#(and seeing him on my dash more UwU)
waltongoggins · 5 months
url change
billlybutcher -> waltongoggins
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poorlittleyaoyao · 2 years
top 5 widely accepted fanon you have beef with, go
OH MAN. My dash is curated like a well-funded museum so I am blissfully sheltered from nonsense. However, based on hearsay and in no particular order...
Literally anything about Mo Xuanyu. My primary frame of reference is CQL (a disclaimer I feel obliged to put on any meta posts, this one included!), which says next to nothing about MXY. I genuinely thought, based on what I'd seen in fandom, that Novel MXY was canonically a petite uwu soft goth boi who'd been part of the Jinlintai Demonic Cultivation Research Department until JGY falsely accused him of harassment and expelled him as part of his Evil Keikaku(TM). And like... that's all possible, and fully workable within the canon framework, but it's not indisputably textual. It's a shame, because I'd find all of these fanons compelling if they weren't repeated as fact!
Mean Lesbian Wen Qing. As with the above, this is fully workable within canon, and I fully sympathize with being a queer woman who wants to see other queer women in fiction. This is even hypocritical of me, perhaps, given how I am so deep in the weeds with the fanons of Lesbian Margaery Tyrell and Lesbian Johanna Mason (for the books, not the adaptations) that I genuinely forget that this isn't canon. But Johanna and Margaery both have meaningful (and quite charged imo!) on-page interactions with other women outside their families in their source material. Wen Qing doesn't, because this canon is deeply disinterested in what its female characters are up to. Lesbian Wen Qing feels less like desperately latching onto queer subtexts and more like a convenient way to remove her from the male characters and/or dunk on Jiang Cheng. If there were an abundance of Wen Qing femslash to accompany this fanon, I'd fell differently, but as it stands... nah, son.
Mean Hypermasculine Dom Nie Mingjue. Maybe it's different in the novel (though based on my understanding of Novel Da-Ge, why would you bother?), but in CQL? Where he feels his emotions up to 11 and cries about all of them? Where his memories of Meng Yao in Nightless City feature an assertive Meng Yao with flawless contouring, on-point eye makeup, and a level of manhandling and verbal degradation that is not at all present in the original version of this scene? The sensitive man with comically horny memories of being captured by his ex gets off on being a macho seme caricature? lololol okay.
Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang, Diabolical Murderous Supergeniuses. Canon is quite clear that neither of these men are the brilliant chessmasters fanon makes of them. Jin Guangyao plans meticulously, but he's far from ruthless; as others have pointed out, Jin Guangyao preserves a whole slew of people it would've been more practical to kill, with results that lead directly to his downfall. Nie Huaisang is ruthless, but he doesn't plan for shit; his strengths are his swift reaction time and his ability to hold a grudge, because it is straight-up not possible for Nie Huaisang to anticipate all of the events after the timeskip. They're both forces to be reckoned with, but they both get too much credit as schemers.
Wei Wuxian is basically A-Yuan's dad. This might not even count as a fanon, but 1.) I cannot STAND the tendency for fandoms to impose nuclear family roles onto character dynamics, and 2.) Wei Wuxian knew A-Yuan for like 1.5 years when A-Yuan was a toddler and wasn't even his primary caregiver. Do you think of your preschool or kindergarten teachers--who spent more time with you per day than Wei Wuxian spent with A-Yuan--as your long-lost parents? PROBABLY NOT.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
i’ll never forget how intense the waiting time after Ozzie’s was, how hyped i got for the continuation of The Circus (i was actually open about the childhood friends thing back then, i used to be a huge fan of the Rachael Punk twitter person that always defends viv and i tried to keep an open mind about the retcon, i thought the critics were just dumb). the bar was so high and i wanted to see Ozzie’s finally pay off, and then my smile faded when Blitz said “my dick is good but not that good Moxx…”
this episode soured my relationship with the show and the “if you dont like stolitz youre homophobic” sentiment did not help. i had to accept that i waited a year expecting a payoff for such an awesome plot point and thought-provoking character dynamic, and was met with mediocrity that only appeals to shippers and literally no one else. i want to see that Patreon leak regarding Stolas struggling with delusions bcs thats what made me root for him to change and improve as a person, i saw myself in him. i genuinely think Viv was embarrassed at the problematic parts of the ship and backtracked awkwardly in s2 to make it a uwu misunderstanding that could be resolved with a talk, now theres the hospital thing that went nowhere, what the fuck is she doing
Mood, Anon.
Ozzie's was the first time in a while I felt that Helluva might actually turn out to be a good story after all. I genuinely thought it was supposed to be a parallel to Loo Loo Land, how Stolas blithely dragged his beloved daughter around a shitty crumbling theme park all day, ignoring her protests, too caught up in his own head to care how miserable she was until he found her crying in that apple cart and there was no ignoring it anymore.
Watching Stolas follow up all that with a self-pitying song about how Blitzo was the one who broke his heart and lied to him was like getting dashed with ice cold water. Seeing Stars -- which sees Stolas continuing to paw Blitzo sexually while also backtracking on Stolas's progress with Octavia -- was like getting dashed with more ice cold water, except the water is also pee.
