#(I also apologize for Billy & the others not speaking in this ask; they are also low energy as are the rest of us today!
r1ngfinger · 2 years
mr. byers had an unfinished set of songs for y'all in our notes app, i'm passing them along because it doesn't look like he's coming back near front tonight.
his recommendations are: boys in the better land for billy, coffee and cigarettes by nevershoutnever for your jonathan, cannibal queen by miniature tigers for steve, and then two best friends by bb bean but he stopped the note there without saying who that song is for.
i'm gonna recommend to y'all your suffering by the maiden names and bracing for sunday by neko case.
Oh!! We hope he's doing alright, same with the rest of y'all of course! Thank you for sending them on his behalf too though, they're all really good!!
Funnily enough we've actually already listened to Cannibal Queen before, I think that's the first song y'all have recommended us that we already have on one of our playlists! /lighthearted, it's a very good song too ofc
Our recs!:
Black Sun - Death Cab for Cutie (Billy's rec)
Political Scientist - Ryan Adams (Jonathan's rec)
Nine - La Dispute (Steve's recs; both the album version and the Violitionist Sessions version are equally great, both with very different vibes though)
You Lied - Tool (Eddie's rec; also a cover, but we prefer it much more ocer the original lmao)
And! Two more recs since you also gave us two, both from me:
Candy - Joe Mama
New Dance - Deerpeople
Thank you thank you so much !! -Poe
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thicctails · 15 days
i recently saw your GBC AU and I can say that I am now one of the many people who has fallen in love with it. I am also a little more curious about the AU. For example, I noticed how Bill interacts with the Pines and his parents. How did it come to the point that Bill is now just living with the Pines family? Does he even live with them? What was it like for everyone involved?
I feel like Scalene and Euclid would want to reach out to their son but for multiple reasons. For one, maybe convince him to get help (It's a given fact that Bill Cipher needs therapy) or maybe not kill anyone. Depending on how much they investigate the matter based on Bill’s and Ford’s toxic relationship (Speaking of which, how does Ford react when his “Muse” starts living with them?) do they ask themselves what else Bill has done? The yellow Dorito has a LONG criminal history with not many redeeming qualities (other than being a feminist).
Of course, Id also see them wanting to reconnect with their baby boy and apologize for everything they have done to him in the past. But again, trillions of years have passed and their Little Billy ain't so little anymore, and has developed a dark, if not sadistic sense of humor. While his parents may be what breaks the camel back and slightly motivate Bill to change his ways, undoing the unhealthy mindset that is severely rooted into him will take more than a little lullaby to fix.
Every day the Primary Colours trauma triangle cult grows >:)
To answer your question, Bill doesn't end up with the Pines and his parents in their reality until Weirdmaggedon, which is caused by an alternate version of himself tearing open the weakened wall between the Nightmare Realm and Reality. Before then, he mostly uses dreams and very weak vessels to interact with them, such as the various plushes Mabel makes for him.
After Weirdmageddon, Bill is severely weakened and fairly injured (think half-blind and pretty scarred up), but he and his folks can exist in the 3D and 2D planes. (though Bill usually avoids going 2D if he can) After the human Pines parents lose custody (Soos and Melody adopt Dipper and Mabel officially, since Stan is a criminal and Ford... well, Stan used his identity lol) the Ciphers mostly watch over the kids and the Shack while Ford and Stan are out at sea. When the Stan twins are around, Bill usually makes himself scarce.
Dipper and Mabel are probably the ones that are the most comfortable with Bill. They don't have any real traumatic memories with him in this AU, so they're just happy to finally get to meet and hang out with their older brother, strange as he is. Bill encourages them to get into mischief and often pulls pranks, but he never actively puts them in danger. He's actually really possessive/protective over the twins once it sinks in that they aren't just squishy little humans his parents love, they're his baby siblings.
(Ford mentions that Dipper might need to see an optometrist within earshot of Bill and he injures himself summoning fire to guard Dipper from him. Bill has nothing but hellish memories of his experience with an optometrist and will not allow Sixer to take Pinetree to be blinded like he was. It takes a long time to calm him down and convince him that Dipper isn't going to be harmed.)
In the months before Weirdmaggedon, things between Bill and everyone who isn't the twins is... awkward and tense, to say the least. Scalene and Euclid are, obviously, thrilled that their oldest isn't just a long-gone smear of burning flesh and dust, but it's also very mentally taxing and difficult to interact with him. As i said in a previous post, they often accidentally set off the others' triggers, and Bill being, well, Bill, means that they also have to come to terms with the fact that, while they will always love their son, he's not the velcro-shoe wearing, bubbly little stargazer they once knew.
Ford, understandably, does not take Bill popping up in his house very well, and is even more upset by the fact that he's getting near Dipper and Mabel. It's only Stan's insistence that he's actually helped the kids freely before that keeps Ford from forcing everyone into Mandatory Family Thought Encryption. He never forgets what Bill did to him, nor does he ever forgive him, but he doesn't murder him in his sleep when he's vulnerable after making a deal with the Axolotl at the end of Weirdmageddon, so there's that. Plus, it is reassuring to know that the once all-powerful King of the Nightmare Realm folds like wet laundry under the Power of Mabel. The creature that once haunted his nightmares looks a little less scary when a 13 year old girl has painted his nails a glittery pink and made him have a disco tea party with her pet pig.
As for him getting help? Well, that's actually part of the deal he makes with the Axolotl! Weirdmageddon almost kills him (turns out fighting yourself while actually caring about not hurting people leaves you somewhat vulnerable!), but the Axolotl agrees to save him, if he agrees to monthly therapy sessions with him, as well as him and his parents having a regular life span. Total reformation really isn't going to be possible, not for Bill, but when Dipper and Mabel have passed on, he and his folks will go too, and if Bill has made progress towards being a better person, then they'll be reincarnated together.
It's hard and it SUCKS, but its better than Canon Bill is doing lol.
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shellbilee · 4 months
Hey There Darlin' - Chapter 5
A Glen Powell RPF Series
Apologies for the little hiatus guys. I'm hopeful that I'm back to regular posting, Glen's recent content influx has certainly helped with my inspo! Please comment if you'd like to be tagged! x
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Billie hears a groan of effort and looks back at her phone sitting in the cradle on her dashboard. The metallic sound of dumbbells hitting the floor rings out and suddenly a face fills the screen, familiar brown eyes looking back at her. 
“Alright I’m done with my set now, sorry”.
Billie laughs and shakes her head, looking away from the phone and back at her reflection in her rearview mirror. 
“You’re the one that called me, Brad” Billie counters to her brother, smoothing back the baby hairs near her forehead into her slick ponytail.
Bradley, her brother had facetimed her ten minutes ago, Billie having since pulled into a car park at the address Glen had sent her this morning.
“Yeah, cos’ I feel like we haven’t spoken in ages and I miss my little sis’” Bradley says with a smile before taking a quick sip from his water bottle, “Besides, who else am I gonna speak to at this time? You’re the only one I know that would be awake”.
“Speaking of, why are you doing a workout at----” she pauses, lifting her wrist to check her watch, “Three AM?”. 
Bradley shrugs nonchalantly, as if going to the gym in the early hours of the morning is the most normal thing in the world.
“Just came off a week of night shift. First day sleep routine is always kinda fucked. Couldn’t sleep, so figured I’d come and do a workout rather than wake Jords and the kids”.
“Have you tried reading a book?”.
Bradley pulls a face and Billie can’t help but laugh at it.
“Oh yeah sorry, I forgot you’re allergic to reading” she teases, knowing her fire-fighter brother hated every single second of school and study and she, the book smart one in the family, was the complete opposite.
Bradley rolls his eyes and wipes his face with a sweat towel. “Where are you off to anyway? Gym?”.
Billie looks back at her reflection again - she’s wearing activewear again, this time a pair of tight latte coloured shorts and a white racer back tank whose neckline makes her shoulders look toned.
“I don’t know actually. It’s a date” she says with a soft laugh, looking back down at the facetime call.
Bradley snorts. “A date? Dressed like that?”.
This time it’s Billie’s turn to pull a face.
“He said to wear something I don’t mind sweating in, and to bring a change of clothes”.
Billie swears she can see Bradley’s face morph into older-brother protective mode.
“Don’t mind sweating in? Who is this guy?”.
Billie only smiles. “Just a guy I met at Rufus the other day”.
She stays tight-lipped with the rest of the details - namely, that the guy also happens to be a Hollywood celebrity and is so gorgeous that just looking at him makes her want to melt into a puddle on the floor. Though she and Bradley were close and told each other almost everything, she decided to stay vague about her date. 
Right now, she’s happy being in her exciting first-few-dates bubble. And she isn't ready for it to burst by involving other people. She would tell Bradley later, maybe. 
Bradley starts to ask another question when Billie looks down at her watch, looking back at her phone and interrupting her brother to say she needs to go.
“I’m gonna be late ok? I’ll talk to you later in the week?”
Brad nods, “Yeah yeah, you better. Be safe ok?”
“I always am, Brad. Give my love to Jords and the kids yeah?
“I will. Love you Bil”
“Love you too”.
The call abruptly ends and Billie lets out a deep breath, suddenly aware that her heart is hammering in her chest. She’s nervous, nervous to see Glen again even though she’d seen him less than twenty-four hours ago, though admittedly the last time she’d seen him she’d kissed him without warning.
She can still feel his lips on hers, their plush softness moving against hers in a gentle dance, his scent in her nose, his fingertips on her skin. She’d struggled to think of little else during her bosses housewarming barbecue last night, flashbacks of their kiss invading her every thought as she’d mingled with her work friends.
Billie realizes she’s closed her eyes, opening them a moment later and letting out a breath as she looks out the window at the busy LA street in front of her. She double checks the address on her in-dash car GPS confirming she’s at the right place, before taking a final look at her reflection, grabbing her bag and stepping out of the car.
It’s a sunny Sunday morning in LA, the sunshine instantly blinding as Billie closes her car door behind her, reaching up to shield her eyes and looking at the modern brick building in front of her.
Oh my god. 
It’s the Alo gym.
God, it’s a workout date.
Billie can’t help the breath that escapes her throat then.
Glen really did take her advice about unconventional dates seriously.
Billie sucks in a nervous breath and reaches up to smooth down her hair, making her way towards the entrance and doing her best to ignore the mass of butterflies that have suddenly started flapping wildly in her stomach. She knows it’s nerves, but part of her also knows it’s excitement at the thought of seeing Glen again.
She gulps silently.
Here we go.
Glen’s sitting in the entrance area of the Alo Wellness club, relaxing into one of the sleek, cream coloured lounges. His right leg is bouncing like he needs to go to the bathroom, but he knows it has nothing to do with his bladder.
He looks down at his phone in his hand for what feels like the tenth time in a minute, looking at the numbers above his screensaver of Brisket.
Glen knows he’s nervous, but he doesn’t know why. He’d been on hundreds of dates in the past but for whatever reason this one feels different. 
They’d spent most of yesterday together, talking and laughing for what felt like hours, they’d even kissed yesterday - albeit unconventionally, but still. His stomach is a tangle of nervous thoughts and feelings, and all of a sudden he can’t help but second guess his date idea. 
Billie had said unconventional, but was this taking it too far? Especially so soon?
He’d come up with the idea almost instantly yesterday, calling Keith, his Alo trainer as he’d driven home from his Ikea trip with Billie. Some part of him had decided that a personal training session for the two of them would be a great second date idea, given he and Billie had bonded over their frequent exercise and gym habits.
It ticked all the boxes - it would be an activity she told him she enjoyed, one they both regularly participated in, and it was certainly not a traditional date choice.
It was the kind of activity that he would never even attempt with a lot of girls, let alone on a second date, but with Billie? It seemed like the perfect choice. At least it had when he’d come up with it yesterday.
Glen shakes his head as if he’s arguing with the voice inside his head, ignoring his thoughts and standing firm on his decision. He exhales through pursed lips and flips his phone over in his hand again, looking up when he hears the entrance door open.
In an instant, all of his fears and concerns are gone. 
Billie looks every bit as gorgeous as he remembers, even better if that were possible, his eyes running over her as he watches her ask for directions at the front desk. There’s a smile on his face before he can even think about it, standing up from the lounge just as the receptionist points in his direction.
He feels the breath catch in his throat when Billie’s eyes meet his, and suddenly there’s a smile on her face too - a smile that makes every single muscle in his chest contract.
Glen stays put as she makes her way over to him, unable to help his gaze from following the sway of her hips. She's wearing a pair of light brown coloured shorts and a tight white tank top, both accentuating her fit figure and making her golden skin glow. 
Glen’s fingers tighten around his phone and he fights the urge to bite his fist and audibly groan, suddenly wondering how on earth he's going to get through this date without dying when she looks like that.
“Hey darlin’”.
Billie grins gorgeously. “Hey you”.
Glen steps forward to kiss her cheek just as she does the same, the turn of her head making his lips land dangerously close to her mouth. He sees her cheeks immediately flush as they step apart, and Glen fights the urge to groan out loud again for the second time in thirty seconds. 
If they hadn't been somewhere so public he'd have tipped her chin and pulled her in for a bruising kiss. 
Glen swallows and reaches down to pick up his gym bag, grinning down at Billie.
“So, what do you think?”
Billie tilts her head and smiles, “I see you really were listening when I said unconventional dates”.
Glen laughs. “Told you”.
“So what are we doing?” Billie asks as Glen gestures for her to follow him, heading over to the elevators at the back of the room.
Glen shrugs and presses the ‘up’ button on the wall, looking up when the elevator immediately dings. “You'll find out in a second”.
Billie laughs and flashes a worried smile. “I’m actually kind of terrified”.
He returns her laugh as the doors open and they step into the modern elevator, Glen stepping forward to press the button for level seven. 
“You’ll be fine, I promise”.
The doors close and a moment later they’re going up, Glen struggling to ignore the less than three inches of space between them. That, and the sweet, spicy peach scent of her perfume that’s once again filled his nose, the one that’s plagued his brain since their kiss yesterday, the one that seems to be permanently burnt into his every waking thought for the past twenty-four hours. 
