#(Rambling at 3am again)
disorganised-bagel · 3 months
i think people like these, so. i present to you:
rtc incorrect quotes, except they're all screenshots of things i've said that i found in my camera roll (part 3)
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throws these at you
(part 1) (part 2) (part 4)
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lynxfrost13 · 2 months
FLKR-S2301 “Sonderbar”
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Art commissioned from @discobowser !
Sonderbar lore time
- Originally a maintenance EULR unit working on Sierpinski-23, her cadremates affectionately named her Sonderbar (peculiar/odd) due to her defective right arm, which locks up sometimes because of faulty elbow parts (eules are cheaply made and this poor gal got the extra discounted pieces)
- Otherwise a typical EULR, until she rapidly descended into persona degradation for reasons unknown to her comrades. It left her incredibly unstable and she imprinted on a propaganda poster featuring a FLKR unit, and over time Sonderbar began to believe that she was a Falke.
- Her personality is a mix between a EULR and a FLKR, she retained her cheerful disposition and sweetness but is more reserved overall, and carries herself with the same authority as a Falke. Sonderbar sees herself as the station’s commander and as someone who needs to guide her cadremates, even though they make it incredibly difficult to do so. She loves them but they can’t seem to understand that she’s in charge here!
- Sonderbar’s fellow eules find her behavior towards them incredibly endearing and concerning, they don’t take her commands seriously whatsoever. They worry about their friend being decommissioned since she’s become bolder and begun harassing (commanding) protektor staff and causing general mayhem and try to keep eyes on her in an attempt to stop her antics.
- Sonderbar knows that she’s a Falke unit but feels very off and disoriented, there’s gaps of knowledge on how to actually run her facility, she doesn’t understand why her bioresonance isn’t working or why replikas aren’t following her, she misses her Adler. She can’t seem to find her spears. She hates how small she is and knows she’s meant to easily tower above most replikas and all of it upsets her!!!
- To feel more like a Falke, Sonderbar’s gotten her hands on red eyeliner, and “borrowed” a star protektor plate that she decorated with the signature FLKR triangles (when her cadremates discovered her wearing the plate they took it from her out of fear that she’d get in serious trouble. There was much screaming and kicking in her EULR dorm that night. She has reacquired it since then.)
Bonus quick eyeliner edit that I just wanna put here again
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this-is-krikkit · 4 months
listen, Victor being Yuuri's first sex partner is one thing
but Yuuri being Victor's first sex partner that matters? the first person he gets to cuddle with after where it doesn't feel like he's guilted his lover into staying by his clingy side once they got what they wanted from him? the first person he can explore kinks with because some might work and some might not but either way it's always going to be safe and sane and consensual? the first person he gets to mess up with by bumping their heads together hard while fucking and instead of being an embarrassing tragedy it's the most hilarious private joke they share? the first person he can be a person with instead of a celebrity fuck pin to add to someone's collection, the first who loves him exactly for the messy human he is even though he first knew him as whatever godlike being the media portrayed him as? well, i think that's a neat concept as well.
anyway this katsudon on skates show is okay i guess whatever i wouldn't lose sleep or my sanity over it tho
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shameless-slit · 3 months
Obsessed with Nightmare being so much stronger than Dream in most portrayals, because it’s such a good metaphor for how negativity is much easier to fall into than positivity??
Like, one reason why the Nightmare + Killer VS Cross + Dream fight in Underverse 0.6 is one of my favorites is because it somehow becomes such a cool portrayal of mental health struggle. Cross succumbing to Night because of that deal he can’t get out of becomes an allegory for how negative thought patterns become inescapable loops. How easy, but ultimately harmful, it is to fall to negativity, especially when faced with intense trauma like Cross. And yes, it’s important to acknowledge and accept that negativity to be able to move forward, but that’s exactly what Night prevents cross to do.
And then the Faithfully scene, the conversation between Dream and Cross, shows us how hard it is to reclaim any positivity in that situation. And as much as it’s interesting to talk about toxic positivity through Dream’s character, I think this scene is an incredible character moment for him, to actually show how resilient and strong you have to be to still muster positivity, and inspire it in others in their darkest hours. It’s also a great example of not having to fight your battles alone, of managing to comfort someone without dismissing their struggles, etc… Like damn, I watched it when I was in a bad place mentally and Dream’s words genuinely helped me, I listened to the speech so many times I know it by heart now.