I think the same thing, that Vivzie decided halfway through that she liked Stolas and Stolitz, was tired of that whole problematic unbalanced relationship thing from literally the entirety of season 1, and wanted to get down to the cutesy uwu hand holding. To acknowledge Stolas as a bad person who makes the choice to put in the work to be better would mean admitting that Stolas did something wrong, that people night be justified in not liking him, and Vivzie can't have that where her favorite characters are concerned.
If you're watching her shows, you will like Stolas as much as she does and you will agree that he's the best thing to ever happen to Blitzo, or you're a homophobe.
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zombubble · 2 months
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From In Memory; In Truth Chapter 15:
We're getting a bit emotional today. Some pining. A dash of grief. Enjoy uwu.
In the warm light of the late afternoon, Xie Yuan is radiant. Lan Zhan can’t quite tell if the warm glow about him is purely sunlight or an aspect of his divinity, but… he’s breathless. He’s breathless, because his chest is heavy and warm, his heart is pounding in his chest, his entire being is vibrating because Xie Yuan is… Because Lan Zhan… He loves him. There’s guilt in this, too, of course—he promised himself to Wei Ying and loves him still, with everything in his being—but part of him thinks… Wei Ying would, if he cared at the end of his life, if he valued or loved Lan Zhan even a little, be happy for him. Wei Ying believed in living in the moment, taking things as you could and forgetting what you’d lost or what was unpleasant. Wei Ying… would probably be happy for him and if he wouldn’t—if for some reason he didn’t care, if his harsh words the last time they spoke were more than the product of his madness—then, well… If Wei Ying wouldn’t care that Lan Zhan is happy, then Lan Zhan… He’ll never stop loving Wei Ying. He knows this. And he’ll never stop mourning him. But he can’t deny his feelings about Xie Yuan anymore, and he can’t keep denying himself any semblance of happiness, no matter how brief, on the off-chance that Wei Ying’s ghost (which never speaks to him anyways, never appears in the Jianghu, has never shown any interest in seeing him again) might one day appear. Wei Ying is dead. Wei Ying is never coming back, that much is clear after a decade. Even if he still exists out there, he’s thoroughly rejected the Jianghu and Lan Zhan specifically, and so… Maybe Lan Zhan’s heart, aching with strain and warped with grief, will settle properly in having room for someone else. Even if Xie Yuan doesn’t return his affections and even if the god goes back to the Heavenly Realm for good when all of this is over, Lan Zhan can, he thinks, allow himself to enjoy this while it lasts. Wei Ying would be proud of him for having fun, being impulsive, seizing something that wasn’t a book of rules to be copied for punishment. If the Wei Wuxian at the end of his life wouldn’t, then the teenager Lan Zhan fell in love with would. “This really is beautiful, though,” Xie Yuan says softly. Lan Zhan walks up next to him, looking out over the mountains, over the Cloud Recesses and Lake Biling, Caiyi Town at the nearest edge. The shadows of the mountains are growing long over it all, the sun sinking slowly behind them, and in the darkest of the shadowy areas, lights are starting to glow.
Ahhh identity shenanigans........ Pining, emotions...
One of my favorite parts of this story, aside from everything else.
What are they doing in the Cloud Recesses? We don't know.... but they're in Gusu..... together..........
For now.
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
I think you created an incredibly vanilla OC who is the embodiment of the maiden and saviour of Aegon. She is like virginal, Madonna like. She is the bunny girl. Then you just whack edgy concepts on her like the whole blowjob thing. Like fr blowing is something you need to gain by experience or being told logistics of. I hardly think someone like Abby would know what to do technically wise. You made it seem like she was an expert. Which is so unrealistic man. And it gets messy too but your interpretations is weirdly sanitary
Like we can have character development and nuance but you don't know the meaning of the word. We have a pure maiden never been carnally touched but somehow she can naturally give pornstar level bjs. Get real Nat
Hey anon! Thank you for showing that you're either one of my [few] followers or have my blog open in a tab or something because I was just thinking about you when I reblogged that Tom Hardy Picture 11 minutes before you sent me this. Hello! How are you?
I'm putting this behind a cut to both save the dash and spoilers for the fic in general I guess? Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about my character and the themes I'm exploring in my story!
Do not come in here and tell me I don't know the meaning of character development and nuance (and don't fucking call me Nat, which only my friends call me, you do not have the right to it), when it's abundantly clear you don't have an ioata of reading comprehension given that in the chapter you're throwing a fit about, you failed to read Aegon specifically thinking how Abby's not great but she's at least enthusiastic, and he is giving her some guidance, but do you really need a word-for-word break down of it? I mean I'll keep it in mind but Aegon's not thinking 'wow my fiancee is super bad at this', like my dude thinks about how Cassandra Baratheon is better at this.
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But it also is abundantly clear that this is the only chapter you've read because we have because they're physically intimate in both Chapters 8 and 15, which build up Abby's confidence in being an active participant.
