#(expect zen the poor poor boi)
vixlenxe · 1 year
What kind of Mermaid are you? A Mermaid Quiz for MerMey!
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Loyal Warrior ~ Volcanic Mermaid
Individual: Fire in your eyes and a temper like an underwater volcano. You are a passionate and fierce leader. As a mermaid you would probably be the leader or second in command of a Volcanic Mermaid Pod. Your booming personality is sometimes destructive causing fiery shipwrecks. You can get angered easily starting turf wars or even just fight with a pod mate. You are very dangerous and will not hesitate to harm someone, but on the other hand you are extremely loyal and concerned with the well being of your few pod mates that you hold dear.
Species: As the name implies, Volcanic Mermaids set up turf in regions with underwater volcanoes. In general they have fairly defensive personalities and are quite territorial. In fact, they are one of the few types of mermaids to get into actual turf wars with other pods or merspecies. They have tough skin to resist heat and charring, and are very strong and fast for the purpose of catching prey that is very hard to find since not many animals or plants can withstand the near boiling waters. They are normally tan and have red or brown tails with large flukes.For safety and bonding reasons almost all Volcanic Mermaids have pods, but due to there domineering personalities clashing they usually only consist of about 5-10 mermaids.
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Resilient Survivor ~ Arctic Mermaid
Individual: You are hardworking, serious, and calm. You are cool and collected even under pressure. You tend to have a few close pod mates that you would never let anything happen to. Though you are protective, you usually don't come off as motherly or caring because of your stoic personality. You like to get things done efficiently and quickly and are quite the perfectionist. You don't feel comfortable around large groups and they can sometimes make you feel unheard or even a little irritated due to your quiet and short worded nature.
Species: Arctic Mermaids are cunning and though not built with an overload of brute strength one of the strongest species. Due to the harsh freezing climate thy reside in, it is required that they can be good enough hunters to obtain food. They feast on mostly fish and the occasional penguin. They have light blonde, white, or grey hair and silver or blue tales that are long, strong, and smooth. They have pale, thick, insulated skin, usually move in pods of 5-12 and can get along with seals quite well. They are known for having the most indifferent feeling out of all the merspecies. Out of the few they have ever had contact with, if they are seen they will not attack or shy away. Though they might leave if you get to close, they will only attack if provoked.
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Rare Predator ~ Cecaelia
Individual: You are certainly a rare specimen. You are resourceful, reclusive, and incredibly aggressive. You are fearless and will fight to the bitter end. Many might see you as just strength and skill, but your other attributes lie elsewhere. You actually quite crafty. Not really in a clever way, though you can be, but in a resourceful way. You are able to think on your feet and make use of your setting and the objects around you.
Species: Cecaeliae are reclusive, territorial, and malicious. They get along with neither man, merpeople, nor even other cecaeliae. They are very rare and there is normally only one per body of water. (Excluding oceans and massive lakes and rivers). They have the bottom half of an octopus or squid rather than a tail and do posses the inking ability. Many caecaeliae Craft weapons out of the remains and belongings of their victims. They are intelligent and set up shelters in caves, trenches, etc. They normally live in murkier waters and have duller skin to blend in. They are normally reasonably muscular and thick, except for the squid cecaeliae which are still muscular, though thin.
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Melancholy Spirit ~ Undine
Individual: A wistful soft spoken one, you are. You are highly emotional and sentimental, and likely have had your heart broken before. You've seen the beauty in this world and you've been hurt, so you sing a song of woe and love. You long for a softer kind of love that you might've once had. You are shy and an absolute loner but not vicious.
Species: Undines are the spirits of the women and girls who have died tragically among the sea or thrown themselves to the waves for a lost lover. They are reborn from the waves as the watery ghost of who they were, a womanly figure made of water, or just a woman who can breath and live among the water. They almost always have water manipulation powers. any come out at night. They are most active on full moons when the tide is high. They will normally appear in range of a person, possibly singing, but never actually contact them. As you may have guessed, they are not like the traditional mermaid and do not move in pods. They are only occasionally in pairs. They are like spirits and do not need to eat or drink.
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absolutebl · 3 months
This Week in BL - I'm Muddled, there is SO MUCH on, but also I have FEELS
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
July 2024 Week 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 11 of 12 - Yak is such a demanding babygirl princess type. It’s kinda hilarious in a fierce boxer dude. I do adore the core brother friendship in this show. It’s so sweet. Also I guess Yak is out OUT now, on TV and everything. 
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YES PLEASE GMMTV!!! This ship! Sail it!!!!
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) eps 4-6 of 12? - So it started out as a relatively simple sports romance: first love, separation, reunion. But then just went entirely off the rails: gay mafia orgies, kidnapping, druggie ex teammates with knives, I am Spartacus. All erratic Thai pulp mumbo-jumbo aside? MeenPing are doing great in these roles. Zen's hurt confusion, Ryu’s struggle with internalized homophobia that keeps hurting Zen as much as him. 
Am I wrong to ship FrankPing Just a little bit? I only wanna see them kiss. It’s not asking too much, is it? 
Not sure what’s going on with Gaga and their "ep 6 of 6" thing. Or why they bundle-aired them. Did they just get the rights for the first half? Where is the rest?  
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Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 - I always end my Saturday with these 2 simply because I love this pair. I also enjoy the show. It’s sweet and I giggle a lot. I like that they’re dressing (and letting) Lin be a bit femmey - with his pussycat bows, coco bag, and little heels. I’m not sure about the pet names but I’ll accept them if I must.
My Stand-In (iQIYI) ep 12 fin - I would like to watch an entire show about the older brother boss and his hot secretary. Bit of a bully romance? Please & thank you?
This was a good solid ending, less predictable than I expected, which I appreciat. I liked that they had a full conversation about forgiveness. But overall, I am left in a muddle.
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The show itself? A summation? Oof, here we go...
Adaptation of Chinese novel "Professional Body Double" by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KinnPorsche. Stuntman Joe dies on the job and wakes up in the body of another Joe with an entirely different life. But Joe just starts repeating the mistakes of his previous self - love, work, play. I enjoyed the experience of watching this show, I looked forward to it every week. I thought everybody did a great job with it and in it, and I liked that is was something substantially *different* for Thai BL. But I’m not sure I'll rewatch it or if it's bingeable. It left me feeling more sanguine than happy. Is there, objectively, anything wrong with it? No. But am I in love with it? No. I think that rests on the central characters, Ming in particular. I never liked him or warmed to them as a couple. I spent most of this show just very very sorry for poor Joe. Thus I was never rooting for their romance. I would recommend it, if you enjoy your BL more cerebral, with complicated unlikable love interests, and a downtrodden sympathetic lead. Is it, perhaps, more JBL that ThBL? Am I biased because it's a Thai production and I had expectations? What magical carnage could Japan have done with this IP? I'm left with questions, but I'm ultimately glad I watched this.
All this means that this show should, by all my own standards, get at 9/ 10. But I'm giving it an 8/10. So there.
We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 15 of 16 - It really is the antidote to Friend Zone. Like GMMTV just set out to make a nice little show about nice boys being very nice and kissing each other nicely. And it makes me very happy.
Century of Love (Weds Gaga) eps 1-2 of 10 - DaouOffroad are back, this time as fated mates in a quasi historical paranormal moment. Very much Director Who Buys Me Dinner meets First Love Again, hopefully better than both. I love this pair and think they can handle the premise, it's whether the storytelling is up to the challenge.
So far? I like it a lot. I love it when Thailand gets all up in its own historical business and reincarnation and bullshit like that. I’ve always liked this pair too (it’s not their fault I didn’t enjoy most of their first series.) Daou’s wushu is pretty snazzy. We got a fun meet cute. (Erm... Remeet cute? Meet cute 2.0?) And this is a very PRETTY show. With more comedy than I was expecting.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Fri iQIYI) ep 2 of 8 - I like the friendships, but so far I’m not sold on the personalities of the main couple. Of course I love the pair, and I know they can handle it, but I hope the story justifies their chemistry.
My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 6 of 12 - They are so damn teen dramatic and over-the-top. To have really played into the impact of the counselor character's original casting, they should’ve had Krist play the role! (GET IT?) That’d be ridiculously ironic. Not that I object to GMMTVs #1 Daddy Papang. Never that. 
The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 2 of 12 - Ah ha, I figured it out. This reminds me of The Devil Wears Prada. I’m finding most of the rest of the interns too caricature and thus annoying. But I’m still liking this more than I expected. 
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - The bullying GL subplot is just bad. And I’m getting an overall squick from the fact that the two rich privileged characters are essentially taking advantage of the two lower class poor characters. Trash watch here.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 8 of 12 - I’m coming around to Almond + Latte, but I’m not super sold on any of the other plot lines.
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - It’s still good and it’s still sticking relatively closely to the mango. So I’m still enjoying it.
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - I just don’t really like the dynamic of the younger, poor, country kid desperately chasing the older hot boy. It’s a bit too desperate or something. It’d be different if Takara were a nicer person, but he doesn’t have much going for him but a pretty face.
It's airing but...
Meet You at the Blossom
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In case you missed it
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - It's ended. Should I watch it? right now 1 vote for and 1 vote against.
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution. I demand you tell me the moment you find it!
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT) - Got bumped to Aug 2. Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
July Releases to Come
7/24 I Saw You in My Dream (Thai Weds WeTV) - Dee Hup is behind this one so I have high hopes. Younger boy chronically teased his whole life by the older boy next door suddenly starts having horrific prophetic dreams about his bully and must save hime.
7/26 4 Minutes (Thai Netflix or iQIYI?) - Great is a university student from Faculty of Business and the son of a wealthy business owner. Out of the blue, he gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future.
7/29 Battle of the Writers (Thai ????) - trailer here, TutorYim return and while I adore them, I really hope this is better than Middleman's Love. Won't be hard. However: that premise! Ugh. Something something authors fighting - save me. Why don't writers understand that nothing is more boring than writers?
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Such a Best Boy, not leaving his drink behind!
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YES please.
Follow me here... these 2 in the Thai BL version of Tein Bromance X, which is to say: Mean assassin meets and falls HARD for snarky school teacher, they adopt a kid together. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO WATCH IT.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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shijiujun · 2 years
Why You Should Watch 少年歌行 | The Blood of Youth
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TLDR: Super good, you should absolutely watch this! Not at all a BL/danmei but from what the donghua gave, there’s quite a healthy bit of bromance and brotherhood between the two male leads, and this show has comedy, plot, excellent pacing, exciting wugong moves and conspiracy, plus tons of gorgeous women and men who can all fight!!! CGI is great too, I initially thought this was gonna be a trashy but funny and moderately good wuxia drama but it’s really well-made and it is still funny and really good on all fronts.
*It has a donghua but I haven’t watched it!!!
Xiao Se is a handsome but relatively poor inn owner in the middle of nowhere on some snowtop mountain, and said inn barely sees any visitors year after year. Just as Xiao Se is deciding whether or not to sell the inn, they finally get one visitor, a young traveler, Lei Wujie who’s traversing jianghu for the very first time on his own, and then they soon get a bunch of hooligans who want to rob the inn. Lei Wujie ‘saves’ Xiao Se by defeating the hooligans but in the process damage the inn; Xiao Se demands payment and Lei Wujie says he needs to get to Xue Yue City to find money to pay him back essentially, so Xiao Se follows him out of his inn in the mountains on a journey.
Along the way, they stumble upon Tang Lian, a skilled and well-known disciple of a famous shifu from Xue Yue City, who’s guarding and escorting a golden coffin to another city, not knowing what is in the coffin. He’s been hunted down repeatedly and ambushed by multiple groups of skilled experts, all coveting what’s inside the golden coffin. Xiao Se and Lei Wujie get accidentally embroiled in the mess, and then realize along the way that a monk - Wu Xin - is in the coffin. And everyone is after Wu Xin, from the demonic sects to other sects in the pugilistic world, all the way to the royal palace. 
As Xiao Se and Lei Wujie end up traveling with Wu Xin, conspiracies and past feuds unravel, and Xiao Se is not who he seems to be.
Watch on Youku (YT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1xIuBPN-lk (Total 39 episodes, from Dec. 2022 - Jan. 2023)
Main Characters:
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Xiao Se/Xiao Chuhe (Li Hongyi): The exiled 6th prince who was once a prodigy in martial arts and cultivation before he lost all of it after an attack, and he’s been at the inn ever since. Very well informed of everyone and who’s who, plus all the big happenings in the pugilistic world. Nonchalant, dealing with some issues, very bold and haughty (rightfully so), and this man was a prince and skilled fighter from before too, HAS A LOT OF BAGGAGE, banters a lot with Lei Wujie (cuz this boy is dumb) and is forced to face his demons with the help of Wu Xin. Mysterious, but not really because the moment he walks out everyone knows him like come on he’s the beloved 6th prince before he was exiled
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Wu Xin (Liu Xueyi): The son of the demonic sect head before his dad went to war with the royals and was betrayed and defeated, and the demonic sect had to send him over to the royal palace as a hostage, but he gets ‘adopted’ by an old monk and is taught everything that he knows (and was loved) by the old monk. He looks very demonic LMAO more than a monk, super skilled, known for his magic eyes, and he kidnaps Xiao Se and Lei Wujie to be his companions, has a bit of daddy issues too and a lot of pent up anger from when he was younger, but also like super zen at times, and then flippant at other times
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Lei Wujie: Dumb husky or golden retriever. Very skilled, pure-hearted, but still very young. SO DAMN FUNNY!!! 
Why You Should Watch This:
1. Possible bromance between Wu Xin and Xiao Se - So far they’ve been very brotherhood but I expect that all to change soon, their first meeting is hilarious af this is the first thing they say to each other, when Wu Xin asked if Xiao Se would accompany him to place and bro went “No wtf”
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I mean look at how demonic and slutty Wu Xin is with his eyes and that jawline and see how close they sitting to each other even though Xiao Se is like get-away-from-me
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GUYS WE REALY DO GET BROMANCE!!! HAHAHAHA also i was wrong xiao se at this point isn’t the 团宠 just yet, wu xin is!!! he’s the center of attention do you know how many people ran to catch him when he fainted?!?!??!
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2. Gorgeous men and women and they all can fight and murder you with their eyes?!?!?! (There’s more than the below LIKE A LOT MORE)
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Example this dumb boy introducing his big name to everyone and then hitting his head 
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Example the whole fucking carriage has been exploded to smithereens BUT guess who is literally untouched and still in his bed?? Sleeping beauty Wu Xin
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Example Xiao Se praising how amazing Wu Xin is but then like “We’re his hostages but we’re praising him” wtf
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4. The CGI!!!! And the fighting sequences are really amazing!!!
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And lastly am I the only one thinking about Xue Xian and Xuan Min from Copper Coins!!
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Bonus! Mother Choi and Saejoong Choi designs underneath the cut!
