#(i got a violin and wanna learn to play but. violin's loud)
sygneth · 8 months
Nnghhhh have been fighting the "I am too old to start" attitude for years, finally got over it.
Now I am too anxious to practice because. Neighbors.
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royallygray · 3 months
Royal remember when we would send asks to each other with a bunch of questions? Well I'm doing that again now. As always, no pressure and feel free to just answer a few instead of all of them :D
Do you keep plants? And do they actually live or do they just die?
What's your favorite instrument?
Something you wanna do this summer?
Do you have a bucket list? And if you do, what's the thing you wanna do the most on it?
What songs always make you feel better?
What type of art do you enjoy making the most? (Drawing, knitting, writing, etc)
One of the best things you've ever bought?
What year of your life was your favorite, and why?
What color is your room painted? And what color do you want it to be painted, if you'd want to change it.
Are you really silly (really silly)?
Did you know that you have a pretty singing voice and I love listening to the stuff you make? And that it makes me really happy that you get really happy from me saying that?
Do you have a favorite scent, and if you do what is it?
My noise is so itchy right now. I hate having allergies to outside and dust lol. Do you have allergies too?
What's your favorite meal with chicken?
What's a weird collection you have/had?
What's your favorite sea creature?
Okay that's all for now!! Feel free to send these same ones or different ones back to me lol. I'm getting fishies todayyyy am very happy. Also I just gave my Grandma's dog Hermione a bath, so I now smell like wet dog. But it's okay. She had SO MUCH fur that needed to get off. She was shedding so much.
I keep trying to figure out somewhere to work around me thats not loud but. do you know how impossible that is. it's so bad. Like. Sensory issues suck
But it's okay
Because I'll be okay
I just want money cause I want a crested gecko lmao
But they're so cuteeeee!!!!
Okay this is me actually leaving (probably)
Bye Starsightttttttt
- Mysterious <3
[do I keep plants] Not really, but I keep flowers that people give me/are trinkets at fairs or smth. I have a dead one on my desk from a fair thingy that I totally need to throw away, and I have one in the freezer that was a gift from a fellow cast member of a play I was in. The one in the freezer still looks intact.
[what's my favorite instrument] Mysterious how am I supposed to answer this :( I play clarinet. I have an oboe that I'm trying to learn this summer, but I haven't been doing that a lot lol.
I have a list of instruments I want/want to learn. I used to play violin but I don't anymore bc we returned the violin and I would like to pick it up again. I'd also like to learn viola because it looks cool but apparently they have an entire different fucking clef?? called an alto clef??? like wtf why would they do that to me
I'd also like to learn saxophone. Either soprano, alto, or tenor, idrc. But it's a cool instrument. Id also like to play bass clarinet because it is literally the same as normal clarinet just Big. it's in the treble clef and everything. It's just Big clarinet. I would love to learn guitar. it seems like such an important piece for like background music on tracks and just. I wanna learn it. and its the most common thing that people use for chords. I have a piano that I fuck around with, but I don't know how to use chords and shit but I know how to play the shit out of the melody.
I also need to learn to read the bass clef. I played flute in 4th grade and I'd kind of like to play it again
that's a lot of words about instruments lol😅 idk what my favorite one is but I hope that was enough info to make up for it
Also my dad wants me to learn piccolo. which is actually interesting
[smth I wanna do this summer] um. idk. well I wanna try to learn oboe, as said. OMG ALSO
So I have the goal of transcripting the life series and I wanna do that :] I'm failing so far but ITS ALRIGHT YKNOW I GOT TIME also I need to clear out my storage bc I have too much shit on my phone and 2 ipads (I don't have a laptop :()
[do I have a bucket list, and what's on it] uhhh not rly but I wanna meet you irl someday. also prolly go to Europe. Maybe also either Taiwan or China so I can improve my Chinese a lot. also I do wanna have a first kiss because like I'm intrigued. what does it feel like. OOH also I wanna write a full fledged story or smth. and a story in Mandarin Chinese. because like. you'd think I'd be fluent enough after ten fucking years but NOOOOO
also last night apparently I had a dream where an author (maybe Brandon fuckin Sanderson?? idk) wrote The Rescue Princesses and also was mentioned in the Aru Shah books like. what the fuck was that dream. it was weird ASF (I just saw the Aru Shah books on my shelf and I was Confused)
[what songs always make me feel better] okay okay okay. So. If William Gold wasn't a fucking piece of shit, Warsaw, Your Sister was Right, For Memories, Concrete, You'll Understand When You're Older. Not necessarily make me feel better, but like. resonate somewhere deep within my soul. As it is, I feel like throwing up when I hear his voice. Genuinely, acoustic Sex Sells came on a few days ago and I was like "oh nice it's a good song I can totally listen to it right" and then he started singing and then I like. couldn't it was so bad.
Someone to You by Banners. Just. it's so. sjqieowhads
Also In My Dreams by Precious Jewel Amor is really good
Honestly Get Used to It by Ricky Montgomery. like one of my favorite songs. also I'm aware that most of these aren't rly happy--
[what art do I enjoy making the most] I like to crochet :) i also like drawing. one of my favorite mediums is oil pastels lol. But my favorite has to be crocheting bc I use it as a stim and also like. it makes warm things :D I tried to make a sweater and if you scroll to the second post I ever made on this blog I think you can find it lol. I'll continue it some day. ooh but I do also kind of enjoy writing. but I need to have the like brain flowing. which I almost never have. so my answer is still crocheting :D
[one of the best things I've ever bought] Tied between my Techno plushie ($40) and life series hoodie ($55). mcyt hyperfixation made me broke o7 but it was totally worth the money
[what year of my life was my favorite and why] damn idk. I don't rly have a favorite, but it's more. this happened. idk.
Probably 2021, if I had to say. It was 3rd Life, Among Us, me finding dsmp, just a ton of things and I started figuring more out about myself. pretty decent year. but this year (2023-2024) was also pretty good. I made a lot of friends
[what color is my room painted, and what would I like to change it to] okay. so. like AGES ago we were gonna paint my room. and we painted two walls. we got light blue on the east and marshmallow white on the west. the other walls (North and south) are painted VERY VERY light pink so light it is white. since that's the color my sister had. we were gonna paint the other window wall (north) blue and the non-window wall white (south) but it never happened. so now I have mismatched walls.
The blue is rly nice, but if I moved, I think I'd paint three walls light lavender, and one the marshmallow white.
purple is god tier
[am I really silly (really silly)] yes. sometimes. like inside my soul yes outside my soul not rly
[did you know
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qs-syskids · 11 months
This blog is primarily run by the Quilted System’s SysKids. These are all children under the age of 12. (Our teens get their own subblogs which are ALSO monitored by Fen.) Note that we have not included any fictives here who may be underage. The SysKids use “Renna” as their word for Mamma/Papa when talking about Fen as a nonbinary alternative.
Individual introductions are under the cut!
Arkle: he/him; ageslides 5-9
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What’s up? I’m Arkle! I’m one of the Triplets - my siblings are Aspen and Avery. I love skateboarding, space, and SpongeBob SquarePants! And sour candy! I’m “rough and tumble” according to Renna Fen - I guess that’s why I’ve always got a bandaid on somewhere. But I’m not a fighter - I’m actually pretty sensitive…
Aspen: they/them; ageslides 5-9
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H.hello. I’m Aspen. I’m the middle triplet - right between Arkle, who’s a few minutes older than me, and Avery, who’s a few minutes younger. I love to read - Renna Fen says I’m a very advanced reader for my age. I also like to write my own stories. I’d really like to learn to play the violin someday. I’m really shy and I don’t talk much out loud.
Avery: she/her; ageslides 5-9
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Hiiiii! I’m Avery! But sometimes I’m also Magical Girl Pink Bow! I love all things pink and girly and I love love love Magical Girl anime and shows like them! Renna says I’m “high energy” but that’s just fine with me~! I’m the loudest of the triplets. And the youngest. But don’t think that makes me weak! If you mess with my siblings I’ll take you down!
Harper: she/her; 10
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Hello; I’m Harper. I’m sort of a loner. I love pretty gardens, tea parties, and princesses. My favorite things are the Secret Garden and Sofia the First. I love floaty dresses. And birds! I’m quiet in person.
Jinx: she/he; 4
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Hihi! I’m Jinx. I’m the littlest of the SysKids. Well, other than Bud, but they’re an actual baby so they don’t get to Tumblr! I love Bluey and Sesame Street and rainbows and Duplo and coloring and playing pretend and stuffies! I still use a pacifier sometimes… But Renna says that’s okee cuz there’s no age limit for them!
Kippo: she/frog; 6
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🥺👉🏻👈🏻 | 👋 | 🐸 💚💛 | 🔇
Note from Fen: Kippo is a nonverbal child and a trauma holder. She is very, very shy. She really loves frogs and other amphibians. She does not type in words and uses emojis to communicate, though she prefers to use various sticker packs of frogs on Telegram to communicate in person.
Madison: she/her; 8
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Heya! I’m Madison. But you can call me Maddie if you want. I’m kinda “stuck” in the 90s/00s. That’s the kind of stuff I like most when it comes to just about everything - toys, shows, foods, activities… I have a big sister in system! Her name’s Alisha. I wanna be just like her when I grow up!
Rowan: she/they; ageslides 7-12
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My name’s Rowan. I guess I’m sort of the “feral” kid. I love the outdoors. Playing in the woods, climbing trees, splashing in puddles, hiking, fishing… that’s the kind of thing I like. My favorite show is Hilda on Netflix. I’m always a little dirty, but that’s just Nature!
Zoe: they/she; 10
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Hello. I’m Zoe. I’m the only SysKid with my own subsystem. It’s all superheroes cuz that’s what I love most. Superheroes are strong and brave and beautiful and always save the day. And they’ve saved me lots and lots. I’m not like them, though. I’m shy and average and get bullied a lot.
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scolek · 1 year
Oh man
so in grade school, by 5th year your music class wouupld order a bunch of recorders. ours were transparent but really brightly colored, and a good thing, not cheaply made
we got to pick the color we wanted. seemed pretty neat
our music room was basically the back of our gym. same dimensions, so a really high ceiling, really loud, headsche chamber
my class had 27 kids,
27 kids in the echo room, learning to play four verses of hot cross buns over and over for an hour almost every day for A YEAR,, STWRTING AT 10 IN THE MORNING,,,,,
that sounds like hell. we had music class, but never did anything mandatory with instruments. also, our elementary school had an auditorium area that was partially in the ground because our school was built on the side of a hill, and during tornado drills we'd all file in there, and the principal would always say we're the safest kids in the city if a tornado hits. so the acoustics were probably better
in 4th grade we had a choice to join band, but it wasnt really "band" it was just strings. i actually went for it, rented a viola, and in fact the only viola there, there were like two cellos and ten violins. a lot of the violins were like, provided to them by the school, low income stuff.
anyway, i did it for the first semester of 4th grade, but because theres something in my brain stopping me from understanding music, i didnt really get it, even by 4th grader standards, and literally pretended to play during the holiday program. bow didnt even touch the strings. mom was like. rental contracts almost up. do you wanna. continue. and i went no, because i knew i wasnt fucking getting it.
hot cross buns is a fundamental no matter what instrument youre learning i think which sucks because iirc the notes for hot cross buns are all the same. so you go duh duh duh. duh duh duh. and then you get to do something interesting for one a penny, two a penny but then its back to.
okay theyre not the same note why did i think they were. its not a good melody. wikipedia says it was a "street cry" before it was a nursery rhyme, so its basically like if "hot dogs, get yer hot dogs here" got turned into a song for children.
bad shit. start kids on twinkle twinkle little star thats a real song at least.
