#(also picked up kevin love along the way but yeah)
leclercsbf · 1 year
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roosterforme · 3 months
Covering the Classics Part 17 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Anna is giving herself one last chance to get her manuscript before she moves on without it. She has friends, a job she loves, and a man who believes in her. There's nothing else she really needs now, but she's going all in on a plan that is perhaps just crazy enough to work.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, espionage, adult language, 18+
Length: 3400 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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Bob watched Anna emerge from the bathroom in one of Jessica's cocktail dresses after he picked her up from work and brought her back to his house. "I'm thinking this one?" she asked, turning back and forth in front of his bedroom mirror while wearing the black and white dress. It was a little snug and also a bit short on her compared to how it would probably fit Jessica, but he thought she looked incredible.
"Yeah," Bob agreed, standing behind her and zipping it up. "It's perfect." Seeing her in wedding rings was startling to him, and he had to remind himself over and over again that she had borrowed them as a cover. As part of the ruse. That they belonged to his friend. That she wasn't reconciling with Kevin. "What time do we need to be at the hotel?" he asked, running his hand along her hip as she started to clip her hair up onto her head.
"Eight o'clock," she confirmed. "The cocktail reception lasts from eight until ten, and there's no way Kevin will want to miss a single minute with all of these people who seemingly worship him."
Bob tightened his hold on her, his distaste for Kevin clearly written on his face as he looked in the mirror over her shoulder. She told him he needed to change out of his uniform, so he was wearing a plain undershirt and jeans. He looked a bit ridiculous next to Anna as she swiped some eyeliner on in the shape of a cat-eye before coating her lips in a deep red stain.
"That's pretty," he whispered, and he was rewarded with her turning around to press a kiss to his cheek, leaving her perfect lip marks behind. He didn't bother to wipe it away. He was so thankful she wasn't trying to do this on her own, even though she seemed calm and confident. He didn't want Kevin to have even the slightest opportunity to be alone with her. "You'll call me if you need me to come in," he said.
"Yes," she confirmed for probably the fifth time. "I'll keep my phone on me."
"And you'll get out of there if you don't feel safe?"
Anna nodded up at him, looking so beautiful with a soft smile on her lips. "Yes. My manuscript is not as important as I am."
Bob kissed her deeply. She finally got it. She tried to swipe at the lipstick smudged on his mouth, but they left his house hand in hand with some of the stain left on his lips. He helped her into his truck and took his time driving up to Carlsbad as she navigated along the way for him. When he reached for her hand, she laced her fingers with his, and he chuckled.
"I kind of hate her rings on you," he muttered. "I wonder what Bradley had to say about that one."
Anna made a face when he glanced her way. "I'm sure he's still asking her to explain where they went, and the more she says my name, the unhappier he's going to be with me."
"Nah," Bob replied as he made a left turn. "You're one of us."
She squeezed his hand. "That still sounds almost too good to be true. And we do need to return her rings tonight so he doesn't have a full panic attack."
"That sounds fair," he murmured, looking for a place to stop his truck and let her out. The swanky hotel where Kevin's medical conference was being held was just up the block, and now his heart was pounding.
"This is perfect," she told him, pointing out the window before unbuckling her seatbelt. "Just leave me off right here." He put the truck in park, but when she tried to pull her hand away, he held on tighter. She paused and looked at him before leaning in to kiss his cheek and saying, "I got this, Bob. It's okay." When she tried once more to get out of his truck, he tugged her closer to him. "You have to let me-"
"Anna, I love you."
She froze at his announcement, but he was getting tired of not telling her. He'd been thinking it for ages. He thought he almost lost her before, and he wasn't going to let Kevin of all people potentially ruin her night without her knowing she at least had him to come back to. So as she crawled across the seat toward him, he repeated himself. "I love you."
Anna climbed onto his lap as her lips met his cheek and his chin. "I want to listen to you say that all night," she whispered, finally kissing his lips. "And I want to spend an hour telling you all about how much I love you. But I need about thirty minutes to get shit done first."
Bob laughed as he nipped at her smiling lips. "No rush. I'll still love you in thirty minutes." He would probably still love her in thirty years, and he was more than willing to tell her that later. But right now he had to accept one last kiss from her before he watched her hop down from his truck, put Jessica's high heels on, and start to head for the hotel entrance.
"You can do this," Anna told herself as she tried not to stumble in the shoes that were a half size too small with heels which were way too high. "Just stay focused." But Bob loved her! He said it, and he meant it, and now all she wanted was to run back to his truck. But this was her last chance.
It was ten minutes after eight. Kevin's schedule was giving her enough time to get what she wanted, but only if it went smoothly. Anna had never been much of an actress, but in this exact moment, she needed to pull off an Emmy winning performance if she stood a chance at getting into Kevin's room. She cleared her throat and squared her shoulders as she walked into the beautiful lobby, opened her clutch purse, and pouted in frustration. "Oh no," she muttered loudly. There were a lot of people around, chatting and heading to the bar just past the concierge desk. She threw her head back in faux annoyance and marched in the terrible shoes toward the counter.
"How can I help you this evening?" asked the young man behind the desk with a smile.
Anna sighed and set her clutch down and glanced at his name tag. She made sure the rings on her finger were shining under the light as she said, "In my rush to get to the wine bar down the block in time for cocktail hour, I left my new necklace and my key card in my room. Think you could print me a new one, Marcus? My husband just gifted me the necklace and expects me to be wearing it."
"Of course, Mrs...."
"Webber. Mrs. Kevin Webber. We're here for the Neurological conference. My husband is a keynote speaker." She had to fight back the urge to choke on the words as she forced a smile. 
"Right," Marcus replied, tapping away on his keyboard. "Webber.... I found the reservation, but it's only under your husband's name."
When he looked up and met her eyes, Anna wanted to run away, climb back into Bob's truck and give up. Her heart was pounding as she tapped her fingers on the counter and rolled her eyes. "He always does that when he books a room for work. But I'm definitely linked to his rewards account."
She tried to keep her face neutral as she awaited a response. There was no way Kevin would have taken the time to update anything so trivial. He was never one to take the time to update anything. That always fell to Anna. She watched Marcus start typing again as he said, "I'll just need to check your ID, Mrs. Webber."
"Absolutely," she replied coolly, pulling her New Jersey state driver's license that was about to expire from her clutch and setting it down for him. The longer he typed away, the more she started to panic. She wondered if Kevin was already having his first drink at the bar or if he had moved on to his second. As long as he was there, it didn't much matter to her what he was doing.
Finally, Marcus pulled a new key card from the drawer in front of him, programmed it and tucked it into an envelope. He conveniently wrote #609 on it and slid it toward her. "Is there anything else I can do for you this evening Mrs. Webber?"
She shook her head, picked up her license and the key and said, "I think this is all I need. Thank you, Marcus."
Anna turned toward the bank of elevators and counted each step. One, two, three, four, five.... She tried to keep her pace as unhurried as she could while still getting away from the desk quickly. She pushed the little up arrow and waited for the elevator to arrive while she glanced around the lobby to be sure there was nobody who had taken notice of her. When the elevator got there, she ducked inside and pushed the button for floor six and pulled her phone out to text Bob.
I got the key. I'm in the elevator.
When she arrived at the correct floor, she put her phone away and held onto the key card with shaking hands. She could do this. She knew she could. But one step onto the plush carpet, and she stumbled in Jessica's high heels. "Shit," she gasped, reaching for the wall as the elevator doors slid closed behind her. Could she really take Kevin's computer? Technically speaking, it was hers, too. They picked it out together. When he started medical school. She paid for it with her credit card. The one he then maxed out.
She pushed herself off from the wall, more pissed off than upset. Kevin didn't deserve her concern at the moment. He deserved nothing. Room 609. She found it down the left side of the hallway. Just as she raised the key card to swipe it, the door jerked open an inch, and she gasped. Fingers wrapped around the door from the inside as it opened slowly, and she ran as fast as she could for the stairwell, tucking herself inside just as she saw Kevin step into the hallway.
"Fuck," she gasped under her breath, afraid she might throw up. It was close to 8:30 now. He should have been at the cocktail party. Why was he in his room? Terrified that he'd seen her, Anna stood in the stairwell with her back pressed to the wall. She counted to fifty and then to one hundred, but the door never opened. When she peeked out into the hallway again, it was deserted.
"You can do this," she whispered, even as the thought occurred to her that he may still be in the hotel room. There was no way she'd be able to overpower him if he was. Before she could give it too much thought, she knocked on the door and then pressed her ear to it. When nobody answered, she did it again. Then she swiped her card, watched the light turn green, and pushed the door slowly open.
The hotel room smelled like Kevin's cologne, and she gagged, but after a quick inspection of the bathroom and closet, he was definitely gone. Her hands were shaking like crazy now as she checked the desk area for his computer, but it wasn't there. She dropped to her knees and crawled across the floor to his computer bag, but it was empty except for folders and pamphlets from the conference.
"Shit," she said, eyes stinging with tears. She made it this far, and she didn't want to give up now. As she crawled around the king size bed, she saw the computer charging cable on the floor, plugged into the outlet along with his phone charger. And there it sat, tucked halfway under the bed. The laptop.
Anna lunged for it, opening it and waking it up from standby mode. She was prompted to enter a password, and she smiled; Kevin never changed anything. It had to be the same one he was using since college. She entered it, and her smile vanished. 
Incorrect Password
"You're joking," she gasped. This was supposed to be the easy part. This was the last thing she was convinced would trip her up. Perhaps she had just entered it wrong with her shaky hands, so she tried it again.
Incorrect Password
"Fuck!" Panic was setting in now. Should she just take it and risk pissing him off if the manuscript wasn't even on it? Her intention had been to check before she did. Her gaze settled on the little fingerprint reader down in the bottom corner near the keyboard. There was simply no way. If he had taken the time to actually update his passwords, then he would have taken the time to remove Anna's fingerprint access as well.
She bit her lip and slid her index finger down to the reader, and she was immediately rewarded with full access to the computer. Her eyes went wide as she tapped on the search option and entered the file name of her manuscript and hit enter, and when it popped up on the screen she burst into tears. She scrolled down and it was there. It was all there.
"Fuck you, Kevin," Anna said, voice hoarse with emotion as she yanked the plug from the wall, wrapped the cord around the laptop, and made her way to the door. She needed to act completely normal right now even though she felt like her heart might burst into a million brightly colored pieces of magic. She rode the elevator down, praying that Kevin was getting intoxicated enough that he wouldn't realize something was missing from his room right away. For the first time in her life, she didn't even care if he brought another woman back with him, but she did almost feel bad for pregnant Alyssa back in New Jersey. Almost.
When the doors slid open revealing the bustling lobby, Anna nearly tripped for the last time. She took her friend's shoes off and held them in one hand with her purse as she started speed walking toward the exit. She didn't see Kevin anywhere, but that didn't mean much since he had been in his room when she got here. Now she was counting on Bob to be where he said he would be.
Once she was outside, she immediately turned to the right toward the loading zone. She started to run barefoot down the sidewalk, and that's when she saw him. He was perfect, standing there next to the passenger side door in his white undershirt, running his hands nervously through his hair.
"Bob!" she called out, her feet already aching, and he came racing up the sidewalk to meet her.
"You got it!" he whispered excitedly. "Anna, Baby, you got it!"
"It's still on here," she breathed as he scooped her up with everything still held tight in her hands. "I got in with my fingerprint and I saw it, Bob. I have it." He kissed the side of her neck once, but otherwise he didn't stop walking. "Did you see Kevin?" she asked. 
"Yeah," he grunted, setting her down and pulling the door open for her. "He headed the other way up the block. When he came out after you went inside, I kind of started to freak out a little bit. If I didn't hear from you again in five more minutes, I was going to make my way inside. But you didn't need me at all."
Anna tossed everything onto the seat and scrambled inside, anxious to get out of here, but not before she leaned down to kiss Bob one more time. "That's just the thing though. I'm pretty sure I actually do need you."
He was smiling as he said, "Let's go home."
Anna was holding the computer to her chest while Bob drove down the dark local roads of Carlsbad and got onto the highway. She didn't say much, but she looked so happy, and eventually her hand crept across the seat to take his. When he took the first street off the bridge instead of the second one, she asked, "Where are we going?"
Bob laughed. "Just because he hasn't been freaking out at you all night doesn't mean he hasn't been texting and calling me nearly nonstop."
"Who?" she asked, clearly puzzled as Bob drove through the quiet end of Coronado. When he pulled up in front of the Spanish Revival style house that had every light, interior and exterior, shining bright, she laughed too. "I almost forgot about the rings in all the excitement."
Bob watched as Bradley came running out onto his porch in his slippers, gym shorts, and his hideous tie dye shirt with a concerned look on his face. His wife was right behind him waving merrily from the porch in a bathrobe that looked too big for her as he ran down the walkway toward the truck. Bob watched as Anna twisted both rings from her finger and then rolled down the window, and in an instant, Bradley's entire head was thrust inside, eyes searching wildly.
"Do you have them?" he asked loudly, reaching for Anna's open palm and the rings. "Jesus Christ." He turned around and shouted to his wife, "They have them!"
"I told you they did," she replied easily, shaking her head. "It's not like she was set on stealing something tonight, Beer Boy."
Bob and Anna both started laughing as Bradley turned back toward them, looking much calmer with his wife's rings in his hand. "These rings are so important to me. Elvis himself married us in Vegas with them."
Anna patted him on the cheek and said, "And they're both just as perfect as when Advanced Calculus gave them to me earlier. They worked like a charm, so thank you."
He nodded and sighed in relief before heading back up to the porch with a lot more swagger in his step now. While he was walking away, Bob heard him tell his wife, "Put these back on immediately, Sugar, or I'm getting my Beta Gamma paddle out."
"Oh," Anna gasped as Bob started to pull away from the curb. "That actually makes a lot of sense," she muttered, holding onto the computer once again.
"They are in for a wild night," Bob told her, heading toward his house now. "And so is Kevin. In a much less fun way."
"And so are you," Anna said with a little smirk. 
"I don't have a fraternity paddle," Bob replied as his cheeks grew warm.
"We won't need one of those for a good time. You have a collection of poetry that you wrote about me, and I think I'd like to hear you read it."
Bob was already twitching with need. "Will you put your black bra and panties on again?"
"What do you think I'm wearing under this dress? As soon as I pull my manuscript from the cloud and copy everything over to my own computer, I'm going to spend the rest of the night thoroughly thanking you for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. And then we can discuss the plans to banish Kevin permanently."
There were so many things he wanted to do, but he knew his list would have to start after hers was complete. They would take care of her manuscript and get rid of Kevin. Then he could bring up going on some actual dates before she moved in for good and let their books get all mixed up. He was itching to get back to the bookstore again. He was dying to take her to Chippy's.
