#(and raiding the bar)
yonpote · 6 months
i just realized smth,, in the haircut video when dans Words Of Affirmation-ing phil hes like "you've always been there feeding me snacks" and then, in college dropout which is his first vid in the Existential Crisis series phil is comforting dan and going "ok we're gonna get you some chocolate" like.... ok......... he rlly has always been there feeding him snacks....
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blood-choke · 8 months
hiiii… i wanted to ask more about this particular val scene where mc and her talk about that portrait and mc is a bit stuck on the word husband and wants val to know theyre not a man. can i ask what inspired that type of convo? i wanted to know if it’s something you’ll touch up on again? is this underlying feelings mc had before their entombment… worried that val sees them as a man just because mc is masc? cause i know that’s kind of broader discussion in the lesbian community iirc….. was that why you wanted to incorporate it? this ask has so many questions LOL but basically i wanted to say i was intrigued and it did made me think more on those type of dynamics (thinking back to those resources you rb’d a while ago that go more into depth about diff things in the lesbian community)
oh boy get ready for another long-winded answer from me!
a lot of the feelings mc has about their gender are inspired by Leslie Feinberg's work (mainly Stone Butch Blues)
Feinberg was someone who lived & passed as a man for years of hir life, and wrote a lot about the complexities of hir gender and what it was like being a "gender outlaw."
there was actually a scene in particular from sbb that kinda put the kernel of an idea in my mind that led to this narrative of the mc feeling overshadowed by Standard and anxious about being perceived as a man. it's towards the end of the book when Jess (sbb's protagonist) meets Ruth (a trans woman that Jess falls in love with)
Jess offers to help Ruth carry groceries up to her apartment, and Ruth takes this the wrong way & is offended, partly because she thinks Jess is a man.
One Saturday afternoon I found her clutching two huge bags of groceries and fumbling with the downstairs front-door lock. I pulled out my key.
“Here, let me.” She didn’t say thank you. She hurried ahead of me on the stairs.
“Can I help you carry those?” I offered.
“Do I look weak to you?” she asked.
I stopped on the stairs. “No. Where I come from it’s just a sign of respect, that’s all.”
She continued up the stairs. “Well, where I come from,” she called out, “men don’t reward women for pretending to be helpless.” Once I heard her apartment door close I kicked the stair in anger and frustration.
later, after they get to know each other better, they have this interaction:
I laughed and picked at my salad. “Do you know if I’m a man or a woman?”
“No,” Ruth said. “That’s why I know so much about you.”
I sighed. “Did you think I was a man when you first met me?" She nodded. "Yes. At first I thought you were a straight man. Then I thought you were gay. It’s been a shock for me to realize that even I make assumptions about sex and gender that aren’t true. I thought I was liberated from all of that.”
I smiled. “I didn’t want you to think I was a man. I wanted you to see how much more complicated I am. I wanted you to like what you saw.”
i think the inspiration here is quite obvious, hahaha. i figure anyone that's read sbb can sense the similar through-line here in my work. though the conversation between mc and Valentina has a much different tone.
there's another scene later as well after something happens to Jess and she has to have her jaw wired shut. she's working at a new job and is unable to speak, and she's also passing as a man at this job. she overhears some of her female coworkers talking about her and they refer to her as a "creep" and speculate that she's always watching one of them. Jess overhears all of this and then walks out of the job, goes home and pulls the wires out of her mouth herself:
After I was sure I’d gotten the last piece of wire out of my gums, I rinsed my mouth with whiskey and then drank the rest of it so I could sleep without remembering how Marija’s words had stripped me of my humanity.
butches & gnc women still face this kind of dehumanization; compared or likened to men in a derogatory way, accused of being "heteropatriarchal," the predatory stereotype of the fat ugly lesbian, and on the other side they're also hypersexualized, especially online and in queer spaces. butchphobia is a specific kind of misogyny that hits from all sides, even from the people that are supposed to be a part of your community. and this attitude especially effects trans women and women of color, who are already experiencing all of these things due to transmisogyny and racism.
