#(That was one of my OC 'Mons way back in the day!!!)
izzyizumi · 2 years
Me: *takes Deep Breath*
M E: I LOV---
ANYONE who has spent five seconds around me EVER: yes, you love GOLDV-DRAMON, we get it okay, you love *GoldV-dramon*, GOLDV-DRAMON is another major CLASSIC brightest f*cking starshine in your life, you f*cking adore them, yes okay yes, you love & appreciate GOLDV-DRAMON, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE GOLDV-DRAMON AND ITS HIGHLY UNDER-RATED AS A V-DRAMON SPINOFF
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imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
My Girls (|||.5) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 5149
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Platonic!Driver!oc X the grid
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
This is just how some of the grid found out about Nathalie.
Series Warnings: cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
A/N: Wasn't planning on posting this today, but I've been recieving a lot of love on this series so I thought why not treat you all.
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Max Masterlist
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How they found out
2018 (Lewis) Nathalie is 2
It’s a nice day in Monaco, a lot of people who live in Monaco are now out of the country and it has a few tourists. The summer break is full on, Cecilia decided to enjoy the day and take Nathalie out, the mother daughter duo had a full day out. They went shopping, got Nathalie a new toy and a couple new outfits, Cecilia can’t believe how fast Nattie is getting bigger she’s walking, talking and eating. Then they got ice cream, Cecilia drove around for a bit while Nattie slept, Monaco is so small that Cecilia felt like she drove all of Monaco over 10 times, she stopped at a pier for a bit, Cecilia got out of the car, left the window open and lent on the side of the car looking out at the sea, it’s been so long since she’s partied on a yacht, it’s been a long time since she’s gone to any party. Period. 
Does she miss that time in her life, yes, does she regret it, no. She'd do the same things all over again, make the same mistakes, date that asshole if it meant she’d have her daughter with her. 
When Nathalie woke up, Cecilia decided it was time to head back. Having some disney music on, the windows down, wind in their hair, they were having so much fun. Glancing at the rearview window to see her beautiful girl smiling and moving around, made Cecilia the happiest woman alive.
Parking the car Cecilia got out of the car, grabbed their shopping bags, before she unbuckled Nathalie, the girl wanted to walk on her own. Closing the car and locking it, Cecilia held out her hand for Nathalie to take it.
“Maman, I don wanna goh home.” The small girl looked up at her mum with puppy dog eyes, pouting in the way she knew that Cecilia was weak for.
“Why Mon Ange? Want to spend more time with maman?” She asked with a smile, ever so patient, the way her mother was with her. Nodding, Cecilia smiled, she unlocked the car, placed everything back in locking the car before she held her hand out for Nattie, holding her mum’s hand, they walked around their neighbourhood. Nathalie was telling Cecilia about the play date she had with her cousin, or more like trying to, the two year old’s vocabulary was still very limited. One of Cecilia’s older brother’s sons is Nathalie’s age, so they often had play dates. Cecilia still lived with her parents, she never got to move out, her brother’s old room now Nathalie’s. 
The girl let go of her mum’s hand and started skipping as they walked, a woman with her dog was walking on the other side, the dog suddenly barked, scaring the little girl, who stumbled and fell down, in an instant her eyes filled with tears. 
“Maman!” She sobbed, holding her hands up wanting to be carried. Cecilia rushed to her making sure she wasn’t hurt before she scooped her up. The girl hugged her mother and cried. 
“It’s okay baby, let’s go home, it’s okay, you’re alright” She hushed, rubbing her hand up and down the toddler’s back in a comforting manner, she turned around to walk back to their house, her eyes looked around before they settled on a familiar pair of eyes. There he stood her colleague, she knows they live in the same neighbourhood, Monaco is small but Lewis Hamilton lived on the same street as her. They’ve met before on the grid and at FIA events.
Lewis knew it was her, the girl’s crying and shouting for her mother, gained his attention. Looking from mother to daughter, he quickly assessed the situation before giving Cecilia a kind smile. He nods in understanding before he walks up the steps for his building. Acting like he saw nothing.
Cecilia wanted to cry but she hoped that the nod and smile from the older driver meant that he’d keep it a secret. From her knowledge of Lewis, from his character he isn’t the type to tell. She doesnt know him that well but she hopes she knows him enough to make that judgement. 
Walking back home she hopes that she’s right.
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2019 (Seb and Charles)
“I think you did great.” Sebastian said, making Cecilia roll my eyes at him, and sigh. The four time world champion took no offence knowing how frustrated she is, and he’s very close to the female.
“I don’t know about that.” Cecilia muttered and chose not to look at both the drivers with her, they were both out of their champagne covered clothes and into their team kits, the three finished their post race media duties and were in the hotel lobby slowly making their way to their rooms. They were all placed in the same level as each other, for the Canadian Grand Prix, it was accidental but none of them was complaining. 
“Has anyone at Mclaren said anything?” Charles asked his friend, they have known each other for years now, cecilia was the only female who was at all the races growing up, not the only female at a race but she was at all of them, any race she could participate in she was in, and any race she could go to watch she went, because of that the girl’s social circle is big. Which wasn’t a good thing when the media found out about her being the new Mclaren driver, calling her all the names under the sun, ‘fans’ asking for her to be removed.
“No, but I'm on a yearly contract, I have to get as many podiums as I can to guarantee a seat next year.” Cecilia said and they got into the left, she leaned into the back of the elevator and crossed her arms.
“Then you got nothing to worry about, you’ve been winning Mclaren points every race, something not a lot of drivers can do in their first year.” Sebastian says, patting her shoulder.
“Says the great Sebastian Vettle.” Cecilia says and pouts, Seb and Charles laugh at her antics, Seb pulls her for a side hug. He’s been looking out for her since she was a reserve driver, she had met him a few times before she got into F1, she is a F2 World Champion after all. 
“Come on Cece, you’re doing amazing, Mclaren has been singing praises about you since the start of the season besides we’re only 7 races in AND you won in Austria.” Charles said and the trio got out of the left walking down the hallway towards their rooms.
“Maman!” A young squeaky voice shouted before a small body crashed into cecilia. The woman instinctively picked up the girl, before she froze.
“Nathalie!” Another older voice shouted, the males stared wide eyed as another woman who they know as your mother ran over, a nervous and apologetic look in her eyes.
“It’s okay Maman I got her.” Cecilia told her mother with a small smile, Nathalie wrapped her arms around her mum’s neck and laid her head on her shoulder shyly looking at the men staring at her and her mother.
“Are you sure?” She asked not convinced, Cecilia nodded, her mother leaving back to her room which is next to her daughter’s.
“Is she yours?” Sebastian asked softly, he had no idea cecilia had a daughter, and from the looks of it he knew that Charles also had no idea. 
“Yeah, Nathalie, say hi.” The young girl refused and hid her head in her mother’s hair.
“She looks so much like you.” Sebastian said with a smile, he could see the worried look on her face, he instantly knew this is the reason the girl disappeared for a year and a half.
“That’s why you took time off.” Charles concluded, saying what Sebastian was thinking, Nathalie is a spitting image of her mother, a mini her, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the eyes are something the Hannsons all had, a family trait. “How old is she?”
“Nattie, why don’t you tell them how old you are?” cecilia tried to prompt her daughter softly, the young girl looked at her mother, seeing them looking at each other, they couldn't spot anything that wasn’t cecilia, Cecilia is looking at a younger version of herself. “Come on, mon ange, you always see them on the telly.” 
“I’m three.” The little girl looking at them and holding her four fingers out, Cecilia laughed and pushed one finger down, kissing her cheek.
“Such a big girl.” Sebastian told her with a grin on his face, making Nathalie grin at him, she’s at the age where she doesn’t like to be babied, and loved to act a little older, wanting to be independent. But at the end of the night all she wanted was to snuggle and sleep with her mum. “Did you eat?”
“No, I wanted to eat with maman.” 
“Come on, let’s get into my room where we can talk, privately.” Cecilia followed the two males silently into Sebastian’s room, Cecilia sat on the sofa and Nathalia got out of her arms and started wandering around, her curiosity getting over her shyness. As the males sat down everyone made sure they could still see Nat.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Charles asked, he didn’t want to sound like he was angry or betrayed even if he was feeling a little sad his friend didn’t trust him enough to tell him she has a daughter.
“It’s a decision that my family and I took when I decided to keep her, and still continue racing, I was barely 18 when I had her, I got pregnant when I was 17, and it was a hard time, my family gave me the all the choices and told me they’d stand by me no matter what. But when I told them I wanted to race there were some things that we agreed upon.”
“Being the only female isn’t easy, people were already talking, brining a baby into it would’ve just pushed it more.” Sebastian added before Cecilia continued, again he understood her reasoning. He saw tears in her eyes a couple times when she was hounded and booed, she looks strong and unbothered on the outside but when she’s alone she lets her tears out, the one time she had a podium this year was just filled with boos and hate.
“Yes, and I couldn’t just tell anyone, I was hiding her, but if people started to find out then they found out, but I wasn’t going to parade her around. A couple of people at Mclaren know, and I think Lewis knows.” Cecilia ran her hand through her hair pushing it out of her face.
“Lewis knows?” Charles was surprised by that, yes Cecilia and Lewis weren’t enemies, but they weren’t close, not close enough for him to know and for Charles to not know.
“I think he does, you know he lives close to me and my family, he saw us once in Monaco.” Cecilia explained.
“He didn’t say anything?” Seb asked knowing that if Lewis knew he wouldn’t say anything to anyone anyway, you can trust Lewis with your secrets.
“No, never asked either, but I’m 99 percent  sure he knows.” Cecilia said and smiled at Nathalie who came over saying she’s hungry. The group took a break and ordered food from room service, in the meantime Cecilia left her daughter with the two men and quickly went to her room getting her daughter’s plastic plate, utensils and cup, with a toy she can play with. By the time she was back Sebastian had Nathalie laughing so hard. Taking out her phone she took a quick video wanting to savour the moment. Nathalie looked up to Seb so much and for some reason seeing him with her daughter made her so happy, her role model with her daughter. Seb already had two children and another on the way, he knew how to handle kids.
Cecilia sat next to Charles leaving Seb to play with her daughter, Charles took Cecilia’s hand in his making her look at him, he was smiling at her, before he pulled her in for a hug. Thinking about how hard it must’ve been for her, having to choose and take all those decisions at only 17.
“Mathew?” He whispered and Cecilia nodded into his shoulder, she tried not to tear up, it’s been over three years, but out of her family she never talked about it with anyone, she doesn’t want to keep her daughter a secret, she wants to take her to races for her to see her mum race in real life and not just on screens.
“But he gave up all his rights, couldn’t even stay for her to be born, his name isn’t on her birth certificate.” Cecilia told him and he squeezed her tighter, if she had another family she would’ve been so lost, he’s thankful for the love her family has for each other.
“She doesn’t need him and neither do you, she has a family that loves her.” Charles told her, pulling back and smiling at his friend.
“And new uncles.” Seb added before tickling Nathalie, who just laughed her heart out.
The food came and as Cecilia ate she helped her daughter and answered all the questions the two had for her, ranging from does Nat travel everywhere with her, to how hard she had to train to be able to get back in shape after the pregnancy.
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2019 (Lando, Pierre, Alex)
The end of the first half of the season, summer break. Most drivers went back home to begin their time off. Not all drivers though. Before everyone heads home, some of the drivers decided to spend a few days in Monaco to party and live it up before they returned home. Of course those already living in Monaco were already there. 
A yacht was rented for the group to have a semi-private time together and let loose, the drivers made a group chat and agreed on a time and date to meet up and just party, all plus ones and close friends invited. Charles had Lando, Pierre and Alex at his house for a pre-party hangout.
Cecilia made her way to Charles’ house first in her Mclaren, one of the guys would be riding with her on the way there, she planned not to drink, knowing she had to be sober for her plans with Nathalie the day after. Her mum told her to postpone her outing with Nattie to have a night out and drink and live like everyone her age, Cecilia wasn't like everyone her age, she has a daughter she has to think about. To Cecilia, Nathalie always came first.
It didn't take her long to reach Charles’ building, before she made her way up, having already been there a few times before. Ringing the doorbell once, the door swung open and Pierre was standing there with a drink already in his hand. An amused Cecilia raised her eyebrow.
“Cecilia!” Pierre greeted dragging the ‘a’ a little, looks like the drink in his hand wasn’t his first one. 
“Piereeeee.” Cecilia exaggerated before she invited herself in, seeing as the Frenchman wasn’t moving. Making it to the living room, Cecilia saw her teammate sitting with a beer in his hand, Alex and Charles talking about something. “Looks like you lot are already having fun.”
“Cece, you’re late.” Lando told the older girl, with a little whine.
“I’m not, I came on time like we agreed.” The girl said looking at her phone.
“You left me with them, you’re my teammate, you're supposed to help me.” Lando fake whined making Cecilia laugh as she sat next to him. “When are we leaving anyway?”
“Daniel said the yacht will move in an hour or so.” Alex told the group. 
The group decided to leave in 40 minutes or so, Charles’ girlfriend was on her way anyways. 20 minutes in, Cecilia’s phone rang while she was in the bathroom.
“Cece, your phone’s ringing!” Charles called for his friend, standing outside the bathroom door. “It’s your mum.”
“Answer for me please, I'll be out in a minute.” The female called trying to finish her business faster to get out. She heard Charles talking to her mum in french, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Everyone in her family spoke French, Swedish and English as main languages, with a few speaking more, but the baseline is those three languages. So it wasn’t weird for her to have Charles talking to her mum in their mother tongue.
Getting out of the bathroom after washing her hands, she found Charles in the kitchen with her phone looking worried and conflicted.
“What is it?” She asked, holding her hand out for her phone. “What did she want?”
“Uh, she wanted to tell you that Nathalie is sick.” He didn't know how to tell her without scaring her, he thought about saying it in other ways, but how do you tell a mother that their child is ill without scaring them, you simply can’t. 
“Sick? How sick, I was just there.” Cecilia asked, already moving, Charles followed after her. He cursed himself once he saw the look on her face, she’s imagining the worse.
“She said it wasn't serious, she just threw up and complained about her stomach.” Charles explained, the others looked at the duo, Lando and Alex having no idea what the other two were saying only knowing a few french words but nowhere near the amount they'll need to understand the fast and panicked French, Pierre who got what they were saying had no idea who they were talking about.
“That’s serious, I’m sorry but I have to go.” She got her bag and turned to leave, her hands were shaking and her heart beating in her chest so fast she wondered if anyone could hear it.
“Wait, you’re panicking, you can’t drive like this.” Charles said, driving over the speed limit in streets like Monaco is dangerous even to people like motorsport drivers, driving fast is second nature, but not when you’re panicking. 
“What do you expect me to do? She’s my daughter!” Pierre choked on air it seemed looking wide eyed at the blonde woman. “I’m getting there, move out of my way.”
“What’s going on?” Lando asked moving closer, he’s never seen either driver mad at each other, but Cecilia was shaking, tears were gathering in her eyes as she tried to push them away.
“Fuck, fuck.” Cecilia cursed noticing how much she’s shaking, no way she could drive right now, Charles is right. She looked at Lando. “I uh, I have a daughter, who is sick right now, i have to go.”
“I’ll drive you.” Charles offred being the only one who didn’t drink. “Come on.”
He pulled her by her shoulder leaving the rest of the drivers shocked. Charles and Cecilia left, leaving the other three to put the pieces together, Pierre telling them what he heard in French and like those before them they started connecting the dots, the reason she took time off. Lando being her teammate, looking back now there were hints, but without context he wouldn't have got it.
A bracelet with Maman, flashes of pictures when she was showing him something on her phone, lots of I love you darling and what not, but he thought maybe she was dating someone, he’s seen her mother in their hotels but she doesn't always come to the track. A woman who can guess now is a nanny who’d come up to talk to Cecilia and leave. So many hints, but damn Cecilia hid it well.
“Who do you think the dad is?” Alex asked after they came to a few theories and conclusions, waiting for Charles to come back.
“Must be that asshole Mathew, they dated when we were racing years ago and continued until I'm guessing she got pregnant.” Pierre said, none of Cecilia’s friends ever liked Mathew. 
“Who?” Lando asked, he had no idea who they were talking about, him and Cecilia didn’t really get close before F1, she was always in the groups above him.
“An asshole Cece dated for a while, filthy rich, a couple of years older, was taking over daddy’s job and wouldn't shut up about it.” Pierre informed Lando. “Cecilia’s also very rich but you don’t see her walking around throwing it in everyone’s face, don’t know who he was showing off to.”
“He used to stay in Monaco a lot, but from his Instagram I haven't seen him here in years, his Instagram was once filled with pictures of him and Cecilia but one day everything was gone, I thought that meant they broke up.” Alex said, frowning.
“Me too, she too deleted all their pictures, before she went MIA.” 
They talked for a bit more before Charles came back, and filled in the gaps given permission by Cecilia and made them swear not to tell anyone, giving Pierre a look. They swore to keep it a secret, if this came out it would hurt their friend, the backlash could be carrier altering. 
They got ready to leave Charles’ girlfriends texted that she’ll meet them there. One the way they got a call from Cecilia telling them(charles) that Cecilia is okay, she just ate something that didn't agree with her stomach. Lando shouted that he wanted to meet his niece before he went back to London, Cecilia laughed and told him to come over whenever. Pierre and Alex also invited themselves, making Cecilia laugh again, shaking her head at her friends who couldn't see her.
With a final ‘have fun’, she hung up.
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Late 2019 (Max)
By this time in 2019 Daniel and Carlos also knew about Nathalie, they haven’t met her, seen pictures but they knew about her. With it being Monaco Grand Prix weekend, and under the reassurance of her family and friends mixed with her daughter’s pouty face and big eyes, Cecilia decided to let her daughter come to the race. She’d come in with her mum from the back entrance, with the help of Mclaren they were able to get in undetected. They were there since early morning, Nattie met Daniel and Carlos, they were mesmerised by the little girl, Charles once again was saying to anyone and everyone(that knows about Nattie) that he’s her favourite and he had a reason to say that, proud uncle. 
Cecilia’s mum stayed with the girl in the drivers room whenever they saw any cameras coming around, Nathalie had a little nap before they went to watch the race from the hospitality.
It was race day, everyone was buzzing, Cecilia was starting fourth, not bad. She didn’t just want to win this race because it’s her home race but because her daughter was watching, and she looked so cute with the headphones she had on that muffled the sounds a little, the place is noisy as hell. 
Starting the race, Cecilia had Max, Lewis and Charles ahead of her with Seb just behind her. The Monaco race is always a fan favourite, Cecilia knows this track like she knew the back of her hand, she ran it and drove through it, she can find her way around with her eyes blindfolded. This may be the reason she was able to get to second place, taking over Charles, before she took over Lewis. Cecilia was just thinking about how proud her daughter would be watching and knowing that her mum was the only woman in F1 and that she was beating all those men. When the race came to an end, she was back in third place, lewis having overtaken her in the final two laps but she had the fastest lap so that’s another point for her team.
Cecilia was grinning when she took off her helmet, happiness cursing through her, she wished she could win, but having a podium is something that she loved the feeling of, she’s becoming better and better with each race, and it’s evident in her scores. Mclaren are over the moon with her. She celebrated with her team, before she got weighted and interviewed.
After the celebrations and more interviews, the venue started emptying. Cecilia saw her daughter for a few minutes before she was rushed for a quick meeting. By the time she was done, most of the place was empty; a few teams were still present, also doing meetings or last checkups and whatnot. 
“Maman, where's Nattie?” Cecilia asked her mother, seeing her sitting alone. The small room made her feel a little claustrophobic after a long time.
“She is napping in your room.” Going to her room to take her daughter home, she opened the door and saw the small blanket Nattie couldn't sleep without but she wasn’t there, there wasn't any place for the girl to hide in, but Cecilia still looked everywhere, with each passing minute she started to panic. 
“Maman! She isn’t here.” Cecilia called to her mother who was talking with Lando now, both looked as panicked as her when they heard her words. “Start looking around, if you find her, call me.”
“I’ll tell the others!” Lando called as both him and Cecilia left the Mclaren garage, they went opposite ways, while Cecilia's mum started looking in all the small spots Nathalie could’ve gone to in the garage. Cecilia called for Nattie as she walked/ran, her eyes taking in everything as much as she could. Managing to take out her phone and call Charles while still looking around.
“Hey are you-”
“Is Nattie with you?” She cut him off, he could hear the urgency in her voice, frowning.
“No, I’m with Seb, we'll look for her.”
“Okay my mum and Lando are also looking, call me.”
Coming up on RedBull’s garage, it looked empty, but Cecilia wasn’t leaving a place where she didn’t look. She crouched as she tried to see if the tiny human she gave birth to was anywhere. “Damn it Nattie, where are you?”
Standing up she was about to leave when she heard talking, walking in more, she was going to walk where none RedBull personnel were allowed, and at this moment she didn't care. And it’s a good thing she did, rounding the corner where her daughter was, in her orange Mclaren shirt and a RedBull(?) hat, in the arms of today’s winner, Max Verstappen himself. 
Her daughter is okay, and looked like she was having the time of her life talking to Max. quickly texting her mum and Lando that she found her, before she made her presence known.
“Nathalie! Where were you?” Walking up to the due, once she was in range her girl leaned over and Cecilia easily took her form Max. “You scared me so much.”
“I’m sorry Maman.” She whispered not looking sorry at all, looking up at Max she found herself tearing up, she only just held herself together to find her girl, now letting a little bit of the panic she was feeling get to her, she couldn't help it. 
“It’s okay, I found her walking by the garage and she said she wanted a hat like mine.” Max explained(maxplained) trying to calm the almost crying mother, he found out from Nathalie that her mum is Cecilia and he could see the resemblance loud and clear. “I came back here to give her one, before taking her back to Mclaren.”
“Thank you.” Cecilia said letting a few tears slip out of her eyes, Nattie seeing the tears on her mother’s face also started crying, Max instinctively just pulled the mother daughter due in his arms. He doesn't know why he did it, but it felt like the right thing to do, he felt one of Cecilia’s hands grab his RedBull shirt tightly and her hand was shaking. 
“She was telling me how her mum was on the podium, how she was the only girl racing.” Max said to Cecilia, trying to lift up her mood a little, pulling back a little, Cecilia gave her daughter a teary smile. Max whipped Nattie tears. 
“I’m okay baby, don’t cry.” Cecilia told her girl softly.
“Mum was just worried about you.” Max said in a tone Cecilia hadn’t heard out of the man before. Yes they’ve grown closer as drivers/friends, their relationship is different from the one they’ve had before, but Max is no Charles or Pierre, they aren’t as close as she is with them. 
“Yes, mon ange, you have to be careful, you have to tell me or grand-mère where you’re going.” Cecilia said softly, pushing Nattie’s hair behind her ear, the hat on her head far too big for her. 
