#(a performer and his star | charlastor)
damnedrainbows · 7 months
His serpentine tongue is still poking out of his lip.
“Oops! Sorry kid, I thought you were someone else.” Who, Lucifer? Who?
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fanartandfanfiction · 7 months
Charlastor fic, charliexalastor
Alastor greatly underestimates Charlie and he’s gonna get HUMBLED.
A bit more of a realistic take on the characters, with Charlie dealing with more issues than she lets on. A slow burn, with Alastor absolutely not handling and comprehending his feelings. AND I KNOW canonically Al is aroace but it’s fanfiction so he’s charliesexual. Also in this universe, Charlie and vaggie haven’t dated, and Charlie doesn’t know vaggie’s true feelings for her.
Chapter one: Picture Show Fiasco (basically the pilot from Al’s perspective, you can skip if you want)
Alastor was walking down the street and humming to himself when he noticed a crowd gathered in front of a window. As he got closer, he saw it was TELEVISION they were ogling at. He was about to keep walking when he saw what was happening. Princess Charlotte Morningstar was on the news and making an absolute fool of herself. This he had to see.
The bubbly blonde was dancing and singing about demons and rainbows, and it was absolutely hysterical! She finished her performance and was met with resounding laughter. The crowd in front of him was laughing too hard for him to properly hear, but the princess looked downhearted as that vicious harpie Katie Killjoy spoke. The crowd settled down enough just in time for him to see the princess glare and stand up in front of Katie.
“I have your PEN, BITCH!”
Alastor couldn’t contain his laughter. His menacing cackle sent the crowd scrambling. It was absolutely hysterical seeing the sweet little princess try to stand up to the news woman. Then the fight started.
He was puzzled as he watched it. She was Lucifer’s daughter, this shouldn’t be much of a fight at all! But she hardly used any of the power she possessed. Untapped potential…
As he continued his stroll, he overheard people talking about the news. “Can you believe it? That stupid bitch thinks we can actually be redeemed! At some stupid place called the happy hotel.”
“She’s so desperate to redeem people that she’s letting that porn star live there. Angel Dust ain’t ever gonna change. But she’s gullible.”
Alastor was struck with an idea. Yes, an EXCELLENT idea. He’d show up, offer his assistance, and gain her trust. Then he’d have a very powerful pawn.
As he approached the hotel, he saw the girl sitting outside with a mobile phone. He stayed hidden and listened in.
“Hey, mom. I know I keep calling and you must be busy... Really busy... But, um, the interview didn't go well, and... I don't know if I'm ever going to make a difference. I don't know what I'm doing. I could really use some advice, mom. I... I think dad was right about me... Ahah, oof. Eh, anyway... I'll stop talking before this gets long. Love you, bye…” She wiped tears from her face and went inside.
Daddy issues AND an absent mother? Why, the girl would be desperate for anyone to lean on! Might as well strike while the iron’s hot. He put on his most charming smile and knocked on the door.
The door opened slowly and he saw her eyes widen as she saw him. “Hel-“ SLAM! He blinked in confusion. The door opened again. “Lo-“ SLAM. That was rather rude. He could hear voices arguing inside, then the door opened slowly again. The poor girl was terrified. Clearly his reputation preceded him. “May I speak now?”
“Um…you may.” She squeaked out. Showtime!
“Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart! Quite a pleasure! He shook her hand and pulled her close, then let himself in.
“Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show, and I just couldn't resist! What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929! Sooo many orphans…” he chuckled to himself.
Some freaky looking one-eyed girl shoved a spear towards him. “Stop right there, cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous cheesy talk show shitlord!”
How hilarious! She thought she could threaten him. He smirked and pushed her spear away. “My dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I already would have.” He revealed more of his demonic form, intending to intimidate her. Unfortunately this was also scaring the girl he needed to win over. He returned to his regular form and smiled. “No, I’m here because I want to help!”
“Uuuh…what?” Charlie asked.
“Hello? Testing! Is this thing on?” He tapped his microphone.
“You want to help with what?”
“This ridiculous thing you’re trying to do! This hotel! I’d like to help you run it!”
