rubberbandgirlme · 17 days
look. LOOK. i can't stop thinking about how logan could have stayed alongside cassandra, with all the voices in his head finally silenced and the pain gone, and yet he kept choosing wade's side, even though the guy kidnapped him, used him and lied to him i made an educated wish op!, even though logan seemed to have given up on the idea of fixing his own world already;
AND AND AND how logan couldn't watch wade die, even though he wanted him dead just a few hours ago; couldn't walk away just like he always did; how wade became so important to him he was ready to sacrifice himself for wade and his friends;
AND how dragging logan back into wade's world wasn't enough, he needed to become a part of it to save the timeline, to save himself, and wade — a stubborn fool he is — did it by latching onto him tightly sometimes literally 😏, intertwining their destinies and making logan a part of his world
and maybe that's exactly what logan needed. someone who would hold on to him, never give him up never let him down, run around and desert him 🎵❤️
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necrophiliak · 7 months
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siderealscribblings · 3 months
Early access Games of Divinity Time: Timetheft Edition
The Chasm - Liyue
There were easier ways to break stone, but Zhongli found the rhythmic swing of a pick strangely therapeutic. The tinny tink-tink-tink of metal on rock mingled with the chatter from the other miners around him, all dressed in sweat-stained shirts and heavy work-boots the same as he was. Despite hauling and shattering entire mountains worth of rock, no one raised a complaint, even as the blistering sun began beating down on them. They were a good crew, even if they were unnerved by the soft-spoken young man that could splinter rocks the size of houses with a few well-placed strokes of his ax. 
Perhaps they smell the blood on me, Zhongli thought, taking a swig from the wineskin on his hip and wiping his brow. War gods without wars were irrelevant, and while the Qixing still relied on his wisdom (such as it was) Zhongli found himself with too much time on his hands. Time that would be spent brooding if he didn’t put his hands to work doing something useful. It would be a while before he needed to fake his death and vanish for a few decades so those in Liyue Harbor didn’t grow suspicious and if he was going to live as a man, he was going to work as one as well. 
“Hey, Z!” Zhongli craned his head up to see one of the other workers leaning over the edge of his pit some ten meters above him. “Chow-wagon is here; grab the Mora Meat before Lingyun runs off with the whole stack!” 
“Screw off!” Came Lingyun’s reply from somewhere above him. 
“Thank you; I’ll be up momentarily,” Zhongli sighed, waving his co-worker off. The sun was high in the sky; Cloud Retainer would no doubt be snacking on the finest food the Fontish could serve up while Zhongli was picking pebbles out of Mora Meat. It had been many years since he had been at another Archon’s banquet, but given that a rather prickly dragon shadowed the Hydro Archon, Zhongli thought better of attending in disguise. 
Has the morning gotten away from me already? Zhongli thought, leaning against the wall of his hole and closing his eyes for a moment of peace. He tugged one of his gloves off, pressing a bare, scaled palm against the stone and sending a pulse of Geo energy throughout the earth  beneath him. They were approaching a cave system with a rich vein of Cor Lapis; beneath that was remnants of the meteorite that had fallen ages ago. No good will come of that, Zhongli thought. Best to guide them away from the tunnels so they can-
Zhongli’s musing was interrupted by something brushing against his nose. He opened his eyes to see a large black and red butterfly flapping lazily on the tip of his nose, tiny feelers brushing against his forehead as he carefully pried it off his face. The smell of smoky, burning cherrywood hung in the air as it beat its wings, fluttering off Zhongli’s finger and landing on the handle of his pickaxe. 
“Tell me you’re not here for any of my co-workers,” Zhongli said, watching as the butterfly exploded in a snap of flames, leaving a young woman with flowing brown hair in its place. 
“Nah, I decided to come out and see how the God of Geo fares as a miner,” the adeptus said, brushing some ash off her coat. “But, you may want to let that guy stuffing eight Mora Meat in his mouth know that his life’s thread got a little bit shorter after the last one. I’m not a doctor—quite the opposite really—but he’s only like twenty five and dying that young from a heart-attack seems like a waste to me.” 