“I’m sorry momie.” 
“It’s okay baby.” Cecilia said and placed Nathalie on the floor, holding her hand. She turned to look at Max, she didn’t ask him because he might’ve not agreed, but she hugged him with one arm around the neck, yes he gave her a hug but she was crying. “Thank you so much Max, I was going out of my mind.” 
Max placed one of his hands around her waist and the other one landed on top of Nathalie’s head in a comforting manner.
“It’s okay, I was just about to go find you.” He told her they were talking so low, Nathalie couldn't pick up on what they were saying. 
“I owe you one.” Cecilia said and pulled back the hand he had around her took a few seconds before it dropped as well.
“Well, I’ll hold you onto that.” He cheekily replied, making Cecilia smile and nod her head.
“Whatever you want.”
“I call first dibs on babysitting duties, I mean not a lot of racers in Monaco.” He shrugged. “And Nathalie said she wanted to see who won today, so she may have to see me a lot.”
“We’ll see about that, I might just start winning.” Cecilia joked with the other driver, they held eye contact for a moment, shades of blue meeting in a stare they couldn't decipher yet, Cecilia’s phone rang breaking them from their moment, she fished it out of her pocket answering once she saw Charles’ name. Telling him she was at RedBull and that she’s coming, ending the call quickly. She gave Max another grateful look. “I’ll owe you another one, if you could just keep Nattie a secret.”
“You don’t have to owe me for that one, I wasn't planning on it.” telling thank you again Nat and Cecilia left for Mclaren where Charles, Seb, Lando, Danny and her mum were waiting, Pierre had to leave once he knew that they found Nattie.
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@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif  . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr
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multifandomfanatic02 · 7 months
"You didn't know, pt.1"
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Pairing: Alastor x fem!OC?? (pulled the name out of a hat honestly)
Warning: mentions of r*pe, detailed murder,
Summary: it was never mentioned as to why Alastor turned to murder. Maybe it could have been because he lost someone important to him? Who knows really?
a/n: I tried my best to stick to Alastor's character and respect his sexuality. If you think this needs any improvement or if you have some kind criticism, please let know! And if this liked enough I'll make a part two! (itsbeentwelveyearssinceihavewrittenanythingpleasebenice)
Spring of 1915
Alastor had been a victim of his mother's matchmaking since he was seventeen. Seven dates have been attempted in 5 years total.
No, he was more focused on his occupation as a writer. What Alastor was truly in love with, the smooth jazz that blessed his ears, to the dancing, the books. He was clearly an art enthusiast. And there was one artist's work he admired more than anything. Lillian Fletcher. She was a high position in a very popular magazine and newspaper. Decided what was trendy and what wasn't. While her job is more in the line of sales, Lillian's colleagues agree to let her put her own articles in them. They get hella cash flow.
Crazy as it is, no one has seen what she looked like. When conferences with celebrities happen, it's like she's there in spirit and the articles just show up in the papers one day. I guess you could say it's what Alastor admired about Lillian, she was obviously a humble woman. Someone who cared about her work as much as he did his. Even more so loved the same things he did.
A special night was approaching, Alastor was going to join the press as a journalist for a conference. Even get to do an interview with the famous guest. It was such a grand occasion, he wore his best suit. A black suit rimmed with red buttons and red seams around the collar and of course a red dress shirt underneath. Took the breath away from most of the women that glanced at him during the little shindig.
"Look at my handsome little man, I'm so proud of you, mon cœur." Alastor's mother beams at him with pride, rubbing her fingers against his cheek. He grabs her hand and guides her to the bar.
"Thanks mama, I'm really glad you get to be here with me tonight. Can't imagine anyone else to spend this night with, I mean that." Her eyes start to swell as tears spill out of them. He chuckles wiping them away with the back of his hand. The lights finally begin to dim and the guest comes out on stage. "It's time mama, I need to join the crowd." Alastor unpockets his pen and pad and walks to the chaos of the press unfolding before him.
2 hours gone by and he gets maybe 3 questions out of him. This guest isn't particularly nice. He's obviously rushing the journalist and being very um.. kind of an asshole with his replies. Then again it was to be expected from this one. It's why he's Alastor first real job after all.
"Can you please answer respectfully for once? Stop being an ass to the people who will write your story one day." Everything goes quiet and all heads turn to the back of the crowd. A woman.
"Who are you to speak to me that way, slut." He says giving her a disdainful expression.
"I apologize sir, I just want to know as to why you treat everyone like garbage."
"Miss.. does your husband know you are here." He scoffs, taken aback by the woman's comment.
"I am not married, sir." Her eyes are stoic, there's no signs of kidding on her face.
"That explains a lot. No one wants a woman with a mouth like that.. anyhow, ma'am I think you are done here. Guards! See to it that this.. woman.. leaves the building." He snaps his fingers calling the guards over.
Everyone in the crowd obviously disgusted by attitude. Who gave her the right to talk to HIM that way. Only one pair of eyes saw her differently than anyone else. Alastor. She was glorious. He has never seen someone so beautiful in AND out like this before. The woman wore a royal blue drop-waist dress made of silk and velvet with beads and tiers. Thick mid length hair pinned up in a bob, in attempt to keep it all in place. Pearls adorned her neck beautifully.
He walked out the building following loosely behind, his hand rubbing the back of his neck briefly.
"Are you alright, miss?" He speaks softly to her, trying to not speak the woman.
"Ah yes, thank you, I apologize for my behavior back there. You didn't have to come after me." She hugs her arms and paces back and forth, irritation clearly visible on her face.
"I believe it was very much needed. He certainly needed to be put in his place. Who better than you." Alastor's lips grew into a soft grin. She stopped pacing finally taking a really good look at him. Handsome, is all she thought. "May I ask for your name?" He bent down grabbing her hand kissing the back of it.
A blush flooded her face from her cheeks to the tips of the ears. "L-Lillian Fletcher... and you are?" He looked up in shock to her response, clearing his throat.
"My name is Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you. Quite a pleasure indeed!" His smile turned into a starstruck expression. "So you are the Lillian Fletcher that works for the magazine?!" She nodded nervously as Alastor struggled to keep his cool. "I love your articles and sales pitches! It's what inspired me to shoot my shot with an actual job in journalism. I've been writing for as long as I can remember."
"I'm so glad to hear that, my job is my everything. I'm very passionate about it." Her hand hovers over her mouth to hide her giggle.
"Say, Ms. Fletcher, would you like to have dinner with me?" He holds out his arm for her to take as she gladly accepts, wrapping her hand around it with a smile.
"Call me Lili."
Summer of 1917
"How do I look, mama?" Lillian looked at her future mother in law, holding back her tears. Her knuckle grazed under her eyes to keep from ruining the makeup. The dress she wore was an ivory colored low v-neck dress full of lace and the sleeves were nothing but loose tassels. The most gorgeous wedding dress you'd have ever seen. Her hair was neatly curled and pinned up, feathered boa wrapped around her back and arms, elbow length silk gloves, a string of pearls around the neck, and finally a flower crown. Never has someone looked so elegant.
Alastors hands ran through his hair pacing around in the dressing room. No way was this perfect day about to happen for him. He never thought that one day he'd be married. Alastor has always kept to himself, never found anyone attractive enough. He believed the romance life wasn't for him. While it's partly true, he surely was in love deeply. However both agreed that they never wanted children. Never thought they needed to have intimacy to have love. It would be the perfect life with their work, passions and each other of course.
"Ooo honey, you are looking handsome. Can't wait for you to see Lillian. She's glowing." She says letting herself into his room. She walks towards and pulls him down by the collar to fix his bow tie. "My baby boy, finally getting married."
"Thank you mama, for everything. I'll be sure to pass on your jambalaya recipe to her." He snickers, getting a whack in the arm from her.
"Don't start with me now, boy, you're never to old for a whoopin. You hear me?"
The wedding has started in the chapel and everyone takes their seats. Alastor already tearing up from the band playing music. His fingers fidgeting with eachother in front of him. His bride in all her glory walking down the aisle as if she was a star in the sky.
They took each other's hands holding their breaths as the priest gets through his speech. The wedding was very simple and short event. Due to both groom and bride's status, it was best to keep it a secret and only allow close family. Meaning Alastor's mom and their pet black cat.. Lucifer.
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." That moment lasted for what felt like forever.
Winter of 1928.
Eleven years have passed, both are 34 years of age and their relationship has nothing but flourished since they were married.
Lillian has retired from her life of writing for the public to devote herself to her husband. It's been peaceful and life has never felt better. Alastor on the other hand was promoted to radio host as soon as they were being sold to consumers. It's one thing to write it all out on paper but another to broadcast his interviews and music live to listeners with similar interests. It was... a thrill to him. He and his wife have became quite the team on radio. She often helps him figure out pitches to his audience to boost it.
"Al dear, don't you think it's time for bed?" Lillian's hands wrapped around his neck and ran down his chest, leaning down enough to place a kiss on his head. "You've been working on next week's interview all day. Time to rest, darling."
He sighs and squeezes her hand before nodding. "Alright mon amour." He stands up dragging his feet to their shared bed, tucking each other in. Lillian stroked his hair in hopes to bring him some comfort. He pulls her into his chest. "I will never love anyone other than you. You are mine for eternity."
"Why haven't you told me about this before?!"
"I just didn't want you to worry about it.. you've got a big show coming up soon."
"Hate to break it to you, darling, but someone stalking you is a lot more important to me than a damn show!" Lillian silenced herself, looking away from Alastor's gaze. "I'm staying home."
"No! You can't! That show is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"YOU are my one opportunity! If something happened to you.. I would go Insane." He gripped her shoulders tightly.
"Fine.. Let's make a deal, Al dear. You stay at home all week, but on the day of your show, we take extra precautions to the house and you go. After that you can stay home as much as you want." Lillian says in a serious tone and holds out her hand.
⛧ ⛧ ⛧
The day had finally come and both were feeling nervous. In truth, neither of them wanted Alastor to leave. But with the extra precautions in the house, there was no point in staying home. She was right, this chance will never come again.
The stalker in question had done this sort of thing to several women in the past, many of which had simply gone missing. The ones that were found had been abused and stabbed in the spine causing paralysis, and yes, dead. What a horrific way to die, they both thought. So far there have been 6 victims.
"Are you ready, dear?" Lillian asks helping his coat on. Alastor's expression looking out of place. He was scared and couldn't look her in the eyes, fearing it could be the last time he sees them.
"Are you sure you can't come with me?" He grabs her hand and holds it to his chest. His heart beat a mile a minute.
"You know I'm not allowed there anymore. Or have you forgotten?" She chuckles in attempt to comfort her husband. Obviously not working. Alastor was heartbroken, the only thing he could think of now was to hurry up and get his show done and over with so he can come home. Almost like it wasn't important anymore.
"I've got you a gift." He pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. Lillian took the box and opened it, revealing a locket. 'Mon amour'. She opened it up to see a picture of them on their wedding day. Happy as can be. "No matter what happens know that you are the most important thing in my life." She smiled up at him and gave him a big hug before thanking him. It's beautiful.
"Time to go, my darling." She gives him one last passionate kiss before pushing his butt out the door and locking it. It was cruel to do that however, if it dwelled on it any longer he'd surely break his promise. In reality, she was panicking about being left alone. For good reason...
Alastor's body finally relaxed after 4 hours of his show, it was the most enjoyable one so far. Interviewing the mayor, he was a lot nicer than expected and obviously cared for his people. It wasn't until one of the new journalists came barging in that everything changed.
"Uh oh we've got some breaking news! A new victim of the killer. Our seventh victim is the magazine writer and trend-setter, Lillian Lili?!..." He held his breath as a lump formed in his throat. Immediately getting up, turning on his heels, and hurrying out of the building. His hands were shaking in hopes that she was at the very least still alive. Maybe this was a different situation.
Police and the press had already arrived hours before. Pushing through the crowd, a policeman placed a hand on his chest to keep him at bay.
"Are you Mrs. Lillian's husband?" The policeman asked. Alastor's glared down at the man keeping him away from his wife. "I'm afraid I have to tell you that she was killed. I cannot let you go on further for your own good."
"H-How did this happen.. the house was covered in as many locks as we could find! Wood bolted to the windows and-"
"It was not a break in, sir. He had been living in your cellar for what may have been... a week?." Alastor's color drained from his face. In the cellar? He had locked his wife in there with that criminal?
He pushed past the policeman and ducked under the police tape. No one stopped him in time before he saw the scene unfold in front of him. Just like the other women. She had been assaulted and puddles of blood ran from her back. Alastor drops to his knees and grips his hair, crying hysterically. Something snapped within him. His cries suddenly turned into insane laughter. It appalled everyone. He goes over and picks her up and cradles her lifeless body in his own. The blood staining his clothes.
"You can't do that! This is a crime scene! You can't mess with evidence. It belongs to the police department!" The police officer yelled at him. Alastor said nothing continuing to hold her. He knew what to do..
Winter of 1933
̷̍̇̄̐̂̏͊̒̈́ "Breaking News! We have an update on Paul Benjamin. You know the one serial killer who has had an open case for 20 years. Well.. HE'S DEAD HAHAHAHA!" Alastor beat on his desk laughing before clearing his throat. "I apologize for my outburst, it just about time it happened don't y'all agree?" He said calming down and wiping the tears from his eyes. "I wonder who's next on this antihero's list."
It had been 5 years since Lillian's death. While he is working through the pain, his methods to cope is questionable. Four years ago Alastor had decided he wanted to deal with his wife's murderer himself. A year of following his movements and actions eventually paid off. A new addiction emerged to the surface. How easy it was to pierce human skin, to the screams of misery and pain. It was such an amazing feeling. Why stop there? There are people who deserve the same. Nine monsters.. nine people killed by Alastor's hand. Each deeply researched and carefully chosen.
The walk back home from the studio was peaceful. Nothing could make this night better. Many horrors have been removed from the streets of New Orleans thanks to him. Thankfully he was never suspected in any of them. Alastor was very particularly careful how he handled them. Every single seeming to be an accident or su**ide. To the public, it was almost like a miracle. But to the criminals themselves, they knew. Who was next on this mastermind's list? Paranoia set in to them all.
"Ahh what a day my dear, wish you could be here to see what I've accomplished." His laugh was maniacal. He removed his jacket and put it on the hanger on the door. "You are safe now, my darling. We're getting closer to having a free city of monsters."
"I knew it was you.." a voice whispered to Alastor from behind him, holding a knife to his neck. "The only monster left in this town is you, Al." Alastor stayed quiet and slowly reached for the knife in his vest pocket. "I d-don't want to kill you. I understand why you did it but your wife would not like this. Just submit yourself to the police and I will let you go."
He belted the insane laughter, making the man steadily walk backwards in fear. "Understand? You could never understand." Alastor swiped his finger across the cut on his neck left by the knife, and licking it. "I just enjoy doing it." He swiftly shoved the knife into the man's chest.
"Hmmm.. where to put this one. Ah I got it." Unlike all the others, this one was a surprise bonus to the collection. The only possible place to deal with this one was the forest a few acres behind his home. No one went in due to the stories of crytids and it being haunted. It was perfect.
He grabs the shovel sitting against the treeafter placing the corpse in the hole, filling it up with dirt. Upon hearing voices creeping upon him, he looked over his shoulder briefly just for everything to go dark.
"Uh.. I don't think that was a deer, Bill."
Present day in Hell
"Congratulations, your highness. Never doubted you for a second. The hotel is starting to gain attraction. " Alastor bowed to Charlie with his hand on his chest.
"You know damn well you're only here for the entertainment. You even said it was a ridiculous idea." Vaggie tapped her feet and crossing her arms.
"Ah yes well... I apologize. Regardless I'm glad everything worked out this way." He gripped his cane, his static-y voice glitching out a bit.
"Speaking of attraction, don't you think it'd be a good idea to put out more commercials and articles about the hotel. Maybe the sinners will take it seriously this time." Charlie paced back and forth before looking to Alastor.
"Good idea! And I know just the person." The one he referred was a commonly feared overlord. One that could potentially out matched Alastor himself. Maere. The dream demon. His shtick was that he can sneak into nightmares and manipulate humans and sinners to sign away their souls for something as simple as a piece of clothing. A soul for an easily attainable item. Despicable.
All the souls he owns have been known to be abused within his possession. On top of it, he rents them out to customers for whatever they need. Because of his collection of talented souls, he has earned his spot in several companies from technology and fashion to restaurants and sinful services.
Now Alastor does not like dealing with demons like him. He was a murderer but only to those who deserve it or push his buttons. Being acquaintances with Maere was useful at times. In the past he has secretly helped free some of them from the contracts with him. This was not one of those times.
The square of pentagram city, where you will find all the fashion stores and new technology. Anything you may need really, including Maere's headquarters.
"Alastor! Our beloved radio demon. I figured your ass would show up around here at what point, old friend." He rubbed his cigarette between his fingers putting it in the ash tray before standing up to greet him.
"Ah ha ha.. don't call me that. I'm just here to do business." He swiped his dhoulder pad before putting both hands atop his cane. "I'm sure you've heard about princess Charlotte's hotel kicking up attention. I'm here to see if you have any souls that would be perfect in advertising the hotel. Someone who is persuasive and talented with writing."
"Hmmm I may have someone like that. Only if you promise to STOP RELEASING THEM FROM MY CONTRACTS!" He held out his hand in hopes of agreeing on a deal.
"I guess I could.. fine, you've got a deal." He grapped Maere's hand, shaking it. Maere grips his hand and leans closer to Alastor.
"I mean it. You're dead if you do." Alastor's expression stayed composed.
. . . . .
"Let me introduce you to my star saleswoman. She does a lot of the Vees advertisements in tv, newspaper, and magazine. Quite the talented one if I do say so myself. She's good for other things as well if you kbow what I mean." He was quite a cruel 'master'. Every single soul he owned was only allowed to do anything unless they are rented or if he decides to use them. And the way he made sure were restraints on both the face and arms. A metal mask was bolted to behind there heads covering their whole face with matching metal restraints that kept their forearms tight against their backs.
This woman was no different. On the other hand, her clothing was rather elegant. A beautiful evening gown that looked like it'd have been popular in the 1920s. It was a loose-fitting floor length dress that flared at the knees; low v-neck, flowy mesh sleeves. The base of it was red silk while the outside was full of fringe and black lace details. Her hair was black with curls that reached her shoulders, with long ears sticking out the top of her head. Little fluffy tail sticking out the back of her dress, and to top it off were her very long paws. I guess her feet were to big to find shoes for her. A rabbit demon?
"Does this one at the very least have a name?" Alastor questioned Maere. He thought about it before snapping his fingers.
"Ah yes! She is soul 19,281!" He pushed her into Alastor's chest, making her stumble and drop something off around her neck. Maere released her from the restraints letting her scramble for the necklace on the ground. He disappeared letting Alastor do his thing.
"I despise having to do dealings with that demon. Are you alright little lady." Alastor leaned down to grab the necklace for her. A locket? He opened it seeing the inside, having it suddenly be ripped from his hand. It was him and his wife. The two finally gazed up at each other in awe.
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Remy Lebeau (Gambit) x Child OC
(Remy Lebeau (Gambit) x Rogue)
~Papa (Part 2 to Safe)~
Safe (Part 1):
Warning: slightly suggestive (Gambit x Rogue)
(Not the best at grammar or punctuation)
Summary: Gambit struggles to be the caretaker of Fiona but finds himself easily falling into the role of her papa.
The first few days looking after Fiona were hard, Gambit couldn’t leave the med bay without panicking the child. Only when Fiona fell asleep could he sneak off to take a shower or spend a few moments with his Cher, and hope she won’t wake while he’s gone.
In the rec room Gambit stretched out long ways on the sofa Rogue laying on top of him, her head in the middle of his chest careful of skin contact. Remy’s hand ran down her covered back in a relaxing manner earning a sigh of contentment from Rogue, “Je vous aime” Gambit said sweetly. Moving one of his gloved hands into her hair and gently massaging her scalp, “Keep this up Sugar, you may never get rid of me” Rogue hummed snuggling her face closer to his clothes chest placing small kisses. “Have no intention to mom amour” Gambit replied looking at her with black eyes full of nothing but love.
“We still have that power dampening collar stashed in my room. How about we go upstairs, and take it out for a spin again?” Rogue reminded him sitting up to straddle his lap, giving him a look of want chewing on her bottom lip. Remy moaned at the idea but had to stop himself from accepting. “Mon amour, as much as Remy wants to he can’t, Fiona will be scare if she wake and Remy not there” Gambit pleaded with her sitting up as well. “I understand Sugar, you care a lot about her” Rogue smiled softly rubbing her hand on his chest in a comforting manner. “Cher get Remy all to herself soon, Mon petit will adjust soon” Remy smiled sweetly. “You know I love you too right?” Rogue said cupping his face in her gloved hands. “Bien sûr” Gambit hummed in response, slipping her hand over his mouth and kissing the other side.
The professor promised once she gets comfortable with her new environment she’ll be more reasonable with his absence. The days were spent teaching her go fish, she didn’t quite grasp the idea of numbers but recognize the matching colors. Gambit let it slide that the child matched 4 of hearts with the 7 of diamonds, seeing the joy in her eyes at her “match”.
Gambit was in more comfortable clothes ripped jeans, light purple band t-shirt with the sleeve cut off making the arm holes bigger, and his hair pulled back in his usual ponytail. “Now Mon Cheri, you ask Gambit for a card” Gambit said sitting on the end of the cot opposite of the girl looking very intently at her five cards. “Red 4” Fiona said happily, “you sure that’s what you wanna ask Gambit for?” He teased the girl. “Red 4” Fiona giggled nodding her head. Gambit put his hand to his chest acting as if it hurt his very soul as he handed the 4 of hearts to her earning a full on laugh from the child. Fiona took the 7 of diamonds from her hand and placed it on the pile of matches they made along with the card she just received. Gambit said nothing but raised an eyebrow at her match ‘perhaps when Mon Cheri’s better we work on numbers’ he noted to himself.
All was going as well as it could, until a mission came along requiring his thief expertise. The professor and Gambit tried to explain to the girl that he’d come back, but she seemed convinced he’d be gone forever and started to cry. The professor try to console the child while Gambit slipped out for the mission. He hated seeing any child cry but Fiona’s tears were like a stake to the heart.
“Gambit gonna be gone for a bit, but he be back” Gambit said affectionately petting Fiona’s head, immediately Fiona’s eyes filled with fear grabbing onto his coat in a death grip like when they first met. “Won’t be gone long, Gambit promise you Mon Cheri” he tried to reason with the three year old. “No go” Fiona said in a small shaky voice, eyes starting to wet with unspilled tears. “Fiona I promise you, you will not be alone. I’ll stay with you if you’d like?” Xavier tried to comfort the child with a smile. “No go” Fiona repeated in a broken voice the tears now flowing free. “Sorry Mon Cheri” Gambit said leaning to place a kiss on the top of the girls head, while gently forcing her grip open releasing his coat. Slowly making his way out of the med bay, taking one last look Fiona managed to crawl half way out of the cot only to be caught in Xavier arms. Fiona’s cry of “Papa” was the last thing Gambit heard as the med bay door closed.
