what a shit show
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michelle • 22 • she/her
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lunarmessenger · 3 months ago
vulgar. - chapter eleven.
Jumin smiled once he heard Y/N's answer, the success of his dinner making his heart soar with joy as he elegantly finished his glass of wine. Y/N followed suit, finishing her glass of wine with ease as she pushed away from the table and stood. Jumin furrowed his brows in confusion, patting his mouth dry with his napkin before standing as well.
"Where are you going?" He found himself wanting her to stay, the gears in his mind turning rapidly as he tried to think of something to keep her in the apartment. Being with Y/N brought a large wave of feelings that he was not used to; frustration, anxiety, excitement. It was all so new, and he wasn't ready to feel those emotions slip away as he followed her towards the front door. She was puzzled, furrowing her brows with a slight laugh as she gestured towards the door.
“Back to the apartment with Jaehee? We’ve reached our agreement so I figured you’d like to get back to whatever you were working on prior. You’re a busy man.” With another small smile she turned to leave but jumped as he placed a hand on the frame of the door before she’d opened it.
“Y/N…” She kept her back facing him but turned her head slightly to look backwards and up towards him. Her expression was littered with patience as he struggled to figure out what to say, his brows furrowing in frustration at himself. Never, in his short life had he struggled to continue a conversation, to prolong any meeting or discussion. Yet, that was all business, and while Y/N’s involvement with the RFA was a part of the business to a degree, she as a person was not. All the while Y/N was trying hard to understand the expression in his dark eyes, not knowing him well enough yet just to have a grasp on what he was thinking.
Her eyes traveled to the grand piano that was slightly peeking itself around the corner of the long hallway leading to his study. Curiosity flared inside her eyes as she gestured her head from Jumin to the piano. He furrowed his brows once more before following her gaze, removing his arm while she wordlessly walked down the hall towards the piano.
“Do you play?” He frowned as he watched her slide onto the bench with ease, her hands running across the wooden keys as she glanced up at him with a single raised brow, as if to ask him again.
“Of course I do. Why else would I have it in my home?”
“I know a lot of rich people that own a piano, and don’t know how to play.” She huffed in defiance, Jumin guffawing in shock at her quick snap back at him. She smirked in satisfaction before continuing, keeping her gaze on the keys as she placed her fingers accordingly.
“My mom wanted me to learn, thought I was rather musically inclined. I am, I guess, but it’s not what I love.” She pressed down on the keys with a skillfull ease, a strong note ringing clear across the room. The vibrant noise made her look around, realizing how different his study was to the rest of the house that she’d seen so far. His large desk, made of rich, chestnut mahgony stood proud in the center on top of a black fur rug. There was a black leather couch with a gray soft throw blanket draped over the back, white cat fur lingering on the sofa with some work files.
To her surprise, a record player sat neatly on a small coffee table, a large glass case holding a variety of music. He had bookshelves lining the back walls behind the desk, filled to the brim with economic studies, tax information, and other assorted themes in topics that she didn’t expect. Cat health, cat behavioral books, though one title made a slight gasp leave her lips as she flipped her legs over the bench and rushed to the bookshelf.
Jumin calmly followed her with a blank expression, yet curiosity and fascination flooded his chest as he watched Y/N. She flipped her hair behind her back to keep it out of her way as she knelt on the floor, eyes focused on the spine of the book she wanted as she gently coaxed it out of the shelf. Once his eyes fell on the title of the book, Jumin’s cheeks flared a bright red, his expression stuffy as he quickly knelt down on one knee and snatched the book from her.
“Hey!” She yelped in protest as she felt the hardcover slip against her fingertips, the book disappearing behind his back as she quickly rose to her feet. She stared up at him with a large pout, eyes searching for an explanation until her gaze slightly softened. This was the most flustered she had ever seen anyone, let alone the Jumin Han. He wasn’t saying anything, but he was desparately keeping the book out of her reach as he had migrated across the study.
“I think you’ve stayed long enough.” The flatness in his voice made her a touch nervous, but she was just as stubborn as she slowly made her way towards him.
“Now, I don’t think that’s fair. First you wanted me to stay, now that I’ve found something peculiar about you, I’m demanded to leave? I don’t operate that way.” Y/N felt her heart beat faster at the course of action she was taking, trying to figure out or understand why she was doing this. The click of her heels was softened occasionally by the multiple rugs layered throughout his study, warm air softly blowing the ribbon she’d placed in her hair loose. She hadn’t noticed; her eyes had switched from the book to him. He was backing away from her, not paying attention until the back of his knees gave way to his large desk chair.
Y/N stopped just a couple of inches away from his seated figure, hands behind her back as she leaned forward. She didn’t miss the way his breath slightly sped up, the way his eyes kept flickering from her eyes to her parted lips. She wanted the book, wanted to ask him why he reacted so strongly to her finding it. She wanted something else, too.
Her ribbon had slid down so it was now to the side of her head, Jumin taking his chance to turn the dynamic as he reached a large hand up towards the ribbon. It was her turn to have a hiccup in breath, her eyes flickering to the left to watch his hand. He moved slowly, deliberately as he gently untied the ribbon. It now softly slid across her hair and cheek, the silk fresh with her perfume and hair product as it plopped into the palm of his hand.
“You need to tie this tighter.” She watched as he placed the book into a filing cabinet next to the desk, and before she could have a chance to protest, it was shut tight. Instead her attention stayed on the ribbon, the way he wrapped it around his fingers then brought it to his face. It was her turn to blush a deep hue of red as she watched his chest rise with a deep inhale, his eyes fluttering shut as the smell of vanilla, honey, and cinnamon seduced his senses. He looked like he was in esctacy from her smell alone, and it made her fidget in ways she didn’t know how to describe.
“I think I should be going Mr. Han.” Her voice, usually strong and unwavering, came out soft and almost seductive, her tone surprising her as she bowed quickly and fixed her gaze to the floor. She made a slight face at the rug beneath her; what the hell was that? What is this? What were they doing? Why? Didn’t she hate him?
That thought made her flare up like a rooster, and just as she was about to rise and blow him off with a smart comment, she felt the soft touch of his finger on her chin. The soft pressure forced her to tilt her head so that her gaze now rested on him, not the floor. He was leaning forward in the chair, one hand resting lazily in his lap while the other was holding her gaze to his. His gray eyes reminded her of a dark ocean, the waves angry and surging as they slammed any boat into the rocks of consciousness. She hoped hers would be spared.
“I believe that is a wise; extremely wise decision. Thank you for joining me for dinner. We’ll discuss my father—” Before he could finish she had stepped forward and taken the ribbon back from his loose hands, the soft silk reassuring her actions as she leaned in close. They were so close their noses could touch, her soft breath slightly stammering as she spoke.
“Thank you for dinner.” With that she abruptly stood up and quickly turned back towards the hallway, her hair fanning out behind her from the sudden movement. She didn’t wait for him to say anything, nervously speedwalking to the front door. When she’d reached the knob she turned back around to see if he had followed her, and he had; he was staring from across the now empty and cleaned dining table.
