#((ooc post)))
yearningfortheend · 2 days
//idk. weird ask game
how do you sleep? curled up to protect your vital organs, or laying your soft abdomen bare to be torn into?
what tears you apart?
do you rot? do you linger?
what service would your corpse bring?
what flower would you willingly let grow within your body, taking it over?
what animal skull represents you?
what holds you together?
how do you physically feel your emotions, if at all?
if flesh fails, what would you replace your biological matter with?
how do you experience the different forms of pain?
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Saying No
Okay so a conversation in a discord server inspired me to make this.
You guys can say no to things. You do not always have to "Yes And" everything that comes to you.
Like. Usually when we talk about rping, we talk about saying yes and. continuing on the scene, not shutting interaction down. We're pretty lucky with how this rp stuff works where in character denying and saying no CAN work a lot better than in standard improv without fully stopping the scene and kinda shutting it down, but that's not what I'm talking about.
I've seen a lot of people who kinda. Accidentally start god modding or kinda burst their way into plotlines without asking and like. This is public rp! Anyone can join! But there is a certain degree where you gotta stop first and ask or just not say it.
But sometimes people do not think first and just do. Maybe sending a magic anon that solves all of your oc's problems. Maybe they have dimension hopping powers and are like "Don't worry! I've come to your reality and I can help you get away from your problems instantly!", maybe your character really wants a mega stone and you have plans to have a whole thing about them working to get this mega stone and learning to mega evolving their partner and then someone mystery gifts or pelipper mails the item to you immediatly.
You don't have to "Yes, and" that. You can just say "No, you didn't do that". You are allowed to say no when someone crosses your boundaries and is affecting your plot.
Is someone trying to involve you in their plot without asking? "That is not happening in my character's universe" Is someone trying to say they're just there at a crucial event with your character when they never asked? "Your character is not able to be there. Please delete that post".
Yes And only goes so far. There is a time and a place where you will need to say No, and that is just as important to RP as going with the flow! If someone's fucking with your plot, its your job to tell them to stop. People can get involved, sure, but sometimes people try and get way more involved than what you're comfortable and its okay to tell them to back off.
I've also seen people feel that stuff like Muse Mixup Madness or Pelipper Mail are mandatory things they HAVE to do? You don't! You don't need to do anything even if others are! So I guess this is your reminder that you can ignore pelipper mail and magic anons and just asks in general that you dont like! you can turn pelipper mail and magic anons off completely! you can ignore peoples replies to your posts if they fuck with what you have going on. you can tell people they did not do things that would fuck with your characters and story. you can just not do muse mixup madness when it rolls around. you can just not do follower special events. you don't have to participate in anything you dont want, and you dont have to allow people to do whatever even if it makes you uncomfortable.
Other people can do what they want, but you have a right to say no when they try to involve you.
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(OOC) I find it so funny whenever me and @river-nonbinary-billcipherfan are surprised that the characters that WE are rp-ing are doing anything. I’ll be like “woah what the fuck ford where did that come from” and in their ooc they’ll be like “i am so surprised that river is doing this” as if we’re not the ones typing these silly little guys’ responses.
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ask-coppertop · 2 days
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(Ooc made a lil thing 🤭)
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billcipher-rpblog · 2 days
(OOC shitpost) Been rereading some of the past Billford fights I've had with the Ford blog and I'm laughing a little too hard
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stolasspeaks · 2 days
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"Maybe you can say mean things to me too the next time you come over" if this man doesn't dig up some self-esteem soon istfg
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hankmccoyhere · 3 days
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I was told to post this by the Logan mun — jddjjdjdj
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morningstarscratch · 13 hours
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shadowtoons · 14 hours
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Me when my friends are goobers
Then again I am also one lol
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justsigma-bsd · 2 days
Pspspspspspspspsps mod I made the creator of the book
ooc: Ohh that's cool! And also kinda funny bc Cheese made the person who created Sigma-
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wishmaker-astra · 2 days
//Hey guys, who's Juniper Frost actually? It sounds like some member of Team Unity, but that isn't something I've been keeping up with
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ooc post abt some drama
So I’m pretty sure everyone has either interacted with @/demigod-jack-hearth or at least seen some of the posts that were made abt his Circe au. I’ve been trying to keep track of everyone’s thoughts on this (namely @unhinged-waterlilly and @if-chaos-was-a-boy who both have really helpful posts about it) and since I’m capable of producing coherent thoughts every once in a while, I thought I would share my thoughts on all of this.
So I should probably start with the AU, which really was the cause of a lot of this chaos. So first of all, making it in the first place was a very interesting choice. I’m not sure if Jack based it more off the odyssey or the epic musical, but either way it’s just a very weird decision. I understand people like to project on their character which makes sense, but Jack never mentioned being r@ped. (And I hope he never was) but it feels like if he was comfortable enough to make that part of an AU, he would’ve probably mentioned it one of the times he was trying to defend himself.
I understand that HE might’ve thought it was a fine change to make since he was comfortable with it, but I’ve seen a handful of people saying it made them uncomfortable. I’m aware it’s not his job to make sure everyone is happy, but the whole AU was really unnecessary knowing it could’ve made someone uncomfortable.
People even went to Jack saying they were v!ctims and they didn’t like his AU, and he basically told them to fuck off, without ANY condolences or apologies to the people for having to go through that. Those people shared their experiences and he just didn’t care.
