#(Lots of tags today!! Lots of non-anon asks!)
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askchuuyanakahara · 6 months ago
Chuuya~ we're not so lucky or worthy to get an actual kiss, can you at least blow us one 🥺👉👈
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Chuuya: "Please leave my office."
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Chuuya: "It'd be unfair if he knows where I live but I don't know where he lives, right?"
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Chuuya: "I doubt Dazai's gonna get scared over a phone message."
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Chuuya: "Although I really can't say what I do in depth."
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Chuuya: "I don't particularly like sitting down all day.."
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Chuuya: "It's not always because of me. He sometimes turns red even when I don't hit him."
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Chuuya: "Not that he'll check. He hates going to the hospital."
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@lacunazai @bioluminescentcat
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batsplat · 10 days ago
a tennis ask: does the Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA) actually do anything? its existence and operations are kinda weird… also, what do you think about djokovic’s tennis political views? compared to fedal, he’s definitely more active, and seems like he actually cares about players’ needs and concerns
kinda does something. I guess
in a very abstract sense I am obviously a pro-union person and I am also a pro-tennis player union, but. you never really got the sense that the ptpa would be able to explain what they were doing that the atp's player advisory council isn't already there to do (beyond 'include women', which they started doing... in the second draft). I don't think that's an argument against its existence - there's a lot of areas of tennis where theoretically a union would be called for, and at the end of the day something with some independence from the actual tours would be good. in the general spirit of unions. it's kinda... historically complex... because you can argue that the professionalisation of the sport did happen in a reasonably grassroots manner, and you can say that it's still reflected in the governance structure when compared to some other sports. but also it's fair to say a lot of players don't feel like they have much power over said governance in reality, so the 'seat at the table' is a bit useless. this was also very much a covid era thing - like ik it was technically discussed before that, but it was created at us open 2020 and very much had the vibes of 'weird covid thing'. and a lot of the initial interest amongst players was linked to that... the tour was suspended from march to august, which is survivable as a top player but pretty rough for everyone else. they weren't completely left on their own --
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-- but again, just to be clear, I do get the timing and why this was theoretically something you might want to exist
it does run into the whole 'what do you people even do' issue. I mean, look, it's tough - if you're not recognised by the official tours and if you have to build this from ground up, obviously you can't revolutionise the sport in a day. but from the start, the ptpa has just felt quite... amateurish. unclear mission statement, unclear on what their goals were and how they were intending to go about it, lack of professionalism in their public utterances. obviously their leadership structure was pretty *waves hand* djokovic, pospisil and friends at the start - and as I understand it, that has gotten better, but it was a very particular type of first impression. ik all this stuff is quite boring and annoying and I don't want to nitpick, but it does matter. it just did not feel like a serious organisation. I've checked their twitter and clearly they've hired a semi-competent social media manager, though I still think some of this stuff needs improvement --
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-- but like. at least it looks vaguely professional. they do also have a passion for releasing statements that are a pain to read
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it HAS gotten more professional over time, but it still feels like it has an extremely scattergun approach to what it cares about and what it doesn't. there Are Issues where it feels like it would be nice for some kind of a player's union to provide some thoughts. I'm about to go on a bit of a tangent but I swear this is relevant
my personal bugbear issue is the tennis ball crisis - which I don't just care about because I suspect it's helped kill the career of my favourite men's player, but I'm not thrilled by that development icl. we all know about the tennis ball crisis: they're shit now. talk about this started early 2023 and it's really gone mainstream since. it's a problem with all the manufacturers, it's a problem at every level. like, they really are more shit now. the balls I play with are worse than the ones we had a decade ago. they get fluffy insanely quickly, especially obviously for pro players. and beyond fucking over players who need the balls to be sturdier to help them with pace generation, it's caused an obvious increase in injuries. you hit at these shitty pancake things and you're fucking over your arm because they're not bouncing off your strings like they're supposed to
now, again, this isn't news, but nobody's really known WHY this has been happening until quite recently. in november of last year, zverev as a member of the atp players' council talked about his communications with the tennis ball company (yes I'm aware I'm citing the research conducted by a repeat domestic abuser who was elected by his peers to represent them, yes this sport deserves to die):
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one of the best journalists currently in the sport, giri nathan, wrote an article about this in january of this year that I would very much recommend. does also probably make clear my personal investment in the issue
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there's a related problem that goes beyond the balls being shit - they keep changing them. absolutely insane they can't work out something where at least tournaments in the same bit of the calendar have to use the same ball manufacturer. the point is, while clearly people within the advisory council are doing something, this has become a pretty widespread complaint. wta world number one and noted non-pusher sabalenka recently posted on instagram about how quickly the balls were dead during her practise session. if covid really has made the tennis balls worse, then... the ptpa should be talking about this!! maybe they're doing stuff behind the scenes, but they certainly haven't been vocal about it. player safeguarding seems like such a standard issue
in general, it feels like the ptpa still doesn't quite know what its jurisdiction is. here's another far thornier issue - the situation with rybakina and her coach, who has been banned by the wta for a year. an article (tw: abuse) was published by the athletic about the current situation this week. while it is obviously generally a good sign that the wta was willing to take action in this situation, looking at the details of the case you do start to think they should have taken action a whole lot earlier - and that a year long ban is clearly inappropriate if what is being alleged is true. now, again, obviously this is a complicated case, given that rybakina at the time of writing seems to be resistant to outside help. but, if we're talking about player safeguarding... the high number of abuse coach/player relationships, as well as how often coaches sleep with their players, is something that you're going to want to tackle. at least talk about! it's something pam shriver has obviously talked about a lot (she was incidentally very quick to see the rybakina situation for what it was) and has been written about plenty elsewhere. again, an organisation that is not the official representative of the players can't fix this issue overnight, but there are certainly steps you could be pressuring tennis governance policies to be taking. I'd just like to see some sign of interest, more than anything
with those examples out of the way. let's look at what the ptpa has accomplished. there was a controversy last year where roddick criticised the ptpa for being useless and a lot of people (mainly djokovic fans) got very mad at him. I don't like roddick and I don't like djokovic, which makes me a great unbiased third party in this matter. let's see what pospisil listed as the ptpa's accomplishments:
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now, if I could go back in time and offer mr pospisil some advice - when listing the accomplishments of your union, 'trading card deal' is not what I'd lead with. nothing inherently wrong with it, but it does objectively sound silly. I laffed. ofc when you keep reading, there is a lot of stuff there that actually sounds pretty good. it's hard to glean from a tweet how much these programs are actually helping tennis players - but the practical aspects of travelling around the world for tennis obviously are a real concern to most players, and I'm generally pro helping them. on demand player service also sounds really positive. if that is a functional service then I think that would be a super positive thing. this does bring me to another complaint - a lack of transparency. I don't want to be finding this stuff out through twitter beef! yes, there's news announcements out there for these items, but we really don't have any sense of how much take-up there's been. without more context, I have no way of knowing how relevant hilton hotels is in the world of booking hotels for tennis tournaments. guys, you need a proper communication strategy
that being said, I do want to highlight something that sounds like, if it's done properly, could be a really positive step in making the sport better - offering pro-bono legal aid to players accused of doping and corruption:
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however you personally feel about the recent conclusion of the sinner doping case - even if you believe that sinner was treated exactly like any other player would be - I think it would be hard to argue that this case hasn't revealed just how many inequities exist in the system. again, let's be as generous as possible here - at the very least, sinner has benefited from a quality of legal representation that is simply not available to the vast majority of players. while I support anti-doping measures in principle, I do also think it's clearly extremely easy for a small misstep to lead to very serious career consequences, and at times it just feels like... too much. sinner had a team who knew what they were doing - even just knowing the rules enough to get everything filed on time. obviously this isn't a sports-specific thing, inequality in quality of legal representation is just a problem in Society. but, well, if this service does what it says on the tin, then it can only be a good thing
so like. in conclusion on the ptpa. I think it's probably more good than bad? it could be better. I feel like it comes from a good place for the most part, which only takes you so far but I do have like... a base level of sympathy for it. I'm not particularly convinced by it as a professional organisation - but also, I am convince-able. I'm not a hardliner on this I don't think
on the second part of the ask - icl, I initially skipped over the word 'tennis' and just read 'political views', which, jump scare. ofc I hold a very dim view of djokovic's political views, which does inherently colour how willing I am to trust him on anything related to tennis politics. obviously his anti-vaccine views have been well-publicised, though my personal red line is his persistent serbian nationalism. I try not to pay attention to athletes' personal politics - my general rule is I don't really care what these people believe in their heart of hearts but I do care if they make it my business by publicly talking about it, especially if their rhetoric crosses over to actively doing harm. djokovic's stance towards kosovo and his genocide apologism have for a long time now made it impossible for me to be a fan of his
given how that last paragraph ended, it's a bit hard for me to write a pivot. let's take it as read I don't support djokovic. I have always liked him more As A Tennis Player than the other members of the big three, which is partly due to the tennis itself but also just about what role they play within the sport. it's like,, you look at federer/nadal and what pr merchants they are and go 'oh won't SOMEONE say something controversial for a change' and then the monkey's paw strangles you. and I agree with you, for all intents and purposes it DOES seem like djokovic actually cares about other players. like... this is why I kinda had to lead with his actual political views - the problem is he is a campaigner, he actually has more of a social consciousness than 99% of tennis players (super egocentric sport, lest we forget), it's just that this leads him to both caring about lower ranked players and serbian nationalism. I think the intentions behind the ptpa were mostly Good, I do have a wariness of djokovic's anti-establishment schtick and his populist views but I'm also not a fan of The System as stands. so sometimes we arrive at the same conclusion but due to quite different reasons and underlying ideologies. I also have more general respect for that than I have for federer/nadal's general cowardice when dealing with anything remotely controversial. it's worth pointing out that they have been involved in a bit of a behind the scenes power struggle - the run up to the ptpa being created involves the time in which djokovic was part of the player's council and supposedly federer and nadal rejoined in 2019 to work in opposition to him (this is a whole other controversy involving then-atp tour boss kermode we don't have time to get in here). in general, with djokovic it is interesting that... it sometimes feels like he needs a cause to motivate himself, and then there's a super fine line between that spurring him and distracting him. but it's almost part of his working process As An Athlete in a way it clearly isn't for federer/nadal
idk... I do think the zverev thing played a big part in disillusioning me from the big three once and for all. in a way, it does quite neatly illustrate the differences between the three of them. djokovic really believes in his continued support for zverev and is willing to make it a point to stand by him, whereas federer/nadal just don't care enough. when you read stuff like this it's pretty clear we're not dealing with someone with a functioning moral compass
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y'know, every time you see those uwu gifs/photos of nadal/federer being cute and holding each other's hands at the 2022 laver cup, I just want you to remember that zverev attended that retirement event despite having an ankle injury that prevented him from playing himself. federer's precious laver cup twitter account for years has blocked anyone who mentions the abuse allegations against zverev in the replies. nothing about tennis is morally clean, but the continued breathless fan engagement with that particular event is something I personally cannot understand
anyway the point is that djokovic is obviously even worse about this. he's a principled man! unfortunately those principles fucking suck. and that to me is always going to be a problem when we're talking about who I want to see running a union. I think djokovic has done some good things in the sport - and I think he clearly really does care. I think it's a good thing he's willing to use his clout and power within the sport to proactively advocate for change, even though I kinda 50/50 agree on his actual targets for change. and I still wish players' best advocate weren't such a crackpot
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velvetvexations · 2 months ago
Since we're talking about forcefem, here're most of the forcefem-related asks I've had in my inbox, some of which are a few days old on account of technically going in the vexatious tag if not exactly kink asks. I wanted to answer one from today on it's own which I'll get to later but I wanted to get to the older ones and also get to a few of the others from today while I was at it.
