#(even though chosen trusts the CG to be good about it)
i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
my interpretation of plushie is that their (might use it/its?) personality is noticably affected by being drawn to be a toy. they're happy to be dragged (comfortably) around a lot, mostly unmoving to the point that most onlookers wouldn't assume they're alive. they're mute and can communicate only with simple body language (and also clinging to people they agree with). they'll occasionally disappear and return with broken toys, shiny objects, and weird things in general. sometimes they show up in strange places. they would be a mascot horror antagonist if they weren't loved (but in a humor genre, they like to surprise people).
i could see that...... i like that :]
i do think Alan is very worried by this at first (he ofc has very bad experiences with treating sticks like toys) and is a little bit protective initially just because Dear God This Is Literally The Worst The More He Thinks About The More He Realizes This Was A Terrible Idea. but once the CG proves to be responsible and he finds out Plushie doesn't mind too much, he nervously allows it. it fortunately turns out okay even though Alan doesn't really like the situation
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nkgrimmie · 25 days
Mango, Purple, and Chosen go through a nether portal to the device the sticks are on to try and rescue the group. Chosen asks if Alan did this and is told that he didn't and is also trapped by other humans. They try to get the cg to leave, but they refuse to go because they're worried about Alan. They don't want to leave him in this terrible place all alone. Chosen would have a hard time believing that Alan of all people is in danger and trapped, but ends up deciding to trust the group and leaves them be for the moment. However, the device is probably heavily monitored and maybe even designed so that the sticks' conversations can be recorded. This ends up putting them in a bad position. And Alan learns that they could've escaped but stayed for him and feels awful.
he'd feel awful that they decided to stay with him instead of escaping into the outernet, but he'd also feel... relieved. that he wasn't alone in this.
... which would just make him feel even worse about all this. how greedy of him, wanting to keep his last few friends with him even though they could be free!
but like, life on the desktop hasn't changed much, really. they're kinda just, like you said, being monitored now which is. not the best. but definitely beats what alan's going through!
sometimes, when alan's actually in a somewhat good mood, it's almost like nothing ever happened.
(also; the Foundation finding out there's other sticks may not be very good for alan, even if he personally had nothing to do with them.)
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tao-si · 3 years
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Made this post the other day and now I'm having crossover brainrot
So without further ado, I introduce to you the ultimate pain: a mysmexclannad crossover. (click here for an in depth experience as I got into the headspace I’m currently in re: Ray’s bad AE CG as shown above and its themesong lmao)
The RFA members as Clannad characters
Jumin - Kotomi without a doubt. Maybe not as clueless about cutting pages out of books, and he doesn't have time to be spending his lunch in the library, but Jumin has this otherworldly innocence about him that makes me think of Kotomi. There's also the fact that he's a member of MENSA and how he can calmly make such cold and calculating decisions in a crisis. Jumin is definitely Kotomi.
Zen - Kyou. I had a little trouble with this one, but I think Zen as Kyou fits if you consider his attitude towards Jumin and his treatment of Jaehee. He has a temper about him that's typically brought on by Jumin, but can be otherwise. The crumbs are there, but Zen would be a slightly toned down Kyou. Which brings me to the next member.
Jaehee - I can't decide if Jaehee is Ryou or Tomoyo. On one hand, Jaehee has Ryou's work ethic and dedication. She rarely says no to Jumin's work requests (at least, not in a rude way) and prefers to keep the peace. This would fit in perfectly with Zen as Kyou. On the other hand, Jaehee has a background in judo and at times she can be snappy on the messenger when she's pushed past her limits, like Tomoyo with Sunohara's antics.
Seven - I think Seven could be either Sunohara or Tomoya. I say Tomoya with the fact in mind that he's not as gullible as Sunohara and tends to be more of the prankster and not the pranked. Like that point in the game where Tomoya is given a chance to either go home after hanging out in the dorm with Sunohara or record over his favorite mixed tape with something outrageous - that is a Seven behavior, imo. But in general Sunohara just tends to be a lovable goof, which also fits seven to the tee. My verdict is in, though - Seven is Tomoya.
Yoosung - Fuko. The childish attitude and adoration for an older sister-like figure made this one easy for me. There's also his inability to move on after Rika's death - reminiscent of Fuko's inability to move on and insistence of making the starfish as gifts for her sister's wedding.
Saeran - Nagisa. (I say this despite the fact that I made his brother Tomoya - pay no mind to it) Another Story’s Saeran exhibits a lot of self doubt and anxiety in the form of Ray, which is the number one reason I’ve chosen this one. Nagisa’s weak constitution would also accurately reflect his fragility as a child. Their home backgrounds, unfortunately for Saeran, don't quite match up. But Saeran has this desperation for freedom from his own self doubt, in my mind, that I think Nagisa is struggling with when Tomoya finds her standing outside of the school, hesitant to go in after so long of being sick. When Nagisa stands in the rain waiting for Tomoya to come play basketball with her, I can see Saeran in a similar position. In the same way that the rain scene shows how Nagisa tends to not stand up for herself by continuing to wait even after no one has come, Saeran rarely if ever stands up to anyone who he looks up to (saviour). Nagisa, with her low self-esteem and her irrational fear that she's the cause of other people's problems, embodies Saeran perfectly.
V - Naoyuki Okazaki (Tomoya's father). I don't say this because I dislike V. I really don't. He's a flawed character that has his good points. Much in the same way that Naoyuki betrays his son's trust as his father figure, V betrays seven's trust in him as a parental figure throughout the course of the 8+ years he has separated the twins. Although V isn't physically violent, his passive nature of letting Rika do as she pleases leads to extreme violence against someone he loves deeply. And that betrayal is as big of one as it would be if he were to strike him.
Sorry, Rika. You're not special enough for a character. 😒
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thenightling · 4 years
In defense of Tom Sturridge (Already!?)
Apparently Tom Sturridge needs defending from our own meager fandom... already...
Disclaimer:  Though it is looking more and more likely that Tom Sturridge has the role of Morpheus in Netflix’s Adaptation of The Sandman this has still NOT been confirmed.   We are still riding on pure speculation.  However, I will defend the man.
Though it is not officially confirmed that Tom Sturridge will be playing Morpheus in The Sandman there are already people in the fandom complaining about the casting. (See the Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Facebook group.  The one with over three-thousand-members that I left.)  
In this post I will be addressing each and every complaint that I have seen thus far.   
And you wonder why they’re keeping the cast a secret from us for so long?  This.  This behavior would actually be worse if you knew for certain who was in the cast.  
When these negative reactions are in regard to who “might” be playing Morpheus, without any actual footage, or even images of him in character, they were wise to keep it a secret from us.
Now, let us begin.
1.   “He looks too much like Robert Pattinson.”  The hatred of Robert Pattinson is bizarre and irrational.  It is as if a great deal of the population cannot separate him from a character they despise.  The irony is Robert Pattinson never liked playing Edward Cullen anyway.  He did it strictly for the money.  And as far as vampire fiction goes, there is far, far, worse out there than Twilight.  Twilight is not good but there is worse out there.  It seems the hatred of Twilight is almost a knee-jerk reaction- a compulsive raw contempt against anything that appeals to teenage girls.  I do not like Twilight but I do not irrationally hate an actor just because he was in the films.  So what if Tom Sturridge resembles Robert Pattinson a bit?  You’ll condemn an actor because of his bone structure?  Because he “Kind of” reminds you of a man who played a character you don’t like?  Really?  I thought most of this fandom were grown ups.
2. “He’s too young to play Morpheus.”    The casting call was for men between the ages of twenty six and thirty six.  Tom Sturridge turns thirty-six this year.   It’s true that a man in his forties or even a youthful fifties could probably play Morpheus perfectly well and Morpheus did have crows-feet wrinkles in the first issue but to condemn an actor based on his age is merely ageism.  In this day and age a man can look any age with the right makeup.  Look at the lead in the silent film of Faust, directed by F. W. Murnau (Director of Nosferatu).   It’s impressive to know a thirty-six-year-old played elderly and youthful Faust in that film, and that was back in 1926.
3.   “He’s too old to play Morpheus.”  ...Seriously?   What did you want?  A CW teenager or early twenty-something college kid as the ten-billion-year-old dream lord?  Yet again, I know a man can pretty much play any age with the right makeup.  All else is ageism, even my cynical statement about the CW, that’s ageism.  
When Lestat the musical was on Broadway the actor who played Lestat was forty, the woman playing his mother was only about two years older than him.  
The actor playing Barnabas in the original Dark Shadows was in his forties.  The character was (According to Dan Curtis) only twenty-five when he became a vampire.  The woman playing his mother was only five-years-older than him.  
Tom Welling was still in Smallville as pre-Superman Clark Kent and he was older than the actor who played Superman in Superman Returns.  With good acting and makeup age doesn’t really matter.        
4.   “He’s a terrible actor.”    The man has about ten acting credits in total according to IMDB.  Most are bit parts and two are from when he was ten and eleven-years-old respectively.  
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Are you judging him on roles he had before he hit puberty!? 
I have my doubts you ever saw him act in anything yet.  You’re probably leaping to conclusions because the pictures you found of him are a stoic pretty boy with beard stubble.
5.  “If he’s playing Morpheus that’s automatically a deal breaker.  I’m not watching.”   Okay.  Okay, fine. Don’t watch it.   You don’t have to.  No one is making you watch it.  However, you should be aware that Neil Gaiman watched the auditions.  He had a say in the casting.  If Tom Sturridge is playing him than this is the man HE chose. If Neil Gaiman doesn’t know who should play Morpheus, than no one does.  I thought James McAvoy did an excellent job in The Sandman audio drama and I will not automatically assume Tom Sturridge is a bad actor just because there are people pre-determined to hate this.
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6.  “He shouldn’t be played by a white man.  It indicates that The Endless are all white and white people rule the universe.”   Morpheus likely will still have his bone-white (not human-white) skin from the comics (and I hope, the black void eyes with star pupils).  This was pulled off successfully with the Frankenstein monster in Penny Dreadful, with his own inhuman skin and yellow eyes.   
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Morpheus’ bone-white skin, improbably thin build, and black void eyes are supposed to be without distinct race.  He’s not a human being. He’s not Caucasian.   He might be played by a white man, yes, but the actor was chosen based on talent, not racial background.  
I saw the casting description. Race was not a factor.  Since actual non-human / humanoid entities devoid of distinct racial background were unavailable, the show simply had to make do with a human being, instead.  The real Endless were unavailable or refuse to act.  You know how temperamental anthropomorphic personifications can be.    
7.   “He’s not thin enough.”   Okay, look. A lot can be done with CG.   I don’t want an actor killing himself for this role. 
Back in 1976 David Bowie was close to ninety-pounds when playing Thomas Jerome Newton in The Man who fell to Earth.  He was so under-weight that the wardrobe department had to buy his clothes in the children’s department of a store.  Yes, the character was really that thin in the Walter Tevis novel that the movie was based on.  But in the book Newton had hollow bones, like a bird, David Bowie, however, is a human being, not an alien.  And Tom Sturridge is a human being, not an anthropomorphic personification.  
When David Bowie played Newton he was on a diet mostly consisting of cocaine...  He could have easily died.  Thankfully Bowie cleaned up later, but he was not in a healthy state when he was in The man who fell to Earth.  We do not need a return of The Thin White Duke.  Not like that.
For a human to reach Morpheus’ comic book weight- that might require very unhealthy behavior, it would potentially be dangerous.  This is something they can adjust with camera tricks and computer effects.  He does not need to look like he’s dying. 
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8.   “They should find an actor whose cheekbones stand out.”   See above...
9.    “He doesn’t look anything like Morpheus.”   I am certain you have not seen him in costume yet.  Neil Gaiman has (hypothetically speaking).   Let us trust the author and believe that his character looks the way he intended.    Remember how Henry Cavill went from Superman to The Witcher.
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 10.   “I wanted Henry Cavill to play him.”   ... What?   
Have you... have you read Sandman?   Henry Cavill is under contract to do The Witcher.   He needs to stay buff for that role, and you want him to play “rake thin” Morpheus?  Yeah, a lot can be done with CG but Henry is an action hero actor.  He can act.  He’s a good actor.   But this is probably not the right role for Henry Cavill.
11.   “He looks like an American Youtuber.” He’s not either of those things.  Stop judging by appearances.   
12.  “He’s too pretty to play Morpheus.”   Stop judging by appearances.
13.  “He’s not attractive enough to play Morpheus.”  See above... 
14.  “He’s too short to play Morpheus.”  / “I heard he’s only five foot three.” / “I read that he’s just five foot eight.”    According to Google and IMDB he’s 5′10.  That’s the same height David Bowie was.  That’s average adult male height.  If they want him to look taller that’s easily done. Remember, Tom Cruise was The Vampire Lestat.  
It’s just lather, rinse, repeat, when it comes to fans.  Every adaptation the same thing.   “Tom Cruise can’t play Lestat.” (Anne Rice apologized for leading that charge, when she saw him in action).   Or “Michael Keaton is too wholesome to play Batman.”  or even “Ryan Reynolds should never play Deadpool after what he did in Wolverine.”  
People never learn.
Just give Tom Sturridge a chance. The casting isn’t even official yet.   And if he is Morpheus- try and wait to actually see how he plays the role before you decide he’s the worst thing to happen to The Sandman.  A few publicity photos don’t tell you what he is capable of as an actor.   You might be pleasantly surprised. 
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ajoblotofjunk · 4 years
Sorry for the unsolicited ask, but I remember seeing you said that Ned Stark was Lawful Neutral. What DnD alignments do you see for the rest of the characters at the beginning of their journeys and where they are now in the books? Also, what should have the TV adapted from the book and what should the book series take from the TV’s changes and pitfalls?
Hi! I love unsolicited asks, no apologies necessary. :) 
I’m going to pick a handful of some of the more interesting-to-me POV characters since it’s been a minute since I did a book re-read and also there are a ton of characters in this story. So. If there’s someone in particular you were hoping for, you can ask!
Ned Stark - Lawful-neutral from start to finish, ALTHOUGH. I think Ned’s great tragedy is that at the very end he bent and it didn’t do shit for him anyway. He still was killed, because he’d gone too far and he was too unwilling to bend when he had more power. Also my first D&D character ever was a LN gnome fighter and I just have a lot of feelings about LN fighters.
Catelyn Stark - Here’s a hot take: I think Cat is True Neutral at the beginning, and then when things start to happen to her family she slips a bit into Neutral-Evil, with the selfishness focused around her pain and her family’s well-being. (There’s an argument to be made that she’s chaotic-good/chaotic-neutral but I think Cat feels more strongly about authority than that suggests.)
Arya Stark (yes, my secret is out: I am a Stark fan) - Arya is very chaotic-good at the beginning of the story and where we’ve left her, I think she’s chaotic-neutral and poised on a tipping point where she could slip to chaotic-evil but I think she’s gonna go back to CG. Maybe True Neutral, but I don’t see her becoming the true Faceless Man archetype that requires in the books (in the show I think she did become TN).
Cersei Lannister - I think Cersei is Lawful-Evil, because Tywin is Lawful-Evil and she thinks she’s female Tywin. In reality she’s probably Neutral Evil, especially where we’re at in the books, though she still lets herself be bound by authority in a way that suggests she might still be LE.
Tyrion Lannister - Okay here’s the thing. I don’t like Tyrion. Which, if you’ve read my fics, is probably not a surprise to discover. I liked him in the early books! But as he’s gone on I’ve liked him less and less and now he just annoys the crap out of me in ASOIAF. I think Tyrion was probably True Neutral at the beginning; honestly there’s an argument that he might’ve been Neutral-Good, but he’s definitely Neutral-Evil now, MAYBE Chaotic-Neutral if I were being generous with him. Which I am not.
Jaime Lannister - Jaime has had I think the biggest alignment shift out of anyone in the entire series. I think he started life as Lawful-Good, and then when the authority he trusted betrayed him, he shifted to an outward Chaotic Neutral/inward Chaotic Good that’s struggling to reassert itself. I think where he’s at now in the series is transitioned into that Chaotic Goodness more outwardly, and I think by the end of the series he’ll be fully CG, POSSIBLY Neutral Good but I’m not sure I see him making that shift completely.
Brienne of Tarth - Brienne is maybe my all-time favorite character of anything ever, so I have a lot of Opinions about her and this one I hold dear: I think a lot of fandom thinks she’s Lawful-Good, but I think she’s Neutral-Good. She is extremely driven by keeping her promises, but not, IMO, because of the weight of authority but because of the weight of her own moral beliefs in making a promise. She wants to do good because it’s the right thing to do, not because any oaths she takes tell her to. It’s why she was willing to hear Jaime out about what he did to Aerys when others (like Ned) wouldn’t - because she recognizes that good is the choice, not the oath. BECAUSE HERE’S THE DEAL. If Brienne were Lawful-Good, she would have stayed and married someone on Tarth. But she’s not. So she didn’t. I think she will retain her Neutral-Goodness through the series. I could see her slipping to maybe Chaotic-Good, but honestly I think she’ll stay NG/return to NG by the end.
I am very curious if people disagree on any of these (even Brienne!) so discussion encouraged. :)
Whew, that was pretty long. And I still have more of this question to answer! So the rest I’m putting under a Keep Reading cut.
What should have the TV adapted from the book and what should the book series take from the TV’s changes and pitfalls?
This is a really complicated question, and I really like it, but I’m not sure I feel confident answering it.
I think the TV show suffered from trying to refine an unfinished story to its core themes without knowing where George was going to end (except I guess with Bran as King?). I used to think that the choices they made about what they left out where telling - all of the Targaryen nonsense limited just to Dany and not any of the other stuff, for instance - but given the finale, I think D & D both hyperfocused only on keeping the main points they needed for what they saw as the end while also only paying off the bones of what they’d adapted from the first three books and didn’t have room for the ways GRRM expanded the story after the third book nor for the ways his end will probably be more complicated than the one they were limited to by it being a TV finale.
All of which is to say: I would have loved them to adapt the Lady Stoneheart arc, particularly for Brienne, but that D&D had no idea how to make that work within the confines of what their limitations both of what they’d chosen to focus on previously and TV, and so I understand why they didn’t. I would have loved, as well, to have more depth and see more of the Dorne arc with Arianne and Myrcella and Tristan, but that adds a whole season’s worth of episodes that the show just could not absorb. The show was forced to choose early to focus on the Starks and the Lannisters, with Dany as a third party, and they never were able to sway from that.
If I were starting over from scratch, I would have to have a long talk with GRRM and figure out what his point is, and work backward from there. I don’t get the sense D & D worked backward from anything but the Red Wedding.
(To be honest, if I were writing the show, I’d do everything the same up to season 6, at which point I’d separate Jaime and Cersei, and make it all about setting up the War of the Five Queens in s6, then we deal with the threat of the White Walkers as a serious, full-season arc for season 7, and then spend season 8 paying off the Queens War and ending with whatever thematic ending it is GRRM is going toward (humans are the ultimate monsters! Women make it work! Women fuck it up just as badly as the men did! Democracy for everyone! Peace is tentative and must be fought for in a tense standoff that all of these older, weary women now understand! Which is what I would have chosen. heh.)
