neat “Do not enter.” sign on the front.
“She don’t like when people go in ‘er room.”
“Well, she’s breakin’ poor Soap’s heart.”
“She’s yer sister, why don’t you go get the lass.”
“She’d beat his ass, that’s why.”
Simon gave an exasperated sigh, getting up from where he’d been sitting next to Price, watching a soccer game. He approached your door, slowly opening it as it creaked. The lights were off, the room completely dark as the windows were also covered by the thick curtains you kept.
You’d made it clear that no one was allowed in your room before, but it looked normal to him. The walls were a shade of your favorite color, or what he assumed was, fairy lights with clips on them holding pictures of you and friends, and even a picture from years ago of the family, hanging from wall to wall. There was a desk at the front, papers thrown about and some neatly arranged. The clothes basket smelled vaguely of an irony tang he didn’t bother to investigate at the time.
A mirror hung on the other end of the door.
Walking quietly up to you, he watched you for a moment. Your body was deathly still, breathing quietly but a bit shaky. He could see your eyes moving beneath your eyelids, the movements erratic and frantic.
Despite himself, Simon found himself intrigued by the papers on your desk. Why had you bothered to keep them out of your room? What were you hiding? His military career kept him on his toes at all times and kept him suspicious of everyone.
After all, it was the people you trusted that could hurt you the most.
Walking silently over to your desk, he began going through papers. Gaz and Soap, now both watching through the doorway, made little hushed whispers of “Wha’ are you doing??” and “Jus’ wake ‘er up-“ that he ignored. The papers were all basic, nothing interesting.
Essays, research papers, lots of notes. But just when he thought he wouldn’t find anything, he slid open one drawer as it creaked slightly as well, finding files in it. Paper, Manila folders that were thick with information that he found himself curious about. However, just when he reached for the first one, he heard Johnny.
“Behind ye, Lt-“
The cold metal of a gun against the side of his head became more than apparent as someone kicked the backs of his knees in. A gun to his head, on his knees, with Gaz and Soap now in the room, hands up, carefully trying to approach him.
“Easy, lass. We ain’t gonna hurt ya..”
Johnny tried, and that was when Simon realized it wasn’t some enemy terrorist who had gotten in who was holding him at gunpoint, no, it was you. He hadn’t even heard you approach. Hadn’t heard you get out of bed or move at all.
But he did hear the hammer of the gun click back.
The first thought he had was that he was being betrayed. Double-crossed. Either that or you were having some sort of episode. Price approached the door, watching you like a wounded animal. Unlike Simon, he could see the way your eyes weren’t there, that you were somewhere else, in an entirely different world, doing what you thought was right.
Price slowly approached, bolder than both of the Sergeants, but with a practiced precision. He’d done this before. They could tell.
“Can you tell me who you’re pointin’ a gun at?”
He asked, voice unwavering and not full of pity, but instead understanding. He watched your eyes slowly trail from the gun to Simon, now completely still, and held a hand for Gaz and Soap to stay where they were. He could tell when the realization slowly began dawning on you, that you weren’t in danger, and that this was Simon.
A tiny click, the safety being switched on, before you took the gun from Simon’s head and set it on the floor, kicking it away from you to Price. Usually, you wouldn’t sleep with a gun on your person for this reason. By the time you would open the nightstand to grab it, you’d usually have already snapped out of it.
Sighing deeply, you slumped on the floor beside Simon as he slowly relaxed, and you curled up into a ball. You didn’t say anything, and neither did they. Price took the gun, standing and walking out of the room, giving a nod to Gaz and jerking his head to Soap as the Captain and Johnny left the room.
Kyle remained nearby, just in case, but didn’t say anything.
“Didn’ know you had it in ya to hold a gun to my head,” Simon said, trying for a bit of humor to make you laugh, or even hear a snort in reply, or even a snarky comment about how stupid he was. When you didn’t do anything, he silently sighed.
“How often do you have ‘em?”
“Every night.”
He made a small grunt at that. He could understand nightmares a bit too well, considering the demons of his own he had. He put an arm slowly around you, and when you didn’t stiffen, he considered it okay as he slowly stood, picking you up. However, as soon as he picked you up, you mumbled something under your breath and squirmed free, standing on your own.
“Let’s get ya some fresh air.”
He said, leading you out of the room. He took one last glance at the open file drawer and decided that you had your secrets, and he had his, and it could stay like that until either of you was ready to change it.
Nothing had changed since that night, other than one thing.
No one tried to wake you up again.
However, you remained as sassy and slightly stoic as usual, still caring for them, and now savoring every one of Johnny’s dinners to make up for the one you’d missed that night.
When they showed up covered in blood, sweat, and tears, you would take it in stride, patching them up and grumbling about buying more medical supplies, washing their clothes, and buying razors for them because, “A beard does not suit any of you but Price.” You’d even bought food they liked, albeit making them cough up some money for it, because of the job you had at some little restaurant they’d never heard of before as a waitress. You only really worked the job on some weekends, when you weren’t on a big absence for traveling during volleyball season, or at camps.