i just saw a post where a trans guy was showing some messages where someone was (unconsensually) basically roleplaying forcefemming him. despite him telling them that he did not want that and that it was very much transphobic, and he atill got a message boiling down to "you're not a man, silly, you're a girl :D" and. to be honest. this was the thing that stopped the brainworms of "what if the whole concept of transandrophobia is actually transmisogynistic and i am entirely wrong" bc at least some of these people will just say the most bog standard transphobic shit to trans guys and not register it as transphobia. so why the fuck would they be right about anything transmascs experience also on that note thank you for being so outspoken in favour of transmascs getting to discuss their oppression. it's really helpful to see trans women stand with us here, especially when it comes to aforementioned brainworms
congratulations to that transphobe for creating a new transandrobro
the 'forcemasc isnt revolutionary' shit is the most annoying iteration of stupid tumblr discourse. like im going through the tag trying to read some horny shit and oh look. theres someone being stupid and hypocritical. in my horny tag.
people are getting tribalist about kinks and it's depressing
Every time people are saying that trans men & mascs cannot possibly fathom being objectified & fetishized, I think on all of the posts I’ve seen that did that exact same thing. And yeah, some of it might have been kink, so no hate no judgement I dabble in that tag too, but I’ve also seen “get in the dress” type posts that seem to be genuinely calling for trans men to be more feminine, untagged & in the wild, enough where I’m like — am I just imagining this? Like am I crazy? Am I missing something, or was that extremely detailed post about why I MUST stay feminine — or become more — for someone else’s benefit being 100% serious? And, again — if it’s kink, all the power to them, I love that for them, I even occasionally love that for me. But I have encountered enough people who were dead serious that I sometimes want no one but trusted friends & advisors to ever witness me again. And then I look at statistics & feel genuinely ill. And yeah, I’m gnc — and there’s the rub, because while I feel genuine joy being fem as well as masc, I want it to be a Choice, not something forced upon me.
people need to be fucking normal
Yh like ik a lot of shitposts don't have any tags but people have. Really gotta tag forcefem. I've blocked a large amount of people making these jokes + filtered their names n I still see it
I'm sorry, anon. <3
Fuck thank you so much for talking so openly about forcemasc. I’m so dumb I thought there wasn’t a name for that kink that I’ve been into for years, albeit my version is way more weirder. It would be like a… forcemascfem??? Like first it’s forcemasc and then it turns into forcefem and then right back to forcemasc…. And then back to- Idk my gender is weird and my kinky fantasy for that is weird
Cross as many boundries as you want, that sounds rad. Forcefem has a lot of infrastructure to jump off of.
“I’m doing a kink in a non kink way so it’s not kink blog!” Sorry this pisses me off It’s still a kink. Like. If someone made an I-suggest-BDSM blog and tried to claim it wasn’t a kink blog I’m sure more people would see how silly this is but because it’s the transfem approved virtuous forcefem they just let it slide??? Like. You are engaging in a kink and thats fine. You can say there won’t be anything explicitly sexual! But it will still be a kink blog because it’s a blog about a kink! A kink blog if you will! It doesn’t matter if you’re not getting off to it, it’s still a kink! That you are participating in! On your blog about that kink!
It SHOULD piss you off! It's extremely fucking scummy!
what the hell? for like one solid minute(longer than that but i like saying it this way) all the forcefem on my dash was tagged and i could blissfully not have to see it every other post and then just today i had to unfollow a buncha people for an assload of untagged forcefem :/ like im transmasc i think its understandable that i do not wish to see that anyway hope your day is goin well miss velvet
yeah it's praxis to not tag kink anymore
trfs are perfectly aware what the "force" bit means when forcemasc comes up in conversation
strange how that works
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 6 months ago
What theory do you have regarding Babylon's loss of wings? I can understand if it's just how their species looks, but Rouge having wings while they don't seems strange to me. Sega even gave Honey the Cat white feathered angel wings, but not the actual bird species. 🫠
(I myself put slits on the back lol)
Okay Anon, this may seem like an easy answer question, but (un)fortunately, it is not! I have a lot to say on this, so much so that I whipped out my laptop and a word document to answer you, so let's delve into my personal lore for Babylonians, birds, and mobian-human relations: this isn't my official post for it, but until I have time to write a 900K word document on what the hell my canon is, THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS!
CONTEXTUAL NOTE: I wouldn't classify this as a disclaimer, but I want to explain to the other people in these large tags what this post is. No, I am NOT claiming this is canon lore. No, it is not an AU. This is my personal canon-adjacent lore that has been carefully crafted with thoroughly intense regards to every piece of relevant source materials, going as far back as concept pieces from development. In order to make things work for MY canon, details have been changed and will sometimes contradict fragments of regular canon. Could I make everything cohesive and non-contradictory? Yes, and that's a different project of mine. This is my sandbox, you don't have to play in it (but it would be REALLY fun if you joined me :p) ONE LAST THING: I started writing this the second you sent it to me, then abandoned it until now where I did 90% of the writing. I am tired and slightly incoherent but I wanted it done, so sorry if it's rushed. You can send me more asks to clarify but I mean... i will probably make it worse lmao
1.1 Babylonians in Space
The Babylonians originate from the planet Babylon (lol duh), which is currently too far away from the major galaxies around Earth/Mobius to pinpoint an exact location, or who their neighbouring planets were. (Translation: one day I will design the star systems of the Sonic universe, but today is not that day!)
While most of the Babylonians reside on their home planet, exploration ships did go out in search of new technology, as these aliens pride themselves on their Treasure and Greatness. One of the common misconceptions about Babylonians is that 'treasure' translates to items of monetary value, but what they actually sought out was new technological advancements so they could pull from other developing planets and take what they've learned to improve their own inventions. This distorted sentiment is a tragic detail that spoils the reputation and ambition of the Babylonian descendants who have lost the true meaning of their heritage, but it's safe to say that some of them still think this way (cough, Wave and Tekno, cough).
Circling back to the point at hand though, I want to make it very clear that the Babylonians of Earth/Mobius are NOT the entire species, nor are they pure Babylonians. The real Babylon exists lightyears away, lost to the vastness of the universe, and Babylon Garden (Astral Babylon) was merely one ship that had been scouting various galaxies for new technology.
While it is not inherently relevant to the topic at hand, there was a brief moment in pre-crash Babylonian history where they were in alliance with the Black Arms. This took place before the war on Argentium with the Xorda, as the Babylonians tend to remain neutral during conflicts that do not concern them, but back on Babylon there are a separate class of Babylonian-Black Arms hybrids known to us as Corvids. The black pigment of these birds combined with their superior intelligence and durability was given to them through the power of chaos energy, something Babylonians do not possess in concentrated amounts when compared to other alien species, but was the result of crossbreeding with Black Arms. While there were some Corvids on Babylon Garden, the ship that crashed onto Earth/Mobius, many were made once more once the Babylonians had settled on the planet, welcoming a new, less potent version of this genetic branch. These Corvids are less powerful due to the weakened genetic purity of the Earth/Mobius-bound Babylonians, but they are still exceedingly brilliant, albeit near-extinct by present day.
1.2 Babylonians on Earth/Mobius
After travelling to the Nameless Zone and having a close call with the Berzerkers, Babylon Garden (the ship known as Astral Babylon) managed to emergency warp one last time to Earth/Mobius, the nearest dominant zone. Because of the damage caused by the Berzerkers, they disconnected the Ark of the Cosmos which had been used to manipulate gravity and warp them anywhere in space. This particular vessel was thus stranded on the planet, but their hopes of being found by other Babylonians who could bring them back home are the reason why Babylonians (and anyone in general) are inclined to make wishes on shooting stars. Making do with an 'inferior' planet, the Babylonians got somewhat of a negative reputation for their reclusiveness on their island, and superiority complexes when interacting with the planet's other inhabitants.
As the Babylonians split into different factions based on 3 major dogmas (which we will examine later) they developed a range of reputations. Because humans look down on mobians, the Babylonians which assimilated with other mobians were treated about as poorly as them. Contrastingly, Battle Kukus and the Battle Bird Armada are praised, respected, and in alliance with human society, especially the government. Their alienness has long been forgotten as Babylonian in origin, but their distinction from other mobians makes humans trust them more. If anything, the dominant public opinion is that "these ones aren't so bad, they can keep the inferior breeds of mobian in-line" which is fucked up to say the least. The Babylon Rogues are still regarded as Babylonian, and yet, hardly known, so they are as invisible and neutral as you can get. The modern reputations of these factions will be brought up again later from a current point of view, but it is safe to say that we have a full range of Babylonian reputation spanning from negative to positive.
1.3 Humans
Humans are racist, big shock! I won't dwell on it too much since this will eventually get its own post, but humans and Babylonians are biologically compatible, meaning there are plenty of humans who have Babylonian heritage. I don't mean like our REAL Babylonian descendants, which I feel like I should clarify. The non-fictional and historical city of Babylon (located in modern day Iraq) was named after the alien Babylon/Babylonians (in Sonic, obviously) because the biblical Tower of Babel depicted the tale of humans trying to reach heaven by building vertically: this sentiment being shared with the Babylonians who looked to the stars and longed to return home to Babylon. So, essentially, the history is reversed here!
Some humans worshipped the Babylonians, and there were a good number of them who had Babylonian-Human children. They turned out normal, arguably more normal than the ones who ended up with mobians, but the racism kinda discouraged this. There was a good deal of fetishization of these hybrids so they don't exist anymore, not to mention how the recessive nature of Babylonian traits discourages this practice. BASICALLY, a lot of humans have some percentage of Babylonian DNA, but it's barely detectable in the modern age… it DID happen though.
2.1 Babylonians
Even back on their home planet, the trait of having full sets of wings was recessive. You can see even by looking at murals of Babylonians provided in the games:
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Wings? Where are the WINGS?!? I mean, there's this:
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... but if we zoom out:
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it is clear that while full sets of wings exist, few Babylonians had them, and the ones that did were ranked higher and even worshipped for their abilities, making them angelic to some extent.
So, considering that only a "small" (subjective) portion of Babylonians were on Babylon Garden when it crashed, it is safe to say that our starting numbers for the winged gene are… actually not as minimal as we might initially think. (But I just mentioned a hierarchy???)
More specifically, there are two types of wings we are going to examine: forearm wings, and back wings. The former are more common albeit still not universally inherited, and the latter were always persons of great status and power, as marked by their organic ways of flight. Since our Babylonians could not go back home or attain more fully-winged persons, this immediately impacted social hierarchies with even more emphasis being placed on genetic superiority.