As for the other way, what do I think GRRM should learn from the show. I mean I love the tent scene and would love to see something like that adapted somehow to the books (when Jaime comes to Winterfell to fight, would be my personal suggested placement; imagine the drama and romance!). I think GRRM could also stand to learn from streamlining to key characters and plots, which is what I hope he’s doing in TWOW. But where we’re at in the story in the books is so different from where the show went that I think it’s hard to make any specific suggestions. Mostly I just really want him to look at the story he’s telling and understand it, and recognize that it may have changed certain endings he may have considered previously before his story unfolded itself and he realizes that Jaime and Brienne living on Tarth can be the sweet part of the bittersweet. Ahem.
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Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal [Character Popularity Poll]
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The very first Diabolik Lovers Popularity Poll was conducted by Rejet and ran during the end of 2013, following the release of Haunted Dark Bridal for the PSP.
Total amount of votes: 9,960
1st ー SAKAMAKI SHUU (2731 votes)
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“First place? What are you talking about? A popularity poll...? Not interested. More importantly...I’m gonna nap in my room for a while, so don’t wake me up...”
Fan comments
・I love Shuu-san because even though he is listless, he will show you affection when it really matters. Shuu-san, please don’t think of it as a hassle for once, and try to make yourself popular!!
・He seems uninterested in everything, but in the end, he shows his attachment only towards the MC. He becomes the only one she needs, which is exactly what is so charming about it.
・I love Shuu-san’s languid voice! I want to try ruffling his hair as well, but I’m sure he wouldn’t like that very much, lol. However, I want to make him see that kind of expression as well. 
2nd ー SAKAMAKI SUBARU (2041 votes)
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“Damn, women sure love this useless crap. This doesn’t really make me happy or anythin’...! Besides...Being chosen by anyone but you is ...Che! Nothing! You’re in the way so hurry up and get out of my sight!”
Fan comments
・Even though he’s usually violent, his flustered expression is very fitting for his age and extremely adorable! I was completely swayed by the kindness he shows once in a blue moon.
・The kindness he rarely shows up front made me swoon. I really like the scene where he chooses a well-lit place for the heroine and walks slowly to match her pace.
・I shed tears over all the feelings Subaru bears inside. They’re well concealed, but his kind side and youngest child-like demeanor are all so very precious! I couldn’t stop squealing over the gentle expressions he shows every once in a while!
3rd ー SAKAMAKI KANATO (1681 votes)
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“...What did you come here for? Eh, sweets? I don’t need such a thing. You came to visit me, without even knowing what I really want...You truly are a fool. In that case...I’ll have to teach you. ...Now, come here.”
Fan comments
・I want to get sucked lots by Kanato-kun. (lolol) To show my gratitude, I’ll give you plenty of candy, okay? I love Kanato-kun. (lol)
・Whether it’s as a doll or whatever, I just want to remain by your side! I love you! For Kanato-kun’s sake, I don’t mind making as many sweets as he desires! The scenes when he suddenly bursts out in tears or throws a tantrum were especially nice.
・I love Kanato-kun’s tsun-tsun-yan-yan side! Both the scenes where he’s crying and the ones where he gets upset make my heart race!
4th ー SAKAMAKI LAITO (1332 votes)
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“Just as I thought, Bitch-chan chose me, didn’t she? I’m happy, my Bitch-chan...Let’s ditch those other guys, and once it’s just the two of us, we can have a good time for hours or days on end. Nfu~ ”
Fan comments
・His erotic atmosphere is supreme! Also, the art on which he has taken off his hat looks so cool, it made my heart skip a beat! ❤️ Furthermore, that one CG where he sucks your blood is the best!!
・He’s a pervert but that’s exactly what I like about him. He’s a pervert but, no, he really is just a pervert. That’s what makes him amazing! Even though he’s a pervert! I love you! You pervert!
・I fell for how he can say all those erotic things and remain unphased. I want him to suck me dry. ❤️
5th ー SAKAMAKI AYATO (1289 votes)
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“Oi Chichinashi. Letting yourself get distracted by other dudes like that, don’t ogle at any other guy but me! Seems like I’ll have no other choice but to thoroughly teach you that again. A severe punishment awaits, so brace yourself...”
Fan comments
・His voice and groans are so erotic, I love it! (lol) I get all flustered when he suddenly becomes gentle though...Ayato will forever remain my bias!
・Whether it’s his inability to trust, or how he’s a bit of a spoilt child and even his teasing side, I love it all! He found happiness through Yui, and I hope they will forever remain lovey-dovey!
・The contrast between Ayato-kun’s Do-S and Ore-sama personality and his love for takoyaki is just so wonderful, thank you very much! He’s both cute AND handsome, what’s up with that? I love him. The game was very fun as well! Every scene made my heart race! (^///^)
6th ー SAKAMAKI REIJI (886 votes)
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“I am not particularly interested in winning over the hearts of many. Just a handful of people will do... ...Ah! No, it’s nothing! Besides, I already have my hands full with your training. Well then, hurry over to my room!”
Fan comments
・I was moved by how he would listen to humiliating orders and kept up with a lot of things for the sake of the MC, despite his naturally big ego. Personally, I was able to feel love the strongest (in this route) which was really nice!
・It’s very much like Reiji to refuse to admit his own feelings towards you! I felt like my heart would just burst at the kindness he shows near the end!!
・I can’t enough of how he looks very logical, yet has this dangerous and passionate side to him as well! Seeing him desperately fight to rescue Yui-chan was really cool...!
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solavillain · 5 years
Pas de Deux Ch. 10, Epilogue: Here We Are In The Future
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+pairing: Spinel x fem!Reader +genre: Drama, romance, angst, slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers +warnings: none +word count: 7.8K +Chapter 10 / 10 previous || FIN
Read on AO3!
Authors Note: Well, here we are, guys. 61 thousand+ words later, the end of Pas de Deux. So, again, thank you. And enjoy this last chapter of Pas de Deux <3
The weeks following your return hadn’t exactly been easy. Everyone needed a while to adjust... especially Spinel. Bismuth had been kind enough to offer Spinel an apartment in Little Homeworld, but... well, she wasn’t quite ready to be on her own yet, especially around so many strangers. Not that you could blame her, of course. You knew there would need to be a time in the future where she worked on these things, but for now you were happy to get her through the hardest parts. So for now she had been staying in your little summer rental just off the boardwalk. It was downright cozy, and god was it nice to sleep in a bed again. In fact, after everything had been settled after those first few days back, you and spinel had barely left the apartment. You spent a lot of time catching up on sleep and hygiene, and Spinel seemed to spend her time... relishing in the fact that she could be there, holding you.
After a week or so, you had decided you needed to pick up the café job once more in order to be a basic human adult and pay rent. Thankfully both your landlord and boss had been forgiving about the whole being kidnapped situation, and gratefully your boss took you back on board. It took a little bit to get back in the swing of things, but you adjusted pretty well. And surprisingly, Spinel had begun to adjust too. You had been concerned with what she would do while you were working shifts, especially longer ones. But she was perfectly content to accompany you, sitting at a table in the corner, perusing through a book from your apartment or learning how to use your phone that you would lend her if she didn’t feel like reading (a phone Greg had graciously paid for a week or so after your return, despite your protests- you had lost it sometime between the injector flooding the city and Spinel grabbing you).
There were times you could tell she felt awkward, especially if Steven or one of the other Crystal Gems came in. Though it was usually just Steven or Amethyst, as Garnet and Pearl still seemed hell-bent on avoiding the two of you. Whenever Steven or Amethyst came in, you could see Spinel visibly recoil, trying to hide herself even further into the corner of the room. You often wondered if Steven would ever try to talk to Spinel... or if anyone would, for that matter.
Fortunately, you hadn’t had to worry about that for too long. It probably shouldn’t have surprised you that Lapis, Bismuth and Peridot- AKA the “Attack Steven” team- had been fairly quick to forgive Spinel after all was said and done. Once Little Homeworld construction had finished, they had started visiting the café, and Peridot was quite quick to notice Spinel there every time they came in. Eventually they had all started sitting down with her for a few hours, a couple times a week. From what Spinel told you, it seemed like they mostly talked about Earth things; Peridot insisting on showing the pink Gem how the phone worked, even though you had already taught her a lot of the basics. But you could tell Spinel was perfectly happy to let them talk to her and show her things- you could imagine it was a huge relief that she wasn’t being shunned completely.
It was such a great feeling to see her there, while you were working, whether she was alone or with the New CG’s. Especially during busier times... you would glance up at her, and she would meet your eyes and give a smile, and your heart would start pounding so loudly you were sure the customers in line could hear it. You’d catch her staring at you sometimes too, when she thought you were busy. It was nice to know that even back here, around everyone, she still cared for you like she had on your island of paradise.
And honestly, that’s how you had come to think of your stay with Spinel. It hadn’t begun in the best of ways, and there were definitely hardships, but... you couldn’t help but be secretly grateful that she’d chosen to take you to that island. Despite everything, she had grown from the experience, and you had learned just how much you meant to each other. You could see why the others would be weirded out by it...but you didn’t care.  It was still new, especially being back in Beach City- but you were learning together, like you’d promised.
As the weeks went on, and Spinel followed you around to your shifts, you couldn’t help but start to grow worried that she might be becoming too attached. You didn’t mind having her around of course, but you knew you had to establish boundaries early on. There was always a concern in the back of your mind that she would start to view you like she viewed Pink Diamond, and not as an equal...
Luckily, Spinel solved the issue herself, before you even had to mention it. One day as she walked with you to work in the early morning, she stopped short outside the café, gazing up at the overhanging sign above the shop.
“Spins? Everything all right?” you had asked, turning back once you had noticed she stopped.
“Y-yeah, I just... I don’t know if I want to sit around all day today,” she replied, sounding slightly put off by the prospect.
“Oh! Hey, that’s totally fine! Spinel, you don’t have to wait around for me for all of my shifts... I thought you were doing it because you were too nervous to walk around on your own, honestly.”
“Well, at first that’s what it was... plus I wanted to be close to ya,” she said with a wink, snaking an arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer.
“But after a while I just... thought it made you feel better, having me around where you can see me? And make sure I’m not... doin’ anything I shouldn’t be doing, or somethin’,” she continued, mumbling the last part slightly.
“Hmm... well, I understand where you’re coming from,” you had replied tentatively, wanting to phrase everything correctly, “but I do trust you, just so you know. And I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck in one place- or that I’m making you wait for me.”
You gave her a pointed look, and she gave a nervous smile in return, removing her arm from your shoulders to scratch the back of her head.
“Heh, you’re not making me wait, doll. It’s just my own conflicting feelings getting' the better of me I guess. But!” she interjected suddenly, causing you to startle slightly, “Now that I’ve told ya, think it would be ok for me to check out some other places around town? Bismuth has been wantin’ me to visit Little Homeworld so they can show me around properly, and take me to that apartment they reserved for me. I still want to stay with you if that’s ok... but it would be neat to see everything!”
She beamed down at you with gleaming eyes, an excited grin growing on her face the more she talked.  
“How can I say no to that face?” you had replied, reaching up to kiss her cheek. “That sounds fun, Spins. Really, you should feel free to do whatever you want with your time! And on my next day off we can explore together?”
“Of course! Peridot and the others want to show you around, too!”
You raised your eyebrows at this- it was the first you had heard of it. Before everything had happened, Amethyst had been the one to suggest giving you a tour... but aside from her slightly stilted visits to the café, you hadn’t heard about her wanting to continue that plan. So hearing that the New Crystal Gems wanted to show you around... well, if the others were going to snub you, maybe you could find a new friend group to hang out with.
“I’d love that,” you replied earnestly, taking her hand in yours to give it a quick squeeze. “But alas, for now I must go work. And you go have fun!”
Spinel grinned once more, and gave you a quick tight hug before racing off down the boardwalk. “Have a good day, doll! I love you!”
Your heart had leapt at her words- you would never get tired of hearing that sentence from her. Since that first time you had said it to each other, it had been used sparingly. You suspected Spinel didn’t want to diminish the meaning of the words by saying it so often, and you were fine taking things slow in that regard. Still... your heart swelled with more love for her with each passing day, more than you ever thought possible.
You shook your head and smiled, watching her figure retreat into the distance. Time for another long shift... hopefully the lack of Spinel wouldn’t have much of an effect on the day.
From then on, for the next few weeks, Spinel would walk you to work whenever you had a shift, send you off with a hug and a kiss, and then just... live her life. She often went to Little Homeworld, especially when you had a morning shift and got off in the afternoon. But the few times you had an evening shift, you would get off work and find a text from her waiting:
On the beach. Can’t wait to see you.
Every time you saw that text- and it was always the same- your heart soared. Months ago, you couldn’t have imagined that such a simple thing would send you into such a state, but... Spinel was special. God, was she special.
After you found her on the beach on those nights, the two of you would just sit and hold each other, watching the waves, or the lingering beach goers, or often times staying to watch the sun set. Spinel couldn’t seem to get enough of you during these moments- she would position you between her legs, letting you lean back on her. She would shudder and sigh when your back rested on her gem, and even though it was uncomfortable sometimes, you knew this level of contact meant so much to her, so you happily sat through the slight discomfort. If it meant making your girl happy... you’d do anything.
As you sat in silence, your mind would often wander to the future, though you had been trying to avoid stressing about it for the most part. But the end of summer was coming up- you had a little less than a month left before you’d have to go back to Empire City to finish off your senior year of college. Part of you wanted to just... skip it all, and live here with the Gems, and more importantly, with Spinel. But you knew you had to do this, and besides, you were pretty passionate about what you were majoring in.  
Tonight was one such night- you'd had an evening shift, and had met Spinel on the beach as usual, finding her near the surf looking for shells. The instant she saw you her eyes brightened, and the backdrop of the setting sun made her almost glow. Your heart felt so full as you settled into the sand for your routine, Spinel encircling her arms around you and letting you get comfortable.
But as the time passed, your mind drifted to thoughts of the future once more, stressing about all the change that was going to happen. You let out an unconscious sigh, sinking further into Spinel’s embrace. She leaned her head down onto your shoulder, planting a kiss on your cheek.
“You all right doll? You’re rather pensive tonight,” she remarks, whispering softly next to your ear.
“Ah, I’m fine, hon, don’t worry about me. Just a long day,” you fib. You could hold off talk about the future for a little while longer... you had time. Just not as much of it as you would like.  
“Mmm... ok. I love you,” she replies, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You shiver at the closeness, and at her words. You let the calm wash over you and clear your thoughts, deciding to not stress about things you can’t control. It was just you and Spinel tonight, and you were perfectly content with that.
The next morning, Spinel walks you to work as normal, and you expect her to rush off to Little Homeworld as usual- her and the New CG’s had become quite close, which you loved. You still hadn’t had the opportunity to go see them between work and spending alone time with Spinel, but you were hoping to change that before the summer ended.
Today though, Spinel seemed to linger longer than normal, holding you tight to her chest.
“Spinel? You all right?” you ask, muffled by her body pressed to you.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry doll. Just uh... mind if I sit in the café again today? You’ve been working so much lately and I kinda miss ya...”
Your heart swells and you squeeze the pink Gem tighter before pulling back to look up at her.
“Of course you can, hon. You can do whatever you feel like, you know that. Besides, I’ve been missing you too a bit. I always love when you hang out here.”
You grin at each other, and walk in together. You give Spinel’s hand a quick squeeze before heading to the back to get ready for the day. Luckily today was a shorter shift, even if it was an early one- only about five hours, so you’d be out by the afternoon. Plenty of time to spend the rest of the day with your favorite person.  
You busy yourself cleaning and getting the machines ready for the inevitable rush of customers that will show up soon. You watch Spinel take her usual place in the corner, pulling out a book stored in her Gem. You smile at the sight, face flushing when she glances up to meet your eyes and give you a radiant smile in return.
Not wanting to be reprimanded for being distracted, you turn back to what you had been doing, and sure enough, more and more customers start trickling in for the morning rush. The time thankfully passes quickly, and by the time the rush slows, you’re halfway through your shift. The bell dings as the last customer for the time being leaves, and you slump against the counter, hanging your head down for a moment. While the influx of customers may help time pass, it’s definitely hard work.
The bell dings once more, signaling someone else entering the shop. You groan quietly before lifting your head, prepared to give a cheery greeting.
Steven exclaims happily before you can say anything, and you grin at the teenager, before your eyes slip past him to the threshold where three more Gems enter.
“Oh...hi, guys!” you call out awkwardly, before your gaze flicks to Spinel, who has turned her head away from the front of the store, a slight blush on her face.  You can only hope she’s okay with seeing all of the Crystal Gem’s in the same place at once...
“Do you have a minute?” Steven asks, shooting you a hopeful smile.
You nod and take off your apron, and let your coworkers know that you’re taking your break now. You walk around to the other side of the counter and motion them over to the side of the store, waiting to hear what they have to say.
“Hello, Y/n. We just wanted to stop by to tell you about the party we’re having on the beach tonight,” Garnet says softly, “and to invite you to join us.”
“A-and Spinel too!” Amethyst interjects, glancing over to the pink Gem in the corner. Spinel jolts at the mention of her name, and stands up slowly, slinking her way to the front to stand next to you. You notice she avoids meeting anyone’s eyes, until she takes your hand and seems to gain some courage from your presence.
“Why now?” she asks, voice lower than normal. You raise your eyebrows and squeeze her hand as a warning- you don’t want to cause any more of a rift between you and the Gems.
“Everyone’s coming who can make it, and...well, I haven’t gotten to throw one of these parties for a while. Y/n, you’ve been to a few of them I think?” Steven replies, giving you a small smile.
You return it and nod, trying to be as relaxed as possible. “Yeah, and that was back before we had so many new people and Gems in town... this must be a pretty big party you’re planning!”
You glance up to Spinel and she meets your eyes, her gaze softening slightly.
“It sounds really fun, Steven. I know I want to go... what about you, Spins?” you ask her.
She meets the eyes of each Gem in turn, before looking to Steven last, who wears a hopeful look.
“Yeah...yeah, let’s go,” Spinel sighs, conceding finally. You catch a small smile on her face as everyone celebrates quickly before heading out.  
“She must have been relieved to be included,” you muse, watching her watch the Gems leave. You turn your gaze from Spinel to Pearl as you notice her linger in the doorway, back turned. She hadn’t said a word this whole time, mostly keeping to the back behind Garnet.  
But she turns back to face you before leaving, and simply says, “I’m...glad you’re coming. Both of you.”
Before you can reply, she darts out quickly, leaving the café empty once more except for the workers and Spinel.
You sigh and turn to your girlfriend, who is staring at the front door.  
“You all right?” you ask softly, circling your arms around her waist and gazing up at her.
“Y-yeah, just... hadn’t expected all of ‘em to show up for the invitation,” she replies, still gazing absentmindedly to the front of the store.
You tilt your head quizzically. “Did you know we were gonna be invited?” you ask.  
She finally tears her gaze back to you and raises her brows. “Oh! Well, yeah, Peri and the others mentioned it a few days ago...Sorry, I didn’t think to tell you. I guess I just figured Steven would just tell you while getting his coffee, or somethin’.”  