i also really wanted to use this to touch on the kind of gender essentialism that we see in a lot of these cis feminist discussions - to these women at this job, Jess had committed no real crime other than being quiet and being the “wrong” kind of man. something about this scene has always stuck with me and really bothered me, but it's hard to put into words; on one hand i can admit i have probably been one of those women who made some kind of similar remark about a man i barely knew, but i've also been someone on the receiving end, too, because of the way i look. the mc in blood choke is put into this box, but they can't fit in, as someone who has been on both sides and doesn't really understand where they belong because of it; how can she stand beside Valentina or Hana or Clear when they might see her as a perpetrator, someone who can't be trusted? how does this mindset harm both the women and the men of the council and everyone in between? how can we break this cycle?
one of the films i mentioned recently when talking about the character designs was The Same Difference, which is specifically about the Black lesbian community and the discrimination within that community based upon gender roles (though this is not something limited to just the Black lesbian community)
a lot of the women in that doc talk about the boxes they're put in as AG or stud lesbians - they can't have their hair long, they can't wear makeup, they can't do this or that, they have to be aggressive and hard or else they're not real studs. they discuss stud on stud (or butch4butch) and how other lesbians look down on those types of lesbians, as well as the disdain for bisexual women for "betraying" the community. it explores the way misogyny and the patriarchy still oppress these women and forces them into this restrictive gender role despite their refusal to adhere to the other role originally assigned to them, and the way racism specifically intersects and exacerbates it for Black lesbians. there's a stud that's an exotic dancer and wears a weave, and a lot of other studs have a problem with this because a weave is "a female thing." another section follows a pregnant stud, and how the community shuns her for that, because she "dresses like a man and acts like a man" so why is she getting pregnant when she should be "the man"?
mc doesn't remember how they felt before entombment, but waking up they feel this need to prove themselves - both in that they are hard and aggressive like a butch should be, but also in that they want to be this person for Valentina or Clear or Hana (or all of them) that is safe and comforting. but they aren't sure how to do that when the world perceives them as this one specific thing - as a husband, as Standard, as a man, specifically this man who hurt Valentina.
of course we've already seen this to not be true of the companions with the last chapter as the mc learns more and spends more time with everyone. but this is kind of the foundation of where this whole idea came from. it started with my novel & i chose vampires for that story & this one because there is a long history of lesbian vampirism (and also because it's sexy) but there's this "curse" that both Hana & Valerie talk about in their respective stories, the first one being the racism she's had to face, the transphobia, along with this alienation and perception of lesbians as predatory and conniving and aggressive, as vampires, which i just think really lends itself to expanding upon these issues lesbians & trans women face both in general and within the community.
anyways if you want to read more i suggest Stone Butch Blues, which you can get for free on Leslie Feinberg's website, as well as S/he, by Minnie Bruce Pratt, available on the internet archive, Gender Failure by Ivan E. Coyote & Rae Spoon also on the internet archive, and you can rent The Same Difference for $10 on vimeo.
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cosmics-beings · 6 months
Cute megastar idea I'm currently writing where starscream and megatron meet different ways, megatron is a timid miner who is trying to escape slavery. meets starscream, a high ranking military officer who is kinda mean and cruel and megatron doesn't know why but megatron and him get to talking and megatron really does like him. starscream likes megatron. megatron is very kept to himself and quiet and starscream is only used to people in his circle being manipulative, cold and deceptive - which is why starscream himself is that way. being cold constructed and being forced to be a certain way, starscream is mean because of it. however , megatron makes him happy and the two grow close.
eventually, as a high ranking official starscream buys megatron and frees him, allowing him to do what he wants. megatron wants to stay with starscream. starscream tries to push him away because he doesn't think it's right but megatron just stays. so starscream allows it and megatron moves into his home and it's nice and large and megatron is essentially able to do anything he wants. he reads, he writes, he gardens, he doesn't have to worry about anything. he is completely ignorant to what is happening to everyone else and starscream wants to keep it that way.
starsceram is out fighting a war, at this point soundwave is probably the head of the deception army and trying to recruit starscream who is stressed. he is trying to keep his relationship with megatron hidden because he's afraid that due to the caste system they'll be split. he keeps megatron out of the know and tries to give him a decent , privileged life.
midway Starscream obviously, because he and megatron are married and are fragging gets sparked and that's like a no-no for Seekers. And honestly, this is like the third sparkling he's popped out, this other one just came at a bad time. So he and the sparkling are about to get killed by sentinel prime. Soundwave ends up saving them and letting Megatron know everything that is happening when he allows Starscream and Megatron to take shelter with him. Starscream has no choice but to become Soundwave's second in command. Megatron wants to help, he understands that Starscream has been protecting and sheltering him but he wants to help but idk if Starscream will let him.