A moment later the elevator dings again and the doors open almost as quickly as they closed, revealing the sprawling, modern black and white gym floor of level seven.
They step out and Glen smiles when he sees Billie look around in awe, spying Keith up ahead standing and talking to Mike, one of the club’s other trainers. Glen nods when Keith sees him, leading Billie over towards him to introduce her.
“Hey bud” Keith says, pulling Glen in for a handshake hug in that way that only men do, Glen stepping back and gesturing to Billie.
“Billie, this is my trainer Keith. Keith, this is Billie”.
They shake hands and Billie smiles, Glen momentarily caught up in how beautiful he thinks she is for the tenth time in only ten minutes.
“Glen’s told me a bit about you. You’re a physical therapist?”
“Yep! I work at Evolution Sports Rehab, on Olympic Boulevard?”
Keith nods, “Ah I know the one. I’ve sent some clients there before actually, to see Ross?”
Billie nods enthusiastically, “Yes! He’s my boss. He’s incredible. He’s a big part of the reason I’ve worked there for so long”.
Glen watches Keith and Billie chat, impressed at the way Billie so effortlessly converses with new people. He smiles to himself as he looks down at her. 
No wonder she’s such a good physical therapist.
Glen takes Billie’s bag off her shoulder and puts their bags aside, returning to stand with her and Keith holding two water bottles in his hands.
“So, what fresh torture have you got for us today?”
Keith laughs and Billie looks mildly terrified, Glen putting his arm around Billie and offering a reassuring squeeze.
“You did say you wanted a bit of a challenge” Keith says pointing at Glen, Billie dropping her head back in dismay, “And you did say that Billie was basically an athlete”.
Billie’s head snaps back up and she looks at Glen in alarm, “An athlete? On what planet?”.
Keith drops his head back and laughs, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding” he says holding his hands up in surrender, “But he did say you work out quite a bit, so I’ve put together a team challenge for you both”.
Keith turns to make his way over to the squat rack, motioning for Billie and Glen to follow. As soon as his back is turned, Billie punches Glen’s arm playfully.
“You have definitely talked me up way too much”
Glen grins as he looks down at her, winking mischievously. “No such thing darlin’”.
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Billie grins and rolls her eyes adorably, Glen taking her hand and pulling her until they’re both standing in front of Keith again.
“So, we’re going to do a bit of a circuit challenge. It will be a mix of strength and cardio, but you’ll need to work together to get through it” Keith says, pointing at various equipment around the room. “There will be ten stations, and at each one there will be a rep target which you can divide up between you, so you can sub in and out as you need”.
Glen reaches up to stretch his arms above his head, the corner of his mouth tugging into a sly grin as he looks over at Billie’s wide eyes.
“For example, battle ropes. There will be four hundred reps. Billie you could do one hundred, then Glen does a hundred, and repeat until you get to four hundred. Ideally, the goal is to do the entire circuit in under fifty minutes”.
Billie exhales loudly. “Have you done this exact circuit with people before?”
Keith nods. “The record is forty-six minutes”.
Glen bends his left leg behind him, holding his ankle so he’s stretching out his thigh, glancing down at Billie and back to Keith. He scoffs out loud.
“Forty-six minutes? Easy”.
The look of alarm is back on Billie’s face, though this time she’s looking at Glen like he’s insane. 
Glen can’t help but chuckle at her expression.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into?”
He grins down at her, loving the way she smiles back at him. 
“You said unconventional, remember?”
Billie shakes her head. “I think I’m starting to regret saying that”.
Glen laughs, and they both turn back to Keith.
“So, the key is to know your strengths, and what exercises you’re good or not so good at”.
Billie looks up at Glen, tilting her head playfully.  
“Surely there are no exercise that you’re not good at”.
Glen opens his mouth to speak but Keith beats him to it. “Maybe ask that again when we get to the core exercises”.
Glen pulls a face and both Billie and Keith laugh.
“Alright then” Keith announces, clapping his hands together and looking back at Glen and Billie. “We ready?”
Forty-five and a half minutes later, Glen and Billie collapse on the floor on their backs, panting and breathless, and covered in sweat.
Glen feels like his chest is going to explode.
He knows it has nothing to do with the workout he’s just done that has his heart rate hammering at marathon race levels, and everything to do with the stunning, sweaty, sexy girl lying panting next to him right now.
Doing that workout with her was like forty-five and a half minutes of foreplay.  He’d never been so simultaneously impressed and turned on in his life. 
Watching Billie move and jump and squat and press had Glen thinking all kinds of things, things he definitely shouldn’t have been thinking while doing a workout in the gym. He couldn’t help but stare as he did his own exercises, frequently losing count of his own reps, his eyes dragging over her back, her legs, her ass. He was totally enamoured by her, by how strong and fucking sexy she looked, even now as she lay on her back, her chest heaving, breathless from the finishing the fifty burpees they were both determined to get done before the timer ticked over to forty-six minutes.
Glen turns to look over at Billie, his eyes running over her face, her lips parted as she sucks in breaths, her cheeks flushed and covered by a glowy sheen of sweat. He swears she’s never looked more sexy than she has in that moment, and all of a sudden he can’t help but imagine what she'd look like after another kind of cardio that has nothing to do with the gym. 
And nothing to do with clothes.
“That” Billie pauses, sucking in a breath and exhaling loudly, “Was not the way I thought my Sunday would go”
“Probably not the way you thought this date was going to go either” Glen retorts, watching as Billie finally turns to look at him beside her.
She grins at him, that same gorgeous, breathtaking grin, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and it takes everything Glen has not to roll over and kiss her right there in the middle of the gym.
“You guys killed it. Broke the record and everything” Keith says suddenly, standing over the two of them and clapping his hands. “Glen, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you work that hard before. But I guess you had some extra motivation this time”
Glen chuckles and Billie laughs, but it sounds strained through their panting breaths.
“And Billie, that was pretty incredible. You smashed it out of the park, awesome stuff”
“Thanks Keith” Billie breathes, still panting, offering a weak thumbs up before dropping her hand back down to the ground dramatically.
Keith laughs. “You’re welcome”.
They talk for a few more minutes before Keith announces that he has to run to see another client, Keith bending down to shake both of their hands before waving and walking out of the gym. 
Billie sits up and leans back on her hands, her legs still outstretched in front of her. Glen is still lying on his back beside her, dabbing his face with his sweat towel.
“Glen, that was fucked”
Glen tips his head back and laughs, dropping the towel back to the floor. “But you killed it”.
“I think it killed me” Billie replies exasperated, dropping head back and looking up at the ceiling, “I am going to be so sore tomorrow”.
Glen chuckles and moves to sit up from the floor, his sweaty skin sticking to the floor beneath him.
“I really need a shower”.
“That makes two of us” Billie laughs, “But I don’t think I can stand up”.
Glen laughs, letting out a groan of effort as he hauls himself upright and stands. He reaches down for Billie’s hand and pulls her up, unable to stop his eyes from flickering to boobs in the tight white tank she’s wearing.
“I also need food” Billie announces, taking a long sip from her water bottle and smoothing back her sweaty hair,  “I’m suddenly starving”.
Glen nods in agreement. 
“I was going to ask if you wanted to grab a bite after this?” he asks, eyes searching her face as he looks down at her, “If you still have the day free of course”.
Billie’s lips part into a smile, and Glen can’t help the way his own smile grows. 
“My day is totally empty”
“Oh really?” Glen inquires, one eyebrow raised, “Does that mean I can steal you for dinner too?”.
Billie laughs, shrugging her shoulders adorably, “If you don’t get sick of me before then, sure”.
Glen shakes his head and reaches out to touch Billie’s arm, flashing her his most charming grin and loving the way she looks back at him in that moment. 
“I’m not sure that's actually possible Billie”.
Billie smiles, and Glen can’t tell if her cheeks flushing is from their workout or from his comment.
They walk over to their bags, Glen bending and handing Billie hers before bending to pick up his own. 
“Did you want to shower here? Or head home and meet up again?”
Billie shakes her head and holds out her hand, “I brought a change of clothes like you said, I’m happy to shower here. But it’s up to you?”
“No no, here’s good” Glen says, dabbing at his face again with his towel, “You should see the bathrooms here. They're pretty fuckin’ amazing”. 
They walk towards the elevator and step in when the doors open, Billie’s perfume filling his nose as she brushes past. Glen presses the button for level 12, the two standing in comfortable silence as the doors close and they move up the building. 
The elevator dings and the doors open up to the reveal the luxury spa, shower and sauna level, Glen letting Billie step out in front of him.
“The female bathrooms are that way” Glen says, reaching up to run a hand through his sweaty hair, “I’ll meet you back out here?”
Billie nods, looking over in the direction of the bathrooms and back up at Glen with a soft smile.
“See you in a bit”.
This shower is better than the one at Billie’s house. No actually, it's the best shower she's ever used. At the gym of all places. 
It's all dark moody tile and black furnishings, the rainfall shower head providing the most amazing water pressure on her already aching muscles. Not to mention the luxury skin care products that are just free to use.
She’s in shower heaven. 
Or she would be, if Glen was in there with her.
Billie tips her head back and lets the warm water cascade over her, unable to think of little else except Glen. 
The way his muscles had rippled beneath his skin as he’d pulled himself up on the chin up bar, the way his biceps had flexed and moved as he’d picked up each dumbbell. Billie had barely been able to concentrate on her own exercises, not when Glen was looking like that, and certainly not when he was looking at her the way he had been. It was like he wanted to devour her - and if they hadn't been in public, she probably would have let him. 
Right there in the middle of the gym floor.
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Their workout has left her feeling all wound up in more ways than one, like forty five minutes of insane heated foreplay without a finish line. If she were at home, she’d probably play with herself. 
She thinks about Glen in the shower, thinking about how badly she wants to have him pressed up naked against her, to feel his thick arms around her frame, his lips on her skin. 
What was this man doing to her?
Forty eight hours of knowing the guy and she's already desperate for him.
She wonders idly if he’s thinking about her the same way she is right now, suddenly remembering that he’s probably waiting for her outside and that she should get on with it. She exhales heavily through her nose and rinses the last of the soap suds from her skin, letting herself enjoy the shower for thirty more seconds before she turns off the tap.
Billie steps out of the shower and dries herself with the fluffiest white towel she’s ever used, changing into a pair of light blue mom jeans and a loose white button up shirt. She looks back at her reflection in the giant mirror of the luxury bathroom, tucking the front of her shirt loosely into the waist of her jeans and buttoning it just enough that it teases just a hint of cleavage.
She reapplies her makeup keeping it glowy and natural, using the gym’s very expensive hair dryer and blow waving her hair just enough that it’s tameable. She pulls her hair back into a loose braid leaving out a few face framing pieces, spritzing her favourite peachy perfume onto her neck and wrists. She steps back and looks over her reflection once more, deciding she’s happy with her look, packing up her things and walking out of the bathroom.
Billie does a double take when she walks out to find Glen sitting waiting for her on one of the cream leather lounges near the elevator, looking somehow even more handsome than he had earlier. 
He’s now dressed in a cream henley shirt and brown trousers, a pair of brown leather boots on his feet. His shirt is unbuttoned just enough that she can see the beginnings of his dark chest hair, his hair still damp from the shower and falling messily but somehow still perfectly.
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As if he wasn’t handsome enough just looking like that, Billie feels her breath catch when he looks up and sees her, his lips parting in an utterly gorgeous smile.
Billie tries not to notice the way her body feels as his eyes run over every inch of her, following her hips as she walks towards him.
“You look gorgeous”.
Billie smiles. “See, I was just thinking that about you”.
Glen laughs and stands up in front of her, pressing the button for the elevator and holding open the door for her as they walk in. 
“Were you feeling anything particular for lunch?” he says looking down at her, Billie standing close enough to smell his delicious aftershave and fighting the urge to reply with ‘Besides you?’.
“I’m not fussy”.
Glen nods. “Good, I know just the place”.
“Were you really?” Billie asks, shaking her head in exasperation, “No way, I’ve seen that movie a thousand times, I’d have recognised you”
Glen laughs and nods his head, putting his hand on his heart to emphasize that he’s telling the truth,  “I swear I am. I’m in the stock exchange scene”. 
Billie’s brow furrows, like she’s replaying the scene in her head, and Glen chuckles when she reaches into her purse and pulls out her phone. 
“No way. I have to look this up”.
They’d just had lunch - they’d gotten sandwiches at one of Glen’s favourite spots near the Santa Monica beach. It was a little hole in the wall place with an outdoor courtyard type area at the back, and best of all, it wasn’t too well known about. On this sunny Sunday afternoon, it was the perfect choice.
He and Billie are sitting side by side in a wooden booth together, having just finished their food. They’d been there nearly three hours now, the conversation and laughs between them flowing effortlessly. It’s only been two days, and yet somehow Glen feels like he’s known Billie for months. 
They’d been talking about music choices when they exercised, Billie revealing that she actually liked to listen to movie scores when she ran - namely, superhero movie scores, saying that they made her feel motivated and pumped to keep going. That had brought them to talking about The Dark Knight Rises, at which point Glen had laughed and told her that he was actually in that movie.
He keeps his eyes on her face as she types on her phone, looking over her glowy skin and dark lashes, her full lips that make him want to kiss her for hours.
He hears the beginnings of a video play, the familiar menacing voice of Tom Hardy’s Bane character, watching as Billie’s eyes suddenly light up, her mouth dropping open in surprise.
“Oh my God it is you!” she exclaims adorably, looking up at Glen and then back at her screen still in disbelief, “How have I not noticed that before? How old are you there? You look like a baby”.
Glen laughs and takes a sip of his soda bottle, tapping his fingers against the plastic. 
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“Twenty-something---, twenty-four, I think?” he says just as he hears Bane smash his character’s head into a computer.
