#no actually it’s not official sorry for trolling you
uwublr · 4 months
Pine's Ridiculously Long List of Free Japanese Study Materials
First Month Edition
All my current study materials, because sharing found resources is caring. These are not JLPT-specific and are for pre-beginners to beginners like me. I can't believe I have been studying for a month. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. I am a slow learner, but that's okay. Find a community because it truly does make a difference. Shoutout to Seitokai's Nihongo Discord, and to @tokidokitokyo whose post let me know about it and is just overall a great person too.
Main study material: Marugoto Online A1 Self-Study Kastudoo and Rikai with downloaded PDF and Wordbook (my original post about it)
Supplemental references:
A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar (The only NOT free resource in this list, sorry! The e-book sold on Amazon does not have good reviews as it's a scanned copy of the book, rather than a properly formatted e-book. A free alternative to this is JapBase which also contains Intermediate and Advanced content.)
Marugoto Plus which accompanies the Marugoto courses and includes videos, audio files, etc.
Apps: Anki, Renshuu
Anki decks:
Tatsumoto's Kana (Recognizing and Writing)
Tatsumoto's AnkiDrone Sentence Pack V7
Official KanjiDamage Deck (from the creator of KanjiDamage, crude language warning for both the deck and the site)
Marugoto A1 Rikai Katsudoo 2021
Rikaitan browser extension (installed JMDict English V4, JMExtra, 日本語文法辞典(全集), and Kanjium)
Takoboto app (with offline access)
Other resources:
Sukiruma for practice writing sheets
Reader Ttsu for reading Japanese materials on a browser (used in conjunction with Rikaitan, since I couldn't find an e-book reader that I can install a Japanese dictionary in)
Sousakuba for downloadable genkouyoushi without watermarks
Favorites marked with a ⭐️.
Comprehensible Input for what it says on the tin, in bite-size formats
Daily Japanese with Naoko for vlogs with Japanese subtitles
Dogen for the funny videos that you can learn from and/or relate to
Game Gengo because Japanese learning through games, and has JLPT geared content if you're looking for it
Gino Kei who has shorts teaching Japanese in a not so serious way
Hiro - Food in Japan for cooking videos, not in Japanese, but these make me crave for Japanese food anyway so that counts
⭐️ Japan Eat for Japanese food commentary in English and also makes me hungry. So, yeah, not in 日本語 but it's delicious so that also counts
Japanese Koro mostly for kana reading practice which actually helps you get short serotonin boosts for when you do actually get to read the words correctly
Japanese Quest which plays games in Japanese
⭐️ Japarrot! for fun, animated comprehensible input videos
Let's ask Shogo for culture content
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matcha Samurai for delightfully unhinged culture content, debunking Japanese misconceptions one video at a time
Namba Tsuyoshi for no narration Japanese walk with me style vlogs, very chill and relaxing
⭐️ NihongoDekita with Sayaka for fun, short grammar content
ShekMatz Japan has videos/playlists where she teaches Japanese in Tagalog, so if you can't understand Tagalog, you'd better skip it
Sora The Troll because why not
⭐️ Takashii from Japan is honestly one of my favorites, even before I started learning Japanese. His interviews are just really good!
Taro's Sewing because my toxic trait is thinking I can sew the cool things they post. Also comes with short Japanese commentary on screen
Tokyo Lens counts as uh, immersion even if it's not in Japanese, but it's in Japan so that counts? Yeah, let's go with that
もしもしようすけ for Japan vlogs/walk with me with Japanese and English subtitles
Yomii Japan Piano if you like piano and the occasional trolling
Japanese Calligrapher Takumi because my other toxic trait is thinking I can write this beautifully
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
I normally don’t like to talk at length about this cause I feel like idk actors first hand obviously but first is genuinely such a lovely and supportive person Khaotung is lucky to have him 🥹 such a nice boy
Oh, for sure! You sent this yesterday, but I feel like he was being even more doting today. Getting Khaotung water, referring to “Never Too Late” as his “favorite song by [his] favorite person,” and crying about how much he cares about him. (What else is new?)
But I actually want to take this opportunity to talk about how supportive Khaotung is because there was a troll in my inbox last week claiming First cares more about Khao than Khao cares about him and that is just so obviously not true. Khaotung is a much more private person than First, but he doesn’t care any less. He just doesn’t like getting emotional in public.
If you think back to Safe House, you might remember that at the end, when they write letters to everyone, First and Khaotung’s letters to each other were very short. I think one said “I love you” and the other said “Thank you.” And you could just tell, since both of them were like that, that they’d talked about it beforehand. I always imagined that was probably Khao’s doing and I feel like it says a lot about how he approaches fame. “There’s no reason for us to share those feelings with the rest of the world. Those feelings are ours.” He likes to keep his personal life separate from his professional one, which is something we allow Western actors, but deem Eastern actors rude for doing.
But even despite that separation, there’s still so much evidence of how much he cares. Literally that entire season of Safe House he was taking care of First physically—preparing his meals, feeding him, helping him with all the carnival games, even skipping swimming with the rest of the cast so that First wouldn’t be alone.
They’ve both talked about how much they help each other when they’re filming together, but Khao’s also talked about how he would call First and help him with his lines for Not Me for hours at a time. When the Shipper was airing, Khao watched the episodes at First’s house. They’ve always been partners, even before it was official, and if First heard someone accuse Khaotung of not being supportive enough, he would be the first to say that wasn’t true.
Sorry for the rant, Anon. I know you aren’t one of the people who believe that, but I’ve been thinking about it for like a week and your ask finally gave me an opportunity to address it without giving a troll a platform lol.
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chemical-underreaction · 11 months
dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader PLEASE
sure thing!! <3 sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted, but i had a lot of fun writing this!!
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alright, let's be clear. dirk strider does *not* hate many things. he dislikes things, of course. he dislikes a lot of things.
but hate? hating things is too emotionally vulnerable for his tastes.
oh, but you?
he can make some exceptions for you.
you are a special, particular kind of pain in his ass.
there's two very different reasons why (i think) dirk would hate someone.
either they, as a person are in entirely direct conflict with him and get on his nerves in a major way - or, they're way too similar to him, and dirk does not like getting a mirror to his own behavior.
so more than likely, you'd fit into one of those two categories. i don't know you, though.
but regardless of what it is, you probably wouldn't have known for a while.
he didn't treat you.. differently? per say?
he was cold and cryptic and strange to everyone.
but with you, it seemed different. everyone told you it was just in your head. that dirk didn't have a problem with you, he was just like that.
but it was not.
dirk took so much pleasure in confusing you, getting one over on you. playing his little mind games.
granted, he is just kind of like that, but it's different. it was a lot more targeted, pointed - it wasn't purely in jest.
but, more importantly, it wasn't onesided.
you were not just a passive actor in this, oh no.
whatever you did, it was equally targeted to get on his nerves as much as possible.
there came a point where both of you, just for the sake of your fucked up little game, knew more about each other than even your mutual best friends did.
you'd torment each other with things, but you'd never bring anyone else into it or tell anyone things only the two of you knew. there was something of a code of honor. a trust fall system.
despite how much you disliked each other, you'd never actually do tangible harm to each other.
you just engaged in a prolonged battle of psychological warfare over your chat client.
eventually, it gets.. bizarrely flirtatious. not in a traditional way, no, but in a way that was still undeniably flirting.
you still hated him. he still hated you.
it continued regardless.
you two never.. officially got into a pitch relationship.
you're both human, after all. how would you know?
however, eventually, you were informed that your relationship with dirk sounded a whole hell of a lot like blackrom.
so, of course, you approach him about it.
neither of you know *enough* about quadrants to really call it.
but all the trolls have just been assuming it anyways, so you just shrug. by now, it's calling it what it is.
you and dirk have the mutual respect necessary for blackrom. and the mutual attraction.
needless to say, you have the "hate" aspect down.
alright, miscellaneous hc time.
he'll offer to teach you how to swordfight. he might only have done it so he could rock your shit, but he'll always patch you up after. and that little smile he gives when you first managed to get him back was pretty genuine.
just enjoys teaching you how to do his stuff in general. he'll tease you about sucking at it, but he'll actually be happy when you make progress. curse his tiny soft spot.
shows up in your house/wherever you live at random. also likes sneaking up on you whenever he sees you. the more you hate it, the more he'll do it.
he'll claim that you're more attracted to him than he is you - but that's a total lie. he's a little pathetic sometimes.
gets very flustered when you're better at him than something. anything. literally anything at all. why, exactly.. good luck getting that out of him.
actually gets genuinely upset if he goes too far with you in any way. it'll mess with him a lot, and he'll apologize profusely.
he cares about you, despite how annoying you are. despite how much he hates you, despite all of it. he cares about you a lot. and, in his own weird way, loves you.