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Macabre Album Review
DEG's second album! Oh yeah!
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Track 1: Deity
This first track is definitely very interesting. It starts with a sleigh bell and then quickly turns into ominous chanting of some sort. Very spooky but also very different from their previous work which shows how versatile these five musicians are. The chanting eventually stops and we're met with heavy guitars and bass with Shinya playing a steady beat and Kyo vocalizing with a woman’s voice eerily making sounds. It sounds like he's gasping for breath (see what I did there)? That section ends and a clean guitar is played for a few seconds before the song goes back to the heavy riff after the chanting but this time Kyo sings in Russian to the tune of Johannes Brahms' "Fifth Hungarian Dance." This song definitely feels very religious to me which I suppose fits because the case for Macabre has prayer (?) beads in it.
I think Deity showcases DEG’s experimental side and sets the foundation for the rest of the album and it shows that DEG took a very different turn and became a bit darker.
Track 2: Myaku
Is this track in 3/4? 4/4? 5/4? 6/4?
Yes to all of the above. In the booklet it's indicated that this song was written by DIR EN GREY so no individual member wrote it specifically but the band definitely had some fun with time signatures in this one. Myaku was released as a single which is a bit different from the album version but I'm not reviewing the single. This song definitely departs from their late 90s VK sound which in my opinion is a good thing as it showed that DEG wanted to become more serious musicians. Plus, this track has one of my favorite basslines but I never got around to learning how to play it. Myaku is a chaotic song but it fits very well with Macabre.
Track 3: Wake/Riyuu
My boy Die does it again. This song is one of my favorites on the album and despite it being written by a guitarist, Toshiya’s bass really drives this track but we can’t forget the soaring guitars in the beginning and in the chorus. Kyo’s vocals are also great. Fantastic rhythm, instruments that all work very well together, and Kyo’s clean vocals? What’s not to like? This song really gets me moving for some reason. Not nearly as chaotic as Myaku, but Wake/Riyuu provides a nice structure and a consistent time signature (4/4) which is good contrast in my opinion. 
Track 4: Egnirys Cimredopyh +) An Injection
Everyone probably knows this by now by  Egnirys Cimredopyh = hypodermic syringe backwards. Despite that, this song isn’t about intravenous drug use. Kyo references a “white powder” a lot in this song and in one part of the song he sings “I started to speak to the wall with my lower half” (of course he sings that in Japanese) so I think this song is about abusing a drug called kakuseizai and... ejaculating onto a wall? To my knowledge cocaine isn’t very popular in Japan and kakuseizai (roughly translated to “stimulant” in English) is a type of methamphetamine that is used to improve pleasure during sex. Anyway as the lyrics progress it’s clear that the person in the song is battling between his good and bad side. They’re aware that their drug use is stripping them of their sanity but can’t stop and eventually gives in and “kills” the good side. In regards to the musicality of the song, again I really like the bassline (probably because I play bass) but the solos in the song, both bass and guitar, are seriously lacking in substance for me. However the rest of the song is fun to move around to i.e. it has a nice rhythm. 
Track 5: Hydra
“I wanna be an anarchist”
“Dead born”
“Sid Vicious, suspicious”
What are those lyrics??? This song is another experimental one with electronic sounds throughout. It’s also fast-paced and has another chant near the end of the song that breaks it up nicely. Lyrically there’s not much I have to say but this song is definitely one of DEG’s most interesting sounding. I’m sorry that I don’t have more to say. 
Track 6: Hotarubi
Hotarubi... what a beautiful song. It was very clearly written by Shinya. This track is, in my opinion, one of DEG’s best ballads but I think it goes on for too long but that’s just a very minor complaint. The strings complement the rest of the instruments and the part from 2:40-3:42 is stunning, with a surprising violin solo and a woman breathily vocalizing. Everything in this song works so well together except for the loud buzzing halfway through and Hotarubi never fails to evoke an emotional response within me. If it weren’t too long for my liking I would listen to it on repeat. At a certain point I just get bored. Also I think this song would be better suited towards the end of the album where the songs become more melodic.
Track 7: 【KR】cube
I’m not sure what【KR】cube means but what a fun song. Toshiya starts it out with that funky bass that we all know and love and then it transforms into a fast-paced song with a very nice rhythm on the guitars and Kyo’s clean vocals come in which is always nice to hear. I like the speed and rhythm of this song as it offers a pleasant difference from Hotarubi which is a very slow song. The chorus is very catchy as well 
Kururi, furari, fuwari, kurari
Kururi, furari, fuwari, kurakurari
and so on. The music video is fun for this one. We love Hitman Die. 
Track 8: Berry
This song is easy to figure out from the beginning dialogue of an English girl apologizing but then promising to blow her parents’ head off like raspberry jam (spoiler: she does at the end of the song). This one has more of a punk vibe and it’s kind of a fun song. What I can say is that I’ve never heard a song that features parents yelling at a child as part of a breakdown. It’s a good song but in my opinion it doesn’t really fit with the Macabre sound.
Track 9: Macabre -Sanagi no Yume wa Ageha no Hane-  
WOW what a song this is. I believe that this eleven minute prog rock masterpiece was the first song I learned on the bass (go big or go home). I love Shinya’s drums in the beginning and as soon as the other instruments come in you just know you’re in for a journey. This song has a great composition with all of the instruments and vocal layers but I suppose I should get into the specifics. The beginning (after the drums) starts with guitars that, in my opinion, portray a certain sadness while the bass drives the the song. Kyo’s voice is great in this one and also portrays that same sadness. After the first two verses clean guitars come in which is a nice contrast from the beginning but this song truly comes alive during the instrumental breakdown where there’s a guitar playing a repeating riff while insects buzz and a church organ plays in the background. It then switches to Kaoru and Die playing the same notes but alternating between electric and acoustic guitars. The breakdown ends with a very beautiful solo and Kyo singing in a higher register and making slurping sounds which makes sense if you follow the lyrics. There’s a bass solo which is always nice to hear. 
I think I’ve written too much about this song so I’m going to go on to...
Track 10: Audrey
What exactly were they trying to accomplish here? Country rock? It doesn’t fit with the album and it doesn’t even fit with DEG’s sound in general. I never listen to this song so I don’t have much to say about it. 
Track 11: Rasetsukoku
This song fits much better with Macabre, but only marginally. It’s definitely more speed metal which at this point in DEG’s music career hasn’t really done. It’s fun to listen to but the composition is quite simple and it tends to be sort of repetitive. I do like the bass in the beginning but the guitars in this song are kind of boring to me.  Maybe I should give it more credit. 
Track 12: Zakuro
I have mixed feelings about this song. It’s very emotional but maybe too emotional. It starts out kind of slow but I like Kaoru and Die’s parts in the beginning because they harmonize very well. I think this song has one of the most beautiful guitar solos they’ve ever written and it conveys the sadness that is the central focus of this song. My problem with it (and it’s a minor one) is that it’s definitely better live. 
Track 13: Taiyou no Ao
Another favorite on this album. Once again there’s a great bassline and while the song itself sounds sort of like a pop song the lyrics are rather sad. The prominent bass complements the guitars and if Shinya wanted a workout routine he could play this song a few times and he would get pretty buff. Can you imagine a buff Shinya? Neither can I. It just seems like his drums never stop for almost the entire song. It’s a nice way to close the album because it contrasts with the very dark-sounding Deity and it leaves me feeling good, albeit a bit sad because of the lyrics.
So that’s it. Can you tell I got a bit tired near the end? All in all I give this album 7/10. It’s a great album but there are some real duds in my opinion but it’s not my least favorite by any stretch. I’ll be reviewing all ten albums so you’ll find out which one I like the least...
As always feel free to comment your thoughts! I would like to connect with my followers a bit more.
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smcc212 · 4 years
My Daily- Part 2
Pairings- Thomas Shelby x female!
Word count- 1,744
Warnings- The tiniest bit of angst you’ve ever seen in you life, the Shelby/Grey family not really liking you, a little pic tommy, fluff, etc. Let me know if I missed anything.
A/N- Thank you to @hinagiku0 for requesting this and I’m soooooo sorry this took so long. I really hope you enjoy!!
(I’m too lazy to find a gif so use your imagination, thanking you)
A few days had passed and your dream had come to an end. You were hoping that when you got back to arrow house you’d be able to enjoy the feeling of being engaged for little bit longer before it was ruined, but, of course, your further in-laws were there, waiting for you and Tommy. You sighed, knowing that they weren’t here to be friendly to you.
“What’re you lot doing here?” Tommy asked the second we were in front of them.
“You just disappeared, Thomas. Where were you?” Polly asked. Her eyes flickered to you for a moment, disgust filled them. You tighter your grip on Charlie’s hands ever-so-slightly.
“I went travel with my son and my fiancé, Pol. I made sure the business would run smoothly, I don’t see-“
“Your what?!”
“My fiancé; my future wife.” Tommy’s voice was filled with pride as he spoke up you.
“Tom,” Arthur began. “She’s with you for your money, brother, are you blind?” Arthur, unlike Polly, didn’t sound angry, he sounded genuinely concerned.
“I’ve had enough of this bullshit!” Tommy exclaimed, exasperated with this whole ordeal. “(Y/N) will be my wife; she’ll be our family, and you lot have to learn to live with that. She’s not with me for my money, for fuck sake!” Tommy’s shouting must’ve scared Charlie because he started wailing. Polly went towards him, but he turned around and grabbed on to your leg.
“Mummy, why’s daddy angry?” He cried. No missed what Charlie had called you and, even though you saw him as your own, you knew you had to correct him. You pried him away from your legs, crouched down to his level and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“Sweetheart, I love you, but you know I’m not your mummy,” you said as softly as you could. “But, I love you so so much, okay? And I know your mummy loves you too.” He threw himself into your arms and you didn’t hesitate to hug him back.
“Why’s daddy angry?” He asked again.
“Daddy’s not angry at you, sweetheart. It’s grown up stuff, and I know that’s annoying to hear, but I’ll tell you when I’m older.”
“Promise?” He sniffed, wiping his eyes on the back of his tiny hands.
“I promise, baby,” You cooed, placing a kiss on his head. “Come on, love, you’ve got violin practice,” You spoke softly, taking ahold of Charlie’s little hand and leading him into the house, sending Tommy a small smile as you did.
