#(In Depth and Personal Munday Memes)
more-than-a-princess · 10 months
🐣What were you like as a kid? Allegedly? Has anything changed, and have people noticed?
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In Depth and Personal Munday Meme - Accepting!
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My favorite places as a child were quiet, full of books and/or dolls, and somewhere I could wear a pretty dress, eat sweets, and read to my dolls or stuffed animals. I'm an only child and have parents with busy careers, so I was left on my own (middle school and up) or with a sitter or nanny quite often. I had trouble making friends and relating to other kids as I was constantly surrounded by adults whom I could reason with: I'm pretty sure part of the reason why I was bullied so much was that I attempted to reason with other kids the way I did with adults (or tried to) and couldn't understand why they just teased me instead. I begged to be homeschooled but my parents said no and sent me to private school hell instead. I think the only time I really liked going to school for something more than my favorite classes was university.
That said, my favorite things in life were the bookstore and/or library, Scholastic Book Fair (I was that kid who ordered whatever I wanted off the book list and needed help carrying the bags to my parents' cars), the Disney Store (beeline for the stuffed animal tower and the TV playing film/song clips usually, if I wasn't distracted by dolls), and whenever I got new Barbies or American Girl dolls. I actually preferred AG more: the fact they came with books and girls from historical eras was the coolest thing to me! Those dolls and my cats at the time got to hear a lot of me trying to read aloud as much as I could.
I wasn't very athletic so sports teams were out of the question most of the time (I lifted weights instead starting in middle school in lieu of a school team due to how badly I was bullied. It just wasn't a great idea for my mental health to keep me around those kids longer than I needed to be), and I wasn't allowed video games until high school (right around when I'd sent my college applications) because my parents were convinced that if I played video games, I'd never get into a good university. This is a big reason why I never became much of a gamer! I didn't grow up with the hand-eye coordination practice with consoles and controllers many kids did. I also didn't get cable TV until the end of middle school: things like Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel were luxuries for me, ones I only got to indulge in at other family members' houses.
I think the funniest bit of it all is how I went from very much a dress-loving, pink-adorning, dress-wearing child to a teenager, constantly sullen, dressed in black/Hot Topic/early Torrid attire with the goth-iest high school senior photoshoot...and right back to a woman who adores dresses, classic colors, neutrals, and pastels, and just feels better about her day when pulling a dress and favorite pair of shoes/bag out of her closet, just to go to a cafe and shopping/a bookstore. My parents have definitely noticed this and are having the last laugh at middle/high school-era Rae, who would only wear wide leg JNCO style trousers with so many ripped holes at the bottom, bondage pants/skirts, anime/geek t-shirts, fancy dresses from The Pyramid Collection (I had a wicca phase) and the darkest red lipstick that wasn't black but still broke the school dress code so the administration made me wash it off each morning (despite me swatching it on my hand and showing them no, it wasn't black: black lipstick was banned, like jeans, miniskirts, tanktops, and anything featuring 'gang' logos or relating to Eminem or Nelly. Honestly, besides the jeans, good move school!)...is now a far more cheerful and content person, who has embraced color, dresses, bows, etc. once again.
tl;dr - my teenage years were awful, do not want to revisit no matter how much my high school keeps insisting I should show up for my 20-year reunion.
In a more nerdy sense, I'm realizing that in my late thirties with more disposable income, I can finally wear all the costumes I wanted to do as a teenage cosplayer but didn't have the funds to do so. I am doing or rewearing so many old school costumes in 2024, and upgrading some outfits I already love with higher-quality pieces.
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mintymemesandrpshop · 10 months
In Depth and Personal Munday meme (Remember to respect the mun's privacy, feel free to cross out or decline questions if needed!)