You smile and shake your head, taking a couple steps to stand next to her. “I’m not mad or anything.  I’m glad you weren’t surprised by it for the most part, and I’m glad you agreed to go!”
You turn to her and take her hands, being sure to look her right in the eyes. “I know this is a big step for you, love. For both of us. We haven’t... exactly been a couple around everyone yet, but I’m excited to show everyone how much I love you...”
Suddenly Spinel pulls you in tight, causing your face to almost smash against her gem. Luckily you react in time and move your head over. The hazards of dating a Gem...
“That means so much to me, Y/n. Thank you. I want... I want to be braver for you. You make me want to try.”
You press your face into her shoulder, trying to hold back the tears that her words threaten to bring. You’re at work, after all. No crying on the job.  
Once you’ve calmed yourself in her embrace, you pull back and beam up at the Gem you’ve come to love.
“You’re already the bravest person I know, Spinel.”
x * x * x * x * x
That night, after getting ready at your apartment in your nicest summer clothes (and after working through some of the butterflies with Spinel), the two of you head over to the other side of town. Steven always throws a great end of summer party, but you are not prepared for the sight you see as you round the corner.  
A giant dance floor lays on the sand, much like the one present for Garnet’s wedding way back when. Not that you had been there, since you had still been finishing up college finals at the time, but you had seen pictures and heard Steven talk about it enthusiastically.
But this...this was much bigger. In front of the dance floor was a stage set up with all the latest equipment, where Sour Cream was currently DJing- and by the looks of it, Sadie Killer would be coming on at some point later. A little ways from the music area, Greg, Lapis, and Peridot were helping set up the food station, which looked to be a giant buffet accompanied by some good old fashioned barbeque. Your mouth waters with the smells that waft over to you on the sea breeze.
“Whaddya say, doll? Wanna go mingle?” Spinel asks, taking your hand.  
“She’s definitely different from the scared and angry Gem I first met...” you think happily. You nod in response and she leads you past the dance floor towards Lapis and Peridot, who turn and smile as they see the two of you approaching.
“Spinel! Y/n! You’re just in time for sustenance!” Peridot calls out in her raspy voice.  
“Oh yeah? What do you guys have for us today?” you ask, greeting them with a smile.
“Just the basics, stuff we normally like to grow. Corn, potatoes, the usual,” Lapis answers, “and I think Greg and Steven are working on the main courses on the grill!”
“Yeah, it smells delicious!” you reply with a grin, glancing past the buffet table to the multiple grills set up that the father and son are manning (with the help of a few other Gems).  
“Maybe I’ll finally try some food,” Spinel banters, half-joking. “Really though, it all looks so... fun! Nothing like the few Homeworld balls I got to go to...”
Lapis scoffs and rolls her eyes good naturedly. “Well, trust me. You’ll have much more fun here. But it can get pretty loud and busy. So don’t feel bad if you get overwhelmed- I know I did the first few times we did something like this.”
Spinel nods and looks gratefully at her new friend. “Thanks, Lapis. Still, I’m pretty excited to check everything out...”
She trails off and eyes the dance floor, making you chuckle.
“All right, dork, you wanna dance?” you ask fondly. She nods eagerly and starts to pull you away.  
“We’ll talk to you later, guys!” you call to Lapis and Peridot as Spinel drags you off. They share a knowing glance and wave, leaving you to follow Spinel.
“Kinda eager, aren’t we?” you ask, raising an eyebrow as Spinel leads you to the base of the stage.
“Well... last time we were at a concert together, I wasn’t exactly myself. And I didn’t get to dance with ya,” she replies, bending down to whisper close to your ear, “and you just look so damn good in that outfit... I wanna show everyone you’re mine, dollface.”
You flush immediately, and pull back to look up at Spinel.  
“H-hey now, no teasing...” you reply, ducking your face away from her gaze.
“Heh. Fine,” she smirks, clearly happy with your reaction. “But I still wanna dance with you, toots.”
She grabs your hands and spins you to face her once more, a grin on her face that is entirely too smug for your liking. You roll your eyes, but can’t help but smile. It’s nice to see her putting herself out there, after all. Even if it means suffering a little PDA.
The two of you dance to Sour Cream’s techno rave beats for a while, though you wouldn’t consider yourself much of a dancer. Spinel seems to think otherwise, though. She smiles happily every time you let yourself get lost in the music, and eventually you stop caring about what anyone thinks. Spinel does her own form of dance, being the limber Gem that she is. She tries to copy some of your moves, and actually succeeds with the majority of them, probably making it look better than you could.   Well. She is an entertainer, after all.
Around the twenty minute mark you’re starting to get a bit sweaty (and hungry), but luckily Sour Cream announces a break in the music- Steven has just informed him that the barbeque is ready. You and Spinel rush over with about half of the guests from the dance floor, mostly all human, and get in line for a plate.
“Damn, this looks amazing!”
You turn at the gravelly voice that sounds out behind you and grin.
“Hey Amethyst! Fancy seeing you here!”
The purple Gem nudges you and winks before saying, “And who’s your hot date, huh?”
Spinel flushes a deep magenta and shifts behind you, as if trying to hide. Not that she’s hidden at all- she's a good head taller than you.
You glance over your shoulder and give her what you hope to be a comforting smile. “She’s just teasing, Spins. She knows you’re mine.”
You turn back to Amethyst and cock an eyebrow. “Right?”
“Pff. Duh, nerd! Once you get past the whole trying to destroy the earth thing...and the kidnapping thing... you guys are pretty cute together.”
“Y-yeah?” Spinel asks tentatively, stepping back to your side once again and clasping your hand in hers.
“Yeah! I saw you on the dance floor. You were really tearing it up. Both of you,” Amethyst replies with a laugh. “Spinel, you gotta teach me your moves some time. Maybe later tonight?”
She smiles calmly up at Spinel, whose eyes widen as she grins hesitantly back at the purple Gem.
“I think you’ll have to loosen up a bit more,” she replies, wiggling her arms with a grin, “but... I could give it a try.”
The two continue talking, with Spinel sounding more and more confident as the conversation goes on. The chat continues as the line for food moves up inch by inch, and your heart swells watching them talk. You’re so glad at least one of the Crystal Gems is making an effort. A few years ago you would have expected Pearl or Steven to be the first to approach the two of you in this sort of situation, but... Amethyst has matured amazingly in these past few years.  
Speaking of Pearl...
Your mind drifts to thoughts of your once closest friend, and your eyes search the party, unsure if you’re hoping to find her or not. Your stomach jolts as you spot her on the other side of the beach, chatting with... a Pink Pearl? You hadn’t seen her around before; she must be a new arrival. You’re about to turn back to Spinel and Amethyst, when Pearl’s eyes find yours, and your stomach jolts once more. Her eyes widen and her face flushes a light blue, and she quickly turns back towards the Pink Pearl, but glances at you every few seconds.
“Shit. I guess I gotta talk to her now. Can't avoid it forever...”
You sigh and step between Spinel and Amethyst, who are still happily chatting away.  
“Guys, I gotta... go do something alone real quick. Spins, hold my place in line please? And if you reach the food before I get back, uh... just grab me some chicken or something.”
You reach up to give her a quick peck on the cheek, and stalk off towards Pearl before nerves can get the better of you. You have no idea what you’re going to say or how she’ll react- she could barely look at you this morning when they all showed up to invite you to the party. You don’t know if she’s still mad, or just upset, or shy... whatever it is, this needs to stop. You don’t want to leave for school in a few weeks without fixing things between you two.
“...And another time, Greg tried to fuse with Rose- uh, Pink. It was quite the sight, at the time we didn’t think fusions between Gems and humans were possible. Steven proved us wrong with that too, as he has with so many other-”
You walk up to the Pearls, trying to be as non-invasive as possible.. You catch the tail end of some story Pearl is telling, which halts the second she spots you. Once again her face flushes, and she places a hand on her hip, clearly trying to show an air of confidence.
“Volleyball, why don’t you go find Steven and the others? I’ll...catch up with you later.”
Pink Pearl- Volleyball?- nods quickly and brushes past you, giving a small smile and a nod before she leaves.  
“Volleyball, huh? That’s an... interesting nickname, even for a Gem.”
“Oh, Steven thought of it a few days ago...” Pearl replies with a roll of the eyes, “not his best, but I’ll come up with something better eventually. Can’t exactly call her ‘Pink’.  
“Guess not,” you say awkwardly, halting the conversation. You stand there a moment, just fidgeting, willing the right words to enter your head.
You both start at the same time, interrupting the other simultaneously. You both giggle awkwardly, and you feel the tension ease, somewhat.
You sigh and start speaking first. “Pearl, listen, I... I can somewhat understand why you were shocked when I came back with Spinel the way I did. I know it seemed like I was defending all her past actions and just writing off all the wrong she did but I promise that’s not the case. I really struggled with it for a while on the island, and I’m not saying she’s perfect, but... she wants to learn, and grow, and change. Just like all the other Homeworld Gems who have showed up since Steven dismantled the empire. And she’s making the effort, she’s made giant steps these past few weeks. Can’t you just-”
Pearl cuts you off with a tight hug, almost startling you enough to make you cry out in surprise. But you keep it together enough to finish your thought.
“Can’t you just give us a chance?”
Pearl stays still for a moment, arms still wrapped tightly around you. A few years ago this would have had you blushing like mad, but now you’re just confused.  
“Oh, Y/n... I was never mad at you. And I haven’t been upset with Spinel for a while now, either. Not after watching how happy she makes you. I was just...”
She pulls back finally, hands still on your shoulders. You’re surprised to see tears forming in her eyes, which she wipes away quickly before you can comment.
“I was just so worried about you, that first day you came back with her,” Pearl continues, “I had no idea if she’d manipulated you into caring for her, or if she had hurt you somehow... and then I gravely misunderstood what you were trying to tell me. I made her- and you- so upset.”
She sighs and takes a step back, dropping her arms. “The reason I haven’t been... around... I was just too ashamed, I suppose. I was brash with my assumptions when you got back, and knowing how Spinel probably still feels about me, I thought it was best I keep my distance. But mostly I was just embarrassed.”
She stops speaking, though she seems like she wants to say more but can’t find the words. Her eyes are downcast to the sand, her gaze searching the grains for what to say next.  
“I guess I should just say... I’m sorry, Y/n. I never meant to hurt you or Spinel. And I’m sorry I got angry with you when you first got back.”
Your heart lifts at her (admittedly long overdue) apology. Finally- this was all you had wanted to hear. You had stopped being upset with her a while ago, but you had wanted her to make the first apology, so you’d waited for her to come to you. It seemed that just wasn’t her way- habits were hard to break after thousands of years of keeping them. But still.
“Pearl... it’s okay. Really. I can appreciate the fact that you were worried for me... and trust me, I know how it looked when my... kidnapper and I rode back into town holding hands. I can't fully explain It, but even before she took me it felt like we were connected, somehow. Even when she was rejuvenated. I just... can you trust me that being with her is my choice?”
Pearl nods, tears once again forming in her eyes. She’s always been an easy crier.  
“Of c-course, Y/n. I just want you both to be happy. Spinel... after what Rose did to her, she deserves that much.”
“You’re damn right.”
Both you and Pearl jump slightly as a voice sounds out of nowhere, and you turn to see Spinel approaching with a plate of food.
“Sorry doll, just didn’t want your food to get cold or anythin’,” Spinel continues, moving to stand next to you. "Besides, I... wanted to come chat with ya.” She looks to Pearl, whose gaze flickers between the two of you.
“O-oh, well, that’s fine! It’s nice to see you again, Spinel,” Pearl replies nervously.
“Well, ya don’t have to lie, but thanks all the same.” Spinel’s accent grows heavier, something you’ve noticed that happens when she becomes emotional in some form.
Pearl sigh and crosses her arms, slightly agitated by the provocation. “I’m not lying... I was just talking to Y/n about everything that’s happened. And how... I’m glad you two are together. Really.”
Spinel hands you the plate which you take quickly, catching the determined look in her eyes. She takes a few steps to stand face to face with Pearl, and you briefly wonder if she’s going to start something again-
But Spinel holds out her hand, mimicking something you’d taught her a few weeks back for meeting new humans.  
“Thank you, Pearl. And I just wanna say... I’m sorry for what I did, too. Kinda probably worse than you bein’ upset with me and Y/n, here, but... I appreciate you trying. I just want you to know I’m trying too. I know you and Y/n were close in the past, and I don’t wanna stand between that or anything. So... friends?”
Pearl stares hopefully up at Spinel for a moment before taking her hand gently in her own.
After a few awkward smiles, the three of you head back over to rejoin everyone, something you’re very grateful for. You’re not sure if you could have handled more of... that. Plus, now you can catch up with Steven and the others you haven’t gotten a chance to talk to yet!
Spinel stays by your side the whole time while you eat and chat. She doesn’t say much to the group at large, but when Steven, Garnet and Pearl slip off to mingle some more, Spinel seems to loosen up a little. She jokes with Amethyst, Peridot and Lapis, and is visibly pleased when Bismuth finally shows up.
“Hey, Biz!” Peridot calls out to the approaching Gem. “Where have you been? You missed our wonderful display of farmed goods.”
“Yeah, it’s... pretty much all eaten now,” you add on, “but damn was it good. All of it.”
“Heh, sorry guys. I was just finishing up something in the forge,” Bismuth explains with a smirk, “A little... welcome to Earth present, if you will.”
You cock your eyebrow in confusion as she turns to Spinel, now fully grinning at the pink Gem.
“F-for me? Aw, Bismuth, you didn’t-”
“C’mon now, it’s nothing! I wanted to.”
“Well, okay... what is it?” Spinel asks, trying to mask the eagerness in her voice.
“I know you weren’t exactly built for fighting- like most of us Crystal Gems,” Bismuth says with a chuckle, “and I remember you telling us once that you don’t have a weapon of your own, which is why you nicked that rejuvenator in the first place. And I know it’s not like we have much fighting left to do, but...”
Bismuth pulls an object from her smock’s pocket and holds it out for Spinel to inspect. She takes it tentatively, curiously inspecting it for a moment before her eyes light up.
“Oh my stars. You didn’t.”
Bismuth places her hands on her hips and laughs heartily. “Hey, you seemed like a natural with the thing, from what I’ve heard. Don’t fix what’s not broken, right?”
You purse your lips together, still not totally sure what it could be, before Spinel takes a few paces back from everyone and pushes the button on the side of the object.
On the side of her scythe.
“Ohhhh,” you breathe out, fighting the urge to smack your forehead. You watch Spinel inspect her new weapon with wonder, and you do the same from afar. It’s definitely not a rejuvenator, luckily, but other than that small detail, it’s almost exactly the same, down to the gem at the top. Though this one is distinctly more... pink.
Spinel makes sure she’s out of range of anyone, and she gives it a few test spins. Her grin grows almost wicked, her eyes wild, and your heart leaps in your chest. Now that she’s not threatening anyone with it, it’s almost... attractive to see her like this. You briefly wonder how fun it would be to train with her, fake fighting, ending up in a sweaty pile at the end-
“So, you like it, right?” Lapis interrupts your thoughts with a bemused smile as Spinel sheathes the weapon.
“Are you kidding? I love it!” Spinel exclaims happily, phasing it into her gem. “Best present ever. Well... second best,” she finishes with a coy look towards you, causing you to avert your eyes and flush, flashing back to the thoughts you were having moments ago.
“Good. I thought you might,” Bismuth says proudly, “took me all week to forge that thing. Wanted to get it just right.”
“Really... thank you,” Spinel says sincerely, stepping up to the group and meeting Bismuth’s eyes. “You guys have made me feel... accepted, since I’ve been here. I didn’t think I would find that anywhere else except with Y/n. I’m glad to have been wrong.”
“Oh stars, stop with the speech and c’mere,” Bismuth teases good-naturedly, pulling her into a hug. Peridot and Lapis follow suit, encircling your girlfriend who looks amazingly contented, eyes closed. For the umpteenth time this night, your heart swells with joy. This is all you could have wanted for her.
As you gaze at her, Spinel opens her eyes and stretches her arms through the cluster of friends and pulls you swiftly to her. You giggle nervously, hoping Bismuth and the others don’t mind the addition of a human. But they all join in with your giggling, until Bismuth is wrapping her arms around the group and lifting everyone at once, causing the four of you caught in her embrace to squeal with laughter.
“Damn, looks like a love fest over here!”
The hug splits apart, and you wipe at the happy tears that had begun to form in your eyes. “Oh, hey Amethyst! Spinel got a gift from Bismuth and then the group hug got carried away,” you explain, still giggling slightly.
“Hey, that’s great! You’ll have to show me whatever it is later,” Amethyst says, turning to Spinel. “But for now you guys have to come back to the stage! Sadie Killer is about to go on!”
Spinel gasps and rushes to grab your hand, excitement plain on her face.
“We have to go dance!” she exclaims, and without waiting for a reply she begins to drag you back to the dance floor, a spring in her step.
“I’m so glad she’s happy here,” you think, “I can’t ask her to come with me to Empire City now... can I? Not after she’s making so many new friends...
You shake your head and follow her to the front of the stage, where Sadie is taking the mic to introduce the band.
“I’m so excited!” Spinel cries out from her place beside you. You smile and wrap your arms around her small frame, giving her a quick hug before the music starts. You want her to know you’re excited to just be here with her.
The two of you get pretty into dancing once again, and even wind up in a big dance circle with a bunch of Gems and humans, everyone taking turns in the middle to show off. You sit that part out, but Spinel grows bold and rushes in at the tail end of a song, stretching and moving to the beat. You clap happily along with everyone once the song and her dance ends, and as she walks back towards you, you hold out your arms for another hug.
“Proud of you,” you mumble as she steps into your embrace, resting her chin on the top of your head.  
“Thanks doll... I’m just havin’ so much fun. I love it here,” she replies, and your heart pangs. You really can’t ask her to leave this behind.  
The band starts to play a slow song, and Spinel pulls back to look into your eyes.  
“Dance with me?” she asks, already swaying the two of you to the beat.  
You chuckle and reply, “Obviously.”
You show her the traditional positions for slow dancing, and you listen to the song while gazing into her deep pink eyes. There’s nothing you don’t love about her face- tear marks and all. You move your hand from her shoulder to her cheek, stroking the black lines you’ve come to love so much. She shudders at your touch, eyes fluttering closed, and leans into your hand. A smile finds its way to her face as you stay like that for a while, dancing all but forgotten.  
As the song ends, she opens her eyes and gazes at you with what could only be described as pure love. Before you can say anything, she encircles her arms around your waist tightly, and pulls you in for the sweetest kiss you’ve ever known. Your eyes close with bliss and you forget where you are, all sounds around you are blocked out.  
There’s only her.  
x * x * x * x * x  
You dance a while longer before the band announces the end of the party, and Steven goes up on stage to make his usual end-of-summer speech. You only half listen, fretting nervously about the talk you know you need to have with Spinel about what the end of summer means for you. You grip her hand tightly as she listens to the speech, not that she seems to mind.  
Once the party is all wrapped up and everyone begins making their way back to Beach City or Little Homeworld, you and Spinel make the rounds to say goodbye. Bismuth and the others make you promise that you’ll take some time to come visit them with Spinel, so they can finally show you around properly. You agree readily, which makes everyone pleased, especially your girlfriend. You know she’s been wanting you to visit for a while, and you really do want to go, even if it means taking time off work.