The mission was child’s play for him slip in grab the hard drive out of some baddies computer and leave, it took longer than he originally expected. The man must have no life, he rarely left his office. Gambit tried focusing on his mission but for two days the picture of Fiona crying kept floating to the front of his mind. Slight relief filled his mind as the school came into view, riding his motorcycle into the hanger. Hoping of the bike and making his way inside in a hurried pace despite his exhaustion. Turning the corner of the hall a bit too quickly almost running head first into Logan. “Slow down Cajun” Wolverine said in a not unfriendly manner. “Triste Logan” Remy said letting his shoulders slump exhaustion catching up with him.
“Heading to see the kid?” Wolverine asked already knowing the answer. “Oui, how was Mon Cheri while Gambit was away?” Gambit asked now walking with Wolverine in the direction of the med bay. “Upset no one could calm her down, Morph had to be you just to get her to eat anything. She noticed something wasn’t right and figured out Morph wasn’t you” Wolverine informed. “Poor Mon Cheri” Gambit said to himself, approaching the med bay door. Stepping into the med bay seeing Morph in his natural appearance in a chair keeping an eye on the child, who was giving him a death glare with red puffy eyes from crying.
“Oh look daddy’s home” Morph said notice Gambit enter with Wolverine, the comment earning an amusing huff from Logan. Fiona gave him a weary look not knowing if it’s true after Morph’s trick. “It’s really Gambit Mon petit, told you I be back” Gambit said approach the cot petting her head. Fiona grabbed the side of his coat and burying her face in it. “Beast said it should be ok for her to start walking around on her leg in the next few days” Morph informed while making his way to the door with Wolverine, “merci” Gambit thanked as they left. “Papa” Fiona cried getting his attention again. Gambit lifted the girl in his arm and laying in the cot himself pulling Fiona to his chest letting her cuddle up to him “oui Mon petit, père maison” Gambit said wrapping his arms around her and letting exhaustion take over.
An hour later Rogue heard Gambit got home but wanted to give him a bit with Fiona, since the child missed him so much. Walking into the med bay only to find a passed out Gambit with a little girl fast asleep cuddled to his chest. A smile formed on her lips, quietly taking a blanket from an empty cot and covered the sleeping pair. Softly Rogue caressed Gambit’s check with her gloved hand before leaving the two to sleep.
I might make this a mini series, I’ll see how it goes. Pretty sure of a part 3 though.
Thank you all for the support!
I don’t know French, all French is from google translate:
Cher (dear)
Je Vous Aime (I love you)
Mon amour (my love)
Bien sûr (of course)
Mon Cheri (my dear/my darling)
Triste (sorry)
Oui (yes)
Mon petit (my little one)
Merci (thank you)
Oui Mon petit, père maison (yes my little one, papa’s home)
Part 3:
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cialovesklopp · 9 months
joyeux anniversaire ➺ k.mbappe
summary – it’s kylian’s birthday and amara had something special planned for him
pairing – amara imani (oc) x kylian mbappé
warnings – none
word count - /
author's note - in honor of kyky’s birthday, i just had to post something for our favorite french golden boy. i had actually planned to make a longer chapter but tumblr and wifi screwed me over and deleted my 6k draft. so i had to quickly come up with a smau. but i have another bonus for amara and kylian planned and a big surprise coming 🫶🏾
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liked by k.mbappe, graceywood and 16.284.534 others
amara.imani joyeux anniversaire mon amour. i thank god everyday for bringing us together. you are the most important person in my life and make my day shine brighter everyday just by being you. words cannot describe how grateful i am for u. i am so proud of everything you have already achieved. and i know there’s more to come
view all 126.355 comments
username this just called me single in 100 different ways
username i feel your pain
username so surreal that he’s literally already so old
username fr, we watched him grow up and evolve as player
k.mbappe je t’aime tellement, tu ne sais pas à quelle point
k.mbappe 🫶🏾
username imagine if they had gone public after the world cup
username would have won couple of the year instantly
username why did this just make me cry
username mom and dad 😍
k.mbappe couldn’t you at least post two good pictures of me?
amara.imani and have more girls thirst over my man? never
amara.imani be happy i included one. i could have chosen much more embarrassing ones
o.dembele7 amara drop them please
antogriezmann why be so selfish when you can share them with the world
username so funny when you remember that amara didn’t even write half of that for evan
username girl knows her priorities
liyah_clark happy birthday amara imani’s boyfriend
k.mbappe thank you very much amara imani’s best friend
amara.imani 🙄
username 😂 i wanna know how she supports them
graceywood she doesn’t. them together is even worse than liyah and amara together
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@amara.imani posted in her story 3h ago
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liked by k.mbappe, graceywood and 16.284.534 others
k.mbappe merci à tous vos nombreux messages et félicitations pour aujourd’hui. et merci mi amor @amara.imani pour avoir organisé cette fête.
view all 35.982 comments
psg ❤️💙
ethanmbappe faut dire à amara qu'elle doit aussi organiser mon anniversaire pour moi
k.mbappe la seule chose qu’elle fera pour toi c’est une carte
username still waiting for u to join madrid
username 25 years and still no ballon d’or
amara.imani still more than you
username his girl hit back
equipedefrance joyeux anniversaire
kimpembe3 ta meuf a détruit tout avec la fête la hier
username happy birthday kylian
username i swear time flies so quick
username i need someone to look at me the way she does at him
liyah_clark how many times did that girl change her dress yesterday?
k.mbappe we went out before the party
username post the other pictures of the party
username fr, i just know it was wild
username i need more footage from kylian and achraf’s drunk romantic duett
username i wanna see videos of amara’s private performance
o.dembele7 same time, next year
amara.imani you’re just looking for ways to get drunk again
liyah_clark and he’s damn right
k.mbappe this is still MY birthday guys
username he called her mi amor 🥹
username i refuse to believe they have just been dating for a year
username the potential they could have had two years ago
achrafhakimi tell amara thank you for giving me all this blackmail material. that party was lit
jkeey4 hope no one got food poisoning from the cake
amara.imani you were literally the one who ate the most pieces
amara.imani i’m not that bad at baking
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111 notes · View notes
cillivnz · 1 year
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𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐮 𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭]
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warnings. angst, gore descriptions, torture, mentions of death, stabbing, shooting; basically your average 14 minutes into a john wick movie.
a/n. occasionally updating the preliminaries post of this series as deemed necessary. all warnings and details would be mentioned in that post. note, this is a slow burn (emphasis on slow). i hope you enjoy reading this short chapter, i promise it’ll get better. this one’s for the anon who wanted angst, i owe it all to you, honey. <3 pardon any inaccurate translations.
notes. Rehneyr Corsioni [OC] — ex-associate of reader’s father. Edgar Corsioni [OC] — Rehneyr’s son.
TRANSLATIONS. mon ange — my angel; tenez-moi — hold me; va te faire foutre — fuck you/fuck off; “Écoute, si tu parviens à répondre, tu seras libre de vivre ce qui reste de ta vie pathétique.” — Look, if you manage to answer, you will be free to live whatever is left of your pathetic life; “Sing, pute.” — Sing, bitch; “Je ne ferais jamais ça.” — I would never do that; “Laisse moi ici,” — Leave me here;
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Clustering sounds beside you were your alarm. Your eyes fought to get adjusted to your dimly lit surroundings, in a panic, you shot up from the bed. Bed? You were uncertain of where you were, until you saw a tall figure hulking, with his back towards you. As if sensing your inquisitive eyes on him, he turned around, a solemn expression on his face, plump lips sealed tight, yet his gaze softened at the sight of you. “Good… morning.” He said shaking his head, it seemed like he wasn’t too fond of his words, considering the sun set a few hours ago. You took a moment to look down at yourself, wearing an oversized, white silk shirt, and your panties. “I took the liberty of cleaning you, I’m sorry, ange.” He was avoiding your gaze, looking at the foot of the bed. “It’s okay, Vince.” “I appreciate you.” Your voice was soft, just a whisper lingering in the breeze.
“You need to rest.” He spoke with an authoritative concern. “I can’t, I just woke up.” You let out something along the lines of a chuckle and a scoff. “Lie down.” He raised his brows, a pleading look on his handsome face. “Lie down with me.” You quirked a brow, not anticipating the flush on his cheeks to be so prominent. “If, uh, if that’s what you want, ange.” He dare not look at you while discarding his jacket, slowly climbing beside you in the queen-size bed, long legs almost swinging out of it; the long bed that sufficiently accommodated you, failed to do the same for him.
Perplexity. Life had a way of arousing it, for life is a gland and these shitty plotholes are the hormones it secrets into your bloody life. A day ago, you mourned the loss of your family, this man, one who vowed service to your father, abandoned him when he needed him the most; when you needed him the most — but he’s here now, isn’t he? You should’ve been mad, hell, he of all people knew the degree of your wrath once unleashed, but you couldn’t be mad at your Vince, not when he sank into the mattress, beside you, pressing himself against you, tauntingly gently, reluctant on whether to be a bit selfish and let his arm rest on your waist, close all humane proximity between you two, and let whatever warmth he still possessed, even if it came from the fiery depths of hell he was certain to burn in, creep onto you.
You noticed this reluctance, despite not facing him. You couldn’t, you feared what you’d do once you’d catch those ocean eyes of his staring into the depths of your soul, digging an abyss into it with his piercing gaze, creating his personal hell inside of you.
“Vincent,” you whispered. “Yes, mon ange.” His soft voice whispered. “Tenez-moi.” Finally, the hesitant arm found homage, snakes around your waist, pressing his godly body against yours. The grip was possessive, permanent, and above all, right. Nothing has ever felt so right, to both of you. In that moment you knew, Vincent would fight heaven and back for you, in your name, whatever it takes.
Amidst your sleep, you heard agonising whimpers from behind you. Both of Vincent’s hands were on your hips, like the fullness of them was comforting. “Ange,” He shivered a whimper, grip tightening around your hips, squeezing them in fear, fear of whatever horror he saw behind those eyes shut tight.
“It’s okay, Vince. I’m not going anywhere.” You whispered, fingered grazing the veins on his large hands. He seemed to lean into your touch, crouching so his head could rest on your shoulder. ‘Not now, not ever.’ You meant to say, but you’re never had a way with words, a knotted tongue and a betraying body.
When morning came, so did the hellhounds. Jolting up at the sound of gunfire, your first thought was if Vincent got hurt, but not seeing him in bed with you as you’d requested, somehow, hurt more than what you’d knew a shot to the heart would. Getting up from the sheets in a frenzy, you reach for your 9mm and rush to the window. The sight below was three men circling in on one Vincent. Three armed men, and one Vincent with his weapon on the ground. You aim at the thug on the left — headshot; right, headshot, leaving the big boy with one man to knock down, a piece of cake, considering the boy was 6’4. He looked back at you, a grin plastered on his beautiful face, before he turned to the man in-front of him and tackled the shooter to the ground. “Atta boy.” You yelled out the window, before heading down to assist him.
‘Torturing’ is what an amateur would call it. You, on the other hand, say it like it is. ‘Information extraction’, it is. That’s truly how simple it is, the good ol’ human compliance, cooperation. You wouldn’t want to be a sinful Pinocchio and say you didn’t enjoy it when they didn’t, however. A challenge, hellions and rascals, and you loved brat-taming. Foreseeable, was this sight. A man stripped to the bone, tied in razor blade ropes of bondage, bleeding rivers of crimson at the hands of you and your beloved. Friend. Beloved friend.
“Tell us who sent you.” Vincent demanded, the tone of his voice was enough to snap you out of your sinister daze and let gooseflesh arise. “Va te faire foutre.” The son of a bitch had the audacity to retort. “Écoute, si tu parviens à répondre, tu seras libre de vivre ce qui reste de ta vie pathétique.” You sigh, rubbing the bridge of your nose in annoyance. The bastard spitting on your face was the last straw for Vincent, who conjured a knife from an apparent holster and grabbed the perpetrator by his short hair. “If you won’t talk,” he said, slashing the man’s throat in one swift stroke, “Sing, pute.”
Fear, for the first time, as the evening sun made feeble attempts to paint the perpetrator’s etiolating face a hue of tangerine, gargling on his own blood, he managed to weakly reveal, “Corsioni,” before leaving this realm, leaving behind no legacy in a maggot’s world, but a mess for you and Vincent to clean.
Rehneyr Corsioni, an associate of your father’s. You remember talk amongst your mother and his wife of a marriage (of convenience) between you and his son, Edgar. “Je ne ferais jamais ça.” You’d scowl at the sound of his name. He had his Russian mother’s face and his Italian father’s eyes, his skin and her hair. A lethal combination, something many a woman has succumbed to in the past, but not you. You had your own plans involving a very mercurial and brooding Parisian boy. His fawn hair, his blue-green eyes; you’d decided to call the colour a shade of Turkish blue. Looking at him now, dried blood splatters tainting his face, you noticed he hasn’t changed much. He was still your Vince, right?
After ridding yourselves of the body, Vincent and you stayed outdoors, staring into the wisteria horizon; at the ravens flying into the greenery and at the bats flying north. “How are you holding up?” He asked you, breaking the silence after minutes of staring at you, a habit you’ve noticed him picking up. “All things considered…” you paused, peering into the sky as if the clouds were etched in your answers. “I’m just glad you’re with me, Vince.” You turn to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
May you be damned for finding solace in this state, but were you really to be blamed when tonight’s the first time he’s lowered his walls? Just enough for you to hop over, or sit atop them prettily. “About that,” he inched away a little, causing you to raise your head, tilting in confusion. “I think you should leave.” He spoke, his words were choked by uncertainty and his brows furrowed at how pathetic he sounded. “What?” Your voice was barely a whisper. “America. Stay there for a bit, lay low, or even find contracts. Laisse moi ici, just until things pacify.”
Pacify? What was left to assuage in this city of ruins? “Vincent, there’s nothing left for me here — for us, here.” You began reasoning, eyes flickering from his face, to his hands. When he blatantly refused to meet your gaze, you grabbed one of his hands, the whole of your hand seemingly elfin in his large ones. This act forced him to stare you down, unlike he does voluntarily, from time to time; this instance, you had to force him to look you in the eye.
“I’ve already booked a ticket, an apartment, clothes, everything— you don’t have to worry about none of that.” He tightened his hold on your hand, grabbing the other, too. “Please, Ange. I need you to do this.” He beseeched. Never had you ever seen such a pleading look on his face, agony whirling in his eyes. “For me?”
For him you found yourself on a plane to New York, tears threatening to break the dam of dignity in your eyes and flood away as you reminisce about his arms that wrapped around you the night before, and the way he leaned in but pulled away in the blink of an eye, muttering curses, unheard of by you, but the twitch of his mouth and the tearing up of his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you.
If your departure meant more to Vincent than he was letting on, why was he adamant on sending you away, and what wrath will the city of Paris go through now at the hands of a man apoplectic with provoked rage? Unfortunately, you couldn’t see for yourself, so, you let sleep cradle your being and drift off to some unconscious safe haven.
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302 notes · View notes
jerzwriter · 3 months
Mono~poly Chapter 2: Love on Tap
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A Tobias x Casey AU - Information and Notes
AU Premise: What happens when something that was supposed to be just fun turns into something real? When true love enters the equation between two people who view the very concept of love in different ways, can it work? In this alternate universe, we'll follow Casey and Tobias (and some others along the way) on their journey, where a happy ending is what both desire, but (as in life) nothing is guaranteed.
Fandom: Open Heart, Choices ** Pairing (This Chapter): Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish F!MC Other Characters: Jackie Varma, Ethan Ramsey, Sienna Trinh, OC: Addie Larkin Rating: Teen Words: 5,100
Chapter Summary: Tobias & Casey are reveling in their newfound love as those around them have different reactions to the news. Conversations with Ethan have him coming up with realizations of his own, and Casey sees that she and Tobias still have a lot to learn about each other.
A/N: Wow, I posted that without a chapter summary! lol See, don't do things when tired! No notes this time around, hope to have part 3 up next week! Thank you to all who have read this so far, it's so appreciated! :)
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“You’re out of your fucking mind.”
Standing at the brunch buffet, Jackie scooped a spoonful of scrambled eggs onto her plate as Casey stepped back. Her friend was known for her straightforwardness, which is why she valued her opinions, but her reaction was still surprising.
“This will never work,” Jackie continued. “You’re a smart woman; how do you possibly think it could?”
Casey snatched the last piece of French toast just as Jackie reached for it. She didn’t want French toast, but with her growing annoyance, the petty win offered a sense of satisfaction.
“Thank you, Jackie,” she replied, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I think what you meant to say was, Gee, friend! I’m so happy for you, friend! I can see you’re overjoyed, and that’s wonderful, my friend.”
Jackie sank into her chair and grabbed her fork, stealing the sole piece of French toast from Casey’s plate.
“Stop with the friend shit,” she snapped. “We’re friends because we call each other out on our shit. We’re real... no blowing sunshine up each other’s asses when we’re doing something stupid. That’s the foundation we are built on, and I see no reason to change that now.”
“A little support would be nice...”
“Then I suggest you call Sienna, but make sure to leave out some key details about last night when you do.”
“But I’m not being stupid! Come on! You like Tobias! You play the ‘he’s so irritating’ game, but I’ve seen you together. You welcomed him into our circle. He loves me and treats me like a princess, so why are you so negative about us?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said with a swirl of her fork. “Maybe it’s the conversation you had about offering him a pass to fuck someone else twelve seconds after you exchanged I love yous?”
“Jackie!” Casey snapped, glancing around to ensure no one overheard. “That’s not what happened!”
“It’s not? Because that’s what it sounded like to me.”
“Then I suggest getting your hearing checked because that’s not what I said! I said we’re taking things one day at a time. Neither of us wants to see anyone else right now, but if that changes, we won’t break up or cheat on each other like most people do. We’ll discuss it like adults and see if we can make it work. That’s so horribly immature of me, I can see why you would disapprove!”
Jackie opened her mouth to speak but thought better. With a sigh and a dismissive wave of her hand, she merely replied, “Whatever,” turning Casey’s irritation into ire.
“Really? You know damn well there are many ways to have a relationship! What’s with you! You’re always so open-minded about everything, but when it comes to me, this is how you react!”
“I live in Somerville, Casey! I’m pretty much polyamory adjacent, and you know I have no problem with non-monogamy. The problem is you’re monogamous, and no matter how much you try to tell me that you’d be OK with Tobias telling you he needs next Tuesday free to go fuck that hot nurse he used to hang out with at Kenmore, I know you’re full of shit. So, as your friend, it’s my duty to pull off those rose-colored glasses and make you see the real picture.”
Casey speared a hash brown so forcefully that her fork nearly cracked the plate. “He’s not going to fuck anyone next Tuesday. Did you miss where I said it’s just us?”
“For now,” Jackie emphasized. “It’s just you two, for now. It won’t be easier when you’re together longer, you love him more, you’re planning a future, and then when he tells you he needs... more?”
“Look, I didn’t make any promises outside of I'm willing to try. Obviously, there would be conversations and boundaries. But sex... it’s just sex! If I’m in a loving, happy relationship, why would I throw it away because my partner has a very normal desire to have sex with someone else on occasion?”
Jackie sighed with exasperation. “If you’re cool with it, that’s your choice. But... what if it’s not on occasion? What if he needs two or three nights a week with the side piece. And what if it’s not just sex? What if he falls in love with someone else? Are you willing to share that as well?”
“First, I don’t think the word side piece is used in consensual non-monogamy. Second, he’s 38 years old, and he’s loved one person in his lifetime. ME! So I'm no too concerned about that."
Jackie reached over the table and squeezed her friend's hand, the judgmental look in her eyes softening into one of sympathy. “Casey, we don’t exactly decide who we fall in love with. And when people start bumping uglies... feelings happen. A year ago, you two were just fun, and... now look.”
“Which is why we're taking it day by day.”
“All right,” Jackie resigned. “If this is what you want, I’m happy for you. I just hope you don’t get hurt.”  
“Thank you,” Casey demurred. “... I hope so, too.”
Tobias had an early shift the morning after their big declaration. While he was known for being bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as others glowered at him over their first cup of coffee, today, he was especially effervescent,  and that had people talking.
“I’d say he got laid last night,” a passing resident observed. “But I think that’s pretty much every night for him.” “Rumor has it he and MacTavish are official now!” their friend added. “Official? Carrick?” A nearby nurse scoffed. “Look out the window. If there aren't any floods, locusts, and famine, you got your story wrong.”
But the rumor spread like wildfire, and even those who avoided idle gossip found themselves desperate to know the truth. That included Dr. Harper Emery, who went straight to the source for answers. Swinging the door to the diagnostic team’s office open, she found Tobias seated at the conference table, Ethan reviewing files across from him.
“There you are!” Harper exclaimed.
“Dr. Emery,” Tobias chirped. “How can I be of assistance today?”
Ethan raised his eyes with suspicion, for he had also noticed Tobias’s excessive energy this morning but hadn’t questioned it until now. He wasn’t sure if he had come to expect this from his colleague or that he didn’t much care for the reason, and he was leaning toward the latter. Still, when Harper began questioning, Ethan’s attention was piqued.
“You know I’m not one to engage in hospital gossip, but sometimes, it’s so outlandish the scientist in me needs to determine its validity.”
“Oh, really?” Tobias smirked, pushing away from the table like a peacock about to spread its tail. “And how can I assist you with your dilemma?”
“Don’t be coy with me, Carrick. Is it true? Are you off the market?”
“Off the market?” He chuckled. “As of last night, Casey and I are official if that’s what you’re asking.”
Harper shook her head with amazement as Ethan choked on his coffee. Tobias turned to him with concern. “You all right there, buddy?”
“I’m fine,” Ethan insisted. “Something just... went down the wrong way.”
“You could say that again,” Harper grinned.
“So,” Ethan recovered. “You... and Casey... are official?”
“Yep,” Tobias beamed. “We’ve been unofficially official, but last night, we finally said it out loud.”
“And they said it couldn’t happen,” Harper teased. “But I must say, you do look happy! So I’m happy for you.”
“Oh, I'm unabashedly happy,” he insisted. “We both are.”
“Do you mind if I confirm that we part with Casey?” Harper taunted.
“Feel free! I have no doubt she’ll agree.”
Ethan’s lack of response was noticeable, and the stupified doctor felt the weight of his colleagues’ stares as he struggled to speak. “That’s... great news. I suppose... congratulations.”