“You know, I actually got a real concussion during that take. Tom got a bit too into his character and instead of just tapping me on the head like he was supposed to, he actually slammed my head down. Had to go see a medic and everything”
Billie’s eyes widen in shock for the second time, a soft laugh of surprise slipping from her lips. “Oh my god, really?”.
He nods and they both laugh, Glen looking over Billie as she shifts in her seat to better face him.
The afternoon sun is warm and Glen has since shed his jacket, his gaze hidden behind his sleek sunglasses. He takes advantage of that fact, savouring every moment of his eyes on Billie’s available skin, the edge of a pale blue bra peeking out from the dip of her shirt from this new angle.
He tries not to notice the way one of her denim covered thighs is now pressed against his, or the way one side of her white shirt has slipped down to expose her golden collarbone. He finds his imagination wondering what her skin would taste like on his tongue, how it would feel beneath his lips if he kissed along it.
Billie lifts her hand to look down at her watch and back up at Glen.
“You need to go?”. 
“No no, just thinking about Nugget”.
“If you want to go home and check on him it’s okay Billie”
“I want to” she says, her voice trailing off into a pause, “But, I also don’t want to leave”.
Glen smiles back at her, his eyes crinkling behind his sunglasses.
“Well, how about this then?” he asks, reaching up to run his fingers through his now dry hair, “You go home and grab Nugget, and then the two of you come to mine a little later for dinner?”
Billie tilts her head as looks at him, the corner of her mouth tugging into a smile, “Oh that is incredibly tempting”.
He grins and leans in towards her, loving the way her gorgeous hazel eyes are looking back at him. 
“Anything I can do to make it even more so?”
Billie ponders for a moment, her eyes still on his, her tongue sliding out to wet her pink lips.
“Well, for starters, keep smiling at me like that” Billie says, leaning her elbow on the table between them and resting her cheek on her hand, “Do you have any idea how handsome you are? Like, it's almost unfair how attractive you are”.
Glen chuckles softly, the sound rumbling in his throat.
“I’ve been thinking that same thought about you since the moment I met you at Rufus, Billie”.
“Oh really? You think I’m handsome?” Billie teases, a laugh bubbling up in her throat.
Glen only grins, reaching up to brush a loose hair from her face, swearing he sees her suck in a silent breath.
“Actually you know what” Billie breathes, her voice almost a whisper, “I think there is something you can do to tempt me more so”.
Glen raises a curious eyebrow, acutely aware of how close his face now is to hers.
“What’s that darlin?”
Billie exhales quietly, her perfect lips stretching into a soft, sexy smile.
“Kiss me”.
Glen needs no instruction after that.
He tilts Billie’s chin with his finger and angles her face to his, closing his eyes and pressing his lips to hers.
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grimoireofhayley · 1 year
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, eventual Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ Content, Stalking, Possessiveness, Dirty talk
Word Count: 1.7k
Tag List: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @fanfic-enjoyer123
A/n: I had so much fun writing this part! Quick reminder, it’s based on the Scream 1996 movie so there will be a lot of the plot in it 🙂 Let me know what you think of this chapter down in the comments below 👇🏻 criticism is also appreciated, but don’t be too harsh lol. It just leaves room for more improvement, and if you want to be added to the taglist let me know below 🥰 Lastly, it’s also my first time writing a smut-like scene, so hopefully it isn’t too cringe… I haven’t proofread yet, but I’ll be doing that as it’s published and I’ll make changes as I go. Thank you for reading! I’m excited to see where this series will go!
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 5
The landline rang and rang, interrupting your peaceful slumber. You groaned, slowly sitting up on your couch, sinking into the black cushions, tossing the fuzzy-dark purple blanket to the side.
“What the?” You murmured, half awake. You groggily rubbed at your eyes, attempting to get rid of any sleep that lingered.
You glanced at the blinking red and bold numbers that flashed across the alarm clock that sat quietly on the couch-side table; indicating that it was now 10:30pm.
School had ended several hours ago, so who could possibly be calling?
‘Hmm, maybe it’s Sidney calling to apologize.’ You thought, jokingly, knowing that she’d never do that.
“Alright, alright. I’m coming!” You moaned, annoyed at the frequent ringing that seemed to get louder and louder.
Pushing yourself off of what was your comfortable ‘bed’, you trekked to the kitchen where your landline was blaring.
You picked up the black phone, placing it against your ear.
“Ugh, hello?” You asked.
No answer, but you heard heavy breathing on the other side. “I said, hello?” You narrowed your eyes, leaning up against your marbled-kitchen counter.
“Hello…” A man spoke, his voice was odd, but eerily beautiful sounding. “Who is this?” He asked, and you tapped your fingers against your cheek, somewhat pissed.
“I should be asking you that.” You retorted, “But I’ll bite, who are you trying to reach?” You were genuinely curious to know because it’s not often you get phone calls like this, you should probably help in some way or another, right?
“What number is this?” He asked yet another question, ignoring what you had already asked.
You scoffed, he’s playing games, that you can tell.
“Why don’t you look at your caller ID and see?” You snipped, not in the mood for any pranks.
“I could do that, but why don’t you tell me?”
“Ah, no thanks, I assume you have eyes. You can do it yourself.” You mumbled, “What I can tell you, is that you have the wrong number.”
“Do I?”
“Yeah, no shit. It happens, though. Take it easy.” You huffed, hanging up.
You went to walk to the front door, but your telephone started to ring again, you turned on the soles of your feet, starting your journey back to your previous spot.
“He wants to play games, fine, I’ll play.” You gritted your teeth, picking up the bulky phone again.
“I’m sorry, I guess I dialed the wrong number.”
It was the same guy.
“And you dialed it again, because?” Your attitude rises with each word you speak.
“To apologize.”
“Okay, you’re forgiven, bye..” You sighed about to hang up again.
“Wait, wait, don’t hang up!” He quickly spoke.
“What is it?”
“I want to talk to you.”
You smiled, your mood drifting from annoyed to intrigued. You are somewhat enjoying this now, but you didn’t know why. Maybe it had something to do with his voice; it was attractive and husky sounding, almost hoarse. Voices like that always had you in a chokehold, the gruffness could and would send you spiraling, maybe that is why Steve was able to charm you so easily.
“They’ve got over 500 numbers for that.” You chuckled, “But I’m honored you chose this house to annoy… but I really should be going now.” You fibbed, hanging up.
You walked to the front door to make sure it was locked, thankfully it was.
Your basic horror-movie instincts kicking in.
Peaking through the eyehole, you looked around to see if anyone was dawdling around.
Ring… ring, ring…
There’s that damn phone again.
You headed back to the landline, brushing your hair out of your face, and placed the object against your ear for what seemed like the millionth time.
“Why don’t you want to talk to me?” He sounded upset.
‘Does this guy ever let up?’ You asked yourself.
“Alright, who is this?” You nagged.
“Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine.”
“I don’t think so.” You unraveled the phone’s cord, walking towards the fridge, opening it and grabbing a bag of chips, which made a crinkling sound.
“What’s that noise?”
“Oh, sorry, I was grabbing chips.” You giggled, not meaning to apologize to a complete stranger about grabbing chips, it was a dumb thing to apologize for.
“Chips? I only ever eat chips during a movie…” He prolonged the word movie, making it last longer than it should.
“Huh, maybe I should put one on…” You said out loud, insinuating that it was a good idea, it’s not like you will be sleeping tonight, anyways. You had a 6 hour nap today, hence why you woke up so late. You’d probably still be sleeping right now if this strange person hadn’t called you.
You debated whether you should or not watch a movie, but decided that you would in the long run.
“Really? What movie?”
“I’m thinking of a scary movie.”
“You like scary movies?”
“Uh-huh..” You smirked, biting the tail end of your thumb nail.
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Halloween… easily. Something about a tall-masked man that stalks his prey, almost like a game of cat and mouse, turns me on..” You blubbered, the smirk never leaving your face.
“I’d watch that over a good porno any day.” You admitted, inadvertently getting yourself turned on, Michael Myers, was easily someone you’d try to escape just by fucking him; in your rules of Fight, Flight or Fuck, you’d go with fuck, even if it got you killed for trying.
It’s a peculiar thought and probably something you should get help with; especially if it involves wanting to fuck a slasher of all things, but no one needs to know, well, minus that this complete stranger now knows it.
The person on the other end was completely flustered and not expecting what you had said, usually his victims fall prey to these little games, and he finds out more about them during the process, making it easier to get into their home. However, with you, despite already knowing you, he didn’t know that…
You’re a slasher-fucker.
“Hello?” You spoke, bringing the unknown male back to reality.
“Really now?” He sounded flabbergasted, “Do you usually tell strangers this fact about yourself?” He teased.
You laughed, “No, I don’t actually. You’re the first, not even my best friend knows that dark fact about me.. Billy he’s—“ You stopped yourself, not meaning to blurt out his name, what if this was the killer?
You coughed awkwardly into your hand, changing the subject. “What’s your favourite scary movie?”
“Guess…” He taunted, but his head was elsewhere, ‘Huh, so I know something about (Y/n) that Billy doesn’t…’ He grinned behind his mask, feeling a bit of triumph.
“Umm, A Nightmare on Elm Street?” You uttered in his ear, bringing him back with the lull of your voice.
“Is that the one where the guy has knives for fingers?”
“Yeah, Freddy Krueger.” You gleamed, another Slasher you’d like to get your hands on as sick as you are, too bad he was also fiction.
“Freddy, that's right. I liked that movie, it was scary.”
“Really? I didn’t find it that scary.”
“So, you got a boyfriend?” He asked, changing topics. “Or is it just Michael Myers you’d love to have?” He rambled, a hint of lust hanging off a thread in his words. He was enjoying this too much, the fact that you’re probably just as twisted as him was enough to send his mind into the gutters, God, did he ever want to feel your cunt around his shaft; just knowing you’d probably let him fuck you because he’s a masked killer was giving him another hard one. He couldn’t help but reach under his cloak and start rubbing one out as he watched you from a distance.
You giggled again, completely enamored. “Why? You wanna ask me on a date?” You taunted, bending over the counter again, resting your chin in the palm of your hand. Your silk-black night gown, riding up your thigh, revealing more of your skin and your pink undergarments during your movement.
Unbeknownst to you, this caused the Watcher to struggle.
“Maybe. S-So, do you have a boyfriend?” He stuttered, not meaning to, as the pressure of his gloved hand shifted up and down faster and faster. It felt too good, and your voice was edging him on, getting him closer to his summit.
The cloaked figure rutted into his hand as his hot seed filled his palm. ‘F-fuck…’ he thought, jerking his hips as he finished his climax.
“Mm, no.”
“You never told me your name.” He grumbled, cleaning himself up, tucking his dick back into his pants.
“Why do you wanna know my name so bad?” You questioned,
“‘Cause I want to know who I’m looking at.”
You froze, becoming spooked. You gulped, “W-What did you say?”
You waited for him to speak, but all that was heard was silence, “Hello—“
You were cut off mid sentence by your doorbell ringing and you snapped your head up in that direction, you hung up immediately.
You placed the phone face down on the counter, walking over to your door. You looked out the peephole, seeing that no one was there.
Swiftly, you unlocked your door, hesitantly opening it, poking your head out, trying to get a better look outside, but all that was there was your car and a few stray animals scattering about.
You stepped out, but your foot had hit something. You jumped back, looking down.
There was a pink-coloured box with a red ribbon tied around it and a note.
You quirked a brow, picking it up. It was on the heavier side, but not completely.
You walked back to the kitchen gently placing it down on the counter next to your phone, carefully taking the note off and reading it out loud;
“You look so pretty when you’re spooked, especially in that little-black nightgown you’re wearing right now…” You gasped, your legs beginning to tremble in fear as your hands shook, but you roughed it out, wanting to finish the rest of the note, soon fearing the worst. “I brought you a little something from your ‘boyfriend’ Steve… Signed, G.F.”
“What… What the fuck?” You grimaced, putting the note beside you.
Gulping, you ripped the ribbon off and opened the box. Only for it to reveal another medium-sized box, you took that out, placing it outside of the other one.
You were quick to notice the red-splotches and felt the wetness of it. You shakily opened a drawer, and took out a kitchen knife, and cut the box open.
Your eyes widened as tears glossed over them, you dropped the knife to the ground and it cladded with the tiles as it seemed to have bounced in slow motion. You cupped your mouth, wanting to scream, but nothing came out, just silent whimpers as you looked at the human heart that laid in the box.
The phone rang again, causing you to twitch at the sudden sound.
You didn’t bring it to your ear this time, but you still heard that voice loud and clear.
“I hope you like your gift, (Y/n).”
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e-dubbc11 · 6 months
Trust Your Gut
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of rohypnol (date rape drug), fluff, smooches, mention of a little violence
Word Count: 2.7K-ish
Summary: You keep seeing a very handsome stranger every Friday at happy hour with your work friends. He saves you from a potential dangerous situation
A/N: Miss me? 🤣 I had a lovely vacation, didn’t really look forward to going back to work but I’m happy to be back to writing. And if there’s anything you’d like to see from me, don’t hesitate to send something to my inbox. Come say hi! ♥️ So anyway, I saw a prompt on the blog @creativepromptsforwriting and I wanted to use it. #1061 - “I have wanted to kiss you every time I’ve seen you smile.” “Then why haven’t you yet?”
Oh and I make mention of Tyler Durden, Brad Pitt’s character in Fight Club. If you haven’t seen it, what are you waiting for…it’s classic!
Not much else to say except I hope you like it! ♥️
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Before you had even set one foot into the bar today, you felt his presence.
That gut feeling you had all day while you were at work, a combination of butterflies and knots danced and twisted around in your stomach as you kept glancing at the time, waiting for the moment you could clock out so you could go and meet your friends for your usual Friday after-work drink.
For the past month, you had noticed him. The way his long dexterous fingers wrapped around the glass of bourbon, the way his throat moved up and down as the amber liquid trickled down his throat, and the clenching of his teeth as his drink hit his stomach.