I’ve done plenty of art for the cowboy universe in the past. But, the most we’ve seen in full body form is for Unknown and Seven. So, I figured it was high that I showed y’all the designs for everyone in Cereus. Now, I will probably post the designs for their looks after the end of that story and onward, but for right now, this was what y’all get.
Y’all know what the twins look like in this story, so let’s talk about some of the other characters.
Some of these designs aren’t a surprise, I’m sure. But, keep in mind the story is set in the mid-1890s so Yoosung has brown hair. However, he started to do his hair like Rika after her death all the same. His eye accident came from one bad dare. He took a hard tumble from a high rock and hurt himself, seemingly ruining his future until Rika pulled him from his low slump and asked him to join the bar for the time being to get back on his feet.
I, for one, love long-haired Jihyun, so this story reflects that. He keeps his hair from his face by tucking it back into a ponytail. The most distinct part of his look in this story is that his layered clothes are hiding burn scars from the fire. See, it wasn’t possible for his mom to get him out in time without major injury. His neck and back are covered in scars.
Zen is a performer. He isn’t wearing pants, those are tights, by the way. He loves the look. A corset and an open top? This man is living his best life. Gawk at him if you want, he doesn’t mind. Though, if you stared at Rika for too long and she wanted no part of that... well, good luck after his shift if he catches you. It won’t end well. The boa he wears is actually Rika’s after her death. It helps him feel a lot closer to her again.
Speaking of Rika, this is the first time I’ve drawn her in this universe. She is the ultimate performer in Jihyun’s bar and people turn heads when she walks by in any way, shape, or form. She’s confident here, only because she knows she’s a lot safer in the bar than she is anywhere else. You would never know what she’s hiding underneath her smile.
Jaehee is meant to appear unassuming in this universe. Underneath her skirt is a set of matching guns that she’s prepared to use at any moment. She was more or less trained to be capable with a gun from a young age but nobody wanted to hire her for it. So, she wound up at the bar, where Rika assured Jumin that she’d be a wonderful assistant and bodyguard. She keeps her long hair in this story as Chairman Han is hardly around for Jumin to be paranoid enough to ask Jaehee to change to avoid his nonsense.
Jumin dresses how you think he would, the only difference being that he wears a bolo tie that Jihyun got for him when they were younger. I think it’s the about the same for Vanderwood, since there isn’t much change from the original design for both of them. Still, it felt wrong to not draw them so there’s a complete set for all the characters. By I got to that point in drawing, I knew I needed to do Saejoong and Mother Choi. There isn’t much to say about Saejoong. He’s simple and this design is overall what you expect.
Mother Choi is up to my interpretation, though. The twins inherited their hair from their mother and their eyes from their father. That’s always how I’ve seen it in my head. She has wildly long hair that whips around her body when she lashes out and the memory of fiery red curls often haunts the twins more than either of the boys want to admit. She might be poor, but I added an elegant hat to show that if she gets money, she’ll always spend on herself before the boys.
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pikespendragon67 · 9 months
Well, the ParaLive anime certainly…ended
Not sure if I feel like getting screencaps so I’ll post my thoughts below
-I liked seeing Haruomi being more proactive in investigating why Paradox Live came back & him reclaiming Chisei’s medal from Scientist-kun
-The idea of Phantometals being sentient metal that could only thrive on trauma makes for some great sci-fi horror
-Episode 3’s my favorite. I’m biased towards TCW as a group as a whole, but the full episode really showed their dynamics well
-1st episode’s set up & animation was great
-I actually like the hot springs episode since that gives the characters room to breathe outside of the stage battles
-Shiki getting his own gospel part of the rap to save Kanata was nice
-On that note, Fadeaway was a great original song that worked in place of Rooftop
-Holy shit AKYR got screwed over hard in terms of story. I think the member with the most development was Satsuki. Iori could’ve also investigated behind the scenes with Zen and that would be how they found out about Shura. They even had a repeat of their main dance sequence. Poor guys. I appreciate more Hokusai screen time but him just telling important moments could’ve been better presented
-Yeaaaaaaaah the 3D animation definitely downgraded after episode 1. I was willing to look past TCW’s for, again, bias, but every group aside from BAE felt stiff. I know the focus is their Phantometal illusions & raps, but I feel like they could’ve used the music video visuals as reference. Episode 12’s was just wonky
-Scientist-kun as I call him I felt had promise as a villain but he went nowhere. If he was going for the benevolent savior route a la Maruki I could understand why he’d want to “become one” and forget all traumas. Or if he was batshit insane and thought that trauma powered Phantometal could act as an energy source. That could’ve worked in the Yeon Conglomerate’s favor, and they could get trauma easily through a group like the Suiseki. Hell if he turned out to be Chisei trying to bring back the old days that would’ve been great for the endinf!
-so. nayuta was in a coma but then just. popped up at the end. He did that in the audio dramas, sure, but I was kinda hoping Shura would bust in and save him
-aside from shiki we never got TCW’s traumas did we. Or Zen’s.
-I feel like this adaptation should’ve either stayed completely faithful to the audio dramas (probably have an OC that’s like an interviewer to act as the surrogate audience) or did their own thing entirely. They tried to mix both and it felt jumbled/rushed as a result. Granted, can’t expect 24 episodes in 1 season these days, unless we’re REALLY lucky, but I would’ve had like 3 episodes dedicated to each group with some sprinklings of lore in the background myself. 1 episode to introduce the group, and 2 episodes for their stage battles (with possibly in between times to show the inner workings of AT)
-And now for the elephant in the room: boy howdy was this BAE focused way too much! Specifically Allen. Again I know we need a lead, but lessons were recycled because of this focus and it felt silly at the end to rap at blob Kanata. like sir as a distinguished fan of hip-hop how do you not know what trap music is
Overall I know for a fact if a season 2 is made that the new groups are going to be screwed over big time in spite of 1NM8 being relevant for AT, Amprule for BAE, and GokuLuck being in the finals for Road to Legend!!!!!!!!
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sabraeal · 1 year
All That Remains, Chapter 12: The Prince and the Princess [Part 2]
[Read on AO3]
Obiyukiweek 2023, Day 3: Declaration
Also written for @lusakina, who has created a Fell Birthday Wish Bargain with Jordan, so that one of them always gets D&R, and the other always gets this, and thus they can trust that they will regularly get their favorite fluff and favorite angst in short order. Which has paid off doubly this year, since the stars aligned and both their requests worked for Obiyukiweek, and thus their fluff & angst combo is back to back!
Once upon a time, there was a little girl.
Ah, but that is how stories begin, isn’t it? A girl, a boy, a prince, a witch, a troll with its mirror; a person, their decisive trait, the inciting event. A simple call that we rise to answer, a familiar tune that entices us to listen to the refrain.
But this story has already had its start. The journey is long underway, filled with high and lows, reversals and betrayals. This girl has had all the disappointments of a thousand lifetimes in but a single step, and yet, yet—
Her story is not yet done. Oh no, not nearly.
This is not how the story starts, but how it continues; how it makes miles into inches, and months to moments. How it turns interminable nights with doubt nibbling at the shadows into but a breath:
The girl walks for days and nights, with only her snowdrop for company.
The girl walks for days and nights with only her snowdrop for company. For as much courage as that delicate stem imparts wrapped around the shell the of her ear, the little flower is a poor conversationalist, not much given to the small talk the others in the garden had been. There are none of the tiger lily boasts or the babble of baby’s breath, but merely a comfortable silence, a knowing that if the girl spoke into the empty air, she would be heard, if not answered.
It is a comfort, one of her few now that summer’s bounty has long given way to autumn, and her precious shoes are long behind her. Mud squelches between her toes more often than not, cold as the dew that drips from the forest’s canopy. But she cannot stop, not while her boy might breathe. Not while she might yet be able to clutch his hands in hers and ask him to help tend their roses.
The only rests she allows herself are those to sleep and eat, though more and more often she finds her dinner on tree branches and on late-bearing bushes or hidden down between tree roots. There’s no need to stop then, to lose more time than the picking, but one day—
One day, the skies open, and the snowdrop’s dire prediction of thunder or snow sends her scurrying toward a cave’s mouth, lost beneath the scrub. She crawls inside, dry if not precisely warm, and chooses to wait out the storm.
It is pure chance that she is not the only one.
Despite her tutors’ high hopes, Shirayuki had never become the great appreciator of art that they seemed to expect from a princess. Even with every inch of the royal palace swathed in the country’s greatest works, the only commentary she could summon up when prompted was, it’s pretty. Or worse, I think I like it?
She had grown used to the rictus of Haki’s polite smile, all signs of pleasure dying as she offered her unsuitable assessments. It’s not about the quality of the art, the consort had tried to explain, too many times to count, it’s about how it moves you. About what it means.
Haruka might have huffed, might have made his disappointment known by the curve of his mouth and the clench in his knitted fingers, but he would at least pause as they passed, raising a hand to not quite brush over a haloed figure. This would be Adam, first of the Wisteria line— with a squint, she could see it the nose that would eventually smooth into Zen’s, and the cheekbones Izana would wear so proudly— painted as the sun god, breaking through the clouds. It’s an allusion to the way he wrested the power of the kingship from the previous dynasty, whose device was lightning descending from a cloud. Their divine right came from the claim of kinship with the sky god, who would throw bolts from his heavenly seat to punish the unworthy.
The lesson had been but a few moments, an aside while moving between more important topics, but for the first time, she understood why Zen had called him his favorite tutor, why he had said that prowling through the galleries beside his even strides had been one of the only good parts of rainy days. The marquis would never be emotive, but this talk made him animated, less an unforgiving edifice and more a man. She’d almost dare to call him approachable.
So it’s a…painting we like? She’d dared a quick glance at him, searching for some sign of approval. A good one?
His shoulders heaved with his sigh, but still, he nodded too. Yes, a good one.
And yet, when she sees that trailing tail on the water and the slender body that precedes it, rising from the depths of the pool with the same smile as a snake gives its prey, her only thought is of the fresco in the front hall. Nymphs, Zen had explained once, blushing; sirens, Haruka had corrected later with an awkward cough, meant to recall the hundred daughters sent to the third king of the Wisterias, tempting him to name a queen among them.
But it’s not a potential queen that prowls toward her now, sliding right up beside her, one arm pressed against the tile to hold her steady. “Come here often, Little Miss?”
“Um…?” Shirayuki’s never been one to be good with faces, let alone names— that had always been Obi’s forte. Just one of the many services I provide, Miss, he’d tell her, grin honed to a gleaming edge, I’ll remember your grudges good enough for both of us. And yet, there’s something about this woman, a familiarity in the way she moves, in the precise slant her smirk takes. “No, not really…?”
“Shirayuki?” There’s not so much as a ripple as Kiki cuts through the steam, her damp hair clinging to her shoulders and back, floating where it meets the water. The light casts her in shadow and sepia,  and oh, if only that fresco painter still lived, he would itch to commit her to plaster as well, nymph or siren or seamaid. “Are you all right?”
“Oh, Kiki!” She bobs higher in the pool, water splashing over her siren. “Ah, yes, I’m over here. Sorry, I didn’t mean to lose you.”
“It’s not your fault.” The tone is kind, but her body is tense, gaze wary where it lingers on the woman beside her. If she were some sort of sea creature, it would be one that hunted her own kind. “I shouldn’t have left you to—”
“Ah, it’s Blondie!” The siren surges out of the water, close enough that her breath stirs the hair on her neck. “And I bet when this is dry, it’s red, isn’t it, Little Lady?”
Kiki rises out of the water, no longer a nymph or seamaid but a goddess, blinding where the light halos around her. Limned as she is, Shirayuki sees the moment her jaw clenches, hand dropping to her hip only to find it bare. “And who are—?”
“Wait.” The woman’s eyes are wide enough to catch the light, flashing like two golden coins, and oh, there’s only one other person with a color like that. “You’re Obi’s friend. Torou!”
A great crow swoops down, settling on a stone scattered on the cave floor, just across from her. She thinks nothing of it, not at all, until it winks.
Caw, caw, it says, and because she is yet a child, and a child does not yet know what she should understand and what she should not, she hears it as, “Good day, good day, little one! What brings you here?”
Careful, the snowdrop whispers in her ear, always wary. Crows are tricksters and worse.
Were she a woman grown, the warning might spook her, might convince her to turn her shoulder and forget this crow-speak entirely. But she is yet a little girl, and children are the most accomplished tricksters of all.
“I am looking for a boy,” she says. “Have you seen him?”
“Well.” There’s a flutter of eyelashes before Torou moves, her sudden stillness all turned to a sinuous slink. “That’s putting it a little strong, but sure. We’re friendly.”
“Torou.” Kiki tries the name on her tongue, but no familiarity lights on her face, even if her shoulders do ease. “Strange that we meet you here. Again.”
“Not so strange, Blondie.” They may not be friends— Obi had begrudgingly called her a colleague, when pressed— but her mouth slants, so like Obi’s it makes her breath catch. “Last time we stumbled onto each other, you were coming from Tanbarun while I was going to. And this time, well…” Both her brows arch, too innocent. “Looks like we both might be heading toward.”
Shirayuki’s heart flutters in her throat, fear spiking through her like a rabbit with a fox outside it’s den, but Kiki’s face might well be made of marble for how little it gives away. “How do you figure that?”
Torou tips her head, smile spreading like butter in a hot pan. “Where else is a lady knight going to take a runaway princess?”
It happens between one blink and the next.
Kiki stands still as a statue, bath lapping around at waist, the dim light turning her skin from flesh to stone, a masterpiece so perfect it would make Viande’s masters despair. Water pools in the round of her belly button, winking in the light, and— and it’s a small detail to catch on, but Kiki is so rarely vulnerable like this. Even without leather and steel, she is armored by her station, by the prestige of Seiran, but now—
Now she lacks both, all of it left behind with her duties in Wistal. Because of her.
Salt burns, right at the corner of her eyes, threatening to let more than just a drop squeeze from them. Shirayuki ducks her head, trying to settle the sting with just a small flutter or two, but there’s a splash, hard enough that the water rolls up over her shoulders, and when she looks up—
Kiki has a knee pressed between Torou’s thighs, lips strung around her teeth in a snarl so fierce Izana’s best hounds would quiver.
“Just where,” she growls. “Did you hear that?”
It is so easy for a little girl to trust a crow, is it not? For her to simply ask what she needs, with not the slightest hint of fear. A trickster he may be, but there is little danger while she is healthy and hale, and he so much smaller than she. Were he to cross her, she could simply catch her neck between her two hands and twist. Not a thought that occupies the little girl’s mind, of course, but surely it passes through the crow’s, the complex calculation of all smaller, weaker things that must share their path creatures who smile with sharp teeth.