Ethan quickly pivoted the conversation to the potential achalasia patient admitted late last night. When the discussion ended, Harper excused herself, but not before congratulating Tobias one more time. With her exit, an awkward silence overtook the room, and while Ethan was content to let it linger, Tobias didn't let it go.
“So, are we going to address the elephant in the room,” he asked. “Or are we going to feed it peanuts to keep it quiet?”
“What?” Ethan asked. “You and Casey? I don’t see why we need to discuss your personal life in a work setting.”
“Well, maybe because we all share the same work setting....”
“You make a point. Will you be notifying HR? You know, to ensure everything is on the up and up.”
“Already scheduled,”  Tobias confirmed. “Case and I already made an appointment to speak with the Director tomorrow.”
“Then,” Ethan slid his glasses back on. “It’s taken care of.”
Tobias anxiously rubbed his chin, his leg jiggling as he decided if he should continue.
“Are you alright with this?” he blurted before having the chance to think it entirely through.
Ethan removed his glasses and placed them back on the table; his mood difficult to read. Anger, annoyance, indifference—any would have been fitting. He reclined in his chair, giving careful thought to his words before continuing.
“Tobias... you and Casey are grown adults... and what you do outside of work is none of my concern.”
“I know that which is why I wasn’t asking for your permission. I’m merely asking if you’re OK with this.”
Ethan shrugged with a weary sigh. “Why ask useless questions, Tobias? Would it make a difference if I wasn’t? Would that change anything? If not, this conversation is pointless.”
“Stop the crap, Ethan. It has a purpose. We all work together. I consider you a friend even if you're not fully on board with that idea. But Casey is absolutely your friend – a good friend – and your opinion will matter to her, so it matters to me.”
Ethan smirked. “Don’t worry, Tobias, I’m not going to tell your girlfriend to break up with you.”
He hid it seamlessly, but the word “girlfriend” stuck in Ethan’s throat, and the discomfort lingered throughout the day, no matter how much he tried to wash it away.
Tobias was not one to be easily annoyed, but he was bordering on exasperation. He eyed the door to ensure it was closed before continuing.
“Ethan... I’m going to put my cards on the table. Even if Casey hadn’t shared some of your history with me, it’s the worst-kept secret at Edenbrook. Add in our own history, and....”
“Ancient history,” Ethan interrupted.
“Yes. Yes, it is. But turn on the news, buddy. Ancient history has a way of fucking up current times real good... and that’s something I don’t want to occur here.”
“Don’t worry,” Ethan assured. “Your relationship with Casey will not be impacted by any history with me unless one of you allows it to.”
“All right,” Tobias mumbled, returning to his work. But after a few moments passed, Ethan was compelled to say something more.
“I know you may not believe me, but... I’m happy for you. Both of you.”
“You are? You don’t have to say it if you don’t...”
“I think you know me well enough to know I won't say anything I don’t mean to placate you. It’s a bit awkward, I’ll give you that. But you appear to make one another happy, and when it comes down to it, I’d like to see you both happy.”
Tobias smiled, and the tension that engulfed them moments before all but melted away.
“Thanks, buddy. That... it means a lot to me.”
“I just have one request.”
“Name it.”
“Be good to her. Don’t... don’t hurt her, OK?”
“Hurting Casey is the last thing I want to do,” Tobias assured. “I mean it. I love her. I’ve never loved anyone like this, and I won't do anything stupid to mess it up.”
Ethan did his best to conceal how those words left him stricken, unintentionally pouring salt into wounds most would have believed were long healed.
“I’m glad to hear that,” Ethan smiled so convincingly he could have been nominated for an Oscar. “Now, let’s get back to work before the rest of the team arrives.”
Casey was blow-drying her hair in her tiny bathroom, though attempting to dry her hair would be a more accurate description. Her roommates—and Bryce—continually barging in was one thing. She was a veteran of that and knew how to usher them away until she completed her task. But today was different.
Today, she longed for a secretary to assist with the non-stop barrage of messages she was receiving. She knew the news would travel fast; it was Edenbrook, after all. But she never expected such an enthusiastic reaction. “OMG IS IT TRUE?” texts arrived by the dozen. Those messages were fun, but she would have put them on hold to continue getting ready. But there was no way she was ignoring the messages coming from her new boyfriend. Boyfriend!
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With that, Casey returned to being protector of the mirror; Sienna was her first victim.
“Hey! I was here first!”
The diminutive doctor turned with a sly grin. “Sorry. I love you, but you snooze... you lose.”
“Sienna....” Casey wined. “You’re supposed to be the nice one!”
“I am! Relax, I’m just making a braid. I’ll be out of your hair, no pun intended.”
“All right,” Casey smiled.
“You aren't usually this concerned about your appearance when we're just going to Donahue’s,” Sienna teased. “What makes tonight so special?”
“Oh, I know!” she playfully chided. “It’s your big debut as Dr. Mrs. Carrick.”
Sienna underestimated how quickly her friend could maneuver. Within seconds, Casey grabbed the hot pink spray bottle off the counter and took aim.
“HEY!” Sienna protested.
“Sorry, this is how people train their pets. I’m going to try using it on my roommates.”  
 “You know I’m just teasing you,” Sienna giggled.
“I know. I just don’t want you guys scaring him away. I'm his first serious girlfriend, so let’s leave the word ‘wife’ out of conversations. I want to keep him around a little longer.”
“Around him? Of course!” Sienna insisted. “Around you? No freaking way.”
She gestured toward the mirror with a flourish. “Your mirror awaits! I’ll block the others from entering so you can get ready for your debut.”
She embraced Casey warmly before stepping away. “You look so happy!”  
“I am so happy.”
“And it’s well deserved! Tonight's going to be a great night.”
Casey was a ball of nervous energy as they turned onto Donahue’s street. Her skin-tight black satin pants, glittery gold cami, and matching sandals made quite a statement, and the hair she worked so hard to perfect was now a cascade of luscious, blonde waves. Her friends teased, saying she already landed the guy; she could relax now. But they didn't understand; she simply wanted her exterior to reflect how amazing she felt inside, and she nailed it.
Tobias, dressed a bit more casually than his freshly minted significant other was already waiting. He didn’t require much to command attention. His well-worn pale blue jeans and a black t-shirt that perfectly showcased the work he had been doing at the gym worked just fine.
He attracted a crowd wherever he went, and that’s just how he liked it. Sure, he reveled in the attention, but there was much more. Tobias had a unique talent for making each person feel like they were the only one in the room, and he loved making others feel seen. Tonight’s audience was predominantly strangers who had fallen under his spell, but one familiar face sitting perpendicular to him wasn’t nearly as impressed with him.
Addie had been his friend since he arrived in Boston nearly a decade before. One particularly gloomy night, he couldn’t stand the thought of sitting alone in his apartment for a minute longer, so he headed to a neighborhood watering hole not much different than the one they found themselves in tonight. He was seated alone at the bar when the curly-haired blonde rushed in from the rain, promptly slipping on the floor beside him. He helped her up and offered his medical services; she thanked him, then promptly called him a pervert. His raucous laughter made it clear no offense was taken, and, to Addie, that made him worthy of sharing a beer.
Their friendship blossomed effortlessly, and before long, she showed him enough of Boston for him to feel like a native. She introduced him to people she knew, and sometimes they forgot they hadn't been friends forever.
She hailed from a traditional Boston Irish family with whom she was estranged, but she retained some of their best traits. Addie Larkin knew from a young age that she wasn’t made to fit any mold, and she remained true to that, regardless of the price she had to pay. While she didn’t share Tobias’s boisterous personality, she still commanded the attention of a room as well as he did, and when the two were together, a good time was guaranteed.
They talked frequently and cherished each other but never managed to see each other as often as they wished. In fact, she wouldn’t have been at Donahue’s tonight if she hadn’t heard the news. Tobias Carrick had a girlfriend? She wouldn't believe it until she saw it with her own eyes. Ordering another round of drinks, she rolled her eyes at Tobias, who was entertaining the crowd with a story about the two of them breaking into the Franklin Park Zoo after hours.
“You did not!” A fetching young redhead squeaked, attempting to step closer to the handsome doctor.
“Most certainly did, young lady. But I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the mastermind here.”
“Please,” Addie scoffed. “Tobias has a tendency to make me into much more of a legend than I actually am.”
“That is entirely untrue!”
“It is true. Did he tell you why we snuck in? I was obsessed with the ring-tailed lemur, and after way too much bourbon, I convinced myself that the poor little fella was simply crushed because I hadn’t seen him in two weeks! That needed to be rectified immediately. That’s not legendary children,” she informed. “That’s insanity!”
Tobias draped an arm loosely around her shoulder. “As if insanity and being a legend are mutually exclusive! I’m of the belief that you can't be a legend unless you're a little off."
Ethan sauntered in at that very moment, hopping on the barstool next to Tobias.
“If that’s the case, you have exactly what it takes to be a legend, Carrick.”
“You see!” Tobias raised his beer. “I rest my case.”
Addie was already eyeing Ethan, subtly assessing him. Another trait she shared with Tobias... she could size someone up without them being remotely aware… unless she wanted them to be.
“Well, who is this handsome guy?” Addie asked with a smile.
“Handsome? Behind that scowl, maybe,” Tobias tittered. “This is my friend...”
“His boss,” Ethan injected.
“...Ethan. Ethan, this is my friend....”
“...and legend,” she added.
The tiny blonde extended a hand, eyes twinkling. “It’s very nice to meet you, Ethan.”
“Likewise,” he simpered, nodding toward her drink. “Could you use a refill?”
“Thank you, but I’m cut off for the night. I'll be driving soon. I’m only staying to meet Tobias’s girlfriend,” she said to the dismay of several people surrounding them. “I refuse to believe it’s true unless I see it with my own eyes.”
“Trust,” Ethan chuckled, motioning toward the bartender for a drink. “We all felt that way. But I can confirm, it’s for real.”
Addie went to respond, but her phone rang in her purse. “Oh, I have to take this,” she said, sliding down from her stool. “I’ll be right back!”
Ethan’s eyes trailed her as she walked away, only to find Tobias staring directly at him when he looked up. Clearing his throat nervously, he decided he had nothing to lose by asking.
“She seems lovely,” Ethan began. “Is she taken?”
“She is,” Tobias shrugged. “But that never seems to stop her, now that I think of it.”  
“Oh, in that case, I’ll pass. The last thing I need is drama.”
“On the contrary,” Tobias smirked. “I think you need more drama, my friend.”
“Sorry about that,” Addie announced upon her return. “I own a store in Cambridge, and my manager’s sort of new. She had a few questions that couldn’t wait.”
“Oh, what kind of a store?” Ethan inquired.
“Bohemian clothing, metaphysical stuff, incense... no offense, I don’t think you’d find it appealing.”
Ethan glared at Tobias, who choked on his beer.
“Hey, T. Will Casey be arriving soon? Alysha's not ready to close the store on her own yet, so I need to head out soon.”
“Affirmative! She’s on her way. She just got delayed by a five roommate pile up in her bathroom. Luckily, she was still able to get dressed, and no injuries were reported.”
“Five roommates!” Addie approved. “My kind of girl! I’m so glad you didn’t end up with one of those gorgeous, snobby assholes you used to date.”
Now, it was Ethan choking on his Scotch. “You know, I like her.”
“Casey is gorgeous,” Tobias corrected. “But I don’t think snobby or asshole remotely describe her.”
He heard the bells on the front door ring, indicating someone had entered, and turned just in time to see Casey appear.
“There’s my girl!” He hollered, turning to Addie with a brilliant smile. “Told you she’s gorgeous!”
“Hey!” Casey beamed as he pulled her close for a tender kiss. When they broke apart, Tobias had a smile that went all the way up to his eyes.
“Can you do me a favor?” He asked.
He stepped back, obviously assessing the subject, and let out a low growl.
“Can you walk out and come back in? Because I need to watch that again.”
“Tobias,” she giggled. “How about you watch me walk back from the jukebox. Would that do? Besides,” she said, inconspicuously tapping the front of his jeans. “I have a feeling if you watch me too much, you’ll want to usher me right out of here.”
“Out of here or to the coat closet,” he leered while Ethan muttered something unintelligible.
“There’s plenty of time for that later,” Casey insisted. “Tonight, I'm showing off my new boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend,” Tobias grinned, wrapping his hands around her waist and lifting her onto the bar in front of him.
“Tobias, what are you doing?” She squeaked.
“Hey... everyone! Everyone, look over here. I have an announcement to make.”
Ethan dragged a hand down his face. “Jesus Christ!"
“Do you see this beautiful woman?”
“Yeah,” the crowd roared as Casey turned ten shades of crimson.
“This beautiful angel is my girlfriend, and I want all of you SOBs to know it!”
While most of the patrons cheered, there were some shocked faces and a few disapproving scowls within the crowd. But if anyone noticed them, it wasn't Tobias or Casey, who only had eyes for each other's eyes.
Jackie had elbowed her way through the mele and stood next to Tobias. “Aww, kiss her already!”
“Wow, have we turned you into a romantic?” Tobias asked.
“Oh, fuck no! Just do it and get her ass off the bar so I can order a drink!”
Tobias reached up and placed his hand behind Casey's neck, pulling her down for a long, passionate kiss as wolf whistles and cheers filled the room. Even Jackie managed to smile... just a little.
When Casey was back on solid ground, Addie turned to her with a welcoming grin. “All right, I have to ask because I know this man too well. This is for real, right? He didn’t pay you to pull a prank or something.”
 “No,” Casey assured. “This is the real deal.”
“Well, I’m astonished... and so happy... to hear that. I’m Addie,” she said, extending her hand. “Tobias and I go way back, and I had to come see this for myself!”
Casey enthusiastically shook her hand, mentally sifting through past conversations to see if Tobias had ever mentioned Addie, but nothing registered.
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you,” Casey beamed. But Addie raised a brow.
“He’s never mentioned me, has he?” She turned to Tobias and struck his shoulder. “You prick! You have been dating her for a year, and you never told her about me!”
“Well,” he smiled slyly. “We were often preoccupied with other things.”
“For a full year?” Addie bleated before holding up her hand. “Wait, no. Nevermind. It’s you... I’m sure that’s 100% true.”
Casey looped her arm around Tobias’s waist, and he pulled her close.
“In fairness, until last night, we never defined what we were. I’m sure we still have a lot to learn about each other now.”
“Oh, honey!” Addie said, taking Casey’s hand. “I hope I didn’t offend you. This is just how I bust this asshole’s chops.”
A wide grin spread on Casey’s face. “Oh, we’re going to get along just fine.”
“I’m inclined to agree with you,” Addie winked.
“Oh, great. They're already ganging up on me.”
Ethan raised his glass with a smirk. “This is why I avoid relationships.”
“Oh yeah,” Tobias teased. “That’s why!”
“I wish I didn’t have to cut out so early,” Addie sighed. “But I have to go to Cambridge to help my new manager close my shop. But I’m going to see a friend perform at The Burren in Somerville later; why don’t you guys come?”
“We’d love to,” Tobias grinned, turning to Casey. “But we’re a little tied up tonight.”
“Literally or figuratively,” Addie chortled.
“Whatever she’s willing to do,” Tobias shrugged.
 “Ahh, I’m never going to see this man again, am I, Casey?”
“Oh, no!” Casey insisted. “We'll be spending plenty of time together, of course, but our friends matter, too! He’ll still be seeing you. I'll make sure of it.”
“Well, that’s good to know!” Addie stepped off her bar stool, offering Tobias and Casey a quick hug.
“It was lovely meeting you,” she said to Casey, then looked over her shoulder at Ethan. "You too, by the way."
“Likewise," he nodded. Then Addie was out the door.
“I like her,” Casey confirmed.
"Oh, Addie is the best!"
“We’ll have to hang out sometime. Is she seeing anyone?”
“She has a boyfriend, but I’ve only met him once or twice in passing.”
“Well, we’ll have to change that! Maybe we can double date?”
“I don’t know about this,” Tobias said playfully, looking at his watch. “I have a girlfriend for 20 hours, and she’s already controlling my schedule.”
“Oh, fuck you, T!” She laughed as he snarled.
“Oh, Christ!” Ethan interrupted. “Are we going to be subjected to this all night?”
Tobias pat his friend on the back. “Nope. With any luck, you’re going to be subjected to this for the rest of your life.”
“I need to find another bar,” Ethan sighed.
“No, you don't,” Casey insisted, grabbing his hand. “Screw that, come and dance with me.”
“Casey, you know I don’t...”
“Dance with me!”
Ethan turned to Tobias, hoping he would save him. But Tobias just smiled as he hopped back on his stool.
“If the lady says dance... dance.”
Casey was having the time of her life on the dancefloor, while poor Ethan looked like a fish out of water. When the lively tune abruptly led into a slow ballad, Ethan thought he found his salvation. He already had one foot off the floor when he said, “I suppose we should sit.”
But Casey wasn’t done. “Ethan, you’re allowed to dance with me. Tobias isn’t going to bite you.”
“Is this where you tell me that’s because he’s saving it to bite you later?”
“No,” she grinned, placing her arm on his shoulder and keeping a friendly distance between them. “But dance with me. It’s the perfect place to have a private conversation in a crowded bar.”  
She could feel the itchy wool of his sweater scratch against her skin as his chest rose and fell, and she had to smile. Tobias and Ethan were only three months apart in age. Tobias always called himself an old man, but Ethan fit the moniker so much more.
“I didn’t realize we had to talk,” he whispered.
“Well, we do. I wanted to let you know that nothing will change between us. I'm dating Tobias, but our friendship remains the same. You still mean just as much to me.”
“Casey, I...”
“Let me finish!” She scolded as his face softened, that smile only she brought out of him spreading on his lips.
“Go on.”
“You always say I'm your favorite mentee, and you continue to be a mentor to me, but that role is secondary. The most important thing is that you're my friend. I know we didn’t end up where we thought we might a few years ago… or maybe we did. Either way, you’re very important to me. Promise me our relationship won’t change.”
Ethan smiled down at her, silently kicking himself for having been such a fool.
"Nothing will change," he muttered. "I promise."
“Good,” she replied, leaning her head on his chest. “Now, I need to hook you up with someone so we can double date.”
“What's your obsession with double dating?" He laughed. "But there is no need. I am fine as I am."
“No, you’re not,” she dismissed. “There’s no chance you and Harper....”
“All right, what about Addie? She’s hot, and she was totally checking you out.”
“Did you forget Tobias said she has a boyfriend? Though, he also said that wouldn’t be much of a hindrance.”
“Oh?” Casey said. “Would that work for you?"
“Shut up and dance," he smirked.
Casey stepped back and grinned. "How can we keep dancing? The song is over."
“Then... can have one more?”
“Of course," she smiled.
When the song ended, they returned to the bar, where Tobias welcomed her back. The night was full of drinking, laughter, and friends, and the new couple was unable to keep their hands off each other, becoming more affectionate with each drink imbibed.
“Would you two get a fucking room?” Jackie grimaced.
“I’ve got several rooms at my place,” Tobias purred into Casey’s ear. “What do you say? Ready to get out of here?”
Casey didn’t think twice. “Bye, guys!” she yelled as she clutched Tobias’s hand and raced toward the door. “See you soon!”
Once they were gone, Jackie clinked her beer against Ethan’s. The two took a drink and let out simultaneous sighs.
“This is going to be difficult. Isn’t it?” Jackie asked.
"Varma, you have no idea."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Carlos Sainz x Celebrity OC… Part 4.
Okay, I know I said this next chapter was going to be spicy but I don’t know if it fits in with the story so it’s just gonna be some Carlos x Jenna fluff of their first few days and I promise part 5 will be spicy 🌶️🌶️ Again any apologies if I’ve used the wrong name for the OC, I’ve gone through and tried my best to correct any mistakes so hopefully there isn’t any! No warnings, I’ve tried to make this a fun little chapter with mainly Carlos x OC x Platonic!Charles. Just some badly translated French, Italian and Spanish. Jenna does her first interview with Carlos since their first date together and things are overtly flirty. The only thing breaking that tension? Charles Leclerc the proud 3rd wheel.
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“Good night.” Carlos smiled knowingly as I rested against the hotel room door frame. “I’ll see you on Thursday.” I spoke softly, shyly glancing down to my hands. “You’ll be doing the interview?” He spoke quietly as I nodded back up to the dark haired man.
“Yeah, thank you for tonight anyway, you really didn’t have to pay.”
“I’ve got it all covered.” He shook his head firmly. “Well I owe you.” “No, never.” He hushed as I giggled slightly. He was adamant all night that I wouldn’t pay, he almost looked offended when I offered to buy a €7 crepe for him. “Okay. I feel bad.”
“I know how you can pay me back.” He borderline giggled as I gazed up to his eyes. He had a shy expression, a childlike amusement spreading in his eyes. “What’re you gonna say?” I let out a soft laugh as he giggled again. “I can’t, it’s really embarrassing.” He rumbled our laughter, putting a hand on my shoulder. “What? Was it for a kiss or something?” I snickered causing him to snicker harder. “That’s so cheesy!” I teased, nudging his shoulder as he moved closer, cupping either side of my face as I chuckled out before he pressed a quick kiss to my lips. It was a little hard because both of us were laughing and he kept bumping his teeth against mine clumsily.
“Sorry.” He snickered, kissing me more gently as I ran my hand over his bicep, enjoying the feeling of his muscle. He was so toned, he was literally unreal. “You make me laugh.” I commented with a shy smile once we broke apart.
“I hope so.. I’ll see you Thursday, yeah?” He spoke as I nodded, swallowing the urge to let the most excitable screech of laughter that would most likely scare him off. “Okay.” He smiled, eyeing up my lips once more in a manner that made my knees week. With one more lingering kiss we’d parted ways and I’d fainted as soon as I got back into my hotel room. Not literally, but I wanted to. The heaviest sigh escaped my mouth as I relived his kisses over and over again, swooning at the thought of his plump lips pressed up against my own.
Now there was only two more days until I’d see him again…
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“Hello, I’m back in M-Mon-“ I burst out in uncontrollable laughter as the two men besides me joined in. “I can’t- I can’t! Okay, I’m sorry!” I waved my hands at the camera crew who would crack me up further with their smirks and grimaces to bite back laughter.
“Okay, I’m calm.” I turned over to Carlos who has his hand over his eyes giggling. “Why is this so funny?” Charles then asked, the two Ferrari boys stood at either side of me as I straightened my back, dedicated to getting the introduction right this time.
“Somethings made her nervous… it’s set you off, hasn’t it, Jen?” Lisa asked, making my cheeks warm up. It’s as though she knew. I mean- maybe she did, Anise had a loud mouth when she was drunk. I didn’t blame her.
“Nothing to be nervous of.” Carlos shrugged from besides me, making my cheeks grow even warmer. “Oh- I’m going red, I need- okay, I’ll do it seriously now.” I pushed my blonde hair over my shoulder, clearing my throat and taking a couple deep breaths.
