deadfruity · 8 months
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been pretty artblocked lately. lil valentine luberto is the only thing that wanted to go on the page 😭🩷 ok!
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Disco Elysium is indescribable its fucking amazing. Like holy shit. I keep sayi g holy shit when I play like every 10 seconds its SOOOO GOOD FOR WHAT
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asahicore · 1 year
congrats on the milestone !!! here have my humble request for treasure jihoon 😌 dont worry about fitting all in, those are just my personal favorites ♡
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thank you !!! those are all top-tier tropes indeed, at first i thought hm can brother's bsf and f2l work together but after 5 more seconds of thinking i think i found a way 🥳 i'll see if i can fit them all !! tysm for ur request and i hope you'll like what i come up w !!!
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spookyserenades · 2 months
Okay so, first of all, thankyou, ily. You don't know how I absolutely adore you for Trouvaille. That fic is literally my comfort fic, and I love the way you've crafted every single thing in it. Like?? The wording is amazing, the characters, the way you focus on every single one of them, the perfect pace, Y/n's friends and family, the emotions, the goofy scenes, the angst, the character building — the whole damn book; everything feels so real, so perfect??? You're legit my favourite author, and recently, after reading the chapters I read one of the non-fanfiction, published books I have and it felt like your way with words and pace was so much better than even those (talking about Percy Jackson and agggtm here, but I still love them!) 😭😭 Thankyou so much
Also, I just caught up with the latest update after days of binge reading, so happy, but then I found out that Trouvaille will go to a hiatus after like two chapters? 🥲 That's fine though, you MUST take your time. I think the drabbles and rereading would be enough for this, anyway time's passing in such a hurry these days. Can't wait for Sanctity though 😭🤍
HELLO AH! Thank YOU I love YOU! 🥺💜 I'm so happy you're here and that you've found comfort in Trouvaille, I love being able to share it with you all and bond over the characters and story 💕 Thank you for being so kind, too, you've made my day and it makes the hours of editing so worth it-- seriously, thank you so much 🥺💜 (I'm tearing up fr)
Omg... you're definitely appealing to my ego fjdksafd I loveeee Percy Jackson so much, and I'd say Rick Riordan has a fantastic ability to juggle SO MANY characters with unique personalities in his novels so he is definitely an inspiration for the characterization in Trouvaille (and my new fic I'm working on!)
I feel you though bestie!!! Books have been letting me down lately 😭 The last series I finished was A Court of Roses and Thorns (I know... v basic 💀) and it was like. Meh? It was fine but not my fave. Sometimes books just feel churned out in that particular genre, idk. HOWEVERRR I've been into historical fiction lately and I think that can be very refreshing!! Pachinko is an amazzzzing book I've read recently, I definitely recommend!
SO the hiatus is not totally set in stone! Depending on how chapter 20 goes, and if I successfully tie up the current arcs, then yes I will put it on hiatus for a few months, likely until December, to work on my new vampire fic. Truthfully, as much as I ADORE writing Trouvaille, I've been writing it non-stop for a little over two years now-- I think I need some time away to gather more inspiration. Not to worry though! During the hiatus, I have a list of drabble requests for Trouvaille, the new fic on the way, and I'll also be working on the first Trouvaille prequel: for Hoseok ❤️ I love you so much and thank you for sending me such sweet, loving words!! 💜💕
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖  
Chapter 51 - Comforts. Episode 1. ‼️I've cut a bit in this to make it more appropriate‼️ ------ Congo's point of view------
Congo: It was getting late in the afternoon, so I had suggested Lenny we would cook up a stew as we had plenty leftovers from last nights dinner, so chopping up the rest, plus adding few fresh ingredients would make up a good thick sauce with meat, vegetables and potatoes. Lenny was stirring while I was chopping and adding to the big pot. A good way to keep his mind from Andy while we were sipping a glass of Whiskey
Lenny: So where is Evan today?
Congo: I smiled softly He fled the house I guess I chuckled softly He went to see the twins and Lily.
Lenny: He frowned lightly Maybe it's better I sleep at my own house tonight, so I'm not here when he gets back. Maybe that would be the best thing anyway so I wouldn't share bed with Andy.