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jessi4fanfics · 1 month
~Our New King~ (A Short Broppy Story)❤
I think you know what it's about already 😉
Branch stood at the base of the mushroom and laced back and forth.
He was worried. No, he was way more than worried. He couldn't think of a word to completely describe his insane emotions at the moment.
Branch was in a long leaf cape, a blue tux, and black pants. But his costume wasn't completed. Not yet.
Was he ready to complete his costume? This was an honest question. Did he want to go on with this decision. He didn't have to.
It wasn't that Branch didn't want to. He just didn't think it was something he would excel at. Heck, instead of being a help to Poppy, he might be a burden.
Was he ready to possibly become one of he didn't do this right?
"Ah, there's the future king!" A chuckle came from behind him, and he turned.
It was his brothers and Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls.
"It's about time you both got married, by gosh!" Barb scoffed. "And it'll be actually official after this coronation." 
"It's already official, Barb," Branch shrugged. "I just-- need to accept the extra duties that come with marrying the love of my life, that's all."
 Floyd smiled. "You make it sound like you want it to sound easy."
 Branch gave a nervous laugh.
 "Well, I've been waiting for you guys to tie the knot for years!!" Barb groaned.
 "I'm sorry we didn't go with your exact schedule, Barb," Branch replied sarcastically.
"I appreciate the apology," Barb smiled.
"Hey. You doing alright?" John Dory asked, nudging his baby bro.
"Yeah." Branch took a deep breath. "I think so."
"You are never gonna regret this decision, Bitty B," Bruce told him. "I know it."
Clay chuckled. "I'm just glad you're becoming king instead of me--"
 "Shut up!" The other brothers shouted at him.
Clay smirked and shrugged, and Branch rolled his eyes.
He knew he wouldn't regret the marriage part, but what about the crown part of it.
 "Where's my husband?!!" a sweet voice sang.
 Branch gave a sigh of relief as his new wife appeared and rushed to hug him.
 "Oh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Branch breathed, smiling at her.
 "You look amazing, Branch!" Poppy giggled giddily. "But I have an accessory that will definitely improve those amazing looks of yours."
She pulled out a case and took a green crown with some brown leaves stuck to a green base at the bottom as well, and showed it to him.
 "What do you think? I wanted it to match your style a bit..." She seemed unsure.
 Branch smiled. "I love it. Thanks, Poppy."
She smiled happily again. Then she frowned. "You're stressed. Oh, Branch..."
 Branch waved it off. "I'm about to become king. Of course I have stress. Not that big of a deal."
 She watched him carefully. "Branch, honey, you don't have to do this. I can call of the coronation with one word, I promise. You don't need to become king to marry me if you don't want to."
 "But I-" he groaned, confused. He leaned towards her and said, "I want to. I'm just....nervous. I might mess it up. I don't want to disappoint you and the village. "
Poppy smiled again. "Branch... You are everything I could ever want in a husband. And everything the village could want a king. You love us all and take such good care of us. You are brave, sweet, and wonderful, and I love you. So so much." She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. "You will make an amazing king."
 "You're sure?"
 "I'm sure. You don't have to-"
His brothers grinned at him as Branch shook his head.
 "No. No, I am going to do it. I trust your judgement." He pecked her cheek.
 "Good."  She beamed. "Because the ceremony starts now."
 Branch didn't know how he got up to the platform. He didn't know how long he stood there, listening to his wife's speech, and other people's as well.
All he knew was that all at once, Poppy grabbed his right hand and reached up with one hand and placed the crown on his head gently.
She kissed his nose and smiled sweetly at him, her whole face exploding with pride.
Branch grinned back. It was happening.
She lifted up his left hand now and he faced the crowd. In a loud voice she announced, "Branch, Our New King!"
 The cheers and hollers of happiness, especially from their families, could be heard from miles away. But Branch leaned in to kiss his wife, his Queen, and Poppy happily accepted.
The king of her country, but also the king of her heart.
This was what she had waited for and wanted ever since he said those words, "I love you, Queen Poppy."
 Branch himself had told her in general that wishing for stuff was useless.
Yet, here they were.
It was a short one, sorry! Wanted to go to bed, hahaha! Love y'all!❤
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rocksibblingsau · 23 days
Honestly, in only one chapter you have already written one of my favorite Poppy interpretations in the entire fandom. I always thought that one of her most characterizing but actually underrepresented traits is her obsolete complete lack of emotional intelligence while still being one of the kindest and well-meaning souls in the Trolls universe.
She is so similar to Branch in that way she has a clear difficulty reading and understanding people and their actions (omg they're sooo autism4autism coded fr fr /hj), they only feel so different from each other because while Branch fills that void of emotional intelligence with self-doubt and pessimism, Poppy fills it with optimism and always believing that everyone only have the best of intentions at heart.
Both of them love others with all of their hearts and loyalty, the only difference is, Poppy grew up never fearing that her trust and love were or could even be misplaced. That anyone should willing choose to harm and betray her.
And that is another reason why I love your portray of Poppy so much, because while she is still very trusting and naive, she still refuses to be vulnerable around others. Not because she is afraid to be hurt or rejected like Branch, but because she is so naturally self-sacrificing and loves the people around her so deeply that she refuses to worry them or purposely make them uncomfortable. Poppy is not worried that she is greying because she herself is going through it, but because she doesn't want her friends and father to worry about her.
She doesn't actively thinks lesser of herself like Branch does, but actually does it passively. There isn't a conscious thought process of "My issues and problems are less deserving of acknowledgement" but she continually chooses to place others' feelings, comfort and safety above her own... I going to be honest here, even I didn't realize how much Branch and Poppy paralleled and complimented each other before writing this. But the world is full of surprises I guess????
Sorry for the big ramble, really, but amazing chapter and character writing from your part nonetheless. Very excited for chapter 28 and I would like to officially state my guest for the mysterious character as Dickory, the beloved tiny angry goatman.
Thank you so much! Poppy has some fun parallels to Branch because you're right, she does seem to have some issues understanding people, as well as also refusing to be vulnerable in front of others. Like Branch she tends to go through a lot of thoughts really fast, but for the most part she tends not to assume the worst of people.
She doesn't fear being rejected for being grey, she fears making her friends miserable with her own misery.
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queenlua · 5 days
hey. hey. what mtg deck would naesala play?
Naesala doesn’t play Magic: the Gathering.  what do you think he is, some kind of nerd?
…that’s what he says, at least. except, at some point, Leanne gets her hands on some cards & omigosh there are ANGELS on here and they’re so pretty!!! & so now she has an ANGELS DECK & she wants Naesala to play, so he’s like “fine i guess”
(this is when they’re all still young and precious and adorable.  also: Ice Age is the hot new set of cards in town.  no one is actually good at Magic yet, the only way you learn the rules is via exciting rumors on the playground, the metagame advances at the pace of a monthly Scrye magazine subscription, etc)
ANYWAY.  Naesala starts out just playing whatever pile of cards Leanne hands to him & is perfectly happy getting rolled by her; he’s really treating it as a social hanging-out kinda thing, kinda like pinochle or whatever
except then Reyson makes a whole THING of it, y’know.  he shows up with his own aggressively handcrafted green/white deck and he’s going to BEAT Naesala and that’s going to make him stop bugging LEANNE.  (i mean, it won’t, but insert whatever adolescent boy logic you like here)
Naesala doesn’t care that much about winning either way, but he *is* a horrible troll and enjoys rankling Reyson
so that’s when he bothers walking into an Actual Hobby Shop for the first time (taking care not to touch anything more than he has to) (when is the last time anyone dusted this place or wiped down a counter, gross) & he asks if they have a copy of The Official Rules & he then proceeds to read them cover-to-cover
and thus, the following week, he’s the one that breaks the news to Reyson, mid-game, that regeneration can’t save your creatures from Wrath of God & Reyson is PISSED.  “that’s not fair” “it’s the rules” “you hafta SAY that first” “sorry Reyson but your river boa is dead” etc etc insert childish squabbling here
anyway.  fast-forward a bunch of years + one genocide later, and, dang, it’s been a while since Naesala and Reyson talked, huh?