Perhaps it would be different if it were a snake, or a tiger. If there were some way for harm to come to her, perhaps the little girl might not trust so easily, not so soon after she had escaped from the sorceress who had twisted her will to adorn her garden.
Ah, but no, not our little girl. She would refuse to let her heart to be trampled, to walk around wounded and bleeding and call it strength. To close herself off from the crows and tiger and snakes and sorceresses because they might bite or peck or bend her to their will.
So often we would call that foolish. A sign of a soft thing not ready to face the harshness of the world. A child that needed to be protected, lest she hurt herself.
And surely, you will find, her snowdrop agrees.
It was impossible to live in Wistal and not know of Kiki’s skill. The guardsmen used to line up when she was in the yard, waiting their turn to take on the indomitable heir of Seiran. Shirayuki had seen it more than a few times passing from the pharmacy yo the main palace; men twice her size would charge at her, voices raised to a battle cry, and Kiki would dispatch them without a hint of sweat beading her brow, one right after the other.
Miss Kiki might look like a princess, Obi told her once after Sereg, steam curling up from his mug, but if I had to face either her or Sir in a real fight, I’d take the big guy every time.
Because he’s bigger?Slower, is what she meant, but it felt cruel to call Mitsuhide that when both Zen and Obi had done it more than enough over Kiki’s recent engagement.
That, he allowed with a shrug, but also… He smiles, like a throat around a knife. Sir wouldn’t be fighting to kill.
Kiki was lethal, that’s what he meant to say. And she’d understood that, the same way a man might know it’s dog could kill, given the reason. But it’s not until now, when Torou turns her head and the light glints along the flat of a small blade, pressed intimately across her neck, that Shirayuki realizes: she’s dangerous, too.
“Kiki…” It’s mean to be a warning, a plea, but it’s a squeak, the whole world feeling as if it’s escaped its moorings. “Don’t…”
“My, my.” Torou’s laugh is as languid as the stretch of her limbs. “Now you got me wondering where you had that one squirreled away, Blondie.” Her finger traces over the knob of Kiki’s wrist, suggestive. “Maybe even what else you got hidden up there too.”
Kiki huffs, one corner of her mouth tugging up her cheek. “Thought you said you didn’t like the dangerous ones.”
Her smile hones as sharp as the knife at her throat. “Oh, honey, you should know by now…I lied.”
A thin line of red beads where metal meets flesh. “I would not suggest doing that with me.”
Shirayuki is close enough to catch the hitch of Torou’s breath, to see the thin sheen of fear stretch across the gold field of her eyes before it fades into bravado. “Boo,” she groans, “you’re just as boring as I remember, Blondie.”
“You wouldn’t like me to get interesting.” There’s not a trace of humor when Kiki says, “Now answer the question. How did you know?”
Torou heaves a sigh so heavy her eyes roll too. “Oh please, like anyone between Yuris and Wirant hasn’t heard about the Second Prince’s wayward little wife-to-be. Doesn’t take a genius to see a red head and the heir to Seiran and do the math.”
Kiki’s grip slackens on the hilt of her knife, her eyes uncertain as they dart toward Shirayuki, a question that she doesn’t even begin to have the answer for. Torou, as sharp as Obi ever was, doesn’t miss it.
“Listen, Blondie.” Her slender fingers fold neatly over the arm at her throat like tiger stripes. “I got a head up because I know who Nan— Obi hung around. None these peddlers and pilgrims are gonna know a lady from the louse, let alone think they’re breaking bread with someone who might’ve been a Highness. And I’m sure not going to be the one letting them know any different.”
The tension spills out of Kiki between one sigh and the next. “All right. I’ll believe you.” Water sloshes as she pulls black, knife disappearing beneath the surface. “Don’t make me regret it.”
“Yeah, yeah, or you’ll make sure I do.” Torou rubs a hand over her throat, palm coming away smeared. “Heard it. Now that we’ve got the small talk out of the way, tell me…”
She leans in, smile all mischief. “Where’s tall, dumb and handsome? Gotta say my bed’s been a little cold lately, wouldn’t mind a big guy like that to warm it up for me.”
Shirayuki doesn’t realize she’s gaping until water laps over her teeth, rousing her enough to gasp, “You mean, Mitsuhide?”
“Oh, is that his name? Yeah,” she sighs, wistful. “Mitsuhide. That’d sound all nice wrapped up in a moan, wouldn’t it?”
Kiki folds her arms under chest, mouth twitching. “He’s engaged.”
“That so?” A plucked brows quirks with her grin. “Well, I can work with that. Engaged isn’t married, after all. Wouldn’t be the first guy I’ve had one last hurrah with before he clamps on the old ball and chain.”
There’s a shift in the water, one that starts from where Kiki stands and ripples out; Shirayuki stiffens, sure that she’ll see metal flash and blood drip along its edge, but instead—
Instead, Kiki laughs. Loud enough it echoes off the rafters, filling the whole space like church bells. “I would love,” she hums, “to see you try it.”
“You know,” Torou grouses, shoving her head through the collar of her dress. It’s an effort, with all that hair. “That’s when most women bring out the knife.”
“Really?” Kiki shifts back on her hips, utterly casual where she leans against the wall of their room. Dinner steams on the table where the innkeeper’s wife left it: three bowls of stew and hearty bread, though Shirayuki’s the only one who has bothered to sit herself in front of it. “I think it would be entertaining. Haven’t seen him try to climb out of his own skin like that in years.”
Shirayuki could count on her hand the number of times she’d seen Obi blush; whether it was natural inclination or the cast of his skin, she couldn’t say, but his embarrassment almost never showed itself on his cheeks or the tips of his ears, but in the hunch of his back or the set of his jaw. It’s what Torou does now, the sharp angles of her shoulders forming pickets up around her ears.
“So the magic is gone, is it?” Torou mutters into her shoulder, pouting like a scolded child. “Sorry for you princess. Shoulda known that sort of thing never outlasts the happy ending.”
A corner of Kiki’s mouth hooks into a grin so sly Shirayuki finds herself blushing. “Far from it. Just found better things to wrap my hands around.”
Gold flashes, molten and curious, before Torou sashays over to where Kiki leans, hair trailing water where she walked. “Well, maybe if he’s not one to be tempted, you might be…eh, my lady?”
Her purr sets Shirayuki’s skin tingling, but even a hefty application of batting lashes doesn’t move Kiki to more than a snort. “Pass.”
“Ugh.” Torou tosses herself into the nearest chair, ladder back knocking into Shirayuki, setting a small spray of stew across the table. “You really are no fun, Blondie.”
That only hones Kiki’s smile to a point, like the dagger Obi showed her once, meant to slip between armored places. A stilletto, he called it. Viandese. “I’m sure you’ll learn to live with the disappointment.”
Her eyes roll, smooth as coins along cobble. “I’ll never understand what Nanaki saw in the lot of you. Maybe job security or something just as boring. How he didn’t just up and die from the lack of fun, I can’t—”
It’s not until Torou’s wrist sits clenched between her fingers, pulse fluttering against her fingertips, that Shirayuki even realizes she’s spoken. Her voice is raw where it scraped its way out, hope digging its claws deep into her throat.
He was seen leaving with a woman, my lady. The lamps had carved deeps shadows across Kai’s face, his sweet face grim, but—but—
“Obi,” she gasps. “Is he with you?”
There can’t be more than a breath between the ask and the answer, but time bends once her lips wrap around that final rise, running honey-slow, so viscous she swears she can feel it stretch against her skin. Torou’s eyes round, jaw going slack, and oh, there’s time enough for her to count the muscles that contort to make it so, for her to see the words etched in gold before flesh could form them.
“Him?” That narrow wrist breaks her hold as if it were wet paper, cradling against the the valley of Torou’s chest. “No. He’s done with me, he said, and I don’t come crawling to any man, let alone that one.”
“But you’ve seen him.” Her fingers itch to bury themselves in that dress, to hold her only lead in her grasp and simply shake until answers come out. “Recently? If he told you—?”
“That was years ago. You were there. Well” —her head tilts, one way and then the other, indecisive— “in the next room over. After what happened at the manor, he didn’t want me ruining his new gig. Gave me the big kiss off. No actual kisses,” she clarifies, at Kiki’s inquisitive brow. “But you know. It’s been real. Have a nice life. Don’t try to find me or I’ll kill you. That sort of thing.”
Kiki’s mouth twitches. “Touching.”
“But Kai said…” There’s not enough air for her to speak, not at anything more than a whisper. “They had said he left with a woman. If it isn’t you, then…?”
When Torou looks down at her, there is pity in her eyes, so heavy she thinks she would stumble under it, were she on her feet. “I haven’t seen him,” she admits, more gentle than Shirayuki ever thought she could speak. “But I….I think I know someone who has.”
My wings take me far and wide, little girl, far and wide, the crow says, a showman among birds. Look at them and you can see how strong they are, how long. Why if you were a grub or a louse or even a little mouse they might blot out the sky when I fly overhead, and you’d feel a little tremble in your knees and a little water in your belly.
She asked, the snowdrop says, its little voice fierce, whether you’d seen her boy.
I’ve been to all sort of places, all sorts. His spindly crow legs pace over the stone, tack-tack-tack, undaunted by the sternness of a small flower. Here, there, and everywhere, more places than you’ve ever heard of, and even more you’ve never dreamed! Well traveled, that’s what I am, little girl, that’s what I am, so if I haven’t seen it, it can’t be anywhere meant to be found.
But my boy, our little girl presses, heart so far up her throat she could have coughed it into her hands. Might have too, if she thought giving it away might help her. You must have seen him too.
I’ve seen all that’s to be seen under the sun, he tells her, but with one great ruffle of his feathers, he deflates. But I haven’t seen a boy like yours.
Hope crumbles in her hands the way ill-baked cakes would, dry and grainy and unpleasant, leaving nothing to her but crumbs and a sandy taste in her mouth. Would that she have never asked, she might have held on to it a while longer, might have trudged on thinking that she could hold him once again, but—
But perhaps, the crow says, a twinkle in his beady eye, I know someone who has.
Kiki's face is as still as a death mask, her hand absently reaching at an empty hip. “Who—?”
“How?” Shirayuki doesn’t so much speak the word as it shivers out, so delicate a breath could scuttle it to the four winds. “Where?”
“Tanbarun.” A shoulder lifts, the wide neck of Torou’s dress slipping off it. “In the castle.”
“The castle…?” she echoes. “Why…?”
Miss. It’s a puff in the air, a warning that soon Lilias will give up this tenuous summer for autumn. Shirayuki turns anyway, eyes slipping from the burning horizon to trace Obi’s silhouette in the fading light. If this all doesn’t work out…
You mean the Phostyrias? They’re so close now; even in the gloaming, the road to Wirant glimmers, lit as bright as day in the darkest night. Another year and Oriold will shine just the same. I suppose we’d have to go back and look at our notes, see if there’s a more likely hybrid would could pursue. This one appears to be hearty enough, and without any of the orimmalys’s poison, but there were quite a few promising lines to choose from.
Miss. There’s a smile in his voice, as fond as the warmth in her chest that answers it. That’s not what I meant.
Oh. Shadows hang heavy from his brow, clinging close to the curve of his cheekbone, and it makes it harder to see the question in his eyes, to divine just what he’s trying to ask. You mean if the whole project was scuttled?
An uncomfortable possibility to ponder; she’s spent so much of her tenure on coaxing sprouts to grow, on convincing stone and seed to graft, that starting over would be daunting, to say the least.
Well, there’s any number of labs here that might be happy to have an extra set of hands, she allows. Or maybe I might help Yuzuri in the green houses before trying my hand at my own—
That’s not what I meant either. Trust me, Miss, Obi says, entirely too amused. I know you could find work anywhere. The problem is stopping you.
He shifts, the shadows swallowing him until only the shape of him remains. I meant, if this whole thing with Master doesn’t work out. If you do all this and Elder Highness gives you a polite shoo out the window. Where do we go if…?
Her breath catches. You mean if I…?
If she stops being a curiosity, and starts being inconvenient. That’s what he means. If Izana can’t be trusted to keep his word.
Tanbarun. It’s not until she says it that she’s knows it’s true. It’s my…it used to be my home.
He’s silent for a long moment. Well, he snorts, I suppose it’s not like Prince Raj is going to ask you to marry him a second time…
“The real question,” Kiki hums, unimpressed, “is what were you doing there?”
Torou lifts her chin, curling a hand beneath it. “I already said I wasn’t. I just know someone who saw him there.”
“You know someone who was in the castle.” It’s not a question, not from Kiki. Oh no, it’s a statement, so full of doubt it nearly drips. “Someone who also just happens to know who Obi looks like. And we’re supposed to…?”
Believe that, she doesn’t say, but the implication hangs heavy enough.
“Hey, my source is legitimate.” A bejeweled hand flutters in the air, pressing tight over Torou’s heart. “He’s supposed to be there.”
One elegant eyebrow arches, matching Kiki’s tone as she asks, “And just how did you come across this…source?”
“Why, he’s my sweetheart,” Torou tells her smugly, both her eyebrows waggling. “One of the prince’s men, works right in the castle. And the last time we had a little rendezvous, he told me that he saw Obi himself, strutting right through the royal hallways without so much as a slouch.”
My little crow wife. The crow puffs proudly, as if that were an accomplishment in itself. The little girl didn’t know much about crows and how they lived; perhaps it was. She lives inside the castle’s rookery, the best of His Majesty’s messengers, that’s what they say. No one can fly as high or as fast as my little wife! The king himself asks for her by name.
But what, our little girl rasps, does this have to do with my boy.
Everything, he quarks, because my fast and tidy little wife told me not a week past she saw a boy, just like yours. Dressed as fine as a dandy, sweeping bows and calling to his betters. An impressive sounding boy, one of the finest feather.
But how can that be? Her fingers brush over the snowdrop’s petals. Her boy is a good one, a fine one, that is true, but to think of him in silks and cambric, to think of him with fine manners and a great bearing— a season cannot be enough to wrought such changes. He is no fine knight or lord, he is just my boy.
Are you sure of that? The crow cocks his small head, curious. Surely a boy that belongs to so discerning and worldly a girl would be worthy of prizes and titles aplenty.
The girl frowns at that. She was not so discerning a girl before she was taken in by the sorceress and her garden. She was not so worldly before she traveled so much of it.
Perhaps, the crow muses, he only needed a little polishing. Perhaps— his beady eyes sparkle, full of mischief— he only needed a little push.
A push? Her small mouth purses in a pout. But what could have pushed him?
Are you sure you care to know? the crow asks archly, a sly shine to his clever beak.
I do. They were so happy, after all, with their windows that called across from each other, with their little roses both their hands tended. At least, that is always what the little girl had thought. I do.
Then I can tell you, he says, magnanimous. He has forgotten you for a princess.
