#(everyone here is so very nice — i do not think i could ever repay you)
rosylamb · 2 days
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🤍 . ˚ * . Hello, my friends ! ྀ ♡
I wore my favorite princess dress today, and thought some might enjoy if I shared it here c:
(As always, I humbly ask you please be kind ♡)
Wearing this dress always makes me feel so happy!
What I like most about this outfit though is that my ribbon matches it perfectly ♡
Isn’t that neat? I thought it looked so pretty I didn’t want to do anything too fancy with my hair, and just left it down and tied it back!
(This dress was worn for a birthday party, by the way, but looks nice for any occasion and with hair up or down !!)
I apologize for all the asks I haven’t gotten to yet as I still feel a little under the weather! When I feel better I will speak more ♡
Hopefully everyone else is doing ok this week? If you aren’t then I pray you will be soon, and send many hugs and much love to all who need it ~ !!
🤍 ⊹ . ˚ * . XOXO
⊹ . ˚ 🩰 ⊹
⊹ ˚ . 🎀 ⊹ ˚ 🧸
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zhukzucraft · 3 months
The outcome was never really in doubt. You emerge victorious.
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Jimmy: Dude! You did it so clean!
Joe: Truly, valorous rescue worthy of a song.
Joe: Now if you'll excuse me - hup!
Joe: I need to gather the wheat. The food situation is dire.
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Martyn: (Hear that?)
Jimmy: (What?)
Martyn: (He's up for a midnight snack and scared of a little Creeper damage? Now who does that remind you of?)
Jimmy: (You don't think... We could be...?)
Martyn: (I'd say there's a pretty good chance dude)
Jimmy: (!! I need to make a better impression!!)
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Jimmy: Hey, hey, Joe! It's Joe, right?
Martyn: (wow doing great there Jimmy)
Martyn: Ahem! So I don't think we ever got properly introduced-
Jimmy: -I'm Jimmy! This is Martyn! Man it's so nice to have you here-
Martyn: -You're not mad about being called a noob, right? Of course you're not, you seem like a chill guy-
Jimmy: -Are you down to 4 hearts right now, by any chance?
Jimmy: If you are, let me just start by saying I'm very sorry, I swear this doesn't usually... happen. to me...
Jimmy: Hey, did I mention I really like your hat??
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Joe: Whoa whoa whoa
Joe: I think there's been a mixup.
Joe: You're trying to ask if I'm your soulmate, right? Sorry, but I'm, uh, already spoken for.
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Jimmy: I'll just. Go over there and cook the fish over the campfire now. Yeah.
Joe: Aw don't be like that! You guys did help out! Let me repay you somehow.
Joe: ...As long as it's not with food.
Martyn: Uhh, sure, why not. If you insist.
Martyn: Got any diamonds to spare?
Joe: Haha, going straight for the big one, eh?
Joe: Well, who knows, actually! The fellas might've unearthed some. Maybe they will even share them in the spirit of mutual aid!
Martyn: (If only)
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Martyn: Jimmyyy, we're going underground, you coming?
Jimmy: Just a secooond! I'll come join when the fish is cooked!
Jimmy: (And when everyone has hopefully forgotten this interaction)
Start Over -- Go Back
btw brackets () indicate whispering
wanted to make sure it was made clear ;;;
k thanks for your patience!!
966 notes · View notes
rottenstrawberrymilk · 5 months
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rhys strongfork x reader
9.1k words
        “God, you’re the best,” Rhys says with a sigh.         “Hey, you say the word and I’m here bossman. Anything you want or need, I’m on it. It’s the least I can do.”         Zer0 eyes you from across the office. Or at least, you think he is. You’re still adjusting to the faceless mysterious thing that hangs around Rhys all the time. He probably still suspects you. Were you being suspicious? You suppose you’d gone out of your way to be especially good for Rhys and earn his favor. After all, if you had betrayed Maliwan to defect over to Atlas, what was to stop you from betraying Atlas as well?         You didn’t exactly start here with a shiny clean record. But Rhys had been so kind and merciful, taking you in, giving you a decent position like this. You just want to express your gratitude anyway you can. Chances are his decision to let you into Atlas had saved your life. Thus, you figure you owe him every breath in your body. And a bagel. Anytime he wanted it. You don't think you'll ever repay your debt to him, and you don't think you want to either.
        You think you could be happy here, at Atlas. And that's not something you imagined thinking about any one of the soul sucking greedy corporations that had their eyes on the planets in this system. 
        As you turn to walk out the room, attending to some other business you'd been assigned, Rhys's eyes follow you. Zer0's head tilts ever so slightly towards Rhys. He heaves a bit of a sigh, regarding the bagel on his desk. And you remembered the cream cheese he likes. He wonders if he's about to make a mistake. I mean, how could someone as nice as you possibly stab him in the back? He looks back up at Zer0, and the assassin just gives a curt nod.
        Just do it. Gotta find out one way or another.
        Rhys nods as well, before sinking down low into his chair and burying his face in his hands. If this is the right, smart thing to do, why does he feel so goddamn guilty about it? He finds himself wishing he was more like the other CEOs. Ruthless, calculating, business first, success first, able to actually watch their ass. Willing to do whatever it takes to hold onto that seat of power. But then he finds himself wondering how those men live like that, on the edge, suspicious of everyone, so sure death was seeking them out at every turn. It had to be miserable, right? 
        Meanwhile, you were making your way down a hall. Rhys said he'd wanted you to go check on the new maintenance guys and see how they were adjusting, and then report back to him personally. You don't mind having to run around headquarters all day, it's good exercise and you feel productive. It doesn't feel like he's just giving you busy work either, he's just having you act socially in his stead. The guy can't be in seven places at once, although you bet he wishes he was. He's never been a micromanaging type, but he is a bit of a chatterbox. 
        Suddenly, a firm hand grabs your shoulder, shoving you up against a wall. Momentarily, you're winded, gasping out, as the razor sharp tip of a sword presses lightly to the center of your throat. Zer0 suddenly appears out of thing air. Confusion is obvious on your face, but it's not enough to fool him so easily. Anyone, traitor or not, would have been shocked getting caught off guard like that. 
        "Talk," Zer0 commands. If it's not elaborate haikus, it's equally cryptic one word sentences. 
        You shift a little under his grip and his fingers tighten, to the point where you know he'll leave bruises. You wonder what the fuck is going on. Best communicate that. 
        "I don't...what the hell are you doing?" you ask, sounding less outraged and more afraid. Good, Zer0 can use that. It should make this all easier. 
        "You are still very new./ Where do your loyalties lie?/ Tell me the real truth." 
        Your brows furrow. "My...my loyalties?" you repeat back, a bit dumbfounded.
         Are you being interrogated right now? Was Zer0 that suspicious of you this entire time? You couldn't get a read on the guy no matter what, even back when you'd first joined Atlas (at Rhys's own suggestion). You know it's his job to protect the CEO, and you figured he'd do it whether he was contracted or not, but what threat could you possibly pose to Rhys? You feel a bit stupid for not immediately jumping to your history--even if it had been months ago and the majority of the conflict and siege had settled, that didn't change how long you had worked for Maliwan before coming to Promothea. It didn't matter if it had been against your will to be sent here to fight, to die, for Maliwan's cause. All that mattered was that you had been initially taking orders from Katagawa Jr. 
        You take in a shaky breath, heart still racing in your chest. The sword point remains steady. It pricks at your skin, already warning you for taking such a long, rather suspicious silence. The visor hiding his face is blank. No stupid little emoticons, no text, just black. You can see your own terrified reflection in it. You don't know what to do other than to tell the truth, just like Zer0 had demanded. But what if he still didn't believe you? Doesn't matter. You come to realize you don't have a choice. You force your voice to be steady. 
        “I’m loyal to Rhys,” you say, jaw set. “I owe that man my life.”         Rhys, not Atlas, Zer0 notes. He’s not sure how to feel about that yet. Slowly, he leans a little ways back. He steps away, giving you some personal space back. And the sword withdraws from your throat. Silently, Zer0 sheathes the sword over his shoulder, and the blade fades away into nothing. You know it will only be a few moments before he does the same. He lifts a gloved hand, holding up a stern finger.          “Please do not forget/ I am always watching you/ do not fuck this up.”         You know you could have not replied at all. You could have just looked away and let this nightmare of an interaction be over. But heart pounding in your chest, you can't help but give a response. “I won’t. Second chances don’t come around often.”
        Zer0 regards you for a moment longer. Then, he vanishes. Creepy...you'll never get used to that. You take a moment to stand there, unsure if he's gone or if he's going to continue tailing you for longer, just to double check. All he'd be affirming is that you were telling the truth if he did that. You think about going straight back to Rhys's office and telling him what had just happened. But you remember he'd given you an assignment to do. As shitty as all this was...the least you can do is get that done before returning. Rhys should know Zer0 is suspicious of you. But he'd also asked about the new maintenance staff's adjustment, and that's important too when it comes to rebuilding and cleaning up some of the HQ.
        A sigh leaves you before you resume the direction you'd initially been headed in. Lucky for you, the new maintenance guys seem pretty capable. It's not that you didn't trust Rhys's judgement in hiring (after all, he'd brought you on as some extra help), it's just...things had been hectic and desperate, and his priority had been to replace the former staff which had mysteriously vanished. Rhys said he knew nothing about it, and then mentioned there were no bodies, before promptly cutting off his ECHO device and never speaking of it again. None of your business, and frankly you're not nearly nosy enough to care. 
        You tried not to seem like your mind was elsewhere, still shaken from the encounter with Zer0. Instead, you politely smile and nod along to whatever the new guys are saying.         
        "Uh huh...well, good to see you guys are so eager to get started. The CEO decided to have some of the Crimson Lance join you guys as bodyguards. They'll make sure you're safe while you sweep headquarters, uh, no pun intended. Not all of Maliwan has been booted out yet." 
        They nod, murmuring their thanks. 
        "Great, the boys should be up here any minute. Feel free to mingle. Rhys wants the overall sweep done by about six. You can come back here and report the damages and body count to me and I'll pass it up to the big guy upstairs." 
        Rhys had always instructed you not to be too formal. He said it "ruined the vibe" he was going for. It was odd, you've never worked for a company that was purposefully attempt to maintain such a lax attitude. Especially right after an attempted invasion, takeover, and then additional total destruction attempt by Katagawa Jr. But if he said he wanted it done a certain way, you were going to make sure you adhered to his preference. The little voice in your head once again reminds you with a guilty twinge that it was the least you could do. It still felt weird to drop all the "sir"'s and formalities after years of having to do it at Maliwan. 
        You wonder if a company with that kind of hierarchy could last long against the other ruthless giants. With Hyperion gone, Dahl still getting back up on their feet from when Hyperion had initially come to power, there's once again a central power void waiting to be filled. Could Atlas actually do it? If Rhys could genuinely return Atlas to it's former glory, that would be incredible. You don't know if it's possible for mega corporations that primarily compete in the gun market to ever reach peaceful agreements, but you certainly believe Rhys might be able to pave the way to that new frontier. 
        Then again...he has his own shortcomings. 
        You hadn't known him long, at least, not before he became a CEO. But you're aware of his weaknesses. One of them, maybe being that his pet assassin slash bodyguard seemed to be allowed to free roam and terrorize whoever he wanted on a whim of suspicion...okay that one might have been a little personal. But, you've got the report and gave your little speech to the new maintenance team, so now you have time to go and talk to Rhys. You can communicate those feelings and hurt instead of letting it rot you inside, like you would have done at Maliwan. You still can't help but feel bitter, almost automatically in a bad mood whenever you're reminded of working for them...
        Goddamn Zer0.
        Of course it's not fair for you to be allowed to forget. Not with all the destruction and innocent lives Maliwan had cost Promethea. And you'd been on the payroll. You try not to fall too far into your own head as you turn away and head back to the elevator that ascended to Rhys's office. It's an uncomfortable wait, and an even worse silence. Usually, you stop to gaze a little at the massive aquariums lining the way to the CEO's office. But this is urgent. 
        Rhys looks up from his desk at you and smiles, although you feel like there's something...wrong. 
        You practice some restraint, and decide to give him that report on maintenance first. 
        "So yeah..."
        Rhys pushes his chin into his hand. "I hope they don't find too much damage. I gotta be even more on top of it with the finances around here, what with how I'm gonna have to rebuild the city too. Or bodies," he gives a nervous laugh, "hope they find even less of those. Identifying, funerals, cremations, burials, finding the families, it gets pricey y'know?" 
        Right...that was the other thing about him. While he's not nearly as bad as the other CEO's you've heard about in your lifetime (you heard Handsome Jack was a total monster), Rhys can be a little callous at times. CEOs generally seem to have a disconnect between themselves and everyone else lower in the company. A special kind of corporate breed of lacking empathy that can be a bit disturbing. His isn't especially awful but...you worry. You hope he can keep himself on the right path. 
        At your lack of response, he shifts a little in his chair. "You...uh...are you alright, (Y/N)?" he suddenly asks. 
        Your eyes won't meet his. "Can we talk? Privately."
        Rhys wonders if it's the smartest idea to grant that request. He knows Zer0 is in the office right now, being weird and invisible as usual. They're a great bodyguard, but Rhys sometimes feels a little nutty talking to thin air whenever Zer0 doesn't feel like uncloaking. The presence is usually comforting but...
        You won't even look at him now? Uh oh...
        Fix this, Rhys, fix this, come on... he tells himself.
        "Yeah, totally, of course." He turns in his chair, to a corner he hopes Zer0 is in.
        Sometimes they like to hang out near the bookshelves or the couch. He clears his throat. Zer0 promptly reappears on the opposite side of the room, prompting Rhys to embarrassedly swivel his chair the other way. Had the bodyguard been trying to make him look stupid in front of you on purpose? Anxiously, he goes to check your face for a reaction, to see you judging him, or amused, or...or still staring at a wall, away from him. His heart sinks a little. 
        "Just for a minute or two, Zer0," Rhys calls after him, having a feeling he won't be too far away.
        "Later, bro," Zer0 replies, walking out the office, still keeping himself visible. 
         If the assassin wanted to he could easily cloak and sneak back in. Which Rhys sincerely hopes they don't. Even though Zer0 had reported back that you'd only reaffirmed your loyalties to him, Rhys knew they still didn't trust you completely. Which is...fair. Anyone can say anything if they're under enough pressure. And he's seen Zer0 work enough to know how terrifying the guy can be. As well as unpredictable. As much as Rhys trusts them, it always seems like they're thinking eight steps ahead...freaky. 
        Rhys returns his attention on you.
        You give a soft exhale, like you're preparing to say something you don't want to. "Look, while I was going to get that update on maintenance, uhm..." Zer0 had attacked you, basically, was the truth. But you decide to play things safe. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. God knows, Zer0 does his job incredibly well, and this is probably just part of it--you don't want Rhys suddenly not trusting his own bodyguard.         
        "I...ran into Zer0. Well, they ran into me, more like it, but, whatever. And he-"
        Rhys interrupts you. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I asked Zer0 to do that. I just had to be sure-“         Your eyes finally meet his. The crestfallen look descending on your face is heart wrenching. Like he'd just kicked a puppy in front of you or something. Rhys wonders if it wasn’t the right choice after all to ask Zer0 to check your loyalties, to make absolutely sure you could be trusted. But lord knows he wasn’t brave enough to do it, not scary enough to get the truth out of you like the assassin could. He also couldn’t bare the thought of pointing a weapon at you, whether you were a traitor or not. Ironic, considering he's in control of one of many powerful gun manufacturers.          He just…he knows he has to be careful from now and into the future. The bigger Atlas gets, the more enemies he makes. The Maliwan invasion had been a very quick, brutal lesson in that.          You try to hide the disappointment on your face. Your voice comes shaky. 
        He knew. 
        You suddenly feel very stupid for coming in here in the first place. You shouldn't have said anything at all. You should have just kept it to yourself and moved on with your life, with your job, with your career at Atlas. It would have ensured this awkward, sad, stupid conversation never had to take place.          “Oh that’s…that’s okay I guess. I just thought…I mean you always told me the past is the past and it’s all behind me. That you didn’t care and that it was all behind me.” The hurt in your voice makes this so much harder for him.         “I know, I know what I said,” Rhys said, looking stressed. He runs a hand through his hair. There's some gray streaks already beginning to form. Embarrassing considering he's only in his thirties. “But…I needed to be sure.”
        Even though he knows this was all for his own safety, and this whole test was initially Zer0’s idea to begin with, Rhys feels bad. Like, really bad. He still gave his bodyguard the go ahead. He scratches at his mustache momentarily, trying to think of how he could…         “I understand, Rhys” you say a bit softly. He notices that there's tears beginning to form in your eyes. He starts to talk again, but you cut him off. “No, I really get it. I mean…only a few months ago I was basically under Katagawa Jr.'s thumb. You don’t have any reason to really trust me. Not yet, anyways.”         Bitter but true. And an insecurity that’d always clouded your mind at night before you fell asleep. Sometimes you still had nightmares of bullets flying past your head and people screaming and dying around you. But you’d always wake up, knowing things were different now. That instead of racing to the training field, you just had to race downtown to grab some coffee or froyo or a bagel or whatever the hell Rhys wanted that day before work. That Rhys was different, that Atlas was different from Maliwan. He’d promised you that you’d never have to hold a gun again— once again, ironic as Atlas is still another soulless weapons manufacturer. But Rhys had promised and that’d been good enough for you.
        Rhys looked even more uncomfortable now. He wears his emotions on his face. Something your former, much more homicidal boss never did. You don't consider that one of his weaknesses at all.          “But I do trust you,” he insists, “I mean— I sent Zer0, but it’s -it’s, God, it’s complicated. I trust you so much I had to just see if that trust was for real, does that make sense?”         It really doesn’t. If he trusted you there’d be no reason to suspect you in the first place, in your opinion. It hurts. He sees that little heartbroken look on your face still isn’t gone, even after his super smooth save. The tears are still gathering in your eyes and you still won't look at him. If he can't fix this, it's gonna drive him up the wall for the rest of the day.          “Y’know what? Dinner.” He claps his hands together, grabbing your attention with another awkward laugh and you swear you see a flush creeping up his neck. “Yeah, let’s do dinner. On me. Food fixes everything, right? Best way to say 'sorry' ever.”
