#(ESPECIALLY teenage girl main characters omg)
antihcroes · 1 year
you know one thing i really appreciate with taylor & the folklore love triangle is that she didn't demonize anyone involved. she didn't try demonizing augustine by making her the 'other woman' and she didn't try demonizing james, she showed that he genuinely regretted his actions and was sorry. and i dunno, that's kind of important to me with the fact that they're all teenagers because teenagers get demonized in media so often especially in situations like this. and people love to forget teenagers are just out here trying their best and they fuck up and make mistakes sometimes
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 2 months
I just finished the first season of Teen Wolf
(and it actually feels so satisfying to purposefully only watch 1 or 2 episodes in a day and actually process them and think about them rather than bingewatching a whole fucking season a day - which is something I have done with other shows)
And I have so many things to say omg
The music fucking SLAPS - this show is a perfectly beautiful capsule of the 2010s with its fashion and its other aesthetics (like Allison's bedroom) - but the music is one of the best parts. The fact that Scott and Derek's first fight is set to Destroya by MCR filled me with intense joy, and there is so many songs on the soundtrack that I am rediscovering a love for that I had forgotten about (like 'Just A Little Bit' by Kids of 88 - which I used to listen to all the fucking time in high school)
Speaking of Allison's room - it's such a small detail, but I love the fact that when she first moved in, they had 3 random paint swatches sampled on one of the walls, as though those were the colours she was considering and picking from (and they were the most Bella teenage girl colours of - taupe grey, warm beige, and very very soft mauve pink)
I love all the characters so fucking much - they are all so much fun to watch (except I can't help but to find Scott exceedingly boring for being the main character. But the rest of the cast definitely makes up for it)
Also, I am obsessed with the fact that this show has every single stereotype ever (and it works to the show's benefit): Asshole Jock (Jackson), The Ultimate Mary Sue OC Girl Who Doesn't Understand How Special She Is (complete with special girl amulet) (Allison, obvi), Dorky Nerd Guy (Stiles), Drunk Cop Who Is Constantly Breaking Protocol (Stiles's Dad), Asshole Coach, Popular Pretty Girl Who (seemingly) Only Cares About Fashion, Boys, And Social Status (Lydia)
And speaking of Lydia - someone please ask me about my Autistic Lydia headcanon. I have been ranting to Star about this nonstop and it just works too well. She is the poster child for Masking. If someone asks you what Masking is, show them any clip of Lydia ever
Basically - the show reminds me of a time when shows didn't have to be so serious. Especially because it was before streaming platforms, so they didn't expect shows to be a massively bingewatched hit in one weekend, and they could massively play around with tone and it made watching shows just so much more fun. I love it
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appl3slic3s · 7 months
A chaotic review of Bottoms 2023
(no spoilers bc ur welcome)
Because I just finished watching it and I am screaming. I love this.
I swear I have not had such feelings and such a serotonin high since watching mean girls.
This movie was absolutely unhinged and insane in the best way possible. The bloodshed. This is the level of pettiness, drama, surrealism and most of all fun I have been craving in a teenage romcom format.
Everything about this movie is 5 stars from the fashion of the characters (how it is based in present day but all of the fashion is from the 90s and 2000 and omg the flip phones too), to the way the characters are so well written and play so well into stereotypes but at the same time you cannot put these characters into boxes. The actors have also done such a good job and bringing these characters to life.
The director Emma Seligman said she wanted to make a movie for the queer teenage girls and she really succeeded. In so many movies these days the main character (especially if she is a girl) has to be completely untouchable and uncancelable. She has to be this of bright light and beacon of positivity and honestly I have been *craving* a main character who is just shit. For no reason there is no deep backstory or trauma for their actions they're just bad.
The teenage characters seem so real and human even when they are doing insane shit they are so relatable.
* cue incoherent screaming *
This movie has everything; pathetic loser lesbians, wlw mlm hostility, doing fucked up shit just for some pussy, BOMBS, milfs, deadly allergies, bloodshed and casual murder. Did I mention the lez?
(on that note I would love to see Trixie and Katya react to it)
I am so glad this was my first movie of 2024.
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swagcoolcat · 1 month
for the character ask, christine from be more chill :)
Favorite Thing About Them: Christine is such a genuinely awesome character, it’s hard to choose, but I think it’s that she has so much passion about the things and people she cares about. I love a passionate character.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Nothing- I genuinely love her so much I do not have a thing I dislike
Favorite Line: “I look around and everyone is hurting. And I wish there was something real that I could do to make things better but I don’t know how. So I guess I’ll just do theater.”
brOTP: Michael and Christine. I’m a Michael + Christine friendship truther forever (second is Jake I love the idea of a Christine + Jake friendship)
OTP: Stagedorks (and especially musicalgeeks oh my goooooddddd) Christine and Jeremy have such an amazing chemistry
nOTP: I don’t think there’s any characters of the main teenagers that I dislike the ship of for Christine.
Random Headcanon: Christine writes poetry and also is trying to write her own play!
Unpopular Opinion: Let her say “fuck” please, I’m begging, she’s allowed. I don’t like the “innocence” thing some people have with her.
Song I Associate With Them: I don’t usually associate songs with characters :(
Favorite Picture of Them:
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I like it when she stands on chairs
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seakrisp · 2 years
Wednesday spoilers: even though what ill say has been said already but I need to finally let it out.
again these are just some of my personal thoughts and what I think!
I'm so happy alot of ppl agrees the the "two main possible male lOvE IntERest" had little to no chemistry with her.
but first,
I'll start with everything I like:
I love everything in the show except the "love triangel romance/ romance in general" that they pushed unto Wednesday. it doesn't rlly add anything. Tyler would have had more impact if he had been a platonic trustworthy friend.
i love the Christina ricci's character was the real villain. that's a really nice bow on everything.
