#(I didn't wear the sweatshirt)
quirkle2 · 8 months
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no matter how hard i tried i couldn't get this piece to work w full color and lighting so ur just gettin this instead </3 reigen's somewhere off-camera with his head in his hands wondering who FUCKING hurt his kids
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spotaus · 5 months
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Rust!!! Rust my beloved!! (Swap!Papyrus from Ec-4o.verse)
He's still got that aloof energy of original Swap!Pap, mixed in with a bit of silly because I can't *not* give him a fun sword :)
Bonus, old designs!
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These (from left to right) are: His first ever design in 2019(ish), a redesign from my first big design overhaul 2020(?), and then another attempt from what I believe is 2022(?).
Rust was always kinda the second thought back when I first came up with his design, but it's a lot more intentional now! He and Blue never really had a chance at nabbing high-quality outfits so his is a lot simpler than most of the cast (especially in a cyberpunk setting). He's intentionally got that young-ish whimsy to him still since he's Blue's younger brother, I don't want him to be another depressed middle-aged guy in the story. He does the skeleton-equivalent of vaping and would absolutely love a good episode of Voltron or Demon Slayer. That electric sword of his was a gift from Blue for his birthday one year. It serves him well.
("While you were having trauma, I was busy studying the blade" -Rust to Geno, probably.)
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essektheylyss · 5 months
hi! in 40 minutes your tag has been made obsolete if it's any consolation. I consider it cool cuz that's about the temp where I can't wear a tank top and shorts
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Oh I realized I fucked up and meant to say cool haha, it was like that when I reblogged it (I am on mobile though and cannot fix my tags 😔), but this is fascinating.
Honestly my consideration for warm is any temperature where I feel like I can get away with only one layer, whether that layer is a sweater or a T-shirt. Temperatures at which I would risk my mother going, "I told you to bring a jacket..." because I don't want to end up carrying the thing. "Cool" is when I can get by with just a light jacket or sweater, and "cold" is when I need a proper coat, and in the other direction "hot" is when I feel the need to jump into a body of water after ten minutes outside xD
I also wore the same thing for my entire childhood regardless if it was 40 degrees or 100 with only slight variation (tights/leggings under my skirt if it was cold, basically) because I went to Catholic school in a temperature climate, so cold weather uniform options just... didn't exist, which I'm retrospect probably had an impact on my temperature gauge.
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yudidoodles · 8 months
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Oh shit more old art I forgor
A friend of mine designed some future/older versions of ocs, and I thought it'd be fun to do the same with my sona, Yudi... then I realized that how I actually aged/redesigned my sona was very funny in context lol
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marshmellowtea · 11 months
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anyone looking for a haunted doll? :D
soooo, this isn't the costume i wore today, i actually wore this when i went out saturday, but i've been meaning to post it here anyway so now's a good enough time as any! i had to pull something together with just stuff i had in my closet, and i'm pretty proud of how it turned out! especially the makeup, but that wasn't my doing, my brother did that for me, haha. i can't do makeup for shit gdshdslkfjd <3
i didn't want this post to get too long, so under the cut there's some self indulgent selfies (uhh ignore how frizzy the wig is in them, she was a bit of a mess even before she got rained on XD), and some fun with mirrors—the one with the blue background was taken in one of the bathrooms of the bar we were in, the mirror had a kind of fish eye effect because of its shape and i thought that was Neat :0
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
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doueverwonder · 2 years
2023 is the year I find all you other sabaton ppl and ramble about the concert I went to back in October bc oh BOY was it fun
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Self-indulgent gifts to myself this month (Pokemon Violet not pictured, lol): L7 bracelet made by the excellent Alexa, and the hat with the Hooty patch that I sewed on – both of which have made me so happy and so excited to wear things that I don't usually wear: bracelets and hats! I'M COMMITTED NOW! And I'm happy about it! :')
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
Not dog-related, but I wanted to slide into your ask box to thank you so much for your work during/related to voting and elections - its so important and needed, always (but I feel especially now). AND in the middle of a pandemic too, among everything else! I & so many others appreciate what you and so many other poll workers & election officials do to ensure voting access. Wish there was any other way I could support than a virtual hug <3 (also when did Slash become a whole adult!!)