Rain patters against the glass, a lulling rhythm, if Shirayuki were in any mood to allow herself to be lulled. Instead she twists on her pillow, a groan stifled in the down, thoughts refusing to settle. It’s the most comfortable bed she’s had in weeks, and the softest she’s like to see for many more, and yet, yet—
“There’s a catch,” Kiki grunts, cold and stiff beside her. “There’s always a catch with people like that. She wouldn’t give us what we want for free.”
“But…” Her lips press together, steadying. “It’s the best lead we have.”
The only lead, really, but there’s no need to say it, not when Kiki is already sighing, resigned. “It could lose us days if she’s spinning us some yarn. Weeks, even, if he never even came this way.”
“I’ve already lost us more than that,” she murmurs, barely able to bring her voice louder than a whisper. “The trail’s already gone cold. If only we’d gone last summer, then maybe…”
Maybe we would have a chance. Shirayuki bites her cheek to keep from saying it. Kiki stiffens anyway.
“All right,” she says after a long moment. “It’s up to you.”
Shirayuki stares at the back of her head. “It is?”
“I’ve already not listened to you once.” Kiki shifts, just enough that their eyes meet. “I don’t mean to make the same mistake again. Even if it might lead us on a fool’s errand.”
It is hard for us to understand, is it not? To choose to keep our hearts as open as our eyes, to walk willingly into hardship. Would we dare the world to do its worst so soon after feeling its lash? To say, it is not what you do to me that makes me, but what I allow myself to be.
Perhaps that is why stories choose them. Or rather, why we choose to tell their stories. We are so different from these little girls, these children with their hearts on their sleeves and their soft flesh bared to the world. We long to be them once again, to trust in our story—
No, to trust in ourselves. To once again believe that should we fall, we will be able to stand up once again. To accept that, so often, we must be enough, all on our own.
How hard it is to take that leap. How unfair it is that so often, we must.
Few decisions are ever made well in the small hours of the morning; there is something about the lack of light that makes desperation run long in the tooth, that makes those few hours until sunrise feel like an hourglass dripping life’s blood. Shirayuki knows this, resolves in those few moments between when the room falls silent and when Kiki’s breath gives way to sleep to wait until morning to choose. But—
But, well, sleep has never come easy. And without Obi…
Ah, she can’t remember the last time she’s had a good night’s rest. Even in the palace, a soft mattress and cool sheets could never calm the racing of her mind.
Her feet swing down to the floor, breath hissing when she finds how the night’s chill has settled into the boards. But still, she stands, pausing only to light a candle before she pads down the hall. It’s quiet there, still in the way the dormitories were when she stumbled back late from the lab, only Obi’s hand on her back to keep her upright. And yet—
Yet she doesn’t hesitate to knock at Torou’s door. It’s possible she could be abed; that’s where she should be, after all. But after an evening of lop-sided smiles and one-shouldered shrugs, Shirayuki doubts that this is where Obi and his friend might differ.
There’s no answer. Still, she tries again. It takes at least three for Obi to answer for a stranger, and if Torou has a special knock to bypass the hassle, Shirayuki hardly knows it.
On her third knock, she simply tries the door. It’s unlocked, opening easy under her hands, and when she steps in—
Ah, there’s a knife at her neck. A sharper one than Kiki keeps.
“Oh,” Torou sighs, slipping in back into her boot. “It’s just you.”
She tromps back to where she’d been sitting, a deck of cards dealt out for two hands. As a daughter of a bar— granddaughter, Obi’s so quick to tease— she knows more than her fair share of games, but this one escapes even her.
“So,” she drawls, picking up a card. “What brings you my way? Must be something for you to slip the leash like that. Hate to think what Blondie’ll do if she finds her little princess has wandered off on her.”
Hurry up, she’s telling her, and oh, she’d had her whole speech planned from the moment she walked in the door, a tidy thing that would lay out expectations. Boundaries. Guidelines. But now—
Now she just shuffles at the threshold, fingers lacing and unraveling as if that might help her string her thoughts together. It, unfortunately, does not. “I…um…”
Torou glances up, incredulous. “You’re not my type,” she reminds her, “so don’t think you can stick around.”
“No, I wasn’t— that’s not what I’m here for.” Shirayuki clears her throats, letting the vibration order her thoughts. “I just want to…to say…”
Will you take me there? the little girl asks. I must see him myself.
It is very easy to ask that, the crow tells her, more gently than he is wont. But it is much harder to do. Are you ready for that— for it to be hard?
The little girl plants her feet, bare on the stony cave floor, and meets that beady gaze. Yes.
“Great,” Torou hums, setting her cards aside. “I’ll send word that my sweetheart should expect us. I'm sure" --her smile stretches until it's all teeth-- "that he'll be thrilled.
18 notes · View notes
moth--blood · 2 years
RFA with a scenekid MC
707, yoosung kim, jumin han, zen, jaehee kang
Tumblr media
absolutely loves your style
lets you set up a work area by his desk for your jewelry / DIY projects!
not a huge fan of stepping on loose beads but hey, there's worse things to step on
thinks it's so interesting if you make kandi with can tabs or toys, or just general jewelry with stuff you find in the house. he admires all the creativity that goes into your projects
if you make clothes/masks with beads he is always so proud of you and the results, even if they're not as expected. he voices that very loudly; you're his 606, of course he's proud of your work!
if saeyoung has a lot of agency work, and you have unfinished projects, his favorite thing is both of you working in silence on your own projects, just enjoying the others presence. you being around always helps him focus and if its the same for you, he's more than happy to sit with you while you work
LOVES your music taste, especially if it's more electro
if you make him anything, jewelry or otherwise, he will 100% tear up and wear/use/show it off forever. he adores whatever you give him, regardless of what it is.
100% steals your clothes
kind of copies some of your jackets and hoodies, putting his own patches in similar places so you match (though if you do it for him he will never take it off. he's terrified of your work getting messed up if he does, so it's definitely a hassle cleaning it)
his apartment's not all that big, so you both manage to do your own things or work together on projects in his bedroom. when it's not being used, he'll let you stack bead boxes and supplies on his PC (though they will quickly get ((gently)) discarded to the floor when he decides its LOLOL time)
more a fan of "quieter" scene music, though he can absolutely get behind some hyperpop or nightcore
if you make him anything (and i mean anything) he will cry, on the spot, and keep it forever. if it breaks, or tears, he'll put it on his desk and refuse to touch it until you can fix it (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) poor boy feels awful even if its just string snapping from being worn too much
definitely tries his hand at Kandi making for a few months and ultimately lets it fade out like the majority of his intrests
not a giant fan of the music but he admires the effort you put into your projects
will beg you and beg you to make Elizabeth accessories, and after that it's
"well, she can't be alone, we should have matching bracelets - and colar, in her case - with Elizabeth. ....we should have matching ones, can we have matching ones (Y/N)?"
he will wear it everywhere and shows it to his dad all excited once you make them
"look at what my lovely (husband/wife/spouse) made us, they're very talented. Elizabeth has one too."
always adores anything you give him, no matter how small; it's still a gift, and he cherishes them
gives you a whole room in the penthouse for your work!
he sets it up while you're off with Jaehee or another RFA member, making sure to add posters from your favorite games/shows/movies/ext. he blows so much money on the set-up and is so pleased with himself when he gets your reaction
always makes an effort to resupply anything you're running low on, asked or not.
if you diy any clothes for him he will wear them out, reputation be damned
tries getting you to sell (or at least promote, c'mon y/n) your work at the RFA Parties with V's pictures
has never seen an episode of Invader Zim in his life, probably never will unless you ask, but he thinks gir is cute.
this just in jumin han is a Gir enjoyer
like seven, enjoys the more electro side of your music tastes
",,,,if i can ask, can you make me something related to this play zen was in--" his biggest fan even through your work lmao
if you diy her any clothes, those are now her favorite home/sleep clothes
same with jewelry, though she'll find a way to incorporate those into her work outfits so she can subtly show them off
just like the others, admires all of your work every single time. kandi single? "that's so nice, (Y/N)! I love the colors" kandi cuff? "that's very impressive! i like the patterns :)" necklace with a toy connected? pearler? your spin on toy jewelry from a game you had as a kid? doesn't matter, she looks at all of your projects as a whole play of their own. she loves hearing the inspiration behind each peace
her favorite peaces are the ones where your spiel of inspiration is something really simple, like "haha i thought this would look funky, so i made it!" like- that little bit of thought made *this*? she's amazed.
if you make pearlers or things of that nature, and give some to her, she *will* put that on her lanyard. she will find a way.
god please make him something, little as it may be, he will never take it off
he has more sense than Yoo if it's clothes, though. just "be careful, (y/n), i know you know how to do it but be careful i really like that one—"
gets all flustered the first few times you give him something you made. some part of his brain cant wrap itself around the fact not only is he with such a wonderful creative person but you're using that creativity on him, he's honored
if you send him anything revolving around "rawr, i love you in dinosaur!! x3" he will seriously start saying Rawr. he wants to tell you he loves you in any way he can, wether that be in korean, english, or dinosaur, he's doing it
he'll humor all of your music, from the most whitenoise sounding hyperpop to stuff like Hollywood Undead. more a fan of nightcore/daycore though
if you make/give him any bracelets he absolutely wears them when he's acting, modeling, performing, exct if he can. he loves showing off your work :)
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thatseventiesbitch · 11 months
WIP fic asks: 1, 10, & 12!
Thanks for the ask!
1. What are you most excited about when you start to write it/publish it?
I think I'm most excited to share it with other people! This massive thing has been living inside my head for years now, it will just be fun to have someone to share/discuss it with/see their reactions to certain plotlines after all this time.
12. How far have you planned ahead?
I have the entire story outlined - it's about 60 chapters. It's also constantly evolving/changing. As I write more, I change my mind about other parts of the story, or plotlines turn into something different than I was expecting, etc.
10. If unpublished, can you show a sneak peek of what you've written?
Below the cut 👀
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard ya,” Hyde lifted one hand off the steering wheel and waved him off. “You had a good night. Donna forgave you.” He twirled one finger around sarcastically. “And ‘round and ‘round you go.”
“Man, fuck you,” Eric scowled. “You’ve been a dick to everyone since I got here.”
“I am a dick, Forman.”
“No, you’re not.” Eric shook his head. He was studying his friend carefully now. “What is this - are you - ” he fumbled, putting his theory together. “Are you like, lashing out in pain after your divorce? Huh?” Hyde didn’t say anything, but he pressed his lips together. Eric grinned, triumphant. “That’s it, isn’t it? The poor little orphan boy lost another - ”
“Shut up, Forman.”
Something in Hyde’s tone made Eric stop. His shoulders slumped. “Sorry,” he said, after a minute.
“No, I - ” Hyde started gruffly, then cleared his throat. “I am.”
They drove in silence for a few minutes, pulling closer and closer to the airport. 
Eventually, Eric spoke again. “Is that - I mean. Is she - ” He glanced over at Hyde unsurely. “Samantha.” Eric hesitated, like he was watching for a reaction to her name, but Hyde didn’t have one. “My mom said it like, didn’t end well.”
Hyde glanced over at Eric. “Is that a question?”
“I - yeah. I mean. Are you okay?”
Hyde shrugged. “I’m fine, Forman.”
“Right. Zen.”
They’d pulled up to a stop light. Signs for the airport loomed ahead of them, directing cars to the arrival and departure lanes. Hyde turned to look at Eric, and he surprised him by sliding his sunglasses off.
“No, man. I mean, it’s really fine.” He deposited his shades into the cupholder. “And I ain’t divorced, cuz it turns out we were never technically married. Sam was a mistake - a drunken mistake - but she’s gone now. ” He grinned. “Little advice for ya, Forman - don’t start taking shots in Las Vegas. You’re gonna wind up either married, dead, or broke.”
“Right,” Eric tapped his chin sarcastically. “Well I guess when you put it that way, you really got the better end of that deal.”
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pochipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — who the boys would fall for the hardest .
#. characters! — jumin , yoosung , jihyun (v) , saeran (ray) , saeyoung (707) , hyun (zen) .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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𖦹. ━ JUMIN !!
Jumin needs both loyalty and compassion in a relationship. As someone who has been greatly impacted by disloyalty throughout his life, —Jumin seeks the love of someone who can be true to him at all times, even when things get rough. Just as well, he needs someone who can look at him and truly believe that he deserves all of the compassion he's denied himself (and subsequently others) for innumerous years. Honesty would be another key factor in the mix, as Jumin adamantly requests candid answers from those around him, not wanting their opinions to be sullied by worries that he may retaliate emotionally or out of spite. He would also be likely to give his heart to someone leaning to the introverted side due to his more reserved nature. Someone good with both problem solving and emotional regulation would be the cherry on top. Affection wise, Jumin would fall fairly quickly for someone who bounces between cuddly and needing personal space, as he's a bit like that himself, and it would likely be easier to manage expectations if his lover could relate to him in that way. When it comes to loving someone, Jumin is devoted and sincere, and would feel most comfortable in a relationship where that devotion and sincerity could be reflected back to him. Honesty is also crucial to Jumin's communication style, especially since he isn't always the best at understanding or empathizing with the emotions of others. 
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𖦹. ━ YOOSUNG !!
Yoosung is by no means picky. He doesn't have many requirements or needs and is the type of person to simply be happy that he's desired, making almost anything enough for him. Still, he wouldn't do well with a partner who was overly secretive, hiding things away from him, only giving vague answers to his questions. . . That kind of situation would turn him away quickly. Yoosung likes to be in the know, whether it's passive knowledge or active understanding. He also appreciates people who seek to understand the actions, motives, and points of view of others. As someone who tends to fluctuate between masking his feelings by being cheerful and kind and expressing his emotions perhaps too bluntly from time to time when the setting may prove to be inappropriate for such actions, Yoosung is thankful for those that don't judge him rashly and instead seek to understand his feelings. Instead of shaming him for his poor emotional regulation, Yoosung would prefer to have those around him acknowledge his mistake while also understanding his perspective. Communication is a big part of his needs, helping him to better understand what to do in the future when similar feelings bubble up inside him. Patience would likely be a good quality for Yoosung's lover as well.
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𖦹. ━ JIHYUN !!
Jihyun, who loves photography and life itself, would be best suited to an artistic/creative partner, —someone who could share in his ideas about the world. He'd love to be able to show his partner a set of photographs and explain the emotion behind them, explain what he was feeling in the moments which he took them, and have that be fully internalized for all it's truly worth. Moreover, Jihyun holds a lot of guilt, both for things he had little to no control over and things he could have done differently if he'd chosen another path. Someone compassionate and forgiving would likely be better for Jihyun in the long run, especially on the days when he feels like he's drowning in his mistakes. To the same effect, a loving person would likely prove to make Jihyun feel more secure, no matter how that love were to be expressed. He sees the value in every love language and could adapt fairly easily to any of them. Someone willing to ask what he needs at any given time is a real selling point for Jihyun as well, —even when he doesn't have the answer, just being asked means so much to him. Despite seeing the value in each love language, however, Jihyun does prefer quality time more often than not, and would be suited for a partner who could actively be sure to make time for him.