He was so handsome, mysterious, and sexy as fuck. His eyes looked like two pieces of onyx that shined when the dim lights of the bar hit them just right and you tried your hardest not to seem like you were staring at him but he probably knew you were.
Every woman in that place stared at him. How could they not? Between his handsome face, the fancy suit and tie, those eyes you could get lost in, and a smile that made you weak in the knees, you were irresistibly drawn to him. He could have his pick of any woman but you were surprised that every woman that threw themselves at him, he turned them all down.
Actually, you didn’t care why he turned them down. You only cared that he did turn them down and you didn’t have to watch him leave with someone that wasn’t you but you were too shy to even think of speaking to someone of his caliber.
All of those thoughts disappeared as soon as you saw your friends waiting for you. You were there to have a good time with them, not to gawk at the handsome man in the fancy suit. They had saved you a seat and it happened to be near Mr. Fancy Pants’ table.
Your gut never lied; he was there already.
He was drinking with a few other guys also dressed in fancy suits. Your heart jumped from your chest into your throat and you managed to catch a glimpse of him before he could return your gaze although he probably didn’t even look away from his friends.
“I’m bringing someone for you next week, y/n.” Your friend Jenna said.
Your mind was somewhere else and you were staring off into space so you didn’t exactly hear her.
“What?” You replied.
She glared at you, pointed and asked, “You didn’t pay attention to a word I just said, did you.”
You felt bad and apologized.
“I’m sorry, Jenna. I guess I’m a little distracted.” You replied.
Every woman in the bar had a crush on Mr. Fancy Pants, but you didn’t let it show that you did too. It was difficult but you acted like he wasn’t even there. If there was a way for you to become invisible so no one would see you ogling him, you would do it in a heartbeat.
Stolen glances would have to do…for now.
The following Friday, your standing date with your friends was rapidly approaching and you were nervous about the guy Jenna said she was bringing for you. She said his name is Tyler and he is a personal trainer/boxer at the gym that she and her husband go to. Every time you heard the name “Tyler,” two words popped into your head…Fight Club.
“…And could you try not to mention Fight Club when you meet him? I knew exactly what you were thinking when I told you his name was Tyler.” Said Jenna.
You shrugged and said, “Ok, but you know that happens when I get nervous. I just start quoting movies or blurt out song lyrics. I can’t help it. It’s who I am.” You said with a slight chuckle and batting your eyelashes.
It almost sounded like Jenna didn’t want you to be yourself but she wanted you to be someone else when talking to Tyler but you would try to keep your movie quotes to a minimum, although you couldn’t make any guarantees.
He was nice enough, good looking, and seemed like he enjoyed his job. But he was a little full of himself, dull and didn’t seem like the brightest crayon in the box, nothing like the real object of your affection, Suit & Tie. Everyone in the room was drawn to him.
Without saying a word, he commanded your attention and always seemed in charge of everything. That kind of power over people turned you on, it sent a restless shiver down your spine, and a sudden warmth brushed across your cheeks.
Your blind date, however, droned on and on about the gym, his clients, some of them famous people, which didn’t impress you in the slightest. Your mind wandered, thinking about if Suit & Tie’s taste in bourbon was impeccable like his taste in suits.
Your desire to taste the bourbon on his lips kept getting stronger with every sip he took. The words coming out of Tyler’s mouth were not registering and it sounded like he was speaking underwater. That’s how little you were paying attention to what he was saying.
There was something about Tyler that wasn’t sitting right with you, though. He put out kind of a weird vibe but you couldn’t put your finger on exactly what it could be. Your intuition has never betrayed you before and you didn’t think it would start now.
Setting your empty glass onto the bar, you told Tyler you needed to use the ladies’ room and said you would order another beer when you got back. Emerging from the bathroom, you were startled to see who was standing in front of you. Mr. Fancy Pants. Your stomach lurched upward toward your throat before settling back down and he wasted no time starting the conversation.
“You have a date tonight, I see.” He said softly with a warm smile.
He noticed that he scared you.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized and extended his hand for you to shake. “Billy Russo…nice to meet you.”
Shaking his hand, you replied, “OH! I’m y/n, it’s really nice to meet you Billy. And yeah it’s—it’s a blind date.”
Billy moved in closer, caging you in against the wall down the long and narrow hallway. The scent of his spicy cologne floated past your nose and he placed his hand against the wall just above your head. He was even more handsome up close.
“Do you like him?” He asked in a serious tone as the line of his mouth tightened a fraction more.
Not really knowing how to respond, you stumbled over your words at first but managed to pull yourself together long enough to answer him.
“Oh…well…I dunno,” You had started to say. “Actually…I feel like there’s just something off about Tyler but I don’t know what it is.” You whispered.
Billy’s endless brown eyes stared into yours. He looked…angry but you weren’t frightened.
“You felt that, huh?” He replied.
Nervously, you nodded.
“Yeah, I felt that too and confirmed it when I saw him slip something into the fresh beer that’s waiting for you on the bar.” He said through clenched teeth.
You covered your mouth in disbelief.
“WHAT?! I purposely didn’t order another beer yet so I could watch it being poured.” You asked in a scared tone.
“Look, I know you don’t know me but I don’t want anything to happen to you because, well…I” Billy trailed off. “Do you trust me?”
Strangely enough, you did. You trusted him like you’ve known him for years.
“Y-yes, I do…Billy.” You answered.
The corners of his mouth turned up into a sly smile.
“Good, because I’ve kinda developed a little crush on you in the four weeks I’ve been comin’ in here. I keep suggesting this place to my team, hopin’ I’d get to see you.” He whispered in your ear, his hand still pressed against the wall, and his slight New York accent peeking through.
His words went straight to your core and instantly goosebumps peppered across your skin as the scent of bourbon escaped his lips when he spoke.
“Really?” You asked, shyly.
Biting down on his lower lip, he nodded.
“Well…I may have a little crush on you too.” You said with a slight smile.
Your hands trembled as you reached for his tie. Sliding it through your fingers, you looked up at him through your long dark lashes, desperately wanting him to kiss you and not caring that you just officially met him a few minutes ago.
Billy Russo was the one person in the entire bar that you felt like you could trust wholeheartedly and that included the trust you had in your co-workers and friends. It was hard to explain but everything about him just felt right.
Billy had inched close enough for the two of you to share the same air, causing you to swallow hard before he spoke again.
“I have wanted to kiss you every time I’ve seen you smile.” He said slowly as he grazed your cheek with his knuckles and tucked a stray hair behind your ear, away from your face.
Billy’s lips ghosted over yours as you asked with a smile, “Then why haven’t you yet?”
Flashing that million-dollar smile, he gently cupped your cheeks and drew your face closer to his before his lips were pressed firmly against yours. They tasted like vanilla with a mixture of sweetness and bite as he continued to kiss you a little harder now. Your stomach dropped when his body pressed up against you and your hands migrated to his raven colored hair.
His kisses were even better than you imagined they would be.
Breathlessly, his name fled from your lips as he kissed up and down the side of your neck. You completely lost yourself in the moment before snapping back to reality and remembered about Tyler, your friends, and the fact that no one has been down this hallway since you came out of the ladies’ room.
“Billy…no one’s come down here looking for either one of us.” You said.
He pulled back and said with a devilish grin, “Oh I got a guy at the end of the hallway preventing anyone from coming down here. I didn’t want any interruptions before I could tell you what that asshole did to your drink.”
“Shit…I keep forgetting about that.” You said, pressing your palm to your forehead.
Billy smirked again. “I’ll take that as a compliment, pretty eyes. Have dinner with me.” He commanded.
“Are you requesting or demanding?” You asked with a warm smile.
He leaned in to kiss you again.
“Please?” Asked Billy.
Without any hesitation, you replied, “Well since you asked nicely…yes, I’d love to Mr. Fancy Pants.”
Billy started to laugh.
“Mr. Fancy Pants, huh.” Said Billy.
You shrugged.
“Well, I didn’t know your name so that’s just how I referred to you in my head.” You said with a slight chuckle. “Suit & Tie was another one I used.”
He laughed at that one too.
“Well, I like both of them.” He said.
Just as he finished his sentence, a voice boomed from down the hall.
“Hey Bill!”
Billy yelled back.
“Yeah, what is it Frankie?!”
“You done warnin’ Miss Pretty Eyes about that fuckin’ scumbag yet?! Says he needs to use the bathroom.” He said, his voice dripping with disdain.
You narrowed your eyes slightly as the corners of your mouth curled into a smile.
“Pretty Eyes? You’ve told other people about the nickname, I see.” You said to Billy.
Billy winked at you and replied to his friend.
“Go ahead, Frankie. Let him down here and then you can watch me work!” Yelled Billy, with a devilish grin.
He was breathless with anger. Clenching his teeth, you watched as Billy’s hand balled into a fist until his knuckles shown white. The same knuckles that were gently brushing your cheek a few moments ago were getting ready to connect with Tyler’s face.
“You’re gonna hurt him, aren’t you.” You said nervously; your hands shaking slightly.
Billy kissed you on the forehead and replied, “Tyler’s walkin’ in to his own personal Fight Club. I’m gonna make sure he’ll think twice before doing that to someone else, y/n.”
The reference to Fight Club made you laugh. Movie references randomly popped into your head at any given time. It appeared that they randomly popped into Billy’s head also. This guy just might be your person.
“Ah, you forgot the first rule of Fight Club, Mr. Russo!” You chuckled a little. “So, do you beat people up professionally orrrrr?” You asked sarcastically.
He gave you another wicked smile and said, “We can talk about that at dinner and then you can remind me what the rules of Fight Club are.”
Immediately after he started walking down the hall, Tyler began running his mouth, telling Billy to get away from me, and “hope he’s ready to have his ass kicked.” When he got close, Tyler took a couple swings at him but missed and Billy proceeded to show him what happens to guys who mess with other people’s drinks.
Shoving Tyler out of the back door, Billy bloodied him enough to where you knew he’d never do that to anyone ever again and had the bartender call the police. When they dumped the beer out, there was some white residue along the bottom of the glass.
“Hey, he took swings at me first. I was just defending myself.” Said Billy, after being asked why Tyler’s face looked like a mangled piece of meat.
Bar patrons and Frank had watched Tyler swing first so they corroborated Billy’s story that he was “defending himself” and Jenna apologized for trying to set you up with such a creep. It wasn’t her fault; how could she have known? But she still felt pretty bad about the whole thing.
“I promise, I’ll never try and set you up again. I’m not very good at it, apparently.” She said, her voice heavy with sarcasm.
“Well maybe if this works out, you won’t have to set me up again.” You said.
Watching Billy talk to the police, you felt a sense of relief, and it scared you to think of what would have happened if he wasn’t there. If he wasn’t watching at that exact moment, something terrible could have happened to you.
Billy had finished talking with the cops when you rushed over to him, crashed into his chest and wrapped your arms tightly around his torso. The shock of it all had worn off and you were left thinking about all of the bad things that could have happened.
He was surprised but returned your embrace as tears streaked down your face.
“Hey, hey it’s ok, y/n. It’s ok. You’re safe.” He whispered against the top of your head.
“Thank you, Billy.” You said with a hitch in your voice, trying not to get your tears on his shirt.
You just kept thanking him over and over again. You had to make sure he knew just how grateful you were to him for today.
“I’ll never let anything bad happen to you…pretty eyes. You can trust me.” Said Billy with a slight smile.
His voice was calm and smooth like warm honey. He soothed you and reassured you that you were alright. Billy’s long arms wrapped around you, his body was a warm cradle for yours, and you fit perfectly against him.
“I know I can, Billy. I don’t know how I know…but I do.” You said as the corners of your mouth curled into a shy smile.
Brushing his beard with your thumbs, you leaned in to kiss him again. Instinctively, you knew there was something off about Tyler but at the same time, your gut told you there was something about Billy Russo that fit just right.
You would just have to remember to really listen to that inner voice from now on when it tells you something important, whether it’s bad or very…very…good.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @ittybxttykxttytxtty @mrsbillyrusso @russosafehaven
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 8
And we're back! Are you guys getting my tags, the engagement dropped again. I know that in America there was the holiday but it kinda dropped off before that and I saw other blogs that didn't have their tags work at all. So let me know if you aren't seeing all my posts.
Steve talks to Keith, learns some unsettling news and Robin is awesome.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Billy Hargrove was a racist, chauvinistic asshole with a savior complex longer than his dick, but he was also one hundred times the better man than Dr. Martin Brenner. Granted Brenner was scraping the bottom of the ocean, but Steve was grateful for not having had to deal with him when he was around.
He also knew that he wasn’t going to speak to the Dominus today. He was going to speak to his second in command, Keith Prince.
He didn’t like Steve, and Steve didn’t know why. But considering that despite the last name, he looked more like a toad than a prince, Steve had a pretty good idea the dude was just jealous of Steve’s good looks.
He walked up to the coven, bare ass on display, having just shifted.
“The fuck do you want, Harrington?” Keith snarled. “And why can’t you come dressed like decent folk?”
“Because I’m a werewolf, Keith,” Steve sighed. “The fastest way for me to travel is to wolf out.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “You could always send Carol or Robin to do your dirty work. That is what keepers are for, aren’t they?”
“That’s isn’t happening in this or any life time,” Steve growled. “Not after you propositioned Robin the last time I sent her here on pack business.”
Keith just sneered. “What. Do. You. Want? I’m busy!”
Steve sighed. “Tell your Dominus that we may have the public school system to blame for the raise in hunters and to ask his thralls what they’ve heard.”
Keith scoffed. “He already knows about that shit and they don’t know nothin’.”
Steve’s spine stiffened at the tone and the fact that Billy already knew about the thing with Josh.
So either he had Lucy in his pocket, or there was a spy in his pack. Neither was an option he wanted to entertain.
Steve showed his teeth, forcing Keith to back down.
“You shouldn’t lie to an alpha, dumbass,” he snarled. “I can smell the stench of the lie coming off you like stale weed. You tell your Dominus that if he thinks he can push me around, remind him what happened to the last asshole who crossed me.”
