#(I don’t wanna see like 90% of my family but I DO miss the woods a there)
nat-seal-well · 2 years
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It’s Huxley’s favorite mountain
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
Jerena honeymoon? 😏
I know you wanted smut but this is pure fluff and I apologize hahaha. Also this was supposed to be a drabble but I think it's 3000 words. Sorryyyyy.
Serena hated lingerie. She hated the complicated straps and clasps and the way the material felt against her skin. Most importantly, she hated the way she looked in it. She felt it didn’t flatter her the way it did the curvier, well-endowed women in movies and on TV. It made her feel too skinny and like she was lacking, but it was the first night of their honeymoon and Serena wanted to wear something special for her new wife. She put on a pair of cheeky white panties with a lace ruffle trim that she special-ordered with ‘Mrs. Castillo’ printed on the front in baby blue lettering. She touched up her hair and makeup, even if she knew Jamie wouldn’t mind that a few strands of hair were out of place or that her mascara was slightly smudged, but the more she fussed over her makeup, the more she realized she was stalling.
“Babe, are you okay?” She heard Jamie ask from their bed.
“I’m fine,” Serena responded although she was feeling anything but fine. “I’ll be right out.” She’s my wife and she loves me. Everything is going to be okay. This is nothing we haven’t done dozens of times before. But it was their first time as a married couple and Serena felt she had to make everything perfect for Jamie. Or maybe I should just be myself.
It was Halloween night and Serena had packed her pair of Freddy Krueger gloves that she usually wore when she took Olivia trick-or-treating. She opened the bathroom door and stuck her hand out so she could tap on the doorframe with the fake blades on her glove.
“Serena Benson!” Jamie shouted. “You scared the hell out of me. How is it that we’ve only been married 30 hours and I already want a divorce?”
Serena tapped the doorframe one more time before peeking her head out. “I’m sorry, but Serena Benson doesn’t exist anymore. You must be mistaken.”
“Babe, come here,” Jamie urged. “I wanna lie down with my wife.” Lie down. She thinks she’s slick.
Serena stood next to their bed, her hands covering her chest. “I’m ready to...lie down.”
“I’ve never been this over you,” Jamie grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed, eliciting a squeal from Serena. “Babe, take those gloves off.”
“I was going to and then you pulled me on the bed.” Serena took off the gloves and tossed them aside.
When Jamie started to kiss her, Serena felt as if her mind was elsewhere and without realizing it, she had started to pull away. “Do you want to stop?” Jamie asked. “I know it’s our honeymoon, but I’m just as happy holding you or hanging out with you.”
Serena captured her lips in a kiss. “No, no, I want to. I just feel like my mind isn’t here. I’m thinking about Ollie. This is our favorite holiday. She’s twelve and it’s her last kid Halloween, you know? I take her trick-or-treating every year with Elliot and her other friends. I even took her last year before I went over to your house. Next Halloween, she’ll be a teenager, and I feel like I missed my last shot. I’m just glad Mr. and Mrs. Cabot let Alex stay with her in LA. My heart and my mind are both here with you and over there with her. For the past twelve years, I’ve just been a mom and now I’m a mom and a wife and I have to learn how to balance the two.”
“Serena, look at me,” Jamie cupped her face in her hands. “Being my wife doesn’t mean you ever have to take time away from being Ollie’s mom. The three of us are a family. We’re a new family, but we’re going to make it work. Like with any family, there’s going to be a lot of trial and error, but I promise to never make you feel as if you have to choose between me and Ollie. Why don’t we call her right now and see how her Halloween is going?”
Serena immediately grabbed her phone from on top of the nightstand. It rang only one time before she heard her overly excited daughter on the other end. “Hi, Mom! I miss you!”
“Hi, Olliegator. I miss you too. How’s the haul this year?”
“Not as good as Alex’s neighborhood, but Lexie and Kyle helped us salvage the night,” Olivia responded. “Your candy map is a bust, Mom. Half of the houses on there don’t know the spirit of Halloween.”
The candy map in question is a map Serena created of the houses in Beverly Hills that gave out the best candy, had the scariest haunted houses, and the best decorations. “Ollie, I made that map in 1998. It’s not really relevant anymore.”
“See, that’s what I thought at first,” Olivia responded. “But Alex and I were just too taken in by the retro ‘90s charm. So, Mom, tell me about this cabin in the woods. Don’t most people honeymoon in Hawaii or Cabo or the Bahamas?”
“Too ordinary,” Serena responded. She knew Olivia would think it was because she wanted to be out in the woods on Halloween, but the real reason Serena wanted a honeymoon in a cabin away from everyone was because she wanted an entire week of being shut-in with Jamie with nobody else around them. “I’ll give you the grand tour of the cabin and the lake tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I think that would have been ordinary, too,” she could hear her daughter smiling through the phone. “Just remember if you find a creepy cellar, don’t go in. Also, if you meet an old man at a store or gas station that looks abandoned, heed his warnings and listen to his tales of forgotten lore.”
“Of course, Olliegator,” Serena laughed. “Lexie told me she’s taking you and Alex on a Haunted Hollywood tour. Remember, after coming home from those places-”
“When in doubt, sage it out,” Olivia recited the advice she had heard countless times. “We’re gonna leave now. I love you, Mom.”
“I love you, too, Ollie Koalie.”
Serena felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders when she hung up the phone. Her Ollie was having fun with her aunt and uncle and Alex. Olivia was going to be okay, just like she was going to be okay.
“Feel better?” Jamie asked. “Is our Ollie okay?”
“She’s okay,” Serena responded. “I think I am, too.”
Serena thought back to their first time last Halloween. It was raw and animalistic, the result of six months of pent-up sexual tension between the two of them. Jamie had her against the wall, on her back, on all fours, and on her knees. But none of that felt right for their first time as a married couple.
Her wife was ready for her as was evident by the bulge in her boxer brief harness that Serena was able to feel between her legs now that Jamie was on top of her. Jamie was playfully nibbling on her neck, putting her at ease. The deeper they got into their relationship, the more loving and even playful sex had become between the two of them. The passion was there, the attraction was there, but Serena felt as if what they did was no longer performative. They could be themselves and focus on each other instead of focusing on an image.
Jamie propped herself up on her elbows, which was one of Serena’s favorite positions for her to be in so she could feel more skin-to-skin contact and nearly the full weight of Jamie’s body on her. She looked down at Serena before leaning in to kiss her. “I love you so much,” she said in a tone that Serena found reassuring. “If you ever want me to stop anything I’m doing, just tell me.” But she didn’t have to tell her. Sometimes she didn’t have the nerve to tell her and Jamie could just see it in her eyes. Her wife could read her better than anyone.
Jamie slowly kissed her way down her body, stopping when she reached her white panties with ‘Mrs. Castillo’ printed on them. “Have I ever told you that my name looks good on you?”
“Several times,” Serena responded. “And it makes me roll my eyes every time you say it.”
Serena’s legs were spread and bent at the knee, giving Jamie access to kiss her on her inner thighs. “I guess I can’t say it anymore because it’s our name now and not just mine. I’m also sorry I didn’t notice these earlier, but when your wife comes out with Freddy Krueger gloves covering her breasts, your eyes just shift to that instead.” Serena felt Jamie tug at the waistband of her undies and slide them off. “As good as they look on you, you don’t need these right now.”
When Jamie flung them to the side, Serena was reminded of an incident that happened a few weeks after their first time. “Do you remember that time you flung my underwear and we couldn’t find it?”
“And my roommate found it the next morning?” Jamie added. “Yeah, how could I forget that?”
“But it was nothing even remotely sexy like I wore the first couple of times,” Serena laughed. “They were my cotton boybriefs with Rainbow Brite and Starlite on them. In my defense, I didn’t know I was getting laid that night. When you said, ‘Serena, come hang out,’ I thought we were actually going to hang out like you hang out with the guys.”
“That explains the hoodie and jeans you wore,” Jamie quipped. “I tried to be good, kind of like I’m trying right now, but my focus is on my favorite freckle of yours.”
Serena remembered the first time Jamie discovered her favorite freckle, one located near her clit that immediately became Jamie’s favorite spot to kiss like she was in that moment. The back and forth and casual banter had eased her nervousness and, although that banter had stopped and she was open and physically vulnerable, her nervousness was still gone and she was able to enjoy every movement of her wife’s tongue.
“I bought you something,” Jamie said, picking her head up and wiping Serena’s wetness from her mouth.
“Later,” Serena insisted, feeling slightly frustrated with her wife.
“Trust me, you’ll want this now.” Her gift was a vibrator that nestled comfortably over Serena’s clit. “Just a little helper because I can’t touch you where I want to when I’m on top.” Jamie used the remote to turn it on one of the lower settings.
Serena pulled Jamie close so she could kiss her, the feeling of the vibrator on her clit and the taste of herself on Jamie’s tongue sending her into overdrive. When Jamie turned up the intensity of the vibrator, she couldn’t help moaning into her wife’s mouth.
“Spread your legs, baby,” Jamie insisted. Serena felt her wife enter her first with one finger before slowly interesting another when she felt Serena had adjusted. She was tight, she knew she was. She always clenched her muscles when Jamie first entered her, but the more she pumped her fingers in and out of her, the more relaxed she became. She could hear how wet she was and she reveled in the feeling of having Jamie inside of her -the first, last, and only woman to be so intimate with her.
“You’re so wet, baby,” Jamie told her as she increased the speed that she was pumping her fingers in and out of her. Serena knew what Jamie wanted. She wanted her cock buried deep inside her. She knew Jamie wanted to fuck her hard and rough; she wanted to claim her.
“Jay,” Serena moaned. She couldn’t get the words out but Jamie knew exactly what she needed.
Serena grabbed the warming lubricant from on top of the nightstand and rubbed it on Jamie’s clit, the feeling of Jamie’s wetness making her throb even more. The warming lubricant had been Serena’s idea the first time they went toy shopping together. It was meant to heighten the sensation for Jamie and make her feel like she was actually inside Serena when the base of the toy rubbed against her clit.
Jamie positioned herself in between Serena’s legs, teasing her entrance as she turned up the intensity of the vibrator enough to make Serena moan even louder. “Jamie, fuck…”
“Is that an order?” Jamie asked and then realized Serena was less than pleased with her question. She entered Serena with just the tip and slowly went deeper, allowing Serena to adjust to being so filled.
“Come here. I want to look into your eyes.”
When she knew Serena was ready, Jamie began to thrust deep and hard into her. She had once wanted soft and sensual but Jamie had awakened that need inside of her. “You look so hot when you’re being fucked, Ser.” She knew the deeper Jamie went, the more she could feel the base press against her clit, so Serena wrapped her legs around her wife’s waist to make her go deeper. “You feel so good.”
With Jamie now propped up on her elbows, Serena ran her fingers down her back. Her caresses were gentle until she felt her wife fuck her harder and faster. Her nails dug into the skin on Jamie’s back and she felt herself tighten around her cock. “Jamie, keep fucking me, baby. Don’t stop.”
She felt the toy rubbing against her g spot, the vibrator pulsating on her clit, and the sound of her wife moaning in her ear. One more thrust as Jamie sucked on her neck proved to be her undoing with Jamie’s orgasm following just a few seconds behind her.
“I love you,” Serena told her as Jamie nuzzled into her neck. “I’ve never felt so connected to anyone before.”
“I’m literally still inside you,” Jamie teased. “We’re very connected right now.”
Serena playfully smacked her arm. “Now it’s my turn to be done with you.”
“You can’t be,” Jamie responded. “You’re stuck with me for the next 50 or 60 years and I couldn’t be happier about that. I love you, Serena Castillo. One thing, though…”
“With the way you were clawing at my back, I’m really grateful you took off your Freddy Krueger gloves.”
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
The Long Way Around ~ Chapter 4
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/623116614605357056/the-long-way-around-chapter-3
Pairing: Jasper x Reader
Word count: 2092
Warnings: None
Y/n’s POV
The next three weeks pass in a now predictable sequence. I spend the majority of my time getting to know my new roommates, for lack of a better word. Esme, who is quickly becoming my favorite, does whatever I want with me. We read books, watch movies, go for runs in the woods. The doctor, Carlisle, isn’t home very often. He and Edward spend a lot of time in town making sure the Cullens are not suspect in my disappearance. They decided it would be best to continue ‘business as usual’ to avoid suspicion, but also so they don’t have to give up the advantageous location in the woods and risk moving with me. Bella tends to keep to herself, though she does occasionally join Esme and I in our book club. Alice and Arthur are quite friendly, and I enjoy spending time with them, even if Alice does treat me like a Barbie doll. I swear, I’ve never owned more clothes in my life! Rosalie is slowly warming up to me. She’s not rude, exactly, but I can tell my presence is hard on her. Her husband, Emmett, is a whole lot of fun. He invites me for races and arm wrestling matches which, obviously, I win. I suspect that won’t continue forever, though. Once my newborn strength fades, he will likely be the strongest in the house. 
Then, of course, there’s my shadow. Jasper doesn't say much, but he is a constant presence. I can tell he doesn’t trust me. The minute I get frustrated or upset he invades my personal space and uses his ability to calm me down. I do resent it slightly, but I understand the need. It’s as he says: I’m dangerous. It amuses me though to know that, as Jasper has taken the task upon himself to never leave my side, he has to do everything I do. So he watches sappy movies with Esme and I, he sits quietly while Emmett and I play board games, he sulks in the corner while I ask Alice endless questions about her psychic ability, and, of course, he hunts with me about four times a week. 
My bloodlust is insatiable. This newfound life and the thirst that accompanies it keeps me in a near constant state of pain. My throat burns badly, and, even when I am drinking animal blood, the burn remains. I have a feeling that, at this stage of life, not even human blood would satisfy my thirst. 
At the thought of human blood, a delicacy so far denied to me, venom pools in my mouth. From across the room, Jasper shifts uncomfortably, feeling my desire. I imagine it must be harder for him than the others, because he not only has to fight his own bloodlust, but everyone else’s. 
He eyes me evenly. “Do you want to hunt?”
“I’m fine,” I lie. We just went yesterday, and I feel like a burden asking people to go with me constantly. I usually have an entourage of three minimum when I hunt, and I can tell it interrupts the daily flow of things. 
Jasper’s eyes don’t leave mine. “Taking you hunting isn’t a burden. Trust me, we would much rather go with you twenty times a day than have you get too thirsty and lose control.” 
I purse my lips at his uncanny ability to know what I’m thinking. I know his emotional radar detector must help, but seriously, sometimes he rivals Edward. 
“It would probably be a good idea,” I acquiesce. “I’ll go see if anyone else wants to go.” I push myself off the kitchen floor-I had been busy reading through one of Esme’s architecture journals-and walk into the living room where Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, and Arthur are gathered around the TV. 
“Hey does anyone wanna-” My words die as I register the news anchor’s words. 
“The search continues for local Y/n, Y/l/n, who was reported missing over three weeks ago.”
It feels like the breath has been knocked out of me. I grip the back of the couch, grief ripping through me. Five vampires turn their wary gazes at me.
“Turn it off.” Jasper’s command comes from behind my shoulder. 
“No,” I breathe, deeply hurt but desperate to know what my friends and family could be seeing.
The anchor continues. “Authorities say they have a man in custody who confessed to stabbing the woman, though claims he can’t remember what he did with the body. Witnesses to the crime seem to suffer the same memory loss. Police have refused to offer further comments, though locals speculate a conspiracy or the presence of illegal drugs. While the two witnesses to the crime, Kaitlyn Myers and Blake Hannigan, have faced backlash surrounding their involvement in the case, police have cleared them as suspects at this time.”
The couch snaps under my grip. I take two quick steps back, shocked by what I just heard and the jarring display of my physical power. 
“Oh, sweetie.” Esme is in front of me instantly, reaching out to envelop me in a hug. Before I can even blink, Jasper is standing between us, acting as a barrier to Esme. 
Hurt pierces through my gut. He only sees me as a threat.
“I’m not going to hurt Esme, Jasper. Back off!” I wish my words didn’t waver. 
His voice is hard when he responds. “You don’t know what you’ll do. Newborns are governed by their emotions more than anyone else. I’m not taking any risks.”
“Well how about getting to know me instead of just generalizing?” I throw my hands up, properly yelling now. “I’m sick of feeling like I’m a prisoner with you. Everyone else is giving me a chance, so why can’t you?” I spit the words out, my hurt growing by the second. 
“We’re hoping it’s all a terrible dream, that we’ll wake up soon and everything will be alright.” 
They hadn’t turned off the TV. On the screen is a video of my parents. Hearing my mom’s tearful voice is like a kick to the stomach. I sink to the floor, gasping for air I don’t need. 
“I just want our little girl to come home.” Mom’s voice breaks, and she stares into the camera. It’s like she’s staring right at me. 
“Jasper, it’s alright, really. I appreciate your concern very much but I promise, it’s alright.” Esme’s soft voice vaguely reaches me through my sobs. 
A pair of arms-Esme’s, likely-envelopes me, but I barely take notice. I only feel the pain. It’s so much worse than the burn in my throat. It almost has me wishing for the fiery torture I felt while becoming a vampire. But wishing very seldom equates to reality, so I’m left to allow the gaping hole in my chest to consume me.
I don’t know how long we stay like that, only that it’s dark when I finally regain control of myself. Esme never left my side, and even Rosalie had come to join us at some point. She says nothing, only rests her head on my shoulder and holds my hand. 