        Could food fix a complete lapse in trust caused by his paranoia? He looks so earnestly at you, fingers still clasped together, almost like he’s begging you to say yes. Begging you to move past this with him and forgive this slight. Why not say yes? It couldn’t hurt. And it seems like it’s gonna make him feel way better than you would.         Under any other circumstance you’d shoot this down. It's unprofessional to go out with your boss. It's wrong. It's not right to let him pay for your food. It's not rational to...to...         The look on his face…he really does seem apologetic. You remind yourself that a boss like him is a rare thing during these times. You remind yourself that if there’s no Atlas, you’d be forced back to Maliwan or forced to try and make it on your own. Neither of those are options. You must have been thinking for a long time, because Rhys clears his throat and stands up from his desk. He approaches you, like he wants you to believe he trusts you not to snap and murder him. Because, hey, you used to be Maliwan, and that's all that you'd ever be to him-
        “It’ll be super cas, no pressure at all,” he says, with another nervous breath of air, interrupting your rather horrible train of thought. “Uh, like a ‘yayy you’re not here to kill me’ thing.”         “Alright. That sounds nice.” You smile at him but he feels like it’s not one of your real ones. It doesn't match the look in your glassy eyes. Was he shoving this onto you too fast?
        “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just wanna make it up to you-“         “Rhys,” you say, and he stops. “It’s okay. We’re cool.”         You hold out a hand for him to take, in spite of your racing thoughts. He does, giving you a firm squeeze. His hands are always so warm. He lets go after a brief moment. He takes a moment to fix his tie, which only skews it worse. You have to sometimes wonder how a guy like him holds a position like this one, much less built the formerly dead company up all on his own.         “I’ll pick you up at six, okay?” He says, and you nod.
        “But the maintenance team," you start and Rhys puts his head in his hand.
        "Right...right. Uh...seveenn?" he tries again.
        To his relief, you give another validating nod that didn't make him feel as stupid and dumb as he felt initially. "Can I ask where we’re going?”         “Nuh uh. Ruins my surprise. You gotta tr-“ He pauses. “Uh you’ll like it, okay?”         You give a light, exasperated shake of your head. Rhys breathes a sigh of relief at the bit of playfulness and the tiniest smile on your face. Seven gives you enough time to get that report to Rhys and go home for a few minutes. But until then, you have a slew of other shit to busy yourself with that Zer0's approach had totally distracted you from. The least you could do was throw yourself into your work for the rest of the day. There are some times where you spend most of your day at Rhys's side, waiting for a command or for him to need something. There are other days where you're out and about, in the halls of headquarters, or the streets of the city. Regrettably, you're relieved that it's the ladder today. 
        “Don’t worry, I do trust you,” you call out half heartedly as you leave.         Rhys wants to take one of the monitors off a nearby desk and smash it against his head. That couldn’t have gone any worse. ‘You gotta trust me’ seriously? After what he just did to you?         A bit of a groan escapes him and he goes back to his desk to sit down. Hopefully he can wrestle a reservation out of the place he had in mind. He figures you’re just telling him what he wants to hear— you’re a good employee like that. But before this all, you probably would have told him the truth. That dinner won’t fix him betraying you like this. That it’s not gonna magically put down the metaphorical middle finger he’d just put up to the months of time his relationship with you was built around. To the hours you spent basically at his beck and call. Doing whatever he told you to without a question or second thought. You'd always given off the impression you thought he was brilliant. And that made Rhys feel good. He's worried you won't ever look at him again like that. 
        He drums his fingers on the desk, resting his chin and mouth in his hand again as he shuts his eyes. 
        On the bright side…he’d finally had the balls to ask you out. Part of the reason he’d wanted Zer0 to interrogate you was because he’d really wanted to try going out with you. Obviously, he hadn't exactly jumped to let Zer0 know that. He still had a personal life! He was allowed to do that! CEO or not! He opens his eyes and reaches to the photo of Sasha on his desk, suddenly feeling guilty, and goes to place it face down. But he hesitates.         It’s…kinda lonely at the top. He feels it tenfold lately. And… well your smile had started kinda being the highlight of his day. Now he fears he's never gonna see the real thing ever again.          She’d want him happy right? He pulls his hand away from the picture. There’s nothing wrong with this. There’s nothing wrong with a guy like him wanting a girl like you. Of course there’s that pesky power imbalance, the fact that he’s your boss could make this messy… But other CEOs just do whatever they want, right? They don’t think about any of this shit. Although he doesn’t like thinking back to his time at Hyperion, even he remembers Handsome Jack’s reputation for fucking just about anything that moved. Whatever he wanted, he got. That was why Rhys had begun to admire him in the first place.
        Rhys rubs at his eyes. He doesn’t want to be like Jack though. Or Katagawa with that stupid ‘pleasure yacht’, or any other nutcase CEO. He doesn't want to just...just bend you over the desk and fuck you, like you're just something to use, he swears to himself it's not like that at all! It's more than lust that tortures him.          He wants you to like him. So desperately bad. He knows you like having him as a boss, that you like his stupid little jokes, that you like his mustache (he'd asked you once to be sure), that you enjoyed his company. At least once you did. But he wants you to like like him. The same way he feels about you. But it’d have been dangerous to let you in so fast without knowing for sure that you weren’t Maliwan’s last hurrah in an attempt to end his life. That you weren’t some super secret cute seductress spy attempting to exact revenge for Katagawa Jr. He wondered if it’d be rude to ask what your relationship with the other CEO had been. After how well everything else had gone? Yeah, probably.
        You'd been pretty low ranked in Maliwan, from what little you'd told him of it. He doubts that you'd ever received the high honor of boarding that stupid fucking pleasure yacht. He felt himself get a little angry still, at the notion of something he'd likely made up in his head and had no ground to stand on whatsoever. 
        “Should I follow you?/ She could still try to kill you./I know I would try.”         Rhys jumps a little as Zer0’s voice comes out of thin air. He’d forgotten that he'd sent the bodyguard out. And he certainly hadn't noticed him sneaking back in. Well not, sneaking, more like just sauntered right back in, plain as day and Rhys had been so lost in his incredibly frustrating thoughts he hadn't noticed. It'd been...a smart choice to have Zer0 leave the room. He’d have felt worse having him skulk around all invisible. Chances were the assassin had already listened in. And Rhys was none the wiser. What a powerful ally…He finds himself grateful Zer0 is on his side, even if he doesn't quite know what the answer is.
        “Ah, no,” Rhys says. “It’ll be alright. She’s not a Maliwan spy or anything— you heard it yourself.”         Zer0 gives him a look that needs no verbal explanation.         “I mean, you did interrogate her yourself. I don’t think she’d lie to you. Or me, as a matter of fact.”         Zer0 just shrugs. “I will still come with./ I will be outside the place./ Your foes still draw breath.”         Cool, a bodyguard outside the restaurant. And Rhys promises he’ll tell you too. Nothing but transparency from here on out! He can be better for you. Rhys wonders if it’s bordering on delusional to think he still has a chance with you after today. He’s reminded that you don’t have anywhere to go but Atlas. Anyone else would have breathed a sigh of relief at that security. But it only makes Rhys feel worse.
        What if you’d only said yes because you couldn’t say anything else? He’d never wanted you to feel as if turning him down wasn’t an option. You had seemed pretty genuine in accepting the offer. But if he brought up the idea of dating…should he just hold off on that? But he thinks about what Zer0 said, that poetic stuff about his enemies still breathing. He does have people out there who want him dead.         So if he’s gonna die, he’s gonna die like a man, dammit! And he’s gonna tell you how he feels because that’s the manly thing to do! Emotions are manly! Sharing them is manly!         So why does he feel like he’s gonna throw up on his desk?         Focus, Rhys, focus. The reservation hasn’t even been made yet.
        He hopes you'll like the place he picked. That is if you don't find an excuse by the end of the workday to flake out on him. He knows he might do something like that if he was in your position. Several hundred feet down, in the heart of the building, you do your best to stay busy and keep your mind off...everything. Every time you feel dread begin to rise, you beat the feeling back down.
        Free food. Free food. Free food. Free food.
        The repetition doesn't seem to help. 
        When the end of the day comes, time forever marching forwards no matter how badly you wish it wouldn't, you find yourselves at another crossroads. Maintenance had come back with their report. You knew you could take it to Rhys in person, as you usually do. It wasn't a formal policy or anything, it's just something the two of you had always done. In a company so absorbed in technology, it was important to have a little human contact. However you feel your stomach drop at the idea of jumping back on the elevator and going to his office...seeing him again. It's such a ridiculous turmoil--you have to see him again anyways later on in the night. But you just don't feel ready yet.
        You need some time to yourself. You need fifteen minutes to go home and cry on your bed, to get all the nasty horrible feelings chewing away at your insides out. Let yourself fall apart so you can string yourself back together, good as new. Then maybe, just maybe, you could handle dinner with Rhys. The last think you want to do is break down crying in public. It had been so hard to bite back the tears in his office, harder with every word out of his mouth. 
        You make the difficult choice just to forward the report to him via ECHO. If he asks any questions you'll just tell him you needed a little time to get home and get ready. Luckily, as you begin to head out the door alongside other Atlas employees, you don't receive any incoming calls from him. You wonder if he's up there, with that guilty dog-caught-eating-trash look, probably kicking himself for all this. It takes a lot of restraint not to turn around and go back into the building to check on him, like you've gotten so used to doing. 
        Maybe that's the worst part of today--is that you want to go crawling back. You want to sweep this under the rug, pretend like none of it happened, pretend like it's normal for someone you trust and maybe even love to do this to you. But you just can't. It'll take time. Or a way bigger gesture than dinner, you guess. 
        Dinner itself started off as awkward as you had imagined it to be. It's Rhys, so you figured there'd be a level of awkwardness whether what happened today had gone down or not. He still hadn't called you, to your relief, and had simply forwarded the address to the restaurant and the reservation time to your ECHO. You'd told yourself before leaving the house that if you really wanted to, you probably could have faked sick to get out of this or come up with some other brilliant excuse. 
        But you don't. You don't have the heart to stand him up like that.
        Oh also he's the CEO of Atlas and probably the man with the most power on all of Promethea. You'd weighed the possibility of him doing something drastic if you didn't show. You...you don't think he's that kind of man. But after the little loyalty test with Zer0, you're no longer sure. You're uneasy. So if sitting down for a little dinner with him takes that horrible feeling away, you'd do it. 
        He gives a bit of a weak, quiet whistle, hands in his pockets, somehow confident and nervous all at the same time. "Wow," he'd said to you, looking you up and down in your different outfit. "You look, uh, you look great."
        He gives you his signature 'ok' hand signal, a habit he'd formed lately. You'd just responded with a curt nod, still not sure what to say to him. You hate this. He hates this too. It feels like the two of you are strangers all over again. He's briefly reminded of your first week at Atlas, at his side. You'd rarely spoken to him, you couldn't look him in the eye, you flinched when he did speak, and everything you did, you did absolutely terrified. It'd taken half a month to get you to stop calling him sir, and even longer to convince you to address him as 'Rhys' rather than Mr. Strongfork. Was it gonna be like that again?
        What the hell was he thinking...
        He visibly seems to deflate, the smile flickering on his face. You feel bad for your coldness--it hadn't been purposeful.
        You clear your throat. "Y-You look good too, Rhys. Beautiful, as always." 
        That seems to perk him up a little. That dumb smile of his slips back onto his face. "Y'think? Parted my hair different, see?"
        You honestly can't tell the difference or if he's joking. But either way, you just nod again. Whatever, as long as that horrible ice is broken. It shouldn't be there in the first place. You painstakingly remind yourself that it's his fault it's there to begin with. He lead you over to a table, near the back of the restaurant, towards a large window that gave a rather nice view of the city. Well, what was left of it anyways. He has a lot to rebuild. 
        "This spot used to be the best in the house," he explains a bit awkwardly. "It's been a...a little bit since I've taken anyone here so I totally forgot that the city's, uh, destroyed--you ever been here before?" 
        He has this way of talking where every thought just goes straight to his mouth. Like you can follow his train of thought alongside him. That's why you'd trusted him so fast and warmed up to him so easily before. Now it makes you wonder how he'd been able to keep his plan a secret from you. Had he planned to do that to you for long? Or was it a spur of the moment Rhys thing? 
        Stop thinking about it.
        He was waiting on a response.
        You shake your head. "No. I haven't had the chance to check everything out here."
        Rhys wants to kick himself. Right. You'd practically spent most of your adult life working under Maliwan. You'd only come to Promethea to begin with because that's where you'd been ordered to go. Hopefully a waiter comes soon and saves him from this. Or...he could just be honest with you and say sorry. He'd been pacing the office, already planning out an apology in his head. He'd even written it down on a piece of paper, of all things, and then had promptly crumpled it up and threw it out. There's...there's a lot he wants to say to you and he doesn't have a clue where to start. 
        You watch Rhys call over a waiter with a rather brisk gesture that suggests the conversation is just as uncomfortable for him. Quietly, you put your order in. He orders wine-- a nice bottle from what little you know about fineries. You hadn't really imagined him to be a big drinker. He must be nervous. 
        "You can have some too. Obviously. As much as you want. My treat." 
        "Thanks," you say a bit blankly, finding your gaze wandering somewhere out the window. 
        He can wait for the alcohol to loosen him up a bit. To give him the courage to say what he need to. But he wonders if that might come across as inauthentic. If you'll think it's just the wine talking for him. 
        Fuck it.
        "Look," he says with a heavy sigh, regaining your attention.
        With your eyes on him, he's suddenly ten times more reluctant to continue. But he sets his jaw, he sits up straighter. His hand, the organic one, reaches across the table, in an attempt to mimic your forgiving gesture in his office earlier. You stare at it for a moment and Rhys heart stops in his chest. But then, gingerly, your arm lifts, and your place your hand in his. His fingers come to tighten around yours. 
        "I'm gonna be honest. No more lying, or hiding things from you. So I'll start by telling you that Zer0 is outside the building."
        He waits for you to snatch your hand away, to stand up outraged and storm away from the table, right back out the door. He feel him almost brace himself. But you don't move. 
        "I'll hear you out, Rhys," you say, voice still low. "But I'm not going to make any promises that I can just magically forgive you, or we can go back to how things were, no matter what you say. To be honest, I'm not even sure how I feel right now."
        "Of course, of course," he says, just sounding happy you haven't stomped off yet. "But you deserve an apology. So here it is. I'm sorry, (Y/N). I really am. It was a mistake to ask Zer0 to interrogate you like that. It was a mistake to ever doubt your faith in Atlas, in me. I know you haven't been with me long, but I honestly don't know how I would have stayed sane lately without you around. You're..."
        Your work at Atlas is important to me. Say that.
        "You're important to me," Rhys says finally. "Which is why I couldn't risk losing you if Maliwan was still...well, y'know, in the picture."
        You're quiet for a moment. His hand's warm around yours. You've made no motion to pull away. 
        "I have a question for you," you say.
        "Yes, anything," Rhys says, practically halfway across the table, he's leaning in so intently. 
        "If I had been a traitor, er, a Maliwan spy...what would you have done?" The question had been burning in the back of your mind. 
        Rhys hadn't even stopped to think about that. Maybe it's because even when he gave Zer0 the order, he hadn't imagine Zer0 would come back with anything suggesting you actually were a traitor. That made him feel bad again. He should have trusted his gut...he shouldn't have questioned you. 
        "I...I'm not sure. I wouldn't have had Zer0 hurt you, if that's what you're thinking. I think..." What would he have done? "I think I would have tried to figure out why. Why you were still working with Maliwan. Wh-which you aren't! I know that! But I would have figured that maybe they were blackmailing you, or-or threatening to hurt you, or something."
        Your head tilts. "Why?" For the first time that night your gaze meets his again and he feels relief thrum through him.
        "Because I still wouldn't want to lose you," Rhys said firmly. He gives a bit of a laugh. "No, I wouldn't give you back to Maliwan that easily, c'mon now. Who'd bring me all my bagels with the extra cream cheese and coffee and whatever stupid thing I'm craving if you weren't around?"
        Your shoulders also move in a bit of a laugh. You know that you do more for him than that. He knows it too. But he doesn't have to mention all that. 
        Rhy's thumb strokes over the back of your hand. "And...y'know when I first found you, hiding under my desk--which is where I was going, by the way--I figured...something tells me you were just as afraid as I was. Even if you'd been sent there to definitely kill me on sight. I don't think you'd secretly work for a corporation that scares you that much when there's a better option. Atlas is wayyy too nice to betray, right?"
        You give him a half smile. 
        "Okay, Rhys, you don't have to keep going. That...hearing that makes me feel a little better," you admit. 
        Your chosen drink and Rhys's wine arrives at the table. When he offers you a glass as well, you accept almost immediately. His apology, although initially hard to start, seemed to set your mind more at peace. You seemed to relax more, especially after a few more glasses of wine. Before long, the two of you are laughing and talking like you used to, over various plates of food that he's pretty sure neither of you will finish. Leftovers...nice. His suite's pretty barebones when it comes to fridge content because of how busy he'd been lately. 
        He had not known before offering you as much wine as you wanted that you were a bit of a lightweight. He realizes when he signals for a check from the waiter that the night may get a little more interesting. Especially when you were hanging on his cybernetic arm, finally outside the restaurant. It's difficult to keep an eye on you, the to go bag, and trying to pin down a ride all at once. 
        He manages and makes sure you gets into the car safe first. As he settles down next to you with a sigh, he glances over at you. You already look half asleep. He'd hate to wake you up, you look so peaceful...He turns his head to give the driver instructions but finds his words stuck in his throat. 
        He realizes he has zero idea where you actually live. “Uh…..”         Guess you could just come home with him? You’re practically asleep on his shoulder already, head leaned into the crook of his neck.
        He tries to stay as quiet as he can for the ride over, not wanting to wake you until he absolutely has to. You naturally come out of it when the car rolls to a stop outside the building. You don't really ask any questions as he guides you in with him. Either you're too tired, or you don't care enough to ask what's going on. Rhys feels a glow in his chest. Which means maybe you trust him again...? For real? Not in the fake, amicable way from before?
        Rhys shoulders open the door to his suite for you. He momentarily abandons the food from the restaurant on the marble countertop. He brings you to the first place he can think of, or at least the safest, the bedroom. Like you think it's your own room, you collapse onto the bed yourself, without any further prompting from him. 