I am going to simplify the genetics, but essentially, the rules are as follows:
Back-wings are an AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE trait. This means that both parents must be carriers for there to even be a chance of inheritance. Here is a handy dandy visual I stole from google images because I am too lazy to draw you a punnett square:
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Armed-wings are an AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT trait. Look at the chart above, any square with a dominant letter (R) inherits the trait. Essentially, unless both parents are recessive with no forearm-wings (rr and rr) a Babylonian will inherit the trait.
Carriers of the Back-wing trait have a 50% chance of having armed-wings. Don't ask how this works, assume it is magic if you don't know genetics that well (genetics are magic anyways LOL)
From this, it is quite evident how traditional (back) wings phased out of the genepool. While it is true that non-Babylonians can carry the back-wing gene (mobians who have wings), Babylonians by nature are almost always recessive! Birdness? Recessive. Tall, humanoid proportions? Recessive. So while mating with a winged-mobian increases the likelihood of having a set of proper wings, the offspring will almost always be the same species as the mobian parent. Thus, it is far more likely for a modern day Babylonian descendant to have armed-wings as opposed to back-wings, which require a very lucky combination of genetic makeup to present as a trait.
Forearm-wings are capable of gliding and sometimes flight, but are very limiting in terms of regular mobility since the arms would have to be somewhat underdeveloped to work as wings. It's also a bitch to try and hold things or wear shirts when your long feathers take up so much space, not to mention how you'll have to choose between flight and non-restrictive clothing. Weight is also a factor, as there is not enough power in arm-flapping to fly, unless one is very light. Furthermore, while a Babylonian child may fly with forearm-wings, they will probably grow out of it.
2.2 Evolution via Assimilation
The recessive nature of Babylonian genes also explains how they evolved to look more akin to mobians than humans. The modern day Babylon Rogues and much of the Battle Bird Armada pass as mobians, hence why Babylonian heritage is long forgotten and perhaps extinct according to most. However, the genes swing both ways: many non-birds (both mobian and human) are also some percentage of Babylonian, the traits are just recessive (making them carriers). There's a huge mutation that I'm about to cover, but it is safe to say that foxes are probably the utmost carriers of it!
2.3 Mutated Genes
There are two main mutations I want to talk about, so I will section them off. I'm sure people can think of more, and I do have a handful in the works, but the ones that are interesting and important to my lore are as follows:
a) Blue Eyes
Ever notice how essentially, across the comics and games, basically every single bird has blue eyes? Speedy and Soar are the only two who are given eye colours outside of blue (they have brownish-red eyes) with the rest having either no colour (black) or blue. When you take a look at who else has blue eyes, basically all the foxes do! Look deeper, and a lot of the characters with heightened intellect/wit or innovative skills have blue eyes. I'm not saying all innovative characters have blue eyes, that's racist, but all of the characters with blue eyes are either birds, smarties, or both. Some of this is character design prejudice, as I am a sucker for beautiful brown eyes mwah, but the pattern does exist.
Wait… what about Eggman? Maria? ELISE, WHOSE ROYAL CREST IS ALSO A BIRD? Need I remind everyone that the real life blue-eye mutation was traced back to a common ancestor? BLUE EYES ARE ALSO RECESSIVE, JUST LIKE ALL OTHER BABYLONIAN TRAITS! I SAID IT FOR A REASON, GUYS! I've constantly brought up how Babylonians are equally compatible with humans and mobians, and it is because this genetic mutation was the result of breeding with Babylonians. Blue eyes are an alien trait that for Earth/Mobius, was Babylonian in origin. It goes beyond blue eyes though, because these inventor-types with blue eyes also tend to be taller and leaner, making them somewhat comparable to the original mural depictions of the Babylonians.
Take it or leave it, I'm not claiming this was intentional or intended to be canon… but it is. To ME. When you combine real genetics with anthropomorphic furries, you're allowed to take some liberties and come up with fun ways to explain certain genetic traits. (I also failed to mention earlier that foxes exist in the Nameless Zone and were tied to the fall of Babylon, so it makes sense that Babylonians upon crashing to Earth/Mobius would seek familiarity in the mobian foxes already inhabiting the planet, thus tying the wit of kitsune to the innovation of Babylonians on a historic level.) Oh and before I move on, blue eyes are a recessive trait in almost every circumstance... the exception is to Babylonians, where it is a dominant trait. Brown eyes, if you are a bird, are recessive, hence why we only have 2 instances of brown eyes! Okay, there might be a few other background character birds I'm missing, but we either cannot see their eyes, or they're black (stylistic) or BLUE! Let me have this lol
b) Ovisanguitan Testalysis (OT)
Wow, that's a fancy name for "eggs no work" isn't it? This may come as a surprise, but Babylonians did not lay eggs, they are viviparous: need I repeat myself on how they're humanoid? Anyways, while Babylonians have viviparous births, mobian birds that are NOT Babylonian still exist. It might feel like I am pulling this out of nowhere, and perhaps it is a bit hypocritical for me to say "not all birds are going to be Babylonian!" after attributing an entire recessive trait to them two seconds ago, I firmly believe that birds exist outside of Babylon with no genetic ties. This is because… (inhales) BABYLONIANS ARE NOT BIRDS! THEY ARE BIRD-ESQUE, BUT THEY ARE HUMANOID BIRD-ESQUE CREATURES! Wanna know what else look like birds? BATS! DINOSAURS! DRAGONS! CERTAIN INSECTS!
Just because the Babylonians pride themselves on their birdness, it does not necessitate that birdness is exclusive to Babylonians. However, if modern day Babylonians are birds who have assimilated to be very mobian in composition, it would seem that they would be conceived and developed via eggs, not viviparously. As I established though, Babylonian traits are recessive, and therefore still possible (though not probable) given the right genetic composition.
Some modern day Babylonians then, have a reproductive disorder called Ovisanguitan Testalysis, known as OT. While egg-laying mobians develop about 1/3rd of their offspring inside their body before laying, with the latter part of development occurring independently inside the egg which hatches when completed, Babylonians initially gave birth at the end of term like humans do. Modern day Babylonians with OT will "lay" the same time regular egg-laying mobians do, aka after the first trimester, but because of their Babylonian genes, their body does not physically form a shell around the embryo before it is expelled. Without a shell, this is essentially a VERY premature birth that cannot be incubated or salvaged, and is more comparable to an abortion or miscarriage resembling a bloody clump of cells than a premature child.
There are very few instances where Babylonians with OT are able to prevent their bodies from expelling the embryo prematurely with enough calcium supplements and full-time hospitalization that prevents the premature rejection of the fetus, but because the Babylonians with this disorder are almost always Rogues (I'll probably explain that later) it is essentially just a very rare disorder which affects a small population that aren't even registered as legal citizens to any country. It is not IMPOSSIBLE to successfully have a child with OT, just highly unlikely, and they will probably be underdeveloped in some areas (the most likely defect being a lack of immune system… so the child will probably die from disease even if they make it to term).
Also, if someone with OT were to carry a child to term via medical intervention, the strain this puts on their body will most likely kill them, and if by some miracle they survive, they will be incapacitated as they will never fully recover from the nutrient drainage and overall stress this puts on the body. If this rant feels completely out of place in this response let me have it please, where else am I gonna mention it!?
With regards to the Babylonians on Earth/Mobius, there are certain branches of absolute belief (dogmas) that they dispersed into, each one thinking they are superior over the other two. These might not seem directly related to your question, but it provides so much scope for how genes are relevant to the three dogmas. Also, with all these groups splitting off, the genetic odds of back-wings decreases significantly.
3.1 Assimilate
Most Babylonians assimilated with the mobians… okay, and the humans. There are humans who have Babylonian DNA even in modern times, but I think we all know who the more obvious choice was, considering the racism and all. These Babylonians found no reason to fight internally about their blood purity or distinct alien features because birds already exist in the universe outside of Babylon. Being more bird-like has nothing to do with surviving as a species, so the truth of the matter is that a lot of Babylonians couldn't care less and therefore didn't! Due to most Babylonians adopting this dogma, the physical, recessive traits disappeared almost immediately, with wings being first to go.
3.2 The Battle Birds
Initially, the only group that existed outside of assimilation were the Battle Kukus, or the Battle Bird Armada. They believed in Babylonian supremacy, and still exist to this day with the same dogma more or less. However, the way Kukus go about defining "Babylonian" is… based on their birdness, combined with regular eugenics, of course. Kukus pride themselves on strength and unity as a faction, with defected birds being snuffed out and eaten up until recent decades… that we know of. They probably still are cannibals lol.
Despite their disdain for other creatures of flight, non-birds with wings can produce viable children for the Kukus and are permitted to do so, as the Kukus only desire the FITTEST members, not the ones with the most Babylonian DNA. More on this in a second, let's circle back to the non-bird policy. I want to make it clear that this is not a good thing, because the Armada is only using winged-mobians for the increased likelihood of the recessive wings trait! They need to be the ones carrying by the way, so it gets prejudiced and sick from every angle: come on now, we can't just use winged mobians for breeding farms… doesn't stop them though! However, only birds can join the Armada, and because of how it is often one or the other (you either are a bird or have back-wings) most of these "outsourced" offspring are not Kukus.
Kukus pride themselves on their birdness, so forearm-wings are permitted for those of adequate status: you have to clip them back until you are given permission to fly. They despise the use of flight-based technology, as it makes flight accessible to non-birds, which as we know, pisses them the fuck off.
3.3 The Babylon Rogues
The Babylon Rogues were initially Kukus, hundreds of years ago that is. During the Salem Witch Trials, black-pigmented mobians were hunted to near-extinction, as witchcraft was associated with the Black Arms, and the Black Arms are the reason mobians possess the black-pigment genes. Thus, even if one was not outwardly alien, being black (hah) made mobians targets for burnings or ritualistic sacrifice by both humans AND other mobians. They were dubbed Familiars of witches, or demons from the heavens (aka Black Arms) and killed for no other reason. Remember the Corvids? HAH! Yeah, there's a reason most of them are gone, even though the Babylonian-Corvids were initially able to grow their numbers with the birds on Earth/Mobius. Praised universally for their intelligence and superiority among Babylonians, the fall of the Corvids was a hefty tragedy that struck the Kukus horribly. Despite this, most of them did not care and continued to pride themselves on their birdness.
The Rogues however, objected, and believed that the Kukus had lost sight of what was important to them as Babylonians. Cooperating with humans? Becoming bird supremacists? Establishing a militaristic, ascetic regime that limits their power to the planet they're stuck on, claiming to only rule the skies and all below it? NAH. The Rogues care more about returning to the stars, and innovating their technology. Kukus pride themselves on their physical birdness which allows them to fly, but the Rogues care more about using their intellect and innovative skills present in their technological advancements. Speedy (the Kuku) even notes in the comics that extreme gear is outdated, and most original Armada content has little to do with the boards themselves. The Rogues however, are defined by their technological feats, which is technically closer to what the original Babylonians valued.