I love we actually saw alot of The Addams Family Dynamic in the show! like in this rendition and universe ykyk. Also always great to have more Gomez and Tish and they're relations with the town and Nevermore.
ofc how could I forget, Jenna Ortega's performance was phenomenal. I really did like the casting.
ofc wendays and enid's dynamic was everything I expected and more. everything about them I loved.
I hope we get to see more bianca bcs I'm curious to her and wendays more chilled rivalry/frenemies dynamic will be like. now that bianca don't really give a shit about xiaver. (hopefully. yall are too good for that boy. that boy needs therapy.)
Enid is literally a Walking Queer Allegory. I said what I said.
wenday and Thing are everything to me. we day's friendship with Eugene to me as well.
oke. now my complainly part/things j wished that happened instead and parts that made me say "that could've been written, chosen better.."
I've TRIED to be unbiased while watching, mostly in the "romance aspect". and I think they should've really just focused on its being about Platonic relationships yk.. they like, they didn't even have a ball to drop Yk. Like you expect Me to believe these wet limp dick white boys are gonna be.. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS 'S.. Potential.. love interest..?? youre joking.
the most annoying part about this was both Xiaver and Tyler were so... fucking entitled. like, WOW. a Girl wasn't mean to you and spoke to you with very basic surface level human decency!
Xiaver, just has a Resting Bitch Face. He didn't do anything wrong but like he's still shithead. And was annoying. (to me)
Tyler, I really wanted him to be the MLM Best Friend :(
but nay, I was wronged ofc. Tyler at first didn't really bother me as much. first few episodes, HE'S JUST SOME WHITE GUY. then it progresses He Annoys Me With a Burning Passion.
my thoughts were like: there's no way. Wednesday liked this boy. she's be manipulated and gaslit.
And yeah Last few Episodes I was correct. it gave me more reason to hate Tyler's ass and I think he should've been brutally murder yk.
I love hunter doohan's performance though, thanks for taking one for the team King <3 He played the bland straight white boy monstour murder.
Now, Enid and Ajax. they were fine.. Ajax is the basic textbook goofy, nice guy who does weed, that just has madusa snake hair—
and omg I laughed so hard when he stoned himselfed like that, it's so perfect and stupid that a teenager with that ability would have the happen to them. it was so fucking funny to me.—
they're relationship is so shallow and mid to me idk. I mean, they do act like a typical teenage het couple.
it's just that, Enid liking a boy who she barely talks obsessesing over him but then also when she got stood up by him. Enid started liking another boy that she just talked to sharing same interests but mostly again just very bare minimum.
I'm not saying she's a shallow person, more say.. yk just a subconsciously finding and filling that, " you have to have a nice boyfriend bcs that's how the world is supposed to be " box...
in short yk, compulsory hetero normativity.
like cmon.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN UR MOM WANTS YOU TO GO TO "CONVERSION CAMP" ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU WANTED HER TO ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WOLFED OUT JUST IN TIME YOU WANTED TO SAVE WEDNESDAY? what do you mean you didn't run into ur bf's after something traumatic but instead run into ur roommates to give her a hug like she'll never let go?
yeah. basically most of my complaints are in the romance. it's Criminally hetero. and I've dealt with alot of hetero relationships endgame media that would have made more sense and thematical it was queer.. augh. I'm gonna watch warrior nun.
I genuinely hope they were very intentional with writing Enid and Wednesday literally the only one with romantic tension and queer subtext..
like, cmon. Wenclair has paralleled Gomez and Tish so much in this show. be for fucking real.
okay that's it. most of what I've said has been said. last thing I wanna say is thank you for your time and effort to read this and.. Wednesday is both queer coded and autism coded.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
you mentioned how many of Armand's traits have been given to Louis, but I think when I really started to give up on getting even a loose book interpretation of Armand was when I saw the first Claudia trailer. Cause if you already have one character stuck in perpetual teenagerhood, are you that motivated to introduce a 2nd one? I mean, I personally would, because I think it'd be that much funnier to see two teenagers plotting against each other in S2, but my fear is these writers will just figure they've got teen angst and identity covered, and all they need Armand for is to pop up and be a non-threatening love interest while Lestat is otherwise engaged.
I'm still not sold on the Rashid theories, mostly because no matter how ooc one gets, I'm not sure I can believe they'd position Armand as totally subservient to Louis. And I LIKE Rashid. But as Armand? No, please no.
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So like. I’ve been really cautious about talking about Claudia because I’m like, mega skeptical about this character change and I don’t like it 😊
As much as I’m willing to give AMC!Claudia a chance as an individual OC, I’ve gotten some red flags about the way the team has talked about women & girls and I’m just. Like. How are you going to remove the main feminist drive of the story to replace it with potentially sexist tropes about teenage girls?
I wrote about this a while back so I won’t go deep on this right now, but I think it’s really suspicious that RJ & them don’t think aging L&L up to their 30s matters when like, they’re saying being 14 somehow is an existential crisis. Does age matter or does it not? Why do they keep commenting on girls’ hormones? Do these vampires even HAVE hormones?! Bro she’s dead lol. I mean I guess they have sex now so whatever it’s a whole new world.
But like the thing about VC characters is that their age has more to do with their relationship to humanity imo; we’ve talked in circles about whether or not the Blood fixes your brain where it is and I think that’s a really cool conversation to have but there’s not a definitive answer bc Anne wasn’t writing with it in mind. Their life experiences are more significant than their brains.