“Hi, I’m with Carlos and Charles-“ Charles burst out laughing from besides me, trying to hold it in as I burst out another giggle, my shoulder grazing against Carlos’. “Charles!” I exclaimed but Lisa ushered me to continue. “Um and we’re back in Monaco- and this interviews a mess I’m sorry- but we’re gonna um…” I covered my mouth from giggling as the two amused boys besides me watched.
“We’re gonna drive a car blindfolded!” Both of them started laughing again as I felt Carlos’ hand rest on my shoulder for support. “Not a real car!” Somebody cleared up from behind the cameras. Poor men were probably fed up of my nonsense. “Not a real car! Anyway- who wants to go first?” I attempted to usher the interview on, despite the fact I was blubbering out bursts of laughter every two seconds. Charles had lost it, he couldn’t even hide his laughter as Carlos jumped forwards.
“I’ll go.” He ran his hand off my shoulder, leaving it feeling slightly cold as I giggled again, nervous from his touch. “Okay, Carlos is going first.” I inhaled again, biting down harshly on my chewing gum when I almost inhaled it. That would not have been a good look.
“Where’s my blind fold?” The Spanish man smiled up to me as I turned to where Lisa threw one over, handing it over as he smiled up to me, before tying the black cloth around, over his eye. “Charles you gotta direct me!” Carlos exclaimed as the other man ensured his eyes were fully covered.
“I will try my best.”
“Ai, ai, ai, this is difficult.” Carlos muttered, feeling for where everything was on the simulator. I guided his hands to the wheel amused as I watched on as the chaos unfolded. Surprisingly the ‘interview’ went kinda well, it was chaotic but people enjoyed that. I had a good time, and even though I was nervous as hell with Carlos next to me, I’d managed to calm myself down from my giggling fit earlier.
“Make him crash.” Carlos whispered in my ear, cupping his hand as his fingers nudged through the strands of my hair. I didn’t know if it was purposeful or not, but it made my stomach twist with butterflies. “How?” I smiled back to him as he nodded me to follow him, pointing at the wheel as I reached forwards, nudging the wheel further and further to the left.
“Okay, I’m- Carlos where are you?! Why am I turning?!” Charles exclaimed in surprise as the whole simulator began jittering violently before he’d crashed directly into the wall. “Nooo!” He cried out dramatically, Carlos clapping his hands in amusement as I jumped back, acting all innocent.
“What happened?! Why did you crash?” I exclaimed as Charles forced the blindfold off his eyes.
“Carlos you fucker! You turned my wheel!” He jumped up out of the seat as I bit back a laughter. “Wasn’t me!” Carlos snitched as my mouth opened, mocking a gasp as the Spanish man laughed, holding either side of my arms and giving me a quick squeeze.
“It was you?!” Charles was wide eyes. “You are a bad influence on her.” The monegasque playfully shoved Carlos. “Now it’s your turn!” Charles pointed out. “I don’t even drive in real life!” I held out my hands.
“Even better!” Charles responded excitedly. “You don’t have to do it blindfolded.” Carlos exclaimed. “No! That’s not fair!” Charles held out the blindfold, clearly competitive about the whole thing.
“She doesn’t even drive!” Carlos defended as I climbed into the seat, feeling the Spanish man adjust the seat so I was further forwards. “Such a gentleman.” Charles pointed out before plopping the blindfold over my head. “Okay, I’ll use the blindfold but don’t expect me to be even able to start this thing.” I was just as shit as I thought, first of all I couldn’t even start the damn simulator, then my chair was constantly jittering from something I was doing wrong on the pedals. Who made a simulator this hard in the first place?! Maybe that was a stupid question. “Keep your foot down! No, no!” Charles screeched out in laughter, snatching the wheel to turn it- I was assuming back on the track. “I don’t know where I’m going.” I worried, yanking the wheel back to where I felt him turn me.
Carlos choked out a laugh. “No pensé que serías tan mala!” (I did not think you’d be this bad!).
“Qué? ¡Soy una mierda!” (What? I’m shit!). I exclaimed back out in Spanish. “Oh my god.” Charles snickered when the simulator lurched forwards and the simulator jittered furious.
“Mamma Mia.” Carlos playfully spoke as I lifted the blindfold back off my face. I had indeed crashed, and I had been going backwards for a good- “7 laps?! I was backwards?!” Both the boys began laughing profusely as I groaned, knowing they’d been messing me around the whole time. “Whatever, I think I was good.” I joked, biting down on my tongue as I jumped out of the simulator.
“Amazing.” Carlos teased back to me as I smiled back up to him. “Thank you!” I attempted to joke along but ruined it with a chuckle.
“Um, anyway, thanks for watching- if anybody made it this far in. This afternoon we’ll be joined with Daniel and Landon to see if McLaren can beat Ferrari’s high score.” I wrapped it all up as Carlos snickered. “You are funny.”
“That was the most fun I have had in one of these in a while.” Charles admitted as I secretly was super happy about the admission. There’s nothing worse than boring interviews that these drivers already had too many of to do.
Thankfully, we’d all have a break from the filming, I didn’t mind, I was having great fun, I couldn’t lie. It was fun to do something different other than just asking things all day. I was looking over the table of endless amounts of food, eyeing up what looked to be blackberry seeds piled on top of some kind of cracker.
“It’s caviar.” A familiar voice spoke as mg hand immediately yanked away from the food. “Ew.” I accidentally spoke before looking up and seeing Carlos besides me. “Where did you come from?” I smiled, biting down on my lip as he carried a plate full of the most food I’d ever seen.
“From the interview.” He spoke like it was obvious. “Holy shit, that’s a mountain of food!” I eyed him back up as he flashed me a toothy smile.
“I’m a hungry man, after this my diet starts again.”
“Fuck dieting.” I shrugged. “You never diet?” A
“Nuh uh, I don’t have the self control.”
“How do you look so good then?” He flirted as I turned back up to him with a perked brow. “I am being serious?!”
“I just… I don’t know.” I blushed, completely forgetting I was walking to put food on my plate. I was too caught up with being in Carlos’ Vinci it’s.
“You’re red now.” He pointed out. “Oh, Carlos don’t!” I laughed. “I’m sorry, will you come sit with me? Charles is there as well, he’s lonely.” I turned over my shoulder to see Charles eating alone like a lost school boy.
“Poor guy.” I giggled before looking up to Carlos again. “We best join him…” I’d been sat with them for a couple of minutes, swinging my legs nervously when I accidentally caught Carlos’ with my own. “Sorry.” I turned to see him smirking. “It’s okay.” He shook his head and continued eating as I joined back in the conversation with Charles.
“-sorry, and then she never ended up coming, so.. now it’s just me.” I shrugged, “do you enjoy it? Like the racing in general?” Charles asked. Just as I was about to answer I felt the nudge from a foot under the table once again that almost made me choke on my food.
“Mmmh!” I perked, knowing it was Carlos’ foot that had nudged against my own in a playful manner. “I didn’t when I was little, I have to admit I was forced by my brothers to watch it. But no I do, I have for quite a while.” Carlos let out a laugh at my words, as though he was being soo casual and definitely not playing footsies with me under the table. “Was it karting you used to do?” I then asked Charles, purposefully nudging my foot back into Carlos’s as he kicked back almost instantly. This time I jumped, reacting physically to the kick under the table. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean it to be that hard.” Carlos quickly put a hand on my arm.
“What are you doing? Playing footsies under there?!” Charles burst out in laughter. “No, he kicked me!” I lied. “Purposefully.” Carlos teased, biting back down into a burger.
“Jésus, je suis en troisième roue...” (Jesus I am third wheeling). My eyebrow perked back up to Charles.
“Je peux aussi parler français, tu sais.” (I can speak French too, you know). His eyes widened in surprise. “Really?!” Charles eyes landed on Carlos. “Sposala.” (Marry her). “Anche italiano Charles.” (Italian too, Charles).
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gullableh · 4 months
•★  SICK🌌🪐
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★•° Warnings : boy x boy, cringe, very fluffy,
Swear words, fruity af.  Crack treated, like seriously crack treated
Reader is a simp.
Highschool AU
(I'm not good in french even though I got a 9-
I will use Google Translate mostly. So if youre reading this and you're french, im sorry if i made a mistake or two, you can correct me if I'm wrong ^^)
★•° summery :reader and Julian supposedly had a date. But sadly reader got sick and couldn't come. So Julian decided to pay his lovely boyfriend a quick visit, just a quick one...
★•° a fluff story so no dirty thoughts.
• usage of pet names
• relationship goals
• probably ooc since I'm not the best in   writing oc 
Music you could listen to while reading:
Écoute chérie; 
Vendredi sur Mer
              The moon will sing;
                                           Angus & Julia stone 
Back to the old house;
The Smiths                     
                                                     Yume Utsutsu
                                (Enjoy ^v^)
Readers pov:
This. Was. The. Worst. Oh you wanna know what happened? Oh well you probably already had read the summery, you still want me to tell? Okay sit down and listen carefully. Also next time read the summery some people aren't as generous as me to explain why my day is ruined. And the people who have read the summery. Good job here have a cupcake *gives the cupcake to you* ^v^
Anyways where was i? Oh yeah, listen carefully...
It was any normal day, I woke up went to school met up with my lovely boyfriend🥰
And I remembered after school we have a date, great right? Well I'm not finished.
After school I went ahead to go home and get prepared for my date with my boyfriend. 
I got home, had an outfit ready, and I was about to go when suddenly.
*Chough* *Chough*
I have no idea if mothers have mother senses (it would be cool if they did) but as if she had a spidersense of her own she grabbed my arm, shut the door and made me sit on the couch.
Then she went on a full on ten minute long lecture about how I was sick and that I should stay home. Wait stay home? But I was about to go on a date. Mother couldn't possibly do this to me, oh but she could.
Well anyways, now I'm here in my room, in my bed all depressed because I couldn't hang out with my boyfriend )': I had already told him, well, texted him that I wasn't able to attend our date since I was SiCk. Oh please, as if I would die.
I was moping in my bed all pouty, from disappointment because I couldn't see my boyfriend, but also from pain. (stupid migraine) It was I think around somewhere in the night, after dinner. when I heard something. I stopped moping and listened carefully where that sound came from
*Tick* *tick* *tick*
It was as if someone was knocking against glass, again I stayed quiet and listened attentively
*Tick* *tick* *tick*
Wait it sounded like it came from my window. I got up from my bed, fear slowly creeping up, I went to my bedroom window, and shoved the curtens to the side slowly, and then i saw....
Third person pov:
There he was, Julian Loki Infront of your window, the best soccer player in your school, also one of the kindest people in your school. And most importantly, your lovely boyfriend that you where thinking about the entire day.
A smile made its way to youre lips, but confusion was visible on [readers] face. What was he doing here, it's somewhere between eleven o' clock and twelve o' clock, shouldn't he be home alseep? Worry was also evident on the boys expressions. [Reader] quickly opened the window and let him in.
"Julian what are you doing here?"
"Mon chéri, sorry I wanted to come here earlier but my mother wouldn't let me out of the house."
He said with a sweet and gentle smile towards you. You see why I'm so smitten over this guy? 
Julian is always so sweet and gentle, he's like that towards everyone, but towards you he is even more gentle.
"Speaking of, why are you up so late?
You said you where sick, you should be resting Mon amour."
He said, he spoke with such a gentle tone, it was angelic, he was an angel that's why. He ushered you to bed like a mother would to their child. And you being such a simp for you're boyfriend, obliged and laid down on you're bed. Oh yeah did I tell you that he had a bag with him, well he laid the bag on the ground and started to rummage trough the supplies in the bag. He grabbed what seemed like medicine and food, that could help [reader] with his sickness.
"I also might have paid a quick visit at the infirmary."
He said with a smile that could blind you because of how bright it was. He grabbed a container with some liquid stuff, probably soup.
"Have you already eaten? It would be great if you did, but that would mean I bought this for nothing"
He said with yet again, another blinding smile.
Because of the stupid migraine and the fact that the sickness made you not hungry, you nodded you're head a no. You where indeed hungry but because of the sickness, you felt like throwing up everytime you're nostrils smelled the slightest bit of food.
"I'm not hungry, thank you Julian but there was indeed no need"
That was a big ass lie, and the both of you knew that all to well, he looked at you with a worried expression, yeah there was no way that he didn't know I was lying
"Mon chéri please tell me the truth"
Yup, now I feel guilty about lying yippie :'D
I took a deep breath and told him the truth, that shows how much of a sucker I am for this man. He again looked at me with a worried expression on his face.
"très chère chérie, if you want to get better you should eat healthy things, i don't like seeing you sick and in pain."
He gave me a sweet smile, but behind that smile was clear that he was still very worried.
I smiled at him back with as much gentleness.
"Im sorry Julian, I didn't exactly mean to lie, it just kinda slipped-"
"It's all right Mon amour, just please don't lie to me like that again."
He cut me off before I could even properly apologize, I smiled at seeing his gentle smile reapearing on his lips again. He grabbed the container with the liquid stuff in it, he opened the container and low and behold chicken soup. He grabbed the plastic spoon that was in the container with the soup.
"Open you're mouth mon chéri I'll feed you."
He said with a smile as if he didn't say the most flustering thing, I felt my face heat up specifically my cheekbones. The spoon with the chicken soup was right Infront of you're mouth, slowly you opened you're mouth a bit, until it was wide enough for the spoon to fit, for some reason this felt so embarrassing even if there weren't any people around, it was just so embarrassing being fed by someone. A while later and the soup was finished, you felt a bit better now that you weren't hungry anymore, but the migraine was still haunting you. Luckily you're savior in need is here to help you from you're misery.
Julian again rummaged trough his bag that he had brought along with him, he let out a small 'aha' as if to say that he had found something. He brought the thing out of the bag and let me have a closer look, it was painkillers, he really though of everything.
"I've brought some painkillers."
He wouldn't stop smiling, as I said such a sweet angel. He gave you the painkiller and abit of water to drink with, in one swift motion you chugged the painkillers with the water down in one sip. The painkillers where helping a bit but not as much as to make it completely go away.
"My head still hurts"
"Would you like me to massage you're scalp Mon amour?"
Definitely did not expect him to suggest that, but who would say no to that offer? So you nodded youre head with a smile and gestured for him to sit next to you on the bed, I patted the empty place beside me, he made his way towards me and then sat next to me on the bed. He laid my head down on his chest, so that he could carefully massage my scalp while I was in a comfortable position. My head was laying on the side where his heart was, his heart beats where so soothing I could just fall asleep. Not long after did his hands began to gently massage my head, all of this was so very calming I could already feel myself geting tired and sleepy slowly and slowly.
"Is this alright mon chéri? If you're uncomfortable just tell me alright?"
I was already half asleep so I just let out a small 'hmm' so that he would know that I was still listening to him. He laughed at my tired state, he looked so adorable while laughing.
"Goodnight mon vie"
He said before giving youre lips a small peck. Not caring if he would get sick later, all he cared for now was that you where comfortable and safe. The rest didn't matter all that matter to him was you. 
 you woke up from a very nice dream, you felt much much better after last night, guess Julian took very good care of you. you expected to wake up in you're own bed wich you did, but you specifically woke up in someone's arms, Julian's arms. he was still sleeping, so the ever so kind boyfriend you are, you let him have his rest and sleep. And seems like he had it enough because not even a minute after you woke up, was he starting to wake up. His eyelids slowly lifted up, revealing his golden brown eyes. They look so beautiful in the morning. He looked at you before a smile was forming on his lips, how cute this moment was. 
"Morning mon soleil"
Two boys waking up from eachothers arms, oh how adorabl-
*Chough* *chough* *chough*     
That was not me I swear. Oh it was julian, seem like he got invected when he kissed you goodnight last night....
Well then, atleast now you could repay him back with taking care of him this time.
Fin (fr this time)
This was so crack treated and cringe, I apologize if you felt second hand embarrassment-
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nicohischierz · 2 years
romeo and juliet ~ pierre gasly
summary: you and pierre were like romeo and juliet in the paddock. but one night can change a lot 
pairing: pierre gasly x oc (juliet wolff)
warnings: mentions of suzuka (this year and 2015 ), mentions of anthoine
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pierre turned to his side and watched your sleeping figure. in between the two of you slept your son, he was no older than three but was the carbon copy of his father. 
no one could believe their eyes when they saw the alpha tauri driver walking hand-in-hand with toto wolff’s daughter. 
the french man was happy that through everything the two of you found your way back to each other.  
Someday, down the road, I hope to be your Romeo
I'll climb the wires to your landline
While you're crying on the telephone
the day after you found out you were pregnant you did everything in your power to ignore pierre. 
because you thought your life was ruined and that your father would force you to go back home and you lock you there. 
but pierre wasn’t getting any of your hints as he sought you out every second he could. finally he saw you outside the mercedes motor home having a heated conversation on your phone. 
once you were done with your call, pierre made his way over to you. his heart ached as he watched you take a seat in front the doors to the motor home. 
And you're sitting, feet dangling
Cheeks so rosy red and saying
"Baby, I was so upset, I thought you'd never set me free"
pierre sat down next to you. you didn’t say anything to him. 
he slowly turned your face to his and wiped the tears from your eyes. a soft smile gracing his lips as he stared into your eyes. “what’s wrong mon chéri?” he whispered. 
you didn’t say anything and handed him the positive pregnancy test in your hand. “i’m sorry,” you whispered, getting up from the floor and walking into the hospitality. 
toto knew something was bugging his daughter when she walked into the motor home and ignored everyone around her. his suspicions were confirmed when she asked him to go back home. 
after months of encouragement from his best friend, pierre finally called the wolff girl. 
your voice was soft, almost a whisper as you answered the phone.
“juliet,” pierre breathed out in relief. you however were panicked. it had been ten months since you’d heard from the french man.
and in those ten months a lot had happened.
you had moved to the states and given birth to a healthy baby boy a month ago. susie was the first one to find out you were pregnant in the family, she was ecstatic by the news and helped calm your father down when he found out. 
“pierre, are you okay?” you asked.
he sighed. charles looked at his best friend and gave hime a thumbs up before walking towards his girlfriend. 
“can i video call you?” pierre avoided your question. 
pierre moved to his room before accepting your call. a smile filled his face as he saw you once again, you returned the gesture. 
“how are you?” he asked. 
you gave him a brief answer. you weren’t sure what his motives were and you didn’t want to let yourself be vulnerable against him. 
the conversation between the two of you flowed smoothly. he even saw a glimpse of his son’s head on your shoulder. 
“is that him?” pierre whispered. 
you didn’t say anything but just nodded. 
I'd say, "Oh, I love you" to my Juliet
If you only knew, I'd kill for you, I am for you
I am just who you need me to be
after pierre found out about his son, he made it his mission to be there. 
he researched everything he could about babies before booking a flight for you and anthoine to come visit him. you’d told him he was only a month old previously. 
so when the day came for the two of you to visit him in milan he was ecstatic. he spent the whole week prior with pyry baby proofing the house. 
it was the summer break and pierre had turned down every offer from his friends to make sure he was with you and his son. charles was the only one who found it odd and had asked his girlfriend to join him in figuring out what his friend was hiding. 
charlotte thought it was ridiculous but followed along as charles staked out his friends house. she wasn’t paying much attention, until she saw you and pierre walking in together. 
pierre was holding your bags as you cradled your son against your chest. 
it was then that the monegasque couple decided to leave the two alone. 
Let's get down, and let's grow old
This fire escape is getting cold
pierre spent the whole summer break trying to convince you to stay in milan with him. at the end of the time you told him it would work. 
you stayed in milan until pierre had to leave to singapore. he would finish his two races in asia and meet you in california once he was done. 
“look anthoine. it’s papa,” you whispered to your child. the two of you were watching the race together. anthoine had woken up abruptly and you’d learned that the sound of the cars calmed the boy down. 
however, when you saw the conditions on track you hoped the race would stop. especially after carlos’ crash. but when pierre appeared on the screen, the tractor in the corner you freaked out. 
you remembered the crash seven years ago. and so did pierre as he yelled through the radio. 
“pierre,” you breathed out when he answered his phone. 
the man sighed at the sound of his girlfriends voice. “i’m okay my love,” he wasn’t sure if he was reassuring himself or her. pyry gave pierre a nod before excusing himself from the room. 
“are you okay?” you asked. sure it was a stupid question but you were desperate. 
“it’s late,” 
“anthoine couldn’t sleep. he likes watching his papa race,” a smile made its way onto pierre’s face. 
after the summer he had gotten a couple questions about the women in his photo dump and the boy in his wallpaper, from the driver. 
pierre had then confided in charles and told him about his son and the rekindling of your relationship. the french man then began showing his best friend an album of photo’s he had on his phone. 
I love that dress, I love the rest
Of all that you've got going on
it had taken everything in pierre to persuade you to join him in the austin grand prix. he argued that you had already made the flight down and people would recognise you if you stayed in the stands. 
just like his attempts to get in contact with you, pierre had gone as far as calling your father and telling him about the situation. so when your father turned up at your hotel room you just rolled your eyes. 
“juliet, stop being stubborn and listen to the poor boy. do you know how many looks i’ve gotten because he kept coming to our garage during free practice,” toto tried reasoning. 
the austrian man was carrying his grandson as he tried convincing his daughter. he never knew where she got her stubbornness from. 
“why?” you asked. 
“because i’ve seen the way he was lost without you. and also because i’ve noticed a change in him ever since he found out about anthoine,” 
you weren’t convinced so toto sighed before setting anthoine down on the bed. “pierre didn’t buy you tickets for the grand prix and to fly all the way down to texas not to be able to see you.”
“when you called after suzuka, pierre was with me. he couldn’t find his phone and he wanted to hear your voice, he didn’t care what it was but he just wanted to see you and anthoine,” 
a small tear ran down your face as you looked at your son. he was almost identical to his father. you remained unresponsive until you nodded “i’ll come with you,” 
you got your son dressed in his special mercedes shirt with his fathers hat sitting on his head. once pierre put the cap on anthoine’s head he never got it back.
 “come on juliet, we’re going to be late!” toto called. 
taking a deep breathe, you walked out of the bathroom wearing a short white dress. it was perfect for the weather and to not show any bias towards who you were supporting. although alpha tauri wore white overalls. 
when you entered the paddock, you were immediately swarmed by media personnel. your father acted as a shield for you and anthoine. lewis was talking with pierre and charles when he noticed the crowd around toto. 
the three of them helped toto seperate the fans and media. pierre grabbed hold of your arm and ushered you towards his drivers room as charles pushed people out of the way. 
anthoine’s cap was covering his face to protect him from rumours. you and pierre weren’t dating anymore and whilst you were working on your relationship, you didn’t want to force anything. 
that was the second time things had changed for you and pierre around the paddock. 
