#(but not olivia and em)
arkiwii · 2 months
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A plush so you can feel less lonely when we're apart 🧸
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romancegifs · 3 months
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TRON: LEGACY (2010) dir. Joseph Kosinski
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artymcartist · 7 months
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The girlies!!
Couldn't remember any more with important roles besides Melvia, Mevia? Idk, but I got tired LOL
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i was talking to my friend about my bff, castiel angel of the lord just like casually and she goes, “oh, like from supernatural? i’ve seen that show” and i said omg really?? and she said “yeah i watched it all over covid, it was okay” and i’m sitting here like. you’re normal about this. you’ve seen all 15 seasons of the best and worst show ever made and you’re normal about it. the most insane 15 years of television and it didn’t fundamentally change you as a person. ok. oh ok yeah.
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zoomire · 3 months
Hey I noticed that you’re asking for requests to draw mcsm characters and maybe you could do Em? But if not than you can do Olivia instead
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I can do you one better, BOTH!!!!
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spiltsoup · 4 months
Happy pride month!! I am a proud lesbian!
Now you will all look at my vast collection of middle-aged women who have something Wrong With Them
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shubblelive · 1 year
every single pop punk song olivia rodrigo does instantly being compared to miley/paramore/avril is literally just misogyny but some people aren’t ready to talk about that
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pizzeria2go · 7 months
hi i never posted my flipline voice headcanons so heeeere you go :3
thgis vid has profanity im sorry and also im sorry for the volume inconsistencies and for the increasing lenght SORRYYYAA
um also i may do a part two...so tell me if u want anyone and stufd qnd i give them voice ahahaha (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)
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mcsm as my friends’ inside jokes
Ivor: “I helped you.Be thankful”
“You are a monster” Jesse said punching you weakly
Jesse (S2E4): -pretends to die-
Aiden: *defeat
Aiden: I’m hate
Aiden: *here
Aiden: Founder what’s the worst thing ever?
Isa: no fighting in sky city
Aiden: -punches Isa-
Axel: I have common sense I just like to be a idiot.
Ivor: I want to bamboozle g abriel
Jesse: Weird is good. Weird is good. Weird is good.
Axel: True
Olivia: No
Ivor: Did you guys miss me?Like, even a tiny bit?
Soren: no
Binta: If you dont answer correctly you will never see me again
Kent: then goodbye
Hadrian: Some of the quests involve murder
Em: Ok
Romeo (S2E3 end): You’re all vial
Romeo: All of you
Romeo: And it is not it is a beautiful thing to want
Romeo: Hello
Petra at EnderCon: WHERE IS IVO
Petra: R
Jesse in BoomTown: WHERE IS MAGNU
Jesse: S
Lukas in the End: WHERE IS SORE
Lukas: N
Romeo: Xara you are dead to me
Xara: True
Soren: Guys I am to sad to say anything I will disappear into the shasows
Radar: I drank a box of grape juice
Radar: Does that count as wine
Jesse: Yes
*FBI barges into house*
Jesse @ Ivy: But troost me you looked like ivor and evertroong
Romeo: IT’S beacontown but night.
Romeo: Night is more edgier anyways.
Aiden: I am smarter than you think stabb
Jesse: Genuine concern
Aiden: I am smarter than you think stabb
Jesse: -nief noises-
Lukas: Want to see a story I made four years ago?
Jesse: Sure
Lukas: Ni
Jesse: Ivor is arupid
Lukas: no u
Jesse any QTE: *doges
Jesse: Really that’s all you’ve got
Axel: [cookies]
Axel: Mmmmmmm
Lukas: I won’t one
Axel: No! *locks the cookie door*
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imjulia-andilikecats · 3 months
Go Off, King!!! Purrr 💅
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For @magellanicclouds - I wish it was happier but I am still thinking about the Gammas on that ship after being undercover for so long.
As soon as they're well enough to do so, the Gammas start patrolling.
The impulse is instinct beaten into them. Establish a basecamp and then monitor it and its surroundings. Two go and one stays with Mom. She nods and lets them because recon is important and just because ONI isn't on the Spirit of Fire doesn't mean they're safe. Someone is always watching.
The captain. The AI. The medical team. The IIs.
Red team may be apologetic about the circumstances they met under but IIIs don't do manners. Or socialization. It's why during a scouting trip past the onboard gym they heard themselves described as "feral".
At least you could count on marines to be too dumb to be anything but loose lipped and honest.
Years undercover aren't undone overnight. The tangled strands of who they were then and who they are now can never be the same. Some strings are cut to survive. Some parts lost. Habits that kept them alive are viewed as nervous tics and hypervigilance by people who had the luxury of sleeping through the worst of the war.
Maybe that's unfair, but so is their existence. The Gammas are the most volatile of the IIIs. They can never forget it. Revealing their need for smoothers meant handing over their leash. The need for a chemical tether never bothered them so much as the supplier. Nothing is ever certain but the mission. The mission's over now. Everything is uncertain and without each other to ground them, the Gammas would be lost.