“Thank you for coming.” His deep voice was soft as he stared deeply at her, his gaze making her shiver as she gave a curt nod and turned back towards the door. Her shaking hands fumbled for just a moment before they steadied and she’d opened the door, quickly stepping out and shutting the large door behind her with a quick exhale. She was holding her breath that entire time, she’d just realized, bracing her weight on the door as she bent over and held her knees.
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lunarmessenger · 3 months ago
the “this guy looks weird” to “this guy looks weird 😳” pipeline literally so dangerous.
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lunarmessenger · 3 months ago
pokemon trainer that shouts "get his ass" every time they order their pokemon to attack
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lunarmessenger · 3 months ago
lovesick/obsession writing prompts🌹💌
Trigger Warning!!!! Mentions of manipulation, g0re, bl00d, etc. (Potential yandere themes)
Sorry for posting this haha 😬
dialogue prompts:
"I'll be yours, no matter what."
"How did I ever get so lucky…?"
"I'm in such pain every second we're apart."
"Thinking about you is my favorite hobby..."
"I would hurt myself much more if it meant you would take care of me."
"I need you more than I need air to breathe."
"I will love you until the day I'm dead."
"After I'm done with you, your thoughts will be plagued by me."
"You deserve the entire world's attention!!"
"I've completely dedicated myself to you, why can't you do the same?"
"I actually went to see you last night… you didn't notice, but you looked so cute!"
"I don't want to hurt you, honey."
"If they ever become a problem, let me know. Okay, love?"
"The emotions you make me feel are too special, we must be destiny."
"The next time they touch you, I'll cut their wretched limbs off."
"I want to tell you how much I love you until my throat starts bleeding."
"All I want is to see that smile!"
"I would only hurt you if you really wanted me to."
"Take out all your anger on me; as long as I get your attention, I don't care!"
"I want to be yours, hold me tightly forever!"
"I'm always willing to go further with you..."
"Nobody needs to know."
"I'll gouge your eyes out myself so that the last thing you see is my face~!"
"Don't you dare leave me alone."
"Your blood looks so pretty…"
"Don't say such things about yourself, you angel-!"
"I know all there is to know about you, my love."
"I am jealous. I'm so horribly jealous."
"I will change into the person you desire… you deserve the best."
"I want to taste you, to breathe you, to be smothered by you…!"
"Please, make me bleed."
"Controlling all these emotions is just too hard."
"I can't lose this feeling, I can't lose you!"
"Isn't it romantic~?"
"Hit me. You'll feel better."
"I feel like I'm losing my mind-!"
"I can't calm down."
"My heart just won't stop p-pounding."
"I'm madly in love with you!!"
"I'm drowning in your scent…"
"Beautiful baby! So lovely, so breathtaking! Captivating! Alluring!"
Staring, watching, fantasizing
Confusion, denial, refusal
Worship, hopeless devotion, smothering
Endless praise, compliments, obsession, hyperfixation
Vulnerability, weakened senses
Choking, emotional manipulation
Decapitated body parts, explicit gore
Praise, idolization, drugging
Crying, struggling, infatuation
Stalking, hunting, trespassing
Erotomania; delusional disorder that causes a person to believe that their fate requires a certain relationship
Possessive, violent, clingy
Sobbing, begging, pleading, praying
Starving, craving, aching
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lunarmessenger · 3 months ago
I'm Here - 707 x Reader
this request was submitted by sweet @ariajc79 . I'm so sorry this took so long. I truly hope you're still active on here to see it. Enjoy. x
word count:
warnings: mentions of suicide, mental illness, and self harm
A yawn escaped her lips as she climbed out of bed, grabbing Saeyoung’s t-shirt to cover her naked body. It dropped to her knees as she walked to the restroom, ruffling her hair and trying to wake her brain to catch up to her body. But then she had a funny feeling, her nose wrinkling as she tuned in to the rest of the apartment. Something was missing, though she couldn’t put a finger on it just yet. She brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear as she leaned her head out of the bathroom.
Then it made sense.
There was always some sort of noise throughout the apartment, and it almost always had to do with Saeyoung. The silence was alarming, her brows furrowing as she quickly used the restroom, washed her hands, and walked out into the hallway.
“Saeyoung? Honey?” Again silence, her bare feet echoing from stepping on the cold tile as she shivered to herself. Without Saeyoung by her side she had become all too aware of the chill that ran through the house, making a mental note to turn on the heater to prepare for the frost of Winter. She wandered past the hall to get towards the familiar kitchen when she felt herself stumble over something soft, her arms sprawling forward to catch herself as she turned her head back to see what it was. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw the familiar grey hoodie and flaming red hair peek out from the ruffled cloth.
“Saeyoung! Darling, are you okay?” She was immediately at his side, her touch gentle as she reached for his arms and rubbed them to try and soothe him. He was shaking violently, gripping his sides as he furrowed his brows and shook his head.
“Is it a stomach bug? Are you feeling feverish?” She wasn’t trying to be pushy, just more try to understand what was going on to help him. She felt him wince as she passed over a certain part of his forearm, his head suddenly snapping up as he glared at her. His face left her stunned as she recoiled in surprise, furrowing her brows in confusion. His golden eyes that were always so warm towards her were suddenly hard like rock, blocking her out as he sat up on his knees.
“No! Jesus Christ, can I just exist without you breathing down my neck every five minutes?” He sounded so cold; she couldn’t help the tears that had started to well as she brought her hands to her lap and clasped them together tightly.
“I see.” Her sad tone made him snap out of his brief irritation as he melted, his voice starting off quiet as he too started to feel the oncoming of tears.
"No! No, Y/N, that's not what I meant. I'm just..." Before she could encourage him to continue he burst into another fit of tears, her eyes wide as he gripped his hair on the sides of his head and pulled tight.
"My brain. Won't. Shut. Up." With each word he beat his fists against his head while Y/N sprang to his side, grabbing his arms with her hands and pulling with all her strength to prevent him from doing it again. He suppressed a scream that she could only describe as the source of agony itself, fat tears rolling down his pale face as he looked at her with desparation.
"You need to tell me what's going on, Saeyoung. I can't help you if you don't talk to me." Her pleas were desperate as her arms grew sore from forcing his down to his sides. He trembled while he struggled to keep his breathing steady, sweat beading across his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Look at me," She it was barely above a whisper as she gently guided his arms and hands to her chest and stomach, spreading his palms flat against the areas. "Feel my heartbeat. Breathe. Deeply."
It took a couple of tries but he opened his eyes, golden honey rigid and anxious as his breathing began to regulate. While his breathing had stabilized the tears had not, his voice weak as he threw himself into her arms. She was ready for it, squeezing him tight as he collapsed into her lap and chest.
"I've found my brother and yet; it's not the same. I know he wishes me dead some days. I can't help but agree with him."