Jasper is noticeably absent. 
“I think I scared him off,” I mumble, guilty. 
“He’ll recover,” Rosalie replies, sounding unconcerned. 
“He’s coming from the right place,” Esme assures. “Jasper is a very passionate person who gives his all in everything. This is no different. I think he sees keeping you and us safe as a chance to redeem himself for his past indiscretions, though those are long-ago forgiven. He’s trying to keep you from making the same mistakes he did.” 
I look at the floor, mulling Esme’s words over. I don’t really know what to say to that.
Thankfully, Rosalie saves me from having to craft a response. “Do you still want to hunt? I can go with you.” 
I smile and shake my head, exhausted from the recent emotional turmoil. “No, it’s okay. I think I’ll just go to bed.” I say the word lightly, knowing I’ll probably just spend the next eight hours reading or something to keep my mind busy. 
I stand, intending to exit the room. On the way out I see the poor couch, broken in two. I grimace. “Sorry about the couch.”
Esme smiles sweetly, waving it off. “Don’t worry about it. It just gives me an excuse to go shopping.” 
I give her a quick hug, grateful for her endless kindness and patience. 
Once upstairs in the room Alice and Esme courteously set up for me, I flop on the bed, grabbing the nearest book. I do my best to let my mind go blank and focus only on the words in front of me. About two hours into this exercise, I hear a soft knock on the door. 
Jasper stands in the frame, looking repentant. “I’m sorry. You were right. I haven’t tried to know you. But I’ve got some time now if you’re free.” It’s then that I realize he means to do this now. Not wanting to smile because I really am still upset with him, I bite it back. 
I decide to play coy instead. “I suppose I could clear my schedule. Though, a little more groveling might help…”
He smiles softly, almost hesitantly. With exaggerated movements, he gets on his knees and clasps his hands together in an excellent show of desperation. “Please do me the magnificent honor...of telling me your favorite color.” 
Now I can’t help but crack a smile. “You may approach, peasant, but remember that my good grace can easily change.” I pat the foot of my bed, and he sits, facing me. “It’s green. Like trees and moss and emeralds.” 
“What’s your favorite thing about this new life?”
“The running. I had asthma as a human but now I can run for as long as I want and be completely fine.” 
He nods, filing the information away. “If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?”
I answer without hesitation. “London. The culture, the history, the accents.” He chuckles, teasingly exasperated. “I bet it’s amazing.” 
He smiles, a faraway look in his eyes. “Oh it’s great. I was there back in the ‘90s...I bet it hasn’t changed too much though.” He grins. “Maybe in a couple of years we’ll all be able to take a trip.”
I look down at my fingers. “Maybe a few more years than a ‘couple’. I can’t even think of human blood without…” Venom floods my mouth. I offer a humorless chuckle. “See?”
Jasper shakes his head emphatically. “No, you’re really doing good.” I try to protest, but he shakes it off. “I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true. You are doing remarkably well for three weeks in.” 
I sigh, ready to tease him a bit. “Well I couldn’t do so well without my shadow micromanaging my every move.” 
He smiles sheepishly and looks at his lap. “I’m sorry I seem a bit…,” he sighs deeply, “intense. I will try to ease off.”
I grin, pulling my knees up to my chest. “Thank you. I’ll try to be a little less emotionally hectic. It’s gotta be hard on you.” 
Too quickly, he shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. You’re going through a lot, it’s okay.” 
I chuckle, feeling much lighter now, either thanks to his ability or the natural resolution of tension between us, I don’t know. “Yeah well I could stay away from the movies that make me feel all the things.” Now he grins, raising his eyebrows. “Next time we’ll try something bland, like High Noon.”
“Hey now.” Jasper raises a hand, a comically disbelieving look on his face. “High Noon is a masterpiece, don’t knock it.” 
I grin broadly, smacking him on the shoulder with a pillow. “I knew you were a Western guy! Gosh, that’s gotta be like, what, forty percent of your personality?”
He rolls his eyes good-naturedly, taking the pillow from me. “Mhm, somewhere around there.” 
I like this Jasper, I decide firmly. This new, witty, freer Jasper is so much more fun to be around. I could stand to have this Jasper follow me around all day. 
As if he has come to the same agreement, that Jasper stays at the foot of my bed well past the time the sun rises, talking and joking. We get to know each other. 
And, for a while, I forget about how sad I am and the near constant burning in the back of my throat.
A/n Thanks for reading! I’m having so much fun with this story and I’m glad you guys are enjoying it, too! Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
Link to next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/623283543296049154/the-long-way-around-chapter-5
Tag list: @puer-de-infinitate @charliestuff @hindustani-diaspora @one-thread-can-save-a-life
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alicedoessurveys · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag
yes im a nerd...
1. Did you like DW as a child?
I was 10 when it came back on telly with Eccleston and the first episode with the autons scared me so much my mom wouldn't let me watch it again until a couple years later, but yeah my teens I was obsessed with DW... still am at age 25
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I still have the eleventh doctor’s screwdriver... I used to have some of the figures but there in storage now somewhere
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
didn't play it on the playground
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
all of them! the ones that still scare me now are the Cybermen and the Autons... genuinely cant walk past a shop mannequin without being suspicious 
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
as a kid, any of the innuendo type jokes
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
idk I think I still have the same opinions
9. Who introduced you to DW?
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
I LOVED SJA!! I miss that show, and Elizabeth Slade :(
11. Who is your Doctor?
Ten was the doctor that made me fall in love with Doctor Who 
12. Your favourite Doctor?
omg why not just ask me who my favourite child is... (I don't have kids but you know what I mean) if I had to chose my top three are ten, eleven and thirteen
13. Least favourite Doctor?
purely just because he doesn't have enough episodes... nine...
14. Best regeneration?
none of them I hate regenerations :( they make me sad, im too emotionally invested in every single one
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
they're not my faves
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
I think nine maybe? or twelve?
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
the 50th anniversary special 
18. Best Doctor monologue?
“Hello Stonehenge! who takes the pandorica, takes the universe. but bad news everyone, cause guess who? HA! You lot you're all whizzing about- its really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I AM TALKING. Question of the hour is, who's got the pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question, who's coming to take it from me? Come on, look at me! No plan. No backup. No weapons worth a damn. oh and something else, I don't have anything to lose. So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship with all your silly little guns and you've got any plans on taking the pandorica tonight... just remember who's standing in your way. remember ever black day I ever stopped you and then- AND THEN- do the smart thing... let somebody else try first.”
not copied and pasted, remember that from the top of my head... its always there waiting in my mind incase I ever need an epic monologue :’)
19, What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
hopefully living his best life with Rose
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
ten and donna 
21. Favourite companion?
Donna, Clara, Amy
22. Favourite secondary companion?
is Mickey classed as secondary? idk
23. Least favourite companion?
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Doctor, Amy and Rory
25. Most underrated companion?
Graham, but that may just be cause I love Bradders
26. Most overrated companion?
Rose... I like her but idk, I think she gets more hype than she deserves.. don't @ me
27. Favourite companion’s family?
Rose’s mom
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
idk I cant think of anyone
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
Amy and Rory
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
wasn't keen on Bill at first but by the end I really liked her, same with Rory
31. Favourite episode ever?
girl in the fireplace
32. Least favourite episode?
most of Chibnall’s episodes tbh sorry not sorry 
33. Which episodes do you skip?
the regeneration episodes
34. Best two-parter?
Human Nature - Family of Blood
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
I like them all in there own way but I think present is fave, then historical, then future
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
all of them
37. Episode that will always make you cry?
Rory and Amy’s last episode :’(
38. Best run of episodes?
ugh I cant answer this theres too many 
39. Best cliffhanger?
the end of Spyfall part one when the Master reveals who he is... I was SHOOK
40. Favourite Christmas special?
Voyage of the Damned
41. Classic Who or New Who?
new who
42. Favourite series?
four or five
43. Least favourite series?
eleven, I just cant with the writing
44. Which series do you skip?
45. Favourite series opening?
eleventh hour
46. Favourite series finale?
47. Best series arc?
Bad Wolf
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I adore Jodie Whittaker and her doctor, and although I think 3 companions is too many I do love Yaz and Graham (Ryan is hit & miss). I just think theyve been massively let down by the stories/writing... they’ve tried to hard to tick certain boxes and completely missed what Doctor Who is about for a lot of people.. an escape from the real world into these outrageous unbelievable but lovable fun alien adventures 
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
not a lot
50. Who should have had another series?
51. Favourite monster/villain?
the master 
52. Most creative monster?
Weeping Angels, whoever came up with monsters that look like statues and only move when you're not looking at them is genius 
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
Autons, Cybermen, the creepy dolls from Night Terrors, the ones from Waters of Mars, Weeping Angels
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
56. Monster you want to return?
The Master, I really hope that isn't the last we see of Dhawan
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
being genuinely scary, 
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
Weeping Angels
59. Best Dalek story?
Daleks in Manhatten
60. Best one time villain/monster?
my brain has gone blank I cant think of an answer right now 
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
I haven't watched it all so I couldn't say 
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
again, not watched it all 
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
Sarah Jane
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
71. Favourite piece of alien tech?
the sonic, I love how it is so multipurpose except for when it comes to wood 
72. Favourite piece of Murray Gold music?
I am the Doctor - gets me pumped every time 
73. Favourite TARDIS design?
Ten’s Tardis 
74. Has the 2005 era CGI aged well?
actually yeah, I was rewatching the ‘are you my mummy’ episodes the other day and my God when the gas masks emerged from the faces... ooooooof I was like omg how 
75. Favourite Doctor outfit?
eleven or thirteen
76. Monster with the best design?
not really a design more of a costume.. I live Dhawan master’s costume. that shade of purple, oof he so stylish 
77. Best show runner?
78. Best writer?
79. Best opening titles?
eleven’s titles where the Tardis is flying and being zapped is cool but thirteens music hits different 
80. Will DW age well/stay popular in the future?
I hope so, I feel like its lasted this long surely it can last forever.. if the writers don't fuck it up... 
81. Time period you’d want to go with the Doctor?
whatever time means Id get to wear the most beautiful costumes
82. Planet/place you’d want to go with the Doctor?
Galifrey, pre-desctruction
83. Doctor you’d most like to travel with?
any of them, please and thank you
84. Companion you’d most like to travel with?
donna, sceso a good laugh but also I feel like she’d look after me 
85. Monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
The Master 
86. If you could go back on your own history (like Father’s Day), where would you go?
back to when I was a toddler, I wanna see what I was like 
87. If you could ask the Doctor anything, what would you ask?
theres too many to ask 
88. Historical figure you’d like to meet?
89. How do you think you’d meet the Doctor?
id probably be rescued from doing something stupid and then the doc would be like you know what the bitch clearly needs supervision she's coming with me 
90. Would you travel forwards or backwards in time first?
91. Historical event would you like to see in DW?
92. Issue you’d like to see addressed in DW?
93. Who would you completely erase from the DW universe?
94. One unanswered DW question you’d love to know the answer to?
where is Clara now?
95. Actor/actress you’d like to see play the Doctor?
Phoebe Waller Bridge (or Lin Manuel Miranda)
96. Actor/actress you’d like to see play a companion?
Andrew Scott (yes I did just basically recast fleabag and hot priest)
97. Is DW “too political”?
series 11 got a bit like that 
98. Which characters fate would you changed?
Danny Pink
99. What about DW could be improved?
I think ive made my options about Chibnall pretty clear... 
100. If you could write an episode of DW, any ideas for what you’d do
bring back Jenny, the Doctor / Daughter adventures they would have. I’m actually writing a fic about it if you wanna read.... here
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Cats, coffee, an old apartment and... oh, yeah, the apocalypse
Kanene’s note:
Gooooood day, my lollipops! It's been a while!
Oh my gosh. It's colddd. I wanna sleep and write. How, my dears? H o w
Weeeeell, anyway! This chapter is a little crazier. Can you blame him, tho? Remy is pretty sleepy here. xDD
Poor, poor writing desk. :''3
Coffee is, like... 90% of Remy's self control xDDD
At least he is absolutely, completely alone and there was no one for him bother, right?!
Or any monster/alien/enemy to be afraid of!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That is just a Crack Fanfic with Remy and the Sides. There will be angst and action, but it will be more centered in Crack, fluff and being a big, crazy family.
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* This is the chapter after that one!  The next chapter will be posted soon!
* Something around 1500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* There aren’t any ship, but feel free to see them in a Romantic or Platonic Relationship!!  ^w^)/
* Remy is pretty sleep here, so this chapter can be a little crazy.
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Try and have fun with new hobbies, talk with the one that you love, drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Chapter 02 - Your time has arrived
Remy stared at the furniture in the middle of his living room with narrowed, uncovered eyes, since it was night and the Sun wasn’t capable to hurt his chocolate, brown pupil irradiating an almost palpable disapproval as he realized the contrast that such object had in his, now completely clean and reorganized, living room. Not that was its fault, sure, he observed while his upper lip twisted into a thoughtful, unpleased feature; the writing desk clearly had already seen better days. Days when its drawers were complete with all its handles, and scratches didn’t adorned the entirety of its length after surviving several moving. Or even a glorious past where its paint was impeccable and free of flaws, as a sneak that can’t decide with color better matches with their scales, therefore they just throw a variety of paint cans on the floor and slide into it in somersaults and the futile hope that it will work out, but then all the paints just get mixed in an old, strange color and then, I don’t know, the paint cans…
 … They fall
 And the snake... become a writing desk and…
 Or something like this.
Look, it’s 4 AM, just because Remy is awake into another insomnia episode, it doesn’t mean he is functional. You don’t expect a metaphor wonderfully meaningful, Shakespeare.
 His eyes wandered through the desk’s extension once again. He has found a Furniture Store halfway to his apartment and now the picture of the said insistently shined in his mind, as if his brain wanted to tell him something but it was too much tired to formulate the message into words and for that reason it just threw random images in his synapses and hoped that would be enough. A handful flashes of memories gleamed in front of his eyes: The lustrous furniture, the small statues, pleasantly useless which everyone knows that will regret of buying in the exact second they step out of the store, the extremely difficult to clean, but also so comfortable and soft and big and soft carpets, beautiful writing desks…
 Yes, yes, yes.
 Beautiful writing desks, unlike that one, they had handles. 
 Handles, writing desk, store, soft… Wait, his living room was also different. It was… changed, organized, new...
 New as a writing desk he saw in a store.
 Oh, yeah.
 He had been wanting to redecorate his apartment for a long, long time, albeit he never found enough… time to do such a thing. However, which time is better than the present? When an apocalypse broke all the notions of economy formerly intrinsic in the society and the money lost all its value since there were no one in the city to valorize it, anymore.
 Or in the whole world.
 He wonder if there is still people in the world. Some part of Remy, that part usually pushed to the dark corners of his mind which currently was too much sleepy to attempt to hide it, hoped so.
 What was he thinking before??
 Oh, yeah. Store, soft (the apartment’s owner let go an annoyed scoff while glanced to his floor and noticed it didn’t looked comfortable in any way, as a child who didn’t gained his favorite toy. Yet, an unsupervised and with a total of zero self-control left in a store without any camera nor people and with enough strength to run away with his toy, child.) and redecorate his living room.
 The coffee lover wasn’t going to overdo it, of course. He already had moved the couch to the other side of the room seeking to modify his television’s position and open free space to the future his gigantic carpet, which he definitely was intending to get. Comfy enough to sleep in case he falls of his couch (something that occurred with a, at least, irritating frequency) and became without reasons or will to get up, so he could just turn and go back to sleep. He also had already cleaned all the room, floor and furniture with a sweet lavender scent which maybe he had exaggerated a bit, no that he would admit that out loud, not even if someone threatened his coffee (Ha! Remy would like to see some bitch try). The only thing that was missing was the desk.
 He clicked his tongue. Yup. His decision has been made.
 “Sorrey, gurl, but I did everything I could. Your time has arrived.” and, with that emotional speech, he started to push it towards his door. Even empty, the furniture was a lot heavier than it seemed.
 His arm muscles ached and his panting breathe was almost as fast as the sweat droplets sliding down his face, certainly only a consequence about how much heavy and almost impossible to move the writing desk was and absolutely not from the thousands of years spent bathed in sedentary lifestyle without doing a single one physical exercise. Pfff. Of course not.
 His brain sent him an accusing memory of a lost battle against a pickle can tightly closed. Remy told his brain to fuck off.
 The adult fixed his glare at the stairs leading to the ground floor and he could have sworn he heard each one of the steps mockingly crackling at his astonished expression, almost as if they knew that no matter how much Remy stared at them with hate, they wouldn’t disappear nor make the travel easier.
 The only soul woke at 5 AM reorganizing his apartment in the middle of a Post Apocalypse tried anyway.
 He turned, seeking to change the angle and thus push the odious piece of furniture better, his gaze then finally fell on the window which had originally been completed and was now just a hollow shadow of his past.
 (Remy was so good at poetry, seriously. He should write a book. He would get rich easily. He would make so much money until the point when he would be able to buy all the Coffee Shops in the world, then he will order someone to build the biggest caffeine shop of the entire world so he could spent the rest of his life there drinking coffee and watching generic Coffee Shops AU’s being canon. Yeah. It sounds like a great plan. Holy shit, he was so fucking smart. How didn’t he have an Oscar, yet?)
 An epiphany struck his mind.
 He looked at the furniture, the stairs and, in the end, his window.