Naesala hasn’t touched the game much in the interim.  i mean, he’s played some, because he’s got this one annoying underling who’s really into it, and part of being a good leader is very occasionally letting your hair down & letting everyone dunk on you in some goofy multiplayer MtG game in the mess hall.  so he has a couple gimmicky decks he’s thrown together for casual play.  he’s got a Relentless Rats + Thrumming Stone deck.  he’s got a goofy Tinker deck—he put it together when he was REALLY out of the loop, and thought he’d discovered this great new combo no one else had noticed—he was pissed when he learned that card had been banned, like, two years ago, dude.
but his main deck is this black/white weenie deck that he’s cobbled together over the years—it’s charmingly old school but still holds up reasonably well.  it’s got Hypnotic Specter and Order of the Ebon Hand and Order of the White Shield and Hymn to Tourach, and he’s thrown in a Stromgald Crusader and a Damnation and such over time, it doesn’t exactly adhere to good modern deck design principles but it generally puts in a respectable showing.
meanwhile, Reyson has gotten *way* too into MtG—like, uncomfortably into it. have you ever had a friend who got Way Into A Particular Hobby Because They Were Clearly Desperately Unhappy About Something Else In Their Life? And They’re Trying To Tell You About All This Insane Hobby Drama That They’re WAY Too Invested In And You’re Trying To Find A Subtle Way To Tell Them Bro Get A Little Bit Of A Life Please?  yeah, that.
i mean, it’s understandable!!!  he can’t possibly compete with the hawks in all their reindeer games, dude just literally does not have the muscle, but there is a decent contingent of hawks that are pretty into MtG so he is determined to dominate there.
Reyson is not a natural talent at the game, but he’s a total grind, so he is in fact the most dominant MtG player on all of Phoenicis.  so when Naesala shows up in Phoenicis for the first time in years and years, and Reyson's got all these Unresolved Feelings about that whole deal, of course he challenges Naesala to a game of MtG, yugioh frenemy style, to test his friendship mettle or something
Reyson’s playing a ridiculously aggro red/black deck.  i’m thinking some good filthy gargadon rakdos.  just on and on and on the attack
so Naesala gets out his charmingly old school black/white weenie deck, kinda rolling his eyes, but sure he’ll give Reyson a game if he wants a game, no Reyson he doesn’t know if it’s a standard legal deck or not but it’s the deck he’s got, will you shut up and just play—
and Reyson’s mostly dominating, but Naesala’s doing his level best to hang in there, and the match comes to a rather dramatic climax when Naesala manages to stabilize during one of the games & he taps out to cast a 5-mana big boi—
and, yeah, of course Naesala’s janky old school black/white deck has a Serra’s Angel as a win condition & yeah it’s the exact same one Leanne gifted him years and years ago & they both know it.
they end the game pretty quickly & awkwardly after that & neither of them remembers who actually won.
(wow this Naesala guy is such a simp.  god this is such a fucking cheesy moment.  i hate this, hold on, i’m gonna go throw up in my mouth a little… OKAY i’m back.)
ANYWAY.  all that plays out, doot dee doo, fast forward to post-Radiant Dawn:
* Reyson’s a very happy red/white Boros player these days.  he has chilled out a little bit but is still pretty easy to bait into getting Mad And Competitive again.  (Tibarn frequently does this because it’s kind of cute when Reyson’s pissed about magical cards) ((Tibarn’s decks are absolute piles, oh my god.  just the most janky barely-functional Timmy stuff imaginable. someone explain the concept of a mana curve to this poor man))
* Leanne still likes ANGELS!!!! & also white weenie stuff & also cute stuff generally.  despite her benign appearance & her weakness for playing Cute Stuff over Good Stuff, she’s a more naturally talented player than Reyson & has just enough of a killer instinct to generally come out on top
* Naesala favors black, and mostly just tries to figure out whatever deck he can play to troll his local meta, but he’s still got that black/white deck in a sentimental drawer somewhere.
also: look, i don’t play Commander nearly enough to provide any substantive commentary on that front, but… my very first instinct, when i read this question, was: “this bitch would definitely run Braids, Cabal Minion as his commander.”  except i looked it up and apparently Braids is Very Banned In Commander.  boo.  does the format ban fun, too.  c’mon, let a dude ruin everyone’s game every once in a while!!!  i think Naesala is equally pissed about Braids being banned is what i’m saying
so yeah that is my complete theory of Naesala And Magic The Gathering lol
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Hey, I just read your Derry Girls 'your mum rang me' oliver wood one shot and was wondering if you could do like a weasley reader (maybe percys twin) and do the scene in last series in Derry Girls where erin and james kiss and Michelle is like 'this is incest!'
No problem if can't and sorry if I've spoiled!!! X
We're Not Related
Oliver Wood x Weasley!Reader 0.9k words Warnings: some kissing, potential Derry Girls spoilers Sorry this took so long! I've been in an absolute writing funk that I'm finally coming out of. Thank you for this request, I love getting to steal Derry Girls dialogue! I cackled writing this!
Oliver gazed down with a smile. His girlfriend- Merlin, he really got to call her his girlfriend!- was laying on his bed reading a book. The quiet, private time together made faking sick and skipping a trip to Hogsmeade worth it.
A tiny, quiet part of Oliver felt kind of guilty. As much as he tried to deny it, deep down inside he really did consider Percy Weasley a friend. Probably his best friend, oddly enough. The three of them had hung out regularly since their second year, sometimes adding Penelope Clearwater to the mix. So going behind his back and dating his twin sister was…. not something Oliver felt great about. But he wasn’t ready for whatever fallout would follow Percy finding out about them.
Instead, he watched her, her Weasley-red hair splayed out beneath her, his heart full of the affection he’d been carrying for the past three months. As if she could feel the heat of his gaze, she looked up, scrunching her freckled nose.
“You’re staring at me,” she observed with a little hum.
“And?” Oliver replied, his soft smile morphing into a smirk.
She shrugged, putting down her book. “D’you need something?”
Oliver helped her sit up and pulled her close to himself. “Nah, got everything I need right here.”
It was a cheesy line. Incredibly lame. It should have made her roll her eyes. But because it was Oliver Wood who said it, gazing at her with those honey eyes, his arms doing that flexing thing that drove her mad, it actually worked. Before she knew it, she and Oliver were locked in an embrace, lips moving in sync, hands gripping tight to wherever they landed. Just as Oliver was gently pushing her back onto the bed, the door opened-
“Oh, you sick, sick bastards.”
Percy Weasley stood in the doorway, Honeydukes package in his hand, his face even paler than usual as his wide eyes surveyed the scene before him.
His twin sister sat up, fixing her hair. “Listen, Percy-”
“This is incest!” Percy sputtered, absently tossing the chocolates onto his own bed. Chocolates he had bought in hopes that it would cheer up his supposedly sick roommate.
His definitely-not-sick roommate made a face. “No, it’s not.”
Percy nodded. “Yes, it is, Oliver.”
“We’re not related,” Oliver pointed out, gesturing between himself and the girl who should absolutely not be in the boys’ dorm, let alone on Oliver’s bed.
“Oh, and that makes it okay, I suppose?” Percy had never felt this level of disgust and abhorrence, and maybe even a little betrayal.
His sister snorted. “Well, it makes it not incest,” she mumbled.
Percy was pacing the small room at this point, his face now beginning to redden and match his smattering of freckles. “Right. Okay. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and say that Oliver had a very nasty head injury from last night’s practice, and you-” He pointed to his sister. “-drank a botched batch of Amortentia, which has caused you to think that Wood here is an appropriate snogging partner.”
She huffed, now officially tired of her brother’s nonsense. “This is none of your business, Perce.”
The prefect’s face now matched his tie. “Oh, but it is, troll face.” His resorting to childhood insults was a sure sign of his anger. “It is very much my business. This can’t happen, okay? You two can’t get together because, putting aside the face that it makes me want to hurl, if you get together, you’ll break up, and then where does that leave me, Wood?” His gaze turned to Oliver, begging his roommate to understand. “You might be my best friend, but she’s my sister, and like it or not, I’ll have to stick with her. Don’t put me in that position.”