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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I see so much art for the future Rise turtles, BUT WHAT OF THESE!? So i did a quick messy sketch during my 1hr lecture
2003 - S3E21
#TMNT#TMNT 2003#honestly been obsessing over these#Raphs gained some weight hes like those old war vets that sit in bars all day i love him#also another raph with an eye injury to add to the list#Leo’s not even blue#so funny he raided the kraangs wardrobe from s1/s2 i think#mikey really committed to the no clothes aesthetic#also yeah i know 2012 also has grown up apocalyptic versions ill get to that i havent watched s4/s5 of that show yet#but look at these old men#these geezers#raph smiled once when he hugged Donnie#and he also was like ninjitsu who as he started throwing glass#Leo forgot hes a turtle with a shell but that’s fine hes senile#him and raph held hands i was sobbing#mikey you where forgotten too quickly ill mourn you i love you#also spoilers for e23 but when Donnie’s like YOUR ALL YOUNG AND MIKEY YOU HAVE BOTH ARMS#the brothers are like hello Donnie and dont even question it#they all went to their dream world and Donnie went through the horrors#very excited for 2012 which is the only version of my knowledge to have a future Donnie…TECHnically#anyway yeah these guys love them April didnt mourn them enough#ive decided the oversized jacket raph has was found at caseys#hed got it cheap in a sale even thought its ginormous and then this chunky dude found it and was like for me :)#took me ages to figure out why Leo wasn’t wearing glasses and then drawing this i was like oh shell his mask is gone#dont look Leo in the yes hes like Medusa you’ll turn to stone#raphael splinterson#leonardo splinterson#Michaelangelo splinterson#TMNT SAINW#SAINW
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tswwwit · 1 year
I would love, even if its just its just brief summaries, to know the different thoughts going through bills head throughout the last smut. (mainly when he got the text and when dipper starts just blurting out thoughts and ideas bc i think those moments would be fun to see)
Imagine you're having the shittiest day at work. You're gritting your teeth and hanging onto it by your fingernails, knowing that eventually dealing with this absolutely idiotic, waffling, overstuffed, condescending dipshit of a client will be done with, you'll charge him out the nose for your services - which will probably be, like a hundred dollars, the way this is going! What bullshit. At least afterwards, you can collapse onto the bed and complain to your spouse about it. Which you have been doing, actually, waiting for a decent excuse to bail or check out early.
Then you get a text. And it's your partner saying they got you a brand new console, your favorite pizza - Oh! And a million bucks in untraceable cash - but you might have to kick your shitty client in the nuts so hard his eyes pop out. Does that sound... okay? No pressure or anything.
The reason Bill was a minute later than expected is because even he needed a moment. It was the sheer whiplash from going from Shit to Fucking Amazing.
