#(but he WOULD love you. in theory. if you gave him cookies)
pain-in-the-butler · 2 years
what if you drew kurobugs in the season's greason's poses
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a card for all your enemies and hated ones this chris
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lodeddiperactivate · 1 year
I hate you more! | Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Author's note: So not sure if people still read Rodrick Heffley fics but I had this idea (and could not find something similar that's already written) where the reader decides to sabotage Rodrick from getting it on with Heather. Reader is at the top of the highschool food chain and is friends with Heather, but hates Rodrick so she sabotages him. A classic enemies to lovers!
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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You feel like you've been living a double life. You get straight As because, well, your allowance is tied to your grades. But what most people don't know is that you typically sneak out at night to hang with your boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend. You smoke, you party, you skip town without your parents ever knowing. But during the day, you looked like someone who goes to church every Sunday. In fact, you're quite impressed at how you're handling this double life. You learned, at a young age, that all there is to life is observing the people around you, and using those observations to your advantage.
Well, you thought to yourself, it's time to test these theories all over again as you move into a new town, new school, new classmates, and new friends. Unfortunately for you, your new neighbor doesn't seem to grasp the idea of a nice and quiet Sunday morning. You decided to pay them a visit, and maybe remind them that their garage isn't soundproof enough for the noise coming out of it.
You walked up to the door and gave 3 loud and firm knocks, waited a couple of seconds until you hear footsteps.
You expect the mom to open the door, which is why you brought cookies as a means to be a good new neighbor but you were greeted by a tall and dark-haired guy with eyeliner. He eyed you up and down in frustration before landing his gaze on the plate of cookies in your hand.
"What do you want?"
You forced yourself to be civil. "I just came here to give you cookies. We just moved in next door when I heard this sound coming from-"
"Yeah yeah, thanks for the cookies!" And with that, he slammed the door in your face. The audacity! You scoffed and started to walk away. The noise had not died down, and you walked away not believing how rude and ill-mannered your new neighbor was. God, if it means hearing this noise every weekend, you might beg your parents to move again.
First day of school. You were pretty confident with your social skills so highschool is a cake walk for you. Living a double life means you ought to know how to act in certain situations.
First period. You were introduced to the whole class. Your introduction was amazing. Everybody loved you. You had come into that room, dressed to impressed, and you even cracked a joke that made everyone laugh. Well, everyone except for your neighbor who's in all of your classes by the way. He was too busy talking about his band to basically anyone who's not deaf. What's worst is that you're sitting behind him.
Because of your peak social skills, you were sitting with Heather that day for lunch and apparently, they're at the top of the highschool food chain so that works for you too. You also learned that your neighbor, Rodrick, obviously had a crush on Heather. Since you sit behind him, and Heather sits beside him, you have observed all of the tell-tale signs that he's desperately in love with her. You smirked at the idea, and the endless possibilities of making his life a living hell.
School bell rang and everyone hurriedly packed their belongings. Heather asked if you wanted to go to the mall. You agreed and she told you to meet her upfront. Rodrick obviously heard this, and based from his expression, he was surprised that Heather and you are that close already. When everyone had left the room, you called out to Rodrick to set your plans of destroying his life in motion.
"Heyyy," he asked, curious why you were talking to him after he slammed the door in your face. He decided that it would be nice to at least be on your good side since you're friends with Heather so he started with an apology, "Listen, about what happened, I'm sorry but Sunday is the only time I can practice with my band. It's hard work, you know."
You smirked at his half-ass apology but mostly because you can see right through him, but you had a mission, "Oh don't worry about it! Actually, I wanted to tell you that Heather has a message for you."
As soon as you mentioned Heather's name, it was like something inside him had turned on. "Yes?"
"She's too shy to tell you this herself but she kinda has a crush on you. But she can't be too obvious because you know, in dating, guys make the first move, right?"
"Yeah," he said trying to comprehend every word you just uttered.
"Yes, so she doesn't want to go out with someone who did not officially ask her out. You know?"
"Yeah!" He said again as if he had solved a puzzle in his head.
"Okay, so tomorrow at lunch, why don't you "officially" ask her out?"
Jesus. You couldn't comprehend how slow this moron is in front of you. You were practically spoon-feeding him. You decided to repeat what you said just to make sure he gets it.
"Tomorrow. At lunch. Ask Heather out?"
"Yes. Okay, I can do that." He said trying to hype himself up.
You walked away feeling good about your plan when you decided to add one final touch to it. You looked back and called out to Rodrick.
"Oh, and don't forget, Heather looooves grand gestures!"
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jadeee · 9 months
Christmas with Dad!Nanami
was gonna wait to post this but i said 'ah, wth, why not 🤷🏾‍♀️'
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Had never hated Christmas or particularly favorited it... until you have your kid. Something about seeing their little face sparkle at the lights and sight of snow, whether real or fake, really gets to him.
Kento's not the biggest fan of the traditional family Christmas cards. He prefers to keep sentimental, off guard photos you captured to yourselves and maybe share with close family/friends. He has a picture he secretly took of you and your little one decorating the house. You were entertaining your child's theory about how the elves make sure pets behave too.
Definitely, lets your kid sit on his shoulders so they can put the star at the top of the tree. One year, your little one abandons all the previous steps and tugs on Kento's shirt begging him to let them go ahead and put the star up. Kento tries to explain that it's for last but he can't tell them no. When you come back to a tree with a star and three ornaments, he looks at you guiltily.
For someone who preaches about not spoiling your child, he does it every single year without fail. But it's in the most wholesome of ways. He'll stay up with them to wait for Santa, only to end up falling asleep right after they do. Of course, he bites the cookie first to leave proof Santa was there. One day he actually forgets and you manage to catch it as your kid walks into the kitchen so you take the biggest chomp and try to look innocent.
"SANTA CAME!" your little one bounced up and down then pointed at the plate. Kento's eyes went wide at the realization. He glanced up at you and you gave him a small nod as you chewed quietly.
His favorite part isn't the gifts sicne he picked those out months ago, but it's baking with your little one. He loves to break out the aprons along with the step stool so they can help him out.
In terms of gifts, he makes sure to buy practical things that'll last and won't end up stuffed in the closet somewhere. Your kid is appreciative nonetheless and always says "thank you" and gives you two the biggest hug.
"I got you something too." they hand you both an oddly shaped bundle of wrapping paper. You exchange a quick glance with your husband before unwrapping it.
"What is it, lovey?"
A giggle filled the room "Just open it, silly!"
Kento's eyes went wide as he held a seashell in his hand. You chuckled as you looked at buttons on a string.
"Is it a bracelet?"
Your child nodded and rambled about how they found the buttons under the couch then pieced it together with some string. "Lemme do it," little fingers tied the yarn around your wrist.
Kento watched with joy then turned the seashell over in his hand. "Little one, where did you find this?"
"It's from Santa!"
He wished he didn't entertain the childhood myth then but he simply he listened to them explain the odd gift.
"I got it so when you," they wiped their face which was flushed with excitement " when you're working and sad, you go like this" they pretended to hold something up to their ear then made a relaxed facial expression.
Kento smiled softly as tears stung the corners of his eyes. Your child noticed his face and frowned slightly "Do you like it?"
He hugged them "I love it, thank you." he could've burst when he felt those little arms clasp around his neck and the small "You're welcome, papa" that followed after.
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Author's Note: This would truly become his favorite holiday. I can see your kid getting excited for Christmas right after Thanksgiving and Kento being a bit restless from all the festivites but also excited. I think having a child would remind him of all the youth he experienced that was buried underneath the ugliness of his adulthood. It would soften. Domesticity would remind him of who he wanted to be, even if you two don't have children.