This generational disdain for Earth/Mobius and its people has led to some… moral corruption amidst the Rogues. While Babylonians were originally travelling across galaxies with good (albeit still arrogant) intentions on their quest of technological advancement, the Rogues are more thrifty to say the least. When non-Babylonians succeed at innovation, the Rogues believe that they just got lucky and accidentally attained genius, and make it their mission to steal the good parts from others and "make better use of this technology" after thrifting it. Other times, Rogues claim that other moments of genius were stolen from Babylonian technology, and thus, by stealing back any advancements made on Earth/Mobius, they are "reclaiming the culture stolen from them" or whatever. This is far more condescending and malicious than the initial Babylonians, which the Kukus dismiss as hedonism.
They're not WRONG, dare I said both sides are partially correct? Even so, the Rogues rebelled from their Armada and continued on their quest to find the best treasures and technological advancements on Earth/Mobius, stealing them for personal usage to hopefully fuel their ambition to reach the stars and find Babylon once more.
Before we move on, I should probably relate this back to wings with a fun fact. The Babylon Rogues CAN grow forearm wings, it's not that rare of a trait as we established. However, in order to distance themselves from the Kukus and reject their birdness, they tattoo their forearms: this floods the feather follicles with ink, preventing wing growth. The Rogues literally and symbolically choose their hands (INNOVATION, TANGIBILITY, INVENTION: to reach towards the sky… and to steal with) over their wings that honestly don't even work well enough to be effective. If they want to fly, they will use technology as the Babylonians once did, hence their reliance on and pride in Extreme Gear.
The EX Grand Prix was originally a community-based initiative for Rogues to show off their advancements and push the limits of Extreme Gear Mechanics to see who was getting closer for finding a way home, but the thrill of sports deterred them and now there are too many board restrictions (cough and shitty air-tank-exclusive shells mass produced by non Babylonians such as MeteoTech) to make this actually useful. Oh, and there are not enough mechanics to sustain the educational value of the Prix, which sucks. Sorry Wave!
Finally, if it wasn't already clear, the Babylon Rogues value what percentage of Babylonian DNA you have over your physical traits. They aren't inbred, but there's a reason we only have 3 remaining Babylon Rogues…
This is more of a "small things I missed" section because if you managed to read this far, I doubt you want MORE incoherent rambling. I'm tired, you're tired, we all just wanted to know where the wings went. BUT, since we're already invested I'm going to perform a lightning-round and give some concise wrap-ups for some of the loose ends I created!
4.1 Legal Rights
Members of the Battle Bird Armada were given equal rights to humans ever since they were instated to the government on a worldwide level. Almost every country endorses the Kukus; they are government funded and given full control of the skies so long as they keep mobians "in check" and work in tandem with GUN. You might be wondering why I choose to make them part of the human government when they're supposed to be aligned with Eggman, to which I point out that Eggman is ALSO in kahoots with the human government. When Eggman took over during Forces, human cities were spared from destruction so long as they were being compliant.
It is heavily implied if not indirectly confirmed that Eggman makes all the weapons and machinery for GUN, and the reason he has an infinite amount of resources for all his projects is because he is given permission from the human governments to do whatever the fuck he wants. "Oh but why does Sonic have to defend the humans from Eggman?" It's all about how Eggman and GUN can help one another under the table. Money. The answer is money and political corruption. The Kukus and Eggman can be allies or enemies, no one gives a fuck, they're both protected by government funds anyways.
The Babylon Rogues, as they are not assimilated mobians OR Kukus, are thus not registered citizens. This is why they can commit crimes and remain immune to genuine repercussions including imprisonment, but it is also why we do not know how many of them still exist. Jet, Storm, and Wave are presumably the last 3, but we have no way of confirming this since it's not like they exist in any databases within mobian or human censuses, or services such as healthcare or residency. They have so much money that it does not even matter, but as free as they are, it kinda sucks that they are not protected by the law either.
4.2 Present Day Relations (Very Concise)
No one knows about the Rogues, so who cares!
Humans love the Kukus... usually. Don't look into the cannibalism.
The Rogues despise the Kukus and will never cooperate with them.
The Kukus despite the Rogues, but believe that some of them are of use to the Armada. Lazy, incompetent, and inferior Rogues are hunted for the kill, but someone like Wave who is very Babylonian (genetically), has a Corvid father (in my lore), and is a mechamechanical genius unheard of and unchallenged… they really want someone like her. After they lost Tekno there was a horrendous void to fill, so while they will patronize the Rogues, they think that some of them can be "fixed" for a greater purpose.
Mobians don't typically like either faction as both dogmas are too extreme (read as: rooted in eugenics)
4.3 Predator Hawk
This pertains to my lore specifically, so feel free to skip it. Ehem:
MY Predator Hawk had back-wings. Emphasis on HAD. Remember how the Battlelord threatened to clip his wings off in the comics? Well, due to a black market intervention, a certain someone used the Battlelord's anger towards Pred to convince him that the Battlelord demanded his wings be removed for failing his mission to recruit and/or kill the three remaining Babylon Rogues: a final mission given to him after he attacked Speedy as a last chance to redeem himself. In reality the Battlelord did NOT actually request this to happen and actually has no idea where Predator Hawk disappeared to, but it remains the case that his wings were twisted off of him with a wrench (I swear it wasn't Wave's) and sold on the black market. He still has the large gashes on his back that are semi hollow, as the base of the wing-bones were merely cut off, not fully extracted as that would rip his spine. Rather, the base bones lay flush inside the crevices of his back, and if he were to tense, the nubs of the bones pop out by about 7 inches. The skin healed around the bones so there's no blood, he just has permanently exposed bones.
Pred obviously can't fly anymore, but I felt like it would be really stupid if I were to come up with all this lore for Babylonian wings only to NOT have any avian characters who possess back-wings. So… I retconned Predator a little bit and made him a fucked up creature with trauma! I have a lot of other rants about Predator Hawk pertaining to my canon, but I honestly need to stop typing this, so if anyone wants more... it is on a requested basis.
I'm sure I had some final thoughts when I started this, and it was not meant to be NEARLY this long of a response. While I feel like I didn't directly answer your question, hopefully there's some catharsis dispersed in everything I rambled about here. In summary though, I do NOT give the Rogues wings because the Curse of Babylon (ehem, recessive back-wings) makes it nearly impossible for Babylonians of the modern day to have wings. If they did have wings, they would be from forearm feathers: lots of birds in the Armada have these. Due to dogmatic differences and a convoluted history of identity-based conflicts though, the Rogues tattoo away the possibility of hybrid arms in the pursuit for technologically-based flight. The exception is Predator Hawk, who HAD wings, but then had them removed against his will. He is still bitter about it.
Did anyone make it this far? If so, you're a fucking FREAK, and I encourage you to send me more asks, because I could ramble forever about Sonic lore. It does not have to be related to the Babylon Rogues, you can ask me anything, but do take into account that I am clearly a bit obsessive and might take some time to answer. But when I do… it will be a shitshow like this response was. You read to this point though, so clearly you're into it. ENABLE ME! Love ya <3
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hookerfoxyanonarchived · 10 months ago
Finally, an intro post!
Okay, it's been forever of me doing absolutely nothing so here we go making an actual intro post today
This is a sideblog for @dsaf-confessions, I am the anon known as, you guessed it, hooker foxy anon!
I'm deciding to make a shift in what I do with this blog, including in character asks with my anonsona, posting art, interacting more with the other anon blogs, and all that good shit. More on that later, though. My main blog is @an0nthecat, consider checking that out if ya wanna see art or just hear me yap more
Some basic information about me:
The names that I use online are literally Anon/Anonymous. It might get confusing I know but it's how I've been referred to for years I can't really do anything about it anymore HAHAHAH just call me that if you can
I am a MINOR. I am in my early teens. Please do NOT make any sexual comments about me. (Note, I said ME.)
I am also aroace, and non-binary. I use they/them pronouns.
I am currently hyperfixated on DSaF, FNaF and Goldie's Inferno (a FNaF AU made by the amazing bunnycat, that was sadly discontinued recently.)
The other fandoms that I am in include Spooky Month, ENA, and OMORI.
I am a furry.
I swear like a fuckin sailor, sorry if y'all don't like that I really don't care just don't interact with me or something lmao
I can be kinda meanspirited just know that most of it is lighthearted tho
Okay onto the fun stuff: My anonsona, their lore and the in character asks and confessions and stuff
This is my anonsona:
Tumblr media
They have some fun anon lore! Most of their basic info is identical to mine so I'm not gonna bother so let's just type out the lore:
Their arc follows the DSaF 2 Fairly Evil ending, almost immediately after biting Peter they gained sentience and were super fucking confused. Their first thought was "Damn these things on my feet hurt" so they ripped off those high heels and followed Dave and Jack out of the restaurant and hitched a ride to Vegas in the trunk of their car.
They pried themselves out of it when they reached the Vegas strip and spent their first month of sentience getting fucking wasted (despite them being an animatronic... Don't ask) and terrorizing a bunch of drunk people.
They literally have next to zero interactions with any DSaF characters from this point on, they legit just chill in Vegas for the entirety of their lifetime.
They renamed themselves from Nightmare Foxy to Hooker Foxy for the shits and giggles and live in a dumpster behind a bar. They get barfed on a lot.
Their clothes were acquired by beating up random ass people on the street.
Okay now that that's taken care of... let's talk about asks and the future of this blog.
I kinda wanna start answering asks as Hooker Foxy I just thought it'd be fun yk yk yarhhh
If you have any asks for me, the person running this blog, please refer to me as Anon in the ask.
If you have asks for Hooker Foxy, my anonsona, refer to them as Hooker Foxy.
Simple shit.
Most of the answers to asks for Hooker Foxy will be accompanied by lazy and probably uncolored doodles
Tags for these will be #oochookerfoxyanswers for my asks and #hookerfoxyanswers for anonsona asks
Uhh other tags stay the same, #hookerfoxyreblogs and #hookerfoxyart mean the exact same thing as before
I might post more art and just talk in general more on here and stuff but yeah that's about it
Sorry for the long intro guys, I swear, I don't usually type this much 💔
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rising-volteccers · 1 year ago
hiii! it's star anon 🌟
this week was relatively hectic, and it's just wednesday! 😭 i was going through your writing prompt tag and the first set that popped up (food as a love language) reminded me of how i felt today.
tw for discussions of eating and food!
technically, i felt "fine", but for some reason, my hunger cues were non-existent? for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, i barely had the motivation to eat. this is very odd for me because i love food. 😔 i resorted to eating outside and going for my comfort foods, which at least helped me eat and hydrate regularly today. i was surprised because this happened out of nowhere, though i'm thinking it's the stress piling up from college. i kept zoning out during today's lectures and study sessions.
so yeah, all this made me think about how murdock would prepare to respond to situations where any of the crew members may be going through what i experienced. three prompt bullets stood out to me:
⋆ “i know you said you weren’t hungry, but i made you something anyways.” ⋆ gently reminding them to eat ⋆ always having the ingredients for their comfort meal on hand in case they have a bad day
of course, murdock would do any of these for all the crew members, though i feel like this would be a more frequent occurrence with friede, liko, and dot. i guess that's because they're the most prone to forgetting, overthinking, or worrying.
though do feel free to go about this in any way you wish! i'd love to see your take on this. ❤️ i'll just take it easy for now. hopefully, the rest of the week goes better for me, and i hope it does for you as well!
Heya! I totally get what you mean about stress dampening hunger cues. I'm someone who experiences the same and still working on finding ways to eat better! I hope that the rest of your week goes well, and that you'll do well with your classes! I believe in you!