“Shall I tell him the Unbound Flame revealed herself to me and told me his days were numbered?” Zhongli chuckled, glancing up to make sure no one was listening in. The young woman was known to many as the 57th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor (a title she conveniently inherited from a mortal relative when it suited her) but how she had appeared out of thin air was not a conversation Zhongli wanted to entertain. 
“Tell him to eat a vegetable every once and a while or he’s going to be fitted for a pine box before he’s forty,” the Unbound Flame sighed. “How’s the side-gig treating you?” 
“Alright…I enjoy doing physical labor more than I thought I would,” Zhongli shrugged. “I’ve had enough of splitting skulls so I thought I’d give splitting stone a try.” 
“Shame; you’re good at splitting skulls,” the Unbound Flame said, hopping off the pick-ax. “Your skills might be needed sooner rather than later, in fact.” 
“I should hope not,” Zhongli said. “...is there something I should know?” 
“Besides the fact that you need a bath?” The Unbound Flame chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. “...that Miko lady was in town the other day.” 
“Ei’s girl?” Zhongli asked. “I imagine she’s heading up for Lady Furina’s birthday.” 
“She was…but she wanted to talk to someone in charge and since Cloudy and Xiao are in Fontaine and you’re playing in the mud, she had to talk to me,” the Unbound Flame sighed. “Barbados wants to talk.” 
“Yae Miko sent you to tell me that Barbados wants to talk?” Zhongli sniffed. “Why isn’t Barbados here to talk to me himself?” 
“He’s in Fontaine at the moment,” the Unbound Flame said. “And he wants you to join him.” 
“Of all the-” Zhongli shook his head. “That absurd little god needs to stay away from Fontaine; the last time I was there, I was run off by Focalors’ attack dragon.” 
“Like you couldn’t have dusted him if you wanted,” the Unbound Flame huffed, lightly jabbing Zhongli in the shoulder. “You might want to hear what he has to say first.” 
Zhongli’s brow furrowed as his companion fished a letter from her coat pocket and pressed it into Zhongli’s hands. Only one sentence was on the page, but Zhongli read it three times, his scowl deepening with each pass. 
“...how does he know?” Zhongli asked quietly. 
“I guess bards hear a lot of rumors,” the Unbound Flame said, her usual cheer muted as she watched him inspect the letter further. “Miko seems to think it’s legit.” 
“Does Neuvillette know about this?” Zhongli asked, rubbing his eyes as he tossed the paper aside. 
“If he did, the whole country would be up in arms,” the Unbound Flame said, folding her arms across her chest. “You know Barbados doesn’t pull his head out of a wine barrel unless things are serious.” 
“And Xiao and Cloud Retainer are in the middle of all this…nonsense,” Zhongli growled. “...there is a chance I may make this worse. Neuvillette will distrust me if I tell him the sky is blue by virtue of the fact that I’m an usurper.” 
“Well if he doesn’t trust at least one of us, he could have another dead Hydro Archon on his hands,” the Unbound Flame said. “And that’s not even the worst part; someone needs to go up there and swing his metaphorical spear around and since the Shogun isn’t up to the task-” 
“I suppose it falls to me,” Zhongli sighed, rubbing his eyes. “...we could start another war.” 
“Or prevent one,” the Unbound Flame reasoned. “Either way, should be a good time; I hear Fontish food is pretty good if you don’t mind snails and stinky cheese.” 
“Something tells me we’re not making it to the Archon’s dinner table this time,” Zhongli said. “You’ll come with me.” 
“Think you’ll need an undertaker?” 
“If we need to bury a goddess, I can think of no finer mortician than someone from the ‘Hu’ family,” Zhongli said, kicking a shovel at her and watching her catch it. The withered wooden handle crackled as flames danced across the woman’s fingertips, turning red as fire consumed it. In the hands of the Unbound Flame, any piece of wood could become her Staff and as the fire died down, the shovel was replaced by a long wooden stick capped with a pair of ornate wings and a crimson jewel. 