Like, Armand has never been a teen angst figure. Even when I first read them as a teen I wasn’t like OMG HE’S LIKE ME.  VC isn’t a coming of age story and isn’t YA. Armand is 500 years old lmfao and his mortal age is a stigma to always remind us what happened to him. His visual age creates a set of external factors related to the way people treat him, and same with Book!Claudia. Claudia was not a child, either, and the tragedy of her story (aside from the internal body horror) is that people will treat her like a child forever.
So having AMC!Claudia as a teenage girl can still feature this same topic; the horror of her story has potential to tap into those same themes, even if they’re very different. There’s a difference in that she CAN be independent even if her journey getting there is different. This tragedy is less internal than the book, less dramatically anyway; I think the horror here will be more external. People are still probably going to talk down to her and treat her poorly and not allow her agency in certain situations. In a universe where she can have & wants to have sex, she’s always going to have to navigate potential child predators. But she isn’t locked to an adult the way Book!Claudia is. And I think this has a lot of potential and like, even accepting the change as a logistical workaround for shooting, I think care has to be taken to tell that rich story, and I’d like to see it. I would hate for us to swap out Claudia’s story for vampire soap opera teen girl tropes, especially knowing how personal the character was to Anne and how it started the entire series.
So having said that, like. There’s two ways to look at this:
If Armand is still a teen, after watching Episode 4 I really worry about the petty changes they’d make to him if there’s like TEENAGER LORE in this universe. Armand isn’t Like That because he’s a dumb teenager, he’s Like That because he’s been repeatedly traumatized for centuries. Even as a mortal he wasn’t a typical teenager. WHAT DID MARIUS CALL HIM, A WIZENED FUNERAL SPIRIT OR SOMETHING LMAO. And like if the show posits that Teenage Girl = Whiny Boy Crazy Annoying Drama Queen, like, what is the trope they’ll lean into for Teenage Boy? How does this lore about being hormonal fit into the way they’ll portray him?
And like, WHILE YOU’RE RIGHT THAT NOW WE ALREADY HAVE A TEEN CHARACTER it makes me wonder if Armand’s role would change and how this could change the way he antagonizes Claudia. COULD THEY EVEN BE A COUPLE????? Imagine she leaves with Armand instead of Madeleine?
Cause I’m thinking like, if they stuck to the main Paris story, this Claudia doesn’t really have a NEED for Madeleine at all, does she? They’re setting her up that she’s interested in romance so I think it might be that she wants a romantic partner. (Of course Madeleine might have been romantic too once she turned but meaning that it was framed as a parental figure because Claudia was always going to need a visible adult.)
But if the show isn’t afraid of talking about teenage sexuality, he could still show up as a love interest. Like the shallowest read of TVA would tell us that he’s like Ricean Sex Addict Teen and I wonder in the hands of this team if that translates to him being hypersexual in trying to seduce Louis. We sure rushed through to Claudia’s 18th birthday, so! Lol Maybe they’re not afraid to go there. (Also how old were Louis and Jonah??????????????????????????????????????????? Louis might not mind lol.)
But you’re also right that if there’s only room for one teen, and Armand ISN’T a teen, like. It’s just not the same, yall!!!!!!!!!! It’s just not the same character. And even seeing the way age is handled/discussed in this universe (plus the way they’ve handled Daniel & Night Island) just screams to me that they don’t care about Armand the way I do LMAO. To each his own, man, but it’s like. As a VC fan, like, when you strip so much of what I enjoy about VC from an adaptation, what’s left?   
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lenteur · 2 years
i appreciate you a lot, i hope you know that <3
i would like to use the hug card <3 i feel like i need a big biiig group hug, i just want to be squished <333
i hope they do, otherwise i feel like it may drive them apart or away from the company itself(which wouldn't be a bad thing, there are better companies).
your puns are spectacular, i only wish i had that same power ;) it's not that hard to just LOVE him, i mean he is the definition of precious <33 i feel like seungkwan is one of those idols that if you were to ever meet him, he'd be the same as what we see <3 a kind individual <3 though i have watched older fansignings and he seems so sweet <33 i'm having a lot of scoups feelings atm HELP...........
thank u !! we kinda went off criminal minds for the last week or so, my s/o is rewatching smallville and i've been rewatching riverdale <33
it's really, really good <3 i rewatched it this week, also started watching revenge of others, i'm on ep 2 and i am HOOKED <3 it's basically about a girl who transfers to her brother's school in an attempt to find his killer (who pushed him out of a window) >:( i feel like i know who the killer may be but i'm probably wrong :(
you are honestly so sweet <3 you are a ball of sunshine :)) i'm glad you're happy to continue talking with me <3 although if u were not, that would be absolutely okay <3 and you're welcome 🌼
they are both girls!!! <33 they are the cutest beans <3333
hello my dear bestie 💗 i have missed you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much but i'm glad you took some time for yourself and i hope you're feeling better than during the holidays 💕 and i also hope you know i appreciate you as well. very much so!
of course! come here 💓 we'll squeeze you with our love 😘
thank you so much for appreciating my puns 💘 very few people can enjoy them. only the big brained are able to. so therefore, i can share my secret with you :D i went to this amazing pun school ;) i can't mention their name or else they'll receive too many applications. the only thing i can tell you is that it was a lot of PUN (haha get it?)