Ash thinks of Onyx and Kurt. He thinks of being a leader and what sacrifices are necessary.
He listens to his brother struggle to breathe and wake up choking in the night. He holds Mark closer these days. He hears the sacrifice in his slower words and sees it in his far-away look.
"Exitus Acta Probat" - the ship's motto haunts his thoughts. Exploring yet another colony ship retrofitted for war should stir something in him, but Ash is tired. They're all so tired. Livi had gathered information on one of her patrols and then she had returned to their quarters and slept. And slept. Exitus Acta Probat: the end justifies the means. But what is the end? And where is the limit?
Ash doesn't know, but he'll lead his team as long as he draws breath. He makes Mark lean on him on the way back from patrol, shouldering his brother's weight with his head still on a swivel.
Eyes on them. Rescuers and witnesses to the means. In the end the mission was a success. Intrepid Eye was no more. The Keepers failed. Life goes on, for most.
A young man tucks his family in and then sleep takes him. He dreams of caves and phantoms and the sight of Mark still in the water.
Tomorrow he will get up and walk the ship again. There is no end, only the means and the ever growing middle.
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arisenreborn · 5 months
Thinking about the idea that the 'first playthrough' of Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't actually the first playthrough solely because the Rivage Elder starts talking like he knows you, always picking up where he left off.
Which of course can just be chalked up to 'that's how he is' absolutely, but I think it's possibly way more fun to think actually, we might've been through this before and just don't remember.
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auduux · 4 months
MCSM Sexuality Headcanons
F!Jesse: Lesbian
M!Jesse: Gay
Lukas: Panromantic and demisexual
Petra: Lesbian or demi
Radar: Aroace or pan and ace
Jack: Grayromantic and demisexual
Nurm: Bi (Male leaning)
Nell: Orchidsexual and demiromantic
Xara: Lesbian and ace (no genitalia/reproductive organs)
Romeo: Gay and ace (no genitalia/reproductive organs)
Stella: Bi (Fem leaning)
Olivia: Graysexual and grayromantic, bi (fem leaning)
Axel: Aroace (Brain go boom, only space for boom)
Binta: Bi and orchidsexual
Ellegaard: Lesbian
Magnus: Bi
Soren: Ace and gay
Ivor: Bi
Gabriel: Token straight friend, might be bi, bicurious
Harper: Bi
Aiden: Bi (used to be straight, internal homophobia)
Maya: Lesbian
Gill: Aroace (too stupid)
Hadrian: Straight (This is a lie he's just too internally homophobic to accept that he likes men (otto*cough*))
Mevia: Lesbian
Otto: Gay or aroace
Em: Bi (Used to be bicurious for a long time)
Isa: Bicurious, though leaning more towards lesbian
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i see eric kripke is reusing shifter lore from supernatural in the latest ep of the boys. credit where it’s due lads
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emahriel · 2 years
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"It may be true that you only have half a soul, Dora, but that does not make you half a person."
Wanted to draw Dora Ettings from Half a Soul, yet again (based on my personal interpretation) 🌾
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Guess whose back at making designs for an AU that I’m just now going back to working on, that’s right, me. So basically this Magical Girl AU is called Guardians which unlike my other magical girl AU (Yes I am insane enough to have two), Prismatic Melody, its more inspired by Madoka Magica in terms of tone but not fully.
Like the AU is planned to start off as your usual light hearted Magical Girl story where our team of girls fighting monsters and saving the day, underlying and slowly the story becomes a bit more darker overtime with essentially the main villain has essentially enslaved an entire magical dimension by turning the rest of the Ilearian (a humanoid alien species created exactly for this AU) Guardians into stone and draining their powers to fully fuel Cynthia's (the main villain created for this AU, well technically she's recycled from another scrapped AU) endless desire for becoming powerful and has had sent her forces on earth decades ago.
But enough about that, lets talk a bit about the designs: So as I kinda suck at drawing humans I have refrained from drawing the main cast until I feel competent enough in my art to draw them but besides that we have our first seven core Guardians: Yellow Hairclip 1 Female Jesse (Named as 'Jessica'), Olivia, Petra, Emily, Nell, Clutch and Maya with their main motifs being cupid for Jesse, Steampunk for Olivia, Warrior-Knight for Petra, Celestial-lunar for Emily, Mermaid for Nell, Punk for Clutch (hey that rhymes) and Dancer for Maya along with their assigned weapons with most of them having special properties such as weapon morphing into another (Jesse's wand can also transform into a sword, Emily's sword is actually a whip sword and Maya's fans can become this polearm weapon where the fans are on each ends) but everyone else's weapons (except I didn't draw Olivia or Petra's because my ipad was about to die) acts as usual weapons that allow the user to cast spells with them like normal.
Also some of the girls (Jesse and Olivia) do have uniform variantions because I cannot choose which secondary color should go with their main colors (Pink and Yellow) and cannot decide which one to go with.
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