 A cat warily wandered down the street, his fur bristling towards the sky in an attempt to make them look bigger and riskier that they usually was, something which, honestly, just their two colored eyes shining mid the cold air of night as two danger signs was enough. The same eyes that now fixated themselves on the messy, shattered pile of pieces of wood in their most diverse sizes and shapes that definitely did not belong in that landscape. The feline hissed to the said before hissing towards of the steps which began to echo in the place, clearly showing their dominance before any and every living being that dared to dwell the same planet as them. However, in an act of mercy, the animal got a notepad from the wreckage and elegantly ran out, researching to their next victim. 
 Remy threw some flowers that he found in a forgotten vase on one of his shelves on the remains of what had once been his desk. His ear still buzzing from the previous crash.
 “We spent great memories together. You did your best and now it's time for you to rest in peace.” - Gave some reassuring pats on the wood and jumped back when a splinter got in his finger, probably karma. The coffee lover wished he had his sunglasses on so his clearly superior human gaze would obtain more effect (effect that didn’t had much help with how much he was shaking his injured hand from side to side, a few begin of tears taking over his eyes’ corners. THAT THING HURTS, OKAY???) - “Bitch.”
 And turned away, hair fabulously dancing in the cold, stuffy nighty wind as he departed towards a Pharmacy nearby, which probably should have some tweeze. His steps sounding and being wobbly by the tiredness due all the exercises executed that night and the sleep, his rebel son, who had finally arrived from its walk. Remy asked to himself if the Pharmacy also possess some chair or couch for him lay down, since there was exactly zero percent of chances for him to use the stairs again in such a short period of time.
 His thoughts were interrupted by a voice, calm and low, albeit of tune and words extremely clear, which had cut through the silent street. The sound was already so weird, new and incredibly nostalgic that, for a heartbeat, he was immediately paralyzed. Wide eyes trying to concentrate themselves enough in the form focusing midst the darkness.
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10 Co-Captain – August 1, 2011
They won the lacrosse game but Stiles never showed Scott is very concerned But this means they’re going to state 
Allison congratulates him and then they have a moment and then Chris makes her leave
Its three days until Jackson’s deadline but its also three days until winter formal and Jackson says if he gets the bite he’ll help Scott get Allison back
Every time Scott got the ball he passed it to Danny So Danny accepts his apology For bashing his head in 
Then the lights go out and things get spooky and Scott does not respond like a guy who knows he lives in a horror movie even though a lacrosse ball rolls creepily across the room
It’s just Derek Lurking in the showers Of the boys locker room Totally normal
Peter reveals that when he was in high school they played basket ball
“I am not helping you kill people” “Well I don’t wanna kill all of them” 
“You’re on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister” “It was a mistake. it happens” 
Does Derek actually believe that or does he need to believe it or is he just hoping to stay alive long enough to fix things His face says trust issues
So he shows Scott his perspective and we see a bunch of people trying to escape out of the barred basement windows in the Hale house and we get the only time Laura ever speaks on the show
Is she name Laura because of twin peaks? probably
This song is very peppy for Scott being mentally tortured  And in bursts Stiles freaked out and with some news Scott already knows 
And then we cut to Allison sleeping and the really beautifully shot dream sequence
And then Allison wakes up and realizes she’s lost her necklace And when she goes to her car to check Kate and her dad come in and she hides to listen to them talk Kate thinks it’s past time to teach Allison Chris keeps saying not yet 
Jackson is blowing off some steam doing donuts in a parking lot and his car goes haywire And of course Chris is there to help
Then Allison and Lydia are walking through the woods with archery gear and Allison is very willing to go to the formal with Jackson because Lydia made out with Scott in the coaches office 
Chris gets his creep on asking Jackson about the claw marks and now that Jackson knows he’s a hunter he is not keeping his cool Stiles and Scott ride in with some heavy metal to the rescue Chris removes his little, what is it, an emp device? And starts the car 
Scott tells Jackson that Chris thinks that Jackson is the second beta Scott is worried about keeping Jackson alive Stiles is worried about his jeep And Scott is worried about stiles And it’s sweet That Stiles doesn’t see it
“It ruins your life” “It ruined your life” 
Scott really hates being a werewolf Jackson really hates being human 
Allison’s learning about incendiary arrows in the woods
“What if that nothing is something and the something is something dangerous?” “Shoot it.” And then she lets out a little squeak
Allison ends up shoot Scott with the stun gun He returns her necklace and she’s so happy 
I love this song
She’s so infatuated with him but she cant handle the lying 
God, Stiles even moves like that in his house He wants to help his dad with police work The Sheriff asks for an ounce of whiskey and Stiles over serves him hoping to find things out He is instant drunk Derek would apparently be easier to find if they had a picture of him We get to see Derek’s mug shot
The bus driver was the insurance investigator Terminated under suspicion of fraud The video store clerk who got his throat slashed Convicted felon history of arson The two guys in the wood Priors including arson What about the janitor?
Stiles feels like a bad person because he is a bad person getting his dad drunk
Allison comes over to talk to Scott 
The sheriff gets drunk
“If Derek Hale wanted to kill all the people involved with the fire why start with his sister and why make them look like animal attacks?”
“Wild animal reports have gone up 70% over the last few months.”
“Like something’s scaring them out.”
And then he gets nostalgic and he misses spending time with his kid and fucking kill me, I’m thirty and I think this dad is my favorite character. And Stiles needs to make a phone call and the Sheriff says ‘I miss your mom’ and goes to pour more whiskey and Stiles stops him and this song is killing me with the Stilinski family feels The fucking wedding ring!
Allison tells scott that she thinks her family is lying to her and she starts to say something about Derek But then Melissa comes in all ready for her date and scott goes to get the door And it’s Peter Surprise, bitch 
“The top five most impotent sounding threats”
How old is Melisa? How old is Peter? I thought he was supposed to be like, 28, 29 But they’re going on a date and she’s late 30’s Get it girl 
Peter is trying to manipulate and threaten Scott into joining him by using Melissa God Peter has a great smile 
And Jackson pumping iron to What is that? Heavy techno? 
And then Derek gets his creep on by appearing yet again and changing Jackson’s music to something so fucking upbeat it shouldn’t even be in the same room as him
Jackson tries to front He’s bad at it 
Hoechlin may have the world’s most perfect jaw
Derek psycho analyzes the shit out of him He’s recruiting for Peter And he’s smiling And I’m fucking shook 
And of course Kate’s following them 
Peter’s façade slips and he gets all weird about Melissa’s skin and goes a little red eyed And then Stiles rear ends them Cause sometimes Scotty’s got skills 
“Whiplash! You hit us!”
Peter lets Scott know that he’s also after Jackson So he runs to help 
Derek takes Jackson to the Hale house and tells him to go in Jackson’s worrying about the building collapsing Derek looks like somebody who’s trying to convince someone to enter a building to die with out letting on about the dying part
“It’s gonna be alright. Trust me”
Derek no one should trust you when you say that
Jackson tells him that he dreamt the house And realizes that he’s probably about to die and starts crying 
Derek points out that the reason Jackson deserves it (is it the bite or to die?) is because no one cares that he’s alone in the woods with a serial killer
Fucking dramatic Scott
“Fine I’ll kill you too”
So was he planning on just straight up murdering Jackson to keep their secret? 
And hunters
Derek was ready to kill you and three seconds later he’s willing to die for you He’s a complicated fellow
Scott gets shot in the chest and is immediately bleeding black  Where exactly did Jackson go? Scott made it out the back and Derek went out the front 
And then Deaton finds Scott and carries him out of the woods to the clinic and fixes him He says 90% of the time he’s treating cats and dogs Is a doctor for other supes? 
Kate takes Allison to a serial killer dungeon Which I think is the hale house basement
Again Excellent song choice
End episode ten
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five0mcdanno · 4 years
This is a big dump of some of my thoughts while I watched the finale. I have a lot so I thought it might be better to just write it all down incoherently in one post. 
I’m keeping this 90% positive because I really did LOVE the finale!! It was so good! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I laughed, I cried a lot, a smiled so much. It was great and I wanna talk about it. 
For the most part I loved the finale. There are only a few things I’d change. 
1. I’d cut out the last 5 minutes. There’s no appearance by Catherine. Steve said his goodbyes, left, boarded the plane and got the text from Danny. He smiles looks out of the window and that’s it. No Catherine.
2. I’d give that extra time to the Danny and Steve goodbye but I felt a bit disappointed by it.  I think if there was more “I’ll be back before you notice I’m gone” type of banter and some heartfelt hugging between both of them and Danny wishing Steve well and telling him he’d better come back soon then I’d be 100% content. Maybe even Danny coming back inside the house with Steve cause he knows the team is coming next and his boy is gonna need some support. I can picture him just sorta of hanging off to the side while Steve has his moments with the team. Then they ALL say goodbye as he leaves. That would have been perfect.
3. I also didn’t like that Steve left only a week after Danny almost died. That’s crap. He’d leave while Danny is still healing? Yeah right. Could have at least made it a month. I could have been happier at that.
With that said, here’s my live reactions as I watched:
Flashback with Victor and Wo Fat planning the pilot!! WHAT!
Oh shit Daiyu Mei is watching them at the cemetery from last episode. Ahh yes see Steve did drive to the cemetery. It's like people forgot he has a truck and doesn’t always drive Danny’s camero.
LINCOLNS CONTACT ISN’T CATHERINE OH THANK FUCK!!!! I was so sure she’d pop up and be in the whole episode. Phew!
Okay Steve looks kinda nostalgic but not quite wistful over her. Good, good.
HAHAHA!! Steve immediately said bye and pulled out of there to go save Danny, not even telling the contact anything. Gotta go save Danno. Sorry dude.
Also, love that Danny was in trouble with the tail and thought "I need my husband. He'll take these guys out" and calls him.
Oh fuck! Steve's face!! Hes so worried! The gunshots and Danny not answering! Ahh!
Steve: "Danny Williams. You know who he is. My partner."
Even kidnapped and tortured Danny makes a joke about his car and exchanging insurance information 🤣
I LOVE THIS TROPE!!!!! The bad guy calling the loved one and showing them a video of whumpee in chains covered in blood. So fucking good
“Don't make the same mistake as you did with your father”  !!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!
Dammit Adam of course Steve is going to follow her directions and go alone. He'll do anything to save danny.
No messing around. Get the address, confirm hes alive, give the cypher and hes out
Danny telling the bad guys he better call his family and say goodbye because he has no idea what's coming for him is AMAZING! 
OH FUCK DANNO YOU FUCKING BADASS!!!! LOOK AT YOU!!! HOT DAMN!!! Climbing up the chains like spiderman and breaking them off and then killing nearly every bad guy!? Fuck!
Oh shit!!!! Theres the shot!!! Danny’s down!!!
Ahhhh everyone's here now!!
IM CRYING!!!! He wants so desperately to go in the room with him 😭😭😭
Oh my god hes praying. Steve is literally asking God to not take Danny. "You want someone you take me. Not him. You take me"
Steve’s heartbroken. He doesn't care about the cypher. Not with danny in the hospital
Oh I love lincoln. Hes a good egg.
"That was very mcgarrett of you" HA! 
Ohhh here’s the doctor. “Hes not out of the woods yet” “Can I see him”
Oh no Lincoln’s contact is dead. That means Catherine right? Well fuck. Shit. No. Dammit I don’t want to see her.
Yay! Danny's awake!! Did he just say something along the lines of “why’d you stop holding my hand?” CAUSE IF I HEARD THAT RIGHT I’M SERIOUSLY GONNA EXPLODE
“If I had a dollar for every time you've saved my life I'd have like 20 bucks” DANNY!
“Reminds me of what I went through with my dad” Oh Steven you’re making me cry babe.
NO CATHERINE SO FAR!! YES!!! They cracked the cypher and still no her!! Woo!!!
Ugh. Of course something was hidden in Doris' crypt. Keeping her bullshit secrets until the end. I hate her so much.
The is the most romantic McDanno episode I've ever watched. 
I’m always here for a badass ohana shootout scene and this did not disappoint. I screamed when Lincoln took down that guy. So fucking badass.
Ugggghhhhh fuck doris. Wo Fat really is her son. So dumb!!!
These flashbacks are awesome. Wow. John talking to wo fat was crazy.
That goodbye with Danny was shit. Super shit. I do love Danny saying that he loves hawaii now and blaming Steve for it but the rest was bleh. Danny was so angry and sad that Steve is leaving that they didn’t properly say goodbye. At least Steve said it's not forever and that Danny has a phone.
The goodbyes with everyone else made me sob like a baby. That was 100% the cast saying goodbye to Alex wasn’t it. Cause that shit hurted. Started sobbing at Lou’s goodbye and I’m still sobbing now as I type this.
"Missing you already" MY HEART!!! THAT’S SO CUTE. LOOK AT STEVE’S SMILE. It’s like Danno went “shit I can’t let him go thinking I’m mad at him. I know. Let me send this true but kinda funny text.”
Fuck its Catherine. Fuck. That sucks. SO MUCH! WHYYYYYYYY!!! WHY IS SHE HERE!!! At least Steve didn’t expect her or call her or something. She wasn’t on his mind. She just wormed her way back into his life like always. God I hate her. And I hate Lenkov for having a hard on for this ship.
I generally thought that Danny was gonna sit down next to Steve on that plane up until we saw Catherine’s hair. Even when he got the text from Danny I still thought maybe cause that’s something Danno would pull but nope. I’m a clown. 🤡
Just gonna pretend those last few minutes didn’t happen. The show ended with Danno’s text. 
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Please Don’t Leave Me (Sammy and John)
Warnings: Major character death, mentioned smut
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John didn’t know what he expected when Sammy came along on the Summer Camp Mission. He stood by the Wave-rider door, the counselor outfit he had been forced to wear extremely uncomfortable against his skin.
“John!” Sammy laughed, hopping on his back and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I can’t believe we’re going to a summer camp!!”
John laughed, wounding his arms around Sammy’s legs and holding her against his back. “Bug infested ranches filled with horny teenagers.” He hummed, “Don’t see the appeal, luv.”
Sam ruffled his hair, tugging at the blond locks before kissing his head. “Oh cmon, a whole summer to get away? Nothing but you, the woods, and a bunch of potential friends??” She rested her cheek against his hair. “It was my favorite part about being a kid..”
John sighed, rocking around with the angel latched to his back. “Though, the poor counselors had to endure those ‘get away summers in the woods’ with these..” He pulled uncomfortably on his collar, “Uniforms.”
Sammy kissed the back of his head, “Don’t be a knob, Johnny.” Sam noticed the tie, “And for god sake loose the tie, hon!”
“You may take my coat,” John groaned, “But you’ll never take my tie!”
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John stood at the entrance of the camp, Sammy standing next to him. John took a cigarette out of his shirt pocket, popping it into his mouth. “John, no!” Sammy snagged the cig from his lips, tucking it into his pocket. “This is a summer camp, not the backyard of a high-school!”
John groaned, “You’re gonna be the death of me, Angel...” He leaned over and snuck a cheeky kiss. “One time, for the kids.”
Sammy hugged his arm, “Attaboy, John!” She kissed his cheek, “My brave boy, going into war without his precious cigarettes!”
“Oh shut up, luv, or I’ll make you...” He swooped in, and right before the snogging could continue, the rest of the crew strolled up.
“A-are these uniforms necessary?” Ava asked, looking uncomfortable in the blue polo shirt and light tan shorts.
Sammy glanced at Ava, and whistled “Girl, you look badass!!”
“Cmon, Gideon made these for us!” Ray smiled, “The official Camp Ogawa Counselor uniforms!”
“What are you guys doing just standing around?!” Sam jumped, taking every last bit of strength in her not to grab onto John. John noticed, and easily slipped his hand into hers.
Sara, who was just catching up, smiled, “Hi, we’re the new camp counselors! Sorry to show up unannounced..”
The old lady sneered, “Well, Freckles, I’m Paula Cooper. I’m the director here.” She glanced at John and Sammy’s joined hands, rolling her eyes, “Welcome to Camp Ogawa, where intermingling between counselors is strictly forbidden.” Sam glanced at John, and the two slowly took a step away from each other. Paula sighed, “Chad Stephens’ll show ya around. CHAD!”
A boy ran over. He looked a little older than Sammy (Her being 140 and looking 24), with brown hair and a perfectly chiseled face. His shirt was snug around his chest and arms, and Sammy couldn’t help a glance. “What’s up?”
The camp director must’ve felt the same. “Chad, you marbled cut of prime beef... Give the new counselors a tour!”
“Cool.” He turned to the group, locking eyes with Sam. With a grin, Chad winked, “Lets bounce over this way!” He started to lead Ava, Ray, Sara, and Sammy down the path. John rolled his eyes, following a second later. Sam could hear him talking to Ava, but couldn’t make out much of their conversation.
Chad on the other hand, stopped abruptly, making the angel bump into him. John practically almost jumped out of his sneakers to strangle the lad. “Oh, sorry.” Chad grinned, “As everyone can see, Camp Ogawa is a miserable place. Paula runs it like a POW camp...” His smile widened, if that was possible. “NOT!” That sent Chad and Ray into giggles.
“Oh god...” Sara muttered, “A 90′s ‘not’ joke...”
Ray sighed, “It’s like comic comfort food...”
Chad noticed something, and grinned widely, “Couldn’t help but admire your lanyard!” He said to Ray. “Make it yourself?”