omg! yes exactly. i knew you'd be able to translate what i'm trying to say about my boo (seungkwan) super well 💝 he's one of those rare idols where you can feel he's practically the same as what he shows in front of cameras. i can't confirm that because i don't know him personally but he kind of seems like he's not that different off camera. ah scoups scoups, that man is very dangerous indeed... i've watched back it up fancams during the caratblr event and i haven't felt this attacked in a long time. he has made a (s)coup(s) d'état to my heart 💞 (i'm proud of that pun)
smallville. a name i haven't heard in a long time. i remember watching it as a teenager, i recognise the faces of the actors but i have no clue as to what's going on in the show. the only thing i know is it's about superman (am i sure? not really) as for riverdale, the only thing i've watched are the yt video edits/the memes. some of the videos are kind of funny. especially when you know nothing about the show hahaha
oh wow congrats on actually keeping your promise of watching kdramas 👏👏👏 so revenge of others is a thriller mixed with a little bit of detective stories? (i don't remember the name of the genre lol) i hope the k*ll*r (just in case tumblr wants to flag this post) is not the person you're suspecting because then it ruins the story :/ at least in my opinion ^^ i mean, it's nice if you guess who it is while collecting clues during the first few episodes but if you already guessed by episode 2 then it's a bummer :( but again maybe the story is not entirely focused on finding the culprit and more about how the main character reacts and what will happen to the culprit? i'm sorry those are just random guesses >3< and i'm sure you've got the right answer. you're smart, very smart!
no need to worry about talking to me 💖 i very much enjoy talking to you and getting to know more about you (and your cats) 💟 you're honestly one of the highlights of my days/weeks when i see you pop up in my notifications so never worry about me not enjoying talking to you. it's the opposite actually!
my little beans are so cute 😻 every time i think about them, i get this huge smile on my face :D it's hard not to when they're this pretty and awesome 💗 a little kiss on both their foreheads because they deserve it for being so amazing 😘😘
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konnfusion · 1 year
4 and 18 for odessa!! (or alternatively, casilda lore??)
aHHHHH someone asking about my girl Casilda! 🥺 she and Odessa are the main ones I'm currently fixated on, so I'll answer BOTH~ (ironically, they both have gardening as hobbies, and that happened by sheer coincidence, but seems fitting.)
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? Odessa's parents were very active in her life and in raising her. She was their only child, so they maybe spoiled her a little--but just with love. They'd take annual trips to local conservatories and zoos on her birthdays and just basically let her infodump about all the plants and animals she'd been reading about. They, unfortunately and very suddenly, died in a freak ice storm when she was a teenager. (This is a plot point that links back to a handful of stories we'll be writing, so I'm trying to be vague in case anyone reading this wants to read her stories!)
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games, and anything else! books: horror and science-fiction, a little fantasy. she's really partial to Stardust by Neil Gaiman, might even call it her favorite (right next to the works of Mary Shelley and Shirley Jackson). music: pop (especially 70s/80s pop/rock, her mom's favorite) and guitar-heavy rock (some favs include ABBA, Marina, Madonna, Fleetwood Mac, Kate Bush, The Offspring, and Taylor Swift). tv shows and movies: sci-fi, comedy, a little pickier with horror movies as opposed to books.
Casilda (as with Odessa, I'm going to assume anyone reading this knows something about The Sandman TV show. anybody let me know if you want a scattered/messy Casilda lore post like I did for Odessa! basically all you need to know for now is that she's originally from the 1600s, and joined the realm of the Dreaming after her death in the Waking, and she works in the palace of Dream of the Endless.)
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? in her Waking life, Casilda only really got to know her father; her mother died in childbirth while having her younger sister (Casilda was about 4 years old). Her family was very poor, and worked at any trade they could manage to try to get by (mostly vegetable and animal farming). Her father was kindly, and tried to give his daughters the best life he could. He fostered her love of art, even if he didn't always understand it, and often went without things for himself to buy her books and painting supplies.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games, and anything else! Casilda is such a romantic; she can't pass up a good romantic drama of any sort. she and her sister used to sneak into productions of Shakespeare plays when they couldn't afford tickets. Once she arrives in the Dreaming and has access to essentially the whole history of books, she gets really into Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters. but, given where she lives, she also regularly devours some fantasy adventure stories. George Méliès' adaptation of A Trip to the Moon impressed her so much that she still calls it one of her favorite movies. her best friend curates all the history of the Waking's music, so she's been introduced to a lot of new genres since the invention of the record player. her favorite, though, is folk music. she's fond such modern artists as Sinéad O'Connor and The Crane Wives! (her best friend is getting her and Dream into grunge rock and bubblegum pop, though, since they both missed the 80s and 90s due to Plot Things. so far, Casilda is really enjoying Britney Spears!)
I'm THRILLED that people are actually sending me questions about my characters, like this has totally made my week omg ;u; thank you so much for asking!!!
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1d1195 · 2 months
Aww thank you so much!😭You have no idea how much that means to me!💗
Omg not him getting distracted?!? Bestie that is TRAGIC! I would lose it lowkey bc sadly i get TOO invested when I like something lol But YES I would HIGHLY recommend watching the last two together! I agree Tina’s episode felt more like season 2 vibes and would have probably fit better when she started to take those fancy cooking classes. But we got Richie’s episode which was a WIN for me lol
Bestie of course I will always be rooting for you! And the fact that you're a teacher just makes you even more remarkable! Plus you’re basically in the trenches everyday with those teenagers 😭And of course rooting for you in your personal life!
I saw that you’ve been struggling a bit with part 2 but you’ve managed to get it done! Very proud of you because I can only imagine how it can be a bit frustrating! I know all of us are going to love it!