Aww this is such a sweet message! The pandemic certainly threw things through a loop for us, but overall I feel the fact it has increased the number of elections where we mail absentee ballots to all active registered voters is a huge win for accessibility at the polls (VT is already a state where you can request an absentee for literally any reason, but voter turnout massively increases when ballots are mailed to everybody).
The biggest hurdle election workers and clerks face right now is a certain demographic of people being increasingly toxic and antagonistic to our faces, to the point of being threatening. Like I should not have to think about how i can probably lock myself in my vault if things go in a dangerous direction, yet I do. Also when people of any demographic get upset that double checking or recounts are taking a long time and blame election workers for this or imply there's something nefarious happening because it's taking time. It's really important that things are done correctly and surprise surprise that takes time!
I know it probably sounds like the bare minimum, but the best thing you can do for election workers is be polite, read the directions on your ballot (both mail in and in person) carefully, do not wear political clothing or pins to the polls, do not take a picture of your ballot, get your "I VOTED" sticker (and maybe a 'future voter' one for any kiddos in your life), and do not needlessly stick around the polling place chatting with people (not that we don't want to chat, we're just busy and we're required to be politically neutral at the polls.)
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sluttyten · 2 years
#i can't tell if my bedroom is actually so cold#or if my hands and feet are absolutely freezing due to my anxiety#but i'm going with anxiety bc like im wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants in my bed with flannel sheets#and a thick comforter and another blanket on top of it#the thermostat says my house is 72 degrees but my feet have felt like icicles all day#but im also pretty sure they're sweating which is a little tmi#but im currently stressing over jury duty so 😗✌️#googling what kinds of things i might be asked so i can try to figure out answers that won't get me selected#which is difficult not knowing what kind of trial it's going to be#just hoping i give off enough anxious and biased vibes that i don't get selected#like my social anxiety has been hitting for the last few hours#i can call in a few hours and find out if i even have to show up and that alone is driving me insane#i can't do anything right now other than research this stuff#like i want to write or finish watching this show i've been watching but i can't enjoy anything right now i can only think about this#it's like the other night when i got the summons in the mail and literally didn't do anything with the rest of my day#was reading something earlier about waiting to be selected for jury duty and my heart was pounding and i was imagining it#and like thinking about how i'm definitely gonna feel like i'm going to puke tomorrow im gonna be so shaky#i haven't felt like this in like 5 years since i was last in school and had to worry about public speaking or big projects#like they gave me such bad anxiety i get so hot and red and like get a little buzzy in my ears... yknow casual things#so earlier i was freaking out thinking about how they select the jury foreman which i absolutely 100 percent cannot do#i can't speak up in public even when it was in front of a classroom of people i've known for years#i couldn't bring myself to speak up and ask questions or say thoughts for a discussion (to the point where i failed a project once bc of it)#but i've never been diagnosed with any form of anxiety by a doctor or anything like that so I don't know if i even have an anxiety disorder#but just like based off of a lot of things i've noticed over the years and the way that i'll like focus on a thing that's causing me stress#to the point where it's debilitating and i can't do anything except freak out about it#i'd say i've got something going on.... like back when i had that promotion offered to me at work and i literally cried in my room stressed#about the pressure of the position which i then only held for a few months bc i can't handle the social aspect of it#anyway i've ranted enough now i'm going to go and try to do like anything.... finish writing maybe
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zabim4ru · 2 years
Lmao you crazy ass bitch, why tf would I fw someone who is of no concern to me, if I wanna fuck someone he's the last guy I'd choose. Plus like you don't actually know me, cause if ya did you'd know that I'm a committed bitch and don't fuck around lmao
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nervocat · 2 months
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guys gals and nonbinary pals I think I am finally getting a backbone.