“I thought you were done being a war god,” the Unbound Flame teased, jabbing him in the side as Zhongli pulled his coat back on. 
“After this, I am done,” Zhongli said for what must have been the hundredth time as he turned to climb the rickety ladder out of the pit as the Unbound Flame rode her staff out to the surface. “Let me bathe and we’ll be off.” 
A distant boom followed by the sound of panicked screaming came from the far side of the chasm, a cloud of dust erupting from a nearby mine as men rushed out covered in dirt. 
“Take your time…I have some work to wrap up here,” the Unbound Flame sighed. “Tell your boss that she lost three…no, four men. I’ll see them off before we go.” 
Staff draped across her shoulders, she sauntered off, humming a cheerful funeral dirge to herself as she went to collect the souls of the fallen miners.
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local-lover-boy · 2 months
My best friend is taking me to the mall tmr!!! I'm so excited!!! AFHFJSJXNWJSRUEUJYEIFFJDCQWIDKJDBD!!! We will be let out of containment and be feral!!! He's paying for everything and spoiling me!!! Doing everything my fucking failure of an ex always said they would be never did!!! I love him so much!!!
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hebezunet · 2 years
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i think itd be cool if the divine tree brainwashing was a bit more...physical
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pissmoon · 5 months
Pop feminism is so stupid and pathetic at this point they cant even form any good arguments against incels of all people and publish videoessays on why being a tradwife or a 'trophy wife' to a millionaire whose dick doesnt work and beats the shit out of you is valid
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nejackdaw · 3 months
Okay I haven't talked about Judas OR the Judas album in a while so I'm going to share this analysis I finally placed and I'm losing my mind about
In the song Field of Blood (song 5,) the chorus ends with a line I've never quite been able to find a suitable conclusion about. Right. (Putting my rambling under a read more, the screenshots make this long)
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Oh, okay, "what is my god," he's having a crisis of faith. Why is God so cruel as to order Jesus be killed (reminder that the album is a mix of biblical and Gnostic canon, where Jesus asked Judas to be the one to betray him.)
If we move two tracks ahead in the album to Death is Just a Kiss Away, right before the last chorus we have these lines:
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Which is insane! Because this part is actually saying "you have two gods, God and Jesus" (sun and moon, as I'll get to) "and no matter which you choose" (obeying the kill command or refusing to kill Jesus) "you're going to piss everyone off"! Okay now I know, "but where did you get sun and moon/God and Jesus" and HERE I TELL YOU:
Jesus is CONSTANTLY referred to with constellation imagery! (There's a whole song about it!) The Gospel of Judas includes the quotes (from Jesus) "Judas, your star has led you astray" and "the star that leads the way is your star." The album takes this and RUNS with it. Makes Jesus Judas's guiding star. There is SO MUCH night/star symbolism going on here, mostly in Constellation, but also from A World Where we Belong:
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SO BASICALLY: considering that Jesus is heavily referred to with night sky imagery and they're literally both referred to as "two moons aligned," it isn't unreasonable to conclude that the line from Just a Kiss Away is in fact talking about God/Jesus. WHICH MEANS
When Judas is about to hang himself and he pleadingly asks "what is my god?"
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the-holy-ghosted · 2 months
i forgot that shows can be good. sometimes
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waterlogged-detective · 5 months
Dante’s inferno is truly just so funny like.
Oh no guys all my favorite poets would think im cool and want to hang out with me actually.