HAHA omg you’re so REAL for thinking that! I mean he is a MAN after all so I would be surprised if he wasn’t whiny lol
Hope meeting up with your friend went well! And I especially hope that you’ve survived your family because I know it can get ROUGH😭Hope the weather gets better too! I know you basically hate when it’s hot lol
I was pretty busy this weekend! I hung out with friends I haven't been able to see in a while so it was nice to have a break! It’s been so hot recently but It cooled down a bit so we had a picnic! And I actually saw a movie where the main character was named Sam/Samantha! What’s wild though is that we went out for sushi and there was a roll called Sun Kissed and I immediately thought of your fic! I MUST re-read it because it is such a cute little summer fic! ANYWAYS overall it was nice but my social battery was drained lol 
I'm wishing you the BEST start of the week! Hope you are treating yourself well! Wishing you all the LOVE BESTIE!!- 💜
BRO I TOLD HIM I WANTED TO WATCH BOTH EPISODES AND HE SAID WE CAN WATCH ONE. I COULD THROW UP. IDK WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM. Anyway. That's a good point about Richie vs. Tina. It would have been greedy to have both. Anyway. I can't tell you how much I love the Faks. My favorite bit so far has been "How many Faks are coming?" "At least 2 less than 5." I just love them so much. Barging into the hospital to see Claire??? 😭😭
Part 2 is done and posted. I'm trying not to hate it since it's only been an hour, it's Monday, and I did write a whole ass dissertation 🤦‍♀️ I can't wait to hear your thoughts if you have time to read it 💕
...he's super whiny tbh... or maybe I'm just conditioned to not want to be whiny because I'm just a girl 😂 if you know what I mean.
It was super nice to see my friend! My fam is this week and not looking forward to it exactly. I went for a walk today in this RIDICULOUS hot humid air. But I do feel better for it. I have another friend meeting tonight so I need to shower again and try to remain cool. It's also Monday so it's my list day hehehehe so I've got that going for me too! I'm also addicted to online shopping and it's Prime Day tomorrow so I gotta get shit for my classroom. So that's what I have for this week! Hopefully I'll have time to read and write too!
OMG so fun! I hope she was a good character. I'm always so sad about Sam/Samantha's in movies and shows--they give me such a bad rap. They're often a 👎 (but not Hilary Duff in A Cinderella Story but that's because Hilary can do no wrong by me). I LOVED sun-kissed. So much summer fun 😂 I've never been a sushi fan, but I love that for you! I'm glad you had a nice weekend with friends even if your battery is drained!
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jhynka · 2 years
cheezy mfo
tropes and themes i wish were my life and why
PLEASE. having someone kill for you, kidnap you because of how much they want you 😭, fucking doing everything just cuz they want ur attention 😭😭😭😭. literally them taking care of you, and all you have to do is to give them attention and listen to them and they wont do anything bad if you follow them. like please take me tf away already
highschool romance
Self-explanatory, teenage first love romance is the cutest and most enjoyable thing ever. especially if you two are in the same class and you can just catch each other staring hahahah. Always having someone to eat with during lunch, always having someone to be your partner in activities, and always having someone to be with you after school. Even if you two dated for months, you both are still like shy with each other cuz ur just kids in love 😭
classic and cringe, my favorite cc's (no not coco channel, classic and cringe are my cc's) . omg! a hot mysterious guy you met somewhere suddenly has a weird interest in you! does he want you as a tool to get into the rival families? does he need you to work for him? who the fuck knows! all you know is that he's hot and he wants you. mix in the he ends up being your classmate in college because his dad wanted him to get an education instead of him living off crime his whole life (daddy issuessss).
kpop stan x anime watcher
bro i cannot emphasize this enough. like listening to krnb together while you're reading a book and they're drawing anime characters>>>. imagining them being your plus one to concerts even tho they're probably antis and you trying to watch anime but end up falling asleepppp
forbidden love in a royal au
picture this: the classic princess of your kingdom, and you're in love with the prince whos soon to be coronated after his father abdicated because of his health. Sure, you could marry him, to have an alliance and to become queen, but nooo you're arranged to get married to the prince's personal enemy, not politically. the other prince is aware that you both are in love with each other so he uses you to make the future king pissy and then there's drama and other prince ends up giving you up to main prince because he lost in a grand epic duel in the last chapter
mean guy x good girl
another cc, classic and cringe. another wording is the 'mean to everyone but nice to them'. same as the yandere trope where they drop everything for you (as they should). and imagine how you could mix the 'i can fix him' trope into it and you literally make him a better person (still mean to his dad tho (daddyy issuesss) ). from skipping classes to getting all a's, from killing people cuz they were pissy to getting used to venting, from overspending their unlimited bank to make his rivals jelly, to realizing that he doesn't need to make anyone jelly or to prove anything to anyone.
this ended up being so long bye i hope no one ended up reading this i did this in like 10 mins
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wildm00re · 2 years
i love how when we talk about portwell and rinis being racist, they talk right around it. like address the anti blackness you should towards gina?? but they don’t care to hold themselves accountable!
it’s baffling the way the show went out of its way to show us that gina was NOT in the wrong for dumping ej; they showed us that despite having very strong feelings for ricky in s2, gina had no intention of getting in between him and nini and somehow they painted her as the villain every single time.