We see in their first encounter together that Aegon's absolutely taking the lead, but Abby does reach for him. She does want to touch him. He comes upon her touching herself and thinking about him. Because this isn't regency or victorian England. They do know about sex, there are dozens of horny Valyrian frescoes around the red keep, and while the Seven frowns down upon it, people are still getting down out of wedlock, they are exploring themselves, and I'm not sorry about touching upon that. When Aegon gets her off in Chapter Eight, Abby also touches him in return. She's curious! She wants to touch him! She's full of horny good hormones! And seeing him taste her off his fingers, she hesitantly gives him a taste as well. And frankly, by the time we've gotten to this most recent chapter, Aegon's been teaching her how to give a good handjob for like, a month.
Yes, you are right in that Abby is meant to represent those things. That's why the story is called The MAIDEN and the Drowning Boy. Because this is an ideal being forced upon her in so many different directions. So, AGAIN, it's abundantly clear to me that you have not read any of the other chapters because we have in IN CHAPTER ELEVEN AND THIRTEEN TALKS ABOUT THIS:
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The entire point of this first arc and Aegon and Abby going through what they do (also referenced in their fight in Chapter Eleven.
Also, again, I'm coming back to keep your purity culture bullshit out of my inbox. Stop thinking that a virgin means uwu innocent doesn't know anything baby. This story is actively going against that assumption and ideal because it's a shitty one. Engaging in sexual activity should never, ever mean that someone is no long 'pure'. It's a disgusting view point that goes down an even more reprehensible rabbit hole (no pun intended but we're going with it anyway).
The virginal Madonna motif you talk about is an impossible ideal, and one that is actively addressed in the story... but you'd actually have to read the story instead of just reading my recent chapter and coming in my inbox trying to belittle my character.
And for the fucking record: Abrogail Strong does not have a magical vagina and she sure as hell isn't here to save Aegon. If he wants to be saved, he has to make that decision himself (and he is).
Also??? is this a new thing? Since when the fuck are blowjobs edgy? Blowjobs are so fucking basic. Like? We even get implied blowjobs in a fucking kids movie (You know that scene in The Road to El Dorado I'm talking about). NOT TO MENTION I'm not sorry, if you're looking for descriptions straight from The Hub, my work is not for you. Graphic play by plays are not what I write, I prefer to focus on the emotional and internal side of things because that is what interests me.
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anthrcpophagi · 9 months
some of the people who have made my year worthwhile both rp-wise and otherwise ♥
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@okoden another year passes of us knowing each other and it's been as wonderful as the last ten uwu writing with you is always so much fun and rewarding because it gives me 1.) such a high standard to strive to meet 2.) freedom and comfort to write without worry and 3.) a fun and interesting dynamic with julian and whomever i write against him with. i love u to the moon and back and i hope we get to write just as much ( maybe more owo ) in the new year!
@theolderhenderson TIN my aNGEL I love u sm and there aren’t enough memes in the world to express how grateful I am to have met you. Even though I’m v bad at maintaining communications, we def need more movie nights and games to bug jay in
@horrorbites MIMI MY LOVE MY LIGHT i will follow you to the ends of the earth. you deserve all the happiness in the world and i hope the new year is kind to you!! i will continue to bug you and all your muses with maren for the rest of eternity ily
@holyfailed MEL MY BB I’ve only known you for a short time but I love u to pieces. All of your muses are wonderful or wonderfully terrible and I always get happy to see you online. after all who else could make a ship with such a dedicated fanbase? :eyes:
@havvkinsqueen TORI MY BELOVED you are such a wonderful breath of fresh air in the rpc and I hope you never ever doubt your talents and sheer ability to make people smile! we don’t write as much as I wish but you are always a joy to see on my dash and I love you to pieces
@everyoneismytoy babie! you’re one of the sweetest people on this website and you deserve the world. your passion for your characters is always inspiring to me and I love being able to peek inside Felix’s head through your writing 🖤
@zoomingupthathill I’m always so ashamed that I never reach out to you as much as I should and that we don’t write as much as I would love to (mostly because of the former 👉🏻😎👉🏻) but just know that I adore you!! every interaction I’ve ever had with you has been a delight and seeing you and max on my feed is always a bright spot for my day
@facepeeled my first reaction when you followed me was ELATION!! I even messaged you immediately because I was so excited to write with you and cricket. I think Maren and cricket are such a fun duo with such a strange dynamic and I can’t wait to write more of them in the new year 🖤
@paramcur I hope you didn’t think you’d escape my love barrage so easily!! the jin to my hobi, the seok to my deok, even if we don’t write as often as we used to I still love and appreciate your presence and you deserve the world and more
@langdhon every time I see you on my dash I squeal like a fangirl because your writing is always so top notch and your voice for Michael is so spot on. I love everything we’ve written so far and I hope we get to write even more in the new year!
@devilmass each time I see you come online I get giddy bc Rodrick is such a fun character that you’ve put so much love into and it shows. I love seeing you and Roddy on my dashboard and Maren loves her weird lil pastor friend
to everyone else!!! i love you as well!! if youre reading this you are appreciated and loved and i hope we get to interaction in the new year!