One day when the lines have all been read and memorized
I hope you mean it when you say that
I am yours and you are mine
after the austin grand prix, pierre asked you to be his girlfriend. formally. there were pictures of you and pierre around the paddock together with anthoine before and after races from then on. 
but your favourite was the video reaction of anthoine’s first steps during the abu dhabi grand prix. the young boy made his way to his father after pierre secured pole position. 
with pierre’s move to alpine, you stayed by his side through all the ups and downs. eventually you moved to milan to stay with pierre, closing your house in la. 
anthoine had started walking more around the house and around the paddock. the young boy had grown attached to roscoe during silverstone and now went around finding any dog he could. 
charles had taken his job as godfather very seriously as he made sure anthoine was welcomed in the ferrari garage and had his own space to keep himself occupied. 
however, despite your father’s and lewis’ efforts to get him to be a mercedes fan nothing worked. charles had tried using ferrari propaganda anytime he babysat but anthoine wouldn’t budge. 
so when the boy attached himself to oscar piastri and demanded he have his whole room orange. pierre cried a little. 
anthoine had grown so attached to oscar that during yours and pierre’s wedding the boy wanted the australian to hold his hand during the ring exchange.  
Singing down here, on my knees
I'm begging, "Won't you marry me?"
I love that dress, I love the rest
So Julie make me go, go on
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Viper/Mammon x Oc/ Technically Arcobaleno x Oc
Bonus Bel being their son lol
Since this post for my oc Celeste did well and I posted this aesthetic board for her, I decided to write out a short little thing between her and Viper.
Different Arcobaleno Curse AU (Basically, no baby forms lol)
Viper sighs to themself quietly as they slunk their way through the Varia base’s door. They hated going on missions alone, they really did. The result was always the same: an overbearing exhaustion that hit them harder than a brick to the head. The psychic stifles a yawn, making their way to their bedroom to pass out. However, the familiar silver knife jammed into the door’s keyhole informs them they have a rather unwanted visitor there or that their trinkets have been rummaged through at some point. The Mist flame pinches the bridge of their nose tightly, biting their lower lip in frustration before they step in. They open their mouth to scold, only for their voice to quickly catch in their throat at the sight of two familiar forms on their bed.
One was the teenaged prince who’d busted their room’s lock to get in and the other was a woman they hadn’t seen in awhile. They didn’t mean to ignore her, of course, but they’d simply been busy handling Varia things and making quick-money schemes. The woman looks over to them calmly, her fingers still gently combing through the blond locks of their son’s hair. She smiles warmly, her lips stained a pale red still from her lipstick she’d probably removed at some point before she’d gotten settled down in their room.
“There’s my sweet Viper… Or, it’s Mammon when you’re with the Varia, right?” Celeste’s tender voice croons. Viper relaxes a little, huffing through their nose before approaching.
“Either is fine when it’s you… Why are you here?” They question, knowing the woman could be here for something important just as likely as she is to just be visiting for something mundane. The singer covers her mouth with her free hand to muffle her giggling before she responds.
“So mean, mon trésor~ Obviously, I’m here for you.” “Just for me or is there more motive for this visit?” They question, still unused to how unconditional the other’s lover is. Celeste gives a soft snort and rolls her eyes, before carefully adjusting herself on the bed, doing her best not to wake up the slumbering Belphegor resting against her.
“I miiiiiiiiiiiiiissed you, I have gifts for you, and I wanted a cozy date. Though our baby has decided it’s naptime.” She hums casually while she grabs a small sack that they recognized as one of the woman’s many Crown Royal dice bags. Though she hardly used them for just dice anymore. The Varia officer can’t help the smile pulling on their lips, carefully getting onto their bed and joining their wife and pseudo-adopted son. The young blond audibly grumbles at all the movement, but soothes right back to his sleep with a few pets from Celeste.
While the singer is getting the prince back to his dreams, Mammon can’t help appreciating how she looks for a moment. Her curves, her healed acne scars that are visible without her makeup, the three different earrings she wore, and her navy eyes... How her lashes are long and full. How her smile holds such love and kindness in it so easily. How her long, opalescent white hair shined in the room’s dim light like starlight woven into strands of silk… Even how it starkly contrasted her dark clothes was simply dazzling…
Most wouldn’t consider being young forever a curse or burden, but in the long run, it really was. In the long run, a type of immortality like this will bring pain. Walking outside of time isn’t fun when you see people you care about age and grow older and older than you day by day. But… At the very least, the Arcobaleno will always have each other. At the very least, they’ll always have Celeste too… Hopefully… 
The esper snaps out of their negative train of thoughts when their lover gently waves a hand at them. She looks at them knowingly, tugging them a little closer and pressing a kiss on their cheek.
“We could get some rest now and look through these later, if you’d like.” She softly offers, carefully pulling the hood of their cloak down to play with their hair as well. The offer is beyond tempting, especially with the motions of their wife… But they can also hear the soft clink of coins somewhere in the bag she’d brought them.
“... Trinkets first then rest,” They mumbles, moving to rest their head on her shoulder and getting a small sniff of her perfume. Roses, patchouli, and white musk… They know this scent well! Viper narrows their eyes behind their long, violet bangs before adding on,
“You’re wearing Reborn’s cologne again.” The other Mist can’t help laughing a little again before nodding, opening the purple bag she brought here as she talks.
“If he didn’t want me to, he’d stop getting so much of this scent~” “You should try mine at some point.” They grumble enviously, snuggling closer to her. The singer rolls her eyes again before reaching into the bag and pulling out the items she knows they’ll like most: some shiny coins. Mammon can’t help their greedy nature, rather eagerly snatching the items up and looking them over slowly. Celeste smiles as she watches them before pulling more items from the bag out and setting them down to be sorted out into Viper’s assorted trinket trays later. Shiny thimbles, random little keys that went to god knows what, a small glass bottle perfect for a fantasy potion, tiny plastic frogs, cute charms fallen from broken bracelets, a handful of little gemstones, and more. 
With a light groan and a lift of his head, Bel starts to fully awaken from his nap. He pats his hand around a bit for his tiara when his mom softly puts it on his head for him, pausing what she’s doing for him.
“Thank you, Mom.” He yawns while sitting up fully, rubbing his eyes under his bangs before looking over to see what they’re doing. Celeste nods and chuckles a bit.
“Of course, my little prince, I hope we didn’t wake you up at all.” She coos in her usual doting tone. The blond teen doesn’t respond right away, instead he picks up a small fake knife that’s probably from some Clue type of board game. He looks it over slowly and curiously before slipping it into one of his pockets.
“Ushishishishi, this is mine now.” He snickers plainly, making his white-haired mom laugh then look at her partner.
“Ma perle, I think we truly are a murder of crows. Even our son has gotten our love for shiny trinkets.” She warmly jokes while her spouse smiles a little to themself.
“Guess we’ll have to get him his own trinket dish soon.” They hum while Bel scoffs a bit at both of them and pouts.
“It’s just one little thing, I won’t be like Mammon.” He defends, gesturing to the room that’s decorated as in odd bobbles, trinkets, knick knacks, and more that the illusionist had gathered over the years as it is in actual decor and furnishings. Celeste laughs again and gently taps the tip of her son’s nose.
“It always starts with just one little thing~” She teases before she carefully gets off the bed. She stretches then smiles back at them brightly.
“I’m going to go get us some food. Viper, honey, you should get some rest. Bel, feel free to join me.” She coos before stepping out of the room. It didn’t take long for their princely son to join her, leaving Mammon alone for now. They yawn to themself, deciding to listen to their wife’s suggestion. After setting all their new things aside on one of the small tables in their room, the Mist gets cozy under some of the blankets piled on their bed. Knowing their wife, she’ll either come back with something simple like slices of bread and cheese or maybe something sweet. … Hopefully not any of those accursed salads she and Skull like. Just the thought of those concoctions of canned fruits, whipped cream, and half the time also jello makes them shiver. 
Before they give themselves nightmares over food that may or may not happen, the violet-haired Varia officer focuses on drifting off. Thankfully, the exhaustion of earlier hits them hard again and they’re soon out.
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saiilorstars · 5 months
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Ch. 36: Worldwide Mayhem
Fandom: Harry Potter (Hogwarts years 1-7) Pairing: Draco x OFC
taglist: @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @anotherunreadblog  @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @foxesandmagic @kmc1989
​​​​Story Masterlist // Romina’s Masterlist
Fanfic • Ao3 • Wattpad
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know
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Romina wasn't ashamed to say that she liked the act of revenge...but she also hated karma. Because karma now made it so that instead of getting letters from Draco constantly begging her to change her mind about their bet, he was now sending her letters of him boasting about his triumph over her. She owed him a favor and he was making sure that she remembered. Romina hated his guts and wished she could see him again just to smack him. She didn't stay silent, no way. She responded to each of his letters with her own comebacks and promises that she would get him back for all this mess.
Arden saw some of those letters one afternoon in Romina's bedroom. Romina was going around packing a few things in a suitcase while Arden laid on the former's bed reading the letters like they were hers.
"You guys are so competitive, truly not well for your health," she remarked.
Romina scoffed. "Stop reading those, they're not yours."
"Au contraire, mon cheri," Arden said, raising her head for a moment to flash a smirk at Romina. "Like my French?" Romina rolled her eyes and returned to her closet.
Figured I should learn some since you're French now."
"Technically speaking, I've always been French, I just didn't know about it. Now would you please put those letters away? If aunt Sage or uncle Lyonel see them, they'll find out about everything."
Arden figured Romina was right and folded the letters again. "So what have you been telling them since these letters started showing up so often now?" She slid the envelopes underneath Romina's pillows.
"Nothing specific. Lots of people write to me so it's not like they suspect anything." Romina came back to the suitcase on the foot of her bed and slipped in another pair of jeans. "The only owl they recognize are my grandparents', Rolf's and the Weasley's."
"Ooh, better for us, I guess. We'd be dead if they figured out what we made Draco do. But I guess the punishment came with it, huh?" Arden let out a dramatic sigh. "We can never tell anyone about it. Harry would've loved it."
Romina nodded but, unlike Arden, she wasn't that sad they couldn't tell Harry about it. Harry would have had a field day with the idea of Draco being forced to spend an hour in the muggle world. It was just best to keep the animosity between him and Draco as low as possible.
"So, when are you leaving then?" Arden said as she peeked inside Romina's suitcase. "Are you and Harry going together to Ron's?"
"Er, no," Romina gave a shake of her head. She left her packing and walked over to her window that gave a view into the street. She couldn't of course get a good sight of Harry's house but she still tried. "Ron's dad is coming to pick him up at the Dursleys'."
"What?" Arden made a face, confused. "Why?"
"Well, the Dursleys are already on the fence about all the magic stuff so aunt Sage and aunt Lyonel want to stay out of it. Better for me to quietly make my way to the Weasleys'."
"Guess that makes sense," shrugged Arden.
"So I'll be leaving tomorrow morning instead, stay with them for a few days and then come back home. Harry'll stay at the Burrow until school starts again."
"Oh, good for him," Arden nodded. "Make sure to tell me how it goes then."
"Are you sure you don't want to come?"
"Nah! Just have fun and definitely stay away from Pansy Parkinson if you see her."
Romina laughed.
~ 0 ~
It was too early. Way too damn early.
Why'd I even say I was coming? The same thoughts ran through Romina's head while she mindlessly ate her breakfast at the crack of dawn. You don't even like Quidditch that much! Why'd you say you were coming? She barely registered aunt Sage telling her to be on her best behavior before she was shuffled into the fireplace. It was just so early.
Yawning and with her eyes half shut, she stepped into the Weasley's overwhelming living room and right into another mess of people being woken up and yelled at by Mrs. Weasley. Apparently, a lot of the others were thinking like her in that it was too early to be doing anything. It also sounded like the twins were already up to something.
When Mrs. Weasley saw Romina standing in front of the fireplace half asleep, she greeted the girl with a tight hug and guided her to the kitchen where the others were.
"When'd you get here!?" Harry said excitedly.
"Uuh, couple...minutes ago..." Romina yawned and languidly sat down in an empty chair. "Remind me again why we have to be awake so early? I hate you for making me come."
Across the table, the twins scoffed and reminded her that she'd chosen to come.
"Shut up," Romina then said and thanked Mr. Weasley, who sat at the head of the table, for inviting her over. "I just don't like mornings...or dawn..." She said after, making the adults chuckle.
Since she had already eaten breakfast, she got to lay her head on the table and take a short nap while the others finished. She was rudely awoken when Mrs. Weasley started yelling at the twins again about some things she pulled out of them with her wand.
"We spent six months developing those!" Fred shouted indignantly as the little things, which looked a lot like candy to Romina, went flying straight into the trash bin.
"Oh a fine way to spend six months!" Mrs. Weasley snapped. "No wonder you didn't get more O.W.L.s!"
"I'm confused, what were those?" Romina said, standing up as the others were doing the same around the table.
"We'll tell you later," Hermione said as she quickly pulled Romina with her.
They grabbed their rucksacks and headed out. Romina tugged her sweater closer around her because the air was still ever so cold. They had just made it over the crest of a hill when someone called for Mr. Weasley.
"Arthur! It's about time, son!"
"Amos!" Mr. Weasley greeted as he led the group towards another man waving at them. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric, right?"
"Hi," Cedric greeted them all with a kind smile. His eyes landed on Romina specifically, to which the girl smiled right back. She still remembered his kind words about her from the last time they'd spoken. Unlike the rest of the school, he didn't look at her name, just her.
"Long walk, Arthur?" Mr. Diggory asked as Mr. Weasley.
"Not too bad," said Mr. Weasley. "We live just on the other side of the village there. You?"
"Had to get up at two, didn't we, Ced? I tell you, I'll be glad when he's got his Apparition test. Still . . . not complaining . . . Quidditch World Cup, wouldn't miss it for a sackful of Galleons — and the tickets cost about that. Mind you, looks like I got off easy. . . ." Mr. Diggory took a look at the crowd of teenagers around Mr. Weasley. "All these yours, Arthur?"
"Oh no, only the redheads," said Mr. Weasley, pointing out his children. "This is Hermione and Romina, friends of Ron's — and Harry, another friend—"
"Merlin's beard," Mr. Diggory's eyes widened as they landed on the brunette in question. "Harry? Harry Potter?"
"Er — yeah," said Harry, shifting on his feet. Oh, how he adored being the center of everyone's attention...
"Ced's talked about you, of course. Told us all about playing against you last year. . . . I said to him, I said — Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will. ... You beat Harry Potter!"
"Harry fell off his broom, Dad," said Cedric, who looked slightly embarrassed. "I told you...it was an accident..."
"Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you? Always modest, our Ced, always the gentleman . . . but the best man won, I'm sure Harry'd say the same, wouldn't you, eh? One falls off his broom, one stays on, you don't need to be a genius to tell which one's the better flier!"
Cedric looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here right now.
"Think we should keep going or something," Romina cut into the conversation and tapped a finger against her non-existing watch on her wrist. It prompted the two grown men to keep leading them towards the portkey.
"Life saver," Cedric mumbled to her as he walked alongside her.
"You're welcome. You can pay me back later," she chuckled.
They eventually came to the spot of the portkey, which turned out to be an old boot.
"You just need to touch the Portkey, that's all, a finger will do—" Mr. Weasley started explaining to them as they gathered around it.
Even then, with all the focus in the world, their landings were less than graceful. A full cake of grass met most of their faces. But, at last, they were a massive field that stretched God knew how long. Tents by the thousands were already standing in place.
"You alright?" Cedric, who had landed on the ground perfectly like his father and Mr. Weasley, held a hand out to Romina on the ground.
"Oh yeah, no way better to start the day than with a face full of dirt..." Romina grabbed Cedric's hand and was promptly pulled up to her feet. "Does wonders for my skin. Muggles pay for that, you know."
Cedric chuckled. "No they don't."
"Yes, they do. It's called a mud mask."
Their conversation was cut short as they were once again shuffled towards some way by the adults. As they reached some cottage, the Diggorys parted ways with them. It was then that Hermione and Ginny came to flank Romina.
"Uuh, when and how did you manage to pull that?" Ginny's voice was sharp with curiosity as they watched the Diggorys' figures disappear in the distance.
"Excuse you, he's like 4 years older than you," Romina snorted. "Down, Ginny." The redhead rolled her eyes. "And it's not like that. Cedric's very nice and he was still like that while almost everyone else was making fun of me for my name."
"Yeah, but I bet it's always a pleasure to spend time with a guy like that," Hermione smirked. "You were walking very close to each other, and the whole time too!"
Romina rolled her eyes. "You couldn't be more wrong. He's cute but that's about it."
"Oh please," they heard one of the twins scoff up ahead.
"Don't start," Ginny warned them, "You're just mad that Cedric beat Harry in that Quidditch game at school."
"It wasn't a clear win and everybody knows it!" George said with a huff.
"Well, as long as you're not bitter about it," Romina muttered.
After meeting with some poor obliviated Muggle by the name of Mr. Roberts, they were set to find their rented tent in the fields. Everyone who was already there was clearly in the party mood. Music played loudly in the air, people flew back and forth above them on brooms, and there was a strong scent of various foods being prepared.
The inside of their tent turned out to be far bigger than what it appeared on the outside. It was a splash of color everywhere, almost like the entire rainbow had thrown up inside. Mismatched furniture adorned the area but it all looked incredibly comfortable.
"Girls. Choose a bunk and unpack," Mr. Weasley instructed them. "Ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry!"
The twins had made themselves comfortable at the kitchen table, feet propped up and arms behind their heads. "Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!" They chorused together.
Mr. Weasley walked past them, motioning to their feet. "Feet off the table!"
"Feet off the table!" They repeated, pulling their feet off until their father left.
"I love magic," Harry remarked with a light chuckle.
"Harry!" Ron called as he made his way to the other side of the tent. "You can sleep over here!"
Harry nodded and made his way to the bunk to unpack what he had brought. From their spot, he and Ron could hear the endless giggles of the girls not too far from them.
"Listen to them," Ron said, crinkling his nose, "Bet they're going on about Diggory."
"Sheesh, Ron, didn't know you could be that jealous..." Romina had come out of their side to smirk at the ginger.
"It's not jealousy, it's annoyance," said Ron in a mutter.
"Don't know about what since Cedric's literally never done anything to you. Is there any dinner yet? I'm starving!" And with that, Romina headed into the kitchen.
In the next half hour, the rest of them came to join for some makeshift dinner. It was there that they decided to nitpick the latest news they had discovered, which, unfortunately, meant Romina had to answer a lot more questions about her new family.
"So does this mean you're going to get snooty now that you have more class, Aline?" Fred asked and before Romina knew it,George was at her side, feigning a dramatic bow.
Romina sighed heavily. "Knock it off!" She shoved George away from her and ignored their collective laugh."Shut it, both of you," Ginny told the twins and ordered them to sit down already.
"In reality, we're very happy for you, Romina," Hermione smiled at the girl. "It must be wonderful to have more family. You even have cousins now!"
"Yeah, Rolf is really great," Romina nodded. "I'm excited for this year. We get to see each other all the time and we might even make plans to visit each other at our homes. Rolf wants to see the neighborhood."
"Just keep him away from our block," warned Harry. "Dudley's a menace."
"Yeah, well, I'm a bigger one," Romina said promptly and with a wide smirk. "Besides, maybe with a little help from two certain entrepreneurs, I might get my hands on some enlargement toffees or something...?"
The twins smirked on the spot and declared that it would be their pleasure to assist her in any future plans she had.
~ 0 ~
Many things had happened by the next day's morning. For one, they had all met Ludo Bagman, aka the man who had given Mr. Weasley the extra tickets that allowed them to come. He wasn't very impressive, at least not to the girls who thought it was a waste of time placing bets and all on the outcome of the game. Since the twins had placed almost, if not all, their winnings, they promptly told the girls to mind their business. Ron's older brothers had come to join them by lunchtime. Bill and Charlie were very much cool and fascinating to the teenagers, save for Percy of course. He was still a stickler as ever.
They had also met Barty Crouch, Percy's boss. Harry had quietly made the joke to the others that Mr. Crouch looked like his uncle Vernon in the suit he was in. Before Percy could get at any of them, Mr. Crouch had called him forward, albeit by the name of Weatherby, which then made all of them, but no one more than the twins, cackle.
Once it was finally time to go, the group got themselves ready and headed out. Every other wizard on site was heading in the same direction, making an absolute chaos. The closer they got to the stadium, the more excitement could be felt in the air. Wizards were laughing, joking, and cheering all around.
Romina was momentarily drawn to the pretty lights in the air that, if anyone asked her, resembled a lot like the twins' fireworks they had talked about earlier. She wondered if they had managed to sneak those in from home. In her distraction, she'd been bumped into by several of the other guests.
"Eughl, watch it!" she scowled at the rude group of teenage girls who, as pretty as they were, seemed like the biggest bunch of—
"Well, well, well, who do we have here?"
Romina recognized the voice before she turned around. She couldn't miss the bright blonde hair hair in the midst of the crowd. "Hey," she greeted Draco with a deadpanning look.
"Lost, Oswell?"
"I know exactly where I am, thank you very much. I'm at the World Cup, aren't I?"
Draco rolled his eyes but he still had a cocky little smile on his face. "I see we're still a little, uh, pressed about that thing that happened?"
"No, I'm totally fine. I was actually heading up with my friends—"
"What a coincidence, so was I," Draco said and a few seconds later, Romina heard someone else through the crowd.
"Malfoy, what the fuck? You left me behind and for what?" Theodore Nott was quite literally pushing his way through the crowd until he spotted Draco and Romina. "Oh, Oswell, what a surprise."
"Hi," Romina gave him a weak wave. She hadn't seen him at all through break but like the rest of the boys, he'd also grown several inches over the break. "Am I to expect Blaise and Angel too?"
"Nah, Angel's gone for Brazil and Blaise couldn't come," said Theodore. "Our families were invited by Cornelius Fudge," he gestured between himself and Draco.
"Congrats?" Romina said questioningly.
"Don't be sarcastic now, I'm not your enemy," Theodore said with a smug smirk.
Romina figured Draco must have already told everyone by know about their second bet.
"But trust me, I'm your biggest fan," Theodore said, bringing a hand over his chest. "Getting Malfoy over here to actually go to your muggle neighborhood was gold. Truly never letting that go."
And just like that, Romina liked Theodore again. "Well, it was one of my finest moments..."
Draco glared at them both. "Shut it," he ordered them. "Before my parents hear—"
But just like before, Romina couldn't not spot the same bright blondes in the crowd growing closer. "If you want things to stay quiet I suggest you stop talking," she told Draco quickly before his parents caught up with them. It wasn't just them, though. Romina spotted another man walking with them — tall and with a familiar complexion. It had to be Theodore's father.
"There you are," a woman whom Romina presumed was Draco's mother said to him and Theodore. "You got too far ahead."
"Sorry mother, we just saw a friend of ours," Draco said and motioned to Romina who, for some reason, was flushing. He gave her an odd look for it but didn't point it out.