Your manager-landlord was surprisingly lenient about it, Simon thought. But considering all the weapons you had, he wouldn’t be surprised if a little threat went a long way.
He’d always wondered what you did at those volleyball games, anyway. That was until Price spoke up about it at breakfast one morning when you hadn’t left early for practice, and Laswell had eventually just informed them to lie low until further orders came.
“You oughtta come out wit’ us, get out the house a lil’.”
Johnny had suggested, and Gaz had given a little affirming nod. Simon remained silent, quietly watching as you shook your head.
“Can’t, got games today.”
You replied without even glancing up at them, eyes on your plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. That was the usual. You always had games, training, work, or school. With a schedule as busy as that, none of them knew how you managed it, but it left little to no time for you to simply relax or hang out with them.
Johnny grumbled about something with his mouth full of eggs when Price spoke up.
“Why don’ we go watch, eh? You been havin’ me help wit’ the plans, might as well.” He suggested before taking a big bite of bacon. You paused at that, glancing up at Price, studying him, before swallowing the food in your mouth.
“I’ll think about it.” Was the only answer they’d gotten at the time, but around thirty minutes before the game, you’d texted Simon the address, which was enough of a sign for him to get the boys and head over to your school, walking in the gym and paying for their entry. Six dollars for an adult, players were free.
To be fair, they tried their hardest to dress in civilian clothes and act normal, but it was hard when their instincts screamed to check every corner, keep eyes on the windows and doors, and scan for possible entries and exits.
You and your team were already practicing by then, setting up a hitting line, one setter in the front middle, two lines of hitters taking turns, and two passers in the back row bumping the ball to the setter, who promptly set it, and the hitter smacked it over.
Many of the girls were tall, and while you weren’t too short, standing at around 5’7 now, you weren’t the tallest either. That might’ve been the reason that you were mainly a back-row passer, also taking into consideration the control you held over your hits and body as well. The other team got full court to practice before the game for 2 minutes, which must’ve been the usual around this area.
“They bette’ win this,” Gaz murmured, seated to the left of Price, who watched as another girl on the team whispered something in your ear that had you biting your lip to hold back a smile. You were close with these people, they could all tell that.
“Our lass’ got it, I’m sure.”
Johnny said, watching the other team practice while Simon did the same. Simon’s attention was then diverted back to you, as any hint of laughter or amusement faded from your expression, into the stone wall he’d come to know. With a notebook in hand, you went over something with the rest of the team as they all huddled, the coach nearby and nodding along with it as they pointed something out with a pencil in hand.
A few adjustments must’ve been made before a game of rock-paper-scissors was played between the two coaches to decide who got first serve. The other team did. Already off to a disadvantage, he thought.
You all took up your positions in the court, Simon not recognizing anyone but you, with your hair, braided tightly back by one of your teammates, and the bright red jersey everyone on your team wore. You were number 14. He vaguely remembered Johnny mentioning something about you wearing a jersey in the number 14.
You were in the top right position, tucking any stray pieces of hair that had gotten loose somehow behind your ears, before all of your team was in position. The serve was hit over by the other team, and a brunette in the back row passed it to the setter, who made the ball go in a perfect arch in your direction. You began the approach of the ball, jumping up, arm held back, and ready to spike it. The blockers for the other team jumped, ready to deflect any ball, but right when you were going to spike it, your left non-hitting hand tipped the ball over the net.
Right between the blockers.
“Cleva girl,” Gaz said with a small smirk, and Soap lowly whistled. You didn’t glance up at them, expression remaining still despite the clever move.
It hit the floor, and a whistle sounded. Your team’s point. A rotation was done, and you were serving. They watched you toss the ball up, approach, jump, and smack it down all in less than 15 seconds before you were back in your spot, ready for the ball to be returned.
“Bloody hell..” Simon said, watching the two teams volley. He didn’t know many of the rules of volleyball, only Price knew most of them because of some of your late-night conversations on strategies to use with your team, but he was pretty damn sure you were doing good.
Your team moved in fluidity with each other, and it made Simon wonder what the hell you’d been putting these girls through in those training sessions, and what your coach had been doing. It reminded him a little of his team, his Task Force. The way you all knew each other, how high a set had to be for one specific person, the way one girl would slightly skew her bumps to the left, and the setter would move accordingly, or how to interweave without bumping into one another.
And the way you held everyone together… reminded him of Price the most.
When someone messed up, you didn’t yell or look disappointed, you simply glanced at them, acknowledged them, and gave a small nod. The same when someone pulled something off well. When you won the first set, you didn’t let your team gloat in the victory for too long.
And when you were losing the second set? Your teammates got a bit skittish, sure, but the way you remained almost totally unaffected kept them together. You were the glue of the team, keeping everyone out of their heads and in the game.
The second set was lost, but the third set remained.
“They play the last one to fifteen’.”
Price informed the boys after they’d sat up a little more, on the edge of their seats, bodies taught with stress. Kyle could’ve sworn Johnny was sweating a bit.