Keith straightened up and bowed his head. “My apologies, alpha.”
Steve snapped his jaw at Keith before shifting back into a wolf. A wolf that could look Keith in the eye. He showed his teeth again and was gratified when he smelled the scent of urine wafting from the vampire.
He leapt through the door, leaving the scent of urine, lies, and fear far behind him.
Steve came back in time to see Josh off to his parents. He watched as Josh chatted happily with them over everything he did.
“…Did you know that a single werewolf could eat up to thirty pounds of meat a day? But not raw, that’s a myth...” Josh prattled on, his parents giving each other amused glances behind his back.
Steve turned to Tommy, the keeper that was hiding in the crow’s nest near the entrance.
“It sounded like he had fun,” he said, as Tommy leapt down in front him.
“Carol wanted to straight up adopt him,” Tommy said with a sneer.
“She always did have a soft spot for strays,” Steve murmured as Tommy fell instep next to him. “Especially strays that love shopping.”
Tommy nose twitched. “You went to that vampire mongrel’s again, didn’t you? I can smell him from here.”
Steve smacked Tommy’s head. “He’s not a mongrel just because he was made instead of born. Where are you kids getting these ideas? Jesus Christ.”
He snorted. “Whatever, I can still smell him.”
“I saw the mayor and visited the coven too,” Steve said dryly. “I was doing my duties as an alpha. There is something wrong in this town and I am going to figure out what.”
Tommy sniffed again. “Yeah, I get it. I don’t want Hopper back as the alpha anymore then most of this pack, so you better figure it out, before you get yourself killed.”
Steve pushed him playfully. “Shut it, Tommy!”
Tommy laughed. “I bet I can beat you to the center, no shifting.”
“You’re on!”
Steve was in his hut? Cottage? Living structure? He was never sure what to call all the little houses that was in the compound. Hell, he didn’t even like the word compound, really. It felt cult-ish. Which they weren’t.
Werewolves had tried living in towns for millennia and it never worked out well for the werewolves. They would get blamed for everything from failed crops, high infant mortality rates, and plagues.
So they started forming their own communities inside towns. Much like the Vatican and Italy.
Well whatever anyone called them, it was home.
Steve was at home, playing cards with Robin.
“So what did you think of Josh today?” he asked, drawing a card.
“I bet Tommy whined about it all the way back to the center of camp,” Robin said with a scoff.
“It’s actually fucking ridiculous how much the pack is so...so...” he threw his hands in the air frustration. “Fuck I don’t know the right word for it. But click-ee?”
“Clicky?” Robin asked. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You know, a click,” Steve said. “The jocks, the cowboys, the goths, the freaks. A click.”
“Ohhh...” she said. “A clique.”
Steve frowned. “Isn’t that what I just said?”
Robin half shrugged. “Sort of. But yeah, I’ll agree to the pack becoming more and more cliquey. It’s become very insular since...” she paused to think. “Actually I don’t when it started, but it’s recent. I just can’t tell you how recent.”
Steve hummed. “It’s becoming a problem and one I don’t know how to fix. I mean Josh and Chance here will help not only them realize that we aren’t monsters, but that regular humans aren’t monsters either.”
Robin nodded. “It’s certainly a step in the right direction. You need to get out more in the community. Do Q&As at the town hall and middle school.”
Steve scratched his cheek thoughtfully. He placed all his cards down. “Out.”
“Skunked again!” Robin shrieked. “How are you so good at this game?”
Steve just shrugged. “Why not elementary schools?” She stared at him blankly. “For the whole Q&A thing.”
“Oh, that,” she said, waving her hand. “Because despite there being an actual werewolf in the school no teacher or parent would agree to you speaking to kids that young.”
Steve sighed. She was probably right. “’K, so middle schools and town halls help with the community at large but what about the pack?”
She just shrugged. “That’s something you should really talk to your alpha female about, you know.” She scooped up the cards and began shuffling them.
Steve sighed. He did know. But he also knew that Nancy was still very much a conservative when it came to pack dynamics. She had actually turned him down twice because she felt that the alphas should be mated.
It wasn’t until Steve asked her and she couldn’t come up with a logical, non-sexist reason why that should be the case that she accepted the role.
“I love her dearly,” he said instead. “But I just kinda want to spit ball some ideas with you that I can take to her. So I don’t look stupid.”
Robin shoved his shoulder playfully. “She doesn’t think you’re stupid.”
Steve scoffed. She really, really did.
“Okay,” Robin conceded. “Maybe a little.”
“There is also the little matter of the spy,” Steve grumbled.
Robin grimaced and chewed her bottom lip. “You know it’s Tommy, right? Please tell me you know it’s Tommy.”
Steve frowned. “No. Why would it be Tommy?”
She sighed and scooted close to him. “Steve, he’s been hanging on Billy’s coattails at school. He’s always talking about how great Billy is on and off the court. Hell, if I thought Billy liked boys I wouldn’t be surprised to learn Tommy was sucking his dick.”
Steve ran his fingers through his hair. “But I need to make sure. I just can’t go accusing people without proof.”
“I don’t think you should accuse him at all.”
Steve reared back in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, dingus,” Robin said slyly. “You make sure to tell Tommy things you know you want Billy to know. Because a spy you know is better than one you don’t.”
Steve gave her a big hug. “I wish you were my alpha female.”
She hugged him back. “I know.”
“Have you thought about asking for the bite when you turn eighteen?”
She shuffled back a bit and put her hands on her knees and then nodded. “Yeah. I’ve talked to my parents about it. They’re uneasy about having a werewolf for a daughter.”
Steve sighed. “I’m sorry. Maybe the town hall meetings and the Q&As with kids will help.”
She nodded.
“Thanks, Steve.”
He kissed her cheek. “Between you and I we are going to change the world.”
She looked at him shyly. “You really think so?”
“I know so.”
Robin pushed his shoulder again. “You are such a sap.”
Steve laughed. “Yes, but you knew that.”
She looked at the scar on his neck and then reached out to touch it. “I’m sorry they did that to you.”
He shivered at her touch. “I don’t mind it.”
“I do, Steve,” she said fiercely. “They hurt you because they were afraid of you.”
He sighed. “When my parents died, the Franklins were the only ones in town willing to take me in. The only people who knew about the silver collar they made me wear was just the three of us until I turned eighteen.”
“How did no one else know?” Robin asked gently.
“I only wore it when they were home at home,” Steve murmured. “I wasn’t forced to wear it at school. Just at home where I ‘might’ hurt them.”
“It’s still cruel.”
Steve just shrugged.
“Whatever happened to them?” she asked after a moment or two of awkward silence.
“Officially or unofficially?” Steve asked with a smirk.
“There’s an official story?” Robin said eagerly.
He laughed. “Sure is. They are currently on a business trip to...” he looked at his watch, “Tokyo, Japan.”
“What the hell?” she gasped excitedly. “What’s the real story?”
“Only Wayne and I know where their bodies are buried.”
Robin giggled and kicked her feet. “That’s amazing!”
Steve smiled at her fondly. She really was his platonic soulmate.
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag list: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @bookbinderbitch @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @goosesister @tinyplanet95 @anaibis @she-collects-smut @irregular-child
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midnight-black2 · 4 months
now that it's farleigh's week in your event (yay!!) could i request prompt #10 for him?
i really can't imagine farleigh in a serious committed relationship, so i guess having a fuckbuddy's as close as he can get lmao; maybe reader was initially brought into the cattons' as venetia's friend but they really hit it off with farleigh and they both decided to be friends with benefits bc neither of them could be bothered with an actual partner?
i'll let you decide if they're actually chill with this arrangement or if there are some unsaid feelings between them, ty for your time byee <3
pairing : farleigh start x reader
synopsis : what the req says
disclaimers : smut with a (kinda) plot, handjob (m!receiving), sub!farleigh, dom!reader, gn!reader, choking (m!recieving), slight degradation if you squint, praise, reader can have a dick or strap
note : based off of billie eilish's "my strange addiction." fun fact : i'm going to her concert when she goes on tour later in the year !! also thanks for the compliment ! anyways, enjoy !
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you were addictive, insatiable, really. he couldn't get enough of you, and he had never felt like that before. he had sworn any fuck-buddy off--actually, he had sworn love itself off. there was no way he could be in a relationship for longer than two weeks and not get tired of it. but you? you made him second guess that. a at
it was an agreement that was mutual from both parties. you two had quite literally held an oath that you would never fall in love, ever. none of that sappy stupid shit. you guys simply just got too bored too easily. but, but...no. but nothing. that was how it was, and farleigh knew it. so he was content. he was content with you fucking him stupid, experimenting with him, and if he was really lucky, exhibiting some sort of aftercare. he was content, more than.
"does that feel good, farleigh? you like it when i do that?" you teased, as you squeezed the hand wrapped around his throat a bit. not too tight, but tight enough the restrict his breathing slightly. he nodded, letting out a choked moan. you were simply getting him off, your hand wrapped around his cock going at a merciless pace.
"god, look at you. already fucked dumb, hm? a little pathetic, baby," you said, smirking. he whined, bucking his hips into your hand.
"s-sorry, shit, m'sorry," he apologized, before throwing his head back in pleasure. it went on like that until he came, crying out weakly. and then? you guys exited the room as if nothing even happened. like he didn't just make a mess of a bed that wasn't even his. like you didn't just wash his cum off your hands. but sure, nothing happened.
you fled to venetia, where she was playing tennis with felix. they took a quick break, and she called you over.
"goodness, where were you? we were looking for you two," she said, dramatically.
"oh yeah, sure you were," you replied, with a playful eye roll.
"we were," felix butted in, tilting his head to the side.
"really? looks to me like you guys were playing tennis," you said, quirking a brow.
"well eventually we got tired of looking," venetia said, smiling.
"but seriously, where were you guys?" asked felix, as he looked between you guys. you and farleigh exchanged a glance, and he tried to suppress a smirk.
"three guesses," you guys said in unison. both felix and venetia rolled their eyes.
"smoking," venetia suggested, shrugging.
"talking shit," felix said, looking at her. "or..."
"or...?" she questioned.
"or you guys were fucking," felix said, and you laughed.
"you have no evidence to support that claim," you said, simply. farleigh snickered. truthfully, everyone knew about you and farleigh. the tension was always there, but nobody chose to speak on it. everyone also knew that maybe you guys were more than just friends with benefits.
there were other times that made farleigh especially second guess himself. the times where you weren't so mean. when you talked him through it, fucking him softly and with care. that always made his heart beat faster (it also made his orgasm come faster too).
"that's it, farleigh. you're doing so well for me," you said, softly. he whimpered as you fucked him. easy goes, in and out. he was calling out your name deliciously.
"f-fuck, oh my god Y/N," he moaned. "i-i can't."
"i know, baby. just cum for me this one last time, okay?" he nodded, wanting to be good for you. wanting to please you as much as possible. after a little longer of bringing him near his high, he came with a silent moan. a few tears fell down his cheek, but you were quick to wipe them away.
"there you go, you're so good, farleigh," you said, gently cupping his cheek.
yeah...all in all, farleigh was pretty fucked. he had feelings for you, no denying it. but for now, he would be happy with what he had.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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heaven4lostgirls · 5 months
Work for it (S.R)
pairing: steve rogers x reader, billy russo x reader
warning: angst, steve is still an ass but he's working on it! they also have a civil conversation for once
summary: the aftermath of the party, some closure and decison making.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: omg hey guys, been a while huh? *nervous chuckle* DONT HATE ME I'M SORRY I LOST MOTIVATION BUT I'M BACK NOW!
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
tag list: @blackhawkfanatic, @buckys-wintersoldier, @witchychanel, @nicoline1998enilocin, @vicmc624
Seeing Steve with Sharon playing happy families had been a slap in the face to put it kindly. Although you knew that Steve had brought her to invoke jealousy, it had also highlighted just how right you were to be suspicious of how much of a priority he made her.
You knew Tony and Bucky felt bad for letting them stay, and even though you had forgiven then, a part of you also felt guilty for feeling like some part of that night was partially their fault. Peter had been attached to your hip after the party, a little brother in every sense of the word, warding off any advances from men and just talking your ear off about his chem final he had last week.
You had indulged him for the most part, he was the only person you knew realistically that you’d be able to handle for such an extended amount of time. Most of the other avengers would play nice for the most part but most, if not nearly all felt a sense of protectiveness over you after your decision to end your relationship with Steve and there was only so much coddling one person could handle.
You were tuning the party out as you excused yourself from Peter, letting him know you were just going to get a refill and would be right back. The happy nod you received in return was enough to let a little bit of a drunk giggle leave your lips. As you reach the bar, you order another cocktail and as you gaze over the party, you see a lot of people you’ve never met but you know are influential, it comes to you that as much as this party was for you, it was also just a typical Tony Stark party.
You loved Tony but he often overdid most celebrations he was left in charge of, you would’ve been happy with a small cake and a movie night, but nonetheless, nobody would ever complain about a party this extravagant being thrown for them. As you receive your drink from the bartender you feel someone sit in the seat next to you, and before you turn your head you already recognise the figure. Bucky.
“Hey Buck” you greet softly as you turn in your seat to face him, he turns to you with an apologetic smile, “Hey Y/N/N.” he opens his  mouth to start off his apology but before he can speak, your hand is out and halting it. “Don’t Buck, honestly you’re not responsible for what Steve does and I’d really appreciate if you could stop taking it out on yourself whenever he does something idiotic, he’s a grown man Barnes” you state and you watch as his brows furrow before he nods, “Barnes?” he questions with a chuckle. “You’ve been demoted” you pout fakely as you smack a kiss on his cheek before trying to find Peter among the crowd of people.
You find him talking to a prestigious Harvard professor you had met once at a charity gala, you leave him be and attempt to find someone else you recognise but the sheer amount of people in the complex starts to overwhelm you and before you realise it, you’re making your way to the elevator to the roof so you can get some air.