so yesterday my coworker said she was gonna go pick up garbage outside the hour before I was to leave. she ended up sitting in her car for that time. ticked me off but I was about to leave when I caught her so I didn't say anything to her. told my manager about it though. today, after she shows up an hour after her scheduled start time bc she forgot what time she started (everybody has days like that but it's literally all the time with her. yesterday she called me and asked what time she worked. like she's constantly late and it's not just a one time thing with her) she went outside a few times to get some food from her car. it was fine but I kept glancing outside to make sure that she wasn't going out there to sit again. the third time she goes out and started cleaning out her car like an hour and a half into her shift. I was like nuh uh so I armed myself with the garbage bags (I find I can yell at people better if I'm holding something lol) and went to check the trash and make sure that was what she was doing. But she had all her doors and her trunk open and a plastic bag in her hands. So I marched over there and said get inside now you are here to work not clean out your car and she said I'm getting to it and I said no now I am not standing in there and working all by myself while you get to be out here and clean out your car that is not what you're here for and she started going on about how she was just gonna leave and that they already cut her hours and I may or may not have said because you don't do anything. she pulls the 'i'm by myself all the time' crap which literally no the fuck she is not our manager changed the schedule so at most she is by herself like 2 hours bc she cannot be trusted to do literally anything alone or even with another coworker and I said you know what so am I i've been here alone since you got here and I kind of blacked out and forget what all I said to her. But we went back inside and there was three people in line bc it's a Sunday and right around when church gets finished up and we get BUSY. and then we didn't say a single word to each other the rest of my shift except for when I ordered a frappe (as a reward for yelling at her lmao) and I looked over at McDonald's to see if it was ready and I didn't know she was over there waiting for food but she was like IM JUST WAITING FOR MY FOOD like I was looking to see what she was doing and that I was gonna drag her back over to the registers by her ears. She ended up putting the dates on the pastries I had out thawing. Yelling at her makes her work apparently. bc she will literally just stand there and do nothing all shift perfectly content to let everyone else do everything. if she was gonna get on the phone and just stand there I was all fired up I was about to tell her that the cappuccino machine needed cleaned. I'm tired of being the only one that does stuff here and i'm tired of her getting away with everything. I'm so close to getting another job and I really don't want to bc I like this job it is easy when I don't have to deal with the bullshit and it's close.
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vincenteuniverse · 1 year
Ken's progression OUT of color
This is kinda a cornplate thought that I had nowhere else to put but I love how in the Barbie movie(SPOILERS), Ryan Gosling's Ken's outfits symbolically showcase his "descent" into full patriarchy mode over time.
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At the beginning of the film Ken's beach outfit (his default) has an equal balance of pink and blue. Pink is obviously Barbie's color, and shows Ken as fitting well into the femininity and style of Barbieland, while blue could be argued to be Ken's color (a scene later when he's especially confident features him wearing all denim blue, and the stereotypical gender of these colors, especially when found in kid's toys, supports these basic binaries as associated with these colors).
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When Ken decides to leave Barbieland with Barbie to delve into the outside world, his color scheme goes full pink, desperate enough to be with Barbie that his attire reflects how dependent his identity is on hers at this stage.
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However, it isn't long before Ken's exploration of the real world leads him to exciting new discoveries about the patriarchy and what it can do for him. Here he is introduced to a newfound sense of self independent from barbie, and while he still carries a pink scarf around his neck, the rest of his outfit has devolved into black and white while hers has remained colorful. As he pursues this new-to-him idea further, his worldview is becoming less unique, pretty, and vibrant(in addition to becoming much more masculine).
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It is only his scarf that ties him to Barbie now, and upon making the choice not to follow her to Mattel, he becomes fully independent, losing the scarf and any trace of pink in his attire the next time we see him in his mojo dojo casa house coat and beach off outfit underneath.