Oliver jumped off the bed and rushed to Percy’s side, placing a hand gently on the Weasley boy’s shoulder. “I’m your best friend, Weasley?” His honey eyes were wide, full of wonder.
“Of course,” Percy scoffed. “Aren’t I yours?”
For the first time, Oliver said the words every other Gryffindor already knew: “Yeah, you’re my best friend, Percy.”
The two boys stood, smiling at each other, relieved to finally admit their fondness for one another after years of grumbling whenever someone called them anything more than roommates.
The sound of someone clearing their throats brought them out of their tender moment.
“That’s great and all,” Percy’s sister- no, Oliver’s girlfriend- murmured. “But that doesn’t solve Percy’s… issue.”
Oliver’s cheeks reddened. “Right. Right.” He turned back to his best friend. “Listen, Weasley.” He straightened himself up. “I really like your sister. And we’ve been together three months now, and I’d like to keep seeing her. But I also don’t want to keep it secret from you anymore.” He shrugged. “I dunno. If you can’t trust your best friend to treat your sister right, who can ya trust?”
Percy narrowed his eyes a moment, turning over Oliver’s words in his mind. He had a point.
“You know if you hurt her, I know plenty of spells, right? And I’m not exactly going to punish myself for breaking any rules?”
Oliver nodded earnestly. “Yeah, yeah I know.” He gave Percy a small smack on the back. “We’re good then?”
With a sigh, Percy nodded. “We’re good.” He smiled at Oliver, the two of them officially lost in their own world.
Back on the bed, there came a small sigh. “Merlin, I wish we’d just kept this a secret.”
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askthisfishprince · 29 days
✨Official Disclaimer/FAQ Master Post✨
I'm going to be pinning this one, just in case anyone has questions or hopefully make some things easier to find! Will also add things as I need to.
Questions Regarding Timelines or “Canon”
I don't have an exact timeline in my head for this blog. In my imagination, Eridan and the other trolls are just alive again and in the present, and all the previous storylines still exist within it. The difference is that it takes place after the comic, so everyone is an adult just going along for the ride lol I guess that's what I'm going for 🤷‍♀️
I apologize if I stray away from the "canon"... I try to stay as true to the characters and their dynamics as I can. But sometimes it's just fun to be a bit silly and go off book for the sake of adding some humor. Also….it is an ask blog of a character that died pretty early on and did not get much in the “character development” department lol So again, I do my best to write him as “canon” to his true attitude and behavior as I can. But it can get very hard to give nuance to a guy who overall was pretty shitty, didn’t have much dialogue in the first place while also giving him a fake timeline that takes place a couple years down the line and allow him to have a crumb of self improvement without it coming off as too ooc. So if you see behavior that you don't think is accurate to him…..i promise I do my best…….i have google docs and PowerPoints on this guy lol so I promise the brain rot runs deep
Why I Haven’t Answered Your Question
If you notice that I have not answered your question there are multiple factors.
I couldn’t come up with decent enough dialogue that I felt was good enough to respond with. I am extremely stubborn
I work a full time job and just couldn’t find the time to :(
It was a very strange question and I have no idea what to say lol usually sexual, creepy, violent etc
I have gotten multiple of the same question and I am currently working on a reply.
I waited too long and I feel too bad to respond now ❤️
I can tell if you are spamming me with the same question even if you are anonymous lol And I'm sorry but I won't answer those lol
My inbox is actually insane at times and I genuinely can’t get to everyone :(
I promise I read every single question and I appreciate all of them!! Even the creepy ones.
But I am one person running this blog on my own time with a full time job with only so much time during the day 😔 I also have rampant adhd that can make it very hard to complete certain things
“Will I be making more content of Eridan and *insert character*”
I try to avoid having strict shipping content on here. I don't want this blog to become limited in my responses because I inadvertently turned it into a shipping blog. I do enjoy dropping hints, but for the most part, I prefer to keep things open so that I don't unintentionally limit myself. I also don't want fans who ship other things to feel like they can't ask questions about different characters or scenarios.
I do not have any “headcannons” that I am against or a ride or die for…but….please do not send me any Cronus and Eridan shipping questions. It is very yucky to me. I outright ignore the ministrife….i pretend to not see it 🥰
Am I An Eridan “Defender”?
No lmao
I’m not gonna write down my whole pathetic analysis on him. But I’m not gonna be here at my old age defending a fictional fish guy who boasted about the aspects of eugenics and harass people who disagree?? What is this?? 2013? lol
If you hate him and think he is awful. That is 100000% A-okay! You are allowed to! And I understand lmao
If you ever want to actually talk about Eridan openly, and discuss him as a character or anything. Just dm me! :)
Also just a reminder to clarify that my writing for Eridan does not necessarily reflect my personal feelings. If you ask “Eridan” about certain characters and my response seems mean or nasty, please note that it doesn't mean I dislike the ship or character. Eridan is not particularly friendly, even towards people he likes, so I try not to insert too much of my own feelings into his responses.
(Erisol, EriRox, eridan and literally everybody lmao….except maybe Karkat…..thats his bro…)
All of my Eridan responses will always be tagged under my url “askthisfishprince”
Any questions directed at me that I post responses for will be under
How To View The Post Properly
Whenever I make a response, I try to keep things as clear as possible! Any text in the description or in the tags that does NOT have (()) around it, means thats Eridan talking.
Anything besides that is ✨me✨ lol
Always check the tags for extra dialogue! :) and also always check for “read more” because sometimes I add extra silly doodles lol
Also sometimes I give my two cents as to why I did something a certain way in the tags. So if you care to hear me Yap, check the tags.
Also if you ever want to send an ask to me, either state in the ask that its for op or just put (()) around it! :)
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What if we ask for receipts?
(This post is inspired by some recent posts from some moots on Tumblr)
We spend all day defending Jimin and JK's bond.
All day, all the time, always in the position of defendant, against anons here, trolls on twitter, and in general, hordes of annoying people.
Well then, let's see what happens if we are now the prosecutor, and not the defense lawyer  
Let's see where the hell your receipts are:
- Love expressions: how many times have your favorites declared that they love each other in different kinds of language?. And I'm not talking about the "I love you" that are given to friends for a specific situation (like Hobi leaving for the ms)... or weird hand signals, you know a lot about that and symbols... but big signs of love…
Like suddenly this:
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Or this:
 Or this: 
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- Intimacy displays: have your favorites given each other hickeys? (this is important...u know I love hickeys)
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Have they flirted in front of thousands of people? (and watch out! because here the line between fan entertainment (I won't say the damm word, which I know you don't like) and genuine flirting is very subtle, but distinctive. This is flirting, for instance 😌
Do they've sucked each other's ear in front of thousands of people?
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(Or do they have some kink for ears?)
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Have they stuck their D's in front of thousands of people?
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  (my God, do you realize what they won't do in front of thousands of people)?
- Show the evidence that your favorites live or have lived together (not in the dorms era back in 2018): let's see... let me think... how many times have they suspiciously shared a car, when we didn't know where they lived extra officially? 
Or do have they been at 4 am in the morning together alone, celebrating billboard or actually delivering hickeys? 
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Or in the deed of the purchase of a house appears the address where the other lives (91).?
- Samples of tension or awkwardness beyond explanation: look, we have so many receipts here that I don't even know where to start... just look at Jimin's recent bomb and see JK's visit... and well, there it is... the awkwardness of some of their interactions... sometimes it makes you want not to look... sometimes it makes you feel embarrassed... I sometimes think they're going to screw up at any moment.
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- Proof of inside jokes that show that they actually WATCH a lot of content together. Do you have any of your own?
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- Demonstration of knowing certain personal information. Here I'm sorry, but again we have a lot of receipts. Tae had no idea that JK did a 3 hour vlive. Or Hobi also didn't know about Jimin's "time" (10:13). Instead, Jimin sees all of JK's vlives...and vice versa (as we’ve been able to check recently) and they know most of things they have done, or where they are at each moment (they even know what happened at bae's grandma's birthday)
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And now...let’s see and talk about YOUR receipts:
made-up dinners out alone and selfies in bathrooms (not to mention other things you say happen in the bathrooms)
trips for which there is no concrete proof, or which are clearly BTS trips
any close-up, or photo, or mention on vlive....
each pic on Instagram
a look
breathing the same air
stepping on the same ground
And, so far the most robust, outings at their free time. We had in the past months vkook, jihope, hobikook, or vhope outings.