🎨Are you neurodivergent or disabled? Anything that uniquely affects your RPing? 🫥 Have you ever felt invisible? What was a way that the RP community made you feel better? 🏴‍☠️ Name something that your muse might not get away with IRL. How is it fun to write? 🦊 What is the ambiance like, where you are? Are there any sounds, or sights that might be distinctive? 🦀 Name something that you probably wouldn't ever do, that is unlike yourself! 💅🏼 What's your aesthetic? ☯️ Define something that you're all about, as simply as you can. 🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons? 💀 Last time you felt like death? 🕳️ What's a major time sink for you? 🪓 Worst Chore you have? Or, the best chore! 🦚 Last moment you felt proud? Or, any moment you have! 🐣What were you like as a kid? Allegedly? Has anything changed, and have people noticed? 🪅What are holidays like for you? 🐦‍⬛What's something that animals or your pet do? .....Is it smart? 🧣 What do you need to be comfortable? Can be physical or emotional. 🍳 Basic routine? Or, is there something different that you do in the day than 'typical' of your area? 🍼Do you have a comfort food? 🧋Any cultural osmosis in your life? What's the last thing you learned like this? ⁉️ Your last 'oh shit' moment? 🚴🏼‍♀️ What would you see, generally speaking, if you went peoplewatching? 🦜Name a person in your life, can be anyone. 📣What's on your mind?!
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
🕳️ What's a major time sink for you?
In Depth and Personal Munday meme
🕳️ What's a major time sink for you?
The tumblr rpc, hahaha. No really, I spend way more time on here than I should. It's just difficult for me to do much else in the situation that I'm in right now. I currently am a stay at home mom, and with my kid home for the summer and with things going on at home that I'd rather not talk about on here, I can't really get out much. So I'm kind of stuck at home, and there isn't much I can do to pass the time.
So, yeah, tumblr rp, major time sink right now. >>;
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sharpsuite · 2 months
4 & 30!
4. what made you choose this muse?
For Chishiya, it was a FAMILIARITY with the character type. I tend to write a lot of characters that are similar to him in a handful of key ways so I felt that I could do him justice as a muse to pick up. ( and I hope that this is a goal I'm succeeding with 😅 ) I also sort of just....wanted to bring back the fact that despite how well loved Chishiya is, he's a rather cold and ruthless person. I know a lot of characters when they end up as fan favorites can get stripped of a lot of their core characteristics. But I also just thought he would be fun to play as well and see how his dynamics would fall into place if people would write with him. And, to my delight, i've been very welcomed and I can't thank everyone enough! 🥺💖
ANN was more to challenge myself while still having topics I am familiar with. She's smart and calm like Chishiya a lot of the time, but we see a lot more emotion show from her as the series goes. And she has a very strong sense of morality and ethics she follows. ( Unlike Chishiya, who is an apathetic manipulator. ) I mostly write villains or morally grey characters, and if they're on the good side they're likely their for a selfish motive. Ann on the other hand is genuinely a GOOD PERSON doing what she can in the situation. She has a strong motive to do what's right...but it's also fascinating because we see how taxing it can be. How she loses hope in the world working on all those crime scenes but still keeps working. It's not a very big venture from my usual type but it's enough to be new. Also she does not get NEARLY enough love that she deserves.
30. what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
Ohhh that's a good question. I am a BIG sucker for angst as well as hurt-comfort. And I think that's because a lot of depth and development tends to happen in those sorts of tropes. Don't get me wrong! It certainly can happen in other tropes and genres too. I have had it happen and I do have it happen ( I'd say especially here with these muses ) but it's been a lot HARDER in other fandoms to get development. I like the serious threads and discussions between muses ( or inner dialogues, be it my muse or a partner's muse! i love seeing different mindsets ). Also big fan of bad / horrible muses only having one or two others they can really lean on, be it romantically or platonically. My brain is blanking because i can think of character tropes but rp tropes is just static right now. Don't get me wrong, i love some good fluff threads as well and other kinds of genres. Holiday ones can be hilarious & fun or deeply touching; but i definitely gravitate towards the heavier things.
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kowaindar0u · 4 months
🦊🐸 :3 ayy
[ In Depth and Personal Munday meme ]
🦊 What is the ambiance like, where you are? Are there any sounds, or sights that might be distinctive?