Congo: Perhaps when it comes to Andy. But for Evan's sake, I don't think you should be hiding. He might still be a bit grumpy, but between us, he liked it more than he would like to admit. So really, you have nothing to be worried about. Relax. Things might be a bit awkward, and he might be a bit grumpy, but beside that, he has nothing against you, or what you and Andy did. Evan in general just have a bit of a problem coping with sometimes sharing Andy. The only one he's not bothered about is me. He's even still slightly jealous at Daniel at times. So please, do not take it for more than it is. He's just torn between his own feelings. On one hand it turns him on, on the other hand it makes him jealous. That's Evan's own problem, not yours. I smiled warmly and returned to chopping
Lenny: So what do you suggest I do?
Congo: Act normal. Just be yourself. He will get over it faster that way.
Lenny: He smiled with a worried frown, and was just about to say something when someone honked their horn pretty violently out on the road
Congo: What the? I looked at Lenny a bit questioning, then quickly put the knife down and ran to the front door, and as I stepped out on the stairs a black car was parked in front of our house
River: He waved at me from inside the car, and made sign for me to come down, so I quickly ran down the stairs, and as I reached the last plateau, he started speaking I apologize for the concert out here, but I thought it was best to bring Evan home.
Congo: Is he alright? I looked at him concerned and tried peeking in on the backseat through the dark toned windows, but with no luck
River: Yes. He just had one too many drinks. Or maybe half a liter alcohol too much, frankly I don't know. I left for a while, and when I came back… he reached backwards and made a movement as if he was pushing something Evan! he sighed softly Evan!
Evan: Mumbled something from the backseat
River: Yes, we're home. He looked at me again with no further expression on his face Anyway, I shouldn't have left him with my irresponsible brother. Please take care of him before he vomits all over my car.
Evan: Suddenly the back door opened, and he came stumbling out, wrapping his arms tight around my neck, showering me with drunken wet kisses that mostly resembled vet puppy kisses Mmmmm I sssslove you sho shooo much! I missshed youuuuu! He kept showering my face and neck with kisses, moaning softly
Congo: I chuckled deeply and wrapped an arm around his waist to support him Thank you for taking him home, River. Can I get you anything before you turn the car? We're cooking dinner at the moment, you're welcome to join, if you like… home made stew?
Evan: Mmmmm you're shoooo wonderful…. I can't gjet enough of you, you're tjuuuusttt sho amazzzzing! He placed his palms on my cheeks, and looked at me with drunken eyes I mean it Congo… you're jusssst sho am-mazing hiccup sorry he chuckled lightly I love youuuuuuu
Congo: I chuckled warmly Yes… you mentioned that.
River: He sighed softly and turned ignited the car As much as I like watching Romeo declare his eternal love, I think it's better for me to return to my humble home. It's getting dark fast around here, and I absolutely hate driving during the dark up here. The roads tend to get very slippery, and I would like to avoid that. So I best turn the wheels and head on home now.
Congo: Absolutely understandable. Some other time perhaps? I wish you a safe
Evan: Somehow he managed to wiggle himself lose before I got to react, and just as fast he pulled his pants down and bend over the back end of the car, butt naked, wiggling his ass Please… fffffuck me! He moaned softly and chuckled
River: Closed his eyes and shook his head
Congo: Sorry about that, let me just… I quickly grabbed one of Evan's arms, sorta holding him up so he stood more secure, while I pulled his pants back up
Evan: Whimpered dissatisfied
Congo: I chuckled softly I expect this kind of behavior from Andy, not from you… stand still…
Evan: Chuckled lightly and ran his fingers through my hair You're so pretty… like a beautjifoool eagle…
Congo: Okay…
Evan: You can jussssst spread your wingsh and flyyyy… hiccup followed by a light almost girly chuckle we can flyyyy up in the air and have pretty eagle babiessss…. little cute eaglessss with magical wings and sunssshine can come out of their eyesss when they hiccup singsss
Congo: Alright… let's get you to bed.
River: He smiled politely and shook his head Good luck, I'm off before he decides to molest my car again. Have a great evening.
Congo: I nodded and watched him turn the car, then supported Evan all the way through the garage and inside the tv room
Daniel: …And the best thing is, Robert is so fucking dirty you can't even imagine… he had me stick my dick inside him and give him a golden showe- he froze as he saw Evan and I… both him and Andy were sitting on the bed, and in a split second they both turned absolutely pale in their faces
Andy: He looked at me with worried, apologizing eyes
Daniel: Evan… uh, it's not what you think… or technically it is… but uh… just if… maybe… uh…
Evan: looked mostly like he was gonna explode
Daniel: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen… we had both had something to drink and I didn't plan for you to find out this way… we already agreed he is going to get his own place now and maybe if
Evan: Burst out laughing the loudest laughter I have ever heard emerge from him
Andy: Uh… Evan, are you okay?