After you’ve said your goodbyes and goodnights, Spinel turns to you, her face slightly weary but still smiling.
“Well, should we head home too?”  
“Mm... do you want to watch the waves for a bit?” you ask, hoping your nerves don’t find their way into your voice.  
“Sure, doll. You know I love sittin’ out here with ya.”
You walk closer to the water and she plops down, pulling you with her gracefully. You get situated in your usual position, and stay silent for a few minutes as you gaze out into the dark waters.
Finally, though, you know you need to bring it up.
“Spinel... I need to ask you something. And tell you something.”
“W-what? Okay... what is it?” she asks nervously, arms tightening around you.  
You stay facing out towards the ocean as you reply, “I don’t... know if you remember, but... ah, there isn’t an easy way to say this. I have to go back to Empire City soon to finish my last year of college.”
“Oh. Yeah, I remember you mentioned you live there most of the year... why?”
“Um. Well, I guess I just.” You swallow, your throat running dry, “I just don’t know if- I mean, you’ve been making such good friends here with everyone and I don’t want to tear you away from all this when you’ve just gotten used to it, but I guess I’m a little selfish and-”
“Woah woah woah, babydoll. Calm down, take a breath, yeah?” she interjects, unwrapping you from her embrace. You turn in the sand to face her, crossing your legs underneath you as you sit pitifully in front of her.
She speaks before you can continue rambling. “Is this about me comin’ with you or not?”
You nod, still too scared to speak, worried your voice will give away your fears if you do.
“Oh, Y/n... don’t you know by now? There’s never a question when it comes to me an’ you.”
She puts a finger to your chin, lifting your head gently to make you meet her gaze.  
“I love you so much, doll. Yeah, I might be makin’ a few friends here, and I really like ‘em a lot. But the whole reason I’m able to do these things is because of you. Because of the strength you give me to go on tryin’ every day.”
You take a shaky breath and steel your nerves. “R-really? You’re not... mad that I’m making you choose?”
Spinel smiles gently down at you, moving her hand to cup your face. “Course not. I’ve already chosen a thousand times over. It’s always you.”
You can’t hold back the tears that spring to your eyes at her words, and you lean forward to bury your face in the crook of her neck, silently shaking. You never expected this. God, you never even hoped for this. But this Gem just keeps surprising you.  
“T-thank you,” you whisper, and she sighs happily, tightening her hold on you once more.
“Never thank me for lovin’ ya, Y/n. Never.”
You sit in silence once more, this time simply holding each other instead of watching the waves. Spinel is the first one to break the silence this time, petting the back of your head before standing the both of you up.
“Come on, Y/n. Let’s get you home to bed.”
You walk hand in hand with her back towards your apartment in Beach City, heart full to bursting. You can’t wait to see what the future will bring you and Spinel.  
You’ll be ready for it. Together.
201 notes · View notes
momorabu · 5 years
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Code Realize Playthrough - Fran’s Route - Chapter 13: A Princess’s Knight (Happy Ending)
Warning: Spoilers. Image heavy post.
It’s the last day of 2019, and finally, I’ve managed to finish the last chapter of Fran’s route in my Code Realize’s playthrough~! The CGs for this chapter were all great, that I’ve trouble deciding which to use as a chapter header XD I’ve been wanting to see the above CG ever since I saw it on their official website, so I’m thrilled to finally see the scene for it~ <3
Beware there might be countless fangirling over Fran in this chapter, here we go~!
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Time counts down to the last 30 minutes. 
Fran and Cardia ran down the long corridor, trying their best to catch up to Victoria. Cardia could feel that her condition was getting worse and worse, even as she tried to keep up with Fran’s pace. Fran realised that, and hugged her close to him, saying that he wished to switch places with her so she doesn’t have to suffer anymore. 
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(Is it me or is Fran’s face seems bigger than usual >/////<)
Cardia thought that there’s just too little time remaining to save her, and felt that to protect Fran and the others, she had to stop Victoria, and before she became a monster that, she would have to kill herself, touching the dagger that she had taken from the twilight soldiers from earlier on. However, Fran noticed her action and affirmed her that he would not let her do that, telling her that he would not be happy if Cardia died and left him surviving instead. 
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(Doesn’t want to leave Fran alone in this world like this after he said that seriously T/////T)
After listening to Fran’s words, Cardia wanted to believe his words, wanting to catch onto the hope that both of them could survive and live a bright future together. But whenever she thought about that, her past memories will sneak up on her, reminding her of the time that someone had died in her place when she tried to live. She revealed her past to Fran, letting out that she’s scared and didn’t want such a thing to happen again, as even imaging that Fran would die because of her poison was too painful for her. She remembered how much her heart has ached when Fran had disappeared for a long time after she had decided to stay at the mansion, so if Fran were to die, it pains her heart that she would never see him again...
But Fran simply smiled and assured Cardia that he isn’t going to die. He felt that Cardia and he were the same where they both felt guilty that their poison had killed people, as Fran felt responsible for creating it. They had both seen people dying of the poison right before their eyes, and thus Fran felt that he was no different than Cardia, and in fact, his guilt may be even greater than hers. He continued on that perhaps his guilt was part of why he can’t bear to leave Cardia alone, though he isn’t looking for redemption nor forgiveness with his action for helping her. Seeing Cardia suffering the same pain as he does, he just... wanted to save her. 
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(Fran’s smile is the best <3)
As much as he’s determined to drive away Cardia’s fears and doubts, he wanted her to promise him that she won’t give up and trust him until the very last moment.
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(Who would not want to promise him at this time! ><”)
Fran’s words made Cardia’s feelings that she had tried to hide at the bottom of her heart rise up again, as she revealed her inner thoughts that she actually didn’t want to give up either as she wanted to live with Fran too. He smiled, took off his gloves and reached out to Cardia’s cheeks. Cardia tried to hide away from his attempts, but Fran forcefully pulled her towards him and placed both of his hands on her cheeks. 
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Cardia panicked, worrying that she would end up burning Fran’s hands, but his hands don’t smell nor melt and was confused about how he was able to touch her. Fran explained he had known that the poison would disappear from Zicterium at times, especially now that it was transforming, which Cardia remembered that her poison was unable to melt the rope from earlier on. He was glad that he was finally able to touch Cardia, while Cardia was immersed in her first sensation of the human touch, with Fran whispering to her that he doesn’t want to let her go... (Awww~)
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Fran told Cardia that he understood her fear and suffering, and knew that both of them can’t run away from the sins they had committed. But what he could do now was to stay with Cardia, and both of them could carry that weight together. He remembered that Cardia had told him that she doesn’t care he’s a criminal, and now, he wanted to tell her that he too, doesn’t care that she’s a criminal too. He confessed his love for Cardia and told her that even if she had abandoned all hope she has, he would never ever abandon her...
(I have to say I sort of teared up after reading this part. I’ll be really touched if someone told me this seriously >/////<)
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After listening to Fran’s words, Cardia started wishing for a future with Fran desperately, a future that she doesn’t even dare to dream of in the past. And in order to make that future becomes a reality, she’s prepared to fight to the end of the earth for it.
As much as they would want to continue to immerse in this romantic mood, time was running out and they had to move on. Fran had noticed that Cardia looked disappointed, and remarked that her disappointed face was adorable. They held hands together and started running off again, with Cardia knowing that all she had to do now, was to trust Fran and keep going forward.
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Time counts down to 20 minutes. 
Fran and Cardia were shocked to see a huge tree in a room at the end of the corridor, and wondered whether that was the diffusion device. Nevertheless, they need to put a stop to Victoria’s plan, she had spotted them arriving, and asked them whether they had decided to accept her suggestion from earlier on.
Fran was stern as he told her that they’re not here to obey to her, since their motive here was to stop her plan. But Victoria simply smirked, telling them that they won’t be able to stop the device now that it is already working unless they destroy it. Fran declared determinedly that he would destroy the machine since he had gained some knowledge under the care of Isaac last time, he knew how to destroy it. 
But before Fran could take another step towards the machine, Leonhardt stepped forward and stopped him, saying that he would not allow anyone to interfere with Queen Victoria’s plans. Leonhardt knew that Fran was not good at combat battling since he’s not a soldier, but even then, he would not show any mercy towards him, being determined to stop Fran at all cost.
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However, rather than battling Leonhardt, Fran put down the test tubes in his hands instead, which made Victoria wondered whether he was surrendering to them. But Fran replied that he’s not surrendering and instead this was how he battles. Even if Fran was not attacking him, Leonhardt was determined to fight him nevertheless, and charged towards him, shouting at Fran to pick up his weapon and fight him. However, Fran shook his head, even stopping Cardia to come to his aid, firmly stating that this was his fight. He turned to Leonhardt, telling him that his action was to rule the world with power, he doesn’t want to be like Leonhardt and declared that he would fight in his own way. 
Leonhardt swung his sword on Fran, who silently endured all of his blows when these attacks were powerful enough to break his bones. Leonhardt had been using the other side of his sword to fight Fran, urging him to pick up his weapon and fight him once again since if he turned his blade this time round, Fran would definitely get killed by him. But Fran shook his head, saying that it doesn’t matter to him to give up here to prevent getting killed by Leonhardt since they would all end up dying anyway if they decided to join Victoria’s plan. Seeing that Fran refused to back down, Leonhardt dealt more blows on him, and with a terrible sound of something breaking, Fran was forced to fall down onto the floor. (Yikes, sound like his bone had broken at some part of his body TWT)
Cardia wanted to rush over to Fran’s side to help him, but he told her to stay away using his eyes. Finally, Victoria spoke, reminding them that they’re running out of time, and with a sad smile, declared that today was her last day as the Queen.
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(This sad smile of Queen Victoria was heartbreaking after I’ve known her back story later on...)
However, Fran declared that he shall not let things end, with a gaze so strong and intense that it even made Leonhardt took a step back. Leonhardt tried to persuade Fran to back down and obey them since if he agreed, Cardia would be safe. But Fran knew that they would all end up dying (other than Cardia maybe) if they had all proceed along on Victoria’s plans, and he didn’t want to lose his life just to save the ones he had cared about. Fran had always seen himself as a cowardly man, but even so, Cardia had chosen to love him. That’s why he didn’t want to die and end up leaving Cardia surviving alone! Fran’s way of “fighting” was to stand in Leonhardt’s way to convince him that fighting with violence was not the way to solve things in this situation. Initially, Leonhardt was unwavering in his decision to heed to Queen Victoria’s plans, but after hearing Fran’s words that the plan would not minimise the damage to the world but instead what they’re doing now was just murder, spreading fear, and using power force the rest of the world to accept their views, Leonhardt started to doubt himself. He thrust his sword forward to try to break free of his doubts, and... ended up stabbing one of Fran’s legs. (Ouch, Fran... TWT)
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But even so, Fran gritted his teeth and grab onto Leonhardt when he tried to pull the blade out, and let out his regret that he had not fight back back then when he had the chance to. Leonhardt replied that whatever he had thought about the plans may not matter, since his role as a knight was to support Queen Victoria and protect her. Fran yelled back in protest that Leonhardt was not doing his role in protecting her at all since the Queen was heading down a path of no return at this rate.
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(I remember hearing this line in Code Realize’s PV and had been wondering for a long time in what circumstances would Fran say this, and here is it~)
Leonhardt pulled out his blade from Fran and that made him collapsed to the ground. Victoria coldly demanded Leonhardt to kill Fran but when Leonhardt was about to do that, Cardia could not bear it any longer and dashed between him and Fran, shielding Fran. Fran didn’t want her to do that, but Cardia declared that she didn’t want to move aside and this was her battle too. Victoria did not see Cardia as an obstacle to stop her at this moment, and demanded Leonhardt to kill her too, which made Leonhardt realised how wrong the Queen’s order was finally since there’s no way he could murder a helpless woman that was just trying to protect her friend. (But... I don’t think they’re just friends now >////<)
As Leonhardt and Victoria ended up in a confrontation with each other, Fran looked up to Cardia and smiled. thanking her for protecting him again. His face turned serious as he decided that this was his chance to try to stop the machine. Though this may be the wrong path for Queen Victoria, she said that she can’t stop her plan now, and seeing that Leonhardt was unwilling to help her stop Fran, she decided to do it herself then. But Leonhardt stopped her, which pissed her off and shouted at Leonhardt for trying to stop her plans too, even after he had known how much she had sacrificed for this plan. (Which Cardia noticed that this was the first time she had seen the Queen lost her cool and calm posture.)
The device began to rumble, but Fran was not giving up, and as Cardia was praying, suddenly everything came to a still and became silent, with Fran proudly declaring that he had managed to deactivate it and had even activated it to self-destruct after a while, so Victoria can never make use of it again. Thus, Victoria had lost.
Seeing Victoria dumbfounded face as she looked up, Cardia realised that she looked like an abandoned child, which is drastically different from the strong and confident woman she had seen before. But after a brief moment, she was back to her usual self and declared that even if they had stopped the device, the plan she had in mind was still in motion. She planned to make use of Cardia when she had turned into a monster since she doesn’t believe that Fan has the time nor strength remaining in him anymore to save her. Leonhardt tried to get Victoria to go off with him to somewhere safer since this place was going to self-destruct soon, but Victoria simply laughed and said that everything was going to end, and by then... she would finally be saved. (It was at this time that I realised that Victoria wanted to end her life and sees her life ending as being “saved”.)
As Leonhardt grabbed Victoria’s hand and prepared to run off, without warning, she stabbed the dagger she had been hiding into his back. 
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But Leonhardt did not show any signs of pain, and instead smiled peacefully. He told Victoria that he had always respected Queen Victoria and apologised for being disrespectful to her, by punching her in the stomach to knock her out. Though he was still bleeding badly from his wound, he carried Victoria in his arms and told Cardia and Fran that he was going to bring the Queen to a safe place, and asked them to take care of the rest of the matter.
Fran looked over to Cardia, smiling as he told her that now all that’s left was to save her. 
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Scene changes to Victoria’s point of view. While she was unconscious, she dreamt of her past. Victoria used to be a really gentle and kind person when she was young and tried to advise countless times to her father, the king, to end the war, but, that instead made her dad felt displeased about her. She had also gone to one of the colonies and had seen how the locals had hated her as they were being treated as slaves by the royalty, and decided that she shall steer this country herself before it gets destroyed by other countries due to all these hatred and anger. 
As Victoria worked towards her goal and gained more and more political power, even her father had started to see her as a threat and planned to have her assassinated. Thus, Victoria decided to counter-attack, by poisoning her father to kill him, then overtaking his throne and taking care of whatever mess he had left behind. Soon, Victoria found her hands were stained with more and more blood, and eventually, she even stopped shedding tears for any sacrifices she had made. 
Guilty of all the sins she had committed as the Queen, Victoria realised that finally, everything would come to an end, and she would be relieved of her burden as the Queen...
But, when Victoria opened her eyes, she saw that she’s being carried by Leonhardt as he walked down the corridor. She remembered that Leonhardt had saved her when she was almost been assassinated. He had always been so loyal to her, even now when she had stabbed him. She mummered out the plan had failed, and everything she had prepared had all gone to waste. Leonhardt replied that he was prepared to accept any punishment that would be put on him and that he would never betray her. 
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Victoria noticed that Leonhardt’s blood was dripping down and leaving a trail as he walked, and began to worry whether he was going to die. But Leonhardt simply smiled and answered that he would never die and leave her alone. Victoria ordered Leonhardt to kill her if Cardia does not become a true monster, as part of the responsibility of her failed plan. But, Leonhardt refused, and that made Victoria to furiously beg him to save her by killing her so that she could be free of her duties.
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(I can’t help but shed tears at this part actually since Victoria’s story made me felt that she had felt so tired of her burden and so guilty that she really didn’t want to live anymore.)
Leonhardt was stern as he told Victoria that he needed her to stay alive as Britain still needs her to lead them, and praised that without her leadership and strength, Britain would have been gone a long time ago. He felt that death is not the way for her to take responsibility, and thus he wanted her to continue to live so that she could continue to save Britain. Leonhardt had remembered how the Queen had been so generous with him to help him and his sister, and even if Victoria said that she was just doing that to appeal to the public, to get the people to be on her side, for Leonhardt, it doesn’t change the fact that she had helped him and his family. He revealed that he had noticed her closely, and knew that she was saddened whenever sacrifices to be made, and even now when Victoria had blood on her hands, she was even willing to face her crimes head-on. Claiming loyalty for Queen Victoria, Leonhardt smiled and told her that together, they could endure the pain, even willing to accompany her to hell. 
Seeing that Leonhardt refused to kill her, Victoria replied that he was the cruellest person she had ever seen, yet he was also the kindest person too and shed the very first tear she had shed ever since she had killed her father.
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Back to Cardia’s point of view, she realised that the room was soon to be destroyed, and she would not be herself anymore, but Fran was calmed as he explained to her that he was going to extract the Zicterium and introduce it into her body to save her, though the extraction might take some time. There are only less than five minutes for Cardia before she got turned into a monster, but it would require around seven minutes for Fran to fully extract the Zicterium out.
Though Fran was being all assuring, Cardia noticed that he was avoiding to answer the very doubt she had in her mind - what would happen to Fran during this moment, when he was being so close to Cardia when she was about to transform into a monster. She asked Fran that, and he smiled at her gently, telling her not to worry since he would take care of it, which was still not answering to Cardia’s question. 
Fran asked Cardia whether she still remembered of the time when they were caught up in the poison gas of Zicterium. He guessed that perhaps her Horologium had stopped transforming for a while, which means that, rather than less than five minutes as shown by the clock, they might have more time than expected. 
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Cardia still felt worried after listening to Fran’s words, she didn’t want him to risk his life but before she could do anything, she lost control of her body and collapsed onto the floor. She knew that she can’t even choose her own death now, and felt sorry that she would end up being the cause of Fran’s death as well. But Fran told her to trust him and started extracting the poison in liquid form to be injected into her body. Cardia started saying her goodbyes, telling Fran how happy she was to have met and loved him, begging Fran to kill her at this moment before it becomes too late.
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(Of course, Fran refused to give up T/////T)
Cardia thought about how someone she had loved was going to die again because of her, as her Horologium started heating up through her entire body, with even light emitting from her chest. Poison started oozing out from her body, as she could feel that her body was about to change into something else...
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(I never thought an option screen would pop up at this moment. Though I failed the last time I choose to believe in Fran, let’s choose to believe him one last time!!!)
Knowing that she would definitely end up killing that one person she loved if she transformed into a monster, Cardia noticed herself reaching out for the dagger, and stopped herself with her other hand from taking it. She remembered what Fran had told her to keep believing in him, and vowed to herself that she would not give up. 
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Hazily, she saw Fran rushing towards her with the Zicterium in liquid form, asking her to drink it. But she no longer has any control over her body, and even as Fran poured the liquid into her mouth, it simply spilt away onto her chin. Thus, at such an emergency moment...
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(I know this may be considered an overused story trope, I love it~ <3)
Cardia could feel Fran’s lips against hers, as the sweet liquid flew down her throat. Since Zicterium was such a dangerous matter, she doesn’t feel that it would be safe for Fran to feed her Zicterium by mouth. But, Fran smiled and hugged her warmly, as Cardia thought about all her adventures that she had been with Fran ever since they had met. 