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hxhhasmysoul · 7 months
Sorry if I'm late for the ship ask game. Can I ask for these ships :
- Killua/Gon (my fav non canon ship from any shounen until now)
- Zuko/Sokka (my fav ship from ATLA, and they're also my top 5 fav characters from that series)
- Gojo/ Getou (sorry, I know you dislike those two, but I want to know your opinion on this ship. Also, they're my main reason to enter JJK fandom)
Thx if you want to answer
Absolutely ship it!
What made you ship it?
Canon, they're prone to these very romantic moments.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
How devoted they are to one another. They meet by accident and get entangled with each other so quickly. Killua follows Gon around during the exam, then Gon goes to save him and since then it becomes a duh for them that they do everything together. And then the trauma they both endure puts a strain on their bond and we see in real time how their relationship partially sours because they are too young and they don't know how to deal with the trauma and the stress. They make each other better and worse, and it just feels so real. It's just amazing.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Idk how unpopular it really is but Gon isn't abnormally selfish, and he's not some villain in their relationship. They both contribute to it hurting them both. People getting hurt in relationships and still fighting for them and working on them is just so normal. I think also that people who dislike Gon or have no interest in him should no be shipping this. And Killua isn't a soft uwu boi. He's got a mean streak, is petty and prone to addiction, the soft boi outfits are a lie.
I don't ship it.
Why don’t you ship it?
In a previous ask reply I talked about how much I like MaiKo. And that's just my default ship for Zuko. The thing with Sokka is that his heterosexuality forces him to reconsider his misogyny, it's not ideal that this is what makes him start respecting women but honestly, who cares as long as he doesn't act like sad loser towards women in the end. And I'm saying this because having a sister who was his life line and his keeper for years after they lost their mother and were left behind by their father, did nothing to make him not a dick to women. And I think that if Sokka'd been gay, he'd've never changed. He'd've been one of those gays who look down at women. What if he lead Zuko there too? Like Azula makes Zuko's life quite awful, so some bigoted takes about women could've made him a misogynist and feel justified for it too.
What would have made you like it?
If they had more chemistry in canon. I just can't imagine an exciting dynamic between them to engage in shipping it? Nothing about this ship makes me think they could make each other better and that's a must for me to ship anything, really.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I'm sorry but not really. I have barely seen this ship around because I don't go to the ATLA fandom, I don't think even fanart for it has ever crossed my dash. I mean it's marginally better than Zuko/Katara, because that one is just toxic heterosexuality the ship.
Gojo/ Getou
omg, not really.
Why don’t you ship it?
Like with HisoIllu, I accept that this is a logical ship and it's likely canon. But unlike HisoIllu, I actually actively can't stand it.
Generally, considering how toxic Gojou's personality is, I consider all his het ships misogyny and all his queer ship, queerphobia, even such absolutely toxic shit like SukuGo, even GoKen, even Gojou/Touji. I don't even like Touji but not even he deserves that. Apart from SatoSugu. Getou was a truly disgusting fascist adult and a condescending fuck as a teen, I think they can have each other.
Why I actively despise it, is because of the fandom. The fans of these two characters separately and those of this ship are some of the loudest and most obnoxious in this fandom. They will literally take panels, scenes or chapters that are about other characters and unleash some truly unhinged word vomit to make it seem like there's some connection to Gojou, Getou or their ship. Usually it's either complete misrepresentation of what is in the manga or pure untagged fanfiction. But the tags of other characters get regularly flooded by this kind of shit. They act as if they couldn't stand there being parts of the JJK fandom where their favs are not worshiped, where their ship is not the most important thing.
What would have made you like it?
Nothing. If it weren't for the fans, I would've been neutral about it. I wouldn't have cared about it because a thought about any dynamic between these two assholes leaves me completely cold. But I wouldn't've cringed when I saw it in the tags to the fics in my tags. I wouldn't've cringed writing the single Gojou involving scene I've ever written.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
No, I'm still sad that the most awful fans of these two and their ship haven't rage quit the fandom when Sukuna finally reduced Gojou to tolerable portions. Honestly it seems to be getting worse. Despite how liberally I block, it still often feels, even on some leaks days, that there's more about this ship in the JJK tags than of the actually relevant stuff.
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infernalight · 5 months
meme / always accepting
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@madefate ─ Haven't interacted with Claire much, but considering two of my mutuals have spoken only good things about her, I would say they are correct from what I've seen. I enjoy seeing her on my dash and definitely want to interact more. I think we have spoken a bit ooc and ic, but until I get caught up, I cannot confirm whether or not I'm remembering correctly. Either way, I love seeing Claire on my dash and definitely want to see her around more. :)
@hifimuses ─ Ahhhh Giggs. A blessing. Someone I adore and know I can always talk to whenever I need to no matter how much time has gone by. I miss interacting with you, we need to do something in the Hellaverse since I am still working on my blog for my MHA muses. Plus we still need to finish watching the Saw series. I miss talking to you, bb!! I'm gonna lay on you, I swear. Hold you here against your will, you can't run from me <3. Giggs has some pretty great muses and is just overall wonderful to have around, no matter how long I disappear for, he's always there for me!