"Is he wrong, Y/N? Can you deny him his truth? I abandoned him."
"I'm going to stop you now, before you continue on your tangents that you do." Her voice was firm and her gaze turned steely, Saeyoung stuttering in his sorrow filled monologue as he waited for her to continue.
"You were manipulated into leaving him behind. I know you don't like telling yourself this, but it's the truth. You were a victim too. You don't have to pity yourself every day, but you can at least give yourself some grace. You were just a kid." Though her grasp was firm and her gaze honest, her voice was soft and patient, reminding him that she would tell him again if that's what he wanted.
"I just don't know how to get out of this. I've been trying so hard to keep all my feelings at bay.'s too much. It's like I'm being suffocated." Y/N stood and brought him up with her, pulling on his hoodie and adjusting the wrinkles in it as she looked into his eyes.
"I think," She paused to clean up his glasses, his vision blurring for a moment as he watched her facial expression go from clear, to a blurry blob of nothing.
"Finding a great therapist, and taking today to just veg out and eat some chips sounds great." She placed his glasses gently back on his face and offered a small smile while tilting her head. That smile that had become clear as day again, flooded him with reassurance and warmth as he brought his sleeves up to his wet face.
"How does that sound?"
"I think that sounds perfect."
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lunarmessenger · 3 months ago
me when a character who was completely powerless gains power and proceeds to lose themselves in the intoxication of it before coming to and being horrified by their own capacity for bloodlust
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
I’m sorry for the lack of updates you guys; life is not being kind to me rn lmao you can read the tags if you want;;;;
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
i know we writers complain about writing a lot as a joke, and that’s completely fine, but it’s also important to remember why we love it and what we find in it!
we keep coming back to the blank page because we believe we can fill it. we build something from nothing more than our own imaginations. we transfer thoughts to words to paper to people. writing really is one of the most beautiful things we can do, and that’s one of my favorite things about it.
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
“i’ll kill you.” are we about to kiss 
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
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— To the Desert, Benjamin Alire Sáenz 
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
it’s so frustrating (and heartbreaking) to see so many writers going on indefinite hiatus / deleting their blogs because they are not motivated to write anymore. worst of all: people would always be like ‘no why are you leaving we don’t want you to do so :(’ but they were nowhere to be seen in our notifications beforehand. the lack of support on this platform is a huge issue and it’s a shame that content consumers don’t get the hint when writers have been waving the red flag for months. please support creators by rebbloging their posts, interact with them by leaving a few tags, a comment or an ask! if you’re too shy then hit that anon button and you’re good to go. show them that their works matter and you enjoy their blog, because when the decision to leave is made, it’s already too late.
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
btw for a price of an NFT you could just commission an actual artist and get a beautiful illustrated piece made to your exact liking, it can even have huge boobs on it too
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
vulgar. - jumin han x fem!reader fic
Chapter Masterlist
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
vulgar. - chapter ten.
It took everything in Y/N to stay calm as she made eye contact with Jumin's father, his brows furrowing as he looked at her. He wasn't the only one who was displeased; beside him was a woman who seemed to be closer to Jumin's age. She had long hair with blond highlights, brown eyes piercing as she gave Y/N a brief look of distaste before turning her attention to Jumin. In contrast to Y/N's soft floral look, she wore a black turtleneck sweater tucked into a pencil skirt, black stockings and black heels tying her outfit all together as she opened her mouth to speak.
"Jumin, this is Mi Cha. From the Boon family." Though  Y/N didn't agree with her background, she couldn't help the small scoff that was urging to leave her body as she fought the need to roll her eyes. The Boon family was very well known in South Korea for their influence in fashion, but had yet to reach the United States in their ideals. Their lack of influence on the general public in the US made them weaker than Y/N's family, who had already implemented several corporate buildings world wide.
"I'm very excited to get to know you, Jumin. Your father has told me many wonderful things about you." Her voice was smooth yet icy, a certain coldness radiating from her poised posture as she gave a slight curtsy. It took everything in Y/N not to laugh, as this strange woman's energy was rather similar to Jumin's. Stifling her laugh, she cleared her throat to gather everybody's attention, including the chairman himself. His eyes flashed with recognition as he turned to face his son, the man sighing deeply as he realized that his father had put a name to her face.
"Y/N Walker. The trouble making heiress. Not exactly the best choice for you son." Jumin felt a slight pang of irritation that he wasn't expecting, his father's actions getting on his nerves more than normal. But before the man could say anything Y/N was way ahead of him, standing up and bowing respectfully.
"Hello, it is very nice to meet you sir. I am honored to have the chance to meet one of the most powerful men in Korea, as well as his beautiful guest. It is my pleasure, Mi Cha." Her tone was proper but Jumin could see the slight spark of mischief, excitement replacing irritation as an idea came to his mind.
"Father, I would like you to meet my girlfriend." Y/N faltered, sputtering slightly as she looked up at Jumin who had stood beside her. Her face had gone warm, a slight flush gracing her cheeks as Jumin placed his large hand at the small of her back. His touch was barely there but it was enough for her to feel it, her heart beating faster at his actions and with what he just said. Girlfriend? His father and guest were just as shocked as she was, suspicion riddled all over their faces as Y/N struggled to give a happy smile.
"Son. Did you not just tell me when I was in your office last that you were not looking for anybody special?" This was a surprise, Y/N keeping still as she looked up towards Jumin, who avoided her eye contact as he challenged his father. As far as she knew, woman were constantly groveling over the handsome business man, dreaming of being doted upon by him. He could quite literally, have anybody he wanted; yet here his father was, airing out his dirty laundry in front of his supposed girlfriend.
"I was simply not ready to introduce the two of you to each other. Especially now with this so called "scandal" that her parents and ex-fiancee have put together." The mention of the tabloids caused Mi Cha to laugh, her perfectly manicured hand coming up to her pink lips as she slowed down to a small giggle.
"I'm so sorry, I don't mean to laugh. I just never expected a daughter from a family as well mannered as the Walkers to behave in such a chaotic manner, so much as to runaway from a perfect life." Jumin looked down to see Y/N grow angry, her brows slightly furrowing as she struggled to keep her composure. He was trying to keep her comfortable by keeping his touch light, but he couldn't help but give her hip a slight squeeze as she opened her mouth to speak.
"Pardon my abrasive tone, but to be frank; you don't know anything about me. You have no right to speak my family's name with a mouth like yours. Haven't you been told? Never bite the hand that feeds you." A snort made all three people whip their heads over to Jumin, the man's head turned to the side as one of his large hands came up to hide his face. Y/N tried her best not to smile in return, feeling a slight sense of pride at the fact that she'd made the stoic business man actually laugh. The opposing pair were not as amused, Mi Chan growing visibly red from anger as she looked to the chairman for help.