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𖦹. ━ SAERAN !!
Saeran needs a partner who is patient and willing to give him the time and space he needs to blossom. With everything that's happened in his life, Saeran has been left with many scars; —some physical, others metaphorical. Because of that, he may tend to push people away or act coldly towards those he loves, as he doesn't have another way to express his feelings. When he becomes overwhelmed, it's easier for him to put up a wall and make sure there is distance between himself and whatever is setting his heart on fire. Being patient and understanding of him is a must. Saeran wouldn't suit a pushy or overly physical partner. He much prefers someone who could either read his body language and get the hint or ask him what is suitable for certain circumstances. Just as well, Saeran would likely value a sense of wit in a lover, to make it easier to banter back and forth and not be hurt by his playful jabs that might not always come across perfectly. Moreover, Saeran can be incredibly sarcastic at times, so an overly sensitive partner may not be the best option of the bunch. Lastly, someone in it for the long haul is the preferable type for Saeran, because when he loves, he loves hard, —even if his affection tends to lean to silence.
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𖦹. ━ SAEYOUNG !!
Saeyoung is best suited to a lover with a sense of humor, —someone he can banter back and forth and be silly with at times. However, because Saeyoung often uses humor to mask his more complicated feelings, someone perceptive who could see through him sometimes would go a long way for him. He has trouble expressing himself in any deep, complicated manner because he doesn't want to burden anyone else with his feelings. For that reason, a reassuring person would be a wonderful fit for Saeyoung's overall personality. Because he is no stranger to feeling both alone and isolated, a certain level of affection would be perfect for him, especially if his lover were to ask first, just to let him know that his feelings are being taken into account at all times. Being trustworthy would also greatly help Saeyoung in bringing his walls down and allowing himself the liberty of being vulnerable. If he learns that he can trust someone with both the troubles he faces due to his line of work, as well as the issues that arise from his hard to regulate emotions, Saeyoung will naturally gravitate toward that individual for both advice and comfort. Perhaps the most important trait his partner could have is empathy. It means a lot to Saeyoung when someone looks at him as a real, genuine person with his own feelings. Sometimes, between the genius level intelligence and the mask of constant clowning, it can be easy to forget that he has feelings and troubles too. Please keep that in mind for him.
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𖦹. ━ HYUN !!
Hyun desires someone more overtly affectionate, —someone who will be happy to reciprocate his physical expressions of love. He values those that are less judgemental and more open-minded, as he's done and been involved with things in the past that he is not proud of, but wouldn't want his partner's current image of him to be sullied by who he was when he was much younger. When it comes to emotions, Hyun tends to stuff his down for a while before being honest about them, and he has a bad habit of drinking when he feels the pressure weighing on him. It would be great if his lover could encourage him to have healthier habits and even join him in doing so. Moreover, Hyun can easily match the vibe of an introverted or extroverted partner, making him the perfect candidate for an ambivert's significant other. Another crucial aspect would be actively supporting his work as an actor, —going to shows when you can, helping him run through his lines, offering criticism and praise when he asks for feedback, etc. His work is very important to him, it's an extension of himself in many ways, and his partner being sure to show him support when it's obvious he's been working incredibly hard would surely make Hyun feel genuinely loved and appreciated.
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thebarkingraccoon · 3 years
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RFA + V | Unknown react to meeting the Player behind MC.
A kinda quick head canon thing based on this: MC's Route
Premise: MC's Route resulting in you, the Player, finally seeing the characters free of the Mystic Messenger's restrictive programming. You, as you are, meet them for the first time~
(This is just for fun, bit of a fluff piece!)
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The poor boy was in a full panic.
One second MC was in front of him, the familiar sweater she wore was comforting to see.
But this person... didn't dress the same. Their hair, voice, eyes- It's all so different, so unfamiliar.
"Uh- Hi." Yoosung was screaming at himself.
I mean, his girlfriend just evaporated into code in front of him before being replaced by a complete stranger.
and all he could come up with is "um hi"
But really, what is he supposed to say?
He was a nervous wreck, his hands were shaking. What did all this mean for him, for the RFA, for you?
And just who are you?
"Yoosung..." You started, but struggled to find what to say to him. He was so anxious to ask a million questions, but he failed to realize that you are just as nervous.
While you cared for Yoosung, you knew that he didn't know you at all. He only knew MC, but she wasn't real.
You had all this time to get to know him, care for him, and while you had wished you could meet someone like him one day; you didn't expect this.
Seeing him hesitate though made it so much harder to confess face to face.
Does he still care about you, now that you're not MC? Does he feel hurt, betrayed? It wasn't your fault, you had no way of knowing all this could happen.
You clung to the hope that Yoosung would accept you for you, that all this wouldn't scare him away.
I mean, if you had just found out your boyfriend was a bunch of coding in a game, wouldn't you feel unsure about the player behind them?
Realizing that Yoosung is likely unsure about your relationship, you sigh dejectedly. You had to let him go his own way and maybe, just maybe, he'll one day be okay with all this.
You doubted it, after all, who would be?
"I'm sorry." Your eyes look anywhere but at his. Your apology catches him by surprise and his breathing stills. "I understand this... is a lot to take in. It's alright if you don't want to be with me anymore."
Yoosung's eyes widened, now seeing his silence was mistaken for doubt.
His hands grabbed your shoulders, perhaps a little rougher than he meant. Panicked, he desperately tried to explain himself.
"No! It's not that." Yoosung was starting to sweat, his heart felt like it was being twisted in his chest.
"I still love you!"
His face bloomed into a bright red, but he forced himself to keep going. "I mean, I think I do."
"If you really meant everything that you've said to me, all the things you've done-" Yoosung kind of glossed certain things. He definitely wasn't going to bring up his eye at a time like this. "It doesn't matter where you're from... or, what you are."
"I'm still just human, Yoosung..."
His blush deepened in embarrassment. How was he supposed to know that though? He shook his head so he could focus.
"You've done so much for me... I may not even be here if it weren't for you. I was struggling when I met you." Yoosung felt like he was admitting something, but he didn't want to focus on himself now. Not when you looked like you were about to cry.
"I might not know you, but I feel like I know the kind of person you are." A tentative smile spread across his face when you finally looked at him. "You cared so much for me and I want to do the same for you."
"I love you..." Yoosung glanced to the side, suddenly looking supremely embarrassed. "I, uh- I don't know your name..."
His bashfulness, the nervous and unsure smile; your Yoosung.
"Y/n. My name is Y/n."
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"It's me, Zen. I'm MC."
He was beside himself.
On one hand he had this lovely girlfriend that he adored and adored him. She was sweet, beautiful, and supportive. Literally a dream come true, he had plenty of fantasies of his perfect girlfriend.
MC had blown his dreams out of the water though. She was all that and more.
On the other hand, there was this... stranger? Standing in MC's place. Someone completely new and Zen really didn't know what this person was all about.
Sure, he wanted to be his usual flirtatious self upon meeting them.
He thinks you're attractive, but he's conflicted.
MC is his girlfriend, right? He wouldn't be unfaithful, he wouldn't flirt with a stranger knowing he was with someone.
But... you are MC...
Zen needs to sit down, he needs a few moments to come to terms with this. MC wasn't real? How does anyone just accept something like that?!
You are, of course, so worried to see him like this.
There were so few times when Zen was less than confident. Seeing him so deeply shaken by this realization made you fear for your relationship, but more important; for him.
When he sat down, he put his head in his hands. There was no doubt in his mind he loves MC and if this person really is MC, then he loves you too.
It's not that Zen is questioning his love, but rather he found MC fading away very jarring. When MC vanished he thought the worst.
Then you showed up in her place. You explained that MC is just a- what was it?- an avatar you use to communicate with him.
The hell is an avatar?
You had no issues giving him time and space. Whatever he needed! You love him, you care about how this makes him feel.
Still, it hurts to know this was causing him so much stress.
"Zen, it's still me." I just look different. You didn't want to bring attention to the differences between yourself and the MC avatar. It was hard enough as it is.
As you kneel down in front of him, you carefully reach out for him. But think twice when your hand nears his.
You both sit in silence for a few minutes, just letting Zen reconcile this crazy circumstance.
It doesn't take him very long surprisingly, as he suddenly takes a deep breath and throws his hands away from his face. The quick movement startles you and you lean away.
Then you see Zen's gentle smile and he steals one of your hands, bringing it close to him.
"I'm sorry, jagi." He began, his voice steady and quiet. "I didn't mean to make you wait."
"What-?" You were taken aback by this quick turnaround, but he didn't give you time to question it.
With a hand on your back, he pulls you into him. Just like before, he held you close. Firm, but gentle.
"It's a lot to take in," You felt him chuckle, "But I can't imagine being without you. I love you, jagiya."
Sure, it was a relief, but it still felt strange. Zen had definitely understood you and MC were, technically, the same person. Only that MC didn't exist, but the affection MC had for him still did.
That wasn't why you felt weird about it though. It's just that he seemed so shaken and then, without warning, was perfectly okay with it.
Pulling back from Zen, you can see his confused expression. It twanged a heart string, but you had to ask:
"You're... really okay with all this? I mean, I'm basically telling you that you're, ah- code and so is your world."
"And I'm from a different reality! That's a lot! It's... okay if you're not okay with it." You said it and it was the right thing to do, giving Zen this way out.
But it was totally unnecessary.
"How impressive is that?" Zen kept smiling, pulling you back until he could rest his forehead against yours. "My jagi is from another world- Oh! Tell me about your world!"
"Zen, what-?"
"Yes! There's so much, you have to tell me all of it!" Truthfully, Zen was curious.
He also felt incredible that his S/O loved him, even from another world.
he already kinda knew
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Down for the count, absolutely.
This couldn't be real, this was insane.
She'd finally lost it, huh?
Her girlfriend had just- well, whatever that was it was unnatural. MC disintegrated pretty much. There was nothing scary about it, MC warned her ahead of time it was going to happen.
But Jaehee didn't really believe her.
That is, until this new person approached her. They weren't MC but... they were. A different face, hair, body, voice. It was all so, so different.
"Jaehee..." There it was, that strangers voice. So loving and worried for her that it made her confused all over again.
"Are you okay?"
For what seemed like forever after MC disappeared, Jaehee blinked. She removed her glasses, wiped them clean, and put them back on her face.
You laughed quietly, your cheeks tingling. Her shocked face was so endearing, it made it hard to stay away.
But you had to, she needed to process on her own time.
You and Jaehee had built this cafe together. A dream come true, something life changing, and here you were; dropping another life changing thing on her head.
It felt a little selfish, but this wasn't your doing. You hadn't been in control until now.
Though you could've kept the MC avatar going, you chose to be honest with Jaehee. She didn't deserve the stress, she also didn't deserve being lied to.
It was hard to tell what the right option was, you just did what felt right. You wanted to be with Jaehee, not have that avatar separating you. Perhaps it was a little selfish, Jaehee was so happy with MC...
But it only took Jaehee drinking a tall glass of water in one gulp before she returned to you, ready.
"Are you MC?" This was the business side of Jaehee again. She was trying to be organized about this craziness and she had just the way to do it.
"Uh- yes..." You shrugged, "But my name is Y/n."
She nodded, calm. "Y/n." Your name fit you, she liked it immediately. "Will you explain it to me? Everything?"
That was a big ask.
It wouldn't be easy working through it, but you tried your best anyways.
Jaehee wanted to understand, she asked you to help her; how could you say no?
So you both talked through the night with very few interruptions from Jaehee. She usually just asked a few simple questions between your long winded descriptions.
Where are you from?
What about your family?
How come you didn't mention this before?
Why now?
What is your world like?
The questions kept coming and she kept logging down every bit of information she could until she finally felt like she got it.
As complicated as it was, Jaehee wasn't going to judge you based on your answers.
Eventually, the sun rose and you realize you had been speaking all night.
Before you knew it, Jaehee got up and started to return to work.
Confused, you followed her while studying her face. She didn't look angry, upset, or... well, anything other than tired. You were up all night.
You finally stopped, desperate to find out what she thought, she turned to you and said;
"You're still MC, right?"
"Then what's there to worry about?" Then she smiled, returning to work.
Jaehee was practical.
There wasn't anything else she wanted in this life. So long as she had you and the cafe; she's happy.
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This was... so far beyond him. He didn't understand a lick of it, so much flew over his head in the first few seconds that he eventually just checked out while he witnessed MC leave.
Well, MC left but she was still here.
Or, more specifically, you were. MC, the avatar, was gone for the time being allowing Jumin to see you and only you, in her place.
At first, he didn't hear anything you said.
Then, he heard everything but didn't comprehend it.
Now, he just really wants to know if you're okay.
His wife just vanished and now there's a stranger claiming to be her. You explained it before you removed the MC avatar, but that barely did anything to help Jumin connect the dots here.
He understood and he didn't at the same time.
"Are you..." Jumin Han actually had to clear his throat, excusing himself as he gathered his composure again. "Are you alright, like that?"
Not exactly what you expected. "Like what?" You looked down at yourself, but saw nothing out of place.
"MC. The woman." It came out a little quiet. Jumin felt remarkably uncomfortable describing his wife like this.
Oh. "Are you asking if it... hurts me to control her?"
Jumin just nodded once.
"No, MC is just an avatar. She does whatever I tell her to do or say." You already explained this bit, but you anticipated not all of it would get through the first time. "I'm still MC, I just don't look like her."
Faintly, Jumin's eyes narrowed. Just enough for you to notice and cringe under his critical gaze.
Jumin was rather intimidating in person.
"You... are not my wife."
Man, that didn't feel great.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Y/n." You figured being straight and quick was the best way to go. Jumin was a very curt man after all.
He looked away from you, eyes closing in thought. There was so much to consider, but he opted to ignore most of it. He knew himself well enough to know he'd need more time and a lot deeper explanation before he grasped it.
Instead, he took a few long strides towards you before stopping in front of you.
Seeing him approach with such a stern expression caused you to lean back, resisting the urge to step away.
You loved and trusted Jumin, but seeing him like this was difficult.
"It won't look good in public if I'm seen sharing my private home with another person."
That... was a good point. People would assume he's having an affair or, at the very least, ask where MC went.
"Can you make her appear when you want?"
Nodding quickly, you answered. "I just wanted to show you me, the real me." A little ashamed, you diverted your eyes from his overpowering gaze. "I can always just... stay as MC, if you prefer her."
Instantly, you felt a hand under your chin urging you to look back to him. Nervous, you felt your cheeks redden.
