#bjgate 2k24
emilykaldwen · 4 months
Funny how you go and do a few edits backpedalling. You literally set Abrogail up as the pure maiden. Everything is geared towards that. So shoot me for mentioning it. Yeah, we know the Valyrians are horny and the whole virginal maid is a front not with Rhaenyra running about with Daemon and Criston, then poor Alicent being pimped out by Otto. But the general theme is women are chaperoned and expected to be pure. I'm not into purity culture. I just find it amazing people have no concept of thematic cohesion or coherency. Abrogail is a highborn maiden whom Alicent or her family would be guarding her virtue. Obviously it's not foolproof. That is the chauvinistic tenets of their society what Viserys tells Daemon. It's fine for them to go to a brothel but not a young girl. When Rhaenyra did that plot was aligned with character agency. Abrogail suddenly gives a blowjob, it's like... The realism is taken away. What's the point beyond your vicarious enjoyment. Reality is Abrogail would probably not have the opportunity. Also when did Cassandra Baratheon go around giving BJ's when she is like far away???? There is no mention beforehand either it's just random dropped in. I could get behind Cassandra giving BJ's in the name of advancing herself. it makes sense and she's in no danger of pregnancy. Also you don't take into consideration is Aegon clean? Is he going to infect Abrogail with an STI? These details are overlooked all the time.
Also don't use 'lass' in your writing that always throws me . It's very Outlander
Tell me you don't actually read my story without telling me you haven't read the story. I'm flattered that you think I move fast enough not only to edit these parts on both tumblr AND AO3, but would do it so quickly and have comments addressing them. You're so silly.
Aegon getting examined by the Maester in Chapter Five (AO3) Tumblr Link
Cassandra Arrives at the Red Keep With Floris in Chapter Seven (AO3) Tumblr Link
Cassandra Blowing Aegon in Chapter Ten (AO3) Tumblr Link (man she is so pissed he's not engaged to her)
But we already know you haven't read the story because all the complaints you're bringing up are... literally addressed in the story. You're just here to argue with me and try make me feel bad. On Anon no less.
just say you don't understand the themes of the story. It's fine. No one is gonna judge you. always throws me. Please.
Also this is a great read in terms of de... victorian-izing our impressions of women in the medieval era.
Anyways! Three strikes on the bad faith argument so I'm done engaging with you. I've got groceries to pick up and more unrealistic blow jobs and table sex to dive into.
STILL laughing at the idea of me editing things specifically to take screenshots. So silly.
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
I think you created an incredibly vanilla OC who is the embodiment of the maiden and saviour of Aegon. She is like virginal, Madonna like. She is the bunny girl. Then you just whack edgy concepts on her like the whole blowjob thing. Like fr blowing is something you need to gain by experience or being told logistics of. I hardly think someone like Abby would know what to do technically wise. You made it seem like she was an expert. Which is so unrealistic man. And it gets messy too but your interpretations is weirdly sanitary
Like we can have character development and nuance but you don't know the meaning of the word. We have a pure maiden never been carnally touched but somehow she can naturally give pornstar level bjs. Get real Nat
Hey anon! Thank you for showing that you're either one of my [few] followers or have my blog open in a tab or something because I was just thinking about you when I reblogged that Tom Hardy Picture 11 minutes before you sent me this. Hello! How are you?
I'm putting this behind a cut to both save the dash and spoilers for the fic in general I guess? Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about my character and the themes I'm exploring in my story!
Do not come in here and tell me I don't know the meaning of character development and nuance (and don't fucking call me Nat, which only my friends call me, you do not have the right to it), when it's abundantly clear you don't have an ioata of reading comprehension given that in the chapter you're throwing a fit about, you failed to read Aegon specifically thinking how Abby's not great but she's at least enthusiastic, and he is giving her some guidance, but do you really need a word-for-word break down of it? I mean I'll keep it in mind but Aegon's not thinking 'wow my fiancee is super bad at this', like my dude thinks about how Cassandra Baratheon is better at this.
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But it also is abundantly clear that this is the only chapter you've read because we have because they're physically intimate in both Chapters 8 and 15, which build up Abby's confidence in being an active participant.
We see in their first encounter together that Aegon's absolutely taking the lead, but Abby does reach for him. She does want to touch him. He comes upon her touching herself and thinking about him. Because this isn't regency or victorian England. They do know about sex, there are dozens of horny Valyrian frescoes around the red keep, and while the Seven frowns down upon it, people are still getting down out of wedlock, they are exploring themselves, and I'm not sorry about touching upon that. When Aegon gets her off in Chapter Eight, Abby also touches him in return. She's curious! She wants to touch him! She's full of horny good hormones! And seeing him taste her off his fingers, she hesitantly gives him a taste as well. And frankly, by the time we've gotten to this most recent chapter, Aegon's been teaching her how to give a good handjob for like, a month.
Yes, you are right in that Abby is meant to represent those things. That's why the story is called The MAIDEN and the Drowning Boy. Because this is an ideal being forced upon her in so many different directions. So, AGAIN, it's abundantly clear to me that you have not read any of the other chapters because we have in IN CHAPTER ELEVEN AND THIRTEEN TALKS ABOUT THIS:
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The entire point of this first arc and Aegon and Abby going through what they do (also referenced in their fight in Chapter Eleven.
Also, again, I'm coming back to keep your purity culture bullshit out of my inbox. Stop thinking that a virgin means uwu innocent doesn't know anything baby. This story is actively going against that assumption and ideal because it's a shitty one. Engaging in sexual activity should never, ever mean that someone is no long 'pure'. It's a disgusting view point that goes down an even more reprehensible rabbit hole (no pun intended but we're going with it anyway).
The virginal Madonna motif you talk about is an impossible ideal, and one that is actively addressed in the story... but you'd actually have to read the story instead of just reading my recent chapter and coming in my inbox trying to belittle my character.
And for the fucking record: Abrogail Strong does not have a magical vagina and she sure as hell isn't here to save Aegon. If he wants to be saved, he has to make that decision himself (and he is).
Also??? is this a new thing? Since when the fuck are blowjobs edgy? Blowjobs are so fucking basic. Like? We even get implied blowjobs in a fucking kids movie (You know that scene in The Road to El Dorado I'm talking about). NOT TO MENTION I'm not sorry, if you're looking for descriptions straight from The Hub, my work is not for you. Graphic play by plays are not what I write, I prefer to focus on the emotional and internal side of things because that is what interests me.
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