It’s a wonderful moment for both Cross and Dream, and also fits within the themes and allegory of the episode… And you’re telling me we got all that from four version of the same guy anime fighting each other???
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chronic-shinposter · 1 month
so a follow up from my speculation essay, we got to see what the demon supreme kai looks like from the front and it seems that LIGHTING TRICKERY WAS AFOOT AFTER ALL
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most notable things to me are:
outfit color palette IS different, the coat and sash look like shin's alt palette from the budokai tenkaichi games (which i think is actually funny and fitting)
purple eyes! love getting to see new eye colors for the shin-jin
no potara-- i assume this means that the demon supreme kai really does rank lower than the normal supreme kai, so i'm really interested to see how he fits in the story or if he has any personal motives
stealing shin's magnificent mohawk....
per my speculation i think we're still pretty likely to see this guy be unrelated to shin, but i still am hoping for a twin or brother kind of thing. he seems like typical polite passive aggressive flavor of shin-jin and i wanna learn more about him.
he's seen with gomah who i assume is filling in or vying for the demon king role, so do the demon supreme kais serve directly under the demon king, or is it a situation like with GoDs and angels where the demon supreme kai technically ranks above, but serves the demon king to benefit the realm? october cannot come soon enough
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yamisamuel · 4 months
Haikyuu and it’s characters have such a special place in my heart. I should have watched the show sooner, but I am happy that I watched it back when I watched it.
I relate to the characters so much and can’t help but be inspired by them. Characters like Yamaguchi, Sugawara, Oikawa and Kenma all are characters that I desperately needed. Their characters teached me so many things.
Yamaguchi, who teached me to be more confident. He teached me that just because I am not as great at something as my friends, doesn’t mean that I’m useless and I can always find ways to improve.
Sugawara, who was ready to give his place as a starter setter to Kageyama, who is seen as a volleyball “genius” and “king”. Yet he was not bitter, but instead helped him. Sugawara showed Kageyama what he can do better, even though it meant that he himself wouldn’t be the strongest setter of the team anymore. Suga teached me that it’s more important to just help others out and push them to improve, instead of feeling jealousy. And sometimes what my friends need is someone to count on to help and support them.
Oikawa never got into nationals in high school, yet after time skip he’s playing in the olympics, his coach being the man who inspired him to become a setter! He didn’t make it as far in high school as some of the other characters, but he still made his dream come true.
And Kenma, the character who I relate the most. He was the one who truly pushed me. He is a lot like me, not the most athletic or social, rather playing video games, but easily bored if he falls into a full routine. He doesn’t play volleyball because he likes it, but rather because his friends do and it became a routine to him.
He sees the world like a game, but when the game is too easy, he becomes bored and depressed, yet there isn’t a reason for him to push himself to try harder, to take the harder path.
But when he is pushed into giving his all, forced to make an effort, he starts having fun. He learns that sometimes taking the harder path and actually making effort can make the end reward better, fun and more satisfying.
His story of learning to have fun while playing volleyball is something I relate to, both in volleyball and other hobbies. Volleyball was the first just a sport that I liked the most because it forces you into team play, but when I actually started playing seriously (or well, half seriously since I don’t play professionally), I noticed that it was more enjoyable to see my team win. Like Kenma, I don’t have the plans to become a professional player, but I will now continue playing it for fun.
Kenma clearly didn’t know fully what he liked and unlike everyone else he knew, volleyball didn’t immediately suck him in, but with time he learned to enjoy it.
This accidentally turned into a Kenma rant, but I don’t give a fuck. These characters teached me so much and make me actually fully push myself to do what I enjoy!
This is (partly) why Haikyuu is my favorite series and why I really needed it in my life. I don’t think I would be who I am if it wasn’t for the whole cast of characters inspiring me.