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you-know-i-get-itt · 3 days
hiiii hello do you have any misc. jeremy knox headcanons laying around 🤲 i will offer my jeremy playlist in exchange
hiii yes yes i do!! thank you for asking!!! okay here’s an incomplete list off the top of my head (not sure if my Official Jeremy Theory is counted so i won’t be talking about that):
jeremy used to be scared of dogs as a kid but when he started going to therapy his therapist had a therapy dog in her office (don’t know how much of a thing this is in the us but it happens where i live) and it was the gentlest sweetest old dog and jeremy fell in love and the rest is history
jeremy was approached by david wymack with an offer to join the foxes
jeremy’s sister used to play exy for fun but stopped after The Incident
sometimes jeremy goes to the beach at night and just stands there. and the sea at night is terrifying because you can’t see it so you don’t know where it ends and the sand begins, but you can hear it and it sounds like it’s all around you, and he likes that
jeremy knox is a little depressed. this isn’t why he went to therapy (avoiding talking about my Official Theory is getting difficult help) but he is a little depressed and never thought much of it because he thinks everyone’s a little depressed and it’s his job as someone with means and privilege to help other people and not divert attention to himself
no one, including cat and laila, knows about this. the person who’s gotten the closest to knowing is his butler
jeremy’s family isn’t outwardly homophobic. they never “come around” because they don’t like him enough to make any kind of effort for him, but this dislike isn’t fueled by his being gay
after The Incident at the banquet, jeremy was offered a position with the ravens. he turned it down. this was a conversation between only him and tetsuji, which is why everyone thinks andrew’s the only one to ever turn down an offer from the ravens
jeremy and andrew, if they ever met, would get along like a house on fire in the sense that they would both quite like each other and get along well (andrew likes genuinely kind people with pasts and jeremy likes the people he likes and andrew would be one of them). they would sit together in silence and do their own thing and would have interesting conversations
jeremy had a very long emo phase that he’s very embarrassed about. it doesn’t help that he still likes the music from that phase (predominantly mcr because yes)
jeremy used to be a black coffee guy for the aesthetic but then gave up because he couldn’t get the taste of it
jeremy loves those jelly candy things and also loves caramel. he hates chocolate in cakes and ice cream but likes it plain and in cookies
jeremy also used to be a dark chocolate guy for the aesthetic and then gave up on that too. he did a lot for the aesthetic that didn’t work for him smh
jeremy’s favorite shakespeare play used to be hamlet because rite of passage but is now coriolanus (and sometimes merchant of venice). and he will defend romeo and juliet to death
jeremy first became friends with laila and then with cat
okay there you go, now hand that playlist over
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mrxadreamin · 4 months
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"Wait, I need to delete my browser history first!" – Jeon Chiaki, Son of Solomon, Circa. 2024
After a millenia(not really), I finally made an oc for WHB and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders!
With that, I offer you my son, Chi-chi Jeon Chiaki <3 now if you will excuse me I am going to rest my achey hands adjfgfdhd
Voice Actors:
(KR)Lee Sang-ho (Lilac Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom, Wise from Zenless Zone Zero)
(EN)Howard Wang (Xie Lian from TCGF, Louis from Morariarty the Patriot)
(JP)Daiki Yamashta (Ritsu Sakuma from ensemble stars)
Personality: Most of the time Chiaki is level-headed and calm, not one to jump the gun onsite. Also quite sarcastic and sassy, it’s a form of coping as well as a defense mechanism for himself. Despite his calm demeanor, he’s not the type to sit back and take things. As someone who’s quite observant, he’s the type to analyze first and act after. However, all trains of thought are gone when his loved ones are on the line and his fury will set ablaze that even makes Satan blush(literally…). Chiaki, despite having gone through enough, has carried an outlook on life that extends far beyond optimism, always the type to believe that things will turn out okay while sticking to reality. In his own way, Chiaki can be rather playful and cheeky with most and due to his charm alone, he can coax others into doing what he wants to meet his own goals– for the greater good of course! Considering his past experiences, he acts as a maternal figure for many, especially those who lacked such internal warmth, but has a spot big enough for Chiaki to hold them. Chiaki is a chivalrous pervert, but with some virtue. He tends to get distracted by his own lewd thoughts and has always been open about his sexuality. Sex positive, Chiaki indulges others in their sexual interests and endeavors! Interestingly enough, he’s also one of the densest people on Earth, so it will take a lot for his man to even get a single hint!
Confidence point: Shoulders and thighs
Favorite food(s): grilled brisket
Hobby: writing songs and reading erotica novels
Ideal Type: someone more dependable and carefree
Backstory: Chiaki had a loving childhood, his mother was a piano teacher and his father was a lawyer. Coming from a humble past, he wanted to get involved with music like his mother. Thus, he aspired to be a songwriter and musician when he grew older, but that dream was crushed when he lost his family at an early age and was later taken in by Minhyeok and his family. Chiaki had nothing left from them except for a key necklace that his father gave to him. “No matter what, hold onto this, there will be a time when you will need it most,” his father urged, only a few days before he was brutally murdered alongside his wife. Chiaki didn’t get what his father meant–not until he witnessed his best friend getting hurt right before his eyes and having made a contract with the King of Fury to save him. Only then did he truly understand.
Is bisexual, and is a verse-switch(do not let his looks fool you!). Learned that he was bi when he was around 14 years old and his first crush was Minhyeok.
Before he went to hell, he worked at a bookstore and also read to children on occasion. Also worked part time at a music store and would teach music lessons on occasion.
Attended the same college as Minhyeok as a Music theory major, with a minor in  Literature
Talented singer and dancer. When he was still attending university, he would be seen dancing in the studio or recording songs in one of booths of the music buildings.
Knows how to play guitar and piano. Knows music theory.
Having lost his family, he learned to cook for himself and with the help of Minhyeok.
His father is Korean and his mother is Japanese. 
Speaks both Korean, Satoori, and Japanese. Satoori comes out when he’s angry.
Does in fact have a skin care routine even after descending to hell.
His favorite sanrio characters are Kuromi and Pochacco 
Before his ascension to Hell, some of his friends called him Qiqi because he used to play genshin impact(or whatever equivalent), and whenever he pulled for a character, he got Qiqi instead, losing the 50/50. They also call him Chichi due to his "impressive" chest size, which he refuses to acknowledge.
Has written and composed his own songs, some of which are saucy, raunchy in their own way. He keeps them in a journal, but regrets not taking said journal with him before leaving to Hell.
Going in depth with his hobbies aside from songwriting, he collects erotica novels and manga, but doesn’t have a porn collection like the original mc, but that doesn’t mean he owns a few toys himself.
owns a light purple galaxy z flip5, but uses it for selfies and nudes. He uses the phone Satan gave him for contacts.
In terms of combat, he was able to wield various weapons during his time in hell, more specifically weapons made of Sitri's blood. He wields both a glade and a hammer.
Can make barriers out of silver/gold
Can summon large extraterritorial monsters from his coffin(given by Leviathan) and hang people on command if need be.
Design Notes:
Character inspo: Cealus and Dr. Ratio(Hontai Star rail), Epel Felmier(twst), Eiden(Nu:Carnival), Shoto(Vtuber/indie), Uki Violeta(Noctyx, Nijisanji EN), Solomon(Obey me & WHB), Joenghan(Seventeen)
concept outfit: white v-line shirt, dark purple cuffed pants, white converse(platforms), and has a purple cardigan/jacket. 
Chiaki is a man of comfortability hence he would be seen wearing cardigans, sweaters, etc.
His main outfit as derived from Eiden(Nu:carnival) but instead of a jacket, I decided that a cardigan would fit him best due to lax personality and nature. Not to mention his previous occupation as a bookseller/keeper and a music tutor and musician.
Since his favorite color is purple, he can be seen wearing lots of cool, warm purples and sometimes blues and pinks.
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freakattack · 4 months
Since you did that LGBT+ headcanon post for the Mario cast, could you do one for the WarioWare crew?