in s2, she was slut shamed for having a crush… people were really slut shaming a teenager with a crush on a disney show and didn’t see anything wrong with that…
“poor nini, gina is a terrible friend for dating ricky” gina dated ej too… another one of nini’s exes and she didn’t care… she encouraged it even😭 they’re projecting their feelings onto nini because to me that’s one of the main reasons a lot of them shipped rini to begin with—
—they either 1). projected joshua and olivia’s irl dynamic that they had during interviews onto them or 2). projected themselves into that relationship— because let’s be honest, there were a lot of weirdos in the fandom back then especially after the ‘epic season finale kiss’ that rini had. i remember seeing GROWN people wanting rini to have sex scenes in s2 when these kids are like 16/17 on a disney show 😭
anyways as i was saying, with gina being a possible love interest for ricky, a lot of these weirdos couldn’t project onto her— that’s how it usually is for white fandoms when their fav white leads/white passing leads get a character of color/black character for a love interest. they start saying “they’re better off as friends/siblings :(“ “they have more chemistry with [insert other white character here]” or they say the typical “i really tried to get into them but it’s just so forced” line that i’ve seen used for various ships of mine across fandoms (e.g.: westallen, dansen, scira, dickkory, etc)
with portwell shippers, for most of them it’s always been about what gina can do for ej not what they can mutually do for each other. it’s always “ej deserves better” “poor ej deserves to be happy” “ej was there for gina when nobody was and THIS is how she thanks him 😡” “ej is trying his best why is gina so hard on him”
again, gina is the one being held to impossible standards; what gina wants or needs is not important to them— and then they wonder why they get called out for being racist?
this is getting long, but someone replied to one of my posts a few days ago (a reply i can’t see anymore for some reason?) but it was a post where i was defending gina from the fandom’s shitty takes and they said something along the lines “ omg she’s human not a god hold her accountable” and i was just ???
accountable for WHAT ? genuinely, i want to know what this poor girl did that is getting her villainized like this?
is it having unresolved feelings for ricky? because she wasn’t acting on them. she literally tried and tried to be a good gf to ej up until the last minute where she couldn’t stand being miserable anymore. besides, it’s not like ej wasn’t aware of the history rina had, he brings it up multiple times— so, i don’t get how ej knowingly entered a relationship with a girl with unresolved feelings for another guy, and he’s the ‘victim’ while gina is the ‘bad guy’ ? he knew what he was getting into
and yes i do feel sympathetic towards ej (despite his annoying fandom), his father is terrible but that doesn’t change the fact that he was making gina miserable and it doesn’t change the fact that they weren’t right for each other.
(sorry this got really long—)
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agoddamn · 2 years
I had my Teenage Girl Hate phase with Sakura (I was twelve, it's allowed) but over time I found myself really digging her concept...or, her apparent concept at the time. The whole thing where her shallow girly facade is completely fake and her mimicking what she thinks popular/well-liked girls act like because she's self-conscious and anxious, I dig the hell out of it. The self-sabotaging complexity of her relationship with Ino where she so badly wanted to be as cool/respected/self-actualized as Ino that she was willing to torch the friendship--love that.
The potential comphet reading of a hyperfeminine-looking girl forcing herself to act even more feminine for social acceptance--that's some chef's kiss shit, especially when you take her homoerotic rival parallels with Ino in the context of Naruto and Sasuke's relationship (where Naruto has a shallow crush that he grows out of and comes to admit that the real most important relationship to him is someone he clashed with was there some irrelevant girl involved? Ah, whatever).
She's also got the coveted everyman angle into the story, where she doesn't have a special bloodline or traumatic childhood like everyone else in Konoha.
All Kishimoto had to do was keep doing what he had already set up with her--finding her feet and growing into a real person as opposed to the shallow caricature she acted like as a child when she had no self-confidence.
But...we all know how that went. I honestly think he kinda psyched himself out, focused too hard on "omg she's a girl I can't write girls" because her building blocks are solid. Yes, young Sakura is obnoxious, but so are young Naruto and Sasuke! And then he had to pivot to franchising and setting up a "next generation" series, and her ability to give Sasuke another Uchiha overrode any other potential narrative value. Kishimoto was eager for any excuse to get out of developing her and giving her Main Character levels of focus. Those interview segments where he talks about how she was really unpopular so he tried to fix that in Shippuden by making her prettier...painful.
(I feel like SasuSaku is like the narrative inversion of VegeBul where Bulma ended up being Trunks's mother because she was the only unmarried female character Toriyama remembered he had, except with VegeBul their relationship added an unexpected, interesting texture to both characters and created a surprisingly memorable relationship running counter to many common tropes at the time*. VegeBul came out stronger for its narrative practicality-related origins and SasuSaku did...not.)
[*Please do not mistake this for me trying to claim that "DBZ is woke actually," I'm only saying that 90s shonen didn't often have successful unmarried moms.]
So I think that she also ultimately ends up as another casualty of Naruto's narrative paradox--that thing where the series is set up on "shinobi shouldn't just be tools" but it's a shonen and it cannot follow through on that principle because shonen need to have cool fights. In a shonen framework, making her a healer limited her even further thanks to narrative values of shonen (beams = good).
(I could make a whole post on how fictional healing is extremely hard to write tbh)
tl;dr my personal edition of the "Sakura was done dirty" post.