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(I’ll just leave the rest of Cardia’s thought here since I like them~ Kind of embarrassing to type them myself anyway >////<)
When Cardia regained her consciousness, she can’t help but feel that Fran was being reckless doing all these for her. Fran gave a weak smile and explained to her that the effects of Zicterium changed drastically when it was being changed from liquid to gaseous form to be used as a weapon. Even though Zicterium might not be harmless in liquid form, it’s not instantly fatal, and thus he was able to make use of it to cure Cardia.
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(Awww Fran~)
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Time fast forward to the near future. 
Cardia thought back to how the two of them had met up with the rest of the group soon after and managed to make out of the facility alive before it exploded. Overwhelmed with exhaustion, they both fell into a deep sleep.
Just then, Fran came to find her at her room to bid her good morning. The group had a farewell party the night before, as the rest of the group began to part their ways as they continued on to achieve their respective goals. Fran teased her that Cardia was so lonely knowing that everyone was leaving at the farewell party yesterday that she held onto Fran and asked him to stay with her >/////<
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It seems like the rest of the group had already left the mansion by the time Cardia had wake up, which disappointed her since she had wanted to send them off. Lupin and Impey had set off together on their original goal of finding something, while Van had gone off with Dora-chan, as Van had said that he wanted to help the vampires as a part of atoning for his past. Saint, the owner of the mansion, told Fran and Cardia that he had some business that he had to take care of and force them to take ownership of the mansion before leaving.
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Cardia felt bad that she ended up being the one falling asleep soundly when she was the one who had asked Fran to accompany her. Fran doesn’t mind though, since he got to look at Cardia while she slept, complimenting her that she’s adorable to the point that he could not take his eyes off her. (Oh~ When did Fran gets so good at such flirting already? O////O) Apparently, such a comment was too much for Cardia, that she got too embarrassed and hid behind the sheets.
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(Fran was indeed not holding back his praises when he found Cardia really adorable ^/////^)
Suddenly, Fran blushed and admitted that he’s really happy that Cardia had wanted him to stay with her since he enjoyed being relied on by the girl he loves and even called her a princess. 
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(These blushing expressions are adorable~~! Fran is the adorable one instead to me >/////<)
He started fidgetting and wondered whether he should continue on saying what he had in mind. After debating silently, he seriously asked Cardia whether they should start sleeping in the same bed now that they’re staying together. (Is it me or it suddenly just went onto fast mode for their relationship when they’ve just been a couple recently? That was fast, Fran OWO)
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(I have to say you’re being abit too honest there XDDD)
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(But seriously... how can you say “No” to such a cute face here >/////<)
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(Yep, no way I could ever reject Fran after this >/////<)
Cardia nodded silently but then thought that she might end up hurting Fran since she wasn’t sure whether her Horologium would continue to be in a stable condition. She worried that her poisonous body won’t change, and there would be no happy ending for her in the future. Fran smiled and assured her that he had promised her since the first time they had met that he would definitely cure her of her poison no matter. He revealed that he had gotten some Zicterium samples and asked Cardia to drink it, promising that drinking it would make both of them happy. After Cardia drank it though, Fran decided to give it a try...
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by kissing Cardia on the lips~
Cardia panicked as she tried to push Fran away, but he forcefully held her down with his hands. She had thought that she might end up melting Fran’s face, but thank goodness there was no smell of burning flesh nor his skin melting on her. Surprised, she looked up at Fran and asked him what was going on when the kiss had ended. 
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Fran answered that the liquid he had just given her to drink was a medicine that could suppress her poison, though she would need to take it regularly. Now that her poison was suppressed, she could now freely touch Fran and kiss him. This was like a miracle for Cardia, which Fran said all of this was possible because both of them had fought hard for what they wanted and didn’t give up. It felt like their bright future was just about to start now and he promised that he would make Cardia happy. 
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And that’s the end of Fran’s route in Code Realize~! I took such a long time in finishing this route so thank you all for accompanying in reading my playthrough~ There’s still an extra story I’ve unlocked after finishing his route, so I’ll be sharing that tomorrow in the new year~!
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rebellion-star · 4 years
[Spoiler Free Review] Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku
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All images were taken from the official website.
Since I really enjoyed writing my first review, I’m back with another one~ This one will be a bit shorter.
General information
Title : Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku (華ヤカ哉、我ガ一族)
Developer : Ichi Column & Vingt-et-un. Systems Corporation
Publishers : Idea Factory & Otomate
Platform : PSP
Release Date (MM/DD/Y) : 07/01/2010
Length : +50 hours (slow reading)
Age Rating : Cero B (+12)
I think there are still people playing this game even if it’s quite old since Otomate keeps porting it to different platforms (PSVita and Nintendo Switch). I got myself the PSP version.
Our protagonist, Haru, comes from a poor background and starts working as a maid at the Miyanomori mansion to support her family. She meets the six Miyanomori brothers – each born from a different mother.
It does sound pretty fun at first for Haru who used to work at a factory. However, she quickly understands that it is not going to be an easy task - especially with those brothers who treat her like garbage.
A short while after she starts working, the head of the family, Genichirou, announces that he’s going to retire and therefore needs to chose the next head. He challenges all his sons to entertain him and collect points: the first one to reach ten points will be chosen...
(Check vndb for another summary)
The characters
About the heroine
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Her personality was pretty common : she’s a clumsy airhead, and an idiot (to be very blunt) One might think that this is the ultimate combo to make a character annoying. Nonetheless, I found her very cute. Her design also meets my taste (I love braids hehe). I love characters who try their best no matter how hard they are struggling. Moreover, her personality was a great contrast with most LIs’, and allowed funny and adorable dynamics.
Miyanomori Tadashi : (34) Serious megane dude x ore-sama x oldest son
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(CV : Miyauchi Atsushi)
He lives to work and works because he likes working (this man HAS NO LIFE).
I’m usually not into those guys who look stuck up because I want spicy development. However, he was unexpectdly awkward, which resulted in hilarious relashionship development with Haru, especially in the good ending (I swear I cracked on my bed like a psycho).
I!! Like!! Dense!! and!! pure!! Ossans!! (hey Nanase Izuki ⊂(・ω・*⊂) )
He was kinda harsh with Haru at first and didn’t trust her at all but he gradually opens up and listens to her troubles as a maid.
His route dealt with themes such a friendship and social status. It didn’t reveal anything about the Miyanomori family...
Tsundere rating : 1.5/5
Is this character dense ? yes / no
Mom rating ; Sumida Sanae : 0/5 I didn’t like her :((
Isami : (31) military x tsundere #1 x idiot
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(CV : Tasaka Hideki)
Heyyy it’s the first tsundere!! His relationship unfolds almost the same as Tadashi : tough at first, sweet by the end. 
It was hilarious how his personality did a 180 : from  tsundere to absolute idiot sweetheart. However, I have to say that I was sometimes bothered by what he was saying as it was borderline manipulative when he wanted to sound sweet... HMM...
Except that, his route was well balanced.
Tsundere rating : 3.5/5
Is this character dense ? yes / no
Mom rating ; Honjouin Toki : 2.5/5 (She was okayish?)
Shigeru : (26) crossdresser x carefree x teenage crisis
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(CV : Maeda Takeshi)
I’ll go straight to the point : I don’t like him  (;⌣̀_⌣́)
This might be a bit spoilery but I found him very childish even though he is 26. His relationship with his dad is terrible but that doesn’t justifiy how annoying he is. He also had a lot of “what is this feeling?” trope during his route, and I felt like it wasn’t handled the way I like it. The two previous bros also took quite a long time before noticing how they felt about Haru but at least they were cute trying to figure out...
Tsundere rating : 0/5
Is this character dense ? darn yes / no
Mom rating ; Yasuda Shizuko  : 2.5/5 (I honestly have no opinion about her so I’m just going to give her a the average mark)
Susumu : (22) good boy x dense x angst
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I liked him since the beginning because he is the only guy who has always treated Haru like a humain being, unlikes his brothers!!
I thought he would be a good boy whose route wouldbe fluffy and tame... I’ve got it all wrong. He is not that kind... He’s willing to make huge sacrifices for the sake of his beliefs.
I think he has quite a weird relationship with his friend, but no complaints since all the drama was necessary for Susumu to realize his own feelings.
I can’t say anymore because of spoilers huhh
Tsundere rating : 0/5
Is this character dense ? HE IS DARN DENSE / no
Mom rating ; Ariyoshi Fumiko : 4.5/5 (she was very supportive but a bit of an airhead)
Hiroshi : (18) childish x creative x growth
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He’s that cute and happy guy in otome games who likes playing pranks on others...
He’s only 18 and yet, I feel like he has grown so much in his route (unlike SHIGERU). He was very pure and assertive. I was glad that there was finally a guy open about his feelings. His childish side didn’t bother me at all since it was to be expected from the previous routes.
I loved how the ending and his decisions showed that he had grown to be a fine man. His character development was the best imo.
That glow up five years later tho...
Tsundere rating : 0/5
Is the character dense ? yes / not really / no
Mom rating ; Saeki Yoshi : 4.5/5 (!!!spoiler!!! : I liked the fact that his mom accepted his relationship with Haru)
Masashi : tsundere #2 x sharp tongue x clever
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What a brat. What a smart brat. I have mixed feelings about this character. I like and hate him at the same time XD stop insulting me
Although he keeps calling Haru an ‘idiot’ (because he’s such a tsundere), he grows fond of her  (´・ᴗ・ ` ) He knows nothing about love, and because of some minor *incident* he thought that he had to take responsibility and marry the heroine lmao
Anyway, the latter half of his route is drama with his father (actually, everybody got drama because of Genichirou, that prick) that he handled pretty well despite the fact that he’s the youngest. Playing him last before the secret character makes a lot of sense, as it completely exposes the character’s identity and objectives).
Tsundere rating : 5/5 (I’ll give him a Tsundere Award)
Is the character dense ? yes / HE IS DARN SHARP??? (I was impressed during that one scene where he carefully used his brain to understand what was going on, unlike his older bros)
Mom rating ; Imura Chiyoko : 0/5 (worst mom ever)
Secret character : (???) double-faced x and no more tag because I can’t think of non-spoilers
I can only say I liked the secret character, even though I would have liked to see less angst... That will probably come in the fandisc...
My character ranking : Hiroshi > Susumu > Secret Character > Tadashi = Isami = Masashi > Shigure 
I really liked them all though ;;; (except Shigeru *coughs*)
Long common route, which feels tedious to skip when changing routes.
Bad resolution on PSP
Each route follows more or less the same pattern
Animated backgrounds and lip-sync (even though this game is from 2010 ?!!!)
Large cast of suitors, you’ll eventually find one you like
Very cute optional “quest” system
The bottom line
I kinda regret not getting the Vita port for high res CGs *cries* Since I started playing on PSP, I’ll probably buy the other games on PSP.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, I can positively recommend this game to anybody. I think it has everything: plot, fleshed-out characters, funny moments, action, mystery, angst… and romance of course. I was pleasantly surprised by the dynamic between the brothers since I thought they would be at each other’s throat to become the heir. Turns out I was wrong (phew!) and it is actually the complete opposite. Their bickering was truly heart-warming ~
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atopearth · 6 years
Ikemen Revolution Part 2 - Jonah Clemence Route
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Well, Jonah is very bold and arrogant to declare to the heroine that he’ll make her fall for him so that she’ll listen to all his commands lol. Now they’re going to go on dates to prove to him that she’ll never fall for him and if she doesn’t, she’ll win, but what is she winning? Freedom? LOL when the heroine rejected all the presents he wanted to buy her on their first date, which included 500 dresses and he’s like how could you reject my amazing presents lmao. Ya, Jonah, if she was a materialistic person, maybe but dude, she just came to this world, like she cares about that stuff.
Ooh so for the Red Army, the highest ranks are the ones who have a high social position because they had the hereditary right to that position. Whereas, for the Black Army, the strongest claims the highest position and so on. Kinda cute how they both enjoyed that roadside hot chocolate as much as the other. Never thought about upping my game with hot chocolate by adding orange peel and liqueur, pretty fancy. I’m glad Jonah is an honourable and a fair and square kinda guy, he doesn’t force anything because he thinks that he can make you submit willingly. Edgar is probably the opposite, someone who would use any dirty trick or whatever as long as it fulfils his purpose.
Ooh so another difference between the armies is that the Red Army utilises magic through Lancelot’s natural ability to use it and through the purchase of magic crystals from the tower that produces it. Whereas, the Black Army doesn’t think that magic should be used in combat and thus would excel in military combat. Considering the differences, it’s hard to not side with the Black Army even though they’re usually weaker due to the lack of magic, but that also goes to show how important the heroine as a magic dispeller would be to them.
It was silly but also sweet of Jonah to wait for the heroine in the rain for hours when she was stuck helping a kid find his brother. He was worried about her safety but had no way of confirming it. He really could just ask the guys in his army to find her tbh lol. Guess she can nurse him back to health though hahaha. Or the other way around! Lmao at Jonah being concerned about the heroine’s fever that the Black Army made up and when he said he’d go straight there to see her, Edgar thought he was trying to take them by surprise and charge in when Jonah’s really just concerned about the heroine🤣 Jonah is so adorable, the heroine lied to him and he just punished her by pinching her nose🤣
I know Jonah was desperate and wanted to keep to his responsibility of getting Alice on their side, but dude forcing yourself on a girl is always a definite no no! Glad she slapped him in the face and shouted at him asking whether this is really what he wants to do. I’m happy she understands him well and knows that he’s not the type of person to go through with such a despicable thing since he’s usually so prideful and a noble kinda guy. Also cute how she united everyone on the dinner table since they all usually eat by themselves, it’s always better to eat with others! Kinda brave of her to suggest to Lancelot that he should talk to Ray though, it’s enemy territory! But yeah, it’s true that since she got caught being here and felt screwed, she might as well give it a shot hahaha. It’s so funny how Jonah is so insistent on dessert🤣
Omg, she actually told him he smells nice without knowing that she did hahaha. So funny that because of that, he took her to buy a perfume though lolol, kinda cute that she got the ladies version of his cologne, they’re a pair😍 As the most loyal and faithful guy to Lancelot, it must have been difficult for Jonah to swallow that Lancelot is doing something with the tower that he doesn’t know of, but it must have been even more difficult for him to go against Lancelot and save the heroine from his magic. Jonah was so cool (especially the CG!) when he protected the heroine from the mind controlled Red Army and broke through them. It was probably hard for him to face them, but it’s good that he’s logical and knows what needs to be done. That’s Jonah’s strength😊 Will just have to rely on the heroine to soothe him and keep him sane haha.
Jonah has a strong sense of justice of what is wrong and what is right and so he believes he can guide Lancelot to the right path if he has swayed, and it’s quite touching to see tbh, because you can really feel how deep the bond between Lancelot and Jonah is and how much the latter respects and cares for him. He wants Lancelot to rely on him and tell him what he’s thinking, which I’ve always wanted him to do since Jonah is so faithful and his right hand man! Believe in him more, Lancelot! Awww omggg, when Lancelot ordered the capture of the heroine (to trick Amon that he was on his side) and forced her to run from the Red Army with Jonah, he already knew they’d never get caught because he was confident his right hand man Jonah would be able to protect her! That’s so sweeet! The best words he could have used to show his trust in Jonah, I love it!
I actually really like that the important part was for the heroine to dispel all the magic crystals Amon accumulated all this time to take over Cradle rather than having to defeat the guy himself, it was cool that her role in this was crucial. I wonder why Luka joined the Black Army though since it doesn’t seem like he exactly hates Jonah, he still seems to care very much about him despite everything, which makes him kinda cute tbh hahaha.
Romantic ending: I’m actually really happy that the heroine decided to stay with the Black Army so that she can be the bridge between the two armies to foster an understanding between each other to work for what’s the best for everyone in Cradle, she’s looking at the future of this world that she’s chosen to live and stay in so I’m glad she wants to really change it for the best. Jonah is such a kid making all those conditions for her, such as having to think about him every day hahaha, he’s an adorable needy kid🤣 He even proposed hahaha! They’re such lovebirds lmao, they kept feeding each other hahaha.
Overall, I quite enjoyed Jonah’s route much more than I thought. He’s selfish and so proud at times but he’s also very cute and righteous. He’s proud because he has the skills and confidence to back it up. I could believe in their love much more than Lancelot’s route, I think the highlight of this route were the interactions between Jonah and the heroine, they’re so silly, funny and cute most of the time.
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alebrijesgame-blog · 6 years
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Hello again! 
Thank you so much for your input so far regarding the redesign of one of our main characters. Getting your impressions on each of the avatars helped up see we were on the right track. 
So, based on the votes so far, these are the three top options. We’ve added more details for a more finalized look (more line-work, finished eyes and Altaire’s signature eyebrow scar).
We’ve also included shots of Altaire’s apartment (and office) to help paint a better picture of what kind of man he is... 
As evident by his lack of décor, Altaire doesn’t have many possessions and lives quite spartanly. He’s always chosen practicality over comfort, so he makes due with what he has with no complaint.
Though Altaire finished high-school with decent grades, he opted to forgo college and focused on making an earning instead. He kept himself afloat by doing odd jobs here and there. The extra money he earned, he sent to his best friend Sam to help with her college tuition and living expenses after her family cut ties with her (unable to accept her gender identity).
Realizing he had a knack for investigating and encouraged by his friends Joyce and Sam, Altaire set up his own private eye agency.
Though at first glance Altaire may seem aloof and even a bit unapproachable, he is actually a kind and giving man. He believes in karma: what you give is what you get. As such, he makes it a point to do gestures for other people, especially kind people, but he does so silently and selflessly; never expecting anything in return.
Of course, this means he tends to take cases that involve a lot of effort and little reward. In fact, most of his clients tend to pay for his services by trading food, services or even handmade goods.
Despite Sam’s insistence that he ought to keep his pro-bono cases to a minimum if he doesn’t want to end up living on the streets, Altaire has never been able to turn away someone in need. That is not to say he can survive on thankful gestures alone…
Though he loathes to do so, when he’s struggling financially, he takes jobs from shady sources. He’s careful never to cross the line and do something outright illegal, but that’s only due to the crafty exploitation of loopholes in Ivanta law’s … and he knows it.
Since these jobs tend to involve physical altercations, his congenial insensitivity (his inability to feel pain) has become quite handy and has built him a reputation as “a man who gets things done”. However, the absence of pain doesn’t mean he can’t get hurt, so checking his body for wounds has become part of his routine.
Karma: what you give is what you get.
Ends justify the means so he’s not above stepping outside the law to ensure the people he cares about are protected.
He’s quite superstitious.
He blames himself for his brother’s suffering and therefore believes he doesn’t deserve happiness.
Candy heals all ailments.
Endearing traits:
Easily embarrassed: he tends to go quiet when he becomes embarrassed, which only makes it even more obvious.
Awkward: he’s so unused to someone doing something for him, that he struggles to properly convey his gratefulness.
Sweet tooth: he tends to find comfort in candy and, thus, always keeps a bag of sweets available.