LOL thank you for taking interest in my gay luigi posts. I actually did make one of these before but that was two years ago and also mostly jokes so I think this is as good a time as any to do it again but in serious mode. I have also changed my mind on some of these so they might not all line up with the other post but such is life. Obligatory "That's My Opinion" so if my tabloid speculations don't line up with yours feel free to imagine me falling down a very deep hole, or you can squint your eyes and pretend you're squishing my icon between your fingers like a bug if that's more your speed
WARIO: Briefly said this in the mario post but sure I'll go into more detail about wario's sex life, I think he's aromantic and bisexual. I do realize it comes off as kind of shitty to make Mario be Romantic Asexual and "Evil Mario" be Aromantic Sexual, but as a Wario Megafan I just think that he values his friendships a lot more, and given what we have seen of wario's disgust for romance despite his very active libido* (I promise that link is not as bad as it looks), I think it would be remiss to pretend that he would ever want to settle down with someone. He still loves people in a platonic way - even beyond the warioware cast, he cared a lot about princess shokora by the end of WL4, and even though he does not necessarily LIKE waluigi (and I do subscribe to poppadopolos theory so I am of the belief that they were fuckin' and truckin' for a good portion of the early 2000's), I think wario still cares about him in his wario way. They are like a divorced couple that still has kids except instead of kids it's cheating at tennis. Also, I think that wario is transgender, because it explains a lot about him (e.g. his lack of nipples) and because that way nobody has to think about what his "real name" was before it was wario. It was his deadname! Everybody go home! Have a rotten day!
*I do not think that wario would canonically catcall random news reporters but I'm still counting this as nebulous evidence that wario can be horny
MONA: I think that she is bisexual but doesn't know it at this point in time and also isn't really stressing about it. Her taste is kind of skewed towards whatever wario is (in a puppy love type of way i do NOT ship them), but if she ended up having a close friendship with a girl her age I could see her catching feelings. I don't wanna say that her thing with wario is comphet because that's not entirely true but I do think that his unattainability is a comfortable way for her to not have to think about actually getting into a relationship. (For the record, I don't think she even wants to BE in a relationship with him, I think she is perfectly happy with the way things are, but mona has TMI'd about her opinion on wario's physique often enough that I kind of get the idea.)
JIMMY T: My opinions on him have not changed. Who do you think gave him the T? Also, I didn't mention this before, but I do think he is bisexual, and although it kind of feels like a cop-out to make the Holy Trinity of Warioware all bisexual, sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles. Groovy!
DRIBBLE: This is where things start to diverge from the original post. I said he was bisexual before But I lied I think he just likes men. I think that he has a supportive family, but he's still a little shy about actually going out to meet people and start a relationship. Anyways you're probably not gonna like what I have to say next
SPITZ: I am soooooo sorry. But I think that he is straight. More power to you guys but I never really got into dribblenspitz as a Ship because I associate their dynamic so strongly with the Cool Boss + Rookie dynamic that we have all been at least one half of that I can't imagine them in a romantic relationship. They have the most beautiful bromance of course, they would go to the ends of the earth for each other, but they wouldn't smooch. I think that spitz's dating life is/has been kind of sad (not in a angst way in a regular way) and were he to go back into the dating scene dribble would hype him up about it and give him advice and spitz would be like hey why don't you have a girlfriend? You're clearly better at this than me and dribble would say uuuhhhhh
ORBULON: Orbulon is hard to pigeonhole into these labels because the guys on orbulon's home planet operate on an entirely different paradigm from humans on earth. Reproduction via budding, communal childrearing, telepathic mega-cliques*.....on Earth, orbulon certainly has no interest in romance or beyond (both because he has no need for it and because he is two thousand years old on the planet of the apes), but he does have fun being a girl. You could call him "genderfluid", but he also doesn't feel too much of a connection to earth genders in general; he just likes wearing different hats.
CRYGOR: I think that he has had no interest in romance for a hundred years, but also if he randomly picked up a stepdad for his adult children one day I would not be mad. (Mike might be, but he would eventually come around due to the Power of Love and whatnot.) Penny is his "granddaughter" but I think that this is more a label for convenience's sake and because she IS his granddaughter at heart. "But why does she randomly show up into everyone's lives in smooth moves as a full grown kid" Until warioware decides to show me her parents themselves I'm not entertaining this plot hole
PENNY: The reason I don't think penny is his granddaughter is because I still think she is a transgender clone of dr crygor. I think that crygor is enthusiastically supportive of her, gets her all the pink glittery shit her heart could desire, and helped her transition with his Science Inventions. I also think she is a lesbian, although I don't Ship her with anyone in the main cast (sorry again).
MIKE: Earlier I said that mike was "gay but he thinks everyone is annoying". That was before they revealed this bombshell:
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Now, this could mean absolutely nothing. Checking the translation of the japanese website yields pretty much the same sentence. However, due to an incident involving a botched translation before the english version of this website came out, I had it in my head for a while that the connotation here was of a certain kind of fascination. And honestly, who could blame him? This is a karaoke machine that got frosty the snowman'd into existence. Of course he would be conflicted about who he is supposed to love. Does he have the heart of a man, or machine? Even Mike does not have an answer. So, my revised LGBT+ headcanon for Mike Crygor is "gay, and whatever this is".
5-VOLT: I'm on the fence about whether i Actually Think This but I am very fond of when people headcanon her as a trans woman, so I'm giving that a shout out. Shout Out! Other than that, I think she's only ever dated men and is happy that way.
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Baaabe HCs yaaayyyy
- Clean freak x100
- Has the BEST wardrobe in the entire cast, listeners included. They don’t have as many shoes as Milo by a longshot, but the shoes they do have are IMMACULATE.
- Only reason Sweetheart said they could outdress David and Angel at their wedding is because it would be impossible to outdress Baaabe.
- Their favorite character is Edna from The Incredibles
- Both them and Angel grew up from humble beginnings, only difference is when they got with someone who had enough money to retire early *cough cough Asher cough cough* they IMMEDIATELY took advantage of the situation
- And no I don’t mean they were only with Asher for his money, I mean whenever they saw something they wanted the puppy-dog eyes and baby voice were activated instantly.
- They’re street smart. But academically? …it’s a miracle they got an office job.
- They take like 40 minutes to get ready in the morning
- Hates, hates, HATES chocolate ice cream.
- Chocolate ice cream specifically, too. They’ll eat chocolate bars, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate milk, chocolate covered strawberries, whatever. But chocolate ice cream? NO.
- Also hates mint ice cream, and mint in general, including mint gum and peppermint candycanes
- Them and Asher follow the Olive Theory. He hates olives, they don’t, so he gives all of the olives that are ever in his food to them.
- Except they don’t actually like olives, or believe in the olive theory, but they think it’s cute that Asher does so they eat the olives he gives them to make him happy.
- Best thighs in the game sorry not sorry
- Never was into sports but they’ll go on a run from time to time
- Was one of those students who never participated in PE but still passed
- Owns at least one pair of heart-shaped sunglasses
- Whenever the pack goes to a beach or pool, they play chicken against each other. (In case you don’t know the game, pairs of people stack on each other and try to push the other players off their partner’s shoulders). Asher and Baaabe are the only couple where the mate is carrying the shifter.
- Baaabe and Madelyn LOVE to trade embarrassing stories about Asher.
- They own a fur coat.
- They owned a pet ONCE in their life. It was a stray cat they found on their way back from elementary school.
- They managed to keep it hidden from their parents for 3 months before it found out how to open their room door. The parents gave it away instantly.
- They prefer cookie dough ice cream, or normal vanilla.
- Used to like rollercoasters, then heard of the Surge, and never went on one again.
- When Sam was added to the Mates GC, they were the only normal one who actually introduced him. Sweetheart and Angel were busy trying to do an “initiation ritual” by spamming the witch emoji.
- Baaabe was usually known as the only normal mate, until Tank and Sam started dating officially.
- Can suplex Asher and David.
- They don’t actually know if they can David, they just say they can.
- But they have suplexed Asher before.
- Has called David “Davey” on purpose once.
- David knows them as the “normal one”, and thought he was just hearing things, so he asked them to repeat themselves. They were going to call him Davey again, until they saw Arden, Angel, and Asher all signaling behind him to stop. They called him David.
- Pink and red otter pops are their favorite.
- Has a total of 5 siblings. All younger by more than 3 years. 2 girls and 3 boys.
- When meeting Asher’s parents for the first time, Frank taught them how to fish, and Asher’s mom asked them to read a preview of a book she was working on. It was the most heartwarming experience they’ve ever had.
- Asher’s never met their parents.