"You don't have to thank me for anything, Anna," he said softly, lacing his fingers with hers as he drove. "But when you finally feel free, just promise me you'll stay."
Anna! You badass!! Let's banish Kevin back to New Jersey forever! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING ₊˚⊹ lee juyeon x f!reader
SUMMARY ₊˚⊹ all is well in the business of matchmaking. except it’s actually not, because lee juyeon, the school’s star baseball player, has just come to you for help in obtaining the girl of his dreams. oh yeah! and he happens to be the guy you’ve had a crush on since your first year of university.
MORE ₊˚⊹ um. i apologize in advance 🧍‍♀️
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TWENTY — A Hole In The Shape Of You (2.17k)
The rest of the week moved faster than you anticipated. Even breakfast with Juyeon felt like it wasn’t nearly long enough.
As you sat across from him at a two person table in that cute cafe, you couldn’t help but feel your heart stutter every time he smiled. He laughed genuinely at any of the jokes you made and he looked like he really wanted to hear what you were saying, all his attention on you whenever you spoke.
You learned that his crush on Tzuyu started around the same time as yours on him. It humanized him in a way, it made you see him as an actual person with feelings rather than the guy you put on a pedestal for so long. When you told him about sharing College Algebra first year, he laughed at the fact that you had such a vivid memory.
Just as you suspected, he didn’t remember. You didn’t really expect him to, considering he didn’t have a good memory, but also because you never did anything memorable. It was probably better for everyone involved if you got over this crush and moved on with your life. You didn’t stand a chance anyway, since you were literally helping him get with the girl he was actually interested in.
By the time Saturday rolled around, you felt like you were going insane. Despite coming to the conclusion that you would give up with Juyeon, you were still freaking out over picking an outfit for the party. Yuqi watches in amusement as you hold different bathing suits and dresses up to your body in front of your mirror.
“This is a disaster! I have nothing to wear.” You sigh, flipping backwards onto your bed.
“You’re being dramatic,” Yuqi snorts, flicking your forehead. “Wear the pink halter with the white sundress. Have a little Barbie moment.”
“Oh my god, you're a genius!” You shake her by the shoulders. “Should I wear heels too?”
“Yeah, maybe some wedges? You can always ask Sakura for her opinion too when she gets here.” The blonde says as she gets up to stretch. Her orange bikini looked cute paired with the tube top and shorts she was wearing, her long legs accentuated with the strappy heels on her feet.
You and your two girl friends were going to the party together, meeting Kevin, Eric, and Haknyeon when you got there. Seonghwa and Minho decided to opt out of this one— both not too keen on attending. You figured Seonghwa just didn’t feel like dealing with a drunk Eric because that was his least favorite Eric, but you weren’t too sure why Minho didn’t want to go.
Sakura arrived at your apartment just after you’d finished your makeup and the three of you set on your way to the Tau Psi Zeta house. You were more nervous than you initially thought you’d be about seeing Juyeon in a public setting. The closer you got to Greek Row, the quicker your pulse began to race.
Though it went against all of your morals, you half hoped he would see you and fall in love instantly, forgetting his crush on Tzuyu ever existed.
“We’re here!” Sakura sing-songs, parking with the other cars along the block. As if he had perfect timing, your phone buzzes while you make your way to the backyard.
[8:13 pm] juyeon: hyunjae, jacob, and i just got here
[8:13 pm] juyeon: are u here yet?
[8:14 pm] y/n: we just got into the backyard!!
[8:14 pm] y/n: looking for kevin and the boys rn then grabbing drinks :P
You shove your phone inside your purse and follow behind Yuqi, who seems to know exactly where your other friends are. Kevin and Eric are in a shotgunning contest when you find them, Haknyeon standing between them with the stopwatch running on his phone. Surprisingly, Eric finishes first, the foam from his beer can spraying at the crowd when he pulls away. Kevin isn’t far behind, crushing his own can in defeat.
The younger boy looks pleased with himself, fist bumping the air and then running around the circle to high five everyone. It had only been an hour since the party started and you could tell he wasn’t going to last the whole night. Kevin shuffles over to you dejectedly, a pout on his lips.
“I can’t believe I lost to fuckass Eric,” he groans. “I need another beer.”
You laugh and then your little group is scampering off to the drink area. Yuqi puts herself in charge of concocting something for you as you glance around the full backyard for two people. First, you spot Tzuyu in the pool, giggling with what you assume is some of her sorority sisters. Then you squint your eyes and scan the yard some more, but ultimately fall short.
That is, until you feel a light tap on your shoulder. You spin around to see the culprit with his stupidly cute grin, his buddies behind him. You bring up a hand to give him a small wave.
“I figured I should just come straight here instead of trying to find you out there.” Juyeon says, scratching the back of his neck.
“That was smart,” you nod, thanking Yuqi when she hands you your drink. “Um, this is my best friend Yuqi.”
The pair exchange introductions and then you formally meet Jacob and Hyunjae. You’d heard about the former through Kevin mostly, but the latter through Eric, who’s interesting baseball stories seemed to always involve the older boy. They’re both polite, even thanking you for your services in regard to their friend.
Juyeon’s cheeks redden and he looks away from you before something catches his attention. You’re almost too busy joking around with Haknyeon to notice that he’s completely enamored by the view of Tzuyu, like nothing else in the world mattered to him.
Key word: almost.
You’re about to include him in the conversation when you see him staring off into the distance. You direct your gaze in his line of sight, a frown slowly replacing the smile on your face. Juyeon wasn’t here for you, you have to remind yourself. He didn’t even know you. You were just his matchmaker, destined to bring him and the girl he truly wanted together.
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“Leave me here to drown.”
Sakura sighs heavily, turning to Yuqi for help. The blonde shrugs like this is something completely out of her jurisdiction. With another grunt of exertion, she tries to get you out of the pool again.
“I don’t wanna stay here any longer if you’re just gonna mope around and suck the fun out of everything.” Sakura deadpans, holding the heel of her palm to her forehead.
You don’t make any move to get up, floating on your back and staring up at the sky. Your eyes cast a backward glance at an upside down visual of Tzuyu and Juyeon at the other end of the pool. She’s sitting on the edge, her feet in the water while he’s fully submerged— his arms resting on the concrete surrounding. The two are immersed in a conversation about something you can’t hear. He worked up the courage to talk to her earlier in the night and you’d effectively lost his attention since.
The drink Yuqi had just brought you was downed in an instant and you found yourself asking for another. She raised an eyebrow at the insistence, but made it anyway. There was no way you could make it through the night sober. Not at this rate.
“Do you think now’s a good time to make my impression?” Juyeon turns to you when his friends have gone off to mingle.
You flicker your gaze to him, his focus still on Tzuyu. She looked gorgeous in the bright blue strapless one piece she was wearing, a section of the side cut out. You’d always thought Chou Tzuyu was a pretty girl. She had long, shiny hair and a sparkling smile that reached her eyes, anyone who could see had the potential to fall in love with her upon first sight.
The way Juyeon watches her, like she was the reason the sun was in the sky, made this growing ache inside of you expand. Getting your heart broken intentionally was one kind of pain. But unrequited love was another. It was one that you’d never wish on your worst enemy— no matter if they made your life a living hell.
You weren’t here to be a Debbie-Downer. You had a job to do and because it was for him, you were going to try to do your best.
With the biggest fake smile you can muster, you nod. “I think so. I can send someone to distract her friends so you can get her alone?”
“That would be great, Y/N,” he turns to you with that special grin of his. “Thank you.”
You don’t trust your voice, so you give him another faux smile and a thumbs up, shoo-ing him off to her. Heavy feet drag you over to Kevin (who knows everyone) and you convince him to do your bidding. When you tell him why, he immediately agrees— most likely out of pity.
“You know, Juyeon’s never really been the type to express actual feelings for a girl,” Jacob speaks up when he sees you standing alone, crossing his arms over his chest. “This whole Tzuyu thing is actually the first time I’ve seen him show that side of himself. I guess it must be more than a silly crush.”
You’re not sure what you should make of this revelation. You’re not even sure why Jacob is telling you this as you overlook Juyeon sitting himself beside her. He sticks his hand out and you assume it’s to introduce himself. The conversation only continues from there.
“Luckily for him, I’m the best in the business. I’ll do whatever I can to get him a happy ending.” You force yourself to stare at the drink in your hands instead. Jacob hums in acknowledgement.
You know you should be overjoyed that he was finally able to go up to her. You should be jumping for the moon. But you don’t have it in you to even be slightly interested. It hurts you way too much to see him laughing and smiling with someone else.
Granted, you never spoke to him yourself until he came to you for your expertise. You only recently started to get to know each other and it was exciting, though the reasoning behind it was less than. How were you supposed to put your whole heart into helping him get with the girl of his dreams if he was the boy of yours?
The water splashes around you as you switch to a standing position. You ignore Yuqi and Sakura’s questioning, scrambling out of the pool. All of your stuff was left with the guys, who were sitting on some lounge chairs nearby and drinking. You grab your stuff without a word and throw on your dress. Before you know it, you’re sitting on the front porch, dialing the only number you know by memory.
Sakura was right. You were sucking the fun out of everything. But you couldn’t just ask them to leave, especially not when they hardly enjoyed themselves.
“Minho? Are you awake?” You chew on your bottom lip, kicking a pebble with your haphazardly put on wedge.
“Yeah? It’s only like 11PM, what’s up?” He asks into the receiver. You hear some shuffling on the other side, which was probably him moving around in his bed. The sound of something playing on the TV is muffled in the background.
“Do you think you could get me from the Tau Psi Zeta house? I wanna leave, but I don’t wanna make everyone else leave too.”
“Oh. Yeah, of course. Just send me your location. I’ll be there as fast as I can.” Minho says and you hear more shuffling.
“Thank you, Min,” you bite your cheek. “Thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem, I promise. I’ll see you soon.”
‘Soon’ is 10 minutes later when you recognize his car rolling to a stop in front of the sorority house. The moment your seatbelt is buckled, the tears start flowing. You wanted to hold them back the entire night and even during the phone call, but something about the comforting scent of Minho’s car broke you. Your eyes felt like a flood gate reaching its limit, letting it all burst through.
Lee Minho never knew what to do when it came to seeing his friends cry. Especially not you, the most headstrong girl he’s ever known. But seeing you so distraught tugged at his heartstrings and he instinctively went to rub at your back. He didn’t care if he had to sit here for 2 minutes or 20, as long as you got to let it all out.
Once your sobbing has simmered to sniffles, you wipe your nose and lean into your seat with a deep breath. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
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PREV ₊˚⊹ NINETEEN — Blocked and Reported for threatening language
NEXT ₊˚⊹ TWENTY ONE — men against song yuqi
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TAGLIST ₊˚⊹ @matchaoreocrepes @maessseongs @tannieflix @winterchimez @kyusqult
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every single book I read in 2022. all 129 of them.
jesus christ
let's start with the best of the best; everything else will get listed beneath the read more because I'm not an animal. even just picking out my favorites is honestly probably going to get pretty lengthy, even though I'm trying to keep the synopses short.
batmanisagatewaydrug's noteworthy books of 2022
Complaint! (Sara Ahmed, 2021) - necessary for anyone doing diversity work in higher education, tbh
America is Not the Heart (Elaine Castillo, 2018) - achingly gorgeous novel of heartbreak and healing.
The School for Good Mothers (Jessamine Chan, 2022) - honestly? I feel very good calling this my favorite book of the entire year. sensitive, smart, chilling.
Black Feminist Thought (Patricia Hill Collins, 1990) - truly ashamed to say I didn't read this sooner. Collins' clear-eyed analysis remains crazily spot-on 30+ years later.
Hurts So Good: The Science and Pleasure of Pain on Purpose (Leigh Cowart, 2021) - I read this book so early in 2022 and literally have not stopped thinking about it since.
Batman: King Tut's Tomb (Nunzio DeFillippis, Christina Weir, José Luis García-López, and Kevin Nowlan, 2009) - dare I say the most fun I had with a comic all year.
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty (Akwaeke Emezi, 2022) - a romance unlike any other. queer, fun, sexy, bold as hell, and joyfully life-affirming.
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed (Mariana Enríquez, trans. Megan McDowell, 2021) - DELICIOUSLY creepy short stories that will lurk in your brain forever.
Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century (Kim Fu, 2022) - if a more perfect short story collection exists I am yet to find it.
The World We Make (N.K. Jemisin, 2022) - I normally hesitate to include sequels on a list like this, but god DAMN Jemisin is the queen of modern spec fic for a reason.
We Do This 'Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice (Mariame Kaba, edited by Tamara K. Nopper, 2021) - excellent collection of Kaba's abolitionist writings, drawing on years of organizing experience and wisdom.
Jade City (Fonda Lee, 2017) - look out! new favorite doorstopper fantasy series alert!
Priestdaddy (Patricia Lockwood, 2017) - about the best damn memoir I've ever read. heartbreaking and hysterical in turns, poetry the whole way through.
Batman: The Long Halloween and Batman: Dark Victory (Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, 1996 and 1999) - it's always so exciting when something much-hyped lives up to the hype in every way. Batman at his grim and moody Batmaniest with a Gotham that’s deliciously bleak.
Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel, 2014) - I didn't think I'd like this book much at all, then ended up proposing on the second date. oops!
I'm Glad My Mom Died (Jennette McCurdy, 2022) - you will also be glad McCurdy's mom died, and also experience every other known human emotion along the way.
Kaikeyi (Vaishnavi Patel, 2022) - SPLENDID mythology retelling + political fantasy.
My Body (Emily Ratajkowski, 2022) - haunting haunting haunting personal essays about Ratajkowski's life as a model and subsequent alienation from her own body.
Batman: Bruce Wayne, Murderer? (Greg Rucka et al, 2002) - genuinely what can I say I'm a messy bitch and I love when the Bats are having a terrible time.
The Batman Adventures Vol. 2 #1-17 (created by Dan Slott, Ty Templeton, Rick Burchett, Terry Beatty, and Bruce Timm, 2003) - a continuation of the Batman: The Animated Series universe that frankly just fucking rules.
Little Rabbit (Alyssa Songsiridej, 2022) - a potent and erotic adult coming of age story.
The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century (Amia Srinivasan, 2021) - thorny, difficult, vital essays.
Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia (Sabrina Strings, 2019) - jaw-droppingly thorough research into the role of fatpobia played and plays in the project of race-making.
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous (Ocean Vuong, 2019) - yeah so it turns out no one was REMOTELY exaggerating. Vuong really is That Good.
Hench (Natalie Zina Walschots, 2020) - wild fun with a ruthless protagonist and her sex villainous beetle man boss; what more could you ask for?