"Jumin, I really think you and I should have a discussion—"
"Not tonight father, as I am trying to spend quality time with Y/N. This is what you wanted, isn't it?" There was a gleam in his eye that came as a surprise to Y/N as she watched it all unfold, a feeling similar to butterflies erupting in her stomach as she watched him. This right here is what Jaehee had told her about; that hidden charm that Jumin carried with him that allowed him to make her feel this way.
Without another word the chairman simply looked at Mi Cha and held out his arm, glancing back at his son and his new found partner as if to say, 'This isn't over.'. But for now it was, the front door slowly coming to a close and Jumin giving an audible sigh of relief. With them gone he'd slipped his hand back from her hip, Y/N fighting a hiss that almost escaped her lips at the sudden wave of cool air that came between them. To her surprise she found herself to be disappointed with the removal of his arm, the man gesturing to her chair to have her take a seat.
"I am sorry that this happened Y/N, this was not meant to be part of the reason I am helping you in your situation." Usually she'd have a snarky remark but this time she could only nod, the chef soon bringing out new plates of dinner and removing the previous ones.
"It's not a problem, though I take it you're not usually one to forget important plans like that?" A slight blush spread across his cheeks as he gave a small sigh, nodding along as his only response.
"Let's not discuss that. You weren't brought here to act as a surrogate; I wanted to discuss your role as a new member of the RFA." His serious demeanor was back as he began to neatly cut into his meal, Y/N following along with him as she watched him carefully. For a split second she had gotten to see a humorous side to Jumin, one that he most definitely wasn't known for. It almost made her sad to see him shove it back down where he preferred it to be, trying not to let the pang of her heart hurt too much as she chewed on her food.
"Before we were interrupted you asked what exactly the RFA is, and what we do. It is a charity organization." Jumin smiled at Y/N's expression showing interest, raising an eyebrow to signal him to go on as she sipped on her wine.
"It was created by my dear friend V's late fiancee, Rika. She saw that the world was not always kind to others, and so she wanted to create a fundraiser that would help those who were in need. Rika's Fundraising Association." The abbreviation made sense to her now, and while she could appreciate this Rika's motivation, she couldn't help but notice the way Jumin spoke about her. The fondness that ghosted over his grey eyes, a smile hinting at the corner of his usually neutral set mouth. She didn't want to admit it, but Y/N could feel slight jealousy entering her heart at the way he spoke about her.
"Anyway, with her gone we haven't held a proper fundraiser in a couple of years. It was her responsibility to gather the guests for the fundraiser; she just had a way with others that none of us could seem to replicate. That is where you come in." Y/N paused her chewing as she took in what he said, pursing her lips slightly as she tilted her head.
"Okay...are you saying that you want me to take her place? Fill her old role?"
"Not exactly take her place. You are not Rika, and nobody could possibly come close to the magic she carried with her." He hesitated as he picked up his glass of wine, bringing it to his lips and taking a gentle sip. Again, she felt another pang of jealousy as she felt the idea of rejecting his proposal rising in her chest.
"But you do have the potential, as well as being stuck in a rather compromising position. You can't exactly go home, and sooner or later your money supply will run out." This was a harsh reality that she had been putting off thinking about; but he was absolutely right. All she'd managed to take without being noticed by her family and her ex was a few thousand dollars in cash; and most of that was spent on her plane ticket and the few art supplies she'd bought for herself. She looked away for a few moments to mull it over, but Jumin knew the essentially she had no choice.
"How much money are we negotiating here? I would need enough to rent my own place and—"
"That won't be necessary." This made her pause as she sat up straighter in her chair, bringing her hands to her lap to fidget with.
"After the failed attempt of kidnapping, I do not feel comfortable having my assistant and her friend living alone. In exchange for your work with this association, you will have free housing here, as well as all the supplies that you will need for your artwork." This caused Y/N to falter, almost choking on her vegetables as she brought the napkin up to her mouth.
"My artwork? How did you even know I'm an artist?"
"With your recent scandal planted by your family I had Jaehee do a report on you. Your exhibits were quite good." Jumin was surprised to see her roll her eyes, leaning back in her chair as all proper etiquette that was taught to her disappeared.
"Those pieces weren't me. Just proper prim landscapes that would sell easily to make my parents look good." She blew a stray piece of her hair away from her face while Jumin only looked on, slightly amused.
"Then, paint what you would like. With your name in the tabloids I'm sure your work would raise thousands for the association. Even if it isn't 'proper prim landscapes' that you've grown so used to replicating. You won't have to pretend for this exhibition of your work." Y/N gave a slow nod, returning to her proper seated position as she decided.
"Okay, Jerkmin. You have a deal."
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
vulgar. - chapter nine.
Y/N played with the threads on her tattered dress as she rode in the car to Jumin's private building, the tall buildings of the city ringing familiar to her. Limousines and fancy buildings were something familiar with her, yet a bubble of anxiety kept fluctuating back and forth. His sudden interest in her couldn't help but make her think of red flags she'd seen before with the man she'd fled from, her foot tapping against the smooth carpet floors.
"We will be arriving to Mr. Han's building soon, miss." The driver hummed and looked at her through the review mirror, Y/N giving a small nod as she tried to muster up a smile.
"He isn't as bad as he makes himself out to be." The older gentleman's husky voice was oddly calming to her, her brows furrowing as she looked down in her lap.
"I've been told that before." She doubted that Jumin cared enough to ask the driver about their conversation on the way to his building, deciding that it would be nice to let her defense down; even if it was just for a few minutes.
"I only know what I've seen in the papers," She grimaced at that, imagining that with each moment she wasn't with her ex-fiancé, the more false information he was pumping to the press to bring her home. To make matters worse, her parents were most likely helping him, the thought making her stomach churn as nausea overcame her.
"But I do know that Mr. Han would not be pulling the strings he is pulling if he truly believed what the papers are saying." The sincerity in his words was enough to make her feel less anxious, the limo slowing to a stop in front of the largest building in the city. Security personnel was already opening the door for her and offering his hand before she could even fully register she'd arrived, her instinct immediately taking over as she took his hand without question.
She was met with more security as they surrounded her from any hidden eyes that would try to recognize her, Y/N feeling extremely underdressed as she entered the sleek building. The floors were made of sleek white marble, glass doors and windows decorating the walls along with abstract art. The elevator doors were made of stainless steel, her own reflection visible then slowly disappearing as they opened for her and the original security that helped her out from the limo.
"Mr. Han is on a business call, so you will be waiting on the guest floor." She almost choked on her own spit in surprise, furrowing her brows as she recollected herself.
"D-Don't you mean guest room?" Her question went unanswered, the elevator doors opening to a long hallway leading to a door. The sun was high and bright in the sky, beaming through the windows that showed the mid skyline of the city. She tried to recall the kind drivers words from the ride to this building, taking deep breaths to calm her anxiety as she continued to follow security down the hall. Before she knew it she was in front of the door, hearing faint sounds of rock music and thumping from inside confusing her.