“Oh..Yeah, thank you!” Ray said, “Along with 21 other merit badged I also went on to get certification in nuclear science and dentistry.”
“Oh snap!” Chad laughed, “Got some competition for coolest counselor this year!” He turned to Sam, “What about you? Got any special skills?”
John cut in, “Sammy’s very creative.” He motioned to her leather bracelet, which had gems sewn into it for protection, “She made that herself!”
“Oh,” Chad smiled, “Artistic...Fantastic, the girls in your cabin’ll love you.” He clapped, “Anyways, lets get you all assigned to your cabins! It’ll be a heck of a summer.”
As the others marched on, John stayed back with Sammy. The angel crossed her arms, “What the hell was that, John?”
“Lad’s clearly flirtin’ with ya.” John deadpanned, putting his hands in his pockets, “Was only being polite and not telling him to piss off.”
“That was not nice, John.” Sammy rolled her eyes, “Cmon, lets go before the others get suspicious.”
She didn’t hold his hand on the way.
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The girl’s cabins were a surprisingly fun place to be. Sam had gotten assigned to the same cabin as Sara and Ava. “Whats up, Franklin cabin?!” Sara went around, giving the girls high-fives. The girls cheered, laughing happily. “I am Sara, this is Ava, and the short haired one is Sammy!” Sammy waved cheerfully next to a stone frozen Ava. “We are your camp counselors! Now, I was thinking...We need a secret handshake.”
The whole cabin murmured with agreement. “Something cool, that only we know!” Ava pulled Sara aside, and Sammy was dragged into the fun.
One girl pulled her aside, “Hi, I’m Sophie!” She smiled, “You’re counselor Sam?”
“Please,” Sammy said, engaging in making a handshake while chatting, “Call me Sammy.”
“Sammy,” Sophie smiled, “I like that!”
“Thanks...” Sam sighed, “I was named after my uncle Samuel. He changed his name, sadly, so my mother wanted to keep the name in the family. Where’d you get your name from?”
Sophie sighed, “My grandma..”
“Ok, listen up ladies!” Ava called out, “Change of plan. Today we’re going to celebrate your first day of camp by using safety and discipline.”
“Who hurt you?” Sammy muttered.
Ava just growled at her. “Now, when I blow this whistle, I want you to run to your assigned bunks.” She blew the whistle, the entire cabin racing to their beds in fear.
Sammy just stood there in shock, willing her wings not to jump out. “Again...Who hurt you as a child?!”
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When the night rolled around, Sam couldn’t help but go see John. She missed the blond bloke, and was desperate for his hugs. John must’ve felt the same, because half way between their cabins the two bumped into each other.
“John.” Sam sighed.
“Sammy...” The warlock smiled, “H...How are you, luv?”
sam shrugged, “Ava’s running our cabin like a military bunk.” She leaned against him, smiling widely as his arms circled her waist.
“Hmm...” John hummed, kissing her forehead. “Ray’s running our cabin like a bloody Cub Scout leader.”
“Why am I not surprised?” Sammy brought him in, kissing the warlock softly. Softly slowly melted into roughly, hands gripping at each others uniforms. They pulled away, “John, we’re in the middle of a camp ground surrounded by kids...” Her hand caressed his cheek, pants leaving both their lips.
“Oh, they’ll bloody learn it all in about a year,” John grinned wolfishly, “Let’s just give ‘em a head-start if the little bastards catch us.”
“Ok.” The angel pulled John back in, and in a few moments the two dropped to the ground by the camp-fire area.
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Sam sat on a bench with John, the two holding hands and smiling like idiots as children raced all around them. “Oh if only they knew what they were running on...” John joked.
“Ooohhh, now I wanna tell them...” Sammy grinned, “You evil little bastard...” John spotted Ray, and with a gentle kiss on Sam’s cheek the warlock walked over to see his cabin mate. Sara stomped up to Sam, looking pissed.
“Where were you last night?” She demanded.
“Uh...With John...” Sammy blinked, “Why?”
Sara dragged her up, and watched up with the boys and Ava. “One of the girls in our cabin is missing.”
“What? Who?” Sammy strode next to John, their fingers intertwining.
Sadly, the angel was ignored as the group approached John’s salt circle he had made around the came. “Obviously theres something wrong with John’s booby trap.” Ray suggested, seeing the slight dent in the circle.
John scoffed, “You off your trolly, mate?!” He snapped, “My spell was designed to keep the monsters from gettin’ in, not kids from gettin’ out!”
“Maybe they snuck out?” Sara suggested.
“Why would they have snuck out?” Ava asked, dumbfounded by the possibility.
“To make out, duh!” Sara filled, “Like Sam snuck out last night to make out with Constantine.”
“We may have done a bit more than a good ol’ fashioned snog, luv.” John grinned, Sara’s face scrunching in disgust. “Lets go notify the camp director, yeah?”
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“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE’RE NOT SENDING A SEARCH PARTY AFTER THEM?!” Sammy practically screamed at the camp director.
Paula didn’t back down, “They’re perfectly fine. This happens every year!”
John stood back from the scene, knowing full well not to mess with a pissed off angel. Especially his angel. But he couldn’t help a grin at Sam’s response. “Oh, so you loose kids every year? What do you tell their parents?!”
“They always come back,” The director waved it off, “Sooner or later they’ll get hungry and come crawling back for food.” She glared at Sam, “Now go out there and do some counseling!”
Sam groaned, turning on her heel and storming past the Legends with a furious look in her eyes. “Sam,” John called, catching up with her, “Where ya goin’ luv?”
Sammy turned on him, snapping, “To find those kids!”
“No!” he gently grabbed her wrist, “It’s to dangerous, Sam. Your wing isn’t healed fully and you can’t fly if you need--”
She pulled her hand from his grasp, and sneered, “I don’t need you to tell me what to do, Mr. Constantine.” She could see the hurt in his eyes, but she didn’t stop, “So back off...If you won’t help me find those kids, I don’t need you.” And with that, she turned on her heel and stormed away.
Leaving a very heartbroken John in her wake.
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John started to worry when the sun started to rise the next day and Sammy hadn’t returned. He and Ray walked in the woods, holding up one of John’s many magical totems to find the missing kids.
And Sam.
John wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he wouldn’t know what to do if he lost Sammy. Dez had been a hard hit to his heart, but Sammy had patched it up, making it twice as strong. He loved her, more than anything. “How are we gong to find the kids with this dangly thingy?” Ray asked, snapping John from his trance.
“You know, this ritual usually works best when someone isn’t yammerin’ in my ear hole...” John snarled in warning.
“If you wanna find the kids, gotta do it the old fashioned--”
“I DON’T CARE ABOUT SOME BLOODY KIDS!!!” John roared, getting into Ray’s personal space and pushing him. “I CARE ABOUT SAM...I need silence...” He backed up, “I need to find her...Please,” He bit his lip, “Let me find her.”
“Why do you care so much about finding S?” Ray shrugged, looking down at his compass, “She’s an angel, she can handle herself.”
John grabbed his stupid compass, chucking it into the woods. “Now you listen here, Raymond...” He growled, “I know Sam can handle herself. Oooh believe me I know. But I...Care for her. Deeply...So stop your dilly-dallying and lets find the angel, yeah?”
The two marched into the woods, and came across something...Disturbing. Goopy skin. John leaned down, gently touching the goop before wiping the goop on the ground. “Left behind by the creature.”
“Who sheds its skin after eating the kids?” Ray tilted his head, “What kind of monster are we looking for?”
“The answer to that,” John took out a book from his coat, “Is in this book.” He handed it off to Ray, who flipped through the pages whilst John inspected the skin.
A second later, there’s a ding as Ray puts everyone on the coms on the channel, “Guys, we might’ve ID’ed our monster. It’s a Shtriga.”
Shtriga. No. No no no... John grabbed the book, “A-a Shrtiga feeds off the life-force of children..They eat angel life-forces like golden liquid to.”
“Angels?!” He heard Sara yelp over the coms, “That means...”
John began to panic, “We need to find Sammy. Now.” The warlock raced off, leaving Ray to catch up on his own.
John searched the woods well into the night. “Shritga’s lair can’t be to far...” He said to Ray absently.
“John.” The scientist stopped him, holding up a pretty blue feather in the light of his flash-light. “Isn’t this...”
“Sam’s feather.” John sighed, “She must’ve tried to fly away from the Shtriga...Bloody brilliantly stupid angel...” He cut his finger, letting the blood drip onto the feather. He recited a spell, taking the feather and lighting it with his lighter. As expected, the blue fluff combusted, a spark flying around. “Ah, Will-o the Wisp. Little bugger to lead us to my luv.”
“Your luv?” Ray questioned, raising an eyebrow with a grin. “I knew you two were a thing!!”
“Shut your mouth.” John snapped, rushing after the wisp as it darted away.
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An old witches hut. Of course. John slowly creaked open the door, peering in wearily. “Sam?”
“No more feathers...You’d thing she’d struggle all the way here. Leave a trail for us.” Ray said, walking over to the cloth covered crates. Grabbing the edge of one, both men were frightened when a little girl gasped. “A-are we to late?!” Ray panicked, grabbing all the cloths to reveal the lost kids.
“No.” John sighed, “Their all tip-top...”
“C-c-counselor John...” One of the boys whimpered, “T-theres one more.”
John kneeled to be face to face with the lad, and let out a shaky breath. “Ok, do you know where the monster put the other one?”
“In the back...She was really pale...” The boy whimpered.
John let out a sigh he didn’t know he’d been holding. “Thank you so much, lad!” He raced around the back, “Sam?!” He jogged forward, looking around when he tripped on something. He looked down, and quickly started to dig into the rubble.
A wing. Bright colors blending against each-other. “Sam!” He yelled, tossing trash and planks aside. “Sammy!!” Panting, he pulled the rest of her out of the pile, her wings limp as John held her close to his chest.
Her face was ghostly pale, and John franticly searched for her pulse. “Cmon...Cmon Sammy...Come back to me, Sam! Come back to Johnny...” He kissed her forehead. Sammy didn’t respond. “Sam...PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!”
He screamed, holding her head to his chest as he begged and begged. “I can’t loose you to...”
“John...” Sam croaked, her eyes barely opened. Her wings shifted, gently tracing his back as sobs racked his body. “Johnny, I got you...”
John sniffled, “You’re gonna make it.” He brushed one of her hair’s behind her ear, “Just gotta hold on a little longer for Johnny...” Another kiss was pressed against her temple, “Little longer, My Angel...”
Her head lulled to the side, and in the dark John couldn’t make out the change in her wing’s colors. “Jo..n....I....Lov....You...”
John rested his forehead against hers, “I love you to, Sam...” He noticed how she fell limp against him, her eyes dull to the world. “Sam.”
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Thursday, September 17, 2020
Hi Taylor,
So as my last ever ranking, I put together all of the rankings I did for your eight masterpiece studio albums, as well as songs you wrote for other artists, songs you were featured on, and songs that you released that were not on your studio albums. I omitted covers for the purpose of these rankings, even though your covers are always top-notch.
Some people are bound to disagree with my ranking, but it is based on my own preference during my current mood. In fact, some of the tracks are listed in different order here than they are in the studio album rankings simply because my rank changes depending on the moment. Anyway, this was definitely the hardest one so far and thankfully, the last. So here we go…
157. Half of My Heart - John Mayer **I'll be honest...I really like this song with your vocals, but since I can no longer listen to it without thinking about how the relationship behind it ended up, I put it last***
156. Christmas Must Be Something More
155. Girl at Home
154. How You Get the Girl
153. Untouchable
152. Sweeter Than Fiction
151. So It Goes...
150. Don’t Blame Me
149. You Are in Love
148. I Think He Knows
147. Highway Don't Care - Tim McGraw ***Love your vocals on this one***
146. ME!
145. SuperStar
144. Wonderland
143. It's Nice To Have A Friend
142. Only The Young
141. Beautiful Ghosts
140. Eyes Open
139. I’m Only Me When I’m With You
138. The Moment I Knew
137. Long Live
136. This Is We Can’t Have Nice Things
135. The Outside
134. Both of Us
133. London Boy
132. Innocent
131. Shake It Off
130. I Know Places
129. Ours
128. Come In With the Rain
127. The Other Side of the Door
126. Jump Then Fall
125. King of My Heart
124. ...Ready For It?
123. A Perfectly Good Heart
122. Cold as You
121. The Man
120. Welcome to New York
119. Mean
118. Stay Beautiful  
117. The Lucky One
116. Look What You Made Me Do
115. The Best Day
114. Mary’s Song (Oh My My My)
113. Out of The Woods
112. New Romantics
111. Breathe
110. Tell Me Why
109. You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home - Miley Cyrus ***I would love to hear you perform this to see what your take on it was when you wrote it***
108. Change
107. Come Back...Be Here
106. If This Was a Movie
105. This Is What You Came For- Rihanna ***I love Rihanna, but I also really love the videos of you performing this live and am so happy that you are finally getting the writing credit you deserve***
104. Holy Ground
103. Stay Stay Stay
102. Superman
101. Christmas Tree Farm
100. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
99. Treacherous
98. Sparks Fly
97. Never Grow Up
96. I Almost Do
95. All You Had To Do Was Stay
94. Haunted
93. False God
92. Better than Revenge
91. Fearless
90. I Forgot That You Existed
89. End Game
88. Our Song
87. Starlight
86. Tied Together with a Smile
85. Babe – Sugarland ***I LIVE for the concert videos of you performing it***
84. I Heart ? ***This song NEEDS to be on Spotify***
83. peace
82. the lakes
81. Safe & Sound
80. Sad Beautiful Tragic
79. State of Grace
78. The Last Time
77. I Don't Wanna Live Forever
76. A Place in the World
75. Red
74. Gorgeous
73. seven
72. epiphany
71. mirrorball
70. Paper Rings
69. I Wish You Would
68. Christmases When You Were Mine
67. You Need To Calm Down
66. The Story of Us
65. You’re Not Sorry
64. Invisible
63. Clean
62. illicit affairs
61. Style
60. Bad Blood
59. Call It What You Want
58. mad woman
57. the 1
56. Dress
55. Two Is Better Than One
54. Everything Has Changed
53. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
52. Beautiful Eyes
51. Enchanted
50. Daylight
49. Speak Now
48. Better Man - Little Big Town ***I usually listen to the version of you performing this at the Bluebird Cafe because I can hear how you envisioned it when you wrote it, but I still love LBT's version too***
47. the last great american dynasty
46. Hey Stephen
45. I Did Something Bad
44. hoax
43. The Way I Loved You
42. Best Days of Your Life - Kellie Pickler ***Love your vocals on this one***
41. Picture to Burn
40. I Knew You Were Trouble
39. Afterglow
38. Lover
37. august
36. cardigan
35. 22
34. Forever & Always
33. Mine
32. invisible string
31. Should’ve Said No
30. Today Was A Fairytale
29. Cruel Summer
28. Love Story
27. Cornelia Street
26. You Belong With Me
25. Dear John
24. this is me trying
23. Crazier
22. White Horse
21. Tim McGraw
20. Death By A Thousand Cuts
19. Wildest Dreams
18. The Archer
17. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
16. my tears ricochet
15. Delicate
14. Last Kiss
13. New Years Day
12. Begin Again
11. exile
10. Blank Space
9. betty
8. This Love
7. Getaway Car
6. Back To December
5. Teardrops on My Guitar
4. Fifteen
3. Ronan
2. Soon You’ll Get Better
1. All Too Well
Alright. Now that the rankings are done, I can start doing way less stressful posts haha As always I hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.
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writingonthemoon · 5 years
Old Clothes Part 2
This is Day 18 of Tuck Month because it kinda makes sense
Part 1
Word Count: 3463
Disclaimer: Mentions of blood, slightly traumatising experiences
Old clothes have a way of piling up.  There are two options to get rid of them.  You can donate everything and allow someone to make themselves anew with the past you’re giving them.  Or you can burn, destroying any trace of crimes you’ve committed or wrongs you have yet to right.  Both actions eat away at you, destroying your soul and moral compass.  You know you can’t fix what you’ve done once you grab a match and you slowly start to wonder how askew your thinking is.  Donations are stressful, causing you to look over your shoulder every few moments to see if anyone was suspicious of your activities and strange giveaways.  My father had forgotten that last sentiment.
     My childhood was a strange one at best.  Everything that seemed absolutely normal was slightly off when you examined it under a magnifying glass.  When I was little and got dirt on myself, I would change into an entirely new outfit, even if there was no dirt on what I was wearing.  If I got sick during the day, I would have to wait until the evening until I could have anything.  My bedtime consisted of news stories and my mornings had me washing the surfaces any candle was resting upon.  It wasn’t an abnormal upbringing, it was just a little strange.
     Due to the oddities of the way my family lived, we got the attention of our neighbours.  They didn’t necessarily do much about it, they just noticed it.  They noticed it more than they should have.  I was sick the day they stuck their noses in too far.  My stomach wasn’t upset with the idea of me not eating until later in the day, but the Michaelsons next door were outraged.  The two came over with a small basket of food and handed it to me without a word.  All I got as an explanation was a sympathetic look shot in my direction.  At the smell of all the delicious pastries and sweet fruits, my stomach started rumbling.  I knew I couldn’t eat anything from the basket because I would have to show my parents and I wasn’t supposed to take anything from the cupboards.  There was only one thing the mind of a hungry four-year-old though as a viable option.  I go out and get some like my parents had always done.