This is what most people are claiming lately. Maybe it is our fault, for having repeated so many times that Jimin and JK were the ones who most "hanged out" together..... now it seems that this mantra is turning against us.....
Well..... NOOOO.... I object your honour!
Because jikook have literally told us recently that they are both super homely. Which I understand. Not just because of their personalities or that they like it, but because outside, they can't be totally free lately. 
Because if JK is constantly being stalked in his country - just look at where he officially lives - and also, as we believe, jikook are a couple, they have a lot to protect and I think they know that the most intimacy and security they have is at home. 
On the other hand, they already know what happens when they are seen in a certain location: that restaurant ends up becoming a crowded place of jikookers or k-army. So, if they go out, they're going to be very careful and most likely they'll go to trusted places, where they don't post their signatures on IG. So, my friends,…WE WON'T KNOW about it! Unless they want to, or go somewhere more public and new.
And then again, Jimin has been busy with his album and hasn't been seen with anyone. NO ONE. The only exception, Hobi's birthday and the drink they had last Sunday or Monday (as a farewell). And we know this because they wanted to tell us... because if they hadn't, or posted any pictures, there would be no receipts from them either (of course! who of us could have been at Hobi's house on his birthday to know?).
But even with all this reasoning … the truth is that friends hang out and that does not mean they are dating. Hanging out doesn’t work with jikook either by itself. Other things must happen (see above 👆 ☺️)
So your receipts, imo, are either conspicuous by their absence or rather lacking in robustness.
Ours, on the other hand, are terrific! Stop asking for more! We've justified enough.
It must be pitiful to ship any “couple" whose ultimate proof of confirmation that they are together depends so much on another couple failing to provide certain evidence that confirms they actually are...the audacity!!! 
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comikadraws · 6 days
Sorry, but there are some misinformations in your latest ask, which i would politely correct (I'm not attacking you).
Itachi in general is a more loved character than Sasuke, by the general public and naruto's fans. For example; on tiktok (a very popular app used by billions of people on daily basis) he is the only naruto's character that gets viral every week here with everybody loving him (hardly the otherwise happens) meanwhile Sasuke there is not that much popular or loved, in general he is very much slandered here and ignored unlike Itachi. For the daily accounts on Twitter you have to put in consideration that the daily Sasuke account has been active since 2022, meanwhile the Itachi's one since months ago and just in these recent months they started to blow up. For the Naruto's polls; Itachi was #1 in a poll in which japanese people's favorite character is and Itachi was #1 and in the 99 poll Itachi was #2 not because his fanbase mass voted, But because has too many stans and in general he is loved [ i should inform myself on more polls ].
And for tumblr.... Most naruto's fans on this site are frighteningly chronically online, Most of their takes are awful and almost every character suffer from getting horrible takes on their name.. and Sasuke stans found their way on this site. Also Tumblr is is not even remotely close to the popularity of Twitter and Tiktok and Itachi stans are not chronically online to do the shit Sasuke stans do on daily basis on this site. And Sasuke lost so many polls on this site, which i find it funny, They're always in every character's business and yet they can't even get their fav to win a poll.... That's hilarious.
Thank you for reaching out, though I actually have to disagree with you on a couple of points there. I hope you don't mind.
Purpose of the Statistics
First of all, I admit that my post was very Tumblr-centric and that experiences might vary a lot between platforms. Tumblr is currently my primary social media platform due to its versatility. This is also why most of my experiences relate to this platform, on which Itachi hate is rampant, and Sasuke endorsement is the standard.
My previous post was mostly focused on Sasuke being a beloved character (in opposition to fandom's perception that he is hated). This is especially true for fandom spaces (ie. Tumblr, Ao3, and Twitter to a degree - I explain why these spaces in a minute) and how his fans act like victims on this platform while, ironically, victimizing other characters and their fans. They seem to believe that hating on one character somehow uplifts the other and that they are "justified" because Itachi doesn't receive "enough hate".
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And of course, of all the platforms to unload their frustrations on, they choose Tumblr. The one where they are the furthest thing from being a victim.
How to Measure Popularity?
But back on topic. Measuring popularity is a complicated thing. As you correctly pointed out, popularity varies in nature (ie. quantity and quality), and between platforms (influenced a lot by the platform's features and target audiences). This can also impact social media statistics, which is why character polls are probably the most reliable data to work with.
But not all polls are equal, are they? Look at that one popularity poll on Tumblr in which Sasuke lost to Ten-Ten or the one where Itachi lost to Yamato. It is not always the intention of respondents to measure popularity. Sometimes it is to troll. Sometimes it is to chase a reward.
Naruto 99
While it is an official poll in which Itachi managed to outrank Sasuke in terms of popularity, the Naruto 99 poll is also peculiar due to its voting conditions. Respondents were permitted to vote once EVERY DAY (giving fans both the ability to vote for multiple characters or pile votes on a singular character).
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Additionally, fans were given an incentive to vote, which is the promise of a designated one-shot manga. This is what, in the end, caused minor characters like Sakumo and Shisui to show up in the top 10. It's because they are characters with grand reputations and/or importance to the plot but a severe lack of content.
However, Sasuke is the deuteragonist of Naruto and still a major character in Boruto, regularly receiving content. The blanks are 99% filled for Sasuke - with official manga content, even! With Itachi, content is so scarce that people are completely capable of distorting his intentions of being a Konoha bootlicker and a genocidal sociopath.
So it was most definitely not just popularity that influenced the poll results - It was curiosity.
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Other Official Popularity Polls
It becomes more apparent that the Naruto 99 poll results likely don't reflect reality very well when looking at previous Naruto polls. In all previous polls, Sasuke has consistently gotten better results than Itachi.
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Itachi's popularity usually improved alongside his plot involvement (most notably his debut in chapter 139, Sasuke's memories starting chapter 220, Itachi's battle with Sasuke starting chapter 383, and Itachi's reveal starting chapter 396). While there's been a sharp decrease during the Tenshi Bridge Arc (likely due to his lack of plot relevance), Itachi's popularity largely appears to be mostly stable during the latter half of the manga.
Aside from plot involvement, Itachi's popularity was also influenced by sympathy, as it managed to climb up the furthest (excluding chapter 107 because it was before his debut) after the truth reveal. Sasuke's popularity experienced a similar improvement after the Uchiha Massacre flashbacks.
But now, ever since that last poll (and especially since the manga's conclusion), Sasuke's character has only become more sympathetic with his return to Konoha and mentoring of Boruto. Itachi, meanwhile, didn't appear in the manga in the past 10 years. It is rather unlikely that, of all things, Itachi's popularity increased rather than decreased in comparison to other characters.
Fandom vs Fanbase
Now, even assuming that Itachi's general popularity is, indeed, higher than Sasuke's, this does not have to reflect the fandom experience on every site (which is what bothered me so much in my previous post). The reason is that there are multiple types of fans more common on different platforms - namely "fandom fans" and "fanbase fans".
Fandom members are those who interact with other fans regularly by contributing their creativity and/or expertise. But that requires space for discussions, writing, and posting pictures. Tumblr fulfills all of those criteria! Platforms like Ao3 and Twitter/X also allow for worthwhile fandom interactions. Ao3 allows for posting fanfic. Twitter/X allows for discussions and sharing fan art.
Additionally, neither Ao3 nor Tumblr are known for any form of algorithm, meaning that fans need to make a conscious effort to seek out content. It requires effort and involvement that not any fan has.
Then there are casuals and, how theheirofthesharingan likes to call them, "dudebros". They are mostly consumers. And even when they are creators, they take less of an interest in characters as "people" (ie. their personality, psychology, etc.) and therefore usually don't really interact with the fandom platforms to analyze and appreciate them. They are part of the greater "fanbase" but not the "fandom".
This often causes them to adopt the ideological standpoint of the source material. Characters who are not outright explained may end up misunderstood. Real-world parallels remain unnoticed. Ask a dudebro whether the Uchiha Massacre (a genocide) was justified and they might just answer "yes".
Like you said, Sasuke fans are way more active contributors to the fandom. Itachi fans are more active consumers. What I and other Itachi fans perceive is that, usually, Itachi has more "casual" and "dudebro" fans, likely due to his characterization as a "hero" or "martyr" by the narrative. Sasuke, meanwhile, suffers under the stigma of being an antagonist with complex trauma responses. To understand and appreciate him, a lot of effort is required, actually.