@lilitophidian ─ Now, let me tell you about Bambi. We've only spoken like one time, but their (I could not find mun pronouns so please correct me if you prefer something different) writing is amazing!!! It's so good and so detailed and so gory and I am just in awe of it all! Their Lilith is unique and actually similar to how I have my own (specifically the siren part), but they are also so different and despite not interacting with them ic much, I love to stalk their blog. Hi, would also very much like ic interactions, too if that's okay. UwU?
@diresang ─ Okay, okay. DO NOT get me started on Raven. I absolutely love and adore Raven with my whole being. Another mutual I had from an old blog that I got back in touch with in the Hellaverse, but the funniest thing is despite being shy beans for the first few days of following each other, we had each other on discord and I literally had been wondering if they were the same Raven I knew and it WAS, but until Raven reached out to me on discord, nothing was confirmed. I am so happy they reached out to me because I have always adored them, no matter what fandom or muses they write. I absolutely love and adore them.
@e-m-p-error ─ Key is wonderful. I adore him. He's so sweet and has so many creative ideas. Different muses, different version of said muse, and no matter what they're writing it's sooo good. He's also very, very sweet. I always adore hearing from him and even though we haven't written much ic yet, I am excited to do more with him and his amazing muses!!
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sapphicdib · 1 year
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Excuse me?? Go on?? I wanna know about those headcanons
Also i appreciate bringing my by now old art back to light ^^
OHHH U WANT HEADCANONS?? [cracks knuckles]
(also ofc dude! u shld thank @/creaturevoiddweller for putting it on my dash tho hehe)
Moon being taller/generally bigger than Sig…normally i’m not feral over height differences but god theirs drives me insane
Moon loving the stars. I feel like after her collapse, they were one of the few things that brought her comfort. Within canon I’m pretty sure you can see the stars even during the day (they’re green too!! super cool) so she loves to study them and their movements. The rare occasions when the rain comes after night falls are her favorites, being able to see them more clearly in the dark always excites her. Going on a lil stargazing date would probably melt her heart !!
Sig being fucking whipped for Moon 😭 this is a fucking given but him being distracted and at Moon instead of the sky because she considers her prettier than even the starts makes me. AUGH.
(More general hcs below the cut so this post doesn’t become a million miles long)
Sig learns to knit and makes Moon a scarf and a couple cloaks after her collapse. He actually has a lot of hobbies because he doesn’t think the great problem is solvable, nor does he really care to solve it anyways. He even says he’s got “nothing better to do with my time” when Suns asks him if he’s going to purpose another messenger. Meanwhile Suns says “you have two options, do nothing or work like you’re supposed to” in terms of what to do with your time.
Moon loves picking Sig up/holding her/generally grabbing her n throwing her around because she’s actually quite strong and Sig is smaller than her. Sig does not mind in the slightest.
They’re both interested in bioengineering. Sig more so, but Moon mentons Rivulet’s interesting adaptations and knows a lot about the flora and fauna of the world. I think they bonded over this quite a bit.
Speaking of, Sig was also a more medical-oriented facility. Pebbles mentions that he “was not a medical facility even when the equipment was functioning” to hunter, so the iterators may have had more specialized niches as the generations went on. Therefore, she becomes the sort of defacto “puppet-doctor” of the local group, helping to fix things like broken joints or umbilicals after the ancients disappear. Also just the slag reset keys in general. I have a drawing about this I’m finishing soon so watch out for that hehe
Moon’s kindness absolutely rubbed off on Sig. When he first got put online, she interacted with him a lot as his personality core was still developing, and he picked up on some of her traits. In terms of age I see their group as Moon and Suns (gen 1), Sig and Chasing Wind (mid gen) and Unparalleled Innocence and Pebbles (final gen).
SIG TEACHING MOON STUPID GAMER LINGO AND UWU SPEAK CAUSES A DISASTER IN THE LOCAL GROUP CHATS. The first time she says “poggers” sends everyone into an uproar and Sig gets multiple DMs being like “WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS.”. Sig thinks it’s the funniest shit in the world.
Moon is a lesbian, Sig is a bisexual gender-fluid disaster. I’m sure you can tell from my rambles I use he/she/they/it pronouns for her.
Moon’s nickname for Sig is “doll”. “Little thing” is also a common one, since Sig jokes that his gender is just “thingy”.
I can’t think of any more but thank you so much for the ask!! I love these two so fucking much and getting to ramble about them makes me so happy, especially because I’m absolutely suffering on my period rn and it distracted me from the pain. I love ur art sm!!!!