     I put on my shoes and marched out of my house towards the market where I knew there would be so much good food that would satisfy me.  But, I was four and still a little dumb on society’s rules.  I walked along the street, being oh so careful to keep my dress clean, and began pulling things from stalls, not knowing I had to pay.  I had always become interested in something else by then when I was with my mum, so I never learned.  Until that day, of course.
     My mother came home first and, just by the look of me, could tell I did something wrong.  My face was a little paler than usual and I was clenching my stomach.  I can assure you I never ate until the evening when I was sick after that.  She helped me prepare for bed, getting me in my sleepwear and braiding my hair for the night.  Then, Father arrived home in a sweeping panic.  His dark hair stuck out at odd ends and he kept straightening his jacket more than he needed.  A thief had gone through the marketplace with red hair and small stature.  He and my mother both knew what would happen at that time.
     They hurried to pack everything we owned up, but I could tell by the different ways everything was gathered that we wouldn’t be taking it all.  As we left with our cart behind us, my parents brought us to a field.  The two of them grabbed packs and handed me a small one before turning to the mounding cart.  My father took a flint to it. The flying sparks lit up my eyes as I watched in amazement. In only a few moments, our belongings were up in flames, the heat roaring against my face and the crackling of wood echoing in the sleeping village. We left, went to a different town and started again.  Our reputation was built upon arrival. The three of us were a good family with no faults to us.  Everything perfect. It was a mistake to keep our names and it was a mistake to drop our clothes in the donation box. They were mistakes that were replaced with inevitabilities. The ashes on our clothes were a sign of who we once were and the ease at which we started to move through different towns was flowing like our old coats in a breeze.
     Jesse and I had seen the Wonders of the World together with the wind following our trail.  We had been just about everywhere and it seemed there was a new place discovered each day.  It was the ultimate life of adventure laid out for us to take.  We were riding the wings of life for years with no plans to stop. Eventually, you do have to land, do you not? The decades caught up to us and we grew out of the fantasy we had been in.  The time we spent together faded from moments to memories.  Memories to remember forever.
     The Brooklyn Bridge.  I hadn’t actually seen it finished, just the beginning of construction.  I was going to see it when it was finally completed, but I got caught up doing anything but.  It might seem strange, but I knew who else was going to be there on the day, so I wasn’t there.  Now, sixteen years after it was completed, sixteen years after I was to travel there with him, sixteen years after a promised return, I finally saw the outcome.
     My internal thoughts were drowning in the sounds of the people coming from every which way, namely ahead.  The doorway to the sixth-largest city in the world was a lot busier than I expected it to be on a Sunday.  Well, the largest borough in the second-largest city in the world since New York absorbed all those other places.  But I guess I can’t assume much when I haven’t been in America for ages.  It was more civilized in Europe and Asia was extremely respectful and aware of others.  Here, it was crowded and everyone was pushy and living in their own world, paying no mind to anything going on about them.
     As I gazed at the structure in front of me, I felt a shove from my right, knocking me to the ground further from the foot traffic I hadn’t been interrupted in the first place.  I jumped to my feet quickly, telling the man off with rude words from a few decades ago that had fallen out of poor light. They were still my favourite ones to use.  Once I lost sight of him in the throng, my palms starting stinging.  Turns out, they were cut up from the rough ground.
     “Damn,” I muttered, resolving to not wipe my hands on my dress as they were slowly turning red, “Prick.” I spat at the invisible back of the man.  Even if I was immortal, it had been faltering lately.  Not by much, I could still survive anything that could kill me, but every now and then I would cut myself with a knife or I’d scrape my knee climbing a monument.  These instances were few and extremely far between, but they still concerned me.
     “Excuse me, miss,” I held my breath and turned to see an oddly familiar face that puzzled me, “you ‘lright?” Pieces of red hair poked out from under the cap on his head and his warm brown eyes brought me back to summers with my sister, Clara.  Freckles splattered his face, though I couldn’t be sure if they were there all the time or just in the August sun.
     My brain rebooted as he raised his eyebrows a little, “Yes, yes, of course.” I smiled at the boy whose soft face couldn’t be older than my look, “Thank you.”
     “You sure?  'cause I’m just 'bout to head out for the evening and, sad to say, I know how to deal with stuff like that.” He pointed at my injuries.
     “Sad to say I do as well.” I chuckled lightly and thought for a moment, “I hate to trouble you, but I might just take up your offer, seeing as I’m just visiting the city.”
     The boy smirked with a mischevious look in his eyes, “I coulda guessed that.  A beauty like you woulda caught my eye a long time ago.” I giggled at his blatant flirting and he offered me an arm, “Shall we?”
     “Of course.” I linked up with him and he started leading me down the streets.  The new sights of the city distracted me enough that I paid no mind to many of the people around or the boys beside me.  A realization suddenly came upon me and almost caused another tumble into the street, “So, what is the name of my knight in shining armour?”
     “Albert DaSilva.  Age 16.  And what about yourself?”
     “Odette… Tuck.  Age 17.”
     “Odette, huh?  That’s my great-something-aunt’s name.  She kinda disappeared a while ago.  I think she was your age, Dette.  I’ve heard a lotta stories from my family 'bout her, but Nona Clara told them the best,” I struggled to breathe when I heard my sister’s name, “Even though I don’t remember a lot of her, I know they were the best.” Albert turned his head a little and saw my expression, most likely one of bittersweet pain and shock, “Sorry, I’m going on 'bout myself.  What about you?  Got anyone in your family named Albert?” He nudged my shoulder a little with a pairing of a chuckle.
     “Oh,” my mind scrambled for an answer.  This boy beside me might be my family and I couldn’t tell him, “don’t worry, it was alright hearing about yourself.  Uh, I have a nephew.  He was just born, so I only met him once before I left.” The lie rolled off my tongue like nothing and it was sorta true compared to how old I was, “I would love to get to know him better, but I guess I’ll just have to hear more about your Nona Clara and her sister for now.”
     “Ah, I don’t think you’ll really wanna.”
     “No,” I objected all to quickly and I silently cursed myself, “I would.  I lost communication with my sister a while ago and hearing about Clara and Odette would be nice.” I paused before I wrinkled my nose, “I don’t like saying my name in that way.  Makes it feel like I’m her.” I mean, I was 90% sure I was her, but I wouldn’t tell him that.  I would confuse him too much and he would probably want to burn me.  Or was that what people did when I was little?  Or was it before I was born?  Events I didn’t even go through blend into my memories nowadays.
     “You don’t have to worry about that unless youse immortal.” He laughed, bringing me out of my mind, and I forced a matching tune.  “Nah, they… they lost her in some woods in New Hampshire back in 1808.  So unless you was hangin’ 'round back then…” he trailed off and watched his feet as we traversed the pavement.  I bit my tongue to keep myself quiet, but soon I couldn’t help it.  It seemed right to tell him a version of what had happened.
     “I lost my family too,” his head turned in my direction and I could feel confusion radiating off of him.  Why would I be telling him this?  Maybe he’ll know the real reason eventually, “just like her, but I feel it was a little different.  We moved a lot when I was younger.  Travelled all over the place.  But, heh, it wasn’t just because we could.” I swallowed thickly before continuing on, “Whenever we moved, we had to reinvent our family.  I was never sure why, but we just did.  We had a ritual where we burned everything extra on our last night in whatever town we were in.  All we had were our names, the clothes on our backs, and whatever money we could carry in our pockets.  I could barely remember where I was from after a while.”
     “Well, ta jog your memory, where are you from?”
     “England.  I was the last of my siblings born there.  I mean, my family was here before, but some of them went back and then we came back and-” I cut my rambling short, “It gets a bit confusing sometimes.”
     “Eh, it’s alright.  Just wait 'til you meet some a my friends, then it all gets confusing.”
     “I hardly believe they can be that confusing.”
     “Well, they ain’t confusin’, jus’ chaotic.”
     “Chaos is my speciality.” The two of us walked a little further, Albert sharing short stories about myself and my sister until we reached a grand old building with shouting coming from inside.  A grin came to Albert’s face that made me match him.  It was nice to know these boys still had real happiness in such dismal times.
     “Your friends in there?” I bumped shoulders with him, bringing him out of his euphoric trance.  He nodded rapidly before pulling me up the steps to the door.  Al rested his hand on the knob, his brow furrowing for a moment, “Something wrong?”
     “No, no, it’s just… I ain’t never brought a girl here 'cause we ain’t really allowed,” he shrugged.
     “It’s not like I’m spending the night.  You’re just cleaning up my hands because you’re a gentleman.  And if anyone tries to mess with you, I can rough 'em up for ya.” I copied his accent and lightly punched one of my palms the way all tough people do.  I regretted that when I saw the blood staining my knuckles.
     “Heh, yeah, I betcha will.” With that final statement, the door swung open in front of me at Albert’s request and he led me in, a hush following my soft closing of the door.  I positioned myself behind the buff redhead, which was slightly embarrassing since I was old enough to be the great grandmother of all these boys and I had fought men bigger and scarier than some scrawny munchkins.
     “Look at that, Al’s finally brought home a girl.” A boy called, earning laughs from the crowd.
     “No, he hasn’t,” I replied softly yet loud enough so my voice to projects around the room, “At least, not in the way you all are insinuating.” I held my hands up to show the blood off, “He’s just being chivalrous and helping me out.”
     “Hey, she should meet Davey!  They both use dem big fancy words!” Unclear shouting continued about this 'Davey’ person and I took the time to observe the motley crew.  There was one with an eye patch, a few with various injuries, and most with dirt a permanent blemish on their complexion.  Then I saw a matted flop of blond hair under a backwards cap that I recognized easily.
     “Crutchie!” I yelled, waving my hand in the air to get his attention.  He looked away from an older boy he was in conversation with—which made me feel a little bad ruining their flow—and spotted me, causing a smile to come to his face.  He started making his way towards me after bidding his friend ado.  There was a wolf whistle from one of the boys and some patted him on the back as he slipped by them.  His face went a light pink and I got thrown back in time for a moment.
     “Hey, Odette,” he greeted when he was closer.  I was worried for his cheeks because of how much he was smiling, “what are you doin’ here?”
     “I just said, dummy.  Albert found me on the street and offered to help me clean up my hands.” I presented my hands to the boy so he could clearly see what I was speaking about, “It was a trivial fall, but they got cut up nicely I’d say.”
     Crutchie’s eyes grew tenfold, worry covering his happy demeanour, “Are you sure you want Albert helpin’ you?” The emphasis he put on the name of my 99% sure great-grandnephew made me laugh.  Clara could never clean injuries well either.
     I covered my mouth with my hand, attempting to play it off like nothing, “I don’t care much.  Help from any of you would be tremendous.”
     “Well, then, I’ll bring ya to Buttons and grab Jack.  Buttons’s the best at stitchin’ us all up.  He’ll take care a ya.  An’ Jack has been takin’ care of the lotta us for ages, so he’s picked up a thing or two.”
     I nodded, “Fantastic.” I didn’t feel the word, though.  I was stressed about my hands, more than any normal person would be.  This was the worst any malfunction had been and I was becoming frightened at the prospect of time running out.
     "Hey there,“ my worrying was cut short by a voice directed at me, "the name’s Jack Kelly."  The boy in question was about my height and I could feel an air of authority about him.  He was also the one Crutchie was speaking with earlier.  His deep coffee eyes had a look in them I had seen before and could never understand the point of.  Tangles were visible in the fringe of his hair that stuck out from under his hat.  The hairstyle he had was too long to be respectable and his hat was crooked, causing something in me to cringe and recoil.
     "Odette.  I am to assume you’re the one Crutchie mentioned that can help me with my… predicament.” A sombre chuckle escaped as I looked at the scarlet flesh of my once unmarked palms, “I hope you’re as good as he expressed.”
     "Gosh, Odette, you gotta let up with those big fancy words of yours.  You sound like youse lying for your life.“
     I skipped a breath and a heartbeat, "Takes a liar to know a liar, Mr Kelly.” I raised my brow at him in a challenge.
     "Oohoohoohoohoo.  Youse a good one, Dette.“ I honestly giggled at his compliment.  It was a different one and one that I liked, "Now, let’s take a look at your hands.”
     I was reluctant to put my hands in the care of the conman, “Should they not be cleaned first?  I have a little experience with these kinds of things and I thought that was the first step.”
     Jack stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, “You know Davey or Kath or anything?” The tilt of my head explained my confusion with the names, “Nevermind.  But yeah, youse right.  If Crutch went to Buttons, there should be some hot water ready so we can clean your hands.  Come on.” He started walking away, making me rush so I wouldn’t lose him.
     "Mr Kelly!“ I called, which made him give me a look of inquisition and exasperation.  He must not like the title, "Sorry, Jack, can you just—” I reached up and straightened his cap, which made me relax a little
     He chuckled, “Youse real strange, Dette.” After only a few more steps, we came upon Crutchie and a young boy with a tiny sewing kit sitting in front of him.  There was something about his slouch and his thin fingers that unsettled me with familiarity.
     "Hey, Odette.  I sees you met Jack.“ The blond gestured to Jack with his crutch, "Anyways, this here is Buttons.  He may only be thirteen or so, but he’s the best of all a us when it comes to fixin’ people up.”
     The young boy—Buttons—looked up and I stumbled backwards, causing Jack to rush and catch me.  I was shaking, my emotions starting to get the better of me.  There was no way.  It couldn’t be him, but it was the same face, same build, same everything.  I started getting lost in the kind eyes I used to play with and the smile I would do anything to see.  The smalls curls I would tie back peeked from under the edge of his hat.  Everything was identical, maybe a year older than the last time I saw him.  Except for the eyes.  They were the same as Crutchies and Alberts.  Jack even had that look, even if he’d gotten good at hiding it.  I couldn’t help the name from slipping out, though.  Just to see if I would get a reaction, “Elijah.”
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beanfic · 5 years
Summertime Sadness - Ch.4
Word count: 1840
Warnings: Rebellious teen activities
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)
Song suggestions: Some Nights by Fun. and We are young by Fun.
The next morning at breakfast was no different than any other, even though your parents would beg to differ. They interrogated you with questions while you looked at your phone and ate your Cheerios.
“You never smile at your phone this often,” your mom said.
“Yeah, what happened last night?” your dad added.
“Nothing happened? I’m being normal?” you lied.
They didn’t believe your lie, and you decided to just ignore them. You couldn’t help smiling every time Josh’s name flashed up on your phone.
“Can I be excused?” you asked once you finished your cereal.
“Thank you.”
You headed to the kitchen and washed your bowl out, and put it in the dishwasher. You ran back up to your bedroom and started to text Josh back.
We should hang tonight
You waited for his response eagerly. Once you heard your phone vibrate, you pounced and read it right away.
I’m totally down. Let me take you on a drive.
You smiled like an idiot to yourself as you read the message over and over. You really had never felt this way before, and what if he felt the same way too?
“Who are you texting?” your brother asked, barging into your room.
“Can you knock?”
“Excuse me? You fucking walked in on me watching porn. I think I get to barge in on you whenever I want.”
“Okay okay. I’m texting Josh.”
“Josh Dun?” His tone of voice gave you an anxious feeling, you really hated that your brother disapproved,
“Yes, he’s super nice. We’re hanging out again tonight.”
“He’s such a fucking douche.”
“You don’t even know him?”
“He went to my high school. I know him more than you do. He was that emo kid with the lip piercing. He’s weird.”
“Lip piercing?” The thought of Josh wearing a lip piercing made you giggle. “He’s different now though, John. He seems genuine and caring, and he’s attractive.”
You watched your brother roll his eyes.
“I don’t care if you disapprove, Johnny, I’m 18 and I can do whatever I want.”
“Y/N, it’s not that I disapprove, it’s that I don’t want my little sister getting hurt. He’s a bad influence.”
“Thanks, but I think I can handle myself, can you leave now?” you gave your brother a glare, showing him that he was no longer welcome in your room.
Your phone started buzzing in your pocket and you pulled it out to see Josh calling you. You pressed the answer button, and held the phone up to your ear.
“Hey, Dun!”
“Hey, Y/L/N! I was wondering if we could make it a late night drive? Tyler wanted to rehearse for a little tonight.”
“Like how late?”
“I could pick you up around 11:30?”
“I can’t Josh, I have a curfew.”
“C’mon, Y/L/N.”
“I don’t know.”
“You can sneak out, they will never know.”
You took a second to think about Josh’s offer. Sneaking out couldn’t be too hard, and you knew that you parents go to bed early usually.
“Okay, I think I can pull it off.”
“Perfect! I’ll be outside around 11:30, okay?”
“See you later, Y/L/N.”
“You too, Dun.”
You hung up the phone and held it against your chest and you plopped down on your bed backwards. You breathed in heavily and started to figure out a good way to sneak out. You decided that you were going to be on your best behavior all day, and go to bed early.
Your window wasn’t that high up so you decided to try to sneak out of that. Getting home would be harder, but you knew you could convince Johnny to come open the door for you, hopefully.
The rest of the day was a blur. It was spent with you helping your dad clean the garage and organize all his tools, as well as vacuuming the downstairs. Your mom was gone all day for work, which was good for you since she would have picked up on how you were helping out.
Your dad cooked spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. Bri, Johnny and you all sat around the dinner table playing two truths and lie. A family tradition during dinner.
You were starting to feel nervous and dinner was coming to a close. You had never snuck out before, and you knew that if your parents found out,  your whole summer would probably be ruined.