You were sitting listening to Charlie play the violin when Tommy called a family meeting, and, since you were going to be his wife, he invited you along.
“(Y/N), took you long enough, eh?” Tommy said, he sounded slightly annoyed.
“Sorry, I was busy supporting your son,” You bit back. “Why am I here, Tommy?”
“Because we’re going to deal with this situation-“ He gestured between you and his family. “-because I’m sick of this.”
“We’re just looking out for you, Thomas; she’s using you,” Polly spoke softly.
“Tom,” You sighed. “I’ll just sign a prenup, problem solved!” You exclaimed in mock celebration. “So, can I go now?”
“No, no you’re not signing a prenuptial agreement.”
“Wh-what?” You stammered, looking at Tommy like he was an alien.
“If I die, I’m not leaving you with nothing.” He stood his ground. You looked around the room and, for once, it seemed like Polly agreed with you.
“I can look after myself, Tom. I was doing fine before we got together!” You spat.
“Yeah, you were working for me.”
“I had a job before I worked here. I left that job to work here, I didn’t need to work here.” You rolled your eyes. Did he really think you’d perish without his money? “For fuck sake, Tom, I don’t need nor do I want your fucking money!” You shouted, his family believed you only wanted his money, did Tommy believe that too?
“You don’t want it, no? Then why do you let me buy you all those expensive dresses and jewellery? Eh? Tell me that, (Y/N),” He replied, his face was still stone-cold, as always, but you could hear him getting pissed off.
“Because they’re fucking gifts, Tom! I don’t like expensive dresses and jewellery, but I wear them for you! You fucking idiot, Tom,” You sighed, exasperated. “I hate having to be posh and proper, but I do it for you.” You looked at the floor, not wanting to meet Tommy’s gaze.
“Why?” He asked.
“Why what?”
“Why do it if you hate it?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Because I love you, Tommy,” You spoke softly, walking towards him. As you stood in front of him, you placed your hands on either side of his face. “I love you, Tommy, I’ve never been ‘proper’ and I don’t like it, but I’ll do it for you.” He placed his hands on top of yours.
“You don’t have to be ‘proper’, love. I fell in love with you before you started acting ‘proper’, didn’t I?” His soft voice flowed gently into your eyes, his slight chuckle at the end painting a smile onto your face.
“Tommy, can we going travelling again soon?” You whispered, feeling guilty for a reason you couldn’t determine.
“You wanna do it again?” He tried to hide it, but you could hear the slight confusion in his voice.
“Yeah... It was fun.” You shrugged, looking at your shoes bashfully.
“Okay,” He chuckled slightly, and god did you love that sound. “Okay, we can go travelling again, not sure when but we will.”
“Yay!” You squeaked. “Charlie‘ll be so excited.” You smiled at him.
“I think he just wants to see you try and ride a horse again.”
“Shut up, I wasn’t that bad,” You laughed, playfully hitting his arm. Tommy placed his hands on either side of your face, slowly bringing his lips to yours, dancing gently together.
“I can’t wait to marry you, love,” He whispered as the dance ended.
“Well, you’re gonna have to wait, Tom, because I’ve got a lot of planning to do,” You giggled, he smiled down at you, pecking lips yours once more before turning to address his family once again.
“(Y/N) and I are getting married, and that’s that. So, suck it up and deal with it, yeah?” He wasn’t really asking so much as telling. No one said anything, they still didn’t trust you, but no one had seen him like that since before Grace died and it’s always easier to be around Tommy when he’s happy.
“Just breath, (Y/N), it’s gonna be fine,” Mary said from behind you.
“Correction- it’ll be perfect,” Sarah encouraged as she finished your makeup, a bright smile painting her face.
The Ivory a-line you’d dreamt of since you were a girl was on. Your hair was styled perfectly, thanks to Mary, and your makeup was perfect, thanks to Sarah. Your perfect groom awaited you. You took a deep breath, stood up and said: “Okay. I’m ready,” You enthused. “Let’s do this.”
You walked down the isle, nerves eating away at you. Kicking your dress forward slightly with every step you took towards Tommy.
“Hi,” You whispered as you stood in front of your future husband.
“Hello. You look breathtaking, my love,” He whispered back. Your exchange of whispered words was halted as Jeremiah began to speak.
“We are gathered here today, in holy matrimony, to celebrate to coming together Thomas Michael Shelby and (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N).” Jeremiah spoke clearly and loudly, his voice bouncing off of the walls of the church. As Jeremiah continued, your eyes never let Thomas. His crystalline eyes staring into mine, a smile plastered onto his face.
“Do you, Thomas Michael Shelby, take (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?”
“I do.”
“And do you, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), take Thomas Michael Shelby to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?”
“I do.”
“Then, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride,” Jeremiah exclaimed happily. Thomas wasted no time, placing his hands on either side of face and planting his lips on yours. Cheers and applause were heard behind you. When the two of you finally broke the kiss, Tommy smiled at you while you chuckled nervously. Tommy was the one to grab your hand and pull you back up the isle. Outside a photographer waited, ready to snap some pictures to remember the day by.
After a long, loud, party, you, Thomas, and the rest of the Shelby/Grey clan headed back to Arrow house. You gave tommy a quick, but loving, peck on the cheek and headed upstairs to get changed. You took the dress of and carefully hung it up. After you dresses in some more comfortable clothes, you couldn’t help but stare and the dress. How could this have happened to me? You pondered. Married to the love of my life(even if his family hated me) all because I got a job. You smiled to yourself as Mary opened the door, an excitable Charlie in her arms.
“Miss (Y/L/N)- I-I mean Mrs Shelby,” Mary said, quickly correcting herself. “Charlie wanted to see you, I can look after him if you want?”
“No, it’s fine. Thank you, Mary. You should get some sleep, I know he can be a handful sometimes,” you giggled, taking Charlie into your arms. She smiled back at you.
“Thank you, Mrs Shelby. Good night.” She politely left the room, closing the door behind her. You sat on the bed, making silly faces as Charlie laughed. Soon though, Polly appeared. She opened the door silently so you didn’t notice her. A slight smile graced her face as she saw you with her great-nephew.
She sat next to you, but didn’t say a yo thing as you looked at her. Suddenly, her hand slide over your stomach.
She smiled slightly. “You’re good with him. I hope you’ll be just as good with this one.” She looked at her hand on your stomach, your eyes widened as you realised what she was implying. She gave you a knowing smirk as she left the room. Gently, you placed Charlie on the bed, one hand still holding him as the other went to your stomach.
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waumpel · 4 years
I have adhd. I'm taking all online classes this semester for college. Somehow, I'm not failing. Here's what I do that works for me!
1. I have an alarm that makes me do math every morning to turn it off, it's called Alarmy! 📚
2. It also plays a different loud sound every day from random-- I have several hundred(?) ringtones downloaded from Zedge, things like songs from shows I like or Pokemon cries or MBMBAM lines, and this helps me wake up to a different sound I'm bound to like which my brain can't get used to (and then ignore). I highly suggest godzilla roars if you need to be startled awake. 📚
3. This is SUPER HARD but I always try to force myself to sit up in bed when I'm turning off my alarm or checking my phone or whatever, so I'm not tempted to pass out again. I also like to get up and loudly tell my cats "good morning" so I wake us both up 📚
4. PLEASE STOP EATING CEREAL AND BAGELS AND STUFF. You would not BELIEVE the difference it makes when you eat things like fruits and eggs in the morning. NO MORE 10AM NAPS, I'M WATCHING YOU 📚
5. I literally schedule in Duolingo time. If you aren't learning a language you can do some other enriching activity like this, idk. I force myself to do it on my computer, not phone, so I can't lay down in bed when I'm doin it. I have a 101-day streak!! 📚
6. ik this isn't available to everyone but SPACE MATTERS SO MUCH!! I got a gaming desk that we put in our living room and I do ALL of my homework there. I also got a second monitor for my laptop with is SOOOO important if you're multitasking (and we all are, bc we're adhders ibdusvcjkn) 📚
7. HAND WRITE YOUR NOTES!!! I know this is super hard for many people-- I have carpal tunnel so I get it lmao. If you can't, at least type them. YOU THINK YOU CAN MEMORIZE INFO BUT YOU'RE WRONG!! Please write as much as you can i swear it will change ur life 📚
8. COLOURED! PENS!!! These changed the game for me y'all. I take all my notes in at least 2 colours, and I cycle through them a lot. My favs are Pilot Frixions because u can erase them :) (the highlighters are epic too) 📚
9. Make your space fun, but NOT DISTRACTING. I have a plant (his name is Yoshi) and a desk Godzilla (his name is Godzilla) on my desk, but they're out of the way so I can't zone out starin at em. But also, when I'm bored outta my gourd, I can smile at Yoshi and tell him how my day is goin :] 📚
10. SNACKING BAD *BUT*... sometimes i do it anyway... i try to associate certain foods with subjects, like I eat cocoa M&Ms (which are awesome) when I'm reading my Kaqchikel textbook. On the upside, I think it helps me recall Kaqchikel better? but also the language makes me crave mnms adkldigurvn 📚
11. LISTEN TO... CERTAIN MUSIC. I have learned that music with words, even in LANGS I DO NOT KNOW, is HELL for my adhd. Right now I'm listening to stuff like "Pokemon and Chill" (lofi album on YT), Studio Ghibli violin covers, and Night on Bald Mountain 5x on repeat ibjnvc.... I highly suggest songs/videos that are, like, 20+ minutes or else you'll get distracted with the constant change. Also, that No One's Around To Help 1hr vid is REALLY REPETITIVE and therefore PERFECT for when I'm reading textbooks. 📚
12.  EVERY NIGHT... i make a super detailed timetable schedule for the next day, down to the half hour. I don't always follow it but it's a really good reminder of what I gotta do. I write it on a whiteboard but sometimes I also write it on a sticky note and on social media so I don't forget. To do lists are so epic you guys 📚
13. THIS HAS SAVED MY L I F E: at the beginning of the semester I looked at ALL of my syllabi and wrote down EVERY daily task, test, homework, etc BY DATE. this is essentially a premade to do list EVERY DAY for MONTHS and oh my gosh it is the best thing I have ever done. 📚
14. I use the Forest app to track my productivity AND lock me out of apps ndsjv... podomoro timers work well too!!! 📚
15. Ok so for me this is like... a religious thing bc my Patron (my God) is a deity of fire AND working, but I like to light a candle (scented like FALL!!) and do a little prayer on it and I have it next to me when I'm workin on terrible, terrible homework. It helps me feel like my Patron is here with me, but also it’s GREAT for grounding and I can just kinda. Stare blankly at the flame and then get back to tryin to focus. 📚
16. Please drink water lmao, to make sure I drink enough I set little goals like "take a sip after every paragraph you read" 📚
17. Each of my classes has a different coloured notebook which I'm consistent with! Like, all my German notebooks through the years have been green! Also I take notes w green pens a lot in Deutsch 📚
18. HELLA STICKY NOTES... I put em on the bottom of my monitor, on a shelf by my desk, in my books as bookmarks (bad idea lol), on Yoshi. When I wanna go look up something random but I need to focus, I like to write it down on sticky notes to look at later. 📚
19. I'm the most annoying student ever. I like to do a bunch of assignments at once so I don't have to budget my time later, so I'll turn in like 5 things in an hour and then NOTHING for a week. ALSO i email my teachers constantly if I have any questions at all. I work at a pace that works for me!!! 📚
20. I turn off my sound on my phone until I'm done with work bc otherwise I WILL open that notification 📚
22. I make a loooot of chai (and also some overpriced herbal teas). It makes me feel fancy, it's better for me than coffee, and it helps me ground and focus! Plus it's a samefood! 📚
23. Hyperfixating on classic literature would be awesome, except I'm hyperfixating on Gothic and I'm taking a lit class for More Than Just Gothic. But I'm figuring out ways to connect them, which is really helpful, cause I get to enjoy my hyperfixation while learning for school! PLZ TRY TO DO THIS (harder when you're hyperfixating on godzilla :pensivecowboy:) 📚
21. When I have extra time I write my notes like I'm plannin to put em on Tumblr and taggin em as #darkacademia... I never post my notes, but when they look nice it's easier for me to look over em later. Plus it takes me longer to write so I remember it a lil better!! 📚
24. I'm in an awesome academia + studyspo server!! We sometimes study together on call and it's SUCH a good motivator! Here's an invite link if u wanna join, we are nice https://discord.gg/fjuX7TN (this wasn’t meant to be a promo post I just really like this group lol) 📚
OK I hope that helps!!! Feel free to add more if you have any tips that work for you :) Neurotypicals, feel free to RB respectfully!