“Why does anyone do anything, dear? Boredom!”
Charlie looked at him suspiciously. “So does this mean you think demons can be redeemed?”
“Of course not! That's wacky nonsense! Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! No, no, no, no. I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners. The chance given was the life they lived before, the punishment is this! There is no undoing what is done!”
“So then why do you want to help me if you don’t believe in my cause?” She asked with wide eyes.
Time to crank up the charm. “Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her close, twirling her around. “I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure!”
“Riiiiiight…” clearly she needed more convincing.
“Yes indeedy! I see big things coming your way, sweetheart! And who better to help you than I?” He put an arm around her waist and led her away from the angry looking moth girl. She seemed to be the rational one, and he couldn’t have that.
“Think of what I’m offering here, sweetheart. I’ve got connections, I’ve got cash, and I’ve got powerful magic! You and me, working together? Why, we could FILL this place with sinners!”
She still looked unsure. Unfortunately the moth girl realized he’d gotten her alone and dragged her away. “Charlie, we need to talk.”
The pair was having a heated discussion. He heard the grating sound of a straw sucking loudly. He looked for the source and found a lanky spider demon lounging on the couch. “So what’s your deal?”
“I’m sorry?” He asked.
“The reason you’re here. It sure as hell ain’t boredom. What are you gettin’ out of this? And don’t worry, I don’t actually give a shit about this place. I just live here for free.”
“Entertainment, pure and simple! I’m between projects and terribly bored.”
There was another loud slurping noise. “Why are you dressed like a strawberry pimp?”
Before he could answer, the little blonde stomped up to him with a determined look. “Ok, so Al. You’re sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I’m trying to do here as a joke. But, I don't. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So, I'm taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no...tricks or voodoo strings attached.”
Excellent. “Do we have a deal?” He grinned and twirled his microphone, and a green glow surrounded them.
“Nope! No shaking! No deals! I... hmm... As princess of Hell and heir to the throne, I, uh, hereby order that you help with this hotel. For as long as you desire. Um, does that sound fair?”
This was absolutely pathetic. He’d be able to play her like a piano. “Fair enough! So, where’s your staff?”
“Uuuuh…it’s just me and Vaggie…”
“Ohohoho, you’re gonna need more than that!” He walked over to the demon lounging on the couch. “And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?”
“I can suck your dick.” He smirked.
Alastor abhorred crass talk like that. “Ha! No. This won’t do. I suppose I can cash in on a couple of favors, liven this place up a little bit…”
He pulled Nifty, his chaotic little maid out of the fireplace. Sure, she was odd, but she was excellent at her job. Time to wrangle up a bartender! Husk was angry and aggressive, as per usual, but all it took was a bottle of cheap booze to turn his head.
“Uh-uh! No bars! No alcohol!” The moth girl shouted.
“SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” The spider demon ran to the bar. “We are KEEPING THIS!”
Charlie still looked unconvinced. Time to bring it home! Luckily, he also had a flare for theatrics. He distracted her long enough to shove the moth girl out of the way. He began singing.
“ You have a dream! You wish to tell!” He dressed her up in 1920s fashion and twirled her around. “ And it's just laughable! But, hey, kid, what the hell?” He tossed her into the air and caught her with ease, taking her hand. He was going to use his magic to make her dance, but it was unnecessary as she quickly caught up with him.
“ 'Cause you're one-of-a-kind! A charming demon belle! Now, let's give these burning fools a place to dwell! Take it, boys! ”
Shadow demons appeared from the floorboards and begin playing their instruments. The moth girl was trying in vain to get Charlie’s attention, but he had the girl wrapped around his finger with his song and dance. Truth be told, it was a nice change of pace to have a competent dance partner.
“Haha! Inside of every demon is a lost cause! But we'll dress 'em up for now, with just a smile! And we'll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flair! And show these simpletons some proper class and style!”
He twirled Charlie in until they were nearly chest to chest and pinched her cheek. “Oh! Here below the ground, I'm sure your plan is sound! They'll spend a little time, down at this Hazbin Ho-“”
A loud crash shattered one of the walls of the hotel. There was a large warship floating outside with a snake demon at the helm. “Hah! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet yet again, Alastor!”