In his most masculine moment during "Just Ken", he and the other Kens all wear a uniform of the most traditionally male ben shapiro outfit ever: A T-Shirt, belt, and dress pants. All black(and no white either to contrast like the previous 2 outfits). It's fitting that the Kens, in their destructive warpath, imagine themselves as perfectly cleaned up yet violently masculine dancers in their heads, their outfits devoid of all of the flair and character of Barbieland.
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(excuse the shitty picture) After Ken has his little self-growth moment, his new sweatshirt reflects the changed and much more balanced man he has become, much more accepting of himself and a life where he can co-exist with Barbie without being with her. This outfit is again an almost perfect balance of pink and blue, both sides of Ken now a bit more at peace, his colors not pushed out by the LITERALLY black hole of toxic masculinity.
The color scheme also matches the roller blading outfit, so perhaps it shows a somewhat intermediary stage of Ken's development wherein he is still attached to and at peace with Barbieland, but where he is starting to become more independent as well. anyway these are all fun and i genuinely have no fucking idea why Mattel didn't cash in on literally making dolls of all the characters and their outfits these would be so fun to own
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toxicanonymity · 10 months
rat in a cage.
1.2k, m!ghostface x f!reader | slasher master
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A/N: This is NOT the Every Inch ghostface/universe. This is a completely standalone one shot. SUMMARY: Ghostface is pursuing you. When you both get trapped in a lab on campus, you make a temporary truce. WARNINGS: I8+ Dubcon P in V, cockwarming, degradation, choking, creampie, lab rats in the building, huddling for warmth lmaoo, reader can sit on him and be partially lifted.
Before you realized you were both trapped in the building, you got into a scuffle and caused his knife to fall down a drain in the floor. He got on top of you, pinned you with his weight, and choked you, but it wasn't a choke to kill. His gloved hand was applying just enough pressure in just the right places to feel good. That's when it hit you that he didn't want to kill you. He could've snapped you like a twig from that position if he wanted.
You smiled, and he released your throat.
“Mm,” you sighed. “take off your mask if ya wanna kiss me that bad.”
Ghostface tilted his head and looked at you. The voice modulator kicked in. “what makes you think I want that filthy mouth on me?” He grabbed your jaw and squeezed your mouth open. He brought his other gloved hand to your lips and gagged you with two gloved fingers.
"I asked you a question," he prodded.
"I 'unno" you mumbled into his fingers and reached for his crotch, trying to wedge your hand between your torsos. His fingers slid out of your mouth and his hand flew to your wrist to stop you. He pinned your hands above your head, one of his gloves wet with your saliva.
“You don't wanna kill me,” you breathed.
You seemed to have him at a loss for words. He was a different guy without his knife -- still menacing, but not lethal.
“Not tonight." He got up and left you on the ground. He swiftly made for the exit, robe trailing behind him.
But the door was locked. Awkward.
Now you've been trapped long enough that he’s run out of clever, taunting things to say, so he just doesn't talk. The main sound is lab rats squeaking and trying to burrow for warmth in their enclosure. It's cold in this building. You don't have sleeves and your legs are bare, too.
Ghostface sits against the wall with his knees up. You're shivering in a corner by yourself, replaying your interactions with Ghostface in your mind. Has he ever really, truly hurt you? He's had chances to kill you. Why didn't he? Your teeth start chattering.
Eventually he sighs and says "Get over here." You look at him, pondering it. He opens his arms and adds, “This offer expires in thirty seconds.”
You scurry over to him, planning to sit between his knees but he straightens his legs out so they're together, and he lifts up his robe for you to get underneath. He's wearing joggers and a matching sweatshirt underneath. You're more scantily clad. "Why don't you just give me the robe," you ask.
"Don't press your luck," he answers.
You duck under his robe and straddle his thighs with your knees on the floor. "You're gonna wanna get closer than that, little rat."
You scoot forward and he lets the robe down on top of you. It's a little heavier and warmer than you imagined. When he's chasing after you, it moves like it weighs nothing.