Protective: Altaire has two women in his life he considers family, Joyce (who started out as a client but has since become something of a mother figure) and Sam (childhood friend whom he considers a sister). They are so important to him, than when they call, he drops everything to go to their aid… even when he knows that 5 times out of 6 those “life and death situations” involves killing a bug or fixing something around their house.
Loyal: If you’ve gained his trust, he’ll never betray you.
Level-headed: he knows when to remain objective and doesn’t lose his cool.
Patient: he knows when to press and when to pull back and wait.
Kind: if someone who he considers innocent needs help, he’ll quietly help expecting nothing in return.
Gentle: despite his appearance, he treats people gently, almost afraid he’ll hurt them unintentionally. This is partly because he doesn’t quite understand what physical pain is.
Flexibility: he doesn’t let his pride get in the way of getting the job done.
Street smarts: he knows how to get things done even if his budget is limited.
Emotionally detached: when it comes to certain situations (or certain people), he’s unmovable and will do what needs to be done, even if he has to step outside the law to do so.
Lone-wolf: he’s so used to being on his own, he doesn’t know how to play as part of a team.
Trust-issues: he’s slow to trust people and even slower to rely on them.
Harsh self-judgement: he holds himself accountable when things go south.
Creature of habit: he struggles to cope with change.
Clumsy: His congenial insensitivity means he tends to get physically hurt on a daily basis. His height also causes him to bang his head a lot (he forgets to duck when stepping through low threshold houses).
Low self-worth: he tends to take unnecessary risks, almost as if he’s looking for punishment in the form of bruises, sprains and cuts. Altaire believes other peoples’ life are worth more than his.
BTW, guys, if this post gets at least 60 re-blogs, then our artist (@romansigh) has offered to do a CG of Altaire (with a bit of fan-service) for your visual pleasure. So please help us reach the goal!
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hagarenmovie · 7 years
[Translation] QLAP November 2017: Ryosuke Yamada x Fumihiko Sori Interview (Fullmetal Alchemist)
We welcome our newest member in the blog @iohourtime​ (CeliaSee on twitter) for her first translation in this blog! Special thanks to weibo草莓要配白巧克力 for the clear scans of the magazine and instagram user aya.ry5912 for the Yamada x Sori images. Enjoy this translation!  
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A Superb Work of Entertainment That Can be Sent Out to the World
— Since last summer’s filming and more than 1 year of post production, the movie “FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST” is finally completed. First of all, please tell us your impression of the completed work.
Yamada: Although I am saying this about a movie I am in, I saw a truly wonderful work. I had a similar feeling when I saw “Harry Potter” for the first time. I think that a superb work of entertainment had been made; one that should not just stay in Japan but should be sent out to the world.
Sori: My heart was full of [emotions] when it was finished. There was CG after shooting, and the production was very hard…. It was finally completed! Also, I think I have no words to describe [my feelings].
— Which scene left the most impression on you?
Yamada: I was struck by the scene where my character, Ed, was fighting with his brother Al.
— It was the scene where the guilt-ridden Ed clashed with Al, who became a suit of armor due to a tragic incident in the past.
Yamada: Yes. Actually, while we were shooting, I did not expect that to be such a good scene. Al was full CG, so I could not visualize on set how it would eventually look; [during filming,] it was the scene with Tucker (Yo Oizumi), the researcher on chimera, that was the most gut wrenching and heart-rending for me. But once you add Al and the music… when everything converged in that scene, my heart was shaken.  The theme of the movie, “brotherly love”, was overflowing; it was an exceptionally good scene that touched my heart.
Sori: That scene should be written in the history of world film! I had a picture in mind during filming, so when I saw the finished product, I was also very impressed. Isn’t it strange for the film director to be touched by what he filmed himself? Although you can think of it as this, because Al was created by CG, he was not on set. So, as a director, I could watch the scene with fresh feelings. Well, I also did the CG myself though (laughs). Regardless, it was a nice scene that stuck to my heart.
Yamada: It took two days to shoot, and honestly, it was a seriously difficult scene [to film] (laughs), but the director had been battling with the CG production and editing it for about a year since then. While I still think I could have done more to make the film [even] better, the love the director poured into this film was immeasurable. Sori-san was good as a director, on the contrary, I cannot imagine anyone but Sori-san to make this live action adaptation possible.
Sori: Likewise, I don’t think anyone but Yamada-kun could play Ed. It was because of the actor Yamada Ryosuke that the project was able to start, and the live action adaptation became reality. Without Yamada-kun, this movie would not be made.
Yamada: Thank you very much! I am very happy to hear you say so. Since I am a fan of the manga, so of course I respect the original, but I did not just want to replicate the original faithfully. [Aside from that,] I also wanted to perform with care to convey the meaning of the work. I do not want to play [the role] by [consciously] erasing myself when building the character, rather, I would ruminate on the reasons why for which I was chosen for the role, I wanted [to show] that because I am Ryosuke Yamada I could play Ed.  So, I made it a goal to observe what was happening spontaneously on set and learn how to purposefully react to them.
Sori: Yamada is really a movie star. Even when we were together, I did not feel anything commonplace from him, his presence as an actor was not of an ordinary person. That was why he was playing Ed and he brought out the imagination in me and our staff. He himself did not think so, but because the extraordinary actor Ryosuke Yamada was there, we could make such a movie. I am very grateful for Yamada-kun.
Yamada: No, I’m so happy (looking at him). I also reconfirm that it was a lot of fun making this movie with Director Sori, I learned a lot of things….. The director’s shooting style is slightly sadistic (do-S), isn’t it?
Sori: Maybe so (laughs).
Yamada: Even if he had to cut the part where the actor was crying, the director absolutely did not waver. I think that is a very important thing in the project. When the director is steadfast, the actors and staff can keep up with ease. Director Sori did not waver in his vision of Ed, he held onto the core concept, and I think that the film was made because he held the role of a director.
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The main character that makes you think “I want to follow [him]!”
— As I am talking to you, I feel that you two respect each other very much. How was this trust established?
Yamada: It was during the Italy location shoot, while we were in the car, the two of us bonded over conversations about the magnitude of our love for “Hagaren”. Anyway, our love was enormous!
— What did you talk about?
Yamada: I do not remember exactly, but the director told me, “Hagaren is a work I have always been interested in”, and then told me, “Only Yama-chan can play Ed”.   In response to that, I answered, "I won’t let anyone else except me to play Ed”.  Since I also love the original, at first, I had resisted playing the hero of my favorite manga, but I did not want anyone else to play it even more! It was a strong feeling. That was what the two of us talked about. It was short, but it was passionate!
Sori: It was passionate … (laughs). In that conversation, I felt Yamada-kun’s passion and masculinity. I knew of his acting but I did not know the real Yamada-kun.  Is he cool [and distant]? When I talked to him, the word “man” came to mind.
Yamada: I do not know if it is because of this face, but I tend to look cool [and distant]. But that was not the case… was it? (Laughs)
Sori: No, it wasn’t (laughs). I’d say he was full of humanity, so I felt that he would be able to express Ed, and I looked forward to him using his wonderful acting skills to compound the enjoyment of the movie. I sensed his youthful passion and my instincts told me that he would be okay with anything.
— So, is that why he [Director Sori] is do-S on set? (Laughs)
Yamada: Is that so?! (Laughs)
Sori: Maybe so (laughs). Since he would meet expectations perfectly. However, Yamada-kun was not someone who would do whatever I said without making a face. He would just do it while giving me a look of disdain (laughs).  He would say “Eh?!”, then the next moment, he just went for it. He was full of manliness, it was really cool.  So, it led me to think “should I have asked for more?”  
Yamada: Ahahahaha! I really tried not to show [my distaste] on my face.  It came out anyway (forced laugh).  But, [I could do it] because there was a relationship of trust with Director Sori.
Sori: Yeah. I like that feeling very much. There are not many actors who would give the director the stink eye.
Yamada: (Laughs) As I mentioned earlier, because Al was full CG, I was filming the scene where only the director had the complete picture in his head, so during the shoot, I felt that I had to work at a level beyond the director’s imagination! I was driven by not wanting to lose to the do-S demands… (laughs). Maybe because [our styles] matched well, we were able to complete the film.
Sori: I was most surprised by the opening fight scene. There was a cut that required him to dash 25m and then leap from a spot several meters high. It was so tall that my feet trembled as I stood there, but Yamada-kun did not even rehearse and just leaped. And he did it in one take. What kind of person is he?! The staff was also stunned. Yamada-kun said that he followed me, but I think it was the opposite. Yamada-kun’s performance drove what happened on set. He was a lead who made me think “I want to follow this person!”
Yamada: I’m really glad to hear that. Actually, there was a time when I asked myself, “What is the meaning of being the lead?” At that time, I was watching the movie “The Great Gatsby” and I suddenly realized, “ah, the lead actor should be like this”. Although Leonardo DiCaprio was the lead, he did not appear until 20 minutes into the first half [of the film]. When he did appear, the first words he said were, “I’m Gatsby”. Even though that was all he said, I thought “ah, he is the star”.
— It was an overwhelming presence.
Yamada: That’s right. Perhaps until now, I had not been able to do it, but I wonder if I could do it this time.  Even though there are some areas where I lack confidence as the lead, I have confidence in this film.  I would like everyone to see it soon!!
Message from Sori (to Ryosuke Yamada)
Your intuition is very sharp, there is nothing more I could say to Yamada-kun, whose performance is more than I could ask for.  I am not the type who make few requests of the actors, but I didn’t even have to ask and you completed [the task] perfectly in 1 try.  I would like to talk with Yamada-kun about doing the sequel if the film is well-received by the audience. There are lots of scenes that I want to include! I am expecting that desire!
Bonus Corner: Do-It-Yamada-Self
Shoes: I like crafts such as making snow globes (domes), but recently, I did not make anything.  Right now, I am interested in shoes.  Picking the material, the colours, etc and then get it custom made, then I will have [a pair of shoes] that is my own design.  Perhaps boots that can be used in the fall / winter season.
Stewed hamburger: I still cook as usual. What I would like to attempt is stewed hamburger.  I have made ordinary hamburgers before, but I have never tried to make a stew.  Stewing is easier than grilling, so I look forward to making it in winter.
Translated by @iohourtime
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Ayato Sakamaki [Maniac epilogue]  ~Translation|traducción~
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*Esta en español abajo de todo. Anterior: maniac 10.
???: It’s been a while, Kino.
Kino: Yuuri, how are you? How’s everything going?
Yuuri: Everything goes fine.
Kino: Fufu, I see. However, the Sakamaki and Mukamis families are much simpler than I thought.
Kino: Just as I planed it, make the families quarrel and so separate them.
Kino: At the end, all of them will try to fight with Ayato for the force.
Kino: Once they depose Ayato, I wonder who will come to the throne. 
Yuuri: ... ... ...
Kino: Well, I couldn’t care less. My interest goes much more beyond this...
Kino: Anyway, I just want money for now; I have to make it look as if the hegemony of the Makai didn’t care at all.
Kino: ... Then I’ll just watch how they destroy each other.
Kino: But the last one standing will be me... Fufu...
Yuuri: I’ll help to make things turn out just as you wish.
Kino: Yeah, I’ll leave that to you.
-Yui’s monologue-
And that day,
Kou-kun and the others called me.
The familiars gave us the location,
it seems that I’ll go right where Reiji-san is.
While Azusa-kun stays in the Eden to buy us some time,
I, Yuma-kun and Kou-kun, the three of us will go to the Human World.
To do something in secret makes my chest hurt,
but this is to save Ayato-kun and to get him another opportunity.
I had no time to lose.
-End of Monologue-
Yuma: See ya, Azusa. Keep an eye on Ayato!
Azusa: It’s okay... I hope everything goes fine... be careful...
Yui: We’ll be leaving, Azusa-kun!
Kou: M-neko-chan, come quick, quick~!
*They open the door to the Human World*
Yui: (I hope everything goes well...!)
*Screen fades*
Place: Limousine
Reiji: I requested to leave the mansion for a moment, but it seems that it has taken me more time than I had thought... 
Reiji: I hope Kino won’t see it as something suspicious... ...
*The car suddenly brakes*
Reiji: ... ...! What did just happen...
*Reiji gets off the limousine*
Reiji: Oh... You...
Yui: It’s been a while, Reiji-san... ...
Reiji: And... what’s the meaning of this?
Yuma: Well, let’s leave formalities aside, ok? More importantly, we have no time.
Kou: That’s right, that’s right~! Anyway, this girl has something very important to tell you, Reiji-kun.
Reiji: ... I see. Then you just guided her here? Come to think of it, so the familiars that were in the car were yours... ...
Reiji: I didn’t doubt Ruki, however it seems that was all a scheme of his younger brothers... [T/N: I couldn’t understand very well what he said]
Reiji: Anyway, get in.
Yui: Thank you very much!
Kou: Well, see you later M-neko-chan! When you have finished go to the agreed place.
Yuma: Do it well, okay?
Yui: Yes, thank you!
*She gets in*
Kou: Uff~ we did it well! So, what will we do with this plenty of time to spare?
Yuma: We have no choice but to kill time, right?
Kou: Ah, I know! It’s been a long time we are not in the Human World, so how about we buy a present for Azusa-kun?!
Yuma: Oi, if we do that, then Ayato will find out we came here, what will we do if that happens! Kou: Ahh~, it’s true~. Too bad...
Yuma: Geez, how a pain. Oi, let’s go! 
Kou:  Yes~
*They walk away*
Place: Limousine
Reiji: So? What did you want to talk to me about?
Yui: Well... I wanted to ask you what are you planning to do... ...
Yui: At this rate the Sakamaki family will separate completely. Is that really okay for you...?
Reiji: Whether it is good or bad... it’s something inevitable.
Reiji: Just as you know, Ayato has done too many things wrong.
Reiji: Not coming here in person proves that he’s not worthy to be king.
Reiji: That someone like him has that kind of power is just too dangerous.
Yui: ... ...Ayato-kun is conscious of it!
Yui: He... knows that he has done many terrible things to everyone.
Yui: He knows that he’s immature to be king.
Yui: But... he’s not honest with himself...
Yui: (He bears everything alone...)
Yui: (I can’t just remain quiet and keep watching him like that...)
Reiji: Then what do you want us to do? Are you saying that you want us to wait Ayato once again?
Yui: I’m not saying that. I just... I want you not to leave him alone...
Yui: Right now Ayato-kun is suffering in loneliness.
Yui: (If everybody goes back to the way it was before, then surely...)
Reiji: Fufu... you say funny things, you are so strange...
Reiji: Ayato feeling alone? That’s impossible. Because after all he has you...
Yui: But...
Yui: But it’s not enough. Not just me, his brothers also have to go back with him...
Yui: I... can’t do anything besides being by his side...
Reiji: ... Nevertheless, I think that’s enough.
Reiji: It seems like in all this time you haven’t learnt your own position...! *Reiji gets close*
Yui: (Reiji-san...?! What the hell is he doing...) 
Yui: *She resists* L-Let me go!
Reiji: No, I won’t let you go. Due you came to me on your own.
Reiji: ... That means you’re ready to correspond to me, right?
Yui: Something like that...! I didn’t have that intention...!
Reiji: I see. That’s unexpected... but even so, it’s too late...! *He bites her*
Yui: ... ...! No! *Pushes him away*
Reiji: ... ...
Yui: (I thought he was going to suck my blood...)
Yui: (I... never thought Reiji-san would do something like this...)
Reiji: Fufu... You had said that Ayato felt alone, right?
Reiji: But... we feel even much more alone.
Reiji: Because none of us was chosen by our Father...
Yui: ... ...
Reiji: Ayato was the only of us who received that privilege.
Reiji: Furthermore, the chosen Eve is always by his side. And after all that, you come here to say that’s not enough?
Reiji: How greedy...
Reiji: Even though we are blood related, I don’t think that we can fill Ayato’s loneliness.
Reiji: Well... Driver, could you please stop the car? It seems like the guest wants to get off.
*The car stops*
Reiji: ... Now you have understood, have you? How much of a fool you have been... (Una frase re vieja y formal <3)
Yui: ... ... ... ...
*Yui gets off*
Reiji: I hope Ayato to have a taste of it.
Reiji: What the true loneliness means...
Reiji: And thus, it would be better for him to realise of his own greed.  
*Reiji gets in the car*
Yui: (Reiji-san... so that’s the way you think...)
Place: Eden.
Ayato: Geez, where did she go?
Ayato: It’s been a while and I still can’t find her! What the hell happened to her!
Azusa: Ayato-san... calm down... Eve is... Ehh...
Ayato: Ahh? Oi, Azusa... You know something, don’t you?
*He grabs Azusa*
Ayato: Kou and Yuma aren’t here either... Did they do something to Chichinashi...?
Azusa: This is a misunderstanding... Eve is... Mmm, this...
Ayato: AAH! This makes me angry! Speak at once!
*Yui enters*
Yui:... ... ... ...
Azusa: E-Eva..?
Ayato: You finally show yourself. Where had you gone?
Yui: I went... for a walk.
Ayato: A walk...? At this moment?
Yui: I... will go to take a bath...
*Yui walks off*
Ayato: What’s wrong with her...?
Azusa: Eve...?
*Scene changes*
Place: Bathroom
Yui: ... ... ... ...
Reiji: Ayato was the only of us who received that privilege.
Reiji: Furthermore, the chosen Eve is always by his side. And after all that, you come here to say that’s not enough?
Reiji: How greedy...
*End of Flashback*
Yui: (Maybe Reiji-san is jealous of Ayato-kun...?)
Yui: (But he’s right, Ayato-kun was chosen by KarlHeinz...)
Yui: (... If that’s the case, then Ruki-kun is jealous too...?
Yui: ... I better leave it as it is. It doesn’t matter what I think, it’s something inevitable
Yui: (Besides, the problem now is... this mark...)
Yui: (He couldn’t suck my blood, but when he bit me he left the mark of his fangs...)
Yui: (This could lead to a misunderstanding...)
Yui: (Anyway, I definitely can’t let Ayato-kun see it...) [Puse: Definitivamente no puedo dejar que Ayato lo vea...]
*Scene changes*
Kou: I~ am telling you~ I don’t know!
Ayato: Shut up! That’s not true!
Ayato: Chichinashi was acting strange the moment you were not here
Ayato: Where and what were you doing! Don’t hide it and answer me!
Yuma: We are tellin’ you that we didn’t go anywhere, how many times do we have to say it for you to understand!
Ayato: Tch, I see we’re not getting each other. If that’s the case, I’ll ask her
Ayato: It’s punishment for hiding something from me. I’ll have to do terrible things to her, heheh...
Azusa: Will you... be violent with Eve...?
Ayato: Ahh? You have any problem? She belongs to me; it’s my business whatever I do with her!
Azusa: You shouldn’t do that... because Eve even for your sake...!
Kou: Wa... Azusa-kun!
Ayato: ... For my sake what? As I thought you’re hiding something.
Ayato: Tell me everything right now!
Kou: ... Haa, we have no choice. The truth is...
*Screen fades to black for a moment*
Kou: ...And that’s what happened! Do you understand?
Ayato: ... What does that mean...
Ayato: You’re saying she went to see Reiji behind my back...