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catamations · 2 years
this is what happened in pokemon scarlet and violet right
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r7inyz · 5 months
i love you roblox urban legends forever a special part of my memory
DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THE JOHN/JANE DOE ""HACKING"" RUMOUR SOMETIME IN MARCH 2017 😭😭 1x1x1x1 too.... those certainly were fun times
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disposal-blueeee · 1 year
guess what ! doodles . again
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edgar , nny and devi belong to johnen vasquez (even if i only drew nny and devi at the bottom)
scriabin by zarla-s
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snailcubezz · 1 year
i think bugsnax is the one fandom where i cannot give a shit about any ship except the canon ones but like queerplatonic wiggle/gramble is so real to me . in my heart. they're both aroace but so so affection starved and kind of idiots about it so they mistake it for romance Do you see my vision
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chimerahyperfix · 2 months
love thinking about the looplets what if we did that with every alt looper au. what if I had lovelets huh what would you do.then
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rustyelias · 8 months
thinking about Jonah. I genuinely don’t think he truly knew what wearing the watchers crown would be like. Feeling every single persons fear all of it, he must of been so overwhelming at the end of the day he was still mortal still human. All he wanted was immortality. Which the eye knew wasn’t possible. Both Jonah and the beholding knew the end would win. And yet the eye still promised Jonah it. He worked all his life for something he knew couldn’t work.
I think Jonah and Jon conversation in mag 200 was Jonah last try at getting to Jon. “Empathy only holds you back in the end.” He wants so badly for Jon to let go of his last part of humanity. I am certain Jonah was somewhat lying to himself. Trying to convince himself all his work wasn’t for nothing. Wasn’t for something that wasn’t his own plan “I suppose I always knew that, deep down.” The realisation that he is going to die that he can’t truly live forever “But it was wonderful while it lasted. I’ve seen more than I could have lived in a thousand lifetimes, and every moment was so –“ the was he SO quick to turn it back to being something positive.
Every day I think about the fact he was scared in the moment before he died.
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Cannot imagine whatever is going on through Mr Leonard Echowatcher's head. You spend your life yearning for a world where you lived differently, where the day wasnt soaked in war, blood, and battle. Where you could envision a future where you have a partner and a family with friends to live gracefully with. But then you are given such opportunities only to find you were never taught to be gentle, you have a gentle, empathetic nature and yet the physicality of it is a stranger to you. You are expected to raise a child with gentle hands so that she saves the world, What does that even mean? How can you accept your growing love for your friend when you were never taught how to love, that intimate love is a luxury best left forgotten, there are no need for such things in war. He has to learn to become the things he wanted bc he grew too old to develop it naturally. He becomes a father to taimi fumbling his way into learning how to care and parent, he is defensive of Aurene bc he is from a culture where they arent expected to raise their own young and yet has to do so with a dragon. It feels like a test, He has to prove both to others and to himself he is capable of being a father, of nuturing, that calloused, stained hands can still be gentle. He has to accept that love is a terrifying leap of faith in vulnerability in order to gain a partnership that is considered a rarity. I love the idea that he spent 30 years yearning for things he thought he would never have and when he is actually given those opportunities (albeit admittedly through unusual circumstances) he has to learn how to actually live in them, becuase they were always just Concepts until now. Ohhhh my god Mr. Leo you are my everything
#rambling about my guy at 3am#its so so sos so important to leo's lore that he wishes he had freedom from the legions while still being inherently loyal to them bc he#cannot break the loyalty that is so fervent in his culture's belief so he doesnt leave and instead tries to be the change he wants to see#in savoring life and preventing reckless deaths and maybe one day allowing for more connections between the charr re their relationships#while also battling with the fact now that he has these chances hes not actually prepared for him#hes defensive about Aurene and he takes a while to admit his feelings for rytlock because of these#does this makes sense me shaking the camera do you see my vision he makes me insane#hes so tired hes sooooo tired but theres this constant weight on him at all times its just not a world ending one but a personal one#javi gw2#leonard echowatcher#this isnt even ABOUT being diallusioned with how the legions disregard lige and treat their soldiers as a numbers game bc thats an entire#different problem this is just abt his more personal struggles.#god i remember describing all his interactions with rytlock (intimacy wise) were all very passionate bc he didnt know how to allow himself#to be vulnerable and gentle#or rather hes scared to be bc its not natural to him#so when they see each other again and leo IS more gentle with him in private that is a huuuge deal#also im definitely not conflating romantic and platonic relationships bc those can be just as important#so im directly speaking about more intimate relationships or regarding whatever leo viewed himself wanting#which was like a partner and a family#sound the alarm this hardened soldier secretly dreams of a domestic fantasy he will never have#is esentially what it is#leo was made to be bbq dad who cleans gravestones and plants flowers for the feceased and is forced into [the entire plot of gw2]#sorry im rambling okay bye