This was such a nice prompt that I ended up writing a piece about it! I also rub my self indulgent hcs about Friede too in this hehe. Hopefully this would be a nice read!
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Murdock, Friede, Liko, Dot
(This piece centers around food and eating. Also the food mentioned are meant to be potato stew, ochazuke and bento respectively!)
The quote 'food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate' has stuck with Murdock for the longest time. He can't properly recall the origins, only that it carved a spot in his heart and he grew around it. Murdock enjoyed food and cooking. He loved cooking for others. To him, there was no greater joy and satisfaction than seeing the people he cared for eat the food he made for them.
When he became the chef for the Rising Volt Tacklers, Murdock understood the weight of responsibility now saddled atop his shoulders. With all the traveling they do, he needed to take into account the supplies on hand. Mollie helped him in that regard but ultimately, it came down to him on how he stretched a particular ingredient to use in several meal times. 
Not to mention keeping track of everyone's eating habits. Food allergies aside, Murdock knew what people liked and disliked so he cooked accordingly, ensuring that no one left the dining table hungry. He also regularly asks what the crew wanted to eat for mealtimes, indulging in special requests or making someone's favorite if he felt like they could use a pick me up.
(Like Liko for example. She had adapted to life on board remarkably well but unlike the ever cheerful Roy, Murdock noticed that she had the tendency to keep to herself. It reminded him of Dot–it was thanks to her friendship with his niece that Dot had started to come out of her shell. The gratitude he had couldn't properly be expressed through words so he showed it through his cooking.
The day after they found Liko and got back her pendant, Murdock chose to make one of her favorite dishes. He sensed that she had a lot on her mind, unsurprising given the nature of her disappearance. It pained him to learn that a child her age had to experience an awful thing yet he felt pride that Dot saw Liko to be a valuable friend, drawing her out of her room and off the ship for the first time since he brought her along. 
Murdock spent the time after breakfast prepping the ingredients to make a stew. It was similar to Mollie's favorite but with more potatoes added in and different seasonings were used. He also made fresh buttered rolls to dip into the stew, making it into a hearty meal to enjoy during lunch. 
When he spotted her initial surprise morphing into quiet excitement, Murdock knew he made the right choice. He happily refilled her request for seconds, enjoying the warmth that blossomed in his heart at seeing her overall mood improved). 
Aside from making the food, Murdock got into the habit of reminding others to eat. He understood that at times, circumstances made it difficult for all of them to sit down and have a meal together. If they were in for a spot of rough weather, most of them would eat when they had the chance to seeing that they had different responsibilities in getting the Brave Asagi through safely. 
Arceus knows the amount of times where he gently nudged Orla into leaving the engine room to grab some muffins he made, or all but strong arming Friede into eating something because the endearing fool had it in his head that he would only eat after the danger had passed. Mollie didn’t need much convincing seeing that she ate when she was hungry, while the Liko and Roy happily ate anything he put on their plates. Especially Roy who ate like he had a bottomless pit for a stomach. Good appetite for a growing boy his age. 
These days, Murdock found that he had another person to add to his list of gentle reminders. It was one that he’d always be happy to do so because it was Dot, his niece who recently started eating solid foods. He trusted Mollie’s assessment in that Dot got all the nutrients she needed from the gummies but it still pained him to see her subsisting on only that.
Eating shouldn’t just be about getting the appropriate amount of nutrients. It should be an occasion, something to enjoy and make one feel happy to be alive. Thus when Dot started to eat the doughnuts he left out, it motivated Murdock to find more dishes for his niece to try. Once Dot started to eat more, he encouraged the habit through gentle reminders. 
(Like the night where Murdock spotted Dot standing on deck, a rarity seeing that she only really came out when Liko or Roy was around. Quaxly was with her, spotting his presence first by waving a wing at him. This prompted Dot to turn and look at him in surprise.
“Uh… hi,” she spoke up, soft and slightly hesitant.
“Good evening Dot,” Murdock responded warmly. He knew better than to press the reasoning behind her being out here, lest he spooked her into returing back to her room. Instead of letting the silence between them grew awkward, he asked, “Have you eaten yet?”
“Have you eaten yet?” he repeated gently. Judging from the way Dot fiddled with her sleeve, it gave him his answer. Murdock kept his tone kind, lacking any judgement upon knowing that she hadn’t eaten dinner yet. 
Murdock instead invited her to join him for supper. Dot looked hesitant at first but Quaxly’s encouragement had her shuffling behind him as they made their way to the kitchen. While she sat at one of the chairs, he made a simple Johtonian dish where the leftover rice he planned on using for fried rice tomorrow had soup added into it. He found this to be a nice, comforting dish that was light on the stomach. 
Dot seemed to agree, or at least she ate it with minimal complaints. Murdock hid his smile behind each spoonful, pleased to see his niece slowly learn the joys of eating).
Still, sometimes reminders were not enough for he could not contend with what went on in a person’s mind. In this particular case, he meant of Friede’s. His captain proved to be the one that pushed Murdock to expand his repertoire. Try out various recipes that would fit his particular palate, or fit a certain texture that he liked.
Murdock knew of his dislike for sour and sweet-spicy flavors. His aversion to slimy and too soft textures, of leafy greens and things that pop in his mouth. How he had the tendency to skip meals when he became fixated on a task, or whatever belief that settled in his brain that told him that he shouldn’t eat until they were in calmer waters. Sometimes Friede just plain forgot to eat, citing that he didn’t feel hungry until Murdock placed food in front of him. He ate like a Munchlax by then. 
While it pushed him to work harder, Murdock did not harbor any resentment towards Friede. In fact, he found it to be quite the fun challenge to see what sort vegetables he could sneak into the captain’s meal without him realizing. The sense of pride and gratification to see Friede happily eat something that he made was one that he cherished too. It made him happy that he was able to provide his friend a proper, balanced meal that he could enjoy without worry. 
(A recent memory of this was the time Friede became fixated in understanding more about Roy’s Ancient Pokeball. He apparently found some old books from an antique store during their last supply run in the city that could provide more information and had holed himself in his room since then.
While Friede did come out occasionally, it was for more coffee and some berries he swiped from the fruit bowl before he disappeared in his room again. Murdock had long since learnt that while he could force Friede to eat something, that would in turn make him reluctant to eat whatever meals that he ate now in the future. Something about association with an unpleasant event, even if it was necessary for his continued good health. 
Instead, Murdock spent a bit of time after everyone ate their dinner to make something for Friede. He pulled out a medium sized container that would fit his purposes. Murdock easily put together some sandwiches, vegetable sticks with peanut butter and sugared doughnut holes to put inside. Friede would be more likely to eat something that he could eat with one hand, as well as contrasting crunchy and soft, toothy textures. 
Murdock also filled a thermos with his preferred nighttime blend before carrying it with him to Friede’s bedroom. He entered after some perfunctory knocks, finding the young professor hunched over his desk with several open books, one hand lightly tugging at his hair. An easy indicator for stress, he came to learn. 
“I know you said you weren’t hungry but I made you something anyway.” Murdock went straight to the point, knowing that Friede would be in no mood for small talk. 
Friede briefly raised his head to acknowledge Murdock’s presence and the containers he placed on his bed, then went back to his book with a soft grunt. 
The chef simply smiled, bidding Friede a good night before returning back to the kitchen so he could clean up. Come the next morning, Murdock would find Friede fast asleep on his bed, the container empty sans a few crumbs while the thermos was all but drained).
So yes, Murdock shows his love through the food he makes. It speaks for him when words would fail, and the joy he gained was enough to make all the effort he put in worthwhile. As long as his family ate well, Murdock wouldn’t ask for anything more.
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starleska · 2 years ago
I'm not gonna lie, you're really convincing me to start writing/drawing/animating Y/N x Wally Darling stuff...
You have great concepts and the simp in me is being fed and I love it AHEGAJAGAJA I just worry that there's a chance that Clown had advised against it and I've yet to see that in a post somewhere in the past. But seeing as you're enjoying writing all the Reader x Wally Darling stuff with no worries (good on you btw!), it's all okay right?
/nm /gen
hey there Laurs!! aww, thank you very much 🥰💖 i love getting messages from people inspired by my fanworks, it makes my heart all fuzzy!! just a little endless cycle of good vibes and creativity :3c now, the bulk of your ask is a tough one to answer!! i know i've posted a lot of fanworks for Welcome Home, but at the end of the day, i'm just a fan like anyone else, trying to do my best to respect Clown's wishes. honestly, given the chance i would love to talk to them and ask these specific questions that a lot of fans have been firing in my direction. i have reached out, but understand those messages have likely been drowned under thousands of others!!
so @partycoffin, on the off-chance you're reading this: i hope you're doing well, and taking care of yourself in this terrifying, exciting time!! thank you for sharing your lovely world with us - we're all just so in love with your characters and universe 🥰💖 if you'd like to talk, please feel free to reach out. it would be great to know that you're okay, and i'd be happy to field any questions you have about your bustling new fandom (who have been destroying my own notifications for the past two weeks!!). it may be presumptuous of me, but perhaps having an inside look on what questions fans have might help make this explosive growth seem a little less scary. however, there's no obligation to reply - we're thankful all the same :3c
as far as i am aware at the time of writing this post, i don't think Clown has any problems with Wally x Anon/Reader/Y/N fanworks...or at least, i haven't come across any sources stating so.
the big thing that (if i'm understanding the guidelines correctly) is that Clown doesn't want us to be putting any NSFW Welcome Home material into the main tags. we have to remember that Welcome Home has blown up very quickly, and Clown deserves a chance to breathe and adjust to all this success before laying out those boundaries (if he wishes!). that's why, although i do write NSFW for other fandoms i'm refraining from doing so for Welcome Home until stated otherwise. i can't imagine how stressful it must be dealing with so many notifications, people impersonating, trying to sell their work, exhibiting invasive and creepy behaviour...on top of the overwhelming demand for new Welcome Home stuff. i think as fans we should just vibe and play in our own little bubbles without stressing them out too much, and adjust when we receive new information. for instance, i didn't know when i made my Wally Darling edit that they were uncomfortable with non-canon art being associated with the main game. i've since reached out to see if i should take the video down with no reply, and went with the consensus of a group of fans i asked for the opinions of - to leave it up until asked otherwise. pretty much - i don't think Wally Darling x Anon fanworks contravene the guidelines that Clown has given us so far. they aren't inherently NSFW, and i'd hope that anyone who is making NSFW fanworks is tagging appropriately, as is the courteous thing to do. i'm of the opinion that fans are going to do fandom things, and there's always going to be folks making adult-oriented works, and that's okay!! but i'm also always happy to respect the wishes of the creator in terms of how they'd like that work to be tagged and presented. i think Toby Fox did it best when he first suggested the 'Undertail' tag for NSFW works - a real stroke of genius that i see lots of fandoms still using today. again, do take this with a grain of salt! i don't know Clown, and very few of us do - we're just all interpreting his words in vastly different ways, and that must be terrifying to deal with; thousands of people getting very angry or very sad because they think they can or cannot do a specific thing they never actually said. it's not anyone's fault that Welcome Home blew up so suddenly and there wasn't time for precautions to be taken, but it is the fault of those fans who are overstepping boundaries and need to re-examine their relationship to this art. it sounds like you're good to go on making those animations, and i would personally love to see them 🥰 thanks again for being so sweet about my silly headcanons!! it's honestly been quite scary adjusting to the amount of attention, but please know i'm grateful and appreciative of every ask, reply and message that comes my way 💖
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anything-curlya · 3 months ago
Could i complain a bit? yes? Totally understandable if this is ignored or deleted but i wanted to just vent. But man, i hate how people lack internet etiquette today. I just want to search up this ship just to get some content and all i get is hate. And I understand if people don’t like the ship or feel icky about it, I’ll respect it but it’s just exhausting to have to comb through all the hate just to get one post with them. Like respect the tags people! 😭 Even people who just make simple fanart about their friendship/non romantic works get told off or get scolded by the fandom sometimes. Anyways, i just want to say that i really appreciate your blog and it really does feel like a safe space to just enjoy their relationship (friendship or romantic). And i hope you know that we appreciate you!