"Hello," Romina greeted the woman, and the rest of the adults for that matter. "Romina Oswell, nice to meet you, ma'am." Her eyes flickered to Theodore's father and gave him an acknowledging nod.
"Yes, we've of course heard of you," Draco's mother smiled politely at the girl. "Narcissa Malfoy, my husband Lucius and our good friend Mr. Theodore Nott."
Romina's eyebrows raised at young Theodore and just as her lips quirked upwards, she felt the subtle nudge of Draco's elbow beside her. Better not make a comment, she reminded herself. At least not until we're alone. "It's very nice to meet you."
"Nice to see you again as well," said Mr. Malfoy, with a strange smile. "I heard you're associating yourself with a new family? We didn't know you were part of the Scamander family."
"Truthfully, neither did I," Romina said nervously. She wondered exactly how far this news was reaching.
"Well, a word of advice, I would be careful where you shop," Mr. Malfoy's strange smile grew wider. "The Scamander family is renowned for its heroic acts. Unfortunately, I don't believe they would be as understanding as we are."
"Definitely not," agreed Mr. Nott. "It's about agility, Miss Oswell. Something you have yet to master."
Romina couldn't help but gulp. She looked at Draco accusingly.
Mrs. Malfoy suggested they start heading up towards the stairs with the rest of the crowd. While the adults took the lead, the teenagers lingered a few feet behind them.
Romina could only wait so long before she threw her accusations out loud. "You git—you told?"
"Don't look at me Oswell," Draco was quick to say. "I didn't know you decided to make conversation with the actual owners of Borgin and Burkes! Who does that?"
Romina pursed her lips. That may have not been her best idea, she could see that now. "But you didn't have to tell!"
"I didn't!"
"Nobody had to," Theodore said, making Romina's head flip in his direction. "Our parents do trade with the owner. He's a chatty old man."
"So he's blabbing that I went in!?"
"Well, it's not like any of your crew ever go in there, right? Nobody's ever gonna know."
"Yeah, lighten up, Oswell," said Draco. "Everyone upheld their end of the deal. Enjoy the game already. Even from where you're probably gonna watch it. You know you could've just asked, right?"
Romina didn't care much for his smirk and picked up her pace. "I've actually got a great seat. And I should catch up; I've wasted enough of my time with the likes of you." With a huff and her nose in the air, she walked faster up ahead until she was lost in the crowd.
"Does she even know where she's going?" asked Theodore curiously. "I doubt she's ever been to something like this."
Draco shrugged. "Let her get lost."
"Oh, please," scoffed Theodore, "I'm sure there'll be somebody more than willing to help her find her way again." At Draco's questioning glance, Theodore just shrugged. "She looks different, don't you think?"
"I think she looks the bloody same," Draco said flatly. "Definitely the same type of annoying."
"Well, I think Angel would agree with me," Theodore said with a knowing laugh.
Draco did not laugh, nor did he say anything else on the matter.
~ 0 ~
When Romina caught up with the rest of her friends, they were already sitting down on the first row of the top box. Mr. Weasley expressed his concern for her lack of prescence when they had first arrived, and she apologized for getting distracted.
"Please just make sure to stick with one of us, alright?" he made her promise that she would for future moments.
She scooted towards the end where Harry, Hermione and Ron were. They were as concerned as Mr. Weasley had been, curious of where she'd gotten to. Romina glossed over it and soon noticed that there was another house elf sitting at the top of the box with her hands covering her face. It sure helped move things along because Hermione started raging again about how insensitive it was to force a house elf afraid of heights to sit on the highest box in the stadium. Winky, was the elf's name, and she was adamant that she was a good elf who followed orders, unlike one Dobby who, apparently, was demanding he be paid for his service. Romina thought it was funny but didn't dare say it out loud in front of Hermione.
The box was nearly filled, amongst them with the Minister of Magic himself Cornelius Fudge, and the Bulgarian minister as well (who didn't speak English). Romina soon saw problems when the Malfoys and Notts arrived at the same box. It seemed like Fudge was oblivious to the tension between Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy as he addressed them both in casual greetings.
It was a tense stand-off between them as Fudge showed them to their seats which, of course, happened to be behind theirs. Romina looked over her shoulder as both Draco and Theodore sat down behind her.
"This is going to be a long night," she murmured.
"I'll say, your big head's in the way," she heard Theodore remark behind her, followed by the distinctive sound of Draco snickering.
She shot them both a contemptuous look then flipped her head again to face the field. She felt Hermione's hand come over hers on her lap; she was offering Romina a kind smile. It definitely helped.
The game started promptly with Ludo Bagman's arrival. The whole stadium erupted at his introduction, making it a colorful array of flags throughout the whole place. ""And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce . . . the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!"
"I wonder what they've brought," Mr. Weasley wondered curiously and leaned forward in his seat. "Aaah!" He suddenly pulled off his glasses and gave them a good polish with his robes. "Veela!"
At his exclaim, the teenagers saw what seemed like a hundred of these "veela" glide out into the field. Most of them had never seen "veela" before but they turned out to be very pretty women with white-gold hair and shining skin. A sweet melody started playing with their entrance.
"Woah, what the fuck are you doing, Harry Potter?" Romina didn't hesitate to rip the brunette away from the wall of the box and right back into his seat. He seemed to be transfixed by the sight of the dancing veela.
"They're so pretty Rom..." He said much too eagerly.
Romina exchanged glances with Hermione and Ginny who seemed about the only ones out of their group not to be losing their minds. Ron looked ready to make a dive into the field as well. The twins had the same stupid dreamy grins on their faces. Romina looked back at Draco and Theodore and saw them leaned forward with similar dazed faces.
"Honestly!" Hermione shook her head at them all.
Romina decided to flip her hair over her shoulders in such a dramatic way that it slapped both Draco and Theodore in their faces. "Oops!"
"What was that for?" Theodore leaned back in his seat with the biggest scowl on his face.
"Oswell being dramatic, I'm sure," Draco said and matched Romina's glare with his own. "We were having a good time, you know."
"Oh, we know," she said with a roll of her eyes. "Idiots, all of you," she murmured and fixed herself in her seat. She was very glad when the veela left the field.
"And now, kindly put your wands in the air . . . for the Irish National Team Mascots!"
Fortunately, the Irish did not have any Veela as part of their introductions. They had lovely green and gold comets zooming around the stadium that hurtled towards the goal posts. A rainbow appared to connect them and soon disappeared, leaving a great shimmering shamrock in the sky.
"Excellent!" Ron cried as the shamrock rained gold coins down on them.
The closer the shamrock was to them, the more clearly they could see that it was actually comprised of leprechauns. Everyone around the stadium scrambled to pick up the golden coins being left behind, including Ron who gave Harry a fistful of them and cried about a christmas present or something.
"Here Oswell," Draco dropped some of the coins over Romina's shoulder. "Maybe you could buy yourself one of those little dried fruits you like so much. Or maybe you could buy one for your Weasley group. They might need it more."
Romina grabbed the coin and tossed it over her shoulder, hitting him in the face with it. She could hear Harry and Ron snickering beside her. "I think I only need one coin to make 'em laugh, so thanks. Theodore, you want one too?"
"I'm good, thanks," said Theodore with his hands in front of him.
"Smart." Romina then held up another coin for Draco to see and raised an eyebrow, silently asking if he wanted another one to his face.
His response was a deep glare.
Ludo started introducing the Bulgarian team now. Ron was very happy about his favorite player, Viktor Krum. He was over the moon really. After the Irish team was brought on, Ludo introduced the referee who then officially started the game.
Though Romina wasn't a huge fan of the sport, she knew a good game when she saw one. These players were clearly professionals as they literally zoomed by after the balls, dodging them and throwing them. They were fast.
The Irish made a goal first. The leprechauns happily rose into the air again and formed a glittering shamrock for their team.
Later, the Iris had made two more goals, leaving the Bulgarians to race to catch up. And soon, they scored their own goal too.
"Fingers in your ears!" Mr. Weasley warned the group as the veela started to dance in the air.
This time, most of the boys stayed bright as ever now that they knew the veelas' tricks. Romina laughed as Harry re-opened his eyes; she supposed it was a good way to ensure that he didn't fall under the veelas' charms.
The bulgarians stayed in control of the quaffle, but now it seemed like the teams' seekers had spotted the snitch. Krum and Lynch zoomed after it like they were diving. Hermione screamed that they were going to crash down on the field. Krum pulled out at the last second, but Lynch went straight down.
It's time-out!" yelled Bagman over the stadium, "as trained mediwizards hurry onto the field to examine Aidan Lynch!"
It was a lot of back and forth for a while, with many more fast-paced tricks from both teams. It got to the point where the referee intervened, which then caused more problems that brought on both sides' mascots. A battle enraged between them involving not so kind words from the leprechauns and more charming dances from the veela.
Romina and Hermione, and Ginny, were not impressed by the sight.
When the game was finally started again, the teams were more furious than ever with their attempts to score. Romina was sure there was a lot more foul play now than anything else. The mascots started again, with the leprechauns forming one giant hand that was very keen on showiing its middle finger.
This time, Romina couldn't help but laugh.
The veelas lost it and went straight for the attack, throwing fire at the leprechauns. Their beautiful figures morphed into very nonhuman features with cruel-beaked bird heads and scaly wings bursting from their shoulders.
While Ministry wizards tried breaking apart the mascot fight below, the game was still going on above. Back and forth went the quaffle, scores being made on both sides. However, with more foul play, one bludge slamming right into Krum's face and breaking his nose. Even then, the game still went on. At some point, the irish seeker Lynch had spotted the snitch and took a nose dive for it. Krum went after him and somehow, Lynch managed to crash into the field yet again only this time since the Veela were still around, they stampeded around him. Krum took possession of the Snitch, but the Irish had still won the game.
"KRUM GETS THE SNITCH — BUT IRELAND WINS — good lord, I don't think any of us were expecting that!" Bagman said what most of them were thinking.
"What did he catch the Snitch for?" Ron said in the midst of his excited bouncing with applause. "He ended it when Ireland were a hundred and sixty points ahead, the idiot!"
"He knew they were never going to catch up!" Harry had to shout to be heard amongst the applause of the stadium. "The Irish Chasers were too good...he wanted to end it on his terms, that's all!"
"He was very brave, wasn't he?" Hermione leaned forward and watched Krum land to be surrounded by mediwizards. "He looks a terrible mess. . . ."
"This was the most chaotic game I have ever seen," Romina remarked with all the tude of someone unimpressed.
"It's the only game you've seen," came Draco's remark from behind.
Romina spun around that time and swiped some golden coins off the ground to chuck at his face. With all the buzz and excitement of cheers, nobody really noticed her antics. It wasn't until Bagman started re-introducing the teams that Romina gave up and turned back with her friends to continue clapping.
And of course, once the game was truly over, and Bagman was no longer talking to the stadium, Fred and George Weasley were scrambling to his seat with wiggling fingers and wide grins.
~ 0 ~
Later on in the evening, celebrations were still going strong in almost every part of the tents. In the Weasley Tent, the twins were dancing ridiculously in the middle while Ron went on about Krum to the others.
"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist!"
"Think you're in love Ron?" Ginny snickered when Ron hopped onto a chair to make his words better heard.
The twins started mocking him with their version of a song. "Viktor I love you! Viktor!" Even Harry joined in.
"When we're apart my heart beats only for youuu!"
Hermione and Romina shook their heads disapprovingly but nobody could take away their laughter, not when Ron looked so heated.
"Sounds like the irish have got their pride on," Fred remarked after a particularly loud burst from outside.
Mr. Weasley suddenly came running into the tent looking quite frantic. "Stop! Stop it. It's not the irish. We've gotta get out of here. Now!"
The group all looked at each other in concern and with a bit of fright. What could be happening at a time like this? The more they listened, the clearer things got. It no longer sounded like cheering and singing outside. Romina heard distinct sounds of horrific screaming.
Mr. Weasley was quick to get everyone out as he threw out a handful of instructions. "Stick together. Fred, George...Ginny is your responsibility!"
"But what's happening!?" Each of them would ask until they were shoved outside and could see for themselves.
The air was filled with smoke from ongoing fires. People were running all over the place, screaming, as one identifiable group in pointed hoods and flaming torches wrecked the place.
"What are they doing?" Romina was horrified when she saw four bodies in the air being controlled by the same group. She recognized the man as the same muggle they encountered yesterday — Mr. Roberts. With him was a woman and two small children, all with the same terrified faces.
Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie and Percy emerged behind them from the tent, wands at the ready. "We're going to help the Ministry!" Mr. Weasley told the teenagers. "You lot — get into the woods, and stick together. I'll come and fetch you when we've sorted this out!"
"Romina, let's go!" Hermione called frantically, trying to tug Romina's arm.
"But—it's a family!" Romina bit on her bottom lip so hard she drew blood in a matter of seconds. The family were muggles, so the hooded group had to be…
"ROMINA!" Hermione finally screamed and yanked Romina with her in a hasty run.
Romina swallowed hard and focused on the rhythm of her running. She couldn't afford to fall and get trampled on. But with so many people doing the same thing, she was bumped and crashed into so many times it was a miracle she hadn't already fallen. She grew alarmed when she no longer saw bright red hair ahead of her anymore.
"Hermione, where are the others!?" she shrieked.
Hermione seemed to be making the same realizations as her face grew more and more pale. "I don't know!"
"What about Harry and Ron? Where are they!?"
"I don't know!"
"Great! So we don't know anything!"
"I know one thing—we need to get out of here!"
Romina would give her that point. They ran into the closest opening of the forest they could find. At least there they would have a chance of hiding and thinking of where to find the others. Though with the darkness around them, it would be hard finding anybody.
"Crazy to think that right now I would really rather be feeding my grandfather's graphorn right now," Romina said to Hermione. With the darkness, she couldn't see the odd look Hermione was sending her.
"Why? So you can complain about it later on like before?" drawled a familiar voice behind the pair.
Romina could laugh at the dumb luck they had. "Oh for God's sake—Lumos!" Her wand illuminated the immediate area and when she, and Hermione, turned around they saw Draco and Theodore leaning against a tree opposite of them. "Bit calm there, aren't we?"
They were pretty much relaxed when there was literal chaos in the area. Draco shrugged, leaning off the tree. "Not sure you're making the right choice again, Oswell. Out of everybody you've ran off with, you chose her." He made a nod in Hermione's direction.
The brunette, in return, glared. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Have you taken a look out there, Granger? Those are Muggles. What do you think I meant?"
Romina peered around the tree. She swallowed hard. The field was much too crowded to identify anyone but she could definitely see the figures in the air. She felt sick to her stomach. "They're...they're death eaters, aren't they?" Her voice shook a bit.
"Yes," Theodore answered her, making her look back at them. "So the smart choice would be to ditch your little friend before you get caught up in this mess."
"Bet you're a little happy you didn't bring King along, though," Draco said, knowing that despite her heavy annoyance she knew that he had a point. He smirked.
Romina air strangled him with her free hand. "Where the hell are your parents?"
"I got a feeling I know where," she heard Hermione mumble.
"Lost them in the run," Draco said quite calmly. "What about you? Weasleys leave you to your own luck?"
"No," Hermione snapped. "We got split up but don't worry, we'll be finding them." She grabbed hold of Romina's arm, dragging the dark haired girl a few steps away when a strong explosion rocked them all on their feet.
"Might be a little hard, Hermione," Romina admitted.
"You're better off splitting up, Oswell!" Draco called to them.
"Shut it!" Romina snapped. She racked her mind for some good options which, admittedly, weren't very many. "Draco," she called suddenly, "Where were you guys going to go?"
"What?" Both he and Hermione sent her the exact same horrific looks.
Theodore looked between with bemusement. "We're not bringing you anywhere."
"Oh, be quiet, Nott," Romina waved him off, "And get real. You two were definitely going to go somewhere—where?"
Even Hermione wasn't all for Romina's plan. She would much rather take her chances in the forest. "Romina, we don't need them!"
"Right now, we need to take anything we can get," Romina said sharply and faced the boys again, more precisely Draco. "C'mon," she sighed, putting her hands together as she walked up to Draco, "For once, just stop being a jerk and help us out. We could die out here. Would you really let that happen?"
"Not you," Draco said with all the ease in the world.
Romina glared incredulously at him. "Oh, how special I feel right now! You idiot!" Without warning, she punched his arm with all her might.
Hermione blinked in surprise while Draco stumbled back, arm clutching what was sure to be bruised later on. Theodore's eyes widened as well but he downright laughed.
"Shut the fuck up, Nott!" Draco said lividly before his eyes landed on Romina. "Who the hell do you think you are—?"
Romina had enough and shoved him away from her. "I can't believe I ever thought you had a shred of decency! Don't you ever talk to me again!" She yelled furiously at him then ran back to where Hermione was, grabbing her hand, and continuing their run together.
Neither girl wanted to admit that they had no idea where they were going but they did agree (silently) that it was going to be better than the field. They held onto each other's hands as tightly as possible because the last thing they were going to do was lose each other amongst the chaos. They bumped into all sorts of people running as well, among those Beauxbaton students who didn't speak a drop of English. They even caught Ludo Bagman who, up until that moment, had no idea what was going on out in the campsite.
Eventually, fate took pity on them and they found—crashed face first—with Harry and Ron.
"What happened to you two!?" Harry hugged Romina tightly. "We were going mad trying to find you!"
"Yeah, where'd you get into!?" Ron was about to hug Hermione but for some reason he decided not to in the end.
"Got lost, that's all," Romina said quickly, making it clear to Hermione that they were going to leave out the small moment they had with Draco. That was fine with Hermione.
"Where are the twins and Ginny?" Hermione asked, looking around the immediate area. There was no one else but them.
"Got the foggiest," Ron said. "We're hoping we can find them when this dies down."
"How is this ever going to die down?" Romina made a gesture towards the noise of the field. "The entire Ministry is probably out there trying to get this—"
They stopped when a particular noise was just too close to them. Uneven steps were definitely close to their area. It turned out to be Winky who, despite wanting to escape the chaos, seemed to be struggling greatly to do so. It got Hermione riled up again about house elves again. They kept running, although Harry was a little slower on account of him trying to find his missing wand. They came to a small clearing that for the time being seemed safe. It was very shortlived as they thought they heard more steps.
"Who's there?" Harry called, bringing both Romina and Hermione behind him and Ron.
Nobody answered him directly. Instead, they all heard a loud scream ring through the clearing. "MORSMORDRE!"
A streak of green energy beamed to the sky. It seemed to glitter in the sky when it exploded to create a shape. They were like dancing emerald stars forming a serpent protruding from its mouth.
"What the hell…?" Romina gulped, taking a step back as if the serpent would come down for them at that very moment.
New screams erupted from the forest. Wherever it was that people had been hiding themselves was gone now.
"What? What is it!? What's going on now?" Harry looked around to make sure his friends were still with him. They were. And they were just as frightened as the others.
"Harry, it's the Dark Mark!" Hermione exclaimed. "You Know Who's sign!"
"RUN! RUN!" was all Ron's head could think of so it was the first thing that came out of his mouth. 'It didn't help that wizards were apparating only a short distance from them, each one with their wand out and aimed right at them.
Harry cried 'duck!' seconds before the wizards yelled 'stupifey!'.
Lights flashed above them, ricocheting from every angle—how none of them had yet to be struck by the lights was beyond Harry.
"STOP! That's my son!"
At the voice of Mr. Weasley, the firing stopped. The man emerged from group of wizards, looking worse for wear as he came up to group to make sure they were alright.
"Out of the way, Arthur," Barty Crouch strode up to them, wand still clasped in his hand. "Which one of you did it?" He demanded from them. "Which one of you conjured the Dark Mark?"
"You're joking!" Romina snapped out of her fear-induced trance. "We were running for our lives and you think we did that!?" She raised a finger high above her head to point at the sky. "You're out of your mind!"
"Do not lie!" Crouch said, eyes blazing with anger for the lack of the response he was searching for and for being spoken to like that by a young girl. "You've been discovered at the scene of the crime!"
"Where did the Mark come from, you four?" Mr. Weasley asked much gentler, and of course without the intention of blaming them.
"Over there!" Hermione pointed to their left. "There was someone behind the trees! They're the ones who shouted an-an incantation!"
Mr. Crouch still wasn't convinced. However, he was the only one because the group of wizards behind him didn't exactly believe four fourteen year old kids were responsible for the massive mark tainting their sky.
"You know who did it,' Romina spoke again, ignoring Mr. Weasley's look that practically begged her not to keep going. "We all do."
Crouch met her eye with nothing but disdain for her. "Oh, really?"
"I would know what that mark is—my parents had it. That's the mark of the Death Eaters. They're responsible for it, not some Hogwarts students." Romina folded her arms, mustering enough courage to keep staring at the man until he either agreed and let them go...
She would waver from a lot of things but not this. There were many pictures of Elora and Caplan around and in many of them they had the same mark tattooed on their arms. Whoever was behind all this was a Death Eater wearing the same damn mark.
The stand-off was interrupted by Cedric's father, Mr. Diggory, who in a matter of minutes managed to acquire a stunned "culprit" not too far from them. Of course when he returned with the culprit, things made even less sense. It was Winky, Mr. Crouch's house elf. And to top it off, she had a wand.
After being brought back, Mr. Diggory started questioning her.
"I — I — I is not doing it, sir!" Winky said. "I is not knowing how, sir!"
"You were found with a wand in your hand!" Mr. Diggory held the wand in question at her.
"Hey," frowned Harry as he recognized the wand, "That's mine!"
Everything stopped. All eyes turned on him.
"I dropped it!" Harry said.
"You dropped it?" Mr. Diggory said in disbelief. "Is this a confession? You threw it aside after you conjured the Mark?"
"Amos, think who you're talking to!" Mr. Weasley cut in angrily. "Is Harry Potter likely to conjure the Dark Mark?"
Thankfully, Mr. Diggory gathered his bearings and realized how unlikely that was. "Er — of course not. Sorry . . . carried away . . ."
"I didn't drop it there, anyway," Harry said, jerking his thumb behind them. "I missed it right after we got into the wood."
So," Mr. Diggory, turned to look at Winky again, "You found this wand, eh, elf ? And you picked it up and thought you'd have some fun with it, did you?"
"We're not really thinking the elf did it, are we?" Romina was not quiet at all with her scoff. "Look at her! She's scared out of her wits!"
"Winky's got a squeaky little voice, and the voice we heard doing the incantation was much deeper!" Hermione added for support. "It was a human voice."
"And a man too," Romina crossed her arms. "A grown man."
Mr. Diggory didn't look very impressed by the two girls. "Well, we'll soon see. There's a simple way of discovering the last spell a wand performed, elf, did you know that?"
"Oh, for the love of..." Romina shook her head, "Guess Cedric didn't get his smarts from his dad..." She mumbled under her breath.