You tried to reassure yourself by thinking of only positive outcomes, but occasionally the negative thought would come sneaking back in.
“You okay, Y/N?” you dad asked. “You’re spacing out pretty hard.”
“No I’m fine, just really tired. I think I’m going to go to bed pretty early tonight.” You tried to avoid eye contact with your family members as you headed to the kitchen to wash your dishes.
“Do you wanna wash my plate for me?” Bri handed you her plate, looking up at you with her big green eyes.
You sighed, “Sure.” You washed her plate as well. You looked at the kitchen clock, and it read 6:45. Only five more hours until you had to sneak out.  
You spent those last five hours by hanging out with Bri and helping her record a youtube video of her doing her makeup. By the time it was around 11:15 you said goodnight to your dad and your mom, who had just gotten home.
You sat in your room, waiting for the text from Josh saying that he was on his way. You decided to wear jeans and a queen sweatshirt that you Dad had given you last year. It was a sweatshirt he got from a concert he went to when he was younger.
You nibbled on your nails as the time grew closer and closer. You jumped a little when your phone vibrated and lit up with a text from Josh.
On my way!
You took a deep breath and stood up from your bed. You opened your bedroom window slowly, trying to make as little sound as you could. You had to pry off the screen part, which was easier than you were expecting.
You looked out at the tilted rooftop, and your heart started to beat faster as you noticed how far the grass actually was. You slowly put your left foot out on the planks of wood and tried to stable yourself before putting your second foot out.
Once you had both feet, you squatted and held onto the roof with your hands. You did a little shuffle down to the gutter, and you stared at the ground that was probably a good 8 feet away.
You sat on the gutter with your feet dangling off, and you threw yourself off hoping you would land on your feet. You hit the grass with a thud, and you could feel a sharp pain shoot up your left shin bone.
“Ow fu-” you stopped yourself before you cried out. The last thing you wanted was to wake up your family and them coming out and finding you.
You grabbed your shin and started to roll around the grass to distract yourself from screaming out in pain. The pain started to subside, and you stood up and started walking over to Josh’s jeep that was parked in front of your house.
“That was quite the show,” he chuckled as you hopped in.
“You saw all that?”
“I watched you climb out of your window and then chuck yourself off the roof, yeah, I saw it all,” he started laughing which made you burst out in laughter too.
“Where are we going?”
“Just sit back and relax!”
You were nervous. “Okay.”
“Do you trust me, Y/L/N?”
“Yes, Dun, I trust you.”
Josh started to drive away, and once he got onto the highway, he rolled down the window and blasted the music. He was playing the new Fun. album, some nights and you couldn’t help but to sing along.
“You’re a good singer,” he smiled over at you. You could feel your cheeks get hot.
“Sing with me.”
Josh looked over at you with this look in his eyes, and he shook his head. “I don’t sing.”
“I doubt that, Dun. You’re in a band.”
“I play drums, Tyler does the singing.”
You shrugged. The wind from the windows blew your hair around as he drove about 90 down the highway. Usually, you would feel scared, but you had never felt safer when you were with him.
You watched Josh’s hand turn down the music and he looked over at you. You both just smiled at each other and then giggling from the silent eye contact.
“I want to know more about you, Y/L/N. I know you just graduated, but tell me more about you.”
“Okay, well I have an older brother, who you know, and a little sister. Do you have any siblings?”
“Yeah, I have three younger siblings. One brother and two sisters.”
“Nice, what about your drumming situation. How long have you been doing that for?”
He sighed, “I’ve been playing drums ever since I was little, but I started playing with Tyler’s band earlier this year.”
“That’s so cool! I’ve heard some of his music, it seems really cool.”
“Yeah, the band is called Twenty One Pilots.”
“Twenty One Pilots? But there's only two of you.”
He shrugged, “Ask Tyler. I didn't get to choose the band name!”
This made you laugh, “Any more questions for me?”
“Yeah, what do you do for fun? Like what are your hobbies?”
“Oh,” you thought about it for a while before deciding on what to say. “I like to write poetry, but I’m really interested in psychology. I’m going to community college starting in the fall.”
“Poetry? That’s really cool! Could I read it sometime?”
“Maybe.” You gave him a smirk.
“It’s already one in the morning, I should probably get you home!”
Josh started driving back home, turning the music back up. We Are Young by Fun. was blasting and you started to sing along. You didn’t care what Josh thought of your singing, and at that moment you felt like you were invincible.
Josh took his right hand off his wheel and placed it on your hand that was on your lap. It took you by surprise, and you looked over at Josh who was still focused on the road. You allowed him to intertwine his fingers with yours, and you held his hand the rest of the way home.
He pulled up to the driveway and he let go of your hand. You immediately missed the warmth. You didn’t want to sneak back inside; you wanted to spend the rest of the night with Josh.
“Wish me luck, Dun,” you joked as you hopped out of his truck.
“Wait, Y/L/N, I think I’m really starting to like you.”
“You know what, Dun? I think I’m really starting to like you too.”
Tag list: 
@takenvysleep @ohprettyweeper @oncemorewithfeelingg @gaiatheroyalrabbit @svintsandghosts @krispy-cakes @patdsinner33 @breadbinishigh @demonsdontcontrolus
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bitterbetterbun · 5 years
[Pt.1/Day 1 of NaNoWriMo]
Klara laughed at the lighthearted response to her question. It wasn’t every night that she met someone still willing to hold fast to their sense of humor. She liked that about Jennifer. The sky began to brighten around them, the Sun calling for dawn over the hills in the distance. The wind that blew Jennifer’s hair into her face and wrapped it around her neck was lost on Klara. She wished she could feel it. Instead, she knowingly turned her attention to the train tracks behind Jennifer’s heels.
“I really enjoyed talking with you tonight.”
Jennifer smiled, the sheen of wet in her eyes showing the sincerity of her momentary happiness. Though Klara knew she was in no danger, she took a step back.
“So, Miss Lingston. How did you die?”
The roaring sound of a train horn came from behind Jennifer just as she stepped back onto the train tracks. Klara closed her eyes when the blaring lights came into sight, turning her head as she heard the all too familiar sound of metal going at 90 miles per hour obliterate flesh and bone within a millisecond. 
The soft sound of an alarm came over the loud whoosh of the train. Klara opened her eyes and stared up at her ceiling. She silenced the alarm and sighed.
“Another suicide.”
The wood floor beneath her feet as she got out of bed was a comfort she welcomed. It reminded her that she was awake, and in better cases, that she was real. Klara flicked on the TV as she made her way around her small apartment, readying herself. The newscasters voice came to life.
‘-has not yet been a full 24 hours since forty-seven year old Jennifer Lingston’s tragic accident and yet, hundreds of family members and friends have gathered to make sure she will never be forgotten. City council will be meeting in an hour to discuss the addition of a train track safety class in all school districts...’
Klara started up the shower, happy to drown out the robotic voice coming from her television. She stood under the stream of water, letting in encompass the whole of her body and wash away all of the vivid memories she had from the previous night. The worst part, she thought, was that they were not even her memories to begin with.
After her shower and another fifteen minutes of scrambling around her bedroom to dig out her sweaters, Klara was out the door. The scent of fall was in the air and she was all too ready for it. The beautiful leaves, crisp and nearly weightless, reminded her of an important recurring theme in her life. Death and the beauty within it. The leaves turn, ripen and wisen on their branches until it is their time to let go. Then they float down, like snow flakes, softly kissing the gound at the end of their decent. The allegory of it all was ironic to Klara. Perhaps we all do fly at the end of our lives. But Klara knew better. Flying and falling were two very different things.
Then there were the leaves that were picked off, their lush green lives taken from them prematurely. And the accidents, as well, the leaves blown off by the wind. That was the difference between humans and leaves. Most leaves fall when they were ready and the few rest come to and end of their cycles prematurely.
Humans almost never made it to the grave organically. The gust of wind plucking a healthy leaf from a branch could be the cancerous smoke from cigarettes that entered a man’s lungs. Everything about humanity was nearly inhumane.
Klara took a deep breath of the autumn air. Fall really was the most beautiful time of year. But no matter how she looked at it -- the crunchy leaves, the warm, earthy smells -- Klara couldn’t help but think about the fact that she was surrounded by death.
The bright sound of a bell rang as Klara entered a coffee shop. With a glance, she spotted who she was looking for and moved to join him.
“Morning sunshine,” Talbot welcomced Klara, never breaking eye contact with the newspaper in one of his hands, a coffee cup in the other.
Klara set her bag and coat down in the chair across from his.
“Want a refill?”
“You know it.”
Klara took Talbot’s cup, returning shortly with it and one of her own.
“Train track safety classes,” Talbot tossed the paper to the side with a humorous grunt as he lifted his freshly filled coffee cup to his lips.
“But of course, using that money to teach kids about important things like, I don’t know, sex-ed maybe? Well, that would be atrocious.”
“No one wants to think about their kids fucking, Talbot, they wanna prevent their deaths.”
After staring at Talbot with concern, the two friends broke out in laughter. If there was anything they agreed on, it was everything.
“Tal, did you know doctor visits from STDs directly fund the golden toilet seats in the White House?”
“You’re wrong, Klara.”
Talbot took a sip of coffee, lowering lifting his brows.
“They fund the man that wipes the shit off of the President’s ass.”
“Jokes on you!” Klara slammed her hands on the table in victory as she leaned forward.
“His is only doing his country’s duty so he isn’t even getting paid.”
“Did you just say ‘duty’?”
The two laughed again as Klara kicked Talbot from underneath the table. Though the coffee shop was small, its environment seemed to welcome people like Klara and Talbot with its  private tables and warm and cozy atmosphere. Talbot smiled at Klara, glad to see the life back in her eyes after a fit of laughter. He could only imagine what she must have gone through last night. He leaned in to speak softly.
“Another suicide.”
“How do you know?”
“Like I know every time,” Klara propped her chin up on a fist, “she told me.”
Talbot nodded, sitting back as she assessed the information from his friend. He leaned in again.
“Klara, how long do these dreams usually last?”
“I don’t know. Time is weird in dreams. Sometimes it can feel like I’m there, living their whole life with them. Other times, it goes in a flash. All I know is they all have one thing in common.”
Talbot tapped the front page of the newspaper on the table, “That they all died the day before.”
Klara put her hands over her face, rubbing her eyes in tired, circular motions.
“This is all too weird.”
Talbot grabbed hold of one of her hands, pulling it from her face.
“Let’s be fair, klar,” he stroked it while tenderly looking her in the eyes, “you were weird before this phenomenon.”
Klara snatched her hand, giving him a sly ‘whatever’ smile. He knew just how to make her feel better. That’s why he had become the only person she could trust when it came to things she couldn’t understand.
“Think of it as like some sort of power, hm?”
Klara sipped her latte, mulling it over.
“It can’t be a power. It’s not like I can save any of these people. They come into my dreams after they’re already dead.”
“Who said everyone with powers has to be a hero?”
Damn, Klara thought. He had a point.
She sat back, lifting up her chin.
“Then tell me, oh wise sir, what shall I do with this... spectacular talent?”
“God, I thought you’d never ask.”
Talbot slammed his laptop onto the table, the browser page open and ready. Klara jumped in surprise.
“Did you have that waiting under the table the whole time?”
“Read it.”
Klara rolled her eyes, fixating her gaze upon the screen. She looked from one striking word in the article to the next, pinning phrases in her mind; fortune teller, witch, speaker of the dead.
“You want me to be a wacko physic?”
“I want you to make yourself some money.”
Klara’s brows lifted in curiosity. Talbot took that as a sign to continue.
“You don’t have to tell people their futures, the exact opposite really. Connect with the families that lost a loved one and give them some clarity and closure.”
Talbot clicked to another tab full of information on the topic.
“It won’t be like you’re taking advantage of families that lost someone dear to them because it’s true, you actually do see these people. You charge for your service, that’s all. And-”
Klara gently closed the laptop, abruptly stopping Talbot in the middle of his prepared speech. As if reading her mind, he knowingly rubbed the back of her hand with his.
“I hear you, Tal. It’s a good idea. I mean, I am poor.”
“You are poor, oppressed and a POC which basically screams ‘steal from the rich’ if you ask me.”
Klara sighed out some laughter.
“True. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to let the world know about all of…” she gestured to her head, “this yet.”
“I get that.”
Talbot grabbed both of her hands, looking his friend in the eyes.
Klara smiled, “strong drinks.”
She found it silly, being able to find comfort in another person when the thing she feared the most was within them all. Her whole life was turning out to be a contradiction. But perhaps, she thought, she was looking at it wrong. A gust of wind blew a pile of pumpkin stained and maroon leaves around outside. Perhaps it wasn’t a contradiction but that one thing complimented the other. Death was not to be feared, it was a thing to be accepted. It was a thing of beauty. And as brightly as life shone throughout all of them -- the buzzing sounds of a coffee shop, the pitter-patter of people hurrying to work outside -- death was in them all. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps knowing that one day will be your last, it would help a person to live each day as just that -- their last. Or, in contrast, the pressure could make that same person end it all before something else had the chance. 
Klara shook her head. She was thinking too much again. Her thoughts were not her own nowadays, and she found herself analyzing every aspect of life as it is and after its course. She was aware she was no philosopher but she sure felt like it, sometimes. But though another may have a different take on the prospect of life and death, one thing would always remain certain. 
Death was inevitable.
The two gathered their things, Klara wrapping herself up in a thick knitted scarf as they headed out for their next stop.
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externally-upset · 5 years
Alright going all in I see. Let's do this
1. I mainly use Spotify
2. I try and keep it clean but somehow always winds up messy
3. I've got brown eyes
4. y'know I've got a really generic name but I do like it. Why, I have no idea
5. I'm currently single
6. Scatterbrained, happy, adventurous
7. I've got natural black hair
8. So I don't drive because it actually hurts my leg to drive. Also I can't sit still for longer than 5 minutes
9. I shop everywhere that has toys lmao. I'm a toy collector so I'll go anywhere that has em
10. I don't really have a style. I try and live my life as cozy as possible
11. I don't really have a favorite social media account
12. I have a full/queen size bed
13. I've got lots of siblings. In all, I've got 6 sisters and 2 brothers, but some are step family. I've got 1 bio sister and 1 bio brother, both younger than me.
14. I've been looking into moving to Washington recently, but I think I'd rather travel the world than settle down somewhere, for now at least
15. I don't use the filters myself so I can't speak on that
16. I don't use makeup so I don't have a fave brand to talk about
17. I shower everyday, I get really sweaty so I gotta
18. I don't have like a definite fave TV show. It varies from month to month. Although this summer it was Nisekoi, which is an excellent anime
19. I wear a size 11.5/12 shoe
20. I'm 5'11
21. I wear almost strictly sneakers
22. I don't go to the gym, I should though. I really should
23. Dream date would be to have one lol, um I guess to go up to the mountains together and star gaze or something to do with the mountains. I just enjoy being outside
24. Too much to count 💸💸 lmao jk I've got $60
25. Ain't wearing any but if someone came through right now, I'd put some black ones on
26. I had four, but my mom stole 2 of them
27. I was working in drywall for awhile but I hopped out of that and am currently applying to places. I specifically was a taper, so like when drywall is put up in the house, there are gaps between the pieces put up. I covered those gaps up, all over the house. It doesn't seem like a lot but when you've got 15-20 feet ceilings, it gets hard
28. I've got quite a lot of friends and I love them all
29. I've know I've done bad stuff that others remember me for but I can't think of anything
30. Oh man I loooooove lavender scented candles. Lavender scented anything is the best
31. I honestly can't think of any boy names that I like
32. 3 girl names: Sochi, Lavender, and Laurie, which is actually the name of one of my best friends
33. Anthony Hopkins is my favorite actor by far
34. Fave actress is definitely Meryl Streep, I fell in love with her when I first saw the Devil Wears Prada years ago and it just snowballed from there
35. My celeb crush is either Bonnie Wright or Jessica Keenan Wynn
36. Fave movie has gotta be The Great Mouse Detective
37. I used to read a lot, not so much anymore. Of everything I've read though, Christine by Stephen King has been my favorite read
38. Everyone wants to say brains are more important and they are, but unfortunately in the world we live in money rules over all
39. I used to be called Chancho but not any more
40. I've been to the hospital more times than I'd like to think. I had a heart condition that flared up in high school so I spent a lot of time at the hospital. I'm still not even sure what it was and am sure the doctors made it up to take my money
Beauty and the Beast - Angela Lansbury
Beauty and the Beast - Celine Dion, Peabo Bryson
Higher - Creed
Eres Mi Droga - Intocable
Crossing Field - LiSA
Don't Blink - Kenny Chesney
Junkhead - Alice In Chains
Your Decision - Alice In Chains
Losing A Whole Year - Third Eye Blind
Forever Halloween - The Maine
42. Nah, no meds for me
43. I think I have an oily skin type
44. Biggest fear is leaving those I love behind when I pass along to the next life
45. I don't know how many kids I want
46. I always have my hair either in a bun or braided
47. I live in a medium sized family home
48. My grandma has been and always will be my role model
49. It was being told how wise I am
50. Last text I sent was to my homeboy, telling him "this school shit is wack"
51. I was 6 years old when I found out Santa wasn't real
52. A nice Truck is my dream car or maybe a souped up Subaru, with an anime wrap for shits and gigs
53. I'm cool with smoking weed, but no cigarettes and only smoke outside, don't need my stuff to smell
54. Yeah, I'm here in college, but I don't like it
55. Rural areas by far. I've always wanted my own farm
56. I wanna be a high school history teacher and that requires a degree, so that's why I'm in college
57. I don't like the shampoo and conditioner from hotels, don't like the way they feel. That being said, yes I'll take them
58. I've got freckles but you can barely see them unless were face to face
59. Yes and no. It really depends on my mood. I try to take more smiling pictures now
60. I've got quite a few, mostly memes though
61. Of course I've peed in the woods, with the amount of times I've been hiking and camping with no bathroom in site, you gotta
62. I watch almost strictly cartoons, if we're being completely honest
63. Chicken nuggets smack, no matter where they're from
64. If it calls for it, honey. If not, then sweet and sour sauce
65. Alright, so it depends where I'm at. If I'm home alone, just my underwear. If there are people here, shorts. If I'm at someone else's house, I wear whatever I have on
66. Never participated in a spelling bee in my life
67. My hobby is collecting. I've been collecting things since I was a kid. I've switched between many things in my life. I've gone from Wrestling figures, to sports cards, to vinyl records, to Funko Pops. I actually collect a little of everything I've mentioned now
68. I can't draw for shit
69. I don't play any instruments, although I've tried learning how to play the Ukulele
70. Last concert was seeing Four Year Strong and Seaway like 2 years ago
71. I prefer tea over coffee
72. I guess Starbucks as I've never had Dunkin before
73. Marriage sounds nice, but I don't need to. Like if I'm dating someone and they said they don't wanna get married, I wouldn't have a problem with it. As long as we're in love, that's all that matters
74. Aha, I'm not answering this one
75. If ever I get married, I don't know what the last name situation is gonna be
76. Burgundy and blue look absolutely fantastic on me
77. Yeah there are a few people I miss
78. I always sleep with my door closed and my closets too
79. I belive in ghosts, although I prefer to call them spirits. Used to see them frequently as a child, still do sometimes
80. Biggest pet peeve is when people try to tell me what to do. Not like suggestions but actually tell me what to do. Irritates me to no end