Who the hell was this? “Do I know you?”
“Yes! You do! And this time I have the element of SURPRISE!”
He didn’t have time to deal with incompetent wannabe overlords. He quickly summoned his tentacles and attacked the ship, destroying it and returning to normal in 15 seconds. He was quite proud of himself, but a quick glance to the side showed that the others were staring at him with shock and horror. “Well, I’m starved! Who wants some jambalaya? My mother taught me a WONDERFUL recipe!” He ushered the group back inside. He glanced up at the hideous sign for the happy hotel. No, that wouldn’t do. With a point of his microphone, the sign changed to Hazbin Hotel. Perfect!
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devintrinidad · 5 years
Charlastor Week #1: Musical
Charlie sunk to the floor, phone in hand and a frown sullying her face. She was crouched on the ground with her knees bent close to her chest and her head falling forward. In an attempt to stop her tears from falling, she breathed in and out in measured breaths. However, she faltered in her breathing exercise when she realized that she was not alone. For a moment, she considered springing up to her feet and pretending that she was okay, but she just felt so tired.
She gathered what strength she had left and raised her head. For a second, her vision was completely obscured by red. She wiped the back of her hand against her eyes, attempting to get rid of the wetness that threatened to leak out while she pasted on a charming smile for her business partner.
“H-hey there, Alastor!” She slowly stood as she grappled with the wall behind her for support. Although her head was tilted up as if to look at Alastor directly, she avoided his gaze. Instead, she chose to look at the way his ears twitched slightly. “What are you…” She cleared her throat, slightly ashamed that her voice sounded scratchy and layered with emotions that she would rather not feel right now. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, hello there, dearest!” He flung his arms wide and spun his cane with a flourish. His smile, forever present and unnerving, had become small. Subdued. Perhaps a little gentle as he looked down at her. He leaned over her, the motion causing her to step a bit backward and to look him directly in the eyes. “Where’s that smile of yours gone?”
Despite herself, Charlie felt a corner of her mouth twitch upwards.
“What do you mean?” She stretched her lips wide and pointed at the resulting expression with wild aplomb. “It’s right here, Al!” A strained chuckle left her lips before she stopped short and dropped her hands fall down to her sides. God, she felt so stupid right now. Just as suddenly as her smile had appeared, it fell, leaving her face bare and unmarked.
“Hmm…” Alastor tapped one of his clawed fingers against the cupid’s bow of his lips before he shook his head wildly to and fro. “No, I don’t think that’s a real smile, my dear! Why, it looks counterfeit!”
Suddenly, Charlie found herself falling back against the wall as he abruptly jumped straight into her personal space. What was even more disconcerting was the contrast between the way his bright red eyes were narrowed into thin slits while his smile had grown to cover the entire bottom half of his face. While Charlie wasn’t one to get easily scared by Alastor nowadays, she did find that her heart was beating at a rate that probably wasn’t healthy if she didn’t calm down soon.
“Why, yes! Counterfeit! Fake!” The Radio Demon waggled his finger in front of the Princess of Hell in a patronizing manner. “Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were lying to me, Charlie.”
Charlie rubbed the back of her head as she sucked in a breath. “Yeah...maybe I wasn’t all that upfront with you.”
Alastor’s red eyes flashed, the light within them seemingly growing brighter with an unknown emotion. He twirled his cane thrice and allowed the instrument to fade from existence.
“Well then… perhaps an intervention is in order!”
Before Charlie could question his choice of words, she found that her arm dragged in front of her as Alastor began running in a random direction. They were running so fast, Charlie could barely make out her surroundings. Were they heading towards the lobby? Were they making a detour towards the kitchen? Her hotel was blurring into artificial reds and warm browns as they walked up the stairs, turned round corners, and skidded to a stop at the very top.
At that point, Charlie was out of breath, but a small smile was present on her face. When she finally registered that she was at top of her beloved hotel, she cast a side glance at Alastor who had, at that point, magicked his cane to come back to his hand. He was quietly murmuring to it, as if it could understand him. Knowing the magic the Radio Demon had, it probably could.