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kiisaes · 3 years
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my biggest problem with izuocha is that it feels .. . .... bland ??? in canon??? like i'm not sure how exactly to describe it but u know how shounen has this notorious problem of giving the most dynamic, important, meaningful relationship of the series between the male mc and his designated rival/best friend??? leaving the female love interest ... nothing in the relationship department????? it kinda feels like that if u get my drift. izuocha is cute as shit but that's all it is. it's cute. they have tooth-rottingly sweet scenes at times but nothing else. there's very little deeper nuance to it especially regarding strong, mutual feelings between the two of them
i ADORE ochako's feelings for deku, but i'm not sure if horikoshi is trying to pull her arc one way or the other. one way being the typical "main character gets the main girl" route, or the other way being "ochako learns that her feelings for deku are pretty stuck on his heroism, and she admires his heroism greatly, and thus believes that his heroism and his actual self are one in the same, but as her arc progresses she realizes that idolizing deku isn't the same as actually liking him as a potential lover and she grows from this very common teenage confusion". DO U GET ME??? I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE-
if horikoshi is trying to make izuocha endgame then i really hope he like. SLAMS on the accelerator bc in regards to deku's relationships with people, deku's relationship with ochako is still PAINFULLY basic. he's implied to be crushing on ochako but there's very little evidence that he feels something deeper than just surface-level pining. deku's actual emotional hangups are, unfortunately, entirely elsewhere, mostly with his male peers and being an ideal hero and whatever he's up to nowadays. it leaves ochako to pine for deku helplessly because i'm certain she's aware at this point that she is NOT what deku finds most important right now. and, frankly, judging by the way this story is going i don't think she'll EVER be what he finds most important unless horikoshi does a whole u-turn on us
i also know that u know, they're teenagers and they're allowed to have shallow crushes and whatever but i just don't think it's fair for ochako to be the only one truly investing her time in something more between them, u feel me? if we're getting canon izuocha i hope deku at least reciprocates SOMETHING stronger than simple "she's a girl!!! omg!!! i am attracted to girls!!!" feelings. because while deku does think ochako is a great person and admires HER heroism, that's... honestly where it ends for him. he never goes particularly in depth about his feelings for her the same way ochako does
THE POINT IS i want to love canon izuocha SO BAD but the series is just making it SO HARD for me... fanon izuocha can be cute as hell but canon izuocha feels so goddamn overshadowed by literally every other main deku relationship and it's quite depressing imo. it'd be great endgame but i fear that if nothing drastic changes in their relationship, it'll end just like the other shounen relationships where everyone's straight but relationships feel unearned :(
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katiecanblog · 2 years
So uh I watched the new Scream movie. As a big fan of the first film especially, I have to say that overall this one was alright. It's not really knocking any down from the tiers though.
Spoilers below
My main problem is that my favorite character from the originals dies. Brought down by a teenage girl, no less. (Also, where the heck did a teenage girl get a bulletproof vest?)
Second problem is that even though Billy was a psychopath serial killer, I still think he wouldn't have cheated on Sydney. That's what caused this all after all. His dad cheated on his mom with Sydney's mom and that's what caused his parents to split and that in turn is what caused him to want to murder. (Sorry for the run on sentence)
Stuff I liked:
#1 is SKEET ULRICH omg I totally called that he would have a cameo. Because his scheduling for Riverdale just lined up so perfectly with when they were filming Scream.
The callbacks to the original. Such as Randy's sister, Stu's house, Dewey having memories of his sister Tatum in his house (I always thought it was odd that they never have him missing her in the other movies), the mimicking camera shots like at the end when it zooms out from Stu's house with a reporter talking out front, etc. You get the idea.
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carbootsoul · 3 years
omg please talk about saionji and utena and i want to know ur thoughts
ack anon i am. kissing u on the mouth rn thank u so much for asking !!! a fair warning before i write anything else: i have a stupid and inexplicable amount of affection for saionji kyouichi and this response will probably be kinda biased toward being understanding of him. don't get me wrong he is still very much a bad person throughout a lot of the series BUT he's also 17. anyway this got long bc i have many thoughts so its under the cut
my big thought about the two of them is that they're foils for each other! both to illustrate utena's good qualities and to point out what went wrong with saionji.
the main place we see similarities between them is their feelings toward both anthy and touga. saionji and utena are the only duelists to duel FOR anthy as a person rather than the power she wields. they're also the only two people that touga ever expresses unguarded affection toward, the only people with him in the church scene, the only people who reject him (other than nanami, whose rejection is more complex imo), and the two targets of his manipulation in season one. wakaba refers to them both as her prince and they both express at least the potential to be friends with her, they're both dragged into some kind of relation with akio through someone they're close with (saionji only for a few short scenes but the camera one does make me a little queasy), they're the only duelists to lose a duel and then rechallenge the winner. they're also the only characters to be "expelled" (not quite textually in utena's case, but the girls at the end of the last episode speculate that she was expelled for "getting in trouble with the chairman"). finally there are some vague thoughts i have about saionji's rose being a very pale green, which is a complimentary color to pink (while his hair is a deeper green, mirroring touga's red hair).
in terms of their personalities being similar it's mostly just the fact that they're both jocks and they both do the baffled face a lot which i think is fun from them both :) same 'interacting with nanami ever' expression. the two BIG things they have in common personality wise is their tendency to insist that their view of the world (especially!! their view of what is good for anthy) is correct, and obliviousness (especially to their privilege and the way it acts on other people, especially anthy). utena grows out of both those things, though, and they're two of her main points of character development throughout the series.
obviously, the differences between them are quite a bit more obvious. saionji is mostly used (especially at the beginning of the series) to contrast utena and to provoke her into protecting anthy. he's abusive, controlling, and cocky where she is... just cocky, and only sometimes. saionji is less aware of 'adult things' than utena (in some ways he's more childish than nanami- the scene that comes to mind is the one with the exchange diary, where utena worries that saionji is making sexual advances and saionji obviously has no idea what she's thinking. tbh i hold that saionji didn't really know what sex was before his car scene which is both funny and v upsetting to me). saionji is unwilling or unable to change the parts of himself that harm other people (or unaware of the effects of his actions) whereas utena, throughout the series, constantly does her best to be a better person and i love her so. so much. not-prince of my heart. also he has green hair and she has pink hair :) also he sucks so bad
anyway now that i've established their similarities and differences, here's the heart of my argument!! at their core, utena and saionji are very similar people (the church flashback rly illustrates this imo but maybe thats just bc children r all similar) but, because saionji grew up with power that utena didn't, he's. uh. who he is. (his eyes are purple, a color associated with akio's control. akio.. uh. patriarchy man.)