Anyway here’s my pope teirlist
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protectorcraft · 4 months
L + Ratio + I’ve been trapped in this timeloop longer than you + YOU’RE TURN!!! + Paper α V + (just attack)
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magstorrn · 2 months
every few years im reminded that the war of the worlds stage show exists which is never good because i always find something new to hate about it
#missives#the war of the worlds#jeff wayne#watched a few clips of the latest tour and brooooo why does it suck so bad#it doesnt have to be this way. make me the single divine arbiter of what goes into the show and ill fix it i promise#lile obviously it is successful somehow but that doesnt make it good#rip it from jeff's clammy little hands and make it into a proper musical please please please. they were on the right track in 2016#with the dominion theatre production#its been downhill ever since#like. its just a bunch of decrepit old men way past their prime who desperately need to retire (looking at jeff and herbie flowers and JH)#and a stupid fucken hologram of an actor nobody likes. put a real actor there PLEASE#its soooo painful watching these genuinely talented performers being forced to rush their lines#anyway! my latest gripe#every new iteration of brave new world ive seen since 2018 keeps making the song worse#2018 is on thin fucking ice bevause i like the cast so much but thats where it all began im pretty sure#turning the end of the song into this weird combo love duet and whole cast ensemble song (life begins again) out of fucken nowhere#its the artilleryman's song holy shit get that out of here!#and i get that the latest tour is the 'post covid' life begins again tour or w/e but holy FUCK#can someone please explain to me why they now even have the other cast members on the screen saying lines at the same time#as the artilleryman#e.g. im not trying to tell you what to be#and its going to have to start with me and you etc etc etc#its annoying and even worse it doesnt make sense!!! why are they there!!! why are they saying the lines!! those lines have a very#specific meaning within the context of the song#idk it just seems like the song keeps being stripped of all its original meaning and i really like it so it's driving me bonkers#anywya. ANYWAY
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angelic-as-can-be · 1 year
Full of rage and shame and hatred for my very being.
I am not an angel of light, despite all of my fathers being so.
I am an angry ball of fire and anguish who longs to scorch the earth and heavens into smithereens for making me this way
I will never be loved as I am, for I am not one to be loved. My soul is not right my form is crooked and jagged. I knew i can not fight but now I can not even heal.
Why cant I be full grace and powerful like I dream of. I want the skies to fear me. But instead I only fear the world.
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moskaisley · 2 months
feeling so wigged out by gender essentialism i’m adding they/them to my pronouns 🤪
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gayemoji · 11 months
for how bad killing eve got the books are infinitely worse.
#youve gotta believe me phoebe walker bridge worked miracles on that source material. jesus christ.#the story is dogshit bc there are no stakes. it is literally just implied cat and mouse between eve and oxana#implied as in the book will just SAY theyre chasing after each other. and TELL you they feel anything.#in reality the characters do not interract do not acknowledge the other and are literally just doing their jobs the whole time#no b plot . just villainelle kills someone > eve investigates while villainelle kills someone else > eve investigates whi#the first book also just immediately dived into ALL of oxanas backstory. so its like. we dont even get to discover WITH eve.#we just get it handed to us through dream and nostalgia and flashback exposition .#and then eve just magically figure out who she is based on sheer fucking divine visions or some shit.#like she gets told the name of a perfume and just INSTANTLY knows thats villainelles callname.#and thats before we even talk about the male gaze writing of lesbian sex scenes. which are certainly male gaze writings of lesbian sex .#but seriously theres no Konstantin plot#no real niko drama other than the stress eves work puts on thei relationship#no caroline. shes just not even a character. her son isnt a character. her son doesnt die.#eves coworker gets murdered and im convinced she didnt even care bc her divine spidey sense immediately prompts her to say some shit like#'its villainelle sending me a message'#girl what#how tf . can i see you do any research . can i witness you do any work .#where its your passion for criminal psychology. where is your OBSESSION . who ARE you#they are truly both just little dolls luke jennings put in a lesbian fantasy world. theyre not anything. tbeyre not interesting .#i hate them actually. theyre so fucking boring it grates on me.#whatt he FUCK did phoebe walker bridge see in this shit man . oh my god.#killing eve#code villainelle
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minijenn · 1 year
Nintendo, apparently: lol idk all the shiekah stuff from botw just randomly disappeared into thin air one day because fuck you and fuck zelda lore, we're dumping it all out the window, all you zelda lore enjoyers can go have a very nice go die
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