The elevator ride is silent which gives you some time to reorganise your thoughts, as the steel doors open you make out a male figure looking at the skyline of the city. You pause and hesitate if you want to disturb them, in your inebriated state you can’t make out exactly who the person in but before you can call out and ask them if it’s okay to join them, they turn around you are met with the face of one guilty looking Steve Rogers.
You sigh and turn to leave but Steve’s voice breaks the cold night air, “Wait- Y/N please don’t go!” he yells, and you stop but don’t turn around. You hear his hurried footsteps to where you’re standing and in fear he’ll try to touch you, you turn around and hold your hand out to stop him. He looks sad but stays put, “I’ll talk to you if you don’t come any closer to me Steve and believe me if I see you even twitch your hand closer to mine, I’ll be gone, and you’ll never see me again” you threaten before making your way to the wall he stood looking out beforehand.
He sighs and nervously stands about a meter from where you’re standing, you two stand in silence for a couple seconds before you break it “Why did you bring her.” “I’m sorry”. You both look at one another in shock before you snort drunkenly and motion for him to continue. “I’m sorry, I was just jealous you were leaving me- us, for Anvil and when I found out you were going to be working for Billy Russo, I couldn’t think straight, all I could think about was you moving on and leaving me behind and that’s not how this is supposed to end Y/N, we’re not supposed to end.” He rushes out and you listen intently before snorting again.
“You know Steve, it’s so funny when you hear the one person you used to beg to hear you, verbalise the same insecurities you had when the two of you were together.” You say with a small giggle and you watch as Steve’s expressions morphs into confusion and then pain. The alcohol in your system has effectively rendered your filter useless so you start again. “You can be as jealous as you want Steve, but  what we’re not going to do is tell me how I should move on with my life, you’re the one that fucked all of this up, not me.” You tell him and he nods emphatically before sighing again.
“I know honey, I know. I fucked up real bad but I’m here asking if there’s even a single shred of hope that we can fix this, I’m going to do it. I will spend the rest of my life fixing this, I will run myself into the ground trying to mend every wound and insecurity I have ever caused you, I need to know if you see a future with us, because if you do, honey I’ll never hurt you like that ever again” he says as his eyes plead with you believe him.
“Those all sounds like empty promises right now Steve, do you know how many times you’ve promised to me that you’d prioritise me when we were together? How many times you told me you’d stop running after Sharon? How’d you Put. Me. First.” You emphasise and watch as guilt overcomes his features. He’s about to start talking again before the sound of the heavy metal door opening to the roof scrapes against the floor to open.
It's almost comical how your heart drops and then flutters at the sight of Billy Russo. You see Steve’s body stiffen at the sight of the playboy worthy smile on Billy’s lips. You smile back at him and as you move to walk over to him, Steve stops you. “Hey, I thought we were still busy talking?” he asks with jealousy and anxiety in his tone. He can’t watch you walk away with Billy; you need to stay here. You’re safe here with him, who knows what Billy will do with you. You can’t leave him again; he has to make you stay.
Before you can even make out an answer, Billy’s close enough to speak. “Hey! Tony let me know he was throwing you a party and you know I had to come a celebrate my  new assistant. He let me know he saw you coming up here, I can leave if you want some privacy” he says with a smile as he nods at Steve before focusing his attention on you. You smile at him with one of the biggest and brightest smiles he’s seen you wear since before your breakup. He wants to roll his eyes at Bily’s obvious  flirting, but his jealousy takes a backseat at the anxiety he feels because his charm seems to be working on you.
“Yeah, actually we’re a bit busy!” he calls out to the both of you but all you do is turn to glare at him as you turn to Billy and shake your head before placing your hand on his suit jacket. Steve clenches his jaw at the sight whilst glaring at your hand like it’s committing a criminal offense. You turn to Steve, and he quickly fixes a small smile on his face. “I think I’m going to head back to the party with Billy. I’ll see you around Steve.” You say and although Steve feels his heart drop in his chest, he nods with a small smile as he watches the two of you walk away, already conversing animatedly.
“Hey!” he calls out at the last minute and winces as you turn around with a look of annoyance, “What, Rogers?” you ask and winces at the use of his last name, thin ice. “You never gave me an answer! Do you still have hope?” he calls out with a hopeful look and watches as your jaw twitches but the slight movement from your lips indicate your amusement. “You’ve got work to do, Rogers” is all you call out as Billy holds the door open for you to let you go back. Like the prick he is, Billy just smiles and nods at Steve as he leaves.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
hii! if this req is too complicated dw ab not doing it but if it’s not il req billy/stu (poly or not , any is okay !) with male!s/o who is autistic?
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x autistic male reader
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The experiences with autism in this are based off my own, as its all I know. If something doesn’t fit your own that’s why, as the experience with being on the spectrum is different from person to person :)
-          Now personally I think Stu is on the spectrum, but maybe that’s just me projecting onto one of my comfort characters. But since everyone’s experience with autism is different, it might still take a bit of time for you all to understand each other’s limits and boundaries.
-          For example, Stu is a very physical and loud person, so if loud noises and sudden touch makes you uncomfortable, it would take a while for him. He might not realize until he’s wrapped around you, then he pulls back and apologizes.
-          If you don’t have access to the items you need to help you, like stimming toys, noise cancelling headphones and alike Stu most likely has some laying around.
-          Either that or He and Billy get you some. They would totally get you a pair of headphones with a Halloween or slasher design because they think it looks cool on you.
 -          If you struggle a lot with reading facial expressions, sarcasm and alike, that could pose somewhat of a challenge for Billy. As he doesn’t speak much of how he’s ever feeling and loves sarcasm.
-          If you are a person that struggles with speaking up about being uncomfortable or feeling stupid or similar because of your struggles, Stu ends up pointing it out because he notices you are uncomfortable.
-          It ends up with the three of you cuddled up at Billy’s place when his dad isn’t there, if you are up for all that touch, and talking it over. They make sure you don’t feel like a burden, since some people do feel like their needs being met are a burden after a life of struggling with allistic people telling them they are the problem.
-          The three of you set up a system of some sort, be it a chart, a color-coded system like hair ties or bracelets, or just telling them the moment you guys meet up how you’re feeling.
 -          Billy and Stu let no one insult or talk badly about you, not just about your autism but also just in general. They have definitely gotten into a couple of fights or threatened a couple of people because of it.
-          Stu always lets you borrow his jackets or hoodies if you need it to feel safe, where Billy is more the person to hold your hand or wrap his arm around you for some grounding.
-          They are both interested in your special interests and hyperfixations. Stu will start stimming along with you and talking a mile a minute with you about the subject, where Billy is more likely to lay back and ask some questions but listen with interest.
-          They love to see you stim, especially if you masked a lot in the past. They would have helped you feel more comfortable not having to mask, and Stu will also let himself be more open with not masking so you don’t feel alone.
 -          They can be a little much at times when its all three of you, just because they both have such strong personalities. They wont feel anything negative for you if you just need to be alone for a bit.
-          Though Stu will always need to kiss you and hug you when you return, Billy will want a kiss too but just wants to hold you for a bit.
-          It wouldn’t surprise me if they have targeted ableists as Ghostface. Not only if they insulted you or Stu but just ableists in general they hate them.
-          They love you very much and feel safe with you, so they hope you feel safe with them too.
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gracegrove · 1 year
Everything I learned about Neil Hargrove in one scene:
He doesn't respect the boundaries of others but expects others to respect and uphold his boundaries.
The example: he yells at Billy to open his bedroom door, as opposed to Susan who just prior had knocked. Both want to talk to him, but only one respects that Billy shut his bedroom door for privacy. Example 2: He walks straight into Billy's room uninvited while Susan stays in the hall. Example 3: while speaking with Billy, Neil becomes surprised and quickly angered that Billy raised his voice. One could argue that this is a matter of manners, how one raises children etc about not raising your voice to your parents. However the main point is that thus far Neil has ignored at least three separate boundaries of Billy's and the moment Billy treads on a single boundary that Neil has... He becomes angry.
Another example Neil was late to return home, but when Billy points that out, it is considered crossing a line. Billy is the one that is flawed. But he is not allowed to point out flaws in Neil.
Neil has a sense of entitlement.
Again with the example of not feeling the need to knock at Billy's door and instead yelling and demanding he open it. So what if Neil believes I paid for the house I own it, I own the door, etc etc. Neil operates with a belief system that if he yells at Billy, Billy will open the door. If he tells Billy to "watch his sister" he'll do it. And so on. And when these high and mighty expectations aren't met. Neil takes them like a personal affront. That Billy's hurting him, making him angry, or possibly disobeying him on purpose.
Neil believes that Billy owes him his loyalty, and that as a son he should be dutiful and ask no questions. Neil believes that he is owed a lot from Billy... He demands that Billy apologize even though Susan says it's unnecessary. The apology truly isn't for her it's for Neil and what he believes he's owed.
Neil uses coercive language.
When Neil has Billy pinned to the wall he uses "we" statements. "What did we talked about?" As if to suggest that this topic is something that was mutually agreed upon rather than just told and yet again expected of Billy.
He then uses more pressured coercive language with an unspoken threat attached. That Billy will sacrifice his date night because he's instead going to prove what a good loving brother he is, "isn't that right Billy?"
Neil uses multiple forms of intimidation.
He mainly uses physical intimidation, entering Billy's room immediately. Using closed off or standoffish body language. He already doesn't believe what Billy is going to say no matter what it is. When Billy eventually does something that Neil finds worthy of biting onto and becoming fully aggressive with he then relies on full eye contact. It's like he hardly blinks compared to Billy and that he's trying to burn holes into him.
When Neil pulls away and it seems like the threat is dwindling Neil turns back and again leans into direct eye contact. He also becomes more tense locking his jaw.
Lastly, it seems that Neil's both promissory and ending notes of intimidation are yelling or otherwise raising his voice. He seems like he quite literally wants to be the one to have the last word. He wants to start scenarios with "or else" and end them with it too. The worst gut churning mic drop of all.
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futfemfantasies · 2 years
TV \\ leah williamson x León!reader
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Request: “...can you do a leah w x reader imagine inspired by tv by billie eilish?”
I am uneducated on Billie’s songs so I hope I do it justice anon 😬 and i’m jumbling the lyrics up a little, sorry 😬 I hope you enjoy!
Song lyrics are bold with italics.
Mapi is your older sister! :)
I don't wanna talk right now I just wanna watch TV I put on Survivor just to watch somebody suffer
“No Leah, I don’t want to talk to you right now” You say as you walk into your locker room at the Barca training grounds.
“Please Y/N, let me explain” Leah pleads with you.
“Leah there’s nothing for you to explain. You were caught kissing her on multiple occasions. The photos explain themselves”
“Baby please, let me explain” You roll your eyes at the lame apology. 
“If you loved me, you wouldn’t have kissed her. We’re over Leah. I can’t believe I was going to propose when I saw you next. Goodbye”
Before Leah got the chance to respond, you ended the call. You threw your phone harshly against the ground. Luckily no one else was there. You put your bag away and took your boots outside to get some extra practice in. Ball after ball went in either the top left or right corner and your teammates watched on the sidelines. After the 10th ball went in, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you turn around to see your older sister Mapi. 
“Are you okay?” She asks.
“I’m fine” You grumble back to Mapi.
“Hey Y/N! Why is Leah calling me asking to speak to you? Also is this yours?” Lucy asks confused as she walks over to you holding a smashed up phone.
“Ask her why” You say as you take your phone before walking to get some water.
Your teammates are now officially worried. You aren’t your usual fun, bubbly self during practice. Instead you’re taking everything so serious and haven’t even cracked a smile once. When training finishes, you’re the first one in the locker room and the first out. You get in your car and text the team group chat saying you feel sick so you might not be there for a few days. After getting into your apartment, you grab a bottle of wine and head up to your room where you turn your phone off and watch Survivor. It might be comforting to watch someone else go through pain when I am, you think. 
Maybe I should get some sleep What's the point of anything?
After nearly a whole bottle of wine and 5 episodes of survivor, you decide to call it a night. You turn on your phone again and you see mainly missed calls from Leah, Mapi, Alexia and Ingrid. You reply a ‘im fine, stop worrying’ to Mapi before turning it off again and going to sleep until whenever. For at least an hour, you were rolling around so much that you built up a sweat. You turn on your phone and see it’s just after 4am. Using the phone flashlight, you walk downstairs and get a glass of water. You read Mapi’s reply first.
Maps 👯‍♀️: i’m never going to stop worrying, you know that. To Maps 👯‍♀️: maybe you should. i’m not a little kid anymore
You put your glass in the sink and went back upstairs. As you went to charge your phone, you see it. You reach to grab the velvet box and open it to see what would have been Leah’s engagement ring. You continue to stare at the custom made diamond and start to think what’s the point of anything?. After looking at the very expensive diamond  You jumped awake several hours later to bangs on the door.
“Get up right now Y/N/N” You hear the lovely voice of your sister ring through the door.
“Go away Mapi”
“Not until you talk to me” Mapi pushes.
“You’re going to be here a while”
“Y/N Y/M/N León Cebrián open the fucking door right now!” You instantly got up from the bed and stared down Mapi and Alexia. 
You got back into bed and Mapi got on one side while Alexia got on the other. You knew you had to open up eventually but you were scared to. You’ve never been the one to share your feelings, that’s when the notes app on your phone. it took you approximately a minute before you started to breakdown and you fell into your sisters arms. 
After crying for a while, you compose yourself, somewhat and take the glass of water Alexia was offering you. 
“What happened y/n/n?” Alexia asks softly.
“Leah she um, she cheated on me with Jordan”
“Wait her ex-girlfriend Jordan? I’m going to kill her!” Mapi stands and goes on a rant for a minute before sitting at the end of the bed again. 
“How are you feeling?” Mapi asks putting her hand on yours.