- Only on good terms with 2 of their siblings.
- When running, they run slow, but they can run for a long time.
- Only sport they personally say they’re not shit at is Tennis.
- They saved up for months to buy the ring they wanted for Asher, and he’s a light sleeper so it was a PAIN getting his ring size, but it was worth it.
- They would’ve proposed in the indoor date night audio if they knew they were going to have an indoor date night in the first place.
- Can hold secrets like their LIFE depends on it. Want to tell someone a secret but don’t want them to tell anyone else? Baaabe is your best friend.
- Will work overtime (I’m talking double shifts) without telling Asher on accident. Earlier in the relationship, they’d come home to 5 cop cars outside their house, and Asher (in his mom’s old robe, a green facemask, and plastic curlers in his hair) crying to a police officer about his “missing mate.” He never got charged with misusing 911 since technically their whereabouts were unknown for an unusual period of time, but they’ve learned to let him know that they’ll be home late so he stops blowing shit out of proportion.
- Will be overdressed for the SIMPLEST shit. Going across the street? Not in pajamas they’re not. 
- Uses the sandwich method to eat cupcakes.
- Actively and routinely goes to the gym with Asher
- Works at Vesta Distribution Co.
- Tips Guy over 15 bucks each time he delivers their food to compensate for Asher’s…existence.
- Eats Oreos the correct way. (without taking off the cookie bit and licking off the creme)
- Can effortlessly blow bubblegum
- Can’t swim, so if they’re at a beach or a pool, they either stay on land, or just walk in the water and stay standing.
Taglist: @ajfromabove
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thegreatcrowdragon · 1 year
Concept; so we know that dragon's in most well known and iconic folklore around the world like to hoard/steal item's, but what if in dragon culture (since they probably have one if they have a whole language, symbol's, leaders too!!! we just haven't seen it yet) giving someone (like a lover) expensive jewelry or something precious like gold or diamond's from your hoard is essentially the Dragon equivalent of asking someone to date you and that there deeply in love with you. It also usually has said dragon's scale's, or small part's of there nest embedded in it as well, so if there apart they can still be together. It also tells other Dragon's that "hey, I have a partner/mate! Don't be messing around" most of the time Dragon's are pretty respectful of this, especially if it's a powerful dragon who's there partner. So come to Royal Margarine Cookie's surprise when he finds out that there are dating term's for dragon's and they've been (technically) dating for months before he even confessed. (Although he does have a pet Wyvern in game, there a subspecies of dragon similar to the larger, more scaly one's, which means they probably do thing's a little differently in terms of courtship similar to spider or lizard subspecies. Since dragon's look a LOT like lizard's. Just the first thing that popped in my head haha!)
Royal Margarine Cookie accidentally stumbling across a dragon destroying a village while adventuring solo with his Wyvern buttercream and he's wearing the necklace Pitaya Dragon Cookie gave him, the absolute second the Dragon see's the necklace it flees the village immediately because it knows exactly who, and what it could be messing with right now or later. Royal Margarine Cookie is confused, but helps out the villager's put out the fire's, asses the damage and head's back home a little shaken up and curious as to why that happened in the first place, but thinks nothing of it, happy to have helped some cookies in need (and got several cookie's asking for his number.)
Also an interaction between Anais Dragon and Royal Margarine would be so funny 😭 especially if there like in-laws or something and Anais had no choice but to tolerate him because that's Pitayas mate and they can't really judge... especially when they don't even have one.
This is very interesting in theory and would work great as a fic :0
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fallingintolife · 2 years
Baking Confusion
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Request: Sam requests you say? What about baking with him? It's up to you if it goes well or is a disaster :)
Summary: It's the day before Valentine's day, so what was a better way to ask Sam to be your boyfriend rather than making cookies with him! It sounded fool proof! Well…unless Sam didn't know that he was the one you were making them for…
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Warnings: One curse word and a small burn but no description.
Word Count: 1,117
A/N: @smiling-girl thank you so so so much for your request! I had the best time writing this one! I hope you enjoy it! ☺️
Bake cookies, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Yeah well, Sam would definitely disagree for two main reasons. One being, he was shit at baking, and two, baking cookies with the girl you have a crush on sounds great in theory, until you realize that the cookies she's making are for your brother, who she has a crush on. So no. Baking cookies was definitely not fun. It was the opposite. But here he was, at 11:45 at night, making sugar cookies with you for Valentine's day tomorrow because as much as it killed him to make these for Dean, when he really wanted it to be him you were making them for…he knew he could never say no to you. Your puppy dog eyes could outdo his anyday.
"Hey Sammy? Could you grab the icing for me? I think these are ready to be decorated!" Your voice was filled with excitement as you carefully put the next batch in the oven. Sam gave a quick nod as he brought the red, pink, and white icing over along with an assortment of sprinkles. You slid over to him in your mismatched heart socks as you looked over everything.
You loved baking. It was your absolute favorite thing to do, which Dean did not mind one bit especially when you moved into the Bunker because you just became the baker of the house. You hadn't been living with the Winchesters for long but you really enjoyed it. Yes, Dean could drive you up the wall at times but part of you loved how he treated you like family even though he'd only known you for five months. And Sam…well where to start? Sam was the sweetest person you had ever met. He was funny and smart and just…everything. You never knew someone who could make you feel so safe and loved just by being in their presence. So tonight at midnight you were going to ask Sam to be your Valentine and hope that it wasn't too cheesy for him…Dean seemed to think it was a great idea. Even though he tried to say he hated chick flicks, anyone who truly knew Dean knew he was a sucker for them.
Dean was actually the one that gave you the idea in the first place. He was apparently getting tired of seeing you and Sam make heart eyes at each other so he said you should ask Sam out. To be honest you were a little apprehensive at first…you weren't exactly sure if he felt the same way but Dean promised you he did, so he helped you get everything set up for the night. So here you both were decorating your cookies hoping that at the end of the night that Sam would say yes to being your Valentine.
You got a spoonful of red icing and began to decorate as you hummed along to some music you had playing in the background.
"So do you have any plans for tomorrow?" You asked as nonchalantly as you could, only glancing up at him. Sam tried not to look sad as he answered her question.
"Uh no not really. I mean probably just do some more research." You nodded, trying to concentrate on the cookie at hand. Sam glanced at the cookie she was icing and could see her writing on it. She was probably asking Dean to be her Valentine. Oh shit, maybe that was the reason she had asked about what his plans were, to see if he would be in the Bunker! "But if you and Dean have plans I can go out for a bit!" Sam quickly added which just caused you to look at him in confusion. The oven beeped so you went over to it, pulling on the oven mitt.
"What do you mean if me and Dean have plans?"
"I mean if you and Dean want some alone time then I can go out somewhere…" Without even thinking, and in total shock, you turned to face him and ended up catching your arm on the top of the oven.
You let out a hiss, as the cookie sheet, along with the last batch of cookies fell to the floor. You gently cradled your arm against your chest. Sam quickly got to you and immediately put your forearm under cold water.
"Shit Y/N, are you okay?" Without missing a beat you turned to face him.
"Did you just ask me if Dean and I wanted some alone time?" Sam raised his eyebrows at you like you were the one saying crazy things.
"Well yeah…is your arm okay? I can grab some burn cre-" Pulling your arm from under the water you turned to face Sam.
"Wait. Do…do you think that I…that I like Dean?" You asked, staring at him incredulously. Now it was Sam's turn to look confused.
"Well…I mean…yeah? We are making Valentine's day cookies for him…"
Laughter. Boisterous laughter filled the air. Did Sam seriously think these were for Dean? And that you would make him bake them with you if they were for his brother. Sam's cheeks were a dark red and you could tell he was getting irritated at you laughing at him. Which to be fair, was understandable since he had no idea why. After a few seconds you went over and grabbed the last cookie you had decorated.
"Sam what does this say?" He immediately rolled his eyes at you when you pushed the cookie up into his face but then he read it. Well he was an idiot. No wonder you were cackling at him! The cookie read: Sammy, be my Valentine?
He was an idiot. A complete moron.
"So?" Your voice brought him out of his thoughts and back to the current situation.