81. Last person I called I think was my Dad, but that's because I couldn't find him in the store
82. Black Cherry Vanilla is the best but no one sells it anywhere
83. Golden Oreos are pretty damn good so I'll go with those
84. If I have to choose, probably rainbow sprinkles
85. Just a plain white tank top
86. My phone background is a picture of Ricky from Trailer Park Boys saying "Man, maybe I am gay."
87. I can be outgoing, it kinda takes a bit for me to open up though
88. I fucking love when people play with my hair
89. My neighbors across the street are very nice, but next door neighbor is a dick, always judging shit
90. I usually wash my face in the mornings
91. I used to get high a lot, not so much anymore, although I'd really like for that to change
92. I spent a good portion of this year drunk, so that's a problem. I actually only started drinking when I turned 21 last September. Never been hungover either, so I've been blessed
93. Last thing I ate was some chips
94. "Thank you to the miracle that we are able to meet in a dirty and ugly world, even like this" My Song - Girl Dead Monster. This is from Angel Beats and these are rough English translations
95. I prefer winter over summer, but spring is my fave season
96. I love night time, always will
97. I will always pick dark chocolate over all other chocolates
98. September is my favorite month, not because it's my birth month, but it's the one month where everything feels right
99. I'm a Virgo
100. Last person I cried in front of was my homeboy Mason, albeit I was drunk as fuck and don't remember it but he does. Says I scared him
Goddamn that took forever, but I did get over being bored, so bless you Anon
0 notes
purplexflamingo · 6 years
Chapter 1: The real nightmare
" No...no I can't."
Heather softly responded, eyeing this dream demon before her. While part of her didn't believe in their existence, she still attempted to search for them- something made her do it. 
 One drunken night it happened, stumbling into an abandoned boarded up house. That society continued to fear. Telling the tales of Krueger and the many children.
 Did she believe it? Not really. This house was like an escape from reality. The madness brought on by life and even her workaholic father. Treated like nothing, but a burden and being slapped with accusations, threatened to be kicked to the curb or worse. Common ones being called a satanist, murder, vandal, and more.
Just by her appearance. Yeah sure, Heather had a fascination with the Gothic styles, popular in the 80's that still continued to carry on into the 90's. Her love for horror triumph most of her interests. Her sketches might be a little haunting or her writings. Though she'd never commit such crimes or hurt anyone. Ultimately she didn't even fear much, but the people in this town...Springwood.
 Fidgeting with the piece of fabric in her fingers. That fabric being apart of his burnt sweater. Usually she’d store it in her locket, but at this moment she had the urge to touch it.
" I won't hurt him, Freddy."
As much as her anger boiled within, she could not due the bidding the beast had asked. She was still new to this. While he did not ask for much, except instill fear in order to plague his victims. He was weak. Their fear helped him grow stronger. 
  Despite being fully aware of what she has awoken. The legends were true.
 He visited her nightly and sometimes just invaded her mind during the day.
   She felt....drawn to him.....
 Intrigued, she felt like she needed him as much as he needed her. 
   Except he was pure evil.....
The man cocked his head to the side as her words reached him. Fumbling his blades, the sound of them clanking rang in her ears. Inching closer, left foot, right foot. Nearly lunching forward. Hovering over the nape of her neck as she shifted her head to the side. Avoiding eye contact with his wicked ones. His gloved hand met the wall that she was currently leaning on.
" I am not asking you to kill him, but to bring them to me, babe. That is all I ask."
Swallowing hard, her hues returned to his own. Breathing shallow, all the saliva leaving her mouth dry. She wasn't afraid, no she was worried that she'd be locked away for good this time. Like they almost did. How easily her father turned on her...it was terrifying.
 His tongue grazed her lips as he rose his head to hers. 
" What exactly did you want from me then? I know no one...I've only lived here for a month. I can't be of any use. He is the only individual that even bothered to speak to me.."
A blade pressed against her lower lip. As if the man was attempting to hush her. The action alone forced her to silence herself despite wanting to protest. Furrowing her sharp brows, gripping her other wrist as a way of pinning herself back. The urge to violently knock his hand way, grew. 
“ Ah, what does it matter. They will all turn on you, like they always do. Don’t you remember. They USE you and when they are caught they blame YOU. He’ll do the same, they all will.....You’re father is already suspicious, Heather.” 
 Releasing a low sigh, she rolled her eyes back. His words sounded exactly like her daily thoughts. It was maddening. Causing her to furthermore distant herself with even her own family. They didn’t care.. 
“ Just...I don’t want you to hurt him. Let me scope him out and I’ll determine whether or not he deserves to meet you. I’ll get you any kid you want in Springwood. Just not him. Not yet..Please.” 
 Freddy scowled, drawing himself back from her. Suddenly she woke up, rising from her covers. Panting slightly as a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead. He was a power demon...and that alone exhausted her. Scanning her room, daylight was peering in through her drapes. Running her fingers through he messy black hair, subconsciously, while staring at the clock beside her bed.
It just turned ten am. This was the earliest for her. Though she felt exhausted, It was as if she wasn’t really sleeping at all last night. Freddy kept her mind preoccupied, causing much more stress. 
 The sound of her phone ringing alerted her, returning to reality. Hands searched all over her bed, under the pillows and the covers. Even under her cat Sammie, that previously was napping soundlessly. Soon she found it located on the floor beside her bed. Remembering that she was on it before passing out abruptly. Snatching it up, saving it before its last ring. 
“ H-hello?”
 Voice was scratchy and she cringed at the sound of it. Soon clearing her throat quietly. A familiar voice struck her and quickly melted her rather serious tone. It was Tony, the only person in Springwood who even bothered to associate with her.
“ Hi, Heather. I know it is early...and I know we just talked last night. I don’t wanna come off as weird. But I was wondering if you would like to hang out today. If you’re not busy or working like you always do. If not I totally understand. I just thought I’d ask. I miss hanging with you.”
 Pursing her lips as she listened to his soft voice. It was a pleasant one and she felt drawn to it. Blinking several times as this feeling of guilt consumed her. Her heart began to race. Debating mentally and trying to gather her thoughts. She wanted to say yes, but also no. Wanting to spare him from Freddy. Just being around her alone was a threat. 
“ .....What did you have in mind?”
 Tony responded, eagerly, almost as if her small curiosity made him feel much more hopeful. During his words she began to phase out, Looking around her room as she heard Freddy’s haunting, inaudible, voice. 
“ Sure! Alright I’ll go.”
Interrupting him in the middle of explaining, coming off maybe a bit desperate. A nervous chuckle came from the phone. The laugh made her stomach flip, as if she did something wrong.
“ Okay, I’ll see you at six then. I’ll pick you up.”
 Finally he hung up, but the line still seemed to pick up something else. Breathing. Shifting on her bed till she was sitting on its side. Her feet met the cold wood floors. Squinting she began to voice.
“ Tony?”
“ Do you think he really wants to hang out, baby? I’m warning ya. Kids. They don’t know respect. Haha! Heather.....don’t believe me. Go play with your new boy toy. Go! ” 
Dropping the phone, it landed face down on the floor. Hard enough that the battery in the back came loose. But she could still hear Krueger’s devilish laughter. She was not used to this connection..
 Shivering, she embraced herself, as she ran to the bathroom slamming the door behind her. Joel witnessed her rush as he walked down the hall holding his cup of coffee.
“ Are you alright Heather?”
 Shouting back through the locked door.
“ I am fine, dad!”
 Six o’clock came a lot sooner than she wanted it to. Tying her hair up into a sloppy bun, she slid on her dark circle shades. Then slipped her arms into her leather jacket that matched the color of her knee high boots. Tony was let in by Joel, who proceeded to have a conversation with him.
Tony sat on their sofa. His hair was a sandy brown, short, but naturally curly. His eyes were way too dark to even be considered brown, but none the less cute. When he smiled, his gap between his front teeth became visible, as well as his rather dimples. Everything felt....right when he smiled. She couldn’t explain it. 
 Noticing Heather he rose. His fashion sense was far different from her own. He wore polo shirts and slacks. Always had a watch on his right hand. Even his shoes were fancy dress shoes. He was smart, she knew that, and probably wealthy too. A college guy.
“ Heather, are you ready? I can only barrow my dad’s car for a certain amount of time. And don’t worry sir, she’ll be back before midnight.”
 Of course, he joked, they were both in their early twenties. Heather just happened to be living with her dad to help support each other. Joel being laid off work was difficult and with her mom being out of the picture for years. Made things even harder. 
“ Yes, I am ready.”
 She rushed him out the door. Still being haunted by those words from earlier, ultimately ruining her focus. The ride to the bowling alley was extremely awkward. Sitting in the passenger side, Heather’s gaze was constantly outside the window. Arms coiled around herself, nervously. His brows curved upwards, showing concerned.
“ Are you okay?”
 A spare hand reached for her shoulder. The gesture showed he had some worry for her. Parking in the half full parking lot, he unbuckled himself making it easier to face her. 
“ Did you not want to bowl? I can take you somewhere else?? Did you wanna go back home. I was stupid, I am sorry. I forced you didn’t I? You didn’t have to agree to this date. I am sorry. I’ll take you home--”
 Date? those words clouded her mind. Unaware she agreed to it. Unsure if she felt it was right, but part of her told her it was. Freddy wasn’t ‘real’ and ideal. Maybe he was jealous and said those terrible things to make her back out. Tony was alive...and well not a demon. Perhaps, Tony was better for her. Maybe he was. 
“ No, I am sorry. I just didn’t get much sleep last night. But I am ready. Let’s go have fun, right? Come on.”
 Changing her attitude she hopped out of his Buick. Leaving Tony baffled, but he continued after her. Forcing a smile in the process. Inside the building they both switched out their own shoes for a pair of bowling shoes. Down at their lane they put them on and picked out their size balls. A few hours spent laughing and competing. Ordering pizza and eating in between games. Heather smiled more than she usually did and began to open up. Tony felt growing confidence with each laugh. 
 Sitting across from her at their small table. Giving each other shy smiles. Neither of them were skilled at flirting, but they felt comfortable with each other. 
“ You’re beautiful. You’re talented. You’re like one of the best things in this city. I mean it. I am glad I ran into you. I really am. I love how mysterious you really are. It was hard for me to ask you out ya know, I thought you were gonna straight up reject me. I am glad you didn’t. Thanks. It means a lot.”
 Her cheeks turned a tinge red, again she felt her chest throb. Unable to determine if it were nerves or something more. Kindness was not something she was ever used to. Something about it....she liked. It felt good. She felt good.
“ I should be saying the same to you. Thanks for giving me a chance..And well you’re not so bad yourself.”
She teased before pursuing their game again. Being swarmed with more compliments would make her feel uneasy, undeserving. She didn’t know why.
“ Tony, you’re almost close, but I won’t let you beat me!” 
 Glancing back at her as he went up to play his turn, giving her a goofy smile and responding with “ Watch this.” Though she was distracted, hearing her name off into the distance, her head following the sound. Heather. Heaaather. It repeated. Freddy was visible, dressed up in bowling attire, to match the occasions, the color of his shirt matched his striped sweater. Swinging his bowling ball with his knives, releasing it in Tony’s direction.  “ No stop!” 
 Running to Tony she shoved him causing him to release his bowling ball early. Ruining his turn. Suddenly realizing that was all in her head, she saw defeat on his face. As if he felt like they were back to square one. 
“ I’m sorry...I....I’m sorry. I guess I just got a little too competitive. Maybe we should call it quits.”
“ Yeah maybe we should. I should get you home anyways.”
 Their last few moments at the alley were again, awkward, and Heather was deeply embarrassed, that ended up making her angry. He was nothing, but nice and she just let Freddy amplify her paranoia. It was stupid. Freddy was stupid. She’d talk to him later.
It grew dark on their ride home, music hummed through the speakers at a low volume. She rested her head on the window, comfortable. His eyes were focused on the road and occasionally he would sing a long, not for long. It dawned on her when they passed her neighborhood. Turning to face him she inquired. 
“ Where are we going?” 
No response for a good minute, then he licked his lips.
“ Oh, one more place before I take you home. Trust me you’ll like it.”
 A sense of uneasiness washed over her, but she was quick to dismiss it. Tony probably had another thing planned, after all she didn’t hear entirely what he said over the phone and she did agree to this whole thing. It was the least she could do. With that she did not respond to him, just blinked and enjoyed the sights of the forest that came into view. They pulled into an empty parking lot. Heather examined their surroundings. Admittedly the night sky was beautiful from their position and the nature was a nice touch too. 
“ Now what?”
She asked him. Tony inched closer, his digits unbuckled his seat belt. A grin spread from ear to ear. 
“ This is where I go to think. I feel like you might enjoy it too. It helps a lot when it comes to a lot of stress. With my college and career. It is nice to be in touch with nature. I often come up here to...think about you. Imagining you out there in the fields or lying in the grass. Your beautiful hazel eyes glistening under the moonlight. Your beautiful shape--”
A hand trailed up her side without permission. Heather crinkled her nose and made sharp eye contact with him. Gripping his wrist, threateningly speaking.
“ Don’t touch me.”
 Warning him through her teeth. That wasn’t enough as he trailed his fingers down to her hips, taking in her form. That was when she dug her sharp nails into his skin. The sensation made him yelp and slap her. Stunning her momentarily. Her right hand slowly attempted to reach for the door hand, but Tony was quick to make sure it was locked. 
“ Listen here, you can’t leave. I’ve been nothing, but nice to you. The least you can do is be nice to me. Come on. We’ll just have a quick fuck then I’ll take you home. Huh...now don’t tell me your not into that sort of stuff-- I mean you goth chicks are usually into this sort of shit- you all are kinky fuckers. I mean if you are, we’d both be doing each other a favor. And I tell you I’m pretty good and I can make you feel good.”
 Climbing over to her seat, he reach down below causing the back of the seat to recline. Jerking her back with the movement, grunting. Looming over her, cutting the space between them. Leaning down he began to smell the nape of her neck.
“ You even smell freaky.”
 That was when she began to push and shove him, her mind telling her to fight. Alarmed she called for help, even though no one was around. He just laughed at her as he began to grope her chest. 
“ Oh, even your heart’s racing. Don’t fight it.”
 In another desperate attempt she began pulling his hair, digging her nails into his scalp. He screamed again and this time head butted her chin. Slamming her head back, ears ringing and she suddenly felt dizzy. In another attempt she called out for help. Tony mocked her.
“ No one can hear ya. But you can keep trying.”
 Closing her eyes tightly, she resorted to her last option. While she wore her necklace she still had the power. Her thoughts were her strength. Mentally repeating his name Freddy, Freddy, Freddy, Freddy. His silhouette forming. Red stripped sweater. Brown hat. Claws. 
 Gasping loudly as her chest was now forcefully exposed. 
“ Freddy...”
 The name made him agitated and he corrected her loudly. Almost as if he was insulted by it. Glaring directly up toward her predator. Going as far as spitting in his face despite him restraining her. He snapped at her. 
“ It’s Tony bitch!” 
 A raspy deep voice, boomed behind the man. Before Tony could glance behind him, his chest was impaled by four knives. Blood spewed all over Heather, she was coughing and spitting up whatever reached her mouth. 
“ --- No-- It’s Freddy bitch!”
The stabbing continued for another few times before the body fell on top of her. Limp. He was dead, it was clear by all the sudden weight. 