saionji's role in the show isn't just as the personification of rape culture, but as a statement on what the patriarchy DOES to teenage boys who don't notice their privilege. he is quite obviously less aware of his power than touga or akio are (they both use sex as a power tool, and both take advantage of the fact that they, as men, have power in most situations. saionji also takes advantage of this but it seems much less conscious on his part- again the scene with the exchange diary comes to mind. he is looming over utena-as-anthy but not in an attempt to scare her, but just bc he's found that when he is big and tall, people do what he want). this is shown especially in what we see of saionji when he's staying with wakaba! he's a much better person when he doesn't have this institutional power as close to his fingertips, even when he's unaware of this lacking. he goes back to being a douche the second he leaves, to, which is where his personal problems come into play.
saying that saionji is how he is just because he was born into privilege is way more forgiving of him than the narrative is or i would be, because the other bit that contrasts him with utena is his unwillingness to see or acknowledge his privilege. the fact that he's unaware of the bits and pieces of society that come together to give him that power over anthy doesn't absolve him, because he still takes advantage of the fact that he can do whatever he wants to her and he never tries to understand why. he sees that if he's engaged to anthy she will love him unconditionally (what he's looking for throughout the series) but he never tries to connect the dots between the power he has over her and the fact that she says she loves him. a scene that i think is rly interesting is the one in touga's last few episodes where touga and utena are talking and saionji comes and lies down in anthy's lap- it's such a small thing but i think it does a really interesting job summarizing his character! he actively seeks out affection/the love he wants from anthy and, because of the power he wields, she gives it to him. he's content with this, because he refuses to see the power dynamics that make her let him nap with his head in her lap. he allows himself to keep the safe blanket of his privilege, even when it hurts everyone else. utena sees that she has power as the rose bride's fiance and she (eventually) works against the powers that be to change that.
anywayyy that was a lot lol and im not sure it makes a ton of sense??? but those r what i've been thinking about! really it boils down to like. saionji would be a much better person if he took a feminist theory class with a completely open mind. and then he and utena could be friends :) the other thing it boils down to is that both utena and saionji's best and worst characteristics are being stupid as fuck BUT utena tries to learn and saionji refuses to. thanks again for sending this ask!! i hope my response made some sense haha
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genderqueer-miharu · 2 years
My thoughts on Go! Princess Precure:
Ok, so finally finished go princes and i gotta talk about, so i'll try giving my thoughts and feelings on this season here. I tried to talk about it in the most coherent way but i'm not organized soooo...yeah, anyways: my thoughts under the cut
Um, I LOVED THIS SEASON OMG IT WAS SO GOOD. I'll be honest i wasn't feeling super strong feelings about during the first half, BUT the second half made me completely love it, they did so many things with the story and the characters that really surprised me.
Haruka was definetely my favorite character, again i didn't really had any strong feelings about her, but they really surprised me with her arc, especially after eps 38 and 39 is where she became my favorite.
These episodes served as a way to show another side of her (her dyspear and sadness), but also as a way to solidify her motivations and make her remember why she wanted to become a princess in the first place
"Who cares if you have your dream back? It'll only knock you down!" "Then let it!" HELLO??? I was screaming during this entire fight scene and this dialogue.
Now about minami, her arc was also really great, i was already kind of expecting something like that, but the build up to her realizing what her true dream was, was really well done, and it had a satisfying conclusion
Kirara's arc was also fantastic. I love how her episodes showcased her determination in protecting everyone's dreams, but at the same time showed her insecurities and fears over being a model, especially cuz she always showed herself as really confident.
Her final episodes did a great job at showing how she had found a new goal that she wanted to fullfill other than modeling: protecting people's dreams along with her new friends
Also i just like her laidback and friendly personality.
Now towa and kanata, um, they made me cry.
Ok so towa was already a character that i was more invested than anyone when she was first introduced, you know, since she was more involved in the main plot.
I really liked that they gave her an episode to interact with each one of the main girls (even yui). This helped their friendship feel more developed and genuine, also it was fun seeing her trying to fit in earth.
ALSO, another thing that helped to solidify their relationship is how towa understood that minami and kirara had some kind of problems and used the same advice that they both gave her, to help THEM instead, man, it really makes you see how much they care about each other.
Kanata was overall really cool as well, don't really have much to say about him but he's great. I cried when he cried at the end.
Now yui, if i didn't know beforehand, i would've thought that she was going to be the next cure. I love how, despite being a secondary character, she still is part of the group. Also she broke herself out of the cage of dispear and helped every other secondary character do the same so...yeah she's awesome.
The villains were super entartaining as well, i love that they all hated each other lmao.
Ok but, Shut was really funny, i liked that the show itself admitted that he was pretry incompetent as a villain, and they used this fact about him for his redemption (also he punched close in his face which YESSS).
Lock was a little rebel teenager, and i love that about him. I like that he and shut ended together in the end.
Close was definetely the highlight villain, i really wasn't expecting that he'd come back, but honestly i'm glad he did. His final fight with flora was EVERYTHING, and the fact that he just...leaves...on his own??? At first it can seem like an anticlimactic ending, but i worked to showcase the main message of the show: that yes, dreams can make you feel as much happiness and as much dispear, but what's important is to not let the negative feelings consume and prevent you from achieving pursuing them, and since close represents dispear, flora letting him go was definetely the best choice.
Some extra stuff: the mascots were fantastic, aroma is funny, pafu and kuroro are adorable, miss shamour is the best she's everything. The animation and the music were BEAUTIFUL. The side characters were ok for the most part. OH and the transformations and the costumes are fantastic.
Overall it was an AMAZING season, the story was beautiful, the characters were really well developed, it was just...beautiful yeah that's all.
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