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likeadog · 8 months
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making a copy of this bc op disabled reblogs and i just got reminded it existed and would like to not lose it
ok so . im outing myself to the world but thats fine this is too funny to not share
so. ive run a roleplay blog for a few years. i keep it separate from my main, yknow, its just a side hobby and ive been doing it since i was like, 12. its cringe but hey yknow at least im not 30 and writing ya novels
now its pretty common for rp blogs these days to have rules. right? you dont want to just bag any weirdo on this website, and as you can imagine bnha roleplayers are batshit crazy (see: conversion therapy todoroki) so mine are pretty strict and detailed. because ive been doing it long enough to be exposed to what counts as carbon monoxide poison from a screen. one of those rules is "if youre mutuals with people who write porn of the kids even aged up im blocking you we're keeping a ten foot pole on this". because as a 20 year old man i have a healthy disinterest in seeing paragraphs of teenagers fucking
so the dash is astir with talk of a guy writing age up bakugou porn and im like ok whatever. make a post bitching about it . mutual likes those posts but then the mutual is turning around and being buddy buddy with this guy so i dm the mutual like hey whats going on here . mutual is like "well why dont you talk it out with him hes not as mean as he seems i prommy" and im like sure whatever i can have civil conversation and if it ends with One Less Person writing weirdo porn then i might be able to get into heaven
so i dm him and he loses his fucking mind. it lasted all of 10 minutes because he was sending paragraphs like this and i was too tired to give a shit
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(take note of my icon thats a special tool thatll help us later)
(also he goes by the name rxgelord. WITH the x. thats also important just because its funny as fuck)
so the guys clearly bothered by the idea that people might possibly talk about him without his permission and im a little miffed after being misgendered (which hed do again later) so i just post our dms. swing first and hey batter batter lets play ball i dont give a shit this is bnha roleplay
once again: loses his damn mind. he makes a psa post about me talking about how im just some pussy infant and hes too HARD for me and shit and also they do bakudeku muffin roleplay in the comments of that post which is fucking insane
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anyway. at one point while joking about the whole thing i called him a "wannabe bakugou kinnie" as a joke and apparently he felt a very serious need to address this
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and im like holllllllllllllly fucking shit
you may have noticed that his posts are incredibly over-formatted. this goes for everything he does he is pouring a LOT of time and energy into typing his 9 paragraphs about how im an insane bitch or whatever. (if theres literally one thing i can give him credit on its that his graphic editing skills are kinda good. i will be honest) his rules document is also just as insane and features gems such as:
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(this dude thinks hes pulling bitches on a bnha roleplay blog)
so we're just full on ragging on him at this point and hes getting MADDDDDDD MAD. he misgenders me again and when i point it out he has the following excuse:
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(art by @/pcktknife. anyways)
after a certain point i get dmd an old copy of a 130+ page callout he had a year prior and im like WHAT and it included his yugioh rp blog career and various allegations like having been involved in gang violence, doxxing, etc. also a picture of the hickies he bragged about leaving on his uwu pink glitter gf which looked more like he was trying to go for the killing bite but hey. yknow. apparently im a toddler idk how that works
along in this we also find his twitch account, which was under the name rxgelord, and it featured edited graphics of his real life face with bakugou. he posts selfies a lot too i wont share them even if theyre public but he has knuckle tats and a goatee and uses the greyscale filter. if this gives you an idea. he also had 5 twitch followers and detailed his desire to be a rapper/dj and im like holllllly fucking shit this guy cant be a real person. holy fuck.
anyways. skipping a lot of unnecessary bullshit and paragraphs of text with gifs from 2013 attached hes constantly going on about how we wont just "say it to his face" which i think is hilarious bc i was, the entire time. but im like ok fine you want me so bad
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so i send him this. he posts about how "he won when he got all might" (for some reason hes calling my ex mutual by the character name. i dont know) and then hasnt posted in 4 days. he deleted his twitch. im a little worried bakugou. dont say that. may have actually chased this man off the internet . to go have real life sex with his real life girlfriend so he isnt so mad
anyway we ended up turning one of his posts into an eminem uberduck
im honestly probably forgetting something this was so much and it was so fucking funny and honestly im glad to have been there
update: he has not in fact posted since last summer. god bless.
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broodwolf221 · 14 days
jumping off that post about ppl's ocs and how ridiculous it is to be "fandom critical" of them...
i've said it before and probably will again, but this is also why i'm so deliberate about giving space for canon character interpretations that do Not align with mine, or even with what i think is at all what we're meant to take away from the character
solas is my go-to example here. someone who has a lot of trauma and baggage around being lied to might be more inclined to see him as a full-blown anatagonist, or attribute a more devious and manipulative slant to his behavior. i don't agree with this read and i wouldn't follow someone who espouses it, but i'm also not going to freak out about their "reading comprehension" or blatantly tell them they're wrong or whatever else
how an individual relates to any art form, any narrative, any character, etc., is ultimately personal. it is deeply rooted in their experiences and perspectives. i am not the Keeper Of The One True Interpretation, and to think so is imo just such hubris and self-centeredness
having said that, do i still have feelings about ppl interpreting characters i love radically different than i do? yes! i still get frustrated or hurt when ppl view solas as a manipulative villain. but my feelings don't define their right to view him that way. that's the point where i just curate my dash more and move on. sometimes vent to my friends about it if i need to, and then move on
also, like, i'm not perfect at this. i have definitely expressed these frustrations on tumblr, which is by its nature a much more public setting than a quick vent in the appropriate channel with my friend group discord uwu;; it's esp hard when ppl don't have that friend group to fall back on, but still feel a need to express themselves.