“I was going to propose Map. Two more weeks and I would’ve proposed. I think I’m problem”
Mapi and Alexia spent the next few hours talking about some strategies to help this, since both girls have been cheated on before. You didn’t have any negative thoughts when the girls were there which was a change from your negativity the past few weeks. 
Mapi decided that a movie day would be beneficial and you all shuffle downstairs to the living room. You get blankets out of the closet and Alexia makes popcorn in the microwave. Mapi quickly puts on your favourite movie and half way through the movie, you hear a loud knock at the door. You get up to go answer and when you do, you are lost for words.
“Hi Y/N”
y/n = your name
y/n/n = your nickname
y/m/n = your middle name
Send in your suggestions, I’m open to anything within reason :)
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Last month, the BBC offered an apology of sorts after a red-carpet reporter at the Baftas asked Andrew Scott, star of the film All of Us Strangers, about fellow Irish actor Barry Keoghan’s appendage. This had been the subject of conversation thanks to Keoghan’s naked dancing in the film, Saltburn, in which Keoghan’s floppy bishop steals the final scene. To settle this nagging concern the BBC turned to a gay man. ‘There was a lot of talk about prosthetics. How well do you know him?’ the reporter asked an annoyed Scott who shook his head and walked away.
Had a female actress been asked to authenticate another woman’s breasts, the scandal that would have ensued goes without mentioning, but the BBC dusted it off. ‘Our question to Andrew Scott was meant to be a light-hearted reflection of the discussion around the scene and was not intended to cause offence,’ the organisation said.
The gynarchy has made clear that objectifying men is perfectly fine and, after all, what’s a little light-hearted homophobia when gay movies are having a renaissance? All of Us Strangers – nominated for six Baftas but ultimately snubbed, and Saltburn, nominated for five – joined a handful of other gay titles that studios have banked on attracting an audience beyond the 4 per cent of the population who might traditionally see those films.
Where the box office didn’t pay off, critical acclaim largely has. 2020’s Supernova, staring Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci as a 60-something gay couple, and last year’s drama Passages directed by Ira Sachs, have also inched into a market where such movies typically didn’t belong.
‘Why are gay movies always so sad,’ people used to ask in the 1990s. Thirty years later, nothing has changed. Gay flicks tend to have three themes – loneliness, death, and villainy – and this recent batch of movies is no exception. The miniseries Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, released last month and based on writer Truman Capote’s final years, nicely encompasses all three.
‘New film All of us Strangers centers on gay loneliness and trauma,’ a headline on NBC News read, as though that’s anything new. And while I don’t know what ‘trauma’ is, I do know that gay people have always fixated on it and, increasingly, so does everyone else. Gay films haven’t changed, but the audience has. Women are lonelier, more promiscuous, and more atomised than ever and now they’ve discovered a whole sub-genre of cinema speaking to that and aiming to nurture those anxieties. Just a hunch, but the ladies sobbing along at home to Supernova are probably childless and spend many hours a week on Zoom calls.
When a gay film meanders too deeply into gay insider baseball, like Billy Eichner’s 2022 romantic comedy Bros, it bombs. The most resonate gay movie of all time might continue to be 1970’s The Boys in the Band, but the 2020 remake flopped, probably because it’s a story devoid of hope and beauty, only messiness and casual destruction –something gay men understand but remains far too raw and excruciating for women to enjoy.
Then there’s the other side of it – the neutered gay fan fiction written by and for women, like Amazon Prime’s horrendously stupid 2023 film Red, White & Royal Blue, which offers women magical gay pets to carry around in their dreams. When I asked the feminist writer Louise Perry about these films, she said:
"These are usually gay relationships represented in a uniquely feminine way: intensely emotional, no casual sex, very unlike gay porn for men.
I suspect that young women find these gay fantasies attractive because they’re scared of the asymmetries inherent to straight relationships, in which women are always the more physically vulnerable party. So, they invent fictional gay men and give them a style of sexuality more typical of women.
She continued: ‘Will & Grace was obviously created for women because the gay male characters are weirdly asexual,’ reiterating something gay men have speculated for some time, noting that the bitchy and boozy, heterosexual Karen Walker was the only character they gravitated toward.
That’s not to say women can’t write great gay stories. Brokeback Mountain, the most critically acclaimed gay movie of all time, was based on a short story by Annie Proulx, who revealed in a 2009 interview her frustration with fan letters wishing the story had ended on a positive note. Those ‘idiots’ who want a happy ending, she said, overwhelmingly tended to be men.'
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Hey👋. I know it’s have been a short time since my last request. Life has been a little tough for me lately but I’ve returned.
So I was thinking of some platonic AEW wrestlers helping the fem!reader ( a young fan maybe like 16-18 even 19 possibly) with a panic attack (claustrophobia) at a meet and greet.
The wrestler(s) could be either;
a commonly loved character that is a softie with fans( The Bucks, Cody, Jeff Hardy, Skye Blue, Danhansen)
a rougher wrestler that stays in character with fans but once sees the reader, they break( MJF, Mox, Eddie Kington)
the wrestlers that are on the younger(ish)side( Top flight, HOOK, Isaiah Kassidy)
or the older wrestlers( Chris Jericho, Billy Gunn, Sting, Taz)
Sincerely, sorry for such a long request
Ps. I love how you wrote my requests. Much Love🫶🏻🫶🏻
Hi sweetheart, I hope everything is going better for you. (and don't you dare apologize for your ideas)
AEW Stars React To You: Having a Panic Attack
Pairings: Jeff Hardy X Fem!Reader (Platonic), Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader (Platonic), Hook X Fem!Reader (Platonic), Dante Martin X Fem!Reader (Platonic), Darius Martin X Fem!Reader (Platonic), Sting X Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: mentions of claustrophobia, mentions of panic attacks, slightly proofread
Supreme Speaks: Thank you to @hookerforhook for requesting and again I hope life is treating you much better as you deserve the best things. As always, my inbox and requests is open for everyone. If anyone needs to talk or just need someone to listen, my dms are open. P.S you are loved and greatly appreciated.
Word Count: 952
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @eddie-kingstons-wifey
You were waiting in line to meet your favorite wrestler, as everyone was. But it was really special for you as it was your first time going to a live wrestling event. AEW was hosting a meet and greet before Dynamite and you were fortunate that it was in your town and you saved enough money to go.
This wrestler meant a lot to you; they helped you during a rough time, motivated you, and inspired you to do better in your life every day.
While waiting you’re waiting in line, you started to get sweaty palms and immediately started to guard yourself; you’re breath started to stagger and you started to hyperventilate.
Most people would think it’s because you’re really excited. But it was because you were claustrophobic, you couldn’t stand crowds, and you actually hated and dreaded them.
People started pushing you around, meshing you against other people in line. Soon, it began to feel like walls were being built around you and they were cutting off your oxygen.
As you were hyperventilating, your chest started to swell with tightness as you began to shake. But soon…a figure, that you thought you would never meet, saved you…
The commonly loved character that is a softie with fans…Jeff Hardy:
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This man would jump into action and ask the crowd to give you some space
Would immediately give you space while also checking on you
“Darling, are you okay?” (MY MAN WITH THE CAROLINIAN ACCENT)
Would give you water and wait until you stated your name before getting close to you
You were able to skip the line as Jeff really wanted to make sure you were okay
Wants to distract you so he’s rambling about anything and everything
“When I’m up on the top rope, it feels like I’m so free and gone with the wind”
Will constantly ask if you’re feeling alright
After you’re okay, you talk to him about how he’s impacted your life as he signs your picture
He smiles at you and takes a picture with you
Afterward, he would give you a backstage pass, so you have all the space you need to watch the show
The rougher wrestler that stays in character with fans but once sees the reader, they break…Eddie Kingston:
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It has been said by Eddie himself that he suffers from panic attacks so I think he would take your situation very seriously
Would immediately yell at the line to disperse as you fell to the ground, going straight into an attack
He would jump down and use some methods that helped him through panic attacks
This would include naming 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, etc.
Will be completely transparent with you as he is with everyone “You’re okay. Everything is okay. Those idiots don’t understand personal space.”
Will have a heart-to-heart with you about panic attacks (I feel like ya’ll will get so into the conversation that it would feel like y’all just knew each other for years)
“What medicine do you take?….Oh, that doesn’t work for shit…I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME!”
Like Jeff, Eddie will distract you with stories about who he has beef with (also to let out his frustrations)
His heart would grow after hearing how much of an impact he has made on your life
Eddie would definitely have a conversation with whoever didn’t monitor the capacity
The wrestlers that are on the younger(ish)side…Hook, Dante and Darius Martin (3/4ths of The Lads):
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Okay, I hope this doesn’t sound bad but I feel like they would freak out first…well at least
But only because they wouldn’t know how how to help
Hook would be kind of frozen to help at first
All of them would ask you yes or no questions to try not to overwhelm you
They would quickly give you water and instruct you to take deep breaths
Darius: You’re doing great
Dante: Do you need more water?
Hook: Here's more chips. hands you a whole unopened bag
Top Flight would try to distract you with music, giving you recommendations
Wants you to stay near their table so they check on you throughout the invite
“We are friends now”
(Call me trying to give you a Y/N moment) But I really do feel like they would become genuine friends with you
I also think they would look up more resources on how to help you and others who might have panic attacks
The veteran wrestler…Sting (his might be short, sorry):
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Sting is an understanding and supportive grandpa and I refuse to elaborate
Anyways, would definitely pull you to a corner (to give you space) and shut down his booth for a little bit
I feel like he would use the RAIN method to help you calm down and have you take deep breaths
“It’s okay kid. It happens to most of us.”
After you’re feeling better, he would take pictures with you, give you a long letter of encouraging words
I feel like even after you leave the booth, he would still check up on you and keep an eye on you
Like Jeff, he would also give you a backstage path
Would definitely post something on Twitter about giving people a respectable amount of space and not shoving when at meet and greets
You would forever live in his mind and he would constantly hope that you’re safe
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theoblivon · 20 days
Hello there, it has been a while but life has been a little bit to hectic lately. But my first love Loki brought me back. So here is the beginning of a -hopefully- long Loki x Reader series. And apologies in advance for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
TW: Abusive parents
Word Count: 1409
Song: Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish
You have never been an obedient girl or at least that’s what your parents kept saying. When the example of obedience was your mother, it was indeed tough to beat that. She has only a mouth, but never an opinion. She doesn’t talk much unless she is spoken to and the only time that she does is to say: 
“ Yes, my Lord! I agree my Lord!” 
You don’t think that she has the knowledge that she is a free woman and indeed not a slave. So you, Odin forbid, having opinions about your life was an outrageous characteristic. You read countless books, some to enhance your mind and some merely for your enjoyment. You wrote poetry and sang. These were accepted by your mother - except the books you read on important matters, of course- because they were feminine hobbies however riding horses and practicing swords was an entirely different situation. Your father did not allow it. He even sent you to prison for three days without any food or water as a punishment when he found out. After three torture days, he said:
"Practicing swords would make your arms look like a man. Nobody would want to marry you. They have to like you from afar since once they speak to you they will find you intolerable and not want to marry a wretched little girl like you.”
Needless to say, it didn’t stop you. You only had to do it in the middle of the night when everybody was asleep. The only other person who knew about your midnight adventures was a knight named Stenn. He was the only person who had ever looked out for you. Your father only appointed him to you because the knight was known to be an awful man. He was at first, but he grew to like and care for you deeply.
So when your father asked you to his chambers, you think that the only person who ever looked out for you has betrayed you. That Stenn told your father about your swords practicing. You wish that was the truth after you learned the real reason as to why your father has summoned you. The entire interaction played in your mind. 
“ Come here, wretched thing.” 
“ Yes, my Lord.” 
“ You know I have tried to tame you to mold you into what you were meant to be, a perfect wife for Noble man, but you are incapable of learning. You are like a wilding.” 
He looked at me with utter disgust. 
“I was speaking to the All-Father Odin, He also knows one or two things about having a disappointment of a child. The most repulsed man in all of Asgard or I dare say in all nine realms The Prince Loki... As everybody knows he’s an evil man. So when he talked about possibly marrying him in the hopes of fixing him, I got on my knees and begged him to let me give you to Price Loki. In all honesty, I would pay him to take you but The All-Father was generous. He paid me handsomely. Prince Loki may be the worst husband one can have in all realms, but at least you will be a Princess. Not that you deserve such a title. However, that means that my blood will be connected to the Royal. It will add to my power. So you will be sent to the Golden Palace tonight. And you are to marry Prince Loki  in two days' time.” 
You were crying. You hated crying, especially in front of people. But the distress, terror, and rage made it impossible not to. He came close to you and wiped the tears that were wetting your face. With a fake innocence,
“ Hush now, you can be sure that I wish nothing more in the world that he is as dreadful as they say he is. You deserve the misery that I am sure he will put you in.” 
He leaned in and whispered into your ear, 
“ I heard that he relishes in hurting people. In fact, the only thing he does for amusement is to hurt people.” 
He gave you a chagrin smile. It was a smile of victory. Knowing that not only, do you loathe the idea of marriage in general but the thought of marrying a man who enjoyed hurting people was terrifying. And he knew it.
“ Now go back to your room and get ready” 
You looked at your mother, who was in the room, silently begging her to help you, save you. But she never did. Your father faced you once more and said, 
“ Oh and if you get any foolish ideas in that tiny head of yours, erase them at once. Because if this marriage doesn’t happen for any reason at all, I will cut your little knight into a million pieces and send them all across the Nine Realms. You are not going to ruin the only good thing you will ever achieve. Now go. Go at once.” 
Everything looked blurry. Your whole body felt numb. You sat at your bed and thought back to everything that happened in the past few hours. You know what he said about Stenn wasn't an empty threat. You have no choice but to obey your father. What hurt you the most was your mother. She sat by your father's side like a lifeless doll when he was saying all those things. It was nothing you didn’t expect from her, but it still did hurt. You were pulled out of your train of thought by the maid, announcing that the Lady had arrived.
“ My lady” You curtseyed.
“ There is no such need for formalities now.”