At the very least, this is the explanation that makes sense in my mind. It is a fact that the sites most known for fandom activity (ie. Tumblr and Ao3) have more Sasuke content than Itachi content, even if the general public might hold different opinions.
Itachi's Popularity on TikTok
TikTok is actually what I personally consider to be a space for "dudebro" or "casual" fans. The videos I see there are primarily song edits, focusing on vibes and aesthetics. They are cool but they are not deep or particularly big additions to the fandom. This is perfect for dudebros and casuals who are not looking for complex, in-depth content (or maybe not even fandom content at all but just canon content). Same dudebros and casuals who have a hard time getting to like Sasuke.
While this is just a hypothesis of mine, Itachi's popularity on TikTok might also be the result of "market saturation". Two types of market saturation, actually.
First, there is actually a great supply of Sasuke content already thanks to the manga and anime alone. In the case of Itachi, the manga ended 10 years ago. The anime 7 years ago. There has barely been any official content, hence the desperation for fan-created content.
And second, while I cannot confirm with 100% certainty (because TikTok's search feature sucks and always hides posts from me), Itachi content might go viral more often than Sasuke content, but Sasuke content might still get uploaded with greater frequency. Hence the #sasuke tag has 6.2M posts and the #itachi tag has 3.7M posts.
While this might also instead just be the result of Sasuke offering more source material to make edits with, the unequal amount of Itachi vs Sasuke content might create a certain "exclusivity". This might pile Itachi fans on just a few TikToks rather than spreading them out over multiple posts, causing disproportional view numbers.
There's a similar phenomenon on Ao3. Fandom content there does not rely on canon material for its generation. Its frequency mostly relies on popularity, not source material. Yet, the amount of Sasuke-centric fanfics stands in a 3:1 ratio with Itachi-centric fics.
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However, the first couple of Itachi-centric fanfics still have more kudos than the Sasuke-centric ones. But that only applies to the first couple of fanfics. The obvious explanation here is that Itachi fanfics are scarce, hence fans don't get to be choosy (the other explanation is that people just really like crossover fanfics, because that's what the two most popular Itachi-centric fanfics happened to be, haha).
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Itachi's Popularity on Twitter
It is absolutely true that the daily Sasuke account is older than the daily Itachi account. The claim that the daily Itachi account has only been around for a couple of months is incorrect, though, as it has been around since August 21st of last year. So more than a year, actually. Doesn't change that daily Sasuke has been active since March 2022 (2.5 years), but I felt like pointing it out.
Of course, follower counts might develop in either direction. Maybe the daily Itachi account will gain an additional 35k followers on top of its current 6k within the next 1.5 years. Regardless of which, I've actually got another source for comparison to offer, which is the daily Naruto account.
I looked at Sasuke and Itachi posts between August 1st and September 16th (today) and compared like counts. On average, Sasuke posts received 8488 likes, whereas Itachi posts received 5569.
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Either way, the fact remains, namely that on Tumblr Sasuke content is more popular both in terms of consumption and contribution. And the disproportionate hate is what I am hoping to get rid of.
If not... blocking spree. I am no longer willing to deal with people who find that bullying and shit-talking is a fine behavior while also being hypocrites about it.
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dingodad · 6 hours
also, hello hi, Typhon doesn't get a lot of attention on here, any information you wanna share on this mf? (i mean mf in the bestest nicest i am a fanest way possible) if not psh that's fine no biggie
typhon kind of flies under the radar because his only "gimmick" is that he is like, a normal troll guy. he's a sort of would-be protagonist, but precisely because he's such a generic everyman he is just constantly overshadowed by the other characters who simply have much weirder and more intriguing messy gay drama going on. sorry typhon. i don't even particularly like his design LOLL
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like what the fuck is this shoulder strap thing going on. what was i thinking.
he works on a relay planet where items being sendificated and appearified across the empire are sorted through and checked for potentially blasphemous or illegal material. kind of like the closest thing alternia has to a mail sorting room, if they were familiar with the concept of mail. his olive blood makes him one of the higher authorities on the mostly lowblood labour-oriented colony, but it's still a lot of grunt work cleaning and fixing the pneumatic tubes that send items all over the settlement.
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i'm not even sure what kinds of relationships typhon has among the other trolls, beyond being ekidna's moirail... he flarped with heftus, caetos and his moirail (they've been together a long time. very normal high school sweetheart type moirallegience) in their youths and was involved in the circumstances that lost heftus his legs, but in their adulthood those four have largely drifted. in my head i always paint him as the unpopular douchebag of the group but if we're being real he probably actually has heaps of friends that we just never see, and the fact that he isn't super close with a lot of the other main characters is just because they are too big a bunch of freaks to ever match his normcore lifestyle LOL. (also a lot of his friends are probably guys. and male friendships don't register to my enlightened eyes)
he is a Gamer and though he doesn't have the time in his work day for baby games like flarp anymore he is a hobbyist fiduspawner and loves to trade monster breeding ideas with ekidna, whose job on an Official Lusus Engineering Colony he is tooootally not jealous of. typhon may or may not be secretly breeding some illicit fiduspawn monsters in the pipes of the sendificator exchange at his job, which i'm sure will never cause any problems
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The wedding tailor~
As I already said once, when Mister Crewel doesn't make some outfits (which actually never happen...seriously Cruella!!), K is the one doing the job!!
You know the groom edit collection in collab with my dear @twiwoncrackpopcorn !! Thanks them, they were the one coming up with the idea and the special click and drag game...
Well in my lore, K is the one who designed most of them!! And gave everyone perfect groom outfits after the event....a bit too late... But fashion doesn't wait... neither some fanservice!
She is also the one who sew Idia's suit, as she never question people when they asked her an outfit, except size color and so on! She would be like "Sorry, not sorry Idia hn!! But you are so handshommeee!"
She also sew the rescue team groom's outfits, but greatly questionned back then Sam's taste on some patterns, as it was either truly "avant-gardiste or old fashioned". But told him if he already knew about the issue, since he asked her to sew them a month ago out of nowhere...
She was officially presented to the current NRC's chara cast during this event!
She clearly sided with Riddle and Epel about "their size don't matter" as she is 148 cm without heels... Which make Riddle feels super tall....
She tried to sell all Sam's good part to Eliza, as Mister Crewel failed without even trying, but she got engrossed in a quiproquo!
K: Sam is the besht!! Princessh, you'll get 3 no 4 to 5 meals a day, with pocket money!! Lot of free time! Good clothes and headpat!! A warm bed with fresh clean sheets! And champagneeee!! Marry Shaaaamm! Eliza: ...How do you know that my dear, sounds indeed very lovely? K: Becaushe Sam treats me like this!! Everyday, all time I am sho spoiled *dummy smile*! *NRC cast* facepalm mentally or not: That rabbiiiiit is no good either! Eliza: Awww my, you are his wife I seeee, how lovely! K *flustered*: *turn to Sam* Am I your WIFE?? *sparkle* Sam: Of course NOT!!!! K *turn to Eliza*: I am NOT!! Sam: Whyyy do you evennn ask.... *facepalm* Eliza: Ah ah, young weds are so shy, Idia darling we'll be the same!! K: Hihihi hihihiii congratulations!!! I am the rabbit who shew your hushband suit! Idia: Arwwwghhhhh HELP HELPPPP the rabbit was also an enemy since the beginning what a shojo-ish plot twist! Sam: Da*n.... I could have the princess ghost under my care... I mean saved the blue flamme kooni-chan! Divus: She didn't even look at me.... and think Sam is married and is a good husband......*depressed* I am not paid enough... *hugging dogs*
Eventually she was ready to put a forbidden love potion in the wedding champagne cup of Eliza to make the mission successful!
She kept trolling Crowley about why doesn't he also help and seduce the bride! And to save his dignity he graciously paid 3 times the prices for all her fashion design work, which made her silent and happy!
Ultimately she ends up with real K drinking champy and singing "kiss her, kiss her!"
K is heavily inspired by Paris "belle epoque"! Her outfit is part of Ann Demeulemeester F/W19 Women's collection (totally inspired... I was in love back then)
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K the rabbit with real K (Cass') ready to drink Champagne I mean save Idia.... More like come on boys let's catwalk on those outfits!! Now turn....ah yes roll on the floor!!!