but i'm definitely trying to get better! tumblr is a public setting, and at the end of the day, i really take a Do No Harm approach to how i interact with ppl. i'd rather be privately uncomfortable and move on than be publicly condemning and... then move on 😅 like what's the point there? get mad, maybe hurt ppl, and either way the outcome is the same for me?
but also. we're all playing with dolls! i'm not going to get mad if someone has the same doll as me and decides he's an awful villain. i might be like :| why... but i'm not going to go over, yank the toy out of their hand, and tell them to return to the source material
just gonna sorta turn my back on them and keep playing with my dolls
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lady-starbind · 9 months
First Tumblr post of the year, and It's about me simping for a funny Cowboy Yeehaw mans
So as someone who's a casual fan of UT and DR, I've gotten wind of a new UT fangame that's an absolute MASTERPIECE! (have only played a bit into the beginning) ...but I've watched playthroughs, and I must say, there's a darn purdy, dare I say DASHING monster that has taken up my brain here lately! TwT Putting the rest of this under the cut, in case it counts as spoilers
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HAS INVADED OVER 60% OF MY BRAIN... HE'S NOT PAYING RENT... I don't always simp for a yeehaw mans... BUT WHEN I DO HE'S HIGH QUALITY!!!
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Continuing on my not-spoiler free ramble, the things about this man consists of: Being a super cool Sheriff (even if it's just for LARPing type fun stuff lol) Being an adorable dweebus nerd Being a sweetheart type of farmer (I swear, I think that's one of my weaknesses.... Yeah, not me remembering my crushes on Milo from Pokemon and Bill Green from Big City Greens) What does make me lowkey sad/jelly is I think he still is sweet on his childhood crush Ceroba... (pretty fox lady with lit backstory and strong powers got way more up on me than I could ever have x'D) But hey! ...If the funny star sheriff cowboy falls in love with the lovely fox lady, then that's ok. Because I love the star mans, and I want him to thrive and be happy~ (in all seriousness though, I'm not going to demonize people who ship him with any of the canon characters or with their oc. Everyone has a right to ship or not ship as they please~ I am ALL FOR being mature and not starting petty crap such as "UwU Starlo is MYNE, HE'S MY HUSBAND, BOYFRIEND AND FIANCE, YOU CANNOT HAS HIM, OR I'LL SHOOT YOU DOWN WITH MY SIX SHOOTER FILLED WITH FLOWEY BULLETS!!!!11!?" He rightfully belongs to his creator, who I assume worked on the UT Yellow game...)
Gosh this ramble is cringe filled... but hey, I had fun and I needed to get my love for this man out of my system... I really wanna smooch the funny star mans (and hey.... if Ceroba doesn't want to date him then well... Hey Starlo, you can hold hands and smooch with me if you'd like~ ;3)
also if you haven't played Undertale Yellow, but you're a fan of Undertale or Deltarune, then by all means take some time and show this game some love! I believe it would be worth your time, seeing as they worked 7 whole years on the game if I'm not mistaken....
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darkicedragon · 3 months
darkicedragon so anyway, if i go my usual route of diving in with werewolf fics for wind breaker …………… nothing is going to fucking change 😂 azure 🐱 no??? because instincts??? body changes? mc being even more not accepted by the people around him >8D darkicedragon his instincts are to >8V!! at anyone who gives him compliments but then >//<!! 'i didnt know we could see blushes through fur…' body changes?? just a late bloomer in puberty! i feel everyones going to atk bc protect the town!! or come running bc they got alerted, but then see the 'monster' is skulking around but not actively hurting anyone. then they recognise that hair stripe and eyes…. also sakura probably ✨^✨/)))) at seeing his pack but he doesnt have a pack <.< hes a lone wolf but definitely his pack azure 🐱 bad reactions like a doggo who was never properly socialized only snips and growls and fighting because on one hand, he has to protect himself azure 🐱 on the other hand, he was negatively reinforced all his life so now any pack bonding habit registers to him as a threat darkicedragon any closeness or touch and he DOES snap at them someone/a group has to sit with him until his bodys first reactions eventually calm down he still dashes away to recover at the first opportunity
azure 🐱 speaking of werewwolf sakura who never had a pack until he moved to the city being adopted into the pack all >8V and (ง •̀_•́)ง bc no only fites, no feels but then he gets dragged into a puppy pile bc 'no, no, u need time out and snuggles' darkicedragon RIGHT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PILE SO HES CUDDLED AND PETTED ON ALL SIDES HES SO CONFUSED FITE?? NO FITE. PUPPY PILE uwu BUT FIGHT????