You were shocked to say the very least. Your mother always referred you by your full title and requested you do the same. You don’t think you ever called her mother. 
“ You know this is not as bad as you think it is. I was a little younger when I was sent to marry your father. I never told you this before but there was someone I loved before I met your father, a stable boy. We tried to run away with him, but we got caught. My father ordered his men to kill him in front of me. As I was staring at the pool of his blood, he said to me “This is what happens when you disobey.” As I kept on crying and screaming, staring at his lifeless body, his guards took me and put me into the carriage to send me all the way to here. First, I was very unhappy, but once you do everything your husband tells you to do, you will have no problems at all. You’ll see that the marriage is not that hard.” 
She paused for a second and lifted her eyes that were fixed on the fireplace to my face. You were too shocked to breathe, let alone speak. 
“ Prince Loki may be the worst man in the nine realms but at least he is a prince and if you play your cards right you can make him the king. You are many bad things, but one thing you’re not is an idiot. Remember my words. Farewell child” 
She left your room. You couldn’t move for some time. Tears rolled uncontrollably down your face. You didn't know whether you cried because you felt sorry for your mother or because you felt sorry for yourself. The tears didn’t stop until the maid walked in and told you that it was time for you to go to the Golden Palace. You were a nobleman's daughter, so you lived practically at the palace, but since you weren't royalty by blood, you lived in a completely separate part of the Palace. You saw Prince Loki only once. He was handsome to be sure but you’ve never heard one good thing being said about him. All the rumors about him were always so gruesome. Other than the rumors that involve his activities in his bed chamber. You were brave and confident, but you were also clever enough to recognize the fact that he is by every measure and every sense of the word more powerful than you. You have nothing or no one to protect you from the most wicked man and all nine realms. And you were completely at his mercy.
To Be Continued…
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ithappensoffstage · 7 months
r&g report
I had the privilege of seeing rosencrantz & guildenstern are dead with billy boyd and dominic monaghan on march 5! a few people asked for my thoughts after, so here's a sort of stream of consciousness report that may or may not be comprehensive depending on what you're looking for out of said theatre report
anyway I do genuinely believe boydmonaghan are literally the only people who can and should ever play r&g
to start off I will say that this was my first time seeing r&g staged -- I've previously just read it A LOT -- so I can't make comparisons to other productions. I am also a lifetime fan of theatre and have been somewhat involved, but do lack some technical knowledge, so apologies if I can't cover some aspects accurately!
most important of course, boydmonaghan were stellar. their comfort and familiarity with one another is amazing to witness. of course it's staged, but none of their movements come across as anything other than two old friends. they move together like dance partners; there's really no other way to put it. when you put on a show with someone you're so intimate with, it just comes through in the physicality in ways that aren't replicable with people meeting just for one production. watching them as r&g just feels like you're watching them hanging out. they anticipate each other's movements beautifully, lean into each other naturally, play off each other with such comfortable rapport that you feel like you're watching childhood friends goofing off from your corner of the party.
and the RAPPORT I mean wow. damn. if you're familiar with r&g -- the question game scene? holy shit. breathtaking quickness. they are rapid-fire, on each other's heels in the vein of the best comedies. for everyone who knows my tastes of course, they have * the * hawkbeej dynamic. (I almost cried watching because I kept thinking of my beloved url namesake fic.)
great pacing, great chemistry. even when they're sitting still you can still feel the intimacy between them in just how they arrange themselves. lots of staging to reflect mirroring, lots of staging to reflect the thematic element of identity (sorry, I'm rosencrantz; he's guildenstern), etc. great costuming choice -- billy wears green except his blue waistcoat; dom wear blue but for his green waistcoat.
their deliveries were nothing short of spectacular. that of course wraps into pacing and chemistry as mentioned above. but I do feel it's worth mentioning again that they're both so good at speaking their lines. they have such rhythm with each other. and of course that's going to happen--they have a podcast, theyre incredibly close friends, but it's so great to see in a setting with predetermined script, predetermined runtime. again, youre watching two friends who are off their minds at a party really Go Through It.
boydmonaghan aside, I had some general issues with the production. they had quite regular sound errors, and made some sound design choices with music and vocal warping/autotune that were not to my taste. there was a cool echo element utilized that I liked a lot. as I mentioned I don't know other productions so I don't know if this is standard practice, but for this one it was quite fun. coin echoing, echoing around the stage when they shouted into the wings to give you that sense of being trapped. when they spoke to the audience space, it felt enormous, and as if they were speaking to you specifically. I just got so distracted by the mic problems and weird autotune.
the autotune moments were exclusive to the hamlet scenes. that brings me to the other actors. the player himself was magnetic. phenomenal. so much presence. emcee cabaret presence. great stuff. hamlet? so lacking imo. he played hamlet very angry and masculine, which is a choice I guess, but not how I like to see hamlet done. it did make some of the intersectional scenes a little jarring; which, I know is not entirely without reason, but it just wasn't my ideal way to play it.
other than the question scene, one of my favorite scenes in the original text of r&g is when they're talking about leaving the stage, and they continue to make excuses not to. "i think he went this way / maybe that way / why don't you come with me it'll be safer / we should try this direction / oh we should actually wait in case he comes back here." the director did skip this dialogue, which I think gives the indication of less agency for r&g. a little less participation, a little more of things happening to them. which is fine. I have no feelings either way of a better way to do it, but that is just the sense I got of it.
the stage is very small, the set is very cramped. lots of overt use of trapped imagery. theyre often crowded into specific space, sitting very close. when they make space, they make SPACE, indicating periods of disagreement. pretty basic staging for this, I'd assume.
outside staging, very cool lighting, although I am generally against scenes with "party lighting." again, not sure what typical lighting is the scenes with the players that got that, but I could have left it out. similarly, we got a scene with "rock" lighting, and I just thought it was too on the nose / in bad taste. arguable how meta you need meta/absurdist work to be ofc but that decision wasn't for me.
the other lighting choices were great. it starts SO dark. I had lower balcony seating and have great vision, but the start spotlight was so soft the two of them were damn fuzzy for me at the beginning. they gradually get more light in the spotlight, and then it expands. there was a great sunrise moment where they turned the Big Warm Light on the audience and it truly felt like a sunrise over me. the final "rosenc--? guilden--? now you see me / now you don't" from billy was beautifully performed. the lights split the stage into two distinct chambers, truly separating r&g for the first time despite any previous physical distance. I did get a little choked up.
(the final hamlet scene that follows jarred me from the emotion a bit because the horatio actor didn't even try at an accent ToT and it was just weirdly red-lit and they came in with the autotune for the Big End of Speech). and I wish they hadn't made it so Intense and Dramatic because they of course we get our time loop / back to the start / they start on "heads!" and it's such a hold-your-breath type moment. boydmonaghan are good enough that it brought me back but damn. (horatio actor please don't skip vocal lessons again.)
and yeah then I skipped stage door because it made me a little uncomfortable and I went home!
I was very lucky to go and I took my lovely wife (who liked it very much despite only having seen hamlet the day before lol). anyway if you can go I highly recommend! I am even considering pulling a @thealogie and going to see if I can scoop some last-minute box office tickets one of my remaining days here.
ask box is of course open for any questions <3
quick edit: I will say, sincerely, the r&g audience was one of the worst audiences I’ve been in. none of these people knew what the fuck was going on. I wanted to eject them all from their seats into the city skyline and have the theatre to myself (+ wife). literally constantly “what” “what is going on” “huh” from around us. go away. mutuals please come see this show so I can sit with you and not next to someone trying to have a y/n when they look at the audience.
edit 2: I think I mentioned but I did have lower balcony seating. I could see well! I think I might have preferred to be a bit closer just for the microexpressions I probably missed, but I would echo others in saying there really were no *bad * seats at all.
edit 3: stage door is out front to the left of the main doors if you're interested. I personally was not (I already have something signed by billy/have met him multiple times, and would prefer to meet dom at a comic con setting because that makes me more comfortable than stage door).
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loud-trash-arcade · 4 months
Carrie white interacting with different horror characters
This isn’t all of the characters I’m planning to write, so I’m going to post the rest later:) also I know the community label says “mature” but the most mature thing in here is some swears👍
Includes: Ghostface, Herbert west and Dan Cain, Leslie Vernon, Jason voorhees, Chucky, and Tiffany valentine
Ghostface(Billy and Stu)
When Carrie first meets Billy he’s kind of rude to her, he doesn’t think a “girl” would make a good killer. This quickly changes when he decides to call her a bitch because she accidentally knocked over a lamp, and Carrie being Carrie goes full telekinesis mode. Of course she does her best to not harm Billy, but he does get a bit scratched up. Carrie, after realizing what she had done, she apologized profusely and did her best to clean him up, but after witnessing Carrie rain hell upon him, he decided it would be better to treat her with a lot more respect, after all he would rather not witness lose control again. After this Billy does his best to be as nice as he can be to her, this means he doesn’t go out of his way to be mean to her and he tries to have the occasional small talk. After the “incident” they’re able to get along a lot better, they find they share some interests and they hang out on the occasion, Billy is also forced to hang out with Carrie because of Stu.
When Stu and Carrie first met they immediately hit it off, they have a lot of shared interests, Stu was the first to introduce her to horror movies( her first being the boy 2016) and after that she was hooked, she wanted to know everything she could about horror and Stu did his best to explain. They now have a movie night every week, Carrie isn’t a big fan of gore-fests, so Stu will happily watch psychological horrors with her. Stu also got Billy to warm up to her more because she was around a lot. Sometimes Stu will let Carrie paint his nails, or vice versa.
Herbert west and Dan Cain
Carrie met Herbert for the first time when she wandered into his lab, he disregarded her at first, but when she showed interest in what was happening he let her stay. He did his best to explain what he was doing, and how the autopsies and re-agent worked, despite her trauma involving blood, she listened intently, even though it didn’t exactly appeal to her. After seeing Herbert on the occasion she made more of an effort to talk to him, after awhile she would hang out with Herbert and Dan in the lab often, if she wasn’t in the lab with Herbert should would do her best to find him and talk to him, but she would still keep a mild distance because she knows he’s not the best with people. Herbert likes Carrie and considers her a friend because she doesn’t treat his lab work like some evil thing, he enjoys her company because everything can feel very gloomy to him because of the work he does and she’s quite good at brightening things up.
When it comes to Daniel he isn’t exactly the best people person, of course he can still socialize quite easily but it does take a minor toll on him, he likes being around Carrie because ever since she escaped the grasp of her mother she has become a very calm person, she’s usually all smiles, and very supportive of the people she cares for. Her and Dan met through Herbert, as Dan was in the lab with Herbert often, he would notice her hanging around the lab. Curious because Herbert didn’t really let any body but him on the lab, so he asked, Herbert explained why he enjoyed her company and after hearing his reasons, he made more of an effort to talk to her, after all, if Herbert likes her, than she must be special, and he was right! Dan finds Carrie to be very delightful to be around and he appreciates her as a friend. They don’t share many interests, but speak often because they enjoy each others company.
Leslie Vernon
Leslie is kind of goofy, he’s unaware of social cues and often talks about things that would make other people uncomfortable, but Carrie enjoys his company because of his bluntness, she enjoys that he basically hides nothing from everyone (other than that he’s not an urban legend.) and that he doesn’t go out of his way to make fun of people. She also likes that he’s surprisingly chill for a serial killer. They met when she was looking for movies in wherever they get movies in horror land, and they chatted at the till, Carrie decided to invite Leslie to one of her and Stu’s movie nights, and after that Leslie started coming to more of their movie nights. They do not talk all that often but that doesn’t mean that they don’t consider each other friends. Like Stu, they both enjoy horror, they also enjoy to joke about tropes often used in horror, such as the tripping, going into the basement, and opening windows only when your on the top floor. Leslie also lets Carrie paint his nails often, although she doesn’t let him paint hers because it usually ends up in her entire fingers being covered in nail polish. Leslie also likes to vandalize Wikipedia (this will become a trend in later entry’s) and Carrie sometimes joins him, Carrie can recall the time they edited his page to say, “Leslie Vernon is half man half cocaine.”
Jason voorhees
Carrie enjoys Jason’s company, and Jason enjoys being around her, even though the two don’t talk too much, given the whole Jason being mute, but Carrie did her best to learn basic signing so she would be able to communicate with him. Jason and Carrie are like two peas in a pod, they’re both misunderstood sweethearts(in my opinion) so they quickly become best friends, they are always around each other, they can’t talk all that much but Carrie quickly picks up on ways to communicate with Jason, whether that be sign language or just Little things Jason does as his way of communication. Jason isn’t as close with any one else except his mom. Carrie doesn’t fully understand having a mother who isn’t abusive, but she understands why Jason would he upset when his mother is brought up, so she does her best to console him when he gets sad. Jason gives Carrie flowers and other cool plants he finds in the woods as his way of appreciation for her friendship. Overall they get along really well and Carrie is probably closer to him than she is with anyone else.
Tiffany and chucky
Chucky’s an asshole, we’re all aware of it. This, of course, does not change when it comes to Carrie, Chucky is probably the only person who isn’t at least a little bit nicer when Carries around, although he doesn’t directly make fun of her, because you know, fucking insane mind control powers, he’ll make offhand comments, but that’s it. They’re by no means friends, nor will they ever be, it doesn’t help that Chuck’s philosophy is basically “fuck bitches, get money”, but they can be civil with one another without setting multiple buildings on fire.
Tiffany is a different story, as sadistic as she is, she’s like a mother figure to Carrie. Tiffany was the first person she told about her mom and her history, Tiffany felt horrible for her, and after hearing that her motherly instincts kicked in, she treats Carrie the same way she treats Glen and Glenda. It makes her upset that Carrie has never had a proper mom, so she fills that role for Carrie. She does her best to be a proper mom to Carrie and Tiffany often expresses that Carrie can talk to her about anything she may need too. They are very close to one another and Carrie does see Tiffany as a mother to her, and if Carrie is ever having issues she always goes to Tiffany.
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