(I’d come off of anon but i’m too shy to show myself, but just know i think you’re cool!)
Hello and thank you for sharing your vent to me. I believe that the solution is that you can curate your own fandom experience. I know that sounds like it sucks, because people have lost their ways of being respectful to one another. Right now the best solution is to just block all of those people, you know? At least you're in Tumblr and the blocking option works in here. Unlike Twitter, that is actually a hellzone and the blocking doesn't work. (Thanks Elon.) I've seen the issue of people talking badly about this ship mostly over there. However, I have encountered this situation over here as well. Although it's more of a rarity. As I have mentioned, I curate my own fandom experience and I don't get to see all these blogs and their hate anymore because of that. I just block them! That way, whenever I go looking for new stuff over here to share in the archive I just don't see them. I know some people are very afraid of clicking that button, but it's one of the things that I recommend the most to have a more peaceful experience in the fandom.
Secondly, I believe that I have grown as a person to just not share hatred towards other ships online, I just can't bring myself that sort of energy. When it comes to ships, I am very picky person. I am extremely opinionated when it comes to what's right and wrong in headcanons and ships, but I keep those thoughts and that type of commentary amongst friends and companions in private. Albeit, for the sake of the argument, let's hypothesize that I will make such a post here in Tumblr. I don't particularly consider myself a person that's very in touch with people's emotions, but I know how to respect them. For instance, I know how the tags and the words work. Yes, words. Even if there's no tags of the ship if they type the name, it's going to appear on the search tags. I think that's obvious if you've been in Tumblr long enough, but it doesn't matter if they're ignorant, because most of these people don't see anyone that is a little different from their desired perspective to be worthy of respect. Now, back to what I was saying, if I were to make a post of such a manner over here, I would just find my way to make it very vague and censor the ship name with symbols or anything in the middle so it doesn't get in the search tag. It's the little things and the most we can do.
But now, let's just focus less on the drama and more on the wholesome side of things! Thank you a lot for following me, for being part of the community, for feeling safe in this blog, for having the courage to post in the ask box. The ask box is going to be open always, and I wouldn't mind if you stay an anon, okay? I love my anons equally. They're my little creatures, but I just hope to see you more often. 💙 I really love and appreciate all the people of all over the world coming in here to express what they feel and their opinions in a way that keeps them secure from all the toxicity in the fandom. It is an extreme honor to be considered a safe space, thank you so much! 💙
PS: Thanks for thinking I'm cool!! 💙💙💙
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crispycreambacon · 4 months ago
- 🦇
Hello... Sorry for taking a while to respond to you. Life's been kinda busy on my end 😅
But waugh... it really means a lot to see you and your kind words again. I'm so so happy that Snip Snip resonated so strongly with you especially since I poured a lot of my experiences as a non-binary person into the fic. And it's incredible that you potentially found a new name through this fic!! Oh my gosh, I'm actually tearing up as I type this.. It really is heartwarming knowing the impact that fic had on you <3
Best of luck in your journey! Just a reminder that while labels can provide a sense of comfort and community, they aren't as important as the internet makes them out to be. You don't need to label your identity to have your identity be valid. You are welcome in the LGBT+ community regardless of whether you know what your gender is or not. Experiment with labels if you'd like—you can always change your mind about them—and do what is best for you.
And THAT IS FOUL OF CAPCUT TO DO OH MY GOSH??? Editing programs stop gatekeeping important features through subscription fees challenge... Agh, I hope you'll get around this problem. I really am so excited to see the edit. Again, PLEASE tag me or send me a link through DMs. I'd be more than happy to check it out :]
Once again, thank you so much for this incredibly sweet message 🫂 I hope you are doing well, and may you have fabulous days ahead of you ^^
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lynnlovesthestars · 1 year ago
Do you do scenarios or headcanons? If so, how many characters can we request for scenarios or headcanons? Would you do the same prompt with different characters? Can we request for male reader, female reader, gender neutral reader, etc? Are there any topics you won't do like rape, suicide, etc? Do you do poly ships x reader? Would you mind if we request for Alternate Universes or Aus like AU where the character lives happily? Would you mind if the request is suggestive, implied sex, or mentioned sex but no explicit sex if it's from anon or ageless accounts? For Baldur's Gate 3 requests, would you mind if we don't specify the race/class to leave it ambiguous or if we ask specify the race/class like human/healer? Thank you in advance!
Hi`~ I'll answer to one at a time so I won't get confused I hope you don't mind<3
1 "Do you do scenarios or headcanons?"
Yes I do, although I have posted only one or two up to now, I actually enjoy writing them very much, in fact I got a whole folder of snippets just waiting till I find more stuff to put them with!
2 Would you do the same prompt with different characters?
Absolutely, I firmly believe that the same prompt can develop totally different with diffrent characters, so if you are interested in a past prompt or you have one that you'd like to see with multiple characters, let me know<3
3 Can we request for male reader, female reader, gender neutral reader, etc?
Yup, I am genderfluid and I have no problem writing for any gender, ofc if you request smut make sure to let me know if the pronouns match the genitals n or not, I'll gladly take care of that.
On this note my main oc in dnd- bg3 is canonically genderfluid, both in the concept of gender identity and physical, so again, everyone here is welcome<3
4 Are there any topics you won't do like rape, suicide, etc?
It's not the topic the problem, but rather the connotations that might make me skip a particular request.
The only hard no's are minor characters in suggestive/ smut content, and bestiality. As far as other things I have wrote a lot of dark fics revolving around self-harm and suicide/attempts- and mental illnesses in general- and they don't bother me.
Rape/ non-con and dub-con are a particular topic for me, so i can write them, but I won't romanticize rape/ non-con. I will not write the main love interest as abuser, i can't stomach the idea of putting a perpetrator with his victim- so sorry for u cazador pals that ship him w astarion, or gale x mystra enjoyers (though i can write abt cazador n mystra, just not with their victims)- while dub-con usually doesn't bother me much. Of course i can go in more or less depth in the topics so if you have a tolerance limit, please let me know and I'll tone it up or down depending on that, but if i don't get any note on that, ill make sure to properly tag the pieces as the dddne post said.
5 Do you do poly ships x reader?
Absolutely, I have one poly piece that is being beta-read about wyll and gale x reader, and I'm eager to share it with you all cause 1. it was a lovely request i got, 2. i just love writing poly romances
6 Would you mind if we request for Alternate Universes or Aus like AU where the character lives happily?
I love au's, as I mentioned Lynn- my oc-, he has been the center of so many au pieces i wrote for bg3 as i was in rest the past two weeks, so feel free to ask!
Today I feel like oversharing so there are my ultimate favourite au's: guardian angel, soulmates, best friends to lovers, royalty, forbidden romance, one bed stranded, moden-fantasy, isekai, coffee shop, bookstores.. but there's so many more omg
7 Would you mind if the request is suggestive, implied sex, or mentioned sex but no explicit sex if it's from anon or ageless accounts?
It's a bit of a grey area, if you don't feel comfortable sending an ask with your main where you have your age displayed, you can dm me the request and I'll take care of it however you like it, but if it's through asks I'll stop at the implied to be safe, thank you for asking though i appreciate it:)
8 For Baldur's Gate 3 requests, would you mind if we don't specify the race/class to leave it ambiguous or if we ask specify the race/class like human/healer?
Of course, you are free to tell me as much or as little as you want when you send me a request, i'll do my best to respect your preferences whether you don't want descriptions of the tav at all, or you want something more detailed, you are free to request.
I've been thinking about opening some limited requests to write about ppl tavs- since i've been asked by quite a few people- but I don't know how to approach it specifically, but keep an eye open in case i open a few of them and you want to drop your commission<3
Thank you so much for your questions and your kindness, I always appreciate your openness, as a veteran in the fandoms environment, we all know how some might be less polite, so seeing even just the kindness of asking what's my preferences always warms up my heart.
lots of love, can't wait to see what lovely ideas you have in store for my asks!<3
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causenessus · 6 months ago
OMG NEVER FEEL SORRY ABOUT NOT RESPONDING RIGHT AWAY!!! I totally get it, some days are just like that!!!! I’m literally just here to yap at you so respond whenever you feel like! Don’t feel obligated to respond at all because you don’t owe me anything!!! <3333
Slowly but surely I’m making my way through the depression room lol. My mom wants to turn my room into a guest bedroom and the basement into my new room so it needs to be cleaned by the end of the year. So hopefully more surely than slowly lol- OMG GOOD JOB!!!! I LOVE THE FEELING OF ACCOMPLISHMENT FROM FINISHING SOMETHING WELL!!!!
Worry not! I am not stressing about senior year!!! I’ve already decided where I’m going to college just waiting for the applications to allow me to apply for fall of 2025 (I’m going on vacation summer 2025 and thus will not be able to start- it is a cruise in case you’re curious 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ my graduation present if you will) BAHAHA!!! Definitely what happened! I smash so many holes in walls/j
Good news! We did not take senior photos! And yes my hair appointment went very well 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ I now have purple and pink hair (split into like four sections and it’s like alternating so pink in front and purple in back on one side and the opposite on the other side) THE ORANGEY PINK WAS NOT PRETTY. DO NOT LET IT FOOL YOU. It was like bad blonde orange and like salmon pink- not good it looked really bad and washed me out bcs cookie anon has a complexion that rivals Casper the ghost.
I too think about Suna a lot, just a weekly basis (love notes Suna gets like three-four times a week. Regular/Timeskip Suna only gets like twice a week if he’s lucky. The rest of the time is spent thinking about that one Osamu manga panel 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨)
I can see it now; Atsumu did something (took the Mac n cheese from Y/N’s apartment for his own selfish Mac n cheese midnight snacks) and Y/N of course goes to complain to Suna who laughs at her and then tells Osamu- In which case, Bakery Anon will become evil 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ anything for Osamu (+ Love Notes! Y/N…Suna is there but Y/N <3) so we put chiles in the icing of cupcakes and give them to Atsumu. Tada! Self Shipping During the week hours-
Okay! I think I found the fic so RAMBLE TIME.