Love Your Asian Body: AIDS Activism in Los Angeles (Eric C. Wat, 2021) - learning about queer history makes me feel like I’m holding something so vibrant and fragile and precious right in my little queer hand. this book is an emotional journey in such a shining way.
Never Have I Ever (Isabel Yap, 2021) - EXCITING short story collection centered on girls having Just The Weirdest Time.
and everybody else:
Light From Uncommon Stars (Ryka Aoki, 2021)
Our Wives Under the Sea (Julia Armfield, 2022)
A Tiny Upward Shove (Melissa Chadburn, 2022)
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy (Becky Chambers, 2022)
Disorientation (Elaine Hsieh Chou, 2022)
The Laws of the Skies (Grégoire Courtois, trans. Rhonda Mullins, 2019)
The Monster Baru Cormorant (Seth Dickinson, 2018)
The Tyrant Baru Cormorant (Seth Dickinson, 2020)
Greenland (David Santos Donaldson, 2022)
Dead Collections (Isaac Fellman, 2022)
The Halloween Moon (Joseph Fink, 2021)
A Dowry of Blood (S.T. Gibson)
Nightmare Alley (William Lindsay Gresham, 1946)
The Vegetarian (Han Kang, trans. Deborah Smith, 2015)
The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka, trans. William Aaltonen, 1915)
Before the Coffee Gets Cold (Toshikazu Kawaguchi, trans. Geoffrey Trousselot, 2019)
Woman, Eating (Claire Kohda, 2022)
Long Division (Kiese Laymon, 2014)
Jade War (Fonda Lee, 2019)
No One is Talking About This (Patricia Lockwood, 2021)
Portrait of a Thief (Grace D. Li, 2022)
Elatsoe (Darcie Little Badger, 2020)
A Snake Falls to Earth (Darcie Little Badger, 2021)
Glitterati (Oliver K. Longmead)
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir, 2019)
Harrow the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir, 2020)
Nona the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir, 2022)
The Memory Police (Yoko Ogawa, trans. Stephen Snyder, 2019)
Even Though I Knew the End (C.L. Polk, 2022)
100 Boyfriends (Brontez Purnell, 2021)
Flowers for the Sea (Zin E. Rocklyn, 2021)
Any Way the Wind Blows (Rainbow Rowell, 2021)
Interview with the Vampire (Anne Rice, 1976)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Benjamin Alire Sáenz, 2012)
Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World (Benjamin Alire Sáenz, 2022)
Into the Riverlands (Nghi Vo, 2022)
Siren Queen (Nghi Vo, 2022)
Strange Beasts of China (Yan Ge, trans. Jeremy Tiang, 2020)
short story collections:
The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer (Janelle Monáe, Yohanco Delgado, Eva L. Ewing, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Danny Lore, and Sheree Renée Thomas, 2022)
Walking on Cowrie Shells (Nana Nkweti, 2021)
Terminal Boredom (Izumi Suzuki, trans. Polly Barton, Sam Bett, David Boyd, Daniel Joseph, Aiko Masubuchi, and Helen O’Horan, 2021)
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Judith Butler, 1990)
How to Read Now (Elaine Castillo, 2022)
Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work (Melissa Gira Grant, 2014)
What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat (Aubrey Gordon, 2020)
White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color (Ruby Hamad, 2020)
Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness (Da'Shaun L. Harrison, 2021)
Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service (Tajja Isen, 2022)
One Day We'll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter (Scaachi Koul, 2017)
How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America (Revised Edition) (Kiese Laymon, 2020)
Sister Outsider (Audre Lorde, 1984)
Conversations with People Who Hate Me: 12 Lessons I Learned from Talking to Internet Strangers (Dylan Marron, 2022)
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism (Amanda Montell, 2021)
World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments (Aimee Nezhukumatathil)
Histories of the Transgender Child (Jules Gill-Peterson, published as Julian Gill-Peterson, 2018)
Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance (Jessamyn Stanley, 2021)
A Queer History of Fashion: From the Closet to the Catwalk (edited by Valerie Steele, 2013)
Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution (Revised Edition) (Susan Stryker, 2008)
The End of Policing (Alex S. Vitale, 2017)
The Trouble With Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life (Michael Warner, 1999)
Read My Lips: Sexual Subversions and the End of Gender (Riki Wilchins, published as Riki Anne Wilchins, 1997)
Short Talks (Anne Carson, 1992)
Content Warning: Everything (Akwaeke Emezi, 2022)
Prelude to Bruise (Saeed Jones, 2014)
Alive at the End of the World (Saeed Jones, 2022)
Bright Dead Things (Ada Limón, 2015)
Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals (Patricia Lockwood, 2014)
Nature Poem (Tommy Pico, 2017)
Night Sky with Exit Wounds (Ocean Vuong, 2016)
Time Is a Mother (Ocean Vuong, 2022)
Batman: One Bad Day - Mr. Freeze (Gerry Duggan, Matteo Scalera, and Dave Stewart, 2022)
Spandex - Fast and Hard (Martin Eden, 2012)
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour (Tee Franklin, Max Sarin, and Marissa Louise, 2022)
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? (Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert, 2009)
The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes (Neil Gaiman, Sam Keith, Mike Dringenberg, and Malcom Jones III, 1988)
The Sandman: In the Doll's House (Neil Gaiman, Michael Zulli, Mike Dringenberg, Chris Bachalo, Malcolm Jones III, and Steve Parkhouse, 1989)
The Sandman: Dream Country (Neil Gaiman, Kelley Jones, Malcolm Jones III, Colleen Doran, and Charles Vess, 1991)
The Sandman: Season of Mists (Neil Gaiman, Kelley Jones, Malcom Jones III, Mike Dringenberg, Matt Wagner, P. Craig Russell, George Pratt, and Dick Giordano, 1992)
The Sandman: A Game of You (Neil Gaiman, Shawn McManus, Colleen Doran, Bryan Talbot, Stan Woch, and George Pratt, 1993)
Run, Riddler, Run (Gerard Jones and Mark Badger, 1992)
Catwoman: When in Rome (Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, 2005)
Batman: Year One (Frank Miller and David Mazzicchello, 1986)
Batman: One Bad Day - Penguin (John Ridley, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Cam Smith, and Arif Prianto, 2022)
Batman: Bruce Wayne - Fugitive (Greg Rucka et al, 2002)
Batman: One Bad Day - Two-Face (Mariko Tamaki, Jaiver Fernandez, and Jordie Bellaire, 2022)
Batman & Robin Eternal Vol 1 & Vol 2 (James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder, 2015 and 2016)
Batman: Their Dark Designs (James Tynion IV, Guillem March, and Tomeu Morey, 2020)
The Joker War Saga (James Tynion IV and Jorge Jiménez, 2021)
Papergirls Vol. 1-6 (Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, 2016-2019)
Real Hero Shit (Kendra Wells, 2022)
Poison Ivy #1-6 (G. Willow Wilson and Marcio Takara, 2022)
and some gaming guides!
Monster of the Week (Michael Sands, 2012) - great game. so cool. cannot wait to actually play it someday.
Thirsty Sword Lesbians (April Kit Walsh, 2021)
special shame zone because I want you to know how bad this sucked, do not read this:
Rethinking Sex: A Provocation (Christine Emba, 2022). patronizing, puritanical, reductive, painfully cisheteronormative. weirdly afraid of group sex. not actually that provocative, just aggressively Catholic.
and last but most certainly least, a comic that I want to remind you all fucking sucked just one more time before the year is done.
Batman: One Bad Day - The Riddler (Tom King and Mitch Gerads, 2022)
Tom King, go fuck yourself. Mitch is cool though, the art slapped.
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dayurno · 1 year
general hcs for aftg zombie apocalypse? me i think kevin would try to be leader but unfortunately no one would listen to him/take him seriously :(
now i think if we’re talking like a few years into the apocalypse then it gets interesting like how the characters would change physically like….and what weapons would they use!! they’d def run into people who use exy rackets as weapons and kevin would be disgusted with them i think.
i LOVE apocalypse aus but none center kevin or write him right i wanna know what you’d think he’d be like in one
SUCH A FUN ASK THANK YOUUUUUUU! first of all your idea for kevin is so funny i have to concede. its true no one would care for him at all even if he tries.... honestly though (thinking hard) i think what kevin lacks in leader charisma he makes up for in the department of giving the rest of the group a Reason To Live and creating schedule and purpose where there is neither, so maybe he ummm...... well he's not gonna be the leader of the pack but he can be like the mascot. the shiny thing to cling to. you know what i mean. kevin's indomitable human spirit!
not to be guy who is kandreil pilled but i do think kevin would be very important for andrew and neil to live beyond the survival! i will put a dollar in the kevin day bird motif jar for this but in a way hed be like their little canary in a coal mine... while the crew travels i think kevin would be the one to point out the scenery or the bits of history along or to go over peoples houses and find pieces of life that are useful and maybe even endearing. and yeah hed hate the racquets as weapons! the complaining and the grumbling about it is not as annoying as andreil thought it would be (they are pleasantly surprised kevin still has it in him to care about anything)
AHHH sorry u asked for fun hcs and i gave you a long poem about kevin day being everyones special little boy lets see hmmm... of course andrew has the knives but i think he would eventually pick up something more violent as the world falls deeper in despair. a mallet perhaps? a hammer? something heavy! neil would i think do well with a gun and not actual hand to hand combat, sniping behind them....... i think kevin would also have a weapon of sorts something like a switchblade or a baseball bat. non-lethal but definitely harmful
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kaianeedskafa · 2 years
an AFTG headcannon:
Dan makes the team take turns during workouts at the gym to put their liked songs on shuffled play for everyone so that they can share their music taste with the rest of the group. everyone agrees because it makes the entire thing far more interesting
so they go in team order
first it’s Dan who unsurprisingly hits shuffle to ‘What Does The Fox Say’ followed by ‘Bad Case of Loving You’ (which she danced with Matt to and is now one of her favourites) no one’s surprised by either song or the way Matt and Dan start shouting the lyrics.
then it’s Kevin’s turn. he hits shuffle to ‘Achilles Come Down’ and some Bastille like ‘Icarus’ and ‘Pompeii’ with a mix of ‘Greek God’ thrown in there too. being a history nerd it’s pretty much expected and no one blinks an eye just gets straight to work.
after that comes Andrew. so the whole group being snoopy as hell watches him unlock his phone to hit shuffle (his wallpapers are really cursed photos of neil and the cats, blurred and everything) and what comes on is Katy Perry’s ‘Hot and Cold’. he sets his phone down, it blasts through the speakers, he picks up his jump rope and starts working out, everyone’s staring, Neil’s looking at his phone trying to determine if it’s broken. after the song’s over Taylor Swift appears and Andrew’s mouthing along every line. they’re all shocked.
Matt unsurprisingly has a mixture of guilty-pleasure rap and rock music and some low vibe tunes. ‘Chill’ comes on and everyone’s enjoying themselves and then a complete opposite genre hits and you have Panic! At The Disco’s ‘House of Memories’ blaring and everyone’s scrambling at the phone to turn it the hell down. Then it’s ‘Beggin’’ and everyone’s rocking out to the classic and in general they find Matt’s taste pretty chill.
so then it’s Aaron’s turn. Aaron somehow has the gayest taste because half his songs are Troye Sivan and the other half are genuinely good also. but everyone’s caught off guard as Wannabe by Spice Girls comes on. Aaron’s eyes go wide in panic, he leaps for his phone. Nicky snatches it and Aaron chases him around the room as it plays shouting protests no one believes that Katelyn added it not him.
Seth (rip but we’ll include him) is completely unsurprising. half his songs are rock, the other half are EDM, all of them are men swearing into the microphone for half an hour, all of his liked songs are labelled E for explicit. they listen to ‘YEAH RIGHT’ and ‘Parents’ and other shit that Andrew completely vibes with too but refuses to say and they have a pretty good time swearing their lungs out over the lyrics.
so Allison’s next. she follows her boyfriend up with a bunch of songs about how girls don’t need men or money, her songs are either pretty empowering or downright popular girl taste. they hear a range from ‘Cheap Thrills’, ‘Scars To Your Beautiful’ and ‘Bang Bang’ all in the 20 minutes they’re listening for.
after that comes Nicky. somehow his taste is less gay than Aaron yet he has a bunch of girly-pop songs and viral tiktok sounds and shit and everyone recognises each one in a heartbeat (except neil who’s oblivious as the day is long). you’ll hear ‘24K Magic’, ‘Youngblood’ and even ‘Slow Hands’ (which Aaron mimes puking to).
Renee is completely emo, half of them expected it, half of them are shocked. She’s got Lorde and Lana Del Ray on repeat, she plays ‘Royals’ and then ‘Get Stupid’ by bülow and everyone understands her better after the half hour is over.
then very lastly is Neil’s turn. most of its a bunch of old songs his mother would play (definitely a lot of Pink Floyd, The Beatles and Queen) and then the other half are just outright concerning. you have ‘Suicide’ by Issac Dunbar, ‘I Wanna Get Better’ by the Bleachers, ‘Sick Boy’ and so on and everyone’s completely worried for him by the end. Dan asks if he’s alright and Matt hugs him, Neil looks at them confused and over to Andrew who just shrugs.
overall it’s very successful, because they’re only mocking each other’s taste half the time and normally it’s arguing for three quarters of it over the music, so all in all more working out is done :)
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supergeekgirl05 · 2 years
15 questions/15 people
I was tagged by @wikiblair :) thanks b <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda? Part of my name is my mother’s middle name
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. My job puts an awful amount of stress on me, homesickness and personal problems. I tend to have breakdowns quite a bit due to that :/ I’m getting better though and starting to warm up to my new life
3. Do you have kids?
Hell no. Nor would I ever want any. I’ll stick with being the cool, gay aunt 😎
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Oh god yeah. All the time. It’s part of my personality. Sarcasm, mom jokes, and flirting. Can’t make me stop
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I would say personality and whether or not I think we’d get along. Also I tend to notice if they’re an outgoing person or not
6. what’s your eye color?
Green :) If I had to really describe it, it’s like emerald green with even a lil grey in there. Looks kinda like this emoji’s color->🌲
7. scary movie or happy endings?
Scary movie. I have a love hate relationship with happy endings. But I’d also watch either one without complaints
8. any special talents?
Hmm I can crack my neck like the cool dudes do in movies. Idk if that counts as a special talent or not tho
9. where were you born?
I was born in Illinois, USA (nowhere near Chicago, though I’ve been there billions of times)
10. what are your hobbies?
I love interacting with the fandoms I’m a part of. Music, video games, and writing (the basic ones) I also love training dogs (I’m an animal lover)
11. do you have any pets?