"So…?" You couldn't help but roll your eyes, but with a smile on your face.
"You didn't answer my question. Will you be my Valentine Sam Winchester?" With the biggest grin that you had even seen, accompanied by his adorable dimples, he bent down and gave you a soft kiss on your lips.
"Yes. I will be your Valentine, but first, are you sure your arm is okay?" You couldn't help but laugh as he held your arm loosely in his grasp, inspecting it.
"Sam, we literally hunt for a living. This is nothing." Sam just playfully rolled his eyes as you both began to pick up the cookies.
"You seriously thought I liked Dean?" Sam gave you his bitch face as you began to giggle again.
"Don't tell him. Y/N I'm serious!" Sam threatened, of course more embarrassed than anything else. You just shook your head as you smiled at him.
"I won't, I promise." You kissed him on the cheek, then went back to decorating the other cookies. "Really? Dean, Sam? Dean?" You busted back out into a fit of giggles. Yep, Sam was never gonna live this one down. But if him being a moron made you laugh like that? Well it was worth it.
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
And in your hands, is all of me - the parts I never let you have
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings / Tags: heavy angst, angst with a happy ending, Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, 4 x O1 Coda, The new Hotness, Episode 4 x 01: The New Hotness, A lot of talk of the secret marriage, Carlos dealing with feelings, 911 Lone Star Spoilers, dialogue from the show, dialogue from my other fic, mxm smut, anal sex, sex with feelings
Summary: Carlos has a secret he needs to tell TK, and it's killing him to get it out.
A continuation of where do we go from here in Carlo's POV and the Sequel to how did we (i) get here? Carlos POV coda to 4 x 01
Authors Note: Noxy is to blame, she gave me the nudge to fall over the edge I was tittering on and write this one as well. Did I need to write 3 fic's for this single episode? No. Were they everything I wanted and more? I think so. I needed to write these, for myself and the complicated feelings that I was having. The secret broke me quite harshly and I spent Tuesday night spiraling and trying to accept that the crack theory everyone was tossing around was the real secret. It was hurtful and, in a way, I felt personally hurt. I've attached myself to Carlos - I've done it in numerous fandoms when I've found a character that I just connect with and in Lone Star, Carlos is that character. I love Tarlos - both TK and Carlos are my favorite characters and often it's hard to choose between them when I have to, but Carlos is one that I've felt so strongly about. I felt - and still feel - validated as a queer person in Carlos' storyline. Coming out but not having it be "bad". Being out but having a family who was accepting but also not (I can't tell you how many times my siblings have told me I'm going to hell), trying hard to fit in and be the person people want me to be... a lot of it just clicks with me and makes me feel seen. Through writing these three fics, I've been able to sort through those feelings and understand more, though I still don't agree with him waiting so long to tell TK. I'm rambling now, if you read all of this have a cookie or some other treat. Needless to say, the more I write about this moment, the more it makes sense and the more that I make peace with it. I hope you enjoy this one. Comments are always a pleasure to read.
for @noxsoulmate
where do we go from here (tk's POV) | how did we (i) get here? (carlos begins)
Carlos follows TK up to the barracks, wishing they were home to have this conversation. His body feels weighted as if his shoes are made of lead. Each step is a struggle and he has to focus on breathing in through his nose and out his mouth, counting to ten on repeat in his head. 
They get to the top of the stairs and Carlos feels like he's just finished walking up to his death - because losing TK would feel like dying. 
TK turns and looks at him expectedly, slight anxiety in his eyes and Carlos hates that he’s the source of it.
“What’s up, baby?” TK asks, and Carlos can hear the worry in his voice. He can hear the anxiety that wraps around each word and Carlos hopes that TK doesn’t run this time.
Carlos licks his lips and opens his mouth to answer but words fail him.
Just like they always do.
He sighs and makes his way over to TK’s bed, perching on the wooden ledge, and looks at TK.
Carlos can’t do this.
He loves TK so much that telling him feels like he’s physically hurting him. It always feels this way, each time he’s gone to say those words. 
He looks down at his hands, clenching them when he sees the slight tremble in them.
Carlos hears TK move closer, and then TK sits down on the bed beside him, sliding a comforting hand on his thigh.
He doesn’t deserve to be comforted.
“Baby? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
He wishes that TK didn’t sound so worried when everything he thought he knew about Carlos is about to come crashing down.
“I have to tell you something,” Carlos says, finally finding his voice.
“You can tell me anything.”
Carlos is sure that TK’s going to regret those words as soon as he tells him the secret.
“I’m married to a woman,”
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @angeltk @noxsoulmate  @beautifulhigh @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @tylerkennedys @carlos-c0w-eyes @cowlos-reyes @kiloskywalker
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insane4fandoms · 2 years
(I have two questions tonight if it’s no bother)
What’s it like setting up for Christmas with the Matt egos? Maybe it’s their first Christmas together! Mack’s first one on earth, Hermit’s first since getting off the island, etc
Matpat Egos on Christmas
- Let’s get things out, Mack is actually excited to be on Earth for Christmas. It’s been who knows how long since he left earth, and working everyday, you don’t really get to celebrate holidays. In a turn of events, he’s the one who gets very happy, more cheery than ever, and decorates the Theory Manor.
- Hermit could vividly remember Christmas, the first few years on the Island, he tried to remember what day it was to sing a Christmas song. As a kid, he had a speech impediment, so even now, he calls Christmas: “Kithmath”. He’s the one who bakes the cookies and cakes.
- Detective would always bring Ro with him during Christmas, the duo are always the thoughtful gifters. Through very good listening, they know what to gift to each ego, and hid them to where no one- not even Warfpat- could find them. In addition to that, Ro secretly has presents for Detective in the side.
- Matt loves the festive holiday, especially spending time with his son and Steph. He’ll also go into dad mode when they rip up presents, there won’t be any wrapping paper on the floor while he is around, no sir. Everyone also agreed that Oliver puts on the star on top of the tree, no one even argued, since Oliver deserves the world.
- Madpat claims he doesn’t care for Christmas, until he gets mail from his parents and he suddenly wears those tacky Christmas sweaters. Loves setting up the fireplace, and for once in this year, he gets quiet and just enjoys the crackling of the fire and what humanity he has left.
- Warf is the one who goes overboard on the lights. You know those neighbors with the load of lights that makes you question about their light bills. That’s him with the Manor, he genuinely enjoys the kids stopping by and admiring his decoration.
- Darkpat never celebrated Christmas before, and doesn’t want to start now, but Warf is basically dragging him, kicking and screaming, but accepted defeat. He was in charge of decorating the tree, and actually does a good job on it, but he will never admit pride.
- Now, time for them together!
- Hermit still believes Santa is real, during the Island, he wishes for Santa to take him home, and now he has dads and a new sibling, You! Captain Magnum and Stan spoil you both rotten, and they cry when they get homemade crafts from Hermit and You.
- Matt has his family with him, and they brought a huge feast, Oliver running around and Steph and Matt being that gross couple under the mistletoe. Dark gags in disgust at the pda, so of course, the two tease him by being the stereotypical lovey dovey couple on Christmas.
- Mad’s parents showed up, embarrassing him as usual, but still gives them the biggest hug ever. Mack takes a photo of it and will enjoy the blackmail in case Mad messes with him in the car again. They made cookies, which Mad will refuse on having anyone else eat them besides him.
- Detective brings Ro, Safiya, and Colleen, where they would just hug and cry in the fact they are together again after everything that happened. Colleen jokingly brings hotdogs with her for Detecfive, in which he promptly threw it into the fire and gave her a death stare, but she just laughed.
- Mack was surprised to see his crew visiting, along with his Captain having a gift for him too. Mark tackled hugged him, Celci prying him off and Gunther dressed up as an elf, the sidekick of the Santa-dressed-Burt. Chica showed up too as a reindeer. Mack quietly cried at the display of comfort when Captain gave him a big ol’ hug and told him that they’re spending Christmas with him.