        "Man, remind me not to go drinking with you," he mumbled, throwing some of the covers over you. "You get sleepy wayyyy too fast." 
        His response is just an unintelligible mumble. For a moment, he sits on the edge of the bed as you nuzzle into the pillow--his pillow. Somewhere in your mind, you wonder faintly why your bed smells like Rhys for some reason. His weight shifts, an attempt to leave. The couch in the living room is plenty comfortable. And so is his chair and his desk back in his office if he doesn't sleep well tonight. 
        He hears the covers shift. He feels your fingers suddenly wrap around his wrist, gently tugging him back to the bed.
         “(Y/N),” he starts, but he sees the way your eyebrows furrow, like you’re in pain. Much different from the peaceful mini-nap you had been taking on his shoulder in the backseat of the car.          “Please... don’t leave me here alone,” you say softly, eyes still shut. “I don’t... I don't wanna be alone.”         He barely catches the last bit your slurring is so bad, but his mind quickly catches up and connects the dots. Slowly, Rhys settles back down onto the bed. You keep pulling at him and with a sigh, he gives in fully, laying down next to you. A bit clumsily, your arms wrap around him completely. He lays, flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling, as your hand rests on his shoulder, arm splayed put over his chest. You’ve turned on your side, face pressed to his arm.
        Rhys is careful not to move the entire night, although he can't help dozing off a few times. He doesn't even know how it's possible to do that with the way his heart is racing in his chest. This...this isn't usually what he has in mind during his weaker moments where he can't help but picture you here, on his bed, with him. He finds his hand reaching up to grasp yours on his shoulder, holding gently overtop. Not wanting to move and wake you up, he manages to turn off the lights, from the bed. The perks of keeping his cybernetics and ECHO eye in such a high tech city, he supposes. The curtains pull, as if compelled, completely shut, to block out any further intrusive light. 
        Was this professional by any means?
        But then again, he thinks, gazing down at you, ECHO eye allowing him to see slightly in the darkness... when has he ever really cared about professionalism?
        When you eventually wake, you feel like you just had the best sleep of your entire life. No screaming no nightmares, no clench of fear in your chest, no waking in a cold sweat. Could have been the alcohol, but it also could have been that you're not alone in the bed-...Wait a minute, where the fuck are you? Your fingers are resting on something, someone else’s shoulder. Your heart seizes in your chest. The last thing you remember was drinking with Rhys…his apology…wait.         Slowly and tentatively, in the pitch black room, your other hand, the one that had been placed on his chest slowly drifts up to touch over a cheek.
        You bite the inside of your own cheek, letting your hand travel slightly down until you feel thick hair under your fingertips, and a soft upper lip—it’s definitely Rhys.         What the fuck is wrong with you? You both get drunk and the first thing you do is fuck him?! Completely unprofessional. Would you even be able to look him in the eyes ever again after this?! This was the exact thing you'd always been trying to avoid in Maliwan. It was all too easy to sleep with a boss open enough to the idea and get an easy promotion through that--you'd always sworn you'd never be one of those girls, as lucky as they were. And you'd especially sworn to yourself that you wouldn't do that with Rhys, even if he was cute and funny in that weird way and-
        Jesus Christ.         You suddenly feel a warm hand grasp over yours, the non-mechanical one. Rhys moves your hand down, hesitating over his lips briefly, before he decides it’s safer to just hold it at his chest again. He’s still wearing his shirt from the night before. His tie isn't even undone. Which means…you think about all the various ways you could have had sex…which means absolutely nothing. But…your underwear is still in place and your dress is only askew because you had likely shifted in your sleep.         It’s like he can read your mind.         “We didn’t do anything,” Rhys says, voice a bit rough from just having woken up. “You just…I was gonna go sleep on the couch, but you said you didn’t wanna be alone.”         Your face heats with embarrassment. You said that to him?         “Oh…sorry. I just…” You trail off. Just because he'd been honest with you last night doesn't mean you owe him the same thing. You don’t want to tell him that every night when you go to sleep you have to relive Maliwan. You don’t want to let him know that there’s a personal hell waiting for you every time you close your eyes outside the workplace. You don't want-         “Why don’t you wanna be alone?” Rhys finds himself asking, interrupting your quickly spiralling train of thought. “Maybe it was just a drunk thing but-“         “Every time I go to sleep I’m back, working for Maliwan, people dying all around me,” you find yourself confessing anyways, like you can't help it. Like you're possessed by some obligance. “It’s awful. I kinda thought it would stop after awhile but it…I dunno.”         Rhys shifts a little. You think he might be looking at you. You see his pale blue ECHO eye glow a little in the darkness, fixed on you.         “Did it help last night? I mean, me staying?” he asks.         You nod. “Yeah. It did.” There’s really nothing else you can say to him.
        You can't see it in the dark, but Rhys frowns. Every time you close your fucking eyes you’re back, in the middle of a battle, being shot at? Being miserable because of your former corporation? And it follow you even today? It still haunts you? And here he was making an assassin go interrogate you, thinking you were going to betray him and go back to Maliwan?         He could not possibly feel sorry enough. He heaves a sigh, one that moves your hand on his chest with it.         “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I feel like even more of an idiot now. I had no idea-“         You shrug. “How could you? It’s not like I was sharing my dream journal with you over lunch.”         You have a…? He realizes you’re just making a little joke. Awkwardly, he stays quiet for a few more moments. You feel him squeeze your hand a little tighter to his chest.         “I…I wouldn’t mind if you did. I want that. Uh…”         The mental health of my employees is very important to me!         He could save himself now. He could bail on this whole stupid crush. He could keep this professional and just find someone else. But he just... can’t.         “I really really like you, (Y/N). And you don’t have to say it back or pretend to like me to so you can keep your job. You’ll always have a home at Atlast, with me, no matter what your answer is.”         You’re quiet for a few agonizing moments that feel like hours to Rhys with the way his heart is pumping. It's too early in the morning for this shit. At least he thinks it is. He actually has no idea what time it is. He feels you shift in bed, sitting up. Are you leaving? Already his heart begins to sink. He’s glad it’s dark in here so you can’t see how red he is. He breathes out a soft sigh, shutting his eyes momentarily. You see his ECHO eye’s light disappear. At least he’d finally said something. At least-         He suddenly feels your lips at the corner of his mouth.         “Sorry, I missed,” you murmur, a bit embarrassed. “It’s dark in here.”         Rhys can’t help but take your chin in his hand, adjusting your position so he can kiss you fully on the lips. The first is light, experimental at most. The kind of thing you can wave off as a mistake and walk away from. The second kiss… not so much. It's passionate, deep, your lips moving against his, like you want him in his entirety. Such a desperate, lonesome kind of need...the nature of your feelings towards him becomes just a little clearer to Rhys right then. 
        He’s breathless when you pull away, chest rising and falling somewhat quickly.         “So…I’m guessing that means you like me too?” He asks, a hopeful twinge in his voice.
        You fall back into the mattress, at his side, hand still grasped in his. You have no intention of pulling it away. With a sigh, you respond.         “You have no idea.”
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danisbrainrot · 7 months
Hi 🌲
I couldn't stop thinking about Johanna and reader getting married. I think Johanna would randomly propose (so random she may propose after a nap).
At the wedding I imagine it would just be reader, Johanna, and their pets.
In the book, each district seems to have a wedding tradition, so I think in District 7, they may plant a tree to symbolize their growing love. Since they use rope to help climb trees, maybe they could tie a knot in a rope, with each of them holding an end to symbolize their trust in one another and how their lives are now intertwined.
And the next time she sends a letter to Finnick, Katniss, or Haymitch, she'll just attach a picture of her and reader in their wedding gowns with a note saying, "l got married, by the way"
I would love if you could do some headcanons or a one-shot about it, but even so, I wanted to share it with you because I couldn't stop thinking about it
this is going to be a ramble, soz, but i'll definitely add it to my list for a one shot idea.
words can't describe how much i love this idea, thank you so much for sharing it with me! honestly, i agree with everything you said, because i love the idea of johanna and you having a really private and intimate wedding, and the thought of her just mailing everyone a photo of the ceremony as a kind of, "oh yeah, by the way, here's what happening in my life recently." but in reality, honestly, i think the two of you would have your own private ceremony and then like, a nice little gathering with the remaining victors (and finnick because, he's definitely raising his son in district four, i don't know what everyone else is talking about. mutts? what mutts?). i just love the idea of their being like a first dance or something, and johanna and reader are gazing into each other's eyes so lovingly, and everyone's swooning over them (well just peeta and annie, i can't really see the others swooning over them, tbh). but if you and johanna want to, you'll have a quiet ceremony for just the two of you. either way, she doesn't mind. as long as she has you.
also, for the wedding tradition, that's literally so creative??? give me your brain please, because you have come up with some of the best prompts i've ever received, and now you've given me another banging one. i think that johanna wouldn't really be into that kind of stuff, she's not a very traditional kind of girl, but you'd be super into it so of course she'd pretend to love the idea as well. the tying of the rope kind of reminds me of the greek wedding crowns, where they're joined by a ribbon i think (idk much about greek weddings, tbh, i've only seen my big fat greek wedding and i remember that scene.) i think that's such a cute wedding tradition, and secretly johanna would love it because she's terrified of losing you, that physically tying you to her makes her feel comforted. the rope symbolises a lot more than just a union, it symbolises a connection that the two of you will always have.
for the tree idea, i think it would be one of those traditions where johanna would find it extremely corny, but because you find it endearing she doesn't say a single thing. she's on her knees, getting dirt under her fingernails with you just so she could plant this tree with you. if you needed a physical symbol of your growing love, then she'd give it to you, because you'd offered her more than she could ever repay you for. safety, comfort, contentment. you were home to her, and she wanted to show you how much she loved and trusted you in whatever way possible.
i can see wedding dresses going either way, tbh. you both wear one, or johanna wears a suit while you wear a dress, or vice versa. hell, i could even see one where you both wear suits. i don't think they'd be white though. white would remind johanna of snow and torture, so i could imagine like a red for her—purely because it would match her hair. and then for you, like a deep rich green, for the forest and the trees. (omg, i just realised those are christmas colours, but honestly, i don't think panem even has christmas, so it's just a bit of fun for us).
honestly, the wedding is set in the backyard, among nature. that's the vibe for the whole ceremony—people there or not. it's got a rustic, woodsy atmosphere and the two of you love it because it is just so, intrinsically, home. bonus points if johanna's saved the pinecones and all the stuff katniss got her in mockingjay, and made a little display with it.
as for the proposal (probably should have started off with this, lol, oh well), if it was by you, you'd have gone all out (not in a public way, but more of a romantic dinner or date way) and planned it to a 't'—and while johanna appreciates the effort and love you put into it, she'd love a more intimate proposal. and what's more intimate than when lying in bed together, watching the drool spill from your mouth as you snore slightly and take up most of the bed? she'd shake you awake and propose to you there, realising that she wanted to see that sight every morning when she woke up.
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The Babysitter - Day 6
Summary: You and Jason head to the shelter to play with the kiddos.
Theif!Reader x The Red Hood
Warnings: SMUT 18+, chocking, breath play, size kink, praise, deg, swearing, kids.
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“Eggies, Eggies, Eggies for big strong me. Big strong men need to eat all the eggies and make them stronger," you sing to yourself as you fry your scrambled eggs in the pan, your ass swishing as you sing into your spatula trying very hard not to focus on what happened yesterday but the more you seem to try and distract yourself the more Red pops into your head.
Yesterday was something else, it felt different, more intimate than any other encounters you've ever had. Like someone was actually seeing you for the first time and fuck, were you seeing him all sharp edges and pointed looks until you got him naked, then you saw his soft stomach, those gorgeous squishy thighs, his touch that was gentle while still being firm, fuck. What is he doing to you?  
Rolling your eyes at yourself, you keep scrambling the eggs, your mind wandering to yesterday. You barely left your bed, instead choosing to spend day getting to know each other better, well… at the very least you got to know each others bodies better. Shit, it was one of the best days you’ve had in a while, definitely a rest day if you ever had one. You didn't even fight, choosing instead to forgo most words, just a whole bunch of soft gooey words that never seemed to end and seemed to be fueled by the lust lacing the stuffy air of your room. 
When you woke up early and Red was snoring like a trooper, you figured it would be nice to repay him for all those times he made you cum, "gonna take little presents and give em all to the kiddies,” you continue to sing, not hearing the sounds down the hall, “but first gotta make these eggs!" 
"G'mornin," Jason says, his eyes still full of sleep as he runs his hands through his tangled curls. The loud scratchy noise of your singing had woken him and he had to come and check that it was a cute a picture as he imagined and he was right, fucking adorable. Shit, after yesterday all he wants to do is drag you back to bed, to spend all day making you cum again even if his cock is aching and his muscles are sore, like he went two rounds with Killer Croc. He leans on the door frame, watching you stare back at him, your tank top and panties combo doing fuck all to deter him from reaching out to you,, "what are you up to so early in the morning?" he asks, crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side with a wide smile on his face.
"Making breakfast," you gesture obviously to the pan full of eggs, taking a sip of your coffee, “pots over there if you want some.”
"Do you even eat eggs?"
"No, but I noticed you bought some." You turn towards him with a worried expression on your face, "do - Do you not like eggs? Because I can make something else,” you move hurriedly pulling the pan from the stove and sitting it on the sink,  “well not a lot. But I could make hash browns or there's some yogurt. I could make muesli and yogurt and I’d offer toast but I think the breads gone bad. Do people not like eggs anymore? I thought everyone liked eggs, shit I-"
"Eggs are fine,” he stops you mid ramble, his arms holding your face close to his chest. “I appreciate the gesture,” Reds fingers graze along your spine in a soothing stream, “Thank you," 
"Good, because honestly, this is as fancy as I can do,” you smile up at him, “Wanna grab a plate?”
“Yeah, just need one more thing,” his fingers climb up your spine, brushing against your jaw and tilting your head up, his lips gently brushing over yours, “Good girl, do I get a plate for my eggs?”
“Since you asked, no,” you laugh, deliberately pulling out a bowl and emptying the eggs into it, before plopping it down in front of him, “Here ya go,” Jason stares down at the bowl of definitely over cooked eggs. Enjoying the proud smile on your face and he can’t help but smile back.
"Thanks." He tucks in, he's eaten worse but shit it could use some salt or pepper or even just less time on the heat. But he doesn't want to appear ungrateful or to piss you off so quickly after you’ve been so nice as to make him breakfast, so he eats them without complaint. 
“Are you coming to the shelter with me? Or am I chill to go alone,” you ask grabbing a tub of yogurt and relishing at the fresh taste of the coconut as you lean on the opposite side of the counter,  “Because, like I totally get if you don't want to come and I promise try my best to stay outa trouble. Not like it’ll be hard, how much trouble can one woman and a whole army of kids even get into.”
“Knowing you,” he takes a sip of his coffee, “a lot. What time are we leaving?”
“Patsy! I'm here!” You shout over the crowd of kids who are currently wrestling each other for the best treats on the large table Patsy set out. You recognise more faces than you wish you did, but some of them look meatier than last time and that's something at least.
“Indeed you are,” Patsy says as she approaches you with a large equipment bag in her hand, “and I see you've brought your friend back.”
“Yeah, I hope that's ok. Figured we'd need the help and I just know the kidlets are going to love him. Are Janie and Laurie here yet?”
“They're waiting for you outside.”
“Yo! You came back!” Tom and Keely shout, tugging on your hands, “Can you show us-” their eyes finally notice Pasty standing behind you, “how to apply for tax relief,” they cover poorly.
“Yeah little dudes,” you muff their hair, “maybe my friend can show you how to write a cover letter,” you wink down at them and they bounce up, high fiving each other while glaring at Jason who sticks his tongue out at them, making them laugh.
“Would you mind if I spoke to your friend before you both take the kids out to play?” Pasty interrupts, shooing the children away.
“Yes, sure thing I've got some things to do first anyway,” you smile genuinely, adjusting the heavy bag on your back as you head into the storage room where all the bags for the kids are kept.
“Hi Pats been a while,” Jason says, certain that he’s going to have the worst dressing down he’s gotten since the time Alfred caught him eating the parfait he made for Tim's birthday, alone at midnight.
“Mr Todd, it’s been a long time. I had hoped for longer, but I’ve never been lucky.”
“Yeah,” he scrubs the back of his neck nervously, “Ah, sorry about that,” his eyes search the hall, where had you gotten too, he sees a door near the back swing shut. “nearly 10 years I'd guess.”
“Longer than that dear, but it's very nice to see you.” she tilts her head, seeming to take in just how much he’s grown, “I just hope you’re not here to cause a ruckus like you did the last time you graced my door.”
“Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that Pats. Boomer he just-”
“I know exactly what he is, Mr Todd, but we are here to help everyone. Can you assure me you are not going to cause any issues today?”
“Best behaviour.”
“Good. Now go find your friend, she means well but trouble seems to follow her around,” Patsy peers around the room, noticing the kids starting to get rowdy, “and keep those kids out of my hair while I prepare lunch.”
“Can do.”
“What you doing there trouble maker?” Jason asks, eyeing your hand in one of the backpacks. He has to put his hand over his mouth to cover the laugh at the tiny jump you made when he shocks you.
“Don’t sneak up on women!” you snap back, “I’m not doing anything,” you quickly pull your hand back, an annoyed expression on your face until you register who the voice belongs to, “oh, just you,” you pull out a bag of jerky and hide it in the next backpack, “I'm just leaving the kidlets some treats. I know it can be hard out there and sometimes finding a little treasure can help.”
“That's very sweet of you,” he kneels down to your level, “can I help? Because pats wants us to take them outside.”
“Yeah, that’ll be quicker,” you hand him a bunch of things, “the kids' names and ages are on the bag. Do you think you can figure out what's appropriate?”
“Did you buy all this stuff?” He asks, looking at the miscellaneous items in his hands.
“I think we already know the answer to that,” you smile as he shakes his head at you, “now get to work I reckon we got 2 minutes before she comes looking for us.”
“Ollie pass me the ball,” you shout to the young kid, “quick I'm open.” Ollie ignores you, instead passing it to Red, “Oi! Ollie! I thought we were friends?”