It's pitch black under his robe. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you into him so your crotch meets his. You gasp when you feel the shape of his warm package against your crotch. "Feel somethin’ ya like?" He asks.
"You're warm," you answer, laying your cheek on his chest with your eyes closed under his robe. "Who are you?"
His laugh is as dark as it is quiet.
You tuck your arms under your chest and he keeps his arms wrapped around you. He smells good. A woodsy, minty scent. He caresses you as he holds you. God, he feels like. . .a man. A real man. His breaths get deeper, his chest rising under you. It happens gradually, but at some point there's no mistaking the bulge you're sitting on is hard, and it's for you. He brings his arms into the robe. His gloved hands pull your skirt up over your ass with a soft grunt not caught by the voice changer. Then he takes his gloves off.
His hands are huge and warm on your bare ass cheeks. He kneads them and his hips lift under you, the swell of his hard cock making you dizzy with need under the pitch black darkness of his robe. You sigh and he wedges a finger under your pointless little thong and snaps it. You reach back to un-wedge it from your ass cheeks and when you pull it out, he slips his finger between your ass and the garment. He slides his finger all the way down, under you, until he reaches your wet little hole. You're beginning to gush.
He sighs, then the voice changer says - "You're making a mess on me, princess."
He lifts you with a grunt, then pulls his joggers down under his cock. He sets you back down, angling you strategically so your front meets his smooth, thick shaft. It's throbbing and burning hot, right between your legs. You sigh. His hands return to your ass and he moves your body, grinding you against his hard cock a few times.
Then, to your horror, you help him take it further. You pull your thong to the side as he lifts you and notches himself at your entrance. You whimper as your cunt swallows his tip, then your body spreads itself apart for him as you sink down his thick shaft. Ghostface shudders and you gasp when your bodies are flush.
“Good,” he whispers in a deep, human voice. Your body accommodates him and you get even wetter. You begin to move, needing to fuck yourself on his cock, but he holds you down and makes you still. “Sit,” he commands at full volume ghostface voice. “Stay.” The hair on your neck stands up.
You sit still on his cock.
“Good,” he says, then adds, "Hmm." He pats your head where it rests on his shoulder.
You sit there in his lap, wrapped around the body of this man, in total darkness under his robe, absolutely full of his cock. You relax enough that you begin to get sleepy. You yawn.
You sit there for what feels like an eternity. You feel stretched out, even after you relax. Your walls occasionally twitch around him, and his cock throbs and moves inside you. You’re cozy under his robe, comfortable in his arms, and throbbing on his cock. The warmth of his robe and the feeling of his arms around you lull you to sleep.
Almost as soon as you drift off, he thrusts his hips up and jolts you awake with the punch of his cock. He braces one hand on the floor and has the other arm around you. He leans back so you're held against his chest and he's fucking up into you. He grunts and sighs and the modulator harshly spits, “yeah, you're a good little bitch.”
He keeps fucking you from the bottom, and you feel a heat bubbling in the pit of your belly as his big cock pistons into you. Then he holds you tight against him and fucks you slower, grinding your pubic bone against his, and it's rubbing your clit and making you spasm. "You like that?" He asks.
“Oh, baby,” he breathes, then his voice is changed again. “Gonna make me cum if you're not careful.”
His words make you clench down as you see stars. You moan into his sweatshirt, and the pleasure pulses from your clit as your whole body jerks and your cunt chokes his cock. You're not finished coming when Ghostface holds you down.
You try to get off him, but he holds you down harder and erupts, filling you with his hot seed. You can't deny how good it feels with him pulsing inside you as your own climax wanes. At least you're alive, you think. At least Plan B exists.
When you begin to get off his cock, he doesn't let you. He keeps you plugged, impaled on him, long enough that you both fall asleep.
thank you for reading. my main ghostface series, unrelated to this one shot, is Every Inch.
i have a michael blurb with a kinda similar premise here. idk why i'm into this scenario but i guess i am lol.
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c0rpsedemon · 8 months
The Coworker called an 8 year old seductive today
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