A few sharp knocks from the guard made the music come to a halt, Y/N anxiously waiting as she heard foot steps walking to the door. With a swift motion it was thrown open, a warm tint gracing Y/N's face as she blushed. Sweat was dripping down his muscled chest as he adjusted his sweatpants, his furrowed brows relaxing as his mouth formed a smirk. He leaned against the door frame, gray hair sticking to his sweaty back as she tried to look everywhere but his naked chest.
"You know, I never really understand what goes through that jerk's head." His voice was like honey, deep and smooth as his red eyes gave her body a complete scan.
"But now, I think I understand why he wants you to join the RFA."
"I, um..."
"Zen! Who's at the door?" Y/N felt a grin coming to her face as Jaehee came into view, water dripping from her wet hair as she paused. Once they both made eye contact it was like the muscled man didn't exist, Y/N pushing past him and immediately hugging her best friend. The hug was returned, Jaehee gripping her hard as she took in the familiar smell of her friend.
"I'm so sorry Jaehee." That made the woman laugh as she pulled away, keeping her hands gripped on her arms as she shook her head.
"This is not your fault. I think you knew what your family was capable of; nobody expected them to go this far, not even you." Finally being with someone familiar Y/N could feel her anxiety creep back in, sniffling as fat tears started to roll down her cheeks.
"Oh, Y/N." Those words alone made her collapse into Jaehee's arms, the two women falling to the floor. Sobs wracked Y/N's entire body as reality had fully set in for her. It seemed to set in for Jaehee and Zen as well, the two noticing the bruises on her knees and scrapes on her hands from running for her life. Her sundress that was once a bright and beautiful blue was tattered and dirty, her hair disheveled from tossing in her sleep and lack of a shower. Zen quietly packed up his things and quickly put his shirt back on, putting up his hair into a low bun gesturing Jaehee to message him later.
Jaehee nodded in return as Y/N started to calm herself down, the release leaving her to feel exhausted as she took a deep shuddering breath. The gravity of the situation weighed heavy on the two women; Y/N couldn't keep things light anymore. What she was running from was extremely serious, and she wasn't sure if she could keep this up. Another sharp knock made both women jump, Jaehee standing up and opening the door. Another security personnel simply handed her a box tied with lilac ribbon, the white box pristine as she thanked him and shut the door behind him.
"Y/'s for you." She wiped her tears, eyes swollen as reached for the box Jaehee handed her. She untied the silk ribbon, opening the lid to see an elegant lilac dress, dotted with small colorful flowers, and white Mary Jane wedges. There was a note on top, Y/N furrowing her brows as she opened the letter.
Please wear this for our dinner tonight at approximately 6:00 PM. If it is not up to your taste, please let me know before this time as I can make adjustments. We will discuss your new position within the RFA further during dinner. I look forward to seeing you.
Jumin Han
The note was handwritten just like the one she'd received with her phone, his cologne invading her nose again as she placed the note to the side. Both her and Jaehee's cheeks turned red as she found the matching pair of underwear underneath all the clothing, immediately putting the lid back on the box to cover it. Everything was brand new and in her size, her eyes immediately flying to Jaehee who raised her hands up in defense.
"He said he would have one of his people take your clothes to dry cleaning, but I'm assuming nothing could be done after the acrylic paint dried." She nodded, her throat feeling like sand paper as she swallowed.
"Jaehee I...Can I shower?" She nodded, helping her off the floor and directing her down the hall to the left of the living room. There was another small lounging area with two black leather chairs, a gray shag carpet resting in front of them. Black wooden bookshelves held an array of books, floor to ceiling windows basking the room in natural sunlight. The guest bedroom had a king sized bed, monotone sheets and a comforter donning the large mattress. There was a large white vanity with a light up mirror, everything spotless except for her toiletries that Jaehee had placed; and the painting she had finished before those men came for her.
"I didn't know if Jumin would have me send your items when you were with Luciel, or if he would bring you here. This is all that was left after those men went through your things." Y/N gave a slight nod as she looked at the painting she'd made, leaning against one of the mirrors as she placed the box down on the bed.
"I'll leave you alone; let me know if you need anything." With that Jaehee left her to her new set up as she looked towards the attached bathroom, marble counter tops and shower matching the sleek and gray scale of her side of the suite. For a second she thought of just avoiding the meeting with Jumin all together; but then again, she could be over reacting. She walked into the bathroom, shivering at the cold tile as she reached over and turned on the shower.
Thoughts of her husband-to-be made her grimace as she undressed, unwanted memories flooding her mind as she thought about Jumin's note. The first clothing gift she'd received from her ex-fiancée was raunchy lingerie, versus Jumin's classy taste in undergarments. That alone led her to believe that he wasn't really inviting her over for harmful intentions, unlike the asshole her parents were forcing her to marry. The warm water was welcoming as she sighed, the aching from her bruises slowly fading as she gently scrubbed at her skin using the soap in the showers. As the dirt and grime washed down the drain she let her thoughts flow with it, trying to keep an open mind as she prepared for dinner tonight.
Jumin sat at the dinner table with a glass of his favorite red wine, a classic black suit dawning his body as he quietly sipped. The seat across from him held an empty plate that matched his, glass empty as the waiter patiently waited for Jumin's command to fill it. He checked his watch, the time reading 5:59 as a small bubble of anxiety formed in his chest. He furrowed his brows, taking another sip to pop that bubble as he felt disbelief.
Never in his life had Jumin felt nervous or anxious about well, anything. He had the best resources, the best drive; he calculated everything so that he knew it would benefit him in the end. With Y/N it was different. Her lack of needing to flatter him completely threw him off of his analysis of women, and while it was intriguing it was also a risk. Deep down he knew this, yet he still pretended that it didn't bother him as he leaned back in his chair. Just as the second hand on his watched ticked over to 6:00 there were three small knocks on his door, the business man immediately standing and adjusting his tie.
Within a minute he was out of the dining area and in front of the front door, burying his feelings of anxiety and replacing it with his assured coolness. He opened the door and had to stifle a slight gasp of awe, the woman standing before him breathtaking. She had pinned her hair back so that it was half up and half down, her face on full display. She'd applied some makeup but instead of the bold, dramatic features he'd usually seen on other women she kept is soft. The heels tied everything together, bringing her so that she was eye level with his neck instead of the bottom of his chest.
Y/N noticed that he was staring, at first getting irritated until she took him in as well. This suit was different than the one he was wearing at work, the stark black of it making his pale skin stand out more than it already did. His oxfords made him taller than he naturally was, the same color black as his suit. Tying it all together was the lilac tie that sat proudly on his light gray dress shirt chest, that alone making a slight blush heat up her cheeks as she huffed.
He had made sure they matched.
"What are you staring at? Are you going to let me in or not?" The soft look suited her but her loud personality broke the image, the contrast almost comical as Jumin stifled a small smile that threatened to show on his expressionless face.