It went over fifteen, as you had to win by two points, and it was currently 15-16. One more point and the opposing team would win. But three more points and your team would.
Price’s phone began ringing.
A harsh serve from the opposite team and the bump was skewed by an anxious redhead in the back row. It went too far to the side, and you were running for it, but it looked too far away.
Two steps away.
Price was talking quietly to whoever was calling, his work voice on. Simon was too focused on you to care about the phone.
You weren’t close enough.
One knee went down closer to the ground, and your remaining foot kicked off the ground as your body dove for it.
A grim tone from the Captain as he nodded to whatever question Gaz had asked, while he ended the call.
Only a foot away.
Your hand flattened against the ground just as the ball bounced off of it, your head smacking hard against the floor.
Price muttered something to Soap, who tried nudging Simon, but didn’t get his attention, his eyes on you.
Your team played the ball off of the save, and the opposing team lost the point. The whistle was blown while the game was 16-16, mainly because you weren’t getting up. Out cold.
Simon shot to his feet, already, heading in your direction. There was red spreading on the floor, and he was back in his family home, looking down at his mother’s crumpled body, flashes of his little nephew’s bloodied corpse, and his brother’s shredded body coming into view.
He wasn’t there fast enough, he couldn’t get to you fast enough. He had failed.
Before he could go down even a single step, Price’s hand came down onto his shoulder firmly, holding him back. Grounding him. As he turned to face the Captain, Price spoke.
“It’s Laswell. Urgent, they need us.” He spoke quietly, and Ghost could only look on as they picked up your unconscious form from the floor, a part of your blond hair dyed red with the liquid oozing from it, and carried you away.
“She’ll be alright, Lt. Let’s go,” Soap said, grabbing Simon’s hand and pulling him along like a lost puppy. Gaz and Price were talking about something in front of them as they walked out.
The moment they got to the car, Price pulled their uniforms out of the trunk.
“Jus’ in case,”
He said, tossing them to each respective man, and Price drove while the rest of them changed in the car. The moment Simon slipped his mask on, he willed himself to forget about anything regarding you.
The job came first.
Your head was swimming and fuzzy. Your limbs refused to cooperate properly.
You recognized your bed, the dark curtains on the windows, and the smell of your room, covered in the perfume you always wore. Your vision was blurry, too blurry to simply be from sleeping.
Swallowing, you tried to sit up, only to find your throat dryer than a desert and your limbs shaky and weak. You made a small grunt when you tumbled from the bed to the floor, vision blurring more before going slightly back to normal. As normal as it could be right now.
You heard a small female gasp and your bedroom door opened with a creak. One of your closest friends from the volleyball team, Nalani, walked in, immediately going to your side.
Her brown, bronze skin reminded you of Gaz, and her long, dark intricate braids you’d always been amazed by hung in a ponytail behind her. Sure, you two might’ve fooled around a bit a few months back, but that was behind you. Behind both of you. She was a friend, just a friend, even if friends didn’t usually share beds and know how each other tasted.
But you trusted her more than most, that was for sure.
She’d seen your scars, heard what you could tell her without endangering her life, and she hadn’t backed away. She’d embraced it with you. Even on your worst days.
“You just busted your head open, you need to stay in bed.”
She mumbled, putting you back into the bed after lifting you. She’d changed you into your favorite pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt. It was only when she began going on and on about how stubborn you were, that you noticed a blur of movement in the doorway.
You’d seen Simon’s friends leave earlier. Assumed they’d been on a mission again.
You began pushing against Nalani, and she looked confused.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Your throat was too dry and cracked. You rasped to get something out as a gun poked around the corner. A silencer on it.
“Down, get-“
You tried pushing her down, the other hand reaching for the gun in your nightstand, fingers fumbling to find it. You were too late.
A near silent shot, and there was a hole in the back of her head that you couldn’t see but knew was there. She crumpled to the ground as you tried again to grab your pistol from the nightstand drawer, only to realize that Price had never returned it after that night.
Cursing under your breath, you grabbed the knife from under your pillow, a hunting knife, and threw it, watching as it embedded itself into the man peeking around the corner’s neck.
One down.
More came, though. Too many. Your vision blurred as you heard male voices talking, a shot down by your legs, but not quite hitting.
They were trying to disable you.
Your head was throbbing, adrenaline making you forget grief in the moment. Pain exploded through your veins as you felt a bullet whiz past you, nicking your right arm. Three men stormed the room, clearing it, before one of them came into sight, kneeling to be eye level with you.
“Thought we wouldn’t find you, yes? The Wasp’s Nest is not as secure as you thought. We’ll get our retribution.”
He spoke mockingly to you, before shoving a white bag over your head. Other voices filled the room, quiet, but loud enough for your dwindling consciousness to catch.
“It’ll work……able to….again.”
“…knock her..”
“Roger that..”
You felt the blunt force of the back of a gun being slammed against your head, and your vision went black.
If you’d told the truth, then maybe none of this wouldn’t have happened.
But in the end.
The job came first.
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