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As a non homestuck, what deos that mean👀
ough i wanted to be vague and quick but no i wasn't im so sorry fnsdmag tw for transphobia mostly i guess
homestuck ends. it's a somewhat open ended ending and they dont show the "proper" final battle, but it was implied in the comic already how it was going to go. a lot of people remained disappointed in that, but i personally think its a good one
people keep pestering hussie, creator of the comic, to continue the story
hussie, well known troll (haha) who more often than not both praised and made fun of the fandom directly in the comic, writes the epilogues. they're mostly awful and they're the umpteenth big fuck you to the fandom really; one is the "shipping" ending where everything goes bad bc everyone focuses only on shipping, the one is the "fighting" ending where everything goes bad and everyone fucking dies basically. it has some good ideas, there's more fourth wall breaking, but overall its an inconsistent sexist and misoginistic mess made out of spite by someone who clearly didn't want to work on homestuck anymore
it also features character assassination, be it "this character who's entire plot was about not wanting to be alone anymore is now a sex-crazed maniac who doesnt take no as an answer", "this character who was groomed all her life to be a dictator actually becomes hitler" or "this character who a lot of people hc as mtf is now ftm, but specifically in a timeline, in the other they still identify as female". you could argue it's bc the story is about one of the characters having a villain arc and managing to take control of the story and rewrite them, but he's also regressed to be someone who's obsessed with a character we were told he wasn't in love with anymore AND also says transphobic stuff so.
hussie actually opens the epilogues with one of the character saying pretty clearly that they're "beyond canon", and makes sure that everyone known that anything written outside of the comic itself, including sidecomics, videogames and the epilogues themselves, is as canon as you want it to be. unfortunately homestuck fans cant read and that + the fact that the epilogue end in a cliffhanger, homestuck 2 has to happen
hussie wants nothing to do with it and leaves the project to someone else. they give little to no details of the plot if not a few plotpoints, one of which being the fact that a character must be named yiffany
one of the people who was supposed to work on hs2 and the tie-in visual novel games "friendsim" starts fights with readers on twitter and is later on outed as a really bad person of the biphobic and ableist variety
on a minor note, some updates are patreon exclusive, and not in a "they'll eventually be posted" way, but in a "either you follow the patreon or you dont get the whole experience" kind of way
the story also has to follow the aformentioned sexist transphobic racist bullshit, to which they add terribly written "bury your gays" plot and also cheating!! no matter the timeline my girl kanaya gets shafted and cheated on and by now im gonna be real it really smells like lesbophobia in here
also futa jokes. like we all agree that the candy jade situation is fucked up right
in all of this, "what pumpkin" actually starts drama with a youtuber or something. idk. it's the team that sells the hs merch it's even more complicated. oh and also the videogame being so delayed that's a whole can of worms too.
anyway hussie actually says that they dont give a shit no more about homestuck and sell the rights to someone else. first thing we're told is that they're going to drop the 2 from the title of homestuck 2, turning it into homestuck: beyond canon. pretty much openly saying that no, this has nothing to do with homestuck, and it's officially Not Canon.
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mystikoorime · 5 months
Man I'm so sorry this is happening. I have no idea why people are so pressed about Hiei/Botan. What is this? 2002?
Aw, I appreciate you taking time to say something kind/encouraging! 💛
I just got 2 more insane messages calling me wild and racist things. The troll is officially pissed. I actually find it funny how triggered they are over this lovely, harmless ship. 😌
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What are your opinions on each Gangreen Gang episode (Buttercrush, Telephonies, Schoolhouse Rocked, Slave the Day, Power Lunch, Bang For Your Buck, Aspirations)?
Honestly, I enjoyed all of them! There's not a single bad Gangreen Gang episode. But to break it down further:
Buttercrush: Ah yes, the episode that basically created the Ace X Buttercup ship (and led to many childhood crushes on our favorite green gangster).
A good episode overall. It really shows off Ace's manipulative side, perceptiveness, and charisma. Yes there are Unfortunate Implications TM if you want to read into it, but I always just saw it as Ace seeing an opportunity to both get the PPG to stop beating up him and his friends, and seeing a chance to have a superhuman on his side. Though I could see a future where he and Buttercup could genuinely get along and become friends, when they're both adults and he's not actively committing crimes.
Telephonies: Peak "boys will be boys" behavior in a good way... or a funny way, at least. I mean, who else would be stupid enough to prank both Mojo Jojo and HIM but smart enough to actually make it work? I honestly can't think of another villain that could and would pull off those kinds of shenanigans (Also the scene with the Professor... someone please sit this man down and warn him about phone and internet scams. He's the type of guy who would receive an email from a "Nigerian prince" asking for money and believe it. Bless him)
Schoolhouse Rocked: Another hilarious episode that also raises some important questions. Like, before Jack Wednesday, did nobody notice that the Gang didn't go to school? Or, did they just not care? And why were a bunch of teenagers put in a kindergarten class? Was it because they genuinely never been to school before and Jack was making them start at the very beginning, or because Pokey Oaks Kindergarten is the only school in Townsville? And if that's true, then where do all the older kids go who are just regular citizens-
Okay, I'm getting off topic. But yes, it's ridiculous and fun and even a little sad when you read into everything. We get to hear some of Arturo's backstory, we get to see the gang be massive trolls and menaces to everyone around them, it's great.
Slave the Day: Rewatching this episode makes me feel a bit sorry for Big Billy. As funny as the "we thought you were dead" meme is, it's clear that Billy doesn't feel loved or cared about, even within the gang. And... he really isn't, aside from maybe Grubber. He comforted him at least. Like, he was so shocked that the girls did the bare minimum of being superheroes and saved his life that he was ready to leave all his friends behind for good and dedicate his life to serving them.
Though I will say I don't think Ace and the others ever genuinely believed Billy was dead. I don't think they're that careless. Imo it was more of a joke and they just assumed he got scared and ran off or the girls caught him and threw him in jail. But either way, it's clear they weren't that worried and if he ever did get separated from the gang he'd pretty much be on his own.
Also, the girls were definitely in the wrong for beating up Billy at the end of the episode for turning on them. He admitted what he did was wrong, he was sorry, and he changed his mind at the end anyway and saved them. Idk, that part never sat right with me and really shows that the girls have a very rigid view on their roles as crime fighters, seeing violence not simply as a method to defend themselves and others but as a just punishment in of itself. And to a point you can't really blame them; they're only five and encouraged to use violence by pretty much everyone around them, even when it's unnecessary. I hope they gain more of a nuanced perspective as they get older and realize that's not a good way to be a hero.
Power Lunch: I enjoyed seeing which powers each of the gang got! I know it's officially tied to whatever food they were eating when they got hit with the girls' laser vision, but if you want to analyze it as revealing a part of who they are I think you could.
You could say Ace gets ice powers because he tends to act cold and mean, even to those closest to him. Snake gets super elasticity both because he's naturally flexible but also because he's often forced to bend to the will of others, especially Ace. Arturo gets super speed because he's spent years learning to be the fastest as a way to make up for being the smallest, Big Billy is a rock because he's, well, big, but also because he can be quite stubborn when he wants to be (ex. him insisting to "help" constantly in Slave the Day). Grubber gets super sonic burps because he often finds other ways to make his presence be felt and felt loudly despite being mostly voiceless; whether it's through his grossness, his talents with poker and music, even his voice acting skills, etc.
Bang For Your Buck: This is probably the one I rewatch the least, but there's still a lot of great comedy in there. I enjoyed seeing the juxtaposition of the girls trying to find genuine ways to earn the money next to the gang doing what the gang does best (aka robbing little kids and old ladies). The running gag of Ace being oblivious to obvious solutions felt slightly out of character, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Especially watching the rest of the gang notice what he wasn't and being too scared to point it out.
I will say that I think it would've been better if at the end, the gang was able to buy the Destructo-Ray, got all geared up to use it to take over Townsville (or more likely, just blow up random shit for fun) only for them to find out that it was actually a snow cone machine when they tried to use it and they basically wasted all their money. Idk, the ending with the mayor felt a bit random and pointless.
Aspirations: Controversial but this is probably my favorite Gangreen Gang episode if I had to pick. We get to see the boys be both competent thieves and badasses and we get to see a softer, more vulnerable side to them through Sedusa, even if that vulnerable side is only revealed through manipulation. We see that they are capable of being scarily competent under the right conditions, and are desperate for love and basically anyone telling them they aren't worthless. I also headcanon that this was a huge turning point for them and made them decide to turn their lives around, but also fractured their ability to trust any outsiders for years onward, Ace especially.