"Please, come in. Thank you for joining me for dinner." Not forgetting her manners, she gave a slight curtsy as she slightly lifted her dress, walking inside while Jumin shut the door behind her. She waited for him to walk up and as she expected he held out his arm, politely escorting her to his dining area. Though she would rather be brash and independent she couldn't ignore the slight muscle that her hand felt beneath the jacket, taking a deep breath to remain focused on what this was really about: her joining the RFA.
He led Y/N to her chair first, pulling out the seat and guiding her hand from his arm. Her hand slid down his forearm down to his, both of them making eye contact as she gently sit down. He was the first to let go, feeling his cheeks heat up as he cleared his throat. He made a waving motion to the waiter who effortlessly served the wine to Y/N, keeping his eyes on her as she thanked him and took the glass in her hands. She swirled it a couple of times and gently sniffed at the tilted cup, humming in approval before sipping. Jumin couldn't hide his smile after that, a small one gracing his face as Y/N set the glass down and placed her hands in her lap.
"Thank you for inviting me to dinner, Jumin. But...why have me join the RFA? What kind of business is this? What do you get out of helping me?" Her overall expression feigned confusion, and while she may be confused her eyes were unwavering as they darted all over his face. Studying, calculating. She was trying to read him. Every moment she was in his home his fascination for her grew, the waiter soon bringing out platters of steak, potatoes, and asparagus. The smell was enticing, Y/N realizing that she hadn't had much to eat all day until now. Though she was tempted her gaze didn't falter, waiting for Jumin's response as he leaned forward.
"I—" He was quickly interrupted at the sound of loud knocks on his front door, his brows furrowing while Y/N slightly jumped. He broke eye contact with her first as he looked towards the hallway, gesturing for his waiter to answer the door.
"I thought this was just dinner between us." Y/N was already preparing to leave, anxiety written all over her face and body as her hands shook.
"It is dinner between us. I was not expecting any guests." His voice was laced with irritation as Y/N figured he must be telling the truth, his usual composed face disoriented with confusion and annoyance. The sound of loafers and two pairs of heels clacking against Jumin's floor made his heart drop, his eyes going wide as he realized a crucial detail that he hadn't considered. For once in his life, he was caught off guard as he tried to stand and stop them from entering the dining room, almost spilling his wine glass while Y/N furrowed her brows in even more confusion as it was too late.
"Father. You've come for dinner."
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
vulgar. - chapter eight.
He parked his motorcycle in the building's large garage, taking off his helmet and shaking out his silver hair. He took it out of the low bun it was in and let it swish behind him, red eyes focused on the guard at the elevator as he pulled out his phone. The RFA symbol granted him immediate access, the guard moving aside as he entered the building with his helmet resting on his hip.
It was hard not to worry; he never spoke a word with Jumin unless it was part of the main chat. To receive a private message to come to his building was causing anxiety, a sigh escaping his lips as he stopped on the floor that Jumin texted him. Just as the doors opened Jumin was walking down the hallway from the door, adjusting his shirt as he placed his phone in his pocket.
The two men exchanged looks as he passed, but the red eyed man paused when he realized that for once Jumin wasn't exactly glaring at him like he always did. His mind seemed to be elsewhere, a slight blush on his cheeks as the elevator doors closed in front of him. He filed it in the back of his mind for later and continued to walk, coming to the door and knocking twice.
The door opened to show Jaehee with puffy eyes, her hair a mess as she gaped at him.
"Zen? What are you doing here?" He simply tilted his head and gave a soft smile, nudging his head towards the foyer.
"Can I come in?" She simply stepped aside as he walked in, taking off his boots and switching them for the slippers. She closed and locked the door behind her, adjusting her t-shirt and sweats as she sat on the couch. Zen sat right beside her, the two silently watching whatever Jaehee was playing on the television to drown out her thoughts. That was something she appreciated with Zen; he never tried to pry with her. They could sit in silence for as long as they needed to, until the other person was ready.
"I couldn't protect her." Zen furrowed his brows as he turned to look at Jaehee, the waterworks already spilling over as she tried to keep her composure.
"What are you talking about, Jae?" She was still as she relayed the events that happened earlier that day, even showing the footage from her apartment. Zen watched in horror as Jaehee's friend hid in the closet, seconds before the men broke down the door and stormed the apartment. The fear that was all over her face as she raced down the staircases with just her passport and wallet, absolutely terrified.
"Oh, god."
"I should've been there. I could've fought them off, or...god Zen she was by herself!" She finally broke, this time letting it all out. Zen turned off the TV as he immediately took Jaehee into his arms, her entire body shaking from the force of her cries. Zen has never seen her like this, concern taking over his mind as he tucked Jaehee's head under his chin.
"Jae there was no way you could've known that was going to happen to her. She's with Luciel now, right?" She could only nod, the release of emotion she'd been holding in all day exhausting her.
"Then she's more than safe. The only people who know where he is are the members of the RFA. She'll be okay, Jae." She nodded and leaned away from him, signaling that she was okay as he let her go.
"You're right. Thank you Zen, I'm sorry I got snot all over your shirt." She grimaced, Zen laughing as she shook his head.
"Doesn't bother me. So what's the plan now? She obviously can't go home." He stood and walked to the kitchen while Jaehee followed, sitting on the stools by the island while Zen raided the fridge.
"Well, Jumin wants her to join the RFA." He paused after opening the can of ginger ale he found, eyes wide as he pursed his lips.
"Yeah? Why? Nothing against her, but it doesn't make sense." Jaehee crossed her arms as she shrugged.
"I'm not sure. I think he has his own motives but I can't figure out what." Zen grimaced at that, taking a sip of his soda as he leaned against the closed fridge.
"What a pervert." Jaehee snorted at that, raising a brow as she tilted her head.
"I don't think it's those kind of motives Zen. Doesn't matter, she'll be part of the chat tomorrow when her new phone arrives." He nodded, finishing his soda and chucking the can in the recycling bin. The two once again sat in silence as Jaehee leaned against the back of the chair, bringing up on of her legs and sitting it under her.
"You good?" Zen spoke up, Jaehee giving him a tired smile as she nodded.
"I'm good. Thank you, Zen. It's getting late, I'll see you later." They gave each other hugs after Jaehee walked him to the door, wishing him a safe drive home as she shut the door behind him. She was glad Jumin texted him; seeing him was what she needed. Deep in her stomach though she could feel something more sinister was planned for Y/N, and she hoped that Jumin had the same hunch.
Why else would he want her to join?
The next morning felt groggy for Y/N as she woke up in bed, the yellow duvet encasing her as she tried to get a sense of her surroundings. She sat up just as yesterday's memories hit her; the men, the running, the gunshots. She pushed her messy hair out of her face as she shook her head, putting on the slippers 707 gave her and walking down the hall to the living room. He was still fast asleep on the couch, hood drawn closed by his strings as he softly snored away.
She raided his fridge for some ingredients and managed to find some leftovers, large enough for the both of them as she heated it up in his microwave. Just as the microwave went off there was a knock at the front door, her anxiety spiking as she immediately ran to the kitchen table and crouched. 707 shot up as he looked for her, spotting her in her hiding spot as she shook.