(pics are: syllabus list, daily schedule, Yoshi the plant, and some fancy notes)
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toonjazzy · 2 years
“Señorita Perfecta Sicillia”
Similar to “I Am Not Perfect”, in Lia’s Point of View
Hello there, I’m Sicillia (Or Lia). I’m writing about my experiences as a child since my Older Sibling did it a while ago, I’m not exactly good at writing as that’s my Twin’s thing so bare with me please.
Alright, to start, I’ll give a brief explanation so that this makes sense. I’m from a Latino family, I’m Autistic, I’m Gay, I grew up with 3 siblings and a whole bunch of cousins. Not all of them were that great though, seriously…they sucked! My childhood was pretty rough, there was a lot, my father died when I was 3 and a half and I barely even remember him…and then my mother died 6 years later. So, I’m not the only one with a bunch of siblings. My parents also had a bunch of siblings too, which meant more cousins. My favorite one is Harley, Tía Désireé and Tío Hades’ oldest child. We spent a lot of time together, especially after my mother died since Tía Desiree was my mom’s twin sister and we were under her care. But…we also had 3 cousins who we did not like AT ALL, Courtney, Deidre, and Lola. They were the worst. They ruined my childhood. And they ruined my self esteem. They fucked us up real bad, especially me and Devon…
To start, I was one of “Reagan’s perfect Daughters”, everybody thought I was perfect because I did what I was told and because I was quiet and ladylike. Even compared to Reese, I was the perfect child. I had even asked why I was “The Perfect one” and the answer was “Because Devon and Stacey are loud and unladylike, Reese is very ladylike and seems perfect but she has a temper, you on the other hand have no flaws” They had to point out the flaws in my sisters and my mother, they were from dad’s family though which makes sense considering they didn’t really like her. (Well except one of dad’s brothers and his mom) But yeah, I was “Perfect” and because of this, the bad cousins I mentioned earlier dragged me into their little “Club” and never let me out. And Harley was dragged in because I was always with them. They even had a list of reasons why I always allowed into the club which were “Perfect, pretty, wears pretty dresses, can fly, does ballet, plays violin”, I…don’t get how that makes anybody “Perfect”. Also they never knew I played Murder games back at home…I always had to hide my true self and it was tiring, I was jealous that Devon and Stacey never masked themselves but I didn’t wanna be judged all the time like they were. 
They would also say things like “Which boy do you think is the hottest”, I didn’t find them hot, I never found any boy “Hot”. I just always hated when they would say that they thought “I’d marry the most perfect man ever”, I never wanted to marry a man. I never exactly realized I was Gay until I was about 8. But when I was a kid, my mom would tell me about how she liked both men and Women, it never mattered to her. But back then she wasn’t exactly allowed to, she told me stories about this girl she secretly dated for 3 years when she was younger. She said only Tía Désireé and Tía Dulciana knew about it, but mi Abuelo found out about it because he found out Tía Dulciana was transitioning into a woman so he got mad and started snooping through all his children’s things and found all the secret love letters my mom had from her girlfriend, they were forced to break up. Hearing this story made me sad and I felt like being Gay was wrong. That’s why I was in denial for so long about being a Lesbian, I thought I’d be unaccepted…
Everything my family put me through was just awful. Apparently some of my family expected me to plan for a family at a very early age? I think I was about 9 when some of them would tell me to “Act like a lady”, I always thought it was cool how my mom had swords but mi abuelo said that he wished my mom was more ladylike and my mom said “I think it’s important for girls to learn how to defend themselves in a cruel world like this. Besides, swordfighting is really fun!”, I loved hearing my mom talk about that stuff, about how she stood up to her father when he said such hurtful words. I wish my mother hadn’t died, maybe she could’ve been the one I could talk with about my Queerness. Cause after she died, things began to get worse…
It was after I turned 10 that everything went to shit. That was when everybody (Or so I thought) told me I needed to grow up, they said I was too old to be wearing Twintails, too old to be crying, too old to have dolls, too old to watch cartoons. I even gave up my nickname “Lia” for a while so that I’d seem less childish. It sucked…a lot. I remember when my cousins started acting like bitches, Courtney broke my violin, and Lola and Deidre stole my Miku plushie and I’m pretty sure they ripped it up. Crimson apologized so many times for that, I felt bad for them, they actually had to spend every single day with those bitches. And when I was 12 they asked me if I had any crushes…on boys…and would say “When are you getting a boyfriend already”, like girl, slow the fuck down, I was only 12 years old. “Your Twin sister has a boyfriend already and you don’t! Reese found a boyfriend! Why don’t you and Devon have boyfriends already!?!?” Listen, I am not Reese or Stacey, and I didn’t have a boyfriend and was never getting one because I like Girls, got it? I. LIKE. GIRLS. And yet every time I would argue with them about it, they’d say some bullshit like “You’ll feel it eventually, you’ll fall in love and get married and have the perfect family” because nobody listened, I would often find myself crying in the middle of the night and barely even sleeping…
It wasn’t until recently that I started to be my true self again, my twintails are back and it makes me happy. My Miku plushies and my Paper Dolls are all over my room, my music box from my mother is still playing that comforting tune whenever I feel sad. Maybe it’ll be alright now, I don’t have to be “Señorita Perfecta Sicillia” anymore, I can just be Lia. Autistic Agender Sword Lesbian Lia…
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otome-crow · 3 years
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Ria, gesturing to her dark glasses: Well, I don’t have to see yours, so I guess that puts me on up on you, asshole.
God I’m having so much fun with this new character. My last MC was very much in need of a found family. If Luke’s a chihuahua, she’s a Labrador. Following everyone around, always happy, always finding something interesting to do. Every day was an adventure for her.
Ria is…..not like this. She’s snarky, and she’s not afraid to (verbally) fight back. She’s a lot braver than my previous MC, although that’s more of a “nothing to lose” philosophy. If these guys are gonna kill her, being a shrinking violet isn’t going to change that. At this point (very early in the game) she’s just like….fuck these guys and whatever weird demon-horse they rode in on. So far, she finds them arrogant and obnoxious, and since she’s blind she can’t be taken in by their pretty looks. It’s 100% about personality for her.
Unlike my previous MC, who fell hard for Mammon as soon as he softened up, Ria’s probably going to wind up treating him like a little brother. Praising him for his good, giving him head pats, but also calling him out on his bullshit instead of enabling him.
Once she realizes how important this program is to Dia, and how much Lucifer wants to impress him, she’s got all the ammo she needs to go toe-to-toe with the eldest. “Go ahead, kill me. Your demon lord will LOVE THAT.” She’s giving Luci grey hair because she is defiant af. During the tomb confrontation, she might try to smack him with her cane.
She’s useless to Levi, since she can’t play games with him or appreciate his cosplay. She can listen to the anime, but that’s about it. She’s probably pretty good at karaoke, so long as she has the song memorizes at least. She’s a violinist, though, so once she learns a few anime openings, he starts talking to her.
She’d probably get along reasonably well with Satan, since he is (on the surface) a reasonable guy. Probably plays music while he reads once they’re friends. And he’ll probably read most of the schoolbooks and assignments her. However, she’s got a hell of a mouth on her, so she’ll probably piss him off now and again. And he’d pop into demon form, expecting to cow her. Except good luck intimidating someone who can’t see your demon form.
Asmo…. He’s already at negative points just in the first few chapters for a) trying to charm her and b) telling her to look him in the eyes when she is OBVIOUSLY blind. As far as she’s concerned, he’s a fucking moron ATM. Also, he’s so focused on appearance that I don’t know how they’d bond, initially. She can’t see him - right now, there’s NOTHING pretty about him for her. She can’t see his fashions, can’t follow his Devilgrams, doesn’t care how perfect his makeup is. Oh, this is gonna be FUN.
Beel, she’s currently terrified of. She’s figured out that Mammon is mostly hot air, and the rest seem to be threatening her out of habit, but Beel has a high-up voice and he’s already indicated a possibility for killing and eating her (hopefully in that order).
I’m pretty sure she’s going to be spending a lot of time at Purgatory Hall, since it’s QUIET there. I can’t imagine anything worse for someone who relies on auditory input to be constantly bombarded by the noise of 7 loud demons. She probably spends a LOT of time with them, playing the violin. They’ll actually appreciate it, and she can get through an entire song without two demons screaming at each other. Pretty sure she’s gonna be leaning towards Simeon.
Despite how this post looks, she’s really a good person. She’s just a tsundere herself and tends to mirror back to others what they give her. These guys wanna be arrogant and mouthy? Well, she can be too. The angel kid wants to be friendly and protective? Cool, right back at you.
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toukenramblings · 4 years
Music Headcanons: Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, Hachisuka Kotetsu
Oo the starter swords, I got a special place in my heart for these lot. I sorry if these short lmao
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki
See, MuMu adores music. Folk songs especially. He sings a lot so don’t be surprised if you hear him randomly belting out songs from Tosa! He has such a good voice, change my mind. 
Mucchan adores songs that more or less tell a story, folk songs that tell of tales of bravery and strife. 
Most of all, Mucchan loves sea shanties. It’s probably because he adores the ocean and boats in general. Especially if they tell a story. Think that Wellerman song on tiktok!