“He’s bigger,” the boy shrugs.
“Take a shot Ollie,” Red winks, “You got it, go for it,” he encourages him, passing the ball back. Ollie takes the shot from the 3 point line and cheers as it goes through the hoop. “Yeah dude, good job,” Red praises him, picking him up and spinning him around fast and you notice all the kids looking on in envy as Ollie giggles like a mad man. 
“Who wants to go next?” you ask, bouncing the ball between your legs.
“Me me!” Sophie yells, running around you in a speedy little circle, “I wanna go!”
“Ok Soph, here ya go!” you wink at the little girl, “Can I be on your team?”
“No, I want him!” she points at Red and you can’t blame her, “He's so big, well totally win,” she smiles her toothy smile at him and his heart almost melts at how adorable she is.
“Ask him then.” 
“Umm, will you be on the my team?” 
“How about we have one last game, because I can smell lunch. You guys just pick who’s team you wanna be on.”
“Ok!” The kids all shout in unison running over to stand behind you and Red. He's so good with them, so good in fact that he's been carrying Janie around on his back and you’ve never seen her smile more.
With you teams set you start to play the kids running amok trying to make their way around Jason legs as he passes to one of the smaller ones, “go on ray shoot,” he encourages the small boy.
“Too high, I'll miss.”
“Easy fix,” Jason hoists the boy up, practically holding him at the hoop while the boy tosses it through, “good job buddy.”
“Lunch!” Pasty calls through the door and like a flood the kids wash past you almost getting tangled in your legs.
“1 on 1,” Jason suggests, he just needs to have you to himself for just a moment longer. The kids were great, but the real joy was seeing how happy you were playing with them and the sheer joy.
“Think you can beat me without chucking anyone around, Macho man?”
“Know I can.” he steps up to you, his chest pressing into your back and his head towering over you.
“You're really good with them,” you comment, sticking your ass out in an attempt to push him back.
“So are you,” he swipes the ball from you, his hand slapping your ass as he moves, shooting and scoring in one go, “they're good kids.”
“Yeah, they deserve some time, just to be kids,” you sigh, “they never get that, well they do more now than before. You really are- hmmf.” You're cut off by his lips pressing into yours, his arms wrapping around your middle and hoisting you up so your legs circling his waist and the bag falls to the ground with a thud.
“I’ve waiting to do that all day,” He steps you back until your back hits the wall of the building, “the fuck are you doing to me?”
“Nothing you're not doing to me,” you hold his huge head in your hands bringing him in for another kiss, “we should go inside though.”
“Just a little more,” his hands grip your ass, grinding your pussy onto his gorging cock, “I just need-” his full body pushes you flush against the wall whole you make out. Not noticing the tiny faces all pressed to the windows watching you and giggling.
“I'm fucking pooped,” you breath as you unlock the door to your apartment and nearly collapse onto the floor.
“Yeah, those kids are cute, but exhausting.”
“Very, but I still got some energy.” you stare at the stream of sweat running all the way down to his pretty fucking ass, “I feel hyped up from all the sugar we ate and maybe like I could fight a dragon.”
“Is this your annoying way of telling me you wanna fight?” He leans over closer to you, his voice low on your ear, “Because I’ll fight you any day, trouble maker.”
“What should be fight about?”
“Do we need a reason? You’ve yet to have one before.”
“And if I win?”
“What do you want?”
“I wanna know your name Red, you're real name.”
“and if I win?”
“Whatever you want,” you agree, not really understanding what you're promising.
“Done, shake on it,” he laughs when you raise your hand to your mouth spitting on it before presenting it to him, “spit shake it is,” he does the same. 
“You ready trouble maker?” He pulls you close, bending down so his nose grazes yours.
“Ready to win,” you smirk, quickly pulling your hand from his and slapping him across the face before you turn on your heel and launch yourself behind the couch,
“It doesn't count if you cheat!” He yells, lunging after you, his huge body making it harder for him to maneuver around the tiny space. 
“Sure it does, just means I'm crafty,” you taunt him, poking your tongue out as you chuck a cushion at his face.
“You better hope I don't catch you,” He throws the cushion back with force, knocking you back on your heels as he jumps over the couch to stand over you. You scramble back, managing to put some distance between you while he watches, his eyes fixated on your bare legs to notice what you're doing.
You kick up, flipping and landing a blow on one of his massive shoulders, hurting yourself more than him, “Hey rude! Stop being so hard! You hurt my foot!” You protest, clambering to your feet, and you swipe his leg with yours but again, the impact seems to clash your ankle, “no fair, you're the one cheating.”
“Oh,” his tone pitying, his huge body towering over you and making you feel so small as you start to back up, “my little trouble maker,” he stalks towards you, his eyes lowered and hungry, “you got me,” he laughs deep and sinful, “but I'm just so much bigger than you,” your back hits the kitchen counter, and you try to hold onto it, your hands reaching out for anything that could possibly injure him, “and so much stronger,” his hand snaps out grabbing a hold of your hair and tilting your neck back, “it's hopeless for you to fight me,” his other massive hand wraps around your throat, lifting you by the jaw and bringing your lips to his, “I got you,” his breaths into your kiss, “tell me that I won.”
“You win,” already panting at how he's holding you, your feet dangling in the air, “take whatever you want,” you try to suck in a breath.
“I plan to,” Jason sits you on the counter when he notices your pretty face start to go red, “you going to be good for me?”
“Perfect, that's what I want, my bad girl,” he rips at your clothes leaving them on tatters on the kitchen floor, “be bad for me.”
“Fuck you,” you kick at his thigh, not hard enough for it to hurt you, more like a tap really but it has the desired effect.
“Fuck me? Really? Your pussy certainly wants me to,” he jokes as his fingers swipe through you, 
“You did this to me, you wrecked me. I'm so broken and it's all ya fault.”
“You still talking? Oh, you really are being bad today aren't you?” His thumb circles your clit as his fingers slip inside you, “And after you were such a good girl for me yesterday.”
“Yes, I'll never stop. You think just because you're some macho, fucking asshole you can intimidate people into doing what you want, well fuck you. Fuck your stupid hair and fuck your dumb jacket.”
“Mouthy,” he fucks his fingers hard into you, “little, bitch,” he presses his hand over your mouth, “I want no more cheek outa you and when you feel like you can behave I'll let you breath again.”
You dig your nails into his back in response, dragging them down and leaving claw marks in their wake. Your teeth gnash out to try and take a bite of his palm, but he clues into what you're doing, pulling his fingers from you to slap them into your clit.
“Bad girl, such a bad, trouble making,” he slaps you again, his fingers grazing inside you, teasing and torturing you all at once and you feel like your eyes are going to pop outa your head with how tightly he is gripping your face, “little slut, you're going to come on my fucking fingers without making a single noise,” he slaps you again and you can feel his hard cock pressing into your thigh, when did he take his pants off? Fuck who cares? 
You feel the pleasure building and building inside you, your legs shaking around him as your back arches and you press your pussy further down on him and grind out your pleasure. Red keeps slapping your clit, each one sending you more and more insane. Your screams grow louder and louder, muffled by the sure grip Red has on your face. Your pussy goes from sensitive to tingling, shattering,  your cum soaking Reds fingers, leaving you shaking on the kitchen counter.
“Good girl,” sweet kiss falls onto your clit, “taste so good, but I want my prize.” He grabs your legs, hooking them around his waist, “and I know my prize is in here, can I take it?” He asks, releasing your mouth, his fingers moving to grasp at your tits and toy with your nipples. Fuck he wants to hear you scream fro him, but he's going to get that now, he's going to take what he wants from your pretty body and fuck, you’re going to give it to him.
“Yes, take it. Fuck, you've already ruined me what the fuck else could you do?”
“Hmm, I do love surprising people,” his hard cock slips through your sensitive pussy making your whole body shiver and quake. He wants so badly to tease you to draw it out like he had done over and over and over yesterday, but he can’t wait any longer. Your pussy envelops him, your walls already clenching and clutching him, sucking him in further and deeper until he's right inside all of your guts. “Fuck, you're so full of me, my bad girl, you going to take all that I give you?”
“Yes, Red,” you push down, trying to get some movement going when his hand pushes down on your lower stomach.
“Still, for now,” he pulls back slamming into you, “I wanna fuck you so hard and I want you to take it for me, do you think you can do that?”
“A huh I can, I can take all of it.”
“Good girl,” he fucks into you so hard, your face contorting with so much pleasure he can hardly believe how lucky he is that your letting him do this to you again and again.More than that you like it, love it even, he presses hard with his hand and you make a face like you've just seen God so he does it again and again and again until your pussy is clenched so tight around him convulsing like music at at rave and it takes all his willpower not to let go. 
He slows down allowing you to catch your breath before he picks you up, his strong hands gripping tightly on your ass, those strong biceps almost like a fucking seat for you when he flexes his cock inside ot you. “Where we going?” You ask, as you cling to him not wanting his cock to fall out of you when you're so sensitive
“No where, I'm gunna fuck you right here,” his fingers dig into your ass as his nose nudges at your neck, “you ever been fucked standing up trouble maker?”
“Yes,” you admit, knowing that he'd be able to tell if you lied and not really having the energy to give a fuck when he moves his hips and hits so deep inside you.
“Not like this you haven't,” with an ease only someone as massive as Red could have he lifts your hips before slamming you down on his cock, “wanna know what mg prize is trouble maker?”
“Yeah, I told you whatever you want.”
“I want you to scream my name while I fuck you.”
“Red,” you pants, you voice so lust filled as he licks at your neck and his breathe fills your ears, “Red this is so fucking hot.”
“No,” he bites down onto your pulse point, “my name is Jason,” he somehow fucks you even harder as you grind down onto him.
“Jason,” you test the word on your lips on a whisper. It feels weird like somehow not grand or scary enough for such a man.
“Please say it again,” he begs his fingers growing tighter as his legs start to shake, 
“Jason,” you repeat, your clit hitting right on his stomach making you moan even louder.
“Fucking hell, I can’t-” he moves bending you over the counter with his hand on the back of your throat pushing your cheek into the cold marble, “keep saying it my little trouble maker.”
“Jaassson, I'm so close.”
“Good girl, Cum on me and I’ll fill you up.”
“Yes, fuck Ja- yes- please please please,” you explode with Jason's name on your lips and his cum flooding you. You let out a huge breath before you collapse into a lifeless husk of a woman on the counter.
“You did such a good job for me,” he litters kisses onto your back, “took it so good my trouble maker,” another kiss while his hands caresses your ass, “do you need anything?”
“Cuddle please,”
“Easy done,” he pulls out of you, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to your couch, laying you down on top of him.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you whisper, your hands tucked under your cheek as you start to drift off.
“I love secrets, lay it on me.”
“Before you, before the Red hood, those kids, they were fighting for their lives but after you took over,” you yawn, “they feel safer, like do you know how much they worship you?” your hand starts to toy with the hair on his chest, your voice almost a whisper, “You wanna know why I didn’t shoot you when you broke into here?”
“Because you have crap aim?”
“No!” you tug gently on his curls, smiling when he winces, “because I know how quickly this city can go back to being a shit show and even if some people don't agree with your methods, those kids are proof that it works.”
“Thanks trouble maker, I try my worst.”
“Jason,” you look up at him, his eyes almost glazed over, “Thanks for trusting me with your secret.”
“If you tell anyone I’ll kill you.” he jokes, peppering kisses into your hair.
“You could fucking try.”
The Last Day
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The Mission Bolin x Reader Series: Part Four
You return to Republic City and don’t recieve the warmest welcome but manage to prove to everyone where your loyalties lie...but can you show this to Bolin?
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Previous Parts: One, Two and Three.
When you got back to Republic City you could’ve easily slunk away and buried your head in the sand but you didn’t. You went right to the council and shared with them everything you knew. You told them you’d accept any punishment they thought fair but asked you be allowed to help in the time being. Obviously they were all very wary of you but Varrick vouched for you. “She’s on our side now we promise! Kuvira was intimidating her as much as she was everyone else but Y/n stood up for us and is a very big part of why we're still here”. Varrick’s word didn’t seem to be doing much good though, which was understandable considering his past, so you stepped forwards ready to argue your case when Bolin beat you to it. “Varrick’s right. Y/n helped get us here and stood up to Kuvira for us...she can be trusted and she has invaluable knowledge. We’re going to need her to stop this”. Mako’s brother and the Avatar both nodded, convinced by Bolin’s world and that persuaded Tenzin and the others. “Fine!” Raiko nodded “you can help but we’ll be watching you like a hawk and the second you falter you’ll be locked away forever”. You nodded “I won’t let you down”. 
You hoped to catch Bolin after the meeting but Raiko grilled you for hours to get information about Kuvira and when you left Bolin was nowhere to be seen. The next day you found Mako, Bolin’s brother and asked if he knew where Bolin was staying. He directed you to Air Temple Island and you made your way there a bundle of nerves. You found Bolin outside playing with Pabu and smiled to see he seemed back to normal...or he did until he looked up and saw you. Oblivious, Pabu ran over to say hello before Bolin could intercept him. You stroked Pabu happily and Bolin stood up, coming towards you hesitantly. “Hey” you said softly “I’m really sorry to drop in on you like this but with the war coming I figured sooner would be better. Can we please talk?" you asked. Bolin sighed "i guess I can’t avoid it forever...let's go this way" and he led you to a private part of the island overlooking the ocean. You nodded and followed him in silence. Once you were sat down Bolin frowned "so...do you want to take the lead?". You nodded and took a breath. “I just wanted to apologise again for everything I did to you and give you a chance to ask any questions...I’m so sorry for everything Bolin and I know the journey here hasn’t solved anything. Is there anything you want to say to me?”. "Was it all just a game?" Bolin asked and you had a feeling this had been on his mind for a while. "Being nice to be, laughing with me, flirting with me...the whole time you were only speaking to me because she told you to right? Would you even have given me the time of day if she hadn't commanded you to?" Bolin asked. You nodded "of course I would have! Initially I did it because she told me to but after our first meeting I realised I enjoyed being around you and it stopped being a secret mission but something I wanted to do. I liked being around you Bolin, I would’ve acted the same way I promise". Bolin sighed "well unsurprising I don’t believe you" and he looked away upset. "Of course I want to believe you. I want to think you did care for me and like me but how can I even begin to trust you?" he pointed out. It was a very good question and one you didn’t have the answer to. You sighed "I don’t know" you replied honestly "I've hurt you in an awful way and I don’t know how I can ever do enough to repair that. To make you feel safe around me again but I promise I'm not going to quit until I do it. I'm not going to stop trying even if you lose interest or hate me. I will never stop trying to repay the damage I did because you mean a lot to me Bolin. While it wasn’t genuine at first it didn’t take long before it started being and by the end I’d really fallen for you. I know that ship has probably sailed for us forever but all I want is to get your friendship back. No matter how much work it takes". Bolin nodded "okay. I can’t promise anything but I also won’t tell you it’s impossible". You nodded to him "that’s more than I could’ve hoped for, thank you". Bolin nodded and walked away.
You heard Opal was in town the following day and figured she deserved an apology as well. You made your way to Lin Beifong’s apartment where Opal was staying and knocked twice. You were sure this wasn’t going to be pleasant and that was before you told her what you’d done to her and Bolin’s relationship. But still you wanted to wash away everything you'd done for your sister and the first step was being honest. So you’d deal with this and then you could move on.
The door opened and Opal appeared. "What do you want?" she asked. Great start, she hated you already. You winced and tried to look non-threatening. "I was hoping we could talk?" you asked. "Funny you two even think alike now" she replied and you paused "me and who?". "Bolin” she said and Opal moved back to reveal the living room where Bolin was sat awkwardly. He met your eye and you looked away "sorry I didn’t realise he was here...i’ll come back later". "No why don’t you stay?" Opal asked her voice dripping with anger "Bolin was just explaining how he broke up with me for you and I'd love to hear your side of things". You winced but Opal held the door open very menacingly for an airbender. You walked inside and sat in the only available chair which was next to Bolin. "So" Opal said standing in front of you both "carry on Bolin". Bolin coughed "so after we broke up I went to Y/n and I...we kissed". "The same night I left, right?" Opal asked. Bolin nodded "yes". "And you thought that was okay because...?". Bolin sighed "I knew it wasn’t but I hadn't seen you in so long and every time we did it was so tense. Things with Y/n had been building for a while and I was so emotional after our breakup it all just kind of burst out". Opal raised an eyebrow "so you're blaming me?". Bolin immediately denied that and went to explain himself when you stepped in. "Haven’t you told her what I did?". Bolin shook his head "I was getting to that part". You turned to her "Opal none of this was Bolin’s fault. Kuvira calculated it. She made a plan to have Bolin fall for me and I...I helped her. I seduced him and encouraged him to break up with you. I made myself seem like the better alternative and helped orchestrate the whole thing so if you want to be angry at anyone it should be me". Opal shook her head "you're acting like you twisted his arm behind his back and forced him to fall for you. Whether you encouraged it or not you didn't force him to do anything. You didn’t make him separate from me or make him kiss you. From what I've heard you actually stopped that. Bolin fell for you because he liked you" she said "and for me that's the ultimate betrayal because if he’d really have liked me and had no feelings for you to begin with then this would have never happened". "Opal please" Bolin cried as you said "let me explain it better" but she’d had enough. "No I'm done. You both said you wanted to explain and you did so get out. Bolin it’s over, stop blaming Y/n for your own actions and take responsibility. Y/n...well all the apologies in the world won’t resolve what you've done but I think I have an idea of how you can start". You frowned "how?". "You're going to help me break my family out of Kuvira’s prison".
All things considered risking your life to save Opal’s family who had been imprisoned by your sister, the one you helped takeover their home, seemed fair. So you agreed. Bolin had protested, claiming Opal shouldn’t just punish you but him too. That honestly hadn’t helped things and so you rode to the prison in a very stormy silence. Lin was smart enough not to get involved and stayed quiet. 