Yuma: We’re tellin’ you it was for your own sake...
Ayato: Shut up! For my own sake! Don’t fuck with me!
Kou: Ha... This became troublesome...
Yuma: Really...
*Screen fades*
Place: Hall
*The Eden cries*
Yui:... Nn?
Yui: (What’s this sound...?)
Yui: (It comes from outside...?)
*Yui enters where  all the boys are gathered*
Kou: Oh... M-neko-chan...
Yui: Hey, don’t you hear something strange? It seems like it comes from outside...
Ayato: Oi, Chichiashi. You went to see Reiji, didn’t you?
Yui: Eh...
Azusa: I am sorry, Eve...
Ayato: Why did you hide it from me? Answer!
Yui: Why you ask, well...
Yui: (I thought that if I told him, he would believe I’m plotting against him...)
Ayato: ... Why you fall silent? You said you were my ally!
Yui: Kya!
Ayato: ...! That mark in your neck...
Yui: This is...
Yui: (He saw it... What do I do...!)
/If you touch Yui’s head, Ayato will say: “In the end you were just a liar”. /
/If you touch Ayato’s hand, he will say: “I was an idiot for trusting you”. /
Ayato: ...I see. I understood. In the end you too were the ally of those guys.
Yui: No, it’s... a misunderstanding. I just...!
Ayato: I don’t care anymore. I don’t trust anyone else...
Ayato: Someone like you... go to the Human World or any other place!
*End of CG*
*Ayato leaves*
Yui: Ayato-kun!
Yui: (I can’t believe it ended like this...)
Azusa: It’s our fault...
Yuma: ... I’m sorry
Kou: M-neko-chan, I’m really sorry...
Yui: ... No, don’t be. It wasn’t your fault...
Yui: (The three of them helped us a lot...)
Yui: (The one whose fault it is, is me...)
*The Eden cries again*
Azusa: The Eden is crying...
Kou: It’s the first time that the sound can be heard from here...
Yuma: This... is not good at all...
*The Eden cries again*
-The End-
???: Ha pasado un tiempo, Kino. Kino: Yuuri. Qué tal? Como va todo por allí?   Yuuri: Todo va sin problemas. Kino: Fufu, ya veo. Sin embargo, los Sakamakis y los Mukamis son mucho más simples de lo que yo creía. Kino: Justo como planee; hacer que las familias se peleen, y brillantemente separarlos. KIno: Al final, todos ellos intentarán pelear con Ayato por la fuerza. Kino: Una vez que bajen a Ayato, me pregunto quien subirá al trono. Yuuri: ... ... ... ... Kino: Pero eso me da completamente igual. Mi interés esta mucho más después de esto... Kino: De todas formas, por ahora lo que quiero sólo es dinero, tengo que hacer que parezca que la heregemonía del Makai me da completamente igual. Kino: ...Y entonces, simplemente me quedaré observando como ellos se destruyen entre si. Kino: Pero, el último que quedará de pie seré yo... fufu... Yuuri: Yo ayudaré para que las cosas sucedan justo como las deseas. Kino: Si, te lo encargo.
-Monólogo de Yui-
Y ese día, Kou-kun y los demás me llamaron.
Los familiares nos dieron la dirección, al parece iré directamente a donde Reiji-san se encuentra.
Mientras Azusa-kun se queda en el Edén haciendo que las horas pasen, yo, Yuma-kun y Kou-kun, nosotros tres nos dirigiremos hacia el Mundo Humano.
Hacer algo a las escondidas hace que mi pecho duela, pero esto es para salvar a Ayato-kun, y para que él tenga una nueva oportunidad.
No tenía tiempo para perder.
-Fin del monólogo-
Yuma: Nos vemos, Azusa. Te encargo a Ayato! Azusa: Esta bien... espero que les vaya bien... tengan cuidado... Yui: Nos iremos yendo, Azusa-kun! Kou: Mneko-chan, ven rápido, rápido~!
*Abren la puerta del Mundo Humano*
Yui: (Espero que todo vaya bien...!)
Lugar: Limusina.
Reiji: Solicité alejarme unos momentos lejos de la mansión, pero parece que me ha llevado más tiempo de lo previsto. Reiji: Espero que Kino no lo vea sospechoso... ...
*El choche frenta de golpe*
Reiji: ... ...! Qué es lo que sucedió...
*Reiji baja de la limusina*
Reiji: Oh... Tú... (hEYAAAAA MOMMY) Yui: Ha pasado un tiempo, Reiji-san... ... Reiji: Y... qué es lo que esto significa? Yuma: Bueno, dejemos las formalidades, ok? Más importante, no tenemos tiempo Kou: Eso, eso~! De todas formas, esta chica tiene que contarte algo muy importante, Reiji-kun Reiji: ...Ya veo. Entonces sólo ustedes la guiaron hasta aquí? Ahora que lo pienso, así que los familiares que estaban en el coche eran de ustedes... ... Reiji: No había dudado de Ruki, pero sin embargo al parecer había sido obra de sus hermanos pequeños (Cof, no entendí bien) Reiji: De todas forma, sube a bordo. Yui: Muchas gracias! Kou: Bien, hasta entonces Mneko-chan! Cuando termines ve al lugar acordado Yuma: Hazlo bien, okay? Yui: Si, gracias!
*Se sube*
Kou: Uff~, lo hicimos bien! Y, qué hacemos en todo este tiempo que nos sobra? Yuma: No queda otra que matar el tiempo, no es así? Kou: Ah, ya sé! Hace mucho que no estamos en el mundo humano, así que, qué tal si le compramos un presente a Azusa-kun!? Yuma: Oí, si hacemos eso entonces Ayato se va a dar cuenta de que vinimos acá, qué haremos si eso pasa! Kou: Ahh~, es verdad~. Que pena... Yuma: Caray, que despreocupado. Oí, vamos! Kou: Si~♪
Lugar: Limusina.
Reiji: Y entonces? Qué es lo que quieres hablar conmigo? (Ya deberías sab- Yui: Bueno... ...quiero preguntarte que es lo que ustedes planean hacer... ... Yui: A este paso la familia Sakamaki se separará completamente. De verda eso esta bien para ti...? Reiji: Sea bueno o malo... es algo inevitable. Reiji: Justo como tú lo sabes, Ayato hizo demasiadas cosas mal. Reiji: No viniendo en persona prueba que él no es digno de ser un rey. Reiji: Que alguien como él tenga ese poder es simplemente muy peligroso. Yui: ... ...Ayato-kun es consciente de ello! Yui: Él... sabe que le hizo muchas cosas malas a todos. Ayato: Él sabe que es inmaduro para ser un rey. Yui: Pero... no se sincera... Yui: (Lo soporta todo él solo...) Yui: (No puedo quedarme callada y seguir viendolo...) Reiji: Entonces qué es lo que tú quieres que nosotros hagamos? Estas diciendo que quieres que esperemos a Ayato una vez más? Yui: No estoy diciendo eso. Simplemente... quiero que no lo dejen solo.... Yui: Ayato-kun ahora mismo esta sufriendo solo en soledad... Yui: (Si todos vuelven como antes entonces seguramente...) Reiji: Fufu... dices cosas graciosas, que extraña eres... Reiji: Que Ayato se siente solo? Eso es imposible. Porque después de todo él te tiene a ti Yui: Pero... Yui: Pero no es suficiente. No sólo yo, sus hermanos también tienen que volver con él... Yui: Yo... no puedo hacer más que estar a su lado... Reiji: ...Yo creo que eso es suficiente sin embargo. Reiji: Parece que en todo este tiempo, aún no has aprendido tu propia posición. ...! *Reiji se acerca* Yui: (Reiji-san...!? Qué demonios está haciendo...) Yui: *Yui resiste* S-sueltame! Reiji: No, no te voy a soltar. Ya que tú misma te acercaste a mí Reiji: ...Eso significa que ya estas preparada para corresponderme, cierto? Yui: Algo así...! Yo no tenía esa intención...! Reiji: Ya veo. Eso es inesperado... pero aún así ya es tarde...! *la muerde* Yui: ... ...! No! *Lo empuja* Reiji: ... ... Yui: Pensé que iba a chupar mi sangre...) Yui: (Jamás... creí que Reiji-san haría algo como esto...) Reiji: Fufu... habías dicho que Ayato se sentía solo, verdad Reiji: Pero... nosotros nos sentimos aún mucho más solos Reiji: Porque todos nosotros no fuimos elegidos por padre... Yui: ... ... Reiji: Ayato fue el único de nosotros en recibir ese privilegio Reiji: Agregandole que la elegida Eva siempre esta a su lado. Y por sobre todo eso todo eso vienes a decir que no es suficiente? Reiji: Pero que codicia... Reiji: Aunque estemos unidos por la sangre, no creo que nosotros llenaremos la soledad de Ayato Reiji: Bien... puede detener el coche por favor? Parece que la invitada quiere bajarse
*El coche se detiene*
Reiji: ...Ahora lo has entendido, cierto? Cuan tonta has sido... Yui: ... ... ... ...
*Yui se baja*
Reiji: Espero que Ayato la pruebe Reiji: lo que significa la verdadera soledad... Reiji: Y así, sería mejor que se de cuenta de su propia codicia
*Reiji se sube*
Yui: (Reiji-san... así que esa era la forma en que pensabas...)
Lugar: Edén.
Ayato: Caray, a donde se fue? Ayato: HAce desde un rato que no la encuentro! Qué demonios le sucedió! Azusa: AYato-san... cálmate... Eva esta... emm... Ayato: Ahh? Oi Azusa... Tú sabes algo no es así?
*Lo agarra*
Ayato: Kou y Yuma tampoco están aquí... acaso esos dos le hicieron algo a Chichinashi...? Azusa: Es un malentendido... Eva esta... Emm, esto... Ayato: AAH! Esto me enoja! Confiesa de una vez!
*Yui entra*
Yui: ... ... ... ... Azusa: E-eva...? Ayato: Al fin apareciste. A donde te habías ido? Yui: Fui a... dar un paseo... Ayato: Un paseo...? En este momento? Yui: Yo... iré a bañarme...
*Yui se va*
Ayato: Qué pasa con ella...? Azusa: Eva...?
*Cambio de escena*
Lugar: Baño.
Yui: ... ... ... ...
Reiji: Ayato fue el único de nosotros en recibir ese privilegio Reiji: Agregandole que la Eva elegida siempre esta a su lado. Y después de todo eso vienes a decir que no es suficiente? Reiji: Pero que codicioso...
*Fin del flashback*
Yui: (Tal vezReiji-san tal vez tiene celos/envidia de Ayato-kun...?) Yui: (Pero esta en lo cierto, Ayato-kun fue elegido por KarlHeinz...) Yui: (...Si es el caso, entonces Ruki-kun también lo esta...?) Yui: ...Mejor lo dejaré así. No importa que piense, es algo invitable... Yui: (A parte de eso, el problema ahora es... esta marca...) Yui: (No llegó a chupar mi sangre, pero al morderme dejó la marca de sus colmillos...) Yui: (Esto podría convertirse en un malentendido...) Yui: (De todas formas, tengo que definitivamente hacer que Ayato-kun no lo vea...)
*cambio de escena*
Kou: Te~ estoy~ diciendo que no lo sé! Ayato: Cállate! Eso no es verdad! Ayato: Chichinashi estaba actuando extraño en el momento que ustedes no estaban Ayato: Donde y qué estaban haciendo! No lo escondas y respondeme! Yuma: Te estamos diciendo que no fuimos a ningún lugar, cuantas veces hay que decirtelo para que lo entiendas! Ayato: CH, no nos estamos entendido. Si ese es el caso lo comprobaré con ella! Ayato: Es el castigo por esconderme algo a mí. Tendré que hacerle muchas cosas terribles, heheh... Azusa: Serás... violento con Eva...? Ayato: Ahh? Tienes algún problema? Ella me pertenece, es cosa mia que haga con ella! Azusa: No debes hacer eso... porque incluso Eva por tu bien...! Kou: Wa... Azusa-kun! Ayato: ...Qué cosa es por mi bien? Como lo pensé ustedes están escondiendo algo Ayato: Hablen de todo ahora mismo! Yui: ...Haa, ya no queda de otra. La verdad es que...
*desvanece y vuelve a aparecer*
Kou: ...Y eso es lo que pasó! Lo entendiste? Ayato: ...Qué significa eso... Ayato: Estás diciendo que fue a ver a Reiji a mis espaldas... Yuma: Te estamos diciendo que fue por tu bien... Ayato: Cállate! Qué es por mi bien! No me jodas! Kou: Haa... esto se volvió problematico... Yuma: Realmente... (Me estoy conteniendo de poner ''posta'' o ''mal''. YUMA PARECE ARGENTINO JAJAJA)
Lugar: Hall.
*El EDÉN llora*
Yui: ...Nn? Yui: (Qué es este sonido...?) Yui: (Viene de afuera...?)
*Yui entra a donde están los chicos*
Kpu: Oh... Mneko-chan... Yui: Oigan, no escuchan algo raro? Parece que viene desde afuera... Ayato: Oí, Chichinashi.  Tú fuiste a ver a Reiji, no es así Yui: Eh... Azusa: Perdón Eva... Ayato: Por qué lo ocultaste? Responde! Yui: Por qué preguntas, bueno... Yui: (Pensé que si se lo decía él creería que estoy yendo en su contra...) Ayato: ...Por qué te quedas callada? Dijiste que eras mi aliada!
Yui: Kya! Ayato: ...! Esa marca en tu cuello... Yui: Esto es... Yui: (La vio... qué hago...!)
*Si apretas las dos rosas Ayato dice: Touch en la cabeza de Yui:''Al final de todo sólo eras una habladora'' Touch en la mano de Ayato: ''Yo fui el idiota por haberte creido, eh...''
Ayato: ...Ya veo. Lo entendí. Al final tú también eres la aliada de esos tipos. Yui: No es... es un malentendido! Yo sólo...! Ayato: Ya da igual. Ya no creo en nadie más... Ayato: Alguien como tú... vete al Mundo Humano o algún otra lugar!
*Fin de la cg*
*Ayato se va*
Yui: Ayato-kun! Yui: (No puedo creer que esto terminara así...) Azusa: Es nuestra culpa... Yuma: ...Lo siento Kou: Mneko-chan, realmente lo siento... Yui: ...No, se equivoca. No fue su culpa... Yui: (Ellos tres nos ayudaron mucho...) Yui: (La que tiene la culpa soy yo...)
*El Edén vuelve a llorar* Se escucha feo
Azusa: El Edén está llorando... Kou: Es la primera vez que el sonido llega hasta aquí... Yuma: Esto... me da mala espina...
*El Edén vuelve a llorar*
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percontaion-points · 5 years
Let’s Play “Moments: Hottie For Hire” Part 1
Meet our latest protagonist, Lily. The story begins by telling us that she's lost her job and her boyfriend, and then because life wasn't awful enough, two different people asked her to be the maid of honor in their weddings.
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Anyway, this is Lily. I got to design her appearance (well, pick her skin and hair), and I really like this combination.
The dress-maker tells Lily that she has good baby-making hips, which makes Lily self-conscious. And I've always felt like that's one of the most back-handed compliments ever. The person who says it never intends for it to be an insult, but the person that's it's directed towards is usually pretty offended by it and vows to go on a diet. Which is exactly what Lily does. She also is grateful that her mom is paying for half of the dress, because she doesn't exactly have a lot of money right now.
She bemoans that her cheating ex told lies to her boss and it ended up getting her fired. She worked as a pastry chef at some restaurant. She thinks that the only good thing going on right now is that at least her stomach looks flat in her bridesmaid dress.
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Le mother.
She thinks that the dress looks good on Lily, and says that she could stand to gain a few pounds. Which Lily doesn't take kindly to. She apparently used to be “Fatty Lily” in high school... ouch. Kids are shitty. But she finished growing and lost a couple of pounds, and now she's more “normal”.
Anyway, Lily's little sister, Louise, is getting married, and finally leaving home. She's four years younger than Lily.
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Louise. The only thing I have to say is that at least the game seems to take into account the skin color chosen for MC. They sometimes don't, and it makes MC look adopted.
Anyway, Louise comes out from the dressing room in her wedding gown, and Kathy and Lily are speechless. But Lily finds it hard to believe that her sister is getting married in just two weeks. She's also jealous because her relationships and jobs are insanely quick, over in only just months. She seems to blame this on some sort of family curse... rather than the fact that maybe she's just an awful person with no job skills? Sure Jan.
They gush over Louise. She then turns her attention to Lily and is about to say something about something (probably her inability to enter into a healthy relationship), but Lily glares at her until she stops.
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And this is cousin Veronica. I'm not sure if she's going to be set up to be the mean girl, but here's hoping she won't be!
Anyway, Veronica shows up and gushes over how Michael will love Louis's dress. Lily also explains right then that Michael's family is very wealthy, and they're from New England. Michael also owns the Red Sox. What is happening, why.
Veronica asks about the bridal party, and Louise says that it's going to be in Rhode Island, at Michael's parent's huge estate there. For a week. Also, Kathy randomly hates “Vonnie” (game's nickname, not mine). Lily seems to think that it's because of “the huge stick up Veronica's butt”... which puts a point in favor of her being the cliched bitch. Ugh. Veronica then insults Lily's skin. UGH. When the seamstress goes to get Veronica's dress from the back, Veronica asks her to bring out a cocktail dress she ordered for the rehearsal dinner. She goes on to say that she's bringing a date, and wants to use the wedding to launch wedding ideas into her boyfriend's head. Kathy thinks that it's a good idea, and Veronica mentions the “family curse”. She then acts all mockingly embarrassed for Lily's sake, but then says that at least Louise broke the curse.... maybe. It's still two weeks until the wedding.
Lily then explains this curse. It's not real, but more of a family joke. They call it the WD-40 curse, because they're about as effective as removing men from their life as WD-40 is from removing stuff like rust from objects. Lily's dad left when she was seven, and her grandfather left when Kathy was in high school. There's four generations of this.
But obviously, Lily wants for things to be different for Louise and Michael. She also says that it only affects the first-borns. But that doesn't mean that Louise isn't superstitious as hell about the entire thing, and hates it whenever somebody mentions it. So Lily comforts Louise about it. Veronica acts all innocent, and mocks the fact that Lily's boyfriend dumped her. And her ex is apparently the best man. Because nothing says “I support my sister!” quite like having your fiancee ask your sister's ex to be your best man. Ugh.
Which Louise didn't want to tell Lily. And trust the residential mean girl to just rip that band-aid off... The news of this makes Lily feel physically ill. She doesn't want to spend an entire week in the company of her shitty ex. Veronica and Louise then start arguing about if the curse is real. But when Veronica says something about Lily, Lily kind of snaps.
She tells them that she has a boyfriend. (Oh boy, here we go...) Everybody's shocked by this. Louise asked when this happened, and she says right after she and Ryan broke up, she moved on quickly and fell in love. And then she just keeps word-vomiting about her fictional boyfriend, and everything she says just makes her situation worse and worse. Louise throws her arms around Lily in excitement, which shuts Lily up.