He would also adore all kinds of foreign music. Going back to the idea that Mucchan would love learning new languages, he would of course adore all kinds of foreign music! Celtic music the most probably, since they have a sense of adventure in them; something he adores.
That isn’t to say he won’t listen to other music! He will happily do so! Don’t be surprised if he will sing along to it, no matter what language it is! He may not be uber fluent in the said language but he’s trying his best! Besides, sometimes music can help you learn languages! 
100% that person who uses music to work out, sea shanties are great for doing chores and just existing in general!
Would also have a record player in his room, just for the aesthetic. He would almost collect music players at this rate!
To help him sleep at times he plays instrumental music or ambiance. Most of the time it’s of the sea, he makes sure that his room is farthest away from Hotarumaru and Horikawa though, so they won’t have to hear the sounds of the ocean and uh...get PTSD
Mucchan will also sing for you as well! Or anyone else that is listening at least. He’ll sing for the kids, for you, for his partner or whomever he is dating, so on and so forth! He adores music in general so of course he’s going to share his love for it loud and proud! 
Is also one of the sword warriors more than willing to learn a musical instrument 
Yamanbagiri Kunhiro
He’s more of a person who will listen to songs of self-worth, or something peppy to take his mind off of things. He doesn’t have a lot of confidence after all, so listening to songs to help boost it do help! He wants to be better for you, platonically or romantically. 
Kiwame Manba will still listen to songs that will lift up his spirits but it’s more so for background music as he does work. Normal Manba doesn’t listen to music while he’s working as he’s worried that he might not be able to focus on the task at hand and fuck up and thus earn your ire. But Kiwame Manba will know that you’ll be fine if a lil mistake happens while he’s listening to music. 
When Manba sings, he’s very shy about it and most of the time he will be singing soft songs that he listens to or the songs that the AWT48 have made. Kiwame Manba will be more than happy to sing for you, if you so ask him. Normal Manba will only sing by himself, soft murmuring when he thinks no one is listening to him. Will flush if someone does hear him sing though. He has a nice voice!
Yamanbagiri has a secret fondness for love songs, finding the dedication to someone sweet. 
Don’t be surprised if you catch him listening to classical music, or folk songs, or even songs that the others recommend him! He has a bit of a hard time saying ‘no’ to anything so he’ll collect a lil treasure trove of music in his device or CDs, whatever have you!
A song that I think Manba will enjoy is Masayume Chasing by BoA (because i adore BoA) the right kind of peppy and good message sending out. Catch him humming along to the song, maybe dancing along to it when he comes back to Kiwame; and then almost freezing in fear when someone catches him. 
Like Mutsunokami, Manba will also have a record player. Sometimes he’ll play music on it, but it’s mostly there for collection. It looks pretty cool on his room after all!
Manba doesn’t listen to much when he sleeps. Nighttime does give him time to be alone with his thoughts and sometimes they are just too much. He will turn on music to try and relax, blasting Masayume Chasing in his room to chill tf out or something like a guitar! 
Kiwame Manba will 100% be ready to learn how to play music, most likely piano though. 
Hachisuka Kotetsu
First off, Hachisuka’s voice is nice, I just wanna let y’all know before I continue. He is also a man who will want to learn how to play an instrument, shamisen, piano, violin, flute, don’t matter yo. He wants to learn! He adores music, and will often play for Urashima.
Urashima on the other hand probably listens to a lot of music and shares it with his big bros. Most of the music influence comes from Urashima yes, but Hachisuka will 100% want to play something for him. Nagasone is debatable but anything to make Urashima happy!
Don’t be surprised if Hachisuka learns how to play the instrumental version of a popular song on whatever instrument he’s playing! lmao watch him do instrumental covers of tkrb songs
Hachisuka does sing and claims he’s good at it, he is and will happily sing for Urashima and company if Urashima asks for it specifically. 
Would he listen to other foreign songs? Classics like Bach, Mozart, etc and such are a big fat yes. 
A song that Hachisuka will like are classical songs that are almost...epics in themselves? Similar to the ballads that Mucchan listens to, I think of Alan’s Shin Sen. 
Like the others above, Hachisuka will happily have a record player, but it’s along the lines of a gramophone? Ye olde aesthetic man, he wants it there just to look pretty as fuck. Will most likely ask for a piano, violin, flute, or maybe even a music room though!
He won’t mind cover songs that other artists do, but he cannot help but feel like they cannot capture the original. Perhaps this relates to himself and his beliefs but why ruin an original? Maybe he’ll find himself bopping to it in secret? Who knows? No one does except Urashima and maybe Nagasone. 
When he sleeps, he will prefer some music to drown out the snoring of Nagasone. He seems to sleep more peacefully to the sound of traditional Japanese music though. 
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liberty-barnes · 3 years
the good think about staying home cause i'm sick is that i can finally watch the afh stream
so yeah, i've been crying for an hour and a half
like first of all this is done amazingly, charlie lightning really smashed it, no lie
hélène is the new love of my life, i just wanna hug the living daylights out of her for everything she's done for louis
the band is fucking amazing and that instrumental solo in fearless sounded like angels coming out of my tv
the crowd looking gayer than a pride parade makes me incredibly proud to know that this is not only thanks to louis, but that he knows we love and support him and that we're as brave and fearless as we are thanks to him
"only you lot can hear [copy³] once and know it that fucking well!" well, we've kinda been streaming it non stop since you first sang it so it's more like hearing it a million times but go off i guess
jho is making me fucking bawl. that song's been saving my life for four years and hearing him perform it will never not make me emotional
to everyone that was there, i'm so happy for you and thank you for letting him know how much we love him and SCREAMING the "come so far from princess park" line
this was supposed to be a short thing, but like all things in my life, it's turning into a running commentary so i'm sorry in advance
i've been avoiding it like the plague until i had time to watch the livestream so
okay i already love it
the way the arena went quiet cause we know we need a clean version lmaooooooo
OOOOH THAT HIGH NOTE ON "cAAALL ON mEEEE" just about killed me, it was so clean
"if you need you can call on me, i'll be the friend you need, everything's changed outside, but i feel the same inside" PLS CAN YOU SEE MY TEARS
everyone's crying in the audience and looking at him with literal heart eyes and tbh same
those instrumental solos are so fucking good
this song is gonna be perfect for everything, like i can study to it, i can listen to it on the bus, i can scream it at the top of my lungs
"hold it, i'm talking" you're such a DIVA
"i'm looking around and obviously none of you know the words" give it two more listens and we'll be good, don't you worry
"got so much to ✨lose✨" music asmr for my overworked brain
the "oh oh oh oh oh" with the instruments, and the music, and the audience >>>>> every fucking thing else
he must be having the time of his life on stage i'm so proud of him omg my baby boy i'm having a proud mama moment even though this guy's like 11 years older than me but i don't give a single flying fuck i love him so much
i need a shower to wash the salt off my face, i cried a little too much these last few songs
it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out that the reason the drums sounded like they were making different notes is cause there must be someone playing bass but i jusy can't see them cause i'm too focused on louis and Hot Guitar Guys
oh there's the one playing bass
i think
oh give me a break i'm sleep deprived and high on pain meds
idk if i miss his long hair or dig the short hair, but either way he looks gorgeous and i love him and i want that shirt
i should watch this with my louis and play a drinking game
drink everytime he curses
we'll end up smashed but it's worth it
i wanna kiss and kill whoever thought it'd be a good idea to have these many instrumental solos
kiss them cause they sound amazing
but kill them cause i'm slowly falling in love with Matt The Bassist and i don't have the mental stability to handle yet another crush on a white man but damn if he doesn't look hot with that thing in hand
like between matt dinnadge and victoria de angelis and calum hood i'm really just a hoe for bassists huh
i don't know who the violin girl with shoulder-length hair is but ma'am please marry me
louis taking shots is hilarious PLEASE the cough and immediate drink of water made me laugh so hard
even if you screeeeaaaaam and shout *cue video of liam screaming cause louis poured water down the back of his shirt*
*affectionately flips fans off🥰*
he loves us so much and that makes me so happy
this fandom is honestly amazing, from the love we get from him to the love we have for each other. it's like a fucking found family and we all know how much i love those. i love you guys🤍
hélène really wasn't lying when she said he'd sound the best he ever did
this show was 50% louis asking the crowd to sing and i'm not sven mad cause the pure happiness on his face hearing his songs being yelled back at him is too good. it's like he's surprised that we love those songs with all our hearts like of course we do they're fucking masterpieces
this is getting increasingly incoherent but who cares
kmm was the best song to end the show
louis and his band jumping around in happiness >>>>>>
"let's go have a DRINK!!!" god i wish but i'm on antibiotics
"oh fuck me man" i mean i'm sure we can arrange something, i'd have to check if harry's good with it, maybe we'd have to turn it into a threesome but i'm good with that
louis & hélène are my new friendship otp
louis with his family >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"they're so loud" well i mean we learned from you, Mr Loud Loud Loud
the tommo sisters are eating pizza and now i want some too
i wish i could hug hélène, she's so amazing
"i've got these lot behind me, who the fuck's gonna stop us?" FUCKING NOBODY THAT'S WHO
i'm off to cry now, bye y'all
i'm so glad i have this downloaded cause this is the only thing i'll be watching for the rest of my life
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yeocult · 4 years
ateez film diary analysis
ok i am currently typing with tears in my eyes but that’s cool!!!! gonna talk about ateez diary film for a moment. btw if you’re here for theories, this might not be for you, my brain is not capable of that critical thinking lmao. although, i will be rambling/analyzing the cinematography and overall admiring the film!! under the cut because this happened to be 1.5k words oops.
man, first of all, 16 minutes?? thank you for the food kq!! i think their concept is super cool. it’s unpredictable, refreshing, and just gives me a lot of high hopes for this comeback. ateez never disappoints, they come back each time stronger and better.