And YES Odysseus is a fictional character, but his trauma is still basically being disrespected. I’ve seen a couple of people saying other are being dramatic since they are angry about him being invalidated, but it makes sense to me why they would be angry.
One anon (who was a sa victim of I remember right) came to Jack being rude, and SO many people have been rude to this anon, calling them either rude or dramatic, but honestly I think they were just really angry about what Jack had done (which is perfectly understandable) and they didn’t really think or bother to be polite when they sent that. They made a mistake too, but I don’t think jacks response was any better.
And once he realized that he was wrong (after having to be confronted by multiple people) he NEVER apologized. The words “I’m sorry” were not on a single one of his posts. He basically was just trying and failing to defend himself. This all could’ve been solved much quicker with a simple apology, but he’s more concerned with making sure everyone likes him and that he’s right so he doesn’t have to deal with any guilt.
And now he’s apparently disappeared and has been self harming and just struggling a lot. But you want to know what I find interesting? Jack never mentioned having a boyfriend, and now Fred has taken control of his account, responding to almost everyone and trying to defend Jack. I might be the only one, but I did NOT understand how to use tumblr at first, and it took me a while until I even learned how to reblog people and tag stuff. Even once I did learn how to tag people, I wasn’t tagging 20+ people on every post like Jack does. Another interesting thing is that the blog said something along the lines of “I didn’t mean to blah blah blah” and sounded like it was Jack defending himself, but then the message ended with -Freddy
If I was Fred, I would’ve made ONE post explaining why Jack disappeared, and not mentioning any of the sh or breakdowns. He could’ve made a post without mentioning all of that and disrespecting jacks privacy. Instead, he’s been responding to every person and mostly trying to defend Jack in every one of them. He also said he locked Jack out of his tumblr account, which you LITERALLY CANNOT DO unless he took away Jacks phone, which just seems really controlling, even if he did think it was best for Jack. So yes, this is me saying that I don’t think Fred is real. Especially since Jack is a ROLEPLAYER, and we are completely used to acting like different people.
Going back to the self-harm topic, I think that parts very weird as well. He’s made self harm jokes, and while I know perfectly well people can use humor as a coping mechanism, that’s just another really insensitive thing to do. It just doesn’t really make sense to me how you can make self harm jokes one week and then let your boyfriend tell a bunch of people on the internet you’ve been trying to hurt yourself.
Overall I think this spiraled into a lot more than it should’ve been, and this all wouldn’t have happened if he had just apologized, or just never have made that AU.
jacks tag list- @zariahthewitch @thegroovydaughterofhestia @if-chaos-was-a-boy @the-gods-strange-children @silena-daughterofaphrodite
@fabulousdaughterofhecate @weakest-son-of-sun @chaos-pers0nified @neoptolemus-achilles-son
@bast-the-best26 @goddess-of-bubblegum @gaygirldoodles @luck-is-crucial
@reyna4ever @vicious-daughter-of-zeus @feral-hermes-child @oopsies-i-did-a-thing @unfortunate-daughter-of-hestia
@that-girl-cupid @ariathemortal @love-lightning-forethought @emdabitchass
@kaiaalwayswins @champion-of-revenge @i-was-never-sane @clown-energy-skyrocketing @zoe-aura-of-d3ath
@itsyourboyezra @lunar-eklipso-r @pink-koi-lovejoy @that-daughter-of-athena
@sleepy-as-a-song @smileyalater @thedaughter-of-death @gellyhelio @daughter-ofthe-moontitan
@demeters-daughter-is-done @the-smart-and-the-dumb-one @trinket-snatcher @southerndaughterofeos
@creature-under-ur-bed @burnt-out-bitxhes
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Silly Anon+ Poll Final info:
- The poll will be held on Friday 9/20 at 3pm EDT and will be live for 24 hours
- I will post a 5 minute notice before the polls are made public
- Propaganda will stop being reposted on my blog as soon as Friday 2pm EDT (But feel free to promote yourself elsewhere)
- All five poll brackets will be posted around the same time on Friday
- The final round will be posted Saturday 9/21 at 4pm EDT
- An hour before the Friday poll closes, I will reach out to the highest voted candidates for a one sentence (-ish) quote that I will add to the final poll. If I have no way of getting in contact with you, I will try to make a public post reaching out. If I don’t get a quote from one of the finalists, they will be quoted as “too silly to speak.”
- I will post the anons-doc alongside the polls, but you can familiarize yourself with it here: Doc
- I will be online as the posts are made public. If there’s any issues, please be patient as I fix them
- There’s a main prize (plus bragging rights) but there will be smaller prizes for the second and third place winners. I may try to contact you about your prize, but it will be presented publicly (at an undecided date rn)
- Don’t take it too seriously if you lose, we’re just having fun here
- EDIT: Here’s a post explaining the silly poll’s place in this blog’s canon: Is it canon?
- I may add more to this if I forgot something. Have any questions? Just ask me
Poll 1 / Poll 2 / Poll 3 / Poll 4 / Poll 5 / Finals
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mizuwater wanted me to do cpr on them. they could breathe just fine they were just refusing to do so.
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I wanna change up my intro post bc the part where i tag ya'll is v bland :)
Imma let y'all pick what to write for ur chara sooo yea
@bad-boy-supreme-official @wise-girl-official @seaweed-brain-official @sunnysolace7 @nico-ghostking @goat-boi-official @rachel-elizabeth-dare-official @blond-superman-official @gems-and-jewels @reyna4ever @quinntheapollodaughter
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