Okay back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I read your little about me and I agree. Oikawa is also very important to me. I could write an essay on him and why he’s such a Human character. and why he’s perfect to be like a 1-1 with Kageyama but also be his own thing separately- this is not a ramble about him though so 🧍🏻‍♀️
For the people who made it this far and see this: YOU GUYS ARE WORTHY OF LOVE. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise, you deserve to be loved and not be a secret. You deserve food, your body needs it to function. You deserve water, it’s very important. It helps with headaches, make sure to get sleep. I know it’s difficult (I have insomnia so I get it) but routines help even if just a little bit. Remember to rest and that you deserve a little break. And if no one else tells you today. I LOVE YOU <3
For Ness: I LOVE YOU <333 YOUR WRITING MAKES ME FERAL. (If you can’t tell). I can’t wait to continue yapping with you, yap sessions >>>> you ALSO deserve a break. If you don’t feel like writing then we’ll be here after your break. Remember to have fun and take care of yourself. Drink water and eat food! I know it’s easy to forget but as long as you eat some sustenance! Good job!!!!
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪
AND AA!!! GOOD JOB TO YOU TOO!! i would come there and help you clean out your room if i could </33 I AM THERE WITH YOU IN SPIRIT!!! AND I HOPE IF YOU MOVE INTO THE BASEMENT IT'S NICER!! i feel like basements are always kind of nice bc they have more room and privacy?? but that's just me!!
AND I'M GLAD YOU'RE NOT STRESSING ABOUT SENIOR YEAR!! have as much fun as possible <3 like i had friends who went crazy and were taking ap bio and ap chem and ap calc BUT I WAS LIVING MY BEST LIFE WITH THE BARE MINIMUM REQUIRED CLASSES AND CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT CLASSES!! i'm glad you've already got where you plan to go and everything planned out!! good luck with your applications <3 AND HAVE SO MUCH FUN ON YOUR CRUISE AAAA THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!! (personally i'm terrified of the water BUT I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN!! THAT'S SUCH A COOL GRADUATION GIFT AND YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT <3 PLEASE DO CHECK IN LIKE NEXT MAY OR WHENVER ABOUT YOUR CRUISE/AFTER YOU GO ON IT AND HOW IT IS!! [and ofc pls check in again before that as well <3 i love hearing from you <3])
AND I'M GLAD YOU WERE ABLE TO?? MOVE YOUR SENIOR PHOTOS OR THEY AT LEAST DID NOT HAPPEN BEFORE YOU GOT YOUR HAIR REDONE!! and OMG THE PURPLE PINK SOUNDS SO COOL!! i just saw someone on instagram today who like half their bangs were bleached sort of platinum-gray-white and the top of her hair was the same color but then the sort of undercut/layers were her natural dark hair color AND IT LOOKED SO COOL!!! (but i don't think my asian hair would let me do that color unfortunately </333) AND DW ABOUT THE ORANGE PINK COLORS 😭 i remember my sister tried to dye some of her hair purple but (once again blaming it on asian hair) it literally just died and turned some type of medusa/ursala green-grayish color it was so bad 😭😭 BUT AA THE RED AND PURPLE NOW SOUNDS SO GOOD!!
REGULAR/TIMESKIP SUNA ONLY GETS TWICE A WEEK IF HE'S LUCKY 😭😭😭😭 LMAOO THAT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD AND OMG i think i was driving yesterday and i thought about that one really cute osamu timeskip panel where he puts on the jersey and like looks back at the camera to match atsumu on a tv screen also wearing a jersey <33 LIKE OMG HE'S SO CUTE (i shouldn't think about that while driving tho like...i was definitely distracted ahem...ANYWAY)
YES OMG BAKERY ANON JOIN THE SELF SHIPPING HOURS!! you and love notes osamu and me and love notes suna <33 it's perfect!! it's so so cute <33 imagine u and osamu like coming up to atsumu being like "tsumu!! we made u mac n cheese because we know how much u love it <3" (you guys made it with orange juice 💀) AND SUNA AND YN ARE BOTH RECORDING FROM BEHIND A WALL </3 ik u guys just set up the most foul pranks ever!! (but atsumu def deserves them <3)
and omg yes oikawa is so so important to me <33 i just ranted about that in my answer to mango anon's ask 😭😭 BUT HE'S SO HUMAN AND HE DESERVES THE ENTIRE WORLD!! HE DESERVES SO MUCH LOVE AND TO BE REASSURED HE IS ENOUGH AS HE IS AND THAT HE'S SO SO AMAZING AND THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD AND <333 i think i've said this somewhere here before but like every few months or so i have this one friend who also watches hq who is a very firm kageyama stan and maintains "oikawa tried to abuse him!!" he's bad!!! and me (very firm oikawa stan) am like "OKAY?? HE ABUSED HIS MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAMMATES?? they both changed oikawa is NOT a bad person yap yap yap!!!" (sorry i def turned this into a ramble about him 🧍‍♀️)
and thank you for your sweet reminder bakery anon!! i'm so glad you enjoy my writing <33 that makes me so so happy to hear genuinely it means the world and really fulfils my motivation!! i will make sure to take a break if i feel like i need it and thank you so much i love u <33 I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN I LOVE THESE YAP SESSIONS!!)
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xenon-demon · 2 years ago
💝: fave trope w/ rec
This isn’t from the list, just offering it up to give you the chance to talk about it if you’d like—no pressure!
ok. so. It’s very hard to pick an ULTIMATE fave trope buuuuut a very strong contender for the title is time travel fics. More specifically, time LOOP fics. (What can I say, Doctor Who had some significant effects on my preteen brain chemistry.) I love a good time loop fic because it lets you hit a lot of my favourite things all in one: timey wimey nonsense, getting to Fix whatever canon bullshit you need to, having all these little character moments where you can explore different dynamics and do character studies - especially if people other than the looping character start to change/remember things as the loops go on??? MAN. I EAT THAT SHIT UP. Also the potential for calling back to previous events or repeating an event with a subtle twist to it each time, it’s suuuuuuch good shit. I also find stories about the importance of trying - even when it’s difficult, even when you don’t want to anymore, even when it may not actually change anything - really resonate with me. Which is major time loop vibes, yknow? I am a certified Time Loop Enjoyer™.
I know there’s a lot of good time loop fics out there in the ST fandom (especially steddie fandom), which, duh, Steve and Eddie and the events of season 4 are practically BUILT for a time loop. Because of that (and because the fic I really wanna rec for this trope is A Lot and Not For Everyone), I’m going to rec TWO time loop fics for you.
1: echo by CaptainHoney (~30k words, rated E)
Warning - READ THE GODDAMN TAGS. CHECK THE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. I AM NOT KIDDING. This fic starts out going full tilt balls-to-the-walls and it does not stop once. It’s emotionally intense (lots of angst), the events of the fic are intense, it’s a heavier take on time loops than a lot of other fics in this fandom, and you Will feel like you’ve been put through an emotional blender by the end. But there is a happy ending (I’m a sucker for happy endings, I can’t read anything more than ~5k without one), and like I mentioned above this is a story about Trying. Trying even when it’s hard, even when you don’t want to anymore, is such a powerful story theme for me and I really like the way it’s explored in echo. Plus, it’s a love story of course, and a damn fucking good one - both the love between Eddie & Steve, and the love their whole extended found family have for each other.
ALSO. I’m a feral creature for fun narrative choices and echo is told both non-linearly AND from multiple POVs (don’t let that scare you, it’s always really clear who and when we’re dealing with. You’ll see if you read the fic). It’s absolutely fucking delicious. I don’t see this fic talked about much (literally ever, actually) and I think that’s a SHAME. That being said, I do recognise this fic is Very intense and not for everyone, which is perfectly fine! Take care of yourselves, and don’t read something that you’re worried might put you in a bad spot mentally just because I’m hyping it up here. 💙
2: you are young and life is long (and there is time to kill today) by heartofwinterfell (~70k, rated M)
This is a fun one. This is technically a series, with the first fic being ~18k from Eddie’s POV as he goes through the loops, and the second is ~52k from Steve’s POV as he lives in the time loop without knowing it’s a time loop. Yeah. I really love that perspective, you don’t often see a time loop fic from the perspective of the other character, and it’s done really well here. PLUS the second chapter of Steve’s fic goes into time loop aftermath and recovery, which is one of my favourite things to explore that often doesn’t get addressed in great detail.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon, I really loved getting the chance to ramble a bit 💙
Ask me for a fic rec!
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variousqueerthings · 1 year ago
Asking this genuinely in good faith but: im confused about what you mean when you say sex is a construct like gender? obviously like. The social and societal expectations around sex/gender are a construct. But I dont see how actual biology is? Obviously there needs to be greater understanding of the nuances of differences in sexes, and its not a binary like how a lot of people talk about it. But the difference in chromosomes, anatomy, hormones, etc. between different sexes is real, and it’s scientifically relevant to distinguish between them when performing clinical studies etc. so i guess i just wonder if you could elaborate on what you mean exactly when you say that? Thanks!