“this is the story where their dimensions are split into eight pieces again.” that kinds hurt me. throughout the film we see clips of them being happy and joyful with each other, but we also see scenes where they’re all alone. they didn’t get separated by losing contacts or whatever, literally dimensions.
phew okay, when the man with the black fedora approaching hongjoong like that was soooo dskjdj ugh i love it when they have a bright light in the back, capturing the silhouette perfectly. sorry i’m such a sucker for those types of shoots!! now hongjoong’s dream. “the world inside a television cannot be reached. the world they live in and the world that i live in is blocked.” yea.. they’re separated from dimensions. isn’t that so heartbreaking?? separated by time and space. 
um this might be a huge stretch, plus i’m horrible at science. i’ve read a lot of articles on where, ‘if time stopped would gravity still apply?’ and i thought of this because of the items floating up around hongjoong. without time, gravity, acceleration, speed and force are simply meaningless, so i guess that’s why it’s floating? as if we’re going back in time. there’s a lot of consequences and weird things on going back in time/time travelling (most famously the ‘bootstrap paradox’) because time is not an object and cannot ‘go’ anywhere at all, not forward, not backward, nor can it stop. so i expected some not so happy events to occur.
anyways moving on to seonghwa’s memory. i loved this. “i thought i lacked in many areas and have much to learn.” then we see a bunch of to-do lists and i guess they’re kinda like goals to accomplish or things he wants to learn. the somewhat long shot of him sitting on this table and the camera moving away from him gave me a sense of isolation (i also don’t know why yeo in the smn box is on the tv but it could mean he’s trapped). we also see him walking straight, kinda like following a straightforward path with a lot of control, hence the to-do lists. then he hits stops. now the girl is the total opposite of seonghwa. she’s dancing, moving, and overall carefree i would say. everything seonghwa is lacking. she’s freedom. i don’t have much to say about this scene but i really like how when he was walking one step at a time, it was completely dark. but as soon as it hits stops and sees her, there were lights.
now my favourite, wooyoung’s choice. that transition to seonghwa’s little emo time to wooyoung’s hyped underground music and dancing was the serotonin boost i needed. let’s talk about his ponytail because it made me a whole simp for him. plus he’s so fucking cool?? if i become a wooyoung biased soon, you know why. he talks about stage fright and the scene where people were looking down at the camera was perfect, low camera shots show dominance or superiority. when you have stage fright, you’re worried and insecure about your abilities (at least that’s how i feel) and with people look down at you is almost like they’re judging and aren’t expecting much from you. ateez brings him courage and reassurance, they give him strength. the last scene with the rain and the flickering light so chilling. its almost like the rain washed away his everything.
yeosang’s time giving me slight dark academia vibes and i’m here for it!!! also bird metaphors?? yes please! “limited freedom. like a bird in a cage.” we see yeosang in a room surrounded by other musicians but he isn’t playing his instrument. almost like he doesn’t wanna be there or has no real passion for this field. hence him talking about ‘expanding his dreams’. we get a close shot at his face looking forward to the right, i feel as if he’s daydreaming or reaching out. taking back to say my name, we have yeosang trapped inside that box, almost like the birds with limited freedom. he drops his violin and suddenly the birds (they symbolize peace, transformation, freedom and power) are free, giving us a scene with his friends. he’s free.
san’s resolution might just be my favourite in terms of cinematography. can we just talk about the long amount of time san has the stay put for the timelapse to work?? the scene wins my heart. now we see the classroom in a mess, meaning school was never enjoyable to san. always moving and no friends. the way he’s moving seems like there’s not much he can do in his life. the escalator scenes kinda look like the one in wonderland. time is always moving, the escalator moving, and san runs back up despite it moving in the opposite direction. im not sure where i was going with this but i thought i was kinda cool, how he’s running back up to be with his friends.
next, we have yunho and his brother. in a matter of seconds, all the light in the studio flicker and turns off. this is quite similar to the flicker lights in wooyoung’s last scene. there’s a pattern here with flickering lights and how it means lost and loneliness. we don’t know what 5:07 mean, maybe its completely relevant but knowing kq and their team, almost everything seems intentional. also i saw on twt (not my analysis) but seonghwa’s to-do list includes a task of learning how to drive, then we get yunho getting hit by a car. not sure where i got from this but i thought i would include it.
actor jongho!!!! he’s so good i love him. ok so we get that basketball was his dreams but due to his broken leg, it seems impossible for him to pursue that dream. we him sitting at a distance, admiring the game and the people who are able to play. but when he’s in the court, he’s all alone (might just be because he can’t go in court when other people are playing but just let me be deep for a second oki). the burning basketball means he cannot play again. then the fight scene between him and mingi. i want to talk about the camera work for a second. it’s unstable, harsh and a little unfocused (because it’s handheld) and it makes it seem like another member’s pov, pushing the realism on us. hmm this might be kinda dumb but the loud bang when mingi got pushed was a little unexpected hence every scene with the boys was all very calm and had music in the back, no sounds. idk just a noticed. ohmygod another silhouette scene with beautiful lighting in the back!!!! the camera is moving away from him, moving away shows weakness. i loveee this so much along with the smoke. his dreams are burning up, literally.
last we have mingi’s diary. “earphones in my ears, the world is mine for now.” again, similar to seonghwa in the dark walking, mingi is isolating himself from the world. he’s using music to escape from reality. mingi looks trapped by the way its shot, cutting off his forehead and lips only showcasing his eyes and nose. this could be his facial features are more important than anything else right now. the camera angle is below mingi, again with the dominance and superiority… because he literally kicked someone. but still the same camera angle except this time mingi is looking up at the sky or forward, not looking down. with that, mingi no longer looks intimidating, he seems slightly vulnerable. and i think that’s really powerful how quickly he transitions despite the same angle. so we know mingi uses music as an escape, “i would rather be alone than encounter the world.” then we see yeosang (by his flannel) taking off his earphones. bringing him back to reality with the boys, and everything seems a lot more peaceful. its kinda like, without his friends, he would rather be isolated. now i want to point how the loud bang from jongho’s shot. it’s literally the same shot but the noise isn’t there indicating that mingi has earphones in (i think even when they’re not literally in, he still shuts out noise), shutting off the noise. i think the little details were so well done. we also get a match cut of mingi blinking, back to the darkness. i think it shows how quickly things can be taken away from you.
MAN THE SCENE WHERE THEY ALL GATHER TOWARDS HONGJOONG JAKJDSJKSDJKSD I CANNOT BREATHE IT GAVE ME SO MUCH CHILLS MYGODDOO !!!!!! like that scene in say my name. gotta love the build up of the song then it drops when the members all show up UGH I LOVED THAT SOO MUCH!! “the memories of short happiness. and dreams broken into pieces” brb gonna cry. the hourglass is finished,, what does this mean? ;o also i cant help but to notice the lighting on how one side is dark and the other has light. this could just be for aesthetics but idkkkk just another notice.
hehe sorry this made no sense,,, anyways that’s all i have to say, i’m so excited for their comeback <33
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ggukminii · 3 years
Tag Games Masterpost! ✨
♐️  Zodiac Sign tag!
tagged by @calicooky @jiminslight @euphhorias thank you babies!! 💜
Sagittarius: Teal or Purple. Topaz or Turquoise. Dandelion or Daffodil. Ginseng or Cilantro. Horse or Stag/Buck. Plane ride or Road trip. Learn Hindi or Learn Japanese. Ginger or Wasabi. Climbing or Snowboarding. Teleportation or Super Speed. Carnival or Circus. Sake or Tequila. Duffel Bags or Suitcases. Time Manipulation or Basic Precognition. Tambourine or Triangle. Backpacking or Whitewater rafting. Aquarius or Libra.
📝  Quiz Game
ty @calicooky and @jkjms 🥺
you're fierce, courageous and intelligent.
you have an electric smile and there's something magical about your words. people want to be liked by you, because when you like someone it's felt so very deeply. you're an angry sky nurturing dark forests and wide meadows, you're the wide-spread wings of a dragon, you're the stranger stuck in minds and the classmate that's so hard to forget. it's an honor to know you, it's an honor to be loved by you, it's an honor to love you. i wish you, too, could feel the love and the adoration you've been pouring into this world.
ok what are these tears 😭
🎵 What BTS era are you?
@jiminslight @jkjms @euphhorias ty for tagging me!
Spring Day
Run's softer older sister, equally as gay/traumatised as Run but it made them soft and nostalgic instead of trying to cling onto memories that never happened, you miss simpler, happier times and although it makes you sad, you know that the future isn't something to be nervous about, everything will be okay in the end "But what is grief, if not love persevering?"
omg what an honor?? 😭
💜  What does love mean to you?
@gimbapchefs @jkjms thank you!
something you want to share
you have so much love and you just want to share it with everybody, don't you? there's nothing more you'd hate than to keep your fondness and tenderness for other people and love as a whole inside. please never hide your love for others, be reckless and loud with your "i love you"s and make plans when it feels like no one else is bold enough to. we're all scared that our love won't be matched or reciprocated, we fear rejection and we have this idea that the people we love don't actually love us but only tolerate us for the sake of having someone to keep them company. but it's people like you, people who want to share their love with the world, that change that. so make plans, don't leave anything unsaid, send that song that made you think of them. life is too short to keep your love inside.
i’m sad :((
✨ Which BTS member would you vibe with?
tagged by @calicooky thanks kris <3
Ah, the golden maknae. He's got the most tender heart and the sweetest soul, no matter how many tattoos or piercings he gets in the future--he has "please love me" tattooed on himself now, afterall. Jeongguk is willing and wants to learn, and strives to be his personal best. He wants balance in his life, appreciates beauty, and is a romantic at heart. He's constantly analyzing himself, how he can be better, do better, and honestly he probably doesn't give himself enough credit. Don't be so hard on yourself if you relate to all of that--you're allowed to both give yourself a break and remember that we are always evolving.
🪐 Make yourself a planet
@euphhorias @jkjms ty loves
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📷 Post 5 pictures of your 5 favorite idol smiles
tagged by @espressokookmin ty love!
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plus two extra let’s get it
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❓ 30 Questions Tag
thank you @euphhorias @taejinnies @jiminslight​ !​
name/nickname: di ✨
star sign: sagittarius ♐
height: 5’4
birthday: december 4th! bday twins with jin hehe
favorite band: i mean.... bts :D
time: 11:55pm
favorite solo artist: hmm I don’t really follow solo artists but i listen to baekhyun (idk if this counts :”)), chungha, and dean quite a bit
song stuck in your head: Alcohol Free by Twice
last movie you watched: Thor: The Dark World
free space! : I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! 💜💜💜
last show: I don’t know if this counts but I’ve been binging the hell out of all of Jessi’s Showterview episodes jsdflk she’s a queen ✨
when i created this blog: June of 2019 if I remember correctly!
what i post: gifs!! and a ton of shit posts hah 
last thing i googled: "2nd Thor move” cuz I forgot the name 😃
other blogs: no active ones! just my main and 18490832 side blogs I’ve created bc I’m obsessed with creating urls
do i get asks? very rarely jsdfsjdf
why i chose my url? kookmin > ggukminii! this blog was originally just km stuff lmao
following: 332
followers: so much more than I deserve 🥺
average hours of sleep: hmm usually 7-9 hours. if you asked me during school tho...🤡
lucky number: 4!
instruments: ooo I used to play the violin for a few years and the guitar for a few months but we dont talk about that
what am i wearing? large blue shirt and black shorts 
dream job: ooo this is hard but something that doesn’t confine me to a desk where I can work with a lot of other people!
favorite food: this is the hardest question for me to answer omg... can I pass? 😅
tea or coffee: tea!!
nationality: 🇺🇸 🤠
favorite song: second hardest question BUT if we’re going strictly bts then... black swan 🤍
last book i read: uhhh i’m currently reading Know My Name by Chanel Miller
top three fictional universes i would like to live in: 3?? hmm, definitely Harry Potter... and then maybe marvel and anything studio ghibli 
I tag whoever wants to do these! If there’s one game you really wanna do just go for it and say I tagged you <3333
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khunfounded · 4 years
There’s an Ocean Inside Your Bones
Aguero ambled down towards the kitchen, stomach grumbling. He had just spent who knows how long strategizing with Shibisu for the test the next morning. Well, actually, he knew exactly how long. Six hours that seemed to drag like sixty. They had been deadlocked between three plans for at least two of them.