Once you got there you were soon joined by Toph and broke into the prison. The Beifongs were literally tossed to freedom and only when you got outside of the cell undetected did they all turn to you. "Y/n?" Su yin asked the first chance she got. "You came back to us?" Wei asked a smile on his face and you felt like crying. "No" Opal’s voice rang out "she was working against us the whole time. She’s only here because Kuvira made her go against Bolin and that was too much for her. Not us". The Beifongs all frowned and you hung your head, aware there were no words in the world you could say to make up for what you’d done to your real family. "Still..." Huan said suddenly "she’s here rescuing us and where’s Bataar? Our actual flesh and blood". You looked up to see the others were slowly nodding. Suyin smiled and stepped towards you "regardless I'm happy you're here and you're safe" she said offering you a hand “if you’re willing to make this first step then so are we”. You took one look at her kind face and burst into tears. "I'm so sorry! For everything" you sobbed and Su cradled you in her arms. "It's okay" she soothed and you finally felt safe. Opal understandably wasn’t happy but the others all forgave you. You explained why Opal hated you and how it was justified. The others all just replied she’d forgive you eventually and you felt so happy to have your family back. You were always closest to the twins and found yourself staying with them on the way back to Republic City. "So..." Wei asked "where did you and Bolin leave things?". You swallowed "I told him that I'd always care for him as more but I'd never stop trying to win his friendship back". You expected the twins to judge you for saying that to their little sister’s ex-boyfriend but they just nodded. "That seems fair" Wing nodded and you stared "how are you all not yelling at me?". Wei smiled softly "Y/n you may not be a Beifong by blood but you do realise we grew up as together right? To us you're family. So is Kuvira too and anything you've done doesn’t really matter now you've said sorry and are trying to put it right. We love you and we support you. Opal and Bolin were on the outs before you even got involved but he’s a nice guy. If you have something with him then we say go for it". "Really?" You asked tears in your eyes and Wei nodded "yes". “You’re the best brothers ever” you replied and the twins grinned to hear you finally call them that. 
When the final battle came you fought in it side by side with your earth bender family. You brought Kuvira’s giant mecha suit down and then Kuvira herself. Bolin got to the new spirit portal just in time to see Korra emerge with Kuvira. Bolin spotted you across the field and you were staring frozen as Lin and Su clamped handcuffs around your sister’s wrists and everyone celebrated. Bolin watched you warily and felt a pang of sadness. No matter what you’d done he still cared about you and seeing you upset made him sad. He went to step towards you when a twin appeared on either side of you. Wei touched your arm tentatively and you turned and buried your head against him crying. Wing joined the hug and Bolin was pleased to see atleast you’d reconnected with your family. Not wanting to ruin the moment Bolin walked away.
1 year later
After the battle you were pardoned by Raiko due to your help taking down Kuvira and so you didn’t serve any jail time. However you didn’t return to Zafou after the battle. Kuvira had done a lot of damage to Republic City, hundreds injured, thousands displaced and so many homes utterly destroyed. So, you decided to do something about it. 
Bolin witnessed the whole thing and saw first hand the stroke of genius ran in Kuvira’s bloodline family. You became lead of the restoration efforts and everyone soon forgot who's sister you were once your intentions became clear. The Beifong’s were a golden support system and Bolin saw even you and Opal were friends again which was nice. Opal had also told him she’d forgiven him and they were friends again but he knew that was all it would be with her. With you however that was a different story. Bolin still liked you. He knew it was stupid, most people would never consider going back to someone who did what you’d done but he couldn’t deny how he felt. Not to mention everything you’d said turned out to be true and he saw the changes you’d made to become a better person. You weren’t the same person as before and neither was he. But that didn’t make telling you any less scary. Bolin finally decided to do it one day after he spent the whole week watching you help refugees get rehabilitated. He knew he had to tell you or move on and he chose the former. Bolin could always find you around city hall these days so he headed there and soon enough he spotted you walking down a hallway. "Y/n" he called and you stopped looking around. You smiled when you saw him and walked over "Bolin! How are you? Is everything okay?". Bolin nodded "I’m good thanks and everything is great. I was just wondering if I could talk to you? What time do you finish up here?". You seemed surprised but quickly recovered "I actually finish in an hour, there’s a great coffee shop around your corner if you’d like to go there?". Bolin nodded "sounds great! I'll meet you at the main entrance in an hour".
It was raining when Bolin got to the coffee shop so he went inside and found a table. He sat facing the door, which turned out to be a bad thing as every time it opened his heart sped up and he panicked before realising it wasn’t you. Finally, after many false calls you arrived. Bolin froze as you stood there in the doorway and he felt his palms sweat and his cheeks flush at what he was about to do. He was excited but also terrified. You’d said you would always care for him as a friend and as more but what if that had changed in the year that had passed? What if he’d missed his chance and the two of you would never get your opportunity to be a couple? “Bolin?” you called having located him and Bolin jumped up “y/n hey! Thanks for coming”. You smiled sitting down “no problem, so...how can I help? If it’s about those building permits please tell President Zhu Li I’m getting the zoning board to work as fast as possible...”. “No it’s not work-related it’s about...us”. “Ow...” you said and your whole body language changed “okay, what do you want to discuss?”. 
Bolin took a deep breath “well first of all I wanted to tell you I’ve noticed all the good things you’ve done this past year and how you’ve been trying to reduce the damage Kuvira caused and I truly believe you’re a good person. I’ve forgiven you for what happened between us”. Your face lit up in surprise and you smiled shocked “really? Bolin that’s amazing! Thank you so much”. Bolin smiled “it’s nothing, it felt right so thanks for not giving up I guess”. “Totally worth it” you grinned and Bolin blushed ”also one more thing...I wondered if things have changed at all for you? Before you mentioned you would always care for me as more than a friend but were happy just being friends, is that still true”. You paused looking down “yes my feelings haven’t changed. I think I’ll always like you but I respect your feelings and promise never to try anything with you...is that what you were worried about?”. Bolin shook his head “no more the opposite, Y/n I still like you too and all this time I was unsure if I could trust you but like I just said I know I can now and so I wondered if you’d maybe like to go on a date with me?”. Your face split into an even more surprised expression and Bolin had never seen your eyes so wide before. You spluttered in shock “I’m...of course I would! Sorry i’m just lost for words because I thought I’d royally screwed this up so to hear you say this, I can’t believe how lucky I am”. Bolin blushed, in all his relationships he was usually the one providing all the security and compliments and it was nice to have someone else share that. “Well I feel pretty lucky too, none of my past partners have gone to the amount of effort you have to show me they care. You make me feel wanted and I like that”. You blushed but didn’t look away “I do want you Bolin, so not to sound eager but when are you free for that date because I’d love to take you out and make you feel even more special”. Bolin was so flushed he felt several degrees warmer and he smiled “how’s Friday night?”. “It’s a date” you grinned and Bolin smiled “great...” and he tentatively reached across the table to take your hand. Your drinks arrived seconds later and you smiled holding yours up “a toast, may our future be a lot less complicated and happier than our past”. Bolin nodded “to our future” and clinked your glass. You had a good feeling about this and couldn’t wait to see what your future had in store. 
You always used to fear the future but now, with Bolin back in your life you were ready for it. 
Bring it on. 
Bolin is the bestest boy! 
I never really warmed to him and Opal as a couple because it just felt forced to me, like they were both single and nice people so they got smushed together. I wish they’d given him a more romantic fun partnership like Korra x Asami and Mako x Wu (yes they’re together in my mind). Even the way they got together felt quite convenient and not really that special or fun. All I’m saying is Bolin and Opal both deserve better! 
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fight-the-corn · 8 months
tcfsv sbi x reader part 5
Techno. Phil's "third son". That is the Blade, right there. I'd know the man who saved my life anywhere.
I can't let him know I know. That could end very badly. So I smile, say "hello" and "nice to meet you". I introduced myself, let him think he tricked me. I sit with them quietly, listening to them talk, answering questions every now and then when it's required. And I process the new information.
After some time, the family dispersed. I went back to the room I was staying in. I knew I couldn't stay for much longer, that would be rude, but I would stay here for as long as I could. Maybe it was selfish of me, but I wanted to be looked at the way this family looked at each other. Lovingly.
That night, Phil knocked on my door. He told me that they were going to have dinner before they had to go work. I was welcome to join.
I went down happily, hoping on basking in the family's positive energy for one last night before I left. Techno and I set the table while Wilbur and Tommy bickered. Then we all sat as Phil brought over the plates of lasagna he had made.
I mostly listened as the conversation flowed, laughing more than I ever remember laughing in my life. I loved Tommy's joyful young energy, Wilbur's sarcastic jokes and snarky comments, and Techno's dry but witty lines that weren't common, but were hilarious when he used them. Phil mediated but joked right along side everyone. God, I was going to miss this. The longer I stayed, the less I wanted to go back to the life I knew before.
Soon, dinner came to an end. They had to leave for work. I offered to clean up, but Phil denied, saying they'd take care of it when they got home. However, I think we both knew I'd do it as soon as they left. They were rushing out the door then, even Tommy. I was curious what work they had where they brought their child.
I cleaned the kitchen then opened my phone to scroll. On the news, I saw a villain fight was live. I clicked the link to watch the live. Hang on. That was Blade. No, that was Techno. Suddenly, it clicked. Work. They were supervillains. That was their job. That meant...
The healer, Apollo's, bright blond hair was recognizable to the point where I wonder why I hadn't made the connection earlier. Tommy? And the smile on Siren was so clearly the one I had just sat across from as I ate, that was Wilbur, so that left the Angel of Death as Phil. God, I would never have thought. They were so kind, so gentle, nothing that I would have expected of a supervillain family.
Then, I realized. They are a supervillain family. They were repaying a favor they owed me. This wasn't a thing they would just do. This was only repaying one kindness with another. And I had been there for for days. I needed to leave. I resolved to head out the next morning, to not overstay my welcome any longer.
I went to bed before they got home. When I got up in the morning, I found I was the third awake. Techno and Phil were speaking in low voices in the kitchen when I went down. They stopped when I entered. I greeted them and was greeted in return, and passed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. I thanked them. It was quiet for a moment. Then, I broke the silence.
"I was going to go home today, if that's okay?"
Phil looked suprised. "You sure mate? You're welcome to stay here for as long as you want, you know that right?"
"Yeah, I was just thinking my parents are probably worried."
Techno huffs. I hold myself back from wincing. I forgot he knew what my family was like, and could definitely see through the lie. Oh well. He won't call me on it.
We clearly aren't on the same wavelength. "You sure? You turned up with a lot of weird bruises. You can stay if you want. At least until you're fully healed."
I shake my head. "It's fine. I'll be fine. I can handle it myself, but thank you so much for your guys' kindness."
Phil smiles. "Of course, little one."
Normally, I'd complain about the nickname. But the way he says it, there's no malice or underlying jab. It's just...nice. My heart hurts. I'm going to miss them so much.
Techno speaks a moment later. "At least wait until Wil and Tommy are up. They'll want to say goodbye. We can all drop you off."
"Oh, no, it's okay, I can get home myself -"
Phil cuts me off. "It's fine mate, I want to meet your parents anyways. They must be wonderful people to have raised such a lovely kid."
He knows too. I could just tell, with the tone of his voice. But I can't say no. So I nod, and pray to whoever may be out there that my parents will at least act like they're fit to raise a child for the next day or so.
But deep down, a part of me hopes they dont, because this family doesn't seem like the type to abandon someone in a place like that.
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aki-draws-things · 11 months
The omegaverse au grows...
It's not a nice story so far. Nick is not a nice alpha, and neither is mav. But nick mostly likes to guilt trip Ron so much, ever since Ron was younger and nick basically bought him.
Ron is an omega, younger than in canon (I'm thinking of setting this au in the one where Ron is the same age as mav, just because. It will make tom even more protective.)
Tom is still Ron's pilot, he would like to scoop him away and ran, but he can't, needs to be careful.
(Chris seresin be there too. He's an Alpha already with a bond to tom. If possible he will be even more protective.)
(Also... I don't write smut, usually. Please, mercy....)
Not every Alpha, Ron told himself. Not every alpha was like that.
Nick wasn't like that either, in truth, Ron  convinced himself staring at his reflection in the mirror,  the bruise around his eye carefully concealed with enough makeup that his skin would appear normal. Untouched. 
Nick was like that because Ron pushed him.
He knew his alpha was jealous,  he knew he made a mistake when he chose to become iceman RIO and take his distance from him. From his alpha! His mate. Hos protector. Because that was Nick,  at the end of the day. His savior from a father who cared nothing. The beacon in the darkness that took him away from an almost certain early death. Nick bought him, he saved him, he even gave him a chance to fly. Not many omega become navy aviators, it was because of nick if he had the chance. And how did he repay him? He left. He walked, flew away with tom. Like the stupid omega he was. It was normal Nick was angry now.
But Ron would make it alright, he said. Ron would make amend for that.
There was a new alpha strutting beside nick. He was small, physically looking more like an omega, but the smell, oh it was unmistakable.  Everything about Maverick screamed alpha so very loud and fast.
Ron, on the other hand-- 
"He still smells like Iceman."
Maverick's voice was almost a whine coming from the bed. Ron flinched.
He showered carefully, he used the soap Nick chose, despite the pine smell being so strong and he really didn't like it. Plus, it itched on his skin, for some reason, but he wouldn't complain, Nick liked it, and he would use it.
"I know, Mavi."
Ron could hear a barely concealed growl in his tone. He didn't move. He waited.
"Come here sweetheart. Let's get that stench away, mh?"
He didn't smell tom on himself, he was sure, so very sure, and he knew because he missed his smell, but he couldn't refuse, there would be consequences,  bad ones. 
He shuffled on bare feet back in the bedroom,  allowed Maverick to grab his hand, wrap his fingers around his wrist and pull him on the bed. He bit his shoulder before Nick even moved. Nick laughed, his hand in Ron's hair,  grasping, pulling.
"So eager, my little alpha."
Ron felt blood trickle from his shoulder.
"I like how he tastes, Goose. can you blame me?" He looked like a predator, grinning, licking his lips, passing his tongue over the bite. "It's all your fault, you made me taste him once. You should've warned me Omegas were addictive. I've never had one before."
Like Ron was a meal or something. Nick pinned him down. Training would start in 30 minutes--
"Don't worry about that sweetheart. We'll make sure you're nice and presentable for that. and Iceman will know who you belong to. We only lend you to him because he needs a RIO, and without you in his backseat things would be so boring here."
Tom could beat them even without him, Ron knew that. He remained quietly careful not to let it slip out.
"Say, Mavi... do you want the honor? I'm... I feel generous today."
Ron felt Maverick shift over him, he could feel excitement wash over the younger Alpha. his fingers digging into his arm, it would leave a mark, Ron knew. But it would be covered by the flight suit, and anyway everyone knew he was an omega, and as any good, proper one he had to please and bear the marks his Alpha left on him. It should've been proud of showing them. And he was so lucky, he forced his brain to think, he had two Alphas taking care of him.
(He didn't want to. but oh, he would show off any mark Tom would ever decide to put on him. Except Tom never left marks, Tom was careful, Tom was oh so gentle. Tom, he delusionally thought to himself, truly loved him.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle, You'll even be able to sit after."
"Oh Mavi... You've always been such a softie." Nick chuckled. "But you shouldn't worry about that. just have all the fun you want, look at him, he exists only to please us, why care if he can or cannot sit after?"
"We have a debrief. It would be so distracting to have him squirm around because he can't sit still. Just imagine all those hungry ones in the room eyeing him, Goose. Can't have that."
There had been a time Ron thought Maverick could be more like Tom, gentle, nice. How silly of him to think that, Nick showed him around, he took him under his wing, how could he be different from him?
"smart, yeah. well honey, have it your way, then."
For a brief, fleeting moment, Ron thought he would warn him or something. he hoped, because he promised and-- 
But maverick was Nick's precious baby alpha, Ron should've known better than trust any word coming out of his mouth.
He bit him, again, on the other shoulder, Ron suppressed a moan, biting down on the pillow. He penetrated him without warning.
Ron yelped, shame washing over him at the sound he tried so hard to keep to himself.
"Careful Mavi. Don't fill him up, even though that's what such a pretty omega deserves. Save it for after , when we're off deployment."
"But won't he be sent with Iceman?"
Goose growled and with suppressed laughter maverick thrusts grew faster.
"He's my... our omega. After this, Iceman will have to find a brand new rio."
Maverick grinned, bit down on him again, exactly over the previous mark, licked the contour, sucked hard, enough to bruise. 
"Ours." Nick confirmed. "And you will have your nice little pup. Give little Brad a brother or sister to play with. Hopefully our sweetheart will be good enough to give us a little alpha, mh?" 
He didn't want a kid, Ron thought. He never wanted one. Not with Maverick. Certainly not with Nick. Not even with Tom-- Well, maybe if Tom asked, he-- kids were troublesome, even more in their line of work. A kid meant he would not fly for an extended time, and carrying a kid could-- it could kill him. Break him. He saw it happen. Besides, he wasn't cut to be a parent, he had no idea where to start, not with the kind of father he had. The father who sold him off to Nick to begin with.
"I said, you will be good enough, yes?"
Nick grabbed his hair and yanked his head back. He whined.
"Come on sweetheart, he asked you a question." Maverick said, his voice dangerously close and sweet.
Ron nodded.
"Let us hear your voice when you answer honey."
He opened his mouth again to answer when Maverick thrusted faster and deeper inside of him, on purpose, he knew, and all Ron could do was let out a loud moan.
Nick patted his head with a chuckle.
"Well, that's good too. so good, right Mavi?"
Maverick was wrapped on him, the height difference almost painfully obvious, but crumpled on the bed, left a moaning, sweaty mess, it was so clear that Ron was so much not an Alpha like he tried to pass the very first day, before Nick set his eyes back on him and decided he let him off the hook for far too long and he wanted that rightfully his omega back to himself. Sharing him with Maverick was almost obvious.
A couple more thrusts before Maverick raised his head slightly.
"Turn around baby, I want to look at you."
It took a bit of trying, with Maverick still holding so tight.
Ron's face was flushed red, half- lidded eyes staring at Maverick.
"Please..." He whispered, he wasn't even sure anymore what he was praying him for. Release from that torture? to finish him? fill him until he blacked out completely? His mind was blank already, and the two Alphas both knew.
Maverick seemed to think of it for a moment, he smirked.
"Open up."
If anything, Ron's eyes grew wider.
"Not your eyes baby." he chuckled, he moved slowly. Put his thumb in Ron's mouth.
"We don't want to make a mess, right? because you know what happens if you make a mess. So be good now baby. Be good and swallow it all."