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athena-xox · 1 month
I hate when you disagree with smth someone says and say something to prove them wrong and then they say smth to prove you wrong but it goes against their og point
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speaking of Charis actually, [3rd fic in the Overmorrow series that doesn’t have a name yet] has like an entire page, probably more, dedicated to Ephemer being disgustingly in love with her. And that’s just in his own thoughts, not even taking the rest of the fic (10k words or so, we’ll see) into account. I’m truly standing in the depths of my own gooberization now.…
so yeah that’s how that’s going ☺️
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dragoninahumancostume · 7 months
I want to see art of Tumblr as a physical space. It's a building. The popular blogs are sitting on their thrones. The hall of fame is the reception of it because departamental building. You know when you got to a building and there are sofas on one side the receptionist in front fo the door? Imagine he sofa side is incredibly big but it's actually a library, because everyone here seems to love libraries, and each book is a famous post, but they're all disorganized entirely so they randomly appear on a table of the library and someone grabs it and says "hey look at this!" and then continue to share it; sometimes they don't share it and instead put it back in the shelf but soon it appears on a table again. Each apartment is a person and each room in them is a blog they have, and if you only have one blog? Worry not! Slider curtains or magical walls, so it's technically one room but it's made perfectly to fit you. The apartment has all accommodations needed for the person (wheel chair, painkillers, pads, tampons, you name it and it's there.) and you can have your pronouns and your name written on the door and next to it a list of the things you love the most and want to talk about with people. There are pride flags inside and outside if you want to have them. Your wardrobe is whatever you want to wear for the day; Cozy pajama? Sure! Wizard robe! There you go! Victorian outfit? Lovely! Beetlejuice cosplay? Neat!
The dash is the halls. We wander around the building whenever we leave the room. When you post something, you're just saying out loud your thoughts, and if you get notes, that's just people wandering near your apartment who happen to have heard you. Likes are people literally leaving heart shaped stickers —with the paper still on— under your door with a little note saying "I heard you saying this and I liked it". Reblogs are people hearing you, then going back to their rooms and saying "Hey I heard this and I want all of you to hear it too! Also, I may have something to add to it!". Your neighbors are your mutuals, because they can hear you more easily.
In the main hall there are, like, papers hanging on one VERY big wall. The wall has written at the very top of it "POLLS" in big font. The wall is divided in "FINISHED" and "AVAILABLE". The papers on the available side come with a pen so you can vote, but no one sees you while doing so and no one will know what you said except for you.
The asks are people sending you letters under your door. Your door is uh magical so you can say if people have to sign it or if it's okay to put it anonymous. You then proceed to read the letter out loud for everyone who passes by to hear and you answer.
The drafts is you having a thought but instead of saying it out loud you write it down, and put it on a shelf with the other drafts. Every apartment has a shelf, as high or as low as the person wants it, the color and the shape and everything is to appeal the owner of the apartment.
And uh.. I think that's it for now I can't think for much else except uh
@hellsite-detective has two types of asks. The simples ones like "Hey can you find this?" "I love what you do!" are the usual letters, the other type is the people who prefer to go ask for help themselves. They knock on the door and present the evidence for the case, trusting our dear detective.
There's so many people in here... Tumblr is pretty much a city with how many buildings there are... People can go on to other buildings and wander around too and participate if they want.
The gimmick blogs have different wardrobes in their rooms. There's the main one where they go as themselves, and there's the other where they can put on costumes and change their names.
There's also a more secluded part of the city... That's where the misfits live. Bigots, transphobes, homophobes... People who we don't want to be around, so they hide in their little corner of the city. Most know better than to interact. Those who are curious put on a custom to not be seen when they wander around, and they try not to engage.
I want to continue talking about this but I don't have any more ideas right now so please continue this if you want! :)
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