- Dark and Warf have each other for company, for they don’t really have families of their own. Warf is ecstatic to be with his best friend, and Dark tolerates it, rolling his eyes and sighing, but was secretly happy. Dark gave Warf a stocking made for him, in which Warf almost broke reality again because of happiness.
- Thank god for the Theory Manor being so huge, for everyone got to have their families and friends together for one night again. No longer lost, no longer home sick, and no longer alone.
- Everyone sleeps, as Hermit waits for the real Santa (sorry Burt) to show up, his bats awake by his side, and Matt’s son also secretly up to see Father Christmas.
- The two were in awe when they heard bell jingles on the roof and a certain jolly man giving them pats on the head. Everyone thought the two were being them, but Hermit and Oliver were crying of joy.
Happy Holidays everyone. Doesn’t matter which holiday you celebrate, I hope you all are okay and well, and cheers everyone 🥂
We made it for one more year, let’s make it to the next, I promise we’ll get better. You and me, we’ll make it again, and we’ll have our lives together. If not, we always have another year.
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Ooo how about your thoughts on…Ichika Yami 👀🥰?
Okay, well, I kinda want to see her having a staring contest (or glaring contest) with Nacht. I don't really know why, but I do. And I do want to see her meeting Sukehiro again. Which, I think, there is a good chance of happening.
When we saw her, I think I just took the knowledge at face value, the knowledge that Sukehiro has a sister and that she is... strict (?) where Sukehiro is more lenient and casual -type of a person. She is small and feisty. Which she could have been just because of... no particular reason, but as we learned about their family history, I think that it really made her more rounded as a character and gave reasons as to why she is the person we see today.
And I think that she really is a tough cookie, because she is a tough cookie. But I also like the fact that we can see her really accepting information as it is given to her about Sukehiro, and what really happened with their clan. She's not happy about it, and she's assuming responsibility, at lest as much as is expected of her, since if Ryu wanted there to be more consequences, he would have put them in action already. But I also think that all those reasons being discovered, and Ichika eventually telling Sukehiro that she knows. And I think Sukehiro would probably be like "...yeah, that happened and I made a decision. And it's not like it really was your fault. Blame it on the old man." Just like shrug it off in a Sukehiro manner. At which I think Ichika will be angry. She'll probably yell at him. And they'll get into a fight. But only because there's a lot of emotions going and they do care for each other.
Also, I can see Charlotte and Ichika connecting. I really do think that they'd be the best of friends, and... probably stand aside with the expression of -_- when Yosuga tries to flirt with Mereo. (If that happens, but I do want it to happen.)
I don't have that much of theories or thoughts about her magic per se, though I love love love the samurai aesthetic of it, and I do think that it's cool. Maybe something I would have personally preferred in her design is for her weapon to be naginata instead of katana, because the woman samurai who used naginata were terrifying. (Though naginata was considered as a "women's weapon", which one wouldn't maybe think at first while looking at it.) But katana is a status symbol, so it makes more sense. And it's, I suppose from the audience's point of view, more easily approached, so ... again it makes sense for her to have that too. She's out there, living in a man's world, so she might just as well use "men's weapon" (if we want to go with naginata being a women's weapon and katana being a more "manly" weapon, emphasis on "if".) So, in many ways, she is like Charlotte.
I think she has very strong emotions, whether they are good or bad (love or hate), and she isn't afraid to speak her mind. But she is also loyal, and abides the (traditional) samurai culture to the best of her ability.
I just want Ichika to come to Clover and have a chat with Sukehiro (and Charlotte). She's amazing!
Thank you for the ask ^^
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Tbh I really loved reading your ideas on how adabi’s story will conclude or how he will be saved. I’m sure a lot of people who like his character find his struggle relatable in some way. Of course, Dabi’s genesis was from something more extreme but I think the sentiment of feeling unseen, unheard, abandoned and used rings true for many who identify with his character in some way. Reading your theory honestly made me emotional and caused me to reflect on the nature of my own older sibling’s pain from the expectations and ultimate disapproval and discard from one of our parental figures. The unwillingness for that parent to see their child as a person with needs individual and unique to themselves… when often times the parent views the child as a mirror. The empathy thing I think rings true, and I saw it in my life (just to draw a comparison). There was really nothing that could get through to my sibling aside from hearing them, seeing them, validating their feelings and having the patience to walk through it with them without judgement. And to see the pain lessen over time as they are heard and seen more. I really hope Shoto can deliver that, or be that bridge. I really hope for a good end for Touya. His story hits home as I’m sure it does for many. But anyway your theory on that made me hopeful.
Hi! thank you for taking the time to send me this sweet message. I'm sorry to hear that Dabi's writing hits home for you too. It would get personal really fast if I tried explaining why his journey is so dear to me, but I hear you and I agree with you. The vulnerabilities he bares are so very human and make him very easy to relate to and to root for him and for his eventual healing.
I'm sending you and your siblings a virtual hug and a box of cookies. Life is rough, but I can feel kindness pouring from your words, and I'm sure your siblings are lucky to have you in their life, and you them. And for what it's worth, I'm glad my post gave you some hope back
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jam-knife · 1 year
Is there anything you think is unforgivable? Is unconditional love a real thing?
B took in a breath, mouth opening up as if to say something. Yet, no sound came out. Perhaps it was caution, warning him against opening up to C after the extense history of tragedies that had befallen those naïve enough to pour their thoughts in the boy's glass.
Perhaps the risk of answering was not strong enough to smother his instinct to do so, but instead something else held his tongue in a knot.
B gave himself the time to think about those questions. In the end, he concluded he was beyond a point where whatever C said or did to him could harm him. Not that B would ever give him enough of himself to let that happen ever again; not after everything they'd been through.
A powerful word. He was certain every person had their own definition for it. To B, something truly 'unforgivable' meant a point of no return; a damage by all means irreparable.
He cast his eyes down, memories flashing in his head. Images of his childhood, of his own gang members selling him out for their own unscrupulous benefit. Then, memories of his adolescence, of a half-open bathrobe covered in cookie crumbs, and a pair of blood-curdling black eyes too disdainful to be capable of a glare, peeking through (still damp) black locks.
He remembered the torn fragments of a letter scattered on the floor of his room, and how the rain and blood on his fingers soiled them further when he scrambled to piece it together to no avail.
So, he answered:
It all boiled down to that single concept, in the end.
B wasn't a person characterized for his quickness in trusting others. In fact, every time he had reached the point of trusting someone other than himself, it had been against his will, his soul stripped bare against his consent, against his better judgement.
Not trusting anyone should make avoiding betrayal all the easier, and yet...
"I can condone a lot of things. Put up with and look past an endless list of hideous acts most people would adamantly condemn. I can handle abuse, and find pleasure in revenge. But betrayal is something I don't believe I could ever come back from."
If his chest got torn open, his heart exposed to the elements, his pulse in another's hands, only for it to be squashed... no matter how much the culprit meant to him and no matter the experiences shared, he'd never be able to look at them in the eyes the same way.
Kick him. Berate him. Stab him. Threaten him. Kill him, and see if he cares.
Betray him... and he'll rip out the heart you owe him to fill the void.
"As for 'unconditional love'... I don't think such thing exists. Nothing about human nature, nothing, is truly unconditional."
And even as a fictitious concept, while it sounded romantic in theory, he found it'd be quite disturbing in practice. Blind love that knew no limitations was no different from codependency; no different from genocide in the name of a personal God.
A God that cared not about free will... only devotion.
The highest expression of trust. The finest introduction to betrayal.
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kyanitesaphire · 1 year
Lightning In A Bottle chapter 11
When Spencer awoke in the morning, he was alone in Éclair’s bed, the sheets slightly cool where she once lay. He sat up, climbed out of bed, and checked down the hall. The bathroom door was open, indicating it was vacant. He peered into Lurch’s room and saw it was empty too. He descended the stairs and checked the kitchen and living room for her. When he checked out the back window he saw her sitting on the back steps while the dogs ran amuck in the backyard. With the assurance that all was well, Spencer got to work brewing a pot of coffee and making some toast. Once he was armed with caffeine and carbs, Spencer joined Éclair on the back porch.