Currently, where I've been living with my grandparents, I guess the most distinctive thing would be the geese LOL there's two ponds nearby and a big field past their backyard so we get soooo many geese flying and walking around and honking. Some other birds too!! Have some pics!
(Canada geese + 2 babies! / blue jay / a cute round lil bluebird 😭💙)
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🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons?
Okay so the thing about tkrb is it makes me smile SO much (except for when it makes me cry, obviously) and I'm sooo glad I came back to it full-force after a while away ;;; but the big toumyu concerts like shinken ranbu sai, utaawase, etc always leave me like. Idk, so fuckin happy LOL, it's like the feeling after an irl concert!!
Also now I'm reading that question and I'm wondering if it means something non-fandom that makes me smile for fandom reasons, like it reminds me of it ??
well. It made me smile before but the first thing that comes to mind now is the hampsterdance LOL 💀💀💀💀 that counts right? cause it's STILL so fucking funny to me thinking about the toudans dealing with their saniwa turning into a hamster it's so RIDICULOUS
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infernal-feminae · 5 months
🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons?
💀 Last time you felt like death?
In Depth and Personal Munday meme
My ships of course. Either ships I already like or ones I created with my mutuals from rping. I'm a shipping whore and one of my joys in life is looking at two characters and just -slowly pushes them together-
The last time I felt like death was last month actually. During my period :U
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whiskeysmulti · 2 months
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In Depth and Personal Munday meme- no longer accepting!
🦀 Name something that you probably wouldn't ever do, that is unlike yourself!
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.Whiskey. There's a lot that's unlike me that I wouldn't ever do, if I'm being honest. I'm not a big party person (fun fact I actually can't attend a lot of parties because most of them have balloons and I'm allergic to the latex they're made from). I'm not someone that's going to bullshit people or run and gossip when they tell me something is to be kept a secret, unless I know for a fact they're in danger or going to hurt themselves other than those exceptions I'll never bring it up to someone else. I'm not a formal wear kind of person. And I'm not someone that's really big on bar hopping and drinking heavy like to the point of black out level intoxication. In fact I don't really drink at all and when I do it's like 1 or 2 glasses of wine or something mixed on a special occasion like someone's wedding, but that's it.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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@enruiinas asked: - Do you feel awkward/nervous/etc trying to get to know people? - Ask anything you’ve wanted to know! Literally anything this is an invitation for knowledge. Apologies if you’ve talked about these before, but some “what were the moments” questions for you! How did writing Ikkaku come about for you? Was there a canon moment (or NOT one, but you wished there was?) where you were just like “Oh yes, this needs to happen!” Same for the LawNa ship! I’ve read Ikkaku’s wonderful TEDTalk and your fics of course, but was there an epiphany “oh hey, this ship works!” moment for you? Anxious Munday Meme (Still Accepting)
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💛 I absolutely feel nervous trying to get to know people. I'm friendly and nice, but I've had some bad experiences in the past. Oftentimes I'll worry that I'm annoying them, or that they're not actually interested in what I'm saying, or that they'll get too personal too fast and turn me into their therapist and trauma-dump on me, or I'll accidentally cross a boundary or say something stupid that will make them hate me, or that I'll get attached only for them to get bored of me and move on. Frankly, I frequently over-analyze my online interactions with people for both legitimate reasons and ones that are just in my head. It's awful lol.
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💛Ok, so this is a doozy of a question(s) but they're all good ones so you're getting an in-depth answer.
How did writing Ikkaku come about for you?
Honestly, it started with me writing Ikkaku in my LawNa fanfic Welcome to the Heart Pirates, Nami-ya. She and Nami roomed together on the Polar Tang, so they interacted a lot, and I found I enjoyed fleshing out Ikkaku's personality and backstory the more I wrote her. She has so much potential, being the only woman on the ship, her job, her dynamic with Law, all of it. Then I discovered RP and decided that would be the best place to indulge in writing her, since I figured not many people would be all that interested in reading any fanfics about her. It helps that I had @cxnsolatio and @shambledsurgeon around to encourage me and gave me some great Laws to work with when I was first starting out.