Ron felt choking as Maverick came in his mouth.
"God, Mavi... you really know how to bring out the best look on him, don't you? So damn pretty."
A couple longer seconds before Maverick pulled out and looked at him satisfied.
"Clean yourself up, quick. we have a lesson in 10, we won't be late because our omega needs some care."
Hard, almost cruel, so different from a moment ago, and yet not that much, Ron knew.
"Are you okay?"
Tom asked, purposely ignoring Nick's low growl from where he was sitting in front of them, Maverick leaned back in his chair, relaxed.
"I'm good, Ice." His voice felt weird, raw, his throat hoarse, lips still red and swollen. He heard Chipper inspire harshly when he walked inside next to Tom, he knew why. Jesus, he must be smelling like Maverick so damn much.
"Okay." Tom said, slowly. He wrapped an arm around Ron's shoulder, but in a quick movement, Ron moved himself. 
"We-- you can't." He muttered, not even looking at him. "Please." 
Reluctantly, Tom dropped his arm off of Ron's shoulder. Goose grinned.
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vandermorganable · 2 months
Chapter 3: The Pool Party
After another very average morning, William was invited to a pool party by Natasha. He hadn't been to a party since he left Riverview so he accepted the invitation. He called up Saul, thinking it would bring back some good and fun high school memories of partying all night long.
When they got there, he was both shocked and unsurprised at how big Natasha's and her family's house were. He knew she was rich, but didn't know how rich.
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Saul and William joined everyone in the backyard. William thanked Natasha for thinking about him. She replied that it was how she could repay him for all the help he had been without just handing him money.
He made a mistake of having this conservation next to the pool when Saul was around. Saul was a huge prankster sometimes and William gave him a chance by making this mistake. He pushed both him and Natasha in the pool, causing himself to fall into the pool himself.
William wiped the water out of his eyes, quickly blinking to get rid of the burning sensation from the chemicals in the water.
"You asshole!" William splashed some water into his boyfriend's face.
"Hey, watch the hair," he complained.
William laughed. "Don't come to a pool party if you're afraid of getting your hair wet."
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Natasha called everyone over for a friendly water balloon fight. As soon as he exited the pool, he spotted someone in the corner of his eye, looking as mean as ever.
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William was there to have a good time; he chose to ignore him. He grabbed a water balloon from the bucket and hurled one at Saul's face.
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They sprung out in a full-on water balloon war.
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Natasha heaved a huge one right into William's stomach making him fall over.
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He whined on the ground for a while because of the pain caused by falling on stone ass first. When he was about to get up, that's when he saw a certain someone heading his way.
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"How did you get invited here? You're not important to this family. "
"Look, dude. I don't even know what you're so upset at me for. I have done nothing to you." William frowned, tired of him already.
"You caused me my promotion. I worked so hard for that, but some little scrawny bitch such as yourself decided to come to Starlight Shores and steal my promotion from right under my nose."
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Saul seen the commotion going on. He didn't waste any time on defending him.
"Get the fuck away from him, you motherfucker."
"Oh, look, the bitch's boyfriend came to save him. I guess he isn't man enough to protect himself."
"Damn right, I'm not going to let some washed up whatever you are insult him because you're upset about some stupid promotion. Maybe if you had some talent, you would have gotten that promotion a long time ago."
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"You don't know who you're messing with."
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Everyone crowded around them. Some was cheering them on while others tried to stop them. Natasha's parents rushed, screaming at them. William's face turned red. This was not how he wanted his first impression on his parents to be going.
"You three, leave. This was supposed to be a nice event, and you could leave your troubles at home." Natasha's mother, Annabel, argued.
William pushed Saul to the car, embarrassed about everything that went on.
"Thanks for protecting me."
"You're not mad that I basically ruined the party with my anger?"
"You didn't ruin anything. If that fucker didn't mind his own business, this wouldn't have happened."
"Why does he have so much of a problem with you?"
"I became close with Natasha when she saw a video of me performing at the park. I was offered to do something by her for her dad's company and the rest is history. I guess he's upset that Natasha likes me."
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(He's going to be weirdly bright for the rest of the pics because of having a suntan while I'm using a custom skin.)
"That kinda explain it I guess."
They went inside to see Mojo sleeping soundly on the counter.
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"You have a cat?"
"Yeah, I found him at the front door a couple of days ago. His name is Mojo."
"That's a cool name."
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nicromancytarot · 5 months
not related to romance but do you believe someone can be a Ti (or targeted individual) from a young age? even in small ways. cant count the amount of crap I have had to experience in this life, someone told me it was karmic from ancestors but I dont see how that can be the full or main reason why people have treated me the way they have done ever since I was little. its also why I dont really believe in romance anyway or that I'll never find anyone who truly respect me fpr me, yaknow cause so many people before pretend to be nice but any chance they got would shittalk behind my back or within ear shot and it wasnt a specific age group doing it heck I even had random old hags in shops gossip or comment about me for no real reason or someone who would react a certain way all the time even when I did nothing wrong or said nothing wrong.
I cant make up for lost time and I cant go back in time and experience something better so it just has sucked and its been so exhausting cause I cant seem to find "my people". unlike everyone else my age whos done better than me. heck I cant even use particular websites either without being hated on for every small little thing I have said, particularly on reddit it was hard to genuinely find somewhere I could post without someone telling me off for the way I felt about things. One commentor even told me to shh, dont speak, internalise. the fuck does that even mean? and worse, much worse stuff has been said to me online on every platform I tried, tumblr seems to be the exception tho so its ok for the now. But theres literally nowhere that I fit into I cant seem to find people of a similar age group anymore. either I shouldve been from an older generation or a newer generation either way its been so tiring cause I keep rethinking about how crap its been and yet no one else ever saw nor said nothing to anyone about what I saw or heard.
I like to think that the life where you experience heavy and difficult trauma is the one where your soul departs. I have Uranus 8th house in my natal chart lmao, trust me I am no stranger to experiencing dangerous and traumatic situations. My way of healing past those is to really think about why I am going through those.
An example is that I grew up with an alcoholic parent, it was very traumatising and took me around ten years to finally admit that I had to heal from it. I learnt at the end of last year that I experienced that because I was an alcoholic father in the past life which effects this one the most, so I am repaying my debts in this life by experiencing every small thing that any past live version of me used as a form of oppression on another person.
You might find that you are going through a bunch of things in this life to experience everything that you did to other people in some of your last lives.
You’ll always find a way to grow past those and heal, you just need time. There’s a community out here for you, you just need to find them.
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paleparearchive · 6 months
The Gift Gets Delivered Without Noticing
Renoir's Birthday 4★ story (1/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: Renoir, Monet, Sisley & Bazille's room ; entrance (morning) | Characters: Renoir, Van Gogh, Sisley, Bazille
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Van Gogh: Renoir-san, do you think this color here is okay?
Renoir: Why don't you try adding a little more white? The client wants a bright picture.
Van Gogh: I see! I'll make some adjustments on that end then. Thanks for all the help and advice!
Renoir: Don't mention it. After all, this is a collaboration between me and you, so I'd be happy if we could create something even greater.
Van Gogh: Yeah! I never thought I'd be asked to do a joint production, but I'm really looking forward to seeing it finished!
Ah… But instead, I won't be able to help prepare for your birthday party… I really wanted to get ready with everyone else, but I had to prioritize this…
Renoir: I don't mind. Rather, I'm sorry I kept you all to myself until my birthday.
Van Gogh: I feel kinda embarrassed when you say that. I'll work harder!
Renoir: You're always working so hard, Van Gogh. Maybe you should try to loosen up a bit? You know, being loose like me.
Van Gogh: To be like you… I wish I could be like that, but I just can't help but get carried away. Gauguin is worried about me, and I want to be able to work in a more relaxed way… But I also think it's a lot of fun to just think about painting and get lost in it!
Renoir: … It's nice. That kind of dedication is very dazzling.
Van Gogh: Dazzling? Is that so?
Renoir: Yes. I'm jealous… I guess I'd say that. Or…
Van Gogh: …? What's wrong with you, looking at your own hands?
Renoir: It's nothing. Now, we have to continue or we won't be able to make it in time.
Van Gogh: Right. Alright, let's do our beeeest!
Sisley: Ah, Renoir. Are you going out now?
Renoir: That's right, but is there anything you need? If that's the case, I'll go run some errands while I'm at it.
Sisley: No, that's not it… Have you noticed any strange crimes happening in the city lately? There are graffiti on the house walls, people digging up the yard... I hear they seem to be enjoying it.
Renoir: No… This is the first time I've heard of it.
Sisley: I heard that when you walk outside, things suddenly fall down from above, it can be a bit dangerous. I just wanted to make sure that if you're going to town, be careful to avoid any eventualities.
Renoir: Thank you, Sisley. I'll keep that in mind before I go out.
Bazille: Hey… Why don't you just not go out and pick up girls in the first place?
Renoir: Oh, I can't believe you were eavesdropping.
Bazille: Don't be a prick. I just happened to hear it. More than that, [¹]
Renoir: I know. They may think they're having fun, but as someone who seeks "fun", I can't tolerate it. See, I think the most important thing about "fun" is to avoid bothering people.
Bazille: Now look me in the eye and say that again. What do you mean avoid bothering people?
Renoir: No wayyyy~ Have I ever given you any trouble, Bazille?
Bazille: … Sigh. If you really believe that, you're out of your mind.
Sisley: Fufufu. I enjoy that about Renoir, though.
Ah, right. Now that I think of it, it will be your birthday soon. Is there anything you want?
Bazille: I'm here to make sure of that, too. I also have to tell Monet about it.
Renoir: You guys, you don't have to be so concerned about it. Just a few birthday wishes would suffice, okay?
Sisley: Since you treat me so well on a regular basis, I can only repay you on occasions like this.
Bazille: Going by that line of thinking, I think I'd rather be the one receiving something in return.
Sisley: But wouldn't you be a little surprised if that actually happened? You'd wonder if he had eaten something bad… or something like that.
Bazille: No doubt about it.
Renoir: If you say so, I should give you something in return. Let's see… How about I introduce you to a nice girl? I don't think there are many girls who would be interested in you.
Bazille: Rejected. … Also that's not a courtesy, that's harassment.
Renoir: Really? You could have a good time chatting with girls, you know? I don't think that's harassment at all.
Sisley: Bazille is a bit shy.
Bazille: Hey, don't say anything misleading.
Sisley: But the other day–
Bazille: Sisley, you don't have to say anything unnecessary. Especially in front of Renoir.
Renoir: Whaaaat, is it something you can't tell me? But I'm curious.
Bazille: You were just on your way out. Just go already.
¹: it's kinda embarrassing, buuuut text is missing from this line. Like, the story was typed like this, I suppose it was an in-game error. Weird it wasn't noticed… If someone were to know what he was supposed to be saying in this line, please let me know!!
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sab3rto0thed · 1 year
all year, i felt inadequate. my perfect friends and their perfect love lives and their perfect mouths. i bet they kissed. i bet they went on dates. i bet everything was perfect.
i couldn't see anyone for two years. it wasn't a possibility. it wasn't that i didn't want to―i did. i really, really did. my perfect friends and their perfect mouths.
it was a mental block. i couldn't get close to any boy without seizing up. even being around my friends sometimes got to be too much. they would stroke my hair and my legs would give out. i would retreat, bury my face in my comforter. i could not be a person.
i am always too much. i have been this way from day one. too loud. impulsive. arrogant, ignorant. unkind. brutal. menacing. destructive. vicious.
i was just fifteen. we all think we're vicious when we're fifteen. i thought i knew everything. i did not move from my bed for days, too sick to cry. i was trying to eat my pills by the handful and choking on them. i hated being touched.
my perfect friends and their perfect mouths. being touched, it was a requirement. you live for it when you're fifteen.
it had been two years. intimacy was so foreign to me. my body was hard to stomach. i was hard to stomach. i was trying, my pills full of taste, my fingers flexible enough. i was able to breathe through my nine month long vat of anger. i was eighteen. i had graduated.
it had been two years. i could not be touched without flinching.
my perfect friends and their perfect mouths. i was not dating. my eyeliner was always a little crooked, my arms just a bit too jagged for everyone's liking.
i was sick. i was so sick.
i was asked on a date in august. nothing ever happened in august. usually, i breathed through it. for everyone else, something was beginning or ending. for me, there was nothing.
i laughed a little. my perfect friends and their perfect mouths. nothing about me had been wanted in so long. my guard was up. my guard was always up.
"i don't go on dates," i told him. "i'll just break your heart." he was a very nice boy, and my heart was not very nice. you could ask anyone. i was still eighteen and still vicious. i hid everything.
"you don't know that," he told me. "let's go on a date. i'll pay. we'll get coffee."
coffee. ten in the morning. people all around.
i didn't go on dates. i had never been on a date.
we didn't touch. he wore a collared blue shirt and he smelled good. we sat next to each other on the same bench. i was shaking all the way through.
"the mugs," he said. "the mugs here are good. cozier."
he did pay. we talked for three hours, untouching. everything was a possibility.
he walked me to my car. when we said goodbye, he did not reach to touch me. we just smiled at each other, exchanged the word "bye" back and forth until we both knew it was time to retreat.
it had been a good date. i had not shattered his heart. nothing was irreversible. i was not even very vicious. a little sleepy, maybe. settled.
i was never like that. ever the actor, that was me. when something authentic happened, it was based entirely on my survival.
this was not surviving. this sort of felt like living.
we texted back and forth for the rest of the day. i mentioned him to my friends―my lovely, perfect friends. i told them everything.
two days later, we were going out again. he picked me up. we went to a small, out of the way festival. we bought homemade soaps from man that my date described as, "what a cool guy."
i bought him and me some jam to repay him for the coffee. i had raspberry lime. we sat on a bench, listening to live music and throwing feathers at each other.
"when i think about the song daniel," he told me, "i don't think of going home. i just think of going."
we talked about death on the second date. it was a very us thing to do.
i didn't forget that. daniel. going.
we never touched. i was starting to want it. i didn't know what to do with that. my funny, foul brain. i liked him too much for my own good.
"tomorrow," i said. "we'll get coffee. i'll pick you up."
he was leaving in two weeks. it was not something i should have said. i should have kept my lips sealed.
that was the same thing i had thought when my dog died, though. but i had needed my friends. sometimes, i was learning, i had to take the plunge.
he smiled a little. "okay."
"feel free to cancel," i told him over and over again.
"okay," he said again. his eyes softened at the corners. "but i don't think i'm going to cancel."
and that was that.
it was my turn to take him out for coffee. we drove twenty minutes away, to a place that someone i loved had introduced me to. i didn't tell him this, but i was sure he knew. i softened there in a way that i didn't usually do. softening was not in my nature.
we tried each other's drinks. we spoke about our three shared years of school. we talked about every shitty thing in existence―food, college, people. everything except for exes. we skirted around exes.
we still had not kissed. i tried not to think about it. i didn't kiss boys. i couldn't kiss boys. it never went well for either party.
we went to his house after. the air between us had mellowed out. there was something softer there. it felt like hope.
we sat hip to hip on his little couch and watched american horror story. i had not kissed anyone in two years. everything was unfamiliar.
we were too close to be friends. i didn't realize i wanted to kiss him until five minutes before we were kissing. and then we were kissing.
i had not kissed anyone in two years. everything was painfully familiar. everything was even more painfully new.
in my head, i was rationalizing. that was what i did.
everything was stripped down. i felt like my bones were showing. i was shaking all over.
vulnerability was the scariest thing to me. it took me ages to let anyone in. we had only gone out for three days.
"i can't have sex," i told him. i was breathless. i was scared. i was in survival mode. i was too naked, too honest. i needed to back up.
i did not want to shatter his heart into a million pieces. i really, really did not want to scare him away. my body was seizing up. i was panicking. i was fifteen again.
"do you want to stop?" he asked. "we can stop."
i was trying to feel out the situation. i curled my knees to my chest.
"yes," i said. "please."
it was a slow-moving panic attack. i had a lump in my throat. i had known this would happen. curse my nature. i did not know how to be a person.
he showed me the bathroom. i looked at myself in the mirror. my rumpled hair. my red cheeks. i felt like half of a human being. part of me was in a different bathroom two years ago, my body seizing up. i was eternally fifteen.
after, we cuddled on his bed. he kept asking if i was alright. the entire time, before-during-after.
no one ever asked.
"i'm sorry," i whispered. we were a tangle of limbs and mouths. he smelled like me. his hands were my hands. "my ex really fucked me up."
he pressed his mouth to my hairline. "it's okay," he said. "you don't have to talk about it."
i left. i drove around, aimless and indistinct. i went to the grocery store. i wandered the aisles. i was having an out of body experience, looking down at myself as a new person. i had not felt like this in years. intimacy was so fucking scary.
that night, i hung out with my friends. i was vicious all over again, because that was my natural state when i was scared. i did not know what to do with my fear, so i just got angry. i scraped my knees on the pavement. my friends hoisted me up by my arms and dragged me away. i was on the verge of self-destructing.
he texted me that night. asked if i was okay. no one ever asked. i was still shaking.
i woke up and i called my friends. they come and got me. i was freaking out. i felt like i might be sick. my panic was no longer slow moving. it was ever present. i was so fucking scared and i wasn't even angry. i hadn't been scared in so long.
i talked it through. my friends took me out of town. when we returned, he had texted me. he wanted to break things off.
i always ruined things. this was what happened.
it had been three days.
in my living room, i sat there and screamed and clawed at my hair. i let it all out. i had whispered about it in my best friend's living room a few months ago, but there was a difference in screaming it.
everyone everywhere loved me. i was so fucking scared.
i ended up at my friend's house. she had been watching all of it. i laid on her bed, my head hurting. she drew flowers on a picture of me.
"it hurts," i said. "i think it hurts because he asked."
she gave me a very sober look. "i know."
she was my anchor. i do not know if i could have slept without her. we giggled in her bed, drowsy and lovely, until we fell asleep.
when i woke, she was laying next to me, hair a golden curtain. there was something so intimate in that―sleeping in the same bed, waking together―that i settled. i was not shaking anymore.
"come on," she told me gently. "you have a coffee date to get to."
yes. i did.
the week after, i met with him again. he sang for me. i gave him a letter. my friend was with me. she was always with me.