"Y/n, I still love you deeply. There is much we should discuss, but in public I would ask you to appear as MC."
You understood why, but you also worry.
And Jumin saw right through you.
"But in our home, I would much rather spend my nights with the real you."
Jumin would ask Seven to explain this to him later cause he still doesn't understand.
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To say this man was excited (and exhausted) would be putting it lightly.
You were the ultimate anything. Literally, you controlled pretty much everything.
First he would ask you to give him a new car. Then, bring him Elly. Then, give Vanderwood a new maid outfit. Then-
Okay, You thought. He needed to be stopped.
There was no telling when it would end, so you just grabbed him by his jacket to slow him down.
Saeyoung was laughing, positively buzzing with excitement about what to do next. Pretty much anything was possible if you controlled the game's code, right?
You were basically untouchable.
And that filled him with such relief.
No one could take you away now, no one could possibly threaten you. His work as an agent was not a threat to someone that could rewrite their reality!
But he kind of knew this already.
After all, he was the one to finally help break through. He knew MC wasn't really real. He knew she was just something for them to see and interact with...
The real you was a lot more than he expected. In the best way possible!
Of course, he cared for MC as they were. And had this never happened, he still would've loved MC without ever getting the chance to know you.
Because he'd do anything to be with you in any capacity.
It worked out surprisingly, for the first time in his life; something went right!
"Saeyoung!" You wanted to chastise him, but found yourself giggling at his antics. It was always so hard not to.
You were caught off guard when you felt his arms wrap around you, bringing you into a soul crushing hug. Honestly, this was the tightest hug you've ever felt.
When he released you, he immediately kissed you. His hands holding your face, squishing your cheeks together.
"You're so cute!" He was extremely pleased with himself. "I didn't think you could get any cuter!"
Okay, Saeyoung.
You pull his hands off, still very worried about him.
The reaction wasn't what you expected, though you recall brief interactions with him from before. He expressed moments of... awareness.
Those were jarring, but you had thought they were part of the game until recently.
Now you knew there was so much more to this. You managed to break away from the coding shackling you to certain responses and actions.
With Saeyoung's help, naturally.
You were here now and he couldn't possibly be happier.
"Are you sure?" Your question came out of the blue. Though he knew you were agonizing over his reaction, he was determined to show you how he really felt.
"I'm married to someone with superpowers!"
Saeyoung just sighed, knowing you needed something more than his jokes right now.
Most of the time you appreciated his humor and it helped you. He always knew how to make you laugh...
But you needed reassurance that this wasn't going to drive him away from you.
So that's exactly what he would give you.
"Hey," Saeyoung nuzzled his face between your shoulder and neck, pressing you against him in another tight hug. "I love you, you know that, right?"
"Uh- I guess." You really weren't sure how to respond, but you did your best to shake off your doubts. "I mean... I love you, I hope that's enough for you."
"More than I could hope for." He mumbled before letting you go, "Now come on, I have got to show you off to everyone."
"Saeyoung, I don't think that's a good-"
"Let's go!"
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Yeah, there's no way V would grasp this one. He loves you, he just has a lot he worked through on his own.
When V could see again, and you found a way through, he finally got a glimpse of you.
The explanation was hasty, desperate to convince him you weren't trying to lie to him.
He's had some bad past experiences.
In the midst of your rushed words, V can see that you're only getting more and more worked up.
You didn't anticipate showing your real self to him like this, but now that you have-
How can you possibly explain that you're not just like her?
You might be jumping to conclusions.
You definitely are.
Yet you care so much about V and the others. You can't bare the thought that they might write you off as a liar.
From their perspective, you basically lied about who you are.
It wasn't your fault, but you were naturally an empathic person. You can understand if V thought poorly of you because of this.
And that killed you inside.
As your face turned red in frustration, your words beginning to skip over; he saw the thin glimmer of tears building in your eyes.
And he wouldn't stand for that.
V pulled you into his chest, hand on the back of your head, as he shushed you.
"It's alright, love."
He meant it to calm you down, but it only made you tense as a few stray tears ran down your face.
When he heard, and felt, your sniffling, V pulled away in worry. "I didn't want to upset you anymore, I'm sorry."
You wiped your forearm over your face before meeting his eyes. He seemed so at peace with it.
Frowning in confusion, you had to know.
"How are you okay with this?"
V didn't expect that at all, his smile faltered a bit, but only because now he was confused too.
You thought he would be upset with you. That this giant secret would tear a rift between you two.
Something you could never repair.
And perhaps it would've, but V saw how distraught you were and realized very quickly that you did truly care.
You cared what he thought of you, how this could hurt him.
He couldn't stand to see you like that and though it took him a moment to catch up, V had no doubts you didn't mean to cause any harm.
"I won't lie, at first I thought you were joking." V murmured shyly, a hand coming to rub the back of his neck. "You and Saeyoung make a lot of the same jokes."
"But... I see how scared you are."
Embarrassed, you turned your head away.
V winced at that, he was trying hard not to put you on the spot here. It was hard.
"I've known you long enough to know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me intentionally." And he meant it. "I trust you."
After that, there really wasn't much discussion about it again.
V was content with you by his side, but only if you were too. Knowing you had been unable to communicate with him before made him worry...
But, you made it clear that you chose to be with him.
That's all he really wanted to know.
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The initial meeting was... less than ideal.
You had been 'MC' so long that the concept of being anything else was impossible.
Though, it was impossible normally too.
But it was Saeyoung that helped break this barrier between you and this world.
Saeran was aware of this happening, so it wasn't that much of a surprise.
However, what did shock Saeran was the change.
Specifically, MC not being real.
A concept you feared might cause Saeran to completely separate himself from you.
Since you are, basically, a stranger now. MC isn't real, everything about her was only part of the story.
Now that you have the freedom to do so, you wanted to show him who you really are. Though the fear of losing him threatened to keep you quiet.
You knew that Saeran deserved the truth.
After everything he's been through.
So, here you are. Purely you, nothing in between you anymore.
And the silence was deafening.
At first you feared that Saeran had entirely written you off. MC was fake, but he knew that already so why only now was he silent?
With all the work he and Saeyoung put into breaking this code, he had to have known that you were going to be different.
But was it a good or bad different?
Saeran was a very internalized person. He had so many issues in the past, but things had changed.
His hair was starting to go back red, he wore a sweater for fucks sake.
Would it be so terrible if you weren't the same too?
That wasn't up for you to decide and, if Saeran didn't accept you, you'd have to deal with that.
Standing here in front of Saeran though... It was dizzying. You never dared to imagine it, it was impossible! Dreaming about impossible things would only disappoint you.
Nervously, you shifted on your feet. You didn't speak, didn't dare break the tension in the air.
Saeran did.
"You can talk now, right?"
Just hearing his voice made you jump. You furiously nodded, "Y-yes, I can."
That was enough for him. With a few steps forward and a blush spreading across his face, Saeran pressed his lips to yours.
It was firm, full of expression. This was Saeran telling you it's okay, you're okay.
When he broke the kiss, you dared hope. "So... does this mean...?"
Huffing, Saeran shook his head. "You thought I was going to break up with you?"
"I-... yes?" You visibly winced as you answered him.
"You're still you. MC was only an avatar you used." Hearing it from him helped tremendously. "Why would leave you?"
He was actually a tad confused.
The reason he was silent when he could finally see you was because of how shocking the whole situation is.
It's a tad overwhelming to learn about a whole other reality existing that can control your own.
But Saeran saw for himself that you had hoped you could one day talk to them, meet them for real.
He understood what it was like being trapped, unable to reach out. Seeing that you couldn't talk to him was driving him mad ever since Saeyoung discovered the code.
Now that you're here, he wasn't planning on letting you go.
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kimi-twstheadcanons · 3 years
Pomefiore accidentally walking in on you changing
- Headcanon
Pronouns: Directed to She/Her
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Vil would probably be like Cater in a way. I’m pretty sure he’s an only child so he’s not really as calm about it as Cater is, but he would apologize. If anything he’s probably more like Trey, he knocks every time. He doesn’t intend on intruding in your privacy so if something like this were to happen it would be new territory for him
All you were doing was trying on a new evening dress . Vil was the one who got you the dress in the first place, but he didn’t expect for you to put it on so soon
He wanted to tell you about all the dresses and color schemes that would work best for you, I guess the knocking slipped his mind due to excitement?
You’re one of the first girls he’s had as a friend around his age, so he’d be excited about getting to dress you up a little
“(Y/N) dear, I have a few ideas of what would look elegant on- OH!”
He moves the door to a slight close as to not see you anymore but still talk to you
“My sincerest apologies, Sweet Potato, I should have knocked. However this does not give you an excuse to not have locked the door. Meet me in the lounge once you have finished.”
Then he just closes the door gently
After you find him he forgets about the fashion ideas for a moment and begins to scold you on how you need to lock the door and that you are a lady who needs to secure herself from beastly men, especially at a school with just boys
(Zen vibes from MysticMessenger anybody?)
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I feel like he would either do it on accident purely, or do it on purpose BECAUSE he knows you were changing. It honestly depends how well you’re close to him
But let’s say it was an accident, he might have something to tell you or something was distracting him from keeping an eye on his actions
What may it be however? I do not know
“Pardon the intrusion but- oh...my apologies ma chérie. I did not mean to barge in so suddenly, I shall wait outside for you to finish.”
Then closes the door, yet you don’t hear his footsteps leave. He does tend to silence his footsteps but you could never be too sure, so you go and lock the door until you finish
After you finish you go outside and find Rook, he apologizes once more and continues on what he originally came to say/do
All honesty I can’t come up with anything he’d be there for, maybe just to spy on you more?
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Poor Epel would just want to ask you if you wanted to practice or watch him play Magishift. He didn’t think that he would be in this type of situation, he’s obviously not this type of person
“(Y/N)? I was wondering if you wanted to- AH! SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!”
He’d hide his face and cover his blush with both hands after closing the door
He’d run his way back to the front door before turning back with the mind set of ‘men should wholeheartedly apologize for such an accident and not run away’ or something like that
Plus Vil would scold him if he didn’t make a proper apology. Of course you forgive him because it was an honest mistake but he’d feel so bad about it after
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
Hiya! Could I request the RFA (+ minor trio, if it isn't too much trouble) with an MC who gives neck kisses frequently? 👉👈 I am just. A simple soul with simple desires skfkek. Please and thank you💞
Of course you can sweetie! This is such a cute prompt!!! Sorry to everybody who I’ve kept waiting; I’m slowly gaining back my strength, so I should be back to writing soon! - luna xx
RFA + V, Saeran, and Vanderwood Reacts to an MC Who Gives Neck Kisses
• He loves it so much honestly
• The first time it happens you honestly caught him off guard
• You were both sitting on the couch watching one of his performances
• His arm was around your shoulders and your legs were in his lap, snuggled closely as he studied his moves
• “Honey~” You whispered nonchalantly, trying to catch his attention as he leaned forward slightly
• “One moment my sweet; I just want to make sure I don’t make the same mistake that I made here in my next performance.”
• You understood, but still huffed; all you wanted was to kiss him
• The two of you hadn’t gone all the way yet, so you always hesitated to kiss him in rather intimate spots like the neck or chest
• You loved doing neck kisses so honestly it’s been killing you
• With slight hesitation you leaned up, kissing his neck a couple of times
• His entire body becomes rigid and he freezes
• “Y-Y/N...”
• You did it again, giggling the second time as you noticed his neck and chest growing hot
• “Ah I see, so you’re doing it purposely then.” He smirked, turning off the TV and immediately pouncing on you
• You had to be careful when giving him neck kisses because it usually turned into something more after you’d finally went all the way~
• He’s such a blushy boy that when it came to your neck kisses, he just didn’t know how to cope
• When you’d first done it you’d been dating for only a couple of weeks
• It was mindless really, and you’d felt like giving him some affection so you figured; why not?
• “Yoosung; can we order in tonight? I think we both deserve a break, and I’ve been craving some hot pot~”
• “Sure! Let me just finish writing this paper and we’ll go.”
• You grinned and without thinking leaned in, placing a chaste kiss to his neck
• Never in his life had he turned red so fast, and when I say red I mean r e d
• “H-Hey! Don’t do that without warning...” He whined, placing one hand over his face to try to hide his blushing
• He’s literally so cute pleaSE
• You did it again, enjoying the way he squirmed at his desk as he groaned.
• “I’m never going to finish this paper if you keep that up, Y/N.”
• It had reached the point where he wouldn’t get turned on every single time, but it was still enough to make him blush
• She herself isn’t very affectionate, besides the occasional hugs and kisses that she shared with you in private
• So when you kissed her neck for the first time, she had frozen up with a deep blush
• The kiss wouldn’t leave her mind, she thought about it all day really
• When it became obvious that this was something that you did frequently?
• It was all she looked forward to
• “Y/N.”
• “Yes, Jaehee?”
• “May...may I possibly have another kiss?”
• This poor woman is touch starved omg
• You were happy to oblige, especially if it meant that you got to see her gentle smile every time you did it
• She wouldn’t allow you to do it in front of the others though due to her own embarrassment
• She’s also low key jealous but she’ll never admit that GJEJGEAHG
• He’s actually a huge fan of the neck kisses
• He makes it known the first time that you do it, your lips softly grazing against his neck as the two of you sat in bed
• He was finishing some last minute paperwork while you silently read a book beside him, his glasses falling down the bridge of his nose as you tilted your head
• It had been a long day and you wanted to stay up with him but you were just so tired
• “Please don’t stay up if you’re tired, Y/N. Once I’m finished with this file, I will be ready for bed. I promise.”
• You yawned, a small smile gracing his face as you bookmarked your book
• “Okay Jumin. Goodnight, I love you~” And bloop you had kissed his neck
• He was still for a moment, his brain processing what happened as he gave another smile
• His eyes shifted towards you; you’d already fallen asleep, head resting against his arm as he chuckled.
• ��Goodnight, Y/N.”
• Since then he’s been obsessed, demanding that you give him neck kisses every time he leaves for work, and when he comes home
• You happily oblige every time, the action becoming a little secret routine between the two of you
• He absolutely loves that you give frequent neck kisses
• Like Jaehee, he’s pretty touch starved
• So it’s super reassuring that whenever you’re cuddling, or hugging, or sitting in his lap
• You’ll just lean over and place a soft kiss to his neck
• It makes him feel loved, safe, and wanted
• When you’d first done it, you had fallen asleep on the sofa while he finished some work assigned by Jumin
• He didn’t want to wake you so he took you into his arms and carried you to your shared bedroom
• In your sleep you’d craned your neck up, kissing him softly on the neck as you mumbled
• “I love you...” You’d whispered, burrowing deeper into his chest as his breath hitched
• His heart felt warm, and he smiled down towards your sleeping figure, a hint of blush tinting his cheeks as he whispered back
• “I love you too, Y/N.”