"Stay there," He whispered, going to his desk and pulling out a gun. Her eyes widened as she gripped the table, knuckles going pale from how hard she was gripping the table. He looked through the peep hole and sighed, disengaging his security system and opening the door. Y/N slowly stood up as he brought in a small box with a familiar logo on it, rolling her eyes when she realized what it was.
"Is that from Jerkmin?" She huffed, 707 looking at her in surprise as he gave a small laugh.
"That's his company's logo on the box, what did he send you?" He laughed again, handing the box over to her as he shrugged.
"It's actually for you, it looks like." She furrowed her brows as she took the box, grabbing a kitchen knife to cut through the tape as she opened it up. She was surprised to see the latest model for her usual phone company, the color a glossy lilac as she turned it on. There were two notes in the box, one of them addressed to a 'Luciel' and the other with her name on it.
"Um, I have a note here for a 'Luciel'?" She looked at 707 who raised a brow, taking the note she had outstretched to him as he sighed.
"Yeah uh, that's my baptismal name. Thanks." He walked away as he unfolded the note, Y/N shrugging and opening up her note. The writing was elegant, and she swore that she could smell some sort of cologne that he wore when she last saw him. She shook her head and read the note, questions rising left and right with every word she read.
I know things have gotten tough with the situation you are in. I promise you that Luciel and I are doing our best to keep you safe. This is for you, I'll have Luciel adjust it to prevent any sort of tracking and add a special app where you can contact us.
I look forward to working with you.
Jumin Han
What, was she in some sort of hallmark movie? Or fanfiction? She groaned just as Luciel showed up and took the phone from the box, her brows furrowing as she followed him.
"What are you doing?"
"Sorry, boss' orders." He said in a sing-song voice, hooking up the phone to his computer and bringing up his hacking system. The screen lit up her eyes as she watched, impress with how quickly he broke down the phone's programming and set it back up again with his own terms.
"This is gonna take me a moment, you can just eat while I do this." She took the cue and left him alone, taking the food out of the microwave and finding a fork. It had gone cold but at this point she didn't care, her thoughts running a mile a minute. What did Jumin mean by looking forward to working with her? She'd brought plenty of money with her to Korea to hold herself over for a couple of months. But then again that was before her marriage candidate sent a bunch of men to hunt her down and force her back to the states.
She shook her head as she sighed, pushing the food around with her fork when she wasn't bringing it to her mouth to eat. It was hard to grasp everything that had managed to happen within a couple of days; from having a drunken night out to being shot at. She had hoped that by her running way her husband-to-be would have long forgotten about her and married some other big wig's daughter. But unfortunately for her it seemed that he actually took a liking to her, and if he was willing to pull out guns just to get her back? Who knows what else he could be hiding up his sleeve?
Her thoughts were interrupted as the lilac phone was gently placed beside her, Luciel giving a small smile as she picked it up in her hands. The screen lit up to show the letters "R.F.A" as a chat and email feature showed up on the main screen. She furrowed her brows, looking back up to him as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"What's this?"
"An app that only features myself, Jumin, Jaehee, and the other members of R.F.A."
"R.F.A?" He waved one of his hands as he nodded, gesturing to the phone as he cleared his throat.
"Jumin will be explaining everything to you later today. Just, open it. Take a look." She nodded, opening the chat feature to see a main chat room with other members.
"Zen and Yoosung...?" She mumbled to herself, typing a small introductory sentence and hitting send.
Y/N: Hi...?
Yoosung: WHO?!?! IS THIS?
Yoosung: Seven, someone hacked the chat T_T
Zen: Looks like Jumin has decided to go through with his plan, that pompous executive
Y/N laughed at that, already taking a liking towards this man named Zen as she responded.
Y/N: Sorry, I'm not a hacker as interesting as that would be. 707 actually set all of this up for me, my name is Y/N.
Jumin: Yes, this was all my doing.
She rolled her eyes as Jumin popped up in the chat, Zen sending an exasperated emoji in response as she typed.
Y/N: Why exactly is that? You haven't told me a single thing about any of this
Yoosung: No offense to Y/N or you Jumin but I have to agree
Yoosung: Nobody really knows her, so what exactly does she have to do with our association?
Jaehee: I know her. She is my childhood friend
Jaehee: Though I am just as bewildered as the rest of you as why Jumin would like her to join the association.
Jumin: That is something I will be discussing privately with Y/N.
Jumin: Please read our private chat, all the information you need will be located there. I will be sending a car to your location in a couple of hours.
jumin has left the chat.
"What the hell?" She mumbled as the chat continued to blow up about their supposed new member, Y/N looking up at Luciel who only shrugged.
"Couldn't tell you. The only advice I can offer is that you just do what he says, I'm sure he doesn't have any bad intentions if he's willing to buy you a new phone and offer you employment."
"Those types of things don't come without a cost, whether the intention is good or bad." She snapped, furrowing her brows as she thought to herself. Though she was right so was Luciel technically; Jumin didn't seem like the type to help somebody if that meant inconveniencing himself. So far, Y/N's presence in his life had been nothing but a nuisance; and she would be lying if she said that Jumin's actions were not intriguing to her. She stood up to go clean herself up while Luciel took over what ever food was left from her tossing it around with her fork, watching her go with curiosity as he smirked to himself.
"I never thought the Jumin Han would develop feelings for a woman like her."
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lunarmessenger · 3 years ago
vulgar. - chapter seven.
"Welcome to my humble abode." 707 put his best announcer voice on as he lead Y/N into his large home, her eyes bulging out of her head as she followed him inside. Automated voices welcomed him and his guest home, a few laptops and large desktop set up in his living area. Small robot models were littered throughout his place, most of them unfinished as he guided her to the sofa.
"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She politely shook her head as she tried to process what just happened to her. Men invaded her best friend's apartment, and some of them had guns, they shot at her. She knew her family was capable of many things, but this was the last thing she expected them to do. She hadn't even realized that she started crying, 707 immediately rushing to her as she blankly stared in front of her.
"You okay? What can I do?" Her lips sputtered, trying to find the words she'd lost. He was patient, waiting for her to speak as she sniffed.
"I just...I didn't think they would do this," She was quiet, her usual head strong voice dimmed down to the soft dainty one she'd practiced for years. Her actions had started to paint an ugly reality that she didn't want to face; this was her fault.
"I'm so sorry." She broke, a staggered sob leaving her mouth as she began to cry even harder. She gripped herself hard, bruises she hadn't even realized she'd gotten slowly forming on her arms and legs from when she'd hit them on the doors and stairs during her escape. He didn't touch her, but he did scoot a little closer to her, his hands folded in his lap as he tried to think of the right words to say.