Congo: This has to be damn dumb luck… he's mildly drunk as you can obviously see I nodded at Evan that now was crawling on all 4 laughing like a hoarse sea lion He probably doesn't even understand half of what anyone is saying at this point… so lucky you Daniel…
Evan: Pointed at Daniel with a loud squealing laughter You're fffffffffffffucking my dad!
Congo: Well, that settles it… he does know what everyone is saying. I grabbed him under both arms Alright… up you go! Let's get you to bed now, shall we?
Andy: Quickly got up and so did Daniel Uhm… sorry He smiled at me apologizing
Congo: I shook my head softly You can make it up to me by going upstairs and help your dad with dinner… Daniel, you can set the table. I'll be up soon. Just eat when the food is done, I'll stay here till he falls asleep and then join you.
Andy: He nodded softly, and then they both quickly disappeared
Congo: I lifted Evan up in bed, and quickly dragged his wet boots off Let's just get you comfortable, hm? I smiled at him warmly, as his laughing more or less had died out by now, and he started calming more and more down, looking more and more tired. He staid quiet as I helped him get his pants and shirt off, but as I dragged the blanket over him, he looked at me with soft eyes, and reached a dizzy hand up to somewhat caress my cheek, or the closest he could get with his drunken movements Thank you….. he smiled lovingly
Congo: No need to thank me, sweetheart.
Evan: I love you so muchhhh… you're…. ssssso special to me.
Congo: I chuckled warmly and laid down next to him, gently caressing his hair You're very special to me too, Evan. Tell me… why did you drink so much? It's not like you to get this drunk.
Evan: He chuckled softly I dunno… but… maybe…. I could have a little kisssssssh??
Congo: I smiled softly and planted a soft kiss on his lips Is it perhaps because of what happened with Andy and Leonard last night?
Evan: Mmmmmmmnope he chuckled softly
Congo: Okay…. is it then because of what I said to you down here?
Evan: Mmmmmm hiccup what did you shay?
Congo: I smiled softly You know, when I was…. I told you to
Evan: His eyes suddenly widened and he flapped his arms around in front of him, quickly pressing a hand against his mouth
Congo: I sat up quickly What is it? Are you gonna
Evan: He nodded quickly and jumped out of bed, falling 3 times before he quickly disappeared to the closest bathroom
Congo: I was right behind him, and kneeled down behind him just as he threw himself in front of the open toilet, and I just managed to grab on to all his hair before he vomited into the toilet. I rubbed his upper back gently It's okay… I'm right here with you… take your time…
Evan: He panted for air, and I was just about to think he didn't have more to get out, then another round hit the toilet
Andy: God! Is he okay?
Congo: I turned my head lightly and looked at Andy standing in the open doorway Yes, he just had a little too much to drink it seems. Nothing to worry about. This will help him sober up a bit.
Andy: He nodded softly, then chuckled lightly as Evan vomited a 3rd time You would think you were the pregnant one, and not me. He chuckled again and padded his stomach a bit
Congo: I chuckled silently Come here and give me a kiss.
Andy: He smiled warmly and walked towards me, planting a gentle kiss on my lips Congo?
Congo: Yeah sweetheart?
Andy: He bowed down again and whispered in my ear Would it be okay if I had some fun with dad again today?
Congo: Mmm.. but, I think maybe he wants to-
Andy: I know.. but just you know… if he were to change his mind?
Congo: Sure. You never have to ask again when it comes to him, alright? I know he will take good care of my angel.
Andy: He smiled bright and gave me a quick hug and another kiss Thanks! I'll head on up and eat, I'm freaking starving! Probably since I'm eating for 4! He chuckled hoarse I just came to say dinner is ready… but yeah he nodded at Evan by the toilet take your time… Evan…
Evan: Mh?