Veronica doesn't seem to believe Lily... which she's not wrong to doubt her, but at the same time... SHUT UP, VERONICA. She says that she didn't want to jinx her relationship. She says that they met at a party and really hit it off. She also can't think of a name when Veronica asks, so she says that they'll all meet him soon enough. But Lily also hates herself for having gotten herself into this hole.
She then quickly changes the topic and shows Louise a magazine article about hair. It works, and Louise starts talking about hair, too.
As they're looking at the magazine, an ad catches Lily's eye. It's for a matchmaking/escort service. Because of course it is. Obviously, Lily thinks that this is the answer to her prayers... and her problems. She makes some excuse and rips the ad out and shoves it down the front of her bridesmaid dress. Veronica's like WTF,  and Kathy asks if she's okay. She insists that she didn't want Louise to make a mistake by picking the wrong hairstyle. But she doesn't really remember the website URL, though. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT ONE. ALL SHE HAS TO DO IS GOOGLE/KNOCK-OFF GOOGLE BECAUSE WE CAN'T USE GOOGLE IT!!
Then, the game takes a weird turn and tells us that we're going to peek inside the male protagonist's POV. Neat.
His name is Trent (I did not pick it).
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Kind of reminds me of Chris Evans from his douchey rom-com days.
Anyway, his cousin, Kennedy, wants to drag him into a matchmaking scheme. Whereas Trent is insistent that he own some gym... even though they're losing money. Like a lot of money. And he has no idea why.
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When they said “Kennedy”, I kind of just pictured??? IDK, Trent 2.0? Not this little cutie.
Anyway, Trent is over Kennedy's bullshit, if only because she ALWAYS comes to him whenever she needs money for some scheme or another. But she says that she's really desperate, so he asks how long that this escort job is, thinking that it would be several hours at the most. She explains about the week-long wedding event going on, but that makes him OH HELL NO even harder. Kennedy says “But I need somebody handsome and fit. It's her sister's wedding. She's looking for a fake boyfriend. You're 'bring home to mom' material.” He continues to refuse.
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Random CG of the magazine article Lily had used to distract Louise. Yes, that's Chloe from “Challenge Accepted”/a blonde Emma from “Bridesmaid Lotto”. I don't mind as much because it's supposed to be a random background image, and not actually a character in the story. (Probably...)
0 notes
letterboxd · 5 years
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“I believe in social engineering in many forms but not when it conflicts with artistic integrity.”
Jack Moulton speaks with director Edward Zwick about his latest film Trial by Fire, based on an influential piece of New Yorker journalism that questioned whether Texas had executed an innocent man.
American film director, writer and producer Zwick is noted for his work in the war drama category (Glory, Legends of the Fall, The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond). He has also helmed intimate dramas such as Love & Other Drugs and the eighties Demi Moore-Rob Lowe romance About Last Night.
Trial by Fire is a search-for-justice two-hander starring English actor Jack O’Connell as death row inmate Cameron Todd Willingham, and Laura Dern as Elizabeth Gilbert. Not that Elizabeth Gilbert; Dern’s Gilbert is a Houston mother of two who becomes Willingham’s ally, uncovering questionable methods in his case. Though mixed, Letterboxd reviews have noted the film’s “damn fine acting” and “genuinely affecting” story, as well as praising Zwick, who “clearly knows what he’s doing behind the camera”.
Letterboxd: When did you first hear the story of Cameron Todd Willingham and in what ways did you connect to it personally? Edward Zwick: I read David Grann’s article in The New Yorker when it was published 10 years ago and I was very moved by it. I inquired as to the rights with my friend, Allyn Stewart, and we were able to acquire it and begin the process of developing the film.
Obviously the story’s very compelling in its own regard. I was really moved by the relationship between Elizabeth Gilbert and Willingham and then what developed in the worst of circumstances. But I also felt that it was a catalog of everything wrong with the criminal justice system now. Most of all, how poverty and class are the determining factors in whether a man gets a fair trial.
You’re a writer, but you enlisted Precious screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher to write this film. What qualities made his perspective the right fit? I knew that Geoffrey was a collaborative writer and that he would invite me to that process so we would do this together. We would have the benefit of his best ideas and mine as well. That often makes a happy working relationship.
What did you discover in your research on prisoners and death row? There was a lot I was surprised about. I didn’t know that for many years they used solid doors rather than bars to keep prisoners even more isolated. I didn’t know how little time they allowed them to exercise nor that their letters were subjected to being read from the inside and outside.
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Laura Dern, Edward Zwick and Jack O’Connell on set.
Jack O’Connell is always reliable but this is a particularly powerful performance. What preparations for the role did you assign to him? We spent some time in jails and read all of Willingham’s letters. We did exercises in a very small cell where he was able to be there for hours to contemplate what that experience might be like.
Willingham is, for the most part, an off-putting character. Even when he meets Gilbert and he’s been through his transformation he’s still a misogynist. How did you want to balance the way the audience could invest in him as a person with the commentary on how society judges the accused? That was deliberate. I was very intent on having Willingham be unsympathetic, and Jack was very willing to portray him that way. I felt that I wanted the audience to condemn him the same way that people had also unfairly done so in the courts of Texas.
Even if someone is a representative of toxic masculinity and whatever else he was interested in, he still deserves equal treatment under the law and so we embraced that part of him. We trusted that his circumstances, and Jack’s ability to portray that transformation, that that would earn him the compassion of the audience who had been complicit in condemning him.
How did you decide the way you wanted to portray the lethal injection in order to make your political statement? I spoke to a lot of people who had been in those rooms and we read a lot about it. I felt that it had to be real. It was actually an exact replica of the room and the process from everything that we had learned about it.
Ultimately, the film’s hopelessness overrides the sense of hope it conjures. It’s a tone that has been appearing more and more in contemporary cinema, particularly with new mainstream interest in “true crime”. What do you think is driving this focus on a more downbeat realism? It’s funny, I think there’s an appetite for authenticity. I think we’re full of superheroes and sequels and there’s some urge to have a real mirror to be held up to the world.
How do you weigh the importance of the work of The Innocence Project for those currently on death row, versus those—such as Willingham—who were executed before any hope of exoneration? The Innocence Project is a godsend to those people and not everyone has had the benefit of it yet. By the way, it’s not alone, The Marshall Project is there, so there are so many opportunities, but they are remarkable people doing remarkable work.
You conclude the film with searing footage of [former Texas Governor] Rick Perry expressing pride in his death-penalty record. Did you intend to call him out specifically when you started the project? The more I learned about what had happened and what he had done in abolishing the review board even after the fact, I felt that he deserved to be held accountable.
Do you know if his team has responded? They have not. I hope that they will.
What do you think needs to change about Hollywood to grant mid-sized budget films like yours a pathway to be made again? Exhibitors need to keep the films in theaters for more than a week so audiences can see them. But I don’t know, the major studios have abandoned them because they don’t make enough money to move their stock price for multinational corporations. There has to be an economic model or a sweet spot where the films can exist and exhibitors can be happy enough to run them for audiences. All of these things have not lined up yet.
Any chance we’ll see you back for another Jack Reacher? [Zwick directed the 2016 sequel Never Go Back.] Nope.
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Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman and other cast members in a scene from ‘Glory’ (1989).
If Glory had to be made today, what would you want to change and what do you feel you would have to change about it? [The 1989 film about the U.S. Civil War’s first all-black volunteer company focused the story around white general Robert Gould Shaw; problematic, as many Letterboxd reviewers have noted, because it “centers a white character in a story about black soldiers fighting the people who enslaved them”.] The problem would be that they wouldn’t give me the money to do it properly today. The film has to be about an entire regiment, and a studio now would just give me a dozen guys and a forest. It would’ve been fun to have some of the tools of CG to have a few things a little bit more realistic than I feel they come across in the movie, but that’s perhaps just my harsh judgement on myself.
Ideally your social issue films can break through and make a difference in the world. Do you know if Blood Diamond has had a tangible effect on the diamond industry? I believe there are some statistics to that fact but I certainly know anecdotally from people who’ve told me they always try to source fair-trade diamonds, or chosen another stone, or chosen a zirconia, which are pretty good-looking in my experience.
While it’s tough to get the larger-budget films you make made without the likes of Tom Cruise or Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead, in light of a big push for diversity in the past few years, how has your opinion shaped on the responsibilities of representation? I want to cast who’s appropriate for each film and I am in the business of trying to be authentic. I believe in social engineering in many forms but not when it conflicts with artistic integrity.
‘Trial by Fire’ is in US cinemas now.
0 notes
drink-n-watch · 6 years
Back Rank Mate : A checkmate that occurs when your king is trapped behind a wall (usually a wall of your own pawns) on the back rank, and a queen or rook attacks on the back rank.
You know, I think I’m just going to reiterate my thoughts from last week – OMGWTFBBQPURPLEMONKEYDISHWASHER. What the heck is this show doing to me? All I know is that if I was to exist in the Promised Neverland universe, I would be pretty safe since this show has melted my brain. Hyperbole you think… maybe a smidge.
Still, I am grateful that Crow is here to keep me from completely losing it and you’re grateful too. Trust me. He makes these posts! Also, let me apologize in advance for this but I took an unreasonable number of screencaps again. If this post has been loading for  minutes…that’s why… sowwy…
But before we get started, how are you Crow?
Well, for starters, I’m bold this week! And for another, there’s no way I’m getting through this review without dropping some spoilers, so everyone beware!
Come to think of it, “everyone beware” is pretty good advice for anyone watching this show! Purple monkey indeed!
everything’s fine!
I’m just trying a little small talk to ease us in because this week got heavy! Unlike the usual light hearted slice of life comedy The Promised Neverland usually is….
This level of removal from reality is a different perspective for you! Looks like the show’s getting to you — and I certainly understand why!
If you’ve read our reviews before you know this, but it’s spoileriffic. If you don’t want to know what happens, please come back after you’ve watched episode 9.
oh no! not spoilers!!!
Last week ended on a double whammy courtesy of Moma as she broke the leg of one of her beloved daughters without hesitation, while gently announcing the execution of a beloved son. And this week brought us straight back to that devastating scene adding a few new details to the mix. I must say the impact was not lessened by repetition!
Just in case the show didn’t twist the knife quite enough last week!
If last week it dawned on me just how outmatched the kids were, this week the kids are starting to really realize it as well, and it’s heartbreaking. Don and Gilda were being held together by the other three but now that they’re seeing them unravel, they are left rudderless and very very scared. The juxtaposition of the bright sunny day and soft green grass, and the dire straits the kids are in made everything just a little sadder, don’t you think?
The imagery was great — it was almost taunting our heroes with a false normalcy.
the ephemeral nature of life is both tragic and beautiful 
The scene went from Don, Gilda and Ray barely holding it together to a cool and composed Norman sweetly comforting Emma. I thought “this child is terrifying”. The composure…the strength. The sheer loyalty to Emma that he would consider his own life immaterial as long as she’s fine. Honestly Norman is one impressive young man.
Did you see what Emma did the instant she woke up? She reached for him. That gesture was heartbreaking in its simplicity; in the trust it implied.
I saw – I screencapped
And then, his mask slipped. When finally alone, it became apparent that Norman was far from fine. He was horrified and lost. He did not want to lose his life. All of this was shown in a quiet patient scene. The emphasis and emotion expressed through long shots of nothing much. The lack of motion letting the emotion shine through rather than any overt display. I quite like that! So it turned out that Norman was just pretending for the sake of his friends. And I thought, Norman is a supremely impressive young man!
You could see the moment his will snapped. He had been pushed past what he knew he could handle, and he was faced with the question: What next?
While Norman was trying to calm himself, we jumped back to Ray who was by far the most agitated we’ve ever seen him. Ray seemed to accept his own potential demise with bitter but stoic resignation. However, the thought of Norman getting shipped out has gotten hm enraged and panicked. For a second, I thought it was a mix of feelings for his friend and of the discomfort of having his plans ruined. I thought Ray was intimidatingly impressive.
The sight of Ray, who for so long had plotted and planned and executed, coming to grips with the idea that not only were his plans ruined, but his understanding of their world was flawed to the point where he had no idea what to do. And still, after venting a bit, he started to rein himself in. These are pretty impressive kids! I’m pretty sure I wasn’t that composed (or intelligent or — thank heavens — tasty to demons!) at their age.
Ray was my rock…this shattered me
Having come back to his senses a bit, Norman decided to rejoin Emma. Did you notice the CG Crow? Of course you did, it was pretty obvious. And I think that was on purpose. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure the CG has been used as a narrative tool in this series.
The CG was only used in the scenes of Norman walking the hallway alone, even though we saw extremely similar scenes of Ray, Don or Guilda. And even though the CG was obvious, it wasn’t excessive. I think the slight uncanny dissonance, plus the impact on the character’s movement was used to make those simple scenes of Norman just walking that much more weighty and uneasy. I may be reading too much into this…
It reminded me a little bit of some of the photographic effects Alfred Hitchcock would use him his films. This show is very much in that tradition!
ok, still images don’t give you the right idea
We then got another classic scene of three small kids talking in a bedroom. This is 98% of the show and it’s still giving me anxiety.
I’m sure the conversation was littered with clues and foreshadowing but quite unlike myself, I couldn’t pay attention to that. I was actually too emotionally invested. Weird huh?
I appreciated this quiet scene, because it helped me process everything we’ve learned in the last 30 or 40 minutes of storytelling!
Emma and Ray have decided that Norman getting shipped out was simply not an option and came up with a simple but promising plan. Norman should disable his tracking device and hide just beyond the wall until they can join him once Emma is healed up. At this point Ray explained some simple gut-wrenching facts. The children are afforded a comfortable happy life because they’ll taste better that way. That’s all.
As Ray was talking and Norman seemed dubious I started to wonder why did Ray seem so desperate for Norman to live? He was the one saying that saving everyone was impractical. Their plan is riddled with potential pitfalls and unknowns. Ray of all people should accept Norman’s willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good. And when Ray cried out, “If you die then what were the last 6 years of my life for?”, I realized something.
Ray has a bad poker face
Ray isn’t the cool and composed mastermind he makes himself out to be. This boy who since the age of five has patiently collected trinkets to create a disarming device all on his own without anyone noticing. This boy was a bleeding heart hero type. He may not be able to save everyone, but he needs to save his friends at least. How cute and innocent. How naive to think you can just throw them out there. This is why he had to accept Norman’s argument that should he escape neither Emma or Ray would be taken in his stead and sacrificing another for your own life is unbearable. Because he’s just a kid who loves his friends, that’s all. Ray is truly and undeniably impressive.
Have you noticed how easy it is to be stoic on behalf of someone? I’m borderline competent on my own. On behalf of my family or friends? I can be quite a different person, or I can at least seem that way. I see that in Ray, and in how Ray reacted when Norman was trying to give himself up. The walls just come tumbling down!
I have but then again, I’ve never been in a situation where I really thought I could die. Maybe survival instinct would kick in..
Just when all that panic, fear and loathing cam crashing together, that’s when Emma decided to be Emma and do what she does best. Just smother everything in powerful optimism backed up by short sighted but surprisingly rational propositions. Break Ray’s arm. If they’re both hurt, then they won’t be replacements – Norman can escape with his mind at ease. This emotional release allowed the kids to get back to themselves a bit. A nice little reprieve.
and just Norman
I couldn’t help but wonder – won’t Gilda or Don be chosen then??? It seems that wasn’t too much of a concern to the others.
They needed a little short-sightedness to keep themselves together, I think. I also wonder if either Don or Gilda would be considered a real replacement? If Emma, Norman, and Ray are prime grade, Don and Gilda would likely be choice. Still a fine grade, but not interchangeable. Maybe. I’m feeling strange talking about our heroes as grades of beef…
Say Crow, any thoughts about the fact that Ray knew right from the start? I think that may be better, since you don’t lose anything? Then again, maybe not.
The show’s doing such a good job at presenting Ray as a complex character that honestly, I’m not sure! It certainly could be!
there was tons of Norman in this episode, really!!!
The next day, Norman’s escape plan is ready to go. They have a new rope, a last hide and seek game, everyone knows their part. Momma informs the entire house that Norman is going to be “adopted”. First – darn you Phil! Second – some of those kids were crying a little more than justified, don’t you think. Maybe Emma and co. aren’t the only ones to know the houses secret?
I had that impression, too — especially that one little girl Norman had to hug!
um..it’s going to be…”o.k.”?
That was an exciting scene. Much like the rest of the episode, it used quick cuts beween the main characters as we saw Norman making his way to the wall and finally climbing it, while Emma and Ray are simply waiting back at the house. It got my blood pumping! And those colours were stunning.
Did you see the looks the kids were giving Isabella? Chilling!
As evening set in and the kids were getting ready to go in for dinner, I was actually holding my breath a little. And then, Norman just slowly walked back. After which, we finally find out what’s behind that wall. Talk about a cliffhanger!!!!
I see what you did there!
oh my
When we first see Norman climb to the top and look out, were you afraid we weren’t going to find out what he saw? I was all like, “Oh, no, Promised Neverland! Don’t you dare make me guess!”
And then we found out.
It might have been better had they made me guess!
And did you notice how self-satisfied Momma looked? Of course she knew what was beyond the walls. Of course she could guess what Norman’s reaction would be! Just another sign of her supreme control over the situation.
Krone who?
By the way, we saw Norman discover Krone’s pen and box in a drawer, but once again they didn’t show us what was in it. ARGH!!!
So this is Norman’s last day. Their plans are in ruins; their emergency plans are in ruins; and Phil is still smiling way too much. I have no idea how they’re going to get out of this, and honestly, I don’t want to guess! The show is doing a delightful job of entertaining me, and I don’t want to get in its way.
Irina, what’d you think of the music in this episode?
I’ll be honest I didn’t notice it. My mind got kidnapped by the plot. But tell me about it!
shhhs Phil
Starting just after Norman’s will crumbled , a simple piano melody starts playing. The camera switches to Ray, but the melancholy song continues and underlines their desperation — that begins to harden into resolve.
It’s a simple tune that lets the acting speak for itself. It ends when Norman enters and sees Ray and Emma’s serious expressions.
Later, as Norman’s running for the wall, there’s a more upbeat, drum-driven song with a woman’s beautiful voice harmonizing — no words. Emma and Ray try to stay calm, but the almost pop beat is more to support Norman’s spring to the wall than their attempt at patience. The woman’s voice disappears until Normal reaches the wall and makes it to the top. The crescendo? When he stands, shocked into silence, at what he sees on the other side of the wall. The music disappears, too.
The inarticulate voice lent an air of desperation that I recognized only in retrospect — when se see Norman’s shattered expression at the end.
whoa! I need to rewatch this episode…if I can
This show, man…..
The Promised Neverland Episode 1
The Promised Neverland Episode 2
The Promised Neverland Episode 3
The Promised Neverland Episode 4
The Promised Neverland Episode 5
The Promised Neverland Episode 6
The Promised Neverland Episode 7
The Promised Neverland Episode 8
You know, when I get really engrossed in a show, I can’t stop taking screencaps…
      The Promised Neverland Episode 9 – Back Rank Mate Back Rank Mate : A checkmate that occurs when your king is trapped behind a wall (usually a wall of your own pawns) on the back rank, and a queen or rook attacks on the back rank. 2,408 more words
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