I also really like the references to Buttercrush because yeah, what Sedusa is doing to the gang isn't that much different from what Ace did to Buttercup. You could argue that Ace's reasons were more defensive while Sedusa was actively seeking out the gang to use and I think there's some truth to that. But the nitty gritty of it is the same: manipulating someone younger and less experienced for the sake of power and personal safety.
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kilibaggins · 8 months
Hello! I would like to request bilbo/kili where kili gets a little protective/possesive of bilbo during the journey from the other dwarves. maybe with a little bit of bilbo having to calm kili down from trying not to fight the other dwarves when kili thinks one of them hurt bilbo accidentally somehow(dwarves forgetting their strength over bilbo). hope this finds you well and i cant wait to see what you write if you choose to do this :)
Important To Me | Kili X Bilbo
kili x bilbo baggins
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A/N: I hope you like this! i love kili x bilbo so i was really happy to get this request going and im sorry it took a little bit! let me know if you want any more fics i will happily write them !! my requests are open <3 also i just realized i never went through and edited kili's name so for this one there's no accent mark over the i !! sorry about that <3
Warnings: confrontation, accidental harm, yelling, but i promise it's fluffy and there's no actual yelling between kili and bilbo.
Words: 1493
Might Post on Wattpad in the future !
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸 READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
Bilbo has noticed a few… Peculier changes in Kili. More irritable with the other dwarves, and more likely to jump into danger, it's like Kili has started getting… Protective.
It started with the trolls, which everyone might see as just a regular bit of protectiveness. Bilbo saw it as that, at first. It was just Kili stepping in to save him, there was nothing off about it.
No, the changes really started happening that night, When Kili gently took his arm and started touching it to check for bruises. Oin had offered to step in and do it but Kili snapped that he could do it just fine.
That was weird enough, yes, but then it got stranger. He started yelling at the other dwarves for every little thing around Bilbo.
Bilbo isn't easily breakable. He's had his fair share of roughhousing when he was younger, he's been hurt more times than he can count, and especially more than your average Hobbit, but even so being around these 13 dwarves can do a number on him.
They don't know their own strength. They push and punch and hug too tightly, and overall it's a painful experience for poor Bilbo who can't seem to catch a break from it all now that he's an official member of the company and has been accepted.
Kili will see this and react… Angrily? Bilbo doesn't understand it and he can't bring himself to ask because what if Kili stops caring? He likes the idea of someone caring for him, and that's why the dwarves including him in things makes him happy.
It's a regular day, they've made camp in some forest that Bilbo can't tell the difference from the last one they were in, and they're sitting by the fire.
Dwalin, in the heat of the moment and while laughing, slams his hand down on Bilbo's shoulder, and Bilbo winces. It's not even that bad, not really, but Bilbo still winces. Dwalin is quick to notice and move his hand and gruffs out a small apology, but apparently to Kili that isn't enough.
Kili quickly gets up and starts to yell, which leads Dwalin to yell, which leads to the other dwarves yelling, and Bilbo quickly gets up and stands between Dwalin and Kili.
"Kili, Kili! Hey, hey, I'm fine!" Bilbo says, putting his hand on the dwarf's chest. Kili is glaring over at Dwalin, Dwalin! Dwalin of all people! For accidentally hurting the Hobbit. It's not as if it's his fault, Dwalin just doesn't know his own strength when it comes to the burglar. Bilbo puts his hand on Kili's chest and pushes him away gently. The look on Kili's face morphing from anger at Dwalin to a little bit of hurt as he moves away from Bilbo and storms off is enough to make Bilbo feel bad for some reason. He huffs and mutters out an apology to Dwalin.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what has gotten into him." Bilbo rambles, talking with his hands. Dwalin though, isn't angry when Bilbo looks up. He just has a small knowing smirk on his face.
"You really don't see it?" Dwalin says, tilting his head slightly. Bilbo throws his arms out in confusion and Dwalin nods to where Kili ran off. "Talk to him."
Bilbo huffs a bit, fixing his jacket. He turns from Dwalin and walks off in the direction Kili went.
Admittedly, he should have thought this through a bit more. He's not good with tracking or finding his way in forests, so as soon as he makes it a bit too far out to hear the other dwarves being rambunxious he realizes he won't find his way back without the beautiful dwarf he's looking for. Bilbo grumbles to himself as he continues to walk and he makes his way to a small stream. It's beautiful, of course. Colorful rocks underneath the water, probably there for years slowly being eaten away at by the flowing water. Bilbo finds Kili sitting at the edge of it, his knees bent up and his arms crossed on top.
It's a sight, for sure. Kili with his hair lying on his shoulders sitting in front of a stream. It's a picture Bilbo would be happy to draw one day.
Bilbo makes his way closer, obviously tripping over stones because he can't be safe for the life of him. Kili doesn't look over when he approaches for a second and Bilbo worries if he speaks up he'll scare the dwarf, but then Kili starts to speak.
"Are you alright?"
Bilbo sighs softly and sits next to him. His shoulder is a bit sore from Dwalin earlier, but other than that he's fine.
"Yes," Bilbo says insistently. "I'm fine. I have been."
Kili stays silent for a while, just staring at the stream. He looks like a kicked puppy.
"I do not understand," Bilbo admits, huffing to himself as he turns from Kili and looks to the water. "I don't understand why you're upset."
"… I just want you to be okay," Kili says softly, looking over at him. Bilbo shakes his head and fiddles with the handkerchief that Kili found him.
"I am," Bilbo says again. Kili looks slightly frustrated again. "You don't have to worry about me so much."
"Yes, I do." Kili snaps, and then instantly deflates. He groans and covers his face. "I'm sorry."
Bilbo watches him for a moment and thinks about Dwalin's questioning earlier.
"Why? Why have you been acting like this? Dwalin is not the only one you've threatened in the past few days. Oin wanted to check a cut of mine and you practically pushed him away. You even snapped at Thorin. The King. Your uncle. What is going on?"
"I- I want you to be okay," Kili says again, and when he sees Bilbo go to argue he speaks again, "I NEED you to be okay."
Bilbo stops for a moment and looks down at the ground. Kili turns to him this time, gesturing with his hands for a second before talking.
"You are… So important. You don't-" Kili laughs, "You don't see it. You don't see how important you are or how much I care and It drives me wild! The trolls capture you, hurt you, and all you do after is apologize to us! Apologize to us? We're the ones who got you in that mess, to begin with! You get hurt by Dwalin and your first instinct is to let it go and you don't care about yourself! What happens when someone threatens to kill you and you just sit back and let it happen and then you die and you leave me-"
Bilbo looks at him in shock, floored by the rant but especially the last part. He goes to speak but Kili interrupts him again.
"You are… You're…" Kili doesn't know how to proceed and deflates. "You're you. That's why I'm worried because you're you and we- I need you. I-I love you."
Bilbo doesn't know what to say. He must look ridiculous with his mouth gaping and a confused look on his face, his eyes teary. He can't force a sentence out as he lets out a harsh breath. He instead reaches forward and takes the dwarf's hand. Kili holds Bilbo's hand and for a moment the only sounds in the forest are the wind blowing through the trees, and the water flowing next to them.
"You can't…" Bilbo says, confused. Kili… The nephew of the rightful king under the mountain. He's royalty. He's a part of something much greater than himself, there is no way that Kili loves him.
"I do," Kili says quietly. he turns from Bilbo and shakes his head. "I understand if you do not feel the same, but all I ask is that you understand why I am protective of you. I love you, and to me, you're more important than any piece of gold in that mountain."
"I love you too, Kili… But you can't fight your own kin for me." Bilbo says gently. Kili sighs and nods and affirmative. Bilbo smiles and leans forward. "Now, I'm not sure what Dwarves do when they admit their feelings but Hobbits have a fun way of doing so."
Kili's bashful look turns to a smirk.
"What did you have in mind, burglar?" Kili teases, leaning closer.
"Oh, shut it you fool." Bilbo laughs, rolling his eyes. He leans forward and kisses him quickly before pulling back. He abruptly stands and gestures around them. "Now, I have no clue where we are. Guide me, adventurer."
Kili beams up at him and he gets up, and they make their way through the forest.
They have a lot to work out, a lot of people to talk to, a King (and most importantly uncle to confess to), but for now they have each other. and oh, that's the best adventure Bilbo could have asked for.
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