• A flustered mess
• This poor man isn’t used to affection, but unlike the others he’s grown used to not having any
• So when you kiss his neck it’s like he malfunctions
• He stutters over his words and tries not to blush, even though it’s fairly obvious
• “I...wow. I um, I actually really liked, well, um—“
• You kinda liked having this much power over him to be honest lol
• He loves it when you kiss his neck, he just doesn’t know how to express it with his words
• He never stops you when you do it though, and you can see it in his eyes that he appreciates that it’s one of your ways that you show your affection for him
• “Jihyun~ I love you.”
• That phrase is usually followed by a neck kiss, his cheeks red as he nods and pulls you close
• “I love you more, Y/N. For the rest of my life.”
• Love love, loves your neck kisses
• He returns them actually, and that in turn makes you extremely flustered
• When you’d done it he grinned, rubbing his nose against yours as he cuddled you close
• “My darling Y/N.”
• Then when you’d least expected it he’d done it back; very nonchalantly to be honest
• You were helping him in the garden, and you’d successfully cross bred a rose with him
• He was so happy and proud of you that he just couldn’t help it; he’d kissed your neck
• You blushed hard, but he wasn’t phased at all
• You honestly didn’t think you’d meet somebody who gave neck kisses as much as you did, but here he was
• It was a reminder that the two of you were definitely meant for each other
• It became one of the most frequent and common ways you showed your affection for one another
• Like V, he isn’t used to affection so when you first do it to him he’s genuinely startled
• “H-Hey...who do you think you are?”
• Your partner duh lmao
• He’s very good at keeping a poker face, but his actions definitely give away the fact that he loves it
• The way he cranes his neck a little towards you when you’re cuddling him
• The way he lays his chin on top of your head to give you complete access to his neck
• It was obvious to you, and you happily obliged every time he silently asked for a neck kiss
• You could never get away with teasing him though; he shut it down before you could even start
• “You know love, if you enjoy my neck kisses all you have to do is say—“
• “Hush. I don’t have to say a damn thing, about anything, okay?”
• Translation?
• Please don’t ever stop
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Blind Date - Cale Makar
This was partially inspired for Devon’s love of complimenting Cale on social media
Word Count - 1.6k
Cale knew he was running late.  The latest mindset book he was reading caught his attention and he didn’t realize it was time to leave until he was already going to be late.  He has no idea why he agreed to this.  “Devon wants me to go out more, but this is getting ridiculous,” he thinks.  Devon and his wife have a neighbor who also apparently needs to get out more and the two of them thought Cale and this mystery person will be attached at the hip afterwards and convinced or bullied (he’s not sure which) Cale into this.  He changes out of joggers, putting on better pants as he receives another text from Devon.  Devon has been repeatedly reminding Cale of the “date” they had arranged to make sure he doesn’t bail.  He puts on his shoes before grabbing his keys and wallet before running out the door, pausing only briefly to check the door.
He heads out of the elevator and pulls up the directions on his phone.  They set them up in a diner that was a short walking distance away from his building.  Not bothering to drive, he leaves the building, heading in the general direction of the diner.  Devon thinks he’ll be safe with the baseball game having already started and the quiet nature of the diner, but Cale isn’t completely convinced.  Devon texts him again, probably reminding him of his “date” to make sure he doesn’t leave the poor girl stranded.  He sees the diner and stops in front of it sighing before running a hand through his hair, a poor attempt to fix the messy strands.  “I really should have taken more time to get ready,” he thinks as nervous energy fills his stomach, unusual for him.  He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself before entering.
KJ looks up as the door opens.  A boy approximately her age walks in, waiting patiently for the hostess to greet him.  Sighing, she drops her gaze back to her phone in hopes Kerry or even Devon texts her back with any updates on the guy.  He was ten minutes late at this point and Kerry was getting slower in her responses to her messages.  Glancing back up she sees the hostess leading the guy to her table.  She places her phone away as he approaches, giving him a shot even if he was ten minutes late at this point, noting his red cheeks.
As he pulls out the chair he begins to speak, “Hi.  I’m Cale.  I am so sorry I’m late.  I got caught up in a book and lost track of time.”
“Oh.  It’s okay.  It happens.  I’m KJ by the way.  What book?” KJ asks, surprising herself with her response.
His eyes widen, “Oh, um it's called, Zen Putting, by Bob Rotella. It helps with mindfulness and focusing on the process rather than the result.”
“Do you golf much?” She asks.
“Mainly in the summer, not much now.  Work picks up this time of year but the concepts talked about are applicable to other things.”
“That’s cool.  Have you read a lot of books on mindfulness?”
“Ya.  Actually my dad is really big into mindset and he introduced it to me when I was fourteen.  It helped me a lot and is something I still work on.”  She watches the way he speaks, sometimes almost stumbling over his words but shows interest in it.  They continue talking about anything that comes to mind until his voice begins to show signs of breaking as the waitress appears.
Cale looks up as the waitress approaches.  Quickly glancing at the menu, he finds something that is loosely diet approved and would work.  As KJ orders, he finds himself looking her over.  He notices the way she responds to the waitress, eyes kind as she talks to the waitress.  Once they’re done, they resume talking.
“What made you come to Denver?” He asks.
“Oh, they had a good collections program and was interested in that,” she replies.
“Wait really, like museum stuff?”
“Sometimes.  It depends on where because a lot of universities might not have museums but will have collections from other things.”
“That's cool,” he replies.  Their food comes and they continue to talk throughout their meal.  They have a relaxed discussion and Cale really enjoys himself as he notices himself relaxing more throughout the conversation.  Cale excuses himself to use the bathroom.
KJ watches the waitress come while Cale, dropping off the check.  She handed her her credit card opting to cover the bill.  Smiling, the waitress takes the card and leaves.  Cale returns as the waitress drops off the card
“Hey, I was going to cover that,” he says once the waitress leaves.
“Too bad,” KJ replies with a smirk, “you can get the next one.”
“Oh, I see how it is.  You expect to see me again?” he replies.  He folds his lips to bite back a smirk but fails.  “Do you want to walk around the park for a bit?”
“Sure,” KJ replies as she grabs her phone before standing, letting Cale take the lead, following him out of the restaurant.  Following him out she reflects on the past hour and a half talking to Cale.  She enjoyed herself and the conversation never seemed to get dull.  She also noticed that he got more relaxed with hints of a canadian accent sneaking out but his cheeks always remained pink.  
The sidewalk widens and Cale pauses for a second to let KJ catch up.  They resume talking.  As before, the conversation flowed and their strides match perfectly.  KJ feels relaxed as they walk by an avs poster featuring Cale.  
Cale tenses up when he sees the poster, not expecting there to be posters up of him yet.  
“Did you come this way to see your face,” she jokes.
Cale turns even more red than usual.  “Oh god,” he mumbles.  “I forget how soon posters will go up sometimes and didn’t realize it was that time yet.  It does get annoying to see your face everywhere in case you’re wondering,” he relies with a soft smile.
“I bet,” KJ replies, “I was on the performing arts council in high school and had my face on a banner outside the school for months to help fundraise.  It was horrible.”
Laughing, Cale leads the way to a secluded overlook within the park he frequently visits.  He checks in with himself and notices how comfortable he feels.  Maybe Devon was right, but he doesn’t need to tell him that.  Walking up to the overlook, Cale notices the sky beginning to turn colors.  They walk up to the fence and Cale decides to take a half step closer to KJ, moving into her personal space.  Looking up, She catches his eye and moves closer, allowing him to tuck her into his side as they watch the sunset.  Cale feels himself relax more, allowing himself to enjoy the contact and the view as the sun sets.  
When the sun dips below the horizon, Cale pulls back as he bites back a yawn.  He has training camp again tomorrow and knows he should call it a night soon.  “Hey, where’d you park,” he asks, knowing Devon lived a fair distance away.
“Oh, I took the train,” She replies.
“Oh, I can drive you home if you want,” he offers.
“I can take the train.  It's actually probably easier, especially because you’re tired.”
Cale blushes, “Here, let me atleast walk you to the station.  Is union station the one you’re using?”
“Ya, that's probably easiest.”
“You’ll text me when you get home right?”
“Um, if I get your number I will,” she chimes back at him, causing him to pull out his phone.
“Oh shit. Um, here,” he says as they exchange phones, Cale fighting back another blush.
They return their phones and head back, this time taking the longer path.  They walk in a comfortable silence through the mostly quiet park, passing a few dog owners and couples along the way and exchanging small smiles as they pass.  Once they return back to the buildings, their pace picks up as they return to the normal chaos of the city.  
They make their way to the station both lost in thought.  They walk side by side, each in their personal space, but neither one is uncomfortable with that.  They slow down once the station’s sign becomes visible, wanting to savor their last few minutes together.  
They reach the entrance and Cale turns to face KJ, opting to pull her into a hug.  “Text me when you get home, yeah?” he murmurs into her ear.  
His deep voice causes her to shiver slightly.  She nods, inhaling his scent for the first time before pulling away.  They say their goodbyes for the time being.  Cale watches her walk into the station.  He waits a few seconds before heading to his building. He decides to take the stairs, climbing up the flights to pass the time.  He gets to his floor, checking his phone for any missed messages from KJ.  Devon texts him again, probably annoyed at the lack of response.  Ignoring that, he gets ready for bed, replacing his contacts with glasses and packs what he’ll need for tomorrow to kill time. He hears his phone chime and he races across the room to get it, seeing a text message appear. Unlocking his phone, he sees a message from KJ.
Kj: home [insert picture of the inside of a door]
Cale: ty. Let’s meet up again soon. I’ll cover dinner this time
Kj: 👍
Cale smiles as he heads to his bedroom, turning off lights along the way before crawling into bed and placing his glasses on the nightstand and falling asleep.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Baby bird and Super daddy (DC)
it was Friday afternoon and school was out which only meant one thing for a group of young sidekicks: it was time to haul their butts to San Francisco and more to the point to Titans tower.
Oddly though one member of the titans wasn't getting his normal ride from Gotham to the tower with his mentor Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne but inside had been picked up in Smallvile by his surrogate big brother Nightwing who was also giving a ride to Kon-el, AKA Superboy.
Sulking and pouting in his costume, Robin AKA Tim drake was blushing and his bottom looked a little more puffy then normal, but only a expert would know to look and see it.. so Naturally Dick had.
"So I'm not one to judge, I mean, I've know you and Kon where hooking up for awhile." Dick said, smirking and while he kept a eye on the controls of his aircraft, he made sure to steal looks back at the blushing big time Tim who had been tugged into Kon's lap. And of course Kon was smirking.
"but I just need to know, Is my little brother from anther mother in huggies because you two are kinky, or Kon needs to stop topping for awhile?"
"DICK!" Tim shrieked and whined, burying his face in Kon's shoulder and whining.
"He tried to make me his little guy, needless to say it backfired." Kon chuckled, and rubbed Tim's back and patted the boys bottom, a faint crinkling being heard only by Kon due to his super hearing over the dim of the plane.
"Oh, I HAVE to hear more..but before that.. I think I have a juice box or two if the little guy is thirsty." Dick offered.
"Dickkkkkk!" Tim whined and pouted, shooting daggers though his mask.
"Well he is a thirsty bitch, but he had a big ba-ba of fresh milk before we left." Kon chuckled.
"Hate you both." Tim whined and tried to squirm out of Kon's lap, but he was a boy of tissue in a boy of steel's grip, and wasn't going anywhere.
As Dick chuckled, Kon reached into Tim's belt and pulled out a superman logo pacifier and popped it in the boy wonders mouth and rocked him, and in seconds Tim had gone night night and Kon was free to tell the story.
Tim had pleaded and begged to hang out with Kon-el for the two days he had off from school back in Gotham (the staff was recovering from the latest attack by a bat rouge, Riddler this time.)
Bruce had tried to say the time could be used to help out with Gotham but after getting Alfred on his side it had only taken anther half hour before Bruce was dropping Tim off by the Kent farm, commenting on how much extra baggage he had taken with him for just going there for Thursday and Friday (Tim had spare clothes at titans tower)
Tim had come up with a excuse that he might help on the farm and didn't wanna end up smelling like cow dropping and Bruce had let it go.
Superboy of course who's X-ray vision was coming and going at this point had been able to spot right away was was in the extra luggage and just smirked to himself.
The Kent's of course knew without being told that Tim and Kon were dating, Connor just wouldn't shut up about him and they were practically all over each other calling it rough housing.
"If that's what you kids these days call it. Take it out to the barn." Was all Pa said, not looking up from his newspaper.
Once out in the barn, Tim went right to work turning on the puppy dog eyes and kissing Kon's neck and blowing in his ear, things that drove the boy of steel wild.
"Koooon, I have a hawt idea we should try out." Tim said in his 'I'm so cute you can't refuse me' voice which normally had Kon wrapped around Tim's little finger.
However forewarned Kon was ready and kept his control in place, though asked what Tim wanted to try out.
"Well have you ever heard of diaper punishment or age play?" Tim had asked, opening the luggage and holding up a teen sized diaper with little bat symbols on it and holding it out, grinning ear to ear.
Kon however, returned that grin with his own and played along, though not like Tim had expected.
"oh I see, You wanna be my little baby bird! Cute! and you even got bat diapers! Adorable!" Kon gushed as Tim's jaw dropped.
"W-What? No! I-" Tim started, blushing bright red.
"Ohhh I've heard of this, you're gonna act like you don't want it so you can be a pouty little boy while enjoying your diapie wipies~" Kon chuckled, dashing up and snatching the diaper from the smaller boys hands and planting a smooch on him, tongue dominating Tim's mouth and feeling the fight go out of Tim for a second.
he also felt the boy wonder less then wonderful hard on press against his leg and broke off the kiss.
"well I think that answers whether or not you want daddy Kon to make you a good little baby bird." Kon said.
"I what.. No! I was gonna.. you were gonna.." Tim whined, flustered and trying to will away his hard-on, but but there was no amount of zen training with Batman that was going to make the boy wonder's stiffie vanish.
"Oh look, you have a paddle, and some baby outfits.. paci's and ba-ba's..Damn you must REALLY wanna just be a helpless little diaper dork huh sweetie?" Kon was saying, looking though all the supplies tat had been meant for him and super warming up to the idea of babying Tim.
There was even a pair of jean overalls with crotch snaps so a certain diaper boy could work on the farm!
"and look at all these diapers! Somebody plans on making LOTS of presents for his super daddy huh?" Kon added.
"NO I DO NOT! THAT WAS ALL MEANT FOR YOU!" Tim whined and stomped a foot, hands balled in fists and at his sides.
Sadly, this did nothing to help his argument.
"Baby bird, that's enough of the attuide. You need to take off your big boy clothes and lay down so I can get you in a diapie or else mister man." Kon said, smirking but trying to have a authoritative tone, picking up the paddle.