"i'm sorry," he said. "for leaving." he had told me before this that he wished we could have met in april. turns out, i had not ruined things after all. it was just time.
in my letter, i thanked him for making me feel like a whole person. he texted me later, when my friend and i were at our other friend's house. the other friend had made tacos. we were all sitting on her floor.
he told me that i had made him feel like a person, too. he had written a song about my letter. type writer. he didn't share it with me.
i understood. intimacy was fucking scary.
you're an amazing god damn writer, he told me. and that was that.
i showed my friends the texts. i only cried a little. i was worn out on tears. one of my friends patted my knee.
they were leaving for college in a week, too. everything was ending. i was terrified. i had no anger left.
i drove us home, and when i was alone, i sobbed on the interstate.
it was august. everything was ending.
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give-soup-please · 2 years
hello!! i hope you’re having a great day!! i absolutely love your writing and i was wondering how the narrator would react to seeing our world in the night for the first time!! would he be fascinated by the city lights? what if we tell him the stories of constellations in the stars!!
here’s some soup by the way soup 🍲 ~ヾ(^∇^)
Narrator seeing night for the first time (platonic or romantic)
(still taking it slow today. Decided to take my time with this, to see if I could create something more meaningful than usual.)
He’s unsettled at first. The slowly encroaching darkness reminds him of a reset, albeit a very slow one. You decide the best way to get him accommodated is to take him to a grassy hill, one that overlooks the city. 
It’s a nice setup you’ve created. Two lawn chairs, a few blankets, and a cooler filled with snacks and drinks. You’re not sure if the narrator is in the mood to eat or drink, or if he can at all, but you’ve got your favorite soda, and life is good.
He’s enamored with the sunset. The oranges and reds are beautiful. With some luck, there’s also some decent cloud cover, creating something absolutely picturesque. You casually lean back in your chair, just watching him enjoy himself.
The city lights flick on one by one. You sigh contentedly, deciding it was a great decision to take the night off and relax.
Distant highway traffic sounds also add to the scene. He watches the headlights of cars, and thinks about how small he is, in comparison to everything else. 
He thinks it’s beautiful. Humanity up close is overwhelming, with how many people there are, and how many personality clashes happen, but he can definitely appreciate us from a distance.
He’s reminded of the stars in the office, but this is better, because there’s no sign of any staircase, no indication that you intend on leaving his side.
“It’s lovely.” He says, after a long period of silence. “It’s all so…” He continues, then stops. You give him the time and space to think. This feels like an important moment.
“You- humans, I mean. You’re all so-” He laughs. “How is it that you’re all so large and small at the same time? An individual life is so all encompassing, and yet-” He stares down at the city in shock.
“Yet there are thousands of you, all going about your business, all with your own lives and hobbies and dreams… How do you all manage?”
You smile, and gently slip your hand into his, providing some grounding you think he may be needing. “We manage as best we can. We  try our best to recognize the similarities between us, instead of the differences. We recognize the power one person has, to change the world. We… learn to love each other fiercely, because we’re all we have.” You hold his hand just a fraction tighter, wanting to emphasize the point.
“It’s much easier to do if you can find someone you enjoy spending time with.”
He stays silent for a very long time, taking it all in. You look over at him. “Are you alright?”
He cranes his head back, needing a break from the city lights, needing to collect his thoughts, only to discover-
“Are those real stars?” He asks, in a hushed whisper. You join his gaze, also looking up.
The silence continues, and you start to worry a bit. He’s never been this quiet under positive circumstances. “Narrator, if it’s too much, we can-”
“No! No, no, no, no. I’m fine. I just-” In the dim light, you can see him blink his eyes rapidly.
“Oh, reader. I have so many thoughts and ideas about what I’m seeing, but the words aren’t coming. I can’t possibly do it justice.”
You smile a little. “Welcome to the human experience. The universe has been giving people writer’s block for as long as there have been writers.”
He looks at you, and you can definitely see tears shining in his eyes. “How can I ever thank you for showing me this?”
Well- it’s not as if you were the one to put the stars there in the first place. You couldn’t take credit for building the city either. You just existed here, the same as everyone else. But he seemed like he wanted to repay the favor somehow.
You decide to turn the offer to his advantage. “Let me keep you company. There’s so much I want to show you, so please- Let me take you to see everything.”
He chuckles wetly. “Reader, you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”
The two of you sit in the chairs for a very long time, enjoying each other's presence.
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happy 200! i’m so glad to see your blog grow, it’s one of my favorites and i adore all your writing. i’ve never cried so much and i love the kind of unsettling feeling you write in your fics, it’s perfect in the category of yandere and dark content. in particular, i loved your drabble about shigaraki mourning over a dead reader and i’ve reread that one too many times to count haha! as for asks for headcannons and drabbles, it would be amazing to see that with bully!eren especially since he was such an awful person to the reader. i’d love to see him suffer honestly, but if you don’t want to write it, that’s completely fine! once again, i’m so proud of you for hitting 200! that’s such a huge milestone and hopefully, there will be many more in the future! :)
SYNOPSIS: bully!Eren has to navigate the world without you.
Pairing: Bully!Eren x Fem!Reader
A/N: I can't even explain in words how much I CHEESED at this message like my grin was ear to ear. can't explain how many times I read this. It singlehandedly made my day anon, and to repay you for my happiness....here is some angst. this is a slightly different route than the shiggy one but I hope it still suits you <3
TW: mentions of death, past dubcon/noncon, mentions of trauma, bullying, alcohol addiction, drunk driving, abusive behavior, revenge porn, nonconsensual photography/videography, mentions of infidelity, angst, so much of angst, violent behavior
WC: 2.5k
It's not like Eren had been doing a lot of soul-searching. He's not delusional enough to label his half-assed epiphany of "maybe I'm a shitty person" as soul searching.
It's just the conversation with his very sick mother burned holes through the back of his mind. Carla had asked about you and why you don't come by the house anymore. How she missed baking with you in the kitchen, and how you sweetly smiled whenever you would see soft creamy peaks form in the meringue.
Eren felt like he was swallowing needles as he assured his mother with false truths, that nothing was going on and distance between childhood friends is natural, and if it means so much--ok ok he'll bring you over.
He stays until he sees her chest slowly rising and falling into a gentle asleep. He touches the tip of his ears, unsurprised by how hot it was.
Eren, when you tell a lie, the tips of your ears turn red.
You're not at school the next day. Or the day after that. Or the day after that.
Guilt is not an emotion he feels often but the events of the past weekend replay in his mind. It was just a dumb party that Floch threw, and he was surprised to find you cornered by a trio of thee dunderheads. Like a distorted fairytale, he swept you away from the bad guys like a knight in shining armor, to only shove you in an empty room and demand compensation for playing hero.
Fuck, with that big mouth, you would think that you'd know how to suck cock.
Use your tongue stupid slut. If you use teeth, I'll shove this dick in your ass without any prep.
No, I don't care, you're taking all of it.
There's a video on his camera roll. How could he not record it? You're sobbing, mascara running down your cheeks, looking so beautiful and ruined with jizz smeared at the corner of your mouth. He was brutally fucking your mouth, making you take all of his length.
Breathe through your nose dumb whore. Or else you're gonna run out of air.
You were pleading with whatever garbled sounds you were constricted into producing.
Breathe through your fucking nose. This is for your sake. Otherwise, I don't mind face fucking your lifeless body. You'd be more useful that way anyways.
Eren is conflicted with muting the video because he can't stand to hear himself like that. But he didn't want to miss out on your pitiful whines.
He remembers the distraught expression on your face when he was finally done with you. He tucked himself inside, and sneered, "I've got a girl coming here. Get lost." You looked so fucking distraught. Why? All he did was make you suck his dick. He didn't even fuck you.
He should have. Eren thinks grimly when he stares at your empty desk on the first day you didn't show up to school. He's gotten off to the video more than enough times than he can count over the weekend, and he was aching to see your pretty face twisted into a terrorized expression when he flipped up your skirt to grope your ass.
Kindly, Eren decides he'd allow you to have a rest day. But the second day, Eren pays a visit to your house finding it dark and locked, like no one was home and hadn't been there for a while.
On the third day, you're declared missing.
Your incompetent workaholic mother who finally came home and decided to give a damn reported you missing to the authorities who had scratched their heads because as far as they knew, the pivotal 72 hours were up.
Paradis was surrounded by forests. No one wanted to say it, but they were all thinking it. If you got lost in there, chances are you wouldn't make it out.
Eren wasn't always this admired and fawned over. He had his fair share of behavioral issues that frightened people (not you though, not then at least, not when you were children, and you still came back every day to play).
But when he channeled that anger into sports, there was somewhat of a star in the making, especially for some small-town boy. He was becoming extremely popular, and that's nice and all, but at the end of the day, he has a mother whose health was taking a sharp decline. He was constantly under stress, stress that he took out on you.
Where did his favorite stress-ball go?
It's all fucking surreal. Having detectives in the school. Not that there were many students to question (because christ, did you even have any friends after Eren turned everyone against you?).
Eren was questioned. He can't help but mirthfully chuckle. Maybe this was your grand plan, maybe you were able to finally sort out a mountain of evidence against him. If you were going to fuck him over, didn't you want to see it happen with your own two eyes?
The dark-haired boy wishes that was true. If you had gotten your revenge, would you be here? No, revenge isn't the right word. If you got any justice for what he made you suffer, would you come back?
Hi, I'm Detective Hange. I would like to ask you some questions today. You're Eren Yeager, right?
Yes, that's me.
How do you know ___?
We were childhood friends. We're uh, we're not as close anymore.
When was the last time you saw her?
Friday night at Floch's party-
-Floch Forster right? There were a number of kids there from your school.
Yeah. It was a big party. She uh, doesn't usually come to parties but she was there that night.
You were the last person to be seen with her. Other kids have said that they saw you and her entering a room together, and then only her leaving the said room.
[Sigh] Yeah we sorta...hooked up.
I thought you said you guys weren't close anymore.
You can be not close to someone and still hook up with them.
But you guys were close once right?
Yeah. Once.
The dark-haired boy asks if he was under any suspicion. The detective waves their hand in a dismissive gesture, “If her diary tells us anything, it’s only that she really liked you.”
Were detectives even allowed to divulge that sort of information? Eren doesn’t know but the stray detail that they offered off-handedly made him feel like he was swallowing needles.
At that point, Eren honestly still doesn't believe you're gone. You had a habit of running away, even when you were little kids, but you always came back.
Still, he participates in the search parties with a renewed vigor, even going alone in the forest with a flashlight on most nights.
And he's just so fucking tired. The darkest crevice of his mind almost wishes you were dead because this ignorance was just agony. Almost. Because he still clings to the feeling that one day, he’ll stroll into class and find you in your seat in the back of the class, looking out the window like some cliche shojo manga protagonist.
There are folders and folders on his phone. Albums. The most recent one is dedicated to your crying face as you were choking on his dick. Earlier albums are composed of creepshots of your panties, of that obscene o-face, of your skirt flipped up and your ass cheeks, pictures of your cleavage, videos of you thrashing as he dunked your head into toilets like a villainous middle school bully.
Pictures of your neck covered in hickeys, your naked breasts, ass cheeks striped with red after getting spanked, your leaking cunt, just endless and endless media dedicated to pieces and pieces of your body like you were never a whole person.
The earliest ones though tell a different tale, from off-guards to your drooling face as you napped in the middle of the day.
He has a favorite picture. Your eyes are watery from the cold, snowflakes stuck between lashes, nose and cheeks flushed red, and you're smiling. Smiling right to the camera. Right at him.
"Eren, are you taking a picture?" You asked, bouncing in place, giddy that it was finally snowing.
"Not of you, shut up. Get out of the way." His voice is gruff but not harsh.
You laughed and jumped into frame anyway, and the bright streetlamp behind you made you seem like you were wearing a halo.
He wishes he had more pictures of you being...yourself. Because now your crying face displayed over countless pixels haunt him. But like a fucking degenerate, he still jerks off to all the nudes he coerced from you. Sometimes he cries when he's jerking off which is probably the most pathetic thing he's ever done. This is what you've reduced him to.
He hates the sound of his own voice.
Breathe through your fucking nose. This is for your sake. Otherwise, I don't mind face fucking your lifeless body. You'd be more useful that way anyways.
Eren goes through the motions of life without really feeling like he's in the moment. Seasons change and time flies. His mother dies, and his withdrawn father dies a year later. He proposes to Mikasa because it's something he was always supposed to do. She loves him unconditionally, so even when he doesn't put any effort into the relationship but proposes, she says yes hoping he'll change and be a good husband.
He doesn't go to his parents' funerals because they're already dead. What's the point. He doesn't visit the candlelight vigils in your honor either. After tearing his ACL again and a somewhat traumatic injury, he kisses his pro-football career goodbye. To be totally honest, he's relieved. Because he had gotten quite bored, and maybe he was looking for excuses to quit the entire time. It's not like you'd be cheering on the bleachers anyways.
Mikasa has an affair, more out of a desire to see her fiancé feel something for her as opposed to any burning lust. But when she asks him if he's ever cared at all, with tears springing out of her eyes, he's just calmly drinking his fifth of whisky.
The dark-haired man doesn't even look up, "Let's break up."
"Is this about her, huh? Fucking get over it already Eren. She's GONE. And you have some big fucking audacity moping about her death like you weren't making her cry in the bathroom stalls every fucking day you piece of shit."
"Get out."
"You know what, I bet she killed herse-"
The dark-haired woman doesn't finish her rant because the whiskey bottle smashes on the wall next to her head, sending glass everywhere and staining the carpet amber. She's unharmed, knowing it wasn't Eren's intention to hit her but Jesus Christ, what a monster.
She packs her bags and leaves the town like she should have a long time ago. All her friends had left years before and she stayed behind because that's where Eren was. She thanks her lucky stars that they didn't marry.
It's funny because he had always imagined himself being the first to move out of their small town, but he's the one staying. He can't leave this place. feels too tethered to ever leave. Every diner and liquor store is saturated with memories of you. He remembers buying cigarettes and exhaling the smoke to your face to piss you off in empty parking lots.
Maybe he stays in case you'll come back.
Eren's days consist of alcohol-fueled hazes. He doesn't know how his liver is still functioning. He doesn't know he's still alive after crashing his car into a tree when he was drunk out of his mind. He was on his way to get some more vodka.
He barely recognizes himself in the mirror anymore, not that he looks at himself much. His hair is long, nestled around his shoulder because he couldn't be bothered to cut it, dark circles under viridian eyes, and a perpetual stubble on his jaw.
His parents had left quite a sizable inheritance so there's no need to work but he's good with his hands. Likes crafting up birdhouses and cabinets, and occasionally does odd jobs around the neighborhood, never charging the elderly.
He's under the sink, tinkering with a wrench against the pipes when he hears the old lady coo at him.
"We're so lucky to have you Eren. I'm surprised a handsome young man like yourself doesn't have a special lady. The girls must be lining up at your door!"
The dark-haired man winces, and offers no comment, knowing that that the older lady was susceptible to long tangents.
"You know, we're getting a new neighbor." Eren grunts as a response. "They're young, I've heard. Isn't that exciting? Oh my, Eren! I think they're gonna be living in the house right next to yours..."
He tunes out the rest of the conversation because doesn't really care. He just hopes his new neighbors are quiet.
It's Sunday noon when obnoxious noises of moving trucks and people wake him up from his deep slumber. Eren's annoyed to wake up despite the fact he's probably been sleeping over 15 hours. He oscillates between getting too much sleep and getting none, his sleeping habits completely dependent on his dreams.
His nightmares are too visceral, visions of your corpse asking him if he'd enjoyed hollowing your soul with his teeth.
His dreams are achingly sweet. You in your prom gown, shining so iridescently like diamonds were sewn into the silk. He's dancing with you, holding you close, and then after you guys go to your favorite diner and gorge on burgers and milkshakes.
There's a peal of distinctly feminine laughter that stirs up Eren's senses. He's so pathetic, was the mere sound of a woman laughing getting him excited?
He sighs. He thinks of the whore he's frequently visited because of her resemblance to you. Hair color, skin color, face shape--with enough alcohol, he could really convince the person beneath him, was you. Maybe it's time to give her a call, but she's gotten so fucking needy and he hated how her voice didn't match yours.
The green-eyed man peers from the lace curtains, irritated by the brats playing on his lawn. A full family next door? Great, just what he needs.
The friendly knock on his door breaks him out of his daze. He contemplates whether he should answer but on the second more muted knock, he lets his feet guide him.
He turns the knob.
And Eren Yeager completely shatters.
Because it's you isn't it? You're the person standing in front of him? He can hear what you're saying but he doesn't really register it, soaking in the cadence of a voice he had long forgotten because all he had were pleading whimpers and frenzied moans stored on his cell.
He's shaking. Is he dreaming? He's dreaming, right? He knows it's you. You're older, far more beautiful than he's ever seen you. You have a different hairstyle, wearing clothes he would have mocked you for, and there's this joyfulness within you that makes you glow.
There's a mess of emotions electrifying in the pits of his stomach from euphoria, anger, and dread. He could feel his skin growing clammy like he was about to vomit at any second.
"Hey, are you all right?"
Doe eyes full of concern peer up at him. He voices out the syllables of your name like a desperate prayer.
You tilt your head to the side, "How do you know my name?"
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alltooreid · 4 years
I Think He Knows
Y/N has a huge crush on Spencer Reid, so huge she embarrasses herself every time she tries to talk to him. She is convinced he is aware to all her pathetic attempts at flirting and just chooses to ignore it, but turns out Spencer may be a little more clueless than she thought.
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A/N: Hope yall enjoy this cute fluffy fic! I’ve been having a rough couple of days so writing a fun fluff like this was really comforting :) yes it is inspired by the t swift song, but you don’t need to know the song to read and enjoy! also my requests are open so let me know what you want to see! (also sorry if this is kind of short, but i’ve been super busy and wanted to put something out :)))
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Type: a cute pining fluff fic
Word Count: 2.3K
Content Warnings: mentions of alcohol, otherwise none.
“He got that boyish look that I like in a man I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans It's like I'm seventeen, nobody understands No one understands”
“He has to know Penelope, I’m not exactly subtle.”