“Umm, I don’t suppose we came here to enjoy the view.” Charlie’s eyes blinked wide when the head of Alastor’s cane blinked at her. “Oh, hi!”
“Hello, indeed!” The microphone greeted. Like his owner, the microphone had that snappy, radio host style of speaking. “You’re much prettier up close if I do say so myself.”
Alastor’s finger thumped the head of the cane with one of his knuckles, a disapproving glint in his eyes. “Now, now, she’s a lady. You’re only here to aid me in a mission in need of completion!” Alastor spun once, handed the handle of his trusted cane into Charlie’s hand, and stepped back. “Come now, darling! Regale us with a song!”
A beat.
“Erm… I was kind of expecting something else?” When Charlie saw that Alastor’s smile had tightened and that he seemed to hunch a little into himself, she waved her arms wildly as if to placate him. “Not that I don’t appreciate the sentiment, but what, exactly, is the sentiment here?”
“Why, to make that smile of yours appear!” Alastor seemed to relax somewhat at Charlie’s attempt to make him feel better, but now it was his turn. “And since you love singing—a source of great joy for yourself and for many others—I’ve decided to host a broadcast! With the star of the show being the Princess of Hell!” He faced Pentagram City and held his arm out in a sweeping gesture. “Wouldn’t it be grand to not only release your frustrations in song, but to also advertise the hotel?”
“A-are you… Is this another attempt at—” Charlie interrupted herself with a sudden bout of laughter. “Are you seriously trying to cheer me up by advertising the hotel? Through song?”
A beat.
“If I’m not mistaken, I do believe that it’s not merely just an attempt, but rather, that it’s working.”
Charlie shook her head before gesturing to the microphone that only blinked owlishly at her.
“Do I just go or—”
“Right-o!” Alastor leaned over the head of the microphone, tapped it, and said, in his most performative voice, “Greetings, fellow sinners and lost souls of Hell! Today, I, Alastor, have a wonderful treat for today! Less blood and gore, but just as entertaining! Meet Princess Charlie! Heir to all of Hell, owner of the Hazbin—”
“—Hotel, and part time singer!”
Once Alastor had finished his customary greeting, he tapped Charlie on the shoulder to signal the fact that it was her turn to take to the stage.
“Well, here goes….”
A sweet, cheerful voice began to echo from all of the radios throughout all of Hell. Whether they were working or broken, all of them emitted an eerie red glow—a sign of the Radio Demon’s influence.
As Charlie sang, Alastor watched her from her side.
Her painted lips, soft and limp from crying only moments before, had turned into a lovely smile.  
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damnedrainbows · 6 years
cause yall awful enablers, more charlastor headcanons
Charlie is the only one allowed to touch Alastor’s ears, although that’s more on rare occasions. He knows she loves touching them so he’ll mostly save it if she’s having a bad day
Al has fallen victim to Charlie’s chewing habit sans his bowtie, which constantly needs to be replaced
When Al wants Charlie’s attention he wants it NOW. It’s not uncommon for him to literally shove aside whatever she’s doing or whoever she’s talking to to take place right there in front of her. Note: it’s almost always Vaggie or Angel that are shoved to the ground so he can have snuggle time
Likewise Charlie responds in kind, always draping herself over his lap for back or belly rubs
Knowing her partner dislikes sex, Charlie likes doing different intimacy activities with Al, such as nice bubble baths, something he comes to enjoy quite a bit
Charlie is big on public display of affection as there was never any hope of the two hiding their relationship from the public anyway
She likes to honk his booty, which tends to fluster him
Charlie is NOT an early riser while Al is. If he wants her awake he will obnoxiously jump on her like a child--and is usually shoved to the floor while she rolls back over
He likes to style and play with her hair, putting it in all sorts of dos
She let him do her make up once but when she was giggled at and discovered the unibrow and mustache a stop was put to that pretty damn fast
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damnedrainbows · 6 years
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just some bonding with your father in law
‘dad plz you are doing me a frighten’
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damnedrainbows · 6 years
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Allette and one of her Godfathers! More for the symbolic meaning to it, Allette has two godfathers, Angel and Sir Pentious, the snake having cultivated a close relationship with her parents by now.