Sadly as it turned out for Tim's poor soon to be bright red backside, Kon had the balls and more.
On a scale of 1 to 10, Kon guessed the effort he had put into the spanking (and being nice enough not to use the paddle too!) was about a 3 or 4, but from the howls and sobs that had escaped the soon to be pampered sidekick, you'd of sworn he had gone all out.
'Man, either full on humans are more fragile then I thought, or Tim just can't take a spanking!' Kon mused as he cleaned up the puddle that the boy wonder had made during his ten swats, and let's just say it wasn't urine. 'Though for someone who's sobbing so much with his nose in the corner..'
"Baby bird, you're gonna wake up half of Smallville with that sobbing, I'm gonna need you to tone it down or I'll have to get creative with gagging you." Kon called over sweetly.
Tim, with pants gone and butt glowing bright red from the spanking and having his hands on the back of his head turned around from the corner and moved his mouth as if to argue, then apparently thought better of it and meekly nodded his head.
"I-I'll try.." Robin sniffled and whined, any trace of him trying to be dom had left his body when he'd creamed himself from being spanked.
"I could give you one of your paci's, but you have to promise to be a very good boy and not spit it out, I'll just pop it back into your mouth anyways." Kon offered.
Looking around the dirty floor of the barn, Tim made a icky face and nodded he could be good and opened his mouth for the customed Superman paci, with the large oversized rubber nipple making Tim start to drool down his chin in seconds.
"it's too bag you didn't pack a enema kit, I bet you have the CUTEST 'i'm pooping!' face baby bird!" Kon commented, having laid most of the items out on his bed and chuckling at the whimper that escaped from Tim.
"Shucks, and Pa and ma Kent kicked us out to the barn for the night.. I know ma has a nice big one. Ah well, there's always tomorrow." Kon chuckled and shrugged.
Tim gave a series of muffled protests around the paci turning a little pale at the thought of getting a massive soapy enema while Kon and the Kent had breakfast, though it was also making him get a little excited.
"Hmmm? Oh I see someone likes the idea~ thats great! I'm sure Ma and Pa won't mind having a baby around the house." Kon laughed.
Tim whined and wanted to argue, wanted to take out the paci and say no way in hell,m but his body betrayed him again and he made anther puddle instead.
"Sheesh, You must be backed up like crazy.. Better get you pampered before you paint the walls."
"Wait, did he really cream himself again just from-" Nightwing asked, snickering and glad he'd switched to auto pilot for this.
"NO I didn't!" Tim whined and huffed, squirming in his seat.
"Baby bird, what did I tell you about telling fibs?" Kon warned wagging a finger at the smaller boy.
"...OK maybe I did.. But it's not my fault! you know how hard it is to crank one out at the mansion since Alfred doesn't approve!!" Tim whined and sulked,
"Actually back in my day Alfred just left me tissues and Lotion and a note asking I keep my voice down." Dick chuckled, though he blushed a little as he recalled it.
"That's SO unfair!!" Tim whined and huffed.
"Don't worry about it baby bird. now that you'll be my little guy at least once a week I'll make sure you're never backed up again." Kon teased and kissed Tim's forehead.
"My hero.." Tim huffed. "Just finish the poopie story."
To say the Kent's were a little shocked the next morning when A clearly diapered Tim was lead over, sucking on a paci and dressed to go to work in the field would of been a understatement, but as the human couple that had raised Superman from babyhood to adult, Had been the home of Matrix while she was still adjusting to life on this earth and were now looking after Kon,,they got over the shock rather quickly.
If anything, Kon had called it and Ma Kent dotted on baby Tim right away, though to Kon's disappointment (and maybe Tim's) she turned down the idea of giving Tim a enema for fun.
"Those are just in case the widdle cutie is all backed up!" she scolded Kon, who pouted a little but backed down.
Breakfast was egg's and bacon for the Kent's and Kon, and a bowl of oatmeal for widdle Timmy who (thankfully!) was too big to fit in Kal's old highchair, but they did have a booster seat he was put into and had one of Kal's old bibs tied around his neck.
"You know, after we get the farm work done, we could go into the wood shop and likely make him a high chair." Pa mused.
"W-What?" Tim asked, his spoon dropping into the bland icky oatmeal.
"Oh, get idea pa! Think we could make him a crib too?" Kon asked, grinning ear to ear.
"I don't see why not. Just a shame Most of Clark's old stuffies didn't make it." Pa chuckled.
"heh, I can help with that. I've been making teddy bears for the church to sell so I think I could make our new widdle great grandson one or two. Do you want a teddy bear Timmy?" Ma asked and reached over, using the bib to wipe a spot of oatmeal off of Tim's face.
"I...I..I.." Tim whimpered and squirmed like crazy in the high chair, suddenly thankful that Kon was the only one with hearing good enough to heard what he was doing to the front of his diapers, though Kon just smirked.
"Trust me Ma, he does."
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Can i request the RFA with a mexican MC?
Hellou! Aight so I'mma make it a bit more general latinx MC bc I am not mexican BUT I am a latina pft so yeah! Also should I add the minor trio and maybe Rika on another post? 👀
(psttt also if you're into BNHA @cafedanslanuit made an awesome hc post about the BNHA boys with a latinx MC if you want to check it out: x
RFA members with a Latinx MC:
This man absolutely loves the MUSIC
Salsa? Merengue? Rumba, Samba, Bachata, THE CHA CHA CHA!?
He is an absolute BEAST he seriously loves all the dances and he has some friggin HIP MOVES.
Honestly you're kinda jealous he dances better than you
Some days while you're cooking or just chilling at home, you'll put up your favorite music, and soon enough you'll be swaying to the rythm of the beat, swaying your hips and signing along to the music
Zen will come back from work and find you dancing, so he'll come up behind you and wrap his arms around your hips, the two of you dancing together
At one point he'll probably try to sing but absolutely butcher the words too lmao
The first time you met for a date, you actually broke the poor boy
He was NOT expecting the kiss on the cheek, he wasn't prepared!!!
Especially since Korea saves the whole touchy feely things for people that are either family or couples, usually they aren't really ones to come and hug their friends or kiss their cheek to say hello as a greeting
Meanwhile, in your culture if you don't do it you get a glare from your mother and probably a chancla beating for being rude AKSJSNSJS (been there too many times 😅💀)
After you start dating though he absolutely loves it. He didn't realize how much he loved being hugged or kissed until he met you!
He finds it pretty funny whenever you get mad and go on a swearing spree, especially when you hit your foot or elbow against something. You just start yelling and curing their mother, their father and their children, and he just loves you so much, it's weird, but he loves it.
At first it's an absolutely mess but he soon gets the hang of it
Jaehee absolutely loves EVEYTHING about your culture, especially the food.
Whenever you are having a bad day she will cheer you up by making you your favorite foods!
On Christmas she makes a mix between korean and latin foods that you both enjoy, her favorite, of course are tamales! (Who doesn't love tamales, also they're a MUST for Christmas akkssnsn)
She also likes cooking you for breakfast gallo pinto (it's basically rice and beans but it's friggin delicious.)
Some of her favorite's are chalupas and chifrijo too!
listen you basically won the lottery with this woman, she is such a GOOD cook and she makes the most delicious food.
Sometimes you will find her in the kitchen trying to sign some of her favorite songs. She only knows the chorus but she definitely has the spirit!
One word:
Listen, it's already been confirmed that Jumin has seen a few soap operas (and been influenced by them hence the kiss scene in his route ajsjsjsj)
Now k-dramas can be pretty dramatic.
Seriously if you get this man near them there's no telling what he'll do.
Our sweet and adorable Jumin can get influenced by Tv like that pretty easily, let's admit it, so at one point you may wake up and be in a spanish telenovela lmao
Honestly, when it all started, you were chilling at Jumin's place, ironically watching (but actually who are we kidding, you were pretty invested) one of the stupidest telenovelas you had seen in a while. You loved making fun of the characters and watching as chaos unfolded. It eventually became a routine and every Thursday you'd sit on your couch and stream the new episode.
That day Jumin came home early, and he saw you watching TV. You kissed him to welcome him home, but kept your eyes on the dramatic 'cat fight' scene on the tv. Jumin got pretty curious about what you were watching, and so he sat beside you, watching the whole episode in silence.
Once it was done, you felt a bit shaken up by the cliffhanger, but then got up to make some dinner. However, before you could leave Jumin grabbed your hand making yoy raise an eyebrow, confused.
"Jumin? What's wrong?"
"....MC. Why are you leaving? The show hasn't ended yet, has it? We still don't know what happened to Emilio, and Maria still hasn't figured out that Elena tricked her into leaving. Not only that, the 'salon' is about to close down. Love, we have to keep watching to find out what happens."
You let out a laugh and squeezed your boyfriend's cheeks. "Jumin! I didn't know you got so into it. Well sadly, the next episode comes out until next week so we'll have to wait. I can record it though, and wait till you come home so we can maybe watch it together?"
Jumin nodded and you couldn't help but compare him to an excited child that had suddenly found their favorite TV show. Soon, every Thursday the two of you would cuddle in bed together and watch another episode of the soap opera. Jumin enjoyed those moments so much. Not only because he was focused on the story, but because he loved the way you would suddenly gasp or randomly curse at the screen whenever something happened
(ALSO C&R cat telenovela coming out when??? -pfttt poor Jaehee but I'm 100% convinced Jumin would do this lmao)
Ohhh boy
You should have never told him about every single leyend that you grew up with as a child.
One day you were sharing with the RFA about all the spooky ghost stories, since Jumin had been asking about a few of them.
Saeyoung came in, heard spooky ghost stories and was immediately sold. That night you told him about La Segua, La Llorona, El Cadejos and more.
The thing is, you were not prepared for the chaos you had suddenly unleashed upon the world.
The next day while Saeyoung played LOLOL with Yoosung, you heard him retelling one of his favorite leyends that you had told him.
La Segua. The story was about a woman that would appear before sunset, asking for help with directions. The thing is, as soon as you helped her and night came, she'd turn into a horse and kill you. (I know it's weird AKSKSJA but I remember being SO scared of this when I was a kid, honestly these legends are so freaking good lmao, everyone in primary school would just be scared of a lady with a horse head pfttttttt)
As soon as you heard him tell the story to Yoosung, you knew that he was planning something. And were you going to stop him? No :D
A few days later, you invited Yoosung out to eat. As the sun was setting you led him towards Saeyoung's home, and then while you walked you met up with a very beautiful lady asking for directions. Yoosung immediately said 'nope' and tried to get you to quickly run away, but you insisted on helping the poor woman. After calming down a very shaken Yoosung, you explained that La Segua was just a story, and that Saeyoung was poebably just trying to spook him when he told it to him. Yoosung calmed down and apologized to the lady, offering to help her go home.
Suddenly you ended up in a very deserted place, making Yoousng feel a bit uneasy. As Yoosung walked, he turned around to tell you something along the lines of 'fuck this, let's go back to Saeyoung's.' he found that there was nothing behind him. He looked around, trying to look for you, but you appeared to have suddnely vanished.
Yoosung felt his throat get dry as the woman's arm tightened around his, and he tried to look anywhere but beside him
"Yoosung~" the woman whispered.
He yelped as he slowly turned around to look at the woman.
And he found a horse head staring back at him.
Later both you and Saeyoung had to look for him for about an hour and a half, and you found him under a bridge, shaking.
Yoosung did not find it funny at all, and you tried to nag Saeyoung telling him that maybe you had taken it too far, but you both couldn't help but laugh.
Of course you made it up to him, Saeyoung got him very exclusive Lolol costumes for his avatars, and Yoosung, even though he developed a trauma for both women and horses, ended up forgiving him and totally forgetting about the incident.
So the next time Saeyoung told him about La Llorona and gave you a mischievous smirk, you prayed for poor and innocent Yoosung, who obviously hadn't learned his lesson.
(this also happened a few more times until you had to intervene bc by now Yoosung wouldn't even go outside pfttt)
Also a few years later, while at the RFA Halloween party, Yoosung got stuck on the top of a tree and wouldn't come down.
Why you may ask? Because as he was drinking some wine, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to find a big ass horse head staring back at him.
Rip Yoosung 😔✊
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anonymousbaev · 4 years
Zen and Mc morning
Hii!! Can I have domestic mornings with zen? Lol could you make it as fluffy and sweet as possible (I need a cavity 😂) 🥺🥺 I love that boi so much 😭 - Requested by hercherryblossomdaze
Thank you for the request, so many Zen requests  („ಡωಡ„) Enjoy! (♡°▽°♡) 
🎤 Zen 🎤
♬ Zen is an early bird, he needs that beauty sleep and daily morning beauty routine.
♬ After washing his charming face and brushing his teeth in the bathroom he would dramatically enter the bedroom again to awake his little lamb.
♬ He’s always successful in instantly waking you up: Either because he clings onto you, playfully admiring your adorable snoozing face...
♬ ..Or because your heart drops first thing in the morning to see him with his nourishing face mask that makes him look like a handsome ghost... This usually happens more often...
♬ He’s one of those people that believe in the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” so you can expect him to prepare a healthy feast.
♬ He’s always on a head start on making breakfast while you’re in the bathroom.
♬ When you come out and wrap your arms around his waist, your daily morning routine of kisses and cuddles with Zen officially start. 
♬ You both get so immersed in the moment you don’t notice the eggs burning. I mean this wouldn’t even be the first time though so...poor eggs. :(
♬ Also much to your dismay, Zen would always make nutritious and healthy meals. So sometimes when you want a muffin or coco puff cereal, Zen would always insist they’re bad for your health.
♬ Either way he gives in occasionally when he sees that you’re really craving some sweets for the morning. 
♬ Well, because he thinks, YOU’RE ADORABLE when you’re so happy and your eyes twinkle for those pounds of sugar.
♬ When you’re both sitting at the dinning table, he will usually finish eating faster than you. 
♬ Sometimes, he would flirtatiously feed you or smile at you as he watches you munch your food before ruffling your hair like a little kid as you frown. 
♬ He always, absolutely, loves, cherishing his mornings with his most favorite person in the world.
♬ After breakfast the both of you will rest for a bit before tiding up the kitchen together. 
♬ Just as you’re about to catch a breath from the busy morning, Zen gets you your matching workout outfit with him and he already has his on.
♬ You and Zen run a few laps around the park outside the apartment, and return home to take a shower together.
♬ With just a few hours in the morning, you accomplished so much. If it’s a day Zen has rehearsals he will pout wanting to stay with you more before you force him out to work.
♬ Otherwise, if you both have a day off, it will be spent with cuddles or dates around the city and sometimes even outside the city. 
♬ Zen doesn’t want to spend a minute without you and so do you~ 
( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
Sorry this took me long to do, thank you for being patient with me. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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