cy-lindric · 2 years
I just started my first read of the Silmarillion and your Finwe family tree has been ENORMOUSLY useful! Would you ever consider uploading it to your inprnt/redbubble? I'd love to hang it on my wall for easy reference!
I've just added all of my recent Tolkien illustrations, including the House of Finwë family tree, to my INPRNT shop ! Thanks a lot for your interest !
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
Writer asks: 1, 4, & 11!
1. What’s your favorite part of the writing process?
I love daydreaming about my characters and stories. Even in the actually writing part of the whole shebang, I love to stop and close my eyes and try to imagine what's happening and how it will play out.
4. What kind of endings do you prefer?
answered here
11. What was the last color you used in your current WIP/most recent project?
I'm writing in google docs and the last time I opened it was before the sun went down so basic black on white. BUT I was thinking about highlighting certain parts for future editing, so very likely bright yellow will be introduced. (I wish I created visual fan art - shout out to all the visual artists)
Thank you so much for the asks! I use these to motivate myself to write and answer them as a treat/break.
asks for writers
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emperorsfoot · 11 months
WIP fic asks: 1, 12, & 15!
1. What are you most excited about when you start to write it/publish it?
Its a lot of things. When the inspiration first strikes me, I'm just excited to have an idea. I'm excited by the characters and I have to put them in a situation, then the situation's exciting. (And, of course, its also always exciting when I get that little email from AO3 letting me know I have a comment.)
12. How far have you planned ahead?
This is a hard one to answer. I have "planned" so far ahead, in my mind their kids are already having kids. Do I know how they're gonna get to that point? No. Do I at least know what's going to happen in the very next chapter right after the one I just posted? Also, no.
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
Most of them.
(Name a fic and I'll be more specific, but be warned: will contain spoilers)
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thatseventiesbitch · 11 months
WIP fic asks: 1, 10, & 12!
Thanks for the ask!
1. What are you most excited about when you start to write it/publish it?
I think I'm most excited to share it with other people! This massive thing has been living inside my head for years now, it will just be fun to have someone to share/discuss it with/see their reactions to certain plotlines after all this time.
12. How far have you planned ahead?
I have the entire story outlined - it's about 60 chapters. It's also constantly evolving/changing. As I write more, I change my mind about other parts of the story, or plotlines turn into something different than I was expecting, etc.
10. If unpublished, can you show a sneak peek of what you've written?
Below the cut 👀
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard ya,” Hyde lifted one hand off the steering wheel and waved him off. “You had a good night. Donna forgave you.” He twirled one finger around sarcastically. “And ‘round and ‘round you go.”
“Man, fuck you,” Eric scowled. “You’ve been a dick to everyone since I got here.”
“I am a dick, Forman.”
“No, you’re not.” Eric shook his head. He was studying his friend carefully now. “What is this - are you - ” he fumbled, putting his theory together. “Are you like, lashing out in pain after your divorce? Huh?” Hyde didn’t say anything, but he pressed his lips together. Eric grinned, triumphant. “That’s it, isn’t it? The poor little orphan boy lost another - ”
“Shut up, Forman.”
Something in Hyde’s tone made Eric stop. His shoulders slumped. “Sorry,” he said, after a minute.
“No, I - ” Hyde started gruffly, then cleared his throat. “I am.”
They drove in silence for a few minutes, pulling closer and closer to the airport. 
Eventually, Eric spoke again. “Is that - I mean. Is she - ” He glanced over at Hyde unsurely. “Samantha.” Eric hesitated, like he was watching for a reaction to her name, but Hyde didn’t have one. “My mom said it like, didn’t end well.”
Hyde glanced over at Eric. “Is that a question?”
“I - yeah. I mean. Are you okay?”
Hyde shrugged. “I’m fine, Forman.”
“Right. Zen.”
They’d pulled up to a stop light. Signs for the airport loomed ahead of them, directing cars to the arrival and departure lanes. Hyde turned to look at Eric, and he surprised him by sliding his sunglasses off.
“No, man. I mean, it’s really fine.” He deposited his shades into the cupholder. “And I ain’t divorced, cuz it turns out we were never technically married. Sam was a mistake - a drunken mistake - but she’s gone now. ” He grinned. “Little advice for ya, Forman - don’t start taking shots in Las Vegas. You’re gonna wind up either married, dead, or broke.”
“Right,” Eric tapped his chin sarcastically. “Well I guess when you put it that way, you really got the better end of that deal.”
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semperintrepida · 1 year
fic writing asks: 10, 12, & 16!
Hey there!
10. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written
I had to spend a day thinking about an answer to this question because I couldn't remember a single line of dialogue that I liked well enough to call a favorite. I suppose this line will have to do:
"If you don't want me, please don't do this."
Not because it's all that remarkable on its own, but because of all the build-up in the dialogue leading up to it. At this point, these two women have spent four stories longing for each other but circumstances have kept them from acting on it. And now Kyra's starting to embrace her desires and that makes Kassandra—the weapon, the fearless warrior—say perhaps the most honest thing she's ever said in this series: she's actually afraid.