"I know what it's like to run away from a horrible life," She was still sobbing but had tried to calm down, listening to him as she covered her face in embarrassment. "My home life wasn't exactly the dream. To make it better for not just me, but my brother too. I did what I thought was best. But I couldn't do that without any help." He paused as she finally removed her hands, face splotchy from the tears as she sniffed and looked at him.
"Sometimes talking about it helps too. But I won't force you to do anything." Again he waited for her to speak, Y/N taking a deep breath as she nodded.
"I don't really want to get into specifics," She waited, 707 nodding as she continued. "Essentially I was supposed to have an arranged marriage. With some dude in—"
"Hold on!" She furrowed her brows as he suddenly sprang up, running to his kitchen and rustling through the cupboards. Within minutes he was back with a large bowl of chips and two sodas, handing her one as he snacked on the chips. She was still confused, watching him snack on them as he shrugged his shoulders.
"They always make me feel better." She decided to ignore it, continuing on while she opened the can.
"Anyway, some dude who's the heir to this major tech company was supposed to be my husband. But he's such a pompous jerk; he expects me to do whatever he says without question! I'm more of a slave than a partner." She drifted off, something flashing across her eyes as she contemplated telling him about it. 707 paused, noticing the slight shift in her before she shook it off and ended it there.
"He doesn't like having a lack of control on me. I'm sure he's going the lengths to make sure that I go back to him and can never leave him again." She shuddered at the idea, shaking her head in disgust. There was more to the story but the man knew better than to pry when somebody didn't want to share anymore. She reached for some of the chips and shoved them in her mouth. She paused mid chew, her eyes widening as 707 grinned and slowly nodded his head.
"They're a gift from God Himself."
He paced back and forth inside the guest suite, cuffs of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows as he impatiently waited for 707's text message. He had a bad feeling when he looked out his office window to see a car follow Y/N to the bus station, another car with a driver peeking up into his office window. He didn't have to guess to know who was behind it, his security immediately strengthening their detail on him and Jaehee.
Of course he wanted Y/N to have security as well; it was her that they were after. But he hadn't even had the chance to call, when his surveillance stated that the men had already circled the building. Luckily he'd already informed somebody who would be quicker, and a lot more low profile than Jumin's men in black.
His phone pinged just as he was thinking about her, immediately pulling it out of his pocket and checking his texts.
I have retrieved Y/N! She's safe with me, currently feasting on Honey Buddha Chips :333333
Now the payment as promised >:3
He rolled his eyes as he walked to Elizabeth who was resting on his bed, her blue eyes slowly blinking open as he squatted in front of her.
"I'm sorry to disturb your sleep; this will only be quick." He muttered, hands slightly shaking as he finished taking the photo of her. He sent it in the chat with the red haired fiend, the man immediately blowing up his phone with how blurry and lame the photo was and how he should deserve a night of watching her.
"Out of the question," Jumin couldn't even bare the thought of Luciel having his precious Elizabeth for the night, quickly pushing that thought out of his head as another sparked in his mind. With all of this sudden chaos he'd forgotten that V asked he throw an RFA party next month, as he was trying to get rid of some extra inventory of his photographs. With the party just around the corner he figured this idea couldn't hurt, rubbing his forehead as he made a decision. He immediately grabbed the keys to his home and ventured towards Jaehee's guest suite, wondering if this idea was perfect, or if he was just crazy. A few security guards were with him, the man paying no mind to it as he took the elevator to her floor.
Just as the elevator doors opened he could feel the anxiety radiating from the guest suite, thumping coming from inside the suite as her furrowed his brows. Security immediately went to swarm him but he stopped them, holding his hand up to assure he was fine as he walked up to the door. With a few simple knocks the thumping stopped, Jaehee throwing the door open as she panted. She was wearing sports attire, sweat coating her entire body as her damp hair lie against her forehead. Her glasses were gone, not like she needed them anyway as she only wore them for work.
"Is something wrong Mr. Han?" She huffed, leaning against the door. Her hands were taped up to protect her knuckles, the same tape on her bare feet as she waited for his response.
"I had an idea that I wanted to run by you." She let him inside, the security trying to follow before she glared and slammed the door in their faces. Jumin realized that she had brought her punching bag from the apartment, slowly stopping from the back and forth it was going through. She'd moved the couch and coffee table out of the way, leaving a large open space for her to move around. That's what the thumping was; she was letting out her frustrations. Jumin really tried to keep things professional between Jaehee and himself. His father was all too familiar with making things personal with his assistants, so Jumin took it upon himself to never cross that line.
But seeing Jaehee with her emotions turned off like this worried Jumin, the blank stare she had turning to the punching bag as she continued to throw punches and kicks at lightening speed.
"Assistant Kang."
"Please, Mr. Han."
"Assistant Kang." She continued to beat on the bag, going harder and faster as Jumin sighed.
"Jaehee." She yelled as she kicked the bag again, out of breath as she toppled over onto the floor. Jumin stood in concern but Jaehee held her hand out, while slightly covering her face; he swore he saw tears.
"Stop that, Jaehee."
"No, you don't understand. I should have been there. If I was there I could've protected her, I..." She couldn't finish her sentence, huffing as she threw her arm over her face. Her huffing started to become less labored and more spaced out, the tears falling faster as Jumin shifted in his seat. He wasn't comfortable with this sort of thing, pulling out his cell phone and sending a text to the person who probably hated him the most. He gave a heads up to his security as he waited for Jaehee to finish crying, the poor woman sitting up as she tried to stifle her tears.
"I apologize for my lack of professionalism." She sounded exhausted, angrily wiping away the tears as Jumin cleared his throat.
"What matters now is that she's safe." He tried his best to help but he knew that it wasn't working, Jaehee quickly closing herself off again as she nodded.
"Yes. She's safe now, I guess," She stood, reaching for her large water bottle and taking a few sips before turning back to him.
"So what was your idea?"
"I think we should have Y/N host the party." Jaehee almost choked on her sip of water, coughing as she furrowed her brows.
"You can't be serious?" Jumin shrugged, leaning back in the sofa as he crossed his legs.
"Why not? What she just went through must be traumatic. Besides, I need you to focus on work instead of rounding up guests for the party. I think it would be a great work opportunity for her. In exchange for her work she can stay here where my security can keep an eye on her." Jaehee raised a brow as she tried to read his face, proving unsuccessful as she thought about it.
Jumin couldn't lie to himself; part of him wanted her to be here for his own selfish reasons. He wanted to observe her, try to pick apart her mind and understand how she was not affected by his money or his presence like so many other women who met him.
"We'll have to buy her a new phone and have Luciel add her to the chat." She muttered, Jumin fighting the small smile that wanted to grow on his face. She'd taken the idea and started to run with it, just as he'd wanted her to.
"I'll let him know right away, what color does she like?" Jaehee furrowed her brows while Jumin stared blankly at her, clearing her throat as she bit her lip.
"Lilac. Any sort of purple works, but lilac is her favorite." He nodded, once again hiding the amusement brewing on his face.
He too favored the color lilac.
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