The body started to what looked like, evaporate, fade. The soul of Tony’s was being pulled into Freddy. His own body trembled from gaining a new soul, seething with pleasure, a wicked smile plastered on his face. He stood on the hood of the car. Glass from the windshield could be found on the floor boards. Through the hole she peered up at the demon that cocked his head to the side. 
“ Oh, Don’t give me that look. I apologize for being late. I was in the middle of dreams.”
 Unlocking the doors, she swung her side open. Fell out onto her knees. Spitting up more blood. She felt awful. Freddy jumped down from the hood, landing besides her. Thankfully they were out here alone, summoning him in the real world was entirely risky,
“ No one will remember that leach-- well besides you of course. I am starting to believe that you thought I was lying to you. Tsk,tsk... Shame....This is why, I don’t help people. Killing is much easier.”
 Catching her breath, her eyes struggled to gaze upon the man she summoned. Speechless she remained. He crouched down to her, using his pointer finger’s knife to lift her chin. Tsking some more, clicking his tongue and shaking his head. Fortunately Heather was of value to him, that alone saved her life. 
“ From now on....I’ll.....I’ll listen to you. Tony was a mistake..”
 Stammering she attempted to speak, her eyes began to water. Black eyeliner smearing down her pale cheeks. Feeling more guilt and fear. Coming to her senses that the people that live day to day were the ones to fear. How cruel they were-- how she hated it. Gripping his forearm with her left over strength. Keeping her head upwards. Hoping her heart won’t betray her ever again.
“ Attagirl. Now daddy won’t let any of them hurt you. Daddy is always watching, remember.” 
“ I’ll do whatever you ask of me...I will. I’m all yours, Freddy....”
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applegelstore · 7 years
Orchestra AU thoughts in three charming parts
A few people voiced their interest, so I figured I could explain what’s actually behind the orchestra AU idea, since this one isn’t exactly a crossover with some other franchise, and therefore you can’t guess any context from what you know about the other part of the crossover :,D Feel free to skip, it’s just text, but if you wanna talk orchestra AU with me, please go ahead! Warning, way too long post ahead (why did I spend an entire afternoon on this?):
PART 1 (basics)
The AU as such is the one where nothing hurts and everything is musical jokes (or musical sex jokes in Zaveid’s case) and shameless geeking. And it’s actually supposed to be a cross-Tales thing. With Rollo probably following Ludger wherever he goes like a dog, and nobody ever minds. And Phi probably following Velvet around, and nobody minds that, either.
So far I’ve deduced the ensemble from official material as follows:
Jr. Conductor: Cress
Solo Soprano: Tear, Lailah (not official, but try to fight me on these ladies)
Solo Bass: Zaveid (come on, he’s bass)
Solo Piano: Mikleo (this isn’t official either, but you can try to pry the “Mikleo plays piano” headcanon from my cold, dead hands)
Violin: Mint, Ludger, Sorey

Viola: Alisha (I guess it’s supposed to be another violin, BUT IT LOOKS SO BIG)
Cello: Velvet
Double bass: Richard
Flute: Milla, Mikleo
Clarinet: Rose (and probably abusing it to stab people)
Trumpet: Jude, Elize, Dezel
Trombone: Eleanor
Percussion: Rokurou, Luke, Edna
As you can see, we don’t have a FULL orchestra yet, but we also have a fuckton of games left.
 (what most of you are here for. The Sormik spinoff)
…Everything was plot- and painless, until my unhelpful brain decided that we need some Sormik spinoff, some sort of plot, and also some fantasy/dark fairytale shit because I always fall for that. Also there’s the thing that we never learn in the game who the heck Mikleo’s father is, so there was room to fill with AU material. So, some of you may know that I’m a huuuuuge Seventh Wonder fan. If you didn’t, now you know. Seventh Wonder are super duper fucking amazing, and Tommy Karevik is a god. …Ah pretty ripped hipster teddybear god. Okay, back to topic. So there’s this song, King of Whitewater, which is about a water spirit luring in children (…and their relatives) with beautiful violin melodies. From this general theme, my unhelpful brain deduced the following, dark fairytale-ish concept:
When she’s still young and naive, Muse meets the very lonely water spirit. Eventually, she feels pity for him and falls in love with him. But sooner or later she misses a normal human’s life in a normal human town, and when he doesn’t let her get away and turns violent, she runs away, highly pregnant. She refuses to tell anyone who’s the father; the only one he trusts is Michael, who agrees to help her raise the child, too. They hope everything will be well. Yeah, you all know who that child is. Anyway, the water spirit is pretty heartbroken, and that makes him even more violent, and also feel betrayed for that yet unborn child. And from that day on, starts luring in little children who never see the light of day again.
Muse doesn’t know about this. And leads a normal life, believing she escaped.
All is fine until someday during a scouting trip in the woods between Camlann and Elysia, little Sorey and Mikleo get lost in the woods and accidentally find a mysterious (TM) lake. It’s surrounded by mist so thick they can hardly see anything, but all the time, soothing, beautiful violin music plays. Because that’s how the spirit lures in children. Because he wants his child back.
To which little Sorey of course violently disagrees, but it’s not like two little children had much of a chance to escape, so Mikleo talks the spirit into a compromise: stealing children isn’t okay, no matter the circumstances. At least wait til I’m of age. And please stop killing other children in the meantime. The spirit agrees and lets them go. Sorey is of course a crying mess. Somehow through his tears and apologies he manages to promise Mikleo that the spirit won’t get him. And Mikleo trusts him. Problem is that the spirit isn’t exactly stupid either, so he enchants the children so they forget everything that happened instead of like, running for help. Oh, except the song (which is the violin solo in King of Whitewater btw). They never forget the song. They just forget how and where they learned it, and ever since that scout trip it’s their personal thing that they often play for fun, believing it to be some kind of nursery rhyme. And nobody ever suspects a thing.
Everything is perfect. Everything is beautiful. They grow up to be smart kids and with wonderful grades in school. They become marvelous musicians. They meet wonderful friends in high school. Of course they eventually start dating.
But then Mikleo’s 18th birthday draws near and for a couple of weeks, things get weird. He gets nightmares in which he drowns or gets lost in the mist, nightmares in which Sorey dies or simply gets missing, nightmares that he can’t make sense of. He hears the song all the time in his head, failing to remember where he’d learned it. The morning after his 18th birthday party, he wakes up in Sorey’s arms and everything ought to be great and perfect, but somehow it isn’t. He asks Sorey whether he remembers the song they learned as kids. Or how they learned it. What’s it called, even. He doesn’t know, but he remembers the song and plays it for Mikleo. And suddenly, bit by bit, Mikleo remembers. So does Sorey, but much slower.
Sorey leaves for college and Muse and Michael are already gone for work, but Mikleo stays in bed because he’s tired. Sorey has a bad feeling about this (TM) but leaves him be. Mistake. When he gets back home, Mikleo is nowhere to be found.
AND HERE’S THE PROBLEM. I’m stuck here. I have not the slightest idea how to fix this and stop Mikleo from getting lost in a lake in the woods for the rest of his life. Sure, okay, Muse and Sorey violently disagree, BUT WHAT ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT. Violent violin battles are some of the less ridiculous “solutions” that have come to my mind so far.
If anybody knows how to give this thing a happy ending that doesn’t involve any deus ex machina moves from any end, I’d be grateful.
The worst thing about this is that experience tells me that I’d have zero trouble to actually leave Mikleo lost in the forest for the rest of his life if this was one of my original stories. Most of them are made of pain and suffering, seasoned with cute animals and super-natural shit for balance.
PART 3 (random Sormik related tidbits)
-Camlann is a tiny, mountaineous town which they love very dearly -they have to travel quite a bit each morning for high school and college (the former where they meet the rest of the squad) and later on to study some music or history related, they still visit their families often because they like it so much -I kinda want Selene to retain her maiden’s name and make it Shepherd for the sole purpose that Zaveid can then continue calling Sorey Sheps -also I came up with this bit about their living situation -shortly before Sorey and Mikleo start dating, they borrow the keys to a concert rehearsal room at some point, so they can practice their grand piano/violin duet a bit (Mikleo only has a piano at home, not a grand piano). It’s gonna be part of a huge concert thing, so it’s only one part of the show with an entire orchestra and occasionally other solos or duets -a hurricane cuts off all public transport for the evening and the entire night, and it’s also goddamn dangerous not to have a roof over your head for the time being -so they’re trapped in the rehearsal room until morning when the storm has subsided and public transport is also working again -once they’re too tired to actually practice once the evening gets late (like. very late. more like middle of the night/morning), they abide their time watching the storm through the rehearsal room’s hugeass windows -at some point, sleepy hormone rushes favor the confession and kissing bit -they have fond memories of thunderstorms afterwards -when she eventually hears about the thing, Rose is hollering with laughter because she probably had bets going that it would take them getting locked up in a room to finally confess and make out after years of mutual oblivious pining. She wasn’t entirely wrong, and probably made lots of bucks with her bet -anyway, when they finally perform their duet weeks later, the entire audience agrees that their duet was one of the evening’s highlights, and Sorey probably spends all evening smiling like an idiot and happily holding Mikleo’s hand -considering that the whole thing could be shamelessly crossover-y, I might get flutist!Milla giving flutist!Mikleo kindly big sister advise feelings (no, not relationship advise, because she’s the worst at that. Hey, not everything has to be Sormik-related) -not sure whether she’s still a vessel for Maxwell, but if lake spirits are a thing, why shouldn’t Maxwell be a thing -fun fact: I hate suits.
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bookwormcheerleader · 7 years
i was tagged by @trevorfindsthestrals (LOOK i finally got internet access on my laptop again!! Sorry it took so long) 1. Coffee or tea? tea, i had my first cup of coffee on like thursday last week 2. Black and white or color? black or soft, but not pastel, colours 3. Drawings or paintings? idk, whatever is more moving in that moment i guess 4. Dresses or skirts? dresses because i never know how to match with a skirt 5. Books or movies? how DARE you make me choose, i think books, but i wanna make movies (potentially havent really explored that yet) so it seems like the wrong answer 6. Pepsi or Coke? i dont drink fizzy drinks 7. Chinese or Italian? definitely italian on an everyday basis but i LOVE chinese too 8. Early bird or night owl? its almost midnight and i havent started my reading for tomorrow, that counts as an answer right? 9. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate, unless its a milkshake 10. Introvert or extrovert? introvert, i don’t really like people 11. Hugs or kisses? ive never been kissed so hugs 12. Hunting or fishing? aesthetics of hunting but uh with fishing you can not put a hook on the line and just kinda sit there and chill without looking like the animal lover that your family judges you for being 13. Winter or summer? yes. idk im probably more of a summer person, but i also really like the implications of winter in that everything has to die in order to be reborn, plus i can’t really breathe in the heat, but i also have poor circulation in my extremities so the cold sucks ass 14. Spring or fall? spring, i like the crisp air of fall dont get me wrong, but the rebirth and the petrichor after a spring rain with a crisp breeze that doesnt chill you is just so relaxing 15. Rural or urban? i grew up in the woods so rural but i need to at least be kinda close to a hospital to avoid panicking  16. PC or Mac? pc 17. Tan or pale? is this preference, cuz i dont have one of those, but i am so white that i was the same color as my cheer uniform in high school 18. Cake or pie? cake, i dont like pie crust 19. Ice cream or yogurt? frozen yogurt tbh, it jsut tastes fresher and less heavy 20. Ketchup or mustard? my brother likes to mock me for how much i loved ketchup when i was like 7 as if it was yesterday 21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? i dont like pickles 22. Comedy or mystery? can we do a hybrid where its like theyre fighting crime but have no ability to act serious, cuz im basically writing a comic book like that with @spectralflutterbeast 23. Boots or sandals? i live in a colder wetter climate so usually boots, but i love sandals 24. Silver or gold? i like white gold typically because its often a mix, it has the matching ability of silver with the warmth in color of gold 25. Pop or Rock? i grew up on steve miller and journey from my mom and simon & garfunkel from my dad 26. Dancing or singing? all i can think of is my shitty karoke the other night, so uh dancing, at least i don’t suck more at that when im drunk 27. Checkers or chess? checkers is easier and i could probably actually win, but chess is more likely to hold my attention 28. Board games or video games? we used to do family board game nights (im currently holding the winnign streak for clue because any games played without everyone dont count) (my extended family is also obsessed with card games, its how we bond, we talk shit and play cards) 29. Wine or beer? wine if i have to have one of these, i dont like fizzy stuff ever so no beer but wine dries out my mouth 30. Freckles or dimples? i have freckles, and i love it when people have dimples 31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? i guess bbq 32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? idk what body weight exercises includes but i have always liked lifting weights, its something im fairly good at 33. Baseball or basketball? BASEBALL IS THE BEST I LOVE IT, i miss playing it so much but its been too long for me to feel comfortable joining an intramural team 34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? sudoku...i think 35. Facial hair or clean shaven? preference right, um stubble.... im not big on full beards (probs cuz my dad has always had one, seriously pics from when he was 20 we are the exact same but he has a beard, he says he hasnt shaved his upper lip since he was 16) clean shaven is nice too tho 36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? i prefer no ice, but if i have to i like that ice you get in hospital cafeterias 37. Skiing or snowboarding? never been 38. Smile or game face? smirking, its the happy medium 39. Bracelet or necklace? i feel naked without any piece of my jewelry (watch on right wrist, a bracelet on my left, a necklace for me to fidget with, both sets of earrings) 40. Fruit or vegetables? fruit 41. Sausage or bacon? bacon 42. Scrambled or fried? scrambled unless its on toast 43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? dark chocolate 44. Tattoos or piercings? i have two sets of piercings and i just got my first tattoo last month 45. Antique or brand new? antique unless its something i would feel like i couldnt be comfortable using, i always wind up with a very eclectic mix 46. Dress up or dress down? dress down, never really have a reason to dress up 47. Cowboys or aliens? cowboys, space gives me anxiiety 48. Cats or dogs? dogs 49. Pancakes or waffles? depends on who is making the pancakes 50. Bond or Bourne? uhhhh what 51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? fantasy 52. Numbers or letters? letters 53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? lotr tbh 54. Fair or theme park? fair, i grew up in puyallup (look it up, i can even sing the old theme song) 55. Money or fame? money, i want to buy my parents and aunt nice things 56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? laundry (no icky wet food pieces!) {this is what @trevorfindsthestrals had i just could not have said it any better myself} 57. Snakes or sharks? ummm snakes? cuz theyre smaller and i can run from them if theyre dangerous 58. Orange juice or apple juice? orange 59. Sunrise or sunset? sunsets seem more satisfactory to me 60. Slacker or over-achiever?.....i dont’ know how to answer this question 61. Pen or pencil? pencil, unless im worried about it smudging, then i bought some erasable pens for that 62. Peanut butter or jelly? peanut butter is more filling but i make jam every year so theres that 63. Grammys or Oscars? oscars 64. Detailed or abstract? why cant we do both, like a painting that is overall abstract but the closer you get the more you see the things that make it what it is, ya know, like life 65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? idk multiple choice questions are harder to get wrong for not having enough info about a particular topic, but im good at and enjoy bsing things 66. Adventurous or cautious? i wish i was more adventurous but insecurities 67. Saver or spender? yes 68. Glasses or contacts? i dont wear either 69. Laptop or desktop? laptop 70. Classic or modern? what medium 71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? i would like a personal trainer until i get back in the habit of it and then i would jsut need a gym buddy 72. Internet or cell phone? cell since you cna get internet on your phone 73. Call or text? social anxiety so texting  74. Curly hair or straight? mine is beach wavy 75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? ive been showering in the morning because i like what it does to my hair 76. Spicy or mild? spicy please 77. Marvel or DC? wonder woman was my first favorite character, like about the time that bugs life came out because i obviously had two and the other was Flick  78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? rent, i like assurance but i dont like permanence 79. Sky dive or bungee jump? never been but uh im not that trusting so i probably am jsut gonna go with a no 80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? chewy chips ahoy 81. Jello or pudding? jello 82. Truth or dare? im a chicken so truth 83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? roller coaster, ferris wheels are all of the fear with none of the fun 84. Leather or denim? I NEED BOTH I CANT CHOOSE 85. Stripes or solids? stripes and fat people lol no, solids for me 86. Bagels or muffins? bagels probably 87. Whole wheat or white? whole wheat 88. Beads or pearls? pearls, my mother was a jeweler for 13 years, i cant not 89. Hardwood or carpet? hard wood in a hall, tile or linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom and then carpet everywhere else 90. Bright colors or neutral tones? uhhhh for what, cuz it really depends  91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? i want to be like 34, not rn obviously, im enjoying being 20 and stupid, but i feel like 34 is a good age, of course thats abotu how old my bros were when i idolized them so that might be reflective of that 92. Raisins or nuts? raisins, partially because every time my dad sees nuts he says nuts for the nutty and it has become a conditioned response for me now 93. Picnic or nice restaurant? picnic 94. Black leather or brown leather? brown 95. Long hair or short hair? mines somewhere in the middle 96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? wtf does the second even mean 97. Fiction or non-fiction? fiction 98. Smoking or non-smoking? i have asthma 99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? i wish i could think before i talk more than i actually do 100. Asking questions or answering questions? i like to listen to people imma tag: @kiavachiisanoob @warriorsatthedisco @colecast1 and anyone lookinng for an excuse to do one of these
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