#answers#Bill went from full on eeueuughhh about his day to practically having hearts floating around him#Perhaps literally depending on the magic situation in the place he was in#In my head Bill was 'hired' by a (shitty) villain and he got out of it by doing a quick betrayal and demanding to be cast out by the 'heros#“I Got THIS to get back to!! You think I wanna keep him waiting???”#He already hovers in his normal triangle form but this man was practically floating with delight heading back to Dipper#A graph of Bill's mood would start out super low then spike sharply at the pic#It then stays super high up with more spikes during all the shenanigans#After the smut they likely get cleaned up. Cuddle. And talk shit about idiots they've had to deal with#Bill Cipher has gone from doing his evil deeds and playing piano to an empty bedroom while raiding his own bar for distraction#To coming home to someone who'll listen to him bitch about his day and absolutely bicker with him about it#Calling him the worst thing in the universe. A scourge upon reality.#The most clever awful bastard. How *dare* he be handsome that's a crime -and frankly Dipper basically did it for him so he can't take credi#And sometimes even saying 'yeah you didn't *entirely* deserve to be screwed over that way. I could have done that *way* better.'#While Bill rests his head in his lap. Having someone listen to him ramble while he gets his hair played with. Lots of really good kisses#Warm. Close. Grossly domestic. But hey! Even *sex* can seem gross if you phrase it weird and *that's* a normal demonic pleasure#Sometimes fun things are just fuckin' FUN y'know?? Even if this one seems weird to other demons#It's. Nice. REALLY nice.#There's absolute no goddamn way he's going back to NOT having this#Even death won't pry it out of his greedy little mitts
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yugiohz · 2 months
thinking about bakugo getting kidnapped and how crazy ua introducing dorms bc of that like...... he got kidnapped while on a school trip, was held captive for two days (?) and taken to AT LEAST two locations, then his school was like 'hie not only did WE the pro heros not get you back, your peers had to break 1000 rules to get you but also we are going to take you away from the safety and comfort of your home and put you in a brand new building that we built bc you were kidnapped while in our care' like? i understand the logic behind the dorms BUT ALSO HELLO LET BAKUGO STAY HOME FOR A WEEK they needed to talk about that more like the MOST we see it affect him is he doesnt really hang out with his friends at the beginning of the dorm situation (and fighting deku later but idk i feel like that focused more to do with all might than about bakugo being kidnapped, it should have also been about bakugo needed to be in control of like one situation since the kidnapping like fr fr)
say itttttttt, UA is so messy and incompetent at times, like the amount of publicity they actively seek out for their 15yo heroes in training is so…. Why are we doxxing kids lmaooooo, UA and the police force can be so useless despite their resources and such but I thinks that’s very emblematic of real life police forces so
and yeah, I also think horikoshi missed an opportunity to flesh out bakugo more by slowing down and showing bakugo react a bit more to this whole kidnapping and fearing for hohe life thing (I love that his face cracks for a second when all might shows up and comforts him AOAIUGH), and WHY does his mom react so insensitively like I can see why people thinks she’s abusive like she should’ve been more worried well whatever
and omg yeah, I’ve never thought about their fight from that angle that is so interesting I will add that to my mind palace 💆🏻
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commiepinkofag · 5 months
in case you missed the Seattle/WA LCB Board Public Meeting on the recent gay bar raids, here's a good play-by-play.
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laurenfoxmakesthings · 5 months
I just heard about the gay bar raids in Seattle. Understandably this scares people, I looked through most of the tags of the post where I learnt about this from. Thousands of people have reblogged it, so I could be wrong, but no one else shared this. The tags were understandably full of despair, but I won't stand by while cops ensure your dive into defeatism. Not when those who are affected in Seattle haven't given up and are fighting back.
Whenever I see horrible news, I try to find an action to do something about it. Awareness should always be the first step, not the first and last. Action is the next step. And for the moment, this is it for that situation. Please sign this and tick the box concerning upcoming actions.
Don't let the cop bastards make you think there's an inevitable decline concerning the community's rights, they want that from you. The LGBTQIA+ community isn't in the 1960s or '70s anymore. We're not done. But we've grown since then, bigger and louder. Use that.
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hajihiko · 1 year
I adore your clothes! How do you find all your outfits? Do you thrift them or is there a specific store you go to?
Most of them are either thrifts from various thrift stores or hand-me-downs from people who arent using their clothes anymore. If I buy, I buy cheap!
When I had a job for it, I also pilfered from the lost-n-found hehe (only when it's been at least 4 months!)
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kcciny · 1 year
You know what fgo needs? Absolutely insane weekly bosses that make you wanna throw your phone.
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dragonsongmakhali · 7 months
It has been a tough evening. I've been very busy lately and haven't had time to grind up my gearscore, so my dps was too low and my friends just kinda. Dropped me from the static and only one of em has said a word to me since. Totally get it, have not been able to dedicate the out of raid time, and my winning personality can only get me so far. I think they're giving me a bit of space; we've been friends for too long for me to immediately assume the worst. But it has definitely been straight up not a good time.