He’s there through-out her childhood, but it’s only when she’s older that they connect the most. Allette loves having afternoon ‘tea’ (soda for her) with the snake and listen to stories of his youth. Pentious at this point is sporting a new outfit and so are his bois!
@xkuraixkokorox @hellboundgentlemen
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damnedrainbows · 6 years
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You captured all their personalities to a tee and Chris is really darling?? Allette looks so enraptured and of course Charles is like ‘fuck this’
The aesthetics, man I’m boggled! And the style! If it weren’t for being told otherwise I’d believe Viv herself drew this you NAILED THE STYLE ON THE HEAD!
I’m just taken aback by the details! Every time I think I’ve seen every part of it something else stands out! I love this so much and I know Milk is gonna go nuts for this! I’m sure my friends will too! I just!! I could go on for hours with how DARLING this is! And so to the style and personalities I AAAAAHHHH!!!
@smiilingdccr @hellboundgentlemen @rxdioxdemxn
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
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AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Drawn by my amazing friend Victoria!
@chxrrxbombed @hellboundgentlemen @alastorology @smiilingdccr
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
Okay so I found this on Twitter XD
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YES I retweeted that, I was tagged in it. Its genius
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
More Allette Facts
cause people seemed to enjoy the last batch
Allette prefers de saturated colors and despises neon. She finds Dyna’s style an eyesore
She has a far more cynical view of the world than her Mother does. She doesn’t believe that everyone has goodness within them or deserves the time her Mother puts into them
She almost exclusively wears long dresses and petticoats. It’s very rare to see anything else on her, especially shorts
Everything she wears is either 1900-1930 styles of dresses or ancient Victorian
Although she does love physical affection like her Mother she greets more often with a curtsy
She loves all of her siblings but Charles is the closest to her, sharing a bond no one else does. As such the two torment each other the worst
Allette is incredibly clumsy on her feet and is terrible at dancing
She started teething at four months old, which Charlie discovered too late after a trip to the Emergency for a sewed up nipple
Although she’s very composed most times she can be an incredible chaos spreader, especially under Dyna’s influence
In her spare time she reads books and practices her music
Her hair is usually in a ponytail like her Mother but in her princess attire she wears it up in a princess crown braid
In her teen years her hair is cut short to her chin and she wears black lipstick like her Mother
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
Oh she knew something was going on as distant screams could be heard and embers seen flickering from buildings on fire. Charlie however wasn’t sure if it was her deer or not causing the carnage, until of course she saw the tell-tale signs of his shadows slinking through the city.
And then said hungry deer man couldn’t be found.
The Princess blinked, staring at the remnants of who was a guest here with water rimming her eyelids. A gaze back up to him and his ravenous state.
A finger shot up, pointing to him warningly. “You are dead meat.”
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“You also need a bath.”
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
Immediately the lustful haze in her pale yellow eyes faded with a blink as she gazed at the demon in her hold and it suddenly dawned on her what she was doing and who she was doing it to.
Hands fly to her mouth in horror as her cheeks flush a darker red and she backs up. “I--I’m sorry! I don’t know what I....!”
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damnedrainbows · 6 years
Alastor: Let’s go to the other side together
Charlie: ...The other side is Heaven and we can’t just do that
Alastor: ...No. No sweetie. I just mean be my Queen
Charlie:....But my parents are alive I can’t be Qu-
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
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“Will i be a good father,charlie?”
“You will”
Pregnant charlie calming her anxious husband.
Based on your rp with @alastorology
Love that rp ! and will always love your charlastor rp with your alastor partners ❤❤❤
EEEE IM SCREAMING! Here’s something I haven’t seen yet, pregnant Charlie ahhhhh!! With lil Allette in her tum!!! A little Allette bump! I LOVE HOW THEIR FACES ARE SMUSHED MY BBIES THANK YOUUUU
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
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Eying the booty
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
Alastor: no fear
*furious girlfriend*
Alastor: One fear
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