Now, he had his eye on the stir fry Hatz made earlier. Just enough to get his energy up and mind running again, he assured himself. He had self control. Totally. 
But as he was passing the last of the rooms he heard a faint melody. It was gorgeous, and it made him slow his steps.
At first Aguero was sure that it was Endorsi and Rak watching music videos again, but the song was too slow, too much of a lullaby, for either of their tastes. And, there was something else.
He knew that voice. 
His steps halted in front of Bam’s door and he leaned in. Aguero had never heard something so beautiful, and it wasn’t just because of his bias towards his best friend.
As the lyrics danced through the door and twisted around him, Aguero found his eyelids slipping closed.
“I wanna pull you against my skin and,” Bam murmured to the air, “ I wanna know what goes on in that lovely mind.”
Very much without Aguero’s permission, his forehead fell against the cool wood of the door. The melody cut off abruptly.
Uh oh. He heard that. 
Pull yourself together Aguero, you are a cool cat, nothing catches you off guard.
He just finished schooling his expression into Bam Friendly Smirk #3 when the door slid open and he was struck by his best friend’s ochre eyes. His preparation beat out his infatuation and he escaped falling into a pile of goo by a narrow margin.
“Khun-ssi!” Bam grinned, with a smile like starlight and puppies and every other good thing left in this hellscape, “What did you need?”
Oh thank god, Bam thought he knocked on purpose, Aguero could come out unscathed. All he had to do was pretend he wanted to ask his Close Good Friend if he wanted to come to dinner. He could do this.
“Were you… singing?” His traitorous mouth said instead. Fuck.
To his surprise, and not-so-secret delight, Bam’s cheeks immediately turned rosy. But also, to his consternation, Bam’s eyes turned downwards.
“Ahah,” Bam mumbled, “Yes, it’s a… habit from the cave.”
“From the cave?” Aguero moved into the room, forcing Bam to follow after him.
“Yes, it was very quiet, and the only noise I had was from the rocks and my own voice. And Rachel, when she was there.”
Okay, swerve the Rachel comment. No good things lie down that road. Plus, in Aguero’s mind, there were much more important things to discuss.
“So you taught yourself to sing?” They sat on the bed.
“At first it was just talking to myself and,” his face turned redder. Aguero didn’t even know that was possible, “seeing what kind of noises I could make, I guess?”
Aguero hummed in affirmation.
“And then one day Rachel found me doing it and she said that it was weird. So she taught me how to sing some nursery rhymes to keep myself busy instead.”
What a bitch, though apparently Aguero did have her to thank for this wonderful surprise gift. Not that he was ever going to say that out loud.
“ I ended up getting bored of them after a while so I started to change them around. And later on I started making new ones,” he shrugged, “and after I got into the tower, I just kept doing it whenever I was alone.”
“You,” Aguero was astonished with this amazing, fantastic, brilliant man, “You taught yourself to write songs? All by yourself? Without learning music theory or anything?”
“Well,” started Bam, “I started listening to other music when I found out about it-”
Aguero shifted, laying down on the bed and plopping his head into Bam’s lap. He gazed up at those beautiful amber eyes and couldn’t help but grin. Stir fry could wait.
“Sing to me,” he took one of Bam’s hands and intertwined their fingers, “please?”
Bam hesitated, eyes roving all over Aguero’s face, before he took a deep breath and smiled, softer than any silk.
“You’ve got an ocean inside your bones and,” he traced the fingers of his free hand over Aguero’s chin, his ears, his cheekbones, “I think I’m losing myself in your salty eyes.”
He grinned, brushing fingertips against the corner of Aguero’s eyes, making his white eyelashes flutter, “Hey, salty eyes, oh…”
As those salty eyes began to close, powerless against the current of Bam’s voice, Aguero mumbled, “I have a violin. In my lighthouse. Play with me sometime.”
“Of course, Aguero. Anything.”
[No beta only send. I’m not sure about my dialogue ^^ Hopefully it fits their voices.]
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Saving Each Other - Klaus Hargreeves
Request; Not today, just trying to get over writers block.
Summary; Y/N has known Diego Hargreeves for a few years after he caught the person that killed her family. After that, Diego took her under his wing, keeping her away from his family, and kept her close. Now, the killer’s back for her and Diego enlists his family to help. (Y/N is of similar age to them but Diego wanted to keep her safe)
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Living with Diego had been interesting to say the least. He wanted to have me close at all times, meaning I went everywhere with him. So I started making myself useful, I manned a police radio and helped him figure out where to go.
But today, today he had to see his family. His dad had died and they were all going to the house. I hadn’t met his family yet and this hardly seemed the time to do it, I wasn’t even sure if they knew about me, they weren’t exactly close.
So I’d been left for the first time in years, four years to be exact. I was enjoying the freedom to be honest.
Well, until I heard something crash. I checked my phone to make sure it wasn’t Diego. He always text me when he was coming back so I knew who it was.
“Y/N, I know you’re here.” 
That voice. that was her, the one that had killed my family, she’d found me. Thankfully, Diego had a few hiding places I could use. Once I knew I was safe, in one of the places he’d soundproofed, I called him.
“Y/N, what’s up? Are you okay?” He knew I wouldn’t call him unless it was important.
“Diego, she’s...she’s found me. I’m hiding but I need you here, please.”
“On my way, don’t move.” He hung up the phone. I was waiting for about 20 minutes according to my phone, but what felt like forever. I heard a loud bang upstairs, which was followed by multiple crashes.
After about 10 minutes, someone tried the door. I picked up the bat, one of the few weapons that Diego had hidden in here, just in case.
As soon as I knew it wasn’t Diego, he was far too tall for him, I swung the bat. 
Whoever it was, grabbed my wrist, stopping me. I tried to fight back, but they were too strong, and managed to get me in a position where I couldn’t move.
“Are you Y/N?” A male voice asked. So it wasn’t her after all. 
“Yeah, yeah that’s me.”
“I’m Luther. Diego’s brother.” He explained, making me calm down. Diego had talked to me about his siblings before. “We were sent to search these rooms for you.”
“Where’s Diego?” I asked, as he let me go, he could see I’d calmed down.
“Upstairs, come on. I’ll take you to him.”
I nodded, and followed Luther up the stairs. He yelled to let everyone know he’d got me.
As soon as I saw Diego, I ran at him and hugged him. “Hey, hey. You’re okay.” He assured me, wrapping his arms around me. “She won’t hurt you again.”
Once I knew he was okay, I let go and noticed the body on the floor. He’d killed her, she was wearing a black and white suit. Who was she?
I was pulled away from the body by Diego and finally noticed that as well as Luther there were also another four people in this room. But one of them was really young.
I thought Diego said they were all similar ages, what was going on?
“Hi, I’m Allison.” The taller of the two girls said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.”
“I’m Vanya.” I was surprised that she was here. From what I’d heard, she’d released a book that none of the others liked and didn’t talk to her. Then again, her dad had died too.
“And I am Klaus, the best one.” He introduced himself with a flourish, making me laugh. He showed his hands which had Hello and Goodbye on them.
“Okay, that is cool.”
“See I told you.” He boasted to the others.
“And I’m Five.”
“Five? But I thought...” I trailed off, looking at Diego. Five had vanished years ago.
“Yeah, it was a surprise for us too.”
“Look Y/N, I know she’s dead but she could work for someone.” Luther said. “I think it’s best she comes to stay with us.” He directed this bit at Diego.
Diego nodded in agreement. “Go pack some stuff.”
“I’ll help.” Klaus exclaimed, following me. I led him to my room and started packing what I would need.
“So why are you living with Diego?” Klaus asked, jumping on my bed. “He wouldn’t tell us.”
“And there’s your hamatia.” I chuckled, packing my things, including my guitar. I remember Diego saying Vanya played violin, music may be a way of getting to know her.
“My what?”
“Your fatal flaw. The one thing that ruins you.” I explained. “I mean you’re funny, you have the cool thing down, you’re cute but you’re also very blunt.”
“You think I’m cute?” He smirked. I rolled my eyes,of course that’s what his focus is.
“I’ll make you a deal. Tell me what your power is and I’ll tell you my story.” I bargained. “While I know the story, Diego has never told me what any of your powers are specifically.”
I had just finished packing, as Klaus sighed. He patted the bed next to him. “I’ll only tell you mine, no one elses.” He said, making me nod. “Did Diego ever tell you about Ben?”
“He died, right?” Klaus nodded.
“Well, I can talk to the dead and Ben is pretty much with me 24/7.” He explained, producing a bottle of alcohol. “But enough of this keeps it at bay.”
I felt sorry for him. Seeing the dead must not be fun, no wonder he tried to keep away from it. “That sucks.”
“Hey Y/N, you ready?” Diego popped his head around the door. 
“Yeah we’re coming.”
“Klaus, stay with her. you two are coming back with me.”
“I wanna get sober.” Klaus sighed, after Diego had left. “Talk to dad, see what happened, but it’s hard.”
“I’ll help you.” I offered. “I may not have powers, but I can tie you up and leave you.”
He laughed. “It’s worth a try, I guess.”
Once we got back to the academy, we convinced Diego I’d be better with Klaus so all the others could help, especially since Vanya had disappeared after leaving my house.
Me and Klaus found an empty room, where Luther helped me tie him up. “Don’t let him leave. If he needs the bathroom, here’s a bucket.”
I took the bucket off Luther and sat down. “You don’t have to stay.”
“I know, but I am.”
As I said, I stayed with Klaus the entire time, only leaving the room when he needed the bucket, but even then I was just outside the door. It had been a few hours and everything seemed to be fine. 
Klaus seemed to be doing a lot better and Luther had come to us. He wanted everyone in the drawing room, me included. Once we had everyone except Allison, she was resting after Vanya had attacked her and she couldn’t speak. He led us down some stairs, for us to see Vanya was trapped in a sound proof room.
No one, including Allison who had appeared, agreed with her being in there but Luther insisted. We had all left and Klaus was trying to convince people he was sober.
Since everyone was busy, I told Diego I wanted some time alone and I was led to his room to relax.
Today had been exhausting, nearly getting killed, meeting all of Diego’s siblings, staying with Klaus while he was withdrawing and learning Vanya had powers all this time. I needed some rest.
I lay on Diego’s bed and shut my eyes, I was starting to drift off when the house began shaking.  What the hell was happening now?
The wall began to crack and fall apart. We had to get out, everyone had to. Knowing the guys could handle themselves, I wanted to find Pogo and Mom, as they may struggle.
I’d met them both when I had arrived, and they were both so lovely. I headed to the drawing room to find Pogo had been killed. Who had done this and what was going on?