I wanted to let y'all know that coming here, and seeing y'all on the dash and chatting with y'all in replies and tags, brings me so much joy, and that it really brightened up a very dark night. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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thirt13n · 7 months
doing birthday type things today b/c it's my birthday😌
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limitlessscion · 13 days
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i wrote a shitton of draft outlines and notes for a bunch of things i owe, hell yeah
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xxbleedingrose · 3 months
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bring me to life at the normie karaoke🎙️🪩
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 6 months
Hollow Oaths & Apologies
Celia returns in the early night, after sending last night and a day hiding from the Hellknight raid on the bar she gets her jobs from, to her little brother, who has been all alone waiting for her.
[aka making Cecio be taken away later means i can have some delicious angst and i jumped on it]
The image of Hellknight claws holding bread towards her was superimposed on her eyelids every time she blinked, both the stern cries of a hellknight during a raid, and the soft voice of one after ringing in her ears. She ran, over rooftops and through back alleys, twisting and turning, backtracking and walking calmly every so often, all to obscure her path from wandering eyes.
If anyone asked about the golden haired girl, they would be quickly pointed to the washerwomans daughter, the poor girl, running around trying to feed her mother and brother, such a weight on young shoulders.
Still, she tried her best to distance the cloaked thief from the golden haired girl, tried to make sure her family were kept safe from the darkness she dived into, because it was all to keep them safe, so why do it if she was to jeopardise them.
Still, her golden curls were marred with dust and grime, the cubby hole she hid in disused and cramped. She prayed to whatever was watching over her that the Hellknight had more things to worry about than a street kid looking for shelter near a raided bar.
The streets became more familiar, and a warmth settled in her chest, she was coming home.
The wood creaked as she eased open the shutters, letting her slip through into the dark of her home. After removing her shoes, her calloused feet padded towards the bedding in the corner, hoping to catch some sleep after her night and day spent rigid with terror.
A flash of light caught her eye. Shit. 
“CeCe?” slipped out of the child's mouth, a worried glance showing that their mother had not moved since she had left.
“CeCe! Your back!” He was trying so hard to say those words properly, trying so hard to smile in greeting.
Hellknights take her, for those words from her little Cecio hurt more than any horrors they would have put her through if she had been caught.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to speak softly, calling on memories of their mother, from before- from when she was full of reassuring warmth, “Yes my dear little Cecio, I am back. I'm sorry for being aw-”
Silver tears burst from silver eyes and his cute face scrunched up in agony. 
Her hands reached out to him, instinct telling her to comfort him, comfort her brother, but she recoiled at the last moment, the silver eye-light washing her skin of colour, yet throwing the once red brown's into stark relief.
Wet slid down her face, but her forehead scrape had long since scabbed over? It took her a second to realise it was not another drop of blood from that, but a salty tear from her own golden eyes. Tears at how marred the hands that tried to comfort her family were. Tears at how she had left him behind with their mother, left him to his own day and night of frozen terror.
She rushed towards him, bloody hands and dirt cloak, wrapping around him like the fabrics they used to hide his silver hair, enveloping him in her arms, hoping to anything that he would understand what she was trying to say, what she was telling him, her silent apology. 
For leaving him alone, for failing to protect him. For abandoning her duty to him.
Gears whirring in her head as she clutched him, telling her that it would take time for people to regather, that she had a few days where she could stay with him, that the coin from the Hellknights purse, coin taken from the very bar raided, would last a few days before she would need to dive back into the darkness.
Words spilled from her throat, matching the tears from her eyes, “I swear, Cecio, i swear, i won't leave you alone again, i'm so sorry my little one, please forgive me, i never meant to leave you alone, my poor little Cecio,” 
Words she knew after she said them that she would never be able to keep. Hollow promises she deluded herself into thinking she wouldn't break, just for tonight. 
Just for tonight, she let her bloody hands hold him to her chest, let her dirty cloak wrap around him, let him be soothed to sleep by the beating of her heart, her sobs matching his.
She would be strong in the morning, she would break his heart in a few days, but for now she was his CeCe, his sister, and she let herself think that was enough.
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mercymaker · 9 months
i might've gone a little bit insane over this gif set
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