hiya, hope all is well in wherever you are anon. EDIT: well this got long
I assume you mean the post I reblogged about acknowledging that sex is also a construct that shifts depending on the agenda of the person speaking about it
first things first, gonna acknowledge, this is not my expert topic. a big reason why I reblogged this post (and a few other similarly ones over the years, reminding me that my tagging is a mess and I need to clean that up) is my allyship for intersex people - I want to listen to what they're saying, so my first big shout-out is to read up on what intersex people are saying about their lived realities and politics
also as a recommendation I've been enjoying a lot of what @genderqueerdykes have been writing (I believe I rb'd that post from there), which is a general widespread queer intersex-gender-and-aromantic-fuckery-based positivity, that is good for my all over the place soul (also I am currently unemployed, but if someone has a bit of cash to spare there's a continuous fund to help support through homelessness at the top of that blog)
secondly to second, I agree with you --it is important to be able to distinguish various characteristics in human bodies (for example, say, the ability to give birth, let's go with a big one there, not everyone can do that one) so that we can effectively support people medically, do important clinical studies, and also, for sure, speak about elements of bodies that are gatekept, monitored, denied agency, and otherwise become elements of a society that is white supremacist, colonialist, patriarchal, ableist, queerphobic, transphobic and -- returning to aforementioned under-discussed elephant in the room -- intersexist
so to clarify on the idea of the post you're referring to, whilst also going into why I've just listed out some of the violating institutions of our society, the way we decide what defines sex, is changeable, and comes from our cultural norms, it's 100% what you said "The social and societal expectations around sex/gender are a construct" <- you're very much understanding the post with this sentence
take sports. sports is currently one of the biggest spaces we're seeing this out in the open. the notion of what defines a Woman (sex-and/or-gender-malleable-depending-on-the-speakers-agenda) is changeable depending on skin colour, country of origin, "masculine" features (also white supremacist in function, who can forget that tweet where three cis non-white women were "called out" for being trans women -- I've seen similar many times), being intersex (whether or not the person knew about it beforehand, and in Caster Semenya's case, she was tricked into giving up that information, so that's a big non-consensual medical violation amongst all the others), and of course, the patriarchal idea that women just must be weaker all the time, and if they won't be it on their own dime, then we'll change the rules and force/coerce them to do things to their bodies that they did not consent to. gender roles enforcing sex as social construct
I note that since the 20s and all through today, women have had to undergo various humiliating checks to "prove" that they were real enough women to play sports. which coincidentally is what people have been saying girls are risking having to do now in America if things continue the way they have been
as a sidenote, I was watching a neat little documentary interviewing various trans people in sports called "Game On, Queer Disruptions in Sport," which included a story by a Bulgarian ex-rower who back in the day was ousted from professional rowing for being tested positive as intersex. in their story they talked about how actually over half the team were, but it was only because they told their coach and it became public that it was a problem. where does sex end and gender begin in all of this? whose agenda does it prop up when not talking about something "allows" some people to be women and others not to be (to be clear, they no longer ID as a woman, but if memory serves as intersex as their gender so that adds a whole nother dimension, but boy oh boy this is getting long)
sex -- in the sense that people are born with different chromosomes, levels of hormones, developmental Stuff that hijinks how those hormones interact with the body, and a million other facets that affect what we call sexual characteristics -- is real, in the same way that height differences are real (here's a video by philosophytube, which from memory is very trans-skewed, which, understandable, she was going head-on with the terfs and transphobes at the time, but I do think less overall on intersex people -- but yeah, she did the height example there, I'm borrowing it)
how we decide to enforce gender through sex, what sex counts as Enough to be allowed access to [insert gender], what sexual characteristics are allowed without censure and/or other forms of violation of body and (you guessed it) how that overlaps with ideas about gendered characteristics, how we create the gender roles based on our assumptions about sex, and then how we enforce those gender roles onto sexual characteristics like a depressing game of ping-pong, in which each reinforces the rights of the other part of the "argument" to say "well, we need to constantly remain vigilant in order for the world to be neatly divided into two, easily distinguishable categories, otherwise Chaos will ensue! how can we know what a Man and a Woman is if it's not clear cut somehow!" (deep breath)
we're.... sort of on the path of going "well alright non-binary is a thing, as long as we assert that this is purely Gender, the Thing Going On In Your Head Ya Weirdos, perhaps we can just about allow something that's a catch-all third gender type thing in a few countries (although, notably to meeeee, not in the UK)," but we haven't yet truly begun to deal with the fact that whatever is going on with the human body is so much more complicated than that and people are absolutely suffering because of this
and the more one thinks about the sheer rabbit hole of this reality, the more one realises just how damaging we're being, first and foremost to intersex people, and then spiralling, hitting every bigoted institution branch in the book on the way down, because well, okay, gender we'll juuust about accept can be fluid and changeable, but we'll not actually... interact with how bodies are fluid and changeable, because of genes, geography, medical intervention, illness, or idk, a hundred things I havent thought about
so in conclusion: how do we decide to define sex-and-gender? what is our agenda with discussing sex/when we bring it up in our politics (and I mean this not just as a hypothetical for frothing at the mouth rightwing bastards, us, who I believe to be well-meaning, too)? is it to end surgery on intersex babies, is it to make sure transmasc people can access pregnancy support, is it to allow girls and women (any and all girls and women) access to healthy outlets in sports, etcetcetc? is it to be able to more effectively discuss the ways bigoted institutions interact with one another to enforce their ideas onto bodies? or is it to rigidly enforce the divide and insist that while we'll allow the gender thing (again, just about, with caveats, heavy disclaimers, etc) there are two sexes, and never shall the twain intersect, interact, overlap, or indeed have anything to do with gender, for they are immutable objective realities that are not at all affected by our politics and ideals...
it's a sad, unsexy state of affairs
I hope this gave a little introductionary Thing and curiosity to poke at it further. potentially somewhere where someone has much more detail on the actual Philosophy of all of this, because I'd think that's cool, and also for this is like. pokes here pokes there, and also can you tell I'm actually jock from the focus I decided to take there? no? whew still in the closet on that one
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years ago
I am sorry that I made you justify for something that was your opinion❤️ (I am the one that asked you ages ago about your hate/dislike)
Normally, I don’t read Hermione bashing because people make her a real bitch that is after Harrys money and that doesn’t care about him, which I think is weirdly non-canon. So reading the MiT was kind of a suprise to me. It didn’t have the tag bashing and you were definitely NOT bashing her, but wrote her pretty boring, distant and cold.
I shouldn’t have asked you… like you said! Its YOUR story and YOU decide who has more „page time“ and who deserves to be written about. But instead of being an asshole and ignoring my ask you were so respectful and said so many reasonable points that I understood and accepted your opinion!
I don’t agree with all, but I understood and tbh I still read through all those one shots and multi chapters 😅 You write too good, to just stop reading your stories 😅
The only thing that I can suggest so people stop asking about Hermione is to write a post or just a disclaimer that this blog is an anti!Hermione blog without bashing
Because you really don’t bash Hermione, you just don’t write about her more.
I am so Sorry that you needed to write this rant, because you felt like justifying your opinion and hate again and again and again! But I am also glad you wrote it and didn’t shut up about it. Because nobody cares if someone hates Drarry, Wolfstar, a feminin Sirius(which is so weird.) a skirt wearing Sirius (I- wtf), those blogs that post about TOMARRY don’t need to justify their ships, people don’t ask about why someone hates Ron or Ginny or the whole Weasley clan (seriously noone). So you should have the right too, to hate a FICTIONAL character that is not REAL
Again I apologize for my noisy self!❤️
And just to annoy you, bc I really do love this blog snd the person behind it:
Why do you dislike percy Weasley?💀😭
(Pls take it as a joke, I rarely care about him😂💀)
I don’t want you to feel bad. Some people are genuinely curious, and those people (like you) bother me a lot less. Because I get it. She’s not normally a disliked character. But there are those of us who just don’t have any interest in her or don’t like her.
It’s just a question I get asked often.
You are so right. Nobody goes to an anti-Ron or Ginny or Weasley tumblr or story and ask why or to shit on the author. Or if Ron is put in the background as a friend and Hermione is portrayed as the bestie, nobody bats an eye. I think that’s what bugs me the most.
I had someone who would rant on my page anytime I said something even remotely negative about Hermione. I blocked their account and their second account so I don’t have to deal with it. Most times, people don’t really argue. But I get a lot of reviews and asks asking questions or people who are upset that I underutilize her. A lot of the time I just delete and ignore, not giving it any attention.
I just got a shitty anon review today that I ended up deleting ranting and raving at me because of Hermione in Brumous and saying my portrayal of Harry and Ron was awful. And I just had enough. And I needed to vent.
But honestly, I remember your ask and you were kind and respectful. I don’t mind questions. It just gets exhausting sometimes. More often than not, they’re not respectful.
I am just trying to establish some good boundaries. Some people in the fandom need to learn how to respect boundaries. That’s very, very important.
So, friends?!?
Don’t get me started on Percy!!
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streamdotpng · 2 years ago
Yoooo!!! I did the first chapter?scene? Of the streamwenclair coffee shop au, turns out it's actually more of a juice bar, but anyhoo! Starring in todays episode(guess thats what I'll call them) are our very own streamwenclair and Jdwicked!!
Enjoy! Or not, no preasure.
It was a dark and stormy(actually pretty sunny) night(by that, i mean noon) when our characters meet.
The crunch under his shoes was crisp, and the thirst for boba high when he walks into the shop. It seems to be a minimalist-turned-maximalist themed drink bar, serving any and everything one could think of. The windows don't show a lot of whats happening inside, but you can see everything happening outside.
He walks up to the counter and rings a little bell labled "ring for service, ;)" with an added sticky note that says "NOT THAT KIND OF SERVICE" in sparkle pen bold.
"One sec!" Is heard coming from the back, then a clatter, until finally the barista emerges from the door leading to the kitchen. From a glimps, one can see that the walls are lined with all sorts of kitchen things and bottles. "What shall it be this lovely after noon?"
"Do you serve boba, specifically mango boba? Your signs are a little confusing." The signs in question were the menu and pop up infront of the quaint cafe, the only thing on it is a non-descript drink and the sentence; "we serve everything and anything liquid! (For legal reasons, some exceptions apply)", needless to say, kind of suspicious and confusing
"Oh yeah! Of course! The exceptions are limited to any illegal substances and/or bodily fluids, boba should be easy pz! Want any special shape for the boba, or just regular old?" The young/old barista, who's name tag reads "stream", asks, inputting the order on the vintage looking register.
"Oh, i guess stars would be cool," he answers, pulling out his wallet.
"5.96, and a name for the order?"
"JD, the names JD wicked, cool huh?" Handing over the cash, he looks at the bottles lining the wall upside down with what looks like a spout attached at the lip
"Real cool, you can take a seat or just stand around while you wait, we also have some cool fan made books to read or you can write your own?" Stream says, motioning to the seats first, then an area that looks like a pickup station, and finally a half height long book shelf with vintage computors atop.
"Whoa! Thats so cool!" Amazed he goes and takes a look, reading a couple while he waits. He gets his boba and asks "Do you have anywhere i could put questions about the works?"
"Great idea! I'll make a question board tonight, do you want to write it on this sticky note for now?" Stream hands over a light blue sticky note and pen when JD accepts.
To be continued
And that is all for todays episode! Next episodes air date is tbd, but stay tuned!
How yall think? I'm thinking of starting with not many people knowing each other so far. In my head, simp anon is a part timer at the place(still dunno what i should call it, maybe just "wenclair"?), stream is a fulltimer(maybe owner?), jdwicked has just found this place and will probably become a regular(who am i kidding, obvi gonna become a regular), writer anon is already a regular(maybe mobile orders? Maybe in store orders? I dunno yet) and the rest of the anons are tbd because i have a single braincell shared between me and my friend(who is not helping me with this).
If i have made any errors, please point them out. Also, i totally forgot ur pronouns stream 😅
Any questions will be answered by my intern, coffee intern anon(who is just me without the fake mustache)(not really gonna be answered by that pseudo, i just wanted to say i have an intern)
-coffee anon
I'm pretty sure you spelt computer wrong but other than that, looks like a pretty good short scene :)
Can't wait to see where you put the others
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bugfossil · 5 days ago
anon u could liek... literally ask things in a normal non-assuming way and respect people's boundaries, yeah? also hey whats up bug can i know your fav ice cream flavor
also;; you ok with mutuals having posts with properly tagged f slur? wanting to check just in case. wont use in url but yeah!
literally....acting mad entitled.
anyway hiiiiii what IS up indeed....today im working on lots of assignments and studying for an exam...i was so so sleepy earlier so i had to put Going Out Clothes on despite staying in the house because it was sooooo hard to be productive in my comfy clothes....whats up w you !! how are u :)
good question about the ice cream flavor....um my favorite ice cream flavor is likely whatever ive had most recently. tbh. i had ice cream last night and it was moose tracks. very very yummy. im also a huge strawberry ice cream fan. strawberry ice cream with that chocolate syrup that hardens into a shell when it gets cold.....delicious. whats YOUR fav ice cream flavor?? :]
yeas! if its tagged (preferably as "f slur" and not like. as the slur cause then i still have to see the word if its just tagged as the word) then im fine w that!!! thank you for asking :) i appreciate you being considerate :) sometimes i'll click through the "post contains blocked tags" thing if im not feeling particularly sensitive in that moment but being able to avoid the word when im having a hard time with it is really helpful !!! thank u again for asking !
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