I do!! (Bad question to ask cuz I’ll never shut up now) Her name is Stella and she’s a golden retriever! She is almost 4 years old (no way already??? She’s gotta stop growing up 😢) She is the sweetest baby ever and I gave her three middle names ( Patrick George Kevin) and can’t remember why I picked those specific middle names. Everybody loves Stella. And I will send you SO many photos, all you gotta do is ask (I even made an edit of her 💀) Sorry. Proud mom moment 😭
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
I don’t play any currently but my job requires me to be physically fit, so I work out regularly. I used to play soccer (football), basketball, run track, and competitively swim. I ride horseback occasionally (dunno if that counts or not)
13. how tall are you?
I am 165cm/5’5”
14. favorite subject in school?
Psychology. Coolest subject ever. It’s so interesting to learn about the human brain and how we ‘work’
15. dream job?
I’ve always wanted to go to space but I don’t think I’m smart enough to be an astronaut 🥲 I also recently started to consider starting a dog training/caretaking business at my family’s farm back in the States. But that would be a hell of a goal to work towards and I’m stuck at my current job for quite a few years unfortunately
Tagging (definitely not something y’all have to do if you don’t want to): @cove15 @fangirl-over-every-fandom @natblidaclexa
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Yes. I also was glad it came back. And i also love how realistically they dealt with the box - a civilian finding it. I like how they wife sensed that her husband is not coming back and she took it to the police.
I also think Miriam should stay with the juveniles because they somewhat still receptive to her. At least more than adults seem to be. I also think if the character stays it is the road for her. Young people are still can change or can decide to change, older ones not so much.
Yeah. The crimes nature is not evened out. I mean releasing people who know how to handle automatic rifles and already killed people is not the same as pick pocketing and such. Also i somehow would not even put Bunny on that list because of what i perceived with the prison scenes. He defends himself if he has to but he doesnt seem that violent. I mean his thugs carry guns, he said something along the lines that the boss doesn't need a gun.
I hope Sawyer comes back. I would imagine a similar scenario, that he is needed in Kingstown especially now because i don't think the police is able to handle this heat if the things start to go really bad. I mean if not for Kyle, Ian would have been shot in the pizza place scene. Also from some pictures i have found Sawyer has a new haircut and different clothes that he wore previous seqson and the recent one, so i would assume that there is gonna be a new season. It really would not surprise me if Sheridan already shot season 3. He seems to have a crazy work ethic and people seem to be giving him a lot of trust - they know... -. I hope i see him significantly more. But i also hope for the same for Mikes assistant, Kyles wife and Milo.
I think Sheridan can surprise us. I mean Dillon played the sheriff in Yellowstone and he got into a restaurant hostage situation where he was in a restaurant as a guest when armed robbers came and Kevin Costner and Cole Hauser's characters saved the people and tried him, but he got shot in the chest and died there in the restaurant while trying to reach his daughter for the last time but he died before she picked up a phone... Kind of good scene it was. I really don't know about Ian...it could go either way like with any character in Sheridans worlds. Stevie i don't care much to be honest. In the scene with Sawyer harshly interrogating a criminal and pulling his ear to find out where the guy went who blew up his own kid and wife cooking meth at home, Stevie just straight up laughs and finds this amusing. But i don't know that was the actor breaking character or pure character.
Also i have the feeling Joseph is trying to play Milo. I mean he has a kid with that prostitute girl and it really seems so he tried to desperately get the info out the site worker before word reaches Milo. I find it hard to believe that Joseph is deathly loyal to Milo. I sense he is an opportunistic character, and opportunity just knocked.
It is a pleasure to talk, as always. :)
@minamartin always a pleasure! <3
I agree, I think that the whole box storyline was great. They subverted that same old boring scene that we've all seen already many times in thriller and horror movies, where the wife is just sitting there nervous but doesn't do anything, and gets killed—it's way more realistic for her to be like "uh fuck this I can't handle this" and run to the station to give up the bonds.
100%, Mariam should stay with the juveniles. I would be thrilled if they found a way to connect that to the plot without making the entire point of the storyline just "Mariam is stupid for trying to help people" and I actually have a little hope that they can do it! You can do it, guys! I believe in you! Haha
Yeah, I think Bunny is definitely experienced with violence, because you don't lead a gang that runs drugs and is intimately interconnected with prison gangs and—if I recall correctly?—is involved with sex trafficking somehow?? I'll be real, I skipped over a fair bit of Iris's storyline in s1 just to preserve my own sanity, so I might've misread some of the dialogue there. But I think Bunny must have a serious history to have gained his position. What makes him a standout leader, though, is that he's very much like Mike in the sense that he doesn't particularly enjoy killing and chaos, etc, he just wants the world to run relatively smoothly and for him to be in charge of his own little patch. I don't really know if this is true in real life in regards to criminal leaders, but in SHOW life, having him on the outside is hardly going to increase the amount of violent that occurs, and in show logic, it might even help keep the peace, relatively speaking.
Yeah, I think Sawyer will come back, as well as Mike's assistant. I was talking about it earlier this week and somebody mentioned that MIke's assistant wasn't in the episode, but she WAS mentioned by Kyle as leaving behind a post it note saying she'd be back or something, so surely she has to return at some point, or else what's the point of the sticky note? Milo we need more of for sure. Kyle's wife we at LEAST need once to see how the baby storyline impacts on Kyle.
I don't really think they've already shot season 3, because I think if they did, they'd have mentioned it when Jeremy Renner was injured in the accident. As a sort of "hey guys, don't worry, s3 still a go" way. Like I think right now, they don't have s3 yet, and they're waiting to see how well their leading man recovers to see whether or not they can go ahead with it, and to see if they need to accommodate him physically in the scripting or re-scripting of the season. Renner's not my fave, but the poor guy, seriously, yikes. I hope they can figure something out that doesn't put too much stress on his body.
Hmmm, but the thing is, I think they probably killed Dillon off on that other show Yellowstone because they knew Dillon would have to switch sets eventually to go work on Mayor of Kingstown. But now that he's firmly in Mayor of Kingstown, I only see them killing off Ian if the show's about to end. I also think that Stevie laughing was definitely in-character, as if it was out of character then I think the editors of the episode would've cut it out. It's definitely in keeping with the entire way that the police force (and most of the characters, let's be real) treat violence, like, they really are so casual about it when it's being done to somebody that they can compartmentalize as not being human, someone they don't have any empathy for (which again is most people alas).
Very interesting about Joseph trying to play Milo! If that is the case, Milo may have him killed or something...I don't know, Joseph is really and TRULY not the brightest lightbulb or the most capable guy. I mean come on, how many times has Mike kicked his ass—and Mike's okay, but he's not like the world's greatest fighter of all time, world class judo, he's just a capable guy (which leaves Joseph looking super incapable). I agree that Joseph is just an opportunist, but I am curious to see if this whole baby thing leads him to have any other motivations (such as interest in his family) that will make him clash with Milo.
I also really think that the madam character that Iris is dealing with is interesting...they're clearly trying to spend a little time setting up Iris's situation with what is essentially a combined club and brothel, right? Why would they spend all this time on these dynamics just to do nothing with it? So I actually have a little bit of hope that perhaps Iris will either learn from the women around her, including the madam, or that she will manipulate one of them into getting something—SOMETHING!—that she wants. I see them making a little bit of an effort with Iris, thank goodness, and I want to see where that's leading us.
So many questions and thoughts! I guess I'm gonna end up paying for more than one month of Paramount to see how it all ends, nobody look at me lmao *covers own face*
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sourstrawberriezz · 2 years
Hi!!! I normally don't send requests (don't even know if I'm at the right place lol). Anyways, I'm wondering, could you right something about the reader being good friends with Emily and also a guitar player? Like an enemies to lovers thing with Hunter 'cause she caught his attention?!
Of course I can! I absolutely love this idea- (Thank you so much for the request btw!)
After your fifth period class was over, you headed to the cafeteria to have lunch with your childhood best friend, Emily. You took your seat across from her and started up a conversation. “Then I was all like ‘give me my favorite guitar pick back!’ and he wouldn’t! Moral of the story, Skip Hoffman absolutely sucks.” You finished with a sigh.
“Wait hold on just a moment-! Did you get the pick back? I know you treasure that one since you got it at that Metallica concert a few years ago.” Emily replied with concern about your favorite little piece of plastic. “Oh! Yeah, that Clay Moss kid from Molley Coddle got it back for me.” You smiled taking the pick from your pocket and showing it off to Emily.
“Enough about me, what is going on with you? Anything interesting happening?” You asked with enthusiasm. “Wellll.. I got a boyfriend! Or, at least I think we’re dating.” Emily answered with a light blush on her face. You, on the other hand were left jaw dropped. “What!? Why didn’t you tell me sooner!?” You quietly shouted while whipping your head around looking for your best friend’s mystery boyfriend.
“Oh my goodness (Y/n)! Stop trying to look for him!” Emily’s scottish accent really showed when she got flustered. Then your eyes locked with a pair of bluish green eyes partially covered by long brown hair. ‘This isn’t weird right? No! It’s not weird because he was staring first!.. I think.’ You thought to yourself as he broke the stare and quickly turned back around.
After school, you went to one of the music practicing rooms to play your electric guitar. You kept your door cracked open a bit so that you could have playing competitions with Emily. Down the hallway you could hear the cello through Emily’s barely open door, so you played a riff that you’ve been working on for a while. What you didn’t know was that your audience wasn’t just Emily, but also Hunter Sylvester. He had drove to the school to pick up Kevin since he drove him there. On his way to find Kevin, he found your passionate guitar playing instead. He peeked through the window of the door and saw your head thrown back while absolutely shredding that guitar.
He was mesmerized. He’s never seen such love, hard work, and commitment put into an instrument before except whenever he plays. “Metal..” He mumbled before you finally finished. Hunter snapped himself out of his trance and continued down the hallway to retrieve his best friend.
*The next day*
“Hunter please! You have no idea how much she shreds! Just give her a chance.” Kevin practically begged Hunter to give Emily a chance to be Skull Fucker’s bass player. “Oh my fucking god fine Kevin.” Hunter gave in rubbing his temples. Kevin texted Emily and she said she could go to Hunter’s, but today was also the day you and Kevin would meet. Kevin told Emily to just bring you along, and that she did.
Here you were, in the Sylvester house’s basement, accompanied by Emily, Kevin, and Hunter. You were beyond shocked as you heard Hunter tell Emily that she can’t be in the band just because she plays cello. Hearing him degrade your friend pissed you off badly. “Y’know what Sylvester, Emily doesn’t need this band if you won’t accept her for the damn instrument she plays! So you two will see us at the battle of the bands next Friday cracking skulls.” You confidently stated as the room went quiet. All eyes were now on you, but you didn’t budge on your decision. “Kevin it was nice to meet you, can’t say the same for your friend though. Let’s go Emily.” You said as you grabbed the horrified girl’s hand and left.
You and Emily came up with the name Bloody Locket, and for the next week you spent all of your time practicing with Emily, arguing with Hunter at school, and making sure everything was perfect for the battle of the bands. It was happening in two days, so your brain was going haywire. Emily assured you that everything would go great, but you couldn’t help but overthink.
‘What if I play the wrong chord? What if a string snaps? Oh my god, what if I forget the whole song!?’ You thought to yourself. Emily noticed your change in mood the past week, and was getting really worried. She also noticed how much more serious you were about this than she was. Emily was taking this seriously and was going to try her best, but she wasn’t stressing out like you had been the past few days.
*Two days later*
Here you were getting antsy backstage at the battle of the bands. Emily had filled you in yesterday about how Hunter was sent to rehab, which equally surprised you. It also opened your eyes a bit. Hunter dealt with his own struggles and issues, so why were you even being rude to him in the first place? Well it’s because he was shitty to your best friend.. but he apologized. Okay, it’s because uhm, uhhh.. you don’t actually know. He just returned the mean behavior every day so you just went with it. In reality, there’s really nothing to be mad at him for anymore.
After finishing arguing with yourself in your head, you walked over to Hunter who was also backstage, and decided to apologize. “Hey Hunter?” “Huh? Oh uh hey (Y/n).” He replied awkwardly not knowing why you’re talking to him in a calm manner. “I just wanted to say-” “Actually I have something important to tell you. (Y/n), you are so metal, it’s fucking insane. The first time I saw you play, something happened to me because of how much passion you put into that guitar. At first I had no clue what it was, but- I- I thought it was that I hated you I guess? I later found out it wasn’t that I hate you, but actually the opposite. Look, I just want to tell you that I’m sorry for how I acted and that I really like you.” Hunter finally finished. “That.. was pretty much what I was going to say, but you already spoke for the both of us so..” You heard Molley Coddle getting cheered for indicating they were done with their song, so you and Emily were up now. (I’m sorry I don’t know what to put here-)
*1 week later*
A lot of things can change in a week ya know? You and Hunter were now together, you had merged your bands after the battle of the bands, and now you’re in his basement practicing songs with your favorite people. Things couldn’t be better.
(Hey guys! I’m so sorry this took so long to get out, but I finally finished it! I hope you liked it!)
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 years
OK what about A story where Clay has a second sister or brother and they fall in love with Hunter
Hello love!! I literally was obsessed with this concept so much!!! Find it below!!! 💐❤️
“No, no, let me help you. Take lessons, you guys suck…bruh.” Hunter chewed out Clay after he had gotten his ass beat by Skip.
You stood at the top of the stairs observing your twin brother as he tried to help out Hunter Sylvester.
“I’m sorry that you feel that way. Do you play?” Clay walked up to Hunter. You were one of those loner kids that just sat and observed. You pretty much knew everything about everyone and who was fighting with who, who had broken up with and started dating.
You had also overheard Hunter and Kevin talking about their band.
What was it called? Oh yeah Skullfucker.
“Got it. Um, I guess we’ll be seeing you at the Battle of the Bands then.” Clay raised his eyebrows. Of course now there was going to be a band riverally.
You took a long sip of your drink in hand and rolled your eyes.
After Clay and Hunter finished their fight you came down the stairs following Kevin and Hunter out. Well after Kevin threw up on himself.
“Hey,” you called to Hunter, your red plastic cup still in hand.
“What?” Hunter turned around a sour tone in his voice.
“Well I imagine you have a better band than my brothers.” you offered a smile to Hunter.
“Yeah well I’m not sure he’d be hard to beat.” Hunter scoffed.
“Here.” You walked up to Hunter and grabbed his hand.
“What’re you doing?” He groaned, you shrugged and wrote your number on his hand.
“If you need someone to give you honest advice on your band.” You shrugged then turned around going back inside. Hunter felt a small smile on his face. He’d never really assumed that you’d be cool or nice or whatever.
As Clay Moss’s twin sister he assumed you were probably an asshole.
Other than the fact your bangs were dyed neon green and you had a random streak of blue in your hair. You also would wear the same Badflower zip up everyday.