Andy: I love you…
Evan: Vomited
Andy: I'll take that as a compliment he chuckled hoarse and winked to me, then left the room
Evan: I'm sorry… he dried his mouth with the back of his hand and bumped down on his ass, slowly stretching his legs a bit
Congo: Don't ever apologize for getting sick, alright? Not even if you caused it yourself with too much alcohol. I smiled softly and planted a light kiss on his hair It's alright, and we will make it through.
Evan: He nodded softly and, reached up to pull out, then leaned his back against my chest, sighing deeply
Congo: Do you feel any better? My voice was soft and caring
Evan: He nodded softly but didn't say anything. We sat their quiet a couple of minutes, then he sighed softly and shook his head Our manager called, ssshe want's us to launch a new music video by the 1st of Decccember, for our second single launch, ssho our first CD can hit the storesss around Chrissstmasss. It will bring in major salesss. I had a long argument with her, but she told me we would either do this, or it would be contract breachss. She says she's all up for sssupporting me in getting back on my feet, but unfortunately she has bosses too, and they have been pussshing her the past 6 months. A CD was promised this year, and now we are running out of year. I also have to be on a TV show Ssssunday evening. Today is Friday. I just can't… but I'm not ready to throw my career away either. This is one of the biggest record companiesss, if I let them down, they will make sssure no one will ever hire me… any of us again. So I would also cost River, Blake and Daniel everything they have worked so hard for. We have to shoot the video Sunday and Monday. Edit Tuesssday so it can launch in a music tv show Tuesday evening. And on top of that interview Sssunday night. I have no idea how to make it.
Congo: I wrapped my arms around him tight and planted a few soft kisses on his hair We will figure it out, together. All 3 of us. We will make it through somehow. We have faced worse than this and we always made it through, so we will make it through this as well. I got you.
Evan: He dug his fingers into my arms and sighed deeply, and I was thankful he seemed a bit less drunk at least. Although there were still long way to go for him to sober up. At least now I understood why.
Congo: I planted a soft kiss on the back of his neck Hey… I think maybe we should get you to bed so you could get some sleep, huh? You'll need to gather some strength for the rest of the weekend.
Evan: He nodded softly Toothbrush…
Congo: I chuckled softly I can't argue with that. 5 minutes later Evan was cleaned up and snuggled up in bed, laying on his side with and arm on my waist, as I was caressing his hair softly
Evan: He smiled softly I love you so much, Congo.
Congo: I love you too dear I smiled softly and kissed the tip of his nose Try to get some rest now.
Evan: He staid quiet a few minutes, and as his eyes had been closed for a while, I thought he was gonna fall asleep very soon, but then suddenly he spoke in a sleepy voice Is Daniel and my dad fucking?
Congo: I nodded softly even though he wasn't looking at me Yes. It appears so.
Evan: He grunted softly
Congo: How do you feel about that? I planted a soft kiss on his forehead
Evan: …..
Congo: Evan?
Evan: …… unclear.
Congo: I planted yet another kiss on his lips You want me to talk with Daniel about it?
Evan: He sighed softly No. They're adults. As long as I don't have to hear about it. Or know about it. I prefer to just forget it all.
Congo: Understandable. I'll mention that to him, at least.
Evan: He nodded softly, and few minutes later when I still hadn't gotten an answer I noticed he was asleep.
Congo: Dinner went fine with Andy, Daniel and Lenny, until Daniel suddenly got a phone call that seemed to upset him a bit. He left in the middle of it, and I guess it was easy to see that I was worried about him, since Lenny and Andy started trying to figure ways to cheer me up, and keep my minds off it. It wasn't until Andy and Lenny decided to dedicate a song to Evan that my mood seemed to change for the better again. So the rest of the night we worked hard on dusting off Lenny's 7th grade violin skills, and whatever drum skills Daniel by now had been forcing on me. And just at the break of dawn, we finished up recording and editing, ready to post and dedicate the video, hoping somehow it would make him believe more in himself and his upcoming video and interview.
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beepbeepbithc · 9 months
amazzzzing start to my day,,
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ohmysatan42 · 2 years
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Just burned through the first two series of ghosts. Absolutely bloody addicted to it. It's comedy genius plus I've already cried a couple times (the captain!) Honestly would recommend to anyone it's an amazzzzing show.
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Thank you bomb anon! It’s been amazzzzing ✨💕
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daddyfuckedme · 11 months
Do you watch and shows currently?