12 & 16 answered over yonder
[fic writing questions meme]
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ahyperactivehero · 4 months
Fic recs ask meme: 1, 10, & 20!
👍🏽 A fic you bookmarked recently
Cold Necklines & Warm Hands by VickeyStar
If he’s being honest with himself, watching the pen remain on the desk no matter how many times he tries to scoop it up, it’s not even the pen that’s pissing him off, today. It’s something that’s been bothering him for a while.
The neckline of his shirt is damp. 
This fic is an interesting look at Charles' first ghostly interaction.
10. 👽 A fic that isn’t prose (poetry, text fic, etc.)
I don't do a lot of fics that aren't prose, but one I read and enjoyed recently was Observances (collected poems by Martin K Blackwood regarding subject Jonathan Sims) by Reeah. I love when people write poetry for Martin, especially because it is not my strong suit.
20. 💖 A drabble that made you want 100K more words
These I have a lot more of, but for now I'll say Shortbread for Serpents by SealandRocks. It is a cute little fic about Crowley and Aziraphale living in their South Downs cottage and how people (kids especially) react to Crowley as a snake. I'm a sucker for seeing how outsiders interact with Crowley and Aziraphale, especially when it involves kids!
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aelaer · 9 months
writer asks: 1, 4, & 11!
The original's found here. 1. What’s your favorite part of the writing process? In the ideation phase, I really enjoy working with another person (usually my beta) in discussing character motivation, if plot points make sense, and just exploring "what if" scenarios. In the writing itself, there is so, so much satisfaction as you write a scene and in the middle of writing it, you suddenly come up with an idea that solves a previous plot point or opens the door to a really exciting and new development that you didn't see coming. One advantage in publishing a long fic only when most of it is done is that you can go back and make those edits to earlier parts of the story to make those connections pay off. It's great. 4. What kind of endings do you prefer?
I tend to write happy endings, or if they're not fully happy, at least bittersweet. I have a harder time writing dark endings and those tend to only happen with one-shots. I don't know if I could write a huge fic that had a real downer of an ending. I'm still scarred by my reading of A Fine Balance in high school and that bummer of an ending after 400 pages of dense, dense reading. That feeling I had is not one that I really want to give to others.
On the other hand, when you have something where you, the reader, see the tragedy coming (like in Shakespeare's plays) due to the characters' own choices, that's not a bad trope. If the reader can see it and foreshadowing is properly placed, I think that can make a beautiful story. I just don't enjoy rug-pulls that seem to come out of nowhere. Characters driving the tragedy is significantly more story-worthy than the universe just being terrible. 11. What was the last color you used in your current WIP/most recent project?
Last color? Like, the last color I wrote? Uh... let's see, that'd be in Chapter 18 of Above the Shadows, which is the color red.
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did-i-do-this-write · 9 months
ao3 wrapped asks: 3, 14, & 29!
This is from so so so long ago, but thank you so much for the ask, I really appreciate it so much!!!!!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Answered here :)
14. What's your shortest work this year?
My shortest, completed work from this year is Home is Where You Are, which was really fun to write and just a cute idea I had stuck in my head until I wrote it down XD
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Why would you do this to me? /j
This is always such a hard question to answer!
I was really proud of this passage from A Man of Misfortune:
Qrow stole a private smile as Oz turned his attention back to the vault. The sun reflecting off the water lit up Oz’s face in a way Qrow had never seen before. He looked satisfied. Calm. Serene. As if this discovery was always waiting for him. As if he had fulfilled his destiny. The energy radiating from him was almost hypnotic, and Qrow couldn’t take his eyes away. For the first time since their crazy journey began, he saw just how beautiful Oz really was.
He was extraordinary.
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This ask motivated me to write 116 words for Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest.
Experiment Total: 79,441
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penna-nomen · 8 months
Fic writer asks: 3, 4, 13, & 20!
Thanks for the intriguing questions @silverinsanity!
3) My favorite kind of fic to write: stories that focus on the characters, that have a mix of humor and angst, and that have a happy ending
4) Other fic writers I admire: so many! Definitely @silbrith - our writing partnership will turn 10 years old next month, and I very much admire her work. Also @toast-the-unknowing whose Raven Cycle fics were so compelling that I devoured them before reading the source material; eventually those fics convinced me that I needed to read the books and then I enjoyed the fics on a whole new level.
13) Favorite fics written by others: This sent me on a delightful journey through my bookmarks. When I first started reading fanfic in the autumn of 2012, I decided to explore one specific fandom: White Collar. There are several works I came across in the following months that I enjoyed and that also strongly influenced my thoughts about what I wanted to write. A few highlights:
The Weather Outside is Frightful - this was one of my favorite examples of sick!fic and hurt/comfort, with an emphasis on sick, loopy Neal.
Off the Leash - it shows Peter and Neal stuck in a hotel room together and grumpy about it, and it inspired several of the ideas I explored in the first Caffrey Conversation story.
Jeffrey Nullier's "Man with a Fedora" by @copperbadge - the emphasis on Neal's skills as an artist + con artist and the humor stayed with me as elements I enjoyed both as a reader and a writer.