Mr. Diggory performed the spell on Harry's wand and to everyone's shock, the same skull from the sky billowed out from Harry's wand like a ghost.
"I is not doing it!" Winky cried with absolute terror. "I is not, I is not, I is not knowing how! I is a good elf, I isn't using wands, I isn't knowing how!"
"You've been caught red-handed, elf !" Mr. Diggory roared. "Caught with the guilty wand in your hand!"
Winky cried about her innocence until Mr. Crouch stepped in and twisted the accusation. If Winky was the accused, then so was he and that could not be. Mr. Diggory had no choice but to let go of his accusation. Winky told the group where she had found Harry's wand which wasn't too far from them. They soon believed that whoever had used the wand had merely found it like Winky had and took advantage of it.
Mr. Crouch requested he be the one to punish Winky for her "crimes", which was not following his orders. "Winky has behaved tonight in a manner I would not have believed possible. I told her to remain in the tent. I told her to stay there while I went to sort out the trouble. And I find that she disobeyed me. This means clothes."
Winky started sobbing.
"But she was frightened!" Hermione said angrily at the same time Romina said, in a calmer manner, 'You're so delusional'.
While Mr. Crouch wasn't that bothered by Hermione's outburst, he threw a hard look in Romina's direction. "Watch your language, young lady."
"But she was literally stuck in the middle of an attack and you want to fire her?" Romina scowled. "If she had stayed back there, she would've been killed. So a dead house elf is better than this?"
"I have no use for a house-elf who disobeys me," he said coldly.
"Romina's right! You'd rather a dead house elf!" Hermione exclaimed. "Your elf 's scared of heights, and those wizards in masks were levitating people! You can't blame her for wanting to get out of their way!"
But Mr. Crouch was not swayed by either girl. In the end, Mr. Weasley stepped in to retrieve Harry's wand and get them all out of there. Though angry, Romina and Hermione followed them, leaving behind the sobbing elf and wizards. Romina gazed up at the dark sky and saw the remnants of the Dark Mark still present. She swallowed hard; she had done a great job not thinking about Elora and Caplan this summer. She should have known it would never last.
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Remy Lebeau (Gambit) x Child OC
(Remy Lebeau (Gambit) x Rogue)
~New Normal Part 4 to Safe~
Home (Part 3)
Warning: very minor injury
(Not the best at grammar or punctuation)
Summary: The X-men have a day to themselves and they all get used to their new normal with Fiona joining their family.
The X-men were outside playing basketball Wolverine, Morph, and Jubilee vs Gambit, Rogue, and Scott with Jean being the Ref. Fiona found fun in running after the ball when it went out of bounds or someone made a basket and bring the ball to Jean being her Jr. Ref, but when the ball is in play the girl jumped up and down cheering for her papa. “I feel the Refs are biased” Jubilees said as Scott just made a basket, “Yeah Scott’s wife and Remy’s kid, dirty trick you guys” Morph teased the other team. Fiona ran after the ball picking it up to bring it to Jean, the X-men stopped trying to retrieve the ball themselves seeing the girl’s joy of helping.
“Your just looking for excuses now?” Scott joked back, while Gambit caught Fiona in his arms with the ball still in her arms lifting her to the basket allowing her to throw the ball in earning a gleeful cheer from her. A quick kiss to the head Gambit released her. Fiona got the ball once again and ran it over to Jean, Jean smiled and patted the girl on the head and took the ball. “Scores 9-8, remember first to 10 wins” Jean stated the score putting Gambit’s team in the lead. Jean put the ball in play again Wolverine started getting the basket blocked by Scott. He passed it to Morph but gotten it stolen by Gambit mid pass, Gambit passing it to Rogue tossing it right over Jubilee head. Rogue then made the final basket.
“That’s game” Jean announced ending the game. “I call foul, I’m on a team with short people” Morph jokingly complained getting a playful smack in the gut from Wolverine. “If you’d like I can cut you down to size” Wolverine jokingly showing his claws, Morph put his hand up in surrender laughing. A loud thud sound followed by a cry caught the adults attention. Fiona was retrieving the ball but tripped and landed face first on the concrete of the basketball court. Before anyone could move Gambit was already kneeled to the girl. “Mon petit” Gambit exclaimed slowly helping the girl up her left knee was skinned and a small cut on the green scales on her left check was bleeding, but not too bad just a kind of injury every child gets at least once.
Fiona’s eyes continue to fill with tears as Gambit inspected her injuries. “It’s not too bad, Mon petit. We go get you cleaned up” Gambit lifted her up in his arms and made his way inside and to the bathroom connected to his room. Setting Fiona on the bathroom counter to sit, Gambit turned to get a small cloth from the cabinet behind him and turning back wetting the cloth and gently wiping the cut on the girls face. “Père here to take care of you” Gambit reassured Fiona calming her cries while placing a small bandage on her check covering the cut before turning to her knee. Cleaning the wound as much as it displeased Fiona. Gambit didn’t want to take a chance it getting infected, after he was sure it was clean he placed a bandage over her knee. “All better?” Gambit asked placing a kiss to Fiona’s forehead while wipping her left over tears away, Fiona nodded her head looking at her papa’s smiling face.
A knock on Gambit’s open door got his attention, Helping Fiona off the counter and peeking out of the bathroom to his bedroom. Rogue changed into her usual attire and slightly damp hair fresh from the shower “Wanted to check on our Jr. Ref, You ok Sugar?” Rogue smiled before asking Fiona. Fiona nodded her head, but eyes still a little red from her crying. “Well how about me and you go to the rec room and play while we let your papa clean up?” Rogue offered with a gloved hand for her to take. Fiona looked to Gambit and receiving his nod of approval she took Rogue’s hand and followed her out of Gambit’s room.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes Gambit made his way to the rec room. Entering he seen Wolverine, Jean, and Scott watching the news, Fiona sitting in Rogues lap, with Morph and Jubilee playing cards in all their hands. Getting closer he noticed they were the pink hello kitty playing cards he had gotten Fiona after she started sharing his interest in card games. “Go fish” Fiona said making Morph take a card. After some practice Gambit taught Fiona how real matches worked, go fish and old maid quickly became her favorite games to play. Sneaking behind Morph and taking peek at their cards he caught Rogue’s attention and signaled to her what cards Morph had, Rogue whispered to Fiona about their shared hand of cards. “3 of hearts” Fiona said making Morph pass the card from their hand to the girl. This went on for a few rounds Gambit relaying what cards Morph had, Jubilee caught on after a bit but found it amusing so kept quiet.
After almost every turn Fiona or Jubilee taking a card they needed from their hand they noticed Gambit from the corner of their eye quickly realized what’s going on. “You cheaters” Morph jokingly mocked hurt throwing their cards down on the pile, earning a carol of laughter from the three females. “Teaching Fiona to cheat at cards already?” Morph teased Gambit while Gambit took Fiona from Rogue holding her to him. “You insult Gambit, he’d never cheat” Gambit teased back, “It was hard to keep a straight face” Jubilee laughed. The rest of the day into the evening the mansion remained a relaxing carefree environment with no missions needing the X-men’s attention.
8:30 pm rolled around and Gambit made his way to Fiona’s room where she was playing dolls with Jubilee. Gambit watched them a moment before making his presence known where Fiona’s Doll appeared to be ninja kicking Jubilee’s, an amused look on his face Gambit knocked on the door frame. “It’s time for bed” Gambit said entering the room, “but I’m not tired” Jubilee joked earning a chuckle from Gambit. “Goodnight Fiona” Jubilee said to Fiona helping her put her dolls away and leaving the room. “Story?” Fiona asked looking up to Gambit, “Oui père read you a story but first pajamas and brush your teeth Mon petit” Gambit agreed. With teeth brushed and pajamas on Fiona was tucked in her bed. Gambit turned on her fish lamp and turned off the over head light then sitting on the foot of her bed. He grabbed Alice in wonderland that they already started, and after double checking Fiona was comfortable he began to read from where they left off. Gambit only read a page and half before Fiona was fast asleep, he placed the book back on the nightstand and quietly got up and kissed her forehead then left her to sleep.
It was around 1 in the morning when Fiona’s sweet dreams were lost. Fiona was running away from scary people in lab coats and crying for her papa but he never came to save her. With a jolt Fiona was wide awake in her bed her heart pounding tears threatening to escape, looking around her room she tried to feel safe but she couldn’t. After a moment of building up courage Fiona slipped out of bed and ran out of her room and across the hall to her papa’s. Luckily his door was not all the way closed. Pushing the door open and immediately running to his bed and crawling up and seeing her papa’s sleeping form.
Fiona crawled closer and collapsed on his chest and began to sob. Gambit shook awake from the surprise sitting up with shock and confusion but the moment he noticed Fiona it turned to concern. “What’s wrong?” Gambit said wrapping his arms around her hugging her close. “Scary, couldn’t find papa” Fiona said between sobs tucking her head to his chest, after a second Gambit’s tired mind realizing what going on. “Your safe Mon petit, was just a bad dream. Père always keep you safe” Gambit said into the girl’s hair rubbing comforting circle on her back, a few minutes Fiona calmed down but fear still lingering in her eyes.
“Want to stay in here with père, just for tonight?” Gambit offered knowing it’s the only way the girl gonna get back to sleep tonight, with a shy nod of agreement Gambit laidback down allowing Fiona to curl up to his side. Pulling up the blanket around the girl he rolled to his side and wrapped her in his arms making her feel safe. Fiona’s eyes dropped closed and her breathing evened out falling asleep once again. ‘Guess this is Gambit’s new normal, being a Père’ Gambit though to himself, and once he was sure Fiona was asleep and didn’t show any signs of nightmares Gambit allowed himself to go back to sleep.
Storm was just getting up and making her way to the kitchen to make her morning tea. She noticed Fiona’s door was open, peeking inside to check on her fear shot through Storm a moment seeing the bed empty. Turning she noticed Gambit’s door wide open which was odd, peering inside her worry turned to happiness. Gambit and Fiona were fast asleep. Fiona laying on Gambit’s chest her head snuggled to the side of his neck, while Gambit laid on his back one arm thrown over the girl’s back while the other laid to his side. Storm softly closed the door so the two wouldn’t be disturbed, and with a warm smile she continued on her way.
Any suggestions or ideas of what people would like to see in this series are welcome.
Check out poll live on my page to vote for Fiona’s power.
Thank you all for the support!
I don’t know French, all French is from google translate:
Mon petit (my little one)
Père (dad/father)
Oui (yes)
Part 5
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HIII WIFI nightly thoughts anon here, I hope you're doing good ! No brainrot this time but I'd very much like to know more about your oc and Arlecchino, like how did they met and ended up married ? Does Marine also work with the Fatui and the House of hearth ?? You can answer in character if you want I'm just so curious and love learning about ocs!!
*giggles and swings legs* you're humoring meeeee thank youuuuu :] gonna answer normally since this it got rambly (also this is full of headcanons just fyi, and this got LONG)
Marine and Arlecchino met at a masquerade ball! i personally think that Furina hosted one for her birthday every year, since it was the perfect dramatic event that she thought an archon would have for their birthday. as Furina's attendant, Marine is required to go (mostly to quell any trouble that might occur), but she usually just stands to the side since she doesn't really love huge social gatherings. Arlecchino was attending a few years back as a representative of the Harbingers (and since she's from Fontaine, she is invited to attend anyways since all citizens of Fontaine are allowed to come) and Marine struck up a conversation since she was curious and standing nearby. both of them dislike social events and started bonding, they both think it's very funny that they both happen to have relatively high standings in their respective government systems :]
a few other things about that specific evening: - Arlecchino ended up finding out Marine's position when Furina called her over for something. Marine made her own educated guess that Arlecchino was a Harbinger due to her voice and her veiled disdain for the event - they both snuck outside after a few hours and met up again to chat. Arlecchino found out that Marine loves rainbow roses for their scent -since they were both wearing masks, Arlecchino asked to see Marine's face. Marine agreed, but only if Arlecchino also took off her own mask. they still laugh about it to this day, since Marine can't see Arlecchino's face to begin with
the next time Arlecchino visited Fontaine, she spotted Marine and tapped her shoulder to ask if she remembered her, and Marine just gasped in delight and went "I could never forget such a beautiful voice!" and things just blossomed from there!
Marine does NOT work with the Fatui! she is Furina's attendant, but the people of Fontaine put a lot of trust in her like they do with Neuvillette, so in a way she's third in the hierarchy of Fontaine's government and as such is sometimes sent to meet with foreign ambassadors and things like that. she does visit the House of the Hearth often once she and Arlecchino become a couple and the children are quick to start calling her "Mother", which she doesn't mind at all (Furina and the Melusine already think of her as a mother figure) and in general she makes the children's lives a little brighter with her presence
also Arlecchino and Marine are the type to not get married for YEARS just because they're so busy and already married in their heads. at the current point of the story (after the Fontaine Archon Quests) they've been together for a bit and won't get married for a few more years. it actually takes some of the children asking Arlecchino when she'll marry Marine for her to actually propose. but they do eventually become wives and are very happy together :] Furina almost screams when she finds out because on one hand her mother figure is getting married yay!!! but on the other hand THAT'S A HARBINGER AND SHE'S SCARY
here's a few more fun facts i think YOU should know!!! - since Marine can't see, she often asks to touch Arlecchino's face to map out her features- also because she can feel Arlecchino's cheeks heat up a little and thinks it's cute - Marine calls Arlecchino either "mon cœur" (my heart) or "Arle", and Arlecchino calls Marine either "ma chérie" (my darling) or "Mari" (forgive me if the french is incorrect) - Marine is taller than Arlecchino if she stands on her toes, but shorter if she doesn't - they become the source of inspiration for a Fontainain fairy tale a few decades in the future called "The Oceanid and the Firebird" - opera :] dates :] - Arlecchino is secretly a little pleased that Marine's skin is artificial because then her nails won't accidentally scratch her - they hold hands SOOOOO MUCH. Marine even takes her gloves off which she rarely does because she's like a ball-jointed doll - Arlecchino had a braille printing machine ordered specifically so she can send Marine letters while she's in Snezhnaya - good lord there is soooooo much quiet yearning when they're apart - Marine is trying to get better at expressing herself since she sort of just calmly smiled through the 500 years and Arlecchino loves seeing her wife get excited about tiny things - they dance in the rain together - definitely a case of opposites attract appearance and aesthetic-wise - Marine opens her eyes a lot more around Arlecchino and she loves it, she adores getting to see Marine's eyes framed by her lashes. in contrast Marine loves Arlecchino's voice and will often ask her to talk about anything - FOREHEAD KISSES - the Melusine have started calling Arlecchino their second father. she can't get them to stop and Marine won't tell her how because she thinks it's hilarious
sorry i just love them so much augh
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eolewyn1010 · 7 months
#OCkiss24 - day 4
@ockissweek is still going on, and with Valentine's Day well and truly over (good riddance), have some platonic love for the aros among us, a little writing so I can give my drawing hand a break. Day's prompt is "lost", and my OCs in question are two French soldiers at the end of the Napoleonic wars.
[a little over 900 words]
Laurielle had managed to drag herself to one of the ruined tree trunks the cannons had shot to shreds. She was awake enough to decide that it was cover enough. So that was where she dropped everything into the mud, dropped herself, her rifle, her saber, and curled up with the intention to never get up again. There was no need. The battle was lost, the war was lost. She was oh so lost.
Bedding her head upon her knees, she shut her eyes. Dieu merci, but she was tired. There was occasional yelling in the distance, French calls for help and retreat, English screams that were a little close for comfort and hollered out the triumphant wrath of the victors.
Laurielle took a breath and another one. The air was still heavy with rain, and the thick smell of smoke and powder mixed with it was damn near suffocating. It didn’t quite manage to drown out the stink of blood, both of horses and men. How utterly pointless, mon cher.
She wondered if she would get the chance to tell him that yet. Was he dead already? It was unlikely he had fallen on the battlefield, but that defeat might well have been the last straw; he’d been suicidal since Fontainebleu. It might well be the easiest way to get out of the responsibility, she thought bitterly. Let the officers face the ruins.
“Laurie!” She opened her eyes, frowning. There was no Laurie here. To the others, she was Jean-Luis; who would call her that?
“Laurielle! Si tu m’entends, réponds-moi!”
Feeling mildly annoyed by that interruption of her self-pity, Laurielle glimpsed over her tree, saw Remy, saw the red coats a hundred yards over as they wandered the battlefield in search for prospective prisoners or their fallen and injured, and her brain instantly snapped back in command mode. “Moreau, vers le bas!” she bellowed.
Remy flinched and dived for cover next to her, but when no one yelled their way, he turned over to Laurielle and hugged her with the widest grin. “There you are!”
Laurielle couldn’t help but feel better, knowing that he was here and seemingly unhurt enough to walk around, but still gave him a deadpan look. “You’re awfully cheery considering we just lost everything.”
“Well, but I found you,” he pointed out, a sparkle in his eyes that he’d already had way back when they had been kids playing hide and seek in the streets.
A corner of her mouth twitched against her will. “What are you, eight? Be serious for a moment here; this is a fucking disaster.”
Remy bumped her shoulder with his. “Probably, but I found my little Laurie and now we get to go home.” He winked at her, and she pulled a face – he still had that same effect on her.
“To you, I’m still Sergent de Laine.” But the words didn’t curb the warm fondness that welled up in her. Remy was here, her friend, one of the big boys she could always keep up with, and he wanted to bring her home. And when he leaned his head to her shoulder and she could drop her head against his, she felt way less lost.
“What about the others? Jacques, Pierre, Edouard? Is Ney alive? And…” She forced herself to ask. “Napoleon, is he alive?”
She felt Remy shrug by her side. “Edouard is carrying wounded; Pierre is getting patched up, but it doesn’t seem too serious. Jacques…” He hesitated, and Laurielle tensed up. “Docteur’s had him on the table when I left the tent. He lost a lot of blood. As for the higher-ups… well, no one’s seen Ney since his last charge.”
Laurielle snorted. “Let’s hope he’s dead, the imbécile.”
“Men like him don’t die easily,” Remy grumbled. “As for His Majesty – no one has said something about him, so it can’t be anything dramatic, but I haven’t exactly seen him, either.” He left Laurielle’s side for a moment to peek out from their hiding place. “They seem to quieten down there. Shall we go back?”
When he turned back to her, Laurielle was close to tears. Remy still looked too much like the boy whom she had taught shooting with her uncle’s weapon. We picked up the guns too early.
“Go back where?” Her voice almost cracked on the last word. “What is there to go back to? To be executed by King George here, to be executed by King Louis at home?”
Remy knelt back down before her. “They’re not going to execute us; we’re not important enough. I mean…” He put up a pensive face. “They might execute you. You are a sergent, after all.”
Laurielle fought the urge to stick out her tongue at him. “Merci beaucoup, that does cheer me up.”
Remy laughed, and then put a hand on her cheek, leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her temple.
Laurielle hugged him. What were fickle lovers, demanding mentors, lofty emperors against a friend? “I’d change you for nothing in the world,” she muttered into his jacket.
Remy held her close. He smelled like the battlefield, but he was warm, and he felt like home. “I should hope so. Come on now, you need to report back. And the Docteur’s been asking; he’s such a mother hen about you.”
Laurielle made it back to her feet. Fine then. If she could stand, she could walk.
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glisteningreverie · 4 months
if you could give some of ur precure ocs pokémon teams, what would they be?
Pokémon question, always a classic!
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I’ve picked out five Cures for this, four of these being my newest OCs and one older one who didn’t get much use 👍 I’m not giving them full teams of six because that would be a lot of work. They’ll just get whatever amount of lil guys I think suit them! Also no repeat mons :)
Hagihara Sumire-Cure Primrose
Sumire’s personal motifs are flowers and the club suit, while her team was meant to be train themed (the hat I gave her was supposed to be a conductors hat.) One of her attacks involves launching enemies into the air using a flower-like spring. Her team would consist of Roserade, Sunflora, Spoink, and Carkol. Roserade due to her Cure Name, Sunflora because it’s a happy little goober who can stand in for her Card Suit, Spoink to reflect her spring move, and Carkol for the train association.
Hanami Shizuka - Cure Sucre
The leader of the Soda! Pretty Cure is Hanami Shizuka, a serious girl who initially believes she needs to hide the things she likes for people to like her. A fairy from the Pillow Kingdom named Ursa allows her to transform into Cure Sucre and let her feelings come forward. I would give Shizuka Whismur, Stufful, and Vanillite. Whismur is a Pokémon known for being quiet, which fits Shizuka in name and personality. Stufful being based on a Teddy Bear represents Ursa, and Vanillite is inspired by vanilla ice cream. Cream Soda, which is Cure Sucre’s personal motif, is primarily flavoured by vanilla. It was a toss-up here between Vanillite and Alcremie, but since the Root Beer Cure isn’t here, I’m free to use Vanillite for Shizuka!
Hoshimoto Leona - Cure Coco
Leona is a popular girl at Shizuka’s school with a reputation for being blunt—and she LIKES it that way. Deep down, she wants to be able to loosen up and have fun, but doesn’t want to lose that reputation. She’s paired up with the cat fairy Nemu, and her personal motif is Cola. Leona would use Popplio, Sprigatito, and Alolan Ninetales. Popplio just matches her colour scheme and the “bubble” motif I was going for here. Sprigatito matches her fairy Nemu, who is laid-back and encourages Leona to be more relaxed, and Alolan Ninetales lines up with her cold personality of just wanting to be left alone.
Midori Yuzuki - Cure Rhyme
Yuzuki is known for being loud, cheerful, and carefree. She gives everything 110% and wants to be an idol one day. Her fairy is Sally, a mischievous monkey who loves hyping people up. Yuzuki’s a little harder to choose for. She definitely gets Grookey to match Sally. I also think she would use Altaria, since it’s the humming Pokémon and Yuzuki is known for being an airhead. I’ll also give her Dedenne, since I think the Pikachu family suits her!
Sakimura Yuuna - Cure Raisin
Yuuna is known as a bit of a delinquent, mostly because she’s infamous for skipping class. She has a chronic fear of failure and tends to back down from challenges she thinks she can’t surmount. Her fairy is Shiha, a dog who acts princely and cares a lot about his appearance. Yuuna would have Tangela, Cloyster, Wimpod, and Furfrou. Tangela is the Vine Pokémon, which is perfect for Raisin’s grape soda motif. Cloyster and Wimpod are my picks for Yuuna’s tendency to hide in her shell and “wimp out” of anything hard. That leaves Furfrou, a dog Pokémon known for being pampered and stylish. We don’t have any shiba inu or akita Pokémon yet (unless I’m forgetting someone O.o), which is what Shiha is designed after, so I think Furfrou is the next best thing. 👍
Pictures were, of course, created using the Glitter Cure dollmaker!
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