“Is she your girlfriend?” Kevin slurred in his drunk state.
“Let's get you home,” Hunter sighed and guided his drunk best friend to his car.
Hunter stared at his phone as he sat in his first hour chem class. He wanted to text you but he was scared of what might come out of it. But he took a leap of faith.
Badflower huh? Isn’t that kind of pussy metal?
They’re not metal, stupid.
Guess I’ve only heard Wide Eyes by them then.
You consider Tool metal?
Yeah I’ve seen your shirt’s.
So why are you not paying attention in class?
I’m sitting in my car. I didn't want to go to my first hour. Maybe meet me out here. ;)
Wait, which one is ur car?
I’ll guess.
Hunter picked up his backpack and left class. The teacher didn’t even bat an eye. In high school they just didn’t care.
He walked through the hallway and down the main stairs and out to the student lot.
Hunter shivered at the fresh Oregon spring air.
He pulled his black flannel tighter around him as he just started to wonder.
Then he found the blue Jeep rubicon with you sitting in it looking down at your phone.
Hunter stood at the passenger's door and knocked on the window. You looked up from his phone and he waved. You hit the unlock and he opened the door.
“Hey, glad you came.” You smirked as he threw his bag on the floor of the Jeep then closed the door.
“I signed up for battle of the bands so today doesn’t matter.” Hunter shrugged.
“Good.” You started the car and put it in reverse, backing out of the spot, “Put your seatbelt on.”
“I don’t even know your name?” Hunter got flustered as he looked over at you his eyes wide.”
“Y/N,” You smiled as you put the car in drive.
“Well I’m Hunter,” he sighed, “Where are we going?”
“I know your name and it’s a surprise!” You smiled as you pulled out of the school parking lot and onto the main road.
“Okay,” Hunter swallowed and decided just to go along with it.
Badflower pumped through your radio, they were your all time favorite. Sure you did like a bit more heavier music than them but they were your forever comfort band.
You drove through Oregon's countryside for about a fair 45 minutes before getting to the perfect spot.
You parked the Jeep in the area and got out, “Come on.” You smiled, grabbing a big blanket out of the back seat.
“Oh?” Hunter raised his eyebrow.
“Trust me!” You smiled and grabbed his hand. Hunter lit up with a huge giddy smile, his cheeks turning bright red.
He followed her down the rocky path as he saw the beach, the pacific water splashing on rocks further down. Tide pools surronding the rocks.
Hunter was learning to enjoy your presents and your company. He'd barely known you but from what he was finding out you were just like him.
“So how’s Skullfucker going?” You stopped and kicked off your vans and tucked your socks into them. Hunter did the same unlacing his docs and taking them off with his socks. You two continued walking hand in hand down the beach.
“How do you know about that?” Hunter raised his eyebrows as you stopped and laid out the big comforter taking a seat on that.
“I don’t know just know everything there is to know about everyone.” You shrugged, “I’m kind of a loner no one thinks I’m listening but I am. I know Skip fucked Ginny Lewis and then slept with Taylor Lawson so Ginny and Skip are like in a big Instagram DM fight.” You rambled off the school gossip.
“Oh,” Hunter looked over at you. You stared straight forward at the ocean, your h/c hair blowing in your face.
“It’s so peaceful you know? The ocean. Well that is until a storm hits whether its the underground volcanic eruption, precipitation and wind, then it turns into a hell storm.” You laid back leaning on your elbows.
“It’s kinda like me and Clay. Usually we are on good terms, kind of co existing, he’s my mom's favorite. He has his stupid band that fucking sucks,” you shook your head and chuckled, “But my dads never home because of work trips but when he is he praises my good grades, my guitar playing abilities, that kind of thing. Then they fight, saying that my dad neglects Clay, then Clay gets upset with me. Sorry I’m telling you that it isn’t your problem.”
“No, I completely understand y/n.” Hunter hummed as he poked at the sand with a piece of driftwood.
“Yeah?” You looked over at him, his dark brown hair whipping in his face from the wind.
“My mom left me in seventh grade and my dad was never really present. He kind of just doesn’t really know how to parent. He’s always banging his clients and other nurses. He’s a plastic surgeon.” Hunter sighed.
“I know,” you giggled a bit and glanced over at Hunter then back at the ocean.
“How?” Hunter smiled and chuckled.
“I have access to public records and Google.” Y/N laughed and ran your hands through your hair.
“Well you could be an FBI agent.” Hunter giggled and looked down at you.
“I thought you were always really pretty,” you hummed and sat up sitting cross legged across from him.
“Yeah? If I’m being honest I never really noticed you but now that I have.” Hunter looked up into your e/c eyes.
“Yeah? I’m sorry I just drove you like an hour away to go to a beach.” You giggled and held both of his hands in yours.
“No, I think it’s uh…something I needed.” Hunter blushed, you leaned over and kissed Hunter fast and quickly pulling away as soon as you kissed him.
“Sorry,” you scratched the back of your neck.
“Let’s do it again,” Hunter looked down but back up at you.
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greeks-life · 3 years
Not The Legacy We Thought (USWNT X Brady Reader)
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓: Tom Brady, the infamous NFL Quarterback has another little sister? Reader is Nineteen and playing for the University of Michigan, when she is called up to play with the USWNT.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ! : Anxiety, Light Swearing, Fluff
𝗟𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗳 𝗜 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝗺𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 :) 𝗜 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗧𝗶𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮 𝗶𝘀 #𝟭𝟮, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗶𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 #𝟭𝟮 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗧𝗼𝗺’𝘀 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗮 𝗕𝗮𝘆 𝗕𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗿𝘀 :)
— — —
Four siblings, one a very famous NFL quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. You always have looked up to Tom as your hero, your big brother. Playing for University of Michigan for women’s soccer is amazing, but sometimes the comments on how you got accepted just because of who your brother is can be overwhelming.
Tom always has told you that he didn’t have a hand in getting you accepted into UM. Always saying that if he did have a hand into getting you in the University of Michigan you would certainly know it.
You and Tom always got along, from surfing and playing golf, to playing video games and cooking food. It didn’t matter what the two of you did, but somehow you both really clicked together. Not that you didn’t click with Maureen, Julie, or Nancy, but you just had this titanium tight bond with Tom.
When the rumor was going around that you might be getting the call to play with the USWNT for the 2020 Olympics, Tom was the first person that you told. He flew up to Michigan for a few days to see you on his off days, both of you waiting anxiously for the call.
On his third day in Michigan that’s when the call came in. Putting Vlatko on speaker for you both to hear what he had to say. When the USWNT coach told you had made the team, Tom took you out to celebrate. Your older brother got a little out of control, from announcing all over his social media accounts to even throwing a huge party for you.
You had been playing soccer since you were a little kid. Your parents Tom Brady Sr. and Galynn Patricia Brady always made sure you had everything you needed to be the best you could be. Yes, sometimes they could be a little bit much, but they just wanted you to be happy.
When watching the USWNT on the TV you always focused on the midfielders. But, you couldn’t help taking a personal liking to Tobin Heath, Ashlyn Harris, Kelley O’Hara, Ali Krieger, and Christen Press. They intrigued you a lot from their playing styles to their silly demeanor off the pitch.
— — —
Now here you were at the hotel for the first camp before the Send Off Series. You had been assigned to room with Tierna Davidson, but when you got to your room she wasn’t there.
Looking at the clock you saw you had a half an hour before the team meeting. So to pass some of the time you decided to unpack, that is until your phone dinged, signaling you of a new text message.
Putting down your UofM hoodie to pick up your phone, smiling at the text message your brother had sent you.
 “𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐝, 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head as you texted him back. “𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐨𝐦. 𝐁𝐮𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆.𝐎.𝐀.𝐓. ! 🐐🏈”
Tears from laughing so hard filled your eyes at his response.
“𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐘/𝐍. 𝐁𝐮𝐭, 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐘/𝐍/𝐍. 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐝, 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬. 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐆𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐃 , 𝐆𝐎 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 ! ⚽️Ⓜ️“
You were just in the middle of responding before he texted you again. “𝐁𝐔𝐂 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐔𝐏! 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐘 #𝟏𝟐 !”
Deciding that things could be left said like that, and only having twenty ministers remaining before the meeting started you decided to head down to the conference room to see who was there.
— — —
Once in the conference room you saw that Head Coach Vlatko Andonovski and the rest of of the staff were in there, you introduced yourself to them.
“Hi my name is Y/N Brady, i’m the new midfielder.” You smiled softly, as you stuck your hand out to Vlatko.
“Of course ! It’s great to finally meet you in person Y/N ! You can get settled wherever you’d like, the others should be arriving shortly.” Vlatko had told you with a soft smile of his own. The staff had introduced themselves, before you had sat down in a chair in the back row of chairs.
A few minutes later your new team members started to file in. Some gave you confused looks and others simply just smiled at you. You were happy that they hadn’t drilled you with questions yet.
Well, that was until a certain blonde defender chose to take the seat next to you. “Hi i’m Emily Sonnett, but you can call me Sonnett or Sonny.” She smiled brightly at you, with her hand held out to shake yours.
“Y/N Brady.” You returned the smile as you shook her hand with a firm shake. Turns out some of the teammates around you, were in fact ease dropping on your introduction.
“Like as in Tom Brady? Tampa Bay Buccaneers Quarterback? Tom Brady?” Turns out the person who had sort of figured you out was USWNT Vet Alex Morgan.
You nodded slightly with a shy smile on your lips. “Yeah he’s my older brother.” You said softly, your anxiety spiking up inside you slightly by the new found attention. You knew you would have the spotlight on you sooner or later, but you didn’t think it would be that soon before someone figured you out.
“That’s so cool!” Sammy Mewis said as she came to sit by you with her sister Kristie. Noticing how shocked you were by the sudden attention, Kristie discreetly told Sammy to calm down a little.
About ten minutes later the rest of the team which included Tierna, Megan, Crystal, and Rose had walked in. Seeing the whole team come in Vlatko started the team meeting.
In the first fifteen minutes of the meeting Vlatko was talking about how excited he was to be coaching this amazing team. Then came the shoe you were waiting to drop had dropped.
“We have a new member on our team as you all see. This is Y/N Brady, make sure to give her a warm welcome.” He nodded your way, which caused everyone to turn to look at you.
“Hi..” You gave a short wave with a small smile. On the pitch your a total monster who strikes fear even into the ones who had a reputation to be a total beast. But off the pitch? You keep your emotions to yourself and only share what you feel with a select group of people (Tom being the number one person you go to).
Vlatko decided to take the spotlight off of you, saving you for only the next half hour to an hour before personal questions would be sprung on you.
— — —
At dinner you were sitting with Sonnett, Rose, Tierna, Sammy, Lindsey, Kristie, and Lynn. You had connected with Sonnett and Tierna the most. You were all laughing at a tiktok of Kevin Hart and Pete Davidson when Kelley, Tobin, Christen and Alex walked over to your guy’s table.
“What are you kids laughing at ?” Alex asked you all with a raised brow and a amused smile on her lips.
“Y/N showed us this tiktok of Kevin Hart and Pete Davidson at someone’s house.” Sammy told the vets when she finally calmed down from laughing so hard.
“Can we see it ?” Kelley asked you with a curious tone. Your head nodded, before handing her your phone so that they could watch also. A minute later Kelley handed you back your phone with a amused grin.
“We just wanted to let you guys know that team bonding is in our room tonight.” Christen said softly, before glancing at you with curiosity in her eyes.
“I’ve convinced Chris to let you guys decide amongst yourselves who gets to pick the movie. Also Chris agreed to let you guys bring snacks this time.” Tobin chuckled as Christen grumbled under breath with a playful eye roll to the older forward.
“Y/N want to pick the movie ?” Lindsey immediately asked you. Everyone around you looked at you waiting for your answer with either curious looks or small smiles.
“Uh yeah sure i’m down for that.” You nodded as you slipped your phone back into the pocket of your joggers. The vets returned back to their seats, as you and the rest of the young ones resumed your conversations.
— — —
You and Tierna walked to Tobin’s and Christens room which was only at the end of the hall by the elevators. Once you both were let in that’s when Crystal and JJ called you over to where some of the Vets were hanging out.
Making your way over to one of the beds, you sat down slowly as Megan made room for you to sit. “So, Brady how do you like the team so far ?” Megan asked you with a tilt of her head.
“Great actually. Everyone I met really has been very welcoming so far. No one’s really pushed the being Tom Brady’s sister subject yet, so that’s nice.” You played with the ring on your left middle finger, it was from your birthday. It didn’t have any gems on it, but you loved it because Tom had gotten it for you not only for your birthday but because you had just received your 20th cap for UofM.
“Glad to hear that, because if they weren’t I would be putting the fear of God in them.” Becky joked with a bright grin on her lips. The statement had caused Pinoe, JJ, Crystal, Carli, and Abby to start laughing.
“Brady’s actually really dope !” Sonnett defended as she heard Becky’s statement. Crystal and Abby laughed while the other three playfully rolled their eyes at the young defender.
Just then Tobin, Christen, Kelley, and Alex walked through the hotel room door. They all came to join the other Vets on the bed. That’s when Christen had decided to be first one to push the subject you hadn’t want to push yet.
“So what’s it like being Tom Brady’s little sister ?” Christen had asked you as she made herself more comfortable on the bed. You had wondered why Tobin and Christen were late to the team bonding meeting when it was in 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 hotel room, but you opted to answer her question.
“It’s great, besides the press following us around nonstop when we hangout. It gets a bit to much for the both of us, especially during our seasons.” You nodded along with your answer, as you continued to play with your ring.
Christen was going to ask you another question, but Tobin had cut her short of it. “So what movie did you pick for us to watch ?” Tobin asked as she smiled at you. She knew by the way you avoided eye contact when the family subject came up made you more anxious. In the future you would have to thank her for being so attentive to detail.
“I was thinking Venom.” You grinned brightly which did not go unnoticed by your older teammates. Oh how they would find out why that movie made you beam up would shock them all to hell.
“Well then let’s get to watching it then !” Kelley beamed, as she made herself comfortable on the bed.
— — —
You ended up on the floor with the rest of your young teammates, occasionally you would peak at your phone to see the score of Tom’s ongoing game.
The movie had just reached the middle, when you started to get sleepy. Your eyes fluttered shut for a few minutes then opened again. Leaning over to you Kristie told you to go to sleep, you argued with her in hush whispers before you had fallen asleep mid retort.
— — —
Waking up around 6 am, you grabbed your phone to look at the text message your brother had sent you when you were sleeping.
“𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 ? 𝐎𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐨 𝐘/𝐍/𝐍 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐬 ! 𝐖𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 🏴‍☠️ 𝐆𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐤𝐢𝐝 , 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐣𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 !”