Was there a canon moment (or NOT one, but you wished there was?) where you were just like “Oh yes, this needs to happen!”
See, the thing about Ikkaku is that there are barely any canon moments or information for me to work with. She's pretty much one degree away from being an OC, which is both difficult and fun. It's also made me feel hella protective of her and how she's viewed/portrayed/written. I both want Oda to give more information on her, and don't because I don't want to risk him saying something that contradicts my headcanons.
But there is one canon moment we got from the anime that I was over the moon about and said “Oh yes, this needs to happen!” and immediately added it to my portrayal. That's when we saw her with two swords in Wano. I didn't care that it contradicted my original headcanon about her using primarily a taser/baton. It was so cool and badass that I instantly accepted canon and found ways to marry it with my original headcanons, making it so she did have sword skills, but preferred to use non-lethal weapons until she hit the New World, where she realized she needed to take combat more seriously. Add in a time period where Zoro would have canonically traveled on the Tang with her, and it all works out beautifully and that crumb of canon is fully embraced. It's sad I don't see it more.
Same for the LawNa ship! I’ve read Ikkaku’s wonderful TEDTalk and your fics of course, but was there an epiphany “oh hey, this ship works!” moment for you?
Hoooooo boy. I won't keep you all day, but essentially what made me realize LawNa worked and had such potential was when I started analyzing the parallels between Law and Nami's backstories. They're both opposites and the same. Rescued by Marines who take a parental role? Check. Ostricized as a child? Check. Trained by a monstrous pirate that covets them for their skills and intelligence? Check. Betrayed by a Marine? Check. They would be able to understand each other in ways no one else really could. Add in the fact that Law could easily steal anything for her and Nami's an island of sanity and intelligence among the Straw Hats, and it immediately worked in my head.
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letsstaytuned · 4 months
🦊 What is the ambiance like where you are? Are there any sounds or sights that might be distinctive? 💅🏼 What's your aesthetic? ☯️ Define something that you're all about, as simply as you can.
In Depth and Personal Munday meme
🦊 What is the ambiance like where you are? Are there any sounds or sights that might be distinctive?
I live in a city so sound wise there's a lot going on. There's a new building being constructed across the street so often you can hear construction noises. There's people around so sometimes you can hear others outside or the people who live above me (but that's apartment living anywhere).
💅🏼 What's your aesthetic?
As far as my apartment specifically, it's very red. I love the color red. It's also pretty clutter free, I'm really into decluttering and organization. I keep things pretty clean. I have a lot of framed posters of shows and video games I love, plus a wall of enamel pins.
☯️ Define something that you're all about, as simply as you can.
Video games. That's as simple as I can get. I am all about video games lol.
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e-m-p-error · 5 months
🏴‍☠️ Name something that your muse might not get away with IRL. How is it fun to write?
In Depth and Personal Munday meme
I'm gonna assume this is for Val since you didn't specify!
[ Valentino ]
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I mean. Where do I start? A lot of his antics are probably Not Happening IRL, but one that really comes to mind is his obsessive love of public sex.
He loves it to the point of wanting to fuck more in public than in private a lot of the time. If he can initiate sex in public, he will. He likes having an unwilling audience, and there are places where he is more likely to initiate it than others.
The degree to which he likes it would probably have him in prison in a few months, if not in jail the first time. He is not subtle about it and he will absolutely do it in the middle of a restaurant and make people watch.
Due to this, I know this behavior would get him arrested at best. He does a lot of very illegal things all the time, but this one is a big one for sure.
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flicker-bot · 8 months
🪓 Worst Chore you have? Or, the best chore!
In Depth and Personal Munday Meme
//I used to hate washing dishes because it was understimulating and I would always start to overthink, and by the end of it I would feel miserable. However, nowadays we have a really nice kitchen and I wash dishes for only a short time while our cats are eating, and it's made the task much more bearable.
I like to do laundry (except for removing clothes from the tumble dryer, I don't know why but my adhd brain absolutely hates that) and doing the weekly clean up after our robot vacuum has cleaned the floor. I've finally managed to form some sort of habit around it, and it's perfect for hyping myself up if our friends are visiting after we're done cleaning!