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
i feel so seen after reading your anti taika tag, it has given me so much more when having to discuss him which unfortunately is a lot. everyone is always shocked i dislike him or will never watch his work after witnessing the uwu attitude of jojo rabb*t and his award speech for said movie! i still get pushback and relatives trying to force me to watch it, it's so funny, how can i have an opinion without watching it, he's jewish, he's making fun of them, and blah blah blah. to my jewish ass that does not give him a pass? meh. most fans of his work also have his similar vibe and attitude so it just blah. it's just gross. seeing that constant (yea fictional but still) nazis on my dash was sickening, especially the shipping of two of the bastards, loving rebel's appearance and taika as h*tler, and on. almost every single person i followed and mutuals was all about it, not even tagging tw or cw or difficult tagging (m: title, movie: title, "random quote from movie as a tag", just the ship, or worse the actors and not the name of the movie so blacklisting the tags to not see became a nightmare), and also not focusing on the supposed wholesome message of the movie. just loving on their nazis then taika with his speech did nothing to help that. so i got an admitted grudge to say the least. hisall this to say i just am happy i can hit back now with more thanks to your tag
his fandom is arguably worse than he is but that’s the kind of person you attract when you’re an arrogant, ignorant jackass all the time. him then going on to play a fictional version of a real life slave trader in a depiction that makes him progressive and queer is just disgusting. “it’s making them what they hate as a fuck you!!!” you’re making gen z woobify slave traders and fucking HITLER. they’re calling these real life men their blorbos. it’s so dangerous and I’m so tired of seeing this happen, all because of (1) ignorant film maker.
I’m glad the tag has helped with info and resources!
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igbylicious · 3 months
"And then a lifetime more to come" aaaaaaaah 🥺🥺🥺 how do you balance that smut fest with such a heartwarming line I'm gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure SHASGKOFFSA PLS. it's always a pleasure to read smth you've written. I swear you manage to pour so much love into your characters. Possessive poly reader was such a treat especially how they kept going back and forth on how much she loved that all of her mates loved wooyoung and wanted them to bond more but also wanted him and all of his firsts for herself too. EVERYTIME SHE TOLD HIM TO BE HER GOOD BOY/PUP EYE- wooyoung was such an endearing little shit too you got that delicate balance spot on. Seeing his insecurities poking through broke my heart, though :ccc get loved idiot ( ^-^)ノ∠※♡.:*:・♡'°☆ bless you and your brilliant mind fr I'm always looking forward to reading whatever (way ayy) you share it with us!
asdkjadskjadssdakj!!! („ಡωಡ„)♡ i didn’t meant for this fic to get sappy but yeah it just slipped out at the end there ;;
aw i’m really happy you liked the possessive streak hehe! i wanted to play a lil with those feelings since it barely comes up in my other fic, and a werewolf au just felt like a good match for it ♡ WOOYOUNG IS THE MOST GOODEST PUP he just needs a lil encouragement and a firm guiding hand uwu (but yes. he’s also a damn menace lol. °˖✧ balance ✧˖°) and i couldn’t resist a dash of hurt/comfort oop hehe BUT DW HE IS SO HECKEN LOVED NOW ASJDASHJ (≧◡≦) ♡
ahhhhh i’m so happy you also enjoyed this fic, getting the ask got me doing a happy wiggle asdjkkasdj thankyousomuch!!! ♡ ~(\'▽^人)
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weird-dere · 9 months
hi!!! if it's okay for me to ask, if you and ichigo were to design christmas toppers, either together or separately, what would they look like?
Hello, dearest <3333333.
I hope you have been well uwu. And I hope you know you are very beloved 🫶🏾🩷. You make me smile every time i see you on the dash 😚💋.
And to confirm, no one has asked me this question yet!! :3
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Ichigo’s Topper:
I think Ichigo’s topper would probably be something more shiny or glittery.
Methinks he would probably stick with a more classic design like some kind of star. Leaning toward the kind with more than just five points. I just think he would want his to be a pointy little thing lol.
I could see him picking either silver, gold, or like a glittery transparent glass, but he’s probably most keen on gold
I think he’d put some sort of Halo around the star too. Not like the kind of halo that looks like a ring over an angels head, but more like a colorful sphere forming an aura around the star. Sort of like in religious mosaics/paintings and such? What color or colors he would choose for that is anyone guess tbh 👀.
Ichi is also wanting his to be double sided, so it can be looked at from either side of the tree/whatever angle.
Twyla’s Topper:
My topper would probably be something more plush n probably have a lot of white
I’m thinking i would try to make a topper look really cute :3. Like there is probably going to be some tule or some see-through type fabric involved to make a sort of cloud like thing. And I think a bow or maybe multiple might be involved!
I’m thinking in the center of this cloud like mass of fabric will be something smol n cute. Maybe like a little puppy or a chibi santa or smth. Ooh! Or maybe even little representations of me n him together!!
Mine is likely to be one sided bc the focal point is prolly something i won’t be trying to replicate on a two sided thing lol
Also i do like the idea of somehow getting lighting in mine that changes colors. Cus i think it’s pretty and brings a little life to all the white <3.
Our Mutual Topper:
A topper we create together I think would try to in some ways encompass both concepts
I think the base of this one would be a star shape, but it would be a five pointed star and a bit more rounded than sharp.
It would either be gold or yellow and i think maybe just below it would be like a white ribbon with a little sparkle
The star would be very large, so there would be room for little drawings or carvings in it of swirls and cute things uwu
Maybe with just a regular yellowish white light in the middle of the star? 👀
And this one would also be double sided :3
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Thank you so much for asking, lovely! :DDDD
What do you think you and Izuku’s tree toppers would look like? Separately or together? OwO
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