You laughed quietly as you put the back down. That’s when you noticed that you were back in yours and Tierna’s hotel room, which means either Tierna or a Vet had carried you back.
You figured that you had a few hours before breakfast, so you just stayed in bed and thought about your future with this team. Maybe in the near future you would be more open with them, but you were still testing the waters with them. What made you curious was how Christen was acting around you yesterday, it was like she was trying to make you uncomfortable.
You definitely had a lot to learn about them, but you were all in to do so. You thought about how you were starting to feel a little homesick already, Michigan has been your home for two years now and you certainly enjoyed the life there. About ten minutes later you started to drift off, until a soft knock to your hotel door brought you back to being semi awake.
𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 :)
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alloftheimaginess · 3 years
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Wordcount: 2563
Warnings: semi out of character Spencer but fluff nonetheless
Before I can knock on the door it opens immediately and he stops "Yn" he says and I smile at him.
"Hi, can we talk?" I ask.
"I'm actually on my way out the door. Can it wait?" He asks.
"I actually have work as well but I wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant" I say.
"You're pregnant?" He asks and I hum.
"Yeah, I found out yesterday" I say handing him the ultrasound.
"You can call me when you're free and we can meet up and talk about this" I say and he nods putting the ultrasound in his briefcase and I walk off.
"Hey kid, what's wrong with you?" Derek asks and Spencer looks up.
"What?" He asks.
"What's wrong with you?" He asks and he shakes his head.
"Nothing" he says.
"Well that's a lie. Something has you even more weird than normal" Emily says smiling at him.
"I'm just tired and I'm choosing to ignore that statement" he says and they all laugh and he pulls his stuff out his briefcase and the ultrasound falls out and he curses himself for forgetting it was in there due to his slight freaking out on the whole way to the office and Penelope picks it up and her eyes widen when she sees the name.
"Spencer" she says and he quickly grabs it.
"Is that an ultrasound?" JJ asks.
"Yes, now drop it" he says.
"You know you can talk to us about what's bothering you kid, we're your family" Derek says and he sighs and he hands Penelope the ultrasound back.
"Eight months ago I met a girl at a comic convention in San Diego where I went with a few buddies of mine and I was dress as Milo Thatcher" he says.
"From Atlantis?" Penelope asks and he nods.
"And we walk past a girl trying to figure out a map dressed like Kidagakash" he says and Penelope awes.
"Anyway she sees my costume so she asked if I could help her and of course I said yes and she told me how her friends were supposed to meet her and she had purchased their tickets to make sure she didn't have to go alone and they ended up standing her up so I let her join me and my friends who eventually left to go hook up with some girls and we spent the whole convention together, all three days and we exchanged numbers and on the last day I told her I lived in Virginia and she also lived out here with her one of her sisters so we met up a few time when we came back out here and we both got super busy with work and we were talking like once a week and four months ago there was a convention and she asked me if I wanted to tag along because she had an extra ticket because her sister had her daughter that weekend so they needed a fill in for their group costume so I said yes because I was off and we ended up hanging out the night after the convention and yeah things happened" he says and Derek smiles at him.
"Your own nerdy love story" he says and they all laugh.
"No but seriously do you think you're ready for this?" He asks and he shakes his head.
"But I will be. I refuse to have them grow up without a father like I had to do. If I can be there I will be there" he says.
"Awe, you guys can do couple and baby costumes for future conventions" Penelope says and Emily laughs.
"Were you thinking about that the whole time?" She asks and Penelope quickly nods.
"I was also thinking about what the group costume was" she says.
"It was the Scooby gang" he says.
"Who were you?" She asks and he shakes his hair.
"I knew it" she says laughing.
"And who was she?" She asks.
"Velma" he says and his phone buzzes and he pulls it out and he clicks on the message.
Are we still on for this weekend?
"I have to see her cosplay" she says.
"You and Kevin are going to the convention this weekend right?" He asks and she nods.
"Yeah, I've been working on my costume for months" she says.
"We should meet up" he says.
"Oh my god yes" she says.
"That's not fair. How come Penelope gets to meet her?" JJ asks.
"Because she doesn't act too cool for conventions" he says and Penelope laughs.
"It's a good day to be a geek" she says.
"I'm sure you guys will eventually meet her but I get to meet her first and form her whole opinion on all of you" she says and Spencer laughs.
Yeah, we can hang out at mine after
Okay, we can talk about everything
Sounds good I'll see you in two days
He clicks his phone off "how much are these tickets?" Emily asks.
"Sold out" Spencer says.
"There's no way" Derek says.
"There is a way. We got ours the day the tickets dropped and they were sold out the next day" Penelope says.
"I ordered ours as soon as they dropped, people wait for them because they love it but I'm sure you can find resellers" Spencer says.
"But only if you come in costume you guys can't be boring" Penelope says and Hotch walks in calling them to the round table room.
"Next time we're all going to a convention we should go as a group costume" Penelope says.
"Yn would love that" he says.
"I love her already" she says.
I follow behind Spencer as he leads me through the crowds "hey Spence slow down a little" I say and he stops.
"I'm sorry, I'm just excited for you to meet Penelope" he says and I smile at him.
"I know, but I just got my stomach to settle. Just a little slower please" I say.
"Of course" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I wrap mine around his waist and he leads me over to two people as they look at the map.
"Penelope" he says and she turns around, a massive smile on her face.
"Oh my god you guys look great" she says coming over and she hugs Spencer.
"You must be Yn, I absolutely adore your costume" she says and I smile at her.
"Thank you, this dress is gorgeous. I've never seen a princess peach dress look so beautiful before and I've seen like a million at cons" I say.
"Thank you, I made it" she says.
"No way, it's amazing. You seriously made this?" I ask and she quickly nods.
"You are amazing" I say and she smiles at me.
"This is my boyfriend Kevin" she says.
"Hi I'm Yn" I say shaking his hand.
"Jack and angelica?" He asks and I nod.
"I'm use to seeing Jack and Elizabeth" he says.
"That's all I ever see as well but I prefer angelica anyway" I say laughing.
"We gotta get pictures" Penelope says.
"Yes. We all have to come back together and do group costumes" I say and Penelope squeals.
"I said that when Spencer told me we could hang out" she says.
"Oh my god, I love you already" I say hugging her and she hugs me back and Spencer laughs.
"She also said that when I said you would want nothing more than to do group costumes" Spencer says and I laugh and I stop a girl walking past.
"Excuse me, do you think you can take a few photos of us? I'm a professional photographer and I'll take some professional shots of you if you want" I say and she quickly nods.
"Of course" she says and I hand her my camera and we all pose together and she snaps a few and hands me the camera back and I hand her a business card.
"Whenever you want photos just text me and we can meet up" I say.
"Thank you so much" she says and she rushes off and I have them gather in for some selfies and I take a few, Spencer grabbing the camera to get a better reach and we all make different faces and he hands me my phone back and we experience the con.
That night after taking the girls photos at sundown we all head to dinner before heading our separate ways and I walk into Spencer's house and he locks the door and I start taking my costume off "how are you feeling?" He asks and I nod.
"Good, just a little tired. Today was amazing, Penelope and Kevin are great. We need to do this more" I say.
"The next con you'll be what, eight months pregnant?" He asks and I nod sitting on the sofa and he comes and he sits beside me taking my shoes off and I put my hat on the table.
"I'm excited" he says.
"For the con?" I ask.
"For the baby" he says and I smile at him.
"Really?" I ask and he nods.
"Yeah, I was scared at first but I think we're going to make awesome parents and I can't wait to do this with you" he says laying on my lap.
"I apologize in advance but I've never done any of this before" he says and I laugh running my fingers through his hair.
"You think I have? You took my virginity at the first con at 23 years old. I'm even less experienced than you are so we'll figure this out together with no unrealistic expectations, I just want honesty" I say.
"I can do honesty" he says.
"What do you want from me?" I ask and he hums.
"Patience" he says.
"Patience?" I ask.
"Yeah, sometimes I can be a lot and I don't want that to frustrate you" he says softly already falling asleep and I hum.
"Okay" I say running my fingers through his hair.
"You have all the patience in the world from me" I say and his soft snores fill the room and I smile and I shake him up.
"Let's go to bed" I whisper and he sits up and he helps me up and I follow him into the bedroom where he takes off his costume and falls in the bed half dressed.
"I'm sorry work has been crazy and I'm exhausted" he says.
"You don't have to apologize. It's fine, get some sleep. I'm going to head home and let you sleep" I say.
"You can stay" he says softly.
"I don't have anything" I say.
"Middle drawer are my tshirts and bottom is my pants" he says and I go over to it and I grab a shirt and I change.
"Why don't you move in?" He asks.
"What?" I ask.
"Move in, it'll be better for us to have the baby in one house instead of trying to figure out when to see each other. Also I can help you with whatever you need so much easier if you are already here" he says.
"Okay but we’ll talk about this more when you aren’t two seconds away from passing out" I say and I climb in the bed and he turns the light off.
A few hours later
I wake up to Spencer's phone going off and I shake him "Spence" I say and he sits up.
"Your phone is going off" I say and he digs around in the bed for it.
"Hello" he says letting out a yawn.
"Sorry to wake you but we have a case and we need to be at the office in thirty minutes" Penelope says and he hums.
"Okay, see you there" he says hanging up and he sits up.
"Work?" I ask.
"Yeah, we have a case" he says getting out the bed in the dark.
"I'm up, you can turn the light on if you need" I say and he turns on the light and he grabs his key ring and he hands me a key.
"Here's the house key. We'll probably be going out of town so if you want to stay here while I'm gone that's okay but if you don't feel comfortable that's also okay and when we get back I can help you move" he says and I nod setting it on the dresser and he goes into the bathroom and my stomach twists and I sit up taking in a few deep breaths but that just makes it worse and I get up and I knock on the bathroom door and he opens it and he steps out the way and I rush over to the toilet.
"Do you need anything?" He asks and I shake my head.
"No, it usually just starts as soon as I open my eyes, I'll be okay" I whisper and he nods.
"I set a toothbrush out for you, it's the purple one. Feel free to look around and figure out where everything is. Half of the closet is empty so you can put your clothes on that side, there's a spare gate opener on the cabinet by the alarm, the spot next to mine inside the gate is mine so you can park your car there, whatever else I remember I'll text you it" he says.
"I'll be waiting" I say and he walks out and a few minutes later he comes back in with water, sprite, crackers and a wet towel.
"I'm sorry I can't stick around and help" he says and I smile at him.
"This is more than enough. Thank you" I say.
"Of course" he says going to get dressed.
Spencer walks into the office and Emily and Penelope look just as dead "look at what crawled up from hell" Derek says and Emily laughs.
"You guys look rough" JJ says.
"Well we worked late Friday and we had to be up early Saturday and we hung out all day and then had a very late dinner and hung out and then had to go home and change out of costume and finally after three hours of sleep my phone rings" Penelope says and Spencer nods.
"Then throw in a girlfriend with morning sickness" Spencer says.
"That's right Penelope you met Yn" Emily says and Penelope lights up.
"Yes, she's super amazing and I think she's a perfect match for our doctor here" Penelope says smiling.
"I want to meet her" Derek says.
"Yes you do, she's amazing and just super nice and happy. She was so nice to everyone and she's funny and smart. I heard Spencer laugh more in the twelve hours we were with them than I've heard in the five years I've worked with him" she says.
"Oh yeah. We gotta meet this woman" JJ says.
"Eventually" Spencer says.
"I need to hear more" Emily says.
"I can tell you so much more" she says as they walk up the stairs and Spencer laughs and Derek wraps his arm around his shoulders.
"You really like this girl don't you?" He asks and Spencer nods.
"I think I'm in love with her" he says and Derek smiles at him.
"It's an amazing feeling kid. Don't lose it" he says sitting in his seat.
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tparker48 · 3 years
Request for Save49
During a vacation trip, Jonas though it was would be a good time to visit the beaches located in the pacific. Taking along his friends, he all he needed as they flew over the ocean. Each of them picking a winder to look out of as they watched the sun glisten over the water.
"Thanks again for inviting us on this vacation Jonas"
"Yeah, I was looking for an excuse to wind back. And what better way than a beach"
"Hehe, of course. I wouldn't miss a chance to hang out with all you. Besides, I can't have the beach all to myself. Made it just for the nine of us" jonas smiled.
"A whole beach to ourselves huh? Quite the romantic place I might say. And what exactly do we plan on doing there"
"Oh you'll see when we get there jonas assured "I got something planned for us".
"Ooo, is it party? I bet its a party"
"Ahe, you can say that" Jonas blushed as he scratched the back of his head. But the sound of the seatbelt sign would bring him out of his flustered state as him and his friends took their seats. Most of them sitting in the front row as Jonas sat behind them. Looking at his bag in the process as he slid out a red bottle underneath its flap. "I just hope things will work out".
"You say something back there Jonas"
"Hmm? Oh nothing" Jonas replied as he put the bottle back in his bag. Looking out the window in the process as he saw the sea start to get closer. As its blue surface touched the window, it was replaced by trees as a road appeared below. The plane beginning to shake as the wings started to open and slow down its speed. When it arrived at their destination, it slowly pulled into the docking bay as each of them started to get off. Grabbing their bags as they went down the path and entered into the main way.
"Welcome the landsdale resort" one of the butlers bowed "please let us deal with your luggage while you explore our lovely island"
"Don't got to tell me twice"
"Thank you sir. It shouldn't be too much. Just a few bags and luggages" jonas said as the butler gave a bow. As he went to turn towards his friends, a blur would fly past him as a red and blue shirt flew down the ramp.
"Race ya to the beach!" Kevin yelled as he dashed by Jonas
"Hah! You're on" Josh replied as he darted after Kevin. The sounds of their stomps getting further away as they disappeared past the door.
"Always competitive those two" Richard said as he exited the landing bay
"You would be too if you were cooped up in a plane all day. Now come on and lets catch some sun while its still out. Jonas you coming along" Louis asked.
"You guys go on, I'll catch up in bit. Got something I need to do first" he said as he walked along a path towards the bathroom. Pretending to head down that way as his friends went down the ramp. As their form disappeared behind the corner, he switched his direction as he went out of the exiting doors. Darting towards a few bushes amongst the palm trees. He took off his shirt as he looked down at his bag he carried from the plain. Pulling out a red vile as the label was listed as "growth serum". "Alright Jonas, the moment you were waiting for. Drink this, and show them the other side of you. No...what if they hate me when they find out. I don't want risk our friendship being in jeopardy because of what I like. But I also want to be open to them. Show them my fantasy. Nah, I don't think i can go through with this!" He yelled in his mind. His thoughts predicting his friends reaction to seeing him in a more giant form. Focusing on the ones that lingered around his head, head looked at the bottle in his hand as looked at his reflection through its surface. "..but it can't hurt to try" his voice softened. His grip tightening around the bottle before he pried the lid off. He hesitantly looked at the bottle one last time, before finally tilting his head back as he began to drink the red fluid.