You and Penelope spent the majority of your lunch breaks in her office, discussing anything and everything. Recently however, the point of contention had been a certain young genius. One who you had a huge crush on.
“Spencer Reid may be a genius, and one of the best profilers I have ever seen but he most certainly does not know,” she said, as she drizzled more dressing on her salad.
“He has to, it feels like everyone knows. . . Do you think everyone knows?”
She shrugged, “They might, I know my Chocolate Thunder hasn’t picked up on it yet.”
“You haven’t told him? It’s already been a week since I’ve told you! How did you keep it a secret for so long?”
“You asked me very nicely not to tell anyone! Plus this one seems really important to you. I don’t want to go around telling people and for Reid to hear it in office gossip.”
You smiled, “Well you Penelope Garcia are the best, best friend ever.”
“You know it, now I know you desperately want to repay me for my services, and you can by giving me those exact ranch packets you have in your bag,” she said.
“They’re all yours, now let’s discuss something other than my pathetic schoolgirl crush. Like how stupid Kevin’s sweater was today.”
“Kevin? The other internal affairs technical analyst? Yeah what the heck was he wearing?”
“You know, I’m tired of having to carry the weight of the brains, looks and fashion sense out of the two of us,” you said. “Though, that is a good way to gather attention . . . I wonder if Spencer would actually hold a conversation with me if I wore something as ugly as that.”
She laughed, “You know I think that might send you backwards.”
You stabbed your lettuce, “At this point I’ll try anything.”
Before Penelope could respond, someone interrupted your lunch, your only other friend on the BAU team, Emily Prentiss.
“Oh hi Y/N! How are you!”
“I’m good Emily, what kind of gross things are you here to deliver today?” you and Emily joined the FBI at around the same time, and found comfort in the fact that you were both total try-hards. Emily was going to eat lunch with you and your fast friend Penelope, at least on days when she was in the office for lunch, but you and her both agreed that she should eat lunch with the team so that they can get used to having her around.
“Just some paperwork, no cases yet, knock on wood. Also I just wanted to say hello! What are you guys eating?” she asked, pulling up a chair.
“Some salads from that takeout veggie place PG is always talking about. I told you I was going vegetarian right?” “You did not! That’s great Y/N! We need to talk more, like we used to when we first started here,” she sighed, then perked up, “We should have girls night! Remember how fun it was that night at the bar? With Brad the real FBI agent?”
“Yes! We should! You know, Gideon’s replacement comes tomorrow, we should celebrate!” Garcia said.
“You know, I don’t know if the best way to celebrate a new agent is by drinking without them, but I’m down. We’ll toast our girls night to agent Rossi. Someone ask JJ if she’s busy.”
JJ was not busy, but when you and Emily asked, Morgan overheard.
“So am I not invited to the party?”
“Well it was supposed to be girls night . . . but I think PG would throw a fit if I turned down her 2nd favorite person in this building, so I guess you can come,” you teased. “You should come too Spencer!”
“I don’t know, that’s not really my thing . . “
“Oh come on! I know I would love to see you there,” you then realized that you were embarrassing yourself being so forward. “And I’m sure everyone else would too!”
“Alright, I’ll come, but I’m not drinking.” he said firmly. 
Before you could respond, Penelope magically appeared. “Good, you can be completely sober when Y/N gets wasted and embarrasses herself,” she said.
“PENELOPE! I’m not the light weight here! you’ll see Spencer, she’s actually awful. Two shots in and she’ll be on the floor,” this was apparently the wrong thing to say, because Spencer grimaced. “But it’ll be so much fun! You have to be there! You already said yes!”
“I just don’t know if seeing all of my coworkers get drunk while I watch is my idea of a fun evening. . .”
“Trust me! I’ll even stay sober with you, so we can judge them together. It’ll be a blast.”
“Ok, I’ll be there . . . but for now I need more coffee,” he pulled his chair out and walked towards the office kitchen. You silently cheered, forgetting how people were still standing around you.
“Well,” you awkwardly laughed, “um, I guess I better be getting back to my neck of the woods. I’m not a hot shot profiler like the rest of you guys . . . so see you all later!” You tried to escape before anyone interrogated you about your conversation with Spencer. However, a certain profiler followed quickly behind you. 
“So. . . you and pretty boy huh?”
“Shut it Morgan.”
{⋅. ♪ .⋅}
You stayed true to your word that night, Spencer stuck to water and you enjoyed a diet soda. The bartender, who you had grown fairly used to seeing on your many nights out, was shocked to hear you didn’t want any alcohol in it. 
It’s probably a good thing that you didn’t drink, you already embarrassed yourself enough in front of Spencer fully sober.
“So Spencer, you know that new bookstore you said you were going to go to after work a couple weeks ago?”
“New bookstore . . .? Oh yeah! What about it?”
“Well after I heard you talking about it I decided to check it out . . . It’s really nice there! I go like every other night now! We should totally go together sometime.” Luckily, you were sober enough to keep a secret: the fact you were only going so much in the hopes of running into him.
“Oh really? If I’m being honest I wasn’t super impressed with their selection, it was mostly contemporary fiction. And all in English . . . Not really my thing,” when he saw the way your face dropped he quickly changed his tone, “but it’s great if that’s your thing!”
This. Is. Humiliating. The amount of times you had gone and bought books from the bookstore, you were there almost every night hoping to run into him after work and start a conversation. You felt stupid, of course he wouldn’t want to go on a book store date with you. If Spencer Reid didn’t like you so much that he wouldn’t even go to a bookstore with you, there’s no chance at a relationship.
“Oh haha, yeah you’re right it’s totally lame. . .”
“Didn’t you just say you went there all the time?”
“No! When did I say that? You must be drinking Dr. Reid,” you said, quickly hopping off your bar stool, and running towards Morgan and Garcia, not turning around to see how confused Spencer was, but only being able to imagine him as relieved. Relieved he didn’t have to make conversation with you anymore.
“I’m blowing this PG, he totally hates me.”
Morgan laughed, “Y/N, you’re acting silly, this isn’t high school, we aren’t seventeen, stop dancing around it and just go ask him out.”
“Morgan, he doesn’t want to go to a bookstore with me, no way he’s agreeing to a date.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, maybe he’s just not in the mood to go?”
“You go ask him then, 20 bucks he says yes.”
“You’re on Y/N/N.”
7 minutes later Morgan returned and without a word pulled a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet and deposited it into your hand. “Sorry, Y/N.”
Penelope then piped up, “I’m telling you Y/N, he just doesn’t know. That boy is clueless.”
You scoffed, “I think he knows Penelope. I’ve made it pretty clear.”
“Have you told him?”
You were thrown off, “Um, no but-”
“Well then you haven’t made it clear enough, have you sugar?”
You almost said something, but you couldn’t really think of a good rebuttal for the argument. So instead, you downed Penelope’s half dranken frozen margarita, and headed back over to Spencer.
“Hey!” he said as you made your way back over, “I was wondering where you went, after you left Derek came over and asked to go to that bookstore with me, isn’t that extraordinary. . .”
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” you blurted out.
You sighed, “I’ve had a crush on you since like, forever, and I keep planning all these ways to ask you subtly but it’s just not working so I’m asking now. Do you want to go on a date with me?”
“You like me? I didn’t know that . . .”
“You’re joking.”
“No, I’m not, I thought you were just being nice. You’re nice to everyone and I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
You smirked, “Get your hopes up? Does that mean you’re obsessed with me too Dr. Reid?”
He laughed in response, “Yeah, you could definitely say that.”
You dug through your purse and pulled out your keys, “Ok, then let’s get out of here.”
He paled, “And do what?”
“We’re going on our first date.”
He smiled, and you both got up off your bar stools and headed out the door, ignoring Morgan’s snide remarks as you passed. 
{⋅. ♪ .⋅}
You couldn’t help but smile as you drove. Every couple of seconds you couldn’t help but look over at Spencer, getting lost in his brownish hazel eyes, which looked indigo in the night. He would smile, the kind of smile people write silly little romance songs about and spend verses to describe, and tell you to pay attention to the road before you run off of it. You would laugh, tell him to calm down. Although originally you had an idea of where you were going, now you just wanted to drive in circles, to bask in this memory. 
“So where are we going?” he asked.
“Think about it Doctor Reid . . .” you replied, teasing him in the way you’ve imagined since you met him. 
You pulled up to that little bookstore on 16th avenue, the one you couldn’t stop going to out of the sheer chance Spencer might be there, the one that was obviously closed this late at night, but was too perfect not to spend your first date at. 
“Although this is beautifully symbolic, it’s almost 2 in the morning, this place closes at 8. We’re 5 hours, 49 minutes and 17 seconds late.”
You smiled and pulled out your ring of keys, “You know, when I spent hours a night hanging around here after work, hoping that you would happen to come shop for books and see me here too, the woman who owns this store got pretty curious. So I told her why I was here, and after she got done laughing at me she offered me a key, so that if I ever had the guts to ask you out, I could take you here no matter what.” You turned the key and swung the door open, gesturing him inside and locking the door behind you, “but we have to keep the lights off, so no one comes by and tries to get in.”
You and Spencer sit in the non-fiction section, and enjoy the silence for a few seconds before you have an idea, “Read me something Reid.”
He reached up, pulling a book off of the shelf without looking, “Are you sure, A Brief History of 1491: Life in America Before Columbus, is first date material?”
“Although that book is anything but brief, anything you read to me will sound stunning coming from your pretty mouth.”
So he begins to read, attempting to slow down to a reasonable pace but still going abnormally fast. You didn’t care though, more than you listened to the history of the late fifteenth century you watched Spencer’s hands. They’re really nice hands.
His right followed the words as he read aloud and his left helped hold the book. He wiggled the fingers on his left hand unconsciously as he spoke, getting into the words of the book. 
After about 25 pages he glanced over at you, and you could almost hear the gears turning in his head. After a second he went back to the page, and continued reading. You didn’t think anything of it until a couple minutes later, when his hand made its way to your left thigh.
He held it and you leaned into him, and you both stayed like that until you fell asleep hours later, with his head resting on top of yours. 
At 8:30 Mrs. Betts, the owner of the bookstore, found you and Spencer, arms around each other, the book thrown aside. She smiled, glad to know you had taken her up on her offer. She went to go wake you up but glanced at her watch. She didn’t have to officially open until 10. 
She could definitely spare a couple of minutes. 
“I want you, bless my soul I ain't gotta tell him I think he knows”
- Thank you for reading! Please reblog and let me know what you think :))
ATR’s tiny taglist: @reidingmelodies​
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azucarian · 3 years
NEFELIBATA - Takuya Birthday Special
Masterlist No content/trigger warning. Extreme fluff <3
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Takuya had grown upset at the possibility of his birthday being forgotten; especially considering his two childhood friends hadn't even raised so much as a 'happy birthday' to him. It's not like he particularly expected a gift - although it definitely would be nice. Tapping his pencil against the desk, he frowned - (Name) was the most attentive person he knew and even she had forgotten? Maybe he failed in making it known beforehand. At this point, he just wanted to go home and curl up into a ball with the birthday cake his mother had baked him.
Now that he thought about it, Makoto had an obsession with the western zodiacs - he always looked on those weird 'zodiac luckiness' websites. Cancer, that's what Takuya's zodiac was - the zodiac of the crab. His 'aligned' personality was about him being loving and full of emotions - but also moody, suspicious and overprotective. He was not moody, he'd like to believe. The thought made him grumpy-
Ah, wait, that'd be right then.
He mentally groaned as the bell signalling the end of the day sounded, and his phone let out the identifiable ping to tell him he'd received a message. Flipping his phone up, (Name)'s contact popped up.
(NAME)-CHAN Mizo Middle headin' out early - we'll see you later Taku-chan! Byebye!
So they had truly forgotten. Takuya felt himself visibly deflate; there goes his final slither of hope. He shrugged, at least he had all of that cake to himself. He began his journey home; the train ride being oddly silent - usually the group of them would rambunctiously play whilst (Name), Akkun and himself would stare judgingly. Until (Name) got annoyed with all the stares from the elderly people and try to beat them up. For someone who didn't fight, Takuya could admit that the girl punched way too hard.
Coming home to an empty house was normal; his parents worked long jobs to provide for them (he actually appreciated their evening absences because of Kiyomasa and his gang, but he no longer feared any of that). But it felt much more empty as he slipped his shoes off- Wait, those definitely were not his shoes.
Sloppily hidden amongst the eco-friendly tote bags, five pairs of shoes were stacked. Four pairs of messy trainers, and one pair of remotely looked after converses. He nearly laughed - so they were here. A surprise birthday party, he guessed. The idiot trio must've gotten side tracked and, in a hurry, (Name) or Akkun shoved the shoes to the side and threw the totes over them.
Takuya guessed he'd humour them after all their effort. Slipping his indoor slides onto his feet and hanging his bag up on the door, he slowly made his way to the living room - and, upon entering the dark room, the lights suddenly flicked on and the distinct sound of party poppers filled his ears (and kind of scaring him, admittedly).
"Happy birthday!" The collective cheer of each person brought a grin to his face; regardless of the under-planned surprise element, he couldn't contain his smile at the sight. Kazushi, Makoto and Takemichi each had several party hats decorating their heads - almost as if they were trying to imitate a crown. Akkun was off to the side with a bright grin and a party popper in his hand. (Name), however, wasn't in sight.
He was about to open his mouth to ask where she was when someone jumped onto his back, arms around his neck "Happy birthday, Taku-chan!" The familiarly cheery voice made him laugh, and he softly thanked them all. The girl of the group eagerly dragged him towards their paper cut out of a birthday cake laid out on the table, surrounded by gifts.
Takuya slowly opened each of them.
From Akkun, a new controller for his gaming console - the boy explaining it as a 'new' method for everyone to play together, instead of taking turns with one controller. He appreciated it, and smiled softly before gently placing it back in the box (promising that he'd play with Atsushi first and foremost).From Makoto, a porn magazine - he slightly sneered at the gift, and the dumb(est) boy began to whine and cry about how 'Takuya didn't like his gift'. Even (Name) sneered and appropriately smacked Makoto on the back of the head with an apologetic smile towards Takuya. The blonde just shook his head and thanked the boy reluctantly (he had definitely thought more of himself instead of Takuya - but it was funny regardless, both Kazushi and Takemichi seemed to think so, too).From Kazushi, a bunch of notebooks, pens and pencils - explaining it to him as a new hobby to pick up. According to him, Takuya looked like the 'artsy poet' type (admittedly, he couldn't help but agree). He tested the glittery gel pens on one of the note books and grinned - they were extremely pretty, perfect for exam note-taking too. He placed them to the side delicately and expressed his gratitude.
He couldn't help but side-eye Takemichi and (Name). Takemichi was someone who would buy an extremely expensively thoughtful gift - it always made him feel guilty for weeks after, because the determined blonde would never allow Takuya to repay him. And (Name)… he visibly sweated. She had no taste in gift giving, and her gift was probably going to be worse than Makoto's - appropriate, but worse. They all exchanged knowing glances as the girl turned around to push Takemichi's gift towards him.
Takemichi had gotten a choker chain; and, as expected, it looked expensive. On the front, 'TAKUYA' was written in cursive with two ruby colored stones either side - if he remembered ride, a ruby was his birthstone. He almost verbally awed, but, instead, opted for hugging Takemichi tightly with an over-the-top thank you. The bleached blonde looked very happy at Takuya's joy."It's time for my gift now, right?" (Name) cheerily reminded, pushing a large box forward "Don't be surprised; I asked for your parents permission too." What? Takuya rose an eyebrow. Parents permission? Whatever it was, the other four didn't seem to know either - they looked just as confused.
She raced out of the room for a few moments before returning with her head poked around the door, hiding her arms behind the door frame "Don't freak out, we have to be quiet." They all nodded "Promise?"
"Promise." They all quietly spoke, and Takuya could feel himself get slightly giddy. Whatever this was, he was excited - and he hoped he wasn't disappointed (he wouldn't be, regardless, because he'd get to jokingly bully her for a bad gift for the rest of her life). She slowly turned and walked in, and the bundle in her arms nearly sent him into cardiac arrest.
The cutest puppy was excitedly wagging its tail in her grip, adoringly staring at its new friends jovially. (Name) crouched down and softly placed it against the floor, and they all watched as it clumsily stumbled towards the closest human - Takuya himself. Pressing its wet nose against his arm, its little butt wiggled with the force of its tail.
"How- wha- I don't know how to react-" For the first time in a while, the group watched as an awe-stricken and very visibly shocked Takuya brought the puppy into his arms. (Name) laughed and slid to the floor beside him, gently patting the puppy.
"I spoke to your parents the other day before school about it; they said it'd probably do you good, especially with summer break comin' up. Keep you company, and you can go on walks with her." She explained whilst watching as the other four crowded round, each taking a turn at stroking the soft puppy.
"How the hell did you get her here?" Akkun questioned. It made all of them wonder; yeah, how? She had been with them all day, so how on Earth had she gotten a puppy to Takuya's house without them realising?
(Name) snorted "I asked Mikey-chan and Ken-kun to bring her; they put her in your room, in one of those play pens. Cute little thing was fast asleep but woke up straight away when hearing the door open. She was so excited." Takuya was so in love with this adorable creature that had found its new home in his arms "She ain't got a name, so that's up to you." He lit up, and the group laughed at his expression.
"Rocky." The name sent embarrassment into (Name)'s system, as she profusely rejected the name - completely being ignored by a cackling Takuya.
"Huh, what's so bad about Rocky? Rocky-chan is so cute!" Kazushi protested.
"It's Rocky because the last time me and (Name) hung out alone together, she fell into the river because of the rocks." The laughter from everyone was enough to make (Name) hide her face in her hands, muttering a 'I hate you' endearingly under her breath.
With his new friend and playmate in his hands, Takuya could wholeheartedly say... THIS WAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.
TAG LIST @dot0nix @starsandkeysruler @hikkarins @valbedo @notsodeadgirlwalking​
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HAPPY TAKUYA DAY!! Honestly, as a character, Takuya grew on me progressively - I didn’t like him much when I first started but he definitely got my heart </3 He’s so pretty and sweet (totally didn't mistake him for Mikey at the beginning lmao) ~
A proper update will come out over the weekend - I’m currently looking for work so interviews have been taking up a lot of time. I promise it’ll be out tomorrow/over the weekend! I love you all!
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