“Morning Hibou.” Éclair sang as she welcomed him to take a seat next to her. “ Sleep well?”
“Yes actually.” He said sounding surprised. “I haven’t slept that well in a very long time.”
“Well then I guess you’ll be catching up on a lot of sleep this weekend” she gave a playful wink before planting a kiss on his lips.
“I’m sure if you had your way I’d never sleep a wink around you if last night was any indication.” He said with a slight wince as his shirt rubbed against the still tender scratches covering his back.
“Don’t be silly. I would never deprive you of your much needed rest. You’re too cute when you sleep.” She cooed, running her fingertips along his jaw and across his lower lip. “Besides, if I did that, how would I get a repeat performance of last night? You’d be too tired to keep up!”
“I’d like to think I could improve on it.” Spencer boasted before taking a large gulp of his coffee.
“Quite the ambitious claim!”
“Ambition is one of my finest traits. I wouldn’t have earned three PhDs and three BAs without it.”
“So can I expect to see you reading books about tantric sex and the karma sutra?” Éclair joked half expecting Spencer to spit out his coffee in shock, but instead he gave her a very matter of fact response.
“I’ve already read many books on various sexual practices including the karma sutra. Unfortunately that knowledge only seems to get used when solving crimes involving kink communities. And you know what they say about theory versus practice.”
“So I take it you’d like to get a bit more practice in then?”
“Perhaps. Later tonight maybe.” He replied brushing her blonde and blue locks out of her face. “I figured today you might want to pay Lurch a visit. We can bring some fresh clothes for him and Yen along with the cookies Garcia made.”
“Alright, fine. We can go…..to see Yen.” She feigned reluctance and Spencer laughed at her subtle jab. “You finish your breakfast while I pack a bag for them. After that we can worry about showering.”
“Oh good, you can clean up the mess you made of my back.” Spencer said rolling his shoulders.
“Ill get started on packing. Come on boys! Time to go inside!” she hopped up and skipped merrily back into the house with the dogs in toe.
When Spencer finished his coffee and toast, Éclair was still trying to figure out what to pack for Yen and Lurch. She had several outfits splayed out on the bed, non of which seemed appropriate for the hospital. Some looked like formal attire, others looked like clubbing outfits.
“No.” Was all Spencer said as he scanned over the garments.
“No to what?” Éclair asked holding up two very different cocktail dresses.
“All of it. As someone who has been in hospitals both as a patient and as a supportive loved one numerous times, I can say with absolute certainty that nothing here is what they’ll want to wear.”
“OK….what do you suggest?” She asked casually disregarding the dresses she was holding. Spencer filed through what he assumed was Lurch’s dresser.
“Few pairs of underwear, Flannel pj pants, and loose fit tee. Until he’s discharged he’ll have to stay in those awful gowns but we can at least make sure he has fresh underwear and something to go home in.” He explained setting a small pile of clothes  on the bed.
“What about Yen?” she gestured to Yen’s dresser.
“Yoga pants or track pants, casual tees or tank tops and a sweater. Basically think ‘could they comfortably wear it to bed but still hit the corner store in it?’”
“If you say so.” Éclair shrugged, pulled out more suitable wardrobe choices and put everything else away. “I just figured some nice looking clothes might lift her spirits. When I’m down, dressing up nicely usually makes me feel better.”
“That’s where the cookies come in. Hospital food is disgusting. The only thing good to eat is the jello.” Spencer explained as he packed the clothes into a bag. “I’m sure you didn’t need me to remind you of that though.”
“I don’t really remember the food from my stay. It’s all a bit of a blur. I remember bits and pieces here and there, but there’s a lot of gaps and it’s out of order. DD said that’s normal though. Not everything would be converted to long-term memory during the earliest part of my recovery. ” Éclair meandered out of Lurch and Yen’s room and down the hall to her own room. “I’m going to figure out what I want to wear. Meet you in the bathroom .”
Spencer stripped out of his pajamas, noting the fine red speckled lines littering the inside of his shirt from the scratches. Fortunately the bleeding was very minimal and didn’t seep through. When Éclair opened the bathroom door, she was confronted with the sight of Spencer’s clawed up back as well as the deep purple marks on his neck and shoulders in the mirrors reflection. She did her best to refrain from laughing at his expense but was less than successful.
“ I’m sorry. I guess I did go a little overboard last night.” She apologized through her smirk. “I’ll have to remember to reign it in next time.”
“It’s said that being marked in such a manner is a sign of a good lover, and the more plentiful and pronounced the marks, the more proficient the recipient is. So I guess I must have been doing something right to receive such praise.” Spencer boasted as he gestured over the various marks on his neck. With a devilish grin, Éclair gently ran her fingers over the scratches making him flinch. “ But maybe could do something about those nails.”
“Ohh! You gonna take me to get a nice manicure?” Éclair joked as she turned on the shower and began to strip down.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” He chuckled as he finished undressing himself.
As Spencer stepped into the shower and the hot water hit the tender scratches, he whined. It took him a moment to adjust to the stinging sensation, and just as he was used to the water beating down on them, he felt Éclairs hands gently washing the spaces between the wounds. He braced himself against the wall as she continued to delicately clean his sensitive skin. Eventually the pain subsided enough that all he was left with was her warm touch and the throbbing memory of the previous night replaying over and over as her fingers brushed along the broken skin. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment  as his breathing became more labored. This didn’t go unnoticed by Éclair.
“Are you ok? Is it too much?” She asked moving her hands to his shoulders and trying to look him in the eye. He attempted to steady his breathing before quickly responding.
“No, I’m fine. It’s OK.” He shifted his stance to hide his predicament from her. She rested her hand on his lower abdomen and felt a familiar, tell tale flexing beneath her palm.
“I see…. So you don’t want me to give you… a hand?” she asked slowly letting her hand slide further down. As much 8as  he enjoyed the thought of the release she was more than willing to provide him, the staggering statistics regarding shower-sex related injuries were impossible for him to ignore. He gently pulled her hand away from his swollen groin and carefully coaxed her in front of him so she stood beneath the water.
“I think the tub floor is a bit too slippery for that.” Spencer said as he relished the sight of the water gently rolling down her soft curves. “Besides, it sounds like the dogs are getting lonely already. We should hurry up.”
“I suppose…” Éclair sighed, leaning against his chest and draping her arms around his neck. Spencer pressed his forehead to hers and rested his hands on her hips. “In that case, do you mind being so kind as to get my back for me?”
Zeus and Raijin waited impatiently outside the bathroom for the amorous couple to re-emerge. Their tails anxiously slapping the floor and walls as they paced restlessly. Éclair shooed them away from the bathroom as she opened the door, Spencer following closely behind her.
“Okay, okay! We’re out! Settle down!” she called out as she herded them down the stairs. “I can’t leave you boys alone for five minutes without you losing your minds!”
Spencer started to chuckle at her remark until he realized how true the sentiment was. This posed a problem.
“Uh oh…” he muttered mostly to himself but loud enough to be clearly audible. Éclair looked back to him hoping he would clarify his concerns. “ Even I had my car here for us to take, they wouldn’t fit in it…” he added to which she nodded in agreement. “ we can’t take them on the bus and Bethesda is too far to walk…” Éclair continued to nod clearly not fully grasping what Spencer was trying to say. “what are we going to do about them when we head to the hospital?” he asked. Éclair hummed and hawed, pondering the quandary before her. She picked up her phone and absent mindedly fanned it between her thumb and fingers. She looked down at the device and the gears in her head began to turn faster. An epiphany. She opened up her contacts and pulled up the number of a certain eager ginger, tapping the call now button.
“ Hey! I have an odd request for you if you’re free….do you like dogs?......big ones. ….. yeah, well you see Lurch got hurt and hes in the hospital. We were going to go see him but I can’t leave the boys home by themselves. …….. Hibou. ….”
Spencer could only hear one side of the call for the most part. That was until she uttered her pet name for him. Suddenly he could hear a high pitched squeal from the overly excited person on the other end, although he wasn’t able to make any sense of what they were squealing about.