I shook my head, I could ask Diego or Klaus later, now I needed to find Mom. From what I’d heard, Mom was usually in the kitchen, so I headed down there.
I couldn’t find her and went to leave, but the kitchen started to fall apart, I narrowly missed a bit of the structure falling. I managed to get into the corridor where I heard my name.
“Y/N, Y/N, where are you?!” It was Klaus. 
“I’m here! By the kitchen!” I yelled.
I heard him run towards me and headed in the direction of his footsteps. 
“We need to go now!” He grabbed my hand, running with me. As we were running, the ceiling began to collapse and Klaus pushed me aside, saving me.
I didn’t even have time to thank him, as we ran outside. As soon as Diego saw me, he ran to me, hugging me.
“Thank god, you’re okay!”
“I’m fine. Klaus saved me.”
They all seemed shocked by this information and Klaus didn’t really take credit, just brushed it off. 
I asked Diego what had happened, turns out Vanya had done this with her powers, and Five revealed she was gonna cause the apocalypse.
Everyone agreed to meet at a bowling alley and I stayed with Klaus afterwards.
“Hey Klaus, thanks for saving me.” I smiled. “Kinda like we saved each other. I helped you get sober and you saved me from getting crushed.”
“Yeah.” Klaus replied, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“Once Vanya has been stopped, I’d like to thank you properly. I wanna take you out for dinner.”
Klaus sighed. “Look Y/N, I can’t lie about this, I didn’t save you.”
“I don’t know how, but it was Ben.”
“Ben’s dead, Klaus. How did he?” I was so confused.
“I don’t know. The other day, he punched me and I felt it.” He told me. “I think my I’ve only just scratched the surface of my powers, it’s why I need to be sober, to know what else I can do.”
I leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“That was for being honest and wanting to get yourself sober.” I smile. “And I’d still like to take you on that date.”
“A..a date?”
“Yep, but we’ll talk about that later.” I grinned. “Let’s go save Vanya and the world.”
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armandyke · 4 years
Don’t you mind about the future
Summary: Allison is longing for some kind of normality after saving the world, and her siblings pull together to try and help. 
Word Count: 1932
Square Filled: Game Night
Characters: All the siblings
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: The second of nine entries for @tuacreatorsbingo!
You can read it here, or on my AO3
It was 1:30pm, and Allison hadn’t left her room yet. She’d locked the door, wrapped the duvet tightly around herself, and she hadn’t stopped crying since 8am. The one perk of losing her voice, she’d discovered, was that she no longer had to try and stifle the sobs with a pillow to avoid any of her siblings hearing her. It had been a week now since they’d saved the world. No big deal really. It was hard, of course it was hard, but they got through it, determined to get back to some kind of normality. It was only now, lying in her childhood bed and staring at the faded magazine clippings taped to the wall, that Allison had realised she had no normality to go back to. 
Patrick and Claire were on the other side of the country, and there were travel restrictions while everyone tried to recover from the whole armageddon thing. She’d thought about booking a private jet, but even if she could get to them she had no idea what she’d say. What they’d say. She was so behind on her therapy now that Patrick probably wouldn’t want her anywhere near them, and even though Luther had done his best to explain to him, and to her therapist, why she couldn’t talk over the phone anymore, they still hadn’t come up with a solution. Claire at least seemed to be enjoying her daily phone call with whichever uncle was closest to hand, and aside from one conversation with Klaus that Allison had to cut short, they’d all gone relatively smoothly so far. But even the calls were tinged with sadness. It killed her that her brothers got to speak to her daughter and she couldn’t, that they were the ones making her laugh and telling her stories, that Allison could hear her voice but Claire couldn’t hear hers. They still hadn’t found a way to explain that her mom couldn’t talk anymore, and might never be able to again. 
The crying had mostly tapered off, and now she just felt empty. Empty because even if she could get home, even if she could see Claire and hold her and stroke her hair, none of it would be permanent. Patrick still had custody, and he could barely look her in the eye the last time they saw each other. One family had been ripped apart, and the other had spent the last week cooped up in a big house trying to awkwardly piece themselves back together. Last night’s dinner had been so uncomfortable that she’d had to leave, preferring the silence of her room over the silence of her brothers and sister sitting around a table exchanging awkward glances and trying to think of something to say. 
She heard footsteps approaching from the end of the hall and could tell it was Luther before he reached the door. Despite how hard he tried to soften his steps, they were still distinctly louder than anybody else in the house. The sound came to a halt, and she couldn’t help but smile at how timidly he knocked on the door. 
“Allison?” He called. “You okay in there?”
Part of her wanted to roll over and ignore him, but she knew she couldn’t stay in there all day. There were at least three people in the house that knew how to pick a lock. Sighing, she slid her feet into her slippers and padded across the floor, cracking the door open and peering out at him. 
Luther’s brow furrowed in concern the moment he saw her, pushing the door open a little wider to talk to her. 
“Hey,” He said softly. “I… Uh… Are you… Did something happen?” 
She shook her head, her eyes falling on the plate of food he was holding. 
“Oh, right.” Luther held the plate out towards her. “I brought your lunch up.”
He chuckled when she took the plate, not needing any words to know what she was thinking as she eyed up the omelette which was somehow burnt and runny at the same time. 
“It was Diego’s turn to cook,” He explained and she nodded in understanding. “I didn’t wanna hurt his feelings, but I uh… I did also bring you some toast.” 
Smiling in place of a thank you, she took the toast and opened the door further to invite him in. The two of them sat on the bed and she sniggered at how far the mattress dipped under Luther’s weight, sending her sliding down into his side. While she nibbled on the toast, Luther filled her in on everything that had happened that morning. Diego and Five got into an argument over cereal brands, Klaus had decided he was going to learn violin, and Vanya accidentally broke a window while trying to teach him. She smiled as he talked, but he seemed to sense the sadness, squeezing her shoulder gently. 
“I know it must be hard not being able to talk to Claire,” He said with a sigh. “And I don’t know how to make it easier.” 
Allison reached for the notepad on her nightstand so she could respond. Her writing speed had improved dramatically over the last few weeks, and it usually took her no more than a few seconds to reply to people now. 
“I miss being part of a family,” She told him and he nodded. 
“Yeah, me too. I don’t think any of us even know how to be a family anymore.” He hung his head. “I’m gonna try and fix this, Alli. I promise.”
He squeezed her hand before he left and she smiled, though she wasn’t entirely convinced he really knew what he was doing, turning on her radio and finishing the rest of her toast. 
The evening approached, and she hadn’t seen hide nor hair of her siblings despite a venture to the kitchen and the library. It wasn’t unusual for Diego and Five to keep to themselves during the day, but the house seemed strangely silent without Klaus zipping erratically from room to room, or the sound of Vanya’s violin practice. Still, she didn’t think much of it, and it wasn’t until she was back in the kitchen, spreading peanut butter on her fourth helping of toast, that Five made an appearance, making her jump and drop the knife she was holding. 
“Sorry,” He said as she fumbled to pick up the knife. “Luther wants you. He’s in the lounge.” 
Never one to drag a conversation out longer than necessary, Five was gone again in the blink of an eye, leaving Allison to make her own way slowly through their maze of a house to the lounge. She could hear hushed voices as she approached, and when she turned the corner she found all five of them sat on the lounge floor. The couches had been pushed out to make more room, with blankets and cushions spread out to sit on. 
“What?” She signed, resenting the fact that Grace was only able to spend a few minutes each week teaching them some rudimentary signs as kids. 
“This genius thinks he can solve our problems with some board games,” Diego said from where he sat with his arms folded and his back against the couch, nodding over to Luther. 
“Would it kill you to stop being an asshole for one evening?” Luther muttered and he snorted. 
“You think monopoly is gonna make me less of an asshole? You ever played this shit?”
Klaus, who was sprawled out on the floor at Diego’s feet, laughed at that and Luther ignored them both, turning back to Allison. 
“We’re having a game night. A family game night. Because that’s what families do.” 
“It is?” Vanya asked. 
“Since when?” Five said at almost exactly the same time. 
Picking up the notepad that had been set out on a cushion for her, she scribbled down on it and held it up.
“We used to have game nights with Patrick’s family.”
“Well, I’m convinced!” Klaus declared, hopping to his feet. “Try not to cry too hard when I kick your asses at twister.” 
Luther was knocked out almost immediately, completely unable to keep his balance, shortly followed by Five, then Diego, then Allison. They shouldn’t have been surprised that Vanya was proving a worthy opponent for Klaus, considering she once famously won a game of hide and seek by contorting herself into one of their father’s suitcases. It was the most upbeat Allison had seen her family in years, all gathered around cheering Vanya on while Klaus cussed them out. Even Diego seemed to forgo the half dozen grudges he was holding in favour of diligently refereeing to make sure Klaus wasn’t cheating. When Klaus’ arms finally buckled underneath him the room erupted with cheering and shouting. The boys scooped Vanya up and paraded her around the room while Allison fell about laughing and Klaus huffed indignantly. 
“This is bullshit,” He muttered, though she could see he was fighting a smile too. 
The entire tone of the evening changed after that. Once they’d all calmed down again, they all gathered eagerly around and bickered over what to play next. Luther won an intense game of snakes and ladders, Diego beat them all at jenga, and Allison and Klaus won a team game of charades. In the middle of a connect four tournament, Klaus pointed out that Vanya had fallen asleep amongst the pillows, and during the final match between Luther and Five they realised Diego had also passed out with his arms hugging a cushion. 
They were all getting tired, and none of them knew or cared what the time was, but they decided to start a game of cluedo anyway. Allison was so focused that she didn’t notice Luther was asleep until his loud snoring broke the silence, and when she looked up she saw Klaus curled up too, using Luther’s torso as a makeshift pillow. 
“Maybe we should call it a night?” Allison had to shove the notepad right into Five’s face before he looked up from his card. 
“What? No. I’ve almost solved this.” 
She wasn’t sure how Five could have possibly ‘almost solved’ anything when they’d only had two turns each, but she just shrugged, shuffling closer to him and continuing with the game. 
As the minutes passed, the game quickly devolved, and neither of them were making a great deal of sense anymore. Allison had long since given up on making guesses, and Five had slumped against her with his head on her shoulder, the way Claire used to when she was getting too tired, mumbling to himself as he scribbled and crossed things out on his card. 
“Okay,” He said decisively, his head nodding as he tried to stay awake. “It was Mr Green, in the conservatory, with the knife.” 
He snatched the cards triumphantly, only to quickly toss them back across the board with a huff. 
“Shit,” He mumbled. 
“Wrong?” Was all Allison had the energy to write and he nodded.
“It was Miss Scarlet,” He said, pointing an accusing finger over at Klaus. 
Allison sniggered, and barely a minute later she could hear Five snoring beside her. Smiling to herself, she gently moved his head onto a pillow before getting to her feet and padding around the room to throw blankets over each of her siblings. Once she was satisfied they were all comfortable, she grabbed her own pillow and blanket and settled herself amongst them all, and fell asleep surrounded by her family.
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