I just finished the fall of the house of usher and it was amazzzzing, now I’m just watching my comfort show Lucifer until I find something new. Any recommendations?! 💗
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jongseongsnudes · 1 year
안녕하세요 작가 님!!! I RECENTLY CAME TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE ENDING YOUR SERIESSSSS T~T.... (*insert Driver's license's line "HOW COULD I EVER LOVE SOMEONE ELSE") WELL I just want you to know that I SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY ( TO WHATEVER YOU DO XD) AND I REALLY HOPE THAT YOU KEEP FEEDING US WITH YOUR AMAZZZZING FICS PLEASE.... BTW Please give us a proper ending to the ni-ki fanfic T-T..ALSO I'm okay with the fanfic ending with any of the two ( HARUTO AND NI-KI) P.S sorry this was way too long XD
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long messages are always welcomed bby so thank you! 💗💗💗💗 don't worry niki will have a proper ending! and don't worry although these fics will come to an end soon, there's a lot more coming!
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Miss Owl, who would you cast as Paz if he ever removes his helmet (I know he is voiced by jon favreau, but they have different built so I assume for that purpose casting another actor is still fair)?
I just watched wakanda forever and I just can't help but think Winston Duke will be such a great Paz I mean woo-eee *fan self* and since you've gotten me abroad PazLeia crack ship I just imagine if the space twins meet Paz and Din in a republic event and the twins get to spend some time with their respective mandos...
Luke (after talking with din): Leia, I think I'm in love..
Leia (eyeing Paz): and I'm gonna climb that mando like a tree
This is so difficult because ugh the options!! THE OPTIONS.
Winston Duke is number one for me, I think. Honestly, his body type, voice, and the mannerism he presents himself in his roles would be amazzzzing. I try to think if anyone is better but it just doesn't come to the level of perfection Winston Duke would be.
I haven't watched the movie yet, but Tenoch Huerta, who is playing Namor, looks great too--he may not be quite big enough for Paz but...his chest, his serious look (but also the pictures of when he smiles) would also be a great Paz.
Though not quite perfect, like there is something a bit off to make him at the bottom of the list, I am open to Jason Momoa. He's big and can play serious, irritable characters steeped in tradition but also a fun guy who has a soft side. Something about his body doesn't quite fit like the other two; but he is on the list of "ya know what...not bad"
Also, Dave Bauista is not a horrible fit for Paz either. I loved his role of Drax and how he seems like a soft guy.
Those are my top picks for Paz.
And yeeees, the twins looking at the Mandos and Leia planning on climbing Paz and then making him bend the knee to her is something that has really, really grown on me. She's Leia...she can have two husbands.
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hotarutranslations · 1 year
Amazzzzing Ishida
Excuse me I'm doing well, Thanks for your hard work today!
Look forward to Sendai Broadcasts, "Ara Ara Kashiko" airing 🩷
"Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes!/New Zunda Sweets
Definitely check out the notice 🫛
This time it was Zunda, Zunda! Does everyone like it, Zunda!
Zunda is famous throughout Sendai but, Rather than Zunda mochi and dango, lets make new Zunda sweets! to attempt that, I visited the sweets shop, And I got to do this and that 🤭🏅
I was asked to wear the uniform!
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Its a bit too timely, I look like Luigi!!!!! lol
Zunda color 🟢
Dohyaa----- I'm exhausted-----
Its funny to write out, dohyaa-
see you ayumin <3
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onlylyanb · 2 years
lyan im ur n1 fan! who r ur biggest influences????
oooh ty 💖💖 in general i rly aprecciate the 80s & 90s, these where great years for the music industry, various artists refreshened the air and brought new perspectives to the table with experimental instrumentals AND vocals, admire them
In terms of bands, specificly, i luuuv Mazzy Star (would die to know Hope and chat with her *-*). Theres also The Cardigans, Pixies, The Cranberries, The Smashing pumpkins, i just think their lyrics r amazing, they all thrive u to a dark corner of your mind with just simple phrases, AMAZZZZING!!! Oh, and im rly into Elliot Smith and this band Evanescence i met recently (they gonna explode, i can feel it)
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darkprincessw · 3 months
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more art I made featuring lyrics from this amazzzzing song
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shamelessrabbithole · 10 months
Hey there 👋 i know that’s no new informations, but i just had the urge to talk again. Despite the very few events where noel was seen, he appears to have been swallowed up by the earth. It's kinda sad. Do you think he is okay? Same goes for layla. No life signals from both and no upcoming known projects. What are they doing all day long, i'm curious. I don't know how close their families life to them, but beside some grocery shopping, what are they doing all day long? Noel reading books in his backyard and Layla meditating or doing yoga? Ok maybe he is on the couch right now, because it's cold outside, but beside that, i can't think of that they do all day long for months now. Any guesses?