“yes yes yes, that’s all good. …..No, that won’t be necessary. I think you can handle it on your own…. Ok maybe one other, but that it. …OK…I’ll see you in a few. Bye.”  With that Éclair disconnected the call. “ There. Not a problem anymore.”
“And who exactly did you call?”
“I guess you could call her one of my sisters?” she replied with uncertainty. “ Do you remember when I told you about the friends I made that said they knew me form before?” Spencer nodded as he listened to her explanation. “She’s one of them. They’re all anxious to meet you….well all the girls are at least. Dauphin is kina hard to read at times, but I get the feeling he’s unsure about you.”
“I see. Well hopefully I can live up to the hype.” Spencer said preparing another cup of coffee for himself. Dauphin…that’s a highly unusual name… do all of you ‘sisters’ have unusual or uncommon names as well?” Éclair shrugged.
“Are Etoile, Luna, Ciel, and Blanche unusual names?”
“ They’re not exactly the most common names, but definitely not unheard-of….they’re all French.” Spencer noted. “Their names translate to Star, Moon, Sky, White… and Prince.”
“You know French?” Éclair asked in bewilderment.
“I know a lot of languages. Admittedly, I can read them more proficiently than I can speak them.” Spencer checked the time on the microwave and inspected the box of pill packets. “Here, you’re due for your meds.” He said passing her the next pack in the strip. Instinctively, Éclair put her hands up to catch the pills, but unlike Lurch, Spencer didn’t toss them at her. He simply held them out to her in his hand, waiting for her to take them. She accepted them and poured herself a glass of water to take them with.
While they waited for their dog sitter to arrive, Éclair poured two large dishes of food and water out for Zeus and Raijin, and Spencer programed alarms on his phone for her medication times.
 It wasn’t long before there was a rapid knock at the door sending the dogs into a frenzy. Éclair rushed to the door and let their guests in.
“Hibou! They’re here!” Éclair called out as she helped her sisters put their shoes away while the boys eagerly welcomed the new visitors. Spencer made his way to the door, nervously smoothing out his hair and clothes before appearing around the corner.
 It was only dawning on him now that he was about to meet his girlfriends family.
“Oh my God! He’s even cuter in person!” Spencer had barely processed seeing Ciel before she launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around him in a crushing and constricting embrace. Éclair could see the discomfort written all over his face.
“ Sorry, I probably should have warned both of you. Ciel here doesn’t really do boundaries.” Éclair explained as she gently peeled Ciel away. “ And this is Etoile. She doesn’t really speak much…or… well… at all.” When Spencer’s arms were finally liberated, he gave his signature wave and straight line smile and Etoile reciprocated the gesture.
“ You must be Éclair’s…uh… sisters?” Spencer wasn’t sure if that’s how he should refer to them given the complexity of their relationship, but both Ciel and Etoile nodded in agreement. “She speaks fondly of you. It’s nice to meet you.” Etoile began gesturing what Spencer assumed to be some sort of sing language but he didn’t recognize any of her motions. Seeing the confused expression on his face, she knew immediately he didn’t understand her and gave Ciel’s arm a gentle smack.
“Oh! She says ‘were very excited to finally meet you too.’” Ciel translated.
“Sorry, I noticed you were trying to sign, but I didn’t recognize your particular dialect. I’ve never seen it before.” Spencer explained , primarily addressing Etoile. Ciel and Etoile looked to each other and then to Éclair.
“It’s OK guys. Anything you would tell me, you can tell him. You can trust him.” Éclair assured her sisters.
“I take it you know what was done to Éclair? At least partially?” Ciel began. Spencer nodded. “ The same was done to us with varying degrees of success and side effects. One of which cost Etoile her hearing. Since it was just us, we didn’t have anyone to teach us any common sign language and no way to learn. We had to make our own. Our well being  wasn’t exactly their top priority. We may be free for the most part now, but since we don’t know everyone who played a part in what happened, we have to be careful who we put our trust in.”
 Spencer had suspected all along that Éclair hadn’t been the first or only one to endure such surgical atrocities, but he hadn’t imagined meeting any of the others. Primarily because he figured they would have most likely died.
“ Given what you’ve lived through, I can see why it’s so hard to open up and trust anyone.” He said, putting a comforting and protective arm around Éclair. “But I promise, your trust in me isn’t misplaced.” A weighted silence filled the room as a mutual understanding settled between them.
The silence only lasted a moment but even that was too long and awkward for Etoile to stomach. She gave Ciel another smack and began gesturing with a cheeky smirk on her face.
“ETOILE!! No! I’m not telling them that!” Ciel shrieked, trying to mask her laughter.
“ What did she say?” Éclair asked eager to be in on the joke.
“Nothing that needs repeating.” Ciel replied trying to wave off Etoile’s motions “Maybe we can talk about it over a girls night, but in the meantime you two have somewhere to be don’t you?”
“She’s right, I’ll grab everything while you get your things on and let them know of any specific care instructions for the dogs.” Spencer said excusing himself from the room.
“Once it’s just us girls though, you owe us details.” Ciel decreed pointing to her neck. Etoile smacked Ciel harder and began gesturing as though she was suffering some grand injustice . “ I really don’t think he'd be too comfortable with the show part of show and tell. So you’ll just have to settle for the tell portion.”
Etoile gave an exaggerated pout in response to that comment.
Éclair quickly donned her boots and set out Spencer’s shoes. When he returned, she took the bags from him so he could get his footwear on while she gave the dogs their kisses. Zeus didn’t wait for Spencer to finish what he was doing before thrusting his muzzle into his face affectionately.
“Alright, let’s hit the road before Zeus insists I need to kiss your sisters before leaving.” Spencer said giving the dogs a quick scratch and opening the door.
“We wouldn’t say no!” Ciel joked as Etoile puckered her lips. Spencer wasn’t sure how to respond to the jest meanwhile Éclair just laughed it off as she walked out the door.
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complete-idiot-in-love · 10 months
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 45 (SPOILERS)
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Oh no, a warning for graphic themes? If someone died im crying so hard
My S/I would be so happy to finally explore the material plane!!
Father twin giggle sesh :D
Kremy is going crazy again
When Torbek is worried about YOU, then you know you're acting crazy /j
Gideon and his old man glasses omfg, I love that image so much
“Empath” Gricko gives off astrology girl vibes and idk why
My S/I would be having so much trouble in the desert because of them never having experienced a dessert before and the whole satyr fur thing
My bestie, the eldritch abomination of a bugbear <3
Gricko getting the party into trouble against a desert hydra is so him coded, bro would get the group in trouble at a damn Wal-mart
OMFG A THIRD NAT 20 FOR GIDEON!!!! THAT HYDRA IS GONNA BE MUSH!!! (Im stimming so hard right now, my hands are flying like crazy fr fr))
Mace has the same amount of object permanence as I do /j
What is with all these nat 20’s this episode, loaded dice? /j
Of course Gricko would try to befriend the monster
Mikey's dice bag being full of bananyas is so damn funny
Hootsie is so smart to not deal w that bs fr fr
Kremy accidentally kills his teammates via mind fuckery /j
My S/I would be so confused during the hunger of hadar thing, they'd be screaming shit like: “IS THIS NORMAL IN THE MATERIAL PLANE, AND WHERE IN THE HELLS IS EVERYONE???”
All these dudes are so OP in their own ways but also complete idiots in others, I love them all so much
“That's from Agwe you dumb ugly bastard!” is a great like Gideon, good job
“Longscarfing it” is my new favorite thing
Fighting with an erection mention lmao XD
They're freaking out about Nikkie playing swamp music lmao
We love the swoose (Swan + Goose)
Also wasn't one of the cookies Bavlorna gave Torbek a swoose, and Nikkie is using the same accent for the swoose as she did Bavlorna
“Recount the tales to me x3, of a troubled past and what set you free” ARE WE GONNA GET SOME BACKSTORY ON THREE OF THE DUDES???? PLEASE LET ONE OF THEM BE TORBEK, BRO IS AN ENIGMA
“We hit rock bottom and picked up shovels” HAHAHA
I wonder what Andy’s theory is, My theory is that Zybilna is the fourth sister or at least connected to them in some way
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