WAIT I'm actually leaving to feed our cats right after this and THAT is my favorite chore! They're so cute when they circle around my legs and meow and purr and are the absolute sweetest things in the world <3<3<3//
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strebcr · 5 months
🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons?
In Depth and Personal Munday meme
(Remember to respect the mun's privacy, feel free to cross out or decline questions if needed!)
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Everytime we get new lore bits! I'm always a slut for lore and world/character building!!!
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question-marked · 5 months
⁉️ Your last 'oh shit' moment?
In Depth and Personal Munday meme
Probably a couple of weeks ago when I got stranded, basically what happened is I had my therapy session and a taxi took me to the building that was in the town next to where I live. Usually after the session was done, I would get a text from the service saying that my taxi was on it's way and I would get a link to where I can track where it's at.
That time on the link, it just said please wait and the map was blank. So for an hour I was just waiting for this taxi to arrive, and unlike the last time this happened I couldn't go back inside because the building closes at 5 PM and the appointment was scheduled for a different day and an later time than usual.
So basically I was stuck outside for an hour, walking in circles also freezing my ass off because it was windy but luckily my dad was at the home since my mom and sister took a flight to North Carolina so they could go to my aunt's house so because of that reason my dad was there. So I called him (my phone was close to running out of battery since I didn't expect that I would be there for so long) and he eventually picked me up.
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red-hemlock · 6 months
In Depth and Personal Munday Meme // 🐸 - Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons? (and/or) 🍼 - Do you have a comfort food?
Mun Questions n' Stuff! @oculusxcaro
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(HAAAAA PEAK SMILES WERE HAD WHEN GIVING RIDDLER HIS COMEUPPANCE IN EACH AND EVERY ARKHAM GAME, TBH. I mean I love Eddie lots, but MAN was he one punchable weasel in all of those games except probably Origins. Definitely helped 'inspire' you to get all of those collectables though, I'll say!
As for comfort food... Probably the coconut rice pudding I accidentally made one time? I was trying to make actual coconut rice but 'failed miserably' and made coconut rice pudding instead haha. It was GOoOOoOD THOUGH, got a stomachache from over-eating the stuff! xD)
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🦚 Last moment you felt proud? Or, any moment you have!
In Depth and Personal Munday meme
//Damn that is a hard one. But I think the last time was here on tumblr. A day when out of nowhere a lot of you moots started sending me messages about sending me love. No meme or anything. I felt so happy and proud be writing here. Making friends just by writing.
And a couple of days ago, getting a message about how people enjoy reading what I write and that it usually starts a big plot. I was very proud of my writing for the first time in a while.
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characternerdocs · 6 months
☯️ Define something that you're all about, as simply as you can. /🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons? (in depth and personal munday meme)
In Depth and Personal Munday meme ||| @icybreaths
☯️ Define something that you're all about, as simply as you can.
I like dark things but in away that strips away the darkness of those things and shows the lighter side or beauty that is also there that's often overlooked.
🐸 Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons?
I don't know if you mean a real fanon or my imagined fanon around my own characters so i'll do both :3c
So I'm a fan of Borderlands 2, particularly Tiny Tina (Because a friend in high school said that Tina is how they imagined Heather's sounding or talking or both) To this day I can't think of oatmeal raisin cookies without hearing the cookie rant from Tiny Tina in my head, and I found that I frequently quote various lines from it.
(PS I am VERY upset by the Borderlands movie trailer for many Many reasons)
For my characters, I got an ad for the "Beelzebub Jacket." It very clearly has Lilith's sigil on it. And as far as I could tell it didn't have Beelzebub's.
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I just imagine Lilith sabotaged Beeyel's merch drop at the last second by putting her sigil on there.
It also looks like something Abidel would totally wear, while also having his wife's name and symbol on his jacket.
I also really want it :/ but it's expensive and I live in Texas so... not the best idea...
Thanks for the ask @icybreaths
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