"Aah, now this is the type of spot I was waiting for on that Plane" richard said relaxing in his chair. Laying it back just enough to put his weight into it. "The view of the horizon, The soothing sunset, and the glamorous water dancing its shines around like ball. This trip is absolutely perfect!"
"Admit, you were too slow to beat me to the shore"
"Like hell you were, I was the one that touched before you did"
"...almost perfect" richard sighed as he put on his sunglasses. Gazing at the sunset as Kevin and Josh came his way.
"Richard, please tell this sore loser that he lost the race" kevin asked annoyed
"You won by a hair Josh, tell him Richard!"
"Don't you guys got better things to do than stroke your athletic egos. Just unwind why don't ya"
"Just say that I won and I will"
"Never! Where's Jonas, im sure he saw"
"Why don't you go find him. all this bickering is starting make my head pound just listening to it"
**thoom** **thoom** **thoom**
"Wait, I hear it too"
"My headache?"
"No! The pounding! And it seems to be getting...louder?" Other friends would start to hear the lard thumps too as they all started to gather together. Looking around to find the source, but found nothing. That is, until the jungle behind them began to rustle fiercely. Making them all turn towards it as the trees from deeper within started to bend in the distance. Getting ever more closer as a large figure was surround by the trees. The rustles turned to snapped as the thumps got closer. A leg coming out of it as its foot planted inti the sand. The rest of them coming out as fingers pried two trees apart. Revealing the upper half of the figure as they saw a familiar face. Jonas.
"Found him!" One of friends said in the group.
"Ahehe...hey guys" jonas sheepishly smiled down at them.
"What happened to you? " Richard asked among them
"I took an elixir from the company. I..I wanted to show you guy the other side of me. One that..I tend to keep under wraps during the day" Jonas took a few more steps forward as he shimmied his way between the trees. Standing just a meter from the other as he squatted down.
"What? Why keep it away"
"Well..I was afraid that it would ruin our bond together. I mean, with all the cool things you guys do, I Always feel like the odd from the group. I always wanted to tell you guys, but I was too afraid to lose your friendship in the process" Jonas pondered on the thought about as his thoughts braced for full blow of shame from his friends. Closing his eyes, he waited for them to shout at him. But nothing happened. Instead, he felt a hand touch his foot as he gazed at the ground. The hand belonged to one of hus friends as they gazed up at him with a smile.
"You don't have to be afraid to show your other side" they said as slowly rubbed their hand along his foot. Catching Jonas by surprise as he felt his heart skip a beat. But his attention would soon draw towards the others as each started to approach.
"Meh, not too bad. To be honest you look pretty good that tall"
"So you like being big huh? Well, you'd be the first to manage to beat my height"
"We all have a quirky side. This one is just a fun size of it"
"We love you for you!"
As his friends started to give compliments about him, Jonas couldn't help but shed a smile as he felt his hearts flutter. He would hug them all at once, but even doubted that he could fit them all in his hands. Instead, he gave a soft bow as he smiled with joy. "Im happy to hear you guys. Thanks you!" He says before looking back up. Staring towards the sun as it began to dip inti the horizon. Night starting to follow around it as the sky turned blue and orange.
"Well, there goes the sun" one of them said.
"What do we do now?"
"Well..if you guys want. You guys to stay inside me for the night. Its a long trip back, and..its getting a bit cold" Jonas offered. Reaching a hand into his pants as he started to take out his shaft. "And admittedly..It was another I wanted to try out with you guys. Since you all are my closest friends".
"Stay inside you huh? Hmm..im sure it couldn't be as bad than being cold"
"Sure, why not"
"Im down for that"
"Just don't go tossing us around in there like beach balls ya hear?" Kevin taunted.
"Hehe, I'll be sure to be careful" Jonas replied as he sat down fully. resting his legs in a criss cross around the group. As his shaft began to grow. "Then its settled then..so..uh.Who would like to go first" Jonas asked as the group below.
"Why not, I brave enough enough to First" Keving exclaimed as he steppes for but was pushed aside as Josh step in front.
"You brave? That's a first. I'll go first"
"Like hell you are, I am"
"No! I am"
"Jesus, just shove them both in!" Richard yelled in annoyance. Jonas Giving a light laugh in response as he went to pick up kevin first. Inserting him inside the slit as he eased his hips inside. Once it touched his torso, he placed two finger up his shoulders as he steadied his shaft.
"You may feel tight in there for a moment, but it'll light up once you've reached the end" Jonas said as he pressed down onto Kevin. Inserting his chest and shoulders inside before easing his head in with a finger. The feeling inside was rather strange to him. He imagined it most of his life when he indulged in his fantasy. But even now, he could hardly believe he'd get this chance. As his fingertips touched the slit. The shaft gave a slight jiggle as the bulge tucked just beneath the head started to descend. Carrying Kevin deeper into its embrace as his body touched the base. The sphincter beneath him holding him there as his shaft bobbed in chair. But for only a second as the length of the bulge thinned into Jonas's hips. His sack soon bulking forward as the left one started to swell.
"Ha...ha..you Alright in there Kevin" Jonas asked in a soft tone.
"Not too bad in here, can still get a good wifi signal"
"Im gonna take that as a yes. Okay, who's next" he asked toward the crowd. More of them started to approach him as he they each lined in a row. To which Jonas was happy to see as he plucked them one by one into his shaft. To his surprise, each them wanted there own way of entering. The first three were a peculiar bunch, they wanted to enter inside headfirst compared to others. But one that Jonas was happy to oblige. The next four were especially an interesting batch. They wanted to try wiggling themselves down than let the walls carrying. The thought made Jonas alway blush in response as they each dived into his shaft. With each twist making him curl his toes into the sand as they joined the others below. The sac forming a crater beneath it as little bulges nudged and rocked it in place.
"Alright Richard, looks like you're the last one. How would you like to go?"
"The normal way is fine"
"Alright" Jonas said with nod. Picking him up gently as he inserted his legs inside the shaft.slowly working the rest of him in as he pressed him softly closer
"What are gonna do out here while we're in there?"
"Enjoying the scenery while it lasts"
"Alright, but don't stay out too late now, wouldn't want you to catch a cold out here with no one out to care you"
"Im sure I'll be fine at the size I am. Besides, as long you all are good, That's enough for me. Speaking off, best get you in before it gets too cold" Jonas slowly started to ease Richard in by his shoulders as the two gazed at each other. Exchanging a smile in the process as Richard's chin slowly dipped into the slit.
"Heh, I appreciate it. Ya know, im glad you told us about your otherside. It fits you well" Richards said as he closed his eyes. Embracing the overlap of the spongy muscle as the slit sealed behind. As it carried him down, Jonas played what he said on loop as he couldn't help but let out a peaceful smile. Gazing up at the stars, he leaned into the trees as the stars began to shine.
"Looks like it all worked out in the end. Sleep tight you guys" he said to himself. Rubbing over his balls with a soft glide along it skin. As the moon slowly came out to accompany him through the night.
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
Prove it
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Yes.
“I’d feel a lot better if you let me walk you home/ If i asked you to stay, would you?”
• Warnings: swearing/ mention of drugs
• Summary: Jay insists on walking you home after a night in Molly’s but after seeing you with Adam he decides to tell you how he feels.
• Words: 2893.
• A/N :  Hope you enjoyed! Thanks so much for the request, I’m feeling motivated to get writing again due to all of the lovely messages and chats I’ve had over the past few days. Please feel free to send across any requests or prompts that you would and as always my inbox is always open :)
 “Cheers to no one getting injured on a drug bust for the first time” Adam announces as you all raise your glasses in amusement “Not even you Halstead, gotta be a first. Right?” he adds but Jay rolls his eyes and takes another sip of his drink “Listen, It’s not me you should be congratulating. Y/N is always the one who does something without thinking and gets herself hurt, you should be directing this at her” he tips his glass towards you and you give him a menacing look “Talk about beat around the bush” you mumble but Jay’s chuckle is enough to break your facade as you mirror his grin “Just saying” he shrugs and winks.
The team had just finished up on what felt like a month long operation, in reality you had been planning it a week or so but the observations and scoping out the area made it feel so much longer.  You managed to get the guy you were after and as Adam said, miraculously all of you had avoided injury which was definitely a first. His speech was clearly aimed towards you and Jay out of anyone, Jay was known for getting far too attached and close to cases which often blinded his awareness of danger. You were very similar in that if you saw an opportunity to help someone out you would take it, not weighing up the situation and resulting in you taking risks you probably shouldn’t. 
Because of this, you and Jay had each others backs. Of course everyone had everyones back but not in this way. You’d seemed to have grown a close bond due to you both being very similar in the way you work and think, often knowing what the other is going to do before they even think it. As much of this being a good thing, it has often not panned out as the other will take the first step to try and protect the other and things going south, you’d probably put yourself in more danger trying to prevent Jay getting hurt rather than a result of your own misjudgment. Jay was the same, not thinking about himself and would rather put himself in a compromising position instead of you - sounds twisted but that’s just the way your partnership worked. 
By this point, you’d had a few drinks but was cutting yourself off. You had an early shift in the morning and the thought of the pile of paperwork on your desk reminded you it was not something you wanted to tackle with a hangover. No one else seemed to think the same way, this was soon proved as Hailey made her way back from the bar with another tray of shots. “Oh none for me, I’m having a quiet one tonight” you excused yourself and carried on sipping the remainder of your drink.
“Yeah, I’m also out. Don’t want to be feeling rough with all that paperwork tomorrow” Jay winced and you laughed to yourself at how similar your thoughts always were. “Something you two aren’t telling us?” Hailey downs one of the shots and you almost choke on your drink “Are you being serious?” you question and she shrugs her shoulders with a click of her tounge “I don’t think it’s just me that thinks it, I overheard Kev and Adam gossiping the other day” you dart your attention over to a stunned Kevin who simply purses his lips and turns to Adam for him to defend “I-I.. Don’t know what she’s talking about” he stutters out “You couldn’t come up with something better?” Kevin mumbles under his breath and you shake your head “Nothing to report, right Jay?” you hand over to Jay who was quietly sipping on his nearly finished drink “What? Oh.. right” 
You smile back at Hailey but she doesn’t seem satisfied “I’m just saying, I don’t think he would run into a burning building for much but if you were on the top floor he would be sprinting up them stairs” Kim widens her eyes at Hailey who seems so casual about everything she is saying but you weren’t taking it as lightly and were now feeling slightly uncomfortable “Well on that note, I think I’m gonna head out” you place your empty glass back on the bar and hear them continue to bicker being you “Good one” Adam curses at Hailey who again doesn’t seem fazed “I’m just saying what we’re all thinking. You can’t tell me they’re both so oblivious to it as well”. Adam runs his hand along his jawline and stands to pick your jacket up which had fallen on the floor, you hear him mutter a soft ‘sorry’ which you acknowledge with a forced smile “I’ll see you tomorrow”. 
You shrug your jacket on and head for the door, slightly underestimating how cold Chicago can be and regretting not picking up a thicker coat. You start the traitorous walk down the road but feel your phone buzz in your pocket 
‘Stop walking and wait for me’
You squint to see who it was from and your heart slightly picks up speed when you say Jay’s name at the top of the screen, you come to a stop and turn to look over your shoulder. Not seeing anyone there you carry on walking but keep your phone in your grasp when it vibrates again
‘What did I just say Y/N..’
 You chuckle at the message and take another look behind you but this time seeing Jay a few steps away “you really don’t listen for shit do you” he greets and you scoff “Well, nice to see you too”. You carry on walking and Jay jogs to catch up and walks closely alongside you “Early night for you as well then?” you break the silence and he just nods with his hands stuffed in his pockets “Not as good when you’re partners not there” he remains with his eyes pinned to the path ahead and you feel the heat rise to your cheeks and are suddenly grateful for the darkness so he can’t see. You come to a stop and Jay turns back to look at you confused “You don’t live this way? In fact that way” you point in the opposite direction you’re walking and his eyes quickly dart back to you “You think I’d let you walk home alone?” he almost chuckles to himself but you don’t match his amusement “Jay, it’s not even 8pm and I’ve only had a few drinks. Thank you but I’m fine” you pat him on the shoulder and continue walking, you barely get a step away when he’s back by your side.
“I get that, but  I’d feel better if you let me walk you home “. You’re reminded that you still have your phone in your hand when you feel it vibrate, you look down to see Adam’s name flash up on the screen. You show Jay the screen and you can’t help but notice the way he seems to straighten up when he reads the name, you ignore this and answer the phone “Hey Adam” you chime and Jay vaguely hears him respond on the other end “Hold on a minute” you put the phone to your shoulder to muffle the speaker and so Adam can’t hear “Look, if I stay on the phone with Adam and walk home alone. Will that make you feel better?” you whisper to Jay who clears his throat and nods “Do whatever you want” he responds in a harsh but quiet tone before heading back towards the bar. “Sorry, as you were saying..” you turn your attention back to the phone call and carry on your journey home. 
The phone call only last a few minutes after Jay left but you made a note to tell Jay it was the full length of your journey home if he ever asks.. You step in the elevator to your apartment block and click the button for your floor, you grasp at the hand rail behind you and lean your head back on the mirror, you were shattered and just ready for bed. The elevator chimes and the doors open, as you exit and head for your apartment you find yourself rummaging around your pockets to find your key, you turn the corner and nearly jump out of your skin as you see Jay stood outside your door, leaning on the wall with his knee bent and foot resting below him. 
He sees your reaction and turns to face you walking towards him “sorry I didn’t mean to make you jump” he softly whispers as you turn the key in the lock “Maybe don’t wait outside my front door when I’m not expecting anyone to be there smart ass” you hit back, still not sure on his attitude when he left you earlier. 
You walk in the apartment and hang your jacket on the hook but turn back to see Jay still hadn’t moved “You coming in or did you come all this way to stand in the hall?” you question but head further in, leaving the door open. You pour yourself a glass of water and hear the door close and the floorboards creak as Jay walks over to join you “What’s going on Jay?” you ask as he leans on the doorframe and therefore making it difficult for you to get past “What did Adam want?” he tilts his head to question but you can tell he isn’t feeling as confident as he wants you to think. You exhale in a laugh and take a step towards him, you expect him to move but he stands his ground and remains in his spot. This forces you to step sideways out of the door, your body glides closely with his. So much so that if you had looked up as you passed him your faces would’ve been inches apart as he looked down at you. You huff and place your glass of water on the side and begin to take your shoes off by the sofa “Just wanted to apologize again for Hailey, I don’t know I wasn’t really listening” you trail off as you find your attention is now more on Jay’s actions and what he’s doing. 