What i want to say, i miss Noel! Hope he is ok :/
And i assume, that i don't need an emoji, because you see my username, right? 😁
Yup, no need for an emoji. I often talk about this subject in private, also. Like, what could he be doing right now? Why doesn't he ever show his face? I think it's kind of like JAW. I see him now constantly, whether grocery shopping or hiking or hanging out with his kids. It's not that he never did these things before. It's that he's now in the spotlight enough for the paparazzi to take notice.
Sucks for him. But amazzzzing for JAW stans. I see Noel the same way. He's probably out living his life, having business meetings, running errands, living life. But, no one is documenting it. I feel he's okay. He's just in between projects, like so many other actors right now. I wish he'd share more with us, but I respect that he'd prefer not to.
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sinnerandafool · 10 months
Time for a little Bob Dylan meta! (No, not the man, the Fall Out Boy song.)
This song is so full of longing, yearning, crazy stalker love. And I love it. Pete really said, 'There's someone I love so much I would take over the world to get their attention,'* and we all got to listen, y'all. It's a gift. Or a curse? Depends on how you're feeling in the moment, I think. :)
"When they say, 'You and what army?' I guess they're talking about you and me"
This is legitimately the most friendship (and love) lyric of all time. Outside threats carry no weight when you have the impenetrable armor of your bestie (or lover) protecting you.
"Baby, nobody will love you like I do. I guess that's half true"
A little trouble in paradise. In the music video we see Frankie haplessly texting his "friend" Star Dust. I think "half true" implies that someone loves Star Dust just as much or in the same way that Frankie does. There's a sense of competition, even though Frankie has a grandiose sense of being the primary source of love.
"Come down from your holy mountain / I'm down / So put your shame on a billboard for a second"
I've removed the repetitive words for clarity, but I think they lend a very important sense of insanity to this stanza. It's begging. It's rationalizing. It says, "I know you're better than I deserve, but I'm so desperate for you that I'd expose us to the judgment of the world just to have you."
"Because everyone loves Bob Dylan / I just want you to love me like that / Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash? / I'm obsessed, do you love me like that?"
The beating heart of the song is here, where it is usually found in Fall Out Boy songs, in the chorus. Frankie, our music video hero, is obsessed with making Star Dust notice him. He pines after her. He double texts her. He is shameless in his pursuit of fame to impress her. I think what is notable is that his rise to fame seems so easy compared to his struggle to impress the object of his affection. Within seconds of his decision to become famous, Frankie is floating above Hollywood, is on a late night talk show, and is on the cover of every magazine. Meanwhile, Star Dust still ignores his calls. The pain of unrequited love is painted over with a thin coat of performative narcissism.
"So what fates do we share? / Windows down, wind in your hair / Baby, no one ever thinks of you as much as I do / No, not even you"
"What fates do we share" is such an evocative lyric. In the context of the song it's almost petulant, since the narrator has previously expressed longing and distance from the subject. It's the complaint of a frustrated teenager who can't comprehend the malleability of their own destiny. Watching the object of your affection in the passenger seat, wind whipping their hair in a whimsical way, you can't help but wonder why you aren't fated. And maybe you are. But you're so obsessed that you can't see beyond it. And I think that makes this love story impossible, because if you can't see past yourself and empathize with the other person, you'll never love them completely.
"Sometimes the only way out is through"
Lost in the miasma of his love, the narrator contemplates an escape from the torture. Unrequited love can be so painful. And even though in the music video Star Dust comes around in the end, I don't think that was the original intent for this song. As with most Fall Out Boy songs, there's no resolution to this. Instead there is an idea of a resolution, or a dream of one. I still think this song is begging for the object to reciprocate, to grant the narrator relief from his pain. Will that ever happen? We are left to wonder.
I think I've heard this song was written long before it was released to the public. To me it could fit in nicely into both Infinity on High or American Beauty/American Psycho. If you have more info on the context of this amazzzzing track I'd love to hear it!
*he didn't really say that of course...
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