Now the question is: back when I first read these, did I have the courage to leave comments? if not, I need to go back and gush over them
20) 4 sentences from my work I'm proud of. Wow, that's the toughest ask. I went with the opening lines from my first fic, because I'm so proud of the fact that I actually had the courage to post it.
"James Bonds?" Elizabeth read the words over her husband's shoulder as she handed him a beer and sat beside him on their living room sofa. "That's quite a name. Does he live up to it?"
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spotlightzine · 7 years
i'm not sure if that hxh art was intentional, but it was appreciated nonetheless
We are SO sorry about that! One of the mods ended up accidentally rbing to the wrong place so I hope you guys will excuse that random burst of art! It was all deleted and hopefully is won’t happen again. ;;
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doodlegoodness · 7 years
silverinsanity replied to your photo: I kept thinking about little fledgling Ryn playing...
she so good?????
Her parents settled on making her exclusively wear ponchos because she was so wriggly that trying to get her to wear anything with sleeves would take approximately 6 different people and a Whole Lot of Luck (and tears)
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radiojamming · 7 years
writing tag game
my always incredible internet wifey @feckyeswriting​ tagged me so here goes
The Rule: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.  
Even when he finally wakes up, it feels much more like going into another dream.
it is a mystery as to what this is written for  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
aaaand i tag @glitzandshadows @ricca-raccoon @dholes @mithingthepoint @transtarks @silverinsanity AND IDK WHO ELSE sometimes i forget all the writers i follow QQ
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emperorsfoot · 8 months
Fic writer asks: 3, 4, 19, & 20
3 - What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write? Angst with daddy issues. Don't get me wrong, I love shipping and I write ship fic too. But if you looked at my complete ficography on AO3 and select the drop down menu for Additional Tags, the very next tags after "Angst" are Father-Son Relationship" and "Daddy Issues".
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I would like to thank my own father for being such an asshole that he's made me very prolific at writing this one very specific trope.
4 - Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why? Looks it can be hard starting to write, and it can be hard posting your work publicly. I admire all fic writers who have the courage and love to share their work publicly. It took a lot to start their story, and they did not have to share their creation with us. Even more, I admire fic writers that are capable of actually completing a story. Love to be one some day.
19 - Why did you start writing? There was something inside me clawing to get out and I cannot draw, so writing was its only option. Turns out the thing clawing to get out were my unresolved issues that I project onto my favorite characters.
20 - 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of I have immediately forgotten every word I've ever written. This question has wiped everything from my memory.
And I want you to know that I scrolled through my ficography to see if anything sparked my memory for a line that I was particularly proud of, but I have 210 works published to AO3 (as of the posting of this Ask) and because of the sheer volume I just can't remember the clever or poetic sentences from them.
Please feel free to brows my work at your leisure if you're interested:
>> Cool Asks for Fic Writers Game <<
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yellowmagicalgirl · 6 years
Keep Chasing Your Schemes (fic title)
This reminds me of that old Miraculous Ladybug fic that I had written based on @silverinsanity‘s Timebroken!AU, so I’m going to go with that.
This would start soon before the death of Mrs. Agreste, and show how his relationship with her and Adrien has deteriorated after Felix died. Afterwards, it would chronicle Gabriel’s descent into villainy, and end with the death of Chat Noir. The last line would highlight how Gabriel doesn’t recognize his own son anymore, having been blinded by his own ambition.
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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did-i-do-this-write · 10 months
Writer asks: 1, 4, & 11!
Thank you so much for the asks! I appreciate it :)
1. What's your favorite part of the writing process?
Coming up with the idea and then conceptualizing and visualizing it. Picturing it on my own is a lot easier than trying to convey my ideas to others :)
4. What is your preferred type of ending to write?
Angst 👏🏻 with 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 happy 👏🏻 ending
Is my default every time. Most of the time I don't plan it. It just happens.
11. What was the last color you used in your current WIP/most recent project? Share the line?
I'm not sure if this is the last thing I wrote, but its close to the end of the story haha
[He opens his eyes, seeing Nora's drawing again. The mask stares back at him. Obviously it's simple, not detailed in anyway, but the basic shapes are there. The red and black. The armor. It all adds up.]
[And if Nora drew it from memory...]
Their parents were killed by the Branwens…
Ooooo, big reveal 😀
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This ask motivated me to write 100 words for Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest.
Experiment Total: 78,967
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penna-nomen · 10 months
Writer asks: 1, 4, & 11!
Thanks for the ask @silverinsanity!
1) So many favorite parts of writing :) For long stories I love the brainstorming phase, where I'm dreaming up ideas and deciding what fits where. And for stories of all lengths I love when I'm in the middle of writing a scene and a new thought pops up that makes everything more -- more meaningful, more humorous, more touching, just some kind of leveling up
4) Happy endings definitely are my favorite. When it comes to stories that are longer than a single chapter, I don't feel the story is done until the lead character has accomplished something or learned something that leaves them in a better place than where they started.
11) The last color I referenced in a current WIP was red, to describe a car.
Fun questions!
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