It takes him a minute to turn from where he is standing and face you, you walk in front of him and lean the back of your legs on the sofa to examine him, his eyes flick up and down your body and you reach for your drink to try and act like you didn’t notice “So you’d rather have him keep you company on your walk home than me, I see” he confidentially takes a stride towards you and folds his arms across his chest. You can’t help but notice the way his arms bulge through the tightness of his shirt and struggle to keep your eyes on him and not roaming to admire them “Grow up Jay” you scoff but see him take another step towards you “what are you even doing here anyway?” you add but he remains silent. 
“If you’re just gonna stand and not say anything I’m gonna leave you here and go to bed” you stand from your spot and step away from him and towards your room. You’re stopped in your tracks when his arm latches onto your wrist to stop you “Hailey was right you know” he keeps his grasp on you tight, not in a way that it hurts but almost as if he was worried that otherwise you would walk off.
You open your mouth to speak but he soon cuts you off “I mean not about the fact there isn’t much I would run into a burning building for, as we know from past experiences that isn’t true” you laugh at the memory from when he darted back into an old house that had just caught alight because he had left his phone on the side but he seems to regain your attention “You know what, It’s late I should probably go” he releases his hold on you and you can’t ignore the emptiness you feel from loosing the tiniest bit of contact from him “You can’t be serious Jay. You can’t say that and then leave?” you both fall silent as you wait for the other to speak but you weren’t going to crack first.
“I didn’t plan on coming here Y/N. I didn’t think I would be standing here saying this to you but you were on the phone to Adam and instead of me heading home I found myself coming here to make sure you got home safe. I wish I didn’t care if you were on the phone to him when you walked home, but I do Y/N. I care that it’s me that you choose to keep you company and I’m the one to make sure you’re safe because quite frankly I don’t trust anyone else and especially you to make sure that you are. You’re the most caring person I know and honestly it terrifies me because I know you won’t stop at anything to make sure everyone around you is fine, even if it means that you aren’t and I’m sorry but it’s true”. The way his chest is quickly rising and falling from his outburst stuns you, you’d seen him loose control of his emotions before but not like this. He always struggles to hide his true feelings and shows alot of emotion, but in more actions than words and you never thought you’d see him act this way towards you. 
“That’s great Jay, just great. Here you are turning up at my door because you don’t trust me to keep myself safe. You’re my partner Jay you’re supposed to trust me an-” you begin to retaliate but yet again he is there to cut you off “I do trust you Y/N. I trust you with my life and I trust you a fuck tonne more than anyone else I know but I know you won’t stop at anything to make sure everyone else is okay, so is it so bad that I wanted to make sure you got home safe?” you find him now stood inches from you and you had absentmindedly mirrored his actions but tensely hanging your arms by your side, so rigid that you can’t bring yourself to move them “So what, if I asked you to stay. Would you?” you half heartedly laugh as you almost expect him to shrug if off and give you some funny look.
“Of course I would Y/N. Are you not listening to me? I would stay tonight, I would stay tomorrow. I would stay every god damn day if I could. I don’t wait you on the phone to another guy when it should be me, I should be the one making you feel safe and not anyone else” his tone and volume picks up again just when he seemed to be calming down and you curse yourself for making him react this way again. You take another step towards him as he tries to say something else, you raise your finger to his lip to stop him. His eyes flicker between your fingertip and then back to you in confusion but he doesn’t say another word. The desperation in his eyes as he scans your face makes your heart ache and you feel it alight something within you “Just don’t say another word” you bring your face towards him and place a quick kiss onto his skin “Take your anger out on me”. You run your fingertip along his jawline run your thumb along his bottom lip to place another kiss to the side of his neck “Y/N” he warns, his voice now in a low and much more serious tone.
“I mean it Jay, everything you just said. Prove it to me” you continue to trail light pecks along his skin and leading up the the corner of his mouth “Don’t start something you don’t want to finish” the way he grips at your hips makes you edge them towards him, earning a low moan to escape from his lips “Prove it to me Jay, prove why it should be you and no one else” you taunt as he locks his eyes with yours, he nudges at your legs which are positioned together so his knee slips between them “you have no idea what you’ve just let yourself in for”.
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mangacat201 · 2 years
Got tagged by @hedgewyse whom I was very happy to get to know better via this tag game, thanks a lot! Sorry it took so long to respond, I needed to get on tumblr on the laptop where I can actually type up text and I had a lot of things going on this past week that kept me LOL.
Favourite colour: Blue.
No explanation, not particular reason why, it’s just always been blue. All shades from deep purple to almost white. But I have a special place in my heart for the word ‘turquoise’, which I feel is just so the most. 
Currently reading: Oh good gosh, my open doc reading list is so long, I will constrain myself to the most recent things...
“(Love is)The second oldest profession” The 9-1-1 Buck/Eddie pornstar!AU I knew I needed but kept for a special occasion
I’m also reading “Achtsam Morden” a national German bestseller and the first actual like physical book I’ve picked up in probably four years. It’s hilarious and murdery and perfect
I’m listening to “Blood & Paper” by Kevin Hearne (whom I recently got to meet at a book signing event when he was visiting here and a friend asked me to spontaneously tag along - best decision in ages) Love the audiobook version read by Luke Daniels, he’s a whizz with the accents.
“Hide the drums (there’s fire in the sky)” latest installment of the Magical Marriage Ribbons-Verse, the Untamed Mega Saga, for which the author starandrea has been posting a chapter every day since May 31st 2020, so 805 consecutive days as of now without missing ONE. It boggles the mind. (I’ve started reading when the verse was ... oh I think about three parts in, I haven’t missed one too since then)
Last song: “The Greatest Show on Earth” - Nightwish, it’s my soundtrack for my daily yoga practice (no I am in fact not joking), so it doesn’t really count last leisure listening was the soundtrack of ‘Robin Hood - Das Musical’
Last series: Ooofff... ok, so many balls in the air at the same time. I’m watching “The Sandman” of course, as you do and loving it. Also “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” which is THE MOST(tm). Recently finished my rewatch and catch-up of “Manifest” and rewatched a couple of episodes of The Devil Judge with a friend who just started and that I got into it, remembering why I can’t be normal about those boys (and how delightful it is to rewatch with someone experiencing sth for the first time). Of course went down the magnificent and batshit crazy rabbithole that is Kinnporsche. Also, “Tomorrow” which is definitely my fav K-Drama of 2022.
Last movie: Day Shift - Fun and a nice remix of vampire tropes that you don’t really see on top of each other a lot. But it felt more like a set up to a movie trilogy I don’t know if it’s made enough impact into getting, so the premise might have been served better as a mini series? ...The Gray Man, which was solid and enjoyable and absolutely bonkers with how hilarious it was to watch Chris Evans have a ton of fun playing straight up, no holds barred, unredeemable villian. Ryan Gosling can stay... Ana de Armas is queen bee.
Currently working on: My last day of vacation :sob: and of course my WIP/plot bunnie enclosure excel spreadsheet (yes, I do not do things by half until I halfass writing them). Anyway, actual words or plotty thinky thoughts were put into:
- The Devil Judge a/b/o PWP (that has, so far, about 5k of set up and no porn) with a Jung Sunah made them do it scenario and non-traditional dynamics (yeah, idek...)
- Vincenzo Inception fusion - Jang Han Seo wakes up from getting shot to a curious set up of sleeping people around him (really really wanna write this one but the premise is so vast I’m afraid of flaming out again)
- three separate 9-1-1 Buddie fics of varying size and scope that reaches from one’s in love the other isn’t and confessions make things complicated (or do they), the fall out from the truck bombing goes the other way for Buck & the “Eddie deals with his 5B-issues by discovering shibari”!AU (do NOT try this at home-therapy)
- The Untamed - Blades of Glory!AU
pheeeeew. hooookay, wow, that was interesting, hope your learned something about me. I’mma tag some people, but please, feel free to participate at your own leisure. @hattalove, @the-marathon-continues-nip , @iskarieot, @themostglorioushour, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels , @fondofeveryprickle, @ahhhnorealnamesallowed, @sam-t-a, @b612sunsets
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: kevin atwater x reader
summary: one morning before a case you discover you're pregnant again and kevin finds out.
word count: 1.4k
warning severe fluff with smut and picking on adam.
requested by anon
note: thank you for this request. this was soooo cute to write and that's okay! i'm assuming you meant they find out reader is having a second child so that's what i'm rolling with. if that's not exactly what you request please resend corrections and i will be happy to fix or rewrite it.
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“the baby is asleep now, do we have time?” kevin asked. he practically ran in the room and looked at you with loving eyes.
you laughed and nodded. that was all he needed to pull off his shirt and quickly push down his sweats. you also pulled off your tank top and panties, he grinned at you as if it was funny.
which it was. you were both seeing who could get off their clothes first. it was a battle recently to have some time alone with kev. something you needed and well, he needed too.
he climbed in the bed and on top of you quickly. you smirked up at him and he kissed your nose. “hurry,” you pleaded feeling his hardness along your leg.
kevin wasted no time pushing inside of you and you both let out loud moans at the feeling. you definitely needed a better schedule. with the intelligence job and squeezing in time to see your kid in the mornings and evenings.
”i love you so much y/n.” kev said in a raspy voice, while pounding inside you.
you put your head up, gesturing kevin to kiss you and he chuckled. speeding up his pace, he put his hand behind your head and put you back gently onto the pillow. smoothing out a strand, he curled it around his finger and leaned down to kiss you.
kevin touched his tongue with your lower lip, you gasped at the feeling of him inside you and he pushed his tongue in your mouth. teeth clashing and skin noises could be heard around the room.
”we should totally do this more.” you joked and kevin nodded. you were close to finishing and he was right behind you. he favored one of his arms, putting his weight into it before using his other hand to palm your tit.
all you could do was lay there in pleasure and he noticed this, using it to his advantage to help you come by moving his hand down your body. squeezing your hip and then placing all of his attention on your clit.
your lower abdomen tightened and you tensed around him. he noticed and felt you finishing so he tried to pull out before it was too late but you looked at him questioning.
”are you sure?” kevin asked, knowing you weren’t on any birth control at the moment.
”yeah.” you smiled and he stayed inside.
two months later, the two undeniable pink lines stared back at you. sitting in the locker room at the precinct, you stared at the stick as if it would change and form together into one line.
you knew it wasn’t going to happen and even though you already had one kid. it was surprising nonetheless to learn you were about to have a second one in just a little less than nine months.
kevin was the best guy you’ve ever met. the best husband, father and overall, man. you met on the job three years ago and maybe the two of you moved fast, but you were with each other all the time with this job.
incredibly comfortable with your life would be an understatement. kevin was your soul mate, kim was your best friend and your little one was at home with the kevin’s sister. don’t even get started on the team. they were your family. your whole life.
you couldn’t wait to tell kim she was going to be a godmother to not only one, but now two children. the way her face lit up the first time when you told her left you speechless. you were about to experience it again and that was gold.
shutting your locker with the stick inside of it for now, you pulled the jacket tighter over your body. you looked down at your belly and smiled, putting your hand over it. “time for work baby,” you mumbled.
knowing coffee wasn’t the best to have while during pregnancies you knew cutting down soon would be saddening. but needed it now after waking up early for an important case. 
you walked up the staircase after putting your fingerprint in the scanner and straight to the coffee room. you stood there for a moment at the counter to prepare a mug and hands wrapped your center from behind.
kevin leaned in, resting his chin on the top of your shoulder. “where’ve you been sweet thing?” 
smiling to yourself, you stirred in sugar and shrugged. “just around.”
he made a ‘hmm’ sound in response and kissed your cheek while you sipped the warm, hot drink. “everything okay?”
with a mouth full of coffee you nodded instead. someone behind the two of you cleared their throat and you and kevin turned together to see adam. “hey bro and one of my favorite ladies.” he charmed.
“hey,” cough. “loser,” cough. you replied to the blonde with a smirk.
kevin laughed and adam shook his head before walking up to the both of you. he sneaked a mug around your head and messed up your hair before quickly scooting away.
“i wonder what you’d really be like if you didn’t have kim to rein you in.” you joked. kevin tapped your shoulder but it was no use because this was what kind of friendship you had with ruzek.
adam gasped and sarcastically put a hand over his heart. “you know y/n, you wound me.” 
“somehow i know you’ll get over it.” you laughed.
“dang dog. y/n is so sassy in the mornings.” kevin lightly punched adam’s shoulder in a bro way.
“who is sassy?” kim asked. 
she snuck in while kevin stood by adam towards the door. you shrugged and put the mug to your lips, savoring the taste.
“hey darlin’, kevin and i are just joking about y/n’s tendencies to make fun of me in the mornings.” adam said and you laughed.
he waved you off in a sassy way back and walked up to kim. his blonde hair touched his forehead when he leaned over to kiss her cheek.
it was the same routine you just had with kevin and he smiled knowingly at you, thinking the same.
just as adam stepped away kim took a few steps to stand by you. she smirked your way and you knew she was about to back you up.
“honestly, i feel like it’s good. y/n’s keeping you on your toes.” kim said cheekily.
you chuckled putting your hand up to kim and she high fived you back. adam rolled his eyes playfully, “sometimes i feel like you would ditch me for y/n.”
kevin looked you up and down like he was checking out your every curve and your cheeks heated up at the close analyzation. “i don’t blame kim in the slightest and i wouldn’t be mad either.”
you quickly turned, putting your mug in the sink, leaving it to clean later. knowing voight, he would announce a case soon and you wanted to be prepared. “you know adam, you and kim will have to get along.” you teased.
kim raised an eyebrow at you when you turned and kevin looked at you in the eyes, like he was peering into your soul.
your eyes teared up a little and adam finally spoke up. “not that we wouldn’t be, but why the sudden statement?”
“well, you guys are very important to kev and i and it’s crucial because you’re going to be godparents.”
kim’s mouth opened and closed, confused. she got it a second later and put a hand over her mouth. you rested your hand casually on your stomach and kevin just about cried on the spot.
“we’re already are godparents though?”
“we’re pregnant again?” kevin spoke up, breathless. adam turned to kim with wide eyes, realizing now and didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“yes.” you smiled.
he ran up to you and picked you up, spinning you around. kim’s eyes also teared up and hugged adam in comfort.
kevin put you down a second later and placed a big kiss on your lips before running to the doorway of the room and the wide area of desks. he yelled loudly, “𝘆/𝗻'𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁! 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲!”
you laughed and kim hugged you in congratulation, whispering how excited she was. adam put his hand around your shoulder, bringing you in for a close side hug and you smiled up at him.
everybody in the room walked over and told you how happy they were for you and kevin. even trudy walked upstairs, hearing the commotion.
all and all, it was a happy day despite the case you guys solved later on that day.
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